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QColowrad eovar*/ CoMvtrtura da cotilawr QCov^t dMIMfM/ Co«i««f turt andomniafia □ Covari rattorad and/or laminatad/ Couvartura rattaurto at/o«» palllewlAf □ Co«ar tltla mtotinf/ La titra da e«Ni«artura ntanqua Ta«lMMaat and iUMofralrtiMi Mplat / NoM tactwMqwa* at btbliotrapbtquOT Cotourad inapt/ Cat MS fiorapHiquat an aoulaur Colourad ink (i.a. ottiar than bhia or Mack)/ Encra dk eoulaur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) CokMirad platai and/or ilMtratiom/ Planchas at/o« iiiustrationt an eoulaur^ / D D D □ Bound with othar rtiatarial/ Rati* avac d'awtr^i documanti □ Tifht binding may causa shadovvs or distortion along intariot margin/ C» raliura sarrte paut causar da I'oMitJrt dJu da la distorsion la long da la marga int*riaur« □ Blank laa«*s addad during rastorationr may witbin tba taxt. Whanavar possiMt(t^M* ^ baan omi((ad from filrning/ ^^ II la paut quf cartfeinas pagas blan^has «iout4as Ibrs d'una rastauration apparaissant dans la taxta, mais. lorsqua cala Hait potsibla. cal pagn n'ont pasMfilmAps. 4 □ KUditional ctofnmantt:/ Commantairas supftlimantairas: / ;/ This itam. is filmad at tha raduetion ratio chachad balow/ Ca documanf ast film* au taux da rWuction iiNliqui ci-dassous. 10X UX 18X L'lnsiitut a miaroftlm4 la mailtawr anamplaira qu'tl lul a *t* posMbla da sa procurar Las details da cal axamplaira qui soni paut^tra w n iquas du point da «wa MMiofraphiqua. qui pauvant modif iar una imaga ra p roduita. ou qui pauvant axigar una modification dans l# m^thoda normala da f ihnaga tont IndiquAs ct-daMOus. . V ■■ ■• ' . ' ■■fc □ Colourad pafss/ Pagas da eoulaur EPagM damagad/ Pagas andommagAas □ Pagas rattorad and/or lantinatad/ Paga^rastaur^ at/o<»pallicul4as Q Pagas discolourad. stainad or foxad/ Pagas dkolorAas, tachatAas ou piquAas □ Pagas dataeha^ Pagas d«tach4as HShowthrough/ Transparanea EQqality of priAt varias/ Quali^i inAgala da I'iinlfiprassion □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continue m "^ ■ r ■ : ■ • □ Inehidas indax(as)/ Comprand un (das) indax Titia on haadar takan from:/ La titra da Pan-ttta prowiant: ■ ■ ' ■ ■ '•. ." 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All othar original coplaa ara fllmad beginning oivth* first paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- aion, and ending on the last page with a printed or Nruatratad Impreasion. pi* da CO fill Le P« P« da d'l Pi< orl pri d'li la( am The last recorded frame On each microfiche ahaH contain the symbol —^' (meaning "CON- TINUIO"), or t^ta aymbol ▼ (meaning "END"): whichever applies. Maps. plat«a, eharta. ate. ^ay be Aimed at different reduction ratloa. Thoae too large to be> entirely included In one expoaure ere filmed beginning In the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, aa many framee aa required. The following diagrams Illustrate the', method: : » T Un del cai •VI Let ftir Loi reu do eti d'li illti • . ■ • ■ " .^■I'-i^i; « : :i- : i ■ ' '.■3- 1 » ■ ■ 4- ■^ 1 c«d thanht \ quality 5 taglblllty fith* •r« fllmad ing on nI ImprM- ««.,AII ng orvth* ■ print«d ich* "CON- END"): Ml at gt toba^ mad , laft to laaa ■ta tha L'ajiamplaira fllni4 ffut raprodult grAoa A la g4n4roaltA da: Anfliean Churah of Qtmnt lyaN AraMvM Laa imagaa aulvantaa ont 4t4 rapredultaa aye la plua grand aoln, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattati da lajtamplaira film*, at an conformity avao laa conditiona du oontrat da filma'ga, Laa axamplairaf originaux dont la couvartura 99% papiar aat ImprlmAa aom fllmAa wi commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant aoit plr la darnlAra paga qui compprta una amprainta d'impraaaion ,ou d'illu 111 » !■ VN vrx.itfVMt M»»||Si, Ml Xm ("l.KHUV AMI l„\l ltU'HKSI'»ll'\TIVKS fl • «..»( lilt .(>i»ir»K< I !•« |^i»ii».> 1*1 t»* mmi or ^ioatrjul, ■/:.■■ On Wodnesdayi fan. 19, 1853, #: I M,! I ,11 I: U 1 1 II I » i| I «| 1' MXPI.ANATOKV OHSKHVATKINS ^'\ iiu RIGHT REV. FRANCIS FULFORD, D. D., . t^nrit nt»kn§* of ,1tontfiHl. m r \. Mo\Tfu:.