!• • -•. . ( IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) {./ '^S i^j^ y. 4^ % ■V A 1.0 gia la 2? HA ^ Sf |£ 12.0 U ' II 11.25 f. / » , ■ ■ r ■ - ' ■ ; HiotogFEiphic Sdences - Corpaalion 23 WfST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)R7a-4S03 ^. / '^ 6^ CIHM Microfiche Series (IMonographs) -/ \ ICMH /- Collection de mitrofiches (monographies) ■^ ( - f ■ ■ ■ . ' ,■ ■ ■ ' ■* Canadian Inttituta for H/storical Mlcroraproductlona / Inttltut Canadian da microraproduction* hiatoriquaa ' % ')%•■% TMhnkal mti %W k^pwt k \t N«Mt / Hvm MchniquM •! MMiofraphiquM , TM Imtitiita Iim amnip«Ml to obttin tiM but oriflMl Mpv aMiiabto for f Uminff. ii^Mliirat of Ms Mpy wMill oHlw twnpi iw tht rapfoducriow. or wfMch WMV lifnif icMtlv elumti tiM iiMMl iMMhod of fUMkii, art \ L'lmtinit a mkrof Hm* l« moiHcur axMnplairt q^'ii bii a M poMiM* da M proeuror. Lai dAtaih da eat ai i aiwplaira muk tont paiit-4tro unk|uai du point da «yo ■HIIKI|>iipnil|IM, ^IN pWIWni RMNNiMT IHW IIIM|a raprodiifta. ou qui pauvant axifar una modification dam la mMioda normala da fiiman lont Indiquia ci'danout. . ' □ Colourad eovari/ ^* Couvartura da coulaur r~T^»ari d a mapd/ I ^ Couvartura andommafia □ Colyurad p a ia i / Paias da coulaur j^ , □ Pafli* damaiad/ NfH andommaitet □ Covart rastorad and/o^ iamiratad/ Couvartura rattaurte at/ou pallicuMa aCovar titia miitint/ ' La titra da couvartura manqua □ (iolourad mapa/ CartN ftofraphiquat an co u la u r □ a [3^ Colourad ink (i.a. othar than Mua or Maak)/ Encra da edulaur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) Cokniiad platn and/or illustratiom/ Manehas at/ou illwuatiom an coulaur Bound with otfiar, malarial/ Ralii avae d'autras doeumanti rTyq^^i^t hindi n t may cauia ihadoiM or dittortion LJ_U akmi inlarior margin/ - f La raNura tarria paut eauMr da I'ombra ou da la dbtoraion la lont da la marfa intkiaura *. , □ BwRk laavai tMitd durinf rasloration may appaai within tha taxt. Whanawar ppnibla, thaaa hava , baan omittad from filmait/ . II M paut qua cartainat pa g a i Manehas ajoutlai km d'una rattauration a pp a r a iiiaift dam la taxta, matt, lonqua cala itait ponibla. cm pafas n'ent pat Mff ihntet. □ Additional commanti:/ Cbmmantairat supplimantairat: Thi« itam is fiknad at^ reduction ratio ehaekad balow/ Ca document est fiimi au taux da rMuetion indiqu4 ei«dasious. Mox " ^i4x^:" - r ■:- -IM '■■■■, ■'■■■■ 12X tiix' □ Patat restored end/or lemineted/ Patas restaurtes at/ou pellicultes rryt'^utn dltcolourad. stained or foxed/ Ull Patat dicoloriM. tachaties ou piquiet □ Patat detached/ PatetdHechkt , r~~^Showthrouth/' I I Tramperence a Quality of print variet/ Qualiti in^tala de I'imprettion nContinuout petinetion/ Patination continue D Includet index(et)/ Comprend un (det) index Title on heeder ttken