¥ \r ^ S^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) U 1.0 I.! 11.25 IttlM 12.5 Z li& 12.0 ■fHU U |L6 -► FholDgraphic Sciences Corporation ^ 33 WHT MAIN STMir WlllSTIR,N.Y. 14SM (71«)l7a-4S09 ^^"^2%^^^^ ^^1 ^ ^ ^ I CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHIVI/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Inatituta for Historical IMicroraproductions / Institut Canadian da microraproductions liistoriquaa Ci^ Technical and Bibliographic Motas/Notat tachniquaa at bibliographiquaa The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. Feature* of this copy which may be b tants of Brockville 3 Sept. 69 32. Canada — Synod of the Prefbyterian Church of Canada in conne6lion with the Church of Scotland 5 Sept. 71 33. Canada — Mayor and Corporation of Cobourg . 6 Sept. 73 34.. Canada — Viftoria College, Cobourg . 6 Sept. 76 35. Canada — Mayor, Aldermen, and Councilmen of the City of Toronto 7 Sept. 7 7 36. Canada — Bifhop, Clergy, and Laity of the Dio- cefe of Toronto 8 Sept. 80 37. Canada — Trinity College, Toronto ... 8 Sept. 82 38. Canada — Prefbyterian Church of Canada, Toronto 8 Sept. 84 39. Canada — Law Society of Upper Canada, Toronto 8 Sept. 85 40. Canada — Univerfity of Toronto . . 11 Sept. 87 41 . Canada — Council of Public Inftruflion for Upper Canada, Toronto 11 Sept. 89 42. Canada — Mayor and Corporation of the Town"^ of Belleville > 11 Sept. 91 Inhabitants of the Town of Belleville . .J 4 3 . Canada — Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of London iz Sept. 94 44. Canada — Bifhop, Clergy, and Laity of the Dio- cefe of Huron 12 Sept. 96 45. Canada — Survivors of the Militia Volunteers of 1 8 12, Upper Canada 18 Sept. 98 46. Canada — Mayor, Corporation, and Citizens of Hamilton 18 Sept. 100 47. Canada — Minifters of the Wefleyan Methodift Church, Hamilton 19 Sept. 103 48. Canada — Agricultural Aftbciation of Upper Canada zo Sept. 105 Veterans of the Militia of Lower Canada . 108 ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, WITH THE REPLIES THERETO. I. Devonport, England — Corporation of . TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. May IT PLEASE YOUR Royal Highness, IE, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeffes of 9 July, i860, the Borough of Devonport, beg leave to approach your Royal Highnefs for the pur- pofe of expreffing our refpeiftful attachment to your Royal perfon, and our feelings of devoted loyalty to our Mod Gracious Queen, as whofe repre- fentative your Royal Highnefs is about to proceed on an expedition of the greateft national intereft. Remembering that this and the adjoining County have produced our greateft colonizing names, and that to Raleigh, Drake, Gilbert, and their companions. North America was indebted for the firft attempt to colonize her territory with Britiih fubjeds j and looking back with pride and intereft to B ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO the many important Colonial Expeditions that have failed from hence, it cannot but be a fource of increafed gratification now to find that the latefl, and certainly by no means the leaft important of them all, is now to depart from our fliores. It was jufV a century fince that the Canadas, after a long and bloody flruggle, became an integral part of the Queen's dominions; and it was about fifty years ago that this fine Country came under the particular obfervation of your Royal Highnefs's illuflrious Grandfather As the refult of this obfer- vation, the Duke of Kent, in 1814, afforded the high fan£^ion of his approbation to thofe preliminary meafures which have fmce refulted in a perfedl union of the Canadian provinces, and the eftabliihment of refponfible government in the colony. The vifit of your Royal Highnefs, and the renewed afTur- ance it conveys of the enduring intereft felt by Her Mofl Gracious Majefly in all that concerns Her mighty Empire, mufl, under the circumftances to which we have ventured to allude, be produdtiye of unalloyed pleafure to every fubje£l of the Crown on either fide of the Atlantic ; but when it is remembered that Her Majefly has gracioufly deputed your Royal Highnefs to inaugurate a work, not lefs remarkable for its great engineering merits, than as a proof of advancing profperity, traceable to the wife meafures which have, from time to time, been fan£lioned by Her Majefty for the improve- ment of our Colonial Inflitutions, we feel afTured of the efpe- cial fatis^flion that mufl refult from the expedition of your Royal Highnefs. We earneflly pray that your Royal Highnefs may be favoured with a fpeedy and fafe voyage, and that you may return to your native land in perfect health, as we are afTured you will with all the pleafure that mufl refult from the good work which, in the name of Her Majefty, your Royal Highnefs has undertaken. H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, I THANK you warmly for this Addrefs, for the expreflions of your Loyalty and Devotion to The Queen, and for the kind fentiments to myfelf, which charaderize this farewell from your important Town, on the eve of my departure for a fhort time from my Native Land. You may well look back with pride to the fadt that fo many eminent Colonifts have embarked on their great Miffion from your fhores. It fhall not be my fault if I fail to convey to our Brethren acrofs the Atlantic the feelings entertained by The Queen and People of England for the Defcendants of thofe Men and for the Countries which they founded. I go to the great Pofleflions of The Queen in North America with a lively anticipation of the plea- fure which the fight of a Noble Land, great works of Nature and of human flcill, and a generous and aftive People muft produce, and I fhall endeavour to bring home with me fuch information as may, in the future, be of ufe to me in all my aflbciations with my country- men. Again I thank you for your good wifhes for my fafe voyage and happy return. addres:es presented to II. Newfoundlan d — Legiflative Council of. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc. etc. etc. etc. May it please your Royal Highness, a+July. The Legiflative Council of Newfoundland defire to offer to your Royal Highnefs their fincere and heartfelt con- gratulations on the fafe arrival of your Royal Highnefs in this ancient and loyal Dependency of the Britifh Crown. In no portion of the dominions of our beloved Sovereign can fuch an aufpicious event be hailed with purer or more unfeigned gratification than it is by the Inhabitants of New- foundland, — a circumftance calculated to ftrengthen,if poflible, the attachment of Her Majefty's faithful fubjeds to Her Throne and Royal Perfon, as well as their afFecot\a— Inhabitants of the TownJhipofWindJor. TO THE MOST HIGH, PUISSANT, AND ILLUS- TRIOUS PRINCE ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, PRINCE OF WALES, etc. etc. etc. etc. May it please your Royal Highness, We, the Loyal Inhabitants of the Townfliip of Windfor, in the County of Hants, in the Province of Nova Scotia, beg leave to approach your Royal Highnefs, to offer the humble expreffion of a heart-felt welcome to our Province, and to thank your Royal Highnefs for the unprecedented honour of this opportunity, condefcendingly afforded us, of avowing our devoted loyalty and unwavering attachment to the Throne and Perfon of our Moft Gracious Queen, and to her illuflrious Houfeand Family ; our exalted refpeil and admiration for the eminent talents and virtues of Her Royal Confortj and our fervent afpirations and hopes for a long career of happinefs and of glory for your Royal Highnefs individually. 