■■*■ .' ». -«' • ■» *" '..''( o". ' .V- r.<' .' y^. ■ j>- '^■.■>f 9 ' " ^ " -' ■*î. V \ ■• V \ # -*.' "^ . \ » û «. .. ■V" ^' es ' "^ ■-r If: ^■'lî^, \\ \ .^ TEST TAR^ (AÂT-3) ^^ ^ ^•. A v:' "v -„.'; 1.0 "è^m ■tt IM 12.2 u 134 2 LÀ 12.0 ■Au ■. 4- Sdmces -*"' Canadia 33 WBT MAM STRHT WltSTm.N.Y. 14SM ( 71* ) •72-4903 '^ :^ i^ y^ \ Mi( Séries (Monographs) A ,a iCMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Micrpraproductions / institut canadian da microraproductions liiatoriquaa •w V Yachnical wid Bil|liograpliic Notât / Notas t«ehniqvM«t bibiiographiqiMt Th« Inttituia ha« atttimptéd to obtain tha batt original copv availabla for. f iiming. Faaturat of thit eoi»y which ' may ba bimiograpliically uniqua. Which may altar any of tha majgin in ttia raproductipn. or which may tignificantly changa tha utuai matlKMl of fiinting. ara chackad balow. « □ éolourad covars/ Couvartura ii» couleur D Covari damagad/ Couvartura andommagéc L'Institut a mierofilmé la malllaur axamplaira qu'il lui a éti possibla-da sa procurar. Las détails da cet axamplaira qi^i sont paut-iti^ uniquas du point de vue bibliographit^a, qui pauvanY'modifiar una imaga raproduita. ou qui pauvant axigai, una modification dans la méthode normale de f ilma^Nqnt indiqués ci-dessous. ^; '. .f...^.;' □ ColQured pages/ . ^ Pages de couleur ' ■ ■ • . . ' '^ . - ' ^'- - □ l>agas damagad/ . j^, l^igas endommagées □ Cove^s restored ind/dir laminatad/ Couverture restaurée et/ou pelliculée D a n D n Cover title missing/ titre de couverture' manque ■ Coloured maps/ Cartes géographiques en ooilleur Coloured ink •ion. ànd andUng on tho laat paga «witli a printad or llluatratad impraaaton. Tha laat racordad frama on aach mieroficho •haN eontain tha symbol ^•^' (maaning "CON- TINUED"!. or tha aymbol ▼ (maaning "END"). Whichovar appliaa. Laa iry4gaa suivantas ont été raproduitas avac la plufjrand soin, compta tami do la condition ^ dfla'nattaté da l'axampiaira filmé, at an conformité émoc laa condltionc du contrat da • /fllmaga. V ^ ' Laa anamplairaa originaux dont la couvartura wt paplar aat Impriméa sont filmés an commençant par la pramiar plat.at an terminant toit par la daitiiéraliaga qui comporta una ampraint* d'hnprassion ou d'illuatrption, toit par laeacond it, aaCon lé eaa. Tous lés outras aiiamplairas originaux sont-fllnrés an coinmançant par la pramiéra paga qui comporta una ampralnta dimpraasion ou d'iNusm^tionl at an terminant par^^ la damiéra paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un das symbdias suivants apparaîtra sur lo darniéra jmaga da chaqua micfllicha. salon la cas: la symboia -^ signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbola ▼ signifia "FIN". Mapa. plataa. charte, atc.