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U 2.0 1.8 ^ >»PPLIED IIVMGE li nc 1653 East Main Street RochMter. Htm York 14609 USA (716) 4«2- 0300 -Phone (716) 288 -5989- FoK K/^ w :*- ... 7- /'•■ ■:::.■■■.■:- :■-■■. ■ . i,, . '■- - : ; .-; ^. .■ / ■-.■>---■":■.■■-.>'' ■ ''X-^:- ; ■■■■■. ■ « , j |.;-. ;■•■/;■..:. . • '■ ' :*.■■■■.■'" ". ■ • ' * - ■ ■ ., : -x 1 . f ' V. / / '■'"■.. ■'- ■ ■■: ' ^ -■■■./■ / '\jl /, ^"■■■' ■■■ ■fl-- .' • ■" ■ .. . /■v.. i>^i^^/hM^' / j; I- ft- ■v^ . ,..■'•.. ■-. " ■ . ; .-.■•. 1-- ^ ^ Ti^jf/a&w-j Si'Crj':.., 5'# mra^*?>'3o' :<,. L«''-'^r?>. tS'i "^^W ■ n -jC '1 ' ' I, r ■ . JUBILEE POEM, HUMBLY DEDICATED TO HER MOST QRACIOUS MAJESTY, i ■, / I G TOR I a; qu . X«i. ■^'■ EEN 6F great BRITAIN AND IRELANt), ". AND EMPRESS OF INDIA. BV JOHN MASSIE, M.D .»■'■' KEfiNE, ONTARIO, CANADA. U. H. StRATTON. PRINTEB. IXAMINER OTriOf . PCrE^ROUQH, ONT. ,••#•■ '. • . ''4. I fW*. Htii«alla'iBa^M^>« < r \ / ^t>'. fcii^" . . * 4^- ^ J. ^. £^-: M f T^^ awwawnw^ "i"ji i r"' i iii i ' i riirrriiTi|i ite:r^L^»«ha# ^■-^^^■^^ -s > - V/^I'^'S' "-^ *' ,f *"■ **'^» / JUBIL^EEJ POEM. -9WINV0CATI0NI Ring, rino yk bkli«s, thk ykar hah come, Of our good Qukkn'« orkat jubilkk; Lkt all thk i'Koi'LK shc^ut for joy, And roar yk cannon o'kr the sra, , . And all ye islandh of the deep, , Rino out, rino out your fealty. And every nation's loud acclaim, Declare Victoria's Jubilee. Grove men of sMe are stirred wheft monarchs die — ♦ For kings and queens niiist tread the Lethean sjnorej \^ Shake hands with DeatliJ and close tVie weary e^e, And step most humbly down when life is o'er :/ And Britain's sailor king was king no more— For he had crossed the threshold leading out Upon the unknown world ; and what before Was wrapt irt mystery,/ involved in doubt, Was now most clear to our late sturdy king and stout, V \ 4 i -J I ""-iTiCiM* 'twi-*^ ««rfanair^>S"iP3)^TK- '^ " s''^-. ' S"^ jw^^M^ g^^^^^^"^g^»^'£. afat»MBia 'i ' -' -I?- •^^^ yni^^'<^ Tnrw^ -"Y^-^^'^^^^ga^ ^ '* -' .* «E^f- ■%. < \ V JUBILKK 'POKM. [hen bluff King William closed liis cirthly book, seside his couch his true and weeping wife [eld ward and watch : nor could she bear to look Fpon the thoughtless world, that held a life ^-*~; - ^oo light for her great grief ; which — as a knife Juts thongs in twain— cruel cut her bleeding heart : /what care the heedless crowd for the sore strife /That wrings a grieving soul — 'tis not their part To weep, they say, nor mourn, when earth's great ones depart. S' \ ''• ...-.V ^' X' y 'fi»' Night wept herself away : in ambient flame Uprose Aurora's car, and with sweet smile, White-robejd and purple, Dawn's great goddess came,^" Her ample wings begemmed with dew the while ; To their diurnal caves Night's troops defile ; ^^ While in hot haste, with Britain's weal elate Came couriers, grave, from Windsor's royal pile. With tidings of great import to the*state. But chief to our girl-Queen, of most momentous weight. i- ' J .1 ■■ / ■# ~^m4 JUHlLilK POKiM. .% \ • \ I V i •a ^' /' She— hastily awaked fn)m slumhfer sweet — "'^: At once appeared ; nor did she stop to change Her nightly |?arb ; with slippers on her feet, Her goidfen hair in gracefi|l disarrange, Arid m her eyes sweet teai^— nor think this strange, ^4^or she had lost a friend, and gained a throne, With all its wide and comprehensive range Of state affairs : and not of self ttlone Was her heart full | her people's cii^ares were now her own. ■■■ ■■, .