\i. : nUM III HV WILLI \\rs\;:i:i: ^^ r,. 1 853 ^''7— S-IJ^tZ^^ ' ' \ ■ t , ■ » > • ' ■ . ., I J A' ■I ■ > RESOLUTIONS **Hlf|i TA A? «« AMAItMft Mllft«» >>r Hg CLKROY AND UY RErUESKNTATIVKS »«>Ht TNI IMrrMMNNT r*IIHNIf •!> fN» »\ I DIOCESE OF mmui On Wodneiday, Jan. 19, 1853. tilWltNIH With liHtAlN ■ ^ KXI'I.ANATOltV DIISERVATIOXS ■V TMM RIGHT REV. FRANCIS FULFORD, D. 0., m- MONTHKAL .' nUNTF.Il HV VVII.I.IAM HAI/rKB h r.„ 1853 V f" A / A • - "1 RKS0IXTI0N8, IC. >«•« M< M>Mili*«l. boy IH lb* IlitM'HWl MvtaMMt' ll»M»M INI w«4w««4»r» IttMiMfy !•» liM. T/ic Laid Ihihop in the Clmir, Vfl>fc| Wlllttlffw r% mil «r M»|»n»»n ■»••» •m«nil lh# lttw« nttaiina lotitt Ctinvchin ilk^ r'olonnjn," whi«h Im.l bium liiliiNli»e«Kl tiil«i h« lm|Nirial Farliaiiu'iii \*nt voat by M r illaailuti*, WM MihinMiMl. ui|{«»Ui«t» willi ear- lAih rftcotnmMtiilaiMiiii for iIm* mruMnlminit '»( ilii! Mint*, M iIm lU«m»n «f OniMiii»i«*»» ll|»- (louittf*! HI tt firvvtmi* iiM't'tivtr \w^'\ in Jttii- uary IH.Vi, for the purptMu of Intdntf UimiOimm oon«iJMratii> tiitioiml r«voinMU*n«liitioM<« iWr tlit* miirmttiiiMti of lh«t Hill, h»vina Un'ti upprovfttl gf'nt tliu (jtoural M««ltMg, it wh"* n-iwilviHl : Ui. " Thai uiiliTM iliMM •tn«*iulin«>iiii «rt faith* iully adoptaU in \h« Hill, il will moI b« •aliifaclory , tn lli# Church «il Oin Oio*"***.'* 34. "That 0\« Dill with iU amfniiniffnta b«* aJofilMl, anU thai huL'triMnp, lh« Hi«hnp oflhii l)iqm<>nt by Agret' men! among Ihcmselvea : fin it declared and en> acted hy the Queen's Most Kxcellent .Maiesty, by and wiih the Ad? ice and Content ot the Lords Spirihia and 'l'em|ioral, and Commons, in this present F«r||nm<«ni assembled, and by the Authori* ty of Ihs same, Thai— .1. *r.'^^'*'f'"Jf' ^•*' ^"'»' U"*". o' o»h" Au- thority of the United Kingdom shall be construed or shall extend to prevent any such Bishop of any Diocese m the Colonies enum«rated in ihe Sched-^ ule(A.)tothis Act anmxed.or in any other Co- lony which Hft Majesty shall, as hereinafter provided, have declared by Order in founcil to fall witbin the Operation of this Act, loxether with the Clergy, and the Lay Peisonsof the Diocese, bemK declared or hnug (Kle Members of the Church of England, or being otherwise in communion with the same, from meeting together from Time to Time to make or from making at such Mest- ings, by common Consent, or by a Majority of Voices of the said Clergy or Laiiy, severally and respwtively, with the Assent of Ihe said Bishop, any such Regulations as local Circumstances shall in their judgnMnt render necessary lor the belter Conduct of their EcclesiMtical Affairs, or for the holding of M«eiinKS, whether on behalf of One such Diocese only, or on behi%4i^c; ..- "• \ « '-_ '-^' ■ '«-!r= - ■^ ^^^ r ^' i l^W ►'"I'PS/i " "^f*. ■■ . •/ til* \ott) LtffUUturM rMptetivAly, and to inch Prof iiiona m thuy hmt think nrop«r to •nut. II. -Hut it ihall not M kwrul to impoM by anv 0uch RffKUlaiion any temporal or iwruniary ccrtal* Iyer Uiubility/othor than Uott uf thti Emolu- m«nl« ot any luccleaiaaiical t'fllceor BenaAcr, under any 8«nt«nce or I'ruceaduig aflWcting tha Tenure thereof. III. And no aueh Regulation ihall be binding ^on any l'«raon or Puraona other than the aaid Bia* hop or Bishopai and their Cl<'rf y, with the Lay Peraona reaiding within the aaid Coloniea, and be« ing declared or Don4 fide (Vlembitra oi the Churrh ol England, or being otherwiae in communion with the aame. ■ IV. And noihiug herein contained aball ba held to authorizn aii> auch. RMgulaiinn nfa'de in reapect oi the Nomination of Biahopa, except upon tha Coiiaent of Her Majeaty previoualy or thereaHar aignilied through One of Her Majesty'a Principcl Sacretariea of State. V. And nothing herein contaiiie«! ahall ba hatd to authorixe any auch Regulation which ahall touch the Subordination of thi; aaid Biahupa, Clf>rgy,and Laity to the See of Canterbury, except upon