^ niay bo filmad at^ différant réduction retios. Thoaa too large to be enttrojy included in one expoeure ara fHmid baginning in tha upper left hand eomer. left to right and top to bottom. aa niany frampa ae required. The f oilowing diagrama illustrate tho method: \ ( 1 2 3 Laa cartae. planches, tableeux. etc.. peuvent être filmés é des taux de réduction différents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour être reproduit en un seul cliché, il est filmé é partir de l'angle supérieur gauche, de gauche é droite, et do haut en bàa. en prenant le nombre d'Images néceesairë. Las diagrammes suivants Illustrent la méthode. \' 1 1 « 1 ' 2 .1 V t 3 V • 'f ~v. J> , 6 X \ - ' - '{AU rl rfrisii»!-) Thia Preof la ««nt to you for dlMUMlen enlfr and on tha aipraaa' undaratanding that It la hot to ba uaad for any'other purposa «vhtftaooVar.-(.s,v .s.-. /. 39 ,/,»'/,• Ci,,/,/,,//.'». ) , / :i4i<>I.I lyi.-if r.>.|...ij>.|lil,. f,.r tliv fiioO iiml Kpliiiuiit ', ' ' \, rtnliN) lu iii^jM^f tli> |iuMii-iiiN>iiit, j ? ■ ^ /" Thif jMifH'r irlll lir rriiil 011 Tliiirnifiif/ lin Vllh Miii/. 1|S87. TiiK .stii'KiisruicTn{+: R)u;niK laciii^xk •nuiiHiK. Hv J. \V. SciiAi II, M.A>!(»o. (,'.K. r . Tlif lijicliiiiu Hridffv whh fiiM imllimil. aimiit H.ur jit-arH au'ii, liy Mrt Vniilloriiv. ni' tlic Cnimiliaii l'ucifii- ICiiilwiiy. liiil It wun mit uiitil NnvtiiilHr (>r ISSr» tliut tlio coïKriWl Inr llu" SniH!rstiuitiiro was awardcl to lin- iNiuiiiiinn Britiii;,' tlic lcii;:tlili wliicli liail Ih'cii aiio|itc(l l'or tlic Victoria Mriil^'c, wliich arc Ds litiloys: lil spans .jii^i lîlOll. centre to centre of picrs, with oiic rliaiinei span ol' :i,"((» l't./eciilre to centre of pierN. In tlie linchine l{riil|jc w<* liave ci^lit .-pinsof L' 10 (t. centre to eî;nlre of piers, twy spanMofSti!» (t. ivntre to centre of piers. and two elmnitêi spaim of . 408 fl. «'litre to centre of piers. (Sec l'Iato I.) Tlic Laeliiiic l»riil;:e li.';;iiis pro|H!i'ly at tlie tirstcrossin<; of tlio - an .SO IL tlironjili ni|.,|,.r. 'flic iiext crossinj; is tlie Canal, wijicli is a swing bridiic :ilO ft. loiiu'. Tlic gênerai «IcsigU j){ this swing liriilgi- is of tlie triangiiliir par#^-ii. knowii in " Sinitli's iifficc as tlie " .Mcnonioiii'c " ty|H,'. Tliis swini; lias a l»eariiig t!il)le tuming on 34 wlieels wliieli are plaeeiron.,a cir/iljir track, lieiiigo|ieFat<.'d liy liainl |M)wcr or stcaiii |Hiwcr froiu tlic cariiig U'iiig nsçd for sp;tii,f sliort Iciivllis iip to 1 .Til' fret ; for spaiis of longer Iciujtlis, it is gcncral to ii.so tlie rini-Kearing. o/tlié lim- bearing and tlie «(t'iitru-U'aring coinltincd, it luiiig casier to /|H'r«te tlie riui-lMaiing swi/g (iir longer Iciigtlis. Tlic firsl spaii of tli^s/iitt.rn (tlie triangiilar) \vii/ dcsigncd l>y .Mr. (Ml. IVgrani. M.A.S.t/lv, forimrly aiwiftaiit to C.