Kb TEST CHART »*,. a) i£^^jA^_Jn6 i- Certificate Under CIerk\or f^ Munu tiK ii^u^' ^ ^PX"^^ having ct^rliliLMl uiiUAAim hand of VotorH (or wid Miniicipality, for the yoar W/& , *• days after the first ixMiling "P ot;jhe same ; ajd on a£j \,^l^c^ae^j^^uiL.yc^ JudK^I the < in pursuance of tho >roiri»ionH of ♦* 'Hio Vot(»rl List / printed List of Voters, being one of the co[)iA fecei section 2 of the ■aid Ackii tUe revistjd LiHt of Voter A\ Given under my hand and seaU at KiH r.i i:^ k- • 3 Under iaJ ection 6. f • .■ t ' » . ^ CliM'kyr ||i muniiMpality or the iX>_ Mifd unU^^iH hand that no ooiiiphunt rcnpocting tho [Ant • th(» yoa;^P^ , litwl heori receivod hy him witlun thiH>V he same ; til otirtppliwition of the rtaid Clerk, ^ Judge% the (>)un.ty Ojt^rt <>r tM County or()xfpiilJ ' 'llie VoteriList Act of I8?ft," certify, that the aiiiiexe«j' ' of the co[)ij| received by me from the nilid Clerk, uiidei jvit*jd List of VoterH for the Maid MuniciiialUy for theyeai*^ lUivt /y-M^f^^ ^ f^^^^^r thi» ■|f -7 . ^' '.'-1 '' '' f ? ■ '"' r ■ ■ 1 ' ■ -r :/"^t''' , Kli ov *: ANT.. ...v... .' ■1 ' ,■■ --..•...M. ' . ■■ . ■ ■• . t ■ usu.t : ■■■••■■ '"■■.■' '■ •:**■ ^■■'V' ■ . , D K«| «« ■ \^--c ■ ■■ * >;' Vol on roll 107 00 31 307 227 422, 300 288 425 429 430 431 VaMAiL iUBiDlVXSZON, NO. 2^ con. ov ?>\VNER or I TKNANT. Ab^ruothy WilliutH AtMiandor Willinm Atkindon FmnoiN Avey Riclmnl niiyn« John ami Hiiyno n<)nul..1I Bowio Inn9t 1 north W.qr,., 17 ' " I i(K)tith w. qf ...Ift Bfnc« Johir r ^ Bryaut Ojpoigo W. Bhiir John Cnmpholl Aniijwii Ciin)|>l)flll John C!am{ibell Anguii Campbell AlnxiUuW ..►|< went t28j€.uni.b«ll NVillittni Ci|hler Jtjhn m-. i\tu\ Onhlcr John j»" VAnrk Ait>hihaUl Clurk AlexHndei* Clmk Donura 0O7 608 502 CO.') 514 592 515 369 301 .372 371 599 499 584 585 298 299 COO 105 293 294 -2m Clark Thomnw .. Clark Willmni ) Cliftort John ... Couke George .. Couko ThomnH Couke John | Duttdn Benjnmih/ >. Donnin iHanc ..; Forgusoh Oeorgo iintl^ Ferjjuson ■William, ) Flynn Richard sr and 1 Flynn Jlichardjr - j Foi'bes Robert Fra8er Hugh , ' ^ ' Gordon Chiarles and Gordon Paul Gordon Gflorgo 423 Gordon Gi;org« part it»»!b hii ekHt halrn went hulC Wont half t}fl8t half r>i(«t half west hrtlf north e. nt e. pt w. hf north'e. qr north w. pt went part ti. hf bfd. w. north f». qr n. lif ifc 8. e. qr 18 Moitth w. qr. . south w. qr. . not*th c. cor. . west half west half south w. qr ...l7 west west south :i: ©. hf ofw^hf.i.lO east half ...11 wwt part v'll I .>l fH i ' iii. ■iliip»i «l> >«M*< •Ayir'" NAMK. Itf Ull I. >i 1^1 — ■. ■■ I.... nftf , OWNKU 01 iM.; TKNANT. > ■ 1 , a*' .i ; /v i "f 'A I ™,»^, -3-|3,r- i^'6\ MatU'U A^ttXiiiuWr Ul MuYiiuw i\tigiitt ami V2 Muiyruu Jul>u Je!. i« ... . . . • ' ' 214 Miiiiiy CbMi-Km 84!MuvrAy Fell}! ; '>. 48U Mut rtry Jutru ;., |.- ;■ '•' \' y ■ . .' [ 41^1 Man liyJaiWit ...,., 27& Muiruy t>oiyi 'MuiTuy WilliAiii r»7(); Miiriuy Ai»,MacKay John 409 56G 667 083 580 13 Mii»cKfty Hugli 8 AtacKay AlexHn«l«i- ■■"'•■•, {a)Maiit«yAlexanT7~ 681 682 MacKaiy Alexander & [ ^acKiy Angus . j i< yi' .