2 Auguft. i6 ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO Keprefenting, on this happy occafion, the loyal feelings of this oldeft Univerfity Town in Her Majefty's widely-extended Colonial PoflefTions, we view it as our higheft privilege and Angular honour to be permitted to greet your Royal Highnefs in the immediate neighbourhood of an inftitution founded by His Majefty King George the Third, the auguft and illuftrious anceftor of your Royal Highnefs, believing that the Univerfity of Windfor has continued, during fucceffive years, to anfwer the wife and benevolent purpofes of its founder ; and knowing that in King's College, under the royal charter then granted, have been educated in religion, in literature, and in fcience, a great number of the clergy, many of the moft diftinguiflied members of the bench and bar in this and the neighbouring Colonies, many military men, whofe heroic achievements have been widely celebrated, and feveral others, including members of the different religious denominations, equally confpicuous in the various walks of life ; all of whom have ever manifefted the firmeft allegiance to the Britifli Throne and Government. Nor can we forget, in being allowed the honour of ad- dreffing your Royal Highnefs from Fort Edward^ that we are connected with your Royal Highnefs by ftill clofer ties and lefs remote aflbciations. But we are aware that your Royal Highnefs has only a few moments to beftow \ for this brief but ever memorable occa- fion we are extremely grateful : and we hope that your Royal Highnefs's vifit to Nova Scotia may be agreeable to your Royal Highnefs, as it is moft welcome and moft gratifying to and that on your happy return to Windfor Caflle, and us to the renowned Univerfity in which your Royal Highnefs is enrolled, your Royal Highnefs may convey to Her Gracious Majefty, our beloved Queen, the afilirance of the fentiments of inviolable loyalty to the Throne, and of afFedlionate venera- tion for the Conftitution, which pervade all ranks and clafTes of Her Majefty's fubjedls in this portion of Her Dominions, and not leaft the youth of our Univerfity, educated in a town whofe ancient fortrefs was honoured by the prefence, and ftill bears the name, of Her Majefty's illuftrious Father. H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. •7 Gentlemen, The Addrefs which you have prefented to me demands my warm acknowledgments. It is a pleafure to me to vifit, even though it be but in paffing, this feat of learning in Britiih North America, and to find that the Sons of thefe Provinces are fuccefsfuUy purfuing, within the precinfts of your Town, the ftudies which I have myfelf abandoned only for a time that I might come to thefe lands. I thank you for your kind recolledtions of my Grand- father, and for your loyal fentiments. VIII. New Brunswick — Corporation of St. John. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, ETC ETC etc etc May it please your Royal Highness, We, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of Saint John, haften to approach your Royal Highnefs for the purpofe of welcoming to New Brunfwick the Heir Apparent to the Throne, and the future Sovereign of that great Empire of which it is our pride to form a portion, and over which the beneficent fway of our beloved Queen, day by day, flrengthens thofe ties which happily unite us to the Mo- ther Country. Among us is ftill to be found a remnant of thofe who, in the laft century, witnefled and partook of the joy and enthu- c 3 Auguft. T ■■i tft ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO fiafm with which your Royal Highnefs's Grandfather, the Duke of Kent, was received on his vifit to this then infant city, upon the founders of which, in token of the royal approba- tion, great benefits had been recently conferred by the royal charter of His Majefty George the Third. And with juft pride we declare to your Royal Highnefs that the feelings of loyalty and attachment to the Crown, which led to thefe fliores thofe founders of this city, ftill eminently chara£ierize the entire population of this Colony. It is our prayer that your Royal Highnefs will, after a prof- perous termination of the extended progrefs through Her Majefty's North American Dominions in which you are now engaged, vouchfafe to aflure our Mod Gracious Queen that peace and contentment are found among us under Her rule, and that love and attachment to Her Perfon and Crown is the common fentiment of Her devoted fubjedts in this the com- mercial capital of Her Province of New Brunfwick. Gentlemen, I THANK you with all fincerity for the Addrefs which you have juft prefented to me, and for the wel- come which it conveys to the Colony of New Brunf- wick and the important City of which you are the Municipal Reprefentatives. When my Grandfather, the Duke of Kent, paid to this place the vifit to which you make fo gratifying a reference, he found it little more than a village. It is my good fortune to receive, on the fame fpot, from a City which affords a ftriking example of what may be efFefted under the influence of free Inftitutions by the fpirit and energy of the Britifh race, thofe demonftra- tions of love and loyalty to The Queen which at this moment are refleded upon me. " H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. •9 Your Commercial enterprife has made this Port the Emporium of the trade of New Brunfwick; and as the noble river which flows into it brings down for export the produ(5ls of your foil, fo I truft the vefl*els which crowd its piers will reward your fuccefsful in- duftry with the wealth of other lands. I am not unmindful of the origin of this City ; and it will be a fubjed of pride and pleafure to me to report to The Queen that the Defendants of its Founders have not departed from their firm attachment to the Crown of England which brought them to thefe fhores. .;- IX.. ^■ New Brunswick — Jujikes of the Peace of the City and County of St. John. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc. etc etc. etc. May it . lease your Royal Highness, We, the Juftices of the Peace of the City and County of St. John, approach your Royal Highnefs, on your firft landing in the Province of New Brunfwick, with the deeped: feeling of attachment to our Moft Gracious Sovereign the Queen, and to your Royal Highnefs, as Heir Apparent to the Throne. We defire with gratitude to acknowledge this frefh mark of Her Majefty's regard for the welfare of Her Britiih North American PofTeffions, enabling the people of this part of the wide-fpread Britifli Empire to participate with thofe who 3 Auguft. 20 ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO / Hi j r I I h dwell nearer the Sovereign, in perfonally exprefling, through your Royal Highnefs, our deep-feated loyalty to our beloved Queen. * Happily fituated as we are in this Province, under the wife rule of our Illuftrious Sovereign, taking our humble part in the Adminiftration of Britifli Juftice, and thankful for the bleifings conferred upon us by a beneficent Providence, we hail the appearance of your Royal Highnefs among us with gladnefs, and heartily welcome you to our fhores. We iruft the vifit of your Royal Highnefs may be the fource of as much gratification to yourfelf as it undoubtedly will be to the people of thefe Provinces ; and, after the objedts of your tour (hall be accomplifhed, that you may have a fafe and pleafant return to England. Gentlemen, I RECEIVE with much pleafure not only your ex- preffions of loyal devotion to The Queen, but alfo your juft appreciation of the motives which induced Her Majefty to entruft to me t! --. duty of reprefenting Her in this vifit to the Britilh Colonies of North America. A pure and impartial Adminiftration of Juftice have long been looked upon as the birthright of every fociety of Britifh race, and I doubt not that at your hands the Inhabitants of this important City and County of St. John enjoy this invaluable blefling. I (hall ever confider it a high privilege to have en- joyed this opportunity of perfonally witnefling the innumerable evidences of moral and material progrefs which prefent themfelves on every fide in thefe flourish- ing Pofleflions of the Britifti Crown. \ I H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 21 X. New Brunswick — Executive Council of. