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CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF QLTEBEC, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER, 1881. ESTABLISHED Ttm JULY, 1842. QUEBEC: Printkd at the •' MoRNiNO Curoniole" Office. 1882. EXTRACT FROM A LETTER OF THE SECRETARY OF Till". SOCIETY FOR THE PROPA&ATION OF THE GOSPEL, To the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. " In overy Christian Coiii»Tog'atioii which derives help from the vSociety, an annual iSernion shoukl be preached on the work of the Society, and a coHection should be made in its aid. We should indeed thanklully receive, if it were olfered, a token of sympathy in Missionary work from every member of tlu^ Church in your Diocese; but we have no doubt that our claim will be acknowledged, at least by those congregations lohich are assisted by the Society. hv^^'- " lit ..pN M 1'a(;k. Abstract of ProccHMlino.-^ of (\-iitiiil iio.inl -'.' Accor.NTH. Ji'ilaiice Sheet of Lcdpcr i::j Bishopric EnilowiinMit lis Bislio]! Mountiiin Liihrador .Mission Fmid Tjs (Jh'T^y Trust ami LotMl Kiiilowiiiunt Fiiinl Hm; to I IV T)i'i)Ositoiy Fund 121 Diocesan Hoard IJevciiiu' Aecouiit do do Suii|dcineiitarv A<-coiiiit i:;.s p]dnoation Fund iL's " •• for Children of flif CiiMo-v |:;(i Foreign and Doineslie Mission I'lind ITl General Fund 120 Jlissioa Fund I'-ti \icolet Kndownicnt i''und IJJ Pension l-'und I'-l Stistentation Fund I2i; The Mountain Fndownient Fund 1,'!0 Widows' and Orjihans' Fund 122 Clergy of tlie Dioeese '! Committees •< Contributions tliroujrliout the Diocese, for Church Society IKi do do do do purposes lOo Contrihutions of S'l" and upwards, deceased M(» Foims of neipiest 172 Lauds belonging to tlie Society ITTi Legacies 1 11 Life .Members llCt Meintiers of Corporation IT.'i Prayers 4 Vice-Presidents Central Board. Ac, &c ."> RKC.VPlTrLATIONH. City of Qnel)ec 151 IJural Deanery of Queliec i5g do do St. Francis Id!) do do Gaspu 170 Rki'oht.s. Central Hoard 10 Clergy Trust Coniniittee 1(I4 Diocesan Board 24 Missionary Reports and of Clergy not in connection with the Diocesan Board 38 St. I'^'ancis District Association 31 SiMlCI.M, NOTICK 2 St.\ti:i) Mkktinch 8 C FOR N. FORTIETH REPORT of TIIK I IT C 11 1? O 3R. .21^7 E r> CHURCH SOCIETY 'If Ml i)!f)CKyK OF i/rKnEC. FOR TIIK V1:A!^ ENDING ^^;m DECEMBER, •t CI? !S1. ESTABLISHED T i' JULY, 1842. ' Mi V au E B EC : I'mNI'KI' AT riir, •' MdUNING ClJIti'NK I.E ■■ OlTK.F.. J8SL' IsTOTIOE. The Church Socioty was cshiblishod in 1812. Its objects are : 1. A Mission Fund to aid in paying mis.-ionari/s lo slrng-- gling congregations. 2. A General Fund to aid in the ereelion orclauchesiuid parsonages, in the education ol' the cliildrcn ol' the Clergy, to aid struggling congregations in nuiintaining schools tor their children, and for the general expenses ol' the iSociety. 3. A Widows' and Orphans' Fund I'or lh(> Clergy. 4. A Pension Fund lor aged ;ind inlirni Clergy. 5. To provide bibles, prayer books and n-ligious [nibli- cations, either gratuitously or ar reduced piice.s. Its affairs are managed, 1. By the Central Eoard and its sul)-commiilees. (a) The Central Board is composed ol'all the Clergy, the Church Wardens, and oIIkm-s (>lected by the kSociety, being Members oi' the Corporation. {h) The sub-Committees are the Fiiuinct>, tlie Land, the Investment, and Educatimi Conmiiltees. 2. By the Cleru'y Trust Coniuiiltei*. Vvhich manages (a) the Bishopric Endowment Fur.d; {//} the capital arisinii- from the commutation ot the clergy reserves, and (<•) the endowment funds of te.e missions and congrega- tions. 3. By The Diocesan lu^^ard oi ^lissions, composed of clergymen and laymen elected by ihe Church Society and by the Synod. This Board pays all the icissionarie-: of the Diocese, and receives for this purpose {a} tlie aniiUal livant ot the Society for the Propagation olthe Gospid. (h) the Mission Fund ol' the Church Society, (r) the contributions or assessment of the congregations served by the missionaries, (<■/) a grant from the Clergy Trust Fund, (r.) the Tuteresl of the Susten- tation Fund. All letters referring to the asse.-smeiii or contiabutioiis of congregations should l)e addressed to the J»ev. A. A. Von- Ililand, the Secretary, or to Mr. AV. C. rdiy, the Tri>asurer of the Diocesan Board. AH other letters and contri])ulions should be addressed to the Rev. M. M. Fothergill, the Secretary, or to Mr. W. C. Petry, the Treasurer of the Church Society. t 1*. CLERGY OF THE DIOCESE OF QUEBEC, 1881. ii ■■ r r,i(.;ir i;i,\ ii.i-.Mp .) . W. \VI!,I,IA.MS, n.n., LoMp IJisimi' nr (^Mi;i:i;c. Alliiiitt, I!'". . I'"..l. I!.. i:.ii DniinnioiHh ilk'. lialloiii-. Kiv. A, (ii'tiiHHl) ("(iMlicuokc. Ilalltiiir, If'.'v. A. .1., M.A Mt'lliomiic. Hall. I!cv. T. I; Iirlauil. (t I'. (>. .Ma|ilc (liovc.) liiivlc, l.'''V. i'.. M.A Must J'raiiiiitiiii, (1*. O. iU'iiiison. ) lirock, lir\ . I.. M. \ ."^iuiliiddki-. Illa.viu.k. K'rv. T.. II. >, .N'p'W ("ailislc. (1*. (). l':i.>lH'liiac.) lliina.uv, l.'rv. II. (I.. \I.A. (I'diri'ij) Ihttlcy. liiDUii, lli'v. ('. !>.. I!. A Sliiuawakf. HiiAvii. Kcx . I.'. \\'., I!. A Laliiiiilipr. Cliainiiaii. I.'rv. T. S.. ma OikI.swi-II, (!'. O. MaiWk'toii.) f'iiaiiilicrs. I'lv. .1 .Maf^ilalciif l.^laml.'^. ('()l>l()ii, IJ.'v. I.'. W., M.A Portiicuf. Di'lpliau'.'. I!(\-. .1. i; West l''raiiii)toii. I»iii/.fv,!{f\ . .I.( i'riiiiiiial iptl.ailics' ( '(ill,)( '( mi] it on. F(p|in'Vjrill. It''\ . .M. M.. 1 1 II la I Dim II : Sec. ( 'liiircli Siicy. .t .^-^yiunl. Uictoi'. St.rclcr',-;, Kipstcr. Ucv. .1., M.A Ciiatii'doiii'. (.^liiclicc. Ilaiiiilliiii. i!'V.('.,M.A.,l!isliip|) s ('iia|)!iiiii. Ri'ctor. St. Maltlicw's, Qucipcc. Ilaiiiiltoii. Ilrv. r. ('., M.A St. .Mattlii'w's. Qiifbci'. llililaiiii. Ii'rv, .!., 11. A .Maiirliaiii, (P. O. Kiikdalc.) Hariu'i', lii'\ . .1.. a. A St. .hilin s. .Mcilpouriu'. Jciikiii.-J. lit'v. .1. 11. . M.A.. IJccior Tiii-cc Hive'is. K(iil|i. I!rv. .1.. i;.|p Leeds. K'l'i'. Ilev. .M., II. IP Sandy lleacli. Kit, Rev. K'olnit <'lia|iel ollloly Trinity. Qiielpce. Kinir, Rev. W St. ."Sylvester. ' Killj;', Rev. Iv A. \\ .. M.\.. RecKir i,e\is. liVSter. Ri>v. W. (!.. a. a, RiMal l»eaii ('a|pe Ciive. Liililey, Rev. .1. .\.. 11. CI Piiiiei|pal(p| liisli())i"s('i)lIeL;-e,I.eiin(i.\ville. Parke!', lu'V. ("■. II.. Reelor ( '(iiniiliiii. Parkin. Rev. !■;. ('.. .\ieolet. Petry, Rev. II. .].. M.A D.inville. Rawsdii. Rev. (;. W., M.A Catliedral. (,tiieliee. Iteid. Rev.('.P..i).iv.l!isii()|i's rolleji'c, Lentio.wille. Roe, Rev. i' Iiivernes-'. Si'well, Rev. !•;. \V., M.A ("Iiaiiid ol'Hdly Trinity, (,>ueliec. Scartii. Rev. A. C. M.A., Reet(ir lienno.N viilc. ."■^iiiitli, l{ev. V. A New fiiverpoo]. Sliiiirt, Rev. II. (."., M.A lliiiiru' lainis. Sykes, Rev. ,1. S Sydeiihain Place, (P. (>. Kinesey.) Steven.'-', Rev. .\., ii.a IJatley. T'uniis, Rev. R. ('., M.A Rivieie-dii-Lonii. (' // /jhh.) Thoiniison, Ri v. I.. Ilineesan .Mis-:i(iner...Mell)(mrne. Tliui'iiloc, |{ev. (ieo., M.A Stanstead. Vial. Rev. W. S Montmorenci, (P. (). Qnciiee.) \'iin inland. Rev..\. .\.,M.A..See. Didec^an Roanl, Rector St. Micliael'.s, tjiielicc. Walters. Rev. (J. I! Malliaie, (P. (I. Point St. Peter.) Waslier, l.'ev. C. 15 Harford and Ilcrelord, (P. <). Di.wille.) AViirtele, Rev. I;. <"., M.A Actonvale. Welisle-, Rev.y. M., M.A liiiry. (P. 0. TJubinson Village.) t P. (t. sionilies Po^t Ollice address. %i- PRAYERS. TO BE USED AT ALL MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY AND OF ITS SEVERAL ASSOCL\TIONf«. m Prevent us, O Lord, in all oiir doings, \vitli Thy most gracious favour, and furlhor us with Thy continual help ; that in all our work.«, boavin, conlinuod and ended in Theo, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life ; tlirough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O Merciful God, AVho has made all men, and halest nothing that Thou hast made, nor the death of a sinner, but rather that ho should l)e converted and live ; have mercy upon all .Tews, Turks, Inlldels aiul Heretics. and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy "Word, and so letch ihem home, blessed Lord, to Thy ilock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd. Prosper, O Lord, the labours of those socie* ties of the Church in the land of our Fathers, which Thou hast deigned to use in tlie promotion of this object, and which have nourished ihi' Cliurch in the Colonies ; and bless in like manner with Thy Holy tSpirit and Providential succour, the Society, in whose cause we are now met, and the undertakings which we have now in hand. " Prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us ; prosper Thou our handy w^ork,'' for the sake, and through the merits of Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost one God, world without end. Amen. Our Father, wliieli ;;rt in heaven ; Hallowed be Thy name ; Thy kingdom come ; Thy will be done in earth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our tresspasses, As wo ibrgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil ; For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. II. Ti n. .]. .J. I'.. THH CIIL'RCH SOCIETY Ol' TIIK IDT:0CII1S:EC (DIP QTJEBEC. PATHON : |[|-; K\i KI.I KNt V Tin; (idVKrNnU (!|,M-I!AL. i'iii:s!I)i:nt: 'I'm: III'. 11 : l;i;\ kim.m. tiii: I/hu' P.i-uoi' i»k (^>iKr.K<;. vkm: !'I!::sti)k,nts Hun. ("liiof.liiMi.v .Mri-..(litl), D.C. L. TllO RiLjht lU'V. TllO LnV,\ |Ji,s!ln|, nf Hunm, K. Hauiilt.m, H. S. Scntt, Kov. ?:. \V. S.-woll, .M.A.. Mev. A. W. Moiiiiiuiii, ALA., H. X. .I..iu's, M. Sliuippiird, Kov. (\ I'. Kui.l. D.C.I... Rev. W. Kin-, Hov. G. V. ilnii.Kai.m. >:. \. W. (J. Wmttilf, R. H. Smith, 0. N. Moiitizaiiilu Ti !;. 'A. Il>-M,krr, |).C.I>., Ciianoel- Inr (Pi llislnni's Ci)lle<.(e, iU'V. (,'. ilauiiltnii, :\I.A., Rev. H. itn., D.D., t"a) A.slu', K.N., I!. .11. ({. Irvine, D.C.L., linn. <;. O. Sti';nt. .Iiiilyt' iif the .\iliniraity, I \Vt-,!Mii iiuV.t, I I'. .\. .Viuliv^v.s, (). {\, I ( li'iii'Ljo W'ast'v, I Kil'.viu A. .loiios, I .l.iiiics i'ation, jr., I .l;niu's Diinliar, QA\ Cl'M'RAL HOARD : Tile Pivsiipi'i;ilii'ii. ami C. Judu'e, I Roliert ('ain)ii).ii, F. Muntizaml.ert, .M.D.,; W. ('. So.ti, W. \V. Mar.sil.Mi, .M.D., Iv T. D. Clianii>er W. H. Carter, tf. H. Riuliardfioii. II. Turner, H. J. Rratten, J. P.. Forsvtl., W alton Smidi. lierliert M. I'lice. !•:. .1. Hale, .\. l'n;H-, K. Pojie, •folui Hamilton, G. 15. S. Vonii'^', \V. Hall, Stuart H. Dunn, \V. H. Tapi-, < !eo. Kinu HONORARY COUNSEL : Hun a. Irvine, (,).C. ; V. A. Andrew.^, Es<|., Q.C. I Ja.s. Dunl)ar, Esq., Q.C. AUDITORS : R. Turner, E. .1. Hale, TREASURER : Wentworth (*. P^try (I. P). S. YoUH!^, Stuart H. Dunn. SECRETARY : Ut'\. M. M. Foth«)gill, ;,'!• !i<: (//( all L'oiiiiaitt«('ii thvp !IOC3e3.:^i.IT 330A.3RX>. '■]!- (Kh.-lr-! h,i i^.jno.i ) j ( El. -'ol Ihj < 'h lu-ch ^nddij. ) Mix. C. ILuiiiUun, M.A., i!c'V. 0. W. Jt,i\v.suM. .M..\. \l;\. J. Fo.-tcr, .M.A., H. S. Sent, W. (J. NVint.Io, [;. I!. Siiiitli, K'fv. (!. V. Il)fiotv, 'i'lr.' Ti-cisi!!.-;- <>f Synod, TIiL- 'i'l'o.i. ^iiiiT i>f Climrli Sociuty, 'I'ik' Ia'y Sofi'i'iai'V of Syiiipil. SECUETAUV: titv. .\. A. A'nii Itllan.l, M.A. TilEASCiiElI : Weiitwuith (1. Petrv. •If CXa3GRG :^r T3?."GST C0MMITT3SE. Tl!i: L(^!U) iilSHOl'. CHAIRMAN ; \\v\: W. Kin.;, lu'v. (J. V. U M3S:ST7ia^"GS. ANXIAI. .MKiOTINii < >!•' Tllr: SorjKTV. Woclno.sday lSS-"5 Tth February Thursday 1882 2ud February- Thursday l<)l]i February. Thursday lt]11i March. "Weduosdny ll.Hh April. Wednesday Olst May. Wednesday loth iSeplomlxM'. Wednesday 8th NovembtM', Wediiesdav l'5th Decein))er. Wedneiiday 18S:{ 21lh January. Thursday 81h Fi'bruarv. Ill ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting was held on Wednesdaj' al'ternoon, .1st February, in the National J^chool. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese in th(^ chair. The reports of the Central Board, Diocesan Board, and Clergy Trust Fund were presented, adopted and ordered to be printed. A report from the District of St. Francis was submitted and ordered to be printed. Mr. Geo, Veasey submitted the accounts of the Clergy Trust Fund, Local Endowment Funds, the Bishopric Endowment Fund and those of the Church Socit^ty, and Mr. Edwin A. Joiu^s those of the Diocesiin Board, which were ndopted inid ordered to bo j)rinted. The following Resolution was adopted unanimously, " That the Church Society do oiler to Mr. Veasey and Mr. Ednin A. .Tones their warm thanks for the valuable ser- vices which they have rendered to the Church in this Dio- ('(>se, the Clergy, the Congreg'itions, nud the Finances, by the faithfulness, thoroughnc^ss and skill "which have charac- CD terized their tenure, respectively, of the important office of Treasurer of the Church Society iind of the Diocesan Board." One Life Member and twenty-two Members of Corpora- tion were elected. The Vice-Presidents and ]\Iembers of Diocesan Board and Clergy Trust Fund Committee were re-elected, and twenty-one Gentlemen were elected to serve on the Central Board. Amendments to Articles II, VI and XV were adopted, and await confirmation ; also, the repeal of Article XI. A new By-huv on the custody of the becu- 1^ ,,..Hi ¥ ) 10 rities was introducoil, adoptod, and awaits coidirmation at the next moeting of the Society. Ivesolntions coticeniiiig- the ]naiint''ement of Local Vai- dowmeut Funds, on issuing of circular to members and on the amalgamation of treasurerships^ were adoptod. An arrangement was adojited with the authorities of the Colonial and Continental Cliurcli Societj'-, ]>y ^vhich, for the future, the grant of that ^:>ociety of _€Tr) sterliiig, lor assisting schools in poor Districts, will be managed ]*y the Education Committee of the Church Socieiv. thu;> avoidiim- two committees and unnccc-.^s'^ry (-viM'iise. Q 11 ANNUAL P.EPOUT OF THE CENTRAL BOARD FOR THE YEAR 1S81. J'rcsc'iiti'il to til" CIiiU' ii Socirtv, Kelv.-i; i; v 1st. l.s.SL'. The Central Board, in prost'nting- their Fortieth Annual lieport of the proceinling's ol" the »Society, desire to express their 2,-ratitude to God tor His continued blessiuii-s durinir tlie past year. The income durini>' the year ibr the live lunds ol' the Society amounts to $(J,2G8.8G, composed only ol' voluntary subscriptions and donations, which tliouuh sii^yT.Go lessthan last year ; yet, wIkmi it is remembered that a considerable increase has been made in the amounts given to the Foreign and Domestic Mission Board, with larger and more regu- larly paid assessments to the Diocesan Board, and the addi- tion ol" the large amount ol' $8,000 subscribed for a Diocesan Missioner, a lliank ollering for the Reverend Canon Wil- berlbrce's faithl'ul and zealous ellbrt in conducting a ten days' mission in the City of Quel)ec, together with the fail- ure of live missions in making any return before closing the Society's accounts ; it must be acknowledged that the year's proceedings have been very satisfactory. Your Board, while thus thankfully announcing a grow- ing interest in the work of the Society, feel it nevertheless to be a duty to remind the members of the Cliurch through- out the Diocese tluit the amount contribuled is hardly ctmimensurate with the resources and al)ility of our Church people. Your Board also deem it a duty to point out that there are certain missions in the Diocese characterized unfortu- ■ Ih 1,1 I,- in ■ i n ■)■. 12 nately in the statirstic^til Uiblos l)y tho words iVo Financial Report. Yoiu Board also ibol convinced thai wero the labours of the Society properly laid before Churchmen, and an organ- ized band oi" collectors appointed in ea(di Congregation, all would aid in the Society's work, and especially those Parishes and Missions which have received in tini(>s past so liberally of llio Society's l)ouiity. co:\iPAnATiVi: sTATi:M v. xt. npiicral Fim;l . i8.-;o. .•^iT'jj :.s L'so'i cr, Is-^l ^ 1,-01 li'.'.'lO li'i ■!:■( ,'N .1.-, Ml i , Dod-pa.-H'. Mission Fiitiil... S .11 41 W. & Fuiul •' ii-< I'ciisiou I'^uiid i ,-, 0.-. , II!' no J']iliif';ili(iii (". ol 1'. ■il-c •'illl.l Total .. 7 ,_., .,,.,. .^l) Total (1 ! 1' (iENEKAL FUND, {To aid in tJic erection of Cluiyclns cun! ]\yr.:.^;!(Ti:;:s. in the snp- port of Schools, in the I -id neat ion of the children of the Clergy, in the formation of Local J:ndo:o!ne.'its, and for the general of the management of the Society.) Your Board <^x press very deep regret that the Fund has not been enabled during the year to respond to the appli- cations for aid referred to on the 11 ill page of last report. Another application has been added to the list, viz. : for a grant to the new Parsonage at Rolnnson Village, Mission of Burv. Grants have been made to two new Endowment Funds, viz. : Rivicre-du-Loup (en bas) and Danville. 13 EDUCATION OF THE rillLDnEN OF THE CLERGY FUMD. This fund recoivod a g-raiit oi $300 from tho General Fund, and has also b(M3n aidod by !i?110.oO received in sub- scriptions and donations. Tho fund is one of the ij;Teatcst ])0.ssil)le ])eneiit to the Clergy, enabling; them to provide a lirst-class education for their children either at IJishop'.s CoUej^e ^!^chool, Lennoxville, Compi.on Ladies' Collrg-e, or at some other Educational es- tablishment ap])roved of by the Committee. ]\Ir, Robert Hamilton has generously added $-70 to the Fund, being iialf the amount actually expended. There are now seven children recL•i^ iiig aid. MISSION FUND. (Fof the payauitt of il:c Stii'^ciids of Missio>iariiS in conjunction loitli the Annual i^iwit froJU the Society for the Propagation (f the LioepeL aeeessni, nts from the Rural Congregations, and a grant from the Clergij I'nist /•'nm/, the Interest of the invested capital (f the Snslen/ation J-^nnd, administered by the Diocesan Inard.) It is gratifying to notice that the voluntary subscriptions and offerings have exceeded the amount of last year by $41.41. This is especially noie worthy when it is remembered that the receipts for 18S0 included a special gift of $400 from an old friend of the t^ociety. A full account of the .Missiojiary laljouis of the tSocielv will be found in the lieport of the Diocesan Board. widows' and onriiANs" fund. The following Clergymen have, according to the terms of the By-law, made the rcfjuired number of subscriptions, tf ,;„ It) ■i ■M 14 and are theivibre paid up inoinbovs, viz.: — Rovds. Smith, Lystor, Dr. Ker, Dr. Roe, Von IllUind, K(Mnp, Wni. Iviiii;', Burrnge, Vial, Fothorg'ill, Housman, .Tonkins, Eoydell, AVashor, Tjiompson, Foster, Iliopol, Debbnii'o mid IIopl)urn The following- aro in course oi" coinpK'tiiig- thoir pay- ments, viz. : — Itevds. Ball, liicliardson, Syki'fs, R. Kcr, Richmond, Harding, Raw^on. Steveni-;, CoLslon, Chaml)('r.s, Wurtele, Boyle, C. D. Brown, Blaylock, Brock, Dr. Lobh^y, Scarih, Diu/.ey, Chapman and Thorneloe. There are at present sev.-n widows and lour children upon the Fund. The subf^criptions and collections during the year were $803.38. The capital oI" the I'und has now aniounled to over lii'ly thousand dollar.>. PENSION FUND. (For aijC'f. (uid iiijiiin CIcrfiijmeit.) The receipts lor th(> year were ^\\-10SA. The capital has reached !i?20,(J0o. At the present lime there is no claim upon the fund. V\'lien the sum ol' s:-;"),0()() has been in- vested, it will be necessary, according to tln^ terms of the By-law, to form a scale of p(>)iKions, and provide for the retirement of Clergymen after reaching a certain ag(> or length of service in the Diocese, FOREKiN AND DOMESTIC .Ml.^SLOX BOAKD. During the recent tjession of the Provincial tSynod, it was ordered that Boards of Foreign and Domestic Missions be formed in each Diocese ; the Foreiu-n Board to have 15 cluir^e ol' all iiioiioys lor the S. P. G. and Missionary \vork g-oiierally outsido our own Dominion, while the Do- mestic Mission IJoard would take charge of all the moneys ibr Algoma and ^.lissionary ohjeots in the Dominion, out- side the limits of our own Diocese. Two Boards were i'oi'ined for this Diocc.u}, but it ^va.s .^oon apparent tliat they could h.):st do the work assig-ned to them by acting' through one tSecvetary-Tieasurer. Captain Carter kiiully accepted the oflice. and through his /i'alous and well directed elibrls a large amount of monev has been received and transmitted to the S. P. Cr.. Algoma, Saskatchewan aiul Kupert's Land. The Mission Board by circulars and otlu^v letters has stirriMi up a vast amount of rnissio)iary zeal in very many oi our congregations, and it is gratifying- to noiice that our peo])le are beg'inning' to realize the great duty and privilege of being able to join in the glorious work of spr-'iling the Gospel of Christ beyond our own borders. Your Board, in uoiiciiig tlie amounts given during- the year as shewn in tlie re[)ort of the I'oreign and Domestic Mission Board, vi/: :— ^rl-U.-^'T for Domestic, and si308.28 Ibr ForeiiiJi Missions, is pleased in being able to announce that these iigures were inore;)>ed 1)y iii^i 07.-1 o for Foreign, tuid $150.40 for Domestic },Iissions, received from the Dis- trict of St. Francis too laic Ibr insertion in their report, makiiig a t(»i;;l of >;l-jGl.b;} ibr Domestic, and $415.71 for Foreign Missions. Your Board, while expressing very deep regret that Captiin C;».;ter has been obliged, through other business engagements, to relinquish his position as Secre- tary-Treasurer, must oiler its congratulations in tlie appoint- menl of Mr. li. Campbell as his successor. x^ :•;*! f(f -}: . 16 EDUCATION FUND. 'Ihe foIloiK'iiig is the list of Schools aided by the Society, VIZ. : •v-l. \ ' NAMK or SCIldUl. &> u Bourg Louis No. 1. " '• •• '1. <• •• '• ;:. (!n\w (.'i)\H' No. I. TuatiCDDk KiisT Kriiuii)tou Homi?m habraclor Maple (irovf Marhli'toii Portnciif Xo. 1 u 1 . 2 " ■• ;! Stan^ti'ad St. Sylvi'stcr West "Fraiii|itiMi J. I 17 JO i:. 1.; ■J!t IS )H ir, NAMK !U' TKACJlKi;. Mai';;:irci i'nuior \'aci;iit Mai'v l*r(ict(ir liissio K. l!i;;';;i'nsoii Mahaii (!('<). (Jnudiii N'at'iint. (^jraiit stopinn!).. II. K. l!artliickbuii Ciaiil. .S c. ■11 00 ...i 00 .'ili 00 '.'4 00 .'iJ 00 k; 00 '-'.") 00 '.i'* 00 ii** 00 50 00 .'!() (It) no (to ]0 00 :!'j (to '..) 0(t to 0(t k; 0(t •>.i (.10 T(Mal ■^aliii\ , ^ f. IL'O III) IJO (III r_'o (Ml I.'! J Oil 114 00 ii;i Oil •J'JO (III I'JO (10 r.'o on 'JOD 0(1 IHI) III) 200 (II) l,so (1(1 100 oil Hill nil ■J 10 nil L'lin III) li'i'J nn DEPOSITORY (For the sale of luines. Prayer Boohs, and other useful aiui instructive puldicatious. furuished ly the Society for Prouu^tiiig L hristiau Kuoioledgc.) The lollowiiig' letter has been received IVom Capt. Carter, Secretary Treasurer of the Depository : Quebec, Hth January, 1882. Dear Mr. I'otJuroili ' I forward the usual slateiiieut of sales for 1881, they were ar follows, viz. : 17 lin Bihies $ 0.5 10 23 Tostamuiits 4 30 (i08 Prayer Books 170 01 OtiO Miscelhuieous Publioations 365 31 Tracts and Almanacks 21 7'pository in January, 1874. vv'as : — Stock ii; 772 1>2 Less— Dup S. P. C. K $31 41 '• Church Sociity 20 16 ■') I .') 7 ^ 721 35 The position of the D^'pository i.s now : — Stock ^ 848 93 In hands ol' Treasurer of Church Society 353 78 Due Depository 20 95 $1,223 66 Owing ^J. P. C. K., ;///. Iinprovement !$ 502 31 Yours faithfully, \V. H. CARTER, Secy.-Treais, Dejoository, S. P. C. K. m, 'tf ;■ >ii %^- I ' 'X ,s 18 Your Board desires to place on r.Hiord tiie obligation the Society is under to Cnptain Carter for the many years oi' painstaking labour which he has so cheerlully given to the Depository, and to regret tliat he has been oldiged to withdraw from the active charge of the Department. Icour Board would alio d'sire io thank the rf. P. C K, for its long continued liberal treatment. During the year the Venerable J^ocicly supplied a large number of suitable Mission Tracts to the value oi'illO, free of all cost, for use during the Mis>'on coiidu ted by the Rev. Canon AVilbe-rforce. Your Board cordially recommend ihe diilerent Darishes that may require books to avail themselves of the privileges afforded of obtaining the Yt'uer.ible t'oeietv's rublications throuffh the Denositorv. The late Kevunnd (Jeorge Milne, ^l. A., late lucumbciit of New Carlisle and I^ispebiac, has bequeatliod s?lCO to the Pension and ^100 to ilie V> . ik O. Funds,-/^ lie has also be- queathed ylOO to 8t. Andrew's Church, i\evv' Carlisle, and $50 to St. Peter's Church, Paspebiac, to as;i t ihosc congre- ii^ations in maintaining the ministrations of ruIiLi'lon. While thankfully recording the above ])equesls made by one of the Clergy of the Diocese, your Eoar<}. v.ould respect- fully venture to point out that it would seem to be a part of the proper discharge of Ihe ;:^;e wardship of money to nndvG provision, by v/iil, lor charitable purposes. An a M '■' * Anv'^iti'- i\'<-i^ id loi. l:(!r I'd; iij-r;l:i.ii ia li.r Tri.M iiic.r'.s iu'cuiiiil.-f lor tlii- in Church \v«^ liavo hitherto come ^sllort of our duty in tliis matti'r, as will l)e (jvidcnt when we compare what luts l)et'H doir>' anioiiL'' us with the liberal bequesis made by Church pi'0|tli' iu ihe Mother Country and in the Uniied Slates. Your Ujard has plea.-^ure iu auuouuciug' that the late Mrs. Aylwin, of Montreal, has left iii!l,4'HJ to the Mission of Bourg' Lonis, and that the Parish oi" St. Peter's, Quebec, has been bem^litted by a similar amount from the late Mr. Edgeley, a former Parishioner. Your Board l)e^s to sai>"i>vst to any who may desire to bequeath money or property I'or Church purposes that suitable ''forms of bequest and devises by will" are to be found ai the end of the Annual Kejiurt. oKKicr,!:.- (u- ■iiiE s. M'lr/rv. JJuriuii' the past ) ear th.ere 1iave betni some ch;>,nu-es amoni^ the olhcers; i\Ir. CJeo. Veasey has fell compelled through l)usiness enii'a'^innents to relin{|uish the oiRce of Treasurer, which he has Tilled for eleven years with an ability and xeal which have entitled him to the 2'rati- tude and respect of all tlie members of the Society. On receiving" his rt'signation, the following resolution was unanimously adopted by your Board : — That the members of the Central Board have received with mvich regret the announcement of the resignation of Ueorge Veasey, Esq., Treasurer of tlie Church Society. That wliilc accepting Mr. Yeasey's resignation (which they do with great reluctance), they cannot allow him to retire without tendering to him their sincerest thanks for the in- defatigable manner in which he has discharged for eleven ' years the important and responsible duties attached to the ollice he has held. 'J1 1^' 20 That ihey are fully conscious that on all occasions ^Ir. Vcasey has dispbyod the most lively interest ineverythinq: connected with the Church Society, and that its present satisfactory financial position is, in a a'reat measure, due to the painstaking and untiring care with which he has man- aged its funds. That the members feel gTatcful that tlie interest hitherto manifested by Mr. Yeasey in all that coiiccrns the weliaro oi the Church Society mil not be diminished, but that he will still exert his inliuence in promoting its many objc^cts of usefulness in the Diocese. Mr. Edwin Jones, after eight years' faithful and pains- taking work, has resigned the Treasurershipof the Diocesan Board, and been succeeded ])y ]\Ir. Petry. Mr. Itobert Peel Campbell is now tlie Secretary-Trea- surer of the Boards of Foreign auvl Domestic Missions, and Mr. Walton Smith has taken charge of I he Depository. 4 ODITUARY. Your Board regret to place on record the death of tlirco of the Clergy of the Diocese duriiig the year. viz. : ThePtGV. G. Milne, M.A., wlio for many years faiihfully discharged the duties of Incumbent of (he Mission of New Carlisle and Paspebiac. lie was beloved and esteemed by his people, and died Full ol years with the satisfaction of seeing his Mission in a prosperous eondilion. almost rip^' to become a self-supportijig Paiish. The I^ev. \V. (\ ^.lerriek, ibviurrly jlissionary at East Frampton, and for many years Incumbent of Berthier, in the Diocese of Montreal with duty in this Diocese at lii- viere-du-Loup (en haut). Mr. ^^lerriel: was much esteem- ed and respected by all with whom he was brought in contact, and zealonslv disejiaru'ed the duties of his office. Hi 21 The Rev. A. .1. Vv'^tx/lrycht'.. l;uo lucumheiU ol Bury, who was ordiiiucd in 1854 to the IJissiou oi' Sloiiehnra, IVom Avhich ho Wiis reiuovoil lo i.m'i.s, tind became Socrelary of the Society, an olFn'o wJiicli h(> liekl for nine years. Mr. AVoolryche was an excellent scholar, aillible and genial in liis numner, and notwiihstanding* his long-, con- tinued illness, was ever cheeriVil, and lo the uLmost of his abilities rea'ly lo lurijier the interests of the CJuireh. The Society has also lo deplore the loss oi" Mr. Thomas Andrews, a Life Member, annual sul)scri!)er and generous supporter of all Church work. Th'' whole res[).^'>tr\i;! .• ,snl)i:iii teil. M. M. FoTiiciKiiLr.. Secret a r 7 .] W., Que 13 EC, President. ji January 25Lh, ISH'J. ".Much tronhlc and iiiODiivciiii'iicf I:iivin;i; lii'i'n occii^ioiii"! I)y siiliscrintions and '■'iiilriliiitioiis to till' (li!i'c:'Hit ;'iui(l.; uf tin' Pincoso tin! liciiif;' sent ili.t'ct to llit! Tr<.'asiir>'rs of tliu,-i: Fiiiidi, it i:j rf((;:i' '.:■ ! il'at in iutiiri: iill iiioinys iiki}- bu t'ur- M'urilcu diiTot lo the Treiii-urcr of ihc ruml fm' wlurli llicy luv iiiicndi'd.'' 'I'lh' T:r.ifii!'Pi'3 (as al:'i\idy :;tiit'H! in (Ih^ RiMm 't oi ilio Central lioai'd) an; ; Cburcdi '-ooiely Mu. W. G. Piirav. l)ioci.";au Board .Mu. W. G. Petkv. For«i;jn mid Domuitic Miwion Boui-J Jlii. il Cj.Mi'uiii,t. 00 ABSTRACT OF THE PRUCEEDINCS OF THE CJ^X- TRAL BOARD DURINC THE YEAR 18SI. .Ianuaey. — Rev. Clement D. Brown hnving- iuriii^hed requisite certificate, his name was entered on tlie list of those who, in the ev(Mit oi" inlirrnity or old aire, may prolit by the Pension Fund, accordinti- to ilie i)ro visions oi" ](i!.!i By-law. Ai>plications lor u'ranls to rortm'uf, r(Miinsiil;i, Spooner Pond. Lome (Kinu'sey) and Gasp^'- ijoslponcd, i)i consequence of low state oi the General Fund. si^oO, ouL oi' the NicoletEndowmcMit Fund, placed at the disposal (^i' the Lord Bishop I'or Missioniiry s'.Mvices at Arthabaska. Report to Church JSocieiy. Februahy. — CommithM's apjjoiiited i\>v tlie \'ear. IjOiiii copies of report ordered to ])e printed. Committee ap- pointed to prepare the reports ot the Clcrxy I'or the Pn^ss. Report on Investmenis from llie Clergy Trust Conunitiee with resolution on Investing' in Mori Lva ires. Addition to rule 4, viz. : " 4t]i. A certilicate that the, Giaircli or other Ijuilding' i'or which the u'rant has been made i-; ready to be used."" ]ii'Solutii>ii on education ol' ijie eiiildi'«'n (m' th.' Clero-v. March.— Letter iVom Mr. T. Lloyd, on certain Jot el' land in Inverness. $800 j>'rant<>d to the ehildi'cn ol' thi^ Clergv Education Fund. Resolution on St. xMichael's Eii- dowment Fund. Testimonial to the Ixevtn'cnd Canon Wii- bt.'rlbree, vi/. : The formation of a Dioeesan Missiouer l-'uiid. mg". APRiJi. — The words "Quel)ec and els<'where"' add''d lo to the resolution on Investmenis. Resolution on ^^l. Michael's Illndowment Fund, and on education of the child- ren of t.'ie Clergy. Rev. R. Xer qualilied for W. & O. Fund, and also for Peiision Fund, acooiding to liith Byhiw. Resoh.tion on mortgages at Valcarlier and Frampton. Re- solution on attendance at School. 