\. % 1876 ^ tOTERS :;■■-'. \ S- ' ." yzm ■ '■ f' 'V:.- ^y W. Dawaon> Pui >g» Priatfal Q^^**" <:<. ••»- *f it I No oil luH ,-^ KAAili um 14|MMuk«iLXiu Uttuigo' I'D MuuArtitui 'Aiuiiibiiid iU3 iUiUtlMm WjiliAiii 3 ;Suj{git LuuuarU 411 8uiljuiJttii(i Uujjii 1285 SutiiuiiuuU Juliu . 6i)0 ISutiieiJjiild llu^b Z Suliit^'itfud Jioliui't 4 Sutlu3i-Juud HuUu-t C >Sutliei-ittud KuUtfii JL 1 7 l^elierinud Duu«iU 486 ^utUfliJaud pouiiiid ^ 4^7 Sutliui^iaiid AlexiiUdm- 488 i^uJtlim'Juud liubuj'£ jr 4i>l^utlMM-liUid Audvhw 82|Buchei-kud Laugliiiu .,:,.i«i»in 41- f W4Mtt jmri uartU liulf Nuutii w. (j[r «. 0. 4;} I- ik »'. MotiUt w. ai^titli 1 uoi-tlt w. «jr CiM4tij tuut Muidi SutberJaad VViJJ Xttt'j VVMlter Tiioiutaii TltiMi«i Thorudike Joka UnjukorA Duiittld «i|<| UnjuliitrC Aiexiuider ^n\ Walker George' ,..'j»t ■w**t ImI/ I iMiilli tmll' -,Jft Mr««fc bulf .. 'uwdi u'. our. i 'noi'th 'fHct Of I }«Miit \a*\i 'W««t half >«ouUi half ;uortli half { 12 283 Witlker Jaittes Ward Tiiomas iKouth e. eighth ...inorUi w. liait ...|«outh w. i\r . ■ ■ *■ foil ■ . ■■:V'^A*m, 'v ■',j.- ;■';' ■ ■• , *■■ 'i'BNANT. aft^ f««iiife.«wi. TiBioilt^'...,, a^uih rait..... ..•5' 9 'Owii#i' 5fliFuik.hu .u.a../.,.|;x Eeibth;;...;?' I '^"•"* i04O«n..«,. Om..............Eu,t 4...... ...... I " •A \:. ■\ it 5 (iuii^yu Jolin...,..,....,. KuHt !.«».. ...i...l| ilOOuiiia tJeoigt......... ] .WwiMmllV.......5 -^ it. DO WiM^u AiiMJi-t w...... j jweHt'i.Hif;;;;;;]r 2 " ' JNoitli \V |»t.....O 'OWiiMi'';.''- '■''■■. .0, N4>« Rl) K|>^ !P, new S I> Naf ;Owu*r ■ '**.:•■■■':■ ■'^'^'■- /':■ .k" ;9^|Hunj« Miiiiiliall J I • j; ; lljHaMttck W'illiHiu...... J 4Z(i|Uei J AJ«xuiitJ«ir. . . . . . )V7jlIuliueJi Alexaiuler. . . . VV ti*nnU w. qr......4 NorUi w, qr.,.i\S SovtU w. qr....,4 NuitJi Kcji-..,v,.9 E««t lii«lf......i..5 K'wt lmJf.,.,.:,..9 W--'ti -" r ^ iP»ii*t.,,....3 and 4 Oi< H«eaey Jarue«... . . . . .. SoiitJi W; oof,.. 7 i80lli,;•..: Wej/tljair..,, ^0.3|Kaia William... .i. ... Nofth w. pt/. 354jKam John. ...;..... Went^hiili:.,.. J.).')|Karii I^uijAkI... . . . . , ..|8outli\E or... 402jKcllum .Patrick..., ~ '~^ 358 Xw^ttiiitnoriil Willian) f2r8'LAiiJ William.... 507 Laiigdoii 'Yilliam. 57.1 Lftrk Samnei........' Id6 Leonard Oeorge,;. 497JLo^aii William...... 342|Lyl« Wiltittm...;,...... JU |L(uv«vs Wil.iaij...; ... V ■' ■*' ■- -■-!.■■/■ 2 1 I i 6 3 4 7 8 4 2 8 8 { n- ♦«■/.■ ■■«■ •■ ■■•: .■■■v\. -.'r- Owner i4« ' ■ ■ ,*>•• ..4 .7 ;484 274 18 Muitjliall William.; .. , Minler. John.. • •• • • '•• • Af or riso'if; Jobo. .... .. . jPrSEqi .. |Suiuli «. car....ll . » E;wf. half...... i,,. 8' .:!W.!Ht liafC... ...4 8outl» w, «jr.,....4; Weft |[»art.......fl Ea^»i half... ...... 4 North half...... 9 EaiBt qr.... v.....Ii Went pt....... .9' Part E hf..:.. .5 East qr..., .,.;,. >5 Ea«t half, ......2 North hf. ■....;■» I 5 5 a 5 4 8 « 3 7> R 4 6 7 4 4^ ■«■■ «4 .