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WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
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34 BeelcDian at., N. Y.
, ^, ^ ^ «. V. V . , ^ ^ ALEXANDER,
20 Beekman & 18 Spruce-Street 1 Spruce ct., N. Y.
. 13
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KlAGAIvA. • • • • • • •
. 258
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" Dear foster-mother, on whoso ample breast
The lnmgry still find food, the weary rest ;
The child of want that treads thy happy shore
Shall feel the grasp of poverty no more ;
His honest toil meet recompense can claim,
And Freedom bless hira with a freeman's name !"
8. M
In our work of *' Roughing it ia the Bush," I endeavoured to draw a
picture of Canadian life, as I found it twenty years ago, in the Back-
woods. My motive in giving such a melancholy narrative to the
public, was prompted by the hope of deterring well-educated people,
about to settle in this colony, from entering upon a life for which
they were totally unfitted by their previous pursuits and habits.
To persons unaccustomed to hard labour, and used to the comforts
and Lixuries deemed indispensable to those moving in the middle
classes at home, a settlement in the bush can offer few advantages.
It has proved the ruin of hundreds and thousands who have ven-
tured their all in this hazardous experiment ; nor can I recollect a sin-
gle family of the higher class, that have come under my own personal
knowledge, that ever realised an independence, or bettered tlicir con-
dition, by taking up wild lands in remote localities ; while volumes
might be filled with failures, even more disastrous than our own, to
prove the truth of ray former statements.
But whllo I bavo endeavoured to point out tlie error of gcntlcmon
bringing delicate women and belplcsH cliildrcn to toil in the wood^,
and by bo doing excluding them from all social intercourHe willi per-
Koiis in their own rank, and depriving the young had on
c money
class ia
ics hftvo
crowd to the Bnckwoodn, and prefer the coarKo, hard life of an
uxeunm, to that of a respectable landed proprietor in i\ civilized
part of the countr>, has alwayH been to uic u mutter of surpriso ; for
a farm under cultivation can alwayH be purchased for letw money
limn must uecenHariiy be expended upon clearing and raising build-
ings upon a wild lot.
Many young men are attracted to the IJackwoods by the fuciliticH
tliey present for Imuting and fisliing. Tli<' wild, fVec life of tho
iiunter, has for an ardent and romantic temperanjent an inexpressible
charm. lUit hunting ami llshing, however fascinating as a wiiolesomo
relaxation from labor, will not win bread, or clothe a wife and
sliivering little ones ; and tliose who give tliemselves entirely up to
such pursuits, soon add to these profitless accomplishments the bush
vices of smoking and drinking, and quickly throw olf those moral
restraints upon which their respectability and future welfare depend.
The bush is the most demoralizing place to which an anxious and
prudent paront could send a young lad. Freed suddenly from all
parental control, and exposed to tho contaminating inlluence of broken-
down gentlemen loafers, who hide their pride and poverty in the woods,
he joins in their low debauchery, and falsely imagines that, by becom-
ing a blackguard, he will be considered an excellent backwoodsman.
How many fine young men have I seen beggared and ruined in the
bush ! It is too much the custom in the woods for the idle settler,
who will not work, to live upon the new comer as long as he can give
him good fare and his horn of whisky. "When these fail, farewell to
your good-hearted, roystering friends ; they will leave you like a
swarm of musquitoes, .while you fret over your festering wor.nds, and
fly to suck the blood of some new settler, who is fool enough to
believe their offers of friendship.
The dreadful vice of drunkenness, which 1 shall have occasion to soeak
of hereafter, is nowhere displayed in more revolting colours, or occurs
more frequently, than in the bush ; nor is it exhibited by the lower
classes in so shameless a manner as by the gentlemen settlers, from
whom (I hotter example mi^ht be expected. It woiiM not l>e difflctilt
to point out the caiiHes whicli loo often lend to these melancholy resulta.
LosH of property, incapacUy for hard labour, yielding the mind to
low and degrading vices, whicii destroy self-rrspoct und paralyse ho-
nest e.xertion, and the annihilation of those extravagant hopes that
false statements, made by interesteH tbat
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The friendly rdutlonH wliich now ex'iA betweon us and onr outor-
priwinj?, IntolligtMit American noi^'liborn, havo doubtleas done much
to proilucc this umalKaniation of clasacH. The gentleman no lonj^er
looks down with supercilious Belf-itnportance on the wealthy merchant,
nor does the latter refuse to the ingenious mechanic the ri.'spoct duo
to him as a man. A more healthy state pervades Canadian society
than existed here a few years ago, when party feeling ran liigh, and
the professional men and ofllce-holders visited exclusively ,'\mong
themselves, aflecting airs of aristocratic superiority, which were per-
fectly absurd in a new country, and which gave great olfence t<>
those of equal wealth who were not admitted into their clinue.
Though too much of this spirit exists in the large cities, such as
Quebec, Montreal, and Toronto, it would not bo tolerated in the
small district towns and villages, where a gentleman could not taico
a surer method of making himself unpopular than by exhibiting this
feeling to his fellow-townsmen.
I have been repeatedly asked, since the publication of •' Roughing
it in the Bush," to give an account of the present state of society
in the colony, and to point out its increasing prosperity and com-
mercial advantages ; but statistics are not my forte, nor do I feel
myself qualified for such an arduous and important task. My know-
ledge of the colony is too limited to enable mo to write a compre-
hensive work on a subject of vital consequence, which might involve
the happiness of others. But what I do know I will endeavour to
sketch with a light pencil ; and if I cannot convey much useful
information, I will try to amuse the reader ; and by a mixture of
prose and poetry compile a small volume, which may help to whilo
away an idle hour, or fill up tho blanks of a wet day.
1 embers
'anada ;
If acquir-
Belleville, Canada West,
By the purple haze that lies
On the distant rocky height,
Ey the deep blue of the tkies,
By the smoky amber light,
Through the forest arches streaming,
Where nature on her throne sits dreaming,
And the Kun is scarcely gleaming
Through the cloudlet's snowy white.
Winter's lovely herald greets us,
Ere the ice-crown'd tyrant meets us.
A mellow softness fills the air —
No breeze on wanton winj steals by,
To break the holy quiet there.
Or make the waters fret and sigh,
Or the golden alders sliiver,
That bend to kiss the placid river.
Flowing on and on for ever ;
But the little waves seem sleeping,
O'er the pebbles slowly creeping,
That last night were flashing, leaping.
Driven by the restless breeze.
In lines of foam beneath yon trees.
Dress'd in robes of gorgeous hue —
Brown and gold with crimson blent,
The forest to the waters blue
Its own enchanting tints has lent.
In their dark depths, life-like glowing,
Vt'^e see a second forest growing,
Each pictur'd leaf and branch bestowing
A fairy grace on that twin wood,
Mirror'd within the crystal flood.
'Tis pleasant now in forest shades ; —
The Indian hunter strings his bow
To track, through dark entangled glades,
The antler'd deer and bounding doe ;
Or launch at night his birch canoe,
To spear the finny tribes that dwell
On sandy bank, in weedy cell.
Or pool the fisher knows right well, —
Seen by the red and livid glow
Of pine-torch at his vessel's bow.
This dreamy Indian summer-day
Attunes the soul to tender sadness :
We love, but joy not in the ray,
It is not summer's fervid gladness,
But a melancholy glory
Hov'ring brightly round decay,
Like swan that Hings her own sad story,
Ere she fioatft in death away.
The day declines. — ^What splendid dyes,
In flicker'd waves of crimson driven,
Float o'er the safiron sea, that lies
Glowing within the western heaven I
Ah, it is a peerless even !
See, the broad red sun has set.
But his rays are quivering yet,
Through nature's veil of violet,
Streaming bright o'er lake and hill j
But earth and forest lie so still —
We start, and check the rising tear,
'Tis beauty sleeping on her bier.
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" The land of our adoption claims
Our liighest powers — our firmest trust —
May future ages blend our names
With hers, when we shall sleep in dust.
Land of our sons ! — last-born of earth,
A mighty nation nurtures thee ;
The first in mortal power and worth —
Long mayest thou boast her sovereignty !
Union is strength, while round the boughs
Of thine own lofty maple-tree ;
The threefold wreath of Britain flows,
Twined with the graceful fleur-de-U« ;
A chaplet wreathed mid itmiles and tears,
In whiih all hues of glory blend ;
Long may it bloom for future years,
And vigour to thy weakness lend."
Year after year, during twenty years' residence in the colony,
I had indulged the hope of one day visiting the Falls of Niagara,
and year after year, for twenty long years, I was doomed to dis-
For the first ten years, my residence in the woods of Douro,
ray infant family, at last, not least, among the list of objections,
that great want — the want of money — placed insuperable diffi-
culties in the way of my ever accomplishing this cherished wish
of my heart.
The hope, resigned for the present, was always indulged as a
! "
bright future — a jileasant day-dream — an event which at eoiiio
unknown period, when liappier days should dawn upon us, might
take ])lace ; but which just now was entirely out of the question.
Wlien the cliildrcn were very importunate for a new book or
toy, and I had not the means of gratifying them, I used to silence
them by saying that I would buy that and many other nice
things for them when " our money cart came home."
During the next ten years, this all-important and anxiously
anticipated vehicle did not arrive. The children did not get their
toys, and my journey to Niagara was still postponed to an inde-
finite period.
Like a true daughter of romance, I could not banish from my
mind the glorious ideal I had formed of this wonder of the world ;
but still continued to speculate about the mighty cataract, that
sublime " tlmnder of waters,''^ whose very name from childhood
had been musi* to my ears.
Ah, hope ! what would life be, stripped of thy encouraging
smiles, that teach us to look behind the dark clouds of to-day for
the golden beams that are to gild the morrow. To those who
have faith in thy promises, the most extravagant fictions are
possible ; and the unreal becomes material and tangible. The
artist who placed thee upon the rock with an anchor for a lean-
ing post^ could never have experienced any of thy vagrant pro-
pensities. He should have invested thee with the rainbow of
Iris, the winged feet of Mercury, and the upward pointing finger
of Faith; and as for thy footstool, it should be a fleecy white
cloud, changing its form with the changing breeze.
Yet this hope of mine, of one day seeing the Falls of Niagara,
was, after all, a very enduring hope ; for though I began to fear
that it never would be realized, yet, for twenty years, I never
gave it up entirely ; and Patience, who always sits at the feet
of Hope, was at length rewarded by her sister's consenting
During the past summer I was confined, by severe indisposi-
tion, almost entirely to the house. The obstinate nature of my
disease baflfled the skill of a very clever medical attendant, and
created alarm and uneasiness in ray family ; and I entertained
Fmall hopes of my o wn recovery.
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Dr. L , as a last resonrco, recommended change of air and
scene ; a remedy far more to my taste tlian the odious drugs
from wliicli I had not derived the least benefit. Ill and languid
as I was, Niagara once more rose before my mental vision, and
I exclaimed, with a thrill of joy, "The time is come at last — I
shall yet see it before I die."
My dear husband was to bo the companion of ray long jour-
ney in search of health. Our simple arrangements were soon
made, and on the 7th of September wo left Belleville in the hand-
some new steam-boat, " The Bay of Quinte," for Kingston.
The afternoon was cloudless, the woods just tinged with their
first autumnal glow, and the lovely bay, and its fairy isles, never
appeared more enchanting in my eyes. Often as I had gazed
upon it in storm and shine, its blue transparent waters seemed
to smile upon me more lovingly than usual. With aflfectionate
interest I looked long and tenderly upon the shores we were leav-
ing. There stood my peaceful, happy home ; the haven of rest
to which Providence had conducted me after the storms and tri-
als of many years. Within the walls of that small stone cottage,
peeping forth from its screen of young hickory trees, I had left
three dear children, — God only could tell whether we should ever
meet on earth again : I knew that their prayers would follow
me on my long journey, and the cherub Hope was still at my side,
to w^hisper of happy hours and restored health and spirits. I
blessed God, for the love of those young kindred hearts, and for
having placed their home in such a charming locality.
Next to the love of God, the love of nature may be regarded
as the purest and holiest feeling of the human breast. J In the
outward beauty of his creation, wo catch a reflection of the
divine image of the Creator, which refines the intellect, and lifts
the soul upward to Ilim. This innate perception of the beauti-
ful, however, is confined to no rank or situation, but is found in
the most barren spots, and surrounded by the most unfavourable
circumstances ; wherever the sun shines and warms, or the glory
of the moon and stars can be seen at night, the children of
genius will find a revelation of God in their beams. But there
is not a doubt that those born and brought np among scenes of
great natural sublimity and beauty, imbibe this feeling in a larger
degree, and their minds are more easily imbued with the glorious
colouring of romance, — the inspired visions of the poet.
Dear patient reader 1 whether of British or Canadian origin,
as I wish to afford you all the amusement in my power, deign to
accompany me on my long journey. Allow me a woman's privi-
lege of talkmg of all sorts of things by the way. Should I tiro
you with my desultory mode of conversation, bear with me
charitably, and take into account the infirmities incidental to my
gossiping sex and age. If I dwell too long upon some subjects,
do not call me a bore, or vain and trifling, if I pass too lightly
over others. The little knowledge I possess, I impart freely, and
wish that it was more profound and extensive, for your sake.
Come, and take your seat with me on the deck of the steamer ;
and as we glide over the waters of this beautiful Bay of Quinte,
I will make you acquainted with every spot worthy of note
along its picturesque shores.
An English lady, writing to me not long ago, expressed her
weariness of my long stories about the country of my adop-
tion, in the following terms : — " Don't fill your letters to me with
descriptions of Canada. Who, in England^ thinks anything of
Canada P^
Here the pride so common to the inhabitants of the favoured
isles spoke out. This is perhaps excusable in those who boast
that they belong to a country that possesses, in an eminent de-
gree, the attributes bestowed by old Jacob on his first-born, —
" the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power." But,
to my own thinking, it savoured not a little of arrogance, and
still more of ignorance, in the fair writer ; who, being a woman
of talent, should have known better. A child is not a man, but
his progress is regarded with more attention on that account;
and his future greatness is very much determined by the progress
he makes in his youth.
To judge Canada by the same standard, she appears to us a
giant for her years, and well worthy the most serious contempla-
tion. Many are the weary, overtasked minds in that great,
wealthy, and powerful England, that turn towards this flourish-
ing colony their anxious thoughts, and would willingly exchange
the golden prime of the mother country for the healthy, vigor-
5 glorious
in origin,
, deign to
in'8 privi-
ild I tiro
■with mo
itftl to my
J subjects,
oo. lightly
freely, and
ir sake.
B steamer ;
of Quinte,
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ressed her
my adop-
to me with
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st-born, —
jr." But,
gance, and
a woman
man, but
Is to us a
lat great,
\y, vigor-
ous young strength of this, licr stalwart clilld, and consider
themselves only too hajjpy in securing a Iiomo upon these free
and fertile shores.
Bo not discouraged, bravo emigrant. Let Canada still remain
the briglit future in your mind, and hasten to convert your pre-
sent day-dream into reality. The time is not far distant when
she shall be the theme of many tongues, and the old nations of tho
world will speak of her progress with resj)cct and admiration,
ller intancy is past, she begins to feel her feet, to know her
own strength, and see her way clearly through the wilderness.
Child as you may deem her, she has already battled brtively for
her own I'ights, and obtained the management of her own affairs.
Her onward progress is certain. There is no if in her case. She
possesses within her own territory all tho elements of futuro
prosperity, and she mxist he great/
The men who throng her marts, and clear her forests, aro
workers, not dreamers, — who have already realized Solomon's
pithy proverb, " In all labour is profit ;" and their industry has
imbued them with a spirit of independence which cannot fail to
make them a free and enlightened people.
An illustration of tho truth of what I advance, can be given
in the pretty town wo are leaving on the north side of the bay.
I think you will own with me that your eyes have seldom rested
upon a spot more favoured by Nature, or one that bids fairer to
rise to great wealth and political importance.
Sixty years ago, the spot that Belleville now occupies was in the
wilderness ; and its rapid, sparkling river and sunny upland
slopes (which during the lapse of ages have formed a succession
of banks to the said river), were only known to the Indian hun-
ter and the white trader.
Where you see those substantial stono wharfs, and the masts
of those vessels, unloading their valuable cargoes to replenish
tho stores of the wealthy merchants in the town, a tangled cedar
swamp spreads its dark, unwholesome vegetation into the bay,
completely covering with an impenetrable jungle those smooth
verdant plains, now surrounded with neat cottages and gardens.
Of a bright summer evening (and when is a Canadian summer
evening otherwise ?) those plains swarm with happy, healthy
children, wlio assemble there to pursue their gambols beyond the
heat uiid dust of the town ; or to watch with eager eyes the
young men of the i)luce engaged in the manly old English game
of cricket, wltli whom it is, in their iiarmless boasting, "■ Belle-
ville against Toronto-Cobourg; Kingston, the whole world,"
The editor of a Kingston i)ai)er once had the barbarity to com-
pare these valiant champions of the bat and ball to '' singed cata
— ugly to look at, but very devils to go."
Our lads have never forgiven the insult; and should the said
editor ever show his face upon their ground, they would kick
him off with as little ceremony as they would a spent ball.
On that high sandy ridge that overlooks the town eastward —
where the tin roof of the Court IIoiLse, a massy, but rather taste-
less building, and the spires of four churches catch the rays of
the sun — a tangled maze of hazel bushes, and wild plum and
cherry, once screened the Indian burying-ground, and the chil-
dren of the red hunter sought for strawberries among the long
grovss and ■ 'ild flowers that flourish profusely in that sandy
Would that yoi; could stand with me on that lofty eminence
and look around you 1 The charming prospect that spreads itself
at your feet would richly repay you for toiling up the hill.
We will suppose ourselves standing among the graves in the
burying-ground of the English church ; the sunny heavens above
us, the glorious waters of tlie bay, clasping in their azure belt
three-fourths of the landscape, and the quiet dead sleeping at
our feet.
The white man has so completely supplanted his red brother,
that he has appropriated the very spot that held his bones ; and
in a few years tlieir dust will mingle together, although no stone
marks the grave where the red man sleeps.
From this churchyard you enjoy the finest view of the town
and surrounding country ; and, turn your eyes which way you
will, they cannot fail to rest on some natural object of great in-
terest and beauty.
The church itself is but a homely structure; and has always
been to me a great eyesore. It is to be regretted that the first
inhabitants of the place selected their best and most healthy
yond the
eyes the
ish game
, " Belle-
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I the first
building sites for the erection of places of worship. Chnrches
and clmrcliyards occupy the hills from whence they obtain their
springs of fresh water, — and such delicious water! They do not
at present feel any ill-consecpjcnces arising from this error of
juflgmcnt; but the time will come, as population increases, and
the dead accumulate, when these burying-grounds, by poisoning
the springs that tiow through them, will materially injure tiio
hi'.'iltli of the living.
The English church was built many years ago, partly of red
brick burnt in the neighbou lood, and partly of wood coloured
red to make up the deficiency of tlie costlier material. Thi.}
seems a shabby saving, as abundance of brick-earth of the best
quality abounds in tlie same hills, and the miiking of bricka
forms a very lucrative and important craft to several persons in
the town.
Belleville was but a small settlement on the edge of the forest,
scarcely deserving the name of a village, when this church first
pointed its ugly tower towards heaven. Doubtless its founders
^bought they had done wonders when they erected this humble
looking place of worship ; but now, when their descendants have
become rich, and the village of log-huts and frame buildings has
grown into a populous, busy, thriving town, and this red taste-
less building is too small to accommodate its congregation, it
should no longer hold the height of the hill, but give i)lace to a
larger and handsomer edifice.
Behold its Catholic brother on the other side of the road ;
how much its elegant structure and graceful spire adds to the
beauty of the scene. Yet the funds for rearing that handsome
building, which is such an ornament to the town, were chielly
derived from small subscriptions, drawn from the earnings of
mechanics, day-labourers, and female servants. If the Church
of England were supported throughout the colony, on the volun-
tary principle, we should soon see fine stone churches, like St.
Michael, replacing these decaying edifices of wood, and the out.-
cry about the ever-vexed question of the Clergy Reserves, would
be merged in her increased influence and prosperity.
The deep-toned, sonorous bell, that fills the steeple of the
Catholic church, which cost, I have been told, seven hundred
potiiulfl, and WJV3 l>roui,'lit all tlio ■svay fi-(»iM Spain, ^vad pur-
chased by tho voluntary donations of tho congregation. This
l)t'll is '•eniarkable for its fine tone, -wliicli can bo heard ciglit
miles into tho comitry, as far as the village of North[)ort, eleven
miles distant, on tho other side of tho bay. There is a Holomn
grandeur in tlio solitary voice of tho magnilicent bell, as it
booms across tho valley in which tho town lies, and reverberates
among tho distant woods and liills, •which him a very imposing
A fow years ago tho mechanics in tho town entered into an
agreement that thoy would only work from six to six during tho
summer months, and from seven till tivo in tho winter, and they
offered to pay a certain sum to tho Catholic church for tolling
tho bell at tho said hours. Tho Catholic workmen who reside
in or near tho town, adhere strictly to this rule, and, if the
season is ever so pressing, they obstinately refuse to work before
or after the stated time. I have scon, on our own little farm,
tho mower lling down his scytho in tho swathe, and the harvest-
man his sickle in the ridge, tho moment the bell tolled for six.
In fact, the bell in this respect is looked upon as a great nui-
sance; and the farmers in tho country refuse to bo guided by it
in tho hours allotted for field labour; as they justly remark that
tho best time for hard work in a hot country is before six in the
morning, and after tho heat of the day in the evening.
When tho bell commences to toll there is a long j^auso be-
tween each of the first four strokes. This is to alloAV the pious
Catholic time for crossing himself and sa-ying a short prayer.
How much of tho ideal mingles with this worship ! No won-
der that tho Irish, who are such an imaginative people, should
cling to it with such veneration. Woidd any other creed suit
them as well ? It is a solemn thing to stop into their churches,
and witness tho intensity of their devotions. Reason never
raises a doubt to shako tho oneness of their faith. They receive
it on the credit of their priests, and their credulity is as boimd-
loss as their ignorance. Often have I asked tho poor Catholics
in my employ why such and such days were holy days ? They
could seldom tell me, but said that " the priest told them to keep
them holy, and to break them would be a deadly sin."
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1 cannot but respect their child-like trnst, and tho rovercnco
they feel for their spiritual teochers ; nor could I ever bring
myself to believe thnt a conscientious Catholic was in any dan-
ger of rejection from tho final bar. lie has imposed upon him-
self a heavier yoke than the Saviour kindly laid upon him, and
has enslaved himself with a thousand superstitious obsi-rvances
which to us appear absurd ; but his sincerity should awaken in
us an affoctionato interest in his behalf, not engender tho bitter
hatred which at present forms an adamantine barrier between
us. If tho Protestant would give up a littlo of his bigotry, and
tho Catholic a part of his superstition, and thoy would consent
to meet each other half way, as brothers of one common man-
hood, inspired by tho samo Christian liope, and bound to the
same heavenly country, wo should no longer see the orange
bann »• flaunting our streets on tho twelfth of July, and natives
of the same island provoking each other to acts of violence and
Tliese hostile encounters are of yearly occurrence in tho
colony, and are justly held in abhorrence by the pious and
thinking portion of the population of either denomination. Tlio
government has for many years vainly endeavored to put them
down, but they still pollute with their moral leprosy the free
institutions of tho country, and eflfectually prevent any friendly
feeling which might grow up between the members of these
rival and hostile creeds.
In Canada, where all religions are tolerated, it appears a use-
less aggravation of an old national gi-ievanco to jjerpetuato tho
memory of the battle of tho Boyne. "What have we to do with
tlio hatreds and animosities of a more barbarous ago. These
things belong to tlie past : " Lot the dead bury their dead,"
and let us form for ourselves a holier and truer present. Tho
old quarrel between Irish Catholics and Protestants should have
been sunk in tho ocean when they left their native country to
lind a home, unpolluted by tho tyrannies of bygone ages, in the
wilds of Canada.
Tho larger portion of our domestics are from Ireland, and as
far as my experience goes, I have found t^^o Catholic Irish as
faithful and trustworthy as tho Protestants. The tendency to
I '^1
Iiuto belongs to tho rncc, not to tlio religion, or the ProtoHtant
would not exhibit the bjuiio viiulictivo spirit wbich iiiarku liii)
Ctttliolie brother. They break und destroy more than tho
rroteHtiiutH, but thiit HpringH from tho reckless carelossncss of
their cliuracter more than from any nialico against their em-
l)l()yerH, if you n>ay judge by tho bad v.sago they give their
own household goods and tools. Tho ])rinciplo on which they
live is literally to caro as little as possible for tho things of to-
day, and to take no thought at all ft)r tho morrow.
'' Shuro, Ma'am, it can be used," said an Irish girl to mo, after
breaking the sjxmt of an expensive china jug, "It is not a hair
tho worse!" She could not iniagiuo that a mutilated object
could occasion the least discomfort to those accustomed to order
and neatness in their household arrangements.
Tho Irish f-.-malo servants are remarkably chasto in their lan-
guage and dei)ortment. You aro often obliged to find fault with
them for gross acts of neglect and Avastefulnoss, but never for
using bad language. They may spoil your children by over in-
dulgence, but they never corrupt their morals by loose conver-
An Irish girl once told me, with beautiful sin'plicity, "that
every bad word a woman uttered, made tho blessed Virgin 7>?w«A."
A girl beconnng a mother before marriage is regarded as a
dreadful calamity by her family, ard she seldom, if ever, gets
one of her own countrymen to marry her with this stain on her
IIow ditferent is the conduct of the female peasantry in tho
eastern counties of England, who unblushingly avow their dere-
lictions from the paths of virtue. The crime of infanticide, so
common there, is almost unknown among the Irish. If tho
priest and the confessional aro able to restrain the lower orders
from the commission of gross crime, who shall say that they are
without their use ? It h true that the priest often exercises his
power over his flock in a manner which would appear to a Pro-
testant to border on the ludicrous.
A girl who lived with a lady of my acquaintance, gave tho
following graphic account of an exhortation delivered by the
priest at the altar. I give it in her own words : —
Hpint i
nuite (
llO (1(11
and pf
day ?
Joiin r
The I
the uuki
Such i
wits; bi
I'eter N-
haros on
Most (
winch al
men, to \
"I wis]
the jolly,
old servai
eight, to I
of inimiti
alono twir
Was a pro]
tlio youthl
iiarkb hit!
than tho
58811088 of
their om-
;ivo their
hich tliey
llgfl of to-
a mo, after
not a hair
ited object
ed to order
. their Inn-
1 fault with
t novor for
by over in-
oso convor-
Mty, "that
gin hlushy
j^ardcd as a
ever, gets
taiu on her
Intry in tho
I their dero-
lanticide, so
Ih. If tho
Iwor orders
|at they are
[tercises his
to a Pro-
[o, gave tho
i-cd by the
*' Shiiro, Ma'am, \vo gut a great scoiild from tlio pranto tho
day." "Indeed, Itiddy, what ditl lie soohl you for ?" " Kaix,
and it's not inoHilf that ho Hcoulded at all, at all, Imt Misthcr
I'eter N and John li , an' he held them np as an ox-
aniple to the ■whole church. ' Peter N ' ways he, 'you havo
not been inside tliis church boloro to-day for tlie last throe
montlis, and you havo not paid y«»i:r pew-rent for tho last two
years. ]{ut, mayl»e, you havo got the fourteen dollars in
your pocketa at this moment of Hpaking; or maybo you liavo
spint it in buying pigiron to make gridirons, in order to fry )i)nr
mate of a Friday ; and when your jirasto conies to visit you, if
he does not seo it itself, he smells it. And you, John \j ,
Alderman L , are not six days enough in tho week for work
atul pastime, that you must go hunting of hares on a holi-
day ? And pray how many hares did you catch, Alderm'Ui
The i)oint of tho last satire lay in tho fact that tho said Al-
derman John was known to bo an and)itious, but very poor,
sportsman ; which made tho allusion to tho hca^ea ha had shot
the unkindest cut of all.
Such an oration from a Protestant minister would have led his
congregation to imagine that their good pastor had lost Ins
wits; but I havo no doubt that it was eminer^ly successful in
abstracting the fourteen dollars from the pocket of tho dilatory
Peter N , and in preventing Alderman John from liunting
hares on a holiday for tho time to come.
Most of tho Irish priests possess a great deal of hnmonr,
which always finds a response in their mirth-loving country-
men, to whom wit is a quality of native growth.
" I wish you a happy death, Pat S " said Mr. R ,
the jolly, black-browed priest of P , after he had married an
old servant of ours, who had reached the patriarchal age of sixty-
eight, to an old woman of seventy.
" D clear of it I" quoth Pat, smiling his thigh, with a look
of inimitable drollery, — such a look of broad humour as can
alone twinkle from the eyes of an emeralder of that class. Pat
was a prophet; in less than six months he brought the body of
the youthful bride in a wagon to tho house of the said priest to
■ »
bo burietl, and, for auglit I know to tlie contrary, the old man is
living still, and very likely to treat himself to a third wife.
I was told two amnsing anecdotes of the late Bishop Macdon-
ald ; a man whose memory is held in great veneration in the
province, which I will give you here.
The old bishop was crossing the Rice Lake in a birch bark
canoe, in company with Mr. R , the Presbyterian minister of
Peterboro' ; the day was rather stormy, and the water rough for
such a fragile conveyance. The bishop, who had been many
years in the country, knew there was little danger to be appre-
hended if they 5^ it still, and he had perfect reliance in the skill
of their Indian boatman. Not so Mr. R , he had only been
a few months in the colony, and this was the first time he had
ever ventured upon the water in such a tottleish machine. In-
stead of remaining quietly seated in the bottom of the canoe, ho
endeavoured to start to his feet, which would inevitably have
upset it. This rash movement was prevented by the bishop, who
forcibly pulled him down into a sitting posture, exclaiming, as
ho did so, "Keep still, my good sir; if you, by your groundless
fears, upset the canoe, your protestant friends will swear that the
old papist drowned the presbyterian."
One hot, sultry July evening, the celebrated Dr. Dunlop called
to have a chat with the bishop, who, knowing the doctor's weak
point, his fondness for strong drinks, and his almost rabid anti-
pathy to water, asked him if he would take a draught of Edin-
burgh ale, as he had just received a cask in a present from the
old country. The doctor's thirst grew to a perfect drought, and
he exclaimed " that nothing at that moment could afford him
greater pleasure."
The bell was rung ; the spruce, neat servant girl appeared, and
was forthwith commissioned to take the bishop's own silver tank-
ard and draw the thirsty doctor a pint of ale.
The girl quickly returned; the impatient doctor grasped the
nectarian draught, and, without glancing into the tankard — for
the time.
" Was that soft hour Hwixt summer's eve and close," —
ter !■
11 1
u I
emptied the greater part of its contents down his throat. A
old man is
1 -wife.
op Macdon-
ition in the
I birch bark
1 minister of
er rough for
been many
to be appre-
in the skill
d only been
time he had
lachine. In-
the canoe, he
jvitably have
i bishop, who
ixclaiming, as
ir groundless
wear that the
)unlop called
octor's weak
t rabid anti-
:ht of Edin-
nt from the
drought, and
d afford him
ipeared, and
L silver tank-
Igrasped the
lankard — for
throat. A
spasmodic contortion and a siulikurush to the open window sur-
prLsed the hospitable bishop, wlio had anticipated a great treat
for Ills guest : " My dear sir," ho cried, " what can be the mat-
"Oh, that diabolical stuff!" groaned the doctor. "I am poi-
soned. ,
"Oh, never fear," said the bishop, examining the liquid that,
still remained in the tankard, anu bursting into a hearty laup;!i,
" Jt may not agree with a Protestant's stomach, but believe nu',
dear doctor, you never took such a wholesome drink in yourlil't^
ht'tore. I was lately sent from Rome a cask of holy water, — it,
stands in tlie same cellar with the ale, — I put a little salt into it,
in order to preserve it during this hot weather, and tlie girl, l)y
mistake, has given you the consecrated water instead of the
"Oh, curse her!" cried the tortured doctor. "I wish it was
in her stomach instead of mine I"
The bishop used to tell this story with great glee whenever
Dr. Dunlop and his eccentric habits formed the theme of con-
Tluit tlio Catholics do not always act with hostility towards
their Protestant brethren, the following anecdote, which it gives
mo great pleasure to relate, will sufficiently show : —
In the December of 18-10 we had the misfortune to be burnt
out, and lost a great part of our furniture, clothing, and winter
stores. Poor as Ave tJioi were, this could not be regarded in any
other light but as a great calamity. During the confusion occa-
sioned by the fire, and, owing to the negligence of a servant to
whose care he Avas especially confided, my youngest child, u fine
boy of two years old, Avas for some time missing. The agony I
endured for about half an hour I shall ncA'er forget. The roar-
ing flames, the impending misfortune that hung over us, was
forgotten in tlio terror that shook my mind lest he had become a
victim to the flames. He Avas at length found by a kind neigh-
bour in the kitchen of the burning building, whither he had
crept from among the croAvd, and Avas scarcely rescued before
the roof fell in.
This circumstance shook my nerves so completely that I gladly
! ^l
accepted tho ofFer of a female friend to leave the exciting scene,
and make her house my homo nntil we could procure another.
I was sitting at lier parlour window, with tho rescued child
on my lap, whom I could not hear for a moment out of my
sight, watching tho smoking brands that had once composed my
home, and sadRy pondering over our untoward destiny, when
Mrs. 's servant told mo that a gentleman >> anted to see mo
in the drawing-room.
With little Johnnie still in my arms I went to receive tho
visitor ; and found tho Rev. Father B , the worthy Catholic
priest, waiting to receive me.
At that time I know very little of Father I> . Calls had
been exchanged, and we had been much pleased with his cour-
teous manners and racy Irish wit. I shall never forget tho
kind, earnest manner in which ho condoled with me on our
present misfortune. lie did not, however, confine his symi)athy
to words, but offering me tho use of his neat cottage until we
could provide ourselves with another house.
"You know," ho said, with a benevolent smile, "I have no
family to be disturbed by the noise of the children ; and if you
will accept tho temporary home I ofl:er you, it is entirely at your
service; and," he continued, lowering his voice, "if the sheriff
is in want of money to procure necessaries for his family, I can
supply him nntil such time as he is able to repay me."
This was truly noble, and I thanked him with tears in my eyes.
We did not accept tho generous offer of this good Samaritan ;
but we have always felt a grateful remembrance of his kindness.
Mr. B had been one of tho most active among the many
gentlemen who did their best in trying to save our property from
the flames, a great portion of which was safely conveyed to tho
street. But here a system of pillage Avas carried on by the heart-
less beings, who regard fires and wreck as their especial harvest,
wl ich entirely frustrated tho efforts of the generous and brave
men who had done so much to help us.
How many odd things happen during a fire, which would call
up a hearty laugh upon a less serious occasion. I saw one man
pitch a handsome chamberglass out of an upper v.-indoAv into
the street, in order to save it; while another, at the risk of his
ting scene,
) another,
cued chil'l
out of my
Tiposed my
tiny, when
1 to see ino
[•eceive tho
liy Catholic
Calls had
;h his cour-
forget tho
me on oui*
is sympathy
igc until we
' I have no
and if you
i-ely at your
the slieriff
.mily, I can
lin my eyes.
ISamaritan ;
Is kindness,
the many
|perty from
|yed to tho
the heart-
lal harvest,
and bravo
hvould call
one man
Indow into
•isk of his
life, carried a bottomless china jug, which had long been use-
less, down the burning staircase, and seemed quite elated with
his success; and a carpenter took oft' tho doors, and removed tlio
window-sashes, in order to preserve tliem, and, by sending a rusli
of air through the burning edifice, accelerated its destruction.
At that time there was only one fire-engine in the town, and
that was not in a state to work. Now they have two excellent
engines, worked by an active and energetic body of men.
In all the principal towns and cities in the colony, a large por-
tion of the younger male inhabitants enrol themselves into a
company for the suppression of lire. It is a voluntary service,
from which they receive no emolument, without an exemption
from filling tbe office of a juryman may bo considered as an ad-
vantage. These men act upon a principle of mutual safety ; and
the exertions which are made by them, in the hour of danger
are truly wonderful, and serve to show what can be efTected by
men Avhen they work in unison together.
To tho Canadian fire-companies tho public is indebted for the
preservation of life and property by a thousand heroic acts ; —
deeds, that would be recorded as surprising efforts of liuinan
courage, if performed upon the battle-field ; and which often ex-
hibit an exalted benevolence, when jjxercised in rescuing help-
less women and children from such a dreadful enemy as fire.
The costume adopted by tho firemen is rather becoming than
otherwise: — a tight-fitting frock-coat of coarse rod cloth, and
white trousers in summer, which latter portion of their dress is
exchanged for dark blue in the winter. They wear a glazed
black leather cap, of a military cut, when they assemble to work
their engines, or walk in procession ; and a leather hat like a
sailor's nor'-wester, with a long peak behind, to protect them
from injury, when on active duty.
Their members are confined to no particular class. Gentlemen
and mechanics work side by side in this fraternity, with a zeal
and right good will that is tr..ly edifying. Their system appears
an excellent one; and I never heard of any dissension among
their ranks when their services were required. Tho sound of
tho ominous bell calls them to tho spot, from the greatest dis-
tance; and, during the most stormy niglits, whoever skulks in
bed, the fireman is sure to be at his post.
Once a year, the diflfercnt divisions of the company walk in
l)rocession through the town. On this occasion their engines are
dressed up with flags bearing appropriate mottoes; and they
are preceded by a ban- of music. The companies are generally
composed of men in the very prime of life, and they make a very
imposing appearance. It is always a great gala day in the town,
and terminates with a public dinner; that is followed by a ball
in the evening, at which the wives and daughters of the members
of the company are expected to appear.
Once a month tlie firemen are called out to practise with the
engine in the streets, to the infinite delight of all the boys in the
neighbourhood, who follow the engine in crowds, and provoke
the operators to turn the hose and play upon their merry ranko:
and then what laughing and shouting and scampering in all
directions, as the ragged urchins shako their dripping garments,
and fly from the ducking tliey had courted a few miuutcs
bcfi )re !
The number of wooden buildings that compose the larger pnr-
tinn of Canadian towns renders fire a calamity of very frequent
occurrence, and persons cannot be too particular in regard to it.
The negligence of one ignorant servant in the die^posal of her
ashes, may involve the safety of the whole community.
As long as tlie generality of the houses are roofed with shin-
gles, this liability to fire musi exist as a necessary consequence.
The shingle is a very thin pine-board, which is used throughout
the colony instead of vslate or tiles. After a few years, the iieat
and rain roughen the outward surface, and give it a woolly
appearance, rendering the shingles as inflauunable as tinder. A
.spark from a chinmey may be conveyed from a great distance on
a windy day, and lighting upon the furry surface of these roofs,
is sure to ignite. The danger spreads on all sides, and the roofs
of a whole street will be burning before the fire communicates to
the walls of the buildings.
So many destructive fires have occurred of late years through-
out the colony that a law has been enacted by the municipal
I i
1,1 yK IN rilK C'l.RAUIN'OH.
skulks in
ly walk in
engines aro
and they
B generally
;ake a very
I the town,
d hy a hall
e menihers
with tho
boys in the
id provoke
jrry raiiko:
ring in all
f garments,
w minutes
larger por-
y frequent
ard to it.
sal of her
with shin-
f, the heat
a woolly
[inder, A
listance on
^ese root's,
the roofs
Inicates to
councils to prevent tlic erection of wooden huildings in tho largo
citios. IJiU without the additional precaution of lire-proof roofs,
the prohibition will not i)roduce very benellciul elFects.
Two other very pr^^'tty churches occupy tlie same hill with tho
Calliohc and Ei)i.sc(ipal, — the Scotcli liesiduary, and tlie Free
C'liurch. Tho latter is built of dark limestone, quarried in tho
ncighboiu'hood, and is a remarkably graceful structure. It has
been raised by tho hearty goodwill and free donations of its con-
gregation ; and atlbrds another cai)ital illustration of the working
of the voluntary principle.
To the soul-fettering doctrines of John Calvin I am myself no
convert; nor do I tliink that tlie churclies established on his
views will very long exist in tho world. Stern, uncotnpromising^
unlovcble and unloved, an object of fear rather than of alfection,
John Calvin stands out the incarnation of his own Deity ; verify-
ing one of tho noblest and truest sentences ever penned by man ;
— ''As the man, so his God. God is his idea of excellence, — tho
comjdiment of his own being."
The liesiduary church is a small neat building of wood, painted
white. For several years after tho great split in tho National
Church of Scotland, it was shut up, tlio few who still adhered to
the old way being unable to contribute much to the support of
a minister. The church has heen reopened within the last two
years, and, though the congregation is very small, has a regular
The large edifice beneath us, in Pinacle-street, leading to tho
bay, is tlie AVesleyan Methodist churcli, or chapel, as it would bo
termed at home. Thanks to the liberal institutions of tho
country, such distinctions aro unknown in Canada. Every
connnunity of Christian worshippers is rightly termed a church.
The Ch itrch is only arrogated by one.
Tho Wesleyans, who have been of infinite use in spreading the
Gospel on the North American continent, possess a numerous
and highly respectable congregation in this place. Their church
is always supplied Avith good and etlicient preachers, and is filled
on the Sabbath to overflowing. They have a very fine choir,
and lately purchased an organ, which was constructed by one of
! ii.
tlioir own inemberp, a f,'eniu3 in his way, fur wliicli tliey gave tho
handsome sum of a thousand dollars.
There is also an Episcopal Methodist church, composed of red
brick, at the upper end of the town, by the river side, which is
well attended.
You can scarcely adopt a better plan of judging of the wealth
and prosperity of a town, than by watching, of a Sabbath morn-
ing, tho congregations of the ditfercut denominations going to
Belleville weekly presents to the eye of an observing spectator
a large body of well-dressed, happy-looking people, — robust,
healthy, independent looking men, and well-formed, liandsome
women; — an air of content and comfort resting upon their
comely faces, — no look of haggard care and pinching want
marring the quiet solemnity of the scene.
The dress of the higher class is not only cut in the newest
French fashion, imported from New York, but is generally com-
])osed of ricli and expensive materials. The Canadian lady
dresses well and tastefully, and carries herself easily and grace-
fully. She is not unconscious of the advantages of a pretty face
and figure; but her knowledge of the fact is not exhibited in an
affected or disagreeable manner. The lower class are not a whit
behind their Avealthier neighbours in outward adornments. And
the poor emigrant, m ho only a few months previously had landed
in rags, is now dressed neatly and respectably. The conscious-
ness of their newly-acquired freedom has raised them in the scale
of society, in their own estimation, and in that of their fellows.
They feel that they are no longer despised; the ample wagea
they receive has enabled them to cast off the slough of hopeless
poverty, which once threw its deadening influence over them,
repressing all their energies, and destroying that self-respect
which is so necessary to mental improvement and self-govern-
ment. The change in their condition is apparent in their smiling,
satisfied faces.
This is, indeed, a delightful contrast to the squalid want and
poverty which so often meet the eye, and pain the heart of tho
philanthropist at home. Canada is blessed in the almost total
wit 111
at G(j
I 1
gave tho
3d of red
which is
le weaUh
ith morn-
going to
— robust,
)oii their
ing want
le newest
•ally com-
lian lady
td grace-
etty face
ted in an
ot a whit
ts. And
d landed
the scale
e wages
r them,
int and
of tho
ht total
absence of pauperism ; for none but the wilfully idle and vicious
need starve here, while the wants of tho sick and infirm meet
witli ready help and sympathy from a most charitable public.
The Wc^leyan Methodists wisely placed their buryiug-ground
at some distance from tho town; and when we first came to
reside at Belleville, it was a retired and lovely sjjot, on tho
Kingston road, con-unanding a fine view of tho bay. The rajjid
spread of the village into a town almost embraces in its arms
this once sofitary sjjot, and in a few years it will bo surrounded
with suburban residences.
There is a very large brick field adjoining this cemetery, Avhich
employs during the summer months a nund)cr of hands.
Turn to the north, and observe that old-fashioned, red-brick
house, now tottering to decay, that crowns the precipitous ridgo
that overlooks the river, and which doubtless at some very dis-
tant ])eriod once formed its right bank. That house was built by
one of tho first settlers in Belleville, an officer who drew his lot
of wild land on that s])ot. It was a great house in those days,
and he was a great man in the eyes of his poorer neighbours.
This gentleman impoverished himself and his family by sup-
plying from his own means tho Avants of the i)Oor emigrants in
hit' vicinity during the great Canadian famine, which happened
about fifty years ago. The starving creatures promised to repay
liim at some future period. Plenty again blessed tho land ; but
the generous philanthropist was forgotten by those his bounty
had saved. Peace to his memory! Though unrewarded on
earth, he has doubtless reaped his reward in heaven.
The river Moira, which runs parallel with the main street of
the town, and traverses several fine townships belonging to tho
county of Hastings in its course to the bay, is a rapid and very
picturesque stream. Its rocky banks, which are composed of
limestone, are fringed with tho graceful cedar, soft maple, and
elegant rock elm, that queen of the Canadian forest. It is not
navigable, but is one great source of tho wealth and prosperity
of the place, aflfording all along its course excellent sites for mills,
distilleries, and factories, while it is tho main road down which
millions of feet of timber are yearly floated, to be rafted at the
entrance of the bay.
Tlio spring Hoods bring down sucli u vast iiinonnt of lumber,
that often a jam, ns it is tecbnically called, places the two
bridges that span the river in n state of blockade.
It is a stirring and amusing scene to watch the French Cana-
dian lumberers, "with their long poles, armed at the end with
sharp spikes, leaping from log to log, and freei)ig a passage for
the crowded timbers.
Handsome in person, and litho and active as wild-cats, you
would imagine, to "watch their careless disregard of danger, that
they were born of the waters, and considered death by drown-
ing an impossible casualty in their case. Yet never a season
passes without fatal accidents thinning their gay, light-hearted
These amphibious creatures spend half their lives in and on
the waters. They work hard in forming rafts at the entrance
of the bay during the day, and in the evening they repair to
some favorite tavern, where they spend the greater part of the
night in singing and dancing. Their peculiar cries awaken you
by day-break, and their joyous shouts and songs are wafted on
the evening breeze. Their picturesque dress and shanties, when
shown by their red watch-tires along the rocky oanks of the
river at night, add great liveliness, and give a peculiarly romantic
character to the water scene.
They appear a happy, harmless set of men, brave and inde-
pendent; and if drinking and SAvearing are vices common to
their caste and occupation, it can scarcely be wondered at in the
wild, reckless, roving life they lead. They never trouble the
peaceful inhabitants of the town. Their broils are cliiefly con-
fined to their Irish comrades, and seldom go beyond the scene of
their mutual labour. It is not often that they find tlieir way
into the jail or penitentiary.
A young lady told me of an adventure that befel her and her
sister, which is rather a droll illustration of the manners of a
French Canadian lumberov. They were walking one fine sum-
mer evening along the w( ..<, bank of the Moira, and the narrator,
iu stooping over the water to gather some wild flowers that grew
in a crevice of the rocks, dropped her parasol into the river. A
cry of vexation at the loss of an article of dress, wliich is expeu-
81 vol
a yJ
start 1
nd her
of a
3 sum-
r. A
sivc, and almost indispensable bencatli tlio rays of n Canadian
suninier sun, burst fri>ni her lii)s, and ahracted the attention of
a ycMing man whom slie had not before observed, who was swim-
minj; at some distance down tlie river, lie immediately Inrned,
and dexterously catching the paranol as it swiftly glided past
him, swam towards the ladies with tbo rescued article, carried
dog-fashion, between his teeth.
In his zeal to render this little service, the poor fellow forgot
that ho was not in a condition to appear before ladies; who,
startled at such an extraordinary apparition, made the best of
their heels to lly precipitately from the spot.
"I have no doubt," said Miss , laughing, "that the
good-natured fellow meant well, but I never was so frightened
and confounded in my life. The next morning the iaso tlio waves that leaped uutl
foaiiu'd around its patli, aiivas one of great length and severity. The
snow in many of the roads was level with the top rail of the
feni'es, ami the spring thaw caused heavy freshets liin»iigii the
culuny. In the upper part of the province, particularly on the
grand river, the rising of the waters destroyed a largo amount
of valuable mill property. One mill-owner lost 12,0U0 saw logs.
Our wild, bright Moira was swollen to the brim, and tund)led
along with the impetuosity of a mountain torrent. Its course
to the bay was nnimpeded by ice, which had been all carried out
a few days before by a high wind ; but vast (juantities of saw
logs that had broken away from their bosoms in the interior
were plunging in the current, sometimes starting bolt njjright.
or turning over and over, as if endued with the spirit of life, as
well as with that of motion.
Several of these heavy timbers liad struck the upper bridge,
and carried away the centre arch. A poor cow, who was lei-
surely pacing over to her shed and supper, was suddenly preci-
pitated into the din of waters. Had it been the mayor of the
town, the accident could scarcely have produced a greater excite-
ment. The cow belonged to a poor Irishman, and the sympathy
of every one was enlisted in her fate. Was it possible that she
could escape drowning amid sucli a mad roar of waves ? No
human arm could stem for a moment such a current; but fortu-
nately for our heroine, she was not human, but only a stupid
The cow for a few seconds seemed bewildered at the strange
situation in which she found herself so unexpectedly placed.
13ut she was wise enough and skilful enough to keep lier head
1 >
ftbovo water, and slio cleared two mill-datns before she hecamo
aware of the fact; and she acconiinodated her.solf to lier critical
situation Avitli a stoical indifFercnce wliicli would have done cre-
dit to an ancient pliilo.-oplier. After passing unhurt over the
dams, the spectators who crowded the lower bridges to watch
the result, began to entertain hopes for her life.
The bridges are in a direct line, and about lialf a mile apart.
On came the cow, making directly for the centre arch of the
bridge on which wo stood. She certainly neither swam, nor felt
her feet, but was borne along by the force of the stream.
"My eyes! I wish I could swim as well as that ere cow,"
cried an excited boy, leaping upon the top of the bridge.
"I guess you do," said mother. "But that'd a game cow.
There is no boy in the town could beat her."
" She will never pass the arch of the bridge," said a man, sul-
lenly ; " she will be killed against the abutment."
"Jolly! she's through the arch!" shouted the first speaker.
"Pat has saved his cow!"
" She's not ashore yet," returned the man. " And she begins
to Hag."
" Not a bit of it," cried the excited l)oy. "The old dai>*y-
cropper looks as fresh as arose. Hurrah., boys! let us run down
to the wharf, and see what becomes of her."
Off scampered the juveniles ; and on floated the coav, calm
and self-posses?ed in the midst of danger. After passing safely
through the arch of the bridge, she continued to steer herself out
of the current, and nearer to the shore, and finally eflocted a
landing in Front-street, wheie she quietly walked on shore, to
the great admiration of the younj^'sters, who received her with
rai)tm-ons shouts of applause. One lad seized her by the tail,
another grasped her horns, while a third patted her dripping
neck, and wished her joy of her safe landing. Not Venus her-
self, when she rose from the sea, attracted more eutlnisiaslic ad-
mirers than did the poor Irishman's cow. A party, composed
of all the boys in the i)lace, led her in triumph through the
street?, and restored her to her rightful owner, not forgetting
to bestow upon her three hearty cheers at [ arting.
A little black boy, the only son of a worthy negro, who had
hocn a sJ
jis the Irl
from the!
hell of i
t found; it
of the cu|
* armed w:
,! jtaoing thl
I the remai
to him,
away, wi
his melan
colour !
I of pity !
*; interest in
I tlie cow, {
,| ing of a p
1 Alas! t
eyes of lu
^hc provir
shores, ar
months cc
of six yea
with as ra
log turns,
of being <
Oh, age
boy of si:
and darkc
a girl -ny
account (
under sir
of all tha
e hecmno
II- critical
(Idiio cre-
over tlic
to watch
ile apart.
!h of tlio
, nor felt
ro cow,"
ine cow.
nan, sul-
e begins
1 (lai>y father,
armed with a long pole, with a hook attached to it, mournfully
pacing the banks of the swollen river, in the hope of recovering
the remains of his lost child. Once or twice we stopped to speak
to hirn, but his heart was too full to answer. He would turn
away, with the tears rolling down his sable cheeks, and resume
his melancholy task.
What a dreadful thing is this prejudice against race and
colour! IIow it hardens the lieart, and locks up all the avenues
of pity ! The premature death of this little negro excited less
interest in the breasts of his white companions than the fate of
the cow, and was spoken of with as little concern as the drown-
ing of a pup or a kitten.
Alas ! this river Moira has caused more tears to flow from the
eyes of heart-broken parents than any stream of the like size in
i!ic province. Ileedless of danger, the children will reaort to its
shores, and play upon the timbers that during the summer
months cover its surface. Often have I seen a fine child of five
of six years old, astride of a saw-log, riding down the current,
with as much glee as if it were a real steed he bestrode. If the
log turns, which is often the case, the child stands a great chance
of being drowned.
Oh, agony unspeakable! The writer of this lost a fine talented
hoy of six years — one to whom her soul clave — in those cruel
waters. But I will not dwell upon that dark hour, the saddest
and darkest in my sad, eventful life. Many years ago, when I was
a girl ^lyself, my sympathies were deeply excited by reading an
account of the grief of a mother who had lost her only child,
under similar circumstances. IIow prophetic wore those lines
of all that I suffered during that heavy bereavement ! —
! I
I i
< !
1 i
1 f
*' Oh, cold at my feet tliou wert sleeping, my boy.
And I press on thy pale lips in vain the fond kiss !
Earth opens her arms to receive thee, my joy,
And all my past sorrows were nothing to this.
The day-star of hope 'neath thine eye-lid is sleeping,
No more to arise at the voice of my weoping.
" Oh, howr art thou changed, since the light breath of morning
Dispersed the soft dew-drops in showers from the tree !
Like a beautiful bud my lone dwelling adorning,
Thy smiles call'd up feelings of rapture in me :
I thought not the sunbeams ja,\l gaily that shone
On thy waking, at night would behold me alone. •
" The joy that flashed out from thy death-shrouded cyos.
That laugh'd in thy dimples, and brighton'd thy cheek,
Is quench' d — but the smile on thy pale lip that lies,
Now tells of a joy that no language can speak.
The fountain is seal'd, the young spirit at rest —
Oh, vt'hy should I mourn thee, my lov'd one — my blest?"
Tlie anniversary of that fatal day gave birth to the following
lines, with which J will close this long chapter : —
" The shade of death upon my threshold lay.
The sun from thy life's dial had departed ;
A cloud came down upon thy early day.
And left thy hapless mother broken-hearted —
My boy — my boy !
" Long weary months have pass'd since that sad day.
But naught beguiles my bosom of its sorrow :
Since the cold waters took thee for their prey.
No smiling hope looks forward to the morrow —
My boy — my boy !
TnK t
1,500 s(
wore eh
artistic i
kiss !
I of morning
the tree !
J eyes,
liy cheek,
" The voice of mirth in silenced in my heart,
Thuu wort so dearly loved — so fondly cherish'd ;
I cannot yet believe that we must part —
That all. ?avc thine immortal soul, has perish'd—
My boy — my boy !
" My lovely, laughing, rosy, dimpled, child,
I call upon thee, when the sun shines clearest ;
In the dark lonely night, in accents wild,
I breathe thy treasured name, my best and dearest-
My boy — my boy !
" The hand of God has press'd me very sore —
Oil, could I clasp theo once more as of yore,
And kisB ♦hy glowing cheeks' soft velvet bloom,
i would resign thee to the Almighty Giver
Without one tear — would yield thee up for ever,
And people with bright forms thy silent tomb.
But hope has faded from my heart — and joy
Lies buried in thy grave, my darling boy !"
*' Prophet spirit ! rise and say,
AVhat in Fancy's glans you see —
A city crown tliis lonely bay?"
No dream — a bright reality.
Ere half a centu./ has roll' J
Its waves of light .'iway,
The beauteous vision I behold
Shall greet the rosy day ;
And Belleville view with civic pride
Her greatness mirror'd in the tide."