from:/ Le titre de I'en-tCte provient: Title pete of itsue/ Pa^ de titre de la Hvraiton a I I Caption of itsue/ a Titre de dipert de la livraiton < Mestheed/ Ginerique (piriodiques) de la livraiton J ax 26X 30X y aox 24i 28X KX >■■ -.ft^l Th» copy fHm«d h«r« hat bMn rtproduettf thinKi to tht gtnt roslty of; » ■ Motropol I tan Toronto Reftrenco Library Baldwin Room ^ Tho Imtgot •ppoorlns horo aro thf J»a«t quality poatlbia ooniMaring tha oondltton and Ifglblllty of tha original oopy and In kaaping with tha filming oonjraot ■paoi/ioatlona. Original oOpiaa in printad papar oovart ara filmad baginning with tha front covar and anding on tha iaat paga with a printad or Hiuttratad Infiprat* a ion, or tha bacit oovar whan approprlata. All lOthar original coplaa ara filmad baginning on tha firit paga with « printad or illuttratad Imprai* alon, and anding on tha lat t paga with a printad or iiiuatratad impraailon. Tha last raoordad frama on aaoh microficha ahall contain. tha lymbol — ^ Imaaning "CON- TMMUEO"). or tha aymbol 7 Imaaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. Mapa, plataa, oharta, ate. may ba filmad at ' diffarant raductlon ratioa. Thoaa too larga to &a antiraly Inoludad In ona axposur^ are filmed baginning in tha upper left hand corner, left tu -^ right and top to bottom, aa many frames at required. Tha following diagi^ame iiluatrate the mathod: I'aiiamplaira f lima f ut raproduH oriot A la g«naroelta de: Matropolitan Toronto Mfaranea library Baldwin Room Laa Imagaa au^antaa ont M rtprodultaa aVao la piua grand eoih. oompta tanu da la oondltion at da la natteta da laNamplalra f lima.. at 9n • • conformita avao laa oonditlona du oontrat da fllmaga, ' ■ ■ , ■ - ■ . • ■ -• Laa axamplairaa orlglnaux dont la eouvartura an papier eet imprimaa aoht fllmia an oommancant par le premier plat at an tarmlnant eoit par la darniire paga qui comporta una amprainta .d'impreteion ou d'iiluetration. eolt par la aacdnd pla». salon. le cas. toue lae autrae aNaiftplairae origrnaux aont filmie an commanoant par la pramiare paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraeeion ou d'iiluetration at an 'tarmlnant par la a9rn\^rm paga qui oomp«rta una talla amprainta. Un dea aymbolea eulvahta apparaftra aur la dernidre image de cheque micrbfioha, aalon ia cm: le aymbole -^ aignifle "A.8UIVR6", la aymbola y elgnifia "PIN". ^.. > \- Laa°cartaa. planchaa. tableaux, ato., pauvant Atra filmaa a dee taux da raductlon diffaranta. toraque le document eat trop grand pour atra reproduit en un aaui ciichi. il eat fiim« a partiir M ''angle* auparlaur gauche, de gauche i droita.^ Hf de hauJt an baa, an pranant la nombra dMmagea nacaaaialra. Laa cNagrammaa aulvanta > illuatrant la mAthoda. 1 ■f--. 6 32X » * '■'. ' ^;<: . • i: ■•'I ■.