■ '■ ■**.'' •* . ' ' Tenant Owiji^r Teniint 0«rn4fir O, Me 8 D Not Ownw i: 669 408 Muiiro William... Munro John.. ...... .,... 2Q7'Mani'o Angus South ^pt. North half, cast hiajif . ..4 8 6 3 Owner TeiuiiiL^ •>7- l.\ HJSo on i-oll 2.73 16 yy S43 80 4 IS 1208 266 203 2U5 414 i^ « AvvJ^y KloulKoii BoiiiMU 4»hu. .. Burtuu TliOiiiMH liigitMrii Joiiuthitt)....L . iil*iv JuLiii. . . . . , t .Ir . Bawiu Joliii; > . , . . . ; . fiott (ivoigit . . . t . 4 . 1 k Biiu-h UolMji t W..:X: N W -I 6 70 1 Butler WiUiMiitw . . , 41 415 41(S 945 346 558 Buj-dick WatHon. . Brji^uut GedJ-ge W*,.| bainpbeltltqbeitk <« ■ ■ OtuiipbeU Julin.. .< CttJutpM) Jplin.. i . Canapbell Dotiiji}*! uiiU CtkiuplxiJl Joliii... '■i CairoU A.tuli-ewr GaiToil WiUimiK Can-oil Hearjr J. and ur*........* W bairl.,. ...... ;2j Eaut liair.,.......«i iVk'ett ljalt'......v.li |i£a«t Lutr:v;'::;:riy JNortlj iC.iht qi-. . />[ NVJ.f ot*EljtV...l; JPt Wtllt liaif..,!; |N&»it>* \y. qf....,4| JJ^bith EHi!t4lr.,.4; 5rtBfc hatfjiv^ni^iTsri^' ilaai l»al)"......,,.9' |Mit 3 and »i' Noitii \v. qr,.,.7: SouUj Kqi-.. '....!> h;>iHt hull' 7 $outl» w. qr.....8i Pait W hi 7 1 t^onU E qr Siiutli K qr Part E Iff. don or i 4 I ,0VVN1CII or * TENANT. 'm u C*vr Thoiimii.. . . . . Chapiii JanifM ]Sii. . ■■!-■ - u... ■ Cjliisbolni Ooiiald . . Gydy , H)i rrisoii S . } 1: Cody Gharlcii 8. ... , . - . Cody )M«rviu....;. ; .. . Cook F»«dt^iick Cook job n. ... . ... Davidson DavitT.. . DodgQ Jftsse . - . .;, , . » «■ ■ • • ^f ■♦ d. South E pt .T East half..... -..-.I Sojitli jwrr L" PiE & Whf...2' ^ - «! PartV E qr,...7! SuutJi \V qr....6 Swith Eqr 2' Eafjt half C| Sfl?iith Eqr 7i W|*t of Ehf-..4 S W Js E i»t iiksb part 6 WvHt halt^....(J ^70>l)awuiii2 Thomas... } f South'E qi*T-.-.^3 SMofSWqr...3 S|of Whf.,../l jVVhfofE hf...l Pavi» JameB..... ..."'iPt E hf. Dundas David J. . Edwin-U« Tboraaa . u u EUiott$ainu«l,... Wcfft half. We«ft half. <4 J„T*.llHlit 7 ,(>wn.r ^ 2 [0,»ee«DKu| 5 ,Owiiui- 2^ ;■ ''^: ■' ■■■.■■'■. U llVimnt i V 4 rT«iiiiiii j7 Sit! a D Nu « 3 Owuei* o S 6 C 6 e 6 s 6 4 4 6 2 4 4 'J 5 5 3 4 6 1 2 4 4 6 ^>^ J Tenai4 Owner 5 Tenant Sr W eighth...] East part I Eastlialf. .'..7 4 3 1 Owjier ' r, I? ■■>* th« County of O^fo^^^-J^-jy^^ by t».« In-t .-evlj. atBI«ction-for««m»««of*^«.^^^^^^ oftoe al Kn.b.-o on tU ^Tfh d»v of J»ue, 1«76. Artd I l«f«-«»y «• J ^ r. ^^o I»ei- Jtl?.ia the -aid lUt. ^nd if *"> -;^^",]J1 ^i::vo ihi» -i^ •rror l"^ , *u :» t/i take imiuadiaUJ |iiooeem«p »" '.^.J*,'',' '^- ■ -. . V ■'-■'■ ',.■■;/ .* '•■ *"•.' ■' .V',.. ^'^■ • V:'.' ■ - ' 'X:. V . ■ ' vf « - :' ■-^■'..,. ■:/^ ^ 7*- . '' ' . ■■ .■ • •■ I /- .. » , / a . ,. ■ - ■/■ •■ : ■ ''*-. :"•■'■ %1 'Ik- s. X » y Xtl ,' )>'■■ ;^r >/■ /■ ■:'^<' IVIicrofichft •/f ) ■< ;• ^^■r:. I /^ I"-. •. Cahadtafi Imtitutafbr Historical MIerortproductions/ Inatitut eaitadian diMfiicrdraprdductioita hittoriquas .:•! :^ ■ .■■ ■ -. ■■'- ■ ■• .■ "■* ^^^1 ^H ^k* ■ ■ */ v. '■. • "■«■ "-.^^^^^^^m'''. ' * • :/-.-;^| ■■■",■"■ 1^^^^^^. ■..:''■■'■■■■■■■' ■' V"' ■■.■■'"■■■'■ ':■"'■'■'■ ■■ ' ' :;::-.