IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) %" 1.0 I.I 11.25 lu iU 122 :: 112 120 M IL4I w. Photographic Sciences Qirporation 33 WMT MAIN STRieT WnSTIR.N.Y. USM (716)173-4503 ..»-^«i w*---Wt»w»"'"»~''^~^ 4(f Mff iMml MkMMiy V Mb«t;««likilMliiHMf»arMV«r !•»• kMH NMriMMl at Ito MVMM I Ml Ml MAVM All liMn Mr k« fNMW wto «!■ ten if (ki INfiMr ofkylM bi*n «K dMM •#!»• MMMri^ • ««li «kM iMorii M wMk itel to ikoiklH •• iMMnKr ( tal Ik* ftiMM af MT^I^ ^^ tk*bo*k*rir*lH«k**MWkH[dlMlto*d,*B<|Vfltoa«kMH. I kMnte* w»MndMii»adyMia|Hii*nilftMiMlMtfM. 1i to W* IMMIImI « MMmH^MMoAm W MNMUltA toln arktoM i—ll iw*iir,trt ifciwktokiito* -^ ^ li rl . f«rilH Mi AM *• MMM >»MMqr.Mr». M vmMob. Mtiteililii ilaihrMMaii fMkitvlliiMl(kMMliMH«»tMlltfrS^? fiwiiWi i*WMvvVMMp>ik*iMMnrMtilnlMiiMa*^te^^H plM««ipHtt**|lfMilMlaMlMli; *'WMu3 ?» rairAOB. I kvlM «h« «• lalbm m af Umm. Ki Im a»f to MMNaA Mm Myaf Aakiaiatf «a4aalia M kafbia. OMapeiiltaaa af tkia (hai ri p tfM ikm BO foN af tfMM yagM. I kw OB otbti oaaarioM Hood oM boUly ■ mvov of Iko oypNOMd , aad I kaaar ikal a kaok of finuii OArtirmH la oalwiland la la aovafrfcTOfaMa Uckt|kM ika laateikMdi pttai,tai tkaibOowiaf Mwa U fM, It la aollirke opooki |a(I tU aUowaaaaa, iImm aanalbM an oaditljr tkoanan, If M7, win kaftwad aa|>- «n*a of JadfOMM, arkitk • kaliM^iliI 1 fiiMkattkai,tanka> lAova dM, wMl ««y MM. naaiNn,lfM A rHfh vkMO vlwla UfM aio apaat ia «w, aad wko Hfo kjr a ag» fNM 1^ Mdwo of (kalr eiicaMlaaaH Ikay aia okUfid ahrajra 10 ko la i of fawaoloB I Uviat la mmJI ii waaM ii , lln m i i l» mmB I ikay an oomI^ "vynaad |Mto af (ba oriaa apoa kaaHn w f liM n ai, ii n i H fi^ rt y»M» dHya ifMktaf of «««■ M(Mt wkoM ihajr Ibmv aavaar i» Ikif JkiMirtihMkariaihMitoMtMttaMoaolbmtltaorMotfHr. mm f ab^KubB^ «na ^. •M to Hf***! MM BaHaad «M lial mMW, Ika ladtea akoal M iiii rtiwW i lif «i«^ ia a BiMnMo IH|^ flma tar of iko TknaOswi MD»f ta*» MfMtooopM br da7,«ad ilfofiH i» looikiaaM Haa ly j^ M woia mm. lad an Ika Wowta^Md hdiaaa wm ia «« M lMl,m i X i t |li afikolUkawkat mA MMca a ttlba arialod ia aay fait «r J* MB wl» did aal ooMiMlf aifooi .to ko aiiadBd ky M«to jJiM. , ijf fill ao oakalaliM Mil M MBda i«M or I lllllJllllMili Mt».dMMtofi>W*iai» wi^r,! .-• •Mfk I. AmIiJmn Mad tftjr of • lMl0 4M«tto liMnMoTtto oriu*4MMfr taiMMB NVMttetlMy ifMl vl rBlfAOt. M iMvc MfMi wUtt pip* itm I Iter lM*« tvM Mliwtiiiiii i^aif ww tl iukmtttm i IWMiM pirtM ilM trw of aU mhIi m aAjr iMi ite l» iMto •«• il M M I* lateM ilM MMf Um M «•• ilM ftMM W AM ••• Mm wljrilMt* ««• mika MM !• i«4«i ikt •f iM la4lMM| • Um ilM itiiM n mm! kmM» MilHt al ifea ■nil •! dM larftaM h«l M MMM W apMliif ilM MW, "•Aw til Mt4 «U 4pm," pwlMpa Qmm TtMafto IM* pMte% « MMfM* Uw pM** "f ite MMf r«M» " tla|nfk|r Mi WMfyaf liMlailMM^vtiliiteMaf dMlHlitf ilMlaiiaMt jrMihHi MflilhMMiihtoiMtaf itoAilMtkwMMFk* taHiMi kjrifeH l*k«a4Mr»«Mk ite ligtiM pm piil •< Iwt fw tmUat H, >» «>> f«f MMM AM ito kM tMmtf wr—l taak* kp A.: iMil AaAir AikwM^maMMktoliwte tM« M miti fei • tes « Kf . Tteflfew. « iMfp TkMMIt — I r Ma q«i Bki Jak Tka Hal Ori A »i9^ 4 ■ ' If » 1 It \ I 1 k. m ^^ • • rff •■mm* r s • • '•t«*'* irtt'ii^'l "finO • »-. 1, •■ifmtmmimimm til *,; ^^.;»*' / 1'> T7 . ^^ < ^> INDIAN CAPTIVITIES. ITABIATITI o9 fm OArmrrr or unw owm, a vahiam^ wm wAt n.lVlll VftAM A ni l fttff AIMMM I H M wtAwM wag» im u m A» ■i HlM r w> irfiw l tf lU |»wi — I «# Omfci !• Min 4» 4NaiMt •^ *'"S? iSJT ^^ •'««k»»im m4 4MMrBrE ytwMJteMa^iyiltoi i iiii Mi MMA«»i«*B^lS»il|iif *iiMMiM.fMkM»iilmiMpriMMt.» •*Nby,'' mSSm OwtM,**!!!! W V9 MMMB I MMV • i^.' M^#* MMliy'WMi y* MM* ■ Tlwy Ihmv m t_^ ..,-■ . 111^ OAmvmr or nmn oirtt MllM •Mill tMNMM* tlMMf*. M llkSf lt«4 •Ath'lMiMl. ifca* «M MMM !•«• M* MmIMmM wwmU f«« rt4 af iImh ^ toll' laf llMfl» tf MMlMf. «lM«* llMf VMM WWiM U ff»l)A«4. ■mIi ••• llM ■•■mi la wkkk Nm«*m mmI kta ^wmmiMmm • nm t»§»mt W ••• ud m»mm»im wiktalk iWy ••irivtl wtik iltMi t ibf 'Jm I «4I> m > M iy4 UMm ei •?•?) mm, mm miI^ wiHkif •# NMsy •! ilto mm*. Ui MttUg mi iMtr iMVHr wf iMfc* iiinnniku vtak OmW mmm. b •bkl Ui vMV NMV 44Ml9v MWUfv ■te. WWa iWy MOM mm Um mmhIm W iIm Mk> llMyWM* MM MMJ In •lMm.Ml4 All Ut l«o Mi4«Ulwt l««liMr •nljr ItfM M pmk ^" IH' •Mfl^l MM4lliM,llto i4 Ml «dbr«4M IM III Lji ikfliv kMML l»HfftlMli».iiiA i4»A4l|tBiMiill « lite OrtHMit lit [^ l »l |l ii ti Hifc •MMbif H WM *«■ » I*" ? g» #' •T.'WJ > U-r ii^..'^?!! sus * • 1 CAPTIVITY OP JOHN ORTII no aoontr had Ortii •nd hit eomiMnion •dvanMil to iho plaet wh^ro lh« letter wm diipUyad, inan n multitude c«nM running (Vom ii, Mnd aurrounding thtm, Miied eegtily upon them. The number of the Indiene wee >o greet, thet the Spanierde in the veeeele did not dere to otiemnt to reicue them, and eaw them rerried forcibly «wev. In thie flrit oniet the men who Kcompenied Ortii wee killed, he having made reeistance when he was eeiied. Not far froik. the place where they were made prieonere, waa another Indian town, or village, coneieting of about 8 or 10 houeee or wigwams. These houeee were laade of wood, and covered with palm-ieavee. At one end of this village thert was a building, which the captive called a tomple, but of what dimensions it was he makes no mention. Over the jkwr of entrance into this temple there was placed the Agar* era bird, carved oat Tn wood, and it was eqweially eurprMing that thfo bird had gilded eyee. No attempt is made by Qtw •«•• l» eonloeture how or by whom the art of gilding waa pfciiaai, in tnis wild and distant redon, nor doea Jm nentka m— «if with any other specimen of lltet art daring kio eaplivtty. Al tko oppoaile ottremitv of this vttlafa alood tko konaa af ik» chief, or eaiiqae, ae no was oAm called, vjptm aa mtimmm^ raised, as it was suppooad. Un a %rti6eatiaa. Thaaa Ihiap M*i mained the aanw tan yeara aftarwarda, and are ■■■Uotwi If tha historian of FaroMide Da Boletilnvaaioa of FlavMk M name of the chief of this village waa Ueita, bafora wlMWMi I eondMMod to wlJMlilr praeaniad the eapliva, Orti% who madiata death. '■^ Tha manner of hie death waa by tortare, which WM to W aflbctad in thia wiaa. Tha aiacutionars set fear atabaa ir awning him. Navar did a poor victim leak wtt mmmm mt' ing bim. Ilavar did a poor tainty to daalh fw laUaf, tfiui did John Ortte Tha flra had ahrandy began to laoa, whan n mo dreaaasttnaa happened to aawe lis life— • daightar *t *ia tftoC aaidlhaaato Ueito aroaa and aland far hfan. AnMag olhar dUaga aht I har flithar: •'My kfnd bthor, why UU thia paar atraagar f ha can do yoa nor any of aa any iqtWTt M c fctf h*i ia hat ana and ak«a. It ia bettor that yon ahaoM baMTMai 1 fcr tvan in that eondition ho masj aetoatime ha af I to yon." Tha ehhrf waa aiteal hr • ahort tiaw, hgtlM B^ aidarad him to ba ralaasad Ikon hia [riaoo aTtoftnto. 1 1 1 mm **:«>;,. '^■■.k4'«4/j nS5SH!5S9"9 Uf'"" : mJlk^m^^ li CAmVlTY or JOHN ORTIl. •akkis, thftn tkay procM«l«d to wuh •imI drtM hi* wouimU, tad to do tkiDg* to make biin comrorlabU. As loon aa hit wounda w«r« h««lod, Ortii wm •tationod at Um tnlranco of th« UmpU. bafoni mantionud, to fruard it ■gainal auch aa wara not allowad to antar ikara ; but aipa* eblly to guard ito baing profanad by wild baaila ; for as it waa • placa of aacriAcaa, wolvaa wara iu conatant vititora. Ha had not long baan in thia oflUca, whan an avant occurrad, which thraw him into graat constornalion. Human victima wara brought in aa MrriAcaa and dapoaitad kara ; and not lona aftar Ortii had baan placad aa Miitinal. tha body of • young Indian WM brought and Uid upon a kind of aarcophagui, which. from tha multitudaa that had from time to tima baan oflarad UMrOt waa aunoondad with blood and boaaa t a moat ruaful alghl, aa avtr uy ayo bahald ! — hara an arm fVa ah torn from tea plaea* raaking with Mood, anothar axhibiting but bona and ainowa flrom tha iMnffling Jawa of wild baaau I Such waa Um placa ha waa ordorod to guard, through day aad aighl— doowad to lit himaolf down among thia horribla aaaambbga •r tha daad. Whan laft akma ha raflactod that hia ascapa fraai fiia waa not ao fbrtunato for him aa ha had hopad { for MWfkio natarally auparatitioua mind waa hauntad by tha praa* tnao of innumarabla ghoata, who stalkad in avary pkwa, and wU'M ha had from hia youth baan Uught to baUara wara capn- kk of dobf him all mannar of injariaa, aran to iha dapiif ing Thwn waa no roflaetion in tkoaa ramoto agaa of tha taal aituatkra of all tha lirinf , in reapact to tha graat vallay of danih Ib which nil ^inga aia kam and nnraad, and which no langth «f yarn ia aufflciant to carry tham through. L«t at for a mo> Mant anal our ayes around ua. Whara ara wa t Not in thn anma tompla with Ortii, but \n ona aquaUy vast. Wa can aaa Milling bat daath in avary plaea. Tha rary gtrnkoA wa walk uoB ia oompoaad of tha dacayad Umka of oar own spaeias, with jkaae of • handrad etkara. A aueeassion of nairoala kava kaaa liaioff and falling for nmiiy thouannd yaora in all pnru of tha wotU. Thay hava diad aU Monod oa— in ow vary plaoo^ W« do not diatinetly bahold tha bands, tha faat, or tha booaa af dtom, baenuaa thay hava crumbUd to duat bananih oar foot. Aad cMinot tha ghosto of thaaa aa wall arisa aa of thoaa slain yaatardayt Tha nArmati^a ennnat ba daniod. A< wa hnTa said, Ortii feond hfanaalf saatobod fimn diaadftil daath, only, aa ha imaginad, to ba tbraal faito tha ji of aaotlMr, yat mora tarribU. Bnarionaa, bowavar, r piwed to bia^ that tha daad, at laaat thoaa with wboai IMU hmA to dwaH, aiihar aaakl or wmild aaC aaiid iiMk *d# MMHW •pi era to cor wii tan I of P«» TOT foil in I and dar bod rae C •f ana att to Wl ofi ate lag wol onl] foot 1 Jaai lira (ba il.a 1 Ha ■"iiiM M his wouwlti and s WM Mationod at onud, lo ifuard it r ilMr«( but ttp«* laiM s for at il waa It vithora. Ha had n( occurrad, which tman victims wara I and not Ions aftai of a young Indian arcophaguB, which. M> tiroa baan oflarad last a roost ruaful irm fresh torn from kiting bat bona and boasts i Such waa ih day and aighft— horribU assaniblaga •d that his ascajpa ha had hopad ; lor tauntad hy tha Rraa- in avary plaea, and D baUava wara cum- ran to tha dopiif Ing ta agaa of tha loal rraatvaUayofdaalli nd whieh no langth 1. Lat OS for a mo- ra wa t Not in tha r Tast. Wa can aao »ry ground wa walk or own spaeias, with tfaBimalahavabaaa B in aU paru of tha te ow tanr phaaa. faatiorthaboaaaof M baaaaih mt iaot •a aa of thaaa alafat aiad. thfwi bto tha jaNia nowavaff laaB with whom ha WM talklMli oAFmrmr op iosn oitis. M hio own mind accustom oursalvaa spirits in anv other shape than such phantoma as created, in dreams aiid reveries. We can aecus to almoot anything, and it was not long before our captive contemplated the dead bodiee with which he was surrounded* with about the same indifference as he did the walls of tht temple that encompassed them. How long after Ortia had been placed to guard tha templa of saeriflces the following foarf^l midnight adventure hap> pened, we have no means of slating with certamty, nor ia H very material ; it is, however, accord{n|r to his ow« account, aa follows t A younff Indian had been killed and his body piaead in this temple. Late nna night, Ortii found it closely inveetad by wolves, which, in spite nr all hia eflbrts, entered tha plaaa, and carried away the body of tha Indian. Tha fHght and tht darknesa ware so heavy upon Ortii that he knew not that iht body was missinff until morning. It araaars, howavar, t'dit ha recovered himself, sailed a heavy cudaal, whieh ha had pra> pared at hand, and commenced a ganafai attack upon tho hsaaH tn tha temple, and not only drove them aut, but parauod tha« a good way from tho pkuso. In tho parmiit ha cama «p wkh ana which ha cava a mortal Mow, althaugh ho did aat kWw k al tha time. Having returned dram thia haaatdoua advaMMi to tho temple, he impatiently awaited tha ratan af daylighl. Whan tha day dawned, great waa hia distraaa at tha dlaae^iy of tho loas of the bodv of tha dead Indian, which waa aapacially aggravaiad, bacaaaa It waa tha aon of a great chief. Whan tha nawa of thia aflhir came to tho ears of Uaila, ha at once resolved to have Ortii put to death t but ba fa ta awwH tag hia paruaae ho aent out several Indians to pursua aftar tha jgi . , wolvae, to reeovar, if peaaibU, tha aacrika. Oonlnnr ta all axpactation, tho body waa faund, and not flir (hum it Iha tody af a bttga wolf alao. Whan Ueita laamad thaaa faeu, ha i larmandad tha ardor for his aiaeatioa. Three long yeara wnj Ortii doomed ta watch thia wralchad temple of tha dead. At tha end of this time ha was rallavad only by tha overthrow of tha power of Udta. Thia waa d» faoted by a war batwaan tha two rival ehiab, Ueita and Mo> Tho eanatry over whieh Maeaao reigned waa only two dayif Jomaay ibom that aflJeita, and aapaiatad from it by a mm^ iiaar er aatnary. Maeaao ouno upas tha viUaga af Ueita ii tha nighl with aa ar«r, and attaekod hiv eaatla, and taak It, and alaa tha real of Ma town. Ueita and hia paapla iad ftwa it with all apaad, and tha warrkn of Maeaao bwal H «a tha gfoaad. Uatta had aaalher f^me upea tha aaaiL ^teika««haimBar,tawUah haaad Ua paoplaiad,Ml nil iirTiaSff ■ "UlSf^: "??*W?»* Jf .A^* oAPTiTmr or john ortii . wt9 not purmitd by ihtir fn«ini«t UWlMd himMir in hit Soon Bftar ho hod tola* now rvaidcnco, hn roiolvod upon moking t Mcriflco of Ortii. Horo ogoin h« woi wonderfully pnwnfd, ht iho lamo kind friond ihal hod doliverod him «t lh« h*<(f\n- Binf of hio coplivily. Tho daughter of iho chief, knowing hor intrtolieo would tvail nothing with her father, determined to aid him to make an escape ; accordingly, the had prepared iha way for hit reception with hor father's enem v, Mocoeo. 8ha ifound meant to pilot him lecretly out of her lather's vil< lagOi and accompanied him a league or »o on hie way, and than left him with direction! how to proceed to the reaidenca of Bfocoao. Having travelled all night as fast as he could, Ortii found himaelf neit morning upon the borders of the rirer which bounded the territories of the two rival chiefs. He waa BOW thrown into great trouble, for he could not proceed larther without dieeovary, two of Mocoso's men being then flshinff ia tha rivar i and, although he came as a fViend, vet ha had no way to maka that known to them, not understanding their tan* Maga, nor having means wherewith to discover his character Sf • aiffn* At length ha obaervad their arms, which they had kft at conaidarabla distance from the place where they than wwo. Tharafora. as his only chance of ■uccaading in hie an- larpriia, ha crap* slyly up and seised thair arms to provant Umu injariai him. When they saw this thay fled with all ipaad lewafds thair town. Ortti followed them for aomo dia- (•neoi.trying by language as well aa by signs to maka them widorataiid that ha only wished protection with them, bat all ia Taia, and ha gave up the pursuit and waited quietly th« MMih. It waa not long bafera a Urge partr eama niBBin| .iffoiod towards him, aad whaa thay approached, ha was obliged to ooTsr hiiBsair behind trees to avoid thair arrows. Navar- Ikaksa his cbaaea of being killed seemed eartaia, aad that Tonr speedily ; but it proTMaatially happeaad, that that* waa aa ladiaa among them who bow snrroaBdad hfan, who aadaf* flood tho hmgoago ia which ha spoke, and thas ha was agaia lascoed from aaothar periloas sitaatioa. Having BOW sarrenidoiod himself iato tho haads of tho !»• dians, (but of their number were dispatched to carry tho tidiati la lloeoso,and to Isara his pleaaare ia ragaid to tka dlspaoitioa la ha BMda of him ; but iastead of soadiaf aay watd of diraa* ovafv r.hal tloB, Moeaso woat himself ouf^o meat Oftts. Whtm ha c to Um, ha a g pramad grsat joy at seaiag him, aad mada a pMfcaaioa that ha woaU treat him wall. Oitia. howavat, aoaa aaaogh of ladiaaa to wara him agaiaal a too i m f l kfc maidsBoi ia hia pretanaioaa; aad what added is aa sbmU iapaa to hia doabia aboM kia AitaN dasda j, irai Ah ««y axt cor "a fro aas Or tha his it: pre oai pie cor dia oai • ha his aai frai the sUi h« ohi t £1 wit iati tha aal a Us Am Ol4 IS I after h« htd ••!•• lolvffd upon miking ndorfully pnimnw, him Ml lh« twain* ih« chitf, knowing r falhtr, dtlarmintd f, aha had prtparcd '*■ anflmv* Mocoao. of her nilher'i viU to on hie w*y, tnd lod lo the r««idtnc« m fMt »■ h« couldi burdera of iho river r«l chiefa. He wm not proceed farther ling then fiahinff in iend, v«t he haa no ratanding their Ian* ■cover hla character ma, which they had ce where they then icceeding in nit an* lir arnii to prevent they fled with aU them for aoma die- igna to make them I with them, b«t all waited quietly th« •rtr eama nanninc :hea, ho waa obliged »ir arrowa. Never- d certain, and that nad, that thara waa ad hfan, who nndar- I thtM ha waa agda 1m handa of tka I»- I to carry tha tidiaga »d to tka dlapoaitUNi r any word ofdirae- k WlMihacanM toh, and made aveffv Oitia, howavar, kni ■inal CAPnVtTY or JORIf OITtI W eiiranrdinary eireumatanee. ImntMliately aAer the nreliminary eonirralulaiiona were over, the chief made him lake an oath, ■* aAer ihe manner of Chriatiana." that lie would not run away from him lo R««k out another mailer ; to which he very readily aaaenled. At the aame time Meeoeo, on hi* part, promiaed Ortii that he would noi only treat him with due kind neea, Imt, that if ever an oeportunitv offered by which he could return lo hie own people, he would do all in hia power to aaaiat him in it t and, to keep hia word inviolate, he awore to what hn had promiaed, " after the manner of the Indiana." Neverih«leaa, our captiva looked upon all thia in no other light than aa a piece of canning, reaorted to by the chief, to make him only a contented atave t b«t we ahall aee by tho aequei, that thia In- dian chief dealt not in European guile, and that ho waa aeuulad only by banavolence of heart. Threa yeara more aoon paaaed over dM head of Ortii, and ka eiporioneed nothing but kindneeo and libar^. He apant hia tiaio in wandering over tha deliditAil oavonnahe of PloAdn, and throngh tha maaaa of tha pafanatlo, and beneath tha aa* fraahing ahadee of the wida-epreading magnolia— parankif tha deer in tha twilight of morning, and tha aealy fry In iIm ailver lakaa in tha cool of tha evening. In all thia tima wa koar of nothing romarkabla that happanad la Ortis, or ta tlm ekiaf Off kia paopla. Whan war or femino daaa not diatoi^ tkt oniat of Indiana tkay anjoy ihamaelvaa to tka fbU aitant of tkair natorea— perfectly at Maura, and ready to davoto dnyi logathar to tka antortainmont of thamaalvaa, and any tmvol- lora or Monda that mav aejoun wkk tkom. of tna rint Uiree yoai witk tka tribe of Indiana nndar Mmw Abont tka elaae ire of Ortii'a ina nndar Meeoeo, tkara eame'etartUaf intallimeo into tkair viUafa, and alarm and anxiety ant ia^ potiantly anon tka brow of all tho inhabitanto. Thia wm •eanaiaMd by tha anrival of a runner, who gave informotlatt tknt aa aomo of Mocoao'k man ware in their canoaa a great wav •nt at aaa flaUo*. tkoy kod diaeovatwl akipa of tko wMta moil MMoaokinf tkair eoaal. lloeaae, after eommuninr witk ki«- oolf n akort tima, wwtt to Ortii witk tka iafonna3oa, wkiak, wkoa ko knd imporlad it to kirn, cauaod paeullar aanaatioaa ki Ua bnaat, and a briof atraggia witk eonflieting fcolinga i i* ona eannot forget kia country and kindred, nor can ka Ihigal kio anfiar and protaetor. In akort, Moeoao argod kim to •• la ikaaoaM aad aao if ka ooaM moko a diaeomy of tka ohipo^ TMa p i a e aa dhg aa (ko part of tka ekiof ailoaaad tka fcoia oT OtHa, aa4 ko oat oat upaa tka diaeovorj; but whan ko koi ■1 daya of woleklfUaaatf and ongar oimaeiatien, wilk> Of lakikif nay otkoff ia t a l l i fW M oT okipo, kofinl jT'^ I If CAPTIVITY or JOHN ORTW n^y u> arcuM ih* ehiaf of prtciitinff dtcepiion upon him, u irv bit (Idfliily I h« WM Mon ■•(itfltd, how«v«r, inai hi* aua* piciona wan without foundation, although no olhar information WM avof gainad of ahipa at that tima. Al langth, whan ail ycara mora had alapaad, nawa of a laaa doubtful charaetar waa Vought to tha villarn of Mocoao. It waa, that aoma whita paopio bad actually landad upon thair coaat, and had poaaaaaad Uiamaalvaa of Iho villag* of Uriata, and drivan out him and hia man. Mocoao iromadiataly im« partad ihia information to Ortls, who, prvaumlng it waa an idlo lala. aa upon tha formar occaaiun, aflfaetad to eara nothing for it, and told hia chiaf that no wordiv thing would induca him to kiav* hia proaant maatar i but Mocoao paraiatad, and among •rgumouta advancad thia, that ha had dona hia duty, and that if Orlifl would not m out and taah hia whit* brtthran, and ihay abould laava tfta country, and him bahind, ha could not blama him. and withal aarioualy conArming th« nowa. In tb« •nd ha eoncludad to go out onca moro, and aftor thanking hia «lli«f for hia graat hindnaaa, aat oflf, with twolvo of hia boat mtn whom M(oeoao bad appointad for hia gvidaa, to 6nd tb« whilo poopla. Whm Ihay had procaodtd a conaidtrabia part of Um way, Ikay cam* into a plain, and auddanty in aifht of a party of 190 ■MA, who provtd to ba aomo of thoaa of whom ihay had hoard. WImd Ihay diacovarad Ortii and hia man, ihoy praaaad tewarda iham in wrarliko array, and although ihav mad* artry aignal of Mcadahip in thair powar, yat ibaa* wbita man ruahad upon tbam, barbaroualy wounding two of thorn, and tha oihoro aavad Ikonaalvta only by flight. Ortii himaalf cama naar baing Ullad. A horaaman ruahad upon him, knockad him down, •nd waa pravaalod from dtalfng a daadiv bk>w onlv by a limaly ajaculation in Spaniah which ha maM. It waa m thaaa wotda I " I am a Chriatian— do not kill ma, nor ihaaa poor man who hava givan ma mv Ufa." It waa not until ibia momant that tha aoMiara diacovarad tkair miataka. of frianda for antmiaa, for Ortii waa, in all apt* paa r a n ca, an Indian ; and now, with tha aid of Ortis, hia attaa4> ng Indiana wara collaciad, and ihay wcrn all eaniad to tha aamp af tha whita nan, aach riding bahind i\ aokUar apon Ua Ortii now found himaalf among an amy of Spaniard^ aanunandad by ona Famando Da Soto, who had coma into that caantry with a graat armamant of 600 man in 7 ahipa, in aaMvk of riehaa { an azpadition undartakan wkk jraat oataiHaik% raiaad by tha aipaetatioB of what it waa to dbrd, bat il awMi •a all auoh ondartakinga ahoaU, in diiffrMa and wortmal'aai uin of tha "I So fan hoi tha Sol ant mu loa< lia uni [nu • li kin Al tha wh( tot S thai kin mai and i wa] apa aip Ort wai "CI E TIX. ««p(ion upon him. N lowaver, inal hia tut* I no ollMr information ipood. nowa of • baa lUm of Mocoao. It Iv landod upon ihair Iho villago of Uriata, :oao Immailialaiy Im* luroinf it WM an idio 1 to ear* noihinf for would indue* him to paraiaiod, and among no hia duty, and that whit* brtthran, and bohind, ha could not ng lh« nowa. In tha nd aftar thanking hU th twalva of hia baol \i» guidoot to And tha abia part of tha way, ght of a party of IW bom thay had hoard, thay p r aaaad towarda ly mada arary aignal Ilia man niahad upon and tha othara aavad ilf eama naar baing knoekad him down, div blow onlv by a aaa. It waa in thaaa a, nor thaaa poor maa aeldiora diaeovarad Ortii waa, in all apN of Ortis, hia attaad- I all earriad to iha ad a ooldiar apon Ua army of Spaniarda, to had coma into thai I ia 7 ahipa, ia aaaiak (h jraat oataaiariaa> > aflord, hat k asM, OAPTtTlTY or JOHN 0IT1I !• Soto fonaidaroti iha arquiaition of Otiii of rory graat impor« tanra. for although ho could not dirari him lo anv mouniaina of gold or atUwr, vat h« waa arquainiitil with tha languaga of tho Indlani, and na kapt him with Ittm during hia mamorabl* aipodilion, lo act in tha eapacily of inlarpr«iar. It waa in tha apring of 1M3, thai tha farocioua and MTiwa Solo fall a prav to hia miaauidad ambition. Onia had diad a faw moniha bofora, and wiin him fall iha alraady diaappoiniod hopoa of hia loadar. Thay had takan up wintar quartara at a BMca eallod Auiiamqu*. upon ih* Waahiia. or parhapa Kad Hivar. and il waa bar* that difllcuUiaa bogan to ihickaa apaa thorn. Whan in ih* apring thav would march from thoaaa, Soto waa grlovod. bacaua* n* had loal ao good an intorprotar, and roadily folt that diAcultiaa war* cluataring around ia a much mora formidabl* array. Ilitharto, whtn tli«y w*r* al a toaa for a knowladg* of tho countrv, all thoy had lo do waa to Ua in wait and aoij* upon aom* Indian, and Ortii alwava coald undaratand anough of th* languag* lo r*li*v* thorn from all Krplaiiiy about thoir eourao: but now thay had no othor lorpratar but a young Indian of Cutifaehiqiii. who undorataod a littla Spanieh t " y*t it r*quir*d aomatima* a whola day for him to aiplain what Orlii would hara dona in four worda.** At othar timoa h* waa ao antiraly miaundoratood, that aftat thay had followod hia diroetion through a todiona march of a whol* day, thay would flad thomaolvoa obligod lo ratum agala to tha aaiaa plaieo." 8aeh waa tha valua of Ortis in tho aipadition of Soto, ao that miaarabla man eoncoivod t but had not Soto lUlon in with him, bow diflhrani would bar* boon th* fat* of a mnltituda of aMB, Spaniard* and Indiana. Upon iha whola, it ia hard lo •ay wbieb waa tha pradominant trait In tha charaetar of Soto and hia fellowan, avarieo or eruolty. At on* tiiao, boeaaaa thair guid** had l*d tham uut of tbo way, Mooeoao, tha aaceoaaor of Soto, cauaad tham lo ba baafad apoa a trao aad tb*ra laft. Anotbar. in tha aarly jpart of tbo aipaditioa, waa aavad from tha fanga of doga, at tho intarAMfc aaea of Ortii, baeauaa ba waa tha only Indian throagb wbaia Ortif eoald got inforaiatioa. It ia ao difllcult to daeida wbkb waa tba oMMra aaparatitioai, tbo Indiana or tha aairalyM " Obriatiaa Spaniaifda ;" for whon Soto diad a chiaf eaaM aa4 UknA pro yoang ladiana to ba killad, that tb*y miriit accai ■aav aad atrra tba wbila man to tha world of apirita. Aa udiaa goido boing Tioloatly atiiad with aomo malady, foil Maaoloaa to tbo groaad. To n\*e hfm, and dri?a away tba 4mU wbkb tbay aw p peaad waa in itim, thay raad a paaaa, f««ff Ui body mm tho Bihla, aad ba iauaadialely roaovoiail^ M*IO*^«^«> ■ "^ t*^Vtm m m ma. lovLAiiBtoirt oAmfirv. TImm w Imv* fivM all Um iMtkvliM w cm 4Mif* tnm MihiMii MMaM tt Ik* «apUfi«y mU 4Mik W Mm OdiB. or •m*'* wfiiiyiii. abMi vliidi MMiy wHign W tslMls ta^ MifMitUlky Uf* wpli y ii ilMit pM*. k wm mi Mt tsiM- Um MTilMhurljr «• ifaali, kii «• nIm tiMw. wteM m u ktH f ««iy Imi4 iImni to tmn— ii. M • mw <liMMvMpMi «MAm* apM UMMiMt ilMii im iwilig «m ■mm m** HmM ««• tf* MIWM HAm ittM* IMM) IIm itfhfl I ■Sw.m4 a iwlikv diM l^r iMilMi Mikt iMii, •iliMiM iJ Mf Mt k awl i i fa * MUfiwa. Tlaw •m^JmvmIim^ 4|||i «pMi kb kMnb. A M i l M r. Matf at 1^ «*l^ UM WiMMMfkM W IQM Ml|k « ^^^^^ff^J 2J^^^^5 i^^3J^ |2 WAl TAUN PM»> rrii^Df TUB nuB •iaff «M alMit Mw mImMmIi wtf^ iMMi4lat li w»i •Ml tlMitfkill ■J M lktlMli.< :^--4i... •Mm kk tero, wmmW mi4 wmi mi, Ui ww ^hkly ilM 4tmm. Thtn mvn Umw hIwh tel«iiglag le ilM mmm gavri> •M «Im w«m ktlM I iIm b4kM CMtinc vp «pM iIm tmt tt Ik* kani. hU •ivMMfli i* akaai 4«wb upM ummi •««? iMt tah UfniiMi. TWi iImm Mw4av«M wr«i«kM w«m m Mwitf Mi4 4M«f«ylH •li k^t^ Umm.* At iMfw iMy CMM Mi4 k«M« Mf iMMt, t»i qvWkly k «M iIm 4
  • U» m Umjt aiMN •f^iaal Um Iimm, 10 Umi Um iMll^ia tmmtd lo ty IUm kail, mi^ mMi> If llMjr «M>M CM MMI •«M|[ •«, |1m« MMllMt, Ml4 IMI • iIM. AbMi iw^ ktmn, ••••Mlag !• mj Bku r fliM Im fkm MMrtM liiM, iWy 1m4 ki«ii •kMi Um Immm UIw Umv •••• faU^4 to In it, wlUeli Utof did wiUi i»i uid lM«p wMA UMf kiMglii Mt af Um b«ni, Mid Umt* b^tog •• dlWM>tjaa M il w faHiVM ^ _^__ ^«-j m^~r waMMBiavaain aMf Mai^aMi pm* ^ aaaai* ^'x' ^^B^ ^m&^9^ MaaMaa aai WMBa iw aMi aaaM vmm m aaii aM WMaM wbmmi^ wMfMlM. aMT Wpiai aad fkJ^mm teMf. %lHlM ■MMMaMlMii kNtiiailhBry ItaM aada Mr.lSraad^aS iawfiMi' i I WM ya Ik* IMV if •«■« hO^M iMi aaf I a llM«f • Mtli MMkMMlW NMn«rdMiMatoJkt teMa^alMliliS via lowtAWMOfff eAmvmr I ««l*y fitf , lIUMgil «l MIMlMf liMM Tf All ImllMI Im4 «« I* llM 4«««, liMy w«r« f««4f l« iv «p«« ik(a mi4 •••€ ktMi Aht*. Tlk« L«nl Mw>y «««M «mm m Um M«f« (• mIiim«< |mI|« kte ImimI, tn^ » U>f Ufctol •• p«Mi«ff, Mi4 iIm UflrPMi t kiikte •Mr. t fWtkmiMiitai* riHii •M I Ufll* kaU •4 4* UmIii IVImmI UMft • kMi l( w« ITMlU •1m% WM* lk( IlkM Wllk M«U ▲ rmrmr it •« ImImm Im4 « WM «lMf( M Um ImM »MI itMi Mk«4, m4 fM «M cmwIMff up m4 iMr«» l( WM • MtMM a^fiit M M* M Many CkvtMMM tylsf M OM^t Mm4, imm Imm m4 tMM UMf*,1llw • tmmpMf tt tlMMf Mffii by w«ifM i aU •< ilMM M»Mt mIm4 by • MwpMy «l b> M bM >4 B . rMrMff, •MfMc, rMitag* mi^ MtwI iMf . m If UMy wMbl baf« um Mf vary MiiM mii y«« Um lm4, by M •iMifbiy |w««v. f t t n tn i ^ m t m k ai tl m fMn imA, m UMm wiM iwvMy'lbw •< w MbMi aMv* Mi MtrM4 «miIm. I bU cAm b«lbM ikU mM. Umi ir um Im^Mm tlMiiM mm. I tkMy «bMw raUMf M b* bUM by Um« Um» Mb«i aMfVi bM M tiM iftel. My mImI «| MMk •< IM MfWBl ■>—»■ ■ W« bM «|^ I MVMM» Tu f MM Kmmvi.— If Mr MMy «•• M«l !• wMl lk«i bMbaiMt «fMlMW, Wkk Mr bWiM WMIlM Ml4 blM^Mk MiiMrbMiMMlawUMiiMrbtiiw. AktrnfmOtwytmi ibM aigbi, vf vyM • bUl.t wkblii tiflM tf Um Mwm wkM M» kMMM M Mm. HMm «m bM by • vmmM bMW, 4t bi% fct ter •# iL MM« I I MhiA Ml Mm kitb* bMMibMBlfbii i» rbM, tHM yM Im» ■■tllriiw m f JkblUMlMWMyMMMW. OIlAt. WMtof, M< •ififk M< i n il« t. mi yalllM if ilMM MMh «NMim i« UM S^H, vl^TA lU pS • Mflly iw». tan^iM^ ■M BowunMorfl OAmvrrr MSflV ^9 Bv9Wi^ V9VIV9| MMvp^ 9wMV| #vl9VV| iMMWAt vVMMtMM plf^ mi te«l«k (wiMilk iil*f m4 p iMwrf o wl M tkm town.) mmm MMMaf* tMM IffMif mi fcawliif . mi4 «««mi UilMif, m Ikwl mi m4 Um 4immImm af iIm ■»><■■« iNflM, my ikMiftM* ran vf** pyhM«Mi4«4.lMM«M««a4MMi. AH «>m fMw, my IkiMi m4 •• M !• My l***^ tit* l»iiMM toM a* 16^ ««»M kill MM m h* «MM WMM«r«f4.) mj •kkUn m mm, injr nl*il«M wifkim imi m4 wHImi. dl «rM fM«, UtMfi my Uk,) mi I hMW Ml k«l llM MM aMMMM ihM mIffM f» IM. Mi H mmmi u wmmk www iIm* 4Mik, iImi to «m hi Mik ftkflMM MaiMms iMMtklac MMfMitea* m4 I 1^4 m !•• iwyt tmKmt wliAl* tyfi Miwtw k Ltoiw4tmMy jy^ iImm t«M litl wMi I* m^tkm wm MM ikMli wkM A* BmIWI kftVt MIm tM* TkMtMVMlkMMMiB ^pM • Mlfciil^ MM Mkl m4 MM^ hi • hM Wl MaMM- BBm| Mr ^Mi^VVW vMNI WM IBBVIPVvWflBv P^VVMiV HMHVIi iiiiUrOaii>*EH^ ImmIm m BmnTm C mmm^S tm IMMM llMfli l»l MW (iIm MMMMllag) I M|M ■■MB "V *W M^W VW ^V^rV^ mVS WvW ^rMM V^PHB ^W M^V VMI SMI flHMMS WHSMMH^ I HMW B9i wVMHvt H IV MM llwWlMMMrllMlMMMlktMpNMSi. At Iwtlll I iMfclHtf KsMM^MM ^tmWHM j^ M My MM^ Mi M9 MPSVMUMIMVMM iiMMWWiil. TkM ihMMlMtVpMahMMlHiMt wi M iii Md to My by. Mi iLm N«f m k n t mm m 4» V9Hi§ HB wV ^^^^V ^^Niy l^^W w ^^^^y ^^^^ WW ^^^M ^91 iaM%Miiiii^ai|| b Ik Ik Ik b{ bl Ml Ik bl lb k» k« •I ti 1 1 3 MMMM mtnt. Kltf«», (MmIMv tWIIIIWf •«4 Ml ilk* l*«l».) «NM wiflk, UkMMlk »• vrvf* Nif tl nwt fcw ran mfm An «M fM*. my lkii*> M MM imf mmH km nm gmm, my r«i»it«ii« I. MM M mt t tm tm ta Mik. UlM M «M t« Milk Um M( M dM ItiliBi MM • ItfMI llMfl I MJf MMBflWHllMMHi W MM. ■OVUIIMnNt CApfivrrv 11 b4H|ll«4. ••i4 f«|««*««l i« M« ii. ikmttik I rtuwf ikt »• tlk«<«M I^M k«W« •«4i4 Wtf 4*f«. •VtmiMM «ulk •• HNMIjr 4iltKl*llM«. R«t iM |j««4 »««Mw»4 Ni]r aifw^ mOI. am^ *«»fM4 nm *ym§. Ik*« I MlifM m* HNH* «l IkM fMTM, fWI. M MIMh ikM I «««M «•««« !!••• llkMflkl •!, Ik«4 I IM« •ffMtMHtMl ti. AlW ilkto ti i^nk»kif htmmm m mm»«, mm! wkm atflM ••«« Ml llMf MM*. Aii4 «•« *Hni I MUM ail t* tiM mmw, If • IM> Ik If*. Mrf • few lw«tfllk« UikkU NM. WMlk Mf •(«ll «lkiM Ml «• hMt mmI MtlHif Mtwil Im wM»f . lainf imw, iknwf Ik ilk* «««ii4, MImi »M« • f mMi lbv«t I Ni)r •mm mmuU tlwi ffr««Wlf M •MC tkM 1 4««M «(•#•« tM 4i»W« «• flM «|K )r«« M tl MWM !•, llhM I MMMi ail aU ilkM *M, wiiiiM niglM wma tlk« «44 txwy CIIMi. WMlk Mt tMll «lklM Ml mjr MMM. iMktMff llk«l •VM* r «NM*M U Uk« bM W Ita li«i. m»4 UtMif m ClUtMlM lhMl4 NMf MM. tillkM M MMUWI M Ik*^ MM. 01^ I MM Mf w i » «M«*r •IM Wn lMI H l L (NmV ImlMIW) Mf4i (liMkitM.) WikU W9 mwn Jmh Ok Kmmmmmm, TikM 4Ajr omm mur nf m M tUlkt f fSm wmwddTtkUd ia MtlM Militaf to lafifv tall iiMMd «r ikM, MM Mr.*'Y0W MMMtMUl mmmmtmLmkikmB mk yMi flkllA w iht iwiT^ MfiUU MMkMMMSdMfWavli iteplMMtfiwdilii n,MywwMytol»»a ViiL II MMMF MMII'IHI lMlAMlbM»>l»li.i imTiSiSS mS iSi3 ■11. BowLAifMon t oApnnrr. ia M7 anM la Mirv il wilk ■•, b«i ikty M in IM ii •! TkM« WM M rNiauvf. b«i §• I maM, Mid \mn H. Wlu Im4 bMA ftwIiU* M My MMiar^ wifwiM, I took ik« Int I fwtttsity I eMiM fM !• ■• look oAor My dooil cMM. WkMi Mkod tkoM wkol Ikoy kod doM wiikt il. Tkoy loM MO it WM oa iko kUI.* Tkoa tkoy w«m and okowod m« wkoffo It woo, wkoio I Mw iko frowM wm aowhr digaod, aad wkofo ikov loM mo tkoy kod ksHod il. Tkon I loA ikot ekUl ki Iko wUcohmm, oad mom oomoiH it ond Myoolf oloo fai iMo wUdomoM flondiiion to Him wko io obofo olU. Ood kovfaif lohott away tkio doar okUd« I wont M ooo my daogkiw Mant, wk» WM at Iko MBM ladiaa lawn, at a wifwiM bM verj m oC Ikdafk w« kad Uttk Uboity or opaottuaity lo no am MMlkoff i oka WM akiMl tOB yoan old,aad lakMi rom iho da« M iiM ky a pwykM ladiaa, md a lW w M d o mM fcr a fas. Wkoa I oamo ia itfkt oko woidd kU a wooptaf. •> «nM tSi MM tilSSnUPmSi Ta Iko wttdoraooo, I SmTmI wkoMtlko ikM Ikoywaald not Immo ombo soar Mf • Jk (M ka Mid) AoM ft lii M ii d y My dMIiPM/ J(M«**«iik miMmmumdmlwm.'* looaM MtdtMiilfcukio iwMilifc kiM hopi wilkkv AoM mm plow M aMikwi aad w I m« ar Mfooadiwi, thai I kMMMi •ad Ik* I okMrid kava okMaMtairfft iSmTmiI haMaoidil I aT Ika taw*i aad I kmmwm *kfkhaMlf IkM ka Mm f wkMh|#'Mi ttkmwiifp 1lt4M|»^ i ^ MlMb<*. . ^^^^^VW'Mwi iH-^B^ MOM Maia wiMaaiva'MMiB < ^^jWRMJMRjjyjjy MBtaMMi ii aiw 1 1J iJV s iim MM. BOWLANMOirt OAmTITT. I filMIM Ml 01 Mf MnpMIJft MM pi wImm wm my mh** mmMi, i« fo to Mwall vnd b«ni •Id. la tkb lUM of kit mitor't tbiMiM kk d««t iMMflil yn le nc mm. I took Uiia lo k« wmm giMUat ( I* mj MfnMi ind anfcifMd 4Mii«. TIm rmi day ik* 1-. w la w Md Aom Madflsldi* all lk« compaaf, mr Umm la mj mmmi lad anfci|Md itdn. Tka aaai day tka ladiaaa w lB W Md Aom Madflaldi* all tka compaay, mr Umm tkat kaUaflad la Ika olkar miallar eemaaay eaiaa tkroatk tka towa Ikal vra aaw waia al ; bat kalNa tkay «aaM M aa, Ok tka oat> lafaa a a raariaf aad wkoof^liiff tkai tkaia waa I tkay kagaa Ikair dia akaat a mila kafeia tkay aaaM to aa. Br tkair aoia aad wkaapfaif tkay aifali*d kaw naay tkay kad doatroyad t wUak waa at ikai Uhm ttiaiity< kar« tkaaa at ka«M gava a akoat, tkat tka fary aaitk laag agaia. Aad Ikaa tkay eeatiaaad tUI tkaaa tkat kad kaaa apoa tha ■vadMoawaiaaamaaBtatkaaagaaMfa^wlgwaaii aad tkaa tuagMHl nrfiaakkig tkal tkawL araa a»a» amm RMUakaaa'a aaalya ikat tkay kadlaiaa, aa tkair «■» avii, aad iMagkl witk tkooB. laaaaalkattakaaalioaartka madaiM miey af Oad ta mm la tkaaa aflieHoao, la aaadtaw ■MlMa. Oaaaf tka ladiaaa tkal caawftaM M i Mild idZ wilMl kMfkl aooM plaadar, aaaM ta aa, aad adnd awtfl «MMka«aaWUa; kakadgaiaaaiaMakadMl. .IiraogM iffeiaadadMdklai If ka ikaMki tka ladlaao waaU lai aa Mai. Ha aMvaiad yaa. SoTMak tka Blkla.aad la ikai ■llMiAaly liaM il aaoM lata oqr mlad la raad Im tka tiraaa^ tPS^kaaiar of DaaiaMaoaiy. wklak I dU, aai wkaa 1 kai wad kayia* k aa rt a w aariil aa ikla awaaar t Aaitkavawaa •aaMMflwaMktkallkatiaaaiaKiiiara gaaa* aad Ika aaiaaa •Mafaii' &. fai'iMv laaah aad tkal I kad laal ay ' ^ kaiipod aM otIU la ga aa laadlag, id I aaaa l aekifh aaaa aiai vavaaa } waara i naaa laara waa vaa^v 4gMai li waaraaid lalaffB la kaa ajTM^paalaaaai aapl la araia aaaMaPM naai oaa aaa ai Via afeiMi la iBa yal Ika Laai waald gaikar aa logalkafb aad lam att dMaa ' IdaaoldaalnMillfalaftlfalAla 'kwaaiaaw. ' ' > laiaBtaf mi iM lkaailriko& ik» wan aaiBMlirllk C^ wl Aa af afi llai inma 10 mmmIi md Iwni •hMflM kill d«HM inc (ffMIMt MWWW RMt (toy tiM MisM mnr, wr Umm Uuit M inroaffk th* i«w« • tO«S,OllUMMil> > wmI Umjt htfiB M. Bv tlMir boIm kvy hai dattroytdt Imm iImi WW* wilk m M tlMy hmti Um rant ovtr tlMlr immbi* try Mfth nwf affkiB. iMd baM vfMi tka ■iM, M yMfrlMtt* NittahaB«liM«riiM a. aai adn4 bm if I %arfMi..IifBafM ■dlaaa nwU bi ■• • Baiia.i4 to jby laad Bni (hi iwaaiH^ Ml inMV WM VMV^v >W w |iBl ww >aril ;dr«liaaMiliiB*B iaf«aMllaiBaHilMaB I lallva la fMnt Mb iilkOBiftt^ .(fc«.)^ MM. lowLANMoif't oArmrrrr. # •Baa. TiMy (olMW maal I part wHk ikB IMk WflmallM< - - J Mm fliBa ki IW ■ MMrAlkHliii'iMtt^ m ma lOWLANMOIf't OAmriTT. HMMHMsbhiff ikwihli hm I M •bwii mjfoor ektMiM. wIm wtft MSitovtil up ind down nmonf th« wild bMSU of th« fciwi. My hMd WH liffhi ■nd dinv. •ith«r throufh hunnr •r bad lo^nf , or irmiMc, or ill toftthor, my wmo* ImMo, my Wdy raw I7 "i^tiof 'o*^ "^f*** *"' ^7' ^^*^ * '*"."** ?' MM 10 maa tiM aflictioa that lay «pe« my tptrii. but iha Urd boipad ma at tbat tima to aipraao U to bimNlf. I opM* ad my BlMa to raad, and tba Lord bvoafbt tbat piaeioat aerip- laia to ma, Jar. 91 : I6r-" Tihir mUh Ot UH^r^frmm Mv dUf U rmmrH, and <% Matt wow «ffa<« J^tktlmdf MaaiMRw.'* TbUwaaaawaatflardialtomowbaalwaaraady 10 kkkt. Many and many a tfana bava 1 lat dawn and wapl awaatly om tbk aeriptara. At tbis plaea wa eantlnnad aba«l Ibw dayOa Tn rim Bimvn^Tba aeeaaion, aa I tboafbt, of tbaii r at tkia dma, waa tba InglMb army** baiiiff Mar and for thay want aa II tkay bal |om fcr tbah Midanlda way 1 and tbmi (bay mada a aMk way I and tian dwy of tbair atau^aat man, and m JdMNHllitwin Ml«Wyw«na»manf,nndbanf aanta* IMMllMflbvwnd In mf imi. I mMUj^ mV m ^mmk,wmAt m^ tnanny ibwbkkaa«n^g>g .1 JMHUlKMii * T •Or BOW WmfB fIVW. II HtMMll lib an aA tb4 tbi for tb< for tin nai s Tb M it ala Hi i X •1 TITT. I my poor ekiMrta. • wild boMi* of Um lior tkroufh hunpr ly knooa MobU, my r, Uiti I CMRoi n- my ipirii, kut Um » himMlf. I opoa- ( £ofSi ftffTttIt tMj tmn, jkr lAv ii«r» M wkon I WM NMy Mt down ud wofi wo eonttoMd Uamt I I theajKlit, of dkoir nyt MBff Mtr oad rkl fOMlbr tlMll I dMynadt ••{•jh lOIMlOMMMdl**' f, wMi iMr til m4 lOUMni' IIIMd A mo tt • timo, an If* iJ^jWUpMl* 1' MIS. lowLAinwoirt cAPmrmr. II tkt ritmn tAtf ihmU nH mrj km ikt*."^lm. 43 1 1. A eorulla numbtr of mi got ovtr iko rivtr ikol nifhi, twi ii Um oAor iko SobUik bofort oil Um eompuny wm fo« ovor. Oa Iho Soiordoy ikoy Mltd on old korao's Wf wkfck Umv hU got, and M wo drank of ik# broik. oa Mon oo tkoy tkoMgkl te woo roody, tad wkoa il wm almooi oil geoo UMy Sllod ll aa aftia. ' ' Tko flrtt wook of my boiag omenf Uiom. I kardly oal aay Iking ( Iko Mcend wook I found my ■lomoek grow vory km for wont of oomotkiag, and yot il woo my kord lo goi dowa tkoir lUUiy irook i boi Um ikird wook. Uiougk I could tkiak kaw formorly my ■lomoitk would turn ogaiaac UUa or Umm, aai I oaald Biarta aad dio koforo I aould oal aaek Uilaga, vol dMf woroploaaaiilaadMToryMmytaaM. I wna at dpa Um ka» Uag a pair of wkiM aoiMa oMekiaga for my mialraao, aad I hai aol yoi wreufki apoa Um SaUkiik day. dMy Ud mo go M work. I loU UMm U 4ay, aad daaliad UMm 10 kH mo foot, aad laid UMai I waali 4i ao maek mora work MHaerrow t M wfciak Umv aa laoiWi tkaywoaMkraakmyfoao. Aad kora 1 aaaaoTVn triw aaitot «f Iho auaaga pr..rUoaeo of Ood la ptooarvfaiv Ikt lMalk«ii Tkay woia maajr kaadiada, aU aad yaaaf. aoM •!*» aii aama lama} maav kad pa f oB H a at dMir kaahai ika giaaiMl - ai dUa ttaawkli aawaiaaqaawai aadvoti jriMt^ aU ilMy kad, kag Mid kmfa. Mi4 ti^ m( •fit AiailmaiHMaidi mid oT MoadTtKy «* ^Xwmm Ml In^ 0^ away ikoy WMM. Oa Uwi «if»<4i^aMaa *• ■acUah amay aAor UMm la iMa rivor, aad aiw «lw Maaka «f iMrwIgmaM^aadyaiiUarivorpataalopiadNM. Oo*M Mlftfa ika« aMMafaar aativtqrta Movaralkar aa. Vi ^^.^..^.^^ — . ffciaryaaiJallfMaaMit mad oal a iMy *t $m jrpaMteamOdrwaaM hata feaai oai a ^to Mmmi» ka«« pamad tUa tivaii aa waH aa te IS 84iii tii^^iii'a .. 'M fi^MM iii«i%ka». kai InaaalfiMlillltiili [ «Wr Maitftk'«Ml f'i|l'atl''#Mli'j HBt. lowLAiimoirt oAmrmr. . W« «MM iImi iay I* • gNM b «rt iMk •• MM iMgiaff llM !• llM kM« W llM kUl , ikxgk IMM wait MB* Ui o«ff vmm MoipMy ; um u> ««M M ikkk M Um uawi toN«aM4 iliaM M • tllWIW< iMMkatt Miafl M OMS. If MM»ay : iIm b> iM UMM WM Itihtf Wl iMUMMk Ml4 ktUs^ MM MlkkM MSI h4lMMi Mi w M akkar huA \ wU I Mvaatf ki iIm mMil H aM rn i mm \m mktf i Ok ika ■■■iriwaa dMi 1 Iwva hai «r dM gaifaiM af (M M ■• m4 M&Mt Tn SivBinB Bmmvb.— AAn • nailaaa mi hmgif 9J/M (kipai «• M • wa t iaa— tkaa al U ika mim i^. 1w awMM kf wkiak «• lay waa aa U ««• a iaaf l a Miaai aal MMiiiilag kkk aa^ I^kadk, •■< waia M ikiarikfaM af ikM §«. iMTfall^ W7uy«i aan, aii4 wSl 4M kM im m\Mk. «M al ikiM waa alala Ami ■% wkkk MMk ttMklal wnt* Tkan MibMbiiMJaikaMti Ikai teikwkkftkaalataf kas^ SS fi!blUM,ir»|b*M.i[>^^ l.l^l'HPlS .*:•. ta ■ J • gjii T '" IlaUkklM«U^irk««Mi i^ M«|Ei5kk ka ail m31 ifiTrr% aMb 19 ulbfiatkakM»ywMl»wi | ti" ' .\ilnmf' mmit III ••I a I Tkt nil aTi Mil i «fl| s 9 itmr. ruiiwubt • Ml iMgiaff AtM If MM MMMS BSlWv is4 MM Mdlkff ll«l WwlMtkik* L«4 IW llMllh«f« iMi IM mh 4^. n« BtlM I fM I* Ikt AawtmatalMifJ I. TImi«m*«n»> li M llMl JM •■■■ M hMMlMliMriilkMt ■liwt ' vii^j^ fiMm Ml * iSf ^ip Hu loirLAifiNnif'i oAfTivmr. Tn Immi Rinoyi.— On iIm mtm w mtr»int ^v* MWl f» ft ■mmi RiNOYi.— On iIm n nf fow iner«inff ivt MWl r CmmmUomI tint, m mm* wlik Kinf HMif. T«« All! iWy Im4 mrM owr i iIm imm turn mfmU «m M f» I kat M my fo«« wm nfM ilM cmim t« tttp tn, iImt* «•• • aiMldkn Micry an i —f imm. kiMl I mutt map bnclii mmI tnaiM4 of gninf ovw Um rim. I m««i m four m •»• niiiM «q^ lk« river nrtiMr nonkwnH. InnM of tfe« Indian* ran mm wwf^ mmI mom MMthtr. Um easM of tlito rant woo, m 1 UMvflil, iWiff oopying lomo Inglkli momIo, wIm wora dMrankonio. la ililo travtl mf tho rivm, nkwii noon iko t ompnny mmIo • Mop^ mi Ml down. MnM M vni Mid oUmm M mm imm. Ao I Ml mmmpM ilMm, Mualni on Uilnfo pool, mj oon JoMnk wm» footooiy MMo to nM. Wo oibod of onok oiImt^ wMJhra, !•> ■onninff onr dokftel oondMon, nnd Um olMngn tiMl bad o«M npoa no. Wo iMd hnoknnd and fcilMr, nnd oMilwn and ib> I of tkio life I bni now «• Miflil mr M Mb "mSS '4 gmt, md Mo Em4 kmk lalw «mv/ ifini «i ■• i^iCiM^- laakodlU«wha«lMtlMwMMMad.. E My HM kn oMTMMly daaiind k. l|nMWMMy|IUa»«Afen IMiMd npan ttai iiMJirti l li mHimim, hnka lift If, M^ TktisrilMk J* « dMI.** *Laofc lMM ,aybt» ^«M MN I Mnjf MM nOMMOn W MMMMS CM MMMinl MMtn ara]r«oiitaff4iAilMMliMt,«Mnao im p>f,w— Mot m l l i iM b », IwoaiMMtMim iMhdiyBkMrlM MM lowLAitMoiit oApmrmr. •M Mofy Tb«r«io«. tt MtilAoM. who, Moiof b«w it wm wHk MO, loot MM bat to woor ^ but oa M«n •• I wot mm, ibo ■qiMW tbot owMil iboi M07 Tbttmtoii t^tm nmntog o(W mo. tmi fo« il owoy oMio. |illnf . I mM bnr m ln« mm Ml my P^m* "^ Itanr in tka kmU>, wkkk atm M, m4 fttn hm mmm grMind*nuia in mi wiik ii i ami I •■MM Wl iklMk ktm nUnMni ii «*•• lo mn. I Imv* mmt ■Ma knar Uktd li a a a io wn ly nnwmgM ika laflUli, aai MM Ifl. NiUm ilMMgliu thai ii wan baar waila bm li« ma warn, iImi wan lavarv ta «m ikal nan wn«U ikkk «•• wiafil la lam iIm m ai m nli nC a brain nmaiam. Om MMar mM 4mj, I caaM lad aa raam la nil daw* I aai, aad caaM am inll wbai m dn, bat I wmi nlnn niltlnf roand ika nad BM HM SH doafa< Aad ym iknnn w apn^ I waai ■ila asMlHt w if wan* wanca laay im I Inm Ilka tfaaw laid a akla fer am, aad I •nd fifa RM MMM fiaaadniali, aad Md ma i ttU m» Ikajr waald bay nM if ikay wata abln. fPM« Mfaafaia la bm Mmi I navnr liaaw ballNa Tm Twtnu Baaiava.— Tkat day a mmU nil af ika aM»* mtm i abaai llwaa qaannn tl a aiiln, HMaadiaf fcrikac wiik aalklaf Vat ftraww. Tu IttTMmi Bmmi«.— Tkt Mtf 4ay is lit Hwnp I ■ b I u k / if ai •< hi in M ll y la IM ba ■f tmamm ir* iVITY • wWlU. M «!»• 1.^ Imn I ••• fm\mfnm4. f U ••» •••Jy ••» •♦•»k ly MM '^i >ll, •Il4 i •iMra ••»• w*i, iM»f J. I nfnkfi )*iMi«f nfoftot »■ llMi Umm.) Iff |A« *wfi4»«t "f** I. Ml M. •iiikiic !• •••*^y ••? I w*nl Iwl* ••••, ••• wry kimA 10 m«, an^ my ^iit( tn^l '••»• ly i« kroil U. fof fMf ki l«y mU tiM 4*y tmi miM. I w«i» •••** «• Mii4'««ia WllNff. 1 If U iIm hwnW, wbkk M Ml wi«ll H I Ml4 I m RnfflUli. MMl MM M «a4* MM mw w mmwmM Uitok «M Miwrv. . ^ •m !• til 4««« WfcM •1m ttilinff roMii4 iM •U feM hm 41 4»«^ Aaiy«i«lMM MlMiMlMlMk __)mA «• dl ■lni> MdMAn%hljNlllk2 MTffmf^ ■■ft lOWLANOiAN't CAfTIVITV W lk«f UM^i lk«i» ir«*«l, Iniviwltnff • 4*r'» )/mtr»*f *tp lik« HWi I tank my l«i«4 «i my Wik. tn*! •|««wkly «*• <«iiM (• Wtt4« •««f • rt«*f, •n4 |m«m4 •*•» Ut*mtm0 an^ wHxi w kllb. Om M\ «r»« M •«(•••, iImi I «M fbtn lit 'rMi* wf iipwi iny kMM, ••i4 Id N«I4 Wy iH« lwi(« *n4 ImmIm* i» Ii*«|» mywif ttmrn Mlt«f iMrbwvril. Mv lt«*4 •!•• wm m Ii^M iImi I imwaM* mh 4 m I want. Il*«l I ll«|M Ati ill*M« «r»«rt«<»«n« alAp UMI I lMf« Ulliail •!• but • fwf W«riltil( «f m* M iIm HMfCttif fM*. ** / kmm, O Ltr4, tk*t tkf fm4tmtmi$ trt Hgkt. mmd that ikm <■ fuukMmtt k^k *fh»t04 MM."— PmIih II0i 1$. luff iImi liMjr wviwrMl (tff ik«kr imwl. THta HMfniitf J mM my iMMttff wM M MMt MM]rlMii4,KilMMi t«r-^i^tfM; MHl^^K^^Mih. ^^^^k BM ^^^^fl A^^A WmS^^MP Ai^H ^M^^^HPW Aft ^ ^^^^^^^^P I Hit wMl Ay MMl M niN m N amM mM* mm yM M ■M ■OWLAMMdIf* CAfTtVITV •tglM I §tkmt94 m» Mbka Um Mf •«ll *mm$mti ikty MM MIM Ml NMf* llM» tMif •«»■ I t«« In IM •tolM I hM« Ml wlkilW. MIm »«m k«ilk Man iImi 9lmnnt4» wtikkm «• mi^ ^awM tn M«faMi. nii4«i %km •fp»»i' mm •# • ttimHf ImU*. miI wtttwl MUn «/ il»« hb« ••*!. I WMl M M« wif Wi Mi4 ^f laM NM ik«]r Im4 n* r«Miii. TIM I VMM M MMllMf. m4 tiMy Mt4 Ik* MM*. Al iMt. M ■M Imikm Ui MM iMM M Uin« tiU kto t^miw ■«*• m« mmm lf« BM %km M«»9tll(nf u» U) uR«t«r my Cl4HMIit MM Mf* BM •!■• M«M«ll(nff bt to) unit*? my Mi4 • ffM4 Im w« IU4 1 tWMffli ik« |m4 |k«* iiii^ wMili I M, W« «*•#• •! il»i« pUc mi ikm mm% «*• mAf tmm Omm««1m» ri««f W« w«ni m iIm ffMa4HM«a« I* Um ii««r. m4 wmi %mk mUk • fVMi Ua^ •! MV U«h. Mln4«4 aii4 «•«•« M»« Mwn m*tm , Ini, lytrf •kwn. iK« w<«iaf r*a inii «l iWMv«f*4 mf •ifNi itf^tn V«t M|^t iiti*. «n4 iM Itlia 4a#«» •i««H. I k<»fB H 14 W«t IM N|ltk (• wiy wlik J«i» MM MM, 44M |M/y li|M« «M. fl y« «y fft*1ld». /W lA« A««M i^ fw ItttHtl km itm*k»4 m* " *,n4 ^r«, I #aNn<«< b««4 »»>ww»< lk*f iHtw m«ft)r Mm««, •tiitnf in iketr w(g<««m«. «ii<4 ifii««ii»f «• iking* p««i. I thmtM «ti«|.Unljp U«|t up 4imI run mil, m tl l\a4 ^n m hmn*. rf»fg«iilng wH*t* I wm. •»4 whal my tf«M4MNMl waa . h«tl wMn I ««« wiilimii. *n4 •«•» nntHing but wiMmumm and wikmI*, aiMl • ri»mp>iny of ImrtMivM* Ka«iH*A, mf miit4 ^tikbljr »«tMin«f) iM ma, wkt.*!! m«>ta ma iKtnb tf iliai ttw^a* ^Qivarnmg M^mMin, whw m)«|, ■• I mil gn imt mnd mUI» m^mtf •I «i a4A«ir iiaiM, Ut ko mk* mH ikat ikt Ltr4 mm d^pMirMrf \tM«ti iKk« lima I kafta la tk^k iliai all my iNifaa a/ raai^ miMNi wmiM fama la nothing I ihmigKl m( %hm Raglidk amy, aa4 H«aa4 IW lliair 'aming. mnA Umf rataltan kiy iImni. bal ikal kM. I lia|M4 la ka carri««l lo AllMny, aa ilia Mtaaa ImmI aiwaarM^, bai ikai CalM mha. I iKaaf lit aT kalaf aaU la aiy Haakand, aa my maaiai aaaka t bal inataarf af llMl, aiy «aM«f ktuMair «raa gana. ami f UA kaklii4. m ikal Mf tpirH araa aaar qakia raaily la •ink. I •nk'4 Umih la M laa ga a«l and |Nrk ap Miua ukka, ikai I mif ki gH alaaa, awl paar a«i mf kaaH aula ika LaH. Tkan alM I laak My Bikia la tmd, km I faaiNl aa eamforl kata aalikari yal, t ca« My to all My Mrraart ami aHlkiiaiia, Oad 4t4 ihm laata Ma la kata aay i» Clianl wafk inwani kimMlf. aa it kia araya wafa aarifflNa«M( 1 1 knaw ikal ka kiid npon ma Um ikaa I itmrnd. AAw- waH. kaCiifa ikU 4ala(Wl lima amlail wiik nm, I araa lanilaff Um laavaa aT my ftikla. aiMl ika Lanl krawflM la ma taaM •ttjftnn wkUk dU a liiila rat iva ma ( aa ikai, Im. M i t^ •«IW my /Aanf Att an m»t fwar iAm(«A««, mMWt an aw iMgi M«r maw. MJ«A lAa Urd." Aad alao ikal. PmIm 9f i 1^ PTT** % «*•»• •"•<» lAa Lard. iriMf ato 4m A^ aW ite Matf M$tg m la ■Ma." AkaaTlU lima, tkay eama yalpiag fram Hadlay,* kaviaa ikma hilM ikraa ■ag);akman, aad kraafki aaa caMiva wiiC .1 i- mv «..^ TkayaU fiikaiad akaMllM paar ^aaailaaa. I daairad alaa M ga aa4 ka araa crytaf kiiiatly, a«p|Maiaf a^^^^^^mp w ^^w M ^^^^^^^mHP flH^R^Vi a^^H^W Hl^MMI^a MINI HNK^V •wUMtaaditkaar af Ai afika Aamikaiaafd,fkrdM ■ai ikma «f dMM ktta ^mim--~i- '>'».'1il-ti«'»JWi-»P.m, Froneh, than it proved to boin his remoining with tho Indtaoa. I wont to see an Enriiah yonth in thia pbeo, one John Oil- bart, of Springfield. I found him laying witho«l doora upon tho ground. lasked him how ho did ; ho told mo ho waa vorr siok of a flux with eaUng so much blood. Thov had tumod hfan out of tho wigwam, and with him an Indiaa papooo, almoet dead, (whooo parents had boon killed,) in a bittor ceM day, without flra or dothoa; tho yoinf man himodf M nothing on but hia shirt and waistcoat. This sight was mmA tomakahoaitofflint. Thmre thoy lay qnivoraif is Um ooUft / mm0m iWM<«p«aiii«aiMiMiNlMM mmmm nviTT. 1 1 aiktil oM of iktin t aniwircd m« th«y th that, I atlitd hhn mt h« Mw him uiuh try mclaneholy. By ipvcttd it btfort, Ihst : him wai vinily and , and lh«v bad killed nd thai tnt ffovernor I ha should nave hie [ wai dead. So lika wae a liar from the here, Philip'a maid ked me to five her ■ I told her I wouM I I ttill eaid no ; the ;>ieee, ahe would tear heir coat then i with 1 atiek big enoogh to but I atept out, and rigwim. But while and fave her all my I f\atcf, I went to aee Nat v Inge which were too big for him, and he would have aw ravel them out, and knit them fit for him. I ahowed nyadf willing, and bid him ask mv mistress if I might go along wiUi him a little way. Sh<» oaid yes, I might ; but I was not a littla refreshed with that news, that I had my liberty again. Than I went along with him. and he gave me aomo roaaled g!W«a4> nnte, which did again revive my feeble stomach. Being got out of her sight, 1 had time and liberty miia t« look into my Bible, which was my guide by day, and mv pil- low by ni^t. Now that comfortable scripture nroaented iImII to me, Isa. 45: 7,— '* Ara mmJImonimU hmt Jfinalttm tkmt ha vritk grtat mtnim will I gatktr lAes." Thua the Cwd carried me along from one time to another, and made good to me this precious promise and many others. ThenJByaoa enme to aee me, anid I asked hie master to let him stay n wkik with me, that I mi^t comb bis head and look over him, for hai wna almoat overoome with lice. He told me when I had donn that ha, was very hungry, but I had nothing to relievo him. bat kid him go into the vngwama aa he went alonv, and aee if he eoald got any thing among them ; which he did. and, it se e m e . tMRlad n littb too long, for hia mailer was angry with him, mm 4ii 'iffliiiiiliiitgl "I'liiliLiiiiMii wwHW w i!j«iiiiu. ima sii in I MM. lOWLANMOiCS CAPTIVITY. I: kttl him, and than told kirn. Than b« cam* rttniiin| (c l«r. IM Im had • Mw OMiilcri and thai ha bad ffivan him aeiiia grottRdniuu alraady. Tiiaii I want aloiur with him lo hia naw ■Mwlar. who (old ma ha lovad him, ana ha ahould nol want 80 hia maalar carriad him away ( and I navar aaw him aftar* mwd, lill I aaw him at Piacalaqua, in PorUmouth. That nif ht thajr bid ma go out of tha wifwam again t my ■aialraaa'a papooa waa aick, and it diad that night i and ibara waa 000 banaAt in it, (hat (bara waa mora room. I want to a wifwam and thay bid ma coma io, and gava ma a akin to Ua OBoa, and a maaa of taniaon and ground-nuu, which waa a BBoka diah among tham. On tha morrow thoy burlad tha papooa t and aftarward, both morning and avaning, thara cam* a company to mourn and howl with bar i though I conlbaa I eottld Dot much eondola with them. Blany aorrowful daya I luid in Ikia plaea ; oAan gatting alona. '* Hk» m rrwM 9r « tmtJkm, m 4»i I thmtttr i fdidm»uma$*ib9${ mimtynfiM wM Imkimguftmrd O Lm^i, I am •pprumi, wnitrfk$fifr flM."— laa. 88 1 U. i could tall tha Lord aa Haaakiak. ?ar. 3, *'BmtmUr naia, O Lard, I htmek tkM, ham I kmtt wiUktikt' Art lAof in tmth" Now kad I tkna to axamina all my waya. Hy a— a ci a p ca did not accuaa ma of unrigklaouanaaa towaida OMor aaolkar r yat I taw kow in mv walk with Ood I kad baan • aualaaa craatura. Aa David Nio, "mgrnhut thtttrntukam I tbumd." And I naigkt any witk tka poor pabUcao, «• 0*4 k$ wmtifiii mnf m m rimmr.'^ Upon tka Sabbath daya 1 eooU laok upon tka aun, and tkink bow paopla waro going to tho koaaa of Ood to hava thair aoula rafreahad, and than homo uaA AmIc bodiaa alao ; but I waa daatituta of both, and might any ■a t^apoor prodigal, ** BtwrniUfiUm kmmJIUtd kii HU§ wUk 9^^^ ^^^B^NW ^^^^Pw •p^^a ^^^w^^v ap^wp v«vv^ ^v^wv p^bf ^^^iv^v ^■^p^wp vvvw^f rW^^Va Luka Iff : 16. For I muat aay with him, '• AMar, / ktm «<•• mimgtiMi .Waam and in tkjf Hgkt."—yw. SI. I raMwaabar kow on tha nif^t bafora and aftar tha Sabbath* wkan my tumf Of waa about ma. and raktiona and naigkbira with na, wa eaold pray, and aiag. and rafraah our bodiaa witk tka good aiaaturaa of Ood, and tkan kava a oomfortaUa bad to Ua aow« asi butiiialaadofaIltkii,IkadonlyalittkawiUfHrtkabod7t •M tkan. lika a awina, muat Ua down on tka giMod. laaMMl tapraaa to nan tka aorrow tkat ky upon my apirit, tka L««i kMira it Yat tkat eomfortaUa aeriptura would oAan oama la ■y miBdr-** IW a amsU nmmentkaml/krmktn ti^,kawllk grmt mtrtim will I MOhtr ikm." Tu Foosniirni Biifovi.— >Now mvat wa pack up aai !• fOM from tkia thicket. bendingiMr eoutaa towards iIm Wuf iBVBa; I kaviag Mthing to aal by tha way tkia day kal s mf er w T lb cr at It I £ fa be 01 ni <\i th ^, of ni P« w fo in th th m th of a tk di ht w d( IM ki ai th m M hi iiiii ■nil nviTY. am* running ic i*r. bad ffivan him mmim with him (0 hia mw ht ■hould not WMit iMv«r MW him afUr- umouih. wifwam again s my bat night I and than I room. I wont to a pTo mo a akin to Uo id-nutt, which waa a row thoy buritd tho 1 ovoning, ihcro eamo though I confeaa I any Mrrowftti daya I "Hk» menm or « adoot; mkmtjfnflM yntttd, tmdtrttktfir 1 aa HMtkiah, vor. 3, ixamino all my waya. igbtoouanoaa towaida I with Ood I had boon ^^^^W^W w^^Ww V^P^^W v^WP^^W S or pabtkao, " (M It Babbath daya 1 eoold >lo wofo going to tho I, and than homo and both, and night aav •MM f«M wilo Mm.** ••AMar. /AMW«fc»> or. SI. IroMmbor bbatht whon my fiutt* lighbira with aa, wo odioa with tho good taUo bod to Uo dowm tloBwiUfHrthobod7, bogroand. I omumI I my apiffit, tho LmI would oAmi coma !• It wo paek op aai %• rao towaidi iIm B^f ly thia day hat « fcw mtMnmm MM. lOWLANMON'S CAPTtVITY. # eruma of cako that an Indian gava mv girl tho tamo day wo woro laktn. Sho gavo it mo, and I put it in mv DockoL Thoro it Uy, till it waa ao mouldy, for want of good baking, that ono could not loll what it waa mado of; it foil all into cruma, and grow ao dry and hard that it waa liko littlo flinta | and thia rafr«ah«U mo many limoa whon 1 waa ready to faint. It waa in mv (houghta whon I put it to my mouth, that if ovor 1 rotumtd I would tell tho world what a bloaaing tho Lord Savo to auch mean foodo Aa wo went niong, thoy killed • eor, with a young ono in her. They gave mo a pioco of tho fawn, and il waa ao young and lender that one might eat tho bonoa aa well aa the lleah, and yet I thought it very nod. When night camo un we aat down. It rained, but they ouiekly got up a bark wigwam, where I Uy dry that night. I looked out in tho morning, and nuuiy of them had lain in tho rain all niirht, I knew by Uieir reeking. Thua the Lord dealt morel> OiDy with mo many limee, and I fared hotter than many of them. In tho morning they took the bktod of tho door, and put it into the paunch, and ao boiled it. I coaM eat nothing of that, though they eat it aweotly. And vot thoy won ao nkw in other thinga, that when I had fetched water, and had pot tho diah I dipped the waten with into tho kettle of water which I brought, they would aay thoy would knock mo dowui for they aaki it waa a aluttiah tnck. y Thb Ftrruimti Rbnoti. — We went on our travol. I hnv» ing got a handfal of groundHiuta for my anpport that day, thoy mvo mo my load, and I went on cheerfully, with tho thougmla of going homeward, having my burthen more upon my Moli than my apirit. We camo to Baquaug rivor agnin that day, near which wo abode a few dava. Somotimoe onn of Uiem would give me a pipe, andthar a Attlo tobacco, anolhar a littlo aaltf whwh I wonla change for victuala. I cannot bnt think what a wolfiah appetite poraona have in a atarviur eon- dition ; for many times, whon thoy gave mo that whien waa hot, I waa to gracdy, that I ahould bum my mouth, that H wonld trovbU mo many houra aflor, and yot I ahonld qnkUj do tho Uko agnin. And afkor I was thoroughly hungry, I inw novtr again sntiaflad; for though it somotfoioe fell out that I had got anourii, and did aat till I could oat no mora, yot I itisfiod aa I was whon i began. And now etmld I aw that aeripturo voriBod, thera being many scripturae that wo dn not taka notieo of or undorotand tul wo ara afflicted, Mie. 8 : K TloNiAnft art md nolle M«||M." Nowmightlaooi thm ovnr baforo the mia«rios that sin hath brotight upon as. llMijr tiaaal ahonld ho ready to run oat against tho Mathont bn* ttnt ssripluo wonld quiet mo again, Amaa 3: 6r-^ SktM iii wmncmmmmmm 44 MM. ROWLAMMON'I CAPTlVmr. f I tk«r« h^nUimlht tit^, mnd tkt Urd huth not d»t»t U f " Th« Lord h«lp in* to in«k« m right improvninent of hit word, that I might luarn that grMt IfMoii, Mle. fl : H, 9,—" H» ht4h $hamd Mm, O mmn, wAttt ii good ; •nd *rA«« 4Mh tht Urd nqnin t,f tkM, kut f do jtullp aitd tort mtrrp, ond umlk kunMf wUh My Chit Htor ft tJk rod, ond wkn hoik offoitUMl il." Tai BtiTiiNTa Rimovi.— W« btgan thU rtmovt with wading ovor Baquaug rivor. Tha water waa up to our lina«a, and tha ■tream very awift, and le cold that I thought it would hava cut ma in aundar. I waa ao weak and feeble that I reeM aa I want along, and thought thara I mutt end my dava at laat, aAar my bearing and getting through so many difllcultiaa. Tha Indiana itood laughing to aaa me itaggering along, but in my diatraaa tha Lord gave ma aiperience of the truth and goednaaa of that promiaa, Im. 43: 9«— "ITWii thou pomtk through tkt wat«r I toill Ae wUh tktt, md throngh tK$ riotn, tktg 3m not oorrjhw thtt." Then 1 mt down to ^t on my Btockinga and ihoea, with the taara running down my ayaa, and many aorrowful thoughta in my heart. But I got up to fo along with tbam. Quickly thara came up to ua an Indian who informed them that I mutt go to Wachutet • to my mna- tar. for thara waa a letter come nom tha council to tha aam* BMcaa about radeaming tha captivee, and that thara wouMba another in fourteen daya, and that I muat be thara ready. My hantt waa ao heavy before that I could aearca apeak or go in tha path, and yat now so light that I could run. Mv atrangth mmiil to eoma again, and to recruit my feabla knaea and •eking heart; yetit pleated them to go but mia mila that night, and thara wa ataid two daya. In that time cama a com- mmj of Indiana to ua, near thirty, all on horaaback. My haMt Sripnad within me, thinking they had been Enaliahman. at tha flrat eight of them ; for they were dreaaed in En^iah appual. wfch hnta, whita neckclotha, and aaahaa aboat their waiato, and fihbona upon their ahoulden. But whan th«y cama near thara una a vaat dtfferanca between the lovely Cacaa of Chriatiana and tha fool looka of thoae heathen, whieh mnch damped my ^^M iKtihtmiitb Banova.— A comfortable ramova it wna to ma, beeauae of my hopea. They gava mo my padi and •loof wa want cheerfully. But quiekl^ my wiU prorad mora • PriaeMoa. Tlwawaatata to tU•towa■^mr«aiMthaaam«^5*• •haaM. BOtvithMaadiai a nuM auaaift to ehaaie U to Mraal Adaaa. a veaMM tha bom a Adanu, bat I mm mtAM aniMt Om k«MM» lia iraBtlee of d««rojriBf the old aaiaea of ifcaea. The tojjjri^ Terk'deeimalaba eba rt taa il byaa aaidnaaka to «ach "-" iwai thai fail< and M>A< ilfy lUTM •at and the the] ohi tha bro« s: tha gav and thai /fa ■pir rabi ntr 1 alof war daai can thia oft) waa tarr auff boili cowl wai! aqoi and ▼•f] net itd ivmr. itotiontUf" Th« It of hit word, ihtl 1 ),—» Ht iMh ihamd tk* Ltrd rtqnirt »f mlk hmmUy with th^ titUtd U." 1 thb rtmovt with VM up to our knoM, it I tboufkt it would d fcobic that I rt*«M end my davi at but, lo many difllcultkn. riering klong. but in ea of the trutb •nd • Wktn th»H pamtk ihnHgh tkt rinr$, down to put on my ling down my oyMi rt. But I got up to I up to ui ui Inaina ichuMt* to my maa* council to tbo ■•«!»• thnt tbtfo would M bo thoro roady. My enrco •po«k or go in i run. Mv •trongth ny fe«bl« Knooo nd » but on* mil* that int timo camo a com- onobaek. My hoart n EnyliahnMn. at the I in Englith apparal, Mmt their waists, aad they eamo naar thaia f Cuts of Christiana 'M mnch damped my irtable remova it waa ra mo mypaek and my will pcorad moM rslaiiMthsauBOiirWap tags U to Mooal tMl agsinstths tr. TlMlaMtisrsritaw • (br saeh tttmmmummim 11 MM ■OWLANMON'l OArTITITY. U than my strvngth ; having little or no refVeshmsnt. my strength failed, and my ipirila wont elmuat quite gone. Now may I ■ay as David. PmI. 109: 831, U3, Vir-^itm poor ond ntt4p, •nd mp ktort ii woumM wilMn m$. I mm gene lUtc a ikodow wktn U dttiinalh. i om toutd up mnd down Uko Ikt toetut. Mfi kntti an weak through /(uting,tnd mjf Jla$h /mittth ^fhi' iana At night we came to an Indian town, and the Indii ■at down by h wigwam discoiininf;. but I was almost spent and could scarce Mpeak. I laid down my toad and wrnt into the wii^am. and thifre Ml an Indian boiling of horse*fe«t, they bemg wont to eat (he Aeah Ant, and when the feet were old and dried, and they had nothing else, they would cut olT the feet and use them. 1 asked him to give me a little of hia broth, or water thev were boiling it in. He took a dish and Kve me one spooniul of samp, and bid me take as mueh of I broth as I would. . Then I put some of the hot water to the samp, and drank it up, and my spirits came again. Ha gave me also a piece of the rufle, or ridding of the small cuts, may say with Jom than, "S«*, /j>f ay you, Aeie eiiiM swm on mlifhtmod hoeomm I tortod m littU of this AotKy."—! Ram. 14 : 90. and I brniled it on the coals ; and now I may say with Now is my spirit revived anin. Though means be never so inconsida> rable. yet if the Lord bestow nis blessing upon tham, they shall raf^ash both soul and body. Taa EioMTiiNTH Rimovi. — We took up tmr packs, and along we went { but a wearisome day I had of It. Am wa went along. I saw an Englishman stripped naked and lying dead upon the ground, but knew not who he was. Then wt came to another Indian town, where we staid all night. la this town there were four English children captives, and ana of them my own siMer's. I went to see how aha did, and sIm was well, considering her captive condition. I would hava tarried that night with her. but they that owned her wouhl not suflbr it. Then I went to another wigwam, where they wan boiling com and beans, which was a lovely sight to see, bat I cmiU not gat a taste thereof. Then I went into another a^ warn, where there wers two of the English children. TS§ sqnaw was boiling horses' feet. She cat me ofl* a litiJa jriaea, and gave one of the English chiUren a piece also. Baia* vary hangry, I had quiokfy eat up mine ; but the child coaM not bita it. It was ao tough and ainewy, and Uy socking, naw- I alabbaring of it in the mouth and hand ; then I toi inf , and alabbariiiff of it in the mouth and hand ; then 1 took it of tha child, ana eat it myaalf, and savory it waa to my taaiat that I may aay as Job. chap. 6: 7,— "TAe thmgi that mg mmi ' ilkiotomokMrtat mg$orromfia mmt." ThastheLofd that pleasant aad laftaahing iriiich anothar tima mM- mcipr-- I »i nmmm mmmmmmmimmmmmm'mmmmmmamm i i MM lOWLANMON'! CAPTIVITT. IM' wtfwam, «na in*]r wni m* i aM>rT«rMi my rouwr wiin •fginf, and if I did lo any moro ihity would knock ma on M Rffsd. I (old th4«m Ihry had «■ good do that m itarvo ma Imv« lw«n an ahominstion. Than t w«ni homa to my mta* Mao' wiffwam, and thoy told mo I dUfrarod my maator with 52 todoaih. Till NiNiTiRNTN Rrhovr.— Thi*y Mid whrn w« wont out tJMl wo mutt irarol to Wa«huMt thin day. But a bitlor woary day 1 hail of it, travi't laat, and novtr got out ; but I may aay a« in INalm 9'lt 18,— **Wk0n mt /hot ilipp*4. Ihp mrey, O Lord, htid ma us." Ctoing aloi.^, having indood my life, but littlo inirit, PhillD, who waa in tho company, camo up, and took nm by tho hand, and Mid, ** Two wtwKa more and you ahall bo mlatroiM again." I aakod him if ho tpoko inif*. Ho Mfd, " Yon, and quickly YOM ahall come to your maitor again ;" who had boon gone nem ua three weeka. After many weary atep*, wo came to Waehaaot, whore ho waa, and glad wm I to »«a in g to ono lirml b>. 'or*. I hare lunk down >'t I* in INalm 9-1 1 I8,~- Litrd, Md m» it*. " jl litlla niirii, Philip, look mn by th« hand, all b« mialNMM again." 4, " Ytn, and quirhly ' who had b««n gena iry •ippn, wa cam* to « I to tdt him. Ha him not this month. •If, and Md ma waak, d, and Ud hia aquaw 't ma a maM of baana e. I waa wondarftiUy Padm 106i 4»r-"A \mtemrritd thmmmmn ■omeiimaa with on« la old aqaaw at whoaa taater had baao thaaa ,* with whom I had rera and proud dama K heraair naar aa much lowderinf har hair and eaa, with Jawala in bar rhan aha had draaaad r wampum and baada. ry whom ha had two ed by tha old aoMW, ma, at which I M • liU^i Mil lOWLANngON't C^.mVITY. 4R waaf4aff. Than iha old Muaw luld nia, to aitifouraga ma, that whan I wanlmi viciuaU I •hnuld roma in hnr, and ihal I abould lla in hat wigwam. Th«n I want with tha maid, and quickly I aama barb and lodgtd tbara. Tha anuaw laid a mat undar ma, and a food rug ovar ma \ thn Ant itma that I had any ■itch kindnaaa abowtd ma. I undaratood that Waiiimora thought, that if tha abould lat ma go and aorva with iha old tquaw, aha ahould ba in dangar to Iom not only my Mrvira, but tha r^ damption-pay alio. And I waa not a liitlo glad to hear ihia { being by ll raiaed in my hopea that in aofPa due time ihara wouhl ba an end of ihia aorrowrul hour. Then came an Indian and aakad me to knit him three oair of atockingt*, for whieh I had a hat and a ailk handkerchfef. Than another aakad ■• le make har a ahil\, for which aha gave me an apron. Than cama Tom and Peter with the aaeond teller from tka aouneil, about the captivea. Though they were Indiana, I gat tham by tha hand, and buret out into ^ara i my heart waa m full that I could no* apeak to ihem j but recovering myaaU; ] aakad tham how my huaband did, and all my frienda and •equaintanca. They aaid they were well, but verv fT'elsMhaly. Tbay brought ma two btacuita and a pound of tobacco. Tm tobacco I aoon gave away. Whan it waa all gone ona aakad oio to givo him a pipe of tobacco. I told him it waa all gono. Thon ha bogwi to rant and threaten. I told him whan ay huaband cama I would give him aome. " Hang him, rogua,** ■oya ha i " I will knock out hia braina if ha comae hare." And thon agmin at the aama brepth they would aay that if thofo abould eooM an hundred without guna they wmud do thorn m burt { ao unaubia and like madman they ware. So that liMf^ ing tha worat, I durat not eand to my huaband, though tboN wore Bomo tboughto of hia coming to redeem and latch mo, net kttowing what night follow ; for there waa little mora trual to than than to tha maator they earvad. When tha latior wm COMBO, tbo aagamoroa mat to eonault about the captivea, vU adlod mo to thorn, to inquire how much my huaband wo«M fitro to radoom no. When I cama I aat down among tboad M I waa wont to do, aa thair mannor ia. Then they Nd «• •iMid up, and aaid Iboy wore tbo general court. They bid mo apaak what I thought bo wouU givo. Now knowing tbtt aU ibM wo bad waa daatrajTad by tba Indiana, I waa in a groat atnit. I tboucht if I abouU apeak of but a little, it wookl bo aUgblad and hinder tbo matter; if of a great aum, I knew not wbiM it woobl bo ntocorad ; yet at a venture I aaid twantv pMuida, vot doairad tbom to toko loaa ; but tboy wouM not banr of thai, (at aant tha m aeaago to Booton,that for twenty ponada I akoMld be lodoomod. It wu a pfeyisg Indian thai wrolt mmtmmmgm ■Ma MM. lOWLAIfMOIf'f OAmVITV. iktir W AIMi whoa ikay wani lo Sudbury Afki, wani wiik ikam, and kk aoMw sIm witk kim, wiik kar popoM ai kar kMk.t Ba* ttm iHoy wani lo ikol Afki, ikav got a company loftikof lo pt««w. Tko mAnnoff wna m followalk. TImn wm om Umi kMolad upon a daof'akin, wiik tko omi* fmf Moaad kim in a ring, wko knoolad. atriking vpoa tko Cad witk tkoir kanda and wiik atiaka, and maitofinc m miag witk tkair mouika. BwidM kim wko knooM in tha riatf tkoia alM atood oao wiik a gua in kia kand. Tkaa ha aa tka d•a^akin aiado a apaack. aad all maai i ai i ad aaaaat It ll( aad M tkay did many limaa taattkor. Tkoa tkoy kid kia win a na ga out of tko ring, wkieli k« did ; but wkaa ka waa aak tkoy callod kim in again i bat ko aaamad M amko • MMid. Tkoa tkoy mIM ika mora Mraoady, till ka twraod ifi^n Tkaa tkay all Mag. Tkon ikoy gafa kim Iwa giiao, k aaak haad ona. And m ko oa tko dao t akia kagaa agala t Md al Ika tad af ovary MatonM ia kia aaaabing tkay aO ■awand, aad knanUag ar maitariag wiik wair ma at ka , aad aliikiaf aaaa tka graaad witk tkair kaada. Tkaa i^y hU kkiwlikiMtwagMa«gooatof tktringagaiat wkiak«ady •Thayaayba HI l^HP AP^^^V ^^ VMw ^^^BH^^V* ITWaaNMrhaolllra. Ikliaai, allar all,laka ihap mo ekMM, aia M anaal jait> Taa IWMMiyL a WW aad a MHla iaiwaMTlw iba Uma, cf nftataailf ■umg la ladaaa Mvipa iocki Wt ^MM BHip ^Si ^^*F ^^^^^9 S^^Vi IM^BM ^ JIMP al rl Al kk Ml Iki ik< tk< tk« 10 ka tki ail M la kM Im kM kal ala lU lik Ml Tivmr. MMf •raying ImIUh, WMlM MM Ml ktt, llitM*, iHougll M \»tffm Una. Tll«ll M Mhi ; 84.— •• rW« ITM 4 if*W 1, amkinf «paa Ika ■,Mi4 MMilannff m biM wbo b n aa l ai in 1 in bia bandl. Tban all w— Mi n la4 aaaani ibar. 11m« ibay bM eb badUt bulwban II ba taawad la Maka maaUy, till ba Mraad f gava biM twa fMM, lar^iM bafM af»i« t la aaaakiitf tbajr aO Tban ibnf bU af»bt wbkliWiy MM ■OWLANMON'M CAmVITV. • a IlliU way. Tk*n ikav 'all«4 him •(•in, b«ii k* ma4« • tland. •a ikay ralU'i kim wilk tfraaivr DarnaxineM ; kiii ka aioaii raalinf ami w««t«rtnff, aa if k« kn«>w niM wkaikar k« «ky want owl not aa racing, but ibay rama koiM wilk aa gfoat a virtofy i Ikay Mid ikov bilb»d iwa eaptaina and almoai an kandfad I. Ono Bngtiakman tbay kwagkt allva wlib ibam, and ba Mid it waa lao inia, fer ibojr bad mada aad warb al Sndbarv | aa indaad it provad. Yat iImv Mmo komo wiibavt tbal la j a b hiff aad triumpbing aoar iboW vlatory wbieb tboy wara araiM la abaw at otbalr limM t bat raibar lika doga, m tbay any, wMak bava laal ibair oaia. Yat I redid not pairaiva tbal It waa (br ibair awB Iom tt man \ tbay Mid ikay kmt nui abaoa iva at $ku I aad I miaaad ^umt, aaeoat in ana arigwam. Wban ll waai Ibay aeiad aa if tba davU bad laid tbam tbal tbay obaali Min tba victary. aad naw tbay aetad aa if tba davil bad laM UMni tbay abaald bavn a ML Wbatbar it wara aa ar im, I aaiwat lall, bat n It pravad t for tbay ^aiably bagan la fcM, aad aa bald an tbal oamaMr. till tbay Mma ta atitr r«M. Tbar aaaa bama en a labbatb day, anid tba pawaw tbal bnaalai apaa tba daaMdiin aaaia bama. I may My wiibaai anv af aa Maeb m iha daviL Wban my niMiar mrm bama ba ( la ma and bid im rmIm a abin far bia papaoa, af a HattMii ■9W piliVwIMiVTa Abaai ibat lima ibaia aama an Indbin la ma, aad bU a* aaoM ta bia arigwam ai nigbi, and ba waald giva ma aama poik •ad ffiaand*«nia, wblab l did i and m I waa Mtlng. anaihar Indian Mid to ma, ** Ha aaama ta ba yaur fead friand, bat ba ktflBd ima InfHabman at Badbary, and thara lia tba elaibaa baMad yaa." I laabad bablnd ma, and tbara I mw Uaadjr alalbfM, trilb ballal*balM in tbam ; yal iba Lord aalftfad Ml a, i n an a d of tbal, ba Ikla arvolcb la da ma any ban, yM, i n an a d of ilMi, fea amay lliHa laftaabad ma i tva or all llama did ba aad bk a^aw ■■Aaab aiy faa bi a nrcaaa. If I want to ibair wigwam at aay IhMk ikif waald alwaya ghra ma aomotbing, and yat tbay iraia waaaNBabaiflaApriL MM f ii MM ■owi.ANMoirt tArrtvitY liwfiw iImi I mtt «•« UAmw. AuMkaf «|««« mm nm • piMS •< (Ml f«fli. •ii4 • luiU Mill wiik M,«n4 lani nm li«f Of Ittf |M to f^y M t AM^ I «•«««« Im« f«m«mWf wk»t • awMt, ■(— w»l Ml4 MlflllAil Milcll llMl iMi Im4 !• MM, M UtM 4iif . Mb \MU 4* «• pvia* «MNM«ii imi w U< . wImii «*« lka?« iWni (• iIm tail. Tu TwB«tMT« lltiMvi.— It WM iWlr mmI m»mmt i* M«MV« wiMi llMjr Im4 iImm Mf MiwIiiM. Imi %k»f alMuM U flMMl4 Ml I •Il4 M iIMV M •! lIlU UlM. W« VMM A^Ml iImw w fo«r MilM, •m4 iImw iImjt buili • gnat vttfWMii, Mf MMfll I* %iM ••• ItniMirH ln4i«tM, wHlrk ilMy M in ywp> mMM ioagfMi4«)r«(4hiiriM|. TImv v«wM imw wjr Mi«if I* htm W« Mk«4 •wk MlMf 9t mtt wamra. sn^ Imw my littahiiMi M. %m4 aN my fh*n 4» . H» laU m* iImv «r«f* aU irvii, mi4 wmiM !• fM M M* «•. Amw m MlMf ibinfl* w^ . Ii mv Iii h Im«4 mm MNt • fMM 9l mUm*. wIi^wIi I mM Im lltM lllUllilfl !• MMMjfi mr MMiy of Umm Uh iMMlMk 9mA irMtiU tvy. I« wm • gfMl mUibIic la My wiM UMMflii I MM fm MfcMMt Ibv UMMHJii Um fc«w af CM «lMl 4m^t• I UUm Mrll. TWy , w« Uy 4a U*iM4llM 19 I^M It WSflVi WV Im0 pfSVMMM lv» H«ir Im4 WottfflM. Aa4 «• «•« «• At r 0«4, tai lUi MM M— 1>. te dM «lM imvVw wwi mmh n ivmimw* of lAovn MvvuiOwi wmi 00 • UMk |m4 fc«4. m4 m ■■ffMi Jmm b«t Mr. ^Gwini mpaU» Utei Umm Um ' ' VfeM WV MM I UMM mpaU» Utei Umm Umv 4i4 MftiMtli «•■ mi Um ImM m4 libi WO BOlll|f IMN lflHi.Ww tkMb, • jfUt W Ut« ««-MMy pMMfe •ffM4 HfM. Ill Imim4 tt 4mim§ m Miy miMkiaf, mny u tm ai to W mIimmb •rUMfMi.Ml«i4it«MUM mmttkif MIm* Umi 4M IL Ok Umm w* omM WUtvt Umi Umm wm uMbinff too Itoii fir 0*4. Omi alMwvd hi« pownr •?•? Ui« ImsUmh In ihit, m Im N Um iMSfry Hmm wIm« DmM I gngi tuff Um ' Mr. HdM will) (JMM bMiM to 4iMMf, Wi Utoy ato U« HHtoi iWy krtf M bMy !■ 4toM l i n UtoMitlvi ■ii4 MMlag fM4y tf iMr 4mmi wMei wMcwrM Mbyalfflu •! UMM,lb«MM Ml fcar ty to itoi My MMtor mi4 mkuwm Mmg tw». He itm 4n»> m4 la kli H ill a a d ililrt, wMi gNai ■toiMagi, kit Mfton k«Bff Mkk ikiUlaci. Mri ka4 fMlw af waMpMa «pM kS ■^T^:. If WW 90WLAI»mom% C4ftlV|TT. 9k» hm4 • k'twv MM, 0m^mt »Hl» ftr> 1 fkvM llk« Mm M«f MMM IhMN Mf m^' IM.M4 M4M %mw»4 III ^•Vlli Is Iwf Mf»> Mw Im4 Im »••( tlavltllHr*- ••••) «iktto iIMm^ IhN IM» y 4 mffi kirn t te« Itofiaf aM aM a^Mw, Im laa to Im*. aad a* mitmA Um LaHli naiey «ra araia m mtn MwbM wMi Ma Ya< I M Ml a caailMtoUa MfM^a wai ( fhv I TW Ikiaariii ItelMflil. iMak r«M Mj I 4U aai alaM tm Aim MgMa I il|ki Ulhra dM laitor «a«a Itaiii Um n a w il l . I MiMMi faak I waa ao Aill •! fcara uA mmUm i /aa, at tbia ifaM I eavU Ml laai Mfdl aar imj. TIm msI dgM I araa ayaijaya4, Ifo MH MMI i««4 >«4, iKmi wm • wvf* vfUif Um luff AmI kfKlfhlMf ■n ilMy ••«• 4ryi »in if I alMNtM M I ilaff ww»y 1*1 MM lMn> mw pint «f ■M,TMIIMMi IV I It ( wkkk h» 4ki ««IM ■• «i kkm. k I Mtf kt t* Mom Ml tofiv* Mm, I I li« wmM iMt*. MV, Im(I • UiImI I Mm fi» Ilk !•«•« mAf Ami. ll«Mr. 4Haktaff M 4rMk, Im fnnAA liMy tad M* I WM (Vklf IM MMlvUiiy. itnM I WM MAMf Um bar rwMi4 Um IMM, l«l riM ••• alfkthi itM I A« I mitf A w . lit l« I MWC WM fMk tkto tiM« I eMM MM Ntofmlnf« t i^n any fiiriliar, I wimiM ulia l«iiv« in mMitlAH • law tmmmtkmmi |mim*«»« nl |*)rti*l AimI llinl mir man miftil tr«^li itiam tiir ihair rftntln* lilt atimni ht ff?min4'ft«ta, wkllat tKay wara ffylnf (m tkmit hvatt I anjr, ik«i ikan mir nnny alMMM wani ff di«ik. ■«! wkal nMl I any I QJ aaama d (• lanva kta iwmpla t« ikafnaalirM, and ar daia d all iklnfa ht %k •wn koljr aiMia. " SlUtt lA»'ij mrU tn tk» Htw mmi tkt tmj katk mt da«w U f Tktp *n ml gritttd^ ik» ^fH ahm ^ Jmpk, Iktr^^ iktff tM f MfHm with tkt fht* «W «• tmftim. hitikt Utrd'iMtt.tmdHikmtUhtmnHkmm tpm.' t. I eannnl but r ama mk ar kaw ika Indiana d a r td ad At i . m and ika dttlnaaa af iHa RnfHak army In iia nattinff MM | for aAar tka daaokilaiw at Un«Mtar and MadHald. M I «««| •loH wllk Uiam, (kay aakad ma wkan I tkoufkl ika liifNA •rmy tvwiM e«na alW Uiain. C laid ikam I <-mtld not tail - It Mf ka ik«y will Mtna In May,- aald ikay. Thm ikay did M«f ai M, aa ir Ika BufHak would ka a i^mmt af v jmn fHlliiff raady. S. WkkiK alio I kava klniad kalbri, wliati ika tntliak amy wilk Mw aoiMUaa wara aani ibfUi lo |Wf««ta aftar ilM aMtny, Md Ikajr, iMdtniMdlnf H, Had kafova ikam till ihav famo U BafMi^ rHw, wkara tiajr fcrtkwiih wmm orar aaM* t tfiai Ikyjrjta f ikmiM ka iMMMMa to ika liiffHak. I cmmi kM 9UKK9 w aao nm WMMftwi wovManaa oi ffoo hi pfaaafvinf tkt hiMlMi Ant Ibrthat allNtnaii to o«r paor cowiiry. TImt I ff» in fraal wamkaia om, kut tka Bngiiali mtM Ml OWVff^ a«rv« thorn for hia holy ends, iind th« d«ilfuction of many alill among the Engliah I Strangely did Ika Lord provida for tb«m, that I did not aco, all the lima I waa among thom, on« man, woman, or child dio with hunger. Though many tinioa thoy would eat that that a hog would hardly touch, yot by tmt Ood alrcnglhenod them to ba a Kourge to hia people. Their chief and commonoal food waa ground*ni*ta i they eat alao nuta and acorna, artichokea, lillv roota, ground heana, and ■averal other weeda and roota that I know not. They would pick up old bonea, and cut ihem in piecea at tho iointa, and if ihey w«N full of worma and mag||ou thoy would aeald ihem over the fire, to make iba rertnin come out, and taen boil tkoRit and drink up the liquor, and then beat the freat enda of tbeai in a mortar, and ao eat ihom. They would eat horaea' fttta aad ea^^ and all aorta of wild binu which they coiUd catflhi alao bear, veniaon, beavoia, tortoiae, froga, aquinobi 4«g8, akunka, rattle>anakea, yea the very bark of trooa ^\m* WMoo all aorta of creaturea, and proviaiona which thoy ploft* da(«4 from the Engliah. I can but ataod in admimtioa to aoo (Im wonder(\il power of Ood, in providing for eocb a vaal •amber of our enemiee in the wiMemaaa, wbeio th«f« waa Mthiof to be aeen but from band to mouth. Maov tioMO ia IIm morning tho generality of them wouM oat ap all they had« and yet have aome farther aupply againat they wanted. Bol now our pervorae and evil oarriagea in Iho eight of tho Lord havo ae Monded him, that ioatoaa of taming hia hand againat Hktm, tho Lord Ceoda and nouriahea them up to be a oeowft H lh0 whole land. 4w Another ihfaig that I wovld dboervo ia, th«,atmafa pioivi* 4onao of Ood in tuminff thiagt about when tho Indiana wwa nl the higbaet and tho finffUah at tho loweet. I waa with *• •namy eleven weoka and five daya,* and not ono weak p aaaaj without their fury and aomo deaolation bv fira or tmmm upon 0B« place or other. Thoy mourned for tnoix owp l aaaaa, vM Iritimphod and rejoiead in their inhwaan and 4«vttiah enialqr 14 tho BagUah. Thty would hoaat muoh «f iheir yi'manm oaving that in two hourt* time thoy had daMMyed aneh • oapn HM Md hia company, in aneh a piaoei nnd boaat how mwip tfww thay had deatroyedi and than aaaff aad-aay thay kai itm ■'(..•;.