S. M.
TnK town of Belleville, in 1840, contained a population of
1,500 soul.s, or thereabouts. The few streets it then possessed
Were chiefly composed of frame houses, put up in the most un-
artistic and irregular fashion, thoir gable ends or fronts turned to
• L
" Well, it will ho a bad job for the Ihuiily if lie goes. I've he'rd
that there won't be money enough to pay his debts. But what
of this niarringo ? They do say that Mis" A. is to be married
to old Mister B ."
"What arc her friends thinking about to let that young gal
marry that old bald-headed man ?"
" The money to bo sure — they say he's rieh."
" If he's rich, ho never made his money honestly."
" All, ho came of a bad set," — with a shake of the head.
And 80 they go on, talking and chatting over the affairs of the
neighbourhood in succession. It is curious to Avatch the traits
of character exhibited in buyer and seller. Both exceed tho
bounds of truth and honesty. The one, in his eagerness to sell
his goods, bestowing upon them the most unqualified praise ; the
other depreciating them below their real value, in order to obtain
them at an Tmreasonably low price.
"Fine beef, ma'am," exclaims an anxious butcher, watching,
with the eye of a hawk, a respectable citizen's wife, as she paces
slowly and irresolutely in front of his stall, where he has hung
out for sale the side of an ox, neither the youngest nor fattest.
"Fine grass-fed beef, ma'am — none better to be had in the
district. What shall I send you home — sirloin, ribs, a tender
Bteak ?"
" It would be a difficult matter to do that," responds the good
wife, with some asperity in look and tone. "It seems hard and
old ; some lean cow you have killed, to save her from dying of
the consumption."
^ " No danger of the fat setting fire to tho lum" — suggests a rival
in the trade. " Here's a fine veal, ma'am, fatted upon the milk
of two cows."
" Looks," oays the comely dame, passing on to the next stall,
" as if it had been starved upon the milk of one."
Talking of markets puts me in mind of a trick — a wicked
trick — but, perhaps, not the less amusing on that account, that
was played oflt in Toronto market last year by a young medical
student, name unknown. It was the Christmas week, and tho
market was adorned with evergreens, and dressed with all possible
care. Tho stalls groaned beneath the weight of good cheer — fish,
I flcj^h, and
I and abstr|
"i heart of
i for the i1
hiitchor Ij
that had
the monsii
market, an
attract th
Dr. C-
fii-" the en
and orden
The man,
her full si
pinned uf
quitted th
came up t
leaning ca
scene; an
fond of pr
off one Uf
and dexte
side of thi
ing victin
bvoad she
After a
titters an
and all tli
public rci
ccMit dan
" Prize I
The la
; stall,
flesh, and fowl, all contributing; their share to toinpt tho appetite
iiTul abstract money from the i)nrsc. It was a sij^ht to warm tho
heart of the most fastidious epicure, and give him the nightmare
for tho next seven nights, only dreaming of that stupendous
quantity of food to bo masticated by the jaws of man. One
iMitcher had tho supreme felicity of possessing a fine fat heifer,
tliat had taken the j/rize at the i)rovincial agricultural show ; and
the monster of fat, which was justly considered the pride of tho
market, was liung up in the most conspicuous place in order to
attract the gaze of all beholders.
Dr. C , a wealthy doctor of laws, Avas providing good cheer
fii" tlie entertainment of a few choice friends on Christmas-day,
and ordered of the butcher four ribs of the tempting-looking beef.
The man, unwilling to cut up the animal until she had enjoyed
her full sliare of admiration, Avrote upon a piece of paper, in largo
cliaracters, "Prize Heifer — four ribs for Dr. C — ~;" this lie
l)inned upon the carcase of the beast. Sliortly after the doctor
quitted the market, and a very fat young lady and hor mother
came up to the stall to make some purchases ; our student was
loaning carelessly agajnst it, watching with bright eyes the busy
scene ; and being an uncommonly mischievous fellow, and very
fond of practical jokes, a thought suddenly struck him of playing
off one upon the stout young lady. Her back was towards him,
and dexterously abstracting the aforementioned placard from the
side of the heifer, he transferred it to the shawl of his unsuspect-
ing victim, just where its ample folds comfortably encased hor
bvoad shoulders.
After a while the ladies left the market, amidst the suppressed
titters and outstretched foro-fingcrs of butchers and hucksters,
and all tho idle loafers that generally congregate in such places of
public resort. All up the length of King-street walked the inno-
cent damsel, marvelling that tho public attention appeared ex-
clusively botoAved upon her. Still, as she passed along, bursts of
laughter resounded on all sides, and the oft-repeated Avords,
'' Prize Heifer — four ribs for Dr. C ;" it Avas not until she
reached her own dAA'^elling that she became aAvare of the trick.
The land to the east, north and west of Belleville, rises to a
I 1
conyideniblo heigfit, nnd some of tho back townships, like
ITuntlugdon and Ilungerford, abound iu lofty hillTf. There is in
the former township, on the road leading from Rawdoii village
to Luke's tavern, n most extraordinary natural phenomenon.
The road for several miles runs along tho top of a sharp ridge,
so narrow that it leaves barely brcadtii enough for two wagons
to ])as3 in safety. This ridge is composed of gravel, and looks as
if it had been subjected to the action of water. On either side
of this huge embankment there is a sheer descent into a finely
wooded level plain below, through ■which wanders a lonely creek,
or small stream. I don't know what the height of tins ridge is
above tho level of the meadow, but it must be very considerable,
as yon look down upon the tops of the loftiest forest trees as they
grow far, far beneath you. The road is ■well fenced on either
side, or it would require some courage to drive young skittisli
horses along this dangerous pass. The settlers in that vicinity
have given to this singular rise the name of tho "Ridge road.''
There is a sharp ridge of limestone at the back of the towiishi[)
of Thurlow, though of far loss dimensions, ■which looks as if it
had been thrown up in some convulbioy of the earth, as the
limestone is shattered in all directions. The same thing occurs
on the road to Shannonville, a small but flourishing village on tho
Kingston road, nine miles east of Belleville. The rock is heaved
up in tho middle, and divided by deep cracks into innumerable
fragments. I put a long stick down one of these deep cracks
Avithout reaching the bottom; and as I gathered a lovely bunch
of harebells, that ■were waving their graceful blossoms over tho
barren rock, I thought what an excellent breeding place for
snakes these deep Assures must make.
But to return to Belleville. The west side of the river — a flat
limestone pk.!n, scantily covered with a second growth of dwarf
trees and bushes — has not as yet been occupied, although a flour-
ishing village that has sprung up within a few years crowns the
ridge above. The plain below is private property, and being very
valuable, as affording excellent sites for flour and saw mills, has
been reserved in order to obtain a higher price. This circumstance
has doubtless been a drawback to tho growth of the town iu
that dire
The a
down a \
water, ar
Their sit
since the
colony ;
new Bettl
A mor
pointed o
be a diili(
and pleas
])refer it
really th(
to have p
Quinte, cr
and beaut
I feel pro
globe in ■\
selves w'o
The sta
by the in
sided. T
looked di
reigned j
The to-
was to ii
party, wl
selves, br
traitors a;
that direction ; while slinttiri}^ ont the view of tlio river by the
erection of largo buildings will greatly diminish the nutnrul
beauties of tliis picturesque spot.
The approach to Belleville, both from the east and west, is
down a very steep hill, the town lying principally in the valley
below. These hillrf conunnnd a beautiful prospect ot wood and
water, and of a rich, well-cleared, and highly cultivated country.
Their sides are adorned with lino trees, which have grown up
since the axo first levelled the primeval forests in this part of the
colony ; a circumstance which, being unusual in Canada round
new settlements, forms a most attractive feature in the land-
A more delightful summer's evening ride could scarcely bo
])ointed out than along the Trent, or Kingston roads, and it would
be a ditlicult thing to determine which afforded tlie most varieil
niul pleasing prospect. Residing upon the west hill, we naturally
]»refer it to the other, but I have some doubts whether it is
really the prettiest. I have often imagined a hundred years
to have passed away, and the lovely sloping banks of the Bay of
Quinte, crowned with rural villages and stately j)arks and houses,
stretcning down to these fair waters. What a scene of fertility
and beauty riseo before my mental vision ! My heart swells, and
I feel proud that I belong to a race who, in every portion of the
globe in winch they have planted a colony, have proved them-
selves worthy to be the sires of a great nation.
The state of society when we first came to this district, was
everything but friendly or agreeable. The ferment occasioned
by the impotent rebellion of W. L. Mackenzie had hardly sub-
sided. The public mind was in a sore and excited state. Men
looked distrustfully upon each other, and the demon of party
reigned pre-eminent, as much in the drawing-room as in the
The town was divided into two fierce political factions ; and
however moderate your views might be, to belong to the one
was to incur the dislike and ill-will of the other. The Tory
party, who arrogated the whole loyalty of the colony to them-
selves, branded, indiscriminately, the large body of Reformers as
traitors and rebels. Every couscientioua and thinking man, who
I , I
wished to SCO a cIihu^'o for tlio bettor in tlio iiiunagenieiit of
public utl'air.s, was coiilbiiiided >vltli thotJC discontented spirits,
wiio hud raised the Htati(hird of revolt n<(ainst the niollier coun-
try. In justice even to tbeni, it must be said, not wiihoiit severe
provocation ; and their disatfection was more towards the coht-
nial government, and the abuses it fostered, than any particular
dislike to British supremacy or institutions. Their attcmi)t.
itigated by patriotif
d probably it.
contained a mixture of both — had failed, and it was but just
that they should feel the punishment duo to their crime, lint
the odious term of rebtl, applied to some of the most loyal and
honourable men in the province, because they could not give up
their honest views on the state of the colony, gave rise to bitter
and resentful feelings, whicli were ready, on all public occasions,
to burst mto a flame. Even women entered deeply into tliis
party lio.stility ; and those who, from tlicir education and men-
tal advantages, might have been friends and agreeable com-
panions, kept aloof, rarely taking notice of each other, when
accidently thrown together.
The native-born Canadian regarded with a jealous feeling men
of talent and respectability who emigrated from the mother
countr}', as most offices of consequence and emolument were
given to such persons. The Canadian, naturally enough, consid-
ered such preference unjust, and an infringement upon his rights
as a native of the colony, and that lie had a greater claiu], on
that account, upon tlie government, than men who were perfect
strangers. This, owing to liis limited education, was not always
the case; but the preference shown to the British emigrant
proved an active source of ill-will and discontent. The favoured
occupant of place and power was not at all inclined to conciliate
liis Canadian rival, or to give up the title to mental superiority
which ho derived fn-m birth and education ; and he too ol'ten
treated his illiterate, but sagacious political opponent, with a
contempt Avhich his practical knowledge and experience did not
merit. It was a miserable state of things ; and I believe that
most largo towns in the province bore, in these respects, a strik-
ing resemblance to each other. Those Avho wished to see impar-
tial justice administered to all, had but an uncomfortable time of
th a
it, — both pnrtioH r(«,'ftr(Hi}ff witli nii.strust those men who could
not ^o tl'O whole length with thoiii in their political oiiinioii;!.
T(. f,'alii influonco in Canada, and bo the leader of a party, a
jiian must, as the Yankees say, "t/o the xchole hng^
The peoi)lo in the back woods were fortunate in not having
their pence disturbed by these political broils. In tho dei-th:; .»f
the dark forest, they wore profoundly ignorant of how tho colony
was governed; and many did not oven know which party wis
in power, and when tho rebellion actually l>roko out it foil iijion
tlieni like a thunder-clap. JJut in their ignorance and seclusiim
there was at least safety, and they were free from that druadfid
scourge — '' tho malicious strife of tongues."
The fever of tho "C/cri/y Resen-cs question'''' -was then at its
height. It was never introduced in company but to giveoflcnce,
and lead to lierco political discussions. All parties Avero wrong,
and nobody Avas convinced. This A-exed political question ahvays
brought before my mental vision a ludicrous sort of caricature,
Avhich, if I had tho artistic skill to delineate, Avould form no bad
illustration of this perplexing subject.
I saAV in my mind's eye a group of dogs in tho market-place of
a large toAvn, to whom some benevolent individual, Avith a vicAV
to their mutual benefit, had flung a shank of beef, Avith meat
enough upon the upper end to have satisfied the hunger of all,
could such an impossible thing as an etiual divit^ion^ among such
noisy claimants, have becai made.
A strong English bull-dog immediately seized upon tho bone,
and for some time gnaAved aAvay at tho best end of it, and con-
trived to keep all the other dogs at bay. This proceeding Avas
resented by a stout mastiff, Avho thought that ho had as good
a right to the beef as the bull-dog, and Hung himself tooth and
claAV upon his opponent. While these two Avero f '^hting and
Avrangling OA'cr the bone, a Aviry, active I cotch terrier, tliough
but half the size of tho other combatants, began tugging at the small
end of the shank, snarling and barking Avith all tho strength of
his lungs, to gain at least a chance of being heard, even if he did
fail in putting in his claims to a share of the meat.
An old cunning greyhound, to whom no share had been ollerod,
t I,
I '^ \
I )
':- ";
Uk'K IN rilK CLElAUlNOei.
uiid wlu) well knew that iL was of no uso putting' hitnscU'ngainst
tlio Htrcn^'tli of tho bull-ilog und nii>«till', wtood proudly aloof,
with fiuivcrlng cars and tail, regarding tho doings of tlio otiari*
with a glaiioo of eovoreign contt-'nipt ; yet, watching with his
keen oyo for an opportunity of making a buccossCuI ,si)riug, whilo
they were busily engaged in snarling and biting each other, to
carry off tho nieat, bono and all.
A undtitudo of nondc.scriiit curs, of no weight in themselves,
were snajjping and sniillling round tho bone, eagerly anticij)ating
tho few tit bits, wluch they hoped might fall to their share dur-
ing tho pnjlongcd sculllo among tho higher i)owers ; whilo tho
liguro of Justice, dindy seen in tho distance, was poising licr
scales, and lifting her sword to mako an eijuul division ; but her
voico I'ailed to bo heard, and her august i)rosenco regarded', in
tho imivertal hubbub. Tho height to which party feeling was
carried in those days, had to bo experienced before it could bo
fully understood.
Happily for tho colony, <,his evil spirit, during tho last three
years, has greatly diminished. Tho two rival jtartios, though
they occasionally abuse and vilify each other, through tho me-
dium of tho common safety valve — the public papers — aro not so
virulent as in 1840. They are more equally nuitched. The union
of tho provinces has kept the reform party in tho ascendant, ana
tboy are very indilfercnt to tho good or ill opinion of their op-
Tho colony ims greatly progressed under their administration,
and is now in a most prosperous and nourishing state. Tho
municipal and district councils, free schools, and the improve-
ment in tho public thoroughfares of tho country, aro owing to
them, and have proved a great blessing to tho community.
The resources of the country are daily being opened up, and
both at homo and abroad Canada is rising in public estimation.
As a woman, I cannot enter into tho philosophy of theso
things, nor is it my intention to do so. I leave statistics for
wiser and cleverer male heads. But, oven as a woman, I can-
not help rejoicing in the bencticial effects that these changes
have wrouglit in the land of my adoption. The day of our com-
mcrclal nnd national prosperity has dawnod, and tlio rays of tho
Kuri uircady bri^^litiMi tho liill-topH.
To tlioMo persons who have been hron^rlit up in tiic r)ld (luuntry,
and accuBtonied iVoiii intiincy to adhco to tho convoiitional
rides of society, the Juixud society must, Tor a hiug titno, prove
very distasteful. Yet this very freedom, >vhich is ho rcpu;,'iiaiit
to all their |>rcconceived notions and projiidices, is by no means
HO unpleasant as strangers would bo levl to imagine A (certain
nuxture of tho connnon and tho real, of tho absurd and tho
ridiculous, j^ives a zest to tlio (udd, tame decencies, to be \\)U\h\ in
more exclusive and relined eirtlos. iluman pmsion." and fceliiigH
are exiabited with iiiore lidelity, and you see men and women as
they really arc. And many kind, good, and noblo traits are to
bu found amonj^ tliose classes, whom at homo we regard as our
inferiors. The lady and gentleman in Canada aro as distinctly
marked as elsowhcre. There is no mistaking the superiority that
mental eultivation ])estows; and their mingling in public with
their less gifted neighbours, ra' her adds than takes from their
claims to bold tho iirst place. 1 consider tho state of society in
a more healthy condition than at homo ; and people, when they
go out for pleasure hero seem to enjoy themselves much more.
Tlic harmony tliat reigns among the members of a Canadian
family is truly delightful. They aro not a (piarrelsomo people in
their own homes. No contradicting or disputing, or hatefid
rivalry, is to bo seen between Cai;adian brotliers and sisters.
Tiiey ding together through good and ill report, like tho buiidhs
of sticks in tho fable; and I have seldom found a real Canadian
ashamed of owning a poor relation. Tiiis to mo is a beautiful
feature in tho Canadian cliaracter. rerlia{)s the perfect ecpiality
on whicli children stand in a fandly, the superior claim of elder-
hildp, so much upheld at home, never being enforced, is ono great
cause of tins domestic union of kindred hearts.
Most of the i)retenco, and aftected airs of importance, occa-
sionally met with in Canada, aro not the genuine i)roduco of tho
Boil, but importations from the mother country ; and, as suro as
you hear any one boasting of the rank and conse(]Uonce they
possessed at home, you rnay be certain that it was quite tho re-
ver8e. An old Dutch lady, after liatening very attentively U) a
I ,
young Irishwoman's account of tlu< grandeur of her father's
faniHy at Jionio, said ratlicr drily to the self-exalted damsel, —
" Groodness mo, child I if you were so well off, what brought
yoii to a poor country like this ? I am sure you had been much
wiser had you staid to hum — "
" Yes. But my papa heard such fine commendations of the
country, that he sold his estate to come out."
" To pay his debts, perhai)?," said the provoking old woman.
" Ah, no, n.ft'ani," she replied, very innocently, " he never paid
tliem. He was told that it was a very fine climate, and he came
for the good of our health."
" Why, my dear, you look as if you never hud had a day's
tdckness in your life."
"i^o more I have," she replied, putting on a very languid air,
" but I am very delicate.''''
This term delicate, be it known to my readers, is a ftivourito
one with young ladies here, bu', its genei-al apphcation would
lead you to imagine it another t' rra for laziness. It is quite fash-
ionaMe to be delicate^hnt horribly vulgar to bo considered capa-
ble of enjoying such a useless blessiiig as good health. I knew a
lady, when I first came to the colony, who had her childreiLdully
wushed in water almost hot enough to scald a pig. On being
a'-kcd why she did so, as il was not only an unhealthy practice,
but would rob the little girls of oheir fine colour, she ex-
claimed; —
" Oh, that is just what I do it for. I want them to look deli-
cate. They have such red taces, and are as coarse and healthy as
country girls."
The rosy face of the Britisli emigrant is regarded as no boaut}'
herji. Tlie Cai|adian women, like their neighbours tlie Ameri-
cans, have sin.dl regular features, but are mot-Uy pale, or their faces
are only :;ligUtly suffused with a faint flush. During the scjxson of
youth this delicate tinting is very beautiful, but a few years de-
prive them of it, and leave a sickly, sallow pallor in ita place.
The loss of their teeth, too, is a great drawback to their per-
sonal charms, but these can bo so woU supplied by the dentist
that it is not so much felt ; the thing is so universal, that it is
hardly thought detrimental to an otherwise pretty face.
But to return to the mere pretenders in society, of which, of
course, there are not a few hero, as elsewhere. I once met two
very st3'hshly-dresse(l women at a place of public entertainment.
The father of these ladies had followed the lucrative but unaris-
tocratio trade of a tailor :n London. One of thenr*. began com-
plaining to me of the mixed state of society in Canada, which
she considered a dreadful calamity to persons like her and her sis-
ter ; and ended her lamentations by exclaiming, —
" "What would my pa' have thought could he have seen us hero
to-night ? Is it not terrible for ladies to have to dance in tlio
same room with storekeepers and theic clerks?"
Another lady, of the same stamp, the daughter of a tavern-
keeper, was indignant at being introduced to a gentleman whoso
father had followed the same call ng.
Such persons seem to forget, that as long as people retain their
natural manners, and remain true to the dignity of their luup.an-
ity, they cannot with any justice be called vulgar ; for vulgarity
consists in presumptuously affecting to bo what wo are not, and
in claiming distinctions v/hich we do not desei've, and which no
one else would admit.
The farmer, in his homespun, may possess the real essentials
which make the gentleman — good feeling, and respect for tho
feelings of others. The homely dress, weather-beaten face, and
hard hands, could not deprive him of the honest independence
and gonial benevolence he derived from nature. ^"0 real gen-
tleman would treat such a man, however humble his circum-
titances, with insolence or contempt. But place the same man
out of his class, dress him in tho height of fashion, and let him
attempt to imitate the manners of the great, and tho whole
world would laugh at the counterfeit.
Uneducated, ignorant people often rise by their industry to
great wealth in the colony; to such the pi'efereuco shown to tho
educated man always seems a puzzle. Their ideas of gentility
consist in being tho owners of fine clothes, fine houses, splendid
furniture, expensive equipages, and plenty of money. They
have all these, yet even the most ignorant feel that something
else is required. They cannot comprehend tiie mysterious as-
cendancy of mind over mere animal et\joyments ; yet they have
1 .,
( f,
flenso enough, by bestowing a 111)6^1 education on their children,
to endeavour, at least in their case, to remedy the evil.
The affectation of ■wishing peoWe to think that you had been
better olf in the mother country ^han in Canada, is not confined
to the higher class of emigrants. The very poorest are the most
remarked for this ridiculous boasting. A servant girl of mine
told me, with a very grand toss of the head, " that she did not
choose to demam hersel' by scrubbing a floor ; that she belonged
to the rai'al gintry in the ould counthry, and her papa and
luannna uiver brought her up to hard work."
Tills interesting scion of the aristocracy was one of the coarsest
specimens of female humanity I ever beheld. If I called her to
bring a piece of wood for the parlour fire, she would thrust her
tangled, uncombed red head in at the door, and shout at the top
nf her voice, "Did yer holler?"
One of our working men, wishing to impress me with the
dignity of his wife's connexions, said with all becoming solemnity
of look and manner —
"Doubtless, ma'am, you have heard in the ould counthry of
Connor's racers : Margaret's father kept those racers."
When I recalled the person of the individual whose fame was
80 widely spread at home, and thought ( f the racers, I could
liardly keep a "straight face," as an American friend terms
laughing, when you are bound to look grave.
One want is greatly felt here ; but it is to be hoped that a
more liberal system of education and higher moral cultiu-e will
remedy the evil. There is a great deficietcy among our pro-
fessional men and wealthy traders of that nice sense of honoyr
that marks the conduct and dealings of the same class at home.
Of course many bright exceptions are to be found in the colony,
but too many of the Canadians think it no disgrace to take every
advantage of the ignorance and inexperience of strangers.
If you are not smart enough to drive a close bargain, they
consider it only fair to take you in. A man loses very little in
the public estimation by making over all his property to some
convenient friend, in order to defraud his creditors, while ho
retains a conipetency for himself.
Women, whoso husbands have been detained on the limits for
but is
" H(k
said u|
" but,
may a|
ad van!
I hal
wife ol
which I
years for debt, w ill givo lar;j;o parties and dress in the most
expensive style. Tliisj Avould be thought dishonourable at home,
but is considered no disgrace here.
"Honour is all very well in an old country like England,"
said a lady, Avith whom I had been arguing on the subject;
" but, Mrs. M , it won't do in a new country like this. You
may as well cheat as be cheated. For my part, 1 never lose an
advantage by indulging in such foolish notions."
I have no doubt that a person who entertained such principles
would not fail to reduce them to practice.
The idea that some country people form of an author is highly
aauising. One of my boys was tauntingly told by another lad at
school, " that his ma' said that Mrs, M invented lies, and got
money for them." This was her csthnation of works of mere
Once I was driven by a young Irish friend to call upon the
wife of a rich farmer in the country. "We were shown by the
master of the house into a very handsomely furnished room, in
which thei'o was no lack of substantial couifort, and even of somo
elegances, in the shape of books, pictures, and a piano. The
good man left us to inform his wife of our arrival, and for somo
mii'utes we remained in solemn state, until the mistress of the
house made her appearance.
f She had been called from the washtub, and, like a sensible
woman, was not ashamed of her domestic occupation. She came
in wiping the suds from lier hands on her apron, and gave us a
very hearty and friendly welcome. She was a short, stout,
middle-aged Avoman, with a very pleasing countenance; and
though only in her coloured flannel working-dress, with a night-
cap on her head, and spectacled nose, there was something
in her frau'i good-natured face that greatly prepossessed us in
her favour. J
After giving us the common compliments of the day, she drew
her chair just in front of me, and, resting her elbows on her
knees, and dropping her chin between her hands, she sat regard-
ing me with such a fixed gaze that it became very embarrassing.
"'So," says she, at last, "you are Mrs. M ?"
■I 1
"The woman that writes?"
" Tho same."
She drew back her chair for a few paces, with a deep-drawn
sigli, in which disappointment and surprise seemed strangely to
mingle. "Well, I have he'rd a great deal about you, and I
wanted to see yon bad for a long time; but you are only a
luimly person like myself after all. "Why I do think, if I had on
iny best gown and cap, I should look a great deal younger and
bettor than you."
I told her that I had no doubt of the fact.
"And pray," continued she, with the same provoking scrutiny,
" Iiow old do you call yourself?"
I told lier my exact age.
"Ilumph!" quoth she, as if she rather doubted my word,
" tAvo years younger nor mo 1 you look a great deal older nor
After a long pause, and another searching gaze, "Do you call
those teeth your own ?"
"Yes," said I, laughing; for I could retain my gravity no
longer : " in the very truest sense of tho word they are mine, as
God gave them to me."
"You ai'o luckier than your neighbours," said she. "But
airn't you greatly troubled with headaches ?"
" No," said I, rather startled at this fresh interrogatory.
"My 1" exclaimed she, "I thought you must be, your eyes are
BO sunk in your head. "Well, well, so you are Mrs. M of
Belleville, the woman that writes. You are but a humly body
after all."
■While this curious colloquy was going on, my poor Irisli friend
sat on thorns, and tried, by throwing in a little judicious blarney,
to soften tho thrusts of the home truths to which he had un-
wittingly exposed me. BetAveen every pause in the conversa-
tion, ho broke in with — " I am sure Mrs. M is a fine-looking
woman — a very young-looking Avoraan for her age. Any person
might knoAV at a glance that those teeth were her own. They
look too natural to be false."
Now, I am certain that tiio poor little Avoman never meant to
wound ray feelings, nor give me oiience. She literally spoke her
feel tl
find ii
did nc
thoughts, and I was too much amused with tlie whole scene to
feel the least irritated by her honest bluntness. She expected to
find in an author something quite out of the common way, and J
did not come up at all to her expectations.
Her opinion of me was not more absurd than the remarks of
two ladies who, after calling upon me for the first time, com-
municated the result of their observations to a mutual friend.
" Wo Ijave seen Mrs. M , and wo were so surprised to find
lier just like other people !"
"What did you expect to see in her?"
"Oh, something very different. We were very much dis-
" That she was not sitting upon her head," said my friend,
smiling ; " I like Mrs. M , because she is in every respect liko
other people ; and I should not have taken her for a blue-stocking
.: at all."
|L The sin of authorship meets with little toleration in a new
country. Several persons of this class, finding few minds that
could sympat).ise with them, and enter into their literary pur-
suits, have yielded to despondency, or falleu victims to that
insidious enemy of souls, Canadian whisJcy. Such a spirit was
the unfortunate Dr. Huskins, late of Frankfort on the river Trent.
The fate of this gentleman, who was a learned and accomplished
man of genius, left a very sad impression on my mind. Like too
many of that highly-gifted, but unhappy fraternity, he struggled
through his brief life, overwhelmed with the weight of unde-
served calumny, and his peace of mind embittered with the most
galling neglect and poverty.
The want of sympathy experienced by him from men of his
own class, pressed sorely upon the heart of the sensitive man of
talent and refinement ; he found very few who could appreciate
or understand his mental superiority, which was pronounced as
folly and madness by the ignorant persons about him. A new
country, where all are rushing eagerly forward in order to secure
the common necessaries of life, is not a favourable soil in which
to nourish the bright fancies and delusive dreams of the poet.
Dr. Huskins perceived his error too late, when he no longer
retained the means to remove to a more favourable spot, — and
< I
i ■!
i i
his was not a mind which could meet and combat successfully
with the ills of life. He eiidea\onred to bear proudly the evils
of his situation, but he had neither the energy nor the courage
to surmount them. He withdrew himself from society, and
passed the remainder of his d^ys in a solitary, comfortless, log
hut on the borders of the wilderness. Here he drooped and died,
as too many like him have died, heartbroken and alone. A sad
mystery involves the last hours of his life : it is said that he and
Dr. Sutor, another talented but very dissipated man, had entered
into a compact to drink until they both died. "Whether this
statement is true cannot now be positively ascertained. It is
certain, however, that Dr. butor was found dead upon the floor
of the miserable shanty occupied by his friend, and that Dr.
Huskins was lying on his bed in the agonies of death. Could
the many fine pt^ems, composed by Dr. Huskins in his solitary
exile, be collected and published, wo feel assured that posterity
would do him justice, and that his name would rank high among
the bards of the green isle.
" Neglected son of genius ! thou hast pass'd
In broken-hearted loneliness away ;
And one who prized thy talents, fain would cast
The cypress-wreath above thy nameless clay.
Ah, could she yet thy spirit's flight delay,
'Till the cold world, relenting from its scorn,
The fadeless laurel round thy brows should twine.
Crowning the innate majesty of mind,
By crushing poverty and sorrow torn.
Peace to thy mould'ring ashes, till revive
Bright memories of thee in deathless song!
True to the dead. Time shall relenting give
The meed of fame deserved — delayed too long,
And in iinniortal verse the bard again shall live !"
Alas 1 this frightful vice of drinking prevails throughout the
colony to an alarming extent. Professional gentlemen arc not
ashamed of being seen issuing from the bar-room of a tavern
early in tho morning, or of beinr caught reeling homo from the
same sink of iniquity late at night. No sense of shame deems to
deter them from tho pursuit of their darling sin. I have heard
tliat son)e of these regular toj-ors place brandy beside their beds
that, should they awake during tho night, they may have within
their reach the fiery potion for which they are bartering body
and soul. Some of these persons, after having been warned of
their danger by repeater, fits of delirium tremens^ have joined
the tee-totallers ; but tbeir abstinence only lasted until the rc-
cstablishment of their heaUh enabled them to return to their old
haunts, and become more hardened in their vile habits than
before. It is to be questioned whether the signing of any pledge
is likely to prove a permanent remedy for this great moral evil.
If an appeal to the heart and conscience, and the fear of incur-
ring the displeasure of an oftendcd God, are not sufficient to
deter a man from becomirig an active instrument in the ruin of
himself and family, no forcible restraint upon hia animal desires
will 1)0 likely to elFect a real reformation. It appears to me that
tho temperance people begin (it tho wrong end of the matter, by
restraining the animal propensities before they Iiave convinced
the mind. If a man abstain from drink only as long as the ac-
cursed thing is placed beyond his reach, it is after all but a
negative virtue, to be overcome by the first strong temptation.
Were incurable drunkards treated as lunatics, and a proper asy-
lum provided for them in every large town, and the management
of their affairs committed to their wives or adult children, tho
bare idea of being confined under such a plea would operate
more forcibly upon them than by signing a pledge, Avhich they
can break or resume according to the caprice of the moment.
A drunkard, while under the infiiience of li(iuor, is a madman
in every sense of tho word, and his mental aberration is often of
the most dangerous kind. Place him and the confirmed maniac
side by side, and it would bo diilicult for a stranger to determine
whicli was the most irrational of the two.
A friend related to me the following anecdote of a physician
in his native toAvn : — This man, Avho was eminent in his profes-
sion, and highly respected by all who knew him, secretly
indulged in the pernicious habit of dram -drinking, and after a
I »
I* ■
I '
m. ' iro you took the pledge ?"
" Never ," paid the doctor emphatically,
" Perhaps the cold waier does not agree with you ?"
The doctor began to smell a rat, and fell vigorously to mend-
ing the fire.
"I tell you what it is, J ," said the other; " the toothache
is a nervoiie affection. It is the IramTy that is the disease. It
may caro yon of an imaginary toothache ; but I assure yon,
that it gives your wltb and daughter an incurable heartache.''^
The doctor felt at that moment a strange palpitation at his
own. The scales fell suddenly from his eyes, and for the first
time his conduct appeared in its true light. Returning the
bottle to his friend, ho said very humbly — " Take it out of my
sight; I feel my error now. I will euro their heartache by
curing myself of this beastly vice."
The doctor, from that hour, became a temperate man. He
soon regained his failing practice, and the esteem of his friends.
The appeal to his better feelings effected a permanent change in
his habitfl, which signing the pledge had not been able to do.
To keep up an appearance of consistency ho had had recourse to
a mean subterfuge, while touching his heart produced a lasting
/ Drinking is the curse of Canada, and the very low price of
whisky places the temptation constantly in every one's reach.
But it is not by adopting by main force the Maine Liquor law,
that our legislators will be able to remedy the evil. Men natu-
rally resist any oppressive measures that infringe upon their
private rights, even though such measures aro adopted solely for
their benefit. It is not wise to thrust temperance down a man's
throat ; and the surest way to make him a drunkard is to insist
upon his being sober. The zealous advocates of this measure
(and there are many in Canada) know little of their own, or the
nature of others. It would be the fruitful parent of hypocrisy,
and lay the foundation of crimes still greater than the one it is
expected to cure.
To wean a fellow-creature from the indulgence of a gross sen-
sual propensity, as I said before, we must first convince the
mind : the reform must commence there. Merely withdrawing
the means of gratification, and treating a rational being like a
child, will never achieve a great moral conquest.
In pagan countries, the missionaries can only rely upon the
sincerit}^ of the converts, who are edjcated when children in
thtir schools ; and if we wish to see drunkenness banished from
our towns and cities, we must prepare our children from their
earliest infancy to resist the growing evil.
I: r
i I
Show yonr boy a drunkard wallowing in tho wtroots, like somo
unclean animal in the mire. Every side-walk, on a niarkot-day,
will furnish you with examploH. Point out to hiiu tho immo-
rality of such a degrading position; make him fully sensible of
all its. disgusting horrors. Tell him that God has threatened in
words of unmistakable import, that he will exclude such from
his heavenly kingdom. Convince him that such loathsome im-
l)urity must totally unfit tho soul for communion with its God —
that such a state may truly be looked upon aa tho second death —
tho foul corruption and decay of both body and soul. Teach tho
child to pray against drunkenness, as he would against murder,
lying, and theft ; show him that all these crimes are often com-
prised in this one, which in too many cases has been the fruitful
parent of them all.
When the boy grows to be a man, and mingles in the world
of men, he will not easily forget the lesson impressed on his
young heart, lie will remember his early prayers against this
terrible vice — will recall that disgusting spectacle — and will
naturally shrink from the same contamination. Should ho bo
overcome by temptation, the voice of conscience will plead with
him in such decided tones that she will be heard, and ho will bo
ashamed of becoming the idiot thing he once feared and loathed.
" Oh ! ask not of my morn of life,
How dark and dull it gloom'd o'er me ;
Sharp words and fierce domestic strife,
Robb'd my young heart of all its gico —
The sobs of one heart-broken wife, >
Low, stifled moans of agony.
That fell upon my shrinking ear,
In hollow tones of woe and fear ;
As crouching, weeping, at her side,
I felt my soul with sorrow swell,
In pity begg'd her not to hide
The cause of grief I knew too well ;
Then wept afresh to hear hsr pray
That death might take us both away !
"Away from whom?— Alan ! what ill
Proaa'ii tho warm life-hopes from her heart ?
Was she not young and lovt-ly Htill ?
What mado tho frequent tear-drops start
From eyes, whoso light of love could fill
My inmost soul, and b!\do mo part
From noisy comrades in tho street,
To kiss her cheek, so cold and pale.
To clasp her neck, and hold her hand,
And list the oft-repeated tale
Of woes I could not understand ;
Yet felt their force, as, day by day,
I watch'd her fade from life away ?
" And he, the cause of all tlxis woe,
Her mate— tho father of her cliild,
In dread I saw him come and go.
With many an 0;Wful oath roviled ;
And from harsh word, and harsher blow,
(In answer to her pleadings mild,)
I shrank in terror, till I caught
From her meek eyes th' unwhisper'd thought—
* Bear it, my Edward, for thy mother's sake J
He cares not, in hia sullen mood.
If this poor heart with anguish break.'
That look was felt, and imderstood
By her young son, thus school'd to bear
Ilia wrongs, to soothe her deep despair.
" Oh, how I loatli'd him ! — how I scorn'd
His idiot laugh, or demon frown —
Ilis features bloated and deform'd ;
Tho jests with which he sought to druwii
The consciousness of sin, or storm'd,
To put reproof or anger down.
Oh, 'tis a fearful thing to feci
Stern, sullen hate, the bosom steel
'Gainst one whom nature bids us prize
Tho first link in her mystic chain ;
Which binds in strong and tender ties
The heart, while reason rules the brain.
1 J
> I
Anil mitif^ling 1<)V«? with holy foar,
K/ondcrH tho paront douhly dear.
** I cannot bear to think liow tloep
The liatrnd was I boro liim then ;
But hfl has Blopt hiH last long sloop,
And I havo trod the haunts of mon ;
Ilavo felt tho tide of passion sweep
Through mar- ood's fiery heart, and when
By strong temptation toas'd and tried,
I thought how that lost father died ]
Unwept, unpitied, in his sin ;
Then tears of burning shame would rise,
And storn remorse awake Within
A host of mental agonies.
He fell — by one dark vice defiled ;
Was I more pure — his erring child ?
"Yes — erring child; — but to my tale.
My mother loved the lost one still.
From the deep fount which could not fail
(Through changes dark, from good to ill,)
Her woman's heart — and sad and pale,
She yielded to his stubborn will ;
Perchance she felt remonstrance vain —
The effort to resist gave pain.
But carefully she hid her grief
From him, the idol of her youth ;
And fondly hoped, against belief.
That her deep love hatri mental to tho poor. The man who knows his duty, is more
likely to i)erform it avoU than the ignorant man, whose services
are compiilsoiy, and Avhose actions are influenced by tho moral
responsibility whl"h r% right knowledge must give.
My eirncst wish for universal education involves no dislike to
royal rule, or for those distinctions of birth and wealth which I
consider necessary for the well-being of society. It little matters
by what name we call tliem ; men of talent and education Avill
exert a certain influence over tho minds of their fellow-mori,
which will alwavs be felt and acknowledged in tho world if
mankind were equalized to-morrow. Perfect, unndnlterated
I'epublicanism, is a beautiful but fallacious chimera which never
has existed upon tho earth, and which, if tho Biblo bo true, (and
we have no doubts on tho subject,) we are told never will exist
in heaven. Still we consider that it would bo true wisdom and
policy in those who possess a large share of tho good things of
this world, to make labour honourable, by exalting the i)Oor
operative into an intelligent moral agent. Surely it is no small
privilege to bo able to bind up his bruised and broken heart — to
wipe tho
bid him oi
indeed, to
the mind,
nity, is loss
It is im
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"here is an
rich man v
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During t
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wipe the (lust from his brow, and tlio tears from his ej'cs — and
bid liiui once more stand erect in his Mukcr'^ image. Thia is,
indeed, to becom/j the benefacttn both of his soul and body ; for
tlie mind, once convinced of its own real worth and native dig-
nity, is less prone to fall into low and degrading vices, tlian when
struggling with ignorance and the galling chain of despised
It is impossible for the most depraved votary of wcaltli and
fashion really to despise a poor, honest, well-informed man.
"here is an aristocracy of virtue as well as of wealth ; and the
rich man who dares to cast ur.deserved contempt upon his poor,
l)ut high-minded brother, hears a voice widiin him which, in
tones whicli cannot bo misunderstood, re^cjves him for blasphe-
ndng his Maker's image. A glorious mission is conferred on you
who are rich and nobly born, which, if well and conscientiously
l)erformed, will make tlie glad arch of heaven ring with songs of
joy. Nor deem that you will be worse served because your ser-
vant is a religious, well-educated man, or that you will be treated
with less respect and attention by one who knows that yo\ir
station entitles you to it, than by the rude, ignorant slave, who
hates you in his heart, and performs his appointed services with
an envious, discontented spirit.
When Avo consider that ignorance is the fruitful parent of
crime, wo should imito with lieart and voice to banish it from
the earth. We should devote what means we can spar 3, and
the talents with which God has endowed us, in furthering every
national and benevolent institution set on foot for tliis purpose;
and though the progress of impnn'ement may at first appear
slow, this should not discourage an}' one from endeavoring to
effect a great and noble purpose. Tlaiiy months must intervene,
after cowing the crop, before the husbandman can expect to reap
,iie harvest. The winter snows must cover, the spring rains
vivify and nourish, and the summer sun ripen, before the autumn
arrives, for the ingathering of his labour, and then the increase,
after all his toil and watching, nmst be with God.
During the time of our blessed Lord's sojourn upon earth, ho
proclaimed the harvest to be plenteous and the labourers few;
and ho instructed his disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest
( t
\ ' (
' i
- ; r
1 I
ma m , •MiMiUKai'Jv^'j
to scud more labourers into tlie field. Does it not, therefore,
behove those who live in a more enlightened age — when tlio
truth of the Gospel, which he scaled with his blood, has been
j)reachcd in almost every country — to pray the Father of Spirits
to proportion the labourers to the wants of his people, so that
Christian kmdness, brotherly love, and moral improvement, may
go hand in hand, and keep pace with increasing literary and
scientific knowledge ?
A new country like Canada cannot value the education of her
people too highly. The development of all the talent within the
province will in the end prove her real worth, for from this
source every blessing and improvement must flow. The great-
ness of a nation can more truly be estimated by the' wisdom and
intelligence of her people, than by the mere amount of specie
she may possess in her treasury. The money, under the bad
management of ignorant rulers, would add but little to the well-
being of the community, while the intelligence which could
make a smaller sum available in contributing to the general good,
is in itself an inexhaustible mine of wealth.
If a few enlightened minds are able to add so much strength
and importance to the country to which they belong, how much
greater must that country become if all her people possessed thif?
intelligence! How impossible it would be to conquer a country,
if she could rely upon the united wisdom of an educated people
to assist her in her hour of need ! The force of arras could never
subdue a nation thus held together by the strong hands of intel-
lectual fellowship.
To the wisdom of her educated men, Britain owes the present
position she holds among the nations. The power of mind has
subdued all the natural obstacles that impeded her course,
and has placed her above all her competitors. She did not owe
her greatness to extent of territory. Look at the position she
occupies upon the map — a mere speck, when compared with
several European nations. It was not to her superior courage,
great as that is acknowledged to be ; the French, the Germans,
the Spaniards, are as brave, as far as mere courage is concerned,
are as ready to attack and as slow to yield, as the lion-hearte .1
king himself. No, it is to the moral power of her educated
classes tl
conio m
liim ; to
ments of
ntore caK
those wo
and rendi
If edu(
have beer
history —
Yet I
wasting t
man may
The becL ;
tne Latin
after life, i
dead lettei
tliink, to I
by tlie rig
heneive kr
belief in t
woman a
Rtjing beyf
light ! " W(
constant p
crimes are
ence of b
incapable <
so. Ue gi
happen to
from any
I '
classes that slio owes her BU»)eriority. It is more difficult to over-
come luind tlmn matter. To contend with the former, is t<>
contend with God himself^ fur all true knowledge is derived from
lilni ; to contend with tlie latter, is to fight with the grosser ele-
ments of the earth, whic'i. -.eing corruptible in their nature, arc
more easily overcome. F:om her educated men have sprung all
those wonderful discoveries in science, which have extended the
commerce of Great Britain, enlarged her capacity for usefiUness,
and rendered her the general benefactress of mankind.
If education has accomplished these miracles — for they Wuuld
have been regarded as such in a more remote period of the world's
history — think of what importance it is to Canada to bestOAV this
inestimable gift upon her children.
Yet I should be sorry to see the sons of the poor omigrar.t
Avasting their valuable time in ocquiring Latin and Greek. A
man may be highly educated, may possess the most lofty and
comprehensive mind, without knowing one syllable of either.
The beoi, ye.'irs of a boy's life are often thrown away in acquiring
the Latin language, which often proves of little use to hira in
after life, and which, for the want of practice, becomes to him a
dead letter, as well as a dead language. Let the boy bo taught to
think, to know the meaning thorougldy of what he learns, and,
by the riglit use of his reflective faculties, be enabled to com-
municate the knowledge thus acquired to others. A compre-
hend ve knowledrre of the arts and sciences, of history, geography,
chemistry, and mathematics, together with a deep and unbigoted
belief in the great truths of Christianity, would render a man or
woman a liighly intellectual and rational companion, without
going beyond the palo of plaii English. — " Light ! give me more
light ! " were the dyinj.; words of Goiithe ; and this should be the
constant prayer of all rational souls to the Father of light. More
crimes are connnitted through ignorance than through the influ-
ence of bad and malignant passions. An ignorant man is
incapable of judging correctly, however anxious he may be to do
so. lie groi)es in the dark like a blind man ; and if he should
happen to stumble on the right path, it is more by arcident than
from any correct idea wliich has been formed in his mind
respecting it.
Tlio miud wJiich onco begins to feel a rolLsli for ftcqnirin-
knowledge is not easily Batisfied. The more it kuowy, the less it
thinks of its own acquirements, and tlie more anxious it becomes
to arrive at the truth ; and finding that perfection ia not a growtli
of earth, it carries its earnest longings beyond this worl'l, and s'^t-ks
it in communior with the Deity. If the young could once be
fully persuaded that there was no disgrace in labour, in honest,
liononrablo poverty, but a deep and lasting disgrace in ign< rrnoi"
and lir. -morality thvir educntion would bo conducted on tli''
rvist v'iijflfli ri ;d [Ian, and prodiico the most beneficial re-
TL^ po ;aj v^ho could have recourse to a book for amuse-
ment, instead of > n'ng a leisure hour in tlio bar-room of u
tavern, would be more likely to promote the comfort and
respectability of his family. Why should the labourer ])o
debarred from shari.ig witb the rich the great world of the pa.-;t,
and b"i able to rank amongst his best friends the distinguished
men ci all creeds and countries, and to feel for these dead
worthies (who, thanks to the immortal art of printing, still live
in tlieir works) the warmest gratitude and admiration ? Tho
very mention of some names awaken in tho mind the most lively
emotion. We recall their beautiful thoughts to memory, and
repeat them with as much earnestness as though tho dead spako
again through our lips. . . *•
Of all the heaven-inspired inventions of man, there are none
to which we are so greatly indebted as to the art of printing.
To it we shall yet owe tho emancipation of the larger portion of
mankind from a state of mental and physical slavery. What
floods of light have dawned upon the world since that silent
orator, the press, set at hberty the imprisoned thoughts of men,
and poured the wealth of mind among the famishing sons of
earth! Formerly few could read, because manuscript books,
the labours of the pen, were sold at such an enormous price that
only men of rank or great wealth could afford to purchase them.
The peasant, and the landholder who employed him, were alike
ignorant ; they could not obtain books, and therefore learning to
read might well be considered in those dark ages a waste of time.
This profound ignorance gave rise to all those superstitions which
ill tlio present enliglitened ago are regarded with sueli astouisli-
nieiit by tliiuking minds,
"Ifow lould ".enbible, good men, condemn poor old women to
death for 1 oing witches?" wjv" a (picstiDn one asked mo by my
neph. w, a fine, intelligent br^, of eight years of age.
Now tliis boy liad rer 1 a good deal, young as he wa.«, and
thought more, and was wiser in his day and generation than
thef"; „anio pious bigots. Andwliy? Tho boy had read tlio
works of moro enlightened men, and, making a right use of his
reason, ho felt convinced that these men were in error (although
he had been born and bronght up in tho backwoods of Canada)—
a fnct which tho great Matthew Halo was tanght by bitter \\>g-
I liave said more on this subject than I at first intcndc ' bn- i
feel deeply impressed with tho importance of it; and, lhe;.;?h i
confess myself wholly inadequate to do it tho justice ii de^^r.es,
I hope tho observations I have mado will attract the at'ontion of
my Canadian readers, and lead them to study it more tn idly
for themselves. Thanks bo to God ! Canada is a free country ;
a land of plenty ; a land exempt from pauperism, burdensome
taxation, and all tho ills which crush and finally sink in ruin
older communities. While the vigour of young life is yet hers,
aijd she has before her tho experionco of all other nations, it
becomes an act of duty and real 2^fif'riotisni to give to her child-
ren the best education that lies in her power
" Who can read the Poet's dream,
Shadow forth his glorious theme,
And in written language tell
The workings of tho potent spell,
Whose mysterious tones impart
Life and vigour to his heart ?
'Tis an emanation bright,
Shooting from the fount of Ifght ;
Flowing in upon the mind,
Like sadden dayspring on the blind ;
; 1 1
Ny< W" J T*'W » rw -)WW-
Gilding with immortal dyen
Scenes unknown to common eyes ;
Revealing to the mental wght
Visions of untold delight,
'Tis the key by Fancy brought,
That opens up the world of thought ;
A sense of power, a pleasing madness,
A hope in grief, a joy In sadness,
A taste for beauty unalloyed,
A love of nature never cloyed ;
The upward Hearing of a soul
Unfcttcr'd l>y the world's control,
(Jnward, heavenward, ever tending,
Itrt essence with the eternal blending ;
Till, from " mortal coil " shook free.
It shares the seraph's ccstacy."
"Life Jiiith it!) pleasures, stern Dentli liaUi Its fc.ars,
Joy hath gay hiuglitcr, and Orief hitter tears;
Uejoioc with the one, nor slirinl{ from tlie otiier, —
Yon cloud hides the sun, and death is life's brotlicr !
As the beam to the day, so the shade to tlw night —
Ue certain Uiat Ileaveu orders ail for tlic right."
My dear reader, before we proceed further on our jourmy, it
may be as well to give you some idea of how the Canadian peo-
ple in towns spend their time. I will endeavour to describe to
you the various sources from whence they derive pleasure and
In large cities, like Montreal and Toronto, the higher classes
are as refined and intellectual as ladies and gentlemen at home,
and spend their lives much in the same manner. Their houses
abound in all the elegancies and luxuries of life, and to step into
their drawing-rooms you would imagine yourself still in England.
They drive handsomo carriages, and ride fine spirited horses;
and if till
shape of
the newcil
so uuiveri
f;i.shion b^
it are disc
choice of 1
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tation of t
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stance wo
skirts tha
l)ractice li
science, a
friends, ai
You will 1
even in th
I never
dance wel
Scolcli re
with this
Balls gi
by 80cieti<
and lowes
to keep tc
the floor 1
that presi
treated w
to the hijj
very amu
easy freec
nnd if tlioy nro oncnmbcrcd with fewer doincstic pests in tlio
nlmpo of pampered servtinta, they have, in this respect, a decided
advantage over tlieir European friends. Tlioy dross well and
expensively, and are very particular to liavo their clothes cut in
the newest fashion. Men and women adopt the reigning mode
so nnivorsally, that they look all dressed alike. The moment a
fashion hecoraos at all obsolete, the articles of dress made to suit
it arc discarded. In England, a lady may jdeaso herself in tho
choice of colonrs, and in adopting as much of a fashion as siiits
her stylo of person and taste, but in Canada they carry this inu-
tation of tlio fashions of tho day to extremes. If green was tho
])revailing colour, every lady would adopt it, whether it suited
her complexion or no; and if she was over so stout, that circum-
stance would not prevent her from wearing lialf-a-dozen more
skirts than was necessary, because that absurd and nnheiUthy
jtractico has for a long period prevailed. Music is taught very
generally. Though very few attain any great perfection in tho
science, a groat many perform well enough to gratify tlieir
friends, and contribute to the enjoyment of a social evening.
You will lind a piano in every wealthy Canadian's house, and
even in the dwellings of most of the respectable mechanics.
I never met with a Canadian girl Avho could not dance, and
dance well. It soems born in them, and it is their favourite
amusemont. Polkas, waltzes, .".nd quadrilles, are tho dances most
approved in their private and public assemblies. Tho eight
►Scotch reci has, however, its admirers, and most parties end
with this lively romping danco.
Balls given on public days, such as tho Queen's birtliday, and
by societies, such as tlio Freemasons', tho Odd Fellows', and tho
Firemen's, are composed of very mixed company, and tho higliest
and lowest are seen in the s'\mo room. They generally contrive
to keep to their own set — dancing alternately — rarely occupying
tho floor together. It is surprising, tlio goodwill and harmony
that presides in these mixed assemblies. As long as they are
treated witli civility, the lower classes show no lack of courtesy
to tho higlier. To bo a spectator at one of these public balls is
very amusing. The country girls carry thomsolves with such an
easy freedom, that it is quite entertaining to look at and listen
I •■
to tlioin. At a frcciiuwons' bull, sotno years ago, a very amusing
tiling took place. A young luindsonio wouum, etill in hor girl-
liooil, luul brought her baby, which aho carried with her into
the ball-room. On being asked to dance, she was rather puzzled
what to do with the child ; but, Kccing a young lawyer, one of the
Hltc of the town, standing with foldc'(^ arms looking on, who ran
across the room, and, putting the baby into his arms, exclaimed —
''You are not dancing, sir; pray hold my baby for me, till the
next (luadrillo is over." Away she skipped back to her partner,
and left the gentleman overwhelmed with conl'usion, while the
room shook with peals of laughter. Making the best of it, ho
danced the baby to the music, and kept it iu high good humour
till its mother returned.
'' I guess," she said, '' that you are a married num ? "
"Yes," said ho, returning the child, "and a mason."
""Well, I thought as much any how, by the way you acted
with the baby."
" My conduct was not quite free from selflshness — I expect a
"As how?"
"That you will give the baby to your husband, and danco the
next set with me."
" With all my heart. IjOt ns go a-head."
If legs did not do their duty, it was no fault of tlieir pretty
owner, for she danced with all lier strength, greatly to tho
amusement of her aristocratic partner.
When we first came to Belleville, evening parties commenced
at tho primitive and rational hour of six o'clock, but now invi-
tations are issued for eight; the cor. )any, however, seldom
assemble before nine, and those who Avisii to bo very fashionable
don't make their appearance before ten. This is rather absurd
in a country, but Folly as well as AVisdom, is justified of her
children. Evening parties always include dancing and music,
while cards are i)rovided for those gentlemen who prefer whist
to the society of the ladie« Tho evening generally closes with
a splendid supper, in which there is no lack of the good things
which the season affords. Tho ladies are always served first, tho
gentlemen waiting upon them at supper; and they never eit
down to I
ladies hal
not be v(|
versal onl
tion to tli
Tho op
und only
Hiul gentl
]irivate Ik
them she*
cDurso, th
and nature
In the s
stock. Tl
uliady reti
where th(
bles to ea
fowls, me
cakes, wl
bottom ol
about an
fisb. Th
and tho
possess g
a reuuioi
tho man
down to tlio tftblo, "wlicii the cornpnny \h lftr,.,'o, until nftcr tho
ladies have rcturnod ti> tho dmwing-rooiii. This cuHtom would
not bo very Ht,'rocahlc to sumo Enj,dish opicuros, l)ut it is an nui-
VLTBal Olio with Canadian t;ontletiion, wlioso itolitencRnand atton-
tiuii to tiio othor sex in ono of tho inuut i>lca8iiig traita in thoir
Tlio o|(i)ort,unitio9 of visiting tlio theatre occur very Boldoni,
iiud only can ho enjoyed by those wlio reside in tho citien of
Canada. Tho young men of tho place Boiuetimofl get up an
iunatcur performance, in which they act tlie part of both ladies
and gentlemen, greatly to tho delight and amusement of thoir
audieuco. I nmst say that I have enjoyed a play in ono of theso
I'rivuto houses more than ever I did at Drury Lano or Oovent
(iarden. The lads act with their wholo hearts, and I havo soon
them slied real tears over the sorrows they were called upon to
l»uurtray. They did not feign— they really felt tho part. Of
course, there was little artistic skill, but a good deal of truth
and nature.