the Conaent of the Arch biahop aflhe aaid See pre- viously or thereafter aigned by him under hia " Hand and SenL VI. And nothing herein contained ahall be held to authorize any auch Regulation which ahall di* rector allow the Biabopofany Dioceae to rnif firm or consecrate, or to prdain, or to license or inatitute any Penon to any See, or to any Paator- al Charge or other Rpidcopal or Clerical Office, ex- cept on auch Peranrra having immediately before taken the Oath of Allegiance to Her Majf>sty, and having likewise aubacribed the Thirty-nine . Article8,and having turthermore declared his un- tiaigned Aaaent and Consent to the Boole of Coin* mon Prayer ; but if auch See, Paatoril ChargeTbr Epiacopal or Clerical Office, be in a Foreign Country, then the Oath of Allegiance need not be luired to be taken by auch Per'iOn. 'Vi VII. And it ahall be lawful for Her Majeaty, if 4iid wb«ii »U« •hall think ^t. to dmUrt, by orJ«t in ("ouiicil, llmt ihif. Act thall, from ■ i)«y to b« nmnwd in aurli UmIvi , t)« in loree witliin any oUi«r Oil* or mora of Her iMajt^tly's Coloninl |*om«miuiis bvtidet thoM conUiiifU in th« ^c|lfcul« (A • in itiii Act annexfld, anJ this Act ahali take tllevl in the Colony nr Colonies so U«sigiiat«d accurU* ingly. SifKDULiKA.) to which this Act lefvi*. Cinada. New Brunswick. / Nova Scotia. NfWioiiiidlarid. Prime Kdward's Island. <'a|M; oi GoojI Hope. New South Wales. Victoria. South Australia, VBn Diemen's Land,. VVt8l<>tn Australia. New Zealand. Togethfr with the UcprnUencies ol the said i ulo mem respectively. The (ore|{oin|{ bill, together « ith the following atterationii and suitgestions, were submitted .lor the approvul and adoiition of the meeting ot thtt Uler^y and Lay Delegates convened lor the 19th day (ilJanujiy, instant, as indicative ut thfir views of the (>eneral Legislative rnactmt'iitit required ip this Di'icese. Kkioirt itfthc Convocqiion CommiUee, uftpoinUd lit the General Meeting of the Vttrgy ami Lui' ty,on the 22dJunuary, ISbl. <'Tbe Colonial Church Ikll" having been consid- ered, the adoption of the General Principles of the Kill was recommended with the follow iijg sugges- tions. ' 1. With nfe^ence to the first clause: That the hnperial Mat., 25 Henry VlIL,c. 19. so fur as the same may affect cUuicheS in tbu coloDief>, now included or hereafter to be included in the Sched- ule A, should be repealed. 2. With reference to toe same clause : and in order rnore clearly to define what shall constitute Lay Membership; that aH persons having received Christian Baptism, and made a written declaration that they are bop& fide members of the Church of / '1' 1; .' 1 . ' ♦ \ ^ ■-■ - r- . ■;.■«.■■■ • *» ' - i . . ■ ■ -, i". .,-i. ' s-4k^^ ; - '^ '''-^ ^*. _!„^*-,r. Ji .^ t ■ ■•■"-■ . / s . Kii||l«iul (0 the Clfrgyiqin n( iheir Fariih or Dia* Irici, or •!« eommuiiK«iil« o( ihe mio««« ul the kaitii Co- li»i(i«t, It ia deMitHhIf lh tiertior BiNtiiuC(;»ait (Jo:iveiitions, meeliii^ uiitler each |iuili- culur |]i»h(>p, should be realrictfd Irotn iidHkiiije any Canons contrary to the Lawn and I'anonJi of Ihe Ueiieral ConviMirioiii i aliio, that in i'runiiltK any new (Tanoiis, or adapting those ol 1603 to tiie pr««eni stHiM of the ("hurch in thesf Colonica, jit ahoiild not be lawful for any Synod orCoiiVt*iitniii, •o da«ci)ib!ud, to //ni/ce any alteratioru ialhe uif thuristd venion of the Holy Scriplutti, in thtf Book orCumujun I'layer, or in the Thirty-Dine Articli'^ now in ujt>, or to da anything wbicli shall alfi'ci . 4ny mutlern of Drtctrint*, or interfer.' with the su- premacy of the CioWii, or "the antlionly ofl|it* Archhiihop of Caiit«'rbury, as MetWpohtaii j i. iVilh reference to the same clause ; "That the cMicluding words from ** subject alwayi*' to ths cndt be altogether omitted. I 5. With regard to the 6lh clauae : 1 he connnniit' tee do not understand on what i>rinciplo the uatti of Hupremacy is not included to{;eiher with the oath of allegiance, particularly as it forms part of the service for the ordination of Bishops, Priests and Deac(>n8, as now in use : \^nd they further recommend that it should be everywhere tttuined,' where it is now by law required. ' ^ And Turtber, the Committee recommend, :'^ 6. That in ord«r to avoid the great expense and delay which would necessarily attend an apimal r * to tha Archbishop ol CMt«rbury,MMflfropo1!