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. The Members of the Executive Council, for themfelves, the Legiflature, and People of New Brunfwick, offer to you, the Son of their beloved Sovereign, and the Heir Apparent to Her Throne, their refpeftful homage, and heartily welcome your Royal Highnefs to this Province. The Inhabitants of New Brunfwick are the defcendants of the Loyalifts who, in the war of the American Revolution, adhered to the Royal Standard, and of Emigrants from Europe and the Britilh Ifles— all ardently attached to Britifti Inftitutions. Contented and happy in the enjoyment of that large mea- fure of rational liberty which our mixed form of Government has fecured, they have with patience and induftry devoted themfelves to the development of the refources of the Country and the advancement of its material interefts j and ever fince the organization of the Province, in the year 1784, it has fteadily advanced in all the elements of progrefs. The vifit of your Royal Highnefs brings to the recolleftion of many of the old inhabitants the time when your illuftrious Grandfather vifited this Province; and they refer with pleafure to his benignity and courtefy. In founding this Colony it was the defign of the Imperial Government that the Conftitution (hould be fettled upon the model of its original in the Parent State ; but it was not until the reign of your auguft Mother, Her Moft Gracious Majefty Queen Viaoria, that the principles of Self-government were 6 Auguft. W M »t ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO fully eftabliflied, with ample power to regulate our trade con- fiflently with the general Policy of the Nation. Although in this portion of the Empire your Royal High- nefs will not difcover evidences of the great wealth and reiinement of the Old World, we believe that you will be pleafed with the energy of the people and their fuccefs, and that your Royal Highnefs will receive new proofs of their fitnefs for Self-government, of theii loyalty to the Queen, and of their attachment to the Infcitutions of the Fatherland. We hope that in witnefling the difcipline of our Volunteers your Royal Highnefs will be aflured that the patriotic fpirit which animates the people of the Parent State alfo pervades this portion of the Empire, and that, if the neceflity fhould arife, all the available refources of New Brunfwick will be freely offered for the defence of Imperial Interefts and the maintenance of the National Honour. In again tendering to your Royal Highnefs our unfeigned congratulations, we would invoke the continuance of the Divine blefling upon your Illuftrious Houfe, and moft fer- vently pray that your Royal Highnefs may long enjoy the high pofition to which Divine Providence has called you ; — ever the pride of your auguft Mother, and the hope of our Common Country. Gentlemen, I RECEIVE with much gratification an Addrefs v/hich, whilft it breathes the fpirit of Loyalty to The Queen and afFedionate attachment to Her Family which animate the whole People of this Province, does not fail to remind me of the claims of your anceftors to live in the memories of your Sovereign and of the Britiih Nation. The Commercial aftivity of St. John, the thriving Agriculture on the rich banks of the river which I have H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 23 traverfed, and the fmiling afpedl of this City, the Capital of New Brunfwick, all tend to convince me, even apart from your gratifying aflurances, of the profperity and happinefs which you enjoy under the Conftitution of the Parent State and the Free Inftitu- tions which you poflefs. Every vifitor to your ftiores, but more efpecially the Son of your Queen, muft earneftly pray that your peaceful avocations may never be difturbed; but, in cafe fuch misfortune fliould await the Empire, I rejoice that in this, as well as the Provinces which I have lately vifited, the felf-relying fpirit of Patriotifm prevails, — and I fee in the difcipline of your Volunteers the de- termination to proted the National Honour which is manifefted in every portion of the Queen's dominions. I beg you to accept my thanks for your congratula- tions, and for your earneft prayers for my prefent and future happinefs. XL New Brunswick — Mayor and City Council of the City of Frederi£lon . TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, ETC ETC. ETC. ETC. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Frederi£ton 6 Auguft. moft refpefttiilly greet your Royal Highnefs with a right hearty welcome to the Metropolis of New Brunfwick. T 1 24 ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO From the afFe£lion we entertain for your Royal Mother, our beloved Queen, we bid you welcome. From our regard for yourfelf, as the Son of fuch a Mother, and the Heir Ap- parent to the Throne, we bid you welcome. From our attachment to the Conftitution which admits of fuch a benign and maternal Sovereignty in the perfon of your beloved Mother, we bid you welcome. In obedience to the univerfal heart-throb of our Empire of perpetual funlight, we b.'d you welcome. VitStoria's Son muft be everywhere welcomed throughout ViAoria's Dominions. Your Royal Highnefs, during your Provincial tour, will vifit larger Cities, and fee greater developments of wealth and arc than we prefent, but nowhere can there be found a people more devoted to the Throne than in and around the " Silvse filia nobilis." May the King of kings gracioufly prote£t your Royal Highnefs during your profpedlive tour, and bring you fafely home again to the land of our Fathers, and the funfhine of the Royal domeftic circle. Gentlemen, Your hearty reiterations of welcome demand my warmeft thanks. In the name of The Queen I thank you for the ex- preflions of Loyalty and for the juft tribute which you pay to the ads of Her Reign and the fentiments which have always animated Her. In my own name alfo I thank you for the warm re- ception I have met with in the City which you repre- fent, and for the earned wifhes for my welfare which you have exprefled. Your City, no doubt, is fmall in comparifon with i:( H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 25 many others which I am about to vifit, but the enthu- fiafm with which you fo loudly greeted me on Satur- day, and the devotional quiet which prevailed yefterday in your ftreets, prove to me that this community knows how to fear God as well as to pay due honour to its earthly Sovereign. I fincerely truft that thefe virtues may never diminifti amongft you while your limits enlarge and your wealth increafes, in proportion to the local advantages which Providence has beftowed upon you. .- 1 XII. New Brunswick — Warden and Councillors of the Municipality of Tork. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, ETC ETC. ETC. ETC. May IT PLEASE YOUR Royal Highness, We, the Warden and Councillors of the Municipality of York, beg leave to approach your Royal Highn^fs with the moft earned afTurances of loyalty and attachment to your auguft Mother, Her Moft Gracious Majefty. In welcoming your Royal Highnefs among us, we are deeply fenflble of the honour thus conferred on this part of Her Majefty's Dominions. No other event could have caufed fuch heartfelt emotions of pleafure amongft the loyal population of this Country as the vifit of the Heir Apparent to the Throne. And we beg leave to afTure your Royal High- nefs that the remembrance of this event will ever be cheriftied by us with the moft ardent feelings. 6 Auguft. 