-f>lialer .Sniitli for tlic ( 'liicago, .Milvvuiiki,e aiifl St. l'anl Uy. Tlic udvanta^es in tliis forni of swing are in liavijig |o|r riieliiieil cliords at tlic ciid.syaiding in deflecting a |K>-sili|i' dcrailcd car \]Miichjiiav striko tlie bridgj^ ulso in rt'ducing tlie arca c.\|)oscd to wiiiil pressure at tlie cndsof Mcaruis, niakiiig it casier toliandlcdnring Uigli winds. Tlie Hiip|io>ed to Ik- tli/eas«', l.s nrtH, so as to allow any vtr^i^al iiioveuicnt in the girdcrs theuisclve» duc U> dcflectioii froui passing loads, oMo neutraliic any iiiiporfections in the worlfinanship, whicli would tend to briiig any uiidiic pressure ou tlie bed plates or cxfialision roller». , This lias bccn Mr. .Smiths Ihto praetice for ail girdcrB above SOfcct, • andwas first^iiMod for thc lX>iivoK,aiid Jtio Grande Kailway in 1884, ,..f ■f ■..i^ \A ■:H- TIh* ifcncral ilt>Ki^ii of tlio dtt'k ciniIim iHtlic ilouhltfiiiU^rM't'tiôh l'riitt Triiw."' Tlii> twii MVKtuiiiH Wu\)i liiliri'Jy intlii'rtliriiu^lii>ii| CCI- l'ialf III). Wlicru (lie ililiL'iniaU rciisi tli« ViTliciil [«wIh, itiVri' \y a pin riiiiis itfU'l»'. Tlli^ liaj IdVii tlii' iM-H'. liir ('Xaiii|ilu, t" «iii'li lar>;i' .'■triictiirt'!* a> thi' PlatKiiixiiili IniilL-r. in wliii^i llicti- arr ixfU 50 W: Unvj; on (viitn's, J^liviili'il iiilo hall' Icn^tlis !■>' tlic ti(-< cro-i-iiiij; at tlxir niiddlc, witliiiiit any |>ri>vii Htrain in liir nicniln-m ; tlii' «.'IVi'Ct ol'a ii>ail l'oniiu;.' un a structiir» tranu'il in (liii>'lnanurr ran liu laxily «hown (Mv Fii: I.. l'iato III). Snpiosinjj tlic'-tru-M'» tu lie l'ani- IkTi'cI wlu-n tluTf i» nu xtrain in any nicinlur. llic iiitvrwftiun uf t|i)j tio ir> at !«>inc |Hiint Ih'I'IW iIic ^l. Nnw, wlii-n tlic Inail l'iiuiç!' lin tliopan, tlic clinnls tcinl to lnTunn' lioriziiiitiil, tlic |hi! li'winiv vi'rtie:il, lirin^in;; llic inlcrwcliun "1" tlic lii'K witli tllé|Ml^lH niorc ainl untrc lo\var tlic ccnlrc oTtlii' |>i»t, iiiitil linally. wIicik llie cntirc cainlicr i» takcn mit "1 tlic tru»«. tlic' intcrwitiiin niuxt lU'ir-sariiy Ik! at llic centre iil' tlic [m^t ; llic nniimnl |inns ut' (lie Lacliine liriili^c, tli'i* nnivcinciit aniuiints to aliuiit \". ami ha^ bct'ii |iriivi<]i'il liir liy niakini; tlic