In tho summer, riding and boating parties take the placo of
dancing. Theso are always regular pic-nicH, each j)arty con-
tributing thoir share of eatables and drinkables to tho general
stock. They commonly select some pretty islaud in tiio bay, or
shady retired spot on^ho main land, for the general rendezvous,
where they light a lire, boil their kettles, and cook their vegeta-
bles to eat with their cold prog, which usually consists of hams,
fowls, meat pies, cold joints of meat, and abundance of tarts and
cakes, while the luxury of ice is convoyed in a blanket at tho
bottom of ono of the boats.
These Avater parties aro very delightful. The ladies 'troll
about and gather wild fruit and flowers, while tho gentl'Miieu
tish. Tho weather at that season of tho year is suro to bo fine,
and tho water scenery beautiful in tho extreme. Those who
possess good vc ea sing., and tho young folks dance on th'- green-
sward. A day . pent thus happily with nature in her green
domain, is one of jinre and innocent enjoyment. There is always
a reunion, in tho evening, of tho party, at tho house of one of
tho married ladies who were present at the pic-nic.
In a riding party, some placo is selected in the country, and
tliopo wlio aro iiivitvl meet at. ft iixed liour on tlio U|)p(»iiiteil
ground. TIio Oakliill pond, near tho villiiRO of liawdon, and
about sixteen miles from Bollovillo, ia a very favourite spot, and
is one of singular beauty. This Oakhill pond is a small, clear,
and very deep lake, on tho summit of a liigli hill. It is about
two miles in circumference, and bcinj,^ almost circular, must
/■early bo as broad as it is \oi\^. The waters aro intensely blue,
tho back-ground is fdlcd up with groves of dark pine, while the
woods in front are composed of tho dwarf oaks and firs, which
are generally found on these table lands, intersijcrscd with low
bashes — tho sandy Suil abounding with every Canadian variety
of wild fruits aiid flowers.
There is an excellent ])lank road all tlie way from IkOlevilie to
Rawdon. The Oakhills Ho a little to the loft, and you api)roach
them by a very steep ascent, from tho summit of which you
obtain as fine a i)rospect as I have seen in this i)art of Canada.
A vast country lies stretched beneath your feet, and you look
down upon an immense forest, whoso tree-toj)?, moved by tho
wind, cause it to undulate like a green ocean. From this spot,
you may trace tho four windings of the bay, to its junction with
tho bine waters of tho Ontario. Tho last time I ga/od from tho
top of this hill a thunder-storm was frowning over tho woods,
and '.ho dense black clouds gave an awful gra^^deur to the noblo
Tho village of Kawdon lies on the other side of this table land,
quite in a valley, A bright, brisk littlo stream runs through it,
and aims several large mills. It is a very ])retty rural place,
and 13 fast rising towards the dignity of a town. When we first
carae 4,0 licUeville, the spot on which Rr \vdon now stands be-
longed principally, if not altogether, to an enterprising Orkney
man, Edward Fidlar, Esq., to whose energy and industry it
mainly owes its eyistenco. ^[r, Fidlar might truly be termed tho
father of the village, A witty friend suggested, that instead of
Rawdon, it ought more properly to bo called "Fidlar's Green,"'
There is a clean littlo country inn just at tho foot of the long
hill leading to tho Oakhill pond, kept by a respectable widow-
woman of tho name of Fairman, If the pic-nio party does not
wish to bo troubled with carrying baskets of pr-^\ision8 so far.
they send |
dinner for|
sible cour
A dinnel
town. Till
not ofter a|
of the dair
They lik[_
that they
ing such m
dcwn to a
and myself
would hav
ham, and j
pies, puddi
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tor dainty i
liouso consi
it is impost
Two lad:
those too h
They had (
of tho hoii
her guests
good chee
her seat, a
"I shouk
choose to
The po(
failed tho
irritated 1
hlo " for t
ble weakj
thoy send word to Mrs. Fairnian tlie day previous, to proparo
dinner for so many guests. This she always does in tlie best pos-
sible country stylo, at the moderate charge of lialf-a-doUar per
A dinner in the country in Canada, taken at the house of some
substantial yeoman, is a very dilfercnt alFair from a dinner m the
town. The table literally groans with good cheer; and you can-
not oiler a greater affront to you hostess, than to eat sparingly
of the dainties set before you.
They like to have several days' warning of your'inteiided visit,
tiiat they may go " to trov/ih-,^' as they most truly term mak-
ing such magnificent preparations for a few guests. I have sat
dcwn to a table of this kind in the coimtry, with only Mr. M.
and myself aa guests, and we have been served with a dinner that
woidd have amj)ly fed twenty i)eople. Fowls of several sorts,
ham, and joints of roast and boiled meat, besides quantities of
l»ies, puddings, custiirds, and cakes. Cheese is invariably olfercd
to you with apple pie; and several little glass dishes are ranged
round your plate, for preserves, honey, and ajjplo sauce, which lat-
ter dainty is never wanting in a country feast. The mistress of the
liouso constantly presses you to partake of all these things, and
sometimes the accumulation of rich food on one plate, which
it is impossible for you to consume, is everything but agreeable.
Two ladies, friends of mine, went to spend the day at one of
those too hospitable entertainers. The weather was intensely hot.
They had driven a long way in the sun, and both ladies had a
headache, aud verj little appetite in conse»iuenco. The mistress
vt' the house went " to trouble,^^ and prepared a great feast for
her guests ; but, finding that they partook very 8j)aringly of her
good cheer, her pride was greatly hurt, and rising suddenly from
her seat, and turning to them with a stern brow, she exclaimed, —
"I should like to know what ails my victuals, that you don't
choose to eat."
The poor ladies explained the reosc'\ of their appetites having
failed them; bnt they found it a difiicult matter to .soothe their
irritated hostess, who declared that she would never go " to trou-
hlo " for thout again. It is of no use of arguing against this amia-
ble weakness, for as eating to uneducated people ia one of greatest
enjoyments of life, tliey cannot iamgine how they could make
you more corafortablo, by offering you less food, and of a more
Biinple kind.
Large farmers in an old cleared country live remarkably well,
and enjoy within themselves all the substantial comforts of life.
Many of them keep carriages, and drive splendid horses. The
contrast between the pork and potato diet (and sometimes of
potatoes alone without the pork), in the backwoods, is really
striking. Before a gentleman from the old country concludes to
settle in the bush, let him first visit these comfortable abodes of
peace and plenty.
Tiio lion. R. 13 , when canvassing the county, paid a round
of visits to his principal political supporters, and they literally
almost killed him with kindness. Every house provided a feast
in honour of their distinguished guest, and he was obliged to eat
at all.
Coming to spend a quiet evening at our house, the first words
he uttered were, — "If you have any regard for me Mrs. M ,
pray don't ask me to eat. I am sick of the sight of food."
I can well imagine the amount of " trouhle " each good wife
had taken upon herself on this great occasion.
One of the most popular public exhibitions is the circus, a sort
of travelling Astley's theatre, which belongs to a company in
New York. This show visits all the largo towns once during the
summer season. The performance consists of feats of horseman-
ship, gymnastics, dancing on the tight and slack rope, and won-
derful feats of agility and strength ; and to those who have taste
and nerve enough to admire such sights, it possesses great at-
tractions. The company is a large one, often exceeding forty
persons ; it is provided with good performers, and an excellent
brass band. The arrival of the circus is commonly announced
several weeks before it makes its actual entree^ in the public
papers ; and large handbills are posted up in the taverns, con-
taining coarse woodcuts of the most exciting scenes in the per-
formance. These ugly pictures draw around them crowds of little
boys, who know the whole of the programme by heart, long before
the caravans containing the tents and scenery arrive. Hundreds
of these little chaps are up before day-break on the oxpootod
morning 1
(if nine iJ
prices, tl
are plentl
selves ani
The Inl
town is a|
A large
church ai
tlie pit.
a few ice
candles, t
The she
well Avort
can twice
the same
The last
more amu
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offered his
graceful b
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eye, and 1
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of his bu]
The sir
seven in \
people at
more sek
morning of the show, and walk out to Shannon villo, a distance
(tf nine miles, to meet it.
However the farmers may giumblo over bad times and low
l)riccs, the circus never lacks its quantum of visitors; and there
are plenty of half-dollars to bo had to pay for tickets for them-
selves and their families.
The Indians fro particularly fond of this exhibition, and the
town is always full of them the day the circus comes in.
A largo tent is pitched on the open si)ace between the Scotch
church and the old hospital, big enough to contain at least a
thousand people, besides a wide area for the performance and
the pit. An amphitheatre of seats rises tier above tier, to withiu
a few feet of the eves of the tent, for the accommodation of the
spectators ; and the wliole space is lighted by a largo chandelier,
composed of tin holders, filled with very bad, greasy, tallow
candles, that in the close crowded place emit a very disagreeable
The show of horses and the feats of horsemanship are always
well wortli seeing, but the rest grows very tiresome on frequent
re[:etition. Persons must be very fond of this sort of thing who
can twice visit the circus, as year after year the clown repeats
the same stale jests, and shows up the same stylo of per-
The last time I went, in order to please my youngest son, I was
more amused by the antics of a man who carried about bull's-
eyes and lemonade, than by any of the actors. Whenever lio
otVered liis tray of sweets to the ladies, it wjts with, an aiiectedly
graceful bend ; and throwing into his voice the utmost persua-
sion, he contrived to glance down on liie bull's-eyes with half an
eye, and to gaze up at the ladies lio addressed witli all that re-
mained of the powers of vision, exclaiming, with his hand on his
lieart, — " How sweet they a-r-e!" combining a recommendation
of his bull's-eyes with a comi)liment to the fair sex.
The show opens at two o'clock, p.m., and again at half-past
seven in the evening. The people from a distance, and the young
children, visit the exciting scene during the day; the town's-
peoplo at night, as it is less crowded, cooler, aud the company
more select. Persons of all ranks are there ; and the variety of
' ■'»
' ■'imtmfm.si»gamwi-A'^'- ■
faces and charnotors tlmt iiHtiirc exliibiis gratis, nro far inoro
amusing to watch tliiiii tlio feats of the Athletes.
Theu tlicro is Jianiliain's travelling inenagorie of wild animals,
and of tamo darkio melodists, who occnpy a tent by themselves,
and a w?ute nigger whom the boys look upon with the same won-
der they would do at a white rat or mouse. Everybody goes
to see the wild beasts, and to i)oke fuu at the elephants, Uno
man who, born and brought up in the backwoods, had r.ever
seen an elephant before, 'nor oven a picture of one, ran half-
frightened homo to his master, exclaiming as he bolted into tlio
room, "Oh, sir! eir! you must let the childer go to tho muiijc-
ry. Shuro there's six huge critters to bo seen, with no eyes, and
a tail before and behind."
The celebrated CJeneral Tom Thumb paid tho town a visit last
Bummor. Ills presence was hailed with enlhusiaetic delight, and
people crowded from tho most remote settlements to gazo upon
the tiny man. Ono jmor Irishwonum insisted " that ho was not
a human crathur, but a fairy clmngernig, and that ho would van-
ish away some day, and never bo heard of again." Sigiior Blitz,
tho great conjuror, occasit)nally pays us a visit, but his visits aro
like angel visits, few and far between. His performance never
fails in lilllng tho largo room in tho court-houso for several suc-
cessive nights, and his own purse. Then wo have lecturers from
the United States on all subjects, who commonly content them-
selves with hiring the room belonging to tho Mechanics' Institute,
where they hold forth, for tho moderate sum of a York shilling
a head, on mesmerism, phrenology, biology, i)honography, spir-
itual communications, *fec.
These wandering lectures aro often very wed attended, and
their performance is highly entertaining. Imagine a tall, thin,
bearded American, exhibiting himself at a small wooden desk
between two dingy tallow candles, and holding forth in tho
genuine nasal twang on those half-sujjernatural sciences on which
so much is advanced, and of which so little is at present under-
stood. Our lecturer, however, expresses no doubts upon tho
subject of which ho treats. IIo proves on tho persons of Iiis
audience the truth of ])hreuology, biology, and mesmerism, and
t'ic ii; Mvidnals lio pitches upon to illustrate his facts perform
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their parts remarkably well, and often leave the spectators in a
maze of doubt, nstoni.slim{j
tho bench to a friend of his own ; it was, without exceplion, lo
most intelligent telegraphic despatch that it was pt)Hsiblo foi- ..no
human cyo to convoy to otlier, and said more plairly lau
words could — "You shall see how I can humbug theru ill."
That look opened my eyes completely to the farce that w; acting
before mo, and entering into tho s[)irit of tho scene, I must own
that I enjoyed it amazingly. Tho blacksmith was mesmerised by
a looh alone, and for half an hour went on in a most funny man-
ner, keeping tho spectators with their oyos open, and in couvul-
sions of laughter. After a while, the professor left him to enjoy
his mosiueric nap, and chose another subject, in the person of a
man wlio liad locturod a few nights before on the science of
mnemonics, and had been disappointed in a very scanty attend-
After a decent time had elapsed, the new subject yielded very
easily to the professor's magic passes, and fell into a profound
sleep. The mesmoriscr then le■•.!'
Tho violot ! — oh, what talcs nf lovo,
Of youtli's Bwent spring iirc thitiH !
And lovers wtill in RcM and grove,
Of thee will chapletd twine.
" Mine are tlie treasures Naturo strewa
With lavish hand around ;
My precious gems are sparkling dcwH,
My wealth tho verdant groumi.
Mine are the songs that freely gush
From hf'dge, and bush, an I tree;
Tho soaring lark and spccklei' thrush
Discourse rich melody.
"A cloud cornea floating o'er the sun,
The woods' green glories fade ;
But hark ! tho blackbird has begun
His wild lay in the shade.
He hails with joy the threaten'd shower,
And plumes his glossy wing ;
While pattering on his leafy bower,
I hear the big drops ring.
** Slowly at first, but quicker now,
The rushing rain descends;
And to each spray and leafy bough
A crown of diamonds lends.
Oh, what a splendid sight appears !
The sun bursts forth again ;
And, smiling through sweot nature's tears,
Lights up tho hill and plain.
*' And tears are trembling in my eyes,
Tears of intense delight;
Whilst gazing upward to the skies.
My heart o'erflows my sight.
Great God of nature ! may thy grace
Pervade my inmost soul ;
And in her beauties may I trace
Tl;e love that forrn'd tho whole !"
'* The man that hath not muilc in hiH soul."
I WILL »ny no inoro. Tho quotation, tlioi;gh but too true, is
too well known ; but it will eerve as tho best illustriitioii I can
f,'ive to tlic various annoyances which besot tho patii of liini
who is inuHically incliufnl, and whoso soul is in unison with
swcot souiuls. This was my case. I loved music with all my
heart and soul, and in order to f:;ivo myself wholly up to my
l)assion, and claim a sort of moral right to enjoy it, I made it a
Fow i)Coplo have a bettor opportunity of becoming acquainted
Avlth tlio world than the travelling musician; yot such is tho
absorbing nature of his calling, that few make use of it less. I lis
nature is oi)en, easy, and unsuspecting; jdeascd with his pro-
fession, ho hojics always to convey tho same pleasure to his
hearers; and tliough doubts will sometimes cross his mind, and
the fear of ridicule make him awkward and nervous, yet, upon
tho whole, ho is generally sure of making a favourable impres-
sion on the simple hearted aiul generous among his hearers.
Tho musician moves among his fellow-men as a sort of privi-
leged person ; for who ever suspects him of being a r(»giic? His
first attempt to deoeivo would defeat its own objei:t, and prove
Inm to be a mere pretender. His hand and voice must answer
for his skill, and form the only true test of his abilities. If
tuneless and bad, tho public will not fail to condemn him.
Tho adventures of tho troubadours of old, if they wero more
full of sentiment and romance than the overy-day occurrences
that beset tho path of tho modern minstrel, were n(tt more
replete with odd chances and ludicrous incidents. Take tho
following for examjde of tho many droll things which have
happened to mo during my travels.
In tho summer of 1840 I was making a professional tonr
UiroiiKli the ITnitod Stntos, nnd luid udvortisod a concert for Ibo
oiiMiiin>< evening at tho small town of , and was bunly
uocosted, as I left tiio liotel, l>y a tall, thin, laik-ji-diiisical l(»ok-
in^' nmn, of a most nnnaisieal and nnpropossessing appearance:
"JIdw — do — ye — do? I'm highly tickled to see yon. I s'poso
yon are going to give an extra sing here — ain't yon ?"
" V'es; I intend giving a concert hero thin evening."
"Hem! llow mnch dew you ax to como in? That is — I
want to nay — Avhat are yoti goin' to eheargo a ticket?"
" Half a dollar — tho nsnul price."
''How?" inclining his ear towards me, as if ho donhted tho
sonndncHS of tho organ.
" Half a dollar," repeated I, carelessly.
" 'Tis tow much. You had better eheargo twenty-llvo cents.
If you dew, you'll have a pretty good house. K you mako it
twelve and a half cents, yt)u'll havo a emnghcr. If, mister,
you'll lower that again to six and a quarter cont*i, you'll havo to
lake a tield, — there ain't a house would hold 'em." After a
pause, scratching his head, and shufHing with his feet, " I s'pose
you ginnerally give tho profession tickets?"
" Somotimos."
" I'm a It'ctle m your line myself, \lthough I'm a Bhocmakor
by trade, I leads tho first Presby'vrrian choir upon tho hill. I
should like to have you como up, if you stay long enough."
" As this is tho case, perhaps you can tell mo if I am likely to
have a good house to-night ?"
" I reckon as how you will ; that is, if you don't eheargo tew
" Where shall I got tho best room?"
Well, I guess, you had better try tho old meotin' house."
" Thank you. Allow me, sir to present you with a ticket."
I thought that I had got rid of him, and aini)ly pai«l him for tho
information I had received. Tho ticket was for a single admis-
sion. Ho took it, turned it slowly round, held it dose to his
eyes, spelt it carefully over, and thou stared at mo. " What
next ?" thought I.
" There's my wife. Well — I s'poso sho'd like to corao in."
" Youl
hand ; al
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music ;
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" You wish 1110 to givy you a double t icket ?"
"I dont Cftro if you dew," npiin turning tho new ticket in liin
li.'ind ; and, soratcliing UIb liead uioro onrnostly, ho «aid, '' I'vo
ono of the HUiartost boys you over seed ; lie's a fust-ralv ear for
iiiusio; he can whistlo any tune ho hcarB right straight o^l'.
Then there's ray wife's sister a-staying with us jist now ; she's
very fond of music tew."
'* l*erhap9," said I, losing all patience, " you would icefer a
family ticket?"
" Well ; I'd be obliged. It don't cost you any, mister ; and il
wo don't use it, I'll return it to-morrow."
Tho stranger left mo, and I saw no niuro of him, nntil I spii il
liiiii in tho concert-rooii , with a Hiiiall family of ten or twelve.
l'i("»eulJy, another man and a dog arrived. Says ho to tho door-
keeper, " What's a-goin' on here If"
" It's a concert — admission, half-a-doUur."
'' I'm not a-goin' to give half-a-doUar to go in here. I hire a
l)ew in this hero church by the year, and I've a right to go in
whenever tho door's open." So in he went Avith his dog.
The evening turned out very wot, and these people happened
t form all my audience; and as I did not feel at all inclined to
HJiig for their especial benefit, I returned to my lodgings. I
learned from my door-keeper tho next morning, that my friends
waited for an hour and , half for my re-appearance, which could
iu)t reasoiiubly havo been expected under existing circum.stances.
I thought I hu'l got rid of tho musical shoemaker for ever,
but no such good luck. Before I was out of my bed, he paid
mo a visit.
" You will excuse my calling so car'v," says he, "but I was
anxious to see you before you left the tuvvn,"
Wishing him at the bottom of tho Mississipr i, I put on my
dressing-gown, and slipped from my bed whils. he continued
hid introductory address.
" I was very sorry that you had not a better attendance last
night; and I s'poso that ii "unted for your leaving us as you
did. We wore all kinder disappointed. You'd havo had a
better house, only tho people thought there was a leetle humbug
about this," and he handed mo ono of my programmes.
"t *i'
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
(716) 872-4503
It is well known to most of my readers, that in writing tlieso
bills the name of the composer generally folIoAvs the song, par-
ticularly in any very popular compositions, such as
Grand Introduction to Pianoforte. . Henry Hertz.
Life on the Ocean Wave Henry Russell.
Old EngUsh Gentleman Melodyby Mart. Luther.
a set
" Humbug," said I, attempting to take the bill, in order to see
that no mistake had originated in the printing, but mj'^ tormen-
tor held it fa?t. " Look," said he ; " Now where is Henry
Ilortz ; and Henry Kussell, where is he ? And the Old English
Gentleman, Martin Luther, what has become of him? The
folks said that he was dead, but I didn't believe that, for I didn't
think that you would have had the face to put his name in your
bill if he was."
Thus ended my acquaintance with the enlightened shoemaker
of the Mississippi. I was travelling in one of the western canal
boats the same summer, and was sauntering to and fro upon the
deck, admiring the beauty of the country through which we
were passing, when I observed a very tall, thin-faced, sharp
looking man, regarding me with very fixed attention. Not
knowing who or what he was, I was at last a little annoyed by
the pertinacity of his steady stare. It was evident that he
meditated an attack upon me in some shape or other. Suddenly
ho came up to me, and extending his hand exclaimed.
"Why, Mister II , is this you? I have not seen you
— : it seems a tarna-
since you gave your cor ort in N
tion long while ago. I thought, perhaps, you had got blowed up
in one of those exploded steam-boats. But here you are as large
as life — and that's not over large neither (glancing at the slight
dimensions of my figure), and as ready to raise the wind as ever.
I am highly gratified to meet with you, as I have one of the
greatest songs you ever he'rd to show you. If you can but set it
to music, and sing it in New York city, it will immortalize you,
and immortalize me tew."
Amused at the earnestness with which the fellow spoke, I
inquired the subject of his soug.
"Oil, 'tis des — crip — tivo ; 'tis tre — men — doiw. It will make
a sensation all over the Union."
" But what is it about ? — Have you got it witli you ?"
"No — no, mister; I never put those things down on paper,
lest other folk should find them and steal them. But I'll give
you some idee of what it is. Look yon, mister. I was going
from Syracuse to Rochester, on the canal-boat. "We met on our
way a tre — men — dous storm. The wind blew, and the rain
came down like old sixty, and everything looked as black as my
liat ; and the passengers got scared and wanted to get off, but the
captain sung out, 'Whew — let em go, Jem !' and away wo went
at tho rate of two miles an hour, and they could not stop. By and
by we struck a rock, and down wo went."
" Indeed!" said T, " that's very unusual in a canal-boat ; were
any lives lost ?"
" No, but we wero all dreadfully skeared and covered with
mud. I sat down by the en — gine till I got dry, and then I wrote
my pome. I will repeat what I can to you, and what I can't
I will write right off when I gets hum. — Hold on — ^hold on — "
he continued, beating his forehead with the back of las hand, as
if to awaken the powers of memory — " I have it now — I have it
now, — 'tis tre — men — dous — "
" Oh Lord, who know'st the wants of men,
Guide my hand, and guide my pen,
And help me bring the truth to light,
Of that dread scene and awful night,
Ri, tu, ri, tu, ri, tu.
There was Mister Cadoga in years a-buil,
Was found next morning in tew feet mud :
He strove — he strove, — but all in vain,
The more he got up, he fell down again.
Ri, tu, ri, tu, ri, tu."
The poet paused for a moment to gain breath, evidently over-
come by the recollection of the awful scene. " la not that bee—
u— tiful ?" he exclaimed. " "What a fine effect you could give to
■MiM jgiji ibUiBKsggaas^^i''^,
-. ' , ."J!j„.iw. i aa^
I 111
that on the pee — ft — ne, hnmouring the keys to imitate the
squabbhng about in the mud. Let me tell you mister, it would
boat Kussell's ' Ship on Fire' all hollow."
Wipiug the porf^piration from bis face, he recommenced,—
" The passengers ruslied unto the spot,
Together with the crew ;
We got him safe out of the mud,
But he hail lost his shoe.
Ri, tu, ri, tu, ri, tu."
I could not listen to another line of this sublime eiViision, tlic
passengers who had gathered around us drowning his nasal drawl
in a complete roar of laughter. Seeing that I was us nnich infec-
ted as the rest, the poet turned to me, Avith an air of olFcndod
"I don't take the trouble, mister, to rcpen any more of my
pomes to you ; nor do I take it kind at all, your laughing at mo
in that ere way. But the truth is, you can't comprehend nor
appreciate anything that is sublime, or out of the common way.
Besides, I don't think you could set it to music ; it is not in you,
and you can't fix it no 'low."
This singular addres'. renewed our mirth ; and, finding myself
unable to control m^ inclination to laugh, and not wishing to
hurt his feelings, I was about to leave him, when the man at the
helm sung out "Bridge !"
The passengers lowered their heads to ensure their safety — all
but my friend the poet, who was too much excited to notice the
signal before he came in contact with the bridge, which sent hini
sprawling down the gangway. lie picked himself up, clambered
up the stairs, and began striding up and down the dock at a
tremendous rate, casting from time to tin-:* indignant glances
at me.
I thought, for my part, that the man was not in his right senses,
or that the blow he had received, had so dulled his bump of cau-
tion, that ho conld no longer take care of himself ; for the next
moment he stumbled over a little child, and would have been
hurt severely if I had not broken his fall, by catching his arm
of al
or si
I the
before he again measured hi.s length on the deck. My timely
assistance mollified his anger ; he once more became friendly and
"Here, take this piece of poetry, Mister II , and see if
you can set it to music. Mind you, it is none of mine ; but
though not quite so good, it is som'at in my style. I cut it out
of a newspaper down East. You arc welcome to it,'' he contin-
ued, with a patronizing nod, " that in, if you arc able to do jus-
tice to the subject."
I took the piece of dirty crumpled newspaper from his hrtniit, \ V i irr ii i'
" There was Mister Ca-do-zo — in years o-buJ—
Next morning — tew — feet — mud —
Ho strove — but — in vain ;
The more ho fell — dowii — ho got up — ag-a-in.
Rl— tu— ri— tu."
Ilcro followed a tremendous snore, and I burst into a pro-
longed fit of laughter, which fortunately did not put a stop to
tlio sonorous bass of my companion overhead, whoso snoring I
considered far more tolerable than his conversation.
Just at this moment the boat struck tlie bank, which it fre-
quently does of a very dark njght, which gave tlie vessel sucli a
shock, that it broke the cords that secured the poet's bed to tlio
beam above, and down he came, licad foremost, to the floor.
This accident occasioned me no small discomfort, as he nearly
took my berth with him. It was fortunate for me that I was
awake, or he might have killed me in his descent : as it was, I
had only time to throw myself back, when he rushed past mo
with the speed of an avalanche, carrying bed and bed-clothes
witli him in one confused heap ; and there he lay upon the
floor, rolling and roaring like some wild beast caught in a net.
" Oh, dear 1 oh, dear ! I wonder where I is ; what a tre —
men — dous storm — what a dreadful night — not a soul can bo
saved. — I knew it — I dreampt it all. O Lord ! we shall all go
to the bottom and nnd eternity there. — Captain — captain — whero
be wo?"
Ilere a child belonging to one of the passengers, awakened by
his bellowing, began to cry.
"Oh, dear! Some one else is sinking. Captain — captain —
confound him ! I s'pose he's drownded, like the rest. Thank
heaven I here's something to hold on to, to keep me from sink-
ing!" and, clutching at the table in the dark, he upset it, and
broke the large lamp that had been left upon it. Down came
the broken glass upon him in a shower which, doubtless, he took
for the waves breaking over him, for he raised such a clatter
with his hands and feet, and uttered such doleful screams, that
the passengers started simultaneously from their sleep, —
" What's the matter ? is that man mad or drunk ?" exclaimed
several voices. '
The gentleman beneath tlio bed-clothes again gi'oaned forth, —
" Wo are all lost. If I once get upon dry laud, you'll never
catch uio in a canal -boat agin."
Pitying Lis distress I got up, groped my way to tlic steward's
berth, and succeeded in procuring a light. AVhcn I rt'turned to
the cabin, I found the poet lying on the lloor, with the table
upon him, and ho holding it fast with both hands, crying voho-
inently, " I will never let go. I will hang on to the last."
" You are dreaming," said I ; " come, got up. The cords of
your bed were not strong enough to hold you, and you have got
a tumble on to the floor; nothing else is the matter with you."
As I ceased speaking tho vessel again struck the bank, and my
friend, in his eagerness to save himself, upset me, liglit and all.
I again upset all the small pieces of furniture in my reach, to tho
great amusement of the passengers, who were sitting up in their
berths, listening to, and laughing at our conversation. "We were
all once more in the dark, and I can assure my readers that my
situation was everything but comfortable, as the eccentric gentle-
man had hold of both of my legs.
" You foolish fellow," cried I, kicking with all my might to
free myself. " There is no harm done ; the boat has only struck
again upon tho bank."
" Where is the bank ? " said he, still labouring under tho delu-
sion that ho was in tho water. " Give mo a hold on it. If I
can only got on tho bank I shall bo safe."
Finding ^t impossible to convince bim how matters really
stood, I left him to unrol himself to his full dimensions on tlio
floor, and groping my way to a sofa, laid myself down once moro
to sleep.
When the passengers met at the breakfast-tablo, the poor poet
and his misfortunes during the night gave rise to much quizzing
and merriment, particularly when he made his appearance with
a black eye, and tho skin rubbed off the tip of his nose.
One gentleman, who was most active in teaaing Iiim, cried out
to me — "Mr. H-
do try and set last night's adventure to
music, and sing them this evening at your concert. They would
make a I/re — men — dous sensation^ I assure you."
The poet looked daggers at us, and seizing his carpet-bag,
I n*
1 (I (
sprang to the deck, and from the deck to tlio shore, which lio
fortunatoly readied in safety, without casting a parting glance at
his tormentors.
" Rave not to mo of your sparkling wino ;
Bid not for mo tho goblet shine ;
My soul is athirst for a draught more rare,
A gush of the pure fresh mountain air !
" It wafts on its currents tlio rich perfume
Of tho purple heath, and the honied broom ;
The golden furze, and the hawthorn fair,
Shed all their sweets to the mountain air.
" It playa round tho bank of tho mossy stono,
Where tho violet droops like a nun alone ;
Shrouding her eyes from tho noon-tide glare,
But breathing her soul to tho mountain-air.
" It gives to my spirits a tone of mirth —
I bound with joy o'er the new-dressed earth,
When spring has scatter'd her blossoms there.
And laden with balm the mountain air.
*' From nature's fountain my nectar flows,
'Tis the essence of each sweet bud that blows ;
Then come, and with me the banquet share.
Let us breath together the mountain air 1 "
> I
" Conceit's an excellent f^reatcoat, and sticks
Close to the wearer for his mortal life ;
It has no spot or wrinkle in his eyes, ■
And quite cuts out the coats of other men."
S. M.
" lie had a *'(Mlc sadly out of tune,
A voice as husky as a raven croaking,
Or owlet hooting to the clouded moon,
Or bloated l)ull-frog in some mud-hole choking."
During my professional journies through tho country, I liavo
often had the curiosity to visit tlio singing schools in tho small
towns and villages through which I passed. These are often
taught by persons who are perfectly ignorant of the common
rules of music — men who have followed the plough all their
lives, and know about as much of tho divine science they pretend
to teach as one of their oxen.
I liave often been amused at their manner of explaining tho
principles of their art to their pupils, who profit so little by
their instructions, that they are as wise at the end of their quar-
ter as when they began. The master usually endeavours to im-
press upon them tho importance of making themselves heard, and
calls him the smartest fellow who is able to make the most noise.
Tho constant vibration they keep up through their noies gives
you tho idea that their teacher has been in the habit of raising
sheep, and had caught many of tlicir peculiar notes. Tiiis stylo
ho very kindly imparts to his pupils ; and as apt scholars gene-
rally try to imitate their master, choirs taught by these indi-
viduals resemble a flock of sheep going bahing one after another
over a wall.
I will give you a specimen of one of these schools, that I hap-
pened to visit during my stay in the town of W , in tho
Avestern states. I do not mean to say that all music masters are
like tho one I am about to describe, but he bears a very close
rcscmblnnoo to a ^Tont mnny of tho Bftnio calling, wlio practise
tlicir jinifcssion in retnoto sottloniontrt, Avlioro thoy aro not likuly
to liiid many to criticise their port'ornuinco.
I had advortiHed a concert for the 2d of January, 1848, to ho
given in the town of W . I arrived on the day aijpointed,
and fortunately made the accjuaintance of several pontlemen
amateurs, who happened to he hoarding at tho hotel to wliicn I
liad heen roconiinended. Thoy kindly manifested a lively inte-
rewt in my fiuccoHs, and promised to do all in their power to pro-
cure me a fjood house.
Wliile seated at dinner, one of my now friends received a note,
which he said came from a sinping master residing in a small
village a few miles back ot W . After reading the epistle,
and laughing heartily over its contents, ho gave it to mo. To
my great astonishment it ran as follows : —
"My dbae RonERTS,
"IIow do you do? I hope you will excuse mo for trou-
bling you on this occasion ; but I want to ax you a partic'lar
question. Is you acquainted with the man who is a-goin' to give
a sing in your town to night? If you bo, jist say to him, from
mo, that if he will come over here, we will get him up a house.
If ho will — or won't cum — please lot me know. I am teaching
ft singing school over here, and I can do a great deal for him, if
he will only cum. Yours most respectfully,
"John Browne."
" Yon had better go, Mr. IT ," said Roberts. " This John
Browne is a queer chap, and I promise you lots of fun. If you
decide upon going wo will all accompany you, and help to fill
your house.
" By all moans," said I. " You will do me a great favor to
return an answer to the professional gentleman to that effect. I
will send him some of my programmes, and if ho can get a tolera-
ble piano, I will go over and give them a concert next Saturday
The note and tho bills of performance were duly despatched
to , and the next morning we received an answer from
tlio slnpnp TTiftstcr tosny tlmt nil was HkIj^, ftnd thftt Mr. Browno
would 1)0 I iipjiy to f,'ivo iMr. J I his vivluiiMo Uiisistanco; but,
if possiMo, lio wislied that J conld (louio out on Friday, in8tea
" My fiddlo 1 Whcro, where is my fiddle ? I can do nothing
without my fiddle."
Wc immediately went in search of it; but we did not sncceed
in finding it for some time- I had given it up in despair, and,
half-frozen with cold, was stepping into the cutter to take the
benefit of the old bull's hide, when, fortunately for the musio-
maater, one of the strings of the lost instrument snapped with
the cold. We followed the direction of the sound, and soon be-
held the poor fiddle sticking in a snow bank, and concealed by a
projecting stump. Tlie instrument had sustained no other in-
jury than the loss of three of the strings.
" Well, arn't that too bad ?" says he. " I have no more cat-
gut without sending to W . That's done for, at least for to-
" It's very cold," I cried, impatiently, seeing that he was in
no hurry to move on. " Do let us be going. You can examine
your instrument better in the house than standing up to your
knees in the snow."
" I was born in tlie backwoods," says he ; " I don't feel the cold."
Then jumping into the cutter, he gave me the fiddle to take caro
of, and pointing with the right finger of his catskin gloves to a
solitary house on the top of a bleak hill, nearly a mile a-head,
he said — " That white building is the place where the school is
Wo soon reached the spot. "This is the old Methodist
church, mister, and a capital place for the voice. There is no
furniture or hangings to interrupt the sound. Go right in,
while I hitch the mare ; I will bo arter you in a brace of
I soon found myself in the body of the old dilapidated church,
and subjected to the stare of n number of very unmusical-looking
girls and boys, who, certainly from their appearance, would
never have led you to suppose that they ever coulu belong to a
Philharmonic society. Presently Mr. Browne made his cUMt.
Assuming an air of grert importance as he approached hia
pupils, ho said — " Ladies and gentlemen, allow rae to introduce
to your notice Mr. H , the celebrated vocalist. He has cum
all the way from New York on purpose to hear you sing."
The boys grinned at mo and twirled their thumbs, the girls
nudged one another's elbows and giggled, while thoir eloquent
teacher continued —
" I don't know as how we shall be able to do much to-night :
we upset, and that spilt my fiddle into the snow. You see," —
holding it up — " it's right full of it, and that busted the strings.
A dropsical fiddle is no good, no how. Jist look at the water
dripping oat of her."
Again the boys laughed, and the girls giggled. Said he —
"Hold on, don't laugh; it's no laughing matter, as you'll
After a long pause, in which the youngsters tried thoir best to
look grave, he went on —
"Now all of you, girls and boys, give your attention to my
instructions this evening. I'm goin' to Introduce a new style,
for your special benefit, called the Pest-a-lazy (Pestalozziy system,
now all the fashion. If you are all ready, produce your books.
Hold them up. One — two — three ! Three books for forty
pupils? T^«t will never do! "We can't sing to-night; well,
never mind. You see that black board; I will give you a lesson
to-night upon that. Wlio's got a piece of chalk ?"
A negative shake of the head from all. To me: "Chalk's
scarce in these diggings." To the boys : " Wliat, nobody got a
piece of chalk? That's unlucky; a piece of charcoal out of the
stove will do as well."
" No 'ar won't," roared out a boy with a very ragged coat.
" They be both the same colour."
" True, Jenkins, for you ; go out and get a lump of snow. Its
darnation strange if I can't fix it somehow."
"Now," thought I, "what is this clever fellow going to do?"
The boys winked at each other, and a Tnurmur of sui)pressed
laughter ran tlirough the old church. Jenkins ran out, and soon
returned with a lump of snow.
Mr. Browne took a small piece, and squeezing it tight, stuck
it upon the board. " Now, boys, that is Do, and that is Re, and
that is Do again, and that is Mi, this Do, and that Fa; and that,
boys, is a part of what wo call a Bcale^ Tiien turning to a tall,
thin, shabby-looking man, very much out at the elbows, whom I
:*:i''^ i
had not seen before, he said — " Mr. Smith, liow is your lose viol?
Hav'n't you got it tuned up yet ?"
" Well, squire, I guess it's complete."
"Hold on; let me see," and taking a tuning-fork from his
pocket, and giving it a sharp thump upon the stove, he cried out
in a still louder key — "Now, that's A; jist tune up to A."
After Mr. Smith had succeeded in tuning his instrument, the
teacher proceeded with his lucid explanations: — "Now, boys,
start fair ; give a grand chord. What sort of a noise do you call
tliat? (giving a luckless boy a thump over the head with his
fiJdle-stick). You bray through your nose like a jackass. I tell
3'ou to quit ; I don't want discord." The boy slunk out of the
class, and stood blubbering behind the door.
"Tune up again, young shavers! Sing the notes as I have
made them on the board, — Do, re-do, mi, do-fa. Now, when I
count four, commence. One — two — three — four. Sing! Hold
on ! — ^liold on I Don't you see th.at all the notes are running off,
and you can't sing running notes yet."
Here he was interrupted by the noise of some one forcing his
way into the church, in a very strange and unceremonious man-
ner, and
" The chorister's song, that late was bo strong,
Grew a quaver of consternation."
The door burst open, and a ghastly head was protruded through
the aperture. "A ghost! — a ghost!" shrieked out all the chil-
dren in a breath; and jumping over the forms, they huddled
around the stove, upsetting the solitary tallow candle, the desk,
and the bass viol, in their fliglit. One lad sprang right upon the
unfortunate instrument, which broke to pieces with a terrible
crash. We were now left in the dark. The girls screamed, and
clung round me for protection, Avhile the ghastly apparition con-
tinued to stare upon us through the gloom, with its large, hollow
eyes. I must confess that I felt rather queer ; but I wisely kept
my fears to myself, while I got as far from the door as I possibly
could. Just as our terror had reached a climax, the grizzly
phantom uttered a low, whining neigh.
" It's the old marol I'll bo darned if it isn't!" cried one of
the older boys, at the top of his voice. Tliia restored confidence
to the rest ; and one rather bolder than his comrades at lengtlx
ventured to relight the fallen candle at the stove, and holding it
uj), displayed to our view the old white mare, standing in the
doorway. The poor beast had forced her way into the porch to
protect herself from the cold ; and she looked at her master, as
much as to say, " I have a standing account against you." No
doubt she would have been highly tickled, could she have known
that her sudden intrusion had been the means of shortening her
term of probation by at least half an hour, and of bringing the
singing-school to a close. She had been the innocent caase of
disabling both the musical instruments, and Mr. Browne could
not raise a correct note without thom. Turning to his pupils,
with a very rueful countenance, and speaking in a very unmusical
voice, but very expressive withal, he said — "Chore (meaning
choir), you are dismissed. But, hold on ! — don't be in sucli a
darnation hurry to be oif. I was a-going to tell you, this ere
gentleman, Mr. H (my name, for a wonder, popping into his
head at that minute) is to give a con-sort to-morrow night. It
was to have been to-night; but he changed his mind, tliat he
might have the pleasure of hearing you. I shall assist Mr.
II in the singing department; so you must all be sure to
cum. Tickets for boys over ten years, twenty-five cents ; under
ten, twelve and a half cents. So you leetle chaps will know what
to do. The next time the school meets will be when the fiddles
are fixed. Now scamper." The children were not long in obey-
ing tlie order. In the twinkling of an eye they were oflr, and wo
heard them shouting and skylarking in the Jane.
" Oum, Mr. H ^," said the music-master, buttoning his great-
coat up to his chin, " let us be a-goin'."
On reaching the spot where we had left the cutter, to our
great disappointment, we found only one-half of it remaining ;
the other half, broken to pieces, strewed the ground. Mr.
Browne detained me for another half-hour, in gathering together
the fragments. " Now you, Mr. Smith, yor. take care of the
crippled fiddles, whUe I take caro of the bag of oats. The old
mare has been trying to hook them out of the cutter, which baa
i I
z^; I
been the cause of all the trouble. You, Mr. H , mount up
on the old jade, and take along the bull's hide, and wo will fol-
low on foot."
"Yes," said I, "aud glad of the chance; for I am cold and
Not knowing a stop of the way, I let Mr. Browne and his
companion go a-head ; and making a sort of pack-saddle of the
old hide, I curled myself up on the back of the old mare, and
left her to her own pace, which, however, was a pretty round
trot, until we reached the outskirts of the town, Avhere, dis-
mounting, I thanked my companions, very insincerely I'm afraid,
for my evening's amusement, and joined ray friends at the hotel,
who were never tired of hearing me recount my adventures at
the singing-school.
I had been obliged to postpone my own concert until the next
evening, for I found the borrowed piano such a poor one, and so
miserably out of tune, that it took me several hours to render it
at all fit for service. Before I had concluded my task, I was
favoured with the company of Mr. Browne, who stuck to me
closer than a brother, never allowing me out of his sight for a
moment. This persevering attention, so little in unison with my
feelings, caused me the most insufferable annoyance. A thous-
and times I was on the point of dismissing him very unceremoni-
ously, by informing him that I thought him a most conceited,
impertinent puppy ; but for the sake of my friend Roberts, who
was in some way related to the fellow, I contrived to master my
anger. About four o'clock he jumped up from the table, at
which he had been lounging and sipping hot punch at my
expense for the last hour, exclaiming —
" I guess it's time for me to see the pee-a-ne carried up to tho
con-sort room."
"It's all ready," said I. "Perhaps, Mr. Browne, you will
oblige me by singing a pong before the company arrives, that I
may judge how far your style and mine will agree ;" for I began
to have some horrible misgivings on the subject. " If you will
step up stairs, I will accompany you on the piano. I had no
opportunity of hearing you sing last night."
"No, no," said he, with a conceited laugh; "I mean to
• !
astonish you by ftnd by. I'm not ono of yonr common
amateurs, no how. I shall produce quite a sensation ui)on your
So saying, ho darted througli the door, and left me to finish
my arrangements for the night.
The hour appoirited for the concert at length arrived. It was
a clear, frosty night, the moon shining as bright as day. A
great number of persons wore collected about tlio doors of the
hotel, and I had every reason to expect a full house. I wa^
giving some directions to my door-keeper, when I heard a
double sleigh approaching at an uncommon rate; and looking
up the road, I saw an old-fashioned, high-backed vehicle, drawn
by two shabby-looking horses, coming towards the hotel at full
gallop. The passengers evidently thought that they were too
late, and were making up for lost time.
The driver was an old farmer, and dressed in the cloth of the
country, with a largo capote of the saire material drawn over
his head and weather-beaten face, Avhich left h 's sharp black
eyes, red nose, and wide mouth alone visible. He flourished in
his hand a large whip of raw-hide, which ever and anon de-
scended upon the ' tacks of his raw-boned cattle like the strokes
of a flail.
" Get up — go along — waye," cried he, suddenly drawing up at
the door of the hotel. " Well, here we be at last, and jist in
time for the con-sort." Then hitching the horses to the post,
and flinging the buffalo robes over them, he left the three
females he was driving in the sleigh, and ran directly up to
me, — " Arn't you the con-sort man ? I guess you be, by them
ere black pants and Sunday-goin' gear."
I nodded assent.
"What's the damage?"
"Half a dollar."
" Half a dollar ? You don't mean to say that !"
" Not a cent less."
" "Well, it will be expensive. There's my wife and two darters,
and myself ; and the gals never seed a con-sort."
" Well," said I, " as there are four of you, you may come in at
a dollar and a half."
" How ; a dollar niul a harf I I will go and have a talk witli
the old woman, and hoar what she says to it."
IIo returned to tlio sleigh, and after chatting for a few minutes
with the women, he helped them out, and the four followed mo
into the reception rt)oru of the inn. The farmer placed a pail of
butter ou the table, and said with a shrewd cufl of his long nose,
and a wink from one of his cunning black eyes, " There's some
pretty good butter, mister."
I was amused at the idea, and replied, " Pretty good hitter !
What is that to me? I do not buy butter."
" Not buy butter ! Why you don't say ! It is the very oest
article in the market jist now."
For a bit of fun I said, — " Never mind ; I will take your butter.
What is it worth ?"
" It was worth ten cents last week, mister ; I don't know what
it's worth now. It can't have fallen, nohow."
I took my knife from my pocket, and in a very business-like
manner proceeded to taste the article. "Why," said I, "this
butter is not good."
Here a sharp-faced woman stepped briskly up, and poking her
head between us, said at the highest pitch of her cracked voiccf
— " Yes, it is good ; it was made this morning express-ly for the
" I beg your pardon, madam. I ara not in the habit of buying
butter. To obhgo you, I will take this. How much is there
of it?"
" I don't know. Where are your steelyards?"
" Oh," said I laughing, " I don't carry such things with rao.
I will take it at your own valuation, and you may go in with
your family."
"'Tis a bargain," says he. "Go in, gals, and fix yourselves
for the consort.''''
As the room was fast filhng, I thought it time to present myself
to the company, and made my entrance, accompanied by that in-
corrigible pest, the singing-master, who, without the least embar-
rassment, took his seat by the piano. After singing several of
my best songs, I invited him to try his skill.
I ■'
"Oh, certainly," said l»o ; "To toll you the truth, I am a leetle
Burprised timt you did not ask mo to lead off."
"I would have done so; but 1 could not alter the arrangomont
of the programme."
"Ah, well, I excuse you this time, but it was not very polite,
to say the least of it."
Thcu, taking his scat at the piano with as much confidence tin
IJraham over had, he run his htnd over the keys, exclaiming
" What shall I sing ? I will give you one of Russell's songs ; tfioy
Buit my voice best. Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to favor
you by singing llonry liussell's celebrated song, " /^e to roam^''^
mul accompany myself upon the pee-a-ne-forty."
Tliis song is so well known to most of my readers, that I can
describe his manner of singing it without repeating the whole of
the words. lie struck the instrument in i)laying with such vio-
lence that it shook his whole body, and produced the following
ludicrous effect : —
*' Some lovo to ro-o-o-a-mo
O'er the dark sea fo-o-ome,
Where the shlll wuuls whistle fre-c-c-c ;
But a cho-o-aen ba-a-and in a mountain la-a-a-and,
And life in the woo-o-ds for me-c-e."
This performance was drowned in an uproar of laughter, which
brought our vocalist to a sudden stop.
"I won't sing another line if you keep up that infernal noise,"
the roared at the top of his voice. " When a fellow does his best
he expects his audience to appreciate his performance ; but I allers
he'rd as how the folks at W knew nothing about music."
Oh, do stop," exclaimed an old woman, rising from her seat,
and shaking her fist at the unruly company, — " can't yee's ; ho
do sing iutiful] and his voice in the winds do sound so natural,
I could almost hear them an 'owling. It minds me of old times,
it dew."
This voluntary tribute to Ms genius seemed to console and re-
assure the singing master, and, stemming with his stentorian
voice the torrent of mistimed mirth, he sang his song triumph-
antly to tho ond; nn*l tho clapping of linnds, Btfttnping of foot
and knocking of beuchcH, were truly doafoniug.
'* "W hut will you have now ?" cried he. " I thought you would
comprehend good singing at last."
" Givo them a oomio song," said I, in a whisper.
" A comio song ! (aloud) Do you think that I would waato my
talents in singing trash that any jackass could hray ? No, sirrn,
my stylo is purely sentimental. I will give the ladies and gontle-
( men tho "/ry Oreen.^^
Tie sang this beantifid original Borg, which is decidedly Rus-
f^cll's best, much in the same style as the former one; but
getting a littlo used to his eccentricities, wo contrived to keep
our gravity until ho came to tho chorus, " Creeping, creeping,
creeping," for which ho substituted, " crawling, crawling, crawl-
ing," when he was again interrupted by such a burst of merri-
ment that he was unable to crawl any further.
"Well," said he, rising; "if you won't behave, I will leave
— , and make ono of tho audience.''
the instrument to Mr. II
lie had scarcely taken his seat, when the farmer from whom
I had bought the butter forced his way up to tho piano. Says
he, "There's that pail; it is worth ten cents and a half. You
must either pay the money, or give me back tho pail. (Hitching
up his nether garments) — I s'pose you'll do the thing that's
" Oh, certainly, there are twelve and a half cents."
" I haven't change," said he, with a knoAving look.
" So much tho better ; keep tho difference."
" Then wo'ro square, mistor," and ho sank back into his
" Did he pay you the money ?" I hoard tho wife ask in an
anxious tone.
" Yes, yes ; more than tho old pail was worth by a long chalk.
I'd like to deal with that chap allcrs."
I now proceeded with the concert. Tlie song of tho drown-
ing child saved by the Newfoundland dog, drew down thunders
of applause. When the clamour had a little subsided, a tall man
rose from his seat at tho upper end of the room, and, after clear-
ing his throat with several loud hems, he thus addressed me, —
r -f
"llow do you do, Mr. II ? I nin f^lad, sir, to tnnko your
ncqiiftintanco. Tlii.s in my friend, Mr. Derby," drawing another
tall man conspicuously forward before all the spectators. '' Fo,
tow, is very happy to make your acquaintance. We both want
know if that dog you have been Hinging about belongs to you.
If so, we should bo glad to buy a i)up." He gravely took his
seat, amid perfect yells of applause. It was impossible to bo
hoard in such a riot, and I closed the adventures of the evening
by giving out " ' Hail, Columbia,' to bo sung by all present."
This Jinale gave universal satisfaction, and the voice of my friend
the singing-master might be heard far above the rest.
I was forced, in common i)olitenes8, to invite Mr. Browne to
])artake of the oyster supper I had provided for my friends
from W . "Will you join our party this evening, Mr.
BrowDe ?"
"Oh, by all manner of moans," said he, rubbing his hands
together in a sort of ecstasy of anticipation ; " I knew that you
would do the thing handsome at last. I have not tasted an i'ster
since I sang at Niblo's in Now York. But did we not come on
famously at the con-sort f Confess, now, that I beat you holler.
You sing j)Tctty well, but you want confidence. You don't give
expression enough to your voice. The applause "which followed
my first song was tremendous."
" I never lieard anything like it, Mr. Browne. I never expect
to merit such marks of pubhc approbation."
" All in good time, my leetle friend," returned ho, clapping mo
familiarly on the shoulder. "Kome was not built in a dii^^, and
you are a young man — a very young man — and very small for
your age. Your voico will never have the volume and compass
of mine. But I smell the i'sters: let's in, for I'm tarnation
b ngry."
Gentle reader! you would have thought so to have seen him
eat. My companions looked rather disconcerted at the rapiuity
with which they disappeared within his capacious jaws. After
satisfying his enormous appetite, he washed down the oysters
with long draughts of porter, until his brain becoming affected,
ho swung his huge body back in his cliair, and, placing his feet
on the supper-table, began singing in good earnest, — not ono
k> n.
Honp in particulftr, but n mixturo of all thftt had nppoarcd in tho
most popular Yuiikeo song books for tlie last ton years.
I wish I could give you a specimen of tho sublimo and tlio
ridiculous, thus unceromoniously huddled together. Tho clleot
was so irresistible, when contrasted with tho grave exterior ot
the man, tluit wo laughed until our sides ached at his absurdities.
Exhausted by his constant vociferations, the musician at length
dropped from his chair in a drunken sleep upon the floor, and
wo carried him into tho next room and put him to bed ; and,
after talking over tho events of tho evening, we retired about
midnight to our respective chambers, "which all opened into tho
great room in which I held the concert.
About two o'clock in tho morning my sleep was disturbed by
tho most dismal cries and groans, which appeared to issue from
tho adjoining apartment. I rubbed my eyes, and sat up in tho
bed and listened, when I recognised tJio well-known voice of
the singing master, exclaiming in tones of agony and fear —
"Landlord! landlord! cum quick. Somebody cum. Landlord!
landlord ! there's a man under my bed. Oh, Lord ! I sball bo
murdered ! a man under ray bed ! "
As I am not fond of such nocturnal visitors myself, not being
much gifted with physical strength or courage, I listened a mo-
ment to hear if any one was coming. The sound of approach-
ing footsteps along tho passage greatly aided the desperate
effort I made to leave my comfortable pillow, and proceed to
the scone of action. At the chamber door I met tho landlord,
armed with the fire-tongs and a light
" What's all this noise about?" he cried in an angry tone.
I assured him that I vioa as ignorant as himself of tho cause
of the disturbance. Here the singing master again sung
out —
"Landlord! landlord! there's a man under the hed. Cum!
somebody cum!"
We immediately entered his room, and were joined by two of
my friends from W . Seeing our party strengthened to four,
our courage rose amazingly, and we talked loudly of making
mincemeat of the intruder, kicking him down stairs, and tortur-
ing him in every way we could devise. We found the singing
?!* 'i»." 'i'*'' !»*J ii V i'|i m i> jiHM i ■LluM i '«»-
■1 *
. ^!
master sitting bolt upright in his bed, his small-clothoa gathered
up under his arm ready for a start ; his face as pale as a slicet,
Ills teeth chattering, and his whole appearance indicative of the
most abject fear. Wo certainly did hear very mysterious sounds
issuing from beneath the bed, which caused the boldest of us to
draw back.
" He is right," said Roberts ; " there is some one under
the bed."
" What a set of confounded cowards you are!" cried the laud-
lurd ; " can't you lift the valance and see what it is ?"
He made no effort himself to ascertain the cause of ilie alarm,
lioberts, who, after all, was the boldest man of the party, seized
the tongs from the landlord, and, kneeling cautiously down,
slowly raised the drapery that siu-rounded the bed. " Hold the
light here, landlord." lie did so, but at arm's length. Roberts
peeped timidly into the dark void beyond, dropped the valance,
and looked up with a. comical, quizzing expression, and began
to laugh.
" What is it?" we all cried in a breath.
" Landlord! landlord'-" he cried, imitating the vo'cc o^ the
pinging master, " cum quick 1 Somebody cum ! There's a dog
under tlie bed 1 Ho will bite mo! Oh, dear! oh, dear! I shall
die of hydrophobia. I shall bo smothered in a feather-bed!"
" A dog 1" said the landlord.
" A dog !" cried we all.
" Aye, a black dog."
"You don't say !" cried the singing master, springing from his
bed. " Where is he? I'm able for him any liow." And seizing
a corn broom that stood in a corner of the room, he began to
poke at the poor animal, and belabour*liim in the most uumcrci-
ful manner.