23 June.— liov- U. Culsicu qu'il.iiL'd j'or "vV. & 0. Fund. s2,0(j0 received iVom exocutois ol' the late Mrs. G. B. Hall. to be invested for the beneht oi' tiie ^^li^sion oi" Ivlontmo- renci. The Lord rt-.-^pectnilly requested to corres- pond "with llie ivev. I. M. Th'-arij^son, with a view to his iicceptinu' the oiriee ol' '•.li.ssionor in conjunclion with that of Travelliim" Missionary lor one or tliree year.s. Advance of salary to Mr. Willis a-; scliool-niasler o]i ihi' Labrador. s'){) o-vanted as ouiht to tl;e ]i(>v. J. ilar[)er, oi' h^t. John's, Mell)ourne. liesiuiialion of ('apuiin ('art'T, as tSecretary of th(» Depository Coniniiltt>e. Grant to Portneul'. An Insjtector appoint. \l to cxaniin*^ the Timber on the Church liinds at L'ixville, Barl'r.'d. i'esolutiou IVoni Synod on school u'ran's. Hcsolulion inaintainijiL>; th(» usual custom ol'the 8o';ii>ty Avitli resiject to ivrants to connnon schools, (hi St Isiichaei's Endowment iMind. On Valcartier and Framplon mortu;a,u'es. Commiitce on Aiiniversary Meet- ini>'. Letter from llr. T'o:'. -r, iu r<'lation to certain lot of land at St. Geor^^-e. iNOVEMisni!. — Lc'ter iVom liev. ^. A. Yon llliand, on the St, Michaid's j^hiiiowmcnt Fund. On Nicolet Fhidowment Fund, lieporl ol' conimittei' on educatioii of the children of the C!ev;i'v. sjJM) p.-r annum ji.ranted as pension to the licv. A. .1. Woolry-he The I^ord J>ishop submitted the resiunation of ili Geo. Yeas(n'. ]V'-< •Msn ■r.-hii) oi e I'hiuch Society by _ ,. ]Jes! lii'iion cojiveyino' the thanks of the Society to Mr. \'ea'~;.'y lor his valuabl.,' services for tlie past eleven years, (.'onmiilti'e. on seleclinii,' a successor to Mr. Yeasey. Th<> Loi'd Lisluip inf()i'ra<'d on the li;d of tliose ^v]io, in ilie event of infirmity or old a^'e, nniv ])ro!'it ])y tjie I'eusion Fund, accordini^ to IGth By-law. lieport of the ne.uie- ol' ('lei'i;'y on tln^ \V. & 0. Fuiul DECEAriJER.— -Notice of motion oji Fndowment Funds. A])|)liealion iVom llev. .4.. J. AVoolryche for *>Tant to new J'arsona'T'e at iUiry. lie.-..oiulion on the corporate powers of the Bidutp, ■fill ■ hi 'h II 24 ^^E ^'O i^u? ol' IfiK Diocesan Board of Missions, TD rrii; CHURCH SOCIETY, 18S1, 1 he Mlowing is the abstract of the liovenue account of the Diocesan Board i'or the year ended Doc. 81st, 1881 : — Dl!. 'IVi StipriMls lor l.'iHI.. •• Pensions for IHSI.. •■ GtMlClvil K.\InllS^■^• •• Sperilll '■ l!;il;Uici' SSI (il .") 110 <':i. ]!v nuliiiici^ t'i.oni iu'/oiiiit..'-^ ,'.:;.^n .-ri'i.'i.H.'iit IS • A.s~i':->in('n!s I'l'ccivci!.. • S. !'. v.. Cl-l:!! • S. ]'. (;. f(,;- I'.'iisioll.--... •• Missiuii i'iiii'l Cliu-.i'ii . ci •• Clergy Trii,-;t FuihI. ■• l^nstciitMtioii I'uinl. •' Ctvos-se l. at the close of 1881 is nearly siJi-OO less than the corresjiondiiii;' item at the close of 1880. This fact clearly shows that the actual revenue for the past year has all been employed and tliiit in addition ;i portion of the balance has also been used. No new ground has been taken up, iln' expenditure having been strictly coiilincd to the missions on tlie list at the close of 1880. i^'raiil 25 ' Ml It will tlius ])!' seen that your Board has; been unable lo realize the hope expressed in its last Report to the Church Socie^v and increase the nurabor of its Missions by dividing some ol the more unwieldy ones, such as Danville and Durham, or taking- up entirely new ground as in the case of Ascot Corner. YVestbury and Sandhill. The r('venue of the Diocesan Board is not a certain Ilxed araouiit lo be reckoned u[)on i'rom year to year, whilst the opening of new missions involves a long continuance oJ' kiabilitv : avA groat care must be taken that our responsibilities in the fiilure be not strained beyond our ixK^ans of moeling them. ll was w^iili very gre-it regret lliat your Board was obliged to abandon lor tlio thn*^ being at any rate, its in- tention of ailbrdina' the much needed reli<«f to the ^Missions above referred to: bul Ihc eoinparativelv large expenditure of tlu' past year (due to lUo JV^ot lliat all the missions with- out excerptions, were (Mijoyiii'i' ihe mijiistrations of u resident CUergyniaii) and tlie noliiioalion of a large reduc- tion in Ihe grant of tlie S. 1'. (1.. Inv fSs-J lit your Board no option in the matti^r. In the eat'ly ]"»art oi' I'.if piisl ysvir ilio lai;ours of your P)0ard were directed to the cjuestion of re-assessing the congregations, and with Ihis object in view a large amount of valuable information as io i]\(^ nuniijers and circum- staiices ol lite peo]>l(' in the various mi-sions v.'as collected, It was hop'^l at tlie lime tlial a moderate increase of about ten per cent, woukl eiuxble tlie Board to inert all its engagements ; but before delinite action in that sense could be taken, iho notiCication of a reduction of c€-100 sig., in the grant of the S. P. G., for J 882, was recL>ived by the Bishop and Ibi'ced upon us a reconsideration ol' the subji^ct. At the mooting of the Synod the whole question was fully and carefully dealt witli, and recommendations made to your .1%' !„.. \ I iff ;, hi ; r 'Id BoiU'd einljracing' a detailed list of a^^sossmonts to bo levied, as well ay iixing' the date, in the case of a lew Missions, at which they wer3 to Ijecom*^ srlf-supportiiiir. These recoimri ^udatioi!:s Iiavo — with .scavceiv anv liioJi- iication — ]»een adoi)ied; and although the full results of the work done cannot be ascertained for ar.other twelve; months, it is wifh great pleasure that your Board is able to announce sueii an incrense in the assessments, ns will en- able the Board — together with decreased expr'ndiuire — to meet its cuQ-iig-naents for the eiirrcni ye;ir. Your Board believes that this most aTatifvinij: result is due to increased appreciation of the ministrations supplied to the different congregations throuadiout the Diocese, and the growing conviction on the part of tlie ]>eople that it is their duty to boar as hu'ge a share of tlie burden as they can. That the fresh obligations entered ui)on by the various congregations will be faithftilly and ]ntnctu;'.lly fulillled there is strong rea:on to hop.\ Your Board can point with sali.-iactiou to the (>ver in- creasing regularity of payment on the part of the C'l-.ure]i- Wardens, and the sense of pride and honour uhich seems to inlitience them as representatives of their respective congregations. As your Society is aware the past year has been ex- ceptionally marked by larger contributions toward^-' Toreig-i and Domestic Missions on I he part of Members of the Church in the Diocese, than v^ere ever before colhicted for purposes outside the Diocese. The Church people of Que- bec also, having enjoyed the blessings of a Mission condtict- ed by the Kov. Canon Wilberforce, have readily contributed of their substance towards bringing similar religious inlluences to bear in the country districts of the Diocese, th^ '21 If we boar these Tacts in mind, the aid wliich your Board has Tt'ceived in the past year Ironi the Mission Fund — a slight iiicrease over the previous year — is matter I'cr congratula- tion, and discountenances the view held ])y some that the multiplication of ol)jects oi' hiMK^vol'-nr't' does iK^t increaf^e the aggregate amount given. In connection with the large iouu;'ti()n oi' the S. P. G. grant for the current year, your Board deen^s ii n(>cessary to draw the attention of the Ck-rgy and Congregations to the instructions of the Society, conveyed in t'l,' following resolution which tlr' L)ioc<\-au IJoard hn ■; h on ]«'(jue>t(;d to carry out : "That some of the Colonijd ivlis^ions which have for a long period receivi'd, and stiU receives support from the Society, should l>e re([uired to d'pend on local resources; and when a Mission of many ye.irs standing is still inade- quate to the support of a resident Clergynnm, it should be annexed to a neighbouring I^Iission and receive periodical visits from a neighbouring clergyman, in ado; ting iliis plan the dilUculty arises of lixing a term of yinus wliich, witiioui unfairness, shall be applicable lo vaiious ]\iissioi:s v.hose circumstances are not identical. Thirtrin yenr; ago the Society (Ivegulation 4(>.) laid down ni])e years n.s tiie time during which it might eontribuve towards the support of a Ciergynniv: in i Colonial Mission : and if this rule were to be strictly enforced, it woukl doubtless have the eilect of setting at liberty a consideval>le sum annually to meet the the new wants of the I^'oreiu'ii Cliurehes. It is therefore submitted, that the Colonial Bisliips in whose Diocese such Missions exist, should be reqtiested to relieve the Funds of the ^5ociety from Inrther clmrge in res[v'e': ol such Missions.'' In view of the fact tliat there are many Missions in th(^ Diocese which hav(> received the Society's aid for a very long period, it is well that the above resolation be brought under their notice. It may ])o that before long any aid the S. r. 0. may grant to this Diocese will be made depen- '■n ■■t'f. ft\i ■ I i |V«' 23 tierit oil a siiriet observauco of the directions in question. In on(? case the injunction oi' the Society has alren-ly been obeyed, and the old Misfiion of St. )nehain and Lake Bean- port Ixas bet^n nnii.ed to rh'^ n 'iii'hbo-aring' irii>^ii>in of Ya]- eartier. Your Hoard has ih-? s.siijfiiction of ;i;i;ioU;icing thai another old Mission, New Carh'sh^ and P.ispebiac, has become sell .sustainin.c' shice 3 1st Dec. last. It is not im- probable that within the ]ioxt three or four y'ars several other Missions will follow this proniimns paid on Ih" Insurances of their Churcii and Farsonage and do place one of these receii)ts in the hands of the ^^ecretary of the I'oard, and that the receipt oi;' no Mutual Insurance Company will be accepted except in the case of eng-ag'ements now ponding-."' Your Board rejrrets to be obliged to say that the above request has not been generally complied with. Receipts for premiums paid have been received from the folio wiUjj six Missions only, viz : — East Frampton, Bourg Louis, Shipton and Tingwiik, Sandy Beach, Porl- neuF, New Ireland. Your Board has, vrith great regn^t, to announce the re- signation of Mr. Iv A. Jones, who, for the past eight years, has .so faithfully, elfieiently a;id courteously dischargtid the office of TIonorarv-Treasurer. It is satisfactory to know that the Board will still continue to roceivo thy beneilt of his experience as one of its members. The following resolution was rinnnimon.^ly ndoptod by the Eocard at its last i.iceting: " That the Diocesan Board do plac;' on record I heir hiiih sense of the valual>le services rendered by Mr. Edwin Jones during- the years in which he has Jilled the ofTice of Honorary-Treasurer of the Board, and that they do tender to liim very hearty thanks on behalf of the Clergy and the Congret>;itio]is whose interests have been promoted by liis patient and increasing' labours.'' ]\Ir. AV. Cr. Pt'try has been appointed Treasurer of the Board During the past yerir the following^ appointments and changes have been made in the Diocese: — In the month of July, the liev. Yj. J. Ilarjier to the Mis- sion of St. John's, Melbourne, his predecessor in that Mis- sion, Kev. it. AV. Erown, having accepted the charge of the Mission at Labrador. In ihe month of November, the IJev A, J. iJaliour hav- ing resigned the Mi;;sion of llalley, in order to accept the Keciory of Melbourne, tin* licv. A. Stevens was appoijit- ed to liatley and AVafervill(\ an.d the Jlov. i\ }l Washer to B:irford and Hereford. In the same month, the liev. 1'. M. "Webster was a])point- ed to the charge of Bury, owing to tlie serious illness of the liev. A. J. AVoolryche ;">;= an illness which shortly after- wards resuUcnl in his death. The Kev. James Boydell, one of the faithful Mis- sionaries of tlie Diocese, has removed to the Dioce^-e of Ru- pert's Land. The liev. E. C. Parkin has rLsigiu d ihe Mission of Cook- shire and accepted charge of Nicolet with the outlying stations in the neiii'hbourhood. .h.v- i- I?; * Mr. \V("s appoiulmrnl-. os Missionary iu change. ilaN^s I'roni 1st Jiuuiury, >u- ■;• •* tl no There are thus thri'o Missions vacant at present, viz. : Cookshiro, Kingsey, and Brompton and "VViiidsor.f In the death ol' the Itov. A. J. Wooh-j-che, the Church has not only k)st a laithi'al jSIissionary, and large nunihcrs a iViend \vhose bright intelligcnice and kindly leeling irrc- sistably attracted them towards him, but one to whom ukhv than to any other is to be cnulited the work oI' roundiiiq- the system which your Board is carry ir.g- out with such ^•reat advantagt' to the Diocese. At a recent meenngoi the Board the Ibllowing resolution was unanimously adopted : " That the Diocesan Board have heard with deep regret oCthe dt'alh oi" the Rev. A. J. Woolryche, and beg to con- vey to Mrs. "Woolryche and her family the e.xpression o!' their sincere sympathy with them in their great loss, and assure them that the remembrance still lives amongst the members oi' the Board oF the days in which the If,ev. JMr. AVoolryche laboured as their Secretary, in promotinu- the important interests committed to them."' The Reports ol' the Clergy are hereunto ai)])ended and convey very I'uU and inlerestiiiL!' information as to the work of the Cluirc'h in all the Mis.sions aided by the Board. The prominent reflection which rises in the mind after reading these re2->orts is, that a great deal of work is being done, and thai on the whole, real progress is beinii" made, evidenced in m:aiy visible results. All wl'icli is resp'M'tfuily submitted, A. A. Vox ilKL.lNl), Secretarv. .1. W., QUEKEC, Chairman. 1^ Si'i.i; thi.s report uat wiiltcn, Itcv. Mr. Sykos has Ijoejiapiiointed to King- sey and Rev, Mr. r)el)buge to West rrampton, o 1. OF THE SAINT FRANCIS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION OF THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF QUEBEC— DECEMBER 14, 1881. PliSiihut: Tin: IvEVEKKND RURAL DEAN ReID, D.C.L. Sccrctaij: Rev. I. BllOCK, M.A. | Tmrsurcr : C. E. AVuRTEfiE. rxr.cuTivE Committee: — R'*v. Rural Dean, Chaiyman. Kev. L Brock, Rov. A. i). Scarth, Mr. R. AV. Honekor, Mr. A. AViiiter, Secretary and Treasurer. Depository Committee : — Rev. Rural Dean, Ruv. I. Brock, Rev. J. Foster, Rev. A. C. Scarth. Auditor— llx. W. Farwell. There are circunistances in all Mis,su»ii;>, Vv'hich cause the money receipts to iluctuaie wiili the actual wants and sup- pli»\s of the material coniibrt and prosperity of their tem- poral necessities : v»'hile the Divine work of spiritual increase may l)e g'oinp; on, under a Divine blessincr, to bear its iVnil in God's due aiul ap[)ointed time: verifying- the word which iea(;h(\s us, "one sov\'eth and tmoiher reapeth." AVith the view of {daeing ])efore the members of this Association a true index of the Church's work during the past year, it has been thought di.'sirable by your Secretary to condense the Clerical Reports l)y an aiialy.^is, presenting- the most interesting leatures of (nich rei)ort in a practical form, diverted of mere theory or homiletic tendencies. Adoii — j)resents us with the first report — it connnences l)y .'-ayiiig, " Nothing of great cousecpienc c h;ci to bt' recorded this year ;"' and then, after describing a vouliue of services, adds, the number of services, Sunday and week-day, amounted to 2o5. With respect to tlie ministrations among the French Ro- man Catholics, the Missionary says, " My work among the French has not been of much account ; but with respect to this work my position is really not a satisfactory one." *' % 90 fix lU rccovniunds thot nn n^sistfiiit, a\ ho may uiulerstand ilip French laii'^-uago thoroughly, be })rovided for the iuciun- beiit whenever an 0]v?nin!2' is avaihihle, to be [uud iVorii a special fund oi)en<'d l>y the Church Society for that purpose. The Church has been re.shing'led, the sides ol' thaiiit, which has added niuch to ils eloLiance. Amount raised during the past year, sii:30.(ji>. Bishop's (^^'//f;,;V•— Tlie Principal ol" Bishop's Colic.; • im- ports that since llie rv'occnpation oi" the College buildings, the daily services in thi3 chapel have been held, lull choral on all Ibstivals aiid their eves, with an early celebration of the Holy Communion on Sundays and vSaints" days. The services" are heartv and reverent, and conslitute a real means oi' grace to iiiuiiy. Last December there Avre 22 vi'sident and 7 non-resident students; there are now tlu.'saiae number ol" residmils, l)ut only r> non-resident. 1(J oi" t!ie sriuu-nt.s are candidati s Tor Iloiy Orders. The I.Iissionarv Unioii is .sidl i;i IVdl workin.g order, though durinu' the dispersion oT i!ie College students in the early part oi' the year, its o[) -raiions were to a ceriain extent suspendt d ; from the same cause there was a dimi- nution in the amount of oli'ertories, there being no Sunday evening olfertorics for four months. Amount raised for all p.urpos'S, AG'.' 08; being $n').()l less than last year. Bis!iot> Ci'lux^' J/V;„^''. ■-,.■;. — Th.'.^e are Milby and Caploton under the charge of iho Prhicipal, and Ascot Cormn-, Sand Hill and ]'^Ioulton Tiill under ihe rrof<'Ssor of Divinity. WesLbury was luuided back to ilie Rev. T. S. Chapman, in June. In January lasi; ilie lii.c*'. Isaac Thom{).-()n held a most successful mission in Ascot Corner; the immediate results were the baptism of 12 adults, besides a family of 5 children, and the conhrmation of 15 — all adults. Of ihe 15 c»ni- lirraed, V-j have become (\>mniunicants making in all 31. There is also a hopeful Sunday School in Ascot Corner, instructed by the ih'ofessor of Divinity. The Professor ol' Divinity suggests "if this ground, so hardly won, is not to be lost, a resident pastor must v.'ith.out delay be stationed in charL''o of those Townships. 33 At Saiul Hill the coii2"i">\u'iitio)is h.^,\^'^' boon aood, ami iho Smi'liiv School woll nttoiidod. Tlit; funds i'or horso hire and othor oxponsos luivo ho(»n providod throuuli tho on- volope .systom, and ovorythino- connooted uith this Mission Station is satislactory. Tho Si'^rvico.s at Movdton Hill havo Ixmmi roii-ularly kopt up and luuoji approcialod by th<' u'ood ])(H)pit' oi'tho noiuh- hourhood Tho pooplo havo piiivliasod a small liarmoninm lor fhoiv Sunday sorvioos. r,(trf')ril (inil. Ilerrford. — Tho scrvifos at ;d] (ho stations of this Mis.-ion have, boon nioro largoly attonded this yoar than forni'»rly, and a jj,'roator unii'onnity marks tlio ob- sorvaneo of tho rubrics with roi^-ard to knoolini>- and rospondiiiL;'. At St. Lawronco Church tho conoroi^ation lias boon roducovl in numb"r by romovals from tho neiuh- hourhood. At Sianho[>'o th;* con'.vi'Of^'ation has boon lar^'cr and more vivrular than over bolbro. This Station has had a Ihmrishinq- Sunday School under tho suporintondencG of !Mv. Goo. Marston, who, to the ro- U'rot of the ])Oople, has removed to Boston. At Porryboro there is a revcronco and warmiJi of foolini^ ill all the conij^reu'ation. — Uj)on the vvhoh! the incumbent considers the work of tlie Mission oncouraq-ing'. The linancial statement shows an increase over last yoar, vi/:. : sliri.iiil l)/ti\//. — The Secretary roLs'rets to havi* to report thai owiim- to the serious illness of the incumbent ho will be o])li'.!;ed to r(\-ii^'n on tho ^Jlst Uocemlxn-, when he will bo placed on tho I'ojision List of the Church Society, with tho hope that lie may, after a year's rest, bo able to enter aq-ain on active service. Tho iiew rars(»ii;iq"e \-\ ill bo sJiortly com[>letod. Tlie successful issue of this work is owini^, in a gT.'at measure. to the ollbrts of the Ladies of the Church 'cfuild, and to Mrs. Woolryche, whoso uutirinLC eneruy justly claims tho q'ratitudo ol' the mission. The Guild has raised this year For the past throe months the Ivov. L\ M. AVeb.ster, at the request of the Bishop, has acted as Locuui Ttiicns. 3 t'. n 34 Bromplon and Windso). — The incumbent of Bromptou reports "there is steady progress here," 15 persons in the mission were conlirmed during the year, many of them from dissenting communities. In Windsor the church building debt and a mortgage on the church hind have lieen paid. The mission is free from de1)t, and the Diocesan Board assessments have no arrears. Coaiicook. — The chief sul)joct of material progress in this Missio]! during the year has betMi the enlargement of the Church, by which om^ hundred sittings have been added to the accommodation of the worshippers. The Church has also been newly shingled and painted, and a furnace has been placed in the basement, co.'^ting altogether $000. A pleasing feature in this report is a recognition of assis- tance in the public services by the aged, retirt'd missionary resident in Coaticook, the Rev. A. Balfour. A large class was presented to the Bishop for Conlirmation, all the mem- bers partakiiig of tlie Holy Commuiii<^n. The incuml)ent concludes his report thus ; "On taking- a careful retrospect of the work done during ihe current year, I have every reason to tliank Clod and tak(» courage. The financial statement shows an increase of >s;442.82. Compton. — The Rector of Compton forwards a long list of subscribers to thi; Gencial Fund of the Church ^Society, giving a total of N(;2. An elfort is boiiig made to collect §1200 to pay olf a debt on the Itectory proiH'rIy. When this is paid there will b(^ the ])rospect of a new Church. Financial statement shows i^l85.4S, over last year. S/ii//ton, Troidhrook and Lome. — The report from this Mission is full of interesting information and «'xceedingly lengthy, it is dillicult to I'pitomi/e its valuable contents. The incumbent's time may be said to l>e taken U[) by a continual preparation of candidati's for conlirmation, and is best described in his own words. He says "the dilliculty of properly i)ri'paring ])ersons vrlio cannot n^ad ; who can- not commit a line to memory, eldirly married people their time constantly occu))ied with domesiie and farm work, who possibly cannot get to Church once a month, can only be appreciated by thosi! engag(ul in tlie undertaking. A scheme has l)een set on foot for the completion of Saint ■jO Aagustiiio's Cliuicli : — Tinoui»'li tlio generosity ol' a fonner jiarisliioiuT now living in N. Y., $oOO has been given isiip- plemonted by a similar amount IVom local and other sources, so that the work ol' renovating and finishing the Church is guarani'.'od, that Avork consists in placing a furnace in the basement, re-lalhing and plastering the whole interior ; replncing the w.odwork by brown ash, new rool' ard handsome sjure. The ]\Iissioji oi" Loi-iu' is expedited to be opened very shortly. "At pri^sent," Avrites the Incumbent, " we require prayer desk, pulpit, altar table and rails, service books, a ibiit. paintiiu!,- Aviihin aiid wilhout. Very liandsome frontlets for desk and ]iulpit, and an altar cloih w;-re pro.seutv'd hy Mrs. Williams, a set of altar linen by the liev. C Hamilton, a surplice by the ladies of St. Matthevs''s guild, and a liandsome bible by a lady friend. The linancial statement shows $1,1"'*-^'S more than last year. Dr/nniiK.n'ii'U/i'. — A Tier referring io the regular and con- tinued servic' s of ih ■ Church, special services and Sunday Schools, all of a satisfactory nature. The Incumbent men- iions a iVature of a novel and special interest in regard to Ids x^Iissionary ineetiii' It was held in the Tarish Church, and in order to sustain the lil'e and inter(^st of the meeting vrithont saeriliciiig the solemnity due io the ,-ub- ject in hand, tlie meetin"; \\'as commenced with a short MM'vi(!e. in great j-art chorid. There was no chairman, nor iiitroductioiis, nor apologies or personal platitudes. The speakers, ^vho were in surplices, stood forth eacJi in his order, and said tjieir say. Tin; result was satisfactory be- yond expectation — the amount was tlie largest ever taken in the ])arish. The iimouiit collected exceeds that of last year by ^'. 18.0-"]. Durham. — With regard to the temporalities of this Mis- sion, there is much that is encouraging to record. An old debt has been completely remov<'d — Church repairs have been made costing over !;-i100. In L'Avenir, an old debt has ])e'en nnluced, the debt on tlie Parsonau'C has been paid oil!, mainly through the exer- tion of the lirst promoters of the work, Messrs. Soloman Lysler, C. M. Lyster, Albert Lyster, \Vm. Stevens andWm. Rurrill, who assumed the remaininir di'bt of $2.')0. %. 36 Eleven persons were eonlirmed l)y tli«> Bishop in June. An increase of $100.01 i.s shown over hist year's receipts. Ilat/e//. — Th(> Missioiuiry of ILvtley testifies to the urow- ini^ reverence and attention to tlie (U'dinanees of relii^iou thronp^hout tlie Mission. The number of communicants has increased. The additional assessment has been guaran- teed and paid i]i advance. A Parsonage house is well nigh completed, upon which ^1.100.00 haA'e been paid and a debt of $700.00 still remains. Two bjunday Schools have been maintained. A Ladies" Guild is in suecesslul opera- tion. $007.05 have I-een raised over the sum collected last year. Ku/jL^se//. — The tn'ents most worthy of notice in tins re- port are: — The admission of lo persons to full Church membership by the rite of conlirnnition. The erection of a Church at Spooner Pond, which promises to be the Church of the Mission, being the most central with the largest and most r.^ri'idar couu'regatioii. The increased assessment was cordially aeceeded to. The ]\Iission was thoroughly can- vassed by the Churcji "Wardens with tlie most satisfactory result, and the amount re(:[uired raised. The Incumbent, who is ;ibout leaving the Diocese of Quebec for Manitoba, records a senst; of his gratitude to the Diocesan 13oard for their spirit of brotherly love and consi- deration in all times of the prosperity and adversity of the Mission. The financial increase in the amount contributed is $128.8G. Lennoxvil/e. — The Rector of Lennoxville says: — "I have to notice the establishment of the kni.stentaiion Fund and tho envelope system last Easter whi(;h so far has succeedtid beyond our expectations. Tlie members of the Missionary Union have Ijeen able, owing to the generous assistance of kind friends in the parish, to undertake the support of Hannah Grey, a little Indian girl, at the Wawanosh Home, Algoraa. Amount of conlril)utious falls short of last year by $82.84." ilirtgf)','' (ififl C-Heory^'i'iulle. — The oul-s(ati(jns of this Mission are six in numl)er. The Missionary writes : — "1 am thank- ful to say that in all these stations 1 now have a certain numl)er who are deeply in earnesi, and are coming surely into the Church, valuing her ollices more than ^^^ly other; 37 attending her .services on week days us regularly as it" thoy had been on tr^unday. The wook-day services are. Ibrt- nightly in addition to those given in the churches and necessarily make a large demand upon the Missionary's time. Duriuii' the residence of the lie v. l\ C. Kead in Magoii", he kindly volunteered an extra service each ^Sunday." Melhniinic. — St. Ann's, ii> 2, 5 a 8.45. Jldbourne. — St. John's, .$382.04. Siaiistaid. — From this Miysion the incumhent reports a weekly Sunday alternoon Service at Beebe Plain through- out the year. 0)1 All Saints' Day the Church at Beebe Plain was con- secrated, thus rewarding the ellbrts of past years "with the lirst fruits ol' success. jS. r^.'gular congregation, not large but interested, now wor.-diip in its own free-sealed chia'ch, where live years au'o it Avas not an easy matter for the Church of England to obtain a hearing. On the same day. All Saint.s', the Bishop conlirmed .six persons in Christ Church, Sianstead. The various aii'encies of the Church, such as Sunday Schools, and Guild, have been in .success- ful oi)eration during the year. Financially lliere i.s a decrease under last year of !;; ;^ i>^ 4 ' . ft 0^1^ Respecting Churches we notice: — Acion Chur(di, repair- ed and painu'd. Bi'omi)lon Church, de})t and ujortgage on Churcdi land paid otl'. Coaticook, enlargement of Church. Danville, (sonipletion of Lome Church. Durham, Church debt paid. Sherbrooke, erection of a Church Hall. Respecting Parsonages W(^ notice : — lUtry I'arsonnge, nearly completed. llatl« y I'arsouage, nearly completed. And now 1 hav(; been your Secretary for lifteen years, and had it not been that you have l)een kind euouu'h to say 1 have discharged the duli(\s of mine ollice elliciently, I should have thought 1 had done so very ineiiiciently. Such as it has 1)een, it has been to me a labour of love, and in parting from you 1 pray that God's blessing may rest uj)on your Associiition, tliat you may go on pro.spering and to pi'osper through Jesus Clirist K)\u Lord. All which is respectfully submittetl. Edward Cullen Parkin, Jlony. Secretary, St. Franci.s District A.ssoeiation. >i •?fli T> ■ , V: 38 ACTON. Tin.' Rev. L C. Wiivtoltj reports : — TLat ili,^ ii.suai throe Sunday appointments of Acto]i, Upton, aiul ]{oxton Falls, have been reo-ularly kept up, with a very satisfactory attendance at the services. In St. Mark's Church/wiili lew excei)tions, I liavo read the shortened service on Friday evening-s, with a .'-hort readinu: from Browne on the Articles. Of oilier vreek-clav services, ^vhich were, I am happy to say, \vonderl'ully v:i 11 attended, 2(3 were held in Danhy, 8 in AVest Wiclcham, 7 in River David, and o in S. Tlieod;)re of Acton. In ail. the number oi services, Sunday and WiN'k-ujy. rmounLed lo 2;j5. Of my work a\aong- tlie ^''r.Micli, threo bonds of respectable families have lately dissented from the Church of iiome. liUt with respect to this work, my ])osition is reallj' not a satisfactory one. Almost tin' v.']u>](> duty in this department has to be done on week d:;ys. On Sundays the three p]nu'lish conG:re2'ations hnve to l-o sc]'\- -d, yiid this, too, with a drive of twenty-live miles. It is tine when a few of the French mi^mbers are present in Church, several of the Collects and one of the lessons are rendered in French, and after the con2'r(\g'a,tion is dismissed, a short discourse in French delivered to those remaining- behind; but even in this, great circumspect io7) has to ])e. u.