CIHM Microfieha 8«riM (Monographs) ICMH CoHoction do microflehot (monographloo) m^mimimmmmaitm ttiliMHMikM •fMt ■My t»)MMi|MjpMMi|r OThM. D D n eMt*«MlMr(iAMM«M MHk)/ MMin) M^ D I I IMMMwtf'( n I'oMknoadtla ltlM|*to nr III loratfi D ^■1 ■WTHMtet. AMtioiMl tetwii, n'Mit TMciiMititflliMrfattiM uviaiiiiivn J w% TfttlfS So Umx o^ HBSClMM ifUfitti^ 10X n 14X YtX 12X 1CX asx WsMpMMiiia r~iAip»MMNi n n mtlmlmimmm QwNly OT pHM MriM/ MmM/ TM* on kwiir Mm fratM:/ U titn * 1'M.lltt praviMt: □ TMtpopafiMN/ NftdttH j iCaptiMefiiiM/ I I MiiiiiMi/ titr«*lilivraiMn •f hmm/ Titra * 4i*«t * to livraiian G4««riqiM (pMotf^mi) «. ia 22X 2CX 7 IQX 24X 2SX Ike iMrnftH Tiw J*. TlMlMI TIWU W% t l yw t m T baglimkig In g|» Mpgtr Ml ktiitf right and top ti' r«quir«d.Tlw nwthod: 1 2 3 1 ihi tftii •IM parit plM.MlMte«at.TmMiM IfndM ^F*^^^^* ^r Mrta •^H". " M. piMMhM. taMMux. ate., pauvant Atra 4aa IMM da iMiMllon dMIiniMs. UNvgua la daeumant aat trap grand pour Alva ivpraAite an un aaul cHeM. H aat fHmd A parilr da rangia a i i pt rl a ur gauaha. da g a u aha i droHa at da liavt an taa. anprammrto M MIMRMflt HI 6 ■cinrcNMri%.9 '■■■^ (.0 Sfuiltt 20 L25 U 16 A (nvM-mt.iiM MOE ha 'i^iH/pC Land Setl NEW ONTARIO Adwrt ofdM la OatMto Rid) and Cheap Lands Easy of , Access Sfdoidi^ Local Markets Fine Climate Good Water Liberal Homestead Regulalif aft Prtpartd uadv th* diractioo «f Hon. E. J. Davis if (Vmhi « • l>» ISm^ •»««722 if ' 4.;--.». New Ontario A FIELD FOB SETTLBMBHT. AdvantagM and Onnrtackt. wHli ±LS2*'*'?-!!i? »?^.d«inr«rf frinss^^ wwHi of Mi«Dtifie r«MU«h Mid tertrtteS^^SSSfc w^ NIW ONTARIO. 2»^l^MMi iBtamMtlioiiwHbtlMdiiiyfaSMSriiri^^ prfadpal yotfaeu M;*w.7t7: Mring Mlatd RvMiaff. NIW ONTAKIO. stKjvUf »st sssstyasj-iT^-^ fa rtpldiljr _^- ^■•■l it IMfWM BjT MVfak iUm Mwdtvoltd to wotld. (MW S'.P'y^,"* t?^"^ •*'P»«^ 'or Bind Ibrada^ AU t% tMH ihM, swfaM a^ Miiltij of Om PhiviiMt Md tlMfr Mkbof «fca.tow %y>lKthwp,»wfaaaadpodtiyof tiiTPhyffaM ^rwioaa podMto b Um Buktto of EritalB ud tlM ^hfarftaUiFMtottoiwhfahflowfahfaiihotowwmto MMVfimiBBrafi^ Onkrioi MMn for ttM omtflMiit awl nnrnprihwitnuMi of bar mm omiMT !2!5?Jl*^ J!!*9~*^r^.??«>«*? •^«^ »«aitod^»ha Wfafu! SSSi » "TiSl.?" 1^°* of an farm pkopariy. inehidiiiff land. Iha mtefprfao and indoatay of ttia paoiae. and tka aplandid opiwrtoi^^ ^ NBW ONTARIO. *2^'^i*i'to do wi SlXtLsnJi *^~??& ^*fc • wl^ labor Wb««^;;;^»*5^. of^p^nat. Mjwiky to the pniri* atata^* "*?* ***^ *• «» whiAkMoalinpoiiitorlR^ttS^ttS^^ '".f^ pwdootion. Ontario nUiioia. .V.V '^■•OMi .. S6.t •••«•••< OUJfornfa Spring whMt. Onterio .. Mnitobft Wtwouiii *1.4 19.7 1&9 1S.6 1S.0 7.9 9.0 1S.S 10.0 16.1 14.1 ^•w Totk Ifinnwote, H«btMk» CUifenii* I>ikoto,S ••«•••■••« S6.0 MlO 1B.B 910 n.0 i&o 919 90.0 OMi. * • • • •'^ •••-•« , 19.5 1S.0 19.0 low* .. ^°*^8 ::.:::::. 1:o • Bariay. Osterio . MMitolNi NmrTorii ... 2Siu- _ ^J^'B^*" » • • • ••••••»«, miaob... VHwanrin Onterio .. MMitobft. 