^ ^v., >, 1% .0.. \^>^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ /. {/ y. Vx fA 1.0 I.I III ill 1.25 2.8 li IIM M 1.8 \A. nil! 1.6 ^Scmces Lorporation iV iV \\ ^v-7 ^, THE BY-LAWS^ OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL; WITH AN APPENDIX. \ i r COMPILED, HEVI8ED A}yD CODJFIED, BY OKDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. BY CHS. GLACKMEYER ' ■> CITY CLERK. I Ptfttttf at : PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 1865. ■ ^9- EXTRACT J'ro.n ae Min,;„ of ,Kc Council of ,U Oil, o ^ty of Montreal. Wednesday, lOtk May, ISG5. ^resent-nu Worship the Mayor, J. l. Bk..bu. Kso • A>. Co««,. McGrBncv. dLvL' """'"' '■""'""^^^•' ^^^^'^^"--v^ Bo^. MCU..V..., LEiirro'^r'^^"^"^'^'^^^^'^'"-"- Oar.v.., Brow.., Isaacso.v, Cass'dv ^'""''^^^^-' Ai..^.p.B, ^solver^~That this Council deem if fi.v , . Clerk. Charles GlackmeverMiiT ''"*'*'' '''^'''' *« «»e City -iduity in collat e :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ '- ^l>ility. ^eal. and tins City, and in pr p "^^il'' ^""""^^ ^ By-laws of volumeof MunicipTLaTs a ^f ""'"' ™^**^" ^^"^"-^-^ ^^ the this Council. '''"' '^ '^^ ^"'^'•^^^<^'' "«Jer the direction of -"cl^t r:::^ - -;^ ^7- are .so due to the Assistant %%% 5 ^ I PREFACE. The necessity for a new and comprehensive edition of the City By-laws has long been felt by the City Authorities, and by all persons connected with the Municipal Government. Since the last compilation was made, in 1842, the City Charter, has, at different times, been re- modelled, and new provisions introduced which necessitated some modifications in several of the By-laws, to make them conform to the new enact- ments, and to the practical working of the various departments of the Corporation. It was, therefore, deemed expedient to re-enact the whole of the By-laws in a modified a- d revised form. The draft of the By-laws contained in this book was submitted to the City Council on the 14th December, 1863, and referred to the Chairmen of the several Standing Committees for their exam- ination ; and after a careful consideration and re- vision, by the Chairmen, of the By-laws relating to their respective departments, the same were brought back before the Council in their present VI PREFACE. shape, and finally confirmed and passed on the 10th day of May last. It will be observed that the order in which the By-laws wxre originally passed has not been fol- lowed, and such parts of their primitive form as were purely technical have been omitted, and a classification of subjects attempted for the pur- pose of rendering the compilation concise and easy of reference. There is added an Appendix, embracing the Catalogue of the City Government since its establishment in 1840, the Internal Rules of the Council, the Rules and Regulations of the Fire and Police Departments, &c., together with a copious and correct Index ; all of which, it is confidently hoped, will make the Yolume particularly interest- ing and valuable to all those whose duty it is to administer the Municipal Government of this fair and growing City. Montreal, June, 18G5. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Pv-L to AAV CONCERNLVa— Mayor ''"««'■ City Clerk ^ *^ g City Treasurer City Surveyor Aqueducts Assessments and Taxes .''" ^. Board of Health ... " Bread ' j^^ Building's... p . , 40 ■Durials City Passenger I|.,ihvay.. .„ Coal ^ ^2 Dogs ZZZ''Z ^"^ Ferries Fire Department " Firewood Good Morals and Decency..'.'.'.".''.'".".'.'; *""" g^ Gunpowder "* Markets ^"^ • ,, 92 Masters and Apprentices Nuisances Police Department. Public Peace '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'."' Public Squares. ^ ^ 1 QO Public Pounds.. 134 ••f vui TABLE OP CONTENTS. By-Law concernino— Public Crier "^38 Recorder's Court 139 Sewers 1*^ Streets ^^^ Side-walks ^^^ "Vaults and Cisterns 15^ Vehicles 1^2 Water-courses 1' • By-laws ^^^ APPENDIX. Catalogue op the City Government ^85 List op Acting Mayors -^" List op City Ofpicials -"-' Rules op Council " Rules op Fire Department 214 Rules op Police Department 225 Index T ' BY-LAWS or THE CITY OF MONTREAL. BY-LAWS OS- l^HE CITY OF MONTREAL. CHAPTER I. By-Law in relation to tlie Mayor. BE it ordained and enacted bj the Council of the Citj of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The Mayor of the said City shall exercise the right ri... Mayor-/ of superintendence and control over all Officers of the Cor- '"'""'• poration; he shall see that all By-laws, Rules and Re-nila- tions of the said City are faithfully and impartially enforced and It shall also be the duty of the said Mayor, from time to time, to lay before the Council of the said City such By-laws or alterations in those in force, as he may deem necessary and proper, and to communicate to the said Council all such information and suggestions as may tend to the improvement of the Finances, ^he Police, Health, Security, Cleanliness, (comfort and Ornament of the said City. Sec. 2. The said Mayor is hereby authorized to sign, seal T„e Mayor and execute, on behalf of the said Council, all Deeds, Bonds, sTuS'&c Contracts, Agreements or As^'u-ances made and entered into or directed to be entered into by the said Council. BY-LAWS OF TJIK CITY OF MOXTREAL. CHAPTER II. By-Law in relation to tlie City Clerk. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the Citj of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The City Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Council and of the several Committees, and shall keep minutes of all such meetings respectively : he shall have proper records of such minutes made and kept in his office in books to be provided for that purpose. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the said City Clerk to keep a separate and distinct book, in which shall be entered in full all By-laws and Regulations made and enacted by the Coun- cil ; and also to enter in a separate book, copies of all letters written by order of the Council or of any Committee. _ Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the said Clerk to keep under his charge and custody the Common Seal of the City, and to affix the same to all documents or instruments in writing which may, from time to time, be made, granted or issued*^ by order of the Council or signed by the Mayor. Sec. 4. There shall be paid to the City Clerk by every person who shall desire the Seal of the said City to be affixed to any document whatsoever, in which the Corporation shall be in no wise concerned, the sum of fifty cents. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the said Clerk to issue or cause to be issued to the respective members of the different Committees, notices of all meetings thereof, and also notices to all persons ^■ hose attendance may be required before such. Committees, when directed so to do by the Chahman of any Committee. rtoKontf to bo ^^^- ^- ^^ «^^^" ^e t^^c duty of the said Clerk, when required a.in .rod to by the Mayor or the Chairman of any Committee, to deliver to the same all papers and documents under his charge, which City Clerk to atlciid inci'tings. Ti) kcop minutes. lie Mliall keep a book for By-lawi?. Also a Letter- book. City Clerk shall have charge of the City Seal. Foe for Seal. Notices to members, BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 9 may be required to be acted upon by the Council or the said Committee. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the said Clerk, after the pass- ciork to trans- ing of any resolution of the Council, directing the payment of ?2" iuHo,i"to any sum of money out of the City Treasury, to communicate ^"y'^"'''^''^"'"- the same to the City Treasurer ; and also to transmit, without delay, to the several Committees, copies of all resolutions, orders, or i. .munications that may be respectively referred to them by the Council. CHAPTER III. By-Law in relation to the City Treasurer. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The City Treasurer shall keep a regular set of books, city Treasurer in which shall be opened and kept as many accounts, under books.^ '*" ""^ appropriate titles, as may be necessary to show distinctly and separately all the receipts and expenditure of each de- partment, and also all the debts due to the Corporation by ratepayers. Sec. 2. The said City Treasurer shall take charge of, and to take charge preserve all titles, deeds, leases, mortgages relating to fc""'''' ^'""^'' property belonging to the Corporation, and of all evidences of debts due to the Corporation. Sec. 3. The said City Treasurer shall superintend all Officers to superintend of the Corporation, whose duty it is to receive or disburse ^uh^'coSn the public funds of the City, and shall compare their accounts °*''"'""'y- with the vouchers accompanying the same and with the books of his office. Sec. 4. The said City Treasurer shall use all due diligence city Treasurer to enforce the collection of all assessments, rates, or debts coiiccHon'of 2 revenue. 10 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MOxVTREAL. JUioks for deeds, leases, icc. Va enter in a book all nioueys drawn upon him. Not to exceed amount of api)roj)riation. When appro- priation is exhausted. whatsoever due to the Corporation ; he shall examine and settle the accounts of all rersons indebted to the Corporation; and he shall adopt such legal proceedings, in the name of the Corporation, as may be necessary to secure the payment of such assessments, taxes, and debts, or to obtain possession of any premises belonging to the Corporation. Sec. 5. The said City Treasurer shall keep proper books for recording such deeds, grants, and leases, as may be given or issued by the Corporation, or in which the said Corporation may be a party. Sec. 6. The said City Treasurer shall keep separate books for the entry of all accounts for moneys duly drawn upon him ; he shall not pay any moneys in his hands unless the same be first appixpriated by a resolution duly passed by the Council, to the object specified in the warrants issued ; and he shall m no case exceed by his draft the sum appropriated. In the event of any appropriation being exhausted, he shall give notice of the fact to the Finance Committee, with a state- ment of the sums which have been drawn on such appropri- ation. ^ < ity Treasurer to adjust ac- eounts, &c. To lodge moneys in the Bank. Sec. 7. The said City Treasurer shall adjust the accounts of all the committees appointed by the Council, and classify the accounts of each department under its proper head. Sec. 8. The said Treasurer shall lodge, at least once in every week, in one or more banks in the City of Montreal, as the Pmance Committee shall direct, all moneys by him received on account of the Corporation ; and he shall thereupon make a report, once every month, to the said committee of the amount of such moneys so deposited, and of the amount by him drawn from such bank or banks, under any warrant or warrants duly issued. "n ipp'rS ^^«- '^- I* ^l^a" be the duty of the City Treasurer, afthe com- tion took. mencement of each civic year, to open a book to be called « Appropriation Book," wher-.in shall be stated the appropria- tions granted to each department of the Corporation during the year, and the amount expended thereon, to the end that whenever any such appropriation shall have been exhausted, I I BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MOxXTREAL. 11 le and settle ration; and lame of the payment of ossession of er books for be given or ^Corporation he shall immediately communicate the fact to the Mayor or the Finance Committee, that he or they may withhold further expenditure on such appropriation; the said appropriation book shall be regularly balanced at the end of each civic year. Sec. 10. The City Treasurer shall, as early as may be in the citv Troas„n.r month of March in every year, lay before the Finance Com- «tetcmo'ft at ti.c mittee, a statement of all the receipts and expenditure of the """^ "*' *"" ^'"'" past financial year, giving in detail the amount of appropria- tion and expenditure for each department, and the receipts from each source of income ; and the said statement shall be accompanied by a schedule showing the debts due by the City, when payable, and the rate of interest thereon. }t once in mtreal, as n received ipon make ee of the .mount by k'arrant or t'the com- be called ippropria- 3n during end that xhausted. CHAPTER IV. By-Law in relation to the City Surveyor. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The City Surveyor shall be chief overseer of all citysurvev.. streets, squares, highways, common sewers, and all other Krity'i .,^ publuj works or places, oyer which the said Council have the right of supervision or control. ^^^ h .?V'^ ^'*^ Surveyor, under the direction and Hisduti. control of the Road CommiUee, shall have charge of all the plans in connection witl, the Road Department: he shall by himself or his deputy, make all such surveys, admeasure- ments and levels, and perform such other services as may be required of him by the said Council, or the Road Committee • he shall also keep records of all his proceedings in proper books, which shall, at all times, be open to the inspection of every member of the Council. 12 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Oopiity City Survfljor, Sec. 3. The His powci's. City (Surveyor to report what repnirw are wanted, &c. lie shall ox- umiiic all pe- titions sent to tlio Hoad Com Hiittee, itc. He shall super intend works, &c. Ho shall make an annual report. Treeautions to lie taken ibr Kunrding works, ifec. Ibid. said Council shall appoint a Deputy City Sur- veyor, whose duty it shall be to assist the said Surveyor in the discharge of the duties appertaining to his office, and who shall be vested with all the powers conferred upon the said City feu ;veyor during his absence or sickness. Sec 4. It shall be the duty of the said Surveyor to examine and determine, fmni time to time, whether any repairs or im- provements may be necessary, to any street, sidewalk, sewer, or other public work in the City, a..d to report the same to the Road Committee. _ ^cc. 5. It shall be the duty of the^said Surveyor to enquire mto the subject matter of all applications or petitions brought before or submitted to the Koad Committee, in relation'to any matter ni connection with the Road Department, and to report to the said Committee the particular circumstances of such applications or petitions. Sec. 6._It shall be the duty of the said Surveyor to examine and superintend all public works undertaken for and on be- half of the Road Committee, and to enforce the observance ot all contracts for the execution of such works. Sec 7. The said Surveyor shall, annually, on or before the fifteenth day of March, report to the said Council upon the works and improvements made in his department durino- the preceding civic year, and also upon the state of all woi°ks or improvements in progress in the City, with any suggestions he may deem expedient to offer in the premises. Sec. 8. It shall be lawful for the said Surveyor to place when necessary, proper guards or enclosures in any street or section ot street, wherein any work, repair or improve- ment IS being made, for the purpose of preventing such works, repairs or improvements from being impeded or inter- fered with, before they are fully completed: Provided, that m all cases, where required, a sufficient passage shall be left tor toot passengers. Sec. 9. In all contracts rc^iuiring any excavation to be made m any of the atreets or public places in the City, it I BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 18 ty City Sur- veyor in the id who shall le said City ' to examine pairs or im- I'alk, sewer, ;he same to before the upon the unng the works or 3stions he to place, street or improve- ;ing such or inter- dc'd, that Jl be left )n to be ■ City, it shall be the duty of the said Surveyor to have a covenant inserted, whereby the contractors for all such work shall bo bound to erect, at their own expense, a sufficient fence or enclosure around the said work, and during the night to place a light or lights in such a manner as to prevent dlinger to passengers ; such fence or enclosure, light or lights, to°be continued until the completion of the work ; and the contrac- tors being made responsible, in all cases, for any damages which may be occasioned by the violation on their part^'of any of the stipulations aforesaid. Sec. 10. It shall be lawful for the said Surveyor to grant to any proprietor or occupant of any house or lot in the said city, a permit to connect any private drain with any of the common sewers of the city, provided that nothing be done contrary to the By-law of the said Council in that respect, and that one dollar be paid to the said Surveyor, for and on behalf of the said Council, for every such permit. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the said Surveyor, under the direction of the Road Committee, to employ cartmen to remove the manure, rubbish and dirt from the streets, and to report Aveekly to the Road Committee all infractions of the By-laws relating to the sweeping, cleaning or obstructing of the streets of the City : he shall also have charge and care of all carts and implements belonging to the Road Department, and shall keep the same in good order. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the said Surveyor, when' required by any person wishing to build on any street or public place in the City, to establish by a survey the line of such street or place, and to draw up a proces verbal of the same, a copy of which shall be delivered to the proprietor, or person requiring such alignment, on payment of a sum of two dollars, to be accounted for to the City Treasurer. Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of the said Surveyor to render to the Road Committee, when required, an account of all expenditures by him made, connected with the cleaning and repairing of the streets, and of all moneys by him received for the use of the Corporation. Private drfiiiiM Fee. t'ity Surveyor may cmplo'v cnrtmc'ii to' remove dirt from streets, Ho shall }{Mf alignment of street to jiarlies applyinf? lor the same. Foe. Ho shall render an account, &c. 14 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. B \Viit(?r Dopnrt- iiic'iit, imdcr whose direc- tion. Superintendent to have cliargo "f ucjueducts, Ac. He shall make an annual report. f 'ity's agents may enter premises, &c. Iiitrodtiction of water and dis- tribution pipes CHAPTER V. ''''^Z!^!:^'^'' ''" ^^--^ '^"'J Manage- ment of tlie Montreal Water Works nml to establish a Tar: " s""'' the said ComX". tr b^ S .'^^"'^^^ "^ '■^■»' '^^ the water ,jit)es\r,d n„,„ ^"^ ^y^^" -Tenant, to examine and the JZl of le" '"' ""' ^"'""'J' "' ™'^' -<•- .ht%^p,i!:;tr::srterw^^^^^^^^^^ expense of t,.e ^i^lZT^ T "' '"" "' '" Wiidin, ma, he „o'o,,ied V at^ attrpS BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 15 1 Manage- 'orks, and ^ates. f the City of lall be under b shall take 5 and other nging to or Committee rm all such of him, hy fore the fif- ^ Council a 3 and such eem expe- ion, which deputies, examine ter used, buildings e hy and )ution of id at the ny such oprietor I thereof shall refuse or neglect to provide for the said distri- bution, such tenant may, in case the said Council shall exact from him the payment of the rate imposed as aforesaid, with- hold from the said proprietor, out of the rents to be paid to him, the sum thus paid by such tenant, unless there be an agreement to the contrary between them. Sec. 6. All persons taking the water shall keep the dis- tribution pipes within their premises in good repair, and protected from frost, at their own' expense; and they' shall ))e held liable for all damage which may result from their failure to do so. Sec. 7. Water Tenants shall prevent all unnecessary waste ot water, and there shall be no concealment of the purposes for which it is used. Sec. 8. No alteration shall be made in any of the pipes or fixtures inserted by the City, except by its agents or officers. Sec. 9. No water is allowed to be supplied to parties not entitled to it under this By-law, unless by special permission from the Water Committee. Sec. 10. No person, unless duly authorized by the said Committee, shall open any hydrant in the said City, or lift or remove the cover of, or draw water from the same. See. 11. No person shall turn on or turn off the water in any manner, or interfere with any of the water pipes or valves belonging to the City, without the license of the Water Com- mittee, or of the said Superintendent. Sec. 12. No person shall pass the Railing enclosing the Reservoirs of the said City, or shall defile, or deposit any filth or offensive matter in the said Reservoirs, or on the bank or ground adjacent thereto, belonging to the said City, or shall allow any dog or other animal, to go or jump into the said Reservoirs, or upon the said bank or ground; or shall pass or remam upon the said bank or ground after ten o'clock in the evening ; or shall do, or cause anything to be donr tend- ing to defile or corrupt, to disturb or agitate the waters of the snirl Rpanr'Ti"'" Tenants to keep liipos in good rei)air. To vrovont waste, &c. No alteration to be made, ex- cept, &c. Water not to be supplied to otlier parties, &G, Hydrants. Turning on or turning off of water. No person to interfere witli reservoirs, V8 OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. STORES, SHOPS, OFFICES, ETC. Per Annum. For each House, part of a IIouso or Tenement occu- pied as a Store, Shop, Office, Warehouse, Manufac- ture, or other place of business, with the exception of Retail Groceries : 1. — When assessed at an amount not exceeding $50 per annum. Four Dollars l|4.00 2- — When assessed at an amouiii exceeding 1 50 hut not over $75 ^qq 3. — When assessed at an amount exceeding $75 but not over $100 g.OO And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that is to say, adding for every additional sum of $25 or any part thereof, One Dollar 1.00 HOTELS OR TAVERNS. For every Hotel or Tavern : 1- — When assessed at an amount not exceeding $100 per annum. Twelve Dollars 12.00 •2. — When assessed at an amount exceeding $100 but not over $150 17.00 8. — When assessed at an amount exceeding $150 but not over $200 22.00 And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that is to say, adding for every additional sum of $50 or any part thereof. Five Dollars 5.00 STABLES. In Private Stables — including water for washing Car- riages, if there be any ; For each Horse ^qq Carter's Stable : For each Horse, owned by a Carter or Truckman, or driven in a Cart, Truck, Diable, or such like vehicle 1.50 BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. li» Per Annum. For each Horse owned by a Cab Man, or driven in a Cab, Coach, or such like public vobicle $2.00 In Livery Stables : For each Horse kept for hire 1,50 For every unoccu[ned one horse Stall in such Stables. 0.50 In Stables in which horses, the property of persons residing Avithin the limits of the City, are kep«, fed and groomed : For each Horse 3 qq For every unoccupied Stall 0.50 In Stables for the keeping, feeding, and grooming of horses, belonging to persons residing be^ ond "ho City limits : For each one horse Stall 0_5q For each Cow kept in the City i.qo „M STEAM ENGINES. For every stationary high pressure Engine, working not over twelve hours per day : For each horse power n qq Or for every 100 gallons of water (the supply to be'de'- termined by metre to be furnished by the occupants) 0.03 For every stationary lo.v pressure Engine : For every 100 gallons of water (the supply to be de- termined as above, by metre, furnished by the occu- pants) For the supply of Locomotive Engines belonging to Railroad Companies ; or the Engines used in" Brew- erics, Distilleries, or any other Manufactory, or for any other purpose whatsoever, not specially provided for in the pr-sent Tariff: For every 100 gallons of water (the supply to be de- termmeu by metre, furnished by the occupants) . . . All rates imi)osed as above for Steam Engines shall be distinct and separate from any other rate for water' imposed upon the premises. 0.03 0.03 20 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Where there is no metre, the supply to be charged for upon an estimate to be made by the Water Com- mittee of the quantities used each day. FOUNTAINS. Fountains shall only be supplied with water at the discretion of the Water Committee, and when so supplied shall be charged as follows : For every 100 gallons of water ; The quantity used to be determined in all cases by the estimate of the Water Committee or by metre. $0M "WATER CLOSETS. „ Per Annum. J^or each Closet, with Tank and Service Box 4.00 For each Closet without Tank, but with Self-closing V^l^« ? 6.00 For each Closet supplied with water by any means whatsoever, but different from those above specified 15.00 BATHS. Public Baths, or Baths for the use of which a charge is made by the occupants— for each tub 6.00 HOSE. For the right to attach and use a Hose of not more than three-eighths of an inch orifice, for watering the streets, &c 2 a,, BUILDING PURPOSES. For every thousand Bricks used, the water therefor to be charged , (Payable in advance) O.lO For every toise of Masonry, the Water therefor to be enlarged (Payable in advance) 0.05 For every thousand yards of Plastering « 5.00 larged • Com- it the en so BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. When Water is required for purposes not specified in the foregoing Tariff, the rate sh ill be fixed by the Water Com- mittee. The Water Committee shall have power to ascertain, by metres, the quantity of Water used in any of the above cases, and charge accordingly. 21 $0M ies by Per Annum. .... 4.00 osing 6.00 leans ified 15.00 :'ge is 6.00 more g the 1.00 or to nice) 0.10 o be nice) 0.05 5.00 CHAPTER VI. By-Law in relation to Assessments and Taxes. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The Assessors of the said City shall begin the per- umo. uf formance of their several duties, on or before the tenth day of ^'*'^^^^*"''^- May, in each and every year, and they shall make their first general return of the assessments and taxes to be levied in the several Wards of the said City, on or before the first day of August following. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the said Assessors to correct ibi.i. the said general return by adding thereto the names of any parties omitted, or who shall have arrived in the said City, or shall have become liable to pay any assessment or tax to the said City, at any time after the said general return shall have been made. Sec. 3. Any Assessor in aud for the said City, who shall rcmitv refuse or neglect to perform any of the duties which he is reijuired by law to execute, shall incur a Penalty not exceed- ing Four Hundred DollaiM, for each offence. Sec. 4. Between the tenth day of May and the first day A.sos.nu.ut ,.. of August, or as soon thereafter as may be found expedient Jou'n.i i"/';;;.! by the said Council, in each and every year, an assessment at " '"* ' the rate of one shilling and sixpence in the pound, of the assessed yearly value of all real property in the said City, estate. 22 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. •iiciit of one- Iiiill' ccni. stMtntc labor Duty oil ipoii the owners thereof: Provided however, tliat in the event of the said assessment not bein.' duly paid \,y the said owners, the same may be levied from" and be paid by the occupants of the said property, by whom' the same riay be tliereafter withhehl from the said owpors of the oaid i)roperty, out of the rents to be paid them therefor. Sec. 5. An annual assessment at the rate of one half cent per every four dollars of the assessed value of all real pro- perty m the said City is herebv imposed upon, and shall be payable by the pro])rietors of such real property, over and above the assessment imposed in and by the next preceding section of this By-law. ° Sec (5. The amount of commutation money, payable an- nually by each person liable by law to statute labour, on the highways within the said City, is hereby established at the sumot One Dollar; and every such person shall pay the said sum of One Dollar annually, and shall not be allowed to offer his personal labour on the said highways instead thereof. Sec. 7. An annual duty is hereby imposed upon, and shall be paid, m each and every year, by each and every person or firm of persons, being wholesale merchants or dealers or retail merchants and dealers, or wholesale and retail dealers m goods, wares and merchandises of any kind, or retail deal- ers in spirituous li.piors, (not being tavcrn-keepcis,) or for- warding merchants or forwarders, or the agents of merchants traders, forwarding merchants or forwarders, or bein.^ express agents, brokers, apothecaries, chemists, or druggistsror bein- mspectors of pot or pearl ashes, lumber, beef, pork, flom^ butter, or any other kind or description of merchandize' manufacture, produce or i)rovision whatsoever, or bein<- or carrying on the business of lumber merchants or dealers in wood, or keeping a lumber yard, with or without stoam or water-power, or being or carrying on the business of mer- chant tailors, boot and shoe makers, saddlers and harness makers, stone cutters, tinsmiths, carpenters and joiners blacksmiths, gun makers or gun smiths, confectioners, bakers, coftoe-housc keepers, cabinet makers, upholsterers or under- BY-LA AVS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 2n Provided, t not beinji 3vicd from, S by whom I owners of M thurcfor. e half cent I real pro- id shall be , over and preceding lyable an- ur, on the ltd at the y the said 2d to offer :^reof. and shall ry person lealers, or il dealers 3tail doal- ,) or for- lerchants, g express , or being i"k, flour, tjhandize, being or ealers in stoam or I of mcr- harness joiners, , bakers, V under- takers, dyers, founders : ginger beer, root beer, or spruce beer brewers ; soda water makers, hair dressers or barbers, ink or blacking maiuifacturers, gold smiths, silver smiths, Jewellers, gold and foil beaters, oil cloth manufacturers, soap and candle manufacturers, oil manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, cutlers, gilders and frame makers, painters and glaziers, pump and block makers, wire workers, brush makers, chair makers, tobacconists, coach and carriage makers, comb makers, furriers, hatters, musical instrument makers, nail manufacturers, millers, organ builders, tanners ; huvycrs, notaries, doctors, physicians or surgeons, dentists, surveyors, architects, artists, miniature or portrait takers, collectors, accountants, bailiffs, and generally on all trades, manufactories, business, arts, professions, means of profit, livelihood or gain, Avhether herehi])efore enumerated or not, which now are, or may hereafter be, carried on, exercised, or in operation within the said city ; and on all jjcrsons by whom tlie same are or may be carried on, exercised or put in opera- tion therein, either on their own -account or as agents for others ; at the rate of thirty dollars for every four hundred dollars of the assessed yearly value of the premises occupied and used by any and every such person or firm of persons, for the purposes aforesaid, and at and aRcr the same rate for every greater or less sum of such value as aforesaid : Provided that no person or firm of persons shall be subject to the rate or tax hereinbefore specified for any occupation or business otherwise subject to taxation under the present By-law, or for or on account of A^iich the said person or firm of persons is ((b-eadi^ specially rated, taxed or assessed un'^'r this By-law. Sec. 8. An annual duty, in addition to the rates or duties Dutyo.,tnvc.,>,. already imposed by law, upon every person or persons keep- ''""""'■'• iug a house or place of pul)lic entertainment, is hereby im- posed upon, and shall be paid by every person or firm of persons keeping a house or place of public entertainment, or retailing spirituous li(piors, within the said City, which said duty shall be levied upon, and be payal)lo by, the said keepers of houses of public entertainment, or retailers of spirituous liquors, with reference to the assessed yearly value 24 nil;!! I3Y-LAAVS OF TJIE CITY OF MONTREAL. iii^' of the premises occupied and used by such person or firm of persons for. tlie purposes aforesaid, and in proportion thereto, at the following rates :— Tlie said duty to be so paid shall be rated at twenty-seven dollars when the assessed yearly value of the premises used by the person or firm of persons on whom the said duty is levied, shall not exceed one hundred and sixty dollars : at thirty-six dollars when such value as afore- said shall exceed one hundred and sixty dollars, but shall not exceed two hundred and forty dollars ; at forty-five dollars when such value as aforesaid shall exceed two hundred and forty dollars, but shall not exceed three hundred and twenty dollars ; at fifty-six dollars and twenty-five cents Avhen such value as aforesaid shall exceed three hundred and twenty dollars, but shall not exceed four hundred dollars ; at sixty- seven dollars and fifty cents when such value as aforesaid shall exceed four hundred dollars, but shall not exceed five hundred dollars ; at seventy-eight dollars and seventy-five cents when such value as aforesaid shall exceed five hundred dollars, but shall not exceed six hundred dollars ; at ninety dollars when such value as aforesaid shall exceed six hundred dollars, but shall not exceed seven hundred dollars ; at one hundred and one dollars and twenty-five cents when such value as aforesaid shall exceed seven hundred hilars, but shall not exceed eight hundred dollars ; at one li..,idrcd'and twelve dollars and fifty cents when such value as aforesaid shall exceed eight hundred dollars, but shall not exceed one thousand dollars; at one hundred and twenty-three dollars and seventy-five cents when such value as aforesaid shall exceed one thousand dollars, but shall not exceed twelve Hundred dollars ; at one hundred and thirty-five dollar« when such value as aforesaid shall exceed twelve hundred dollars, but shall not exceed sixteen hundred dollars ; at one hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents when such value as aforesaid shall exceed sixteen hundred dollars, but shall not exceed two thousand dollars ; at one hundred and seventy- five dollars when such value as aforesaid shall exceed two thousand dollars, but shall not exceed two thousand four hui.- drud dollars ; and when such value as aforesaid shall exceed i BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MOXTREAL. Of, n or firm of ion thereto, aid shall be early value US on whom mdred and xe as afore- iit shall not ive dollars indred and and twenty Avhen such ind twenty ; at sixty- s aforesaid 3xceed five eventy-five "■e hundred ; at ninety ix hundred rs ; at one when such lUars, but .idred and aforesaid ot exceed enty-three ? aforesaid 3ed twelve liars when 'A dollars, e hundred value as ' shall not . seventy- :ceed two four hui.- lU exceed two thousaiul four hundred dollars, an additional rate or duty of scveuteen dollars and fifty cents shall bo imposed for every four hundred dollars over the last mentioned amount. Sec. 9. An annual duty is hereby imposed upon each i>utyo„i, and every person being an Auctioneer in this City, or selling or exposing to sale within the said City, at public auction, vendue or outcry any live stock, goods, bank or other stock, real estate, or any other kind of effects whatsoever, which said duty shall be separate, distinct from, and exclusive of any and every assessment rate or duty, as merchant trader or anything else whatsoever, to which such Auctioneer or person selling by auction, vendue or outcry, may be otherwise liable. The said duty shall bo payable by each and every • member or co-partner of a firm, who shall act as an Auc- tioneer in this City, that is, by each member or co-partner of a firm, who shall individually cry or sell by auction, in the same manner as by each individual who shall carry on the business of an Auctioneer wholly on his own and sole account ; but all those members of any firm of Auctioneers in this City, Avho do not themselves cry or make sales by auction, shall not bo liable to, but, on the contrary, shall be exempted from payment of said duty. Pro/ided, however, n-ovio. that where any firm of Auctioneers, composed oi two or more partners, have only one place of business or auction mart, in tins City, and sell exclusively within said premises, auction mart, or [)lacc of business, and have no more than one sale at a time on or within said premises, then the said duty shall not be paid by each and every partner in the said firm, but by the firm only. The said duty shall be as follows : Firstly,— The sum of one hundred and sixty dollars shall Amo,,,,* ..r be paid annually l)y every Auctioneer selling exclusively ""'^' •within the premises or auction mart, occupiea by him as such Auctioneer, and not elsewhere in the said City. Secondly,— The sum of two Imndrod dollars shall be paid ibi-i. annually by every Auctioneer who may have mure than one place of business, or auction mart, in this City, or who may sell at others' places of business or premises. 26 BY-LAWS OF TilE CITY OF MONTREAL. Wlion clerks aro pini)liiyod to cry (lilt. No auctionocr to cry out When payable. ^ Scc. 10. The said duty shall be payable to the City Treasurer so soon as said Auctioneer shall be prepared to commence business as such in this City, and l)efore havin;^ any sale by auction therein ; and the year for which said duty shall be paid and received, shall be computed and reckoned from said date of the party being prepared as aforesaid to begin business as such Auctioneer in this City, and not from any other or later period. Sec. 11. Every Auctioneer, before employing a Clerk ti' other person to cry or sell by auction for him, in his name or on his behalf, in this City, shall first furnish to, and record with, the Treasurer of the City, the name of the party to be employed, and shall pay an annual duty of Forty Dollars, for each and every person to be so employed. ^^^- 12- ^0 Auctioneer or other person shall himself cry ..nh.s.ho,,ay. or soll by auction in this City, nor permit any other person to cry or sell for him by auction in this City ; neither shall any person cry or sell in this City for, or in the name of, any Auctioneer or other person, unless the duties imposed by the ninth section shall have been first duly paid to the City Treasurer. Sec. 13. Upon payment of the duties hereinbefore imposed on Auctioneers, the City Treasurer shall furnish a number to each and every Auctioneer paying said duties ; and no Auctioneer or person in his employ, or acting for him or on his behalf, shall soli or expose for sale by auction in this City, or permit or allow the same to be done, unless notice of the intention so to do be first given by the public exhibition of a flag at the place of such sale or exposure for sale, and at and during the whole period thereof, on which said flag, the number so to be given by the City Treasurer as aforesaid, shall be clearly and legibly visible. Sec. 14. Any Auctioneer or other person offending against any of the provisions contained in the next preceding four sections shall be liable to a Fine not exceedhig Twenty Dollars, and to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each' oftence. (My Troasiircr to furnisli iminber, &c. P.'iiii]ty. * AL. to the City 3 prepared to I)efore having liicli said duty and reckoned s aforesaid to and not from ig a Clerk <^ i- , in his name :o, and record le party to be y Dollars, for II himself cry other person neither shall name of, any i imposed by cl to the City ifore imposed sh a number ties ; and no 5 for him or notion in this less notice of lie exhibition for sale, and ch said flag, as aforesaid, ding against 3ceding four mty Dollars, lys, for each UY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTRKAL. 27 f Sec. 15. An annual duty of Eight Hundred Dollars is uns factories, hereby imposed upon each and every Gas Factory or Gas Company in the said City. Sec. 16, An annual duty of Eighty Dollars shall be paid by Livery .tab), every person or firm oi' jjcrsons carrying on the business or "'"''"'■ occupation of livery stable keeper, for the purpose of letting out horses or vehicles of travel, for hire or reward within the said City ; and a further annual duty shall be paid by every such person or firm of persons, at the rate of Three Dollars for every two-wheeled vehicle or carriage, and at the rate of Four Dollars for every four-wheeled vehicle or carriage kept for the i)urposos aforesaid. Sec. 17. An annual duty shall be paid by every person Duty on v,.i,i- and firm of persons, keeping a house or place of public enter- i.oToi kooSs- tannuent within the said City, at the rate of Six Dollars for every two-wheeled vehicle, and at the rate of Eight Dollars for every four-wheeled vehicle kept by him or them, for the use, purpose, benefit or advantage of his, her or their cus- tomers, visitors or others, or any other than his, her or their own private and personal or family use. Sec. 18. An annual duty of Two Hundred Dollars shall be Pawnbroker., paid by every person exercising the business of pawnbroker within the said City ; and any person who shall hereafter exercise the business of pawnbroker withouf having paid the said annual duty on the .«aid first day of May, in'each and every year, shall pay a forfeiture of Ten Dollars for each and every day such person shall offend against the provisions of this section. Sec. 19. An annual duty of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents Taxoni.orses. shall be paid by the owner or keeper of each and every working horse or mare, owned or kept in the said City ; and an annual duty of Six Dollars shall be paid by the owner or keeper of each and every pleasure horse or mare, owned or kept m the said City. And it is hereby further ordained and enacted. That all horses kept, and daily and constantly used and employed, in and about the work or labour, employment, occupation or business, by which the owner or owners thereof 28 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. ''uty on vclii oics used ibr liiro. Hlngo coaclipa, iininil)iiscs, &c IViiiilfy. N'i'liiclcs kept fill' i)I('usuro. IP earn, procure or obtain his, her or their support and main- tenance, shall be considered working horses ; and any, and all other horses or mares kept within the Citj, shall bo con- sidered as pleasure horses within the meaning of this section. Sec. 20. An annual duty shall be paid by every person, not livery stable keeper or tavern keeper, keei-ing or having to let out for hire, any two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle in the said City, at the rate of Three Dollars for each two- wheeled vehicle, and at the rate of Four Dollars for each four- wheeled vehicle so kept. Sec. 21. An annual duty shall be paid by every person keeping or using any stage coach, omnibus or stage waggon, for the purpose of carrying passengers in the said (."ity^ at the rate of Eight Dollars for every such coach, omnibus or waggon, drawn by one or two horses ; and at the rate of Twelve Dollars for every such coach, omnibus or waggon, drawn by four or more horses. Sec. 22. Any person who shall keep or let out for hire, any two or four wheeled vehicle, or shall keep or run any stage coach, omnibus or stage waggon for the purpos6 oi carrying passengers in the said City, without having i)ai(l the duty as in the two preceding sections p.reseribed, siiall incur and pay a Fine of Four Dollars for each day they shall so offend. Sec. 23. An annual duty shall be paid by every per- son residing in the said City, owning, keeping or using for pleasure, any can-iage, caleche, cart, waggon or o°ther vehicle of that description, at the rate of Twenty Dollars for every four wheeled close carriage, and at the rate of Twelve Dollars for every four wheeled half-covered carriage, drawn by two horses,, and Ten Dollars if drawn by one horse ; and at the rate of Eight Dollars for every double demiet, and at the rate of Six Dollars for every caleche, gig, or other vehicle, mount- ed on springs, and drawn by one horse ; and at the rate of Eight Dollars for every waggon or other vehicle not above specified, adapted for draught by two or more horses, pro- vided that in no case when both summer and winter vehicle of a corresponding description are kept, shall the duty be BY-IAWS OP TIIK CITY OP MONTREAL. 29 t and main- hI any, and liall bo con- this section. ei-y person, g or having dcd veliicle L" each two- i" each four- cry person i;c waggon, id City, at annihus or ho rate of )r waggon, t for liiro, r run any )ur})os6 of g paid the iliall incur I so offend. very per- using for or otlier )ollars for of Twelve drawn by md at the t the rate e, niount- 10 rate of lot above L'ses, pro- • vehicle, duty be -A 4 exacted on both ; but that in all cases where only summer or (inly Avinter vehicles are kept, the duty shall be payable thereon as if both summer and Avintcr vehicles, of a corre- sponding description, were owned, kept or used. Sec. 24. An annual duty shall bo paid by every person Dogs, owing or keeping any dog or bitch in the said City, and the said duty shall likewise be paid by the occupier of any house or premises in the said City, Avherein any dog or lutch is kept, sheltered or retained, or to which any dog or bitch hal)itually resorts ; the said duty is hereby regulated and established as follows : namely, at the rate of One Dollar and Fifty Cents, for each and every dog or bitch as aforesaid. Sec. 25. A special duty shall be paid annually by every Pedinrs. jiedlar, hawker or petty chapman in the said City at the rate of twenty dollars if he uses a cart or other vehicle for purpose of his trade, and at the rate of Eight Dollars, if nc cart or other vehicle is used for peddling his goods, Avares, or merchandises ; and any person who shall luuvk about any goods, Avares or merchandise, or sell or offer for sale any goods, Avares or merchandise in the said City Avithout having paid the said duty, shall incur for each offence a Fine not exceeding Ten Dollars or an Imprisonment not exceeding Forty-eight hours. Sec. 26. The proprietor of each and every Theatre in this Tiicatro:*. City shall pay an annual duty of One Hundred and Twenty Dollars over and above the assessment, on the yearly value of such building ; and no proprietor or proprietors of any theatre in the City, shall permit the same to be opened or any performance to take })lace therein, until the Manager or Managers of any Company or Companies, intending to open the said Theatre, or iierform therein, shall have first asked and obtained leave from the Mayor of the said City so to do, under a penalty not exceeding TAventy Dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 27. No person or persons shall open a circus or eques- circus oxiii- trian exhibition, or performance, in this City, or any caraA^in ' '°"*' or train of caravans of Avild beasts, or an exhibition or per- :}o ■ ! I'cnaltv. Perry boats. BankR. ]fV-I,AWS OF TJIK CJTY OF MONTRE.M.. formanco of any kind, whatsoever, citfiei as itinerant players, , • , ^-i..v.i aa iuuL-ranr, pavers. ':;;;:"' ""''^^T^ -■ ^^l-- ^-^rels, or exhihUe^ 0} "ouIt,e.., cuno8,t.es, wonderful animals, or any other natter or tlun^. whatsoever, without having, first previously obtanuM pernu.su.n from the Mayor of the said City so to do^ and wthout aving first paid the Treasurer of the'^.aid ty' «^ sum o One Hundred Dollars, as and for said permi.