^>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) // ^^^ J"^ ^/ ,v .V V^ < <;^ <^ :/. f/. % 1.0 ISBS I 1.25 115 — I ^ Ilia 1.1 f.-^IKS 1.6 1.4 Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (7i6) 572-4303 '^4%^ t" . «? 1 CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICIVIH Collection dci microfiches, Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques % n Jamrt S1>,^tt'. •.-.-. .-. • pTtrlcU^t^ilftlih** Pairhil: Gatla^ber PaWick-Gallatfher HeiiUnriA Haslebur*!.. . inlUrtT'T Hay Wllliiiln Murray Hctir/lHuclie / Hrury Ilo^flic ••••••• Robert KUlwi Kolierl ll'iii Kl»«'>ii .Mrs Pheme Shamney Kenneth McKinnon.. Jdicbaet Madden Henry Wunennker . . .Vlicbael Connors rhos McNeil Jus t>inkerton . . Jacob Lang Patrick OuIla;;ber. fas Gallaii'ber rhos King — rhos Hall Aobt Buchanan. . tl»ri;aret Netbet lubu Sparrow . . . John Ornoar. Kntutt tfVhargt, .\ssauU f do Larcnny .... •• Assault • Assault • Assault and Bittlery Crebiini; a nuisance in violation <>f Corpora tiou By-L.-»»* Assault and B&ttery J>at$ .Vssauh .\bJ8ivc liiiiguage .Mttliciou.^ injury to projierty Assault JJonuttendance at Volunteer Drill . Nonuttendance at Voifnieer Drill Assault Assault and Buttery Dogging and damaging an Om. Soiling hquor without license . Selling liquor without License Petty trespass Assault and Battery. Selling litjuor withujt Lieense • Selling Liqoui by glas* without I^otnsc . October 8 . . October 1 1 , June 25.... October !) . . October 1:1 , Janu 11. July 20 . " 20 . •» 20 . " 26 . August H.... October 20 . . . October 1j . . Ociobei 25 . . October 18 . . . October 22 . . . October 21 October 29 October 20 SoTcmber 2 XoTemb«r 2 September 8 . . Niptembci 15 . September l> Xovenber 13 October 10 Ueurge Edwanla ^ward Kirkpalrick JBraus McuunuBsh Jame» Miioui,'h Uonaltl Orab^m EJwaid Hu»k«r I'uwn -ff Oodfriib Wil'.iam Brown and Aug- uMiufi W aler .Miinifipul Cuuiicil Towa- •liip uf Slsnlfijr .... UobI vt'in Elilun .... II Klutun .... A»*»n)l LiranfcenMs .'.s»nii Assault .\ksault UrunU and Disorderly Aisaull l.os> ot SUerp h\ Dt'ga Dogs VTiNiying sbcrp Dug killing blicep A»>anlt I'ruMiivcd A>!iaiill ....••• .... . < • * . . . • November 10 N'oi ember 10 November 12 November 1-1 October 3 . . . Muvember 20 I^ovember 26 . 8epiember 'itt September 12 , November 2T Sovenber 27 . None Nt. I& Kuv i7lh Nov I7in Nov 3 1st Nov 37 Nuv 34 N..V 2S Not 9S . . Oel 35 . lOt t arnii . .iNovStt Thos Adair F.s^) J P. Tlios Ailuir I'l^q '1 bus Uid.ey hLK| . . . Tbos Qidl-v Rtq . . . ThosGidley Km| ... Wm Wallers 1-^. .. Wm Withers £iq. . . Win Kiistikll R^q Thos Wilson Ksq . . . A Wilson Esq I'bos Wilson Kaq . . . A Wilson Esq Tbos Wilsun tijq . . . A Wilsoo Ejq Ihos WiUou Ksq... A Wilson Esq Tbos Wilson F.iq. . . A Wilson Erti Tbos WiUou Enq Wm M White Ksq . . Antoi ♦J 1 10 2 2 U CrabbEsq C Crubb F.iq *5 ( Wm Withers Biq ... Wn Withers Ks<{. ... Wm Uuslull Kq Peter Kamsay Esq . • . losbUb Calloway Esci tVm Pringle Esq Ales uiibson Esq J P Kay E«q i*~B Blown Esq J S Writer Esq K Currie E.wi»i>n l>q. Jo.hiia CallowitV K^h . A U Urowiisun Kni . . Uuorge MuLeutl En Uirviu Enq Pclor Robort-ou Enq Junwa Scott Eaq i'eter Itobertitoii Eaq iobu Moriin 1'^ {eiij Erulicit Enq . . . 