98.0 90.8 low* c . . Minoiiri. SfcS 99.7 31.0 98J 99.0 99.0 909 89.0 84.0 98.0 80.0 99.0 94.0 SJES^:::::: 2-2 "^^^ ::::::::::::::: SS NBW ONTARIO. , **0M** Opiaiit, - wSI*^-Z[*^ "^ ,^ Niitolng Mid tb« Awwh ]liT«r, kniwn «• Wjw ODterfc^ » Nttion of tMe wtont and rieh in aU the iMtonl WMltiiMidnwiMte&lnqiiidteforthebdldiitff apof.^TMtind !£rJr2T* ^!!?VfiI^ «tu^wiinlMiblted. In the develop. 'HSfA^ "SF^. "therto the Intobermsn he. been the pioneer^ 3uS?fc2Li.^i.friP?5^ "! ^^ ^" oririnelly eovered with T?!L*??^ T*^ y*"^*"** vdnnWe timber, le the country wee dejjri^««berf|y op«r^ The Splo^ nlM hie lint erap. end when hu knd beeune pcodoetiTe the demands dMtey in the ne^borhood became remmwratiye. The men a^seted SIS^L^^J'Piilfi^*''''*™^''"- 8olon«««tlwK>il.Btripped iiSl fe-S^^^'^J^i^ operation, of the lolliberman. w.. oTan S^M?'*'^' *f *^*' »dwW« adyanced handS^hand. and lloaitehinff MtUement. were baUt op whereyer the forert was dearad away. •l-«S!iS£!S5 T"**^ ''«• extended northward, howeyer. an J«^ table land at ragged md broken ehaiaeter wa. re^bed that nnMdMttieMmrece of nwnyof the important riyen and etreamaof S?i*r^' • ^^ ^^ •^ cieek.*and rivers, a MwrteSSTpLr- tend iU;>aited for general agriealtare except in eompaiiltively limited 3sS«*%f!lSr^f".?^*^5- '^^n^ table ilmdriyeb flow in S^fh^SS^;*'??. **J5** wi.» provision fbr the indnstrial ftitare ^S^^^ ?"?•'* Jonia be kept in forert, except in the SertUe arca. referred to where the knd is now beimr MtUed. I-.* .fffy ^ *™ *•"• '•»* ^»«" • v*^ wgion only partiaUy explored S;l'^?*S ao to aflford the knowletlement with the openmg^ railway commimicaticni. From time to time townshipa containing good land are sarreyed and opened for settlement in diWnt par? Sthe P^^SeTTto * NBW ONTARIO. ''■teni .Advantegw «ff l#w Oateito. . *«M-^'S;S^^ wMeh win *w My Other p«ronr^iiStiJB«Li{IfJSL^J^^ ••pe- tobuted in the flHSLSl wChIuTS "tt^r^ ^^ tWwho S^tJ5:£lMSd^ em^y-^?£ worka. There is onlv mil oSSt^^" T* °^*" "nd smelting known. thatS^New^ed^*^ ^'*^''^ ^I«^* <^ »fckel Sf demi^^^^t «ri,^»gyfirn;^, " S"^' -^^ *^ ««»wing the .pruce f<^ wiS w'S^^P^' mid«, extr^y SKl^ other pntowood timber g^^n^STiSl^JfS?' , ^ -Pmceand ed in 1900 waa eetimatA bv iS.« -?«i P°™°^ <« the territory explor- eorfe. ForthepumSwof •-vA^tpointgdistriba^y^^roShoE???.' "? have been etartedlt rnient to a larTnt'Sf^rp^L'^^^ demand for aU manneTof budX. 1«?T^' ^how preeenee creates a aidiary industries. ""PP*"*, and stamulates the growth of snb- NBW ONTARIO. 9 D*Saf2S?^L^'^ oii,«f«tkif« dMMUid for wdliMid labor Uadi ill the ddbr Mrtioii of tht FhyrioM a^ S?„ JS!& iaamiiogdmmad, Nodas Inqibtriag opontiou in tiM now diatrieti oontiniioiMly MtiTO and piofitftU*. _i A'li!*^ ^*'^ indnttrica maka tha ecnditiooa of Ufa for tha ■gneoltaral MitlareonaideraUyaaaiar thania aaoaUythaeaaa inanaw ooimtey. osrteinly miMli mora so than in tha earty days of aattlamant toOntaria Hitbasto almoai iha only opporkiuiity preMntad to tha ■•rf *^? **ST?°? "', obtaining any amploymant wharaby ba oooM anbalat imM hiafarm baoameprodnetiva. waa that oflbrad by tha lambw oampa. 