^*.v. by mny mie eonctivinf hinriMlf ■(gritvil by an) iudgmaiil or (i«ciaiaii ol • l>io<*«Mn Oonvitniion, oiahup, ur ulh«r Oourl, or mithorily in ihn (lolaif i«i, authority b« gr«iit«(l to thr mkI Meiropohian to name mid contiiiulv ■ Court ol AppvaU, with' in ili« i'lilony* to fxeeut* hi* authority in thtf Mint)' in hearing nnii ilctiirminr g of aiich a|ip<>al ; /A« right of tlirtct afftenl Iq Im Metroiioliltan •»« Eniftand, bting nevirtMtiu fttU relained. 7. TbAt in any L>«giNla(ion lor th« Church in these Colonies, it is mtwt desirable that any hin- derancra .to a Cull and fref communion, between uurselVfS aiK^otliwrrerormed flpisroiHil Churches should be removed, as rtcommendfd in "the >liii' uteaofa conference of the Bishops ol Quebec, Toronto, Newfoundland, Fredfrioton, and Moii* (real, holden at Quebaci in 1851 " F, MONTREAL. Explanatory Obacrvatloiia, kc. Drawn up by tlio Lm conrull* ing with my brother prelates, it appeared that ihe;^ were ^lually at Ikuli with niyseir. The subject WHS ru>m time lo limo much canvas* •ed among various uiemlicrs of the Church in this Diocese ; and on the Isi of July, 1851, at a meeting of "The Church Hocicty," im the motion of the Rev. C. Morice, ^seconded by the Rev. C. Bancrofk, a Committee was ap- poiiiiod to consider what stcns might be taken to provide a remedy for such astate of things, either through Ihfrjiction of Synods or Con- ventions or oihor wise. The Comrniito* consiniod oY the following persons :■-> The Lord HiHliop; Kuv. J. Be- thune, D, Dm Rector of Montreal; Rev* W'. Leach, D. C.L., Minister of St. George's Church, Montreal ; Rev. M. Townsond, Rec- tor of Clarencevillu; Rev. C. BancroO, Ree- tor of St. Johns j Rev. C. Morice and Rev. J. P. While, Missionaries ; Hon; Judse McCord, and Dr. Holmes. On the 5th of August (ol- lowing there were added to the above, Gul, Wilgress, Major Campbell, and John Abbott, Esq. The Committee held one or two ifieet- ings at which the subject was generally dis- cussed. But as there was then an immediate Erospect of a conference of several of the iishops of the North American Dioceses be- ing held at Quebec, where h was expected that some action would be taken by them \n the same matter, it was thought advisable to suspend the proceedings of this Committee, until the result of that conference should be made public. The Bishops of Quebec, To-»^ rontOi Newfoundland, Fredericton, and Mont- \ -^ ...Lv., «. il- ilSf-ei^, gAl) 1% 10 k real, met at Que1i«e on the 24ih of Sept., and in ihe imblithed " Minute* " ofiUelr "Con- ference^* thisccinstruction, as il emanaiing from their individual will, and not from the general hody of the Church f we there- lure con«ider it desirable, in the first place, that the BiahOpe, Clergy, and Laity of the Church ol England in each Diocese should meet together in Synod, at such times and in such manner as may be agreed. Secondly, that the Laity in such ^iynod^ should meet by representation, and that their He* presentatives be Communicants. Thtrdly,Mt is our opinion that, as questions will arise from lime to time which will aflect the welfare ol the Church in these Colonies; it is desirable that the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity should meet in Council under a Provincial Metropolitan, with power to frame such rulea and regulations for the better conduct of our Ecclesiastical aflairs as by the said Council may be deemed expedient. Fourthly, that the. said Council Should be divided into two houses, tb« one coosikting of the Bishops of these several Dio- ceses under their Metropolitan, and the other ol the Presbyters and LayMemberaoftheChMrch assembled (as before mentioned) by representation. Upon theee grounds it appears to us necessary that a Metroftalitan should be appointed for the North American Dioceses.