1 00. 4 00. 2 00. eoati $C 00. Diamiaacd . . K»|yct I aid. Cot yot paid Imcacdiatcly Forthwith . Forthwith , Konhwith fownahip Tre»aur«r. . . . Town Trea8ur«f rrvriiy Er>i . A BateaUniwiMoii kwx]. Jo.hua Callowfcv K>4 . A U Urowuaon Emi . . Ucorge MuLrutl E eta 3.00. ZaOcontn 1.00 ItW I-UOuiiJ Cilia • . • I • • • I ^'orthwilh • • • • • • t-uriiiwitU Kurthwitli Furlhwith tfVrlhwilh l*uitliwilb N» delay Nu duUy lminv(liitie!y ncnrnd over to keep the Pcaoe Dismissed Case d»»misaed with costs Paid one half, $10 to Crown prosecutor and teuiittvd the leiuaiaiug 810 to Co Treusurcr mild pu.d the 81-^0 to vonntablo fjr service- Costs not yet paid, to he paid in a day or two Paid Diauiinaed with cottn. Town X reaaurtr, Oodrrich „ .,■.». iDUuin-ed with coats. ''' ' ^v - ••• - -- 1 :- H««'« in iMlll. luvrtt xrrnamcri vr tcii ;- -• Town Traaaurer, or ten 8 m ^ROI. I)rrei.daiit cosls'o coas'kle Ikfciidanl a» pii<>« t4 ua* Mievp. , Ouwiily Tieanurer, also.' oiiuity T»vi»nurer,liuui»ai»>,''i(rplac yeace. vuuiity Tiea^ui.-r. bunatl 10 krrp [K'aee- lUuuige Muj.luy ol l*ri.«(.'('Uitir A««aull #•••••• I Keeping; lioii»e ofill-fame in town i>l 0«iJericli. KefimiiiK to pav vranM. • • • < :jb«:rp ktliuJ ty di>( • • • < Sureties to kctp tin ftaee • • •■> . . . Drunk and diaordcrly in Clinloo • • • ' John Caltot;ling lulU iU^ally 0.ti:iili ,INov29 Nov 30 U-t4 Use. nil Nuv 'JO Octaotk Not. lah »J*:t aird Nor 10 Dtfmandins ■iidculk'iitinf lol's illegally . • . .Nov 10 . . . Demai'dinb' and rullerline tolls illegally IVfrr Markee ^ • Mti. t*«>uieH . . Peler Meiver . . John* ntHison . . Thos Burk Thos Burk Mulcolm Munro VVHBurt Robert BUir Hugh McMillan Win Cieuicnt DonaLi MQMartin Andrew Bruce Nov. 10 Thos Knox Thos JohostOQ Thoa Govenlock John Graham Geo W Buck. Wm Warden Joseph P Bryan ;, Wm Holmes .. . Nicholu Jlulladj Edward HalWU . Robert Kineade Wm Hinds Etiiabeth Lucas . H Trinchark Henry Bell •••• ^Y Hamilton Chas Doan ....... Alex McLcod Gilbert Spiers ..<.. Malcolm McQuadt Soott Robertson .. N oil raynieiil o^ Wages • Troublu ubi>iil laovket • Avault and battery Noil pavmont ol wages jAsKiult and Battery AMsanlt and Battery Orchard bi'eakinf; 'Leaving his employment I Destroying property Assault aoid Battery Assault Bmkinj; » wagi^on rbreatening to kill Grassio - • Leaving his employment Selling part of kad of wheat inferior to sample Unlawfully holding possessioD of some stray cattlo Bit by a dog Trespassing Assault with highly insulting language Wm Bon wick .... John Logan Owner of dog unknown Dogs distroying sheep l.'ttli took V? Qilktnsoa John Moss Wm Fofttcr io Drunk anddisordurly Shooting pig wages Assault Road work •• wages Assault Assault 2Gth November.. 