IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. /. {/ <: fmgfi^^!wim^nfljp iV* jP^-'Pifi^k r , .'H&AKvUKlWMl 1 I ^1^ )a I !!»l"««?lPiP^"lffP"^'T!f!?' mt^^i^^m^^m ■"^i^t/*^ ■ iii^^«WiiiPilpppp ^MppMii«ii|i|i|ppHini ^"~P*^«^^ J^ I ■ r— i iii i i.M. ? J?^. Palmer ^ Son Artistic Hair Dressers Phone jgi ^745 JSj otre Dame Street, ._^', .',/'i i . , iji.i iii i i i n i ftti ^i .r- MHiMiiiMi wtm.f^mi.imswim^i^'^mmsmmmm.^wm.msid §;,^,mmtmJik >iu*i * The business firms in this book are specially selec- ted, beinjj representative firips in their respective lines, and are recommended for your patronage. the niotitreal Society of Decorative m^^ 22$$ $u Catberinc $f . « telephone Up 1204 MONTREAL : Morton, Phillips & Co. Printers. WlU i ;JU i |iaujjji, mHmmmmmmmmmm'S'91'mmmmmmmumwKmmm'mi *^&i-l. *'^, liiMUMttaiiMdH W. Scott & Sons 1739 Notre Dame Street, J!^^fJ!^1N&V#1^1^Jf^^f«'i^J!^1^«AWJ^ y FINE FRAMING Of all descriptions ... A • Special Assortment of New Photo Frames just received from New York. ^^ paintings and Water Colors Eastern Rugs and Carpets Carbons, Prints, Etc., Etc. Agents for MORRIS &C0., London, Wall Papers and' Stuffs. CARDINAL & HARFORD, London, Eastern Rugs. 8 ^i^ ^ STije fHontreal ^ocietg of 29ecotatibe Ett* t^*t^*t^* OFFICE BEARERS. t HflnotrErg ^r:esiiltnts. Mrs. Wheeler Mrs. G. W. Stephens ^r:estti:ent. Mrs. W. F. Torrance Mrs. Greenshields Mrs. Heney Miss Van Horne Miss Hill Igxttntim €xxmmittzt^ Mrs. G. W. Stephens *' Hugh Graham " George Marler " A. F. Riddell Ain^B Mrs. Favette Brown " R. \V. MacDougall Miss A. Cook " Wolferstan-Thomas i( You can always get the latest in Stationery and Books at CHAPMAN'S BOOKSTORE, Montreal. iWiiifiMlittiiiiiiiitimiiiiffiiiiiiiw ittiimiiiiiin irfrilllwlMlllMniMibMittiM^^ PIANOS EMBODI/\E.A SAUER STAVENHAGEN BULOW TSCHAIKOWSKY GODOSKY I I D'ALBERT WILLIS & CO, J 824 Notre Dame St., MONTREAL Near McGill St Also Sole Agents, Wholesale and Retail, Dominion Pianos, Dominion Organs, Newcombe Pianos and other leading makes. K i lO ^ ; The Montreal Society of Decorative Art. Office Bearers — Continued. \ i (general €atttmittB;e. Madame A. Boycr Mrs. John Beatlie Lady Hin^ston Mrs. E. Howard Miss Law Mrs. H. Mackenzie '• Jas. Bell I )rummond Horace Joseph '• Ives '' Kidd Tames Ross (( (( Mrs. T. H. R. Molson ' ' Redpath " A. W. Morris " D. Morrice, Jr. '' Wolferstan-Thomas '• Weddell '• W. R. Miller Miss K. Scott Mrs. Penny " J. G. Grant '' Mortimer Davis Wurtele n Miss Wheeler i ^limsnv^ (HounciT. Hon. G. A. Drummond Sir W. II. Hingston G. W. Stephens, Esq. T.B.Wheeler, Esq., M.D. Hugh Graham, Esq. W. B. Lamb, Esq. F. Wolferstan Thomas, Esq. >n A specialty made of Books on Music, Musical Pcplodicals and Pictures at CHAPMAN'S BOOK- STORE, Montreal. 11 ^^mm^^ .^t^-nO-^ siSSSSSSSSSS- Smith Ipveniier ^^pewiiters . . , ^ ^ ■^ WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS MAKE WRITING EASY AND LEGIBLE . . William M. Hall & Co. 'BQcnte tot iprov. ot (Sluebec, 1675 NOTRE DAME ST. MONTREAL. Telephone Main 983. 12 nMttiinii ^4^/*-.,. ■^ AKE O. giocietg of Hecoratibe Ett. ANNUAL REPORT* The Committee of the Montreal Society of Decora- tive Art beg to submit the following report of the work of the year ending April 30th, 1899 '• Twenty-three new members joined the Society during the year, four '-esigned from different causes, and two, we regret to say, were removed by death. Mrs. Molson had been one of the Hon. Presidents since the formation of the Society in 1879 5 and Madame Guy, also an original member for some years on the Executive Committee. Present number of members, 90. Number of contributors during the year,|35. Amount of sales $2,321 15 Amount realized for orders 1,881 (X) Sale of materials 2,756 29 Stamping 622 57 Workroom 131 61 Embroidery classes 80 00 The Committee has to report another year of moderate prosperity, during which the work of