^ ^^^^^^^ -' V^^'^-^ J ^^^^^^^^^^^pr ' .-■':■ ':\-^'/Z' ■-'/■-'::':' ■;'.;' ;-' '"" .,^v ■: ^^^^ :■ ■'-/ m A K^;:;/:':;;;;5";:::xv-:.:: ■ ■■■ ._:;j_.„±r:. -^ \ k 9 '*<: A'- ■■■■"^•.''.^,■. ;:'■■■'■ 'y;:^ .' ■-■ " ■■ . ■ .' !-'».-.■■■ W /■■ ■■' ,':'V/: ■-■■■'^V.V:.>\ ■ : .;- ■ . ■■ • ■ '■■:■■ ■•■ ■ ''y^:-:- ■■■''■' :'■■■;■ -■'..■ ' M^M:. J m *; ■ ,:-!f ;• ;\;,;.::^::: |::-:;:| '■'''^'^^: .'■■•■ , ■ '■-■- ''\'-P :■■.''■■:'' ■■'■'■ V ■■: '*'■■' . ■'.. ▼ \ ■ ^. :■•; ;.-:-;V.-';:;.^;-:^:<:;:'y ■ \ - .-- . ;.r- -■'■■ ■ ■ \ ■' , ■. ' 'J ' •')■■- ■• ' ■'■ '■■■ "- ■' • ■ \.'-: :. ■.;.;. ■; '■; ■'-■•_;■ a- . j- ■ ■ .'■' . » . ■" " ;■'■■.«.,./ 1 ■ •^■^- ■■■-■;: ■■■■■■"■■^^^ ;^.v'-/ ; ■, ■ .,■■'-■■''■ ■" * -' '\ ' ..:' ■-■^■' ■■:■ "\ ■'■"{/"^ ■:■■.; " , ■, . :. ::-. i ■ ■:-';^'^'-'';^-; ,.:^;:y'- ■■■'V .'^ ■;;•'; .. .-, ...... f^ . :-^->K ;■■■• ^;^:-':;3/::-:^ / ■ - i "''■••.■ . ■■■■ ■■ : ; ■: • :::■ '?■' ' ' ■; ■ ■ ■■"■*. '\;i-:^--M: i i BNANT. Bsi>ii^| \f. N X \''-y *■/ :-rr^ •■■'- r _;_j_ , ... it , - .tj I ■ y ^ ■•■i:a,.'- v^- ■;:!■• :: ■■^- A' ^::v v.. < 4r i^^N'i-.v ^\N . ■:{ ■r-'. ■i^ "(:■■■"■ '. ,> '' '.1' ^ ■^y /■;^ Th« eo^ fllma^ h«ir« Km b«iwi rtprodue^d thanka to th« g«n«rosity of : / bivM of Ontario^ , ."'i-. Toronto ' ' ■ 'v ■ "■":./>**. ThO imagot appoarlnji horo ara tiM boat quaihy poafibia eonaidaring tha condition and iagibiiitv Of ttia original copy^ and in Icaaping with tfia filming contract apacif icadona. Origfnial eoplM In printad papar i^byara ara fllmad baginning with thai front eovar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad impraa- ftion. or tha bacic covar whan appropriata. All Othar original eopioa ara filmad baglnniog on tho firat paga with a printad or llluatratad impraa^ alon, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or IHuatratad impraaaion. A Tho laat racordad frama on aach n^rofleha * ' ahall contain tha aymbol •^^maanihg "CON- TINUED"), or tho aymbol T (moaning "^O"). whichavof appilaa. V- * *■> Mapa. plataa. charts. atc..'^ay bo filmad at diff arant raducdon ratioa. Thoao too larga to bo , andraly includad in ono axpoauro aro fllmod baginning in tha uppar laft hand eornor,•■■ 'V- m::\^-^ % (/■.,•.-■■■;,' ■■■^'^ '; "'■; y^.;'"' ■• •■ ■ ,•■ :.\''-]. ■ ■:.,■•■: faxamplaira fKm^fiit raproduit grioa i lo gin^roaitl do: ArehiMt of Ontario ToiAnto :.■■/■■:■ ■ ■./■■ . Laii imagaa stih/antaa ont M raproduitaa aVac lo pf6a grand aoin. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da I'axampiaira fllm4, at mn conformito avao laa j^dltiona du eontrat d» ' filmago* :■.-::■,■[.':■.■■■.■. Laa wiamplalraa origin4ux dont la couvartura an papiar aat imprim^a so^t fllmia an eom signifia "A SUIVRE". la aymbblo V signifia "PIN", laa cartaa; planohaa. tablaatix. ate., pauvaht «iro filmte i daa taux da riductiOn dlff«ranta. Loraquo lo documant aat trop grand pour itra raprodujt an un aaul cllch4. il aat fllmO i partir do I'angla aup4riaur gaucha. da gaucha i drdfta. at do haut an baa, an pranant la nonfbro L dimagaa n^cadaaira. Laa diagrammaa auiyanta (lluatrant la mAthoda. V* 1 y 2 •-* ' '.