IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) f/. ^ A /- ^^ /, 4 III 1.0 I.I B^IM |{|||2.5 3.2 12.2 HI 1.8 • 1.25 1.4 1 1.6 -^ — 6" ► m e n / m °t'M ->» s Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 m^ \ :\ Q w \ V ^^ .J^ f CiirpDrationi. Ilooiie on RchI Properly. Iloonc on MortuaKCX' Hoonc'n I'mlc PleadinK j Vols. Dcoly'ii Kemoval of C'liuses. Oetty's American t'riminiil L.iw. Desty'j Kedcral Procedure. Dcsty'H Fcdenil Constitution. Lube's Ki|uily Pleading. Pomcroy's Mercantile Law PreMe's CoU'dons U. S. Waters. 1886. I'rofTatt on Jury Trial. 1877. Barber's Principles of Law of Insurance. I)esty|s Shipping and Admiralty. Ucsty's Commerce and Navigation. Hawcs im Panics to Action. Hawcs' Jurisdjciion. Stew.irt on Marriage and Divorce. Stewart on Husband and Wile. Dcc.'ing on Negligence. Newniark on Sales RANDOLPH on Commercial Paper. 3 Vols. l888. Knpalje on Contempts. 1884. Kapalje on Witnesses. 1887. Rawie on Covenants. 5th Ed. 1887. kedfield on Railways. 6th Kd., by Kinney. 1888. 2 Vols. Redfield on Wills. 4th Ed. 1876. 3 Vols. Rede on Statute of Frauds. 1884. 3 Vols. Reeve's Domestic Relations. 3d Kd. 1874. Robinson's Elementary Law. 188.?. Robinson's Practice. 1875. 7 Vols. Rogers on Expert Testimony. 1883. Rorer on Judicial S.iles. 2d Kd. 1878. Rorer's Inter-State Law. 1879. Rorer on Railways. 1884. 2 Vols. Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. 8th Amer. Ed. 2 Vols. 1889, Roscoe's Digest of the Law of lividence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius. 2 Vols. London. 1884. Russell on Crimes. 9th .Vmer. Kd. 1877. 3 Vols. Rumsey N. V. Practice. 3 Vols. 1888. SACKKTT'S Instructions to Juries. 2d Kd. 1888. Sansum's Insurance Digest. 1876. Sansum, Hcrryman's Ins. Dig. 1887. 2 Vols. .Schouler on Hailments. 2d Ed. 1887. Schouler on Executors and Administrators. 1883. .Schouler on Wills. 1887. Schouler on Husband and Wife. 1882. Schouler on Personal Property. 2d Ed. 2 Vols. 1884. Scribner on Dower. 2 Vols. 1883. Scrutton on Charter Parties and Bills of Lading. London. 1886. Tkxt n<)oKs. ScbMHon on the Law of Irmle Marks. London. 1884 SclKwlck & Wait's l-rial of Title to Lnn.l. 2.1 K.I. ,880 Hcton'ii Decrees. 1884. Shortt on the Law of Literature ond Art. London. 1884. Shcl.lon on .Sul)r.)(,'ation. i88a. ^^ Smith .)n C'.)ntrnets. 7th K.I. 1885. Smith on Netjligence, by W. H. VVhittaker. 1886. Smith's Leading Cases. 8th .\m. Kd. 1884. 2 Vols in 4 Smith's Mercantile Law. 3d Kd. 1874. iineirs I'rinciples of K(|iiity (Lawson). 1885. •Soule's Reference .Manual. i88j. S| on Kxtraditi.)n. 2d Kd. 1884. Spear on Removal of Causes. 1889. Starkie on Slander and Libel (Wood). 1878. .Stephen's Digest of Kvi.lence (Chase). 1886. Stephen's Malicious Prosecutions. London. Stephen's I'leading (Ifeard). 9th Am. Kd. Stewart on Husband and Wile. 1885. Stewart on Marriage and Divorce. 1883. Stimson's American Statute Law. 18^6. Stimson's American Statute Law. Supp. 1888. Story on Agency. 9th Ed. 1881. Story on Conflict of Laws. (Itigelow). 1883. 8th Kd Story on IC<|uity I'le.iilinfis. 9th Ed. 1879. Story on E.iuity Jurisprudence. 13th Ed. 188O. 2 Vols Sutherland on Damages. 1883. 3 Vols. 1888. 1867. TAYLOR on Landlord and Tenant. 8th Ed. Taylor on I'rivate Corp.)rations. 1884. Thompson on Homesteads. 1878. Thompson and Merriam on Juries, 1882. Thompson on Negligence. 1880. 2 Vols. Ticdeman on Real Property. 1S84. Tiedeman on I'olice Powers. 1887. Tyler on Infancy and Coverture. 2d Ed. 1882. USHER'S Sales of Personal Property. 1886. V.VIZEV on Settlements of Property. 2 Vols. Vattell's Law of Nations. 7th Ed. 1852. Von Hoist's Constitution of United States. 1887. 1887. 2 Vols London. 1887. WADE on Notice. 2d Ed. 1886. Wade on Attachments. 2 Vols. 1886. Wade's Mining Laws of the Western States. Wait's Insolvent Corp. 1889. Walker's American Luw. 9th Ed. 1887. Waples on Attachment. 1885. (2) 1882. 10 Text Books. (II Waples' Proceedings in Rem. 1882. Warville on Abstracts. i88j. Washburn on Easements. 4th Ed. 1885. Washburn on Real Property. 5th Ed. 1887. 3 Vols. Waterman on Corporations. 2 Vols. 1888. Weeks on Mining Claims. 2d Ed. 1881. Welty on Assessments. 1886. Wharton's Commenta-'es on Law. 1884. Wharton on Agency. 1876. Wharton on Conflict of Laws. 2d Ed. 1881. Wharton on Contracts. 2 Vols. 1882. Wharton's Criminal Law. gth Ed. 1885. 2 Vols. Wharton's Criminal Evidence. 1884 9th Ed. Wharton's Criminal Plead; ig. 18S0. 'ith Ed. Wharton on Evidence. 2d Ed. 1879. 2 Vols. Whartoi! on Negligence. 2d Ed. 1878. Wharton's Precedents of Indictments. 4th Ed. 1881. 2 Vols. Wharton & Stille's Med. Jur. 41:1 Ed. 3 Vols. Wheaton's International Law, (Dana.) 8th Ed. White & Tuder's Leading Cases in Equity. 4th Ed. 2 Vols, in 4. Willard's Equity Jurisprudence. 1879. Williams on Executors. 6th Am. Ed. 1877. 3 Vols. Williams on Personal Property. 4th Ed. 1872. Williams on Red Property. 6th Am. Ed. 1885. Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. 6th Ed. i88i. Wood on Fire Insurance. 2d Ed. 1886. 2 Vols. Wood on Master and Servant. 2d Ed. 1886. Wood on Landlord and Tenant. 2 Vols. 1888. Wood on Limitation of Actions. 1883 Wood's Practice Evidence. 1886. Wood on Railway Law. 3 Vols. 1886. Wood on Nuisance. 2d Ed. 1883. Wood on Statute of Frauds. 1884. Wood's Browne on Carriers. 1883. Wigmor's Ballot System. 1889. 1881. 1884. 1866, 1877, Canadian and French Books. Canadian and French Books. Abbott. J J C.-Insolvent Act, 1864. Quebec. ,864. Ahren.-Droit Nature!. Leipzig, ,868. 2 vols Alauzet.-Commentairedu Code de Commerce. ,879. 8 vols Alauzet.-Traitd des Assurances. 1844. 2 vols Andr6.-DesPartagesd'Ascendants. i88i. , vol Andre.-Traitddu Regime Hypoth^caire. i vol ' Argou.-Institution au Droit Frangais. 1764. 2 vols Argou. -Institution au Droit Fran?ais. 1787 2 vols Aubry et Rau.-Cours de Droit Franjais. Paris, 1869 d 188. 8 vols Augeard. -Arrets des Tribunaux. .756 2 vols Aulanier.-Traite des Actions Possessoires. 1829. , vol. Paris, 1884. 3 vols. I vol. Montreal, 1872. Bacqua.- Codes de la Legislation Franjaise. ,840 Barclay. -Effets de Commerce dans le Droit Anglais. Bardet.-Recueil d'Arrfits, 1690. 2 vols. Battur.-Privil^ges et Hypoth^ques. 1824. 4 vols Baudry.-Code des Cures. Montreal, 1870. i vol" Uaudry-Lacantinerie.-Droit Civil. 2^."c Edit. 6 vols Banche Des Transports par CheminsdeFer. 1886 Bluntschh.-Le Droit International. 1870. i vol Bohm.~Le Droit des Gens Europeen. 1823 Bo.leux.-Commentaire sur le Co."e Edit. 22 vols "87^ rvdis""" "' ''""'• ''"'"""^" "'' ^"""^""--^ Commercial. Dutruc— Du Partage de Succession. 1855. i vol Duvergier.- Collection Complete des Lois, de ,788 h ,887. 89 vols. Edgar and Chrysler.-Insolvent Act of ,875. Toronto, 1875. Edits et Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations et Arrets du Conseil d'Etat du Ro. Concernant le Can.ida. Quebec, ,803. 