the Society has been carried on without material inter- ruption and been the means of assisting and encour- 13 iiiiiHlffli C^>^— (^/-/i *,. GARTH & CO. ESTABLISHED 1828. Showroom : 2229 St. Catherine Street. (Queen's Block). Electric %\Qbt jfiXtUreS in Brass, Wrought Iron, etc. The latest and most ar- tistic designs in Canada. (5a0 3f iXtUVeS of every description. Eastern XampS. Turkish and Japanese Lamps, of exquisite designs, in every kind of Metal work. Especially suitable for ** Cosy Corners," etc., etc. <5l0be6 an& SbaDeS for Gas and Electric Light. JSatb an& :tBatbroom iFurnisbings All the newest and most approved bathroom requisites. HIGH-GRADE ENAMELLED IRON AND EARTHENWARE SANITARY GOODS. :60timate6 CbectfuUi? (51pem ^ ^ The Montreal Society of Decorative Art Annual Report — Continued. aging many contributors to depend in some measure upon the sale of their work and the money received from orders to increase a scanty income. Thus the Society has continued to fulfil the two-fold object of its existence, viz. : to cultivate a taste for good and artistic work, and to assist ladies of taste and refine- ment to lead more independent lives than they could otherwise do. These aims, and not the accumulation of capital, encourage the Committee to persevere under many discouragements which a very limited bank balance and constantly increasing outside com- petition entail. The commission accruing to the Society from the sale of work being necessarily small and falling far short of covering necessary expenses, even with the most careful management, it is evident that the success of the Society must continue to depend con- siderably upon the annual subscriptions of members. This fact was brought prominently before the annual meeting in last year's report, nnd later, at the sugges- tion of a kind member, several ladies were asked to join the Society, with the gratifying result that twenty new members were secured early in the year, who expressed their willingness to become annual sub- scribers, but felt obliged to decline taking an active part in the work. 'M w (W[' t^imimi R. SHARPLEY & SONS, Jewellers, 2334 ST. CATHERINE STREET Would direct .^^ecial attention to their recent importations of Novelties for the coming Christmas Season. Every description of jftne 0OI& 3ewelleti? an&Matcbes IN STERLING SILVER We have a very complete assortment of articles for Toilet, Personal and Household Use. W: 16 iaiM '^ s. 2cent g s for The Montreal Society of Decorative Art Annual Report — Cuntinued, Short courses of lessons have been given during the year at Sherbrooke and at Lachine, with satisfac- tory results, as well ai at the rooms in town whenever required, and several pupils have received the benefit of free tuition when circumstances made it advisable. The special exhibition and sale of Christmas work which was opened the second week in December, proved successful. Attention was called to it by advertisement, and cards were sent to a large number of members and friends. Much admiration was ex- pressed by visitors at the beauty of the work displayed, and the amount of sales was probably increased by these efforts ; but the competition with the large shops is felt more keenly each year, and especially at the Christmas season. e^ ■MkMWMIl 'JS&mmmMJkmiamda Wc Only Sell ^ UMBRELLAS PARASOLS WALKING STICKS ''All our own make ** tbe Dominion (Imbrella Store 2305 $t. Catftcrfnc $t. «« m St. Peter St. OUR SPECIALTY: RE-COVERING and REPAIRING. UP 1028 PHONES . MAIN 3327 ^^^ y. h, C as sidy Co, Limited, 2^0 J St, Catherine St, West^ Montreal, Importers of China, Glass & Earthen Ware, Plated Goods, Lamps, Etc. Geo, Eadiey Bell TelephoflSy Up g2J, Manager i8 1^ -■•f ■ r- JTljc iittontmil ^ocictj) of Uccotatibc Ett. LIST OF MEMBERS* (( t ( (i; (« (( Mrs. R. B. Angus " Montagu Allan " Amos A. Boyer Bagg James Bell " (;. F. Benson " John Beattie " (;. B. Burland •' F^ayette Brown " Cantlie J. P. B. Casgrain Cross Miss A. Cook " Dow " Duncan Mrs. Drummond " Mortimer Davis " Fairie Fyshe Ferguson "' Greenshields " E. B. Greenshields " E. K. Greene J. G. Grant Hugh Graham (( (( (( (( Back numbers of Magazines procured promptly at CHAPMAN'S BOOKSTORE, Montreal. » !