1^ loeaUties whara no work of thia natoia waa in pro- mH tha man who took np land waa oblimdto provida in advanoa for ^ uMintfloanaa of Unualf and family daring tha tima ha waa oeoopiad in daaring aofBdant land to prodnoa a crop, and waitinff for ittonwtara. Faw induatriat of any kind nutda thalr appaaSnoa until tha ooontiy waa >fratt settled, and the pioneara had tolook to •ahmum akme m a means of support In many loealities in New Untwio these emditionM are reversed and the mechanioal indnstriea an the iirst to oeenpy the ground Kvezyone familiar with tha diffi- ^tiee ot eokmislng a new country ean realise what a gtaat advantaea M i*L?** '•***^ without capital or the man oflimlted meimsL **?y l»boreT8 who.nnderordinaiy oonditions. would have had no oppor^ tuni^ of aequuing a homeatead. simply beaauae they could not a^ ^t *»' • <»3> •»* !••▼• tiwir famiKea lacking bread, can obtain work in oonnectiiNi with some of tiie numerous industrial enterprises for a kmgar or shorter term, and take up a farm in the neigfab(»hood as soon as they have saved sufficimt money to live on nn^they ean depnid on their prodnee. The growing settlements afford them a steadyuid remunerative market, not merely f<» their cropa, live stock and Cnrm produce but for the tunber, aneh as in former days waa burned off in order to dear the land. Aa compared with the prairie hmds of the Weat the balance is altogether m favor of the weU-timbered farms of New nntaria Altboagh the prairia seiUer has not the labor of clearing his land, he IS under the serious disability of having to pay high prices for build- ing materials, fencing and fuel, whidi in Ontario are all to be had for the cutting, and he lacks the shelter afforded by the aurroundinir woods to growing crops. -o . Vatoa of Sattiars* Lumbar. During the last few years therJB baa been a noticeable increase in the value of timber other than pinei In the earUer days pine alone NBW ONTARIO. jr SS'iy** *• ott» ti*. uta, »-rtrf , ^ iD ^fona of gniiti for pablie ttrvUm nS^n^tamSTSTl^ g««rtjj 4«di to ^h4« oon^^ £3L™»i;"«**«^w<* «ww not tSbTiS sight SnKrtK faSSS.!?yy'ir *■■!?• ?!^, ^i ♦^ CtontinenTwhw gSJiiL ll»o TMrkNM anioaltana diitr|ets now ofAnd for Mttlament in Ririajr Rlror VaU^. oS^Rwi?2L!f^ Thoj.J^^i«r«oh6dfromBitt^ SrSf aP.R. by BtcMner aerofls the Lake of the Woods end up tae Belnv ^«jd of 1901 IS roadyu be completed throoRh Se^^yto Ptort Ai^mron Uke Soperior from wh&h point the dirtriotmiv S ^2^'j:SSr**Tr ?^, Thesoao/ZR«ny^^vXi; l^^'f°Sf^°' •","?** «^y «»^«^ with • top sou of bS* IS^^tl'i'P*** "* "^"^ '5S? ^.■T* P'*«-' It is iSe from roS SfJXlSS.'S"^ The timbers mixed hMdwood.«id ever- greou lor wnum were u a good market The land is disposed of in 160 aere lots— or qnarter sections— as free grants subject to settlement dutise. H«»«er sec«ons-as •»«W ONTAtlO. '•^iSrt.faiXLSr moMtain «d lake bJruiSSS."^?"*"'' ^ »*• "ffiid "i^i;; U p. R we now know the«^^^? - "^f*?'^ appears north ' WBW ONTAKIO. ^ • many fai wUdi Mbm •» mmt nliadid fi«M aadM^U^ iaslndiiMr C iptr THnlriainiing. « 1. .2?^.*^.*^ "^ *^« Montwa River ai tlie head of Laka T.