^ (If g.. nted) ; and without having also paid the said Trca- urer the further sum of Twelve Dollars,Vor each and evc^-^ lay or n,ir ' "^^^ '^ -^-^ '^™^""* '- ™'^^ ^^- _ Sec 28. All persons offending against any of the provi- sions of the next preceding section, shall incur a Penalty not exceedmg Twenty Dollars ; and be liable to an Imprison- ment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. Sec 20. An annual duty of Two Hundred Dollars shall bo paid by the proprietor or proprietors of each and every steain .erry-boat or other steam-boat, plying for hire or tor the conveyance of persons, by water, to the said City from any part of the parishes of Lanrairie de la Magdelaine and Longueuil, or from any wharf or wharves adjoining the shore of the said parishes ; and the said duty shall be payable by the proprietor or proprietors of each and every such steam ferryj)oat or other stcam-boat, plying as aforesaid, on or be- fore the twentieth day of May, in each and every year. Sec 80. An annual duty of Four Hundred Dollars shall be paid on or before the first day of May in each and every year, by each and every person or firm of persons, body corporate, association or institution, being, forming, or con- stituting a bank or bank agency, or doing or tmnsactin. banking business, or the business of any bank agency, in the said City, or being agents in the said City for any bank banking house, firm, corporation, or association Avliatsocver ' i m BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 31 \nt players, liil)itors of fiuy other previously y so to do ; said City, ponnission said Troa- and every be Opened mce is of > interest, bein,^ to lay deem the provi- L Penalty [ni pnson- lars shall id every hire or aid City, i^^delaine ining the payable ?li steam >n or be- ?ar. ars shall id every 3, ))ody or con- isacting ney, in y ))ank, ocvcr. Sec. 81. An annual duty of Two Hundred Dollars shall iiisiiiai..c bo paid by each and every Insurance A<^ent carrying on **' ' business as such or keeping an office for that purpose in tiiC said (.'ity ; and by each and every person carrying on busi- ness as Agent of any Insurance Comi)any, or keeping an office as such in the said City. Sec. ■)2. An annual duty of One Hundred and Twenty HroUi-r^ mid Dollars shall be paid by each and every person or persons, Ktis. carrying on the business of brokers and money changers, in the said City, or acting therein as the agents of any brokers and money changers. Sec. 33. An annual duty of Eighty Dollars is hereby Brokers ami •■ 11 1 1 11 • ' money Iciiilci; imposed upon all brokers, money lenders, commission mer- chants and the agents of all such in this City, save and except money l)rokers or changers, upon whom another and separate rate or duty is already imposed, in and by the next preceding section of this By-law ; and the duty imposed in and by this present section shall be payable by each and every person or firm of persons acting as brokers, money lenders, or commis- sion merchants in this City, and by the agents of all such, as soon as they shall establish themselves, or assume to do busi- ness, in this City, as such brokers, money lenders or commis- sion merchants, and annually thenceaftcr. Sec. 3-i. An annual rate or duty of Four Hundred Dollars TeicKraph .on shall be paid by each Telegraph Company, or the proprietors, ^"""■''^' owners or persons in possession of all telegraphs in this City, conveying or transmitting intelligence, information or mes- sages to or from this City by telegraph means. The said duty shall be payable and become due on the first day of May now next, by all Companies, firms or persons now having telegraphs in this City, and hereafter by all others so soon as they may be csttiblished, and annually thenceaftoi. Sec. 35. Except as regards goods, merchandise, or effects. Goods soi.i by which are either the produce of the Province of Canada, or '*'"^^*'' have been manufactured therein, no person shall hereafter sell any goods, merchandise, nr effects whatever, or offer the same for sale in this City, by sample, card, or other specimen, ;52 i I IH bl f BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. I.ii'i'iiscs fordo AlllKllllt. I>i<(ill(.rs. •trcwoi's. liillim-d tables, Ac for, or „n account of, any merchant, manufacturer, or other person whomsoever, not havin- his principal phice of business m this City, unless such person shall have been first duly licensed by the Treasurer of the said City so to do, under a Penalty not excee 1 notify Citv any Billiard Table, Bagatelle, Mississippi or other Board used Treasurer." for gambling, subject to taxation under the provisions of the next preceding section, or who shall permit the same to be used for hire or lucre, shall, before the expiration of one month after such Table or Board snail be put up or used, notify the City Treasurer of such BiUiard Table, Bagatelle, Mississippi or other Gambling Board, failing which the person neglecting to make such notification within such period shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars. Sec. 41. An annual duty of Fifty Dollars is hereby imposed Bail Alleys upon each and every Ball Alley, Skittle Alley, or Nine or 6 ^4 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MOXTREAL. Hrick yards. Homo dealers. IVimlty. Liability of tax- payers dellned. mil I III mi Ten Pin Alley in the said City ; and the said duty shall be levied from, and be payable by the proprietor of each and every such Ball, Skittle, or Nine or Ten Pin Alley, or of the house, lot or premises on, or in which, the same may be situated or found, if the same be not paia by, or cannot be obtained or levied by reason of poverty, or evasion, or other- wise, from the occupant of the premises on which the said ']all, Skittle, or Nine or Ten Pin Alley may be situated, by whom' the same is hereby declared to be due and payable in the first instance. Sec. 42. An annual duty of Forty Dollarc is hereby imposed upon every Brick Yard, or place used for making Bricks in the said City, and the same shall be payable on the first day of May, in each and every year, by the owner of every such Brick Yard, or place for making Bricks. Sec. 43. An annual duty of Ten Dollars is hereby imposed upon each and every person being Horse Dealer in the said City ; and upon payment of the said duty, the City Treasurer shall furnish a number to every such Horse Dealer. Sec. 44. No person shall deal in Horses in the said City, unless such person shall have previously paid the said duty, and obtained from the City Treasurer a number as aforesaid, under the Penalty of a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days for each offence. Sec. 45. Every person liable to pay the annual duties herenibefore mentioned and imposed, shall incur and be liable for, and shall pay the said annual duties respectively whether such person may continue and remain for a whole year, or for any shorter penod, in the exercise and practice of such trade, business or profession, subject to duty as hereinbefore directed, and that the keeping of a Horse or Horses, or of any Carriage, Caleche, Cart, Gig, Waggon, or any vehicle of that description, for two months in the' course of twelve calendar months, by any person or persons within the said City, shall be considered keeping a Horse or Horses vehicle of lall, by whom )le in the y imposed Bricks in first day 'cry such ' imposed I the said Veasurcr aid City, luty, and foresaid, Dollars, for each J duties and be ectively a whole practice luty as orse or ;gon, or course ! within I lorsos, liicle of that description, within the meaning of this By-laAv, and shall subject the keepers or owners of the same to the duties here- inbefore directed and imposed respectively. Sec. 46. All rates or duties imposed in and by this By-law, KiUosnua „ . , • 1 1 f ^ \ duties, when the tune of payment whcrcot is not provided lor, are liereby iinyaWc. declared to be due and payable on the first day of May in each and every year. CHAPTER VII. Bv-Law to Establisli a Board of Health in the City of Montreal. B E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. A Board of Health is hereby established and con- noariioiiii'iiitii stitutcd in and for the said City of Montreal. Sec. 2. The said Board of Health shall consist, at all times, iiowcon- of the Mayor of the City of jNIontrcal for the time being, and of the Members of the Health and Police Committees of the City Council for the time being, and five of them shall at all times constitute a (piorum to hold meetings and transact any business relating to public health. Sec. 3. Whenever it shall appear that the City of Montreal to iw incmispd is threatened with any formidable ei)idcmic, endemic, or con- amuTc.'^ " ''"' tagious disease, it shall be competent to the City Council, by a resolution to that effect passed at any special or quarterly meeting of the Council, to temporarily increase the number of Members of the said Board of Health, and to appoint from time to time, and at all times as aforesaid, an additional num- ber of persons, not less than nine nor exceeding eighteen citizens, inhabitants of the said City of Montreal, to be assis- tant members of the said Board of Health, for a period of time to be expressed in and limited by the resolution a[)point- ing them ; and during such period such persons so appointed .")(! BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. W i, I'owt'rs of Hoard. I II cast' of pidemic. h sball, to all intents and purposes, be and remain Members of the said Board, but shall cease to be IMcmbers thereof at the expiration of the said period, unless re-appointed. Sec. 4. The said Board of Health is hereby empowered to adopt and enforce all sanitary measures, and all measures relating to the cleanliness of the said City; and the said Board and every member thereof shall have power to enter, at all hours in the day time, all Houses, Sheds, Yards, Vacant Lots, and Premises of any kind whatsoever in the said City of Montreal, and order the removal of any offensive matter found therein, and order such cleaning, draining, and purifying as may be deemed necessary for the protection of the pirblic health, and also to enter any Boarding House and Lodging House, and command the removal of persons lodging therein" where the rooms are over-crowded or filthy, or unwholesome' for want of proper ventilation. Sec. 5. The said Board of Health, during the prevalence of any epidemic, endemic, or contagious disease, shall have also power and authority to prevent the entry into the said City of Montreal of all strangers or emigrants, and all baggage belonging to them, when the appearance of either indTclites danger to the public health. To adopt measures for purifying, draining, and cleansing of all streets and premises in all ways that may be deemed requisite to preserve the health of the City, and to appoint such other Health Officers a may be deemed necessary for superintending or carrying out the orders of the said Board of Health, and to enforce "the Rules, Regulations, and By-laws of the Council of the said City of Montreal relative to nuisances. To adopt prompt measures to prevent the spread of any epidemic or contagious disease, when it shall appear by a report of a Physician that any per- son within the City is afflicted with a disease of that character. To forbid and prevent all communication between any pkrt of the City so infected, except by means of Physicians, Nurses, or Messengers, to carry the necessary advice, medicines, and provisions to the afflicted. To cause any avenue, street, or other passage, to he fenced or enclosed, and to adopt suitable measures for preventing persons from going to, or coming # iLh j BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 87 ^lembcrs of sreof at the 3mpowerccl 1 measures 1 the said r to enter, els, Vacant aid City of itter found irifying as the public I Lodging ig tlierein, I'holesome, prevalence ihall have 3 the said II baggage indicates purifying, II all ways Ith of the may be : out the ;he Rules, d City of measures s disease, ; any per- liaractcr. ly part of , Nurses, iines, and :itreet, or t suitable I' coming from any jtiirt of the City so enclosed. To put itself in communication and in concert with the proper authorities or private institutions and individuals having charge of emigrants on their landing and passage through the Province, the Trinity House, the Harbour Commissioners, and the Board of Works, to establish a place of refuge, or Hospital, in or out of the limits of the City, for poor or sickly emigrants. Sec. 6. The Mayor of the City shall, when present, preside ''^'^ypj'^/" at all meetings of the Board of Health, or, in his absence, the Chairman for the meeting shall be chosen from, among the Members of the Health and Police Committees present. Sec. 7. Whenever from time to time the Statute of the Local uoaid , of ll(>altli. Provincial ParUament, passed m the 12th year ot the Keign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria, being chapter the 8th, and intituled " An Act to make provision for the Pre- servation of the Pubhc Health in certain emergencies," shall, by proclamation of the Governor of the Province, be declared to bo in force ; and whilst it shall so continue to be, so as to require the nomination and appointment for the City of Mon- treal of a Local Board of Healthy the Board of Health hereby constituted shall become and be, and the several and respective Members thereof shall act as " The Local Board of Health for the City of Montreal," and shall carry out and enforce the directions and regulations of the Central Board of Health, and exercise all the powers of Health Officers conferred by that Statute on the Members of the Local Boards of Health. Sec. 8. Any person or persons disobeying the orders of the renaity. said Board of Health, or of any Member of the said Board, or refusing to comply with such orders, or opposing the same in any manner whatsoever, or preventing any Member of the said Board '' Health from entering into any house, or on any premises, or assaulting them in the execution of the powers and duties imposed upon them, shall be liable and condemned to pay a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprison- ment not exceeding Thirty Days, or both punishments, accord- ing to the discretion of the Recorder's Court. 38 BY-LAWS OP TUB CITY OP MONTREAL. \l 'ill CHAPTER VIII. By-Law in relation to the Manufacture and feale of Bread. B^ Weiplit and qualify of broad. 1112 1 E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows ; Sec. 1. All Eread manufactured by the Bakers of this City for sale, shall bo made of the weight and quality here- after described, that is to say : the Brown Loaf shall be made of good wholesome wheaten flour, and be baked in loaves of SIX pounds avoirdupois weight each, or of half-loaves of three pounds avcrdupois weight each ; the White Loaf shall be made of good sound fine wheaten flour, and shall bo baked in loaves of four pounds avoirdupois weight each; or of half-loaves of nJ" woiSra,y.1 ^^'^ P0"»^^« avoirdupois weiglit each ; and every loaf of such iS'JZ^r' ^''^^ '^'""^^ ^« "^'-^I'l^cd with the numbers indicating the wei-dit of such loaf, and also with tlio initial letters of the name'of the Baker or Bakers thereof. And if any Baker or other person, or company of persons, shall bake, expose, or offer for sale, ni the said City, any Wheaten Loaves of less weight than such as herembefore described, or than what the said loaf or loaves purport to be, or that shall be made of unwholesome materials, calculated to defraud the public, or any loaf or loaves not marked as aforesaid, every such Baker or other person or Company so offending, shall incur and pay a Penaltv not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or be liable to an Imprisonment not exceedmg Thirty Days, or bo liable to both fine and imprisonment aforesaid, for eaclroffence, and shall moreover suffer the forfeiture and confiscation of all such Bread as shall be found of light weight, or of an inferior quality, or not marked as aforesaid : Provided always that such deficiency in the weight of such Broad siiall be ascertained by the Inspector or Inspectors of Bread, to be appointed by the said Penalty. Confiscation. Proviso. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 39 lire and ;he City of srs of this ility here- 1 be made I loaves of s of three II be made in loaves -loaves of if of such he weight name of or other ' offer for ight than d loaf or liolesome ' loaf or or other Penalty sonment Sne and loreover as shall , or not ficiency by the the said i Council, by weighing or causing the same to be weighed in his or their presence, within eight hours after the same shall have been baked, sold, or exposed for sale : And provided Proviso, farther, that whenever any allowance in the weight shall be claimed on account of any Bread having been baked, sold, or exposed for sale since more than eight hours as aforesaid, the burden of proof in respect to the time when the same shall have been baked, sold, or exposed for sale, shall devolve upon the Defendant or Baker of such Bread. Sec. 2.* It shall be lawful for the Council of the said City council to np- (•.•,,• . . , . , point Inspectors trom time to time, as occasion may require, to appoint one or of Broad more fit person or persons to be Inspector or Inspectors of Bread ; and it shall be the duty of the said Inspector or In- Their duties, specters, and they are hereby authorized and required fi-om time to time, not less tlian once in each month and whenever ordered so to do by the Mayor of the said City, at all season- able hours, to enter into, and inspect and examine every Baker's shop, store, house, or other building where any Bread is or shall be baked, stored, or deposited, or offered for sale, and in the presence of at least one witness, to inspect, weigh, and examine all Bread found therein : and also to stop, detain, and examine in any part of the said City, any person or persons, or any Avaggons or other vehicles carrying any loaf or loaves for sale, and in the presence, as aforesaid, of at least one witness, to weigh the same, and determine whether the same are in violation of the true intent and meaning of the present By-law ; and if the said Inspector or any one or more of the said Inspectors shall find any loaf or loaves of Bread deficient in weight or not conformable to the directions herein contained or any part of them, he or they shall immediately seize and confiscate the same for distribu- tion to the poor. Sec. 3. If any Baker or other person shall hinder, obstruct, ') Penalty for or prevent any Inspector or Inspectors of Bread, from making inlpc;^^°s*bf any examination authorized or required of him or them by this llrcad ill the execution of their duty. • By a Resolution of Council, of the 10th September, 1855. the Chief, Hub-Chiefs, and Sergeants of Police are appointed Inspectors of Bread.' 40 V UY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTRKAL. By-law ; or shall hiucler, obstruct or prevent any Inspector or Inspectors aforesaid, or any person aiding or assisting him or t^iem from stoppnig any waggon or other vehicle for carrying Bread ; or from seizing, taking and carrying away, ..rul dis- posmg of, according to law, any Bread found in the said City not conformable to this By-huv; every person so offending shall forfeit and pay a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty l^oUars, or be liable to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, or be liable to both fine and imprisonment, for each and every such offence. CHAPTER IX. By-Law concerning the Erection of Buildings. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The Inspector of Buildings, appointed to enforce the laws relating to the construction of Buildings in this City and for the prevention of accidents by fire, shall be termed Inspector of Buildings, and shall be under the direction of the Fire Committee. &'•;?« and ^ ^''- ^- ^"^ P*^^'^°" ^^^^" hereafter construct any Wooden iX^"^ -Buikhng, of any kind or description whatever, within the limits of the said City; or cover wholly or in part any Building of any kind whatsoever, within the City limits, except as hereinafter provided, with shingles or wooden material of . any kind whatsoever ; neither shall any person erect or construct, or attach to any Building, within the limits afore- said, any gutter, conductor, or spout that is not effectually secured against fire. It may however bo lawful to erect ■•-•-viso. Buildings encased with brick work. Provided, however, that nothing in this law contained shall be construed in any man- ner to prevent the Council of this said City, in special cases, BY-L\W.S OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 41 iispector or ■nig hiui or )r carrying f, und dis- ! said City, offcudins ig Twenty ing Thirty , for each Idings. e City of ) enforce this City, 3 termed ectiou of Wooden itliin the Building ^cept as tcrial of irect or ts afore- "cctually to erect ^er, that ly man- i cases, and for special causes, to give permission to erect Buildings difierent from those specified in the next preceding section. Sec. 3. No front, rear, or other wall of any such Dwelling- house, Store, Storehouse or other Building now erected, or hereafter to be erected, in the said City, shall be cut off or altered below, to be supported in any manner in whole or in part by wood, but shall be wholly supported by stone, brick, or iron, and no wood shall be used between such wall and such supporters. Sec. 4. Every Building hereafter erected or constructed vvoodeu contrary to the provisions of the foregoing sections, shall be, a nuisauco. and the same is hereby declared to be a public and common nuisance. Sec. 5. No person shall repair, or cause to be repaired, wooden roots ■1 ., Of 1, • 1 i. 1 or spouts not to any wooden or other root oi any brick or stone house or uo repa'roa with Building, or any spout, belonging or attached to any house or boaAsf °^ Building within this City, with any shingles, boards, planks, or other wooden materials whatsoever ; or with any other than metal or incombustible materials. Sec. 6. But whereas it has been shown to the satisfaction certain com- of the City Council, that the compositions for covering the rooling'per."^ roofs of Buildings, known and patented as " Warren's Pre- pared Fire and Water-proof Composition Koofing," and " Racicot and Laurent's prepared Fire and Water-proof Composition Roofing," are really and truly fire-proof, it may be lawful to construct board and plank roofs to Buildings within the limits of this City, and to cover the same with either of the said compositions : Provided, however, that the Proviso. Inspector of Buildings shall be empowered to order the same to be removed and to be replaced with metal in case of roofs so covered which he sh ill decide lo be defective and liable to damage by fire. Sec. 7. If any Wooden Building shall require new roofing, wooden it shall and may be lawful for the proprietor or proprietors receive a' newT thereof to raise the same for the purpose of making a flat roof, provided that such new roof shall be covered with metal 6 42 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. >h! Jlay be oii- largocl. Woodon sheds. riazza, bal- conies, &c. rrivies. llcpairs to wooden buildings. Damage, by whom ascer* tainod. or any of the articles Sanctioned to be used in the next pre- ceding section of this By-haw, and pro\ided such liuikling ■when so raised shall not exceed thirty-five feet in height to the highest part thereof from the curb level. Sec. 8. No Wooden Building now erected shall bo enlarged or built upon, unless such extension or addition be of fire- proof materials, nor shall any Wooden Building be removed from one lot to another. Sec. 9. No Wooden Shed shall be erected or permitted unless one whole side of the same shall be left entirely and constantly open, and provided also the same does not exceed twelve feet in height to the peak or highest part thereof from the level upon Avhich it is placed. Nothing in this section or in this By-law shall be held or construed to pro- hibit the erection of any Piazza, Platform or Balcony, not to exceed ten feet in Avidth on the level of the first story of any Building to which the same may be attached : provided that such Piazza, Platform or Balcony shall not extend more than three feet above the second floor of any such Building as aforesaid. Sec. 10- All Privies not exceeding ten feet square and ten feet high shall, and all Ferry-houses may, be built and covered with wood, provided such Privies and Ferry-houses shall not be used for any other purpose than a Privy or Ferry- house. Sec. 11. Every Wooden Building, which may hereafter be damaged by fire to an amount less than one half of its value, may be repaired or rebuilt ; but if such damage be greater than one-half such value thereof, then such Building shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be taken down. Sec. 12. The amount and extent of such damage by fire or otherwise, mentioned in the last preceding section, shall be determined by the Inspector of Buildings, one Surveyor appointed by the Fire Insurance Company or Companies, if such Building be insured, and one by the owner, or owners of the property. But if such Building or Buildings be not insured, then the damage shall be determined by the said BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 43 Inspector, one persor appointed by the owner or owners, and another expert chose i by the two former. In case the owner or owners shall refuse or neglect to appoint an expert for the purpose of estimating such damage, then it shall be lawful for the Recorder to appoint such expert. Sec. 13. No person or persons shall hereafter construct coubu^^c^u of in any House or Building covered with shingles, or Avood, within the said City, any Chimney or Chimneys which shall be elevated less than three feet six inches above the ridge-pole thereof, or shall construct in any house covered with metal, slate, or tile, any Chimney or Chimneys which shall be so elevated less than two feet, or shall construct such Chimney or Chimneys so obliquely as to prevent it or them being easily swept, or shall construct any vent or vents or sweep opening in such Chimney or Chimneys of less area than one hundred and forty-four inches each, or shall fail to have the joints of the bricks, when such material is^ employed, smoothly pointed or drawn, the bricks also to b*e well laid in mortar, and grouted with liquid mortar. Sec. 14. No person shall hereafter construct, or permit «;i^kc!mn. to be constructed, in his, or her house, in the said City, any Chimney of brick, the sides of which shall be of l<-s thickness than eight inches, within such Building, and the area of the flue thereof less than one hundred and fourty-four inches, or without having a good and proper' stone foundation; neither stovo^ij;p;;^, shall any person pass a stove-pipe through the top or sides of any Wooden-house, Out-house, Fence, or any Building what- soever, owned or occupied by such person in the said City. Sec. 15. Any proprietor or proprietors of any House or ch.mneys to Building within the said City, who shall neglect or refuse to order, &c. maintain the Chimney or Chimneys of such House or Building in good condition, or to repair the same when required by the*'ln3pect(jr aforesaid, or fail to cause the removal of any obstruction or obstructions in the said Chimney or Chimneys, preventing the same from being well and easily swept, or who shall permit more than two pipes to terminate in the same Chimney in each story of such House or Building, or who shall 44 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Chimneys witliout tlre- places. Ladders to chimneys. Ladders on buildings. Gable ends <>f liouses. Placing of heartli-stones. Buildings iidjoiuing streets to have spouts. allow a stove-pipe to terminate in any other place than in a Chimney, shall incur and pay the penalties hereinafter provided. Sec. 16. The proprietor or proprietors of any House or Building within the said City, having any Chimney or Chim- neys with no fire-place or fire-places thereto, shall cause to he made into such Chimney or Chimneys such opening or openings, securely guarded by iron doors and frames, as shall admit the said Chimney or Chimneys to be easily swept : said iron doors to be at least twelve inches square. Sec. 17. All Ladders to Chimneys in the said City shall hereafter be well secured and fastened to the same by iron hooks, and shall not extend higher than within six inches from the tops of such Chimneys ; and the tops of Chimneys, if composed of brick, or more than one stone, shall be hooped with iron. Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of the proprietor, or in case the proprietor is absent, of the occupant or any person having the care of any House or Building in the said City to have and maintain on such House or Building, a sufficient number of ladders, and to have the same repaired or renewed when required by the said Inspector. Sec. 19. The gable ends of all houses to be hereafter built in the said City, shall be elevated at least two feet above the roof thereof, and the coping or covering of such gables shall be made of stone or covered with metal. Sec. 20. No person shall hereafter lay, or permit to be laid or placed in any wooden floor, any hearth brick or stone which shall not rest upon brick or stone underneath to its whole extent, not less than three inches in thickness, and which shall not be Avell bedded in mortar, and grouted so as to fill all the spaces, said brick or stone hearth to be eight inches longer at each end than the fire place, and sixteen inches in width from the face of the Chimney. Sec. 21. All proprietors of Houses or Buildings adjoining any public square, street, lane, or highway within the said City, shall have and maintain to such Houses or Buildin<. in any partition in the said house without leaving eighteen inches of clear space on all sides, unless said partition shall be protected by tin plate, nor shall any coal stove be placed nearer to any wooden partition or wood work of any kind than two feet, unless said wood work shall be protected by a screen of tin plate. inii-< alls 46 BY-LAWS OF TUB CITY OP MONTREAL. Hciitlli'H on rODt'H. ii^t' ; I'artition walls. liiiporfVctioiis in tl'o construc- tion ot houses. I'roliibition extended to repairs. Inspector may enter buildings, &c. Scaffolds liow to bo constructed. Soc. 2rj. Any ))i-oi»rictor of any House, Store, or otiicr Buildinj^ within tlio said City, more than one story hi^^h, mIio shall nOpdect to have and maintain an aperture, scuttle, or dormer window of not less diinen.sions than four hundred and thirty-two inches in area, on the roof thereof, with a ladder or steps thereto, or shall refuse to construct such scuttle or stairs within two weeks after being notified so to do by the said Inspector, shall incur and pay the penalty hereinafter provided. Sec. 26. Every Building, except a private dwelling, over thirty and under fifty feet in width, shall have at least one brick or stone wall running from front to rear ; or if over fifty feet and under seventy-five feet width, shall have two parti- tion walls as above ; or if over seventy feet and under one hundred feet, shall have three partition walls as above. Sec. 27. In all other cases not hereinbefore specified, wherever the said Inspector shall detect any imperfection, improper construction, or defect in any House or Building Avithin the said City, from which imperfection, improper con- struction, or defect there may apparently be danger from fire, the proprietor of such House or Building shall repair or remedy the same, within a reasonable time after being noti- fied so to dn by the said Inspector. Provided always, that in case of the absence of such proprietor, the occupant, or any person having the care of such House or Building, shall be held responsible for each oftcnce against the provisions of this section. Sec. 28. The same prohibitions and conditions which are hereby enacted as apT)licable to new Buildings, shall be held to apply also to the repairs of Buildings already erected. Sec. 29. The Inspector of Buildings shall have the right to enter all Buildings and premises on all lawful days, and during reasonable hours, for the purpose of performing" the duties appertaining to bis office. Sec. 30. All Scaffolds erected in this City for use in the erection or repair of stone, brick, or other Buildings, shall be well and safely supported, and of sufficient width, and pro- perly secured, so as to insure the safety of persons working BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 47 thereon, or passing under or by the same, against the falHng tliereof, or of such materials as may be used, placed, or deposited thereon ; and any person who shall erect, or use, or cause to be erected or used any Scaffold contrary to the provisions hereof, shall bo subject to the penalty hereinafter provided for. Sec. 31. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings Dilapidated to rc(iuire, by a written or printed notice, that all dilapidated puUud down. or ruinous Walls, Chimneys, or Buildings, that may endanger the public safety, be pulled down, demolished, and removed by the owner or party in possession or having charge thereof, within a reasonable delay, varying according to the circum- stances of each case, and to be specified in the said notice ; and every person on whom such notice shall be served, shall forthwith obey and comply with the recjuirements thereof. Sec. 32. When the person on whom notice shall have been At whose ex- served as aforesaid, shall refuse, or neglect to obey, or com- ^^^^°' ply with the requirements thereof, it shall be lawful for the said Inspector, at the expense of the party notified, to pull down, demolish, and remove, or to cnuse to be pulled down, demolished, and removed, all such dilapidated or ruinous Walls, Chimneys, or Buildings as may be specified or referred to in the said notice, and that may endanger the public safety ; provided, however, that such pulling down, demolition, and removal of the said Walls, Chimneys, or Buildings by the said Inspector, shall not exempt the party on whom notice shall have been served as aforesaid, from the hereinafter imposed penalty. Sec. 33. The expense of pulling down, demolishing, and ibid, removing any such dilapidated or ruinous Walls,Chimneys, and Buildings, whensoever incurred by the said Inspector, may be recovered with costs in the Recorder's Court, from the owner, or the person in possession or having charge of the said dilap- idated or ruinous Walls, Chimneys, or Buildings, refusing or neglecting to pull down or demolish the same as aforesaid. Sec. 34. Whereas serious accidents have occurred, and public buiid- much danger may be apprehended from the want of proper iwcd wuir '""' 48 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. w h I' I m BIH means for the sulo I'^rHSS of ni^fciiiblics in oiisoofitccicleut. I'rovisd. Duty of Inspec- tors" of Build- ings. Penalty. precautions being taken to prevent the loss of life by fire in Pul)lic Halls, Churches, or other Buildings Avherein largo assemblie.s usually gather : Be it therefore enacted, that no Lecture Hall, Theatre, Concert or Ball Room, Church, or other like Building in the said City, shall be used for the convening of assemblies of more than one hundred persons, unless the same be so constructed as to offer adequate means for the safe egress of such assemblies, in case of any accident by fire, and unless the proprietor or party in charge of the above mentioned Buildings shall have obtained a certificate to that effect from the Inspector of Buildings : Provided that in all cases the entrance doors to such Lecture Halls, Theatres, Concert or Ball Rooms, Churches, or other Buildirfgs shall be of adequate dimensions, and so made and affixed as to open exteriorly. Sec. B5. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings to examine each and every Lecture Hall, Theatre, Concert or Ball Room, Church, or other Building as aforesaid, and to notify the owner or person in charge of the same by a Avritten or printed notice to comply with the provisions of the next preceding section of this By-law, within a reasonabL lelay, not to exceed however thirty days ; and any such t uer or person in charge of the said Buildings who shall refuse or neglect to comply with such provisions, within the delay aforesaid, shall be liable to the following penalty. Sec. 36. Any owner, builder, or other person who shall own, build, or aid in the erection of any Building or part of Building within this City, contrary to, or in any other manner than authorised by the provisions of this article shall be sub- ject to a Fine of not less than Twenty Dollars, or an Imprison- ment not exceeding Thirty Days for the first offence, and to like fine or imprisonment for every forty-eight hours such person shall tail to comply with the provisions of this By-law, or continue in the violation thereof. If any person shall violate any other provision of this By-law, he shall be subject to the like fine or imprisonment. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 49 CHAPTER X. B By-Law concerning Burials. E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. ISTo person shall dm or open any grave, or cause any intramural grave to he dug or opened, in any Burying Ground, Cemetery, or prohibited. Church Yard, or in any other part or place in the said City ; or shall inter or deposit, or cause or procure to be interred or deposited, in any such grave, or in any vault or tomb, any dead body, within the said City, under a Penalty not exceed- I'euaity. ing Twenty Dollars and an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each and every offence ; and a further Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and a further Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days for each and every day (if sued for daily) that any such grave shall remain dug or opened, or any such dead body shall remain interred or deposited in any such grave, vault, or tomb. Provided, hoAvever, that nothing I'l-oviso. herein contained shall prevent the interment in Roman Catho- lic Churches in this said City, of the bodies of Priests or Nuns of the said Roman Catholic faith. Sec. 2. The Superintendent, Beadle, or other person or Boadicstomakc 1-1 e ^^ T, • A 1 • weekly return.^. persons havmg charge ot any vault or Buryiug Grround m or near the said City, shall, between the hours of nine of the clock in the forenoon, and noon, of Saturday in each week, make and deliver in the office of the Chief of Police, of the said -City, a return of the persons buried in such vault or Burying Ground, during the said week, in the form contained in the Schedule A, hereunto annexed, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and an Imprisonment not exceed- ing Thirty Days for each and every refusal, neglect or omission so to do. 50 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Duty of Cliief of I'olice. Sec. 3. It shall bo the duty of the Chief of Police to enter or cause to be entered the returns mentioned in the preced- ing Section, in a book, to be kept by him for the purpose, and on or before the hour of four of the clock in the afternoon of Saturday in each week, to make out and deliver to the City Clerk of the said City a general return of all the persons buried within the limits of the said City, during the said week, with all the particulars furnished to him in the several returns received by him from the Superintendents, Beadles, or other persons in chai'gc of the several vaults and Burying Grounds in or near the City, and also, to furnish the Clerks, Superin- tendents and other persons in charge of vaults or Burying Grounds with a suflficient supply of the forms in the annexed Schedule. „ i i Sec. 4. No Sexton, or other person having charge of any place of interment in or near the said City, shall, under a Boadlo to bo fiiniislicd witli ccrtilicatc of iinme, age, &c., of deceased. Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, mter or permit to be interred any dead body therein, without having received a certificate stating the name, apparent age, birth place, date and place of death, and the disease of which he or she shall hav. died, signed by the attending Physician, which certifi- cate the said Physician shall be bound to deliver under a • Penalty of Twenty Dollars ; or in case no Physician shall have attended such deceased, then by some of the family of the deceased ; and, in case such person cannot write or sign his name, such person may append his mark to such certifi- cate in presence of two witnesses ; and in case of an inquest having been held, the certificate shall be signed by the Co- roner ; and the said certificate shall be deposited, with the return, in the office of the Chief of Police, and the said cer- tificate may be in the form specified in Schedule B hereunto annexed. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 51 w o a to a to a o »— I « ^ a> C " s ^^ o o d5 13 o CO a I to o .a g .1 > •a m a • OJ r^ CJ.2 s •asuosio; •jCj;unoD %m\A\. ui.jj 2^- S3 •pj«Ai •;o3J4S 1 Moquinji •gXufi ■siijaopi 1 •SJUO,\ m •< poujuuiiifi ■sMopjAi •U3lU0^\^ pouaunT •8[J!0 10 •8JO[oiio«g •BJOAiOpjAV. •aoH 1 paujBK: 1 •siog •OSBOOOdJO 0}B(I w o Cm O M ■5 « eg rQ a o a &> pq >-. s C3 Cm O t-i a> P^ 4> o •73 CS M o .a "73 istricts — ) for all ' the said e done in s used by )r obstruc- iolation of By-law, or pany shall Corporation against any amount which the latter may have to pay on account of such damage or of any costs deriving therefrom. Sec. 26. Should the said Company neglect to keep the wimtif com- track or the roadway or crossings between and on each side Pp roal' wLy" of the rails, in good condition or to have the repairs made '" *"*'*''^' thereon, that may be considered by the Road Committee to be necessary, the Road Committee shall in that case, order such repairs to be made forthwith by the Company ; and if the Company fail in complying with such order, the said Committee shall cause the said repairs to be made at the cost of the said Company, and the amount so expended may be recovered against the said Company in any Court having jurisdiction in the premises. Sec. 27. The privilege granted by the present By-law Extent of privi- to the Company to be formed and established as aforesaid, IheVomS-.*" shall extend over a period of forty years from this date ; but at the expiration of twenty years the said Corporation may, after a notice of six months to the said Company to be given within the twelve months immediately following the expiration of the said twenty years, assume the ownership of the said Railway, and of all real or personal property in connection with the working thereof, on payment of their value, to be determined by arbitration, together with an additional ten per cent, thereon ; and in case the Corporation should fail in exercising the right granted to them of assuming the owner- ship of the said Railway at the expiration of twenty years as aforesaid, the Corporation may at the expiration of every five years to elapse after the first twenty years, exercise the same right of assuming the ownership of the said Railway and of all real or personal estate thereunto appertaining, after one year's notice to the said Company, to be given within the twelve months immediately following the expiration of every fifth year as aforesaid, and on payment of their value, to be deter- mined by arbitration, together with an additional ten per cent, thereon. Sec. 28. Should the said Company at any time give up RaiiB to be re- the Railway, or ccaso to exercise the privilege hereby granted l^^giv^i^^ Q railway. 58 Tlu; t'onncil may, in certain cases, revolto tlio privilege. Notarial agroo- mont provided for. LY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. to them, thev shall bo bound to remove the rails after three months' notice from the Corporation, and to have the streets traversed by the rails put in good repair and condition. Sec. 29. If the said Company fail in the execution of any one of the conditions or obligations imposed by the present By-law, and especially if they fail to complete the said Railway within the time stipulated for each of the Districts aforesaid, the said Council may revoke and annul the privilege granted to the said Company, by passing a resolution to that effect, and without the necessity of a recourse to the Courts of Justice. Sec. 30. The present By-law shall only come into force after an agreement, based upon the conditions and pro- visions herein stipulated, shall have been entered into and executed by Notarial deed, between the said Company and the said Corporation, represented by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized to sign such deed of agreement. CHAPTEK XII. By-Law to regulate the Sale and Measure- ment of Coal. B E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows Anthracite coal to be sold by weight. '< ! Ibid. Sec. 1. All Anthracite Coal which shall hereafter be sold in this City, shall be sold by weight ; and the ton of two thousand pounds avoirdupois weight, with its parts and pro- portions, shall be held as the weight by which the same shall in all cases (except by cargo) be sold. Sec. 2. On or before the delivery of such Coal, so sold, it shall be the duty of the seller thereof, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, to cause the same to be weighed by one BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 59 Fter three lie streets ;ion. icution of cl by the iplete the 3 Districts ! privilege on to that ho Courts into force and pro- into and ly and the is hereby Lcasure- lie City of ter be sold ;on of two 3 and pro- same shall il, so sold, otherwise [led by one of the public weighers hereinafter designated, and a certifi- ccrtiHcato or cato of the weiglit thereof, signed by the weigher, shall bo ''"'"'^• delivered to the buyer, or his agent, at the time of the deli- very of such coal ; a duplicate of which certificate shall also be delivered to the seller, or his agent, if required. Sec. 3. No person engaged in the business of selling Coal soiirr. of coai shall act as a weigher under the preceding section. Tvi^uoV. "' _ Sec. 4. Any person Avho shall offend against the provi- Penalty, sions of either of the foregoing sections of this By-law, shall for each and every offence, be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, or to both. Sec. 5. The Clerks of the several Public Markets in this wi.o.hanac City, with tlyj exception of the Bonsecours and St. Lawrence "^ ""«"•-"•" Markets, shall be, and they are hereby authorized to act as weighers of such Coal, and to receive, on behalf of the said Council, the fees hereinafter mentioned. Sec. <3. The following shall be the fees which the said fcos for weigh- weighers shall be entitled to receive for the weighing of Coal "'*'"'""" as aforesaid, viz : For every load of Coal, not exceeding fifteen hundred pounds in weight, Five cents. For every load of Coal, exceeding fifteen hundred pounds m weight, Ten cents, which said fees shall include the certifi- cate (in duplicate) of the weight of such Coal, and shall be paid by the seller thereof; and the said certificate shall con- tain the gross weight, the tare and the number of the vehicle in which the same was Aveighed. Sec. 7. The said weighers shall submit to the City Clerk woigi.ors shall quarterly reports of their doings, in which shall be stated the &c*'""* "■''"'"''' number of tons and fractions of tons of coal weighed by them respectively, together with the amount of fees received, of which fees they shall make weekly returns to the City Trea- surer. 60 BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. CHAPTER XIII. By-Law concerning Dogs. No (log to Ro nt largo unless duty thereon is {laid. Dogs to bo t'uriiishcd with collar. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. No Dog shall be permitted to go at large or loose, in ay street, lane, alley, or court, or any unenclosed or public place in this City, unless the owner or keeper of such Dog, or the head of the family or keeper of the house where such Dog is kept or harboured, shall have paid the City Treasurer the annual duty imposed upon, and for, each and every such Dog, nor unless such owner or keeper of such Dog, or the head of the family or keeper of the house where such Dog is kept or harboured, shall also cause a collar to be constantly worn by such Dog, having the Christian and sur- name of the owner of the said Dog legibly written, stamped, or engraved thereon ; and in case any Dog shall be found loose, or going at large as aforesaid, contrary to the provis- ions of this By-law, the OAvner or keeper thereof, or the head of the family or keeper of the house, where such Dog is kept or harboured, shall, for each and every offence, forfeit and pay a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and be liable to imprisonment till the fine imposed be paid ; provided that the said imprisonment do not, in any case, exceed Thirty Days. Versons whose Scc. 2. On Complaint being made to the Mayor of this said pfalneroTTo City, of any Dog within this said City, which shall, by barking, agamstf*'''*''' biting, howling, or in any other way or manner disturb the quiet of any person or persons whomsoever, the Mayor, on such complaint, shall issue, or cause to be issued, notice thereof to the person keeping or permitting such Dog to be kept, or to the owner thereof; and in case such person or owner shall, for the space of three days after such notice, BY-LAWS OP THK CITY OP MONTREAL. 