1 *6 ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO We beg leave to congratulate your Royal Highnefs on your fafe and profperous pafTage acrofs the Atlantic, and truft that this may only prove the precurfor of your Royal Highnefs's viHts to this Colony. We hail the arrival of your Royal Highnefs among us as an indication that thefe Colonies, and their rapid progrefs in all the elements of material profperity and advanced civilization, are objects of folicitude to our beloved Queen. In conclufion, we again tender our welcome to your Royal Highnefs, and truft that the bleffings of Divine Providence may ever attend and direiSl the progrefs of your Royal High- nefs. i Gentlemen, I fincerely thank you for this Addrefs. You rightly eftimate the motives which induced The Queen to direft me to undertake in Her name this vifit to New Brunfwick, and the other North American Provinces. The ftate and condition of the Colonies of Her extended Empire have ever been objedbs of Her earneft folicitude. Profiting by Her example, and following the impulfe of gratitude for the kindnefs which I have everywhere met with, I ftiall never for- get the interefting fcenes which have, day after day, (ince I fet foot on thefe fhores, been prefented to me. Again I thank you for your hearty welcome. H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. *7 XIII. Nova Scotia — Inhabitants of County of Pi£lou. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc. etc. etc. etc. May it please your Royal Highness, The Inhabitants of the County of Pidlou beg leave to exprefs their fincere gratitude for the diftinguifhed honour conferred upon them by the vifit of your Royal Highnefs, and they now greet you with a warm and cordial welcome. They hail the vifit of your Royal Highnefs to Her Majefty's North American Colonies as a pledge and afTurance of the deep and lively interefl which our Moil Gracious Queen takes in the profperity of Her extended dominions, and they rejoice in this opportunity of being enabled fo directly to manifeft their devoted loyalty and attachment to the Crown and So- vereignty of Great Britain. Enjoying the great happinefs of being Britifli fubje£ls, and the recipients of the blefllngs which that glorious privilege confers, their hearts are knit in indifToluble bonds of loyalty to the Briti(h Throne. The wifdom and juftice which have diftinguifhed the Reign of our Moft Gracious Sovereign, and the virtues which adorn Her Majefty's Court and life, have fecured from Her fubjedls in Nova Scotia feelings of the moft devoted attachment to Her Majefty's Royal Perfon and Family. Within a century paft the primeval foreft covered the foil where, in the progrefs of your Royal Highnefs this day, many happy homes and productive fields have prefented themfelves to the eye. Thefe have been acquired under the foftering care of the Parent State, and from the influence of the virtues and induftry which have always characterized the inhabitants 8 Augurt. m ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO of the Britiih Iflands, from whence this Country was origi- nally fettled. The Inhabitants of the County of Piftou offer their fincere prayers that your Royal Highnefs may have a profperous and pleafant journey through the dominions of Her Majefty in America, and that your Royal Highnefs may return fafe and gratified to that great Country, which, even in this diftant land, is deflgnated by the endearing name of ^' Home." I Gentlemen, In your Town I clofe a vifit to the Province of Nova Scotia which has given me unmixed pleafure, and has brought forth proofs of devotion to The Queen and to your Mother Country which muft ever remain engraven on my memory. I thank you warmly for an Addrefs which, fo fliort can be my (lay in this place, is at once a welcome and a farewell. My journey this day through your beautiful Country has imprefled me with an additional fenfe of the great deftiny which awaits thefe Lands. I heartily wifli fuccefs and happinefs to the Settlers whom I have pafled, and a fpeedy and produdtive development of the vaft mineral wealth which lies beneath and around you. »A 1 H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 29 XIV. Prince Edward Island — Mayor and Common Council of the City of Charlotte Town. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc. etc. etc. etc. May it please your Royal Highness, It is with flncere gratification that we, the Mayor and Common Council, welcome your Royal Highnefs to the City of Charlotte Town. Our City, recently incorporated, was commenced in the reign of His revered Majefty King George the Third, is ho- noured with the name of his auguft Confort, and its citizens hail with joy the appearance of their defcendant in the perfon of your Royal Highnefs— the firft of your Royal line who has graced it with your prefence. This day, we beg to aflure your Royal Highnefs, will form an epoch in its hiftory long to be remembered. Your Royal Highnefs has been, and will, in the courfe of your tour, continue to be, welcomed by cities of far greater importance, as refpe'F V-. I ACCEPT with the greateft fatisfadion the wel- come which you offer me in your own name, as the Roman Catholic Bifliops of the Province of Canada, and on behalf of your Clergy, and I aflure you that I feel deeply the expreflion of your loyalty and aiFedtion for The Queen. I rejoice to think that obedience to the Laws and fubmiffion to Authority, which form the bonds of all fociety and the condition of all civilization, are fup- ported and enforced by your teaching and example. The aflurance that you enjoy the free exercife of your Religion, and that you partake in the benefits and protedion of the Britifh Conftitution, is a pledge that your hearts and thofe of your fellow-fubjeds, of t H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 5' whatever origin they may be, will ever be united in the feelings you have now exprefled of attachment to the Crown of Great Britain. I acknowledge with gratitude the earneft prayers which you offer to Almighty God in my behalf, and I truft that my future courfe may be fuch as will beft promote the welfare of this great Province and of its inhabitants. *To you. Gentlemen, who are engaged within the walls of this building in the education of the Youth of this Country, I alfo tender my thanks. I truft that your Univerfity may continue to profper, and that in future years its Sons may look back upon the days they have fpent under your inftruftion with the fame gratitude and fenfe of the benefits they have enjoyed, as I and others feel towards the more ancient Inftitu- tions of my own Land. * The concluding Paragraph is in reply to the Addrcfs from the Laval Univerfity. f« ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO XXIII. Canada — Mayor ^ Councillors^ and Citizens of Three Rivers. \ » t » il' TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc. etc. etc. etc. ( May it please your Royal Highness, 13 Auguft. We, the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of Three Rivers, fervently rejoice to be enabled this day to extend a refpedtful and cordial ivelcome to the Heir Apparent to the Crown fo worthily and fo glorioufly worn by our gracious and well-beloved Sovereign. Your Royal Highnefs may be convinced that the Inhabi- tants of this City, and of the diftridl whofe chef-lieu it is, will never forget this your kindly vifit. It was our earneft defire to have had it in our power, by an excurfion of about twenty miles, to have exhibited to your Royal Highnefs one of the mod pidlurefque views in America —the Falls of Shawenigan, on the river St. Maurice — and to have drawn your attention to the only locality in this Pro- vince in which iron mines are worked ; but if the duration, neceflarily limited, of the vifit of your Royal Highnefs de- prives us of thefe advantages, we are ftill permitted, and we hail the privilege with joy, to exprefs to your Royal Highnefs our feelings of refpedt for your perfon, and the fentiments of fincere attachment, loyalty, and admiration which animate us as regards our beloved Queen. We pray you, Illuftrious Prince, to communicate our fenti- ments to that auguft and beloved Sovereign. Tell Her that we deeply appreciate the liberty, the peace, the profperity, and the happinefs which we enjoy under the Conftitution of Her i v\ H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 53 vaft Empire, and under the Inftitutions for which we are in- debted to the liberality of Her Government. Tell Her, that, though your Royal Highnefs has not been welcomed with pomp and fplendour, the whole population of this diftria has aflembled to greet you with their refpeftfui homage, and to