3 1 St October 26th NoTcmbcr.. Slth November 1th Deecmbcr 4th December 29th September 13th October , 16th October 22rd October - t9th November 2bth November Trespass John McCool ...... Henry Campbell Samuel Melvin Samuel Hasten .... J II Cuyler, bailiff, Tboe Smith Vrancis Gordon Francis Murphy .... George Haynes George Smith .— - Thoa ^ilsoB The Queen John {Crispin . .. Samoie) Melvin Henry Campbell l^ranc*8 Murphy . J ames En«es \7m Bur<;ea6 John Comeron 97m Burgess Georgo Hetheriogton Ougald McDonald -— Burnett George Whitcly Henry Mi»ee Assault Assault Articles of the Peace Trespass Attempted rescue Non-pttjaent of wagea Assault. Non-payment of wages. Uttcrini; abusive and groe8?y insulting language • •" Assault Ciuoigo M«LueoirK«'t Iri-urge M^'Leod Km| TboiiiiM Uidley Km] Josuuh Ai-hu-on K.-q W M iriiilc Etq W M While Emj WiJIani M While tit% Thomas Hiwnmi tltn J«.hoM>:ltsaKs«| P B Br>»wa C«q AlexCibsrtn IImj Jusepk Whilchsad E>i| R Pinkerlon Kfq ^CbarlM Uirvin l'.*i| Iluhii Havagu E>q WillM;ii Malluugk Esq , (;harWsUtrTtiiE*<| I* 'John SJavagu K^(| WilliaiH Malluutsn Bsq Juiues iSonierviil* E»<) C'lMrlca Oirvin Er«| John ;!Javage E>i| >>ViltiamMallu*gii E^h J ainus .yuinervtll« E*t( , .Fetor Ritmsay fc.»H ' * Pe!vr llaDMuy Esq * jPcler llniiisay Esq \ *|Pel«r Kani*ay E»tt f.'lPetcr Ramsay Esq '" Peter Ramsay Ksq Peter Ramsay Ksq Peter Ramsay K»q Peter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Esq tOth November... 1 0th November... 14th November 9th Noviuber 1.00 I'UO lUOii « 10.00 ao.oo «3o.oa 6J« 5.00 1.00; 4JU0 4X0 4M 3.0O I.UO( 60, OoMs 001 COI COI 81 0' 1 3 7 th November 6th August i6th August 30th August ... 1 1th September 20th Scptombor 22nd September 20th Oc-ober do Taking goods by forco Larceny do 24th November t2th Dccemiber Peter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Esq Pdtor Ramsay Esq.... Peter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Esq Jos Calloway Esq Peter Ramsey Esq Jonathan Carter Lsq Peter Raaoay Esq I Peter Ramsay Km^ ^ Jonathan Carter Jilsq Peter Ramsey Esqj Wii iralker Esq. do do do io do IFC Walker E,sq ifaot Gibson Esq J Gemmill E«q, W G Walker E-q Thos Gibson Esq .) Gciumill Esq Jas Brocelbauk Esq H B O'Connor Esq do do do do do do do Robert Hays Est] Dceember Sessions 1 e 2.01 c c CO 0( c< 815 6.C 2.( o •3S 2.( 14 I 0. 1. 0. 12 0. 831 $' CcrUBedto beatrueCopyofsUtbo Listo of^onvicUons which have taken pkco before any Justice o Counties of Huron Md Bruce. Office of the Clerk ot the Peace, ) Godtrich, iOth Dec, 1866. > IrcurKc M::L<«»d Km| Tbuiiiiu UiJIey Km] Jiiwuh A>-liu-on K.