** It seethed now deairable that the aiibjeet should be brought in a more formal manner before the whole body of the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese; and aa I waaabovii; ;' • ■ ] / ■Ll 'a Fi?SS'.Tfa" irf feuHnBf '^J.i ^ 11 ind i>n- Iht hi- ibti ^ »■«• /ei. ion, not »r«- that ri 01. r III nay Re- t is iin« irrli opi, «r a lurh our may •aid ,tb« Dio< :rot iirch lion. wry the ijeci inej; an(i WVJI- ■ 4 uf huld my fini *' (3vn«ral Viaitatioii minute" of our router, reuco III Qu«4m»c, a« j?ivcn aUiVH. In ilit evening of tho namr day a itroliininary Mooting of the Clergy ami Lay Koprfw-utii- ' tivea was hold in the National Schm, to tak« down tlic namo^ of all prcaent, and agree on our course of pruceedinga. A rid »>u ^he following day, wo mot again by adjourn- mentat l*i o'clock. .The Primary Visilnliori of their HiHhop, natuinlly induced the CltTuy to assemble in full numbers, nnd out ol lifty one orticiating Clergyrhen in the Diocc«e for- ty nine were present ; and thero- were hixjj eight I aymen representing forty two Pari«li- 08 or Missions, out of forty six. In imhimc- .<{uenoe of the expence, many of the Parislieit only sent up one Lay Kcpresenintiye. Tli** first subject brought before the Meeting wjna " the government and discipline of the Church ;" and after a lengthenevv(tr iiiiii niiilior- iiy (M riaiiMi an*l ttitloin* liiwn nml rrgulution^ fat iIm HMVtriiiiMntt Uitciiiline, anU iititrMV nifitmgviiuitil of Ihfl Cliuivlt; iu^h |N>w#r, however, III ii(« inaiiiiiir lu ontcml lu iiioliorn of fiiiili, nr ill any way iniurffri! with, or alter (IcK'iriiit'H or foriiiM ol nriiyrir ; titui (lint xiicli \H)i\y iUoW roiiMinl ol Ituhnp, ('Ivrgy niiNiiion bel'oro u«: that we bad met raiber lor consuliniittn on ibu general (|ueii' lion, and accordingly a Coiiiniiiiee was ap- iMiiiiiMd, coniiisiingoribo Hi«: Molloti, llun. Jungo McCoid, Major C'arnii- betl. Rev. J. Ueibunc, D. D.. Rov J. Leach. D. (\ L., Ncv. A. U. Cani|' MA., and 1I16 rierical and Lay Secretaries uf ibe Meeting, viz., the Rev. C Raiicron, M.A., and (i. I'yke, Ksq. At lirst it was proposed to uivc diroc- lions 10 t\m Committee to irarne a Hill, which nvight be presented to liie Legislature for thoir approval. Rut ibis being allerwards ihoughi premature on our |>art, uh it was necei^Hary, in order to be etrectual, that any legislation for this pur|^K)8<* should be generul,and' not the act of any sing'o Diocetie ; the C< miiiiii(>e wer**. directe^'. i 18 M. Karly hi Ptbruary I UA Muntrtal uit k Cunflrniailon lour } arul •miii •flnr wr hfiir«l ihac Mr. (ttntUtmia liad inirtMlUGOii a Hill iiii«i the llouwiorCoiiimont, in Knglnml, on tin* vary lutijof^U wo wtr« anxiou« lo Irarn ilir t'ontnnu of thi« Hill, at ii would mau'rially an-iiimhnCoinmitnw inllielr work. Ii waa tlabated in Parliamnnt, and wiihttrawn. Air- oihor Hill wa» an«rward« intnxluccd by Ittf «nmo mombar, aixl ordorwtl lo bfl |iriiued.«M, tli«30th of Juno; aoon alior which i'nrha- inntii WAN diuwtlvud. I won a^oiu alHKJiit oi a Confiririoiiuii lour durioy; ilift ^roaicr jmr- lion of Jun«, Julf, and some t>r AuRUit ; and ih« niioution of all of u« wa« oUo d««|ily «h - cu|ned by iho ollcol* of iho iwo d«'»olaiii»f: tire« that occurred in thi* city in the courta nl la«i aumniar, doMroying X500,(KK) wortli of liroperty, and rendering upwards of KMMMi o( the inhabitanta IioumjIcm. Towurd'* (h* laiicrond of August I rwoivcd from ilie Rijrhe lion. Sir John Pakington, then Secrriory ot Siatu for the Colooiet, the following loti«?r t^. , , i Downing Sraaar, J 3mh July, 1852. Mt Loaor-Aiyour Lordihip muii n«iurallr reel much intArtit in ih« deba1«« of last Heuion in the House ol Commoni upon the Bill brought iu by Mr. Uladilooe for itgulaiinf the Church of linfUnd in the Colonies, I forward to youi lordthip aomc Copiee of the speech in which I stated my obiectioni to Mr., tiladitone's meisurw. I also tend to your Lordship Copies of the BID. aud of the altered BUI which Mr. UUdstone sut>- •equently introduced, bnt which was not discussed m the House. X , The subject will doablleaa be renfWed in the neil Session of Parliament, and in the event ol . legislation upon it by Her Majesty's Oovernmcnt, it will sflbrd me much Msistance if your Lord- ship will favour me with your opinion upon the :.