•#*^TTP«f''' W CATALOGIJE OF n€»o TO BE SOLD BY PtTBLlC AUCTroi^, AT ¥ The-SuliscnkV Stofes, No. 65, Ifoiige Stfeet,. ON , SATURDAY, iJilAF Era, THE 21st, 22iid, and 24th October, 1864, ■ ^* ♦ -'« »i SALE AT SEVEIf O'CLOCK. :, ^TERIip3 CASH. ANDREW HENDEESOJN, ^ Auctioneer, •/: I ..m; t- i ^ - ^f^yj' ■x.asesf- HJIH.*- -«f ^Vv'l ^"%T.»" '"■im' .^'^^ •/ V fe?;*- V /■^» >: ' *■: v' 9^ .,n~ 55^- v,.--- / t-'O N\ * >i *s. '■mt''\i -T ,,1-^ • '<■»{.-•; i'* , '( ' .- v;:i"T^m ..,^»'' OATAIOGUE% BOOKS. • TO BB iOLD BT ' I»TT3aXaXO ^TTO-FXOZO-, At the Sabscriber's Store, No. 65 Yonge Street, OK rUDAT. 8ATBRDAT, AHD lOHDAT EfEnRfiS Th? 21it. 22nd, and 24tli October. 1884. ' ^" . «r TERMS 0A3B. ANDB^ HENDEBSON, ToBOBto, ISth October, 1864. -duetioHttr. LOTB. 1— Slots a— 1 lot ^-5—1 vol. 4- « 6— « 6— « 7— «« 8— « 9~. <( 10— •« 11— «• l^s- « 13— « 14— « 15— «« 16— « 17— «« 18— «« 19— u «0- « Pablic Beports do. do. V Anglo American Magazine rHe American Indian Races Leusden's Greek and Latin Testament George Herbert and Bishop HaU Lite of Rev. James Fraser Arnold's Grwk Reading Book Wheatley's Common Prayer Lee on Baptism i Lyola and Jesnitism Pearson on Infidelity .» BriUsh Reformers H Cicero inTerrem Histoiy of the Church, Middle Ace ' Xenophon's Anabasis * Works of the Puritan Divines ■■■,* ,.^;\; IlLl vol. Smith's Four Discourses * ^*i • IB— i4^ 26— 26— tt t« «t The New Testament Biatessaron _ , Banyan's Genius and Wf lungs Evangelical Biography Remains of Rev. James Stewart 28— S8— 84— 36— vol. It 3 87—8 vols. Adams' Practical Works •o^ « Goodwin's Works , Good's Lectares, the Lord's Suppler Treatise on Prayer Familiar Letters Religion in the Soul . . > GiesTer's Ecclesiastical Hrstnry Biographical Dictionary „„_- Structure of the English Language S8— 6 vols. Milman's Gibbon's Rome 87—2 " Creighton's Expository Works 38—8 *• Biblkal Ri-seaitohes 89—1 vol. Memoir of H. Martyn . 40— •* The Bible in our Common Schools 41—2 vols. Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles 42—3^ " Michaud's History of the Cmsades 48—1 vol. Gilbert on the Thirty-Nine Articles 44—6 vols. Descmption of the Universe 45—1 vol. Voices of the Dead 46— " Demosthenes dn the Crown 46— *' Anthon's Vifgil \ 47 *• Anthon's Xenoph6n 49.. *• Anthon's Anabasis 60— 3 vols. Daily Bible Wiistration^ 51—1 vol. Josepljiiis' Complete Works 68— 64- 66— 66^ 67— 68— 69^ 60- Appeal to the Douay ^>?>le ^ ^ . Rearobsforretiringfrpmi^eEstabhshed Church Xenophon's Anabasis Baxter's Saints ilest ' Latin Exercises Firm^ani Laictantii End of Controversy '■, : ' Bannister's Survey ou— Thfi Reason Why . 61—2 vols. Journey round the Dead Sea , 62— 1 vol. Newton's Wortaf ,. 68— ** Tatiaii and Aihieriagoiras it ii t« (< (( ti *^ - .