obtain a glimpfe of the perfon of your Royal Highnefs, the noble Son of the moft glorious and the moft beloved of Sovereigns, the moft illuftrious and the beft of Mothers. May Heaven witnefs of the fincerity of the fentiments we now exprefs, hear the prayers we ofFer, thatT She may reign for many years to come over Her faithful fubjedls in this part of Her Empire, and that Her illuftrious Son and Heir may in after years Her footfteps follow in the exalted path She ihall have left him, and retain a happy, ufeful, and agreeable re- membrance of his vifit. Gentlemen, I RECEIVE with much pleafure the Addrefs which you have prefented to me, on my paflage up the mag- nificent River which flows paft your ancient City. It is with much regret that I pafs on without linger- ing for a while on the banks of the St. Maurice, and examining the pidlurefque beauties of your neighbour- hood, and the Mines which, I hope, are deftined to increafe the riches of the Province ; but the time at my command is ftiort, and I am obliged to leave un- feen much that I fliould defire to vifit. I thank you for your touching allufions to The Queen, and to the univerfal fpirit of loyalty which Her virtues have engendered. I will not fail to communi- cate to Her your gratifying words. m ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO The intereft which your Sovereign takes in Her Canadian People is evinced by my coming amongft you, and I can with truth aflure you of Her anxious folicitude for all that can promote their happinefs and prosperity. if ♦ XXIV. Canada — Mayor^ Aldermen^ and Citizens of Montreal. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc etc etc. etc. May it please your Royal Highness, as Auguft. We, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Montreal, moft refpeftfully beg leave to approach your Royal Highnefs, to felicitate you, on behalf of the Citizens of Mon- treal, on your fafe arrival in this Province, and to offer to your Royal Highnefs our mofl cordial and hearty welcome to this City. We avail ourfelves of this propitious occafion, of a vifit from the Heir Apparent of the Britifh Throne, to exprefs to your Royal Highnefs our devoted loyalty and attachment to the Perfon and Government of our Moft Gracious Sovereign, your lUuftrious Mother j to declare our humble but fervent admiration of Her wifdom, moderation, and juftice, as our Sovereign, and our love and veneration of the virtues and graces which adorn Her private life. As circumftances did not permit our beloved Queen to honour this diftant but important fecSlion of Her Empire with a perfonal vifit. Her Majefty has been gracioufly pleafed to confer on Her faithful Canadian fubjedls the next deareft boon it was in Her power to beftow, by authorizing this moft wel- H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 55 come vifit of your Royal Highnefs. This gracious manifefta- tion of Her Majefty's confideration and regard is hailed with thankfulnefs and joy by all Her loyal and devoted fubjeds in thefe Provinces ; but we beg moft refpedt fully to afTure your Royal Highnefs that by none amongft the millions who com- pofe their number is it more highly efteemed, more fully ap- preciated, or more enthufiaftically felt and acknowledged, than by Her Majefty's devoted and loyal fubjeas, the Citizens of Montreal. The immediate obje<5l of your Royal Highnefs's moft gra- tifying vifit to Canada is to open the Vidoria Bridge- that magnificent monument of enterprife and fkill— with which the fame and profperity of this city will evermore be intimately conneAed — moft permanently identified. In this ftupendous work your Royal Highnefs will not fail to obferve how natural obftacles, almoft infurmountable in their pon- derous ftrength and complicated variety, have been trium- phantly overcome by the combined power of Britifti enterprife and capital, and of Canadian energy and fkill. And we beg to afliire your Royal Highnefs that this wonderful achievement of engineering and mechanical perfedtion will henceforth pof- fefs a new claim on our interefts and regards, aflbciated as it muft evermore be in our memories and afFedtions with this aufpicious vifit of your Royal Highnefs, and the interefting ceremony of its perfedl confummation by your Royal High- nefs's hands. We earneftly hope your Royal Highnefs's vifit to this city will be one of unmixed fatisfadion and delight ; and we pledge ourfelves for the citizens of Montreal, that they will one and all efteem it the higheft gratification and honour to ufe every means in their power to render your too fliort ftay amongft them agreeable, happy, and comfortable. We pray that your Royal Highnefs will be pleafed to com- municate to our Moft Gracious Queen, your Royal and be- loved Mother, our feelings of ardent loyalty and devotion to Her Royal Perfon and Crown, and our lively gratitude and acknowledgments for this laft gracious evidence of Her ■ >■ ■ I ■— aiii> f n m II 56 ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO Royal condefcenfion and favour — your Royal Highnefs's moft welcome and grateful vifit to this City and Province. Il Gentlemen, The Addrefs you have juft prefented to me, in which you proclaim your loyalty to The Queen, and your attachment to the Britifti Crown, demands my warmeft acknowledgments. The impreffion made upon me by the kind and cordial reception which has been accorded to me, on this firft vifit to Canada, can never fade from my mind ; and deeply will The Queen be gratified by the proofs which it aflFords that the intereft which She takes in the welfare of this portion of Her Empire, and which She has been anxious to mark by my pre- fence amongft you, is met on their part by feelings of afi^edlionate devotion to Herfelf and Her Family. For myfelf, I rejoice at the opportunity which has been afforded me of vifiting this City — a great empo- rium of the trade of Canada — and whofe growing prof- perity oflTers fo ftriking an example of what may be eflTeded by energy and enterprife under the influence of free Inftitutions. That this profperity may be ftill further enlarged is my earneft hope; and there can be little doubt that, by the completion of that ftupendous monument of engineering fkill and labour, which I have come in the name of The Queen to inaugurate, new fources of wealth will be opened to your Citizens and to the H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 57 Country, new elements of power developed, and new links forged to bind together in peaceful co>operation the exertions of a wide-fpread and rapidly increafing Population. XXV. Canada — Montreal Exhibition. May it please your Royal Highness, The people of this Province are aware of the intereft with which Her Moft Gracious Majefty and the Prince Confort honoured the Exhibitions of 185 1 and 1855. They know that, among the objects which excited attention on thofe occafions, the productions of Canada held an impor- tant place, and they venture to hope that your Royal Highnefs will, on the prefent occafion, condefcend to meet their wiflies by opening the Exhibition which is to take place in this building. They believe. Sir, you may find that the objedls fubmitted to your notice afford fome evidence of the induftrial progrefs of Canada, and fome promife of her future fuccefs. On the part therefore of the Provincial Government, I pray your Royal Highnefs to do us the honour of opening in the City of Montreal this Exhibition j and we truft that fuch con- defcenfion on your part may flimulate our people to greater exertions, and may be long remembered among the gracious afts which are deftined to mark the vifit of the Heir Apparent of the Throne of Great Britain. 