01 10 City of B or loose, iclosed or 3r of such use where the City each and r of such use where Dlhir to be i and sur- stamped, be found he provis- • the head og is kept orfeit and rs, and be ; provided sed Thirty f this said y barking, istu'rb the layor, on jd, notice Dog to be person or ;h notice, I I neglect to cause such Dog to be removed and kept beyond the limits of the City, or to be destroyed, ho shall, for each and every day which shall elapse^ until such Dog shall bo removed or destroyed, as aforesaid, (if sued for delay,) forfeit and pay a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and bo liable to imprisonment till such fine be paid; provided, however, that the said imprisonment do not, in any case, exceed Thirty Days; and, provided also, that the Recorder's Court, before which such complaint shall be heard and tried, shall be satisfied that such Dog had, in manner aforesaid, disturbed the quiet of any person or persons in the said City . Sec. 3. If any person after being convicted under the chief of i',.i,ce provisions of the second Section of this By-law, shall still !n cSi cus;;'.': neglect or refuse to destroy his Dog, on being ordered so to do, or if any DOg, of which ao owner or keeper shall be discovered, or whoso owner or keeper shall refuse or neglect to pay to the City Treasurer the annual duty imposed upon and for him> shall be found going at large contrary to the provisions of this By-law, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to cause such Dog to be destroyed . Sec. 4. Whenever information may bo given to the Mayor Mad dogs. of the City that a mad Dog has been seen running at large in any })art of the said City, or in any part of the parish of Montreal, or whenever it shall appear to the said Mayor that there is reason to apprehend danger to the safety of the citi- zens, from mad Dogs ; it shall be lawful for the said Mayor, Notice bv the and he is hereby authorized to give public notice, enjoining *^''^°'"- all persons in the said City of Montreal to confine their Dogs, or muzzle them in such a manner, as that they shall be totally ' unable to bite ; and that, during a space of time, which shall not exceed two calendar months, to be computed from the date of the publication of said notice ; and the said notice shall mention the time at which the confinement or muzzhncr of the said Dogs shall cease. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to Dogs foun.i .„.. cause to be destroyed all Dogs that may be found running at dl^t^^/e.}"'" large, or wandering in any part of the said City, not muzzled jjf^ 62 l'<>rr.vnipn to take out a li- BY-LA^t^S OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. IJccnsps to bn renewed every >ear. in the manner required by the preceding section of this By- law, after the publication of the said notice, and while the said notice shall continue in force ; and each and every owner, master, or person in charge of, or that usually harbours any Dog Avhich shall be found running at large, or Avandering in any part of the said City, without being muzzled in the man- ner aforesaid, after such notice shall have been published and while the said notice shall continue in force, shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each and every offence. CHAPTER XIV. By-Law in relation to Ferries. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. No person siiall hereafter ply as a Ferryman, to the City of Montreal > from any place on the Eastern or oppo- site side of the River St. Lawrence, within nine miles of the said City, nor shall any person for hire, ferry or pass over any person, animal, or thing of any kind whatsoever, to the said City, from any place on the said Eastern or opposite side of the river, within nine miles of the said City, without having first obtained a License fro, . the Council of the said City, under the signature of the City Clerk : Provided that nothiii" herem contanied shall apply to steamboats plying from Laprai- rie- or Longueuil to this City. Sec. 2. All persons obtaining licenses as aforesaid, shall be required to renew them annually between the first and the fifth days of the month of May in each year ; and the neglect so to do, shall be regarded as an abandonment of said licenses and of the cccunation of Forrvmen. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. G8 f this By- while the try owner, bours any idering in the man- pubUshed shall be ), and to each and e Citv of yman, to . or oppo- les of the )ass over ir, to the 3sii:e side it having lid Citv, t nothing n Laprai- lid, shall ; and the 3 nci'lect , licenses Sec. 3. All licenses to be issued as aforesaid, for Ferries, shall be in force until the first day of May next, after the date thereof, respectively, and no longer. Sec. 4. Every person obtaining a license as aforesaid, to ferry to the said City of Montreal, shall keep in his service, at least three able men, one Canoe and one Eateau, two Set- ting Poles, two Oars, and one Paddle, for each Canoe ; and four Oars and one large Paddle for each Bateau ; he shall be held to ferry over day or night, without distinction or par- tiality, and in the order in which they may arrive at the Ferry, all persons wishing to cross, provided it c^n be done with safety. No Ferry-man shall detain travel) nore than one (juartcr of an hour by day, and one half houi- by night ; and each Canoe when crossing, shall have, and be propelled hj, two, and each Bateau by at least three men. Sec. 5. No application for a license to Ferry shall be received unless notice of such application shall have been given forty-eight hours previously to making the same, to the Ferrymen already licensed at or near the place whence license to ferry is demanded; and unless proof of such notice having been given, be furnished at the time of making apphcation for said license. Sec. 6. The City Treasurer shall furnish each and every Ferryman obtaining a license, with copies of this B^^-law in the English and French languages ; each and every Ferry- man shall be bound to put up, and keep the same openly exhibited in some conspicuous part of his house ; and each Ferryman shall pay to the said City Treasurer Eight Dollars for his license upon obtaining the same. Sec. 7. No person acting as Fevryman as r^oresaid, shall demand, or receive any higher rates or charges than those hereinafter specified, namely : Licciiso to niii until llrst JIay. I'ulcs to be observed by ferrymen. Applieaiits for ferry licenses to give notice. Persniis obtain- iufr licenses to be ftirnislied with IJy-liuv. J"eo for license. Tariff. (i4 I'eimltv. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. TARIFF. IN BATEAUX. For a Calcche or Cart, drawn by one or two Horses and the Driver $1 . 25 For a Horse and the Rider, or for an Ox or Cow and the Guide \ qq For three Puncheons or less 1 . 25 If more than three, for each Q . 40 IN CANOES. For a foot passenger 0.35 If more than one, for each . 25 Sec. 8. Each and every person otfending against any of the provisions of this By-law shall, besides forfeiture of their license, forfeit and pay a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and be liable to an Imprisonment not exceed- ing Thirty Days for each offence. ,' » " ■ CHAPTER XV. By-Law concerning the Fire Departnient. ARTICLE I. OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. ARTICLE TI. I'RECAU'RONARY REOULATIONS. J'"ir6 Dcjiart- niiMit, iindcr w!io!-'j direc- tion. Article 1. OF THE ORGANIZATION OP THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The Fire Department of this City shall be under the direction of the Fire Committee of the Council. f BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 65 Pos^rof 'tl,?' f '' Department of this City shall be eom- ..oDopa. posed of ho undermentioned officers and men, who shall be S^^^^ known and designated as follows : One Chief Engineer, One Assistant Engineer One Hosemaker and Cleaner, Eight Guardians, Eight Assistant Guardians, Eight Drivers, who shall bo called " the City Firo Police," and as Firemen shall bo onWed to all the privileges, immudties, and "Z^ ^tions as bj law established. ^ station; ^^ioIoT' ''r" 'r; ^''"'''""' establishment of eight remanent he e s ull be placed such a portion of the Fire Department as he lire Committee may from time to time determine, who shall perform all the duties required of them, and especially the p-otection of property from fire, and the watering of the streets Each station shall be supplied with the necessary apparatus and equipment of horses, hose reels, carriages, lad- ders, axes, torches, &c., &c. ' o » ^ hwtt^f'"w, ''"'"' '"• *'' --1 Eire Committee, ...... or .a- h< vii g hr.t obtained the consent of the Council cherefor, to ^SoT^'^^'- a^ld to the present establishment by increasing the number of stations, should the increase of the City hereafter make such extension necessary. .bnir; ^" '^^'' ^'''''^'^'''^ A^^'^'^tant Guardians, and Drivers, ouardian. &c hall form one Company of Fire PoK.e as aforesaid, consist- l^ol™ mg ol eight sections, and shall be employed to operate Fire Engines, Hose Hooks, Ladders, Axes, &c., according to the exigencies of the service, and under such Rules and Reo-ula- tions as may be established by the Fire Committee. " Sec. G. The moi. heretofore constituting the Fire Depart- r.n , mcnt of tliia n;(-,r , i «. , e> v a.jn. -I'cpmi- 01,1 firemen to mtnt ot this City who may offer their services, shall be "•"'»( '"yi'-'Te :rr' ■'" v '^"^ ^'- ^'''"'^'"'."" <<>'■ ">o ^^ 1 :f """•"'■ opcahn;; Fu-e Eng.nea, workh.g Hose, placing Ladders, con- 66 BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. mh "I and any other duty which may be required of them in aid of the Fire PoUce. Thoir number. The number of Members of the said City Fire Company shall not exceed thirty-six, and they shall be under the im- mediate command of one Captain and two Lieutenants. It shall be lawful, however, for the said Company to enroll eighteen Supernumerary Members, to supply the places of absentees. Their privileges The Members of the Company so organized shall be and pay. , . , . . entitled to all the pi-ivileges and immunities of Firemen, and shall be paid as hei'einafter provided, subject to drawback Supernumerary for iion-attcudance. The Supernumerary Members, however, members. "ii i i • i i i i ■ r. ' Will only be entitled to pay when supplying the place of absent Members. i'arade.s. Scc. 7. The whole Fire Department shall turn out when ordered for Inspection, it being understood that at least one Parade shall take place annually. Rules and Soc. 8. Rulos and Regulations for the government and working of the Department, shall be issued from the office of the Chief of the Fire Department, under the sanction of the Fire Committee. ray of the offl- Sec. 9. The pay of the officers and men shall be as follows : ccrsand men. . " ( hiet Engineer '$800.00 per annum, Assistant do 500.00 " Hose Maker and Cleaner 400.00 " Flight Guardians 365.00 '' each. Eight Assistant Guardio.ns .. . 273.75 " " Eight Drivers 240.00 " " CITY i'lRE COMPANY. One Captain .ii!50 per annum, Two Lieutenants 40 " each'. Thirty-six Men 20 " '^ And no alteration shall be made in the salaries to be paid to the officers and men comprising the " City Fire Police " and " City Fire Company," unless the previous sanction of the Council shall have been obtained. BY-LAAVS OP THE CITY OF MONTUEAL. 67 sm in aid Company iv tbe im- lants. It to enroll places of shall be imcn, and drawback , however, place of out Avhen least one nient and e office of ion of the IS follows : mm, each. jacK. if to be paid e Police " anction of FIRE ALARMS. Sec. 10. Alarms of fire shall be communicated to the Fire Alarm Central office, and from said office to the several stations, '''''^'^'^^^• by Mectro-Magrietie Telegraph. feec. 11. There shall bo one Chief Operator and Super- Telegraph mtendent, and not less than two Assistant Operators, Avho shall °^""''*°"" be charged with the working of the Fire Alarm establishment, under rules and regulations to be fixed and determined by the Fire Committee ; the said Chief Operator and Superin- tendent shall have charge of the repairs of the Pohce and Water Department branches ; the outlay for such repairs as well as the proportionate cost of working the said lines, to be chargeable to those respective Departments. Sec. 12. There shall be four Alarm Districts established. Alarm Di.tricta ihe iirst District shall comprise the signal stations num- bers 4, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15, 18, 17, IG, 12, 13, and the St. George's Church Bell. The Second District shall comprise the signal stations num- bers 3, 43, 41, 20, 27, 28, 23, 29, 19, 21, 24, 8, 6, and the Parish Church Bell, Place d' Amies. The Third District shall comprise the signal stations num- bers 45, 42, 46, 47, 48, 35, 32, 31, 34, 38, 36, 37, 39, and the Christ Church Cathedral Bell. The Fourth District shall comprise the signal stations num- bers 2, 54, 65, 63, 62, 61, 57, 59, 58, 56, 51, 49, 52, 53 and the St. James Church Bell. ' Provided the Fire Committee may, with the sanction of Proviso the said Council, establish additional Signal Boxes and Alarm Districts wherever deemed necessary. Sec. 13. The Chief of Police shall be furnished with keys ronce.„e„ to ... to open the Alarm Signal Boxes for the use of the officers s'l^^^iVoxet"' and Constables of the force, for the purpose of communicating '^'''' v alarms of fire in accordance with such directions as shall be issued from time to time by the Superintendent of the Fire Alarm Telegraph ; and it shall be their duty to communicate such alarms whenever they shall have reliable information that a fire has occurred or is in progress 68 BY-LAWS OF THE OITY OP MONTREAL. Constables to report case of Are. I ! Duty of Police Officers in case of Arc. City Fire Police to bo sworn as Special Con- stables. Tlioir rank. Penalty for ob- structing Fire- men at tires, &c, No person to Interfere with Signal Boxes, &c. il I ll I Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the Constables, upon their return to their stations, from their patrols or beats, to report any fire Avhich may have occurred within their obser- vation, such report to include the name of the Constable who gave the alarm when such alarm shall have been given by a Police Constable, also the locality, time when discovered, and the interval of time Avhich shall have elapsed between the alarm and arrival of the City Fire Police : it shall be the duty of the respective officers in charge of Police Stations to transmit weekly abstracts of the said reports to the Super- intendent aforesaid. Sec. 15. It slrdl be the duty of the Chief of Police and Officers in charge of stations to detail a number of the force to protect property and to maintain order at fires. Sec. 16. The City Fire Police shall be sworn as Special Constables, for the purpose of assisting in the maintenance of order in the City, at all times, and more particularly at fires. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have rank in the Police force as Sub-Chief, the Assistant Chief as Sergeant, and the men as Sub-Constables. Sec. 17. Any person who shall obstruct any Member of the City Fire Police or of the City Fire Company in the per- formance of his duty as fireman, or who shall maliciously cut or in any Avay injure or damage any portion of the hose, hose reels, fire engine, ladders or other fire apparatus, shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. Sec. 18. No person shall open any of the Signal Boxes connected with the City Fire Alai-m Telegraph, for the pur- pose of giving a false alarm, or shall in any way interfere with the said boxes by breakuig, cutting, injuring, or defac- ing the same, or shall turn the cranks therein, except in case of fire, or shall tamper or meddle Avith the said boxes; or shall cut or injure any pole or wire connected with the said Fu-e Alarm Telegraph under a Penalty not exce edinnf Twenty Dollars, and an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Davs. for each offence. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 69 Article 3. PRECAUTIONARY REGULATIONS. Sec. 19. No person or persons shall hereafter erect, nse steam K«Rh,e. or employ any steam-engine, soap and candle, or oil cake ^T'"""'"'"'' factory, India rubber, or oil cloth factory, slaughter house, dyeing establishment, tannery, brcAvery, distillery, gas fac- tory, varnish factory, petroleum or coal oil refinery or ware- house, roofing composition factory, chemical works, alcohol rectifying establishments, or . Jier fiirtories or estabhshments wherein work, operations or processes, is or are carried on, liable or having a tendency in endanger property, or to affect or endanger the public health or safety, within the limits of the said City, withoui, having first applied for and obtained permission and authority from the Council of the said City so to do. Sec. 20. Whenever an application shall be presented to Report to be the said Council by any person or persons desirous of obtain- a"|.';;iicatio>r'* ing leav3 to erect, use or employ, within the limits of the said City, any steam-engine, soap and candle, or oil or oil cake factory, india rubber or oil cloth factory, slaughter house, dyeing establishment, butchery, tannery, brewery, distillery,' gas factory, varnish factory, petroleum or coal oil refinery or warehouse, roofing composition factory, chemical works, alco- hol rectifying establishments, or other factories or establish- ments wherein work, operations or processes, is or are carried on, liable or having a tendency to endanger property or to affect or endanger the public health or safety, the Fire Com- mittee and the Inspector of Buildings, the Health or Police Committee, as the case may be, shall, within a reasonable delay, make before the Council their respective reports on the merits of the said application, and the said Council shall then determine whether it is expedient to prohibit or permit such erection, use or employment : Provided, however, that in granting any such application the said Council may impose such restrictions and conditions as may be deemed expedient, ns regards the character of the buildii ig iu which it is pro- BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. posed to use or establish a steam-engine or any of the fac- tories hereinbefore specified, or the size and height of the chimney or chimneys in connection therewitli. I'liblic uotico to bo given of ap- pliontiou. l'reinist'8 inspected to bo &c. Sec. 21. Any person or persons hereafter desiring to erect, nse or employ any steam-engine, factory or establish- ment of any of the kinds mentioned in the foregoing section, shall be bound to give at lea«t ten days' public notice of his, her or their intention to apply to the said Council for leave so to do, in at least two of the newspapers published in this City in the English language, and in at least two of the newspapers published in this City in the French language, in -which the notices of the Council usually appear, -which notice shall also be placarded on the front of the building or premises in which such engine or factory is to be used or established as aforesaid ; and no application for leave to erect or use any steam-engine, factory or establishment of any of the kinds mentioned in the foregoing section, shall or may be received by the said Council, unless notice thereof shall have been given in the said newspapers, and placarded as aforesaid at least ten days before the time of making the said application, so that residents in the vicinity of the applicant, or the place where it is intended to erect, use or employ the said engine, factory or establishment, and others interested, may be afforded an opportunity to oppose the granting of the said apphcation, and time, if necessary, to be heard upon their opposition. Sec. 22. Upon the receipt of any application for leave to erect, use or employ any steam-engine, factory or establish- ment of any of the kinds hereinbefore enumerated, the Inspector of Buildings shall proceed to inspect the premises wherein it is intended to erect, use or employ the said engine, factory or establishment, and shall certify in writing whether the said premises and the apparatus connected therewith, are in conformity with the law, and so made as not to endanger the surrounding property, or affect the public health or safety : a copy of which certificate shall be delivered to the applicant and another to the Fire Committee ; and for such inspection BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 71 ■ the fac- it of the sinng to establish- 5 section, ce of his, for leave 3d in this '0 of the anguage, ir, Avhich lilding or ) used or 3 to erect 3f any of .1 or may •eof shall ;arded as ; the said applicant, tiploy the iterested, ng of the ird upon ' leave to establish- ited, the premises i engine, whether iwith, are 3ndanger ►r safety : applicant ispection and certificate, the said Inspector is hereby authorized to ask and demand from each applicant as aforesaid, for and on behalf of the Corporation of this City, the sum of Two Dollars. Sec. 23. No person shall have, keep, sell, or manufacture rotroioum, in any place or building within the limits of the City of Mon- "'"'°"' *'' treal, any crude or refined petroleum, earth or rock oil, benzole, benzine, naphtha, kerosene, coal oil or burning fluid, in larger quantity than five barrels in the aggregate, except it bo kept in close iron tanks, or in detached and properly ventilated stores or buildings specially adapted for that pur- pose, by having raised sills or other contrivances, so as effectually to prevent the overflow of such substances beyond the premises where the same are kept or stored. Sec. 24. No person shall manufacture or store any of the storage of a,,. articles mentioned in the next preceding section, in any wooden building, or any wooden building encased with brick, or any building covered with shingles or other wooden material, within the limits of the City, except wTien such articles shall be secured in suitable iron tanks. Sec. 25. No person shall manufacture or store any of the same, articles mentioned in the twenty-third section, in any larger quantity than is specified in the said section, in any building situate less than one hundred feet from any other building, and unless separated from said building by a brick or stone wall not less than ten feet in heio;ht. Sec. 26. It shall not be necessary that such building shall same. be enclosed by a wall as provided in the preceding section in any case where it shall be not less than three hundred feet from any other building, and provided also that none of the articles enumerated in said twenty-third section shall bo stored or kept above the ground story of said building. Provided, also, that in no case shall buildings used for such storage be connected with any adjoining store or building by drains or sewers of any kind. Sec. 27. Every person desiring to manufacture, keep or License Jor store, any of the articles mentioned in section twenty-tliird of ^^""'^^ "' "^"^ 72 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. this By-law, in any quantity exceeding five barrels as herein- before specified, shall make written application therefor to the Fire Committee, stating in said application, the place or build- ing in -which he desire. :>> uiu' :!';ccture, sell, or store, said articles, and the marinov in -whieli lie proposes to keep them; and it shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings, or in his absence, the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, to examine the premises and report to the Fire Committee, whether in his opinion said premises are made conformable to the provisions of this By-law ; and .pou his report the said Fire Committee shall take action and grant or refuse license as to them may seem meet, subject, however, to the approval of the said Council. Term of said license. » PI ii I'lcinises to bo exiiraincd, Stcani engines, how itcatcd. Sec. 28. All licenses granted under the provisions of the preceding section, shall continue and be in force from the time of granting the same until the first day of May next ensuing, and shall be renewed every year on payment of the fee here- inafter provided for. Sec. 29. Every person at the time of receiving said license, shall pay the sum of Two Dollars to be accounted for to the City Treasurer. Sec. 30. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings, or in his absence or inability, it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department in addition to the duties already severally imposed upon them by law, to examine all premises where either of the said articles mentioned in section twenty-three are manufactured, kept, or stored, so as to insure a strict compliance with the foregoing provisions, and they or either of them shall immediately prosecute all offenders against any of the provisions of this By-law. Sec. 31. No steam-engine in this City shall hereafter be heated with wood, or Avith any other description of fuel than coal, from the first day of May to the first day of November, inclusive, in each year, unless the funnel or chimney thereof be covered with a Avire netting or cap, sufficient to prevent the escape or emission of sparks of fire therefrom. II nV-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 73 llot-air furnaces. How con- structed. Sec. 32. Every kettle, boiler, or copper, for the use of uoiiorsfor any tallow-chandler, soap-boiler, painter, chemist, druggist, '""''" *"• or other such Artificer, within the said City, shall be soTxed or erected in brick or stone, laid in mortar, and grouted with iKpiid mortar so as to prevent all communication between the contents of such kettle, boiler, or copper and the fire ; and ' the fire-place under every such kettle, boiler, or copper shall be so constructed and secured, by an iron door, as to enclose the fire therein. Sec. m. No person shall hereafter build, construct or erect any Hot-Air Furnace, or cause the same to be built, con- structed or erected, in any house or promises in this City, except in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 84. The only manner in which it shall be permitted for any person hereafter to build, construct, or erect, any Hot- Au- Furnace in any house or premises in this City, or to cause the same to be built, constructed or erected therein, shall be as follows, viz. : First— In all cases when the Hot-Air Chamber in which the furnace is to be placed, shall be made of brick, it must be built on a stone foundation, and of at least eight-inch brick work, well laid in mortar, and arched over the top with eic^ht mch work, with a lining of tin inside the arch ; in which said Immg of tin the Avarm air tubes must be properly riveted, and they must also be to pass through the arch; the said arch to be surrounded with an iron band four inches by one quarter mch, to keep the said brick-work together. S'econcl~A space of at least twelve inches must be left l)etween the upper surface of the warm-air chamber and the bottom of the beams or ceiling ; the said beams or ceilino- must be covered with a sheet of bright tin plate secured thereto, seamed or soldered together, ^vhich mu.^t extend six inches beyond the top of the furnace on three sides, and one foot SIX niches on the front, above the furnace door. Third.— mien portable furnaces are to be used, they must Ifot-air chaml)or. Same. be placed on a cast iron pan or stand, said pan or stand to be 10 Portable liirniiccs. 74 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Smoko-pipc. Warm-air tubes. Ili>t-a!r placed upon a layer of bricks, tiles, or other non-combustible material (if on a wooden floor) ; the said pan or stand to project three inches beyond the hot air sheeting. And if the said furnace-stop be within two feet of the ceiling or beams, then the said ceiling or beams must bo protected in the same manner as in the brick furnace, as mentioned above. Fourth. — The smoke pipe must be made of, at least. No. 20 sheet Iron, and of a size proportionate to the furnace, and provided with a key or damper to check the draft ; the said pipe must be properly joined ; must be nine inches from any wood-work, and must be conducted into a proper chimney. Fifth. — The Avarm air tubes from the top of the furnace under the first floor, must be made of bi'ight tin, and must not pass nearer than four inches to any wood-work, and ))C enclosed with solid brick work, or said hot air tubes shall consist of double tubes made of tin plate riveted together at the joints, the space between them to be filled up with plaster . of Paris. Sixth. — All hot air registers hereafter placed in the floor of any dwelling, store, church or other building, shall be set in soap stone borders of the following dimensions, to wit: Registers smaller than twelve inches .long by nineteen inches wide, shall have a soap stone border not less than three inches in width and one and a quarter inches in thickness. All registers twelve by nineteen and less than fifteen by twenty-five inches, shall have a border not less than five^ inches wide and one and a half inches in thickness ; and all registers fifteen by twenty-five inches or more shall have a border not less than six inches Avide and two inches in thick- ness. All soap stone borders to be firmly set in plaster of Paris or gauged mortar ; all register boxes to be doublp and to be made of tin plate with a flange on the top to fit the groove in the soap stone. There shall also be an open space of two inches on -all sides of the register box extending from the under side of the ceiling below the register to the soap stone in the floor ; the outside of said space to be covered with a casing of tin plate made tight on all sides, to extend from lilHh BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MOXTIIEAL. 7') the underside of the aforesaid ccilin- up to and tuni under the said soap stone. Re-isters twe'-c },^ nineteen inches, or less than fifteen by fwenty-five iici.ts, , ;,all have a space of three mclies between the ro- stor be x and casing; regis- ters of fifteen by twenty-five and ■■( .> hall have a°space''of three and a half inches. All liorizo- registers must have a diaphragm of wire cloth so plt.ced ..'^ to prevent any com- bustible from entering the hot a-; liJxs. All the opening* through the base or skirting must have a stone frame or double tin filled with plaster of Paris one inch in thickness through all the wood work into the brick or other conductor. Seventh.~T\x(i cold air conductor must be of cast iron, cow-uir strong sheet iron or brick, for, at least, three feet from the '""'""""■• hot-air chamber ; the remainder of it may be of wood, pro- vided a wire screen be properly secured between the said iron or brick, and \vood ; and no gas pipe must be allowed to pass nearer than one foot six inches from any sraoke-pipo or hot-air conductor. Eujhth.-^o high pressure steam pipe shall be laid or steam-pipes placed in contact with any wood between floors and ceilin-rs or m plastered walls or partitions. When such steam pipes are used for heating, they shall be placed or inclosed in sand, brick, mortar, or other incombustible substance. Seq. 35. No person or persons shall use or put in opera- Furnace, to be tion, or cause to be used, or put in operation, any hot-air ""'^'""'"'' "" furnace, that may hereafter be built, constructed, or erected m any house or premises in this City, until the same shall have been first inspected and examined by the Inspector of Buildings, and until the said Inspector shall have furnished a certificate that the same is built, constructed, or erected m the manner heretofore provided. ^ Sec. 36. The said Inspector of Buildings is hereby autho- Foe nzed to ask and demand, for and on behalf of the Corpora- tion of this City, a fee of Four D.ollars, for each and every such examination and certificate, made and furnished byhim as aforesaid. inspected, &o. irrpv 70 Stov(!-pii)es. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL, I'ipe-liolos not to lie left OpPll. Friction Mtntulies. I'o be kept ill nates. t^iislacked lime. iSlinviiigs Ai>. liHinps in Htiibleii. Sec. 37. No person shall hereafter jiaas, or cause to be passed through any i)artition of wood, or wood and lime, or through a Avooden floor where there is no pi{)e-stono or iron pipe having flanges, one of which shall rest upon the floor, and the other connect with the ceiling under said floor, and having said iron pipe surrounded with brick work, in any house°or l)uilding within the said City, any Stove-pipe, with- out leaving six inches clear between the pipe and such parti- tion or floor. Sec. 08. No occupant or occupants of any house or build- ing within the said City, shall permit any Pipe-hole not m use in any chinmcy in such house or building to remain open, and not closed with a stopper of metal or other incom- bustible material. Sec. 39. No person shall hereafter matuifacture any kind of Fireworks, or Friction Matches, in any house or building in the said City, without a written permission or certificate from the said Inspector, for which he shall be entitled to demand and receive the sum of Two Dollars for the said Corporation : Provided, that no such permission or certificate shall be granted when such house or building shall adjoin or bo in the immediate vicinity of other buildings. Sec. 40. All persons in this City having Lucifer Matches, or Matches capable of being ignited by friction, in their possession, whether for use or sale, shall keep the same in stone, brick, or metal safes or boxes. Sec. 41. No person shall keep, connected with or lying upoi"! wood, any Unslacked Lime, in any House, Outhouse, or Wooden Btxilding within the said City ; or shall keep, or permit to be kept any loose Stra^v or Hay in any house hi which he, she, or they shall live ; or shall set fire to or bvu-n any Shavings, Chips, Straw, or other combustible materials, for the sole purpose of consuming the same, in any street, square, or lane in the said City, or within any enclosure, within one hundred and fifty feet of any building, or shall carry, or keep, or suffer to be carried or kept, any lighted candle or lamp, in any livery or other stable in the said City, iiii#. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 77 ! same 111 unless such lamp or candle shall be so enclosed in a lantern or shade as to prevent any accidents by fire therefrom. Sec. 42. No person shall smuke, or have in his posses- smokinjjin sion any lighted pipe or cigar in any Kope-walk, ©table, Barn, Carpenters' or Cabinet-makers' Work-shop, or other shop or building Avhere straw, shavings, or other such com- bustible materials may be, or shall carry fire through any of the streets, S(|uares, lanes, or court-yards in the said City, except in some covered metal vessel or fire-pan. Sec. 43. All Ash-holes, or Ash-houses for the keeping or stoinpc of storage of Ashes within the said City, shall be built of atone, brick, or iron, without the use of wood in any part thereof. Sec. 44. No person shall place or keep any AVood-ashcs, Samo. removed from stoves or fire-places, in any wooden box, or near any wooden |)artition in his, her, or their house or houses, in the said City, or in any out-house or shed ; or shall place, or permit to be placed, any Hay, StraAv, or other com- bustible materials, uncovered, in his or their yard or court- yard, or any lot of ground within one hundred feet of any building. Sec. 45. No person shall hereafter keep for sale or storage woodyaniM any Cord Wood or other Wood, Boards, Plankss or other wooden building materials, in any Yard in the said City, so near neighbouring buildings as to endanger the same, should fire occur, or shall keep such Yard without having tbe same inspected by the said Insi)ector, and without having received from him a Certificate of Insfjection ; for wbich Certificate the said Inspector shall be entitled to demand and receive the sum of One Dollar, for and on account of the said Cor- poration. Sec. 46. It shall not 1)e lawful for any person or jiersons Fii-owoiks. to keep or sell any F'ireivorl"S within the limits of this City in any quantity witliout first having obtained from the In- spector of Buildings a license therefor, on Avhich shall bo written or printed a copy of Rules and Regulations, relative to the keeping and storage of Fireworks within the said 78 BY-LAWS OF TIllO (MTY OF JIOXTUEAL. ! Fco. DisiOiiir^c (if (iicaniis unci liri'Wiiiks 1)1-0- liil.iti'd. (iiiiiuu'js, how to be swept. flavor 1(1 llCPllSP S\V('0|RI'.'^. City ; and every such license shall l)e in force until tlie first day of May next ensuing the date thereof, unless sooner annulled by said Inspector and no longer ; but such license may, prior to the expiration of that term, be renewed from year to year by endorsement thereon, provided ahvays that such license may be rescinded at any time by the said In- spector, should the holder thereof have infringed the afore- said llules and Regulations. Sec. 47. The Inspector of Euildhigs shall be entitled to demand and receive a fee of One Dollar, to be paid to the City Xi'f^f^surer, for every such license and renewal of license for the keeping, selling and storing of Fireworks within the limitsHjf this City. Sec. 48. No person shall fire or disharge any gun, fowl- ing-piece, firearms, or shall set fire to any cracker, squib, serpent, or rocket, or shall throw any lighted cracker, squib, serpent or rocket in any of the streets, S(iuares, or lanes of the said City, or nearer than eighty yards to any house or building within the limits of the same. . . Sec. 49. Each Chinmey and flue thereof in use in the City of Montreal, shall hereafter bo required to be swept by a licensed sweep or sweeps of the said City, three times hi the course of each and every twelve months, beginning on, and to be computed from the first day of the month of ]May in each and every year, namely : Once between the first day of the montli of JNIay and the first day of the month of Novem- ber in each and every year, and twice at intervals of at least two months' time from each other, •;■ tweeu the said first day of the month of November and the first day of the fol- lowing month of May. Sec. 50. It shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said City to annually issue and grant licenses to sweep the Chimneys and flues thereof, throughout the said City to so many persons of honest character and steady habits as he may deem expe- dient and necessary ; and to revoke and withdraw the said licenses whensoever and as often as occasion may recpiire, or the dishonesty of character, or impropriety of conduct, of the BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. r!> person or persons to whom the same may have been granted, shall justity the same being done. Provided, however, that no licensed sweep shall use any brush, broom, or other con- trivance for the purpose of sweeping Chimneys without first having submitted the same to the Inspector of Buildings for his approval. ' Sec. 51. Each and every person receiving any such license, Fco. shall pay the City Treasurer therefor, at and after the follow- ing rates, viz : For the license of a Master Sweeper, granted to himself, the sum of Five Dollars. For the license of each and every man or boy employed by him, the sum of One Dollar. Sec. 52. All licensed sweepers shall be under the super- sweopors- inteudence of the Inspector of liuildings, and it shall be their "uperin't'mN duty to obey all orders and instructions of the said Inspector, '"'"'''■ relating to the sweeping of Chimneys. Sec. 53. The following shall be and the same is hereby Tanflof established as the only tariff or rates of fees to be allowed ^'""'■«'''- and exacted, by each and every licensed sweep or sweeps, for thoroughly cleansing and sweeping the Chimneys and flues thereof in the said City, viz. : For sweeping each Chimney or flue thereof in a one-story house, Five Cents. . For sweeping each Chimney or flue thereof in a two-story house, Eight Cents. For sweeping each Chimney or flue thereof in a three-story house. Ten Cents. For sweeping each Chimney or flue thereof in a house cf four or more stories. Twelve au." v i.'f Cents. Sec. 54. Whenever any flue or Chimney within the said ronaity for City shall take fire, and i^ shall appear that the occupier or liro. '"''"'*'' occupiers of the house o- i.t,]! Jing wliere such flue or Chimney may ))e, had refused or neglected to have the same swept at the periods hereinbefore specified, every such occupier or occupiers shall bo liable to the penalty hereinafter provided. • w, 80 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. i.ow.rto pull Sec. 55. The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, or .lown iMHiding. .^ j^.^ absence or rlisahility, the Assistant Engineer, shall have power to direct tlie pulling down or demolishing of any house or building which he shall judge necessary to be so pulled down or demolished in order to prevent the spreading of fire. iToviso. Provided however that he shall have first obtained the sanc- tion of the Mayor for the time being, or in his absence, that of the Acting Mayor or the Chairman of the Eire Committee, for so doing. r.M,aity. Sec. 56. If any person shall violate any of the provisions of this article, he shall be subject to a Fine not exceeding TwentyDollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days for the first offence, and to like finC or imprisonment for every forty-eight hours such person shall tail to comply with the provisions of this article, or continue in the violation thereof. ! Stiuuliiid conl ti) rdiisist of. Lice used Corderg. By CHAPTER XVI. -Law concerning Firewood. B E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The standard cord of Firewood shall be eight feet in length, four feet in height, and three feet in depth, French measure, from point to scarp of the wood ; or shall consist of ninety-six cubic feet. Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful for any person to cord wood for hire unless he shall have first obtained a license from the Inspector of Firewood (hereinafter named), for which he ^hall pay the sum of One Dollar, which license will be renewed every year on payment of the same sum. Licensed Corders shall be entitled to receive for the cording of every cord of Wood, a sum not exceeding Five Cents, and shall use approved and stamped measures and no other, and shall allow no crooked limb, or unsound wood to enter into the cord. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 81 Sec. 3. The Chief of Police is lierebj appointed Inspector inspector of Firewood, and his duties in that capacity shall be to over- Aues."' see the Corders, and decide cases of dispute, as to the sale, measurement, or delivery of Firewood ; he shall also attend at certain fixed hours at his office, to issue licenses, as before ordained, receiving the fees and accounting, therefor, monthly to the City Treasurer ; he shall keep a register of the num- ber of licenses, the names and residences of the parties receiv- ing them, and shall report for suit, before the Recorder's Court, any cases of misconduct or of infraction of this By- law ; and the Sub-chiefs and Sergeants of Police are hereby appointed his Deputies, with full power to act in his absence, under his direction. Sec. 4. It shall not be lawful to sell, in this City, any Fire- rirowood i„ wood m a less quantity than two cords, unless it be measured to'be Su*i*S m a frame duly approved and stamped by the Inspector of '"" "■"'""• Firewood; for doing wJ.idi lie shall receive the sura of Twenty-five Cents. The said frame to be eight feet long, four feet three inches high, in the clear ; and its divisions, tf any, to be accordingly. Sec. 5. No Firewood shall be sold in any market or public An firewood place m this City except by the cord, or parts of a cord ; and lhe^co,*d' '^ any Firewood sold or offered for sale otherwise shall be seized and confiscated by the Inspector of Firewood or Clerk of any market, in the presence of one or more respectable witnesses. Sec. (3. Nothing herein enacted shall be deemed to have Government effect as to Firewood the property of Her Majesty's Govern- ''""" '''''^'"''• ment. Sec. 7. Any person who shall offend against any of the Penalty provisions of this By-law, shall forfeit and pay a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or 'be liable to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each and every offence. n IP' 82 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. CHAPTER XVII. Ill^ Observance of tlie Lord's Uay. I'averns to be closed on Suuday. (iaminfr, play- ing cards', &c. l)rohibited. I'olico officers autliorized to outer houses &c By-Law concerning Offences against good Morals and Decency. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. No Merchant, Trader, Petty Chapman, Peddler, Hotel or Tavern-keeper, or any other person keeping a house or place of public entertainment within the limits of the said City, or any other person, shall be allowed to keep open their places of business, and expose for sale, or be permitted to sell or retail on the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday, any goods, wares, merchandise, wines, spirits, or other strong or intoxicating liquors ; or to purchase or drink the same, in any store, shop, hotel, tavern, house or place of public enter- tainment, within the limits of the said City. Sec. 2. No person shall be allowed to open, or keep open any Dram-shop, Tavern, or other place of the same descrip- tion within the said City, during all the time that will elapse between eleven o'clock in the evening, on each Saturday, and the Monday morning next following. Sec, 3. Every description of Gaming, and all Playing of Cards, Dice, or other Games of Chance, with Betting, and all Cock-fighting and Dog-fighting are hereby prohibited and forbidden, in any hotel, restaurant, tavern, inn, or shop, either licensed or unlicensed, i\i this said City ; and any per- son found guilty of Gaming, or Playing of Cards, or any other Game of Chance, with Betting, in any hotel, restaurant, tavern, inn, or shop, either licensed or unlicensed, in this said City, shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter provided. Sec. 4. In order the more effectually to repress the offences above specified,— every Police Officer or Constable is hereby BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 83 Penalty on batliinj,' op- posite the city. Cruelty to auinials. authorized to enter each and every shop, hotel, dram-shop, tavern, house, or place of public entertainment within the said City, and to arrest therein, on view, any person or persons found guilty of any of the offences aforesaid. Sec. 5. No person shall swim or bathe in the River opposite or adjacent to the said City, or in the Canal, or other Avaters adjacent to any of the bridges or avenues leading into the City, so as to be exposed to the view of the inhabitants. Sec. 6. No person shall ill-use or cruelly treat any animal within the said City, either by unnecessarily or mercilessly beating, or by over-loading or over-driving it, or by carrying or transporting it, or by exhibiting or exposing it for sale in an improper manner or one unnecessarily painful, vexatious or dangerous to the said animal, or in any other manner or way whatsoever. Sec. 7. No person shall expose in any of the streets, squares, lanes, highways, or other public places of the said City, any table or device, of any kind whatsoever, upon which any game of chance or hazard can be played ; and no person shall play at any table or device, or unlawfi game, in any place as aforesaid. Sec. 8. No person, within the limits of the City of Mon- treal, shall keep any musical saloon or establishment wherein intoxicating liquors are sold, and wherein instrumental music or singing, or both, are used as a means of attracting cus- tomers. Tables for piniing upon in the streets prohibited. Musical saloon.'- prohibited. Sec. 9. Any person who shall offend against any of the provisions of this By-law shall, for each offence, incur a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and be liable to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, and a like fine and imprisonment for every forty-eight hours that such person shall continue in violation of this By-law. Penalty. 