2 vols ' « ^'"t "" Encyclopedie du Notariat. Paris, 1879-84. 18 vols Espeisses. — Oeuvres. 1760. 3 vols. Faucher de Saint-Maurice.-Procedure Parlementaire I vol. Ferri6re(de).-I)ictionnairede Droit Frangais. ,77,. 2 vols Ferr..^re(de).-LaCoutumede Paris (Grand). .7,4. 4 vols. Montreal, 1885. 14 Canadian and French Books. M; Ferrifere (de). — La Coutum? de Paris. 1762. 2 vols. Firgole. — Substitutions. 1747. 1 vol. Foelix. — Droit International. 1856. 2 vols. Foran. — Lower Canada Civil Procedure. Toronto, 1886. I vol. Fournel. — Du Voisinage. 1834. 2 vols. Fournel. — Traits du Voisinage. 1 834. 2 vols. Fremont. — Index to Dominion Laws of Canada. Montreal, 1884. Fremont. — Le Divorce. Quebec, 1886. i vol. Frdir.y-Ligneville.— Traitd de la Legislation des Uatiments. 1881. 2 vols. Fresquet (de). — Droit Commercial Maritime. 1871. Gadrat.— Des Faillites et des Banqueroutes. 1864. Galtier. — Jurisprudence Commerciale. 1884. i vol. Garland. — Building Societies, etc. Ottaw.i, 1882. I vol. Garneau.— Histoire du Canada, 1534 h. 1840. Montreal, 1882. 4 vols. Gaumont. — Dictionnaire de Droit Maritime. 1867. Gauvet. — Des Assurances Maritimes. 1862. 2 vols. Girouard.— Lettres de Change. Montreal, i860. I vol. Glackmeyer.— Charte et Rfeglement de la Cit6 de Montreal et Appendice. Montreal, 1865. Append., 1870. I vol. el Append. Gormully and Sinclair. — Banks and Banking. Ottawa, 1887. Grenier.— Des Donations, des Testaments. 1844. 4 vols. Guicherd. — Legislation Hypothdcaire. 1810. 3 vols. Guillouard.— Du Contrat de Louage. 2 vols. 1887. Guillouard. — Du Contrat de Mariage. 4 vols. 1888. Guillouard. — De la Vente et de I'Echange. i vol. 1889. Hautefeuille. — Des Droits et des Devoirs des Nations Neutres. 1858. 3 vols. Hautefeuille. — Droit Maritime. 1858. Heffter.— Le Droit International Public de I'Europe. 1866. Henrys. — Oeuvres. 1772. 4 vols. Ilericourt. — De la Vente des Immeubles. 1771. 2v0ls.ini. Hervieu.— Diet, des Privileges et H3 pothfeques. 1863 h. 1878. i voL Hodgins. —Election Cases. Toronto, 1883. i vol. Holt. — Canadian Railway Law. Montreal, 1885. Jones. — Constable's Manual. Toronto, 1882. Jouffroy.— Droit Naturel. Catechisme rt I'usage des Etudiants en Droit. 1841. Journal du Palais.— Recueil Complet de la Jurisprudence Fran9aise. 1 791 h 1880. 127 vols. Jousse.— Comm. sur I'Ordonn. Civile de 166 7. Nouvelle Edit. 1767. 2 vols. Kehoe. — Choses in Action. Toronto, 1881. Kerr. — The Magistrate's Acts of 1869. Montreal, 1871. KlUber.— Droit des Gens Modernes de I'Europe. 1861. Labbe. — Perte de la chose due. 1869-1870. Lacombe (de), — Jurisprudence Civile. 1746. i vol. vol. 88i. 2 vols. !. 4 vols. t Appendice. s. 1858. 3 . I vol. :s en Droit. i9aise. 1 791 767. 2 vols. Canadian and French Books. IS '^^'i::^Xt''T:J' ''°''°""^"" "^ ""^^^"'' '•'"ypoth.ques. won. Lalande (de).-Du Central d'Assurance contre I'Incendie. .886 Laiaure.-Trait^ des Servitudes. 1777. , vol. Lanctot.— Le Livre du Magistral. Montreal, 1874. , vol Lange.—Praclicien Francois. 1755. 2 vols. Laperri^re.— Speaker's Decisions. Ottawa, 1872 Laporte (de).-Trait6 des Prescriptions. 1810 Lareau.- Code Civil duBas-Canada. Montreal, 1888. , v„l Lareau—Histoire du Droit Canadien. Montreal, 1888. 2 vols' Larombi^re.— Th^orie des Obligations. 1887. 7 vols '''Tiritv"!''"''"""" ^"''""' '" '''''' ^''"^^ '^''^ "" «"PPl^- Lassime.— De la Conirainte par Corps. 1863. Laujardifere.— De I'Infanticide. 1865. Laujardi^re.— De I'lvrpsse. 1866. "^^ jTv^s!'"""''" '" ""■"' ^'"' '^'^ ^^'^'^- P"''' ^' B--"es, .887. Lavenas.— Des Vices R^dhibitoires. 1838. i vol Lawyer's Statutory Record. (Pamphlet.) Toronto, 1889. Lebrun.— Des Successions. 1775. i vol. Le Brun.— Traits de la Communaute. 1709. i vol Le Brun.— Traits de la Communaute. 1754. , vol" Lepage—Lois des Batiments ou le Nouveau Desgodets. 1822 Le Roux de Bretagne.-Dela Prescription en Mati^re Civile. ,869 2 vol, Lewis.-Magistrate's Manual. Toronto, 1884. Locr6— Esprit du Code de Procedure Civile. 1816. 4 vols X'^'aotolt'"" ''""'• ^°™™"=''"'^' ^' Criminelle.'de la France. '^""l^To'if "'''°" ""''"'' ^■°">'"""^'^' ^' t:riminelle de la France. 187 Loi Criminelle du Canada.— Revi.s^e. 1887 i vol Lorar,ger.-Comm.surle Code Civil duBas-Canada. Montreal, ,873. 2 '"ZtS^s: f^^t^:'''' "" " '^ "-'"- ^^ •>-- Lorram.-Code d^ Procedure Civile. Montreal, ,886. i vol Lorrain.-Code de Procedure de la Province de Quebec. ,880 , vol Lorra.n.-Code Municipal de la Province de Quebec. ,889 i' vol Lorram.-Procedure Sommaire. Montreal. ,884. 2 vols ''"it;::'::~8'78"'"" parliamentary Companion and Annual Register. Mae Lennan.-Ontario Judicature Act of 1881. Toronto, ,881. Malev'le (de).-Discussion du Code Civil. ,804. 4 vols M. B.- institutes du Droit Naturel. 1866. 2 vols Marcr ,. 'Pont.-Code Napoleon. Paris, 1867-1880. ,3 vols i6 Canadtan and French Books. iiii; !l!ii ! Leipzig, 1858. 6 vols. Martens (de).— Causes Cdlebrei du Droit des Uens. Masse. — Le Droit Commercial. 1861. 4 vols. Mass6. — Le I'arfait Notaire. 1813. 3 vols. Masselin.— Responsabilite des Architectes. 1880. 2 vols in I. Mathieu.— Code Municipal de la Province de Quebec. Montreal, 1886. 1 vol. Mathieu.— Thevenot d'Essaule Annote. Montreal, 1888. i vol. McCord.— Civil Code of Lower Canada. 1880. i vol. McGibbon. — The Law of Abandonment of Property. Montreal, 1885. Merlin.— Recueil des Questions de Droit. 1827. 27 vols. Mesle. — Des Minoritds. 1785. i vol. Michaux. — Des Testaments. 1873. 1 vol. Michaux. — Des Donations. 1869. i vol. Michaux. — Du Contrat de Mariage. 1869. i vol. Mignault.— Manuel de Droit Parlementaire. Montreal, 1889. i vol. Mignot.— Traits du Douljle Lien. 1777. i vol. Miles.— History of Canada under French Regime. Montreal, 1872. Molineau. — Des Declarations de Successions. 1875. 2 vols. Mongalvy et Germain.— Analyse Raisonn^ du Code de Commerce. 1824. 2 vols. Monier. — Cession de Biens. 1885. i vol. Montigny (de).— Droit Criminel. Arrestations. Montreal, 1882. i vol. Montigny (de).— Histoire du Droit Canadien. Montreal, 1869. Montluc.~Des Assurances sur la Vie. 1870. Mourlon.- Repetitions Ecrites sur le Code Civil. 1883. 3 vols. Namur. — Droit Commercial. Bruxelles, 1866. 2 vols. Niron. — Edits et Ordonnances Royaux. 1 720. 2 vols. Nicolin. — Droit Commercial. 1868. Ortolan.— Instituts de Justinien. 1883. 3 vols. Ortolan. —Ragles Internationales et Diplomatic de la Mer. 1864. 2 vols. Paget. — Mise en Demeure. 1870. Pagnuelo.— La Libert^ Religieuse en Canada. Montreal, 1872. Pandectes Beiges. — Bruxelles, 1889. Parliamentary Debates. Quebec, 1865. i vol. Pellat. — Manuale Juris. Synopticum. 1862. Perrin. — Dictionnaire des Constructions. 1886. Perriquet.— Les Contrats de I'Etat. 1881. i vol. Persil. — Regime Hypothdcaire. 