The dog, who belonged to a drover who penned his cattle in
the inn-yard for the night, wishing to find a comfortable domi-
cile, had taken a private survey of the premises when the people
were out of the way, and made his quarters under Mr. Browne's
bed. When that worthy commenced snoring, the dog, to signify
his approbation at finding himself in the company of some one,
amused himself by hoisting his tail up and down ; now striking
the sacking of the bed, and now tapping audibly against the
floor. Tlicse mysterious salutations became, at length, so fre-
quent aud vehement that they awoke the sleeper, who, not
daring to ascertain the cause of the alarm, aroused the wliole
house with his clamours.
Mr. Browne finding himself unable to thrash the poor brute
out of his retreat, and having become all of a sudden very brave,
crawled under the bed and dragged the dog out by his hind
" You see I'm enough for him ; give me the poker, and I'll
beat out his brains."
" You'll do no such thing, sir," said the landlord, turning the
animal down the stairs. "The dog belongs to a quiet decent
fellow, and a good customer, and he shall meet with no ill usage
here. " Your mountain, Mr. BroAvne, has brought forth a
"A dog, sir," quoth the singing master, not in the least
^ i abashed by the reproof. " If the brute had cut up such a dido
under your bed, you would have been as 'tumal skeared as I
"Perhaps, Mr. Browne," said I, "you took it for the ghost of
the old mare ?"
"Ghost or no ghost," returned the landlord, "he has given
us a great deal of trouble, and nearly frightened himself into
"The fear was not all on my side," eaid the indignant vocal
ist ; " and I look upon you aa the cause of the whole trouble."
"As how?"
" If the dog had not cum to your house, he never would liavo
found his way under my bed. When I pay for my night's lodg-
ing, I don't expect to Iiavo to share it with a strange dog — no
So saying he retreated, grumbling, back to his bed, and wo
gladly followed his example.
I rose early in the morning to accompany my friends to
W . At the door of the hotel I was accosted by Mi*.
Browne —
"Why, you arn't goin' to start without bidding me good-
iL >*i»aj» i y>ii,ajiiiiiw.>i i iiiu« i i. .' '■■-■■«»■"
bye ? BeBides, you have not paid me for iny assistance at the
I literally 8tai\,ed with surprise at this unexpected demand.
*'Do you expect a professional price for your services?"
" "Well, I guess the con-sort would have been nothing without
my help ; but I won't be hard upon you, as you are a young
beginner, and not hkely to make your fortune in that hne any
how. There's that pail of butter; if you don't mean to take it
along, I'll take that; we wants butter to hum. Is it a bargain?"
" Oh, yes ; if you are satisfied, I am well pleased." (I could
have added, to get rid of you at any price.) " You will find it
on the table in the hall."
" Not exactly ; I took it hum this morning — I thought how it
would end. Good-bye to you, Mr. H . If ever you come
this way again, I shall be happy to lend you my assistance."
I never visited that part of the country since, but I have no
doubt that Mr. Browne is busy in his vocation, and flatter-
iDg himself that he is one of the first vocalists in the Union. I
think he should change his residence, and settle down for life in
New Harmony.
" Yes, thou art young, and passing fair ;
But time, that bids all blossoms fade,
Will rob thee of the rich and rare ;
Then list to me, sweet Adelaide.
He steals the snow from polish'd brow,
From soft bewitching eyes the blue,
From smiling lips their ruby glow.
From velvet cheeks their rosy hue.
" Oh, who shall check the spoiler's power ?
'Tis more than conqueriug love may dare ;
He flutters round youth's summer bower,
And reigns o'er hearts like summer fair.
* The daughter of Colonel Coleman, of BelleTille ; noT7 Mrs. EastoD.
He baaks himself in sunny eyes, *'
Hides 'mid bright locks, and dimpled smiles ;
From age he spreads his wings and flies, —
Forgets soft vows, and pretty wiles.
** The charms of mind are ever young,
Their beauty never owns decay ;
The fairest form by poet sung.
Before their power must fade away.
The mind immortal wins from time
Fresh beauties as its years advance ;
Its flowers bloom fresh in every clime —
They cannot yield to change and chance.
" E'en over love's capricious boy
They hold an undiminish'd sway ;
For chill and storm can ne'er destroy
The blos.soms of eternal day.
Then deem these charms, sweet Adelaide,
The brightest gems in beauty's zone :
Make these thine own, — all others fade j
They live when youth aad grace are flown."
♦« On — on ! — for ever brightly on.
Thy lucid waves are flowing ;
Thy waters sparkle as they run,
Their long, long journey going."
S. M.
Wk havo rounded Ox Point, and Belleville is no longer in
sight. The steamboat has struck into mid channel, and the bold
shores of the Prince Edward district are before us. Calmly wo
glide on, and islands and headlands seem to recede from us as wo
advance ; and now they are far in the distance, half seen through
tbe warm purple haze that rests so dreamily upon woods and
waters. Heaven is above us, and another heaven — more soft,
v . 'M 'i iS^ ' Bffi *!!! J *' .y
and not less beautiful — lies mirrored beneath; and witbin tliat
heavcQ are traced exquisite forms of earth — trees, and fluwei's,
and verdant slopes, and bold bills, and barren rugged rocks.
The scene is one of surpassing loveliness, and "vve open our heart?!
to receive its sweet influences, while our eyes rest upon '*- Avith
intense delight, and the inner voice of the soul whispers — God is
here! Dost thou not catch the reflection of his glory in tlil.s
superb picture of Nature's own painting, while the harmony that
surrounds his throne is faintly echoed by the warm balmy wind
that stirs the lofty branches of the woods, and the waves that
swell and break in gentle undulations against these rocky isles ?
" So smiled the heavens upon the vestal earth,
The morn she rose exulting from her bu"th ;
A living harmony, a perfect plan
Of power and beauty, ere the rebel man
Defiled with sin, and stam'd with kindred blood,
The paradise his God pronounced as good."
That rugged point to the left contains a fine quarry of limestone,
which supplies excellent building materials. The stones arc
brought by the means of a scow, a very broad flac-bottomed
boat, to ]?ollevilIe, where they are sawn into sipuire blocks, and
dressed for door sills and facings of houses. A little further on,
the Salmon river discharges its waters into the bay, and on its
shores the village of Shaunonville has risen, as if by magic,
within a very few years. Three schooners are just now an-
chored at its mouth, receiving cargoes of sawn lumber to carry
over to Asmego. The timber is supplied from the largo mill, tho
din of whoso machinery can be heard distinctly at this distance.
Lumber forms, at present, the chief article of export from this
place. Upwards of one million of sawn lumber was shipped
from this embryo town during the past year.
Shannonville owes its present flourishing prospects to tho
energy and enterprise of a few individuals, who saw at a glance
its capabilities, and purchased for a few hundred pounds the site
of a town which is now worth as many thousands. The steam-
boats do not touch at Shannonville, in their trips to and from
Kingston. The mouth of the river is too narrow to adrjit a
:i arc
3, ami
ler on,
on it:i
to tlio
lie site
l1 from
dijit a
larger vessel than a schooner, but as tlie place increases, wharfs
will bo built at its entrance into the bay.
On tlie road leading from Belleville to this i)laco, which is in
the direct route to Kingston, there is a large tract of plain land
which is still uncultivated. The soil is sandy, and the trees are
low and far apart, a natural grow^th of short grass and Uowcring
shrubs giving it very much the appearance of a park. Clumps
of butternut, and hickory trees, form picturcs(pie groups ; and
herds of cattle belonging to the settlers in the vicinity, roam at large
over these [dains that sweep down to the water's edge. This is
a very favorite resort of summer parties, as you can drive light
carriages in all directions over tliis elevated platform. It used
formerly to bo a chosen spot for camp-meetings, and all the
piously disposed camo hither to listen to the preachers, and " get
I never witnessed one of these meetings, but an old lady gave
me a very graphic description of one of them that was held on
this spot some thirty years ago. There were no churches in
Belleville then, and the travelling Methodist ministers used to
pitch their tents on these plains, and preach night and day to all
goers and comers. A pulpit, formed of rough slabs of wood,
Avas erected, in a conveniently open spaco among the trees, and
they took it by turns to read, exhort, and pray, to the dwellers
in the Avilderness. At night they kindled largo fires, which
served both for light and warmth, and enabled the pilgrims to
this sylvan sluino to cook their food, and attend to the wants of
their little ones. Large booths, made of the boughs of trees,
sheltered the worshippers from the heat of the sun during the
day, or from the occasional showers produced by some passing
thunder cloud at night.
" Our bush farm," said my friend, "happened to bo near the
spot, and I went with a young girl, a friend and neighbour, partly
out of curiosity and partly out of fun, to liear the preaching. It
was the middle of July, but the weather was unusually wet for
that time of year, and every tent and booth was crowded with
men, women, and children, all huddled together to keep out of
the rain. Most of these tents exhibited some extraordinay scene
of fanaticism and religious enthusiasm ; the noise and confusion
U ♦
:1 ill-
were deafening. Men were preaching at the very top of their
voice ; women were shrieking and groaning, beating their breasts
and tearing their hair, while others were uttering the most fran-
tic outcries, which they called ejaculatory prayers. One thought
possessed me all the time, that the whole assembly wore mad,
and that they imagined God to be deaf, and tliat ho could not
hear them without their making this shocking noise. It would
appear to you like the grossest blasphemy wore I to repeat to you
some of their exclamations ; but one or two wore so absurdly
ridiculous, that I cannot help giving them as I heard them.
" One young woman, after lying foaming and writhing upon
tlio ground, like a creature possessed, sprang up several feet into
the air, exclaiming, 'I have got it! I have got it! I have got it!'
To which others responded — 'Keep it! keep it! keep it!' I
asked a bystander what slie meant. Ho replied, ' She has got reli-
gion. It is the Spirit that is speaking in her.' I felt too much
shocked to laugh out, yet could scarcely retain my gravity.
" Passing by one of the tents, I saw a very fat w^oman lying up-
on a bench on her face, uttering the most dismal groans, while
two well-fed, sleek-looking ministers, in rusty black coats and
very dirty-looking white chokers, Avere drumming upon her fat
back witli their fists, exclaiming — ' Hero's glory ! here's glory,
my friends ! Satan is departing out of this woman. Hallelujah !'
This spectacle was too shocking to provoke a smile.
" There was a young lady dressed in a very nice silk gown.
Silk was a very scarce and expensive article in those days. The
poor girl got dreadfully excited, and was about to fling herself
down upon the wet grass, to show the depth of her humility and
contrition, when she suddenly remembered the precious silk
dress, and taking a shawl of less value from her shoulders, care-
fully spread it over the wet ground.
" Ah, my dear friend," continued the old lady, " one had a
deal to learn at that camp-meeting. A number of those people
knew no more what they were about than persons in a dream.
They worked themselves up to a pitch of frenzy, because they
saw others carried away by the same spirit ; and they seemed to
try which could make the most noise, and throw themselves in-
to the most unnatural positions, few of them carried the reli-
5 ,'
i', S
i) I
gioas zoal they raftnifcstcd in such a strange way at that meet-
ing, into their own homos. Before the party broke up it was
forgotten, and they were laughing and cliatting about their worldly
aftairs. The young lads were sparking the girls, and the girls
laughing and tiirting with them. I remarked to an old farmer,
who was reckoned a very pious man, ' that such conduct, in per-
sons who had just been in a state of despair about their sins, was
very inconsistent, to say the least of it ;' and ho replied with a
sanctimonious smile — ' It is ouly the Lord's lambs playing with
each other.' "
Those camp-meetings seldom take place near largo towns,
where the people have the benefit of a resident minister, but
they still occur on the borders of civilization, and present the
same disorderly mixture of fanaticism and vanity.
More persons go for a frolic than to obtain any S[iiritual bene-
fit. In illustration of this, I -will tell you a story which a very
beautiful young married lady told to me with much glee ; for the
thing happened to herself, and she was the principal actor in the
" I had an aunt, the wife of a very wealthy yeoman, who lived
in one of the back townships of C , on the St. Lawrence.
She was a very pious and hospitable woman, and none knew it
better than the travelling ministers, who were always well fed
and well lodged at her house, particularly wlien they assembled
to hold a camp-mooting, which took place once in several years
in that neighbourhood.
" I was a girl of fifteen, and was staying with my aunt for the
benefit of the country-air, when one of these great gatherings
took place. Having heard a great deal about their strange do-
ings at these meeMngs, I begged very hard to bo allowed to
make one of the spectators. My aunt, who knew what a merry,
light-hearted creature I was, demurred for some time before slio
granted my request.
" 'If the child does not get rclujion^^ she said, 'she will turn it
all into fun, and it will do her more harm than good.'
"Aunt was right enough in her conjectures; but still she
entertained a latent hope, that the zeal of the preachers, the
excitement of the scene, and the powerful influence produced by
I 4^'
tho example of the pious, might have a beneficial clTect on my
young mind, and lead to my conversion. Aunt liad liorsolf been
reclaimed from a state of careless iudifFerenco by attending one
of these meetings, and at last it was determined that I was
to go.
" First came the ministers, and then the grand feed my aunt
had prepared for thom, before they opened tho camimign. Never
shall I forget how those holy men devoured the good things set
before them. I stood gazing upon them in utter astonishment,
wondering when their meal would come to an end. They none
wore whiskers, and their broad fat faces literally shone with
high feeding. When I laughed at their being such excellent
knife and fork men, aunt gravely reproved my levity, by saying,
' that the labourer was worthy of his hire ; and that it would bo
a great sin to muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn ; that
field preaching was a vfry exhausting thing, and that these pious
men required a great deal of nourishmeiit to keep up their
strength for tho performance of the good work,'
" After they were gone, I dressed and accompanied my aunt to
tho scene of action.
" It was a lovely spot, about a mile from the house. Tlie land
rose in a gentle slope from the river, and Avas surrounded on
three sides by lofty woods. The front gave us a fine view of
tho St. Lawrence, rushing along in its strengtli, tlie distant
murmur of the waves mingling with the sigh of Ihe summer
breeze, that swept the dense foliage of the forest trees. Tho
place had been cleared many years bemro, and was quite free
from st'imps and fallen timber, tho ground carpeted with eoft
moss and verdant fresh looking turf.
" The ai'ea allotted for the meeting was fenced around with tho
long thin trunks of sapling trees, that were tied together with
strips of bass-wood. In the centre of the enclosure was tho
platform for the preachers, constructed of rough slabs, and
directly behind this rural puljjit was a large tent connected ^ith
it by a flight of board steps. Hero the preachers retired, after
delivering their lectures, to rest and refresh themselves. Front-
ing the platform was a sort of amphitheatre of booths, constructed
of branches of trees, and containing benches of boards supported
h i
at citlicr cntl by a round log laid lengthwise at the sides of tho
tent. Jiehind these rough benches persons had placed mat-
tresses, which they had brought with them in their wagons,
that such as came from a distanco might not want for a bed
during their stay — some of tlieso njcptings lasting over a week.
" The space without tho enclosure was occupied by a double
lino of carts, wagons, light carriages, and ox sleds, while tho
animals undivested of their harness were browsing peacefully
among tho trees. The inner space was crowded with persons
of all classes, but tho poorer certainly predominated. Well
dressed, respectable peojjle, however, were not wanting ; and
though I came there to see and to bo seen, to laugh and to mako
others laugh, I rmist confess that I was greatly struck with tho
imposing and picturesque scene before me, particularly when a
number of voices joined in singing tho hymn with which the
service commenced."
There is something very touching in this blending of hnman
voices in the open air — this choral song of praise bonie upwards
from the eartli, and ascending through the clear atmospliero to
heaven. Leaving my friend and her curious narrative for a few
ir^niites, I must remark here tho powerful effect produced upon
my mind by hearing " God save tho King," sung by the thousands
of London on the proclamation of "William IV. It was impossi-
ble to distinguish good or bad voices in such a mighty volumo
of sound, which rolled through tho air like a peal of .solemn
thunder. It thrilled through my heart, and paled my cheek.
It seemed to mo the united voice of a whole nation rising to tho
throne of God, and it was tho grandest combination of sound
and sentiment that ever burst upon human ears. Long, long
may that thrilling anthem rise from tlio heart of England, in
strains of loyal thanksgiving and praise, to tho throne of that
Eternal Potentate in ^vhose hand is the fate of princes !
" There were numbers qf persons who, like myself, came there
for amusement, and who seemed to enjoy themselves quite as
much as I did. The preaching at length commenced with a long
prayer, followed by an admonitory address, urging those present
to see their danger, repent of their sins, and flee from the wrath
to come.
"Towards the middle of his discourse, tho speaker wrought
v,:f. i.
himsolf up into mch a rcligioiis fury tliut it bocaino infcctionp,
and cries and groans resounded on all sides; and the prayers
poured out by repentant sinners for mercy and pardon were
heart-rending. The speaker at length became spcochleas from
exhaustion, and stopping suddenly in the midst of his too
eloquent harangue, ho tied a red cotton handkerchief round his
head, and hastily descended the steps, and disappeared in the
tent provided for the accommodation of the ministers. His
l)lace was instantly supplied by a tall, dark, melancholy looking
man, who, improving upon his reverend brother's suggestions,
drew such an awfnl picture of the tonnents endured by the
damned, that several women fainted, while others were shrieking
in violent hysterics.
"I had listened to the former speaker with attention and
respect, but this man's violent denunciations rather tended to
harden my heart, and make mo resist any religious feeling that
had been grooving up in my breast. I began to tiro of the whole
thing, and commenced looking about for some object that might
divert my thoughts into a less gloomy channel.
"The bench on which I, together with a number of persons,
was sitting, was so insecurely placed on the round rolling logs
that supported it, that I perceived that the least motion given to
it at my end would capsize it, ind bring all the dear groaning
crefitures who were sitting upon it, with their eyes turned up to
the preacher, sprawling on the ground.
'""Would it not be glorious fun?' whispered the spirit of mis-
chief — perhaps the old one himself—in my ears. * I can do it,
and I will do it — so here goes!' As I sat next to the round log
that supported my end of the plank, I had only to turn my face
that way, and apply my foot like a lever to the round trunk, on
which the end of the bench had the slightest possible hold, and
the contemplated doAvnfall became a certainty. No sooner
thought than done. The next moment old and young, fat and
lean, women and children, lay sprawling together on the ground,
in the most original attitudes and picturesque confusion. I, for
my part, was lying very comfortably on one of the mattresses,
laughing until real tears, but not of contrition, streamed down
my face.
" Never shall I forget a fat old fiirmer, who used to visit at my
aunt's, aa lio crawled oat of tho human heap on all four.-', and
shook his head at mo —
" ' Yoti wicked young sinner, this is all your doings.'
" Helbro tho storm could burst upon ine, I got up and ran
laugiiing out of tho tont, and hid myself among tlio trees to
ei)joy my wicked thoughts alone. Hero I remained for a long
time, watching, at a safe distance, the mad gesticulations of tho
preacher, who was capering up and down on tho platform, and
using the most violent and extravagant language, until at length,
overcome by his vehemence, ho too tied tho invariable red hand-
kerchief round his head, and tumbled back into tho tent, to bo
succeeded by another and another.
" Night, with all her stars, was now stealing upon us ; but tho
light front a huge pile of burning logs, and from torches composed
of fat pine, and stuck in iron grates supported on poles in ditfer-
ent parts of the plain, scattered the darkness back to tho woods,
and made it as light as noon-day.
"The scene was now wild in tho extreme: tho red light
streamed upon tho moving mass of human beings who pressed
around tho puipit, glaring upon clenched fists and upturned
faces, while the preacher standing above them, and thrown into
strong relief, with his head held hack and his hands raised to-
wards heaven, looked like some inspired prophet of old, calling
down fire from heaven to consume the ungodly. It was a spec-
tacle to inspire both fear and awe ; but I could only view it in
the most absurd light, and laugh at it.
" At length I was determined to know what became of tho
preachers, after tying the red handkerchief round their heads
and retreating to their tents. I crept carefully round to tlic
back of this holy of holies, and applying my eyes to a little
aperture in the canvas, I saw by the light of a solitary candle
several men lying upon mattresses fast asleep, their noses making
anything but a musical response to tlie hymns and prayers with-
out. "While I was gazing upon these prostrate forms, thus
soundly sleeping after the hubbub and excitement their di:j-
course had occasioned among their congregation, tho last
speaker hastily entered the tent, and flinging himself on to
the floor, exclaimed, in a sort of ecstacy of gratitude—' Well,
. li
■!i « j >^
tlmnk God my task is ended for the night ; and now for a good
" While I was yet ponderinf,' tlicso tilings in my heart, T fi-lt
the f^TJisp of a hand npoii my Khoiilder. I ttirucd with a Hhriek ;
it was my aunt seeking mo. ' Wliat arc you doing hcro^ tfho
paid, rather angrily.
" 'Studying nfy lesson, aunt,' said I, gravely, pointing to the
8loei)er8. ' Do these men preach for their own honor and gU)ry,
or for the glory of God? I have tried to tind out, but 1 can't
" ' The niglit's grown chilly, child,' said my aunt, avoiding the
answer I expected ; ' it is time you were in bed.'
" Wo went homo. I got a sound lecture for tho trick I hud
played, and I never went to a camp-meeting again ; yet, in s[)ito
of my bad conduct as a child, I helievo they often do good, and
aro tho means of making careless people think of tho state of
their souls."
Though the steam-boats do not stop at Shannonvillo, they never
fail to do so at tho pretty town of Northport, on tho other side
of the bay, in order to take in freight and passengers.
Northport rises with a very steep slope from tho water's edge,
and the steamer runs into the wharf which projects but a few
feet from tho shore. Down the long hill wJiich leads to tho
main street, men and boys aro running to catch a sight of the
steamboat, and hear tho news. All is bustle and confusion,
Ihirrels of Hour are being rolled into the boat, and sheep and
cattle are led otf — men hurry on board with trunks and carj)Ct
bags — and women, with children in their arms or led by tho
Jiand, hasten on board ; while our passengers, descending to the
wharf, aro shaking hands witli merchants and farmers, and talk-
ing over the current prices of grain and merchandise at tlieii-
respactive towns. Tho bell rings — tho cable that bound us to
the friendly wharf is cast off and tiung on tho deck — tho steamer
opens her deep lungs, and we are once more stemming our way
towards Kingston.
While we sail up that romantic part of the Bay of Quints,
called tho " Long Reach," at the head of which stands the beau-
tiful town of PictoD, I will give you a few reminiscences of
Nortliport. It is a most qiiiot nnd iir'miitivo villftgo, and one
might tr;:'.y excilaim witli Mouro —
•* Aiul I wiiid if thiTc'rt peace to bo found on tho onrth,
The liotirt tlmt irt hiiinblc might hojio for it hero."
No gentler picture of socioty in u now country could bo found,
than the one exiiibited by the inhabitants of Nortliport. The
distinctions, unav(»idablo among jlcrsons of wealth and ('(Iiication,
are hardly fdt or recognised here. Kvery ono is a neighl)our in
the strictest sense of the word, and high and low meet occasion-
ally at each other's houses. Even tho domestics aro ren\oved by
such a narrow lino of demarcalion, that they aj)[)ear like mem-
bers of one family.
Tho Prince Edward district, ono of the wealthiest rural dlstrictn
in Ui)per Canada, was settled about .sixty years ago by U. E. loy-
alists; and its inhabitants'aro mainly composed of the descend-
ants of Dutch and American families. They have among them
a largo sprinkling of Quakers, who aro a hajjpy, hos[)itablo
community, living in peaco and brotherly kindness with all
The soil of this district is of the best quality for agricultural
purposes; and though tho march of improvement has been slow,
when compared with tho rapid advance of other places that
possessed fewer local advantages, it has gone on steadily pro-
gressing, and tho surface of a fine nndulating country is dotted
over with largo well-cleared farms, and neat farm-houses.
Ono of' the oldest and Avealthiest inhabitants of Nortliport,
Captain , is a fine specimen of tho old school of Canadian
settlers ; ono of nature's gentlemen, a man respected and beloved
by all who know him, whoso wise head, and keen organs of
observation, have rendered him a highly intelligent and intel-
lectual man, without having received the benefit of a college
education. Ilis house is always open for the rece])lion of friends,
neighbours, and strangers. He has no children of his own, but
has adopted several orphan children, on whom he has bestowed
all the aftection and care of a real parent.
This system of adopting children in Canada is ono of great
bonevolence, which cannot bo too highly eulogized. Many an
I 1 1<<(
) mi
i I
mfUnanHM HMMiilHita
orphan child, who would be cast utterly friendless upon the
world, finds a coiiifoi'table homo with some good neighbour,
Mild is treated with more consideration, and enjoys greater
l)rivilege9, than if his own parents had lived. No difference is
made between the adopted child and the young ones of the
lainily ; it .is clothed, boarded, and educated with the same care,
and a stranger would find it difficult to determine which was the
real, which the transplanted scion of the house.
Captain seldom dines alone ; some one is always going
and coming, stepping in and taking pot-luck, by accident or
invitation. But the Captain can afford it. Sociable, talkative,
and the soul of hospitality, he entertains his guests like a prince.
" Is he not a glorious old fellow ?" said our beloved and excellent,
chief-justice Robinson ; " Captain is a credit to the country."
"We echoed this sentiment with our whole heart. It is quite a
treat to make one of his uninvited guests, and share the good-
humoured sociability of his bountiful table.
Yciu meet there men of all grades and conditions, of every
party aad creed, — the well-educated, well-dressed clergymen of
the Estfl.blishment, and the travelling dispensers of gospel truths,
W'itl: shabl'ier coats and less ])retensions. No one is deemed an
iutrudor — .ill find excellent cheer, and a hearty w^elcftme.
Northport does not want its native poet, though the money-
making merchants and farmers regard him with a suspicious and
pitying eye. The manner in which they speak of his unhajjpy
malady reminds me of what an old Quaker said to me regarding
his nephew, Bernard Barton — "Friend Susanna, it is a great
pity, but my nephew Bernard is sadly addicted to literature."
So Isaac N , gentleman farmer of the township of Amelias-
burgh, is sadly gifted with the genuine elements of poetry, and,
like Burns, composes verses at the plough-tail. I have read with
great pleasure some sweet lines by this rural Canadian bard ; and
were he now beside me, instead of " Big bay" lying so provok-
ingly between, I would beg from him a specimen of his rhyming
powers, just to prove to my readers that the genuine children of
f'ong are disting-Jsiied by the same unmistakable characteristics
in ©very clime.
1 remember being greatly struck by an overcoat, worn by a
clergyman I had the pleasure of meeting many years ago at this
village, wliich seemed to me a pretty good substitute for the
miraculous purse of Fortunatus. The garment to which I allude
was long and wide, and cut round somewhat in the shape of a
spencer. The inside lining formed one capacious pocket, into
which the reverend gentleman could conveniently stow away
newspapers, books, and sermons, and, on a pinch, a fat fowl, a
bottle of wine, or a home-baked loaf of bread. On the present
occasion, the kind mistress of the house took care that the
owner should not travel with it empty ; so, to keep him fairly
balanced on his horse, she stowed away into tl'.i convenient
garment such an assortment of good things, that I sat and
watched the operation in curious amazement.
Some time after, I happened to dine with a dissenting minister
at Mr. 's house. The man had a very repulsive and animal
expression ; he ate so long and lustily of a very fat goose, that ho
began to look very uncomfortable, and complained very much of
being troubled with dyspepsy after his meals. He was a great
teetotaller, or professed to be one, but certainly had forgotten
the text, "Be ye moderate in all things;" for he by no uiep.ns
applied the temperance system to the substantial creature com-
forts of which he partook in a most immoderately voracious
" I know what would cure you, Mr. R ," said my friend,
who seemed to guess at a glance the I'cal character of his visitor;
"but then I know that you would never consent to make use of
sucli a remedy."
"I would take anything that would do me good," said black-
coat, with a sigh.
"What think you of a small v.ine-glass of brandy just before
taking dinner?"
"Against my principles, Sir; it would never do," with a lugu-
brious shako of the head.
" There is nothing on earth so good for your complaint."
"Do you reelly think it would serve me?" with a sudden
twinkle of his heavy fishy eyes.
"Not a doubt of the fact" (pouring out a pretty large dram);
" it will kill the heartburn, and do aiv ay with that uncomfortable
feeling you experience after eating rich food. And as to princi-
plcfi, your pledge allows it in case of disease."
"True," said black-coat, coquetting with the glasj; "stiii I
should be sorry to try an alcoliolic remedy while another could
be found."
" Perhaps you would prefer eating less^'''' said ray friend slyly,
" which, I have been told by a medical man, is generally a cer-
tain cure if persevered in."
" Oh, ah, yes. But, Sir, my constitution would never ^tand
that. I think for once I will try the effect of your first pre-
scription ; but, remember, it is only medicinally.''''
The next moment the glass was returned to the table empty,
and the good man took his leave.
" Now, Mr. , was it not too bad of you to make that man
break his pledge?" observed a person at table.
"My dear Sir, that man requires very little tempLation to do
that. The total abstinence of a glutton is entirely for the
The houses built by the Dutch settlers have very little privacy,
as one bed-chamber invariably opens into another. lu some
cases, the sleeping apartments all open into the common sitting-
room occupied by the family. To English people, this is both an
uncomfortable and \cry unpleasant arrangement.
I slept for two nights at Mr. 's house, with my husband,
and our dormitory had no egress but tlirough another l)ed-
chamber; and as that happened to be occupied on tlio lirst
night by a clergyman, I had to wait for an hour, after my
husband w"s up and down stairs rejoicing in tlio fresh air of a
lovely summer morning, before I could escape from my cham-
ber, — my neighbour, who was young and very comely, taking a
long time for liis prayers,-as the business of the toilet.
My husband laughed very heartily at my imp: isonmcnt, a;-; he
termed it; but tlic next day I had the laugh against him, for our
sleeping neighbours happened to be a middle-aged Quaker, witli
a very sickly delicate wife. I, of course, was forced to go to bed
when s.'-.e did, or be obliged to pass through her chamber after
brother Jonathan had retired for the niglit. This being by no
means desirable, I left a very interesting argument, iu which ray
husband, tlio Quaker, and tho poet were fighting an animated
battle on reform principles, against the clergyman and my very
much respected Tory host. How they got on 1 don't know, for
the debate was at ics height when I was obliged to beat my
retreat to bed.
After an hour or so I heard Jonathan tumVlc up stairs to bed,
and while undressing lie made the following very innocent remark
to his wife, " Truly, Hannah, I fear that I have used too many
words to-night. My uncle is a man of many words, and one is
apt to forget tho rules of prudence when arguing with him."
If tho use of many words was looked upon as a serious trans-
gression by honest Jonathan, my Imsband, my friend, and tho
poet, must have been very guilty men, for they continued their
argument imtil the "sma' hours ayont tlie t'val."
My husband had to pass through the room occupied by the
Friends, in order to reach mine, but he put a bold face upon the
matter, and plunged at once through tho difficulty, the Quaker's
nose giving unmistakable notice that he was in the land of Nod.
The pale sickly woman just opened her dreamy black eyes, but
hid them instantly beneath tho bed-clothes, and the pa;^sage, not
of arms, but of the bed-chamber, was won.
The next morning we had to rise early to take the boat, and
Jonathan v/as up by the dawn of day ; so that I went through
as bold as a lion, and was busily employed in discussing an
excellent breakfast, while my poor partner was sitting impa-
tiently nursing his appetite at tlio foot of his bed, and wishing
the pale Quakeress across the bay. Tlie steamer was in sight
before ho was able to join us at the 1 'reakfast-table. I l)ad now
my revenge, and teased him all the way homo on lung kei)t a
prisoner, with only a sickly woman for a jailor.
A young lady gave mo an account of a funeral slie witnessed
in this primitivo village, which may not be uninteresting to my
English readers, as a picture of some of the customs of a new
The deceased was an old and very respectable resident in tho
township ; and as the Canadians delight in large funerals, he waa
followed +0 his last home by nearly all the residents for miles
III! [ *mm
I f
The ueo of tho hoarse is not known in ninil districts, Jind,
indeed, is seldom used in towns or cities lierc. The corpse is
generally carried to tho grave, the bearers being chosen iVoin
among tlie gentlemen of most note in the ncighboni hood, wlio,
to the honour of the country be it spoken, never refuse to act on
these mournful occasions. These walking funerals are far more
imposing and affecting spectacles than the hearse with its funeral
plumes; and the simple fact of friends and neighbours conveying
a departed brother to his long home, has a more solemn and
touching effect upon the mind, than the train of hired mourners
and empty state-carriages.
When a body is brought from a distance for interment, it is
conveyed in a wagon, if in summer, spring, or autumn, and on a
sleigh during the winter season, and is attended to the grave by
all the respectable yeomen in the township.
I cannot resist the strong temptation of digressing from my
present subject, in order to relate a very affecting instance I
witnessed at one of these funerals of the attachment of a dog to
his deceased master, which drew tears from my eyes, and from
tho eyes of my children.
The body of a farmer had been brought in a wagon from one
of the back townships, a distance of twenty or thirty miles, and
was, as usual in such cases, attended by a long train of country
equipages. My house fronted the churchyard, and from the win-
dows you could witness the whole of the funeral ceremonial, and
hear the service pronounced over the grave. When the coffin
was lifted by the stalwart sons of tho deceased from the wagon,
and the procession formed^ to carry it into the church, I observed
a large, buff Flemish dog fall into tho ranks of the mourners, and
follow them into the sacred edifice, keeping as near the coffin as
those about it would permit him. After the service in tho
cliurch was ended, the creature persevered in following the be-
loved remains to the grave. When the crowd dispersed, the
faithful animal retired to some distance, and laid himself quietly
down upon a grave, until the sexton had finished his mournful
task, and the last sod was placed upon tho fresh heap that had
closed for ever over tho form he loved.
When tho man retired, the dog proceeded to the spot, walked
carefully round it, smelt the earth, lifted his head, and uttered
the most unearthly howls. lie then endeavoured to disinter the
body, by digging a large hole at one end of the grave; but find-
ing that ho could not effect his purpose, ho stretched himself at
full length over it, as if to guard the spot, with his hea'fl buried
between his fore-paws, his w^holo appearance betokening the
most intense dejection.
All that day and night, and the next day and night, he never
quitted his post for an instant, at intervals smelling the earth,
and uttering those mournful, heart-rending cries. My boys took
liim bread and meat, and tried to coax him from the grave ; but
Ije rejected the food and their caresses. The creature appeared
wasted and heart-broken with grief. Towards noon of the third
day, the eldest son of his late master came in search of him ; and
the young man seemed deeply affected by this instance of the
dog's attachment to his father. Even Ma well-known voice
failed to entice him from the grave, and he wacj obliged to bring
a collar and chain, and lift him by force into his wagon, to get
liim from his post.
Oh, human love ! is thy memory and thy faith greater than
the attachment of this poor, and, as we term him, unreasoning
brute, to his dead master? His grief made an impression on my
mind, and on that of my children, which will never be forgotten.
But to return to the village funeral. The body in this case
was boi ne to the church by the near relatives of the deceased ;
and a clergyman of the establishment delivered a funeral sermon,
in which ho enumerated the good qualities of the departed, his
long residerce among them, and described the trials and hard-
ships he had encountered as a first settler in that district, while
it was yet in the wilderness, lie extolled his conduct as a good
citizen, a faithful Christian, and a public-spirited man. His
sermon was a very complete piece of rural biography, very
curious and grapliic in its way, and was listened to with the
deepest attention by the persoiis assembled.
When the discourse was concluded, and the blessing pronounced,
one of the sons of the deceased rose and informed the persons
present, tliat if any one wished to take a last look of the dear old
man, now was the time.
He then led the way to tlie aisle, ia wliich the coffin stood
upon the trcssels, and opening a small lid in the top, revealed to
the astonishment of my yonng friend the pale, ghastly face of the
dead. Almost every person present touched either the face,
hands, or brow of the deceased ; and after their curiosity had
been fully satisfied, the procession followed the remains to tla-ir
last resting-place. This part of the ceremony concluded, the
inditlerent spectators dispersed to their respective homes, whilo
the friends and relations of the dead man returned to dine at tlie
house of one of his sons, my friend making one of the party.
In solemn state the mourners discussed the merits of an ex •
cellent dinner, — the important business of eating being occasion-
ally interrupted by remarks upon the appearance of the corpse,
his age, the disease of which he died, the probable division of
his property, and the merits of the funeral discourse. This was
done la sucli a business-like, matter-of-fact manner, that my
friend was astonished how the blood relations of the deceased
could join in these remarks.
After the great business of eating was concluded, the spirits of
the party began to flag. Tlie master of the house perceiving
how matters were going, left the room, and soon returned with
a servant bearing a tray with plates and forks, and a large dish
of hickory nuts. The mourners di'ied their tears, and set seri-
ously to work to discuss the nuts, and while deoi)ly engaged with
their mouse-like employment, forgot for a whilo their sorrow iVn*
the dead, continuing to keep up their spirits until the announce-
ment of tea turned their thoughts into a new channel. By the
time all the rich pies, cakes, and preserves were eaten, their
feelings seemed to have subsided into their accustomed every-
day routine.
It is certain that death is looked upon by many Canadians
more as a matter of business, and a change of property into other
hands, than as a real domestic calamity. I have heard people
talk of the approaching dissolution of their nearest ties, with a
calm philosophy which I never could comprehend. "Mother is
old and dehcate; we can't expect her to last long," says one.
" My brother's death has been looked for these several months
past ; you know he's in the consumption." My husband asked
tho son of a rospectablo farmer, for whom lie entertained fln
esteem, how his father was, for ho liad not seen liim for some
time ? "I gness," was tlie reply, " that the old man's fixiug for
the other world." Another young man, being asked by my
friend. Captain , to ppend the evening at his house, replied
— "No, can't — much obliged; but I'm afear'd that grandfather
will give the last kicks while I'm away."
Canadians flock in crowds to visit tho dying, and to gazo upon
the dead. A doctor told me that being called into tho country
to visit a very sick man, he was surprised on finding the Vs ifo of
liis patient sitting alone before the fire in tho lower room, smok-
ing a pipe. Ho naturally inquired if her husband was better ?
"Oh, no, sir, far from that; he is dying!"
" Dying ! and you here ?"
" I can't help that, sir. Tlie room is so crowded with tho
neighbours, that I can't get in to wait upon him."
"Follow me," said the doctor. " I'll soon make a clearance for
On ascending tho stairs that led to the npar^mont of the sick
man, ho found them crowded Avith pooi)lo struggling to get in, to
take a peep at the poor man. It was only by telling them that
he was the doctor, tliat he forced his way to the bedf^ide. Ho
found his patient in a high fever, greatly augmented by tho
bustle, confusion, and heat, occasioned by so many peoplo round
him. With great difficulty he cleared the room of these
intruders,' and told tho brother of his patient to keep every one
but the sick man's wi.c out of tlie house. The brother followed
tho doctor's advice, and the man cheated the curiosity of tho
death-seekers, and recovered.
The Canadians spend a great deal of money upon their dead.
An old lady told me that her nei)hcw, a very largo farmer, who
had the misfortune to lose his wife in childbed, had laid out a
great deal of money — a little fortune she termed it — on her grave
clothes. " Oh, my dear," she said, "it is a thousand pities that
you did not go and see her before she was buried. She was
dressed so expensively, and she made such a beautiful corpse !
Her cap was of real thread lace, trimmed with white French
ribbons, and her linen the finest that could bo bonght in the
The more ostentatious the display of grief for the dead, the
less I have always found of the reality. I heard two young
ladies, who had recently lost a mother, not more than sixteen
years older than the eldest of the twain, lamenting most patheti-
cally that they could not go to a public ball, because they were
in mourning for ma' I Oh, what a pitiful farce is this, of wear-
ing mourning for the dead ! But as I have a good deal to say to
sensible people on that subject, I will defer my long lecture uutil
the next chapter.
" When is Youth's gay heart the Hghtest ?—
"Wlien the torch of health burns brightest,
And the soul's rich banquet lies
In air and ocean, earth and okien ;
Till the honied cup of pleasure
Overflows with mental treasure.
" When is Love's sweet dream the sweetest? —
When ". kindred heart thou meetest,
Unpolluted with the strife —
The selfish aims that tarnish life ;
Ere the scowl of care has faded
Ths shining chaplet Fancy braided,
And emotions pure and high
Swell the heart and fill the eye ;
Hich revealings of a mind
Within a loving breast enshrined.
To thine own fond bosom plighted,
In affection's bonds united :
The Hober joys of after years
Are nothing to those smiles and fears.
" When is Sorrow's sting the strongest ? —
When friends grow cold we've loved the longest,
And the bankrupt heart would borrow
Treacherous hopes to cheat the morrow ;
Dreams of bliss by reason banish'd,
in tlio
d, tlio
say to
I until
Early joya that quickly vaniah'd
And the treasured past appears
Only to augment our tears ;
Wh -ri, within itself retreating,
The spirit owns life's joys are fleeting,
Yet, racked with anxious doubts and fears,
Trusts, Blindly trusts to future years.
" Oh, this is grief, the preacher saith, —
The world's dark woe that worketh death!
Yet, oft beneath its influence bowed,
A beam of hope will burst the cloud.
And heaven's ctlestial shore appears
Slow rising o'er the tide of years.
Guiding the spirit's darkling way
Through thorny paths to endless day.
Then the toils of life are done.
Youth and ago are both as one :
Sorrow never more can sting,
Neglecc or pain the bosom wring ;
And the joys bless'd spirits prove
Far exceeds all earthly love !"
" What ia Death ?— my sister say."
" Ask not, brotlier, brealhiiiK clay.
Ask tho earth on which wc tread,
That silent empire of the deatl.
Ask the sea— Its myriad waves,
Living, leap o'er countless graves!"
" Earth and ocean answer not.
Life is in their dei)ths, forgot."
Ask yon pale extended form,
Unconscic'is of the coming storm,
That breathed and spake an hour ago,
Of heavenly bliss and penal woe ; —
AVithin yon shrouded figure lies
" The mystery of mysteries !"
8. M.
Am(1xo tlio many abpurd customs tliat the sanction of time atul
tlio arbitrary laws of society liave rendered indispensable, there
is not one that is so much abused, and to which mankind so
fondly clings, as that of icearing mourning for the dead! — from
tho ostentatious public mourning appointed by {governments for
the loss of their rulers, down to the jdaiu black badge, Avurn by
tho liumblest peasant for the death of parent or child.
To attempt to raise one feeble voice against a practice sanc-
tioned by all nations, and hallowed by the most solemn religious
rites, appears almost sacrilegious. There is something so beauti-
ful, so i)oetical, so sacred, in this outward sign of a deep and
heartlldt sorrow, that to deprive death of bis sable habiliments
— the melancholy hearse, funeral plumes, sombre pall, and long
array of drooping night-clad mourners, together with the awful
clangor of tho dolefid bell — would rob the stern necessity of our
nature of half its terrors, and tend greatly to destroy that reli-
gious dread which is so imposing, and which allbrds such a
solemn lesson to the living.
Alas ! Where is the need of all this black jjarade ? Is it not a
reproach to Him, who, in his wisdom, appointed death to pass
upon all men ? "Were the sentence confined to the human species,
we might have more reason for these extravagant demonstrations
of griof; but in ovory object nrouiul us wo see inscribed Iho
mysterious law of clinngo Tlio very luouiitaius crutublo and
decay Av 1th years ; the gieat sea shrink.s and grows again ; tlio
lofty forest tree, that has drank the dews of heaven, langhc*! in
the buuliglit and shook itjij branches at a thousand stornis, yiolds
to tlio same inscrutable destiny, and bows its tall forehead to
tlio dust.
Life lives upon death, and death reproduces life, through end-
less circles of being, from the proud tyrant nuin dt)wn to tho
blind worm his iron Iieel tramides in tho earth. Tlien wheri'foro
should wo hang out this black banner for thoso who arc beyond
the laws of change and chance?
" Yea, they have fiiiish'd :
For them there is no longer any future.
No evil hoir knocks at the iloor
With tidings of ml.shap — far off are they,
Beyond desire or fear."
It is the dismal adjuncts of death which have invested it with
those superstitious terrors that >vo would fain see removed. Tho
gloom arising from these melancholy pjigoants forms a black
cloud, whose denso shadow obscures the light of life to tho
living. And why, we ask, should death bo invested with such
horror? Death in itself is not dreadful; it is but the change of
one mode of being for another — tho breaking forth of tho av liiged
Koul from its earthly chrysalis; or, as an old Latiii poet has so
happily described it —
•' Thus life fur ever runs its endless race,
Death as a line which but (Uvides th'3 Fpacc —
A stop which can hut for a moment l.ut,
A point between the future and the 'past?
Nature presents in all her laws such a beautiful and wonder-
ful harmony, that it is as impossible for death to produce discord
among them, as for night to destroy, by tho intervention of its
shadow, the splendour of tho coming day. Were men taught
from infancy to regard death as a natural consequence, a fixed
law of their being, instead as an awful punishment for sin —
fts the friend and benefactor of mankind, not the roniorsoloss
tyrant and persecutor — to die would no longer ho considered an
evil. Lot this hideous skeleton ho hanished into darkness, and
replaced by a benignant angel, -wiping away all tears, healing nil
pain, burying in oblivion all sorrow and care, calming every
turbulent passion, and restoring man, reconciled to his Maker, to
ft state of purity and peace ; young and old would then go forth
to meet him with lighted torches, and hail his approach witli
songs of thanksgiving and welcome.
And this is really the case with all but the desperately Avickcd,
who show that they despise tho magnificent boon of life by the
bad use they make of it, by their blasphemous defiance of God
and good, and their unwillingness to bo renewed in his imago.
Tho death angel is generally met with more calnmess by tho
dying than by surviving friends. By tho former, tho dreaded
enemy is hailed as a messenger of peace, and they sink tranquilly
into his arms, with a smile upon their li[)8.
Tho death of tho Christian is a beautiful triumph over tho fears
of life. In Ilim who conquered death, and led captivity captive,
he finds tho fruition of his being, tho eternal blessedness pro-
mised to him in tho Gospel, which places him beyond tho wants
and woes of time. The death of such a man should be celebi ated
as a sacred festival, not lamented as a dreary execution, — as tho
era of a now birth, not the extinction of being.
It is true that death is a profound sleep, from which no ono
can awaken to tell bis dreams. But why on that account should
we doubt that it is less blessed than its t«vin brother, whoso
resomblp,nce it bears, and whose presence we all sedulously
court? Invest sleep, however, with the same dismal garb; let
your bed be a coflSn, your canopy a pall, your night-dress a
shroud; let the sobs of mourners, and the tolling of bells lull
you to repose. — and few persons would willingly, or tranquilly,
close their eyes to sleep.
And then, this absurd fashion of wearing black for months and
years for tho dead ; let us calmly consider the philosophy of tho
thing, its use and abuse. Does it confer any benefit on the dead ?
Does it aflFord any consolation to the living ? Morally or physic-
ally, does it produce the least good ? Does it soften ono regretful
pftnpr, or dry ono bitter tcnr, or rn.iko tlio woftrcrs w!(M)r or better?
If it does not produce any ultiiimto beiietit, it sliould bo nt otico
discarded as a Huporstitious relic of more barbarous times, Avbeii
men could not gazo on tbo mniple, unveileJ
Tlio wife of a rich mechanic had a brother lying, it was sup-
posed, at the point of death. His sister sent a note to me, re-
questing me to relinquish an engagement I had made with a
sewing girl in her favour, as she wanted her immediately to
make up her mouniing, the doctor having told her that her
brother could not live many days.
" Mrs. is going t*^ be beforehand with death," I said, as I
gave the girl the desired release. " I have known instances of
persons being too late with their mourning to attend a funeral,
but this is the first time I over heard of it being made in antici-
After a week the girl returned to her former employment.
" Well, Anne, is Mr. dead?"
^o, ma'am, nor likely to die this time ; and his sister is bO
vexed that she bought such expensive mourning, and all for no
purpose !"
The brother of this provident lady is alive to this day, the
husband of a very pretty wife, and the father of a family, while
she, poor body, has been consigned to the grave for more than
three years.
During her own dying illness, a little girl greatly disturbed her
sick mother with the noise she made. Her hcdband, as an in-
ducement to keep the child quiet, said, " Mary, if you do not
quit that, I'll whip you ; but if you keep still like a good girl,
you shall go to ma's funeral."
An artist cousin of mine was invited, with many other mem-
bers of the Koyal Academy, to attend the funeral of the cele-
brated NoUekens the sculptor. The party filled twelve mourning
coaches, and were furnished with silk gloves, scarfs, and hatbands,
and a dinner was provided after the funeral was over at one of
tlie large hotels. " A merrier set than we were on that day,"
said my cousin, " I never saw. We all got jovial, and it was
midnight before any of us reached our respective homes. The
whole affair vividly brought to my mind that description of the
' Gondola,' given so gi*aphically by Byron, that it
* Contain'd much fun,
Like mourning coaches when the funeral's done.' "
Some years ngo I witnessed the funeral of a young lady, the
■r.fj--^-. -^ '^xfeiinisvx vin
only child of very wealthy parents, who resided in Bedford-square.
The heiress of their enviable riches was a very delicate, fragile-
looking girl, and on the day that she attained her majority her
parents gave a large dinner party, followed by a ball in the eve-
ning, to celebrate the event. It was during the winter; the
night was very cold, the crowded rooms overheated, the young
lady thinly but magnificently clad. She took a chill in leaving
the close ball-room for tlie large, ill-warmed supper-room, and
three days after, the hope of these rich people lay insensible on
her bier.
I heard from every one that called upon Mrs. L , the
relative and friend with whom I was staying, of the magnificent
funeral that would be given to Miss C . Ah, little heeded
that pale crushed flower of yesterday, the pomp that was to con-
vey her from the hot-bed of luxury to the cold, damp vault of
St. Giles's melancholy looking church ! I stood at Mrs. L 's
window, which commanded a view of the whole square, to
watch the procession pass up Kussell-street to the place of inter-
ment. The morning was intensely cold, and large snow-flakes
fell lazily and heavily to the earth. The poor dingy sparrows,
with their feathers ruflfled up, hopped mournfully along the
pavement in search of food ; they,
"In spite of all their feathers, were a-cold."
The mutes that attended the long line of mourning coaches
stood motionless, leaning ou their long staffs wreathed with
white, like so many figures that the frost-king had stiffened into
stone. The hearse, with its snowy plumes, drawn by six milk-
white horses, might have served for the regal car of his northern
majesty, so ghost-like and chilly were its sepulchral trappings.
At length the coflSn, covered with black velvet, and a pall lined
with white silk and fringed with silver, was borne from the
house and deposited in the gloomy depths of the stately hearse.
The hired mourners, in their sable dresses and long white hat-
bands and scarfs, rode slowly forward mounted on white horses,
to attend this bride of death to her last resting place. The first
three carriages that followed contained the family physician and
Burgeon, a clergyman, and the male servants of the house, in
fJ-jep sables. Tho family carriage too was there, but empty, and
of a procession in which 145 private carriages made a conspicu-
ous show, all but those enumerated above were empty. Strangers
drove strange horses to that vast funeral, and hired servants wore
tho only members of the family that conducted the last scion of
that family to tho grave. Truly, it was tho most dismal specta-
cle we ever witnessed, and we turned from it sick at heart, and
with eyes moist with tears — not shod for the dead, for she had
escaped from this vexatious vanity, but from tho heartless mock-
ery of all this fictitious woe.
The expense of such a funeral probably involved many hundred
pounds, which had boon better bestowed on charitable purposes.
Another evil arising out of this absurd custom, is tho high
price attached to black clothing, on account of the necessity that
compels people to wear it for so long a period after the death of
.a near relation, making it a matter of still greater difficulty for
tho poorer class to comply ■N'^ith the usages of society.
" But who cares about the poor, whether tliey go into mourn-
ing for their friends or no? it is a matcer of no consequence."
Ah, there it is. And this is not tho least forcible argument
we have to advance against this useless custom. K it becomes a
moral duty for the rich to put on black for the death of a friend,
it must be morally necessary for the poor to do the same. We
see no dilFerence in tho degrees of moral feeling ; the soul of
man is of no rank, but of equal value in our eyes whether belong-
ing to rich or poor. But this usage is so general, and the neglect
of it considered such a disgrace, that it leaves a very wide door
open for tho entrance of false pride.
Poverty is an evil which most persons, however humble their
stations may be, most carefully endeavour to conceal. To avoid
an exposure of their real circumstances, they will deprive them-
selves of the common necessaries of life, and incur debts which
they have no prospect of paying, rather than allow their neigh-
bours to suspect that they cannot afford a handsome funeral and
good mournings for any deceased member of their family. If
such persons would but follow the dictates of true wisdom, hon-
esty, and truth, no dread of the opinion of others should tempt
them to do what they cannot afford. Their grief for the dead
would not be less sincere if they followed the body of the beloved
in their ordinary costume to the grave ; nor is the spectacle less
imposing divested of all the solemn foppery which attends the
funeral of persons who move in respectable society.
Some years ago, when it was the fashion in England (and may
be it remains the fashion still) to give black silk scarfs and hat-
bands at funerals, mean and covetous persons threw themselves
in the way of picking up taese stray loaves and fishes. A lady,
who lived in the same town with me after I waia married, boasted
to me that her husband (who always contrived to be a necessary
attendant on such occasions) found her in all the black silk she
required for articles of dress, and that he had not purchased a
pair of gloves for many years.
About two years before old King George the Third died, a
report got about that he could not survive many days. There
was a general rush among all ranks to obtain mourning. Up
went the price of black goods ; Norwich crapes and bombazines
rose ten per cent., and those who were able to secure a black
garment at any price, to show their loyalty, were deemed very
fortunate. And after all this fuss, ard hurry, and confusion, the
the poor mad old king disappointed the speculators in sables, and
lived on in darkness and mental aberration for two whole years.
The mourning of some on that occasion was real, not imaginary.
The sorrow with them was not for the Mng^a death, but that ho
bad not died. On these public occasions of grief, great is the stir
and bustle in economical families, who wish to show a decent
concern for the death of the monarch, but who do not exactly
like to go to the expense of buying new clothes for such a short
period as a court mourning. All the old family stores are rum-
maged carefully over, and every stuff gown, worn ribbon, or
shabby shawl, that can take a black dye, Is handed over to tho
vat ; and these second-hand black garments have a more mourn-
ful appearance than the glossy suits of the gay and wealthy, for
it is actually humihating to wear such, as they are both unbecom-
ing to the young and old. Black, which is the most becoming
and convenient color for general wear^ especially to the old and
middle-aged, would no longer be regarded with religious horror
as the type of mortality and decay, but would take its place on
the same shelf with the gay tints that form the motley groups
in our handsome stores. Could influential people be found to
expose the folly and vanity of this practice, and refuse to comply
with its demands, others would soon be glad to follow their
example, and, before many years, it would sink into contempt
and disuse.
If the Americans, the most practical people i:* the world,
would but once take up the subject and publicly lecture on its
absurdity, this dismal shadow of a darker ago would no longer
obscure our streets and scare our little ones. Men ^.vould wear
their grief in their hearts and not around their hats ; and widows
would be better known by their serious deportment than
by their weeds. I feel certain that every thinking person, who
calmly investigates the subject, will be tempted to exclaim with
rae, " Oh, that the good sense of mankind would unite in banish-
ing it for ever from the earth 1"
" House of clay ! — frail house of clay !
In the dust thou soon must lie ;
Spirit ! spread thy wings — away,
Strong in inunortality ;
To worlds more bright
Oh wing thy flight.
To win the crown and robe of light.
" Hopes of dust ! — false hopes of dujit !
Smiling as the morning fair ;
Why do we confiding trust
In trifles light as air ?
Like flowers that wave
Above the grave,
Ye cheer, without the power to save,
" Joys of earth ! — vain joys of earth,
Sandy your foiuidations be ;
Mortals overrate your worth,
Sought through life so eagerly.
I ■
»~ ~...s.;w».-..)«uduHiiaaaHii
Too soon we know
That tears must flow, —
That bliss is still allied to woe 1
" Human love ! — fond human love !
We have worshipp'd fc thy shrine ;
Envying not the saints above,
While we deem'd thy power divine.
But ah, thy light,
So wildly bright,
Is born of earth to set in night.
" Jjove of Leaven ! — love of heaven !
Let us pray for thme increase ;
Happiness by tho« is giver.,
Hopes and joys that never cease.
With thee -we'j' soar
Death'H dark tide o'e.',
Where earfh can stain the soul no more."