*s'.-. t ^■ f. u k I MM.nl aui* of ilM Ckyrtli in )e«ii ilMftt*. »n*' nhal l#fttt«llv« rhftnfM jroa wfluM «uggMi tn »-nWi lo jiUf« ih« C'l.urrh in your iImm-*** ,n ■ lliwrK rmri#n« •«•! iiilur«rtorv iMWilion. i k*»t Ihff iiiinor lo h«, Your Lardihi'fi^ ,■ Iloft cbMliiml M«f vant, J«»n« ». Faiinqt«N 1 1«» Loril Ui«Kop of MonVMl. I Ksiml in rufilv that « I hoil ref^rrttl ih# nUjve lr««rior«'lni»r wild the ■^eom|Ninyinff «U)c:unic«lg, whicii I had hud ihn himarm^^' cfive, in « rnmmiii«n wiiirli limHirrn 0|m |rtiinlrU in Jon. In Clorpy ami Loity, wlw wouhl um«i pitr'm in January next l\ ndjnurnn <, if iMMMildr. to have totiiuihinK more delltiiif; lui*l down in nny Ac* poMi d by • bf Iniptriat LrciMulurc for our ^incrul guitl- *«nc«j, at ii would bo px,irvii»ely inronveniriit «nd ilftrinitnial to ihr inicrcMH of the ( hiirch d. as I «-oncciv(;d umler Mr. viladHiono'* pro- rn*«i.'d Hill might bo thu cato, each Oiucc«« wer« lo odopt a -ditlcront My«»itui of intorual dmiMplinij and lulo." ^""^^ Hoving •unimorcd.tlio Comrnhtee. «p- I oiiiicd 01 llic (icnurol A.ecting of ihe Clrrity • ^ V. 15 • Mhii (uiH<*iM«. wai takitn ittio i;iiti»ii«i nf Um A*»ut«ni !ii!0riiiiwy of "UmCUufcUMti eiffiv " li« hS'l «iiinni( gtMiilomoii who hitil lM«rii orlalrtiitiy '»m Iho Hrtt ('omniltiAo iimi«>ininl t»y •« itm ( liufh tSooieiy ;" Hfulnn l>r llulmi*, Col. Wilf^riM, in AbtKMi, KiK|., Btxl iltii KcviU. hi, N«>){f*i4. «Lf.P. Wlilio w«r« I'lrQuifrii, wlifri 'li« (Vmii iniireAsiiiAt, it WII4 ri*tulvrr wiih • flopy ot Mr. lila'lnUHHi'a hill nifl ih«' Ki'tnit* •»r ihit Cof|imilic(*, wtiirh will !»w.l'»'tn'i %' IMii^fft I et §tq. MoMTiiitAL, Dec. I3«h, IH'»;' Riv.'amo Vrak'MR'— I huv« rrtrivf.t itiiti .Sir John fakiiitifitrii • ropy of a hill |iilMi«>i 'U- Churoh in ihii ()in<*af(<,.iiir. I hiiv# tboii^dt it bnt to brhiv lhfi >tf the Committed, wtiich waM a|)|K)iiitif<| in Jumi- 4ry la»t, by th« Clergy axd. laityi aMcnibh"! tit Dioetaan ay nod. 1 bevii now t«> r><()>te«t that you will attiml Nti adjourned Mcetiit;; iti Ihut i>ioc«>iiiiii NyiitiU, lo li** held in tht* Natio^Hl Sctiool Koom,on WeduttiKJay, 19th January next, at twelve o'clock i and that you will communicate uitt» (he Lay l)«d«:yiiii*4 ffom your !Vtinion, and obtaii., if potiihl^ Ummi "I ^^^ * hM i'i ,#•■ 16 «iltfi«l«nf» •(•» on ttet a<>#t«iaii, Mi a«4«r t4 #«• ««(f« ibfl K«|iaft of »»•• Conimiti**. «( whirH, | n«w •«»•! y<>«« • rfipy. lo(«th«r with aill|IMIj^Nl rfflf I* to •fifli^. ^^ -■^— i- r* I Mintin. ^ tUf • tiNl i>»tr tUf, F ^YiMirt MihMly. AtviirilMii^y, «Mi Wtilnfttlay, ih* lOih jjO^ Jiiiuirjf, l9Aa. aAcr OiviiM ««rvM wiih i|» Holy ( rmiinutiioti in liin (!aihi>ilral, 1)10 %il» '*' iourued ni«|- l(i>u«r at fU o cluck. Tfirrti w«r« |trrMm Ml MiMiiocatiuti tliiriyiwoelergyrtirn and thlrty- •^irtn tayiiteu, r^prrMniiiig twunty Mvati . |Nirich«t ur jniMiofi*. Two other clerayiiiari arrifrtl in,ii|riir(}ttl ( but otm waa lakcn III. iitil ilio otfil^ wa« too l9it>. AOi'r I lia r.fnoevill#,, «' Thol tlin Hvfmt oftlio Cooimii. iiHi now pree^iiioa b< rocoireil, sikJ coiiiiiJ. *t«4 claoM by^i«ti4u.J» TothU aii Howitiaii, C«<| Kot)«rt Jonea : 01 ilio RH|K)rt n to the Couimili C'onrentioo, but ilt< w«a tnovA«l 1^ W, bv the (loo. ubjflc^niatlff a» rH>(|ai'rrrr«l ^it •itii^r'ihr ]i(m a bill linoa that time proiioiod to b« brought forwuni in the Imperial rarliameni, winch bill the Lay inetnbera of the Church of Kngland in thit «linc«M have 001 had an opiKmuniiy o( con- «ulerinK. Rc8'»lv..