■: Jail.! •! '^..Iria. from TA.M^.tflii9. ^ m.1^., iher wou the eoui and eyei ih«> the in a own the into aorv B aro agai wan aaki era I rido hat^ n aqui thei Oo< Am and dor aort abai aro iat act t Hoi 'Naanaii mti miKrtm mmm mummavmiiMt fifimmmmtmt ^^^^BIWWIPP IVITY. liown, th«y wouK :oiilil liu found wu they had in ■Ion d yvt buw to kdml* holy ends, iind tht ith > Stringnly did t ti'o, ill th« tim« I lid dio with hungtr. that • hog would snod them to b« t 9und-n«*Ui theyMt I, ground botnii and r not. They would at thn iointe, and if ^ woula M«ld them out, and tjMn boil Mt tha great anda of f would aat horaaa' I which they couM iee, froga, aquinobi bark of trooa if>U- ■ which thojr plan* in acbBintum to m« ng for each • vaal la, whero lh«r« wu lb. Manv tioiaa in tat up ail they badi , they wanted. But M aigbt of th« Lord ing hia hand afMaal I up to bo • oeowf* ia,tb«,8tf«i)flapi«iTi> •n tkoIndiMWWWO wit. 1 wvB with A* not OQO wo^ pMw4 Mil owp loMOO, vat •nd 4ai«ludi onifAqr oh af thoir y'vimim i«Uayed each a «ap»! dA pay they > ■< i nm '■110 a I ■ \V I *ft MRS. R0WLAND»ON'8 CAmVITY. M thorn a good turn to aond them to heaven ao loon. Again they would aay tbi* aummer they would knock all the rogue* on tht boad, or drire them into the mni, or make them fly tbo eoiintryi thinking aurely, Agag-lika, "Tht bittariuu «/ itath it ptmti." Now the heathen be^in to think all ia their own ; and tho poor Christiana' hopea fail, (aa to man,) and now their oyea are more to Ood, and their hearta aigh beaven.ward, and they aay in good eameat, " HHp, Ltrd, or wt wnith." When the Lord had brought hia people to this, that they saw no help in any thing but biroaelf, then be ukea the ouarrel into hia own hand ; and though they made a pit aa deep aa bell for the Ghriatians that aummer, yet the Lord hurled tbemaolvea into it And the Lord had not ao many waya before to pra> aorvo them, but now bo bath aa many to destroy them. But to Totum again to my i^ing homo ; where we may aoa a romarkaUo change of pro*idonco. At Ant they wen all againat it, except my huaband would coma for me ; but aAat> ward thoy aaaontod to it, and aooming to rejoice in it : aoma asking me to aond them aome bread, othera aome tobacco, oth- tn ahaking mo by the hand, offering mo a hood and scarf to rido in s not one moving band or tonguo aninat it Thua hath tho Lord anawerod my poor doairoa, and tho many oar* aoat requaata of othon put up unto Ood for mo. In my travala on Indian eatme to me, and tokl mo if I wore willing ho and hio squaw wo'jid run away, and go home along with mo. I toM thorn no 5 was not willing to run away, but desired to wall Ood'a timo, that I might go homo ouietly and without foar. And miw Ood hath gtantod mo my desire. the wondorAal Cwor jif God Ihat I have soon, and the oxporionooa that I vo had i>»l have boon in the midat of thoao roaring liona and savago boara, thai fsarod neither Ood, nor man, nor tha doril, by night and day, olono and in oompany, oloopini all aorta tbgaUMT, and yot mM ono of them oror o&red the laaal obaao of unelwality to mo in word or acthmC thoa|^ aoaa aro raa^ to aay I anaak it for my own creditt bot I ^aakH ia the piaaence of Ood, and tn hv glory. Ood'a Mwor ia a» gnat now aa h waa to oavo Daniel in tho Ikma* don, or tka diroo ehiUien hi tho ilery (amaoo. Fiapoeially that I ahooM coaw away hi tho midst of ao many huadroda of anomioa,-aMl not a 4ef mevo hia lonffDO. ^ So I took my leave of them, and in eoming along my haart imkoi iaiotaara mora than ajl tho while 1 woa with them, and I waayawat jw all awad uy with the thoughtathal evorl «lM«M# hmm a«ia; AboM the aun'a ooiar doiwn, Mk Hoar, myaolf, and the two Indiuu, came to Lancoater ; and a aight it was to ma. ' Inmlad I Uvod many eomfbrt* mitiimiiMiUim Miiiiiiittiiati wmmmmtmmmmmmmmiitiimmmmmmKtim M MM. ROWLANMON'8 OAPTIVITY. abU VMN Hinong my raUtioiui «nd Mifhbon, and now not ono Chrbtian to bo Mon, or ono houM loft ilandinf . Wo wont on to • form^bouM iJint wan y«i ■tandiiif, where wo lay all nigbt I and a comfortablo lodging wo had, though nothing but straw to lio on. Tho Lord proMnrod ua in tafaty that night, raiaod uo up again in tho morning, and carried ui along, that boforo noon wo came to Concord. Now waa I full of jov. and fot not without eorrow : joy to lee luch a lovoly ■ight. ■0 OMUiy Christians togethoK and some of thorn my neighbors. Ttiero I mot with my brother and brotlior>in sent, they desired ray hurtiand to prMch the thanksgiving far them { Mt he was not willing to stav there that night, hut ha would go over to Salisbury, to hear farther, and come agnin ia the morning, which he did, and preached there that day. At night, when he had done, one came and told him that hk daughter was come into Providence. Here waa merey on bodi hands. Now we were between them, the one 00 tha east, and the other on the weet. Our son being neareet, we went to him first, to Pttrumonth, whore we met with him, and with the major alao 1 who told us he had dona what he eonl' but eould not redeem him under seven poonda,whkh thoMC people thereaboou wore nieaaed to pay. The Lord reward tha major, and all the reat, though unknown to mo, for their kabar of love. My sister*! son waa rodeemed for torn pounds, whith the couaeil gave order for the paYment of. Having new ra- ceived one of our children, we baatenad toward the othar. Ooingback throngh Newburr, my husband preached iKeraMi' the Sabbath day, for which they rewarded him manifokl. ' « ' On Monday we caoM to Oharlostown, where we hmki that the gnvaroor of Rh«de lahmd had aent over for our dnu|^ ter« to tnfce caio of her, beinf now within hie jurisdieti«n| wUih alMoM net paas without our aeknowlodffm^ta. But aha bainff nearer Rohoboth than Rhode Island, Mr. Newman wdiM aWv aalloak ear* of hor, and brought bar to hla oWn And tha modnaai of G^id wm admirable to na in our b that ha laitod vp eompaaaionata friends on evwy mmmmm Mkm iiJiiHiiy liMMnii m MM ROWLAIfMON'S CAPTIVITY. dM«t whan w had nothing to rvcompenM uny for Ihffir lovt. TIm Indiana w«r« now fon« that way, ihat it waa appr«h«nd> •d dangaroua (o go to har i but th« carta which carried provia* ion to iha EnglUh army, being guarded, brought h«r with UMm to Dorehmler, whora wa r»ceive Aad tnily have wa foand him to bo uwk a friend unto na in wkooa ho«M wa Hvad, via. Mr. Jamea Whiteonab^ a friand noav hmk aad &r off. I eao ramambar tha tima whan I aaad to alaap qaiallf, wMh* Vn;ji/« <•■>•< *H,! ■SI »M« >■ • Tin May^ 1697. '.'( perily, having the comforts of this world abbJt me. ny lok- tione bjr me, and my heart cheorAil, and taking littU car* fer any thing, and yet seeing manv, whom I preferred befbre mjr- self, under many triala and affliotkNis, in sickness. povertT, lossoe, crosses, and cares of tbo world, I shouU bo somotimee Jealous lest I should have my portion in this lllb. But now I see the Lord had his time to acourn and chastoa mo. The poitkm of some is to have thoir affliction by dropik but tho wimtf utoitiakmtnt, like a iWM ft np rmht tAnt Umtti mjktd, dM too Lord prepare to bo my pc rtion. Afflirtion I wnntod, and afllelion I had. Mi measure, pressed down and runninff over. Yet I too when Ood enlia persons to noror m many Afflenliloo, yet bo is aUo to curry them throogk, uA make them say tkoy have' been gainers tker^ ; toad 1 bwf I oaa any, in soroo moasMOrM Dnvid, U i$ ftoi fit wm tkitJ kmthm^flktti, 1^ Lord hath showed mo tho ftnity tf thoao Mtward things, thnt they nio tho oMiMstef wmMst Mtf i^ipfrft/ Uiat thoy nro bttt a shadow, abbst, fthaUAl, MaiiMwaco. If troaUo tnm smaltor nallw havf soaMthiag at hand ta ekadt nyMV 'Why am I troaUei r It was bat tKo ollMt %7 iNl tf I h«d tha Wid I waoM hava gim it te ny frMu i Mi'in aa mr aai tmmmmmtammKmmtttilim •0 •TOdWELL'l CAPTIVITY. iam, or lo bat* bMii • MrvMnl to • ChrMliM. I hstrt UanMil M look boyoiui BroMDl and tmalWr iruubim, tni to bo i)UMi«tl aador ihom, •■ Mom* mkI, Eiod. 14 1 I3y -" StmiU $ttU mJ m Ikt mtMlitn tf ikt btrd." » I" NARRATIVB or TNI CAPmrmr or qvintin itocewbll, who wai ta gBN AT DUnriBLD, IN MAMMOHUIITTM, lY A fARTY 01' 5 ntLAND INDIAKIt IN THK YEAR UTTi COMMUNIOATBO IN "■» OWN WORM, AND ORMINALLY PURLIRHRD RY TNR * Buniirr or. imobbami mathrr. in tui yiar iim. A nitlMtar msomI of iIm Imjptkm bi wlitelk l^atlnrtll vU imImm fcll I Om huAt vt iIm ImiteM win ba IboiMl ka iIm Rom or tu Immms, tit, p. 97 and M. Ooi ct immlf/tm M iImI iikm kilM aad lakM, m Imi* iIm ■•■••■ onljror Umm i (tataito BlockwtU, Jolui Root, Sanmial niMMi, RM|>Mita llaMai, Ma wtfc, R«(iaBrta WatM, tad SMnMlRa^ mR. niayloa waa barai la iMi aiaai awaaar, Root wm WRai, aad ' or tka oilMn I kavo laaiaad aaUriaf . 1r lb* jmt IVn, Saptombar iba 19ib. ba» dtnii Um ladiaat eama upon us. I mm aootkai mmii btiog togatbM, wa no away at iba outcry ibo. IiKliaiN imUb, abatM* iof and abootiBf at aoma otbara of tba BngUab tbai arava htmi by. Wa took a swamp tbat was at baa4 for oar noAitB { iba •■amy oapyinc us so oaar tbam, ma bAm us, and sboi many mna at us i tbraa guns waia dbebarfad apan lai^ tba aaosRy Sateff witbia tbraa rods of om, baaidaa maay otbaca baftirs tbat. A^af ia tbis swanp, wbkb was aiiry* I shuapad la and Ml jawa, wbartupon ona of tba aaamy Msppad ta laoi wiib bi» laiebat liftad up to knock mo on tba baad, aappsahw tbat 1 bad lasR wouodod and so aafit for any otbor trafvl. l. as itbap> faaad^bad a pistol by dm, wbkb, tboayb uaebaind, t p isiaU d ID tba Indian, wbo araaantly ttaopad b«eb, and tm «»•> Jf I watld yisU I sbouid bava no norti ba saidt wbMi wai RM ma, tbat tbay >u»d daatroyod all HatfiaU, aid tbat tba waadt faU of (ndiaas, wbaraupon I yialdod RipaaV; iad JkUiRi ialo tbair baads, was by tbraa of tbon Mawpy WMftd whanM^rai Ibag^a lo iaak« my <|if|bi. , Kwra iw»i ttuw «ama fuaaiaf ta «a, and tWoa#,Jimaf y m blow, Ritd iRiAi Itpi* Mi frltRd.. i 1 oW aba Id an< lii Iba noa no« bro bco bn aaa and •ar Iba •iff woi wil< ■d i ■I ia. a I» to i aloi 1»« I0i #1 TV. m, *ai to bt auMttd f ->* Simd itm md # > » ■ < t riLL, WHO WAI TA T«, iv A rARTY or COMMUNICATIO IN 'USLttHKD lY THE m YIAA IMi. hMlnrall Mii oUmn ftll m tfOM Of f U lllMMt, U liiM kilM Mul lakM, ntU, JoIm Sool, 8«nmat WtiM, and SMnMliw- PT, Bmi «m WM, Mid btU ImiUni imUbf •Ium^ ifflkk i^t mum hvti for oar ivAifi { iW r at, aiMl ■hoi mMjr vpon lai^ tbo mtmKJf ijr oUwn boftnv Umu. I ohMnpod l» mmI fell ^ !• IMiWkhtiyi MppBthwthotlkMl trswN. IimUImi^ sk.o»3tokri»»jri A nytoM^ OMlfettitt Uiilr •ToctwRLL-i cArmrmr. own kouM, which Um IniilMi bwmi ihn Imi yoor. mi4 I •houl le haild up afnin t and th«r* I hod ■om« hopoo to Mcoyo from thorn. Thar* woa o horao jutt hy, whiah thoy bid ma toko. I did to, but moila no oiiompt to aacopo tkorobw, bacouao iho •ntmy woa noor, and tbo boaat waa alow and dull. Than wm I in hopoa thoy wouH aond mo to toko my own bonao, wkiak Ikoy did i but thay wora ao frifklonod that I could not eomo Mor to tham, and ao fall alill into tha anamy'a honda. Tboy BOW took and bound mo and lad mo away, and auon waa I brou|hl into tho comjponv of olhar ^ivta, who raro that doy broufht owoy Arom HatRald, wi*o wara about ■ milo ofi and koro mothoogkt woa mottor of joy and aorrow boilit )oy to MO eomponv. and aorrow Ibr our condition. Tkon woro m pinionod and lod away in tho ni|bl ovar tho mounloina, in dork Md hidooua waya, alwut four mlhM furthar, boforo wo took n^ •nr ploco for roat. whiek waa in o it^ol piaco of wood, oa Iko ooal aido of that mountain. Wa waro kopt kound oil ikal night. Tho Indians kaol wakioar, and wo hod Ikllo niMl lo •loop in tkia nifht'a iniTal. Tho indiooa diaponad. and oa tkoy wont mod* atronfo noiaea, oa of wol««a and owio. wild boaata, to tho on w« Ujr all nifki, yt*. m w« Uy MMv •lffiit«< TImv i«M um tiMir Uw wm iImi wt •kwtli i^ M HIM nifliu, «n4 l»y thai liitM U wm thottf hi w* ■hMtId ba Ml cf our knowMn. Th« nwiiiMr of tlAbing down wm tkMi owrnrnM and l«f«, tirwichod oiti, wtro ttnliod fo«t down, •m4 n cord about our nocka, ao thai wo could tttr nowajra. TIm Ifal aif hi of alakinf down, boing much lirad, I alopi m ■■■fatfMo M avof . Tho noit dav wo worn up iho rivor, and •fMaad il, and ai nif hi lay In 8()uaklia«|| (NorihiUld) moadowa. Oar ptoviaion wm aoon aponi, and whik wo lav in ih«M mo** imn iho IndisM woni a hunUnf , and tho Knf liah army rama Ml nlktff ua. Than iho Indiana movod acaln. dividint Ihom* Mlvaa and iho capiivM inio many eomnanMo, ihai iho Enyliah ■Ifht not follow ihoir iracka. Ai n%hi, having aracai J Um Hvar, wo mot again ai iho plaeo appoiniod. Tho noti day w« aMaaod il again on Squakhoag aido. and ihoro wo look up our qpiAnara for a Iom limo. I auppooo ihia mighi bo ahoui Ihiny ■Mat ahovo 8ottaikhoa| ) and hora waro iho Indiana quiia Ml •fall foar of iho Bngllih, hul in groal foar of iho Mahawka. Ilaia ikay kaili a kMig wi«toii I Ini •! Ufifllt wa NKi Af tlM ! iIm •iiiilN,'*>i. Ml iK« iHMtli aiil*. •! « nv»r iImi ntiM into Um V. •ikI w« ««ri ikwii li«if « 4«]r'« |«««ni<»)r «4f Um Uk*. • m«l wklW, l«> NMli» c« I WM frwvfl, mmI •gain w« war* Itli* i* ktorv*. •I«t4 k«M CMMM U> f tt •Wf iW All Um liMlUns w»nt • liiinUfif , kui totiM fM wiilitnf i 4t»«r* 4if« ihwv |w«»wo«mmI, Mid y«( fnt im«Ii1ii( t iImh ihay 4Mir«4 iINi ■nfllMl M pmjr, wmI row fww i t lllvjr foitlii 4a nMlit«f i iIm/ «««M Mv« Ml prty, •/>4 mh wImi ih* Kngtuhmana Uo4 rMila 4»> I vtajtmI, no 4ltl Mf|Mnl PtlmpMNi, in aiMMkar pi***, TIm liMiaiM rvvvnnlly MlMMtMi, mnrntiif «n4 niflil- N«il 4i7 Umjt f*( biMn i ikica Umjt «uul4 n««4« h«v« iia 4Mlr« • UMMMff. vnA r»(«rn iImh^i m mmU i »fl«r • wbtU Ik*/ gnw •Mr? of tl. Mid Ik* mkImm 4(4 (bfbl4 w«. WiMn I w«a fr*> M»i UMy w«v« ««fy cnMl to«»ar4a nM, btcawM I could net d* M iM olMf lioMa. WiMn wo romo M Um IoIio wo woro ofoln «dlv fat M H Ibff provUion. Wo woro fcln \m oti umcIiwm4 MMMkoar*»ffoMo. At Im« wo famd o cowpoiiy 0/ w c to— o , mik iImi wo rnado • kmtk \ tnd iIm moiinof woo ilioi wo himI Ml all. I portoivod ihoro would bo too oiook Car omo limo, o* •M IndUn wbo Ml iMii i» mo Md mo alip awav omm »o kin mJkm kio com, ond ko would kido it for mo till OMikor limo. Tklo ladlon, •• ooeii m ko kud fo( mv umoI, otood •• on4 • ifooek 10 tho root, ond diacororod mo 1 M ikot no l»> w«fu fory Mif rv ond cut mo onotkor pUoo. ond |«vo mm «Mo M drmb, wkkk mado mo oirk mmI vomli. I •M Maid Ikon ttU tkoy kad oaiaii It all af^ khm oatofiag apon iko laka. tkaia aiaaa a am tkauf kt wa ikoald all ba aaat aomy. kai am tkauckt wa ikoald all ba aaat aomy. aai ai laM wa ffM «• as iokad, and ikora tkay wont ia pawwawlif bTka pawwam aaM ikal Banjamin Waita aad aaatkar ««§ an aamtof, mk Ikai nana waa raiood la caai ikam awav. TUa aAarwaid af> aaaiad la ka ifM, Aoafk Ikaa I baliavad iImm Ml. VpaaWi Waad wa bjr ailll Nvaral daya, aad ika* aal aal agala, b«l • marai Mk ao,aat kai wa^ lay la aad fta, apa Hitah Maiii^ ■baat ikfaa amMta> Wa kaa aa aravMaM IM laaaaaM^ aa «HM tfw kdia— tk i m wifaa ikaafkt tWy liwUd ha iia m i i Tkif gafa BM aaikiaff, aa tkai I waa Madrj iaya iH*i«l aif pi^ di W aa In di ka U r w< wl aM aA Tl •o< \t Iki ka «OI mi bu ka tki £ mi do am l0( i fro Ia< «s la tU4 fTf kM4 im, H«4m1 tMl «« ikhi n aIm Mr* ••iii«4 iImi ntiM mi* iIm I«M l« f • •»•? Um •r« lili* M •!•»«•. •< unllilnf I 4i*«f* I 4o ii«ikl«ff i iluiy iliman'a U«i4 mulo lit aiMMkar |»Im«. •lul ntflil. N«il I htiv* ua itmkt* m m wbiU lliay fffvw WlMn I WM fr<»> inm I cotiM not «!• lilt «• wtm AittHi I !• Ml iomcIiwm4 mpanjr of raccMM, WM iImi w« »mI «li fer MM tlmt, M •«nv «Mii« i« l»i« • till MMllMf itMM. MAt, tlOod M «ll4 n* ; M i]miI ««IUi| mil hia kmU :•*>( «mi iMit my Mtrliala, mmmI »r«^ pad ilkam akmil my IW*. iMJpad im« up. aiU Ut«|i my aM mM w»n( Away. livinf ma • bti •! btariiit, aa Mff m • w*lii«l, wkkk h* h«4 of UM PrancliffMn, and loM mm km mwmM fl« ■M • pipa «f inWrro, WKan my aM waa ffntM, I «««iM r«s •IWir kim, hut ai Uai I rnwUi nm run, (>ui w#ni • (om-mt9, Tha Indiana war* aoon i»«it of atght. I Ml««r«4 M wvU M I •owltl. and kmA mmny folia unon (k« t««. At kal, i w*a m tpmni, I had not atrimfftli tMNlflk I* Hm •fain, bitt t erapl in • ira« ikal lay alonff, and fst m^m it, •nd iK«r» I Uy. Il wat now ntf kl. and vary tikmn araattllMMr 1 I cottnlad n« oihar but 'kai I maai dia iMra. Wkilaa 1 mm iKinkinf oT dMiik, an Indian halloMd, and 1 a«awaf«4 kimi Im eauM la ma, and ealhMl ma ted namaa, and laid nm tf I amtld nat fa ka maal knack ma un ika kaad. I laid Mm !• muat ikan do aa ; ka ■•« kow I kad wnllatrad in Ikn tmtm, Imi could not rlaa i ikan ka UMdi kia eaat nnd wrapt ma (n il, and want Wk and aan* two Indiana wiik a alad. Om anM ka muat knock m» on ika kaad, ika atkar mid no, ikay wmM anrry ma awajr and burn ma. Tkam ikay kM ma alir my kl> •lap, 10 aaa if ikai wara f^aaan i I did ••. Wkati tkty mm ikat, ikay aaid ikal waa WoiaMin.* Tkafa wia a a»inl^ Cm among iko Pranek, ik«y aaid, ikai ca«ild aara no | iIms y look mo upon a •lad.and carriad mo 10 iko Iro, aiMl imAi mMk of ma; mUlad off my wat and wrappad mo b 4t« dotkoa, and moda ma a food kad. Tkoy kiid killod mi oMor, •nd f«fo ma ooma of iko krotk mado of U, and • Ml of iIm laak. Haro I alapt till lowarda day, and iknn waa nMo to fM up and pni on my clatkMk Ona of ika Indionn owdM, ^ •aainc om walk, akaoiad, •• n^oicinf nt it Am aaoii •• it «« U|ki,I and 8«mtMl Boaoall wonikofora an tka lev. vpon • riwm. Hoy aaid I muat fo wkora 1 coald 00 fool, ■4fikk ■«• M4M* •# IkMMltlM. (« rf«ii«H u»mm,) iIm i l**f wm •Mm m4 wlkMI I aMM !• iMwi til IIMI |Wrl •! iIm Wm, I mmw UM t 9mi !«• MtMM rMi Momy i* iMm. mmI mm mI* «m ■ tia milt*. Tkta MtaM wm im>« biM, tml ««U nm Ami V IM 4U Ml «Mfy mm I »mM 4t«, m«I m I aliMM !>•?• 4m«» mm M««|hi I AM IM M|4 I MM< l»ll ika Kntfluli (i<»« lMlMlf«4 ■•. WIms «r« «•«!• «• Ik* tnt Inmw, ||t«r« wm M tMAMlMH. Tka Iii4taii «m •)■«» tfaM. •ii4 IhMii «r«r« ^l*- iM W ft^ i U Ml4 »• in«iM mm 4k* tafatlMr. Al Im« It* (vA •• •!•«•« m4 m( !• MvllMr kmtm, •m4 %K«mtm ««nm mnm fMHil M^ lMiM% ta^ WMf III NM iN. TIm f MMk wvrt IkMf m4 mi My Imm^ m4 Imi tn <«M «r«i*f, m4 t*** m« I 4mni •( m»»4|i m4 • Mutt IImm pMMtiif mnI milk . ««K«ii I imm4 tlMidi I «M Imnffy, •mI «mM mi )mv« foftMtM It, Im 1 M«M Ml fH d. N*w awl ikM Umt wmM fir* mm • MMk M (Wy iliMflM Um fcf NM. I kl4 ky Um lr« wiik ilM mIm Umi aifllM, iMi (mM n«i afcMf In f!ito. N«ii NMfi»> lif IIM IMkM m4 ffmak Ml Ml NkMl «M, UcNMM llM yi>M>, ■• tiM MtoNt mM, UvM Um iNf Htli Uii»f ikM Um TIm FmmIi iwNiNily i«nM4 Um Mtaw mi d MMMBB. ■■• ri«M« pVNMUy WnMN UM IMIMi WM W Tkiw v«ft VNfy IiIn^ m4 mmAiI. nn4 |Nft «• • Nttla WMiil rt t MW mU iIm*. WIiU* I wM iMf* Nil Um mmii la Um ••«• •r. Ai Im< li« UA iImumi «mm TIm FrtMll ( mmI milk . «*h«ii tH h»f HHknriM II, W(mM flf* NM • r Um Ira wiik Um Nm« Hall kMitf ilMM Um Im IiiiMmi mm ti fMfV UM S IMIi !• alt Um imh la I «M UifM at km tff Umi to tMUMr. ind Ncclws nmmb tnvlMl •• to IU« tt Um Uhm. H* lilMMlf. nv« IM * imi,mUm Ii in Umn tofvtot iM f* •ilk M^ W it MMMrrMMj IM«f*M«ll^lllll k^l 1 ttOCtWIU;* CAfTlflTV ik«)r k«4 y»< w ii M 4. Ili« InttMin* U» ««»f y NM to llW mf Tk«« w« »«iil ««»y Annn iImuvm, to • |»W« iwM wf ikrw« mtU« tHf. witora tiM IwltoiM Ito4 wtowMNM. Wh«(i I <«iim to iMm wIfwtNM •«•• •f lH« lfi»«ra«l kv UMlr «««iHWMMM tM iramMliif . 1 «imiM kara pmm um, Ml Um FMfwknMii kM m« Ml (ft i ik«i ik« lii4toiM ditnt imi k«n mm. WiMii Utoi Mita WM gMM, 1 hmi iw« iM to w 11111. I mImU Umm W Mffy NW to iMil ciMsiii, ikai I ml|kl apMk fef Um ImUmi. TIMt > mw wH. ** TM ara • (mI. Do vou iktok iMi f ranck tra Um iMi BnflUk, to mv oim iklnc «nt away. That night I waa full of pain ; tha Franah faarad that I would dia i flfa nan did watek with ma, and atrova to kaap ma ehaarly, far I waa aomatimaa raady to faint. OAantimaa ihay gava ma • littla brandy. Tha nast day tha chirurgaon cama again, ■ad draaaad ma ; and ao ha did all tha whila I waa amonv tha Franeh. I eama in at Ohriatmaa, and want thaaca May Sd. Baing thua in tha captain'a houaa, I waa kapt thara tiU Bai^amln Waita eama ; and now my Indian maatar, baing ia want of monay, pawnad ma to tha captain for fourtaan baa> ▼ata' akina, or tha worth of tham, at auch a day { if ha did not pay ha muat kiaa hia pawn, or alaa aall ma for twanty*oiia baa- tara, bat ha eould not got beaTar, and ao I waa aold. By bainf Uraa aald, adda Dr. Ifaihar, ha waa in Ood'o good tima aat al Ubartj, and ratomad to inia frianda in Naw Bn^and again. NABRATIVB •.«l-r;>*'' or THK OArnvmr and tumBnros or miss iarah HB, who was TAKBIf AT TBI ■AOKINO OF DOVIE, pi m YBAR IMt, BV THB INDUlVSi A9 COMHimiCATBD TO TBB MnrBRBND Dft. COTTON MATHIB, IT THB WMTMMMHB nam pkb. miniitb or dotbl Baaab Onm, daughtar of Oapt. John €hrlah. of Qa*> dMwho at Coehaeo, waa a TaiT baautiftil and iBMBiaaa d Aout a«Yan jaara ^a^ andi hajjpanad to ha lo^ng farrii Ibab lut aaran yaara of aga, and happanad to ha loA^ng at tka tiaon of Mi^ WaMron,har afiaetiona>gffaikd(atlMr, wImi Indiana bgrooght that horribla daatrustlaai apoalt,aaika W tt hi in P' a^ ro til ro w ol a' ai ao b« ao hi ea hi ki hi ba C hi th S th • Bbftttwnai > badly I thathah-idMiwalkad tea wm TTY. Mt I bad MTod Um kpuin'i bouM, m4 lull and win*, and •bowad ibfl captain MW tb«y no away n. and Mitt for tba I could eur# ma, and liana toward* nigbt I witb tbam. Tbay werit away. Tbal •d that I would dia i to kaap ma ebaarly, ntlmaa ihay ga?a ma furgaon cama agalni lila I waa amonc tba «t tbaoeo May fid. waa kopt tbara tlU Ikn maatar. baiaff la In for fouHaan baa« a day ; if ha did not • for twaniyona baa- waaaold. By baing od'a good tlma aat at f BngUnd again. w mm lAtAH on* KINO or Dovn, |if GOMlUmiOATBO TO WY TOE UKTtMMKB >bn Oarlab, of Qw> ind laflanfania dannli to Wlod^ng at tte •'.•gfMkdfitb«r.«rlMB .etion upoBlt,attlhi iMwalkad tea •ABAH oiBitirt cArnrmr. m- nUbt of tba flVtb of Juna, 1668. Sha waa alwaya ?ary fJMir- ful of tha Indian! ; bai laar may wa tbink now aurpriiwd bar. wbaa thay flarcaly bid bar go into a cartain chambar and call tba peopio out I Sha obayad, bui finding only a liitU child in bad 111 tha room, tba jgot into tha bad with it, and hid baraalf in tha clothaa aa walfaa aba could. ' Tha fall aavana auickly puUad bar out, and mada bar draaa for a march, but lad bar away with no mora than ona atocking upon bar, on a tairibla march through tha thick wooda, and a thoutand othar misariaa, till thav caroa to tha Norway Plana*. <* Prom thanca thay mada bar go to tha and of Winnipiaiogaa laka, thanca aaat* ward) through horrid awampa, wbara aomatimaa thay war* oUigad to acrambla ovar buga traaa fallan by atorm or aga, for a vaat way tagathar, and aomatimaa thay muat climb up long, ataap, tiraaoma, and almoat inaceaaaibia mountaina. Har firat maatar waa an Indian namad Sabundowit, a dull aort of fallow, and not such a davil aa many of tbam wara, but ha sold bar to a falbw who waa a mora batab and mad aort of a draffon. Ha carried b^r away to Canada. A long and and joumay now anauad, through tba midat of • hidaoua daaa r t, in tba daptb of a draadfiil wintar { and who can anoraaimto tba frigbta aha andurad bafora tba and of bar ioumay t Onca bar maatar eonmandad bar to looaan aooM of bar uppar garraanta, and atand againat a traa wbila ha ebaigod hia gun t wbaraat tba poor child abriakad out, " Ha la goiiyr 10 kiUmal" Ckidknowawbatbawaageingtodos buttbavilBMi boTing cbargad hia gon, ha eallad bar irMn tba traa and £>*> bora doing bar any damaga. Upon anolbar tima har maatar ovdarad bar to run along tba abofa witb aoma Indfain girb, wbila ha paddlad up tha nrar in bia eanoa. Aa tba girb woio paaaing a proeipice, a tawny waneb violantly puahadn^ hand*' long into tba rivar, but ao it fill oot that in tnia ?ary plaea of har fall tba buahaa from tba abora bung orar tha watar, ao that aha waa anaUad to gat b«rid of tham, and thoa aarod hOT> aalf. Tha Indiana aakad bar bow aha baeama ao wat, bat d«a did not dora to tall tham, froaa faar of tha reaantmant of har that had ao naaily doprivod har of Ufa alraady. And haro H aov ba ranarkad, that it ia ahnoatariroraally tnio,thit yooBg ladiaaa, both OMla and fcnola, aia aa much to bo'draodad t^ eaptiroa aa thoaa of aiatnrar Tiora, and in many coaaa man flOMo ao) lir««Bliho enltivolaofaopla, thay bavo no raatrain^ vfm thair miaehiaToaa and aavaga pr^onaitiaa, whMt thanr kadblfa in eraaltiaa aorpaaainf any axamplaa hara ralatad. Th«f oAon rio with aoeh othor in attampting aieaaaiva aeta af >ill. ammMtilt0Mikilm.^ii»iS(^^ '^Li3 :3i. I 10 ■AKAH OKRIIH'f OAmYITY. One*. IwinfT tiwiii with iravtUiiiff «U dty, and lying down wtl tnd txhauitad at nighl, ib* fell into ao profound • ilMp that in tho morning iho wakod not. H«r barbaroua caotori docamped from th« place of thair nighl'a r«at, leaving ikbiuttla captive girl aileop and covered witn a iinow tbat in the nighl haid fallen i but, at length awaking, what agonies may you imagine ahe wai in, on nnding heraelf left a prey for bear* and wolvee, and without any tuetenance, in a howling wildernete, many acorea of leaguei from any plantation i In this diamal ailttation, however, she had fortitude aufllcient to attempt to follow them. And here again, the enow which had been her covering upon the cold ground, to her great diacomforl, was now her only hope, for slie could juat dltcem by it the trace of tho Indiana ! How long it waa before she overtook them k not told us, but she joined them and continued her captivity. Now the younff Indians began to tenify her by constantly funindiog her tnat she waa shortly to be roasted to death. Om oromng much fuel was prepareo between two kws, which they told her waa for her torture. A miriity fire being made, b«r maater called her to him, and told oer that she should K rally be burnt alive. At first ahe stood amaied; then I Into tears ; and then she hung about her tiger of a master, bagging of him, with an inexpressible anguiaL, lo saT* her firon tiM fire. Hereupon the monster so far relented as to tell ku ** that if ahe would be a good girl she ahookl not bebamt.'* At last they arrived at Canada, and she waa carried into iha Lord Intendant's house, where many persons of quality took much notice of her. It was a weeK tfter thia that sh« ranwined in the Indian's hands before the price of her mnaom eouU bo agreed unon. But then tho kdy kitendant sent her to the nunnery, where she was comfortably jprovided for ; and it waa the daet^, as was said, for to have brought her up in the Romish religion, and then to have married nw unto the eon of the Lord Intendani. She was kindly used there until Sir WilUain Phipo, lying before Quebec, did, upon exchange of prisonere, obtain her li» arty. After sixteen months' captivity she was restored unto her friends, who had the consolation of having this their doeii>i able dnuffhter again with them, returned as it were from tha dead. But this dear child was not to cheer hmr Mraita' jpMh fbr n long period ; for on arriving at her aixlaantA yaw, /aly, 1697, daitft cairied her ^ by a malignant km. ",. . ^ I. ' Luykyiiiii'iiiiJiiW i ' i w MMiiiliiiiM A\ o n 1 of I min at< atl ratv aU the; ingi ini 1 up niu im tha whi iin to I gmi out opei ^ was saw nia aitki chm bnl TY. ij, and lying down lo profound • tlMp r Iwrbarout eaptora at, leaving thUliltU iw tbtl in th« nighl t agonict may you a pny for boar* and howling wildorntu, m I In ihia diimal iciont lo attempt to rhich had bean her •at diKomfort, waa cem by it the traee •he overtook them inued her captivity, y her by conatantly e roMted to death, eon two Ion, which kty fire being made, ler that the should itood amaaeds than ler tiger of a maator, iguiaL, lo savt her ir ralenled aa to tell liould not be burnt.** lie waa carried into persona of quality alUr thie that aba price of her mnaom Attendant aent her f provided for ; and brought bar up in irriad Bar unto lh« trflUam Phi|N, lying Hiera, obtain her li» I waa reatored unto ring this their daaii^ u ilweta froaatha ler hflr Baranta' Mill liiiaaiitli yawi JtAft ti: V m amn"^ ILUAIETH HCABITB CAfTIVlTY. 71 NARRATIVE or TRK MUUMAMJC BSCAPB OT WIDOW ELIZABETH HBARO, AUK) TAKEN AT THE DEITRUGTION OK MAJOR WALDRONt OARRIflON IN DOVKR, AS COMMUNICATED TO DOCTOR COT- TON MATHER, BY THE REV. JOHN PIKE, MINISTER or THE PLACE. Mas. Eliiauth Hia*i> waa a widow of ffood eatatOia mother of many children, and a daughter of Mr. Hull, a reverend miniater formerlv livinc at Pkacataqua, but at thia time lived at Quoehecho, tne Indian name of Dover. Happening lo be at Portamouth on the dav before Quocheoho waa cut olr, aha ratumed thither in the njghl with one daughter and three aona, all maaters of familiea. When they came near Quoehecho tbay were aatoniahed with a prodigioua noiae of Indiiuia, howl* lag, ahooting, ahouting, and roaring, according to their manner in making an aaaault. Their diatreea for their familiea carried them still further up the river, till they aeeretly and ailentlv paaaed by aoma nombara of the raging tavams. They lenoed about an bua- drad rods from Mi^or WaJdron's garriaon, and running up tha hill, they aaw many lights in the windows of the garnson, whieh they eoBcluded the English within had set up lot tha diraetion «f ihooa who might seek a refuge there. Coining to the gate, they desired entrance, which not being readily grantadi thay eallad aMneatly, bounoed, knocked, and cried out to thoae within of thair uakindness, that they would not open tha gala l» them in thia axtremity. No auwar bainsf vat made, they bsgan to doubt whether all wasweu. Oaaoitka youag man then climbing up the wall, saw a horrible tawny in thaantry, with a gun iahia hand. A griavous eonstamation sailed i aittiag down withaot tha WIS wiaMt to stir anr flharfs hsr children to shift ki UtamselTes, whicE sha did in brakM aeoanta ; adding also that sha must unavoidably there tkt fftilarwi* finding it in^oaiiUa to carry bar with them, irimkmij haaits fetsook her. Immediately after, however, aw ihigiBMaf to roeovar tnrA bar fririit, waa able to fly, and hHitBiaBlTinabqnchofbaibsCTyboshaaiinthagartan} and am ■nuy, wiw ■ ywa in aw iHinii» -mt lied now upon them, and Mrs. Heard, |ale, through deepair and fcintnesi, mrthar; but bad strength only to JZ kA. ft BUrABITV BEAKVf cMnmrt. then hutoninff tnm th«nc«, bteauM the daylight idrtiiead, ih« ■htlMwd h«r»tir, though tMii by two of the Indiana, in a thickat of olhf r Imahaii, about thirty roda from tha houaa. 8ha had not b««n long h«ra bafora an Indian cama towarda bar, with a piatol in hia hand. Tha fallow cama up lo har and atarad har in tha ftc«, but aaid nothing to har, nor iha to him. Ho warn ■ little way back, and cama afaia, and alaiad MBoa har •« baftNra, hat aaid nnthiiw t wharaupoo aha aaked kim what j» wcmld hava. He mtilf aaid nothinf, bat want •WAT to (ha houiM, whoopiBf , and ratnmad unto har no more. Baing thua nnaceountablv praaarrad, aha mada aavaral taaaya to paaa tha rivar, but round haraalf unabla to do it, and iadmf all plaeaa on that aida af tha rHrnr Allad with Mood and flia, and hidaaua outeriaa, aha tharaapon ratamad to har old baah. and thara poarad aat har ardant piayan to Ood for kalf la ihia diatraaa. Sha aaatinaad in thia baah vntil «ha mrriaoa waa burnt, and tha anamy had foaa, and than aha atob along by iha rivar •Ida, until aha cama to a boaaa, an whiah aha paaaad ovar. Maay and afbota af eruaky aha aaw laA by tha Indiana in har WW. Iha awM aftar aafily arrlvad at Captain Oariah'a gar- liaaa. whara aha found a raAiga tnm tha atorm. Him aha «Im imi Iha mllafcetiaa to aadwata n d thai har own gairlaon, 4lM«gh ana af Iha Aral that waa aMankad, had haan bMi«ly ilfcadid, and anaoaaaiUly nainlalaad aMinal Aa adrMMty. Thia aaatkwaman'a fwriaan waa on tta maai ailNnfftaa* Ifav af tta prtivinea, and mara abnaaioua than any aikar, and llMialbii maia faMiapaUa of kataf raUavad. Navaflhalaaa, |y .Jmmt pMianaa and caoiaga, It hali aat all tha war, tifmk hft «^ faafa tagatfMr i and tha pa r a a n a hi It hvm aojayad vary and- .Mat piaaaawitiona. It waald bava haan iaaa r lad, if aha had tupiril ofbia that waia mada har by h«r Mania, la abandan ll^aad retiia to Porlamoalh anong iham, wbleb araaM hata Imi a damaga to tha lawn and land ; bnt by har a n aearaga «n«tthbpnaiwaathaakapiap,aadahabyat flTOq llftog In ma«h aaiiaB aiMng har naighbaia. i^lbia.)faMmawmt tewMa waf allr. Wm ^ . ^itatfMHilBUiayaarlTSSir-m aar iTSSi^-ldL Oaaonauaar laa bnum. Kan f^b wittdoabilMa jhwtibf ■tta vM ammWaf lolhaiai { { I i th< r«i (0 on Yic thi fill ral ini Si! an] wh ly< rh my on the iai Wi( wh 1 WUttmmmamamm memm MP* daylight adTtnead, of th« liidiani, in a da from tha houaa. ndian cama towarda illow cama up lo har ng to har, nor aha to BM afnin. and aiaiod rharauBoo aha aakad d itothtnf , but want nI unto har no more. ., aha mada aovaral r unabia to do it, and rw llUad with Mood ipen ratamad to har It pntyan to Ood for nrriaoA Mskmff inimt, Bla akmf by tha riwr Bk aha y aaa d ovar. by tha IiMiana in htr CTaplain Oarlah'a §u- M atonii< IMM alM iM MF own fMMaon, id, hU haan hMfVly ;dMt tfca tAfn trnf. Im ioaat uliwif ftiw* ihaa aayatlMr, tad Ma RvfMVMlaaa, ay tha WW, avail ttft Mn w wjayad vaiy aiw* I iaaaitad. if iia iMkI r Mattda, to tbuidofk B, whieh womM Imv* Bt hyhar— aawfa |»«;i flTOq litfiiff '•I' ■ d T iln aw ^ aid fay* laar Hi lafun. CAPTIVITY or JOHN OYLEi. VI jh» rhiin»«'i»r f.f ih#lf r(ip»eifn,) iht« MmK Mm, llwrtl Mm«(M • yoanf Inilian in h»t bmiM, bir whuh m'iiii« h« rwapixt that ralimiiinii «laf . Th« rvtttltr iir tnilMii hiniurjr will nm, im>w, I |irv*uni«, UmUm turpriM at lh# riinituri tif the warriur. Pur lh« (laruruliir* of iha •vvni con* n«-i».| wiih ihM nirraitvs, m« T«i Boob or thi Induh, loak III Chap, vbl —Ed. MEMOIRS OF ODD ADVRNTUIlBi, HTItANaC DEI.IVKRANCBS, KTO., IN TOT CAPTIVITT or JOHN OYLBf, RNQ., COMMANDCIl Of TOT OAftRliON ON IT. OBOROB RIVER, IN THE DUTRIOT Of MAINE WRITTBN BY HUMBLT. ORIOINALLY PliBLUHBO AT BOSTON, irat. iNTBODnoTioN.— Thaaa prirala mamoira wara collaefad tnrn my minotaa, at tha aarnaat raquaal of my aaeond eoaaoit, fet tha uaa of our family, that wo might hava a mamanto ttW ready at hand, to axcita in ouraaivaa graiituda and ihanicAiliaai lo Ood ; and in our offtpring a dua aanaa of tliair dapandaaoi on tha Sovafvign of tha anivaraa, (Vom tha pnearioaaMaa ind ▼ieiaaitodaa of all aubianary anjoymanta. In thia alala, mid fb» ihit and, thay hava laid by ma Ibr aema yaara. Thay at hmgtk falling into tha handt of aoma, for whoaa iudgmaiM I iM i ralne, I waa praaaad for a copy for tha mibHa. Othara, daair* ing of ma to aztract partieulara from tham, which tha ttsM* plicity and urgancy of my iAira wonid iMt admit, I hav« M««r daterminMl to aolhr thair publication. I hava not mada aeuid any addiiiavn to thia manual, aieapt in tha ehaptar of erwHimi^ which I waa urfad to maka nraeh largar. I might hafv gr«i*< ly aniargad it. tat I fcarad it would fffow bayend Ita proptmlMl. I hava baan likawiaa adviaad lo ghra a particular account of my fethor, whick I am not vary fond of, having no dapandMoi on tha virtvai or konora of my ancaatora to roeommand 1M Id OM favor of Ood or man ; navarthalaaa, baeauaa aoma tkink H k * rtvpaet dua to tha mamory of my paranta, wknaa mbm I waa aMigad to mantion in tha following atory, and a aatialheiloii which thair poatarity might juatly axpact fWmi ma, I akall gif« MiBt Bitwant af kin, tkough aa Maf aa poaalUa. iki Jkwriaking atata of Now England, bafora tka iskilipy itfMm Wjira, draw my fatkar biihar, whoaa irat aattlamaat wii JUp*"^**" ri»«r.»t a pkea called Marrymaating Bay, wkMt ii mmm for aoma yaara; until, oo tka daatk of my gnnd p«> 7 ll«MMir««>»lti*»illli'«»****l>*s*i'»<'»'«,«)i>ll» iniMli i, tltth Hi >ii * d! li OATTIVITY or lOHff OYUCI. nnl«. h«), with hit ftmlly. raturncd to EngUnd, to Mitlv hit •flklri. Thii don«, ht cam« ovtr with the ilMtKn lo h«vt r«* turnail lo hi* fnrm i but on hit arrivtl at Boniun, ihn rt«t<>rn Indians tuid b«guu ihtir huatilitie*. lU ihwrrfors licitun n MllUmant on Long UUnd. Tha air of that plac* not a« w«lt •graving with hia eonalilution, and ih« Indiana having bocuma paacaabTat ha again prupoaed lo raialtla hia landa in Merrymrat* ing Bay: but finding that placa daaartod, und thai planlaliona wer« going on at Pammaquid, ha purchaard aavaral iraru of land of tha inhabitanU thare. Upon hia highnfin ih« dulta of York rtauming a claim to thoa« paria, my father loolt out paianta undar thai claim ; and whan Pamm«i|uid waa tat off by tha nam* of tha county of Cornwall, in tha provinea of N«w York, ka waa eommiiiaionad chief juatica of the anine by Qov. Duncan [Dongan.]* He waa a atrict aabbatarian, and mat with eon< •Ideratle difficulty in the diacharge of hia office, from the Immonlitiea of a people who had lon^ lived lawleaa. Ha laid eat no inconaiderable income, which he had annually from lafUnd, on the place, and tl but loat bit life there, aa will ImimIUt b« reUttaid. I am not intenaible of the truth of an aaaartion of Sir Roger L'Batrange, that " Booka and diahea have thia common fate : M one 0? either ever pleaaed all Caatea." And I am fully of kit opinion in thia ; " It ia aa Utile to be wiahed for at ei* peeled : for a univeraal applauae ia, at leati, iwo ibirdt of a eeendal." To conclude with Sir Router, " Though I made thia eeouMeitioB principally fo; my family, yet, if any men haa e bIm to lake pert with me, be baa free leave, and ia wekome {** kit let bim carry thia eooaideration along with bia, ** that ha k e Tery unmannerly gueat who forcea bimaelf upon enotber Mi'a table, end then qnarrela with bia dinner.** OuAwruM h—ConUdning tk* octwrrmm «f At Jtnt mot. Ob the aeeond dey of Auguat. IflSB, in tbe memiaff, my hon- ored fotber, Thohu Oylib, Eaq., went with Bene laborem, m? Iwo elder brothera and myaelf, to one of bie frrma, wbieb laid KM ibe river about three milea above fort Cbarlee,t adjoinini mmaquid (alia, there to gather in bit Bngikh bervMt, and we labored aeenrely till noon. After we bad dined, oor people •HahadbeaBappoialadgovaraororirav YotkNIapl. IM. li. ttanOharita atood oa tha apot wbara ftiit Fraderiak ira% net iMg ataee, ftwadad by ColoBal Ooaber. Tha lownakip adioialeg IhaMIe waa eaUai JaaaaiowB, in hoacr to tha duke of York. In thia lo««, wittto a eaarter of a Bilk of tha llm, waa mj fcibii'a dwdlkiffteeat^ Iteia «W«b m weal oet d»t nahappy moraiag. "-*«« mmmiimmmmmmtiitfM wan oiha ««l < in w limti Up<) naw cova draa dian b«hi Indii who ma, <*d t« iind pure Whif dowi ma I to th led I waa, Wht flata, eta, « two I had were age. fttUy weat veaai nigbi Al mad# Indii quari m v li wao •T t« igUnil, to Mlilv hit II (iMiKn lo hart r«* Boaton, iha <rn lliffrrfore lirgun n lal pUc« no! Ml well ••n« hnviiiK b«i-i>ni« lantl* in Mi^rryntvvt* Mild ih«l pUiiimiont ivd Mvernl Irtru of ighiivtii ihi« liuka of ihcr look uu( pAlrnli WM Ml ofT by the ivinet of New York, tn« by Qov. Duncan , and mal with eon* liii offlca, from lh« diawitaa. Ha laid had annually from ii Ufa ihara, aa will wrtion of Sir Rogar I ihia eommon fata : And I am fully of m wiahad for aa ai* taat, two ihirdt of a Though I mada ihia It, if any man haa a a, and ia wakoma ;** with bia. •* that ha imaalf upon anolbar koar.** $$ rf tka Jhil MMW. a mominff. my lion- ih aona luoran, my tia fuum, wnieh laid , Cbatrlaa,t •djeinioff Inf Ikh harrwel, and ad dtaad, oor pcopla iaOlapl.iaM.~l4 Fiadariek^ 'Y' la Ihia lowBi, wUte a lllHghiwiMtiaHwliidi CAfTIVITY or iollN OVLli. 74 want In lh»ir labor. •om«i In om< flfM in ihoir Knf lii'h Hay, iha olliar* lo anothor ti^lii of Kngliih corn. My falhnr, ihn younf* ««i of my iwo brothrrt, and invwlf, urri^d nrar ihi' f«rm>hniiM In whl«>h wa bml i|ln«d lill n >iit omn of ihc flock) a' which lim« wa h<m (run* al iha fort. Upon whifR'my fnthar hIiI hr hop...| ii waa a lignal of Kood n«w«, ami ihat ihe groal had wni brrk iho •oMjcri, lo cover ihe inhabitatiu ; (for on report of ihe revoluiion lh»y had drwrled.) Hul lo our graal lurprinff, aboul thirty or forty In* diane,^ al thai moitienl, dUcharifeit a volley of «hot ni tii, from behind a rialnv (r'ound, near our barn. The yfllinif of iha lndian«,» iha whimiintr of ihcir nhol, and ihe /oica of my faihar, whom I hanrd cry out, " What now! what now!" bc erriflad me, (though ha Memad loba handling a giin.) that I endeavor* ed lo make my aecapa. My brother ran one way and I another, and looking over my shoulder, I mw a ■lout fellow, painted, piirauinff ma wiih a g^in, and a cullaas glittering in hit hand, which I rxpectad every moment in my braina. I aoon fell down, and the Indian aeisad ma by the bft hand. He oKknA ma no abuae, but tied my arma, then lifUd me up. and pointed to the place where the people were at work about the hay, and led me that way. Aa we went, we eroaaed whare my father waa, who looked very pale and bloody, and walked rery alowlv. When we came to the place, I aaw two men ahol down on tb« flala, and one or two more knocked on their h^nda with kateh- ata, crying oul."OUrd," ke. There the Indiana brought two eaptitres, one a man, and my brother Jamea, who, with im, had endeavored to aaeape by running firom the hoaae, when w were flrat attacked. Thia brother waa about fourteen yeara af up. My oldeet brother, whoae name waa Thomaa, wonder* fuUy aaeaped by land to the Batbican, a point of land an the weat aide of the river, oppoaita the fort, where aeveral fiahiaff veaaela lay. He got on board one of them and aailed thM night. After doingwhat miachief they coald. they aet down, and made ua ail with them. Afler aome time we aroae, and thd^ Indiana pointed for ua to go eaatward. We marched about t quarter of a mile, and then made a halt. Here they brought mv father to ua. They made propoada to him, by old Moraa. who told him that thoae were atraoge Indiana who shot him, J^TJa^ge eoaipaay oriadia»s eeeetdiaf lo Chaileveix, waa cm 4 JZJUf'*^ ^ • f*^ of attaHag a mm horrid howl whea they diMharfa gaaa, daai^lag ikarabjr to wnify thoae whom thay AgA V .., iMeiM*«^aMMh« •«?•■ It CAPTIVITY or JOHN OYLIt. ■nil iImi Im wm M>rry for ii. My Uih»t rflpli'nmin«>riii«)l ii» (o Ulo j»oi«<-liori and bl(>««ini^ of (iixi Aliiiiirhiy i ihrn (fnw ui Uia belt aJvit'*! anil louk hi* Ivavn fnr ihia lifp, hnjunu in Und Umi w« ihuuM nt»«l in a Uiicr. Iln twrtvii wiifpl i-h^rrfiil voica, bui lookoil vary fn\f, bv rea«on of hi* ffroni lo*« nf IiIimhI, whkh now guihail out of hi* short. Thn Imlmii* tcti him aaida!— I heard lh« liluwi of ihti hnichi'i, b«it neither »hri<>l( nor groan ! 1 afterward* hoard (hat hi< had fivo ur ■I'VKn ahoi* kolaa throiiffh hia wniiU'oal or jacltal, and that ha wn* I'uvnratl with aomo bough*. TIm Indiana lad ua, ihrir eaptivaa, on the aaat aid** nf tha rivar, towarda tha fort, and whan wa rama uitliin a mil* and • hail of tha fort and town, and rould aeo (hn fort, wa mw Atiiii; tnd amoke on all lidaa. flora wa niad« a ihort »tnp, and ihan movad within or naar tha dialanca of thrae quartara of • raiila from tha fort, into a thick awamp. Thara I aaw my aioth«r and my two littla aiaiara, and many othar captivaa who wara Mkan from tha town. Mv mothar aakad ma about my ikihar. I told bar ha waa killad, but could aay no mora for Ciaf. Sha bural into taara. and tha Indiana movad ma a littlo rtlMr 00*, and eaitad m« with corda to • traa. The Indiana cama to Naw Harbor, and aant apin aavaral dayi to obaarva how and whera tha paopk wara amployad, Ir., who found tha man wara ganarally at work at noon, and Uft about thtir houaaa only woman and childran. Tharafor* tka Indiana dividad thamaalvea into aavaral partiaa, aoma am- btMbing tba way botwaan tha fort and the houaaa, aa likawiM bctwaan tham and the diatant fialda ; and than alarming tha fiwthaat oflf firat, they killad and took tha people, aa they movad towarda the town and fort, at tbair plaaaura, and very tow aaeaped to it. Mr. Pataahall waa taken and killed, aa h« lay with hia rioop near the Barbican. On tha firat atir about the fort, my youngeat brother waa at play naftr it, and running in, waa by Ood'a goodneaa thua pra* mtfA, Captain Weema, with great courage and reaolution, Mwdad tha weak old fort* two dava ; when, being much W M Kiad, and tha beat of hia men kiltod, ha beat for a parlay, wbloh avertuated in thaae conditiona : 1. That they, the Indians, should give him Mr. Pataahall'i aloop. 9. rhat they ahould not moleat him in canying off tha '7 i m^^^^tM pf—imix'' II pliail ihnl h* «*«* , l»ul In pr»y with nt'otninuriili"! ti» \o My i ilii'ii KiiVi* ui iff, hnjunu Iti (Iml grmil lo«« of lilrHNi, I I ml mill Utl him hui nvidicr ahrick (kvo i)t ■I'vin ahol* idk h« wn« i-uviiratl ia tMt ■iiln nf the witliiii « mil* and ) iKk fori, Mrit law inadp II «harl utopi t of lhr«« qimrlcra Th«r« I Mw my othtr capiivaa who takad ma alioul my 1 tay no mura for I moved mo • litilo M. aont iipirt MToral lo waro omployad, work ot noon, and ildron. Tharoforo I partita, loma om- liottaoo. aa like win than alarming tho i« paopla, aa thay plaaaura, and vary n tnd killad, aa h« |ttt brothor was at goodnaaa thus pro* iga and rtaolulion, whon, baing much a boat for a parloy, lim Mr. PatashaH't I incanyingoITiba t ilraaf Ih of iMa piMa. bal alabllaaiiait, do. I, BwisaMM 7 mm lOIW OVLKr CAPTIVITY ff l»w |M>«pl« ihnl had irol ini» iha fori, and thtrm capiivM ihal ih-y h«.l i4k«ri :i. Thai iha Kntfluh thuuLI rarry .iff in ihair hamU whal ihi»y nmld from lh« fori. On ihfM •••imlihon* ih« fori wat ■orr»ndfri»d. and (7r. ihe In.linni ici on flrl' iho fori •ii.l hoiiart, whirh madt a l#rrilil« Maai.and wa« a m«lai»> choly iiirhi lo u* |HMr rapUvva, who war* lad ■prcialnr* ! A(ii.r ih« I'Mliaiia had lhu« laid wa.ii. IVmmanuid, ih*y movwl u* lo New tiarbiir. ahoui iwomllMnaai of IVmmaniiicl a rorr murh frr.|.ir„ird by H.h^rin.'n. Al ihU plarr, iLr* w.»r«<. biifon* thi* war. alNiiii iw»lva hoiiara. Thw« lh» ltihab> iiaiiU ili>«fri. plaro Wh*»i wa iiirnril our Imck* on iho town, my hoari wa« rmidy lo braak f aaw my moiKor. Sha apoho lo m«, b«ii I could not anawar hi>r. Thai niirhl wo larrM al Nrw Harbor, and Iha nail day wfnl In lhair cano«>a for Ponoh-coi. AhnnI noon, Iha canoo in which my molhar waa, and lhal in which I waa, cama aida by «ida j whalhar arcidanlally cr by my moihi^r'a daaif- I rannol aay. 8ho ukad mo how I did. 1 Ihink I laid " prriiy wall." but my haart waa ao fVill of gHof | •carcaly knaw whoih«r aur •««< yiHi in<»t« k» iitM w>>»rUt, llihi •KomM U wM tq • J*»Ull . I(»f • JvvmU will IMln )|i>* •!♦• iw<»vi»f WW iB»i m«>f» ' ¥•» "<»•« •»"•» my «>•♦» li»»l<« •i*i«t» wtr*. *f»«»f ••♦•rwl y»«f»' *«i»*l»ny. rwt*»'H«f4, Im»» »!»«' »lt»'>rxi«kvr *K<» wm wkMi wiili iiw«, wm, aftiir •i.vttml >»«»»' MMMviiiv «m«» UiUruiMly larluwd !« 4»'in>i by il»<< Indtun*. |«f« f«Hoij Mniitwml,»»> *lil«h •tr»iiJ« «»n a DU tn iK« «Ml of it. Al h«inn«> I h»«i B*"' «*«« »«Ta«i(rr» if»«iril wrilK ih* ttimtm civility, wnJ iHritif n •trany*?. I •»prct«-.l ->«>»• kifMi «nUy WW ti BMdiber of ■i4u*w», *ho l»n*l e»i U»|f«'the» tfi • eircU, fUneintf i»...l yrllln^. An nlJ irTin«-UHihl<«« "H" '••«>i« IBM hy (Ivii bunit, aiul Uniitnf iiui ihU> lh« rinir, Mim* orlitxd m« by my li«i». »n«i ««Mr» by inv UmihU •nd fiwi, Hkw «• »«ny niri«« J l.oi my iiMMter |)r«.««nily Uyinf 4own • pMg«, ih«y A m^i^- wnoMg ihii ln« «ii«, unl««a Ibcit n)Mi«r. ar toMM of UM>tr nvMt«fr> mlation*. Iny tlown • nnMHtt i turh •• • iMf of coi-w, • Wonkwi. or lK» like, which h«id«oi»s th«in from llMir crv«lty fo? ihm «fcinc«.N Th« n«il «l»y w» w«tii up cf, wo pwowl o*er • long f^^lnff to ModocklMk fun. whUsb ttunaa on a tank of Bt 4m», or oilUf ori!. t^miilwa i»»»m by bw «»»••»« "•J^tj'. *• • "»•«•»• • Hj iko ImM, of ni' lull* odiminiiait - Eil. o ll wM not be improwtr w bmr b«»w iM JwniU Ui««ia»lfM »(•*•* «MM MMitra TV iio«i»tin«m hwt wu, «• « ordton •" *• '•*««* ■f«yo«, to llM»r h. ntf ^or follow y>iM lu itin ¥•"*<• tiMlf Ahtl at«i«r» v»t>w, *A«»f I brfot, I rnufiMfftl, iftur xnoml ycMra* by iltr Indtun*. ■<(>( f)«»r, lo a *il* I • miiiil n( lHr«h<>f in • •l*MihlfO|r »>n« trtolc wn • pMyc, th«y lo anuthmr, litli »ll«d MfacPbuick, liil hrhtv w« CHUM er • \ong eiMtYlng on R Unk «r 8t MJMtjr, k MBiMr, «o Ht Ui««ii*lfM vl'woA IN >))• f rtnck arcii^iiM, iimntoil MirtOMi* fhw rtw III* iivi>««4 nrtMiife n4Mwfttniritalil^M0 10 bfMk up tta pMl mil, mmtd H. nv«*» Nion. Hm tm mm- M in mn»n tiAot im i(| mmI tlw y i>jil| jiw lMI» VMH Ml **MM. 11 -nt- loHH QVLir CAPTfVITT It iokn't rifor. My nMa'^f w»f>i hvkttv, 0»,\ Urt hm wIiH mi ON IimImW, OImI tW«« Off llirvO MlOfHV** Ttu^ "l<( I>«4NuA«i|« f^td, (whkli WM «|| iUf KnfflUtk hw <-onil>l •ti»iil».) Hy i««i4 hy ifMiio lit • g Dm tnv*ii dm! fitfi " I now < iitfirwrirtl Hvy««>|f in ilitMki* tittf huMT iiMwIy I •Hti I com* i* iliu (r«»( triWii Aftpf a^itin mil4>«' iniv»l w mmii in titflii of u liwifv e^im* IU>M, oml ••Mui an^r of (h« forf. In my i(r«)tl aMrnriMi. Twr» ivr ihr«« •qiiMM'* !»«>< 1)4, liHik oil my Mrk. m\4 M iwi« M* Uryo htit or Mttj^wiim, \s)vnm ihtviy ivf fufly Intl'oii* i lw«n Ittknit ■oiri«< tttiHtlKf ImfafM rrtMli UMOt'h'f N. «l iho UltVK Ma|«tf W«i4ruii Mr»a ■(« ItMfliHfMiitljr Uiifhf'rvtl hy them* Ami livfMro pnwtHHjinif With my niirniit»« I will uiv* • •Hori iMerotiiil of iImii n< Ui Mf liiiM*. KlNtf • I ha«« heart! ilia IntliaM »%y al • frn*« that mn there w«j a tnira ^r mhim ilaya, iH«y ronirivf>4 lAwvwrf ill Iwo M|(Niw« In talia nittiro nf iho numUn. Ititlffinr) hh4 oth^r ririMimaiaiii-M of ih« |t) ttpl* tn hi* fturriaott, an^ if iKoy enulil otlain It aw to Imlifc ibor*, l«M>>|)ri> «ii* g««M mi4 whiaUct (Thf^y Mill iK« irnlca ha«l nn lorki, Iml w«r« fiiataitwl wilk pin«, and iha' ihov k<^ no wakh ) Th« m)imw* hod • t»fM^ •bl« miwn to proa«ci4io ih«ir pnij<^tin ihoy ram« «i«id«>ritKI« i)ii*nlity of ba«r*r, wkm wnMid (le ihara tn traiia wuh him (hi* iiaii day. Homo of iIm Cnpio W9n wty nitii'h aminal th*'r I'Mlyin* m Um nrrko*, I iho niajnr mimI, " Let ilM poor • oalurta Imlfa by the tkm,'* Tho M(u«iwi w«nt into «iMnmont, and aoon took and hilled tkotn all. TW maior lodijiod within an innor room, and whon tk« IndtMU kroko in itputi him, h« cri^d out, '• What now I what mw !** •nd jumpiiMf out of bad with only hia thirt on. aoiiod hirCwoid •lid drwva ihoin twfere him ibrauifk two or tkiw doon i knt Ami * Tho data Mandi in Ibe oU narraiiva, <« ia lha tsgiaalnf of April oa Ih vliak h fnkablf did, (^ 4Mi ia lha iMi if iki ifM 4 \»IL Ml liMlt»n <••«• u» tirh»N4 Iktm, kn«» ])>'>| hint uti th« K««4 VtM ki« lM«rK«<. wKkK ••«nwa>i Ktm. ••«•( l»« Ml Tk<»y nww Htai4 inwit kiM. 4r«4nr*4 Ktm n««i. mnA ••iitng Ktm Mpm • iMif laMi tM Ikta kail. M ktm " )Nilf« ln4Mn« «ff«»N." TK«ii ikcy •«! *n4 •••MtoU kim, ••mI k« rrtail omi, " O. I.ffMinia in Im kf«M*|*k(, *n4 iM • riM« nwl all «k« liilr»wt ulf 'f hi* n«rf»lt MMf* iankml mi Mwk iMtmt wtik • Mttnm t>il ttniitUnAiir*, PrvMnUy «><• «f Uirm »«■ Mtfvtl l>y r«>'k hami aiMi bwi. by ftrar lnrfMua, wko. «wtn(iMr kim up, U< ku Iwrk fall on ika CimI »tlk Ml ^fra. TkU ikay ratwatml, itll ikrjr k«4 ■4« M tl ajr «*JUtl li. n^nd ik*> wk»l« «* tv w tm, wkkh wm lkit%f •* fi-*ty hwi U laiiftk. Hut whan ik«v ioriiMu a bi»y tkajr toka Wi • mb kalwaan two. Tkia i« nn« uf ihair itiaiuma •f iMliiriiiff «Mlvaa, Ani I htrHirvU him Ui f TKta nAimUon m^'cunK, an4 iMVf lUlti. «llit w* fTf wlitl (tttiiilrnan««. I h«n loruim • buy nm of «h»»l iu«l«HiH up « pvraoii t*v 1K4 Him rttunil u\\ on* hi* nt<»uih. S«it»»* ir ttf iIm head, and >mtk snii •HtnilUar, iifiM. Muinvikmta «v»l of hot •mtwra If Im cry out. iIm rhai a twava arlioa M llMy lortura iham M countrnani'e, aa tl. Thay rhamp^ , M 1 kaUt it in my rt aekad. 1 lookad I ihal any aya plllai Iftrl. and Uid down 00k ma by ttM hand, |« with iMm. Not MifiMd 10 kUl •#• ••/ rtrvfrfTaddMiaadnM taalihx awr iQiuf ttYuy OAFTivrrv. m •nd »aliMM| M (». Tllaii a ffvava ln4kMi twm tii4 fftva m* • •hKifi p*p«. awd 'akl m KhkIkK, " Nm»ka ti t" iHan k« umk m« liy iKa ImihI «ml lad ma ntii My Kr«fi 4«h4-d, thinbtng my ■air Nai*r my «ri>l llwi lia i-Aifin) mo lo 4 Kf«n4 m» with « yrll, Uktnif me \>y lh« Katr and oiia haitd, hut I wita ■)* rtid« aa i« till apfinf , Ttlail wa iravaltaii ■omallinaa on iha |<*a, itml a H JOHN OYUV OAmVITY. wholly dapttulfld for food. If Miy di^Htor had happontd, wo m«Mt all mvo ptriahed. Soimtknoo wo hod no inonnor of tut* tononco for ihfoo or four doyi ; but Ood wondorAilly proridoi for oil creoturrs. In ono of thoM faaUi, Ood's nrovidonco WRS remorhoblo. Our two Indion m«n, who hod ifuna, in hunting otartod • mooM, but there being • ihallow cruited mow on the ground, and the mooM ditcovering them, ran with groat forco into a iwamp. The Indians went round the swamp, and finding no tracic, returned at night to the wifrwnm, and told what nad happened. The next morning they folluwed him on tiio track, ond toon found him lying on the tnow. He had» is cioaalnff the root* of a largo tree, that had been blown 4twB, broken tnrough the ice made over the water in the hole oecaaioiMNi by tho roots of the tree tnkiiig up the ground, and kilehad oim of his hind legs among tho roots, so lant that by Miiviii|f togatjt out ho ^led his thigh bone out of it* sockot •t (ho nUMfM thus estraordinarily worn we provided for in titr gr^flBnbit Sometimes they would take a bear, which |0 mtToiilll in the fall of the year, without any sort of Iwd, and iiU thoro four or five months without food, never Mbg oftt UU npring i in which time they neither lose nor fliatn floah. If they went into 'heir dens fot thev came out Wi Md if Ihov went in lean tboy . me out loan. I bavo soon HOOM whieh Mve como out with four whelno, and both very lit, and tlimi wo feasted. An old aquaw and a captiTO, if any fMMnt, mtut «tand vrithout the wigwam, shakkig thai'r haau Mid bodUa AS in a dance, and singing, "Wioam mi'Iiblo mi.'* wUeh in English is, " Fat is ny aatinar." Thk ii f ■Ignify tbair thankfuTnaas in feasting times* whan on* mpply WMflwitt ra fratad till further ancooae. <^ Tk» wav thf V prostrve moat ia by lakinc koiBM nna drying it in amoka, by whkn tuo fleah tnm tha it ia k«|^ a««nd MMIb or yaira "without salt. >< Wa morod still AmMnt up (M oawMry aiwr Mmm whan ow stoM waa oot, a» dint bf ijh* swiii^wa had got to tho northward oi iImI l4iid]rnMNt»> (ffaa.* when tho apring eama and tha rivan mik0 tm «■" ittpkl bnek ta tha haad of St. John'b ritwr, an4^ lliiliSiiaaa eapoaa of pumno hidaa* ac wing tluta m tont flieUng ^ saanu with balsam miml with wn wwAdowa tha ri>r«r to • place calMtf ■» did WM Utad nnd k^ na^it af: .tInMir Ik. ■» mi » mll iiii « iistream still. And aa we paasea down by the mouths of any large branchea, vre v\w Iq« dians : but when any dance waa propoeed, I was bought off. / At length we arrived ft the plai« where we left our birch canoes in the fall, and putting our baggage into iHem, wtnt down to the fort. I (There we planted com, and after planting went a flshioff, and to look for and dig roots, till the corn waa At to weea. After weedinv we took a second tour on the same errand, then returned to hill our com. After |tilling we went some die* tanee flrom the fort and field, up the river, to take aalmon and other Ash, which we dried for food, where we eentinaed till com was Ailed with milk; some of it we dried fkM, the otheir as it ripened. To dry com when in the milk, tllaif gather it in large kettlee and boil it on the ears, till it ia pretty harl, then ekell it firum the cob with dam-sbtflls, and drjr it on baik in the aun. When it is thoroughly dry, a kernel is no t ' than a pea, and would keep years, and when it ia boikd i it Bfwelu as krga as when>on the ear, and tastes ineompa ■waeter than wbM com. When we had gathered our and dried it in the way already deeeribed, we pal eomi m$ Indian bams, that is, into holea in the jrr«Mnd, Snad and cOih> orad with bark, and then with dirt.S'*'The rsat we eankd n the river upon oar next winter's huntinf . Thaa God wgndrf ftilly (hvorad me, and carried me thior^^ht '^ 7*^ ^ *"$ oapttvity. OKAma U.-^ lAe ahu im miii lfiarw» ira ali nwK t Mwrai onfivetf msv wtra^vni M# XMlfaiw. ^vbob twy-'j namhof m Indiana mm, or whon any eapdvaa h|ll,liMi 1 taMon, wr whon any etfitlveo * a daneo, and toMtin m vA thoir hkndi* Ttfy a9fN«iiMlo''hothor, who iInui tlveo dooeti and am f^mMp^ tteflMliv I tudauppy pooala who IMM Miilhia MiMlo bodior, who im liloi ifi mn* eutivi9. 4«itM Jf^ |in^ iflqreifnn^lliyinnui i i-fS»- f ^' l*% I ! m JOHN aVLED' OAPTIVITY. Idi iqaaw want to C«n«d«, but Mm m« down th* tiftr witk Mvtrai IndiMM to tho fort, to plant corn. Th« g it impoaaibw to uirrive their bloody treat' K l|M4;C!^t ilwci^ impraasod an my nind that it waa MM in ' ^lifi* INMnir t0 take away my Ufa, •• I daaiatad*^ r )]ba» Umnw Capa SahU htdiai* cama to ma agalb Hli» hatM tilM««l oC ihafar whcipa, aamg, " Shall wa, lakw hava laat Mbtiam In iIm Ea^kh, auAr m Bai^sh vaioo! t»ba hatrd tial** he. Than thay baat aa again wiA tba att. •lib mMMli is a wwUke ahibk thailMpa ar 9 WSaR dklMk'inttnii aa ftM^'PNHMir, PMPWI latflahaA ite BMiaulam, ia iha BMiaf Iha K>Mrfi.eiala« it t i eMa'awiadilts.'in(iinii aa ftMk'wteH aJUt fig half the dsht ««%whii|||h)ti ':><), I iiiiiriiiil«iMiiliiiiiirTfT"''H*-''f^-''tif*l JOHN OYLES' CAPTIVITY. }wii tk« tivtr wiUi Th« dav befor* wt foung lnwina thai Enirlinh Moad a pawca waa M foiaaaad ; I waa wt liltla if any that ) tha Yillafa, where inded, hut tkrefl or Eram. whare tkay xander, a Jaraoy Caieo Bay. Thk Sab)« Indiaoa, who, English fiahermen. tharoaalvea on poor mad ma aboat till I into tha ring to my lad thair barharitiM threa Indiana, who ending ma down by ouldtia io long that r. Tkaa qjlkara put d ordtrad me to gat paHbmadwiih dM •e«aM4 datarmioad ee of tboaa pMMtn a thair bloody treat- 1 that, it waa mH in iiiad^ ma H*i^ UW baan Wi «1m 1mt« iMt lb vaioo! t»b«liaard tg»in wiA the M«. hiV u t '^ Now I rtpontaii that I had not aent two nr three of them etit of the world hnfori iiio, for I thought I had inurh rather dia than auflTer niiy lotigpr. They lafk mo the aecond time, and tha other Indiana pu* ih« tomhnke into my hand* agnin, and com* polled me to sing. Than I aetuned more reioluta than beftwa to destroy noinc of them ; but a atrange and atror'^ impulaa that I ahould return to my own place and people auppraaaad it, aa o(\en aa auch a motion rono in my breast. Not one ol them ahowcd the least coinpuasion, but I aaw the tears run down plentifully on tho chevka of a Frenchman who sat behind, though it did not alluviate the torturea that poor James and I wer4 forced to ondurn for the moat part of thia tedious day ^ for they were continued till the evening, and were the moat severe that ever I mot with in the whole sii years that I waa a captive with *he Indians. After they had thus inhumanly nbuMd us, two Indians tadk us up and threw ua out of the w'igwam, and we crawled away on our hands and feet, and were scarce able to walk foe savaml days. Some time after they again concluded on a laanrjr dance, when I was at some dislanco from the wigwam draaaiaa leather, and an Indian was so kind as to tell me that thay hM got James Alesandar, and were in search for me. My Indif master and his sauaw bid me run for my Ufa into a awanpMi hide, and not to discover myself unless 'they both oama to OMi for than I mipht be assured tho danca waa over. I waa aiMr master of their language, and a word or a wink wu MMSilM to excite ma to uke can of one. I ran to the swamp,jnii mt in tha thickest place I could find. I he»rd halWiiilg 4MMI whoopinff all around me ; sometimaa some f^mmd Taffjr Mltf me, aad I could hear some threaten and others Ibttat latt iMi I waa not diapoaad to dance. If thay had coma upon ask^t \mA tasolved to show them a pair of haals, and they moat him had gaud hick to have catchea ma. I heard so moie af ibani till MCMt evaniag. for I think I slept« when ihay cmne apaim oilUaf, '•Chflol Ghon!" but John weuM not traai tMi^ At^Amjf «w« cone, my master and bla sqnaw uaaM.iHMMar thil]f uMm ta nd«. hut oould not And me s ao^. wIma I IMMI tlMPkW]r«*na. Th^,a«Mi92]a laiiM JOHN OYLEB' OAPTtVITY fH^ , • niMl •mbitiuua, haughty And blood-lhiratv ptopln, from Um other IndUiu uk« their mtsiaurra nndmaniMra, and nodoo and chungiM of droM, Ace. Om very hot mmob, • fTMt uumbor mthartd logoihor at the vilUfc, and btinf a vvrr droughty (tbiraty] pooplo. they kent Januia and myaolf ■iffBl and dav fetching water from a cold apring, that ran out of • roelnr hiu about three quartert of a mfle from the fort. In Cnf thUher, we croaaed a large interval cornfield, and then a cent to a lower interval, before we aacended the hill to the nrinff. Jamee being almoat dead, aa well aa I, with thia con* luiaaTfatkua, eonuived to frighten the Indiana. He told me of his pUm, Mt ooniMred me to necrecy, yet aaid he knew I could 1mm cMiiasI ! The neit dark night, Jamoa, going for Water, Ml kia ImUUi dowa on the de^'ent to the lowcat inlerTal, and fWMing back to the fort, pufllng and blowing aa though in the ViMMI MrnrtM, told hb maater that he aaw aomething near tlw aprlf tbat looked like Mokawha, (which were only atumiie.) Bb nwnar, hehiff a moat courageoua warrior, went with nim tf mA» diaeovary. When they came to the brow of the hill, Jmm jpotetad to the aiumoa, and withal touching hia kettle milk hm tat, gave it motion down the hill: at every tarn ita Ml akncradi which eaMed Jamee and kia maator to aee a IHMii^ in avary atum^ and they loet no time in " turning Ili'l0k" aad ha WM the beat fellow who eoaM run the fiuteat. Hii» niMiniil all the Indiana in the village. They wera about •r forty in nnmker, and thev packed it, bag and MWM up the river and otnen down, and did nol fiAotn dnjr* i u>d then the bant of lh« wmtbar lly ovtr, oar Cud aonriea was abnlod far Ikla aaaaeti. I«»v«r haaid that the Indiana nndsiatood the oecMion af tftoir MtMi km JaMM and I had many a private langli abont H. . Mt Mjf aioat JtiMBla and danr eompanion wm om John ^ We,M«A«DM gnavaMM to . bSlrassoa«M il««t Immto by the lad^M, we wan atiietly inmlmi aifui, MriHUaaly aacnaad tt eoatriving t« deaart W« wwn IM fltt ktmttm mm to kbv« any tbooffct of that, and ftrfhig tfr tfHh vtakMModvdidnatpanJaliua. An Eafliali o^vt |i|l l" iri» MM^^vlw WM takato by MadoMwaodo^ wmM 4IM| I JpnwMi oa of ptoninif to deaart ( b«t wv mmh i mUbIv ammt, that aha wm oharked cad w* wM wm 4m tod wintev of my Mpiivity, lokn Bvtea ' ^ ilMMiMliy, Md tiM MitM taMMM « kMiry bwNM] ^Mkhi' mmm i ma f wank 6m Uof IkAkMf :ir^ 'mSifihfS Um «|iaitl ovwt pbst of iM, i4MN 9mm,m yowng man lakan from Quoekeeho. We, i ymmiM, Mat logaikar, aad mada known oar pk mtk atkar, wkiah aaaMad to aaM otir minds { km, ( intv ptoplff, Arom Hnu manners, and rery hot mmok, ItLge, tnd bcinf ■ UQfli tnd myMlf ring, thai ran out ^rom th« fort. lo n field, and then a kd the bill to tha 1 1, with this con* «. He told me of I he knew I could , going for Water, iroit interral, and ' aa though in the w aomathing near rereonlyatumpa.) >r, went with nim brow of the hill, uching hia kettl* at erery turn its I maalar to aee a lime in *' tuniinr lid run the flutaet. Thay war« about tad mT, bat and iwD, and did not a of iIm waathar id for tlUi saaaen. » oacaakm af tAair lavfli aboat it. ion waa om John Wa, aa oAaoi •• ■■r giiavaMaB lo- ■ { bSwaaaooAM f iiai aipai^ Wo ««rt tMtu idfliiiliiff* wmM< 7btti4ir^^ m» JOHN OYLES' CAPTIVITY. W hollow, h« broke ihrouf h, fell dowi<, and cut hia knao vary much. NtiiwithiUnding. h« travetl«>f| lor nome tinM, but tlM wind and cold wnm •<> lurcibi**, that they aoon orercama him, and he iiat or fell down, and all the Iniliane paaead by hiaa. Some of ihem went back the next day after htm, or hia paek, and found him, with a dog in hie armii, both froaea to deatll. Thua all of my fcllow-captiv(«H wrrrt* diaperied and dead, bat through inAnil«> and unineriicd go<>dit«M I waa auppottod IM> d*r and carritid through ail ditficultian. Chaittir lU—CffiirtAtrdffieultmmanddtlivtrmieu. Om winter, aa wo v^ere movitiflf frtmi ;ilur« to place, our httntois killed some mooee. On* lyin^ nome mileii from our wig^ wanie, a young Indian and myM d&m ima mr foot, . tmm ttmSn soaU ha. ika hla^ Imoui ta I l^'i m JOHK QYLEM' CAmVITY. fcal 10 my tnklM lum«d bi«ck. end iwatlod with bloody bit*. ton, «nd wwro in«xpr«Mibly puiriful. The Indisni latd ono to tnolhor, " Hi* ftot will roi, and he will di«." Yet I •lepl Wf U «l night. Soon •tier, the akin came ofT my fent from my MkloM, whole, liko a ihoo, leavinv my Uut* nakod, without a luiU,and th« anui of my ifreat toe bonea Ure, which, in a liltia lime, turned black, m that I waa obliifed to cut ihu Hnt joint off with my knife. The Indiana save inn rnffa to hind up my iMt, and auviaed me tn apply tir ttalaam, but withal iidd«d thai Ihay believed it waa not worth while to uiv tttuuna, for I ahould Mftainly die. But, by the uae of my tilhowMr and a atick in •aeb hand, I ahoved myaelf along aa I »at upon the ground orar tba anow from one tree to another, till I go\ aome baUam. Tkia 1 burned in a cl«ni-«hell till it waa of a conaialonco like ■•!▼•, which 1 applied to my fuel and ankica, and, by th« di< Tioa Uoaaing, within a week I could go alwui upon my hoola wilh my att&r. And, throuprh Ood'a goodiieoa, we had pro- viaiona aoough, ao that we did not remove undor ten or tii\e«n 4ity«. Then the Indiana made two little hoopa, aomething in iIm Ibtm of a RiiowHthoo, and anwing them to my feet, I waa •Ua 10 follow them in their trKcka, on my \\eeU, from Dlac« to ■Imc, tiiMMtgh aometimea half leg deep in anow and water, whkh f»«« m« the moot acute pain imaginnbia ; but I muat walk or di«. Yat within a year my feet were entirely weU ; mi th« naila camo on my irreat toes, ao that a verv critical eye •earcely pea'civt* any i>urt miasing, or that they had been _-ji at All, Ii» a time of great aoafcity of . proriaiona, the Indiana chased a large nlooae into the rirer, and killed bim. Thev brought Ike i'Mh V .He village, and raiaed it on a ecafTold, in a large lri^-«;ja, in .^rder to niako a fcaat. I was vory ofHcioua in 'MI|Pt/ing them wilh v/och! and water, which pleaasd tkem ao W4 )ia( they now an.' ihen mi«e me a pitseu of fleah half Mba ot roaaied, which I ate with eaffernMa, and I doubl iM>t wlthont dno thankfulneaa to the divina Baing who so «xtl»- ' MdisiUily fed me. Kt lensth the acaflbid Waring the moo** maat broka, and I beiivg andar it, a large pieea fell, and kmck- ad ma on tha hand.* The laAana aaid I lay MsmmiI a eon* ■ifcraMn time. The firM I was aenaibla of was a m«rm«riBf tn ny aara, then my ti^hi gradnally retninad, writh aa asttama pun in my hand, which was very muak kniaaA S tiw il waa long bafora I recovaM4, tha waaihar bainf vary iMt I aras onea fishing with an Indian for stmgaaa, aai iki Indian darting ona, hta ImI sMppad* •^ ^* tnmad ilM i|ia« •Whetker h* vara atrarh by a tinkar of Om »inwitea^waaialaftl> «O i » e ww >s»dJH»nal ■ii>*iii»i laiiiiinwiwi* iiiiTiirii-iiiiiijii with bloody bUft- Indians mid on* die." Y«t I tlspl * my re««t from my nakod, without ■ , whicti. in » liute cut the Hnl joint iiga to hind up my withal iidd«d th«l rKiuuii, fur I ahould WR, and a aiick in upon th« ifrouAd I goi lumo ^iMwn. a conBiilanc* lika lea, and, by th« di< ut upon my haaiU iirMt, we had pro- indor ten or tii\e«n nop*, Nomething in I to my feet, I waa i«eU, from plac« to I snow and water, inabia ; but I must V6r« ontirely weU ; a very critical eye that tbc*y had b««n the Indiana chmaed tm. They brought scaflbld, in a tar^e u) very oflkious m ih pl«as«d them so piecu of flesh half sa, and I doubt not king who so extras bearing the tnooe* iee« fell, ftnd knoek- lay M«MMwim, with my face to the twttom ot the canoe t but turning m) i«lf, I brought mv hrenat to bear on the croae* bar, eipecting every minute the Indinn to tow me to the bank. But " he had other Huh to fry." Thus I continued a quarter of an hour, [ihoughj without want of tmath, till the currrnt drore me on a rocky point whore I could r«a«li Wtom. There I atopped. and turned up my canoe. On looking aboal for the Indian, I saw him half a mile off up the nver. On Eolng to him. I anked him why he had not towed me to the snk, seeing he knew I could not swim. He said he knew I was under ih.i canoe, for there were no bubbles any whore to be »e«n, and th«t I should drive on the point. So while he w«a Uking cmn of his An* st«irg«on. which was eight or ten feet in leiurth, I waa left to sink or awim. Once, a« w« were (iahiitff for xelmon at a ikil of about ntimm feet of water. I came ntM being drownded in a de«p kolo nt the foot of the fall. The Indiana went into the water to wai^ themselTM. and asked me to go wilk them. I told them I could not Kwim, but t*»y insisted, ond so I went in. Tlkiy wderod me to dive acroas tho deepewt place, and if I f<^ " of Uie other side they said they wonid help me. But, ii of diving across the narrowest pan. I waa crawling on'tha bol« tom into the deepest niace. They not seeing ma riao» nUl knowing wheroahouts I was by the bubbling of the water • younff girl dived down, and brought me up by the hair, oOmt* wiae I bad periahod in the water. Though tho Indiana, both male and tMnala. p into the water togetW, thor haia eaa% ofthem such covorsng on that not the least indeeener can ba "nSJ^' "*" ^^^** chastity nor modesty is violated. Whib ai tho Indian viUage, I had been cutting wood iad binding it up with an Indian rope, in order to carry it to tha wigwam J a stout, iU'oatttred yauag Crilow. about twrnty yaan of age. throw nae backward, sal en my breaat, naliod out kk knife, and said ko woaU kill me. for ho had ne%«r vet kOM one of the Engliah. t tdd him he might go to warf and Atl would be more manly than to kiU a poor eaptiv* who was da- mg tkair drudf ory for them. Notwithstanding all I eo«M ma, the half, and turahbng kim off of me, feMowed him witk mf r* •^-•^ ^^^ *^^ oppKeation that ho soon M ^Ml^.** B«i««oaIsawibeUoodrvnA«mmybii«iin,Mi T^TST?** "' *• ^'^^ •»• ^ 8'**^ mo, I at Wm again. r it JOHN OYLEt' CAnriVITY 4oubU. I Mill him brrora m«, •ml lAking up my hurilan of wood, c«m« III ih« lh«liiiii», «riil lol4 lli«iii ino whoU truth, and thoy cominanilnJ mn. Aiitl I *i» not roinninlwr that •'/«? Im oir«ni •rtwrwariJa, though h« wta big •nouf h to hava d«apotch««l two of m«. CNirrii IV.— 0/ nmmrkthtt tnnti of Prttidtnu in tkt ki ^ uttrdL LarUramt InJimiu. Th« prUat of thli rivtr of lh« onlor of Mt. Frnneia. • gniitlemMn of • hum«n«, MiMfoui dUpoaliioii. In hU Mrinona h« iitont a«ivori*ly rvprn* Mndod Iho liulimi* for ihair h«rl»rili«>a iorM|)(iv<«a. Il« would oAlon toll thorn that, excopting their errora in religion, the Eng< hak woro a better people than ihemaeUea, and that (lod would famarkably puniah auch cruel wretchea, and had begun to •■•• Cttta hit vengeance upon such already ! He gare an account of Um ralaliaiiona of Providence upon ihoae niurderoua Cap* lakU Indiana above mentioned s ona of whom got a apllntor ble hla foot, which featored and rottad hia Aeah tiU it killtd kirn. Aaolher run a Ash-bona into har hand or arm, and aha nliad to death, notwithatanding all meana that were uaad to pitvaAt it. In aoma auch niaiuiar thev all died, ao that not th liU it klllod nd or ami, and aho I that wero uaod to ill diod, M that not mo.* W«ro it not irliapa, ha? • noticad •vond to o«ldo alt 10 cam* into a wif* ptivM wort tutting iho wo«ld ttMlthily thtm into tkair bo- re«M Mito tlMoi by . Ice. Tho Indians latom. loft tiMir vil' Kamaelrtt for kunt* rallttranfiiyfNfat woIto yoaiaofafi. tkoy wora laA mmm WM takoB of thorn •poeial rtnatk; tor- for tkani MMg^ ifaif of M«||», Ik* ;0M1« aVLKf CAPTtTITY. W •Iranga I'diana, paMing up and down ikia rivar In caMoti and Moout ihai ilma iha noit yaar diad mora than on* bun* dr*d pal • •, old and yiHing ; ail, or miMt of ihoan who miw tboaa indiani f Tba pri««l Mid it waa a tort «f piagu*. A para<' > 'wming in porfaet naalih would bl««d at ih» moitllk and not! , .urn blu* in apoia, and dia in two or thra* houra.* It waa «*r) lodioua lo m* to romova fVom plae* to plac* thia nold »<•'«'•. Tb* Indiana appliad rad o«hra tn my aora*. [which lt>t(t baan occaaionad bv iha aifVav bafora mantionad.) whifh by < iod'a biaaaing curad rra. ThIa aicknaaa baing at tha woni« in wintar cama on, Iha Indiana all acaliarad t ana tho blow waa «o graat to tbom, that ihay did not aallla or plant at ihair villag)!) whila I waa on iha rivar, [St. Jobna,] and 1 kaew not whatKcr ihay hav* lo this day. Hofora ihay ihua dasortod tho villajK^v. when they eamo in from hunting, lh«v would ba drunk and fight fnr aovaral daya and nighla togathar, lill thay hai< ajMnl moat of t'K ir ikina in wina amr brandy, which wai brought to tko TillaK» by a Franehman callod Monaiour ^t^nkmemtir. tki dttii, hv.. Tho Indiana aro vary ofWn aurpriaod wMrSi j oppoaiAiiicf of ghoals and damona. Somotimaa thoy ai« mp, eoarapd by tho dovil, for ihoy go to him for auceaaa in hil ing, Jk. i waa onco hunting with Indians who wora Ml broughl ntKt (o tha Romiah faith, and afUr s«?aral daya ikmf propoaoii to inquiro, according to ihoir custom, what cueaaaa tkay ahould navo. Thay accordingly proparad many kM stones, and laving thorn in a heap, made a snail hut covarad with skins ana mau ; then in a dark night two of the pewwcisi want into this kal houae with a largo vaessi of waior, whiek at times they poured on those hot rocks, which raiaed a tklek otaam, so that a third Indian was obliged to stand without, iib4 lift up a mat, to give it veat when they were almnst swUiMiiai. There was an old squaw who was kiud to capiivee, and nmw jained with thtm im tkair powwowing, to wkom I maaiiwui an eameel desiw to sea tkeir iMuwgement. Sko told Ma'Aat if tkty knew ttmiy UiH *lMre tkoy would kill ase, adl thai wkon she waa a fill sko kad known young poraooa lo hi takan away kyakaity aMn,nid tkerefore ska wo«kl not aiviaa ■M M fBt laal Ika hairy maa skeold carry mo away. I laU ssbapMniaganMagths sashal aaylUaf tads 'aTlUaaikllvw r. mat dVLir ekfrtwrtt. Itaf I WM (M>( «fVi«i«l of ih« H^iirjr man, ••^UAW wh«i had hurt, KR't novtir dWovarvd whai I hmi diiiM. nwr rnulti K« hiti pro«iM«»'^l me trt Imi t'arfwAll mywlf I waiil within ll turn «r fouf f'^ « n' ih* H«M "MM, (Im it m%» (ary 4iirk, «n«>••« and )«lliiii'i, Midi M I n*v»r hMird Iwfani, At mum* \h» IndlaM ««ho iter «U (nor« y, | want (n lh« wivwam, and (old %hf II" »*'W roda (/ ua, ao that Iha wavaa ha maila by wadlnu roU« tila vaoda ; an4 har* tho Indian powwowad tha fro[4 Oil , AfUlf MKH" r til i«lMid >>^ (k* MMMW W«n( Itllgi ikt> M fr«iii(«M part tf Mi • fikir ifVAk W • 1 not M* or IMI« W wtmiiiMl U> hiiaMC I* thinn.* 9 dfltudwi. «r wMt I wbkb wart rtUtod • bey wIm wm cat* I, wIm baildatb hu f wik% kuaUnff wUk inoantaia. whian tha ipad tha bay hi kar n yaan af aga» aiia aoi fof baryaMf TIm bay lay ■till «it hwi $»».-*>. iMt ttbat^rfnil iwt tl ik« ynwac Mr4« M tba M«t mak kirn, h«rl«f mu k tUlt utd AmIi u» km apm. Tb« ttbl i>ns •••tti| ih«y wtnilfl mM v^n' ihm boy. umiIi • M t««ik bim. I htavu p«tf! nmir ihi* )n«»Mni«in in • <»niM, 4n4 th« In4i«n« hav« mii, " Tho,,. U iht n«i»t uf \hm urMt Nnl (hal ear(l«4 sway th* b«iy." (n in foniMr dnya." TtiA bii4 Milii' li w>- ii«w was a Urf* anJ .j«i WI<.1 «•«, ltk« aA •ag l«, tbou|{h •oiiir.^wtMt laryar.* Wbfa ^1 'III iM >D* «y Aa4 thifnnt WMgn, ih« kunxry iMwptM iy, / Tbiy M»u h«i • f • • * • Ar««n<« lllrty waM^ Oaf «•»«• Aw tmfdun muI nw ^mm pnlbr. DarMn'i Tiaa*. Tha oth«r noiiim ia, that a yaanf Mian in hi* haatlag «m babitad, and Irwinir bit way, waa on a auidtlan intrn^aaaj M a (arm wigwam full nf drioffiwl. iltair taila broad and Att lika ihahipd and of a paddla. Naai thair laila thay ha«« four baiilaa, Urt of which contain oil, tha oUiara fum ; Uia naeka of ihaaa naal in ona contniM oriflca. TIm latiar of Ihaaa hattlaa eattttUn tha C>par caaionim, aod not tha laatielaa, at aama hava fkactadi ihay wt distiaei and aaparala IVam than, i» Iha mJaa unity ) ^W HM^V ^^^P^^^^^^W VH^HM^MV a^^^B^ai^B ^^^^^WWv ^^W a'l^" IMi^BWgBPBfc ^^^™ *• B^Bb C> O" i\ mmt tnB# eAmnnr. <^ ^AatnftMii >n4 nil lhn ItM, •« |||«l «K«ii ihwjr *nt\i^ nwl «»f IM »(ii«( ii run* off oC iK*in, m It 4. t TMji k«»« bur imii*. «ht>b ar* •>•• il»«i* lU. M iImI (K«ir kNf «• 0>« t f*»ng Aiwi ■•»• kU •Hafit, •« MM *^i il^if inunl* ilk H t**^* g«rMir*ll)r i«'>,ati« (tNtr tn • liMof I Imv* •<''<>h (utvit «f n«a •II iK< in«iM«, km Ul« ladlAn* think t< 4 !>ir»ntrv thing •» nnii •'• m-ariy In « Itttar . «<-'( t)U]r A*Mr« th«i ««K*ft ll m h«|i|i«it« tho Aim lk|(k» •U Imi lb»>*' Ttivy •»<• iK« mrvaiMf«« (H«i i k^V* A«4 xili. I llartt bituMn ihri"! in >i<«ile|iriii jiitrt iif « |i<>iiii an Mkxl* 'lit Vttt^. ' if hou«w«, r»tin, Wit V< An fpM Httfji, au.| ati tif eigUi Itt 4Minii<««f M tt« fii All*.'. U in«d« lUai •iMltnff I't ih< <> «ii«lw<|«r«MI IM • (Hilly litt h»ii nbattn ihn waiof. Til'"" fWJwra «r<' •■nv* tfM .*h •iri|i|>inf« «f w«hh1, libt* •h«»luff*. On llt««« ih«y tlM^ with ih*ir utl* in ihm waUir ,* ami if in* tivU^i* ri*». ibay ||A«« iti«a<im1 lily III iH« fall af ika yaar ,h«)r Uy m ihrir proviatun for Ul* •pprn**')iintf w|nlr r , • «iUinu iMWU Inwa K'"*' *■■'' •nuiJt. Wllh ona aiwl in ih'ir ni<>«iih« inay lirnK ihair or«n«h< winmI umlrr lh« l«'a, And in ra«a ibt* fraah- ill riat), lirrak ilown and carry ofT ihair ■l<)r» of moihI, ibay •IWn aUrvfl. Thay Uava a noln far convcrainf, calling and Wtminf aMh a(ht>r whan al wurk or fradinK ; and while thav •n il wbof iKay kaap out « RU«rd, i^hn utKin Iha Ar»t ati^iriMcB •f Ml •iMWiy M airib«a iha walar with hU tail thai h« mcy Im Ii— r4 ' yif a milt*. Ttii* «n alarm* iha ra*l that ihry ara •II alMC Quit ihc'it latNir, and arr to ha aroit no niorp for that tiilM. If iM inul< or fvinata dia, tha aiirvivor aaaka it fn«t«. •nd ^Biidiicu hint or h«r lu ihair houaa, and carry on atflkira aa •hof*. II. 0/ TNI WokvaaiN^. [Oui0 Lutein ot L.] The wol- f«MM la • varv Af«r<-a and mlachlavoiia craalurt, ahout tlui Mgaaaa of a middling iloii ; having abort l«gt, brow! (««l aai * I naataai lo bava aaaa a alaMw Walawint by Aai • Haaffwr, af Man Moaal, la bia aaf* ilafolM ' OaMAaMt abaai b>«f«ia baaal at ^tmk utbi la lb if«r, lali aa fba laaaaa ibaf «a a% vk. "mkttk A» t*im r •MumMfi l« rmlm tmi I. «»k»>'h «>• •>« tHair tiiti attillU •K*wi, •« 'r«lly tti»»,«n4 ••••«<*• M A«» HI lh«' ttMlMt, I fttiil *'i itu«My kn 4 |(|Mi)ri« ih<' ikm Ik till* ttui* • r Mill climb irnci and wiiil for mooM and other onimaU whlrh fved b«low, and when opportunity pra* •anti*, Jump upon and ttrike thoir rlaw* in lh«m ao faat thai thoy will nang on thorn till they hnve gnawed the main nerva in thtir neck aaunderi which caiiira their death. I havt known many mooae killed thua. I waa once iraTelling a litlU way behind aeveral Indiana, and hearing them laugh merrily, when I eam« up I naked them the caune of their laughter^ They ahowed mo the track of a mooao, and how a wolverene had climbed a tree, ond where he hod jumped ofT upon a mooae. It ao happened, that af^er the mooae had taken a«T«> ral large leap*, it came under the branch of a tree, which atrik* ing the wolverene, broke hia hold and tore him ofT; and by hie traeka in the anew it appeared he went off* another way, with abort atepa, aa if he had been alunned by the Mow that had broken hia hold. The Indiana impute'', the accident to tht cunning of the mooae, and were wonderfully pleaaed that it had thua outwitted the miachievoua wolverene. Theae wolverenoa go into wig\vama which hava bttn Mi' for a time, acatter th« things abroad, and mo^t filthily polliM tharo with ordure. I have heard the Indiana aav that Ihia aai> mal has sometimes pulled their guns from unoisr their heaAl while tk nr were asleep, and left them so dofiled. An Indiaa told me tnat having left his wigwam with sundry ihinga tm the seaflbld, among which was a birchen flask containing aerek rel pounds of Bowder, he found at his reium, much te tiis aai» prise and griei, that a wolverene had visited it, mounted tM scafTold, hove down bav and baggage. The powder flask hap> pening to fall into the fire, eiplmled, blowing up the wolverene, and aealtering the wigwam in all directions. At length he found the creature, blind from the blast, wandering baekwaid and forward, and he had the satisfaction of kicking and beal> ibg him about ! Thia in a great measure made ap their loaa^ and then they oouM contentedly pick up their ntensila and rif out their wigwam. III. ()r m Himiaoo, {Hitirtt Dtnatm,] or Utcmr, tCTfSMfl Oar hednhoff at urchin is about the bigneaa of • Of of aui OMntha ohl. His back, sides Mnd tail are fall ef sharp oaiUa, so that if any creature approach him, he wiH eoli- tnet bunself into a globular form, and when toaehed hj hk elNaq^ Ma oailla are so sharp and leoee ill the ricin Ihey flv hi tka ■mmIi «r the adTOtsary. They will strike with mat force wilk tlMhr tatta, ea that whatever ftlle under the loaK et them fera 4mMf lUed with their pricklea; but that they ihool *^ ' "* I aaaen they dot is a gnat oiisthka, oa r¥ i f JOIN OYLIV CAirnriTY. fpsela Um Amtrican htdgthof , pTiw, al _ and I Ultev* m lo Um Afrl* iMdgthof or porcupTiM, iiIm. Ai lo ibo formoft I iMfo lilran ihom al all aoaMiM of tko ytar. IV. Or TMi ToRTOMi. It li noodloH to doaeribo Um frtah* water (orteiN, whoao form i« w woll known in all pnru ; but tboir mannor of propagaiinf thoir •poeitt la not ao unWanallv known. 