25 Auguft. \ ;8 ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO Gentlemen, Most readily I confent to the requeft you have made — a requeft the more agreeable becaufe it is con- veyed to me by my kind friend your excellent Go- vernor-General. I am not ignorant of the high pofition obtained by Canada in the Great Exhibition of 1851, which was opened under the happy aufpices of The Queen and the Prince Confort ; and, as carrying out the defign of that memorable undertaking, this fmaller but to Canada moft interefting coIle<5lion of the produdls of your Land and of Works of Art and Induftry has my entire fympathy and claims my beft wifhes for its fuccefs. I hope and believe it will realize all the objeds for which it has been defigned. !'! XXVI. Canada — The DireSfors of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, ETC ETC ETC ETC. May it please your Royal Highness, 25 Auguft. The Diredtors of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada beg leave to offer to your Royal Highnefs a refpec^ful welcome to the Province. U 'i :i f H. K. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 59 ! ' :■ The Canadian Parliament has made the completion of the Vi£loria Bridge the occafion on which to invite our Mod Gracious Sovereign to vifit Her Canadian PoiTeffions, and in welcoming your Royal Highnefs to Canada as Her Reprefenta- tive they have referred with juft pride to this great work as evidence of the refults achieved through the union of Britifli capital and HciU with Canadian enterprife and progrefs. The Vi«^;. ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO 1} I XXXVIII. Canada — Miniflers and Elders of the Prejbyterian Church of, TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. MaV it PLEASE YOUR ROYAL HiGHNESS, 8 September. We, the Miniflers and Elders of the Prefbyterian Church of Canada, beg leave moft refpedt fully to offer to your Royal Highnefs our cordial falutations, and thofe of the Church which we reprefent, and to tender the afTurance of our hearty attachnnent, in common with all Loyal Britons, to the Per- fon and Throne of our Sovereign. Occupied as we are in the wide field of this Church's ope- rations, both in Eaflern and Weflern Canada, in the duties of the Pafloral care, and meeting from time to time as Church Judicatories for the difcufllon of matters of importance affe£t- ing the order and Government of the Church, we recognize the duty of joining with our other inculcations of Chriflian truth the obligation on all to refpe£l thofe who are in autho- rity over us ; and we appreciate gratefully the protection, which, under the fhield of the Britifli Conflitution, is fecured to us in the exercife of our focial rights and liberty of Chrif- tian profeffion. This Synod hails your Royal Highnefs in your vifit to thefe parts of the American Continent, recognizing in you the Reprefentative of a Sovereign who, no lefs by Her example of domeflic virtue, than by Her mild and prudent exercife of Her Queenly prerogatives, has fecured the hearty homage of Her fubjedts, and the univerfal refpetSl of the civilized world. Permit us only to add our befl wifhes for the protection of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 8j your Royal Highnefs in your journeying by fea and land, and to afl-ure your Royal Highnefs of our continued prayers, as a port> on of the rel.gious community, for a Family and Dynafty aflbcated m our minds with the prefervation of whatever is dear to us as Britons, and as Proteftants. I Gentlemen, Among the characSeriftics of our Parent Land, and of this important Colony, is the perfeA freedom of religious creeds-I recognize in yourpofition the afler- tion of this right, aflbciated with the doftrines and difcipline of that Church which has long guided the people of Scotland. I thank you for your Addrefs, and for your prayers offered on behalf of The Queen my Mother, and of myfelf , XXXIX. ^A.}iiADx— Law Society of upper. We, Her Majefty's moft faithful and loyal fubjeas, the Law Society of Upper Canada, beg leave to offer to your Royal Highnefs our warmefl congratulations upon your fafe arrival in the Capital of Upper Canada, and our mofl earnefl grati- tude for the kindnefs you have manifefled in permitting us to welcome you at Ofgoode Hall. This Hall, now dignified by the prefence of your Royal Highnefs, contains within its precinas the New Superior o " f, 7 '""^ ^^"''>'' ^'^'^'^ '^^^^ J^tely been opened in Her Majefly's name j and it is with pride and gratitude 8 September. 8d ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO ; i ■I that we acknowledge Her Majefty's Royal condefcenfion in affording to your Royal Highnefs the opportunity of inaugur- ating the event in the name and on behalf of Her Majefty. In this new Country, our Society, with little more than half a century of exiflence, cannot exhibit to your Royal Highnefs thofe many memorials of eminent fervants of the Crown, who have pafTed away, which adorn the Halls of the Inns of Court at home ; but we may offer in their ftead, in the dignity and purity of our Bench, in the true and impartial adminiflration of the Laws, and the refpciSl of the people for conflituted authority, a living teflimony of the exertions which have been made among us for promoting found legal education, and aiding in giving liability to the fyftem of jurif^ prudence which we have adopted from the Mother Country. The independence of the Bar is as fure a fafeguard for the prerogatives of the Crown as for the rights of the People ; and we afTure your Royal Highnefs that in the Bar of Upper Canada Her Moft Gracious Majefly, our beloved Queen, has faithful fubjedls, who will never (brink from exercifing that fearlefs freedom of fpirit and a£tion, whether for the Crown or for the People, that has ever been the pride and glory of the Bar of England. We humbly entreat that your Royal Highnefs will be pleafed to convey to your Royal Mother, our moft auguft Sovereign, the fentiments of attachment and devotion which we feel for Her Perfon and Government, and we pray that God may grant to your Royal Highnefs a long and happy life, and that in years to come the remembrance of your vifit, in your early manhood, to thefe Provinces, may be as pleafant to your memory as the recolledtion of it will be enduring in the minds of the Canadian people. h Gentlemen, I HAVE accepted your invitation to this Hall with very great pleafure, and mufl thank you warmly for the Addrefs juft prefented to me. |r^ XLV. Canada — The Survivors 0/ the Militia f^olunteers of 1 8 1 2, Upper Canada. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc etc etc etc May it please your Royal Highness, 18 Seiitember. SoME of the few furvivors of the Militia Volunteers, who affifted in defending Canada againft the invading enemy during the laft American war, have aflembled from different parts of the Province, in the hope that they may be gracioufly per- mitted to offer to your Royal Highnefs the expreffion of their loyal welcome upon your arrival in this portion of Her Majefty's Dominions. In the long period that has elapfed very many have gone to their reft, who, having ferved in higher ranks than c 'rfelves, took a more confpicuous part in that glorious conteft. They would have delighted in the opportunity which we now enjoy, of beholding in their country a defcendant of the H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 99 juft and pious Sovereign in whofe caufe they and their fellows fought, and whom they were from infancy taught to revere, for his many public and private virtues. We feel deeply grateful to Her Majefty, whofe condefcen- fion to the wiflies of Her Canadian fubjeds has conferred upon us the honour of a vifit from your Royal Highnefs j and we rejoice in the thought that what your Royal Highnefs has feen, and will fee, of this profperous and happy Province, will enable you to judge how valuable a pofleffion was faved to the Britifli Crown by the fuccefsful refiftance made in the trying conteft in which it was our fortune to bear a part,--and your Royal Highnefs will then be able alfo to judge how large a debt the Empire owed to the lamented hero Brock, whofe gallant and generous heart ftirunic not in the darkeft hour of the conflia from the moft difcouraging odds, and whofe ex- ample infpired the few with the ability and fpirit to do the work of