*, r- 19 INDIAN TEA DEPOT 114 HANSFIELD STREET Corner St. Catherine jStreet I am the only direct importer in Montreal of the celebrated. DARJEELINQ TEAS They come to me straight from the Planta- tion in the Himalayas and are without exception the Finest Teas sold in Montreal. PLEASE CALL OR TELEPHONE FOR SAMPLES AND Pk CE5. W. Q. LEHESURIER, Telephone : Up 1317. 20 wpt i mmmimmmumm i^- 4^ I W«Miffelt The Montreal Sc^ciety of Decorative Art List oi< Members— Con/ t'nugt^. Mrs. Lachian Gibb Larly Hickson (( Hingston Mrs. E. N. Heney (i R. W. Ileneker . T. Sterry Hunt ' (( Miss Hill Mrs. (ieo. R. Hooper j (i Ernest Howard : <( Hope (( C. G. Hope (( Holt J (( Ilosmer (( H. R. Ives tk Horace Joseph (( Kidd (( E. H. King Miss Lunn (( Law Mrs. Learmont (( Hector Mackenzie (( David Morrice (< J. H. R. Molson {( J. T. Molson (( Charles McEachran Mrs. W. K. Miller (( John McDoiigall (i Robert Mackay 1 t( George Marler I Deutsche Buecher immer vorrathig bei CHAP- MAN-BUCH-HAEtlDLER, Montreal. 21 M Canada's High-Class Interior Decorating ^ Furnishing House agents for "Xibertg" art jfabrics "We have just received from the manufacturers ^ our new lines of Special Designs and Colorings jk ■5r for the coming season — 1900 — in Upholstery, tt Drapery and Wall Hangings. Silk and Wool Damasks, Velveteens, Brocades, Moquettes, Printed Cretonnes, Linen Taffetas, Genoa Velvets, English Glazed Chintzes, Velours, Carpets, Tapestries, Rugs, New Effects in Lace Window Curtains, Fine Wall Papers in harmony with above, Electric Light and Gas Fixtures. The above have been personally selected and colored by our Mr. W. Henry Bell, Consulting Decorator and Designer. /nbanutacturers of 3finc 3f urnlture. The New York Mantel and j^wA*/is»w Decorating Co.i^^awai^j^ Factory : 194 Peel St. 2338 St. Catherine St. Montreal. \ 22 ■i?f" »m^^ ■ ■e»iiM!^-m^m!iSt*»,xif^ -f''f^^*ir>,n wMtitliUkiimm n wiiiiii^K" The Montreal Society of Decorative Art List of Members— Con/zm/ecf. Mrs. Miss Mrs. ^ Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs. ( ( ( ( (( (( Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs. Campbell Macdougall Macfarlan R. VV. >:acDoiigall David Morrice, Jr. Colin McArthiir F. W. Molson A. W. Morris W. W. Ogilvie Orkney H. Paton Penny Parker Red path R. G. Reid W. M. Ramsay James Ross Reford Riddell Mrs. D. W. Ross Sise G. W. Stephens K. Scott J. G. Savage Spragge Sheldon Stephens F. Wolferstan Thomas Wolferstan Thomas W. F. Torrance Turnbiiil Any Books Advertised Anywhere, to be procured withnnt Hplnvnt r,HAPlVIAN'<; RnOKSlTORF Mnnfnpnl lll li W' ' l' T'" yj<['' ttjMiWP i l»I I M,4-,/.AC.liH..(IUM'Jll^, '"-»y Jttason ^ Misd) ^3iattos The late Dr. F. Liszt Wrote : ** Mason & Risch Pianos are excellent, magnifi- cent, unequalled. Artists, judges and the public will certainly be of the same opinion." Inspection Invited. Correspondence Solicited. "I he J-Uson & llisdi $3iano QLo. l^imiteii, 24 mil ■Ki/idribi ll»««j^.....»j..-.„— ..-_„.,...; m»ii v"»"u^««*9R««ifpw^"' iprinters 1755 and 1757 NOTRE DAME STREET, Montreal. 