84 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. isiii CHAPTER XVIII. By-Law concerning Gunpowder. AUTICLK I. AKTICLK n AKTICLE HI, ARTICLE IV. AUTICLE V. POWDER MAGAZINES. INSrECTION OF rOWUEU MAGAZINES. LICENSES. CONVEYANCE OF GUNPOWDER. ACCESS TO POWDER MAGAZINES. ARTICLE VI. PENALTIES. yirlicle 1. Quantity of powder to bo kept in stores ~ljrait€(J. ,:nM Powder maga- zines— liow con st'ructed. POWDER MAGAZINES. BE it ordamed and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. No person sliall store, keep or have within the said City of Montreal, nor within five miles from the Iwundaries thereof, any quantity of Gunpowder exceeding twenty-five pounds in weight, at any one time, in any one house, build- ing, or place other than a building of stone, covered with metal made fire-proof, surrounded by an external wall of stone or brick, caped with stone, at least ten feet high, and separated from tlie said Magazine by a clear distance or space of ten feet at least, with one opening only in such wall, with copper fastenings. Sec. 2. No nj^terial shall be used in the construction of ■ Powder Magazines other than stone, brick, copper, bl-ass, wood, glass, tin, slate or zinc, and all such buildings shall be furni^icd with two lightning rods each, to be approved by the Inspector of Buildings of the said City ; two doors will be fixed, one on the outside of the wall of the said building, and another on the inside of said wal], with a distance of at BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 85 ;s. ( City of the said unclaries cnty-five e, build- fed Avith wall of ligli, and or space rail, with uction of r, bl-ass, i shall be Dd by the rs will be ling, and ICC of at arraugcnicnta. least two feet between the two, and shall be covered with brass, copper or zinc, with copper fastenings : the door in the external wall will also be covered with brass, copper or zinc, and shall not be placed in the side of the wall facing the main entrance of the said building ; and the door in the external wall shall be so located as to face away from the public road. Sec. 3. The barrels or kegs of powder shall not be piled internal on the floor of the Magazine, but upon racks one foot clear above the floor, and to no greater height than six feet ; but one rack may be made so as to be above the other between the floor and the ceiling ; the said floor shall be tongued and grooved, close-jointed and tight, and the passages shall be covered with hides ; the said floor shall be regularly swept so as to be always thoroughly clean. Sec. 4. StraAv, rags, grease, or any other substance liable to combustion shall not be allowed within any Magazine, or within the external wall of such Magazine. Sec. 5. No PoAvder Magazine, situated within three miles of the City limits, shall contain a larger quantity of Gun- powder than thirty tons ; if beyond three miles and within four miles, forty-five tons ; and if beyond four miles, sixty tons, at any one time. Sec. 0. No Powder Magazine shall be allowed to be erected or established Avithin five miles of the limits of this City, unless the same be at least two miles apart or distant from any other Powder Magazine ; but each Powder Magazine may have in connection therewith an expense Magazine or exam- ining room, for the purpose of examining the barrels or pack- ages of Powder on arrival ; provided the said expense Magazine or examining room be at least four hundred yards distant from the principal Magazine, and subject to the same rules and restrictions, as to its erection and maintenance, as are prescribed in and by the present By-law for ordinary Powder Magazines. Sec. 7. The following shall be the tariff of charges for the storage of Gunpowder in licensed Magazines, viz : Certain sub- stances prohib- ited in maga- zines. Quantity of ])ow(Ier in niaeaziiica — limited. Magazines to bo distant one Iron) tlie otiior. Kxponso magazines. Tariffofcliarges for storage of powder. III! liiiiiii lll'llll! 'iPli 1 i ■Jl«''!?ll 86 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Who Hhiill inspect inagiiziiies. Jnspoctor to report. Whoslinll visit mana/iiu'S when in use. Inspector, &c., autliorizcd to entei' iiremisos, A book to 1)0 kept in magazines, &c For receiving and delivering each (luarter cask of 25 lbs, 5 cents. For the whole year's storage of the same 20 " Fitly per cent, shall be charged for Canister Powder, over the above rates. #•' Article 3. INSPECTION OF POWDER MAGAZINES. Sec. 8. The Inspector of Buildings of the Corporation shall inspect all buildings destined or intended to store, or actually storing Gunpowder, with a view of ascertaining whether the same is made fire-proof, and according to law and to these regulations. Sec. 9. Previous to the said Magazines being made use of, the Inspector of Buildings shall report to the Police Com- mittee whether the same are according to law, and to these present regulations, or not, as the case may be. Sec. 10. When any ^lagaziue shall be made use of for storing Gunpowder, the Chief, or either of the Sub-chiets of Police, shall visit the same from time to time, and report at least once monthly to the Police Committee, giving all particulars of each inspection and supervision of the said Magazine. Sec. 11. The Ins^pcctor of Buildings, the Chief, and Sub- chiefs of Police, and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Depart- ment, or any one of them, may, at any reasonable hour, enter any building or premises within the City, or within five miles of the City limits, wherein lie, or they have reason to believe Gunpowder to be stored, for the purpose of exam- ining the said building or premises in search of Gunpowder stored therein. Sec. 12. A Book shall be kept in every such building or Magazine, showing all Powder entered and left daily in the said building or Magazine, and the balance on hand ; the said Book to be open at all times to the Chief and Sub-chiefs of Police. BY-LAWS OF TUB CITY OF MONTREAL. 87 ;cnts. a er, over poration tore, or rtaining ' to law B use of, ce Com- to these e of for chiefs of 'eport at Lving all the said lud Sub- I Depart- 3le hour, )r within ^e reason of cxam- mpowder lilding or ily in the and ; the jjub-chiefs Article 3. LICENSES. Sec. 13. No Magazine shall be erected, established, or No mngnzinp to used for the storing of Gunpowder within five miles of the Imt'i.MivoVr'"'' City limits, by any person or persons, as proprietor, tenant or occupant, without a license having been first duly obtained from the City Council ; and such person shall give at least a fortnight's notice of his intention to pray for the issuing of Noticp to such license, by publishing at least tri-weekly an advertise- ^''^"''"" ment to that effect in each of four newspapers printed in this City, to wit, in two English and two French newsj)apers. Sec. 14. The City Council may revoke and cancel the Licenspmay said license, or refuse to continue the same, Avhen the pro- •*" '=""''""«^- prictor, tenant, or occupant of a Powder Magazine shall have been convicted for a violation of the Act 27th and 28th Victoria, Chap. 56, or of any of the present regu- lations. Sec. 15. Each applicant for a license shall submit with Appiicnntsto his application a plan of the lot of ground upon which he onoulf intends erecting a Powder Magazine, with all the particulars connected therewith ; or a plan of the "Powder Magazine already, or actually existing, and for which he makes such aj)plication. Sec. 16. The said Council may thereupon grant a license Council may to the- said applicant, or permit the erection of the said *^'^''"* '"^'^""^' Powder Magazine, and authorize the Police Committee to grant and deliver to such ai)plicant a license to store Pow- der therein, so soon as he may have complied with the law and these present regulations, to the entire satisfaction of the said Inspector and of the Police Committee. Sec. 17. No person shall be permitted to store Gun- No person to powder in any Powder Magazine, nnless a license has been wmiout Wcenee. previously granted and delivered, as hereinbefore prescribed. Sec. 18. Each license so delivered shall be accompanied Licensps to bo by an authentic copy of the present By-law, signed by the copy'Tuy-iaw' City Clerk, who shall affix thereto the official seal of the City. \ y IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^v.^^ s!. 1.0 !|« Ji 1.25 "DM 50 2.5 1.8 i^ 11 1.6 nl Miuiogiapriic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4S03 r o Q- & A. '^^ 'm I 88 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Ai'licle 4. CONVEYANCE OF GUNPOWDER. Mode of convoy ancc dctincd. Sec. Ibid. 19. No Gunpowder shall be conveyed from the place of landing through any s. reet of the City except St. Mary Street as far as Papineau Square, and up Papineau Road to the City limits, thence to the Powder Magazines; and the vehicles carting the same shall be kept at a distance of one hundred yards at least from each other, as well within the five miles beyond the City limits, as within the said City. Sec. 20. No GunpoAvder over Twenty-five Pounds weight shall be conveyed from the said Magazine and brought within the City limits for being shipped on any Vessel, Railroad, or conveyance of any kind, unless the kegs containing the same be packed in boxes or casks, without any combustible mate- rial being used in the packing of the said boxes or casks. Powder on Sec. 21. No larger quantity than Five Hundred Pounds board ol vessels „ „ , in A-c.-iimited. 01 Gunpowder shall at any one time, within the City limits, or within the Harbour of the said City, be kept on board of any Vessel, Railroad, or other means of shipping or trans- porting from the City; and no larger quantity than Twenty- five Pounds thereof shall be in or on the said Vessel, Railroad, or other means of shipping or transporting, unless the kegs containing the same be packed in boxes or casks as herein- before provided. Sec. 22. No Gunpowder, except as hereinafter provided in and by the twenty-fourth section of this By-law, shall be carried or conveyed from any Powder Magazine into the said City, or through any street of the said City, or be delivered to any person or at any place within the said City, or on board of any Ship, Vessel, or Railroad within the limits ' thereof, unless the said Powder be carried or conveyed in vehicles Avhich shall be duly licensed and numbered in the manner hereinafter provided for, and which shall be of the following kind or description, to wit, closed and covered vehicles, the tops and sides of which shall be securely covered Description of vehicles for transport of powder. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 89 With tarpau m or oilcloths, and the body of such vehicles shall be fastened with no other kind of metal than copper brass or zinc ; the door of the said vehicles shall be closed fror^ .!™'''.'''t^*^' ''^'" ^''''^''' '' P^^* ^"*« «r removed from the said vehicles ; and the word "Powder," in both Enghsh and French languages, shall be painted in large letters on each side of the said vehicles. vej Gunpowder into or through any part of the said City or "«'^^""' within five miles from the boundaries thereof, or to ddiVer obtltVV'""^ 'r' "I""''' ^""'^ ''^"^^""^^ ^^-" h^- been obtained, for each and every year, to that effect, and until office of the Chief of PoHce, and a Certificate and a Number obtained from the said Chief of Police ; the said Number to di Jf .'T .. '^.' '"'^ ''^''' ^" ^ conspicuous place, as dir cted V he said Chief of Police ; and the sum of Five Kee Mars shah be paid for each registration, over and above the usual lax imposed upon the horse and vehicle, as in the case of other Carters. ™v'r \^° r'™" '''='" '"' ''"""<''' '" *"« any such dhvo„,„ vehicle wrthm the limits of the City, or within five mile, o""^"™"- h-om he boundaries thereof, without obtaining a Permit from the Chef of Police, and a Number, which stall be eon- P.CUOU, ,t h , .,„ f^„„, „f , .^ ^^^ ^^ ^__^j ^ of One Dollar AM be pa,d by such person at the issuing of such Poi-mit and Number. of finlf 'l ^'"'*' ^™'' ""*' "'' ^'■"=''''8'=' """"""g kegs ...r,,w.„. llwT T ""'"" ^ ™"™^^'l " Carts, 'IVueks, SS&K- or Waggons, such as are used for the ordinary purposes """""■ provKled there shall be no other article at the sLe tim S tl e vehicle with the said packages of Powder, and provided also that the same shall be well secured and overed rifti ''Poir " t°"'' 7"' """■ ™"-. wi«. the word and each bo.., cask, or package shall, moreover, be marked 12 ow mmm 90 BY-LAV/S OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. I'orsons ci powder not al lowed to sinoko, &o llorsos, Ac OX' eluded from inside exter- nal wall. on both ends or both sides with the Avord " Powder," in large letters. artinjv Soc. 26. No persoH whatever, carting or handling Gun- powder, shall have upon himself Pipes, Matches, or any substance of a dangerous or inflammable nature. Sec. 27. Horses, Carts, or Vehicles of any kind shall not be allowed within the external wall enclosing a Powder Magazine. Ai'ticlc 5. Rules to be ob- served by par- ties entering magazines. Who shall hold the keys, &c. ACCESS TO POWDER MAGAZINES. S -c. 28. No man or person shall be allowed to enter t'le ext xual wall of a Powder Magazine who shall carry upon his person a pipe, matches, or any substance of a dangerous or inflammable nature ; and express prohibition is hereby made to any person to enter the external wall or Powder Magazine aforesaid, unless he be clad with material of \fhich metals shall not form part, except brass, copper, zinc or tin, with slippers of carpet, or other soft material, or barefooted : and for the better execution of these presents, slippers of carpet shall at all times be kept and deposited at the entrance of the said external wall. Sec. 29. The proprietor, tenant or occupant of a Powder Magazine shall alone be allowed to have possession of the keys of the external wall, or of the Powder No lights al- lowed in magazines. Magazine and no Powder shall bo put in or taken from a Powder Magazine except during daytime, and the doors and openings of the said Magazines shall be closed and locked at all times except when it shall be necessary to put in or remove from the said Magazines a quantity of Powder. Sec. 30. On no account, shall a light or anything that can be made to produce a light, be taken inside of the external wall ; and as sooii as it shall appear that there is an approaching storm, all the openings of the Magazine shall be closed, and remain so until the storm is over. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 91 Sec. 31. In no case sliall packages, kegs or casks of Powder I'acknResin be admitted into any Powder Magazine when in a doubtful tight und sound state of repair ; they shall be tight and sound, and the tools used in repairing them shall be of wood, coppery tin or zinc, and of no other material. Sec. b2. Packages, kegs or casks of Powder shall be care- PackaMs-how fully carried to and from the vehicles employed in the convey- from vciildcs, ance of the same, and the said packages, kegs or casks, shall not be opened nor Powder removed therefrom, and the same shall be carried as aforesaid and not rolled along the floor or on the earth. Sec. 33. When kegs of powder shall require to be placed Largo packages in large packages, boxes or casks, it shall not be lawful to do wUhin^a'^coTtatn so within one hundred yards of any PoAvder Magazine nor "*^'"'°*'' "" within the City limits : and the doors of the external wall shall not be opened at the time that kegs shall be packed as aforesaid. • Article 6. PENALTIES. Sec. 34. Whenever Gunpowder shall be found in a larger police autho- quantity than twenty-five pounds in weight within any building cimrU^'of*''*^ or premises against the provisions of the present By-law, the m'vioiat'ion''of same shall be taken in charge by any member of the Police ^' *^^' force and transferred to a licensed Powder Magazine, under an order of the Recorder, as a preliminary step for the purpose of securing said Gunpowder, pending the proceedings for its confiscation before the Recorder's Court. Sec. 35. All Gunpowder kept, transported or stored, in PowdorforfeH- violation of the provisions of this By-law, shall be forfeited to, caseT'''""*"' and in favour of the said City of Montreal, on conviction of the party offending, before the Recorder's Court. Sec. 36. All persons offending against any one of the pro- fiuo. visions of this By-law, shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars, or an Imprisonment during Thirty Days, or both, for each offence. I BE; Mil 1)2 Intfrpretation clause. BY-LA Wa OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Sec. 37. The term powder or (/unpowder, used in this By- law, shall mean all Powder of an explosive nature ; and the terra powder magazine shall mean a building destined to the storage of Gunpowder. CHAPTER XIX. By-Law concerning Public Markets and the sale of Meats, Vegetables, &c. ARTICLE L DESIGNATION OF MAUKETS. ARTICLE IL DUTIES OF CLERKS OF MARKETS. ARTICLE III. GENERAL PROVISIONS. ARTICLE IV. BUTCHERS. ARTICLE v., WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. ARTICLE VI. FISH MARKETS. ARTICLE VII. HAY »IARKETS. ARTICLE VIII. CATTLE MARKETS. ARTICLE IX. PENALTY. B I'ubiie markets ilosignated. Article 1. DESIGNATION OF MARKETS, E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The folk ing places shall be, and they are hereby severally designated and declared to be the Public Markets of the City of Montreal, to wit : Bonsecours Market, in the East Ward thereof; St. Ann's Market, in the West Ward thereof; St. Lawrence Market, in the St. Louis Ward thereof; Papineau Market, in the St. Mary's Ward thereof; St. Antoine Market, in the St. Antoine Ward thereof, and St. Gabriel Market, in the St, Ann's Ward thereof ; for the sale thereon, respectively, of all kinds of Freeh Provisions, Butcher's Meat, Pork, Salt Meat, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fish, Fruit, Vegetables, and all kmds BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 93 L in this By- re ; and the tined to the and the rs. the City of ' are hereby Jic Markets rket, in the West Ward jQuis Ward ird thereof; thereof, and ;of ; for the Provisions, ese, Ducks, nd all kmds of Produce (except hay and straw) usually brought to, and sold in Public Markets. Sec. 2. Victoria Square, west of Craig Street, in the St. Hay markets Antonie Ward of this City; Papineau Square, west of Papi- neau Market ; the open space of ground on the south-east and north-west sides of the St. Gabriel Market ; the south-east and north-west sides of the St. Antoine Market, and the open space in rear of the Cattle Market building on Craig Street, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be the Public Hay Markets for the sale thereon, respectively, of all kinds of Hay and Straw, brought to this City for sale, and shall severally, in the order in which they herein stand, be designated as Hay Market number one, two, three, four, and five. Sec. 3, The lot of ground belonging to the Corporation in cattiemnrkcts. the said City of Montreal, fronting on Craig Street, and lying between St. Hubert and Campeau Streets, in the St. James Ward of the City, with the buildings thereon erected, and the north-west side of the St. Gabriel Market, with the enclosure thereon made, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, the only Public Markets in this City, for the sale thereon of all Live Stock, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Calves, Pigs (other than sucking ones), and all live animals whatsoever brought to this City for sale, provided that any Farmer having for sale, beside other produce, not more than two calves, or two lambs, may sell or expose the same for sale on Bonsecours, St. Ann's, St. Lawrence, Papineau, St. Antoine or St. Gabriel Markets, in his own vehicle, but not otherwise ; and provided also, that over and above all other charges to be paid by him, to the Clerk of such Market, he pay like fees for such calf or calves, lamb or lambs, as if the same were sold on the Cattle Market. The limits of the said several Markets shall be as Limits of mar. kets. Sec. 4 follows : 1. The limits of Bonsecours Market shall be on the ground Bon.o.ours floor of the building known as the " Bonsecours Market,'' ' facing on Commissioners Street, and the first flat or story of said building, facmg on St. Paul Street, the streets on each mar) 94 St, Ann's mar- ket. St. Lawrence market. St. Antoine market. St. Gabriel market. Hay market. I'apineau market. Grain and veg- etable market. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. side thereof, to wit: St. Paul and Commissioners Streets, from Jacques Cartier Square to Friponne Street, St. Victor Street, on the north-east end thereof, and the open space of ground or street not yet named, at the south-west end of said Market-house. 2. The limits of St. Ann's Market shall be the building known as the " &'t. Ann's Market,'' and the streets on each side and at both ends thereof, as far northerly as the line of Custom House Square, and at* far southerly as McGill Street. 3. The limits of St. Lawrence Market shall comprehend the building known as the " jSL Lawrence Market," and the streets on each side and at both ends of the same. 4. The limits of the St. Antoine Market shall be the building known as the " St. Antoine Market," and the streets on each side thereof, respectively called St. Bonaventure, Mountain and Aqueduct streets, and shall also include the new street on the north-west side of the said Market, extend- ing from Mountain to Aqueduct Street, and to be called " Market Street." 6. The limits of the St. Gabriel Market shall comprise the building known as the " St. Gabriel Market," and the streets on each side thereof, respectively called St. Charles, Guy, Centre and Richmond Streets. c. The limits of the Hay Market shall be the building and Weigh-house, known as the ^'■Hay Market," and that part of Victoria Square lying north of Craig Street. 7. The limits of the Papineau Market shall be the build- ing known as the " Pajnneau iWarket," and the Square on which the said building is erected. Sec. 5. The east end of the ground floor in Bonsecours Market, fronting on Commissioners Street, shall be, and the same is hereby constituted a Grain, Fruit and Vegetable Market, for the purchase and sale therein of all kinds of grain, fruits and vegetables, in bags, brought to this City for sale, other than those brought thtreto by Farmers, and sold by them in their vehicles on the Public Markets ; and the Clerk of Bonsecours Markat is hereby authorized to ask and receive, for and on behalf of the Corporation, the following BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 95 rates or charges for all Grain, Fruit or Vegetables brou^it to and deposited or sold in the said Grain Market, viz. • One cent per day, for each bag of Grain, Fruit or Ve-rotable brought to and deposited or sold in said Market. Ai'licle 2. DUTIES OP CLERKS OF MARKETS. Sec. 6. The Clerks of the Markets shall, under the control and superintendence of the Market Committee appointed by the said Council, have the care and superintendence of the said Markets and Market-places respectively; and it chall be Uieir duty to execute and carry into effect all the Regulations, Orders, and By-laws for the government of the same respect^ ively, and all the orders of the said Committee, not inconsis- tent with, or repugnant to, the said Regulations, Orders, or By-laws :— The said Clerks and also their Deputies or Assist- ants shall be sworn as special Constables, and shall wear a badge indicative of their authority as such. Sec 7. It shall be the duty of the said Clerks to enter in a Book,^to be kept for that purpose, accurate accounts, from day to day, of any and every infringement or violation of any of the Rules, Regulations, or By-laws in force, together with the name or names of the party offending, as also the name or names of one or more persons who mav have witnessed such infringen.ont or violation; which said^Book shall be at all times open to the inspection of the said Committee. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the Clerks of Markets, respectively, whensoever directed by the Market Committee so to do, to aj,^ Milt proper persons to perform the menial du- ties and services in and about the said Markets and Market- places, whom they may remove at pleasure, and to whom such remuneration and pay shall bo given as the Market Commit- tee may from time to time determine ; and the said Clerks of Markets shall, respectively, be held responsible for the good conduct and behaviour of such persons whilst in their employ. Sec. 9. Negligence, incapacity, partiality, or the slightest breach of trust in the performance of their duties, shall sub- Clerks to en- force reguln- tions. To keep record of violation of rules Menial duties on markets- how performed Noglectofduty, &c , to ental suspension. 96 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Market days and hours. jcct the said Clork^ to immediate suspension by the Market Committee, who shall at once report the case to the said Council for their decision. trluioormr? ^^^' ^^' ^^ ^^"^^^ ^^^^ ^'^ lawful for any of the said Clerks, ciiusoforotiiors or of tlicir Assistants, to trade, either directly or indirectly, in, or have any direct or hidirect interest in the sales or pro- fits of, any things or animals, which shall be brought and exposed for sale on any of the said Markets or Market-places, or to purchase any such, for and on behalf of others ; but the said Clerks, or their Assistants, shall not hereby be prohibited from purchasing in the said Markets what may be necessary for the private use of themselves and families. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the said Clerks to cause the said Markets to be kept open daily, (except Sunday, Christmas day, New Year's day, and Good Friday), from five o'clock in the morning till five o'clock in the afternoon, from the 1st day of April till the f rst day of November ; and from six o'clock in the morning till four o'clock in the afternoon, from the first day of November till the first day of February ; and from six o'clock in the morning till four o'clock in the afternoon, from the first day of February till the first April, in each and every year : provided that on the Saturday in each week the said Markets shall be kept open till ten o'clock at night ; unless the Saturday falls on Christmas or New Year's day, in which case the said markets shall be kept Attoiidaiico of open till the same hour the preceding or Friday night ; the said Clerks shall attend to the same constantly during Mar- ket hours, unless prevented by sickness or unavoidable ac- cident ; it will be their duty to cause all the dirt and filth in or about the said Markets to be removed with all possible celerity; to inspect all articles brought to their respective Markets; to decide all differences and disputes therein be- tween buyers and sellers ; to classify the various denomina- tions of venders in the said Markets, and to arrange all those contiguously Avho deal in the same or similar articles ; to ar- range all vehicles brought to the said Markets, and to enforce with impartiality all regulations for the government of the same. clerks. Their duties BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 97 Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of Bonsecours cjorkoithc Market, annually, from and after the first day of May in each "XtTn- year, to enre-ister, in a Book to be kept for that purpose, w^'r""' the names of all i)ersons (puilified by -ood character, conduct and capacity to be porters or carrier boys on any of the Mar- kets in the City, and to grant them Numbers or Certificates at the time of enregistering their names, which said Numbers and Certificates shall be good and valid till the first day of May next after they shall have been granted, and no lon-or • and the said Clerk shall be entitled to demand and rcc'nvc' from each and every person whose name shall be so as afore- said enregistered, and to whom a Number or Certificate shall 1)0 given the sum of twenty-five cents for each and every such registration and Number or Certificate ; and no person or persons whomsoever shall hereafter act as porter or carrier on any of the Markets in the City, for hire, without havin^' previously enregistered his name, and received such Number or Certificate as aforesaid. Sec. 13. It shall bo the duty of the said Clerks oi^ Markets Weigi. u.n...- to keep open the Market weigh-house during, and at the same '""' "'*''""''"• times, as the said xMarkets are hereinbefore directed to be kept open ; and the scales, weights, and measures, and every thing connected with them shall be maiikained in a clean and orderly manner ; and they shall weigh and measure the different articles that are sold and disposed of, iu the said Markets, whenever they shall be thereunto requir.)d, by the parties interested therein or any of them, for which weighing or measuring they shall be entitled to ask, demand and reS^ive* the following charges, for and on account of the Corporation' to wit : ^ ' Firstly,— For Aveighing all articles not exceeding fifty pounds, Two Cents. Secondly —For weighing all articles over fifty pounds, but not exceeding one hundred pounds, Three Cents. Thirdly,— For weighing all articles over one hundred pounds, and not exceeding one hundred and fifty pounds Four Cents. ' Cliai'Kos i'or weighing. 18 i>8 LY-LAWS OF THE CITY 01' MONTREAL. Doptily <>t Slnrl Clerks itnrkcts. Sale of buteh- (t's meat, pni- visioMs, &c., limited to uiRrkcts. I'niviso. Troviso. Fourthly, — For weighing all urticloa over one hundred and fifty pounds, and not exceeding two hundred pounds. Five Cents. Fifthly, — For weighin;.- all articles over two hundred pounds, and not exceeding three hundred pounds. Seven Cents. Sixthly, — For weighing all articles over three hundred pounds, and not exceeding four hundred jjounds. Ten Cents. Seventhly, — For weighing all articles over four hundred pounds, there shall be charged, in addition to ten cents, for every additional one hundred pounds. Two Cents. Eighthly, — For the measuring of every half-pint, pint, quart, gallon, or for the measuring of every bushel or minot of any article, Two Cents. Sec. 14. All the provisions of this By-law, relating to Clerks of Markets, shall e^iually apply to their deputies or assistants, or other duly deputed and authorized persons acting for them, or in their lieu and stead, in the event of the sick- ness or absence of the said Clerks. Article 3. GENERAL PllOVISIONS. Sec. 15. No person shall sell or expose for sale, in or upon any street, square, lane, or in any store, shop, dwelling, or other place in this City, than one of the public Markets thereof, any kind of fresh provisions, butchers' meat, pork, turkeys, geese, ducks, poultry, fish, fruits, grain, produce, or effects usually br aght to and sold on public Markets: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent Shopkeepers, Grocers, or Traders retailing as heretofore, in their shops or stores, butter, eggs, hay, straw, salt pork, fruits or vegetables ; Provided, also, that Farmers or Gardeners may sell and deliver to their customers in any part of the City, potatoes, of their own production, in quan- tities of not less than a bag, or one minot and a half, upon their obtaining from tlie Chief of Police a license for each vehicle used for that purpose, for which they shall pay the sum of Twelve Dollars, and which license shall be renewed every year. BY-LAWS OF TIIF CITY OP MONTREAL. ro. Sec. 10. All persons wl'.o shall brin- provisions, animals, Personn ...ihmk f<)ra;,'c, -rain, produce, or at.y effects whatsoever, to sell on Zii "."iiiow the said Markets, shall place themselves thereon, according 'a'lnk"^ to the directions of the said Clerks ; and, in case of dispute concerning preference or choice of places, shall submit to, and o])ey the decisions of the said Clerks of Market ; and all persons buying o.' selling in the said Markets, or attending . thereat, or transacting business thereon, or being in or upon any of the same, shall, in all things relating to the regulations, government, or arrangements of the said Markets, or to the peace, order and cleanliness to be preserved in and upon the same, attend and obey all orders and directions given by the said Clerks thereof respectively. Sec. 17. No person shall hereafter slaughter or bleed o- Nonni„,ui.,o gut any animal, or pluck or remove iae feathers from any [irSt,'' """ imvl or poultry of any description, or expose any meat in a bleeding state, or the uncleansed entrails of any animal, in or upon any of the said public Markets ; nor shall any person bring to, or offer for sale on any of the said public Markets, the flesh of any animal which shall have died of disease, or u,nv.,o,..so...o Which shall not have been in a sound state when killed, or """'• any measly pork, or any blown or fraudulently dro.sed meat, or any bull-beef or boar-pork, or any tainted or unwholesome' meat, poultry, game, or any veal or lamb, under three weeks old, or unsaleable from leanness, or any meat with the kid- neys raised, or that is stuffed, or in any other than an undis- guised and natural state or condition, under the pain of forfeiture and confiscation thereof, besides the penalties of Penalty, hne and imprisonment, hereinafter imposed in and by this By-law, against all parties offending against any of the pro- visions thereof; and further, it shall be the duty of the said Clerks of Markets to seize and confiscate every such article in the presence of one or two credible witnesses, who shall assist at the examination of the same, and whose names shall be preserved in writing by the said Clerks, as also the day month and year of such confiscation; the names of the per- sons owning the property, and the .quantity and quality of . the same. *^ 100 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Arti'Ii's limy bo re-mciisurcd'or le-wt'iftlied. Aificics.iori- Sec. 18. Any person who shall sell or offer for sale in any '*<■., to Ik- cSii-' of the said Markets, any article whatsoever, which shall bo deficient i') the weight or inoasiire for which the same shall be sold, or offered for sale, or which shall, with fraudulent intent, be disguised, shall, for the first offence, suffer forfei ture of every such article, and for the second or any sub- sequent offence, shall, besides such forfeiture, incur and be liable to the penalties of fine and imprisonment hei'einafter imposed against all persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this By-law ; and further, it shall be the duty of the said Clerks to seize and confiscate every such article in the manner, hereinbefore proscribed. Sec. 19. It shall be competent for any purchaser who shall susi)ect any fraudulent dealing, or deem himself, or herself, wronged, in the Aveight or measure of any article or articles, bought by him or her on any of the said ^Markets, to demand and have such article or articles re-measured or re-weighed at any of the Market weigh-houses, on condition, however, that the purchaser shall pay the charges of such re-measuring and re-weighing, should the pretended weight or measure be found to be correct ; but, if otherwise, such charges shall be i)aid by the vender, besides the penalty hereinbefore imposed. Sec. 20. All persons who shall sell or offer for sale, by retail, any goods or provisions whatsoever, by weight or mea- sure, in or on any of the said Markets, shall each be provided Avith a good beam, scales, weights, and measures of proper dimensions, and duly stamped according to law ; and no per- son having scales and weights for his own use, on any of the said Markets, shall weigh any articles whatsoever for other individuals. Sec. 21. No person or persons shall hereafter sell, or expose for sale, on any of the said Markets, unless specially licensed to do so, any harness or leather, or any boots or shoes, of any description whatsoever, made of the same ; nor shall any person hav k about small wares, fruits, vegetables, sweets, or biscuits, or any goods or war<'s wliatsoever, on any of the said Markets. rartics to bo provided witli scales, &o. Sprx-ial licciiso (•(Hiuiiod to soil liaiuoss, &(!. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 101 Vehicles with charcoal, boards, &c., where placed. Sec. 22, No person shall hereafter expose or sell any Auction saks article or animal by auction, in or upon any of the said Mar- prohibited! kets, or on any of the streets adjoining or opposite to, or in the immediate vicinity of, any of the said Markets ; provided that nothing herein shall be taken to extend to sales by autho- rity of justice, or to sales made under the sanction of the Market Committee. Sec. 23. All vehicles containing charcoal, boards, shingles, posts, ladders, Avater spouts and other wooden ware, usually brought to this City for sale, shall be hereafter placed and arranged on such part or parts of the St. Ann's and Cattle Market-places of this said City, as the Clerks thereof or their Deputies or Assistants shall determine, require or direct; and no owner or owners, driver or drivers, of any such vehicle as aforesaid, shall place or arrange any such vehicle elsewhere, or refuse, or neglect to comply with the determination, re(juirevncnt or direction of the said Clerks, Deputy Clerks or Assistants, in this respect, or place his or their said vciiicle, or CO use the same to be placed elsewhere, or in any other manner than as directed by the Clerks of the said Markets. Sec. 24. No Farmer, vegetable vender, or other person or persons, to whom no space or stand can be allotted on any of the said Markets, shall remain in, or encumber, with their vehicles or effects, any street or streets surroundin-)-, or in the immediate vicinity of, any of the Markets. Sec. 25. No person or persons shall play at any game, or lie down, or sleep, or behave in a disorderly, noisy, or riotous manner in, or within the limits of, any of the said Markets : nor shall any person or persons burn charcoal, or coal, or other substances in chafing dishes in any of the said Markets without the special permission of the said Market Clerks re- spectively. Sec. 2iJ. It shall not be lawful for any person who follows the business of a huckster, forestaller or seller of any articles or provisions at second hand, to purchase or offer to purchase either by himself or his agent, before the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, any kind of provisions or provender Farmers, &(;., not to enciiiu- bcr streets. Order to bo J) reserved on lunrltcts. lliicltsters and t'orestallers. 1*1 102 IJY-LAAVS OF THE CttY OF MONTREAL. <)t (Id's of clerks I't'iiiarki'ts tol)c obcvctl. I?iit.'Iici's stalls to 1)1' let iimiit- ally. brought to- the public IMarkcts of this City, or offered for sale thereon ; and tlie possession of any such provision or provender by such huckster, forestaller or other seller thereof, Avhich may have previously been in the possession of any farmer or other person within the limits of the City, before the hour aforesaid, shall be deemed prima facie evidence of a violation of this section. Sec. 27. All persons transacting business on any of the public Markets, or attending or being on the same, shall, in all matters affecting the peace, order, regularity, government and regulations of the said Markets, obey all reasonable- orders and directions of the said Clerks thereof or their Deputies or Assistants ; and no person or persons shall behave in a noisy, indecent, riotous or disorderly manner on the said Markets, Article 4. BUTCHERS. So.c. 28. The Butchers' Stalls in the several Markets of this City shall be let annually in the month of April, by public auction ; and Avritten Leases of tlio same shall be immediately thereafter executed, in which Leases it shall be stipulated, among oHier things, that the term of the said Lease shall comm'Mice on the first day of May, then next ; that the Rent shall ])o paid daily on demand ; that the Lessees sliall in no instance, directly or indirectly, sub-let the said Stalls, or any part thereof, or otherwise dispose of any interest they may have in the same ; that they shall not permit the said Stalls, or any part thereof, to be occupied by any person or persons whomsoever, other than themselves, without the special consent of the ]\Larket Committee ; that they shall observe and comply with all the Rules, Regulations and Jiy-laws now legally established, and that may hereafter be so, for the government of the public Markets in this City ; and that their neglect, omission, disregard, or violation of any of the said stipulations shall have the effect of imme- diatf^ly annulling the said Leases, and forfeiting their pos- session of the said Stalls. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 103 fecc. 29. No person or persons shall hereafter cut, retail saioofn.oat or weigh meat, Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Salt Pork or K^itH.,^"'- Beef, or expose the same for sale at any .other than a But- cher's Stall, or at that of a Vender of Salt Provisions, in or upon any of the said Markets : Provided that nothing herein ivoviso coutamed shall be held to prohibit Farmers from bringinn- to Market and selling there, in the carcass, ' • in quarters only, meat of any kind, and likewise venison. Sec. 30. No Butcher shall hereafter permit any person «.,tohcrs not to or persons, other than those in his employ, to sell or expose "'.'soil on'tS tor sale any article whatsoever on his Stall or Stalls in any 'X^^^^^xy of the said Markets ; and no Butcher shall hereafter sell or expose for sale, any other article than meat on his Stall or Stalls, in any of the said Markets. Sec. 31. No Butcher or other person, whomsoever, shall Nottoseiio,.t sell, or permit others to sell, out of the Window of any °*"'"""""- Stall in any of the said Markets, or otherwise than in front of said Stalls. Sec. 32 No Butcher, or other person, dealing in or Butchers „ot ^selling Beef, Mutton, Veal, or Venison at any Stall in any *^ ^'^^" J'"''''- of the said Markets, shall keep or sell Pork (either fresh or salted) in or at the said Stall ; neither shall any Pork ro.k ven.iors . Jiutcher, or other person, dealing in or selling Pork ais any '""""*'•'?<"•''■ Stall in any of the said Markets, keep or sell any other kind of fresh meat thereat. Sec. 33 Each and every Batcher, or other occupier of a sta.istobo ^tall or Stalls m any of the said Markets, shall keep the ^^'"* "'««»• same, at all times, clean and in perfect order, and sliall scrape and wash the chopping boards, blocks and benches thereof, as often as necessary, in order that no blood or filth whatever may remain thereon ; and whenever any Stall or Stalls, in any of the said Markets, shall be left or kept in an unclean or improper state, or with the Windows, Doors or any other part thereof disfigured, injured, or broken, it shall be the duty of the said Clerks of , irkets, to cause the liossee or Lessees of said Stall or Stalls to be proceode.l against for the tine and penalty hereinafter imposed against 104 BY-LAWS OF TIIK CITY OF MONTIIKAL. Uutchorg not to ciicuinbor Ilaiul-carts, &c.,on markots proliibitcd. No putrid meat to bo left ou stalls. Dogs on mar- kets prohibited. TiiUow or green hides. Fees to bo col- lected by clerks ol'»^;irkets. all offenders aji^ainst any of the provisions of this By-hiw, and, further, to cause the said Stall or Stalls to be cleansed and put in perfect order and repair, at the expense of the Les- sees thereof respectively. Sec. 34. No Butcher or other person shall hereafter obstruct or encumber the passage between the Butchers' Stalls, in any of the said Markets, by leaving opposite to his Stall any heads or hides of any animal, or tubs of salted provisions or other meat, or anything else whatsoever ; nor shall any Butcher hang or affix meat to his Stall, in any of the said Markets, so that the same shall project over the said passage ; neither shall any Butcher hang or suspend meat over the said passage, in any of the said Markets. Sec. 35. No Butcher or other person shall hereafter drag or push away any hand-cart, sled, or traineau, during Market hours, on any of the passages or foot-paths of any of the said Markets. Sec. 36. No Butcher or occupier of a Stall or Stand, in any of the said Markets, shall keep or leave on the same any putrid or unwholesome meat, fish, or other putrid mat- ter, or any matter or thing whatever diffusing an otfensive odour. Sec. 37. No Butcher or other person selling in any of the buildings of the public jNIarkets, shall bring any dog, or bitch therein, or permit the entry thereof into any Stall or place occupied by him, or harbour or shelter any such therein. Sec. 38. No Butcher or other person shall bring any tallow or green hide or hides to any of the said Markets, or shall sell or dispose of the same therein. Sec. 39. The following shall hereafter be the rent or daily payment to be demanded and received by the several Clerks of Markets, for the occupation of unrented Stalls or Stands therein, to be daily collected by the said Clerks imme- diately on such Stalls or Stands being occupied, and to be accounted for in such a manner, and at such times as the BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. ior> Market Committee shall direct; provided that the said Com- mittee may, at all times, lease the said Stalls or Stands by the month or by the year, if deemed advisable so to do. Firstly,— For a Stand under cover, occupying a space ut ihree Feet, for the sale of fresh butter, eg-s, poultry &c., the produce of the farms of the Venders, Five Cents per day. Secondly ,~For a Stand under cover, of Five Feet in breadth, for the sale of fresh or salt pork, beef, or mutton '11 tiie carcass or quarter, or any other article usually ex- posed for sale on the said Market, Twenty-five Cents per day. lhirdly,_For a Stand for each vegetable or fruit cart "1- corresponding winter vehicle, Twelve and a half Cents' jier day. Fourthly,_For a Stand for each Farmer's cart, or cor- responding winter vehicle. Five Cents per day : provided that vegetables or the produce of a garden be not brouc^ht 1 lei-em, m which case Twelve and a half Cents per day shall be chdrged therefor, as for a fruit or vegetable cart or vehicle. Fifthly ,_For a Stand of Five Feet in breadth, for the sale <;f eggs and poultry, not the produce of the Vender's farm i wonty-five Cents per day. ' Sixthly,— For a Stand of Five Feet in breadth, for a bruiterer. Twenty-five Cents per day. Seventhly ,-For a Stand of Five Feet in front, for the sale of cooked victuals. Ten Cents per day. Eighthly,— For a Stand of Three Feet in front, for the sale <•! wild fruits. Five Cents per day. Ninthly,— For a Stand of Three Feet in front, for the sale of any article not hereinbefore enumerated, Five Cents per day. Tcnthly,— For a Stand for each Farmer's' cart, or corres- ponding winter vehicle, bringing beef, mutton, veal, pork, or venison, in quarters, to Market, Twenty-five Cents per day: provided that if the said beef, mutton, veal, pork, or venison, be in the carcass, the Farmer shall only pay therefor, iit the rate of Five Cents per carcass. 