-ed lest too much of the service be rendered in the Frojich toijgiK^ as the lilng'lish iiortion of the conirregaMon ai'e jealous of their rights, ami on occasion do not Ihil lo express tlvir dissatisfaction. The French are v/ell awar ■ of tiiis, and it makes 1;liem feel somewhat like intruders. On this account it is seldom they attimd, except when purposing' to partake of the Holy Communion. Now, it si.HMns to me a radical cure oug'lit to be ell'ected soon, or else, (^en lier >, :is it has happened in many places (with sorrow I say it) Gnd may l)e willini^ to remove the Church's opportunity, thronLi'li our neglect, and allow that g'lorious cle])artuu}nt of the Church's work to be done by luunan organizations, though it be accomplished in an interior manner. The remedy to be applied is this: AVhenever there is an o])ening' avadable lor thi. work, an assistant should be provided to the incumbent, and either one or other of the two to under- S9 stand the Froucli language thoroughly, so that the French members may at least have, once a iSunday, the entire service in their own tongue. To pay the salaries of these assistants, a i'und should be created in the Church Society, the interest ol' whicli could be ap[)lied Ibr that special purpose. Surely some ol' those noble churchmen in the Diocese who have done so much ibr the prosperity of our Church, will be willing to make an eflbrt and take this matter in hand in time, sind so ward olf what the good shejiherd may Im^ obliged in the end to allege as a rejn'oach to this pan of Jlis vineyard : ibr the Church in this Pro- vince, in my opinion, is placed under God in very peculiar circumstances, as it is her duty to care for those members of a dill'erent language who have left the pale of the Ro- man Church, fully convinced that she " has erred, not only in her living and mannm- of ceremonies, but also in matters of faith." This summer, one side of the roof on our Church had to bo rt\shingled, and both sides were p:unted with lire proof. The windows also AVcre all painti'd in wiiite, which has addi'd much to the eleganct' of our little Church. The cost of these repturs was $75, of which a generous member of the congreu'ation coniri])uti'd i:p40. Jjaptisms 2f, marriages o, burials 4. Diocesan Board, $25()!00 ; Church Society, $18.00 ; Domes- tic Missions, $4.^)7 ; Parsonage debt and repairs of the Church, $147.00; iilaster ollering, $5,00; other expenses, $(3.25. Total, $420.02. ■m B.VRFORD AND HEREFORD. The Rev. Albert Stevens reports: — The servici^s al all tlu^ stations have lieen more largely attended this year than formerly and a greatm- uniibrmity in obs(n*ving the rul)rics wiih regard to kneeling and res- ponding has been noticeal)le. At iJixville our "unhai)py divisions" work against us and in fact ay^ainst all reli;j,'ious fe(dinu'. We must w^ait till the inlluenee of Cod's Jloly Spirit shall cause "all those who profess and call themselves Christians " to be 40 loci into Iho wa}' of truth, beibrt' wo c;ni expect tlio Cliurch of Christ to grow or to exorcise the iullueiiee lor good -.vhieh it ouii'ht. At !St. Lavvrenc(^ Church th*^ uverago altendauco during the summer is about 25 ])ut in the wi)it;>r not so hirge owing to the removnl of Dr. Ward's family to ^lontreal. At C>tanhope my predictions of a year ago have bef-n more than fuUilled. The Congregations liave been larger and more reguhu' th;in ever beibre. A Jiouvishing Sunday School was held during the sunnner. its success was in a great measure due to the perseverance of the iSiiperinten- dent, Mr. Geo. Marston, To our great regret he has lately moved with his family to IJoston. The worlc at Hereford is yet discouragin'j. but on the whole tin; atlcndance has })een more regadar tlian last year. Perryboro' still continues to be ilic briglil 'st spot i)i tlie whele mission. Ther*^ is a reveronci^ and a warmtli of iceling here which I would like to s 'c i'ufa.^ed into all o'lr congreiiations. In the early part of the .sunnner I opened a new station at the Neill school house, situatinl between Dixville anil Perryboro'. A Suiulay iS<'hool was ovn-anized with tlie names of forty scholars on thi3 roll. The 8ervi<'es, thouLih held late in the evening as 1 am on niy Avay home I'roni Jlereford, have boon well attentled. r>e>ides the .Sunday services, 1 have a Litany serviee with sliort h-cture during the wool:. On the whole I cou'-ider t!ie work in the Mission to be encouraging. AVith the excepiion of Dixville, tliere are now no religious services at any of the stations but tiiose of the Church of England. The greatest dilhculties to he met with are the indilference of the ])eople to all religion, the perversity of the human heart, and tlie wiles of Sa,ian. These are foes truly lbrmidai)le, but they )aust give \\;;y before the gentle iniluences of the Holy Sjnrit. Being lately appointed to the Mission of Ilatley, I cannot leave without feelings of sorrow. During nearly si'Ven years of residence here, 1 have met with nothing i)ui kindness from all, of whatever age, sex or creed. I tiaist and pray that God's ))lessing may rest iipon the work here, 41 ;iiid mako every ellbrl; lor the l)uildii!s;- up ol' His Church abnudautly tVuiUul. Biiptisuis 10— total !wr six years 117 — burials T, mar- rin^'es l. C)ur iina:i."i:il .statenit-ut .shows au iucrear-ie over last year. Church ^50ciety, ^is. 50 ; Diocesan iioard, :ii;lo0.00 ; Chil- dren's coneert, ii?!-').-'') ; present to clero-yman, ^v50.00 ; Sunday fSchool pur])oses and Xmas Tree, $02.00 ; insurance and other exp "iises, ^:11 M Total, ^302.01). IJUUIKt LOUIS. Til'" Kev. II. C. Stuart reports:— The Church services have boon held without intermis- sio}i, duriiiu' tln^ your, at 8t. iKirthoioniev/'s Churcli, l]ouri>- , Louis, :ind diirinii; the sunmer months at Pont Kouu;e, It I is n-ratiiyinL'; to not>' lliat nearly all the peo[)le are hn])itu.),l attendants .at public wovsliip. Oiu' notevvorihy ieatnri^ ot' all our services deserves speci'il notice, — the larg'e number of men who conLi'reLi'aie, ;ind their earnest, rc^verent l)eha- viour. Tlio respondinu' is iiood, and tln^ sini^'ing', which is f'on2,-reg'ational, is not only vi^'orous and he-irty, l)iit at the same time musical. I attiibute mue,h of their ,<:>T)od will tow;ird me, and their eoustant attenchnice at Divine Servi.'e, to parish visiting', and looking' alter the siciv und au'ed. it is my ])ai)irul duty to record the death of Mi's.Aylwiii, late owner (d' the \\\'>ti'rn hi'lf (d' the. Seiu'nicny of ijour;i'' Louis, who has ever taken a \A^arm i)iti'rest in Church mat- ters, and b'MMi ready at all times to encouraii'e Churcdi work here, not only 1)y lier countenance and advice, but also by substantial, pecuniary assistance. ISt. 15arLholomew"s Church was built forty years a^'o by lier mother, by whom " God's acre " Avas also u'iven to the Church, tog'cther with the !i,iel)e, wdiicli consists of one hundred acres. Her last li'ift was a legaey of fourty her tiMiants in lionrii" Louis Besides Mrs. Aylwin"s nvnerous h^i^'acy, I have to thank Miss Gug'y ibr a beautiful lace chalice veil, and Mr. and IH 42 i,i Mrs. Ui>'(len and Mr. Simpson for a second stove for the Cluirch, which is thus rendered comfortabh) in Ihe coldest winter diiys ; a pleasing contrast to our former ex- perience, as many besides mysell' can testify. The iiarish- ioners have not only succeeded in paying their Church assessment and the other necessary expenses, but they have been euiibled to put by twenty dollars into the bank as a small beginning towards an (endowment. They have also undertaken, without being prompted by me, to l)uild in tlie spring a barn and stable to replace those burjit during the present winter. Number ol' families in the Mission, ol ; number of souls (belonging to the Church), 841. Baptisms IS, marriages o, burials (3. ^erviees in Church 105, and 4 at I'ont Rouuv. Twenty-one celebrations of the Holy Communion in the Church, and for the sick in houses six. Mattins aiul Even- song in ^School room, G-G. Parish visits during last six mo]iths, 172. General olfertorv. $41.40 ; special oll'ertories for Algoma, B. C L. Synod, \V. & 0. and Col. & Con. Ch. Society, 810.44; assessment, $100.00 ; endowment, $10.00 ; repairs on Parsonau'e and Church expenses, $2.55.00 ; value of uilts, $12.00 ; Mrs. Aylwin's legacy, $1400.00. Total, $1828.02 ' BROMPTON AND WINDSOR. The Rev. C. B. Washer writes :— Dyouipion. — There is steady progress here. The Bishop visited this station in June, and confirmed iilteen persons, four of whom were from Windsor. The num1)er was small, but not so the importance. It was extremely grati- fying to know that several of the candidater were from eommuniti(?s that in the past wandered from Mother Church. Thank Grod, this litl;le has been done torejiair the In-each made in the brotherhood by Satan. The number on cur communicant list is thirty-one. Had it not been for removals and relapses, we might have reported forty-two. When we remember tliat four years ago there were only eight communicants, it will be seen that progress has been made. I wish 1 could report that all on my list -^x^ frcquaU 43 commuiiicaiils. The iiiiVoquency is in some instances due, no doubt, to early and v/rong' impressions. Let us hope that ere long' the duty and great advantage of communicat- ing as often as opjiortunity oilers will be recognised. We may also express a hope that those who come to the Holy Table will give greater and greater diligeni-e in their ellbrt after lioliness. Windsor. — Here, to th(! usual ol^scrver, the work is not making much advaiief ; but the leaven is quietly oi)erat- iiig. Av"e have been going on unostentatiously, with no siir ol" socials, toa-met'timi's, or concerts. We found, four vears ago, the Church building account not fully paid, and a mortgage on the Church la)ul. There is now no debt anywhere in i\\i\ Misvion, We havt' recently built a new Ibuudation under ihe Church, with a balance in hand after payiuQ- the cost. The siructure sadly wants painting; this would have ])iM'n dom' this fall, had it not been for circum- stances over which 1 had no control. I must confess that my spirit has oflen been w'eiglied down by the indillerence ol many, and the inconsisti^it lives of others. Uut the Lord's work is n'oing on, and t.v'// go on, and herein do we rejoice. 1 r»H'ord the addiiioii of Jive new communicants to the list, on which there are now twenty-six names. In this place also, my jieople mn'd to learn more the benclit of fre- (jui'iit communions. We have, however, to " wait on the Lord, Ije of good courage," pray and strive for more growth in grace. God's hand is visible, and the venture of faith even now is well rewarded. 1 may report also that there are no arrears in our Diocesan Board assessment of the two stations. \\\ retiring from this Mission, 1 would express my thanks for the kindness I have received during my tenure of it ; and I would ask the meml)ei"s to rememl)er nn; in their proyrrs. v/hcu I am in my lu.'W sphere of labour. J>ro!!!ptoii. ir/udsof Diocesan Board ^^00 00 $ 50 00 Church .Society 21 54 12 17 Olll'rtory * 8a 28 33 95 Other purposes 3 5b 31 10 i^l60 38 !^127 22 >4 *.••. 'if'\^^ 44 CAPE COVE. M Tlio liev. Wm. Goie Lystor reports : — With the exception of a welcome visit IVom our 13isho[) in Atignist, when twenty-live youn2^ persons were coniiruied here and live at Perce, little worth noticing has occurred in the Mission since my last report. The Bishop was kind enough to express his approbation of the hand.some appearance of the interior of our new Church, the walls and roof being ceiled with spruce and lir, stained and varnished, and shewing the grain of tlie Avood to great advantage. Within the vear, five members of the Congreii-ation have been removed by death. Among these was our loved and respected teacher, Emma Beck, who Irlt us on the lirst day of the year. She had been ill for some time, and haoth of which I teach a ]]ible class. The coiigregation of St. Stephen's is much largtu' since the enlargement. There is also a small increase in the attendance at Christ Church, though the congregation there is very small. The Bishop of the Diocese held a confirmation in St. Stephen's Church in ^June last, wdien a large class was 47 piTsented for the Apostolic rite ; all the mombcr.s of this class then partook of the Holy Communion, for which thoy -were carefully prepared. rarochial visitinii- has been kept up as nrsual. Owing' to the ^vithdrawal of the grants from the Church Society, and the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 1 rcL'-ret to say we found it})le to carry on our Church school beyond the end of June last. It was iiccording-ly closed on that day, havimydone a blessed work during' the past iift«en years, for which I shall never cease U) be most thankful. The Ucet-root sui^'ar factory is now in successful operation. A few^ of th(^ employees arii mem})ers of the Church, and are diliiz'cntly looked alter by me; Mr. Lome and his son, and three of the ollicers of the company, though not members of the Church, have rented a pew and attend the services occasionally. On the whole, on taking' a careful retrospect of the work done during the current year, I have every reason to thank God and to take courage. I append the usual statistics: IJaptisms 0, burials 1>, marriages 8. As.sessment, §'2.50.00; enlargement of Church, lurnace, kc, 8000.00 ; Easter oifertory, $35.00 ; Foreign and Domestic Missions, $10.50 ; Church Society, s 13.00 ; Bishop's College, 8;). 50 ; Parsonage debt, $90.82 ; insurance and general expenses of the Church, $140.00 ; iSunday School, $30.00. Total, $1184.82. DANVILLE, TIIOUTEROOK AND LOENE. The Rcv. II. J. retry reports : — First, as to Shipton. The regular services have been rendered to the cong-regation of Ht. Augustine's Church, Danville, during the past year, without a break. The at- tendance, on the whole, is good, considering the distances which most of my people have to travel, there not being more than half-a-dozen Church families residing in the village of Danville. or e •'I til m 48 A g'ood deal of my time is taken up in coiifinnatio)! vi- sitinu". As soon as one confivination is over, I be^in to cast round for candidates towards aiio-hor. Pickiiiij;- up and l>rei)aring' them is almost a twelve months' work, for it must be remembered that, owinii; to the distances they live from each other, and from the Churcli, the candidates have to be visited personally at their own housos. I intended to have had a conilrmation before the expiration of this year (1881), but some of my most distant raa<]idates are not yet suiiiciently prepared, lis a mailer I do not like to iiurry throuii'h. The dilheuHy ol' pi'oi)erly prepariiiu' per- sons who cannot read, cannot comaiit a line to memory, who may be elderly-married p'>>opl(\ their time eojistanlly occupied with domestic and farm work, who possibly can- not get to Church once a month, can only be approrialed by those enrrag'ed in the undertakin'i'. The sinii'inp; and respondijiLi' are very u'ood. It does occur in our coiiii;reu'ation, as in others, that some ke(>p sileiit ^vho should almost L-e haulers. l)ut we tlo not coni- phiin, thou^'h we oftoi, atul tliat publii'ly, U!'i>'e tlie jieeple to their duly in these particulars. Marriages, bap-tisms aiid burials :iit\ wiib I'are t'xeep- lions, performed in the Chur(;h. VViih legard to Uie iir,->t, 1 make no exec j/l ion. A scheme has binni set on foot to coni[)lete t^t. AuLU'Ustine's Churcn. Ira E. Doyini:-, iLsq., now of iNew York City, but formerly one of my Parisliioners, oflered live liundreif dol- lars tov.ards the lMnishin'.i- hhunl, provided A\e raised a simihir amount. A subscription list was imnuKliately start- ed, and >yiS2 were subscribed ])y memliers of the cono-reu'a- tion. A Promenade Concert brouuliL in >:(]{], whihj the ])roceeds of a »Social, liekl ;-(mie years a^'o, amounting to s;(j4, were added to the fund. Local fi'iends, non mem])ers of tiie Church, generously contributed .iK'^. Mr. Doyiiv/s noble little son, Arthur, gathered up 1,-1'.") from his frii^mls ill New York. No appeal, as yet, has been to Quebec, though siMtet n dollars, unsoiiciled, have r<;iched us from that city, ten oi' which were given by the ibunder of this Mission, the iiev. M. JNI. Fothergill. A hundred dollars from the Incumbent ])rings up a grand total of thirteen hundred and twenty-five dollars (^ii^l.o'JG ) ""I'he work to be VI- 111(1 il ivt' MVC I'd 49 accompli. slied is placing" a furnace in the basement, relath- iiiii^ and pliisterint^ the whole of the interior, replacing the ■wood work with brown ash, new roof and handsome spire, the whole lo he llnished by the 1st of next August or Sei'- tomber. I mentioned iii my last report, that Mr. Doying contri- buted one hundred dollars towards Lome Church, Trout- brook. Thi'r(^ avt^ families in this settlement living twelve and thirteen riiiles from my stable door. The Church it- self is a])out nine miles distant ; and at times the roads are very bnd. 1 allow neither weather nor roads to interfere with my ai)[ioinlmeuts. On eleven occasions, last winter, I had to hire a carter to drive me in. I would not venture with my own horse. Scarlet fever broke out in this settlement about tli<^ Ad- V(>ni season, with ]>(>cvdiar virulence, spreading from house lo house, carrving oil' tlu; litt le oiu^s in twenty-four or thirty- six hours. 1 buried eleven children in the course of five W(!eks. The population, to a certain extent, is very Iloat- iii.'j". There is a. good deal of u'oing backwards and for- wards, to and from t]ie States; the young men gravitate towards Vermont, where they iind remunerative employ- ment in the Kiy Conp.n- Miib-s. Even heads of families have been attracted there, working steadily, saving money and then rt'luviiing after a period, with funds .suiUcient to l)ay oJf debts on the land, and build a new house, etc., etc. The farming population seem to ])e doing well all roiind. They get good prices, ///. ras//, for most articles. The old lashioiu:'d style of doing business, l)artering produce for store goods, seems on the \\ aiie. Lornc. — This Mission is expected to be opened very shortly. The iiial)ility of the Church Society to extend its grant of one hundn^d dollars, brought matters to an abru])t check. At the prestuit writing, we require prayer desk, imljut, altar table and rails, service books, a font, painting within and without. Thanks are due to Mrs. Williams, for two frontlets or hangings, .suit.ible ibr desk and pulpit, also for an altar cloth, all V(M'y handsome; to the Kev. Charles Hamilton, for a complete sett of altar linen ; to the ladies of St. Mat- thew's guild, for a surplice ; to a lady friend, for a fine m 4 ^0 handsome bible. The Lome people hare promised to put up a commodious shed as soon as there is suflicient snow in the woods to cut and haul the lumber. Should 1 be spared to write a report for the year 1882, I trust to be able to say something- interesting and satisfac- tory anent this new Mission. On this occasion, I may sim- X^ly state that it has to be built up from the v^ery founda- tions. To this important M'ork, full justice cannot be ren- dered by the Incumbent, who has already on his hands the pastoral charge of the two large Missions of Shipton aad Troutbrook. The necessity of dividing this Missio:;. grows more pressing each year. According to the registers, there have been 2 marriages, 20 baptisms and 19 burials. I conclude by appending the financial statement. Shtpfon. Troutbrook. Church Finishing Fund 81325 00 Diocosan Board.. T 220 00 $1C0 00 Local Endowment . 100 00 Church Society ,54 70 10 21 Olfertory Collections 8128 33 7^5 Forein-n and Domestic Missions 12 50 2 45 Bishop's Colh'ge 3 58 1 09 Synod Assessment 3 00 2 00 Easter Olfering 2 45 35 Collected for Lome Church 16 00 Total $1802 51 !|201 83 DIIUMMOXDVILLE. i The rector (lie v. F..1. 15. Alnatt) has to report a condition of unbrok(Mi harmony and })leasant relati(ms between his llock and himself. The regular services have been conlinucMl as usual, namely, twice each Sunday, in the ]*aiish Church, and on every Friday evening ; also, afternoon services at two out- stations on alternate Sundays. The special services, together with the classes and Sunday Schools have, generally speak- 51 put low I'ac- iim- da- •0 li- the aad \v,s 00 78 ju2^, followed tlio same order as has been observed for the last two years. The i>-eneral results have been not less satisfactory than in former- years. The Bishop was here on Sunday, 19th June, and conlirmed ton candidates. As a |sion was carried on in the most satisfactory manner by Mr. Arthur Judge, 15. A., and after his departure by Mr. AVoods, another student of IJishop's College. The Parish was also indebted to the kindness of the Ilev. Messrs. Wurtele, Ilai-ding and Thompson, for visits from time to time for lh(> purpose of celebrating the Holy Communion, both in jmblic and private. ilaptisms (all infant) 10, marriages 1, burials t). The dimini.shed amount of total contributions as compared with last year, is to be attributed to the special eflbrt then made toAvards building the Parsonage. Deducting the amoiuits raised for this latter purpose, a slight increase, HA: 52 .63, will be observed in the contribulions of the present year. 1 have to call attention to a mis-print in the published report. The iigures against the item ''Contributions to Parsonage" should have been $169.31. Church Society, $10.77 ; assessment, $850.00 ; Domestic Missions, $4.70; Missionary meetings, $19.00; insurance and other purposes, $59.43 ; Easter offering, $9.00. Total, $461.90. DUDSWELL. The ]tev. T. S. Chapman reports: — My three services, with the exception of two Sundavs it of illness, have been cont ith ruli on account throughout the year. Until October, St. Paul's, Marbletoii. had morning and evening services, and the Good Shepherd an afternoon one — since which time, at the Dishop's request, I have given a service every Sunday to tht^ congregation of St. Thomas, \Vestl)ury, alternating between afternoon and evening with the Church of the Good Shepherd. As age is creeping on, and my life lias been one of exhaustive labor, and my general health a good deal impaired, I hope to be relieved as soon as may he, of the long and late drives caused by the addition of Wi'stbury, which is no part of my Mission proper. 1 trust that before long this congregation, with Ascot Corncn* and Sandhill, will 1)0 erected into an independent Mission, needing as they do, more pastoral oversight tlian they can well receive either from Bishop's College or from here. Church attendance has, upou the whole, been encourag- ing. My three Sunday Schools have suHered from my attention having been taken up so much with other work. The Church Model School is working well under Miss Brown, a lady of considerable exjierience in school and parish work, aiul a graduate of the Normal School. The attendance during the winter jiromises lo be a large average. "We have two practical diliicullies lo contend with in keeping u^) numbers and a good standard of work : One is the ol the i)opulation within school-going distance, and that diluted by a French ehnnent ; the other, 63 eiit led to the cost to our larming- population of paying a pupils' board away from home — what very lew are able to do. A cheaply constructed boarding- house, where pupils could bring their bedding and board and live under the super- intendence of the master or mistress (costing but a trifle more than when under the parental rool) is the only solution of the educational problem that I can see ; otherwise, according to the plan of the Protestant Board, there can only be the survival, I would not say of the fittest, but only of those institutions where })oth population and wealth abound, and the country generally will have to put up with the wretched and ill paid elementary schools of the Province. We had two Xmas trees, upon which the incumbent and his family were remembered by various parishioners in useful articles to the amount of $40. Another tree has yet to be set up in another part of the Mission, which I hope will be very fruitful also. "We are a trifle behind in the assessment of the year 1881, ])ut will shortly catch up. The assessment of 188i looks formidable, and will hardly prove benelicial, even if it can be collected, which 1 think is doubtful in this, and many other cases ; however, here as elsewhere, history will make itself. Diocesan Board Assessment, .'ijiiOCOO ; Church Society and Algoma, sio7.41; Ullertories : iSt. Paul's, si47. 50 ; Good Shepherd, >i;22.50 ; for S. S. books, s7.50 : Xmas oll'ering to Incumbent, .s40.00 ; fees andothcM- moneys for Model School, $138.00 ; total for Church purposes, $4U2.1)1. ■m I )">M A- ,, •'« )fli DURHAM. The Kev. G. T. Harding reports :— The usual services in our three Cliurches, with celebra- tions of Holy Communion, were continued, during the pasij year, in 1 lie same inder aiul regularity as set forth in my Inst report. I cannot say that there has been any improve- ment in the average attendance ; though 1 am not obliged to record a falling oil'. Some extra services, on week nights, were held, last winter, at a school house near Lisgar Station, which may easily be reached, and at which a good coiigicg-ation, large- ly composed of lumbermen, may be got together at that season. I am thankful to say that ihis elibrt met Avith exc(^llent success, the school house being crowded on evory occasion; and during the summer, as a result, I think, of the winter's work, a Sunday School was started by a church familjT^ living near the station. This was kojit up for some time, and though now for a while dropped, I am in hopes it may become a permanent thing. AVeok-night services w^ere also held in all the Churches during l^ont, but nothing special requires to be noticed concerning tliem. With regard to temporalities, there is much that is encouraging to record. In South Durham, an old debt. which has been hanging over us for some years, and which, last year, was reduced to $06, was this year completely removed. In addition to this, some repairs v\'ere put upon the Churcli. The chimneys, which were breaking away at the to]"), and had always caused us a good deal of trouble by not drawing properly, were piiUed down, and r('])uilt from the ground in such a way as will probal)ly preveni their causing any further inconveniencr. A ])nrl also of the brick casing of the end wail, and one of tlic bulnicnls, which threatened to Jail from a delect in the foundation, were rebuilt and made secure. In all, thf cost will be something over $100, but as something still nnnains to be done in the spring, and the amount nec(\ssary to defray (In^, expense has to be raised during next year, 1 have nut noticed the matter in my linancial statement. In L'Avenir, an old debt against the Church was this year reduced })y |32.50, and in anoth'M- year v.<' hope to have it entirely remo.'ed. In Upper Durham, an extra elibrt was lULuh', and 1 am thankful to say with complete success, to i'enio\ e the debt upon the Parsonage. By the exertions of several menil)ers who uiulertook the work of collecting, especially to ^Ir. ~\V. 11. Lyster, whose name is worthy of particular mention here, the debt was reduced by subscriptions from diilerent parts of the Mission, from $400.20 to about $i.lu0, and (hen. live of those who had given the largi'st stuns, in the iirsl instance, to start the work of building the i'arsomige. and who had made themselves liable for the debt, agreed to at Ih rv of a 1> lu III ii. 65 divide the balance, in due proportion, among them. Their names ought also, I think, to be recorded, and I give them as follows : Solomon Lystcr, C. N. Lystor, Albert Lyster, "VVm. Stevens and Wm. Burvill. It is a matter ol" especial gratitude to Almighty God, that, notwithstanding the extra amount raised this year lor local purposes, asset forth above, there has been no diminution in that given to outside o])jects. It is true that in Upper Durham the sum thus oflcrcd is less by $4 than was yiven last year ; yet, in L'Avcnir, and in South Durham, it is larger by about $22 : so that, in reality, there is an increase of about $17 in the total amount sent out of the Mission for the various objects of your Society. Six Mission cards are used in colled ing for this branch of our work, and the .sums collected, through their means, are as follow^s : Mrs. Ariliur Mountain, 81o.25 ; Ginn, $12.50; Miss McDouoall, $10.15 ; Miss Doyle, $8.50; Miss McCrea, $8.00; Elloi jNIcDougall, $4.75. The last men- tioned is quite a younu* girl, who regularly collects for the " Home.'' in Algoma. It will always be a plea- sure, I am sure, for your Society to know that the little ones of Christ's llock are learning diligence in gathering up the small coins for His service. In a confirmation held in South Durham last June, 1 1 persons rec(nved the Kite, and I have to recoixl, for the year ending 30th November, 12 baptisms, 15 funerals and 7 marriages. Upper South DnrJi(im. L'Avcnir. Durham. Totals. Foreign & Domestic Mis- sions $ G 00 $12 71 $13 G9 $32 40 Church Society 5 S6 12 70 11 80 30 50 Mission to Jews 13 25 13 25 McKay Institute 00 2 00 1 00 9 00 Bishop's College 3 24 1 88 1 50 G 62 Wavvanosh Home, Al- goma 4 75 4 75 Totals for outside obi',s..$21 00. $47 25 $28 08 $9G 52 Offertories for general purposes 27 28 21 71 25 11 74 10 HI fl o(^ Old debts $32 oO Bal. debt on Parsoiiag-e.$380 95 88 25 Finishing Parso. Shed.. 25 00 Dio. Board Assessment. 175 00 Sjniod «& other expenses. 14 00 SOG 00 125 00 14 00 100 00 12 00 >^128 50 4G9 20 25 00 400 00 40 00 Totals 8043 32 ^328 81 ^201 19 $1233 32 EAST FRAMPTOX. The Rev. F. Boyle reports : — There are two congregations in this ]Mi.s.-ion, Standon and Hemison. Will treat of the ibrmer lirst : The mem- bers of this congregation last summiT put up a good substantial fence round the greater part of the Church property in that place ; costing about forty dollars, and they also partly built anew an old ;i])an(.loui'd School House. and converted it hito a suitaldo Cliurch SLi!])le at a cost of about twenty dollars. No man now in this mission can, as we too often hoar, give as an excuse ibr neglecting the services in God's House, "it is too cold to leave my liorse standing out," ibr we have now two good stabL^s, one ;it each church, c|uite equal in accommodations to the rc(jiiiro- ments of the Mission in that line. At Hemison we have had doublt^ windows Jbv tlie Par- sonage; cost of which seven dollars. AjuI we have doiK* this year about twenty dollars worth of improvements on the glebe. Besides which. Air. Edward Smyth, of Crapodier. has made over to the Church Society a half-acre lot of land oil the front of his farm as a site for a School House, on which Ave have a building for that ]iurpose pretty ^\ell advanced. Worth in all at ])resent thirty dollars. The services have been regidarly k<'pt up in botli the churches. The attendance has Ijcen uood at both stations, especially in summer, but in winter there is, of ]iec(>ssity, a great falling olf in tln^ conirreijations ; as nearlv all the young people, both men and maidens, are comjielled to leave here lor the winter and seek amploymtMit elsewhere, where they can earn something ; for here there is nothing at all doing at this season, Hence the cause of all the boil aging, 57 the bone and sinew leaving the country. This is discour- aging-, but, if we have our little downs in Missionary life, we frequently have too our corresponding ups, and I may here say that nothing pleased me more than the readiness with which both my congregations responded to the de- mand of the board requiring an increased assessment. The amount, and more than the amount demanded, was sub- scribed in a few days ; and part of next year's additional assessments paid in. My hands would be idle indeed, if they were to hang down, with such proofs of spiritual manifestations among my people. The following is my linancial statement : — East Framiilon. Standon. 