™ SSr^^i^*5i*f ''^' ""^^^ »»»ve called the "gSt^j brit «>mpri«ng fifteen numoiw of aeiM of good farming lS!^Se "■•' ONTAKio. fci'sr^ SSL ,^51^-^^-'*!"^^^ 'Ob* thrown on nproTinff sk.wldK NIW ONTARIO. -L^i—.v—-* ■wwT tJinJMiJ don ?S!^7^^?*>9^ ^MBwillMilolhiratpil « p«l of lU iw»ld wfcr« lb,13K X iS .31^^ V* ?*'* 2^ '^ «*B^ P«>^ oo^ liMuu of MOW Bail WO Pn ^p2-t.^j^ arfW , J. D. a«kb«., «i^ ,^=?-^^ IvMr. billM .^i5*«>-* •«r "••Jsy^-tiift^^ POM Mir. 185,918 Mitt IM •llht Billi ftMnfr to tlv, dnmd ImbwaSL ftrnTfti? ? JS? Ftv kMilitiw oQteid* of Onlwio an w ■■wtiwi fix iS!?!li! «»Mwi3r, «m from drouriiti, whUi darinff bttlr if i ! ! Ml.i'i' NEW ONTARIO. ««»l'tioii that the wintar J. Ji-kn .3 "•"Shy » «»»p«d ShSL^lT*^ V • well wooded»?«S2l years the progress of ««*«•«««* V ™°" ancient title. Of i!Sl NBW ONTARIO. „ TOi ofiettlemmt IS /Sf^i " "'■••"<* ««i»porfanoe with the pro- STiSeS^S? flf^l development of new eou.merdal and indos- lUt PiiM*««. ♦K.^!^^. . ?' **"«y. thoiHrtj in Its near vioinitv crater dow»f u ««!.:-i j ® woode, where the enonootu find employment in the Sberiee. a aned Jf«SSf"«*^ ?*? !1^ being t£e etoiKeon fishinff. ^ ihKnlJ^f J :'**"£ "»**«*nr •oooont of the MviawM^rJ fclr-* "»»«» v«laed in Europe on deKcawr t!« S^ra'SlS^'" **? ~* *.*•»<* »" «»teemed a «eat the^l^are J;l,^y'':^le^;^^ ^- »««er proportiS^ dn.wIfrJrthflU^'K^ d'affi" °' f**"^*^*^. ''>»' •" ^l3r The Ontario Md^w2tffliT«iw^'"'°'^"^*** '«»"' *"" Poi"*. five hundred m^ feSdtton^/o tlf^^ **> '°«' °' Wwd by the Ldw of the W^. *k * T«"i"^"' ^•*" PO"®' ft>™- The town of Keewatin. mtuUied neu> Jbik ?<»».». t t- i ,. 1 ill m NBW ONTARIO. 7 M th« mo^ 1 ««e The i^^, ^f tk/f^__S^*^_J««, MMutou and tb« N«w KW the Mr»hyp^n ^•;;;;2^ omtovation as the Rainy River vSey^rf .W«t«r Commnnlcatioii. UW an area of aone i mm \^ ™ir_^, width from east to w^f. ™i_ K «»vig»Die stream about 500 feet in NBW ONTAIIO. gf -*fr« Fort iSij'jft^^safcr^ sLsirs'^ tj^ooun*^ in other di^ctloo. iTfaS^nri^i^n,^ of rtowtS^,!^ A w of tl»e sou .nd the eoudty fkr^M I«L21I!i J .?* **!! "^ °' Government roads have i J^e^kl^Si ^ f^****" oonridenOJy inewJed* ve^ FrMOiaats. may .too pnnduMe «aliditioiiia 80 •'^^^tl^I^^J^^ i^tt.OoJ^ d»nt«dT«ch-e « edditiSS^ foUoi^'^t:^^ "^^'^"^ °^ «»« P~«>— »ee of the which' two^*UT*i* "*T ^v*^ ""^ P«* °»^' cultivation, of d«iith^^ le«t are to be clea«d and cultivated annually 2. To have built a habitable house at least 16 by 20 feef in size pi« tanW and mmnd. «. 4. Und „ „^^ JSTlSd. i^ 34 ' "■'*' ONTARIO. Mmiu off * MMiu off AcctM. Mnprove thu «n«i:ir •««»' impetaa to flol/*.;-!/' ' *?** **■ •dvant Port AtS^^S*^' ^ '^'^ «othe?on«i^S." ^r ^^ down in d«^*^ *?? >'!°«' •dv»ntM» t£«I?i!f ^T **** opportoni. I The WabiKoon Settlement ON THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. roeky nma an raralv »>•» «ftk u^ '^ •wwchea. Broken and little broken fcywor ^ ^J^li exteMive aeetions of country so tionofOntar^*^ n««i-cnftiTatte twete to be found in any por- 8aU. thei^efflL'^SSfl.fiS*,^"' r*^ ^"i" Httle throughout the wTJJl lte^i?M.