1 ba?o obaarvad that tort of lortoiao wboao aboil la about foartoon or aixtaon inchta wido. In tboir coition tboy majr bo board balf a mil«, making a noiio liko a woman waab* ing hot nnan with a batting ataflT Tbey lay thoir ogga in tha aandt noar asmo do«p, atill waior. about a foot banoain tho aur- fceo of tho sand, wita which thoy aro vary curieua in covaring thorn ; ao that thoro ia not tho loaat mixturo of it amongat tham, nor tho loaat rising of aand on tha baach whoro tboy aro dopoaitod. f I havo oAon aoarcbod for thorn with tho In^ana, by throating a stick into tha aand at random, and brought op aomo part of an ogg clinging to it ; whan, uncovoring tho plaao, wo havo found noar ono hundrad and Aftv in ono noat. Both thoir ogga and floah aro good anting whan boilad.> I hava a b aarv iJ a diflaronco aa to tho Itngth of timo in which thoy MO hntehing, which ia batwaon twonty and thirty dayat ao«o than othara. Whothtr thia diBbranco ought to bo im* Ira tho varioua quality or aito of tho aand in which thoy ■pa kidi (aa to tho dogroo of cold or haat,) I lonvo to tho con* JfWtKN 01 tha virtooai. Aa aoon aa thor aio hatchod, tho foong tft ('siao hroaka throogh tho aand ana bataka -thtiiaolvoa lo tho wntor, and, aa fir aa I could diaeovor. without Iktr enro or holp of tho old onoa. way Aif W- Oaamn VII.— (y tMr fiulimg. 1. B^fkn tka§ f H i»pr.i» WhoB tho Indiana dotormino on war. or aro onlaring tMoa •jartieolnr oipadition, thoy kill n numbor oC thtir doga, bim Off thoir hair and out tham to niocaa, lantriat only ono Jof'a bond wholo. Tho reat of tho floah tkoy bai, and nmIm • Am fcaat of it. . Thon thodog'a hand that ww M wholb ia ■eolehod, tili tho noao and lipa havo ahronk ftoM iW tooth, laaviaf tham bnra and grinning. Thia doM. liMir iNlaii Ik on • atiekfOnd tho Indiaa who ia nrofoood to bo ehW faiiha aapo- ditioa tolna tha hood into hia handt and aiBfi>t^«mryN-aaM ia which ho montiooa t^M town thor doaign f-llilfct wakmk prinoipal man in it; throntoning thai in a A# lhgfn nai^ When tho ehiof has flnbhod oiof dof^ hood 'aa to grin at kia wka h«»i oaaond, who, if ha oeeopta, tokoa lk»' Im 4ifa{ but if ho lofuaoa to to» hi riiimi ITY. Mkf M 10 iIm am* 10 tbo formtr, I hovt lodoMribotho firooh* own in til porta : but H U not M uniforMllv tortoiM wkooo tlioll !■ In tholr coition ihoy iM liico womin woili* ly lay thoir offp in th« • foot bonooUi tlM tur- iry curlotto in eovoring mixturo of it omengat • btoch whtro tbov u« tkom with tbo In^ons, indom, tad broafht np n, uncovofinff tbo ploco, flhy in ono noal. Both whon boilo4.> I kavo of timo in wbicb tboy tnd thirty doyo ( mhm rorenco ought to bo im- iho Mnd in whieb Ihoy Mt,) 1 lonto to tho eon* thoT ON bolehodt tbo I nnd botoko-thMsoolvoo leofOTt without uj Air* It B^ft iktff g9 t§ INI wtf) or nro onioring n Bumbor of thobr dogi^ Nb tboy bii, and Mikt 1 thatwwMwlMlbk ibrunk ftoM (ho Uwtbi ■ doMtllMrtNlMiiton I to bo eUw in Iho oipu- id ■JBfKvWiariHii oaiy kk • 'ft#teniliif4MI .hnaikiiir^ ■■ ■gtafkhi* •ft JOHN oYLKv cApmrmr. tf •ad thai from ono to onotbor till ihoy hovo onliatod thoir eoa^ paayi " Tbo Indiano iaMgino that dog's lUah makn thorn bold aad eourafooua.' 'i bavo aeon an Indian tplit a dog's hoad with a halahal, laka out tho braina hoi, aud oat thorn raw with tha Mood raaaiag dowa hia Jawa I « 8. Whtm a rt laH m Hm. In a ^till ovoning, a aaaaw will walk oo tho hiahoal land noar bor abodo. aad with a loud and BMNimfbl vomo will oielaim, *' Ok Kamt, hmm, Aomw,** with a loaf, mourafiil tono to oaeh Aawa, for a lona tiaa tofothor. AAor tho mouraing aoaaon is ovor, tho rolattena of tho docoaaod inabo a baat to wipo off toara, and tho borvafad ■ay nuurry firaoly. If tho doooaaod waa a aauaw, tho rthuiaaa ooMult logothor, and ehooao a aquaw, (doubilooa a widow,) aad •aad bar ta tho widawor, aad if ho Ukoa bor ho taboo hat 10 bo hia wife, if aai, ha aoada bor back, aad tho raktiaaa chaoao aad ooad till llMy Aad oao that ko approvoa of. " If a yoaag Mlew datminoo to oMrry, hia rokMiano and ika Joottit adviaa him to a girL Ha cooa iL*o tho wigwam whaia aha io, aad laaka aa kar. If ka Uaoo kor appoaraaeo, ko loaow a okip or aliok lata kar hip» wkiek aka takoa, aad wiik a taaamd, aida laok, viawa tko poiaon wko aont itt yal kaadlaa ^ tko ekip wiik admiiallaii, aa ikmigk aka woodorod Aam wkoaatj it oama. If oka Uk« kim aka ikrowa ika ekip ta kfan wiika ■Mdoot amilo, aad tkaa aotkiag io waatiag but a oo i amoay wMb Ika Jooaii ta oaaoammala ika maniifo. Bat if ako dWikoa kar mdlot, aka, wiik a oaily noaatoaaafo, ikwwa ika okip aakk aad ka oooMo aa MMra ikoia. •^ My , II iko Bwa ooai^ ant Ibr kar k ka«i a IMB aai amwilkm, a oaaao, opoar, aad kalal a w ai fc od kailb, looUnf^laoo aad paial,a| WMaoa. aaA kM^baarl la am a Uaf ar dica k, ka^ afia tl Mia i afaplaa ift g itaaa. Wkaiovorikai ■MpnaaNafkaiMl jraar kohNun lakiowifo'ki iWiaMffrivhava a akiy .wiikiB a «aar aad aiaamwlk^ ' aia WMill la ka vary ferwatd and Ubidiaoaa poaMM. rlMrfMr wiiii diaa ikajr kaa BMuk lima, plaviH wkalt ' ' witkBH olaking iMr wkab agvaalvieabf Ikaaldmam ^ i|\4lfMMfiia^ii"ThMa ia aa aid atorv told aaMNur ika ladiaaa '^ #*iiiflr Mm iMt • (iM^lMaff thai waa aoM^ S'f* fli lOMN OYLBV OAPmriTY. Wsttly. havin| bMn adorned wUh ih« praclout jcwtl. •n Indian •ducalioa i Bht w«a m formed by naturo. and pollshad by art, Ikat thay could not And for bar a auilabk conaort. Al lanfth. whila thia family wara onca rtsidin* upon iha haad of Panob* •Ml rivar, undar iha Whila hilU, caUad Ttdd»n, thia Una cra«« lata waa mining, and har paranu could laam no tidinga of har. AAar mucii lima and paina apant. and laara ahowarMTin quaat •f bar, thay aaw har divarting haraalf with a baaotiftil youth, whoaa hair, lika har own. (lowed down balow hia waiat. awim> ntng, WMhing, 4c., In tha watar ; but they vaniahed upon tkair approach. Thia beautiful peraon, whom thay imagined 10 ba one of thoea kind apirita who inhabit tha Taddon, thav loekad upon aa their Bon*in*law; and, according to their auatom, tney called upon him for mooea, bear, or whaterer •ffoalura they daaired, and if they did but go to the water-aida •ad BigniiV their deaira, tha animal would coma awimming to than I I have heard an Indian aav (hat ha lived by tha er, •I tiM fStet oftha Taddon, tha top of which he could aaa thr«/agh tka ImU of hia wigw^ left for the amoke to paaa out. Ha WM lamptad to travel to it. and accordingly aet out on a aum* am •Mming, and labored hard in aacending the hill all day. ■■d dM top aaamad aa diatont (torn tha place where he lodcid •I nifht aa from hia wigwam, where he began hia ieumay. Ha aanalvdad tha apiriu wara there, and never dared to maka • MMM aitanipi* I lutva baea credibly infonnad that aavwal othafa havt (Ulad is Uka attampla. Onca three young man climbed towarda ita ■— imit three daya and a half, at tha and of whkh lima thay Immbv ainngaly diaordered with delirium, kc., and when iMk iaMgtnation waa clear, and thay could loeoUael wkara tttj war*, thay foand thamaalvaa rMunMd one dav^a Joamay. Bow thay came to ha ikaa tranaportod thay could not eenJM- MM, anlaaa thafanii of the place had conveyed than. Thaaa Wlillt kiUa, at tfia bead of fWnobaoot rivet, are, by tiM Indiana, •aid to ba much bigbar than tboaa eallad Agbekaebook, abava 8a«a.* ^ Bat la return to an Indkn reaatTof wbkb yaa nay loqaaal a Mlarfcrabafoieyoafo. If you dialika it, aiay •! bmna. Tba iagiadiaala are bah, fleeh, or Indian corn, and baaa* bo4M tagotbar; aematimae bary padding made of pW Mi dad mam, wbanavor and aa often aa tbaaa art plaoty. Aa laiim bpMi Ihar or iva large kattlaa fall, and aanda a ma a ae afw w%wam door, who exelainia, **Kkk wmuettrttakl^ ** rwoM to conduct you to • feaat." Tba aain wilbfav4 •lama addiikM to ihiaa tndUcM wQl ba taai ia tha JMIaf AtJl^ I JmaMimsat ciout J«w«lt •n IntliMi , and pollahml by art, cooMrt. At Wnflhi »n lh« h«wi of P*no^ ^tddmt, tbU Am crM- rarn no tUlinn of h«r. irt ■howtrMfin quMi ith • IwMtiAil youlh, •low hi* wain, ■wim* ih«x vaniilMKl upon whom ih«y imtginod ■bit Ik* Taddon, tbov 1, tccordinf to thoir MO, btar, Off wkatoTor It go to tho wator<«id« Id eorno ■wimming to ho Urtd by tk« tr, k ho could MO thn>ugh noko to poM out. Ho igly Mt out on •urn* nding tho hill oil day. placo wboro ho lodgod wgonhioioamoy. Ho id oovtr wnd to nako TomI olhon h*f Ikilod on elimbod towmids ito nd of wkiek limo thoy irlum, fce., md whon cooM toeottoct whoro nod ono dajr** Jonnioy. thoy eoaMBOl eonjoe- onWyod than. Thooo r«r, 010, by tko IndiuM, id Agioekoekeok, nbovo hkhy«aiMyio(|MOla I it, iiay nt hoMo. Tho son, Hid boMM bottoi dado of pOMdid «»•• Mity. Akhdinkfli li a monoM NfHWOOMlM /^ ' he nan wUUiV^ •Nniiaih»jMlVi*l4^ JOHN OYLBI' CAPTIVITY. it whothor ho muit lako a apoon or a knifo In hit iii«h, which ho always carriM with him. Th«y appoinl two or throo young man to meu it out, to —eh man hit portion, tetotMng lo tho numbor of hit family at homo. Thia ii Aonm with tho utmoal aiaetnota. Whon thioy havo don« ratinif, a ynunv fallow itando without tho door, and erioo aloud, " ilf#N«»coMmoMr," " com* and faleh!" Immi'diataly aarh iqiiaw govt to hnr huibaiid and lakaa what hit ha* laft, which aha carriaa hnma and naia with har ehildran. i Vor n«ilhar marrird woman, nor any youth undar twaniy, ara ailowad lo b« praaoni i but old widow •quawa and captiva man may lii by tha door. Tho Indian man conlinuo in tha wigwam ; aoma rrlaling ihrir warliko aipioila, olhera aomathing comical, othvra narrating thair hunting aiploita. Tho aoniora giro maiima of prudanco and gravo eounaal to iho young men ( and though ovary ono** apaoch ba agraaabla to tho run of hia own fancy, yet thay eon« flno thamaervaa lo rule, and but one apaaka at a timo. AAat ovary man haa told hia atory, one riaos up, ainga a faMt song, and others aucceed altomatelv aa tha company aeei St. Noeaaaity is tha mother of invonlion.*'^ If an Ind'an loaoa hia Are, he can proaanlly take two aiicka, ono hardtir than tha other, (the drier the tietter,) and in the aofteat one make a hot* low, or socket. In which one end of the hardeat stick boinf inserted, then hoMing tho aoftest pie^e firm between hia kiMao, whiria it round like a drill, and fire will kindU in a feir minatoa. "^ If thay have loot or leA thoir kettle, it ia but putting thair Victaala into a bitch diah, leaving a vacancy in tho middia, fillinf it with water, and putting in hot atonea altomalaiyi thay will thua thoroughly wtil tho tougheat nock of,baaf. \^ ^ Otumn VIII.— Cy mf Ikne fmri tmptMt^ with Mc JVtMeA.— MThon about six years of my doleful captivity had paaaod, my second Indian master died, whoao aonaw and mf Brat Indian maator disputed whoao slave I shoula be. Somm maliekms peraona advised them to end the quarrel by putting a poriod to my life ; but honest father Simon, the prioal Itf tha lim, toM tham that it wouM bo a heinous crime, and adviaad thorn to aall mo to tho French. There camo annuallv onaar two men of war to supply, tho fort, which was on tba fivar ■botil 94 laagnoa from tho aea. Tha Indiana having ad visa af tha anival oi a nan of war at tha mouth of tho rifor, thay, ab ot rt thirty or forty in nunbar, wont on board ; for tho g«ntlo> IMS Aon Frnaea BMida a preaaat to than ovorr roar, and aat fortk dn fidbaa and rietoriea of their nonarch, te. At thia tiaw tkay itaoantod tha hdiaaa with a bag or two of tew with jom oYur oAmriTV. MM pw M i, M ln|(T«4UiiUi for • Cmm. I, wik* wm 4wm4 •p hi M aid frvMy bUnkvt, wiikoui cap, Imi, ov tkitt, (fov I Mi Im4 m thm for ik« ail VMm, airapi lb* on* I had on •! iht liaM I WM n»««U priMMMr,) wm iiiviiM iai* Ik* gTMl tMm. wImm Many w«U>rifM4 ftniUnMi wtra liiUaf, wIm wmU fcia htf* bad a full vmw m im. I tndaavorad le liMa myfalf WkiMl tka iMuiffinffi, fof I wa« maeh aahaniad t ikinliinf kow I had oaca worn elotlioo. and of my living wlUi paeoU wIm aawld rif aa wall aa ih« baal of ikam. My maaior aavad ■• wkaUiar I ckoaa to ba aold to iIm paopla af Um man of war, or la tita inkabiianta of ika ronniry. I ropliod, wlik taara, ikai I ihovld ba |lad If bo would aoll ma le ibo BncUab ttnm wbom I waa tabon i but ibai if I rnual ba aold lo ibo Frtneb. I wUbod I* ba aold 10 iba lowtai inbabiiaato on ibo rlror. or Ibooo nanr* «M la iba aaa, wbo woro aboui iwoniy*Avo loafvaa from Uka «a«lk of iba rirar : for I iboofbl ibai, if I wart told lo ibo MMlaman in iba abip, I abould novor rttnm lo ibo Bngliob. Tbia waa iba im lima I bad aoon ibo aon darinf ay enpUviiy, •ad Ibo flrM limo I bad laaiad aall or broad. My maaiar proaanily woni on aboro, and a fow daya nAar all tko IndiMM waai ap iba rivtr. Wbon wa eamo lo a bouaa vllkli I bad Bpokon lo my maaiar aboni, bo wtai on abort wkk »t, and larritd all niffbt Tbo maaiar of ibt btaao apoht kkdiy la mt in Indian, for I eonld noi ibaa apaak aaa wttd af VnimIi. Madam alao lookad plaaaaal on no, aad gavt mt •aoM brtad. Tba noii day I waa aani ais laagmaa fwlbtr vp Ikt rivtff la ftneibor Frtiklk boaaa. My maalat aad Um Mar wlib Monalaar Dacbooflbar, iba gaailaaMia wba had Not loaf dkti, falbtr BbaMi la of aai for yon art aald la by wbom yoo wtta aniarlaiaad iba olbor aigbt. Ifaafiad, •*8tldi— lo aPronebmaal" I oaold any no aMit, Haw iaia tbt wtoda aloao, aad wtpl liU I eaald aaana aaa ar ■Mndl Tbt word aald, aad ibai lo a paopit of ibat atraaa ■ias wbieb my daar moibtr aa araob dalaaltd> and la fear laal wtida matifcaiad ao grtal faaia of my fdUag iait I Tbaat waaa I bad ibaa givta vtnl to ay gritf I wiptd ay tyaa^ al ita tifccia, bm fbUMT r* aiartainad aa iba aigbt bafort. Not lta| aaaa aad tfU, " Now yoa an oaa of aai Ibal gaatltmaa by wbom yoo wtta antarlai bad Ibaa tadaatoriag to coneaal ' ohata, ptntiTtag artyta waaa awtilta, ealltd mt aaidat aad biddiaf aa aol a gntva, for tbt gtailtmaa, bt aaidt to wbom I waa aaMt waa af • fttd ' boBMfft ibat bt bad formally boadM twa It Daaiaa. TUa»b wrivad bm( boi bt addad bt did aal aaaattniiMM riab It go to tha EagUab, for tba FMwdi nO|iai wm m ballar. Ha aaid, ako» bt abodd paa tkal tMf la ikaM MMltMhi JOMH OVLir OAPmriTY. Ml I, WM WW SfNtM bat. ot •kin. (Cof I tiM on* 1 imA «« tl iM* llMffTMltsbto. •ilUnff, wIm wmU •ff*d 10 liM* my—U lOMid t tklnkinff k«w Rf with |wobU wIm ly iiMMaf mIm4 «• r Um nmui •( war. or Ikd. with toon, Umi Bncliali twm wbom iho rrotwh, I wUkod rivtri or Uiom mm< vo Wofttoo fW>m Um r I wort mM 10 tho lam le Um Bngliali. doriiiff ajr eaplivitjr, a< 1 1 few 4My oAor kU r« «MM to • Imimo I, bo woM on tbort ir of Um bMMO ipoln A tpOMI OM WON Of M mo, oad |B«o OM X loofiMo raiiWr «• BMlorudUMfrkr I dkor. fMlMT Wmom ,tm ytmmn toUi* kiBodUModMrnifbt. I OOaM MV M BMIt, leOMMMMOONOOV MtM.Midiii borhol AUUiiff ioiel Tboto riof I wifti my ofM^ lOV BnMBi WmtKfktM id bUdlH M Ml I* ml WMMUfWMOf bMffbt tw o taf tlHm MMknOfimi «w w Hiikia««rteikwi ion 4o)rt, oimI If I 414 ium like m lUo with ih« f rmtrb boiior ibon wilb lh« ImlUn* b* wuuld btijr mo tfAtn. On ik« dof followinf , Uihmt Nimun and mjr ln4Un m««i«r want op Um rlror, sit ond thirty Irafw**, to tbair chlaf villogo, and I wont down tbo rivvr ait Im^um with two Franrhman to my imw moitar. H« kindly r»e«lv«d mo, ond in • f«w doyt mndom mod* HM on Mnobur* ihirt ond Froncb rop, and a ronl ool of ono of my nwatvr'* old riNiia. Than I throw owny my frooty blankot and Indian rtup, and loobati aa amart aa — . And 1 novtr mora aaw tbo old friar, tbo Indian villag*. or my Indian maalor, till about fo«irta«n vaara aftor, whan I anw my old Indian matinr at Port Koyal, whitbor I had boon aoni ^ tbo fovarnmant with a flaf oitruca for tbo aiehango of priaonorai and again, about lwanty>four yaara ainca, bo eanM to Bl. Jobn*!^ to fort Ooorgo, to aoo mo, whoro I mada him vary wtioomo. Mr Proncb maator bold a front trado with tbo Indin«% which auitad mo rory wail. I baing tborougb in tbo lanftiagoa 9l I bo tribta at Capo Sablo and 8t. Jobna. « I bad not lirod long with thia gontloman boCara bo eommk* tod to mo tho koya ofbia aiora, Im., and my wbok ompUvmonl waa iradinc and bunting, in wblcb I artad faithfully mt mf maator, and naror, knowtng ly, wrongod bim to tbo vnltM of OM flwtbinff. Tboy apoko M mo ae mneb In Indian that it wna aomo tim* kaforo I waa parCMt in tko Pronek tonguo. Mooaiotir fMW rally kad kia fooda from tko oMifof'war wkkk anmo than •nniMlly from Franco. In tko yoar 16M, two man^f-wnr aaoM to tko iMvtk of Um rivor. In tkair way tkay kad eaptnrad tko Noarpovt, OoBlnki Pbyaon, and bteufkt kirn witk tbom. Tboy mado tko iMitM aemo p aaaa a ta, and inritad tkom M join In an osBodhloa M FrauMooid. Tkoy aaeopMd it, and toon aAor nrrtvnd iMm Oapl. Cknbk. wko eoaunandad tkni poai, dalivtrod il «p wkk^ o«t mtMk diapnM to Monaiour DlkoffriUo, aa I koaid Um §m^ llonuB any, witk wkom 1 lirod. wko wna tkaro proaanV* Bnrly w Um ■pring I waa aant wilk tkroa PraMkmon !• tW ■Mtttk of Um rivor, lor proriaion, wkiek eamo from Plart VkiyaL Wo enrriod oror buid from tko rivoi to a largo bay, wkara w« woro drifon on an loland by n nortk-ooal atorm, wkova w* tMft kopt aoTon daya, witkoat any anatonaneo, for w oipaind • qtiiek pnaaaft, and earriad notking witk tu. Tko wind omp •IWi thalftbaf rwMd Dr. XadHr aaya, wktiH tiH fct m« w • ttida lia*. kgMM TkM k* IIimIhiI aa. Mt 4kl k« •?•* «dl ■• It ■■li giMl ktvw ki It. Tka FwMk wkl > J wi ii l wm M m— ■kIkMMi tkMk Ha «a M iMk cmm, m4 k«?taf •■ iMfi pPMilMf M IMS % MMI mhmW 1MliV» ft Mv WM ft MHI ftfVHif ftMl ftftVIM(^ fttt ftw WftHft ffftftftf WMII MMft UM BftM VI WbBBI* ■ ■■■■■ avwrw WMnMn wav mm mmit ■■■■ mbm Mf pilVMMNt Mm IVMflll M UMMt ViBi Ht< ^VMaMWTi V#HH |0«f) Mi MargM, wmUmt ikajr wMid f» m4 Mt UM «n- JUt ^r MSMty MMQ HM WkSUMff I MMgMS 19 ||^ rfCtakktlk— viB ha aaaikar MnHqr.Miaw at, fkwito iM i «r Salvai Mki MlA)iHiia.''~Hkl. It. B. OlNMiUl B. vil. 19. MLiiiaamiiiir ika Imm ^nV kaada." Iftw aa aeeoaM oT iha wmatai Ma •( (Mbk M vii ai iM Tika akii MaMtMM, Ma laaa M iH laaua^ B. Ml. in, ntl IMUaMaf ava M MH af aM« laiMMiaMiaiaalyBaMb iai a«^ iki ka« aM gaUqr ky m. i^y iIm k« l»r«4i« «■ • «ir»«li iImi w« r««ili U at il»« mMili tt iIm •4*u«4 M« !• b* «••• lima I kMw M miMk fM«f«f«4 *•? jr irvil, l«r« wo«tl4 net ba • ffiMtaf 4U«rM«. itll wImni iWy r«e«v«r«4. ««4 RM hi eikhmioft, 4 M thai Unm. Om iiM4«ffcMasaviM4 N iMMi W#Jf WVFS M m4 r«l*l« M RIMV M ■itytuff iM M t^aC Uttav* H WM III Um • m1i«4 rm wImUmt I bM I WM a luiia twv, «Ml af ii. TlM« M Imi IM kMw Um* M pariMpat I WMtlwy ma ktmi I akattU h« brMaViattMlaikM. «dl aati latMlaMaTwIkaM, HiiMMllfaaUaaiadMil U' •M Itftoff al • MiffwMka liMaUMiaU • iMdbialvWMiiidM Mt. W aa iUw , Oaaki IrM^MJiaaN*. --*T" 1 1 mm gML OMMk vMk as an* i Mvur CArriviTV. 101 aii4 I taM klai ft*. Il« iInhi aaM I w«« aa M aa a aaptoi, aii4 a 4-4 fool. I «*l>l k»m i bitt«««4 a« ImiU «I U a« Iw 4t4, but iImi I w«« in f- tflMi I aitoll inUmfljr ■• «t«k Uimi, m4 y«« SlM •tU fo» fM4. I AM ■■< » »<» l» MTV* WM •m/k fmtt •rNk I tlMllI M< ni» •• Ilk* tngltall, km% tf fkn l«k«tt ky Mt «• !«• ■I9W Jr«V •illMI M jwmt pVlMH VV IMW- TW pMM wiMf* «• U««4 WM mIm HMkMWll lamM ft«M tiM rifvf *• mmiIi. m I lM*« w MM. m4 m ilM MUwIng avMiaf imi 4tmm km Im^ I* «•!• 4\mvmf, Ami mktk Ulty «r«M itnUf Ui ilM Wms Um liiffllalk iirfMaM U M4l iMk mm •! vU tmt, Tka tilMv Umm mmU iMIf mmp* k iIm 4uk md iliiMgli rm IM Mft MM IftlMgH ••» !•«• • Mtyrt>lM M> M •? I^k^n. VjfMk Ikk MW» MtiSM mM !• >w. - UMlw ■dfUili, MW vM mh m t»m» m, Ut I iMf* pm will r««r wmC" I M&. •* M>4t«. W Ml nM iwi'4. 1^ mK -MS IwiO wiMllt Mr fMf Ml MW JTM t« Uiis Mnii.** 4* wiik Mjr !«• mm iHiU MMMT W« f«hM« m4 M tWff lb* |fMl ftmA iM Ml AMw4kfly W9 mukmAmimti mmA afM tiM fmA. TW 4^r v'* fi** *'ilk IMlM*. wIm w«r« hi • M»M> m4 Umv CM M MMttRi lUi SigMtts town «M tok«iiM4 Wmm. SnVt WV KmMI um ffMl (WM M %■#▼• TlHNHM ■ mNi wkMi ilM laglMk Mfif«4 mmmI 4iy«. Hmv kilM «m ■IM, ikM 4mw tttitmm UM rl?«9 1 tbatiiiff M mmAwm hMm At Imt of Mag frMM la IW Um wImm, wMiIi to ttwli dtoy HMriag M n fmi tl «•••« 9m mmmI Jiiytt liwUll trt iimnk M Mt Imm* to aalM 4kmmn, Wa ftoiMl Mr vMBf 1*4 wko WM tokM tv UM ■Mi wa wMa iMyjMM Wp Um fiMr» TmC gM9fM MM MMW MUMMi M MMMMlt dMI M IM^lRf the MM M MW ^MT) k* w4mi4 II Ml to It ■ mrm. Mtora MMMloTit Ik* MlnMiik4|»l dto MMiy li* L «•, mkkk will U •nMjr. .f ff«« Amkm k •r ilM tM. wkkk I 4M. mm k« yk t VMjr kkl4l]f I* NM. S«NM 4«f« tlW I «Mk Mjr tMf " M UM* 4m»« mi4 w nm Utir vtmii 4*«ii !• Um Ni«Mi(k •# ik* rlf«f wkk ■M, I* M* NM Mliljr Ml kM»4. II* Mrfl«4 ik* RMMM. Mr. RiwkMt • laMtkNiMi, wkMktr I M«M ^y iw mj mmft, ••4 tf M» ka w*«y MV M ktMMlf f«ik«r Ik** I akMiM Mt* k I* pajr M «y sffitM (n B bmn n, Ui k« !•?• nm <*m • f tmn y . Tk« MWMf l»M kiM ikM* «*M MHklNf IM pav, wU ikNl if «fi« MVMf tkMty Mik« tNf 4«nmn4 k« wo«M my It k k aw H mikar ikM ■ mm ^tMMt akwiM Mikf i Ak m «*«• gki M M* Mf lailMk MWM< tMM Ml •# Mflivtiy. Os UM iMi M Jmnn, I iMk my Imv« m W MMt^w?, aM lk« •iMf «MM M Mil Ibr Mm MN. wk»ft tM arrlVH mi tk« Ifflk ti Ik* MM*. M iilffki. {• tkc HwiffNiNf tf^M MV •rti««l. ■ pmJk MM* M MM4 Mt4 m1M4 .-MMiy qdMlitUM ftklklf M My «|^ livkjr. mi •* imgik f»v« NM M NniMPtMNi ikai h$wmmf Mult k m ht h wk« iTM M fiay wHk mm* Mkvf ckiMiMi •! ^MMMH|M9 VMM I MM MfeM MpliWi NSfl WM MMMS NNi M9 twt M MM pMIIMM tMM> IW MM M* M]f CMCV BMfiMlV WS0 MMC Mi WMpN MMi iM MffMt WMN M WM MlMi SMC MM IWN Unl* aiMmMMf* •Hv», b«l Umi mf imMkaf ka4 kM« MMI MM9 VMMi INM W WVlH Ml MCM MM MV MM MMV 0» tk« M af AvffMl, 16W, I wm MkM. mJ m tk« Itik af JwMi IIM I airhvrf at Baa«e« ; m ikat I wm nInmi atghl vatMi IM MMika, aMi mvmimn davt. la all wkMl ikm» ikMidi Iwi^NVMl anrtNM 4itte«nlaa, jrM I m« MMk af W0VW (HMSM^ mMM Miy llk# MOOT p#W#fnil ttM a< tkte ^Uia MMtaMM af h, aa4 Ua« Mv n^ M aaakaaikan MaavMa i« kia all^flal«My, ttiwigh ■affka af Jmm Omar. 100 APPENDIX, nnfMng minutti 0/ tht tmplo^mtntt, ptMk iMioHi, tit., ^ JoNN Ovuit) Esq., tommmni»T 0/ tkt g»rH- lOH en St. Cmrgt'i rivtr. Aft«r my rtiurc out of captiTity, Jum 88(h, 1696, 1 applitd myMlf to lh« govtrniiMnt lor their favor. Soon after 1 wh •mployed by old father Mitchel, of Maiden, to go ai hli inter* preter on trading account to St. John'i river. October 14th, lOMi 1 wae employed by the aovemment, Lieutenant Governor Stoughton comniander-in*chTef, to go aa interpreter, at th^ e pounda per month, with Major CotiverM and old Capt. Atden to Penobscot to fetch captivei. At our return to Boeton I wai diimUted ( but within a few days the governor Mnt for me to interpret a conference with Bomma* Men, and other Indians then in jail. Some time after I was again put in pav in order to go inter- preter with Col. Phillips and Capt. Soutnack, in the province galley, to Casco bay, to exchange said Indians [Bomnuuoen and others] for English captives. In December, 1696, we returned to Boston with several captives which we had libe* ratad, and I was dismissed the service, and desired to attend it in the spring. I pleaded to be kept in pay 'hat I might hava wherewith to support myself at school. I went into the coun* try. to Rowley, where boarding was cheap, to practise what little I had attained at school. March, 1699. With the little of my wages that I could fMenret I paid for my schooling and board, uid attended the itrvice vpon request, and was again put into pay, and went with Col. Phillips and Maj. Converse in a Urge bnflantino up Kennebock river for captivee, and at our return to Boston the wovinee gallev being arrived from New York with my lord Bf llemont, ana the province truck put on board, I wai ordered on board tho galley. We cniised on the aastem shore ; and in November, 1699, 1 was put out of m^^thoagh I pleaded to be continued in it, seeing I must attaid the service in the tprinff, and be at considerable expense in the winter for my schooling. In the spring of 1700, 1 attended the service, and was uador y again. On August 97th, a fort was ordered to be built at loaeo bay, which was finished on the 6th of October foUowiog, and the province truck landed, and I was ordered to rosMo thare as interpreter, with a captain, kc. Not long oAatt Oor. Dudley eent me a lieutenant's commisaioa, with a mamofaii* dum on its back, " No fiurther pay bat aa intorpntor at tbiM pounda per month." S / tht mploymtnU, ptMk evmwundtr of lk» g»rti- Un» 98th. 1696. 1 applitd favor. Soon mtitxX wai Maiden, to go aa hit inter* I'l rivar. oyod by tho ffovcmmeni, nniander'in-chief) to go aa »nth, with Major ConvcrN to folch captivei. At our lut within a few dayi the conference with Boroma- n pav in order to go inter* Soutnack, in thr province laid Indiana [Bommaieen In December, 1606, we ptivea which we had libe* ce, and deaired to attend it t in pay 'hat I might have ol. I went into the coun* \M cheap, to praetiao what >r my wagea that I could d board, and attended tho in put into pay, and wont M in a large bnnntino up t our return to Boeton the New Yoik witkmy lord ut on board, I waa ordered n the oaatem shore ; and f Mviiwugh I pleaded to atttid the aerrice in tho inso in the winter for my ho aerrieo, and wu ludar waa ordered to be boilt at B 6th of October foUowiafft il waa ordered to lodOa be. Not long aAar, G«fr. nlmion, with a momomii* lat M latoipntor at tbiw ArrBNDlX. Wl Attguat 10th, 1700. The French and Indiana beiieged out fort for ail daya. (Major March wai our commander.) On tho 16th of the Mme nionth. Capt. Southack arrived in the prov* inee gallev, and in the night following the enemy withdrew. May linh, 1704. I received a few lines from his excellency directing me to leave mv post, and accompany Col. Church on an eipeditinn round the bay of Fundy.* September following I returned to my post, without any further wages or encourege- ment for that service tha;^ the beforementioned pay at tho garrison. April, 1706. There was a change of the chief officer at our garrison. I chose to be dismissea with my old officer, which was granted. The same vear his excellency Gov. Dudley S resented me with a captain « commission, and ordered Colonel altonstall to detach OAy eflective men to be delivered to mo in order for a march. In May, 1707, 1 entered on an expedi* tion under Col. March, for Port Royal, at the termination of which I was dismissed. May 19th, 1706, 1 received orders from his excellency to go to Port Rovftl with a flag of truce to exchange prisoners, and broogfat off all. At my return I was dismissed tne serrieo. la 1709, 1 roeoived a commission, and Colonel Novee had Ofdon to detach fortv men, whom he put under me, witn orders to Join tho forooa ror Canada. At Hull, August 1st, 1709, 1 roeoirad ordera from his excellency to leave my company with my Uoatonanta, and go to Port Royal with a flag of trueo to oxehaago jKisonora. I wont in tho sloop Hannah and Rtitb, Thonaa Watora, maator. I had nine Frenchjprieonofa, whieh wore all that wore in our govomor'a hands. Tneso ho ordorod mo to delifor to Qov. Sopereaas, " and to Ut him know that ho [OoT. Dodlay] oxpaetod him to deliTor all tho Engliah priaoi^ era within hu power, within aix daya, whieh I waa oidoNd to demand and inaiat upon, agroeabljr to hie promise hut vcar.** I waa ordofod to obeorto to him that Governor Dudley nighly faao n ta d his breach of promise in not sending them eoriy thb apriag, according to hia parole of honor, by myself, whon.wo had ratomed hmi npwuds of forty of hia poopU. and had omdo proviaioB for nringin|f homo oora; and to maka par* ticolar laqoirv afWr Oapt Myloa, and to demand hia and hia eompmiy^ ruaaao also. Aecorain^y, arriving at Port Royal, I waa kindly ontortaiaod hv Qonr. Saparcaaa ; brooriil off above one hundnd priaonora. MM tlkar oqf ratom o«r meaa wore dismiaaod, and 1 receired enettini ante CM. Chordl wffl be fcand In no^sWar, Ise. ad. Uaa.,Beslsn, 1K7, ^ •Al sra&ss'" tefAis jtaaaiMMiiiiMiiii IM APFIMOIX. BO othtr contidMaiion for my Mnriefl than pay u eajpuia of "'AuguIIr" W- I '^ (Utlitd, and had graal promlwa roaa* ma by iha propriatora, and racalvad ordan ffom bis Mcalloncy to build a felt at PaJaMcot, (now Bnwuwlck, Ma.J Soonanor our arrival thara tha Indians cama in tho nichi. and forbid onr laying ona itooa upon anothar. I told tham I coma with ofdara from Oovamor Dudlay to build a fort, and if thav dii- Ukad it thay might acquaint him with it s ind thot if thoy cama forcibly upon ui. thoy or I ihould fall on the tpot. Aftar ■uch lika hot wordt thoy loft ua, and wo went on with our building, and ftniihed it, Noyember Mlh, ITlfi, and our car- pontart and maMna left ua. My wages were very Mnall, yet tta Mntleman proprietors ordered me only Ave pounda for my good servicas, Jk. ,, _, July 12th, 1788, a number of Indiana engand fort George About two hours, killing one person, and then draw off to ktU* April, i?8«, I tacoivad orders from his honor Limit. Oov. Dommar to go tan days' march up Ammiscogoin river, and in my abaanee tha Indians killed two men at our fort I racalvad M AMthar pay br said service, only the pay of the aanisoa. Decambar 18th, 178«, I was dismissed from tort Oeoq^ and Capt. Woodaida raoaivad a commission for tha command DeeMSer'lSth, 1780, 1 was eommiasionad for tha ganisoa •I Bt Oaorga river. . . aaptambor, 1786. I was detained soma menthc firoa m KiW^fdar of Gov. Dummer, to interpret for tha Caia Sabb MM, who were brought in and found guilty.* Thnro was no otkar parson in the province that had their luwaaga. Hja iMMt ana tha honorable eouncil presented ma with tan pminds for this aarviea, which I gratefully received. Nov. 88th, 1788, 1 was commissioned for tha paacn. I have had the honor to servo this provmaa under ^g»t eommandem in chief, governors, and lieutenant govarnors, bom tha year ItOS to the year 1786 ; and how muoli loB«ar mT servfeaa may continue I subnul to tha Oovamor of the world, who ovamlaa every circumstanea af Ufa, wjuch rabtaa la our happinasa and usefulness, as in ininita wisdom ■• ^aao ftve rf.tbwn bskagtaf to the St. bad seised on e vssael at Newtimndland isi^us^attssi thqr bekmfiac to] i£ • ',1 y,'-uiix.i lUtlll I lilllWilHllli»>l«tl BUBlflNO OP ROBIBT B00ER8. in pay m etj^iB of gTMt promiaM rowU « from hii •icoUency ick.Mt.] 8oon«Aer niffht, Had forbid our il ihain I CMM with fort, and if thov dii- it i «nd that if th«y ill on the ipot. After n went on with our h, 1710, and our car- I wer« very unwll, yet ly five pounde for my •ngMed fort Oeorst then artw off to kiU* lie honor Liout. Gov. kiecoggin rivor. ond in t oar fort. I rocoivod My of the fniriaon. Md from lort Ooeisk lion for the eonuMUM ionod for iho guriMa MOM months (Irom m proi forth* Cm Sablt I guilty.* Twrt wm 1 their luignng«> Hii Bdmowithtoapwi n dt vod. I for the pone*. prerinM mdM eight iiennnt govomora, mm how muoh longer mr QoT«mor of tho worU, Uf*. which nhim to ifinitn wMonhtiNiit le 8b] oBgiag :• ',• -(f-rurti le eelin, my DellM, eii4 Mme, However nttene ekeiifle ike In ilijr Moei «mecied Mete, Mnb net Mudenieeih ike weifkl | Nor yet wkeo keooy 4en begta. And Ike ■lok Blaeo. thoy cut off tho top of o omollfod'Ook tioo, mMa§ STtrnkfer o otoko, whoiounto thoy boud thoir ooerifleo. P^ «f t hony^ nin. wofo oUo to ioMribo Mm dolor of H. *iA oBMrad him • Mtlo timo M «llM hfe pravon Mto dM eiMr, ud ooal- ), «koy wont boMnd witkmoohlMgh* MMaotlmomoB ttttdnwy worn «bM«p« ^^ b«md Mm t» tko i *i frfMMiB, with thoir ami tM j^tkott rooai tho In. Thiobi iIm An, ond thraot it forwudo oi mwA ihMtiBf I «id whmi ihoj Ite, am ttt IM irao olMMi mi ite MtlniA iXb, •■<•( «vwy «m thoy did with ikok MM dtooiloio of iB Aooh ot oThk Bdwd UtMmai t h iiw iw m trtiiliirbMI Ibio hio boo. hi «to mMMt ww «lMir ««* ^''tSif^MtSti hi. body dim ^H^^ ^MiiN ht^ Cm«d by oom BhNi *Mii iMi miftimm OIM. eannoi tok« «>•»'«• *\ ,«lic« of (t^m MIBM loni^wlUiwhomM hin, wbtw U»»i mMi MM F»r») Wbi tti«w» tti4«n of l«ai«n lug. M iMt( ho ihortforo, aeopo. ThowfotehM M if him, •nA It wm iMlnibowty.onduio Thto thoy foUowod, rkoy df«fl«d blm ••»»• hod klm forword wUh HkodHoikokWfrom oolnlfhUthn^fa^"** bte,aMa modo Aom- round him, iMrioff.«i>d ■t with Joy UiUoooo«|h tkiotondodM. hkpnitnMto „gMyMd«floqrj hwMhiiUfMiW (ko oUwt, tad MM; .Tr«h»«di)w|h ;;^tf:&! 01 MIRITAkLt OOODWIN. Ill MiHiTAtLt Oooowm. onoihor of tho eoptiroo of thio haad of Indioni, who. U will bo proptr to netioo. woro lod bv ihoro* nownod IndiM ehiof Hopohood.hod o child with kor obovl flf« montkt old. Thio. ihreufh hnngor ond hordihip. iho boinf unoblo (0 nouriih from htr bfooat, oecMionod it to moko frior* out tnd dittroooing oJoeubtioM. Hot ladion mootor tola hor thot if tho child woro not ouiot ho would toon diopooo of it, which eiUMd hor to un all pomiblo mouii that hia JWt(of»> •Ate* might not bo Aflbndod { and lomotimoi iho would carry it flrom tho Aro oat of hit hoaring, whon oho would tit dow« up to hor waiit in tha onow, for Mforal houn togothor, until it waa oihauttad and lullod to iloop. 8ho that for aovoral daya prooorvod tho life of hor baba, until ha law caaaa la tmfol with hia own euba fcrthor ailald i and than, loot ha ahould bo ratardad in hia traval, ho ▼ioionlly analehod tha lad boforo hor baba out of Ita molhar'a arma, and Ihca kaoekad out ita biaina i and hafing otrippad it of ita fcw laga it had hitharto ai^oyadt ordorad tha mothor to go and waah tham a(f thablood whortwiththay woroatainadi Katuming (hum tlila ■ad and malanehaly taak, tha found tha iafont haamni hy tho naak in a forkad bough of a trao. 8ha taquaaiaa warty «• layit ki tha aarth. hut tha mvaga mid. •• It ia hattar aa it ^ fw now tha wild baaata cannot como at it ;** [I am aaiu (ka* had baan at it t]t ** and yan may hava tha comfort of laaiiy ft again, fi afur you eamo that way.** Tha Joumay new halbfo tham waa liku la ba vary laafi*> tU aa Oumidp, whaiu Mia. Ctoadwint maalaf% puipaaawna la mawhandiaa af har, and glad waa Aa la haar »mk happy ttdtaf*. Bui Ika daapaiata laufth of tha way, aM want af fboi, and griaf of mind, whaiuwith iha waa now an* eauntaiud, cauaad Ear wHUn a km daya to fclnl undor har dlAcuMaa; whan, it laBgth,aha ml. dawn for aonm ranooa^ with maaT prayan and taaia unio Ood Ibr tho aalvatloa of har aaul, aha ImwI haiaalf unabla to riaa, until aha aaw har fhrl- aua aaaauiiewar aamiaf lawarda hn with ftu fai hk ayaa, tha dofil in hia haart, and hia halahat la hia hand, luady la b aat a w a ma ic y»anaka of daath upon hor. Than It wia MmH thia pao* aapiifu wuaaaa, in thia ostraaBa mlaary, gut umu har kaaaa, aad iritis wuapfcig and wuUlaf and all aapraamana af •ad aaliuaMr* pwvmlad aa him la apaiu har lifc a lilda ', aal aha dii aoi naaatiaa hut God would aaaUa har l» « I ami art Nadat 4i layv that Ihta ia aa iMHyiaiaiiaa «f miaatf lit raOMAI TOOOOOD. walk • littU feater. Th* iiMreil«M lyranl wm pravniUd with !• MM* Mr ihb limt i Mv«rtK«l«M hvr foriMr wrakiMM fakitly raturnlnii uwhi bar, b* wm jyat gnlnf to murdvr H«r. wImni • eoupl* of IiMlioiM, juti ot tkia momont cominf in, mIM ■ttddonly vpon him to hold hit hand. At ihia lueh • korrer rarpriMd kia ffuiiiy aoul, ihoi ho nm away IVom hor ( ImI hoarinf Uiom call nU namo. k« rtiurnod, ami uion ptrmil* lad Umm hia Manda to ranaom hia priaonar. AAaf thaaa avanta, aa wa wara aaatad by tha alda of a rivafi wa baard oavaral fvna |o olT on tba oppoaita aida, whkb tha hdiana eoncludad waa oecaakmad by a party of Albany Indiana, wbo wara ibatr anamiaa. Wharaapon tbia bold bhulo [bar old MaalarJ would naada go in a eanoa to diaeovar wbat thay wara. Tkav Irad ttpa« and abol him tbroagh, taMlbar with aavaral vt Ua Maou, bafota tba diaeovery eould ba mada. Soma Aip aAar tbia. dirara of hia Maoda fatbatad a party to ra« faafa hia daaib on tbair aappeaad anamiaa. With tbaaa ibay iaon Jainad battla, and aAar aavaral hoara' bard tgbiinff wata tbaaaaakaa pot to tba rout. Among tba eaplivaa whkb tbav laA b tbalf flight waa tbk poor wooMm who waa oraijoyad, ■npfoiiagharaalf new at libarty ; bat bar jor did not laal lang. tm tbaaa Indiana wara nl iha aama aort aa tba otbara, and bad fltTonbla to bar than tba booty) babf laatb miataka. And jal a few by thalr own Maoda, tbua tbrangb • atraaga miaialM. aal Hawavart thto craw prorad mora mTati fcf M, and want awav ailantly with tbak m bava any noko mado of tbair fbul mkti isya alkai, aneb anatbar mktaka bappanad ; for maatinaf with ■natbat mrly af Indiana, whkb thay imaglnad wara in tba Baglkb tniaraai, tbay aba fbriooaly ancagad aaeb elbar, and ■■ay wara klUad and waandad on bad aidaa ( bnt ika can* fnaiara piavad to bo a party of Franab Indiana tbk tinw, wbo laak tbk poor Mra. Goodwin and praaantad bar la tha Franck antain af ika party, by whom aho waa earriad la Canada, WMta aba eontinnad flva yaara. Alter wkiekaka waa braogkl mfcly baek ip Naw Bn^nd. TaoHAa TooaaoD'a akorl narrativi< k lairodncad to laUaf* Aa landar ftom tka ceatamplnrian af llnad and mkaiT. At lk» aama lima tka alkar cnpdvaa wara iban, ihna mUtm kody poraoad tkk man, and ona of tkam awanakiaf ktaN vlila Ikaiaat paraaivfc« h, amid babiad ika UlL l«Ykw aan Mm filallyyMdkhnaalf amkaMT. Wkilatka MBm liiSl- tfaig ant kk aifiaga to b£d kk prkaaar. la kald Ui fliripar kk an^ wkiek T eagaed ebaMnrkg, avMaaly «Mt bad wiaatad it from klm; and momaniafilypiaMalb« ll •! «!• It WM pravMiUd wiih Mr foriMr wrakiiMt fninf to murdtr h«r, momtnt comlnf in, iii4. At ihU lueh • nil awtv IViNii li«r i Md, ami UMn ptrniii* wr. If Um •i«U of ■ rivtr, Mil* liii*. which th« rty of Albany Indkins, lii bold bUo(h«r old !ov«r what th«y wtra. toMthtv with Mvornl lid bo Bitdo. 8om« iMfod • party to ro* aa. With thaaa ihay ra' hard Sghtinff I eaptifaa whkC thav ii WM waa oraijoyad, 'jordidnot laalloag. la tba otkara, attd had a atiaafa miMaln, aal mbia to har than tlM It booty } babf loath tako. Aad yal a few od ( for maatiaff with HMgiaad wtra m tha [■flwdaadi othor, and I aidaa \ \mi ika cob* ndiana thia tkM» who tad her to tho FNock 18 eaniad to Canada, vhiehahawaabroafht intfodvoad to nHavia . At . .If -' ' bilLkavfaff aa« Mm • tJM MiM IllJiM- laMdklifliHiSbr iwUaahf HMMt isd h •! il» lUSABtTM HANION'I CAmVITY lis Indian, proivalad ho wottld thoot him down if K« mad* ih« Icaal noiM. And M away h« ran with it unto QiiMhM'ho. If my roadwr U now inclinod to amilo, whon ho thinki how timply poor Ugrim loohMl, rvlurning to hi* maloa bahind tho hill, without oithor fun or pray, or any thing but i trinn, to lamind him of hit own daaorta, I am aura hia bralhran fait nut lata ao, for thay doridod him with ridlr.ulo at hia miaadi^antttrt. Tha Indiana ara ainfularly aiaaaaira in tha praeiira of aportlnf at tha roiiforiunaa of ono anathar in any eaaa thay aia outwit tad, or hava baan g«ilty of eommiitinf any Mundar. MiaY Putano waa anothor of tho unfortunate eaptifaa al that lima and plaea, but only a fow partieuhira of oitramo mU faringa ara rttatad. Ska had baan out of hor bad of family aicknaaa but thraa waoka whan aha waa takan, and liba athata aha waa ablifad to wada throufh awampa and anow, whan at langth aha waa rallavad of tho burthon of har infant aoa by har eroal maatar, wha, alWr daahiag out Ita braiaa, thiaw k bto • rlftr I t 00D»8 MISOY 8USM0UNTIN0 MAN'! CRUELTY, ■xmrumD m nn OApmrmr and fvipiuimo bkjtb. MAMOi or RLiiAMmi iiAinRm, win or lomf ■ANiim, or KNOXMAMII. AT HOmtAONT, IN BOfMI T O WNl i r, WHO WAP TAiiN OArmri with nn orildmn and MAID«nTANT. Vt TNI INDMNl IN NEW KNOLANS^ M !«■ TBAB lfai.-Tto ml aT vMik «w Mk« Awn h ^^^1^^ ^^ ^m^ ^^^^^MS ivr pniMW ■www* ■■■ HHM OTHHB** drfphlii Mfitaiiii DwfMa, Mar Mmbi npriBMi aai nM kr ■. I a«l Ihi Ml Tawra, MDGOLXXX. Al lh> Haw ftea wif to hrf « > w" MW HNy^ iB^i SHM 48 VMHl M94B MM IMi qp^TMaadWaaa^Mia. Saaaoa's narraifara ki lofar, N. H., to l«i Tha abora to^ «m^ «f M to I. ftMlalf•.«llaa^totha to tha aavar af a aoif af tha r to Ma mfaal abatotoa aiMl daia af dia < .«riirfS to. Mr ^^r-- T^r-^ -----^S^'^^"^ SaSttki. *M ite laaien Nawa^attvaRmft fiStolU bajpij autha fltoaf Aagapt af di laar. I haaa aaihawaMato ^ipia MavaJiattw, ball iad tha a«i— o( Oaa towardi Ilk fiwpki for lk«ir 4*lininnc« in • lint« e/ iroubU, by whwii wa may UkcU, •• in Itvtly elMracMn, iH« irvik pf ikal Myinf. •* TImI Im U • Ood nMf •! hnn4. nnii alwiya randy l« help nnd iMlM iImm iknl fonr klm nnd pul ikalr eonlMtnct in htm." TIm MMftd wriilnf* flvn ns inMnn" *^ •»•. •^*«^ • •'^ •• • flM« hnt •! Oo4, lUl kU IimH wm w Uiii4«rly tnrUiKNl m •mUi hm. ilMvgli Im kU, m ti 1« mM. • *«ry kMvy lMir4«« tt kit Awn I My, M wotil4 MmattmM Mb* my wry MsvImI, M Umi I ImU MikUif i* a* bNt m Mh« my liiiU Uy l>y iIm Im^ fcvM* lMlp,Mi4aMU« Mm M imIIm I «mM.mIiW kirn M la My MM* • UllU •! liMM, UCMM M MmU | tlWl wIM« w «MM M fwy hai iU*Mi Im wmU ImU ma kit iMad, w •mMm MiI«4, wmU pnali m« Ufcn IiImi in all wkkk, k« •hMPa) M«« liMMiiity m4 cUlUiy, Mat* iHan I cauM Im?* •■paala4 1 ht wKick priviWm I wm aatially dMakftil M Oai. M Um MavlM MMa ilMffaafi Nait M ibta wa Ufi aa** vary giMt rtm a( «v»laff aa^ iMaka M wada ikranlk. I* wkkk ai iIbmb w bm( villi m««1| MUaliy, vaainff aAaa m aar mMlaa, aa4 aaiaailaMa aar glrla vafa ap m ikair akMMaffa aa4 akiaa, ika laiiaM catryiaf my lap aa ikalv ■km iM aia. Ai ika ai4a af aM aT Umm raM m rifafs, llM laiUaM wmM kava my aMaai aaagkMr. laiak. la itaf Umm a aaaf . Tkaa wm W«i|kt laM kat ramaa»knaM yiai paaNga la Um ISTUi Phalm. - By Um rivan af laky laa.^ (*i.fwbaa my paac akiM kai git aa ma Uila aaaaaal, k waa vary affMiing, aad my kaart wm vary AiU af iiaakla* yal aa ■y akiU'a acaaaal I wm fia4 dMi ika kai m gaa^ aa lacll- M^ wkkk rfM yai (Wrikar HaaMMiaa la laagiag fiw a Bikla, Aai wa aU|ki kava Um aMafeii aT raateg Um kaly itii ai vaaaal UaMa. Cw aaf apiriiaal caailMi aaiar aar p m iai aAla> vaaaal UaMa, Cw aaf apiriMal aaailMi aaiar aar p m iai aftar aaa U wr, Aa lirt waUa it piaiiy iM i rtJ i fay ll ^. ■aiika fiaalaai aiOaaUy. Umi iaaarvM Um Im la ka rriviTf. iIm <«Wi ifHiU In iIm tital fl« l«*< M tk« 4»f •(•, <«M6itiv •vsMinff Al KiflM.l wmMi ■ WHIM Mf iiHf on iIm I, ht « • BMn, »4laf Um Mf Itit •! ■.WHM IIm pff«4l|i«M U RM Wthft ImmI,* Mbln foil* III wtlMlnll*!* luiAN-m HANtort cAfrmTY. «M w«nt •! Im4. H«fiwf ni ilmM MMliin| in «•! W< ptMM W •14 Wnv«f>«iiln mni«b*««i«i, mkkk iIm ln4MM M iit Mi4 )r« wmImmi tuf fca4, i»liMi| wl lH iif (bf MMfMi tat «*U ih*iif»f . iIm wfv«iH till 4ii«ii M 4«i4 !• • t i mtmm, kmkmt kaA f9y ««y »it4 wi, •( wltt#ll iIm MbiMt wMlk wlkMii lltay w«hk W*fa Mfff .«• I, tlUwIflff WMIM hlN4 al MfMkrMW, teiwf niiwl^ In • lb« w f wy>i »«>l, SmiIi WUa mi v*ry allMft, iMttiiff im aillaf ««y to 4»|»n^r>M> •n4 Mkct lUj. ■«( ^ «r«jr i« »> M Cf^M* iMr inUsvy. ««im |» Mi m4 Mwi) mmm «UbMi44MMlktof»ui4 iMvlMthiftMitty, Mr Mi* wHk iIm fM M^IWSNIH*! I IMS9 lutAMTii MANioit't eAmvrrv lit If w« lk«mpi wM «l iN« gfmtn4, wMm im«» w>h< » w< «*•«• |^|^ •4. iim4< tl v««)f wawCmImnmix, «m«I nwy U iiaM U4tft«tf lUvlwf naw f«« l« lik« liMlt«n ^t. m«iiy* •# iV« Im4(*m MUM !• fM< •••, 1*4 tn ikati w«y «aUfN«a4 Mf iw tii4 M vwry k«r4 <• k—o m >' mlM4 m I Mif M, In ike fMlflMilMi wkkk U frwfM It •(•Mid Im, «n4*r nMk aflktlMM •ii4 Mf* irtete M M iMi tiiiM I MlbrMl In b»inf iin4tr tnrtMH IkMt Mi4 4Miku « M4fa4 Ml M|i lag. AllUi Mi ifM* m4 4 > fkMr ki«k« cm mm »'|ihI ■rvl^i Tyi a^i an Ikaf akMifll «m ^t^^t^- aai^i ««. F^.kt y«B Mi Ml ■Mf wMkMl «fflaff. TWb iIm IbMmi, Sf ■HHI^ Mm M91 MN MB wVk^ MWnOT MflM MM HI flMNI Wf ■m*«l«Ma»lMMli»MAM«ihM«ifki. MmiImimIm ftM«p tlkili ilMiMMWih ivMtiSdl ihii* MvMf m^ lusAiiTi HANtoiri oARtrmr. §mH widid, iaformiaff im that mv uiMior inttndtd now to kill «•» m4 I, boiaff dUtiroti* to know (bo tMaen. oipociuUiffd, that in kit abtoneo I bod booR diligo"* to do •• I wu ordered by bim. Tbtts M woU M I could I rood* btr Mneibio how unrMwo»> •Ut bo WM. Now. tbott|b tbo could not undontand m«, nor I koTi but bjr tifBt, wo rMMonod •■ woll m wo could. Sbo thofuforo RiMO signa that I muit dio. ndviting mo, bjr point* laf up wit^ bor flagon, in bor way, to pray to Qod, ondoavor* lag \ij bor iigna aad toan to iattm^i mo in that which waa most BoodAU, Til. to pveparo for doatb, which vow threatonod mm t tho poor old tqnaw was m rory kind and tondor, that sbo would Bol loafo BO all tbo night, but laid bomolf down at mv fcatt dootgnbg what aha eould to aaauago hor Bon*in*law^ wnth, who had coneoiYod ovil againat mo,chiofly, aa I undor- alaod. boeaaao tho want of victuala urged him to it. My roat waa littlo thia night, my poor babe aleoping aweoily by mo. I di«%dod tho tragical doaigu of my maator, looking every iMHtf for hia coming to eiecuto hia bloody will upon na ; but k* being waarv with hunting and travel in the wooda, having lottad for nothing, went to reel aad forgot it Next morning kt wplied himaolf again to hunting in tho wooda, but I dread- •d ku fetuniing omp^r, aad prayed aeeretly in my heart that ka might ealeh aooM rood to aatiafy hia huager, and eool hia itt knaoff. Ha had not been gone but a litUa time, whan ho Ntened with booty, hating ahol aomo wild dueka i aad now ka a j pea i ad ia a bettor temper, oideied the fowla to ba dreeeed wkk ipead t fcr theee kltad of people, when they have fdoaty, * it M ftaely aa they get it, Baii« .with gluttoay and MP, b two teya' time, aa maak aa witk ffudeat man- ■ilriit aenra a week. Thua da ihar Hva fortka moel piit, oMmt in aieeea of gluitonjr and jdraakoaiieaa, or under of oe c eaaarfaa^ Hawavar, ia thia Bleiiti> with tka ibmi^'i hat. u^iekma vaij iilmita of want BUlBin M lima, I kit tka eoaBtei of it in part lB|f a parthm aent far me aad my little aaaaatabla. Now, I tklaUagtka bit t e m aaa of daalk waa evw At Ikia IfaMi my apirita ware a link aaaiar. Nal laag after tkis ka gat tola the like ill kwrner agate, miam to lake away my Urn. But I alwaDui* amMwaa inaa^a taaiffet, ka waaiad h!m»| ia lake aitkar bean, kveka, at fNri% 09 iH)l4^ ka « baQy, ka waa battor kameiad, tkaaili ka m vwjr kat aad paaaimala iampa» itpawMf. wkalanr hr ia kla way, eA'arary ^^M ««• mt la a aa lkw a l daagar «f my mi kit ii aeat an kla mmat wi oAPTiTmr. • muter inlmdcd now to kill ut, • rtMon, flipoitulaiMl, ihtt in do M I WM ordcrod by him. hor Miitiblo how unftMo»> could not undontand mo, nor 1 ti woll M wo could. Sho t dioi adviting mo, by point* «y, to pray to Qod, tnd«avor« itru^i mo in that which waa daath, which saw thraatanad rary kind and tondar, that aha I but laid harMlf down al my to aaauaga hor aon»in«law'a ninat ma.ehiafly, aa I undaf ua urfad him to it. My raat • aloaping awaaity by ma. of my maatari looking avary ia bloody will upon ua ; bnl 4 Uravol in tho wooda, having tnd forgot it. Naxt morning ing in tha wooda, but I draad> M aaerotly in my haart that iaiy hia httngar, and eool his ua but a litUa tioM, whan ha I aomo wild dueka ; and now rdarad tha fowla to ba draaaad opia, whan . thoy hart plasty, it, aaini\witb gluttoi^ and ta OMMh aa wmpnidant bmb- rbua 4o Ihajr Hva for tha moal r an4 jdraakaoiiaaa, or uodor iaa., Howafor, in thia slonti' 1 part with tha &■%'; hav^ f littla aaaa, irhkhim vary Mtlamaaa of fisatli w«a ovar •1 ELIIABCTU HANBON'I CAPTIVITY. Itl Ma If iha Mn ifc. But I tiPN^ rtetlrad any damage from him, thai wan of any graat conM> quonct to ma ; for which I arcr dMira lo ba thankful to my —•I Whan fleih waa srarra wa had only tha gun and nrbatt allowed lo our pari ; and not being permiitnl to cleania iha gun any other wim than ampiying ihe dung [oull. without •« much a» wa»hing ihem, aa befora it noted j in that Althy pickia wa inuil boil ihem and eat them, which wne rery unplaaiant./. Bui hunger mode up that difHcully, to that ihie food, which wae rery often our lot, became preiiy tolerable to a aharp ap- peine, which otherwlee could not hare bean diapeneed with, i hue I conaidered, none knowa what thay can undergo until they aia tried s for what I had thought in my own family not at for food, would here hare bean a dainty diah and awaal roonel. ' By this lima, what with faiigua of apirita. hard Ubor. mam dial, and often want of natural raat. I waa brought ao low. that my milk waa dried un. my babe rery poor and weak, just akin and bonaa ; for I could perceire all hir jointa from ono and of tlio buck tu tha other, and how to get what would auit har waair appotita. I waa at a loaa ; on which ona of tho Indim aquawa, pareairing my unaaainaaa about my child, began aama diaeouraa with ma, in which aha adriaad ma to taka tho kaiw US k rtj"*^ ^^*'l "»•'"••»<' »»«»« «*>•"> with a littla wMor, Ml l <•'<•••'»« whan I had ao dona tha water lookod lihn mulc ; then aha adviaad ma to add to thia water a littla of thn nnaat of Indiui com mad, and boil it a littla togethor. I did - M, and it baeuna pakitable, and waa rary nouriahing to thn boba. ao that aha began to thrira and look well, who wna bafoin mora like to dio than lira. I found that with thia kind of diot UM Indiana did often nuraa their infanta. Thia waa no mmII comfort to ma ; bat thia comfort waa aoon mixed with Mtiaio naaa and trouhia, whkh thua happened : my naatar tnUnw notice of my daar baba'a thriring condition, would oAanluC nnoo har^ud MywhMi^ aha waa fiu anoogh aha wmM h* fciUwl, and ha wouUTmi har { andpomiant to hia pratanea: at k oartoin Uma, ha made ma frteh him a aUck that^iab? wa. rrt «* • i^* to 'anat tha ehiW upon, aa ha aaM, whkh wC } ^ ^'^ '^ ">• "H dowiTw him and nndraaTS Ui&n^ Whan titoahild waa naked hi fclt har armnw^uf . ^l!^y ifc.fc**^y««««d.laouldnot»araoada myaalf tW ^^W^^'^IW i ' ■ HMiH IP BUXABKTH HANIONI OAmVlTV. •r Him in who«« pro»ld«iic« I put my uu»t both d«y tod "^A mU« llm. •tin ihii. my mwur fell •Icic, ami in hit •Ick- MM. •• hi lay in hit wigwam, h« otAtni hit own ton lo b«ni mTtlni builht old tauaw, iho Indian boy's jpandmoihor, rJuU oii .uflbf him tolo It : than hi. faihar. b^f Jfjirokod. •aught up a .tick, irtry .harp at on. ••»t' ""f *»\«J^V,*r bBM thrtw it from him at my Mm, and hit him on tho bwaat, whh which my chUd wa. much brulMd, and thapain with tha rulpfi.. madoliim turn a. pd. m daath ; •«»"•»'»« i'»j™»J^ to err. and tha boy, though but six v^r. old, bora it with won- llrf7l MUanef . nit M much a. in tfi. lawt comrialning, w that STouCrpatiinca aMuagwl tha barbarity of &l. haart i who, M doubt. wViU hata carrW »»»• !«•»«» "^TT'T!!!?.?^ Uchar. had tha child crlad, a. alway. complaining did a|gf»- rnto hli MMien. and hia angar grow hottar upon it. Soma ffi tta.'Siron tha -amaSy.V. gM -l-^JFSlS* '3 iMMngwaU. Howarar, thouA im wa. .ick. hi. wife and S!u£« fat OM know ha intandai to kiU u;, and I wna UB^ rSr, nnlaaa prarldanoa now intorpoMd, how it wmild and. I (kMlMpnt down my chUd. and gobg out of hi. pfOMnoo. tSTStCood for tli; fir. a. uHto ^,WH^,^ ^Mrt alkT Ui paMioa { but withal, on I eama to tha wir iTLvlng no^Sar way W to aaat «f ««• •?•• O*** "*• Sd ytharto halpad and oar^ for ma and »^'^^. ^. Undai thi. giraat faud, tha old ■qa^w. .^y y-^. "^ mhkaA^w, VA &n, hot my nOatiwa and ha? daaghtor abod* mad. tha dnoihtar eama to ma, who« I B*ad if h« UOM aMN that aamnadplaawd it waa m( for "•^.•'J" ™!! ^MitiBt hia aaaaion on ma and my ehfldwii, tha Lord ia wiom rraa^TZdMaMnably teterpoM^ iJRSL* ft«n hto. Lid thoMndian WMn^^ So aMMT u himMlf did cfsfow to tkam aboot Urn tMf SLiS whSTtrndafatodl, nai hattaf yl — »M«i!^ _., Mothar Muaw, that wa. «•?••• «»• ^'ZaTSlS^S^U VtA woafc and nadantond Bw^fkk, a^ "fyj? Hgf » ZfwSUL (far aa I dwnya aaiad har, pi fc|i ***■ -' - - waolddla. Sho Hkilyh«WMdd,baiac i* mmmmmmm mviTV. r ttuM both day tod ■iek, and in hU ■iek* «d hU own Mn lo btni ■n boy's mndmothort fnihor, being provoktd, id, and with grMt vio* hitbimonlho brtnai, 1, and th« pain with tho I { I ontraating bim not lold. boroit withwon- ast complaining, m that rity of nia bMtf 1 1 who, a and raMntnont much complaining did •jU**' kottor upon it. Boom M npon hia tmU bat Atf I wan iieb. hia wife and till tia, and I WM andor Md, how it would and. Bg oat of hia piaaoneo. to do. hoping that woald , •!• I eaoM to tho wig^ i bo UUad l0 thia mad my earn «poa God, who ■Bdniao. ■aw, oiy nMlir^ sMwh* nd hor daaghiar abodo whoa I eaoM with mj m I aAad if hor (bthar aBign,BO,withay • draadftil blow without any proroeation at all, and bad ihrtaiMMd to kill ut all in hia fury and paMioni uoon which tho Muaw told ma my maiior had confeaaad tho abova abuM ho oflertd my chMd. and that the miachiof ho had dona wai tha eauaa why Qod ifllicted him with that nicknam and pain, and ho had promiiad ntrar to abuaa ui in tueh aoit mora J and aOor thia ho toon racovarad, but waa not m aaoi ■lonaia J nor do I ramambar bo em aftar atruek aither moor my childran, ao aa to hurt ua, or with that miackiaTout intani aabaforahauaadtodo. Thi. I took aa tha Lord's doing, and it was marrallous in mv oyas. * Soma ftw waaks aAar this, my mastar mada another r*. moro, ha?ing as bafora mada savaral j but thia was tha lowaat Tha firot day'a Jounisy tho ice waa bara, but tha nait dayTaama snow falling, m«le it very troubloaomo, tedious, and diOeuli tra?aUingi and I took much damage in oAea bllintt hoTiM i^T 'fy S!^' *at added not a Uttla to my uJi^aafoaa? And the Ust night when wo camo to anaamp, it being iTSm a%ht, I waa ofderad to fctch water; but haT&ig nt owUle mi tha COM ground, I could neither go nor atand: but erMrUw oomyhandaaod knaea, a young Indian aquaw eanStomo OB'.PMpM., being of another hmilj, in eompaaaiao took tho kottU, and kaoidb* wkoro to go, wliich I di^ not. fotehod tho watMfermo. AltookasioraatkindneaamulW horhoartwaaiiieUnedtodomethiaaerTko. "'*•"" »-«-aawthodoai«ofthlajoumor. My maatar bafag. •• e, weary to keep ua, waa willing lo make whaS h« I suMoeow .. eouM of our thorofera. ho wont ftitthor towaida iho ->in thia pkM», when thoy hod • ladiana coming to our people, llrii .1 in it, I got out of tha* with French, and lafk hia family in neat dance, sundry other Indian hahl some Ume, and while they w... w m i « mi « « way in a comer of tho wigwam aa wall [aa] I couM j hut oi ^.^o»>f by me in their dancing, tUy wMMwTmy head towjida tho giowid. and fkoJmn^rkS^^ ^ 5i7 "V*^ TS. ^' W»f «»dr/of tham othon having Indfanmoekoaona. TkiadanaoM and t^mada» in thoir manner, gioal ^ It waa Boi many daya era my Fi«Hh}hnthai»winMdiahnia — " fttmoiaUa vilh aooM Wi Ihtajmnadtit d fa^wMt haidftom,! ^^P' ^^^•PP 19 ■ Hit ■ MMl ■ychiidim Oar aiq^ waa nti ■MMlWNH "-- olri fiMiiifiiiiwuaairrwiiiiHi munaMaiiit ritti 1 lUXABETH HANION'f OAmYlTY. long in ihia piitec btfor* h« look mo lo iho Froneh, in ordor for • ehopmon. Whon wo coino among ihom I w«s oipoaod for mIo, Mid ho Mktd for mo 800 livrti. Bui hit chopmon Ml complying with his domond, pui him in • grooi mgo. oftring nim but 000 1 ho Mid. in o gr««t pMoion, If ho could Bol hovo hia domond, ho would moke • grool flro and hum mo •nd iho b«b«, in tho viow of iho town, wnich woa nomod Fort Rojrol. Tho Frenchman bid the Indian make hit Are, " and I will," wtyi he, ** help you, if you think that will do you moro good than 600 livrei," calling my master fool, and tpoaking roughly to him, bid him be gone. But at the wme time tho Frenchman waa ciril to mo ; and, for my oncouragtmont, bid no bo of good cheer, for I should bo rodeomod, and not go hMk with thorn again. Retiring now with my master for this night, tho neit day 1 was rodoomod for six hundrod lines ; and in treating with my naslar, iho Frenchman queried why he asked so much for tho ihild's ransom; urging, when she had her belly Aill, sho woaU die. My master said, ** No, sho would nol die, having •Inady lived iwoniy coma in liquor,) which ia eommaodabla in tham, ao fu.\\ Howavar, tha aflactiona thay had for my daughtar tham raf^aa all oflbro and ttrma of ranaom ; ao that, aftar ay poor huaband had waitad, and mada what aiiampia and ttm- daavora ha could to obtain hia child, and all to ao patyaaa, wa wara foread to naka homaward, laaving oar daogklar, la oar mat griaf, bahlad ua, amoagat tha Indiaaa, aad aat fct> wara evar tha bka, with thraa of our ch i M w , and tha aa^ vant maid, faa company with aundry othara, aad, by tha kM> naaa of Providanea, wa got wall hoaa on tha lat day af Iha 7tk aoatl^ 17i5. Fran %lMk it appaan I had baan Aaai kama, aaoiigai tha ladioM and Frtodi, about twohra mmiIm Mdaisdaya. darfkl p t af i dao c aa af Ood anio oa, aad ovar oa, hath baoMi •ad I kap» will aa laaaaki ta ba, aa a eontinoad oUigaliiMi •• ay miM* avar to Uva la that fcar, Lva, aad abadiaaoa la Qoi, ivAj ragordiag, by hia graca, with nMwknaaa ard wkdaa, la •ppiova ayaaGr by his nirit, ia aU hoUnaaa of Hia aad MdH- aaaa araiavaiaaliM. 10 ite pniM of him that halk arilaii^ «lMiaOo4hlaaaad' Bat ay daof haahand, paar maa! coald ad a^(oy Uaarif to faiat with m% fw waat af hia daar daaghlar Bmk, ito* waa la* bahtodi aad aal williaf to oobIi amrthiaff te h# w jiap rt aa ithidt lay to hfa ywar, ha aoay ad ha aai | a^Mi aataakiata laaiHM aliaaait to afdw to o^iieh, ha toakhli jod to ■ullor lo bo my lot, whilo liort, tor* MMly ■uBplieniinf iho Ood Mid foihor of oil our m«rcio« to W • hUior to my flilhtrloM ehildrtn, and aivo unto ihom that UMtinff. whieh nwkotli truly rick, and nddt no torrow with It ( that M tboy row in ynmn thoy may now in |mo. ond mporkneo iko Joy of Mlviiion, which b como by JtmM ChrlM, ear Lord and Savior. Amon. .. ^ ^, , Now, thoMfh my husband diod, by rwMon of which hia If kar WM omM. yat my klntman proaoeuiod tho thing, and laft witumod, that ha thoaf ht, or could ba adviaad, wm ■ At " * ' "^ * i> wU aanaw, wte tatandaa to marrr nar in umo w mm -on, wtbiff wImI paraiiaahin aha eould to aflaet har and. MMMtiniet hy Mr mHt^ and aoaaatioMa hy aavara. ~hitlM ma«i tima a FranchmMi Intaryeaad. and thtv hv mt- milr- antking my child to marry, in oidar to oMah hM Awdom, hy raaaon that thoao captiToa marriad hy tha frvBch M*. hy that marriaffo, mada fraa amoof tham, tht Indiana iMfinf than no praiMMo longar to kaap tham aa MpUf«a ) aha thaaafiw waa pravailtd upon, for tha raoaona afera aMiffnad, la Mfrj, and aha wa* aeeordinfly marriad to tha aaid Praneli- nraa, aa wall, and aa naar aa I «an Aram my mamary, (nat baiag aapahia of kaapina a Journal.) I kava jivan • ahart kiit • maaeaooBt of aomo of tho ramaiknUa trkla and wandarM Mtvamaeaa which I nam porpaaad la aipaaat Uit that I hm Ihatahy th^ mareifnl ktodnaaa ^ad nodMaa afOad may kaVMtnUM. and tha raadar haraof pravakad with laaia eara milmt la aarra him in rigbtaaoanaaa and hamllity, owl t^ . ■V'MifMdaadaadparpaaawiUhaaiiawaNd. .« !,»■ *n iMM TIVITY. bany •nA C*n«ilN, in ft, in ih» lioni ! •nJ ffMi. y«( I r all our morcU* to J^vo unto ikom iHot da no «nrrow with y grow in gVMO. and h *■ ceoM by JtMi tMHi of which hi* b- lod iho thing, and Uft teuld U adviaod, WM Voodom i but eovid hy , aho bohig in another WM. and givoB to on timo to hor Min. nalM Mid, aooMliniet hy ku oaod,nidthtyhyfM- m ofdor to oMnte hot narriod hy iho fnmk Of than, tho IniiMM tkoinaaoopUvoot iho .ooaona albra aaoitnod, •d to tho aai^ Franeh* my iMMsryi (not iv« |i?*n a iheri hat • ■ triala ani wondoiM to oipoaa; hat ihm I ' ofOodMf >fokad with nMio c« uid hnmliity, aad tV B. H. .■Hi *l*.<'»'5»*»*W-::' 1 117 A NARRATIVE or TNI CAPTIYITY OT NKNBMUH HOW, WHO WAI TAflff ■r THK INDIANS AT TIIK ORIUT MKADUW roilT AIOVB rORT DUMMBA, WHBU III WAS AN INHAMTANT, OCTO. MRlIrN, ir«. fM*taff •• MMwM af «lMt IM Ml wMk 1« M* ii«f«lltii( to OMwfe, mm! «Mk IM WM to fiiam tiMn. T^ikM wMt m ■ir>iwii ti Ma. Maw'( 4Mtlt M 0MM4«.-PaslM«uifUi I, t, I, MMi«. - ■ ■■>■■! N. B. fftMMl mU mU a pp u ii u lu Um fitsM ta <4wm linM, irM. At tht Oroat Maadow'i fort, fourtoon milt* aboto fort Dam* mor.Oetober llih. 1744. whor* I waa an inhabiuni, I want oat firom iha fort About AAy rodt to eui wood j and whan I haii dooo, I walked towards ih« fort, but in my way hoard tho erack> linf of foneaa behind me, and turning about, aaw twelve «r thirteen Indiana, with red painted heada. running after me i on whieh I eried io Ood for help, and ran, and balTooed aa I ma, to alarm the fort. But by the lime I had run ten roda, the Indiana eame up with me and took hold of me. At the annM tioM the men at the fort ahot at the Indiane, and killed oae •• the spot, woaaded another, who died fourteen daya aftor ha got homo, and likewise shot a bullet through the powdofhora of oae that had hold of me. They then led me into the ewnam and pinioned me. I then committed my ease to Ood, aai prayed that, since it was his will to deliver me into the haadi of Uiose ertiel men, I might find favor in their eyee t whldl requeet God in his infinite mercy was pleased to grant i far they were generally kind to me while I was with them. Soma of the Induuu at that time took charge of me, others ran into tho field to kill eaiilo. Thev led om about half a mile, whoia wo oiaid in opea eight of the fort, till tho Indkuw who wera killina eoitlo eaaM to as, laden with beef. Then they woM a little further to a houeo, where they auid lo eai tho meat ftaai the boBoe, aad eai tho helve off or my aie, aad *taok4t ' IkojRoaad, poiatiag the way wa went. Thee wo travelled aloag tho river side, aad whoa wa |ai ahoai throe miloa, I espied a eaaoo cembiffdawa on tha Ibnhor iMe of iha rivar, with David Raog aad Bolart Baha#, holwiglB g la aar Cart I amdo aa maeCiioiao as I eaald, hf haMBwrwf, Ita., thai ihay might aoo ua hefeia the ladian mw llMa^ aad aa gal aahore and eeeapo. Bat tho ladkae aaw tfM% aad alM aeroaa dM river, iwaaty or thirty gaae at tham, tf wiMi Iha fl m mo nt ioBo d Bum wNr^kilM, hat the oihaik fed. Thea tha rifit aa4 ir«i^lha( mm NiRiMiAN Noin oAPnrmr. iMvint ■ tHi y4 and tcalpad Ik* 4—A nmh, tii4 ilt«fi w« wmI •kaui • miw furtlMr, wiMn w« c«in« i« tnoilivr kouM, wbtr* w autpfti. Wkik lk«r« wt liMnI nMn rwmiinf ky lH« k«nk •f iIm rivtr, wImm I Iimw i« bt JwMiliaii TlMjrtr, 8«iiiimI NmUiii Mi4 my mh OaJcb How. Flv« of Um ImImm nn to Imi4 imm. My Mart oilMd for iImmi, mi4 prayo4 lo Oo4 to MfO UkoM from iIm h»n4» of Um onomy. I tiippooo ikoy kid f 4 of Um bMik of Um rivor, (ot Um liMkiM «roro fOM tono Umo. but MUM hub wiUMnii UMm, b lowod bo Ood. Wo wont obovi • milo forUMt, wbofo wo Io4Im4 Umi nlfbl, ni roooM Um mooi UMy bo4 fol. TIm noil aoy wo trovol* ltd vory slow, by roMon of tbo woundod Indion, wbkb wm • noal bf or to mo. Wo lodfod tbo Mcoad nk bi •ffoimt Nom* W Potir roineo Cborlootown, N. H.) Tbo iblrd 4oy wo Uko- w\m tnvoUod olowly, and MoMod oAoa to toot, oad fot oIomi Wo lodffod Umi nifbi by Um Mooad nmJi root rivor ofoiMl Nu iiif Um ladioiM bold livor Umi r«M into tbo groot rivor ofoiMi NuMbor f o«r Tbo foimb day Monuiiff Um ladiaiM bold a piooo of bwk« Mid Md MO wriM My aamoi aad bow many day* wo bad ira* * ' ..... 'durtUoaiBobm." U "Cm; br." Mid lioy •* oMy bo BagUalMMa wiU OMBO b Tkai waa a bard day to moi m ii wm wot aad wa woai ■ladl gi aao iMaatoiao, m ibat I btiaaM woak aad fciait fbt I bd aai oaloii iIm ? alao of oao bmoI Atom ibo tima I wm tobost Elhai bolaf bMf a lM oo t raw wiiboM bvaad m Mlt Wbaa MM Inl to iko Ibat of Umm billo, I UMtagbl it wm ianoooi- fM iM to aoooad Umoi, wiUMtit haM o d k to bol|» tttm Ood i JuiafciB ny ooaataat roooarM wm to bim for itvnftb, wbiak ka WM gTMioaoly pUaaod to grant iM. aad fw wblak I dwiw Wa fot Utot day a UiUo bofcM Bifbl to a aiaM wbaro Umv kad a kvatiag boaM. a kottla, msm baati ladkw oam, aai «lt Tkay hoUod a good MM af It. I draak of Um bradi, •M «f Um iMolaad oani,aad«at waadorAitty r a ft aokod, m Ikal I Mt Uka aaotkar Maa. Tka aail ■ a nfl ag wa got t^ aarlvi aad aAar wa kad oatoa, aiy aMoiat mM to im, " Ya« MMlMfekwalktoday.afflklilywk*' I toU kl» I waMd g« MtelMlao«M,aiidMfaMor,rrkadU MMaa. Atwkkk «ay bdiaa, wka WM tka bNi fUaiid 1 kdl, toak oaN ar M^ a iwfiMad ikai iar naf kard. aad atar tliaf hiht kai ll Wtafa-oaaLwia^f «f*I ftkm ai H witk. bmn ava ikas hmmt ftllvw BMMlitind kttmal^^^tmw^mm Taa aiM wf w$ ladiaaa giM naA pav'W 'Hmi^hpHI^' llMllinMttila ' 1 aii bat lafjr Uttfa. aa aar SlttXi , and ikan wt w*nl iotli«r bouM. wlMf* iinninf by lb* bank •n Tbaycr. SamimI r Um 1«4Imm ran to nA fmy94 le 0*4 to 1 atifpoM ibty bl4 IM W«rt fMM MM* I b* o«a. « lotlfid Umi nifbl, Mil day w« i»»tl« lii4Uii. wbi«b WM • nUbi tnlntt Nwn- M diMlay «rt Uka- » ml, smI fftt tkuM I bv tlM Mt«ii4 mmJI I Nttaibar f e«r. My • pUMtTbMk, my Uy fnhUu^ MwiUflMMbm.** vMkM^fcbii «nI Um Uim 1 WM labM, ffMiotMlt WbM Mdll U WM iMMMi- U»i«M»frMMO«4) B for mwr^ v'^^ • • (Im* wkm iktf w, UilM Mra.Mi 4imIi WUwby k. ff mM I* IM. « Y«« nUhtelwMaM MiM. Aiwkkk «fMt HIMIMIAII Howl OAmf ITT. W ■MiMrad 10 brnii, 0114 ibov mod bllWil • fliwn, oimI ibroo mnoU boor*, M iboi w« bo«l ogain moot tfMMi|b i tomo o( wbkb wt boilod ond Ml bMriily •/, by wbWb I Mi Mtimg. Tbo Mil doy wo iravalM ntj bord, •nd parforniMl il wilk •••o, iMomucb ibal ono of ibo Indkina uM ma I woa • vory •iroM man. About tbiM oViork w« r«m« 10 ib« hbo, wboto iboy Rod Aro caimm, ^k. Indion corn, aiKl tobacro. W* fot iolo tbo conooa, and tbo Indion* •tuck up a polo about •iffbl fool loiM witb ibo Molp of David Ruirg on tbo top of U poinlod rod, wiik tbo IlkonoM of oyoo and mouib on it. Wo Milod about ton miloo, and tbon wont on ibofo, and a(W wo b*4 modo a Aro, wo boilod a food •uppor, and oM boariily. Tko Mil day wo m« aall for Crown Point, but wbon wo wofo Wilkin a milo of tko piaco. ikoy wont on ■koio, wkoro woot oigkl ot Ion FroMk and IndlaM, two of wkoM, bolbro I fot o« •koroi oamo runninffinto iko waior, koM dMp, and pullod M« uui of Iko MOM. Tkofo Ikoy aung and doMod aromd im • wkilo, wkon OM of tkom Ud nM ail 4own. wkieb I did. TkM ikoy pullod off my ikoM and buokloo, and took ikom Atom nm. Soon aAor wo wont alonf le Crown Point. Wkon wo Ml ik«f% Um pooflo, kodi ProMk and IndioM, waro fory tkbrti ky dM wniar alda. Two of tko IndioM look no out of tko t$mm, md londiiiff nM, kU ao ran, wkiek I dU, abMi iwonly lodo «o ik* Cwt Tko fen io larfo, boUt witk oiom and IImm. Tkoj ki OM «p to tko ikird loA, wkoro wm iko captatn'k okaakat. A akntt WM bfo««ki tkni I niaki tkjn iko tva oad wnrw mm, ikofo, flUM inio Iko oknmbor. a m o n f wkon wm om I kaawi wiik no, and I wm f hd lo mo kin. Ho wont om, kal oiM loMiMd and kvMfki n no antko r Indion, nanod AnMow^ kwakMd 10 kor wko wm luaiM WillkmM, danfknr of tka iMa BaT.JakaWIUiano,of DoofMds ka wm fM la om na» m4 I n IM kka. Ho odMd na akaal kia wUbt wlaifeai, ud anawad a fiaal daal af laaaaal la im. A wkUa aflor Ikia, ika Mkno «i ia a rkif ki ika i... aad FnlMMr oaan la MM, and laid na I HMMI ga aad ataff •ni dasMkafeialkalMiaM. I loU kin I oaaM an. IfcioUna am aana MIm waHa, aad hM na aiog ikMi. liaMMal lana iMtkli. oana la na, and bU na aiat it ki laglUi. 2CS WMb -liaal kww wkaia I ga," wkkkl did. daMl^ laaai Jti iiif IkMa ikMOb I ikoa •ndofim ky ika fc a.^ Tka plaat aaw la^ n% asa ,gava na a ann ai vaa^ asa aRawavM Ika N^M aw pail ai a laai ai aiaaa aaa ttpiala ai nMHi^ na la aal^ wMtk I did kaaralyi na I kaA mi laHi MMk iM Mh NINtMUII MOW-I CAmTtTY. MWM Mill all ill* olRtfcr* tKowMl m« • grtrnt 4m»\ n( r«tM«i. T^ (••Mtn «•*« ma • |Mtf •# fiMii biMhaliln tlnwa, •nJ iM ■rtw« IIb«4 imni •mi mjr 6wi. w« MtU tkmt* lh«l ni«lil, •n4 I tfofM wUil ik« j^tMl, eapuln •iwl lt«iii«fMnl. Tll« h««l«naiii'» mmt WM B«ti«^li i Im h«4 tiMii • |if iMm«r •« Rmuhi, •ml li«4 Um •! NoftlMmBtoii mM iIm Inwna lk«f*«lMMiti. TH»a 4a \ , wkUh WM liM IkUMiK, I waa wall iraalH by iIm I'rviirli »<&. Mta. wlilk fktiMla aM4 «trliili. W« urfiml il»«ra Ull wimm, iImt* wtiil •€ •boMl ■ MtW, Ami Ml on ahara. wKara ikay ataM iIm ■m( •( lila 4«y i aii4 lM«iii« mm wlih ilwm, m««t of iImnm wtra miMit lk|iioff*4. PmIiohiv aiwl ll»a ai|tMw, aiMt anixlMrf Mklii fiiMllv, «rml Willi «a, and l>y lllam I ImnA a«l ilial Wit* Umi Pklpa kilM M Iii4l«ii, baaidM kirn wa wmiiwla4 Iwfcra ha waa liilM i (■« w In4bn who waa wUk ^a aaliad ma If ilMfa waa 9m kllM naar aar fort laai aammt a I laM kim 1 4M aol knaw. Ha laM ka ImH a kralkar wki /awi aai ikan, mmI ka ka4 MM aaaa klin ainca, an4 ka4 kaani aa ww kllM at mu km,vd WMtail la knaw If li waa iraa. Bai 1 M aai tkUk It kaa« la tail klin any aa«k ihiag waa aaapacM. Tkc la^kaa aaw ni iMa a Mia, aa4 ^aarralM akaat ma, m4 mUa rm all in iKa aanaa kjr ika w«iaf>ai4a. I wa* albU fktf wmM kart if m< kill Ma. Tkr, aitatnp««l la rama la ■•k kai Ika aakar Indiana kb^aiad Um« ikat wafa in lioaar. > w h a«y aaaing ika raal, want la ika fort, an4 aaaa aAar, Ua«t ■illatk. vHk mmt laMkra, caiM i« aa, aa^ wkaa ika Indiana wtf mmiu aatjr. ikay want away. Wa Ia4fa4 tkaia ikai nigki, md Ika naai dajr waa a a ia rmy day af wini. anaar and rain, w Ikm wa axMa fofcad la larry ikaia ikai day and larry ikaia ikai day and ika nasi nifkl. M Ikla Itea Ika Indiana canilnaad fMekinf ram Araa« ika Ml, mi kapl knir draak. Haia I andacwanl aanM kardaklf ky Ullffaw Ikaia aa lang in a aiarni arlikaai akaliaf ar Uankal. Tklay kMl a fiaai danea ikai nlgki, and kang «p Ddvid >af|1i Mdp as • pala. daadag ra«nd It Aftat ikay kad dona. Umv kydawn iaalaa|». Tka Mil marniaff, wkiek waa ika tanik Aiy ftam ika Una «f Mf kakM mkan, wa waM aff la ika lami, and ika nifkl •fttr wa Mriftd al ika wida kika, and ikai* wa aiaU ikal al|^ t«M W Ika Inteaa wani a kanUaw, and kiUad a IM itn, m wa tad a ftill mffkf af wa kad vidaali plMMy. far R aa at Ika fan at Ckraam n Tka Bast Mavateff ika wind kaiaf «al», wa aal avl akm MM ka«n kafan 4ay, and aaa« aAar cmm la n lakMwrMlif •inMknr. Wa wal — kaarf kat^ — dl ika Wtwm k wmmm fMf aif%. Tkay fMa aaak af m a inm ti t ■Aloaitf. AaMMiMii.waa4ay«»li**ti mtrfY. 1(11 iMn. TKo ffmk iM %k»f lh«l n I gill, tn^ >iMnl. TIM) lt«iii«itaRr» Miiar •! IttMion. antl diU h*r»«bniila. Thta 4a\ , il»4 by Ika l^rvnrll »n' m4 IMT* Ull noon, \kf* t9, wlMf* ik«]r atatit iIm ilh tktm, HMMt af iImnm btt ■flMW, SmI MMlMf m I fe«n«l Mil ili«i Wtl« bim w« wmiiii|*4 iMMbM • with «!• Mlivd FM kt ■wmmt '. I i»M kiiii 1 Mr wIk /«m' mi ikMn, I lMMir4 iM «r«6 liilM at M iriM. Biti I 04 M« nd ^tttrrtlM ftkMt mm, ii«f«*14«. I WM •Ibt4 7 •IMtnptoll Ul fMM M «« ilMt wtf* in ItoiMT. rt, tn^ MM •A«r, tUvt SHma iIm lll4i«M Umm iImi n^ill, RMT m4 vaia, m day aa4 ilka aasi aialit kiaf taiB Aram ika Ian, rMi MOM iMfdaliif hf kMt akahaf ar Uaakal. kttiiff ap DavM BuM^ lira Hi^V BSV vOWV| UiVV mik Jay ftaai ilM Una a aaiMa, aa4 Um aiflM baMwaaiaUllMBl^ UM KtlMNI B In wW^i 09 NIIIIIII4JI MOW'S oArnvmr. lat I lara U«ft Ufafa Mnaai fat am ika Ma. mnI aail 4ay la IkaaibaltM iCkaaiMM.*! mh.» ». mm* ilifM Il«a4«a4 r«a«k aiHi IW9 ki«n4 ltaM.aii4«««« ^M!"!^*-?>'f HmwMUMiMamlalUMaiB l^aTbafafa. Ha Mba4 >m wbai aairTfraM LaiiiaJ3 9mm. li«MblmMdiMatiMMlUMHiMM«M«iaM,«3 MiiiM4 iba iaai,aMl Ums waM 4awa iTilMaaMaa/tMMW if'lt'Tr* "^ «*/ H«*jr«^kiaa4aiMlaa*WlWli Ajy p.1 kM. Aa •••Ma. aM ikajiM waiil iiM. • FimS Mm% wa ■•• acaarf fMUa«Miia*Mma,wlMwafa*. w* MflrH ti Qii*> N*. TIm Imi4 I* liili>yn^ Ml Uik ti^M «f iIm H««t (k«Mi ilM UWw OImmiiUm. ?«vy iMik. m Um ilM Umm f mmm tlflM •f «M ■■ilitf Ml iIm wnf. But I* rMttni I AA*v w tnlM^ M <^iU>, I «m m n kai 31 llN* • iMf* tlMMtet. «l)t«ll WM Altl 9t Mb— > wlM ««f« Vtl !• NM. MmIV cf llM f MMtk MMM IM M H* ■•, Ml4 •Im vvfy btM. I MftWi iIm«« tkMii iw kmn, mhm • wF »W«^*W ■WWW^^WWBWf ^m^W wl^VMI w^^^WH H^^MB WVi^Bvl^NS^ ^W^M^W MB m) Mall. TIm rrMMk jib U ii w iMfi mmim ki I* m« ••» ■■4 I WW f«f« tivMlv ifMii4 ly iMMi. I Mf UM wmm •§» IpHanbiMiiiiM iiMiftal«OMirK«MB»« I i m k II fvurt iwiflM •« tut* • ivwt if« tWiti *ktm M«M» • af iIm H««f fNMi iIm Un4mikm, fcfMMily • tat M tM «•, ••4 MmiinAN ivmni ffi ifirr ii. TJ^' <*jr.. «i.k hn^y u k^. Cot w^i ^iMr «■■■ ] **«■■«■ nmiiiAa loirt oArrmrr. low ON UW7 wia onnii mt> ujQmm mn, mm mi uw ■ tkit Mw townabiD. kiUtd Cap*. Sekuylar tod Art or i •ad had Woofbt lAy whiur* and about aUty nagroaa fwL 1 waa aonry lo baor of m mucb miacEUf d loM aa tboy bad bami Mr. Ljrdln'i fort, and all tba booaaa at - - . . . - ^^ inorti to Mont- dona, but MtJokod tboy bad 'not baoa upon our riftr, and tb« towaa tkaraobouta, lar wbiab I gava tbanka to Ood (oir bio graat |ood« ■aaa in praaonriag tboB^ and paiticularly my iainily. Wban Chriatmaa camo. tba govamor Mat us iwantT«fottr Unoa, and tba lofd*intanaant cama into tba priaon ana !>*• aa twanty>four mora, wbicb waa about two a uinaas. Ha told «a ba bopad wa abould ba aant boRM in a Utuo tima. Ha waa a jlaoMnt jantUman, and Tary kind to capUvaa. Soaia tina •Oar, Mr. ffbaniay, a ganitanMn of quality, caaia to aa, and Mfa *9 tba tbiaa aaa eaptaiaa twamy>four livara, and to ma wthrai and tha naxt day oant ma a bottia of claiat wina. Abaot tan 4aya aftar ba Mnt ma twakra Uwaa mora i in ail JaniMrf 90ik, 1740, aifbtaaa caatiTaa waio biwifbt fton Mm.rfal to tba nriaan at Quabao, wbiek ia 160 milaa. Fabfonry Sin, aavaa captifaa mora, who warn takan al AOmy* waro bmwgkt to tba sriaon to uat ?ii. lia man and ona aM woman aavaoty vaara old. wke had baaa ao iafim for WViB yaan MMtbal aba bad not baan abla tAwalk tha atiaatK jrtMffpnMi tbk tadioua |e«may witb aaaa. Hmtk lAb, aaa of tba oaptivaa talnn at ^AAamr, alW Umf Mm or flAaan dap' aieknaaa, diad in tba baapital At QHaoae, -Mk pan of • aobar, pioua eanvanatioB. Hia nama waa Lnw- iiMt Plaikf . a Oaranan ban. May M, twaa eaptivoa takaa at No. Four, aiitaan milaa •barva wbaaa I ww takan, via. Oapt. John Spamdi, laaae Far< hp» nnd Stapb a n Faroawortb, waia hroMM to priaaa to aa. tVy laliMmad BM my fuaily waa wdl, a ww daya bafara tbay waif talwn, wbicb lejokad am omab. I waa aorry Cmt tba i*ialgiMuw af tbaaa mv firianda, but waa dad af thaif aaapasf , aad «f tbair baiag wafi uaod by tboaa wSo toaii Aam. May I4tiki two eapUvaa wara bftmfbt favlo pripaa, lacab load aad ^«aM Ckutman. lakaa at a aaw tawnahia calM Oofbamtowa. naar Caaea Biq^ Thay iafcnaad aa tbataaa ■Mnaad four ebildraa of oaa of tbamwaiaUUadtandbiawUa ^mjn tba Mma tima witb tbaavaiid wai^ia tha baadaof MiMi.* l|^y Utk. two kda, Jamaa and Saaoal Aadanra, bnattm lilnn at Shaapacot, wara bioogbt to vmrn,-- Qii't)|i |lihi, »M wiiaNaeMIn of1ha'llilA|i% m mmmmitmm imMimnmimmuLmm bit. Md All Um houMi •! yUr tai •»• Of lU in«r», iinUiyMfWttolioiil- nveh mteckbr dom. but Ntr riftr, ••4 tk« lowM loOoiferhkffMtgood- ImW ny bnUy. roor MM «« tw«iu-r««« into the prison Md g»»« lut two faiiMNM. H« told in a UttU tioM. Ho wm I to c^vos. 3oB« timo quaUty, «»• to ••, onfl ityfour lltfm,Md to no I • botUt of ckwt wlno. twoUo UvTCO noio; i>ul pdvoo won brai^bt litom ^k it 180 miloo. . non, who won titkon •» iou«,»ii.ii»no»Md«no h«d boon M iaflm ttK «ii sbU tawalk tko otnoii* withoMo. ^ , Bboaot^ft>n|,«AorCMU>> n tho hooyitd M Qmomo, ioo. lUaMMWMUw- 1 No. Four, oiitfo* ^ .JohaSpdMlMMFw* • bvOM hi to pviMI to AM. rdUtfiwdoyobofanthw mOu IwMoomtortbo tkoitoonvoayi MWfeO ,w «,„.jo4 ao wii «M WonUlM.«ii4^1»io«U» wM^teiholwiid^*' .and to pCIMS. Aadmrai ■w. On i^Vifk t-oC1h>' ..I milMIAM lOWi OATTITRT. ImrmI Barbonk tad David Woodwtll, who won lidion M Now Hopkinioa, aoar Ramlbfd, [Ooneord, N. H.] won braofhl to prioon, and iia f or m od us tbon won takon with thorn two ■OM of tho Mid Barbaab, and tho wifc, two mm and • daoffhtor of tho nM Woodwoll, whon thoy loft in tho haada of tho ladiant. May iMth, Thooiao Jonot, of HolliMon, who waa a Midior at Contooeook, wao braufht to priMn, and told no that ono EUaha Cook, and a nogn bolonftaf to tho Rov. Mr. Biovoaai won killod whoa ho was lakon. Jnno lot, William Aikingo, takon at PIsaMnt Point, noar fort Ooorgo, wm braafht to priaon. Jano 9d, Mr. Shoariy brought Mvonl lotton of doaeon Timothy Bnwn, of Lowat Aahuokitt and monoy, and dolinrod thom to mo« whieh modo no think ho wm killod or takon. A few day* aftor. Mr. Shoarly toM mo ho was taken. I waa glod to hoar ho was aUvt. Jano fth, Timothy Cummiago, agod 60, waa broaght lo priMn, who informed ae ho wm at ^mk with Ito other mm«i about forty nda Aam tho btoek-ho«M, Ooorgoli [fort,] wk«i five Indiaaa ohot at thom, but hurt none. The me» nm uwif i aad Mi him and their gone to tho Indiaaa. Ho toM oa thai tho aaeigB waa killod M ho atoodon tho top of tha fed, aal that tho KngUah klUod flvo Indiaaa at the aamo tlmo. June 13th. Mr. Shoarly brought M tho eaptlvaa aoma laW tan whieh wan aent from Albany, aad miMng thom eaa fWwi Lkmt. Qow. Wm, af the Maaaaehuaetta Bay. to tho gofarMt of Canada, for t&a auhaago of priaoaara, wikh gav« oa giaal hoMB of a epaady nIaMa. Juao Md, eight ana won hioaght la prlaon, aannf wh^ won deaaoa ■nam aad Babet Mono, who inforand mo thai than wan afai or oMm ladiaaa killed, a little befen thoy wan taken, at Upper Aaiuolei, aad that they learnt, by the Miaaa who look thom, than wen als man of tho BagHah kfflad al ether plaa« aaar Ceaao eti cat rinr, aad aofOfaT laon aUiidt waaadedi theio lam www aappeaed to U tho wife aad eUI> dna of tho afoiaaaia Buihaak and WoodwoU. . July ilh, wa aaat a patMen t« tho chief govemor-Aal u% might be aarhaagad. and tho 9ih, Mr. Bhaarly told aa w« ■ haaMba aaahaagad fer ether eaptlne la a Uttlo tiina^ whkll Moaed gnal |aj annqg uai TM tmae day, al lAAU loha , ofHaitMald, waa hnughl to priaaa, who Md «a (hat ai^iadiiiaa a gria t l Oa ai ia waa oa fool, wbiah m««h dead «•« Ho alaa laid «8 of tho ihfM flghta la Mo. Four, ilMwtemavaiiyM aad takoa, and of tha mfetMaf deaa^ •iMr plMaa«aar O aa a aeiie at river, aad thai my laoth«r 9mi' \ NIMIMIAH HOW« OAmTITy. kX How'a ton IhnM wm Uik«n wiih bim, aiMl wm in Um kMkU of lb* IndiMM, who dMigiuNl to kttp him. Jujy 90th. John Jonoa. « MMnuin, wm brought into priMn, who tokl ua ho wm goiof from Capo Braton to Nawfvund* Uad with on* EngUanmnn and four Franchman, who had aworn allagianca to King Oeorge, and in tba paaaago tbay kiUod th« othar Engliabmnn, but cnniad bim to tba bay of Arb, whan than waa an army of Francb and Indiana, to whom tbay dalivand him, and by tham wm aont to Quabac. July Slat, John Richarda and • boy of nino or tan yaara of •go, who balongad to Roehaator, in Naw Hampahira, woro brought to priaoo. Tbay told ua tboro wara four Bngliabnion kiUad when thoy wero takon. Auguat 16th, aavan mptiYw, who with aight moro takon •I St. John'a bland, wara brought to priaon. Thoy told ua that aovonl waro killod alVar ouartora waro giron, amoiw whom WM Jaroaa Owan, Uta of Brookfiold, in New England. On tho 10th, ThomM Joaoa, lata of ' liarburno, in Now Bng* \Mdt aAor aoron or aight daya' aickneaa, diad. Ha gavo good ■aliafoetioa m to hia futuro atata. On tho 8f(h wa had a •quail of aaow. Saptonbar 18th, Robort Downing, who bad booa a aoldiar •t Capa Biaton, and wm takon at St. Johna, and who was with tho Indiana two nontha, and auflarod groat akuao tnm than. WM broogbt to priaon. On tha Mth, twonty-tbraoof tho eaptiroa takon at Hooanek itrt vara brought to priaoa, among whom waa tho Rov. Mr. Mm Norton. Thoy mformod ua that aftor igbting twantf> flro houra, with eight hundred Fnneh and Indiana, tbay avv> nndarad thonuolvaa. on camtulatMn, priaonon of war ; that ThomM Nalton and Joaiah Bead waro killod when thoy woro takan. Tba namN of tboaa now broujj^t in aro tho Rov. Mr. Noripn, John Hawka, John Smoad, bia wife and ais ebUdran, John Pwrr and hia wife, Moom Scott, hia wife and two ehildront Samuol Goodman, Jonathan Bridgman, Nathan Samoa, Jo» aaph Scott, Amoa Pntt« Benjamin Sineonds, Samnol Loroti David Warran, and FUnabM Fufbuah. Tba two kit of thoaa iafermod mo that my brolhar Daniel How'a aon wm takan Irom tho Indiana, and now Utm with a Franok gantlomaa nl Montreal. Then woro fenr eaptiroa nM>ro takan at Albany, tha hat aammor, who won brought to priaon the aanm day. On tha Mth (Sept) 74 nwn and two woman, lakon u ••«. wnn brought to priwn. Oetobar lat, Jaeab Bh apni i< m Woatborongh, takan at Hooauck, wm broisgkt la priaM. Chi (ha Sid, Jonathan Batherick wm brought in, and on A* 4Nh* itfontaon other man, throo of whom won tnh«iindilfer. rmr. im, ami wm in Um ID him. broughl into priaon, rcton to Ntwfi>uiMl* ranchoMit, who hail n tb« pMMf* tk«y i him to th« \my of wh »nd IniiiMa, to M Mnt to Qu«b*f . nine or ton yMra of w Hampahirt, wort IN four Bag liahrooB h oifht moro tolwo ison. Thoy told us w«r« givtn, among Id, in N«w England, biirno, in Now Bng* U«d. Ho gavo good Um Sfih wa had a > had booa a aoldior 'ohns, and who waa •d graat akuM tnm «a takonal Rooaoek a waa tho Rov. Mr. flat fighUng twontf> id ladiant, tbty Mr> ■onora of wart that Ikd wh«« ihoy wvra in are tho Bov. Mr. rUb and ui ehiUroB, rih and two ehildraa, Nathan E aawa , Jo» ada, Samool Lovot, Thotwohmofthooa ow** ton waa lakoa Proneh gaatlomaaat iio takaa at Albany, thonatoday. MB, lakoa at aa«, Jaeob Mavaili df light to pdaM. On ia. aad oa *• Ah, irlihMv. IVIRIMIAH BOWS OAPTITmr. m Morton aad othora. via. Nathaniol Hiieheoeb. John Alifti«k •iHl Stophon Scott. RiehardSuKwhowaiSlnaSS Ooodf n, laktn at Saeo, waa htoaght to priaon. Ho aava ha kid ^ Sll!'