J ■
" Dear merry reader, did yoo ever hear.
Whilst travelling on the world's wide beaten road,
The curious veasoning, and opinions queer,
Of men, who never in their lives bestow'd
One hour on study ; whose existence seems
A thing of course — a practical delusion —
A day of fi-owning clouds and sunny gleams —
Of pain and pleasure, mlx'd in strange confusion ;
Who feel they move and breathe, they know not why-
Are born to eat and drink, aud sleep an 1 die."
S. M.
The shores of the Prince Edward District become move bold
and beautiful as the steamer pursues her course up ilio " Long
Reach." Magnificent trees clothe these rugged banks to their
very summits, and cast dense shadows upon the waters that slum-
tor at their feet. The slanting rays of the evening sun streiin*
through their thick foliage, and weave a network of gold around
the corrugated trunks of tlio huge onk and maple trees that
tower fur above our heads. The glorious waters arc dyed with
a tliousand cliangofid hues of crimson and saffron, and rellect
from thoir unruffled surface the gorgeous tints of a Canadian
BUiiset. The pines, with their liearse-liko plumes, loom out darkly
against the glowing evening sky, and frown austerely upon us,
their gloomy aspect aflbrding a striking contrast to the sun-
lighted leaves of the feathery birch and the rock elm. It is a
lonely hour, and one that nature seems to have set apart for
prayer and praise ; a devotional spirit seems to breathe over the
earth, the woods, and waters, softening and harmonising the
whole into one blessed picture of love and peace.
The boat has again crossed the bay, and stops to take in wood
nt '' Roblin's wharf." We are now beneath the shadow of the
" Lidian woods," a reserve belonging to tho Mohawks in the
township of Tyendcnaga, about twenty -four miles by water from
Bolloville. A broad belt of forest land forms the background to
a cleared slope, rising gradually from the water imtil it reaches
a considerable elevation above the shore. Tho frontage to tho
bay 13 filled up with neat farm-houses, and patches of buckwheat
and Indian corn, tlio only grain that remains unharvested at this
season of tlio year. We have a fine view of the stone church
built by tho Indians, which stands on tho top of the hill about a
mile from tlio water. Queen Anno presented to this tribe three
large marble tablets engraved with the Ten Commandments,
which, after following them in all their ramblings for a century
and a half, now grace tho altar of this church, and are regarded
with great veneration by the Indian settlers, who seem to look
upon thei/i with a superstitious awe. The church is built in tho
Gothic style, and is one of the most picturesque village churches
that I have seen in Canad.'\. The Indiana contributed a great
part •)f tho funds fer erecting this building. I was never withia
ihe walls ui' the sacred edifice ; but I have wandered round tho
quiet peaceful burial-ground, and admired the lovely prospect it
commauds of the bay and the opposite shores.
One side of tlie churchyard is skirted by a natural grove of
forest trees, which separates it from the parsonat,e, ?• neat white
building that fronts the water, and stands back from ii; at the
heed of a noblo nweep of land covered with velvet turf, and
resembling greatly a gcntlcuian's park at homo, by the fine groups
of stately lorest trees scattered over it, and a semicircular belt
of the original forest, that, sloping from the house on either side,
extends its wings until it meets the blue waters of the bay, leav-
ing between its green arms a broad space of cleared land.
The first time my eyes ever rested on this beautiful spot it
appeared to mo a perfect paradise. It was a warm, balmy, moon-
light evening in June. The rich resinous odour of the woods
filled the air with delicious perfume ; fire-flies were glancing like
shooting stars among the dark foliage that hung over tho water,
and the spirit of love and peace sat brooding over the luxurious
solitude, whose very silence was eloquent with praise of tho great
Maker. How I envied tho residents of the parsonage their lovely
home I How disappointed I felt, when Mrs. G told me that
she felt it dull and lonely, that she was out of society, and that
the Indians were very troublesome neighbours 1 Now, I have no
doubt that this was all very true, and that I should have felt the
samo want that she did, after the bewitching novelty of the
scene had become familiar ; but it sadly destroyed the romance
and poetry of it to me at the time.
This part of the township of Tyendenaga belongs almost exclu-
sively to the Mohawk Indians, who have made a large settlement
here, while the government has given them a good school for
instructing their children in the Indian and English languages ;
and they liave a resident clergyman of the EstablishmcHt always
at hand, to minister to them the spiritual consolations of reli-
gion, and impart to them the bk )d truths of the gospel. Tho
Rev. S. G was for some years the occupant of the pretty
parsonage-liQuse, and was greatly beloved by his Indian congre-
Tho native residents of these woods clear farms, and build and
plant like their white neighbours. They rear horses, cattle, and
sheep, and sow a sufiicient quantity of grain to secure them from
wauo. But there is a great lack of order and regularity in all
their agricultural proceedings. They do not make half as much
out of their lands — which they suffer to lie overgrown with
thorns and thistles — as their whl'^^ neighbours ; and their domes-
tic arningeiTicnts within doors nro novor umrkod by tlmt appoftr-
nnce of comfort and cleanliness, which is to bo seen in the
dwellings of the native Canadians and emigrants from Europe.
The red man is out of his element when ho settles qnietly down
to a farm, and you perceive it at a glance. Ho never appears to
advantage as a resident among civilized men; and ho seems
painfully conscious of his inferiority, and ignorance of the arts
of life. He has lost his indentity, as it were, and when ho
attempts to imitate the customs and manners of the whites, ho
is too apt to adopt their vices without acquiring their industry
and perseverance, and sinks into a sottish, degraded savage. The
proud independence wo admired so much in the man of the
woods, has disappeared with his truthfulness, honesty, and sim-
ple manners. His pure blood is tainted with the dregs of a
lower humanity, degenerated by the want and misery of over-
populous European cities. His light eyes, crisp hair, and whitey-
brown complexion, too surely betray his mixed origin ; and we
turn from the half-educated, half-caste Indian, with feelings of
aversion and mistrust.
There is a Mohawk family who reside in this township of the
name of Loft, who have gained some celebrity in the colony by
their clever representations of the manners and customs of their
tribe. They sing Indian songs, dance the war-dance, hold coun-
cils, and make grave speeches, in the characters of Indian chiefs
and hunters, in an artistic manner that would gain the applause
of a more fastidious audience.
The two young squaws, who were the principal performers in
this travelling Indian opera, were the most beautiful Indian
women I over beheld. There was no base alloy in their pure
native blood. They had the large, dark, humid eyes, tlie ebon
locks tingea with purple, so peculiar to their race, and which
gives such a rich tint to the clear olive skin and brilliant white
teeth of the denizens of the Canadian wilderness.
Susannah Loft and her sister were the heau ideal of Indian
women ; and their graceful and symmetrical figiiros were set off
to great advantage by their picturesque and becoming costume,
which in their case was composed of the richest materials. Thei":*
acting and cfirrinRO wore dlgnifled and qnoon-llko, and tlielr ap-
pearance singularly pleasing and interesting.
Sasannah, the eldest and certainly the most graceful of these
truly fascinating girls, was unfortunately killed last summer hy
the collision of two steam-carriages, while travelling profession-
ally with her sister through tho States. Those who had listened
with charmed ears to her sweet voice, and gazed with admiring
eyes upon her personal charms, were greatly shockci' at her
untimely death.
A little hoy and girl belonging to the same talented family have
been brought before the public, in order to supply her place, but
they have not been able to fill up the blank occasioned by her
Tho steamboat again leaves tho north shore, and stands across
for tho stone mills, which are in tho Prince Edward district, and
form one of tho features of the remarkable scenery of what is
called the "high shore." This mnmtainous ridge, which
descends perpendicularly to the water s edge, is still in forest ;
and, without doubt, this is tho most romantic portion of tho
bay, vvlioso waters are suddenly contracted to half their former
dimensions, and glide on darkly and silently between these steep
wood-crowned heights
There is a small lake upon the highest portion of this table-
land, wdiose waters are led down the steep bank, and made to
work a saw-mill, which is certainly giving a very unromantic
turn to them. But here, as in tho States, the beautiful and tho
ideal are instantly converted into the real and the practical.
This " lake of tho mountains " is a favourite place for pic-nics
and pleasure trips from Northport and Belleville. Here the Sab-
bath-school children come, once during tho summer, to enjoy a
ramble in tho woods, and spread their feast beneath the lordly
oaks and maples that crown these heights. And the teetotallers
marshal their bands of converts, and hold their cold water festi-
val, beside the blue deep waters of this mysterious mountain-
Strange stories are told of its unfathomable depth, of the
quicksands that are found near it, and of its being supplied from
tho far-ofF inland oooan of Lake Iliiron. But liko the covo in
Tyendcnaga, of which ovorybody in tho neighbourhood lias heard
Boraothing, but which nobody liaw Bcon, tlieso accounts of tho
lake of tho mountain rest only upon hearsay.
Tho last rays of tho sun still lingered on wood and stream when
wo arrived at Picton, which stands at tho head of tho " long
reach." Tho bay hero is not wider than a broad river. Tho
banks aro very lofty, and enclose tho water in an oblong form,
round which that part of tho town whioh is near tho shore is
Picton is a very beautiful place viewed from tho deck of tho
steamer. Its situation is novel and imposing, and tho number
of pretty cottages that crown tho steep ridge that rises almost
perpendicularly from tho water, peeping out from among tino
orchards in full bearing, and trim gardens, give it quite a rural
appearance. Tho steamboat enters tins fairy bay by a very nar-
row passage ; and, after delivering freight and passengers at the
wharf, backs out by the way she carao in. There is no turning
a largo vessel round this long half-circle of deep blue water.
Few spots in Canada would afford a finer subject for the artist's
pencil than this small inland town, which is so seldom visited by
strangers and tourists.
The progress to wealth and importance mado by this place is
strikingly behind that of Belleville, which far exceeds it in size
and population. Three years ago a very destructive fire con-
sumed some of the principal buildings in tho town, which has
not yet recovered from its effects. Trade is not so brisk hero as
in Belleville, and the streets are dull and monotonous, when com-
pared with the stir and bustle of the latter, which, during tlio
winter season, is crowded with sleighs from tho country. Tho
Bay of Quinte during the winter forms an excellent road to all
the villages and towns on its shores. Tho people from the oppo-
site side trade more with tho Belleville merchants than with
those in their own district ; and during tho wini r season, when
the bay is completely frozen from the mouth of tho Trent to
Kingston, loaded teams aro passing to and fro continually. It is
the favourite afternoon drive of yoang and old, and when tho
wind, sweeping over such a broad surface of ice, is not too cold,
i '■ !
and you are well wrapped up in furs and buffalo robes, a sleigh-
ride on the 7ce is very delightful. Not that I can ever wholly
divest myself of a vague, indistinct sense of danger, whilst
rapidly gliding over this frozen mirror. I would rather be out
on the bay, in a gale of wind in a small boat, than overtaken by
a snow storm on its frozen highways Still it is a pleasant sight
of a bright, glowing, winter dr.y, when the landscape glitters like
a world composed of crystals, to watch the handsome sleighs,
filled with well-dressed men and women, and drawn by spirited
horses, dashing in all directions over this brilliant field of dazzling
Night has fallen rapidly upon us since we left Picton in the dis-
tance. A darker shade is upon the woods, the hills, the waters,
and by the time we approach FreJericksburgh it will be dark.
This too is a very pretty place on the north side of the bay ;
beautiful orchards and meadows skirt the water, and fine bass-
wood and willow-trees grjw bf^sidc, or bend over the waves.
The green smooth meadows, out of which the black stumps rotted
long ago, show noble groups of hickory and butternut, and sleek
fat c<.)ws are reposing beneath them, or standing mid-leg in the
small creek that warders through them to pour its fairy tribute
into the broad bay.
We must leave the deck and retreat into the ladies' cabin, for
the air from the water grows chilly, and the sense of seeing can
.10 longer be gratified by remaining where wo are. But if you
open your eyes to see, and your ears to hear, all the strange say-
ings and doings of the odd people you meet in a steamboat, you
will never lack amusement.
The last time I went down to Kingston, there was a little girl
in the cabin v. ho rejoic>»d in the possession of a very large
American doll, made so nearly to resemble an infant, that at a
distance it was easy to mistake it for one. To render the decep-
tion more striking, you could make it cry like o, child by pressing
your hand upon its body. A thin, long-faced farmer's wife came
on board, at the wharf we have just quitted, and it was umusing
to watch her alternately gazing at the little girl and lier doll.
" Is that your baby, Cisy ?"
"No; it's my doll."
"^i! what a strange doll ! Isn't that something oncommon 7
I took it for a real child. Look at its bare feet and hands, and
bald head. Well, I don't think it's 'zactly right to make a piece
of wood look so like a human critter."
Tlio child good-naturedly put the doll into the woman's hands,
who, happening to take it rather roughly , the wooden baby gave
a loud squall ; the woman's face expressed the utmost horror,
and she dropped it on the floor as if it had been a hot coal.
'• Gracious, goodness me, the thing's alive I"
The little girl laughed heartily, and, taking up the discarded
doll, explained to the woman the simple method employed to
produce the sound.
' Well it do sound quite nata/ral^^ said her astonished com-
panion. " What will they find out next? It beats the railro« I
and the telegraph holler."
" Ah, but I saw a big doll that could speak when I was with
mamma in New York," said the child, with glistening eyes.
" A doll that could speak ? You don't say. Oh, do tell '"
While the young lady described the automaton doll, it was
amusing to watch the expressions of surprise, wonder, and curi-
osity, that flitted over the woman's long cadaverous face. She
would have rnade a good study for a painter.
A young relative of jiine went down in the steamboat, to be
present at the Provincial Agricultural Show that was held
that year in the town of Buckville, on the St. Lawrence. It
was the latter end of September; the weather was wet and
stormy, and the boat loaded to the water's edge with cattle and
passengers. The promenade decks were filled up with pigs
sheep and oxen. Cows were looking sleepily in at the open doors
of tlie ladies' cabin, and bulls were fastened on the upper deck.
Such a motley group of bipeds and ([uadrupeds were never before
huddled into such a narrow space ; and, amidst all this din and
confusion, a Scotch piper was playing lustily on the bagpipes,
greatly to the edification, I've no doubt, of himself and the
crowd of animal life around him.
The night came on very dark and stormy, and many of the
women suffered as much from the pitching of the boat as if they
had been at sea. The ladies' cabin was crowded to overfw » iiug ;
, li '
«)very sofa, bed, and chair was occupied ; and ray yonng friend,
who did not feel any inconvenience from the storm, was greatly
entertained by the dialogues carried on across the cabin by tLe
women, who were reposing in their berths, and lamenting over
the rough weather and their own sulFerings in consequence.
They were mostly the wives of farmers and respectable mechajiics,
and the language they used was neitlior very choice nor gram-
" I say, Mrs. C , how bo you ?"
" I feel bad, any liow," with a smotliered groan.
" Ilavo you been sick ?"
" Not yet ; but feel as if I was going to."
"How's your head coming on, Mrs. N ?"
" It's just splitting, I thank you."
" Oh, how awful the boat do pitch !" cries a third.
" If she should sink, I'm afeard wo shall all go to the bottom.''
" And think of all the poor sheep and cattle I"
" Well, of course, they'd have to go too."
" Oh, mi I I'll get up, and be ready for a start, in case of the
worst," cried a young girl.
" Mrs. C , do give me something good out of your basket,
to keep up my spirits."
" Well, I will. Come over here, and you and I will have somo
talk. My basket's at the foot of my berth. You'll find in it a
small bottle of brandy and some crulls."
So up got several of the sick ladies, and kept up their spirits
b/ eating cakes, chewing gum, and drinking cold brandy punch.
" Did Mrs, H lose much in the fire last night ?" ^id one.
"Oh, dear, yes; she lost all her clothes, and three largo jars
of preserves she made about a week ago, and sa/rce in accord-
ance V*
There was an honest Yorkshire farmer and his wife on board,
and when the morning at length broke through pouring rain and
driving mist, and the port to which they were bound loomed
through the haze, the women were very anxious .o know if their
husbands, who slept in the gentlemen's cabin, were awake.
" They arn't stirring yet," said Mrs. G , " for I hear Isaac
* A common Yankee phrasei often nsed instead of the wovd proportion.
by the
3g over
r grain-
e of the
,ve sonio
in it a
id one.
rgo jars
rain and
if their
ir Isaac
(meaning her husband) hreezing below " — a most expressive term
for very hard snoring.
The same Isaac, wlien ho came np to the ladies' cabin to tako
his V. i "e on shore, complained, in his broad Yorkshire dialect,
that he had been kept awake all night by a jovial gentleman who
h»'^ been his fellow-traveller in the cabin.
" "We had terrible noisy chap in t'cabin. They called him Mr.
D , and said he 'twas t'mayor of Belleville ; but I thought
they were a-fooning. He wouldn't sleep himself, nor let t'otliers
sleep. Ho gat piper, an' put him top o' table, and kept him
playing all t'night."
One would think that friend Isaac had been haunted by tlio
virion of the piper in his dreams ; for, certes, the jovial buzzing
of the pipes had not been able to drown the deep drone of liis
own nasal organ.
A gentleman who was travelling in company with Sir A
told me an anecdote of him, and how he treated an impertinent
fellow on board one of the lake boats, that greatly amused
The state cabins in these largo steamers open into the great
saloon ; and as they are often occupied by married people, each
berth contains two beds, one placed above the other. Now it
often happens, when the boat is greatly crowded, that two pas-
sengers of the same sex are forced to occupy the same sleeping
room. This was Sir A 's case, and he was obliged, thougli
very reluctf^ntly, to share his sleeping apartment with a well-
dressed American, but evidently a man of low standing, from
the familiarity of his manners and the bad grammar he used.
In the morning, it was necessary for one gentleman to rise
before the other, aii the space in front of their berths was too
narrow to allow of more than one performing his ablutions at a
Our Yankee made a fair start, and had nearly completed his
toilet, when he suddenly spied a tooth-brush and a box of tooth-
powder in the dressing-case his companion had left open on the
washstand. Upon these he pounced, and having made a liberal
use of them, flung them back into the case, and sat down upon
tJie only chair tho room contained, in order to gratify his ourio-
M h
sity by watching how his sleeping partner went throngh the saino
Sir A ^ greatly annoyed by the fellow's assurance, got out
of bed ; and placing the washhand basin on the floor, put his
feet into the water, and commenced scrubbing his toe-nails with
the desecrated tooth-brush. Jonathan watched his movements
for a few seconds in silent horror ; at length, unable to contain
himself, he exclaimed —
" Well, stranger! that's the dirtiest use 1 ever see a tooth-brush
put to, any how."
" I saw it put to a dirtier, just now," said Sir A , very
coolly. " I always use that brush for cleaning my toes."
The Yankee turned very green, and fled to the deck, but his
nausea was not sea-sickness.
The village of Nappanee, on the north side of the Bay, is
situated on a very pretty river that bears the same name, —
Nappanee, in the Mohawk language, signifying flour. The village
it» a mile back from the Bay, and is not much seen from the water.
There are a great many mills here, both grist and saw mills, from
which circumstance it most likely derives its name.
Amherst Island, which is some miles in extent, stands between
Ontario and the Bay of Quinte, its uppar and lower extremity
forming the two straits that aro called the Upper and Lower
Gap, — ^and the least breeze, which is not perceptible in the other
portions of the bay, is felt here. Passing through these gaps on
a stormy day creates as great a nausea as a short chopping sea
on the Atlantic, and I have seen both men and women retreat to
their berths to avoid disagreeable consequences. Amherst Island
is several miles in extent, and there are many good farms in higli
cultivation upon it, while its proximity on all sides to the water
affords excellent sport to the angler and gunner, as wild ducks
abound in this vicinity.
Just after you pass the island and enter the lower gap, there
are three very small islands in a direct line with each other, that
aro known as the Three Brothers. A hermit has taken up his
abode on the centre one, and built a very Robinson Crusoe look-
ing hut near the water, composed of round logs and large stones
cemented together with clay. Ho gets his living by fishing and
up i
in 81
of tl
; ti.'-
le same
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put his
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— , very
. but his
) Bay, is
name, —
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16 water.
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ping sea
etreat to
st Island
in high
le water
id ducks
kier, that
In up his
toe look-
Ling and
fowling, and you see his well-worn, woatlicr-hcaten boat, drawn
up in a little cove near his odd dwelling. I was very curious to
obtain some particulars of the private history of this eccentric
individual, but beyond what I have just related, my informants
could tell me nothing, or why he had chosen this soliUiry abode
in such an exposed situation, and so for apart from all the com-
forts of social life.
The toAvn of Bath is the last place of any note on this portion
of the Bay, until you arrive at Kingston.
" The young wheat ia springing
AH tender and green,
And the blackbird ia singing
The branches between ;
The leavps of the hawthorn
Have burst fom their prison,
And the bright eyes of morn
On the earth have arisen.
"While sluggards are sleeping,
Oh hasten with me :
While the night mists are weeping
Soft showers on each tree,
And nature, ia glowing
Beneath the warm beam,
The young day is throwing
O'er mountain and stream.
' And the shy colt is bounding
Across tho wide mead,
And bis wild hoofs resounding,
Increases his speed ;
Now starting and crossing
At each shadow he soes,
Now wantonly tossing
His mane in the breeze.
■I '
" Tho sky-lark is shaking
The dew from her wing,
And the clover forsaking,
Soars upwards to sing,
Li rapture outpouring
Her anthem of iovo,
Where angels adoring
Waft praises above.
" Shako dull sleep from your pillow,
Young dreamer arise,
On the leaves of the willow
The dew-drop still lies,
And the mavis is thrilling;
His song from tho brake,
And with melody filling
Tho wild woods — awake !"
" I DARK not tlilnk— I cannot pray ;
To name the name of God were sin :
No grief of mine can wash away
The consciousness of guilt within.
The stain of blood is on my hand,
The curse of Cain is on tiy brow ;—
I seu that ghastly phantom stand
Between me and the sunshine now I
That mocking face still haunts my drcama,
That blood-shot eye that never sleeps,
In night and darkness — oh, it gleams,
Like red-hot steel— but never weeps !
And still it bends its burning gaze
On mine, till drops of terror start
From my hot brow, and hell's fierce blazo
Is kindled in my bruin and heart.
I long for death, yet dare not die,
Though life is now a weary curse ;
But oh, that dread eternity
May bring a punishment far worse I"
So mitcli has been written about the city of Kingston, so lately
the seat of government, and so remarkable for its fortifications,
1, so lately
and the importanco it ever must be to the colony jia a inilitAry
depot and place of defence, that it is not my intention to enter
into a minute description of it here. I waa greatly i leased, us I
think every stranger must bo, with its general aspect, particularly
us seen from the water, in which respect it has a gre.it rl van ta;?o
over Toronto. The number of vessels lying at tha dilfercnt
wharfs, and the constant arrival of noble steamers both from the
United States and the Upper and Lower Province, give it a very
bubiness-liko appearance. Yet, upon landing, you are struck
with the want of stir and bustle in the principle thorougli fares,
when contrasted witli the size and magnitude of the streets.
The removal of the seat of goveniment has checked the growth
of Kingston for a while; but you feel, while examining its com-
manding I osition, that it must always be the key of the Up])cr
Province, ilio great rallying point in case of war or danger. The
market house is a very fine building, and the wants of the citj
could be supplied within its area, were it three times the size
that it is at present. The market ia decidedly one of the chief
attractions of the place.
The streets are wide and well paved, and there arc a great many
fine trees in and about Kingston, which give to it the appearance
of an European town. The houses are chiefly of brick and stone
along the public thoroughfares, and there are many neat private
dwellings inclosed in trim well-kept gardens. The road leading
to the Provincial Penitentiary runs parallel with the water, and
forms a delightful drive.
It is about three years ago that I paid a visit with my husband
to the Penitentiary, and went over every part of it. I must own
that I felt a greater curiosity to see the convicts than tho prison
which contained them, and my wishes were comiJctely gratified,
as my husband was detained for several hours on business, and I
had a long interval of leisure to examine the workshops, where
the convicts were employed at their different trades, their sleep-
ing cells, chapel, and plac« s of punishment. The silent system
is maintained here, no conversation being allowed between tho
prisoners. I was surprised at the neatness, cleanliness, order,
find regularity of all the arrangements in the vast building, and
still more astonished that forty or fifty strong, active looking men,
unfettered, v/ ith the free use of their limbs, could be controlled
by one person, who sat on a tall chair as overseer of each ward.
In several instances, particularly in the tailoring and slioe-making
department the overseers were small delicate-looking men ; but
such is the force of habit, and the want of moral courage whicli
generally accompanies gailt, that a word or a look from these
men was sufficient to keep them at work.
The dress of the male convicts was wari iid comfortable,
though c('< 'inly not very olefr^at. Uiiipliig (^o> it was 'ate in
the fall) of a thick woollen jacket, ow) .iiilv "f it being brown,
the other yellow, with trousers t cc v. li-i . , a shirt of coarse
factory cotton, but very clean, and gooa stout : "^s, and warm
knitted woollen socks. The letters P. P. for "Provincial Peni-
tentiary," are sewed in coloured cloth upon the dark side of the
jacket. Their hair is cut very short to the head, and they wear
a cloth cap of the same colours that compose their dress.
The cells are narrow, just wide enough to contain a small bed,
a stool, and a wash-bowl, and the prisoners are divided from each
other by thick stone walls. They are locked in every night at
six o'clock, and their cell is so constructed, that one of the keep-
ers can always look in upon the convict without his being aware
of the scrutiny. The bedding was scrupulously clean, and I
saw a plain Bible in each cell
There is a sort of machine resembling a stone coffin, in which
mutinous convicts are confined for a given time. They Stand in
an upright position ; and as there are air-holes for breathing, tlio
look and name of the thing is more dreadful than the punish-
ment, which cannot be the least painful. I asked the gentleman
who showed us over the building, what country sent the most
prisoners to the " Penitentiary ?" He smiled, and told me to
" guess." I did so, but was wrong.
" No," said he ; " we have more French Canadians and men
of colour. Then Irish, English, and runaway loafers from the
States. Of the Scotch we have very few ; but they are very bad
— the most ungovernable, sullen, and disobedient. When a
Scotchman is bad enough to be brought here, he is like Jeremiah's
bad figs — only fit for the gallows."
Mr, Hoodie's bailiflfe had taken down a young fellow, about
n; but
I -which
ft these
'ato in
f coarse
d warm
lal Peni-
le of the
hey wear
mall bed,
from each
night at
|tho keep-
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1 in which
5tand in
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Ithe most
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I from the
\ very bad
I When a
)W, about
twenty years of age, wlu) had been convicted at the assizes for
stealing curious co ns frr n a person who had brought them out
to this country a^
cumstantial than
lie liad kept i.
treated with grcn
I family relics. The oviuonce was more cir-
sitivo, and man^ persons believed 'he lad
his b; 'rits bravely on the voy igo, and was
ivindnoss by the men wlio had him in custody ;
but w'r'I ouoe within the raa'^f^y vuiia of the huge building, liis
courage seemed to forsake him all at once. "Wo passed liim as
lie sat on tlie bench, while the barber was cutting his hair and
^having off his whiskers. His handsome suit had been removed
— he was in the ])ai ty-coloured dress before described. There
was in his face an expression of great anguish, and tears were
rolling in quick succession down his cheeks. Poor fellow ! I
should hardy have known him again, so completely was he hmn-
blcd by his present position.
Mr. M y told me that they had some men in the " Peniten-
tiary " who had returned three different times to it, and had
grown so attache to their prison that they preferred being there,
well clothed and well fed, to gaining a precarious living else-
Executions in Canada are so rare, even for murder, that many
atrocious criminals are found within these walls — men and women
— who could not possibly have escaped the gallows in England.
At twelve o'clock I followed Mr. M to the great hall, to
see the prisoners dine. The meal consisted of excellent soups,
with a portion of the meat which had been boiled in it, potatoes,
and brown bread, all very clean and good of their kind. I took
a jdate of the soup and a piece of the bread, and enjoyed both
I could not help thinking, while watching these men in their
comfortable dresses, taking their wholesome, well-cooked meal,
iiow much better they were fed and lodged than thousands of
honest industrious men, who had to maintain largo families upon
a crust of breac, in the great manufacturing cities at home.
Moat of these men had very bad countenances, and I never
felt so much convinced of the truth of phrenology as while look-
ing at their heads. The extraordinary formation, or rather mal-
formation, of somo of thoin, lod me to tliink that tholr possosflors
woro hardly accountable for their actions. One man in i)articu-
Inr, Avho liad committed a very atrocious murder, and -whs con-
iinod for life, had a most singular head, such an one, indeed, us I
never before saw on a liuraan body. It was immensely largo at
the base, and appeared perfectly round, while at the crown it
rose to a point like a sugar-loaf. lie was of a dull, drab-colorod
complexion, with largo prominent eyes of a pale gi*eon color; his
expression, the most repulsively cruel and sinister. The eye
involuntarily singled liim out among all his comrades, as some-
thing too terrible to escape observation.
Among such a number of men, 448, who were there present,
I was surprised at seeing so few with red or fair hair, I noticeil
this to my companion, lie had never observed it before, but
said it was strange. The convicts were mostly of a dull grey
complexion, large eyed, stolid looking men, or with very black
hair, and heavy black brows.
I could only account for this circumstance from the fact, that
tliough fair-haired people are often violently passionate and easily
excited, their anger is sudden and quick, never premeditated, but
gr" orally the work of the moment. lake straw on a fire, it
kindles into a fierce blaze, but it is over in an instant. They sel-
dom retain it, or bear malice. Not so the dull, putty-colored,
sluggisli man. IIo is slow to act, but ho broods over a supposed
affront or injury, and never forgets it. Ho plans the moment of
retJiliation, and stabs liis enemy when least prepared. There
were many stolid, heavy-looking men in that i)rison — many with
black, jealous, fierj -looking eyes, in whose gloomy depths suspi-
cion and revenge seemed to lurk. Even io look at these men as
they passed on, seemed to arouse their vindictive feelings, and
they scowled disdainfully upon us as they walked on to their
respective places.
There was one man among tliese dark, fierce-looking criminals,
who, from his proud carriage and bearing, particularly arrested
my attention. I pointed him out to Mr. . "That man has
tlie appearance of an educated person. lie looks as if he had
been a gentleman."
" You are right," was liis reply. " He wa« a gentleman, the
, art I
go lit
wn it
ir ; liw
)ro, but
ill gi't;y
■y black
ict, tbat
nl easily
ed, but
firo, it
icy sel-
mcnt of
iny with
13 Buspi-
5 men as
ngs, and
to their
I arrested
bian has
he had
Lan, the
Bon of a district judge, and brought up to the law. A clover
man too ; but these walls do not contain a worse in every rcs[)u(;t.
lie wjui put in here tor arson, and an attempt to murdt-r. Many
a poor man has been hung with halt' his giiih."
" There are two men near him," I Haid, "who have not the
appearance of criminals at all. What have they done ?"
" They are not feloiiH, but two soldiers put in lioro for a week
for disorderly conduct."
"What a sliame," I cried, " to degrade them in this manner!
What good can it do ?"
" Oil," said he, laughing ; " It -will make them desert to the
States the moment they get out."
" And those two little boys \ what are they hero for ?"
" For murder !" whispered he.
, I almost sprang from my seat; it appeared too dreadful to bo
" Yes," ho continued. " That child to the right 13 in for shoot-
ing his sister. The other, to the left, for killing a boy of his own
age with a hoe, and burying iiim under the roots of a fallen tree.
Both of these boys come from the neighbourhood of Peterboro.'
Your disti'ict, by the bye, sends fewer convicts to the " Peniten-
tiary" than any part of the Upper Province."
It was with great pleasure I heard him say this. During a
residence of thirteen years at Belleville, there has not been one
execution. The county of Hastings is still unstained witli the
blood of a criminal. There is so liitlo robbery committed in this
part of tlio country, that the thought of thieves or housebreakers
never for a moment disturbs our rest. Tliis is not the case in
Hamilton and Toronto, where daring acts of housebreaking arc
of frequent occurrence.
The constant influx of runaway slaves from the States ha.^
added greatly to the criminal lists on the frontier. The addition
of these people to our popidation is not much to be coveted.
The slave, from his previous habits and education, does not always
make a good citizen. During the last assizes at Coburg, a black
man and his wife were condemned t^ be hung for a most horrible
murder, and their son, a young man of twenty years of age
offered the sheriff to htvng Ms own father and mother for a new
Buit of clotljos. Those who land the black man, and placo him
above tlio •white, let them produce in the whole annals of human
crime a more atrocious one than this I Yet it teas not a huhfjing
I heard a gentleman exclaim with honest indignation, when
this anecdote was told in his hearing — ''If a man were wanting
to hang that monster, I would do it myself."
IJut leaving the male convict:*, I must now introduce my reader
to the female inmates of this house of woo and crime. At the
time of my virtit, there were only forty women in the " Peniten-
tiary." This speaks much for the superior moral training of the
ftcbler sex. My chief object in visiting their department was to
look at the celebrated nmrderess, Grace Marks, of whom I had
heard a great deal, not only from the public papers, but from the
gentleman who defended her upon lier trial, and whose able plead-
ing saved her from the gallows, on which her wretched accomi)lico
closed his guilty career.
As many of my English readers may never liavo heard even the
name of this remarkable crituinal, it may not be uninteresting to
them to give a brief sketch of the events which placed her here.
About eight or nine years ago — I write from memory, and am
not very certain as to dates — a young Irisli emigrant girl was
hired into the service of Captain Kinnaird, an officer on half-pay,
who had jmrchased a farm about thirty miles in the rear of
Toronto ; but the name of the township, and the county in which
it was situated, I have forgotton ; but this is of little consocpicnco
to my narrative. 13oth circunLstances could be easily asceitained
by the curious. The captain had been living for some time en
very intimate terms with his housekeeper, a handsome young
woman of the name of Hannah Montgomery, Avho had been liis
servant of all work. Iler familiarity with her master, who, it
appears, was a very fine-looking, gei^tlemanly person, had render-
ed her very impatient of her former menial employments, and
8he soon became virtually the mistress of the house. Grace
Marks was hired to wait uj)on her, and perforru ail the coarse
drudgery that Hannah considered herself too fine a lady to do.
"While Hannah occupied the parlour with her master, and sat
at his table, her insolent airs of superiority aroused the jealousy
and onvy of Omco Marks, and tlio iimn-sorvant, Mncdorinot, wlio
considered tlieinselvos (luito buporior to their soU-elected inistrcHM.
Mnoflenuot wjis tlie y(»n vl' rospectublo parents; but from beiiif* a
wild, ungovernable boy, ho becanio a bad, vicious man, and early
abandoned the parental roof to enlist for a soldier. He was soon
tired of his new profession, and deserting from his regiment,
escaped detection, and emigrated to Canada. Having no means
of his own, ho was glad to engage with Captain Kinnaird as his
servant, to whom his character and previous habits were un-
These circumstances, together with what follows, wore drawn
from his confession, made to Mr. Mac — ie, Avlto had conducted
his defence, the night previous to his execution. Perhaps it will
be better to make him tho narrator of his own story.
"Grace Marks was hired by Captain Kinnaird to wait upon
his housekeeper, a few days after I entered his service, She was
a pretty girl, and very smart about her work, but of a silent,
sullen temper. It was very difficult to know when she wits
pleased. Her ago did not exceed seventeen years. After tho
work of the day was over, she and I generally were left to our-
selves in tlie kitchen, Hannah being entirely taken up with her
master. Grace was very jealous of the ditferenco made between
lier and tho housekeeper, whom she l)atcd, and to whom she was
often very insolent and saucy. Her whole conversation to mo
was on this subject. 'What is she bettor than us?' she Avould
say, ' that sho is to be treated like a lady, and eat and drink of
tho best. Sho is not better born than wo are, or better educate'
tin basin. I had the fatal axo in ray liand, and without pausing
for nn instant to change my mind — for had I stopped to tliink,
she would have been living to this day — I struck lier a heavy
blow on the back of the head with my axo. She fell to tho
ground at my feet without uttering a word ; and, opening the
trap-door that led from the kitchen into u cellar where we kept
potatoes and other stores, I hurled her 'down, closed the door,
and wiped away the perspiration that was streaming down my
face. I then looked at tho axe and laughed. ' Yes ; I have
ta«ted blood now, and this murder will not be the last. Grace
Marks, you have raised the devil — take care of yourself now !'
'■'■ She came in with her pails, looking as innocent and demure
as the milk they contained. She turned pale when her eye met
mine. I have no doubt but that I looked the Send her taunt had
made me.
" ' Where's Hannah ?' she asked, in a faint voice.
" * Dead,' said I. ' What 1 are you turned coward now ?'
" ' Macdermot, you look dreadful. I am afraid of you, not of
" ' Aha, my girl ! you should have thought of that before. Tho
hound that laps blood once will lap again. You have taught mo
how to kill, and I don't care who, or how many I kill now.
When Kinnaird comes home I will put li ball through his brain,
and send him to keep company below with the liousekeeper.'
"She put down the pails — she sprang towards me, and cling-
ing to my arm, exclaimed in frantic tones —
"•You won't kill him?'
" ' By , I will ! why should he escape more than Hannah i
And hark you, girl, if you dare to breathe a word to any one of
my intention, or tell to any one, by word or sign, wliat I have
done, I'll kill you!'
" She trembled like a leaf. Yes, that young demon trembled.
' Don't kill me,' she whined, ' don't kill mo, Macdermot I I swear
that I will not betray you ; and oh, don't kill him !'
" ' And why the devil do you want me to spare him ?'
" ' Ho is so handsome 1'
" ' Pshaw 1'
'* ' So good-uaturod 1'
" ' Especially to you. Ooine, Grace ; no nonsense. If I had
thonglit that you were jealous of your master and Hannah, I
would have been the last man on earth to have kill jd her. You
belong to me now ; and though I believe the devil has given mo
a bad bargain in you, yet, such as you are, I will stand by you.
And now strike a light and follow me into the cellar. You must
help me to put Ilannah out of sight.'
" She never shed a tear, but she looked dogged and sullen, and
did as I bid her.
" That cellar presented a dreadful spectacle. I can hardly bear
to recall it now ; but then, when my hands were still red with
her blood, it was doubly terrible. Hannah Montgomery was not
dead, as I bad thought ; the blow had only stunned her. She
had partially recovereu her senses, and wos kneeling on one knee
as we descended the ladder with the light. I don't know if she
heard us, for she must have been blinded with the blood that was
flowing down her face ; but she certainly heard us, and raised
her clasped hands, as if to implore mercy.
" I turned to Grace. The expression of her livid face was oven
more dreadful than that of the unfortunate woman. She uttered
no cry, but she put her hand to her head, and said —
" ' God has damned me for this.'
" ' Then you have nothing more to fear,' says I. ' Give mo that
handkerchief off your neck.' She gave it without a word. I
threw myself upon the body of the housekeeper, and planting
my knee on her breast, 1 tied the handkerchief round her throat
in a single tie, giving Grace one end to hold, while I drew the
other tight enough to finish my terrible work. Uer eyes literally
started from her head, she gave one groan, and all was over. I
then cut the body in four pieces, and turned a large wash-tub
over them.
" ' Now, Grace, you may come up and get ray breakfast.'
" ' Yes, Mr. M .' You will not perhaps believe me, yet I
assure you that we went up stairs and ate a good breakfast ; and
I laughed with Grace at the consternation the captain would bo
in when he found ,*»at Uannah was absent.
"During the n.? vin': a ,iedlar called, who travelled the
country with second-h;, v. articus of clothing, taking farm pro-
tliico in excliango for liis wftrca. I bought of liiin two good
linen-breasted shirts', wLicli )md been stoUni from ponio gentle-
man by his housekeeper. ^VIale I was chatting with the pedlar,
I remarked that Grace had left the house, and I saw her through
the kitchen window talking to a young lad by tho well, who
often camo across to borrow an old gun from my master to shoot
ducks. I called to her to come in, which she appeared to mo to
do very reluctantly. I felt that I was in her power, and I waa
horribly afraid of her betraying mo iii order to save her own
and the captain's life. I now hated her from my very soul, and
could have killed her without tho least pity or remorse.
'• ' What do you want, Macdcrmot?' sho said snllonly.
" ' I want you. I dare not trust you out of my sight. I know
what you are, — you arc plotting mischief against mo: but if you
betray mo 1 will be reveuged, if I have to follow you to for
that purpose.'
" '■ Wliy do you doubt my word, Macdermot ? Do you think I
want to hang myself?'
" ' No, not yourself, but mo. You are too bad to bo trusted.
What were you saying just now to that boy i'
" ' I told him that the captain was not at home, and I darod
not lend him tho gun.'
" ' You wore right. Tho gun will bo wanted at home.'
" Sho shuddered and turned away. It seems that sho had had
enough of blood, and showed some feeling at last. I kept my
oyo upon her, and would not suffer her for a moment out of my
"At noon tho captain drove into tho yard, and I wont out
to take the horso. Before ho had time to alight, ho asked for
Hannah. I told liim that sho was out, — that sho went off tho
day before, and had not returned, but that wo exitected her in
every minute.
" lie was very much annoyed, and said that sho had no busi-
ness to leave the hou^o during his absence, — that ho would give
her a good rating when sho camo homo.
"Grace asked if s!ie should get his breakfist?
"IIo said, 'He wanted none. lie would WAit till Ilannah
came back, and then ho would take a cup of coffee.'
I (
" lie then went into the parlour; and throwing himself down
upon the sofa, connncneed reading a magazine ho had hro\i{;;lit
witli him from Toronto.
" ' I thought he would miss the young lady,' said Grace. ' lie
has no idea how close she is to him at this moment. I wonder
why I could not make him as good a cup of cofteo as Hannah.
I have often made it for him when he did not know it. ]}ut
what is sweet from her hand, would be poison from mine. But
I have had my revenge !'
" Dinner time came, and out came the captain to the kitchen,
book in hand.
'"Isn't Hannah back yet?'
" ' No, Sir.'
" ' It's strange. Which way did she go?'
'' ' She did not tell us Avhere she was going ; but said that, as
you were out, it would be a good opportunity of visiting an old
" ' When did she say she would be back ?'
" ' Wo expected her last night,' said Grace.
'' ' Something must have happened to the girl, Macderniot,'
turning to me. 'Put the saddle on my riding horse. I will go
among the neighbours, and inquire if they have seen her.'
" Grace exchanged glances with mo.
" ' Will you not stay till after dinner. Sir ?'
" ' I don't care,' ho cried impatiently, ' a for dinner. I feel
too uneasy about the girl to eat. Macdermot, be quick and sad-
dle Charley ; and you, Grace, come and tell me when lie is at the
"He went back into the parlour, and put on his riding-coat;
and I went into the harness house, not to obey his orders, but to
plan his destruction.
" I perceived that it was more difficult to conceal a murder
than I had imagined ; that the inquiries he was about to make
would arouse suspicion among the neighbours, and finally load to
a discovery. The only way to prevent this was to Tiiurdor him,
take what m<»noy ho had brought with him from Toronto, and be
oft' with. Grace to the States. Whatever repugnance I might
have felt at the commission of this fresh crime, was drowned in
I nmko
.'11(1 to
lnVhen tho captain camo out to look
at tho saddle, ho had the book opou in his hand. When he was
phot, ho clapped the book to his breast with both his hands.
Almost all tho blood that flowed from it was caught in that book.
It rctpiired some force on my part to take it from his grasp after
ho was dead. Not knowing v;hat to do with it, I flung it into tlio
housekeeper's bed. Wliilo I harnessed tho riding-horse into his
new buggy, Grace collected all the valuables in tho house. You
know. Sir, that we got safe on board tho steamer at Toronto; but,
owing to an unfortunate delay, wo were ai)prohcnded, sent to jail,
and condemned to die.
" f': ,-"oo, you tell mo, has been reprieved, and her sentence
ccnuiuiuu into confinement in tho Penitentiary for life. This
seems very unju 1 to mo, for sho is certainly more criminal than
I am. If she had not instigated mo to commit the murder, it
never would have been done. But the priest tells me that I sliall
not be hung, and not to mako myself uneasy on that score."
" Macdermot," said Mr. Mtu-io, "it is useless to flatter you
with false hopes. You will suifcr the execution of your sentence
to-morrow, at eight o'clock, in front of tho jail. I have seen tho
order sent by tho governor to tho sheriflf, and that was my reason
for visiting you to-night. I was not satisfied in my own mind
of your guilt. What you have told mo has greatly relieved my
mind ; and I must add, if ever man deserved his sentence, you
do yours."
" When this unhappy man was roally convinced that I was in
earnest — that Ue must pay with his life tho penalty of his crime,"
continued Mr. Mac — ^ie, " his abject cowardice and tho mental
agonies he endured were too terrible to witness, lie dashed
himself on the floor of his cell, and shrieked and raved like a
maniac, declaring that he could not, and would not die ; that the
law had no right to murder a man's soul as well as his body, by
si mil
rns in
glvinj? him iiv^ timo for repentance ; tliat if lio was hung like n
dog, Grace Maries, in justice, ought to share his fate. Finding
tliat all I could say to him had no oflToot in producing a hotter
frame of mind, I called in the chapluiu, and left the sinner to his
" A few months ago I visiti^'l the Penitentiary ; and as my
j)lcading had heen the mcana of Mviiig Grace from the same
doom, I naturally felt interested in her present state. I wan \K-r-
mitted to see and speak to licr and Mrs. M . I never shiill
forget tlio painful feelings I experienced during this interview.
She had betjn live years in the Penitentiary, but still retained a
remarkably youthful appearance. The sullen assurance that had
formerly mjirked her countenance, had given place to a sad and
humbled expression. She had lost much of lier former good
looks, and seldom raised her eyes from the ground.
" ' Well, Grace,' I said, ' how is it with yon now ?'
"'Bad enough Sir,' she answered, with a sigh; 'I ought to
feel grateful to you for all the trouble you took on my account.
I thought you my friend then, but you were the worst enemy I
over had in my lifo.|
" ' How la that, Grace ?'
" ' Oh, Sir, it would have been better for me to have died with
Macdermot than to have suftered for years, as I have done, the
torments of the damned. Oh, Sir, my misery is too great for
words to describe! I would gladly sobmit to the most i)ainful
death, if I thought that it would put an end to the pangs I daily
endure. But though I have repented of my wickcdneH.s Avith
bitter tears, it has jdeased (Jod that I should never again know a
moment's peace. Since I helped Macdermot to strangle Hannah
Montgomery, her terrible face and those horrible bloodshot eyes
have never loft me for a moment. They glare upon me by night
and day, and when I close my eyes in despair, I see them looking
into my soul — it is impossible to shut tiiem out. If I am at work,
in a few minutes that dreadful head is in my lap. If I look up
to get rid of it, I see it in the far corner of the room. At dinner,
it is in my plate, or grinning between the persons who sit oppo-
site to me at tabic. Every object that meets my sight takes tho
same dreadful form ; and at night — at night — in the silence and
ft ;
loneliness of my cell, those blazing eyes innke my ])rifion an li;,'lit
OS (lay. No., not oh day — tiiey have a terribly iii»t glare, that lias
not the appearance of anyUiinj,' in this world. And when I
sleep, that face just hovers above my own, its eyes just opposite
to mine ; so that when I awake with a shriek of a^'ony, I tind
them there. Oh I this is hell. Sir — these are the torments of the
damned 1 Wore I in that fiory place, my punishn:ent could not
bo greater than this.'
" The poor creature turned away, and I left her, for who conld
say a word of comfort to such grief? it was a matter solely
between her own conscience and God."
Having heard this terrible narrative, I was very anxious to
behold this unhappy victim of remorse. She passed me on the
stfipp "9 T piorieedod to the part of the building where the women
were "kept ; but on perceiving a stranger, she turned her head
away, so that I could not get a glimpse of her face.
Having made known mj' wishes to the matron, she very kindly
called her in to perforin some trifling dnty in the ward, so that I
might have an opportunity of seeing her. She is a middle-sized
■woman, with a sliglit graceful figure. There is an air of hopeless
melancholy in her face which is very painful to contemplate. Her
complexion is fair, and rauHt, before the touch of hopeless sorrow
paied it, have been very brilliant. Tier eyes are a bright blue,
her hair auburn, and her face would be rather handsome Wie it
not for the long cm'vcd chin, which gives, as it always does to
most persons who have this facial defect, a cunning cruel txpres-
Grace Marks glances at you with a sidelong, stealthy look ; her
eye never, meets yours, and after a furtive regard, it invariably
bends its gaze upon the ground. She looks like a i*er«on rather
above her humble station, anl her conduct during her stay in the
Penitentiary v;as so unexceptionable, that a petition was signed
by all the influential gentlemen in Kingston, which released her
from her long imprlsonnuMit. She entered the service of the
governor of the Penitentiary, but the fearful hauntings of her
brain have terminated in madness. She is now in the asylum at
Toronto ; and as I mean to visit it when there, I may chance to
6oe this remarkable criminal again. Lot us hope that all her
proviouM guilt may be ftttribntcfl to tlic iiicipiout workings of tliifi
IViglitful inahuly.
in the
tl hor
of tho
f her
tun at
100 to
111 her
*' Stern spirit of air, wild voice of tho Hky !
Thy Hliuut reiuls the hoavens, anJ earth troinhles with droad j
In lioarsn hdllow rnnrmnra tho billows reply,
And ocean is roused in his cavernous bed.
*' On thy broa. ^V
> ,>^
*^ cx'-^
WEBSTER, NY. 14580
(716) 872-4503
';^^ MP.
" Shrill trumpet of God ! I shrink at thy blast,
That shakes the firm hills to their centre with dread,
And have thought in that conflict — earth's Haddest and last —
That thy deep cliilling sigh will awaken the dead !"
" Ilia day of life Is closing— the long night
Of dreamless rest a duslcy shadow tlirows,
Between the dying and the things of earth,
Enfolding in a chill oblivious pall
The last sad struggles of a broken heart.
Yes! ere the rising of to-morrow's sun,
The bitter grief that brought him to this pass
Will be forgotten in the sleep of death."
S. M.
"We left Kingston at three o'clock, p.m., in the " Passport," for
Toronto. From her cotnnmnder. Captain Towhy, a line British
heart of oak, wo received tlie kindest attention; liis intelligent
conversation, and interesting descriptions of the inany lands ho
had visited during a long acquaintance with the sea, greatly
lightening the tedium of the voyage.
When once fairly afloat on hoard the hlue inland sea of
Ontario, you soon lose sight of the shores, and could imagine your-
self sailing on a calm day on the wide ocean. There is some-
thing, however, wanting to complete the deception — the invigo-
rating freshness — the peculiar smell of the salt water, that is so
exhilarating, and which produces a sensation of freedom and
power thi',t is never experienced on these fresh-water lakes.
They want the depth, the fulness, the grandeur of the ocean,
though the wide expanse of water and sky are, in all other re-
spects, the same.
The boat seldom tonches at any place before she reaches
Cohourg, which is generally at night. "VVo stopped a short time
at the wharf to put passengers and freight on shore, and to
receive fresh passengers and freight in return. The sight of this
town, which I had not seen for many years, recalled forcibly to
my mind a melancholy scene in which I chanced to bo an actor.
I will relate it hero.
"When we first arrived in Canada, in 1832, we remained for
three weeks at an hotel in this town, though, at that period, it
wiis a place of much less importance tlian it is at present, de-
serving httle more than the name of a pretty rising village,
pleasantly situated on the shores of Lake Ontario. The rapid
improvement of the country has converted Cobourg into a
thriving, populous town, and it has trebled its population during
the lapse of twenty years. A residence in a house of public
entertainment, to those who have been accustomed to the quiet
and retirement of a country Ufe, is always unpleasant, and to
strangers as we Avere, in a foreign land, it was doubly repugnant
to our feelings. In spite of all my wise resolutions not to give
way to despondency, but to battle bravely against the change in
my circumstances, I found myself daily yielding up my Avholo
heart and soul to that worst of all maladies, home sickness.
It was during these hours of loneliness and dejection, while
my husband was absent examining farms in the neighbourhood,
that I had the good fortune to fonn an acquaintance- with Mrs.
C , a Canadian lady, who boarded with her husband in the
same hotel. My new friend was a young woman agreeable in
person, and perfectly unaffected in her manners, which were
remarkably frank and kind. Hers was the first friendly face I
had seen in the colony, and it will ever be remembered by mo
with affection and respec*;.
One afternoon while alone in my chamber, getting my baby, a
little girl of six months old, to sleep, and thinking many sad
thoughts, and shedding some bitter tears for the loss of the dear
country and friends I had left for ever, a slight tap at tlie door
roused me from my painful reveries, and Mrs. C entered the
room. Like most of the Canadian women, my friend was small
of stature, slight and delicately formed, and dressed with the
smartness and neatness so characteristic of the females of this
continent, who, if tliey lack some of the accomplishments of
English women, far surpass them in their taste in dress, their
choice of colours, and the graceful and becoming manner in
which they wear their clothes. If ray young friend had a weak-
iiess, it yas on this point; but as her luisband was engaged in a
lucrative mercantile business, and they had no family, it was
certainly excusable. At this moment her pretty neat little
figure was a welcome and interesting object to the home-sick
" What! always in tears," said she, carefully closing the door.
"What pleasure it would give mo to see you more cheerful!
This constant repining will never do."
" The sight of you has made me feel better already," said T,
wiping my eyes, and trying to force a smile. " M is away
on a farm-hunting expedition, ur.d I have been alone all day.
Can you wonder, then, that I am so depressed ? Memory is my
worst companion ; for by constantly recalling scenes of past hap-
l)iness, she renders me discontented with the present, and hope-
less of the future, and it will require all your kind sympathy to
reconcile me to Canada."
"You will like it better by and by ; a new country always im-
proves upon acquaintance."
" Ah, never I Did I only consult my own feelings, I would be
off by the next steam-boat for England ; but then — my husband,
my child, our scanty means. Yes! yes! I must submit, but I
find it a hard task."
"Wo have all our trials, Mrs. M ; and, to tell you the
truth, I do not feel in the best spirits myself this afternoon, I
came to ask you what I am certain you will consider a strange
This was said in a tone so unusually serious, that I looked up
from the cradle in surprise, which her solemn aspect, and pale,
tearful face, did not tend to diminish. Before I could ask the
cause of her dejection, she added quickly —
"Dare you read a chapter from the Bible to a dying man?"
" Dare I ? Yes, certainly ! Who is ill ? Who is dying ? "
"It's a sad story," she continued, wiping tho tears from her
kind eyes. " I will tell you, however, what I know of it, just to
satisfy you as to the propriety of my request. There is a po?h*
young man in this house who is very sick — dying, I believe, of
consumption. He came here about three weeks ago, without
food, without money, and in a dreadfully emaciated state. He
took our good landlord, Mr. S , on one side, and told him
how he was situated, and begged that he would give him some-
thing to eat and a night's lodging, promising that if ever ho was
restored to health, he would re[)ay the cu.'it in work. You know
wliat a kind, humane man Mr. S is, r^lhough," she added,
with a sly smile, '■^ he is a Yankee., and so am a I by right of
l)arentage, though not of birth. Mr. S saw at glance that
the suppliant was an object of real charity, and instantly com-
plied Avith his request. Without asking further particulars, lie
gave him a good bod, sent him up a bowl of hot soup, and bade
him not distress himself about the future, but try and get a good
night's rest. The next day, the young man was too ill to leave
his chamber. Mr. S sent for old Dr. Morton, who, after
examining the lad, informed his employer that he was in the last
stage of consumption, and had not many days to live, and it
would bo advisable for Mr. S to have him removed to the
hospital — (a pitiful shed erected for emigrants who may chance
to arrive ill with the cholera). Mr. S not only refused to
send the young man away, but has nursed him with the greatest
care, his wife and daughters taking it by turns to sit up nightly
with the poor patient."
My friend said nothing about her own attendance on the
invalid, which, I afterwards learned from Mrs. S , had been
"And what account does the lad give of himself?" said I.
"AH that we know about him is, that his name is Macbride.'
and that he is nephew to Mr. C , of Peterboro', an Irishman
by birth, and a Catholic by religion. Some violent altercation
took place between him and his uncle a short time ago, Avhich
induced Michael to leave his house, and look out for a situation
-for himself. Hearing that his parents had arrived in this coun-
try, and were on their way to Peterboi-o', he came down as far
as Cobourg in the hope of meeting them, when his steps Avere
arrested by poverty and sickness on this threshold.