00 21 00 Church Society $ 89 88 Foreign »S6 Domestic Missions . 4 40 Assessments 120 Bishop's College 2 Ordinary Collections 2o School House, &c Improvements to Parsonage and aiebe .'.. 27 00 Col. and Cont. Church Suc'y.. 2 04 Fence and Stable !$ Ho 00 Total $ SO 88 4 155 10 00 30 00 00 00 40 00 21 00 30 00 o •J.J 27 00 2 04 00 00 Total $355 53 Our two schools are doing well, taught by the Misses Penney andBartholomew. Again I must thank the Church and and C. & C. C. S. lor (heir munificent and tim3ly aid to our s(;h()ols. O.ASPE BASIiV. The Kev. .1. P. Kichmond reports: — That several of the young men have LM't and many others think of leaving the coast as soon as they can save the means. This state of things has been brought about in my Mission l)y the failure of the salmon lishery, entailing a loss of at least ten thousand dollars a year ; and the failure of winter work, the supply of boards, tish tubs and firewood „... h »•! k.^i 58 required l)y the merchants beinir very little when divided among- the population. The Mission of Peninsula and Little Gaspe is likewise sulicring' i'rom the failure of salmon and mackerel fisheries, and less than an average catch of codfish. In spite of all these drawbacks to their prosperity, the x-)i'ople have struggled hard to meet their engagements with the Diocesan Board. SL Paufa Church. — This Church was used for DiviiK; Service for the first time on the lirst Sunday in January last. I am very sorry that the congregation could not request th(i Eishoj) to consecrate the building last summer, owing to unpaid d(!l)t. The g-rant from the Church Society has Jjeen applied for but not yet received, and some subscriptions remain yet unpaid, the suljscribers being unable to meet their promises owing- to the failure of the salmon iishery. A new chun-h-bell of over three hundred pounds weig'ht has been added to the Church, chieily throug'h the liberality of C. Stimson, J<]s(},, of Montreal, and other summer visitors. The n-'W Church has cost nearly $;],000, and thert^ remains yet much to be done to it decently. The attendance at the services has been good during the past year. On two or three occasions of special interest, e.r/., the Conhrmation aiul Christmas services, the Church has been quite full. SLJamea' C/////y//.— South-West Arm of Gaspi;' Bay. The causes of financial depression 1 have mentioned are very much felt by this congregation ; many of the people have to leave the place during- the summer and seek for temporary employment elsewhere ; some have left altogether, and unless there is a revival of luml)ering, or some other industry springs u]), the time is not far distant when the young men, the ''bone and sinew" of the country, will be obliged to leave. Already, many of them are casting a longing- eye toward ^Manitoba and the Lakes of Upper Canada. The attendance at Church has been average, and the churchyard has been in great partreienced and clear(Hl up, and is in more decent order than it has been for some years. Owing to the division of the Mission into separate parts ])y wati-r, the people have a great nttmber of schools to maintain, there being- no less than live for the two congregations of St. Paul's and St. James. This entails a »9 ho:ivy burden upon the people, as they have to pay nearly §9U0, and the combined "Government giant'' to the schools does not amount to more than $80. Peninsula. — The services have been held Ibrlnighily with one intermission, and have been well attended. The Church is unlinished, the people poor and struggling' h i lor their livelihood. They would be mucli encouraged by the reception of a Church iSociety grant I'or which they have applied ; also, by a grant oi" ^Service books lor the Church. Th(» ])eoj)le lind it hard to pay church and school rates owing to the railur(i of salmon and mackerel lisheries, and yet have promised th.,' increase asked lor by the Diocesan Board. Lillle Gas/tc. — Tlegular monthly services have b:M'ii held, and then; has bt^en an increased attendance at Church. The ass(\^smen made to the Church buildings, and more work will be done during the winter. Under the present arrangiMnent of the Diocesan Board, my charge of i'eninsula and Little Gaspe ceases to-day, and is to l)e resumed henceforth by the lie v. Dr. Ker, of Sandv Eeach.^ In the united Mission the number of baptisms, &i'., during the year is as follows : — Baptisms 25, marriages 2, burials 18. The great increase in the number of deaths during the l)ast year is due to the prevalence of scarlet fever and diphtheria during the past winter. During the past year tlie Lord Bishop visited this Mission and conllrmed, in the Mission of Gaspe Basin, forty-four young persons; and at Peninsula si\ persons, making in all iifly candidates. The Bishoj) also went to Little Gaspe and o4, so tliat the debt has been reduced :";")0, and sonu^ very necessary work will be done to secure the building. ^ Sinoe tliis was written tlie Dioocsaii lioiird lias riMjUfsted Mr. KiilniHnul to uoutiuue Ida services at i'oniiisula ami Jjittle Gaspe. — Si.r, % 60 I append Church Wardens' Ihuincial statements. St. PauTs. St. James. Peninsula. ^ u aspe , Assessment $ loo 00 S 175 00 $00 00 $ 30 00 Bazaar and collec- 128 00 tion in Quebe(\ Special collection Oh. Socy,&c... G 08 Sunday collections 91 82 Bell fund llo 82 Other purposes.,.. 50 00 22 85 25 00 15 00 Total ^ 419 02 $ 222 85 $75 00 $ 158 00 Total $ 875 47 HATLEY. Rev. A. J. Balfour reports : — It is! with mingled feelings of joy and sadness that I present this, my tenth annual report. Of joy, in being able, as I am, to testify to a growing reverence and atte]i- tion to the ordinance of religion throughout the Parish. The number of communicants has increased both at St James and St. John's : as also very materially, tlie otl'er- ings of the people towards the support of the gospel. As an indication of prosperity and ot a right spirit I may, by the way, mention that the quarter's assessment due a month hence has already been forwarded to Quebec by both con- gregations. I am happy also to say that when called upon to increase their assessments by $100, the papers were sign- ed on behalf of each congregation and returiied without any delay. Nor can I omit to bear grateful testimony to the kind and che(?rful manner in which my appcnil lor a parsonage was responded to; the people's only wish seem- ing to l)e Ihat, as re^'ards archit(?cture, warmth and conve- nience, ike, I should construct it entirely to please myself, within reasonable expense. With little delay $1,000 was raised, almost wholly within the Mission, and a willingness expressed to become responsible for $000 or $800 more. 61 As a ivsult wo havo, well nig'li ready for occupation, a Parsonage surpassed by lew in the Uiocese, npon which $1,100 is already paid and a debt of ^700 hangs. Most of the tenders for its construction exceeded $2,500 ; and it is by no competent judge thought now to be worth less than that amount or actually to have cost less. I have during the ])ast year kept up my Sunday Even- ing {Service at Massawippi. Two Sunday Schools have been maintained ; that at St. John's, W^aterville, with much promise. $10 having ])een raised here (St. John's) for S.S. hooks. Mr. lv,obert Hamilton, in response to an appeal, as usual, most kindly came to the children's aid with another $10, much to their delight. A ladies' guild is in success- ful oi>eration in connection with this congregation fur- thering by its handiwork many deserving objects. Already they have added two chandeliers and an altar clotli. The latter article, beautil'ully wrought, was made by the ladies of St. Matthew's guild, and $'J towards the purchase con- tributed by ladies in Quebec, |o by Mrs. AVilliams. Dur- ing last wintiU" and spring, with the kind and al)le assist- ance of Mr. Mayo, 1 held a monthly Missionary Meeting-, thereby endeavouring to awaken a true Catholic s])irit. But to-day my connection with this Mission ceases. And if the thouglit of parting from a people who have been so universally kind, and whose allection, though undeserved, has dee[)ened with each year, makes me sad at heart, I may be pardoned — even though the change that awaits me be a promotion and the call very complimmitary to myself. I may mention, as of interest, that my last service at St, John's, naturally solemn, was rendered the more iuijires- sive by the public baptisms of five adults and one child — making sixty adults that I have baptized within a few years. On the following evening I was the recipient here, at the hands of my kind, good people, of a new harness and other tokens of regard, and subsequently, at the hands of my dear friends of Hatley, of a massive silver wati'r pit- cher, goblet, bowl and tray, chaste in design and bearing an appropriate inscription. That God may guide them all in the paths of righteous- ness, and richly bless them in things belonging to their everlasting peace, will be the constant prayer of their lov- ing friend and late pastor. .r|i % (52 ^ 1 75 50 50 00 Baptisms — adults 0, infants 1-1: ; buriali«( 10, marriages 2. Hatley. Wafervi/le. Total. ^ 27 50 5 00 350 00 o-i 72 1000 00 12 00 115 00 04 03 10 00 OO Churcli Society $ 2100 Bishop's College Jl 50 Diocesan Board 275 00 Proceeds of Socials 53 72 New rursonan-e 1000 00 Easter Oiiering Sunday Collections. Ladies' Guild Deaf Mute Institute. Other expenses 12 00 00 00 10 00 23 00 25 00 04 93 10 00 Total $;1071 1.1 1NVERNE.-;S. The Rev. P. Uoe reports: — The most noticable feature in the progress of this inission during the past year has been the erection of a Church at " Canip])i'il"s Corners," now nearly completed. It is ])uilt after a model, made by the Ivev. T. S. Chapman, ofhisiirw Church at Dudsvvell Corner ; recommended to us by our generous friend, Mr. Robert Hamilton, who is a larg(i con- tributor to the buikling fund. Substantial help has ])ev\\ also received from the Lord Bishop and other friends in Quebec, to the auiount of, about, >i>'2{}0 ; a u'rant of ,C25 .stg. has also been obtained for us by the Bishop from the Christian Knowledge Society. The entire cost of the buildinu" which is 54 x 25 feet, will be about $1,250. The site, a convenient and valuable one of an acre, was generous- ly given by 3Iessrs. James and Joseph Henry, Presbyterians. It is hoped the Church will ])e ready for consecration a])out Easter, The amount contributed on the spot ])y the people, so far, has been in the nt'ighbourhood of .$500. This is not a very large amount, but shows some progress in the way of duty. I am in hopes that by God's grace my dear people are beginning to see, if but faintly as yet, the duty and uo 00 1-2 00 00 00 03 00 no 1.-) 63 happiness of giving to God, and that tho time will come when th(?y will really believe our Lord and Saviour, when He says : " It is more blessed to give than to receive."' The congregation at Campbell's Corner held a Xmas Festival, with a Christmas Tree, on tSt. StephiMi's Day. As the new Church is as y(^t unfinished, and is not yet cci- secrated, I consejitod that the Ft.'stival should be held in it. About 250 persons were present, crowding the building. The Tree was brilliantly lighted up with ^vax' tapers and loaded with gifts. The kindly feeling of the people to their pastor and his family was substantially shown in gifts plnced upon the Tree for them. Singing nnd lieadings followed, the principal readings w^ere by Mrs, Keed, who dehghted the audience by her charming style, and a pleasant address was delivered. l)y the llev. .1. Ivemp, of Leeds. The usual services at St. Stephen's, Campbell's Corners, and Bccancour have been held uninterruptedly during the year, the congregations have, as a rule, Ixx-n largo, and the number of communicants slightly increasing. The Sunday Schools at St. Stei)hen's and Campbell's Corners have been well attended ; the former has largely increased in numbers during the year. An Iniant Class undertaken l)y Miss Jioe has drawn in many little ones, and has hel])ed to attract their moi hers also to church. Alto- gether 1 feel encouraged in respect to this important branch of my Avork. In the month of Se]iteml)er our annual Suiulay School picnic was held on Graham's Hill, a lovely spot, command- ing a line view of the country around. A great gathering from all parts of the neighboiu'hood, to the number of about 300, came to it. The day wms passed pleasantly in games, and in discussing the good things providinl for the children. Our Church was beautifuUv decorated bv manv williuji hands for Christmas, and the services were bright and joyous. I append the usual statistics: — Bajitisms io, marriage 1, burials G. Assessments, is;2o0. 00; Lishop's College, s;2.3'7 ; Foreigji and ]Jomestic Missions, !iii8.58 ; Church Societv, $10.70; New Chuich, ^oOO; General Oiiertory, $87.7 < ; total, ^^oli.ii. 'rii i^i. \ 04 IRELAND. The Rev. Thos. L. Bull repoits :— I eiitoved upon the yearjrist closmi>' with manymi.sirivinus. My own health and that of my wile did not any longs' continuation in the work carried on nearly ten years in this Mission. With permission of the Lord Bishop' and at the request of many of our friends, wi^ spent six weeks in travel, going' as far as Washington, the Capital of thr United States, where a very ilattering address ^vas forwarded us from the three comrregations in the Mission, to which I w^as unable to reply till my return. We found the relaxation of great advantaire, and with the exception of making fewer visits, which deprives me of a good deal of pleasur(>, the work has gone steadily on. At Upper Ireland, one of our school boys has returned to us after a four years absencn^ two of whicli were spent nt the Normal School and two in i\\o house of another of our Missionaries wlio directed his studies. He is nou^ engagi'd as teacher in the Parish School, and will, I trust, soon be licensed as a second Lay Reader. This a\ ill enal)le us to liave servici^ every Sunday in two oi' the Churches, and materially increase our forces in the schools. At Lower Ireland, the necessity of resiorinu' the Churcii. rapidly becoming unlit for use, is urgently i)h';"led. 1 successful tea-party was h(dd during the summer, and s;],') added to the building fund started two years ago. Adderley has lost more ])y removals tlian tlie oilier Churches, but shows some advance, I hough it has service but twice a month on Sunday. Baptisms 24, conllrmed 2."), communieanis 11 2. marriages 2, burials 10. Raised for Church purpo.'^es, ij^fJ!"-.'!. Kl NOSEY The Rev. J. Boydell report :— The events most worthy of notice that have trans])ired during the past year are : — The admissio)i of thirteen per- sons to full Church membership by the riteof conlirnnitioii. The Baptism of two adults, the erection of the Church at Spooner Pond, which is now so far complete that we are 65 able to U5e the Iniilding for divine service. This Church is free i'roiii del)t, and promises to be in the future, as it is at present, iJie Church of the Mission. The situation being' the most central, and the congregation the largest and most reo'ular in the whole Mission. "We are indebted to Mr. Wilcox of liiroraised to bo raised by the Church-Wardens, in ])roportiou to their relative assessments. Two vrel 1 all eud'.'d Sunday Schools are in active operation, one under the able and pains taking supervision of Miss Evans at Spoonge, ^2 57 ; New Church, iii;lK5.G2; Domestic Missions, ^").2(i; OIK'rlory. sVii.i)-}; Insurance and other Purposes, $:^200; Ji:aster'()ii''ring, i;,o.00 ; Total, $!>:J(].iy. The l\cv. It. Wyndham Brown reports: — Before the closincr of navigation for some seven months, I hasten to .lend the Society a lew words on Mission work 5 H!-- 66 here in Labrador. From tho nature of the case, my account of the work must be brief, owing to the fact that scarce- ly three months have elapsed since I arrived on the coast. After a short and pleasant passage from Que})ec, I landed at Natasliquan towards the end of July. It was not without feelings of regret that I took leave of the Captain of the "Otter," at whose hands I experienced great kindness while on board. The dreary looking coast, with its endless cliifs and the stuntinl appearance of its vegetation, did not create in me a favoral^le impression of my future home ; but further experience showed that my lot had been cast ill "pleasa'it placi's"' after all. The day after my arrival, Sunday, I held my lirst services at Natashquan, in one of the large rooms of Messrs. Robins & Co. Among the congregation I was pleased to find several of my brother's parishioners from Shigawake and Port Daniel. Here there was a disappointment in store for m(\ !My pilot with the Church boat failed to moet me, and I found that I must make my way to Mutton l!ay as I best could. Next day, however, I was lucky enouu'h to g>t a passage to Casco in the schooner •' Palma," chartered by Government, with the enumerators on board, engaged iji rakinu' the census of the coast. After a stay of live or six days in Casco (a small settlement with some oight familii>s), I found no dilliciilty in securing a pilot to convey myself and Ijclongings to Mutton Pay, ^vhich was reached on tli(^ 10th of August. During this journey, s-rvici'S were hdd daily at Casco, AV'ashecootie, Cape AVhiltle or AVolfe Bay, Harrington Harbour and AVhale Head. Nothing out of the ordinary appeared to mark this, my lust visit of half the Mission. A kind welcome awaited tli*^ Missionary at each stopping place. Throughout I he Church services were well attended, and were entered into l)y all with much earnestness. Despite the edueati(.nal disadvaiitau'es under which the peoi)leof Labrador labour, both young and oldar»M'emarkably well informed, both in secular and religious things. This is a great encuuragenieiit and help to the Missionary, and is due in great measure to the patient and untiring elfoits of mv predecessors. Arrived at Mutton Pay I found it necessary to remain a short time to visit the i)eople and look after my books, is:c., which had sullered considerably from long exposure to the wcatlier in an open boat. 07 On the 30ih of August I proceeded to visit the Eastern part ol' tlie Mission, intending to go as far as Forteau, in the Diocese oi' Newibundland. This I was prevented from doing owiiiu' to the severity of the weather ; but by walkhin- overland I was enabled to reach L'Anse-au-Chiir, also in the Diocose ol' Newfoundland. Here a congregation of more tiuiu iirty ]")er;:;ons assembled for the evening service, Avhich vras biiglit and liearty owing to the excellent singinir aiul responding ; and the young people at least, who had long ])eeii (^xpccl ing the Missionary, were then made happy 1))' lav ;i;ri\al. On l;u' down and return journey the people \,ere vi>ited, and services held at the iollowing places : Tabatiere, tSi. Augustine. Thecatica, Baie-des- iiochers, Lydia's Cove, Dog Island, Old Fort Island, Bonne f]sperance, ^Salmon Bay, Blanc !Sal)lons, and L'Anse-au-Clair. I returned to Mutton Bay on the i27th of September, after an al)st'iice ol' one inontii. On iny arrival I found the people making prei)aratious for moving into winter quarters, aiid w ;;s siU'ry lo learn of tiie intended removal, from Schooner Bay, the winter }iead((uarters of the Mission, of r;everal rainiiies. This v.'ill reduce our numbers very low, and m;d;es the pvo.-j^ee't of a day-school there a very forlorn ho[M>. Scavcily ^)\' fuel has compelled n-^arly all the families to U'wvo, hehooner Bay. As a conseqience of this our services tlieri' will bo poorly attended during the coming- winter, !ind renders it necessary that our winttu* Mission house be renio\ed eLsewh(>rt\ On the 2nd of October one of til ' seliooners from Qui'])ec arrived, bringing wilh it Mr. Vrillis, the mails, and a large assortment of good things for the poor and l'.)r tlie Xmas tree. A hearty welcome was extended to all. "With the e:cception of a few days my autumirs travelling has beini done under very fine weather, and I have much to Ik* tliankl'ul for. My health has been p:oo(1, exeepting an occasional twinge of neuralgia. I am thankful to say that a good year's fishing has been made on the coast, and that iiiere will be no sufferino; or want. I have been informed, liowevm*, that towards the extreme east :)f the coast, in the Diocese of Newfoundland, the lishing ha-! been a complete failuie. Since my return from the east of the Mission, the services have been carried on as usual in Mutton Bay. There have been two celebrations I. 68 of the Holy Communion ; these of course do not inchide those held durinj^ my absence, nnd communions of the sick. Mr. Willis returned this week from Salmon Bay, having made arrangements for carrying on a school there during the winter. He will have the use of the school house, and the attendance will be good. It would be useless for him to stay in Schooner Bay, where there will not be half a dozen children. I am sorry we have to be separated. I hope to carry on a small day-school during the winter myself, at Schooner Bay. This of course will have to be closed while absent on my winter visit of the coast. The quantities of warm and useful clothing sent in such profusion will bo a great blessing to the poor of the coast ; they ought, I am sure, to bo very grateful to Mrs. AVilliams and other kind fri(>nds. For a very handsome woollen undercoat for myself and some substantial articles of clothing. For the Xmas tree, my thai '^s are due to the ladies of the St. Matthew's Church Guild, Quebec. Many kind friends have remembered us by s(>nding books, papers and clothing. I expect to gratify the "little ones" with a Xmas tree, hiden with many good things, for which my thanks are due to friends of the Mis.sion in Que])ec. The cold weather has set in, and there are indications of a very severe winter. I fear that this year we are to be deprived of a winter mail, but I hope for the best. It would be hard to hoar nothing from the outside v,'orld duriiiG: onr lono; winter. JiEEDS. The Rev. John Kemp reports : — The services have ])een held in the several Churches and Stations as usual, with about the ordinary attendance, save for the past three months, when scarlet fever broke out at both ends of the Mission in some of our most constant Church-goinu' families, which not only prevented families so visited from attending church, but, frightenod away others also, lest the iiiR'ction miirlii touch tliem. One of my youim- candidates for coiilirmalion and his sister, children of Mr. It. S. Marshall, of Leeds Village, w\s taken away. Some also at Kinnear's Mills were absent from cou- 09 firraation from the same cause The Lord Bishop of the Diocese held conlirmation in the Mission boforo Christmas. Broucrhton — 8 coniirmod. Leeds — 11 con firmed. Kinnear's Mills — 16 confirmed. The roads were vt ry bad. The congregations were very good at the several chnrches where conJirmations were held. His Lordship also preached at H. H. Mines. On our way back iVom Bronghton to Leeds we were hospitably entertained at dinner by Mr. A. Martin, when we met two of the Directors of the new company, which is about to re-open ihe Mines. .\> Leeds, and at the Mills, a Sunday Seliool is kept up during the summer monlhs, with a very good attendance. There are at each place bflween thirty and forty scholars on the books ; the average attendance has been about 25 in each school. Mr. George Bayne still superintends the Leeds Sunday School, assisted by Mrs. Siggans, Mi^^s Mar- shall (our Organist), and Mi.'is .Tames I generally take part when I have morning service in the same church. Mr. "William McVitty superintends tl'.e Sunday School at the Mills, assisted ])v }>Iiss C. Dullett, and part of the time by Mr. John Duliett". 1 regret to add that Mr. McVitty aliso lost a daughter by scarlet lover. I find myself gi'tiiug rather old for such an extensive mi.ssion ; though 1 do all ih(^ pul)lic work in the way of services, &c., that has ever Ijimmi done by any of my prede- cessors, I am not al)le to do as much in visiting my peo[)le as a younger man could, but the people are considerate and make all due allowance. I have taken the Church Society list round Leeds and neighbourhood this y(>ar, and the result is lully as good as I expected. The Collectors at the Mills were prevented from doing all they would have done by the fever breaking out in two out of three of th(ur families. The increase of the assessment for next year, thougli not much, still makes the people more slow to coutrihute to outside objects. 1 have, howu?ver, done my ])est, and tlu^ result is — thirty-live dollars and seventy cents, in addition to s;10.r)0 for Foreign and Domestic Missions, Total for church purposes, si^lOO. to MAGDALEN ISLANDS. The Rev. J. Chambers reports : — We have passed a winter ol' unusual leng'th, iiot marked by any great den-ree of frost, but by hoavy and ropoaled falls of snow, v. Inch is a point to l;e notieeel in niis.sion work here, because it has made iravcllijig- dillicult and tedious. As usual all the ishinds have been visited as r«^gularly as possible, with the exception of ]jryou Island, this is in con- sequence of its isolated position, and the current rnnniiij^ rapidly between it and Gfrosse Isle, ]n'events anything like an ice-bridu'e forming. The distance from island to island being ten miles. Gross Isle is twenty miles from Gii;ulstone Island, ar.d the journey takes the whole of the day to accoin[)lish, it there is much snow. However, this i.^hiiid has 1) tii visited i'requently and regularly and the work carried on as usual. Here the people attend Divine k3orvi<.'(» well, travelling dis- tances of from three to live miles lor the purpose of worshipping God in public. Grindstone Island has had the iidvantcige oi a good schoolmaster. Mr. Harvey Clarke, Jr., who has done his work well and to the satisfaction oi' all. During my al)sence he has conduct(>d vSunday School, thus supplying a groat need. Our deepest thanks are due to IT. vS. ^"cott, K-q., Quebjc, who has kindly obtained twi^nty dollars (-^^^'JO) for ycdiool purposes, with a promise ol'twenty move at tlu> tei'minalion of the scholastic year. Amherst Island has been visited as usual. Here theri> aie but live Protestant families all of which haxe been visid'd. One of these has but recently settled here iVom Prince Edward Island, the husband being a ]\Iethodist, and the wife a Presbyterian. They have always j-eceived me with marked attention, and on my hist visit requested me to baptize their three children as they had n(.t previously received the rite. A good opportunity olfered for visiting Entry Island, as the iue-bridge formed early. 71 The TcmpenincG Society still continues to hold its ground. Lately it has not added many to its ranks ; this is owing to its haviuii" already cnibraced all the eldm- inhabitants of this island, with the exci^plion ol" the veteran drinkers who still prefer tlie way of death. Travelling is much more dillicult here for a mis:-ionary than for any other peison, on account of having to meet engagements, /, e., to be at nn island at a given time, and thus have to force through all kinds of wiMither. And althougli the exposure on tluue ijleak frozen bays is great, yet, it setmis to p.k^ far less troublesome than tliat oi the Fall of the year when boating in bad weather. I will give an example : — I was returning from Gross Isle late liist Fall, a strong fair wind was blowinu', and with reefed sails the boat went along at a splendid rau^ until ai'iivinu' at what is called " The Narrows,"' really a mass of sand banks, with a wind- ing channel running through them, and a ])erson must be a good pilot to avoid rn lining aground continually. Unfor- tunately, I started late and arrivd at this ])lace Just before' sunsi't, and. as I could not s(>e the channel distinctly, I had the misfortune of running the boat aground. Nothing remained now but to get overboard and try to heave the boat off, I'or one dare not liu'liteu the boat l)y throwing away balhist, as fully six miles of deep water had to be accomplished after ♦••elLing clear of these shoals. j\. CD CD At this season of the year tlie water is very cold, and as it took fully an hour to get the boat into deep water again, I was much chilled. Darkness had now set in iind with it rain and an increase of wind, which hauled riulit ahead and compi>lled me to anchor lor tlu^ night. And such a night of misery is not ea.sily explained liere, sulUcii it to say that this and similar experiences of fre(|uent occuirene..; are fruitful sources of sharp attacks of rheumatism. =.^ * Mr. Clinnberr; left f'lr l'-n;4ancl Auiumn, on leave; iluriiig l.ia iih suDcc Mr. J. .loneij ha; bcon liounsed as Lay licader. HI uW im ih'' f' 72 MAaOG 4ND GEOKGEVIIiLE. The Rev. J. Hepburn rejiorts : — In carryinn- on the work of ihis Miis.siou disappoint moui has been mingled with encouragement ; yet I cannot hut say that when all things are put together, there is much more reason ibr hope than despondency. li' my judgment is good, there has been improvement in both centres of work, that is in the villages of Magog and (leorgeville; and for several months past 1 have been greatly c'neered by the renewed interest mani Tested in the outstiUic'is, now in- creased to six. I do not claim that there is a wuiideri'ul ii.iprovomeiil anywhere ; diihculties and trials of iVecpient recurrence ke/j) me from saying so. I am glad however to think, I discern progress, if it be but slow. JNIy p^-ople as a people, appro- ciat(^ more highly the distinctive teaching of the Church; their attachment to her ordinances is deepening; many of them have told me of the power over ihem of the JJook of Common Prayer. In consequence of this there is greater heartiness of worship. It troubled me sorely that our res- ponses were generally so weak ; and it was hard to under- stand how those whom I knew to be dcvoul, expressed so little audibly in the course of divine Avor.hij). W'e who have 1 " u reared in the Church are not ])reparedto appre- ciate ti 5,Teatness of th(^ change' from ordinarv extem])ore worship to our own. Those who have sat year tifter year and listened to what was said, supposing that Vv'as all that was necessary in regular worship. Jiud it a Vv'holly new thing to arise, and .