*' ^^' Pt!" '"I •*•!»«> for Now Bnt- land. Tho 97ih, a man waa brought into priton, who aaid tfia tolSH-S^L*?!'*^" 5!!f '^SJ- J^ •«''• '••»" D«^ Mib. Laenaia Lydia and tho widow Samh BHaai wwa amw riod in Canada, by tho Rot. Mr. Norton. oTSto 111 *• nbofoaaid Aadmaa'h aado wm bMatl} fa ariMa. 9w! Mathely tiaM wiik a* nova aia aow ihlfty risk, m fS^*!r'9rf!^- I>(^Mthoi8th.loaa&SMS - d^aail^^ dla/alaa Oapt Byiajrf* AmSS^T^ DoooaAor l.»,«n Albany aaia dial ftnd alltha aifc, ftb Ooodtn, who, wo kaaa roaaaa ta balioM. mado a hoMMMSLl? 2»«t^«k,agWart.;^aa«di!rTp^ wife diad. aad oa tha lM.on« of Oarnain RdbrttM^liaSS! KJiyiffto^rtJ!^*-"^- ^^^^^^^ UiumtjU,lf4l9, ' ' -,--.-.„, ^ ,., Rarikaa diad. Oa Aa liik ?, A^TV^i^ ^'"'' *^ IhwaaoaartMB tUxVff*^ ^5'*^ ^•^ to gat fid af iha- inftMk^ SCwBaflalirdLdr^ -^ M«J« Lmm. of MMm. M Sll'irtiki'd:^'*^ am BaaMaanC SSI. mSiI^I^^ . DipMU. aad BaaJaminTdMnNi to ^ agffi^^ mssmm^ss^" NIHEMUH HOWH OAPnYlTr. Ikith 18ih. Jmtim Mart» dM, •nd on lb* Wd, C«pt. Jika Fort ui4 Samuvl Ooodnuiii j iIm Wih, th« wife of John SniMd iM, and Uft lii ebiklront Um youngMt of wboin wm born iho Mcond niffbt oftur Um moibor w uikon. April fUi, Pbilip 8a aikar faar wata aftarwaida aaakaagad. Tka eiwaiaatanflaa laiaiiva la ikiir kaiag adiaa Ik vis. tka tiflkl abara m a at jaaa d t a aeldiar. waia aae ki dad ia Ika 1 Mlawet Tan Barbank% far faai af kaii^ ahaikad ha ika Iadiaaa»iite kaAJSwKi ikaaiii ti TY. I •vfliilnf nMrly m rmiit o( tk« 0n«my. > w»il UU tlM M* •I Ml. Alter pre* m MiMt 1W7 Mw I, whkli, im MMii' I of FHcll. rvquMl* M Um IhAImm Im4 NirMi«4 i kat wmiM kit fVMIM. UpM At IIm ciMt 9t tiM Mi4 w«r» rrtwinff Ml Hrt« r IMI HMII Mirifeii kUMia k« iMIMtff lh«Ml> »r HOPKiirroif. r«U,W«r Uviaf <■ IMTO of IWHllllMk ^ioH«f. 1741, wUkt im lk« ■, mbimI wiUinM* 10 AWriMII MM IMS k» Mii Man* hm id TkMMM* Muamd • !• 8t Pmdb ia te«MfcmUy,>M« ih« ytlbw ii«« ki tfta MABV fOWLirt OAPTIflTT. 141 q«Mntf]r MMlinf ikrougk Hopkinlon and lk« t. luiy en ik« morninf of tk«ir mmUUv. 8«mii«r Bar> UA lk« fsrriMA tn4 w«ni lo tk« tarn In «rd«r to (m4 tk« MUte kafer* Um rwK w«r« ap. Ucvinf Ui« door unfMi«n«4. Tk« ImltM*, wk« Ux mwr In «inkutk, ImmodiMoly mIIM brtk ana look kim. From ikU •llVifkiod captim tkoy fM iaformMion ik«l iko fnrriaon wm wonk. wkoroupon ikoy makwi in. and look ikom all, oieopi iko Mldior wko oMaMd, ami Burkank'a wih, wko Mcrtuxl barMlf in tko ctlUr. 1>tt« rinff ikis aiiaek Mary'a moikor. koinf eloMly omkraead ky a •iiiniy la4iam wraMod firom kit aid* a lonf knifa, wiik wkick «ka waa ia tka acl of runninf kirn ikrouyk, wkon k«r kuskaad Rcvailad wiik kar le doaisi, fraring ik« fatal eomaquaoaaa. Bwavar, aka aacarad ika daadly waapon, and bafora ik^ a a m niaaaad ikair nauek ikraw ii iaio ika wall, tnm wkanea ft waa lakaa aAar ika eapiivaa rtiarnad. Anoihar ladiaa mnn aiaakal lo Mary'a kraaai, inianding lo Mow kat tkioagk, wkaa a ckiaf ky ika n^ma of Pannoa, wko had pro* vioaaly racaivod numaroua kindnaaaaa flrom kar ftuKar'a faiBily, iaaiaailv iniarfarad, and kopi kim from kia eraal daaiga. •'akiif Mr far kia ewa capiira. Afttr karinf arrifod ai St. Praaeia, PMinoa aold Mary to a •qaaw of aaoikor CMailv, wkila J. Barkank eonUoaod la ao«t raaMio pan oT ika aalfkkorkood undor kia owa laaaiar. Il»» ry'o bikor and krolkara. aAar Ikay wara aiekaagad, oaUailod • aaainkuiion far kar radampikM, wkkk waa at laai okiaiaad wiik grval diAaahy for ooo kaadrod lin fan of a Praaek daelor 1 all pravioaa wiik grval diflUahy for ooo kaadrod lirraa, ikroafk ika alrala* ma of a Praaek daelor 1 all aravioaa afbrta OMda ky kat htkar and kreikora kavinf foiM. Tkia Madat parani, taoagh radaead lo pororty by iko ^ , ,, — aarafaa, and kavina no poeankry aaaialanoo aicapl wkai ka roeaivad ikrougk iko band of ekarily fkoBi kia diaiaai Maeda, ka } fraquonily riailad Si. Franeia ia ofdor 10 kava an iaiarviow wiik kia only daugklar, and «• oampromiaa with kar alatraaa, oflkring kor a largo aum for Marir'a radam^iaa, bvi all lo ao ofloet. Ska rofuaad lo lot I^V go abort of kor woigkt ia aUror. Moraom, Mary kad piv viaaaly kaoa laid kv kor mialraaa ikal if aka inliaMiad a wai4 10 kor foikor Ikat aho waaiad lo gn hooio wiik kim. ako ahonM BOfor oaa kia foaa agaia ; iharaforo, wkon imorrogaiMl hy kim oa tkia aal^aet, aka raaminad ailant. ikrougk faar of woraa iti jfM aha ooald aot eoaeoal kor jriof, for kor intomal jfiMiaaaad diatram of miad eaaaad tSa taaia to flow pro* Amn^ foam __ g|rMitail,ntiMd Har fotkar, at laagik, worn oat witk 10 Moalraal. wkoro ko eoatraeiad wltk a to aflket. if aaaaiUa. tko aunkaao of if paaaibla, ika muakaao Kvittf atiampfod a eamf SSBMBS! ■iiT ivwLnt CAirrnm. li Mfi MtMlf tkk, M Um anly d m —iWit mm §vi9 km mmI* m* Ihff iIm p«nMM. Tkto 4mtm mu mm c«1M «^ far •l«4lMi bM I MM •lUUNIfll Im ■p f i H^ I* tMff« IIm HIHIMI fmt huti*, and yM mum Itw iMr. TIm a^MVi akiMMl m VM MMIM^ MfMWMiyi SIM UW flftAfMOMI AppaSfMM# M bM «p(iv«, tMwiMkfly MMirMMd wiik Um f rMwIi afvoi fcr mm li«tii4r«l livNfl i ww wyp Mi Utry mmi Imm m mhmMI t m4 WM ilMrtly ■IWff Mitrtywl M MMitfMU, wmm iIm mnt ii mti Ml MMMIM MHfBr MMMiy IhC r IMMIII WwlMf Im B MMtMfIt Vmm aAtr Mviag b«Mi «Miip«ll«l M ikiw ycMi'lMM bbw to pbiiriif Mid hoMiiff Mrn, dMopiaf mi4 cMrriaf wb4> i M m diag mm^ fMlMrTiig cmnbMnM mi mImt mid mite fw mbmiIm, In., tkk yMog woo^ wm at ImmiIi n4mmm4 VMM wk$ ■MNIMM kMMS MM CfWl MffVNlIM M IIM MVMM( .1 MM WM MWfWWrM UIIM Wf HM llMMM M ■M rlMMil W« I'MN MM M UM MIMI MMpMlRff klM M MM ■MH BafMit naif avowM aMMy^ imImv vmii kin aaa ilnr kin witkaat aaranMf. t^ ha ka4 gtMn Mnwlf v]^ m AAar ati namka* datantiM MMHf tka FfaMk ai llMN«d« lla»7WMaa«M]ra4(naailykywaMrttoAlkaiiykylka DmbU, WBV ■■■ piWVaBMi HI WINMB In OTWT w ■^■win lanv liaVK ■■ItMi WnaM HM IIMIBIW MM DlffTMSMy MBVM MM MITHB nMMf I liMH ikaMa ana wm aassMiaQ M um pnM ai kw mhrity, wkara WM 4fowaad is AinMsry ftMVi ^uw ^vMuav itaaVf/ to HapMaton, to iba YMr ITM, to attanfltof to awtoi mMm ■M nwi^'^si ■■rr^M ovwii ihm ibv vaHMCBMB* «MBaB|Ma nM naffinackt and wm BMuly tolMa vp ■ wmMhm w^n kfaetothMiiadfaaiMMtlMad. Uurf wm d>w wMii totoM toAlatontohPawtor.bjrwkanatoi Itdtto^MllMli Si mu. irooyt OAmvitr. RS^ 19 VMIH MImm I'M •• MM fif« iMt MM1> I MM C«IM V^ fav i %» tMffI Um MlHIMt • grew W W . AfUff I iMflk gave iMr «v«ff NrvM, M • f««l AtUmI, MM CWIN |M| 4VMI If iM IM, tlM WMI 4t« Ml riM a^MWi akiMMl M ) fnnmh afMU fcr mm iMMMMMadl Mi iihuf far ■ MMMVt ikiM yMfi'luM bbit i MiMr irfldlfhik fw ■ttlM ^ IM b]r tkt IwitoiM !■ NM MMMIm ili« M rwlMt VMii •in tai IglTMlkUlMirtyM I rfMMli M luaivnli AlkMiykylk* DmbU, idTM tlM pbMcf iHt I T«Mft| tM «V«I «M» hMtlMMM. riMM !• MM»i M tU fiMM r.(MWWMMtrt«V,) NUM MmHnI r UviM in OMMNbiiry. i« ilk« Mi)«yMMil of fMi4 iMtkk nmiHmM* pswM* W Miai, Wilaf is Um nln«iy>Uitr4 yvM •ft. TIm forafoing wifraiivt wm wriiMn • few w m k» M iIm ralalMt it. NAIBATIVB Of Tm OAPTivmr or mm. muhuxa m-oov, who wm ta> EMM UAfTlVS AT ITOOM. N. II., IN THI YIUK iUt. COU uono nuiM mi BBcoLUccrioNt or aoid norm who KMIW HU, IV TM UV. 40NATNAN CVRTMI. A MimiTtt or THAT TOWN. AIOUT MVINTMN TIAM AOO, AND tT MM OOMHVNIOATtD TO TMI rVILtflUUUI OT TIM NEW ■AMNmiB BMIOBIOALOOUnTtONa Tta ImUmm w«m IfM (iiifwM4 iw iIm m« wiihMMM» li Ikt Mwn or IpMMi, N. H.. hf 4iMo«MiH M'C^y •• twmt^. Mw PwihnlHi TIlii, M naarly m «m> lMMwttilM<> mm is Ik* fMT 174T. Bvpwta ««m ■ p wi d of ih« 4»>wiMinM if llMMiMM iavaiiMMplMM" Mi4 M'Ooy Im4 Immi4 Umi ilMf hU ksMi MMi kurkiaf iWiM Um wooJa at Fi — «m I», eMw Cm»> mmL lit WMM M Iw M PlMBkratMi M M K alin J Ikal tiMf www la iIm vteiaiftr t wm umiwIww iiwofWMl bf !!«■» Ml ■Mt priiM M , iImi UMjr 1mIm4 ikiMigll mmIh mmm4 tkr tmi MW wImi iMy HmI for M|!|Mt Umi niffjItL TWif I J^J Ad^ fl^^^^MH^^P ft^^^MI^^MMtfMA TlMy piotaUv wioM M idM • Ml4 MMMMllMI oC ikc ittlMk MHHM9 ll wiUllh* MtMM Alf UttlttiMatolMUBilM ktMMMlk r IM MMMiiiM. TIm mm mv. mm IfOMi allMiM W tiMir lw» 4rm, wmi n iIm RvriMa. SW mhA M m». 0» Iw niMn« m tk» wm Mmag Um Utck-lMM** wkkk mm! mm iIm ptMMM iiM ar tb« nMa^-r ^■Mk wkkk M pmm4 imad il. fHM MM TMff ai iMr ir Mafea MM mM ai mv wajf aana. Tka naiaM aiWfwaiM Mm kM iImi liMf iImb laf MMaaM ihaMt aad MW Um doga, wImi A^m. ^^itt ^^mA ' May *ww i^w* Ktll«jr» >aif oaw MiMgl/ M i p fala a ii Umi Um hMma waM MHplly kk Um Mmii 4aianahM4 m mi aff Um mm day widb f fat Ika MfiiMB a« NanfaiglMMi Hia ftuaily imm 9I liiaMMl^ kia wifo, aad ma IoIib. Tka jrMngw MMalillalUMgBniMW. VWy aM>niUb«lf MMiad ■a M waD M Umjt aaold, all ail 8M aT MMiMnUif r MM iroort OArnvrfV^ »!• MM wMliWlf |WM, Otm^ wdliiH ....^ At il«y «M« iraf«m«f « liiU. aUtoM« «mi «# iIm ■!««• liiiW fMf link* otkm. nk •T!^^" •'^ '"^ ^•^ •• '•»«MktI?pl^ wUtfc ak* rxkMl M« aM*. m4 iMiiMM4 to k«f mJS* m ■rite lk*ir Mapp*. kMw|M Utol Utoir mm im* nm UmtUi, St.*** *2?^*< ^^ ^ kuXJllf Utoytp^Jto!: *Mmf(M% TMi to4i piM* Anffwl 11, IT4?. ^ lit MlMt ikM M MMto< Mftdtor vImi kMiy ikw «mU jAwX A* apflM W Ik* Mly UM wkkk Un inl»^ mkk «M to tk« tMkar^ mw cwMd kjr Mr. OnvM OrMla, &7rint^r^l'^^ "^ y^'y**^ to aiH ,y wkk Bifc» ikay to«k tkt^r 4MMtof«, Utojf «m«»7mI Mm. WCf to* IplMt MM dw Holt 8«MMk rivw. wkw* Umv Ml k«r ia ttt am af tka jTMag MfaM, wUto ik« iHim im«. wkMc •totoat wm «ltorwM4a aaatttoiaad to ka nawarwik* SakMiti aM Okflart, wwM •«•/, and waia fcr aamailMa akaatii. Dm* tat (fcair akaaMa. Mia. MtW Utoaiki af attompiiaff to aiaka ^'LTtP' ?H ""' •HtoffciaWaa, wkaa alto ika«|kt aka aiaar Iktofa, waa laft wkk laam. awl ^ pavkaaa avaS I itoaam and baikaiaM 4aaik, ar < laag and iliwaaataff riiir. lai, a« tka aikav kaa^ aka kiww aai ai wkatlto. • tka atkata wm. If aka attoMfto4 to Mil kaa ymam *ka. irakaaikatodllwrwMaatoMMka I aMi avartokan kjr a antol adT aiaa4M 4aalk waiM ka kat aaflMiv. I ka paiawid aMi If.l «aLU.p, I i I I I ( a I a a a I I k al m fl li (I i ■MtMIH Mki toMMl rr Nif k wMJmh Miflii wtili iWm la I l« MM «l iIm •!*«• I. WCf M • Jiiifo M* (•*• Xkti MUm r him iMff litiiUff«l I k*)r, bjr In Mnkwali llMjr m t l h iwd Ilt:;*y I MMiiM iImim. ikaf if w#9i f RAfflMff n#f I hmt f\M. Btt« k$ MS, •ipMltllf pr alaaaaaM nvar. wMak mmm m w a. aaa ar iMai wmm «rffy hi aa hk haak Natyaf Uka iaaali ar hittnm Mibm aftr hat 4afiat ika wlMlt HaM dM «aa wkk *Mi./rS Ml kav ia Oiiniii aa4 aaM IM aa a aaraaal «a a ^mmI ardM «aa kar aaaiMaa iWia, aad kat kila f a aw a al laikar a aaafk m4 7<«Iw< iiwpir. ika 4aakwai whTIimi IW te MkTTCv akilSS H»7ka«^ . «it ar Mfa. H«ay, ika ' , , fliiia< tfc| tWy laak Il Mi ikiaw tl wMa aaM Um Im. aai ntij asM MfM la aM Mi aat fraM li iMtf mw. WMIa ilMjr wm* MiM gt >a • a&aklbrUMM.wliialialaMaiikaMm]rmMk Afbtliair MfMi, llMy wialMi IW Ika prlvk«.i K«ni« wMKnui lito (o^v. MMMinlM IM Um0, »m4 Uit«k«l my mit^li «« i|it„k Inhv ||« IM •! IM IHffkl. «ii4 I«I4 Mm ik« iMMn fof kla wkitiilM. lk*lr (H«wi^t^ wk«ii irMt«4 w.ll. AlTk« •!••• tl xUmIJi jaMt h«Mk wlik lk« ffMi iMMook. On • liiih UIm4 U ikk Hm. iiMr ik« plfM* ..IM ».k««« fclU." «m •( ikMi UnS fcr • •«MMmkU Unm. PUmmw* and B«k*i<« «mt iMlIt M ^«Mml, m4 kiirM mm • ctrtalM brnpk ia iwM«« * A PAITHPUL NAIIATITI or TIM mnnumm or ivm witxiAmon. who ^mrwum 2iJ2r*«!2SLJA"" "^ ^»« "»«*'» 'w "» oSS ■ovM, ooTOMM ti, irM.-w«trnu« iy MuuMdr. J.r^ ^?. ^** ^". «- -I'f* «^ «!»« «>wa af Ak,HM». to Aa aagk af ■ iiilia J . aT rapaiakU pawnu. Ai aifki yMr« a/ aaa. kataja mmtiy kay, I wm lakia .imIm of ky iwrfcttJw.K * ** >:'***^y.'-'»^«« •^ AfcaniMn in ikai vUImmm aa4 ssiTizJ r't!^*' e^ow ky ih«„. ^k^ I ,^ ,^ gaiN kilwiaa iwka^ la wma atkan ikty kad kidaapH »a Wkaa arriM at Pkikaaipkia, tka captain mU w OAmrmr or fetib wiluamion. ■I aWMt liitMn pounda ptr hatd. What b«c«m« of my an* kappy eompMioM I iMvtr kn«w ; bat ii wm my lot to bt lold fcr Mv*o yttvni to on* of my counirvmon, who had in hii |oath bMn kidnappod lik* myMlf, but rrom anvthar town. Having no childran of hia own, and eommiaorating my con* dition, ha took car* of m«, indulgtd ma in going to Khool, whara I want avary winiar for flva yeara, and mada a tolerabla piolleianey. With thia good maatar I continuad till ha diad, ■ad, aa a raward for my faithful aarrica, ha Uft ma two hun* drad poanda currancy, which waa than about an hundrad and twanty pounda atarung, hia baat horaa, aaddia, and all hia iring apparal. Bains now aavantaan yaara old, and my own maatar, having avTn mv pockat, and all othar nacaaaariaa, I amployaS myaaff in Jobbtng for naar aavan yaara ; whan I raaonrao to aattla, and marriad tha daughtar of a aubatantial plantar. My flitkaf*iB*law mada ma a daad of gift of a tract of land that lay tanbappily for ma, aa it haa ainca provad) on tha Arontiara of IM proviooa of Pannaylvania, naar tha forka of Dalawarau aMlaining about two hundrad acraa, thirty of which wara wall * and 0t for immadiata uaa, on which wara a good homa m. Tha placa ptaaaing ma wall, I aattlad on it. My I aipandad in baying atoek, houaahold fUmitura* and teflamanta for ottt*of*door work ; and baing happy in a good wna. ny fiiUeity waa complata t bat in 1764, tha Indianr, who had for a long tima bafora ravagad and daatroy^ 1 othar parta «f Amariea onmolaatad, bagan now to ba vary troublaaoma on tha Aontiara of our provinca, whara thay ganarally appaarad in ■naH akttlking partiaa, committing graat davaatatlona. Tarribia and ahocking to human natura wara tha barbaritiaa itJiy eommittad by thaaa aavagaa i Scarca did a day paaa bat aaoM unhappy laroily or othar fall victima to aavaga cruahy. TafriUa. indaad, it provad to ma, aa wall aa to many othara. I, that waa now happy in an aaay atata of lila, blaaa a d with an afaetionata and tandar wifa, becama on a auddan ona of tha maat unhappy of mankind : acarca can I auatain tha ahoek which foravar racura on raeollacting tha fatal aaeond of Oeta* btt, 17M. My wifa that day want from homa, to viait aoma of bar ralatkMMi aa I ataid np latar than aaoal, aipactiag har laliini, nana baing in tha hooaa baaidaa myaalf, haw giaat waa ay aarpriaa and tarror, whan, about alavan o'ekick at night, 1 kMurd tha diamal WBr>whdop of tha aavagaa, aad foaad that nf ' aaat by tham. I flaw to myehanhar wlad«w,iM panaivad tham to ba twalva in mmbar. Haviaf mf giM Udad, I thiaatanad tham with daath, If thay did Ml mSm. Bat howvaia and ftidtlaaa aia tha eflofta af aM mi WILUAMION. What Ucamt of my un« at ii wu my loi to b« told ininrmtn, who had in hit )ul nrom anothtr u»wn. nd commiMrating my con* >d m« in going to ■cho(>l, ream, and mad* a lolernbit ir I conlinuad till ha died, fTica, ha iafk ma two hun- lan about an hundrtd and ton*, Mddle, and all hit nd my own maatar, having r nacoMariti, I amployad roan ; whan I maoivoa to t ■abauntial plantar. My of a tract of land that lay >roTad) on tha frontian of r tha forks of Dalawara, thirty of whkh war* wall I which waro a good hoQM well, I Mttlod on it. My , houMhold Aimiturat and nd baing hapoy in a good in 1754, tha Ind{ant, who and daatroy^ ] other parti to be very troubleeome on hey generally appeared ia Teat devutatioDs. lature were the barbaritiea Scarce did a day paee bat rictims to aavage eruehy. veil aa to many othero. % m of life, Uaeeed with an I on a eudden one of thf can I eoataia the aboelc the fatal aaeoad of Oela> IVom home, to visit soma than aaual, expeetiaf har lee myeelf, how great wai eleven o'clock at night, I tvagee, and found that lay my chanber wiadow, •■■ inMer. Havhif mf mb h, if they M aol mMm. •floitaofaMaa I CAmyiTY or peter williamion. IM the united force of m many blood>thiraty monttan I One of them that could ■peak EnKliah threalfned mi) in return, "that if I did not come out they would bum me alive," adding, how^ ever, " that if I would come out and surrender myself prisone? they would not kill me," In such drplorable circumstances, I chose to rely on their promises, rather than meet death by rejecting them ; and accordingly went out of the house, wita my gun in my hand, not knowing that 1 had it. Immediately on my approach they rushed on me like tigers, and insUntlj disarmed me. Having me thus in their power, they bound ma to a tree, went into the house, plundered it of every thing they could carry oflT, and then set fire to it, and consumed what waa left before mv eyes. Not satisfied with this, they set fire to my bam, stable, and out-houses, wherein were about two hun- dred bushels of wheat, six cows, four horses, and five sheep, all which were consumed to ashee. Having thus finished the execrable busineee about whiek they came, one of the monsters came to me with a tomahaark and threatened me with the worst of deaths if I would net ga with them. This I agreed to, and then they untied me, aad Rn* 7*i.^ '*^ ^ ^"7' **"<'*<^ "^^^^ ' travelled all that nifkt, U of the moot terrible apprehensions, lest my unhapaywUb dbould likowiee have fallen into their cruel power. At daaapr break my infernal masters ordered roe to ky down my laadT when, tying my hands again round a tree, they forced the Uood out at mv fingers' ends. And then kindling a fira near tha tree to which 1 was bound, the meet dreadful agonies eeiaed me, concluding I was jjfoing to be made a sacrifice to their barbarity. Tha fire being made, they for soma time danced round me after their manner, whooping, hollowing and ahriok* in^ in a frij^tful manner. Being satisfied with this eort of nirth, they proceeded in another manner : taking the baminf eoals. and sticks flaming with fire at the ends, holding th«a ta my bea, head, hands, and feet, and at the same tbna threaten* lag to bum ma entirely if I cried out. Thus tortnrad as I waa, almoet to death, I suffered their bratalitiee, without beiiTg at* towed to vent ray anguish otherwise than by shedding silent tears; and thaea being obeerved, they took freeh eaala aad applaad them near my eyes, telling me my face was wet, and uat thay would dry it for me, which indeed they craally did. How I nnderwaat ttieea tortures has been matter of wonder ta BM, hat Ood enabled me to wait with mora than conunoa patianea for tha delivaranoe I daily prayed for. At Ingth thay sat down round the fire, and roaated the maiL . of wUah they had tabbed my dwelling. When they had ptd, tli^y aAiad aoma to no ; thangk it nay easily ba ' Iw* '"■|'''*wif""'^n"ivn'iiini"ajy4La.jiU^ f< ■IP" ^ M9 CAPTIVITY or FKTIR WILUAMMN. 1 IimI but littU tppttiia to eat, mtitr th« torturti aitd miMriM I Ud ■uftrtd, yet wm 1 forctd to M«ni pl«Med with what thty •MMd iM, l«tt by rafuiinf it thoy •hould rMMumo th«ir M- Mh pncticM. What I couM not Mt 1 contrived to hidt, thty iMvinff unbound mo till thty imagintd I tmd Mt all ; but thon Ihoy bound nio m befora s in which deplorabio condition I wm foreod to continu* th« whoU day. Wh«i tho lun was mi, th«y pat out tho fira, and coverad tfio aahat with Itavoa, aa ia thair Moal euatom. that tha white poopla might not diacovar any Ineaa of thair having baan tharo. ^ Oojng from thanca along tha Suaquehanna, for tha ipaca of MI milM, lowlad aa I raa bafora, wa arrived at a spot near Iha Apdachian roountaina, or Blue hilla, Vhara they hid thair ptaadar under loga of wood. From thanca they proceeded to A naighbona^ houaa. occupied by one Jaeeb Snider and hk vahappy faauly. conaiaUng of hia wife, five childran, and a fWMg OMB Ua aenraat. They eoon got admittance into tha MiiftMata maa'a houae, where thay immediately, without tha laaai iwime. Malpad both paraata and ehiidran ; nor could the ••f"* *•'*'*•*"• ^ «*~ ©f poor iaaocant children pravtat «* Mirid laaHBcrt. Having thua aealpad them, and phii^ *^ *? J*^ •' •»«nr thing that waa movable, they aet lia it, and left tha diatrtned vietima amidat tha flamaa. TUaking tha ^roung man belonging to thia unhappy family tVMid be of aaryica to them in carrying part of tliair pluadar, Ikay aparad hia bfe, and loaded him amTmyaalf with what thay kad hare got, and again marched to the Blue hUla, where th^ Mawwi their gooda aa before. My fellow^uflbior could not MppoM the cruel troatment which wa wata obliged to auflar, aad aomplainiBg bitterly to me of hia being uaable to proceed aay fiuther, I endeavored to aaimato him. but all in vaia. for ha atill continued hia moana and teara, which one of the eava* ff fofMiving, aa wa travelled along, came up to ua, aad with Ua tomahawk gave him a blow on the head, which felled lha aahappy yoolh la ^ grouad. whom thay imroodiafely acalaad ■ad left. Tha ooildenneaa of thia murder ahorked ma to tM iagne, that I WW in a manabr motionlaaa, expecting my lua would aoon be tha eama : however, recovering my diatraaiad thoughta, I diMemUed mv anguiah aa wall aa I could fram tha bafbanaaa; but atill, anch waa my terror, that (or mtm$ tiaa I Maica knew tho daya of tho weak, or what I did. Thay atiU kopft on thair cdnim near tha mouatahM, %hi|K they lay akulkbgfour or fiva daya, rejoieiag at tha jkimm thay had got Whan proviaiona baoaaa aciree; fhtfmm thair way towarda Snaquahaaaa. and paaaiag aaa» WmMI MtnOfialiabtiadbyaaoIdBa^Wlioaa ^. mumtitmimmttamtti •«i| — — •■ UAMSON. Drturti artd miMri** I miMil with wh«t ihay Id rvMaum* their hn- mtrivcd to hkU, thty had Ml til ; but then >mbl« condition I wm tho lun WM Mt, they rith leavee, u is their fht not diecover eny inna, for the apnce of red at a ipot near I ho rhoro they hid their nee thy pioceeded to laeob Snider and hia five children, and a H admittance into tho lodiauly, without tho ildron ; nor eould tho ant children preftnt Ipod them, and ptui^ morahlo, they eet In itthoflameo. thia unhappy family fut of thMr duDdor. lyaelf with wliat thoy luo hUle, where thoy ow^ullhfer could not ore obUoed to auflor, ng unable to proceed n. but all b vain, for lieh one of tho •>▼•» M up to ua, aad with ead. which foiled tho imnodkfely acalaad r ihoekod mo to thai M, ospeetinff my tMo rtrinf my tUatraaiail 1 aa IcouM from tho that for aooM dm* I It I did. be mountaba, whtflM eiair at. tho piMAp aciree, «hof MMI nabf aeu» mMktt OAmVlTY or rCTEl WILUAIUOlf. til with hia wih and four small children, and meetint with no resistance, ihvy immediately scalped the mother ana her chil- dren before the old man's eyes. Inhuman and horrid aa thk waa. it did not satisfy them ( for when they had murdered tho poor woman, they acted with her in such a bruul manner aa decency will nut permit me to mention. The unhappy hue* band, not being able to avoid the sight, entreated them to put an end to his miserable being ( but thev were as deaf to tho tears and entreaties of this venerable suflerer aa they had boan to those of the others, and proceeded to bum and dastroy liia house, barn, corn, <•», mttlo, aad every thing tho poor man • few hours before <- iter of. Having aaved what thoy thought proper fro • nioe, the^ gave tno old man, feebla, weak, and in the b * .^wio condition he then was, aa woll aa myself, burdens to sarry, and loading themselvoe likewiao with bread and meat, pursued their journey towarda tho Oiwl auramp. Here they lay for eight or nine dava, diverthif tlM»> folvoa, at timoa, in barbarous crueltiee on tao old bmb t aaaa** times they would strip him naked, and paint hiaa all ovar «Ml varioua aoru of colors ; at other timoe thoy would flaalt tfM white hairs from hia head, and tauntingly toll him M ««»• fBol for living ao king, and that they ahoold aherir him kfaMMM in putting him out of tho world. In vaia wme all Ua wmk for daily did thoy tire themaelvoe with tho varkwa iM«w tiS tried to torment him ( somotiiuee tying him to a trooi aai ' whippinff him ; at other timet, scorcning hia Aarrowod ehoak with rad>hot coals, and burning hia laga quite to tho kam. One eight, aAor he had been that tormented, whilat ho aad I were condoling each other at the mitoriee wo daily ta ftrad, twenty-five other Indian* arrived, bringing with thorn twealy aealpt aad three prisonera, who had unhappily Mien into thm hanaa in Conofochoague, a email towa near tho rivar gaaya hanna,chiefly inhabited by the Irish. Theeo prieoaaiB ga*a aa aome thoekia| aoeounu of tho murdora and dataataliaaB eommittod in their parte ; a few inetaaeaa af which will a» able the reader la guote at tho treatment Iho provinciab %tm aaflbrad for yeara paat. Thia party, who now ioiaod aa. hat it not« I fouod, ia tkair power to begin their vialoneaa aa aaaa aa thoaa who vieited my habitatiaD ; the first of their Uagodlaa boiag oa the 86th of October, 1754» when John Lawip, wilk hie wife and three amall ehiklren, wera iahuoMaly aea^padl uai mardarod, and hie hoaee, barai, aad ovorr thiafr ha paaaaaaad hoTM aad doMroyad. On tho S8th, Jacob If iUor,- wit( hie Wife aad afac af Ua femily, with every thiag on hia plaatatiiaa, iharedtha aama fete. The SOik.thaboaaa. mill. bani«iwa«lf knd aTaatde* twa teaaa of hotaoa, aad avary Ihiiv h*ifla^ ^,0mmt0mtmm m MaMMW asae ««a 9t 11 OApmrmr or pbtii wiLUAMfoif. to Ckom Polka, met with iIm Uk« irMliMnt, kiaMlf, m'.h, wU M hU miMruU Annily, eontittinf of nino in aumbort boing Malpod, tlMn cttl in piocoo and |iv«n to iIm twin*. On* or iho rrabtlnotkl tradon, boloofinf to tho provinco, iMfing buti* noM that ealUd him aomo mllM «p tho country, fell into tho hnnds of thoto ntflUna, who not only aedpod him, hut imma* diataly rooatfd him hafoio ha wm daad t than, lika cMinibala. for want of othar food, oat hia wholo body, and of Ua hoad modot what thoY callad, an Indian pudding. From thaaa raw inataaeoa of aavaga erualty, tha daplorabU aitaatioB of tho dafancal«H inhabilanta, and what thay hourly auftffod in that part of tha globa, muat atrika tha utmoat hor* ror, and canao in avary braaat tha utmoat dataatation, not only •nlnat tha authora, b«t againat thoaa who, throujh inattaa- tiMi, or poailbnimoua or orroooona prineiplaa, aumrad thaaa wvifM at flrat, uurapallod, or avan unmolaatad, to eoromil aaah outngaa, dopvadationa, and murdara. Tha thiM priaonora thai war* brought with thaaa addilloMtl faaaa, eonataaily rapining at th*ir lot, and alaMMl daad with llkair aMaaaif* hard traaimant, contrivod at laai to mak* ihoir •aaapat hut haiag for from thair own aalUananta, and sal hiawinf tha eonatry, war* aoon aftar mat hy aoma othora of tha Irlboa or antiona at war with ua, and hfoughk baek. Tha ■aav waaturaa, ahaoat fom iahad for want of auaiaaaaeai ha? lag Md naaa duriag tha tima of thair aacapa, wan ao aooaav ia lk» powor of tb* barbariana thaivtwo of than wm* ii*d to a tia*, and a grant lira amda rouad thorn, whor* th*y r*aiaia*d tiU lh*y war* tarribly aeorehod nad barat i whoa oaa of tha flUaiaa with hia warping*knifa rippad ojpoa thair halliaa, took out. thair aatraila, aad wimad tham bowra thair ayaa, whilal tha achara war* cutting, piareing, and taaring th« flaah flram (hair braaata, haada, anaa, and laga, with r*d>hot iroaa, liU Aay w*r* daad. Tha third unhappy rietim waa raaarrad a few houra longer, to ba, if poaaiMo, aaoriiead ia a maia era*! ■aaaar : hia arma wara liad eloao to hia bodvi uid a hala ^atag dug daap aaough for him to ataad uprigat, ba waa puf lale it, and aarth ramiaad and baat in all rouad hia body up ta hia nodk, ao that hia hoad only appaaiod abov* grauadi ihajr thon acalpad him, aad that* Ml Urn rarnaia for ihtaa ar four houra in tho onataat a^iaa; aftor which ihay mada a poall lira aaar bia aaad, eauaiag him t»auflar lb* BMat *aei»> oialiag tormaata { whilal tha poor craatur* could oalj cirfor ■aiey by killing him immadiataly, for bia bmiaa www baflhir bihiabMMl. Inaxorablo to aU ha aaid, thar coaliBaad Ito^M tfll bia oywigaabad out of thair aoekata. Suebi ita did; tfis unhappy craatur* auftr for I JAMIOIf. •UMnt, kioMl/, w!fe, bIm in Attmbcr. btiM I lb* twin*. OiM or >reviiic«, huTing buii- country, fell into iho ilpod him, but imnio* thon, lilto eannibdt, tdy, and of his howl V- ruoliy, tho doplorabit ad what thoy bourly irik* Iho uunoal hor* dotottotion, not only ho, Uuroiijli inaiitoo* eiploa, tuwrod thoM moUolod. to eonunil irith thoN MdditioMl ad olnoiit doad witli tt lui to aoln tkoir MttlonoDii, Md Ml It by lono otbon of braogkibMk. The )fraalanMieo,luiviBf •• WM« so Mooor M Umib won Uodloa vhofo Ihoy nnMiiMd tt wImb om of tlM Ml thdr bolUoo. took rt thoir oyot, whilol ■rioff tbo floth AoM li rod'hot iRNM, tifl !tim WM roMnrod • Icod i» a mora ervol ia bodvi uid a kolo upright, Im waa pm II rauad bb body ap irad aboTo fraoadf raaudn for tkraa Off which thoy mad* • iflar tho moot oaeni^ ooold only co^far I bmioa «oro hwiif nr oontiBaod lh«4M to ■■^"^•^ mm mmimdtHiim OAPTlflTY or rSTlR WIU4AIU0lf. IM LoAira bo wao qoiio doad. ' Tboy ibon eat olT bio hood, aii4 bariod it with Iho elbor bodloot my laak boing to di| tho Cvvot : whiob, fooblo and lorriAod aa I waa, tho droad or vd- ring tbo aanM Ibto onoblod mo to do. A grtat anow now falling, tho borboriana woro foorftil loot tho wnito ponpla ibould, by (boir iraeka. And out thoir akulk* ing rotroata, which obiigod thorn to mako tho boat of thoir way to thoir wintor^qaartora, abeat two bundrod miloo farthor from any planiationa or inhabiianta. AAtr a long and painful Jour* noy, bomg almoat atanrod, I arrivod with thia infernal crow a( Alamingo. Thora I found a numbor of wigwama full of thoir womon and childron. Dancing, ainging, and abouting wora thoir gtnoral amuaomonta. And in all thoir feativala and dancta thoy roUto what aueeoaaoo thoy bovo had, and what damagoa thoy bavo auauinod in thoir oipoditioaa : in which I now unhappily boeamo a part of thoir taomo. Tho aovoritv of tho cold ineroaaing, tboy atrippod mo of my elotfMo for thow own nao, and gavo mo aucb aa tboy uaually wora tho m ra l fo % boing a pioeo of blanket, and a pair of moeeaaena, or a hoofc with a yard of coarao ekMb. to put raund mo inatoM or oNoonoo, At Alamingo I ramaiaod n«ar two montha, till tho anowwai a imMaetKaMib poopio, ans «■■ w quito mUtmm ngOi off tho grauad. Wkaiovor thoughu I might havo of Hoaoapo, 10 oarry tham Bg oo for from aay pi aorara woathor loudorwig my limbo in a omaaoir i aMtioaloH { howoTor, I oonirirad to dofend myoolf agafnol Ai iaoloaMMwy of tho woathor aa wall aa I oooldk'by malting ay^ aolf a littlo wigwam with tho bark of tho trooo, eo^nMf il with oarth, whkh mado it rooomblo a ravo t and, to pratal tho ill oifeota of tho oold, I kopt a good flra alwn^a noor tito door. My liborty of going about waa, iadood, mora the* t oould ha?o oipoeiod, but ^y well know tbo imMrK nravar, dmt in jaiaf bar or ftta yaijbk lii I kad laft tkamTlnl LUAMtON. Mdfer WMicfmfb* iKw Mdki of IndiM lid tk« IndUnt ii .•«. Mtr Um pUntaiioM b« neiM of Ihvir gUM ilk, ftboiil thirty milM iMd, wt •nc«inp*«l for iMithffr ttitia nor any My of th« air, havinf i tiMir ttauti HMtbod nt, tMing in parccU of lit vpon til* fTMH or r fMrt to tho flro. eil of WM WM hoM, n into compftniM of r«ry captain marehod . I sUll boloQMd to * moantaina with ton am; not thinking it bMfM.or tlM odMr d tkoofh I know tho fwj eantiotia of gir. lUoa. Howfvtr, tba eoanuiioaa thoagkl lb of gaa* for thoir iMantr thotleovM I kaviag unbound OM, 'iMt ib^ bad killad. boir day'k oxeunion) !• I BOW triad vari* ptoTomyintantiona lBg«bMU, •orootimofl ■f* waa BO fillaeT. r tboir guna, and, if Umb ba taktn. Far MM from QBder tbair Iwt ia vain. I>iaap> ying ay dMiga IbIo lad trartiaf nyaair M BBd diftinilin OAmrrrr of rtni wiluammm. Id yarda from tham, I maaded my oaca, and mad* aa maeb baata aa 1 poaaibiy could totba foot of th* mountain* ( whan, on a aaddan, I waa ■truck with th* groataat tarror at baaring tba wood cry, m it i* called, which tha navag** I bad laA war* Bmkina upon misaing tb*ir charg*. Th* mor* my wnot in* crvaMO tb* faatar I p(Mh*d on, an*!, icaK* knowing whor* I trod, drov* through tb* wood* with ih* utmost pr*«ipitaiion, •omatim** (ailing and bruising mvMlf, rutting my ANit and lag* againat tb* iton** in a mlMraola mannar. nut faint and maimed aa I wm, I continuad my flight till d* nak, whan, without baring any thing to cuttain nalur^ bvl a llttia com kft, I crapt into a hollow troa, whar* f lay varv anug, and laturnad my prayara and thanka to th* divin* B*ing that bad tboa br favorad my aaeapa. But my r*po** waa in a faw bears daatroyad at hMring tb* voicAs of tba savag** n**r tlM plaea whara I was bid, tbrvaicning and talking how tbay would ua* ma if thar got m* again. Howavar, tbay at kal laft tba apot wbara I Aaard tham, and I ramainad in my apait> ■aat all thai day without furtbar mokautioo. At aigbt I vanturad forwards again, frigbianad: tbbUaf •aeb twtg that toucbad ma a savao*. Tbo third day I ao»> eaakd mysalf In Ilka mannar as befort, and at night travaUad, kaaaiaf off tb* bmIb road aa much as pooaibk, whieb kaglb- aaaa my Joamor taaay milas. But how ^all I daaeriba lb* tarror I Ml on taa fourth night, whan, by tba rastUag I mada amoag tba kavaa, a party of Indians, that ky round a aaaaB ira, which I did not poreai?a, atartad from tha grooud, aad, ■aislag tbair arma, ran fh>m tba fira amongat tb* wooda. Wbawar to iboto forward or raat whara I waa, I kaaw mm. wbaa, to my graat aurpriaa and Joy, I waa raUavad \n a pand of awina that mada towards tba piaea whara I gaomad tb* «#• agaa t* ba ; who, on aaoing tbam, imagiaad tbay ImUI ca aa ad tba akunB, fary taarrilT raturoad to tbo lira, aad ky agak dowBloakap. Bruiaoo, erippkd, and tarriflad aa I waa, I p«r> aaad my Jotuaoy tiU hiaak oTday, wbon, tbiokiag aiycalf aalbt I ky dowB uadir a graat kg, aad akpt till about aoon. "Bo* fera araniag I yaaebad tb* aoauBit of a craat bill, aad looMi oat if I eoaU apy osy ba b i t atlo n a of wbila poopk, to vy iaa^ piaooibk joy I aaw aomo, wbkb I g a aaaa d to ba about tan ■Uka' dktaaoa* Ib tba nMraiag I eoatiaaad mr jouniay towardi tbo aaaiMl •kaiod laada I bad aaan tba day bafora, aad, about four o'elook k (ba afronwoB, airivad at tba bouaa of John Boll, aa old ao* Mii^kMUMtb , wbaia bBoeUag at tba door, Ua wifc, wbe opoaad ■a ia aaeb a nk^ul conditiea, flow fran mt, ■M ilMIMA noWt'l OAPTtTtrr. vU iMNM^UUrlv iM i« ikciff •nm, tni I wm mm ■€«»<«« W Ifc. iMMvr »]tli III. ,un (n Iim h»n4. thu m NMklM mf^ Mir kMWR, (for k« tMfon look NM to IM an |pl« (WWm UMiioai morilo my moot grtlorul roiurnt) a bono and tomo SMlMo, and aot forward for my foihofin-lawn liouao in Ckoo- •^ '^.■'yv'"'.'" *^ k«»drod and foriy miloa from ihoMO, wfcart I ariivod on iho 4lli of January. iTftI, (b«t Morro on« •Tlko^ily could crvdil ikolr oyot, Uiovinf . with iho poo- pbl Ua Utoly loA. ikai I had follon a proy 'o iho India>M4 wftMO Iwao roeolfod and ombracod by lh« wholo fomily wilk C?l^j**^" ^f^ inqMirlnf for my door wifo. I found alia d boon doad two momho f nit foul now* froaily lotoonod ^in 1 MhorwlM thould havo foil ai my ifilivtr^o from Ik* dntdAU MMo and company I h^l boon in. I A PAinCULAK ACCOUNT OF THE CAPTItITT AWD MMMPnON OT MM. JKMniA HOWI. WHO WAS Z^^SSLH^!!^ "^ *"•■ »'«>»*'»■ AT HINWALI. NIW ■AHMIIIM, ON TBI TWINTr MTBimi Of iULT. IIM. M OOHMVHIOATID TO Ml. MUJCNAP lY TNI MV. lUK. ■"^ CUY. oiLifr^Si^ "r*! ""'^'' ®««»' •"«» BoBJamta Mold, wko had boon hooinf con in tho inoadow. woti of bikoa. who hodfambuahod thoir jpath. Howo waa on horw- TJ'iT*^ **?. y?f^ "^^^ •»*• ekildioo. bohind him. A ball. IM • fcw Mda and bU Ukoorioo, and ba«h ib bda mn lakon. • *??'f"^' .•■*"•'' m»ago manner cominff up to Hvwv. te hit hand, and loft him k iMa ferlenTcmSiiion. Ho mm ftlSL't' "^ ^!T"'"»..']^.'' V • P«riy or man ftm» fcW Wad^t Md hoiat aokod by mm Wiho fmny wlMhM'it jiMw him, ha nnawonad. " Yoa, I know yon JR." Ttal» Wtw h n il bi a u « 8 n< I r Ik w in di ni lo< W •■ Pi M M Hi ok da PI Ml II tot Ik ^ dm hal th« led iaai thtt 21 Hi iimw liiTin II n Imlten.) h« tmiiw* ily, Willi fiirMT^U I mmt4tf94 by iIm m\h» Iwftf*. Fof MMly aMppiM m« I iM till my tpiriia 1 I ilioMfhi mt^tf (•mm! p*npl« (WMM • hon« «n r*y i« iIm IiMii«n«4 k whole family wlA ft miff, I fooiMl alM tWS JffMlly iMWfMV my MlivtrMco from in. HE CAPTIVITY HOWl, WHO WAI IT HINWALI. NIW im or JULT. IfM. ■Y TMB RIV. BUN* oat. Mill Bonjomia M nw dow, wtti of wfbro MitMOt, to • tod ufam by twolvo owo WM OB bono* UadbiM. Abdl. Tovad. Hio boiw iMla iMiro tabta* wninff vf to Hoirv, cd^MofkohMtbot coMiiimi. No mm. ty of moM frow nN :ji MM. IIMIMA NOWIl OAmTITV. lH lMi4 orHvid with bim at dm Hlodadalo. Oroot woa ao fcf«i> iMia aa lo tarap» wnbort. B«il UaAtaM, in olloiiiptiiif to w«4o tbruofb iba rtv»r, oi a caftotn ploeo wbkb wm iwdaad fawU bl« at ibol urn*, woa wnfofioMlvly drownod. f luabad witk tbo aiMiroaa ibo* bod mat wilb bort. ibo aoftoao wont dirootty lo Brldgmoii'a bft. Tboto woa no mon in it, and only tbfoo woman and mmho cbildron, via. Mra. Jamlmn Hewo. Mrib Submit Oroul, and Mra. lonlco UalRold. Thair buabanda I nood not maniion ogoia, and tbair (bolinn at tbia jnnetiift 1 will not atiompt u daaaribo. Thay bod^ baord tba anomv% ipfMMd to tbalf fkionda. Bl* ffitna, attompt but know not wbnt bad trooMily aniioua for tboir aniMy, Ibav atood loimiiiff to a m b w oa tbam, until at longtb, conaludint hoM tbo neiao tboy banid without that aoMo of tkom won coiao, tkoy uabanod UM nia in a hurry to roooitro tbo« i wbon, lo I to tbob j— ipw a wl lt diaappoiaiaMni and aarpviaa, iaatoad of tboir baabaadi. ia laakod a numbor of bldaoaa ladiaaa, to wboai tboy aad wdt laador oftpriag baoaoM aa oaoy pray, aad ftom wbaai tiMf had aotbint ta oipoal bat oMm aa liMadkla doatk m a la«r had aotbinif ta oipoal aad dolofitl aapdviiy. Tha lattar of thoaa, by tha ibvw Prar i daaeo, taraod oal la ha iha lot of ikaoa aahapyy waaiM aad tboir Mill nMio aabapay. haaaaaa BMca hilplw, ihlMiw Mra. OaAaU had hat^ Mia. Otaai had faaTaad Mm Hawo aotaa. Tha oldaot of Mra. Hawa'i waa oiaooa jmm aid, aad iho vaaafoai bat aii wwnha. Tha twa aldoat waM daufhtora, which aha bad by har IrM haabaaj Mr. WlUiMi PUapa, wha waa aloa aiaia Vy iha ladkMM, of wMak Idaafcl aal bat yoa hava aooa an aeoaaai ia Mr. DaalHlia'fe hlMHV. Il iraa firoM tha nM«th af ikla woaMa that I laioly n a4ya d M forofloiaff aaoeaat 8bo alaa gava mm, I doaki aai, a Mm* tlM«|h, ta ba aara. a vary briaf aad ioqwrftal hiaiory af hat eapttvUji vhkli I kara iaaart kt yaar poniaal. b awy poi» hapa aftrd yaa aaaM awiaaaMat, aad can da aa hana, it, aAar it Jbaa Ba da « |a B a yaar eriiloal iaapaetiaa, yaa ahaald Ml tkhik il (a> a» abbaavial l aa af il) worthy to ha praaa t f ad rjwf tha laeofda yaa aro ahaai la pabUalk Tha ladiaaa (tktt my) havia* phadorod aad pal fia la tha ferlt wa awahad, aa aoar aa laoald Jadfo, a aiOa aad a half iaia tha woadib ivkora wa oMaatpad thai aif hi. Wk« tha laerahif taaM. aad wa had advaaaad aa aiaek Ihrthar, ais ladiaaa woia aoal baak la tha plaao af oar lata abada, whaaal* Iaaii4 a MlOa aMia plaadar. aad daa tt e j rad aoaa aihar aAen thai had htaa loft hoUadt hat ikoT did aai laiara aatll'ika day «aa aa Iw Maai, that 11 waajadfad baal la eaadaaa wktM 3 waa* thnagk tkm aipht larly tha aait nwmiay wa aai iwCiaadai aa^ aaiMMad aar waak aMi teia aani^ 14 mmmm MM JtMIMA NOVB1 OAmriTY. •H«It. miit »« M t^tkmd iIm fkn* m%m^ lk« fii4t«M iM^ M iWir cftMiM. tlwiit AfUwn m\m ttwm Cn»wii INmiii. TMc «M • iMf MM I4nI«inm HMrak; Imi Ik* <«f((f««. hf 4kf^m tfMkMnM. w*r* ■waiifa^ t* tmimm H villi Um triMbl* «ii4 iUktmUy ilMn iImv iMi K m «w M vtiw*! I^r««n •vti'h ••«•(• iMttoM, in iikIi imligviH *itti»m»uu»t9; «• c*«l4 n«( rtUoii' •lltf infm t»t kiii4«f irvAlNMni Umn »• nccIvmI. I*!!)* ol u«, te M lr««, ll«4 • k%r4»t Ul iImn •(k«r« t •nA, •in«iif Um 'kll 4iMi. I UkMtfki wijr MM SawiM ImmI iIm b«ni««( ol kiijr. Il« 'Jmr •nljr faur ymmn a|4, aii^ wlivn «r« M tf fa i l« r*«l Mf iry UmU, tiid Im «m 4««ni «m kk w— < wf'« pMk, iIm m'M* mUh wmM •(Un kiMMk %im aMi iti aoiiMtimM, teo, wtM iIm iM^b •/ kto ImmImi. B«v«f«l ugly iiMirlia, tii4«tiii>4 tn M* lMi4 ky Um ctimI 1b4iajm, m ikAi i — 4 ot ■!•, tra mUI pUaly lekt mm. Al IrafUi w« wvl««4 •! Or««a Mm, mi^ iMk mf mt ■Mrtin iMTt Ikr Um apMt cf im«« • wMk. !■ tka imm «M MM* •! Um MImm wmm m MmuwI. mUI M«k Mv«f»l •f Um wmtt m^vm slMf wiUi Umm, w'Ui • titw •! mUIm ikMM I* tk« r NMk. Tkfty iU mn amt t n i, iMwwtff, !• !•£ kif • mwImI fcr Mv w Umm. TiMjr fiv* ay fmtnmmn AMfkMf. ivkaiil Pkify*, M Um fwifMr, 4« VaMMnll. m4 MM PMMnM^ ifalii (• Crwwii Pnkii wiUl Mail la lk«r m 1v« ommi ESSiiM I* k« all ia • kkM< fcv dl Um Ugki w« MkijM. llM«ni aajr lea|«r Umm Um iMiMt I ««MiM M our a I, hiM M aif ki WM Mmiag m, vitk dbrkiMM. A kMrjr fMrai kHM avOT M. Tk« mmai •( Um ralUaf Ui«a4tr wm Ttry iMrMt wtm tk« walvn, wkkk, al tvtry lack of •vptMiv* Y«i M Uiia w« wtra No oklici «e«M w« In iki* MMiwt Ofon, Mitoriiif ommm olmMl iko wmU W Umi drwry alfkt. TIm iMnUaf , imitni, ka4 M( y«( kMwi I* 4«w«, wkoa w« all waai askera i aa4 kaviMT eattMlai • imtf af nad aa4 naval kt a pUlew, 1 laid aMraatf iamm, wiik ■V laadoff laAuit kjr my li^a, Ml knawiaf waaia aajr «( mif mm akiUfaa waia, ar wkat a aiiMfabU »aa^aai mimr. rlt«i« tiM lll4tMM hU I Ctrnmn Pmni. TMc t«f«tv«a, by h ••*•(• «• c«ttl4 ihm raiUm* N«tV«4. I*!!!* ol «M, tIMl. •NM«C UM *M ktrtlaM «l My. H« ■i«r'a f»t^» >iM MVM* d aONMitniM. Um>, with UM. •!• Mill »tai, mm! UMh nf Mr t WMk- !■ tiM ifMl. aai iMk ■rrvral W'th ■ fi«W tf MltiM tmi, llvwtvtff, l« la^ ry fiv* «y yMnfMt •M%« Vtiiranil. M (• Cr*w« f^tet vidi KIM 1M Mt tff bf tt •if IM 1VM cwaiaff «•• MM. A hMvy Monii Ikif i1i«b4w wm Ttry «ry iwk of vvpaMiT* . Y«i M Uit* w« wtM N« •H«c« teuM w« In ikl* MMiiMt M mimmn lk« wM« tf Ki4, iMd M( y«t Umm ■■a iMfiM ««UM4«w, wlMm i|m MtM« l«M mm I iniMi r«|| my mn*k9t , my tnAini fitll '•niUwtiif imkt lk« fr«f»Hy •/ tu •ftfftmil tmliiin .•«•«•*«. | itm Mv«r<||^ Um ^millaii III IkM^ n wlilt (IMI • wHiU l«mff*f . t«t tkm mkt •( Mivlwii iH«m lh« lr«««M« wf l«Mktnf aAvr M. sikI o< wm*^ wtnlnff ti wtiK my mtlii. Wh^n ih« iir««ilii>r |i»fMi M ffVMV (•Id. HM4/ •pttfn»-|)iii« wlni*r, I MfqiMtnltffl my n»w mMH»t ih«i I ittJ n<.< ihinh M «v««iM U MMibia fur m« i4 tiulMr* M. If I ii»«i«« tiwnil U wtik kt, tmi hf M ik« ln«Ml •»/ •mofif mmm •/ ikc Fr»fM>k inliAbilanu at C«n K* I wMobUftd la phMkil ibaaM. aa4 Mkw it. •briaUaff awl wraaoilBf . aaatif b to aa a atiala a bMrl af •iMi^ iaia Iba baaia af ibaM aaMlaf wiaitbaa^ -^«- *— ^- ■W i il M Mj ba ttrwii aiaal. b wm aaaa «a tU Imm mi 9thkM CbaMkia, wUtbar. ia d atev, k waa i*jr fortaaa ta Maw tbaa. t bad pMaarrad mf ■«■ MNB Nl S4B99 99 M#Mtf ^y WN9W4 'MM %|MWI> AMV m9v9 I . tl kalMf ffWlly (NMKtolH. Ml4 *I«M>1 tlMVW. I ImIi M Is my •fiN«, mi Ha Ik« *m mkm, •m4 » (MiMMlf kM int vMl mhI» tto U w M iMi It wiw4 m If I mnM iMr* ^mM wlik • ftaM W Mf «lk««k. I WM pvtwitiMl I* Mil •Hk M iMt •M iIm %w9 MUwInf wlflliu i Ui avvty mamiat Utei liit*r> vtawl. ill* lii4l*M, I MffM* M parfMM m i» w w i m*. mk Wllltik Mffft* •• AVAjf !• aikmIi*? wtfWMH wllkll vlaarf ai • IHiW 4l««ii»r«, > ••« M Iw tnm IM MM In wilWlk mt «ii|Mrv«w4 Inl^M «M ■ « »<— j Imi Umi I <«wM ^inljr Imm iu Mi««mmii *^w BHM TItITT I* •dU4M«MMff«l «» Mm «Hfe M llMI I !• laMM«« w*. will mt 4toirM«Ml MiAiM MMUM mm ■ifMN; vi» My ^ •MMnAfvy •*••!•■ w*4wmm4 tlUNnwi • mI w n iyw mm I ■MlAt lMi.ll .JMlllilMllMl,M4 ttifM MTtellMMl I MM m4 •!•• !••• Ml M ImmIi «V i«^ •*!!*!£# ■ •I lN|Mf ^ I Mia JtmilA ttuVI f CAftlVITV teniy MNM M* hf^l ntfM. Aftin «r« •ikl(^a« m«niifi*rlMr»4 MifMi •lkl«lk iMy aiirMtttatl frw«n iKa nMi|^« )••■« ll«f« *M IhJUii «MM I* «MI •*•. wlUMN I liMW, mmI «n«*M if^ak Knf iM»fc. lit 90k94 NM wKjr I 4i4 n«( M i« M« my Mm H«|t f«vtiif !• warrh k4 mti. WIttM I wm (May In ««iii»m«l*lkif UkU albtf, k«t iM kaan wtl U i>tM im ika mIim^ 1 laak kiiii la ay mm*, m4 ka afaka ta im tSaw wm4», in lkaliUlMlMCMt''lfa«kaf.MaffMM«ar liaakktaiM* ika wtffwtui «»|ik ma, m4 aMarvmf a Mmkat a( Ia4kii tkil* 4nii in li. I 4latHktiia4 dl Uia bfaM ivkkk I ka4 n m n tA fat my awn «kii4i tiMtNl (Ham all, tttkarwiaa I akatiM kaft fftvat My flltla kay apfaarad la ka vary t*^ m klf MW mikat, kafi' m Mar im aa paaalMa whUa I ataM, Mi wkaii I t«U kim I mnat ga, k« (ill aa tkotigk ka kad kMB toiaak<4 iawm iriik • dak. B«ii kavinf racammauM kim m ika mm *l Him Umi maia kim, wkan tka 4ay wm Ikr tfmtt mi dm tia« wmM farmii ma la atay m laiifaf^ I itftijgit BLTfi • UMb ki kMfiUy for Um ^ac—aad m In iIm Urlaf «UM. WIm Ik* witMtf kvoka aft wa laaMvai to 8t. JakM 1 m4 priaeipal raai4aaM i*m al UMU flaM. la Ika my ' ' * ' la I al tka HW — « ■••••< ■>■• """w, •»•»•.. •»« hould cnme hotn« in • moroM and turbulent hu* ■Mr. to afoid his inioienc*, propuMd thul wt should both rtliiw, uA ktop out of ib« rMch of it until the storm abated. We ab- •eonded accordingly, but so it happonod that I returned and van* 1>is presence, before his wife had presumed to come I found him in his wigwam, and in a Mrly mood ; tared into his ■iffh him. and not being able to revenm upon his wife, because 'she was B H at home, he laid hold of nie, and hurried ma to the fort, md, for a trilling conside n, eold me to a French gentleman whoao name was 8aeca|^t. Tie an ill wind ceitainly that blows nobody any good. I had been with the Indians a year lacking fourteen oays ; and. if not for my sister, yet for mt, 'twas a lileky circumstance indeed, which thus at last, in an mieipected moment, snatched me out of their cruel hands, and placed me beyond the reach of their insolent powar. After my Indian master had diapoeed of me in the manner nialad above, and the moment of sober reflection had arrived, perceiving that the man who boocht ma had taken tha advantage •f him in an nngnarded hour, hi* rasontmento began to kindw, •ttd his Indignation reae so high, that he thraalenod to kill na If ha ahonld meet ma alone, or if ha eoold not ravenge himaelf dwa that he would set fire to the fort. I was tharefora aacratad In an upper ehamUr, and the fcrt cartAilly gnarded, tintU hia wmth had time to <*^. My aarriea in the flunilT to which I Waa now advanced, .<. t i> H i« i w dran. In thb school of suporatitioB and bimtry they contia* ued white- the war in those days between rranco and Gtaat Britain lasted. At the conclusion of which war, tho governor went homo to France, took my eldeet daughter along with hia, and marriod har then to a French gentleman, whooe name b' Oron Lewis. He was at Boston with tho fleet under Comt do Bstaing, [ITtS] and one of his cterks. My other daogft* tor still continuing in tho nunnery, a considerable time lad atepeod alter my return from captivity, when I made a joomay to Canada, rooMving to use my best endeavors not to nton withont her. I oinvod just in time to nrevoat Itor bafof sent to Fiance. She was to^va gone in tne next vmooI ^m igonoi sailed for that place. And I found it extramely diffleolt to pratail with lior to quit the. nnnaofy and go home wi& iaa{ yea, aha absolotoiy refuoed,~aBd all the parauasioos and argv* taantt 2 cotdd oaa with har ware to no olbet, until alter t hcd bean to the governor, and obtained a tetter from him to tha Mpariatendant of tha nuns, fai which be thraatoned, if my daughter should not ba imntodiatolr delitarod intomyhaadi, •r eonld not ba pievtaited with to submit to my patwmal tatb«p> •M.ViM»MMytar,lhma 1^1 •A* mmmtefmmiiim-' "fsr IM MBS. JEMIMA UOWt'U OAmVlTY. I ilyt (hat he would Mnd ■ b«nd of loldiera to uiist me in bringing her %vtmy. Upon hearing this ahe made no farther ieeiaianc«. But ao eitremelv bigoted waa ahe to the cuatoma and religion of the place, tnat, after all, ahe left it with the Seateat reluctance, and the moat bitter lamentationa, which e cuntinued aa we paaaed the atreeta, and wholly refuacd to be comforted. Mjr good friend. Major Small, whom we met with on the way, tried all he could to conaole her ; and waa ao very kind and obliging aa to bear ua company, and carry my daughter behind hfm on horaeback. But I have run on a little before my atory, for I have not Jet informed you of the meana and manner of my own re* amption, to the accompliahing of which, the recovery of my daughter Juat mentioned, and the ranaoming of aome of my other children, aeveral gentlemen of note contributed not a little i to whoae goodneae therefore I am greatly indebted, and aincoroly hope I ahall never be ao unffrateful aa to forget Col. Schuyler inparticular waa ao very kind and generoua aa to advance 8700 livres to procure a fanaom for mvaelf and three of my children. He accompanied and conoucted ua from Montreal to Albany, and entertained ua in the moat friendly and hoadtable manner a conaiderable timoi at hia qwn houaoi and T believe entirely at hia own expenae. I have nun out the above narrative to a much greater length than I at firat intended, and ahall conclude it with referring {oa, for a mora ample and iriUiant account of the captive eroine who ia the aubject of it, to Col. Humphrey'a Hiatory of the Life of Gen. larael Putnam, togelkv with aome remarka upon a few dauaea in it. I never indeeohad the picaaure of penieing the whole of aaid hiatory, bat remember to have aeea iomo time ago an extract from it in one of the Boaton newt* papera, in w^ich the colonel hae extolled the beauty and good ■enae, and rare accomplidimenta of Mra. Howe, the peraon whom be endeavors to paint in the moat livelv and eilgaging colors, perhapa a little too highly, and in a styia that may an* poar to thoae who are acquainted with her to thia day romantic and extravagant. And the colonel muat needa have been mia* informed with reapect to aome particulara that he has men- tioned in her hiatorv. Indeed, when I read the extract from hia hiatory to Mra. Tute, (which name she has derived from a diifd huaoand, whoae widow ahe now remaina,) ahe seened to he well pleased, and aaia at first it was all true, bat soon after c«iitrad}cted the curcumstance of her lover's being so Beitft pf U« soPM*t when he saw her moving off in a boat al.MWM i|a- tance from the shore, as to plunge into the water after Mr, in eonaequenca of which he waa a«w no mofa. It ia trae, sha *"<*»» 'mtHffm MMNMBNi mvinr. lifln to ■■■{•! me in I nho mad* no farthor a« sho (0 ih« cuttoma 11, tho l«ft it with the ' lamantationa, which ind wholly rafuscd to Small, whom w« met Mole her ; and waa to mpany, and carry my atory, for I hare not •nner of my own re* I. th« recorery of my iming of some of my >t« contributed not a Seatly indebted, and 1 at to forget Col. 1 and generoua as to I for mvMelf and threo 1 conoucted ua from in the roost friendly me, at his Qwn house, B. a much greoter length lude it with leferring ccount of the captivo Humphrey's History IV with some remarks ohad the pleasure of snember to have seea e of the Boston news* i the beauty and good rs. Howe, the person It UtoIv and eilgaging a BtyiB that may an- »r to this day romsntlc needs have been mis* ITS that he has men- read the extract from he has derived from • nmins,) she seaned t» ill true, but s«« tmr «r's being so Beitft pf naboat«^.soiMld|a> ho water after mt, in mofo. It b true, sh* •i«ao» OAprnriTT op itianoes robli. Iff said, that as she was returning from Montreal to Albany, sh« met with young Saccapee on the way { that she was in a boat with Colonel Schuyler ; that the French officer came on board the boat, made her some handsome presents, took his Anal leave of her, and departed, to outward appearance in tak- rable good humor. She moreover says, that when she went to Canada for her daughter, she met with him again, that he showed her a lock of her hair, and her name likewise, printed with vermillion oa his arm. As to her being chosen agent to go to Europe, in behalf of the people of Hinsdale, when Colonel Howard o^ tained from the goTemment of New I'ork a patent of their hinds on the west side of Connecticut river, it was never one* thought of by Hinsdale people until the above*mentiooed •»• tract arrived among them, in which the author has inserted it as a matter of undoubted fact. NARRATIVB OF THH OAPTITmr 09 flUNCn NOBLI, WHO WA% AlKMIO OTHKltS, TAKBN BY TUB INDUNB HIOM SWAN ■■ailD.IN MAunt, ABOirr Tm ybak in«t oompilid by john khllt, BBO. or concord, NBW HAMFBHllIB, niOM THB MINOnB AND MBIiORANDA W PHINKHAB MSBRILL, OO. Of VHUIW HAM, IN THE 8AMI VTATBi AND BY TEK lOMlOBM OBI* TLBMAN COMMUNICATED POR PUBLICATION TO THB IDk T0B8 OP TUB HUrrORIOAL C0LUI0TI0N8 OP NBW HAMI^ BMIBB. Jams WmooiN, the matomal grandfather of Mrs. Shut*, was a eapuin in the army at tho taking of Cape Breton in 1746. He owned a tract of land on Swan Island, in tho rfvor Kennebec whera he lived with his fitmiiy. One of hie daugh* ten married Lanrus Noble, of Portsmouth, n^o lived on m island with her father. The Indiana had been aecnstoraod to ▼iait Cap*. WhiddM for the puraoeee of trade. Hmn WM t gnrriso n tho irirad to soeuretM inhabitants fimn tho nttn^ of tho *<,«i«y in tlmo of war. One ' .fifing, • littb after dayhmk, two boys went oat «f nmmikmm and left tho gatq e^. Tho Indians wan on th» «ii|Bh, and miling themsolirae of the opportnnitr, abont nin«l» -"-H Iha guriMMl. The tBhaUmiia fanaodialaly diseofaMi ' i" IM CArnTiTV or mAifcis noili. tlMt ih* tttemr wu upon tktm ; but thtrt wm no fl«e«p«. Oaplain Whidaen and hit wife rctrMlad to tht cellar, and eon* eoaiod ikamMlvea. Noblo and hi* hind man ntai the Indiana at iha head of tho ttairtt and Artd upon tkam, wounding ono of Uiom in tht arm. Tho Indiani did not roturn tho Are, hot took Noblo, hie wife, and wven children, with Timothy Whid< don and Mary Holme*, prieoner*. Tho hired man and tho two boys OKaood. Tho eaptirea were carried to the water's side and bouna ; exceptir ■■ luch as could not run away. Tho Indiana then returned to the garrieon, burnt tho barn and plun* dered tho houec, cut open the feather bode, ttrtwed the feath* en in the field, and carried off all the ailvor and gold they w\d find, and a* much of the proriaiona aa they «ioao. It waa auppoeed they omitted to burn the houie from the euapi* eion that the captain and hia wife, from whom they had, in timet of peaot. nceired many fiivon, wen concealed in it. Capt. Whidden, aAer tht dtatruction of hia proptrty on tho ialuid, nturnod to Orttnland, in this atate, which ia auppootd to have bttn hia native plactt and than died. Tht Indiana also took in a wood on the island an old man bv tho munt of Pomtroy, who waa employed in making shin* Mta. Having oolkKttd thtir captiTta and plundtr, thty immo- diijMy Uft tht ialand, and commenced their ntum to Canada to dkfoaa of their prey. Pomeroy waa old and fotble, and nnabU 10 ondort tht fimgut of tho march, without more aaaistmeo than tiM aavagoa thought fit to randtr him, and thty kiHod him on tht Joarooy. They %rora mora attentivt to tht childrmi,aB for tlwai thty undoubttdly tiptettd a hightr priet or a greator laaaon. Abigail, ono of tno children, ditd among tho Indians. Tht other eaptivta arriTtd soft in Cani|4ni nnd wtra Tariously dbpoatd of. Mr. Noblo was told to a bdctr in Qutbte, and his wife to a lady of the aame pkwt aa a chambermaid. Thty wtft allowed to visit each other and to aleep toother. Four of tho chUdrtn won alao sold in Quebec, aa wen Timothy Whidden and Mary Holmee. Tho captives in that city wtra tichanftd within a ytar, and ratumtd to thtir hones. Mf. . Whiddtn and Miss Holats wen afterwards unittd ia mar* ^ibgt. Faitnt Non.1, the principal subjeet of thb memoir, at tb« time of her captivity, was about thirttta months old. Sim was carried by a party of Indians to Montnnl. In Iktic «l> tanupta to dispoaa of her, thty took her om day to of Monsitur Louis 8t Augt Charkt, aa amjatirt maitlum of that ploct, who waa at that tint yed in making shin* 1 plunder, they imm«> lir return to Canada to and feeble, aad unabU t more aaiistwiM than d they killed him on to thechildr«m,a8 for ir price or a greater id among the Indiana. a, and were Tarioualy baker ia Qoebee, and lambermaid. They eep together. Four wc, aa were Timothy irae in that city were their homoa. Mf. rarda united ifr mar* diia memoir, at th« m montha old. Skt mtnal. In Ibeic M- dayto iIm Imrmo amfaMBt w i wi W Hlt Jif iytoCM»i- Hi* Wf apM* to «• ft infant crawling on the tile floor in dirt and ran, picking apple peeling* out of the cracka. She came in, and on kindly noticing the child, Fanny immediately caught hold of tM lady's gown, wrapped it orer her head, and burst into tears. The lady could not eaailv reaiet this appeal to her compassion. She took up the child, who clung about her neck and repeat- •dly embraced her. The Indians oflbred to sell her their littte captive, but she declined buying, not choosing probably in tha abeence of her husband to venture on such a purchase. Th« Indians left the house, and slept that night on the pavementa before the door. Fanny, who had again heard the voice of kindoesa, to which she had not been accustomed (Vom her sav* age roastora, could not b* Qviat, but disturbed the slumbers and touched the heart of the French hidv by her incessant criea. This lady had then lately loet a child by death, and was por> bapa mere quick to feel for the suflerings of children, and Bier* diapoead to love them, than the would otherwise hava boea. Early the next morning the Indians were called into th* house; Fanny waa purehaaed, put into a tub of water, and kafing been thoroughly washed, was draaaed in th* etothea of dM d*6eaaed ehiU, ana pot to bad. 8h* awoke smiling, and aa*m*d dcairoua of ropaying h«r mistreaa' kindnaaa by hr» in* fluitil* piattl* and fendT caraeaee. Fannv could never learn for what prio* ahe waa bouaht of the Indiana, as her Frenck mother deelin*d answering her au*stiona upon that subject, tailing h*r te be a good girl, and oe thankftil that ah* waa net atill in their power. Mona. aad Mad. St. Ange took a lively interest in their littla eaptiv*, aad treated her with much tendemese and aflaelion. 8m f*lt for thorn a fllial attaehmant. Whan her paroata w*n aiehauMd, h*r mother, oa h*r r*tura home, called upoa Faaay, aad tooK th* child ia h*r arma, bat no instinct taught h*r to lajoice in the matoraal ambraee, aad she fl*d for protectioa te Mr Freaek mamma. Mrs. NoUe received maay pra**ata frem th* French lady, aad bad th* aatisfaetioB to a** that kar UttI* daa^tar waa left ia aiftetioaate haada. Faaay waa taught to call and eoaaidor Mens, and Mad. St Aug* as h*r paraata. Th*y had har baptiiad by the nam* dT Blaaaor, and *dueat*d har in th* Ronum Oataolic raligioa. She laarnsd her Plater Noatera aad Ave Mariaa, waat to maaa; Bfpeiad haradC with holy water, aad told her beadawith great dayetlaB> W^a tow or flveyeai* dd, ahe waa eatieed away ftom her FMMk pavaata by l^Mdwiight, who had beea empk^ed hj A» p/f mm t M ot Maaaachaaetta to aeek for captiyee ia Oaa* iih He emied ker to the Tkie* Btyeia, wkere ke ktd aet^ OArrnriTY or fianoii nobli. •nl oUitff csptivM, •n4 l«A bar, ■• )m prvtmdtd, with • nb< Ilea of h«r r ranch father*! for • f«w days, wbtn ih* tiMciitd to rtturn to MonUMil. B«t tlM had net bMn to tho Throo Bivtn mora tluia twantiffottr boura. wbon tho old w|uow who bod oold bor to Mod. 8l. Aum eonw along in a altlfb. ■ceonpaniod by a young Moop. soiiod upon Fanny, and car* Hod bor to St. Francoit, wbora thoy kop( nor about a (orinigbt. Bbo bad now attained an ago wbon alio would bo aoniibio of kor mitfortuooot and bitiorly iamontod bor Mparation from hor Franch paranto. Tho Indians ondoavorad to pacify and ploaa* Mr by drawing on bor coat or firock tho flgurm of do«ro, woUoo, baarit Aoboo, ««. ; and onco, probably to mako her look aa fcnd•omol1r m thoroaolTOo, thoy palntod hor ehooka in tho lian ftahion, which vory much diatrooaod bor. and tho old ■quaw mado thorn wipo olT tho paint At oao timo oho gtt awoT from tho ■aragM, and Mtimt roAiga in tho boat-look* lag aouaa in tho TiUago, which bolongod to a Frosch priosi, who kiaaad bar. askad hor maov quotttona, and troatod bar kiiidly, hoi gavo hor up to tha claim of hor Indiaa maotora. Whila at Si Fraaedis. hor brothor. Joooph Noblo, who had nal baoB aold to tha Fnneh, but still livad with tha Indiana, •amo to aoa hor, bat aho had a groat avoraioa to him. Ha waa in hia Indian dnaa,and oho would not boliovo him tobo a rsbi> tian. or apoak to him if aha coald avoid it. Sho wa^ at laat tnniod baw by tho Indiana to Montnal, and to hor groat aatia* fcetiaa waa dalivorod to hor French bthor, who rowardod tho Indiana for ratuming bar. It was doubtUaa tho oipoetatioa of ■raeh raward whieh indueod tho old aquaw to aoiao hor at tho ThfM Bivors, as tha Indiana not nnfroquontly stolo back cap* tlvaa, in nrdor to aatart prooonia for thair ratum from tlw French nntUmon to whom tha same captivea had before bean add. Before this timo she had boon hastily oarried from If oat> tm\, harried over mountains and aerose waten, and concealed •OMBg flags, while Utose who accompanied her won evidently Muened, and in great apprehoasion of being overtokon; but the occasion of this flight or ito inddonts she was too Toumr to vadorsluid or distinctly to remember, and she was unsStlo after* wards to satisfy herself whether bor Proneh fotbor convoyed har away to keep bor out of tho roach of hor natural flriond% «r whether aho waa token by thoeo friends, and aftorwarda ra* taken as at the Three Bivon and ratumad to Montreal. The French parenU cautiously avoided informing bor umh thk ••Maot. or upon any other which should rombo hw af l«f IPP* tivity, bar country, bar pareato or hor firiqwla, loot iha mm Vfcmno diaoontonted with Itor sitnatioo. and dosinNW ai saaf* tag thwa vh« had adopted b*r. They k«pi h«r 9iNPi|id (mm m ■MPi*i 1 i V n J a a I ff tfl til •< iti u in U ah S OBLB. tteiulfd, with • nU- , whfln sht tiPlfctM bMn to (h« ThfWM ban Um old miww I along in « lUii*. pon F«nny. wd c•^ lor tboui A (brinigkt. would bo MniibU of r Mponiiion fiom b*r i to pocify and ploMO uroo of dton, wolvto, mtlio bor look m bor ehooki in UM Md bor. ond tbo old At MM Um* •k* IJ» igo in tbo bttt-look^ d to FroDcb priottt MM*. Mid iroAtod b«r bor lodiui mMiort. Mpb NobU, w»M> bU JS^witb tbo IndioM. iiion to bim. Ho «m lioTobimtobooivW it. 8bo «m »t Mil d to bof |ff«t MU" ., wbo iwmrdod tbo lootbooxpoetatioftoT w to loiM bot ax tbo BBUy itolo bock cm> tiff rotHm from tM iTOflbodbofoiobowi roarriodfroAlfwilP Ian. ondconcooM barwoioovidoiitly ^\ag oYortokon: but thowootooyoHntiB CAPTIVITY or rMANCCS ^fOBLB. IM WOtOBOlMM- »« ibtbor cooToyod bor notonl flrioad^ I, and aftorwardof*- toliMtvoAl. TM linff bor UMA 4ni TbffrfW^P- doiUoWlJUf livr ittitural frienda, who wrr<< in arnrrh of h«r. and vvailitd tivrty ijiiratioi) which might Imd lo hvr diarovrry. On* day, when Illona. Nl. Augo ami mo«l of hi* fntnily w«ro at maia, •ho wan Mni with anolhvr raptiv* to i <<< third *iory of iho houM, and lh(< iloinflatici wnro rnquirvd ■irieily to watch thtm, aa it wa* known thai ■nmi« of nrr rvlalinnt w«r« ihon in iha !>laca «nili*avnring lo And h«rni>nl, and with her lilllo companion found m«ana to racapo from ihoir room and wvnt below. While roixinff a cup of wal»r lo her mouth, aho aaw a man looking ai her inrnugn the window, and ■trelching out hia arm lowartU her. *l the same linto apeaking a language which aho could not underatand. She waa ftr^ much alarmed, threw down her water, and rar with all poaet* bio speed to her room. Little did ahe auppoao that it waa bor own father, from whom the waa flying in aucb fear and borror. Ho had returned to Canada to ae^k ihoee of bio childrrj wbo romainod there. Ho could bear nothing of hit Fanny ; bat watching tbo bouao. he perceirod her. as waa iutt atatod, and Joyfully atretebing bis arma towards her, eiclaimod, ** Tboro'i my daugbtor I O I that 'a my daughter ! " Bui aba rolraatod. Md bo could not gain admittance, for tbo bouao waa gnardoa and no slrangor pemittod to enter. How looff bo continued bovoring about bor is now unknown, but bo loft Canada with* out embracing bor or seeing bor again. Her Froneb paranta put her to a boardinif school attaebod la a nunnorv in Montreal, whoro sba romainaa aavaral years, aa4 waa taught all branches of needle-work, with gaograpby, muaie, painting, kc. In the same school were two If laoai Jobnaooa, wbo wore captsrad at Charlastown, (No. 4) in VtSi, and two Miaaaa Pbippa, ibo daughters of Mrs. Howa, wba waro taken at Hinsdak in 17U. Fanny was in school wbaa Mrs. Howo eamo for bor daughtora, and long rtmombarad iba griof and lamontalions of tbo young captivoo when obligod to laavo tbair aebool and raataa to ratum to a strange, ibougk tboir aativa eounlry, and to roblivae whom iboy baa long mn goUoii* Wbilo at aebool at Moatraal, bor brother Jooapb agaia rim ilad bor. Ho atiU bolengad to tbo St. Francoia tribe of Indiana, aod waa draaaed vamarkably fine, baring forty or filW brooabaa in bia abirt, chapa oa bia am, and a great variatr of knoia and balla about bia dotbing. Ho broni^t bia litUa dalar BUon, aa aba waa iban eallad, and wbo waa then not hx from atvon yaofo old, a yaong fawn, a baakal of eranbarriaa, and a lamp of aap aagor. Tba little girl was macb plaaaod with iba fawn, ttfd Bad no grant atrorsion to eranbarriaa and aogar, bnl 'Im' ilMilaniMiii ITO OATTIVITY or FBANCBS NOBLI. IWdIv* nolklnc from hU haiMa till, ■! ih« •uffvtlion of h«r I^Unda, K* Km wm)i« pasiad ao bold and mnjaaliv*, ao apirilad and viracioua, aa whan •myad in hia Indian habit ana aaaorialinf with hia Indian lirianda. Ha howavar baeama much altarhad to Si. Auga, wh« CI him l« aehoel i and whan hia aiatar parlad wilh him upon tvinf Canada, ha |«va Har a airici charga not to lat it ba known whara ba waa, Uhm ha too aheuld ba obtiftd to Wort kia Mond* and raturn to tha placa of hia birth. Whoa batwaoii 4«tovaa and Iwaira yaara of ago, Paany wm MM le Iko ichool 'it Uraulina nona in Quabae, to eoaapiata bar diocotion. Hara Uia diaciplina waa moch mora ttrki and aol* •am Umm in ike achiool at floniraal. In both piocaa iHo laock* •n won eallad kali nana, wko, not baingprofcaaad, woro allow* «l !• fo in and u«t at plaoaara ; bat at l^bae tho papila wtra fai a groat maaaaro aaeludod titm iko world, kaiaf aarmittod la walk only in a amall gardaa by day, aad conlmaa by bolta aa4 ban ia tkair calia at night. Thia roMraint waa irkaoma to f aany. 8ko gsrw diaeontontad ; aad at tko aktoo of tko yaar van pofoUttod lo rotam to bar Fronck paiania at Montioal, and tgaia oniar tka achool in that eity. Wkilo Fanny waa in tko nannarv. kolaf ikon In kor fo«r> iMBlk yaar, ako waa ona day aattally aurpriaod and alarmod kgr uo ontianea of a amnior, wko daw an dad hor of tka nana aa a ladaa r aad captiva. Hor ibtkar kad amployod tkia man, Aiaald, ta aook oat kia dangktar and okiaia kor fbom tka ffaaak, wko kad kitkorto aoccoodod ia dotainiag kor. Arnold iraa wall cakulatod for tkia anploymonl. Ho araa aaerot, aaW lla, ratolala aad pataavoriag. Ha kad baoa aomo tiiao in tka «|lj wiikoat oieiting a aoapkion of kia boalnaao. Ho kad ■acartaiaod wkoro tko eaptiva waa to ba foanA— ko kad pr*> tmni Ika nacaaaary powora to aoeora kor, and in kia aparoack la iIm nuanory waa aeeooBpaniod by a aargaaat and a llo of ■Ma. Tka aaaa wora anwIUing to dollvM ap tkoir papil» aad lafalrad to know by wkat rigkt ko da waad a d kor. AraaM MKviaead tkam tkat kk aatkority waa darlvad from Ika gim anor. and ikoy dant aol diaoboy. Tkay, k ofwofa r, ii rihiifid Ika Ifana aa mask aa poaaiMo, aad ton! word to Maoa. M^AaffN Ikal ka woaldba akU in aomo wiy a* oikaa4a Ma AiaaM kowofar waa aai ir>» ll fc i f ! ■ ..I kapiaglkal fcUaifaitMl I I r I ii t d a I a » f H ta w hi A B b« N w ba in li mut. jM#pH. •«•! wtMiM ■uy(»*linn of h«f ■i-r •!»«< nni«J» •«»»»• lo •f«'»p» H»« «•"•'* >•. Tb« n»H »• ••»•• i tml H« n«»«t •P' I vIrMtoua. •• wh«« itf with hU IndiM i«d lo 8l. Aug*, who •HmI with him upoii Km not to Ut it M I bo obiifod to Uv« birth. ■ of ofo. Fo««y WM oboe, to eompwto hot i mora •tfirt •««* «••* both pUeoo tho ttoeh. j»o«hm4, woro •Uow. iboe tho ^piU «M« •1,bol»f pormiltoi conlhMd by bolts ini WM IrlMomo to M elooo or »i»«.y«" nts 01 MontrNl, fcnd thoii in bw foor- iMd ond oUrmod ^d hor of tho nunt lioytd thU mo», _iii hoi firom tbo tInlofflMr. ArooM H«wMfoefot,o«W in iomo timo lit »»• booinooi. Mo bod fotind— bo bod r9» •nd in bio •W^i mmM Mid IW of thoirpup«.t^ d bor. AnwM ^rpritod fcomjbjljj .l0ll0B0.1b^AM^ Mil»«b«feab»^ OAPTIVITY Of riANClS NOlUt Ml or trilM with. Ho Moroltf domandod ih« eaptivo by tho nomo of Noblo in tho mwrnora nomo, •nd ih* oun* w*r* owod into tubtaiMlnn. ronny, w««ping •n tompt boon modo. Copt. M'Cluro, tho Bngllab ofBcoTt promiaod hor tbot obo abould bo pormitiod to vtaii hor Fronei fMonM tbo noit day. 8bo found thorn in toara, but tboy could not doiain hor. Mono. 8t. Aogo gavo bor a handful of mowoy, and ombraeod bor, bloaotd bor. and ruabod otit of tbo nam, Hio lady aoppliod bor with elotboo, and tboir parting wat moal aflbciionoto ond aflbrting. 8bo lirod to a conoiMrabiv a4* ranood ago, b«t obo eoald novor apoak of tbio oeono wIUmM viaiblo and doop amotion. 8ho waa carriod down tho riror lo Quoboc, whora abo Mu^ riod a fow daya, and than aailod with Captain Wilaon for Bo^ ton. Sho arrivod at that port in July, ono month bofoio ako waa foortoon yoara of ago. 8ho waa joyfully roeoifod by bor (Vionda, but bor Cithor did not long aurviro hor rttur*. AAor bia dootb abo raoidod in tbo family of Capt. WUaon, al Boaton, until abo bad aequirod tho Bngliob languago, of whtek boforo tho waa almoat oniiroly ignoiant. 8bo tbon wont M Nowborr, and lirod in tbo family of a rolatiro of bor Ibthor,. wbora aho found a be«o,and tbal pooeo lo which abo bad loof boon a alimngor. Hor odueotion bad qnalillod bor fcr tfw iaatmetion of yonth, and aba partially dovoiad boraolf to thm amploywnt. 8bo waa ongagod in a aehool at Hamoloni wbor a abo fermod an aequaintanoo with Mr. Jonathan TfltoA, a gtallomaa of good prMorty in Konaington, whom abo roar* riod abant Ibo Mar Vm. Ha diad in 170& In 1801, aW . ■MnM Mr. John 8b«to, of NowMarkat, and lirod in tbo ^ Ufa of Nowiolda in ibni lawn till bar daatk, in 8opMaba^'> liiib. ntiaiiiii ^|g«g^ m ourun OAif Its haibatiti. Itlf fl» «M m«Mli rMaMi»4 mi4 mmwnmkI in li%, muI km 04PTA1N JONATHAN CAKVSI't RAHUTIVB or MM UATVmi. AND lOMKaVEirr tatM Wmm IWI ll«DI*NI» AT THB MjOODV HAMACIUI COMMIT- •no lY Tmi. WMIM rORT WIUUH MgKMV IWX IflTO TIM HANM or THB rUEMCH. ONOn OSN. MOHfOAUl, IN , YIAB irW. WMTTKN MY MIMHIJr. 0i». Wiw, wk« cMMMMuM lli« EA|llili imy hi Nofik Aaifflri wbkk wm Umb •M»inp«4 «( lort E4wBr4, havinf i«l«llig«iw« tbti tiM PrMMh Utntp* viKlcr MoMbwf Momcaim w«r« Mahiftf MdM moiTMiMnii (iowurdi fort WWikm HMtry, h« ittoclMd A Mrp« of About ilft««>n hucklNil imMN eaodatinf «f liigtMi «nd pr^iaciAk to Mnnftlitn iho ftrriMii. In ibk ■Mty I w«iit M • Tolunloor amodf tko kMtor. Ilo u0ff«!MiMkin« of tho BiflMi nwMml won mK wiilMat fcaadoOon { for tbo day olWr Mit orrivd w« mw liko Doovft. ((bmoffly bko SoenMont) to wIMi M Uoo eoatigaov^ooirfMl wtib AS imiMMo iMMbor of bMMi ; baA in a few boAio w% i our liMt oitMM by tlM rraaok fMMiol. wbo M Jiil 4 witb oUtmi tboMAodl ragntovA mi OaiMdiAAo, m4 tpf mIT-^" C«lendMoMA.AbM««oiksor,cAiMP»M li tbo fort, «b4 bAd no mon tboa two tbouaMid tbiAf MlidM ■M witb bln« ow dMAebaiMM bMldM. '^^^MMHlttl iMlilMMiM OifTAJIt fiAKVir* NAIIBAT1VI. m im««i in lilb, OAKVBI'8 vnrr mtam IIAHAOM COMMIT- 1 nm*%r nu. into OSN. IIOIfieAUI.W Lf. i|llg|i vmy hi N«fik fort E4wsrA, b«vinf r llMMiMi MomcAln m WMbm HMiry, h« n1 nMNit eoMtaUnf of lb* ftniMii. In thte MM. icml w«i« M* wiUmmH w« MW lakf 1) m emitifvoaa, «ov« lA Hi a few Imw* «• M^iMWIi WBv H^H H^H i OaiNidiMM, aal 9f •uMMd ilMf ImidMi WliH lit*** %• w Ji « («ll«nt 4«fonM, mi4 pnlwMjr w««M Imv« iMMit iM* m !«•< !• pf«««>r»«< ilin fofi, |ta>l hi twm |^n|»*fly ■«intmi>r» In itirrr««i'i*r airnt Hy lh« V^rrnch g^)>'<*r»l, «irhr» ndiiti^ iHw m»Ki HonuraKta (•rm*. hi« anaWDr f«|p«i» Vt*«ifo«i* •iM^ln ItU b*« tf >n w»r» aM* tn mult.) ; i*i»4 it ht> ikoMtfht Kit ^••nl t»tt* tMwfdrUMl, tiD i|tlt««< Willi A Kr**i»i"f ni>')it«rr ttnm lK» •4«r up ih« fofi im lk« hMi i«rm« h« t AM III pntrur* ThU pMkat fall into l^« haitdto •f iha Kr'ivh f«ifi«i<«l, wIm immvrfklalf tMil • llaf •# tr«M« ^irtnf a eMtlkrviw* with lh« ao^pfnt. Th«y •ecof«i>n(ly mat, anaiUM a«ilj hj • antall f««f4, hi lH« (<>ftlr* baiwM« Uia i;Mai whtfi MimaiMr MmmmIm I»M (ha (Mtmmi. ih«l ha wM cama in fa nan la ' *f iha (bft, aa it haioiitad la tha htnff hto w t aalar. raplM, thai ha hnaw mm haw ihal ea«M ha, mm »ktmU ht aurr«fia i wa wara dtaafpiaiad ; for |>rtaaft(ty aooM af mm ■<>^ll# • •r gl— m » in CATTAIN CAftVM*t XABlAflVl. Imm I* •ttmfk tlk« tkli ah^ «n»i«m>M. wImh wwlk M wwf« mm ||«r« «« «*■*• fttltv In cipMiAii*!! ilMt iIm afa U 4 mm tt mf Mat, wiaUM i , Imm m4 iNMkiM* MiiiUM Ml I* mJh ^MI IM wWt wmmf I Im4 in mtwmhsM. Ai iVU «m immmiW alMt W ik»fMH|« tkM M IvMH Um Hmi m «• Um ^tm mm mkuk A ImmIi maUmI «m fM««4. 1 IM I* Mm m4 aiilw^ Ui pMMiiM ( b«M Im only mIM m« m ■•§ Ittli 4»• • ittflUiMii dMfN t 6m t •'•>««t4 |^Mll]r MfM«i«a iIm l'f*n>rlk illitfSf* W»UlM*9 tkmn •! MMM 4m«im«. 4)ii«ii«tf«t«g iufviiMif «Hlk ti^rvnl iiiM»n««»ii. Vm ilka ll«H«f «f liwm«n tmtmtm i wmtU k«|M iImI iltM lUgr«Ni bfwkilt A^ •«•#* «Mr«4 l«w Bfiii«M4««l r«iH«r ff«« Um m*«(« «li«|in«tUMn ot ib« Indiana, wHtrh I a^lmMwUtlii* M U Mmaitmaa •lm«Mi tin|WMlM« la i-mtirul, %n4 mhwk mtglM IMW an«<|)MMdi]f iMv« •ffl<'*4 la • immH n«( ••«tl)r to U MatMiMNl, ik«n la Mi]r |r(«fiM U nffrwMMif wHlk iMMy MiSif, N «rM yMy oii 4 by mim of iIm mmmi rMMiiM M mm* mm »> g< M i M vibrt, aiM Mi^MtM M Imm Mr way dkrwifli llM wvafMt Um wUy jmUM* mmIM e( ytMcrvtag Mr Uvm Umi MW immkmi, tIU«» lM«rtnf 4My*rtM, wm rM«lfMl t% ud tkmx iwMMy tf m iprMif ti om* Imm lb* Mi4M •( ^kom. In • MMM1I* w« «r«M dl M|«nUMi. And wbal wm ib« liM 9i My M M pMtol U I C«ttM KM iMm till MM* Montba tfWfft wbM I AmM ibai Miy tii m MtM of Umm cIKmMiI ibalf ^Miffn. laicni MJy on My Mm baMi4M* ■iiiMilM. I w^m trw^ M MdM My way UirMf b My Mvafa M«Miaa in Um baal MBAMT paaalbla. And I bat* aAM bMS aMMiibaU •<«•• mkm I bav* wi aM iiM^ wiUi wbai caM^aMra 1 iMb, m I ^ ' mp for My (MaarraikMi. 8om« I »vartttrM4 avwy a iiiM ary Mtf Mr My MaaarraikMi. Bom« I »vartttrM4i bakif at UkM mm yMag and aUilaik, and oUmm I pmmnI bf , ^MrtMMMhr avcMiiiff UMk wm^omi till at laM iw« vary mmM abMb. af tba mom MtaM tHbaa, m I mmM dittiagiiiali li^tbalv iraM, wbaM atnwftb 1 cmM not raokt, laM boM of m* by oMb arM, md bafM M Cnoo m« tbreuf b tbo arowd. 1 aMT raaimwl Mwaolf M My Aua, not dMbting but tbat Umv bnaai l a4 M ii ap aii i mo, m4 Um« m mUom iMtr wllb My kkU, M I hvmi ' mtkmi MruM Umi lay nt Ml mun yaNa, m liif Ikl I M«M iMMfat by Mo UMy wort b«rryiikf mo tawar^ • Mma 4ktoiM«. Bat baCwa wa ba4 llkh lO Ml a iM a of aamo 4k«iMUo«, m . Um o«ly aofor b ii bo bad om I of tM ai Mil a t wbai, n il nd l aloM by la. Om«^ Iba h4iHi taMMUy iaUoiiuiabo4 bia bold, aal iffflit|^ m MMn i ««i. ifc -» M- ti i m mti i ww ■M*^l •^,«».^t*,; 1T« OAITAIN CABVII'I If ABRATITK. ihii ntw obiect, endcavortd to mIm him •■ his prey ; but lb« gvnlUinan being ilrong, threw him on.lhe ground, ind would probably have got awavi had not he who held my other arm quilted me to aaiiit hie brother. I icised the oppoitunity, and haetened away to Join another pariv of Engliih troopi that were yet unbroken, and ttood in a body at tome distance. But before I had taken many steps, I hastily cast my eye towards the gentleman, and saw the Indian's tomahawk gash into his back, and heard him utter his last groan. This added both to my sp-jed and desperation. I bad left this snocking scene but a few yards, when a fine boy about twelve years oi nge, that had hitherto escaped, came up to me, and begged that 1 would let hiro lay hold of me, so that he might stand some chance of setting out of the hands of the savages. I told him that I would ^ve him every assis- tance in my power, and to this purpose bid him lay hold ; but in a few momenta he was torn from mv side, and by his shrieks I Judge was toon demolished. I could not help forgetting mv own cares for a minute, to lament the fate of so young a aui« ftrer ; but it was utterly impoasible for me to take any methoda to prevent it. ' I now got once more into the midst of (Viend Sat we were anable to aflbrd each other any succor. As thia was the divi- sion that had advanced the furthest from the fort, I thought there might be a possibility (though but a bare one) of my forcing my way through the outer ranks of the Indians, and getting to a neig[hboring wood, which I perceived at some dis- tance. I was still encouraged to hope by the almost miraculous preservation I had already experienced. Nor were my hopes in vain, or the eflTorts I made ineffectual. Suffice to say, that I reached the wood ; but by the time I hhd penetrated a little way into it, my breath was so exhausted that I threw myself into a break, and lay for some minuUsa apparently at the last gasp. At length I recovered the power or respiration ; but my anprebensiona returned with all tiieir former force, when I saw several savages pass by, probably in pursuit of me, at no very great distance. In this situation I Knew not whether it was better to proceed, or endeavor to con- oaal myself where I lay till night came on ; fearing, however, that they would retu/n the same way, I thought it most prudent to get nirther from the dreadful scene of my distresses. Ac- cordingly, striking into another part of the wood, I hastened on as last as the briera and the lots of one of my shoes would Crroit me ; and aftet- a slow progress of some hoars, fained a yi that omlooktd ths phos wluch I had jiut left, from whanc* .'MM BBi iMi ♦.