*'*5;. changing to a rich clav 1«K^ timben The STof lKhJ?he?lSS JS^f^*?? **»* "^ °* *»»• tion and yields aSendW •• «noe become th« kn«-».^ ^ The form em^tHSta a Sal a^o? jii n '*^"«,«»iM and vigeUhle$. thoroughly deared «.d^re S^^vf Sn~*?L°V''"'''» "» SvThZ •t present oomprisee 12^ ySSS^J''* ^*^* "^^ on the farm •«yu»^year^ear,anrK-SX^„rt;^^ NBW ONTARIO. _ Ubor and Cost of CiMrInt Und. there) h«aacaapl?T«^ w^^W^^,''*! 5 *«Mt farmer ship ^ Bton do£ to (Sdrift 2SS5 ^^^ • ^® l****^ " *•»• ^^n- by the 16th of May had fcCnL L? --!? , *''f ■*°*« ™°"**» "»<» hia toraiD Umd I K.M Jk i P™^» »"<* «>«. Mid was preparinir (Hi '1 ■• NIW ONTARIO. ■Oil of tilt iMd ia Ihk -^*i «.4i. .. ^ stoek oMi dM tad ihSLri-JiI. i'"***?^ *»«■ *hdr«ttMk^ ^^43 ::;?5S3r a';!^^ w- ., we «M i r « ot wr of the «oiL wliieh dt)mm^n*^.a^r1^ MOMtlei awing to '»"«5.brieSttfr^^ ThoCk^,S«H«t narkots. NBW ONTARIO. ^ Ow «( SMtiwa WmM. CoaditloiM of 8iU« of UunL !i *• MIW ONTAtlO. VIW tolmM tl § Mr Mat fMU.l- . . fa alKHht ftoWBLLZTIZ^T???- ?*^ "< *^ '■»■•* Diydw, CiMaf fcwttMv point fatbtiilSKirrf^^SS^*^ J •* W« Thunder Bay District SURROUNDING THE TOWNS PORT ARTHUR AND FORT WILLIAM. rf Jt 2SSL 'li'?"tf!Lfty *• "i**"^ on *li« north .bor. dMrM •kirtiiw tbo lake thort for a oooddwiible dfeteaot b«l tbtra b iSr **^'5^ •«Wning th« water front btins f or tho nioit put tho ffaWty of I\»t Arthnr tnd Fort WUllwn Md thMo b •!«) • (SJS KMM dfatMMt in ft nortli«Mt«riv dimtlon wUeh hut provwl oitrwidT ■Jgyn«it oorni-rlwftbout lf6.oAft«JS^ »n^ij2«J«»y. whidi only n««l to beopw^ Tht Ml Md Ttaibw. towMUpowUcbMoaowoptn totbcMbMumhof boBM Pbrtkxw ^r^ nP* 7*^**°? **** • raloof • porona nfttoo whieh toMthw with t he foffin g fprnifttion of tho •orfMTteinoat kM^3Sl^ jwmtoy hM bMtt ov«mn iHth fct,in ■omoiw.AjM ftt* NMnt pwiod. li^^JSf^i ^ *^**^ top««it th6ftpp««aSMrf ft' ^°~ •ST*^^ **??^- '^^ Pwdominftnt trMt •» the poplftr •pmee. white pine aadiaek pine and then ia alMa good deal ofoJSr £!I^?!lt.T^ Tfie«tenttowhi«ei wewVuoS^ oatlon n the price of silvw IS J?r?S^ ^^^ *« *>»• great d^ then existing St procJi^''lZ^^^J^' £?!"i*y -"S' thfoJnS causing a resumption ofStivK At sn^ '{jyo^ble conditions ws from fort Arthur, one ^ th?old tini^ •' ^°"".*^ ««»« 40 nd£ -t^facto^ results, and others'l^^li^Tto^?^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ mnlng Opwmtlon,. JP^^f^^th^Fol^Wm^^^^^ to «>otributel«^y ««pona,ng degree the demXiX fl^liS "** ?«~«» «^|^ Atikokan range a drift h»» )w^« ^ produce of all kinds. A* f about 80 feS'of 2S u a&4"; JJ'"''^; »hich shoSi . widtt the presence of more or .^i^,. u '"^i **»<* '"^her down the n^ have been underti«i Jo;T«"l °? •»« »>««» 0 mii««aa2i water Lake. Along the PortA^ir '^^*** **«P«"t beimr at Qn^ for the last forty mllesTt^^k"^^"'' ^^«*^ «wd WesSL »2J!S ore. and more of C surfS^^i^k hL Z'^T'" "'^i^oTs'^S^ depth of from 60 to 60 feetin on^ n# u'^^** *»»^« *>««> wnk to a cent, ore was found ^ " °''* °' ''^'wh 80 feet of go<3l5 m? cov«TofgoH north of the CaS^'J„ t!??