« * . ^ f -^ nf^ m' LOT R. 64—1 vol. 66— 67— 68— 69— 70— II (< u cc « (I western Siberia NMti -.',•' ■I* f. ■I- LOT P.M. 10-4 voll. 10—1 vol. •I— " 82 — 2 vols. 8S— 1 vol. 24— " 26 — 4 volt. j«__l vol. 27— " as— •* 29— «' SO— " 5i|2vols. S8— 1 vol. S4— " S5- •« S6— '* 37— *♦ 88— «• 39— " ^0- " 41— « 42— " 45— « 44— *• 46— " 46— « 47— « 48— « 49— •* 60— ♦^ 61— " 52 : « c< 63 u (< (( i 64. " :■■ ■^:i 1 iC List of Fott Offioei, Canada Report, Poitmaiter General. N 3 vols. Walford's Baronetage h SB 58 u «■ II 41 t( (( It P.M. ' vol. rnland S^at " The Aru of Beauty School or lAh ■ J^^'-TheNeighboui. \ '«^'7tSir^--»»H.Hea«i,^A I yoL^nch Anecdote. Fiora DonieaUca IJ^> ''i«h Almanack " eiP vol.. MiS '-'*'"• °^E%'«"d < BlecticMagazli^ LOT T. l^yol.^e^tetian Re4w • J-4« fe^;^- on Rhetoric 8~ c. JfJ^J"-'* Divinity J|- '^ Go^^Sa'/o^^Tr^^^^ I8-. « • S^^*.^" legend (Longfellow) Evidences of Religi^"'*'^^ i^^b. • 4 vole. 6 vol.. * vol.. iioe< 8. ^j^r-if ..■ '\r I' ;5>" LOT p. vpl. Rainy Aflornooiu '* Brtioe*fl 84»rmoM Sacred liittory «5— 18— 19— 38— SS— S4— S5— S6— S7— S8t- S9— S 40—1 41— Alton Loclj^ (Kiiitttey) ' ' The Oanoh of ScriphiW (Bluir) 11 a i( i( «l 4S— 44— 46— 46— 47— 48— 49— 50- 61— « 68—1 6S— 64— 66— 66— 67— 6 59—1 60— 61— Hoienco Popularly Explained Tho Works of A&drow Gray Ciroaaaia (Spenoer) Addrcaaes (Dt. Ruohart) ■ ^ Milton'a Poetioal Workf * Lctotarea on Matthew (Bishop Pdrteoui) vols. Family Friend Ybl Help to Reading the Bible V *'* Report on Edan Pocket Lawyer • . , vols. Missionary llagazfne vol. Scripture .Directory Theodore Parker's experie; Miine*s Poeoas "^ Scottish Prea^ Owen^OTrlnSwelUng Sin *ifle of W. Lyon Mackenzie ttories (Hannah More) I vol. Pulpit Elpoaence (Cambben ) " Delta on Revelation V " Guthrie's Great Interest it u it <( « It ft ft ft ft ft tt tf vols, a MWi8^|r K '3* / / LOT P. M. 6a— I vol. May*a I-.*olaref 6*- 64— 6ft— 66- 67— 6a— 69— 70 71 « «• 41 l( II II II U II a 11 II « II • MiMMsllanies Wlnslow'f laqnirer Directed ' Rejoicing in the Lord (Arty) Archbiihop THrston^s Serimons Walt's Revival ol Religion Dodd on Death ?*' —; Hal'i Contemplatloot Hughes' Phyaloal Gfogra^hy Wisdom and Oanins oT Shakespeare Lalla Rookh wlw ?^^*5^««* /^JiS^^o and Raphael While's Universal History Nfncvah ' Pope»s Poetical Works. compleV^ Reld's English Dictionary Josephufl 71 78— -*« W-a vbl4. Unitedjlates Exploring ExpediUon 76-1 vol. Po^e^^ Works, Rape of the Lpqk, &c. \ I " Rasselas ' \ 77 4 vols. Young Grev. Collins. Grahaih, Crabbe. Soih. erville. thomson. Blomfield. *o. ^(1 vol. Book of Psalms . «r" 78 t ";?''• 55"*l of God in History v < 3 " Primitive Christianliy \ lOTS. '. ° 1? Tf''- 2**** ^7^"*' G*"*'y of Portraits ? Q I H*'P«f*8 Magazine , 5-2" Imperial Dictionary J- (I II ti It Comprehensive Commentary frj- " Smith's Geography J-1 vol. BriUsh Poet? ^^ 7— 4 vols. British Novelists ' Gil Bias ' .Scott's Nspolcon Beloe's Herodotus Plutarch's Lives Weekly Visitor Churchill's Works 8^8 ♦« ,»- " 10— 4 " li-6 " W-3 « 1«— 2 «* r ^^:ii ^S^^W. _H^ Sp^ ' ■ Vv-;. .