• • r ■ . : 3 ■ i' '*• -I'" \-,'. #",; 1 sA BS*!! 6 :'\-. -'<'•-**. 905 207 357 i^fci vxaa. r ■» iMIii Bom .Henry Bom Al«xiiiid«r «nN^| Teaaui jMUUlt ,-rir - ''■^;'--: 0,i6f 8Dlf»-8 0vn*r ToiuiAi - 1 3 7 4 3 ? 4 4 3 3 f-'J! -■.■■■■•-■;■.'' t^;ti-\. . 1. ■.•■». a 43lJTk(Miipio* Aagai 188 Vaadrke Lawia 334 Taaaatter Beujaiiaui 233 S3t 73 n 333 333 V|r«I«k TkOMM^ WaltK Jokm Waiek Tkonu fad WklekTkdMMjr Waieraft W^illiaia WadUsd WiUi . ||kfof«fqr...32 eastipait' eaatpMt wait paii oottli «. cor . I BOith 4Murt qr. )i^Jbf4i»JifBA T 4^1 Waker/aeob 337 Tool JaaiM i 4, «irtlMlf ; I (;• ; I ^ i -.'it t • V'Ji; . 1 f':<'4 ;■» . ) K\ : , ..[ nTf / 'jfv \ •{> H>L on roll — rr >AME. LOT. r<' i « ' • >i>i*' &1 5fl . W 93 67 121 '134 Uliiolntosk Davirf J |«i^«t h«lf tftcInto«W John aitd Miwitotopb Eob«K Macintosh George Maolntoab WillUni MiiclUy Alexander HaoKay DoniiW 845 S76 248 , 247 \«12 B77 MaoKay John ^ MaoKay DonaW ; BfaoEay DonaW MacKay John JlacKay Jamea ; MacKay Ale;can«le«- MicKftyPeftfr >•• 3821 MaoKay Jt9hn K. 444|Ma^ay ponald Mamay ~ 445 446 447 451 452 456 522 39 119 .V. 242 821 ; ■:: y^-J.'" MacLeod HngH MacLeui John v;^; weet half east half eaat half north C|* I north e. cor. «ri>si half ut eaat hf nq|lh half pt w. fit vreat half west half west half north ;,-^ ^mmamueik. • v.- ■ .. Oh roll i' ■*^. 'x. 380 S85 537 237 238 239 240 NAME. Reed OifHnclb R0id Willum ' .. Rutherford WiUiini .. Sutberknd Colin ' Sutherland Atec'r and j Sutherland Bbenezer ., Sutherland WU]i«i» | ;_/.«. -■■:::: ■,.i.<\z:r\ 002 liutherland Eben^r .1 400 Skitlierland J«iu<« 627«^TOliii • ; ;., (534 SwanHon WilfiHw ' .,, 31 r Simnioodg JuHepk' •' . . , 530 ThowBon Will iHBi e21 Veate Oliv«- M ■■..<♦.. ■ ■ •.''■■■I' J, 1^2 VaiialyfeeNfeliol^Mi ;.. 6^8 Wadluirl Hen.-y ' *:., ei9 WadkiKljain )' ,;. 620 Weir Jmiu«« >'' 1 ... 633 Whitlaiifttr Oonrkd •.>. 310 Wfcealy ftuKli ■■>•... LOT, weathalf ...24 n¥rth W.^*i ., 27 ■witb ir^ pt we^thal^ MutHftair north w. qr •otttb w, qr eaatbalf nortlie; ^t ' woat half east half aodth r. I south "#. qr BOt'th e. qi'- eastliaif jiait','-^'' etUrt Wi^ West half weat'half eaat haiir 27 ...22 •on or 'ISfei 5 S 7 8 OWNER oi- TENANT^' 0,amSJ)N|K.i ...23 3 ...23 3 ...23 3 ...19 4 ...21 6 ...26 8 ...26 7 ■ # * I ti' I ■■¥1 TwnjuK Ou uWi* ..24r4^-i>^ .25! 7 *^""' .241 8' 1 »«:..23| 8 2 8 8 ,.4 .. ^^■■■^;:,« f'. .'.is- ^M h^ihon Wahain 305 $07 m m Wu Ali'katidi*)' u Younga DanM I^ YainngH JTohn Youiigi Laoty 6 ' Yoiiagt Chaiiea * TotHHEP Edarin i ...20 .22 ...23 ...23 ...27 ,..23 ...23 ...43 *>.' y-^: enatlialf west half •.>t of #. Iif...24 adtitb a^ qr ^^.21 Uaathali v.. 30 norti #iiir^..ai *M«thalf ..,21 we^t half ...21 pa»^ ; ...26 fliarliaif ;.v27 w««t half ...26 8 4 I I 1 4 4 4 4 » 5 1 ^' ■■•it' ■'/:-■; er^'l it:' Owiier-'::-/!>v^r|^---Xat ■'*■-. ; .S';*J/;;S&f. ' ^ ■,:... ■..■'■v,,.|y, ;,,\- o,Heei;0 jr^f OwUeir ■•'•rt/i-'i;'-' ■^.