^"™ -"^ H^ iAke has excited much intewsHn^ ^^ ,R^ilway upon Stunreon NEW ONTARIO. ^ to (hoM obtaining in thS ProriSS ThT^r «} /^ "-b "i-Sr connection with the oon«trnction of » t!^!- ??^ . ^^ '^o* "» len^h. on which tlO^Ht Lwide? 7^*^ ^5 f^mUesin FoH^^SlS^jl^^S^^^^ Jdjpted either for cnltSS t's23r5:'u.kL^'"whe«T^^ taken ap root crops, timothy and clover have ftinrShi * ^ *^" that cannot be su^paaeed inW part of On^a ^^ **lf '^^S?** to its situation isiSrticuUrly wellMibwi fo^^^tT^^i^^''^ °*^ farms tosupplytiTdeiS of Z«A^h£-^?®'«^®^^ ^'^ck excellent op^S^Ttt^-k^?^*''^"'* '°'^-' '"'^ '^ ^Sers Markets. uie secuera can produce as remnnen^ve luietm. TUa, ««« jL-_ x? - meat, butter, eg^ pooltiy, potatcSTa^^^bS^fa^^S^uS greater than o«iat present or forsome time S^mfbe w^^T^ NBW ONTARIO. the hna» of the settlen. tk i^S^^rj^^^n^SJSit^H^*' opportunity for nmr. % town, to do well «Ld .eh^^i^ w^'^^T "^ ^^ floorfJh- newmay reidily be weTwh-n •* • 'opment of the dalryimr bnri PJM in pl«» when the (noondhli t.X j "■" f"^ of uUt. «.l food fop ..oeic, Th. EX.X&*' ?r?«'"''« "S •re not kjoTO, bnl it i, ,„ppo,^ S, .S? "'!l '"* ^ *!» «>cti«i of uke N,pi^ .„j . "'^^i^ss:!';^:^*' '^^ ■"» NortlMni Retlon. fc^'l'" ^«^-«n«irN.„?^ ^y ^-■' to th. ^^B.,, Nepip,„ „a 8t J« fe?-^« "» »«.. of ft. St? L5-'"'-^^^ rf ^ «tanJ re«,/rrth:?°w^Jft™« «-• P^'^i-XS^l « - .r, .d ^™tbt t^^ - jtisi^lj NEW ONTARIO. „ route «« flold. .Il^r oonni? * f °»"»*"*^ disoovewd alonff the with, ud noi^K thi e,te^.V^^^^^^ ^*°^ *• »S »ie followed by "timKr bSSSi '^*" °f magnetic iron ore. Theee with mo«i an/^r.Sd lS^tr^i.**Tk ^t^ ^-^"^ ^'^ «>^«^ northern terming ofXrSSon^tAltint»P°"i «*«» on « the dndnage area of llfiSomt^ ^ ^"^"^ **" ^ • tributaty by flfty^inwidS^' T* e^ a« oSrL°' iT*'"'' "^^^^ "»"« '^ngtf rtone. which wiU be of ^t SSmi^i!?°'^ ^"'"S^* "^^ °' »«"«- deporite of the kind kno^ in^L^T- Z*'^*." ^^*7 "^ ^^ only in the vicinity of the lakTiii olli"""^*- Ot^er.^~bIe minewK »d and white LndStone^SlT ""**"• \"P""' "•'>• ^rpentine forty veani the SSLfci«*^^^^ nriuT Fw miMne«!;?S; clinuTte i^d tEJ"Si\3«;^^ '"^'-'^^^ «»•» Kippoeed to be confined to lower SSS«^n ""'"^^ '*"!* '«"»»y wgnlMly hew and aTsefdom fninJ^ ht i^J" '"** *°'»**«» rip«n «d itj^tribataiy ^te^uSi°''o&r IS'l^tt^Sn-^^^ •nd when communication is eetabShSTwith T« /° '^'^T*"' grandeur and picturesoheni-w nfj*ir^ • j ^^ ^^^^ ''^orid the popukr summJf rwJJ? ^ ""^ '*" ^""^ «»'»«'y ^i" render it a Settlement Conditions. ^^^l^.^t^7'&^^ »?;«->" free grant, in • may acquire'af««^ton^:Sl3'^«J.™« ^^T*" «*««« lot at 50 cents per acK^Bh-VaW^S^ ^ P^'cbaee another 160 ac^ with five yea«i'wridS2!^ ''*'* ** ""^ settlement conditions tricti:^ w& Sfor^ri^L^r? ft"*- ^ntfor thedi,. Burriss. Dominten S^^n ^n^ab^TJ 'S ^^u*' ^"^ ^ ^ a commodious 8ettle?8Hnm« tPS i * °t ^^'^ '^^'^uiv-There is _ A special oassenMrmfA «* ei/tA/v *__ ^ . A «««.5oi — — ^ "°" ""^ watngoon Distrie in Eastei^i District of Nipiggin; INCLUDING TEMISKAMING. . u *fftl;»,i.» <*»;«*«™* by Ih. Mm. rook f oniitioBrolMi^ floMisndl the vf«ffiS ^.?"