liolcs in tlic \tn^U I" hirpr tii-iu ■ llic |iiii, lliiis ailowin^ aniplc niovcincnt t'nr tlic pin wlicii tlic Kiail ciiuicx (II) llic liriilgc. Tlii." UKÀcuicnt ci>n U' noticcil in a striicliirc at aiiy tiuio wlicrc thc pin ir^l'iccjlo niuvc. un in thc Lacliinc Hridfic Wlicrc tlic pin i;» iiKlJ'rcc M innvc tlic.ili.'ii'' niij.''t nuccsnari|y takc place in thc iiicnil)ci-s tlictiiw'lvcs; àiiil. niiiriovcr, I <|ilcstiiiii tliis practicc wlicrc it hus Ihh'Ii iIiiiic witli a vicw U» lii-urc thc piwts liir liait' tliçir tottil Iciiutli, «ml cinIciiliT llnni a» fixi'il cnilctl wlicrc tlicy arc liclil hy thc «liajriinalsat thc centre. , ■ Tlic iicxt|H)Hititiiiii(in> .rly s|iciikinf:, ny can- y' tilcvcr hriilp . as tliç spans aie contiiiiiuiis. The eaiitilcvcr pfiiieiplc,k uscd licre l'or cnetiii>; tlii: liridfîc only, whicli is lifiiit oui l'roni thc jiicr.s on cach siilc, llicciidsbcinjij'iin 'ci attlic centre wlieii thc tiiiaicoii|iiliii<; is niade, uml thc >pans heconie coiitiii»i>n' ovcr livc sirpiMiits. Tlici ad- vantajrcs of thc l'alililevcr principle ave only iiï, sa*iiig in llii' crccljion/' thcrc iH'iii^ no saviii;; in thc «T'i^lit. as wc inci'vly niakc a ditrcècnt distriliutioii of tlic malcrial tlian We %i^il in ordinary dis<'iiiiiiectcd spans. lii a contiiuious jiirder therc is ncccsNirily a saviiiï; in thc Wcij^lit uvcr tlni iiicrs, as wai» thc cSse in thc Lachiiie Kridtic, but thc saving in thc mode ortlic élection is thc principal item to hc considcrcd lii,>rc. • Tlie uilvaiita;:e ofii-iii^ two centre pier» iiistcad ol'oiic Would lia'vt» l^'eii a consiilcralile >aviii'.: in tliecouHi(;icnt to euun- lerlKilancc thc iiicrea-cd eo-t ol' iliè extra uiasonry ; thi» was thc |Jriii- cijial reason why oiie centre picr was oiily iwd iusti'ad ol'two, as shuwn iuFifîl. l'iutc V. In s|K'akiii^ of caiitil 'Vcr lirid'res, it uijglit lie lu'Kc'titat.'d tliat tire , lirst eautilcvcr hrid'ji> huill in America was ihe Kciitncky Hiver Hridge liuilt by^Ir. C. .S. Siiii,th in 1870. .Mr. Sniitli aiso built thc.Minnchaha cahtilcvcr in IHSl, loiii; belorc tlic MaJ:Hra'é.intilcver was cvcr tliou;;lit ol'. Thc Kciitueky Hiver Uridjjc is a wiJfidcrl'nl structure, l'roui tlie l'act tluit it is renlly thc lirst cunti^uoiis <;irc|er tlidt was cver built in tliis counlry, and is rcinurkablc aL-o l'roni thc l'act that iusteiid ol'bcinjî^ coutinuou!) ovcr liiur sup|M>rls (Sec l'Ialc VI.; it lias in points iA\ «outra-flexurc lixcd by curtiiii,' tlic chords al'ter thc bridijc was crcctcd'.' j^ In it lelt«'r ol' .Mr. Sniith'si written two years bel'orc thc