"By a singular coincidence, his mother came to the hotel
yesterday evening to inquire the way to Peterboro', and Mr.
* Michael Macbride was not th0
•i r ; ^[ ■
S foiinil out, from her conversation, tliat she was the raotlicr
of the poor lad, and ho instantly conducted her to the bed-sido
of her son. I was sitting with hini when the interview between
him and his mother took place, and I assure you that it Avas
almost too much for my nerves — his joy and gratitude were so
great at once more beholding his parent, while the grief and
distraction of the poor woman, on seeing him in a dying state,
was agonising ; and she gave vent to her feelings in uttering the
most hearty curses against the country, and tlie persons who by
their unkindness had been the cause of his sickness. Tlie young
man seemed shocked at the unfeminine conduct of his mother,
and begged me to excuse the rude manner in which slie answered
me; 'for,' says he. 'she is ignorant and beside herself, and docs
not know what she is saying or doing.'
" Instead of expressing the least gratitude to Mr. S for the
attention bestowed on her son, by some strange ])cr version of
intellect she seems to regard him and ns as liis especial enemies.
Last night she ordered us from his room, and dcclai'cd that hor
' precious Ihoy was not going to die like a liatlien^ surrounded by
a parcel of heretics ;' and she sent off a man on horseback for
the priest and for his uncle — the very man from whose house ho
fled, and whom she accuses of being the cause of hor son's deatb.
Michael anticipates the arrival of Mr. with feelings
bordering on despair, and prays that God may end his sufferings
before he reaches Oobourg.
" Last night Mrs. Macbride sat up with Michael herself, and
would not allow us to do the least thing for him. This morning
her fierce temper seems to have subsided, until her son awoko
from a broken and feverish sleep, and declared that he would
not die a Eoman Catholic, and earnestly requested Mr. S to
send for a Protestant clergyman. This gave rise to a violent
scene between Mrs. Macbi'ide and her son, which ended in Mr.
S sending for Mr. B , the clergyman of our village, who,
unfortunately, had left this morning for Toronto, and is not ex-
pected home for several days. Michael eagerly asked if there
was any person present who would read to him from the Pro-
testant Bible. This excited in the mother such a fit of passion,
that none of us dared attempt the task. I then thought of you,
-J ,.
that, as a perfect stranger, she luiglit receive you in a less hostile
manner. If yon arc not afraid to encounter tlie fierce old woman,
do make tlio attempt for tlio sake of tlio dying creature, who
languishes to hear the words of life. I will watch the baby
while you are gone."
" She is asleep, and needs no watching. I will go, as you seem
po anxious about it," and I took my pocket Bible from the table.
"But you must go with mo, for I do not know my way in this
Btrange house."
Carefully closing door upon the sleeping child, I followed the
light steps of Mrs. C along the pa'^sage, until we reached the
liead of the main staircase, then, turning to the riglit, we entered
the large i)ublic ball-room. In the lirst chamber of many that
opened into this spacious apartment Ave found the object that wo
Stretched upon a low bed, with a feather fan in his hand, to
keep off the flies that hovered in tormenting clusters round his
head, lay the dying Michael Macbride.
The face of the young man was wasted by disease and mental
anxiety ; and if the features were not positively handsome, they
weroVell and harmoniously defined, and a look of intelligence
and sensibility pervaded his countenance, which greatly inter-
ested me in his behalf. His face was deathly pale, as pale as
marble, and his large sunken eyes shono with unnatural brilliancy,
their long dark lashes adding an expression of intense melan-
choly -to theijatient endurance of suffering that marked his fine
countenance. His nose was shrunk and drawn in about tho
nostrils, his feverish lips apart, in order to admit a free passage
for tho labouring breath, their bright red glow affording a pain-
ful contrast to the ghastly glitter of tho brilliant white teeth
within. The thick black curls that clustered round his high fore-
head were moist with perspiration, and the same cold unwhole-
some dew trickled in large drops down his hollow temples. It
was impossible to mistake these signs of approaching dissolution
— ^it was evident to all pi'csent that death was not far distant.
An indescribable awe crept over me. lie looked so tranquil,
fio sublimed by suffering, tb >t I felt myself unworthy to be his
' i
" Michaol," I said, taking tho long tliin white hand tliat lay so
listlessly on tlie coverlid, " I am sorry to see you so ill."
lie looked at mo attentively for a few minutes. — •* Do not say
sorry, Ma'am ; rather say glad. I am glad to get away from this
had world — young as I am — I am so weary of it."
He sighed deeply, and tears filled his eyes.
" I heard that you wished some one to read to you."
" Yes, tho Bible 1" he cried trying to raise himself in tho bed,
while his eager eyes were turned to mo with an earnest, imi)lor-
ing expression.
" I have it hero. A.re you able to read it for yourself?"
" I can read but my eyes are so dim. Tho shadows of death
float between me and the world ; I can no longer see objects dis-
tinctly. But, oh. Madam, if my soul were light, I should not
licad this blindness. But all is dark here," laying his hana on
his breast, — '' dark as tho grave."
I opened the sacred book, but my own tears for a moment ob-
scured the page. While I was revolving in my own mind what
would bo tho best to read to him, tho book was rudely wrenched
from my hand by a tall, gaunt woman, who just then entered tho
room. •
" Och ! what do you mane by dishturbing him in his dying mo-
ments wid yor trash ? It is not tho likes o' you that shall throu-
blo his sowl ! The prasto will corao and administher consolation
to him in his last exthremity."
Michaol shook his head, and turned his face sorroAvfully to the
" Oh, mother," he murmured, " is that the way you treat tho
lady ?"
"Lady or no lady, and I mane no disrispict; it is not for
tho like o' her to take this on hersel'. If she will be rading, let
her rado this," and she tried to forco a book of devotional pray-
ers into my hand. Michael raised himself, and with an impatient
gesture exclaimed —
" Not that — ^not that 1 It speaks no comfort to mo. I will not
listen to it. Mother, mother ! do not stand between me and my
God. I know that you love me — that what you do is done for
the best ; but the voice of conscience will be heard above your
I I )
Tlioii Inylng hor check down to the cold check of tho dead,
ulio excliiliiiod, amid broken sobs and j^roans —
"Oh, spuko to mo — spako to inc, Mike — my own Miko — 'tis
tho motlior that axes yo."
Thoro waa a ,doop pause, when tho bereaved parent again
broke forth —
" Mike, Mike — wliy did your uncle rare you like a jintlctimn
to bring you to tliis. Ocli liono 1 och hone! — oli, never did 1
tiiiuk to SCO your head lie ko low. My b)ioy I my bhoy! — why
did you die ? — Why did you liivo your friiulH, ami your money,
und your good clothes, and your poor owld mother?"
Convulsivo subs again cholvcd her utterance. She flung hor-
ficlf upon tho neck of the corpse, and bathed tho face and hands
of him, wlio had once boon her own, with burning tears.
I now cumo forward, and offered a few words of consolation.
Vuin — all in vain. The ear of sorrow is deaf to all save its own
ugonLsed moans. Grief is as natural to tho liunmn mind as joy,
and in their own appointed hour both will have their way.
Tho gi'ief of this unhappy Irish mother, like tho down-pouring
of a thunder shower, could m;t bo restrained. But hi-r tears
soon (lowed in lo;!S violent gushes — exhaustion rendered her moro
calm. Sbo sat upon tho bed, and looked cautiously round —
" Hist ! — did not you licar a voice ? It was him who spake — yea
—it was Ids own swato voice. I knew ho was not dead. See,
he moves I" This was the fond vain delusion of maternal h)ve.
She took his cold hand, and chxsped it to hor heart.
" Och lione ! — ho is gone, and left me for ever and ever. Oh,
that my cruel brother was hero — that I might point to my
murtherod child, and curse him to his face!"
"Is Mr. C your brother?" said I, taking this opportunity
to divert hor grief into another channel.
" Yes — yes — he is my brother, bad cess to him! and uncle to
the bhoy. Listen to me, and I will tell you some of my mind.
It will ease my sorrow, for my poor heart is breaking entirely,
and he is there," pointing to the corpse, "and he knows that
what I am afther telling you is true.
" I camo of poor but daceut parints. There was but the two
of us, Pat and I. My father rinted a good farm, and he
Hint Prtt to fichool, and k'^vo liim tlio oddioiition of ft Jiiitlotnftn.
Our IiiiKllnnl took n liking,' for tlu) blioy, and ^(iivo liiin the Jimrics
to omigrftto to CuiDidy. This vexed iii^ fatlier iutirely, for lio
Imd no ono barring myself to lielp him on the furyi. Well, hy
and by, I joined myself to ono whom my father did not a()prove
— a bhoy he had hired to work wid him in the fields — an' ho
wrote to my brother (for my irutthcr hiul been dead ever hinro 1
was a weo thing) to ax him in what manner lio liad best imnish
my disobedience ; and ho jist advises him to turn us otf the
place. I sullerod, wid njy huj band, tho extremes of |M)vcrty :
wo had seven childer, but thoy all died of tho favor and hard
times, save Miko and tho two woeny ones. In tho midst of our
diathross, it plased tho Lord to rcm()Vo my father, widout soft-
onin' his heart towards me. Hut ho left my Miko three hundor
pounds, to bo hiii whin ho came to a right ago ; and ho a]>poinled
my brother Pat guardian to tho bhoy.
" My brother returned to Ireland when ho got tho news of my
father's death, in order to get his share of tho property, for my
father left him tho samo as ho did my son, llo took away my
bhoy wid him to Canady, in order to make a landed jintleman
of him. Och bono! I thought my heart would broken thin,
whin ho took away my swato bhoy ; but 1 wiw to livo to see a
darker day yet."
Hero ft long burst of passionate weeping interrupted her
" Many long years camo an' wint, and wo niver got tlie scrapo
of ft pen from my brotlier to toll us of the bhoy nt nil at ail. llo
might jist as well have been dead, for aught we knew to tho coii-
thrary ; but wo consowlcd oursilvcs wid tho thought, that ho
would niver go about to harm his oAvn flesh and blood.
" At last a letther came, written in Mike's own hand; and ft
beautiful hand it was tliat same, — the good God bless him for the
throublo ho took in niakin' it so nato an' aisy for us poor folk to
rade. It was full of lovo and resj)ict to liis poor parents, an' ho
longin' to sec them in 'Meriky ; but ho said ho had written by
stealth, for ho was very unhappy intircly, — that his unclo tliratcd
him hardly, bccazo ho would not ho a prastc, — an' wanted to
lavo him, to work for himsel' ; an' ho refused to buy him ft farm
wid tho money his gnmdfatlier loft him, which he was bound by
tbo will to do, as Miko was now of age, an' his own masther.
" "Whin we got tho word from tlie lud, wo gathered our little
all together, an' took passage for Canady, first writin' to Mi!.
whin wo should start, an' the name of the vessel ; an' that we
sliould wait at Oobourg until sich time as ho came to fetch us
himsel' to Lis uncle's place.
"But oh, Ma'am, our throubles had only begun. My poor
husband and my youngest bhoy died of the cholera comin' out ;
an' I saw their prechious bodies cast into tho salt, salt saa. Still
thQ hope of seeing !^l^iko consowlcd me for all my disthreps.
Poor Pat an' I were worn out entirely whin we got to Kingston,
an' I left the child wid a frind, an' came on alone, — I was so
eager to see Mike, an' tell him all my throubles ; an' there ho
lies, och hone ! my heart, my poor heart, it will break entirely."
"And what caused your son's separation from his uncle?"
said I.
Tho woman shook her head. "The thratemcnt ho got from
him was too bad. But shure ho would not disthress mo by say-
ing aught agin my mother's son. Did he not brake his heart,
and turn him dying an' pinniless on tho wide world ? An' could
he have done worse had he stuck a knii'o into his heart ?
"Ah !" she continued with bitterness, "it was tho gowld, tho
dhirty gowld, that kilt ray poor bhoy. His uncle knew, that if
Miko were dead, it would come to Pat as the nco'est in degree,
an' he could keep it all himsel' for the ne'est ten years."
This statement appeared only too probable. Still there was a
mystery about the whole affair that required a solution, and it
was several years before I accidentally learned the sequel of this
sad history.
In the meanwhile the messenger, despatched by the kind Mr.
S to Petorboro' to inform Michael's uncle of tho dying state
of his nephew, returned without that worthy, and with this
unfeeling message — that Michael Macbride had left him without
any just cause, and should receive no consolation from him in
his last moments.
Mr. S did not inform the poor bereaved widow of her
brother's cruel message; but finding that she was unable tq
Alia >
defrfty tho expenses attendant on her son's ftmcrftl, like a trno
Bamaritan, lie supplied them out of liis own pocket, and followed
the remains of tho unliappy stranger that Providence had cast
upon his charity to the grave. In accordance with Michael's
last request, ho was huricd in tho cemetery of the English
Six years after these events took place, Mr. W called upon
mo at our place in Douro, and among other things told me of the
death of Michael's uncle, Mr. C . Many things were men-
tioned by Mr. "VV , who happened to know him, to his disad-
vantage. " But of all his evil acts," he said, " the worst thing
I know of him was his conduct to his nephew."
" How was that ?" said I, as the death-bed of Michael Mac-
bride rose distinctly before me.
" It was a bad business. My housekeeper lived with tho old
man at the time, and from her I heard all about it. It seems
that ho had been left guardian to this boy, whom he brought out
with him some years ago to this country, together with a little
girl about two years younger, who was the child of a daughter
cf his mother by a former marriage, so that the children were
half-cousins to each other. Elizabeth waa a modest, clever little
creature, and grew up a very pretty girl. Michael was strikingly
handsome, had a fine talent for music, and in person and man-
ners was far above his condition. There was some property, to
the amount of several hundred pounds, coining to the lad when
ho, reached the age of twenty-one. This legacy had been left
him by his grandfather, and Mr. was to invest it in land
for the boy's use. This, for reasons best known to himself, ho
neglected to do, and brought the lad up to tho service of tho altar,
and continually urged hun to become a priest. TJiis did not at
all accord with Michael's views and wishes, and ho obstinately
refused to study for the holy office, and told his uncle that ho
meant to become a farmer bs soon as he obtained his majority.
"Living constantly iu tho same hou?.-, and possessing a cou-
genialit.v of tastes and pursuits, a strong affection had gz*own up
between Michael and his cousin, which circumstance proved tho
ostensible reason given by Mr. for his ill conduct to tho
young people, as by the laws of his church they were too near
t ^
of kin to marry. Finding that their attachment was too strong
to bo wrenched asunder by threats, and that they had actually
formed a design to leave him, and embrace the Protestant faith,
he confined the girl to her chamber, without allowing her a fire,
during a very severe winter. Her constitution, naturally v.eak,
sunk under these trials, and she died early in the spring of 1832,
without being allowed the melancholy satisfaction of seeing licr
lover before she closed her brief life.
"Her death decided Michael's fate. Rendered desperate by
grief, he reproached his bigoted uncle as the author of his misery,
and demanded of him a settlement of his property, as it was his
intention to quit his roof for ever. Mr. laughed at his
reproaches, and treated his threats with scorn, and finally cast
liim friendless upon the world.
" The poor fellow played very well upon the flute, and possessed
an excellent tenor voice ; and, by the means of these accomplish-
ments, he contrived for a few weeks to obtain a precarious
" Broken-hearted and alono in the world, he soon fell a victim
to hereditary disease of the lungs, and died, I have been told, at
an hotel in Coburg; and was buried at the expense of Mr.
S , the tavern-keeper, out of charity."
"The latter part of your statement I know to bo correct ; and
the whole of it forcibly corroborates the account given to mo by
the poor lad's mother. I was at Michael's death-bed ; and if his
life was replete with sorrow and injustice, his last hours wcro
peaceful and happy."
I could now fully comprehend the meaning of the sad stress
laid upon the one word, which had struck mo so forcibly at tlio
time, when I asked him if he had forgiven all his enemies, and
ho replied, after that lengthened pause, "Yes; I have f&rgiven
them all — even Mm /"
It did, indeed, require some exertion of Christian forbearance
to forgive such injuries.
Kjl >
10 by
t tlio
" There's hope for those who sleep
In the cold and silent grave,
For those who smile, for those who weep,
For the freeman and tho slave I
" There's hojpe on the battle plain,
'Mid the shock of charging foes ;
On the dark and troubled main,
When the gale in thunder blows
" He who dispenses hope to all,
Withholds it not from thee :
He breaks the woe-worn captive's thrall,
And sets the prisoner free I"
** Ah, human hearts are strangely cast,
Time softens grief and pain ;
Like Tceia that shiver in the blast,
They bend to rise again.
But slie in silence bowed iier head,
, To none her sorrow would impart :
Earth's faithful arms enclose the dead,
And hide for aye her broken heart,"
S. M.
WniLK the steamboat is leaving Cobonrg in the distance, and,
through tlie hours of night and darkness, holds on her course to
Toronto, I will relate another true but mournful histo'-y from
the romance ol early life, that was told to me during my resi-
dence in this part of tho country.
One morning our man-servant, James N , came to mo to
request the loan of one of the horses to attend a funeral. M
was absent on business at Toronto, and the horses and the man's
time were both greatly needed to prepare tho laud for tho fall
crop of wlicat. I dcmurrecl ; Jamos looked anxious arid disap-
pointed ; and the loan of the horse was at length granted, but
not without a strict injunction that he should return to his work
directly the funeral was over. lie did not come hack until lato
tlmt evening.
I had just finished my tea, and was nursing my wrath at his
staying out the whole day, when the door of the room (we had
but one, and that was shared in common with the servants)
opened, and the delinquent at last appeared. He liung up the
now English saddle, and sat down before the blazing hearth
without speaking a word.
" What detained you so long, James ? You ought to have
had half an acre of land, at least, ploughed to-day."
" Verra true, mistress ; it was nae fau't o' mine. I had mis-
ta'en the hour ; the funeral did na come in afore sun-doon, an' I
cam' awa' as sune as it was owre."
" Wa^ it any relation of yours ?"
" Na', na', jost a frecnd, an auld acquaintance, but nano o'
mine ain kin. I never felt sao sad in a' my life as I ha'o duno
this day. I ha'o seen the clods piled on mony a hcid, an' never
felt the saut tear in my een. But puir Jeanie ! puir lass ! it was
a sair sight to see them thrown down upon her."
My curiosity was excited ; I pushed the tea-things from mo,
and told Bell, my maid, to give James his supper.
" Naethiug for me the night, Bell. I canna' eat ; my thoughts
will a' run on that puir lass. Sae young, sae bonnie, an' a foAV
months ago as blytho as a lark, an' noo a clod o' the airth.
ITout! we maun a' dee when our ain time comes; but, some-
how, I canna think that Jeanie ought to ha'e gano sao sune."
"Who is Jeanie Burns? Tell me, James, something about
her ?"
In compliance with my request, the man gave me the follow-
ing story. I wish I could convey it in his own words; but
thougli I perfectly understand tlie Scotch dialect when I hoar it
spoken, I could not write it in its charming simplicity, — that
honest, truthful brevity, which is so characteristic of this noble
people. The smooth tones of the blarney may flatter our van-
ity, auc' please us for the moment, but who places any confi-
,, but
liar it
(lenco in those by whom it is employed ? Wo know that it is
only uttered to cajole and deceive ; and when the novelty wears
off, the repetition awakens indignation and disgust. Bat who
mistrusts the blunt, straightforward speech of the land of
Burns ? for good or ill, it strikes home to the heart.
Jeanie Burns was the daughter of a respectable shoemaker,
who gained a comfortable living by his trade in a small town of
Ayrshire. Her father, like herself, was an only child, and fol-
lowed the same vocation, and wrought under the same roof that
his father had done before him. The elder Bums had met with
many reverses, and now, helpless and blind, was entirely de-
pendent upon the charity of his son. Honest Jock had not
married until late in life, that he might more comfortably pro-
vide for the wants of his aged parents. His mother had been
dead for some years. She was a good, pious woman, and Jock
quaintly affirmed " that it had pleased the Lord to provide a
better inheritance for his dear auld mither than his arm could win,
proud an' happy as ho wud ha'o been to ha'e supported her,
when she was nac langer able to work for him."
Jock's filial love was repaid at last. Chance threw in his
way a cannie young lass, baith gude an' bonnie, an' wi' a hantel
o' siller. They were united, and Jeanie was the sole fniit of the
marriage. But Jeanie proved a host in herself, and grew up the
bcst-natured, the prettiest, aud the most industrious girl in the
village, and was a general favorite with young and old. She
helped her mother in the house, bound shoes for her father, and
attended to all the wants of her dear old grandfather, Saunders
Burns, who was so much attaolied to his little handmaid, that ho
was never happy when she was absent.
Happiness, however, is not a flower of long growtli in this
world ; it requires tlio dew and sunlight of heaven to nourisli it,
and it soon withers, removed from its native skies. The cholera
visited the remote village; it smote the strong )nan in the prido
of his strength, and the matron in the beauty of her [trime,
while it spared the helpless and tlie aged, the infant of a lew
days, and the patriarch of many years. Both Jeanio's parents
fell victims to the fatal disease, and the old blind Saunders aud
the young Jeunio were left to fight alone a hard battle with po-
verty and grief.
The truly deserving are never entirely forsaken ; God may
afflict them with many trials, but ho watches over them still,
and often provides for their wants in a manner truly miraculous.
Sympathizing friends gathered round the orphan girl in her hour
of need, and obtained for her sufficient employment to enable
her to support her old grandfather and herself, and provide for
them the common necessaries of life.
Jeanio was an excellent seamstress, and what between making
waistcoats and trousers for the tailors, and binding shoes for the
shoemakers, — a business that she thoroughly understood, — she
soon had her little hired room neatly furnished, and her grand-
father as clean and spruce as over. When she led him into the
kirk of a sabbath morning, all th6 neighbours greeted the dutiful
daughter with an approving smile, and the old man looked so
serene and happy that Jeanie was fully repaid for her labours of
Her industry and piety often formed the theme of conversation
to the young lads of the village. " What a guid wife Jeanie
Burns wuU mak'!" cried one.
" Aye," said another ; " he need na complain of ill fortin who
has the luck to get the like o' her."
"An' she's sae bonnie," would Willie Kobertson add, with a
sigh ; " I wud na covet the wealth o' the hale world an' sho
were mine."
Willie Robertson was a fine active young man, who bore nu
excellent character, and his comrades thought it very likely that
Willie was to be the fortunate man. Robertson was the son of
a farmer in the neighborhood ; he had no land of his own, and
he was the youngest of a very large family. From a boy he
had assisted his father in working the farm for their common
maintenance ; but after he took to looking at Jeanie Bums at kirk,
instead of minding his prayers, ho began to wish that ho had a
liomestead of liis own, which he could ask Jeanie and her grand-
father to share.
He made his wishes known to his father. The old man was
I >
prudent. A marriage with Jeanio Burns ofTerc^ no advantages
in a pecuniary view; but the girl was a good, honest girl, of
whom any man might be proud, lie had himself maiTied for
love, and had enjoyed great comfort in liis wife.
" Willie, my lad," he said, " I canna gi'e yo a share o' the
farm. It is owre sma' for the mony mouths it has to feed. I
ha'e laid by a hantel o' siller for a rainy day, an' this I maun
gi'e yo to win a farm for yoursel' in the woods of Canada.
Tliere is plenty o' room there, an' industry brings its ain reward.
If Jeanio Burns lo'es you as weel as your dear mither did mo,
she will be fain to follow you there.
Willie grasped his father's hand, for he was too much elated
to speak, and he ran away to tell his tale of lovo to the girl of
his heart. Joanie had long loved Eobertson in secret, and they
were not long in settling the matter. They forgot, in their first
moments of joy, that old Saunders had to be consulted, for they
had determined to take the old man with them. But here an
obstacle occurred, of which they had not dreamed. Old age is
selfish, and Saunders obstinately refused to comply with their
wishes. The grave that held the remains of his wife and sou
was dearer to him than all the comforts promised to him by the
impatient lovers in that far foreign land. Jeanio wept, but
Saunders, deaf and blind, neither heard nor saw her grief, and
like a dutiful child she breathed no complaint to him, but pro-
mised to remain with him until his head rested on the same pil-
low, with the dead.
This was a sore and great trial to Willie Robertson, but lie
consoled himself for the disappointment with the reflection that
Saunders, in the course of nature, could not live long; and that
he would go and prepare a place for his Jean, and have every-
thing ready for her reception against the old man died.
"I was a cousin of Willie's," continued James, " by the
mither's side, an' her persuaded me to go wi' him to Canada.
We set sail the first o' May, an' were hero in time to chop a sma'
fallow for our fall crop. Willie had more o' the warld's gear
than I, for his father had i)rovided him wi' sufficient funds to
purchase a good lot o' wild land, which he did in the township
of M , an' I was to wark wi' him on shares. Wo were araang
i f^
J i
tho first flettlora in tliat plaje, nn' wo found the wnrk before ns
rough and hard to our lieart's content, Willie, however, had a
strong motive for exertion, an' neever did man wark harder tlian
lio did that first year on his bush-farin, for the love o' Jeanio
Burns. We built a comfortable log-house, in which we were
assisted by the few neigbours we had, who likewise lent a ban'
in clearing ten acres we had chopped for fall crop.
" All this time Willie kept up a correspondence wi' Jeanie ;
an' he used to talk to mo o' her comin' out, an' his future plans,
every night when our wark was dune. If I had na lovit and
respected tho girl mysel', I sud ha'o got unco tired o' tho sub-
" We had jest put in our first crop o' wheat, when a letter
cam' frae Jeanie bringin' us the news o' her grandfather's death.
Weel I ken the word that Willie spak' to me when he closed tho
letter, — ' Jamie, the auld man's gane at last ; an' God forgi'o me,
I fool too gladsompi to greet. Jeanio is willin' to come whenever
I ha'o the means t ; bring Tier out ; an' hout, man, I'm jest think-
in' that she winna ha'o to wait lang.'
" Guid workmen were gettiu' vei'y high wages jest then, an'
Willie left the care o' the place to mo, an' hired for three months
wi' auld Squire Jones, in the next township. Willie was an unco
guid teamster, an' could put his ban' to ony kind o' wark ; an'
when his term o' service expired, he sent Jeanie forty dollars to
pay her passage out, which he hoped she would not delay longer
than tho spring.
" Ho got an answer frae Jeanie full o' love an' gratitude ; but
she thought that her voyage might bo delayed until the fall.
The guid woman with whom she had lodged sin' her parents
died had jest lost her husband, an' was in a bad state o' health,
an' she begged Jeanio to bide wi' her until her daughter coxdd
leave her service in Edinburg, an' come to tak' charge o' tho
house. This person had been a kiiid an' steadfast ft-in' to Jeanio
in a' her troubles, an' had helped her to nurse tho auld man
in his dyin' illnoss. I am sui'o it was jest like Jcaiiio to act as
she did ; she had all her life looked more to tho comforts of
others than to her ain. Robertson was an angry man when ho
got that letter, an' he said, — * If that was a' the lo'e that Jeanio
gg njMJ g W
Burns hnd for him, to prefer an mild wife's comfort, wha was
naetlung to her, to her betrothed liusband, she might bide awa'
as lang as she pleased j ho would never fash himseP to uiak'
screed o' pen to her agon.'
" I could na think that the man was in earnest, an' I remon-
strated wi' him on his folly an' i^jostioe. This ended in a sharp
quarrel atween us, and I left him to gang his ain gait, an' went
to live with my uncle, who kept the smithy in the village.
" After a while, we heard that Willie Robertson was married
to a Canadian woman, neither young nor good-looking, an' vara
much his inferior ever> way ; but she had a good lot o' land in
the rear o' his farm. Of course I thought it was a' broken aff
wi' puir Jean, an' I wondered what she wud spier at the marriage.
" It was early in June, an' the Canadian woods were in their
firct flush o' green, — an' how green an' lightsome they bo in their
spring dress 1 — when Jeanie Bums landed in Canada. She tra-
velled her lane up the country, wonderin' why "Willie was not at
Montreal to meet her, as he had promised in the last Totter ho
sent her. It was late in the afternoon when the steamer brought
her to Coburg, an' without waitin' to ask ony questions respectiu'
him, sho hired a man an' cart to take her an' her luggage to
M . The road through the bush was vera heavy, an' it wafj
night before they reached Robertson's clearin'. Wi' some difii-
culty the driver fund his way among the charred logs to the
cabin door.
" Ilearin' tho sound o' wheels, the wife — a coarse, ill-dressod
slattern — cam' out to spier wha could bring strangers to sic' sin
out-o'-the-way place at that late hour. Pulr Jeanie ! I can weel
imagin' tho flutterin' o' her heart, when, she spiered o' tho coarso
wife ' if her ain Willie Robertson was at hamo V
"'Yes,' answered the woman grulHy ; 'but he is not in frao
the fallow yet. You maun ken him up yonder, tending tho blaz-
ing logs.'
"Whiles Jeanie \vas striviu' to look in the direction w]ii«;li
the woman pointed out, nu' could nu see through the tears that
blinded her o'o, the driver jumped down ti'ao tho cart, an' asked
the puir Uiss whar he sur leave her trunks, as it was getting hitc,
and ho must be aff.
.' '-^
' .
I •:
" 'You ncod na bring thao bi^ kists in here,' qnotli Mistress
Robertson; 'I ha'e na room in my houso for strangers an' thiur
"Your houso I' gasped Jeatiio, catcbin' lior arm. 'Did ye na
tell me he lived here? — an' ■wherever Willie Ilobertson bides,
Jeanie Burns Bud be a welcome guest. Toll hin>,' she continued,
trerablin' all owre, — for she tolt me afterwards that there was
somethin' in the woman's look an' tone that made the cold chills
run to her heart, — 'that an auld frind frao Scotland has jest
come aff a lang, wearisome journey to see him."
" ' You may spier for yoursel', said the woman, angrily. ' My
husband is noo comin' dune tho clearin."
" The word husband was scarcely out o' her mouth, than puir
Joanio fell as ane dead across the door-stair. The driver lifted
up tho unfortunat' girl, carried her into the cabin, an' placed hor
in a chair, regardless o' the opposition of Mistress Robertson,
whose jealousy was now fairly aroused, an' she declared that
the bold hizzie sud not enter her doors.
"It was a long time afore tho driver succeeded in bringin'
Jeanie to hersel' ; au' she had only jest unclosed her een, when
Willie cam' in.
" ' Wife,' he said, ' whose cart is this standiu' at the door ? an'
what do these people want hero ?'
" ' You ken best,' cried the angry woman. ' That creator is
nao acquaintance o' mine ; an' if she is suffered to remain hero,
I will quit the house.'
" ' Forgi'o me, gude woman, for having unwittingly offended
you,' said Jeanie, rising ; ' but, mercifu' Father ! how sud I ken
that Willie Robertson — my ain Willie— had a wife ! Oh, Willie I'
she cried, coverin' her faco in her hands, to hide a' the agony
that was in her heart, 'I ha'e come a lang way, an' a weary, to
soe ye, an' ye might ha'e spared mo tho grief, tho burnin' sJiamo
o' this. Fareweol, Willie Robertson I I will never mair trouble
ye nor her wi' ray presence ; but this cruel deed o' yours has
broken my heart !'
" Sho wont her lane woepiu', an' ho had na the courago to
detain her, or speak ao word o' comfort in her sair distress, or
attempt to gi'o ony account o' his strange conduct. Yet, if I
• "ir-T'TB1
ken liiin right, tlmt must hiCo boon the most Borrowfu' nioinont
in his life.
" Je/inio was a distant connexion o' my aiint'H ; an' h1»o found
us out that niglit, on lier return to tlio village, an' tonld us a'
lier grief. My aunt was a kind, guid wonuin, an' wjw intlignant
at the treatment she had received, an' loved and cherished her
as if slie had been her ain bairn. For two whole weeks %ho
kept Iter bed, an' was sao ill, that the doctor despaired o' her
life; and when she did como amang us agen, tho rose had faded
aff lier cheek, an' tho light frao her sweot blue o'o, an' ahe spak'
in a low, subdued voice; but she never accused liim o' being tho
cause ()' her grief. One day she called mo aside and said —
" ' Jamie, yon ken'd liow I lo'ed an' trusted liim, an' obeyed
his ain wish in comin' out to this woarisomo country to bo his
wife. But 'tis a' owro now.' An' she passed her sma' hands
tightly owre her breast, to keep doon the swellin' o' her heart.
* Jamie, I ken that this is a' for tho best ; I lo'ed him too weel, —
mair than ony creature sud lo'o a perishin' thing o' enrtli. JJut
I thought that lie wnd bo sac glad an' sao proud to see his ain
Jeanie sao suno. But, oh! — ah, weel; I maun na think o' that.
What I wud jest say is this' — and she tuk a sma' packet frao
her breast, while tho saut tears streamed doon her pale cliecks
— 'ho sent mo forty dollars to bring me owro the sea to him.
God bless him for that! I ken ho worked hard to earn it, for ho
lo'ed mo then. I was na idle during his absence ; I had saved
enough to bury my dear anld grandfather, an' to pay my cx-
])enses out ; an' I thought, like the guid servant in tho pavablo,
I wud return Willie his ain wi' interest, an' I hf)ped to see liim
emilo at my diligence, an' ca' mo his dear, bonnio lassie. Jamio,
I canna keep his siller; it lies liko a weight o' load on my licart.
Tak' it back to him, an' tell him frae mo, that I forgi'o him a' his
cruel deceit, an' pray God to grant him prosperity, an' restore
to him that peace o' mind o' which lie has robbed mo for
"I did as she bade mo. Willio Robertson looked stupifiod
when I delivered her message. Tho only remark ho made when
I gied him the siller was, 'I maun bo gratcfu', man, that she did
na curse mo.' The wife cam' in, r-n' ho hid awa' the packet and
MFR IK Tlin OI.KAniyOfl,
Hlnnk afT. Tlio innn lookod ftlc ftii'
nti) tho
()' iiH ;
rin' out
, How or
• in tlio
pane, I
An' T
ocl that
red tho
I heart!
me, he-
I felt
111 liaunt
Iio reads
1. too, 13
hreiikin'. To hrhig yo hark nnco innir, I would ^dndly lay mo
(looii an' dee.'
"An' he tlung lilinHol' upon {ho fresh piled Modti, an' grcotod
liku u child.
" When he grow inoro calm, wo liad u long con vernation about
the past; au' truly I think that the man was na iii hln right
KcnscM, when ho married yon wife. At ony rate, ho is nao laiig
for this World; he ha.s fretted tho llesh niX his baruM, an' iifon^
jnony mouths aro owre, his held wul lie us low as puir Jeanio
*' My nativn land, my native land !
IIow many tender tics,
Connfctod with thy distant strand,
Call forth my heavy »ij;hs !
" Thn nigged rock, the mountain stream,
The hoary pliie-treo'a shade,
Where often in tho noon-tido beam,
A happy child I played.
*' I think of thee, when early light
Is trembling on the hill ;
I think of thoo at di'od of night,
When all i.s dark and atill.
" I think of thoso wliom I shall sco
On this fair earth no more ;
And wish in vain for wings to flco
Bock to thy much-lovod shore."
t Si
"Oh, how I love the pleasant woods, when silence reigns around.
And the mighty shadows calmly sleep, like giants on th«> ground,
And the flrc-fly sports her fairy lamp beside the moonlit stream,
And the lofty trees, in solemn state, frown darkly in the beam I"
S. M.
TnKRB was a poor wonan on board the steamer, who was hke
myself in search of health, and was going to the "West to see her
friends, and to get rid of (if possible) a hollow, consumptive
cough. She looked to me in the last stage of pulmonary con-
sumption ; but she seemed to hope everything from the change
of air.
She had been for many years a resident in the woods, and had
suffered great hardships; but the greatest sorrow she ever knew,
she said, and what had pulled her down the most, was the loss
of a fine boy, who had strayed away after her through the bush,
when she went to nurse a sick neighbour ; and though every
search had been made for the child, he had never been found.
" It is many a year ago," she said, ^' and he would be a fine yonnjr
man now, if ho were alive." And she sighed dee])ly, and still
seemed to cling to the idea that he might possibly be living, with
a sort of forlorn hope, that to mo seemed more melancholy than
the certainty of his death.
This brought to my recollection many talcs that I had been
told, Avhile living in the bush, of persons who had perished in
this miserable manner. Some of these tales may chance to inter-
est my readers.
I was busy sewing one day for my little giil, when we lived in
the towushii) of Hamilton, when Mrs. II , a woman wlio.so
husband farmed our farm on shares, came running in quite out
of breath, and cried out —
" Mrs. M , you have heard the good news ? — one of the
lost children is found I"
I shook my head, and looked inquiringly.
" What ! did not you hoar about it ? Why, one of Clark's little
81 THtt'MiTtfBfiii ^iTitriiTi [-"ii V -'-■
8. M.
as like
see her
ry con-
(r knew,
the loss
le hush,
h every
a t^miul.
c youn^
,nd still
ng, V7ith
|oly than
lad hcen
lislictl in
Ito intcr-
I livctl in
In whoso
bnito out
lo of the
Irk's little
fellows, who were lost last Wednesday in the woods, lias been
" I am glad of it. But how were they lost?"
" Oh, 'tis a thing of very common occurrence here. New
settlers, who are ignorant of the danger of going astray in the
forest, are always having their children lost. I take good oaro
never to let my boys go alone to the bush. But people are so
careless in this respect, that I wonder it does not more frequently
^ " These little chaps are the sons of a poor emigiant who came
out this summer, and took up a lot of wild land just at the hack
of us, towards the plains. Clark is busy logging up his fallow-
fur fall wheat, on which his family must depend for bread during
the ensuing year ; and he is so anxious to get it ready in time,
that ho will not allow himself an hour at noon to go homo to get
his dinner, which his wife generally sends in a basket to tho
woods by his eldest daughter, a girl of fourteen.
" Last Wednesday, the girl had been sent on an errand by her
mother, who thought that, in her absence, she might venture to
trust the two boys to take the dinner to their father. The boys,
who are from five to seven yeafs old, and very smart and know-
ing for their age, promised to mind all her directions, and went
oft' quite proud of the task, carrying tho littlo basket between
" How they came to ramble off into the woods, tho younger
child, >vho has been just found, is too much stupefied to tell, and
perhaps he is too young to remember.
"At night Clark returned from liis work, and scolded liis wife
for not sending his dinner as usual ; but the poor woman (who
all day had quieted her fears with the belief that the children
had stayed with their father), instead of paying any regard to his
angry words, demanded, in a tone of agony, what had become
of her children ?
" Tired and hungry as Clark was, he instantly comprehended
the danger to which his boys were exposed, and started off in
pursuit of them. The shrieks of the distracted woman soon
called the neighbours together, who instantly joined in the search.
It was not until this afternoon that any trace could bo discovered
; 'f^
1^. '
of the lost children, when Brian, the hunter, found the youngest
boy, Johnnie, lying fast asleep upon the trunk of a fallen tree,
fifteen miles back in the bush."
"And the brother?"
" Will never, I fear, be heard of again. They have searched
for him in all directions, and have not discovered him. The
story Httle Johnnie tells is to this effect. During the first two
days of their absence, the food they had brought in the basket
for their father's dinner sustained life ; but to-day, it seems that
little Johnnie grew very hungry, and cried continually for bread.
William, the eldest boy, promised him bread if ho would try and
walk farther ; but his feet were bleeding and sore, and he could
not walk another step. For some time the other little fellow
carried him upon his back ; but growing tired himself, he bade
Johnnie sit down upon a fallen log, (the log on which he was
found), and not stir from the place until he came back. lie told
the child that he would run on until he found a house, and would
return as soon as he could, and bring him omething to eat. lie
then wiped his eyes, and told him not to cry, and not to bo
scared, for God would take care of him till he came back, and he
kissed him several times, and ran away.
" This is all the little fellow knows about his brother ; and it
is very probable that the generous-hearted b#y has been eaten by
the wolves that are very plenty in that part of the forest where
the child was found. The Indians traced him for more than a
mile along the banks of the creek, when they lost his trail alto-
gether. If he had fallen into the water, it is so shallow, that
they could scarcely have failed in discovering the body ; but they
think that he has been dragged into some hole in the bank among
the tangled cedars, and devoured.
" Since I have been in the comitry," continued Mrs. II ,
" I have known many cases of children, and oven of grown per-
sons, being lost in the woods, who were never heard of again.
It is a frightful calamity to happen to any one ; for should they
escape from the claws of wild animals, these d^nso forests con-
tain nothing on which life can bo supported for any length of
time. The very boughs of the trees are placed so far from the
ground, that no child could reach or climb to them ; and there is
t two
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, there is
so little brush and small buslies among those giant trees, that no
sort of fruit can be obtained, on which they might subsist while
it remained in season. It is only in clearings, or where the firo
lias run through the forest, that strawberries or raspberries are
to be found ; and at this season of the year, and in the winter, a
strong man could not exist many days in the wilderness — let
iUone a child.
" Parents cannot bo too careful in guarding their young folks
against rambling alone in the bush. Persons, when once they
got olF the beaten track, got frightened and bewildered, and lose
all presence of mind ; and instead of remaining wlioro they are
when they first discover their misfortune — wliich is the only
chance they have of being found — they plunge desperately on,
running hither and thither, in hope of getting out, while tliey
only involve themselves more deeply among the mazes of tlio
interminable forest.
" Some winters ago, the daughter of a settler in the remote
township of Dummer (where my husband took up his grant of
wild land, and in which we lived for tw^o years) went with her
father to the mill, which was four miles from their log-shanty,
and the road lay entirely through the bush. For awhile the girl,
who was about twelve years of age, kept up with her fatlier, who
walked briakly ahead with his bag of corn on li is back ; for as
their path lay through a tangled swamp, lie was anxious to get
home before night. After some time, Sarah grew tired with
stepping up and down over the fallen logs that strewed their
path, and logged a long way behind. The man fell, not the least
apprehensive when he lost sight of her, expecting that she would
soon come up with him again. Onco or twice lie stopped and
shouted,* and she answered, ' Coming, father !' and he did not turn
to look after her again. lie readied the mill, saw the grist
ground, resumed his burden, and took the road ]iome, expectmg
to meet Sarah by the way. Ho trode the long pn.th alone ; but
still he thought that the girl, tired with her walk in the woods,
had turned back, and ho should find her safe at home.
" You may imagine, Mrs. M , liis consternation, and that
of the family, when they found that the girl was lost.
" It was now dark, and all search for her was given up for
i <
tliat night as hopeless. By day-break the next morning the
whole sottleniont, which was then confined to a few lonely log
tencnienis, inhabited solely by Cornish miner?, were rousod from
their sleep to assist in the search.
"The men turned out w h guns and horns, and divided into
[)artie9, that started in different directions. Those who first dis-
covered Sarah were to fire their guns, which was to be the signal
to guide the rest to the spot. It was not long before they fonnd
the object of their search, seated nnder a tree about half a mile
from the path she had lost on the preceding day.
" She had been tempted by the beauty of some wild flowers
to leave the road ; and, when once in tlie forest, she grew bewil-
dered, and could not find her way back. At first she ran to and
fro, in an agony of terror, at finding herselt' in the woods all alone,
and uttered loud and frantic cries; but her father had by this
time reached the mill, and was out of hearing.
" With a sagacity beyond her years, and not very common to
her class, instead of wandering further into the labyrinth which
surrounded her, she sat down under a large tree, covered her
face with her apron, said the Lord's i)rayer — the only one she
know, and lioped that God would send her father back to find
her the moment he discovered that she was lost.
" When night came down upon the dark forest, (and oh ! how
dark night is in the woods !) the poor girl said she felt horri-
l)ly afraid of being eaten by the wolves that abound in those
dreary swamps ; but she did not cry, for fear they should hear
her. Simple girl! she did not know that the scent of a wolf is
tar keener than his ear : but this was her notion, and she lay
down close to the ground and never once uncovered hgr head,
for fear of seeing something dreadful standing beside her ; until,
overcome by terror and fatigue, she fell fast asleep, and did not
awake till roused by the shrill braying of the horns, and the
shouts of the party who were seeking her."
" What a dreadful situation! I am sure that I should not have
had the courage of this poor girl, but should have died with
" We don't know how much we can bear till we are tried. This
girl was more fortunate than a boy of the same age, who was
i'» \ !
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lost in the same township just as the winter set in. The lad was
Bent by his father, an English settler, in company with two boys
of his own ago, the sons of neighbours, to be measured for a
pair of shoes. George Desne, who followed the double occupa-
tion of farmer and shoemaker, lived about three miles from the
clearing known as the English line. After the lads left their
homo, the road lay entirely through the bush. It was a patli
they had often travelled, both alone and with their parents, and
tliey felt no fear.
" There had been a slight fall of snow, just enough to cover
tlie ground, and the day was clear and frosty. The boys in this
country always hail with delight the first fall of snow ; and they
ran races and slid over all the shallow pools, until they reached
George Desno's cabin. He measured young Brown for a strong
pair of winter boots, and the boys returned on their homeward
path, shouting and laughing in the glee of their hearts.
About half-way they suddenly missed their companion, and
ran back nearly a mile to find him ; not succeeding, they thought
that he had hidden himself behind some of the trees, and, in
order to frighten them^ was pretending to be lost ; and after
shouting his name at the top of their voices, and receiving no
answer, tliey determined to defeat his trick, and ran homo with-
out him. They knew he was well acquainted with the road,
that it was still broad day, and he could easily find his way homo
alone. When his father inquired for Goorgo, they said he wa-s
coming, and went to their respective cabins.
"Night came on and the lad did not return, and his parents be-
gan to feel alarmed at his absence. Mr. Brown went over to tlio
neighbouring settlements, and made the lads repeat to him all
they knew about his son. The boys described the part of tlio
road where they first missed him ; but they had felt no uneasiness
about him, for they had concluded that he had either run home
before them, or had gone back to spend the night wifli the young
Desnes, who had been very importunate for him to stay. This
account pacified the anxious father. Early the next morning ho
went to Desne's himself to bring home the boy, but, to his
astonishment and grief, ho had not been there.
" His mysterious disappearance gave rise to a thousand strango
♦ ;r'
I B:
surmises. Tho whole settlement tamed out in Boarch of the boy.
His steps were traced off the road a few yards into the bush, and
entirely disappeared at the foot of a large oak tree. The tree
was lofty, and the branches so far from the ground, that it was
almost impossible for any boy, unassisted, to have raised himself
to such a height. There was no track of any animal to be seen
on tho new fallen snow — ^no shred of garment or stain of blood.
That boy's fate will always remain a great mystery, for ho was
never fbund."
" He must have been carried up the tree by a bear, and drag-
ged down into the hollow trunk," said I.
" If that had been the case, there would have been tho track
of the bear's feet in the snow. It does not, however, follow
that the boy is dead, though it is more than probable. I knew
of a case where two boys and a girl were sent into the woods by
their mother to fetch home the cows. The children were lost.
The parents mourned them for der.d, for all search after them
proved fruitless. At length, after seven years, tne eldest son
returned. Tho children had been overtaken and carried off by
a party of Indians, who belonged to a tribe who inhabited tho
islands in Lake Huron, and who were out on a hunting expedi-
tion. They took them many hundred miles away from their
forest home, and adopted them as their own. The girl, when
she grew up, married one of the tribe ; tho boys followed the
occupation of hunters and fishers, and, from their dress and
appearance, might have passed for aborigines of the forest.
The eldest boy, however, never forgot his own name, or
the manner in which ho had been separated from his parents.
He distinctly remembered the township and the natural
features of the locality, and took the first opportunity of
making his escape, and travelling back to the home of his
""When ho made himself known to his mother, who was a
widow, but resided on tho same spot, ho was so dark and Indian-
like that she could not believe that ifr was really her son, until he
brought back to her mind a little incident that, forgotten by her,
had never left his memory.
" '-Mother, don't you remember saying to me on that after-
noon, Ned, you need not look for tlie cows in the swamp—thoy
wont off towards the big hill 1'
" The delighted mother iinmediatoly canght him to her heart,
oxclairaing, 'You say truly— you arc my own, my long-lost
son !' "*
" Through the deep woods, at peep of day,
The carclesii herd-boy wenda hia way,
By pmy ridge and forest stream,
To summon homo his roving team—
Cobos ! coboa ! from distant doll
Shy echo wafts the cattle-bell.
" A blithe reply he whistles back,
And follows out the devious track,
O'er fallen tree and mossy stone—
A path to all, save him, unknown.
Cobos ! cobos ! far down the dell
More faintly falls the cattle-bell.
le, or
was a
intil he
yy her,
" See the dark swamp before him throws
A tangled maze of cedar boughs ;
On all around deep silenco broods,
In nature's boundless solitudes.
Cobos ! coboa ! the breezes swell,
As nearer floats the cattle-bell.
" He sees them now — ^beneath yon trees
His motley herd recline at ease j
With lazy pace and sullen stare,
They slowly leave their shady lair.
Cobos ! cobos ! — far up the dell
Quick jingling comes the cattle-bell !
* This, and the two preceding chapters, were written for "Roughing
it m the Bush," and were sent to England to make a part of that work,
but camo too late for msortion, which will account to the reader for
theu appearance here.
1 . :.
" Fiction, however wild and fanciful,
Is but the copy memory draws from truth.
'Tis not in human genius to create :
The mind is but a mirror that reflects
Realities that are, or the dim shadows
Left by the past upon Its placid surface,
Recalled again to life."
The glow of early day was brightening in the east, as the
steamer approached Toronto. "VVo rounded the point of the
interminable, flat, swampy island, tliat stretches for several mile^
la front of the city, and which is thinly covered with scrubby-
looking trees. The land lies so level with the water, that it has
the appearance of being half-submerged, and from a distance you
only see the tops of the trees. I have been informed that the
name of Toronto has been derived from this circumstance, which
in Indian literally means, " Trees in the water."
If the island rather takes from, than adds to, the beauty of
the place, it is not without groat practical advanta 'esj as to it
the city is mainly indebted for its sheltered and very commodious
After entering the harbour, Toronto presents a long line of
frontage, covered with handsome buildings to the eye. A grey
mist still hovered over its many domes and spires ; but the new
University and the Lunatic Asylum stood out in bold relief, as
they caught the broad red gleam of the coming day.
It was my first visit to the metropolitan city of the upper pro-
vince, and with no small degree of interest I examined its gen-
oral aspect as we approached the wharf. It does not present
such an imposing appearance from the water as Kingston, but it
strikes you instantly as a place of far greater magnitude and
importance. There is a f'esh, growing, healthy vitality about
this place, that cannot fai' cO impress a stranger very forcibly the-
first time he enters it. He feels instinctively that he sees before
him the strong throbbing heart of this gigantic young country,
and that every powerful vibration from this ever increasing cen-
tro of woftllh and civilisation, infuses life and vigour tlirongh tlio
whole length and breadth of the '>rovinco.
Toronto exceeded the most sanguine expectations that I had
formed of it at a distance, and enabled me to realize distinctly
the rising greatness and rapid improvement of the colony. It is
only here that you can form any just estimate of what she now
is, and what at no very distant period she must bo.
The country, for some miles round the city, appears to the eye
as flat as a floor ; th« rise, though very gradual, is, I am told, con-
siderable ; and the land is sufficiently elevated above the lake to
escape the disagreeable character of being low and swampy.
Anything in the shape of a slope or hill is not distinguishable in
the present area on which Toronto is built ; but the streets are
wide and clean, and contain many handsome public buildings;
and the beautiful trees which everywhere abound in the neat,
well-kept gardens, that surround the dwellings of tlie wealthier
inhabitants, with the broad, bright, blue inland sea that forms
the foreground to the picture, give to it such a lively and agree-
able character, that it takes from it all appearance of tamouess
and monotony.
The wharves, with which our first practical acquaintance with
the city commenced, are very narrow and incommodious. They
are built on piles of wood, running out to some distance in the
water, and covered with rotten, black-looking boards. As far as
comfort and convenience go, they are far inferior to those of
Oobourg and Kingston, or even to those of our own dear little
" City of the Bay^'''' as Belleville has not inaptly been christened
by the strange madcap, calling himself the " Great Orator of the
It is devoutly to be hoped that a few years will sweep all these
decayed old wharfs into the Ontario, and that more substantial
ones, built of stone, will be erected in their place. Rome, how-
ever, was not built in a day ; and the magic growth of this city
of the West is almost as miraculous as that of Jonah's celebrated
The steamboat had scarcely been secured to her wharf before
wo were surrounded by a host of cabmen, who rushed on board,
i fc
fighting and squabbling witli each other, in order to pconre tho
lifHt chnnoo of pftHsengers and their luggage. Tho luibbub in
front of tlio ladies' cal>iD grew to a perfect uproar ; and, as most
of the gentlemen were still in tho arms of Morpheuj?, these noisy
MercuriotJ had it all their own way — swearing and shouting at tho
top of their voices, in a manner that rivalled civilized Europe. I
was perfectly astonished at their volubility, and tho pertinacity
of their attentions, which were poured forth in tho true Milesian
fashion — an odd mixture of blarney, self-interest, and audacity.
At Kingston these gentry are far more civil and loss importunate,
and WG witnessed none of this disgraceful annoyance at any other
port on the lake. One of these Paddies, in his hurry to secure
tho persons and luggage of several ladies, who Imd been my
fellow-passengers in the cabin, nearly backed his crazy old vehicle
over tho unguarded wooden wharf into the lake.
Wo got safely stowed at last into one of these machines, which,
internally, are not destitute of either comfort or convenience ;
and driving through some of the principle avenues of tho city,
were safely deposited at the door of a dear friend, who had come
on board to conduct us to his hospitable home ; and here I found
tho rest and quiet so much needed by an invalid after a long and
fatiguing journey.
It was some days before I was sufficiently recovered to visit
any of the lions of the place. With a minute description of theso
I shall not trouble my readers. My book is written more with a
view to convey general impressions, than to delineate separate
features, — to while away the languid heat of a summer day, or
the dreary dulness of a wet one. The intending emigrant, who
is anxious for commercial calculations and statistical details, will
find all that he can require on this head in " Scobie's Almanac,"
and Smith's "Past, Present, and Future of Canada," — works
written expressly for that purpose.
Women make good use of their eyes and ears, und paint scenes
that amuse or strike their fancy with tolerable accuracy ; but it
requires the strong-thinking heart of man to anticipate events,
and trace certain results from particular causes. Women are out
of their element when they attempt to speculate upon these
ftbstruae mutters — arc npt to Incline too strongly to thoir own
o[)inions — find jump nt conclusionH ■wliicli uro oither fulso or
My firwt visit wna to King-stroot, which may be considered as
the liogent-stroot of Toronto. It in tlio great central avouuo cf
commerce, aiid contains many fine buildings, and handsome
capaciouri stores, while a number of new ouoa are in a state of
progress. This, fine, broad, airy thoroughfaro, would bo an orna-
ment to any town or city, and the bustle and traffic through it
give to strangers a tolerably just idea of the wealth and industry
of the community. All the streets terminate at the water's edge,
but Front-street, which runs parallel with it, and may be termed
the " west end " of Toronto ; for most of the wealthy rcsidcnta
have handsome houses and gardens in this street, which is open
through the whole length of it to tiie lake. The railroad is
upon the edge of the water along this natural terrace. Tlio
situation is uncommonly lively, as it commands a fine view of the
harbour, and vessels and stoamboata are passing to and fro con-
The St. Lawrence market, which is near the bottom of King-
street, is a handsome, commodious building, and capitally sup-
plied with all tlie creature-comforts — lisli, fiosh, and fowl — besides
abundance of excellent fruits and vegetables, which can bo pro-
cured at very reasonable prices. The town-liall is over the
market-place, and I am told — ^for I did not visit it — that it is a
noble room, capable of accommodating a large number of peoplo
with ease and comfort.
Toronto is very rich in handsome churches, wliich form one
of its chief attractions. I was greatly struck with the elegant
spire of Kox's church, which is perhaps the most graceful in tlio
city. The body of the church, however, seems rather too short,
and out of proportion, for the tall slender tower, which would
have appeared to much greater advantage attached to a building
double the length.