^r V :-^' .^, *>■ ^[ I- Qy ft 19-^6 20— 1 vol. {< 21 28 a LOT a 2 vols. Raoiqe -. 1vol. WayVFablef '*' •* iBagot'i Disdourees 2 vols. Origin of ibe N. A. Indiaai ' 16-4 " Louis XIV. XV. (VoU»i|o> 16— 6 " Josephns' Works l« (1 vol. Peninsalar War ( 8 vols. Entertatniiig__Magaziiie IS— 45** The British Essayists Goldsmith's Work! RoUin Pon Jaafi 'The 89th Article ~T)oConrey*6 Sermons > ; ^' '■ Carey's New Itinerary Tales of the Crusades, r j^ Bouchett's Potography of Oanada Cochrane's Pedestrian Toiir to the West Indies, U.S. and The Fotestfli's [Canadh Trade and Navigation Qodey's Magazine . ' ' London's EncyclopoBdia History of the Umted States The Seasons : v " . To Marry, or Not to Marry The Canadian Law Conrls (a Poem) 2 vols. Edinbnigh Cabinet Library ** Letters of Jnnins *j^ Life^f Bishop Heber 25 / 1; ilR* Eeport hi Select Com. on Grievances ( <* Col. Niapier's History of the War 26-*'y vols. Imperial Gaaetteer 27— 6 *Vi..PonJuan ; .^ Ajy ( jS ** Agriculture, History, and Travels *^ (ti'vol. London's Gardehing:^ '<••;: » Churches and Sects 2 volsl Memoir of Queen Caroline . 1 vol. Dallass' Recollections French Rhetorical Grammar Elegant Extracts , ] t " 2volsiLowth and Isaiah "* - V 1 4 '* Robertson's Charles the Fifth l2*«' Way's Fables 6voIi. 4 vols. 28 J 24^ it 29 SO 4 ., 5 vols. - ( I., 4 vols. 3 vols. ^ vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 5 vols/ 9 vols. ■irt.^.-^iaeiff'rm^ ,,_' *' ^S'feJ ^- ""np^''"''""' ,V II LOT a 31—3 33? 38—2 34—3 56-2 36—4 37—3 38-1 (C irol i« (« (C (I vo u 39 40 48 43-.6 44—6 '45} 46 M 47^3 vol«. Byron»s Works vol. Revolutions in Eorope ** Crabbe's Synonymes Robertson's India vols. PictprialHistoiy of England •• Life of Wellington The Ladies gazette The Ladies Newspaper i TheArt^umal vol. Bouchette's Map of British America " MagneUsm voIs.Rollin » vol. Histoty of the Late War ' " Life of Coustos " Virginia Letters Essays on the London Times oelect Sermons Companion to the Bible Paradise Lost vols. The Invalid's Companion " Don Quixote •^1. Diary of a Physician vols. Specimens of the Poets. &o. vol. American Manners " Lewes» PiDems « J*»»'<*«>phy of Religion ^ trni- ^^JP^gs of the Tract Society vols. Miscellaneous Works " ^. Do. do. " vol. Dictionary of Music - " Family Libraiy i r , vols. The Canadian Brothers ^ vol. Burke 'S Peerage \ 3 vols. 1^ 7 vols. u IC it vo 8 vols. 8 vols. 4 vols. 494 " CanadcL Directoiy '■ - ^ vols. Commentary on the Gospels Voltaire's Fame and Fancy 8 vols. 2 vols. „^ „^^ Fancy select Sermons " " vol. Roman Antiquities ** Hallifax's Sermons " Cbalmeis' do. !; ^aber on the Plfophecies - Geography and Histoiy ■<>.:, I. '^vi I ' M .