bridgB was built, lie .siy s: " I fecl w> confident of niy calenlations of thc contin- '■• non» }:irder tliut I now pro|Kisc to eut thc chords at tlicir jMiints "contraflcxijrc, tlius fixinj; lliiw |K>ints beyond a rjucstion of doubt." This stateuieut was thc lorcrunncr of tlic Kintucky Kivcr.ltridfrc, in which thc jtoiiits nf coiitra-flcxnrc werc fixcd at. * (Sec IMatc \l.) f he.sc- points of contra-flcxurc could liuvc Uicn fixcd in tlie river amis instuad of tlie nliorc- aruisi, «nd it is a curions fact lliat tlicy sliould not liavo bci'H fixcd' in tlie river arinn, as was BubmMpiently donc by -Mr. Smith iii thc Miniiclialm cantilevcr, wlicrc thc 'iKiiut of eontra-fluxuru is fixcd in thc centre of thc river npiin, tlicrc boin^ two shorcs «rni» and two river / anus witliout any uiid H|ian huiig froui tllfc ends of tlic river aruiH, as in/ tlic Niagara and St. John caotiluvor bridges. / : ^ ■ I ' ;* V •. %. '. TUBroNTINUtlIlt lilRIIEIt!/^s.~ .^ In Biiy liciiiiÉ continuoiut ovur any njliinlHT of suppiirts, wlien any flexiirc tàkcs place _, = /.. , in WliieU: " . ■,►" . ■>,;///, ! ' f M, is tlui U'iidin;.! luolm'iil.al any imint iirtiic U'ani. S. iH.t'hc radius of eur\aliirc of thc bi'ain at lliat |Kjint. ,. K. is tlu' uioduliis Klaslicily nf the inalcrial, l.iiVfiie nioinciit.of iiiertia of thc cross .•«et ion of thc bcaui at that |)oint. ' / lly assuinin;? ail tlie supJKirt.s 16 K' Icvcl ; and a.M.snniin^' •; K " niid " I ' to Im' constant, ihe ihmieni of Tlirce .Moiuciits uiay Itc Mbiained, and J^uivciiin ail lexl IsHiks on .Vpplied .Mwhanics.' llowcver, it-was not uiitil .Scpteml>«r, L'^T."!, vilnn l'rolc.«..or .Maiisliclii Jl^rnnianjpivc, intlic London IMiilosophical Mai:a/.inc, thc lorniulic' lid' a b.anlk'ontinimus ov.r any iiunib. r of |e\el su|i|Hiits which aicat ail practicaHlc. * 'I^m: lonnulii' arc IIS l'oUows :_ . .• ' ' Foruiulic lor obtainini: |iiei- nionients aiid reactions, à"^ i^pplicd to tlu- ^l'our eofitinuous spuns in tlu| l.acliiiie lliidgc. ■; ■"-ai'-i' i I. ■•t. •■m" is thc iiunilH r i/f any picr. ' < / "r" is ihe ii'uinber of any liu'r loaded spaii.*'^ .M is any picr moment.' J, ' .*« is llic to^al niinilH'r of .«iians ..|. \ \Vc havol'or Picr .^lolllenls wlicii m t -, 1. . . ;V V / / '■,-! r-J(,(Tl)r« )• we bave, .1= VI-, \ik-:\lr yk A ,1, SikOi N'ik I-, A . When in which .1' /'AVU-Â-'f .. , II* ° Ij- V d'ii'iiiti ^tlic load in anyispaii /, dcnotini; thc Icii^th of that spaii. i a ili:-l.iiii- ■ l'roni n'eaivst l<>ft liand sup|4irt to tlic'load "P," ficcussariiy a conecntratvd load. ■ - -,. ■ <■, = n :.