#,. IRATITK. im •• his prey ; but lh« Lih« grotind, •nd would who htid my othtr Brm ltd the opportunity, and of Engliih troopa that \f at tome distance. But lily cast my oyt towards tomahawk gash into his an. This added both to I fnw yards, wh«n a fins d hithrrto escaped, came It hiro lay hold of me, so ffttting out of the hands lid giye him every assis- K bid him lay hold ; but f side, and hy his shrielu d not help forgetting mv le fate of so young a suf* me to take any methoda of firiend *)ttt we wtr* . As this was the diri* from tho fort, I thought but a bare one) of my anks of the Indiana, and I perceived at some dis- by the almost miraculous 1. eflbrts I made inefTectual. 1 ; but by the time I hiid reath was so exhausted d lay for some minutes th I recovered the power I returned with all tueir tges pass by, probably in gee. In this situation I seed, or endebvor to con* le on ; feuing, however, thought it most prudent B of my distresses. Ac« of the wood, I hastened ' one of my shoes wmild of some hours, gniiMd a lad jiut Icfkt firom whtnc* —«. m iOij^-y---; OAPTAIN CARTiri NARBATIVC. m \ could diseem that the bloody storm still raged with anabat«4 ftiry. But not to tire my readers, I shall only add, that after pM»« ing three days without subsistence, and enduring the severity of the cold drws for three nights, t at length reached fort Ed* • ward; where with proper care my body soon recovered it* wonted strength, and my mind, as far an thu recollection of th« late melancholy events would permit, its UMual composure. It was computed that fifteen hundred person* were killed or made prisoners by these savages during this fatal day. Manr of the latter were carried off oy them and never returned. A few, through favorable accidents, found their way back to their native country, af^r having experienced a long and severt captivity. The brave Col. Monro had hastened away, soon after th« confusion began, to the French camp, to endeavor to procure the guard agreed by the stipulation ; but his application pror* ing inefliK'tual, he remained there till General Webb sent % Birty of troops to demand and protect him back to fort Edward, ut these unhappy concurrences, which would probably havt been prevented ud he been loft to pursue his own plana, toMther with tho lots of so many brave fellows, murdered ia cold blood, to whose valor he had been so lately a witnooa, made such an impression on bis mind tluat he did nrt lone survive. He died in about thrte months of a broken heart, ana with truth might it bo said that ho was an honor to his coun- try. I mean not to point out the following cireumst^nce as th* immediate judgment of heaven, and intended as an atonement for this slaughter : but I cannot omit that very few of thoe« different tribes of Indians that shared in it ever lived to retvm home. The small-poz, by means of their communication with ^ the Europeans, found its way among them, and made an eanal havoc to what they themselves hod done. The methods tney pursued on the first attack of that malignant disorder,, to idiete the fever attending it, rendered it fatal Whilst their blood was in %iatate of fermentation, and nature was striving to throiw out the peccant matter, they checked her operations oy p]ung<> ing into the wMr; the consequence was that they died 1^ hundreds. ^ The |»w that survived were transformed by it into hideous objects, and bore with them to the grave deep mdented marks of Ous much dreaded disease. ^ Monaienr Montcalm fell soon after on the pkiins of Quebec. That the unprovoked cruelty of this commander was not apprared of by the generality of his countrrmen, I have since Men eooyinced of by auiny proofs. One only, however, which ■■■ ' ' m ' ^■siSFssrs ^■nwpiWWilll***'—* iOii I ■ ■iiii ii ii n i l — m 1 ' m m^imi^itHtmiibm Wm OOLONtL SMITH'S CAPTiyiTT. I rtMivcd tnm a p«r»on who wai witncM to it, shsll 1 1 pra< Mfit give. A Canadinn merchant, of •ome coniideration, iMvinff heard of the eurrender of the Bngliih fort, celebrated Ihe fortunate event with great rejoicing* and hoipitaiily, a«* cording to the cuatom of that country ; but no ■ooni>r did the Mwa of the maMarre which «nKU«d renoh hJN ear«, than he put an immediate etop to the festivity, and rxrlninied in (he Mvereit terma againat the inhuman permiuion ; declaring at the tame time that those who had connived at it had thereby 4rawn down on that part of iJinir king'« dominions the von- geance of Heaven. To thin he added, (hat ho much feared the total loaa of them would deaervedly be the conaequence. How ^jT tbil prediction baa been verified we well know. I a t I a a h e 1( I tl b d Alf ACCOUNT or TRS REMARKABLB 0CCURRENCI8 IN THE LIFE AND TRAVELS OP COLONEL JAMBS SMITH, (LATE A GITIZEN OP ■OCRBON COUNTY, MNTUCKV.) DURING HIS CAPTIVITY WITH THE INDIANS. IN THE YEARS irtl, 'M, 'ar, 'as, AND 'SI. la which Um CualMM, Muiwm», Tndiiioaa, Thaologkal SMUiinmla, Mod* af ffuhn, MiUurf Tueiiea, DUcipttM and EacampaMMa, TrMUnmt of Maooaia, Ik. ara iwuw ciphinad, and mora miaalaly ralaiad, than has been haialofeN dona bjr anjr author on that .ubjacst. Tofathar with a dewriplioa aC Iha Sail, Tinbar and Watara, whata ha tfavaUad with tho Indiana during Wraafriviif .— Ta which ia addad a briaf aceoaal of aaiaa vary aacommoa er'^vfaacaa which tranaphrad «Aar i. ^ raian Aam captivity t aa «raU aa of *a dUbiant oampniina oaniad an •<;ii'Mt tha Indiana to tba areatwaid of ftit Pitt, aiaoa tha yaar t7M, to tha ixcaant data, irn.— Writtaa by himaalf PstrAoi.---I was strongly urged to publialk the following wotk immediately after my return from captitity, which v>aa DMirly fortv years ago; but. as at that time the Americana were so litUe acquainted with Indian aflSiira, I apprelftnded a great part of it would be viewed as fable or romance. Aa the Indians never attempted to prevtnt m« either from rwding or writing, I kept a journal, wnich I revised ihortly after my return from captivity, and which I have kf ' since; and as I have had Ut a moderate EngMidi^ have been advised to employ some pereon of lubMsi < to transcribe and embe^liw it~-bat belitilvbig ^ i^ outshines art, bsve thcaght, that occuneneee 1^^ i tl li< e< di IM bl 8 n K tr CI at ia an ^''iM WMI 3 ►'" H 'll' I« l l»il^ COLONEL SMITH'! OAPTITITY. «» « to it, ahmll I »t m* ■omr coniidcnitwn, nglith fori. e«i«bnU«d :• «nd hoipiiklily, M* but no looncr did lh« irh hid «art, than he nnd Fxclniiiied in (h« miaaion ; doclarinif at ived at it had thrraby 'a dominiona the ren- at he much feared the ) conaeqiience. How wail know. I IN THE LIPE AND (Im time the Americans lira, I apprelnnded a >r lom&nce. event ma either from ch I itTised shortly h I hare kj|^ ever «EngU^4 I of mid igthati staled, as they happened, would make the best history, be bet* ter understood, and moat entertaining. In the different Indian apeechea copied into thia work, I have not only imitated their own atyle, or mode of apeaking, but hate alao preaerved the ideas m cation i yet aaiara had endowed him with a vigoiooa conatliatioB, and a atrong and aenaibla mind ; and whether in the camp or the halla m legi^ latloD, ha nve ample proofo of being, by practice aa well aa proteaakm, a airidier ana a aiataasRan. Dnriag the war of 1911 and 13, being than too old to be acrvieeabto in the fleM, he made a lender of hia expanaaee, and publiahod a traalise on the Indian mods of waHhre, with whWh aad experience had made hiu so well a s aa a lBtsd . He died dumly oftarwarda, at tha hooae of k himbar in-law, ik WaaUAjfldn eona^ Keniecky. He was esteemed by all wlm knew Mm as aa aasnpiafy Onrtsriaa, and a eoaaiaient aad asirsTwIna pstfivl. , Br his «nl pwpiaM, he M several chlMien, and two of WsMn» WUliamaa4/«inaMrBbslierad,anBowUvia(. The name oT UaU miad{ andlMd sks llveTta _ <■• MP arMjCM • iht Ti npMp iNnHMnnsi^' wm was eem I Is not insslsMei. la the yMrHMTSi iMwnuiM with Mrs. Harnrat Irvtn, the widMT of Mr. Alpaham bain. Mis. bvin was a lady oTa hia^y eakivMail ^ftn te maiw snwItiiiMa tiaaea* aaa MasaaasA the I weuti have made n« oiSliBary ^fwe . And it may not be oaiaterMtiiic to I afceit akaieh of har Uib. Her niaAan • In Ike year 1744, la Hanover eenaay, i«Bsef«iaa|MM|llSMi^i h« teller sM iheEsv.Ilir. Mr Vml wei* knMhsi^ rWMien Bar HMnhsr was siaiK Jtaw^MMhvk^m* WKT by As gridah asd mrift|h IflHilMNyMMy. ' Hh miMf teosoved, wlMn ana was a tMNf tMmmm *m*m mf OOLOIfKL SMITH'S OIPTIVITY. to wkit WM tlim MlUd LniMnburfr, now ChnrlolUi ccmniy, VlratnUi. Skt Mvtr went lo whool bui ihrcr laonihn, ami that at the am of At* jrtan. At tha «ipiraiioii uf that term the nrhtMil ccaaeit, ami iihc nad no opportu- •ity tu aiiand on« aAamranb Hrr mirthrr, howavtr, buing an iattnigtnt «oiiMin, and an aaeatltiif whuUr, Kav« h«r !• iwmk ui bime On iIm Oih tt Novamber, 1764, aha wa« married to Mr. Irvtn, a mpwtabla man, uouih in modaraw circuinitanrri) In tba ytar 1777, wh«n evary truf mand of hi* counirv hit it hia dutv to rondar tmtno parMinal wrvicc, ha uid a neighbor, by iha nama oi William Handy, agreed (hat 'hey would «U«l (bt the term of three year*, and each lo nerve eighteen innniha : Inrin to aerve the ftr»l half, and Handw the lecond. Mr. Irvln entarea Bpaa duty, in companv with many oihara flron that laetion of the rounirr. when they had marcncd to Dumfriet, Vs.. before they joined the main anny, they were ordereil to halt, ami uuKumte Ibr the iniall-pot. Inrin Mvlacied lo inorulaie, under the imfiretalon he had had the dleeaae daring iniancy Tlie conanquence waa, he look the amall-poi in tba natural way, ■mi diad, leaving Mr*. Irvtn, and Ave small children, four nonii and a daughter. In the fUl of 1783, Mri. Irvin remo/« Imv Fool, or three ibrlce of YobegaMia. My biDther>in*law, William Smith, Esq. of ConoeoehMu|fae, was appeinted com* miationer, to have the oversight of mewi ro«d •Btiere, to aee the event ef utis eampaiffn ; but MUiBpaetiRg that some time in the coaiee of thia inmaMr IdM«Mag«h Ntwm to the arms of my faslvifed. We went on with the iMd,'withoat bUnnqUlaii. iw|^|p4r the Alleghany laeantaia ; when I ww aMM mck^ h .^ipv ■!• hwty up sooM prQviaio»«iw WjUMil - iPMHVi TIVITY. «!• ccmniy, Vkntnia. flM it at the m(f* of Aft jraan. I, *nA nho M(t no opportu- »«v*r, b«ing M iattlligtnt Mmk Ml bimc. On iha Oih Irvin, « rcapwublii man, Mir 1777, wh«n every true mntf |wrMiniil vrvifr, ha ly, kf recti that 'h«y would ) Mrva eiflileen innniha: Kond. Mr Irvin cnlarea ihai aaeUon of the ruunirr. fora ibax juincU the main fbr the iniall-pox. Inrlu liad had the dleeaae daring ill-poi In Iha nainral way, :hiMren, four ions and a ompany with a number of ky ; and three yean after m bad no iesue. She died city, in the Mth year of ian church, and suitalnad riy lift aha wrote but liiOa, nuuurar yoan, aad white har c(mi|K»itMii Mf aver I ahraya ackaowlduM by tt pan. 81m kad • Mpnr piaaea aaeribad to bar Ml ifaiiaf. rine* of PenDaylnmta n ordar to cut a wami ['• rood, ooor the T«r> I. My bioth9r>ifi*bw, , «■■ oppointod com* I rood'catton. lonjrMnefoge, I hod I whom I OMMboadod ooUty oad virtno ; iMt ootttiiAdM I tnoit olio thk cotpfMy (tf raofd* p; but mumnmiktg inwMr IdMwmagtthi >«ft OH OOLONIL IMTTH'S CARinTY. Itl ■ffir['"w''^iiirimp 1 mouatain. in compony with mt> Arnold Vlforaa. AlHwt four OT n»a milaa nbovo Bodford, three ln bit. roaat^, and alao aquaUy dividad, waa aU tho promiwi w hitd until wa cam* to tha Uval Haanan, which wm ahaut flftf mUaa; and a grant put of tha way wa cnao through aa«Ju tag rocky U^i tWckala, withont uy path. jw2 imSm uaual. wbiok i« a |on« ye! or halloa for a»ary aealp or priaona* UMy hnraiB poaoaaakm: tha htat of thaaa aunip haUooa war* umph.^ On thai, pnrfnroiog Aia. wa wax. anawiSd hi £ ""'5K?' ^i»r*H' •^ §»«»• on tha Uynl Hannan. «mW Mot&ir, qviakat thm ona eoold count, by nnothar put? tt l!firjil^'' •^'^ ow wh«a Liionaar now «2^ ^ A» w« Mnnowl nwr thia pnily, thay iner««ad with imaiod SsiiisLdJnfc**^ ra not •!»«• with ZTS {^■•".9S^M twfctftaiidothfr manitheNi iml thmiirh his k fSktt'*'"^^^ ««lt.',l JlS «— - w^.fiMr thf mm fimmmjf, nitanfel ^iih\ , t"* »9t»mt MTt Mmt nil fMKODl onn, iM IMMV'Wai r. Mmf nil fMKopl on*, jr jMiak, an4 in tha nlWnt. whfah Moaa m Om pdiM. ^ iM imI* • knk «i tha . nmt IIWilll ■p* 181 COLOIfIL IMlTK'f CAPTITlTr. bjr th« Mng of nil tho flr«l«( k* in lh« hand* of both IndUnt •111 French who wera in and about ih« fort, in the aforvMid inuiner, and aUo th« grrat gum, which wcr« fullowfld by tha continued ihouit and y«IU of tb« diflbrenl Mvaga trtbta who war* than eollactod thara. At I waa nt thii time unacfjuainiad with thia nioda of firing •nd yelling of thr aavages, I concluded that thi-rti were thou- ■andu of Indianii there ready to receive General Uraddock ; but what added to mv •urpriie,*! aaw number* running tirwnrds me, Mtripped naked, eicepting breech-clouta, and paintad in iha niont hideoua manner, of varinua colon, though tho principal color waa vermillion, or a Iwight red s yet thara waa annexed to ihia black, brown, blue, ftc. Aa thay approached, th«y formed themwtvea into two >ong ranka, about two or three rodn apart. 1 waa told by an Indian that could apeak Enaliah, that I muat ran betwiit iheae ranka, and that tiiey would flog me all the way •« I ran i and if I ran quick, it would b« ao much the batter, «« tbey would quit when I got to the end of the ranka. TiMr« appeared to be a general rejoicing around me, yet I could find nothing like joy in my breaiat ; but I atiurted to tha iMf with »U the reaoiution and vigor I wm capable ot' exerting, Mid found th«t it waa a« I had been told, for I waa flogged the whole way. When I had got near the end of tha line*, I waa ttmok witk aemething that appeared to ma to be a atick, or the iMndIa of a tomabowb, which cauoed me to (Ul to the ground. On my recovering my aenaeii, I end(»avoT<»ui :o renew my race ; bat M I oroee, aome one caat aand in my eyea, which blinded ■M M that I could not aee where to run. They continued be«tiO| mo moat intolerably, until I was at length inaeoaibie; but Wnire I loci iv y een'-'a, I remember my wiehing them to Mtibe the fatal k o^>, for i thought thity intended killing me. but apprehended iV'-y were too long nboiiit it. Tm firat thine lememlwr waa m/ Wtof in the fort amidat Iho Frundt and U'.d'An«, and & French doctor etandinf b^ me, who bad opened a Vein tn my left arm : aiVer which tAo mter* Ctor aaked me hovr I did ; ! told him I felt much pain. Tha itor tben waahed my wound*, and the bruiaed placee of my bo^, with French brandy. Aa I felt faint, and the fanniiy ■SBoh well, I aaked for aome inwardly, but tho doctor toid mo« by the tnterpiuter, that it did not aait my 2«ao. WbMn they found I could apeak, a number of Indka cuoio Mfound m«, and examined me, with throuu of cruel doalh if I did not tell the truth. The firat qneation tboy odced am wh hew many men w^re there in tho party Amt were comhylkMi Pannaylvania to ioia Broddoekt I tolkl them Uio tra^ that thoro weie tfaiea imndrad. Tho oast qoMtkn «M, ««•• Ihoj I I I n N a n u V u rx V V V b m li ▼ P m I a fe tl k F •I iriTT. •n4* of both Indlant fort, in Iha nforvMitl wtrtt fullowffd by th« nt Mvagt tribva who h thii mod* of (Iring th«l thiTH wnr«i ihou> nenil lirnddock ; but cr* niimiitg tcwnrds ta,«nd p«int«d in lh« though tho principal ihcr« WM annvxt«d to inwchnd, they formed 9 or lhr«« tmt apart. Bnffliah, that I muat ivouTd flog mo all tho uld b« ao much tha the «nd of the ranka. iig around m«, yet I ; but I started to tho a capobio oi' exerting, for I waa flogged tha id of tha linm, I waa a to b« a atick, or tha to AUl In tha ground. •i» \o ranew my race ; ' tywt, which olindad m. Thay coniinuad tt length inaenaibie ; my wbhing them to intandad kuling me, tit. ng in th« fort amidtt ictor atanding b^ me, kfter which tha inter* felt much fmm. Tha bruiaed nucaa of my lint, and tha brandy ut tha doctor lotd ma. nbar of Indian eana m of cmal daaih if I 1 thay aakad mm ww Ntt warn comiag.ltoaa tham Um tniC that NtiM tfiuk iPHv ihsy mrm COLONEb H.MITII3 CAPIIVITV. in wall armad f I told them thay were alt well armed, (meaning the arm of fleah.) far th«y had only atxnit ihiriy gun* among the whole of them ; which if ihi* Indinni had known. ih4«y would certainly have gone and out (hem all oif; ihvrBfora, I could »o« in cnnacience let their, know (he dxfcm'eleaaaiiualioii o( theoM) road«k ».»rn« English. Though he upoke but bad EnKljah, vet I found him to be a man of conaidorable underntnndlng. I aaked him if I had done any thing that had offended the ln> diann which canned them to treat me so urimrrriiiilly. Ha said rw>; a wis only aa old cu*,tom ihi, Indinun had, and it waa like how do you do ; after that, he a«id. I would he well uaa J. I owked him if I ahould hw admitted to remain with the French. He aaid no ; and told me that, an aoon a» I n?covered, f muat not only go with tho Indian*, but mu«l b« made an Indian my- aelf. I aakcd him what news from Braddock'a army, lia aaid th« Indians apimi them every day. and he ahowed me, by making marks on th» ground with a atick, (hat Braddoek^ armv waa advancing in very cloae order, and that the Indiana would surround them, take traes, and (aa he eipraaaad it) jAm« MM dmwn al/ one ptgtmn. Shortly after ihui, on the 9th day of July, 17«fi, in tiM morning, I heard a great atir in the fort, Aa I could ihatt walk with a ataf in my hand, I went out of the door, wdiidi wma juat by the wall of the fort, and stood upon the wall, and viewed the Indians in a huddle before the gate, whera war* h«rr«!« vif powder, bullets, Uinta, &c., and every one takinf whaa suited. I «»w the Indians alao march ofTin rank eiHi^t likewise the French Canadians, and some regiikrs. AfWff newinijf the Indiana and French in diflerent poaitiona, I com- putsKl thtm tD be about four hundred, and wondered that tkay attempted to go out ag^tinst Braddock with w> small a futj. I w»s then in high hopes that I would soi.n see th«m fly bafoM !*• Bntiah troi^, and that bo about ono ktihdrod, and chiofly Indiana, and it aoonitd to mo that almoat •vory ono of thia eompanv wm earryin* aealpa ; af^or ihia CUM anothor company with a numbor of wagon horaoa, and alao a groat many acalpo. Thooo that woro coming in, and Ikooo that had anirod, bopt a conatant flring of amall arm*. aaid alao iho groat guna in tho fort, whkh woro accompaniod with tho moat hidooaa oboata and ytUa from all quartora ; ao tlutt it appoarod to mo as if tho inforad rogioaa had broko V Aktml MndowB I bokold a amdll party coming in with tkMt a doMB priaonora, atripwd nakod, with thoit nanda liod haliiBd tkoir Iwcka, and thoir facoo and part of thoir bodioa bhckod I tkooo prioonon thoY bvraod to math en tho book of ▲IkfhMy rinnr. oppooito to tho fort. "• I atood en tho fort wall tMl I hohoM thom bogm to bam om of thtoo mon ; thoy kai hllB tlid to a atako, and kopt toaehing him with flrobranda, Nd-hot irona, Ite., and Im aeiearood in • moot doloAil maonor i iIm Indiana, in tho moan timo, yolling like infernal apirita. 4a this acono appotiod too ahoruBg for mo to boholdi I ingo bout ioro and aorry* ratiivd to my lodgingo WboB I eamo Into my lodginga I aaW Rnaool'i Bovon 8o^ ■wu, which thoy Itad brooflit frmn tho flold of kattlo, whieh a fwnehaan made a prooont to mo. Prom tho hoot information I oould raeolTo, there wore only eovon Indiana and fbar Fronek kttUd in thia battle, and flvo hnndrod Britiak laT dead in tk* loll, keeidea what woro killed b tbo rivor on tkott rotroat. Tho mmning after tho battlo I mw Bnddoek'b aitilWry ktoMkt into the fort; tko aaroo day I aloe IKW aovonl IndiMM hi BrMok oAeon' diooa, witk aaak, kdfMffiS kead kMi, te., wkiek dko Britiak ikon woro. A few daya aAor thii iIm Indtaaa daiMuM mt^ta^twm flk ii gad >o gn witk Ikom. I wd ool fMwrfl iUiJMriMi% V«i thay t6ok mo in a mbm tij^ tko 4wigkai linrlt w 1ft* ■*TSP»" ITf. I t mnMr liwl ju«i rtainljr »>• (UfMi«* ba about ona ad to ma that almoat B acalpai aftar tbia I wagon honaa. and irara coming in. and Iring of amaU arma. :h wara aceompanlad [Vom all quaftcra ; ao a ragiooa had broko rtv comlM in with riih thalt btada tiad part of thaif bodiaa aath en tbo bank of tood on tha fort wall of thtaa man ; thay him with ftrobranda, oat dokAil mannar i ra infernal apiriu. for m« to oahold, I knaaol'a 8«vm Sar- iMofUttU,whichn tho boot information iana and tent Franck Itiah Inr dMid in iko on than rotraot. Bnddoek'fe wtUkry ooLoiviL RMitn f CArnrrrt. m dlan town, that waa on th* north aiiU of tha rir«r, about forty mlUa alNtvn fort Du Qu««na. H*r« I rvtnainnd about ihn^ waaka, ami waa than lakan to an Indian town on ih* W0«t branch of MuakiMum, about twenty mikt alwvw ih« fnrka, whirh waa i-allad Tullihaa, inhakitad by l>nUwar««, Cauf hna* wagaa. ami Mohirana. On our rnula baiwiii lh« afnrrMiid towna iha country waa ehiallv Ma<*k oak and whita oak land, whi<^h appeared generally to he good wheat land, chiefly aerond and third rata, intarmiied with aome rich Itotioiiu. > The day aftar my arrival at (He aforeeaid inwn, a numbar ' of Indiana eollaetaa about me, and one of them heipin to |^ the hair out of my head. Ha had aome aahea on a piece «4 bark, in which ha frequently dipped hia Angara, in ordai to laba tha Armor hold, and ao he went on. aa if ho had been Cucking a turkey, until ha had all the hair clean out of my wd, aicapt a amall apot about ihrao or four inchaa aquara on my crown; thia thev cut ofTwith a pair of aciaaora, ei:apting three locka, which they draaaad uo in their own mode. Two of thaaa they wrapped rotind wttk a narrow beaded gnrtor mado bv thamaalvaa for that purpoaa, and tha other ikay plaitod at full Ungth, and than atuak it ftill of ailvar brooekaa. AAai tkia tkay borad my noaa and aara, and fliad ma off witk 9tah rinn and noaa Jowala i tkon thay ordarad ma to itrin off my elouiaa and put on a bffaoek<«k»ut, w\kir\ I did s thay ikon paintad my haad. (koa, and body, in rarioua eolora. Thoy put a kurgo halt of wampum on my neck, and ailvor banda on ray kanda and rigkl armt and ao an oki ehiaf lad ma out in tko Mfoai. and gava tha alarm halloo, cmw ig kt Mvanl limaa rapaniod quiek { and on tkia, all that wara in tko town cmbo running and atood nmnd tko old ckiaf, wko kaki mo by tko kand in tka midaL Aa I at that time knew notking of tkoir moda of adoption, and kad aaan tham pat to doatk all tkay knA takO'^. and aa I novar could find tkat tkoy aavad a man alivu at Bmddoek'a doftat, I mado no doubt but tkrr wora akoul tting mo to dootk in aema erual mannari Tno oU ikiol^ Cttlng mo Mine mo by tko knnd. mado a long apaaek, very kNi|| mm n ho ka< dono, ka kandad ma to tkiao yonna a^kMra. wko lod aa by tko kand down tko bank, into tko rivm^ mtn wkon tka walar waa up to our middlo. Tko aquawa tkan mado dfM to ao to fkinga myaalf into tko water, but I dkl not undaratand tkoMi I tkottgkt tkat tko laault of tko council waa tkat I akoall ba diowrnod, and tkat tkaaa young ladiaa wart to ba tko Tkoy all thrao laid vkilont kold of ma, and I §m NMB tfaM omioad Ikom witk all my mi^t, wkidi ocoop riljiflilMii laugMtr by tko multitudo that woro on tko knak ;M^ ^fllwiiliwi. At kofik OM of tka nnawa mado out to ^iMk ^W ^ OOLOfflL NMITN'R OAfTmTT • htlU Rn U afir«i.j nf r>M,| mU Mid MM Aitff |f««i. Oil «h)K I K«««i riiyMrlf up to ihrtr |««(y> •kif*, wktt w»ra m fowd m in«ir w«)^d ^ fof ihmiKit lK«>y ^wnmd rn« ttiuUr t*«ur, *n >mnrA hn>iM, wk«r« Mm* of lH« Inba w«r« nnttly with n«w rlotha* fof ma. Tttay !■*• "la * naw rulRad thlrt, whU-h I uur on, •!■« • p«lr of l«((ina dona off with ribliatM anil liMdi, lik«wlaa • p«ir of ■MMCMina, And «»'**'* draaaad wtiK baada, poreupina «)MilU, and rad hair — aim * itnaal laco? « np^w. Thoy «f«in patiitad My h««d and f« «• with variou* > >rs, and liad • Mn<'h of rad AMihora (O ona of ihoaa lock* ihay had laA tm (ha cntwn of My hffmd, wki«h aln»»J up ftvo or ati iMckaa. Thay aa«l«d mo m • bMrakia, Aiwi gtva m« ■ pipa, iom«h«wk, and pniecsl* ikhi Murh. '■fhith Md ba«n akinnad poekol fMhion, and eoii' Miiwd i'-ij«r.-o, killafanlro, of dry auMach Uavaa, whirb thay Ut*a witH thffir tellmeeo , aUo apunk, fliiii, and aloal. Wh«n 1 «■/ 'haa wmmmv, iho Indiana tama m draaaod and painlad in Ikntr K«'«fMl««( tnannar. Aa thay canto in th«y took ihalr aoala, Mid fof a c«<»«idarabl« tim« ihara wn* a profoand t^tatM*— M waa imok'nf i but not a word waa anokan amonf Al lavftli ona af iha cbiofa m«da a apoaeh. wkkk waa iaHvawd lo OM by an inlarprau«r, and waa aa folloiralk i " My w«, you aia now (iMh of our flaah, and bona of our boM. By (ka aafOMony which waa parformod ihia day ovary droB m wMto Mood waa waahod out of your vaioa i you ara lakon Into (ka Ca']gtMowa|o nation, and uiitintvd into a warlika tHbar JMI lie ■Japudinto a fraat fiMnily, and now "^iHMlvad with ffoM wrioMMiai Mid aolamnity tn th^ room and plaea of a ffuH MMk AfUr what haa paaaad (h>a day .you ara now ona of aa ly an old aOMif law and eo«iom. Ny Mm, you hara new ■altdf to fSMr--wa ara now undor (bo mmo obllntiona M lovo, auppart, and dofond you that wa ara M lova and^to dtland MM aaochar t Ikaraibra, you tr« to eonaidar youfoalf aa ona of MW poeplo.** Al thia tima I did not btliavo (bit Ana apaaeH, MfimPy thai of tha whlta blood boing waalMd out of no ; hot IHM IMI tima I hava found that iSara waa much aincoritj ta aaid aoaaeh ; for, I^mu that dav, I nafor know ibam to Maha Miy dialinetion batwaon mo ana tbomaaltaa in any — ^— . wlmiovor antfi I laft tharo. If thay had plenty of eloUUBf, I hai pioMr I if w« wom oMreo, wa all almrad ona bM. Amr thia aaroMoay waa over, I waa iatredueed M mif wm Ub, and toM that I wna to attend a Ibaal dmi araMtag^ vfllkli I did. And aa tha oMrteto waa, thoy gave ma alao » WiH ■adi i 9M«t Wkkk l«M^ wMl MOM (ko flMlk«40M (TY >\t up Ut lliew Mjf* , (of lh»i«»Kti »h«)f new , (MIm of iko T - riaiM "( ima uf iKa «lii«fa in lli/« (own w«* Fo^MiiymM* r)Kh'.,i, altn I'liifiry, nn *^»f^ 'h<> «• 'ty Ut 'V*r 10 iha 'ruiiiioM of Vi'uuua, tlv» iiaai tklii.^ Ii> /•*« fwrnvaii wM tka wnr <(ai)<^, «ii>l «tiair war-ann|fa. At «l\ r w«f* daiiia (hi^y hail built «ii< .1 Mtd >ti«4,rtim«ntal mu»f> . ' y hd a thnit liitlUiw tfiim, <-l<^v.«l ai >»• umi, wUk war < attil (Mrckmoni air«i4-Uo«l «t«ri>r thi* rt|'x>n •»«! ih«r««if. whii h '^a«i wllk otiM itit'li, ami moda a *<>vinipMfUiim c«M(rt«(d togvtfiMff •itil (Mrma*!. At old lii(Ii«n ihan b«g»n loalnf, «n«l limrd «k« fttHMit by tMMling on lM« 'inim. n» ih<« an t liHidl votca Mikl wkal warlilia asplolia ho bad and what m n tttkmt warriwra not bafora Intondad le go by tbia parformane*, ilwi ibay look «p ik« lomabawk ud Maf tha wtfaoof , wbkik waa aaawarad with aboali of joy. at tk«f ifvro ikao ioteiaiod into tba prokani marsbhiff e— paay. Tki MJrt memiiff tbb company dt ootlactad at ana pboa, wink iImAv haada aad boat paintad with variaua eolora, aad paeka «p«i tJMir baaka ; tbay narabod ofl*. all ailant, auopt tba aamwMtM' wti wbe, in tha flroat, auiif tba tnvailinf aenf , wbiali bagwi tft ibia wa—ar i km «tm g k m m t $ hmg um . Juai aa tba laar paM> •4 lb* aad of tba town, tbay bagan to flra i« tbair dow omu^ Mti Ami Iba Avnt to tba mv i wbkb waa aaaompaakid «HA ■hMtia awi yala Um all qaaiian. Tkia afaoiaf I waa iofilad to anotbar aort al « iHid votca MNd what warlika asploiia ho bad daM^ now inlandod to dn, whieb wora anawatcd by Aa ra with loud about* Ii MiKaf 'rka ««Mtii«4 \mt4» ' tm«ll •«M«, wkkk rviiM. Wllan lla kafan la aliif, k* lli«i«fl ilM IMM < ii kta r«l«l« ) katik m»n •ii4 wwinan 4«n««4 •«4 •untg i«c««ll«f, < ( 4N*i|iig i*«m4* ••ck ««kar, iimiphtf tmill iKair k*«4« wtMiM Jm lawaklnf W t^thmt, ami ik«« rw«iM4 fr«Hn tUn' iNf , «Uk U4*4 akaMla, mU ralM«l< D ■.a4 Mtitatl 'fnln, and la r«pa«l*4 ika tama tkliif avar *ii>^ r»v«r, for thraa r fuiir kauni wlika«t lalarmiaalaii. TkM atari; Mt s^p*ara4 u» ma al At«( IrraUaiMil aiHl tiial^i ImI I f«itn4 lk«l in ainfflMf ikair lunaa tkay ^44 ya M «• Am MM «w, Aw., Ilka ««ir /i il ik t*^ (tM«tflk ikay kara n* a«ah iKing as jiiif lt>.f v«r«a, < «4 l|) , aii Iniatmli aanlaiiaaa wilk I hair noiaa. »n4 aay -. t 'iic| * .aa «a aaak atkar. aiUl Mlty on ika iMita in eoncaft ! »'MMiC >k«i lAto WM * kM a( WMlng Off ffaw' nf 4aM«, * ' «• ikajr •4vnii««4 Maaying wilA tiMIr kM4a L^aihar, ika 'A My wkal ikaf y>an»a4 In ftk atk* •f '• —t, wlih'Mii 4U- ..lartinf ihalt ra«tfk mmk, «n4 iIm nUMra, •r llkaaa nar , n«( k«M wknl ikay mkU. Bk«ftl)r k,^t ikla I want out la kwni, ki «'aiiipnny wtik M** iMwk lUtairan, aonaa of iIm Ca«fK»«w«f>«» an4 • Daltwtra iMlinn. Umi< wna m«rrla4 lo a Caafkiiawmta w^mw. Wa !*•• fail«4 nkowl aoulh fram ikia inwn, aiwl iKa Afai nifkl wa kilM iMthIng, but wa ka4 wiili at man cofii. «kl«k «« f««ata4 Mi4 •M ikal niffki. Tka nail lUj wa aneamDa^ akoul iwalf* o'clock, aw) ika human iuriia«l imii lo kuni, muI I want 4own iIm ran lAni wa ancain|ia4 mi, in com^ny wllk ioma atjiMwa Mild boya, lo kunt pluma, wkkh wa loun4 in fvani pianiy. On mjr rotum to enmp 1 i)haarva4 a Urfa pl«ca 0/ ht manl i Um DnUwnra In4ian. iknl conM mlk aomo Knffiiak, > k aoff^4 mo looking aomaatly nl (kit moni, nnd «ake4 mo, wAol mooI ftm tMmk Ikml it t 1 Mkl 1 nipMM4 11 wm boot omoi i ka Um^ o4, on4 aniil, Ao, «tf om /M vmi. Aaol mm 9l^ fOol. mmI powh laf to Um oikaf aida of iha camp, \ I ropliod, tkot I tkottfkl it w«o iwif bod« MM Mi4 camp, ko anld, mm at ikm lAta, 'ikt wf ■ * pm tktnk iMtUtmlrkimt I warn an4 lilW4 Om alik. wkiok ■ Mwnrad lika an oX'kida ( ko ikon aoiil, Ml, tkot I tkottf kl It w«o MMMO WM i M 1 1 I ocknowUfair 1 414 not kmm mmk dlbmA nd toUl him I nofor raw • knUkif, •»< iktl I h^gah iktt mh iImoo tkinft, ond iMd not honrd what eoloT ikov won Mn dun M« Wool MMiy ktMl»{ A V*^ a^a aa 1-. ^-*- sUm rA«7 -»-■'- *---*^ -**■ a MOi aom wa ai^oia aaiWi inwa aw^a ^nw^aaw Ho rapltoilMMtflM Ai/rio; A* Mw ji li jM IWk MMk Tsiy wHI i ^ ,.- rttmr i« » > w J In MMk Mk* [Ik miMk, aimI Um •Umm. 1, in V iMii^iiy witk U»- W«f« «i|W«W. W* !•»• iK« lirai nlf III w« kUM I. «||t«ll w« t«M(*J ud mctmpU tlHral lw«tff« huKi, (kni I wtmi d«w« |Wn| Wilk MOM M)IMW« 14 in ffrwii ^ly. Chi I piMm of hi niMi I tk* • i:*ffii«i»< ttlMrv^d ma M bMt mMi i H« knifii* mm «% pMl. m4 f*Mt> wi4, ImS al f A«l dkta, I UIW4 iIm tlibi. wlilalk *M t MM* Via* [ u ii Ml hMw mmIi dUttl ■■«s^ i i^»^». ».^mmm <►, ^^^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) €< "% 4i< 4l V>,^ ^0 1.0 ;-■" lii 1^ I.I 1.25 lU lU lu Ilia 1.4 1.6 o%. ^ Photographic Sciences CorporaJion m ds V <^ ^ <<^" atiaw, which thay mada aharp at the end like a pen, and 4ip> pad thaM ia diia poiaon, and atndt tham in lh« gnmnd among IM ooLONiL iMrnri oAmrmr. Uit mat, dofiff their own Iracka, in •uch • pMiUon thai ihty mignt tilck into iH* Itfi of ih* purtiMtt, which •ntw«rt4 the dMign I and a« iho CiiawbM \mA ninMr* bthind to watch the motion of iho purauon, whon thoy found that a numhor of ihtm war* lama, baing artlAcially anaka bit, and that thay wara all turning hack, tha Oatawbaa tumad upon tha purauara, and d«> faatad tham. and killad and acalpad all thoaa that wara lame. Whan Solomon had Aniahad ihia iiory, and found that I un* daratood him, ha concludad by laying, yatt dan'f ktim, Ctmmka •alhr M Indium, CtmtU M mi$ inii CmtawU. Soma tima aftar thia, I waa told to taka tha doga with ma, and go down tha c;«ak, parhapa I might kill a turkay ; it baing In tha afbmoon, I waa alio told not to go far flrom tha craak, and to coma up Uia craak a|ain to tha camp, and to uka cara not to gat kMt. Whan I bad gona aooM d|f tanca down tha araak, Icama upon fraah buflklo tracka, aad aa I had a numbar of doga with ma to atop tha buflklo, I concludad I would follow •Aar and kill oaa ( and aa tha graaa and waada wara rank, I ao«ld laodily follow tha track. A littlo bafora aundown I daa* pairad of coming up with tham. I wu than thin'ini how I ailht gat to camp baibro night. I concludad, aa tha oaflUa had IMMM aavatal tuma, if I took tha track back to tha etaak it wtfM b* dark balbfa I could gal to camp { tharefora I thought I weald taka a aaar way through tha hiOa, and itrika tha craak a littlo balaw tha camp; but aa it waa eldudy waathar, and I a v«7 yauag woodaman, I could find naiibar eiaak aar camp. Wkan ai^t eama on I fired my gun aavaial timaa, and hal* laaad, hat could hava no anawar. Tha na« momiag aariy , (Im^ hdiaaa wtra out alter ma. aad aa I had with ma tan at a 4Mm doga, aad tbagiaaa and waada laak. thay could readily Uofiraytmak. Whan thar cam* up with ma, thay appeared H la ia vary goad humor. I aakad BolanMn if ha thMght I «M lyumiaf away { ha eaid, aa, na, yen m ipa iiMl thtkul, Qpi wy latum to eamp thay took my goa Roia flit and for thia mk *(«P I waa radttcad ta a bow and arrawa. for aaar t«a yaata. Wa wara oat on thia tour for about ati w TUa eeoatry ia gaaafaUv hilly, thottgk laianBlxad wHh flaaaidarahla quaaiitiae of liea uplaad, aad aoaaa aaod boUoraa. Whaa wa vataraod to tha town, P1«||t aailiiafaily had aniead. and brought with tham a eenaidaraHajwaihaf af aealpe wA peiaonan flmm tha aaa;1i braneh of tha JNMmi»| Ihiy alaattrought with tham aa Bngilah WXU,^MAlkmmm0 a Dutch womaa who waa a priaoaar; M aa alMd|kllll i^BB|U ah,Aamadaa.naaaBtonttoma.wMftlipiiy I 1 I t t I i I a f tl H a •«aMM i«ch • pMiUen ibal ih«y •n, which Bnawtrtd lh« Mrt behind to watch iha d that • numhtr of thtm t, and that lh«y wtra all oa lh« purmiara, and da* til ihoaa thai wara lame, iry, and found that I un* fmt dan'f In 7m, CafavAa 41 CiUawU. ) uka tha doga with ma, III kill a tttriiay ( it being to go far from iha creak, a camp, and to lake care MMM distance down tha I, and aa I had a number lonclttded I would follow and woeda were rank, I la before tundown I dee* raa then thin'inff how I sittded, aa tha ouftla had aek back to the eteak it mjp { therefor* I lhou|^l liUa, and itrike the creek ta aldudy waalhar, and I Doithet eieak Mf camp. I) aavanl timaa, and hal* *h* nasi nomiag earl}, 1 1 had with m* tan at a rank, tkay covld readily ■ with na, iWy aya a arad Mmmni if M ikMghi I ^^B Sw ^^^P ^^^^^^V ^^^^^^^^Va oa Ron Ml and fir thia md amfira, for near !#• about ail wuaka. ihoo^ laianBixad widi toffv aadlia pally had iambi* Mpkar of aaalp* 1 vt iIm TOmm^I mj ti*m ft , ooumtL Mmrt OApmrmr. i»l mj adopted brother, called Toatileaugo, who had married a Wyandot aauaw, took me with him to lake Brie. We pro* eeeded op the weat branch of Muakingum, and for tome die* tanee «p the rivvr the land waa hill^. but inlermiied with lanra bedlea of tolerable rich uplanJI, and eicellent boltoma. W* proeeedtd on to the head watera of the weat branch of Muak* Ingum. On the head watera of thii branch, and fVom thane* to the watera of Caneaadooharie, there ia a large body of rich, well lyinj; land ; the timber ia aah, walnut, «ufar*tree, buckeye, honey>lot'uat, and cherrv, intermiied with aome oak, hickory, kc. Thia lour waa at the time that the black hawa ware ripe, and we were arMom out of aight of them ; they were common here both in the bottema and upland. On thia route we had no horaee with na, and when we atart- *d from the town all the pack I carried waa a pouch containing my hooka, a little dried veniaon, and my ManKafr. I had ihMi no gun, but Tontileaugo, who waa a lirBt*mte hunter, carried a rifle gun, and every day killed deer, raeeoona, or baara. W* Uft the meat, excepting a little for praaent uaa, and carried th* . akina with ua until we encamped, and then atretehed them wldJK elm bark. In a frame made with polee atuek in tha ground, aail tkd lagether with lynn or elm bark ; and when th* akina warn drM by th* 6r*, w* paekad th*m up and carried ibam with at th* n*it day. Aa Tantfleaai* could not apeak Bngliah, I had I* amk* «a* •f all Iha Caunnawaga I had Immed, even to talk vary iai* parfcetly with him ; but I found Vleamed to talk Indian hat«r thia way than whaa I had thoae with om who BMliah' Aa WW praa**d*d down th* Oanaeadoeharie watera, owr paeht laew aaad by th* akiaa that worn daily killed, aud haeam* §# rwtf haavT that w* aoold not march mom than aighl or Mi mflwporday. W* caam to bh* Bri* about ais mllaa i th*m*«th *r M Oaa*aad*aharla, thditWhit w* «am* l* th* lak*. I waa aurpriaad to hear roaring ef th* walav, aad as* •i th* high wavaa that daahad agalMl th* alMN*, Uh* A* **aaa. W* *Mamped on a m aaav tiM lah^aad a* th* wbd M dnt night, th* a*xt momiaf th* Um i*aa mrfy b a ■ie<* m * modoa, andSr* marehad *■ thf Mtii aloag th* fldo ollhft water, framantly raathig annuhraa, ai «• wwthaafOflhiM. I aaw oath* mad a number of laig* flak, thilhatlMillllkiflMovh*no«rplae**t aa tha wind fcll and thi wtvm aMMd^ tfMgr WM* laft wuhoot wator, or only a amali foiMMi oat gg ml i w *r bald aad gray tagla*, to., wwa olMi ti* Amw flavMriog th*m. II* ««■• 10 a Ih|0 flan^ •# MMi ■MaaaMii mmata SSGSfe ■ HP OmOIVBL IMITB'l OAPIIVrif. WvMMlo(t, Bt Ik* motiUi of CMi«HkloolMri«, wiMft TeniilMU- fo'a wife WM. H«rf w* w«r« klmlly rwtivtd i tlicjr gav* m • kind of reuf li, brown PoiaioM, wkkk mw •poninnoooaly. •nd woro enllod bv lb* Cnnf knowofu MmmmI«. Tb*«o po« laioo* potlod nml dippod in rMcoen't fill imio nonrly lik« ««tr ■Wfot potolooo. Tmv nlM gtvo ut wkni ikojr caU etmtktmnlt. wkkk ia kind of komonjr, rood* of groon eorn, dritd, aod konno. miiod lofoikor. Prom iko kood wai«r« of ConoMidookorio to ikia piaca, ika id ia |fnamUy good t ekiafly Ural or tacond rata, and, com* puaiivaiy. litUa or no third rata. Tha only rafuaa k toma •WMBpa tkai appanr to ba lao wai for um. yat 1 apprakand lk«i • nnmbar of Ikam, if drainad, would maba atrallani maadowa. Tka timbar ia black oak, walnut, kickorv. ekarrv, black aik, Vkita aak. walar aak. kockaya, kiaekWoeuat, boaay*loeuM, •vfnr-traa, and aim. Tkam ia alao •ama Und, tkougk com* Mntivalv bat amall, wkara tka timbar ia chiafly wkita oak, or Iwek t Ikia may ka eallad tkird ram. In tka boiioma, and aka plaaaa in tka upkind, tkara ia a larga quantity al wild plnm. Hid rad and bUek kaw iraaa. It appaarad to ba 11 wnlarad, and a planijy of maadow ground, intarmiiad wilk lykad, but no Urga pniriaa or gladaa tkat I mw or kaard ^. w Ikia roum daar, baar, turkaya. and raeeoona appaarad plan* tj, kut no bullklo, and vary lUila lign of alka. W» eontinoad our aamn at ika monik of Canaaadeokaria Ibr Mroa lima, wkara w« itiUad Mma daar, and a,graat many netMraa i tka raccoena kara wara ramarkakly higa and fat At langtk wa alt ambarkad in • larpa birck kark eanoa. Tkia Naaaal waa about four ISmi wida, an4 tkraa fcal daap, and akont flfa and tkirty feat bag ( and thovgk it eonkl carrv a kaavy kwdan. it was an artftiHy and eurioualy eonatraetad, tkat four ca«ld carry it aaranl milao, or fram ona kMidiag plaaa la Mr, or from tka wamn af ika laka m ika walara ol ika Oliia. Wa ptoeaadad «p Canaaadaalmria a faw mttaa. and «aal mi akora m kuai t km to mv giaai avrprlaa tkay carriad tka vaaaal wa all «ima in up tka taaiik, and Invariad it or tarn- •i ikt kollom nn, and eofivanai it la a dwallingi k atma. and UMbd a flra kaiHfa ua lA'warm awaalraa by and oaak. Wilk mu kagwga and onraaWfa is tkia kauaa am wn* laiy muck oawdad, fM onr Uttia kooaa tnraad of tka mki vary waU. Wa kaM moving mid kantiag «p Ikia rivat anal wa mmt totkalOb; kara warananinadaoma waaka, and UiM«aMI. kar of daar, aavaial kaara, and a fiaat many ra oaaa a a. Vtam tka mootk of tMa rivar ta tka (kUa ia akmit If* aaAipnty milaa. On oar paaaaga up I waa pK iMMk a«t Ima m ihNa^ lit. wknt 1 i«p pw gMii Umi Mid iMi kiUf. «, . ip.^ >ii! .^' AfTITITf. MlmrU. wImt* ToiuilMitt* ikJi mw ■yoniMMoaily, [M Jmtnal0. TImh* po« I Cm iMte ima\y lik« our thai ikwy call e im tktm n *, of fTMii eom. driwU, mm Joohari* to ihii placK, ih« or Mcend niia, •nd, com* Th« only rtAiM It miim UM, ytt I appr*b«iKl duu mtb* •ir«U«ni oMadowt. kkoffVi ciMrrv. black aih, lack'iocttsl, bon«y*locttit, ) MOM land, tkottflli com* •I la chlafly wkita oak, of In ika boiiama, and aka I a Urf* quantity of wild r tnoa. It appoaiad to ba 9 gfoundi intonniMd wilk aa tkat 1 mw or kaaKl of. I rae«oena appaarod plan* 1 of tika. nottth of Canaaadeoltaria ■ doafi and a groat many amarkably laigo and fit. I blfck kaik eanoo. Tkia tkrta feat daop, and akoat h il could carry a baavy laly conatfttctod. thai fear aka to dM walara of dla mria a fow mUoo. and ioaia«fptlao tkoy cwrlad t, Md invortad it or tain* to a dwalli n f l iowaa, and •Iraa by and oaak. With auaa ara naia i«iy Mt gfftkonta varviMU. Ibia ri?ar •aifl im il ntaaj HMaMns. 9Imi ia akwit !«• asA tmMy I mmk Mit Inm «» ikm» oihiUf. r.:< OOLOHIL iMITN'f OArTlYITV. M Aboat tba falla ic ihln chaanui land, »kkb ia almaat tba anlv cbaanui limlMr I avar law in thin rowniry. Wkllo wa rtmatn««l h«r« I M\ my pnurh wiib ry kooka in camp, wrapt up in my bUnbwi, and want out to hunt ckaanuta. On mv raturn to camp my book* war* miMinff. I inqairad aAar tnam, and aakad lh« Indiana if thty know whara thay wara i ihay told ma that ihay cuppoaMl iha puppiaa bad carriad tbtm off I )iid not baiiava tham, but ibougbt ihay wara dia> nlaaaad al my poring over mv booka, and eoncludad that thay bad dcatroyad iham, or put tnam out of my way. A(Ur thia I waa again out afUr aula, and an my ratam babald a now aroction, compoaad of two wbito wak aaplinga, ^ that wara forked about twol'.a faat high, and aiaod about It taan faat apart. Tbay bad cut thaaa aapliaga at tba ferka, and laid a alrong pola acroaa, which appaarad in tba form of a gnl> lawa, and tba polaa tbay bad abavad vary amaatb, aad painlad in piacaa with varmiUion. I could not conaaiva tba naa af tbia piaca of work, and at langtb coicludad il ama a galbwa. I thought that I bad diaplaaaad tham by raading iBf kaaka.«M (bat tbay wara about putting ma to daath. Tika Mil manilM I abaarvad tbam bringing tbair akina all la thia pkca. h3 iMnging ibam avar tbia pola, ao aa to piaaarva tbam from hateg iajuiad by tba waatbar. Thia ramovad my feaia. Tbay nbt buriad tbair Urga canoo in tba ground, which ia tba aray dMf took la praaarva tbia aort af a canoa in tba ariMar Aa wa bad at thia tiroa no boraa, avary ana jc^t • paek a« kit back, and wo Maaiad an aaat courao about twalva milaa md aneampad. Tba nait maming w proaaada d on tba mm aoaraa abaat tan milaa to a larga ciaah that ampiiao Into luki tba aama mannav tbay raiaad anotbar wall oppaaiio ta tyoi •! Jii •iMtlwalva fcat dialanaa; Ibantbay dfofa AKfca laihagMMd iatbaoantra of aaeb and, and laid a atraiw polaftmBairfM 4i4on ibaaa Mai afd fbm ihaaa wdla (• iba H>%*il aatm pdlM Inmaad af mAara. and an ibaaa tkoy liad aMmft flP'P^ W^H ■wW w»WP IP Wv WIMMT SMMtta /Ai«My|iMwil|MC itumlwyaMaiiM tba Ma lial.W tniMll Mat lWfMitad,aMwban tbay ted II wiUda Iim mAttmaUiiAm Ika baik wlib iba loMbavk. imor ni 17 ail Inakaa haaad, lima paliki IM oouMfiL •Mimt eAmrtrr. lMii*lM«rk ImhmIW ntnUt (die iMrk, an^ pttil it 9\#tm itmn M Um btiii of ih« ifM t M> Umi MfiMtlmM (MM ^(m>« •€ ImhIi wiU ha iklrty fM< l«mf . Tkk bark (livy cm at MiiaMa IvngtlM in M^ar la cava? ilia liai. Al ilia •n4 af iMaa wall* ikay mI n|^ tplil timkaf. m ihai iHay Im4 llmbar all nxtntl, tioapiliif a daor al aa«ll 9n4. Al tha i«t>. in |4a«a a/ a fktmnay, ihay IcA an epn pla^a, an4 for I»a4illaf lliay Iai4 4own iho aforaaaid kind of hark, a«i whkk Ikay ^raa4 kaar^ina. I^rom ami lo an4 of ikio kul along llta iniddia ikara wara Araa, wkkk ika M)uawa mada of dry ■plil waod. and ika kalaa or opan plaraa ikal appaarad ika aqmwa aiaa p a d wiik moaa, whkil ikav eellactad fmn old Um; MM al ika doar ihav kaiif a baarMdiin t and nolwlihilandinf tka wiaiara ara kan kara, aur ladfinf waa muck katiar ikan wkai i aifaaiad. Il araa aama lima in Dacamkar wkan wa flniakad ikia win* lar aakin i btii wkan wa kad goi inie ikia f ondparaiivaly Ana ladfinf, aaoikar dlAcaliy aroaa, wa kad naikinc la aai. Wkila I wna Iraaallinf wiik Taniilaauge, aa waa bafora manilonad, U pbiHy af fill vaniaan, baar'a mani and meeoona, I ikaa ki II WM ' dMMfki II waa kard iivinf wiikeiii braad or aah ; b«l now I kafMi 10 eanakida, ikai if 1 kad any ikinf ikal waa!d knntak fHMklaf knnfav, and kaap aevl and kady lafalkari I wenid bo WbUa tka knniara wara all eal, atartinf thamaalvaa lo tbo MMoat of ikair ability, ika tqnawa and t«yf (in wkkk ebaa I WM) araia aeallarad oul in ika baMoma, kHMlnf rad knwa, kkm knwa and kiakory nnla. Aa it wna too bla in ika yanr, wt did not aneaaad in fnikarinf kawa t b«l wa kad laloraMo ■Maaaa ia aeraiekinf «p kiekory n«ia Atom an4ar a lif kl anow, vryak wa carriad Wlik na laai ika knaioffa ako«M not aoecaad. AAor oar ratnm llivlMinian eama in. wko kad kilM only two Mdall tarkaya, wkUb wara but Hitio amoaf aiflll kontara and Alnaan aqaawa, baWf and aMMh ; bat tlwy wara dif idad wiik iko fiaaioai wm tj w i d )iiat i e» ' ava i y oa# fot tkair aqaal Tho nasi dav tka kwMan taraad oat agafait and killad ana Ono of tko kaan waa vary brfa aad raaiarkaMy flit Thi kaaiata carriad ia BM«t aaflkianl to fiva at all a noafljr nq^ ptf and braakfMla Tka aqaawa and all tkat ooaM carry taraad aal I* i>a U i atary aaa kad tkair ahara aaaifnad tkoM, a*! «i wnaoBMaf tkoloaatt yai, not bahif oc c aaioatid lo .a tkia way, I mi aiaaadinf waary, aad toM tfMM waa to« baa^, I araat laava part of it aad omb* ftr **-■:. I. TtTITT. pttll it aloM 4«i»ii M MM pW* 91 Urk will •I •ttiuibl* UngtiM In p aplll tinikaf. m iImi dooff •! tacb and. Al *n opan pi«7«, •n4 fof Irul of tMrk, a«i whkh •n4 of ibia hut tiofif M|U*wa m* ihay wauUl gv lo war wvan In ibia inrUmanl •a^aon, in ordar lo bring in boraoa. ToniiUaugo wkbad to ba ono of tbnaa wbo abould go lo war ( but Ibo voloa want aninat bim, aa bo waa ono of our boat bun* tar*) it waa iboughl noaaaanry lo laava bim at ihU winlof camp to provida for iba aqwawa and rbtliiran. h waa agraad upon ibat Tonliloaugo and ibraa otbara abouM iiay ami bunt, and ibo oibar four go to war. Tboy iban bagan to go ibrongb ibair common earamony. Thay aung tboir war>aonga. dancad ibrir war-danraa, *o. And wban ibay wara aquippad ibay want of ainging tboir marebing aona. and Uring iHair guna. Our camp appwirad to ba rajoiaingi but I waa ri«^ to ibink ibai aomo ianoaoM paiaona would ba murdorod, not ibinbing of dkngor. AAar ibo doparturo of tbaao warriora wo bad baid li«oo| aad tbottgb wo arora not aliogatbor out of proviaioao, wo woM brougbi to abort aliowaneo. At langib Tiwtilaauge bad aoa* kidorabto aaoeoaa, a« -i wo bad moat brougbi into aamp a«A> tiani to laai too i( ^ TonUbmugo tbon toob om witb bim la ordar to oaoamp ik,.-* diatoaea from ibia wintor anMn, to tn kia lacb tboro. W« iarrio4 no proviaiona witb na i bo aaM b« womM loato wbal waa tboro Cm ibo aauawa an4 ebiMion, mA tbat wa aottid ablA for ontaoltoo. Wo atootod aboat a^aovdb eourao up Ibo waton of ihia afoob. an4 an«Mipod abom m« m iwolvo miloa ttmn ibo wintor eabin. Aa it waa aiUI aaU woaibar ao4 a eraat upon ibo aaow, wbiab mado a aoioa at wo walkod, and alamtod tbo door, wa eouM kill notking, mat OMMoottontly wont to aloop witbont anppar. Tbo only dMMa wo bad andor ihooo eirmuaatoncaa waa to boat baar kolnoi aa Um koara akoui Okriaimaa aoaiek out a wiator lodgiM plaa% wkoro ikoy Up akoal Umoo or four roonUia wiUtout aalfMar drinUaff. Tkfai bmj appaar to aono ineradikU i kat k io wall known to ko iko eaao by Uioao wbo lira in Um romoia waa^ •ropaffto al NorUi Amorioa. /nm mu aarataff oariv wa prooaodod on. aad wkoa w» M a UaaamMkad ky iko koara elimkiag up, aad tko kola bOiattaa aa ilri a l ly largo tor ika roeopiioo oT Um koar^ w« teiMMaMdiMoraMaUtrao againat or soar Uto koltf mItiWmMfJmSmm m attmk up and drivo aai Um kw% mm nmm OOmNVIL MUIHI OAfTITtTTt mklk T««U)M«f* mm4 Mtiv wHik kit f«« m4 Ww. W» VMM M ki Uu« i m «i n » iiiitti •VMtM. wMiMi w m >M. Al tMftli w« UmtiA • iarg* •Im trrsuliW. •ii4 • M* U It aHmn hny tftmfi km% m» um ntflk, •ittubU <• UJf* tfatiMt iIm %ak. TMittWaMf* f»< • Uiif f*l« an^ mum dry imimi wwhI, wliteli Im U«4 Im mmcHm, wlili Iwfti t aiMl m tkltn wm • irM i wlik kua Ilk rMM« mmi, §n aM mW. TIm rtMan Im liwi !• Ills kvli, Mi4 M MM m4 •! IM p»l« Im iM • •■4 • ^« •( r«M«A wm4, wIMiIi Im m( if* m, m It ■■■■■J MMM Am tlmw* Ilk* ifiiak, mi4 mmIm4 ikl* lM«li (Nm Ikik M llMk M Im w«m ii|^ WIim Im fo« «• villi Mte Im Mit 4rf woe4 on An InM liM iMk i ■(!•? Im fwi AM in M Im«m tlM bMT HMf, Mi4 Im cmm •fM^ily >1« iMk kit fM tai kit iMiM. ud w«Im4 aiHll iIm hmt wt fM| k«l k WMi fwi In ki iInm kafff* H MMMf ■* and wiM* MkiM alflH wUb bli flii 1 Vil M ik» kM» • MmW WMa4 ilM tkm M m. I «m fmsriaf iIm m ilMl « M«««« kM kc aalM M ■• I* Msf. »«•« ins m MMdM I aM wMi ikat tk« kaar foil m Um trMii4. ■MNff WW ktMfffVi wa kNMiail a iWi aMM« UM aaaf • laak ■aiNf nvy ktntfryi wa ■MMlail a wai asaMv um aaaf • ' Mil ika KvaTi aM wvaaaad aana tt tka eaal Ikl wmM, aiM h as a araaiia tfii, wVikk «a ■taak la tka grami4 kj ika 1^ li laaai ( ika* w akliiM^ ika kaar» gaiaa aar kalUa, aa4 ka4 ladl laaM aa4 kallad, aai alaa laaaa la aa» aiaai, wktek ifpiiiii M aM M ka dalkaM im. AAar I waa AiUf laiteia^ I waal la alaaf i TdaiUaaafa aaraha aw« nytef • MaM, aal ■nitji wa kava aal BMai plaatjf aaw< •«^|M aaii a iafaiag wa «ai iuim a Ifaa ttaatyai l adlkatk aa4 ■Ma a aaag Ikila alMiMf, Ikakif ika aaatfiaaai. wlik a larga lif katwiit aa aaiika a atik waat i wa awfc afaad iia kalbra mtt mi leaibUii a| aar aMai ai aaaatJa. Wlaawakadi»i Um aar aaaip wa waai aat la kaai« aa a i a kti iwa inaa Ihf laanikallaaaBarpaaa. Aa ika mmw tkawad a IkHa la iM afbiaaaa, Taailiaaafa kilM a4aaff» wkkk waaaffiM wiik m Tka aasi ^aj wa tanwd aat to kaal, aa4 aaar Ika «aM|^ wa kmai a «aa wall aetaukai t kai ika kala waa akawi Ikrtf fcal Miktaaiaaifaa lka«wa «a«y Mf» ifataMlka hriit^S iaf a aaaaMmfcIa pan af tka 4agr ■HM Mi • fM m4 kmt, Wt , tmi • ktU in tt •!>••( U i« l«lf« •!*'*** *^ 1*4 M lll«f« WM • tf«« «f MM iIm h«W, Imi i Ml Mf« U !• •4v«»> liMiM tf ikki tt— •hi m4 mI». TIm r*M«fi I •! ilM p»fo It* iM • ih Im M< Ufa !•. M It Mi 9—»h»i Uitai Mall kM M fM «• miik ilk lMt« I alUff V* |Nit U • turn apM^ily •lewn. •Mil iIm Um wovli I H mfUUf* •mi wkMk M mwk kit rtii ( Ul M • Ml ti iuwm kjr • itWt •M ftn ftf?0W| ftA4 tn#9 I WM frvfariag •!•• M I* MSf, MM* wi CMU ikt IMMli, SMd Ml Um grMm4 ^r Um lit I M Mr kcMl*. Mi4 liai • «• Mr MMi, mkkk IM I WM (WUjr Miki«4 M IfMifMMbMll m4 ■mUhmi, wklk • lug* ■MM ^JPOM Bft MWIV MnM l«««M»fcV » dMwi4 • Uiito in «Im ibww SrS mm^ tmmm eouwti. nimrt carmttt. NV •M up, ImuUtmmgm mnh kUt «mm m4 him. •ml | wtiK mf In»« m»iv imnt. Tmui—muv, tk^n ii»« lM«r iHrwiyli wiiii !»»• rtd*. • Itltk) Uklii4 ll»« •kwMM^r* . I •!«« •))««, Ihii un> fof Wk ; aiii Ml k«Nif iMn niii#ik arr 'MImmmnI !« iM IwaHMM, my antm fM«if«ia4 ««l]r • (Ww tmth— iknmtk iIm aktn Navlnr kllM an aM aka War aa4 ikfaa . uU. wa )mnM li«f an iIm anaw la Ika id iraaa. kwi foaa^ m haart. C>n mt wmy iMiaa wa laak Ikfaa raaaaatM a«il aT a Itallaw aim. mi Um (Vam iIm traan^. Wa ramatnwl iiara ahant iwa iraaiia. •n4 tn iSia iMna bilM iMif kMn. ikraa 4aaff, wfarai lariiajra aii4 a naaihar a/ rM> aMM. Wa pa«lM4 ttf aa maail maal a* wa aaaid ••m, ■•4 ralamaa la a«r winlaf raMn. On our arrival likara waa fMM jajr. aa iWy wtn ail la a iiarpiiiff eauaiiiaii. iIm tikiaa feaal. «fa Ikai wa Im4 lall ImvIm iiiiia4 Imi rarr iHlla. Ail UM aMM aarry a naJi. rafulfa^^ia mu cams la Maff In mm. •aiM ilMa b Pakaary iIm kmt arw^ava laiafMrf. wlM Im4 •^ *Tt.r^ "^ ablwwaa from iM frwMtata a# HmmH. VMik. Um iianiata «mM ilMa araiiar am a iiiiiHiiilMi 4». (anaa *«■ ika wiMar «iM» aii4 anaMiiy. Htt mmm, anrf Mm J* (NJ^pMUiaMi M tiMi wa B a w aaiy aAar liiU M ^kSf ;.. — ^ » ""^ ••fw. Aa aama a# *• aim Uik «W att^F •» ihia aaaaM. iIm M|iMwa. aAar tmikm^ Ifaa iWlWMy 4a, aai it iiewn,a«l wilk arraaMMM.wSU m4 akan M«kaawl.MakilMUrlia«rilMifM,an4a#«Mi kaik mada vaaaala in a tmrkm* nMnnar, iImi wmM ImU twa fdlMM ajMk t ilMy nmiia akava aM kanatarf aT ikaM INiM af faaaate. b ika Mgar iraa ikay rai a aaiak, ala^ imm •Ml al Ika a^4 a# Ika naiek MMk in a lamdMwk liiiSa pkM wkm ikay adiak Ika toaakawk ikay *•»• • ^•H •kClS M^i* aMty Ika wM« aM <^a« Ika IIM. aii4 mi4ar iklrMMt Ml ikaif faaaal la laaatta k As aufar iiaM wtM BlaMy ih3 hffikM^lktyMUaMM aafM Mtakarf alMa ikMwMMi !«• M iknt Imi am. Tkay alM bm^ kark MMala fcr «» fykM Ika WMM. ikM wMl4 kaU akaM Ibar mUmm aMk. ka4 tw» IMM hMtlaa. ikai kaM akMl Mmm mMmw ^ kMlka U wkiek ikar kaiM lk«^^ Bm M Ikaf aaaU Ml ilWM«aifaMf lkayiiMMM^4MMiM,.M,yd?;ik.yka4,/>J5 ^MMlly af IT* •»•♦ #* J ( MaWWHweMipi B«MM Ni couMiii. uimrt lAmvirt. IM tufM MmU, ••4 til ikM «• 4tMwl M* nmw4 -inliw AlHMt Ukto IMM MMM •# Um MlM M« Ml4 Mfwil W«M •» |t»)r«4 hi «MlltM| *a4 •t«Hl4Mlf IMf* Iw MMtlMMf WIWHIl^ rWMK M WmU «rtl*f MWtMM, (liMflM llta «lMb Alffkl. «• IM4i «M irttiif la |«Ma » Iwf Umm frwa »«ilMif . TiM MMtaf Iv^ tM4 IwmIi mi iMlk aOw W Ik* !«•, «dlf iMviaff ite 4m jvyktf III* Imi •! iMt bMr** (bVM4 —hit ««M*i li ^M^ ^ ^^M^^^^ a^bk 51 M< » tM vyi* to iUmmA kf ittlltag iIm tkia tff iIm Mtki wwmi itnteflk ibMi fwdl A* Mdl mi mUk %tiakt§imm k MfHkw ltt» • ■iM^i te ika ^MiiiM ■ 1^ «^ Hi^ kaiMB aki^ ikav 1^4 A •t wmII jiwii *y, w fc— >ni|» M «Snb «mM teM JmiS h ifciw viMk II «M«hqr MUM liMli kiii% WkM •! lUMtiMM Mt4|» «• wmmi hmk «• ii» Mb^ ■m Mt^ M* iIm ««ittMi(Mi. Ihti 4iM Ml vM«k «M i*Mii w , W|>— w4ly. I mil t« M« «riM« «*«• Um ■Miicf ) ilMjr alMwvrf MM M)r hMktt Mi4 «it4 iltov *««• fM hlMW I WM (ft«t«4«l ill* MMW «l Ummi, mi4 iMi iImv WW *»m«wI wMlk «• U w n n itoy Immi4. a* IMkMi In Ikb lll4l»N, MfMMlljr (MmI tK« W«Ml4«« tMHPt* te^M %Mm§ w mm%m, (Mf mm umi mm »• w wmmm iMifit« w "«■ WM w iJMyhti4 •!«*•» 9ktmm i* hm, mi4 aIm tof In^Hm •f hMtob TWy ■■>■< If Ik* hMk* »•«• l. 1 mm ■Mm wm nhmmi imv umn mmwm wvw umv hVi wkmi #w Ml Ml WMMi XlMJf UMn MMTM IMW llMy Mjri j MM SMI IIMMM9 W l9fM 9m MM W%M^i IM ft 49#^MIM HMMk t|M MIMMf WM> TnM WM HM MM MMK lM( I flH 9ff MMI Viv VBvVHrfVy i ^w^Bm vf^rw w^w^v v ^w^iw« i^wi^w ■■■■ ■ MmJI* MMMtl Ut 2 WfM MW W ftMM* llM 1||41m« fl| Ml M ffp IM IfffMi MS WM A MM. IM MMS W Ml* «(* Mm. I mm bim 1 dM. W« iIm» i SBSvl MNViy WMN^ mm MMSflipvVl* Al IM0 HHM I CM 0Vi fcMur ftMMV t^^^y af ^ •Mk m iIm mmiJ h >mi j iMf* mM9S li w w$ BBMH M9 w Wi 9i Apfll* W9 BBS BMHHHHHH9 ■MMM i«Mff kMJM M. W « aIm fe«l»4 MM* MMJf kMMMiV B V^M^ hM^B| WM m VMMV VNI | mNB IMMfll M(V BBS 1MB HI A » Aft A «.'». ■ ** ' A.A_ ^_f mIm ^vWW VN wVMSvf WfwW ^^PW HB W^^^WIWV mVOT WWW vBBM V ^HBv Bv |MM BMB BH VMM9| BBBM M# MBVf *BBB hlllfetMMlMMIillw1«M4i«M««lll kMl TktMktMM MfM li AMM mHI Am ««M my wiM. '^nriklMi MP kMN 0MMM4t4 IImI WP MMI ffWI dMPI tpMlTlMM Mm I UMPfkl «« M«M Ml MMMpliik ft. Hi m^ kni&i WB iPMi kMiP^ ipiMiii. M ^ittpj pp< faiUM i>BwwfcMiimppiPMi laaugo than eoncludad ha would do aa tha iBdianli did with wild horaoa whan out at war : which ia to ahoot thain thraodi tka Mak undar tha mana. and abova tha boM. which wiU •Mi* tham to fall and lia until thay can hallar tham, and than Ik^r raoovar again. Thia ha attampiad to dot hut aa tha m»f waa vary wild, ha could not Mt aaOeiantly nigh to ahoot hat i« th* piopar plaea t howavar, ha ahot, tha ball p aaaad too ]mtt and killad h»t. Aa tha horaa and colt atayad at tlUa pUaa. wa caught tha hoiaa, and took Urn uA tka colt with tu 9tm awaa wj i < i ; ; Wa ataiyad at tkiacamp about two w«aka, aad killad a miat- hiiaf baua, laeeoona, and aanaa baavaia, Wa mada a canoa «f ^alm bark, and Tontilaaugo ambadtad ki It.' Ha anivtd ai tka lirila thai nightt whibt I, motmiad an k«aaha»k. wHk • baai^akia aaddb and baik atiirap^Mwaadad \fhad to tha fdttA I oaaa than tha nast nonuiig» and w mritd vn liiira and Inading pttt *hir ****■ Tkh »^ ia vary rapid §n aaaaa diataaaa jibow tka Mk OiH^MBdaahaiia. 1 mtHmttm mrmr. I Miimiil lo ran • ilMrt ft hon*. H« Mid b« It. H« had hMrd Um \nA now ha would mo lal I novor had ran bU \o ihat way of ninninf. >ro than Mvon or •ignl toibinf , wo muti oitlior and about minriM wt pting brMch*«louta and (bt of both Tontiloaugo again until about throo M run all day in about •y paaatd wbtro I was. Atn bad a long rott. I |o, and after aonM time tht ehakoMMUgh, whiek purauod on. and aAat 1 about an hour btfeta •a bofioa. and rtttaraod A told bim { k« ropliod . Tbty art woodorftil •m Yory lirad. Tonti- • tbo IndiMk did witk toahooithttn tbioagb tlM boM, wbieh wiU 1 knltor tbom, and iboa lad to do; but at tha lOeiantly nigh to aboot bot, tha ball paaaad too ad eolt atayod at thia ■ and tba colt witb oa loka, attd billod a Mun- ta. Wo BMda a aaaoa {an; Haanif^dat oakMakwktwiika MMbylwd tatkM 'f aad wa aaniad tar ooumiL iiirnri oAprmrf. rni tiaa iato tko wuth aido of lako Brio, about atgbt milaa aaat from fianduaky, or botwixt Saaduiky and Cayanaga. On tbio lait routo tha land ia ntarly tba mum aa that laal doacribodi only tboro ia not m much awainpy or wot ground. Wo again procoodad lowarda tha lako, I on hortaback. aad Tontiloaugo oy wator. Hora tba land ia ganarally good, but I found aoma difficulty in gotting round awaniM and ponda. Wbon wo cam* to tho laka, 1 procttdod along tbo atrand, and TontiUaugo naar tho thoro, MinotinMa paddlingi and aomo* times |;9Uing hia eanoo along. AAar aomo (imo tho wind aroao, and bo wont into tho mouth of a •mall crook and ancampod. Hora wo staid aovaial dava OB account of high wind, which miaod tho Uko in groat bu« Iowa. Wbilo wo woro boro, Tontiloaugo wont oat to bunt, and whon bo was gono a Wyaadot cama to our eamp ; I gafa him a shouldor of voniaon which 1 had by tbo flro woil roaatod4 aad bo rocoivod it gladlv. told mo bo waa hungry, aad tbankoa mo for my kindnosa. Whon Tontiloaugo cama homo, I told him that a Wyandot had boon at camp, and that I gava him a ahouldor of roastod vanison ; ho said that waa vary wall, aad I auppoao yoa garo him also augar and boar'a oil to oat with hia vaaison. I toM him I did not t u tho augar aad baar^ oO waa down in tho eanoo I did not go for it Ho ropliod, jaa havo bohavod Jaat Uko a Duiohman.* Do vou not Icnow that whon straagaiB coom to our eamp wo oupit always to giva thorn tho boat that wahava? I acknowlodfod that I was wtaaf. Ho aaid that ha eoald oicuaa thia, aa I waa bat yoang; bat i maat laaia to bakata like a warrior, and do ifraat tbtaga, aad aofor bo foand la aay aueh littla aetiona. Tha laka balag Maia ealm,t wo piaeoodod. aad arrivod «% at Sanyoadaaad, whieh waa a Wyandot town that lay «|mi a «nall ciaak whlah aaytisa iato dM littla bka balaw tha aMMh of Sanduaky. Tha towa waa akant oighty rood ahova tho moath af tlil eiaok, oa tha aoath aida of a hurgo phUa, oa whkh tfaahw nawiaadaathiagjaarobat gnaaar Bottloo. laaoaMylfiMii tbato woM bigc lalB whaia aathlng bat fum grm ihlii thiM fiMt high whoa ftawa, aad hi othor plaeao aothMf %im aatilla, vaiv laah* wkaia tha ooU i^ aitianaly rloh aad ImMi h«f» thoy p l Biid aoia. Ia thia towa ihoia wa«i «Im riM^h tndon, who paithaaad oar aUaa aad Aw, aad wa all fM«Nr •MhM^ aalali tobaoca, 9n, pi ODLQNiL iMinrt CAftiriTr. ^\ AlUr I had got My n«w clotkM, and my haad doM off UIm • Md'hmdfd woodpMktr/I, in company with a numlwr of joonj Indians, w«p down to tha corn-fiaU lo W9* iha tquaws •I work. Wkan'tra eama iharo tkay aakad ma to taka a koa, which I did, and hoad for aoma lima. Tha Mjuawa appkiadad ma aa a mod band at ika baainata ; but whan I raiumad lo tba town tha old roan, haarinf of what I had dona, chid ma, and ■aid that I waa adopted in tha placa of a (raai man, and muai not hoa com lika a aouaw. Tkay navtr had occaalon to laproTo ma for any thing lika ihia afaint as I navar waa •Btiamaly fond of work, I raadily coropliad with thair ordan.'* As tha Indians on thair ratom from ihair winter hunt bring in with tham larga quantitiaa of boar's oil, sugar, driad vani* •on, kc., at this tima thay hava planly, and do not spare aaiing •r giringt thus thay maka way with thair provisian as quick M poaaiUa. Thay hava no such thing as regular meals, Waakraat, dinner, or supper ; but if any one, even the town folks, would go to the same house aaveiml limee in one day, ha would be InTitad U» eat of tha beat ) and with them it is bad manoars to roAise to eat whan it is oflbred. If tiiey will not # aat it ie interpreted aa a aymptom of displaasuia, or that tha * paraona ref^litf to eat were angry with thoae who invited At thia time honony, planiiiViIly mixed with bear'a oil and nigar, or driad veniaen, bear'a oil, and sugar, is what thay oAr la every one who eomaa in any tinM of the day ; and so thay go on until thair augar, bear's oil, and vaniaoa are all gone, •nd than they hava te eat honiony by itaaU; without bread, •all, or any thing alsas y«t atill thay invite avarr ana that aemea in te eat whilst thay have any thing te give. It is thoni^i a ahana not te invite people to eat while they hava pM thing; but if tkay can in truth only aay we hava got .■Mhing to eat, this is accepted as an honorable apology. All Aa hnntera and warriors coatinaad in town about six weeks •iUr are eama in; thay spent this tima in piinting, going Uwn knaa to houae, eating, smaking, and playinK at a ganw reeem* bUag diee, or buatle^aB. Tkay pot a nofabar af plvn*stenea b a anall bowl; one aide of each staaa it blaek, ami tha otW wkitei tkay than ahaka ar hoalla the bawl, aaUiiirt kiti, Mto, %JUiMMy. Aawasv. ruf^rmtt wbkk a^iiiiaaealliH Ikr white Off Maeki or what thay wisk te turn apt thay iIma tan dte bowl, and oovnt tha whitaa and blaeln. Saosa wait kail> lag their kind of dnm aod sinriag: othan w^w aariMlifa yltyinr on a aait of flute maaa af kaOaw mmtSSSmt playing on tka j^Vhaip. Sana pait af thIa ikm^Wi alpa ■ke« up ill atteBdiof tha #— eOkouaa , wTmii tUmtk^Mm MiMMM ■HiiXiitiiiiiimi iKHIM<|llii>ilifcli lArtlTITf. vnd my h«Ml (l«M ttt Uk« npany wtih • number of )m-A«M to M« iho M|UOws )y Mkod JIM lo laVo • hoo, I. Tbt tqiMwi ■pploadod I I but whtn I rtturn«4 to »t I hod dont, cbid mo, and of frost mon, ond muit ly iMvor hod occasion lo ■ NPtint •■ I novor wm iropiiod with thoir ordon." mt thtir winter hunt bring Mr'o oil, tugor, driod veni* ty, and do not tpora ooting h their provision m quieh thing ■■ reguUr moels, f uiy one, even the town iOTenU timeo in one day. It t and with them it ia bad I oflered. If they will not of diipleaaufv, or that the y with Ihoee who inTited mixed with bear'a oil and id aunr, it what they oAr • of IBO day i and to they and Ttnieoa are all gone, r hy kaeU; witho«t bread, liey faiTiie eveiT one that any thfog to give. It ia |de to eat while they have III only eay we have got B honorable apolofy. All in te«ii about iTi weelu no b fiiinting, going tnm playinr at a game reeem* a miTMer ef pi«n*eteaeo it biaek, aad the other bowl, oaliiiigii kit$t Mill ivhicb eigsManMlliBff Ibr I tan apt thty ikm «■» bUeho. 8«nt«fMtln»' oiBeia W9M pnw et l ap ji w^gpap ape «at| WlHM WliMMII JHH' OOLONIL SMITR't OAPTtTITY. Ml •I many other* a* choM, attended ; and at ni|hi they were frequently employed in tinging end dancing. 'Towanlt the hMt of thit lime, which wet in June, 17M, iney were all en* gaged in preparing to go to war againit the frontiers of Vl^ ginia. when thev were equipped, they went through their ceremonies, sung tneir war*eongi, 4m. They all marched off, Afom llfteen lo siity years of a|e i and tome boya, only twelve years old, were eauipped wita iheir bows and arrows, and went to war t so that none were leA in town but sauaws and children, except myself, one very old man, and anotner, about HAy yeara of age, who wat lame. The Indiant were then in grsat hopes that they would drive all the Virginiana over the lake, which ia all the name they know for the aea. They had aome eauae fnr thie hope, hi* canae, at thia time, the Americana were altogether unac- quainted with war of any kind, and coiiaequently very unAt to stand their hand with auch aubtle enemiea aa the Indiana weru. The two old Indiana aaked me if I did not think that the Indiana and French would aubdue all America, except New England, which they aakl they had tried in old timea. I toM them I thought not. They aaid ther had already drove them idl out of the mounlaina, and had cniefly kid waate the graut ▼alley betwixt the North and South mountain, from PMemae to Jamee river, which ia a conakieTable part of the beet huid la Virginia, Maryhmd, aad PMineylvania, aad that the while people appeared to them like feobt they could neither guard agatatt aurpriae, rua, aor flght Theee, they aaid, were thair reaaoae far aayiaf that they would aubdue the whitee. Thajr aaked ma to oAr my raaaona for my opiaioa, aad told ma la apeak my miad ftaely. I told them that the white people (a the eaai wore vary auiaeretta, like the traee. and thoagh ihev appeared to them m be fools, aa they were aat acquaiaiad wm theirwayofwar, yollkay wareaotfoolB} therefore, after aema time, dlMT will lawa year amde of war. aad turn upoa yon, at at laaat defoad Humailvm. I lauad ttal the old mea thaap* lelvae did aol kaHava imy eeald eoaqaer Aiaerifla, yat l|qr waia williag la pn(ph|ila tlm idea ia atdar la eawaurafa iha yaaa* maa la ft la war. Whaa Ike wanfcm loft ttio lawa, wa had aeiillar amai, ii|ar, «r htar^ ail left. All that wa had thaa ta Iha oa wii eata Maalad liiaaMMM meal or email hoaMoy; tfiif ik^ haOm'im walMi alUdl a aaa ai a d Iflm wall thlekeaed eaapi wMMlia lalio mf mtog •m- Far mim lima wa had pleafy ' hmttifi at laaglk wa weia kraagki la vary > tai ai Iha warriare did aat laiam aa eaba aa in a iiarvlat rmtiliioB. aMi l«l oaa IT umpMP^Hw m i lomi ii** * i "' « ■i w i im 'i.' m « in> ' . iw i iiii i> t i p mi i i. i)' i i nu>m i ;,.. i|i m t i uM*. mm i M i mM." * ■ I n I ■ ■ m *' ^ OOLONIL IMITI't OAfnVITV. T Th* oU UfM y mn in th« town, ind verv liiiU ammunition. Wfindoi :Anelud»d ihnt M would go • Hunting In % canoo, Md talct mo with him, and try to liili dt«r in th« w«tor, m il WM thtn wnicring timo. W« wtnt up Snndutlty • f«w miUi, ibtn tumod up • oracle and •ne«n)|Ktil. Wo hod lighta pro* Crod, ■• wo woro to hunt in l^u night, ond tUu ■ picco of rk and oomo huthoo oot up ii. iho canoo, in orditr to concoal •urMlvoa from iho door. A littlo boy that waa with ut hold tho light ( I workod iho canoo. and iho old man, who had hia fun loadod with larm ahoi, whon wo camo noar the dear, ftrod, and in thia manna? killed ihroo door in part of ono night. Wo wont to our Aro, ato htartily. and in iho mornintf roiurnod lo town in ordor to roliovo tho hungry and diatreaaod. Whon wo eamo to town tho childron wore crying bittoriv oa Moount of pinching hungor. Wo dolivored what wo had lakoD. Md though it waa but littlo among ao many, it waa dividod •ceording to tho ttricioat ruloa of jnaiico. Wo immodiaioly aol Ml for anothor hunt, but boforo wo rotumod a part of tho war- lion had eomo in, and brought with thorn on horaeback • •Mntity of moat Thoao waniora had dividod into diOoront Mrtioa, and all atruek at diflorant plaeoa in Ausuita county. Thoy brought in with thorn a conaidorablo numbor of aealM, MiwnofB, herooa, and othor plunder. Ono of tho poroo* Woaghi in with thorn ono Aithtii Campball, that ia now Colo* Ml Campball, who livoo on Holaion rivor. noof Iho Bwral Oak. Aa tho Wyandota at Sunvondoand and thoao at Utr tooit warn eonnoctod, Mr. Campball waa taken to Dotioiti Vm ho romainod aomo timo with mo in thia town. Hia coiu* Mny wu rory agreoablo, and I waa aony whon ho Uft mo. Daring hia May at Sunyondoand ho borrowed my BiUo, ai|d imdo aomo portinont ramarka on what ho bad road. Ono IMBMgo waa whoro it ia aaid, " It ia good for man thai bo toMtho yoke in hia yoath." Ho aaid w;o might to bo ro* lignod to tho wUI of ProvidoQco. M wo iforo now beanng Um yeko in ou^ youth. Nc OampUU oppaaiod to bo then llMiiaUtoooovfOToniooDyoonof ogo.^ ^ , nPhow woo Mimbof of prioonoia bRonght ia \ff thoao partioa, and whon thoy woro to run tho fiiimUl I uront ond taJA tho* how thoy won to oot. Om 'Mo So»i«i waa tNOUlIt in. middlo.ofod omwi or oboui larty nm m- m •00 to mn Iho founilol. 1 loM him whot lio M Mifti AM oftoc thii I Ml into 000 of thd «Mkif with Iho l4MllM>.iiMwilnff ■M VoUioff Uko thonii o«d. oa tttiy wofo AM mt>.mmith*|tiim AmU^ . odn Ahooi t^ MiMikii t|Mo,imriioii eopM ill. t^ y. ■ Liwiu W u ii iw iaai^Ortw m iMW4^'*M lunition. TIm old UiM t • hunting in • caimm, ih iham on honaback • •d dividad into diflarani •caa in Avfuata county, •rabla numbar of m«Im ir. Ona of tha partiaa npbaU, thai ia now Cpio* a rivar, naar tha Bov») tdaand aid Uiooa at U»f waa takao to DatioitI in tkia town. Hia coiu* •orry whan ha laft w, borrowod my BiUa, aqd rhat ha had raad. Ona la good for man that ha Mid wa ought to ha ra* I wa t)r*f« BO^ baariog UU appaarad ta ba than tn taongtu h ^ Uiaaa fkUfrtliMj wot tha fiUitUiM I wot M»4 fraa waia AM laif, |iWlllip» OOLONIL INITH'ff CAPTIVITY. m« waa baginninf to b« of mm, m that wa had «ilh«r (rratn rern or vanlaon, and •omttimaa both, which waa, roinparalivaly, high living. Whan wa could hav« pUnty of gratn corn, or roHling aara, tha huntora bocama laav, and apant thair tiina, aa already mi>ntionad, in linging and dancing, Ice. Thi^y ap« paartd lo ba rulAIUng tha acrlplurva bayond thoac who profpao to btlitva th ih» mmiih of ih* UttU fell*, whora h« m«t with iho ronip«ny he inlriuiod goinf wiUl, which WM cofliMMtd of CdUffhiiDwiigiia and Oiuwm Hon 1 WM inlriMiur«a lo a (*iiUKhn«wag« liatrr, and oihun I h«4 ii«v«r h«ror« Mon. My fUlrr'* iiainti waa Mary, which Utay pronouncad M»tiil$ I atkvd Ta«:au|^niaiMi|o how it eama that aha had an Enf li»h nama. Ha Mid ihal ha did not know that it wta an Bngli*H nama ; btit it waa tlia nama iha priaal gava har whan iha waa banliiad, whi«h ha aaid waa tha nama of tha molhar of Jaiui. tla Mid ihara w»ra a craat ■any of tha Caughnawtgaa and Wyandola thai wtra a kind of half Roman Catholiea ( but aa for hiiuMlf, ha Mid, that Um priaat and him could not agraa, as ihay hald notions that eeotradictad both aanaa and raaaon. and had tha aiauranca to tall him that tha book of Ood taught thorn thtaa foellah ab* •nrditita t but h« could not ballava tha gnat and good Sftirit •tor taught tbam any auch nonaanao | and tharafora ha eon* eladad that tha Indiana' old roligion waa battar than thia now way of wonhipping Ood. Tka Ottawaa kavo a vary umAiI kind of tanta which thty Mrry with tham, mada of Aaga, plaitad and atitchad togtthar la a ftry utful mannar, a« aa to tarn rain or wind wall~-«ach OMt b mada AAaan fbat long, and about Avo foot broad. In Ofdar to tract thia kind of tant, thay eat a aumbar of long attaigllt polaa, whkh thay driva in tha graund, in form of a aiitla. Waning inwarda ; than thay aaraad tka mata on thaaa Bokw, baginalng at tha bottom and axtandiag ap, laaving Mihr a kola in «ha top uneovarad, and tkia kola anawora tka alaaa of a ekimaoy. Thay maka a lia of dry aplit wood in Um mkMla, and apraad down bark mau and akiaa for badding, m wkkk tkay alaop in a erookad poatura all roaad tka Art, at tka langtk of tkair bada will aot admit of atiateklnflt tkam- adhaa. la placa of a door tkay lift aa oaa aad af a ilMt aad ataaa la, aaa lot t)ia mat Ikll dowa bakind tkam. 1%aaa tanta art warm and dry, aad tolarably claar of amoka. Tkair himbar tkay kaap uadar birek*)>nrk eanoaa, wkkk tkay aarrr aat aad tarn ap for a akahar, wkara tkay katp tym Mng ftoia tka raia. No'JUag la la tli« tanla kal ikaaiaalvaa aad tkair badiiat^ Tkia ug^pMj kad four birek eaaoaa anJ Toar taali. Wo wart kia^ reeaivod, and tkay gava aa plaaty af k ai a aay, aad wUd fowl boilad and roaaiad. Aa tka gaaaa, daahi, •waaa, Ate., kara ara wall gfaia*M, tkay wara laaMihaNy Irt. aapacially tha giaan*noekad dueka. J3llirwttd fowl kaiafoadapoaaUaiafwiUiiMtkal mvtTY to lh» motilh of iIm «ny he iniciMleJ going ivwKirn* ■n«l OiiawM rag« lUlrr, anil olhon mm«i WM M«ry. whicli )«:«u|^r«(«ii*|o how it II* Mid that h« did not It it WM ill* nam« iIm •d, which ho Mid WM Mid ihoro w«r« • crMt ndola thai wrro a liind hihiMir, ha Mid, that thay hold notion! th«l 1 had th« aMuninc* ta Uham thoaa foeliah ab> fraai and good Spirit and tkertforo ha ean* la battar than thia now nd of tanta which thay I and atitchad togathar iln or wind wall— 4acli ut (Iva faat broad. In eat a ntambar of long I ground, in form of a lad tha mata an thaaa aitanding ap, laaving ihla hola anawara tha ra of dry opiit wood in lanaakinaforbadding. lura all ronnd tho Ara, mit of atvolahinff tham- ono and of a riMt and ind tharo. ilaraUy claar of imoka. nrk eanoaa, which thay wiMro thay kaap arary i« tania hM tkaaaadvaa a anJ rour taali. Wo iu planty af kaoMvy, Aa tba gMoa, ' "^ thoy wan (M or wU iIm «kM COLONEL iitmrf cApntmr. growa «ponianc«iual)r in iha ihallow watar. or wai pla<*a alang UM aidat or III rh« cornur* of ih« laica*. Aa iha wimi wa* high and wi« could not procrrd on our voyaffi*, Wit ri'inaiiwd h«ri« •••varal (lay*, and killnd abwndanaa af wild fowl, and a niimtwr of raccmin*. Whan a comnany of lintiana nri* mnvina logrthvr on tha lako, aa it ia al inia lima of tho year oA«n Jantforuua Miiing, tho old m«n hold a council i and whan thay agrt^tt lo ambark, fvary ono i* rngagnd immKdiaicty in making r«, though iho laka may ba boiitaroua and horrid. Onr morning, though iha wind ap* p*ar<*d to mo (o h* aa high m in dnya pa«l, and tha bilbwa raging, yat the call waa civan ptthoA'yoknX, which waa quickly anawarad by all — aoA*«ol, which ligniAaa agmad. W* wara all inalanlly ongagvd in nraparing lo atari, and had conaidam- Ma dilReulliaa in ambarking. Aa aoon aa wa got into our cano«a wa fall lo paddling witk all our might, making out from tha ihora. Though thaaa aort of eanoaa rido wavaa bayond what couM ba aipactad, yat tlM watar aavaral timaa daahed into tham. Whan wa got oat about half a roila from ahora, wa hoiatad Mil, and m it waa naarly a wool wind, wa than aaaroad to rida tha wavaa wilk aoaa, and want on at a rapid rata. Wa than all laid down oar paddlaa, aieapling ana that ataarad, and thara waa no walM oaahad into our canoM until wa cama naar tha ahora again. Wa aailad abnut iiity milaa that day, and ancampad aaoM lima baforo night. Tha nait day wa again ambarkad, and want on rory w«0 ior aoma tima | bat tha laka baing boiataroua, and tha wia4 not bir, wa wara obligtd tu maka to ahora, which wa aeaoaa- pliahad with hard work and aom* difllculty in landing. Tko naxt morning a council wm haU by tha old mon. Aa wa hod thia day to naaa by a kmg pracipica of roeka on tha ahora about nina milaa, wnich rendarvd it impoaaikla fur ua to land, thoogh tha wind wm high and tha laka >WM|k, yat, M it WM hit, wa wara all ordarad to ambark. Wf^ wrought oaraalvaa eat from tka ahora and hoiatad aaU« (what wa aaad in plaoa af aail-elotk woro our tant mata, wkieh an> awarad tka purpaaa vary wall,) and want on for aomo tiaa • with a fair wind, tuM wa wara qipaaila to tha pcaeipiea, and tlMn it tamad lowarda tha ahora, and wa bagan to faar wa (dMold ha eaat upon tho roeka. Two of tho canoM woro con- ■Ha r a kl y fcitkar aat flrom tho roeka than tha canoo I wm in. Tkoaa wko wara fcrtkMt oat i* tha bko did not lot down Ikair Mdia aniil thay had paaaad tha pracipica t bat m tia noia mu tt dM roek, wa wara ebligad to lower oar mUo, and OOLOKIL gMITN't OAPnTITT. •caret. pa4^ wiiK nil our mlflii. With mwh MiUfvUf m* r|Mir*4 (MrMlvM a( iho twk, •n4 Undtd. A* ih* othor t»nn»» h»d biHi«4 Mnf ua, lk«r« wan tmni«4l«u ty niniwip* Mitl olT to •M if «r« w*r« all tmMy [*nA*4. ThU Mifhi ik* wtml fall, miil iH« n«ii momln| ih« Uht WM lol«r«ol)r r*lin, •ii>l w» »mkwrk«>«l wHhmil difnt uliy, mwl CM •Ittflf iMi«r th« (Kor*. unltl w« ram* 10 iha mouih of , ktMtfo, «vnlrk •inpti«« tnio Ulio Krto on iho mhhK atilo, WtwUl CoiMwidoohori* ond Prvaq' lilo. Wa lurn*«i up C«yak«ff» ond an^mpad, wN«r» wo atoM Md kunlad for aovorol daya ( ond to wo kapt movlitf ond kwntinf aniti wo (onto 10 Iko fork* n( Coyokofo. Tkk ki vory gonilo rifor, ond kui fow rioplaa, or iwift rvaninff plocoa, from iko mouik to tko forko. Door koro wort tolonkiy pkmly, kirfo ond foil bu( koor and oikor font* Tko upland k klllvi and prlndMliy Mcond and ikird { Iko limkor cklofly klack ooa. wklio oak, kkkery, Am. Tho keiioino aro rkk and larp, and iko lim* Wf ia walnait kKUoi, molkorrY, •ujaMroo, rod Raw, klaek haw, wild apploHrooo, 4c. Tko Wot* Branek of ikla rivor iniorkxili wkk IM Boot Branek of Maikinfvin, and tko Baal Branok wiik Um Bif Boavor erook, tkat ompiioo inie tko Okio akoai ikiitj miloa iaktw PHtokurgb. f Mm tho forka of CayaCafa to tka Baat BiMok of Maak> iagaa ikovo io a earryinf placo, wkofo tko IndioM catty tlMT eaaooo, kc., tnm tko waiora of lako Erio into tko ir»> tara of iko Okio. flora tho forka I wont ovot witk aomo kantora to tko Baat Biaach of Mackinffum, wkoro tkoy kilM sovoral door, a aaia* kar of kaavon, and roturnod koavy ladon witk akina and aioal, whick wo carried on oar kaeka, aa wo had no horaoa. Tka land koro la ekiofly Meoitd aad third rata, aad tho lira* kor ekloly oak and kickory. A Uttlo tkor* tho forka, on tho Bkat Bcaack of Cayahaga, ata eonaidotaklo laplda, vovy rocky for aooM dlitanco, but no porpondieular folia. Akout tko Ant of Docombor, 1746, wo woto propariM ht loaviaf tho rivort wo buriod oar caaofo, and aajiaaal haaf an oaf akina, and ovory ono had a paek to carry. Tho ! , alw paakod op tkoir tonia, wkieh thoy earriad ia hirgo' loUa that ottondod up aboro tholr hoada, and thoogh a gioat b«I^ yat not hoavy. Wo atoorod aboat a aooth-oaai eewaoi and oaald not march evor ton miloa por day. At nighl wo Mfii faa oar flag tonta, which, whoa oioeiod, wora naa rty la iha •hapo of a aogar^loaf, aad abool Mom fool dliaalw M dM giannd. In thio maaaor wo proeaada d akoat forty nmmmtimaum TITITT » h iilrtli-utiy «• i>ULAfflL RSItTlt't CAfTITmr. M ■laatl, Anrl N r»marli«M« plo•- l«-lt«n. ih«i ih. ~««o 1! .-k .*•'"• •I!'* ••'• '"•'"• •" "^' •«"' ' •"•» "hoMchT.. ka ihi. .»•. ,,„• jr., ho HM.m.d tn M.n« m.o.u/.'ii. I« ,.,. Li? 1 "^ 't'"' "''• •»»*"••♦'•• »««J«n. Ho .Old ihol ihl. pond had b.on olwoy* .»«, pi.„ f,„ h.,„, ^^ . ^/- ^ ho know ihom 10 b. IU,«.nily all hJIM. (a. ho ihighn^o! U^. n««i winior ih«y would bo a. p|.„,y m oror. aA m So trnTrVr "'"~'' "•?••*/•* "»• •'•••• byUnd.and"hIS couli boina no wai.r eoinmuniealio^n lo or fVom* ihi« pond, how III thoy eamo in iho rail (h>m iho north, an/ allghiad wkott . ...................un HI WT irofn ini« pono, I J wch a numhor of boavon mi ihoro yoar aAor ywr f ihia pond wa* aim a rontidorabia oLso for nooo, y «••»• in Iho roll rkom Iho north, and allghiad in ihU aond uSUIT^ "^ •*' ^' '^ ^' wkkk'TS^ aS?; •at of ihi. pond, yot ii appoarod that it waa fed by aariMa. la it waa alwaya olaar. and lUm iiagnatad t aiid aaVi ^r*V«!! Jrtn, roa. aba-t a mlla U\J!TiyJiJX !