|, thai ilic Kefiort b« tioi 2 i - ' ; ' '^ * • -, . . • /' • '■ , ■ A' ', /:.■■■■-■■. ''' ' ' -«. ,^t,,' S *t L. in i -■ /* ' ; ■#; V. •# Ml y tri •ri III. o«l • tn V II. •r i>ii# ihfl Chtirt^h t4 %ni' m^ in iIm« •litMtiM M ili«lr pruvi Oiiry ••(gfit |»«irii«m« V'llmi In Tttvor of iIk* ■mmiiliiiiini. miiU« by il««irii iif iliflllon. lltitM J»Hii»«« ibeir iMiiimi w«r« mlmit ()<»tvni*(ti~Hiv (hor^a'ftChiireti. K«» W IkHvl, AMioiAiit MMiUur { Hi TliumoV Chiirwii, Knv. J. Irwiii, Miiii«(«f« ill. John*— M«v. (;. lUiifnifi, Rtctor t W. CMruiiaviikB^tiiiti K, Jt>ii«ii aiKl W. Iliw* tilAll, K««|. Bmiii*— C. Juliet; Rii| In aniiwiir to ilio otijeetiim nkitnd in ilid ' Abavti ainuiKlmoiit, I Hiatad thai Sir John Paktngtiiti liQvtMji: Oftktfcjl fur my c}pkiU»i» I «-,iHi«iih'tiiil thai if iiiHUttKJ uf Mimpl) uiiiinvifriiia iiLinyiMili' I co^Ki tiUiiiii tito onuiiktu uf * tiiiticu^^w in #miiincri fur lit« jp'irpotn ituKlurll^iiii vory niibj«»cl, t »ti iiiiU«tf (u ilt*vi"o 5iotn** mohii* lur nii«#iciion \ 0* g^pgfW'-J^ws* %-f. »j^ ^J^y "-.—^ , •^frr^'Tl'' W i8 411(1 uunsutuiiii^ \Tho tlieaddiliunal nifnitier.-* wwe, I own I wa« »urpriw«l at ii. Th« i^rttut d«sirc wiih all of us wn», simply, Uia lulleKl ari(i faireit'cunsideration of the mattt^r btfloro us : arul when I I»l« to select, ill erery lespect, a fairer in ).iiore effective lift. Clerffy and Laiiy troiii »'>wn niid country, and ♦>ach party (as we must arishe.s on this occasion h«il,iM»t rcinesentatives i>resent. This musi W expectcil more or lesA in Much an extensive J)iOceHc ; particularly when there is no provi-. Viioii made for defraying the expenses of at- tendance, which in some cases must be con- siderable. The members of the Provincial Parliament are all allowed travelling expen- ses atid a certain sum, per diehri, during tlie ejession. And I really think in this country, with an unfavourable season for travellintj^. that it showed considerable interest m th^ matter, that so many were present; and I may idd that out ofnine Rectories in the Diocese, which are the oldest and most important par- ishes, eight had Lay Representatives at the Meeting ; nor is there the slightest reason to Jsnppose that, had the Representatives from all tlio country Missions l)een able to attend; fhoMiuoniy would thereby have been reJa- vvep^wf J ■■■/»■■.■ ..:'■:. ' ■, "^ '■■>•'' * ■ .s ., ^ ' - * ^ :' m its».7„ 'J;^ - 1 ^ ^ \ . .i N « ■ 10 (iveiy iiicreaned. A recumendation was alt«i proirased by the Ruv. C. Morico with tdoT- •Mice to tliu tirst ctauHO, giving jwwer tu the (clergy and Lay Reprasuittativov to paN.t any Kulu or Canon, witliuut tho assfiit uf \h» Kisltop, u|K)n ii8 boiug re-aiiirmed by a mu- jority ')f voiceH after ihc uxniralion uf Htx monlln ; which was aegatived. The princi> pal objects which the iueutin<{ liad in view,ui- recummeuding the above amendments to the Kill wt'ie to keep up aclo^to connection with the Mother Church, and uphold the supre- macy of the Qoeen, as now by law established and arknovvled^^ed. And in the adoption oi the tieveral portionsi of the, ReiHirt, as niially amended, I do not believe there was iiuy dil>- terence of opiniun,r-the minority Who voted |^ against ilio reception of the Retnirt concurring^ that if the Bill was to be received, it would thuH be materiallv improved. And a Reso- Intion mbved by Major Campbell and secon- ded by the E%ov, Dr. Leaoh, Minister of iSt (Jeor^e's Church, Montreal, to the elfect, '* That unless these amendments are faiih- fully adopted in the Bill, it will not be eatiN- tnctory to the Church in this Diocese," was most cordially and unanimously agreed to. As far as I could understand the grounds ul the op|K)sitiun, it was not so much to the Hill. itseH', as on account of the real or supposed opinions of the framer of it, Mr. Gladstone; who was stated to have some ulterior design u-onceajed under the general terms, in which the JBill is expressed. Iiiformaiion also was required as to what partic(dar Acts of Parlia- . mcnt, if any, besides that of 25th of Heury,. VIII., would be alTecied by the first Clause ; and upon what grounds the Oath of Suprcma- ul>* lie in the Dioceso, that the membert or Ihr Church may bo iully cognizant ofthem. 