•, = ! V', = - (ï i -i )() - ;t;il.)i. • " " c, = I +;! + i/i V (i.f i)| =/i i:;^2iii(i. which is S,- (iti li.aclei|-'j»aii) ^V .L 1 (lu Inailcil ^jàii) A» (In itiiloaiUMr.-iaii-;) - SIIK.VIIIMI KiiIfl.'KS. .V, - M, + 1 1 ■ + '/ Ir '» , 1/ Mm - M,„ l„ .1 ■ , Il •""' - "''" - ' ^'in (in niiloaileti riiiins) - , - ■ -' 'm — l in which 7 =,7' (1 - /.) ; 7',= 1' « *•. S, denutcK thc slicariiig force luimediatcly to thc riglit tif thc iicarcst Icft hami sup|Hii-t, and S, + 1 dénotes the slicariii;; force iùiuiediatcly to thc Icft of tlic ncarest riglit siïjiport of thc loaded .s|>an. ' ' S,„ and S„, appl/to the nnloaded spans in thc sanie uianner. Thc.abovc l'orinul:c arc frivcn by J>ub: spi(ns jit "A"; tlii^seetion "XY" on in pUec when tlij' limr s|>ans aet a» eotltiniinns as fat- as livc load is cor rcriicd. Thc ciil^ulations lor livc load strains werc tlieii uiade iii aecor lance witli thc formula' beforc given for a girdcr continuons ovcr.level supports, ami thc two werc ciiinbincd. Thc * .Itielility, Init « ri>îi.l inx|io<-(ioM »( tlio niiji rin VK-.I «ith nn lihhiintr mV hUmU ««.tHM» lU willi n ■lurtî% of ik |h r cVnt. h. l-.'ilInni.l.i-K. Th.- t.si. H.'iirs,'.,n.-Btl>' niH.lo nn «mu- .i' t|,.i Jiihsiz.a ni.inUr« i.l l'ill-lnir-, l'.nn, hI.J,w,..IU;.. .ni.tori.ij 1^, 1,,» th.. naiMit tw wlnn t.An.J in sniiill .i-vîm, „,, 'n„, „„„..ri«l «•,.../T,.nH.l' tô ' !«,• 1.11 tliat .-..iil.! 1... .I.sir...!, i"«'l ll"«' Si,...| ('.>«,,,a„v ..l.S-otii.n.l .1. „.rv.. irniit priilM- in lurnisliin..' a iiuiCnrin Ht.rl, s<.nirn.in« wliioli ic n.)( r^.y tn..l,t»in., Tl.rirpr.j...s. i4,|,,.si,>n....,i»()|H.n'n..artir|.r.i,.,-s«. L'n.l.— Tlio ni..in.'nt..^ ..l' iiirniji in tli.^C.rnMilh- nr<< a^^nni.J il» .•Ôji.«»^int Kivr r.Hn)tH «flii^Ji arr n.tinly nn tlir kiH' si.l... u'ivin^ -tiarns wl.icli an" ^ >rrPal«r thi^ tli.y àMm.lly u..ul.l 1k'. ,.,.|H.,.iaily nv.r lli.- pi.Ts. :tr.i.— 'IMio siip|H,ris wliioli n.ay lu- a^uiiifil tn l». ont oF l.vrl i-an b,. lit anv tinio a.,l,iiii.l...l l>y ans nl'ili.. ailjiistil.t,. Ih-.I» at lli<- .-niN nC tlic • bnlaïu-ln^- Hfmu. «t A (r«' l'hH-. H'). an.l anv ina.-.Miracy in il... - dlMril.ntinn nlM.a.l wrii-Ut oan !.■ al any tiu.r nmiml in il.Vvariatinn «•■'' "^""^ '" ••"•\''<« »« llu' «•<»tr.' nf tlu- cl.anm.i«)ani.af\V , (H" l'iat.- IV.,). ..^., ^ , ' .: »> Tlu- tl.nn- ol,j,rtioiw m tli(V,.nntinnnns i-inl.r an- v.-ry «-rions an.l ' wn.il.1 l.nv,. .i.vl..nl.t.'.ll^ iVril 'snffici.ntiy slr..n^ t-> l.av,- i.r.vcnU-,! r.si».r " H .•nntnm..us fr'ft.Kr fur tl«4 s,,ans. I.a.r it Inr th.- ,lili..ns ..n.l.-r ^ wl.i.l. ll.is .I.s.^ru «N.s ina.li-, ;.