^iiig and j^ray with spirit in the pr^'.seiic^ of others; and they are starth^l at the sound of tlhnr owsi voices, as is the youth, who for the iirst time rises to speak before an audience and more than this, it takes some time to shake oti'the feeling tliat they are /a/'v"//;,'- ftn) much iijuni them. Here the difficulty has been k(>enly felt, Vvlii-re the principal part of the congregation has been won to the Church. In the outstations I have ]al)oared on in hope against this dilliculty of responding, having often ojily one or two faint voices to accompany me, and this notwith- standing all the exhortations I have given from time to time. 78 Young men seem alniOot afraid of coininittiui^' an unpardon- able sin, if they venture to pray aloud in the congrei^'ation. It is a comfort that they have not the same scrupL^s about shi^- inghymns. Frequently where I can get little response I have very hearty singing. In a quiet way I have told them that if they have no hesitation in si/i;^iiig- praj/er^; and ])rni)ies to God from their hymn books, they shoukl have )ione in reverently sdi/ing' Iheui from their [iraijer books, on bended knee. I am very thankful to say that in all these stations I now have a certdn numbi'r who are deeply in earniisl, and are coming surely into the Church, valuing her olhces more than any other, attending the services on week-day even- ings as reguhirly as if they were held on Sunday. ()at of a ]) )ssible 4') or 50 seldom l.;?ss than 'JO attend; and this where three years ago there was not one person who belonged to the Church, or had any regard for her, — she being commonly supposed a very iV)rn)al and corrupt Church, iirst cousin to the Church of Itonii'. One fruit of the work is to be seen in Ib.e l):iplism of children. To that all were strongly opposed : it had been preached as a "vain thing'^ &c., 4^0. I have lectured freelij upon the subject, and called very special attention to it as an "ordiinnce of God," and there- fore of the utmost importance. i\\s I wunit so far as to advertise two Lectures upon it some tinn^ ago in an Ad- vcntist Settlement (although I am strongly opposed to advertising generally) and secured a crowded house, among whom appeared the Inkier and Deacon ; and they gave me a verj' patient hearintj;. I olfered then and there the privi- lege of asking any questions they saw lit before we parted, but none were volunteered. This could not have beeu done a year aiyo without stirring up a tempest. Another healthy sign is, that when the assessment upon the ^lission was increased, I mentioned it to them and instantly they agreed to contribute, one congregation (the oldest) giving $17. ]\Iagog had already, at the Easter meeting, volun- teered sioO extra, so that we have met the call upon us by the Board, without any trouble. All will understand that fortnightly services in each of these six stations, besides those given in the Churches, 74 accompanied ])y the necessary visits, make a large demand upon tim>\ At one time I had monthly appointmonis, but found that tho interest llag-god b; twecn them, .so the only ihiiiix to do was to double them. This olten interferes with the observance of J^aints days in the Churches ; yet I think the object el" the Church may be attained by antieipatini;- or postponinij them, vriituriuu' herein to exj^ an opinion adverse to one ofsuch great authority as the late Dean Hook. If I speak of disappointmn of the young. Then again I have Iseen "•rieved that the bodv of the communicants has not vet entered, as was meet, into the fortniyhtly celebration ; a certain few do, but not the body. This has grieved mc much, and still does grieve me. Then again I have met a good deal of opposition and mucli annoyance from the mana'uvres of outside bodies. I Hatter myself that our success has moved them more than anything else. They have riothinii' in common ; but yet they have banded togeth(>r in dillereirt things against me as against a common foe. It is distressing to iind misreprcsentittions have hindered the work lor months and yt-ars. I'aticncv' is necessary, and faith is tJie ultimate power of the trutli. In my last report I ex})ressed a hope of building a tower to the Church in Georg<>ville, and also of securinu' an Endo^vm'Mlt Fund. Both are yet in the future. More than half the amount necessary for the tower was raised, but thcri? we halt for a whil(\ I think it cannot be postponed lonaer than the spring. The ladies expected to raisi- the $100 for eirdowment, but Ihe organ lacing very poor, they purcna.'- >d oiu». instead. In this part of the Mission we have had trouble each year in raising the assessment. Thi' amount was subscril^ed hut not /xiid. I rt^solved to duir the guiltv and save the innocent, and did so. Tliis caused ill feeling, ])ut it left me with an easy conscieirce. II men cannot learn that lio/iesti/ is a very necessnr// part of religion, I am not ambitious to secure them as hearers. 15 id ut Now, I have thankfully to record the assistiiiice 1 have had di thi TJie J. ille C School anim; ■was obli'4'ed to move to Mag-og lor the \viiit(n- months. The rector (h'ev. P. C. Read) at once volunteered an extra service each Suiuhiy, in addition to helping' during tlie week; and with Mi\s. Read, IVeedmelVom all ^(^'^l)onsil)ility of the choir, lor which 1 was especially gi-atelul. I was delighted that, as they were leavint:", I was asked to give them, i'or the congregation, a sum of twenty dollars as a small token of resp;>ct and gratitude. The liev. g-ntli'man kindly undertook the illumination of the cliaucel of the Church, hut w;is hineks in summer, ?dr. Chabneis, of Brooklyn, who is studying for the Church, lived in Creorgeville, and he kindly uiuhu'took an extra ^Minday si'rvice, much to the gratiiication of the people. The annual Sumhiy tSchool pienie in August was a li'reat success, securing tlie presence of all classes and denomina- tions to the number of -JOO. The JSunday iSchool work has been somewhat trying, but my teachers have stood up well for me and with me, iind we have kept our hold upoii the young. The "Jjeailets" used in the two principal schoohi are afterwards used in other districts, as 1 can secure help. My rt^gister sliows : Jjaptisms at ]Mauog, infants 17, burials 0. At Gt>orgeviIle, b.iptisms 4, burials 5. Assessment ^'^ 175 00 ()Ih>rtories 117 DT Sunday School Library 12 50 Bazaar and Church improvement GS 12 Deaf and Dumb Institution 7 00 Balance on Tower ,.... 12 00 Other purposes 20 00 Balance on Orcan Cenrgevillp^ ^ 100 00 7-t OG t)o 88 % liv 20 00 Chandeliers Gift to Eocbe Plain $i 00 $14 00 6 00 $ 440 51) $ .soy 04 Total from Miijsion, $7a6.oo. In addition to this sura, both ladies' societios have cash in hand to the amount of $4o, ivady for use. 1 should be most unju.'it to tho ladies if I did not r(^cord my special indebtedness to them for active and faithful work. MALBAIE. The Rev. G. Kadley Walters reports :— In sending my report to the Society for this year, I may say that I have nothing- of great importance to chronicle, save perhaps it be the severe ])Iow we ri'ceived this sum- mer from the Diocesan Ijoard, in the shape of an increase in our assessment. P'or a time the Church AYardens wn-e puzzled how to ansvv'cr, being desirous to pay as we go and not to fall into arrears, and any increase during the disastrous times ^ve are passing tlirough here, they kmnv, nitaut a final collapse. However, I am happy to say that, though the lJioc(\san Ijoord hit us hard, and for a time seemed to have crii>j)lod us, yet, after a little time lor quiet rest and cor.sid 'ration (not rcUection), we, were able to put on a bold front, and boast that we intended to do our best, come what may. This past season, for my poor people, has simply been a repetition of last year's failure of our cod ii^>hiiig — owing more this year to the great scarcity of bait. When the weather v.'as line for the boats to go out, thor-(> would be, generally speaking, the days that there would be no bait to bo had. A. failure in our lishing menus a failure of almost everything else with us ; and those only vv' ho live amoiui' the lishermen of this coast and visit their homes, can tell all that the word iailure means to them. Though in miuiy instances tlie merchants are kind and considerate, yt't failure in tlu^ quantity offish means a shortened allow- ance of the common necessaries of life. In many cases, near approach of u long; winter, \ny peopU tind wi di thw 77 00 k3 00 3cial themselves at the end of their summer's toil with no cnsh, no flour, and only subsist by acts of charity from oif their more fortunate neig'hbors. With rog'ard to Church life in this ]Mission. I may say that wove it not for the liberality of the Jer.sin'' firms here, our Church would long since have been closed for want of funds, though in point of numbers we are stronger than ever, though this past year I have actually lost i'rom our resident members fourteen persons, who have left for other parts of Upper Canada to seek a more prospm-ous livelihood. It is the increase of poverty in my Parish which phices its deadening elfecls on all things. Though poor, my p, ople are strongly attached to our Church, and the thought of the Church being closed for want of funds would bri)ig a pang of sorrow to many a heart. I think the ^j. P. G, ought to make a special grant for these purely primitive missionary stations along this coast, for the work here is second to none in the Diocese for its purely missionary character. Throughout the year past, my Sunday and week-day services have been very well attended, and the numbers from time to time attendinii- the Holy Communion have shown that the words of exhortation preached on the duty and Idessed privilege of receiving that Holy fc'aerament, have not l)een heard in vain. The number attending the Sunday School lias continued on an average of ^")0. In the month of Se})tember ^ve were gladdened by a visit from our Bishop, who came on .i conl!rmalion tour. I presented to his Lordship thirty-eight young }-»ersons for that solemn rite, and I feel sure that the words of counsel, advice and encouragement that fell from the Bishop's lips that day, ^vill not easily be elfaced from many memories. ^ly l)est thanks are due to Adolphus Collas, I'^sq., my late Church "Warden, as are also the thanks of the \vholo conii-resi'ation, to whom we feel intb Sled for many a voluntary act of kindness. My Parish register shows burials 11, conlirmed oS. Collected in the Mission : Baptisms 21, marriages 0, Assessment, '^-^oO ; Church Society, -iiil 8.4.5 ; IJonicstic Missions, s;f ; tea party, !i?.jl.r)0 ; Bishop's Colle,r>'e, ^2 ; OUevtory, ^^20 ; other e.xnenses, Sji 100 Total, $1445.95: % Hi. > 1': 78 NEW CAF.LISLE AND TASPEBIAC. The Vvdv. Tlios. Blaylock reports : — This is my List report under our olJ poidtioii as a Mission receiving' aid from 5'^our Board. At ihe Synod it was decreed that we should be, lor llio future, a H.'ll'-supporting Parish. I cannot say that this is not just and riij,'ht, but I must say it has come U[)on us at a peculiarly hard time. We have still a considerable debt on our rarsonage, wliich must be soon paid ofi". The last year has also v»'itnessed ar exodus from New Carlisle for the "W'estern States, whicli has Ici't us weaker linaneiallv. Indeed I can say without fear of contradiction that any time during the last tn\ years NewCarli.^le was better al)le than now to bear its part as a self-supporting Parish. "We do not intend however to grumble, but do our best in the circumstances in which we are ])laced. Last August we were stirred up from the usual quiet routiiu^ of I'arish life, by a visit from our res|)eeted and beloved Bishop. I caji- not express how cindered and cncouraa'ed we were by his stay for a few da\s with us. tSixty-eight candidates wre conllrmod, many of them middle aged, some quite elderly. On ' ailult was also baptiz;'d by tin* Bisho!) and conlirmcil at the same service. .}dost, thou^'h not all, of the newly conlirmed have since become communicaiits. In 1h(^ eai'iy p;!rt of the year, alter a long illness, tlic Bcv. Cleo, Miljic, I'd.A . died; lie had lived for forty years in tlie Parish, and was for the greater part of tiietime Incumbent. His age was eighty-oni\ •^ I have also the sad duty r,l' record! )).!.>• the d-'ath of J3anirl b'isson, E^q., 3ilerchant. ol Pasp('))iae, a cctiisistent m»nu])er of th(^ ('hure.'i, a liberal contributor to her funds, ever cha- ritable to the poor, he is deeply regretted by all meml)ers of ih^' communiiy. Over 500 j)eople attended his fancnil. maisy of iliem Ivoman Catholics, .l^ong shall ^vo miss him. AVe have been visit* 1 towards tlie clos»' of (he yar willi an epidemic of scarlet fever. Many have died alter only a, few days illness. ]\[y own family were all dowji with il, causing a susijension of services ibr three Sundays, l)ut 1 am thaidvl'ul to say we were all spared. It is still spread- ing, and scarcely a week passes without a death or two. lie is a )i 79 I am happy to report a steadily increasing number of communicants. On Easter day we iiad 100, the hirgest number on record. My register shows : — Marriages 6, baptims 3G, deaths 20. New Carlisle. Paspebiac. Total. Assessment lor Board S 37 75 $nOi! oO .$340 25 IVw Kent 108 72 100 40 200 12 Ollertory : ordinary «S: special.. 55 07 74 72 130 30 Entertainment 13 04 13 04 AVood, cv'c, for Clergyman 30 00 (ilebe Kent 1^3 00 35 00 Total i3;202 14 .$525 00 $757 80 rOKTNEUF. The Kev. It. Colston reports :— Sunday services have been kept up \\ithout iiitermission ])oth in Christ's Church, Ilaleshoro, and in the \ illago tSchool House. It is with thank i' tliat I am al)le to report a slight increase in the avei'age attendance at Christ's Churcli. TJu' number of the villau'e congregation has remained about the same. Special services have been lu'ld in l)oth ])laces dtiiiiig the holy seasons- oC Lent and Advent wiih increased congregations. During Holy Week daily servi't.'s were hehl, in the morning at Ciirist's Churcli and in tlie evening at tlu^ Village School House. Theije were iairly well atten 8!t ^800 I -t SANDY BEACH. The Rev. iJr. Ker writes : — No disasters or misfortuni^s, sueli as have visited so mnny loealilies on this continent, have lallen upon us ; and thouuh poor in worldly g'oods, we rojoiec in the inestimable blessinij^s of health and peoce; and if 1 cannot add plenty, yet I trust that there will be a sulliciency to supj^ly th ' lu^cessaries of Hie, so that tliere will be no physical sullerinii' amona'st us, such as I j'ear will i'all heavily u^jon some oF the inhal>itants of this coast, unless that aid h(\ sent by the Goverimient and the wealthy. The cause oi' the poverty to be round amon-r.-t us is the I'ailure of all the lisheries which have hitlierto been the sui)i)orl and maintenance of the peoi^l' of Gaspe. These failing-, as they have done, there is lit'Tally nothina' to Tall back upon to sustain tlif l)eopl(>. Were they skilled a<4Ticulturists, they miprht slill live by the ])rodiLct.> ol' the soil, but thev are not ; all Iheii' eiiergies and la])()ur have been devoted to the development and *»xt,ension oi' the lisheries, and this source haviuij^ dried Uj"), they wxo n(nirly helpless. Farms, in th(» usual acceptance oi' the term, tliey hav( none; a i'ew acres in tillage, to i'urnish tl'.em with vegetables and hay, are all that they possess; and these patches of improved land they call — not farms, but gardens. Were they at once to abandon the sea, and turn to the land, years must pass before fields conld be won, by arduous and incessant toil, from the forest. In the meantime, there is nothing on which they can support Rl liA'. Vv'iy many oC llir youua' men — the bone and sinexT of tlie loud — struck almost \vith despair at the prospects before lii.'m, h:ive left the place, and are seeking- the means oi' living' in more favoured and prosperous localities. IT these ])lone(Mvs re]>ort lavourably ol' the change, so many more will lollowthat tlie coast will be greatly depopulated. I mon'don Ih'.' e Facts to the P.oard to account Ibr the failure of the r^lis^-);! in the i)nyment of the nssessmcnt. I must, lio\Vv>ver, ]t ir wit:ie'-;s to their willingness to meet the rcquireuiMiis ol'ih'' i'ou'l, e.ud to ]>ay for t!ie maintenance of the mini.-l .alioiis of the ChurcJi amongst them. The Mission is divi^Ied into di.'^tricts. and collectors appointed to eneli, Vvho mnke montlily visits, and gather in all that is imssibh- lVoi:i t!ie members. These collectors, mostly Indies, ha\o spared neithiM' lime nor labour in working iheir disiri'ls; all that the nmst self-denying X(>al c:\u accomplish., tli^y ]> rlurmed. ^Surely they will have tln.'ir reward. Leaving lliis lau'rK'd wcl) ol' Jinrineial diliictilties, 1 turn lo a more congenial subject. ^I()?'ally and spiritually, the S;uuly j'cach congTcgations are growing in \visdoni and gruce. I'ew ]> 'o})l(^ ;ive more attentive^ to the means of iuijirovement, tlie ministry of the word and sacraments heiiiu' well ,ind fully attiMided. This summer we were (•heir(>d by a, visit from otir IJishop on his eonlirmntion lour, and ;i, rl",ss of tvv'enly-two most interesting youths and iuai(nMis v/ere ju'cscnlcd lo n^ceive that most importnnt rite, 111! of vs-'.iom, wiliJ but two (\M<','ptions, came to the 'abl(> of the l^ord on the iollowing Sunday. Ihtrinir 1 he greater part of lest year, I \va.> obliged, through ill !i(>alih, t') coaiinc my la.botirs lo the Sandy JJeach (ongre^-al ion proper. Thank (rod such a state of w"eakness has passi'd, and 1 a'.ii now able for all ordinary clerical duly, and hoiM' lo redeem ])ad iina\oidal>le lack of service hy redoubled diligence. A slate of poverty tells against the contributions to the Church Society, as W'oU ay against the assessment. They amount in all to !5i22d.22. My regisler shows 10 bai>tisias. b') burials, and 4 marriages. 'jt'i 82 SIIIGa-^.VAKE and rORT DANIEL. The llcv. C. D. Erowii reports :-- Sunday services in the three (,hurchos of the Mis&ion have been rcu'uhirly oiirv;::.! on ; and in the churches at Shig'awake and Port ' • i-'i, .di ^o^tivals and Holy-Days have been observed ; a .x J.)n. t-xira services each week durini^ Lent, These hav ■ bL.i. well attended throughout the ]\Lission, and much at> ntioii ;iii(i reverence have been maniiested. I conlidently believe that some spiritual im- provement has l)een made. Three Sunday Sciiools v\'ere in cxislance and in good working condition upon my entrance into the Mission, these have been successfully continued und(»r the manao-o- ment of their respective sujierinteudcnts. That at iShiga- wake is conducted by ]\[r. "Wni. Skene, jr , assisted by an able stall" of teachers. The attendance is large, and it may 3'et be increased. At I'ort Daniel the school is not so larg?? as in the former place. The Superintendent is Mr. "Wil- liam McDonald, assisted by able teachers. Here, also, the attendirice can be increased. This school experienced a a great loss, last summer, in the departurt^ lo another sphere of action oi o]ie of its ablest teachers— Miss Gadd — who for five years lielprd on ihu work, and acted as orgoiust in the church. The Sunday School at L"Aiice-au-Gaseon is the smallest of the three, but is in good condition, under the careful manan-ement ol Miss Aeleson nnd other toachcrs. These Sunday Schools have been in operation lor a number of^, and are conducted with much (>arnes(ness; and con- sequently much crood is done by them. I was aide to judii'e of this when conducr'ng the Confirmation classes. I take this op[Hjriunity of i'X|»ressing my warm thanks to the su]>crintendents and I'.^acliers of the Sunday Schools for ihrir help. We have had, during this time, in coniux-iion with the Sunday Sciiools, /i'//r very jtleasant /iif-t/ics, and three vcn-y sucoessl'ul '"Christmas Tree's," which all'orded great i)leasure to the cliildrcn. 1 owe many thanks to my parishioners for Iheir valuiibk- and useful gifts to myself at "the Trees"; / % 83 and ftl.*o, lor iriU(;li substaiilial kiiidiu'ss extended to me duriiiL;' my sqjouni lunoiigst them. All event ol' f^ivat interest to all concerned was tl\e ad- vent of hl< Lordship the Bishop, upon his trienniel visita- tion, i'or the j)m'pose of Coniirraation and Ordination. FiUy-tliToe carelully prepared candidates renewed their btiptjsmal vow. An event oC (»xtr;!ordi]iary inlere^^t to myself was my own adxaiK'emem to ihe sacred order of priesthood, on the 2od slate of rei>air, and is now oecu]ned by the Missionary. A irrcat improvement Wiis made in St. Paul's Church, tShiga- uiike, duiing the summer, by its l>eing entirely repainted, and otlier repairs done. I hope to see it tilled up witli ne\r seats during tins winter. Some little work was done to St. James' Church. Port Daniel, and also to the Church at L'Ance-au-Gascon. shortly hefore thi' Bishop's visitation. The Diocesan Synod saw fit, at its last session, to increase* its asseiv, /ends T Blayiock find Dr. lioe, for kind help received (in I'Vg the past year, Jif 84 SL Janieif. V Anse-au-Ga'^con. $100 00 G 60 2 00 17 74 2 06 $25 GO The folio win£^ nmonnts for Church purposes hare been received during the year : — St. Paifrs. Assessments AlOO 00 Church Soci<'ty 4 85 Foreign and Domestic ]\Ii: services at Christ Church, fStansti-ad, remain unchanged. At Bt'cbe Plain, a weekly Sunday afternoon service has been maintained ihrouuhout tlie year. Our etlbrts in tlie latter i)la:" have, at length, been rewarded with tlie first fruits of success. A regular congrcg-ation, not large l)ut in- terested, now worships in its own, frt^e-scated Church, M"liere live years ag-o it was not an easy matter for the Church ol England to obtain a hearing. On All kSaints Day we had ihe unspeakable phnisure of witnessing the consecration of th(> Church. On thi^ evening ot the same day (All Saints) the Bisliop coniirmed 6 persons in Christ (.'hurch, Stanstead. We have, on the whol(\ much cause for fervent gratitude to Almighty (Jtod. .Still how much is hd't us to strive and pray for ! The one great discouragement that 1 meet with conti- nually, is religious indilference, having in duo course its fruit, neglect of Church-going. 85 The one threat hope that I set before myself at the begin- ning of each new year is, in .sonio measure, by God's help, to overcome this sin. I have once more to aeknowlecliye with thankfulness the zeal of our olhce-bearers for the year past, and I will add for the unmeasured kindness of our people towards myself and family. The various agencies of the Church, such as Sunday Schools, Day School and Guild, have been in successful operation as usual throughout the year. My regist(n* shows the following record : — Baptisms 15, burials 5, Sf (instead. Diocesan Bonrd >;400 00 Beebe Plain Church Parsonage Fund 282 7t) Church Expenses (31 00 Church Society 40 55 Bishop's College 8 50 Orffan Beebe Plain . Total. $400 00 5 02 00 5G2 00 282 7(3 Gl 00 5 75 1 57 55 00 55 30 10 07 55 00 ■^r:\ ■\n Total $751 81 b(324 32 $1370 13 m STOXEIIAM AND LAKE BEAUPORT. Kev. J. B. Debbagf reports : During the first part of this year, thinus wer(^, decidedly improving in this jNIission. At the (^mi of last year, the Lake Beuuitori p(M)[>le chnired a road for nn' r>ver the hills which separate Sloiu'ham lVoi/» that place. This Avas don« to enal>le me io hold ser\ ices there every Sunday during the Winter, Tln^ ])lan j)ioved a success. By this same means, I was enabled to ^ive services every Sunday in Stoneham also. AVilh more frequent services, I had larger congregalioiis. The linancial {yeounts sho\> that there has been raised in the ^lission durif/^ the past year nearly double the amount of the previous one. Wo had two Socials in the Parsonage last Winter. We tried one and found it so successful, that we determined to try a BL'Cond. At th(i second wa realized more than doubly what i&^'^SJSSh^ii!;- 86 we did a+ the fir;it. The object w is lo noHxe I'uuds lor putting a new fence around the graveyard in Stmieham. This work has been accomplished, loqvllu'r wiih otht'r im- prove iients about the Cliunh. In Jjake Beauport, we have sulli'ied a liVfat lo.-.-. in ili,.' departure of the E,ev. Mr. Yial and limiilv. llui. l)^lo!(' they left, myself and the Church A\'ardon>. ii:id iho [>lt';i.suiv of presenting ti watch and chain io Miss Vial, from the members of the congregation, l)oth visitors and resident.. in recognition of he^* services as Onr;'.ni>i and .SiiiKiay School teacher. I 'iill receive from Mr. DiMiis Vin!, now l.ncher ol' rlic Day School, kindness and hospitaliry every Siuubiy « '^o to Lake l^eauport. This is ") be my last repoi't lor this rdissi'i'). To iiici't in'osent exigencies, it is lo ])o broken up. Sloiifjiriij is Io be united to ValcJirtier, and Lake IJeauporl is to have sudi services i Durinr^ ■■ ■ ' ■ The io., . • ^ during the yeav : Siu/i/jhiiM. Assessment to Dio- cesan Board s; 77 QO New fence of grave- yard 08 00 Other improvements G 05 Cfeneral expeiisesjn- surance, 6cc o 7') Special Collections., , 1 97 n to it. I :im 10 go elsewhere. 1 ve had 7 baptisins :iiid 4 lairials. . amounts raised in tii" Mis'-i Total $159 G7 Total for both places Lake IJ> l/i/KJl t. Assessment lo I>io- cesan Board.. s :;S 50 S[)ecial Collect i- )iis... r> .10 Presentation to Miss Vial -21 1:5 General expt. nsi's, Synod, icc... 14 50 Total t« 79 05 mg , s,: ■1,) ST. SYLVESTER. The Rev. W, King reports : — During the past year my accusiomed rules for \ isiting the different parts of my extensive^ Mission have bei'ii e;ir- ried out as far as iiossible. ,#*v?- 87 111 From head-quarters at St. Sylvester, iire reached Si. Giles, St. Thomas, St. Patrick, St. iMaroaret, St. Ca'iharine, and New Armagh, lor services, catechisiiig and house-to-house visitation as Irequeully as is practicable. After tin interval of every six. weeks, about two succeeding- weeks are usually spent in the Chaudierc and neig])ouring districts, compris- ing Scott's Junction. St. Joseph, St. Francis, St. CJeorge, Jersey, Cumberland oMills and tht^ Kcnnelx'c Ivoad. As a rule no Sunday passes withoirt two (aiul more often three) services beini; held in one or inoi\) of the above ])laces, including a elebration of Holy (Jomnauiion at appointed times. Neither ])ad roads nor nni'avour:ii)le weather are allowed very often to interrupt the ordinary round of duties in the ^Mission. I still give, as I have b.'cn v.ont to do, what liltli; over- sight I can to the schools here and there. The attendance at Church has improved in St. Giles. In Cumberland Mills (the seigniory of the late worthy Mr. and Mrs, Ilarbottle, who built the Church,) the attendance has much increased during the yivir, owing to the prcst-nce of many connected with gold mining operations in that vicinity ; and the services have been hearty and encour- aging. Great indillerence, however, exists there in school matters, and my best eli'orls for a long time past in this connection have not been well seconded or rewarded. Much of the diliiculty ortlanger which used to occur al. times heretofore in crossing the Chaudicrt; Ivi ver to St George, is now done away by the late erection of a good bridge. jNot long ago, in attempting to ford the river as usual, I was all but carried into fatally deep water l^y the force of tlie cur- rent. My waggon was lilled with water, and the horse almost taken oil" his feet, and 1 can ascribe my escape from imminent peril on tliis occasion, as indeed under many other dangerous circumstances, only to the special care of a Divine and gracious guardian. 1 was th(3 more impressed by my deliverance, and 1 trust tiie more truly thankful for it f '1111 the fact that when the same vehicle in which I had I rescued was bein<>- brouidit to the door of the manor- iiouse, next morning, one of its wheels fell to pieces from the all but collapsin;>- strain it had received the previous day, ■H- f ■■■ti:: m m . fM- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I |50 "^^ ■■■ 1*0 IIIII2.0 1.25 i 1.4 1.6 Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WIST MAtN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 # •^v <> c^ V % L<9 88 Setting out, however, in a borrow>jd cart. I had another narrow escape belbre that day wa;i over, havint^ boon thrown out oi" it on my way. owiiii;,' to thf .stumblinir ol' my, without being- at all hurt, liowovi'v, 1 am Ihunkkd to say. My ministrations liavo not been called lor laU>ly .so much as usual on the Kennebec Koad inasmuch ;is the i're.sby- terians, who have always been the mnjority of the Prot^.s- tants there, have a minister residinc^- auiong'st llu-m, and have been looking to our lew isolated i)eople in their midst to help to build a place of worship, and to help -dh-.o (as I understand,) to maintain their services. Other things being equal, I .suppose the generil tendency of the majority of a dillerent race and creed is to iiun-e:ise and of the minority of a dillerent race and creed to diminisli ; no in common with many of my breilu'ru of the ('iergy, i have to deplore the decinuitiou of my lililo ilocks here and there (except as I have indicated at ('uraberlaiid ^\liil>), by emigration to more attractive locnliti.-s in th(> J"^;i,,teru Townships or elsewhere. I continue to receive, as happily li.-i- b.'.'U r.;y lol fur so many years past, every possible kiiulue.^.s nnl atlfulioii in th(» many hospitable houses, aiul to me temjiorary h.)Uh\s, which receive me from time to time throughout tlu' length and breadth of my mission. Of such unwearied ailiMition 1 shall never be able to shew my full iippr<>ciati()n, and c:>ii but pray that all my kind IViends may bi' divinely n-wnrd- ed, and proportionately to tho.s(^. who giv ' •• ;i c.ip of ''old water oidy in tln^ name of a disciple." iige v.VLC.-viiTir.r:. The Rev. Dr. Riopel reports : — The Church has l)eon progressing vi ly favcrably this last year, there seems to ])e a grov»'inu' a})preciatio;i of Church ministration. There has Ixmmi an increas(; in tli(» nnnd)er of communicants and a, larger attendance at l)ivin(> Service. The asses.sment has been promi)lly paid. 1 havt; b 'iii pre- sented l)y my parishioners with several palj)uble toki'us of of 8d o'ood-will. The disaiiocted from tho d(jfuuct 8t. CathoriiiQ coiiq,ro<3^ation have gradually dropped into Christ's Church Hock. Thouy'h some moro ol" our pooi)lo ]iavc been emi- li'ratin;^, yet thost; remaining are supplying the doiiciencie.s caused by^ departed. We thank God that we are enabled, in spile of poverty and emigration, not only to keep our own, but to make our march steadily and surely progn'ssive. Sums collected : — Assessment, $100 ; Sunday Collections, $i2'J; Insurance. 