14 lOtJ BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Koiit of stalls imyiiWc oil ili'inand. Stalls to bo numbered, Stalls to revert to the city in oortnin cases. I'rivate stalls to bo licensed. No person to open private stall without loavo. Oiity on private ^tulIs. Sec. 40. All Butchers or other persons liable to pay rent, rates or dues on the said Markets, or by reason of their having Stands or places thereon, or of occupying any part thereof, shall hereafter promptly do so, whensoever thereunto required by the Clerk:^ of the said Markets severally, their Assistants or other persons authorized to demand and collect the same. All the Stalls and Stands in the said Markets shall be numbered in the manner to be determined on by the Market Committee. Sec. 41. When the Lessee of any Stall, or occupant of any Stand or Cellar in any of the said Markets, shall, from any cause whatever, vacate the same, or shall receive notice from the Market Committee to vacate the same, or shall neglect or refuse to pay his rent for the space of forty-eight hours, or shall neglect or refuse to comply with any regula- tions established for the g')od order and cleanliness of the said Markets, the Stall, Stand, or Cellar of such Lessee or occupant shall thereupon revert to the City, and be at the disposal of the Market Committee. Sec. 42. The said Council may issue special licenses to Butchers or other persons who may desire to open or keep private Stalls at their store, shop or residence in the said City, for the sale therein of fresh beef or pork, fresh veal, mutton, lamb, venison, or other provisions usually sold in the Market Stalls ; the said licenses subject, however, to the provisions and stipulations contained in the following sections : Sec. 43. No Butcher or other person shall open or keep a private Stall in the said City, or a Stall elsewhere than in one of the public Markets of the said City, for the sale therein of fresh beef or pork, fresh veal, mutton, lamb, or other provisions usually sold by Butchers in the Markets, without hiu'ing first applied for and obtained permission and authority from the said Council so to do, and without having paid the duty im- posed in and by the following section. Sec. 44. An annual duty of Five Hundred Dollars shall be and the same is hereby imposed upon each and every person, BY-LAWS OF THE CITV OP MONTREAL. •107 r provisions or firm of persons keeping a private Stall in the said City for the sale therein of fresh beef or pork, fresh veal, mutton, lamb, venison or other provisions usually sold by Butchers in the Markets, which said duty shall be due and payable to the City Treasurer so soon as such person, or firm of persons, shall be prepared to open the said Stall, and before having any sale therein ; and the year for which said duty shall be°paid and received, shall be computed and reckoned from said date of the parties being so prepared to open said Stalls and to begin business as aforesaid. Sec. 45. Any and every Butcher, or other person, keep- Neglect or rem- mg a private Stall as aforesaid, or a Stall in the said dutj*? ^"^ """ City elsewhere than on one of the said public Market places, or selling fresh beef or pork, veal, mutton, lamb, venison or other provisions as aforesaid, or offering or exposing the same for sale, in or at his, her, or their store, shop, resi- dence, or elsewhere in the said City, than on one of the said public Markets, who shall neglect or refuse to pay the said duty of five hundred dollars, and who shall continue to keep a private Stall as aforesaid, or to sell, or offer, or expose for sale as aforesaid, after the said duty has been asked for or demanded of him, her or them, or after due notice to pay the same shall have been left or served at his, her, or their domicile or place of business, shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty I)ol- lars, and to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each and every day, (if sued for separately) that he, she, or they shall so continue to keep such private Stall, or to sell or expose or offer for sale as aforesaid. Sec. 46. No Butcher or other person or persons whomso- ruIcs to bo ever, keeping a private Stall as aforesaid, or a Stall elsewhere iwlaZfJ^' than on one of the said public Market places, or selling fresh P'""*'^ '^""^ beef or pork, veal, mutton, lamb, venison or poultry, or offer- ing or exposing the same for sale, in, or at his, her, or their store, shop, residence, or elsewhere in the said City, than on one of the said public Markets, shall keep or allow the said Stall or other place to be in an unclean or filthy state ; neither shall any such Butcher or other person aforesaid, have or expose, or offer, for sale, at the said Stall or place of sale, I 108 II M t*i>li\i' oHicors limy visit lirivutc stalls ;l)i() nnforcn rcxulntioiis. I BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. or soil thereat, any meat in a bleeding state, or the unclcancd entrails of any animal, or the flesh of any animal Avhich shall have died of disease, or which shall not have been in a sound Litate when killed, or any measly pork, or any blown or frau- dulently dressed meat, or any bull-beef, or boar-pork, or any tainted or unwholesome meat, poultry, or game, or any veal or lamb under three weeks old, or unsaleable from leanness, or any meat with the kidneys raised, or that is stuffed, or in any other than an undisguised, wholesome and proper state or con- dition, or any meat, or other article, which shall be deficient in the weight for which the same is sold, under the pain of for- feiture and confiscation thereof, and moreover, under a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and an ImT>risou- ment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each and every oftence. Sec. 47. It shall be the duty of the Police Officers or Constables, from time to time, and as often as they may deem it necessary, to visit and inspect the said private Stalls, stores, shops, houses or other places, where beef, pork, veal, mutton, Iamb, venison, or poultry now is, or hereafter may be sold in t^ 3 City, elsewhere than on the Public Markets, and to examine the meat and other articles there sold, or exposed or offered for sale, and to seize and confiscate all such meat and other articles as may be liable to confiscation under the pro- ceding section of this By-law, in the presence of one or two creditable witnesses, who shall assist at the examination thereof, and whose names shall be preserved in writing by the said Police Officers or Constables, as also the day, month and year of such confiscation, the names of the persons own- ing the property, and the quantity and quality of the same ; and for such purpose, the said Police Officers or Constables are and each of them is hereby authorized to enter and inspect all private Stalls, and all houses, shops and othcu places in this city, (not in the Markets thereof) where beef, pork, veal, mutton, lamb, venison, or poultry are or may be sold, whensoever and ns often as may bo necessary ; and any and every person refusing admission to, or opposing or pre- venting the entry of any of the said Police Officers or Con- stables into any such private stall, house, shop or other place. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. where beef, pork, veal, mutton, lamb, venison, or poultry is, or may be sold, in this city, or opposing or preventing the inspection or confiscation thereof, by any of the said Police Officers or Constables, in the manner hereinbefore directed, shall be liable to a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Bays, for each offence. 109 Article 5, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Sec. 48. The hundred weight for weighing all articles on xhoi ., - the said Markets, intended to be sold by the hundred weight ''"''^'' or ton weight, shall consist of one hundred pounds avoir- dupois, and the ton weight used for the said purposes shall consist of twenty hundred weights, or of two thousand pounds avoirdupois ; and the said hundred weight or ton weight as herein above established, with their parts, multiples and pro- portions, shall be the standard weights for the weighing of all such articles as aforesaid. Sec. 49. The following shall be the standard weights sfa,uia,-,i which in all cases shall be held to be equal to the Winchester ''"'^^'*'- Bushel of the Grain, Pulse or Seeds opposite to which they are set : Wheat Sixty Pounds. Indian Corn Fifty-six Pounds. %e Fifty-six Pounds. ^^^^ Sixty Pounds. Parley Forty-eight Pounds. Oats Thirty-four Pounds. Beans Sixty Pounds. Clover Seed Sixty Pounds. Timothy Seed Forty-eight Pounds. Buckwheat Forty-eight Pounds. Potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsnips, beets and onions Sixty Pounds. 110 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Kufihol. Miiiot. Hags, tureoiia, I J 1 Suspended beam?, &c. Flax Seed Fifty Pounds. Hemp Seed. , Forty-four Pounds. Blue Grass Seed Fourteen Pounds. Castor Beans Forty Pounds. Salt Fifty-six Pounds. Dried Apples Twenty-two Pounds. Dried Peaches Thirty-three Pounds. Malt Thirty-six Pounds. Sec. 50. Lipon any sale and delivery of any description of grain or other articles mentioned in the preceding section, and in every contract for the sale or delivery of any such grain or other articles, the Bushel shall be taken and hitended to mean the weight of a Bushel, as above regulated, and not a Bushel in measure or according to any greater or less weight, unless the contrary appears to have been agreed upon by the parties ; and the Minot shall be taken and intended to mean the weight of a Bushel, as above regulated, and not a Minot or Bushel in measure. Sec. 51. Each bag of potatoes shall contain one minot and a half, heaped measure ; the measure called a tureen, com- monly used in the retailing of potatoes, peas, and beans in pod, and other such articles, is hereby required to be of the capacity of half a gallon, liquid measure, of the conical form heretofore used ; and no person shall sell potatoes in any of the said Markets, or elsewhere, in bags of less quantities, nor shall any person use or employ therein, measures of other or lesser dimensions, than those herein specified, which measures shall, in all cases, be stamped according to law. Sec. 52. No Butcher, or other person using suspended beams and scales in any of the said Markets, shall allow any weight or weights, or other thing to remain in the said scaleSj after he or she, in any instance, shall have finished the weigh- ing of meat or other article?, therein, that he or she may deal in ; and all beams and scales used by butchers or other per- sons in the said Markets shall be so placed as to leave, when standing at even beams, a distance of at least three inches between the bottom of each scale and the top of the counter or table over which they are suspended. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. Ill Sec. 53. No person or persons wlio shall sell grain, meal, (ira... „.., b.. flour, or any other article whatsoever, by weight or measure, d.'ir^T' ^'' •m any of the said Markets, shall refuse to have such wei-hed """''''• or measured by the Clerk of the Market on which the aHiclo may be, if the purchaser so desire. Ai'liclc 6. FISH MARKETS. Sec 54, The Market Committee, on or before the first r.aco^ whore day of Maj m each and every year, shall allot and designate hoI.l""^''' a place m each of the said Markets which shall be kept and used exclusively for the vending of fresh fish; and no person ;.!• persons shall sell, or offer for sale, any fresh fish elsewhere M. the said City, than in the places so allotted and designated m each Market as aforesaid. Sec 55 The said Fish Markets shall be under the charge, k„ios to b.. control and superintendence of the said Clerks of Markets ll'hnmrkeN respectively, and shall be kept open during the same hours i.s the said Markets are hereinbefore directed to be kept open provided that they shall not be required to be open during any evening ; and the said Clerks shall cause the said Fish Markets to be well swept and washed e^ery market-day after- noon ; and the said Clerks are hereby authorized to allot stands to persons bringing or exposing fish to sale in the said Markets; and all persons shall obey the orders of the said Clerks in this respect, and in all others, relating to the peace order, regulations, or arrangements to be observed and main- tained in, upon, and in relation to the said Fish Markets. Sec. 5Q. The Market Committee shall affix such prices rwceofHs,. tor stands m the said Fish Markets, as they may consider '*''"'" reasonable, and lease the same for any time not exceedino- one year. ° Section 57. No person shall bring to, or expose for sale, Unwhoios...... ou the said Fish Markets, any unwholesome or tainted fish, "' ""'■'' and any person so doing shall incur the seizure and confis- eution of the same, independently of and in addition to, tishprohibifod. i' 112 HY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTKEAL. No li>li to l>i' Kiittcil soever, loaded with Hay or Straw, to the said Market, oftener than once, without having the same duly weighed and stam,> ed, and the said Clerk is hereby enjoined to preserve in writ- ing, a memorandum of tlie names of the owner or owners person or persons, having charge of all unweighed and un- stamped vehicles, and make such mark upon such vehicles when brought for the first time to the said Market, as to ren- der them afterwards easily recognized. Sec. 04. The said Clerk shall be entitled to demand and Fee for receive, for and on behalf of the Corporation, for the stamp- '"""^"'«- nig of each and every vehicle in manner aforesaid, the sum of Twenty Cents. Sec 05. The said Clerks of the several Hay Markets certiflcatooi shall deliver to every person having a load of Hay or Straw ""'""* .>veighcd in any of the said Markets, a Certificate of the weight. I 114 Charges for ilii BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. ■f;;!- weight of the same, signed by them respectively, in the fol- lowing terms, viz : Hay Market (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, as the case may be.) Montreal, 18 Load of Hay or Straw (as the case may be.) Gross weight lbs. Weight of the vehicle lbs. Tare lbs. Net weight lbs. Equal to bundles of 15 lbs., or 16, or 12 lbs. (as the case may be.^ Clerk of Market. Sec. QQ. The said Clerk shall be entitled to demand and receive, for and on behalf of the Corporation, for the weigh- ing of each and every load of Hay or Straw, and granting a certificate of the Weights of the same, the following charges, namely : Firstly, — For the weighing of every load of Hay or Straw, not exceeding Six Hundred Pounds, Seven and a half Cents. Secondly, — For the weighing of every load of Hay or Sti'aAV over Six Hundred Pounds, and not exceeding Nine Hundred Pounds, Ten Cents. Thirdly, — For the Aveighing of every load of Hay or Straw over Nine Hundred Pounds, and not exceeding Twelve Hundred Pounds, Twelve and a half cents. Fourthly, — For the weighing of every load of Hay or Straw exceeding Twelve Hundred Pounds, and not exceed- injr Sixteen Hundred Pounds, Seventeen and a half Cents. Fifthly, — For the weighing of every load of Hay or Straw over Sixteen Hundred Pounds, Twenty Cents. Sec. 67. All persons are hereby prohibited to practice any fraud or deception, either directly or indirectly, in the Weighing or Weight of Hay or Straw, or to pass or sell Injured or Damaged Hay or Straw as good or merchantable ; and the said Clerks of Hay Markets are hereby empowered to He-weigh any Hay or Straw, or the vehicle containing it, in respect to the weight of which they may have reason to suspect that fraud has been practised. Duinagocl liay. in the fol- may be.) 18 bs. (as the Market, cmand and the weigh- d granting :ig charges, y or Straw, alf Cents, of Hay or jding Nine of Hay or exceeding s. of Hay or not exceed- alf Cents, of Hay or nts. to practice 3tly, in the ass or sell rchantablo ; cm[)owercd •ntaining it, e reason to BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. <; :l llf) ^ Sec. 68. No person or persons shall sell Hay or Straw withm the City, unless the same has been weighed at one of the Markets thereof, and nnless the person or persons sellinc. the same be provided with a certificate of the weight of such Hay or Straw obtained from and signed by the Clerk of the Market on which the same shall have been weighed. Sec. 69. While any vehicle or vehicles loaded with Play or Straw shall remain on any of the said Markets, no person or persons whomsoever shall rake or collect together any Hay or Straw lying thereon ; nor shall any person or per- sons carry, or attempt to carry, any of the same away. Sec. 70. All persons bringing or oifering Hay or Straw tor sale on any of the said Markets shall occupy such stand and place themselves thereon, in such a manner as directed by the said Clerks ; and shall in all other respects relating to the Peace, Order, Management, Regulations and Business of the said Markets, obey all orders, directions, and require- ments, that may be given or made, on the said Markets, by the Clerks thereof, or their Deputies or Assistants. Sec. 71. No Certificate of Weight shall be valid for any longer period than the day on which it bears date ; but Hay or Straw brought to the City in any duly stamped vehicle, when weighed at any of the said Markets, may be sold on any other of the said Markets with the Certificate obtamed on the Market where weighed, provided that no tiTud, deception, misrepresentation or guile, is attempted intended or practised in so doing,-and provided, also, that until the vehicle on which Hay or Straw is brought for sale to this City shall have been weighed and stamped, such Hay or Straw must in all cases be first taken in such vehicle to the Hay Market on Victoria Square, that it may be there weighed by the Clerk thereof, and the said vehicle marked or stamped in the manner hereinbefore provided. Sec. 72. It shall be the duty of the Clerks of the said Hay Markets to remain at the Weigh-houses thereon, every day, Sundays and Holidays excepted, during Market hours ^o person to soli hay unlcso weighed, Ac. Gathoriiiff liny oil market i)ro- hibited. Vehicles to be ranged by direc- tion of clerk. rorfificate valid for one day. Proviso. IHitios of clerks. 1: 116 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Article 8. All livo stock for sale to be brought to market. Jlarkct-hours. (jlerkB to pre- serve order, &c. CATTLE MARKET. Sec. 73. All Live Stock, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Calves, Pigs, or other ani.aals brought to this City for sale, shall be taken or conveyed to the Cattle Markets hereinbefore estab- Hshed and designated, and there exposed for sale ; and any person selling or purchasing any such animal brought to this City for sale as aforesaid, elsewhere in the said City than on the said Cattle Markets, shall forfeit the fine and penalty hereinafter provided. Sec. 74. The Clerks of the Cattle Markets shall be con- stantly in attendance thereon during Market hours every day, Sundays and Holidays excepted. Sec. 75. It shall be the duty of the said Clerks to preserve order therein, and enforce the Regulations concerning the same, and to make such classifications and arrangement of all animals brought to the same for sale, as the Market Com- mittee shall from time to time direct. t.'harges. Cruelty to ani- mals forbidden, Sec. 76. The following shall be the charges Avhich tlie said Clerks are hereby empowered to demand and exact, for and on behalf of the Corporation, from all persons bringing Live Stock to the said Markets for sale, viz. : Firstly, — For each and every Horned Cattle, Seven and a half Cents. Secondly, — For each and every Hog or Calf, Five Cents. Thirdly, — For each and every Horse, Fifteen Cents. Fourthly, — For each and every Sheep, Lamb, or Goat, Two and a half Cents. An extra charge, equal to two-thirds of the above rates, shall be paid for each animal, when introduced into the- Cattle Market, and allowed to remain therein at night. Sec. 77. No person or persons selUng or exposing to sale on the said Markets, any Live Stock whatsoever, shall in any way ill-treat, or be guilty of cruelty towards the same, either by beating them unnecessarily, or keeping them lying on the ground with their feet tied. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 117 p, Calves, 3, shall be fore estab- ; and any ght to this ty than on id penalty Ai-ticle 9. PENALTY. Sec. 78. Any and all persons offending against any of Penalty the provisions o£ this By-law, shall forfeit and pay a Fine or Penalty not exceeding T^yenty Dollars, and be liable to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days for each and every ' offence. ill be con- curs every preserve jrning the nent of all ,rket Com- Avhich the exact, for s bringing 3ven and a i'ive Cents. jcnts. , or Goat, 30 ve rates, 1 into the- light. 3ing to sale hall in any ime, either fmg on the CHAPTER XX. By-Law in relation to Masters and Appren- tices. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. All Apprentices and Servants, of either sex, or Am^rontic. Journeymen, bound by act of Indenture or written contract IS^t^' or agreement, and all servants of either sex, or Journeymen, ""•"°'°p'^"'"*>- verbally engaged before one or more witnesses for one month' or for any longer or shorter period, who shall be guiiiy of ill behaviour, refractory conduct, idleness, or of deserting from their service or duties, or of absenting themselves by day or night, without leave, from their said services, or from the house or residence of their employers, or who shall refuse or ' negloct to perform their just duties, or to obey the lawful commands which shall be given them Jby their masters or mistresses, or who shall be guilty of any fault or misdemeanour m the service of their said masters or mistresses, or of any unlawful act that may affect the interest or disturb the domestic arrangements of their said masters or mistresses, or who shall be guilty of dissipating their masters' or mistresses' property or effects, shall be liable, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court, to a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each and every offence. 118 BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. seryantatogivo Scc. 2. Every Domestic, Servant, Journeyman, Or Labourer, tiontoquit. ' engaged for a fixed period, by the month or for a longer space of time, and not by the piece or job, who shall intend to quit the service in which he or she shall be during that time engaged, shall give, or cause to be given, notice of such intention at least fifteen days before the expiration of such agreement, to his or her master or masters, mistress or mis- tresses, employer or employers. And if any of the said per- sons quit the service of his or her said master or masters, mistress or mistresses, employer or employers,^without givmg such notice, (although the time thereof be expired,) he or she shall be considered as having deserted from the said service, Masters also to and be punished accordingly • and every master, mistress, or employer shall give to his or her Servants, Journeymen or Labourers like notice of his or her intention no longer to keep or employ them, after the expiration of their time of service. Provided always, that every Domestic Servant, Journeyman and Labourer engaged for a time, may be discharged by his or her master, mistress or employer at or before the expira- tion of his or her engagement, t ithout notice, upon full pay- ment of the wages which he or she would have received for all the time o his or her service. Jf the time shall be expired, the person so lischarged without notice shall be entitled to fifteen days' additional wages, to wit, for the period of time that he or she was entitled to have received notice. give notice. rroviso. Servants desert- ing service sub- ject to penalty. 1 ili'ir.'- 1 f Sec. 3. Any and every Domestic, Servant, Journeyman, or Labourer, engaged as aforesaid by the month, or longer space of time, or by the piece or job, who shall desert or abandon the service :^or which he, she or they shall have been engaged before the time agreed upon shall have expired, and without having given fifteen days' notice as aforesaid, or who shall desert or abandon the said job before the completion thereof, shall for each and every offence be liable to a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and to an Impri- sonment not exceeding Thirty Days. tichTi^Lrvante' ^^°* ^' -^^J ^^^ ^^^ pcrsons designedly harbouring, or con- to quit tiieir nonlinff, or enticino-. any Apprentice or Hervnnt pncmorfid hy einpioy,&c. cJ -- o -v --II - '^ — • — c~ar~ ~J BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 119 Jabourer. a longer ill intend ring that e of such 1 of such 3S or mis- said per- masters, ut givmg he or she I service, stress, or jymen or jr to keep f service, irneymau ed by his e expira- full pay- eived for 5 expired, ntitled to i of time rneyman, or longer desert or lave been )ired, and d, or who ompletion to a Fine m Impri- g, or con- written act or agreement^ or otherwise, who shall have aban- doned the service of his or her master or mistress, or instiga- ting or engaging any Apprentice or Servant to abandon such service, shall be liable to a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty dollars, and to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days for each and every offence. Sec. 5. Any Apprentice, Domestic, Servant, or Journey- Recourse of scr- man, bound or engaged as aforesaid, having any just cause ma"teT^'?iii- of complanit against his or her master, or mistress, or employer, *'"'^''**""'"*' '^■*'- for any mis-usage, defect or insufficiency of wholesome pro- visions or food, or for cruelty or ill-treatment of any kind, may cause such master or mistress to be summoned and to appear before the said Recorder's Court, to answer the complaint to 1)0 preferred against him, her or them, by the said Appren- tice, Domestic, Servant, or Journeyman ; and any and every master or mistress convicted upon such complaint, of any offence aforesaid, towards his, her or their Apprentice, Domestic, Servant, or Journeyman, shall upon each and every conviction be liable to a Penalty not exceeding Twenty dollars, or to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days. CHAPTER XXI. B By-Law concerning Nuisances. E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. Every lot of land wliereon no building is erected, vacant iot« to on the line of any public street or lane in this City, shall be, ""^ """'"^'^'^ on the line of such street, enclosed with a stone or brick wall, or with a wooden fence, at least six feet, French measure, in height, above the level and on the lino of such street, as fixed and determined by the City Surveyor, with posts properly put up, so that the said fence shall not lean over or encroach upon the said street or lane. 120 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. AftPi- (inccn (liivs notice. rciinltv. Sec. 2. Every proprietor of such vacant lot of land, or his agent, or the person having or assuming, the care of such lot of land, or any occupant thereof, shall he bound to make and erect, or cause to be made and erected, such wall or fence within fifteen days after sudh proprietor, agent or occupant shall have been notified so to do by the City Surveyor or his Deputy. Sec. 3. Every proprietor or his agent, or person having the charge of, or the occupant of any such lot of land, who shall neglect or refuse to make and erect, or cause to be made and erected, such wall or fence Avithin the delay afore- said, shall incur and pay a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or shall be subject to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days for such refusal or neglect, and shall moreover be liable to another Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or to another Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each and every day during which the said lot shall remain, after the afore- said delay, without being enclosed as hereinabove ordered. City surveyor Scc. 4. It shall be the duty of the City Surveyor, if in cortain cases, such lot of land be uot cnclosed, as above stated, within the delay hereinbefore fixed, or in case the proprietor thereof can not be found, to cause the said lot to be enclosed with a wooden fence , at the costs and charges of the proprietor or the person having or assuming the care thereof. Sec. 5. Whenever there shall be on any lot of land in the said City of Montreal stagnant or putrid water, or any filthy, infected or putrid matter, or the said lot shall bo oftensive or dangerous to the public health, it shall be the duty as well of the occupant as of the proprietor of the said lot, or the agent of the proprietor thereof, or of any person having or assum- ing the charge thereof, to fill up, level or drain the same, as- the case maybe, or to remove the offensive, infected or putrid matters thereon, without the necessity of a notice to that effect ; and any such proprietor, agent, occupant or person having the charge of the said lot, who shall neglect during two days to remove and abate such nuisance shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars currency for each l>iits liaving stagnant water, &c"., to bo ilraincd. ri'iiull\. ind, or his )f such lot make and 11 or fence • occupant syor or his on having land, who luse to be slay afore- ty Dollars, ing Thirty r be liable to another and every the afore- •rdered. rveyor, if within the or thereof sed with a :)prietor or and in the any filthy, ift'ensive or as well of the agent or assum- 3 same, as- d or putrid ce to that or person set during 3e liable to J for each BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 121 and every day of delay in draining, filling up or levelling the said lot, or in removing the said offensive, infected or putrid matter. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the City Surveyor after c.ty surveyor-. the expiration of the delay proscribed for the removal or ^l^X^T alnitement of such nuisance, to cause to be dene on the said lot of land, at the cost and charge of the proprietor, or the person having or assuming the charge of the said lot, whatever may be necessary for removing or otherwise abating the said nuisance, either by causing drains to be made thereon or by tilling up the said lot, or by removing or otherwise abating the offensive, infected or putrid matters. Sec. 7. No person shall, in any manner, carry, convey, Ponaitv for cu- deposit or place, or cause to be carried, conveyed, deposited inlisanTs. or placed into, or upon, any premises, or, lot of land, in this City, or into, or upon, any public square, street, lane or other place whatsoever in this City, any dead carcass, ordure, filth, dirt, dust, or any offensive matter or substance what- ever ; and no i)erson shall commit any nuisance, or cause or permit any such to be committed, into, or upon, any such premises or lot of land, public square, street, lane, or other place whatsoever in this City, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Tliirty Days, or both, for each and every offence : Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the deposit of dust, i-ubbish, and the sweepings of streets and yards in those' places within the said City, specially set apart by the Council for that purpose. Sec 8. In carting, carrying, or conveying any ordure, inearth.. H,f„. hlth, dn-t, dust, or any offensive matter or substance whatso- dr"op„«i'n ever, through any public square, street or lane, no part '*'"'*• thereof shall be allowed to drop or fall from the vehicle cart- ing, carrying or conveying the same ; and for every offence against the provisions hereof, the owner of ihe said vehicle, as well as the driver or person in charge thereof, shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or to an Impri- sonment not exceeding Thirty Days, or both. IG ii. ii 122 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Offonsivo liroiniscs. roiiHlty. i>utrid mibittanco?. IVimiiy. Soiii) I'actoiies, lulliiw oliandU'- I ics, i[C. Sec. 9. If any person shall own, occupy or keep any lot of ground or other premises in such bad and filthy condition as to be offensive and a nuisance to the neighborhood or to any person or family, such person shall be subject to a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and to like fine for every day such nuisance shall continue after notice to abate the same. Sec. 10. Any soap boiler, tallow chandler, butcher, or other person who shall keep, or collect, or cause to be kept or collected, any stale, putrid or stinking fat, grease or other matter shall be subject to a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each offence. Sec 11. Any owner or occupant of any tallow chandler's shop, soap factory, tannery, slaughter house, stable, or gro- cery, who shall suffer such establishments or premises to become nauseous, foul or offensive, shall incur a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or be subject to an Imprisonment^ not exceeding Thirty Days, foreach offence. Sec. 12. Every occupant of a house in the said City, shall keep the yard or premises therewith connected, in a clean state, and free from filth or offensive substances, and shall collect in one place, in such yard or yards, all the house dirt or offal, under a Penalty not exceeding Five Dollars for each offence : Provided that when the accumulation of such dirt or offal shall be equal to a load, or become offensive, it shall be removed, under a like Penalty. Sec. 13. Every lot or premises in the said City on which may be erected a dwelling house, shall have connected there- with a privy or privies, with sufficient vaults sunk in the ground; and the owner of any such lot or premises who shall neglect or refuse to cause such privy or privies to be constructed thereon, Avithin two weeks after such owner er owners shall have been notified so to do, by any Police Officer, shall incur and pay a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each offence. Privies not Scc. 14. Whenever any Privy hi the said City shall oom« offensh^. bccomc offcusivc, oi" thc coutcuts thereof shall reach within twelve inches of the surface of the earth, the proprietor or Yards to be Icopt clean. I'rivie?. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 128 any lot of ndition as or to any I Fine not r day such me. sr, or other •collected, atter shall Dollars for chandler's )le, or gro- reinises to , Fine not prisonment' City, shall in a clean , and shall the house Dollars for ion of such jfFensive, it y on which cted there- ank in the Mnises who rivies to be h owner er lice Officer, ing Twenty City shall each within roprietor or ■ water preiniM's. the occupant of the premises on which the said Privy shall be situated, or to which it may be attached or belong, shall cause the same to be cleaned or. emptied within six days after notice shall have been given to the said proprietor or occupant, of the offensive state of such Privy or the necessity for the same being cleaned or emptied, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, for each and every neglect or refusal so to do. Sec. 15. The occupant of any house or building in the Dirt) said City, who shall permit or cause to be discharged, by any *'"'"" channel or gutter, or in any other way whatsoever, from such house or building, into any street, square, lane, or highway, in the said City, any dirty or stinking water, or any thing that may cause public inconvenience or annoyance, shall incur and pay a Fine or Penalty not exceeding Five Dollars for each offence. Sec. 16. Any occupant of any house Or buildhig in the Ditto ti.n.w,. Riid City, who shall throw, or permit to be thrown, any dirty '"*" •''^'■«'^'- water, ashes, soot, snow, or ice, or any sweepings, rubbish, dirt or filth whatsoever, into any square, street, lane, or high- way, in the said City, shall pay a Fine not exceeding fTvo Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Forty-eight Hours for each offence. _, Sec. 17. Any person who shall keep any swine, dogs, Swinc.t.-. foxes, or other such animals on their premises, in the said City, shall maintain the houses, buildings, or pens in which the same shall be kept in such a clean state that the neigh- bours and passengers may not be incommoded by the snTell therefrom, under a Penalty not exceeding Ten Dollars for each offence. Sec. 18. The owner of every animal that shall die or be Dead animal., found dead in any of the streets, squares, lanes, highways, or on any enclosed or unenclosed ground in the said City, shall immediately cause such animal to be buried, at least three feet below the surface of the earth, under a Penalty not ex- ceeding Ten Dollars for each offence : and any person who shall throw any such dead animal i any , pond, canal. '-vi:»t>I«:Ml^i«M9«liKi:««Uiw-JM 124 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Police offlcprs to enforce this By-law. Autliority to vinit preiiiistM. I'f'iialty. or stream or sewer, or in the river opposite the said City, shall incur and pay a Fine not exceeding Ten Dollars, and an Imprisonment not exceeding Eight Days for each offence : and whenever the owner of such animal, or the person com- mitting the offence aforesaid, cannot be discovered, it shall be the duty of the Police Officer of the district to cause the removal of such nuisance. • Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, and of the officers and men under his command, to enforce or cause to be enforced, all the provisions of this By-law ; and for that purpose the said Chief of Police, and the said offi- cers and men of the Police Force are hereby severally and collectively authorized to visit and examine any hotise, lot, premises, or building in this City ; and any person who shall obstruct, hinder or oppose them, or any of them in the dis- charge of such duty, shall incur and pay a Fine not exceed- ing Twenty Dollars, and be subject to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. CHAPTER XXII. By-Law establishing and regulating the Police Department of the City of Montreal. B Ml; 11 I Strength of the Police Force. E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal as follows : Sec. 1. A Police Department is hereby established for the City of Montreal, which shall consist of one Chief of Police, two Sub-Chiefs, one Recording Secretary, four Sergeants, eight Acting Sergeants, two Detectives, one Orderly, and one hundred and six fit and able-bodied Men or Constables, avIio shall be armed with fusees, or light muskets, and bayonets, to be used only in cases of great emergency ; the Chief of Police and Subordinate Officers shall also Ite armed with swords : BY-LAWS OF THE CITY 01 MONTBEAI,. 12.i provKlcl H,at notlnng horci,, contained slmll prevent the snM Cou„o,i, from tunc to time hc-eafte,-, wl.onsievor it „,ay ' on,„le,.oa expochent, hy resolution thereof only, and withou and t ,„ Olheers Ihereof, or to increase the .ame, or to effect • any change therein, that may he desiral,Ic or necessary S«hi'hi!ft'!rtr"''°''','r"' "'',""' ^'''"f "f P""""' »■"' "- ^.•.»'" the Couned but the appomtraent of the Secretary, the Ser- gean fe Actmg Sergeants, Detectives and Poh em „ „r Constables „ the said Force shall be made by the Pdico Comnnttee ; the said Police Committee may, from time „ time, w,th the approbation of the .Jouncil, maL snch oln and rcgulafons as they shall deem expedient, relative to the gcnova government of the officers and men of the said force the,r places of residence, their classification and parti cS -rv,cc, then- distribution and inspection, the descH^t ^ „f arms and necessarfes to be furnished to them, and all such other orders and regulations relative to the said force, a, the 8a,d C„mm.ttee shall, from time to time, deem exped.'en f p.event,„g ncg ect or abuse, and for rendering snch force offi. ,cn m the discharge of all its duties : and tlfe said Polie Comnnttee may at any time suspend or dismiss from the said force any Pohceman or Constable belonging thereto, who shall ho rcm.ss or neghgent in the discharge of his duty or other- wise unfit for the same : Provided t,.at the power granted to a.c Pohcc Comm,ttee of appointing, suspending, or dismissing tV cTT Tf'r""- - "f-^-M. -ay h: exercised bp the Chief of Police, whensoever authorized so to do bv the concurrent majority of the said Committee. Sec. 3. The City of Montreal shall be divided into twA ™ ,. Pohcc Districts, to be known as the " M.stern " »d " V™" fr'!''**'' «." Districts, with such line of division as may bo dett " mmed upon by the Police Committee. There sh.ill be one Ccnti-a or Head Station, wherein shall be kept the oflce of p „ . ftc Clnef of Police, and the books, papers, and'recordTof the " Department; and such other Branch or .Auxiliary Stations as may be established by the said Council. lilt's 120 BY-LAWS OF TUB CITY OP MONTREAL. His ilutlcs. I'oiicc siatidTiH, Sec. 4. The Stations, and thr Dwellin^^s connected there- control. with, shall he under the immediate control of the Police Committee, and subject to such orders as they may deem advisable, in the interest of the Department. Chief of I'oiicc. Sec. 5. The Chief of Police shall be the chief executive officer of the Police Department, and shall direct the same : and he shall obey, and cause all members of the Police Department under him to obey the Rules, Orders, and Regu- lations prescribed by the Police Committee or the Council. He shall be responsible for the efficiency, general condugt, and good order of the Department. It shall be his duty to cause the public peace to be preserved, to secure the pro- tection of property, and to see that all the Laws and Ordi- nances are enforced ; and Avhenever any violation thereof shall come to his knowledge, or be reported to him, he shall cause the requisite complaint to be made, and see that the evidence is procured for the successful prosecution of the offijnder or offi^nders. In case of tumult, riot, insurrection, or threatenings thereof, he shall take command in person of the Police Force, and direct their movements and operations in the discharge of their respective duties. He shall attentl at the Police Office at such times as may be prescribed by the Police Regulations, and he shall keep, or cause to be kept and made, all such Records, Registers, Books, and Reports concerning the affiiirs and operations of the Police Dei)artment as may be designated, by, and in the manner and at the times required by the Police Committee. Shall cause ic-cords to be kept. Sub-chiefs of Police. Their duties. Sec. 6. Th» Sub-Chiefs of Police shall have the general charge of the Police Stations in their respective District, and, with their Sergeants, shall be responsible for the cleanli- ness, general condition and good order of the Police Stations within their jurisdiction ; they shall require the Policemen to be clean in their persons ; their particular attention shall be directed to instructing the Sergeants and Policemen in the performance of their respective duties, and rendering thera familiar with the Municipal Laws and the Regulations of the Department ; and they shall be accountable for the regular. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTKEAL. 127 le manner efficient and faithful pcrforniancc, hy the Force under their control, of the various duties devolving upon them. rhtr' n J^'° ^''7\'"f ^''''^^'^y ^'''-^H b« stationed at the K..eonu„, thief 8 Office: he .hall have charge of all the Police Books, 'hL^lIilfi^r 1 apcrs, and Records ; he shall correctly make out and keep a I the Accounts of the Department, and shall examine and checjc all Books of Accounts to be kept at the several Stations • he shall prepare Monthly Statements of all Reccir.ts and Disbursements of the Department, and shall transmit at the end of every month a copy thereof to the City Treasurer, who shall submit the same to the Police Committee; he shall under the directions of the Chief of Police, conduct the cor- respondence of the Office, and perform such, other duties as may be required of him by the Police Committee or the < hief of Police. Sec 8. The Sergeants, the Acting Sergeants, and the sorKoa,.,s„„., several Policemen of each Police District shall promptly and reanfi'"" implicitly obey all orders they may receive from the Chief or Sub-chiefs of Police. ^ Sec. 9. The several Officers and Policemen, appointed as voUc.con. aforesaid, are required to devote their undivided attention to a^:Zr the preservation of the peace, quiet, and good order of the City, and the enforcing of the By-laws thereof; they shall severally report themselves for duty at such times and places as may be required by the Rules and Orders of the Depart- ment, and render such prompt and energetic assistance as may be required of them, or the exigency of the service may demand. It shall be the duty of each and every Con- stable strictly to conform to all Regulations and Orders of the Department ; and every Constable, ^yllile doing regular •luty and service as Pohceman, shall perform the same*" ser- vices, be subject to the same regulations, and receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Council ; and while so doing regular duty shall not do any other business or service that will interfere with his duties as Policeman. Sec. 10. The several Policemen or Police Constables shall i-oworsof have power to arrest all persons in the City found in the act ^"■''"'''''''- !—r— "•««!»* l^.-s BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. I'o Si r\ (' warrants. I'dlicc ciiipow •■red to cnttT llOII.-CS 1111(1 make itrrosti'. I'risonor.s, how ilispoKcd of. l.'c^istiM- of pri-oiMM^' lIllllll'S, &C'. (Ill til (o be i;ikcii by I'lilitM' otticors. of violating any Law or Ordinance, or aiding and abetting in any sucli violation ; and shall arrest all persons found under suspicious circumstances ; an° «°* »>»' duties of Constable, for presorrin X "'^P"""« •■"■'J robberies and oth;. feloZ ' ^^ t ''T ","'' '""^^''"8 against the peace in the D ,' ""''„''Pr-'<'''™ ""^-tmtn, and maj fron of Police shal kc„, o c^ T! T'"P^-»«»- '■"» Chief the „an,e ofe^ office,:: lal'''; ° ^"''^' *°™« «-'— ' »>ont, and also thoi^nrbeVrf 1 "' T' •>"'' '" ""^ ^"^"^ """" -vod on regular dTy l; t^fV:; f '^'!°'^«^-»'"»". »fo.-osaid, and shall ci:,i,^ s^,; ^ eZ"rhe"pV" --oiicfceLit^-c:;-::--- 130 BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. All persons to assist piilice- tions (to 1)0 styled " Police Rules") for the government and control of the Members of the Police Department, as may be deemed expedient and pro];)er to carry out the objects of this ordinance, and Avith a view to making the Police Department and all the Officers and Agents appointed under it, efficient, vigilant, prompt and useful to the City. The " Police Rules" may prescribe the duties of the several Police Officers and men, more specifically than is herein contained, and may provide such penalties and forfeitures, such as suspension from pay, fine, not to exceed one week's pay, and repri- mand, as may be deemed necessary and expedient for the proper regulation of the different portions of the Department. All the Rules and Regulations made in pursuance hereof, shall be in writing, and signed and filed hi the office of the City Clerk, and shall be binding on all the Officers and men connected with the Department, after notice thereof. A written or printed copy of such Rules shall be delivered to each Member of the Police Department, and copies shall be posted conspicitously in the Police Office and Police Stations in the City, and such delivery and i)Osting shall be deemed notice of the making thereof to the Members of the Depart- ment. Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of all persons in the City, Avhen called upon by any Police Officer or other iNIcmbcr of the Police Department, to promptly aid and assist him in the execution of his duties. Whosoever shall neglect or refuse to o-ive such aid and assistance, shall be subject to a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days for each offisnce. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 131 CHAPTER XXIII. By-Law to Preserve Public Peace and Good Order. B E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : " Sec. 1. All riots, noises, disturbances, or disorderly asscm- v.m< &c Wages, are hereby prohibited in this City : and all pei-sons ^™'"'^'*«''- making or creating any riot, noise, disorder, or disturbance or forimng part of any disorderly assemblage anywhere mthni be hmits of the said City, shall incur the Penalty uereinatter provided. *^ Sec. 2 No person shall disquiet ordisturb any Congregation RCi.io,. wo,- or assembly met for religious worship, by making a ndse m- I^ ^kF' rude and nidecent behaviour, or prof no discourse within then- place of worship, or so near the same as to disturb the order and solemnity of the meeting. Sec. 3. m person shall wilfully give or make a false alarm ,..,.«,„„.. of fire or watch, or shall employ any Bellman, or use or cause °'"^^' ^" to bo used any bell, horn, or bugle, or other sounding instru- ment (save and except at any religious or military ceremony or procession) ; or shall employ any device, noise or perfoi^ mance tending in either case, to the collection of persons on the streets, sidewalks, or other public places, to the obstruction ot the same, for any purpose whatsoever, without permission of the AJayor in writing. Sec. 4. Any person who .hull oifcnd against any of the iv„„h, provisions of this By-law .hall, for each offence, incur a Penalty " not exceeding. Twenty Dollars, in addition to which the Kecorder s Court, before whom conviction may be had, shall have power to cause the offender or offenders to be imprisoned in the Cmmon Gaol or in the House of Correction at hard labour, for a period not exceeding one calendar month. 182 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. I'lacc d'Armcs .lacquos Cartier square. Ualliousic square. Custom House wjuare. Victoria square. CHAPTER XXIV. By-Law concerning Public Squares. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The public ground lying in front of the Roman Catholic Parish Church, and intervening between Notre Dame and St. James Street, in the Centre Ward of this City, shall be known and designated as " Place d'Armes." Sec. 2. The space of ground lying and situate in the East Ward of this City, between Notre Dame Street on the north- west, and Commissioners Street on the south-east, and com- prising Fabrique and St. Charles Streets, along with the space of ground between these two last named streets, shall be known and designated as '• Jacques Cartier Square." See. 3. The public ground comprising the north-eastern extremities of Notre Dame and St. Paul Streets, in the said East Ward, as for as Lacroix Street, with the open space intervening between the two fi.