-q W M irUilc Etq \V M Whire Emj WiJiuMi M Wliiir K«t Thunti* Hiwnni tU«| Jtho McU«a Um| P B Br>»wa C«q AI«xCib«rtn Emj JoMTiih Wbilehtad E>4 , R Pinkerlpn Kfq JCliarl«« Uirvin Mq luhii tiavagu E>q WillMJi Malluugb btq Juuie< SuUM-rvilk- K>q ^'OharWsUtivm E*q I* 'Juhii :juva|;u Km| William MbIIuii){Ii Btq JuUM!» tSunierviiUg Eaq C'tMrlca Oirvin Kr«| John :javage E>i| itVllliamMttlluAgii Em| I J nines yuinvrvtllo E«q Peter R|li*«'P ""^ iwace. To ' Treaanrer Tawii of 0«>lerteh. Fir»r» ami onlanre fmkl. Tfco a»- 'aaiill duct nut kircni tu li.ive b.oil UileiHlcd, It laroMrruoi auuntrovciay aUMit |H.TM>nai |>r»|>etly iPaily appvaUd to Quailer .■Jcasioui. N«« >""d. <■ 1 1 , „ 8aia Jwiiii WUlMuia i»- i-eived a icrtilicalu dir $8 oa value of aaUl i>lie»p and «X|«naa* oouiieeted llteru with. TImi owner tt ilog luX twiiiK known, eerlitioatc '"nt to (!o»D»il uf Waw.iuurU. Bound over to bceu tliv |>eac« fur one year. Tkc &*■» MCDMM baa n«t beea paid. iVIeiidaiil liua no prop«:rty tu lujiko I aiuounl, but wiU he eoAimttid lu j{aui wUeu jCMinly Tieaauter . , . . . 4 daya ... '1 daya T» I • • ■ I • • • I • • • costs 7.24 " 5.60 costs 1.50 eo»U 2.00 costs 4.05 Peter Ramsay Eiq Puter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Esq Pdter Ramsay Esq.... Peter Ramsay Esq Peter Ramsay Eaq Jos Calloway Esq Peter Ramsey Esq Jonathan Carter Lsq Peter Raasay Esq Peter Kamsay Esq ^ Jonathan Carter Esq Peter Ramsey Esqj Wi'j, WaVur Esq. do do do io do Wr. Walker Esq ^'hos Gibson Eiiq J Gemmill E^iq W G Walker E-q Tbos Gibson Eeq .) Gemmill Esq Jos Brocelbank Esq a B O'Connor Esq do do do d« do do d« Robert Hays Es<] December Sessions costs $4.30 1 costs 3.00 costs 2.00 2.00 costs $4.60 damages $6.60 costs 14.00 costs &00 costs 4.00 damages 95.00 costs $4.00 Forthwith Piirthwitb Eight duys Eigbt days P«rtbwith Portbirith PoHbwith Eigbt days Pertbwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith • ••• •••• •••••■ •••a*« Plaiutiffpuid CuuDty Treuarer... cost* 3,00 costs 615.00 6.68 2.00 costs •39.50 2.00 14.0D 1.00 County Treasurer Plaintiff Paid Treasurer Appcaieti. ..raw. . .IPnid. . . Nut |iaid, P.iid. Sillied by eoi>»riil. Not paid settlud by cuniwnt. Not paid. Cast) dLimiiiscd. I'uid. Paid— Pluintiff begged not to bo hard co puid. £deieudiint. Paid $5.00 Sent to Gaol f»>r|tcn Jay?, threatcuing to distroy property. Paid $:!— settled by eotucnt. Puid. To Plaintiff Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith One week Ono week Immediate lOwoer ' Claimant Township clerk Settled by consent Daogcroos dog at large severely biting oorapluinaiit. PuiJ— settled by eonscnt. Not paid — appealed. • .\ct for protection of Shcc,i. Not paid. Appealed. Paid. Settled bycoosciit. Not puid. Destroying property. Not yet paid. . Ono week j Immediate 100 0,50 Not paid over. Labor to be done within a week. Cl&iinant Township clerk Forthwith Township Treasurer Treasurer Oulross KOO 0.50 $24.73 0.25 $38 and costs of couitl costs of ootirl $1.00 Ekht days Icouimittid. Sunt toScisions. Bound over. Paid. Or ton day's cmployvucnt. Puid. Paid. |ti