^ SS^^ !• caaMarativaly low. tlMra'^'ld U fer Iko ktavora la broatka in, witk tkair Uada aW^ air uadar maad - — - — -•- •*•»«••«* in, wiia inoir aoaia awta wajar. fer tkay eaaaat lif. long nndor watar. and aa iE? migki kava a mibtormnooua paaaaga by watar tola tkia taaZ aiJib^.'hS yJ^*'r"^ **^? 'T' «^» .kondaaca af eraaborrtaa, wbkk iko Indiana gaikorm^ up on iko iea wkoa aa nna bnilala, of a bright rod color, an agrooaUa Mar ^k mtkar too Mur af ihomaolroa, bat wkTSZltSk ••tar had a fary agraaabla taato. In conTOTMiion with Tooaogkrataaaga, I kaaaanad la ka SJif •' J^.k*^ «'«k5 wHSa aakJTTwky I mSS .kJ'iL**^ ^iT* cwfht «ak. I told him that I U Sru-Jfci^T "^^' ^"^ *»' •*»• w«»«»l«iey af MUag. Ha laagk^ aad mada aama of ma and my boak. Ha«& a teS^^iid'Skir^^ bat U^ a. tka \JlTt*\i^ eortainly kaw tkia waa. whaa wa killad a C!!^^k *w' •ftarwMda mada an ataarimaat aa a M liMW wWak tw Ittd, and fcaad thai h waaJd aaiikaf aal C ooioifiL Mimrt oAmfiTf. I Mii«4 btm If \hm tetivvf WM Ml amplillMMtM •nliMii. «f If H •mM Uvtt IIH4«f W«Mff. M« ••t4 iImI (I|« bnifaf WM t kllHl W •i*ktorfMM««« wim AntiiMl iImm Uvm kn at nMf iIm wai«f i M •n lb* «r«r»i wbtelk wm to m xiwily ^wvcn la U iIm r»M, iIm ir*|^ W iMAvjr tNMMifli •• htf imnh mwI*? witor. Aa iIm IWflf 4«M Ml Ml Mk, I llM|«M«l •/ T««llltllr*lMM»f» wkf iM >■»»■» iim4« mmIi ferf« liMM. H« mM iMnr «*•?• «/ ••• l» UtMi ia vm1«im »w»y<« te I wUi fot iWlr Mwiy •ii4 fiM4. f M UMto MUbly, M l»^ raM«fl Um «*•!•« •? tf tlM nMMilM 9I tiiily tmud t tmi m ikm hmvm tm4t tlMkf m ilM Itrti «( mMk by rakkf iIm wmw •?•€ Um hanln wty «ii «tM 4tmm ■■fMiiH Iw hMk M Im4 tfM wMlMH fitaf mi mmmIi vfM ilM MM ( m4 vIMii iWy Aft oUIm^ m g* mi m Im4 $m llik hU ilMy fl ww | «Milf M« M«fil by ifc* wtlvM. At Um hMvw MM vtm i^M bai km iMk Amnm Um» t ««i«r n m tw, VRMOT Ih^JT BMMM mi Miy y'y 1^ HMIff MMMMfc I MM TMMflMMM«f« wiMI WM UM M« •( tk« i M fll^ ■iMiti w iImAii !• Umm t m Um iIm iMtwr kM mm pair, iHUdi to MWMMb mIM Um tU mmm, m4 Um ImI Timtt M* mM (kal M Um hMttn m« Um AMihMl af all MiwUi. lly #Mff MMM Miy MMMi MM M hM]P VMV fMMMf UMy aai* m* tf UUs mmU ki «Mr l» vwk ta II M vM bMMT WM M MaM M Um kMk aa4 nib MaMa aMa laa (Maaat aaa nmh a pctiaaici nm Maan Will mUmI Ami aMbfvai paMM and fa la wani 1 laH ■ alM •IM* la llMai ia mvalUaf, Umi iktr aiajr UM iaby a aaa aaa umv MaMaajri vaaaaw aaanni aaaaiy um aai» Imm laaia aM tf H MaiiMi Um I M MW , ■ftilMl WIm It Um biUi wbkli tm im UMia bmIm aH of hat Mi4 W ika ail Mi biA MaaM? ly tkia ptt f i i Mi, Ml ii Miy • him dgaal, Umj JMafrUM ai la UM _teijp>. nMf laii pwM bMMV wm laa ynaMyal auMk mmm fln Mm Iimv aa wa Maaai a aiaai aaHMf wlia waMM aaa MMI ivaiSi la aiasr w vawa I mmIm aH of bat f By tBM potiMiai BMMS MM tiM SMMM* aalM lii||a BWMM M Rao M | Maa al i^ plaMo UMy haM MbMmnMM MftaM ia SIM HTMUl Mi 0# HMMW IM| W VpMR lUMvMfa ■alh Md binil^bot. »ni I I MlUadbiiff InmIi ahvM Um watoffttital'iir l^kM 't'i i?rrt llMkMkllM4rM4 i9 lMMIf«f «M • lltM •• MUM •! iKiM* l»f«ili«A bWm lit l>««iiH«, »m4 tlt« lfi4t«iM •iMMMirtnlf 1^1 In tlldtr k«M«. ^t/h llk«in ^ iM Mint Uf, iMal iKain »« iha W«. AM*! i«g» •ihI Mm* (MlMn • Uavvr kwMtiif I but w* iil4 iMl turr**«l, «n4 on iMir nNNrn w* mw wiMf* Mv*r«l mu9tm» h»4 f»imm4 wlitU ih* wwiw «r*a mA, IImmmIi llMn «VM llMr • rmai MpMl II I w« «ll m«4a • lMh» iMhiii f M Ik* iMti w ii ifMlia. Aa iMjr mw • ifM wlik • iMla ' ' ili*v iMd |M* In ihwrMl i wiNtM 9«mt m4 toll* iImm In li, iMf toU AM to M tn^ m* if •mi \t ilMf Im4 to Itoltoe, amI iImv ' MWV IA4 WHy lll#y Vwi fQII#| SRfl BVM49V8V w m4 lMa4 iltojr Im4 fWM %f U. I Utoa Wf« AA N V00MI 10 SAW MM MvW NMM ^^vVivMiyf I MMfM04 MM fMMMM M9f injf tMlpMiy* ^'^ ^'^ VMM liM# #mU M9 UMV VMM \ MR QM M4 MMW Wlimf #M]f ttlVMl InfM lAMM 9Mjp^ MM % 9VIMI H^MI ll« NM pfMMH 4flVilt| iflOW MMI nN08 VV iM iTMlto. M I Itoil Miy • Itow, •rr»wa, and to w i diawl l wHb «»t wui M way «• >iHIm Ura, I aMMfta to k* In • JImmI I Mi4 M ilto air wm MMva piaaaMl a« MMfMi^ My cwifM laaa 1 wowM w tka aMMk Ai Itotoiiil MRW to a lialliKr iim, wIiIi a liala at aiw lida «M I MttH C^ In M* I WMM Hlf MM MMM UMI It WW % 499 MM Im^ IMIIOW ftBMII twfVV MM ffMMMMi MM Ml|^ I fw «M to mud la. I kmnii tkai iltof* «m aha ■ MaM^ aa# i MRMMfaU* aaanilly af mA, 4fT i lav I 1 utofaPNa MncwaMM laai i MMaa iMa Ma* fa to ivaifci aa4 ato* af iha 4«ar aC «y ItoMlk I aff aiy MMikai, (wlikli wm all Uto tlailMii ikn I kii I a h M w i i ilaa i , lacfiaa aii4 wt iailwi.) tai villi My iiBialnwli Ml to i k apyif at ika top •< a Mm Im* MM kjr mmvmI mrM nvai, aa4 m H m m ««4 agal wi At aaai^ mmI I nm Ii iImm af mm nai iKmHi all ataWMi amapil* ■iff a Baia i hbi i^m la aaaaa wi ai< lii^ ^rf aAa» ■• to I aaa a Mack MayMaa dWI ,1 hobi aa4 MMa I vaM jaijM 1» a waitw i af aatolf itleka iliai I ailglM iMia aAt> l^B^n MB^ IV Ml VM NIMC9* IVvMI I WMN M| 1 MMI ^'z l^MS^ ■MMTHm mi tl9#iA mI ■• OT^ tiUMI WMI I #QlU« |ii| Mfl 1 ■*Mfa iaM i J^», ODUMItL tMltm QAFIIVIVf. |M», tkmf/k I imm M «wiM mi y*« I* 4»f VlM> 1 i^ to ftMi^ttfltt •4i ilMi ti mmh «w 4m, Mi wf mM MMM OT MMMIf I VttMH IMS H9 MHM Vt^l^ Ai iMfOk I Ibwi4 ilM UMh, bM to hitMf hMfVi m4 • Imm •■■•> tfitWMMwkBftMMlM «ito.tilM IM •hmmiI Mmi MM to. I ito-Wi n i H iii M U M dl ito> l n itll|i I M OTMBHHMf I MWv VIOTW ^V^MV WnHI M wVi «P W W WBvWvW •I MflM. Tlltf, wMb iIm tilMf tlfMniMMM ailMMM vMb iIm #l|Mf #lfMflMMMM ttNMlWM Ik -- NWt AMI My MM MMMC m MMM^ tt9tf IMM |mf«4i» Alnlflii| ^M^^ib Wtofc ito > iimkU MMiiiy •# mmt fcM toiftwakm. ■Il4 I iMM^toMtlf MH i w i UflM I M IIMI 1 tmmi • MTI |tMl M«»lM4(UlM.«kM«wiMlTlM4MitMMI tolM«a# I iIm kmm will I m«M mi MiMy ••«• iIm MmIi« m« I «m mi^iAm^ •! cmMm iIm IWn iMi til MM tikw Ml^vtolM mmhA m f li>. i UiM imm4 toM» Mv Mlk •ad mMumU Qti lUriw fcf la»to^ MM ■III iMihii ilw llgbi W kmn^ ^^ ^^^^^K ■ |^_|^^^ ^kM ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ M^^ ^^^ ^ftV ^M^M^AM^A Itw Mi aiMPi, m4 «Mi Ml af ay 4m. !■ lalMiklt k^^ ^Mfak itoMik At MMf Im4 I m4 ito* Mif InpHibM |«iAi I kii In fliiw M wMMMf «M %• «Mi»M «ktat»faMft[ ■Mi^ii d^^ilMm IT A^^MtaSgT; OOUMItL Mimt 0AFTIf1TT> til •«^« ImK (MMU Mff I I VMMI M ••?••« Hitofl« WlbM I MHfM, llMy •It aMM fMII«l NM. AImI *»«(••« o'I M»« ni2H^ r«4ilwltfM«fkm«M. MMl. Mi4 llMn m4«I mm i« mimIi«. Wmm I K«il rl**)" T*> «Mfi»f*Miiaf« 4aii u 4 NM M «r«tk a«it in • Ar* ik*y ll«f4af ttMii «•«. I rwi>»< » y < iwy wf«f t«tafniMa4 «• i km\ w%»% I mt4% • t««f> ik«'liii*r> nk WM* Itlt4 «rNk Im4 xahi— in— M )*y. A* ( •«M iM M Ulto Mmm idii OiM«« M JMmw* «mII, (wkUk t« iiMrljr ilto ««•.) I ^■ M *w>4 wy aMty In CMflMw«r«|«. At mf ti***? Mcltjr^ ImmI imI ««• • JIm«», mmI cmM «i»4«f«iAn4 ^••flk* ■ H >, Im • m4 m U Hfywur, aiHl 4allf«ft4 mr ttofv to UM VNW wW| MMI l^^^V MRMM fMIVV Iv ffV WMvw TvV VBVMfN \ f«it w y«« M Ml kw» Mwi H M n l M liMMiiM tn yvar tMW* MM VM Mr WMI Ma lnpf>M<| «« 4M iHM tlilak aT ikk *irt^ MCW MlMf M^ IM MMtWi WMU SMV W MIM tO MMSi ** jMAtr^—YMf tM< M i M Utk oMMion tMMik fkumi m wwk I yw Im«« iIvm w m »? « ■—■ af vaur fectiiwla. akM^ m4 naafcMtM i mi «• iMy* jm will alivafi ga m ir 4c •a M ii aaly fVMi MHaM Um* can nmIu a fimtH iImiIiImmIMI ikak <••• m at ^— < fct fr^ M»4 iiaaa I ahvaya mm HM Mb imi I MVMfji WMHfl w M ffaat af tMM| aM MMV mMB M My MMf la JMMMf any af inaaa WN I I I iMawiM laM My «Mava RfoUM^M*iBW w tfM I aIm ilMnkai Umb Ibr ikair mn %mA ' -ym mmm 114 OOLOlflL IMITU'l CAPTIVITY. uppn Um mow. Thty fliad thvir carrying ■trinfi (which art bfoad in th« middl* aiul ■mall ai aach and) in tha fort faat and noaa of iba daar. and laid tha broad part of it on tbair haada or about thair ■bouldan. and pullad it aionf t and whan it ia moving, will not ainlt in tba mow much daapar than a •now-ahoa: and whan ukan with tha grain of tha hair, alipa •lonff vary aaaily. Tha •now'ohoaa ara mada lika a hoo|Mi«t, and wfooght with buckakin thongt. Bach ahoa ia about two faat and a half long, •nd about aightaan inehaa broad bafora, and amall bahind, with eroaa-bara, in ordar to fli or tia ihaai*to thair faat. AAar tha aaow had lain a faw daya, tha Indlau tomahawkad tha daar, by purauing tham in this mannar. About two waaks aftar thia thara cama a warm rdn, and look away tha ehiaf part of tha anow, and broka up tha iea t than wa angagcd in making woodan trapa to catch baavara, aa wa had bat faw ataal tmpa. Thaaa trapa ara roada nf«rly ia Iho Mma mannar aa tha raccoon trapa alraady daacribad. ' Ona day, aa I waa kMking aAar my trapa, I got bani|^tad. by baarar ponda intareapting my way to camp ; and aa I had aaariMtod to taka firaworka with ma, and tha waathar vary aau, I eottld find no raitabla lodging piaoa ; thafafora, iha only •ipadkat I covU lIMLpr tw \mp aiyaalf fraoi Aaaidag waa •aaieiaa. I danead f«|U««^ wa whola night with all my night, and tha aait tep «||m to eaap. Thaogh I aaftnd jueh mora thla tfaaa thaw i R a t har aifht I ky aal, yat tha Mia^ wara nat aa noeh rtiMtpaaJ, at Ihar thaaghl I haj Inwa^ with ma; bat whan mtf'kmw haw It waa, thay did aoi Hhaa ma. Thay aaid thai fli Itaalan wara fraqoiaBtly fatvalTad in thia ph«k aa tha baa«i| duu wara om abava •Mlhar aa avarr eiaak and ran, mMk it !■ luurd la fiad a mdiag plaoa. Thay q^udad aw L lllhay had aow planty of baavar aUa^ ■a a aaw gun at Datrait, aa wa wan la ga Ihara 'iha iiaxi nriag: and than if I ahoald chanca to ba loai hi dark waathar, leaald anka a fin, kill proviaioa, aad ralum to caam whan dw aaa ahinad. By baing bewildond on tha walara of Maak* lagwn, I kMl raputo, aad was radaoad to tha haw aad arraw, ^ad hy lying onl two aigku hara I imainad mv cradit Aftar aonia lima tha waton all itaaa agate, aad lltoB,aa ^nMriy.wahantadbaavanoBthaiea. Tt^afk bnait ■iat* widiaat aalt or bread, was tha chiaf fC oar fbod lliia wiMM^iai waiad Mwaya dan^, and I waa wall eontaatod wM^afiNm ai 11 •PP*w*d dalieioaa fhra, aftar tha way wa had Itjlliti iPIBlar, hanin< :n-,i-2)'imi^«it'^ ,, gwaatiato ia Fahtaaiy^wa M ^ f s M ii af aw ,iisiS^ imVITY. rrying Mrinfi (which art Mch •nil) in th« for* fMt bvo«d part of it on ihoir iilbd it nionff I and whon mow much doowr than • 10 groin of iho hoir, tlipo K>|Mi«t, ond wrooffhi with I two foot ond Mir long, ro, and omoll bohind, with i«to thoir foot. Aftor iho UM tomohowkod tho door, como worm min, and w, and broko up tho ioo i trapo to catch hoarort, ao trapo aro roado armAj in • already doocribod. ny trapo, I got boniriitod. ly to camp ; and aa I had I, and tho woathor Tory piaoo I thotoforo, tho only iiyaolf freaa ftooalng waa wholo night with all my tap. Thoogh I onlhroa night I hiyoat,y«ltho id,aa thov thon^ I h»j Mw how It wao, thoy did Jiaatoro wovo froqooatly i dUU WOIO OM ahOTO it ii hard la iad a no lo go than iho tooxt bo loot faidoik woathor. ad rolnm to eaam whon 1 OB tho waloro of Mnak- id It tho bow aad arrow, ciodit Thi«ihl oar fcod thit whMMi lot lontoMlod iiilk.M .4iM» waywokadSi)** apow ooLONBi. uirni'f OArmriTT. Ill and mofod about ton miloa in quoot of a augar camp, or a rait* ablo plaeo to mako ragar, and oncampod in a largo bottom on tho hoad waton of Big Boavor erooV. Wo had oomo dill< eulty in moving, ao wo had a blind Caughnowaga boy. about fiftoon yoart or ago, to load i and ao thia country it ?ory braohy, wo Aroquontly had him to carry. Wo had alto my Jibowa brothor*in«law'i hthor with ua, who woo thought \j tho Indiana to bo a groat eoniuror ; hia namo waa Manotohcoa. Thio old man waa ao dooropii that wo had to carry him thia rottto upon a Mar, and all our baggago to pack on oar backa. Shortly aAor wo eamo to thio pkco, tho aqnawo bogan to maka aonr. Wo had no krgo kottloa with aa thio yoar. and thoy mado tho firoat, in oomo moooaro, aupply tho place of flro. la making oagar. Thoir largo bark voooolo, for holding iho atoek walar. thoy mado broad and ohallow{ and m tha woathor la Torr eold horo, it flroqaoatly ftooaoo at al^t b aogor timoi oad tho ko thoy brook and eaat out of tho ?analo. I aM Inovwdidlryit) hat I oboorrod that. olWr otroial tfaMi ■f. Iho waior that r o m a in od ia tho vooool ehnfod te oolor. aod bi w mi knwm and rmy awoot ▲booi tho (ioM wa WON doM maklBg oagat tho 8MW woal offlhagMondi OBdoMBifhlaaqaawmioodanalani. 8ht mU aha aow two moa wkfcgaao in tbok haado, apon tho hook I got itmm hHUo TawmghiHiaan, aa4 woaMooihnti aV.tha Akowoo I apaak li tfia' , lEitwalMfiw wogBooviaoi h«lilMr««iklM| #a whti i ii r liwi i 4o tola to hoi wuM Mt^> ^aA ifklb «a WON te tha taHUM •M ooLOMBL tmiu't oirmriTir WM quickly oUyad. Wh«n w« cam* in Im tald •• ikal dfUt h« bM goM ibrougli th* wkoU of kia oaramony. mi4 ai aa c ta^ to aaa a numbar of Mobawka en lb* iai bono wbaa it wa* warniad at lb* An, tk* pietura* of two wolvaa only appaarad. Ha mM, ibouf b iboro war* no Mobawka abovt, w* nuat sol ba anfry wkb iba iquaw for giving a fala* alam ; aa iba bad odcaaieo to go out and bappanad to aa* tha walvaa, tbaiigb it waa moonlight, yat aba got afraid, and aba eoncailad it waa Indiana with |una in ibair banda. So ba aaid wa might aU go • alaap, for taara waa no dangar^ and aaaordiaglv wa did. Tba nait oMmiiif wa want to tba pbaa, and fomd wolf tradca, and wbam thay bad acraiebad with tbalr faat liha dagat bat thar* waa no ain of mocaaaia tradca. If ibaaa ia any aiMi thing aa a wiaard, Ilhink Manaiahcaa waa aa Ukalv tola om M any man, aa ha waa a pra f aaaad worahippar of th* daniL But M him ba a eoqittror or not, I am parawadad ihni tba la« dla»a baliafod what ba told thorn npaii thla i,«a wall •a if it had aooM from an iolalUya orael* ( at thay would ml •Amt aiieh an aUmn aathia,g*aU to alaan in aa nnaanaamai anwMt. Thiaappanradtomathamoatluwwitahcfalk«fiai Iktaf I b«Md wSOTl wan with tham. Thankl dmir Maaaadlafa in baalnaaa of thla hbd, yol Igw lliat ihair pratondad wita^amft waa okhav ail m i Una, wharaby thay daaaJaad thamaalfaa. BafcM«haldailMf Rdw anamjii motiana anraAil^, and whaa ihaf iai Ihai ' caaJyifvaonaidainblaMlaanlMa,aMd iha BMMaai piaipaBt Tu vS^VH M^V V^H ' In OM^^Mat or In Iai mini th« ofant will ha I ami Ihia tkn da fai n %vnlimi maanaf^ ra4ilbaMt.r iihle% «iU banr amMbiac ^ gia i a H y c a m aa ta paaa tmrfar na ihay fcai MWff wwrrioM gantmlly kaliiaad iliaaa old M^fwata^ «biih Ml a landanay to aafaMia •■4'«i«iMilW»|»f«ah«i«Mi vklt. mm* tioM in Mwdi. Vltl^ym ChIb af Onydmg^, .whiek waa abami rat.wa had M hacaaat «• had nil «w ' JM «E*i|ltt rf banw aUM, ml»m l0pBdt^>MibMhB. Th*malhai«ai4aakln t»M bf pinw dMMi d«9i* jawraagra. on, with aa moeli at wgp mi mmif aw4a thiaa anah tripa ia dw diy Iht ipaai papd^ w* aiiid i h ai n i i aa i in f i* 'aiandfaaaa. .. , •• '••laalaaii • Jwia» il i^M BamuifM Ikal tiia IB* wTtMa MMaiw. i waU leUi at tlMy WMiM Ml, ilaaf iaaa •■aaMamad MklOwwiialMMAilMr L TWngiilMiniiBiaii M. BOMAbMbllftlf Ml mhm llMf iia Ihat laddWMMUMlUMfWt CMLOIftL IMITNt OAfflflTI. aga, Okianahaia bv nama, in arJar to fitlMr erankaniaa. ka waa gaiHarinf barriaa at aama iliiiaafla from ma, thraa Jl^ awa «|ttawa ti9fH ap andiaaavarMl, and mada at kim tpaadUv, ntly tarrilM. , did yan nai ■aa tlMta M|aa«ra t in a vary food kamar. kat ka nimbly aaeapad, and eama ta ma appaianti I aabad kim «rkat ka waa afraid af. Ha rafliad, dM yaa I tald kim I did, and tkay aMaara4 ta ka nod kamar. I aakad kim wkarafoia tkan ka «w alVaid air tkam. Ha taid tka Jikawa dqaawa wara vary bad waman, and had a vary afly eaatam amang tkam. I aaM kim wkat that cuitam waa. Ha laid tkat wkan twa ar tkiaa la hii la ba a man av • wkan tkay etawM ka, I am vary gbd ariik Okiana T iaia ia of tkam caaM eatek a VMHf lad. tkat waa batariit a man tmi a bay, a«t by kimaalf, if tkay eavM avarpawar kiaa, tkay waaM atrif kim ky faiaa, In ardar ta aaa wkaikar ka waa caminf aa ■t Ha nid tkat waa wkat tkay kitaMai mf and ran aa vialantly M kim t kat, mM thai I aa nanawly aaaaMa> I tMW aflraM I eaada m nlf tkw aa a m4 a«Blaai« aM •■' aicaadlaffly h amadaat aatiaa fcr yowif waiMM la ka Mttty aC Fram aar aafav aamp aa tka kaad watava af Mi Baaaar onakiadtlaplaeaiaaal1i%. la aaam alMaa «ka «ma4i ai» kmi htn k i i kiajt la a aa d aad tbkd rata, fia ikaktv aa ito gplaad la wkha aak, klaali aak. kkkaty, aad i4iwot. Tliffa ^P Vi^V ^H ^^^^^P ^MH^V ^vWi^^H VWHIHSf BHV BIWRT ^V ^^HiS WWBva ^v w ■jpsfll pM60908V Ml MMB Mm pMM M IMI RMMS M^\MWM* kMa.aitkaiaiaalakiait«aaillaaparday. < • TbalaadaatkhraalaiaaalfaryMHy} Itiiwd2«ilii Wkyw aaaatiatht iMJ^ay liwadtlMitkailtfaawal^ laiiBa Aaaaiall#«M|ijf.lfct ItyMffl^SJl ShSri fMl»M lh« Mlii% MM MlwMv 4MP W MM rtoiM&miiMUtoMi* df~ MMM iM* to H t Umi wImi Im r MSM tUM mrumI, and Imm wwib, wkat ton tt tnimn war* anaaf m, wilk all Ikair diaeaaraa. •4 aaid, far 1m ilM«i|rki I 1/ 1 waa Doi »iMakan, Im I Ml only wkludly, Urt la aaaaa ar raaaaa. Ha Nr'a aaaManlaUy kaaakliiff Uaf a«i alatt4, Owl 4mmm Ml M aMaal wanky af •I Ipirit Haalaaa^ ' wkw llMy waaa fai kMqriklH- iMkMir- ipnaaiaM va^r aAMii !■ • AaM aaaMfiyai laiUl Aayttaaika .,r, ^. .,^ OOlOmii ■Ml'TI'S OAPIUITI. Mt 4id aai lUia (hia ( bui af iwa aviU I clMaa llM «liialiTlhM|kl waa iIm laaM-HMMl liiU ia wia tiHiaaTar. if paaaMa. la kaap ika ditoktaff elab AaM killinf aack oUiar. whlek waa a vary kartf laak. Savatal liaaa w« kannM oar awa li vaa, aai fai aarMlvta ban. ia pravaa^ int ikam fram alayiaf aaak aikbr. Bafara tkay kai Iniakai tkia kag. aaar aM ikM af ika lows waa iairoiMa4 ta ikii drinkiaf elab; ikay cmM aai pay tkair pari, aa ikty k«4 alraady diapawd aTaU tbairakiMi^t tkat nada Modfc aM waaa waleaiiM la drink. Oilawa lawm akMl Wkaa Um hnad ibay appa a rad niM aibaif MIy K I a lUa abaw tba WyMdal IMS. 1/ iA gaM, mi Iha driiMaff aliib aabai^ iidtlaeiad. Sawa aT ibam wafa iilnliii >af ibak Jm kiiba I wM awiw y a a aavpai aM| • tsavfa wajr aMwi ati^iba Imm I aiiah af iba aaiV( lo [U- ,\ m Ato «M iMa iMv wminSi I WW aaiMjr mSTiIiim iS ■• ' oot4WiL tMiTvt OArrnriTT. wtak WW • Mfwff mg, aUvt tvt frM iMf. witli • Utf Ml «i *• m4 •(!« hff tMHk M «M>i«ki Um tell. B«for« ikty kgfin Um play, ihcy by af thtmt M( • mil* ^ia^nc* b a pMllli MM Um opfMNit* PMtiM all aiiai»4 ai iba cantt** laal iiM paniaa all eaai wiMra a aMaiataaM^ aarMii «aM «p Um bail. iMn ika oppo* iMiM for it. If any ana gt«a it inin kia imI, Im nina with ii tiM way ka wf*)Ma U to g a, aMi tiMy all porMia kirn. IfoM al Um ofEpaaiM party avartalMa iIm panan wiik iM hall, Im fivaa Um Haff a atiaka, whkh tauaaa ika Ml M iy aat af iIm aal ( Umh Uwy kava anotkar tiabaM for it, and if *a aM Umi falB it caa aatran all Um appaaito party, ami can «urry ii quiM aut, or evar Um lina ai Um aMl. iIm gama it woa ( Wi iMa aaklaw kappana. WImr any «im la raaning away «Ml Um halL a«4 U Itkaly lo ba ovartakan. ha eaMinooly llmwa it, •mi wiUi ibte iiMiniiMBi emm caM it Afty or aiitjr mf4a. SaaMUoMa wImr Um ball k alMaai at Um aiM and, ■MNtaia will laka a atiMaii t«r». td ika afpaalM paiiy nav Mkhhr «Mry It a«i at Um oUmt wU^ OftanUmaa tWy wttl wA a laH v'iktt" k^k mi fatwaid VfNa UMy aaa gal tka kril vaat tSa Km. Of win UM_ja«a. AkaM Um lai af JmM, 17ff. tka wMiiaia wwa pf«p«rli« (• M la WW, la Um Wjmitt, P a n awa u py, vU Omm* imtmi ■Iw • jffwi MMy JA«w«i aaaa 4awa IkaM tka iippar bkaa) Mi mm ateftef UmIt wat-aMM, mi ft^ J^^ «*•»» n— !■ nr—ailai. Uwy tMiakad^f afdMi lk« flmUan af mmUk, Mankmi, an4>MMMylfMa^'te UmIt < r aay ■■■■ "w ■!■■• bw^ w i Umi awy iky hUa ik t i HaMf^M, afiginBMBHaB t^ fcrnia ikh MhM diplih'i Ii IMPiil,aiii kabwl JVST aff to k« akaM ifaif Mil ^i» lal kkiMlai kMa •«• faMa. »«r;:»l8lki»4M(iai ^ ^ fWjw fcwplg wili tkM ikt ^wUtidf Ikab kaMaTirika frwl af i Hi t dfitot MiA M tht WMte af ika it«»iM:«<^ I ir«lMkiiMiMMiaWw*M|^^w%#«kii I %Ml iC^jnii jii Ikay ■ftN» ^^^ mPmSShbCm M-aMi I ;■;»(, ■L ,^ ^ttaUm mmmt • Wll. B«for* \k»f k mil* ^iManM in • tell. tMn ill* oppo* ■ !«<■ U inin i>i« •••«. », aM ilMjr «ll P«fMi« iMt iIm ptrMii wiik «ll MMM lb* Ui\ !• »ff MiUc ht it. •nd if ■Mil* fttity, ■«! CM Hl4.tiMl|«IIMiaWMi |iM ia running nwny ittkkMi, Im caMmenly MM It Afty or tiitjr iMMl nl Um OM Ml4, oiCEfl'tCyw'^ ifcM ilMy M» |M tk« iMWWMNpvtaff** r,Mi4 0iiMni iMTMi kMi Um w/futhkmi ■TiMrwMl oouNtBi mrnrt eAmrmr. it pmni ik« biM. mm fki—^ hf tk» Aw kl ami; t •— •« It TkM kkMU lb ill • Um MfMt Um hilw, m4 tft i«iM HI tifM •r«Mli«ilMf. Smw •( ilM Wvmi4m, ar Omiwm, fV«q aa4 lira MiiINm arSaW|M»> Jb caM MMdMv «M aaw m i mb iag, «a ht^m M M iMfa t md fyafbMm m kaC mImi k mm htlilitoi^ MM. WaiMMtlaMriyhltfMMMMaiMMMMaaMlMdiM- bMMMttilUM MhliMhibMMibarM Mas all %^ ^M* «• kdMI Miai M bi Iba iay, aM ilMi is « M*| irt* a 4i4r M bMv iSbi MiiM M far air Ia4^ ^niMi.Mi MtoM la *a Mb af •■■ iaih|.ya^bat to H •MM* pW*. WkM • •^(ml it hOM. lU miM> kMt I Mm wkmm4 ikt wMn lUw MatrtM Mv« wif nfwj in bt MS »••», nft wImiw • aiiifla in* mm-i ikf «m « ywtiif tfmtk nf tkmkmf m»ffm»4 M U pUm*»4 hf lit* Mwtr* r*«ik WM lmm«<||«i«l)r rafiMMv^ i m Um lira (mm In ilS tmM !• wkH • iMiiti, ik«4 ■wiilMn d^ fv*«ill . (M Hi lllli CMUfT Hb lull Hi i>i tMM IMI W9 mtt Ml. WkM TiKltllMI ^■■^^ •• ■■ Mils I M P* ^f ■••b ••!• Il M fctHM wiiaMitiitltlii . f i rtt a m #Mi tAi^Mi wiib. Mi vhiiS ml I M« »• MVM IMMMMtlWl lM»,|llMlkMlfM MMIiflgll UNMliwrliaitllwlSr ^^ ttmtUktmnniSSSi- mmtk ftln MM MMMry. f^ hit hm m|Im4 malmmf 4»N«mm« iliiM Mil MMtMf » «i4 M Mk* Mi M *M iniQU •« mSmW «WM M(k« Z!!]| Mlaiik, It «• MM* tkmn tmf «1Im tnm Miy sm INIaf . iImi w« Iumm MIf liff, IM MHI MftMil lUl I «M tMf titilMl* « i» MIf li fW , IM Mi mmAmmCmIi «M0 (MM in* hi fglj»p i ^ •£«»•«< «MlfMIMlflftt»^ I VMM ^pMN Ml MMM yMM Ml^i ■MIMBMMB I MIM Mil flBS flMMM MMN IB Mil I pMMMM M MtM^f Mff tMM MVMMkMMMP •«M«|ri Ml M «MB*^MMai««M| l*M.lipM*«ibM.illlt- mm%tkm» A ■I OOLOIfIL IHITVI OAfflVlTff. ■iMrat im nr (waive m;iM horn our kM, 1 oum «pon tmk kuflhio tnekt ; I |iunu«d after, and in a abort lima eamo la aiffhi of iktm aa ihav woro paaaiof ikroufh a mimII $\»^. I ran wlih all my mifht and haadad^lhtm, wkoro I lay in am* baah, and killod a vary larfi cow. I immodiataly kindUd k flra and bagaa to roaai maat, bat could not wait till it waa donoi I aia it almoat raw. Wkon kunm waa abatod, I bafan to ka landarly eon«omail for my old Indian brothor and tka liitW koy 1 kad loA in a poriakiag condition. I mada kaato and paekad ■p wkat moat I could carry, aaeurad wkat I laft fram tko woWaa, and raturnad komawarda. I aaaicaly ikougkl on tko old man*B apaaek wkilo I waa almoat diatractod wiik kuofar, bat on my ratum waa m«ek ^ . . ■ . . - . kard-kaanodnaaa If to pariak wiik knnfar. I alao eon* tko old man'a apaaek knd baan Tariflad •Ifteiod witk it, roflactad on myaolf for my and infnuitiido, in atiamptinf to mo off and laava tka vanan^ Ua oM mna and litilo boy to pariak wiik knm aidorad k«w raiMikaUy tko old man'a apaaek I In our providootially obtaining a anppiy. I tkongkl alao ^ tkat pMt of kia apaaek Wkiek iraatod of tko ftMtkwa diapaaV tiooa oC kungry paopla. >(rkiek waa tka only oanaa I kad tn my baao inkumanity. in a t io mptfa f to lanvo tka* b tko noal 4«plonikio aitaatioB. A» it waa moenligkt, I get bono lo oar kat, and fcond tkt •M: mu in kia oanal good komor. Ho tkankad mo fer tty taartioa, and kid mo ait down, na I moat eortaialy ka fiilifaai udkownmuidadNanfaaoytomnkokaalaaadaoak. lioM Mn Iwoaldaoek.ferkfin,ond lot tko boy by aomo mani o« Ui&jMkfaff kinMaif) wkkk ka did, bat ato k dmoal mw. M iJlidlMM. I iaamadiaialy bang on iho katdf wkk aoiM wn* Sand eat tka boor in lkbaU«aa.niid pal tko* ki. Wk0ik MM Cfrkik I Mfoood taUnf it aff tko li«, kat tko old IMpliid. •'bi it ka doM oMagb- Tkb kt told ta « aneoBoamad » — nnat oa if bi bid mi waaiad timm bal kn pMJ^ kMi kiowaV; W bid kCb . . , ,mi oter aomo ibM ka big^i aw awM lMa4| tMl «fiMM»d| k« ifbctMHijr okpjad. ..'T .^rr.- ur; ■i.^wi^ wwwiBw an lanoawao, ' jroenaginaawaM'' ■ i|iM|» fvaii tk« MMpiity a^^itetai^ «rwMMM*i I amfkppwtkorfifrwiikitekUilim ' tkoogtili iMf «MM tab Mr aooBtiy ftmf Mtwiiibl «•] -. If (koaa wko ara OMMqotfaibi witk Unmi imm^ii km iHmnwt aaiaauoi ika Ibtfabmi nidUjroaMlodo tkM tkay nra Ml Ml inoiMrt I ^aoMifkbU tikb mtmm Imh, I emunt apan timk n a tlMrt timt cuim ia kroufh • mimII f kidt. tm, wh«r« I lay in am* imiiMdiataljrkiiidM^ letwaitiillilWMidoiMi !■ abaiad, 1 bagan lo be rathar and Uialitlla boy mada haata and paekad It I laft from ika wokaa, *• apaaek wfaila I wm my rtiarn waa mtMk V my hard'baarladnaN f and iaava Uia ranank lb bnnffar. I alao can* ipaaeb had baan TariM ply. I UM«|hl alao af or tho hMUooa diapaaK I only oaetiao I kad fei tanvo iktm In tiM moai oar knt, and fevnd llM HnlkaniMd maforfthr M cOTtainly ba bllgM^ baataandeook. liold I bay lay ao«M moat fl« «t aio k aloMNi raw, ai io kanli wMi aomo wa* ^lilMdiin. Wbfnih toflrdMlroibatilMold " Tklo ha taid ia ■• i If Imi kad aai waMMl ii#t le a«t no paora If. W loM hSatU i T II f iiiaMiMa • ■Mvanv 3 I with tkoM ■WF- cotoifBL mmra oaptiviti. ■§ Mni anniaa into iMr country, iboy oaifonarallad aad boat w with infarior brea. Lat ua alao tako Taio eonaidaratioa ikal Taaaafhratanafc waa no common paraon, but waa amoaf tiM Indiana aa Socrataa ia Dm aacioat baathan world i aad it may ba aqaal to bim, if aot b wiadom and in laamiag. yot parbaia in patianao and foMtuda. Notwitbaiaadinf TaaaoglMataaamPa uncommon natural abilitiaa, vol ia tba aaqual af tbia bialonr you will aaa tba dalleiancy of tba ligbt of aatura. oaaidad Vf rkralatioa, in thla truly great ama. Tba nait morning Tocaagbrat a oo f a daairad ma ta go baek and bring anotbar load of buAlo baaf. Aa I procaadad ta da ao, about flvo milaa from oar but I Ctuad a boar traa. Aa a aapUag giaw aaar tba tia% tid roaabad aaar tba bolo thai iha lak my aaa i aoi. aad lUlad it,pBchadapaleadaf tbamaat.(al>afaaaaHaf ihawmilajg * fram tba waHaa,) aad faonaad baaw balbaa aMM. Oa MW aUbiaihar aad kia aaa waaa auMh iriaiaad at ■} MMoaaa. Aftat tkia wa kad plm%af ■afhJaaa.^^ ^ Wo r imriaid kaia aaia awalnalii April, Ififc AlMr Uya T iiaiig fU a B ig u kadiaaufoiadaotkatfcaaattMwafcakail. Wo mada a bark aaaaa, amhaikad,aai woM daws niiaiaif aoma dialiMa, hot tka waiaf hafatf law, wa iNta ki dant^rW spUttiag aar oaaao ni^ tba laabai tkaialbia IWaaghiiiia i_j u laaahaii^aadaiBjrfanata** boaaa.wfc;«li ka dft kyatMS groajid^aadh kaop fMMig* loaad wilk UMkoto aialal3aa. wkM^kuaHadkiia iMalMtt, aai ifcoa wal^lMa iti orifaikabwktokkatei — ,-,-p— w^ ■a wamm «Mi'iC.Ui*am IMH OOLOWSL UUSWft OAFflfl'ff. H« 4tH ky tUalMf ivkiff la Um Mlowiaf «wi •«0 0iMi Mafl IihaakikM Umi I Iwft ptohii Um mmtt my U§» •fuat tiMl I tm mw M» i* waMi akMt tmi UU laiMyii Im. wMimii jw U m cimikiia pala mmI ■kwy. I toww Um>i All ifl a kmnt mJ alwifwr, MWtlnwfew I wul *• OfMM iImi ay Idmm Mii mUm iMjr b« rifhi wvi, m4 AbI I Mur W abtot Ml Mfar I* walk* kal to im mi4 !• Hum knatlilUlMiUL * "OnalUMlMi thb w y af im »» AwMMy^ UU UmiiM ikty Mff k« imiiag iIm Iebia*ui4 MUMMky. •• Onal IkM w« ■• J UU piMty of ivlMyt alMf llM baakik (»'||Mr wMk Mi In bMt MMI. " pMMl luiil ha w«a la ika ImUt^ti Ika lofcaant aai m I f|lliMaliainkiiMite4 h ■•.»MbA >, JMAir » j^>M>MMiii Ml la aJ i •»< h tw MMMr w UIM Ibur bMrTtad • mmkm cT MiImv^ T«M«^miMMf» aMMni mw AiUy PMmM ifcAt dl tkto MM fai aatiMr i* Ms fMrm, m4 who iMMsr with Mjr 4 kitMuaieiMk,ilMMiM«rwlikhiailab 9mfmdmmi.mhkktAgMmntkUk. TiMylaMbilw ■UMwlllilitbls,aB4iif«eiiilMldiwiilifiitorapMn. TW nik Ml Imm. wbM Umv btfia Am le nm n ik« m aawik M« M0M4iHl]r kn, mAbImiUv m to finr dMM Tho IMI lOifcl wt iMNoly wnflM ilk oMOfk fcr i ■M fct OM llMI WM i» llM tOWB. J** ■• fettM tiffcl, I _ _ __ _„ mMmtk^wmttL I loU Mr. Hmmm dM IT W wm •» lib koMiUAi lUfciUiIwotdiMoayMMMiwIikilM pnoit In ikolA •!«• fcv OM ■iJBt Jii^plM lotko li m tMm «4kii __ J ^^P ^p ^n^#?^? B^^^ wt^ OOWO HMi' M Wp iupwifiolNit MiU tiit«| ip mm^iIm^ i%bt lapplMMtfw HniifdMlwkt iWy mi tltmkimmilkm^ «ipf«tiiHt«^lMvfa« ittlw 4iMr k «p, m4 ittMkMi thaiwmiU HvMMkNH^AtUl i»lalt:i I '^^mmmsnT' iUtd fcar Mua umI • !• tif— m 4 mw AiUy I* Mt ftBjrvn, Mi wIm MlkWMMtMt IM MOOtll W iMMlMliy wm ikm ilMff*. ralM 'mIvm Mvtnl 4*]r« bjr I MiM «f whkb M alao li. TiMy lakad b Uw iUi fifi or apMn . TIm !• nm M ik* «rMk i« V M !• ftv dMMMitW. ooLcmiL mmri oApnrmr. m upon Um UbIu, m4 sAvr mum lim* ffMi numbm of lurkty' boovdi ana MflM Mll«««aa togvtkM m4 d«ir««N4 Umm. •hortiT tAw UiU «• Uft 8ttn]rMi4MiHi. uti In Uim aayt ■rriT«4 M Derail, wImm w« iMMiaM tkU MmMM. S«M doM i« May wt hMi4 tkat OoMral Pm^m, witk lkMMii4 aMn, wh pf«t*Haff (o Mrry on a eamipawa Kaiatt Ibrt Da QaaMa, wMek tkm Mood a«ir wkm fort It waa alUrwaida aiwiad. Upon laMlviiiff tUa naw^ a aambar of ranaaia waia aaM off 1^ iha rrtnek eaiaiaaa«af at DatNk la aria tiM ^MbMat tHWa af Miaa warrion to rapah 8a«o Ikaa ia iaiy. XJdS, tU Ottawaa. Jibawaa. Pm»^I^ ■ika. adi Wyaadela, raii4aBva«aa4 at Datrail, and mnM of to fart Da (timmr »o papaia Ibr Ika aaeoantar af Oananl Farkaa. Tka aaMSfen lapoit waa tkat tkav waaM aam M» aa tiMv M CaMial BtaMaak, aai akiafo M^h Mar. Fiaaa Wa ikM «BtU M, «a M ftaq«Mat aaawMMB af PmM anm. by la«aa rwMra tkal iraai aaat aal la waldi tk^ ■atfaa. TkayoifM ika« ftafaaat l y ftaai tka ■a y ii k k avat alkar tkn MTfcrt La«4aa7 NatwMMinibff tka^ fifl. laMa,(Ma>al(lMU,wkk Ua Hlfkkirfai^tl tkaMi Mi kilka iMm taak maaMliaof a laii kwa IbM Da Qaama {&<• MB la oa il 0iMli%llUl«»lk(a4ky. ^'■MA'f'^lii^!?* Ikai«flltilaiaiya «m waia tkaia, aaiH tkw baaljW ana yhyad i^aM tka banipai jMi at jjaylljkt ,Tki^gg af iniikaar ■■< Miaiiiiabili fw aaaw iial an iaa i aai ■alSTT&i tka laaka af Ika ibaia, mi took 1 tkakiHdbmOiMti aaiaakawaawthapolBi* af Ika iMi Ikay i aw iiian ly ■ Mt e a aiai kirn, aa Ua HkkilaMa ki iait!ia. aai ia vary elaaa aa , CtStktiiaiiaaadyofa imiaawi atttaiwiarika •a k waa MQ^' (^ Iwlkm *»m J alikalaHiiiiblliyn f^«M^« ttBM|«M«kai «1^JM**M '^ ' » aniy mmp fcn' UfH^^bfi- aia-i •^aaTlSS ».. •i MMNIIL ■MITVt OArmiTY. h fwtet'h Ml WM« UfiMtef !• WwmW trt of WW, wU Ihirt (toTiNkV «fMyM«a Ik* Ibfft. «Hii«li 0«MnU FmSm mom MMMi to iM ty h to g taimptkifi Mf «MarfML mi4 to riUfMMNMttlM««Ud4«l '^^feir^ 4aM Iha hM kmllM , N «iMt an MM to ppha I tills |to«» to OiK«» M»i, mi ^^WJ^-W^pB^ ■>**»^ Um Mt of war. aai iImi ■M tittmm aWiiff wiik ll IfSM. m4 Wtl« Mirf ^ WiMa Umv NturiMl HI FlWMk «MlMV«r«d I* w UmIc. TIm ladlMt r ImJ to4* wtelhikMr iM M( witkMMd ila*^ iM MHM i1m7 mvt Um M to ilMir Utiiag, nd ' BM iiil l ia ^ bit in (W liUfcftPltt. kcpMilMlMiarOmBl^ MMWMfcr kkcMim. mM»m tk« wtcT war wwnkrla M fc» Ml iMMNfaltM lAillMhiliMdsiM k aitH aM Umm 4ana Ika laai kmliM AAialpaiitltolNB hk mm V m rn my mH jtaCaafkaa. ■ifa Mil It ih^ini af iahr. | [ eoiowiL tMrm Avnirrviu. SaHv i« ih« y^ ITtO, I eaaM Imnm la Caaaca foana Uiai my pMaia aaaU aavar aMtrula wImUmt I kitM ac lakaa aaul aqr ■•t«in»' Titojr fa«ai»a4 a»a wi«k fiaai lay. kal vrara Mifikad la laa aia aa aiaah Ilka aa ladiaa kaik la Riy fait aad gatiM^ ^ " M.iMi. I ^mmA tkmt mm MvaailMart araa Mat? U«i a lian I aiaal laava aa tkia aecaaiM tot Umm af My laaiata la fa^ga wik. kava fill (ka aaaga af dlMprainiaa lava, aa ii la laipaaaiMa a^r fcr aa la aaaeriba Um amaiiaa a( aaal I fell at Umi Uma. ^ . ^ .. Naw ilMra waa paaaa villi iha Ia4iaw, wkick laaW wiitt Uaea iaMirf, I fraaA ikat mt awaailMarl waa aiaffiail a (iw Sayt WTafa I attlfa4. My Mil kaaiUMaa. aai watakwUyaa|afa4 i« kiUtaff aa4 taalpiiif ika lraMfar~U» Mtaaii ki vairiMa pafta aT r^wMylvaaia. pM wMa OaM> aadwaiaa taliay. fram ika Waaiii la Hw tawifcl l aMlato. Ui aadMagaa Tallar. fl kaav abMal aMMl: aMa WM Aa* a Qaakar fafafMBaM, ana at Uli iM rf ikito WW Ika ftaatkia iaaai«a4 aa aaalMnaa ftaai Ika Mala. ,Aa mmmmmfm . — ■ai,aadiiiiii i a ll^Mll^fah I* M^B_ »» liy aaiUiiiaaa Ui Tjmt^^J m^m ■itiitaa u mumfB ika kMkM» fts ■aaailaki a( iMi ii wf al liri lata M Ika aviHMMNM al Mf iMm lakaaaMa al Ika RMrtaaiiva ya«af aa* ikall aaiiU iai, tvka kaMn kaaalMff kiaapliaiif wilklkaMiaM. AawaadM_«i| ' tM aalMy la tka la^la a ■MMMia» fHf ■MMi RMaMMMt Mm JMaS MNM% WMM laa waiala Ikai Ika aa Ika HkklMfcia waai i4kaB4kaiakMki I alM Ii at ikal itaaa» wklak wMli ikaa IfhWk Wa aaaia* ^^ _ ikaAaaiMa, a^ mm «hiai^ _„ Naat Ika loaihulaa 91 tkla i g il l l l ial a» aHifk% aaMaiaalm ki Ika ii«k» iPHMb Qaaiiay wtlinw ikan caBa* ^a l&jT ■■ i 'l■atak■llH^ CSC^tMSSnteit Ika HJiiWN mI htifkm biMJftwr •U llwdBI m mmhtw,mi « iiiiiiM l iii» wNw. WWi ifcflr ?w» I. ««' Uim'wImi tk^CTvlikl^ f«niiimM.lM4 kmi lnihr«.te. rf^ltwlHM^ Ml»< I^^^^-^^O Mikwky. ' ,,'.•,«• if*t liAvlMHirAt iiy WiiPMs «lMi Oy* M^ ClHMkw ftftf i tidlti t kM« If ••§ A iMfV '''# ^ flWI MM Uii^W* 1 ••■••••Pi I w^SH VPi I Ml wydtoy Um Imi «f hum^ vn^ ud ' lit to ■»■■} IB MCMMI9 wM MMMv IMW^ llfHM 1MWI| WI^HW IHi^V 9tKf tow WMII M •• W% Up ^ >lilW> IBW>1^ W1W^W(^* IHHI NHM €■ f^ HM Bw' INVIMI MM WHB Niw Wv WF itoiH uto ••••iiy MMl w KwlMlVt ••■ fltoti i wt ito MM It to* Mfll tlTtaMIMtkff. Mf M MM MttT*! toil li Ainwii ikblip MNtlik 1»TM ttoliir IMI iMIfW toM hM ■ ^^^^^^^^1 ■ i^^^k^^i^ _^^ MiBb a^Mi^^ ^M ^to|A|^M^^^| iiSBg>yYsatjMiitoi^r>sj s#ir _ *• WMto^M H «wlMr » abTft ^mmm SSfi ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^y^T^^ ^ j^M ^ ^^^J H VINrT ■BWB HiBHIi ^Vb^SB^I tH^^^^H^VI^V ^MN^v ^V IHiMI wt ^^^V^HHP — «^--A ^2^^ lb ityfa^ ^ M Ih %Sf, ■TSr iSSSi m ooiMiiL Mimrt 4»rtiiTvtia AlM« «li^ 4«)r« 9^ I M «y tm^mj m dM Mwii ti MM. I WM M« !• • 4A»Jimw <> WI I (h» *«• Ml •/ Um Wmm -r* to*, M«»fMii« Mm! !■«*•«•« iltontvfM^ MJ IkMv Ml »k*fl I mlf^ «Mt Vteh lIlMI li / «M* MfMM^ 4mm. Mto.M4|l^MflMMIMllliM»W >fc< MM»MI m^U Mik TlMlii llM ••! to llM •kn^Md m^ m» kmm I «•( iIm ImA •«•« ftMi iwiial Ik. ifcii%g lMiH.toUtoMypfM>'»»iiMih*y1^|k^and«arfonoaaeratorottrdo4|a. JMjl f|M*o «haai «» MMii Ail wo woM^ - 0M W0t,'tt^^ fini 1hik» immmlmtKHtMi >mm arnmtn Utekikin Un in*. in«e- bbnlMi. wkkh I com* WMlktr. BtiBff thoa •kirt leoM, andJnmi* f ApfMrinf ythif, •nA rrtwr w cams, m (hat «ltttaU]r earn* out and loM thorn tho truth, bat alety* and I gonorally rayi eamo on to fort lon«a')i nofro ouartor. thoDM to Mr. Otorfa d lodffad, and whoro I flmn h«n«. Whoa I HinMl M honohaek, M Rm I eooelttdod that • M without iMamiptlaa, iroaa tho ahabhjr viUiaB ■ ia tho Ml of Vm. lad IHoBoa had daonir^ hatrd Ikal I waa kilM faii9 oM cf tko OhoM* 7iM|toliaid«M«k» 10 alua, Md • a«Mh« IwJaNA • fuantitj of ity. Bkoitnr anoff thia> MJfcfi; m aupieiott of ^ rortteeottdooiVthli 4 ftftll Ikojr ahottid Ml tain m «Mi8iMmoat,ikif id. thofafbfo. if Boaafthh tiM kv tho eivil hnr oldkbekkoy^iIalT .didiMtdoalfO«l|H|« HnMd lA BodNMf laBd ivhod alMf thoM'lt' n WKt atttf^ jP^ Ply Df)Ol«N lyat^; ' RtMMii(^;«.^_„ ._, MMi OOLONBL flirnil ADTClfTUm mm! aoMi him along on herookaek boforo, witk ordoft to mo at a eortain alaoo noar Bodford. o«« hour boforo day. Tkt Boit daf a littlo boforo tunaoi, wo oneampod noar tho eroaaiagi of Juniala, about fourtoon miioo f^om Bodford, and oroetod tonia, aa though wo inlondod aiaying all night, and not a man in my company know to tho oontrarr, mvo myaolf. Knowing that thov would hoar thia in Bodford, and wiahing it to bo tho eaao, I thought to Murpriao thorn by oloaling a march. Aa tho moon rooo about olovon o'clock, I oidorod my boya to mareh ; and wa wont on at tko rata of Avo mika an hour, until wa mat Thooapaon at tho plaea appoiatod. Ho told aa that iht commanding oflleor had noquontly hoard of aa bj tf^ folUra, and had ordorod thirty awn upon guard. Ho aaid thay know our numbor, and only mado gamo of Jtaljttion of oigh- town mon oomiag to rooeaa tha priaoBOMHll thar dM a«l aspoet ua antU towaida tho mUdla of tho i^ I aakad kki if tho gato wan opoa. Ha aail It was tkaa lltot, kai ha at* Clad thoy wouM opoa it aa uaual at daylight m ihoy oppwi idad ao daagor. I thoa ntovad my laaa prHatoly up aalar tho baaka af lankto, whan w« ky eoaaaafad dkautaao hu»* drod yaida ftom tho fort gala. I had offdoiad tha atoa to ha« a profouad a tt aaei until wa aat into fc. I Aaaant«ffTkoMi» •aa agahi to opy. At dMNghi ha loiaraad, aiM toU at llMl tha gato wao epa«,.aad thraa aaaifaMlB wara atoadkiff aa fka waHt that Ika gaafdawHa tokiaga momfaig dram. aad A* atma atoadiagtogai h a r h ono plaeo. I thoa eoaeladad to ni| tato tha.lwt, andlald T h on p ooa to raa halbaa mo to Ika aoMi Wo raa with aN aar might, and aa it waa a fldaiy moniBt, At amrfiaala aaaraaly aaar aa aaitt wa wara wkhla Ika g5 toll taok i BM itoi a a of Aa awaa. JBataawawafoaito k ig » tw# ataa. Wa tkoagk olikoai WON iia,tkoagh I do not kalkoa iliay aiij a akaa ^ whieh aari iiaa i tka ta«% ca won pnaaod with tha aawi* Wa aUad a Machamkk to taka Iko faeaa oC tka priaoaati , il walafttkaphof. TkK I baiio«o» waa tha ImBHlMi a Afltodaa 4hii waa tobaa hy wkal ikmr aalM AaMM wf aarao, thaaaiartkialloMia MM kMiai land I kad'aa M Mat aMIMd, wkila I I WM , oToitofeaa by •alM aat thair pi ipaMirMdaiMri^aaift tpfnaaatod my liiaiMl i a''piMal al'iM^ MiiMMHiaiiiiiiii m ooumiL mrm ADTumnai. Isf M iheot, wbtn I Hfwl my pitM. Oim of ihem alto llrwi Mtr Ih* MOM time, mmI om of my ftllow*(raToll«ra foil. Tho MntUnla llMn rashod udi tod m my mn wm omjMy, ikoy look •ad tiod MO. I eborgod tkom with kiUhif my fenow«travoltor, •■d told thorn bo WM • man ikot I bad aeeiaontaUT mot with OB Ibo road, that had nothing to do with tho pubiie quarrol. Thoy OMortod (bat I had kiUocfbim. I told thorn that my gun biowod, or mado a oloW lio t that I had hor from my (!mo bo* km ■ho wont oC or I would not bafo mioood my mark ( and dram tko poaitioa my ploeo was in whon it wont off, it waa net likoly thai my g«n kiUod thia man, yot I aokaowlodgad I waa tM( eortain that it waa net ao. T*^ -- r than eaniod mo to Bod* fcidi kid MO b UoM fai tho gva ril :r*, aammonod a Jury of til Tho inrr brooght mo jro amia to koop mo tka oMoaiio piity, and hold aa ii ki guilty of wilM Mvrdor. Aa kig in Bodftrd, for fear of a rcaeno, thov aatl om priViaioly tkiMgh tko wildanoil M Carlialo. whoro I waa laid in hanry tbertly aftor I «amo koio, wo horid that a nombor of my old bkwk bevi w«no ooHiog to loar dow« tho Jail. I lold tho aha- f|ff Ihft I woald aoi bowwaad, aa I haaw thai ika iadlotMal awvoftf t ihofofcva I wkhod lo alaad My trial. Aalhad I tha hlaek boya to ba ahraya aador good eoauaaad, I aaaaolad I oonld nMrail on thoM to latara. aaa tharaiNa * aflawrilaloUMHi lathiaihaahotiffraadUyagiitad. T tf tha iroM wm iff I Maia M daaki bat 1 oaald piat^U aa M Aaaft la dtalai. Tha iharlf aidoiad Ikaii la ba lahaa aft aad I |M ai Ikay w«n l>kiBC o^ ay baada dM Uaok ba]fa oaMa [ liJHliHi'apiothajaa. I want ta tha wlaitii aad oaMad M ( Jtm* fU thoy gaTO atlaariea I Kid dUiat^a My ia d tetM aa t #ai m wiMw Maidar. ta adMlt af bafaf wa a aad waald appaat dlahaaanWa I ihaMad ihaaa far thnr Iriad iaiantiaao, aad Vaa Mr wiMw Maidar. ta adMit af «« dliljimiiMt I ihaMad ihaaa far t! told thgm dM graalaai ibvar thoy eaaki eaalbr apoB MowaiM ba M gtaal nM thb oaara(|aaat, I* wMtlrww JIaM lie /affa^ rrtamfojMaat; ladUathoyooaipfiadtaiidtrididNw. WMb Iwatf ifaakingi dM faaoa waia taliMi adP oqr Cm^ ■■' ■•«« •pdapaiaa. Baibia thIa party aiiivad at Oaaaooahaagaa|t iMitaabad ta taha mo oat riliiy dMB lawMii| I h a .•I a • li 11 H II ii S HktMiaHMHMMiliitot (NTIIBU. OiM of ikeia alte flrad >w*iniT0ll«ra fell. Th« in WM •nMy. ikoy look 'liow-i •• itallv with ibo public quarrol. Irtvollor, i ieeiJIontaUy mot with inf my M ia« [ lold ihom that my gun i bar from my fieo M< miaaod my mark ( and tt it wtat off, it was not 1 1 acknowladgad I waa hon eaniod ma to Bo4« r*, samoMaod a Jury of Tho JttiT broofht mo jro amia to koop mo , thoy Bopt iM priviMoly aro I waa laid la baavy Ibat a nombor of my old bo Jail. I laid tbo alif Mw tbai tko iadietMtirt •d my trial. Aa I bad ■■dor Mod eoauaand, I ttni,aM tborovNO wiak* fOMily aiNjad* I wrola ida,iriMb waalaaodW at I waa hi iioaa, tkoy y wofo Mar tba towst ■ OMt Oi tho WlMtoW, MM It bat 1 o««ld pNt^ll tm iMi to bo lahaii oC aad b dMbbok bo^ oamo thdlii'ba my iadliliMal If NOSMd wmld appBM Mr Uad iaiantioM, aid ^^u^^M 4b^^M cjla a^j^ ^^^m. tOndvlMNw. WMb i,adr my fm^ Md mmm tSsait OOLONIL mini'l AOVIIfTVIBA Mf ma, that I wotild not got a flUr trial. Bat my frionds and At thia Umo iho nublie paaora woio partly Bllad witbtbaaa " Miaata. Hall k SiLLaaa, " Ptoaaa <• fifo tba MlMrioff narrativo a plaoo ia yo«r Oih Md yM will maeb obliflo ^^ ' *' Yowr bomblo atmat, "William Snra.* iM^tk.liMllari.MpMti^ Tk.alalaa?5?ii gma Smitik (wbo ia aiylad tha p^Mipal riMlaodat «fS MMbor Md bnw bai h i l a w, won gahif Mt hi oidar loaMaS ^"^J!!* .^*^ HMat WMI UW MOOMtlMa ti Itfbt ^^.^ Iwd alM whh Um tha Imhiimmh ftr thai Hihum iKT'T Hag M tha^inqibfhhhi ahMM ahm aritaaTBakTZw g»ia«j» gji iia ih thaiS;n»Mdaf HgSTl Imm tha .M^ ■'*H' •M ooumti. nunrs AinrtirrvBXf. lokn HotoMt, Im., to wlHNn iuun Bmitk Mok* in • fpi«mllf iiMiaiitr, Uit r*e«if«4 no mmwot. Mr. HMmot boatod, ona fivt on olorm is Bodford, from wkoneo • oorty o( mon woro •oni in mtrMiii of ihon i b«i Smilli oad bio eomponioM not kovinf ilM koal ikouglil of ony mttk noooofot koinf ukoii, od wo pkeo wkoio tko roods Joinod, tboy dolovod uniif iho ' tkoir eompony •hovld eomo np. At ihio Umo • ndinfi liko mon irovollinf i thoy oakod odior port of the «bor of OMB I tkkiOMM (why okould thoy T) trovoUod olowly oa. Aftor thoy Hod nin« " ' roa uniil iIm ■MB eomo rtdlnfi liko mon iroTolllngi BOMO. wktek Im toM thorn i on whicn thoy immo- dkloly oaoonltod him no o highwnyman, ond with prooontod p h ilol o eommondod him to mnoador or ho wot • dood man { •MB which Smith itopDod book, oakod thom if thoy woro hbhwoymoB, ehorgiM thorn ot tho mrm timo to itond off, wCfB wimodiBloly Robort Oootgo (ono of tho ooooilontsj aupod pblol ot Smith's hood, ond thot boforo Smith'ollbrod lo Mool, (whkk Mid Ooorgo hiRMolf ookaowlodgod opoo ooth () whotoBMB Smith proooBtod bio g«B ot OBoihor of tho OMoii- •BbS who woo pMpuiaff to shoot him with his pisloL Tho Mid osMJloBl bovinf held of JohnooB by tho orm, two shots won Irad, OBO by SaOih'h mb, tko othor flrom o fisiol, m Misk « jBol tebodioih^lshBblo,BBd JokBsoBMl. .iUWv wkiokt SaUdi WM takoB om sarriod Into Bodlbrd, whoro Joha HokBM, Isq., tko iafbnaor. koU aa lB(|Bsot oa tko oerpM, oao of tko asoaim at s briag m aa ovidonoo* (nor wao tkoro aay otkor ma hU d aboat Iko matlor.) Smitk wao bi«B|dit ia fiilty pi wilral maidor. and m ooimaittod to prison, flat o Joaloasy itisiB f iatho Wsas ts of many, that tho iaoaool, oithor ikfOMk iaaavorisBsy, itBoraaoot of sobm otkof oomaiii wm aot m mkr it onaki l» bo, WilUam Doay, rswnsir of dio soaaiy, apoa Mfiisitioa amdoi tkoBfkl pio a ot to ro^waiao tko mattor, aad Mpmoaiag a Jary of aaoaoopttoaablo moB oatoflkioo lowaskin ■■MOB wkoM oaadoffi Hobitv> oad koaoslv. lo aaoBOotioaosm wiik all wko BM ao^Baiaiad witk tkoM.aadhaviiHr'^MdilM sos p ss i kold aa faifNsi ia bmIsmb maaaor dtariag tkioo dovo. ia *o oo«m of tkokr aonitfBy tkoy feoad JoSasea'ft Ofin Uaskad oboM tko b a l loliw i o Iw Ao powdor of Iko ckaiM W i»hiokkowMUllsd.>»koNapoa ikojr oiaaiiaod lata tko dhh baiaf aladMad to oaik. oimM 10 dw Nsnsdva dwy Mk siaal OB ot tkM HMKwhMilla jMy jad feaad to ba twooty^Nt iktt noaa^t " ifriaA dM wiadt aad at wo IMI* diotaa ■■> dw Isast siria SioM tko p a lfa oa tko . that ptiaoMMilM *%t ^WfcffaMnli aad immst. Ilk Moka in • M«ii4lv '. HWRIM kMMti, tnd • ■ Mrtjr of iMn wtra id M companloni not MMaiint Ming ukMi, After dMV MM nin* ikty dtUvM unUI ik« M ap. At tkU iini« • irtvtllinf ( ik«]r Mkcd en wkKk iktj imme* n. tnd witk pw— n nd It k« wu n dand nwn i id tham if tkay w«i« iHM lioM to Mnnd off, MM of Iko noMilnnuj At bofofo Snltk'oflkrad aowMftd vpon oath i) t MMtktr of tko MWflp 1 wiik bla pioloL Tk* I kjr tbo MM, lw« okoli Iktr fton • flMol, M 4 JoImmi ML JUWr • Bodfefd, wkora Joha BtMoa tkoi ikoMMiyotktr I kraaiAit te MOty U imtu wii • JontMMv innnwl, •itktr duMgfc dofcak, WW Mt M fir Mr of OM oomjr, npoK naiM tko iMtior, aad n Mtoflkno ivwntkiH My, ll ■MMtliOMlw I Mid Ipriaf tniMd dM iMT dtMng tkno dnvo. ibvnd JofeMonli ■km of Ik* cImii* ly nod iMo tkodiih MglMi.wdii*«rilM 1 1* AotMMtf** ^^ li^ WfeMllM JMjf MMf COLONBL laHTH'l AOVlNTUBBt. •Arm ho tknll And tkni nowdor will not •loin «i kolf tk« dio* unet obovo moniionod. ii tkoi out of ■ rilU fun, wkicK Smlik'i WM. Upon iho wkoU, tk& jury, tfttr ibo moat oceumto on* mination and moiart doliboration, brougkt in ikoir vordici that •omo ono of iko nMniUntt ikomMlroo l lut nocoMoriiy kato koon tko porpairaiora of iko murdor. ** 1 kavo now rtproMnlod iko matior in Ito inio and gonuino eolort, and wklck 1 will abido by. I only bog liboriy to maka a fow ramarki and roflociiono on tko abovo«moniion*d oiliaak Tko aaikor mvi. ' Jamoa Smiik, wiik iwo oikora in companVi CNd round ino town, wiikoui toockinff,' by whiek ii ia plain would inainualo, and maka iko puMie boliovo, tkat Smitk, and tkat part of tko eompany, kad lakon aomo byroad, wkkk b utterly fklae, for it wm tko king'a kickway. and Ike airaigkt- •et, tkat tkrougk Bedford being ■omeikutg to tko one aide t nor wovU tko oilier part of tko eompany ka«e gone tkmugk tka lawn bat Cm tko reaeen already gifon. Anin, Ike auikor aayt thai ' fear men were aeot iu punuit of BmiUi und kia oaai> paaione, wko oYortook tkom about flve milee f^om Bodfiwdt aad aowmandad ikem to earrender, on wkiek Bniitk pmialid kla in at ana of tka man, wka wai atraggling witk kia eompaniaai it at kim, aad akol kia eorapaaioii Hon I woald Jual lamark, again, tka unfair i IJvea af tkii matter ky tko autkor. Not a wavd mant i onad af Oeoiga Mapping ^ia pieiol keAwe Smitk oftrod to ■keel, or af aaotkor of tko aaeaiUata aettMlly flriag kia piatol. Ikaagk ha d himealf a fte r wa rd a be kad done ae ; not tka kmat of tka eampaay's baggage, wkiek, ta men in iKe lata! open ta a hir inqainr, wauld kavo been anfleient proof of the iaaoeeaea of tbeir ntaBtiona. Muet net as efloai?* \Mk oferapffaad tka Ibea of tka partial repiaeenlar of beta, ivkea Va iada tko vail ke kai Ibrown o?*r trutb &"u polled aaide, aad abe aipoaad to aakad flaw? Sappeae it ■bould ka giaatad tbal Smith abol iba maft, (wbieb ie aoi, and I praaamo Mfar om be proved to be tba eaaa.) I wrald only aaki wna be b«I on bfe "MMaf Wpa b* iMlMblklyaaMiihadt WaabaMi J bt dn piNitt af bie lift, la rarrMidar. wiibrnM hMwta« for wbalt m ijraniMit bauf abown kiaa, cf any dadtralka K" • tkroagb ibo ir aad lartial a awavdoMntio 'Mt I JM I baaihhr prdaama avary oaa arbo baa an appAr- mif.^ fwiii Ibli rflT bj tbia timaiia eonviaaa4 Ibat tSa i agaiaat Smitb wata truly aalawAil aad tynmaieal, " 'id by aaxiMaaca in a aifiUad aatloa^^ I* km a iUia Iba miibnilat atf m^ tit ' ooumul •MiTVi AffviinviiA ttin !• Wing kirn lo trial for • fee^ And tkai loo m • mrH*' od o«3, io Modoiibiodljr Uyoii4 all bounda of low w govom* «• If ibo oolkor of Mm Mtroet dilnks I bofo irooiod bim «>• Mr, or tiMi I kovo Mlvoacod ony tbinff ko eon oonirevort, lot kirn eomo forword, oa • Mr oaiotMiiat, and moko ki« i»hPMt •ad 1 frill, if odiod vpon, rindkato oil ikol I koro odrwMod •f^Ml klm or kii okottoro. **lftuum Smsni.'* I loiMinod In priaoA Amr montka, ond dnrinff ikia limo 1 •Aon tkoogkt of tkoM tkat war* eontbod in tko time of iko fonoeaUoa, wko doclarod iboir priaon woa eon? ortod into o •wl> MW. 1 iMW loomod wkot Ikia moooi, oa I oovor aioeo or bom* MforioMod four montka of oqnal kappinoM. Wkoa tko oopromo eoun aai, I waa aororoly pnaoeolod. At tko eoannoaMOMOt of my trial tko Judfoa. in a roty anJaH ■ad arbitrary mamMr, roioetod aororal of my ovidoneao ; yoL M Bokart Ooorfo (ooo of tkoao wko waa in tko aAay wkoa I «•• lalMa) aworo la court ikat ko anaopod a pkiot at aM baCNt I allot, aad a ooaearraneo of corraMmiiaf eirokouNaa- tm akMaaud to atraaf praaamptivo ovMon :o tkat it eoall att mmIUt ko my MB tkat killod Jokaaoo, tko janr, witkoat kMitatloa, Moafkt fa tkalr vordkt, nn mutt. Ono of tko JadfM tkoa daclBrod tkat aot oaoof tkkjaryabottldoforkeld da aOeo ^ro a eoaatakla. Notwitkataadlag tkii pread, ill- aatand dodaratioa, oomo of tkoao Jarymoa aAorwarda fllM koaorabio plaeoa, and I mnalf waa alootod tko amrt yoar, aad Ml oa tkt board* in Bodford eoaaty, aad aftarwaida 1 iMrtod ia tiM koafd tkvao joara in Wootamrtfauid'caaaty. la tko yaar 1174. aaotkor ladiaa war eoBHaoaeod. tkoafk at tkb tiaM tko wkfto poopio woro tko a | | r aaa u ra> Tko pro*- SI of tkk itrrifod tko flroatior lakaMtaatA. laaomack tkat graat part oa tko Oklo walara oitkar flod ofor tko HMua* tabu oaatward or eoUaetod iate ferta. At AmI itato of Paaa* •vivaak a p p r tko ad a d mat daaaar, tkof at tkk tlmo appoiat- oi ■• eaptaia orar wial waa ttm eallod tko P^ftnaylvaaia Hao. Aa tkoy kaow I eoakl laiao ama tkai would aaiww thdr parpoao, tkoy aoomodto ky aiidlo tkoir fanaor iavotomer. Ia tko yoar ITf^l waa aapointod a mi^ ioi tk« Faeaa|!- vaaia aaaoelatka. Wkoa AmorkM toda p aada wM wm dt- ekuod, I waa oloetod a mombor of tko coavaMko ia Wool* mMolaad eoaaty, atali of PknaaylvaBk, aad al tka AaaanMy* at loaf aa I propaM(fio aarro. • Abewlar npkMNaaaa ■rfNH rnrniA tkai loo on • (wi|ifM ill of law ov fovoni< bovo tiMlod kim ••• ko con eonifovtrtt in UmI I iMlfO olvMMol " Wiuua SMtra.** 4 daring ikia limo 1 id in iho lioM of Iko !• convortod into ■ ■*!> I oovoff siitM or btfera NTtroly preooealod. idgoo, Id • ftry bbJmI I my ovidoBcw ; yot I in tho dftty wmb I ippod • piftol •! ■• Memtinf ciiccoMiMi- ivi4oB.o Uuit it tmU Ma, tho i«nr. witkovt Mwrtt Ono of tho I j«ry shoiild ofor hoU ladisg thii pie«4, iU- won aAorwufdo AIM loi tho Mft yotf, and id lAuwaidt 1 NTvod id'oMsty> id,tho«fk Tho fMNOOOfOk Eituli,lMi that r lod «vor tho Is Ihol otato of Pmmp r at thio timo apooiat* lod tho PoBMylvaaia ID thai woald aaaww boir ffanDor iafotoiaey. Bi^ia thoT VMUMrn* eonvoMioB ia Wool> aad o# tho AaM«Uy« NMhi ooumiL tMrnit Amntrrvwu Mt Whlk I oitondod tho AmoirMv t" PHiladotphia, in tho yoat 1777, 1 MW in tho atr*^ mom of my old hoyo, on ikoir way to tho Jorwya, afoinot tho Briiiah, and iHov dooirod mo to m with thoM t I pttitionod tho houM for Uovo of nbooneo^ ordor to Koad a woaiiag partv. which wao araniod mo. W* marehod into ik« Jforwy«, and wont boforo Oonoral Waaklngk ton'o army, wnylaid tho rood at Roeky Hill, attackod akoat two kundrod of tko to^itiak, and witk tkirtv<«ia mon drovo thou oat of tko wood*, into a largo opon AokT AAor tkia, wt at* lackod a party ikat woro |uardin|[ tko odUort' baggago, and took tko wogon and twoniy-two llooaiano ; and •omo of oar eontiiioalal ■cidiort, whick ihoy had witk tkom. In a low daya wo killod aad look mora of tko Rritiok tkan waa of our party. At tkio tiaM I took tko cama Civor. oad waa eaniod ia a aiaga wagon to Burlington, whofo I lay until I raeoforod. Whon I took aink, my eompaaion, Mi^ Jaatoo H'CoBMhoa, took tko c om m aad ot tko party, and had giaalar than I had " If ofory oAeor. and hia party, that lUM anna agaiaal tho Bngliah. had fought with tko aamo auaaiaa that Maior M'ComaMn did, wo wmild hava amdo ahort woik of tho Britiah war. Whon I rotamod to Phikdolphht, I appUod to tho AaaomUv far Uavo to raiaa a haMallan or rifloaMn, which thoy appaaiai vary wilUag to granl, hat aaid tkoy could aol do it, aa tha pawar of raliiag man aad canuaiacioBiag oOeora woro at thai tiaM eonmitlod to Oonoral Waohiagtaa; thorofora ihoy ai> viaad BM to apply to hto oaooUaaay. Tha following ia a traa aapy of a latter af rooomaMndaliaa which I faeoivad at thia' tiaa from tho cauactl af jafrty t ••W OOUIIOIL OFSAFITY. kppHMMl Ml MM IMM |9 M Mf JMMS MMB| Bm«« OT wMl^ ^liBlliaiiB fMll aiaaatolad vi* dM ladiaa laalui aai dMir amnaar af aanytaf on aar^ fer laavo to raiaa • OMa, atpait .ia tha aaa «f liiaa, aad locli «a aio i ladiaa awtkoA af i|^ii^ to ka liiiiiil oadialy ia ikair i oaipaaa af aBMylBgaBi lanariog iha anmy h ihait mi lamfmii W« uEUk two ar dnao haadrad maa hiihM ' aaah a aaraa to bcinaMdi wa will lahi Moaar mnaaraa i awa aathTftiiM kaiofiBa iiai ^ and «Bw Jgctkar MM ^MMMMf MHI VM V OTH BttMV* « tV i* MhM«; 0mml UMA^raa." , *Th a fhrcfd aglaac ap yaf o kawrto kia la^i^ftMaftaaaaBitt at aaftiy. -r^^^^^g AHw Ikii I N«lva4 aMthor lattar of iaM*BMii»- H ■aMMHMHI oouNiiL tmnw Aavunvin. t%lm ~ ITTT 'fe"** 0W« Wmum Pftini Oiyi. Imm rWM, M. Whaum V Ooa% ^ . ..._^^. . WiUMiiH»fi«i Li. (M. $Amnt. PattWiOim J*flM iru«i, ta|. WiuiMi LfM,lM." rmMr BowMff NiMM, Lt. Od. Witk Umm miJ mow «(lMff bttofff af race iriytk I Im*« am »•« in mj yaiwlon. I vtnl to kk tiMri* iMMjr, wIm lay at Monrkumn. TlM«fli 0«Mml Wmkkmm M MM lUI !■ villi Um wImm* 9t wkto mm tamUc Ibmm. p J M Jw wiikii •Nwk, Capiifai liny iNMiUy ar 0|pMitMi h« wmM, ii« sir hMiii« nnyi^ Mil RflMa, te^. \m P«ant 0«pi. t lUMt, I AaiMt«M», IflBlMI vNim MttMJT #9lMIN(lMSa W4 VMfW •Ml^flMl l# fV^MfH. iIMMTWi WMflillt •••»• th*l !•?• •««. ihm tn Ptilikarf , •ml t w yiti » • — mH i m I ilMtf —mft, bMk dMjr w«f« fMM. smI fMii4 tiMjr muM am J09MM ftlMClit fM4 twMVMW M991M On IrMII la fk» fmi iwkt I M«M kt BM >fl M » mmmjt. KMiMaky, • t wi ti k a ^Ma OMr MaM •! VlfflBia i mi4 Amb Umm |«w MM ilM fMT 17M^ I n| wi n iM< IwirlMa tmtMf mMm im W h Wltoa «r « • t i fct •( dM OmmmI AMMsMy, mhmm •«• IfWll^ I MM M • fcM VflM hdiM. Ml Ml' 1imII«im I but «Ntt p»i mrm aMifwl !• Mum. MMh I MMM Hrltll HNIM tt m in ik«if «»wn iMiffiM *«v«m««(a «l tiila •»«¥ vitw it ihfin fraai tto iiMk*t to \m alMMti MM )1imnI tiMtf tamp*. iMk I CmwI tk»y tmtU Ml MM VMT «rM alMlii • DliRHll* M Mttlw akMi »| MM MMMTMl AMMMlyi CNMff M couMiiL Mttirt Atvfffmmia. H^ ON TNI MANPIIM Aft9 OViTOlM OT TMI inBUJIt. ' w Mo iw ffvof anMh ikMr ^ir«Mitoji« gihigg m^' BM tlH^B ili^liiil mllMi|^ te iMiaiMM OMf M#llv«M| f*" ■i itll (miamk mmtn Atviiftimii. MMI. TW t^lMW M* ffMMf»lty BMV SVv^^VM^ VMM ^»1N VflW ^^*^ UM MHMM4 W M«mJ| NMf* W H ^l H f «lto« iM WW H | fl« I hmf M«MMf ly mI«m« in Um Miawtnf •MMMf i fM M« My «y •!• iktm mn mttt^mt rnkU . TWy M* • fMiNaUi k AM tMff««ly •«« i»»Mt<« w imM. »IMI nIw I but tM mv MMk AiAklM M 4ftdUH> ••< "M m4 VMM ■M UmI7 Umm1mi«4, tf iMy MS ky Miy MMM pMMM •fiiiUMM liMMti md ilMi tlMf M* •MMMily tiyMr hr. lh» W fM litH M^ ONMVMk ikiM iMfW* «M« ^. . ■ikM»%IS.>OMtkMMiik«t«kMliM fMHkMlll . S»SWyMiMM4 0ll»«». IrtySMMmiiMflW^ wSm mM to Unit wiiiHi M Mi tfiilw n w wnil« f wtt» te SMiiiMM «Um» I ikiiWMi MM iMt flf 1m4 mJ tl riM4 «iA kaift Ant MiMt b it flA i ttfwy m^^ ^^1^ te^^Mft Milk I^^^^M^A AM^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ A|| NTVIM KMMI «rllt tAMK piM iIm >l| •^^mi ¥» km *• Um«*mmi«4 fMlll ••ft «MM wry Mmm •if clMMfwi ••• IMft f M« kl UM MflMMfi Tll«y Ml • fMfMMUi l«M. wiMI MM 1 bm K^ li^BWBr ^^^WWB IB^^^B ^w^^^^^^^^B ■ kyMyi IM fMHkidll )MtftlliiM«WW> M^ I IbHld I^M MMtS - -■ - - ijM i "-''^^ ^ llilSliK VMHMi VMM* tiMf Mi •! ft tfMV ■MfjBtMMtk mJi ■tMtiiyEl4M4li *" PtMAlf CWWUft Hi brfftM Ai« MmmI, m4 I^ •!»*< kmnhm. tW wy. Ii «m tM»» I»ii4 l^«n» wm, «m««w •%•!« ffwii ff*ii4iiMitM« nM4« MlllH wHh iH«tr (hr»lailk«f»i. «m4 f*** 4lfMitrn« lk*« i* f^fsf . «it4 Im« m titfM «i lit* (2 •( kiitr Wn • ' wM < l>w 4 i > . (bhi •n4 4Mf kmiM I hut «M]r <^''*\ ..M <• iNim Um** «« iWMMN'f Imam tn Mtrilh*. Til* OwiWM Mf tW '^« • M« -«• Or' lAtfift Umi UM MM Ulwy ^ « tf Um Oniwwi iImi w«fA(f Um avil mMi \IS!!lLmmmi^ b *• imtM M wMtlMftfk i« to . . MVW «»• , .HVtaMM I* My lillftf UUM tpfMM^ ItiWl Hiy Eni •# tlM W | —ii < i id OMfliMHraiM pNiM i» It fUm,v\ Oiitiiwi Im •«•• ilMM i««itai MMiy cr tfM m^mm 9i «iif iMMfto*. TImm •! iMm «k« mmm Ik* Immm f aiutlto MttgiN ImM iImi ibcw to MM t*Mi im cMM, wImi tfMjp Mdl OMMMMk lUl ni m ud yww w «lw wi Hwi w^ wK MBM MtV CV Mr iM WMMfM^ fMiMMl MS IflMIMMl* Mfl ■■^"H m4 Imbm At ipiy«n w aH j^aB^ Bk ^^ ^M^^ t^^flH A^mA d^^fMMBM^^ IWw n IB HN^V p^W SiNI V^RHMMH^* M Ato OfMi Mm. m4 !• I dMMliMllMI In 4m iBwtBl ktoifglMi WfilMTMkr ukg to mto OrMf Bii«|. Mm to «WII Ml OOLONBL mnV9 IBf tNTUBII. OUmn NtiMt ikU oj^lM dioff tbw. frnd My Omi Mkmiaa llMir tmn propsotiiiM in tkk OMiuMr b adthar Um k u m nn t aof Um wty to dImm Um Miv. XtcMfknUuMfo WM or opinion ihni ioUowinff nnluro in • Unilod ifMo WM rMMnnblo and rigkt. Ho mid Umi mm m Um imiiooal nniaMlf. by followiaf UMir ontnral propon* ■iUio, WON lod lo Um firontooi piiob of happinoM Umi Utoir MtuM and Um wwld UMy livod in would admit oT. Ho Mid Ikat aMokind and tko ratUoaaalcM bad ovil diopMitioat, Uut M tbuB lo i^)aio ibooMolvoo aad otbon. Ho gavo iooianoM of (b\». Ho Mid bo bad a puppy UMt- bo did not inio&d to ■Um, and in ofdor to Ify an oxpocinMnt bo tiod tbia puppy on a polo, and bold it to a ratUouako, wbieb bit it Mvoial tknM { that bo obaorvod tbo mako abonly aftor loUinf aboat appar- aoUy to gnat miaary. m Umi it appoartd to tmm poiMnod MuMwallaa Um pappy. Tbo otbor iaMaaM bo fa«« wm eoManUaff biaaalf. Ha.MidUMtwbaabo was avounff bmb ha WM T«ij foikl oltbo woBsaa, and at lonfUtfaiAbo vwMiaal diaaaaa, ao Uiat, by MWiur UUa pteponaity, bo waa lad to llJurabiauaB and otbon. jBb aaiM ou/ bappMMilf dapaada ob Mr Mfioff •v iMMitf in oidar to aupMOM tbaaa oTildMfoii- Pfmi >9t '^"^ M>r prapanaiUaa aattbar load oa to k^uia mmem imt othan wo ni|^t with Mlbty iodMlfo Uiam, or ofia poiauo tbamaa^tU tba bdJMW. fiBNaUTi ara af opinion iIaI tMl^ua float SiSfupiiflw ^ kMTaaljr iabaMtanla. nSaMSiA? ■unoM •— aautiovad aa aaaiaianta in Manaainc tbo a&in oa m WWV** uA u iaapaoUag Mio MUoaaAf «mdj «ad that •fan Um tnalioaal aaioMU ara annfad la Tiawjbm »ll c3ofVMMflorMaA> OWAirpiOillAdUMt •dlii fkvdbw.tlitdr mdl|t Um omU* wff iUfok|f|»jD4(o4»7. itooMnrtotlMi SfSS HfDIATf CTSTOMS. ,* >. tiM MUM knguon, thoir ihtolegy (• ol'o noorly oUkt. Wbon 1 mot with tho ShowanM*. or uolaworB*, «■ I could not ipodi thoir tonfuo, I ipoko Ottowo to them, ond *■ it boro mom rtMmbloneo to tnoir Ungutgv, wo undontood toch othor la Mmo common oflaira ; but. «■ I could onlv convorM with thoA vtry imporfoetly, I cannot from my own knowlodgo, with eat* taiaty, fira any account of thair tiMologieal opiniona. ON Taan rouoi, oa oitil aoTiamnirr. I ha?a ofton hmrd of Indian kinga, but norar Mw aav. How anT tttm uMd by tha Indiana in thair own tongoa, wr tha ehiar man af a nation, eoold ba randarad king, I know net* Tho ehiof of a nation ia naithar a auprama ralari mooaieh, of poiantaM; ha Mn naithar maka war or paan. laafOM or traatioa ; ha cannot improM wUiars, or dispoM of mafarinaai ho cannot a^Joam, nrMOgua, or diaaolva a ganoral ummiAj^ nor ean ha loftaN Bfarasaant to thair eoncmshma, «c la aqr nannar aoatrol tham^ With tham (Kara ia no aoeh thiag 99 haraditary aueeasaiMi, Utla of aohUity, or royal Uo9d, at talkodof. Tha eUir of a nation, aran with tha eountafl aaaamMy, or aaoaell, camMt raiM Mm ahilUaf of tai •■ ^ oMaank, bat only raaaba what thay plaaaa to fiva aa fta9 1 ▼olnaiary iaoalioaa. Tha ehiaf m a aatioa aaa to hoM ▼olnaiary iaoalioaa. Tha ehiaf cf a aatioa 1laa lo }vmHi hia Uriaf aa aav athar elilaaa. How than eaa than :wilh Mf pMp«iaiy,haeaBadkfai|if I ^pciriMad thai dM wUla fai|B wara fMnaarfy aofbai afiha^aiina ofkiaAaBd w i|Baiu|jr thair pmt*M dMy oottelaM lh« ehUf laaa oT t i«R||, liaM aaa kuig. .r^ nfi> Am ihoy aia OUlMala, thajf eoasaqnoally ha?a no wrali^ eodooflawak What thay aiaeuM aa lawa am dlhar aid inHbr laaM.orthalMMidiBiaMialtaf'aiweetaMaR. Sdmaoflhai^ aaetoai laara or eaa ta a aa ai vnaw vasaa a# fhWaa (to lalNii m fwj! patakfcraa, aad Aitail M. aad hiiwili aia WMor M Ni||| l^ai l ie i tf th ay ata both ifjllli^ ^hat'T litil9 HNa ar caraaHoy aamif .tt hot aa Hha thfoldiiiilMa oT «li : th9 waa Kajwa. 9ad mIm TiridiMa Ifli wifc ThA MMSSaTLSyBr ' ia^^^ "** •W* |i^ ^■mmtmA iMt fcf^'aiid aha' & mtki M It i^ ihpt ^t'^H ta'taiw hiai lahMPlMtiBMai liMMefthaife.e....^^ aiSKlMl «hty«M th^FiS# Bi>di5%^b^^ an* m OOLOiriL tMITH't ADVINTUHEI. that Um/ had hoard it wh the UMirai custom amoaf IMliom. Th«ir flrwiutnl ebanf inf of portnon pravonu pro|M Mtion, eiMlM diiturbancM. wad ofton occMiont murd«r tad lloodilMd, tlMUgh this it commonly commiuod undor lh« pro- teBM »r boing drank. Thoir iropuniiy to crimM eommiti«d whoa intoiioalod with •piriiuous liquors, or thoir admiitiag oeo erimo as aa tieuso for aaothor. is a vary ui||uat law or •ostom. Tbo oitromos thoy ran into in dividing tho nocossarias of Ulb ait hurlAU to tha pablio woal t thongh their dividing moat whoa hunting may aniwsr a valnahio pwposa, aa ooa family My hava sueeooi ono day, aad tho othot iho fMits hut ihafr aaiiTlag this custom to tbo towsi or to agriculiuio, is strikiag •I tfea foot of industry, as indaslriaus nafsoiis onghl to ha twwaidad, and tho laiy suAr for thoir iodo^ooco. Thoy hav« asarcaly any ponal kws s M^ priaclBal punish' ■Ml is dogiadiag j avan mvrdar is not Bualshad by any fof- mi kw, olily tha Maads of tha fB^ldeladVla at Uhaity to slay MmM*'*' V "MM atoM^MOt iaaolnada. Thoir aMaa* tfMTaihar paapla'ii labor; 1% luiTaMl&ar ^^ aiaetad as mtmf^t^ak^ ow^wnii. _ . ma4i giaat ehaMk Boit ■taio IlavaaAaB hof^ ffSSnRi Sur SS^SHmZ ritMM* mnmiMNMaMiaHH riNTVRCI. It custom •moog wrlnan pravcnu pro|M" t occMioiM inurd«r mm! «nmiUMl undtr th« an- ty to crimM eommiuwd ion, or ihoir Mimiitiag • • Tf rjr ui^ust Uw or ding ih« nocttMrlas of Of h tk«ir dividing most purpoM, M oo«lMaily iMt itko iMits but ih«fr ■griculiun, it itfikiag IS MffOI)! ougiM to w loao|ooM. i Mm BriaclRtl pmiak' M pll«MMl>y•9yro^ •r MO at UUity to tUy I nodo. Thoir mtn tm- p^ not M giMU oriim^ iM to no lUHMlad. ilBMi Atteiidiaa i«M«»«t ralowl orilll MVMMivf •Ino gmiid.MgioM VIRAB.' ■omIL tho ladfaoo^bo ' ^^Tf ^^^T^' ^www ^^^^n i ym «« ooi in ooM' ( dllMHOM'fiBlO iHMOOr bporfi«ffvtJboi.«o<|bB"M I tilM|fCttO C( >^ '" H' niDiAff ovnoMS. eon nins thoy eoa form o eirelo ot MMidielo. Tbo eiiob ikoy moko um of in ordor to surround ikoir onomy, ond tko Boiniciroio if tiut onomy bns o rivor «a ono sido of Tboy cu obo form o kirgo lioilow siiuoro. fooo out and toko troot) this ihoy do if (Mir onomios nro obont ■urrouading thMtti to Movsnt boia| sLot from oithor sido of tho troo. Whon tboy go into bottio uioy nro not loodod or onoumbond oritb many elotbooi •• tboy commonly flgbt nnkod, snvo only bn elout, loggina, and moceasina. Tbora ia no mieb tbin| aa «o^ portal ponisbmont uttd in ordor to bring tbom unoor rath good diteiplint ; doarading it tbo only tbasiitomont, and tboy aro to unanimoua In tbia that It adbetnally antartfa tbo pat* poto. Tboir offloort pkin, ordor, and oondaal mattori natfl tboy aro brougbt into aetien, and tban oatb man it to flgbt aa tboogb bo waa to gala tbo battla biamoU Ooaoral ordoia aia oommoaly giota ia timo ti battla altbor la adfaaso or rattaak aad la dona by a about or yaU, wbicb ia wall a a damto d , aad Ibaa ihav ntiaal or advaaao in ooaoori. Tbay aia goaMaHf ' oqawpod, aad oattodlagly oapirt aad aotivo la tba aaa « ^^^^aa^aa aA lua ^mai^^^tf^^^^^A ft^amft nasft^n^^Mtotiala^k^^^B fttftf^^M^tfi ^^^ma^^I tt Oaatnli BmddotkTcbaai, 4a. I It wutf ba aaU bf •eaw tbal tho Pioaab waia aka Maagad k thia war. Twrn* thtyaroiat yot I haowlt^aaa thatadiaaa thai kid Iho Blam •aiwhhHMiU aatlataaoo palithitaaaaaiitiaa. Tholadiaaa had no all Ama tho ffOMh, or aay aibor powar, wbaa thav batligid fcn nit k lbs yaar VM^ aad eai off iha iiwaai aatlMS te a ^gn^^g^^ ^mt ^tamaa iWl OMt a^ iM Nrho irwa aa Iha naf to laka tha aiago) bad il aai baapte • wm m ttM « nHaa taa aiago) aaaii aai aaoAwr Mt i t t a ac a al tho ^irgfarfa vol an nt r^ Thay had aa.lilk iMapa with thaai aribaa ihty daiaMaA Oaloaal GiawMlk r Iha Bwdaiiryt k tha tkai af iha wMk Oi^Briiaki m arBaa tbov ^Intad Oakaal Loaakdik aialha Ohla,aaar tho MJaait. na bk irar la naal QmSmQMm ihkama ako k |^ ^^m of iha Biitkb walk bwlMtoK dkaa alaaa ikM lalklaA'CkkMl Tadd« k KaaMMhyi Mkl Via Ika »^-t«»~^ ki iteiaw* IMftt aad rakniV ilMliaii battJM Iha Ohk aa4 klta JM% k tha yaar lUlb mk fl ipa ofc Mi 6kir. k dM yaps IMIt ktaid that ilMaa.anai ■aw al aaaaaai.hlHaAai4hkai%aiikuiihMa amak«HraB»bllMi dwkr •■» ooakaa wMh.iOiaai Iritak. TkmTmA vo ill kkte <^ fca^ a»d» aoal^kH pa««ft ijiliiil Iba Vkflftkai Ihaa am* ZmJtim wkaab^oiwilfataadii» ibafhM lh»OMMi eotoNiL tiirnrf Awmmmii. • t in ihU iMBiMr ihajr Btoctedtd, «ntU ihty all gol ort, (h« VlrfiniaM Iimw imi ikey ^•i ivtrtNiM, Miid in (Ma fttTMi iImv earrlad off all tktir woundad. In tha moat of iIm hngoknt Mfeala ihty km$hi with an inferior nnmbar, ihouf ii in lEio, iMiavOt it wm not tha ran*. Nothing enn ba mora vnJMatljr rapraaanlad than tho difbrant neeounta wo hnva had of thair numbar, from timo to tima, both hy thoir own eoniMilationa, and that of tha British. Whila I wna amonf thorn I anw tho account of tho numbar that thay, in thooo puta, gava to tho Proneh, and kant it by mo. Whon thoy, in thoir own eounoil*hoaiOi woro taking an account of thoir nunibor, with a pioco of barli. nawly airippad, and a amail adeht whioh anawarad tha and of a alata and nancil, I look an int af tha diflbrant nntiona and tribaa, which I addad to* galhoff. and (band tharo wora not half tha numbar which thoy had nivan tha Froneh i and though thoy woio thon thoir alliaa, and Uf«d among tham, it wna not oaay finding out tho docop> tloni no thoT woro a wandoring aot, and aoroo of thorn almool dlwnya in tno wooda hunting. I aakad ono of tho ehiofa whni wna Uaofe ranaon kit Making aneh diflbrant ratuma. Ha mid it mk for pdhionl r aa a eaa.Tn oidor to obinin gronior pra a a n tt flt«n tha Franek. by taUiac than thoy conM not iirlO* aneh •ad andk qnantitloa of gooM among ao many. fai tho ynnr of GonamI Bouquofa kat enmpaign, 1764, 1 mm tho oAokl fotora mado by (bo Britiah oiBeora oltho nam* bar 9t Indinna that warn in anna agninal oa that yonr, whiek •mnantad 10 thirty thooannd. Aa I wna than n Uantanant hi tko Bfilfak atrvica, I (old tkam I wna of opfaOoo ihnt thoM wna na( dtovn ona thooannd in ama agdaat na, aa dwy wom d l i M od by Brandatraofb amy, boiag ilian nt kko Bria. Tho Briilak oAeava koolad at mo,^and anUI tkov could not mnko My Inbofod of tho Bto, and m dUlenltka nndar in ilfiikg Ikamt na Bni^nad anaotod tkat tkait tnopa eoold IfkioEo aadiaeinlipad ««••••"■ A"*'^''^ ^ "^ ■■ ^'^ M ika Imi lnltoaa» and ff io wfcf a my mpoK would not n»* •war thoir vnipoaot aa tkoy aonli not 0fn aa hoootnblo aecoaat of tbn wnrknt by nngmialiag iMt muabor. I am of opkrioa tbnt ft«m Brnddmskl wnr until tkn pNoant I than tkraa tkenaaad Indkna, at any timn. in i wual of fait Pm, and AnyMttdy aat half thnt anm- bit. Aoeovdiuf lo tho Indinna* own ac oo—la, tetag thn tetag t i«hdn of Bmiftiok'b wnr, or fram 17if till IfA. «h«r Ullad ortaakMMrofooif MopU for ono that tkagrlaat blka«at tini tominanaad iadwyaar 1968 thoy kfiM iiiim»aHII»ny fiw of lont Mopl^ and laat mova of tkaim» ia tetlwikM. (iMtMlaHy tim yihgiirfaaa) «ktd lannad iiM Hiiif ; j|f.t||i|,- MMiiiaMi n a P •I o U U m n U u fl E I m A C •I ii 1 1 S h d • n n ! tl 11 Ij i k ifnmii. ihffjr >H got oT«r, nd in iHii mill 1 rttranUMl, iin^ il. In the nwMt of iIm iferior nnoibtr, thouf h nte4 than Um diflbrwnt Irom lima le lima, both ib« British. WbiU I lb* numbar that thajr* kant it t7 ma. Whan tMcing an aeeoant of f iirippad, and a tmall I and pancil, I look aa baa, which I addad to> Im anmbar which ihay wara than thair alliaa, flndiag out tha daeaj^ aoiaa of iham almaai ana of iha ahiafa what ant latunis. Ha mM iMaiii fiaalaf nraaanta eovld not divida avail aaay. lat aampaifB. ITM, I ih oflkan » tha nva^ It oa that vaaTi whlek thaa a uaataaaat ia of aiplaion that thaia ■taat aa, aa tkajr waia la at lidia Bria. Tha havcoald aol laaka mf lahorad aadar la Ml thair tiaopo oeaM aa-im to oaa, aa th*]^ N|pon woaid aot aa* ibar. lamofopiaiaa , at aay tidM. ia ■■■■ acooaan. iwlaff tha (tyilTMllli^lM ihavlBit blhavai rkMad wfrnHfHf Min# in lha>lMlkM OfMAlf OOVfOMS. ri ihay, in ihia war, according to thair baliata to ba lru«,) killad or laok tan of oar mathod af war i aaoaunia, (which paopla for ona thay laat. Ml ua aow uka a viaw of tha blaod aad traaaaro that waa apaat in opposing eomparatifaly a few Indian warriora, with only Mma aaaistanoa trani iha Franeh, tha flrat (bar voom of iha war. Additional to iha amasing daatrucilon and ■laaghtar thai tha flroBilara aaaialaad from Jamaa rivar lo Suaanahaana* and abaai thirty milaa broad, iha following eampalana wara alao carriad on ofoinat tha ladiana : Oanaral Braddoek'o, ia Iha yaar 1756 1 Oolonal Armatrong'a, againat tha OaltanTaa town 00 tha Allaghany, 1767 ; Oaa. Fanaa'a, ia 1708 1 (Urn. fltanwiek'a, in 17M; Oanaral Manktoa'a, in 1760 ( Oolonal Bottoaai'a, in 1741 aad 1763, whan ha (boght iha battia of Brualiy San, and loal abova oaa haadrad ama, but, by tha aaaistaaca of tha Virgiaia Taiaataata, droto tha Indiana ; 0«l. Anaationf 'a, ap tha waat bvaach of Suaaoahaaaa, ia IVfBi Qaaanl Broadatraat'a, np laka Bria, fai 17M; Oaa. B aa q aa l li af»ia«i tko IndiMa at MiiaMnfum. 17M s Lord Danawray la 1774: Oaa. M'lnioah'a. in 1778; Oolanal Orawfbcd^a. ahwllj aftor hiai Oan. Olarka**, ia 1778, ITW; O alaaal Bowana'ib ia 1779 1 Oanaral Olarka'o, ia 1788, agaiaat Iha Wdbaak la 1788 ( Oaa. Logaat, agaiaat tha Shawa n aaa, la 1788| IPIMtW p^aiMa laapaeta aaiaa ahaai, vii. aa aMaMasa, sMw m ▲^.^ OOLONIL nilTVl AOTUrrUtll. w« art lir htkimA is tMt nMimitvrM, or in btinf to iiiriiriM, or pravrai • rarpHa*. Umy w» not eoiMlud*. Itol ik« profTwa wt had im4« in ik«ir art W ww eotiiHbutad MatMmUjr «^wwJt w iumms, im wtiow rwpMta, wk«n MBtoB^inf viik Omi Britain for libvrtv f Had ih > Briibk kiur nttompltd 10 tn^sv* lu Wfora Bnuiaoek'a war, ii. all pro- babQiijr h« nif kt fMdilv iMva dona it, baeanaa, aioani iba Naw BaclamUfa, wko UA brmarly baan Mfagad in war with ika IndiMa, wa wara unaaqoainiad with anv kind of war. But •Aar fiffktinff auek a aubtia and hnrbanraa anamy aa ika In- dUaa, wa wait not torriAad ai tka apnroack of BHiitk rad-coau. V. *T ^'t^y^J* <••'••» M«ompAakad. in aoma maatura. by tka Indian Moda of Af kiing t And dM not Oanaral Mornn'i nMtmm, and oMnv atkara, flfhl with ntitiar auccaaa in eon* J of wkM thay knd laamad of ihair »n of war ? Kan- •Mkv would no< kava baan aattlad ai tka tima it waa, kad (ka Vinkifaina baan altofalkat ifnomnt of tkia matkod of war. to Bnddodi'B war tka ftontim wara laid waata fer abera Ikno kiMdnd milaa lon|. and nnanlly aK at thirty brand, MMi^nff aoM that wm livinf in fena, and many hundrada, « MTkMn tkmianiida. MM or nOa oapdfaa, and karaaa, and ■UU^ of HM^ anrrtod af. Bat. in tka nait Indiui war, (iMgk wa InT iW MM Mfaina to capo witk, tka frontiait ■iMil nU ataod tkaif fioand, baoMaa tkay wara by tkia Hmo, m MM iMMMa, ne^oaintad witk tkair manwtviaa { and tka «Ml nT tkli in tka flrat war waa tka aoMo of tko !oM or muiy kndiado of Mr eitiaaaa, md nrack traaawn. ' TkMfk loTfa valufflaa knva baan writtan an moitlhy, yat It MrkoaUfomMd opinMyiHtdoaayaawonldwiiktobo dM^kjr. Bo iko Indiana aoanp tka art of WM in tkofelleww butooM ar tka pritmta wwifota ia to ba nndat eonmond. fttMtmUy to okoy atdara; ta Innm la iMieh aWaM in naNd aidav, ao ta to bo fai laadinMa lo anr»Mnd tka anamy, m Movant kaitiff aurroMdad ( to ka food nMrbauMn, mmI in tka «M of wmai to piMtlM rannings to ionin to kHniar Mkardddpa witk pnttanca and Ibrtitudat to toU tnith at an tiniM to tktdr oOiMa, b«t noio MOMid^ wKai i4t o«i to afy tko fnonijr. (kmtmimi C^bm^Tkoy m j ikM It wmM bo nboaid m -Hal • Man an oileor wkoM aUll and OMmgn k4d aaVW tHad I Am all oAoora akonid bo il-immil inlj iimiidlii (fk; tkMMOMaMiakaddknfatkaabBahMtMMMi n»nraiyt Ikni naowne U of liliiri nM W dnt—JM wtnj I kov an nilMk ii la bo andfei iknl h it llM kMfaMvtni* oOmm to by flMW to tohncMiy adtrtMMifi if *»«iMi^| m tko to mmm INTVBII. RMnauvrM, or in btlnf May w« no« eonelud*. r art W wi eeniribiitad TtH««t rwipMM, wli«n •rtv I Had ih' Brittoh •ii4oek*a w«r, ii> Mpn- b«ea«M, tiMiM iIm N«w nfsfftd in war with ih« My kind of war. Bui inro«t onomy h iko In* NMk of Brititk r*d*co«u. Md, in Mm* modfuroi by I no« Oonorol Morgan • trviilor tuecaaa in eon* ilMir Mn o( war f Kan- iIm lima it waa, iMd Um Ibia matliod of war. ra laid waa«t ftw abvr* idly nkk^ttl ikiHy brand, la. and many kvndrada. aydfaa, and karaaa, and ib Um nail Indiui wnri eofa witk, iha froniian tlMy war* ky ikia tfoM, r mansuTiM { and Um •aaof UMiaaaofrnMy ktan M molality, yal It ■ yau wonld wiak to k« irtofwnrbiUMMIoww a to ka vndat eomauid, • to iMveh abrraat in to Nrlvand tha anani)r, • foad HMrkaaMn, mmI a rannittg; to lanm !• Muidfertitudat loMdl aapadnllywlMi •kaofdm ItwMM ka andaMm|«kM dvMMadMhr ^Um ' • ' Itlailw •rn* muAH oimoMf. MB (unkoak and nirpriaa tkotn, and m pracant kainf amk«ak«ra to prvpar* and dalivar apaaalMa to tiM m«n, in ordar to animala ana an«aurafa tkam i and on tk« marek. to prtvont tka in«n, at any limo, from falling into a huddla. hacauaa If tka anomy ahould aurroond UMm in Ihia poailion tkov wonM ba ttpnaod to tko onomy'a Ara. It \» Ukawiao tkair buainooa at all limoa to ondonvor M annoy ikoir aptmy, and wtf tkair own mon, and tkorafom ought navar to bring on nn attack witkout ceiMUamkMi adran* taga, or witkout wkat appaarad to ikani tka aura proapact of victory, and tkal wilk tka loaa of faw man t and if at any linM tkay apould ka miatakan in tkia, and ara lika to loaa many man by gaining Um victory, it ia UMir duty to ratptnt, and wait for a katiar oMortunity of dafaating tkair anamy, witkoot tka dan- gar of 'ling ao many man. Tkoir aondoat provoa tknt tkM act upon UMaa prineinUa ; UMrafera it ia UMt, tnm BmddoakS war to Um pioaant tMM, UMy knva aaldom avor mnda an nn* ■ttceaaofni nttaek. Tka baHia at tka moMk of Um Oraai Kon* kawa ia Um gtaatoa t inatnnea of tkia » mid ovan tkan, ikoogli Um Indiana killod akont tkraa for om tkay kMt, yal UMy tt> tiaoiad. Tha laaa of Um Virginiana in Uiia nation woa aavanty and tka oama nnmkor woundod. Tka Indiana looi on Um Md, and aigki wkn dkd aft a n m i da of tkab waai d a. Tkia woa ika ywoiaat loaa of OMn UuM 1 ovor knaw tka Indiana M anatain in an* oim kaitla. Tkay wtti commanly loiraai if UMir mon ara fclling fcali UMy iHll nol aland entUof lUw Um Hiffkhndora or oikar Britlak tiaona i knf Uiia p raaaada tnm • eowplianca wHk UMir ralaa of war nrtkor tkon oowardko. If UMy ara aorronndad tkay wUl Igki wkflt Umn ia a aon af UMm olifo, roihar tham aimandor. WktM Oala n a l iakn Armal r ang aunaaadad Um Oatianyaa iMra, me tka AUofkaMy iHar, Oaplafai Jaeoka, a Dohtwara fkkf, wMH ■piaaaa fa nafa koaao, dafaodad UmmoIvIm nllad a namkar of oar ikttaiMt Uma.and eoald apaak laglMk, oar paopio eallad on kim la Ha aaM Umi ka and kia man won waniom, and Umt wooU an fldil wkila lifc iwnainod. Ha waa again Mid UmI Umj akooHkawaUaaadirUM^woaldaniyaanmidart aadlfnaC Um koaaa okoald ka kamod down om UmIt koada. Jaoob i«pUa4 ka ooaU aat Am t oad wkaa Um kooaa wka in a flaoHk ka. tai Ikay Umt wora wiUi kim, cama oat in a flgkUag pa4> Uan. airf wora on UIM. Aa Umj on a akarp, aeUvakind of paniOb tad war ia UmIt priaeipal atody, in dUn tkay kava anifdl HI aaBaidamkh parfeetitM. W* may kara of Um In* dllMiAilia aoaM aad kadakla. aad at tka aama Una hf Mlia *iiiAai>awa fwnaadiiy. b li mnek lo ka IhmMi4 MilMilMMII rindi ooumiL mrrvt Avmrrviii. I •( Mr ttmfkktr rliMM* mv Mw mm* m l«Hii» itt (Mr lalitinMiijr. Ollr^| ilM BriiMl «•». • m«m44i WMBbw W'MMi Amii tel«w fen PIn i nn ifi iIm Olii*. m4 ■MMMM IIII9 tt l#Vtt OT frlMMly IMnMf tlMlljf DtlilirfllMi ■ilHillHf i« liMir p«w*f. b cMt Midi iWjr wnMirt^ ih» VMM MMw wkkMi ^h U i wii w i W If* cr Ml. Tliia wm m ■H W hwUrlijr fci y wii My Uiiaf I tfit Ih»w !• to •Miiiwtd hjr ilM MvufM UmmmIvm. Wky b«v* «• Ml mmU fiMMr ptitiMMr hi lib MIm wt il WW I b k kMMM «• MW IM prM4 M MrilM» tlMM« ffMI Ikrafk M ikMM W •' MMM ti pMMrrtaff ik* MfM of mm/ tImttMmml IC«1 W« it mi <>»f» fc< w »w l»y i Mf n y awMI^ MMb M VMBMiyi BMHk HWHMWVi w4 ItoMtoM Mf iMMbtodl ttot M «M» tos wrt»> ■■ l| w i > M itob M« ar Ml. Tkk wtm m ikanr la lib MIm an ■ la lantaia ummi wm vvNif ika nfW of'aMajf rfia«Hi,* «nil«n»k« H. i«il • ihmmmm tf friiri»4« w«r« ^Miing in tMr ptwMtlMM «kM i stiMM 4» k i wlik wKom SMMiOM I COMlMiMl, (VmD • tMCVft f»fM«t !• CM|Mf k^H **4 «(Hif>tryi M iiur M 1 luww my •wm ktwrt. tiM Mlawing pafM wNMaifl. M fcr M I MR mBMiMff, tM mmI uiaivrM fMMfM Umi Immmm4 wwln> ■Wr. Um HMrt MMtorkl HMM 9l WW ilMr»»liMI nUnf MM»« (MnfffCMiK nf M I «mUi wUk ( b«t IV oilwn, «M NHiy MtitoiVtM •! Uilag*. (Sir r ••fcl|M4 irtlMirfailMT >' fort, M Um c«n7i(sc Iw w«pi Ulrc lo to «mm- Ami* tak* tbt Iii4te llMStiiy.AMlNMMi sfM4 tW wtf mymm m WiUiMM. Ml Uukm MMVllHwMVinM. ■ynllMlbil lakiiif MyMM «» vmrn* •MMly witUag w IMV* IIMT I MMid fal ^r j iil4 ttk* e«M9M9* Ml taM te MM 1 BW BOIIRT tABflVRN'l CAPTITPTT. (Wl «rVM vf • 4yi*>> Rton, wlkkl) ••«'H» wtto i sown |wrr«tv«>«l whim p«* |Mi«4 to !««•(•« «•. In (kU 4llftr«tli MitinltAn. w«imit • Ut«« |viM« itM n«ir, i r«p*(f«>l tti ii f»f tlMittw^ i an^l whiU ilno tiitKMnif w»ra tto«iiif mif INiHjr. I. Nnvinf • fftwid fhaiwit of kttttnf two •! • aliol. (lukkfy till mmiim Mm« n^rf, Omi tny llh»wtM t(i»clMrf«4 r«4rv«( a 4ill»f*tM fmttm, an4 tn my |t»«i «ii<^')rtM Ull tniit a A**f mir«, wlii«k ih« •nomv liy fulliminir mjr •'•"ti In a llffNl ■mi«r MMM 4iartvv«f«i|, tn4 akiiit^d iri<< i4» •aaTmnpafow twriiy. Tfay woaM yralakiy mf a«t «^K««»*ama aiiaikM «taa/ BtoMkap kav^ iki m aM ^MfoMMf mlM^atearndtoaiyHaHiaMaAai '« ka ataM atfi HiMa Mi lOBMT KAVTWllff CAVtlVm. Im\m^ itM4 «/ Wmd Ofwd.) vyab ilMy mm aAaiH i •I Wmhi fM m ilM •«««l, •■Mfi If* mnmm, 4* IbM Vimm, W ^wTl»^WW VW ^^W^W? i^^lfWJW* |W*WV VINT W IMHV iVf fiailti m ii wl Qmlw*. A« mm m llMy fM MMlMt. M>t Um^ fttMv. iU MMipli tiMtk wwtlly •! IfliMaitaM t sm >Mwp4i «kw( najf miJm Usali, 1/ lllay «M M( Um to •! — l»f>, M* MMtMMlljr WfM M llllIt lys wMl Mlk* MM MfM*. b k Mjr w i w l i f ilM ii M wm «f AhU «m Mmm4 Willi TW •IM VlMM Vwy €ttffflWl Ml IBM9 1MII9 1 Ml 99 IBMv MMMVv WSPB BtHB9« MM kHj. khitef HMM^ltaMMM4Mk,M4 MM TUmLmw flBHBWMi iIM MMMM WMIm MV WMtk Mft ■MMMB MMte SMnMl4 M«a4 dM iM» IM Mf ktaA M MM iMMt vkli «f fli *« IMW bMfW, % llM ImO ««MMi M «tlk M ^MiaM> Mi UfiMTs MMM Mf Im^ « Will iMii M Umtdtif ilM NUi, «• MM mt^ i iIm mmmwIm MiMai • iTL^MMM liM*, MM Wm T MM MJl U CB ^MW^flBi| VMMv VWv WHS M VMS pMM vMMS ^PV ^'^7 P^^ ■IIhIbi iImm fW • iftM. WhM < • Mif I* Mff b ll» MMllMk MMlfi l» MMMI STIiMMZn/iSill^^^ iHMiMyt Mit iM» I MM yi ^ig* ! • mM. lb IIm MUlM.-yMMaf«i«MiU«JM«k««.'* M«kM Im MW tllM Im muM Ml pmmUi k« IVVWpik HM Wl WBvw1« b ilMtv «Ui ' milkarr MfM M «Mf Uakt m Im4« Miil ^MMi fM Mf pB»i Mnili Mm ■• It III nrinMiL «MMti llHfp4Ml,lMllMktt tft Mhk Mt Am SffiS^ intItT lAtrtfTlMt CAfTtnTT. Mi ikn*. Ui «Miim(MMM at It MV Iwlitn immim M**tn« iMt flt4 tl M t^. " r*kaul4 (•! tUUMM wMft I •-•m* i«» C!«ii< •fla," wktalt WM (wM ••n«r«f« !