1820. y'"<: Edit. 2 vols. Persil. — Privileges et llypoth^ques. 1820. 2 vols. Pigeau.— Procedure Civile. Ancienne Edit. 1787. 2 vols. Pigeau.— Procedure Civile. Nouvelle Edit. 1883. 2 vols. Pistoye et Duverdy. — Des Prises Maritimes. 1859. 2 vols. Pocquet. — Ragles du Droit Fran9ais. 1744. i vol. Poncelin. — Code du Commerce de Mer et de Terre. 1800. 2 vols. Popham. — Insolvent Act of 1869. Montreal, 1870. Pothier (Bugnet). — Oeuvres. 1861. 11 vols. Pothier.— Pandectes de Justinien. 1817. 26 vols. g, 1858. 6 vols. 1 I. ilontrcal, 1886. vol. [real, 1885. I vol. il, 1872. nmercc. 1824. 1882. I vol. 69. ols. 1864. 2 vols. 72- 2 vols. Canadian and French Books. 17 Q'lehec, 1865. 4 2 vols I ouget.-Principes de Droit Maritime. 1858. 2 vols Poujol.— Traite des Donations. 1836. 2 vols Poujol.-Trait^ des .Successions. 1843. 2 vols Proudhon et Valette.- Oeuvres. 3*"^- Kdit , 7 vols Proudhon.-La Guerre et la I'aix. 1861. 2 vols. Ramsay.-Appeal Cases. Montreal, 1887. i vol Rapport des Codificateurs du Code Civil du fias-Canada. vols. Ravaut.-Procddure Civile du Palais. .1788. i vol Raynevale (ae).-De la Libert^ des Mers. ,8. ,. 2 vols Raynevalc (de)._lnstitutions du Droit de la Nature. ,8.2 Keboul.~Des Assurances sur h Vie. 1865 ' Renouard.— Des Faillites. 1857. 2 vols Renusson (de).-De la Subrogation. ,780. , vol Ricard.— Des Donations. 1754. 2 vols Rivi6re.-Codede Commerce. 1882. i vol Kobert.-De* Contrats par Correspondance. i86g. Rod.^re et Pont.-Du Contrat de Manage. ,865 3 vols Rod,.r.-Tra.t. de Competence et .e ProCdur^en^latiL Civile. ,878. Roger.— Traits de la Saisie-Arrfit. i860 Roger et Sorel.- Codes et Lois Usuelles'. ,880. i vol Ij^'rlZu^'^'^^^^^^^ioalMen. Toront^ ,884. " Rolia,KledeVd.argues.-Dictionnaire da Droit Civil' Sru.elles. .847. , Rordans.-C-anadian Conveyancer. Toronto, 1879. , vol Roy.-Kxphcation du Code Civil du Bas-Canada. Mlta^'S^. itl. Saint-Jos«ph (de).- Concordance entre les Codes Civile 17. Code Napoleon. 2'ie Edit. 4 vols. Strangers, et le ?"^'7^'^f '"' ''" Ordonnances de Louis XIV. ,7„ , vol Sa.s.edesMeubles. L A. Chagnan. ,889. (Pan , £ / Sav,gny de.-Le Droit des Obligations. ,873. vols Sav.gny(de).-Traitede Droit Romain. ,855 8 vols SireyetGdbert.-Codede Commerce. 1878 VJoT ^' "''• S.rey et Oilbert.-Codc de Procedure Civile' " ,889 , vol S.rey et Gilbert.-Les Codes Annotes. ,886. 2 vols ■; it i8 Canadian and French Books. I vol. vol. I vol. I vol. Sourdat.— Train; G^n^ra! de la Responsabiliti. 1887. 2 vols. Stevens—Rules of the Supreme and Election Courts of New Brunswick loronto, 1880. Tachd.— Legal Hand- Hook. Toronto, 1888. i vol. Tardieu.— Oeuvres (Mddecine Legale). 9 vols. Taschereau.— Canada Criminal Acts. Toronto, 1888. Taullier — Thiorie du Code Civil. 7 vols. Taxes Provinciales. Causes C^lfebres. Montreal, 1885. i Taylor.— Duties of a Justice of thj P^iice. Montreal, 1843. Taylor.— Mddecine Legale. 1881. i vol. Terrasson.— Histoire de la Jurisprudence Komnine. 1750. Terrasson. — Oeuvres. 1737. Terregaye (de).— Science Notariale. 1820. Tessier.— Traitd de la Dot. 1835. Thevenot d'Essaule. Traitd des Substitutions. Annotds par M. Mathieu Montreal, 1888. i vol. Thdzard.— Du Nantissement des Privileges et Hypothfeques. 1886. i vol. Thibault. — Traite des Crides. 1760. 2 vols. Thomines-Desmazures.— Comm. sur le Code de Procedure Civile. 1812. 2 vols. Todd.— Parliamentary Government in British Colonies. Boston, 1880. i vol. Touillier.— Le Droit Civil Fran9ais. 1830. 14 vols. Toullier et Duvergier.— Droit Civil Frangais. 6'^""= Edit. 13 vols. Troplong.— Le Droit Civil Expliqu6. 26 vols. Vattel.— Le Droit des Gens. 1835. 3 vols. Vavasseur.— Soci6t^sCi\ilesetCommerciales. 1883. 2 vols. Veyriferes.— Droit Commercial. 1862. 5 vols. Vezina.— Code des Huissiers. Trois Riv. 1880. i vol Viane et Magron.— Droit International Privd. 1883. Watson.— The Powers of Canadian Parliaments. Toronto, 1880. Weir.— Code of Civil Procedure. Prov. of Quebec. Montreal, 1889. i vol. Weir.— Municipal Code. Province of Quebec. Montreal, 1889. i vol. Weir.— The Laws and Practice of Banking Corporations. Montreal, 1888. I vol. Weiss.— Droit Maritime International. 1858. 2 vols. Wodon.— Le Droit des Eaux. Bruxelles, 1874. 2 vols. Wodon. — Traite de la Possession. 1877. 3 vols. Wolff (de).—Le Droit de la Nature. 1772. I vol. Worms.— Socidtes par Actions. 1867. i vol. Wotherspoon.— Manual of Practice and Procedure >n the Province of Quebec 1880. I vol. ew Brunswick. vol. I vol. I vol. ir M. Mathieu. 1886. I vol. Civile. 181 2. ston, 1880. I vols. 1% i8o. , 1889. I vol. 89. I vol. jntreal, 1888. ce of Quebec. Federal Statutes, Digests and Reports. »9 United Stales Statutes, Digests, Etc. Revised statutes relating ,0 DisLct if cClia and '''"'"' ' " U.X.O -— -- T/w"L'?,==^^^^^^^ COU.TS ^''''statufef °"''' ^'^'"' °^ ^"''"' ^""" ^'P°''' »"'l Danforth Index Digest Supreme Court' Reports nsZSS' ^ ^°''- Phillips. Manual of Cases Cited. U. rSupren;;'''""''' ' " Court, 2d edition . Phillips's U.S. Supreme Court Practice: sth edition; ^ I '< United States Supreme Court Reports. U. S. Reports - 4<^allas) 5-i3(Cranch) i8oo-,8ic '4- 25 (Wheatons) ,«, S- ^^\4'(P^'^") 1828-82: 42- 65 (Howard) 18.1 ,Sftn :^^^j«;t) ::;;;::S:S 68-90 Wallace) .gg g ^• 91-107 (Otto) 187c ,882 '°«-'3' (Davis) .:::S-S: 4 Vols 9 (( 12 <( 16 (( 24 i< 2 <( 23 it 17 it 2,1 tt United States Circuit Court Reports. FIRST CIRCUIT. Gallison's Reports. Mason's Reports 1812- 1815, 2 Vols. Sumner's Reports. 1816-1830, 5 .. Story's Reports »«30-i839, 3 .. '839-1845, 3 « ^ •'it '° Fkderai, Reports. Woodbury & Minot's Reports 1845-1849, Curtis's Reports 1851-1856', CMonVH Reports 185S-1873. Holmes's Reports 187&-1S75, SECOND CIRCUIT. Paine's Reports 181(^1840, Blatchford's Reports 1845-1887, THIRD CIRCUIT (old). Dallas's Reports, 2d, 3d and 4th Vols., contain cases decided in this Court from 1 781-1806, Wallace's Reports ,}Jq,' Washington's C. C. Reports 1803-1827' Peter's C. C. Reports 1803-1818,' Kaldwin's Reports 1828-1833, Wallace, Jr., Reports 1842-1862, FOURTH CIRCUIT (old). Marshall's Dec' ,.ons by Hrockenbrough 1802-1833, Taney's Circuit Court Decisions 1836-1861', FOURTH CIRCUIT (new). Chase's Decisions 1865-1869, Hughes's Reports 1792-1883, FIFTH CIRCUIT (new). Wood's Reports 1870-1883, SIXTH CIRCUIT (new). Bond's Reports 1855-1871, Flippin's Reports 1859-1880, SEVENTH CIRCUIT (old). McLean's Reports 1829-1854, SEVENTH CIRCUIT (old and new). Bissell's Reports 1851-1883, EIGHTH CIRCUIT (old and new). Miller's Decisions, by Woolworth 1863-1869, Dillon's 'Reports 1870-1879,' McCrary's Reports 1880-1883, NINTH CIRCUIT (old). Hempstead's Reports 1820-1856, 3 Vols 2 f 1 4 (( I tl 2 Vols. 24 it 4 Vols. I " 4 " I " I " 3 " 2 Vols. I Vol. 5 " 4 Vols. 2 Vols. 2 " 6 Vols. II Vols. I Vol S " S " I Vol. i rf w 5o6, 4 Vols. ioi. I " i27, 4 " ii8, I ** 33. I " 62, 3 " 33. 