^^^ P"***™* «»»t«io and QuSi, ''^ tJSLwS^ '^'^^ «»ijK,vlnSi of in • northwesterly direeSSn fiS. SL"**'' ''P^ '** ■ettlemen-, extend »iW Thelbo«;Jf S;SJS«^T^5"«~ °C«^* 118 «S« «d, the l«d in the vJdJuy ^ E^ T ""^^ f ^ predp?too^ ■•Jttlen. A complete ^S u^*lx ***• P"*«* inducemente to *nd extremely rich. TWlVmi-ir : ^*^° ''^•^ **>« i»nd i» level «tremityouL|^t2vMTi^^d2L;2'S^^^^^ *^* -'«^ by the eztendve explomti^onrMnSl^ir^ .^^** ''•• e«»abllehed yent in 1900. B^Sj "thSt^S JL' k* ^~^"«'*» ^k,-"^ *»ction. with aXht h^k mt £?wi*t?**?? » » northwesterly •tocte of Nipiaeing Ld AW „d iS?*Th °!, ^' •**^ '»>• «^ The TemiekMiin. ^l2^ ^ ^"^ ""' "•***°'^ '«^ fbw* 1.00SSwlSS\rSoS"LSf''S'~/ if^ ^•y compridng *f«> surveyed andWd out?„T"* b°*^ •*»"' i»lf of wh£h heS •bmpUvfrom the 1«£ .h^'/^ '^r^^'JP*. The land which r£l »nt from the kke Th- JSi j * n "' '^™'* " »boat fifty mi m (fiT ^7«etahle mould. It hM^2»nf«fn5 ^tj^"^ T^ » ''^'^•«e o' bhwJ n«& in phoephoric add wd wt^ ^V??^ •nalyd. to be exceedSSy tP>^---^>^txuntBwhi6t^^^Jl^„'t^''^ ••nountofniSo- and make it poeeiUe to eSSTii!?^'^ productive onder coltivation without matSiirJ;^^?S^j]^^P- "^ itfromyJS^:^ AoiUyd. of Clny or Un^r^oll. NBW ONTARIO. ^ liobtnt*....... OnMiie Solabbi laliiatUiofal Alaaiin% £j«wM««rf Iron.. .'.'.* nwnkorieMkl MpborioMid Br. Ox. of mnngnnow liinM jMMh CJodMermiiMd 1.700 74.000 9.060 0.318 6.090 4.000 0.80S 0.109 •i.69S 0.W7 9.100 1.90U O.SSl AwfiHP. 1.710 74.800 S.0OO 0.966 6.619 4.000 0.903 0.9111 0644 1.739 1.060 1.706 74.770 3.070 0.908 6.710 4.00n 0.947 0.909 0808 0.084 9.010 1.800 0.381 3860 100. NitroRwi ia elkjr-0. 160 p«r OMit. «en. Such a3 mSS i^'°'.f -■"**°»'' " "»Mo*liy rich in nitro- roek exposQKa and these awn-n.iwr^®'*®*^;, ^®'® "^ '«^ the timbr.S**5SX£d c^tif r^ ready means of „,.Seti4 of a oomwirativSTmSl d« «!? ^'"fu^ **«•* "^ the timber 5 -eiaer „, this disiridT^iyoys a ^^.S^^Tn b^JTa^S^to ^* ponofMwwood whWi NEW ONTARIO. ft b nooam until lifa"uZr7r.i7i.^ - ^ » — — «« which floorWiTSiuf^' ™ 5;^? J^ other natarml ▼•wtatioo Under ''^Myn^iS^^l^rct'y^^^^'J^!'. b«m3Tw.y. Toronto Sn 5^1 0th erf sJwimW T^^^' *•*• «^ ^"^ exWhitSTin np hmd ewly in M.y miTr^Iii J ««°« «»^ ■•ttlen have taken ■wneyew. The1KiemMfcb^{l'f^'"«,i!5*^ P*^"^ winter W,ply «d the S^Sil^Sf^S'a'^"~*• *^ " "«•«»• ttwmer (n which it is 321,^^ k-!!- <*'*«»»«• «" •ooount 6f the •bonnd^innatarUsiriW^S."'^'!".*"'**^'^"- Theconn^ water i. aInioet^T?Sn?l«r?S '* " "«»»«y to dig weuj «*ek- is apt to bS mSr Xr a h^lv?*^- ^''i "^^ ^ *»»• of supply Mnnot «lw*». kT -?£. j j* "^^^-^ ***" «» that this aoaroe o«tir«iL b^^'S^^^^^ The e«« with whK ditches leading to the neuert wSlJl °^ ft* construction ofopen their At^nSLe^ thiJTriSSTn'!? *"*"~ '^^ «'*^«» *<> qnMite. much more economically than in WlW ONTARIO. ^ r SSrWuS^' i^4K***?* i"^ '^•'^ •*•«««» >^ 'Hll know. 5b rj«JbttA. whtoh b .hwW the yew. tlw fallen tfM. C On light Iftnd this aooood bam ns is not nnnrMinr i^tmMthmV^ jS£?#?ir±.