• Mt •1nmm( h»mn f hi my , Ik* l«4l«M, p«f««t»li»f I «M Mnwall (IikI *tm\A n«M Ml •Mrw fwi4. •f4*f«4 MNM tflnn^laia. whwit iK«« ImiI W»iH< M fVw« IM ^^ «n.MMBt te«t khtt mmm 4mpf mank. «• BfH««4 b« IbIm OniBviB, mUm I Btl ItMt Mitt MHli WwBt ItfMBB VBfV BfMttMy« Wl M t IwgryMmMr ' ^- r - - ^ tTBIJf MIBf latlW H •WBBI* Ot UM fiMty Wbft w wf^nA ti iIm (bIib, Um Ib4Imm MIM til4 tM trU, »ltk wlMM I iMi • Tat vltMft ttHiM ttVtMl tl UMlf «MMt»iM M —I ^l^» wkfak m^^A ^^^W ^^^MW^ ^^w ^^^Bw ^^^wW^^^^t^ ^V^I^W^V ^v^^^W^P PPWBBVv ^M^V OT vIViSQCf VHI Bvl I9W VMIH 9MlvCVMI VffBOTv Ai^ Vi^Aft MM Mill B^HA A^^^^^^^^^ M^2 ^|^ • ihMf iptM WkM.M Mm MB B*Br Mn,by wMib ^HB^pV ^^^W W^^^V WV^V W HIT ^HIHh iM W iM ^VV MHI^Vh^Wi VB^^v Ah^M^^^Mm ^ig^^^ ^MM ^^^^ i^^ ^^A^ M^^^Mi ^B^^^W ^^MA ^^^^^h^^2 M^^MH^^V VWy m^ pVvV S^ SIMM M^^nf wWi WW fVPlOTv ^BV WttK^KW ^^Hl^^^^ B^M B^^^B^P ^Wl^^^P ^^Fi^^W V^Mr ^B^^Pt ^^^W^^V HB^Rm ^^ I HtM tMMi vMiftfMMMMMMLMdMPbtilBMi wMbIi Ihb Mi t fBt4 MMMI WMM MMttltt HHl B(( tRt Mttftt t tr piMWta* «Im d^ bI whisli mvm^ ffvbt M, i»iMtt HtM TIm t ikM MM BtM t tHl ii » ffO ROBXRT KASTBUIN t OlPmriTf. Mifbratt m«M in. whirl tMing tniM, w« M w«n( ovtr tbft ■oulh of a riv«r, whtr* it •mptias ilMlf into the tMt md of lak* Ontario. A tfraot pirt of our company mi oil' on foot lowarda Onwoifatchy, while the reit were ordered into battoaui and carried towarde the eitreme of St. Lawrence, (where that river takea it* beginning,) but by reawn of bad weather, wind, rain, and enow, whereby the waters of the lake were troubled, wt were obliged to lie by, and haul our balteanx en ahoM. Here I lay on the cold shore two daye. Tuesday set oflT, and •Qlered the head of St. Lawrence in the afternoon ; came too kte at night, nude 6res, but did not lie down to sleep. Em* barking long before day, and afior some miles' progress down the river, saw manv fires on our right bond, which were made by the men who left us and went by land. With them w« staUi tUl day, then again embarked in our batteaui. The weather was very bad, (it snowed Csst all day ;) near night we arrived •I Oawentehy. I was almost starved to death, bat hoped lo alay in this Indian town till warm weather ; sleM in an lodian srigwam, reao early in the morning, (being. Tirarsday,) and MM la my grief discoverod my diaappeintmont. flovaral of iIm nrlssiiars had leave to tarry bare, but I mast go tw« ban- dfsdi miloB farther down stream, to another Indian town. Tha Motlof baing axtiamely cold, I appUod to a Franeh marebant at tmdar far aooia old rags oif ckNliing, far I wai abnoat naked, bat to a^iMMa. AbopHan JMnnk, I was ordassd into i boat, to go down the ■iTaffWith ai|^t or nine Indiana, ona of whom was the man wadriin Uia skirmish before laentionad.* At night wa voht'oinhora t the snow being much deeper than befora, va alaaiad K mmtf and made a large Ire. Here, whan the wean4> ad Indian list his eyes upon me, hi« (dd gradga revived t he laiak my Maaket from me and eoounanded ma to dance roand ^ Im harafBoi, and stag tka prisoner'B sonf, which I atlarly ilfcaad. TWs sofprised ona of nv Irdiow w wanars, who toM ni they waald piil- ma to daadb.lor he andeMood what ihajr «id. Ha thaiafiMe triad lo pataMa ma lo oomplyt bat I dd^ aifad him to let me ahma, and wai|hi«agh groat maiey aaahlad la Njaot his importanity with alConenee. This lndli» alao aooiMuod urging, Mying, you shall dance and sing ; hoi a» ■oshandiny my aomplianco sinAii, I datemainad to dacUnlnc it at all adventaias, and leave tha lai The Indian, percotviag hia ajfcw to fired with indignation, and endeavored to push ina iaitu orhieh I leaped over,aBd ho, baiag w««k wUh Ua wtHnilb tfMii4 ^ jChB MllMMf Mohidriv the ■ritl 0. « ■wMiiHwsHwiwaMimiiwtei 4FTIVITY. , w« ail WMtl o?«r dM f into the ami •n4 «f >m|Mny Ml oil' on foot re ordered into baltoaui Lawrence, (where that I of bad weather, wind, the lake were troubled, rar batteaax en ehof*. Tueiday Mt off, and 10 afternoon ; came too ie down to sleep. Em* I miles' proffroM down land, which were made 1. With them wo ataid ktteaui. The weather near night we arrived to death, bat hoped to her I eloM in an Indian (being. Thaniday,) and leintmont. flovoral of «t I ronat go two ban< her Indian town. Tho to a French morchant for I waa abnoat naked, n boat, to go down tho of whom WM tho man tinned.* At night wo deeper than baff>ro, wt Here, when the woqimI* rid gmdgo rovived ; ho ded mo to dance round *■ aong. which I utlnfr 2ow*MiMnon, who toli I undoMood what tlMv no to eomplyt bnt I ^ gh great mow j WMhiod tee. TMa fatdtn atao nee Mid tfaig ; but i» Koi i n i Bo d to BOMiai ta toihodhlM X: paah imo ia«» tfMll kowao ROBERT lAmUlNI OAPTmTT. tri net being aaeiited by any of hie brothren, was obliged to deaiet. For ihii gracious inlorposure of Providence, in preserving me both from sin and danger, 1 deeiro to bless Ood while I live. Friday morning I was almost perished with cold. Saturday we proceeded on our way, and soon came in sight of the uppet part of the inhabitants of Canada. Here I was in great hopeo of some r-^lief, not knowing the manner of the Indians, who do not make many stops tmong the French in their return ftom war till they get home. However, whitn they came nenr some rapid fallH of water, one of my fellow-prisoners and several Indians, together with myself, were pat on shore to tmvel by land, which pleased me well ; it bunff much warmer running en the snow than to lie still in the Datteau. We passed t^ ■everal French houses, but stopped at none ; the vessel going down a rapid stream, it reauifed hasto to keep pace with her, and we croeeed over a point of land and found the battana waiting for us, as near the ahore as the ire woaM permit Here we left the St. Lawrence and turned up Cenaoiidaagn river, bat it being ftoaen up, we hauled our bnttoau on shore, and each of us took our share of her kiodkig on our haeka, and marched towards Oonasadaugo, an Indian town, which waa ear designed port, bat could not reach it that night We cmm to a French house, eold, weary, and hungry* Heie my oM friend, the wounded Indian, again appeareo, and relatod to the Fronehman the aflhir of my refusing to danee, who bnmedi- atoly aaaisted him to atrip me of my flannel vest which wm mjr nil. New they were resolved to compel me to danee and eing. The Frenchman was as violent as the Indian in pro* moling thia imposition ; but the woman belonging to the house •ee in y ;he rough usage I had, took pity on me and rescued me oat in their hanla, UTl their heat was over, and prevailed wilk the Indian to excuse me from daneiiw, but he inaisled thai I muat be shaved, and (hen he would Mt me alone. (I had •! tlMt time a long beard, which the Indians hato.) With thia motion I reodilv complied, and then they seemed oontennid. Snndny, Apnl Utn, we set off towaids OonaMdauga. nod travoHed abeot two heme, wiben we mw the town over a neat tiver. which woe etitt freoen. The Indiana stoppedr«nd we jeteed with a mnnber of ear own company, which we had not eMm for eeeemi dnye. The priaoaen, in mmihar «!, «%re t i ieie d m ley down their podra,ind be pain(e4 woonted iadM pnfntid me, and pat i belt of wampom * wyneek, hMMad of the rope I had woM four hunted Tim iMi ieteff for ^ town on 4ie ice,whietwaa Onr keods were not alkw«d'«> he eovoMrf, Iwi ^itM WmM %i lii4 «ke wmMher ii «lw 1 ,Ji !U Vf9 towBUT lAfnwmirs dApmrrnr. ytfy cold, Uk« to ftmw our «mr«. After wa h«d adirtnetd ne«rer to *he town, lh« Indian women came out to meet ue, and wHeired their huibandu of thoir pucka. A« noon «• we Sanded at Conaiadauga a large body of In- di«na f ante and encompawed u« round, and onlered the pria«n- tm to dance and ting the prinoner's «>ng. (which I wat stiU enabled «o dttellne.) At the concision tisey ffa*e n ehoui, and openti the ring to let »■ ran. and then fell on uii with their fists, and knocked nw^eral down. In tho m«'Bn time, o«« mn before te direct ui to an Indian houte which was open, and »■ •oon M we ffot in we were unfe from bcwtin^. My htad .*«• •ore with bruisei^ and pained me »ev«rd dny«. Tlie nquawi were kind to u«, «ra»e u» boiled com and bean* to «»nt, and fire to warm u«, whirh was a ffreat mercy, for I wb» Uith cold ai>lr!r«U tha pria«n- aong, (which I wai atili (b(«v ffava n ihout, and en iaiT on ur with thair thn mean time, oo« ran which wan optn, *nA »■ bt^aiinK- My head wai sral «Jny«. The nquaw.i id bi^ant to ent, and fira for I wan b<>th cold ar«^ iloa north west of Mont- 16, which w«» about ten i, in company with lonia hearing, gave notice by I priimrior, on which the \ wai the inor«i diatrexa- thvir handa. When wa hold of me, and haulad M»p. and very cold- A* ered round me, ordered stiflT with cold and wet, •itamped to prepare for )ut five hundred indiaoai a ahcut and opened tha Indian ladn mado ready and on my starting off :h I did not aufli'r much met me, seiwd and bald iB«lvas again with «maU fared much worse tban id bit my ri«hl ey«^ and ith th« dirt that I could ih« dcor of aa Indian I this ratraat I was aoon lian women, being more louaa, brought ma watar beana to a«t. The aaxt town and cried accord- be aant to • kmif of m, at Oawa p Oia W rlwd or*. Totbia«mrifWi Mid IwM thair MMb ^A and Mt forward on our way to the abretnid town, with about twenty more, but by raoaoa of bad weather we ware obliged to encamp on a cola, atony ahora three dayi, and then proeaed* od on. We mlled at Conaaadauga, lUid there about a waak, in which time I want and newad (bur houiea at a diMtanea from the town, about a quarter of a mile from each other, in which are rapraaantad in large paintings the nufleringa of o«r Savior, deaigned to draw the Indiani to the napiit'ii roliinoa. The work is curioualy dona. A little futther atand three houaea near togathar, on a high hill, which thny call mount Calvary, with thra« large crnise* before thnm, which complataa the whule repreeentation. To all thoae hou«ea the papiatu and Indiana repair, in performing their grand procesaiona, which lakaa up much time. Thfl paina the papiata take % propagate auch n bloody rali- gtsn ia (ruly aurprising -, and the leal they employ to nropagat* aafMratiiion anti idolatry ahould make Protaatantn aanamad vi thair lukewarmnea;!.. A prirat aaked ma " if I waa a Catho* Uc." \ atuwnred him, " no ;" to which he replied, " no kon.** When I told a faliowoi>. aa thoy arare found in eonbryo, and put tKam likewiae into the kottia, Mid whan all waa well boiled, gave each of ua a krga diah^liiU of the broth, of which wf aat freely, aiMl than part of tha oU beaver ; th« tail of «rbieh waa divided aqually among ua, there baing eight at our fira. Tha four young baavara waia eat in d»a middle, and each ot ua ffot hau n baavor. I watchad lor aa apaortuaitv tu hide my abafo, (having aataafiad aivMlf ba- tea tku tamSw diah ««roa to hand,) whieh if they had aeaa w^oold have otaeh dli^^laased than.* The other lodSaaa catdi- '"^' laadn Witt obaarvs !hM« apualM aaatomtothat ia amaiieea 'MBwaiaaonftlMlawaaa who carried off Sioekwab. TW to drMr faotpqa fat baeaase ha widwd to save aeau of tUB teaaattartiaf. Ssa ttadniira If arrative.— Id. ' ■aaafmH^ ,.^ «Ml«MHMM ■••nMMWa^iMtakl tri ■On*T lAtTBUKirt OAFTITITY •d yoanf mutkraU, ibnut « Mkk through ih«ir iMidiM, and rowtad it without ikinniBg or drMsing. Knit ■<> «(it i>ii>m . Nnit morninff w« hMtaiwd on our journoy, which ooniinu«ii ■nvitrnl days, till wo camo no«r Oawogstehy, whoro w« landed about throo mikfl f^om tk« town on th« contrary ■i(l<« of ihr rivnr. Haro I waa to bo adoptod. Mv father and innttMr, whom I had naror aaon baforo, wtrt wtiting, and orderad in« into an Indian houao, whora we woro diract«d to ait down «ilrnt lor a conaidarablo tima. Tba Indiana appearad vary lad, and my motbar bagan to cry, and continued to cry aloud for amim timr, and than dried up her taara and recoived me for her jwn, imd took ma ever (ha rirer to the Indian town The next dny I waa ordered to go to masa with them, but I refused oner nn«l again ; vet thev continued their importunitim aeverai days. Baaing tnav could not pratrail IRth me, thay seemed much dis- plaaaea with their new son. I was (hen sent over the river to M emploved in hard labor, as a punishment for not going: t(v masa, ana not allowed a aight of or any conversation widt my feUoW'Brisonera. The old Indian man with whom 1 waa afdarea to work had a wiCi and children. He took me into the wooda with him, and made signs for me to chop, and ha soon saw that I could handle tha axe. Hare I tried to ree* oneila myaalf to this employ, that thay miffht have no occasion against me, except concerning tho law of my Qo^ The oM man bacan to ■ppaar kind, and his wiA* gave me milk and bread vwin we cams home, and when iihe got fish, mve me tha gills to eat, out of real kindness ; but perceiving 1 did not lika tham, i^ave me my own choice, ana behaved lovingly. Whan we Imd fioisbed our fenoe, which had employed uo about a week, I showed the old squaw my shifTi (having worn it from tha tima I waa first taken prisonar, fffeieh was about seven wMks,) all in rags, dirt and lice. She said it was net good, and brou^t me a new one with raffled sie#rN, saying "that is good," which I thankfully accepted. Tb* next day they earned me back to the Indian town, and permitted me to eon- verse with my fellow-prikoners. Thty tofd me we ware all to be sent to Montreal, which aceerdingly came to gass. On our arrival at Montreal we had our lodgings fine is dra Jeauits' eoavant, whara I saw a grsat number of priaata avd paopla who eama to eenfosaien. After some stay w« wart otdared to attend with tha Indians in a freml ootmett, Mi bdbro tha head gonafal, Vaudiwil. We nrisooars aal tat.Mf Hmki (surroundad with our fathaia and Mtdtraa*) bM ,if<|l« askad vo qnastioaa. Tha fsaaal had a nualior tiff ^ ' attend hina in eovnell, wh«a a luMad priaat, etSM •t hia rigbt hand, who mnimnkmkt tha IbUm WMBSM ■Mi mmmm IPTITfTY oagh lh«lr bfitiiM, and ■ntTaoMi tliDin / Ntnt rhich continued Mvar*! vh«r« wit kndi'H about UF«ry tidf of thr rivnr. rr and innih«r, whom I ind ord«r«d in« into an to ah down •ilrnt lor a •rod vary aad. and my ry aloud for iiom«> tim«>, 'ed (n« for her mon, «nd town Th« npit day I but I rofuiad unrc and trtunitim aaverai dava. thay aaamad munh dia* n a«nt over the river to ihmtnl for not ^oini^ to f convoraation with my an with whom 1 waa lildren. H« look me [na for ma to chop, and Hare I tried to reo might hare no occai ion ' of my Qo^. The oM riUf fave me milk and ahe got fiah, mve me lOt perceiving T did not and behaved lovingly, had employed an about % (having worn it from likh waa about aeven a aaid it waa net good* d atetraa, laying "that 1%* next day they d permitted me to con* told me we were all to came to |aaa. ur lodgingt (Inl ia dra number of priaeta ai'd ir aoma atay wa w«N a fntad eoaneU, beM ITe priaooere aai Ni.««ff id bntthrra J| kfl ynif aniiiklwarj riaat,caIM r l UJL. BoiiiT lAiTBuiif' • OApmrmr. f7« and doaa mora hurt to the Bngliah than any other of hia order in Canada. Hia dwelling ia at Oawagatehy. Hare I waa in* formed that aoma maaauraa were concerted to daatroy Oawego, which had been long in agitation. Wa met on our journey many batteaux going up atraam, with nroviaion and men for an attack on our froniiera, which conflrmed the report. The council adjourned to another day, and then broke up. Mr Indian fa'her and mother took me with them to aeveral of iheur old aequnintanrea, who were French, to ahow them their lately adopted aon. Theae peraona had been concerned with my lather and other Indiana in dealroying many Engliah familiea in their younger daya, and, (aa one atanding by who under* atood their language aaid,) were boaating of their former mur* d«ra ! AAar aome daya the council waa anin called, before which aeveral of the Oneida oWefa appeared and oflered aome complainta againat the Freneh^a attacainff our carrying place, it being their land. But the general labored to make them eaay, and gave them aundry preaanla of value, which they asoepted The French are exceedingly careful to prevent apimuoua liquora beinv aold among tne Indiana, and if nny inkabiuni ia proved gailly of it, their temporal intereat ia autta broken, and corporal paniahmaat ia inflicted on auch oflendera. Herann the French aao vaatlv auperior to ua. The Indiana do nwt faar our uumbata, (which they deridv J becauae of our no* happy divieiooa, ia conaaqaenea of which they expect to eon> quer ua entirely. Koawiaf theae Ooaidaa ware aequainted with Capt Wil- liana, at tSa owiying place, I aent a letter by them to let my family and firiaiufa know that I waa yet aliva, and lodgad for rada a a p iioa ; bat it aavar ouna to haod. The treaty being eodedt tha Meral aant about ten gallona of red wine to tha laiiaoa, woMk liMy divided among ua. Afterwarda cane tha (iraaeoU, eonaiating of eaala, Uaabata, ahirta, akina, (to raaka adian aboaaJ cloth, (for atoekinga,) powder, laad*ahot, and to each a bag of aaiat (or tKair own udo, kc. After wa pnaonara had oar ahara my mother cama to ma with aa iotai^raier, and bid om I might atay in tha town at a place aha had fonod for om, if I | j aa a ad. Thia piopoaal I alflMat anaad to, bat ana of my faUowopriaoaan, with whom I had had Bafbra aema diaeonraa about making our aaeape, op> |Ciad«lha matioB, and aaid, " Rray do not atay, for, if you do, wa ahaU net ba able to form a plan for oar deliveranoa." So I tiM hat I ehoaa lo go homo with har, and aoon aet off by mtumj ihtlhar, ta Laachaaa, diataat fram Montreal km mim. ■ Hara wa left oar canoea, aod proceeded f Maf «• diu jowaay, fai whkh I saw, to my aorrow, mum mtiittd J^ BMIIT lAOnVMNI OAPTITITY. ftMl numbora vf ■dilUta ukd Much provMttmt in motimi towactl* Uk« Onurio. A(Wr • painful •n4 dhrtrwMiny jn«ra (hat tl wai nol a tim« Vw iloap, and aakcd intm if tnay would go wtth ina, to which ihay heartily agread. But wa had no pro* viaion, and ware clnawly oyi>(l by th« aneiiiy, ao that wa i-rtuid not lay up a aiiKk mil of our allo\v«nt:a. Howavar, at thin tima, Mr. Picket had ronrludnd to dig a larga tranch round tha town. I therefore wvni «o a navro, tha principal inanMff«^ of thia work, (who could apeak Enfliah, Pranoh, and nulkm well.) and naketl htm if ha cM|d fat employ for two othart and myaeir, which ha «oon dio. ror Uita a«rri«« wa were to have miml, | hoard.) and wagea. Ilt»r«> wa had a proapaet of proouhng proriaion for our flight. Thia, after a«ma tinMr, I oMainad fof tnyaeiJf, and than aaked my biatkran if they arart nNuly. They aaad " th<>Y were not yvi. hut that Ann Bow* taan (our fallow-priaanar) had broai^ht niie kumived and tMltf dollara Arona Buira Inri, [when it waa deatroyad, ak kaa baM vaikiad,) anil would Ki«e them all they neadad." I laid tlMril it waa not aafe u% diacloae mieh a Baci«( to her, but they ManMid OM (or antartainaog auch fear*, and applied to har kn otv^ aiona, ietiing hur Know our intention. She i iw a dia taiy in* focmad the priflat of it ! We wrre forthwith apprai Indians inl0rnie4 of it, and a cnart called, roar of ordervd by tbta court to he aonflnmi in a room, ondor a atroof gtiard, vvitkuo ibfl fort, fiir several daya. From httnoo, — a t lwr and nyautf were aent to Cohnewa^, under a atrong guard of aisty Indiana, to prevent my plotiing any mora againat tha French, nitd to bonitili nil hape of my eacape ! When we arrived ni thia place, it pleaaed God to iacltno tha captain of the guard to abaw ma great hindaaao in giving lao liberty to walk or work where I p^aad, within any amalldia* tancc. I went to work with a French smith far ais Hvraa and five aoue p4*r wafk. Thia sum the oapuin let ma have to ntf aalf, and further favoaad m« with the privilaga af lodgmg-at hia motlMr'a hoiaae, (an BMiiah wnoian named Manr rlarrlt, taJaen raptiva whan a child Hram Deertoeld, in Near Eti|^«iid{> who tola mo aba was mv gtaniiniother, and waa hiiwi b«l tha wama batng amall, ana not aaOoient to preeiuM audi cfa4i^ ing aa 1 trrac in wMt tt, I p to e aad bd nafintMrivMi Aa aoM^ btitwani to my tuwle Paiat, aald laid hfan'I w«Re4«MllM^ ■adiaiiNy in* •haiMRMt ina and, tlMt it vottld ba hatlacr' la kt d n li li f m ■ al E n ii ii o a 8 a ti a c a 8 n I \ t ■kaartM mmm OAFflVfl'V. provMinn* in moltM •n4 dhKfffHlnf J(Mif« nr« lik«wiM Mw manv lily PMcina by in ibtnr ■MM m* for Ckwef*. r pMok ntnitm o( ih«lr Y feirow*priM>n*r« thai ln«m if tnay woui iv,Mth«l warouldnot H«w«v«r, at ihl* time, If* trvnch rounU ih« principal m«nHf«>r of , Frwnch, uni IndiiM employ f«r twp othtn Jtii!) MmM w« W0r« ir«> «• had • pnnpcei hias ttftar aenta tinw, I bnitliran if thay wvrt . but diaa Ann •oi>>> tt« knmived and tkirtjr Mtroyad, ak bM haw nnadad." I Mid tllMfl I her, but tb«y UMMid liad to h«r M bavvI* Sh« imnwdinMNy in* viih apprahMMM, ib« id. roar «f oa hmtm room, ondav • atraof From httnov, — atiwr der a atrong guard of ny mora againat tiM •pe! led Oad to inelin* tb* iindaaaa in givinv nm within any Mnalldia- nilh f«r atx Hvraa mud in brt m« ba«« to mf ■ivitag» vf lodgmg-ai' iMunad Marv Harvit, 4, in New EMlimdj^ and waa bitii] h«l A proewM aueii cM^ ardHrvMi dto auMk I wiMflA flloiiA r m > MoMMik *d «M& RoniT lAmOUf^ OAPTt¥ITV. (bar*, wkara I cwild alotba myaalf hollar than by itnying willl bim. Ha after aoma reaaenini conaanud. I aal ofTon my journey to Moiitraal, and on my aniaring ilia cilv m«i an Bngliah imitb, who took ma to work with nim. Anar ionM lima wa aalllad to work in a ibop oppoaita Iha ganarara dwtr, whara wa had an apporttinily of aoaing a great part of iba fareaa of Canada, both French and Indiana, wha ware eomnumU br««gbl ibara bafoia ihair going out u war. and likawiaa all priaenara. By ihia m«ani wa got inialliirenr% bow our people ware prepariflHf for dafonco . but no ffmiii itrwa fram Oawega, wbkh made mm fear, knowini? thnt ifrnm num* bare of Praaeh had gaaa cwt againai it, and baanng there war* b«i faw la dafimd it. Prayai* wvia piat up in all tba draiahaa of Canada, aad gfiaal pracaadaaa made, in oniw to proeara aa ac aaa to their arMM againat poar Oaarago ; but our people knew little of their danger till it waa too kla. For, to my atirpnaa, iha diamal nawR «aina that the Pnraoli had taken ana of tba Oawego Ibrta. la a few boura, in conArmation of tbia nawa, I aaw taa Eng' Uab ataadarda, tba mabuMholy trophiei of rictary, and tka Ffanoh lafoiatag at our dewnfiiil, and maeking ua, poor pri« aeMara, ia our asUa and aitramily, whkh waa na great arg«> aant attbar af humanity or true graainaaa of mind. Great 'f9/f a p pea r ed in all their feeaa, which Umt aipvaaaad ia kwA smMMa, flring of cannon, and ratnming ihanlia in ibair ebnrebea. Bat our facaa waia catered with ahune, and our kaaita AIM with frief I* Boon after, I aaw aavaral af tha offleara btoagbi in priaonoia in Boall partiaa, and aoldiera in the aama manner, wbo warn conftnad within tha walb [of tba fort] ia a aiarring condition* in ordw to maka tbam worli, which aonM eomplied with, while othafi bnraly lafuaad ; and but tl alt came tha tiadaamea, amanff whom ama my aan, who, looking roand, aaw me, to hia great anrprkw, Ibr ha bad aupfoead I waa dead. Thia jovftil eight ao ajaatel bim (bat ha wapl ; nor couM I refrain mun tba tipNaaion al a Miar'a tondamaaa, in tba anme bind, upon aa Mtmordiaa*7 an aaeaabm ; it waa lir Mora than 1 can die* claae in witting, and tbaiafora muai cover it with a Teil at ailanae. Bot ba, «Mi aU aiy Phtladelphin frienda, being gornded by aaidiara, with land baytm^ta, wa could ?ioi coma miar anob other. Tb<7 ware aant to tba eommon pound, but I baatenad to the iota^imtor to try to get my aoa eat at libaKy, wbieh waa 900B aflbclad. Wbao we nad tne h«i^ii eaa of an iaMfifinw, ka gnra nua aoma iofiNrnuiilon of tb« atate of our ••aaaM «■■ iitm Mp liib> I'M*, and 14M Bi«li* <# ■OBI IT lAiTBiniirf cAPTivrrv. fcmilv, «ni ioi4 m* thai, m mma m iIm mw* rMclMii lto«M that I WM iilll»4 or inkwn, hk m«r wa nol tllowvd any fanbar wagr* of miiw, which gii«f«ia ibaa twlaa bia ouiabar.« Bat I bava not baaid • Abaai tba IM «( May. ITOOv Caai. loam, with only alarm OMa, aak- fcaifaid tba nawrylag plaaa Waaaaliliaa OaoiM» ni "^ - - - luyaiavaaa Cfeampfaia, Hohdlal a pMiy af t Owi ty t wo f iaa rh maa, aad WMwfatK. Ho ha< panr af lit wa pom aaiy " a faw aOaaiM balbra," who lamnadaal Manad lbaothaa,aad ohiifad ikaEafUakla litdoa ^ I Manad tba othaa, aad ohiifad Iba EagUak la Ir ■MPMfajaga^^aviBi any of bia maa adM, but look oaa ' «■« Mti^iT lAfTioirt OArtfvtr* mtf •'<««taiK »t Otfi. Ohm. I «nM mmUwI. «)KrMiffli hmmIi mtny . to <«iA>m» ffMMn«>»M«lliiff rttM «r« imM •f III. wim«Hi ri««tfMl IM iMf tokvf*. wlitirli HTM Ahi)- livrw y«r ift^mil) Ilk iIm (. ) fMjrx t4 winter. c«d mmI \f', rafli"'' ihi4n to -" lknia< kniM • Minbinc (i>in||t»'>ii m •»n« «M\ ,'i( •!«, I\i«ltan*. TIM i«l«rfr»tor lonh iKMitf putna, vliii«li i iK anil fully f« K lAwMft, »iilimtl tuecM*, in my Uiiuiif. MoirttViMr, tt« I «>iiri"( i*. |{«f« «• aiaiH om W4«k, iin«l Kvwrttig rtf no (Mk«r rh«n('t<. <>\«r «mpl«]r*' n(hi*6 iM Ibirtr tittw « mtmih lo Mow ih« li«ll •«■ Hud ttrlb*. whlok I Jkl nr sbtHif iwu m^mh*, tnd (h«n w** d«MiMur|«i, and tttmlUd •bmii, fram piM« m ^m«, '^y \% no Am4 alM^* In ikla dtbunnM I wm oMind lo ■fMnd n y liul* miriiiMn for food !• livw u|Mn, and my l«dglnff waa im liay-loA. liken mad* Mf e»a« ki>*wn M (ka kind in\0f\tm\mt, and ra^iM«a«d Irint !• eanaidar of aeiM maana for mjr roliaf. Ha asid ka wWiMa MMHwhile, •« ! WM takiaf • w«tk In ika eltjr, I mot m HMtUk jiriMnwr [a ariaoaar amonff lk«rn] thai balonfad lo Um lawn wMfw iif ikihaiff livad. Ha raaartMl ikai a |T»ini part a# dM Indiana ifiore K«d Jaal affifod «rt«k tka raaalutioa to frrj mm b*ak witk d' :\ ; aad knowinf kirn la ka a vary ktutsai Mlafr, r k«dkvtd bim, and (lad frnoi ika lawn and coii«aalad Ayoalf i« fo tka Indiana. Bcbamaa warn naw fbnnad for an aacaaa, and wall proa<-sM(«id la a fertaaala laaua. Oanaral Vaadrauil gavo ma aii< tny oon llbartv (undar kia kaad) to pt la Qaabac, and «a worW tkaia at our p l aaaara, wilkaail e/tafina* Mani, aa priaanan of m. By ibia waaia I waa fraad (ram payinf a ranaani. Tka eommiaaary, Munaiaur Fiartaraai p] kataf abaitt ta aat aCIWr Qaabac, my aaa iaforiMd ma.l mmm roma la lawn Ip Ula avaninc. a paaaafa bainf providad for «a. i wailad till naar dark, and ikon aniarad ika (own wiih araai eaaliaai la aaaapa Iba Indiana, wka kapl waieb for ma, and bad doaw aa for aaaa tfana, wbkb mada ii rary diAculi and danfaraua la «i«a« ) k«l aa tbay bad no knowladga of my an«, bo eaald waiak tbair Botiona wiiboMi anafticion. In ibo mominf . afoa a aa i nf •• Indian aai to waieb for ma ovai ataioai ibe baaaa I waa Mi I tba hiMMk ifhaMi^i, quiekly ouida my aacapa ibroogb ua back part af dM ovor aoma bif h pickala, and aa oui af iba ti^ la iba li^ aad iM. A friand, knowiaf my acbaoM far 4iik I a kindly aaaiatad ma to eoncaal mvMlf Tba new got raady for bia voyaga, of wbkb m$ mm t^n ■• ik. h h ii n ai P Pl la m ai II n< H ai W' Pl m aa lb I wl tb b< d MM wiliirk ««• faf<^> Utfm M IfOW ••?• •• (KW* Mn «i(l«r»*i W w>»h ft»t rwtor lonti nfMnf p«)n«, II tuMMa, In my l<«lMlf. It w«r'**, • l'f#»»«h««n n«. I<«ri w« MaiH on* »iir «mpl«]r«f oIKirDd «n Imv Iff nn Am'ui part of I iH« roooluHon to caTj im 10 bo « vory hnnmrt bo lowit ■nd coiKMilod 4 for nn tUMlo ioitio. OofMrd (uMor bio bM4) 10 f« iro, wilbowt emiftno* I WM froodhom , [f] boiH •^t ^ *** MMM <'«mo to town i» |rv«> ItmliodiiU I CMliOB, to crooi dboddoMM fori tngoNMo 10 movo ) b«l I, bo 00^ wMk Iboiv orniBf. •yon oool a f mi n tbe koMo I wm m. I Mk pMt of tlM hMMi 10 city 10 tbo i h o i ij^ hmfmrngkn «l ». tieo. Wllb no iinff«r(nf moltun I r«|Mtrtii| i• nuirol A *»fv »-*rr«w And •urpfuinf ••<«|)« fVii«n • vi'iUnl 1' etiU ' niir in hi* UMin- ry, did irt jlki' mannar nobly ralla** many olKor pnnr jtri*«rii *i C^'ioUa. ilara I bod Mi libarty (o walk whara I |>l««ia«Nj ».«« tbo '•-iiy, wbMb io woli Mluoiad f»« «tr»nt«h, but (tt -T) btinf linprofnaMo. laro, I btipo. U wtll noi ba judtf(*d imwivpof to ffivo afcon him of ih* Fr^iwrb g ovariMr'a <-ni)r fronttora * An honaot fo«d nun, nontod William Kooo, ««* lakan pruiwiat iwica in limo of ponco. Wbon bo wno iirat talian b« l«tani«d n iinio of ibo fronrb Un^unfo. «no oAorwortla rf , mora maruiftil tbon bio oacoUonejr. knowtng tbo pnnr priatmaf to b« n aulot, bord weriiinc mofp* rtdoomod K»m from tha Indiona, nnd two Mbtr Fioncbmon koufbi hi« two aona. H«ro ibay bnd boon nbvoo mora Iknn thrao yoora ' hmi I flrtt nrritrod ot Quoboe. Tbio OfBoomnl I bnd f^mn Mr. Kooo bimiMlf. wbo f^rthor added, tbni tko fnfortMT f »v« Ibo ip U b n i MMunto to tneotimg* tbom to Kond in tknt kind n( hnk, wbicb io a aoandoi to any «iril* nnliott, and wkat iMUiy jpRfttM would abbor. Hon, oloo^ I WW en* Mr. Jobnoon, who «w> tihion in a tiima of pooco, trilk bio wifo •u4 lkr«e 010011 cbildrvn. A fotinb wm bot». m tko way, wbem Mf*. JohmnMi nainod CotMtvo.t All of tbooo k«4 boon ^iooaoio botwono tbrB4. _J inif!»t lAitltmN'a CAmv.rv (•k««i MtiH ikcni, »»4 nM4* •HfM. I>ur <'<*rUii iHitntf fM't^. ! ::»H»m| itl»f^ !• ff» «• Riiflill4 (m l^r W« Ml •nililtolt* ' J<«ljr, ITf?, In ift« ttiofutnf, «n't •i)*>K«rf*I« tH« n««t' CMon i» b» mtiKk «•(•» iK»ii iM V' ^ *> Mv* r««iMi«il. U (l«)r* w« •fti«<»«l • Itjr'* *itk> ^'^ MVMl«A frMi ^y itf ill* Mnnll'f iMvinf emt-h ■ blriRiN»( (Ml. (wIlIrN w« iMMif 111 'in CsM^A H k««p u« Kiarrii,) umi nuw «ipMiln( ni\mt, |«v« iIIimii !• fMff •kIi in«n, i«(ino*l mI|««|. W* w«f« »•( •Ii«l»t4 l« M Ml tlwir*, tnii wtir« r«n(«v»4 i« • liln('a alili^ and avnl Ut r9f\» RMMik, w|i«r« wp w«r« ailil «uitt Cm any klii4 •( caVMinf Wtf la vtla. Our )«)f wM i«m«4 inio aorrnw at llM yraaparn, h*t\ fo«n4 4iiutM. 1 told kim w wara is aa conditiM H tMwai ih«m (iU w« aaaa to • »«ra aaa U aitoMa placa, wlitak * laeii baftafOM uaaHaaai af aaar dtol or r.aitMd. vka kwl kaawdai' toaraaibl*. thaa bmi«a a^jtlM Irral A Um la ka aaanbli aMa.kM Mi«Ulaaldtolaa ■ay aa«aki MM 4Mi9 to I ( «l :«f*fiiif MMf Ui vtia. kllllMl Mh«<), Wkl«ll WM »( «ur mother rawniry i iMn, Wlln t ilwH hi ' ik of NovtMnbvr. is Um rtr* Mi4 poor, ti ««■ 4lf> Im««i%im but pkem of M. W* war* U4m4 niarttiUiiMiii ilMm i (k« i4 m4 le«t»y e«npB«iy. ||« wm mufkimf it IS, »lMr« Um MfMli-pM Ml to r«Mi«w iflrh w r«in| mMi who laid 1m 4«tokM4 « bv Mhkil •r« ia M eanaitlM It MMfMtoM* pbe*. wMik ttva la Ml M —itHlliwtjia^ ■;) tmmmmu n t im< m ^. \^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^4^ '<■ 1.0 '^lu Ki ■ 2.2 1.1 1.25 11' m K i:;^ II 2.0 M 1.4 WAA $s o^ HiotDgraphic Sciences CorpGralion V ^^ 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WIlSTiR.N.Y. MSaO (716)S7a-4S03 '^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian InMKuta for Hiatorleal Mlcroraproiluctlom / tnttltut Canadian da microrapioductlona Matorlquaa BOBERT EASTBVBN'S CAmVITY. MB h« qukkly (tmni, wh«ra w« wtr* uud wtll ; bui m w« wart lou»y. wfl could not oxptct bad*. Tho MM menUaff wt noda «pplic«iion for clothinf . Mr. Ervinf , •oii«tB*Uw lo Um lit* Uoneral Shirley, nv« ua raliaf, not only in im|mm( of anMnli but nlio thraa dollara par man, to banr our elMraw to Nawpoirt Whan I put on fraab cluthet 1 waa aalaad wiUi a cold IH, which wna roltowad by a high farar, and In thni condition obli|rad to trtftl on foot na Tar aa Providanea. in out way to Khoda laland. In thia Joumey I waa axcaodingly diatraaaad. Our comforta In thia lifa are oRan ombittartd with miaariaa, which ata doubtlaaa great merciea whan thav ara auiubly improvad. At Newport wa met with Captain uibba, and agraod with him for oar potaagt to New York, whole wo arrlvod, NoTambor Slat, and met with many frianda, who oiwraaaed much aatia&etioa at our return, and treated ua kindly, partkularty Mr. Livingaton and Mr. WaU dron. NoTomber the 96th, 1707. 1 arrived at Philadelphia, to the great joy of all my frienda, and partlcnlarlv of my poor aAicted wile and family, who thought tbey ahould never aea mo again, till wt met beyond the grave. Being returned, akk and weak In body, and emptyhanded, not having any thing for my fhm* ily'a and mv own aupport, aaveral humana and generoua par* Bona, of diflSrant denomlnationa. In thia city, without anv appU- cation of mine, have freely given aeaaonablo relief. For which may Ood grant them bleaalnga in thia world, and In the world to corno averlaating life, for Chriat'a aake ! ' But to haatan to the conclnaion, aufler me with hnmility and aorrow to obaerve that our enemiea aeem to make a better •aa of a bad lollglon than wa do of a good one. They riaa up long beforo day In winter and go thnwrii the anow hi the ecmeat aeaaona to perform their devoiiona in the churehea. When thaae are over they return, to be ready for their work aa aoon aa daylight appeara. The Indiana are aa lealoaa in laliglon aa the French. They oblige their children to morning and evaning. partlctdarly at Canaaadauga. pmy Oar am tpsmn to ne indeed ffloomy, notwitbatanding oar tnamiea are IneonaldoraUa In nnmbaia, compared with aa ; yet they ara united at on* man, while we may joatly be compared lo a hoaaa dividad againat itaelf, and therefore cannot ataad kmc in oar proarat aitaadon. May Almighty Ood ffraekmaly incuoa ua to look to him for deliverance, to repent of our aina, itfana aor Uvea, and onita in Uia vigoroaa and manly iiaa of all Mopar maaaa to thia and. Ambn. .» ",ii im » i . J« :.!'.■« -^f-- v\< NARRATITB or THB nmuoTioN or thi ■rrrunnirr or cuunm . «BMBR, VIIOINU, TOOBTHU WITH TRB OAFTDM AND funnniufo CONDUCT or mu. olbndbnin. who was AMONO THO0B WHO BMAPKD TIU TOMABAWK OT TBI INDIANt AT THAT MAMAOU. (WhathOT the follovintt namtllv* wu vni te yrial, mhmM m U •toadi in Mr. M«rttn'« GuctiMr of Virgiiiia, I lwr« m«w iMmad. 11 voold i from llw following note accompMying U 1b tbtt work, "it^l M MtracMd flrom memotra of Inditn wtni oa iIm wt m w froMtan of Vfah fl«, eommuiiiraied to tlM PkiUMonhkal Soeiaty of V^lfgbts, by OhailM 8MUI, Eiiq.,of Aufiul* Co."— Ed.] ArniB DMce wm eonfirmed betwfcn Enfl^nd nd Pranea la Uia year 1761, the. Iniians commenced hoetiliUee ii^ 1763.* when all the inhabitants in Greenbrier were totally eut off bv • party of Indians, headed by the chief warrior Conuitalk.T The principal aettlemente were on Muddv Creek. Thaaa Indiant, in number about aiity, introduced tnemaeltef into tba people*! houaea under the mask of friendship, where aTarT «ivility was oflerod them by the people, proming tham wil& * HoMilities had aol ceaied between the whites and tW ladtaas, as vM be seen bj a reference to the CaHomoisa or «bi bmuas fW Msaai dw fieeeding yean.— Ed. . . fThe Utb tad barbaroa* death of this great Aiaf an |bM l la the Beoa or *■> Imun, v. 42, 44<— Ed. ai B h< b pi w til ifl is di al M al ft S th m a b< Ii ta al al m M ai I ia h< a ii lb 'Hi IV Hiii II III III imaiiUmmimmummm MM. CLIIfDIinNt OAPTIVITV. UQUlfT Of CUUHDI • TRB OAFTUM AND ENDnfm. WHO WAS roMABAWK or m HT iMmadTlt vcmid MOi ih«i trark, "iUi M wu WMifltM ifoMiin of vkh f of Vlftbt% by OhMlM nritikl ud Franc* la hMUKUM ip 1763,« rera totally eut off bv r wtnrior Conut«lk.T iddv CimIc. TImm d tMiuMltM into tbo radskip, when otwrr proming thom will I and tW IniMwM, U wtt I famUMfD^C TkttMli tiid o(h«r •ceommodaiiom for their tnttrtainnMiii, wImh. on • onddon, ikoy fall upon ond kill iIm nton, tnd moko prioonori of tbo woman and childrtn. Prom thonco thoy pnwod ovor into iko LovoU, wkor* aomo fomiliM woro eelioetod nt tko kouM of ArehibnkI Olondonin, whtro tbo Honorab'o Bnkrd Smith now livoo. Thoro wtr* botwoon AIW ond ono hnndnd ptttmiSi mon, womon and ehildron. Thoro tbo Indiana won onionainod, aa at Muddy Crook, in tho moat boo* pitabU mannor. Mr. Clondonin had Juit arrivod from a hunt, with throo hA oika, upon whieb thoy war* feaotod in a boan* tUbl mannor. la tbo moan timo an old womant with a aoro lof , waa ahow> hif bor diatroaa to an Indian, and inquirinf if bo eeuld admln- iator to bor any roliof. Ho aaid b!^ thought bo could, nnd drawinf bio tomahawk, inatantly kiUod bor, and all tbo mon, almoot, that woro in tbo houpo. Ono, namod Conrad Yolbora, •aly ooeapod. Ho, boin| at aomo diatanco from tbo bonao, waa alarmod ny tbo erin and abrioka of tho womon and cbildroa, flod wiib all bia mi|.tt to Jackaon'a rifor.and alarmod tb«poo> pi* tbor*. Thoy bowovor woro loath to boliovo bio talo until tb*y aaw tb* Indiana apnroaching. All flod bofbr* tbom ; and thoy purtood en to Can** Creok, in Roekbridgo county, wbor* many iamilioa woro killod and takan by tbom. At Clondonin^ a aeono of much cruolty waa porformed, not only by tbo Indiana, but aomo such aa tho urrora of thoir approach influoneod tborot*. In thia I rofor to an act committed by a negro woman, who ia eacaping ttem tho Indiana killod bor own child, whoao crioa ako aaareaaon to fear would load to her capture I Mr*. Clondonin did not Ml to abuae the Indiana with b*r tongue, with the meat repreacbfbl epitbeta ebe could eoroniaBd, although the tomahawk waa brandiabing at the lame momenf overhead i bat inateiid of bringing it down upon her, the leaa oflbetual meana of aileneinff nor claroora waa roaorted to, namaly, laabing be. in the face and eyea with the bleeding •oab M bor dead lioaband i Tbo proviaioai ver* all takaa over to Mnddy Creok, anfl a party or Indiaaa laiained them there till the return of the otk- •re ftom Carr** Creek, when the whole were marebed off to> r paeee, eaf ait a ahy Mtttlng for eeeape, ahe improvod it with anek ■iMtitf iail a deaee tkieket which they were at the time paao* taf^ iMI aat aa iadiaa aaw ker br could tell wklek way ak* ilNriM* Tkt ofpoitaaity waa nadeied bmi* fttYotabl* wfih» -»* •/ ALIIANOII HIHRY't gmiTITY. ■MMMT in whkli Ih* In4i«nt «!• Um Urn* w«r« marckinf TiMy HmI bIkmI lb* pHMMi«r« In iIm evnir*. *nd divMliur tMNiMlvM into two eompnnUa, on* mnrcht4 Ufora tiktm and lk« ollMr roll«w«d in iliair rtar. Imt ing Meh flank oycs, and Vila fava hat iha daairad ahanea of aaaapa. . Ii waa not unlit ail Im4 laft ika place thai ik« crUa of Mn. CWn^nin'a child eauaad iIm Indiana to inquira for lla mothar. Wkan tkajr found aka had mada bar aaeapa, a monator Indian obaarvtd » ha would bring iba cow to bar cair," and taking iba infaai bjr tba baala, daabad out ila braina againat a traa ! and aa tbougb tbia waa not anougb, tba miacraani tbrewlng it down into tba van, Iba wbela oompanv marebad orar it, tba boofo of Ika boraaa taaring out ita bawab, and tba foal of tba IndiaM traekad iba ground aa ibaf want with ila blood I Mn. Olandanin ratanMi ibal nigbt to bar own booaa, a di»> tanca of mora iban tan milaa. Kara aba foond bar bnaband'a daad body, wbicb aba eovarad wi*' lila. Sba found bim aa ba kad baan billad, wilk ona of ii.« ckildran in bia arnui. Ha waa abot down aa ba waa making bia aaeapa ovar a fonea. Ska now ratamad to kar (Vianda { and ikua anda tka raoMirfc* abia, ikougk akort captivity of a woman, mora to ba admirad for bar eouraga ikan aoma othar qualitiaa not laaa daairabia is IM kmak ebanetar. "^ i»f NARRATIVB or Tm OArrnrmr or albxandri Hnmr. im., who^ in TBI Tim or PONTUICS WAB, mx INTO THB RANM OT nU HUKON INDIANS. DBTAOLlNa A rAITMrVL AGCOCNT ' or THK OAPTURB Or THK OAft«IM)N Or MtOHILIMACKI- , NAO, AND THE MAMACRI Or ABOUT NINnT nOHJL- wmrrnuf by uimmlt. [Mr. Henry waa anlndkn iradar in Amartea fer aboal risiaaa ymn. Ha eama lo Canada wiili tka army of Ooaatai Ambaiai, and pro- ▼ioua 10 kia btiat awda priMNMr bf Iha Jndiaaa aipariaaaid a variaiy af fennaa. Hia aamiiva, aa will ba Naan, la writlaa vMi gnat eaadar aa watt aa abiUiy, and lo tka diacrialnnUBfl raadcr aaada na M*fii»lw, Ha waa living in Monuaal ia 1909. aa appaan fIroaB ika data of kia fi» foea 10 kia Travala. wkick ka pabUakad in Ilaw York Ibal raar, wBk a *d^ -^-i lo Mr Jaaapb Banka.~Bd.] Wux I laacbad Miekilimackinae I found , tradan, wbo bad arrived bafora ma, from diflfaraot country, and wbo, in ganaral/ daelarad tka di^ lodiwii to ba koaUla to tka RogUah, and ova* smMe » lim« w«rt marekinf U etair*. «n4 divMiitf ircktd bcfora tiMm and I Meh flank o^ta. sad sapa. • ikai ik« crUa of Mra. > Inquira for iii motkar. •eapa, a monnlar Indian lar cair," and taking ika ina agninal a iraa ! and eraani tkrowlnf it down Kad ovor it, tka koofa of ika faat of tka Indiana itakioodi 10 kar own kooaa, a dia* ika foand kar knakand'a U. Ska foond kirn aa lldran in kia arma. Ha I aacapa ovar a Cinea. tkua anda tka raoMirb* n. mora to ka admirad liaa not laaa daalrakla in HBNir. hq., who, m \s INTO THI lUNM OT A rAITMrVL AGCOCNT ON or MIOHIUMACEI' UT NINBTY PIOPUU- !a ftr aboalriataaa aa aaywiamid a vaiiatjr «f a flmaB Ika data of kia ■» Y<»klkaijaa»,«llkaM^ ALEXANDER MINRY'l OAPTITITY. MP attack. M. Lauraat Duckarma diatinrtly informad Major Bikarintton tkal a plan wai atMolui#ly roneaivad tot daalroyinf him. kia garriaon and all tka Enaliak in ika vppar coanirjr ; kni tka commandant baliaving thia and otkat raporla to ka wiikont foundation, procaading only from idia or ill*diapoaa<< parwna, and of a tamlanist to do miMhiaf, eipraaa* ad muck diaplaaawra agninal M. Duckarma, and ihrvatenad ta aand tka nait panon arko skould kring a iiory of tka aama kind, a priaonar, to Datroit. Tka garriaon, at tkia lima, conai«l«d of ninatv privalaa, two ankaltarna and tka commandant ; and tka Bngliin marckanta •I ika fort wara four in numkar. Tkui iirong, f«w aniartainad Muiaty eoncaming tka Indiana, wko kad no waapona kut amall •ma. Maanwkila, tka Indiana, from amy quartar, wara dally •aaamkting, in anoaual numkara, but witk avary anpaaranca m Mavdakip, fraquan}ing tka fort, and diapoting of inair paliriaa, b «Mk a mannat aa to diaaipata almoat avary ona'a faara. For livaalf, on ono ocaaaion, 1 look tka Nkarty of okaarving lo lu^or Etkaringlon tkal, in my Judgmant, no eonAdanca oiigkl la ka phwad in ikam, and tkat I waa informad no laaa ikan mur iMiMlrad lay aronad ika fori. In folam tka maior only ralliad ma on my limidily i and h ia 10 ka eonfaaaad tkal if inia ofllcar naaUclad admonilioh, am kla-nirti ao did I on mina. Skorily aftar mv Aral arrival al Miahilimaekinno, in tka pracading yaar, a Ckippaway, namad Waaramm. kagnn to eoma oftan to my kouaa, batrayin| ia kia danaanor MVMig marka of panonal ragard. AAar Ikia kad aaMinoad aooM tima, ka cama on a cartain day, kringing witk Mm kia wkola limUy, and al tka aama tima a hrga pftaant, eaaaMng aC aUna, aim«r and driad maai. Having laid tkaai ia a iMap, ka co wm a ncad a apaaek, in wkiek ka hilbrmad ma tiMt aoraa vaara kafei* ka kaa okoarrad a faat, davotiag kim> aalf, aaeeraing to tka euaiora of kia nation, to aolittida, and la ^ aMrtifloatMa of kiakedy, in tka k«pa to oktain, from tiM kia dayat tkat en dtia an Bngtiakman aa kli aKNnant in wkiek ka Otaai Spfark, praiactlaa tkroagk all ki •eoudMi ka had dia aa iad oC adoptiag a •aa« kratkar and friaod t tkat from tka flm kaktM ma ka kad laeogniaad ma aa tka naraon wkom tka Ovaal Sairte kad kaan p l aaaad to point oat to nim fern krmkari tfMN ka Mfad thai I wnnM not rafuaakia praaant} arid tkat ka Aa«M fcitvaff ragard ma aa ana of kia family. i aady da aa el k arwl a a tkan aceapt tka p raaa n t, and dachwa ■y wUttamaaa taka^ ao goodamanaaikiaappaaradte kalbr aMaaaaad kiolkor. I oflkrad a praaant in raiom for tkat ik I kal laaa it adt wUak Wawaiam aaeaptad, aad Ant, mn Ml AUXANDBR MKNRY'I OAmVITY. UuMtkinf nf for iIm livor whlcli |i« mM iImi I Im4 nn4»fi klm, h« Uift m«, •n4 •mm iifWr mi out on kia wtiiurr'a biutl. Tw»|f« moniha hud now aUpaMi »ln<« lh« oecwrr«n<« of ilifai IncMani, and I ImiI olmoat forJiHtoA iho ponon of my AiWAfr, whon, on (ilo aoruiwl day of Jmho, WowKiam mino ognin M my hnuaa, in « loinpor of mln4 viaibly m«l*n«i>oiy tni Uloufthlful. Ht lotd m« thai lio k««l iual ratiirna^ fr«« bit winUring gr^mmd, and I Mbod ofiar lua hMtik ) but wiikowl •nawarinf my quMlion, ha want on lo aav, ihol Im wm awrrf lo And mo roturnod from «k« 8«ull ( ikoi ha inlandad to §9 to th«l pUeo himaaif, ImmodUlaly tfbr hia •rrlml •! MkbUi* m«ekino«: i and thai ho wtahod mo lo fo ihara olong with lil« ■nd hU familv iho noti morninf . To all ihb ho ioinod m Iniiuiry, whoinor or noi iho iromm«ndanl had hoard bad nowit •ddtnfr that during iha winior bo had himaolf boon fr«<)ii«nily diaiurbod with iko noMt ^ «m7 kirttt ( and furihor »umtaiiaf thai ibtf ro wort numoruua Indiana noar iho fiwl, iMiny of wbota bad novtr ahown ibomaolvo* within il. Wawaun waa abovt fortv-Avo yoara of aga, of an oualloiu ebaraelar among kir Mifon, and a ehiof. Rolbrring much of what I board lo ibo poculiariUoa of tba Indian eharaclor, I did not pay all tbo alionlkm wbisb Umv will ba fmiad la bavo daaorvod lo tho antrtaiito and romarba m my viaiior. 1 anaworod thai I could not ibinb of going to tb« Saull ae aoon a* tbo noit morning, but weiiM (allow bla tboro afior tbo arrival of mv clorba. Finding bimoolf ttnabb to prtvail with mo, bo wiibdrow for tbat dav ( bat oarljr llM naxt morning bo camo again, bringing with biM bia wili^ and a praoont of driod moat. At ihla iatonrttw, aAar MMing tbat bo bad atvaral pacba of baavor, for wbkb bt laia«doJ la daal with mo, b« rinroaood a aocond timo bia apara b aaaiaaa, fiam tbo namoroua Indiana who wora round tbo fart, aai aai* naatly pr aaaa d mo to ronatnt ta an immodioto dapaittaia Car iIm Saate. Aa a raaaon for tbia partieabur ro^atai, ba aaaarad Ma tbat all tbo Indiana, prapoaod lo coma in a badjr, ibal da]r»l» tba fort, to domand liqaar of tbo commaadaat, aad thai ka wlabod ma ta ba gana bolbfa tboyjrfia«U grow iMoaieaiad. I bad mado, at tbo poriod ta wbirb I am aaw tafmiag* aa mncb pragraaa in tbo langaaga ia wbicb Wawatam i IBO, aa to ba abia to bald aa ordiaarjr eoavaratiaa ia h t b«l tba Indian mannor of apvoeb ia ao oitiavagaaily fgaia^ dwl il ia only for a porftat maaiar la foUow and compwbaad il aniiia^ Had 1 baan fartbar advaaead in tbb raoaaat, I tbiali lii«l I ahoald hava gaihtrad ao mueb infiBrmauaa, Oraaa Ma mf friandljr aaoniior, aa would bava mit ma iaia paaMarian tt 4m doaign af tba aatmy , and aaa b iai ma la Mfa aa nail iilNMb ■• HI a al w k CI (• aa I ih U m ai til hi ta tb di M tb 8« ia wi In ai m t an all f> m tk t ia^ da 11^ irtiYim. M iImi 1 iMi nf49fi m kit wtnUrr'i kiuil. iIm occwrrviw* of ilkti pvrMfi of my hniAtr, m%um r»in« snin !• itbly moloiMlioIy and iu*i r«t«irn««l fmn kit • hMiih { bwl wUImm ity, thoi h« WM Mirrj il b* lntond«po n od tbat I t« a doaf car to ovoty iblng, loavtng Wawaiam and bio wilki afWr bmg and palUnt, b«it ino daaad mo to baliofo *kat Mrioua miaekiaf ama at kand. Tlw noit dnyi katog tka fcnftk of Juno, waa tka king's bink4ay. Tko aMrninf wna anitry. A Okipyaway aama to toll ■• fSnIkiaa, anotnar iMHan natian, Ikr a kigk wagor. Sactor invito ma wilaaaa tko nafl, adding tl waa to bt tkaaa, and wanM m« an tko I Mdo of tko Okipyawy» *f tkla kklnmniion, I want to tka and tafa 'm lato d witk kim a iittia, lafrooanting tknl tka la mifkl pooaiUy knv* aomo ainiatot aiM in viaw ( kni tka AiffiliMMlM by tka Oinadinna h iimJkktmmk fSi ^* *" yl^yH ' Tka kni la ai«ni Imw fcai ki Niiginf awrtwni nM toimnMilng M a aavi ai fMfeov> arn plMMi kiikn gfwmdi nt a aanaidan " aiBMv nn n mim nf maf^ Bnan party gana iiailm in tkrawing ikakall «p to (ka.faoi'tf Ikn 9imt» ^WT* « I^V ^W HV IRV ^WVii^HIMV Iv BWC^W IB HIV HINISIw OT aatariM4ina(laaal.ito«wiifaal,aa intolkal aflkaaivHw • did ntl f» Mfaalf i^aa* iko matok wklak waa nnw to W radto yaatf kaa Ito naaL and Ite kid iM dimdi ftoM Dattnh, and pfopoaiag iknl I Aixi4i(i»M Himrt oirnf rrv. •ImuU g« wtiH Him w iH« \mmk, M lM|«lrt ill* mwn, ii m ImmhimJ ih«i I alill r«m«ln«4, l« Aniali my U(i«ra i |Ki»wl«lnf to folUiw Mr. Trafy »n th« «««irM wf • hm mliiuiM. Mr. Tracy K«4 mH ftMMi m«r« llMn lw*niy p»r«a fr«Mi iIm 4««f, wImii I li««ril AH Iii4ten w«r»f a i*«r minniaa, waUliif la Im«i lk« dram Itaal to atna. U ilila liaailfal Iniarval I taw aavafal o( mv eaantrymaa k\\, aa4 naf* i^n ana airtifihaf batwaa* iH« hiM«a of an ln41an, «rii«, koMinf kirn in ihia inannar, icalptJ liiiii wkUa yai UvUf. Ai lanf Ik, diaappoinlail in ika liopa of Mwinf laaia i a n ca HM^a la iha tnamy. an4 •anaiU* of caarta ilMii na aibrt af mv awn iinaMiiiad arm aaald avail tfainai tomt Iitta4r«4 ImlMM, I UuMf ki aniy af Maklnff aliaUar. AmM iha alaailiiar wlilall waa rsfinff. I a b aa n ra 4 many af iIm CmmUImi kuMUiMiia tt tka IbM calmly ktaking f«, naiiliar appaainf tlm IndHaaa aor ini InjMryt an4 mm ikia ctwa m aianaa I aa a aa lw i • ■* in Uiaif iMMiaa. af my awn kawaa •wi llmt af M. I, mv nait naMkkar. Umm wm aoly a law Cmm*. «var wliiak I aaatly fUmM. At my aniiMca i kmmi Um wImU fcmUy at iIm win4awa. iMinff at iIm aaana af Uaa4 bafcra Ikam. 1 a<4ramad myatV Immadl aiah r to M. U m g l a^ a , Imc> Cnf thai Im waaM pat ma lata aama piMa af lafHy, nniil tka Mt af iha dkit alMNiU ka avart an act of aknHiy ky wkkk Im mithi ptrbapa praaarva ma tnm tka aaaatal maaMMtai kai «llila 1 attarati my patklaa, M. I aaaliia, wka %mi htkU tm % mamani at aia» lumaJ afiin ta iha winl m r, akiaafiaf kia •kaukkta, Mid iniiamiinf tkai ka tanU i» naiklBff fir ma»— Tkia waa a mahiani w Mapairt kai Ika nni^ a f%mi wa> maa,* a alava of M. Langlada'a, ka wi aaad ta ma la fkHaW kav. Ska krou|ht ma 10 a daar. wkkk aha apaaa4 daiMaf ma la anioft and lalUnf ma tkat it lad la tka fmal, wkaia I mam ga and eoneaal myaalf. I JoylUlp akayad kar diia al la a at and •ka, kavina fallowad aia up la tka faffa»daaf > laaftad il adii •a, and with f raat wraaanra at miad loak amf ika kav. Tkia akakaff aktainad, if akaltar I eaaU kapa la M ililvia kapa oMladiag aatariiy in latwaan ika yard*oaar Laaglada. my aait naif kki •llMfaalMaNaa ifttai ^ irnfiTf. mjr WtMr* t |K»«t«lNf • fbw MtllUlM. Mf. r • tfvmi of UttbiM. rn AiU Mtlping tvvry I f»«li«ffr*. TH^ iWnA w«m •falpait diwl niAnfMi ih« tiymif war« wrtikinf «n'li«r( «r«m ilrtnktiiff ikn hliMNl, •«>imp*i| wp in iH« holltw nf )i»tttrt«| H«iif •iporUfwlng. nn IfNtQ •!»«• •I«p«'<<| hmftt*, m4 wlt« c«ul w immi. i k ilw>, hH Um vftif HUM, M was ika aM fMtjr M Ik* a4ar. tl flfiti tN ia <>■» m« !• ttof t M« in tiM iMf !• Ma^HMtUMl* • !• 4ki«««*r • wwi w Ufllt to DMiati Im4 m MM fnm MklininMkt* I iklfM iriMM I « ilfwalMiiii I'vMWMI MM M €MIHtM^ M, tfM Wn, M Im I IMM VV HI Mi^MHS If odM^ M fMi(| IN Mnlni Mill* «• MMWwMteMar •kite ALUAJiMi miiav-t CAfnfrrr. M . »a4 Ithill 4^ tto «(llM tdlMlUMilla M llt«|r ^«im4 fi Mill NMM •«fti»»il •/ atfowM. i^f k«4 ^«a*«tUi4 ftf^m M NMHy M llMy «««M, W • |^fM««l ill* !••«( lt«U« |M • m p**>»», to tmm» f«l«ii««rtlf wHlk««t ik« •Mkata \ m4 |^y«t«tit««l)r ilto «mmmii4mm ftinl MfftawM iMm—lf*. TiM fM««M «M«li tWf > ( lirl«4 NM. 4«rtoff Ik* nlflki, «m ^1 (m aM to ^ ilto MWm •! NMfntnf I wm •«•!» im Uto fwh W >py»»li« i U to n. Ai Mtdfto*, I I»«ir4 iM flimtiy Mtfttof i Mi4 fr«M*il]r aIW* IwltoK t«4«M, »iifo»N»iiit M L«i>w wit III* I— « f *to*ntoikf iltoy tolflii nn ufi II «f» Ur e blMiM. mm Uil b*«Mv iltoi 1 alUMiM 4k iUii iii*tf_ M- ^"ffj*^ «M !• Vi* ItoM*. ilMi \\aA mm>' iImw «lilto«l IM* Minii^i, m4 ikM Iw mmHA pM ■• bto litott Ito*/.*. Tkk pply iltoi p ppMm ^^^ flMMi^ 1^ to ^^ **to^ fl^ wkk MM ^pA \m iW ^Am •rApMM.«viabhiikp pilitr bplMli*lM|*MrrteplmNk •P if to piiMi It Imp My Immii kb tyM MMPwrliip wpm IM MMWMiqrfllMiM. Ailppiateandad my gamt-ataira, in erdor to placa myialf'tha fitrtheat poaaibia out of tho roach of inault ilrom drunkan Indkina ; but I had not rtmainad thara mora than an hour, whan I waa oallad to tha room balow, in which waa an Indian, who oaid that I muat go with him out of tho fort, Wanniway having aant him to fetch ma. Thia man, aa wall •a Wanniway himaalf, I had aaan bafoia. In tha piaaadinf yaar, I had allowad him to taka tooda on eradit, for which hia WM atill in my daht ; and aoaM aEort tima piafia wa to tha ■a^ prim of tha fort ha had aald, opon my upbraiding him wHh WMrtaf honaaly, thafhawoiUdpayoMbafliralaBgl'* Thia r»h new aama ftaah into my mamory, tad lad ma to Napaot Iha flrflaw had fermad a Mai|a aMinat my life. I eom> ■wmicatad tha auapieirn to M. LangiMat hut ha gava fm •aawar that ^ I waa not now my own maatar, and maal do m I was ordered.** Tha Indian, on hia part, diractad that-bafora I laft tha housa 1 ^uU undraaa myaalf, declaring that my coal and shin would baeoma him better than they did me. Hia plaaaura in thia laapaot being compiled with, no other altamatlva was left ma thain either to go out naked, or to put on tha doihas of tha In- dian, which he Arealy gave ma in aschanga. His matito flit thus stripping mo of my own apparel waa no other, aa I aAaffw ward leaniad, than thia, that it might not be ai«iiMd with blaai when ha should kfll me. fi« I was now told to nroeeed t and mjr driver followed me eMk until I had passed the gate of tho fori, when I tumad tawafll Iha spot wnere I knew tha Indiana to be wcamfsd. Thla^ however, did not suit the porpoee of mr eaamy, who aatail ma by the arm, and drew ma violantly in the ep pwiH a dli u < l l sifc 10 tha disunea of fifty yarda abova tba fort Haia, IbMlteBAM I was uproaching the bushes and sand'hUla, I Atfiumm^m jne—ino ftirlher, but tokl the Indian that I baliavad httHfUl to murder me, and that if so ha might aa writ atrtiti { hot ho gnvo te mutt do M -bofbro I bft tho honao ay coot tnd chlit would Wo plooauN inAb •hoHMtlvo WM bA mo ntbodoihoooftholn- Iwngo. Hb motlvo flir mama othoTi ■• I •llo^ Hbotmlnodwitlibbud rivor MIowod mo tkam. , when I lurood towovl 1 boOnoMnpod. Thb^ mr onomy. who ootanl t tho oppoibi dli N i w, brt nm,$aibMikA hatlbolbvodliS&l tflowoltotflho^aBM •Uod.with • ^*™^* «»if^.n' ALIlAIfNtB BtNiri OAPTirrrT. manner for my goods. At tho mrio limo ho produced ■ Icnifo. and held mo in • pociiion to rocoivo tho inlondtd blow. Both ihii ond that which followed were necoaeorily tho otihir of • moment. By aome effbrt. too audden and too little dependent on thouffht to be expbined or remotnbored, I wns enabled to arreat hia arm. nnd gfvo him a aadden puah, by which I turned him from mo, nnd released myaelf from hb grMp. Thia wm no aooner done thon 1 ran toward tho fort, with oU tho awifW neas in my power, tho Indian following mo, and I oipecling every moment to feel hia knife. I anceooded in my ftight t and, on entering the fort. I aow Wenniwoy atanding in* tho mi^t of the area, and to him I hMtoned for protection. Wen* niwny deaired the Indbn to deaiat ; but the btior puraaed mo round him, making aoTornl strokee at me with hia knife, and founding at tho mouth with rage at the repeated (ailura of hb purpoM. At length Wonniway drew near to M. Lan|bdo*a hoMo ; and tho door being open, I ran Into it. Tho Indiaa folbwod mo t but on my entering the houM, ho voluntarily abandoned tho pursuit. Praeervod ao ofbn, and m unoipoetodlvt m it had now baaa my lot to bo, I returned lo my gartet, with a atreng incllnai tion to belbvo thnt, through the will of an oformling powofv no Indbn onomy oowld do mo hurt ) but now trbb, m I MbfudL wore at hand, when, at ton oleloek In tho evaniog, I wm louaoi flrom sbop, and once more deaired to deaoond the aiaira. Nat bos, howovor, to my aotlaihetbn than aurprbo, I monod only to meet Major Bihoriogton, Mr. Boetwiek tmi Lbtttonant Looalb, who wen in the room below. Thoao gandemon had been taken priaonora, while lookin| at tho game, without tho fort, and immedbtely atripped of au thob ebthea. They wore now aent into tho fort, under tho eharfa of OanadbM, beeauM, tho Indiana having laaolvod oa ring drunk, tho ehbfo wore approhenaivo that tlMy would nurdetad if thity continued in tho camp. LioutoMut lomatto and sofonty aoMiort had been killed ; and but twsniy Bnglbhmen, faMlMtng Mhlbrs, wore still alivo. ThoM . lagMhor with nMriy thrM huadrad OoMf no caniM, dee. lombors, myself an'! others pr o p osed to Ut^ . I an ofibrt for ragainingpo sa a a sion of tho fert^ llgaiQoithoIndwna.. Tlio Jesuit miseionaiy fto project ; but he diacouragad ua, by hb rap> ii ibi^ly ^ Uio mere ibH jtreatmont which wa mnat Ih^iiduma, a honid they regain their aoperiority, Hiia dapandaneo which was to bo pbead span •■» Thus dm fbtt and pibaMia rz Hi ALEXAifDiR nimri OArmriTy. in lh« handi at the IikJiaiM. ihotifhi threagh tha whoU nifht, tht pri«on«n and wkittt ^nn in actual poaMMion, and thay war* without tha tataa. That wkola nigni, or tha malar |«rt of it, wm paaaad in mutual condolanca ; and my 7f llowpriMnara aharad my garrai. In tha morning. Iwing aoain eallad down, I found my maitar Wanniway, and waa danirtd to follow him. Ha lad ma to a tmall houM, witnin tha fort, whera, in a narrow room, and almoat dark, i found Mr.Eiakial Solomons, an Englishman from Dairoit, and a aoldiar, all priaonara. With thata, I ramainad in pain* ftti auipanaa, as to tha scana that was next to praaant iiscli, till Ian o'clock in tha foranoon, whan an Indian arrivad, and pras- tntlv marehad us to tha laka*sida, whara a canoa appaarad laaify for doparlura, and in which wo found that wa wara to •nhark. Oar Toyagf , fVill of doubt as it was, would hara commancad immadiataly, hut that ona of tha Indians, who was to ba of Um party, was absanl. His arrival was to ba waitad for i and this occasionad a vary long dakiy, during which wa wara •ipeaad to a kaan nortn-aasl wind. An old shirt was all ihai aomad mas I •uflkrad much from tha cold{ and in this •Mromity, M. Lnngbula coming down lo iha baaeb, I askad kim for a blankai, promising if I livad lo pay kim for it, at any prioa ha pleasad { but tka answar I racaivad was this, that hi eonid lal ma kava no Uankat unhna tkara wara soimo ona to ka aacnrity for tka paymant. For mysalf, ha obaarvad, I had BO longar any proparty in that country. 1 had no mora to say to M. Langlada; but Drasantlv saaing annthar Canadian, oanad John Cuchoisa, I addraaaaa to him a similar raquaat, and waa not raAiaad. Nakad as I was and rigorous as waa tka waaibar, but for tka klankat I must kava pariskad. At noon, o«r party was all collactad, tka prisonars all ambarkad, and wa Blaarad for thalslas du Castor, [Baavar Iskuid,] in laka Michigan. Tha soldiar who was our companion in miMitrtuna was mada iul lo a bar of that canoa, by a ropa tiad roand kia naek, a* ia tka manner of ika Indians in transporting tkeir prisonars. Tka rast wara Mi uneonflnad ; kut « paddla was pot into aaeh 9i our hands, and wo wara mada lo usa it. Tha Indiana in dM CMioa wara savan in numkar, tka nrisonars four. I i laft, as it will ka raeollactad. Major Etkarington, hkm% Laaalia and Mr. Boatwick, at M. LangladaV and ioinad in misery witk Mr. Eiakial Solomons, tka ua Engliskman wko kdl nawly arriYad tnm Ik was on tka sixtk day of Juna. Tka fort was lak« firartk; I aurrondorad mvaalf to Wanniwaj oa tha lUs was tha tkiid day of oar diMnaa. :,^t^ t3. lAFTITlTY. rottf h the whoU niflit, \\ potMMion, and (hty rt of it, wu psMwd {q DiMtra ■hand my gtrrM. urn, I found my manor m. Ho lod mo to I ■mall rrow room, and almoot ngliahman from Doiroil, ■«, I romainod in poin* oil to proooni iMcli, till idian arrivod, and pnta- loro a canoo appoarod found tbat tfTo woio to irottid bavo commoncod iana, who waa to bo of ■ to bo waitod for ; and luring which wo woro n old ahirt waa all thai tho eold( and io thia to tho boaeh. I adud to pay him for it, at any toivod waa thia, that ho loro woro •omo ono to olf, ho oboonrod, I bad I had no mofo to My ing anothor Canadian, lu a aimilar roquoat, and d rigoroaa aa waa tho m poriahod. At noon, ra all onbarkod,and wo land,] in lako Michigan. in ndwjtrtttno wna miado ltd ronnd hia noek, aa wrting their priaonora. iddle waa pat into ooeh N it. Tho Indiana in priaonora fnor. I knd Itncrington, Lk«| n^adoVand omonailbf id fkon fort waa takf iwny ontka AUtANDii HtiftY'i OAprmnr. Wo woro bound, aa I havo laid, for tho laloa du Caator. which lio in iho mouth of lako Michigan ; and wo ■houM havo croaood iho lako. but thai a, thick foa eamo on, on accoanl of which iht Indiana doomod it aofor to K««n tho ihoro elooo andor thoir loo. Wo thoroforo approached tho landa of tho Ottawaa, and their village of L'Aroro Creche, already men* tioned aa lying about twenty nrilee to tho weitward of Micbili* mackinac, on the oppooito aide of tho tongue of land on which tho fort ia built. Every half hour, tho Indiana gave their wa^whoope, ono for every priaonor in their canoe. Thia ia a general cuatom, by tho aid of whiciv all other Indians, within hearing, art aporiaod of the number of priaonora they are carrying. In thia manner, wo rooched Wamohento, Pox«point, a long point, Btrotching wootward into the uko, and which tho Ottawaa make a carrvin| place, to avoid going round it. It ia diatant oightoon milea from Miehilimaekinae. After tho Indiana had mi|da thoir war>whoop, aa before, an Ottawa appeared apon iih» beach, who made *igiM that we ahould land. In eontoquonco, wo appfoaehad. The Ottawa aaked tho nowa, and kept thn OhippowniTB in Airtkor eonvoraation, tiU wo woro within a fcw varda of lino land, and in ahallow water. At thia momont, n bwidrod men ruohod upon oa, from among tho bnahoa, and diagfad all tho priaonora out of tho canooa, amid a terriiyfaiff ahoat Wo now beliovod that ear laat auflbringa woro appro•eh^f | but no aooner were wo Mrly on ahoro, and on our Wga, tkui tho ehioA of tho party advanced, and gave ooeh of na thoir hnada, tolling oa that they woro our (Honda, and Ottnwna, whom tho Ohippowaya had insulted, by destroying tho Bnglidi wldioot eonanfting with them on tho aflhir. Th^ added that what thoy had dene was for the purpoeo of aavinc our Uvea, dM OhippowaTs having been carrying na to tho Islea du Castor oahf to kifl and dcveiir ui. Tho raador'a imagination ia horadiatracted bv tho variety of our fortunoa, and he may well paint to himself tbe stato of mind tff those who Boatainod them, who woro tho apart or tho vi^ of a oeriaa of ovoAto, more Uko droama than iroalltiaai llko fletlon than tmth ! It waa not long before wo woia :od again, in tho eanooe of tho Ottawaa, iriio, tho aadto rolandod oa at MiehlUmaekinae, whofo thoy/mardiod Am Ibrt, ia view of tho Ohippowaya, eoBwandad at tho Ottawaa osaooio a sMa oppooito to thtb own. mu» who had aeeompanloa oa fai anfflciont am- fMMMoti oTtho Am. Wo.whohadehaagtdaiiH ALEIANDIR nCNIirS OAFnTITY. ton, bill w«N iiill prUonera, wrrt lodf«d in th« houM of Um «MnnuinHant, and ilrirlly futrd«d. Burly th« n«n morning, « gonorol council wm hold, in wtileh iho Chippowoyi eompUinod murh of tho conduct of n ?"?*!? '" "■*'»« •••••» »' »•>•'' pri««ner« j olloirinff ihoi •11 Iho Indloni, iho Otiowoa olono oieoptod, woro oi war wiih tho Engliih ; thai Pontioc hod lakon Dolroil ; thai iho kins of Franco.had awoko. and ropoiMiMd himwif of Quobec and Monlrffal j and that tho Engliih wcro mooting doolruction, not only at Miehilimackina<, but in ovcry othor port of tho world. From all thi* thoy hrerrtd that it bocamo ilio Ottawa* to roaloro tho Drioonon, and to Join in tho war ; and tho •necch wa« followod by largo proienit, boing port of tho plunder of Iho fort, and which was prorioualy hoopod in tho contro of tho room. Tho Indiani raroly make ihoir antwcra till tho day anor thoy havo heard tho argumonta oflerod. Thoy did not doport from thoir cuatom on thia occaaion j and tho council tboroforo adjournod. Wo, tho priaonera, whnao fato waa thua in controroray, woro ""l!?!? *' *''* ''"** ^'*'' *'*'' tranoction i and tkoiofon ODjovod a night ^f tolorablo tranquillity, not in tho looat itia* pocting tho rovorao which waa proporing for ua. Which of tho urffumonta of tho Chippowaya, or whothor or not all wofo doomod valid by tho Ottawaa, I cannot aay ; but tho cmineil waa roaumod at an oarty hour in tho morning, and, •AoT aovoral apoocho* had boon mado in it, tho priaonora wort amt for. and roiumod to tho Chippowaya. _- Tk« Ottawaa, who now gavo ua into tho handa of tho ^"■m^^y** had thomaolvoo doclarod that tho lattor doaignod DO othor than to kill ua, and mtkt hntth 0/ ua. Tho Chippo< waft, aa aoon aa wo woro roatorod to thorn, marchod ua to • TUlago of thoir own, aiiuato on tho point which ia bolow tho fort, and put ua into a lodgo, alrwidy tho nrioon of fourtoon ooldiora, tiod two ond two, with eacli a ropo aboi« bla nock, and iMtdo faat to a polo which Raight be callod tho aupportor of tho buHdiBg. I wm loft nntiod ; but I poaaod a night alooploaa and AUl df wrotehodnoao. My bed waa tho baio ground, and I wm •nin ndacod to an old ehift, aa ny ontiro appanl j lU bbokot whhih I had loeoived, through tho gonotoahj •( M. Ooohoiao, baring boon taken IWmi mo omong tho Uttawi^ wbon thoy ooind upon myaolf and tho othora,at Wago^aook' I waa, boaidoo, in waitt of fiiod, having for two dqm Mloa M*> IQff* J eon^ that in tho eanoo frith the CUppowm t \iw •And bffoad ; hot, broad, with mUk aoeompufaMiit I Tbo^ •*ii it Timf ALHANDEI NEIflY'B CAPriTtTT. bad a loaf, which they cut with the Mme kni?e« that th^y ■ ' with SI •mploved in the maMiaere— knivoe itill covered The Mood they nioiitened with apitile. and rubbing it on tbe bread, oflered thie for fond to their priaonera, telling them to eat the Mood of their eountrvmen. Such waa my tiiuation on tne morninv of tbe aeventh of June, in the year one thouaand aeven hundrad and ■iity>ihre«s but a few houra produced an event which gave atiir a new eolor to my lot. Toward noon, when the great war-chief, in company with Wenniway waa toated at the opposite end of the lo«lffe, my (Viend and brother, Wawatam, luddenly came in. Durinv the four daya preceding, I had often wondered what had boeome «f him. In pauing by he gave me hie hand, but want immediately toward the great chief, by the tide of whom •nd Wenniwav, he aat bimaelf down. The moat uninterrupted ailenca prtvailed i each amoked hia pipe ; and thia done, Wawatam aroae, and left the lodge, aaying to me, ai he paaeed, <• Take courage i" An hour elapaed, during which aoveral chiefa entered, and preparationa appanrod to be makinc for a council. At length, Wawatam rfonlartd tbe lodm, followed by hit wife, and both loaded with merehnndiae, which thrv carried up to the chiefa, •nd laid in • heap before them. Some momenta ot ailene* feUowad, at Iha and of which Wawatam pronounced a tpeech, •▼•ry word of which, to me, waa of extraordinary intereat : *» Prienda and relatione," be began, •• what i;* it that I ahall any? Yon know what 1 feel. You all have friend* and brothara and children, whom aa youraelvoa you love ; and yoa, iHmt would vo* aiperieneo, did yon, like me, behold your danraai Mend— yonr brother— in the condition of a •lave: A abve, •xpooad every moment to inauh, and to menacea or daalhl Thia caae, aa tou all know, ia mine. See thoN {ptintiHt m m im f tlMI VM, MtMl^ •■ttrpriiM, fUTf m» rUad,(i«Uv«riiighi« rMli;yott UTt iMpi buy of «▼*?; c)»ini tn my hfotbtf . u bi« • ■niA ilbd i m4, of lilonoo foliowod. id fi?o lUs roply t Imi yo« ko*o ■pokon 10 Moadollip wkkk rlioiniMM. ia whoof Know iko donfof ol tonooqiionooo whMi laoiM yon to lotvo m oad yom Auaily t I aMMUtyon wovU M4yoa wooldi^ bkb yo« coiiUbo* toko oofo of yovf NMt^Mid Mflff kim otikl Ml ted kin. MakowMbfennod MBikoitkoIadiMM « fixmd la tko fcfl, B,Mcoidiag(« mj klm Wo V Mid tokiiif •• by »t ihu dktaMo oC • ^.-^.^ fiwift*«!js ALIXANDIM HINIIY*!! OAmVITY. lodfO in whirh I waa, I inw droggod forth. Upon ■«ven deod bodUt of wkilo .\\ my liHiulry into iha occtoaion. 1 liifoniMd that ■ eortain ehivf, catlad by tho Conodiona L« Onuid 8«bU. bod not long baforo orrivad from hb winiar'a hunt ( ond ibot h«, boring b««n obMni whan ih« mr bagun, ond boiag now daairouB of manifaaiing to iha Indiana ol lorgo hi* haorty eoncurrtneo in what ihoy had demo, had gono into tko priaon* lodgo, and ihoro with bia knifo put tho aovon mon whooo bodioo I had Mon to death. Shortly aftor, two of tho Indiana took ono of iha doad bodloow which thay rhoao aa boing tho fatloat, cut olT tho koad. aad dividod iko wholo into Avo poHa, ono of which waa put into ooch of flvo kotiloa, hung ovor a* many Aroa kindloa for tkio purpooo, at tho door of tho priaon-lodgo. Soon %ftor thingi woro ao Cur preparodt a moaaago eamo to our kidgo, with la invilotioa to WawaUm to aaaiat at tha fooat. An invitation to a foaat ia givoa by him who ia tho auMar of it. Small ciAtinifa of eodar woo^ of about four inekoo k longtk, tuppiy tho pliuo of eardo i and iko boaiof ky woiA oi Biouth atatoo tho partieulara. Wawatom oboyod tho aumaMna, takiag with kioi, ao io aoaal, to tko plaeo of ontortainmont, kia diah and apoon. Ho' Aftor an akooaoo of about half oa hour, ko roMiaod, kringiag oppoar 10 roiiM im ropooi, kui told rm tkat it on ■ad always kad booa tko euotom oaMOff all tko ladiaa ia kio ditk a kuBMB kaad, and a largo piooo of flodk to roliik tho ■ r. . . whoa rotureing (irom wari or on ovorcomiii| tkoir onoailoo, la aMko a war*foaoi lirom aaMag tko olaia. Thio ko Mid kaipi** od tko warrior witk eoarago in attack, aad brod him la aMO* doatb with foarloiHUoo. ^^ la tko ofoaiagof tho mmo day, a largo eaaoo, oaoh ao ihooo wkich eaaM froia Moatiaal, woo aooa odvaaciag la tko foti* boldly la" Iko foit, waoia lao Mina MO, ao lioiag Bagliok l i adoro, woro aoind, dncgad 4Maagk tko walor, bMi| iwilod, mawkod la Iko priKNKkMft,aad tkora Uripaod of Ikaif oloikoo aad ooaJnod. Afiko BagM mdm ikM foU fata tko kaada of Iko ladiaaa at tto caplan of Iko fort, Mr. Traey was tko oaly oao wka loMkisUfc. Mr. BisUol Solomoao aad Mr. Hoary Bostwiek wava mIhm by Iko Ollawaa, and afttr Iko poaeo ewrlod dew« la MMlfMl, aad"(koN iMwonod. Ot tuaoly tmspo, akoitf killod) tho rssi, i«gatkar witk Ikota af iba pisli f AUIAlfWI Hliniri OAPTITITY. I|4te Bijf 4m PmuM, mmI ai iIm rivM 8«lni ^Muflk. w*ff . IPJ"P* '" "*<**y ^ >^ OtMwB« till ilM pM<«, ana ikM a^ibM ^ AMiy tm\M9i, m raiwMiMHl «i MonirMl. TIm Oii«wm Mf«r r liMir dUfMi at iIm mcImi wlik wbkk iktv liM Wca lfMli4. la Ik* IwffiwniMf or lU ww, ky Uim* wIi* •Am> wmJ 4m4m4 iMkr tMiaiane* m tlllM la Um m«fai»g of iIm aiatli e/ Jaa*. a ftnatal cMaeil w«« MffMMasi VMM llVfll k«M, M wkkli t« WM HTMa i« rmaava lo iIm Maaa oT MkM- IkMcklnar, m • mor* 4«f«fMlbl« aliMiioa la Um artat afaa •Hack ky tka litfttok. Tk« Mian* k«a bagva m aaiamla AMMiiNM W waai oT MrMfik. No imw« k«4 rta AlWr lUa laa&f aramid «m. I kraka mmU kmnekaa Awn Ika iMoa, and aMMi Ikam for a kad i dMn wmnpad myaalf hi mj oHMmt BMi aiapi vsm nayaiiaB* Oi nwpUnt I fok Myaalf kniiMMHii ky aaoM al|aai npan iikfak I liffr id l aaar kg fc. fcnad h M ba a kana. Tklal Hpfaiad m ka Umi af a iaar, ar aaHM oUmt aniHMl, and wkM l,y y^nalninll ylalanfcadfafhiUMplaaataiwkiakllwaa| •wtywfftn vMiBn Mjf oaanMavi • diaaavarant wiin aoaM r kinar, Am I MM Mnf a Itol itoy tod MMT to** awM* *f ito » *»l*i n * *(f tki* toto*. Atov vWilat li« wkUk itoy to«i*41*i*lj 411, IMMMHM*, Wn*M Um HMMM MMS* WW UpMI IMM, |M to* ny* itojr dl40 kM lliwiMiM* l« ito mm, mi Ukm Hi^WVIWi WVIW NMIV ■HBHOT^B* v^ Iny^NI, I ■■■ ■■■*■■■ li toU*M ttol dll* MM WM Ml MMtoM IM* y lM i * ti dM IMM* *• pnMMMt M*fUM*v MM MMM*d M WS^MMl*i I toM •lwm**to*ffM4 itol Ito Itjito i pay "tHtoy to MM Mtoi M A MW WIJ* MMr M* **BwMnM M M* MWSMV MMM*9 •toM, Mm*Iiw*Ii— , wton I mw kmi M to iM iml Md «f itovftof* •! IIMilltoMMM*, MM* I* ito mfa* tt tw fttoii i^whM Ito wMlMMMny il MMfeiw^toi* M, to *toifMa ttol tottn* WMV MW toHf iMvlH mb Itowli. * M—*f wtoM tod iMi^iililiiii *f< gwMt to€* iMi» SRC wB# WMHI MRUMV MiMHNB Ml VV HHBBHflHB IBflP %Mi I vpMi wM* t**^, Ito «im4 ^Tm^MwIni 1 AtiM to imni MTii ii tntoa. m nyrthBl ntwitt I ^^^^^^^P ^^^ ^^^^^M^^^^F ^^^M ^^^^^^^^^W *BB^MP^^M yimtrrr i mfmtt wmM* I* mm !• llM Vitw W wkWV I NNNMMlM.M4Mf •H«fU fcr kl« iMIg fcft«Ml« ttNM hi llM r «Im fttiMvlkMrv i>«v« i« wkkk Im M ^ wiiik it«iiMii Mi««. Im4 • t«HM fMMliMI irrM, aai wIMm irUb, H iM ■^trMMM §1 ite •f ilM mI&mi aT ilU« liMy liiiMc4lM«l]r M, MiM M M iii h i tim. • Om W%MiUM4iyM fmpM,\mSmmi fMtpiMbartkalMiM SiSS'**^ ALtlANMI NINIY • CAfTIVmr M I ^imM »«( Iwt tnimm i« Ik* ■ >■■<■< i. •ii4 iM tIkUf «w m ktnti M lit AMki my frl*fi4 «n4 hu mmtly in •liMiliiff lk«l f«fy Aijr tk« 4*«ir«4 rM«<«m«rflk««»«. Mv Mtr «m ««! m. mmI mt |M«4 tlUVtf^, Wttk Ik* twytWI M • MtH Ml iM *f«W1l, «f •bmii ««rk« iM 4t«iiM<«f tf • #r««A-MM«. My k** vw pitnw4 ivliil iHfM uf fMf litdkfvNt «4l«f« I MUM pana •( M rwl, imI aliuf* Mvli. A alilH waa Br4vtlk •Uf«M4 •« IkW M<««NH| Ilk* NMM M» w Ml, Umm* tMM .r 4ulU«k bUr m* my im* •MMf U4Im vmmi. In ikto 4M«f»««, W«»»imi vmimmH fc«M4 iM ikM tf k. «»«I4 IM • mmKU *im^mmJ>mf 99M i« Ikto AiMf lkiM-l»-la«. •*•*• •f r* "^^^ ♦•• • ""^ •••'^» •• ''^ i»^ ••«^ «*• fi IM. vkO* M ««tU tMir rMii4 ikk M». Ii« «M •# mTimZ •MklM Ik* Um4 U •««r ikM IM lk«i WMflMiriili kki. Thto 4mm. k« tkr«« away tiM mmU m4 mnUi Um Um IM wlMk IM »ia*4 wtik • MMMiiy «r «mm. OT dU* j^lUU •MM4jr. to V^db k« U4 »MMt«4. W^ MM UMI Mm -Jfe.?^'^*'"**^'K '"^ '^•••^ "^ •'^ iMM4k« «r AtMMl Wikkjk I WM TZilW Wilk llMM MliMMl m4 (^ lilw ttk iiiMiia M ImuUmf • frv pwUMkn T-iiini Th« tii4iMi •!• ia fMMcd few Am* Umti nn mi m tMMM •( Ik*** Mm mt^m M 4r«9iy. fMit. cr mmm, Mm MMIff llMir MM« ardlMrV Wpl«inM.MU tkMNMlJM Mill MM •Mt^M«i|y with L JSrW wMik ik«y AM •• mmtk upmrM llM «m i dtoy MMi ralv M« MBMUIIydMlMi 94j»n *Ml4w<%>Mil^aMMtriMWi«wn •! ikls hi«4. ki «k4rfl Ik* piMikMt «•• • ImmI* akiM •! akam tmiw wmn W m*. •*V«Ml tt ik* tUM «kl*ll «•«• Mlf«lt4 M 4l» MflMt m4 «• «ri ■klU (k« wkiak W «M jiMMtf t* fit* M wwMi. Tk> rityttofaMi (■»!*»■ kk>) >iti4 fclawW iwik* f 1 1 ■■! i mi kdm kkn. «i • m« mnmi Mukii. «•• iImM • iMki «f «»MM. kl Wklik IMf* ikM* Immk 4* iMfM «H% M ll mhmM I* «*, tT « *mm% «t«f . !• kl* »Mi k* kill kto i lfa i f i j > af iMiiiv ««ik wkkk k* im ikM » kte wiOpkw •Mf . n* tMl «ktM lif M • MMkMk «Mf Ik* pkyiiitiB. ■k* apfMiwI I* k*«* a««k fevvf , MM • Mv*f* mmnmm «f •llMiimiH* *rliMiHiiiin. ' — -r-w , ,-— AAw Mm ikt MM* kaw, *• pkyiMM t**ll MM •# *i kMM**M*rih* iMkll Ik* kMMMM k«IW«| Mil MM «li Mh ifftM M Ik* Im*m 9l «k* pUmm, k* »M riMM kMJgM M MlAlM. «^ M 1^ _— ^-T-i^— ^ IjTiki- ^Lt- WIA Aa IMMT. laHpf kl* Ml«. k* MM*k kit k**4. I|«*M. ilil^ Mi Ml M Ik* MM* ikM UM lBl ag , M tf M f I MI I fcllk ik* kg«a iMkHlkkMM IM* MMMBtTk* ladkl kla^r '' •mm! ifaM, aA «kk «kt mmU ^}k» iIm* Immi milkb VMS k* HiHMaM^n. k* ^*^ M J^^ k^^yc ^ ^ L**ySki SOS AUXANsiK RimirB oimrrnr. ■u b i f M, iMMBbUoff t fi«M of Um quill of • (SMlk«r. It WM DMMd rouud tht eomoMij Arem on* to tbo otkor i and docUrMlt bjr tk* plijrtkiMi, !• M tiM tklaf etttiinf tiM diMfdtr of bii ^•tiMlt. TiM mvltitiido bolioT* tiMl tkoM pbnkiMM, wImoi iIm Fnaeh m11 i^mgUim, or Juggl«ri« eaa iaflkt m woU m ranoTt diioidon. Tbojr boliovo tKil by dmwiaf tho flmio of uy pcnon la Mod or mHoo, or on elavi or by ooaaUoriaf oay ob)Mt 00 iIm flfait of • porooB, tnd iImb prkkiaf It with • muf iiieli. or oikor MMaoo, or doiiur, la oay otkor nMaor, tkal wkkk dono to • Uvinff boily wotud eooio poia or mvry. Iko ladividaal r oawooat o d, or aaapoood to bo t r p rooo a nd. wfll •■ibr ateoadiaf ly. Oa tko otkor kaad, tko aiiookkf Hiaf doao, aaotkovjliyokiaa, of of aal p r otaao i oao, caa by MNitfga iwaovo U. UnlMrtaaatolyt kowovor, tko opoiatioM wkkk I kavo diiB rlbo d w«f« aol ww eonftri la tko iaotaaeo rdbnad toi Ibr^oi tko day aftor Ikoy kad lakoa placo. tko girl dlod. wtek roaaid ta joik wi— ik, tka ladiaao oortaialy oftol >t uy mm eavM. Hafa, aa akafa, aMMk tkat k fcaiaatk I Aa iMMM af tkdr piartki o fi a oto ^1 ika taaltda flaiaia-llaifk I fMahof VkablMT nra aa* wka^la Ika la ^nali vaeoifad tku akaka of aa aaa ki kk rida* NT «aa oa vMaat, aad tka aM driraa m Un, Ikai tka uka Md itoMU Ml vkkdmw k, k«i MTk k tka wamd, aad lad. SkoHly ater* ika mm waa fcaadi aai krai«kl iaia dM iMt, wkaaa aavoial aikar hdkM eaaa ta kk aniaiaMa* AaMW tkaao* oaoi wka ma a akyaklBaa Ibmi^ kifb wkk wkkk ka looa l a lai aad. Tka ifm af A* I iaadikk laatkckaadf aadkkoaiaapBamally daaM aaoMU MiiMaf a vTkapkyikkui taok ftaai kkbag aanMU poiiteiaf «yia aabakaoa, mwiblif tkk oCa kaM» Ak ka a wkk a otkk, ka pawad Aa «ijMia dawa hk Aiaai. Mhwad waa, ikal ia a varv ikoit naeo of tiaM tkawwMa BUM aMnrod kk oyoit aaa hagiaaiBg la mnk, Ikiar m- ■MllhaafofdalkdUaod. * kf jwwipr* ■taail avaUaw k* . ii>fly.. , By tka diA day ka yay •>*• A walk. akiiMS k kMa iBMitt piaaoa^ aad aaida bkialkBt Tka MW waa Aaa oarrWJ A I6bd|a OAfllflll. uillorafetilMr, It __ UMothtri uiddMliirad, itinf Um diiofdM or bis pbnkiuMi wkom Mm inflMt M W«U M MtBOft wiBf Um flmra of uf , or by eonaMoffiBf any Umb prkkiaf it with • S. ia My olbor nMoor, i OMMO ■•!• or iatary, d to bo rapNOMModTwai Md. ibo mimkkt , noatioao, CM by«M(iM tbo ofoiaiioMwUdi I UM IBOMBOO fSMflod Ml Imo. tbo gM diod. ladiMO oortoUy oftol WMb Umi it etioo offaMto • ■Mwbokte Iho • of M no fakioild*. drlvw 00 doMk dMI tbo Mbii ihorhdiMM mo pbyikbM^ oyooof iIm 00 OMOMrily doifi boMi'SbklM on Boof UoM tbo Id fMk, IhMr If • ■ Ibo fbyiliiiB «Ami IfOiwhwiIHilMin lylthMto MUM^SSi ▲LixAitttiB Hiinri oAmrmr. Hi wlib o eouf b. Twmty y«on oftor bio miofbrtuM bo woo Mill olifo. AiMllMr mon, boinf on bio wintoHnff-froMnd, oad ftooi homo, baallnf boovor, wm oroMinf • loko. eovorod witb ■nooUi ieo, with two boovoto oa bio boob, wboa bio bet oHvpod. and bo foU. At bio lido, in bio bolt, woo bio on, Um bMoo? wbieb eonM apon tbo joint of bi« wriot i ond, ibo wolfbt of bio body eomino upra tbo blbdo, bio bond woo oomMoMlv ■opointod from bio arm, witb tbo oseoption of o mboU ploeo of Ibo obin. Ho bad to walb Uiroo miloo M bio Mm, wiieb wot Umo tu owoy. Tbo obin, wbieb oIom rolainod bio bond to bio oTM, bo cut Uuoogb, wiUi Um mmm uo wbiob bad doM tbo looli aad (brtaaoioly bavinf m a obirt, bo look It oC Mro it ap, aad OMdo a otroaf ligataio abo?o Um wriot, oo to ia MM Bu orari M ofoid tbo boo of blood. OiT loaobiag bio lod|o,booaiodtbowMadbiaMoif,bytboBMiaaooafiiMpioa, I WM a witMM M Ito forfetl boalfa^. t ■■*« ^HM HNM t^aav yKj^KmMM% fWffmWf vr praemoMia ■BOO oofooiy, oTo mppoooa lo oo o^aoM or iiMHiaH II and I aK\y add, ibai thoy aio ooiiUani tbaaMilfi|| M tbio aoooMt la om iaoMMO I oaw om of iMWl [dHad, 1^ a MM wbe obwfad kba jrlA bavfaf bwwjjbrlji Tba I M jiioirf t tabiioa # . MNMrlr OMaHMMa iMnk' iWH o^^^wao w ■■r ^m wnw^tnmt wnioa wo am WWB aiw oav •■Mt aadboMibi Ao M j o yni of a plotlM wm^mmH faot AidMo liM, tboaataaui boiaf at boaiaad aA ■MM^m ^waniy woai aoooaa laainai awvnai , iptnd lataff la bio JaM t i do d wi a t w la g gH M mi iba tuM ii l laiaM, to wWdk I bSTtiBI lb MbMUt iiyia^f y ^ b»«d ar yMafa, lad b m mf^'tm f jHaall Moly 'banMi' mm' iJbMii' aBywMia>''Al' Aiif , agli iMiiiywaiaiaiaaiaiMit briifclbdiiiiiaiii^ iiiM&'i»t«a atavMlMM.'aa watt of Wb i l iii rti l ba tf «a ifiipM^MM^^MB fa IW ^ifa#«^ •■■ - ' ' '^>W aali WM ta odHbrlttiil tio 4LixAifMB nmnpi oArnrrnr. iMicliiMe. »hm. Uiaff urittd. wt proctmd from • CtMdiui tni«r. Ml eradii, mom trifliaf inklM, toMthar with •mmiiBi- ' lit MM, li«a, Md two bnalMla of This MM iw« DUMM M MUM. TftM dOM. «« MmimI di. 4i]r M • vMi to Ik* OuowM, wImn oil tko pM>»io7Md Mr. Tkii ekMT piMtni«l mo wlik • bog of nUiM Ii k Am SllIIl^ MfcSllilJSS^'^' ""^ "** «W. r«i» tor iko •r lilM ihrw Ahi SoUoo. m iko Mutk lido of tko bk*. .ad ''*^.T *^!^* ^^"'^ »<* 'Ay ">iiM fr<» fort Mfekiu. MdtlMe. Ik oar vmf*. wo nimti Mfonl dMp koyi ud riMii,Md I faMd Iko bnbortkTuM to mm^m ta mm iHdii. wkkMt My •fVMiMM of Midvroi tko Mud drUkkw Iteiukii^ **V*^ *• W»,«w M MMk oaUdod to *^¥*'^.*^**^H«*«>«>^>^w;wowko«»d:'''TW ■M«b «lMiH«Mdr^tM«kM pt^^ Tko MfMM of tko IMMiMlllt M aOMk. h MMMMMOb Iki ilwr k oik to >Mi pa MMiy wm4kwl<»d kmfm- ^ • lilt MMk of ddii JB STLSS ST^ WMl» j li i pili ^ jUw4»MWW».W hk M lB 0iM. lilt Ifll Ikb HmViIM MMiM OMM thMd » MMMo IIIN^B M wnMM I MS MM MW MlnfMi MA mMMI' m|M. «Mtk ko iMiinir mil P(W"P BBMB IMIM BMIW'' -'.•r* <>* •akMb wkiak lk» «M^ of Am ito kv rio hi M( In kM Km M« *-i •I' iri umrmr. temni from m CmmJIm toMtlMr with ■mmiiBi* b MM, w* t tmnA di< Cwclw W 9» »f fi OM ■U i1mmo|»U, MidMr* iMM who t««k BM noro eiviUiy M4 IcindMM. r of moin, Ii k *o niiM Ikk fioia br tho fed 4iiMl to iko mooili I oido of tht loko, tad Uot from fen MiekUi. 