2 Vols. 61, I " i69, I Vol. i83, S " 83. 4 Vols. 7'. 2 Vols. to, 2 " i3. II Vols. 69, 79. S3. I Vol S " S " ;6. I Vol. Federal Reports. ^ „ .,„ , NINTH CIP.CUIT (old .n(In.w). McAllister's Reports . Deady's " '8SS-l8S9. 1 Vol. Sawyer's <• 1861-1869, 1 .. 1870-1886, 12 ■• DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Cranch's Reports . . 1801-1841, 6 Vols. CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURT REPORTS. Abbott's Reports. Hruner's Collected Cases '863-1871, 2 Vols. Federal Reporter 1791-1860, , .. 1880-1889, 39 " United States District Court Reports. „., . DISTRICT OF MAINE. Ware s Reports Fox's Decisions, by Haskell . . . .' iSfl^^' ^ ^°''' looo-ioai, 2 " DISTRICT OP MASSACHUSETTS. Sprague's Decisions . Lowell's " 1841-1864, 2 Vols. '865-1874, 2 " DISTRICT OF VERMONT. Reported in Vermont Reps., Vols. 20 to 25. and Vol. 29. DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. Van Ness Prize Cases Abbott's Reports, Betts's Decisions: : ' : : \lll~\ll°' ' " Blatchford's Prize Cases '847-'8So, i " Benedict's Admiralty Reports 'ff '"'f 5' ' " '865-1879, 10 «' DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA Peters's Admiralty Decisions Fischer's Prize Cases ' 792-1807, 2 Vols. 1812-1813, I " EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. wlprn's Reports. , Crabbe's Reports 1828-1836, i Vol. . 1836-1846, I " •Davies's Reporu of this Dii^^ic^^.;;^^;;;;;;^ Hiii .f i ** F«DBtAL Rrpoeti, Etc. DISTRICT OP lOUTH CAROLINA. Bee's Admiralty Reporti 1793-1805, 1 Vol. DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS. Hempsteiu.'s Reports ,8ao 1856, i Vol. DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO, SOUTH ERN DISTRICT OF OHIO, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENN 8YLVANIA. WESTERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS, DISTRICT OF MISSOURI, AND EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA, Newbury's Admiralty Reports l84j:-i8S7, i \'oI Uond's Reports 1156-1871,' 2 " " Brown's Admiralty Reports 18C9-1874, i " DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA AND OREGON. Hoffman's Land Cases 1853-1858, i Vol Deady's Reports 1861-1869, i " Sawyer's Reports 1870-1886, 12 " 1 United Slates Court of Claims. Devereux's Reports jgjg^ , y^, Court of Claims 1863-1887. 22 " Nott and Hopkin's Digest 1863-1875, i " 4| •4 i iTATR RepoUTI, DiOMTt AND StATOTM. ■3 Stale Reports, Statutes, Digests, Etc. ALABAMA. Minor's Reiwrti . . Stewart's Keporti . l8JO-i8a6, i Vol. Stewart an.I I'orter'r. Repopta '^*'"'"^'' 3 " I'orter's Kq.orts . , ' '»3l-l»34. S " Alabama Reports, New Serie. .,'.■..','..■ I w iSl' Ji " 1040-1880, 86 " Statutes, Etc. Revised Code of Alabama . Laws . , ""7. 2 Vols. Urickeli's Digest'of Reports .'.■.■.'.' .'Jf ''«> ' " ' 1820-1887, 3 " ARIZONA TERRITORY. Arizona RcDorts. . Compiled Laws 1864-1884, , Vol. Laws ... '887, I ■< 1889, I •< ARKANSAS. Arkansa.' Reports 1837-1888, so Vols. Statutes, Etc. Mansfield's Digest of Statutes. . . Laws '884, I Vol. Oliphant's Digest .....' '885-1887-1889, 3 -< Hopkin's & Morgan's Digest 'H^' ' " 1886, 2 " CALIFORNIA. California Reports '850-1887, 77 Vols. Statutes, Etc. Gear's Index Digest Deering's .Annotated Statutes 'ff ^' ' ^°'- Law's Cal. „' '885. 4 " 1886-1887, 1888-1889, 2 " COLORADO. Colorado Reports 1864-1889, 11 Vols. Statutes, Etc. Revised Statutes Laws ," '883, I Vol. Morrison's Digest 1883-1889, 4 << 1864-1884, I << II. m 24 State Reports, Digests and Statutes. CONNECTICUT, Kirby's Reports 1783-1788, Root's Reports 1780-1798, Day's Reports 1802-1813, Connecticut Reports 1814-1888 Statutes, Etc. Baldwin's Digest of Reports to 1881 Revised Statut-'s ,gg- Law" 1889', DAKOTA TERRITORY. Dakota Reports 1867-1886, Statutes, Etc. Revised Codes jggy Laws 1887-1889! DELAWARE. Harrington's Reports 1832-1855, Houston's Reports 18S&-1879! Houston's Criminal Reports 1856-1879, Delaware Chancery Reports 1814-1888, Statutes, Etc. Revised Code of Delaware jgy. Laws 1875-1889,' DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. McArthur's Reports 1873-1879, McArthur & Mackey 1879-1880! J^^ackey 1880-1886, U. S. Rev. Stat, relating to District 1873, FLORIDA. Florida Reports 1846-1887, Statutes, Etc. McLellan's Digest of Laws 1881, Laws 1883-1889,' GEORGIA. Charlton's (T. U. P.) Reports 1805-1810, Charlton's (R. M.) Reports igi 1-1837, Dudley's Reports 1821-1833,' I Vol 2 (( s it 56 it 2 Vols. 3 Vols. 2 Vols. 2 " 5 Vols. S " 1 " 5 " 1 Vol. 8 " 3 Vols. 1 " 5 " I " 23 Vols. I Vol. 4 " I Vol. I " 1 " ■i 788, I Vol. 798. 2 " 8i3. S " 888, 56 " 88i, 2 Vols. 887. I ** 889. I " 886, 3 Vols. 887, 2 Vols. 889, 2 " 8SS. S Vols. 879. S " 879. I " 888, 5 " 874, I Vol. 389, 8 " 579. 3 Vols. i8o, I " 586, 5 " i73. I " 87, 23 Vols. 81, I Vol. 89. 4 " 10, I Vol. 37, I " 33, I " State Reports, Digests and Statutes. 25 Georgia Decisions Georgia Reports. '842-1843, Georgia Reports, Sup. to Vol. 33' . .' . ' ' ' '^'^^Jgf ' I 80 I Vol. Statutes, Etc. Harris's Digest of Reports (Vols. 41-50) Jackson's Index 1878, 1872, Harris's New Index (Vols. 40-60) 'o ^' Code of Georgia "*79, Georgia Laws '^^2' 1882-1888, I Vol. I " I " I " 5 " Idaho Reports, New Series. IDAHO, .1866-1880, I Vol. Revised Laws. Laws Statutes, Etc. 1887, 1889. 2 Vols. I " ILLINOIS. Kreese's Reports ,j ,. Scammon's Reports . . /j, jj, '^ Gilman's Reports .■.■.■.: .'(6-,o 111.' : Imois Reports (.1-30 111.), (Peck. , Illinois Reports (31-.25 111.). (Freeman . 1819-1830, .1832-1843, ■ 1 844-1 849, 1850-1863, • 1864-1888, I 4 5 20 95 Vol. Illinois Appeal Reports . Appellate Court. 1877-1888, 27 Vols. T , T , ^ Statutes, Etc. i'Ong's Index Digest. Starr & Curtis's Annotated Statutes 'fj' Laws I007, 1889, INDIANA. Blackford's Reports Indiana Reports '817-1847, Wilson's Superior Court Reports! I^^'f ^' I071-1S74, Statutes, Etc. Ripley's Digest and Supp.. Revised Statutes . , , ,[[ 1817-1888, Laws .... 1888, 1889, IOWA. Morris Reports Green's Reports. 1839-1846, Clark's Reports ... ,,.,■, '847-1854, ('-8 Iowa).... 1855-1859, Vol. 8 Vols. 118 " I " 3 Vols. I " I " I Vol. 4 " 8 " 'Mm 'ffl 26 State Reports, Digests and Statutes. Withrow's Reports (9-21 Iowa) ... 1860-1867, 13 Vols. Stiles's Reports (22-37 Iowa) .... 1867-1873, 16 " Runnells's Reports (3,8-56 Iowa) . . . 1873-1881, 19 " Haight's Reports (57-58 Iowa). , . 1881-1S82, 2 " Ebersole's Reports (59-75 Towa) .... 1882-1889, 1 7 " Statutes, Etc. McClain's Annotated Statutes, and Supp 1888, 2 Vols. McCIain's Digest Reports 1839-1887! 