Nothing attracted my attention, or interested mo more, than
the handsome, well-supplied book stores. Those of Armour,
8cobie, and Maclean, are equal to many in London in appearance,
'! n
■r\ '
and fjir superior to tlioso timt were to bo found In Norwich nnd
IpHwich thirty yourrt ap^o.
This speaks well for tho mental improvomont of Oanndn, nnd
is a proof that people have more leisure for Qcqniring book lore,
and more money for tlie purchase of books, than they had somo
years ago. The piracies of tho Americans have realized the old
l)roverb, "That 'tis an ill wind that blows nobody any good."
Incalculable are tho benefits that Canada derives from her cheap
reprints of all tho European standard works, which, on good
paper and in handsome bindings, crvn be bought at a quarter tho
price of tho English editions. This circumstance must always
make tho Oanadas a bad market for English publications. Most
of these, it is truci, can be procured by wealthy individuals at tlio
book stores mentioned above, but tho American reprints of tho
same works abound a hundred-fold.
Novels form tho most attractive species of reading hero for tho
young ; and tho best of these, in pamphlet form, may bo procured
from twenty -five to fifty cents. And here I must claim the i)ri-
vilcgo of speaking a few words in defence of both novel readers
and novel writers, in spite of the horror which I fancy I see de-
picted on many a grave countenance.
There are many good and conscientious persons who regard
novels and novel writeiH with devout horror, — who condemn
their works, however moral in their tendency, as unfit for tho
perusal of responsible and intelligent creatures, — who will not
admit into their libraries any books but such as treat of religions,
historical, or scientific subjects, in •''7'ning, and we think very
erroneously, that all works of fiction liave a demoralizing effect,
and tend to weaken the judgment, and enervate tho mind.
"Wo will, however, allow that there is both truth and sound
f enso in somo of these objections ; that if a young person's read-
ing is entirely confined to this class of literature, and that of an
inferior sort, a great deal of harm may bo the result, as many of
these works are apt to convey to them false and exaggerated pic-
tures of life. Such a course of reading would produce the same
effect upon tho mind as a constant diet of sweetmeats would
upon the stomach ; it would destroy the digestion, and induce a
loathing for more wholesome food.
Btill, tho mind requires recreation ah well ns the body, nnd
cannot always be enf?ngod upon soriouH studios witliont injury to
tho l)rain, and tlie disarrunKoniotit of some of tho most important
organs of the body. Now, wo think it c»)ul(l bo satisfactorily
proved, in spite of tho storn crusado perpetually waged against
works of fiction by a largo portion of well-moaning people, that
much good has boon done in the world through thuir instruiuent-
Most novels and romances, particularly those of tho modern
school, are founded upon real incident^, nnd, like tho best heads
in tho artist's picture, tho characters are drawn from life ; and
tho closer tho drawing or story approximates to nature, tho inoro
interesting and popular will it become. Though a vast number
of those works are daily pouring from tho British and American
press, it is only those of a very liigh class that are generally read
and become as familiar as household words. Tho tastes of indi-
viduals differ widely on articles of dress, food, and amusomout ;
but there is a wonderful aftinity in tho minds of men, as regards
works of literature. A book that appeals strongly to the pas-
sions, if true to nature, will strike nearly all alike, and obtain a
world-wide popularity, Avhile tho more fiction Binka back into
obscurity — is once read and forgotten.
Tho works of Smollett and Fielding were admirable pictures
of society as it existed in their day ; but we live in a more refined
age, and few young people would feel any pleasure in tho coarse
pictures exhibited in those once celebrated works. The novels
of Richardson, recommended by grave divines from the pulpit as
perfect models of purity and virtue, would now bo cast aside
with indifference and disgust. They were considered quite tho
reverse in the age he wrote, and ho was regarded as one of the
great reformers of the vices of his time. We may therefore
conclude, that, although repugnant to our taste and feelings, they
were tho means of effecting much good in a gross and licentious
In tho writings of our great modern novelists, virtue is never
debased, nor vice exalted ; but there is a constant endeavour to
impress upon the mmd of the reader tlio true wisdom of the one
and tho folly of tho other ; and where tho author fails to create
an interest in the fate of his hero oi heroine, it is not because
thoy are bad or immoral characters, like Lovelace in Clarissa
Harlowe, and Lord B in Pamela, but that like Sir Charles
Grandison, they are too good for reality, and their very faultless-
ness renders them, like the said Sir Charles, affected and unna-
tural. Where high moral excellence is represented aa struggling
-with the faults and follies common to humanity, sometimes yield-
ing to temptation, and reaping the bittey fruits, and at other
times successfully resisting the allurements of vice, all our sym-
pathies are engaged in the contest ; it becomes our own, and wo
follow the hero through all his trials, weep over his fall, or
triumph in his success.
Children, who possess an unsophisticated judgment in these
matters, seldom feel much interest in the model boy of a moral
story ; not from any innate depravity of mind, which leads them
to prefer vice to virtue, for no such preference can exist in the
human breast, — no, not even in the perverted hearts of the worst
of men — but because the model boy is like no other boy of their
acquaintance. He does not resemble them, for he is a piece of
unnatural perfection. lie neither fights, nor cries, nor wishes tc
play when he ought to be busy with his lessons ; he lecturos like
a parson, and talks like a book. His face is never dirty ; he never
tears his clothes, nor soils his hands with making dirt pies, or
puddling in the mud. His hair is always smooth, Jiis face always
wears a smile, and he was never known to sulk, or say / wonH !
The boy is a perfect stranger — they can't recognize his likeness,
or follow his example — and why ? because both are unnatural
Bat be sure, that if the naughty boy of the said tale creates
the most interest for his fate in the mind of the youthful reader,
it is simply because he is drawn with more truthfulness than tho
character that was intended for his counterpart. The langviago
of passion is always eloquent, and tho bad boy is delineated true
to his bad nature, and is made to speak and act naturally, which
never fails to awaken a touch of sympathy in brings equally
prone to err. I again repeat that few minds (if any) exist that
can find beauty in deformity, or aught to ad aire in the hideoua-
nese of vice.
3d true
t that
There are many persons in the world who cannot boar to
receive instruction when conveyed to them in a serious form,
who shrink with loathing from the "Ant Vfith which too many
religious novels are loaded ; and who yet might be induced to
listen to precepts of religion and morality, when
never fail to bring abont. You cannot enter into these abodes
of your neglected and starving brothers and sisters — these for-
lorn scions of a common stock — and view their cold hearths and
unfurnished tables, their beds of straw and tattered garments,
without iefilement — or witness their days of unremitting toil,
and nighis of unrest ; and worse, far worse, to behold the evil
passions and crimes which spring from a state of ignorance, pro-
ducing a moral darkness that can be felt.
You are insulted and offended at being seen in such bad com-
pany ; and cannot for a moment imagine that a change in your
relative positions might have rendered yon no wiser or better
than them. But, let me ask you candidly, has not tlie terrible
scone produced some effect ? Can you forget its existence, — its
shocking reality ? The lesson it teaches may be distasteful, but
you cannot shake off a knowledge of its melancholy facts. The
voice of conscience speaks audibly to your heart; — that still
small voice — that awful record of himself that God has placed in
every breast (and woe be to you, or any one, when it ceases to
be heard !) — tells you that you cannot, without violating the
divine mandate, " love thy neighbour as thyself,''^ leave these
miserable creatures to languish and die, without making one
effort to aid in rescuing them from their melancholy fate.
" But what can I do ?" I hear you indignantly exclaim.
Much; oh, how much! You have wealth, a small part
of which cannot bo better bestowed than in educating thebe poor
ci'eatures ; in teaching them to recognize those divine laws which
they have broken ; in leading them step by step into those paths
of piety and peace they have never known. Igi.orance has been
the most powerful agent in corrupting these perishing criminals.
Give them healthful employment, the means of emigrating to
countries where labour is amply remunerated, and will secure for
them comfort, independence, and self-respect. In Canada, these
victims of over-population prove beneficial members of oociety,
while with you they are regarded as a blight and a curse.
Numbers of this class are yearly cast upon these shores, jet
the crimes which are commonly committed by their instrument-
ality in Britain, very rarely occur with us, We could not sleep
' '!'
^ It';
with unfastened doors and windows near populous towns, if tho
change in their condition did not bring about a greater moral
change in the character of these poor emigrants.
They readily gain employment ; their toils are amply remune-
rated ; and tliey cease to commit crime to procure a precarious
existence. In tho very worst of these people some good exists.
A few seeds remain of divine planting, which, if fostered and
judiciously trained, might yet bear fruit for heaven.
Tho autliors, whose works you call disgusting and immoral,
point out this, and aflfbrd you the most pathetic illustrations of
its truth. You need not fear contamination from the vices
which they portray. Their depravity is of too black a hue to
have the least attraction, even to beings only removed a few
degrees from the same guilt. Vice may have her admirers
when she glitters in gold end scarlet ; but when exposed in filtii
and nakedness, her most reckless devotees shrink back from her
in disgust and horror. Vice, without her mask, is a spectacle
too appalling for humanity; it exhibits the hideousness, and
breathes of the corruption of hell.
If these reprobated works of fiction can startle the rich into a
painful consciousness of the wants and agonies of the poor, and
make them, in spite of all the conventional laws of society,
acknowledge their kindred humanity, who shall say that their
books have been written in vain ?
For my own part, I look upon these authors as heaven-inspired
teachers, who have been commissioned by the great Father of
Bouls to proclaim to the world tho wrongs and suflTerings of
millions of his creatures, to plead their cause with unflinching
integrity, and, with almost superhuman eloquence, demand for
them the justice which the world has so long denied. These
riicn are the benefactors of their species, to whom tho wholo
human race owe a vast debt of gratitude.
Since tho publication of Oliver Twist, and many other works
of the same class, inquiries have been made by thinking and
benevolent individuals into the condition of the destitute poor in
great cities and manufacturing districts. These werks brought
to light deeds of dai'kness, an'^ scenes of oppression and cruelty.
oor in
scarcely to be credited in modern times and in Christian com-
munities. The attention of the public was directed towards this
miserable class of beings, and its best sympathies enlisted in tlieir
behalf. It was called upon to assist in the liberation of these
white slaves, chained to the oar for life in the galleys of wealth,
and to recognise them as men and brethren.
Then sprang up the ragged schools,— the institutions for
reclaiming the youthful vagrants of London, and teaching the
idle and profligate the sublime morality of sobriety and industry.
Persons who were unable to contribute money to these truly
noble objects of charity, were ready to assist in the capacity of
Sunday-school teachers, and add their mite in the great work of
moral reform. In over-peopled countries like England and
France, the evils arising out of extreme poverty could not bo
easily remedied ; yet the help thus afforded by the rich, contri-
buted greatly in ameliorating the distress of thousands of the
poorer classes. To the same source we may trace the mitigation
of many severe laws. The punishment of death is no longer
enforced, but in cases of great depravity. Mercy has stepped in,
and wiped the blood from the sword of Justice.
Hood's "Song of the Shirt" produced an almost electric effect
upon the public mind. It was a bold, truthful appeal to the
best feelings of humanity, and it found a response in every feel-
ing heart. It laid bare the distress of a most deserving and
oppressed portion of tlie female operatives in London; and the
good it did is at this moment in active operation. Witness the
himdreds of work-women landed within the last twelve montlis
on these shores, who immediately found liberal employment.
God's blessing upon thee, Thomas Hood! The effect produced
by that work of divine charity of thine, will be felt long after
thou and thy heart-searching appeal have vanished into the
oblivion of the past. But what matters it to thee if the song is
forgotten by coming generations ? It performed its mission of
mercy on earth, and has opened for thee the gates of heaven.
Such work of fiction as The Caxtons refreshes and invigorates
the mind by its perusal ; and virtue becomes beautiful for it«
own sake. You love the gentle humanity of the single-hearted
philosopher, the charming simplicity of his loving helpmate, and
scarcely know which to admire the most — Catherine in her
conjugal or maternal character — the nohle but mistaken pride
of the fine old veteran Roland, the real hero of the tale — or the
excellent young man, his nephew, who reclaims the fallen son,
and is not too perfect to be unnatural. As rfany fine moral
lessons can be learned from this novel, a^ from most works
written expressly for the instruction and improvement of man-
kind ; and they lose nothing by the beautiful and attractive garb
in which they are presented to the reader.
Our blessed Lord himself did not disdain the use of allegory,
which is truth conveyed to the hearer under a symbolical form.
His admirable parables, each of which told a little history, wero
the most popular methods that could be adopted to instruct the
lower classes, who, chiefly uneducated, require the illustration
of a subject in order to understand it.
iEsop, in his inimitable fables, portrayed through his animals
the various passions and vices of men, admirably adapting them
to the characters he meant to satirize, and the abuses he endea-
voured through this medium to reform. These beautiful fictions
have done much to throw disgrace upon roguery, selfishness,
cruelty, avarice, and injustice, and to exalt patience, fidelity,
mercy, and generosity, even among Christians who were blessed
with a higher moral code than that enjoyed by the wise pagan ;
and they will continue to be read and admired as long as the
art of printing exists to render them immortal.
Every good work of fiction is a step towards the mental im-
provement of mankind, and to every such writer, we say God
speed 1
*' Hark ! heard ye not a sound ?"
"Aye, 'tis the sullen roar
Of billows breaking on the shore."
" Hush ! — 'tis beneath the ground,
That hollow rending shock,
Makes the tall moimtains rock,—
The solid earth doth like a drunlcard reel ;
Pale nature holds her breath,
Her tribes arc mute as death.
In silent dread the coming doom they feel."
"Ah, God have mercy .'—hark ! those dismal cries-
Man knows his danger now,
And veils in dust his brow.
Beneath, the yawning earth— above, the lurid skies »
Mortal, behold the toil and boast of years
In one brief moment to oblivion hurled.
So shall it be, when this vain guilty world
Of woe, and sad necessity and tears,
Sinks at the awful mandate of its Lord,
As erst it rose to being at his word."
" Alas I poor maniac ;
For thee no hope can dawn — no tender tic
Wako In thy ))llp;htcil heart a vhrill oi'joy ;
The fmmortal mind ia levelled with the dust,
Ere the tenacious chords of life give way I"
8. M.
Our next visit was to tho Lunntic Asylnm, The bniliHng
is of wliito brick — a material not very common in Canada,
but nscd largely in Toronto, "where stone has to be brought
from a considerable distance, tbcro being no quarries in tho
neighbourhood. Brick has not the substantial, august ap-
pearance, that stone gives to a largo building, and it is moro
liable to injury from tho severe frosts of winter in this climate.
Tho asylum is a spacious edifice, surrounded by extensive
grounds for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. These
arc principally worked by the male patients, who are in a state
of convalescence, while it affords them ample room for air and
A large gang of these unfortunates were taking their daily
promenade when our cab stopped at tho gate. They gazed
upon us ^•/ith an eager air of childish curiosity, as we alighted
from our conveyance, and entered tho building.
We were received very politely by one of the gentlemen
belonging to the establishment, who proceeded to show us over
the place.
Ascending a broad flight of steps, as clean as it was possible
for human hands to make them, wo came to a long wide gal-
lory, 9oparatoho began to bcui iho child furiously.
My woman's heart could stand it no longer. I nan forward,
and threw my arms round the child.
" Get out wid you 1" she cried ; " what business is it of yours ?
ni break your head if you are not off out of this."
" I'm not afraid of you, Mrs. ; but I would not see you
use a dog in that manner, much less a child, who has done no-
thing to deserve such treatment."
"Curse you all!" said the huraan fiend, flinging down her
ugly weapon, and scowling upon us with her gloomy eyes. " I
wish you were all in ." ^
A place far too warm for this hot season of the year, I thought,
as I walked sorrowfully home. Bad as 1 then considered her, I
have now no doubt that it was the incipient workings of her
direful malady, which certainly comes nearest to any idea wo
can form of demoniacal possession. She is at present an in-
curable but harmless maniac ; and, in spite of the instance of
cruelty that I have just related towards her little girl, now,
during the dark period of her mind's eclipse, gleams of maternal
love struggled like glimpses of sunshine through a stormy cloud,
and she inquired of mo earnestly, pathetically, nay, even ten-
derly, for her children. Alas, poor maniac ! IIow could I tell
her that the girl she had chastised so undeservedly had died in
early womanhood, and her son, a fine young man of twenty, had
committed suicide, and flung himself off the bridge into the
Moira river only a few months before. ITer insanity saved her
from the knowledge of event i which might have distracted a
firmer braiu. She seemed hardly satisfied with my evasivo
answers, and looked doubtingly and cunningly at mo, as if some
demon had whispered to her the awful truth.
It was singular that this woman should recognise mo after so
If I'
many yoara. Altered as my appearance was by time and eick-
noHS, njy dearest friends would hardly have known ine, yet she
know mo at a single glance. What was still more extraordinary,
hIio remembered my daughter, now a wife and mother, whom
she had not seen since sbe was a httlo girl.
What a wonderful faculty is memory I the most mysterious
and inexplicable in the great riddle of Ul'e ; that jdastic tablet on
which the Almighty registers witli unerring lidelity the records
of being, making it the depository of all our words, thoughts,
and deeds — tliis faithful witness against us for good or evil, at
the great assize that hereafter must determine our eternal fato,
when conscience, at his dread command, shall open up this book
of lifol " Keep thy heart, my son, for out of it are the issues of
life." Bo sure that memory guards well that secret treasure.
All that the heart over felt, the mind ever thought, the restless
spirit ever willed, is there.
Another woman — wild, dark, and fierce-looking, with her
liands in mufflers — flitted after us from room to room, lior black.
Hashing eyes fixed intently on my daughter. " Yes, it is my own
Mary I but she won't speak to me."
The gentleman in attendance begged us to take no notice of
this person, as she was apt to bo very violent.
Another stout, fair-haired matron, with good features, and a
very pleasant face, insisted on shaking hands with us all round.
Judging from her round, sonsy, rosy face, you never could have
imagined her to have been mad. When we spoke in admiration
of the extreme neatness and cleanness of the large sleeping apart-
ment, she said very quietly —
" Ah, you would not wonder at that could you see all tho
water-witches at night cleaning it." Then she turned to me, and
whispered very confidentially in my ear, " Are you mad ? You
see these people ; t ley are all mad — as mad as March hares.
Don't come hero i^ you can help it. It's all very well at first,
and it looks very clean and comfortable ; but when tho doors
are once shut, you can't get out — no, not if you ask it upon your
knees." She theu retreated, nodding significantly.
Leaving this ward, we visited tho one which contained tho
ad Bick-
, yet slio
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3II at first,
the doors
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tained tho
male lunatics. Tliey appeared fur more gloomy and reserved
than tho women we had lell. One young man, who used to
travel tho country with jowcllory, and wlu) had often been at
our house, recognised us In a moment ; but he did not come for-
wanl like Ati's. to greet us, but ran into a corner, and, turn-
ing to tho wall, coveretl his faco with his hands until we had
passed on. Here was at least a consciousness of his unfortunate
situation, that was very painful to witness. A gentlemanly man
in tlie prime of life, who had onoo practised the law in Toronto,
and was a person of some consequence, still retained tho dress
and manners belongikig to his class lie had gone to tlio samo
school with my eon-in law, and he greeted him hi tlie most
hearty and alFoctionato manner, throwing his arm about his
shoulder, and talking of his alTairs in the most confidential man-
ner. His mental aberration was only displayed in a few harm-
less remarks, sucli as telling us that this largo liouse was Ids,
that it had been built witii his money, and that it was very hard
ho was kept a prisoner in his own dwelling ; that ho was worth
millions, and that pfoplo were trying to cheat him of all his
money, but, that if c ico ho could get out, lio would punish them
all. Ho then directed my son-in-law to bring up some law books
that ho named, on tho morrow, and ho would give him a dozen
suits against tho parties from whom ho had received so many
In tho balcony, at tho far end of tho gallery, wo found a group
of men walking to and fro for tho sako of air, or loimglng list-
lessly on bonchoi*, gazing, with vacant cyos, upon tho fine pros-
pect of wood and water dressed in tho gorgeous hues of an au-
tuumal sunset. One very intelligont-loo];ing man, with a mag-
nificent head, was busy writing upon a dirty piece of paper, witli
a pencil, his table furnislicd ])y his knee, and Ids desk tho cover
of his closed, but well-worn Bible. IIo rose as wo drew near
hira, and, bowing politely, gave us a couplo of poems whicli ho
drew from his waistcoat pocket.
" These were written some time ago," he said; "one of them
is much better than the other. There are some fine lines in that
ode to Niagara — I composed them on the spot."
On my observing the signaturo of DtUa utfixed to these pro-
ductions, be smiled, and said, with much complacency, " My
name is David Moiry This, upon inquiry, wo found wjis really
the case, and the mad poet considered that the coincidence gave
him a right to enjoy the world-wide fame of his celebrated name
sake. The poems which*he gave us, and which are still in my
possession, contain some lines of great merit; but they are
strangely unconnected, and very defective in rhyme and keep-
ing. Uii watehed our countenances intently while reading them,
continually stepping in, and pointing out to us his favorite pas-
sages. We were going to return them, but he bade us keep
tlic-m. " He had Imndreds of copies of them," he said, " in liis
Lead." He then took us on one side, and entreated us in the
most pathetic manner to use our influence to got him out of that
l)Iace. " He was," ho said, " a good classic scholar, and had
been private tutor in several families of high respectability, and
ho could show us testimor als as to character and ability. It is
hard to keep mo here '"iling," he continued, " when my poor
little boys want me so badly at home; poor fellows! and they
Lave no mother to supply my place." lie sighed heavily, and
drew his hand across his brow, and looked sadly and dreamily
into the blue distance of Ontario. The madman's thoughts were
far away with his young sons, or, perhaps, had ranged back
to the rugged heathery hills cf his own glorious mountain land !
There v. ere two boys among these men who, in spite of their
lunacy, had an eye to business, and begged pathetically for cop-
pers, though of what use they could be to them in that place I
cannot imagine. I saw no girls under twelve years of age.
There were several bo^ s who appeared scarcely in their teens.
Jfounting another flight of snowy stairs, we came to the wards
above those we had just inspecte
and laugliing and shouting with the most boisterous merriment.
IIow dreadful is? the laugh of madness 1 how sorrowful the ex-
pression of their diabolical mirth ! tears and lamentations would
have been less shocking, for it would have seemed more natural.
Among these raving maniacs I recognized the singular face of
Grace Marks — no longer sad and despairiug, but lighted up with
the fire of insanity, and glowing with a hideous and fiend-like
merriment. On perceiving that strangers were observing hor,
she fled shrieking away like a phantom into one of the side
rooms. It appears that even in the wildest bursts of her terrible
malady, she is continually haunted by a memory of the past.
Ujihappy girl I when v/ill t'.ie long horror of her punishment
and remorse bo over? Tv hen will she sit at the feet of Jesus,
clothed with the uiisul ied garments of his righteousness, the
stain (if blood washed from her hand, and her soul redeemed,
and pardoned, and in her right mind ? It is fearfnl to look at
her, and contemplate her fate in connexion with Iier crime.
What a striking illustration does it aflford of that awful tuxu,
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord !"
There was one woman in this ward, with raven hair and eyes,
and a sallow, unhealthy complexion, whom the sight of U3
transported into a paroxysm of ungovernable rage. She rushed
to the door, and doubled her fists at us, and began cursing and
swearing at a furious rate, and theM she laughed — such a laugh
as one might fancy Satan uttered when he recounted, in full
conclave, his triumph over the credulity of our first mother.
Presently she grew outrageous, and had to be thrown to
the ground, and secured by two keepers ; but to silence her was
beyond their art. She was kicking and foaming, and uttering
words too dreadful for human .'ars to listen to; and Grace
Marks came out from her hiding-place, and performed a thou-
sand mad gambols round her : and we turned from the piteous
scene, — and I, for one, fervently thanked God for my sanity,
and inwardly repeated those exquisite lines of the peasant bard
of my native country : —
•' Oh, Thou, who bidd'st the vernal juices rise,
Thou on whose blast autumnal foliage flies ;
t ]
Let peace ne'er leave me, nor my heart grow cold,
Whilst life and sanity are mine to hold."
We cast but a cursory glance on the men who occupied the
opposite ward. We had seen enough of madness, and the
shrieks from the outrageous patients above, whom strangers
have seldom nerve enough to visit, quickened our steps as we
hurried from the place.
We looked into the large ball-room before we descended the
stairs, where these poor creatures are allowed at stated times to
meet for pleasure and amusement. But such a spectacle would
be to me more revolting than the scene I had just witnessed ;
the delirium of their frightful disease would be less shocking in
ray eyes than the madness of their mirth. The struggling gleams
of sense and memory in these unhappy people reminded me of a
beautiful passage in "Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy:"
" On all things created remaincth the half-effaced signature of God j
Somewhat of i9.it and good, though blotted by the finger of corruption."
What a sublime truth I How beautifully and forcibly ex-
pressed ! With -what a mournful dignity it invests our fallen
nature ! Sin has marred the Divine image in which we were
made, but the soul in its intense longing after God and good
bears, in its sorrowful servitude to evil, the impress of the hand
that fonned it happy and free. Yes, even in the most abject
and fallen, some slight trace of good remains — so7no spark of the
Divine essence tha", still lingers amid the darkness and corruption
of guilt, to rekindle the dying embers, and restore them once
more to life and liberty. The madman raving in his chains still
remembers his God, to bless or blaspheme his naino. We are
nstouished at his ecstatic dream of happiness, or shocked beyond
measure at the blackness of his despair. His superhuman
strength fills us with wonder ; and, oven in the extinction of
reason, we acknowledge the eternal presence of God, and per-
ceive flashes of Ilia Spirit breaking througli the dark material
cloud that shades, but cannot wholly annihilate the light of the
soul, the immortality within.
The poor, senseless idiot, who appears to mortal eyes a mere
living machine, a body without a soul, sitting among the grass,
and playing with the flowers and pebbles in the vacancy of his
mind, is still a wonderful illustration of the wisdom and power
of God. "NVe behold a human being inferior in instinct and
intelligence to the meanest orders of animal life, dependent upon
the comm.on charities of his kind for srbsistence, yet conscious
of the friend who pities his helplessness, and of the hand that
administers to his wants. The Spirit of his Maker shall yet
breathe upon the dull chaos of his stagnant brain, and open the
eyes of this blind of soul into the light of his own eternal day!
What a lesson to the pride of man — to the vain dwellers in
houses of clay I
Returning from the asylum, we stopped to examine Trinity
College, which is on the opposite side of the road. The architect,
K. TuUy, Esq., has shown considerable taste and genius in the
design of this edifice, which, like the asylum, is built of white
brick, the corners, doors, and windows faced with cut stone.
It stands back from the road in a fine park-like lawn, surrounded
by stately trees of nature's own planting. When the college is
completed, it will be one of the finest public buildings in the
province, and form one of the noblest ornaments to this part of
the city.
"The wind at my casement scream'd shrilly and loud,
' And the pale moon look'd in from the mantle of cloud j
Old ocean was tossing in terrible might,
And the black rolling billows were crested with light.
Liko a shadowy dream on my senses that hour,
Stole the beautiful vision of grandeur and power ;
And the sorrows of life that brought tears to mine eye,
Were forgot in the glories of ocean and sky.
a mere
"•Oh nature !' I cried, 'in thy beautiful face
All the wisdom and love of thy Maker I trace ;
Thy aspect divine checks my tears as they start,
And fond hopes, long banish'd, flow back to my heart ! '
' :i
Thus musing, I wander'd alone to the shore,
To gaze on the waters, and list to their roar,
When I saw a poor lost one bend over the steep
Of the tall beetling clifT that juts out o'er the deep.
''The wind wav'd her garments, and April's rash showers
Hung like gems in her dark locks*, enwreath'd with wild flowers :
Her bosom was bared to the cold midnight storm,
That unsparingly beat on her thin fragile form;
Her black eyes flash'd sternly whence reason had fled.
And she glanc'd on my sight like some ghost of the dead
As she sang a loud strain to the hoarse dashing surge,
That rang on my ears like the plaint of a dirge.
"And he who had left her to madness and shame.
Who had robb'd her of honour, and blasted her fame —
Did he think, in that hour, of the heart he had riven,
The vows he had broken, the anguish he'd given ! —
And where was the infant, whose birth gave the blow
To the peace of the mother, and madden'd her woe ?
A thought rush'd across me — I ask'd for her child, —
With a wild laugh of triumph the maniac replied —
" ' Where the dark tide runs strongest, the cliff rises steep.
Where the wild waters eddy, I've rock'd him to sleep :
His sleep is so sound that the rush of the stream,
When the winds are abroad, cannot waken his dream.
And see you that rock, with its surf-beaten side,
There the blood of my false love runs red with the tide ;
The sea-mew screams shrilly, the white breakers rave —
In the foam of the billow I'll dance o'er his grave !'
"'Mid the roar of the tempest, the wind's hollow moan,
There rose on my chill'd car a faint, dying groan ;
The billows raged on ; the moon smiled on the flood j
But vacant the spot whore the maniac had stood.
I turned from the scene— on my spirit there fell
A question that sadden'd my heart like a knell ;
1 look'd up to heav'n, but I breath'd not a word,
For the answer was given — 'Trust thou in the Lord!'"
" A happy scene of rural mirth,
Drawn from the teaming lap of earth,
In which a nation's promise lies.
Honor to him who wins a prize I —
A trophy won by honor's toil
Par nobler than the victor's spoil."
S. M.
Toronto was all bustle and excitement, preparing for the
Provincial Agricultural Show ; no other subject was thought of
or tolked about. The ladies, too, taking advantage of the great
influx of strangers to the city, were to hold a bazaar for the
benefit of St. George's Church ; the sum which they hoped to
realize by the sale of their fancy wares to be appropriated to
paying off the remaining debt contracted for tlie said saint,
in erecting this handsome edifice dedicated to his name — let us
hope not to his service. Yet the idea of erecting a temple for
the worship of God, and calling it the church of a saint of very
doubtful sanctity^ is one of those laughabl;. absurdities that wo
would gladly see banished in this enlightened ago. Truly, there
are many things in which our wisdom does not exceed the wis-
dom of our forefathers. The weather during the first two days
of the exhibition was very unpropitious; a succession of drench-
ing thunder showers, succeeded by warm bursts of sunshine,
promising better things, and giving rise to hopes in the ex-
pectant visitants to the show, which wore as often doomed to
be disappointed by returns of blackness, storm, and pouring
I was very anxious i,o hear the opening address, and I must
' V
■| ''if.
V i
confess that I was among those who felt this annihilation o." hope
very severely ; and, being an invalid, I dared not venture upon
the grounds before Wednesday morning, when this most interest-
ing part of the porforraanco was over. Wednesday, however,
Avas as beautiful a Septo'"ber day as the most sanguine of the
agricultural exhibitors could desire, and the finespace allotted
for the display of the various objects of industry was crowded to
It was a glorious scene for those who had the interest of the
colony at heart. Every district of the Upper Province had con-
tributed i*3 portion of labour, talent, and ingenuity, to furnish
forth the show. TL3 products of the soil, the anvil, and the
loom, met the eye at every turn. The genius of the mechanic
was displayed in the effective articles of machinery, invented to
assist the toils and shorten the labour of human hands, and were
many and excellent in their kind. Improvements in old imjjle-
monts, and others entirely new were shown or put into active
operation by the inventors — those real benefactors to the human
race, to whom the exploits of conquerors, however startling and
brilliant, are verj inferior in every sense.
Iifechanical genius, which ought to be regarded as the first
and greatest effort of human intellect, is only now beginning to
bo recognised as such. The statesfnan, warrior, poet, painter,
orator, and man of letters, all have their niche in the temple of
fame — all have had their worshippers and admirers ; but who
among them has celebrated in song and tale the grand creative
power which can make inanimate metals move, and act and al-
most live, in the wondrous machinery of the present day 1 It is
the mind that conceived, the hand that reduced to practical
usefulness these miraculous instruments, with all their compli-
cated works moving in harmony, and performing their appointed
office, that comes nearest to the sublime Intelligence that
framed the universe, and gave light and motion to that astonish-
ing piece of mechanism, the human form.
In watching the movements of the steam-engine, one can
hardly divest one's self of the idea that it possesses life and con-
scioasness. True, the metal is but a dead agent, but the spirit
of tho originator still lives iu it, and sways it to tho gigantic
will that first gave it motion and power. And, oh, what ""loa-
ders has it not achieved 1 what obstacles has it not overcome I
how has it brought near things that were far oiF, and crumbled
into dust difficulties which, at first sight, appeared insur-
mountable 1 Honour to the clear-sighted, deep-thinking child of
springs and wheels, at whose head stands the groat Founder of
the world, tho grandest humanity that ever trodo the earth I
Kejoice, and shout for joy, yo sous of the rule and linel for was
he not one of you ? Did he not condescend to bow that God-
like form over ti.?^ carpenter's bench, and handle tho plane and
saw ? Yours should be termed tho Divine craft, and those who
follow it truly noble. Your great Master was above the little
things of earth ; he knew the true dignity of man — that virtue
conferred the same m^esty upon its possessor in the worksliop
or the palace — that tho soul's title to rank as a son of God
required neither high birth, nor tho adventitious claims of
wealth — that the simple name of a good man was a moro
abiding honour, even in this world, than that of kings or em-
Oh 1 ye sons of labour, seek to attain this true dignity
inherent in your nature, and cease to envy the possessors of
those ephemeral honours that perish with the perishing things
of this world. The time is coming — is now even at the doors —
when education shall give you a truer standing in society, and
good men throughout the whole world shall reocgniso each
other as brothers.
" An' o'er tho earth gudo sense an' worth
Shall bear the greo an' a' that."
Gamed away from my subject by an impetuous current of
thought, I must step back to tho show from which I derived a
a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure. The space in which it
was exhibited contained, I am told, about sixteen acres. Tho
rear of this, where the animals were shown, was a large grove
covered with tall spreading trees, beneath the shade of which,
reposing or standing iu tho most picturesque attitudes, wore to
'' }\
be seen the finest breeds of cfittlo, liorscs, and sheep, in the pro-
vince. This enclosure was surrounded by a high boarded fence,
against which pens were erected for the accomodation of ple-
thoric-looking pigs, fat Bleepy lambs, and wild mischievous
goats ; while noble horses were led to and fro by their owners or
th ir servants, snorting and curveting in all the conscious pride
of strength and beauty. These handsome, proud-looking
creatures, might be considered the aristocracy of the animal de-
partment; yet, in spite of their prancing hoofs, arched necks,
and glances of fire, they had to labour in their vocation as well
as the poorest pig that grunted and panted in its close pen.
There was a donkfey theve — a solitary ass — the first of his kind I
over beheld i'. the province. Unnsed to such a stir and bustle,
he lirt<-d up his voice, and made the grove ring witli his discor-
dant notes. The horses bounded and rearer! , and glanced down
upon him in such mad disdain, that they could scarcely be con-
trolled by their keepers. 1 a ' imagine the astonishment they
must have felt on hearing tho first bray of an ass ; they could
not have appeared more fc.'artled at a lion's roar. "Whoever
exhibited Mr, Braham was a brave man. A gentleman, who
settled in tlie neighbourhood of Peterboiu' twenty years
ago, brought out a donkey with him to Canaiia, and until tlie
day of his death he went by no other name than the undignified
one of Donkey.
I cannot help tliinking, that the donkey would be a very
nsefal creature in the colony. Though rather an untractable
democrat, insisting on having things his own way, he his a
Lardy, patient fellow, and easily kept ; and though very obsti-
nate, is by no means insensible of kind treatment, or iiicapable
of attachment ; and thtiu, as an exterminator of Canadian
thistles^ he would prove an invaluable reformer by removing
these agricultural pests out of the way. Often have T gazed
upon the Canadian thisti'; — that prolifin. sturdy democra of tho
soil, that rudely jostles aside its more delicate and vuued neigh-
bours, elbowing them from their places with its wide-spreading
and armed foliage — and asked myself for what purpose it grew
and flourished so abundantly? Surely, it must >^ive some
r-\ '
useful qnalitiee; some good must lie hidden under its hardy
Rtructnre and coat of mail, independently of its exwcising those
valuable qualities in man — patience and industry— which must
be called into active operation in order to root it out, and hinder
it from destroying the fruits of his labour. The time, perhaps,
may arrive when its thick milky juices and oily roots may be
found to yield nutricious food, or afforc a soothing narcotic to
alleviate the restless tossings of pain. I firmly believe that
nothing has been made in vain ; that every animate and inani-
mate substance has its use, although we may be ignorant of it ;
that the most perfect and beantiful liarmony reigns over the
visible world ; that although we may foolishly despise those
animals, plants, and insects, that wo consider noxious, because
their real utility has never been tested by experience, they are
absolutely necessary as links in the great c\iain of Providence,
and appointed to fulfil a special purpose and end.
" What shall we do for firewood when all the forests are
burned ?" was a very natural question asked us the other day by
a young friend, who, with very scanty means, contemplated
with a sort of horror the increased demand for fuel, and its
increasing price.
Tupper has an admirable answer for all such querier : —
" Yet man, heedless of a God, counteth up vain reckonings,
Fearing to be jostled and starved out by the too prolific increase of his
And asketh, in unbelieving dread, for how few years to come
Will the black cellars of the world yield unto him fuel for his winter.
Might not the wide waste sea be bent into narrower boimds ?
Migbt not the arm of diligence make the tangled wilderness a garden ?
And for aught thou canst tell, there may be a thousand methods
Of comforting thy limbs in warmth, though thou kindle not a spark.
Fear not, son of man, for thyself, nor thy seed — with a multitude ia plenty :
God's blessing giveth increase, and with it larger than enough."
Surely it is folly for any one to despair of the future, while
the providence of God superintends the affairs of the universe.
Is it not sinful tc doubt the power of that Being, who fed a vast
' M
multitude from a few loaves and small Gshos? Is His arm
shortened, that ho can no longer produce those articles that are
iudispeusable and necessary for the health and comfort of tho
creatures dependent upon his bounty ? What millions have been
fed by the introduction of the potato plant — that wild, hnlf-
poisonous native of tho Chilian mountains! When first ex-
hibited as a curiosity by Sir Walter Raleigh, who could have
imagined the astonishing results — not only in feeding the multi-
tudes that for several ages in Ireland it has fed, but that tho
very blight upon it, by stopping an easy mode of obtaining food,
should bo the instrument in the hands of the great Father to
induce these impoverished, starving children of an unhappy
country, to remove to lands where honest toil would be amply
remunerated, and produce greater blessings for tbem than tho
precarious support afforded by an esculent root ? We have faith,
unbounded faith, in the benevolent care of the Universal Father,
— faith in the fertility of the earth, and her capabilities of sup-
porting to tho end of time her numerous of&pring.
The over-population of old settled countries may appear to a
casual thinker a dreadful calamity ; and yet it is but the natural
means employed by Providence, to force the poorer classes, by
tho strong law of necessity, to emigrate and spread themselves
over the earth, in order to bring into cultivation and usefulness
its waste places. When the world can no longer maintain its
inhabitants, it will bo struck out of being by the fiat of Him who
called it into existence.
Nothing has contributed more to the rapid advance of tho
province than the institution of the Agricultural Society, and
iiom it we are already reaping the most beneficial results. It
has stirred up a spirit of en"ilation in a large class of people, who
were very supine in their method of cultivating their lands;
who, instead of improving them, and making them produce not
only the largest quantity of grain, but that of the best quality,
were quite contented if they reaped enough from their slovenly
farming to supply the wants of their family, of a very inferior
Now, we behold a laudable struggle among the tillers of the
Boil, as to wliich Suiall send tho best spccimons of good has-
bandry to contend for tho prizes at the provinciid shows, where
very largo suius of money are expended iu providing handsome
preniiiuna for the victors. All tho leading men in tho province
are njembers of this truly lionourablo institution ; and many of
them send horses, and the growth of their gardens, to add to tho
general bustle and excitement of the scene. Tho summer beforo
last, my husband took the second prize for 'wheat at tlie pro-
vincial show, and I must frankly own that I felt as proud of it
as if it had been tho same sum bestowed upon a i)rizo poem.
Tl»ero was an immense display of farm produce on the present
occasion at Toronto, all excellent in their kind. The Agricul-
tural Hall, a large, temporary building of boards, was comi»letely
filled with the fruits of tho earth and tho products of the dairy —
" A glorious sight, if glory dwells below,
Where heaven's munificence makes all the show."
Tho most delicious butter and tempting cheese, quite equal,
perhaps, to the renowned British in every thing but the name,
were displayed iu the greatest abundance.
A Mr. Hiram Ranney, from the Brock district, contributed a
monster cheese, weighing 7 cwt., not made of double skimmed
sky-blue," but of milk of the richest quality, which, from its sizo
and appearance, might have feasted all tho rats and mice in tho
province for the next twelve months. It was largo enough to
have made the good old deity of heathen times — her godship of
the earth — an agricultural throne ; while from tho floral hall,
close at hand, a crown could have been woven, "bn the shortest
notice, of the choicest buds from her own inexhaustible
A great quantity of fine flax and hemp particularly attracted
my attention. Both grow admirably in this country, and at no
very distant period will form staple articles for homo manufac-
ture and foreign export.
The vast improvement in home-manufactured cloth, blankets,
flannels, shawls, carpeting, and counterpanes, was very apparent
over tho paino nrticlcs in former years. In a sliort time Canada
need not be boliolden to any foreign country fur articles of com-
fort and convenience. In these tlangs her real wealth and
strength are shown ; and we may well augur from what she has
already achieved in this line, how much more she can do — and
do well — with credit and profit to herself.
Tho slieep in Canada are not subject to tho diseases which
carry off so many yearly in Britain ; and though these animala
liave to bo housed dunug tho winter, they are a very profitable
stock. Tho Canadian grass-fed mutton is not so largo as it is in
England, and in flavour and texture more nearly resembles tho
Scotch. It has more of a young flavour, and, to my thinking,
afl'ords a more wholesome, profitable article of consumption.
Beef is very inferior to tho British ; but since the attention of
the i)eople has been more intently directed to their agricultural
interests, there is a decided improvement in this respect, and
tho condition of all the meat sent to market now-a-days is ten
])er ce > i. bettor than the lean, hard animals, wo used to pur-
chase for winter provisions, when we first came to tho
At that time they had a race of pigs, tall and gaunt, with fierce,
bristling manes, that wandered about the roads and woods,
seeking what they could devour, like famislied wolves. You
might have pronounced them, without any great stretch of
imagination, descended from the same stock into which tho
attendant fiends that possessed the poor maniacs of Galilee had
been cast so many ages ago. I know a gentleman who was
attacked in tlie bush by a sow of this ferocious breed, who
fairly treed hitn in the woods of Douro, and kept him on his
uncomfortable perch during several hom*s, until his swinish
enemy's patience was exhausted, and she had to give up her
supper of human flesh for the more natural products of the
forest, acorns and beech-mast.
Talking of pigs and sheep recalls to my mind an amusing
anecdote, told to me by a resident of one of our back townships,
which illustrates, even in a cruel act of retaliation, the dry
humour which so strongly characterizes the lower class of
emlRrnnts from tho oincrald iwlo. I will givo it in my yonng
frieixl's own words: —
"In OMO of our hftck townships there lived nn old Dutchman,
who was of such a vindictive temper that none of hi-s neigh-
bonrs could remain in ponco with him. llo made tho owners
of tho next farm so mi«crablo that tliey were ohligod to
soil out, and leave tho place. Tho farm passed throuj^h many
hands, and at last hecamo vacant, for no ono coidd stay on it
more than a few months; they were so worried and annoyed
by this s[)iteful old man, who, upon tho flightost occasion,
throw down their fences and injured their cattle. In short, the
]K)or people began to suspect that ho was tho devil himself, sent
among them as a punishment for their sins.
" At last an Irish emigrant lately out was offered tho place
very cheap, and to tho astonishment of all, bought it, in spite of
the bad karacter^ for the future residence of himself and
" He had not been long on the now place when ono of his
sheep, which had got througli a hole in the Dutchman's fence,
came hobbling homo with ono of its legs stuck through the
other. Now, you must know that this man, who was so active
in punishing the trespasses of his neighbours' cattle and stock,
was not at all particular in keeping his own at homo. There
happened to be an old sow of his, who was very fond of Pat's
potaties^ and a constant throxihle to him, just then in tho field
when the sheep camo home. Pat took tho old sow (not very
tenderly, I'm afraid) by the ear, and drawing out his jack-knife,
very deliberately slit her month on either side as far as ho could.
By and by, tho old Dutchman camo puffmg and blowing along ;
and seeing Put sitting upon his door-step, enjoying tho evening
air, and comfortably smoking his pipe, ho asked him if ho had
seen anything of his sow ?
" ' Well, neighbour,' said Pat, putting on ono of his gravest
faces, ' one of the strangest things happened a short while ago
that I ever saw. A sheep of mine camo homo with its leg slit
and the other put through it, and your old sow was so amused
with the odd sight that sho split her jawa with laughing.' "
This turned tLe tables upou the spiteful old man, and com-
pletely cured him of all his ill-natured tricks. He is rev one of
the best neighbours in the township.
This was but a poor reparation to the poor sheep and tha old
sow. Their sufferings appear to have been regarded by both
parties as a very minor consideration.
Tiie hf*\\ set apart for the display of fancy work and the fine
arts appeared to be the great centre of attraction, for it was
almost imposs ble to force your way through the dense crowd,
or catch a glimpse of the pictures exhibited by native artiaLs.
The show of these was highly creditable indeed. Eight pictures,
illustrative of Indian scenery, character, and customs, by Mr.
Panl Kane, would have done honour to any exhibition. For
correctness of design, beauty of colouring, and a faithful repre-
sentation of the peculiar scenery of this continent, they could
i^carcel^ be surpassed.
I stood for a long time intently examining those interesting
pictures, when a tall fellow, in the grey homespun of the coun-
try, who, I suppose, thought that I had had my share of enjoy-
ment in that department, very coolly took me by the shoulders,
pulled me back into the crowd, and possessed himself of my
vacant place. This man should have formed a cla^s with the
two large tamo bears exhibited on the ground appropriated to
the poultry; but I rather thi",h that Bruin and his brother
would have been ashamed of having him added to their frater-
nity ; seeing that their conduct was quite unexceptionable, and
they could have set a good example to numbers of the human
bipeds, who pushed and elbowed from side to side-anything that
obstructed their path, while a little common courtesy would
have secured to themselves and others a far better opportunity of
examining everything carefully. The greatest nuisance in this
respect was a multitude of small children, Avho were completely
hidden in the press, and whose feet, hands, and head, dealt
blows, against which it was impossible to protect yourself, as
you felt severely witho'^L being able to ward off their homo-
thrusts. It is plain that they could not see at all, but were
determined that every one should sensibly /(?e2 their disappoint-
ind cora-
rv one of
id th3 old
by both
1 the fine
for it wad
je crowd,
^e artists.
; pictures,
3, by Mr.
ion. For
ful repre-
hey could
the coun-
of enjoy-
elf of my
1 with the
jriatcc' to
eir frater-
lable, and
le human
thing that
ssy would
rtunity of
36 in this
3ad, dealt
)urself, aa
sir home-
but were
ment. It was impossible to stop for a moment to examine this
most interesting portion of the Exhibition ; and one was really
glad to force a passage out of the press into the free air.
Large placards were pasted about in the most conspicuous
places, warning visitors to the grounds to look out for pick-
pockv ts ! Every one was on the alert to discover these gentry —
expect mg them, I suppose, to be classed like the animal and
vegetable productions of the soil ; and the vicinity o^ a knowing-
looking, long-bearded pedlar, who was selling •* Yankee Notions"
at the top of his voice, and always surrounded by a great mob,
was considered the most likely locality for these invisible person-
ages, who, I firmly believe, existed alone in the fancy of tlio
authors of the aforesaid placards.
There was a very fine display of the improved and foreign
breeds of poultry ; and a set of idle Irish loungers, of the lower
class, were amusing themsei.es by inserting the bowls of their
pipes into the pens that contained these noble fowls, and giving
them the benefit of a good smoking. The intoxicating effects
of the fumes of the tobacco upon the poor creatures appeared to
aflford their tormentors the greatest entertainment. The stately
Cochin-China cooks shook their plumed heads, and turned up
their beaks with unmistakable signs of annoyance and disgust ;
and two fine fowls that were lying dead outside the pens, were
probably killed by this novel sport.
I was greatly struck by the appearance of Okah Tubee, tho
celebrated Indian doctor, who was certainly tho most conspicu-
ous-booking person in the show, and on a less public occasion
would have drawn a large number of spectators on his own
Okah Tubee is a broad, stout, powerfully built man, with a
large fat face, set ofl:' to tlie least possible advantage by round
rings of braided hair, tied with blue ribbons, and with largo gold
car-rings in his ears. Now, it certainly is true that a man has a
perfect right to dross his hair in this fashion, or in any fashion
he pleases ; but a more absurd appearance tlian the blue ribbons
gave to his broad, brown, beardless face, it is impossible to
imagine. The solemn dignity, too, with which he carried off
this tomfoolery was not the least laughable part of it. I wonder
which of his wives — for I was told he had several — braided all
these small rings of hair, and confined them with the blue love
knots ; but it is more than probable that the grave Indian per-
formed his own toilet. His blue surtout and beaver i it accorded
ill with his Indian leggings and moccasins. I must think that
the big man's dress was in shocking bad taste and a decided
failure. I missed the sight of him carrying a flag in the pro-
cession, and mounted on horseback ; if his riding-dress matched
his walking costume, it must have been rich.
Leaving the show-ground, we next directed our steps to tho
Ladies' Bazaar, that was held in the government buildings, and
here we found a number of well-dressed, elegant women, sitting
like Mathew at the receipt of custom ; it is to be hoped that
their labors of love received an ample recompense, and that tho
sale of their pretty toys completely discharged the debt that had
been incurred for their favorite saint. Nor was the glory of old
England likely to be forgotten amid such a display of national
flags as adorned the spacious apartment.
" The banner of old England flowa
Triumphant in the breeze —
A Bign of terror to our foes,
The meteor of the seas.
A thousand heroes bore it
In battle-fields of old ;
All nations quail'd before it,
Defended by the bold.
" Brave Edward and his gallant sons
Beneath its shadow bled ;
And lion-hearted Britons
That flag to glory led. •
The sword of kings defended,
When hostile foes drew near ;
The sheet whose colors bended-
Memorials proud and dear !
I wondor
■braided all
) blue love
ndian per-
it accorded
think that
L a decided
in the pre-
ss matched
:ep3 to the
ildings, and
aen, sitting
hoped that
ad that tho
bt that had
flory of old
of national
" The hist' y of a nation
Is blazun'd on its page,
A brief and bright relation
Sent down from age to ago.
O'er Galha's hosts victorious,
It turn'd their pride of yore ,
Its fame on earth is glorious,
E-enown'd from shore to shore.
" Tho soldier's heart has bounded
When o'er the tide of war ;
Where death's brief cry resounded,
It flash'd a blazing star.
Or floating over leaguer'd wall,
It met his lifted eye ;
Like war-horse to the trumpet's call,
He rush'd to victory I
" No son of Briton e'er will see
A foreign band advance,
To seize the standard of the frco
That dared tho might of France.
Bright banner of our native land.
Bold hearts are knit to thee;
A hardy, brave, determined band,
Thy champions yet shall bo !"
1^ Z
" Come and woi-Bhip at a shrine,
Rear'd by hands eternal,
Where the flasliing waters shine,
And the turf is ever vernal,
And nature's everlasting voice
For ever cries — rtyoice, rejoice I"
8. M.
The night had heen one of pouring rain, and the day dawned
througli a thick veil of misty clouds, on the morning of which
wo Avero to start from Toronto to visit the Falls of Niagara.
" It is always so," I thought, as I tried to peer through the
dense mist that floated round the spire of St. George's church, in
order to reud what promise there might lurk behind its grey
folds of a fine day. " What we most wish for is, for some wise
purpose inscrutable to our narrow vision, generally withheld,
r.ut it may clear up, after all. At all events, we must bide the
o/iance and make the experiment."
By seven o'clock, we were on board the " Chief Justice," one
of the steamers that daily ply between Toronto and Queenstone
A letter that I got, in passing the post-office, from the dear chil-
dren at home, diverted my thoughts for a long while from tho
dull sky and drizzling rain ; and when it had been read and
re-read, and pondered over for some time, and God inwardly
thanked for the aflfection that breathed in every line, and tlio
good news it contained, the unpromising mist had all cleared
away, and the sun was casting bright silvery gleams across tho
broad bosom of the beautiful Ontario.
We did not meet with a solitary adventure on our very plea-
8. M.
y dftwned
of which
rough the
hurch, in
I its grey
loine wise
bide the
iice," ono
ear chil-
fi'oin tlio
read and
, and the
1 cleared
cross the
ery plea-
sant voyage ; the deep blue autumnal sky, and the gently-undu-
lating waters, forming the chief attraction, and giving rise to
pleasant trains of thought, till the spirit blended and harmonized
with the grand and simple elements that composed the scene.
There were no passengers in the ladies' cabin, and wo never
left the deck of the steamer until she came to her wharf at
The lake, for some miles before you reach the entrance of the
Niagara river, assumes a yellowish-green tint, quite different
from the ordinary deep blue of its waters. This is probably
owing to the vast quantity of soil washed down by the raj)ids
from the high lands above.
The captain told us that, after a storm such as wo experienced
on the preceding night, this ;'ppearauce, though it always ex-
isted, was more apparent. You catch a distant glance of the
Falls from this part of the lake ; but it is only in the shape of a
light silvery cloud hovering on the edge of the horizon. Wo
listened in vain for any sound to give us an indication of their
near vicinity. The voice of nature was mute. The roar of the
great cataract was not distinguishable at that distance.
The entrance to the Niagara r: /er is very intei-esting. You
pass between the two strong stone forts, raised for the protection
of their respective countries; and a hostile vessel would stand
but a small chance of keeping clear from danger in passing either
Cerberus. It is devoutly to be hoped that all such difficulties
will be avoided, by the opposite shores remcining firm friends
and allies.
The town of Niagara is a quaint, old-fashioned looking place,
and belongs more to the past than the present Canada ; for it
has not made much progress since it ceased to be the capital of
the Upper Province, in spite of its very advantageous and beau-
tiful locality.
As you approach Queenstone, the river is much contracted in
its dimensions, and its banks assume a bold and lofty appear-
ance, till they frown down upon the waters in stern and solemn
grandeur, and impart a wild romantic character to the scene, not
often found in the Upper Province.
I never beheld any water that resembled the deep green of the
Niagara. This may be owing, perhaps, to the immense depth
of the river, the color of the rooks over which it fl.vws, or it
may be reflected from the beautiful trees and shrubs that clothe
its precipitous banks ; but it must strike every person who first
gazes upon it as very remarkable. You cannot look down into
it; for it is not pellucid but opaque in its appearance, and runs
with a smooth surface more resembling oil than water.
The waters of the St. Lawrence are a pale sea-green, and so
transparently cleai* that you see through them to a great depth.
At sunrise and sunset, they take all the hues of the opal. Tho
Ottawa is a deep blue. The Otonabee looks black, from the dark
limestone bed over which it foams and rushes. Our own Moira
is of a 'silvery or leaden hue, but the waters of the Niagara are
a bright deep green ; and did any painter venture tc transfer
their singular color to his canvas, it would be considered extra-
vagant and impossibb.
The new Suspension Bridge at Queenstone is a beautiful object
from the water. Tho river hero is six hundred feet in width ;
the space between the two stone to.rors that support tho bridge
on either shore is eight hundred and fifty feet ; the height above
tho water, two hundred feet. The towers are not built on the
top of tho bank, but a platform for each has been quarried out of
the steep sides of the precipice, about thirty feet below the cdgo
of the clifis. The road that leads up from the Queenstone ferry
has been formed by the same process. It is a perilous ascent,
and hangs almost over tho river; nor is there any sufficient
barrier to prevent a skittish horse from plunging from the giddy
height into the deep, swift stream below, I should not like to
travel this romantic road of a dark October night, even on foot.
The Queenstpno cab-drivers rattle up and down this fearful path
witliout paying ttie least regard to the nerves of their passengers.
At tho entrance to the bridge, a space is quarried out of tho
bank to allow heavy teams to turn on to the bridge, which is
done with the greatest ease and safety.