6ilO ; Interment Fund, $:J. Total, ^'lO^i. WEST rUAMPTOiV Mil) CKANCOUKVK. Iiev. J. S. Sykes reports : — The year Just passed has bern i^n unevenll'ul one in this Mission. We have been going on in a steady, (|uiet way. The services have been regularly kept up and v. <'ll attend- ed ; there is, 1 am liai)i)y lo say, no tailing oli'i)i this par- ticular; our average attendance is eighty-il\e ; the largest iHunber of comnuuiicants was iil'ty-nine, the smallest, on a 8ni!d;iy with very l)ad weather and roads, thirty-two. The only break in the Sunday services, was during my al.lend- ance at the INlission conducted l>y Canon Wiiberlorce. During Lent, as usual, wo had services on AVednesday evenings, the att(mdan(!e being c(|ual to that on Sunda}^s. Sunday School and Bible Class have been I'airly attended. The iu)rth sich; and east end of our Church hav*:* ))een newly shingled, and a dairy has been built at the Parson- iige, and $4 received from Mrs. \Vm. I'o/er towards paying oil" the I'arsonage debt. The increased assessment has bei^n cheiMTully ]-)romi8ed, but time will tell whether it is easy lo collect and i)ay it. The Church Wardens have always done their duty in this mailer in the past, and in many other wayt^, too numerous to nu^ntion, have always eiu'ouraged and helped me in Ihe work of the Church. Our best thanks are due lo Mrs. AVilliams, lor Wm gener- ous gift of a large jiarcel of new woollen clothing, to bu jfiven to the needy. * K'<1 . ^4. . ^ii' X p 90 I have to thank my neighbor, the Rev. Felix Boyle, for taking my services during my visit to the Mission of St. Sylvester, on business connected with the Diocesan Board. Gifts of all sorts have been brought to the Parsonage ; all welcome as tokens of kindness and good-will, some showing that the heart was determined to win the day over the ability. All calls for help have been responded to, and, in addition to our usual number of .special collections, we sent the sum of S6 to the Rev. INIr. Maynard, for the Mission at Herring Cove, Diocese of Nova Scotia. I believe that if any Mission in the Diocese can be relied upon to do according to its ability in the duty of giving, it is the Mission of West Frampton and Cranbourne, and I think I am warranted in believing that a large number of communicants, and a liberal and cheerful almsgiving, ar<( signs of spiritual life and growth. But, alas ! we are too poor to help ouraelveK. If some wealthy cliurchman would like this to be explained, let him come and see our shabby and laded altar cloths, and the hangings on our pulpits and reading-desks. Baptisms, 9 ; marriages, 2 ; burial, 1. Assessment, $150 ; Church Society, $21.57 ;'s College, $2.92; Col. and C. C. Society, $3.19 ; Easter offering, $4.39 ; Foreign and Domestic Missions, $4.3*J ; Other purposes, $41. 'Total, $227.40. for >1' St. oard. iige; .some day 'd to, tions, the an! »1 The fttUowing repnrti have been rectived from cfergfjmen not connected with the Diocesan Board. JJISIIOP'S COLTiKllE, LENNOXVILIiE. The Kov. Dr. Lobh;y, Principal, reports: — During a portion of tlic yoar which has passed since I sont in a report to tlie Association, the religious work of the College, as well as its other work, had to be carried on under somewhat disadvantageous circumstances. A renew- ed outbreak of fever led to our sending the students out of College, and shutting up the College Chapel. The servic(!s wore held regularly at the usual times in St. George's Church, which .v'as placed at our disposal very kindly, bv the Rector and Church Wardens, the only departure from our ordinary custom, being that a fortnightly celebration of the Holy Communion in the early morning, was sul)- stituted lor a weekly one. The disadvantage consisted in our being scatten;d at some distance from the centre of worshi]), instead of being close at hand, as we are in Col- lege. Our love, too, for our Chapel, made us all very glad to come back to it, when in May, it was considered sale to use the College again. We have now our usual daily services in Chapel, full choral on all festival and other events, with an earlj?^ cele- bration of the Holy Communion on Sundays and Saints' Days. The services are hearty and reverent, and I cannot but feel sure that they constitute a real means of grace to many of us. Last December, we had 22 resident students and 7 non- resident. We have now the same number of residents, l)ut only 5 non-residents. Sixteen of our students are candidates for Holy Orders. Our Missionary Union is still in full working order, though, during our dispersion in the early part of the year, its operations were, to a certain extent, suspended. The same cause has led to a considerable diminution in the amount of our olfertories, in fact, for four months we had no Sunday evening olfertories at all to call our own. The amount of our offertories from Dec. 1, 1880, to Dec. 1, 1881, ^ ff 1 I-- ■Ji- ' 92 is 8') t 5o, distribnt'.Hl as follows : — Exponsos oi" Chapol, $10.80 ; Chapi'l Buildinu: Fund, sO.OO ; Foreign :Missions, $21.07 ; iJiocesun Mi.>;sion Fund, $.').00 ; Pension Fund, $2.08. Besides the above, our Missionary Union sent to th.' S. P. Ct., for tho])le had begun to i)ay regularly, though not without a gO(jd deal of prc-^surt; and looking al'tt'r, $40 a year, their quota o'" the suni expench'd for horse hire. I was very sorry to be obliged to devolvi^ the burden of this large and i)aportant station — imperatively needinu' as it does much pastoral care — once more upon IMr. Chapman, whose hands were already I'ull. Indeed we had hoped that Asrvices as Church "Warden on tile part of ^Ir. Anson Endmry, and of much kiiubn^s.s and hospit;>lity from many, especially from ^Ir. W. Chester and Mr. Thomas Staples. Down to the midsummer vacation, Ascot Corner was served regularly every Sunday. Since then, I have been y.vir, fl3 compelled to take the entire charge of it into my own hands, and hav llv b( ibl( this stati ;onscqnc only a Ibrtniglitly service, any altornato tSunday ])oing devoted to Sandhill. Tlie prospects of this station at the beginnino: of the year were? very bright, but it has shared in the blight which iell npon AVestbury. In January last, the Kev. Isaac Thompson held a most succes:4ul ^Mission there, and moved the hearts of the whole neio-hbonrhood marvellously. Tlie immediate results were the baptism of twelve adults, besides a family of iiv(^ children ; and (lie conlirmation of lifteen, all adults. Of Jie lil'teen co;i!iruied, thirteen have since become communicants; making the number of communicants at Ascot Corner up to thirty-one There is a very hopeful aiul interestin'r Sunday School at Ascot Corner, Avhich I instruct for an hour bei'ore etich service. These two stations of Ascot Corner i^nd Westbury ought now to have a resident pastor. h]very week that this is delayed tln>y will suffer. It must bo remembered that two stations so distant as these are from Leimoxville, seven and fourteen miles respectively, all we can furnish from the College is Sunday services, with little or no pastoral care. JNIy ex))erience makes it clear to me thai, a Mission station can only be carried on to a certain j>oinl by missionary servicers; after that, if pastoral care be not furnished, tlie work begins to decline, li' thi.3 ground, so hardily won, is not to bo lost, a nvsident ]i;;slor must, withoutdi'lay, be stationed in charge of these tv/o tf;w]i^-]iii)s. The services at Sandhill have been kept U]) regularly every Sunday during the year, ]\Ir. Arthur .ludge i)iMng my eiiicient helper. Tin* rongreLi-alions have jjeen good, and the Sunday School v.'ell alten.ded. Tlie envelope, system is successl'ully working here to pvovi>b* luiuls jor horse hire and other expims(^s. The horse s'led has ])eon raised, and will be eompleted now in a iew days. Every- thing connected with this jSIission station is satisfactory. During tin; midsummer vacation, the Rev. .A. C. Scarth and Lt.-Col. Kippen, of Lennoxvillc, took the services alterjiately, Col. Kippen also most kindly giving his alternate Sunday to Ascot Corner. The station on Moulton Ilill is in charge of Mr. li it chic and Mr. W. AVorthington, two of our students. These *•??»/' r "M h l'{: lr» i|f ; f 94 gentlemen walk out every Sunday and conduct a Sunday School, concluding with a short service. Their zealous services arc much appreciated by the good people in tlit> neighbourhood. This little gathering of Church peopK' have during the year purchased a small harmonium lor their Sunday services. 1 visit this station about once a term, examine the Sunday Schools and address the people. CACOUNA. The Rev. Chas. Hamilton reports : — Oflertory at St. James' Church, Cacouna, during season of 1881. Church Society — Mission Fund, $559.65 ; Pension Fund, $71.68 ; General Furposes,. 8167.83. Total, $703.00. COMPTON. The Rev. G. II. Parker writes: — I have nothing of unusual interest to report. The ser- vices of the Church have been celebrated with the u.'^ual regularity throughout the year, I am just now making an ellbrt to C(>llect twelve hun- dred dollars, to pay oil" a debt on the Rectory property, and when this is done, we hope to have a new Church. Church Society, $79.50; Oilertorv, $;):35.48 ; Slipend, $800.00 ; Foreign Missions, $24.85; Bisliop's College, $8.(l0 ; Easter OlFertory, $14.00; Missionary Meetings, $65.00; Repairs to Parsonage, Synod and other eurrent expensef<, $150.00. Total, $1,476.78. LENNOXVILLE. The Rev. A. C. Scarth reports : — The following amounts have been raised for Church purposes in my Parish during the past year : Church So- ciety, $107.95; Bishop's College, $84.09; Domestic Mis- sions, $7.00 ; Wawanosh Home, from Missionary Union, 95 ,45 ; Foreign Missions, $10.33 ; Milby, $5.18 ; Bishop of Madagascar, from Missionary Union, $9.55 ; Irish Society, $5.00; McKay Institute, $11.85; General expenses, in- chiding Xmas offering for poor, $699.04. Total, $919.44, I have to notice the establishment of the Sustentation Fund, and the envelope system last Easter, which, so far, have succeeded far beyond our exi^ectation. The members of the Missionary Union have been able, owing to the generous assistance of kind friends in the Parish, to undertake the support of Hannah Grey, a little Indian girl, at the Wawanosh Home, Algoma. The Parish register shews : Marriages, 7 ; baptisms, 19 ; burials, 15. ■i LEVIS. The following statistical summary will speak for itself, and in a brief way : Services on Sundays, chief Festivals and F --^s, at 11 and 7 o'clock ; attendance, 15 to 100; shortened f- rvice, cate- chizing and. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, average, 37 ; on Thursdays, Bible Class service, reading or sermon and choir-practice, attendance small, but, all appointments being considered, it has been a little better than during the pre- vious year. Baptisms, 11; marriages, 2; burials, 5 ; S. S. scholars, 49; conlirmed, 18, of whom 5 were married persons, who had not been brought up in the; Church of England, yet gladly embraced the opportunity of being instructed upon the history and nature, of her scriptural ordinances and ministry, and of attaching themselves definitely to her ancient, national and comprehensive communion. Communicants, nominal, 102; actual at liaster and the Octave, 54, and on Xmas and New Year's days, 02 ; added, including the confirmed, 33 ; removed, 20, including 4 nominal and 10 actual ; dead, 2 ; ceased to communicate during the year, 7. Families, 50, almost invariably small ; individual members, 10; Festivals for the children, 2; Protestant Schools, 1 dissentient, under a male teacher, at Hadlow, and one private school, under two young ladies, at the opposite end of ihe Parish, both well attended. Ke- lit \ f»6 morod. parents and othev adult?*, 28 : children, 2.*^ ; in all 51. lioctiA'ivl, ]'>arents and other adults, '1?,; children, 0: and so 2i.> soul-, by way ol" suhstilntion. without rcckonino- tliose temporarily ahsent for the AVinter or present in the Summer. Con(ri])utioiis to outride ohjects, >;.')7.ST.. viz., to luiuls oi' Church t^'ociety, Domestic and Foreii^-n (Jews) Mis.sions, Bishop's (Jolleue, and to Diocesan Mission I'und. This last was collected by Mr. Tofl'ld. For all purposes, the total is less than last year's, Ity about s^loO, but in that year w<'r(^ included a considera])h^ su)u for, and also $1(J0 obtained lor the endowment fund, so that, in reality, the local aniiual contributions have somewhat increased over those oi'the former year, and, at Easter, the AVarden.-< reported the conureu'ation cnlirtdy Tree from d(d)t. The Church r-'c 'ivt^l some handsome ^-ifts, vi/., a pair of kneeling'-mats for the chancel, from Mrs. Williams, a Ilau;on from Mrs. Peebles, two alms-di.shes i'rom Mrs. DavcMiport, boolcs for the Sunday S'cliool Library, from Miss Annie Kami'l and Mr. ]']. ]Iolt, and an altar-cloth from ]\Ir. and Mrs. flallamore. '^flie Ivecior was g'enerously re- membered at Easter, throu^'htho oUerlory, and at Christ- mas, in many much Viilued g'ifts. (Jur presi.'iit waiits are : \l suri^ires, '1 selfdeediufj: coal stoves, 10 improvi' th'' heatinirarranu'ements of the Church ; and, above ail, a suitable building-, to be used as a Sunday School lumse, and possibly as a day school, and al.'-o for cntertainineui:-', lecturers, meetings and parochial ga'.ln-r- ings. Tlie I'und started in th(! ]))'evious year for this pur- pose, has been increased during the ]>ast year by only s^ilij, chieily because a claim, even more immediately pressiiii>\ had to be met in the repairs ol tlu; exterior of the Church, to the amount of ^'210. Iiuleed, about twenty loads of new stones had to be inserted in t/io walls, as sub- stitutes for those shattered l)y the weather. Here then is a hint lor readers v.ho may be interested in oreclinir any building of stone, to Sijcure the least perishable kind pos- sible. In order to augment the important Sunday School house fund during- tlm current year, the " willing w^orkers " of the l''arish are preparing for a Fancy Sale in the Spring, and any help in contributions in money, or materials, or work, wnll be thankfully received. 97 ITpon |]io wliolo, it is hoped that tlioro arc i^ood liToiiiids fonuucli ihankrul j^-ratiUfiUion, in ivgavd to the past y»'av's hi".' oi'lhc Parish. Tho services hnvc been hearty and reverential, thanks lavLivly lo o'lr l.iiid vohiiitary orj^anist and choir. The cona'reu'M lions are rert;iinly not so lai'U'e or so well sus- tnined as they sliould be, yet they liavc improved, il'it be hut little. Marki'd kindliness imd ibrbearance have led to moYo unitedly christian eliorts lor u'ood, aecordinn- as time luid oi>iv rtiuiil V havi* been ollered for their display. Church Soeietv, jsLkIO ; Foreiun and Domestic Missions, sM.oii ; Ollertorv, (bal. ol") s20:^,.27 ; ]>ishop"s Coll., ssU jU ; Other purposes, '^11-2 10 Total, 81,072.49. NEW LlVEllPOOL. Iitn'. F. A. Smith report.^ : — The services in the Sanctuary h:ivt' been held with the accustoraiMl ree-ulavity, ;ind attended iully as well as in ])i'evious y(>ars. To our list oi' communicants there have Ix'en add'd tlie naines oT some Uv'wly coniii'med ones, while, on tlie other hand, owinu' to their removal to other jiarts, we have lust ;i lew. 'J'h(» Sunday School has been ke[)t, I ;diould say, i'ullyup to the average mark, as rei>-ards attendance nnd pro'e oi'a well qualilied leianU^ teaeher, who holds a model school diploma, and the proii'ress ol' her i>upi!s alrciidy boars testimony to her zeal and diliu"'nce. On Trinity Sund;n', we wert^ once more privile.u'ed to have our estetnned Bishop amon'jst us. His Lordship held a conlirmation in Christ Church, whiMi seven caiuli- dales were presented ibr thi.' Holy rite. Our ladiv's have, as usual, been dilie-ent with their iieiidles, in aid oi' the rarsonay'e Fund, to which some considerable addition has bi^en made durins^ the year. The Incumbent Avas, at Christmas time, the ^-ratified recii)ient of sundry tok'ons of his people's kindness and good-will, ineludini;" a valuable overcoat, presented by the ladies ol' the coiigregation. U'^ 98 Baptisms, G ; Imrials, 4 ; stipond, ^:1S7 ; Church k^ocioty, $02.76; For.'io'ii {uul ])om('siii- Missions, si-']2.20 ; Bishop's Coll., -SI 0.48; Easter and Xiaa.s oHei'ini^'s to Incuiuht'iit, |;20.00 ; Ladies' Cniild, ^:oO ; Concert, >iiloy.01 ; other pur- poses, is27o.:jO. Total, >;1002.01. CrUOSSE ISLE CliailCII (QUAR.VNTIXE STATIOxX.) Church of St. John the Ei'anf^efisf, season of 1881. — OlFer- tories : G-eneral purposes (local) Ali».:J9; Missiou Fund, Church Society, y22.80. Total, iS42.1(). QUEBEC CITY — CATHEDRAL. The Ilev. G-. V. Ilousuiaii reports : — That the following amouuis have been raised for Church purposes duriiii^' the year: Church b'ociety, !j;l,7;l-"].S!'i ; pew rents, $4,844.83; OUertory, $2,500.;31 ; Synod, $40; Foreign Missio)is, !;i;48.8:] ; l}isho})'s Colleu'c, $.']5 ; other purposes, s::;,870.;>5. Total, s 1-5, 145. 8:). Total oU'ertory, includinu" special I'or Church Society, 13isho])'s College and Foreign Missions, $:3,21u.G8. QUEBEC— ST. MATTHEW S CHURCH. The Rev. Charles Hamilton reports : — The following amounts h;vve l)i\^n raised in my Parish, for Church purposes, during the year 1881 : Church Society, $1109.05 ; JJomeslic Mission,;. si4()!).58 ; Foreign Missions, $132; Shingwauk Home, .-sIK") ; JJisliop's ColU\ge, Lennox- ville, $122 ; National Schools, $40 ; support of the Church, $2,583.58 ; relief of the poor, $1,222.35. Total, $5,714.16. 09 QUEUEC— ST. Michael's. Tho llov. A. A, Von Illlaiul reports:— Thai the lollowing- amounts have boon raised for Church puvi)os.'s durini;' tho year 1881 : Church f^ocicty, isSI ().<)'< ; F()Vt'i:4'n nud DmiiPstic Missions, §(J().80 ; Bishop's Collcg-e, siiS IS; poor, x4,>.3i;; OUertory lor Clergyman, !;M>~-1-*; ordinar'yT (>xpi»nses of Churcli, $^91.30 ; other purposes, 6iO. Total, !i^ii,lU.Ul. ({UEBEC— ST. PAUL'S. The Ucv. T. Uichardson reports : — Amounts eoliocted duriu'^^ ihey;ir J881 : Church So- ciely, s;G^.20; licctor's tStipend, ><'2SC}; Foreign and Domestic Missions, !iii2'2..')0 ; for rarsonage, i:^o\; other purposes, >U5G.l»."). Total, §507. 75. QUEBEC— ST. TETERS CIIUIICII. The Rev. :\r. M. Fothergill reports :— Thai the long-standing debt upon the Parsonage has been paid olf, with tln^ exception of silUO. This has been mainly ellected through the kindness of friends in the United Slates and Montreal. The Hector desires to express his thanks to tlie Jlev. G. J. Magill, of Neu- porl, \l.\. ; the Jlishops of Incw York and ]Massachusi'its ; tho Kevds. Dr. ]V»tter of Grace Church, and Dr. Morgan, of St. Thimms Church, N.Y. ; ix'evds. Dr. Phipps Brooks, and Dr. CoJiverse, of Boston; jiev. Dr. tSulHvan, of Mon- treal ; and to very many no])le-hearted Churchmen amongst the Laity, \vho so generously aided in clearing olfthe mortgage; amongst the latter, tho liee^or cannot ferbear from mentioning I. E. Doying, Es(j., (formerly a parishioner of Danville) now of New York, Avho, with his family, lent every assistance possible. Mr Doying not only gave ^100 himself, but i)roctTred a great many other stibscriptions ■ i ■ 100 The ladies of the eoiif^rog-ation, with commou(la})le zeal, have raised, by haziar and iancy sale, some $700 towards the erection of a Sunday-school huilding', on the lot next the Church. The parish register shows : 25 confirmed. 20 baptisms, 4 marriages, and 11 burials. Financial statement. — Church Society, $83.87 ; F. and D. Missions, $18.05; Aug. mentation of Stipend, $254.29; By ba/oar for Sunday- school building, $000; Parsonage debt, $1480; Other I>urposes in parish, $704.50. Total, $3,200.77. QUEBEC— TRINITY CHURCH. (No report.) Ki' RICHMOND AND MELBOURNE. The Itov. I. M. Thompson reports : — That the following amounts have boon rnised, viz. : St. Ann's Church — Church Society, $148.07 ; Bishop's College, $13.40; Foreign and Domestic Missions, $157.90; in aid of St. John's Mission, $205 ; Clerofyman's stipend, $800; Xnias and Easter oiit-rinas, $232.09 ; Sunday School, $172.91 ; Parsonage Fund (Ladies Associaiion) $211.00 ; general offertory, $380; pariing present to Clergyman, $101.50; other purposes, $58.98. New London, $12 ; Boast School house, $5, being gifts to the Clergyman. Grand total, ^2,558.45. St. John's {Melbourne).— Tho Rev. I. I^I. Thompson re- ports : — St. Johiis Melhounio Church. Rid^e. 30 00 Assessment $ 150 00 Bal. of Ch. debt.. Easter Ollertory.. General " Church Society... Domestic Mis .... Bishop's College. Other purposes . . . $24'^00 Piockland. $70 00 Melbourne Quarry. $12 do 6 00 17 81 7 00 15 34 11 92 9 05 18 37 1 80 2 35 11 00 1 00 1 00 $ 239 88 $38 49 $92 57 .|12 00 101 ST. PETETS CHURCH.— SHERBROOKE. The Rev. Isaac Brock rop -vts : — During the months of August, Soptomber, October, and November, I carried out and completed a systematic visita- tion of the whole of this extensive parish. As one of the results of that visitation, 1 am able to furnish th(> following parochial statistics : — There are at least 217 families of the Church of Ell inland in this parish, (at least that number, for some may have been overlooked.) and there are 44 per- sons not counted in the above families, either individual members of the Church, in families belom^ing to other Christian bodies, or otheruise. Tin; total Church popu- lation in the parish, as far as I have been able to asc'ertain it, is 1,091, the number of communic;auts is 317. Out of the 217 families, 115 are eiiher seat-holders in iSt, Peter's Church, or provided with seals through their relatives and friends. Of the remaining !u2 families, at hnvst 4U, perhaps several more, M'ould be. ^villing to take sittings in ISt. Peter's Church, if they could get them. Of the 44 single persons not counted with above families, 18 have sittings of their own, or are provided for; of the remainder, about 10 would probably be glad to take sit tings, if they could get them. A bona-lide Free Church would solve all our diiliculties of Church accommodation, for some tii.^e to come ; but, as this is a blessing not desired by many in the parish, some other means will have to be devised to provide for those who are at present practically excluded from our Church. During the past few months, a Church Hall, attached to the Church, has been 1)uildiiig. It is intended tor our Sunday-school, week-day ser\ ices, and other Church pur- poses. It will sup[)ly a want we have luiig felt. It will be a handsome and lolty hall, Go leet by oo. AVehope to open our Sundny-sehool in it, on the lirst tSunday of the new year, January 1st, 1882. The usual services of the Church have been carried on by the Rector and myself during ihe past year. There have been 21) public celebrations of the Holy CoMiinunion, 32 baptisms, (1 of ailuks), 11 mtirriages, and 40 burials. ^:,.1P' *'* ■w 102 In (lie ihuuicial siuumary below, the col loci ioi;s ior Vnv Church ^lociety arc made up to Nov. 80, ] SSI ; llio olhor items, unless indicated by a date, ari^ taken iVom the [iiu-ii- cial statements submitted by the Church AVardens and my sell' to our Vestry, on last Jvister Monday. The o!ierint>' for Alu'oma and the N. A\'., includes u special donation oT $100 irom the Eev. C. P. lund. sent direct to Quebec. Churcii Society, $401. -"0 ; Foveisru and ])(nnestic a\Iissien.'-, §210; JJishop's Coll., Trinity Sunday, '81. $'j:j ; Mackay Institute, Jan., "81, $38.00 ; Envelopes (St. PtMer's Churchj, $1,805.30; Church expenses, (ollertory.) s300.8r, : Vrw rents, $718.40: Ollertory lor the ])oor. si 48.4.") ; S. S. and Parochial libraries, $48 ; Christmas, '80, and liiaster, "81, ollertorios, $182. Total raised in the parish, $3,002.02. THREE RIVERS— ST. .lA.MES CIIUKCII. The Ivev. J. H. Jenkins reports :— The following- amounts have been r;dscd in this Parish, for Church purposes, durinu' I he yi^ar 1881: IJeetor's salary, $800 ; Olferiory, $210 ; Churcli Society ;ind Ab^'onin, $65.25; Easter ollertory for Hector, $25.45: repairs to Church and Rectory, $175 ; Christ m...^ trex and prizes. $47.50; Christmas ollertory ibr poor. $12.50: Christmns gift to Kector, $56 ; other purposes, $100. Total, $1, I01.7O. n- nd 103 Conlrib/i/iona for Clinrrh P//r/)o^C!< ihwhghoitt ihc Diocese dining the year 1881. n;:, The IbllowiiiQ,' returns haT and are puldivhed in tlio Goe- the Lord Bishop. tjio hi r < 'ilij. V;\\\wi\\-.\\ Sl:!.M."> S.'! St. Miitllicws ."..7 11 |i; St. .MicluK'r.s 'J,!! I I ! St. I'liiil's .">iM Vs St. I'l'lcr'.-: ■"..•Ji';i 'iT T.'iiiity CliiiiK'l Ni' rr|io:t.;il SJI.Vi.". IIS Rin-'tl /Jiiiifri/ (ij - I'l' Lc(m|:( li;i> i»> Li'virt I.i>V:l I'l .Mini t Mil pi'fiici Nil ii'i'-i'i. .Vi'W I,iv('r|iiii(l i."''! "I I'ui-tiu'iii' ! '•; ■-■•■• IliviiTi'-iiii-l.ouji (riiha;)... TilT ill Stiilirllillll ."C liil'Ki' iH',lll|iorl. 'j:'* il'i Sl. Svlvi'Stcr I"" !"• Viili'urlicf -"^ "" Wr.-l l-'riuiii)li)ii '--7 H! Totiil S-.t:.i -n e been made l)y the Clergy, iety's Ivopovt, at the reqnesi oi' /.''■,■<.■■' Ihiiil' i-il iij St. /■'/■iiiic/y. .VciiUl \':iii' S -l-" •!- n'-liu|is ('olli'j^'.' ."il .").") ili-lli.ii's ( 'iillcji'i' .Mi'.--ii»lis....\o ITlio;!. n.irl'i nl mill I li'i'j't'o.'d :;irj I'll li. '1)111111(111 :uiil \\'inil.<(ir 'JS7 <)i) l;:iiv .N'l) ri'iiiirt. • 'nil I icilii!\,' 1.1.'-!| .'^;i ('iiiiijitiiii KlTi'i T.S < 'iiul\.rni,ii;iii!iilvill(' UW ;•() I>;iii.;\v. li AW' !t| DinlKiiii i.'j;::; :'l' Il.'iili'y l,(;."l I.-. KiiiL'.-i y Ii.'iil IS l.c;i.!n\vi;i,. :il!i II Mii.ii'ii;' mill (iriir':\'\ ill.' .'-;i 1 (i:> .^li'll'oiK'iii' aiiil Itirliiiiuinl... '_'.."' ■!.') St. .IiiIim'^ (.Mrlliiilii'iH') ;!.-^2 '.1-1: siii',-ii:ii( kc :!.;ii;l; o'J .'>^:;ui.--ti..iil 1, :'.:.; K! Tli:ro lilviT.f l.l!i| T 47 M:|.:ilal'.|l lsl;llii|> \o n'port. Maliiaii' -I l,") ;i.1 .New (",i:!i.;|i. ami I'asjirliiai' 'i".? SO Shiii-.iwakr -KU 07 Samly llraili ili\ 'J2 Total .s ;;,,"i|ii :).i Total I'mhii tlir |)ioi'|.,si'..S.'il>,0'"'^ '"*'■' m In 'a: wr' t ;<■ mi F- m 104 ANNUAL REPOliT Of TUK CLERGY TRUST COMMITTEE, IVcsciiteil to tlio Cliiirch Socioty, at the Annual ^^l•L■tiIlpr, l^it IV')rn,iry, I^S-J. The Clergy Trust Committee have nu'aiii the .satisractioii of reporting- the due receipt of the v>' hole of tlie Aniuiiil Ileveiiue arising from the investments. The following Debentures, maiuiing during tlie year, have been i>iud oil', viz. : — $2,000.00 County of Middlesex. 500.00 Town of Terth. $2,500.00 On Account of Clergy Trust Fund. The following investments have l)i.'(>n made duriiiu' the year, viz. : — $3,000 City of Stratford Debentures, 7 p.c., @ 8 p.c. Trem. 2,000 St. John $5,000 On Account of Clergy Trust Fund. $2,000 City of Stratford Debentures, 7 p.c. © 8 p.m. Trem. 1,000 " St. John " t> " " $3,000 On Account of Local Endowment Fund. In consequence of the death of the Ivev. AV. C. Mcrriclv, M.A., late Incuml)cnt ol Eiviere-du-Loup, vn liaul, tlio Bum of $310.32 has reverted to the Clei'gy Trust Fund. The 105 Tlic Committee has much pleasure in announcing" that the Eudowmont Fund of New Carlisle and Paspebiac has become available for revenue ; and also, the formation, dm'ing" the year, of two new Local Endov/ment Funds, viz., Itiviere-du-Loup, en has, and Danville. The wholo respectfully submitted. J. W., Quebec, Chairman. M. M. FOTIIEKGILL, Secretary, (A T. C. Quebec, January 23rd, 1S82. .hiw' ^i' I f .1. Dr. 1U6 THE CLERGY TRUST FUND IN r ,1 ;.. ; i ISSI — Dec. :3'. To Atiioiuit investoil, viz. : County of OxTurd $ cts. ICDOO (.10 I2(MM| (III S(;2,") 0(1 t'.'JSO 1)11 72iio 0(1 SOdO (10 (-i7(iO 00 (•..'.(Ml 00 j'lllO 01) .■i:;'.'2 00 ."00(1 (10 oOdll OH :::)oo 00 2i)()i» 00 L'(.ilO (III I TOO (^(1 IC 1)1.1 (10 UiOO 0(1 loon 00 8 cts. Govcrnniont of Cannda Montreal Ilarbur City of Montron' Citv of Ham il ton City uf Hamilton AVatcr AVurks 'I"i)«n of Bari'io , Town of Perth Towni^Itil) ol Tiny City of Slicrlirooke Town of Berlin City of Toronto. City ofStratfonl County of Perth Citv of St. Jolin Cour.ty of I\ent Countic.-' of Huron and 15i uce To Bfilaneo due Treai-urcr e^ii.'Mii .".0 1882— Jiiny. 1. $ 2r)( on Wo, tlio unilei'?ignod. liave I'.xainin'd tlio .iceountH find voueliers of the iihovc Fund, and havo also verified tlic .-^eeiirilii.'^. and f(iiiiid the whole eorreot. Quebec, Ifth January, 1.'-)S2, r ,, r I Auditors. J.wiKS 1' iTTo.v, Jr., j i\ 10' ACCOUNT WITH TEIl] TREASURER. Or q— J:i;iy. 1. Doc. :;i. l!^:-.l -,T:i;iy. I. !y Di;.Iiuu'c rruiii l;i:;i yc':ir.. InvostiiK'.i'.t.^ d iniiig tlic yc th Rkvknu;; Ac* dint. S cU. II. '12 11 ■.)!' (ifl (III Ct.'^. I'.v /'.'ilauRe llovoMiio for (l)'-' voiir Li:ss I'iii'l K. .Tdik'.--. ];^i(., Tro.T.^iircr of Didocsan Bdiinl, li.-ilf the | Kiiriiln.-' Ki^vciiuo for I.s,S(l....:-K,i)2 2(M All(nv;nii'o to .si.\ Cl<:rirviii(^n.... ?AU'i2 '2ii 1 1 1 ,) 1 ill) :? O'j?;: 4(1 Preiuiu-.n- on liivohiiciit.^ ifpii^st, Brink Cfi nil) (in t^ioii and ("(Ciiunil ch.'ivjro.s... 1: Allow:iiv'c (.0 Trp:isiircv .\uioni;t invc.'^tc'l iliiiin.c the !l) (lO lOI) (10 1 ■212 411 115711 :;(; oy ii;t) r.y I y i;Mi,ir.> liK Ti 1 1 o; 1115714 .'iO E. A (J. E. ^iucbcc 'list December, l^Sl. (ico. Vfasi:v, Trn.'i.'^aror. Clergy Tmst Fund. 108 W m\ t)r. THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUND 1881— Dec. r,l. To Invrstments on aooduut cf fyliowin^ KiiUownu'iit FiiiKjc, viz. : QUEBKC Cuil'iiL. City of Montranl.... Jjij ilamiUoii.... Do Slicrbrooke. Do Toronto Jluutrual Harbor.... TlIKKK I{ivj:i{S. Cily of naiullton Do .Moniroiil Do ;-^lic;rbn)'jke Town of Pertli bo Diirrio E>omiuion 5 ji.c. St(;cli. FjiAJU'Tliy. City of MniUroal Do .Sliurbrooke Do llii'Miltju Muiitru.'il Harbor Town (,f I'oith Duiuii.iou j ji.c. Stock. DllLilMO.MiVII.l.K. City of Sht'vbrodkc I)o Toronto .., Do iMoiitrcal Do f^tratford 1)0 St. ,robii .^i(lMtrcal llarlior Towm^bip of Tiny Domiuiou i) p.c. Stock. Nk'.v Cari.islk an;> 1'a.-;.'j.i;ia(;. Town-hip of Tiny City of -Mont.'-eal Do Toronto \)o Hamilton Town of i'airie Dt I'erlii , Dominion ;') )i.o. Stoi.'k. City of Stratford , ? Ct3, ?ii()n Oil 1 .ftO no 12110 00 DIUll (III 1000 (1!) iilfl 00 M70 Oil ."ilid 00 4011 (10 10(1 00 100 Ot If-OO 00 tioll (10 L'.iO 00 ;ji;i) 00 .(MO oil IliiO 00 1 1 no J 000 -400 100 loo .'.00 00 ."mO 00 no oo 00 00 00,' 00 00 1000 00 (;.")0 00 '100 00 400 00 ::oo 00 200 00 170 00 100 110 I ot«. f.OSO 00 ■!77.^ 00 •1950 00 4710 00 3520 00 IN :U' ^ ot«. 10 fiO 109 IN ACCOUNT W^fni THE TliEASUUER. Cr. QLKi'.::<' Ciiai'i:l. 1S>1— .Ian. I. |By r>iil;inec from Inst Aoi'omit Dli;. :;i. lS6l-Jaii. 1. Doc. ;;i Pec. ;;i. ISSI— .T:in. I. Doc. :;i Dc.\ :;i. 18SI-.T,in. I. Do;. :;i, liiiVunuo to (i:ilu. Li'ss. I'.iiJ I'.o'-ior of^t. raul's -J '_'i;'( v.U .■? clg 7021 01) ■llj DO $ cts. Ilootor of St. I'l'icr' lluctor ot'r>t. iM.ittliuv Tii!ii:k Rivni Vtf niiliince from I.nst Account., 1 l."i (1(1 1'.') (Ml lU'vcuuu to .lato. LK.S.S. Uy Amount pi-Jil Rector FUAMCTDN. Uy TJiihincn frniii \:\ft Account, licvoijiic to 00 lS81.-Jnn. 1. Doc. :jl. Lks.s. ]]y I'iii.l Rev. F. Eoyio ?, 100 on i'uul lluv. J. .S..Sykcs ll!0 "■ J)!U".(M()NI1VIM,F. ■IOC,,-, SI ;!07 .'io ^; i2;:\ M ro;-9 09 47?3 43 By li.iliinci> fi-Din l:ist Account, lIuVi'UllC to D,itc Le,'!S. Paid Rev. r. J. B. Alln.alt New and PAsi'tnur. Hy ■Rnlnnco from last Account Rcvouuc to iJato 200 00 •Ifiw S4 270 00 5 .19,JS 14 200 00 $ .3(2.'