2 " KANSAS. Kansas Reports 1862-1889, 40 Vols. Statutes, Etc. Digest of Reports (Dassler) ,885, 2 Vols Taylor's Uriefs Digest ,885, i « Compiled Laws (Dassler) ,885^ i << I-aws of Kansas 1886-1887,' 2 " KENTUCKY. Hughes's Reports 1785-1801, i Vol. Kentucky Decisions (Sneed's Reports) 1801-1805, i " Hardin's Reports 1805-1808! i " Bibb's Reports 1808-1817, 4 •< Marshall's (A. K.) Reports 1817-1821, 3 in 2 " Little's Reports 1822-1824, ) , . Little's Select Cases 1795-1821, * ^" ^ " Monroe's (T. B.) Reports 1824-1828^ 7 in 3 " Marshall's (J. J.) " 1829-1832, 7 in 4 " R"""'^ ,„ , " >833-i840, 9inS " Monroe's (Ben.) " 1840-1858, 18 " '^I'^tcalPs " 1859-1864. 4 .. l^'^val's •' 1864-1866, 2 " ""s'^'s " :866-i879, 14 " Kentucky Reports (Vols. 78-86) 1880-1888, 9 " Statutes, Etc. General Statutes jggs^ , Vol. LOUISIANA. Martin's Reports 1809-1823. 12 in 10 Vols. Martin's Reports, new series 1823-1830, 8 " " Louisiana Reports 1830-1841', 19 " Robinson's Reports 1841-1846, 12 " Louisiana Annual Reports 1846-1886, 40 in 41 " McGloin's Court of Appeals 1881 1 << :s. -1867, 13 Vols. -1873. 16 " -1881, 19 " -1882, 2 " -1889, 17 '• 1 888, 2 Vols. -1887, 2 " -1889, 40 Vols. 2 Vols. 1885, 2 1885, ji 1885, I -1887, 2 ioi, fcs, I ?o8, I ii7, 4 i2I, 3 in 2 21, * '"3 28, 7 in 3 32, 7 in 4 40, 9 "15 58. 18 64, 4 66, 2 79, 14 88, 9 Vol. 88, I Vol. 3, 12 in 10 Vols. 0, 8 " " 1, 19 " " ), 12 " 5, 40 in 41 " I. I " State Reports. Digests and Statutes. 27 Revised Statutes (Voorhies) Statutes, Etc. Ilennen's Digest of Reports .....' ,o„„ 'ff"*' Louque's Digest of Reports ,21 Tt' Taylor's Digest of Reports .... til' Revised Civil Code... '^'*''' Code of Practice . ' . '^^^' I-aws Louisiana. . 00 " „o, '^^4' 1884-1886-1888, I Vol. 2 I I I I MAINE. GreenleaPs Reports, new edition. . . .(,-9 Maine). Fairfield's Reports (.0-12 Maine ''^'P^'y' " (13-18 Maine). (19-20 Maine), (21-30 Maine). (31-35 Maine). (63-40 Maine) . (41-42 Maine). ,r , , „ „ (43-44 Maine) . . Hubbard's Reports (4S-5 1 Maine) . . (52-60 Maine) . (61-64 Maine). . ,r ,. , (65-68 xMaine) . . ""'':"P-! " (69-70 Maine).. ■'P'*"''''"e^ " (71-81 Maine).. Appleton's Shepley's Redington's Heath's Adam's Ludden's Hubba Virgin's Smith's Pulsifer's 1820-1832,9 in 8 Vols. 1833-1835, 3 " 1836-1841, 6 " 1841-1842, 2 " 1842-1849, 10 " 1849-1853, 5 « 1853-1855. 5 " 1856, 2 " 1857-1858, 2 " 1859-1864, 7 < 1864-1872, 9 " 1871-1875, 4 << 1873-1878, 4 " 1878-1880, 2 " 1879-1889, II .. Revised Statutes of Maine. Maine Digest (Vols, i to 68) Statutes, Etc. Laws Maine , 1883, , . 1820-1879, 2 . 1885-1889, 3 Vol. MARYLAND. TT . , Law. Hams and McHenry's Reoorts Harris and John.son's " 1700-1799, Harris and Gill's « 1800-1826, Gill and Johnson's « 1826-1829, Gill's Reports. '829-1843, Magruder's Reports ^^ .•.;.■ .•.•.:(,_, ^ci.y ' ' ''''~''''' r;:::"^^"^'^ /3-.8Md.!. seocuett.sReports:::::::;:::;:::::;;5t:;j;: 4 Vols. 7 " .1851-1852, . 1853-1862, 1863-1866, . 1867-1888, Bland's Chancery Reports. Chancery. Maryland Chancery Reports (Johnson) .' .' .' .' . : : : ; ; ;84;:;8s4; 2 12 9 2 16 8 43 3 Vols. 4 " *8 State Reports, Digests and Statutes. Statutes, Etc. Maryland Code ,ogg Ringgold's Index Digest iggg' MASSACHUSETTS. Quincy's Reports 1764-1771, Massachusetts Reports 1804-1822, ri'''^V"8's " 1822-1840, ^''?^''', " .840-.847. ^"^^'"g^ " 1848-1853, GraysReports ,« g^^ ^"^"'« " i86.-,868 Mass. .< (97-147) ,868-1888, Thatcher's Criminal Cases 1823-1842 Statutes, Etc. Revised Statutes jgg^ Mass. Digest of Reports (Throop) 1804-1887' Laws Massachusetts 1882-1888! MICHIGAN. Law. Douglas's Reports 1843-1847, ^"='"g- " .847-.8S Nisi Prius. Brown's Nisi Prius Reports 1860-1871 Howell's Nisi Prius ' ' / ,gg ' Chancery. Harrington's Chancery Reports 1838-1842 Walker's " « ,0,, ,0 , 1842-184S, Statutes, Etc. Jacobs and Chaney's Digest of Reports 1889, Howell's Annotated Statutes 1882' Laws Michigan 1883-1885-1887,' MINNESOTA. Minnesota Reports i8';i-i888 Statutes, Etc. Minnesota Statutes and Supplement 1879-1888 Laws Minnesota ^^^ Minnesota Index Digest of Reports 1888* 4 Vols I Vol 17 (t 24 It 13 H 12 tf i6 (( 14 (( SI (« I 1.' I Vol. 2 t( 7 (( 2 Vols. 6s " 2 Vols. I " I Vol. 2 Vols. 2 " 6 " 38 Vols. 2 Vols. I " I " • i888, 1886, 4 Vols. I " >77i, 1822, 1840, 1S47, '8S3. 1 861, 1868, [888, 1842, I Vol. 17 " 24 " 13 " 12 " 16 " 14 " SI " I " t882, I Vol. 1887, 2 '< 888, 7 " 847. 2 Vols. 889, 6s " 871, 2 Vols. 8S4, 842, I Vol. 84s. 589, 2 Vols. 582, i87. !88, 38 Vols. 88, 2 Vols. 89, I " 88, I " il « State Reports, Digests and Statutes. 29 MISSISSIPPI. Law Walker's Reports ^. w n „ „ Howard's Reporto ■.•.■.■.■;.■■• ' ' ,,i' ^r' ' ' ' •«'^'«32, . Vol. Smede and Marshall's Reports £, m-''" ' ' '^^4-1843, 7 " Cushman's Reports. ' rlH m"'' ' ' ' "^-''^o, .4 " George's Reports : 1" o\r" 'f^""''". 7 " Mississippi Reports (30-39 , . . ,8ss-i86s, ,0 " ^ (40-«S) • .186S-1888, 26 " Chancery. Freeman's Chancery Reports „ Smede and Marshall's Chancery Reports ..■.':. W .W . .■;84i~.'8s3; I Vol. Morris's State Cases Criminal. Statutes, Etc. . 1818-1872, 2 Vols. Revised Code of Mississippi Mississippi Laws , . „ ,; ' ' '880, George's Digest of Reports. : : «884-,886-,888, Heidelberg's Dirrest 1818-1870, 1872-1888, I Vol. 3 " I " I " MISSOURI. Missouri Reports Missouri Appeals Reports 1821-1888, 90 Vols. ^ 1877-1889, 33 « Statutes, Etc. Pattison's Digest of Missouri Reports .y^i ,8,8 Stark's Missouri Digest 1021-1878, Missouri Statutes '872-1877, Laws i879,-'8i-'82-'8^-'8q-'87 i8«,Vp . ' o .' ' '^79. 03 05 87. 18S7 (Extra Session), 1889, MONTANA TERRITORY. 2 Vols. 3 " 2 " Montana Reports .1868-1889, 8 Vols. Statutes, Etc. Compiled Statutes Montana. Laws 1887, 1889, I Vol. Nebraska Reports NEBRASKA. •'8SS-1889, 24 Vols. 3° State Reports, Diof.sts and Statutes. :.,'im Statutes, Etc. Brown's Index Digest 1855-1887, i Vol. 1887, I '• 1889, I " Revised Statutes, Laws NEVADA. Nevada Reports 1S65-1885, 19 Vols. Statutes, Etc. Compiled Laws 1861-1885, ' Vol. Hawley's Digest Reports 1865-1877, i " Laws Nevada 1887-1889, 2 " NEW HAMPSHIRE. Smith's Reports 1802-1816, i Vol. New Hampshire Reports 1816-1888, 64 " Statutes, Etc. Morrison's Digest of Reports 1816-1865, i Vol. Revised Statutes of New Hampshire 1878, i " Laws 1878 to 1887, inclusive 2 " Cox's Reports Pennington's Reports . Southard's " Halstead's " Green's " Harrison's " Spencer's " Zabriskie's " Dutcher's " Vroom's " NEW JERSEY, Law. (N. J. L. I) 2- 3) 4- S) 6-12) " 13-1S) 16-19) 20) " 21-24) 25-29) 30-50) Chancery. Saxton's Reports (N. J. Eq. Green's Halstead's " Stockton's " Beasley's " McCarter's " C. E. Green " Stewart's " 2-4) S-8) 9-11) 12-13) 14-15) 16-27) 28-44) 1790-1795. . .1806-1813, . .1816-1820, .1821-1831, •1831-1836, 1837-1842, . 1 842- 1 846, 1847-1855, . 1855-1862, .1863-1888, . . 1830-1832, .1838-1845, 1845-1852, . 1852-1859, 1859-1862, . . 1 862- 1 864, . . 1864-1876, . . 