■ ■■".• ■• ■■:.---j\ •■■■■■ • • ■ .■:■■,; Twice twenty years and ten have duly fled Since ^hat auspicious morn when our young Queen Arose from slumbfer sweet, and deftly spread A shawl upon her shoulders, fair, I weel) ; Of all the hdurs that ever y^Khave been . « Since Time began, this was the^reatest hour I Ofjoy most full, and big witK^hope serene, And white-wing'd peace— a nation's richest dowej—r In all Her wide domains no threat'ning cloud did lower. .^ -* '*-■ I'M. J-r ^ 4 • 6 JUBILEE POnu. i«S*' -^■^^ . ;> Her heart was full ; and, on her cheeks thwe fell Its warm and pearly dews ; while dignity Sate throned upon her brow, and blended well j^ With love to all, and sweet humility, As natural as- true. A trinity Of strongest sympathy for other's weal ^ ! ' Bright furnaced her young soul, which ever free Tok think of others first, all wounds would heal, All broken hearts upbind, all selfishness conceal. ■ 1 -•.<■-.■ ^'.,:W' V And half a century has swept stately by, ' 'since, from the portals of the glowing east, 'Came that momentous day of grief>and joy- To our fait* Princess such it was at least.\ ■ There is satiety "in every feast; In every rose a thqrn ; in ev^ry pla Some part miscarries. Turning to thfe priest ' She said ['twas Canterbury's, godly man] "Your Grace will pray for me !" and thus her reign begj 1^ ..I t ■ JUBILEE POEM. ■4'. ■ ■. Yes, fifty years have swung most blithely on, Still striving keen, in oliilanthropic strife ; Each on the other's Ifwls, from sun to sun, For human ills a balm, with blessings rife : And thou most loved, sis maiden, mother, wife, . Yet loved as widow, even more, thou art. O ^grandest golden age of Britain's life ! : O thou loved Sovereign of the loving heart ! For every coming age the compass, and the chart The Star ot gentlest light that walked by thee. Pure as the ether," whence his spirit came. Has set ; but not forever fthere will be A glorious dawning yet, of ruddy flame,' - When He, the promised One df godly name, * From out the irridescent east shall come. And— white-robed walking earth's pavilion—claim His own loved ones ; shall strike all evil dumb ; Exalt the good and true ; all wickedness benumb. ,.#■' f-. :• 8 JUBILEE POEM. / [«;.v I "•{»«• »■-,■> Twice twenty years and ten have fields been green, And forests bare, and iSowers have decked the lea, ^i_ And summer suns have biirned, and winter keea. Has hushed the vocal throngs in bower and tree ; While round thy {Island Throne the restless sea Still flings his thi|nSeririg'anthems to the skies, And joins with irfigh|y bskss our Jubilee, _ And shouts defiance when the wild winds rise, And guards thy rock-bound coast, confounds thy enemies. Thine own Imperial throne, Vi0OR i a ; Thine own still more Imperial n^me; thine owft Great grief, loilg past, yet fresh as yesterday. That clings with tender mtmories round thy throne ; And all the yirtues that have brightly shone And mirrored thy true heart's humanity— \ Love of thy people for, their sake alone; . ^ These are the load-stars that have drawn to thee " A mighty nation's heart, and love, and sympathy. ' ' . ; :- / ' •■ ■ ■ ■ m .* ■ ■ *■.:■ ' ■ ,. • 'v;.