? 40 171 00 5 ■73 ;ii 4758 14 3602 49 (.- Hi u ■. ''■to' ~' '■ mi Dr. 110 THE LOCAL EiNDOWMENT FUND IN A ISSl-Dcc :'.i. Co.VTICi'OlC ANI> EAUrdKD. Cily rif .•\^.^truaI Do Mauiikori Do Stratioid l)(.i St. Ji'iin ^liinlre:il llailior Ttiwu of Perth Do Harrio Doniinion "> i>.c. Stock. C.M'i? C'lvn .\K(> Pi:i;(t:. City of .Munti-pal Do Tiiionto Do llairiilton Do Striitt'.trd Jio f^t. John Town of Harrio i)o Perth Doniinion 5 j) c. Stuck. St. Sylvi'stku. Towii.«hip of Tiny... City of jMonlri'al Do iiaiiiilioii Do .^^^iratfiirii Do St. John Town of Barrio Dominion 5 p.e. Stofl Cii.VKt.i'.-^fo.N Ki:rTOi;v. City of .Alor.troal Do liauiiUon Do .^ti-alford...... .. Town cf D.irrie Doniiniiju j li.e. .Stc-li Sandy Dhatu. City of ."-■hi>rhi-o(.ko Do Montreal Do ,'^;nitr..r.l .. Do l!:niMlto!i Ti.wn;'lii[> of Tiny ■• .. Uoniinion j p.e. .'-'loi-lc North In\ i;i:xr.s)<. City of Do Toron' 1 Do ]laiiiilton Do .'^triiitV.i'd Town of iSarric , Doniiiiiun 5 p.c. Stork $ et-. ] |l!l) 00 I!.".*) 00 J.'.ii (10 DM) 01) .'■io;i 01)1 .•'.no oo| lillll (lOj :;:i(i no l.';UH (Ml ■ll!l) OO 1!.".0 00 1(10 '.lO loo ('0 llOil (10 2(10 0(1 ;jn 00 1000 no 7..0 00 L'OO 00 IJO 00 100 00 200 00 210 1)0 Too iV.O loo 2.)0 ."■OO (100 -I (10 1(111 200 2 SO OOl (lOl 00 00 1 00. 00 ••? cts 1881— .■i2;;ii on 188 1- . 2.S'ja (lu ISsl- 2(;f;o 110 issi- 2:sii 00 KSSI- "2iiil (10 1881- I.SjO 00 Ill ^UXD I IN kCCQ\J^T.—ConUitiw'L Cr. ■? CU V2.jtl 00 -SA) UIJ JOOO 00 278ii 00 2L'llil 00 ISyO 00 ] SSI— Jan. 1. 1881-Jim. 1. Dec. ;;!. ISSl — Ian. 1. Dec. .il. Co.VII'ODK A.vri Baci-iiiiii. Cy Biilani'o IVoin Inst Account, liuvfiiui; to (lato Ca;'K Ciivk and Pkuci;, Uy rSalanito fivnn Iiif.t Acccnint llyvciiuo to (latu St. Svi,vi;i!Ti:K. By Bala'ioo from lai^t Account. licVviiuK' to iluty.., ISSI-Jan. i. Dec. 31 ISSI-.Tiin. I. Dec. :; 1S81— Jan. 1. Dee. o\. ClIAItl.KSlON RKCniliY. IJy Balance! (Vi m last Account. Ucvcnuu to liato .•^ANPY BliATIi. I'.y Ba'iMMi'c from last Account. Ui.'VCiiui' to date NoKTII Invkhnkss. By Balance from la.=t Account licvcnuu to date $ cts. ISS (HI 2751 C,\ ii;c. Oil ?! ct?. 3271 2;j 2.V2'.» It I IS (Id 1,j2 ;")U 2'J17 01 2077 14 'jr.'ti iiiii i:;j iHi 17S0 7,s 102 00 2:;25 00 1SS2 78 Mf ■• i all '■W Dr 112 THE LOCAL ENDOW MEXT FUND 1881— Doc. .".I. TOIMNKI F. !\Tiinfrp.i! Tl'ir^or, City of I. '.I I nil tun Tdun of PtTfl).... Doiiiini'in ,') ii.o ••tdi' (IaSI'i': r.A:Ji\. Cify of .Montri-'iii Do IfniTiilton Do Strnifnr.l To\viislii|) of T'iiiy Town (if Ii:iiriu ]>omiuiiiu j ]i.y. Stock. InEI.AND AND .'^OL'TII Ts VKUNKSS. City of Montroiil Do IlaiLiiltitn Town of Djirric Dominion .5 p.c. Block. CitiGiirAr. City of J\1'ontrp;iI ])o Toronf') Do HiMiiitiin Do .^tr.itfonl Town (,f Portli Do IJ.irrio Dominion p.c. Stook. Mai.haii: am> Point St. I^i::r:i;. City of .'^lif!rl)rookc Do llainilton Doniiniim 5 p.c. .Stock. iliSIS. City of ^rontiviii ]>o ll;nuilti!n Town of I'ortii Do l!;uTic , Dominion .) p.c. Stock. Nkw Livrnroiir,. City of Montreal Do IDiiniUon ])o Slicrlirooke Town of Bnrrio Dominiuu 5 p.c. Stock. •^ ct.--. I (100 ftii L'.'.d (Ml JilHI Oil ;;,■(! (io .Mill (in no 0(1 i".ii on .^(i.i on i.'')ii On :;i(i iUt S:ni on 2.') 11 on DHI 00 2'.H) on • 100 nil .|ilO (10 1 111 0,1 mo Oil L'llO 00 loo 0(1 i:!i) 00 Ci :!l 00 , I'.Xl (M' ■1 i It 0(1 i.-.o 00 L'/'.o 00 mo (111 lull 00 .'iO Oil .'■|"i(l 00 liio 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 •■:; cts. l.SMi 00 1S:!0 on 14 III (1(1 M;o CO IJC'J (iO ■jso on 950 00 ^ ets. I>:,ii 111) 113 'l-ND I IN ACCOUNT.— CoiituiueU. Or. 1S«I -Jill. 1. |s.^l-J;ni. I. Duo.:; I b^ I. Dec. :;l, s8l-.Tin,. I. Di'i-. ;;i. 1S~!— ,J;ni. 1. Doc, ;;i. l-I-.Iiin. 1. Duo. :; 1881— Jan. 1. Doo. ;.i. POUTXKUK. ]',y TiMliinco I'rDm lasl Aofnint " llo\oiiuu lu Jiitc (iASl'i'; B.VSI.N lly r.iihini'O frcni Inst Account.. •■ r>c\onuu to diito Ikki..\s!> ami . I I (■.2 I',: is.-, I 1.1 ij;;.! 17 i;;;ii iw; Ml "J(l 11^1 5:! 11'; i; :'.2' i;;:;o 2s '.iii; 18, '.>f. I 2fi C.l .".(I loiio t;,^ I02j 70 n\- rl 11 i3 H4 ^ Dr. lS8!-Ja2. 1. 114 THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUND LuoMrTON. City of Sherlirnoko.. Do IlaiMiltiiii Doiuiiiiou .') p.c. Stt Ki.N( City of Sliorbrooko llMiniiton Dominion J ii.o. Stock Li:Kns. Citv of Sherlirooko. ])o lliiinilton Dominion o jlc. Stock Ui'i-Ei; Dlhium and L'Avfxiu. City of Slicrbrookc. i)o Hamilton.... Ilominion 5 p.e. Stock. Acrox Valk. City of Sliorliiooko. Do St. John .... Do Strntfonl , Dominion 6 p.c. Stock DrnawKi.L. City of Sliorl>rooko. Do Stiatfonl Dominion 5 |i. c. Stock. Ascot and Wrsriiuny. Doiniiiion !'> p.c. Stock. City of Striitiuid SU.SI'KNSK j^CCOI.NT. (Awaitinc; ."ale of Bnrford Land,".) Dominion y p.c. Stock Mf.i.hol'uxk anu RicniioXD. Ci'y of Hamilton Waooq, City of tlftinilton $ cts. sno no' I'jO oil ISO 00 00 2.')0 on 2S0 00 53 cts. i2:;o ]l:lfl no r.oo on 2aO 00 280 (10 ■ -I ii:;o 00 000 00 2,i0 00 ISO 00 Ciiio on 200 00 100 00' 100 00 io:io on 000 no 100 00 170 00 (ivr 00 KMI 00 IflfiO 00 870 00 770 OO .111 00 •IIIO 00 400 00 3 cts. 115 IN AC'COU NT.—Coiilinucd. 18S1— !;iii. 1. Dec. 31 18SI— Jill). 1. Due. u 1 1 SSI— Jan. 1. Dec. iil. 1S8I— Jan. 1. Due. ;;i. ISSl-Jaii. 1. Dec. 31. ISM- -Jim. I. Dec. ;;i 1 SSI— J, in. 1. Dec. 31. ISSl-.Tan. 1. Dec. ;;i. ISSl-Jaii. I. Dee. :. 1. 18.>I-Jaii. I. Dee. 31. BliOMl'TOX. liy Ilaliincu IVoni last Account.. Kcvoiuio to (lato. Kl.MiSI.V. I!y Dalaiu'c fiorc last Account. ' Kevcniic til Jato Ijy ilalanee t'lniii in.-t Account.. '• Kovenuc to -'t amount " llevenuo to dUe UrrEii Dlkiiasi and I/Avkmu ] $ c t.'--. 12 !n 53 ■1.''^ 0(1: 1 21 ' 11.^7 21 j <;.-, ii;i ! 103,1 ;,H (iO (111; 1 ltiI9 21 :>^\ oir SiiC. 10, ■! t 5o; 705 71 33 50 3S!I M 17 Ot 1.50 (II' 21 7:; 450 00 21 -10 Cr $ cts. 12SS 1221 21 1222 2t 1()'.»5 5S lliR'.i 21 '.i|0 00 7;i'.i 21 ■iiifi ;;j ■17. •171 10 ;- ti 11 ■:^'f. '"#^r Dr. 116 THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUND 18S1— Dec. 31. Staxstkad. City of ll.iti;iltun Macpai.k.n Islands. City of llnniilton IlivK!:-!)! -Loup, ex Eas. $ cts. $ cts. 100 00 .1 100 00 City of Strafford. 1)0 at. John DaX\ ILI.K. City (f Sfriiiforil, 1)0 fct. Juliii, 2."»i) on 2110 0(1 To Balance ciiri'iocl 'Inwti. 2:.0 0(1 2(10 0(1 ji) 00 .|,")0 (10 .$r.L'i 12 ik; ■\Vo, tiio \in(l-rsi,^iKsl. Ii;iv,- oxMi'iini'il ilio Aivoiuii.-- iind Vniii'Iiors <'f tiic ii'mve ruiul, iuul liavo also verifidi the Si.'i'iiritit'U, iiud f'.iuid thf wii.ile curri'ct. K. .1. IlM.i:. 1 Quebec, Jan. l':, l>'iS2. J.SMl S I'Al ION, Jli.. j Auditor.-. Ti ND l')iiV(i 117 IN kCQOVNT.—Con fuNed. Or. 1881- -JilTl. 1. Dec ;;i. ^.■! 1S8I -.T;in 1. Lice.:il. By 18SI -JIa.v IS. t. I'.y it (( ti Due. :;i. • f IS^l- -M:iy 2S. it !'.V 1S82- -Jan. i. n> Stansteai). B.iL.iiec from Inst Aocoiirit., * cis. ? cts llevi iji.c to diito .Mai.!!Ai.i:.\ I^ ]!;'l.iiic() I'l'imlfi^t Account. Kcvfiiiio to tl:ite. ]iivi;;:-M--i.(iri', kn Das. Culloctioii in the .Mi>si 1-1 2 lU) $ O'JT tl() Oko. Vivmcy. ('Ic'nry Trust I'lind, ■?fi M I ■V -■ w ;i|: ~ D/ 118 THE BISIIOrRIC ENDOVv^MENT FU.ND li-yl—Jany. 1. Dec. ;;i. 1SS2— Jiiny. !. To BalanOi-' at debit ol' I'lCvi'niic Accouiif Amount invct-teJ, viz. : City of Kin;^!-ton City of Hamilton AVator Worki.: City of .Montreal Water Work.s City of Montreal City of Sherlirooke County of O.xford Town of Belleville Town of Perth Montreal Ilaibor Constituc (fSt. Giles City of Toronto Doiniuion Government "Seigniorial".. Dominion Govorniuent ."» )>. e. Stock... County of Perth Montreal Perniaj.ent Stock $ ct?. $ ots. 577 24 To JJalaniio duo Tri.'a'.uviM'.. I'.tKlC. ()7 i;;oiio ou IdOdO (lU SJUO (10 .'illOO 0(1 ;')0I)() 00 ,'jOOO 00 ,'■000 00 j ■JOOO (lO! I ."mIOO ojI 2100 00 2)110 on MllO (10 1000 00 ooii o'l 8Cil."2 (iS ;? sr,70'.i 1)2 ,•? 2:i(i S8 We, the undersigned, liavo oNamitu'iI tlio iH'oniints .'ind Nuuolier.'^ of the al.ovo Fund, and have veriliod the ^oeunlies', ami f .und the whole eorreet. Quebec, 17th January, 1SS2. ■I AMKS I'aTID.N, .J It.. ] , ,., K.J. llAU, U«M..r,. '■■) 119 IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER. Cr. ISSl— Jiiny. 1. Dee. .'1 1 . Uy Amniint at credit df the Fund Revenue of tlie ye;ir Allow.itico to tlie Lord Bisliop of C^ieboc o^^OOO 01) Biink Coniiiiis-loiis , Allowri!ipc to Tic.isuror. 0(1 UK) Oil IJ.-ilMri'c iliit; Trcji-uror K. A- 0. E. $ ots. $ cts. 8(i289 34 ;")28'J 70 1 JiOt; 00 18:5 70 ii Mi 17;; ot 236 8 |S 8070!) 92 Qiii'licc, "Ifit iV'jrinLpr, h-'^l. (Ji'o. Vkasky, TreiiPurer, lii!ilio|iiie EnduwiucDt Fund. .||A,,.t. HI "I ; kif Dr. 120 THE CrE^EPtAL FUND OF THE IN ACCOUNT WITH .Tnny. 1. Dec. ni. !? Cts. $ cts. si; 01 Foll(.\vin;.^ i^runt.s duriug the year. vi;:. : River \t 00 nro IS :!0o Oil :A) on ,"i :7 ;"'•'> ;;oO (ill mo 00 (ir;int to IMucation Coiiuiiitltc .■Special (irant to Fund fur educafion of t'.ic children of tiie ClcriTV .Salary of Treasurer's As-.-i.-tant To Balance i(5f,: o:', 1SS2. J any. J. $ 2 1 Oil Hi 1 $ ."1 III) i i AVe, t'to UDilursiiijncd, have cNutiilDcd tlic accounts and vou •!.! i\- of the ii'iiive I'lind, and found the same coiTi-tt. ,, , i Auiuti-r};. L. ,jLi)i.i:, ^ Qucljue, 21 til .January. I;-S2. "ih fl 121 DIOCESAN CHUlJOil SOCIETY THE TUEASUREII. Cr. Dec. .'j!. By C'ljlIeiUiMiM ;ind sub.'criptioii.x in (^uobce CollL'otiong an.'l sa'iF.;rii4.ioD? in llural Mi;'^Ion.? Balanoo nt croilit of the Xii'ulot lln.liAVir.cnt Fnnil, (:nniFi't'rri;il by oiiiur of tlic (Jonlfii.l iioiir. C. S. ■ m m ■■■■|T '§ 'I Dr. 122 THE NICOLET ENDOWMENT FUND IN ACCOUNT AVITII issi. Maj' '•'. To I'iiiil IIl'V. P. Larivir-rc tor .-^crvit't's iit 2siciik't, from ."('tli Jii;io to .'K'th ScjitL'iiibcr, iNSd Nov. 11. ?: years" Premium on Cluirfli, insuro 1 for !,(l(i0.iMi Dee. ."'1. PdRev. J.II. Jenkins 12 nnmtiij s-alary for ?crviees at N ieolet Paid Kev. J. II. Jenlclns 12 months ra'ary lor ,-crviee< at Artliabaska Balance transt'erreil to the "Gener.;l Fur.d" $ cts .,, ,,ti 10 1)11 1,"0 Ull jO 01) ',)i; 112 $;;!:; :,■: We, the unln'siicned, have oxaminel tiio Aecoiuit-j and Voueliera of the above Fund, itnd found the .-auie oorre ;t. A\'i:\t\voi:tii (J. Piixicv, 1 , ... Qu'^bec, 2lt.i Janunry, \>y2. C .juoci;, J Dr. THE WIDOWS' AND OIJPIIANS' FUND IN ACCOUNT AVITII 18SI. Dee. :; 1 to followini; annuities j.aid durin.t; llic \ Wittdw of late Rev. J. Simii.'tni •a", viz : $ ct-;. ;;;iO no "DD 01) 1.-.0 Of i:.o DO :;ii() CO ;;()() 00 ::, on $ CtH. \\'iilo\v of late Ilev. Pi. (i Ward V/iil'iw (jf lite Rev .1 Dal/icI .. .. Wliliiw (ifhitp Rev. J. Torriiiu'c Widow of lato llcv. J. S. Syke.s Wi low of late Rev. K. Short Widow of late Piuv. W. C. Merr'u'k .. AriKiiinf inve«f<''il Jiiriii"' the vciir 1. ■.:,'. 00 1047 87 IJnlanpc i:..-.7 10 ^HhO ofl We, the miili:rsi;?ned, li.ive o.sji'uiiiC'i toe A.'count.i and Vouelier.-: of the iihovo Fund and found the .same ourreet. W'kstwoiuh G. Pktkv, Quebcj, 21th January, 1SS2, U. Juuok, I Au ditors. m 12^ OF THE l)It)CESA.N CHURCH SOCIETY THE TKEASUUEU. Cr. L. A U. 1.. QlR'lJcr, ;il,-t DcCOI.ll.CT, issi. (jK(i. Vk>si;y, Tnia.sinor, D. C. S. OF THE DI()C]^:SAN CHURCH SOCIETY THE TJiEASURER. Cr. iJec. ;; Dy Ilahinec fiiiiii l:i."t yoiir Annual sub.-'?riiitioiis (if tlic CltMgv Cullectiona ami Fuli.-criiitions in Quclicc. Cijllocticins ami .^ubforiptinns in rural Missions Inltrest on lrivc>;tinontf liy IJalance. 1."] :.o 8',) SI 41 oy aiTl 02 $4180 UII 1567 19 !•;. A 0. V. Quebec, ;' 1st December, 1881. (Jho. Vi:as!ey, Treusnror, C. 1). S. II [i 124 D> THE ])EPOSIT()RY FUND OF THE IN ACCOluNT WITH m m Dec. •:.] To Remittal tlio Snnioly f"r Prnrnrti'i;; Cl'.ri; Kiiiiwiijdmo (liiriii;.; tlio y(.';ir, in iiiyiiii/iit of their various Piiljliuiitioiij Freight, iliit/, insiiniiii-e, ''>:'•., mi tiii; Bonks. Mi.-s W'ooJ, 12 moritlis Miliary Haliincc Wo, tlu' uiiilcrsi'.,'n('il. Irivo cx:\;nlr.tvl thn acciiiiiit.-^ and vouuhor.s of the iiljovu Fni,;!, iirid f 'Uud tlio ^A\nc corriM-t. \\'i-sT«-')inii (i. I'lirr.v. ) C. Ji'iKii:, ) Qucbce, 2 lib January, 1SS2. Auditors. Br. THE TENSION FUND of the DIOCESAN CHURCH l.SSI. Dim' r-;i. To Aiiiv'unt iiivostod uiirii)"' tiic \c'ir $ cts. I'.|J2 i:'. l^iilLince 2,'. 14 0.^ $ 4100 7.S We, tho undorsigtifiil, have examined the anoounts .'Uii.1 vouohcrs of the ;ibovu Fund, and found tlie same correct- Quebec, 2Uh January, 1882. C.JiDO.;, I Auditors. 125 DIOCESAN CIIITIWII SOCIETY THli: TREASUliEPt. Cr. ISSl. Jany. 1. Ty 1J;i1;imoc from I:ist jciir. $ cts. 20:5 j:. Doe. 31. riuccL'il.- of tJiU's of Lo()l..\. Tr:icl», A:c., tluiinij llie j-cur j ('■'ilJ 'T 18 5:'. Jiiiiy. 1. Iliy i):i|luc<: % 81';) 02 $ ■:.:>■:, 7s 11. .t 0. E. Gi;<». V.':asi;y, Truiisuror, L>. C. S. Qiiubee', :; 1st DccL'ir.bor, ii^sl. S0CI1':TY in account with the TKEASUKER. Cr. ISsl. j J.uiy. I. Py Ciliiiicc from !:ist y( July i;t Dec. ;n. 1S^2. Jimy. I. Don;: lion by Mis. i'lccs Gollc'Otion." uml gub.serij tioiLS in Quclicc Collections iuul Hulj.-cri|plii 11s iu Uiiral Mission, Intoicst on investments By r.abinci i> t ts. 1'.i.")2 13 1(1 (10 1103 .03 :;2u 92 lOtM) 20 $ 4 iiJC. 7S % 2>011 05 E. ct 0. E. Quebec, 3l3t December, 1881. (iix). Vkahky, Treasurer, D. C. S. 126 D>-. Tim MLS.SION FUND of tiik: J)I0CE:UN ClU'liCII Wo, tlio utiilor?i,t;iii;il, liiivo pxnmincil t'lO Aooniints and Vouelipr;' nf the altnvo Fund, aud found the s;une curroet. ^Vkntwoctii G. Pktuy, Quebec, 2;th Jim., 1-^2. C. Ji'D'JK, i Aiulitur.<. Dr THE SUSTENTATION FUND OF THE IN ACCOUNT WITH 1S8I Dec. 31. To Paid Edwin Jhwq^, Etq , Treasurer ^f lli'j Diop!'san Board.... $ cts. 1M70 no Wo, tlie under.sifrned, li.ivo examined tho Accounts and Vouchors of the above Fund, and found tho same correct. n 1 ,„ \ Auditori. C. JlDUE, J Quebec, 24th Jan., 1882. liiClI $ cts. 127 SOCIETY IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER. Cr. By Diinittii)n froni Mr.--. PIco.s Aiimiinf of i|itiiiiis in Rural Misfioiii? I'rocccil.s tif Mis. \Viiliums' Christtuiis Tree i> cts. 2.) 00 :>:,'.) til, 61.1 "I 111 I'O 52'j:)0 -IS i;. Si 0. E. Qiiobcc. .".1st Dec. 1>8I. fifjl). VKA.SKy, Treiifurrr, D. C. S. DIOCI'SAN CHURCH SOCIETY THE TllEAiSURKli. Cr. 1.^81. Doc. .01. Dy Inteics; on invc^Uiiehtf $ cts. 1370 (lO F. A 0. E. Quebec, 31st Dec, ISS'l. Gf.o. Veasey, Treasurer, ]>. C, S. ;>i i. n-^ 1 $>*■ ' *■■• r- k ■ ,,. t '■.I 1 '' ; , ■ 128 Dr THE EDUCATION FUND OF TJIK IN ACCOUNT WITH 1881. Bee. 31. To Or:intf to lolloping Schools duiing tho year, viz. Jl.irblctnn Sl.iiistiiitd AVuHt, Fr;i!ii;it'.'n llt'tiiison Eiist rriiiiii)l Cnj.o Covo No. 1 — C:i|.o ("'ovo No. 2.... C!!|ii,; Covo No. ;;.... St. Svlvcytor To Paid 15ov. M. M. F p. e. on $l,(li)ll, amount of donation to St. Michael's Church, by Rev. A. W. Mountain Balance .< , $ cts. f; cts. :;(i no Cm IS .•ir'6;!'J 18 Wo, tlie iindersi^^ned, Iiavo examined the aei-oiints and vouehers ol' the iibuvo Fund, and fouad the same correct. n I.., ,,. I Audit'jrs. Quebec, 2Uh January, 1S32. Dr. THE FUND FOR THE EDUCATION IN ACCOUNT AVITII 1881. Dec. 31, To Grants to the followin:; Cler,:,'ymon durinj^ the year, towards the education of their children, viz : Rev. M. M. Fotlicrgill (2 sous) . Kcv. A. J. Woolrycho Rev. F. A. Smith Rev. T S. Chupmiin , Ron. J. II. Jcniuns Rev. A. A. Von inland Rev. Wm. (1. Ly.^tcr Rev F. 13oyle Rev. \V. «. Vial. To Buluneo •S cts. $ cts. IIMI (lO lUci III* Ml (III SO liU ■10 (10 •III 00 ■ 10 00 :iO (III L' J (1 .llfl 00 2::> nil AVo, the undcrsi^'iiod, hiive o\!imiii('d tlic accounts and Vouchers of tUo itJoVi) Fund, und found the uame correct. W\:^ I Wdimi (J. Pi:ii;v, 1 Quebec, 24th January, 18ki2. C. Judul:, i> Audilorj. ISSl. JilU. 1. ISSl. i? cfs. Cm us 5 in en '> r.'i on its li no — -.-, — 131 IN ACCOUxNT WITH. THE TREAjSUKER. CV issi. Jan. 1. |-'>y Bal;i:KO froMi hist yciir 11' iiiDUtlis' Jtiyiduiid oil .SL'.flUii.ilO iluutroal Bunk 1 Dee. 1. Doe. :;i, 1SS2. , 1. .'■Uiji'lc, ;it 11 )i.c liciiuiveil tVom Airs. A. 11. Kiu-niss 12 moutlis' intur- ust. ;it () i(.c. ou .?2,Gi)U.Ull, bahinoo of [)urch;i!:0 of "i!;ird!ifl(l" J_' iiiuiitii^' inteio.-t tu yovomber last on Loan to Kov. J. II. Joakhis of jioUO.IH) at fi.c ^ ot.x. loC (M) IS du $ CtH. 171t IS By JJaliuii p KiO 01) .sf,;i9 18 Stilly 18 i:. \ (I. E. (.'■ifljci', ;;i.-t ltc-cTiiilier, ls>l. Treasurer, D. C. S. OF THE CHILDREN OE THE CLERGY, THE TREASURER. Or. 1>M. .hill. 1. .Mar. ir Ito.-. :;i By B"hin(,'Q frnm h^i-t yviir (Iraat Croiii Coutiil Board Ihiliatioii from K'>hurL lliiniiltoii, l'!si( Oollocfions and Sul)sori|itioii.'i in (.iiudjec. tViloi;Lio;i.-; .md .S'iibs'Ti|iti('ii,< in rural Mis IS.sJ. nil. 1. ll'.y BiihuKC $ ut.s 270 i) 00 .i;sii) 00 i,'27J 00 E. X U. E., IJufljci', 31 -t Doccmber, ISSl, Uko. Vkashy, Troaaurcr, L. U. S. .;. \> M Dr 132 BALANCE SHEET OF LEDGER Toronto Debentures Sherbrooke Debentures Hamilton 5 per cent Debentures Hamilton percent Debentures Montreal 7 per cent Permanent Stock. ... County of Perth Debentures Montreal Harbor 6J per cent Debentures Montreal Corporation Debentures Brockvillo Debentures Kingston Debentures County of Middlesex Debentures Stratford 7 per cent Debentures Dominion 5 per cent Stock Belleville 7 per cent Debentures St. John City Debentures Government 5 per cent Debentures Massawippi Railway Stock Mortgage at C per cent on {roperty in St. Peter Street, Quebec General Fund i Montmorency Endowment Fund Cash in Quebec and Union Banks, bearing iiitcrcbt :it 3 per cent § cts. $ cts. I'JSOO 00 12,^00 00 01)00 00 i 1127.". 3;i 8000 00 70(10 00 f.OOO 00 6000 00 6000 00 4.SC6 60 liOOO 00 .3000 00 2S00 00 2000 00 2000 00 SOO 00 IDO 00 .51:110 (111 I0('i0;i9 '.19 ;u 00 10 OS A"? rt... fleii'Mal. Xieolct Etidowinont Slmintain Endowment , Iiiihrador Mission ... MontMKironcy Endowment. E. k 0. E. $ cts •t8T3t) 10 20579 06 18180 71 7 1. "55 81 5100 9'J 1000 00 10 ;ji 2000 no $ cts. 1557 19 2514 65 31 21 35.'! 78 35 00 009 IS 275 00 2;i;i 10 2870 23 102803 31 $111282 73 Qko. Vkasey, Treasurer, D. C. S. !li ii'-ioljuu, iiiat Doc, 1S8L. '■:P '■m 134 Dr. REVENUE ACCOUNT DIOCESAN BOARD in issi. Doc. 31. To Amount of St'moriil:; p.iiil diiriii;; tlu> p;ist ypiir... Aiiiount still iluu — oi'Jurs nut yui iiresciUoii ITo Ainunut of I'en^ions ]i:i;il dnrhiic t'nc jiiist yrur... Amount t'till duo — orJtrs not yot j)rojinli;il To Amount of (leneral Rxiiftisurf Paiil doi)ut;ition to Bury lialaiicu Aiiiounl i-Miiiod ov<.'r, $ ct.s.; 21' ;;ii7! .V.)' § CIS. 2i;i«;i S!i (■.,il iV.I L''Ji) (111. . Ss| i'lT -V-') -7 ;) I.I) ■ -'-Ml. ,-: ;) I,-: 135 Account with EDWIX JONES, Treasurer. Cr. ISSI, Dec. 'i\- — r.v Dalar ce from l;i.atii!ii(il; ]!aif.)nl Caiie tJove I'oivr Daiivillo 1)ail;-W(.|| I)iiiniiii(i!iiivillii Ilfiiiiridn Siiirilcin \V(\-i l'ra',ii]]tiiii ♦ 'laiilioiinii^ Katon .St. .lamps', (ia-|M'... St. Piul't., •• .., Hatlcy ... Wati-rvillo Ilorofui-il TillLJJw'U'lc Illllil'tdWII Slii;;a\vako I'lMt Hanicil li'Ans« ail (Ja-C(iii. Invei'tic-i.s IJ]i|icr rrolatiil lr(iii;,'lit(^n t'|l|"''" I>lllll,!Ml South Itiiiliaiii I-'Avoiiir Milbaio cts. a o . ii m < "3 o £-6 3.S: O o Total. Amounts broiicrlit over $ cts. 5870 00 $ Cts. $ cts. 5763 00 S cts. 2389 33 AsaKSSMENTS. — Continued. (J rosso Islo .••• 5 00 6 00 37 .'iO 6 00 115 00 75 00 15 00 5 00 5 01) 225 00 25 00 315 00 375 00 75 00 30 00 112 50 500 (!0 500 00 115 50 07 50 100 00 173 00 83 12 77 50 130 00 1S7 50 87 50 31 25 drrindstouc Island Macoe 187 50 20 00 2;i0 00 ;ioo 00 60 00 30 00 75 00 250 00 400 00 77 00 45 00 100 00 100 00 PA) 50 50 00 120 00 150 00 70 00 25 00 175 00 20 00 230 00 300 Oil •15 00 30 00 HI 25 250 00 400 00 96 25 50 25 12(t 00 125 00 06 49 77 5(1 100 00 88 00 70 00 20 00 Adder! 6T ••>•••• ... Now Carlisle Paspobiao Peninsula Little Gaspe Portneuf 37 50 250 00 100 00 ?,S 50 22 50 Sandy Beach Ktan'tead .Stoneliam Lake Boauport Valcartier (Jeorgovilio 7:! 00 IC 02 27 50 10 00 37 50 17 60 6 25 Halesboro' Dixvillo Rivi<''ro-du-Loup St. John, Melbourne Rook land Ouarrv Melbourne Hidge $8280 00 $8120 71 S120 71 Due. Ml — By Amount of Grant fro the Gospel, for ISSl.. m the Society for ( ,lie Propa gation of 8009 9S By Amount of Grant fro the Gospel, for Pensi By Amount received fron By Amount received from By Amount of Qovernmor By Amount received from Interest on deposits for or m the Society for ( ons he Propa gation of ' 07 Mission Fund, Chi Clergy Trust Fum' it Grant Tor Gropsc Sustcntation Fund jrch .*oci , Church [«lc ^ty Society... 2115(1 -IS 10112 20 200 00 , Church Society... 1370 00 09 OS $ 25859 -IS 1SS2— Jan. 1— To balance brought $ 2210 71 E. & 0. E. Quebec, 1st January, 1882. Ei)«:n Ji)m:s, Trciisuror. m .^KT: ;il ,.iW,< ^ m 138 DIOCESAN BOARD-SLTl'PLEMEXTARY ACCOUNT. AMOUNTS RECKIVKD liY THliASUKE'll FKOJI IST TO 31ST JANUAUY, 1SS2. Jan. 2. 6. II. IG. JIj gog. Malbu Ilivicro-du-Loiip. Co atioook.. Covo. ;ape Upper Duihain. llereffirJ and Porryhoro' .Vew Carlisle. Lingsoy. St. John's, Melbourne Do do further received from Kov. T. M. Thoni])son.. .Rockland Qunrry Paspebiac I Eaton (Cookshire) I iPcnin;«ula I Valcartier .Stani?teud Inverness | Skigawake L'Anse au Gascon Sandy Beach I Drummondvillo ... I Linjiwick $ cts. 50 (II) i.>0 00 :{u 00 K 60 IJO 1)0 ;i,') i]o l:', no J7 :">0 62 00 79 ijO :,:, Oil 17 .'lO 7,j 00 70 00 1,0 DO •10 00 101) 00 02 :>o 2.< 00 C 2.> 2J0 00 87 51 20 00 $101 ;! 2J Quebec, Slst January, 1832. AVFN.woFrni Q. Pcrnr, Treasurer. cts. 50 00 iQ 00 'M 00 60 JTi (10 osixji^oi:-! sooxiTja rp-^T- L"X3h IVLiCIivdlSiE: I?IS- DullVii'iii, ihc E.:v\ <,f 8100 00 ■iplidu isuvijii ;u]!ii;:i ■() 00 Lnnl J! Ah1 llnl . of <,>M,:1) .f lifdll, n', (':iiir;iin. it. N. Aslic, ^Vlu. '1! i: ni:-,r,iil |l)l:.l:lS ,! >lir.:! il!. i\l!'rf. J. (' u'pcHTtir, A., Com. (Ion Carkr, -J :\Iuiit;;/:i;iil)frt, F., M. D. 3)()utix;v;ulji'!t, IMrs. F. ... r>o 00 -Muiiiitjiiu, ilov. A. W., 3i.A. mo 00 A[i ouiii;l1ii, ouiii.-iiit, A. \v 1 ;i; .... r>o 00 .... r.o 00 .... 50 00 r.irkcr, Mrs. (i. K ;U) 00 i'.jiniyfiiHier, Rev. T., ISi.A. 'M 00 i'o.';t(iU, 'J'houKis (.?. H r, Mrs. (i. K. Cockoll, Mi ('liiU)man, (."re. 1.111 I);ilt..n, Lt, t;. A. 'VA, DO o;> •y) 00 r:.o (JO 50 (JO 50 00 50 m 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 i! iJcid, Jlcv. C. r., D. (J ■;(. Mis. ^V, ! (' rice, I'j J. 50 00 jkiKKie.s Dobcll, ]{. i; iOO 00 !i kliodes, Mi Estuoiirt, L; 50 00 |i lio;--s, Mrs. J. 'orsv :!i, J oseiH 1 i! Korrtyili, Mrs. Josi.!|)]i I; (i.tlo, J. V (Ic'U'm.', ]Miss Iliiuillou, ?>irti (<0 50 00 50 00 50 00 lot) 00 ■|0 00 50 Oi) 50 00 50 (JO 50 00 50 00 400 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 W. ('iimiuiO; KJO 00 Price, Iloii. D. lliiuisiiy, liov. J. \V, IJhodos. J;uue3 Sc-<>tt, 11. S Hijwoll, Kov. E. W., M. A. yewell, Rev. H. 1) .0 00 ;0 00 ■>0 00 -.0 00 !! uiiilton, ]{(.l.ert (fumiiiob.. 400 00 l| ;S(.iiu'r.sot., Ciipt. Ayliner ].50 CO am; )ii. Mi "lO 00 fMirai !\1, iiimilioii. iCcv. C, \\. A... 150 00 || Siiiitii, Lt.-C(d. it. il I! !;isk' tt, J; ;n('R. . •)0 00 i Sliaw, r. A. itlu'rly, .1. J. iv, I!. \; .50 00 !l 8ti:;ii i, Ih 111. (!. O'i.iil 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 i I'.'iir II on. .ir J' lIuiO, \V'est:ni. niuinif.'iii, \Voot l.CiV. ("!lrt- (.Ttd 1, M. A. •JOO 00 iloib'.m.m, l{fi-. (.'.v., ?.!.A. 50 00 :l W ilUUO, («. ;isey,_ri :iii\vri'.di W. ' t, 1; one? H. N. . n\v^;, 1']d\vin. dud c; >o\'ell. M:;rl rli 1 <;. i, lirli, I] ',{) 00 'i Smith, K. H. ('anmiid) Hoii,i{ev.J.H.,?,[.A. 50 00 >0 00 ,1 TroUoi^o, M;ijor-(!eii., C. 15. 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 400 00 100 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 100 00 '.0 00 ■>0 00 10 00 ",0 00 ",0 00 "«0 00 Wtsit. Itev. \\'. W. (in four nil ual sid i.scri] tt ii .'lis) Wood, W. F W ulrrali:tiii 1 vev. (J. F. . \>'rii;iit, Kev. \V., Jl.D. \\'r;-ld, I\lrs ^\' U"' 1 vOV c. i: !0 00 , Wdher, Miss 80 00 iii'' 1... V V." i; : .... . 1 J m « »i*^ 140 CONTRIBUTORS OF $50 AND UPWARDS, DECEASED. Anderson, ^V. PI .8 r>o 00 00 I 00 j 00 I 00 ■ 00 I 00 ; 00 00 00 00 00 Dodlittlo, Kcv. L 50 00 Doudiiss, (J. M"., :SID no 00 Dvmn, W lo() (),) Eljiin, Lord lOO 00 EstcDiu't, iM;ij()i'(k'ner;il.... 00 00 FletcluT, Hon. }.h: Justice. 50 00 Forsytli, -iuinu.s i; HO 00 Fi'ivsor, Hun. J. ]\[ 50 00 Gillespio, A 50 00 (Jr:iy, F. 11 50 00 <)kl(i\'er, ThuKiriH 50 ()0 iliiio, Hon. E. (senior) 50 CO Hamilton, F 50 00 Heath, Jaines 50 00 Koirnian, C 50 00 Tload, iU.Hoii. SiiE.,Eart. 350 00 Hunt, James 50 00 Hall, G. B ,;oOO Hall, Geo loO 00 Hunt, Mrs. Weston 50 00 aeson, Mr 50 00 , Mrs. G. H (io 00 kie, Rev. Geo., D.D. . . 100 00 e, ilev. G. , M. A 50 00 >I'P, H 50 00 son, Rev. C 50 00 > J- H ,50 00 ;, c. 100 00 esui'ier, H 50 oo i Lisf(ar, Lord. I evey, C. E jVracLaren, .James. . . . JMaeivie, i.Tajor W. S. Metcalf, Lord r^OO 00 50 00 (iO 00 50 00 100 00 Mountain, lit. lu-v. G. J,_ Lord llisliop of Quebee, (annual for '2i years) 100 00 Do. to Depository Fund (an- nua! for 21 years) ....... 10 00 Do. toMis.sion Fund (annual f( )r 800 00 Hal Mai Mil Ke Leeds, Ilev. J 50 00 J eiauetTon, i!u!i. ii oU UU I'ennefi'.tlie:', li. :M 50 00 l'uan, G.{J. |]. .50 00 Sliejjpard, ]\{i,ss .50 00 Se Si! w w w 14t LIE G--A. C im S . m ml ■ IS JO 00 1845 1818 1850 1852 52 -M iss S: 18,>1— Miss i\I TI (111 -W. Yiil<', of ;? 100 00 -Hon. Cliicf Jiislici! Krid, of M'Miiro'.il 400 00 Co], CliiiiuUcr, of Nicolct O'"!' l''"'t<'\vuu'Tit Fmul) 100 00 ilay, of Quebec, to tlic Ijoi'd Uisliop, for Widows I'plKin.s of Clui'irymoii, to ho :i}iplieil iit liin «Tis- i: hy him tniusfLnTod to clit'.r;,'^ of tlic Clunvli V liOOO 00 Ikov, of L,.>iino.\vi!le (for tlio Widow.saiid Orpliiins of ClerLjymeii; 40 <»0 1803 -^loimtain, lU. llcv. C>. .!. , Lord Cisliop of (^uoIjov;, (for 111 Fund) COO GO . W. \\';>lki;r (to Widows" and Ori.Iuuifi' Fund). . 400 00 .1, Watersoii, of Quelioc (to Widow.s' iind Orplians' Fund) 50 00 -IMis. Dunn, of Throe Ui\ or.s (ftir Eudnwinent Fund). . . . 1400 00 -]\rissS]iei>[)ard,of Dnnnnioiidvillc (fur SiidowniL-nL Fund) 2000 GO •llobort Kirkhiiid, of Luods (to Widows" and Orpiiairs' Fund) 40 00 1877-.1ohn Hall, of Leeds (IViisioii Fui;d; 1000 00 Miss Tayhir. of Quohec ((^eiu-ral FmuP 400 00 " (W. i*;.- (>. Fund' 400 CO -Mrs. iJanlier (Pension Fundi 100 00 " " (\V. i^- (). Fund) 100 00 -Mr.s. G. 15. [hill (for IMontnioi'onci ]MiHsi,,n) l!000 00 C. E. Levey (for Endowment Fund of St. IMichaers). . .. lOCO 00 -Txov. G. ]\Iilnc, M. A. (W. t'c O. Fund) 100 00 " " " (Pension Funil) 100 00 Mrs. Aylwui, of IMoutreal (for l}(uir:,' Lunis) 1400 00 I8i;(; ISC'.t 1870 187t5 1S78 18S0 1881- ■l-N .«! inr. 155:30 00 :, i: 142 STATEMENT OF AM0UMT5 RAISiOl) IX TFIE SKVKIIAL PAUISliHS AND MISSIONS OF THE DIOCESE. QUEBEC— CATHEDRAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. LADIES' COMMITTEE. Subscrij)/ious for Jlission Fiuid collerJcd hij Jlrs. Wi/liamx, Mrs. llawson, 3Iiss II. Montizanibcrt, IMiss II. Stevenson, and illiss rhillijis. •i ' Culhdal III' Mrs. Vt'lU'idn-'. Ashe, Mrs 3 2 HO Bidwu, Mrs 2 ii;i Boylo, Mrs 1 ("i Ciimiibell, .Mrs J Hi! Evtins, Mrs 1 Ho Fry, Mrs :'. tm Fodte, Mrs 1? i' i (riH)Ofii-, .Mis3 (Eii,:^i:inil) .') I'li (rrcjiir, Mrs, '. I (Ml Ifeimning, Air-: '_' ;mi Kenncily, Mrs 1 Oil Li.'flit, Mrs. Luder.s I cii LoSiR'ur, Mrs 1 I'li Lo;.M,Mtt, .Mrs I Oil Moutiziiiiilicrt, Mrs. K 1 (d Mcl'herson, Mrs 1! OH .McLaren. Mrs L' (HI Vofton. .Mrs J 0(1 l'(i|)c. Mr.s 1 III) Uussel, ?.lrs. W 1 HII Sowoll. Mr.s. L .' JO Shiiv,, .Mrs. ."Oil ScMUt, .Mrs. W. ^\' :' 00 Scntt, Mrs. E 1 (HI Tumiilc, .Mrs. 1 on 'i'luiiijiill, Mr.s ■_' iu\ V.iirl.'le, .Mrs. W :; !() Wiutelu, .Mrs. Jl I Oil WUiii.uis, Mrs L'o oil " .Nniiis Troe 1 1 1 '.",1 " Mission Mox 1 I (i:i ."riiKill .viiiis I .jil f'nJhrUA h>i Mi:^. i't'inr.-.;,!! r.i,ohn'), Mrs S I I'll Biillour, Mrs. H I oil Dyer, Mrs I CO Drum, Mrs. S :.' 00 ]>iiv;il, Mrs ,$ 1 uO JiiMnoson, Mrs | iiii Kill;,', .Mrs 1 dO K uio. Mr 1 III! I.oiiio'nirior, Mrs I in .Mnr;./';in, Mrs. U | iiii .M'jiiiit.iiii, .Mrs I (III .\l;il-:liu, .Mi.-S I IHI Pi'verli'v. .Mrs... , . li no U.iwsdii, .Mrs 2 11(1 ."'tiniiey, Mrs :; ml .■^li i\v. iMrs. ."'.J ■! IM> W oidi, .Mrs I im ^\■iIhy(•llUli^ .Mi.-s 1 (HI A ThiUik (J tier in.:; lii mi .'\ii1crson, ."Mr.s $ .'i mi C;iiii|;lji;ll, .Mr,<. W . D 1 imI DiiriTi, .\Iiss 1 i!ii Dciiu.'ii^o, .Mrs 1 (1(1 Di'.-liiuiits. iMfs I (III Fiir.sytli, .Miss I oil (iurilon, -Mi.s 1 mi (ii'iD'irc, }.\\?~ 1 |i|l Ii;ilu', .Mr--. J 2 ml (l:iio, .'Mi.-s I 111! Iliilo, Mi,«s F I mi Jl'.usi.'ian, Wis.^-- 1 Ml Jones, .Mrs. 1-1 I i>(i ■Idly, .Mrs I nil LiU'isiMHiito, .M:.-s I Oil .Miiiiti/.iunliL'rt, Mrs I mi .Miieiiin .Mrs 2 im .Mniiiizniiibi'rt, .Miss II M hH .* 00 liiiH'oiir. (i 11 .''i 00 Rcckctt. T ,") 00 T) 00 • 00 CiniHibell. W. i) .> IHl 10 oil ]0 00 ;i 00 6 no ,'■. 00 ,"> 0(1 .") 0(1 20 00 5 00 OiiniiYiiirfi. (^ 1* 10 (10 Diilicd . R R 10 00 Dunn T l[ .') 00 ;"> on 5 00 l.~) 00 Dunn L H 10 00 j 00 UlUlHL'OlIlb. tJ \V [) (II) Trv. tJ t; .0 00 (Jjilo. J. V 20 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 J 00 2 00 ;i 00 llule, E. J 2 00 2 00 10 00 '■tl 'M 144 Quebec— Cathediial District Association.— Cow/i/iwg^;. Namks. IlaiuUton, R Jloiuiiiing, Misd llohvell, W. A lloUoway, F llousuian, Rev. G. V Irwin, Colonel Irwin, Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Joly, lion. 11. J Jones, Edwin Jones, T. II Miichin, II. T IMacEwcn, P Marsden, W., M.D Ma.xhani, G Meredith, Uou. W. C Norris, T Poston, Mrs. Wm , Porteous, J Price, U. M Quebec, Lord Bishop of Rae, Wm Rawson, Rev. C. W Rawson, Rev. 0. W., hi^ thanli oflering Russell, AVillis Scott, 11. S 8cotf, E. G Scott, AV. C Shaw, S. J Shaw, P. A Sheiipard, \V. G Smith, R. 11 Smith, Mrs. R. II Smith, Henry Stanley, W. J Staveley, H Temple, C. V. M Thank Offorinf? per Rev. U. V. ilousman Turner, R Von E.xtor, J Made, E. 11 AVhite, A. II AVhito, Mrs. A. II Wurtclc, W. ■\Vurtole, R. U ID C (3 S S cts. GO 00 1 110 h on ,5 00 5 00 ,'•) 00 8 00 ,5 Oil 5 00 2 00 b 00 4 00 12 50 •10 00 fiO 00 2 00 10 no 10 00 10 on 4 nn H 00 2 no' ;") on' a 00, 00 00 00 .S 00 10 00 .') 00 o -a S cts. .St S a c 9 .? CtB. 40 Oil 10 00 5 00 4 00 10 00 12 ,'-)0 10 00 3 00 ,5 00 2 00 20 00 ;") 00 5 00 2 00 ,'j 00 2 00 •y a . a $ CtB, 5 00 2.J 00 ,i 00 5 00 20 00 :> 00 4 00 10 00 7 00 5 00 6 00 el's o $ cts. 15 00 2 00 I) 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 2 00 4 00!. 2 00 6 00 5 00 3 00 Total. $ cts. 100 no on 00 on 2,'j no .■) no ."i 00 5 00 10 no 10 on 2 00 6 00 5 00 5 DO 2 00 10 on 4 00 jn nn 5 10 00 00 40 no 'JO no 11 00 10 no 10 (10 20 00 4 00 ■) 00 fi 00 .') no ;"> no ."n no 20 on 2 oil 111 nn 1 nn 4 no h nn 5 no 10 on 10 nn :> on ,') no 5 00 5 00 145 QUEI'.EC — CATIIEDr.AL DISTRICT As^SOGIATION. — Contintieil. Namkh. M'hiic \ • iin.! !ii (I') L. S. Ull'c .") 0(1 "!1 f-.) ."4 (H (!(1 (III :i Ml Ct-i III I (I!. cts !l Oil i'8 0(1 ct.s. L'.') 0(1 lO (10 L't;2 (ill 1:4.", so Q ^V.V- ■ ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH. t'„!l otl'i nil (.0 ll.'iiiiilUiii. :\lr.-<, CIietvAHid...: J 00 (u'-;h-, Mrs | i '■•" ■, % 146 ^.i*'{> %» Quebec— St. Matthew's CHViKjn.— -Continued. Names. Qugy, ^Irs Guwen, Mrs. II Gowon, Mrs. E Laurie, Mrs O'llegiin, Mrs. P Popo, Mrs Pope, Miss Pope, Mrs. E lloss, Mrs. II. D Rylun.l, Mrs. 11 Sharpies, Mrs. C Wliite, Mrs. J. II 8muilsuius CoUcdi'd hii MitiK Lai;ii Cliadciton, Misrcs Halo, Mrs. J Hamilton, Mr. .Jolin Henry, Mr. W Laiup.son, Mr Leiiycraft, Mi.