
in place of • the Board of Directors; provided, however) that the ti^hsActlons of the said Committee shall be subject to reyisioii. and corr^* ^ion by the Board of Directors at any regular 'm'^tm^ thereof. ' ' Sec. 8. It ghall be the duty of the General Agent to appoint Sub-agents for the Company, and shall hayf charge of the same, but the said Sub-agents arejoret^ derail accounts to the Company. Before eriteririg: on the duties of his office, the ^General Agent shall give a Bond to the Company' in th6 • siim of Five Hundred Pounds, Currency, withtw^ good and sufficient Securi- ^s in Two Hundred Jtnd Fifty Poii^ds each, t<>th» sa- tisfaction of the Board of Directors^ conditid^^ foi:^^ feifehfai disfchargfe of the' tteties of his 6fiiceC- -^-^/'f^^ :^ ^^i}^/^; ^ry Strb^agent shal! give a:E|^d''|o;tli6 l0Grnp4n^y'f^*the sum of One Hundred an(i twehtyffit^ |P§Cinds, * Gurrency, vt^ith two good and sufficient SfeCtiri- S^ in Fifty Pounds each, to the satifefkction of the Bx- f ecutive Committee, condiiioned for ihefe^hM ^cha^ of the duties of his office. ^ -'fi'^^ t»l« i* ' ,. ^^ Sto ll). The President shall receive Two Pounds pef hundred for signing all Policies. The Vice President sliall receive the same for similar services. _^ The Secretary shall receive lor his services Two Shil- linens and Six Pence for each Policy ; also, One Shilling and Three Pence for Approving and Recordmg Assign- ments, and, Alterations, and such other necessary ex- penses as the Board of Directors, or Executive Commit- tee shall deem, expedient ; and il at any time tlie busi^ liess of the Company shall require additiona assistano6 in- Ms office, the Board of Directors may allow him to ^^mploy a Clerk or Deputy, to be paid such salaiy as THay l)y them be deemed reasonable.. ^ ^ ^*' 'nie Treasurer shall receive for his services a Salaiy #Ten Pounds, Currency, per annum. ,, ^' nm ' -•The jExecutive Committee, Directors, and other Uttt- >i6ers, when engaged, in business other thari the bu^ne^w W their offices, sliall receive Seven Shillings and Six Pence per day, and Six Pence per mile lor travelling expensed The General Agent shall receive ior, his^ (^ v&wo Shillings and Six Pence on each Policy^s^o^ ^* Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of Sub-agents to serid^a •Ouarterlv Statement of their Accounts, containing ««e ^e of each person insured, the amounts reoejved.ot feafne, and pay over all moneys m their hands due^the ffiany, tWfirst of January, ^April, July, and October, ^ ^bf^ch year, and oftener if required by the Secretary^, ;. Seg. il^. It shall be the duties of the OfficersandJ- V^tors of this Company to present a 1 Accounts th^yjmay Ifve against the Company at the close ot each quart^, ^ apFOval of the Executive Committee, to be paid by i^S^rX Seal shall be provi^ following, that is to say, - TheMu^wU f^^ m^ance Oowmy of Prescoltf whicb ^i^^^^ fe^l of this Corporation for all purposes, wiiich. S^a -iSui^tnaiu in t& keeping of the Secmtary, andshdU 'm k y mAb0 affiXfBU to any insttument whatever except t>y .^ii; rectiMv of the Executive Committee. ^, , TsZ 14. The hours of bu^riess of the- Company at ^reS^tt shall be, from 9 o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock p. m. ^^'ir 15. No single Risk shall l^ taken to a large, amount than JE625, nor less than £25. }-•■ ARTICLE II. Sec 16. All persons insured by this Company, and .Jt^nins loss ov damage by fire, are lorthwith to g,v» S hereof, in writuTg, to the Secretary, and wuhw Svdays afer such loss or damage, to de iv«r to the sTreta^y a parUcular account Hereof m wrmug, signed Smf^a verified by their oaths or affirmaUon ; al^ ff reaS^red, their books of account, and other pap^ ISsVand shall also -declare, on oath or athrmation wSevCT any and what other insurance has been m^ I the I^d property. And in case of any raud orfaise -he mav have by virtue ol his Policy. In cast, ol any ifs^^Jernent bJtween the Insured and the D.rectors,re- W^eTnvloss or damage by fire, the question shall he ^SmI three disinterested persons as referees, Q^e ■rf" shall be named by the Board, and one by tt,e «nffi,rin^ Ktrtv ; and the two referees so named shall . l^Se O • and the decision or award ot a majority "f Iri7 tttow^cfshall be made for loss or da|l B«e i?; fie on jewels, plate, plated ware, medals, pic-- ' ?ures Wily paintings, sculpture, or musical instruments, StSr^hich shalfbe considered as househo d ;Sure unless specially mentioned m the Policy ; b^^ C allowance is to be mad« lu any case for g Wing, his- • ^&al or landscape painting, stucco or carved work. ■^ ' "Siic 18 Anv Policy of Insurance issued by this Com- ««^'s^ed bv the President, and countersignfid-_by the :StaT(bK otherwise ) shall be deemed v^^ ,.flnd binding on the Company, in all cases A»here t^e as^ inured ha., a title in.fee simple "«"f^^"^^g^d*?! ■ibuUding oribuildkigs insured, and to the land covered Oy u 1.