many. We pray th-it God may blefs your Royal Highnefs with many years of health and happinefs, and may lead you by His providence to walk in the paths of our revered and beloved Queen, to whom the world looks up, as an illuftrious example of all the virtues that can dignify the higheft rank, fuoport worthily the refponfibilities of the moft anxious ftation,' and promote the peace, fecurity, and happinefs of private life. Gentlemen, I ACCEPT with mixed feelings of pride and pain the Addrefs which you have prefented to me on this fpot— pride in the gallant deeds of my Countrymen, but pain from the reflexion that fo many of the Noble Band you once belonged to have pafTed away from the fcenes of the bravery of their youth, and of the peaceful avocations of their riper years. I i I lOO ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO I* < i M > I have willingly confented to lay the firft ftone of this monument. Every Nation may, without offence to its neighbours, commemorate its Heroes' adts, their deeds of arms, their noble deaths. This is no taunt- ing boaft of vi«51:ory, no revival of long-paft animofity ; but an honourable tribute to a Soldier's fame — the more honourable becaufe we readily acknowledge the bravery and chivalry of that People by whofe hands he fell. I truft that Canada will never want fuch Volunteers as thofe who fought in the laft war, nor her Volunteers be without fuch Leaders ; — but no lefs and moft fer- vently I pray that your Sons and your Grandfons may never be called upon to add frefh laurels to thofe which you fo gallantly won. Accept from me, in The Queen's name, my thanks for your expreffions of devoted loyalty. XLVI. 1 8 September. Canada — Mayor y Corporation ^ and Citizens of Hamilton, May it please your Royal Highness, We, the Mayor, Corporation, and Citizens of Hamilton, deftre to tender you a hearty welcome to this part of Her Majefty's Dominions, and to afTure you of the deep and affec- tionate interefl we feel in all that concerns your profperity and happinefs. H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. lOI •ity Your Royal Highnefs has already witnefled many gratify- ing proofs of the devotion and attachment of the people of this country to the Perfon and Government of our beloved Queen and we beg to afTure you thr.t thefe fentiments, in which we very heartily concur, are infpired equally by our admiration of Her many public and private virtues, and by the love of juftice, the impartial adminiftration of the laws, and thofe liberal and enlightened principles of Government which have fignalized Her adminiftration, and enabled Her to reign in the affections of Her people. The inhabitants of thefe Provinces have ever been con- fpicuous for their unwavering loyalty to the Britiih Crown, — a loyalty which in the earlier periods of their Hiftory has been tried by perils and facriHces from which their fellow-fubje£ls nearer the Throne have happily been exempt, and they have ever participated with a juft pride in the glories and achieve- ments of the great Empire to which they belong. But if any thing could tend ftill to deepen and perpetuate this feeling, it would be this gracious mark of Her Majefty's Royal Regard in fending amongft us One in whom She feels fo deep an in- tereft, and who, we truft, is deftined to inherit equally Her vaft pofleifions and Her eminent virtues. And we beg you to aflure Her how highly this proof of Her confidence and efteem is appreciated by us Her loving fubjefls. Your Royal Highnefs has viflted as yet but a portion of thefe extenfive territories, reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, but we truft you may have feen fufficient to imprefs you favourably with their magnitude and importance, as a valuable portion of your own future heritage ; and we efteem it a further mark of your Royal Highnefs's obliging confideration that your vifit fhould be made on this intercfting occafion, when the annual Exhibition (to which you will re- ceive a cordial welcome) will enable you to judge of the rich- nefs and variety of the productions of this part of Canada, and the energy and enterprife of its inhabitants. Comprehending fome four hundred million fquare miles of territory, with an unrivalled fyftem of natural and artificial 1 I t: \] 11 ' 10# ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO communication, and teeming with a patriotic and enterpriflng people, devotedly attached to Briti(h Inftitutions, and proud of their connection with the Mother Country, it is not too much to predict, that, at no diftant day, the Britifti American Pro- vinces will be the moft powerful fupport to that Throne which, as the bulwark of Civil and Religious Liberty, has for ages ftoou the wonder and admiration of the world. We truft a bright and glorious career awaits you. To the Government of an Empire, embracing over two hundred mil- lions of fubjeCls, with its arduous duties and its heavy refpon- fibilities, you are deftined, if it be God's purpofe, to fucceed ; and our anxious prayer is that He, by whom ** Kings reign and Princes decree juftice," may give you a wife and underftanding heart, that He make you rich in wifdom, and thus prepare you for your great work ; and that His proteCling care, which has been over you thus far through life, may guard and guide you through a long and ufeful career. Gentlemen, This is the laft of the very numerous Addreffes which have flowed in upon me from the municipal authorities, as well as other bodies throughout the Queen's Dominions in North America, which I have now traverfed from Eaft to Weft ; and I can fay, with truth, that it is not the leaft fervent in its declarations of attachment to The Queen, nor the leaft earneft in its afpirations for the fuccefs and happinefs of my fu- ture life, and in its prayers that my career may be one of ufefulnefs to others and of honour to myfelf. You cannot doubt the readinefs with which I under- took the duty which was intrufted to me by The Queen of vifiting, in Her name and on Her behalf, thefe Pofleflions of her Crown. That taflc is now nearly H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 103 completed, and it only remains for me to report to your Sovereign univerfal enthufiafm, unanimous loy- alty, all-pervading patriotifm, general contentment, and, I truft, no lefs general profperity and happinels. I can never forget the fcenes I have witneflTed. The fliort time during which I have enjoyed the privilege of aflbciating myfelf with the Canadian people muft ever form a bright epoch in my life. I fliall bear away with me a grateful remembrance of kindnefs and afFedion which as yet I have been unable to do any- thing to merit ; and it (hall be the conftant effort of my future years to prove myfelf not unworthy of the love and confidence of a generous people. XLVII. C\ii ADA— Minijiers of the IVeJleyan Methodiji Church in. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc etc etc etc. May it please your Royal Highness, We, the Minifters of the Wefleyan Methodift Church 19 September, in Canada, in annual Conference aflembled, beg to offer our hearty congratulations to your Royal Highnefs on your vifit to this important part of our Queen's Dominions. In this expreffion of our feelings we do but utter the fentiments of nearly five hundred Minifters and more than two thoufand Congregations, embracing a population of not lefs than two hundred thoufand, whofe loyalty to our moft beloved and I04 ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO * 1 I 1 1! f i I i ,, i i ' I ,.i 1 I,' beft of Sovereigns is as ftrong and fervent as their zeal in fpreading the pure and praAical religion of the Bible is a£live and fuccefsful. The language of our hearts, and that of our people is, ** Long live the Queen ! '* But whenever, in the difpenfa- tions of Divine Providence, your Royal Highnefs (hall afcend the Throne of your Anceftors, there is no portion of the mil- lions within your vaft Empire who will more devoutly pray, " God fave the King ! " and more earneftly promote the glory of his Reign, than the Miniflers and Members of the Wefleyan Methodift Church in Canada. Gentlemen, It has been a fburce of much gratification to me to receive, at various ftages of my progrefs through this Country, iddrefles from every denomination of Chrif- tians, all equally kind in their welcome to me, and all equally loyal to the Throne and Perfon of The Queen. I fee in this faft the refults of that civil and reli- gious liberty which prevails in Canada, in as great a degree as among your countrymen at home. I truft that amongft the other bleffings enjoyed by this Pro- vince, where religious equality is conceded to all, that of religious peace may not be wanting. I thank you for this Addrefs and for the fentiments which it contains. U .