-: ■ '-. " "^ -'■~^1r' '¥. ■\ , ^KP'P JUBILEE POEM. To thee, the°sea-girt gems of ocean call—-' The di^rk parts of the earth all cry to thee : "O bless us, thou Queen Mother ! bless u^all! "It is in love, not fear, we bow the knee : *V Where'er thy sceptre touches, men are frefe,, " Oppression dies, ere half his race is r " Then let thy children round thee gathered be, It is thy heart that draws us, every one,^ it "Thy-QuEElNLY woman heart, our magnet/and our Sun." From all tihy wave-washed shores, thy turrets gray. Thy sea-^beat cliffsj thy rocks and/beetling towers, Of inan's and Nature's build ; and far away Beyond Old Ocean's marge, *vhere Asian bowers Awake with melting song 4he morning hours ; \ From lands that stem tKe^Atlantic's western surge. And where the fierce sirocco hotly scours Australian plains ; from earth's j^fiiiotest verge. To thee all loyalty, and, love, and joy, converge. V" / 'f-g » • '» ^ ^ ,1 \ • - . • • ■ , • ■ / x , m ] . 1 f t t\ i!«B:7'' 10 / *«>&'* JUBILEE POEM. •>^;-* '^i i- • ' ^ S W-n**-.-* ''' . 1^ The drum's loud heart doth pulse the morning air In rapid note, or stronger throbbings <|eep ; • ' The clarion's brazen blast, the trumpet's blare, ^ The bugle's rounder klang, the cornet's sweep; . . The bellowing cannon on the rampart-steep ; ' The living surge of joydus men ; the roar Of a great nation's love, that will not keep Pent up ; but thy far realms deep flooding o'er. Returns in whelming tide to Britain's regal shore. Tolls great St. Paul's— ten thousand silvery chinies Ring out their music o'^r the joyous land ; .And twenty times ten thousand glorious rhymes • Declare'pur burning love. On eyery hand The nations stricken mute, astonished stand, And alkjrtth gaping eyes, " What conquering cross ? What wondrous spell ? What power of magic wand Hath bound hej: people to their sovereign thus ?" The answer simply is, **Our Qubkn is one of us." • .1 '^ 1 }■■•'. HI"-, ■; s -■:-4 f ." ■ \ ♦♦ ■%^ ■" 'r JUBILEE POEM. tl <"^' One v^h, one thought intense, oiie ittipfulse strong, Hath goverened all thy long, eventful reign ; .^ ^ : Imbued thy days of sadness and of song, - — -— — :With sweetest sympathy for all thy Uain; And strengthen'd thy strong heart, and nerved thy brain. To do the work an empire lays on thee : 'Tis love for thine Own people doth Sustain s The pillars, of thy throoe. Love makes them free, . And guides thy ship of sta^ o'er Time's tempestuous sea. And as a face smile-lit, wakfes up a smiM Or bright contagious laughter glads the eye. Or joy gets joy, or cheerfulness, likeoil. Lays all the troubled waters, making dry The cheek tear^dewed ; or skylark soaring high Lifts up man's heart, implelling him to sing ; We watch the eagle's fli^t and wish to fly, -V And feel within, tht- spirit's ^uiveHng wing ; So thy kin d heart, love lit, lights ev(Bfy4iying thing. .V ■ s ■'. !> 1% -■;.\ ,,.v.'...i*. 12 JUBILEil POBM. ♦ , Love's fortress strong hath ever girded thee, Hath guarded in the past, protects thee now ; \T Not worlc of cunning hand could ever be . A shield and vizor so complete,! trow. And as a tree fruit-laden, branch and bough. The love of half a century gems thy crown,. And circlets round thy fair Imperial brdW, And zones thy girdle-stead, and stooping down Strews every path of thine with roses freshly blown. ii ^ God bless our Queen ! and guard her lest she fall And may her reign be long, her life be true : God bless her children, bless them one and all. Those golden heads that were, and eyes of Uue. O bless their course in life the whole way thrqugh ^ May all her mother-prayers answered be— And all her (fhildren's children, bless them too} Those near, and those that dwell beyond the s^a. Make all their hearts be glad in this her Jubilee. -,...