**" ""•i mould .nd WMte msttW on thtVoriSTtS roots of the gi»in eannot puMtrnte to the day wU beo«ith and t£! Sid^Srt^J^tu^ oftwi wtlwly di«.ro«ir J^the JuSiJ^S ■»«• '•Wr "nd the oountnr is OMoed an. But if the enms mxTSiZA tS^r&'^l^ ^JL-^^S-STdtt eXm^of^SXr^ better U»n when dttinff oo the mrftee, with their root* rewshinff for food unongst the moald tad wood of * pertiallT ch«»d faSo. l^ -H-J^u*^ ."?•"**•** **V* ""^•' *»' **>«y ''•w "tronff, healthy and whohLv!!h!?!,i!^'^ ^y the aammer frost Some of the setUew WiSl L*!^ expemnoe in clearing, rake the land over by hand alW bora them off so that the harrow teetTcan reach the soU to nUxit with the vegetable sarface moald, insnring a safer cron anda far mo« — «ome siciu IS required. The most important point is to sea th&t thA hot « m a» «»tl«m p^ of OBtorlo, bat A. rtmcphSTb dliS NBW ONTARIO. Tha dfalriflfc U «DT«rati^r«?^^ ThoS^.%:S,:;? JlSiJ-^J^^^^ for ««.y« w«w only eight IwniliwiS&^dl^J^'fef* '» 1»»4 there •trwrtion oUhe Cdhif^^i^lSSE^ J?* "-H^^fc oon- to TemiekemingSSi i ffe foS?^: uw* ^^"^^ '«« "•»*•*• •bont 8.000 Mid ie »pG&in«»SJmr tCT^ **"*> •^'»*««i •* been ooodde^bly ^xZS^^L^lS!'^ «f ■•Wleaent im P«nK*einl900lSiriXlS£?^l„*1S^ ^^ ^ neoting the viUaMe of SiSvhl^S 5 ^*?K ^ "■«<» »«»d coo- Snttone&yand tbeoee nSrth^iT? eeet f rom the north iW to The west rldS ^^^^''^S^ZSl S* '^'^f "^ «^ west from New lidc^iS^T?!?^^'*"** "??^ «^ »hlch Ue^ NIW ONTAttO. ▲0 la iddMoiitowbiA fif ■hln J wHU mMag •pfuUm -J wtU MMMaodHt ■mnI>AM. mm alftltaM • ijMhwid Utod fifllonr. wd imna nOaor iadwirtal SMiAmmSi . »"^%b*"7> vUdi ia abo ft growtaf vUfaun, it Um mpdIv dcDol forMi* tcmndUp Md tU ntw S^ ▼•3r«d. It {• tU jitomur for.tlM touriit Imrd to th* nmSfMBi wntrj ol which tSw bA Wr to b. • ttwdy liittWMt it t^^ tidot of Uwt Nfioa bttomt mon widtlj known. Hdl^baiy pot- •mmm • hotd. pmni ttort. tawmtU. tnd othtr nqniNniMitt ofn villttfoooniannity. Thort on tt prattnt twmty-fonr towniliipt torrfytd and optn ■Of toitnnMNitk l» tU OuiMiiw Fkdile niOn lint to Miittnwn, and thMiet hr » bnu^^ Mid«l On ram Iff onK nn1n«r«wvl x» b>_^A ____i • < • « . and their oatpnt, vdi. _ AlfoiiM central Iteilway. New ONTARIO. g, kind, of fm^i^^^^ !?•, *^* *«*> ««*•*• 'o' •" »btoillrf*fortW.«X^JCSrtS!?WU.?!T!' ^?^ •» NBW ONTARIO. rvfminllmnmmmU^ !«*•% •wowHiig to qM% of Mil aad loeiUoJS;;;!!^;^?^!.**^^ P-nphton* «v«i~d. write to the HON. R J. DAVIS, Oom m iM ion er of Grown Uoda^ . • Toronto^ Onteria rit to Dd i of I 'f ^ *9^ A r I 39 >^ A^ 9 P T ^ ^. /-^ ^ iW V'*' v.* JV .<* I ^ ^ A.N V /] *3fcC(^ 'iS^ ^) m M ^ •at, An Ihi l « ' 0ai 7 Sq 4 r I N a ^4(^1? W ;. • • • • • • • • • • • f » • i • uofiiBfim • • • • • • • • SB • • • • ^ --.w^ ^\JMHMDiutf■^>».n^ •< ffV^^^i^^m^ ^ 1^ M N ^^^' 52* difl \ ■' M ^^W_ ^K m^\ ^u /^ K w r It ■* » 1 • • • • • • • • • -I! m njBmjM, s*iS(SSS6Wai»ijSta^.iia*:K/ , OF THE PRO¥IN^ OF CANADA. ' • .• • m m 19 01 1MI Cl#n CUWK e* UNRSO U1MO. 44 •fi •^ mmam iSfil ,»r^'» & ;? 'i^a-SA: # H LS«I »Btt ■1 iSi 'lit ^<«flV' ^mw K ^^ *rf»^ /X'^ - — •:!is*;sr H"« ViM''"^'^^ . :- *--4*',i!?\^' ;, V,'- \ \ \ (••I '♦ / 8.4 BiniiHBBsssaB