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Id 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 jt e 6 4 O f 1 .'','**'•'' . -iwj" »•»».». j«j .'•V'f'^.^M/^ ; . \ mrn^^ JOSEPH pOf>F MR. MIL LS AND HIS CRITICS. HSPLY f OSS WHO DOSS HOT AQRSB WITH HIS YI3W {From The Ottawa '- i^'rcfl Press" April 16th, 18S9.) ■ss. A few days ago Hoa. David Miller received a letter from a ffentleman residing in the Niagara peainBolM, criticieicg thac gentle- man's speech and vote on the proposition to dishallow the Jesuit estates bill. , Mr, Mills never met his corpeHpondenfc, bat he replied to his letter -« follows : — Dbar Sir,— I received your very violent letter in which you tell me you are & Re- former You must be jesting. Neither the spirit in which it is written nor the senti- ments which there find expression oOwU emau&te from a Keformer. Reformers have everywhere opposed legis- laUon imposing special disabilities upon any olfllB of iho community on account of their re&ion. You demand it. Your letter bt dWfawfclnr Bpirit of the Iriah '^ry,''aud so I can't believe you ever were, what in your letter you claim to be — a Reformer. You seem to think we have been iiicorpor- ating the Jesuits. That is not so. They were incorporated in Quebec long a^o, and I am not aware tiiat anybody objaeted. They have their colleges and schools of learning in England and Scotland. They have had tiiiew miflsion stations in Ontario, continu- ously, tov ove? 220 years ; they have mux"- dered nobody ; they have robbed nobody, nor have they so far as I know endangered oar liberty. Theii- property in Quebec, which waa Sn»ranteea to them at the conquest, %yfts legally taken from them ; and this illegal seisMre was confirmed by an act of the legislature, in the days of the Family Compaci.. After long delay the government of Que- bec has, with the unanimous conK^nt oi che legislfttttre,— Protestant and Roman Catho'io —paid one-fifth of the present valu« of the ^perty in full settlument of all claim, 'oiis (daim and settlement whs purely a Qae- beo question, with which the parliament of Canada h&d uothing to do. Now, you pro- pose l^at Toronto shall govern Quebec. As ft Reformer, i say Pi-ovincfftl rights is th« very heart of our Bystem, and you pw>p«so *« c'o it violence, You wgr~ we ongM to mt^^i«, a»dlf«ft»e t» Qn^beo the liberty to pay a long standing claim, beeatwe ymi da not like tfie creditor. Uo yea refase to ^y y^AoA yottWe, to every- body you don't like? ifou say I am like 0*in, because I don't make myself respon- sible for the Jesuits. You overlook the fi«jt that Cain's responsibility was for what he did himself, and nc-t for the acts of another, who hri.d gone rut of the world, before he czma in. But pf ay what has the doctrines of the Jesuits, real or fancied, to do with the juetioe of their claim in this Quebec case? In a court of justice you would not be allowed to reiuM the pay most of your debts, because y >u did not like the person you oweti. The dK,ye for c^V iug down fire from Heaven on those wJo i/o not belit ve as we do, have gone by. You tell me the Jesuits have been expoUed from France, Spain, etc.; and therefore, I ought not to let Quebec pay what she owes. The colitortears of the Bible society were ex- p^ed from Russia, but does that prove the Bible society to be a bad inatitut ion ? In one re!>peot they are the weakest, beoaose they ari the most unpopular body in Christendom? I don't sympathize with the Jesuits. If time permitted I could state my objections to the order. My objections, I hope, have a better foundation than the charges you bring; but I DBCtlNE TO PKR8J5C3UTJE TKEM because 1 do not agree with them. I d«i't paropose to fight them by having resource to polftioal amf religious diadkbilities. Heave ^ese weapons to the wretches who are not wihamed to employ their.. As long as Pro- tectants are honest, fear God, hate opprec- sion, lUid persecution and permit all olftgaei,, Protestant and Roman Catholics, to stanil alike, before the law, they will hvve nothing to fear from Jesuit aggression. It is only where they disgrace the name of^ freedom by listerdng to the advice of men, who with the methods and in the spirit of the Kvil One, profeaa to serve the Lord, that our liberties will be in danger. I enclose you a copy of my speoch which if you read, may afford you some light, of which you are sorely in need, and expel that spirit of intolerance, which breathes In every line of youij? Istt-Sfj and which, wherever found, is an enemy •dike toProtestaoiam and to free inBtitutioiis. Yours Respectfully, . Davio Miija. Ottawa, Aprfl IStib, '88.