3= P mma* IS for ns. less Thf. Montreal Society of Decorative Arp RuLK".s — Continued. « Executive Committee. In cases when the Committee consider the price of any article lower than the market rate, it will be raised without consulting the con- tributor, who will receive the benefit of the increased valuation. If an article is valued at more than the market rate, the contributor will be notified of the fact before it is put on exhibition. v- f 9. Money received from the sales of articles will be forwarded to the contributor, with a deduction of lo per cent, and postages, which will cover the charges of the Society. It is not necessary that a contributor should be a member of, or a subscriber lo, the funds of the Society. All letters requiring a reply must enclose a three cent postage stamp, and contributors desiring articles returned by mail must enclose stamps and take all risks. r. To each article contributed for sale will be securely attached a numbered ticket, upon which the price of the article will be plainly marked. The number of the Ticket first issued to a contributor will always ^"^pppi i' 9.^ ^i-.-^^^-i'f^ri^^.-^ff^^m ARTISTS^ ^^ USE ONLY THE CELEBRATED Winsor & Newton's WATER COLORS, OIL COLORS, CANVAS, Sec, &c» A. RAMSAY & SON, Montreal. AGENTS FOR CANADA. Kodaks and Pbonograpbs MONTREAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY R. F. SMITH, 104 St. Francois Xavier Street. UPTOWN BRANCH : 148 Peel Street. PRINTING AND DEVELOPING. ^4 'i i The Montreal Society of Decorative Art 1 'i Rules — Continued. represent the work of said contributor upon the books of the Society, and should be added to the najne ?md address in all business letters addressetl to the Society. Letters can be addressed to MISS ESDAILE, Ladf Superintendent of the Rooms of the Society of Decorative Art^ 2288 St. Ca'iherineStreet- «^ wtim^ imAmL^ Place Dm l)Otd A MODEL HOTEL Absolutely Fire Proof Sumptuously Furnished Cuisine and Service Unequalled Steam Heat Electric Light The most Modern Sanitary Plumbing. IN FACT THE HOTEL DE LUXE OF CANADA J AMERICAN : $3.00 to $5.00 AND UPWARD ..,RAT£S.., EUROPEAN: ^ $K00» $^50, $2.00 AND UPWARD 36 tn*miit iMfiMiaiMiaig "1| k I* '4 Ei)t Montxtal StiwtB of ©ecoratibe ^xt Contributors cannot return work after it has JDcen withdrawn. No work can be withdrawn during the busy month of December. Contributors can only send their work to Murray Bay by entering the articles through the Society at Montreal. The Society engages to give all proper attention to goods entrusted to its care, but will not hold itself responsible for loss or damage. By order of the Exkcutive Committee. A. DIONNE & CO. 6rocer$ and Butcbm Christmas Goods of all kinds — Poultry, Game, Fruit, Coffee and Cocoa, etc. The only place where you can get First-Class Goods at lowest prices. BUTTER A SPECIALTY* 2449 St. Catherine Street. F niiiMQlr iTi'liwiJiiii Cbitid, 6ld$$ m nn Pottery Our direct importations every year are the latest productions from the following cele- brated makers : — Royal Worcester Royal Crown Derby Wedgwood Coalport Minton Copeland Doulton Cauldon We also keep a large assortment of usetul and ornamental Pottery of every description. A. T. WILEY & CO. 2373 St. Catnerine Street. -.8 I 1 MP ipaiMMi»' -^^ 'iiaiirfiiiiiH Ei)t MontxesLl Ssocietj) of ISfcotatibe Ert. «^*s^»^* NOTES. .^ Special attention is called to lessons in Artistic Needlework given by competent teachers, either in classes or singly. Dinner and Menu Cards, College and Sunday- school Banners, Badges, etc., a specialty. Sofa Cushions, Tea Cosies, Handkerchief and Glove Sachets, Blotters, etc., worked by ladies at home, carefully made up at short notice. It, i Prompt attention is paid to orders coming from outside places. Materials, silks, stamped work and boxes of commenced work can be sent on approval. In the latter case reference or guarantee is required by responsible persons. Pieces of finished work can be forwarded on the same terms. 39 i1/' Btmu Turniture for Artistic Cadies « O mm mm mm mm mi»>» my»>» >iii'>»m UR FURNITURE IS NOTED FOR ITS SUPERIOR QUALITY AND FINISH, AND THE GOOD TASTE DISPLAYED IN THE SELECTION OF PATTERNS. J' WE MAKE FURNITURE TO ORDER FROM ORIGINAL DE- SIGNS. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Renaud, Kind $ Patterson 652 €rdig Street^ montrcal* For the convenience of our up-town lady cus- tomers, we have opened a branch at 2444 St. Catherine Street, under the management of Mr. S. R. Parsons. '^ 40 The Montreal Society of Decorative Art Notes— Continued. Lamp and Candle Shades in various designs a specialty. Household Linen Hemstitched and marked with Monograms and initials. Delicate Needlework in white and colors carefully washed and done up. Special designs furnished for Draperies, Bureau, Tea and Lunch Cloths, Doyleys, Initials and Mono- grams. Decorated China and Fancy Articles for sale. •< Dn Brau's Syrup of Dcorice The Sovereign Remedy for instantly stopping that vexatious, irritable, tick- ling cough ... BRYSON'S TELEPHPNE Medical Dispensary upio4o Cor. St. Catherine & Peel Sts., MontreaL 41 C^-A,^/t_ •1 ♦ ^■^. , •1 Cb cm Cijc ittonttcal ^otitt]o of Becotatibe Ett. CATALOGUE, Infants' Wrappers, Hoods, Pillows, Knitted Shirts, " Socks, '* and Crocheted Jackets, Carriage Rugs, etc., etc. Catelaines, Pen-wipers, Tea Cosies, Toilet Cushions, (I Blotters, Sofa Cushions, Tn medicine Quality is of first importance ; after that freshness,, skill in compounding, and price in the- order named. We buy only of reliable, well established houses which have demon- strated their dependability. Our large selling insures Ireshness Boc$ Ouality count witb Voi:? Let us fill your Prescriptions. DOWLER'S PHARMACY, 25 Phillips Square^ 43 t^ ^•1 »-!!' 4? iiaflti JmlmL ALBERT Buildings ST JAMES STREET, FACIHG VICTORIA SQUARE Our Engraved... CALLING CARDS AND.... AT HOME CARDS Are the finest and the cheapest in Montreal. Place your orders with us. Bishop Engraving & Printing Co. 288 ST. JAMES STREET. TELEPHONE 213 MAIN. ^ 44 Ht. ^^W.:W--« ^.)*I.-^ The Monireal Society of Decorative Art Cat A LOG u e— Continued. Cravat and Veil Cases, Mouchoir and Glove Cases, Hand-painted China, Doyleys, linen embroidered, " drawn work, ' bolting cloth, '* lace work. Tea Cloths, with crocheted l>order, *' embroidered in white and colors, Table-Centres, hemstitched, with lace and cro- cheted borders, Tahle-Centres, embroidered in white and colors, *' on bolting cloth, Batteiihurg lace, drawn work, t ( FOR YOUR. Furniture, Bedding, Carpets and House Fumishings GO TO H. A. WILDER & CO. DOWN TOWN : 258 St. James St. UPTOWN: 2415 St. Catherine St. 45 tUmUmtaimillllUmiam dcL^^ liflb t f ft. ^•%, The Montreal Society of Decorative Art C AT A LOG u E — Coff tin ucd. Photograph Frames, in great variety, embroidered on white, painted on paper. (( (( ({ (i Key Racks, Whisk Holders, Needle Books, Spool Cases, Lamp and Candle Shades, Dinner and Menu Cards, Shaving Cases, Hand-painted Calendars, Per- fume Sachets, Toilet and Dinner Mats, Laundry and Sponge Bags, a variety of articles in Poker work, etc., etc. Brown Bros. Minbsor riDarhet ♦ ♦ ...Fine [Heats and TaMa DalicaGiBS... ©ur iHbotto yEL GOOD MEAT-GOOD BLOOD GOOD BLOOD-GOOD HEALTH EPHONES BELL (UP) 1038 ^=^;:^:^=:: MERCHANTS 922 46 '* I ^ > MEMORANDA* i I I ■^ C^Ja..^^ ^mA MEMORANDA. i i mil, % dl •^1 / Deafequarters for Hrt IReebleworh / #, A LWAYS a full range of Shac^fcj in Em- broidery Silks. Newest Designs in Stamped Lin- enS| Colored Linens for Fancy Work. Embroid- ery Hoops and every re- quirement for Art Needle- work can always be ¥' obtained. la Sjames K Ogilvv % Sons St. C:atb^ritt6 and mouiitalii St. Itlotitr^aL /fA A Woman's Invention THE patent Holder in which all Brainerd & Armstrong's " Asiatic Dye" wash embroidery silks are put up, like so many other useful contrivances in the home, was invented by a lady. It thoroughly protects the silk from soiling by handling or from being wasted. To use it, simply cut through the silk at the little paper tag and then withdraw a needleful as required. These silks are absolutely fast colors and are recommended and sold at 5c. per skein in holder by SOCIETY DECORATIVE APT= ======== nONTREAU =====