-st named streets, and also the vacant ground lying north-west of Notre Dame Street, the whole as now bounded, shall be known and designated as " Dalhousie Square." Sec. 4. The public ground in front of the Custom House, extending as far as Commissioners Street, in the Centre Ward of this City, shall be known and designated as " Cus- tom House S(juare." Sec. 5. The vacant space of ground forming the con- tinuation of McGiU Street, as far as Vitrd Street, and including the public ground formerly known as Commis- sioners and Haymarket Squares, in the St. Antoine and West Wards of this City, shall be known and designated as " Victoria Square." ■1^ I M i BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 133 C^' S; H^^f '' fT^ '"'"P"^^^^ ^''^'^'^^ St. Denis, and designated as - Viger Square." ^'" Stfeet'to pin- ^"''p f'""^ '^*^^^'"« ^-'^ ^t. Marv ^ eet to Papmeau Road, m the St. Mary's Ward of thi; City, shall be known and designated as " pfpin Ja'squL e '' St^'LtJ^'%^"^^'" ^'""""^^ ^^™^^ b^*l^« intersection of of ^'a!, ™° '"'wv f °""^ •■" ™'' "''J^^S ">e intersection of ^ . A,,to„,o a„,l U,d„„o„,l Streets, as now bo„,„lod, iu tl,o Sec 10. The pnblic ground intervening between Leaver Sec. 11. The public ground lyino- and sitmfo ,-,. fi . • i Qi- A . i • ixr 1 • J^"o "''^' situaie HI tlio said .»;. St Cat ' r'"' '^ ^^"'°"-' ^"•^■^'' U"™ Avon •mcl St. Cathenno htrect, „„ H,e south-east, south-west ,ud the.eof, shall bo kuown and designated as "Philli,,s Square." Sec. 12. The public ground iu front of St. James' Church lja,g and s.tuate in the St. Louis Ward of the said C !' uuded by St. Denis Street on the north-east, and by 1' vat property on the south-east, south-west aud north-w ^Iiall bo known and designated a. " St. James' Square.'' ' Sec. 18 The public ground extending from St. Marv S-oe to Parthenais Street as now bounded, i„ the sf Mury s Ward of this City, shall be known and dcsi Lted as •• Parthenais Square." "c^i^uaiod Vigor square. I'apiiieau square. Cliahoillez Square. Riclimoiid square. Beaver Hull Square. I'liillips square. St. James' »i to 80h. inoliiHive. 4— " 5 6. 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 12 13. 14-— 15-. 16— 17— 18— 19— TO THE CLERK. —Fer every Writ of Summons and Cony — " every extra Copy '" — " every Cause, Opposition' RuieV or other, Proceeding, returned into Court n Fihng and Entering every Opposition, and Filing every Plea or Exception.. Entering every Judgment Entering every Judgment on every oId- position, and on every Rule Nisi every Copy of Judgment '"' every Original Subpoena .'.' every Copy of do every Writ of Execution .".','".' Swearing every Witness ......" every Motion made in open Court . every Rule for Fails et Articles, Serment JJicisoire, etc., and Go^y every Rule Nisi and Copy thereof." " " ' every Office Copy of any Document, or ot the Record in any Cause, and Certi- ficate per 100 words every Certificate thereof. .'. .....','..'" Making up the Record of every Case Appealed , _ i every Recognizance in a Case Appealed d. 3 3 n to connect BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 145 ubtr ^/ fl' '"'""' Drain as aforesaid, shall permit any substance to flow mto any such Sewer or Drain which shaU form a deposit havmg a tendency to fill said Sewer or Drain. Sec. 15. No person shall injure, break or remove anv t , • , pc^on c. any receiving ba.n, covering-flag, .an-ho^v::^ S^ haft, grating, or any part of any Sewer or Drain, or obstruc the mouth of any Sewer or Drain, or obstruct the flow water m any Sewer or Drain in the said City, under the following penalty. ^' ^^ ^'^^ Sec. 1 6 All persons offending against any of the provisions Penaitv of his By-law shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding TwenTy " eacIXc! " '"^™°""^"^ "°* --«d<" Thirty Days, for CHAPTEE XXIX. E By-I.aw concerning Streets. E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1 It shall be the duty of the City Surveyor, under nutyofa^ the (hrection and control of the Road Committee, to super- £S'^ intend the general state of the streets, to attend to the layin^ ^'''^*' out, widening, elevation and repah-s of the same, and to make all contracts for the supply of labour and materials therefor- and to give notice to the said Committee of any obstruction or encroachment thereon. Sec 2. No Street or Roadway, either public or private, width „f ^hall be opened, made, or extended at a lesser width than '''^ forty feet, French measure : Provided, however, that lanes of a lesser wKltJi may be made in rear of lots for the purpose of communicating with the out-buildings and yards on such lots. Sec. 3. The Council of the said City of Montreal may ro.„., .. and .they are hereby n„f,l,n,.;.p,l ^-henevPr -'n fl • • • -nTfnue '*''• ' -" *'•' nnenever, m their opinion, streete, JL(/ 146 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. ii 'I ! i Streets may bo closed to ftUow imUlic works bein^ made therein. the safety or convenience of the inhalntants of the City shall require it, to discontinue any street, h\ne, or alley of the said City, or to make any alteration in the same, in part or in whole. Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for the persons employed to pave or repave any street in this city, or to construct drains, or other works of a similar nature therein, to place proper obstructions across such street or cartway, for the purpose of preserving the works then newly made, or to be made, until the same shall be fit for use ; leaving at all times a sufficient passage for foot passengers. „u«..„u. Sec. 5. When any drain shall be opened or laid, or any tS1c?s"shau aperture shall be made in any street or public square in bo made, &c. ^^^^ ^^.^ ^.^^^ ^^^ person, or persons, or either of them by whom the said drain shall be opened or laid, or such aperture made, shall cause a rail or other sufficient fence to be placed and fixed so as to enclose sudi drain, or other aperture and the dirt and gravel or other material thrown into the street ; and such fence shall be continued during the whole time such drain or aperture shall be open ; and a lighted lantern, or some other proper and sufficient light shall be fixed to some part of such fence, or in some other proper manner, over or near such open drain or aperture, and the dirt, gravel or other material taken from the same, and so kept from the beginning of the twilight of the evening, through the whole of the night, during all the time such drain or aperture shall be open, or in a state of repair, under the penalty of a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. Sec. 6. Every person intending to erect, or to repair, any building upon land abutting on any of the streets of -this City, shall, before proceeding to build or erect the same, or to lay the foundation thereof, or to make the said repairs, give notice in writing to the City Surveyor of such his inten- tion, with the number of the street or precise location, and the name of the owner of the land, eight days at least before doing any act for carrying out such his intention into execu- I'artics intend- ing to build to )»ive notice. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREA/,. 147 City shall illcv of the , in part or 3yed to pave it drains, or lace proper B purpose of made, until s a sufficient laid, or any c sqxiare in of them by uch aperture to be placed iperture and the street ; ale time such tern, or some some part of or near such ther material inning of the night, during 1, or in a state }ding Twenty rty Days, for to repair, any ;rects of -this the same, or said repairs, uch his inten- location, and it least before )n into execu- tion, m order that any encroachment or any other injury or inconvenience to the said public streets, which might other- wise happen, may be thereby prevented ; and in default thereof such person shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Iwenty Dollars. ° alter;!* .^^^'^'"': ""^ r''"" '' ^''''''' ^^^^" "^*«"d to A"°t--*" aiter, repair or erect any building as aforesaid, such person '^.T.^X or persons sliall apply to the City Surveyor, who shall set off^^l^'""^ or allot such part or portion of the street, square, lane, or highway, opposite to such ground or the site of such bnilding, as shall be deemed necessary and sufficient for the purpose and who shall, at the same time, grant a minute in writing of such allotment, in which minute shall be specified the con- ditions upon which such allotment shall be made ; and for every such minute, the party or parties so applying shall pay to tho said Surveyor the sum of One Dollar ; Provided neiei' Proviso the ess, that the space to be allotted and set off as aforesaid shall not exceed one-third the breadth of the street, square lane, or highway opposite such ground or building aforesaid' exclusive of the footpath or sidewalk, which shall at all times' be kept clear ; and the part or portion set off or allotted, and no other part of the said street, square, lane, or highway shall be used for laying down the materials for any such buildin"- or for the repairing thereof, and for receiving the rubbist arising therefrom. And it shall also be the duty of such per- sons, in all cases, to place at twilight in the evening, suitable and sufficient lights upon such building materials, and keep them burning through the night, until said materials are removed ; and all the -ubbish arising therefrom or thereby shall be carried away uy the person or persons so buildin- or repairing, at such convenient time as the said Surveyor may direct ; and in case of neglect or refusal so to do, it shall be removed and carried away, at the expense of the person or persons so building or repairing ; and all persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall pay and forfeit, for each offence, a sum not exceeding Twenty Dollars, Penalty and be liable to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days. 148 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. I ! I Partips answer- able for dam- ages. Preparing irortar, &c., in streets pro- hibited. Placing coal or firswood iu streets regu- lated. Doors to archways to open inwards. Signs. Sec. 8. In all cases where any person or persons shall place building materials in any of the public streets of the said City, such persons shall be answerable for any and every damage, which may be occasioned to persons, animals or property, by reason of carelessness in any manner connected with the said materials. Sec. 9. No person shall make or prepare mortar, or cut or dress any stone or timber for building purposes, in any street, or public square or place in this City, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and an Imprisonment not exceed- ing Thirty Days, for each oiience. Sec. 10. Neither the purchaser nor seller of any Coal or Firewood shall place or permit any such Coal or Firewood to remain in any street, so as unnecessarily to obstruct the passage in the same ; nor shall any such coal or wood in any case be permitted, either by the purchaser or seller, or other person having the charge thereof, to lie or continue in any street more than twenty-four hours, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and an Imprisonment not exceed- ing Thirty Days, for each offence. Sec. 11. All Archways constructed on the border of any of the streets, lanes, or public squares of the City and su- burbs, and all porches or other entrances into court-yards, shall be closed with doors that shall open into the interior, and not towards the said square, streets, or lanes, so as to leave the passage of the footwalks free at all times ; the same to be observed with respect to all gates of gardens, lots or other spaces of ground ; the whole under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars against each and every person, whether proi'Ctor or tenant, offending against the provisions of this section. Sec. 12. No person shall hereafter place, hang, or suspend at any lesser height than ten feet from the sidewalk or street, nor at any greater distance than two feet in front of, and from the wall of any house, shop, store, building, or place whatsoever, any Sign, Show-bill or Show-board, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, and an Imprisonment BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 149 not exceeding Thirty Days for each offence ; and a further hko penalty and imprii anraent for each day (if sued for daily) that the same may be allowed or continue to remain, contrary to the provisions of this section. ^ Sec. 13. If any person shall place, affix or continue, Awnings in any street, square, lane, or highway of this City, any Awning Posts, or any cloth or canvas for an Awning, so as to cause any public inconvenience, or contrary t" the directions of the City Surveyor, or his deputy, or shall neglect or refuse to comply with such directions of the said Surveyor or his deputy, such person shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, a sum not exceeding Twenty Dollars. Sec. 14. Any person who, for any purpose whatsoever, Wares sus- shall intentionally place, or cause to be placed, or shall Cses''"'""' suspend, or cause to be suspended or exposed from any house, shop, store, building, or lot abutting on any of the public streets, squares, lanes, or highways of this City, any goods, wares, or merchandize whatsoever, so that the same shall extend or project from the wall in front of such house, shop, store, building, or lot, more than six inches towards or into any public street, square, lane, or highway aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding Ten Dollars for each offence. Sec. 15. No person, whether agent, owner or employer, shall hereafter suffer or permit any case, bale, bundle, box' crate, or any goods, wares or merchandize to be raised from' any street, square, or public place, on the outside of any building, for the purpose of storing the same in the second or any higher story of any such building, or to be lowered from the same in a similar manner, by means of a rope, pulley, tackle, or windlass, under a Penalty not exceeding Ten Dol- lars for each offence: Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not be considered or taken to extend to the raising of any materials or other articles necessary in the repainng, erecting, or taking down of any building, or to the removing of any merchandize or other articles, in case of danger by fire or other such casualty. Penalty raisiiii;" from sti tacklo. on j;oo(i8 cet by uo BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Street crossings not to bo ob- structed. Largo timber not to bo dragg- ed ou streets. Apertures under street, coal holes, ic. (i ratings in streets. Coal holes and griitings maybe authorized, icc. Sec. 16. No person shall place any animal, ca,rfc, truck or carriage of any description whatsoever, or any obstructions of any kind, upon or across any of the flags or stepping stones, placed for the convenience of foot passengers, across any street, square, lane, or highway, in the said City, under a Penalty of not less than One nor more than Twenty Dol- lars, for each and every offence. Sec. 17. All pieces of Timber, which, by reason of their length, cannot be transported in carts or tumbrels, and are usually conveyed on trucks or other vehicles, such as deals, cedars, and other large timber, shall for the future, through- out every part of the City and suburbs, be transported on two trucks or upon such other vehicle so constructed as that the said timber shall not in any manner touch the public way : the whole, under a Penalty not exceeding Ten Dollars against each offender. Sec. 18. No person shall make, or cause to be made, any aperture in or under any street, for the purpose of con- structing Coal Holes, or receptacles for any other article, or for light and air, or for an entrance, or for any other purpose, without the license of the Road Committee, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each offence, and a like penalty for every day the same shall remain : and no person shall leave such Coal Hole or other aperture open or un- fastened after sunset, nor in the day time, unless while actually in use with a person or persons at the same to warn passers-by, under the same penalty. Sec. 19. No person shall affix or place, or cause to be affixed or placed, or continue, in any street, any Grating, without the license of the Road Committee, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each offence, and a like penalty for every week the same shall remain. Sec. 20. The Road Committee, upon the application of any person, may authorize the construction of Coal Holes or other apertures, and of Gratings, as hereinbefore men- tioned, in such manner, and under the direction of such person, as they may deem suitable, at the expense of the BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 151 applicant ; and thej may also authorizo the continuance of any Grating already constructed : Provided, that in no case shall any Grating be autlforized to extend more than eighteen inches into the street. Sec. 21. No person shall, without having first obtained a Earth, io written permission from the City Surveyor, dig, remove or '^^ioui carry away, or cause the same to be done, any sod, stone, '"■''■"''^'«'°"- earth, sand or gravel from any street, alley or public ground m this City, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. Sec. 22. No person shall injure or tear up any Pavement, ravcmente and bide or Cross-walk, Drain or Sewer, or any part thereof, or to'bTfSred* shall dig any hole, ditch or drain in any street, pavement or sidewalk, without due authority, or shall hinder or obstruct the making or repairing any Pavement, Side or Cross-walk, which is or may bo making under any resolution or order of the Road Committee, or shall hinder or obstruct any person employed by the said Committee or the City Surveyor, in making or repairing any public improvement or work, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each oifence. Sec. 23. No person shall cover up or remove any of the Boundary Boundary 'Stones for designating the avenues and streets "*°"''" of the City, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. Sec. 24. No person shall injure or destroy any ornamental Trees, or shade Tree, Shrub, Lamp-post, Fence, Railing in or upon any public ground, street, alley, or other public place, or upon any private premises, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. Sec. 25. No person shall slide with a sled, train, traineau, sliding or shall skate on any public square, street, or highway in pioiSd. the said City, under a Penalty not exceeding Five Dollars, . m'' 162 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. or an Impriaonmcnt not exceeding Forty-eight Hours, for each oflFence. < 'eitaiii gnmcs ill streets )iriiliibitod. tyl Juriiig lamp- posts, &c. Trc'Oii to be triuimcd. Posting placard Sec. 20. No person shall play at Foot-ball, or the game commonly called Shinty, or shall throw Stones or Snowballs in any street, scjuare, or lane of this City, under a Penalty not exceeding Five Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceed- ing Forty-eight Hours, for each offence. Sec. 27. Any person who shall climb uj)on or hitch any horse or other animal to any public Lamp-post, or hang or place any goods, boxes, wood, or any other heavy material upon or against the same, or who shall extinguish, or cause to be extinguished, or light, or cause to be lighted, any of said lamps, unless duly authorized so to do, shall be subject to a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or to an Impris- onment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. Sec. 28. If any trees in any street wherein public lamps are erected, shall be suffered by the owner or the occupant of the premises to grow in such a manner as to obstruct the reflection of the said lamps, it shall be the duty of the City Surveyor, under direction of the Light Committee, to notify the owner or occupant of the premises forthwith to trim the same, in the manner to be specified in the notice ; and if any person shall refuse or neglect to comply with such notice, it shall be the duty of the City Surveyor to cause such trees to be trimmed ; and the pei-son so neglecting or refusing shall be subject to a penalty of One Dollar for each tree he was so notified, and refused or neglected to trim. Sec. 29. No person shall post up or affix in any manner any Bill, Placard, or notice, either written or printed, upon the fences, walls, or upon any part of any building in this City (except incases of expropriation), without the previous conseftt of the occupants thereof, or if there be no occupants, without the previous consent of the owner thereof ; nor upon any part of any building belonging to the Corporation of the said City without the previous consent of the Mayor, under a Penalty not exceeding Five Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceeding Forty-eight Hours, for each offence. UY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTllEAL. 158 Sec. 80 Whenever any thing is prohibited in this or any vvho.Hiab.c other Uy-law, as wcli the person actually doing sucli pro- *"""'""""•■ • hibited thing, as his agent or employer, shall be liable to the penalty prescribed. Sec. 81. All houses within the City limits shall be numbered N..mboH„« trom Last to West and from South to North, the even numbers "' "°"'"''- beuig assigned to the left and the odd ones to the riglit hand side of each street: in every case of a vacant space interven- ing, twenty-five feet shall be allowed for a number. i B CHAPTER XXX. By-Law concerning Sidewalks. E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : direcTi^n :f h'' ^^'^^'i'^'r' ''' l^^reby authorized, under the B,.en.o„«or due t on of the lload Committee, so to regulate the width and t^^^i^^a height of tne sidewalks of any streets, as shall, in his judgment, be most conducive to the convenience and interest of the City. Sec 2. Any person who shall encumber or obstruct any ronauvfor sidewalk m any street, square, lane, or highway, in the said ^Klii^^^ tity, with any article or material whatsoever, without havino- previously obtained a written permission from the City Sui- veyor, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each offence. ..n^' ^* '^^ «*«rB,;loor-steps, porches, railings, platforms, rroiocfon. or other erections projecting into or obstructing any sidewalk, l"*"Sdbv street, square, lane, or highway, within the said City, shall sun'o^or'^'"" " be removed, by and at the expense of the proprietor of the real property on or connected with which such projections or Obstructions shall be found, within forty-eight hours after the said proprietor shall have been notified by the City Surveyor to remove the same, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty 20 o J I.Vl BY-IiAWS OF TUK CITY OF MONTREAL. Kxccptioiig. W'-' Kncumbrnncos not ri'iiiovL'd wlioii ordered to bo removed by Surveyor. Goods for sale or ^ made rougli. neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of the next preceding section, it shall be the duty of the said Surveyor to cause the work therein ordered, to be done, at the expense of the party guilty of such neglect or refusal, from whom the said Corporation shall recover the amount of the said expense by summary process in the Recorder's Court. Sec. 17. Whenever the snow shall become so congealed, or ice formed, on any of the sidewalks, or portions thereof, in the said City, as to prove dangerous to passengers, it shall be the duty of the person owning, occupying, or having charge of the house, building, or lot of ground, before which the side- walks shall be in such state as aforesaid, to cause ashes to be strewed thereon, or the ice or congealed snow to be made rough, by cutting the same, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each oftence. Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of every proprietor or propri- etors, or company of persons having any cellar shoot, or other aperture, in the streets or sidewalks in the said City, to cause the iron plate or plates, over such shoot or aperture, to be roughed or studded on the exposed surface thereof, or other- wise made so as to prevent danger to passengers therefrom, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each oftence. riatps over ■ilioot^, &c., in strcots to bo rouslied. No iron plates to he placod over collar doors uiik'ss made rough. Snow or ico on roofs to be removed. Sec. 19. No person shall place on the mouth of any cellar shoot, or other aperture Avhatsocver, in any of the squares streets, lanes, or sidewalks, in the said City, any iron plate or })lates not made rough or studded on the outer surface, or otherwise made so as to prevent danger to passengers, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each oftence. Sec. 20. No person occupying or having under his charge any house, part of any house, store-house, or part of any. store-house, building, or part of any building in this City, sh'i.ll allow snow to be accumulated, or ice to be formed on the roof of such houses or buildings, or any part thereof, in such a manner as to subject the passers-liy to any danger, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars and an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each oftence. BY-LAWS OP TilE CITY OF MONTREAL. lof) Sec. 21. The snow or ice accumulated or formed on the liy whom said roofs as aforesaid, shall be removed or thrown down by the party or parties having charge of such houses and build- ings, before the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and pro- per means shall be taken by them to warn passers-by in the streets of the fact, under a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars and an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. CHAPTER XXXI. 13y-Law concerning Yaults and Cisterns. BE it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. The Road Committee, on application for that pur- i>crm,vionto pose, IS hereby empowered to give permission to construct by w:;omgTv«/ any Vaults or Cisterns in the streets, provided, in the opinion of a majority of said Committee, no injury will come to the public thereby. Sec. 2. No person shall cause any Vault or Cistern to bo xo vault to be constructed or made in any of the streets in the said City of wilhouTS- Montreal, without the written permission of the Road Com- ""''''""• mittee. Sec. 3. Every .application for permission to erect such Kormofappii Vault or Cistern shall be in writing signed by the proprietor pelSfron. makmg the same, and shall state the number of srpiare feet of ground which is required for the same and the intended length and width of the same. Sec. 4. After obtaining permission to construct or make Amount to bo such Vault or Cistern, and previous to the commencement SkLt thereof, the person so applying shall forthwith pay to the City Treasurer the sum of Twenty-five cents per each square foot of ground mentioned as required for such Vault or Cistern. 160 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. '.• Ai Sizcofvault!!. J^ogulations for constructing vaults. Ibid. Ibid, Ibid. Sec. 5. No person shall erect or build, or cause or permit any Vault or Cistern to be made which shall extend further than the line of the sidewalk or curb stone of any street in the said City. Sec. G. It shall be the duty of every person for Avhom any Vault or Cistern may be constructing, to cause or procure the same to be measured by the City Surveyor, and to deliver to the Road Committee a certificate of the said measurement, signed by the said Surveyor before the arching of such Vault or Cistern shall be commenced ; for each of which certificates the City Surveyor shall be entitled to receive, on behalf of the Corporation of the said City from the party requiring the same, the sum of Four Dollars. Sec. 7. If it shaU appear by such certificate or otherwise that such Vault or Cistern occupies a greater number of scpiare feet than shall have been paid for as aforesaid, the owner of such Vault or Cistern shall, in addition to the penalty herein- after provided, pay Twenty-five cents for each square foot of ground occupied by such Vault or Cistern, over and above the number of square feet paid for as aforesaid. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of every person or persons en'^aged in building Vaults or Cisterns as aforesaid, to inclose the ground taken or appropriated for such Vaults, with a fence or railing, in such a manner as to prevent danger to street passengers; and to continue and uphold the said fence or railing until the work shall be completed or the danger removed. Sec. 9. All Vaults or Cisterns shall be constructed of brick or stone, in a solid and substantial manner, and the outward side of the grating or opening into the street shall be either within twelve inches of the outside of the curb stone of "the sidewalk, or within twelve inches of the foundation wall of the ^Vont of the house or building to which such Vault shall belon '6- Urate-: of vaults. iron, Sec. 10. All grates to vaults shall be made of wrought the bars whereof shall be three-fourths of an inch wide, of wrought n inch wide. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 161 anu one half of an inch thick, and not more than three quarters of an nich apart ; or the said Vaults or Cisterns may be provided with thick glass lights, to the satisfaction of the v^ity teurveyor. giound and dewalk over them closed and refitted to the sa- tt°°^ tisfaction of the City Surveyor, within three weeks after they are commenced, under the Penalty of Five Dollars for every day thereafter, during which the same shall remain open or unmcloscd, to be recovered from the owner or buUder of the same, severally and respectively. Cistern under the provisions of this By-law, to lay and main- tain a his own cost, over such Vault or Cistern, a flag stone footpath or sidewalk. ? « uuc Sec. 13. Every proprietor who shall construct, or cause to p w be constructed, any Vault or Cistern, as aforesaid shalTbe an T^^ ^^r swerable for any and every damage'which mljt oct '^d "^^^^^'"• to persons, ammals, or property, by reason of carelessness Cistern "' '""^ '"'''"""' ''''''''*'*^ '''^^ ^^'^ '^^ ^^"^ ^' Sec. 14. m person shall remove, or cause or suffer to be rr.t., h -mo^d or insecurely fixed, so that the same can be^^ S " • m Its bed, any grate or covering to the opening or aperture of any Vault in the said City. ^ aperture Sec. 15. All persons who shall violate, or fail to comnlv p u with any of the provisions of this By-law ^hall be HableTl "■ 'Z "r '""ITX^'^'^^^ ^'"'''' "' '" '" I^^Prisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, or both, for each and every offence. 21 102 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Ilacknpy car- riage dcflned. hicense. B Cliiclof rolicc authorized to grant licenpes. CHAPTER XXXII. By-Law concerning A^eliicles. AKTICLE I. HACKNEY CARUIAGES. AUTKLE II. CAItTS, TIU'CKS, &c. ARTICLE III. VEHICLES IN GKNERAL. Article 1. HACKNEY CARRIAGES. E it ordained and enacted by tlic Council of the City of Montreal, as folloAvs : Sec. 1. Every omnibus, coach, cab, caleche, or other vehicle, whether on wheels or runners, draAvn by one or more horses, 'which shall be used in the City of Montreal for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place within the said City, shall be deemed a Hackney Carriage within the meaning of this By-law. Sec. 2. No person shall set up, use or di-ive in the City of Montreal any Hackney Carriage, for the conveyance of per- sons for hire from place to place within the said City, without having obtained from the Chief of Police a license for such carria'ge, and a number to be attached to the said carriage, and without having paid the rates and duties severally im- posed in and by the Tariff contained in the subjoined schedule. Sec. 3. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to grant licenses and numbers to such persons, as he may deem expe- dient, and who may be duly entitled to the same, to set up, use or drive Hackney Carriages for the conveyance of "per- sons for hire, from place to place within this City, and to demand and exact, for such licenses and numbers the several rates and duties specified in the said Tariff; and a record of all licenses so granted shall be kept by the Chief of Police, who ehall raal;e. at least once a week, a return of all sums so received, and shall pay over the same to the City Treasurer. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 163 Sec. 4. All licenses granted as aforesaid shall expire on Licenses the first day of May next after the date thereof. '""'" *" •'•^''"■"• Sec. 5. The owner or driver of any Hackney Coach or car- carters not to riage shall not be entitled to recover or receive any pay from certain'' J^'^i" any person from whom he shall have demanded any greater price or rates than he may be authorized to receive under the present By-law. Sec. G. In case of disagreement as to distance or price, the cases of dis- same shall be determined by the Chief of Police or any of his XTSdei Deputies in accordance with the Tariff. Sec. 7. Every owner, driver or other person, having Drivers to charge of any Hackney Carriage which has a stand in any ^^*^"'" """"'<''-^' street or stjuare, shall at all times when driving or waiting for employment, wear the number of his carriage, in brass or plated figures of not less than one inch in size ; and the said number shall be placed in the manner directed by the Chief of Police and in such a way that the same may be distinctly seen and read. Sec. 8. No owner of any Hackney Coach or carriage in Duties of the said City shall suffer or permit any driver to drive any criagef such coach or carriage, unless such driver shall be provided with a number as required in and by the next preceding section. Sec. 9. No person except a licensed owner or driver of None but any such coach or carriage in the said City, shall wear the {Ifrs'to tear" number of any such licensed owner or driver ; nor shall ""'"''"'■ any person other than a licensed driver or owner solicit passengers for any such coach or carriage ; nor shall any such licensed owner or driver wear any other* than his own number, or suffer or permit any other person to wear the same. Sec. 10. The following described places shall be the only stands for i.ack- stands on which it shall be lawful to place for hire. Hackney '"^^ '"^'^'««^«- Carriages in this City, viz : 1. That part of McGill Street from the south-east corner 01 Notre Dame Street to Common Street, provided that the 164 ii J. BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. vehicles tliereon be in single line in the middle of the street, with the horses' heads toAvards Victoria S(iuare, or -west- wardly. 2. That part of Dalliousie Square, from the Wicket Gate" leading into the Barracks, north-east termination of St. Paul Street, to the street leading doAvn to the Artillery Barracks, provided the vehicles bo placed in a straiglit line, with the horses' heads towards the Square, and that all returning vehicles take the stand nearest the said wicket. 3. That part of Commissioners' Street, from the south-west line of Jacques Cartier Square to the St. Ann's Market, pro- vided the vehicles be placed in single lines along the harbour revetment wall, with the horses' heads towards the said Market. 4. That part of Craig Street from Papineau Square to St. Antoine Street, provided the vehicles be placed in a single line, in the centre of the street, with the horses' heads towards the said Square. 5. The south-east side of Papineau Square, the vehicles to be ranged in a line with St. Mary Street, the horses' heads towards the Market/ pi ace. 6. The Place d' Amies, for four vehicles on the north, seven on the west, and seven on the east side, facing the Parish Church. 7. The centre of Jacques Cartier Square, between St, Paul and Commissioners' Streets, the horses' heads to face the Bonsecours Market ; and the north-east side of said Jacques Cartier Square from Notre Dame to St. Paul Streets, the vehicles to be ranged in a single line along the south side of the street, the horses' heads turned towards Notre Dame "Street. the street, , or -Nvest- cket Gate" f St. Paul Barracks, B, with the returning south-west 'arkct, pro- lie harbour s the said lare to St. in a single ds towards vehicles to I'ses' heads orth, seven the Parish n St. Paul ;o face the id Jac([ues Streets, the south side otre Dame BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 8. 165 That part of Bonsecours Street from the north-west corner of Notre Dame Street, towards Craig Street, for eight vehi- cles only, the horses' heads being turned towards Not°e Dame Street. 9. That part of Gosford Street along the Government Garden, for eight vehicles only. 10. That part of Chaboillez Square next to the Engine House. 11. The south-west side of that part of Mountain Street imme- diately below St. Antoine Street, and extending towards St. Bonaventure Street. 12. _ The north-west side of that part of Dorchester Street imme- diately above Mountain Street, and extending towards Guy Street, for eight vehicles only. 13. The north-west side of that part of the said Dorchester Street lying between St. Alexander Street, and within at least Mvo hundred feet of Beaver Hall Square, for six vehi- cles only; the horses' heads to face the said Square. 14. That part of Union Avenue from the north-east corner of St. Catherine Street towards Sherbrooke Street for eight vehicles only, the horses' heads being turned towards St. Catherine Street. Sec. 11. In every case where the above described stands clear spaces to are mtersected by cross streets, rampways or footpaths, clear s^t^rects '&7''"'" corresponding places shall be left for the same, but'in no ' ''"' case shall the horses or vehicles stationed at any of the said stands, be allowed to remain or stand within twelve feet of any of the said cross streets or the crossings leading thereto ; and all vehicles frequenting such stands shall close up from' the front of each respectively, according to the order of their arrival. ijlli 166 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. ill I in .stands niny bo tiikcn up for ri'pnirs to 8trC'(!tS, &c. Number of vehicles on stands, limited. Drivers of vehicles exceed- ing number allowed, to leave stands. Tariff of faros for hackney carriages. Sec. 12. Whenever the Corporation of the oaid City may- require to take up or use any of the above described stands for the purpose of repairing the roadway, altering he grades thereof, constructing or repairing drains, laying or repairing water pipes, or for any other purposes within the province and privileges of the said Council, the Carters stationed on such stands shall remove their vehicles to such other conve- nient place as may be assigned to them, for the time being, by the Chief of Police or his Deputies. Sec. 13. In every case, when any of the above described stands are occupied by the number of vehicles allotted for them, no driver or person in charge of any vehicle shall take, occupy, or possess himself or themselves, of an additional place thereon. Sec. 14. The driver, or person in charge of any vehicle exceeding the number hereinbefore allotted to any stand, shall, whenever so required, leave and drive away his horse and vehicle from such stand. Sec. 15. The prices or rates of Fare, to be taken by, or paid to the OAvner, driver or other person having charge of any Hackney Carriage, shall be as follows : TARIFF OF FARES FOR CARRIAGES. PLACES. Two or Four Wheeled Carriages drawn by one horse. F.ROM Any Place. Any Division. TO A PI .ny ^ ace. J Any other within ' the same Division and back. Any place in another Division and back. (Per Hour) Any other in the City. For one • For three or two I or four persons. | persons. $ cts. : S cts. 15 5 25 35 50 20 25 00 Coaches, or four wheeled Carriages drawn by two horses. For one ; For three or two I or four persons, i persons. $ Cts. j $ cts. 30 00 40 1 40 50 60 70 75 30 i 30 40 00 50 75 1 00 40 TIME ALLOWED. J an hour. 5 of an hour. ( over I of an] J hour and un- ( der one hour. One hour. For every additional II ^ i hour. City may jed stands he grades f repairing B province ationed on her convc- ime being. ! described d for them, ce, occupy, ce thereon. ,ny vehicle any stand, J his horse iken by, or ; charge of TIME ALLOWED. BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 10- Sec. 16. No such Owner, Driver, or other person shall demand or exact a higher rate or cliarge, or higher rates or charges, than that or those specified in the aforesaid Tariff; provided that in every description of vehicle each passenger shall be allowed a reasonable weight of luggage free of charge, and that children under twelve years of ago shall only be charged half price. Sec. 17. The above Tariff shall not be taken or hold to Tariff not to supersede any specific arrangement which parties hiring such amuiSS'"*'' vehicles, as aforesaid, may make with the drivers or owners thereof. Sec. 18. No person or persons who shall or may employ no person any licensed Carter, or cause himself, herself, or themselves, uJ^ily'th^ or his, her, or their effects, to be carried, conveyed, or driven '"""' *'""'^- in any public-licensed vehicle in the said City, shall refuse to pay the just and established fare therefor, or the fare agreed to be paid therefor. Sec. 19. There shall be affixed by the Owner or Driver of Tariff to bo each and every Hackney Carriage, in a conspicuous place in carriage.' ""^ the inside thereof, a card, on which shall be printed the above Tariff of Rates, with the number of the vehicle and name of the owner legibly written thereon. Sec. 20. The provisions of the foregoing sections of this Provisions By-law shall apply, and be held to apply, to Sleighs and tosieigL. winter vehicles of that description wliich shall use any of the stands aforesaid. aa hour. of an hour. 1 over I of .an; hour and un- der one hour. 1 Ine hour. For every r.tldit,inn.al Article 3. CARTS, TRUCKS, &C. Sec. 21. Each Cart, Truck,Wagon, Dray, c^/aWf, or corres- License, ponding winter vehicle, and every other vehicle, which shall be used within the City of Montreal for the conveyance from place to place, within the said City, of wood, coal, lumber, slate, stone, brick, lime, sand, gravel, clay, bread, biscuits, milk, beer, porter, ale, whisky, spirituous liquors, goods, wares, 1G8 bV-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTtlEAti Chiot of Police iiiny Rraut licenses. 1 i i li' furniture, morchaiulisc, building materials, or any otlicj* article, or thing whatsoever, Avhethcr of a like descriiition or hot, shall 1)0 licensed, as hereinafter provided, and shall have placed upon the same, the number of the license in plain Ici^iblc figures of not less than one inch in size, and so that the same may be distinctly seen ; and if the owner of any such vehicle shall use, or suifcr the same to bo used, or if any other person shall use any such vehicle, without being licensed as hereinafter provided, or without having the number so placed as aforesaid, or without having paid for such license and num- ber the rates and duties severally imposed in and by the Tariff' contained in the subjoined schedule, they or cither of them shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, or to both fine and imprisonment, for each offence. Sec. 22. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to grant licenses to such persons as may be deemed entitled to the same, to use and to drive, any such vehicle as aforesaid, within the City of Montreal, and to demand and exact for such licenses and numbers, the several rates and duties specified in the said Tariff"; and a record of all licenses so granted shall be kept by the Chief of Police, who shall make at least once a week a return of all sums so received, and shall pay over the same to the City Treasurer. Sec. 23. All licenses granted, as aforesaid shall expire on when to expire. ^^^ ^^^.gj. ^j^^^ of May ncxt, after the date thereof. Sec. 24. The Chief of Police shall fix and determine the place or places on the said vehicles where the said numbers shall be attached, and the manner in Avhich the same shall be so attached to the said vehicles ; and no owner or driver of any vehicle as aforesaid, shall use, or suffbr such vehicle to-be used with any other number upon the same than that assigned by the Chief of Police ; nor with such number placed on any other part of such vehicle than that determined upon and specified by the said Chief of Police. See. 25. The following described places shall henceforth be the only stands iu this City on which it shall be lawful to License?, Manner of nuniboring. Stands for cart'*,trucks,&c, ii BY-LAWS OP TIFB CITY OP MONTREAL. 169 place for hire Carts, Trucks, Wii^'-^ons, and such like vehicles, and corresponding winter vehicles, namely: Fi.'stly,— That part of Commissioners' Street along the Ir..oour revetment wall, from Jac(iues Cartier Square to y niville Street; provided the vehicles be ranged in a single 1\. e, with the horses' heads directed up the river. Secondly,— That part of Commissioners' Street, from the Custom House Sfjuare to the Canal Basin, the vehicles being ranged in single line, with the horses' heads directed towards McGill Street. Sec. 26. In every case where the above described stands when stands are intersected by cross streets, rampways or footpaths, clear lyMT^"'^ corresponding spaces shall be left for the same. Sec. 27. The said City shall, for the purposes of this By- city divided law, be divided into three divisions, as follows : alvMoT The First Division shall comprise the East, Centre and West Wards, (including the South- West side of McGill street and the North- West side of Craig Street,) and shall be sub- divided into two sections. Eastern and Western, the line of demarcation between them being the centre of St. Lambert and St. Jean Baptiste Streets. The Second Division shall comprise the St. 'Ann, St. An- toine, and St. Lawrence Wards (exclusive of McGill and Craig Streets). The Third Division shall comprise the St. Louis Ward (exclusive of Craig Street), the St. James and St. Mary's Wards. Sec. 28. The following shall be the Tariff of rates or charges Tariffof fares for all Carts, Trucks, Waggons, or other such vehicles, for f*"" ^^^^^s"- public hire, in this City ; and it shall not be lawful for the drivers or owners of any such Carts, Trucks, Waggons or other such vehicles for public hire in this City, to demand or exact for the transport or conveyance of any goods, wares merchandise, or effects whatsoever, from any one place to any other or others, in the said City, higher rates or charges than the same, viz : — 22 170 BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. TARIFF OF CARTAGE. GENERAL RATES. DESCRirTION OP GOODS. Articles not lioroin pnumeratcd (ol a coiivpiiioiit bulk) Ashes, I'ot or Pearl Beet', I'ork or Kish Coals or Coke Crockery Flour or Fruit (iriiiii Luiiiber-.Sawn, from yard or boat. Salt or Ifico Firewood-dry from boat or yard. ■' {rreen orfrom ralis.. . . Furniture or Lufrpagc Lumber-green orliaidfrom rafts. Molasses, Sugar or Oil CONTENTS OF LOAD. Pig Iron, Lead, Copper or Tin. Bar Iron or Steel Not over 1,500 lbs. weight Two barrels |Five barrels or 3 tierces. . lUalf a chaldron or i a ton jono crate or 1 hogshead.. I.Seven barrels Not over 1,500 lbs. weight .')00 feet, board measure . . .six bags or 'i barrels Haifa cord 3 feet long. . . I'er load •■)00 feet, board measure . . One iniiichcor, iiogshead or load One ton Kroiunny iilnoolo liny olltcr in tlio iFt OiviniuM, or I'l'nin liny iiliici- Irxchthlvi' of Llic Iliirliinirwlinrvt'H) Knuiy I'liicf in llio t'ify ami vitr- vcryft jinividcd tin- (iii^tmuv do not t'Xtv'Cfl 'l of u mile. From nn}' of tlio Hnr- l)n\ir wlmrvi'K to nny jilnco in tI)o 2n(l or 3ril (livinion within \ u ni. iliKtiinoi' from tlic lifnindnry lin(( of tlu' Ut division nnd rifc- vnvn, or from nny plilco (o.\cluHivo of "the whiuTCHl to nny otlior in tlu; City nnil ?*/ce- (■(7W,nroYiil('iHIi('(liH- tnucu (lo not cxccc d 1^ niilc. Cte. 15 20 25 30 Cts. 25 30 35 40 For every nddl- tional liiilE luilo. 10 SPECIAL RATES. FKOSL f - Any pincc in till' WcKti'ni Section of tlw [■'Irsl Division. Anvplncc in llu' I'ju-tom Section of tile Fil-Bt ItivitiiiUi. And The stores and wharves below Vrellington bridge north .side of Lachine Canal The stores and wharve.s below Wellington bridge, south side of Lachine Canal Cts. 20 25 25 35 80 20 25 Cts. 25 30 vice- versa for ■ The basins above Wellington bridge, ncrth side of Lachine Canal Till' basins above Wellington bridge, south side of Lachine Canal, and the Stores, Stations, Factories, (fcc, at I'oiiit ,st. Charles 30 40 one load. The Stores, Factories, kc, at and above St. Ciabriel Locks north of La- chine CaiHil 35 The St. Bouaventiire Street Uaihvay Station 25 . [ " from the lower wharves of the Harbour 30 For any excess over the quantity or weight fixed for a load, additional ;))'o rflr/a rates shall bo paid. If delay is caused to the Carter by the employer beyond the time usually recjuired for loading, the Carter shall be paid e.cira for such delay at the rate of five cents for every i|uartei' (l. Drivers to remain near veliicles. Licenses to specify veliick'.