Several heavy loaded teams were crossing from the other side,
and it was curious to watch tho horses, -svhen they felt the
een of the
ase depth
..ws, or it
hat clothe
I who first
lown into
, and runs
an, and so
eat depth.
)pal. The
a the dark
)wn Moira
[iagara are
:o transfer
srsd extra-
tiful ohject
in width;
the bridge
ight above
uilt on the
•ied out of
V the edge
tone ferry
us ascent,
the giddy
lot like to
n ou foot.
arful path
ut of the
which is
>ther side,
felt the
vibratory motion, draw back clbse to the vehicles, and take high,
short steps, as if they apprehended some unknown danger. It
is surprising how well they behave ou this trying occasion, for a
horse, though a very brave animal, is one of the most nervous
ones in creation
These beauti. ul, airy-looking structures, are a great triumph
of mechanical ait over a barrier wliich had long been considered
as insurmountable, except by water. The ready mode of com-
munication which by their means has been established between
the opposite shores, must prove of incalculable advantage to this
part of the colony.
It is to be hoped that similar bridges will soon span the many
rapid rivers in Canada. A sudden spring thaw gives such
volume and power to most of the streams, that few bridges con-
structed on the old plan are long able to resist the impetuosity
of the current, but are constantly liable to be cairied away,
occasioning great daraa^^e in their vicinity.
The Suspension Bridge, by being raised above the possible
action of the water, is liable to none of the casualties that
operate against the old bridge, whose piers and arches, though
formed of solid masonry, are not proof against the powerful
battering-rams formed by huge blocks of ice and heavy logs of
wood, aided by the violent opposing force of the current.
The light and graceful proportions of the Suspension Bridge
add a great charm to the beauty of this charming landscape. It
is well worth paying a visit to Niagara, if it possessed no object
of greater interest in its neighbourhood than these wonderful
The village of Queenstone is built at the foot of the hill, and is
a very pretty toil antic-looking place. Numerous springs wind
like silvery threads along the face of the steep bank above ; and
and wherever the waters find a flat ledge in their downward
course, water-cresses of the finest quality grow in abundance, the
sparkling water gurgling among their juicy leaves, and washing
them to emerald brightness. Large portions of the cliff are
literally covered with them. It was no small matter of surprise
to me when told that the inhabitants madf no use of this delicious
plan, but laugh at the eagerness with which strangers seek it
The Queenstono Heights, to the east of tlie village, are a lofty
ridge of land rising three hundred feet above the level of the
country below. They are quite as precipitous as the banks of
the river. The railroad winds along the face of tLis raagTaificeut
bank. Gigantic trees tower far above your head, and a beautiful
fertile country lies extended at your feet. There, between its
rugged banks, winds the glorious river; and, beyond "y^nt end
plr.ln, gljft« 8 ho Ontario against the Lorizon, like a mimic
oci T.',, 1 ivjsd.L'^ ts blue waters »vith the azure ocean of heaven.
Trii y i.t hi magnificent scene, and associated with the most
iuucrfy'M^g isL'^cical events connected with the province.
Brock's rnoL. .ai. nt, which you pass on tlie road, is a melan-
choly looking niin, but by no means a picturesque one, resembling
Bomo tall chimney that has been left standing after the house to
whicli it belonged had been burnt down.
Some time ago subscriptions were set on foot to collect money
to rebuild this monument ; but the rock on which it stands is,
after all, a more enduring monument to the memory of the hero,
tliau any perishable structure raised to commemorate the despe-
rate struggle that terminated on this spot. As long as the heights
of Queenstone remain, and the river pours its swift current
to mingle with the Ontario, the name of General Brock will bo
associated with the scene. The noblest tablet on which tho
deeds of a great man can bo engraved, is on the heart of his
grateful country.
Were a new monument erected on this spot to-morrow, it is
more than probable that it would share tho fate of its predeces-
sor, and some patriotic American would consider it an act of
duty to the great Republic to dash it ont of creation.
From Queenstono we took a carriage on to Niagara, a distance
of about eight miles, over good roads, and through a pleasant,
smiling tract of country. This part of the province might justly
be termed the garden of Canada, and partakes more of tho soft
and rich character of English scenery.
The ground rises and falls in gentle slopes ; tho fine meadows,
irs seek it
are a lofty
vel of the
banks of
I beautiful
Btveen its
"Tv^st c ad
a mimic
)f heaven.
the most
3 a melan-
e house to
Bct money
stands is,
■ the hero,
the despe-
he heights
ft current
;k will be
Wiich the
art of his
TOW, it is
m act of
I distance
;ht justly
f tho soft
entirely freo from the odious Mack stamps, are adorned with
groups of noble chestnut and black walnut trees ; and the peach
aad apple orchards in full bearing, clustering around the neat
horae3';eads, give to then an appearance of wealth and comfort,
which cannot exist for many years to come in more remote
The air on these high table lands is very pure and elastic ; and
I could not heli wishing for some good fairy to remove my little
cott' ^e into one of the fair enclosures we pa.ssed continually by
the roadside, and place it beneath the shade of some of the
beautiful trees that adorned every field.
Here, for the first time in Canada, I observed hedges of tho
Canadian thorn — a great improvement on tho old snake fence of
rough split timber which prevails all through ther 'nv. What
a difierence it would make in the aspect of the c> "m' if these
green hedgerows were in general use I It wou^ taL i om the
savage barrenness given to it by these croo^' d • "ooUen lines
that cross and recross the country in all directions j object can
be less picturesque, or more unpleasing to i\n. ■ ve. A new clear-
ing reminds one of a large turnip field, divic 'j- hurdles into
different compartments for the feeding of sheep and cattle. Often,
for raiies on a stretch, there is scarcely a tree or bush to relieve
the blank monotony of these ugly, uncouth partitions of land,
beyond charred stumps and rank weeds, and the uniform belt of
forest at the back of the new fields.
The Canadian cuts down, but rar ;ly plants trees, which cir-
cumstance accounts for the blank loo'c of dot>olation that pervades
all new settlements. A few young maples and rock elms, planted
along the roadsides, would, at a very small expense of labour, in
a very few years remedy this ugly feature in the Canadian land-
scape, and afford a grateful shade to the weary traveller from
the scorching heat of the summer sun.
In old countries, where landed property often remains for ages
in the same family, the present occupant i)lants and improves for
future generations, hoping that his sons' sons may enjoy the fruit
of his labors. But in a new country like this, where property
is constantly changing ownerb, no one seems to think it worth
their while to take any trouble to add to the beauty of a i)laco
for the benefit of strangers.
Most of our second growth of trees have been planted by tho
])cautiful hand of nature, who, in laying out her cunning work,
generally does it in tho most advantageous manner ; and chunco
or accident has suftered tho trees to rotnain on tho spot from
whence they sprung.
Trees that grow in open spaces after the forest has been cleared
away, are as graceful and umbrageous as those planted in parks
at home. The forest trees seldom possess any great beauty of
outline ; they run all to top, and throw out few lateral branches.
There is not a tree in tho woods that could aflbrd tho least slielter
during a smart shower of rain. They are so closely packed to-
gether in these dense forests, that a very small amount of foliage,
for the size and length of tho trunk, is to be found on any indi-
vidual tree. One wood is tho exact picture of another ; the uni-
formity dreary in the extreme. There are no green vistas to be
seen ; no grassy glades beneath the bosky oajcs, on which tho
deer browse, and the gigantic shadows sleep in the sunbeams.
A stern array of rugged trunks, a tangled maze of scrubby under-
brush, carpeted, winter and summer, with a thick layer of
withered buff leaves, form tho general features of a Canadian
A few flowers force their heads through this thick covering of
leaves, and make glad with their beauty the desolate wilderness:
but those who look for au Arcadia of fruita and flowers in tho
backwoods of Canada cannot fdl of disappointment. Some local-
ities, it is true, are more favored than others, especially those
sandy tracts of table land that are called plains in this country ;
tho trees are more scattered, and the ground receives the benefit
of light and sunshine.
Flower J — those precious gifts of God — do not delight in dark-
ness and shade, and this is one great reason why they are so
scarce iu the woods. I saw more beautiful blossor^s waving
above the Niagara i-iver, from every crevice iu its rocky banks,
than I ever beheld during my long residence in tho bush. Theso
lovely children of light seem peculiarly to rejoice in their near
f' of a place
ited by tlio
ning work,
and chanco
) spot from
oen cleared
id in parks
; beauty of
1 branches,
jast shelter
packed to-
; of folingc,
1 any indi-
; the uni-
istas to be
which the
>by under-
c layer of
> Canadian
overing of
ers in the
oine local-
ally those
country ;
be benefit
fe in dark-
ey are so
s waving
ky banks,
1. These
heir near
vicinity to water, the open space allowed to the wide rivers
nllurding thom the air and simshino denied to them iu the cIoho
atiiKKsphero of the dense woods.
The lirst sight we caught of the Fulls of Niagara was from the
top of tho hill that leads directly into the village. I had been
intently examining the rare slirubs and beautiful flowers that
grew in an exquisite garden surrounding a very fine mansion on
my right hand, perfectly astonished at their luxuriance, and the
emerald groenuess of the turf at that season, v, Jiich had been one
of unprecedented drought, when, on raising my head, tho groat
cataract burst on my sight without any intervening screen, pro-
ducing an overwhelming sensation in my mind which amounted
to pain in its intensity.
Yea, the great object of ray journey — one of the fondest anti-
cipations of my life — watj at length accomi)lished ; and for a
moment the blood recoiled back to my heart, and a tremulous
thrill ran through my whole frame. I was so bewildered — so
taken by surprise — that every feeling was absorbed in the one
c-onsciousnoss, that the sublime vision was before mo ; that I had
at last seen Niagara; that it was mine for ever, stereotyped
upon my heart by the unerring hand of nature, producing an im-
l)ression which nothing but madness or idiotcy could efface I
It was some seconds before I could collect my thoughts, or
concentrate my attention sulficiently to identify one of its gigan-
tic features. Tlie eye crowds all into the one glance, and tho
eager mind is too much dazzled and intoxicated for minor details.
Astonishment and admiration are succeeded by curious exami-
nation and enjoyment ; but it is impossible to realise this at first.
The tumultuous rush of feeling, tho excitement occasioned by the
grand spectacle, must subside before you can draw a free breath,
and have time for thought.
The Amer.'can Fall was directly opposite, resembling a vast
rolling cylinder of light flashing through clouds of silvery mist,
and casting from it long rays of indescribable brightness. I never
could realise, in this perfect image of a living and perpetual mo-
tion, a fall of waters ; it always had, to my eyes, this majestic,
solemn, rotatory movement, when seen from the bank above.
The riorso-shoo Fall Is further ou to tho right, and yon only get
a side view of it from this point.
Tho Fulls aro Hoon to the least posdiblo advantage from the brow
of tho steep bank. In looking down upon them, you cun form
no adequate idea of their volume, height, and grandeur ; yet that
first glance can never bo effaced. You feel a thrilling, triumph-
ant joy, whilst contemplating this master-piece of nature —
this subUme idea of the Eternal — this wonderful symbol of tho
power and strength of tho divine Architect of tho universe.
It is as if the great heart of nature were laid bare before you,
and you saw and heard all its gigantic tlirobbings, and watched
the current of its stupendous life flowing perpetually forward.
I cannot imagine how any one could be disappointed in this
august scene ; and tho singular indifference manifested by others ;
it is either a miserable aflectation of singularity, or a hunentablo
want of sensibility to tho grand and beautiful. Tho human
being who could stand unmoved before the great cataract, and
fool no quickening of tho pulse, no silent adoration of the heart
towflrds tho Creator of this wondrous scene, would remain as
indifferent and as uninspired before tho throne of God 1
Throwing out of the question tho romantic locality — the
rugged wooded banks, tho vast blocks of stono scattered at tlie
edge of the torrent, the magic color of the waters, tho over-
hanging crags, tho wild flowers waving from the steep, the glo-
rious hues of tho ever-changing rainbow that spans tlie river,
and that soft cloud of silvery brightness for ever Uowing
upward into the clear air, like the prayer of faith ascending
from earth to heaven — tho enormous magnitude of the waters
alone, their curbless power, and eternal motion, are suflicicnt to
give rise to feelings of astonish mo ut and admiration such as
never wore experienced before.
Not the least of these sensations is crcaced by the deep roar of
tho falling torrent, tliat shakes the solid rocks beneath your feet,
and is repeated by the thousand hidden echoes among those stern
craggy heights.
It is impossible for language to convoy any adequate idea of
tlio grandeur of the Falls, when seen from below, either from
only get
tlib brow
cmi form
yot that
naturo —
A of tlio
ore you,
ill this
others ;
act, and
le heart
niaiti as
ty— the
1 at the
10 over-
the glo-
B river,
)ient to
lucli as
•oar of
iir feet,
loa of
r from
tho dock of the ''Maid of the Mif^t " — tlio small sloamer that
approunhes within a few yard.s of t!iw d^'scunding nhoet of tho
IIorso-Mhoo Fulls — or from tho ferry boat th.it plieH continiiiiUy
between tho opposite Hliorua. From tho frail little boat, dancing
like a feather upon tho green swelling »nrge^<, you perhaps form
tho best notion of the vastness and magnitude of tho descend-
ing waters, and of your own helplessness and insigniHcfinco.
They flow down uinm your vision like moving mountains of
light; and tho shadowy outline of black mysterious-looking
rocks, dimly aeon through clouds of driving mist, adds a wild
Kul)limity to tho scene. While tho boat struggles over tho curl-
ing billows, at times lifted up by tho ground-swells from below,
tho feeling of danger and insecurity is lost in tho whirl of waters
that surround you. Tho mind expands with tho scene, and you
rejoice in tho terrific power that threatens to annihilate you
and your fairy bark. A visible presence of tho miyesty of God
is before you, and, sheltered by His protecting hand, you behold
tho glorious spectacle and live.
Tho dark forests of pino that form tho background to tho
Falls, when soon from above, arc entirely lost from tho surface of
the river, and tho descending floods seem to pour down upon you
from the skios.
The day had turned out as beautiful as heart could wish ; and
though I felt verj' much fatigued with tho journey, I determined
to sot all aches and pains at defiance •whilst I remained on this
enchanted ground.
' "We had just time enough to spare before dinner to walk to
tho table rock, following tho road along tho brow of tho steep
bank. On tho way wo called in at tho Curiosity Slioi), kept by
an old grey-haired nuin, avIio had made for himself a snug little
California by turning all he touched into gold ; his stock-in-trade
consisting of geological specimens from tho vicinity of the Falls
— pebbles, plants, stuffed birds, beasts, and sticks cut from the
I. nber that grows along the rocky banks, and twisted into every
imiiginablo shape. Tho heads of these canes were dexterously
car\ d to imitate snakes, snapping turtles, eagles' heads, and
Indian faces. Uero, tlio fantastic ends of the roots of jiinubs
from which they wore made .Tore cut into a grotesque triumvi-
rate of legs and feet ; hero a black snake, spotted and colored to
represent the horrid reptile, made you fancy its ugly coils
already twisting in abhorrent folds about your hands and arms-
There was no end to the i>ld man's imaginative freaks in this
d'^nru'tment, his wares bearing a proportionate price to the dig-
nity of the location from whicli tliey were derived.
A vrst amount of Indian toys, and articles of dress, made tho
museum quite gay with their tawdry ornaments of beads and
feathers. It Is a pleasant lounging place, and tho old man forms
one of its chief attractions.
Proceeding on to the table rock, we passed many beautiful
gardens, all bearing the same rich tint of verdure, and glowing
with fruit and flowers. The show^jrs of spray, rising from tho
vast natural fountain in their neighborhood, fill the air with cool
and refreshing moisture, which waters these lovely gardens, as
the mists did of yore that went up from tho face of tho earth to
Avater the garden of Eden.
The Ilorse-shoe Fall is much lower than its twin cataract on
the American side ; but what it loses in height, it makes up in
l)ower and volume, and the amount of water tliat is constantly
discharged over it. As wo approached the table rock, a rainbuAv
of Kplendid dyes spanned the river; rising from out tho driving
mist from the American ^^^all, until it melted into tho leaping
snowy foam of the great Canadian cataract. There is a strange
bleiuling, in this scene, of beauty and softness Avith the " .ignifi-
cent ajid tho sublime : a deep sonorous music in tho thundering
of the mighty Hoods, as if the s'.irits of earth and air united in
one solemn choral chant of praise to the Creator; the rocks
vibrate to the living harmony, and the shores around seem hur-
rying forward, as if impelled by tho force of the dcs a protest
oration of
It is an
ikind — an
true wor-
trnst that
and dash
r glorious
my indig-
[3 the evil
The winds were fiercely wreaking
Their vengeance on the wave,
A hoarse dirge wildly Hhrieking
O'er each uncolBn'd grave.
" I started from my pillow —
The moon was riding high,
The wind scarce hoav'd a billow
Beneath that oloudjeas sky.
I look'd from earth to heaven.
And blesa'd the tranquil beam ;
My trembling heart had striven
With the tempest of a dream."
' Adown Niagara'a f^nnt ntccp,
The foaoiiiiK bruakerM crowding leap,
With wild tunuiltuouH roar;
The mighty din aHccnda on iilKh,
In deafening thunder to the sky,
And sbakcH tlu rocky shore."
8. M.
The lady ■with the ringlets was absent with lier party from
the tca-taijlc ; I was not sorry to learn that slio was gf)ne, I
had conceived a prejudice against her from the remark I heard
lior make about the Falls. Her gustativenes.s predominated 80
largely over her ideality, tliat she reminded mo of a young lady
who, after describing to mo a supper of which by her own
account she had largely partaken, said, with a candour alaost
shocking in its simplicity—
" To tell you tho plain truth, my dear Mrs. M , my art
(sho was English, and cockney, and dreadfully mangled tho letter
h whenever it stumbled into a speech) is in my stomach.'''*
Tho cup of excellent tea was most refreshing after the fatigues
of the day ; and, while enjoying it, I got into an agreeable chat
with several pleasant people, but we were all strangers even in
name to each other.
Tho night was misty and intensely dark, without moon or
stars. How I longed for ono glimpso of the former, to shed if
only a wandering gleam upon the Falls! Tho awful music of
tlieir continuous roar tilled tho heavens, and jarred the windows
of the building with tho tremulous motion wo feel on board a
Btcamboat. And then T amnsod tnysolf witli picturing (Inrinj?
ono of onr desolating tliundor-stortns, leaping into oxistenco
ont of tlio dense darkness, when revealed by the broad red
llashca of liglitning; and I wished that my limited means would
allow mo to remain long enough in their vicinity, to see them
under every change of season and weather. Bat it was not to
bo ; and after peering long and an.dously into thu dark night, I
retreated to an unoccupied sofa in a distant part of the saloon,
to watch and listen to all that was passing around mo.
Two young American ladies, not of a highly educated class,
wore engaged in a lively cor.vereation with two dashing' English
officers, who, for thoir own amtHoment, Avero practising ujion
their credulity, and flatterii ^ their national projudiros with tho
most depreciating remarks xui Pngland and tho English poo])le.
"I am English," cried number one ; " but I in no great ad-
mirer of her people and institutions. Tho Anicricauj beat them
"All the world think so but themselves," said the younger
lady; " they are such a vain, arrogant setl"
"Decidedly so. The men "e bad enough, but tho women, —
I dare say you have heard them called handsome."
"Ah, yes," in a lively tone; "but I never behoved it, 1 never
in my life saw a pretty English woman among all that I havo
seen in Now York. To my thinking, they are a sad -ot of
frights. Stiff, formal, and repidsivo, they dress in shocking bad
taste, and c< nsider themselves and their uncouth fashions as tho
starulards of perfection."
" My dear madam, you are right. They are odious creatures.
The beauty for which they were once renowned has vanished
with the last generation. Our modern iinglish girls are decided
barbarians. It is impossible to meet with a pretty English
woman now-a-days. I have made a vow to cut them altogether;
and if c/er I commit such a foohsh liug as matrimony, to take
to myself an American wife."
"Are you in earn^jst?" with a very fascinating emile, and
Hashing upon him her fine dark eyes.
"Quito so. Bat, now, you must not take me for a rich
1.25 u |||i^
WEBSTER, r:.Y. 14580
(716) 872-4503
English Coelebs in search of a wife. I am an unfortunate scape-
grace, have run out all my means, and am not worth a York
aliilling to jingle on a tomb-stone. I was obliged to boiTow
money of my landlord — ^he's a capital fellow — to pay my
washerwoman's bill this morning. So don't fall in love with me.
I assure you, on my honour, it would be a bad spec."
"Don't be alarmed," returned the dark-eyed girl, evidently
much pleased with her odd companion. "Are you very young?''
"I was never young. My mother told me that I had cut my
wisdom-teeth when I was born. I was wide awake, too, like
your clever people, and have kept my eyes open ever since."
" You have seen a great deal of the world ?"
" Yes, too much of it ; but 'tis a tolerable world to live in
after all."
" Were you ever in the United States ?"
" Only crossed from the other side a few days ago. Did you
not notice the arrival of Mr. P- — among the list of distin-
guished foreigners that honoured your great city with their pre-
eence ?"
" And what struck you most when you got there ?"
" Oh, the beauty and elegance of the women, of course."
" You flatter us."
" Fact, upon honour," with a quizzical application of his hand
to his heart. *
" What did you admire in them ?"
" Theu* straight up and down figures. They have no vulgar
redundancies — no red Cheeks and pug noses ; and then their
voices are so sweet and harmonious, their pronunciation so cor-
rect, so every way superior to the boisterous, hearty frankness
of our !"ritish girls 1 "
" English women- liave very bad noses, I have remarked that •
and they are so horribly fat, and they laugh so loud, and talk in
such a high key I My 1 I often wondered where they learned
their manners."
"Ohl 'tis all natural to them — it comes to them without
" I have been told that London is a shocking place."
ito scape-
ti a York
) boiTow
pay my
with me.
,d cut my
, too, like
3 live in
Did you
of distin-
their pre-
his hand
10 vulgar
len their
>n so cor-
:ed that ;
id talk in
' learned
" Dreadful ; and tlie climate ih disgustiiii,'. It rains tliorc every
day, and fogs are so ])revalent that, during the winter months,
they burn candles all day to see to eat. As to the sun, he never
comes out but once or twice during the summer, just to let us
kuoAv that he lias not been struck out of creation. And the
streets, ray dear young lady, are so filthy, that the women havo
to wear pattens in their carnages."
" You don't say ?"
" Just to keep their petticoats out of the mud, which is so deep
that it penetrates through the bottom of the carriages."
" I never will go to England, I declare."
" You will be better appreciated in your free and glorious
country. Slavery thrives there, and you make slaves of us poor
"Now, do stop there, and have done with your blarney."
" Blarney ! I'm not Irish. Englishmen always speak the truth
when talking to the ladies."
Here he paused, quite out of breath, and his companion in mis-
chief commenced with the other lady.
" Who is that tall, stout, handsome man, with the fat lady on
his arm, who has just entered the room ?"
" That's an American from the south ; he's worth his weight
in gold, and that fleshy woman's his wife. My I is he not hand-
some 1 and he's so clever — one of our greatest senators."
"If size makes a man great, and ho has the distinguished
honour of being one of your senators, he mui^t bo a great, a very
great man,"
" He's a splendid orator ; you should hear him speak."
" He has kept his mouth shut all day ; and, when ho does open
it, it is only to speak in French to his wife. My curiosity is ex-
cited ; it would be quite a treat to hear him talk on any subject."
" When he speaks, it's always to the purpose. But there's no
one here who is able to appreciate talents like his."
" He's an American aristocrat."
" We have no aristocrats with us. He's a great slaveowner,
and immensely rich."
" Very substantial claims to distinction, I must confess. You
I s
are wiser in these matters than wo are. What do you think of
Canada ?"
• I don't know ; it's very well for a young place. I only
came here with sister last night ; we are on our way to Quebec."
"To visit friends?"
" We have no friends in Canada. We want to see Lord
"Lord Elgin 1"
"Yes. We have seen a great many curious things, but we
never saw an English lord."
" And you are going to Quebec for no other purpose than to
look at Lord Elgin ? His lordship should feel himself highly
flattered. What sort of an animal do you suppose him to be ?"
" A man, of course ; but I assure you that the Boston ladies
thought a great deal of him. Sister and I have plenty of time
and money at our disposal, and wo wanted to see if their opinion
was correct."
" Well, I hope you may be gratified, and agree with the Bos-
ton ladies that he is a very clever man."
" Is he handsome ?"
" He has an English nose."
" Oh, shocking 1"
" A decided Anglo-Saxon face."
" I'm sure I shan't admire him."
" But I'll not anticipate. A man may bo a fine-looking fellow
in spite of his nose. But what do you think of the Falls ?"
" Well, I have not quite made up ray mind about them. I
should like to ride down to the edge of the river, to look at them
from below."
" I will order a carriage to-morrow morning, and drive you
" Thank . you ; I can do that for myself, if I have a mind to.
I should like to ride down on horseback."
" The path is too steep ; no one ventures down that terrible
road on horseback."
" But I'm a capital rider."
" No matter ; they ueo cows for that purpose here.''
u think of
e. I only
I Quebec."
see Lord
;g, but wo
96 than to
lelf highly
1 to be ?"
jton ladies
ty of time
)ir opinion
ti the Bo3-
ing fellow
them. I
>k at them
drive you
a mind to.
at terrible
" They are very safe, sure-footed animals. All the ladies ride
down to the Falls on :o ivs."
" Are they fools ?"
" Wise women. Did not you see that fine drove of cows pass
the hotel at sunset ?"
" I did. I thought they were driven into the yard to be
" Why, yes ; but those cows are making Mr. 's fortune.
They serve a double purpose, providing delicious butter and
cream for his customers, and acting as horses for the ladies. I
will pick out the most docile among tliem for your excursion to-
morrow morning, and see it bridled and saddled myself."
Tliis was too much for the gravity of any one. My son-in-law
ran out of the room, and I laughed aloud. Th<> poor girls began
to find out that they were sold, and retreated into the balcony.
An hour afterwards, as I was pacing through the long gallery
that led to our sleeping apartment, one of the many doors on
either side softly opened, and the youngest of these bright-eyed
damsels stole out.
" I want to ask you a question," she said, laying her very
white hand confidingly on my arm ; " were those Englishmen
quizzing ray sister and me ?"
" Need you ask that question ?" said I, not a little amused at
her simplicity.
" I never suspected it till I saw your son laughing to himself,
and then I guessed something was wrong. It was a great shame
of those rude fellows to amuse themselves at our expense ; but
your son is quite a different person — so handsome and gentle-
manly. We admire him so much. Is he married ?"
" His wife is my daughter."
I can't tell why my answer struck the fair inquirer dumb ;
she drew back suddenly into her chamber, and closed the door
without bidding me good night, and that was the last time I
saw or heard of her and her companion.
"A sum.mer spent at the Clifton House would elicit more
extraordinary traits of character than could be gathered from
the chit-chat of a dozen novels," thought I, as I paced on to
No. 50, the last room on the long tier,
I was «p by daybreak the next morning to see the Falls by
sunrise, and ■was amply repaid for leaving my warm bed, and
encountering the bright bracing morning air, by t.vo hours' en-
joyment of solemn converse alone -with God and Niagara. The
sun had not yet lifted his majestic head above the pine forest, or
chased with his beams the dark shadows of night that rested
within the curved sides of the great Ilore-shoe. The waters
looked black as they rolled in vast smooth masses downward,
till, meeting the projecting rocks, they were tossed high into the
air in clouds of dazzling foam — so pure, so stainlessly white,
when contrasted with the darkness, that they looked as if
belonging to Heaven rather than to earth. Anon, that dancing
feathery tumult of foam catches a rosy gleam from the coming
day. A long stream of sunlight touches the centre of the
miglity arch, and transforms the black waters into a mass of
smooth transparent emerald green, and the spray flashes with
myriads of rubies and diamonds ; while the American Fall still
rolls and thunders on in cold pure whiteness. Goat Island and its
crests of dark pines shrouding it in a robe of gloom. 1 he voice
of the waters rising amidst the silence that reigns at that lovely
calm hour, sounds sonorous and grand. Be still, O my soul I
earth is pouring to her Creator her morning anthem of solemn
praise 1
Earth 1 how beautiful thou art I "When will men be worthy
of the paradise in which they are placed ? Did our first father,
amidst the fresh young beauty of his Eden, ever gaze upon a
spectacle more worthy of his admiration than this ? We will
except those moments when he held converse with God amid
the cool shades of that delicious garden.
" That's a sublime sight !" said a voice near me.
I turned and found the old American gentleman at my side.
" I can see a change in the appearance of these Falls," he con-
tinued, "since I visited them some forty years ago. Time
changes everything ; I feel that I am changed since then. I
was young and active, and clambered' about these rugged banks
cd on to
) Falls by
bed, and
lourd' en-
ira. The
forest, or
lat rested
le waters
h into the
}ly white,
ced as if
it dancing
ae coming
re of the
I mass of
ishes with
1 Fall still
nd and its
The voice
hat lovely
my soul !
of solemn
be worthy
rst father,
;e upon a
We will
God amid
iiy side.
J," he con-
ffo. Time
then. I
^ged banks
with the careless hardihood of a boy who pants for cxoitenicnt
and adventtn-e, and how I enjoyed my visit to tliis i)laco! A
change has taken place — I can scarcely describe in what respect-
but it looks to mo very dilferent to what it did then."
" Perhaps," I suggested, " the fall of that largo portion of the
table-rock has made the alteration you describe."
"You have just hit it," he said ; " I forgot the circumstance.
The Ilorse-shoe is not so perfect as it was."
" Could these Fails ever have receded from Qnecnstown ?"
said I.
lie turned to me with a quick smile — " If they have my dear
Madam, the world is much older by thousands of ages than wo
give it credit for; but" continued he, gazing at the mighty
object in dispute, " it is possible that these Falls are of moro
recent date than the creation of the world. An earthquake
may have rent the deep chasm that forms the bed of that river,
and in a few seconds of time the same cause might break down
that mighty barrier, and drain the upper lakes, by converting a
large part of your fine province into another inland sea. 13ut
this is all theory. Fancy, you know, is free, and I often amuse
myself by speculating on these things."
" Your daughter, I hope, is not ill," I said ; " I did not see her
at tea last night with her little son."
Instead of his usual shrewd smile, the old man laughed
heartily. " So you take that young lady for my daughter!"
"Is she not? The child, however, must be your grandson,
for he is the picture of you."
"I flatter myself that he is. That young lady is my wife —
that little boy my son. Isn't he a tine clover little chap ?" and
his keen grey eye brightened at the growing promise of his boy.
" I have another younger than him."
" Heavens !" thought I, " what a mistake I have made 1 llov
M will laugh at me, and how delighted this old man seems
with my confusion!" I am always making these odd blunders.
Not long ago I mistook a very old-looking young man for liis
father, and congratulated him on his daughter's marriage ; and
asked a yc ing bride who was returning her calls, and who
greatly roaerabled a married cousin who lived in the same town,
how her haby was? And now I had taken a man'a wife for his
daughter — his son for a grandson. But I comforted myself with
the idea that the vast disparity between their ages was some
excuse, and so slipped past one of the horns of that dilemma.
As soon as wo had taken breakfast, we set off in company
with the American and his little boy to pay a visit to Goat
Island, and look at the Falls from the American side. The
child fully realized his father's description. lie was a charming,
frank, graceful boy, full of life and intelligence, and enjoyed the
excitement of crossing the river, and the beauties it revealed to
lis, with a keen appreciation of the scene, Avliich would liave
been incomprehensible to some of the wonder-seekers we had
met the day before. All nature contributed to heighten our
enjoyment. The heavens were so blue and cloudless, the air so
clear and transparent, the changing tints on the autumnal
foliage so rich, the sun so bright and Avarm, that we seemed sur-
rounded by an enchanted atmosphere, and the very conscious-
ness of existence was delightful ; but with those descending
floods of light towering above us, and filling the echoing shores
with their sublime melody, we were doubly blessed !
When our little boat touched tlio American shore, the question
arose as to which metliod would be the best to adopt in ascend-
ing the giddy height. A covered way leads to the top of the
bank, which is more than two hundred feet in perpendicular
height. Up this steep our ingenious neighbours have construct-
ed on an inclined plane of boards a reilway, on which two cars
run in such a manner that the weight of the descending car
draws up the other to the top of the bank. Both are secured by
a strong cable. By the side of this railway, and under the same
roof, two hundred steps lead to the road above. I was too weak
to attempt the fonuidadable flight of steps ; and though I felt
rather cowardly while looking at the giddy ascent of the cars,
there was no alternative between choosing one or the other, or
remaining behind. The American and his little boy were already
in the car, and I took my seat behind them. When we were
half-way, the question rose in my mind — " What if the cable
me town,
ife for bis
jrself with
was some
t to Goat
lide. The
ijoyed the
evealcd to
ouhl have
rs we had
ghten our
, the air so
jemed sin*-
)ing shores
ho question
in ascend-
top of the
ch two cars
ending car
secured by
er the same
as too weak
ough I felt
of the cars,
le other, or
(rere already
en we were
f the cable
should give way, where should wo land ?" " Yoi,*!! know that
when the tail breaks," as the Higljlandor said \s lien holding on
to tlio wild boar; and I shut tny cye.x, determined not to disturb
my mind or waken my fears by another glance below.
"Why do you ehut your eyes?" said tlio American. "I
thought the English were all brave."
" I never was a coward till after I came to North America,"
paid I, laughing ; and I felt that I ouglit to be as brave as a lion,
and not to injure the reputation of my glorious country by such
childish fears.
When the cars stopped, wo parted company with the Ameri-
can and his brave little son. lie had friends to visit in Man-
chester, and I saw them no more.
Our path lay through a pretty shady grove to the village.
Groups of Indian women and children were reposing beneath tlie
shade of the trees, working at their pretty wares, which they
ottered for sale as we passed by. Following the winding of the
road, we crossed a rural bridge, from which we enjoyed a fine
view of the glorious Rapids, and entered Goat Island.
This beautiful spot is still in forest, but the underbrush has
been cleared away, and a path cut entirely round it. The
trunks of these trees are entirely covered with tJie names and
initials of persons who at ditrerent times have visited the spot,
and they present the most curious appearance.
After a few minutes' walk through the wood, Ave reached the
bank of the river, which here is not very high, and is covered
with evergreen shrubs and wild flowers ; and here the wide
world of tumbling waters are flashing ana foaming in the sun-
light — leaping and racing round the rocky, pine-covered islands,
that vainly oppose their frantic course. Oh, how I longed to
stem their unstemmetl tides ; to land upon tiiose magic islands
which the foot of man or beast never trode, whose beauty and
verdure are guarded by the stern hand of death ! The Falls are
more wonderful, but not more beautiful, than this sublime con-
fusion and din of waters —
" Of glad rejoicing waters,
Of living leaping waters."
Tljeir eternal voice and motion might truly bo termed the "joy
of waves."
On tlio American side, the view of the great cataracts is not so
Hwl'iil and overwhelming, but they are more beautiful in detail,
and present so many exquisite pictures to the eye. They are more
involved in mystery, as it were; and so much is left for the
imagination to combine into every varied form of beauty. You
look down into the profound abyss; you are wetted with that
shower of silvery spray that rises higher than tiie tree-tops, and
which gives you in that soft rain an actual consciousness of its
living i)resence.
I did not cross the bridge, which extends within a few yards
of the great plunge, or clind) to the top of tower; for my
strength had so entirely failed me, tl^at it was with difhculty I
could retrace my steps. I sat for about an hour beneath the
shadow of the trees, feasting my soul with beauty ; and with re-
luctance, tliat drew tears from my eyes, bade adieu to the
enchanting spot — not for ever, I hope, for should God prcdong
my life, I shall try and visit the Falls again. Lil3, and
iisncsa of its
a few yards
or; for iny
h dithculty I
beneath tho
and -with re-
idieu to tho
God prolong
^vcry perfect
xaniined, the
yo can never
ubliinity and
3 wood to got
eso wo liad to
d at Toronto ;
13 very warm,
ted, I should
as it was, my
very pleasing
icated Ameri-
ople. Britain
it tree, whoso
"Tho great
nown for her
ttod that any
potly jealousy or party fooling shonld over oroato a rivalry
botweon cotintrio.s so clo-cly united i»y the ties of blood; whoso
origin, language, religion, and genius are tho wimo; wlioso
industry, energy, and pcrsoveranoo, derived from their Mritish
sires, have procured for them tho lofty position they hold, and
niado thorn independent of tho despots of earth.
" There is not a spot in this wiilc-pcoiilcd earth,
So dear to tho heart as tho land of our birth;
'Tis the homo of our childhood ! the beautiful upot
By mcm'ry retained when all else is forgot.
May tho blessing of God
Ever hallow tho sod,
And its valleys and hills by our children bo trod !
"Can the language of strangers, in accents unknown.
Send a thrill to tho bosom like that of our own?
Tho faco may be fair, and tho smilo may bo bland,
Bnt it breathes not tho tones of our dear native land.
There's no spot on earth
Like the home of our birth,
Where heroes keep guard o'er tho altar and hearth.
" IIow sweet is the language that taught us to blend
Tho dear names of father, of husband, and friend ;
That taught us to lisp on our mother's fond breast,
Tho ballads she sang as she rock'd us to rest !
May the blessing of God
Ever hallow the sod,
And its valleys and hills by our children be trodo !
" May old England long lift her white crest o'er the wave,
The birth-place of science, the home of the brave I
In liT cltioH may p'-iico and proMpfrily (Iw.U !
May hor ilaiight'TM in h»>auty an. I virluo excel !
May tlifir In-anly and worth
Blnt»a the land of their birth,
Wliilo hGWOH k(>op guaid o'er the altar and hearth!"
" Wliy (li)8t thou fear to spenk the honent truthf
Ppoiik boldly, fi-arlcsstly, wliat thou tliink'st right,
And tiiiio fhull justify thy wordd uud thuo !"
8. M.
Wk loft Niagara at noon. A very pleasant drivo brougiit us
to Queenstone, and wo stepped on board the ''Chlel' Justice"
stciimboat, tliat had just toucbcd tlio "wbarf, and was on her re-
turn trip to Toronto.
Tired and ill, I was glad to lio down in one of the bertbs in
the ladies' cabin to rest, and, if possible, to obtain a littlo sleep.
This I soon found was out of the question. Two or three noisy,
spoiled children kept up a constant din; and their grandmother,
a very nice-looking old lady, who seemed nnrse-gcriural to them
all, endeavored in vain to keep them quiet. Their lUDther was
reading a novel, and took it very easy ; reclining on a comfort-
able sofa, she left her old mother all the fatigue of taking cuio
of the children, and waiting upon herself.
This is by no means an uncommon trait of Canadian chanic-
ter. In families belonging more cspeciiilly to the middle class,
who have raised themselves from a lower to a higher grade, the
mother, if left in poor circumstances, almost invariably holds ti
subordinate position in her wealthy son or daugiiter's family.
She superintends the servants, and nurses the younger children ;
and her time is occupied by a number of minute domestic labors,
that allow her very littlo rest in her old age.
I have seen the grandmother in a wealthy family ironing the
fino linon, or broiling over the cook-stove, while her daughter
lield her place in the drawing-room. How diflferently in my
own country are these things ordered 1 where the most tender
attention is paid to the aged, all their wants ^ tudied, and their
oorafort regarded as a sacred thing.
Age, in Canada, is seldom honored. You would imagine it
almost a crime for any one to grow old — with such slighting,
cold indifference are the aged treated by the young and strong.
It is not unusual to hear a lad speak of his father, perhaps, in
the prime of life, as the " old fellow," the " old boy," and to ad-
dress a grey-haired man in this disrespectful and familiar man-
ner. This may not be apparent to the natives themselves, but
it never fails to strike every stranger that visits the colony.
To be a servant is a lot sufficiently hard — to have all your
actions dictated to you by the will of another — to enjoy no rest
or recreation, but such as is granted as a very great favor ; but
to be a humble dependent in old ago on children, to whom all
the best years of your life were devoted with all the energy of
maternal love, must be sad indeed. But they submit with great
apparent cheerfulness, and seem to think it necessary to work
for the shelter of a child's roof, and the bread they eat.
The ifaiproved circumstances of families, whose parents, in the
first settlement of the country, had to work very liard for their
general maintenance, may be the cause of this inversion of moral
duties, and the parents not being considered properly on an
equality with their better dressed and better educated offspring;
l)ut from whatever cause it springs, the efiect it produces on the
mi lid of a stranger is very painful. It is diflicult to feel much
respect for any one who looks doAvn upon father or mother as an
inferior being, and, as such, considers them better qualified to
perform the coarse drudgeries of life. Time, we hope, will remedy
this evil, with many others of the same class.
There was a bride, too, on board — a very delicate looking
young woman who was returning from a tour in the States to
her native village. She seemed very much to dread the ordeal
sho liad yet to pass through — in sitting dressed up for a whole
week to receive visitors. Nor did I in the least wonder at her
f in my
it tender
nd their
lagino it
d strong,
rhaps, in
id to ad-
iar man-
jlves, but
I all your
y no rest
ivor; but
whom all
energy of
nth. great
r to work
its, in the
for their
of moi'al
y on an
es on the
'eel much
her as an
alifiod to
11 remedy
e looking
States to
he ordeal
r a whole
er at her
repugnance to go through this trying piece of ceremonial, which
is absolutely indispensable in Canada.
The Monday after the bride and bridegroom make their first
appearance at church, every person in the same class prepares to
pay them a visit of congratulation ; and if the town is large, and
the parties well known, the making of visits to the bride lasts to
the end of the week.
The bride, who is often a young girl from sixteen to twenty
years of age, is doomed for this period to sit upon a sofa or re-
clined in an easy-chair dressed in the most expensive manner, to
receive her guests
Well she knows that herself, her dress, the furniture of her
room, even her cake and wine, will undergo the most minute
scrutiny, and bo the theme of conversation among all the gossips
of the place for the next nine days. No wonder that she feels
nervous, and that her manners are constrained, and that nothing
looks easy or natural about her, from her neck-ribbon to her
" Have you seen the bride yet ? What do you think of her ?
How was she dressed ? J.s she tall, or short ? Pretty, or plain ?
Stupid, or clever ? Lively, or quiet ?" are all questions certain
to be asked, and answered to the taste and judgment of the
parties to whom they are put; besides those thousand little
interludes which spring from envy, ill-nature, and ail unchari-
tableness. The week following they, in courtesy, must return
all these visits ; and, oh, what a relief it must be when all this
complimentary nonsense is over, and they are once more at
home to themselves and their own particular friends 1
There is another custom, peculiar to Canada and the United
States, which I cordially approve, and should be very much
grieved for its discontinuance.
On Kew- Year's day all the gentlemen in the place call upon
their friends, to wish them a happy new year, and to exchange
friendly greetings with the ladies of the family, who are always
in readiness to receive them, and make them a return for these
marks of neighbourly regard, in the substantial form of rich cakes,
fruit, wine, coffee, and tea. It is generally a happy, cheerful day ;
nil faces ■wear a smile, old quarrels arc forgotten, and every ono
Beeras anxious to let ill-will and heart-burnings die Avitli the old
A gentleman who wishes to drop an inconvenient acquaintance,
lias only to omit calling upon his friend's wife and daughters on
New-Year's day, without making a suitable apology for the
omisdion of this usual act of courtesy, and the hint is acknow-
ledged by a direct cut the next time the parties meet in public.
It is an especial frolic for all the lads who have just returned
from school or college to enjoy their Christmas holidays. Cakes
and sweetmeats are showered upon them in abundance, and they
feel themselves of vast importance, while paying their compli-
ments to the ladies, and running from house to house, with their
brief congratulatory address — "I wish you all a happy New
It would be a thousand pities if this affectionate, time-
honoured, hospitable custom, should be swept away by the
march of modern improvement. Some ladies complain that it
gives a number of vulgar, under-bred men, the opportunity of
introducing themselves to the notice and company of their
daughters. There may be some reasonable truth in this remark ;
but after all it is but for one day, and the kindly greetings
exchanged are more productive of good than evil.
The evening of New-Year's day is generally devoted to danc-
ing parties, when the young especially meet to enjoy themselves.
The Wesleyan Methodists always " pray the old year out and
the new year in," as it is termed here, and they could not
celebrate its advent in a more rational and improving manner.
Their midnight anfliem of praise is a sacred and beautiful offer-
ing to Him, whose vast existence is not meted out like ours, and
measured by days and years.
Large parties given to very young children, which are so
common in this country, are very pernicious in the way in Avhich
they generally operate upon youthful minds. They foster the
passions of vanity and envy, and produce a love of dress and
display which is very repulsive in the character of a child.
J^ittle girls who are in the constant habit of attending theso
jvery ono
1 the old
igl iters on
for the
? acknow-
i public,
8. Cnkoa
, and they
r coinpli-
with their
,ppy New
ate, timo-
Y by the
,in that it
rtunity of
r of their
9 remark ;
d to danc-
ir out and
could not
g manner,
tiful ofTer-
) ours, and
ch are so
y in which
foster the
dress and
f a child,
ding these
parties, soon exchange the natural maimers and frank simplicity
80 delightful at their age, for the contidenco and fli; j)ancy of
woman long hacked in the ways of the world.
For some time after I settled in the town, I was not myself
aware that any evil could exist in a harmless pcrty of children
playing together at the house of a mutual friend. But observa-
tion has convinced me that I was in error ; that these parties
operate like a forcing bed upon young plants, with this differ-
ence, that they bring to maturity the seeds of evil^ instead of
those of goodness and virtue, and that a child, accustomed to tlie
lieatcd atmosphere of pleasure, is not likely, in maturer years, to
enjoy the pure air and domestic avocations of home.
These juvenile parties appear to do less mischief to boys than
to girls. They help to humanize the one, and to make heartless
coquets of the other. The boys meet for a downright romping
play with each other ; the girls to be caressed and admired, to
show off their fine dresses, and to gossip about the dress and ap-
pearance of their neighbours.
I know that I shall be called hard-hearted for this assertion ;
but it is true. I have frequently witnessed what I relate, both
at my own house and the houses of others ; and those who will
take the pains to listen to the conversation of these miniature
women, will soon yield a willing assent to my observations, and
keep their little ones apart from such scenes, in the pure atmos-
phere of home. The garden or the green field is the best place
for children, who can always derive entertainment and instrnc-
tion' from nature and her beautiful works. Left to their own
choice, the gay party would be a lore^ far less entertaining than
a game of blind-man's buff In the school-room, when lessons were
over. It is the vanity of parents that fosters the same spirit in
their children.
The careless, disrespectful manner often used in this country
bj children to their parents, is an evil which, in all probability,
originates in this early introduction of young people into the
mysteries of society. They imagine themselves persons of con-
eequence, and that their opinion is quite equal in weight to the
experience and superior knowledge of their elders. We cannot
imagine a move revolting sight than a young lad presuming to
treat his father with disrespect and contempt, and daring
presumptuously to contradict him before ignorant idlers like
" You are wrong, Sir ; it is not so" — " Mamma, that is not
true ; I know better," are expressions which I have heard with
painful surprise from young people in this country ; and the
parents have sunk into silence, evidently abashed at the reproof
of an insolent child.
These remarks are made with no ill-will, but with a sincere
liope that they may prove beneficial to the community at large,
and bo the means of removing some of the evils which are
to be found in our otherwise pleasant and rapidly-improving
I know that it would be easier for me to gain the approbation
of the Canadian public, by exaggerating the advantages to be
derived from a settlement in the colony, by praising all the good
qualities of her people, and by throwing a flattering veil over
tlieir defects ; but this is not my object, and such servile adula-
tion would do them no good, and degrade me in my own eyes.
I have written what I consider to be the truth, and as such I
hope it may do good, by preparing the minds of emigrants for
what they will really find., rather than by holding out fallacious
hopes that can never be realized.
In "Eoughing it in the Bush," I gave an honest personal
statement of facts. I related nothing but what had really hap-
pened ; and if illustrations were wanting of persons who had
suffered as much., and been reduced to the same straits, I could
furnish a dozen volumes without having to travel many hundred
miles for subjects.
"We worked hard and struggled manfully with overwhelming
difficulties, yet I have been abused most unjustly by the Canadian
papers for revealing some of the mysteries of the Backwoods.
Not one word was said against the country in my book, as was
falsely asserted. It was written as a warning to well-educated
persons not to settle in localities for which they were unfitted
by their prrvious habits and education. In this I hoped to con-
aming to
i tlaring
Hers like
at is not
sard with
and the
e reproof
a sincere
r at large,
ivhich are
ges to bo
I the good
veil over
ile adula-
own eyes.
as such I
grants for
jally hap-
who had
I could
k, as was
d to con-
fer a service both on them and Canada ; for the prosperous
settlement of such persons on cleared farms must prove more
beneficial to the colony than their ruin in the hush.
It was likewise very cruelly and falsely asserted, that I had
spoken ill of the Irish people, because I described the revolting
scene wo witnessed at G rosso Isle, the actors in which were
principally Irish emigrants of the very lowest class. Had I been
able to give the whole details of what wo saw on that island,
tlio terms applied to the people who furnished such disgusting
jjictures would have been echoed by their own countrymen.
This was one of those cases in Avhich it was impossible to reveal
the whole truth.
The fcAV Irish characters that occur in my narrative have been
drawn with an affectionate, not a malignant hand. "We had
very few Irish settlers round ua in the bush, and to them I never
owed the least obligation. The contrary of tliis lias been
asserted, and I am accused of ingratitude by one editor for be-
nefits I never received, and which I was too proud to ask,
always preferring to work with my own hands, rather than to
horroio or heg from others. All the kind acts of courtesy I
received from the poor Indians this gentleman thought fit to
turn over to the Irish, in order to hold mo up as a monster of
ingratitude to his countrymen.
In the case of Jenny Buchannon and John Monaghan, tJie only
iico [rishpteoplo with whom I had anything to do, the benefits
were surely mutual. Monaghan came to us a runaway appren-
tice — not, by-the-bye, the best recommendation for a servant.
We received him starving and ragged, paid him good wages, and
treated him with great kindness. The boy turned out a grateful
and attached creature, which cannot possibly confer the opposite
character upon us.
Jenny's love and affection will sufliciently prove onr ingrati-
tude to her. To the good qualities of these people I have done
ample justice. In what, then, docs my ingratitude to the Irish
people consist ? I should feel mucli obliged to the writer in tlie
London Observer to enlighten me on this head, or those editors
of Canadian papers, who, without reading for themselves,
servilely copied afaUehood.
It is easy to pervert people's words, and the facts they may
represent, to tlieir injury; and what I have said on the subject
of education may give a liandlo to persons who delight in mis-
representing the opinions of others, to accuse me of republican
principles ; I will, therefore, say a few words on this subject,
which I trust will exonerate me from this imputation.
That all men, morally speaking, are equal in the eyes of their
Maker, appears to me a self-evident fact, though some may bo
called by his providence to rule, and others to serve. That the
welfare of the most humble should bo as dear to the country to
Avhich ho belongs as the best educated and the most wealtliy,
seems but reasonable to a reflective mind, who looks upon man
as a responsible and immortal creature ; but, that perfect equaU
ity can exist in a world where the labor of man is required to
procure the common necessaries of life — where the industry of
one will create wealth, and the sloth of another induce poverty —
we cannot believe.
Some master-spirit will rule, and the masses will bow down tc
superior intellect, and the wealth and importance which such
minds never fail to acquire. The laws must be enforced, and
those to whom the charge of them is committed Avill naturally
exercise authority, and demand respect.
Perfect equality never did exist upon earth. The old repub-
lics were more despotic and exclusive in their separation of the
ditierent grades than modern monarchies; and in the most en-
lightened, that of Greece, the plague-spot of slavery was found.
The giant republic, whose rising greatness throws into shade the
once august names of Greece and Home, suffers this heart-cor-
roding leprosy to cleave to her vitals, and sully her fair fame,
making her boasted vaunt of equality a base lie — the scorn of all
Christian men.
They thrust the enfranchised African from their public tables
— born beneath their own skies, a native of their own soi'^ a free
citizen by tlieir own Declaration of Independence ; yet exclaim,
in the face of this Hack injustice: "Our people enjoy equal
rights." Alas ! for Columbia's sable sons f "Where is their equal-
ity? On what footing do they stand with their white brethren?
"What value do they place upon the negro beyond his price in
.a they may
the subject
ight in mis-
' republican
his subject,
yes of their
)Uie may bo
That tlio
3 country to
)st ■svealtliy,
s upon man
r/ect equals
required to
industry of
!0 poverty —
ow down tc
which such
iiforced, and
ill naturally
> old repub-
xtion of the
,he most en-
was found,
to shade the
s heart-cor-
:r fair fame,
scorn of all
jublic tables
a soi'. a free
^'et exclaim,
enjoy equal
their equal-
;e brethren?
Lis price in
dollars and cents? Yet is ho equal in the sight of Him who
gave him a rational soul, and afforded him the means of obtain-
ing eternal life.
Wo are advocates for equality of mind — for a commonwealth
of intellect; wo earnestly hope for it, ardently pray for it, and
wo feel a confident belief in the possibility of our theory. Wo
look forward to the day when lionest labor will be made honor-
able : when he who serves, and ho who commands, will rejoice
in this freedom of soul together ; when both master and servant
will enjoy a reciprocal communion of mind, without lessening
the respect due from one to the other.
But equality of station is a dream — an error Avhich is hourly
contradicted by reality. As the world is at present constitute \
such a state of things is impossible. The rich and the educated
will never look upon the poor and ignorant as their equals ; and
the voice of the public, that is ever influenced by wealth and
power, will bear them out in their decision.
The country is not yet in existence than can present ns a
better government and wiser institutions than the British.
Long may Canada recognise her rule, and rejoice in her sway!
Should she ever be so unwise as to relinquish the privileges she
enjoys under the sovereignty of the mother country, she may
seek protection nearer and '''•fare icorse/^^ The sorrows and
trials that I experienced during my first eight years' residence in
Canada, have been more than counterbalanced by tlio remaining
twelve of comfort and peace. I have long felt the deepest
interest in her prosperity and improvement. I no longer regard
niyself as an alien on her sliores, but her daughter by ado])ti(>n, —
the happy mother of Canadian children, — rejoicing in tlio
warmth and hospitality of a Canadian Homo !
May the blessing of God rest npon the land ! and her people
ever prosper under a religious, liberal, and free governmont!
" For London ! for London! how oft lias tliat cry
From the blue waves of ocean l)cen wafted on high ?
When tho tar through the grey jniet that mantled tho tide,
The white elillH of England with rapture descried,
And the sight of his country awoke in his heart
Emotions no object nave home can impart !
For London ! for London ! tho home of the free,
There's no part in the world, royal London, like thee.
" Old London ! what ages have glided away
Since cradled in rushes thy infancy lay !
In !hy rude huts of timber the proud wings lay furi'd
Of a spirit whoso power now o'ershadows the world.
And the bravo chiefs who built and defended those towers.
Were the sires of this glorious old city of ours.
For London ! for London ! the homo of the froe.
There's no city on earth, royal London, like thee !
" The Roman, the Saxon, the Norman, tho Dane,
Havo in turn sway'd thy sceptre, thou queen of the main !
Their spirits, though diverse, uniting made one.
Of nations the noldcst beneath yon bright sun ;
With the genius of each, and tho courage of all,
No foeman dare plant hostile flag on thy wall.
Fur Lt)ndon ! for London ! the home of the free.
There's no city on earth, royal London, like thee !
" Old Thames rolls his waters in pride at thy feet.
And wafts to earth's confines thy riches and fleet ;
Thy temples and towers, like a crown on the wave.
Are hail'd with a thrill of delight by the brave,
AVh'Mi, returning triumphant from conquests afar.
They wreathe round thy altars the trophies of war.
For London ! for London 1 tho home of the free,
There's no part in the world, royal London, like thee I
" Oh, London ! when we, who exulting behold
Thy splendour and wealth, in the dust shall bo cold,
May sages, a'hd heroes, and patriots unborn,
Thy altars deft^nd, and thy annals adorn !
May thy power be supreme on the land of the brave,
The feeble to succour, the fallen to save.
And the sons and the daughters now cradled by thoo,
Find no city on earth like the home of the free !"
: i
10 tide,
nain !