1877-1889, Statutes, Etc. Hartshorne's Index Digest 1885, Revised Statutes 1887^ Laws 1887-1888-1889, 3 4 3 2 2 12 17 I 2 3 Vol. Vol. Vol. '5* -188;, I Vol. 1887, I '• 1889, I " 19 Vols. I Vol. •1885, 1877, I 1889, 2 ■1816, I Vol. 1888, 64 " 1865, I Vol. 1878, I " 2 " 1 Vol. 2 " 2 " 7 " 3 " 4 " 1 " 4 " 5 " [888, 21 " 1832, I Vol. ■845, 3 " 852, 4 " 859. 3 " 862, 2 " 864, 2 " 876, 12 " 889, 17 " 88s, I Vol. 887, 2 " 889, 3 " Mtate Reports, Digests a.vd Sfatutes. New Mexico Reports . 31 NEW MEXICO. Compiled Laws, New Mexico Laws New Mexico Statutes, Etc. 1852-1885, 2 Vols. 1884, 1 Vol. 1886-1887, I " NEW YORK. Coleman's Cases Coleman and Caines's Cases i794-i8oo, , Johnson's Cases. i794-i8os, , Caines's Reports '799-i8o3, 3 Caines's Cases 1803-1805. 3 Johnson's Reports. '804-1805, 2 in i Anthon's Nisi Prius Cases , . .' ift'l^^' Yates's Select Cases [[['^ 1808-1851, Cowen's Reports.. . '^"• Wendell's " 1823-1828, Hill's Reports. 1828-1841, Denio's " 1841-1845, Edmond's Select Cases '845-1848, Lalor's Supplement to Hill and Denio lllV.T^' Lockwood's Reversed Case^ '842-1844, Vol. Thompson and Cook'? ^....---l -1- ... '799-'847. versed Cases „ , , "^'s 'Supreme Court Reports i"87i-i'x«' Barbour's Supreme Court Reports s T n 5' Lansing's Supreme Court Reports . u^' Hun's Sunrpmp Pm.-t r> ._ 1009-I lun's Supreme Court Reports. Court of Appeals. Comstock's Reports /,_. vr y . Kernan's Reports (1 1-14 N V^ Smith's Reports U-2J N Y ' SS^jr-:::; i$^ 1847-1877. 1873. . 1873-1889, '847-1851, .1851-1854, •'8S4-'857, .'857-1863, 1863-1869, 20 I I 9 26 7 5 2 I I 6 67 7 SI 4 Vols. 6 " '869-1872, Howard's Appeal Cases ''""' ^^ ''•>• ' ' ''j'-'^^^, Abbott's Appeal Cases '847-1848, 1850-1869, Hall's Reports . Sandford's " Duer's " Bosworth's " Robertson's" Sweeney's " ....(I •■■■(3-7 ...(8-13 ■ (14-23 ..(24-30 ■(3'-32 Superior Court. 2 N. V. Superior Court) . " ), . . 1828-1829, '847-1852, '852-185C, . '856-1864, 1865-1869, . 1869-1871, 4 '3 12 6 69 I 4 2 Vols. 5 " 6 " 10 " 7 " 2 " 32 State Reports, Digests and Statutes. Jones & Spencer. . . (33-55 N. Y. Superior Court) . . . 1871-1888, 23 Vols Uuffalo Superior Court Reports (Sheldon, Vol. i), . . , 1854-1875, i " Common Pleas. .Smith's (E. D.) Reports tRcn-iXcA "'1-r^.-- .::::::::::.: ::Z^, DalysReports 1859-1887, Practice Code and Miscellaneous Reports. New York Legal Observer 1843-1854 Howard's Practice Reports '.'.'..'.'.'.. 1844-1884' Howard's Practice. New Series 1883-1886 Code Reporter ■ / ;,848_,85,'. Code Reports. New .Series .1851-1852, Abbott's Practice Reports 1854-1865 Abbott's Practice Reports, N. S 1865-187?' Abbott's New Cases 1876-1889; New York Monthly Law Dulletin 1879-1883, City Courts Reports. Robertson 1874-1888 Civil Procedure Reports 1881-1880' Chancery. Johnson's Chancery Reports 1814-1823, Hopkins's " " ,0 .0-/ apkins's Paige's Barbour's Edward's Hoffman's Clarke's Sandford's 1 823- 1 826, 1828-1845, 1845-1848, 1831-1850, 1830-1840, 1839-1841, 1843-1847, Criminal. Roger's City Hall Recorder 1816-1821, Wheeler's Criminal Cases 1776-1824' Parker's Criminal Reports 1839-1860' Cowen's Criminal Reports 1868-1881 New York Criminal Reports 1883-1880' Surrogate. Bradford's Reports 1840-18^7 Redfield's " (Vol.1) 185^-^86^, ^"^"'^ " 1864-1869, Redfield's " (Vols. 2 to 5) 1869-1882, Demarest's " 1882-1888, Digests, Statutes, Etc. Brightly's New York Digest. 2d Ed 1794-1884, Abbott's Annual Digest 1884-1888,' Court of Appeals Digest. D&W jggs' 4 Vols. 2 " ,3 .. 12 Vols 67 " 3 " 3 " 1 " 19 " 16 " 22 " 5 " 2 " 16 " 7 Vols. I II 3 4 I 1 4 6 Vols 4 Vols. 3 Vols. 6 " 2 " ii r 23 Vols. I " I8S4. 4 Vols. i860, 2 " 1887, ,3 .. rts. >8S4. 12 Vols. 884, 67 '• 886. 3 " 851. 3 " 852, I " 86s, 19 " 87s, 16 " 889, 22 " 883. 5 " 888, 2 " 889, 16 " 823, 7 Vols. 826, I ti 84s. II ft 848, 3 ( ^50, 4 ( K40, I ( J41. U-r. I A ( 6 Vols. 57. 4 Vols. 64, I " 6g, I " 82, 4 " 88, 6 " h, 3 Vols. is, 6 " 56, 2 " Statk Reports, I)i,iEsr.s ani. .Stai i/tks. 33 '^•'^•^l""-'^ 1744-1884. ' 1889, Howard's Digest. Prac, Revised .Statutes. 8tli Laws New \'ork New Vork Code of Civil Procedure, annotated New Vork Code of Procedure New York Penal Code. I'ockct Kd. Pocket Ed. 1889, 1888, 1888, 1888, 2 Vols. 4 I I I I NORTH CAROLINA. Law, '778-1797, 1779-1806, 2 in I 2 Martin's Reports Haywood's " Taylor's " Can,eron and Norwood's Conference Reports .^ . ' iwS' N in , Murphey's Reports ... ' ' '°'^'°°4, ) Carolina Law Repository . !« "'^'?' ^ North Carolina Term Reports.' .■.■.'.'.■.■ 8 L's.'f ^ in , Hawks's Reports. . i8l6-,8i8, ( ^ "i ' Devercux's Reports. '«T'«"^' Devereux and liattle's Reports. . .'.] IsL Isf ' Iredell's Reports. '834-1839. liusbce's Reports '840-1852, Jones's '. '852-1853, Winston's " '853-1862, Phillips's " 1862-1864, North Carolina Reports (Vols.' 63-102) lUtS The distinction of Law and Equity abolished. '868-1889, T^ Equity. Devereux's Equity Reports ,„,„ „ Devereux and Wattle's Equity Reports! .'.'.',.' IZTIhJ.' Iredell's Equity Reports '834-«84o, Vol. 4 4 4 in 3 '3 I 8 I I 40 Vols. liusbee's " < Jones's " < Wins'.on's " " Phillips's " >> North Carolina Code. North Carolina Laws Statutes, Etc. 840-1852, '852-1853, 1853-1862, I 862-1 863, 1 866- 1 868, 1883, Battle's'oigest of Rep'o.ts. '««3-' 885- 1 88 7- 1889, liailey's Digest, sup. to Battle . . llT't'^t Seymour's Digest 1074-1878. Uusbee's Criminal Digests. ' '879-1884, Tourgce's Cited Cases.. '^^9. 1789-1878, 2 Vols. 4 Tappan's Reports. Hammond's " Wilcox «' OHIO. (1-9 Ohio). • •(10 Ohio). •1816-1819, • 1821-1839, ) 1840-1841, I 'o I Vol. 34 State Rki'orts, Dkiests and Statu ihs. Stanton's Reports (11-13 Ohio) . . Griswold'a " (i^-,^ (ihio) . , Lawrence's " (20 Ohio) . . , Ohio State " Wriijht's Nisi Prius Reports Handy's Cincinnati Superior Court Reports Disney's Cincinnati Superior (.:ourt Reports Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter Statutes, Etc. Welch's Index Digest William's Revised Statutes I-aws 1886-1887- I84.-I844, 3 Vols 1845-1850, 6 " 185 1. 1 " I852-I888, 45 " I83I-I834, 1 " 1854-1856, 2 " •854-1859. 2 " 1870-1873, 2 " 1821-1886, 1 Vol 1886, 3 " 1888-1889, 4 " '■■Hit OREGON. Oregon Reports 1853-1889, 17 Vols. Statutes, Etc. Hill's Codes and Laws iSS'j, 2 Vols. Carey's Digest 1852-1888! 1 " PENNSYLVANIA. Supreme Court. Dallas's Reports 1 754. Addison's " 1791- Veates's " 1701- Hinney's " 17^^ .Sergeant and Rawle's Reports 1814-: Rawle's Reports 1828- Penrose and VVatts's Pennsylvania Reports 1829- Watt's Reports 1812- Wharton's Reports 1835- Watts's and .Sargeant's Reports 1841-: Pennsylvania State Reports, .(i-io liarr) " ..(11-12 Jones) " ..(13-24 Harris) " .. (25-36 Ca.sey) " ••(37-50 Wright) " ..(51-81 .Smith) " .. (82-96 Norris) " " " ..(97-i'o Outerbridge) ... " " " . (111-115 Amerm-in) " " " ..