\,w.Msi:l..rati..n nftli.-s,- will at niK-,- slm,v thaï th.- |irnl.hi„ 1, r .■ln>inK lh,-W. .-haini.-! .-.pans w;.s i-.-rtainly sniv,-,! III th.. in..,-- nnti.-t-.l, an- oC il,,- «Inubl.- int.r.s,.cliMn ty|M.. «s in th.. .-i-^-bt 210 f.-.'.t .hrk s|î„.s. A,.,H«stinn uii^'lrt 1h- rais4..l as lÀlh.. |H,s>il.i|,ty nC inakinj; .-..m'c-t .-ali.nlalJ..ns nlthe ' Urainsin tlK-eniv.,! ,«,rli..ns..ttlH-,|,ann..| s|«.ns, inasunn-has tn..j|w.. \ sysl..iiish.ro.c.inl.in.. tli..irstrainsnnt-inlotk-nth.-r. Il «onl.l U.- ini- \ |H.,siblo m do sn it th.. ./al.ulati.M.s w.f.. ii.a.lc- fnr .-a.-h svst.ni soparaUly. but lier., ihc- cal.nlatinns fur th.. two syst.nis wt-n- oairù-.l thr..n-li jo- gi-ther. un.1 th.- w.rk was v.r^i miah siniplili.-.I in nsin- th.- urapbical ii.cth.Hls cntinly, l'..r .alculatii.K ibe «trains in th.- cnntinimus î,'ir.l,-n. liir • tlu- I-achin.- Itri.lg.-. As to tho ni.lhn.ls nsc.t in tt,e .«.Ic.ilatioi.s, tlu- aulh..r,w..sh..sins:.y that Mr. M.K.re, ..Cffaint l^iiis, bas re.-.ntly pn- lmr-.l il llthn^trapli, whi.-h shows alj il.,- c>..H-ntials n.-ccssarv t.. .in.l.rr.stan.l ' th.- n.t.tho,U iiM- 1 in a vcry .....luis,- li.rin s...,,„.„t|y I.Jr,,. lull détails as n-garils thc (•al.'ulalions will 1k^ .miittcl. - Tlieunit.strainsnso.linibc.lctailsttrci;ss..ntiallyasfullows: '' .'sio„ n...n.l.rrs w.r.- ail lijjuh-jl.by tho " Ifankiiu-n.mscarcn- lonnnla-, wbi.haro ...ruiiily tl,o;b..st f.frii,.,|,B in' us,., as th.-y giv.-/ rcsults whieb aLTo.. mon- n,arly with thc rèsult' ohtaii.cd fr.ini aot.>r htct-l. \ /' = - • 1 + 'i* y T- -.7 >i^ A I ni)(Mi-4 fur lixc.i cii.l-. /' = + 1 + .•||J0«0 ■ ( • KKinn ÏJIMKl X r - 1000!) l'or une livr.j cihI ami . >iic |iin cmls. ïnrttt-o pin cii.|<. IsOOO Tln-sc Ibniink- an- sn wcl] knoin ihat no ,-xplanàtion is m-ccs.sary. The lOOOOir.s. (nrstivl in tlu- niinicrator issiilistitntid l'or .8(tO(l Ibs. lor Iron, as ^rivpii by Mr. H.>n.si'arcn in his rc|Hirl tn tho" IJ(,ard «if TrusU-cs for thcCincinpati.SoHlh.rn Ky. Asiho inattcr nf j;iiard rails in railway bridircs bas now kc.nne so vcry iinjiorlant. it w say tbat whcn thc Vicbinc Itridgo isc.>uiplcl,..l. a traiihof cars wuld hc . run nffthc track fi.rtb.cntirc Icn-rth .if thc bridirc, wj[lhoul thc |)asscii;;.'r.s kiiu; awaro ..fit. Thc tics an; spaccl with 4 inch ii|Hniu^s, and tlu- whccU are fçuanlcd by two bcavy ;juar.l rails on cach sidc«f thc track. Thc only ac-i)filunt that ciiilil possibly bnp|H>n t« a tr«IJt'',(fiDar.$««;- 1- ' -«iiii»-} >' T^mr '"Î1W^PF«""W""WM^|» ' ^^'■•■^^^f'«J«I^^^^P^^!FIJ5î!W^ilWW^"^^^"WP»"P *<:^ ■"« f \ ^ 'à •"' "^ -X