- it 'tM-'r- Bdtatll^ uM«.3Hbi4iiiawnMM --— P!/¥7. .. , « • on. roll , , , , ... , „ -__, ^ r^ , LOT. or St, OWNER or . TENANT. ITo Ross Dottttkl west half ..;17 6 Ownei . , m 442 Ross Thomas eastbi^lf ...18 6 d 1 360 Ross David R. , » ... west part ...10 5 T„ see 3, I> J^o i c Smith J^mes \ 1 north e. qr .^.12 south e. qr . .13 ; ...10 2 2 6 Owper ,1 k^ ,.,; 6 6 no Stewart Hugh [ ^ ... wMthalf ...10 2 602 Stev«nson Jantev ,. ... pt 8. e, qr .f.l6 8 Tenanlj ' ' ,^. ' 291 J^uthei-lHhd Alexander 292 SU^ei-iand Thomas , ... westMf ...H 4 Owner west part ...15 4 it 'i W h !'< 597 Sutheilrtiid Wijliuru ... east half ...16 4 Tenant . i)05 Sittherlftiul ITenrv westh^lf ...14 7 «< ■# 2 £89 Snthetland JaiiieH 8. w. cor. ... 1 1 8 Owner ,,' 594 Sutherland Williaid ... soirth w. qr ...13 8 0. 8eo9.D,No.l.' 6 _ ._ 370 Sutherland Oeorffe north w. qr ...J7 5 Owner s^^^^^u _ ^- (6 « j east half ...17 4 102 Sutherland Qolip c-entie|)art ...11 2 Tenant ^ 4-36 Sutherland' Donald 1 Su^erUnd John M. / \f " •* 437 east half ...16 6 Tenanlj, ^ ; ,.,, 1 601 SnthoHand Ale};}(nder... pt s. e.' qt ...16 8 Owner' ^ j, TepttOtV;,^^. Owner 1 111 Walters William , ... east half , ..16 2 # 363 Willcerson John L. ... south w, cor... 16 5 ji 364 ^ 365^ Wilkerson John B. ) Wilkei-son Thos. Q.m\ Wilkei-son JaaieH'E. ) .'^- i) ' I. « • . 1 366 pt tvhf&sei 16 5 3 , 22 Wood George • , ..< eu.st half ...11 I Own<<4« 3 305 Youngs JoslMia T,%> ... north w, qr ...18 4 '''-.,.(/. 2 1 . 1 ' » ,» S 1 ^ "■ I . i ... • ' •"•?^ ■' , 4 , ■ ' ' . ■ 1 /,•..-..•,, \ 1 ; .K M -f^ -'.'.; , , . , , . . ,/ 4- 1 ' :. . .... 5 "'> ^ ' 1 '. ^ - , . ,,. ' ». 1- '; 'I •'•?; 3 1 .' ( , ■ 1 < a \ t • ■-■'^■■•^^''•■■•--•^■•:^^-^ 2 1 K^' . B '^Y''" -^HH i i ^^^^^^ 4 i ■1 • ' w ^ '^ ^ ' 1 ■'' ' ^ • •&..,* ^' '»•"* I V.1 " - ^^i'^'fiSi" -*rk - .. » I 1 r •'■■'! ''•'<• ^ ; '' . / ,,. ,.t. , ,-\ 'Jn'o i f ' " ., . \ , ■ ,, "fri \ ' — .-j — , 1 ij= 1 [ I « / ' t 4 '\' ■■ ^ ■ ■ \ ...{.?:■■:::■/■ ■:'',■.>■■ '^^^^ ■■; rn^i: ;■;■ 9.'.36 ^est pari .,,.36 east 0Hut ...36 s. e. qr .,.36 n. e. qr 1>.,36 wMt h41f r..30 west hf ..,33 eaai hf >1.33 ea#thf ,-:33 south hf «^33 north hfv.J3 ca itht .84 4. con or St. 2 Bs^ %■ qr ,36 ..31 1 6 6 5 2 5 7 7 7 7 7 6 ■4 6 8 7 8 7 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 r 8 OWNER or TENANT. Owner Tepattt Owner u •« ■ , Tenant Owner _4i 1 Tenant . Owner Tenant u ^ Owner II r M M A U It Tenant Owner 0, see S D No $ 6 1 XI <« « Owner \ i< 4< tt 41 •t M M U 41 U U « Tenant T .V ME. t\w, M^wNEnoi- St.-! TENANT. ^>^ i li!' liindsay John 0. Legg Williana jf^urray Angus and Mui-i'My John R. Mun-Hy Rol»«i-t ; , Murray Roderiiok . Murray Robert^ Murray Donah! ^^ Murray Da^d Murray David jr , Murray Willian* Murray John aiKJI fi29|Mui-i-ay Jautos 632jMai ray Donald 616 Murray A)piannif8 Meado W8 Thomaa L. ' , . . Meadows Reuhen ... i)A«v:JPat^ east half w^st half west half north half south half east talf ««BiHt half west halir east haif :..i9 ...19 ...19 ,.:26 ...22 ...24 /...24 ...19 ...19 > 23 ■:'v:.24 ...25 ...21 ■...21 Max:Doiia|4Jo MacDorii^ld AU^xanddr MacDonald Joha ... MHcDooial4 ^William ... MacPpnaldyHuckett ; . . MacDonala John S, & | Ma^oaldWilliai^f I M«eG(iMii^fiy Duinqao(. . . MacM ichAel Charles westlialf * ...22 wesi half ...23 weljthalf ...t9 north w. qr ...24 west half ...26 south e.qr . .25 north k qr ...37 north etqr ...27 east half ...25 eaathalf . .21 P**^- ;■;!