(116-125 Crumrine) 1806, 4 ■1799, I 1808, 4 1814, 6 1828, '7 1835, 5 •832, 3 1840, 10 1841, 6 1845, 9 f '° 2 12 184s 12 to »4 1889 31 '5 14 5 10 4 Vols Nisi Prius. Pennypacker 1881-1888, 4 Vols. Common Pleas. Browne's Reports 1806-1814, 2 Vols. Ashmead's " 1808-1841, 2 " 844, 3 Vols. 1850, 6 " |8S1. 1 " 1888, 45 " i«34. 1 " 1856, 2 " i«S9. 2 " '873. 2 " 1886, 1 Vol. 886, 3 " 1889. 4 " 1889, 17 Vols. 1887, 2 Vols. 1888, I " 806, 4 Vols. 799, I " 808, 4 " 814, 6 " 828, 17 " 835. 5 " 832, 3 " 840, 10 " 841, 6 " 84s. 9 " f ID " 2 " 12 " 84s to 12 " 14 " 889 31 " IS " 14 " 5 " ID " 888, 4 Vols. S14. 2 Vols. hi, 2 " Statk Rkports, Di.iKsis and Statutks. Parwn » .Select E(|uity Cases ,0 Pearson's Reports i»4'-i8so. 1850-1880, Miles'* Reports. 'irant's Cases I'lttshurtjli Reports. District Court. Various Courts. 1852-1863, '853-1873. Statutes, Etc. f^.rc^,„.s Digest of Laws. „y„Hghtlcy ,7^,,,^, lirightlcy's 1 )igest of Reports ".'.". , „ 'l^' '754-'oo9, Rhode Island Reports RHODE ISLAND. ij . , ,. Statutes, Etc. Kevised .Statutes I-aws Rhode Island, 1882 to 1888, incl„sive Clapp's Index 1882, . 1828-1878, 35 2 Vols. 2 " 1835- 1840, 2 Vols. 3 Vols. 3 " 3 Vols. 3 " . 1828-1888, 15 Vols I Vol. 7 " I " SOUTH CAROLINA. i)„ I ■■ Law. Hay's Reports Hrevard's Reports '783-1804, 2 Vols. Treadway's It.ports (South' Carolina). .:: \l?ZTf' ^ '" ' " Mill's Reports (Constitutional).... ' T,Tit' ' " NottandMcCord's Reports '817-1818, 2 " McCord's Reports . 181 7-1820, 2 in i " 1821-1828, 4in2 " 1823-1824, I .< 1828-1832, 2 " (LawandEq.)::: SrS^^'^'"" " ^' '836-1837, , .< '837-1838, , .< I838-I839, , .. ■ ■ ■ 1839-1840, , .< 1840-1842, 2 in I " (i_.) 1842-1844, 2 " 1844-1847, 4 " " (5-,2) 1846-1850, 5 .. .. Vol iVr, ,■,';. 1850-1860, 8 " _ Vo . 13 Law, and Vol. ,2 Equity. . . ,86o-,866, 2 in , •■ Harper's ' Bailey's ' Hill's Riley's ' Dudley's " Rice's " Cheve's " McMullen's " Spear's " Richardson's " Strobhard's " '"."*' 1844-1847, Richardson's 'South Carolina i;:;tr";i-series:::::::::;:::;^S:;g:: ,: i^- o.f Vol. I. 868-1889, 29 " aw and Equi.y has been abolished. See South Carob-„a Reports; I illliu 'i;!:!fi:; ! ;; '.'■ iiwu'it I [ ' ''1, IMttOll 36 State Reports, DioRSTii and StATUXEi. Chancery. DesausHure's Keportii 1 784-1816, 4 in 2 Ilnrper's Chancery Kt'portI 1824, McCord's " ' '< 1825-1827, 2 in liailcy'ii <• " i8jo-l8ji, Richardson's Cases 1831-1832, Hill's Chancery Report* 1833-1837, 2 in Vols. Riley's Dudley's " Rice's " Chcve's " McMullen's" Spear's " Slrobhart's " Richardson's 1836-1837, 1837-1838, 1838-1839, 1839-1840, 1 840- 1 842, . 1842- 1844, 1 846- 1 850, 1844-1869, Digests, Statutes, Etc. Chisholm and Hyde's Index Digest 1783-1882, Compiled Statutes 1882, Laws 1882-1888, Overton's Reports (Tennessee) 1791-1815, Cook's " 1811-1814, Haywood's " I8i6-l8l8, I'cjk's " 1822-1824, Martin and Verger's Reports 1825-1828, Verger's Reports 1818-1837, Meigs's Humphrey's Swan's Sneed's Head's Coldwell's ' Heiskel's Baxter's ' Lea's Pickle's . I 838- I 839, 1839-1851, .1851-1853, i853-'85«. . 1858-1860, . 1 860-1870, .1870-1878, .1872-1878, . 1878-1886, . 1886-1888, Chancery. Cooper's Chancery Reports 1872-1878, Statutes, Etc. Code of Laws 1884, Taylor's Index Digest Reports 1887, King's Digest of Reports 1796-1880, Laws Tennessee Jan. 1885. May, 1885, 1887-1889, 4 14 2 I 7 2 I 3 I I 10 1 II 2 S 3 7 12 9 16 3 Vols. 3 Vols. Vol. TEXAS. Dallam's Decisions '845, 1 Texas Reports 1846-1888, 71 Vol. 8 If). 4 in 2 Vols. «24, I ** «27. aim " «.?•- I "' «}J. I " 837. aim " 837. 1 " 838. I " 839. I '* 840. I " 842. 1 " «44. I " 850, 4 " 86. Chipman's '• '789-1791. Tyler's Reports..., '78<^'82S. Dravton'.s ■' 1801-1803, Aiken's .. 181S-1819. Vermont " 1826-1827, 1826-1887, Statutes, Etc. Roberts's Digest of Reports., .,„ „ Revised Statutes . , . '789-1877, Laws '880. '882, 1884, 1886, 1888, VIRGINIA. JofTerson's Reports ) '73o-i740, » Wythe's Ch..ncery Reports ... " ' ' ,'51" ^^'^ * Washington's Reports ' ^^*^' ^W' Virginia Cases '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.]'.'.'. '792-1796, Call's Reports Hening and :\runfor,l's'Rcports.' !«T'«''^' Munford's Reiwrts 1806-1809, Gilmer's .- 1810-1S20, Randolph's •< 1820-1821, Leigh's .. '821-.S28, Rc'.inson's " .','.' '829-1841, Crattan's Reports '842-1844, Virginia Reports (75-86) Mathews .' .'.^ ^V :.' ; ;|S"S' I'atta,, Jr. ..nd Heath's Reports, Special Court' of '' 37 I I 27 3 Vol. Vols. 3 Vols. 2 " I 2 2 I 2 60 Vol. I Vol. I Vol. I 2 1789-1826, 2 in I 6 4 6 I 6 12 2 33 II Appeals ■ '855-1857, a .,:,> IlibiitMlllit 38 State Reports, Digests and Statutes. Statutes, Etc. Revised Code of Virginia iggy^ , Vol. Martin's Index 1730-1880,' i " Laws 1885-1886, 1887 Extra, 1887-1888, 3 " WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Washington Territory Supreme Court Reports 1854-1888, 3 Vols- Revised Code ,8gg^ , .. WEST VIRGINIA. West Virginia Reports 1863-1887, 30 Vols. Statutes, Etc. Waith's Code of West Virginia Laws 1887, I Vol. 1889, I " Bent's Digest (1-29) 1863-1887, i " WISCONSIN. Pinney's Reports 1836-1853, 3 Vols. Wisconsin " 1853-1888, 72 " Statutes, Etc. Shepard's Wisconsin Digest 1841-1883, 2 Vols. Revised Statutes and Supp. to 1883 2 " Laws Wisconsin 1885-1889, 6 " WYOMING TERRITORY. Wyoming Reports 1870-1882, 2 Vols. Statutes, Etc. Compiled Laws. Laws 1887, I Vol. 1888, I «' r887, I Vol. 1880, I " 1888, 3 " 888, 889, 3 Vols- I " 887, 30 Vols. 887, 889, 887, I Vol. I " I " SS3. 3 Vols. S88, 72 " ^83, 2 Vols. 2 " !89, 6 " 582, 2 Vols. 887, I Vol. 188, I " English Rei'ort;, (Chronological). 39 A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF BRITISH Law Reports, Digests, and Statutes. BNGLISH. Period. HOUSE OF LORDS. 1694 to 1699. Shower, 1876 ^°- "'' ^"''• 1697 to 1714. Colles, 1789 ' 1702 to 1800. Brown, by Tomlins, 180^ l 1812 to 1818. Dow ** 1819 to 1821. Bligh ^ ami Part I of Vol. IV ^ 1827 to 1837. Bligh, New Series .ind Parts I, 2 and 3 of Vol. XI 1827 to 1832. Dow and Clark 1831 to 1846. Clark and Finnelly*. ^ 1839. Maclean and Robinson '* 1839 to 1841. West ' 1847 to 1866. House of Lords Cases (Clark)f ' From ,865. The Law Reports. (See pages'47 and 48.) " PRIVY COUNCIL. 1809 to i8u. Acton and Part I, Vol. II. ' 1829 to 1836. Knapp 1836 to 18O2. Moore 3 1862 to 1873. Moore, New Series. .'...'. '^ 1850. Moore. The Gorham Case ^ 1836 to 1873. Moore. East India Appeals ' IsmoSf Tf;^"'"'- '"^'-n Appeals; supp: to Moore;:::; 7 ib73toi885. Law Reports. Indian Appeals. jM-om^l86s. The Law Reports. (See pages 47'and 48.) '^ t A^encan Edi.ion, with error, of t..e press or of ciution corrected. Boston, .8;o-V.. 40 En(;i.isii Rki'orts (Chkonoi.ocicai.). . ■■ -i.-«tf ■ / "■ •"I'M '■'■■■ M ■■■' ^-Hi'M • ■ J*"* ' ' .. »!»•!* . Period. 1557 to 1604. 1557 to i6o5. 1559 to 1645. 1559 to 1798. 1615 to 1712. 1625 to 1693. 1667 to 1744. 1660 to 1688. 1660 to 1706. 1673 to 1681. 1 68 1 to 1720. 