=s McDonald, W Mas.i Mhs Price. Ar<;ne, Jiniics Biiile, .John Burstall, .Folin Devine, Miss 31. A.. Lang. Mi,-.s L Miittoek. Henry Nelson, .Tnnici Price, Hon. D.E Price, E. J Price, 'Mirs ToJd, Miss V'oulfflana, Mrs CuUccta/ I'll ^fn. J. Fovsiith, B. Boomer, Mr.s! Bowen, Mrs Carrol, Mi? Copeniun, Mrs Forsytl), Miss Forsyth, J. B For.^yth, Mrs Gnuiilon, Mr.s Oraddon, Miss Herring. Mrs. Irvine, Miss Levey, Mrs Moss", Mrs Morgan, Mrs Munro, Miss Mitchell, Hcv. R Trcfcs^ctt, Mrs Vonrtlhuid, Mrs. Vonlilhuul, Rpv. A. A. AVhecler, Mrs Small sums Oll'ertorics Total. C 3 l(t ();i i:; 2:i ? cts. $ cts. .Vi' 2 (III .') (1(11 (I ;")(!! .-•.oi (Ml; (Ml! Ill (Ml, 2(» «Ml| ,'t (Ml; (I ;'rii: ?. (Ml: 1 (Id 4 (Ml 2 (Ml 2 (Ml ,'") (Ml .") (Ml h (III 1 (Ml 1 (Id 4 (Ml 1 (M) ]d (Ml 1 (Id 4 (M) '1 (10 b (Ml 1 (Ml 5 III! 5 (Id 1 (III 2 '-■:. '1,^ 2(1 1;>U iLOj I s . .£ -^ •I. c c = o, . t^ •- ~ to Cj — — $ cts. $ cts,! ? cts 1 00 .''> (Ml! io; hOi ,'.ll| (• ,50 10 (III JO Oil ;") (Ml (I 0(1 I. .')0' 1 (Id :, (Ml ."ill HI (Mlj 20 (II) JO (inl Id (1(1 i TCITAI,, .-> Cts, 1 (10 ■\ III) 15 IKI 1 (111 I (Ml 1 .'.II 2 (HI (111 (HI .'ill (HI III I'll 1 (III 2 00 1 i 1 \ j 1 1 ! :VI2 0."i 1 i')7ii ■!■"> 27 00 oO Oil 1 lid 1 (11 o (III 2 (■II h (10 .f (III .') 00 1 no 1 ml .1 nil 1 t'li ill no 1 i'iO ■! lO •1 (10 .5 no 1 I'll .'> (iO ,') (III t (III f,Ol .JO t^ili lij 149 QUEBEC— ST. TAUL'S CirUh ■■ I Nam:..s. 2 -3 1^ 1^ ^ •S CI.S. 1 00 U jO 1 (III 2 CO 2 Oil a . C 3 d . -3 •^ 3 'J- ^ Education of Children of Clergy. Total. Cur.'iin, Mr? .;: cU. $ cts. •i; ct?. $ cts. $ cts. 1 (10 Jl:nvkinH, Al}(.!i 2.) 2.) 1 00 Ivuimcdy, Oliver .MiillMiilnnd. R ... I (III 2;oo I'.itloii, .J;uno;!J, fltnir 2 00 i> IM ,-, 7(1 ]0 70 ili'-iiar J;ii.n. .N'r.-J. T 2 iiii 1 (i:, 2 00 1 (Ml I III! 1 (III i:; Oil ;;o .")ii 2g0() ;^:oo h 00 2 00 linbi'i.-iiii, (IiMirj;- Tii.vli.r, !•;. II.... Tav.Dr, ,J U 2 on :> (Mi 1 Ull (1 .Ml 1 I 00 Tiirni.-r, .Mrs f'liial! .-iim.- 1 JO ■I 0(1 S lid 20 JO :;2 00 T..| .1 11 2.-) 5 'J.j (JS 20 QUElJiilC— ST. PETEU'S CHURCH. Aiiiircw?, Y. A Aiulu'w,--, 1'. \V ."i^ cts. .") (HI U (III •1 (HI $ cts. $ cts. ;B cts. $ Ct3. An.irow.s V. 11... linrlaiid, .\h'.-^. 11 ■1 00 1^)1 1 and , (ieor '0 i Oil 1 (III III JJlliW 11, .) 1 uo . ... . 1 00 Cl.vll 1 00 I'li.uiilHr.-, K, T. D 2 0(1 .') 00 1 00 2 Oil 1 no ; no 1 n!i 2 (in 2.< 1 00 Fotliiu-.'ill, ilc'v. .M. .M.. Holt, f Mail.fy, 1' Mov" n, .Mr,-^ ;i (10 ;;::;:;:::::^;::::'::::"i IV'ny, .\iiv. J I'ricL'. .Mis Ko-.-.. .\lr.s • .. S lua 11 sMiiis Vull r,\llij 1/ •. l.'.ILlJIintt. liilii'tt, Mra 1 $ cts. 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 1 ' (t 2 00 1 10 1 60 2 00 6 00 I. 00 2 00 ?, 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 26 1 00 v.<\ '■ ■ ■ i ■'•■? '■ 4^ 150 Quebec — St. Peteu's CiiviiCiL—CuntiHued. Nami:s. c _: 1— ( IP Total., W. A $ c-ts. ^1 llil $ cts. $ cts. 1 S cl.s. ■? cts. $ cts. ^Cl 1 ,-..( '_' (1(1 •1 J-J 1 rii 1 (1(1 1 ,'»0 2 00 ■■ ■ ' ■■■ [ Tozcr, E. J ShiilIL Euuis U ;n)l CoUccti'd iiii Mi.-ix Jill)/'/. Gale, 5Il•^5 B 1 ('(1 Lawrence. iMrs. G J O'l (foH. fj/j Miss Mi-Ltnii'ti'",) 1 (ill i 1 '■;! 1 (Ml (1 .'mI I (111 1 1 ml I Cll 1 Hll (1 ,"|ij 1 1,11 1 (Ml 1 [;i Alorfftn. tj ohii .)il Tozer. AI rs. Wui (1 .",(1 ( 'nf/, I, if ^fi.-.t Mufju'n Munn . Brown. Jlrs J 1 ()> 1 0(1 1 00 ] 00 ■■■■■ ■:■:::'::::::.::;;; JVIuDTG* A^Il'S Cx ... ,, 1 ^loore, J A ■ ■ ! 1 (> OftortnrifS . h 00 ! .') (Ill 10 0" ' •JO .VJ .') 1 '.',.; i;; oj 'TIo Tot'il !{ J.") 00 ' ,s:; s7 1 QUEBEC— HOLY TIUNITY CILUKC'H. (' I't i I I 1 lo; i no ' i ;j oo' I I 1 00 1 •2 O'l'.. ' ' I 00. 1 .lOi i I 'J oo| ! ] I 00 5 00 i oo i) o.;> .•? (Us. I $ Ots. i; oo ('. 6; Total $^ I 20 01 I ((I I (Ml S (Ml 1 IIII 2 0(1 ."l (10 2 00 2 00 I 00 .1 IM I 00 !,•) (•,'.) ] .-.(i II o,',. :.oi I I (i'J 161 QUEBEC— CATHEDRAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. SUMMARY X.\.\i;;.s Cath((li-:il ... St. Miiir'ac'.v St. Miull:U' ' St. 1'miiI'.< St. Pftcr" Trii,i:y ... «?>. d . o . •i-i: £^ w ^^ r3 ^ :^ ^ '?■ 9 •a « = r= O '":r J" Ct^ Tvlal $ ct-;.l $ uts.i $ cts I I M.I 7 r.7ii II (12'. :59 no, 5 95' 28 ro 5.'. (10 30 Ooj 1 JO, s r,o Total. S cts. 17i:? 89 1109 t':> 810 (if) CS 20 8;i S7 44 69 .9' I io.") 5:; 1(1.^ ol 1 14 .'jO ;',;-00 9,j MEGANTIC DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Eonuj Lori.s. No rej;iirt. $ ct.-^. .f ctt:. $ els. CACdl XA. ! I OiTortoiio.s ....■ ' 509 CV 71 ('> Ea.'^t Fra.mi'ton-. j n.J J.iir'!ii"'i.,ii ■". 1 Anuor>oii, M.'s. ]"il , 15aj;ii;iK, (iL-nriro Bai; ,;il , Siui'iiol .... Barlli(i!'iinow, .Mi.*:; li"vU'. Ki v. K .1 lioyli.,.M:s. 1'. J IHf'.r-l II, .li llll I!.',ri..;r, W'm., >-'cuv..- ltiir]ior. Will., J iinr AluNitly. .IdIiii I'ciinoy, .Mi.x.^ KiitlH'rl'ord, (!"(ir; o.. Sariri'iint, II. 11 Sniytli 'riMiiii.i^, ,»;i".ir i-Miull ;uiii.s , II cm if III Ullrrliii y St'.i!! :nii (I I (Ml 1 00' I (ill ! I ((I j J Uiii j I (Hi} I 00 $ ots. $ cts, ( I y 1 ■>^>: I 1 00 I oil. 1 Im! 5 00 I Oil 1 00 1 00 1 001 iiO\ T.ttil ■? I u> I 14 901 1 42|. I. 42 1 2 OOi i, 4ll 8 15 6 OU $ Ots. 6:ii 33 1 (10 1 00 1 (III 1 00 12 6.5 7 -.'.r, 1 00 ] 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 4 81 2 57 S9 88 '§ II- '■i 152 Megantic DlSTUICT AiiS0CiAT10i<. —Cuniinucd. Namk.s, Grorse Isi.n. (Qiiarniitice i>tution) I.NVKli.M Roe. llev. P AVatts, Tlioina.<. OU'eitories Total i^ UlTKU IniJ.AM). B;ill, Rov. T. L. Biill, Mr.< AViisoii, Jamos.... Jlectini;!^. .. Offortyrics ots, 1 c = ;? ct/. 2ii Sii el", .-j; ot-i. I $ ct^ 1 (HI. I mi' Ani>!aii.i:Y. Offertories. LOWKU InKl.AM). Collirtal h'l MiKK M'unl. Johnfon, IMrs Johnson, Andrew Porter, Mis.-; E Ward, Mrs Ward. W. J., .Afiijrr. Ward, Mr.^. W.J Ward. Alfred W'ard, Petor AVard, Flurenec Small 8U111S 1 (HI ! ill! 1 01) 1 CO 1 (III' 1 lur 2 00; I on' 1 -J. I 1 (HI I (10 I Oli' i'liiiift' Little, J AValker, Small SI MectiliK Ollcru.ri' nl l.ii -I/m.; l.iilii. 1 0(1 1 t'O uin.s s .1 .-lO es il .< ) .Mi l.".l .01 I I 1 '2. ("I I 7(1 ;; 'h; Ml' (01 (10 ; () 0(1; o soi. L'tS. l-l <^ 2 Oil 1 rti " (H) .1 'Jii i Ml I (ill I !0 ■: (11 1 IMI 1 '!■< 1 (HI I (III I (III I (Ml 1 10 -I .Ml •Z '■'.■) ■'. 7J •IS o(i 153 Megantic District AssociatioxV. -Cuntinued. a ■ r-, C r^ c = 2| W--3 ° y cts. 21 Id $ Ct:;. $ otH. 1 i ■_. i ' 1 ;;; ; 1 i ( II (:ii' Ti'TAL. S ots. 21 4 (0 (H) 10 III) (III (Ml DO 00 110 00 (HI l;0 J 2.) y Si 60 O.J 1 no I 00 I 70 1 uo 1 on 1 (lU 3 li 154 Megantio District Association. — Continued. Namks, 2^' a s •S "^ e . t: 3 -3 ' 3 e ° .• •£ — -" t%Z TOTAI, CoUcdril hy Jligit K, Adley, !> Cosmi, W. J [>Tn:ill sums Offertory Totil *','/. 5 cts. y ct?. cts. § cts W'3 S Ctd. 1 (M), 1 0(1 1 .^11 I Lk\ IS. Kmi!», Tlev. E. A. W Kin;;, (ieorL^e , Sinituciii'<, J. II Siiiiji \V Totic'ia. w OCoi-torics. Total. MoXTMdUI'.V'.l. Offertories. Kew LivKRrooi,. CuU. h'l MiiCi Jfxs'.ii' Walker and Mi.i.s Hurhouv. Atkineon, Mrs. II Benson, .Mrs, i:. C Benson, Mrs. K. W, Brown, Mr.-, K Bnchiiiiiui, JMr.s, J.. Diiwo, Mr.i Ml Iliunilton, >h? J. II. lliL'^^inson, C..1. Wni. MioivUotti, Mrs ili'cliie, iMv H Kit- AS' iltci Riicliie, Alfiud.... Sniitli, llov, r. A AViilkcr, Mrs. T.... Sniiill films Offertories Total. Poutm;i;i'. Col.^ton, Rev. B, W., Offertories - Vilh'jn.. ■ii (I,: I '.K " llalcsLoro Total $ 2 0(1 I Oil 1 (III 2 00' 1 01) 5 CI) 12 ui; 10 00 5 01) b 00 1 01' 1 00 1 00 1 (■(! 2 00 I 01 1 on' 1 00; 1 Olli 2 00 1 00, ];■ L'o IS 20 1 ; to 2 U; :> o:i.. I li)l OOl 2 OO 1 0-2 i)--; 1 S6I H 10 1 4 10 1 2o \ 1 00 1 ■■■:■■■■■■■:;■"'■:::■, ':":::::::i ... 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 i i;:::::':;:::i:'""":'":r:""::"":':::::.:::::.i 1 1 5i cts. 1 III) 1 1)1) .'i .'l.j :; ].j S:) 0.-; 2 on I (III 1 'III 2 nil I iiii S 10 1.-, Ill 5 :', in 00 5 nil 6 mi 1 no 1 no 1 III) 1 (III i mi •; 00 1 0(1 I no 1 nn 1 nil 1] nil 1 nil 1 ( i^ 0- nl 5 00! 0- TO .") no 2 ni lu 70 Tut.! cts. "0 OK 1 - 5: 0."; 2 Of) 1 hll 1 'III ♦/ (II) 1 nil S 10 U: 10 S :'j in no [> III! 6 I'll I ri) I (Ml 1 111) I III) 1 01) 2 00 I (10 I (1(1 1 no 1 oil 2 oil I (;il 155 Meo.\ntic District Assocl\tio.\. — OonUnued. Namks. j: -3 -5^ 'J. ^ $ Ct.s. a . d . 3 1— 5 cts. t (^ lOTAL. 4 Hivii:RK-i>r-L(iii', (cii 1 ns.) 2 (10 1 III) 1 i.i) 1 1x1 1 10 1 1 t) i!i;: i;; il i ct.-. •S au. 2 00 1 oil .McFiirliiiii!, Jlr.s 1 0! ilcFiirlunc, Walker, Crofliy .;.■.■.■,■■.■. '"i '.I....;.'.".".;. 1 OU 1 OU W Hike I*, lion i 11)11 in 1 Oil OtlV'Tfni'v fC'liiirt'li ) •i I'il 8 !4 I (III • • • y ,-,7 •' o'^tiilion) - 6 2S Tdtill : 1 1)1 22 b.i .Sto.miham ,t LAi;i;lii:.\i cm:) DoljliiiKP, I!cv, J. r, ,■) 00 j 00 Olll'itory 1 StoDcliiiiii).. 1) ;jl) 1 50 1' I'll :! 11(1 1) oil i,:.' I oO T(4:il ■'- ,:> 00 7 (10 AVi:.sT Fii.vMi'i'iiN. ijilli rt(i/ III/ M iss III iiilt r.-iHi. lIcnilcM'.^'oii. \\ \i\ .", rio .^vkc.-i, lit'v, ,J, S 1 (111 5 ',"1 ,') ')0 .'"Vki'.s Mrs. J. S 1 00 <•,,',',,■■>,/ i.,i .I/;.,-.,. .1/. //. J*n lihitfiiiiK ir, r.i)ii)oioiiiow, j)io 1 1^.(1 1 ):;. 1 01) ,)() .1 L .' 1 1 00 iJlD-tll'ilijllK.W, Al|ili-uW .... IJniiiii'v, ,liii))t'.s £r-: 1 00 1 (ill l)i<;k.-(iii, JI)ij,'li S)i),ill ,ii 111 Til rreiiiiiil 1 ('■! 21 .M I (Hi ;■< "'1 :>i m IjL'Oilij . .) 00 1 ■> '" ! (i :;o 1 1 ,-,., I IH) 1 .ill II. 1 I,uvi^ i.'i III IS 2'> 2 (HI ,S -I! New Liverpool ■ 2 1.") ];; n 2 (HI so 1.) I'i2 ;:i ,"■) (HI Ml 71 Kivicix'-iiu Lniin (ott I_>;i.-). . i^toiicliiiiii iV liiiku IjOiiiiiiori. 22 S') 1 ;') 00 7 I'll 8t. Sylvesloi* 1 ;;7 4 .)., 0.') ;i7 AVost FriiiiiDtun 10 r;; 1 SS 1 ' '•' IM (i:. 1 , 6 Hi) 1 21 .(7 ■> 00 Total >; 2()0 u:> iiii'.j k; Received after Acciiunt.s were closoil. ST. FIIANCIS DISTRICT ASSOCIATIOX. Acton. T?rown, ,T. .t W , IT... Brown, i)r iMiieFiirlniio, T jNIcIjoiin, ^«« ^'l III T'l ■l-^ :',i) :'i Id .Ml n.i 1,) .i lu 7 I'll Namk.s. BAniMiii) AMI Il!:ui:r()Ri>. StoVCli-. PvOV, A OHVi-tory (Itixviilc). (>t. L'lw.'cnco) . (Ik'i-crnn!) (I'liiryburo') °;^ cts ct.-' $ cts. $ cts 00 -- i to hi on Cliil Clc Total. f^-. - S cts. $ cts. 6 00 1 .I'l Tul:i i;isiiiii''s C(ii.i,i:i::: .\ni) fcT.\IH>>NS. Ascot Hisli(i))'i- Collcu Siiiidliill Tut^tl Bli'i.MI'lON". Cliilliis, (!. J. I (111 1 ,^.l) 1 O'l: ]Ii3Miler,<(Jll, A. iitnl (i. \\^ii-.l.. iMia|i| .MacU, Mls. W. (i Olfcrtory ^^•ll•ll(•v. Mi.'V W,i>hor, Uov. C. IS AV.i.^bcr, nma Wobb, E. I^ . \ViM>i-;tii!. Allan, Mi>^.. C'iniidllv, W Mi i;. A W (lllVrti.r.v. ]!ubin>iiii, Socly, W. II Stcvciist, (Jai'iliic W, Tulal, 1! Coaticook iirv (III 7.^1 i 10 ■2 (III I 00 00 11 4 00 OH (id 1 (10 I 00 I 00 nil lilli 00 4 00 00 2 OS 5 ;;o OS (10 (Ul 1 00 OJ H OS 4 00 00' 1 Oil 1 nn ] 00 10 oO (1 ( .< 7 (l.S f) ■■■.2 13 U 1 no 1 00 1 00 t» 00 7 ;;;! 1 00 .■) 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 (jO 1 (Ml t> 10 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 29 S2 4 00 i;; 00 W"f '»,<;> I' i 158 St. Francis District k'AaoGikTiO's.—Coniinued. Names. COMI'TIIX. I Bli!!!, Mrs. A ; Cdok, Mrs Coclirune, lion. M. II. and' family i Doak, Jlrss. Al)i;;ail j " ]\[r. Jaino.^ " K I " \>rs. i '< Mr. A Mr.«. llobt j " Mi' 00; (Mi; o;i: imj Oiii 00 Oil (01 .",11 2 .'lO '.! 00 .Ml 00 III! 00 00 (III Oil oil 00 (HI (01 C'O (HI 00 00 ; s . 3 $ ets. $ ets. I $ cts. a 'i cz ~ cj " O r^ o o •$ vU. TdT.M., (i (lU 5 UO > CIS, (III III) (Ml I'll (Mi IMI (III III! nil I II (Ml I il IMI 01) no Ihl (I I ( M IMI (Ml IMI ,'(l (Ml ,'lO IMI |i|l Oil ('0 (Ml I'll (Ml IMI (III 00 (Ml (Ml (III 00 81 .on 150 St. Francis District Association. — Coniimted. Nami-.s. rodKsimu:. Xu voiiort DaNVII.M:, SlUl'TdX. i'lilli <■((■(/ In Mi::s LUlic rc'i. n ^ $ Ct.v f'nrtcr. (J. S. ■V. Mr.-. \\ \Miv, All-.-. .Join.., iM.iulii, JI IVtrv. \W.v. \L .]. VMM^', .■\lv,«,.s St.ieliwell, J. P. Small .«niiK-i Olici'torv Tiiot Tiu;(i (•"'!. I.;i Mr. U,lf. Stevens', ,1.111105 Siiiiil! sum CnlLrt.-,/ /,„ .V,.. ./„/,, It'//., .T;i Mwiiit', J:i;iic.«. .Jr., Kwi w' drorirc. Xi'ill, Wii \Vii.« ,Iol| ll.'ii Sin.'ill sum.- Ollorti ly for Aii.-.- 1)ul:'.m(i.mimi.i.i:. ;\llniitt. Ucv. F. ,T. 1! OlVoiti T..t..l. I)i:n.s\vi 1,1,, IJiiikur, ■Jiiiuos licimcU, lidwtird , Hiix hrmrn. I (UM. i (HI ;; 0(1 .') (11.1 I ,-,.1 ,") G,. 1 ''II 1 llllj 1 11(1 I (Ml 1 III' 1 (Ml'. I (Mil. OL'l 111' 1 00 1 I (iiil cts .5 'S .? cts (Id I lil) o . =1 .$ cts § Cts TuTAI .S (;t.s. I (/■: Ci 2 .ill; I III) I (II) I (HI ;i (10 6 00 1 (10 li (II) 1 .'lO !'.» (iO ] (10 I 75 1 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 (10 1 00 I 00 li '.);! 7 I'li s i: 7 ic b 50 ;.. 7S ' :< 50 ii (III (i 7.P r,i 77 7. 6 ,'

  • ( Ill-nil. Sinnll piiiiiR r,i\Uer. (JeorfTt Ciirson, Jiison Dcnison. J. R Lodt''^, Tlioiniis 1 HO I I'll ,'p lUI I (Id 1 (III 1 (III s 11. > ;> .'ill o 1 , .1 (Ml 'Ml Oil •!>l 161 St Francis District Association. — Continued cts. Xamks. General i'und. d__; TiiTAL. St. P.\ri/.s. CijUcc'dl ii;! Mini Lwuioiml. Sinnll ?iims $ ets. It M 1 (III 1 (Id 2 10 8 cts. $ cts. $ Cts. 7.-> $ cts. $ Cts. 1 25 Uovdoll, Miss (Mi.-J.^ionarv iiiix) .'. 1 (10 Wadluif'li. John 1 00 Clll'llCII AT Sl'()ON-i:u PoM). Ciillrrtc-/ liji ^nss K'li'h Iffh'l tliiil J/(.vif Linn i>riii'in,\l, Sitiiill sums 2 10 7 !M) 1 (M) ,'l llll ■'J 00 2 (Ml 1 (ill 1 .Ml 1 (!1) 1 IMI 1 (Mi I ;m 1 III) 1 nil ,■) iMI 1 (HI 1 no 2 I'll 1 ill 1 (III 2 (Id 2 i'O 1 (M ,-, (.ii 2 .Ml .■•i 00 ,'^1 (III h 00 2 00 b 00 Totfil ."^ ('> 10 ;{ 75 17 7.5 1 (11) Lkn.viixvii.i.i- — St. (ioorgo".< Cluireh. Baker, ^Y Cliaimiiin, 1) *" , 1 .') 00 2 00 I'omstoi'k, iNIrn c. C. W 2 00, W 1 00 Diivi.-!, Jfr.f I 00 I);iw.«on, Mrs 1 Oil (ifceri, ^Vlu 1 00 link., .^h's 1 Ol) llarriso'n, M ! 1 (HI Idnrv, Alls. C, S 1 1 00 Il'iiry, Mr,*. (■ i 1 00 livin:.;, .Mrs., (Kn^liuid) ! ,*) 01) tr«)tiiL^'ton, J. il 1 1 00 ivltmen. ("'ol 1 00 '^ (M) J,:i\v, .Vlfrcd Lnli'ev, IvOV. f r ■' ''■' 10 Ol) 1 l|0 .AlnchnlMld. V MrI''.i(Mi'n. ^ ' 1 Oil 2 0(1 2 00 jMc:u'.-i, .Mrs .Aldrris, Miss M. A 1 llll P:iddiin, J. V, 1 .") 1 1 Poiireo. ^I rs t 1 " Ml Ueud. Km- 1' 1 'i (I'i Itiin, Rev, Dr 'i (Ml f^eartli, Utiv. A. C 7 ;!o 1"' 'M) »*^'puul)l' ii", Ml' , '■' 00 Tiu'iioi'i .Mrt! :::;;::;;;;;i ::: 1 1 I 00 hlk 11 ,,:. \' feff 1 ki-' ■.h . ■ !! *'#!'•■ I, 162 St. Francis District AsmciXTWiJ. •— Continued. Names. s^- e . o -3 . .5^3 o 3 a a C 3 ^ 3 .^^ '^ 'rM 5;i< " $ Cto. Tnwlc, Mha ^V':lJ•reu, Miss Wilsmi, Mrs. .Tolin. AVodlpfy. y. $ cts.' $ ets.i In fts, i I ■~ — r* =: := 3 W3 ^ Total. $ CtS.I $ Ct8. 1 00'. 1 t ii; 1 00 2 00 2 .";() G 211 1 'J. 20 '::,. :'. 7.")! 2 SO, 2 70 * 1 1 i Gr.'ir,il Tota! j;^ MaGOO Sc (il-ORGKVII.LK. Ilppliurn, Rev. ,1 Otl'tirtori(-s (1 20 S I0,) 1 :>0 SO Do 2 2;') 1 7C. 4 (U 21 oO' 3 00 100 17 NO 1 i 1 ,^) (:il , 1 1 1 Total i; 9 ;Vj 5 00 1 OO 1 (0) 4 00 1 RivirM-c-Ju-Loup en haut).. IllCHMOXD it 1'.IkI,B()LUNE. CoUcrf/'i/ h)i ^^l.^<.■^ri^ MrKcn- ;('(' ((/('/ Wilc'irkti, Ilatniltnns, ^^r^^rove, .Mrs 1 00 .Iiiurneiiii.v, Mrs L'.ov ! J /, 1 00 1 01 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 I'O ^[o]\cnzic. Ilmh'k'li: Aliinl (»it]i. An*s :;::::::::::i I'ollucli, Joiui Poiilor. Alt'iod '.'.'.'"''.'.'. ' 1 00 ! 00 Vicat, II. N 1 (.0 1 Oil AVliilo, .Idhii Small siiitis Cull, ill .l//\',s TI.».iiii. on i:; :54 4 liCi .)•> 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 (111 1 00 I (10 1 00 I (10 1 00 1 (III 2 00 I (10 1 00 1 (Ml 2 ,")0 1 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 •2 00 fi •? ets. 1 (in 1 (11) 1 (!() ') Ill) •) JO 2'.t 2j II 10 us l!j r no l:; i'(i O'l CO 5 00 1 00 1 (10 1 on 1 (10 I (10 1 (10 I (10 I (III I (10 :; 00 I (III 1 no 1 (Ml 2 ,)U 1 on 1 no 2 no in no 2 UO 163 St. Fhancis District Association. — Continued. N.\.\ii:s. 2 "2 c - 1 b -^ 'x 3 $ ct.. 1 00 '•^ ^ $ Cts. ! 3 >, •Z — i^" TuT.vr.. Tiiriiiipson, .Mrs 5 cts, 1 $ cts. i $ as.| $ cts. 1 no Th'iiii]i.-(jn, .Alis." 1 un ( (Ml n .-o I (HI Well!). .Mrs. AV. I( :::.::.::::: ■■::■::::: 1 no ti .-,1) (■„'!:,'(.-:! 1,1! MI.^H I'.ltt. I\ 1!;|1|, "SU-. 1 (ill 1 ml T.roMiiin, .Mis^i \. J 1 IH> 2 (Ml ,) nil i;:,ok. Tlios, .V 1 Oil 1 (III l!i'o()l;c, .Mrs .. . 1 Ml Cusitin*'', .Mi'^.-' 1 2 I'll ! 1 Illl 1 I'd CIcvcliiii.l, «'. 1> Cutter, 11. \\ ,S (III 1 i;u 1 ii.: L' ('11 2 (lit "" 1 ii'n (Id 1 00 '"love, Jirs 1 1 on l-'.»-'('r, (J. K ....:.: 2 00 Fo-tcr, V, It 2 IK) (ioiiin, .Mrs, F i 1 1 (Ml 1 01) llcrtier, .Mrs 1 on licrncr. A II 1 III. 1 11(1 1 (111 I (Ml 1 1 (III ■IcIIVt.v, :\!rs IMcrco, iM : s .,^.. , 1 1 1 I'll 1 1 no I'ii'rcc, Mi.-s 1 nil I I no f-liort, li. ^ 1 1 no .■-ilil'iiid, .Mrs 1 IIM 1 Illl •• 1 1 1 00 Swjiiilinron'^li , Mrs 1 1 ri) '\\'ilc(ii;k,>--, Miri;MU ,•) (111 6 ii'i :i 2. J 1 iiii .."."" .".'i : ■■ ,") 0(1 U'ilcocks, Arthur ."•>iii;ill sum." (•■■'!./.,'/ M ::.'!'■: (.'. .;/"/"■,/,,•. Avliuor, IIi>nlilc. Miss :< no 2,"» 1 110 ('niuil ic, .Air-: 1 n:i 1 IHI Siiiall sums n 7.'. ;:, I,\slor, ri:il'ii I on 1 00 ."•MLMJI stilus. l/. II (Illl I Mi UK /•'(>/,•. Ronttic. A 1 on 2 (III 'a 2i; ;i 25 1 no Uiirt, Tlios, Sr.. , i'.;;;;. ...',.. 2 no I I iti r:: -♦* M^> -{ i .••> 164 St. Fuancis District Association. — Continued. Xamks. ■en - -3 •u. a a . .2 "? a 3 nart.Thop., Jr HastLn;^s, (Jcori'.c. . McPiii'rsim, Emily- Robins, :\rrs. <}...".. llidout, Mrs, (i. L.. Small sums, .-, Coll. bii Mrs. Austin IIcO'i. Small sum?. Offorturics, . Total for St. Ann's....$ St. John's— Mf.liuic UN i:. Coll. h>i Mhs Wnr .(.■ Mis.-^ 'S. A. Xcurll. Monto-tb.Mrs Newell, John.., Small sums?.. .. Coll. III! E. Gull up and Miss M. E. All till. Harper, Rev, E, J. Small siuu.« Coll. Ill Miss E, Mrh'fc. Friizer, Ro'it.. IMcKee, Joliii. Sniiill suiiis.... Olfortories Rockland Ql'aruy and KlNGHMLRV. Ci)ll. Ij'i -Tfiss C. Tiiiilnr. froniblo, INIiireus Croiiibie, <}. M. ami J., T.iyl'ir, ('atlicrino Small .Slims Offertories $ cts.' $ CtS.I $ cts 1 00 1 IK) I 0(1 1 01) 1 (11) S .JO 1 75 2 J ;ii 2t 2(1 );; ;ii 17 w. 2'j 70 1 on 1 7(1 3 (1.3 1 -1(1 1 2;"; (II) (Ml' •111! n .")(• ('O' jo| 2 50 I l."l '. 5 $ ct?, c r .• 1 .^ - ^ I 1-:=.^ i TOTAI,. § cts. 1 :><\ fXi. 1 CO 1 (III 1 (10 1 ('II 1 DO 8 60 1 75 •I!) 57 S 00 ' ] IS 07 1 0(1 ;; Hi ] 0(1 1 Ci: 1 75 5^ 1 00 1 (10 1 70 ?, no :; 05 I CO I (Ml 1 5(1 I IM 1 (III 2 5~( 8 53 165 St. Francis District Assocj\TioN.—Coniinued. Namks. t -3 c . ■- "H C 3 6 ^ II g m Total. MNi.iioritxi: l,ii';:i:. Coll. hii Mi.i.i ]:.:.dh am! ?Ih.i A. Datij. r.u.,ih. Mr--, M' $ Ct.s. .ji ct.s. 1 (0 $ cts. $ cts. $ ct.s. $ cts. 1 on Siiii|;(in, Kat • A 1 ,l!l 1 (M 1 on Sill, ill -iitiis L' !.", 1 ;5 15 UlVertmius ... ... 8 2.. 41) Trt.ll S ll) l.j 1 I'm; 1 l!|) i Oil ,"j 1)11 1 Ml C. .i,i '■il -11 St. I'i;ti;k'h Ciirucii, Sm::i:- liuiMiKi:, Cii'ltvt: i /-.'/ Mi-^.i l-^n:inii. rci-kcft, .Mrs. V 1 no liockftt, Mr.s. 11 I no licwi'i;, JI ,') (HI '.; (Hi 1 1,11 b (III 15 00 linioli,-!. Mrs. K 2 00 KIkins, Mr.-^ 1 on lI;ilo, W . A 5 on ll.iUu\\(.lI, .Mr.i 1 no llul.SdII, ,). 11 •1 oil 4 no Il.ill.-iiid. J'r.s 1' 111! . . . 2 (10 lliiiit, Mi>. \V. J ;! oil 1 00 1 on li.'i'kic, .Mr.s ;> 00 .M(i(', 11 1 (M) I on Uoiil. Kiv. 1> 00 (10 50 no U't'''(*r.s. Mr.s i lai 1 iin I 00 Shcit, .Mrs. J Sviiiiiu!^, .Mr.-i """ r'l'iii 1 III, 1 on 1 00 1 no TllullKI.-', 1> 1 on ^W'i fit, .Mrs F 1 110 2 (III II jii 1 (10 1 00 Wi-u;ott. J. \X \l iisDl), 11 1 00 2 00 8lli:ili !(Utll:j 1 -Ij lb 2 00 Cflc-tal ill .1//-.S'. <:i:!,rrt: An.«ell, F 1 00 Alt'), Mr.s 1 nil! 1 ^ol ■1 00' 1 00 J5iiwpii, 1'" 1 on lin'ol;s, F T 1 00 4 00 IJr iwii, M. i; .S 00 ('lianiliiMliii, Mr.s bilk', i; .. 1 on 1 00 •••• 1 no 1 00 Frajur. 11 ii 1 00 •H'l'J * 166 St. Francis District Association.— Co/i^/«»t'^. M' N.AMK.S, Oilhert, Ur. llcneker, il. W. Irvine Mi.-.i. Ives, AV. li. LawiciiPc, I!. D. Liiwri-'iuM!, .Mrs. E. fiuiiiiis, A. U liDiiias, Mrs. A Miij^'c'o, Mrs Moiiain. J. K ;!cl'(ihkev. J. J ALjrrv, j". \V M.nkil!,,] M(irl 10 JO' 00 ■I.t! (III IM) on no (III l.ii (lii I'll I'll no ('(I oil ml liO c j C.J .'l on I (ill ', 01) o Oil 2 (III no O on 4 nil .) no 1 "11 o lii.-lllr|,'s ('nil. iV StiltUllS... IM 1J Uroiiiiituu Jl Wiiidsiir ;:::;:.::::: ::■■::::::: 2'J 82 4 00 1 1 •' (Ml .'.II 4 (11) 1:5 00 Ciiliuitoll 5 no 81 JU ('oi)k'ii irfi. nil. 2S 7 27 ,s 7 i; (■> '.1 xt 11 :; <{' 10!) ;') 11 ■i;;i 02 (10 ;;! .id III 2ii ii'J (1!) 31 1.-) ■".(1 00 O.'i 7 '. C. Oil S (1 7 17 1 .' (Ill (','■. no 7 l(i ;') no 5 4(1 51 78 Druiiiiiioiidvillu 25 27 Dudswidl ::5 00 Dinliain <.) no 1.') (Ill 7 I'll 8i> '.1.; 1 4 (Il 1 :;o io llatiey iind Watorvillu Kill ''>'.' V 27 50 ;! 7.'> 17 8(1 j on 17 75 LoiitKixvilicj .Mii';ii<' iV (ii'orircvillo... 21 4 on nil 128 «J6 22 (U) liiviir-du-Loiiii .en biiiit .... Uichiiujtid it .Mclljiiunie 5 00 17 on li -III 2'JI on . ;;l j.) .11 o;; 1 4 70 1.-. 1 7t; (i! 50 10 4.-. 8 no 1 IS 07 St. John's (.Molliiiunic) ,v 2,-. 7 .'!(• 5 00 ;;7 41 St. I'olor's (iSlicrluoiikc). ... Stiinstciid 401 ;!0 44 05 Tbrto Uivers 50 13 2a:j 2:'. 01 in 12117 7S GASri] DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Chjio Cove I'crci' % ct.s. 5 on :■< cts. 5:; $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. $ eta. 11 5:5 4 no 4 09 * 7— hW 5 00 4 (^9 5 00 ::.^:: 15 C2 Gxsi'li. Riclimond. Rev J. P 5 00 Uiri.Tlury (St. Jiuiio,'^') " (St. I'liur.s) --- 75 2 S5 1 44 1 ;i5 1 ;'.5 4 20 ..« Total .'{ CO 5 69 10 64 m 170 GrASPi: District Assogl\tion. — Continued. Najii:.s. ! Fund. .2 3 1 6 ^ 3 o - » w =3 "3 Total. M.\i;l).M.l'N' Isl. »Ni). Chaiii!)er.-', Kcv. J $ 01.-^. i $ ct.^ 1 $ Ct.-. $ Cts. ."i 00 $ ct.". 5 C[3. 5 01) I no 1 .-.0 1 1 1) JIaliimw. CnUrrlrd 1,,) MIm C ■■''t. B()W(ir, \\. F Cc.Ums J, k E rolluH, A. V. 1 1 1 0:i I ',X< ■ fcM (1 ,'il| Oolliis, Ai'iliur 1 iM I (III 1 III) Diuiciiii, .Mrs 1 1 UU Eiii|)liivi'('s 1)1' .Mc-t^rs. J. .'• E. Cullns ■1 'i:. 1 "j FmuvuI, (icf). P. it .T 1 .111 1 Oil o 0(1 1 1 jll L(;.Mnr([U.iiicI, TIkh los 1 no Walters, .Air.<. (J. K 1 ;'i (II) Sniiill smiis 2 01) " III) OlTortury 1 00 1 nu , '1 .-.0 Tdtil '- il 7j! 1 00 ■ IS 2J Nkv,- CAiii,i:-,;,K k rA.-u'i;- r.iAc. Blaylock, Ituv. T ;-^lll(iA«AKi:. Brnwii, ilcv C. D 6 00 5 00 ( h 01) 5 00 Oiicitijry — '^lii;':'i>v.'.ki> " I'l.rt I>:iiiiel :> 0.) ;v) 111 70 i 1 2.-) 01 iij ^ srt '' Ij'.VllSO -JlU-GllSCDIl. — s.) T.i'cill !^' 5 (I0| i 15 7(5 iSandv ])i:\fu.* Siiliscrijitioris iind Oft'orturv. T 2M 28 27 !:'U:*1.M \11V Capo Cove i i'ori'.' aa.siii'" .. $ cts. r. Oi; ,3 00 % cts. w:, $ cts, 4 li'.i 1 .",:. 1 00 $ cts. $ Cts, $ cts. i:. 02 7) 00 5 00 7) 00 5 OU 111 fi-t Mil "(l)ilcn Isljiudy 7i no M!iil).iie New pMrliiilo II 7.-. 2 ..() In 25 Shi«'ii w.iko 10 70 2.5 1 17) 70 Suiul V Jlc K'll M 0-) 2S 27 '.) o:; Total •■;; ,VJ \U it C7 20 fii) 1)S 64 Skuy. li V. Dr. Ivor's list nf ti;iuiu* ul'subscriberH failod to roacji the fc3Ccrotar}''B bain's- V^ waul ToTAl,. •'~> Ct3, i 01) ] no 1 iU 1 (0 1 III) 1 HU 4 25 1 yO 1 (10 • t 01) '> no 1 (10 IS 2: 5 00 5 1)0 5 (Ij 4 SO S,-) I.') 7t) 111 Tho f(jllrnviiif>; aiiiouuts Iiavo boon rocoivod froni the IMissiou of Wt, Sylvester, aftor tho Society's amounts wore closet! : — Gi-NF.RAT, FrNi).— bV. ,S')/,'/v,./r)—X. Breiieii, ^•2 ; A. 15iack, $!. • Mr. Cimiiunon ami family, $'2.r)0 ; J. Evans, $2 ; Kov. W. King, ^5 ; Dr. Kinu, SIT) ; J. JMachill, Si ; J. McKeo, 82 ; Mrs. Ross, $1; P. Stoiivhton, SI ; W. Wilson, $2 ; Wilson, jr., ,S1 ; Sauutel Warlc, );U ; T ,tal, SMiKoO :iY. ','/''■,■;— Cox Bros., 81.'"')0; E. Crane, J?! ; ?Jrs. Jria/iett, Si ; Ui\ Le- folu're and family, S.j.50 ; W. Spears, S1-«J0 ; Mrs. Tonkins, >^1. ; Total, $0.50. ,S'. '.''Drtic—Mrii. Po/.er, sr. , .?l ; Hon. C. I'oser, 82 ; Miss Po/.cr, 2 ; Wm. WvMV, $2 ; IVFrs W. Vo/.c:; 82 ; "Jr. D. P..ser, .82 ; John Poser, S2; J. Co.slinL,', 82; W. IVLankle, -81 ; Total, 81'.).(X>. St. J/.n-ynv/V-K. Stevenson, 82.50 ; W. Suiter, 81 ; Total, 8:>-->0. .SV. y'nn«'w— Mr. ]\Ioodie, $2; :\ir:i. Moodie, 82 ; Totid, 84. ,SV. /',<;nV.v- "Mr. Stokes, 81. ^f M'lri/s-^Mvii. Geo. L'../;er, 8-1; K Lillintt, 81; M. LiHiott, 82; ToLal 87. C:r,iVirl-hlil,l ^ [ 1 1 1 .! —^'Sl VH. iJnick, 81. Til': K<'inl'hrr — 'Siv^ 8.Uiij)le, 82 ; Joseph T!iiM.i[).son, -81 ; Total, 8o. <):'rK.:;TOiiv.-^St. Syhester, ]\fi>>si(>n Fund, .'^O.,")) ; Poisinn, 81.05 Sr. (jiles, Mission Fund, ;,-1.07 ; IVnsiim, 82 10. St. (ieop^e, tleneral Fund, 81.70 ; I'ensi.m. 81- '0. St. Mary's, (iener.-l L''r'iul, ir0.7.">. Grand tu'al, 81UM7. FOKEIGN .VXU DOMESTIC MISSIONS. Tlie follov.'i!\'4 sums nf money have been contributed fur F.irei.n and Duine-lic Mi.s ions, vi/,. :-- 8'»I4.^"5 for i'l/rei^n, 8' )'-"-''T fur Domestic. Bo-sidtvs \\w above, a;n(pni\ts, liave beon inrwarded direct for tho Shinr,'- wank and Wawaimsli Homes, 810 from St. I'eter'.s Sunday School, Quebec : S20..".0 from Rev. E. Botwood, St. .bihn's, Mo\vfoundla;id, and .'fi(57.i>0 from St. Matthew's, Quebec. . trfl I.. * if- 172 FORMS OF BEQUESTS AND DEVISES BY AVILL. I. A Bequest of a s/nii of laoiuv, or of Sliarcs of Sicck\ or Public Dcbcniuns.for i/ic general jkh'/'oscs of the Society. I give and boquoaLli to " th;^ Cliui:;li Society of the Diocese of Oiiehec," incorporoted by a Statute of the Tro- yince of Canada, passed in the fouvtcr-nth iind iifleenth years of the IJeiini of Her jMaje.sty, Qukex YicrroKiA, chapter 171, the sum (or Slimvs of Stocks in the Bank of standing in my naineia the Books of the said Bank, or of Debeiitures, describe th;'m ln-i(dly,) npou trust to be by the said (_'hurch Society applied to and for Ike /^sc^ and parpti'^eA of (lie said, l^'orieti/, rt.s' specified in the said Act of hicorjuyraiion and noitc oilier. II. A Bequest of a suiu if :;!0!!e]\ or of Sf;Oires of i^toe/c or J)edcutures, for one or v:ore of the specif c purposes cf the SoeHetj'. (Same as foregoin'i', only iiist^^ad of the words in Italics say) towards the augmeutalion oi* the Eiind Juuninl for the purpose of providing for ilie future suppr-rt of the Clergy of the Diocese, called the Suslentation Fund. Or, Towards the support ol mi- .■ioijai'i'^s and cJcruynuMi of the United Church oi' England and Ireland in the Diocese of Quebec. Or, Towards the augraentatio;i of tlie Fund forn^ed to make provision for those of Ihe (Meruy of th.e United Cliurch of l]ngland and Treland, in ihe Itioct se iocese ol Quebec, called the Widows' and Oi'phans' Fund. 173 I'll ILL, 'C'n\ or of the Tio- ii'Olltil T(JKIA, '-■^lllUV.s e thi'iii Society lier. Or, Towards tho nn9;montalioii of llio Fund for endowing- the Church ill the Mission of (or at ) hold by the said Church Society, subject to the conditions of a DlhhI of Trust passed betvv"en the. said Church iSociety and tlii^ Incuml) 'lit and Church-wardens of the Church in the said Mission, (or at ) Or, As the commencement of an endowment for the Churcn )fSt. for at in the Mission of ) and to provide for tlie future main- tenance of divine worsliip in conformity with the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland. Or, For and towards the encourasi'cmt^it of education, and the support of day schools and iSunday scln ols in the said Diocese of Qu('l)ev., in conformity Avith t ■, • } ;• jiciples of the United Church of England and 1, Or, For and towards a Fund for assist; iU' r. "sons prt'pnrin< for tlie "}dini:-try of the Gospel in tlie Ui'^'led Church of England and Ireland, within the said Diocese of Quebec. Or, For and towards a Fund for circulating, in the said Diocest^ of (^nebt^c, ifie lloiy Scrii)tures, the r>of>'-; o[ C^om- mon Prayer of the United Chur<.'h of I'hvgland a .u livland, and the Hooks and 'Tracts a[)pi'o\'ed by the said Clnirch [Society for cirt.'iii.iiion within the said ]Jioco.:;e of Qn bee. Or. As an aid tow;,rd.s the er(^ction, endowment a!id mainten- ance ol cliurchi's accoi'ding to tlu' i>rincii>!es of the United Church of England and Ireland, within tln^ Diocese of Quebec, — the erection and mainlenance of parsonage houses, — (he setting apart of burial grounds and church- 174 yards, and the endowment and support of parsonages and rectories within the said Diocese. III. A Devise of Real Eslate for ilic general purposes of tlic Society. I give and devise unto "the Chnrch Society of the Diocese of Que])ei , ' incorporated by a Statute of the Pro- vince of Canada, passed in the fourteenth and lirteeiith years of the lioign of Her J\IaJe^;ly, Qui<:en Victoria, chapter 171, all and singular, iKrc, (describe the real esuitt^ clearly.) to have and to hold tlu' .said, &c., unto the said Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, and their succes- sors, for ever ; upon trust to hold iuid apply the same, and the rents, issues and prolits tlier>'of la a)id far Ike titles and jmr/ioses of the said CliNrck tii)ciefi/,^as a/ieri/ied in lite said Act of Inrorjjorntion, and no?ie otiier, and under the provisions of (he aforesaid Art of Incorporation of the said Church SocielT/. W . A Derisr of Iveal Jis/afe fr 'ih'j one or more of the speeifi purposes of he Soeieiy. Same !is in No. 3 — only instead of the words in Italics insert the specific purposes, as in No. -I. "V. A Devise to the Society if a site for Church, C'rc, Same as No. 3, down to tlie words " for e\er" — then go on as follows : — io the uses and upon the trusts following, that is to say • — upon tho trusts to hold I In; s:ime forever hereafter us and for the place and site of a Churcli and church-yard, and burial-uround, for the sole use and henellt of memhers of tlic Chureli residing in the ]>lace adjacent to the said site and premises with'n th(» said Diocese of Quebec, accordiag to the doctrine and diseijdine of the United Church of Enu'land and Ireland, and for no other purposes, and under the ]n'ovisions of the aforesaid Act of Incorporation of the yaid Churcli Society. 175 LANDS BELONGINa TO THE CIIUrtCK SOCIETY. No. 14, Range 7, Towhship of Haliftix. No. 10, Puiiige 8, do do MEMBERS OF THE COIirOIiATION, ELECTED 1st FEBRUARY, 1882. Mr. W. Thompson, " John Jlamilton, " F. Holloway, Col. Irwin, Mr. H. Hmith, " W. J. Stanley, " Harry Stavely, " Stiiiirt Dunn, " Win. Hall, " G. King, " It. Mulhollanl, Mr. A. McFarhnio, " ]], Er;vdIoy, " Gr. H. Iloiishaw, " L, A. Iloorner, " ^y. C. Tontland, " J. Ri'ynar, " A. P. rdtchi(>, " J. E, .^-hortis, " ^V. W. AVelch, " F. a. Wotli or spoon, Mrs. Irwin. THE DEPOSITOR TAPV OF THE Soaieiy for ?roiiiiitjiti2 GMsdian Siiowlodge AT MISS WOODS' 82, Si. John Street, (within,) QUEBEC. A constant .supply of PJBuES, T1WTAMKXT8, PRAYEU BOOK:^ and CHURCH SERVICE:^ always on hand, in every style oi' binding, Sunday School LiunARV Books, Miscelianeont-' Pnl)- lications and Tracts sold at very ^•■.wsonable rates. (|t> Any of the Books in the Catalo'j;-u;' of the S. V. C. K. will be sent lor if the, ordiM's be leCt i;' !he Depository. ZTOTIOE. The Annual Sermons in aid of the various Fund.'^ of the Church Society are appointed to be preached,— For General Purposes, on Qninquageswia Sunday. For the Mission Fund, on the Sunday nearest to .]fi- chaelnias. For Domestic Mission Fund, on.the Day of Intercession. For the Pension Fund, on Thanksgiving Day. g(f> Subscribers of One dollar, or upwards, at one time, are entitled to receive a copy of the Annual Report. ^ Subscribers of One dollar, or upwards, are entitled to have their names printed in the Annual Report. ^^ All sums under One dollar will be entered as small sums.