■''''''">• -20 8outh^elii^iqV...24 n. pt of Wi hf;V.24 west half ...20 south east qr... 26 north eattqi'... 26 south eiistqr... 27 «ist hiiir .^.25 south' iirirt... 21 south ^jw'Jjqr^,... 24 north i>r,^t ,--'23 south 4iir«(f.., 27 siJutti Mir ...26 nor^' h.ift" :;.26 south weistqr 26 north e. qr ...20 W^s^iiktf *^' ...27 north wj■.■ iVseeSD m Owttei?; ^ ■«■; .:■■■".' IVnant. Own .^' on roUl 51 ■ 61 . 59 53 57 121 fl34 «46 576 249 248 247 ai2 377 382 444 •445 A46 Ail 451 45< 525 3J ■■: '\ -^ S2; J7i 45 t2 13 53 33 •1 is as 21 3J «i -■51 u • ■ \^<..-^-v,>iA 5,,^.ijciLjjj: . ^, \J -♦*- nKi Me; 164 58 177 m .127 '\»ii*- LOT. ^-^ifr ~*lfW*T -f*^ i Ouim JJfoiwU .„ pt north w. qr 30 „.'^t«u*itii ^v j» Ki($|H((r ,Ck«i4M ■wo ^'■9^'> ^ ,.«-^— 33S Ciu4lfe«f iJ«x«r^. / ^8S 39^^Kdl4ifidi JoW» «4a'K:alliAei«eli ttevrf 443'X:ast qr 1 east part east half south half MacBijayne Archibald MacOavl Maleolm MacCau) Malcolm MaeCaal Robeit east half west half west half east' half pt west hf. east half north e. \ east half ., west half partw. hf east half 1 I 1 MacCSorqnodale Alex... MacCorquodale Jani^. ., MacLeod William | II 38 Parker John 1.^ 515 433 434 213 37 109 603 501 506 586 595 ^69 362 .^39 I ...1» ...14 ...13 ...14 11 ...15 ...15 ...15 ...12 ...11 ...12 south west cor 11 .13 .14 13 14 13 15 ...16 southeaster... 18 north ea«tqr...l7 west half hfof n wqr east half e hf of a w qr Pearson Oeorge Prouse John P. and \ Prottse John | Rose John G. Richardsoq^Frederick ... Ross James ■< ' ... Roes Donald Ross Bugh Ross William <- Ross Alexander Ross Andrew Ross John M. Ross James A. <.. R oss John ^ east qr east half south east qr fMurt part west I west half east half centre pdrt east half east half east quarter east part II 18 .17 .18 .14 ...15 ...10 ...18 ...15 ...13 ...11 ...14 ...10 ...14 ...10 north half ...15 north w. ^r ...16 OWNbR or TENANT. Owner (I 11 nor£h e. qr A. 16 2 7 7 3 2 3 3 3 3 8 7 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ^ 2 1 1 7 6 6 3 1 2 7 7 7 8 8 5 5 _& \ . 0« see 8 D Ho ^ Owner II it «• ^ Tenant It Owner ••*« 0, see S D No. 1 Owner « O, see 8 P No t Owner u u -I O, see 8 D No I Tenant Owner Tenant 11 Incom■:■ ■I. ■\'' f» 5« on ""J r*>*" SA>I15. U»T. oon 01- St. iiiiMiliill »*«*■ llJMmKv ii^ol'n 169 aC»w*,y (ieo'g'' 47S M*ir«»f ^^**''* \5S3 Mrnn-ay 1loa>il4 •639 Mwi'iTiy Al-«.«nd«r 4i47 l|Ut«r Juhii N. 539 M«*«tioW« TiKMMHN %i. 541 M*»dowii€lmil«'» i6i Munro H«M$toi- J340 Moms A iitlknijr 187 Morn* #«liu 148 Hm-iiM M»tf(lu)w ' 154 MMiRftjr Al«#«n4<;r 153 MaeKay JttUMiii ^48M«elUy John k ^56 M«cK«y Doiu^ ^31 MacKny li^bald It 152 M^Kiiy iPo(r|otlii MAeLeotl #ti^n, MiieLtMAl jfTiigh m Mtt«Leod ^eCalf ^tihalf iiarth w. qr jiiii^rtH wqr •Otttlieqr north «r ■ OWNEIlor TKNAI^T. Ownar . ■:« a .