- Fnrprory of uunilji'rs, &c. 174 BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. No ncraon shall oblitprate numbers. Numbers may bo painted on vehicles. Testimonials of good conduct to be produced if required. Master carters liable for mis- conduct of drivers. Penalty. Sec. 48. No person shall obliterate, deface, reverse, cover over, or l»y any contrivance conceal or render illegible, the number or numbers of his Vehicle or Vehicles, or permit the same to be done. Sec. 49. Every person, being the owner or owners of any Vehicle or Carriage, for hire in the said City, who shall prefer to have the number or numbers for Avhich a certificate or certificates of registry has or have been procured, painted on any such Vehicle or Vehicles, shall be required to apply for and obtain the leave of the Chief of Police of the said City, so to paint the said niunber or numbers on any such Vehicle or Vehicles ; and shall, moreover, in every such case, after leave has so as aforesaid been obtained, be further required to cause the same to be painted on such Vehicle or Vehicles so as to correspond as to size and colour with the tickets of numbers issued under the authority of the said Chief of Police. Sec. 50. Eacli and every person hereafter applying for a license under this By-law shall, if required, before obtaining the same, produce and file a testimonial, or certificate, which shall be satisfactory to the Chief of Police, of his or tlieir honesty, sobriety, and upright character, and of his or their capacity and means to keep a good horse and Vehicle. Sec. 51. Master carters, employers and owners of horses and A^ehicles, shall in all cases, be Uable for the misconduct or negligence of their servants, drivers, or persons in their employ, or having charge of their horses or Vehicles ; and for each oftence committed by their said servants, drivers, or other persons in their employ, or having charge of their horses or Vehicles, against any of the provisions of this By-law, the said master carters, employers, and owners of hoi-ses and Vehicles shall be liable to the same fine and penalty as are therein and thereby im})Oscd upon the said servants or drivers, or other persons aforesaid, the actual offenders. Sec. 52. Any and all persons, offending against any of the provisions of this By-law, shall, for each offence, forfeit and rse, cover igible, the or permit )wners of who shall certificate d, painted . to apply f the said any such v^ery such be further Vehicle or with the ■ the said ying for a obtaining ate, which s or tlieir is or their cle. of horses aisconduct IS in their s ; and for Irivers, or 3 of their lis By-law, of hoi-ses penalty as ervants or iders. any of the forfeit and BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 175 pay a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars and costs of prose- cution, and bo liable to Imprisonment in the Common Gaol or in the House of Correction, at hard labour, for a period not exceeding one calendar month. Sec. 53. The several rates enumerated and specified in the Tarifr of rates TariiF contained in the subjoined Schedule shall be the rates paid'b'y'carteS which the Chief of Police shall be and is hereby authorized ^*'' to annually demand and exact for the license for any of the Carriages or Vehicles therein mcntionvjd. (Schedule.) TARIFF OF RATES To be collected annually by the Chief of Police for licenses issued to carters and others using hackney-carriages or vehi- cles for the conveyance of passengers, or the transport of goods, wares, merchandise, building materials, produce or other articles, in the City of Montreal. HACKNEY CARRIAGES. 1. For every Cab, Caleche, or other tAvo wheeled vehicle — Five dollars $5.00 2. For every four wheeled Carriage drawn by one horse — Seven dollars , 7,00 3. For every coach or four wheeled Carriage drawn by two horses — Mne dollars 9.00 4. For every Omnibus or Stage cosLch—jSu'tee^i dollars 16.00 CARTS, TRUCKS, WAGGONS AND OTHER VEHICLES, The licenses for Carts, Trucks, and other vehicles used for the conveyance of goods, wares, merchandise, etc., shall be divided into three classes, as follows : The first class shall include all Carts, Waggons, and other vehicles running within the City for hire or reward not other- wise expressly provided for, and shall pay : — 5. For every Cart, Truck, or other two wheeled vehicle — 7hco dollars .,,, = ,-....-.,,_.... 9.00 176 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. If,! Hi 6. For every Waggon or four wheeled vehicle drawn by one horse — Six dollars 86.00 7. For every Waggon or four wheeled vehicle drawn by two horses, and made to carry a load under 4,000 lbs. weight— *%vew dollars 7.00 8. For every heavy Waggon, float or other four wheeled vehicle drawn by two or more horses, and made to carry heavy articles or materials weighing 4,000 lbs. or upwards — N'me dollars 9.00 9. For every Diable 4.00 10. The second class shall include all Carts, Wag- gons or other vehicles used by Merchants, Traders, Manufacturers, Contractors for the conveyance or delivery of the articles or effects dealt in, manufactured or made use of by them, for each of which there shall be paid, in addi- tion to the rates charged for in the first class — l^wo dollars and fifty cents 2.50 11. The third class shall include all Carts, Wag- gons, or other vehicles used by Expressmen, Bakers, BrcAvers, Distillers, Farmers or Gar- deners, for each of which there shall be paid, in addition to the rates charged for in the first class — Five dollars 5.00 Parties obtahiing licenses, as aforesaid, shall moreover pay the annual assessment on all working horses employed in drawing the above mentioned vehicles or Carriages, at the rate of two dollars and fifti/ cents (82.50) each, and also twenty-five cents for each number granted by the Chief of Police. The same rates shall apply to all corresponding >Yinter vehicles. lii;^l 14 BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 177 wn ler • • »ur es, als ',rs • • ig- its, the cts 5m, Idi- ass • • ag- cn, ar- lid, irst $6.00 7.00 9.00 4.00 2.50 5.00 reover pay aplojcd in ges, at the 1, and also e Chief of ing Avinter CHAPTER XXXIII. B By-Law concerning Water Courses. E it ordained and enacted by the Council of the City of Montreal, as follows : Sec. 1. Every proprietor of real estate situate within the Proprietors to kcPD wfttor" limits of the said City, and through which a natural Water courses iu good , order. Course may pass, shall be held and obliged to keep the section of the said Water Course passing through his property as afore- said, in good order at all times, so that the water may have its free coui-se, without any obstruction or hindrance whatever ; and every such pi'oprietor shall be hold and obliged to make all the necessary works to that effect. Sec. 2. No person shall obstruct any natural Water Course water-courscs . ,, . , ^.. . , , . , to bo unob- m the said City, or m any way or manner whatsoever inter- structcd. fere with the same, so as to impede or disturb its course ; nor shall any person cover any natural Water Course or erect thereon any building whatever, unless the same be previously viewed and laid out by the City Surveyor or his Deputy, nor in any other manner than the said Surveyor or his Deputy shall direct; and any person who may hereafter cover i>,ny Notice to cover such Water Course, or erect thereon any building as aforesaid, shall, before doing so, give at least eight days' notice of his or her intention so to do, to the said City Surveyor, who shall thereupon examine the premises and determine the manner in which the work shall be done, or the building erected, so as not to interfere with or impede the natural flow of the water. Sec. 3. The City Surveyor or his Deputy may, at all times. Powers of city enter upon any lot of ground or property in the said City relation to 11./ J • ^vatcr-oourscs. through which a Water Course shall pass, and whenever any such Water Course is found to be dlit of order, or contrary to the provisions hereinbefore enacted, the City Surveyor or his Deputy shall give notice thereof in writing to the proprietor 23 178 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. ' ''? ,\ of such lot or pro])crty, calling upon him at the same time to make the necessary works so as to put the said Water Course in good order within fourteen days ; and if at the expiration of that time, the said works arc not made, the said City Sur- veyor or his Deputy may, and he is herehy authorized to cause the said works to be made at the expense of the said proprietor, who shall bo held and obliged to reimburse the cost thereof to the Corporation of the said City of Montreal. Sec. 4. The said Council, whenever' they may deem it in the interest of the City so to do, may order any Water Course in the said City to be diverted, altered, stopped or discon- tinued. Water-courses may bo diverted, &c. renal ty. Ill Sec. 5. All persons offending against any of the provisions of the present By-Jaw, or who shall prevent or endeavour to prevent its proper execution, shall incur a Penalty not exceed- ing Twenty Dollars, and be liable to an Imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, for each offence. CHAPTER XXXIV. By-Law concerning By-Laws. ARTICLE I. OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND EFFECT OF BY-LAWS IN CERTAIN CASES; ARTICLE II. OF THE REVJSED BY-LAWS, AND THE REFEAL OF CERTAIN BY-LAWS. Article 1. OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND EFFECT OF BY-LAWS IN CERTAIN CASES. AT a special Meeting of the Council of the City of Mont- real, held in the City Hall of the said City Of Montreal, this tenth day of May, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Five, in the manner and after the observance of all the formalities prescribed by law ; at which said Meeting not less than two-thirds of the Members of the Council, to wit, the following Members, are present, viz : His R Ml BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. 179 mo time to btcr Course >cpiration of City Sur- thorizecl to of the said [nbursc the f Montreal. deem it in atcr Course . or discon- 3 provisions ideavour to not exceed- omnent not BY-LAWS IN i RErEALOF .WS IN ty of Mont- )f Montreal, le Thousand id jafter the ,v ; at which ibers of the nt, viz : His Worship the Mayor, J.- L. Bcaudry, Esquire; Aldermen: Grenior, Hodden, Gorrie, David, Bowie, Holland, Stevenson, McCready; Councillors: ^[cGibbon, Devlin, Labelle, Goyette, McNcvin, Iligginson, McGanvran, Leduc, Poupart, Archam- bault, Alexander, Ogilvie, BroAvn, Isaacson and Cassidy. It is ordained and enacted by the said Council as follows : ^ Sec. 1. Whenever in any By-law any Committee is men- tioned by the name or title of such Committee, all the pro- visions therein contained, relating to such Committee, shall be construed to apply and refer to the Committee of the City Council, designated by such name or title. Sec. 2. Whenever the word " street" or "streets" is men- tioned in any By-law, it shall be construed to include highways, roads, avenues, courts, public lanes and alleys; and it shall slso be construed to include side-walks or foot-paths, unless the contrary is expressed, or such construction would be in- consistent with the manifest intent of the City Council. Sec. 3. Whenever any words in any By-law, importing the plural number shall be used in describing or referring to any matters, parties or persons, any single matters, party or person, shall bo deemed to be included, although distributive words may not be used ; and when any subject matter, party, or person, shall bo referred to in any By-law, by words importing the singular number only, or the masculine gender, several matters, parties or persons, and females as well as males, and bodies corporate, shall be deemed to be included ; Provided that these rules of construction shall not be applied to any By-law, which shall contain any express provision excluding such construction, or where the subject matter or context of such By-law may be repugnant thereto. Sec. 4, Whenever in any By-law, the doing of any act, or duty, is declared to be a breach thereof, and there shall be no fine or penalty. declared for such breach, any person who shall be convicted of any such breach, shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars, or an Imprisonment not exceedino- Thirty Days. Committees ofthoCity Council, how designated in By-la"'8. The word "street" de- fined. Certain words, how construed. Penalties in cases not pro- vided for. 180 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OP MONTREAL. Keviscd By- lawn of tlio City of Mont- real dgscribcrt by chapter and title. d I Article 3. OF THE REVISED BY-LAWS, AND THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN BY-LAWS. Sec. 5. The following By-laws, severally described by chapter and title, printed and contained in the preceding pages, that is to say, in a book entitled Municipal Laws, printed and published by direction and authority of the said Council, and purporting to be The Charter and By-laws of the Qitij of Montreal, tor/ether toith Miscellaneous Acts of the Legislature relatinfj to the City, with an Appendix ; com- 'piled, revised and codified, hy order of the City Council, by Charles Glachneyer, City Cleric, and also this By-law, be and the same are hereby ordained and declared to bo the revised By-laws of the City of Montreal, and to be in full force and effect from this day, that is to say : Chapter I. By-law in relation to the Mayor. Chapter II. By-law in relation to the City Clerk. Chapter IIL By-law in relation to the City Treasurer. Chapter IV. By-law in relation to the City Surveyor. Chapter V. By-law to provide for the care and manage- ment of the Montreal Water Works, and to estabUsh a Tariff of Water Rates. Chapter VI. By-law in relation to Assessments and Taxes. Chapter VII. By-law to establish a Board of Health in the City of Montreal. Chapter VIII. By-law in relation to the Manufacture and Sale of Bread. Chapter IX. By-law concerning the Erection of Buildings. Chapter X. By-law concerning Burials. Chapter XI. By-law to establish and regulate the City Passenger Railway. Chapter XII. By-law to regulate the Sale and Measurement of Coal. Chapter XIII. By-law concerning Dogs. Chapter XIV. By-law in relation to Ferries. Chapter XV. By-law concerning the Fire Department. i BY-LAWS OP THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 181 CERTAIN ribecl by ireccding al Laiva, f the said ij-laws of ds of the Ux ; com- m7icil, hy Jy-law, be to bo the full force k. surer, eyor. L manage- u' Works, of Water ad Taxes, tlealtli in 3ture and Buildings. tlie City isurement tment. Chapter XVI. By-law concerning Firewood. Chapter XVII. By law concerning offences against good morals and decency. Chapter XVIII. By-law concerning Gunpowder. Chapter XIX. By-law concerning Public Markets and the sale of Meats, Vegetables, &c. Chapter XX. By-law in relation to Mastery and Ap- prentices. Chapter XXI. By-law concerning Nuisances. Chapter XXII. By-law establishing and regulating the Police Department of the City of ' MontreoL Chapter XXIII. By-law to preserve Public Peace and Good Order. * Chapter XXIV. By-law concerning Public Squares. Chapter XXV. By-law concerning Public Pounds. Chapter XXVI. By-law to establish a Tariff of Fees for the Public Crier. Chapter XXVII. By-law to' establish a Tariff of Fees for the Recorder's Court. Chapter XXVIII. By-laAv concerning Sewers. Chapter XXIX. By-law concerning Streets. Chapter XXX. By-law concerning Sidewalks. Chapter XXXI. By-law concerning Vaults and Cisterns. Chapter XXXII. By-law concerning Vehicles. Chapter XXXIII. By-law concerning Water-courses. Sec. 6. All By-laws of the City of jNIontreal, heretofore By-iaws passed in relation to the subject matter of, or inconsistent 'cpoaied. with any of the By-laws named or mentioned in the next pre- ceding section shall be and the same are hereby severally repealed : Provided, that such repeal shall not affect any act done or any right accruing or accrued, or estabhshed, or any suit, action or proceeding had or commenced in any civil case before the time when said repeal shall take effect, nor any offence committed, nor any penalty or forfeiture incurred, nor any suit or prosecution pending at the time of such repeal, for any offence committed, or for the recovery of any penalty, forfeiture, taxes, rates or assessments incurred or due under any of the By-laws so repealed. ■ # -^^\%* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // fA 1.0 ■- lilM 11111= u ^ UUu I.I 1.25 1.4 1.6 p% ^ "c^l Hi JM ^ ;> ^ ^/j Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ' % w^.. i^' h. \ v\^ ^ 182 BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Autliontication of revised By-laws. Sec. 7. The said revised By-laws of the City of Montreal, contained in the aforesaid entitled Municipal Laws, purport- ing to contaui The Qharter and By-laws c-P the City of Mont- real, together with Miscellaneous Acts of the Legislature relating to the City, loitli an Appendix ; compiled, revised and codified hy order of the City Council, by Claries Glack- meyer, City Clerk, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be printed and published by the direction and authority of the said Council. I r CATALOGUE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. 185 CATALOGUE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT, FROM ITS INCORPORATION !N 1840. [Note.— From the year 1796, up to the year 1833, the Municipal affairs of the City were administered by Justices of the Peace, sitting in Special Sessions for that purpose. In 1832 the City was incorporated, (1st William IV., chap. 59,) and to that end was divided into eight Wards, viz. : East, West, St. Ann, St. Joseph, St, Antoinc, St. Lawrence, St. Louis, and St. Mary ; each Ward electing two members. The first meeting of the Corporation was held on the fifth 'iune, 1833, at which Jacques Vigor, Esquire, was elected Mayor of the City of Montreal ; an office which he continued to hold until the new incorporation, in 1840.] 1840, 1841, 1842. d) Hon. Peter McOill, Mayor. Jules Quesnel,^^^ Adam Ferrie, C. S. Rodier, J. Gr. Mackenzie, C. S. DeBleury, J. M. Tobin, Olivier Berthelet, F. Bruneau, Ilypolite Guy,'2> John Donegani, Charles Tait,<4) J. W. Dunscomb,'^> Thomas PhilUps,'") Cohn Campbell, Stanley Bagg, Archibald Hume, D. Handysifle,'") William Molson. J. P. Sexton, Oity Clerk, appointed 12th Sept., 1840. ^'> This Corporation was appointed by the Governor General for a term of office, to expire in December, 1842 ; their successors being sub- ject to election by the people. (2) Died and was replaced by J. M. Desrivieres, 3rd June, 1842. W Resigned and replaced by Joseph Bourret, 30th March, 1842. W Declined to act, and was replaced by John R°dpath, 12^1 Sept., 1840. W Resigned and replaced hy Jame? Ferrier, 1st July, 1841. (6) Died and was replaced by William Lunn, 20th June, 1842. (?) Declined to act, and was replaced by John Mathe\-8on, 12th Sep- tember, 1840. 24 I 186 CATALOGUE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. 1843. James Ferrier, Esq., Mayor S^^ ALDERMEN. Henry Stuart, Benjamin Lyman, Joseph Bourret. COUNCILLORS. Francois Perrin, William Footner, Pierre Beaubien, John Glennon, J. D. Gibb, John Tully, ") By the Act 8 Vic, cap. 59, the City was divided into nine Wards, as at present, giving two members to each of the Suburban Wards, and three to each of the City Wards, (East, Centre and West). '-^ On the 18th May, 1846, Alderman John E. Mills, who had been put in nomination for the office of Mayor along with Mr. Ferrier, on the pre- ceding 9th March, and who claimed to have had a majority of votes on that occasion, was declared by the Court to have been duly electee? Mayor of the City, and he accordingly assumed the duties of that office. 188 CATALOGUE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. ■nil' il I John Ward, Daniel Gorrie, William Connolly, Jasper G. Sims, Pierre Dufrcsnc, Narcisse Valois, Canfield Dorwin, John Kelly . J. P. Sexton, Citi/ Clerk. 1847. John E. Mills, Esq., Mayor S"^^ ALDERMEN. Joseph Bourret, James Ferncr, Francois Perriu, William Eootper, Benjamin Lyman, J. D. Gibb, Daniel Gorrie, Jasper G. Sims, Narcisse Valois, Canfield Dorwin, Pierre Beaubien, John Glennon, John TuUy. COUNCILLORS. Andrd Ouimet, B. C. A. Gugy, Alfred LaRocque, John Ward,(3) J. U. Beaudry, Patrick Lynch, C. S. DeBleury. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. 1848. Joseph Bourret, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. John Glennon, J. D. Gibb,(*) Andrii Ouimet, B. C. A. Gugy, John TuUy, E. R. Fabre. 01 Resigned and was replaced by Alfred LaRocque. (V Died in November, and was replaced by Joseph Bourret, f 8 Mayor, and by 0. S. Rodier, as Councillor in the St. Antoine "Ward. (3) Left the City, and was replaced by J. B. Ho.nier, in Dec, 1847. w Resigned, and was replaced by Archibald Macfarlane. r ■- CATALOGUE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. 189 COUNCILLORS. Narcisse Valoi'3, Alfred LaRocque, J. U. Beau thy, Patrick Lynch, J. B. Homier, Charles Wilson, Wilham Snaitli, Benjamin Lyman, John Bell, C. S. Rodier, William Workman,<^> Joseph Grcnicr, Joseph McNider, Jasper G. Sims. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. 1849. E. R. Fabre, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Joseph Bourret, Andrd Ouimet, B. C. A. Gugy, C. S. Rodier, Charles Wilson, William Snaith, John Bell, . Joseph Grenier, Joseph McNider, John Whitlaw, Benjamin Lyman, Alfred LaRocque, Jasper G. Sims. COUNCIIfLORS. John Tully, J. U. Beaudry, P. Lynch, J. B. Homier, Archd. Macfarlane, Amable Prevost, Saml. Benjamin. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. 1850. E. R. Fabre, Esq., Mayor. aldermen. Benjamin Lyman, Alfred LaRocque, Charles Wilson, Archd. Macfarlane, Joseph Grenier, J. U. Beaudry. W Declined to act, and was replaced by John AVhltlaw. 190 CATALOGUE OP THE CITY GOVERNMENT. COUNCILLORS. Joseph Bourret,<^' Patrick Lynch, J. B. Homier, Amable Prevost, John Tully,(2) S. Benjamin, John Whitlaw, Frs. Lcclaire, Archd. Hall, Benjamin Holmes, Thomas McGrath, Edwin Atwatcr, Ed. Lamarche, D. McDonald. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. te; 1851. Charles Wilson, Esq., Mayor. 1 aldermen. E. R. Fabre, Archd. Macfarlanc, Joseph Grcnier, J. B. Homier, Patrick Lynch, S. Benjamin^ councillors. Amable Prevost, John Whitlaw, Frs. Led aire, Archd. Hall,(3) EdAvin Atwater, Ed. Lamarche, D. McDonald, 0. Frechette, John Looming, H. H. Whitney, Alex. McCambridge, Patrick Larkin, J. R. Bronsdon, A. Montreuil. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. t'' Resigned and replaced by Olivier Frechette, May, 1850. (2) Resigned and replaced by L. H. Holton, May, 1850. <3) Resigned and was replaced by Ed. Thompson, Nov., 1851. ^9 • CATALOGUE OP THE CITY GOVERNMENT. ^1 1852. (1) Charles Wilson, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Joseph Grcnier, John Lecming, Francois Leclaire, H. H. Whitney, John Whitlaw, J. B. Homier, Edwin Atwater. Patrick Lynch, 0. Frechette. COUNCILLORS. Alex. McCambridge, N. B. Corse, J. R. Bronsdon, Narcisse Valoig, A. Montreuil, Rollo Campbell, Ed. Thompson, Louis Marchand, Patrick Lark in, Petrus Labello, Joseph Tiffin, Lambert Bleau, R. Trudeau, Austin Adams, M. Cuvillier, H. Goyette, Henry Starnes, Thomas Mussen. J. P. Sexton, City Clerh 1853. Hon. Charles Wilson, Mayor. ALDEI IMEN. Joseph Grenier, John Whitlaw, Edwin Atwater, John Leeming, H. H. Whitney, R. Trudeau, N. Valois, P. Larkin, Frs. Leclaire. (') By the Act 14 and 15 Vic, cap. 128, passed 31st August, 1851, the Mayor's election was taken from the Council and confided to the Elec- tors generally, the number of Ihe Aldermen was increased to nine, and the Suburban Wards were allowed three Members each, the same as the Town "Wards. 192 CATALOOIIE OP THE CITY UOVERNMENT. iBf .'i Joseph Tiffin, M. Cuvillier, Henry Starncs, N. B. Corso, Rollo Campbell, L. Marchand, P. Labelle, Lambert Bleau, Austin Adams, J. P. COUNCILLORS. II. Govette, Thos. Mussen, J. B. Homier, Alex. McCambridge, J. R. Bronsdon, A. Montreuil, Ed. Thompson, C. J. Coursol, Joseph Papin. Sexton, City Clerk. J. R. Bronsdon, R. Trudeau, Patrick Larkin, H. H. Whitney, 1854. Wolfred Nelson, Esq., Maijor. . aldermen. Edwin Atwater, Joseph Grenicr, John Whitlaw, J. B. Homier, Frs. Leclaire. councillors. A. Hibbard, Louis Ricard, Thomas McGrath, Henry Lyman, J. J. Day, Lrmbert Bleau, Rollo Campb'^11, Narcissc Valois, Joseph Papm,'i) J. P. Sexton, Oity Clerk C. J. Coursol, Ed. Thompson, A. Montreuil, A. McCambridge, Austin Adams, P. Labelle, Henry StarneSy M. Cuvillier, Jos. Tiffin. 0) Mr. P. Lynch having contested Mr. Papin'a election, on the grounl of his not being a " resident householder," as required by law, judgment was, on the 31st October, 1854, rendered by tht Superior Court, sustain- ing Mr. Lynch's application, and declaring him to have been duly elected Councillor for the St. Mary's Ward. CATALOGUE OF THE CITY fJOVERNMENT. 198 1855. WoLFRED Nelson, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Frs. Lcclaire, II. II. Whitnej, R. Triulcau, J. E. Homier, J. R. Bronsdon. Honry Starnea, A. ^RicCarabridge, Edwin Atwator, Narcisse Valoia, P. Lynch, A. Moiitreuil, Ed. Thompson, C. J. Ooursol, RoUo Campbell, Lambert Bleau, J. J. Day, Henry Lyman, Thomas McGrath, COUNCILLORS. Louis RIcard, Ashley Ilibbard, Austin Adams, Ed. Masson, George Browne, M. P. Ryan, Damase Masson, Amable Jodoin, C. E. Belie. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. 1856. Henry Starnes, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. R. Trudeau, Edwin Atwater, Nareisse Valois, Frs. Leclaire, J. B. Homier 25 A. McCambridge, RolJo Campbell, J. J. Day, H. H. Whitney. 194 CATALOGUE OF TUB CITY GOVERNMENT. Lambert Bleau, Henry Lyman, Thomas McGrath, Louis Ilicard, A. Ilibbard, A. Adams, George Browne, M. P. Ryan, D. INIasson, J. P. COUNCILLORS. Amable Jodoin, C. E. Belle, Louis ^Iarchand,(^> W. A. Townsend, Henry Bulmcr; F. Clarke, Joseph Simard, J. P. Rottot, N. B. Corse,(2) Sexton, City Clerk. 1857. Henry Starnes, Esq., Mayor, ALDERMEN. Edwin Atwater, Frs. Lcclaire, J. B. Homier, A. McCambridge, J. J. Day, L. Marchand, George Browne, D. Masson, H. H. Whitney. Austin Adams, M. P. Ry^^n, Amable Jodoin, C. E. Belle, W. A. Townsend,*^) Henry Bulmer, F. Clarke, Jos. Simard, J. P. Rottot, councillors. N. B. Corse, N. Valois, Jacques Grenier, Fred. Penn, William Rodden, J. R. Bronsdon, Andre Auclaire, J. H. Tcrroux, Frs. Cusson. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. led. a) Electedinl.laceofEd.Ma.sQnre9.c .2. Replaced Mr. Starnes as Councillor in tlic West Ward. '■•>' Resigned, and svas replaced by Daniel Gorrie, Sept., 1857.' CATALOGUE OP THE CITY GOVERNMENT. 105 1858. C. S. RoDiER, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Frs. Leclaire, A. McCambridgc, L. Marchand, H. H. Whitney, Henry Bulmer, Frs. Clarke, J. B. Homier, N. B. Corse, N. Valois. COUNCILLORS. Jos. Simard, J. J. Day,(i) J. P. Rottot, Jacques Grenier, Fred. Penn, William Rodden, J. R. Bronsdon, Andrd Auclaire, J. H. Teiu'oux, Frs. Cusson, Daniel Gorrie, Amablc Jodoin, Aldice Bernard, F. F. Mullins, J. L. Loprolion, A. N. Rennie, John Smith, J. B. Gojette. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. 1859. C. S. Rodier, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Louis Marchand, Francjois Leclaire. A. Jodoin, N. Valois, Edward Thompson, N. B. Corse, Henry Bulmer, D. Gorrie. A. McCambridgc. '■ Resigned, and was replaced by Ed. Thompson, April, 1858. i 1 II 19B CATALOGUE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. COUNCILLORS. Jacques Grenicr, Frederick Pcnn, William Rodden, J. R. Bronsdon, Andrd Auclairc, J. H. Terroux, A. Bernard, F. F. Mulliiis, J. L. Leprohon, Fi'S. Cusson, A. N. Renuie, John Smith, J. B. Goyctte, Henry Lyman, W. Bristow, R. Bellemare, Franfjois Contant, Joseph Duhamel. Ciis. Glackmeyer, City Clerk. {Appointed 15th Jpril, 1859.) 1860. C. S. RoDiER, Esq., Mayor aldermen. L. Marchand, N. B. Corse, F. Leclaire, A. McCambridge, Henry Buhner, A. Jodoin, D. Gorrie, Edward Thompson, J. L. Leprohon. COUNCILLORS. A. Bernard, F. F. Mullins, A. N. Rennie, J. B. Goyctte, Henry Lyman, R, BoUemare, F. Contant, Joseph Duhamel, Jacques Grenier, John Smith, ^2) Frederick Penn, William Rodden, Fran(,'ois Cusson, Thomas McCready, G. L. RoUand, J. B. Homier, J. B. Brousseau. . • W. Bristow ,'i) Ciis. Glackmeyer, City Clerk. si 'I '\^'ns dei'liired dUqualificd by judgment of the Court, and was replaced by Uluirlcs Tuggey, March, 18G0. t^j Resigned, and was replaced by J. L. Bcaudry, June, I860. CATALOGUE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. 197 1861. C. S. RoDiER, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. F. Leclaire, D. Gorrie, R. Bellemare, A. Mc Cambridge, Edward Thompson, Henry Lyman, Henry Bulmer, Jacques Grenier, J. L. Beaudry. COUNCILLORS. F. Contant, Joseph Duhamel, Frederick Penn,' WilUam Rodden, Francois Cusson, Thomas McCready, G. L. Rolland, J. B. Homier, J. B. Brousseau, Charles Tiiggcy, J. B. Goyette, J. B. Rolland, G. B. Muir, A. A. Stevenson, Thomas McGrath, D. McNevin, George Bowie, Ferdinand David. Chs. Glackmeyer, City Clerk. 1862. J. L. Beaudry, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Edward Thompson, Jacques Grenier, F. Leclaire, Henry Bulmer, D. Gorrie, R. Bellemare, Frederick Penn, William Rodden, J. B. Homier. 198 CATALOGUE OP THE CITY GOVERNMENT. COUNCILLORS. Francois Cusson, Thomas McCready, G. L. Rollancl, J. B. Brousseau, J. B. Gojette, J. B. Rollaud, G. B. Muir, A. A. Stevenson, Thomas McGrath, Ciis. Glackmeyer, Daniel McNevin, George Bowie, Ferdinand David, Henry Lyman, P. Donovan, J. R. Bronsdon, A. Martin, Joseph Pou})art, F. Contant.(i) City Clerk. 1863. J. L. Beauduy, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. F. Leclaire, H. Bulmer, D. Gorrie, R. BcUemare, Jacques Grenicr, Fred. Penn, W. Rodden, . H. Lyman, F. Contant. councillors. J. B. Goyette, J. B. Rolland, G. B. Muir, A. A. Stevenson, Thos. McGrath, Daniel McNevin, George Bowie, Fcrd. David, r Donovan, J. R. Bronsdon, A. Martin, Jos. Poupart, Thos. McCready, A. McGibhon, B, Dcvhn, A. E. jMontmarquet, E. Lamoureux, L. Labelle, Ciis. Glackmeyer, City Clerk. Replaced J. L. Beaudry as Councilloi- in the St. James' Ward. CATALOGUE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. 199 1864. J. L. Beaudhy, Esq., Maijor. ALDERMEN. F. Leclairo, H. Bulmcr, D. Gorric, R. BcUemave, Jacques Grenler, Fred. Penn, W. Rotldon, II. Lyman, F. Contant. COUNCILLORS. P. Donovan, J. R. Bronsdon, A. Martin, Jos. Poupart, Thos. McCready, A. McGibbon, B. Devlin, E. Lamoureux, L. Labelle, J. B. Goyette, J. B. llolhmd, A. A. Stevenson, D. McNevin, Geo. BoAvie, ierd. David, T. S. Higginson, J. W. McGauvran, J. Leduc.(i) Chs. Glackmeyer, City Olerh. 1865. J. L. Beaudry, Esq., Mayor, J. Grenier, W. Hodden, F. Contant, D. Gorrie, ALDERMEN. Ferd. David, Geo. Bowie, J. B. Rolland, A. A. Stevenson, Thos. McOready. '■'■' Replaced Councillor Montmarquet, resigned. i 200 CATALOGUE OF THE CITY OOVERNMEXT. A. McGihbon, B. Devlin, E. Lamoureux, L. Labelle, J. B. Goyctte, D. McNevir,, T. S. Higginson, J. W. McGauvran, J. Leduc, COUNCILLORS. P. Donovan, Jos. Poupart, C. Archambault, C. Alexander,*!) A. W. Ogilvie, David Brown, J. II. Isaacson, F. Cassidy, B. Bastion. Chs. Glackmeyer, C% Clerk. LIST OF ACTING MAYORS, APPOINTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE 2d SECTION OF THE ACT 16 VIC, CAP. 128., WITH DATES OF ArrOINTMENT. , R. Trudeau, Esquire, 13tli September, 1858. C. J. Coursol, " 13tb December, " J. R. Bronsdon, " 13th March, 1854. H. H. Whitney, " 12th June, " Henry Starnes, " 11th September, " Rollo Campbell, " 11th December, " Ed. Thompson, " 12th March, 1855. Ed. Masson, " 11th June, " J. J. Day, " 10th September, " D. Masson, " 10th December, " A. McCambridge, " 10th March, 1856. N. Valois, " 10th June, " '•> Replaced Alderman Penn, resigned. m. m 1858. a 1854. a 1855. ACTING MAYORS. Hciuy Lyman, Esquire, 8th September, 185G. Louis Marchand, " 9th December, " W. A. Townsend, " 9th March, 1857. Louis Marchand, " 8th June, " Henry Buhner, " 14th September, " A. Jodoin, " 14th December, " Daniel Gorrio, " 8th March, 1858. J. P. Kottot, « 14tli June, " Fred. Penn, " 14th September, " Jac(iues Greuier, " 13th December, " William Roddon, " 14th March, 1859. Fr.^. Cusson, " 13th June, " A. Bernard, " 12th September, " Frs. Lcclaire, " 1 2th December, " N. B. Corse, " 12th March, i860. J. L. Leprohon, " 11th June, " Henry Lyman, " 10th September, " II. Bellcmare, " 10th December, " Chas. Tuggcy, " 11th March, 1861. Jacques Greuier, " 10th June, " Daniel Gorrie, " 9th September, " J. L. Beaudry, " 9th December, " Thos. McCready, " 10th March, 1862. J. Bte. Goyette, " 9th June, " G. B. Muir, " 8th September, " Frs. Contant, " 9th December, " A. A. Stevenson, " 9th March, 1863. Ferdinand David, " ...... 10th June, " D. McNevin, " 14th September, " J. B. Rolland, " 14th December, " George Bo^vie, " 14th March, 18G4. Jos. Poupart, " 13th June, " P. Donovan, " 12th September, " Ludgcr Labelle, " 12th December, " B. Devlin, " 13th March, 1865. 201 26 202 CITY OFFICIALS. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. John P. Sexton, City Recorder. Clis. Glackmcycr, City Clerk. Edouard Dcmers, City Treasurer. P. MacQuisten, City Surveyor. Peter L. Macdonell, Assistant City Clerk. F. W. Penton, Chief of Police. H. I. Ibbotson, Clerk Recorder's Court. Louis Lesagc, Superintendent Water Works. L. W. Tessicr, Accountant Water Works. A. Bertram, Chief Engineer Fire Department. J. B. Dubuc, Inspector of Buildings. John Kennedy, Deputy City Surveyor. F. A. Lamontagne, and John O'Connor, Assistants Trea- surer's Office, G. E. Starnes, ju. Clarihue, and W. A. Mussen, Extra Clerks Treasurer's Office. J. V. Duvergcr, Extra Clerk Recorder's Court. C. Perrin, James O'Brien, and Chs. Lapierre, Extra Clerks Water Works. F. H. Badger, Chief Telegraph Operator. F. X. Gauthier, \ ^ggigt^nt Telegraph Operators. James Yuill, ) James J. Bogue, Extra Clerk Road Department. J. Perrigo, Clerk Bonsecours Market. F. Benoit, Assistant ditto. Henry Kollmyer, Clerk of St. Ann's Market. Thos. Day, Assistant ditto. Joseph Robillard, Clerk of Cattle Market. Wm. Gunn, Assistant ditto. A. Schwartz, Clerk of Hay Market. D. D. Grenier, Assistant ditto. EUe Beaulieu, Clerk of St. Lawrence Market. CITY OFPIOIALS. 203 T. Orsali, Clerk of Papineau Market. M. M. Vaughan, Clerk of St. Gabriel Market. C. liefebvre, Clerk of St. Antoine Market. A. D. Joubert, Bailiff Recorder's Court. Jos. Dumont and L, C. Thdrien, Extra Bailiffs. James D'Arcy, Messenger. Henry Stuart and Rouer Roy, Attorneys. W. Ross and C. F. Papineau, Notaries. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. JerQme Grenier, James C. Beers, Joseph Deschamps, Daniel Farrell, R^mi Lambert, Thomas McGinn, CLERKS. P. N. Lamothe, | A. A. Lynch, Francis Dowd. 204 RULES OF COUNCIL. RULES AND ORDERS CI :^ OF THM COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. li n I :i "f 111: Mayor's absence. MANAGEMENT OF THE COUNCIL. Timoofmooting L As soon after the hour of meeting, as there shall be a preside" '"'"" quorum present, agreeably to the Ordinance of Incorporation, the Mayor of the said City, if present, or, in his absence, the acting Mayor, or, in the absence of the acting Mayor, such Alderman or Councillor as the members of the Council, so assembled, shall choose to be Chairman of any such meeting, shall take the Chair, and call the Members to order. 2. In case the Mayor shall not be in attendance, or if iv attemlance, should Avish to leave the Chair, the acting ]Mayor shall take the Chair, or in the absence of the acting Mayor the senior Mem])cr present shall, from his place, call the meeting to order, until a President be chosen, according to the provisions of the Ordinance, who shall sit until the arrival or return of the Mayor. 3. Immediately after the Mayor, or Presiding Member, shall have taken his seat, the minutes of the preceding Meeting thall be read by the Clerk, in French and English alternarcly, in order that any mistake therein maybe corrected by the Council. R'?aduig ot tilt mUuites. Adoiiled 8tli May, 1863. lUILES OF COUNCIL. 205 :^ [REAL. slmll be a •rporation, sence, the lyor, such 'ouncil, so 1 meeting, 1". :e, or if \v ing jNIayor Ing Mayor !, call the cording to the arrival ; Member, preceding lid English 3 corrected 4. When the Council adjourns, the Members shall keep oniorin their seats until the Mayor, or Presiding Member, has It'ft ""J"""""""**- the Chair. 5. (By the 48th section of the Act of Incorporation, 14th Quorum, and 15th Vic, cap. 128, it is provided, that not less than one- third part of the whole n\nnl)er of the Members of the City Council, viz.: ten Members, including the Mayor, shall be necessary to constitute a Meeting of the said Council for the exercise of its powers.) 6. Whenever the Mayor, • Presiding Member, shall Noauomm. adjourn the Council for want of a quorum, the time of the adjournment, and the names of the Members then present, shall ho inserted in the minutes. 7. Any two Members may require the Council Room to be withdrawal cleared of Strangers ; and the Mayor, or Presiding Member, °* '*"'"*^''"- shall immediately give directions to have the order executed without debate. 8. The Mayor or Presiding Member shall preserve order Order in the and decorum, and shall decide questions of order, subject to ^""""''' an appeal to the Council ; in explaining a point of order or practice, he shall state the rule or authority api)licable to the case. (By the 30th section of the Act 2.3rd Vic, cap. 72, it is provided, that the Mayor or other Officer for the time being presiding at any meeting of the Council, shall have power to enforce his authority, for the maintenance of order and decency, by causing to be forcibly put out of and excluded from the Council Chamber, until the adjournment of the Meeting, any Member of the Council, persisting in misdemean- ing himself, after the Mayor, or Officer so presiding, shall declare him to be out of order ; Provided that upon a motion to that eifcct, it shall be resolved by a majority of at least tliree-fourths of the Members present that the Mayor, or Officer presiding, should enforce his authority in that behalf; and any motion to that effect slmll always be held to be in order, and shall be put and decided upon without debate.) 9. The Mayor, or Presiding iMember, shall not take part Mavornot in any debate before the Council, or vote, unless the Council ^'"^''^''■^''- 206 RULES OF COUNCIL. shall bo tMiually dividod, in 'ilcli caso ho may give hla reasons for so voting. He may, however, state facts, and give his opinion on (luestions of order. >li'inl)pr« Two or inoio infiiilicrs rising together. Orilcrlndcbafp. Iii'ading tho i|ii('stiou. Xi) member to speak more than once; Xor more tlian ten minutes. DEBATE. 10. When any Member is about to speak in debate, or deliver any matter in the Council, he shall rise in his place, and respectfully address the Mayor, or Presiding INIember, shall confine himselt to the question under debate, and avoid all personalities or oflfensivo words against any Member of tho Council. 11. When two or more Members happen to rise at the snmo time, the Mayor or Presiding Member shall name tho Member who is first to speak. 12. A Meml)cr called to order shall sit down, but may afterwards explain. The Council, if appealed to, shf»11 decide on the case, but without debate. If the be no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be final. 13. Any Member may of right require the question or mot'on in discussion to be read for his information, at any time during the debate, but not so as to interrupt a Member Avhile speaking. 14. No Member shall speak more than once to a question, except in explanation of a material part of his speech, which may have been misconceived or misunderstood, but then he is not to inti-oduce any new matter. A reply is allowed to a Member who has made a substantive motion to the Council, but not to any Member who has moved an amendment, the previous question, or an instruction tu v. rvuir»)lttee. lo. No Member shall speak long< i' tLan Tea Minutes at a time without leave of the Council. Decorum in the Couucil. CONDUCT OF MEMBERS. 16. When the ^Nlayor, or Presiding Member, is putting a question, no Member shall walk out of or cross the room, or make any noise oi- disturbance ; and when a Member is speak- RItLES OP COUNCIL. 207 ing, no Membe shall iutorrupt him, except to order, nor paas between Inm and the Chair ; and no Member may pass between the Chair and the table. 17. Every Member who shall bo present when a question McmborHio is put, shall vote thereon, unless the Council shall excuse him, inrMumiiy 111 11 • . 1.1 . -r^ . 1 Interoatcu. or unless he be personally niterested ni the question ; Provided such interest is resolvabl- into a jjcrsonal pecuniary profit, or such as is peculiar to the Member, and not in common with the interests of the Citizens at large, in which case he shall not vote. ROUTINE BUSINESS. 18. The Ordinary Routine of business in the Council shall itoutino be as follows :— o.bu.inu.s. Receiving Petitions, Receiving Reports of Committees, Notices of Motions, Questions put by Members, Orders of the Day. 19. Questions may be pr t to the Mayor, or Presiding (^..owtions Member, or to the Chairnuin of any Standing or Special ^^ ''''''''^'''^ Committee of the Council, relating to any By law. Motion, or other proceedings or public matter connected with the bu'iness of the Council — but. in putting any such question, no argument or opinion is to be oftbrcd, nor any facts stated, except so far as may be necessary to explain the same. And, in answering any such question, a Member is not to debate the matter, to which the same refers. MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS. 20. The Mayor, or Presiding Member, shall consider a jiotion Motion to adjourn as always in order, unless a Member has *" "'"J""'"- possession of the floor, or any question has been put and not decided j and it shall be decided by the Council without debate. 21. All Motions shall be in Avriting, and seconded before siotions. being debated, or put from the Chair. When a Motion is ""'''""'^'■- 208 RULES OF COUNCIL. Jlotion.-i, how proposed. seconded, it shall be read in English and in French by the Mayor, or Presiding Member, if he is familiar with both lan- guages ; if not, the Mayor or Presiding Member shall read the Motion in one language, and direct the City Clerk to read it in the other, before debate. 22. Aftera Motion is seconded, and submitted by the Mayor, or Presiding Member, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Council, but may be withdrawn at any time, before decision or amendment, with permission of the Council. 23. The Mayor, or Presiding INIember, shall propose all Questions, in the order in which they are moved, except in naming sums and fixing times, when the largest sura and the longest time shall be put first. 24. When a Question is under debate, no Motion shall be received unless — 1. To amend it ; 4. To postpone it ; AVI 1011 in jiossc'ssion of tli(! Council. DuriiiK debate, Avluit in order. rrevioiis question. llcconsidera- tioii when iiui)' be iiuide. Slotiin to ])0Stll01U>, &c. not debuteable. Anienrtnient in anu'Ddinont to an anieudinent. 2. To commit ; 5. For previous question ; 3. To lay on the table ; G. To adjourn. 25. The previous Question, until it is decided, shall itreclude all amendment and debate of the main Question, and shall be in this form, " Shall the main Question now be put V If the previous Question be resolved in the atfirmativc, the original Question is to be put forthwith, without any amendment or debate. 2G. A Question may be re-considered at any time during the same sitting, by a vote of the majority of the Members lircsent, or at the first or any other sitting thereafter, })y the concurrent vote of the majority of the whole Council (viz. 15). A motion for re-consideration being once made and decided in tlie affirmative or negative, shall not l)e renewed l)eforc the next Civic year. 27. A jNIotion for post]ionement or conunitmcnt sliall, until it is decided, preclude all debate of the main (juestiun. 28. A Motion to amend an amendment shall be in orJer ; l)at to amend an amendment to an amendment shall not be entertained. RULES OF COUNCFL. 209 ill by the botli lan- I read the to read it le Mayor, ;session of c decision ropose all except in n and the II shall be It; question ; 1 preclude d shall be " If the e ori^ifinal idment or ne during Members }r, by the (viz. 15). Iccided in )ctore the hail, until ion. in order ; all not be 29. An amendment modifying the intention of a Motion inordcrwhen. shall be in order ; but an amendment relating to a difierent subject shall not be in order. 80. On an amendment to "strike out and insert," the t,. "strikeout paragraph to be amended shall first be read as it stands, then how maTic." the words proposed to be struck out and those to be inserted, and finally, the paragraph as it would stand if so amended. DIVISIONS, 31. When IMembcrs have been calk^l in, preparatory to a Divieions. division, no further debate is to be permitted. 32. If any two Members require it, the Yeas and JS^i/s Yeas and Nayg. upon any question shall be called and entered upon tlie minutes of the Council, in the following order : First.— Tho newly elected Members for the St. Mary, St. James, St. Louis, St. Lawrence, St. Antoine, St. Anne, West, Centre, a^d p]ast Wards, in the order in which the said Wards are herein enumerated, — provided that Members re-elected for any of the said Wards shall take precedence of all Members ncAvly elected, and not before in the Council. Second. — The Old Members for the said Wards in the order above enumerated. Third. — The Aldermen, in the inverse order of their appointment, the last appointed voting first. PETITIONS. 33. Every Tetition, Remonstrance, or otlier written Appli- petitions to cation, intended to bo presented to the Council, shall iiave ""^ '"'^'"^^''' endorsed thereon the name of the applicant, and the substance of such application, wliich endorsement shall be read by the City Clerk, unless a Member shall refpiire the reading of the paper, in which case the whole shall be read. SUPPLIES. ■ 34. No Resolution, Motion, or Report involving the expen- supply vot«s to diture of any portion of the City Revenue, shall be adopted i^v tiVe'iinanc'i by the Council unless the same shall have been previously coiamittce. ! 1 210 RULES OF COUNCIL. submitted to and sanctioned by the Finance Committee. Provided, however, that upon the refusal of the Finance Committee to sanction an appropriation asked for by any Committee, the said Council may, by a vote of three-fourths of its Members, order such appropi.ition to be made. Ir I BY-LAWS. 35. All "Hy-laws shall be printed in both languages, for the use of the Members, before being submitted to the Council for consideration. 36. When a By-law or Petition is read in the Council, the Clerk shall certify the readings, and the time on the back thereof. 37. Every By-law shall be read twice before it is committed and engrossed, and read the third time before it is signed by the Mayor. # 38. No By-law brought into the Council shall have more than one reading on the same day. Fees aiiu cost of 39. The expcnses and costs attending on private By-laws giving any exclusive privilege, or for any object of profit, or private, corporate, or individual advantage, or for amending, extending, or enlarging any former By-laws in such maimer as to confer additional powers, ought not to fall on the public ; accordingly; the parties seeking to obtain any such By-law shall be r(>quired to pay to the City Treasurer, before the third reading thereof, an amount sufficient to cover the cost of printing, engrossing, and publishing the said By-law, and no such By-law shall be read a third time imtil a cei-tificate from the City Treasurer shall have been filed with the City Clerk, that the cost of printing, engrossing, and publishing as afore- said, has, been paid to him. Uy-law8 to bo printed. Keadiiigs of by-laws. Kcadings of by-laws Keadings of by-laws private by-laws. m PRIVILEGES. I'riviieKc 40. Whenever any matter of privilege arises, it shall be taken into consideration immediately. ill immittee. Finance ■ by any jo-fourths !S, for the ouncil for uncil, the the back lommitted signed by lave more B By-laws ' profit, or imending, h manner be public ; 3h By-law )efore the the cost of ,w, and no icate from :ity Clerk, g as afore- it shall be RULES OF COUNCIL. 211 COMMITTEES. 41. Whenever it shall be moved, and carried, that the commutoo Council shall go into Committee of the whole, the Mayor, or ''*""'" '''"''•^'■ Presiding Member, before leaving the Chair, shall appoint a Chairman of the Committee of the whole, who shall maintain order in, and report the proceedings of the Committee. The rules of proceedings in Council, shall be observed in Committee of the whole, so far as they may be applicable, except the rule limiting the number of times of speaking. 