- the aanio ; but if tlW assured have' a. less estate thcrt^ri, or if tho protnises be encumbnrcHl, the Policy shall bo i^oid, unless the true title of the assured and the incum- brauces on the premises, be expressed therein and in the ftpplication therefor. Sec. 19. Every Policy shall be void on the alienation of the property insured, and the Policy shall be surren- dered to the Pirectors to be cancelled : provided, how- ever, the grantee or alienee having the Policy assigned to him, her or them, may have the same i-atified and confirmed irpon application to the Dii-ectors, and with their consent, withni thirty days next after such aliena- tlbiif on gi^ng ^rdper security to the satisfaction of the Directors, for such portion of the deposit or premium Not© as shall remain unpaid. ' Sec. 20. That every Policy issued by this Compkny shall be void in case o'an insurance in any other Com- 5>any atthe same time, unless such double insurance subsist with the consent of the Directors, si^ified by^ti^ dorsement on the back of the Policy, signed by the ¥te^' sident and Sffcretary. '•"- Sec. 21. A payment of twenty-:five per cent, bii^ atoount of Premium Note shall be paid befor© the issu-*- iri^ bf^th6 Polidy, together- with five shillings for each Policy, and' two shillings and six p^hcefor Survey. ^A'Siftb'.'!22. When Insurance is required on more that! one , building, iri the same Policy, tne ampuat on each miisi b6 named^ also th© arncunt oh furm f; ;re, goods, griiin', &c. &c. ' Sl:c. 23. ■ Not itiore thRn two -ildrds of the estiUciated (Cash value of buildings or other property, shall be inaur^- fed by'thJLS ebttipany. " Sfic. 24, Every person effecting Inetirahce in t^is Conipatiy '^hiall, before he receives his Policy, depbsit •his Promissory Note With the Directors; payable to- the said'.Gompany, fot siich sum of money as the Board <3f. 1>irectbrs shall determine^—a part of which Note, t6'^ detdrtiiined by the; Board of Directors, shall be imm^dlfj*. ately paid to the Treasurer, and the remainder of said; ffoie shall be payable as the said Board sliail dvect, ■} f, s Sec. 25. Thjat,no. Insuraqco ehaU, bs made by thii^ Company for a tenrn of more than three years, nor ibr 9 1^ teiTW llian one moAth, '♦•*> CHANGES. ^'^ SkC. 26. If the Insured change the bueinefls carried on in his building from a low to a hijyjh class, he must give notice thereof with reasonable diligence, and, if anj^ person make an erection within TiOfeet of the building^ insured, or change the occups^tion of those existing to render them more hazardous, the like notice shall be given, stating the distance thereto, and occupaiion, ani^ the Company will allow the same at its standard rates. Sec. 27. Whenever any alterations or additions shall be made to any buildings insured, appUcation may be niade to the Secretary, or a Surveyor m, the vicinity of tljje applicant, who smMl certify his opinion, whether the same increase the hazard or hot ; aniJLincase the Surj veyor or Secretary shall judge that said alterations or adf ditiohs do increase the risk^ then they shall say how much, and take an additional Note for such increasea x\^'y, and whtjn approved by the Secret sryvhe shall en- ter a minute thereof on the Kecordof^aid Policy, and forward to the Insured a ceitificat,(?, thereof. Sfg. 28w Whenever any one hereafter insured shall alienate, conditionally or by mortgage, his Policy shall bt? void, unless ;he shall make a representation thereof, i^ ^vjiting, to th^ Directors, stating the amount, and to whom mortgaged; and the Secretary shall have tho ppwei to give the assent of the, Company to said mort- gage, or cancel Faid Policy, as he shall judge proper, on ex^niination of the 6£^me. Sec. 29. When buildings are mortgaged at th^ time they are insured^ the Mortgagee may have the Policy assigned to him^ on his' si^nin^g' the Ptemium Note, or giving secinity ^