■SI 1 ^:±}:.S.^±. -V-. 60- It LOT a 1 vol. Family Library ** Family EnoyolopoBdia Broor Gazetteer The World as it ig Howies Greek Revolntlon Gharoh Festivals and Feasts Moore's Byron Ferguson's Lectures Dick's Christian Philosopher 5 volt. Other works Major Long's Expedilion ^ ' And other works 53—2 «< The Illustrated London News 51 52 it ^ /Robinson'a j^^ffJbm Todd's Parhamen^jj^y ttW ( ' ,:'''"^; . :;^-t .i^' « - *"s* 1*^ f 't^TT'^fl's'^^i-n J/^t ' >ii '••»,' "Ta LOT a S^' ^'' CaJ^J/r*'' Dictionary »tl u Sj;«l^*» Journal, &c. "^ «• « i, ° Almanacs . ^ 37— 5 small books . " 52— ^ t« - *~ ht— «. 54— 65—1 vol Tni^iiAwir^'! '*°*"'« ' ' '^"'*»« Brt^ RevieV ftfiibart% r- — « "^Mupane . * ■fe^te'"*'^*^- Jvierti^ "' I \- ■■ f •*:* • T )_ 'ii J i . l:_.. , _ \-j^. . t novel Revelations of Mother Juliana My rlys and Nigtu on the Battlefield Book for Home Improvement Dawson's Agriculture for Schools Voioes'froin the Hearth. Ascher _ Stafibrd's Slale Tables ,. . Laws and Practice of WhisV Cavendish Progressive Lessons in Greek, Siibc? NbtDead Yet Jeaffreson • The Potomac and the Rapidan Peterson's New :Cook Book „ *• ^ Emily Cheste^ A novel ^ .4 . ■„ ( Elementary Arithmetic, Fiwt Boot in O^^^^^ $7—1 Primary Arithm^^tio, !|i»d; JViUuims' ^8^^ Penmanship,! 6^ 7-1- 8— 9— lo- ll^ 18- 18— 14— Id- le- 17— 18— 1»— 20— 21— 22— 2S— ■25— 26— ii (( tc (« Jackson Cgolon;. French Grammai Dr. Smith'. Principle, of Utin LOTR S ^ WMideriiigs of a Pilgrim Select WriUngi of Trail Ess? ^^n«» 1840 Todd's ParTiaraentaiy liaw ^ British ReviS;^ May ,849 to 1^.. Holland's Works. Odd volT The Orpheus C. K^sp. P^pe^; ^, i »' — «' 8-\lv 6— 7— 8— 9— 10^ Il- ls— 18^ 14 is- le— 17— M HI ^( If If ff ff tt ff* If (* ft tl .^ 18— «« *-^v l( «► 'I'i ">>-);;■! •>' '■•1 > ^m i J '♦.1 .1* MPp M .' u h '■H'l. i/ ■ h If 1^^ LOTB. 2fr--l vol. tc 2»— 27— «8— 19— SC- SI— 81^ S8— « 36— 86— S7— it pb]f ;/ Chronicles of Wolfdrt't Roiilt . ! Life of William CloswM » Parifiiaa Lights :)r<, ! ; " • ^ Egeria . > rinv.'./Io I'^"^^■•^ Guido and Jolint Uiv 'I • ii Trial of AnthcbTlst < x > Robert Bunis^Wiorks — ^ . ■ An Ametiton ninoog the Orientals Burke's Works N>V De Tocqueville's America— Odd vol. • : i Mas^achusetls Sehool Return^, l»4S-44' Brass's Arittantt^ p;-o. List '■'=/'.':.■-'';:•■';-■-•■ {' ■ Blair's Lectttre* J ' ^; '• ' PolygKw Bitde / ' • : Pem»y Meigtaitte, 1888- , Vo.n > Chamber's Edinburgh jOTrnal, 1840 P; O; Liiit, 188* • 'V. :' . White, Red and Bteclr'-' ^ i?h* Gaiden y Leffeikds f' Paris Sketch Book Gaieties and Gravities . / ; > t^uarterly Review Papers , The Book of Snobs i Ways of Life ^ , The, Ifhwaji in Syria , . Zephyrs irom Italy Busin^eM Man's Nob Boole, 1857 MacdulaV'S Sketches A First Book of Anatonoy The Pedestrian in France and Swttzeriand Day Dreams of a Butterfly Italian at Sight King's PrimiUve Sight Vathek Toronto TfthrectOTY, 1846^7 Diary of Joseph Williams . Tl^e Ghriatian Spectator jbhri^tianity Indi^ndent of Qivil iGovernment ^he'nbfflfapbi ■.