IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) k '/.. 1.0 I.I ^1^ ^ S la 1110 iS. ^M ill u IIM Fiiotographic Sciences Corporation \ # v> %V^\ * ..* Published by ..* .* W. DRYSDALE & CO. u< ,.< J* Canadian Archseology. An i'.ssiiy, i;y Wii.i.iAM KiMisroui). M<. I) $ ,75 Reminiscences of His Public Life. liv SiK KiiANcis HiNt.K.s, K.C.M.i;., C.I! 4.00 Jacques Cartier and His Four Voyages to Canada. An Ks.say witii llistuiiciil, I'ixiilaiiatory ami l'liiliil..,i,'i(ul Nutcs, l!y IIiitAM I!. Stki'ukxs, U.C.L 3 qq The Young Seigneur ; or, Nation Making. liy \Vii.|.|{ii, (;ii.vii;alli.aii{. Cloth 1.00 I'lip'T 50 Vital Questions. The hiscnssionscjf thiMleiieiaiClinsliiui CdnlVieiico liohi in .Mdhln'al, l^SS j 25 Questions of the Day. l.iMa'ire.s .idiv.uv.] in tlic Davi.i Mori ice llali, Montreal 1.25 The Life of John Mockett Cramp, D.D., Kale ru'siileiit ui Aeadia Colle^'e. I!y Kev. T. a. HiGiiiN-a, D.D 1,50 Oastorologia ; or, the History and Traditions -of the Canadian Beaver. iiy IIoiiAiE T. .Makhn, F.X.S 2.50 Adrift in the Breakers ; or, the Present Dangers to Religion. liy tho Author of " Miml aii.l Matter" 1,25 Our Jeames ; or, the Chronicles of Kartdale. iiy .). .MiiiPocH IIendkhson, Shortly. Birds of the Island of Montreal. l'>y Ehnest I). WiNTLE. With UriLrinal Hpoitiiig Sketches cuiiipileil by 1)aviii I>enne. Shortly. J* j< jfi "VVT T\T\\m-r\ A T T-^ o_ ^^^^ 232 ST. JAMES STREET, .* .< MONTREAL