■/■ H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. I05 XLVIII. Canada — Agricultural Affbciation of Upper. TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc. etc. etc. etc. May it please your Royal Highness, We, the Agriculturifts, Artizans, and Manufaflurers of Upper Canada, beg to appproach your Royal Highnefs with our devoted expreffions of loyalty to Her Moft Gracious Majefty the Queen's Crown and Perfon, and to offer to your Royal Highnefs a moft cordial welcome to this Exhibition of the products of our foil and of our labour. This is the Fifteenth Exhibition of the Agricultural Aflbciation of Upper Canada, and we think it demonftrates, to thofe who have wit- nefled the fucceffive exhibitions from year to year, that they have been fuccefsful in ftimulating the induftrial clafles in the improvement of all thofe productions upon which the pros- perity of this portion of Her Majefty's Dominions mainly depends. Blefled with a fertile foil and a healthful climate, and form- ing a portion of that extenfive Empire over which Her Majefty's benign rule extends, and in which it is exercifed in the maintenance of the religious and civil rights of all clafles of Her fubjefts, we hail with delight the aufpicious event of your Royal Highnefs's vifit to this Colony, and rejoice that we have this opportunity of exhibiting to your Royal High- nefs — as we take, what we hope we may call an honeft pride in exhibiting, as to our future Sovereign — fuch proofs of the induftry, fkill, and intelligence of the inhabitants of this Country. We gladly embrace this opportunity of expreffing our de- ao September. ll l«i ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO 1^ I a ■ U; termination to maintain the connection of this Colony with that great and glorious Empire of which we rejoice in forming an integral part ; and whilft availing ourfelves of the example and improvements of older Countries, and the many natural advantages we poflefs in our foil, climate, and navigable waters, we prove that this Province is a valuable jewel in the Crown of our beloved Sovereign. We truft that your Royal High- nefs may, during your future life, retain a pleafmg recolledlion of your intercourfe with the inhabitants of Canada, and of the opportunity you have had of witnefHng the efforts we are making to advance the material interefts of our Country. That your Royal Highnefs may be placed in pofTeffion of ftatiftical and other h&s connedled with the rife and progrefs of this Aflbciation, we beg that your Royal Highnefs will condefcend to accept thefe volumes, containing a record of the tranfaClions of this Aflbciation from its eflablifhment. Gentlemen, I RETURN you my warm acknowledgments for the Addrefs which you have jufi- prefented upon the occafion of opening the Fifteenth Exhibition of the Agricultural Society of Upper Canada, and I take this opportunity of thanking the Agriculturifls, Artizans, and Manufadlurers, who are now afTembled from diflant parts in the City of Hamilton, for the more than kind and enthufiaftic reception which they gave me yefterday, and have repeated to-day. Blefled with a foil of very remarkable fertility, and a hardy race of induflrious and enterprifing men, this diftriA mufl rapidly afTume a mofl important pofition in the markets of the world ; and I rejoice to learn that the improvements in agriculture which fkill, la- bour, and fcience have of late years developed in the H.R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 107 Mother Country are faft increafing the capabilities of your foil, and enabling you to compete fuccefsfully with the energetic people whofe ftock and other pro- duifts are now ranged in friendly rivalry with your own within this vaft enclofure. The Almighty has this year granted you that greateft boon to a people— an abundant harveft. I truft it will make glad many a home of thofe I fee around me, and bring increafed wealth and profperity to this magnificent Province. My duties as Reprefentative of The Queen, deputed by her to vifit Britifh North America, ceafe this day, — but in a private capacity I am about to vifit, before my return home, that remarkable land which claims with us a common anceftry, and in whofe extraordi- nary progrefs every Englifhman feels a common in- tereft. Before, however, I quit Britifli foil, let me once more addrefs, through you, the inhabitants of United Canada, and bid them an afl^edlionate farewell. May God pour down His choiceft bleffings upon this great and loyal People. i; f ll l! < i I #i ADDRESSES PRESENTED TO [The following Addrefs did not, owing to circumdances, re- ceive a reply from H. R. H. at the time it was prefented. A reply was fubfequently forwarded by the Duke of New- caftle.] The Veterans of the Militia of Lower Canada. m TO H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF wales, etc. etc. etc. etc. Prince, The Veterans of the Militia of Lower Canada crave permiffion to approach your Perfon to tender to your Royal Highnefs the homage of their refpefl and of their prayers. The Battalions formed in our counties, in our villages, and in our towns, for the defence of our Country during the war of 1812, number now but few among their ranks. Our companions have fallen, fome on the field of battle, others under the fcythe of time ; for, Prii.ce, years have rolled by fince then — when we ferved your Anceftors. We, their furvivors (foon, no doubt, in our turn, to pafs away like them ! ) cherifhing religioufly in our hearts the memory of that eventful period, feize with delight this auf- picious occa^on, (the laft we can hope to have,} to prefent to your Royal Highnefs, and, in your perfon, to your auguft Mother, our beloved Queen, the aflurance of our unaltered loyalty and devotion. Prince, moft of thofe who fought at Lacolle and Chateau- guay are gone from among us, and the blood of their furvivors courfes in their veins more feebly than of yore ; but we re- joice to fay that the race of 18 12 has its fuccefTors, and that the youth of Canada know the hiftory of their fires, and* fhould occaHon arife, will not belie it. i>' f I H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 109 Sir, I HAVE the honour to communicate to you the thanks of His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales for the loyal Addref? prefented to him by the Veterans of the Militia of Lower Canada. It is very gratifying to His Royal Highnefs to re- ceive thefe expreffions of devotion and attachment to The Queen from gallant men, who, in years gone by, have deferved fo well of their country. He only re- grets that fo few now furvive to teftify to their ancient fpirit. His Royal Highnefs accepts this Addrefs with the more pleafure, becaufe, happily, we can now look back upon the deeds of our brave Countrymen without any other feelings than thofe of friendfliip and regard for the nation againft which they fought. Hoftility to our neighbours is buried in the plains where they ftruggled for viftory, but the honour of each nation furvives for ever. I am. Sir, Yours faithfully, Newcastle. Colonel the Hon. Sir Etienne Tache, A.D.C. to The Queen. Ti fi ' I- M 8 \ V. 1 1 4 I- ! '{ CHISWICK press:— PRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY tANE.