1 hope I have .given a uiir account of what .hat taken place 4||^ I came to Montreal, In or- der to ahow tjiBbe want of lome provieion for the regdlJn(mt>rour Eccleeiaatical affairt is groatl3i^v|^-iJ^d acknowledged ; and that the subjedt h|l been under coneiderable die- cuuion. With retpect to the Meeting at which the Report of the Committee, above given,wa» . djicussed, it lasted for nearly five hours; and I reflect with very coniiiderable satisfaciipo, thai.'while there was great freedom of debate, the proceedings were conducted without that warmth and bitterness thai unfortunately so of> ten are witnessed on such occasions. But after ' all, if this Bill should pass, it is only pcrmis8ive;j| it removes obstacles to our self-action, but * tbrces nothing ufion us. And I fuel that we . shall still require great cautiuU) forbearance, and patience, before we can reasonably ex- pect to see any system fully and satisfactorily at work. But we are far from being in a satisfactory elate now ; and I think we ought to be allowed by such a Bill as this to under- take the task, or to have some better means provided. One thing, however, is certain, that in any system to be adopted for the Church in these Colonies, we must seek to organize it on a broad and firm basis; and must earn the respect and aflfection of the Laity by serving them faithfully in the wdrk of the ministry, and by inviting their aid and co-operation in the internal administration of our system. During a recent vi«it at New York I made many inquiries respecting th«h||; system of church discipline and governmeorf and the efTects of lay influence in their coii-^ , J^°^l-^jfcJ&.„a^.x,^-L:. t-a=..a^.iL.-'J.^?T :'^sgfer. j.f^;^Et^-S:i*^^ 22 ▼eotioot. I was lold, by what may be termed High Churchmen, that the admiMion of the laity iiad been with thorn a matter of necet- iity ; but that, whatever might have been the a priori opinion* heUI on th« •ubjert, ii« •iperaiion had been «o iocceMful, that it wouhi jww be adopted at matter of choice. I will only further add, in conclufion, that I irum the Great Head of the Church will to overrule k\i our purpoeea and actioni that they may promote His glory and advance, the work of aalvatiob, and ihat He will graciounlv be }>lea8ed to build ua all up in one butly, iii unity of spirit, In the bond of peace, and in rigbteouaaessof life. P.MONTREAL. January 21, 1853. * Exlrad from the Visitation Charge ojthi . Bishop ofMontrealjeferred to at page II. "It i§ my wish, in the flrtl place, to dirccr your attention to the real position, which a# members of the United Church of England and Ireland, we occupy in this Diocese. While s|>iritually we are identified with the Church in the mother-country,- emanating from her, nsina the same liturfyy, subscribing the same articles, blessed with tlie same apus' tolie niinistry, Tisibly forming part of the same ecclesiastical body, and claiming as onr own all her mighty champions,, confessors, and martyrs— yet in a political sense, and as re- gards temporalities, aod everything that is understood by a legal establishment, or as conferring\ apecial privileges " ^ r \ ,».wwJ ^'■'■-■.■.'■.■/f •?*""y^ m I^j^m^^^r^'"-- -. ■■ .'■• ' m , ' ■ ,-4 \ 1 ■■' - i>f • ./ tu • ' id - m J ut "/ >» / • . /■/ '% .1 1 4 ' 1 1 re » ' ' »« , ■t / » . • ' .. ■ ' h / ' !■ ■ , .■ . s - — ' !• 1 1 ,. ' 4 |. ' , W«^^ r / **■ . ■ " n )t ■ ' ■ ■ \\ . •r '■ 8 ■ . _ ' \ '■'''.■ ft . m- ■ , - P ■ ■ • V : B V-..„^ » \ ■ '•' . ■ ' • .■^^" « ; ■ *■ * ■1 ' ' 1 ■ •.■'''■,■ • *• ■ i' .. ■ ■ t . • \ ' » -H-::: •^ ' . . .. ' " ': , J " " .- -^ ..... 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