■»'-''.:.' ^4 \ ♦. • O, aea 91 1> Vo I Ownav /< «i ' . Ownar Q,ae»B|» ^od 41 ^< M i< ti 1M ^tt.e: eor ...SO weat half ...45 6 7 2 S 11 $ 8 2 4 4 7 « 6 1 I 2 .1 , '.1 Jt, ,i» At Tenanfi Own^r' 2 8 «< u u 0$a«BD'N«J Hoi m 132 eo9 40 41 43 44 ^19 625 24« 320 «3i .433 612 ^24 U3 139 64 56 234 626 m 314 379 260 448 126 126 j832 316 318 -317 322 m rf/. Adam Kobert f, Andiaon JAn Anderton John and ApdfiHpn j^ngh B«.k6r James ' Baker Janiea A. Bayn« Andrew and , BayoA WiUum} Bagria John Beaoi J4»h« Ohenoweth TboQias Ciirr Qeoige Oorniack Joltn Uojmmck Geui^ ^ Clark JamMi Davidson John ** '■ I>ai>liogJobn Fraser Aiidr«w ; Foid Chauneey and Ford Charlas. F. Qofdon Akxandar ' Qenjf n OQlin Green John < , Green A^fUfi, , Green Georga Green Jamea Grant Jobn>A. Glendinning Jamea > Glendiiiiiiug Thoniait Beroa BoUrt Heron Tbowaa lanea George and I&nea Jlimiea lAnea AJiexander ■ -»«. ■■ ■ ' . lanes WiHiHio '-■ it ) v:^n LOT. 6S2 Irons Jdio 458 461 381 m %33 3^4 «08 i09 Innea Wtlliab Innea G;fW|)on Jieklingjrilluui^ Jarvia Janiea j.r» Kennedy Doaalt^ Kftiiuedy WilUaip t 8. e. cor-i north w. qr west half south e, qr south w. qr north w [)l west half wctfet half i..21 ,..24 ,..19 ...21 ...21 ...22 ...26 ...25 ...26 ..,26 ,..26 ...26 ...20 ...22 ...21 ...24 ...27 or Bt. 3 2 8 1 1 1 4 8 3 4 7 7 8 7 7 2 2 ^^ OWNER or tenant; 8. 1 of e. hf . . e. Uf qf w. hf.. w pt of 8 w qr north e. qr west half north ^ '4 4 8 6 6 5 7 7 4 _3 tt 0, sve S D No 4 Tenaht O, see S D No 4 Owner ^t>. u O, *eeSP,No4 44 o. * Tenant Owner tt Tenant O, seeSiDJ^ot Owner V k/ 4 4 lOwner Tenant ■^■titimiim -«BSS^!fiiSSP''j«i»v-f. pt wfst qr. . woi*th w. qr .<80uth e. pt , I west half 112 116 498 517 438 441 Mai-whall Judeph Mitcli«Hon (ieorge Mitchell ^ohu MprriHOn Jai.iet* Murux) Wil iam and Muni-o JameH G. Munro Hnjjh , Munro HAgh'M, • Miinro Hngti jr Munit) Jo)hn ^93 HaoKtflr Angus 596 VUe&^y Angus and 597 ICaeKay William 603 MacKay John B. 604 II«d£iy Alexander ..>'• euat half . nprth e. qr South westqr, east half west l)«ilf , . souUi half' part east ^r • part W(st half w(Mfc half _. BjiRt part west half east half ..10 18 ..16 ,.17 .10 ..15 ..14 ..15 ..18 ..16 ..11 ..15 .13 '606 KaeCay Donald 3- west I ...14 ptsouche. qr..,l6 east half ...17 noi'th east: qr. . . 1.6 s outh w. pt' » . 1I west lialf 18 2 6 8 2 7 7 7 6 2 3 3 3 2 2 i 6 6 I 5 6 6 6 3 7. ■7 8 8- 8 8 8 -a- |SDNoJ O, Teiiantj • * Owiierl Teiiai/t. .. ' ^ O, se^ 8 D No ^ 1 Tenant Owner ^ Tenant Qvvner Tenant Owner 0, see S D No U( tt u \ Owi ler Y It u jp 8e6 8 D Owner {Tenant No 3 8 Own^r m ^ « J /, ' technical and Bibliographic Nom / Notat tachniquai at bibltographiquat ./^ I iqu« * ' Tha litttituta hall attamptad to obtain tha bast original " copy availabia for filming. 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