42. When in Committee of the whole Council, all motions order of relating to the matter under consideration shall be put in the ^"""""^"'^■ order in which they are proposed. 43. On motion in Committee, to rise and report, the question Motion that shall be decided without debate. the 'S. ''"'' 44. The Standing Committees shall be appointed by the standing Council, annually, at the Quarterly Meeting in March. committees. They shall each consist of seven Members, and shall be as follows : — 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, On Finance. On Roads. On Police. On Fire. On Water. 6. On Markets. 7. On Light. 8. On City Hall. 9. On Licenses. 10. On Health. 45. Special Committees may be appointed on motion of a special com- Member by consent of the Council. Committees appointed to ""*"'''^'' report on any subject referred to them by the Council, shall report a statement of diets, and also their opinion thereon, in writing, and no report of any Committee shall be received unless the same shall have been agreed to in Committee actually assembled, and signed by a majority thereof. 46. On the acceptance by the Council of a final report, ^yIlPn from a Special Committee, the said Committee shall be con- sidered discharged, without a vote, unless otherwise ordered. 47. No Meeting of any Committee shall be called upon committoo*., less notice than twenty-four hours. howcaiiod. ditchnrged. 212 RULES OP COUNCIL. i Meetiiies "t" coinniitti'cs not to tako jiluci' on certain clays. (quorum. PiococdiiiKs when tlieio is no quorum. Members may attend committees. Committees not to eive contracts to Its members. Chairman, his attribuui-iis. Ktconsidera- tions in committees. Chairman to report proceodiufTs ii certain cii«"-. To prepare orders of tlio day. 48. Unless for business of the most urgent importance, and with the sanction of the ]\Iayor, no meeting of Committee shall be held on the same day as a meeting of the Council. 49. Of the number of Members appointed to compose a Committee, a majority of the same shall be a quorum, unless otherwise ordered by the Council. 50. If within thirty minutes after the time for which any Committee shall have been called, there shall not be a quo- rum of the Members present, any Member of such Committee, then pi-esent, may leave the Committee room, and before doing so have his name recorded as present, which will pre- clude any business being done at that meeting, although there should subsequently be a quorum. 51. Members of the Council may attend meetings of any of its Committees, but shall not exercise the privilege of voting. t 52. No Committee shall enter into any contract with, or authorize the purchase of, any article from any of its Mem- bers. 53. No Chairman of any ^mmittee shall audit or approve any Bill or Account again^ the City, for any supplies or services, which shall not ha\ e been ordered or authorized by the Committee. 54. The 26th Rule relative to the re-consideration of mo- tions on questions in the Council, shall also apply to the re-consideration of any question in Committees. 55. When a sufficient number of the Members of a Com- mittee, cannot agree to a Report on any matter referred to them, the Chairman of such Committee shall make a special report of the proceedings to the Council, in order that a decision may be had in the matter. DUTIES OF CLERK. 56. The City Clerk shall make a list of all By-laws, Reso- lutions, or Reports on the Table, which shall be considered " The general Order of the Day'' — original Communications RULES OF COUNCIL. 213 portance, !ommittee Jouncil. joiTipose a im, unless ivhich any be a quo- ommittee, nd before h Avill pre- , although ngs of any livilege of ;t Avith, or ' its Mem- or approve nipplies or liorized by iion of mo- )ply to the and Petitions shall be first taken up, then any unfinished sub- ject, then the special Orders of the Day, unless the Council shall decide differently. 57. The Clerk shall keep Minutes of the Votes and Pro- xokcop ceedings of the Council, entering thereon all accepted orders and resolutions ; shall notice reports, memorials, and other papers submitted to the Council, only by their titles, or a brief description of their purport, but all accepted reports shall bo entered at length, and the said Minutes shall be fairly copied into a separate journal, to be kept for that purpose, and provided with an index ; he shall also forward all the papers to the appropriate Committees and Officers, as early as possible after the reference shall have been made. 58. It shall also be the duty of the Clerk of the City Coun- To attend oil to attend the Meetings of Council and Committees, and to keep the records of Committees of the Council, and he shall provide suitable blank -books for that purpose ; and the said Clerk shall have the custody of the Minutes so kept, which, like all the other records, shall be subject to the inspection of the Members of the Council. 59. No standing rule or order of the Council shall be sus- Rules how pended, unless three- fourths of the Members present shall ""^^"^ "'' consent thereto ; nor shall any rule or order be repealed or amended without due notice being given of the motion there- for ; nor unless a majority of the whole Council shall concur therein. 5 of a Com- referred to <.o a special ■der that a laws, Reso- considered uiunications 214 RULES OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT or THE FIEE DEPARTMENT. STATIONS. 1. The Stations of the City Fire Police shall be enume- rated as follows : — No. 1 — Central Station, Craig Street. No.i2 — Court-House Square. No. 3 — Wellington Street. No. 4 — Chaboillez Square. No. 5 — St. Catherine Street. No. 6 — German Street. No. 7 — Dalhousie Square. No. 8 — Visitation Street. •J i DISTEICTS. 2. For the greater convenience of operating the Fire Department, the City shall be divided into three Districts. District No. 1 — Shall comprise all that part of the City lying west of St. Denis and Bonsecours Streets, and, east of George Street, Dupre Lane, Ste. Monique Street, and McGill College Avenue, and from City Boundary to the River. District No. 2 — Shall comprise all that portion of the City lying west of No. 1 District. District No. 3— Shall comprise all that portion of the City lying cast of No. 1 District. STT. le enume- t. the Fire istricts. ■ the City and east • reet, and y to the on of the on of the RULES OP FIRE DEPARTMENT. 3. The Fire-PoUce and Signal Stations inchided within the boundaries of the several Districts shall be as follows : — District No. 1. Fire Stations. A.pparatu8. No. 1. — Central I tt ^?' j t jj I Hooks and Ladders. No. 2. — Court-House Square Hose. No. .5.— St. Catherine Street i JJ^^?' No. 6.— German Street i ^°^?- ( Jijngine. Signal Stations. Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, 26, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52. District No. 2. Fire Stations. Apparatus. ( Engine. No. 3. — Wellington Street < Hose, ( Hooks and Ladders. No. 4. — Chaboillez Square Hose. . ' Signal Stations. Nos. 13, 14, 15,. 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, and 64. District No. 3. Fire Stations. Apparatus. No. 7. — Dalhousie Square Hose. Hose, No. 8. — Visitation Street \ Engine, Hooks and Ladders. Signal Stations. Nos. 2, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, and 65. 215 r 21G II' RULES OF FIRE DEPAKTMENT. ORGANISATION OF STA'J^IONS. 4. The different Stations shall be organised as follows : No. 1— Central Station One Guardian, 1st. One Guardian, 2iid. Two Drivers. No. 2— Court House One Guardian. One Assistant Guardian. One Driver. 1^0. 3— Wellington Street One Guardian. One Assistant Guardian. One Driver. No. 4— CiiABOiLLEZ Square One Guardian. One Assistant Guardian. One Driver. No. 5— St. Catherine Street . One Guardian. One Assistant Guardian. Oiie Driver. No, 6— German Street One Guardian. One Assistant Guardian. One Driver. No. 7 — Dalhousie Square One Guardian. One Assistant Guardian. No. 8— Visitation Street One Guardian. One Assistant Guardian. One Driver. DUTIES OF GUARDIANS, ASSISTANT GUARDIANS, AND DRIVERS. It shall be the duty of the Guardians and Drivers of the Fire Police to give attendance at their respective Stations, and they shall not absent themselves without leave of absence from the Chief. The first or senior Guardians shall be entitled to a residence and a water-service at their respective stations : and the Assistant Guardians and Drivers shall RULES OP FIRE DEPARTMENT. 217 lows : St. ruardian. ruardian. jruardian. jruardian. jruardian. auardian. Gruardian. RDIANS, ers of the I Stations, of absence 3 shall be respective .vers shall ha,ve sleeping accommodations, — it being understood, how- ever, that they supply suitable bedding at their own expense. 6. The Members of the City Fire Police are strictly pro- hibited from the intemperate indulgence in spirituous licjuors and from the use of profane swearing, and shall abstain froixi noisy and quarrelsome conduct. They shall not, under any pretence whatever, enter into Taverns unless when required in the regular discharge of their duties as Firemen, or bring Spirituous Liijuors into any of the Stations, under pain of imme- diate dismissal. The first Guardian of each Station shall be held responsible for the good order of his Station. He shall see that all the apparatus appertaining thereto is kept in an efficient state ; he shall report all deficiencies and damage to the Chief without delay ; he shall see that the watches are properly set and kept ; he shall also keep a book, or journal, shewing the daily routine of duty, recording to a form to be furnished by the Chief, open to the inspection of the Officers of the Force ; and it shall be his duty to report all irregularities, misconduct, or acts of insubordination of his subordinates. 7. The City Fire-Police shall not engage, either directly or indirectly, in aay business or occupation, Civil or Military, other than that for which they are employed as Members of this Force , and they shall act in any capacity for which theip services may be required for working Engines, Hose, Hooks, and Ladders, Axes, Fire-escapes, &c., &c., according to the exigency of the service. ORDER OF WATCH. 8. In those Stations where there are two Guardians, the watch shall be six hours each alternately, viz. ; 12 to 6 P.M. 12 to 6 A.M. 6 to 12 P.M. 6 to 12 M. 9. Stations having two Guardians and one Driver, the watch shall be four hours each alternately, viz. : — 12 to 4 P.M. 12 to 4 A.M. 4 to 8 P.M. 4 to 8 A.M. 8 to 12 P.M. 8 to 12 M. 28 21 H m RULES OP FIRE DEPARTMENT. 10. Stations having four Guardians and Drivers, the watches shall be six hours each in succession, viz. : 12 to 6 P.M. 12 to 6 A.M. 6 to 12 P.M. 6 to 12 A.M. 11. When not on watch or engaged in Street-watering, as is hereinafter provided, the Guardians and Drivers may be absent for meals, and, if married, for the purpose of attending to their families ; but, with the exception of the first, leave of absence shall be first obtained. STREET-WATERING. 12. Tlie Street-watering Service having been assigned to the City Fire-Police, it shall be the duty of the Assistant Guardians and Drivers to perform such service, when not occupied in the duties of Firemen ; it being provided, however, that the men whose watch occurs between Sunset and Sunrise shall not be Uable to work the water-tanks. HOSE-CLEANING. 18. In addition to tho-ordinary duties assigned to Guardians and Drivers, the staff of the Central Station shall be charged with the cleaning and repair of the hose. The hose to be brought to the Station, changed, and taken away by the Guardians or Drivers of the several stations. DUTIES OP CHIEF ENGINEER. 14. The Chief Engineer shall give attendance at the Central Station every day (Sundays excepted,) from 9 a.m. till 12. He shall command the entire force at fires ; shall issue orders at his discretion to the Police at their several stations, in con- sonance with the City Fire By-laws, and with the provisions of these regulations. He shall be empowered to suspend any Member of the force for misconduct or disobedience of orders, which shall be immediately reported to the Committee with a full statement of the reasons for the course pursued. And, as the executive officer of the Fire Committee, he shall communi- cate the orders of said Committee to all parties concerned. RULES OP FIRE DEPARTMENT. 211» vers, the itering, as •3 may be attending t, leave of ^ned to the Guardians [)icd in the it the men lall not be Guardians )e charged liose to be ay by the the Central .M. till 12. ?sue orders 3ns, in con- I provisions uspcnd any e of orders, ittee with a ,. And, as II communi- ncerncd. 15. It shall be his duty to keep a journal of*the operations of the department in all its parts, and present a synopsis of its working to the Fire Committee quarterly, and shall report annually in detail, — enumerating the losses which have oc- curred ; the causes of Fires, when known ; the occupation or business carried on ; the supposed value of property destroyed, whether real or personal : together with such observations and recommendations as he may deem fitting to promote the efficiency of the Department. 16. He shall, when reqiiired, render all possible aid in the good working of the Fire Alarm Telegraph establishment. DUTY OP ASSISTANT ENGINEER. 17. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Engineer to aid and assist the Chief Engmeer at fires, and to take the entire direction in his absence ; and to give attendance at the office (Central Station) every day from 1 o'clock until 8 p.m. 18. He shall inspect the several Stations twice weekly, in rotation ; he shall aid the Chief in keeping -the journal and order-book of the Central Office ; he shall compile statements from station-books ; and generally render all possible assistance in conducting the business of the Department. GENERAL RULE. 19. Every Member of the City Fire-Police, including the Chief, Engineer and his Assistant, shall devote their entire time and energies to the duties appertaining to their respective offices. The violation of this rule shall expose the delinquent to immediate dismissal. 220 RULES OP FIRE DEPAllTMBNT. a' * CITY FIRE COMPANY. 20. The City Fire Company shall ho dividccl into three Sections of twelve Firemen and six Supernumeraries. 21. The First Section shall he under the immediate command of the Captain, and its rendezvous or rallying point shall bo the Central Station. 22. The Second Section, of an equal number of men, shall be placed under the immediate command of the First Lieute- nant; and their place of meeting shall be No. 8 Station, Wellington Street. 23. The Third Section shall be constituted like the former, under the immediate command of the Second Lieutenant, and shall meet at No 8 Station Visitation Street. 24. When all or any portion of this Company are called out for duty, it shall be under the immediate command of the Senior Company Officer present, who shall be directed by the Chief or Assistant. duties op city fire company. 25. The duties of the City Fire Company shall be such as the exigency of the particular case may require. They shall be liable to operate Fire-engines, work Hose, raise or place Ladders, demolish wooden erections, and generally to do any duty which may be required of them for the extinguishment of fires. 26. Th shall be the duty of the Captain and Lieutenants to maintain the discipline and efficiency of the Company, and they shall be held responsible therefor. 27. The several sections of the City Fire Company shall turn out according to the rules established for the City Fire- Police, viz. : — RtLES OP FIRE DEPARTMENT! 221 ito three i. [iinecliate ing point len, shall t Lieute- Station, e former, nant, and jailed out id of the ed by the e such as 'hoy sliall or place to do an}' cuishment ;enants to )any, and )any shall !I^ity Fire- Firtst Alarm. No. 1 District .* . .1st Section. No. 2 District 2nd Section. No. 8 District ' 3rd Section. Si'cond Alarm. No. 1 District, ivest. . 1st and 2nd Sections. No. 1 District, east 1st and 3rd Sections. No. 2 District 1st and 2nd Sections. No. 3 District 1st and 8rd Sections. Third Alarm. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sections. 28. The Roll must be called by the Chief Engineer or Assistant, or in their presence, and posentoes will be liable to fine or drawback of pay for non-attendance according to the following scale, viz. : i Captain 11.50 Lieutenants $1 . 00 Firemen 0.50 29. Supernumerary Members will be entitled to pay, when supplying the place of absent Members, provided, however, that not more than twelve men are returned as present for each Section of the Company. DRESS AND UNIFORM. 30. The Members of the City Fire-Police shall provide them- selves Avith such Uniform Dress as the Fire Committee shall prescril)e, and they shall wear such dress when upon duty. Should the Members, however, fail to provide the Uniform prescribed by the Committee, the Chief shall order the same ; the cost to be detluctcd from the pay of the Members for whom it shall be so provided. Any variation of Dress, according to the occasion and season of the year, will be ordered by the Chief. v 222 RULES OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. 81. The Dress of the City Fire PoUce shall consist of tlu" following, viz : — Oap—Lea.i\\0Y Regulation. SJiirt—llad. Flannel. Pan- taloons — Dark Mixture, with Waist Belt. ■Green. 3rcl. Dis- COLOURS. 1st. District — Red, 2nd. District- trict — Blue. In addition, an India Rubber Poncho Over-all for winter. .32. The City Fire Company shall wear such Uniform as they may adopt, provided, however, that it shall be of the same pattern ; the several Sections being distinguished by the colours of the Districts to Avhich they may have been assigned. FIKE-ALARM TELEGRAPH. 33. The Superintendent and Chief Operator shall have sole control of the apparatus connected with the Fire-alarm, Water and Police Telegraph, li' shall be empowered to direct the AYorking of said Fire-alarm Telegraph in every particular, and shall be held responsible to the Fire Committee for the good order and efficiency of the estabUshment ; and in order that such responsibility may be efficacious, he shall have the power to suspend his subordinates for any grave dereUction of duty, pending the action of the Fire Committee. 34. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent and Chief Operator to present to the Fire Committee on or before the first March, in each and every year, a report detaiUng the working of his department during the year, with such sugges- tions for the consideration of the Committee, as he may deem expedient. 35. Each Operator shall be required to perform a duty of sixteen hours per diem, — eight hours active and eight hours as assistant, — and to be at all times subject to such extra service as may be necessary for the proper Avorkiug of the system. RULES OP FIRE DEPARTMENT. 22:; ist of the 1. Pan- }rd. Dis- ir winter. uiform as ' the same le colours lecl. have sole •m, Water direct the 3ular, and ■ the good H-der that the power a of duty, and Chief jefore the ailing the 3h suggcs- may deem a duty of ight hours tra service system. i^Q. Upon the requisition of the Superintendent and Chief Operator, the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department shall furnish men from tl\e City Fire-Police for the purpose of setting or erecting poles, or for any other duty of a like nature, which may be required. ALARMS. 87. The alarm of fire shall be communicated to all the Stations. The Fire-Police and section of City Fire Company within the District indicated only shall turn out upon the first alarm ; the force of the other Districts, however, shall hold them- selves in readiness to proceed to the fire if required. District No. 1. — Upon a second alarm in No. 1, District, west of St. Joseph and St. Urbain Streets, No. 2 District shall turn out to assist No. 1. District. If the fire shall occur cast of said line. No. 3 shall turn out. District No. 2. — Upon a second alarm in District No. 2, District No. 1, ivest of St. Urbain Street, shall turn out to their assistance. District No. 3. — Upon a second alarm in District No. 3, District No. 1, east of St. Urbain Street shall turn out. In all cases, the whole shall turn out upon a third alarm. SIGNALS. 38. For a First Alarm — The signal-box number will be struck three times in succession. For a Second Alarm — The number will be repeated twice after the first signals shall have been given. For a Third Alarm — The number Avill be repeated once after the first and second signals have been given. When no more assistance is required, one blow will be struck. 39. Should an alarm be given from a second signal-box, in the same District, it shall not be considered a second alarm, with the view to call out a greater force, — but if it shall occur in a diiferent District, then the force assigned to that District shall proceed immediately to the place indicated. 224 RULES OP FIRE DEPARTMENT. INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS. DUTIES OF INSPECTOR. 40. The Inspector of Buildings shall give his entire atten- tion and time to the duties of his office, as defined in the By-law relating to the construction and alteration of Build- ings, &c., and for the prevention of accidents by fire ; and he shall not be required to perform any other duty, nor shall he be permitted to engage in any other avocation or business ■whatsoever. 41. The Inspector of Buildings shall be present, at all Meetings of the Fire Committee, unless prevented by un- avoidable causes, to afford informition relative to the conduct of the Department under his charge. 42. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings to prepare an annual report, containing a concise statement of the management of his department during the year, with such recommendations and suggestions as he may deem fitting and the circumstances of the service may Avarrant. 43. He shall also prepare tabular statements, shewing the number of nevf buildings erected during the year in the several Wards of the City, specifying the purpose for which they were constructed, and the kind of material employed. He shall also state the average number of visits paid to such buildings during the progress of erection. 44. He shall report also, in tabular form, the number of buildings in each Ward, which have undergone considerable repairs or alterations, specifying particulars when such are important. 45. He shall also shew by condensed table, whether the number of new buildings has increased or diminished, as compared with previous years. 46. The Insi)ector of Buildings shall likewise prepare an Annual Statement of all causes instituted by him in the Recorder's Court, specifying the name of the parties impli- cated, the cause of complaint and result of prosecution. POLICE RECULATIONS. iro atten- m1 in the of Buikl- ! ; and he r shall he business nt, at all cl by un- 3 conduct iklings to temcnt of ■with such itting and owing the ar in the for which employed, id to such lumber of nsiderable such are lether the nished, as )repare an im in the ties impli- ition. REGULATIONS * FOR THE (GOVERNMENT OF THE POLICE FORCE, OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. WITH IKSTRUCTIOXS AS TO TIIK l.VMAl. TOWERS AND DUTIES OP POLICE CONSTABLES. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE MONTREAL POLICE. Although the system of Police is designated for the detec- tion and punishment of offenders, its groat and primary object IS the prevention of crime, hy restraining the vicious, intimi- •iatnig the reckless, and rendering punishment a certain consequence of crime. These objects can only bo attained by unremitting vigi- lance, and energy of action on your part in the performance of the high and important duties that the law has devolved upon you. A careful examination of the law, and of the Rules and Kegulations, will constitute a guide for your conduct, a com- [•liance with which will secure the confidonoe of your fellow- citizens, and do honour to the position you occupy. The due (niforcement and maintenance of the law is, under all well regulated Governments, a primary and most essoatial object. To accomplish these objects, the agent- on whom these important powers are conferred, should be men of un honour- able character—calm and dispassionate, discriminating and cautious, yet when the emergency requires, bold and resolute. •Adopted oh the 2nd May, 1862. 29 226 POLICE REaULATIONS. I;, s 1 3ti ! ii A Policeman's duty is ceaseless. Act as if the good order of society and the prevention of violations of law depended u])on your individual diligence and courage ; and be not unmindful of the fact, that where crime prevails and law is violated, it is attributed most frequently to dereliction of duty on the part of the constituted guardians of society. The absence of crime will be considered the best proof of the effi- ciency of the Police. The intluence and character that you will sustain in this City will, in a great measure, depend on your own conduct and vigilant activity. A Policeman seen in the streets listless and lounging on a corner, or idly wasting his time in conversation with a passer- by, when he should be fulfilling the object of his appointment, patrolling his beat, and carefully watching and correcting the conduct of the thoughtless or reckless, is soon observed, and his conduct condemned as it merits. It is necessary upon all occasions, to command your tem- per, and ever conciliate rather than provoke. Let your conduct and deportment, when off or on duty, be marked by a civil and courteous demeanour, while it should be charac- terized by firmness and decision, and you will secure the con- fidence and respect of your fellow-citizens. It is particularly necessary, that in all your intercourse with each other, there should be mutual forbearance and civility, with prompt obedience to all lawful orders. Disci- pline and a strict conformity with the Rules and Regulations of the force are essentially necessary, and will be enforced. The law makes a sufficient allowance for your services, and the public rightfully expect an adequate return in your faith- fulness. To justify the confidence reposed in the department, and to elevate it in public estimation, should be the object of every Officer and Policeman. Much must necessarily be left to the intelligence and discretion of individuals, and according to the degree in which those qualities are developed, which mark them as possessed of zeal, activity, and judgment, will be their claims to future promotion and reward. POLICE REGULATIONS. 227 ood order depended d be not ,nd law is in of duty ty. The )f the effi- in in this 1 conduct iging on a a passer- )ointment, ecting the srved, and your tern- Let your narked by je charac- [•e the con- ntercourse ranee and rs. Disci- Legulations ) enforced, [•vices, and your faith- tment, and ct of every ! left to the cording to v'hich mark 'ill be their RULES AND KEGULATIONS. 1. Reading and writing combined, with a practical know- ledge of the French and English languages, will be exacted as much as possible. An unimpeachible character shall in all cases be necessary for admission into the Police Force. 2. Good conduct, zeal, activity, obedience, and judgment in the performance of the several duties imposed upon all members of the Force, are expected, and will entitle them to promotion or reward. 3. Each member shall devote his whole time and attention to the Police service, and shall follow no otlicr calling, directly or indirectly. 4. lie shall promptly obey all lawful orders from his Supe- rior Officers, and conform himself to all Rules and Re^ula- tions which may be made from time to time for the benefit of the service. 5. He shall at all times appear in his complete Police dress. 6. He shall not use, nor allow to be used, the baton marked " City Police," except while he belongs to the City Police. 7. He should clearly understand Avhat powers are given to him by law for the efficient execution of his duties. For this purpose he is recommended to read carefully the instructions given to him respecting the general duties of a Constable. 8. He will be expected to possess such knowledge of the inhabitants of each house as will enable him to recognise their persons. He will thus prevent mistakes, and enable himself to render assistance to the inhabitants Avhen called for. 9. He should be able to see every part of his beat at least once in half an hour ; and this he shall be expected to do ; so that any person requiring assistance, remaining in the same spot for that length of time, may be able to meet a Constable. However, he is permitted to remain at any particular place, ■228 POLICE REGULATIONS. if his presence there be necessai-y, to watch the conduct of any suspected person, or for any other reason ; but he shall satisfy his Superior Officers that there was a sufficient cause for such apparent irregularity. 10. When he takes any one into custody he will immedi- ately return to his beat, which he will not leave during his time of duty, unless circumstances make it necessary. 11. He shall not enter any houses except in the execution of his duty ; and he shall pay particular attention to public houses in his beat, reporting whether they appear to be kept according to good order ; whether soldiers and apprentices arc drinking after the hours mentioned by law ; and report any drinking between the hours of 11 o'clock on Saturday evening and 6 o'clock on Monday morning ; also, any gamb- ling in these houses. But on no pretence, shall he enter such public house, except in the immediate execution of his duty. Such a breach of positive orders will not be excused ; the publican himself is subject to a heavy fine for allowing him to remain in his house. He shall moreover report all un- licensed taverns that may come to his knowledge, with names of occupants, &c. 12. He will be civil and attentive to all persons, of every rank rnd class ; insolence or incivility on his part will not be overlooked. 13. While on duty he must not enter into conversation with any one, except on matters relating to his duty. 14. He must be particularly cautious not to interfere, idly or luuiecessarily. When required to act, he will do so with decision and boldness. On all occasions he may expect to receive the fullest support in the proper exercise of his authority. He must remember that there is no qualification more indispensable than a perfect command of temper, never suffering himself to be moved in the slightest degree by any language or threats that may be used. If he do his duty in a quiet and determined manner, such conduct will probably induce well-disposed by-standcrs to assist him, should he require it. POLICE REGULATIONS. 22{> nduct of ho shall nt cause immecli- iring his J- ixecution to public > be kept prentices id report Saturday fiy gamb- nter such his duty, sed ; the wing him rt all un- Ige, with of every nil not be iversation rfere, idly do so with expect to ise of \m lalification per, never [•CO by any (lis duty in I probably should he 15. The following general instructions for the Policemen are no*- to bo understood as containing rules of conduct appli- cable to every variety of circumstances'that may occur in the performance of their duty ; something must necessarily be left to the intelligence and discretion of individuals ; and according to the degree in which they show themselves pos- sessed of these qualities, and to their zeal, activity, and judg- ment, on all occasions, will be their claims to future promo- tion or reward. 16. Upon no occasion, and under no pretext whatever, shall they receive money or rewards from any person, without the express permission of the Chief of Police. 17. No Policeman shall quit the Force without giving a month's notice. In case he quits without such notice, or be dismissed from the Force, all arrears of pay then due him shall be forfeited. 18. Every man dismissed, or who shall resign, must de- liver up, before he leaves the service, every article of dress and appointments suppUed to him. 19. Every man of the Force will be liable to immediate dismissal for the following offences : Disobedience to orders ; Drunkenness ; Insolence, in word or manner ; Violent or coarse language or behaviour ; Neglect of duty ; Entering into taverns or houses of ill fame, unless when required in the regular discharge of his duties. 20. When absent from duty, by sickness or any other cause, every man will be liable to be placed under stoppages of pay, as the Chief of Police shall think proper. 21. The Police Committee will never refuse to receive the complaint of any member of the Force when addressed to them through the channel of his Superior Officer. Should 280 POLICE REGULATIONS. it the Superior Officer refuse to convey such complaint, tlie Committee Avill be ready to receive the complaint of the said mcm))er. 22. If the charges or complaint be frivolous or unsupported by sufficient proof, the party preferring the same will be im- mediately dismissed. 23. When upon duty the extent of his beat will be clearly pointed out to him by the Officer. He will then be held responsible for the security of life and property within the limits of his beat, and for the preservation of the peace, and general good order, during the time he is on duty. 24. He is not authorized to interfere with persons for standing or talking together ; but he is not to allow such numbers to collect as will obstruct the free passage of the streets. He is to recollect upon all occasions that he is recpiircd to execute 'his duty Avith good temper and discretion. Any instance of unnecessary violence in striking a party in charge, will be severely punished. A Constable must not use his staff because the party in his custody is violent in behaviour or language. A Constable is not to use language to persons in his custody calculated to provoke or offend them : such conduct creates resistance in the party and a hostile feeling towards the Constable among bystanders. Every Constable will recollect that in executing an arrest he is not justified in doing more than is absolutely necessary for the safe custody of the parties whilst he conveys them to the Station House. 25. Individual Constables, when walking the streets, should not shoulder past passengers, but give way in a mild and civil manner. The more respectful the Police are when off duty, the more respected and supported will they be by the public in the proper execution of the same. 26. If during the service, or upon the dismissal or resig- nation of any member of the force, it shall appear to the Chief that any article of dress shall have been improperly used or damaged, a deduction from any pay due to the party POLICE REGULATIONS. 231 shall be made, sufficient to make good the damage, or supply a new article. 27. Every member of the Force is liable to immediate dismissal for unfitness, negligence, or misconduct, indepen- dent of any other punishment to which he may be by law liable. 28. Members of the Force are forbidden to smoke or drink, or carry sticks or umbrellas, when on duty. 29. Members of the Force are strictly forbidden to accept • of any description of drink from any person while in custody, or after he shall have been discharged, or from any friends of the defendant. 30. Constables on duty are strictly forbidden to enter into conversation with any person whatever, except on matters relating to their duty. If found while on duty engaged with female servants or other women, they will be severely pun- ished. 31. The men, on or oif duty, are to consider themselves liable to be called on at all times, and will always prepare themselves, when required, at the shortest notice. 32. Every member of the Force is strictly bound to pre- vent nuisances, interruptions and impediments in the public streets of the City. 33. During the time of his duty if he observes in the streets anything likely to produce danger or public incon- venience, or anything which api)cars to him irregular and offensive, he must report it to the Station. 34. It is the duty of each Constable to notice and report to his Superior Officers any gas-lamps Avhich are broken, dirty, or extinguished. The Police Constables are particu- larly directed to observe the porches, areas, and area-gates of the several houses Avithin their beats, as persons frequently conceal themselves in the ai*ea till the Constable on the beat passes, and then commence their operations. They are also .specially directed to watch carts, waggons, or sleighs stand- 282 POLICE REGULATIONS. ing or loitering in the streets, early in the morning and after dark in the evening. 35. Policemen are not to refuse to give their assistance for the protection of persons and property near their own beats if called for in any case requiring immediate attention ; but the Constable is always bound to return, as soon as pos- sible, to his own beat. 36. In cases where a distress is made for non-i)aymcnt of rent or any other cause, or Avhen disjaites arise between parties upon civil matters, the Police Constable is not to give assistance to either, or interfere between them, uidess it be necessary to prevent a breach of the peace, or to (^uell a disturbance, and he is on such occasions merely to take per- sons breaking the peace into custody, as in other similar cases. 37. Constables shall take to the Station House all persons found on their beats, who, from intoxication or otherwise, are unable to take care of themselves and their property, and deliver them over to the charge of the officer on duty. 38. In all cases of violent or sudden death Avhich may come to the knowledge of the Constables, they are to report the particulars to the officer in charge, that they may be entered in his report, and information given forthwith to the Coroner. 39. Police Constables may stop, search, and detain any cart, carriage, or vessel which they have reason to suppose contains property stolen or unlawfully obtained. 40. Should a member of the Force be called upon by the inmates of a house of ill-fame, for the purpose of arresting any person or persons, ho shall be bound to arrest all the inmates of such house as disorderly characters. 41. While on duty every member of the Force shall be bound to be in full uniform with his belt and baton ; and when not on duty he shall in no case appear with his belt and baton. POMCR llKdl'LATIONS. 42. All matters relating to the Police Department shall be kept strictly secret, under penalty of dismissal. 48. Cabals, conspiracies, or reflections cast against the moral or oflicial character of any Officer of the Force, with- out sufficient proof of the charges being made before the Chief, will be punished by instant dismissal. 44. Members of the Force will on no occasion whatever hold any intercourse with prisoners brought to the different Stations, nor sLnll they laugh, jeer, or joke at or with them. This rule will be strictly enforced. 45. All men, while waiting in the Station to relieve those on duty, must be in full dress ready to turn out at a minute's notice, and they arc not permitted to lay down when on day uty. 46. Every relief before they turn out for duty, shall be closely inspected as to cleanliness and good appearance, and if foui»d wanting in either respect, shall bo punished by stop- pages of pay at the discretion of the Superior Officers. 47. By the Statute 23 Vic, chap. 72, sec. 20, Officers and Members of the Force are not allowed to vote at the election of Mayor or of any of the Councillors, under the penalty provided for in the Statute ; a violation of this law by any member of the Force will entail immediate dismissal from the Force. 48. The Police are to report all sales of Liquor by houses or persons not duly licensed. 49. Nuisances of all kinds, whether in the streets or lanes, vacant lots, yards, or enclosed properties, or fields, must be reported distinctly to the Officer on duty, as soon as the Constable returns from his beat. INSTRUCTIONS. As to the Legal Powers and Duties of Police Constables. 1. The powers of a Constable, when properly understood and executed, are amply sufficient for tiieir purpose. 30 288 234 POLICE REQULATIONS. 2. By the laws of this Province he is authorized and rcniivcd, iu the cxecutiou of his office, to arrest a party char-ed with or suspected to be guilty of having committed certilin offences— to enter a house in pursuit of an offender— to quiet an affray— to search for stolen goods— and to take possession of goods suspected to have been stolen. n. It is necessary, therefore, that each Constable should be informed of the cases in which he ought to interfere, and what legal power he possesses to effect his lawful object nj case of resistance. 4 It will be first shown for what offences of common occurrence a party may be arrested and detained in custody With this object, offences may be divided into felonies and misdemeanours. FELONIES. 1 5 Murder, house-breaking, robbery, stealing, picking pockeis, receiving stolen goods knowing them to have been stolen, setting fire to any church, house, or other budding, woundin.r with intent to murder or to cause grievous bodily injury, are some of the principal felonies, besides which there are a cards, dice, or other chance games, and tippling, in any of such 240 POLICE REGULATIONS. Taverns, Hotels, Saloons, Bar-rooms, or any other place of entertainment, or Shops, between the hours mentioned in said By-law. VIOLENT OR SUDDEN DEATHS, OR ACCIDi-NTS. 34. In all cases of persons found injured, dead or dying, the duties of the Police may be confined to the following objects : 35. In case the party be found dead, to see that the body is decently covered and cared for ; to apprize relatives or friends of the event, and inform the Coroner of the occur- rence. The body should be moved as little as possible from the place where it was found, until the inquest is held. 36. In case the party is dying, or seriously injured, to send immediately for a Surgeon, and convey the party, with all possible care an^ speed, to his or her own house ; to an Hospital, or, if nearest, and in any way desirable, to the Station House. 37. In case the party is evidently dying, or declares him- self to be so, in consequence of injuries or violence inflicted by others, it becomes important to take his dying declaration of the fiicts ; the Constable should therefore send at once for the Police Magistrate, or, in his absence, for any Magistrate resident in the vicinity. FIRES. 38. The principal duties of a Police Force at fires, consist in the protection of property saved from the flames — in clear- ing the streets from crowds or other obstructions, ensuring space and free action to the firemen, and for the general maintenance of good order. 39. As it is the duty of every Member of the Force, at all times, to render all assistance in his power to the public in general, each Constable who shall discover a fire in the limits of his 'beat will immediately give the alarm through the nearest alarm signal station. POLICE REGULATIONS. 241 40. As soon as the alarm shall reach the Station-house, the Officer will dispatch all the men available to the scene of conflagration, to maintain order, protect the property saved, and as much as possible lend a helping hand to the Firemen in the accomplishment of their arduous duty. 41. The members of the Force shall pay particular atten- tion to the following rules laid down for their guidance by the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, to whom they shall be bound to render every possible assistance : 1st. Prevent at all times, if possible, the opening of doors or windows to admit air. 2nd. Give the alarm by day and night at the nearest Signal Station upon the first discovery of fire. 3rd. If the Watchman be watering the street, and has not heard the alarm, state to him that there has been one. 81 INDEX. 243 INDEX. ALAKM DISTRICTS '^67 ALIGNMENTS 13 ANIMALS. Cruelty to go I^ead 123 ASHES Y7 ASSESSMENT. Of Is. 6d. in the pound on real estate 21 Additional of ^ a cent in the pound 22 ASSESSORS. Duties of. 21 AUCTIONEERS 25 AWNINGS 149 BALCONIES 22 BALL ALLEYS 33 BANKS 3Q BATHING 83 BEAMS. Or supporters 45 BILLIVRDS 32 33 BRICKYARDS 34 BOARD OF HEALTH 35 BOILERS • 73 Jj\juxfLr.a.lAS- OJ.Uiili!jC5 , 151 244 INDEX. BREAD 38 BREWERS 32, 69 BROKERS 31 BUILDINGS. Erection of. 40 Parties intending to build, shall give notice 146 Building materials 147 May be demolished at fires 80 BURIALS 49, 50 BUSINESS TAX 22 BY-LAWS. Revised 178, 179, 180 CARRIAGES. Hackney 27, 28, 162 Carts, trucks, &c 167 Carriages in general. .....171 CARTERS 162 CATTLE. Running at large 134 Markets 116 CARDS. Playing at 82,83 CEMETERIES 49,50 CHIMNEYS. Construction of. 43, 44 Sweeping of. 78, 79 CIRCUS 29 CITY CLERK 8 CITY TREASURER 9 CITY SURVEYOR 11 CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY 52 CLERKS OF MARKETS 95 COAL 58,59 INDEX. 24d COAL OIL 71 COMMISSION MERCHANTS 31 COMMUTATION. Money 22 COMPOSITION. For roofing 41 CRUELTY. To animals g3 DEAD ANIMALS .....123 DIRTY WATER I23 DISCOUNT. On water rates jg DISTILLERS 32 69 DOORSTEPS 153 DOORS. Of certain public buildings to open exteriorly 47 4g ^O^S 29,60,61 DRAINS. See Sewers 141 ENCLOSURE. Of lots ___ ENCUMBERING. Streets, &o I54 EXHIBITIONS 29 FERRIES 30, 62, 63, 64 FIREARMS 73 FIRE DEPARTMENT 64 65 FIREWOOD 8081 FIREWORKS 77 78 FISH MARKET,. .111 GAMING 82 83 GAS FACTORIES 27 69 GOOD MORALS. And decency g2 246 INDEX. GOODS BY SAMPLE 31 GRATINGS 150 HAY MARKETS 112 HEARTHSTONES 44 HORSES. And horse dealers, tax on 27, 34 HOSE 16 HOT-AIR FURNACES 73, 74, 75 HOT-AIR REGISTERS 74 HOTEL KEEPERS 23, 27, 82 HOUSES. Numbering of. 153 HYDRANTS 15 INNKEEPERS 23, 27, 82 INSPECTOR. Of buildings 40,46 Of Potashes, &o ...22 INSURANCE. Companies 31 INTERMENTS 49, 50 LAMPPOSTS 152 LEVELS 13 LIGHTING 152 LIVERY STABLES 27 LORD'S DAY. Observance of. 82 MARKETS. Designation of. 92 Duties of clerks 95 General provisions 98 Butchers ....102 Weights and measures 109 Fish,, .,.,„„„ , , ,.,.,,„,,,, Ill INDEX. 247 Hay 112 Cattle lig Penalty --tn MASTERS AND APl'RENTICES 117, us MATCHES ' 7g MAYOR. Duties of. M METRES Ig MUSICAL SALOONS 83 NUISANCES "n9'toi24 OBSTRUCTIONS. In streets, &c ig^ OIL FACTORIES 69^70 OLD WALLS. Buildings, &c ^n PAWNBROKERS 27 PEACE. Anil good order igo PEDDLING 21 PETROLEUM ; 71 PLACARDS. Posting of. 152 POLICE FORCE m to 130 POLICE REGULATIONS 225 POUNDS. Public 134 POWDER MAGAZINES 84 Inspection of. 86 Licenses 87 Conveyance of powder 88 Access to magazines 90 Penalties 91 PHIVIES .....42,122 PUBLIC CRIER 138 248 INDEX. PUBLIC SQUARES 132 RECORDER'S COURT. TariflF ' 139 RESERVOIRS 15 RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. Not to be molested 131 RIOTS 131 ROOFING COMPOSITION 41 RULES. Of Council 204 Of Fire Department 214 Of Police Department 225 SAMPLE GOODS. Tax on 31 SCUTTLES 46 SERVANTS. Conduct of. 117,118 SEWERS. Construction of. 141 Cost, by whom borne 141 Private *. 142,143 Connections 143, 144 SHAVINGS "^6 SHOWS 29 SIDEWALKS 153 SIGNAL BOXES • 67, 68 SIGNS 1^^ SLAUGHTER HOUSES 69, 70, 122 SNOW. . « ..„ Removal of. 157,158 SOAP FACTORIES 69, 70, 122 SPOUTS ^ SQUARES. Public "*•* »...==»_•-_ INDEX. 249 — — . : _^ STABLES 27 77 78 STAGNANT WATER 120 STATUTE LABOl} 22 STEAM ENGINES C9, 70, 72 STOVES. In partitions, regulated 45 STOVEPIPES 76 STREETS. Under whose superintendence 145 "Width of. !!!.!!!!!!!!!!!..i45 May bo closed to allow certain works being made 146 Precautions to be taken for excavations 146 Allotment to be made by surveyor for builditig materials. 147 Prepa ing mortar, &c., in prohibited 148 Placing coal or firewood in regulated ■, 148 Doors to archways to open inwards 148 Signs 148 Awnings I49 Wares suspended from houses 149 Raising goods from, by tackle 149 . Crossings I5O Apertures, coal holes, &c 150 Gratings I5O Earth not to be removed without permission 151 • Pavement and sidewalks, injury to 151 Boundary stones I5I Trees 151^ 152 Numbering of houses 153 SUNDAY. Observance of. 82 SUPERINTENDENT. Water Works 14 TANNERIES 69,70,122 TARIFF. Water rates 17 Recorder's Court 139 Public Crier 138 Cartage IGC, 170 32 250 INDEX. TAVERN KEEPERS.... 23, 27, 82 TAXES. On business, &c ......v ^2 TELEGRAPHS 31,67 TENANT. Liable to assessment, with recourse against proprietor... 2 2 THEATRES 29 TREES 151,152,157 VACANT LOTS 119, 120 VARNISH FACTORIES 69 VAULTS AND CISTERNS • 159, 160 VEHICLES. Tax on 27, 28 Hackney carriages 162 Carts, trucks, &c.,... 167 Vehicles in general 171 WALLS. Separation 46 Old and dilapidated •••47 WATERCOURSES 177 WATER RATES. Established 16, 17 Discount on 16 WATER WORKS. Introduction of pipes in buildings 14 Suppl of water may be cut off 17 Reservoirs 15 Metres ' 16 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 109, 110 WOODEN BUILDINGS 40, 41 WOOD YARDS 77 YARDS. To be kept clean 122