1 MVf ffol dtOp kojl Mid toko to eoMiH !■ mom l«ro; iko M»d dtUUaf wiator. HooM, oU tko M 00 toMk oBiillod to wo WOM OOWM* TwKf WMIKJfi UWOJOOiMffVO* M of tko otnoMkiiM wMfoooftkobkOikfi 10 OM 01 Iko «MM liMO Miiko ilvor ioohloto ■Ijrki pfopotdoo to ko 11 MilH wm4m r,I.( mA w i|iy b-.^ ■■..•'-r 'it)rr*-t AUXARDii nmirt oAmrrnr. til wofo Iko olof or lod door, tko eenmoa AoMrioon door, iko Uor, neeooo, boovor ood motton. Tko boovor faodo in proferoMo on jroaiif wood of tko Miok, ••pon oad popkr iroo, uttfmhu migrm, eollod by tko CoaodkuM /terrf,) bat la dofeet of tkoto oa oay oikor lioo, tkooo of tko CM oad Sr kiada oteoalod. TkoM lotior it oiaployo oaly for ildieg ito domi oad keoooo. la wido noidowt, wkort m wood io to bo foond, k kooorto, for oil Ho pa r poooo, to tko rooto of tko rook oad wotor lily. It eoaooatoo float moatitioo of food, wkoikor of footo or wood { oad koaco oAoa rodaeoo iioolf to tko aoeoooity of roatoriaf iato a aow (loartor. Ito koaoo kM aa oickod dooM^iko iMf. of aa olUpikol flforo, oad rlioo Aon ikno to fear feol obofo tko oarfeN of iko wator. It io ohrayo oaiifoly o an o aa dod by wator; bat, la tko baaka odiaooai. Uto aakaal ptarUko koloo or «Miloi, of wkkk (ko OBtoaMotobalMrlkoo«feoo,aad towMokk latoMtooadw fiMakmk TW feaialo boafov aoaaOy fvodaooa two yoaaf al a teo^ bai aol atrfbo^iatortly aMro« Mniay ika ani yoar mo yoaaf Niwli wMi ikoir paiaato. la iko ooooad (iof oosa^ aa a45BiMapanaMal,aMdoooloi b baildlaf , oi^W |MmM feod> At Itoo yoaro oMi tkoy paili aaa mhIb ■bmmov iMto •WB) oai OPoa ivfoao^n lOr a ^HMomano wmmt ^^^m ai^ ■I toMk a Hoi* aaMto MM booNPaMt oaioa wf laa MMnaa OHI ■fAod of toktaff tkooo Io bf iiapo, fenaad oriMir#>lopiF«* mImI «Hk bmidMi of pidw. ' -^ ' • '' ^'a Awbifci » in%itlaao,lkokoai»io taukiltoa tojulwilk Wllilililiwif itolwr ofbo«*b..bM«Of'li'. ■iq»{. l^fi-i hutn' •If ALIXmtlB SBMiri OAimflTY. Diirkiff this ai^mitioo, Um fuaily maka iktir map* lo om « ■MM of ihdr wmAm. TImm ■!• t« U iivMVMtd by Mrikiw til* IM tlOH tlM kMb, tMl viMn llM UlM M* • ImHoT mm4 ia taMfMd. AfUt iiwo w rif and Mankiiiff mnw •( IMM ia vala, wa aAaa kmni Um wkalc familjMiidiar. ia ika MMna araab. I waa taagbi aMaaiaaaUy la Aati^faiali a Ml waali fraa aa aapiv aM. by Uta BMiiaa a# tba waiar aba?a iia m, M Bailiaii by tba btaatkif af tba aaiawJa coaeaaiad FiaM iba a r aabaa ibay noal ba laktm aat wiib iW t tmA la Mflf ikia, tba baatar aaoMtiaaa laeaim k it. far* ' ^ tba Otaat Spirit baajakaa tbia away hm^ fb^ iMKiainiiilfabiH ^mtmtfmia$tdk • ^•Jn A mmk aftlM ^pwa MHaa ly a ^t^ mm iMMalaial ^HHaa Ma mhmw la nliaw* Mba jst.'tssr' ••■•*^ "^ *" ' *^ •• 4*« tba MHi« al 4a aM». Mllltet MM ia iMMm.^ i»,a^rM I kaaa teM« ate M a llMtiWiiM Mm HMa» y m MMMakfbaivaMt tijMir^ '/^. iU ') r^')L. AfTITITf, ilMir vMspt le OM ar ikMifnd bynriiitag M ImIm m* • Mkw •ad wa w t t iif nany tf famUy MfalCtr, in ilia y la iiatlH>Mi • AiU 1 9t iha waiar aWva U» rdM aalflMla coMaabd w lakaa aai wiik iW Iff aaoMtiaaa lacaitaa Ua a kMiar, 1 ikaadil, i waa vary feadi bui My laadk, I ttMilA mm ■vfyajaMla aadi wmW* Mvkiat iktf I tliia away tmm ijkm^ MaadiMi la iMUfti^ ar alMaa. liwaa inf Ml ikia aaiiM l ll* Lk af dirnaMa«,W MaaaaT iiMM^ jSmB — -•-inrmi.fti allM.«i*aM ILUANMB RINBirt OArmriTT. 9lt pal aai, aa4 iIm yalaf la Uia top af Uia lodfa aaraftd avar wiik aMaai ky iMa NMaaa aMl«Min|, at naeli aa po w ilH •Maiaal NaM. 1 fvrtltor abaartad thai ika aalMt wara ramav •d fraia tka iw ala c <. aai ikat dry mnA waa tpraad wliata Umv Ila4 kaaa. Baaa aAtfi a lia araa RMda witbaalaMa ika eaMa. hi llM apan air, and a kaliia kttaf a««r ii to ball. I naw Mppaaaa UMk a laaH waa la araparalMMt I aappaaaa aa aaly, fm li waald lM?a baaa I wwcaraat to inqaira Into tlMMaalvaa. wa«M wa ikia ftaadaa. Oaad ^raadlaf raqalraa llMd ika ipaato tor akaald paiianily wail dw rMah. Aa baan aa iha darkaaaa af ali|lii had affivad, iha fcaiilf, laaladlat Myaalf, wara lavitod lato iha ladga. I waa aair Aa wa aatonA ^Mh waa H^MMtod wl^ hte waadaa d^A aMMiaaa> ^M Ml Hto darfei fta Mfead avaay awi ay IMW^ laf Mi diMi mm HI* hMi> »> apaA >i h JS i i ii b wlil# iSf J3?S ^8hMia& aadaii ww i ■Hih -IPiiaBiia ^^B asdaL ww Haaaaited M 'MV'vl w^kh wa^M w^^^M ^^M ^^^'^^^ '■^^iiMaaS ■Aikaaa la .aaawMBa'MW'^Hai •IwaawMaMlMMM y ikmmtm. AM tifki. M «nl AMmmi, tkt wtlvM iMvM AiiM tkMfiNi iM MM MiiiwMi. I iwtim Uafk m Mtkmfl Ulkl>MlMlMWMbMl«««ll«,NftwlMlpi «Mi4HteffMilM«MMfi»iHhMlln4f«ilM MKtiii I cmM MMy lMf >iM«M< ikuj mmm tf w wmjy yy ««f. ■ i t llM, W M t lIlWIMIMI H MJUdl — M >f IW Nn *t Im sT Mjr MWN. Ib4 *!• MllHpHMil Jp MiM !■• ■•••• wMm I iM pmnvmI vma mm l§flMi m kuH - - - - ''Mv WOT VvVNBV VHMI Ihitl 4mM Afei. MOT wM NMllritol U *i#iiir|ii%iiiiii ■ (*' »-T' >.^^«i»*- >* , i**--. .' ^w>,rV^'W « Mm'*!* mA-: ♦, ,,. 'pv •• ."r •^.y^V »*ja!«iii, liP AUiANMi Mmrt Mrrrnir. '■ « ^ « ^^^ "'-* (f- .'^imm^m j.»- MOHMill v» w Mliilia )j»i»iw to t. la *• Maialiif , «• M WWMJ a wwM ikw la ill» a^wiLit' tL wa munt S Aa ilMa af ^mm^ wa ^mi^^ aat a^^^ w^k^M ^^^^^nat Mika tmmd mamt mi aaaai Jlwawaia alaapMi#» iMM i »wy >* • \r<4 AunuMm ■nnnpt OAffirnrv. !• n»kt%> wv «9V Ml HNMt W wVH MfflM MMf Ifct ^^MaVA^ M ^* M^^^^ M^^^^^. ^^^^^^ J ^^ ^^^^ gjgWV rti t jlrf lllMiMVliriliriWW liMif |M • MyMV li l§ WIMMV W Ml I MMW OT MMf MMpi It flHMk iMti **^ i^lk^tff ^;sd (HI AURAIVKI HINIII'l Mnillllf. ■ariihoiii ft •kin ; km, on in$«irinf into lb* pHett of pM^t. I fovMl ikM all mj fiin •vtr, tA buy two •hirtt, tt ttn poanM af bMvar tack ; • pair •f hggins, or MotaktoiM, of Miirkt elotk, wbi«k, witk iko ijbbon i« nmim thorn fukitnMp coat mo flftoon poundo of koovor ( bUnkot, at twenty poundk of ..taror | aod •oin« oikor •rtkka, at proportionablo mloa. In thia mannor my wtalth waa aoon roduwd t kut not boforo I kad laid in a food stock of ammunition and tobacco. To tko um of tka latitr I had bt* eomo mack attacktd durinf tka winter. It waa my principal laeraatioa aAer roturning from th« ckaaa t for my coropaniona In tka lodfa wero unaacaMomod to paia ika timo in eonrorfa^ tioa. Among iho Indiana tkw topica of conToraation are kut few, and limited, (or tko moat part, to tko tranaactiona of tka day, tka aumbar of animala wkick ikoy kafe killed, and of ihoaa wkick hare eacaped their ourauit, and etker ineidenla of tka ckaae. Indeed, tko canaaa of laciturnitv among tke Indbna ■My ke eaaily anderatood, if we eonsider now many occaaiona cf apeeek, wkick preeeot tkemaeUea to ua, are utterly anknown to tAom : tke raeorda of kiatory, tke puraftita of aeience, tko diafaiaitiena of pkUoeopky, ^ avateme of politiea, tke boat- ■eoi and tke amaaomenta of tke oay, and tfca tranaaetiooa of «ka bar cornera of tko worM. Bigkt daya kad paaaed in tranqniUity, wkon tkara arritred a kaod of Indiaaa filon the Bay of Sagoenaam. Tkey kad aeaiatad at tke aiega of Detroit, and camo to mvater a« maar neraita for tkat aenriee aa tkey eoald. For my own part, I wai aeon infanned tkat, aa I waa tke only Bngliakinan m tlM pUee, tkey proposed to kill roe, in oidor to giVa their frianda a roaea of^^Englisk brotb to laiae tkeir coinage. Tkia faatoll^aace waa not of tko OMot agreeakle hind ; and in csnaoqaenee of leceivtaig it, I rcqueated my fHend to carry me to tka Sauk da 8ainte*llarie, at wkick jptoM I knew tka IndiaMi to be jpeaeeaUy inclined, and tkat M. Okdetto enjoyed a powerAiI influenoe over tketr conduct. They conaiderad M. Ondotto aa their chiefs and he waa not only my friend, hot a Mond to die Engliak. It waa ky kim tkat tke Okippfwaya of kike Superior were proTented from Joining Pontfato* W^watam waa not alow to oMft kinaalf Ibr my preaarf«> tion, but, leaTing Mickilimackinae in tke night, trnnapoiWl nmelf and all hie kidge to Point 8aint>Ignaea, on tke onptnito •Me of the atiait Here wo lamained till daylight, atid tkai went into tke Bay of Boatohitoeay, hi whiek wa apank tJMn daya in dakfaig and hunting, and whore wa (kond lltiMBr tf wild-fowl. Leaving the tay^ wa made 4bc tk« Mi wUjf^ toidaa, wheM we waio obliged to pat in, an mttmOkX of flia T 5 to ai ex nc tk col th4 to dn to CM trg Z 1 ioj "I (Im pricM of molt. I ht. I WM abU, Imw if bMv«r meh ; • p«ir l«tk, which, wiUi tb« I im flftMti ponndi of tarort utd iohm otiMr lit minnor my wMlih laid in ■ food itoclc of of the Jaitor I had be< It wat my principal I I for my companions th« tifflo in convcraa* f eonroTMtion are but the (ranMCliona of the y hare killed, and of and ether ineidenie of litv among the Indbns r now many occaaiona I, are utterly nnknomi inAiti of Mienee, tlia I of politka, the boai- ■d tiM tramaetiona of , when there arrived ■ [oenaam. They bad ike night, tnuiaponMl naee.ontkeflmytt till daylifkt, uTStk inkich we aMiil tkiM I wt Ibond iMr tf «r Ik eJM^W fg IB, M' MMVBt Of ttw MBi ALEXANDER UENBV'S OAmviTY. M wind'e coming ahead. We proposed lailing for the Smilt tk» next momiog. But when the morning oame, WawaUm'e wife complained that aha waa tick, adding, that the had had had dreainn, and kJMw that if we went u> the Sault we should all be deatroyed. To havr argued, at this Omn, againat the inlitUibility of d'eame, would have been eatiemely unadviaable, since I should have appeared to be guilty not only of an odious want of faith, bvi also of a still more odious want of sensibility lo the possible oalam^lietf of a foinily which had done so much for thealte. viation of mioe. I was silent ; bnt the disappointment seeinml to seal my late. No prospect opened to console me. To talum to MkhUunackiDac could only enanre my deelruction : and 10 lemdn al the ielaad waa u» brave almoet equal danger akoe it lay in the direct route between the fori nd the mi ■iankl, along which the Indiana from Detroit wen houtl* aiyeeted tp pase en the businees of their mission.. I doable* not bat, taking advantage of ihe solitavy aitoation of the family, they w«uld earry kte exeootion their design of killias mow Uaabla iherebra to take any part in the dirwsUoii of ear coufa^ bat a prey at (he aame time lo iim moei aMiaoe thoogkta oa to mv owa eoMlition, I poaeed all tka day e» Ik* l^flMai pan ta wlikk I eooU cUmh oTaiaU tree, and wheMo SL^.!S:.'SL*'i*'.^' *^ ^^* Ify open to my elow. Hartl might hope lo baiii, at the eail^ poaaibla, the op. eSmyiSf''**^ ^ "^^ ^ ^^^ *" **°* •• •^ Ob ^ aeeend moraing I retoned. aa aeon ae it waa lifku toiBy wMch-lawan oa whiek 1 had not been hmg before 1 ^^^.^'^ ~«»^ ft«» Michilimackinac. ^ * Tfea aoUwaaa wkiia ooa, and maok kigar tkaa tkoav BWtfjr ampleyed by the Northern Indiana. Tth^JTZ dM a kane Ihait midit be a Canadkn canoe, eTiWl^J^ SSfil.^ ^^ «h«.aBd tkoa aaleaa.nwCroai'allnif ^STopaa eoaUQBad to g»in gRNud } fiir I aoea peraaodadr maf that tba .MMr in wki^ ike paddks wS.'oSni board Ike Maoe, waa Canadian, and niTlndiaB. My apfoS ITSv^'ii"* dleiointment kad beeeme ao aSl oSS iMagh, kowavar, a p pea l e d at length to deoHMMvaia jMilf to Wboa BM to deteand tke «ee, and repair to tka ledffa. wis ■• «i IM approach of ao fidr an oppartaBlif of tirti^i]- Mi Vi I "'^■iKMiiHi •4 iuiiKDii HiNiri oiTTifmr. ay Ikihtr ud brother (for Im wm •litmatoly Mek of ihoM) lit bfo pipo, Md prtMnioa it to mo, Mying, ••Mtmr. ikk 2!'Jll^ ^* ""• *^* •*•' y^" •"«» * "WI taMko Ml of ljLTrifcffkil""'*i'^''e'*'^**'J^' Yon know tkt •weiiott whkh I Imvo olwiyi bemo jo«i, and tko duMtit (• wkkk I borooipoMd mmirud ^M^C^Tll^TrSi yow •||««*«J Md I om IMM, to And tkat SydR^^promS BM 10 baro boon in vain." At tbi. tlmo . b^ cnmo CTS Wfi. inbrminff «• that »ht ewM)o b«l comi ft«m Miehili. »Mkinoe,MdwM bound to ibo 8ouh do Wnio-llorio It WM muiMd by tbroo OanMliuM. and was carryiniriioaM / ?•**■ " ••*■•. •• Mo"**"! bolof now diaoipaiod. I iMoli^ 0. Mcompanyinf Madamo Cadotii. with hor pZia^ •Um. to tho 8a«lt. On oonimMiMUnff ny widM to lladMM C«^. .k., chjorfttUy yee^W to SL.' iSJLS cTfiS iRny^;J!S^ «ho waa my Mnotally roapoeiad. My dopnrturu flatd ttpon, I ratniMd to tho kNbv. whom I imiiittiM.|NaaDt^ I alio ntnmod tho aUm arm^aiido with whfoh tiM fliaiUy S ^••Matad ma tho yoMT bafcva. ' ^ wo now •Mhaagwl fcrawoUa with m oMila* aMiralT NvipmaL I i.w>»i,^ ■-- MMiA'^^> •*!) <...!»« I 4 m tl h nn AfTiTmr. •riMtoly —eh of Umm) Myinff, »MjMa, ikk 4 1 mmII •aiM« eat of b you. Yott know Um 'Ott, tad iIm 4uiftn i$ f, to prMorrt yo« fton tlMi my oibrto promiM w ■ boy com* into tlM ■d eoni from MkhUi. I do 8dnto.Morio. It d woo urrying dy rooniii lt,«lNody liof new dimipotod, I lotto, with koT Bormio- my withoo to lUdomo m. Madomo OodotiOi Indian woman of Aw NMially roopoetod. to tko lodao, wkoia I my two shirta, pair of a ffua aad am' kor tor my koot. i^ vkiek tko flimUy kad an omoiioi oaUralj koM tko mm ftatoAu ikk I had oipaHooMi br tkofinaoowkidil %n tko IkmUyacoom. kad ae oooaor Mt off to tko Kieki Haoito, Woikor, tUl wo iho^ ldiMibolMif,aoktt hv a dkocl thio only. . Wo kad MOfloodil lariBf kio Tsieo kilklt yon. of *o ladiano. I hii laadiaa : a omIimi «t ■dhonkiof abMi ma mantry. ' ^'' kom le bo «ko'|ltak' tint ALiiAimB RBimri oimnTV. Ml Ob comiaff op wkk ao, aad Mtroandiag oaf oaaoo, aad amidMaoiaJ iaqaMooooaoorniaf tka atfwt, an ladiaa okal* loafM mo br aa Bagliokmaa. and kio eompanioaa Minporl* od him, Hy doelaiiar tkat I loohod vory llko ono t bat I aibetod not to aadontaad any of tko oaootioao wkkk tkoy oakod mo, aad Madamo Cadot i o aoaaroa ikom tkat I wao a CSaaadfam, wkom iko kad broagkt om kii flial voyago ftoai Moatfoal. Tko MIowiag day law ao mfbly laadod at tko Saalt, wkoia 1 oaporioBOod a maioas woIooom fVom M. Oadotto. Tkoro w«ro4kiny warnoio at tkio plaoo, moiraiaod tnm Joiaiaf is tko war only by M. C adot m 'o iaiaoaoo. Hoia, fbr Iro dayo, I wao omo amto la aimi m iia of traa* oaiUityi bat oa lio obik a yoaaff Indte oaam kMo M. Cadotio'o, aayiag tkat aoanao Ml of wanloio kad jaM arrivad Aom MkMNmMUMO t tkat tkoy kad kfaiiod fw ma } and tkat ka boMofod tkoit l alia ti iai la bo bad. Noarly aitkomaB tlm% a momagaaama ftam tko good oklololika kh§», toliiag ma to iiBiial myodf mmU bo riwaU diMovm tka vIoimi and tmt- pif of tka iiraagon. A|MBMwaslka aoeoad timo mypiaoa af lafciai aad ll wao aol loBff bolbio tko ladlaaa oama le M . OadoMaV My Mmid kmaaihiollv lalwawdl tanklkl w i ik, thoir okK «!• af mionklrf mbIbm ■molt MiiillbliiMrKarth ukaia M|od Ikal ikay kad kad mnk a darifs i balaSU ttal if diaidoao ii^ la M. OadoMo^hMi ka ibaailiii. Ha ttM| nHrthor maiadt mai tMir onaM wao lo laiia a paMr or im^ fima m MUna «Mi tkma loDalroilt and tkal it kad laaaiiMlr ila mima m um anawpai m mo iwv aamom mno aNsiaaaah 11* Ommib fMooaiad loaHomhla idl tka obMbaad wanitM maaMpMM^ fm mv ma iHBBMr% ta wftam aiMi JL iiBiiiB g mdmdadmmomrfwwdtakmm " wha iMiMMr la ha I #tha 4failkaohMkhy traald ha aiiapi, thaaa taU thai tfMf mi|kt ffo haA aa ik*r CBim^ •MhaAliiMJMifBmi^ihbwwIjplMlMai wUDkavmy AUZlKBn mfBTf Olfl'lVlTI. w US • Ml or iMvt " My Iran «MM MMf4ia|!jr. mi4 At MttfWi MM 01 lOOMf •MiMoo4 liiwwif ilioo lo Um m4 fcw i l ur o, I on «omo, wldi ikk Ult, tnm pmt fiMt Mm, Mr WUUom IoImmm. Ho imind mo le eomo lo jrov 00 kio omUMM^of, oad loll vo« iWt bo io OMkinff o oiMl fcoM 01 fort Niofoni i ikol kio mmUoo on oil looiy. oad Sio 0100 lit Ho ioTiioo yott lo jpoitoko ti Um foooi, io ■oa wMi yo«r frioodo, Um Six N oi iooo, wbkh Imvo oU poooo wMi tko lofUali. Ho odfiooo yo« lo ooIm iliit oopor- naltjrof Jotef Um loaM, oo ywi cooo ot oUMtwtoo fcilof botaif lowlfoyod t for Um BngUok om oa tkolr aoitb, wkh o gnol • jmm4 kf iUkmmi malAmm of Immm. "' 'dMloor,UMywUlkooiMklUM- omiy, wkkli wttl bo bowoH.bofcioibo1Ulor ■oalriMo. ob4 Um Ml NoUom wkk Tko loiMr of thio ifooob ffooUy oktfwod iko IMIom of tko ■MM. wMk ollor o mr iMfl oooooMoUoa. dmiUoo 10 Ik WiBiM i lobiioo, ot W hyn u Tkk of iMvtat Um oooniiy. I hiUiMMo4 Uik to Um okkf of Uw mtt$ iwU wooko* Vk |wko Uwt I AowM iMiMiMy Um Ymy UiUoikM woopnpoood to bo koi, ki ooMkc in w oi U ■H tooMwrnoffo Umm bonoa ka ior lH ti mi MonoUoa i Jai iwihiog Un Omoo Tomu. Yor kmMM oad ooMvkfaMP iko to bo 4«M MM Um b«ttdlk« of t 1m«o wfckk wk kk woo pk oU o tfttlm of toam* iko aoo of Um ■i VI Hvv ■■mwi ■pvsnv «■ vHi^ri ■■■■• ihfi^bv iMtbO'Oil kiaoifria- IQOT nlfi ID lolor. Tko koko aaio to mh- MHaTinUI Uw otM^Mld^rkM ^ft^wotoiaki Hi aoiTiMMWM kai wkk Utoa|£ffi!rf* M^ Tafka l%ki wkkk Uto koaoo. wi^ai >■ mo kbau mm lOaad mt liaL Mo^v Um Mkoio vMmo ^MtoiHH^^ «ko koaoo, oaiMMoolfMMW tko took b wao at^bitSSM 01 e* 01 if bi U tl kj ii M Ik M 0( « k M 01 b( k M t k k ULfTlVill. ■■>nd, % Umm If m • Wit of Ik* MmmVttx -My itk ikfa Ml, tnm (Mr b dNlMd IM lo eooM M UmI Im it aMkinff • mUm an all tmij, aad M •/ Um CmM, ki e«ai* ■, wbkh k*v* M m»A» foa I* mIm this ofpor- M«iWrwiMfcd«rb«taff Ir BMIth, wMl ■ jRMl Nl — ri — ■ 9t ImUMM. iWy wiU U •! MidllU> roMd ilM MiuM af ika Wf ajiaaa laMsalivaat]^ ItiMara. Tkia «raa a It aftia4 Ma ilM MaM ikla la ikaaUafaTilM L nMg9 IM vmitiiMi ifcti Mj^ ^^M^^^ ^^ ■ratfVMHft- iiaaad. ftfapalMkor I IHi^n*! ■■■■■ MV^MIf ViVMaaal teaaifria w kaha MMb la i^ I aai iM |Ma» briMf a Wwi lMMhirW«> ilaaf HyaadifiMiMM taBlraaaitliaaUM^ Maapl*ilaaaMiUa •ai*aaaaalll|aH|a^ii iiwMiihaappMiafeaf a'St'SSSt b waa aallMit^iiM' ALIXANDf a HCNIY'I OArmrtTY. MV Um priati apaaara4, aloMM in • Mala of naM Aa ka a p ptaaa ln d Ika laM ika ikina waia IUU4 ua, at aiaak aa waa la allow of hia eratpinf uadar iMm, an kia and kaaaa. Hk kaad waa Marcoljr whhi.uiida, whan ika a4iiaa, BMaay a* ii kaa baan 4aMribad, bafan la ikaka ; and Ika akiaa waia no Monar lal Ml, ikaa ika tounda of niunaroaa vaioaa wara kaad kanaaik ikam, Mimn vallinff, aoroa barking aa 4ofk, Mma kawllng lika r-Mw, and in ikla korriUo con* cart waia ming lad aeraama and loba, aa of daapair. angciak and tka akarpaai pain. Arlieulaia spaaek waa alab uiiarad, aa if from kanan lipa, bul ia a tongua unknown lo any of ika aadianca. Aftar laaaa lima, ikaaa eonfbaad and Mgkifal noiiaa waia w c eaadad kjr a parfcat aiUnea ; and now a wiea, noi hoard bafefa, aaaaaad la BMnifaal ika arrival of p now chnraeiaff la Ika laal. Tkia waa a law and feabla Toiea, raoambliog tka aijr af a yaang pnppv. Tka aoand waa na aaanar dMn- gaiakad, Ikan all Ik* Iw Maw aanda aaaa Aam Ika tant During tka anaaafkalf m kay.awBiim l an af aaam waa* kaaid,1a wkkk a diaai^ tkf af vaiaaa mm tka aar. Fram Ua Aral aatnMMa, till tkaa* aaaga mwa fc ilaki d . wa kaari aotklag laOawafar valea a# tka priaai} kat BMT, k* addaaaaad Ika aaalUtttia, 4aelMiaff tk* pHH *ii af tka Oaaat Tvana. aad ika adrit% riaiHiam la Tka VMaiiaaa waia laaaaa ftam tka akiaf aT tka TlllBf^ irfm im rflaat. kawam. tiU aM ka kad Ml a krga faliaSw af Hktaaa toia IkataaMatwdaa h g It at tka apattaia? Tkfa awa a aiii ji ii aiWad la tkanMn far apUia aia aaapaaad ll**.lBillMMlak*aafcBdariakaaaa Wtkiwaalri tka ift i e ii II I i i ii i ka 4mlmi tka pdaat ta fai«afaa wkalkar*» kwa aaiil l iai kavfaif kaaa pal kf tka ariaamk* ia« «%aM()aidilw aaa* laaiaia alkar ft eaadaaad la maWraifartkal I MOMlad to aaa ft UfaOadwftk tka Wb« .411 lUa waa a paabdak ai I aapaaaadt ta Aa aaawaia BlkiawaaapHiadakaalaai 11 bat a lairiia arjr aaaaa_. f, Ik* iapB i i ai a af tka TImu. aC aa kaar alapaad fai attaKa, aad I waftad impa* /^ ■i ALixAitDii HiNirs oimTrrT. liaMly (• i l mt m f wImi wm lo W Um mm hieMml to ikb tWM of toifoMiira. It CMMkiad to Um rtUini •{ Um ipMi. wiMw v«te« WM aiiiiii ImbN. $m4 wIm mw Mifoitd • €••• ttmifli MMMk. TIm toMvif* of Um Omat Tvitu, UIm iImi mhUk «• Im4 lMor4 bofert, wot wbolljr ontoiolliffiblo to tkoi of liio pftoM oxetpiti t oa4 it wot, tiMiofoft, Ml lUl iIm toiur gov* «• 00 toiorpfoUiitoii. wkiek 4kl not eomaMfiM bofaro IM nirii Im4 AnUbod. ihtt wo Imum4 ilto ponort of tkk oilfMrainory eomniunkoiton. Tbo wiril, ■• wo won now tolbrmo4 bjr Um Mtoot, iorinf MO tlMft obooneo, croMod toko H«ro«, mm ovon pro* coo4od 00 tor 00 fort Ntonm, which io ol Um hoo4 of loko OoMuriot oad Umimo lo Honliool. At tort IVtofon, ho hod ) t hat on < l oe c o B d inf Iho ^ no ffoot muBihor of ooUion i Low w oo, 00 tow 00 Moatiool, ho hod fcvod iho rhw eofond wUb U»ii« Olid Um booto tUodwiUi toldion, to Mnbor li« Um toofoo'of tho ttrooo. Ho hod oMt iboM o« Utolr w^ up Um ri^tr. owto| to Moto ww opo» tho lodtoao. ^ ^ wMtoai * flwoh toanoy M toft NtofMt, woo ohto M gtoo ■■ IntoM Olid Mtofonhto mmwot. -If;- mM iko oktot; -Um MtoM otoh Ik WIUtoM JokiMoih will thojr ho Moiifod m Moadof* -Sir WOltoM JohMom- ooMUm apMl, (oM oltor Um ifliH *o prtoot.) •«8ir Wlllto« Johnooa wDl ill UmIt oomoo wMt Cm* hwrato of fWR, oooh 00 Um itoaioot of Uto ladtoao wil MlhohhbMHfki oad ofoty MM will foton to Mtoljr to hto tonUly." At Uito» Um twoyatt woo mUvoiooI i oad, otMM Um eto^ ■toff of hmdo, ■ tourfiod fotooo oMtotoMd. -1 wUl |«,tooi fiHIIfotoor ,.^,4^^^ Tho ^MOtiOM Of pvbUo totoiooi hotof fOMMNod, todnMIMh NO MOW poffnittbd M ootoo tho oMOftuoitjf of hi^^ilvtoff ipno ■ eoBdMM of tholff ohoont frtoodo, otol UM tolo of omIi m woffo OKk» 1 otownrod thM tho bmwoto, fivott to ttooo ^piP* ttoao, oUownd of MMh totHodo of to MnwitoUoa. AmMUUofOMml tofiUiiUfOMoo, I ytoldod toUMio M ilto tioM of my owiLonxtoty tor tho totovo ; mi Im»Im twi. Ifti tko not. Mdo Sy ofltotef of tohooco. I tormjihtfh^JV Mt I riM«M OOpff itvli iNMlwithtooMorwt itvWt ny Mttoo eomtty, ihotoM ahook ao oo TiMi 1 ifco aid triM Tho m JiMWi tor UofoUUof woaWhoifow to tot —J, I Ubowd, to Um oad, fOMtmy Moalo Md ina j K^i i I'*.- "a" d e D ll U h U 01 u t •I •I tl vi ol ol ol r I Ari'ivm. MM IwMmi ia ikit • itiitrM of iIm ifMl, I MW Mit«l«4 ■ CMI> I OhatTvitu, ttk* wbolly aniMtolUffibM !• aa4 it WM, ilMf«f«ft| MaliMi. wkkk 41(1 iMl I, ikM wt k f — 4 tita >ikM. Ml bjrtlM wtetl, HllfWIi MM 4VWI PM* I •! tk« Im«4 of Mm Wft NHIfBn« IM MM en dooMMiag tko St JMiii Um rivor e«v«io4 NOlOMi Ml MIMMV IHM 9m mmt wmf wf ^Mrf llM ipMl, l« WM MM 10 IIM Ml If mM iIm oMm^ ** «to II ilMy lo miifoi m IL (OM whtt IM Mint MloTilM UiMmm wa NMniia Mfely lo Mo l|Mi,M[d4 HMClif taod, «*1 Wtt IVilMl li iU Irto oTmmIim ■i |iMlk M UMO ^piP* yioM rf lotfco iP J Ilte [ MM MMflllf MMi mm I IB^MfMl WMl m mmI I dlir A lo tan Ml 1 mdmMmh mam ALIXANDCI Rllftrt OAmTITV. M TkMO OMVftnCM WTOdfflH M ■IVOMly M My frilit«4o. ikM I pvo«oaio«l M MiditioMU ond •itrt oOMnf of IoUmo. TIm OfMi Turtlo MAUniioa le bo eoM«lio4 till Mor mU. Mifki. wkoo all tlM erowd dkporMd lo ikoir roopoeiivo Mm. 1 WM on Iko woleli, UuMwh Um mom I kovo dooeHbod, lo dotact UM portlooUr cMiirivMMM by wbick iko frond wm eoniod m i but rack wm Um ikUl dioployod U ibo Mrfcra- •MO. or MMk my dolcUMy of poMtraiiM, Umi I mMo M dlMovoHoo. bnt omm owoy m I woM, wiik m mom Umb tkoM foooni MiMioM wkbk wUl Mlnmlly bo ontoruiMd by ofory roodor.* Oh Um lOik of Jmm, I Mab ufc od wMi Um hdUa dopM«- M, MMMMd of oiiMMi MMk TwoMy hud boM Um noM- f origiMUy d oo i fMdt oiU NpWMd of My MiiMUy on«Md MoIvN M UmomnmU Cm Um wyorakkif i <• mr muSm of Um mmmI OlBAT TvWiB'fe IfOMiOM. UMUtey wkioK mOI MMdM, wi MrioM dMMMio odk wMok Mi mim MMiy wiik UMlr «MiUioo. b tk* ofOMiM af tko Maond dnr of ow Um MOMk of Mid at alni nmM •!• fiwt Imm, cklly »w MyMM, wo MMhai wo Mm] oImi iMiir •fOM TUo 0»,lk» 14lk of Jmm. wo MHod tko vtthig* of U OlooM, oiwiMTUMfMoMrMftorSoMi- ^^^ • ^^^ vWtMftPinilbMJol OOMPU^MM tiM iiM M m mMm iHli r 1^ ■0 ALiiAifsii HiNiY'i oApntrnr. wkhk MiM 4«rrip«i«n kM iMwn fivMi »h»f. Wkib iIm In* 41«iM crMiwI • km, I •mfiofttd mjrwif in nMkinff • flf*> A« I WM |Mli«fliiff wm4, •» hiiiimI m«ii4 Am4 mv aNMilMi for • fMMMHii 1 hai, M li p wm ly n tmi, mUI m i mw Mtlik^r froM wkMi I cmM rapp«M k M ffw««l, I •MiinMki my Mi* ■IvywwM, lUI, MfMdiiff AtrtlMf . I mm tknmi kf • rMKtttoa. I t ii m i m . Thay Aitthar laqaaalad ihiM ha wewd W Ma iw aa4 faihakit thair ojuBtn, aad Ml nl«m aaMM Urn fifliih. thai ia, M aaatwaii. Anm tha MHl awM ka waa com. I laanwi thai thii ww Imi tiMa thM an iadhrUMl of iha Maalaa ha4 kaaii aNi al H tha narthwwd and waaiwti4 or tha fivar Dm aboMMtaMa, oMiaovaf, ftoM iHdeh aw naMwaoh Boaad to iniw tkal ikia m^»iim hmA ^^i^^^^A^Hiki paoaiOMoH thaMi thMhioonuri had kaw im olhar Hap thaM on thoir w«yi aad thai aaMi«M«qr t SAlTtfltlf. ) •bnvt. Wkib ilM U- r I* iMbhiff • Irt. A« i Ajm4 mv •NnitM tm •mi m f mm Mtlktaf ■4, I MMiniM^ My Hi. ly bMi I Ui aAar Uck* « Ik* frWMMl, Mi llMft ikM tw« fM( fbMi ay Mii in ImM ralMd CM. ltM4 l» llM MM*, li ■M» alMrriaf wImi I kilMrhMJi. Oa^v- M||i|gn awwMv itey OM ■4 h wM ilwii. h MtMiVbipM,fcrikc UplMM4 l*MM*« It k« M|ii «*0W lAin M i«n4 Mm ly th» •I liMlateiiilMAr Itl AuriAifMi Htinrt eAmrmr. Amimmi*. lMw»v«r. M I* ^«all wltli Umm m •mlMrli i mU M •li •'eUdi in ilM •fWMiff w afiia mioMpti. Vtry ilub WM iBtfaw tf ilifwfli Um •fwlfliff, Um miUmmIM •umm4. BmIt Um Mil Mcninf w« p niM 4i<. W« kai • mtmm •ky MM vary UiUa wkd. md Um ladUaa UMfalMa iiMnaiaal •a Maariag Mf«« Um mm m mi kUaai wkkll jaM iMaarai ki Um iMfiMM I Mfkif • ky UiM eaana. a 4laMaaa 9t UUny MtJaa^ wkkk wMm ka laai ki I m plaf Um i k aw. At ntoa a^Na«k• A. M. wa ka4 a ligkl kiaaaa aaMts, M tm^ Um kaaait af wkkk «a kakMd mUI. taaa albr Um vkM taetaaaai. aa4 Um !•• MMfea M aasM M uMlf aaniiaaaaa vy wMfaaa um wavaa fiav ktgk ) tmi al alafaa aldack k Maw a k a trtia ai i aa4 «a aa> m4 mNlaaMha^ at iMMka ttmlUt, &m af Um akMk Maka ai Ika «aM ikaa aaBaa aaika MM «a« tl Um 4af . Tka 4aA Mkk llM wyaT^ -sMiaHMaMl aaaMaa af mbm HiBiiak la um yvMM wMia aa ^w MMaHM iHa !■■■■■ wami ■• ■■■ iwMi«aB wai 4ttpaka^<^ I paa akg^^Mi lag W i k Mia. «U af M| adUMt M kkp aaria Amp. ^ Al Ika aaaakHtaa af UUa aaaaak, aa ImUm wka m aMf A • k wiial, UMI if aw waia iiiiiaii k araaM ka Im aqr M aanai asa am ■ n^at Biyaan w ^ ■■mM^iBt iv Hpsias va ' I aaram IwMMai kicaM aaUiy UUi naaM ka aqr fcM i M, kaaatty fcr aM^lba aaai iv araa aalskaai aw airiaadi at UM aalMMa^ if Um aAfkalka wkkk UaAiMMM Aas €kka.f Wa . ly faBMP Mm ipavi aawypi^VMaMi ai aaMi ai wakfe lavanllaApMaf IpMbbi^ aaaMkUapaaly iMPMa aadaMMMPk HM aMP kataf aapa M pm aManl al llkMMa* Vraai ppBtPi •nkk^ik^ar if*i k m ALUAKmi nmirt OArmrrrf . On Um tM aT ivM, «r« «iwm4 kkm A«i Ckb*. wlkkb tjiyiaw4 <• h* iif«rM4 •! lurMlv hiUm !• Wnftk At ila ^w> dUf •tl4 W« «MM «• Um MffTttM^ftflM af TMMIt*.* H«f« iiwi p — l a ««tflM. TIm Aijr «M f««y Imi. mi4 ik« wm^i Mi4 ■■wiiM > l i m i4a< villi w mm I um i Mi dMt Iii4Im« ««llw4 M • ^kk paM, tmi I «mM ly m nmmm ••• Myi«tr Ml Milii4. Tk» wkth t—Mj WM • tkitk hnm, mmtA wkkilMrwily fM4 wm • tMi'yaili, or mmH m. ki AiMrka.1i Nmi i —wilf ti IM c^ImIi «• wiiib>4 ilM alMM •! biM OmmH*. H«m w* ««f« •nipk y wi iw* Jays in wni i inf m*«m •M •! liM UHi W ilM alai if««, In «?liicli m wvft m iii M pi rt MfMlvM I* tf infM*- ^^ ^^ ftftm Um I n ^t n i i ifM mi iMmniMni Own iiHpjii ■# ilm fcnit to a— tnilw ■>-< rf i^ n •4. kikto iMiiilM«Mnd Ob &• •!•!. «• «• WMS iW* WwUdinnnw r At * % in w n n dl i . tlti, «• i rt itiii M Twnnto. and Mtnnipirf to ilto fbnr allii akcfi •flbii NtofMn. mliUk ilto laitoM fnwntfc tfll n m ning. I, MM ImUmm iraM awnlM, mm! p f iwn q y m u m ih I HOI 4l ' >• r. t r< . . 2 T ♦ ^ ^m M Am CbiM, mkMk In Wnftk Ai li« hh •I Tmwi«*.« Hm« I af MM* UMM • IlIMM y iMt mm! tiM wM^i MSI Mt lk« MiMi ■•• mymU Mk M, b AaMfk*. H kl MMMMtMlkMlW lift liMiw. mi fl' lr« nrfntfatMri m4« iw,W«kkk«MM* kwyilulM llOIlM falMMl ifMa*M llMfcrtbM J •«« M Ik* Cmii m4 I i«k!ipMMr«a ' kMWMfH MaUMMMt win «k« kwiad la Mi wUilk Wm Miklaf gaal. Twa aiJiMa ifMt «nr if ImmIm «y la iha vavy la^ aMw «Ea Inwli •way Iht Mfanl nh araaad iImm. wUk tkia wm ■I MM infAKttt* RXrUHt. •hMl •?« iMlkM til bnclk, «n4 m mmH m mm'* \mU Imm. •WfMtnf M* vM, m4 4lffm§ IM Mitoff Ml I||«||H MifMM MMk m4 OIkfMtwi UfMl INI* Uk* m(4»< ••/ iJi* t^y •/ Mt' ••^^ tM 4lM|wi liMM (ll'fllMrf NMkiMM. clltWIlllff, ^Mll Ik* «4m« »^ pMfMly llto firk tikMM l». m iImv |»M )«in«ly Mtw4 iImii m4, m iMaiiMM ilM 4i«f«<« affrMAMy to ik. ■ U w t wa M i tlMtMK tf tiM Mf^M. H WM 4»«MllliM/ by ill* «kl«* cT UtoMftv Uk«« ik« ptMtMv* wliif Im4 tttM hm lo ili« ■«•• 4M«y y Ii tif i n 4, w*4 tiMri Okflif aMMir* tkiMiM »iHMlMlafMitot«ilM»sMf«U>hiMtiMM. TItaMrbrtM. ^ ^J " mrUm, •itiffM Un Mm« fiffi*, «miviiI«kI . m4 4M MtiiM ■ Mpttaf, Willi ilki«r Iim4« MiMiM alMv* ilMtv iMwto M mmM« i tn4 iImii , IM« flTMH llMilr kmm (• ilMlr alMHiMcr*, wUk itawaH* •r tte kuMlfMi «r Ilka i»Mfffm4 tBltiiivn akAir* ^MtrtM. wkkik. ti tvvry MMMrt, tran mimmM wteli mtmwm al Hth mm, Am Mhmi tkim^ Ik* wiMttiMM. AM iktm, i« ttm- MMt Ik* ImImmI IfHMf. Ik* Mliiilm, til aiaMiiif vtmi m m Iwi iiM ritttmm, «>tff« mm on Bm, m4 ciIiIMiM • M«n« •( MIPNM MlMy, hiijrviMl Ilk* Mw«r W ipMcli M 4iMriK •# twwi ■>> tt w f t— itow !• tm tnh: It wm mi mill M«r iikr«t ■MfV MM WUtM IIMI IM iMIIMMMMNM Of twnf tWIWHi Mi dwi ilMf m4 :mi akMM «««fy NMpMmM «r Ilk* kMMa kMkkniMmmttikak MttNAL PROWIM Of A WOMAW. IN A CM)MiAT irmi tOIUi INDUIIft IKIAlBTTMIIOAUOTOP'nnL, ^llA»A«r-I liav* wriiiM M M0Miii ti • fwy |»nie«tar MUt UtvMn • wlkiM mM m4 iwo IMkM.* I mi gif* JTM JTMW Ml I 1 • rabtiM b wklelk vm will m* Iimt • pnrnn •! MqaiuM IkMMlf in MttM •tkmwmm Whuki (fell i i Mwd m4 clkildiM. W iayrotaMra !•*• ^Mi irUMT ••II M WM'a Utila iiif«f, imI kf Mbfii«| (Wry, aM mUim. tiitWklMr, ftom Ik* a wnktn kM t|u«afr»r«| I ka, M ikty k« forkwn firl«, tmiviilami Mfltaf , wtik ik«4r kan4« M wait k ia } an4 lk«rfi •k|M. Ml4 aHfllfM W«k MMMkw NMN wk« WM (• lk« riT' Jh.?^ "^ ^ ***•"• •<» • k^, .lU aalM Ikf a kMh u m kirn. (OlMm Um* •«« dl ik« mm ikM ««f« t« ik« Hmtm,\ Htm Mm. iMMtk •mm^m ik« ady 4aikMa, «k^ Ml lA4iM a kiiifc at kaa4, ta^k a^ aa an ikai lay ky. aa4 witk «M kbw tai aai ika kvataa af tka liMlaa. At ikM kMtani, tfef aU «m laai M t a aaaaa.) a aa«Mi4 MIm •Mara4 ilka 4a«r.aa4 akaiika maa 4aa4 wka iwaa aMiifM wiik tka la^iM aa Ika ka4. Mr*. Baaank iania4 la dtia •a«aa4 Ia4taih mi artik kaf aaa gata kka atfarai larfa nm, aaoM aT wklaik lal klaaMrattiaMaaf. llaka«rMa«i.iiMir^.aiar4ar Ot iMi M«4ry aikaf Imikm (wka ka4 kkkam kaa* IWIty amHayai ytttM aama akiMiaa a<»i aT 4aafa) aaiM raaklaf M kb ^ .f | MtaCwkankaaAilln. Bawlk «!•«• la i«a wkk kaf aae. ii M aMMB h ia ai th» Am^m iBkL^ I.U yg| g^ aar" '^^ * kattawtaffl ik.w«ikika •kai tka 4aar aHa* OMiikaai iM4a lllMI, 4aMMiM4i»UltMi ^nnasnH i iMtlLiM. iM aaaVi waa mi ptfMM mmm ^la to •IT. JOHN OOBBLT'I NABKATITI. m m Uf. lOHIf OOBBLY'I NAMATITB. 10 inaraM our hmiu witk graiitua* lo Um 8«v«r«i(pi DiffdMr of dl ovoBU for thol onMoeipftUon whkli (ho Uaiiod WsIm ksvo osporioBood from iho hoof hty obimo of Britain— • pow* or, It thai Umo, m tool to ovory haman aioetion, Umi, raikot thaa na( rabdao aad nako at ilavoo. tkoy kaooljr cliooo to oaooarafo, oairoaiao and rowaH. aa ttoir nooi foiUifWl aad bolovod olIiM, Um Mvaffoo of Um wildoraoooi wIm, wiikoat dioeriroiaatioB, barbaroaaljr nmiaciad iko indaotrioao haohaad* ■aa, tho mtpplkatiaf fomalo, Um prattliag ekUd and Mador iaiuit, faialj •haltoiad witlUa Um 0MireUl^| anno of roaMmal fca daooo. ineli UaMaeUoM. aa iImt eomo to oat kaowlodgo woU anUMadeatod, ooflit to bo roootdod. UMt onr pootority nMy not bo iffBoraat of wImi UMir a a e ooto r o aadorwont at iko iry iBfjMfiod of oar naUoaol oiartiono for AaMriean indopondonoob Tka followb| aoeoaal wao, at my to^wot, drawn ap by Um oafortanato raftior. Roopootinf tho aaUMi, rafloa ii to lay, that ko b an ordaia«d minktor of Um Baptiot foidi aad ordot, aad kold in kii^ aoUnMUoa ky dl oar OMOcktod okartkoo. I aai| Mfi yoaroi flo<« WnuAM B( DMV-Sir^Tka foUowiag io a iuoti and trae aoooaai of tka (ragieal oeono of my fomily't folUnir by Um; «fagw, wkiek I mlatod wkon at yaw koaoo In Pkikdolpliia, and yaa la^wotod ■M to forwaid ia writing. Ob tka ooeond Sabbatk iu May, in U^joar ITttt bok« «y appointmont at oao of my mooteg kiiiWl akoat a mUo tnm my dwoUina-kooM, I tot eat witk my dote wifo and Ivo «kil> dian, for public woiakip. Not MMpocUnf any dangor; I walkod I, ooo i ng mo, eriod to mo to maim my ran ap to iihoot mo. I kad to itrip, and ky oo doing oatran My doar wifo kad a lucUngekiM in ' kim. My doar wifo kad a locking ^iM & kor arm : UUi litUo infont Umt UUod aad oealpod. Tkoy UMn itnek m wifo m oandqrtMMo,kat not gotUnghor down,UM IndiMiiMfe kad aimod to ikoot ma ran to h«r, andoealpad bar. Mylitdo boy, at old* Aot soak tka katokai into Ma I ' MfaUoaidaHkfov,wk»layM«^tM»l otUag kor down, UM Mba 1Mb h«r, okot kor tkroogk tka kodfi w, an only mi^ rtaa l^jptyiiif to inftMi^ ikav abn S3BI Um S«v«Nifn DifMMr bkli ih« Uaiiad 8tMw Um of Bfiiain— A psw* n dbciiM, ikat. ntkm I, Ikty UmIv choM !• k«ir HMM AkhfWiMd tmm; wIm, wiikMt M iB4MtoioM hMibaadI- UiBf e^M Md Mndw «Uaff um» of iMiwrMl «M to oar kmamUi§» i, that Mr fmtuiiy iMy ■ ■ 4t n wat M tk« iTf JMriCM IIMWpMtOMMb qwft, 4mini up bjr Um MllMt. raAM U (• Mf, EptiM flOlh Mid or4M^ ickitd (iMurtkM. WlUMH B— ■■■ •.I Bd tra« MMmt af iIm •Ml jrcK rwiOMtid ^|Mr lf9ii Utaf ay lUii will ud •▼• ekil. f M17 d«Bfw; I wallMd M i» ay hMd, aiadi- > widd— 1 WM gmtSa soold, fsinly kwMii^ • idaoCdMn. Mt mot MMMIMIM MiHl nd by M doiBf Mtm liM m h«r um; tkk They thm aMMk m rdommttolndiMiiirlfe IBV. JOHN OOMBLY'I IfAMIATIVB. 39? irM about twantv yards from ika placa wbora tka raat war* kilkdi and mw th« whola procaadingi. Sha, Moing thn !•• diana all go off, as tha thougkl, got up and dalibaralaly cf lA out from iha bollow trunk ; but ona of tbam aapying Mr, ran bMtily up, knocktd bar down and acalpad bar ; alao bar anly •urvifing liatar. on wboM baad tbay aid not laara mora tbaa OM ineb round, ailbar of llaab or aiin, baaidaa taking a piaea out of bar akull. Sha and tha bafora*mantionad om ara a(iU mirMuloualy praaarvad, tboucb, m you muat tbink, 1 bava bad. And atill bava, a vraat daal or troubla and aipaMO witb tbaw, baaidaa aniiaty aoeut tbam, inaoroueb tbat I am, m to worldly eireumatanoaa, almoat minad. I am yat in bopaa of aaaiof tbam eurad i tbay still, blaaaad ba Ood, latain thair aa n aaa, not* witbalaading tba painAil oparatioM tbay bava alraady and mMl yat paaa tbrooarb. At tka tima I ran raaad to aM wkai wm haeoma of my uunily, and fanad my daar and aftetioaala wife witk flva ekildran aU scalaad in laaa tkaa laa miaaiaa tnm tka 8rat outaat. No om. my daar brolkar. eaa ooneaiva kaw I fch ; tkia.yoa any wall suppoM wm killing la aM. I iaataally feiatad away, aad wm boma off by a frtsad, wba by tkia tiaa kad found ua out. Wkan I i M oyarad, ok dia aagaiak af ay soul ! I ciad, weald to Gad I kad diad for tkam i waaM la CMIkaddiadwitkikaal O kaw dark aad myalafiaw dU tkia ivyiag prayidaa e a ikaa appear to ma I hak— < Whf sbaald I frtsva^ wkia, grisvlBft I maM ksar r Tkia, daar air, ia a iaitkfbl, tkaugk akort aanaUfa af tkal fetal cataatropka ; a^ my life amioal it all, fer wkat aarpaM Jakanik oaly kaairarr*dMmad from aurroundiag daalk. Ok* ■lay I apaaa it ta tka piaiM and alary of kia giaMjWka watlt» atkaUttiafaaftarlkacaoaeil arkiaowawflL Tkagafam- BMBl of tka world iad of tba akurek ia ia kia kaada. May H ba tanifkt tka impaftaat Uason of aequiaaeiag ia all kia d i a p aa ' eancloda witk wiakiag yoa avwv blaaaiaf, aad lyMlf yaar aflbetkwata, tkaagk awetad fUaad ni itiaaa. I aabaeriba myMlf yaar oawNtky bialkir ia tka gaapal miaiatry, JOHN OOKBLT. Ir-tV ,-;'.-i '^:.^ . 'V.- 330 *»♦ « (. i-im- »'j«4 I A nui A[«D ^oKDuarvL naeiutivb op Tm •vRimMiivo OArrivrrv and kbmamkaiui dblivkmanok or mml nuNcw aooTT, an inhautant op wamhinotom ooun. IT. VnoUfU. WHO WAl TAUN IV TIUI INOUNI OM TWI irvfufo or nu tMk OP junk, itm. Om WwbMdAy, tlM 99th eoinjpMy of umti nMn psMad tb* in ilM hoOMOO J, • UuM coinMuiy V **^ J^!£5**<^/> ""'^ f^ ^ **>>«« mmmkpmI wiikia JM. Mf . Scott's living on • fiontior port mnonUly nmim tU iiynilv wntekrnl » but oa tkii cdMnitono doy. oAtr oo Imm *^)^r ."!f* ^ 9Mi« kydowB in kkM.«a4im> •iMkMMAMkop. Mn.8oottw«ioonrIyiMMlnMo< k, 10 Imt •MiMorablo MtoniOmont mi kmot, iho w wIm^ is tluMgh tiM door. tka« WM loft opon, p^tod m- n&'^'J^**?'' iS^I^V^ tAtUtmmtim; mioinf n Ami kte M. and wno ianodintoly Awd ol Ho fanodlio ff^Jh^f^ ^ ■Bi'lM ortbolMO, olMigiof b« Mt lo ■ovo. Otbonatnbbodnndevttbotbr«atooftbotbinoTonn»> Mt ebildmi in tboir bod. nnd aftorwvdo MWd tbom op. aiid dMbwl tbom on tbo ioor nMtf tboir motbor. Tbo okbit, n biMlilbl girl, oigbt iTMUH of ago, awokO|nnd Jamjrfag oat oT M, rui^ bor motbor, and witb tbo %t_pkipaTo aeeonia anodi "Onuunnuil mammal Mvomo!" Tbo motbor. In tbo dMHit angniob of nirit, and witb a fl«>d of toars. ontnnlod «olndlani to ■pan bor lifc; but, wilb tbat awfulW MTolUag Itmali^. tboy tomabawkod and oiabUd bor |n bor mafirt a«M!» iuUwMnt to Mlt. ScotCa dwoffing-bonao aaolbor fiunUy Bv^ «r Ibo namo of Ball. Tbo Indians abor atlnekod tbom at tl# ■amt tiMii,bitt tbadoor boiag obnt, tbojr And bito tbo booS *T«*' ^JX^^, *?**r" !^ ^ "•»*•*» oompoood Hi walla, and kiUod a lad. and tbon oMayod to ibieo opon tbo doot } but a biotbor of tbo UmI wbieb bad boon abot down And at tbo Indinni tbrougb tbo door, and tboy roUnmisbod tbt allaek. lotbomoan timotboramainingpartoftbo AmttyM oatoftboboosoandoocapod. In tbo bouao of Mr. Scott wen finir good riAos, bolonging to poopio tbat bad loft tbom aa tbor won g^mm MlMkj. Tbo Indiana, tbirtoon in ttaabtr,aoiia4ilMSu| al hi in T al P« Of tb ▼I T >ll I.. Ui Wl kt Wl ti< 00 m ib di at) tb m in bi an 3 Wl do al< An wl ba rh Am A r im M j& f . or THK IVRFIIilNO LITUANOB or MEa WAMUNOTON OOUN. nU INDUNt OM Tm M. 1786, Uia in Um psMMl Um hoOMOO i«n mao&mfai wiikia rr pang*MmU]rnMU I i» kk M. m4 iilk. MopMt liMeUldrMi iNM OMurijr usdntaad, m4 iMfiW. tk» mm UA •fN, paiotad m- ■MM line, mWiif • kc iMiMUy JuimA 4 au H«1b^«4\is t0i«at«filMb«M«, > laaiM MiMd Mm. •• dnigiat kM ■»* *• It of Um Uiim yoaDf^ I MmI iktM up, MBd iUmt. TIm •IdMt, • ^ad hinplaf oot of P^tpfiUpUf* aeMata n« BMtbcr, ta tha bd of tMn, antiaalad bat awftiHy MToltiag bar |a bar aofkari aMibar&mUynfal Kttaekad tbamttllft tni faitotUliawi wkkk Mmpoaod Mi id to toKt opoa tha jMiabatdawaSnd My talfaiyifahad tilt MrtortheftMUynM idriflM. > «Hr,wwa^^| MM. tcorrt cAmriTT. m all iha plandoff ikoy eonld Uy thtir lianda on bMidM, aad hMtily bofan a rotraal into iho wUdonMM. It was now lalo in tko tToninff, and tkoy iravollod all tho rollowing aifkl. Tho aoit momiaff. Jano tiM 30ih, tko ckiof of tko part; •liottod 10 oaek or kit followon kki okaro of tko plandor anc priMnon, at tko mrio timo doiMklng nino of kit party to go on a korM*otMlinf ospodition oa Clinek rivor. Tko olovontk day aftor If ro. Seott'o eaptif ity, four fndioM tkat kad kor in ckargo otoppod at a pheo fliod on for rondos- ▼otti, aad to kunt, boing now in grMt want of provitiono. 1 of ikoM four M« out on tko kantinf oKBodition, loaviag ^H an old man, to tabo cart of tko prbonor, wko now thv 1.. ' 11 U oppoanuMoo, boeomi jMod a willing noM to koeomo roMncilod to kor •itnation, a> • jMod a willittgnoM to proMod to tko Indiaa towno, wiiiica MaflMd to kavo tko dMirad offkt of loosaaing bM boopM** watcbfblnoflo. In tbo daytinio. wbib tbo olf maa WM paialag a door-oUa, Mn. Beoti, pondorlag on bor oHaa- tion, bogan aaiioMljr to bMk (br aa opportaaiiy to aiabo an ooMM. At loagtb, kaTlag nataiad bor roMlutioa ia kw own ■lad fer tko aoMnpUaknMat of tkio ob)Mt, tbo Ant oppoftMiiy ■bo goM to tbo old obi«f witk nrMt noaidmi**, aad ia tbo nioal diointoTMiod maanM aobad blai for Ubaity to go la a hmU ■tnam,a Uttia distaoM oC ta waib tba Mood froM bw apraa, tbal bad roHainad npoa it oinM tbo filial nigbi, M«aad by tba omrdorofborebild la kor anBa,boforarobtod. Haropliol, ia tbo Bagliob loagno, «go alang." Sbo Ibon poMad bylklm, bio fMa boia* la a oontiara diroetion from tbat aba wm gaiag , •B^ baj(«7 baay b draooing bio skin, paMad oa. MoaQag^ uaaotMOd BT kiM« Ir AAm arriving at tba wator, botoad of •topping to WMb bM apna,M aba pntandad, aba proeoodod on witbeat a moaMttfa daiay. 8ba hid bw ooarM for a bigb banoa manataia wbieh WH ia li^t, and tMvallad ontil late at nigbt, wbon iba cama down lata tba vaUay in ooaieb of tbo track oba bad boon taka* alaog la by tba ladlaM a fowVbyi bafoio, boping tboiabf ta And tbo way back to tbo Mttlomoot witbout tbo immiaoat pteU, wUeb BOW Mnroaadod bor. of boiag lo« and poriablat witb hmatm in tbfo aBlnMwii rogton. - • On ooodaff acraM tba vaUoy to tbo oido of a rivoriryA I h. aappoood to bo tbo oaatoriy kcaneb of KoMMkf ibo obi W Md bi Ao oand tneka af lire maa Umi bai flOM ap Iba rirar. and bad joM ratamod. 8b^ Mneladad ibMa ta^M baan bar ponaaro. wbieb OMilad In bar brcaal ' graikada aad tharicfblMM to divino PMvidoaM faa j Hi tmly a daUvanaM. feaing wiiboat any piwMoai^ baffetgMlrM of ^Mtpoa m tool laaaiift bor Ih gattiag aay. HMOH Mil. loorri oAPnviTY. •■4 •ImoM dMiUttU of eieibiii|i iMst 9l runad hif li meanteiM InMnrviMd bMwtlra wh«ra iIm 1PM m4 Um in' inlMMiania Matariv, Mid mIm almoM m ifnoniM eleiliinf i aloo knowing that a •n ' ' Vtjr. MM M n ekiM of Um nailMd of MMrinf tkrwifh tko wM(b,Vieiti4 painful aanaationa. Bat eartain daatk. aiUiar by kangar «r wild baaa to . aaamad to ba baiiar ikan to ba in tba pawar af bainp wka aicitad in kar mind luck korror. Ska addfaaaad Haavan, and taking eauraaa, pracatdad onward. AAar travailing tkraa days, aka kad naarly Indiana, m aka aappaaad, tkat kad baan aant to I, km proviaaniially kaaring tkair appraaek, aa» tit aaong tka cana uatil tkay kad paaaad by kar. kar a fraak atorm, a>td kar mind bainf tUad witi witk lad baebwarda and ferwaida mat witk tka Otinck rivar ta •tMl koraaa, km eoalad karaalf Tkia giTing aonatarnatiaa, aba Mt loai, ptaeaad' fer kair«r%l daya. At langtk aba eama to a rivar tkat aaamad w coma from tka aaat Coneiading it waa Bandy rivar, aka neeardiMriy laaolvad la traaa it to iu aoniaa, wkiek ia adiaeaM to tka OUaak nalllamant. Aftar praeaadlng tip t}ia aama •avaral daya aka flnma to tko point wkara it nina ikrmigk tka giaat Lanial aoaatain, wkara tkara ia n pradiglona mttaffcU and kifb amgay cliA alnnf ika watar'a adn ) tkat way ai^amad Ifl^^aMaabla, Ika movniain ataap and diBanll) kawatar, aor DMwmAil tiavallor eenehidad tlM latiar way araa baai. Bka ikafafafa aaeandad for aoma lima, but eoming la a lofty lango of I n n e eaaa ibl a raeba, aba lamad bar eavraa lewaida tka fael of liM maulain and iba rivar«ida. Aftar gattiag into a doao gaily, and laaaiag ovar aavaml kigk aiaap roeka, aka raaokad ua tivai>aida, wkaia. to kar inaiptaaaikia aiUclian, aha Caond tbat a parpandi^lar rock, or ratbar oM tkal bong ovar, la lhakaigbtorAAaanoriwaniylaal.ibnnad Ikabadi. Haraa Bba aaaarad to lalam, bal tba kaigkt a aha had oaaaandad ovor pravanlad bar. tha adga of tho praeipiea, and viowlag aolamn yauaa anavad. af tha «taapa and roaba i Bka than ratumad to tho odga of tho praeipiea, and viowtag tha boUom of it aa. tha eailain apot to and all bar liaablaa, or laoMib on thr top to pino away with hangar, or ba daroarai by wild baaala. Aftar aarioua maditatian and davoul aiawlaaa, aha dalaiw had aaaaad tha rivar to baahaUaw. tnvallad m it, and. whaaa aha could, by Ua adga. U9t$t)mjm Ihtbogh^tba maantaia, which riia thottght waa aaTat^tydBll AAar thia, aa aha waa imvalHng alang tha hai|k af iIm iM«ik« kill tab wil af tha aa< hai ( aac Pi« wo ha< wr Ion wh era are ekM raa ape ttpi aan Sh and in I Th adl by eoa wai ] wll aal mi mm ITY. knowing ikat • van id bttwMn wh«rt tlM Im alnMMi M ifttonnt ifk tko wMda, tieiiwl •itk«r bv kunpr «r > b* in IM power of trror. 8bo nww M od in word* noorljr mot witk iIm wni to Oiin«k rivor to thoir oppronckt oon- ly kod poMod by kor. ilnd boinffflUodwiik skwofdoaad ferwwdo o rivor ikai toomod wM Sondjr rifor. •ko reo, wkkk io odJoeoiH ■odiof up liM MOM it rant ikronfk tko i prodifioM WAtoKUl |o) tkot way ikioiiiod ■ottlt) howovor, our way woo boot Bko ninf to • lefty iMfo >rao tewoidi tko foot n fottinr into • doM ip roeko, iko loaekod > oflUctiMi oho feuad 1 tkat koof OTor. to d tko bank. Hom a otarn, but tko koigkt 1 ovor pfOToatfld kor. roeipko. and viowkif td all kor tioablos, or iBgor, or bo doroarod •I aeoordiafly jaipid to oUriM apoa ww Mbnwao. bal baiMp to bo ihaHair. M odfo, oaMajii ibai|korfhai{Mlk takokor. By tkifl timo Mn. Scott wao rodncod to a mora tkolftoa wiik fiiiiguo, kungor. and gvlof. Probably ikio rodueod atato of kor tyMom lOfod kor (ram tko tflb«rt« or iko polaon fangi of o a aioi I tkat ao it may, m it wao, ikal vary littlo pala Uttlo •wolliag tkoro wao tbll Mo tko aaaioi ko ■uecoodod tko biio, and wkat kor foot. Our wandoror now loft tko riror, and aftor proeooding a good diatanco tho camo to wkoro tko valloy parted into iwo, oaek loading a diflbront eoonw. Horo a painful lusMnM look pktoo ania. How traly forlorn wao how tko com of ikia poor wooMil ainoot laady to iMi down ftaai oikaaadaa, wko had umr ika only pw iji ti loft thai, oilhor hi tha fight or lat wt.^ B at Iha jyat a wlal aad aoMf WkW hor mfaid wao thai wilMd. • haaaliM tM iuood MO If har, iatiaitaf iltwiy amt Mar Ao yiatnid, aM vory fOHHiMtli liili te oaanaoavaiita om af ita aailajra bafora ■pokaa mi TUa draw har HliMlia, aad, whib jaadoria^ upon «IM jl idghi Ma^MMhot bird Hka Aa flnT in iha Iha aantvallay har atwat alaoi tanM iMMMar, Mavad wf Sko — ariaait ft tm g w i a l ad taai imi ivaa Mr atvit aiaot and, waMwral la immo, n Iwo'daya anar aha' aM wMdorod in oigkt of Iha latllipawt oa CUaeh rifor, eallad Haw Oardoa. ThiM, ia tha third month of hor captivity, aha araa anaapoet* adlv though Jmrftdhr fottovad Aam tha draadfbl imponding dMth by luaiM. Bat bad iho takon tho oihor ▼tlloy. oho aovar OMid ha?a ratumad. Tha day of kar arrival ai Naw Ghurdan wu AoMat 11th. Hia, Beau ralalao that tha Indiana told hor that tha jaity with vHtom aha WM a eapfiva wm coaBpoaod of fear diftiaiit MtiaMi iwaof wkottLilialhiBha. wora Dakwana aadllfai' gaaa. . 8ha Ibrthar lalatM'lhal, daring a Mi oMath tf har waaMaya, via. Aaai Jalr, 10th to Aognat Uth. iho had m alhar ftad to oohaiai aaoti in what aha darivad ftoia ehawiof aad awdlawfaig dto Jafca af lauBf caM otattca, oaaaaftM laa«a«i andaaaMathorilaMaofwIMiiiMikMWBOithoaaBMa; tkR as wos jwnioy iwo ivw ■mhwoo, oho, aoon, am irM|aomy haaia aMWobaa, Ml oM of which, akhoMdi aoiM paaaad vary iMiJldkidkirlbalaaaihami. Om day a baar aaM wmrkm wHk o yaaaffewa ht hia maalh, and oa diiadvarh^f CAn IIUtBKLL-l NAREATIVC hmt h« «lrop|io«| liii pr«y wtU ran off. PrompltJ by ih« liMn Cnf • «»f hunff r, tka MlvMie«a lo mIm upon H. but r««rinff iIm ir miKhl rtiurn, ah* turM4 tway in 4««Mir, and pitrtMd h« eottriH.} thttt iparinf her (•mUnjt, nalurally •¥«»• to t«w OsM, •! iIm tiponM of incrtMinf baigwr. "'^ >«•«« «*n«»nu«t« in • low Mala oTlMdlh, wi namkm WMooMbblc for Ui« Iom of h«r tkmily, pnnkubrly bowtiliM A NARBATITB "^iSi^^^^J* «•«<>"»"« Awo Mom or OAfr. wm. mawnajL nou thb moum whiui pnoBNoiiio tm gfy y^ ? ;f ■<>*'«• *»"« owwMt w Tw mts ir«l. MlMIr Ml ftHk Ik Ik* WMtm IUfim>,M4 ditrawdt rf fill ti ftr. MmmU; i* kto « NMiMim or MiM Wm*m b Ite WwuT^^ ^ In th« yoM 1701. whik iho Indiu. wora yM irovliMMa MMciftUy on the bnnki of th* Ohio. CiM. William HobuS who had preriouily waiffntod to Kentueky from tho tiata •# Twmont, and who, aftar haTiay fiiod hit family in tha aaig^ twiLH*^^ «l|iMl aaeniivo m» vrium. liima0Mai^ ^ RIATIVC Prompua hv th« kmn upon It. but Urinf iIm n 4««|Niir. «n4 purtMd naluniMjr ■«•»• to t«w r«r. of iMdih, wi rcmalM , pnnicukrljr Uw^iliflf noinoroAfT.wiL Ji nnoBNDiMi na t% m TBI TIAK ir«l. »«rajriM iiiHiMwii ip(. WilHam Habball, eky from tint itatt tf I bmUy in tk* Mlg^ 1^ mm. n WttA M^^^A"te iHilili OAfT. MVIttLL-l r«AIIMATIVB Ml befllo«4 af Frankfort, ikon « fronilor wliUnMni, kml tM«n crnn* polkKl to (o to tk« OMlward on buainvM, wm now • tteond Urn* Ml kio wttv to lki« cuuniry. On eno of ik« iributory Mtmmm of iko NoMiigskoki, k« procurtd « lUl'botlomoti bwil, mmI •mbarkad in t w w pnny with Mr. I>ini«l Lickl «nd Mr. Wm. PlaMtti •nd kia Ikmily, conoiaiinf of • wiio nod oif kl tkiklrtn, 4o«(in«4 for Limottono, KonliMliy. On ikoir MMMfo down iko rivor, mm soon iA«rr pawing Piltokorf b. lioy mw ovidMii trtoM of IndUtno denf tko kanki, Mi4 ikoni io ovory roMon to koliovo Umi • boot wkkk ikoy ovtrtoeb, nnd wkkk. tkroug P ^ratoMnoM, waa luArod to run nfTMBd ON M ioUnd, boenmo • pror to tk«M moreiloM m- ftgM. TkoMfk Cnpi. Hubkoll mm kb jporty atoppod Mm* IkM for ii in • lowtr part of tko rivor, U did not arrhrt. and it baa navar. to thatr kaawladga. baas kaard of. Baftta ikay wacb>d ika moatk of ika graat KMdMiwa tkay kadt by Mvoral MMaoooiva additiona, iaeiaaaad ikair numbtr to Iwanty ptriona» eaaaiatkif af iiina man, tkraa waman, and aigkt ekildrMi. Tka man, haaUaa dtoaa manlianad abova, nwa Mi Jakn itoraf. an Iriakman and a Dniakman wkoaa ICUpnifitk« wkaM laro dandttoia alaa arart of ika puty. In* wkiek a p paa m aaii knd Mtnanalv laiaad. aiT a arriooa caaiiat witk a brfa kady af ladlanat and aa Cam. HabbaU kat baan Nfttki^ a p pa in tod camwandar of ika boalt tvwy paacibia aaea af ika nnriaipatod aNatk. Tka nina roan wara dividad kMa ikraa walekaa iw tka aigkt, wkiek wara alianmtobr tp ■ o nti a m awaka«aad ka an tka laokani for two kowa al a tlma. Tka aima on baaid, wkiek eonoiatad priacipaUy of aid ma» Ikala mnak ani af acddr, wara aoUaelad, pat in tka kait paaaikla ain diti an fot aartrioa, and laadad. At akaat Mmaat an that day, tka ttd af Marakt 11*91, Mtf party avartaok a iaai of afat bania Jaieandkif tka rivar in coMany, and Intandad ta katn iin rinn a d wiik ikami knt aa tkoiv paaaanga w aaamad irba ■ara d&maaad la dnnsing ikan ^gating, and aa, aaan aAar tkay eammanead Idoiiag and drinking, inaiaad of pranniing and taUag tjEa naoMoary rati praparatory to nMli*, ikmi arMo and taMing UIm naoMoary '• k waa wiatly aanaidtrad, by Caat. Hubbell and kit'eampany. fcr DMia kamdoas to kava ■ticA eampanioaa tkan to proc— d aluna. Hanea it waa datonniaad to prtm rapidly forward by aid «!#• aan, ind to Itava ikoM tkoiuktlaaa foUow^ra Jlan Ona af tka boau, kowarar. MUmaing to tkp ta«t, ' ' hftk Gapt OntlkooM, adoplad Ikn mm plin. irtawniMaMa HMP OArr KVIllLL't KAIIATin. •»4 for • wtiilt li«f« MO wUk 0«pi. HiikUII, but aN k» cnw •! Ungtii flUNiMf mImb. iImi Immi amo h m< J m W momIM ky Um mn, aiM Oapi. HuMmII tiU lil« j^rty pfWMMT ■(m4Uy Ottwarrf alM*. Early In iIm »lf^l a aanoa waa dimly iaaiiiif 4ow« iba riftt. In wlilali wtra pnkMy In4tana m nailtrinf. and ethaf avManl indl«ali«M war* akaartad ol iIm naif kbarliaod and Haaiila InUNiticna aC a fawnldiMa party of Mvngaa. It waa now o f iaa d ikat alMnld iIm aMaoli, w «m praUtil^ W dalbrtad UU nMminf . arary NMn alMnld U «p kafara Um dawn. In ardor lo rnako aa grant n akow aa paaalbia af nnmbora and air atranftli i and ikai, whanovar iko aatian aknaM tniM |rfaM, ika iramon and aklMran akonid Ua d«wn an tka ankta •ear. and ko pratactad aa wall aa Ikay canld kv tiia tmnka and otbar kngnfo. wkiak nifki ka plnead arannd tkam. In iMa EriloiM aunatian tkay atmllnnod dnrlnff iko nif kt, and tko anp^ n, wko kad nat aknt mora tkon ana no«r onmo ko UA ?ml^ knrf k. wna toa daanly im p r m ad wiik iko wkiak antra nn dad inaini to akinin anv laal nt thnt tiao. Jnat aa dnyUf kt kagnn to apfanr in tko anat, and •an wwa «p ond at ikair paata agraankhr to arranfanM nl aonM dtatnnaa aaww tkawi m n pauntiao tanoi aalleltad tkam to como an akom, aa ikara wora i paraaao wko wlakad to ^Nain n pnaanM in tkair kaat Tkls tko enptnin vary nntarally and aorraetly aooalndod lo ko «i Indkui nrtlfleo. and ita aniy aiMt waa to lonaa iho iMn, aad pineo ovary ono on kia gva'rd. Tko voieo of ontrantv waa akanfad into tko binmnffa of IndlfnntkM and inaiilt, and tko ■onnd of diatant paddiaa annanncad tka anvafa faa. At langik tkrao IndkM aanoaa wara aaon tkrangk tko nlai af MM OMminff, rapUly advanelnf . Witk tka ntsMai coolnaaa tko anpaiin and kk eamcnniono prapnrad to raeoivo tkam. Tko akadra, taklaa. and atliar iiicanikmneaa warn tkrawn into ikn I rana niifkt ainfa i apaeial eantion waa nvan tkat tko mon ao tknt tkara Mlgkt ba no IniarvsL On dM arrival of tka eanooo, tkov woia Itannd to i nkoQl twanty-Sva or tkiity Indinna aa«k Aa aaon aa tboy kad upiaockod witkin tko raoek of niuakat*akot,_a f ana i al lio wm nvan fironi wm of tko kin BO Bovaroir akot Mr. LIgki fM tlMMwlvaa at tko I Mil Tko raptf ekni aaot dU« tkM c ka la I Ml mil fcr Ik af » ak tki II. but ttl ill CM« N I M U {roplM kj f fmttmM Mwltly MM WM dimljr MMI hsUjr IMiMM iMM^ ran ebMrrv«d oC iIm MfWMMN pMtjf W MIf M VIM p9V«ABM^ il4 Iw «f wfttra Um pMMM9 M mmiMVB Mti«a sImmU mIm I 4«w« Ml iIm «aM« y kv i!m trvalit mM MM dMin. In iliii • •% bi, ani Um a*|h misMlMUA Pwih •tUiai ia tMr kaak Tkla •fMMfWly WWMM fan* fb«. Ai IrafA b Um Mhi tf Ik* rtedv* Umm. TIm M« iki«wn Uiio Um B. Ivarjr MM taA Ull lU MvaffM kU ir a y Wiwrt T mi4 • MldirakMM N« lb«ad M< At MM Ml tb^ kal Mr. TudMr ihiMiill ■ly by Um iMhb Mi fltfMOMOMplllflli 1ghiiM»«ltlMM% CAPr. ■UMIIX't NAlBATtf I. M UMl Umt b«i •• •rrifWnUy ^ mblni i« •/JT 'j^J^. •Ati in ebMbinf ib« maMmm* nnd ft»ry •( «b« '•^'•■••. TM mMnln.nA«f iHnf bU«wn fun.!** •» .•^••'^.•'if* ebniM »t. wbttt . bnll «nM .n4 J""* •••f '^ J*** •*."•.*£ Um mi or mltlntf bk fun n ibW il««. wb«n • k«lf«^ UuMflb bb rifbi nm. nni fat •^'•f««»« '•^"•TLiS; iM^y b«i b7rM«^.«4 IVoM lb. -l-fli. ••} »«^«»»jj J« •M .r bin bnn4. wbLte bn4 bMn mUt^r dnmm up by ibn WMnd. wbMi b« .bMrn* ibn Iwlton. Inon. »(« K'**r*J'^ •bnni u> bMi4 Um bMi In lb. bMT, wbm i^. ^«JJV *2 bnd* Um tMa ef Um bMi. ■•vmly nrvnaM m bn wm, U nnfbi v» • pnif «r borMmna'tjiMolt m4 rMb^ (mi« MmMfuM;JIr*MbM.4l..f. H umm iHui fcb hMi4^ iinto r7ri.?'*^i"!tS: Jt MdMMholy nllMMti*. MW ipMMnMd liMir M AMobMn^ •laoM aMpendinff mo*, oidw M feU • |My !• Ibo mvmm SmltMVMM%nibaf**«r^bMring&wofMnwho&d bMBiM la tknoMMM in Um bopo oT dorivbff fiMmUm SSESffiMMMn. ■nt"M tf| mwi mU MiiUMtottow«r 1 CATT. HVntUt flAIIIATITB «•»** aimI Um ImU'i Imm mpaU* •/ 4«fcii4if il. Mk4 ill* caftatn kNiiMir iMvvrtlMlMt. ••• mitn4 wUli mmm« iiMwdiU* Uniiiww m4 vifw . WKMWfM iIm lii4kM wmM rim u Atm, ilMif aff^ MAI* wmM munbmiIj fif« iIma Um Ini tlMt, wlikii. !■ •Irmm cfery UmImc*, wmU dm** liial. NatwiUiMMMlhif Um 4i«paH«v af mmmtimn, tMl im ••Imimi«4 md^UUh *I im < « 4 w4aw ar (1^ ktai, Um Mlaaa at lanftk •ffmi^ la Aw pak f MccaMv aa4 iIm caaaaa wjatawita l y ra ia ni H to ika •kaia. .*••<« aa iIm Imm aaa waa iapafiiaff, Ca^. MakMl «alM la tka Mka a4a araa ■>— 4iaf w Uia Mam. aa4. an Ma Mrninff laaaA, 4MMW|a4 Ma liaM ai biai. Wkaa tlia Mnaba^ wkkh Tbr a awaw m aUaaia/ Ukaif vMam «aa 4iMipaia4, Im wm taaa lylaf as ^ia haak,aMl ■pyaara^ la ba aavaialf wmiai»i, pwMJpa a n wa U y. OjilWAaaHly, Um ImM wiw 4ri4M aaat la ilM tkmtm, wiMva Aa Mhnt Im aaUaaia^ aa4 a bifa aaaaaawa, aiabiMy lalwaatf tonu md Ita h«Mi4fa4, ««fa Man r waatat taw* a« iba iMik. lay mi FbMai, ilia aaly im* walw fi if aalian, waM ilMad al llM aavai aMi aa iIm kaal afaa aai aMaa iImm I tra t y ytit Inm iha akafa, k ivaa J u ai rf mn4mt fcr all la Ma 4aWii In u mk a paaklan aa pawiUa, an/ •MamM la fmk knnti wtek ika ainnal y»a a iUa M a rapMiiy. MHitla tkay i Mli aai< to ilUa •imalian. niaa halla vara tlMl kMa ana aar, aa4 Ian iaia aaatkar. wiUiaut waaadiaf ika vaaraia, arlia araia bM fram flaw andarataetad by iba aMa a( Um boat and Maali* aM to ika Maff*. Dariag diia draadfal aipaani Mittad abaai iwmiIt mI itoalav ladtoa, wmi Im iIm«i DarUf diia draadfal aipaania M iba flra af Eagaai wkiek aanuattad abaai iwmiIt atoaiMi Mr. Ktt» abaarrad a aaniaiilav ladtoa, wmm Im Um U Maik tw Ml fila. aai, naiw kb tla n dtof iba I a «nntof af OaM. Habbatl, raaa ap m ibaai Mm. Ma toMMi dtoMly latalvad a ball In bia Manib^wMali aaaaad ani aiUM ■bat Uiiaagli Um kaari. Ha Ml daara iManf UM baiaaa Umi wafa abani Um mhm Ubm abai daam lihaarfaai and Uma «m pfaaa a la d M bb aMIolad daagfcMta and hlloaf Iwyaltow, wha wblak wa aaad Ml AiiUiat aMaapl M daairi b a. Tba baal 4vaa saw ffaaldanltally and Mdda»lf aaiftoi aM yandUM arUM ffBfldanltally I Waaakaai Oar bf Um wUb Tk iwaa an Ui anlw allai «dr MMr kadb •aw anal Tb alhk In tbab *al Atin. IM v|««ln« aT ••?•§• kMf4 •r Cft Hvbi IW captain liMUMir Tk» aMMni • mi M to At*, lUir ajM. Ini aliei. wdtrk. la N«4 MM^HiMI cT llM iv«iy MtonM to tk» r«i«f • C«f(. HttkMI tW MMii, m4. m Ma t. WlMai^MMWt I wiilwl ii niilMfi. I »M Ml MOW ikM ti pradMU fcr til I* lad •Mmmk lo awk ^Hy. WkUt ikW w alMi lM« MM Mr, • MMNV, Wll« VMS Um boat tn4 Maak- Mara la lk« tra af r MUaiM, Mr. Kit* M Uikawkra « hkm, *lb iMMa. |MM4aMa«llM tikaiaaMlii rlM( aaiiliM aT ikb. iMa kyikaMiMMtoi itilati ill 1 1 OATT HVBtlUt NAMBAV.'VI. HI M lllay «••« la aMMkat*. waaaAiJ. •lllwi««(, an4 »lmMl aa* lMaa«a4 kr Ikllffa*. ^m»f Mill anaaliiluaU la •pini. aiiil Witaf aMBMUaa in all iKair MfaagiJl, nmn, wmimii, »n4 rktMrsn, Willi aa aMMfaMa •( iriaaiplt, fava (llfaa hearty «l> M ia. TkM awla4 illla aarAil Maiki, la wkitk. Ml af alM aMaj l«a aaljr ■■tapil aalMin. fmkt nml Ktlpatvia vara kllM M Um tfait ilawff arM MatMlly wa«»4a4, •n4 4ta«l oa Ilia arrlfal al LlMaaiaat. aa4 all ika Mai, awapiiaf Kay aad Plaa> Tlla waaiaa aiMl itkiMMw war* aH aali^afa4, aacafN a UiUa taa a/ Mr. Itaaaai, wka. ahar Um mMn aiaa aaav, aaaM la laa capiaMi aaa wHa |pMl aaaMMM M^aaatai Uai la laka a kail aai a/ Ilk lMa4. On aMwIaailM ii aapaaM Umi a ballai, wkMi tmi mami Ukiaatii ilka tUa mi ia«alaa4 aa4av ih« akia. Tka Mpiala laak k aai, aa4 aa^ fwjf ikk arM aH, M la faa4 wawa Im algiii, »m akaai w aia^ laliliiii a piaM ti Um ai ika mmm af Ma atWw. wWA htd Um rfMi aC m4 kaaf aaly ky Um tbla. Hk aMtkai, « WWMV MM whM ■■Hv S^VilW SVIOTV IP !■■▼« V^M VWWwm af Uik f^ •• Bacaaaar raalM ika Ma, ** Um capiaki m4mwt M M ha iAmi iai to f Um ^Im, aai I Uwadii vm wmM aMka • aakaHliaMMaaflt- TIm haai BMM Um kaM af Ma way dawn Um rivar, aa4 Um ak|aai wm m laMk L kwk U M Ulal alfki. Tka aapiaki't ann •f Mi aMi la aiUaf M Miaki Um klaad aaU Map tea ^RmIm. la Ala ifcaariM. lowaaaiaU by aienMlaUatMto, aaU ftial Um kaai wkk kkia* ana UU akaai Maa'akak liiMrif M tka a trtfai af lb. Braak% Oapi- Hakkall, I VQHI HBW MM PMpMHIMUiyf MMM MMBV Wl9 WM0H af ^B aaU kllaM. aaU haaasa far a wkUa MMllr kMaalBk. ViM Ika kaM aMdMU UaMBMaa, ka fNw4 kbaaair aaaUa M MlkaiiwMakliiiU •» kaaanM mp ^lim •«■ , Mi OAit mrtnut HAiiATrft. U M ki« wmtn4 4imm4. •»4 oMttUinMrf Mvtnl 4»t; mad |« iHilwtrmi •ntlWsMMii Mrvuftlt i* mi»m4 h#«M««M4« lUM wiik iMt* unmJMwIi*. wMliMi iWtM • («n. i«»ni«mm m hmi wkkk kU bMii Ik* MMM «< M miMli lt«r««««ii. .uilkf. MM. mmI Itofft^ MfiMf*, siU to *toli 111* rMMltif li«|« i«,n4 W wfiiM to M4 hwn M ftltMMljr m4 mm4»Mt*t\\y t»r«.Mi«.i Oa •■ • wi y iitt M WM «mm4 UMI liM iMm wT Um bMi .*.r« Ul«. Itlhf MM «Hil h«ltMi tiki iHtli MIm^Mm. TUm wm wkkk hU Ml aMlMff • hiU iMMtsMiff to to w • hoi* ihrattgli wkitk %kMtmi pmmL Bmm hmmm, «Im> Imt^M Uwy k •#•»•••« ilm mum '••ilNff. thm Htmm MMy M« M««M4iNf iIm likin ItekMiff f(r«f, aimI h%4 MM • f«n, lw«nt*.MM miMh |»«r«4Mii. M«llkr< »••«(«• i« IhiU ImimI if •( Ut« btMl war* Um* i«*Mm. Tll*r« WM Um part •!>•«• «r*Mf, ■ U w • li«ti« ihrMtfk M, «lu> (Mil iIm Miri. N* wrm tm k—itt4 MkMl M^MatMi. r UMmm. 'Thcla* wiMmm a mKim UMM io um4mmIm iktrfMM <4tlMMiMt#0MI. ■nw««f i ii fc t % aM Wilk M» I AN ACCOUNT OP Tm NPMUUMt OP HAMnr nSMHONi AND ■■> PANiVi WHO WtM TAUN HUMNnnM ■? A 9Utrr 0» , .-OA onrm tm oatn mmnw iowi whjum^ Mt. 4 «t <4i Tm ivOTioM Of tiui yiAoa iM tn ommommmvm orraMMrrLVAMU. MAMt HraMMMi. Ml W «Mk, Mr f/ •»,. I* bw, Mm iUm \mkn inkm WUkiM, li^, mm •! tt« ■■■■wtwdK jMikM af iIm mm ki mmI In ik« mmMv W AtttglMOf , |»> mmUi tmi mUk tW mi dkc CiJ4 day W tlii« UmimM tkt mm Wrm frMBlMr9inika«ta,witiUatwalMuidia4yM4|«f BnI^ UmA*Im«m, wlikli ia» •r U4 by ika Cm( i ibc twa aM«M akiM iaa, wk* aIm ktrwH hf fai aaaikaf M, vara drnwa aaf ia iba dOU, akaat aoa yaat aUi abfl wtik ika s» HIIBESON. 17M. Th« IndiaiM then •cnimbled ■bout th« articUi in the houM { wh«n they were et thie work, the deponent went out of the houM, and hollowed to the Mople in tne block'houie ; one of the Indiene then mn up tnn etopned her mouth, enothcr ren up with hie tomahawk drawn, ana a third ran and seiied the tomahawk and called her hie aqtiaw s ihie laet Indian claimed her as hie, and continued by her. About fifteen of the Indiane than ran down towarda the block-houee, and fired their gune at the btor*' and itore houae, in consequence of which one loU dior war Mi, and another wounded, one having been at the ■prisf, and the other in coming or hwking out of the etore* house. Thie denonent then told the Indiane there were about fertv men in the Uock*houM, and each man had two gune} the ladlaaa then went to them that ware firing at the bloek*house, and btottght them back. They then began to drive the dope* neat and nar children away ; but a boy about three jeaia old. being unwilling to leava the houaa, they took by the beeli, and d*8hi4l it agalnel the houae, then stabbed and scalped it. They then took the deponent and the two other children to the toj^ « Iho hill, wharo they stopped until they tied up the plun* der Ihay had cot. While they wet* busy about tbia, the do- ponem eauatod th«a, aad the oaaber amovnted to thlrtytwo, tham, paintad Uka Englijh, and that ) haviDg oAan aaan ; two of tham aha had got thair gana a. That thay aant lair eoarae towarda wo Indiana had not Indiana caught two ngaat child on ona, mnha othar. That ran to the Allagha* I, aa thay could not lay had croaaad the ^aara of age, banm a than tomahawud itij Tery hard, and with barki which, the camp appaarad y much Doatan, and etiona from it ; that rda from the camp, gkTa her aoaa bM HERIEION, 1700. m elothaa, and lay down one on each aide of her That the next morn ng they look her into a thicket on the hilUiida, and one remained with her till the middle of the day. while the other .T!?- ^tV i"" »*'•»:'••' «>">• *»•*«• P«opl« "hould follow them. Thev then exchanged plaeea during the remainder of the day. She got a piece of dry venirnn. about the bulk of aa egg, that day, and a piece about the aame eise the day thev were marchmg. That evening, (Wednenday, the 83d,) they moved her to a new place, and aecured her a* the night befora. During the day of the 83d. .he made aeveral .(tempt, to « the jndUn'. gun or tomahawk, (hat wa. guarding her. aH. could aha have go( ei(her, aha would have%ut him to death, hi. bd" "*'^ **" "^*"' to get tha tomahawk from ..I*''.k"*j* TV*^"* (Thuraday) one of the Indiana went otir* J / . . y '"'•,'7,.'" '^»**» "»• P»t»»- The other lay down and fall Mleep. When aha foond*li. wa. alaepiag. X. iS5 her abort gown, handkerchief and a ehikl'. frock, iiB^than made berewape. Thaaunwaa then about half ao hour hixfa. That hAl!^ iTT"" 'T *••• ^"•««»*»y. '» <»««•' »o Xceivt (ha Indiana, a. they would naturally puraua her that wav s thi>r 4iy -h. »«».ll«l along ConequeiJStog crSk. ThTIiit dS aha altered her courae, and, aa aba beliavee. fell upon the watan of Pine creek, which emptiee into the AlleghanV^ ThlAkimr t^mi^V ^"^ /»«"•. •ook over aome dfviding ridX 2! PW?. **" •^•"*' i ^^2'" ?■• -^^ ••y on a diviifiag SXg^Z Friday nigbi. and on Saturday came to Squaw run. cooUmMd down the run until an Indian, or aoma oIL pwaoi, SS .TJ S^.i!!l • *'••''»'"»*»» •nj> »»>• <»og purauing it, whicb, from , Sho than altered her courae, but again came to the aama nan. ajd eontmued down it unta aha j^ aotirad Kt^SS Oo Sunday mernUig aha praeeadad down th« mn ttnuTafo tmm^ uTikZ All _r^ . rt^Kwmuma oown ma ran untu aha ojoto to tha AUeghwiy nver, and eeiiHnuad down the tint till 2'?m';'?Sa'r..'r«r' ''^ ^^' "^^ ""^ .iL?f J- '*•**?"* f»«i»or Mva that, ia eonvaraiog with om of fe^tiK' oSr 'isiiJ^"!:!^ w well. wUtiJij: f^w Of (Morge JeUowny, ha aaked her if, aha knew tha «M^kaavnothineabatttiiim; ka wid aha did, th« hTKu MM! ■KBOEAirr MtmSON'S CAPTIVITY. a ipyt ttad t jrrtat captain { that h« took Butl«r'* nen\p, and that thay would havo him or twenty MaliM; ha again taid that thay would axchanm for him ) that ha and two tnoro w«r« Nnt eat to Ma what tha Aroaricant wara doing ; that ihoy cama rmind tram Dotroit to Vanango. Thu Indian took papor, and •howad har that ha. at fort Pitt, could writ* and draw on it ( ha alao aakad har if a campaign waa going out againat tha In* * ^^ Racillad ■ thia tummar ; tha said no. Ra eallad har a liar, and said thay wara going out, and that tha Indiana would atrra tham aa thay did laat vaar ; ha alao said tha Ena liah had guna, •mmanition, Ike. to giva tham to go to war, ana that thay had gifan tham planty laat yaar t thia daoonani alao aaya that aha aaw ooa of loa iMiana hava Oapt Crib'a aword, which aha wall knaw. That ooa of tha Indiana aakad har if aha knaw Thomaa Qiity : aha aaid aha did } ha than aaid that Oirty lived naar fort Pttt { that ha waa a mod man, but not aa good aa hia kfolhar at Datiolt ; but that hia wifii waa a bad woman ; aha laUa Uaa on tha Indiana, and ta a flriand to Amerka. Sworn Mon ma tha day and yaar flrat abova written. JOHN WILKINS. NAHSATIVB or THi oAPTivirr and moapb or maBAirr lkit mum. MQf, WHO FILL INTO THE HANM OT Tin WISTOUf Hf. DIANI AT Tin Tim Of LHUT. LOWHTV DITBAT. Aa Lieut Lowry and anaign Boyd, with about ooa hnndiad waia aacorting two hundiad and fifly pack honaa with ftwiakma ihom (ert St. Ckir to Oaoaral Wayne'a camp, (ais ttOaa in advanea of fort Jaflbfaon.) thay waio ftiriovaly aaMiM hf about half tibair irambar of eoneaalad Indiana, and totally aalHUod. Thay had encamped four milea on their Jeamey en | tfM nifkt of tha 16(h of Octdwr, 1793, and were aufHeioDtly | wmed duringtha whole night of what thar had le uaderfo at ' ••■•• Amwn, However, no attack waa made until the demd^^ I about reedy to march on tha memiuff of the Vmmi i At Aiajnnctare the Indiana ruahed upon them with great w y^ •ad after a ahert but bloody ajagagemant the whitee wera"M^< nataed in every diimiliit^ a thia onaet LiaAt. I anaign Boyd both fell ii««lly wounded, and IMnt dMir niian were among ihrliain. Thareetefthb- eeeort, excepting eleven, who were taken p ri a e n >i » » I f 1 i i t u V I d tl o fi d P m n U k a fc h ni 01 to to ■a hi th th wl mi irriviTY. lok Butler'a ncn\p, und Ipi i h« tgatn mkI ihM lid (WO more w«ra Miit loing s (hat (hoy c«in« [ndian (ook |wp«r, «nd wriM and draw on i( ( ing out ■fiini( (h« In* I CKllod her • liar, and • Itidiant would Mnra (ho Envliih had gnna, irar, and (hat they had Mn( aUo Myt (ha( aha Ib'fl eword. whieh aha tailed her if ehe knew n aaid (ha( Oirtjr lived httt not aa good aa bia •a a bad woman ; aha I (0 America. Sworn irritten. JOHN WILKINS. nOBANT LBITllUlf. >r Tin wiarnouf m. trs DWBAT. rith abont 000 hnndrad flftyjpaek honea with al Wayne'a eampi Ms irava nrkMaly aMailod id Indiana, and totally lea on tMr Joatnej on 1 , and were anlikieatly v they had 10 undergo at i mde nntil the detadfr^ morning of tha Ymf' a them with gfa^t # " \n It the whitae wvrt'M^ »et Li^. I d, aadlwat laetorthfa I pnaomiii got 8ER0BANT MUNION'I CAIPTIVITY. fort S(. Clair. To (ho •mallnoMi of the number of the Indiana ia (0 be hMribultd (ho eacaite of any. 8Argoan( r»I» wis one «f tha aloTon priaonora, and waa hurriad off with hia compaaiaac tawarda (he ruun(ry of (he p((awKa. (0 which nation of ludiaae tUa party belonged. They had no( proceeded far when «f lad Ua «BUn.— Bd^ Out d«Ukehm«nl« contitting of on* handrod and MvenicM mon, under command of Major Dada, aiartad from fort Brook*, Tampa Bay, on tho 83d of Dectmber, and arrivad al lh« aeana of action aoout aisht o'clock on tb* morning of tk* flStk. It waa on tka adg* of a Bond, tkro* mika from tn* apot wkara wa kad biTouackod on Um nif kt prarioaa. Tka pond waa avr* ffoundad kjr tall giaaa, broak and aoMdl tnaa. A aaoanant b*> fofawawaroanipriMd, Major Dada Mid to aa, **Waka?anow foi tknwgk all dangar ; kaap «p gaod kaart, and wkan w* got ID fort Kin|, I'll giva yon tkna daya for CkriatoMB.** At ikia tima w« wara in a patk or trail on tko kerdar of tka pond, and tka flrat notiea tkat wa raeaivad of tka praaaaca of tka anamy waa tka diaekarg* of a riia ky tkair ekiai; aa a aif^ Ml to eommanoa tka attack. Tka pond waa an oar rigkt, and tka Indiana wara aeattavtd rowid»lB a oamioMa, on oar Ml, fai tka foar and in advaaca, roaeking at tka two Utter pataBa to tka adga of tka pand; bat leaving an opening for o«r ••• traaca on tka patk, and a aknilar opaMog on tka atkar aiBMi* ily for tka agiaaa of our advance guard, wkick wpi |iniBlMii to paaa tktoogk without kaing flrad on, and of oMiTaa iirbib aeioua of tka amkoaeada tkvaagk wkiek ik&w kid Maiahii. At tk* daM af tkeattaek tkia goardwaa a qaartaraf a »llkli advwM*, tk* naiakady follMAng in eohui^i two £10. tla ckief '• riia waa fattowad by a gaaaral diaekarfl* WSa paaa, and Major Dfeda^ Captain Friaiar and Lieut. Milte»logMlMr witk aavaial notk-eaomiaeioaed oOoara and pWliiii> waia krongkt down by tka flrat vallay. Our rear gmii had a ais- ^J^' ^'^'^ *"^ ^ poMibla, waa havladup, aad bNugkt ly.t*- lp bear apaa tka grooad oeeupiad bnr tka i^Mtad aaieaff tka noM, ^nak. aad toaaa. 11m diaeUiM «r t the eaanoaekaekaa and made tkam foil back for akaatkdfBii I Hmt. Akoatiw«h««f uaadvaaeadaa«bi«agktiB*ar«ad. E ^ tk* woakdbd waa Lkot Madga, iSTwIpmS I IMAri Of lANlOM CLARI. W« Ml klm UD ■fsinti • tnM, mil Im wm fotiml ilMft iw« mofllhi AfUri wiMn 0«n. Oninta mmi • d^UMhmtnl to bury lh« bodlM of our Mlilltrt. All baiMU iKon comm«n«o4 throwing up • mimII triMnpiUr bvculwork ot lof* i but, juol m »o KM niimd ii about two foot, tbo Indiana roturnod and ranawtd tbt taffBgonMiit. A part of our Ireepo fouf bt wliKUi tbo broaal* work, »nd a part outaida. I romainod ouuldo till I rtcoivod a ball in iiy rini arm, and anolbor noar my rifbi umnlo, which eamo out at tno top of my boad. 1 noit rocotvod a moI in my ikif b, which brott|ht mo down on my tido, and I than fot into Iha bfoaalwork. Wo gavo thom fortv*nino diachnrffM from iho cannon ( and whiU loadinf for tho RAioth, and tho laiit ahnt wo had, our match wont out. Tho Indiana cbiolly lovollod at tha man who workad tho cannon. In tha maan timo tho main body •t our troopo kopt up a gonaral fir* with muakoiry. Tha laaa of tM onomv mual havo baan vary front, baonuaa wa navar flrod until wo fliod an our mon ( but tho cannon wm aacaaaarily flrad at raadam, aa only two or thraa Indiana n|^ paarad togaihor. Whoa ih* Cring eommaacad, tha vaa««aiA whaala d , and, in ratwnlaf lo tha main body, wuru aBtlfaly t«l •p. Tha bnltlo Inala4 ttU ahoai Caw la Um afUtaaaa, nail waa about tha laat ama wha haadkd a gua, whlla lyiaf oa mj aid*. At tha olaat I raaaivad a ahel in my light ahauldaf, lAieh paoaad Into my hiagit tho Mood guahad oat of my BMmth fai a atraaa, aad, dwfplag my mnalMt, I loUad nror oa ■OF^fiM*. Tha ladiaaa than oatand tho braaaiwock, but foaad maa otaadiag la dafend it. Thoy oaoavad tha anaa, >Moo, aad tha eanaoa. and da a a a tc had auah of ear foUaa aa thoy ■u p p>tad atill to ba aliva. Thair aacveaa thatt l» atrip Ihadaad. I had by thia Uma aoaMwbat lativ* obaarriag that I waa nal daad, took «p a nm ia tha top of tha ahoaldar. aad tha ball ▲ftor Mag, ha aaid, •• Dora, 4— « tou, . atripaad ma of ovory thiag hal mf ahfet. thaa dkappaaiad to tho loft of tho pond, and, aai aad apprahaaaioa, I lamainad atUI. tUl abaat at aiffht. 'I thmi comaMBOod avawUaff oa aiT laft haad. Aa I wol eiawUag om tha daad, I pal Mf haad an ona maa who fok dlftranl fion iko faal; ho waa ma aad Umber. I roaaad kka ap. and feaad itnaa ]]b Coaaay, a* Bngtithman, aad ^ aon of a Bfiikk oAaat, laai- doatiaCaaada. Iiold him that it naa haat for aa le aMOMi la oairal, aa tha daagor apfMiad ta ha am, and wa aifht Ml In with aarfaiaMa. ^_ . AahaiMa«alyfMlwladblhaaid*aadinB.ka««aldMft jOtobi Wa fai aloi«aa watt MwaaanU thai nirH" il a il Ih bu Ih m tn ho< an BU tk V. if lat tkr II. ■ found th«r« tw« chmcni lo bury Um inm«ne«i (ho diarhargo of bit riHo. Thia gavo mo lima lo crawl inio a hammorli and bido away. Tho Indian toon rotumod with hia n'm<* and laga eevorod with blood, having, no dnubl, according (o euatom, cu( Do Courcy (o piocoa ofior bringing him down with hia riAo. Tbo Indian coma riding through tho bruah in nuriuii of mo. arid approoched within (on fool, but gavo up tho aoarch. I ibon roaumod mv rouio back lo fert Brooko, erawUd and Ifrnpod through ibo nighia and feranoono, and alopl in iho bruah aur« ing ibo middio of tho day, with no olhor nouriah.rtoni than cold water. I gol lo foH Brooko on ibo ovoning of ibo Afkh day i and in flvo monlba aftorwarda waa diaebargod aa a ponaionor, at oigbi dollar* por month. Tbo doctor atiribuio* my noi dy* lag of my wound* to iho eireumaianco ibal I Mod a mod doal, and did not panako of any aolid food during ibo Hvo Aral daya. Two olbor Boldiora, by (ho namoo of Thomaa and Svraguo, alao eamo in aftorwarda. AlthMgh badly wonndod, ihoy vh tondod a iroo, and iboa ooeapod Ih* onomy, on (ho ovoninf of Iho boiUo. Thoy joinod anoUior tipodiiion. Iwo montha alW. bnt boforo thoir wMnda won honlod, Md ihoy aoon diod of THE FOLLOWING NAMUTITB or ONI OP THI MOVT KXTIAOftDmAir ■•• OAPIS PROM A OMUDrUL MATH, ANTWHUUB RBOOROiPb m CONTAINID IN A UtTTBt WRITTIN IT TBI lUPPSMl TO Tin EDITOR OP Tni O^RLIITON {». 0.) OOUROBI, IlliaO>UTa.T APTRR IT HAPPRNRD. IT TOOK PLAOR AT . OAPR PLORIOA LW H T H O U I R , Ilf liM. Or tho t9d of July hot, about four P. M., a* I wm gohtt from tho kitehon to tho dwoMinf^bouao. I dioeoTorod a tarn body of IndlMa within twonly yarda of mo, back of Iho hItcV m. I ran for tho lighthoaso, and eallod out to tho old nogro man that waa with mo to ran, far tho Indiana woro noari at that momont thoT dlaehargod a ToHoy of rifla ballt, wl^kh cut mr elothoa and hat, and porfonlod tho door in muy phMca. Wa got to, and as I wm taratog tho hoy tbo aataMa had hoM •r tho door. I atationod tho nogro at tho door, Wiih onion lo m mo know If thoy attomptod to bvMk in ; 1 thm took wy tkioo araikoti. whieh wora loadod with ball and bnek^ohot, and WMlio tho aaeond window. Sootog a fauft body of thorn ep- thomep> i 9m , ^ lie API Of M*it« ih» iwmttg'kottm, I 4U«Karg*4 my «ii«k«(* ia •ion •iMM lk««. whkk put ili«m in mmm tomhtiom , th^f Iktn, for \h» Mfonii lim*. twrnn thmit iMrfkl y«IU, •n4 in • ninuli no MAk Off gkiM wm loft ai iJk« window, ht Uioy voaiod *T J '^ '^•'5?' •'*!*• ' **!** •• •'»••» '"»« •«»»• o' •»»• «Hl>w window*. Mtd from i^ top oT iho kouao ; in feci. I Arod wkon- kll'J 2?ii dSh.*" ^' ' "*•'•'• ' '••'^ "^ ''•« »"• Thoy ihon poumd in • koofy Uro oi oil ik« window, ond ^^•.**^* ""• '^ HK* '"^y ••• "i* *• «»»• •»«»«» ••»«» window tvoB wilk Iho ifound. Tho window wo« boordod n|i with pknk ' .dfai Md flilod up wilk ttuoo inoidoi but iHo (lomo. .pr..4 r.i. lMi»9 fod wiib yollow plno wood. Thoir bolU iMd porlbniod Iko tin iMk« of o^ . eonaiMing of two Imndrwl ind iw«ntv4f« fdlona { my bmUlnc. elotkinff. and in Tmi oftry ikinf f hnd. WM Mwkoa in oil. 1 oioMMd at iho door until drivon aw«y by tko Ambm. I iImii look a kof or funpowdor, my ball*, and on* muakot lo iko top of tko kouN. ikon woni btlow, aad bo> I kad diakdiy in fotUnf ika old nogre up tko ipaoo I kad •IfMdy eiii{ kill Ika iMManow drofa ma from my W. and I lalrMtad in Ika top of Um Immm. I aavarod ava^ tka aeuitla Iknt Uada la ika laniani, wkkJl kapl tka im from ma far aoma lima; al laM ika aw Ail memani arrivad. tka eraeklinf Aaaaa r*."??*.*^."** *?!' *•*• **••" •» Ika aama lima kagan ikair kalUak yalia. Mr poor^ald nagro kiokad to ma wiik laara ia kia avaa. kai canld not Moakt wa waai oat of tka lantarn, and lay dowa on ika adfa of tko plaiferm, two fool wido t tka Ian .T •y up from Um bottom. rro op tko opooo I iMd iM from mjr bbor, aad •vorod ovor ilM oeiittla ) Ifo fkom mo for mom if tko eraeklinf AaiiMi iomo time bofon ihoir id to mo with toora in Mt of tho lantom, and wo foot wido t tko Ian* id f loMoo bunting and Ifo, and to mofo firom doath (bm tkoir rifloo. nd to my korriblo mif* iwdor down tko aettltlf towot fkrom tko top to kt of blowing mo Into d all tko woodon work tko flro lor a momont, Mgro nuui wkl ko waa wko. indo myaolf { and find- utiag alivo. I look tko wont ovtsido tko ins ) and waa oa tko Mini olow, wkoa ■omolkinf pfai. I did ooi and k of Iko kouaa. It it « iOBN W. B. TNOMPtOft Nmorkabio clreumataiMo. tkat not o«« Iwll airmk mo wkon | Mood op ootaido tko railing, olikoufk (kay wtfo Hying aH aroond mo liko kail*aionoa. I foond iko old n«gro man iloiid, boing akot in aotonl plocoo, and liiorally roaatod. A ikay oM minuloo afUr lk« Aro (all, a atilf br««i* aprunu up horn iko aeoik* ward, wkiek woa a grant Moaaing lo m«. I bad lo lio wkoro I waa. for I could not walk, kovlng roroivad all rifla ball*, tkro« in ooek fool. Tko Indiana, ikinking m« daad, \*(\ tko ligkl> kowao, and aoi fira ui iko dwalling'houao, biirkon and otkof oiil-kouaoa, and bogan lo corry iboir plunder lo iko boock i ikoy look all Iko omptw borrola, iko drowara of iha burooua. and ill Ini #w» Iking tkat would act aa a foaaol lo kold any iking i '■rT**!^'*"' *•'• '" •''• "f •»•>»«»»•••. •«•?» • borwl of flour. wbl«k Ikoy took oC Tko hoit morning ihay kaulod out of tko ligktkouao, bv moona of a poU, ibo tin ikoi eompoood tko Oil lanha, no doubt lo mabo gmloo lo manufociaro tko coonly r^t into wkat wo «all arrow root. AfWr looding my littla Mood, about i«n or Iwolro wont into kort iko root look lo tka boMk to moot at tko oikor ond of iko iaiand. Tkia kapnonod, M I judga. aboui ton. A. M. My oyoo boing muck allbctod, prtvontod mo from knowing tkoir actual foreo, but I judgo iboro ladaraabofBroi • baminf fcror on mo. my ibot akot to nioeoa. fTliLTl?*" ^ *' ''•*•• "• *Wond noar or any to omet. Md Dkeod bMwoon aoronty and oigkty foot from tko oortTand off J I took a pioeo of tko okTnogro'a trowaora tkat kad ooeaMd ^ ""^ MX T "^^ «f^. •"««»«•• . •ifS. "^ te« ia tko aAomoeo. I raw two boaia witk my alooB jkadMd««ibikM*i9m in tow . Indiaaa. tkoir Slatoa of jAomoeo, I aaw two boaia wi Maysf 10 ikolonding. I kad ao d««bl Wi t< ml <«aii Tkoao «JIi*cJ!?SlI' ^^'^^*'i^J^ l«M»i»onf «M Oapt OoU. of tko aekooBor Poo Don, ftom Now Yorlf s I I Ml TMOMptofn innAPi, TWjr U4 nmA* • kit* iufiHf Ok* nufki, m f«< • IIm m ••, Ml wmImui •Iftrit iK*y Ikm lifMi iwm« trom iH»ir mu^iivia, Mi4« fo«( (M • f»mr«4. wllkll ( KrKivml, aiifi NtuUtl tip « ind- btocb iin4 NM4l* CmH roM»4 an imti Mni^eiti^Hi, n»v« ih» i«ini« Ikrvutk ih« MMh. •wl ih«y b»t«w. ^ ihMii mvam, ri»v« • m»- iMk r*|M, Mil K«i«to4 «|i iwa »••#•, w(%«> wmni kn4*>4 m- mi *Hn iiHM. I iiiMM M»*m tuttk>. (hfti lh«> In4«iin« K«il in«J« « M4er, kjr l«*Kinf !««>«■»• „r wmxl i«';«ivo«i in Um mUJtary lk««|MU)l, ihfoHfh ih« fMUt«tH>M of Lwiti. AN««ti, of fjM imrtti r«fifn«ni i^f UniM M(fli#« Inrnniry, H? haa (iaR« •rarjr llkik'f la m*iit mf tiiudiKHi «« iunifitrMbt« •« pmiaibl*. I MUM ikM ninii h««i to r«iur^« my ili«nli« m iHo n«iMn« of iUjr W«^i| nMriilly, for UiaIi •ymiMlh/ «ii«i kind ««livr« »f «tiy tliMf I woviM wi«li, itMl it w in lilMir pnwvr iw (w«lciw. |jk< A»r* 1 itft K»7 We«(. iwdi i^Milli w*r« Ailrac ukI, and ont r<>«4t«in« ia mf riflkl iMff but, (inc* I •»! und«r iho ctnt nf Dr. Ram- Bmv, mh» ku imid v^cry •timuewi t«> hm, Im wtll know Um wmUmt (o «xtnicl il or (»oi. >'> TImm Um* mn wtiit^a to l«i my iri«n«iw«, ruv«> • iw»> wiko wMNi kn4«>i4 m« mi lh» In4m«i« (>4il mmiw • •• th«* tigdiriini) .«nI, n«-«r *• my k'.Kl|i, iiwiiifM vn- ACtor I ifttt tm UMr^l ihm I, I W r«M«iy«n| In U|« m of LMtii. Alvonj, af infiintry, fU haa tt«»s« imforMM* •« pcMaiM*. kaiikc in (Kr. Ram* DM. ^ Will kiMW bMl l«. 1 1 »mn IM UM 01 • Ma«. ^ B. TUOMPtON. ^> ^ ft in '^-'m'mmttmm J