■-. '^f- ■. ,■' Do. .■::^: ■■■■-■ -^ "■ ■ , . . Do. ■ :■..■.■ ■„■'■ Do. - •■■ ■'" : \.;.. :■■ .;■ Types, Specimen Book Public Accounts of fhcUnited States. Dawn of the Pale Faces History of Scotiand Chambers's Jouraa)« ■ -Do. ■ d(K . ■ Do. tlol /^ Do. do. k' Do. do. . . Hunt's Magazine Park's Alison's History of Europe 187 j » "0«- Quarterly Review ^ 188-. 1 I ^**^^'* ®"*'*^ Review - iftO^ ^^ ^ P^: Anti-Slavery JMaeazibe ?n^? "'?• S^^y '^ lady's Book ^ ^ T^^ oo"% ^en Thousand a Year -^) of"! "?'• Jf wish Chrorifcle ^i»3~5 History of the French. Hfevolutidn i.i 'i I 4( (( tt i< (I « (C ct (C (( u {< (I «( i( (( li tt tt t( 18M-2 ■^i^ 'Wr^f^ ■l -. ~t', 'M LOT& }94_3 voli. r'-: f •>^. Y (( tt (( 915— t 197—1 198—8 ♦• 1»»— 2 " tOO-l 101— iOl— 4 ^»( 105— " f04— 1 vol. tOfr-S«* t06— 7 non, 107—4 " £0a— « f09— 1 2:0— 211— 212-3 " 213—1 21*~ 2l5-« 216—1 217—3 218-S tl»^l 220— 221—3 222—1 228—1 224-3 " 226—1 226— 227- 228- 229— 230^ 231-^"* 232— 10*' 232— 233— 6C0" 234—1 " 235— »^ it u. .t tt (t tt tt . J '• .'V I Cornhill Mi^asio9 > Pulnum** Monthly ' . ; Macmillan'alMagazineM* ' Fanner's Librarpr. -' ■> Barker*! Canadian llagadne Albam' of Literatnrtt and M oiio Comnierciie and N^ivigatiott.nw' ^ London Quarterly » 1 ^ J North British Ue¥JeW' ii , Ballou'a Mngazino ' American Faihily Majgaxine Boottish Christian Horald Bentley'tf Miscellany Appleton*s Meohanics* Magazine Nelson's Lancet Edinburgh Christian InBtniotbr ' Canadian Namraliet Family TreAsurv i Atlantic Monthly 1 Eclectio Magazine MIetropuHtan Magazine Anatolia 4 'I / r . . Mexican Papew . Continental Monthly , , Controllers of Public Schodts ' Martin Chuzzlewit^ ' j Island of Jamaica -^ Life in the New World , ' Graluim*8 Magazine '~ ^ * ArtWt'fl Lady's Book ^ .' - North American Review Apglo-Arnerican Magazine Martin Cltuzzlewit . ' Canadian Il.'ustt4.{ed News Illustrated London News. Odd nos. Punch ■■ l^'^: A ■/:'>' i\y::,Lu..-.: . BlackwoC(l*s Bfagazi^ ■.'■'-:.-- I i .v.r I 'h\\ . ■ ' :/. 1 ■ . 61 ■ t? • . ". ■ ^ '.')» 1 ■■'i\- 1 Uii ■^ 1 '', » ■ ,.•.1 1 I •M R: ■»^ .1- „ . nf- t^' I *-.. .1 r' , ^m - r 1 I LOT & ., I ■ 23e~. «< !.>J ■ «d7-~ « .V.r ■ 2S»— «« ■ , 23&_ it ■ t40— ** ■ t\ ■ 24(-. u ' '/■. '. m S4f^ *« .>y ■ 84S-. « . . i ■ 244-- <« •— •'. "i!' ■ 146-^ «« ■ ^ S4»^ «< ■ ^ 247^ «« . ■ ". '^ ■ 248— «< .,-if ■ 249^ « i'^! ■ eso— <« ■■-■•■•M ■ H 25 Ir-. u ' r ■ 262— «i 1 V •! >. K: : >^' -, ;\ ■.,*!I fidln^V-h Review- London Quarterly • Haiper'e Montbl/ ?o- do. Wet.mluitcr Review Srfndriea Do. Traoi^^Religiou. 2«- do Oo- do. oe •is'- J \ fj&sJ ,V M.'* % ''n-**^ ^-A-tL' » ff At. ,^ (b ^