■)•■ JUBILEE POKM. 19 \ . ■-m- [Jj^: V God bless her many peoples, and protect . ^ .1 ^^ every step, and lead them to the li^ht, _ 1 Subdue their stubborn passions, and coffefct Their wayward hearts, impatient of the ri^ht ; And guard them from the moonless, starless night Of selfish, thoughtless, hard unhallowed ways. The cleanest life among us, is not white ; X ' The holiest saint laments his evil days ; , ;^ And CoNsc FENCE, strictly just, ^ must mingle blame with prais^. ' / But there are those our blessings cannot reach, ^ Love's dearest ones, from life long passed away ; Who 4ived to rtiake men better, and to teach— Earth's erring ones, the road to endless day. "Albert, THE great and good !" 'twas thine alway To point this road, or gently lead the blind, * Xest these^un wittingly, should go astray, * ; Thoii greatest captain in the march of mind! High Priest of Peace, anel torch of Lk^e to all mankind ! v^;-: -r--%- t t" »•'• 4? ••v fm- 14 JUBILEE POEM. What face is this ? G let my heart be dumb I ^ Is Alice named ? Breathe not her name aloud t^ She looks, and smiling, beckons us to come ; Looks o^r the silvery rim of ^H/bright cloud. From every feature of her, gentle-browed Angelic face, long from this lone world riven, •Beam peace and joy, whith to the wondering crowd Of earth is mystery allJ As snow new driven She was a spirit pure, an aogel now in heaven. And she is not alone — ^two cherubs fair Are sweetly smiling in her radiant face. Dear ones on earth were they, a darling pair, That only went before in God's good grace, To spy the land, and sooth ! prepare a place Receptive in the heart, that seed be sown ■R) yield a thousand fold ; till every trace , Of natural rebelliousness hath flown. And all shall meet at last, round God's eternal throne. 4\ JUBILEE POEM. Y^s, there are those otir blessings cannot reach, __^ Yet they are truly blest, and in full store r-- Of all the riches and rew^s that each T^ue child of faith enjoys forevermore ; And would we wish them where they were before, Where all things new are ever growing old ? Let memory still o'er all her treasures pore, And cling, as clings the miser to his gold. And wear thou still thy starry croj^n. Prince Leopold ! V . ■ ■ , ' ■ > ;.,■.■■ ■ -. ■ ■ . ■ ' God save the Queen ! God save our Queep, and Her when she riseth up, and lieth down ; And when He calleth, be her answer, " yes, I come O Lord ! An handmaid of Thine own." And may she never merit Thy just frown, But truly dutiful to Thee alway. Receive as just reward, a saintly crown ; And through the cycles of eternal day. Shall join the happy throngs in Thy triumphal lay. m bless # vA, •/■- y- %. r- ^ «- ■ • -. •■. ■ ■' ■ \- 1' ' « ^ . A- ■ ■ V fc,,.. A 1^ ' ■ -V'-' • • . K . .: ■-■'' i -" ■•'-' » V^^^H^, ' . ^-"U- , '■■Aii?^i--illV.-'-*"' • ^W^ . • '■•,.-. „ . ^ » * ' \ ' ' ( , •N. ■ 1 '' '■'■ ' .■•\ . • ;. ' .;-.,;'-;,-.-• -t:- 7 ^t 1 ■f" *'\;; - ' ■ • < .? V ■■■*"■. . » . ' '• • ■'-.r- ■ '■:' • ■ ■■■■. .. ■ ' "?.: ; "■ - 1. -■-, ■I ■ ,,.■■".■■'■■■ H ' ~~ ■■"-' ^ — — ^^ ^^ ^^^ -i_,„-;_i— „ ..... ^ ;.,- ^^^^^ ^^^^< ^ ^ ' ^^^1 ^^^^^^^^ ■ K- ' ' ' ■ ■ ■ v.- » ■.".-*'''■ ■ i . '" '''J^^^^^^^^^^ f • «■ i k ;-s-" :■•'.■: -if m / 1^ ,^^^ / « //■