1689 to 1723. 1695 to 1736. 1705 to 1727. 1724 to 1734. 1726 i.0 1721. 5/3 1 to 1736. 1734 to 1738. 1736 to 1739. 1736 to 1755. 1737 to 1784. 1740 to 1741. 1 744 to 1 746. 1747101756. 1757 to 1767. 1778 to 1794. 1783 to 1795. 1789 to i8i6. 1812 to 1814. 1815. 1815 to 1817. 1818 to 1819. 1819 to 1821. 1821 to 1822. 1822 to 1824. 1826 to 1829. 1829 to 1831. 1833 to 1835. 1836 to 1840. I84I. 1841 to 1849. 1849 to 185 1. 1851 to 1857. 1857 to 1859. 1859 to 1862. 1862 to 1865. From 1865. CHANCERY. Gary, 1872 Choice Cases in Chancery, 1870 Tothill, 1872 Dickens, 1803 Reports in Chancery, 1 736 Nelson, 1872 Equity Cases Abridged, 1793-69 Cases in Chancery, 1 735 Freeman, 1823 Finch (Sir II.), 1725 Vernon, 1828 Finch's Precedents, 1 786 Peere Williams, 1826 Gilbert, 1 742 Select Cases Temp. King, 1850 Moseity, 1803 Kelynge, W., 1873 Talbot, Cases Temp., 1792 West, Temp. Hardwicke, 1827 Atkyns, 1794 Ambler, 1828 Uarnardiston, 1 742 Ridgeway, Temp. Ilardwicke, 1794. . . Vessy, Sen., and Belt's Sup., 1818-25. Eden, 1827 Brown, by Perkins Cox, 1816 Vesoy, jun., with Sumner's Notes.. . . Vesey and lieames, 1818 Cooper (G.), Temp. Eldon Merivale Swanston Jacob and Walker Jacob No. of Voli Turner and Russell Russell (only two parts of the 5th Vol. were pub.). Russell and Mylne Mylne and Keen Mylne and Craig Craig and Phillips Phillips Macnaghten and Gordon De Gex, Macnaghten, and Gordon De Gex and Jones De Gex, Fisher, and Jones De Gex, Jones, and Smith The Law Reports. (See pages 47 and 48.) 3 2 4 2 20 3 I 3 3 2 I I 5 2 3 .5 I 2 3 8 4 4 4 .t No. of Vols, 3 2 4 2 20 3 I 3 3 2 I I 5 2 3 5 I 2 3 8 4 4 4 English Rkports (Chronological). 41 Period. 176710 1786. 1818 to 1819. 1833 to 1834. 1836 to 1837. 1837 to 1838. 1846 to 1847. 1848 to 1850. (Chancery — continued.) Romilly's Notes of Cases Wilson, four parts Cooper, Temp. Brougham r)onnelIy Cooper's Practice Cases Cooper, Temp. Cottonham (only two parts of the 2cl vol. were published) Hall and Twells No. of Vols. 1829 to 1830. 1836 to 1838. 1838 to 1866. From 1865. ROLLS COURT, Tamlyn Keen Beavan The Law Reports (See pages 47 and 48.) VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT. Maddock temp. V. C's Shadwell and Kindersley. 181S to 1822. 1822 to 1826. Simons and Stuart . 1826 to 1849. Simons 1850 to 1852. Simons, New Series 1852 to 1859. Drewry i860 to 1865. Drewry and Smale. . 1841 to 1843. Younge and CoUyer 1844 to 1845. Collyer 1846 to 1852. De Gex and Smale . . 1852 to 1857. Smale and Giffard. 1857 to 1865. Giffard 1841 to 1853. Hare 1853 to 1854. Kay ' ' 1854 to 1858. Kay and Johnson. 1859. Johnson l86o to 1862. Johnson and Hemming. . . 1862 to 1865. Hemming and Miller From 186S. The Law Reports. (See pages 47 and'48.)' temp. V. C's Knight, Bruce, Parker and Stuart. temp. V. C's Wigram, Turner, and Wood. 1 163 to 1820. 1292 to 1307. 1307 to 1537. 1378 to 1400. 1496 to 1531. 1512 to 1621. 'S13 to 1582. and in., 1866-79. KING'S BENCH AND QUEEN'S BENCH. State Trials, with Index Year Books of Edward I. Year Books, 1679. Bellewe, 1869 .... Keilway, 1688 Moore, 1688 Dyer, 1794 IS'S to i«8 \ ^'°°^^^ New Cases , I March's translation of Brook ( '^73 ■ 1531 to I' S. Benloe. ififii ' ' '53 1540 to I '5. Benloe, 1661., Leonard, 1687. I 2 36 6 2 17 2 4 2 2 2 5 3 S II I 4 I 2 2 34 9 II I I 3 fdt 42 English Reports (Chronological.) ;:;3»i ^ t» Ml Period. (King's Bench and Quren's Bench— continued.) fjo. of Vols. 1550101580. Plowden, i8i6 2 1556 to 1615. Owen, 1656 I 1559 to 1649. Noy, 1669 I 1572 to 1616. Coke, 1826 6 1575 to 1638. Godbolt, 1652 I 1582 to 1641. Croke, 1790 4 1386 to 1602. Goldesborough, 1682 i 1592 to 1627. Popham, 1682 i 1603 to 1613. Yelverton, 1792 i 1603 to 1625. Hobart, 1724 i 1604 to 1612. Davies (Ireland), 1674 i 1608 to 1629. Ley, 1659 I 1609 to 1618. Calthrop, 1872 i 1609 to 1639. Bulstrode, 1688 i 1614 to 1625. Rolle, 1675 2 1619 to 1629. Palmer, 1 721 i 1620 to 1641. Jones, W., 1675 i 1625 to 1628. Latch, 1662 I 1639 to 1653. March, New Cases, 1675 i 1645 to 1646. Style, 1658 I 1646 to 1649. Alevn, 1688 I 1657 to 1670. Siderfin, 1 714 2 1660 to 1684. Raymond, Sir T., 1803 i 1660 to 1697. Levinz, 1 793 3 1661 to 1679. Keble, 1685 3 1662 to i66g. Kelyng, J. , 1873 i 1666 to 1673. Saunders, 1845 3 1667 to 1685. Jones, T., 1729 i 1668 to 1691. Ventris, 1726 i 1669 to 1685. Pollexfen, 1 702 i 1669 to 1732. Modern, 1793-96. 12 1670 to 1704. Freeman, 1826 i 1678 to 1695. Shower, 1794 2 1681 to 1698. Skinner, 1728 i 1685 to 1699. Combe: bach, 1 724 i 1686 to 1701. Carthew, 1743 1 i688toi7ii. Holt, 1738 I 1689 to 1712. Salkeld, 1795 3 1694 to 1734. Raymond (Lord), 1790 3 1695 to 1738. Fortescue, 1748 i 1695 to 1741. Comyns, 1792 2 1 710 to 1748. Sessions Cases, 1873 2 in i 1713 to 1715. Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity, 1760 i 1716 to 1749. Strange, 1795 2 1726 to 1735. Barnardiston, 1744 2 1728 to 1733. Fitzgibbon, 1732 i i73itoi736. Kelynge, W., 1873 1 English Reports (Chronological). 43 No. of Vols. 2 I I 6 I 4 I I I I I I I I 2 I I I I I I 2 I 3 3 3 I I I 12 2 I I 1 I 3 3 2 . . . 2 in I I 2 2 I I Period. 1733 to 1737. '733 to 1738. •73410 1736. 1 73** to 1 740. 1742 to 1774. 1746 to 1780. » 75 1 to 1756. 1753 to 1760. '7S7toi77o. 1757 to 177'- •772 to 1774. •774 to 1778. 1778 to 1784. 1785 to 1800. 1801 to 1812. 1803 to 1806. 1813 to 1817. i8i7to 1822. 1822 to 1830. 1830 to 1834. •834 to 1840. 1 84 1 to 1852. 1852 to 1858. •858. 1858 to i860. 1861 to 1870. 1882 to 1885. From 1865. 1821 to 1827. • 827 to 1830. 1831 to 1836. 1836 to 1838. 1838 to 1841. 1 84 1 to 1843. 1843 to 1844. 1835 to 1836. •837. 1838 to 1839. 1840 to 1841. (King's Bbnch and Queen's Bench-continued.) Riclgeway, temp. Hardwicke, 1794 Lee, " .. isij ''"' Cunningham " «< igy,^ Andrews, 1 792 Wilson, 1799 Blackstone (W.), 1828 Sayer, 1 790 Kenyon, 1819-25 Wilmot's Notes and Opinions, 1802. Burrow, 1812 Lofft, 1 790 Cowper, 1800 Douglas, 1813-31 Durnford and East, 1817 East Smith (J. P.) Maule and .Selwyn Barnewali and Alderson Barnewall and Cresswell Barnewali and Adolphus Adolphus and Ellis No. Queen's Bench (Adolphus and Ellis, New Series)' ' ' Elhsand Blackburn Ellis, Blackburn, and Ellis Ellis and Ellis '[' Best and Smith " Cababe and Ellis The Law Reports. (See pages 47 and 48.) Dowling and Ryland Manning and Ryland Nevile and Manning Nevile and Perry Perry and Davison Gale and Davison Davison and Meri\ ale Harrison and Wollaston Willmore, W.41aston, and Davison Willmore, Wollaston, and Hodges. Arnold and Hodges BAIL COURT. 1819 to 1820. Chitty 1830 to 1840. Dowling 1841 to 1842. Dowling (New Series) '. 1846101849. Dowling and Lowndes i'<42toi848. .Saunders and Cole. 1850 to 1851. Lowndes, Maxwell and'pollock 1852. Lowndes and Maxwell of Vols. I I I I 3 2 I 2 I 5 I 2 4 8 16 3 6 5 10 5 12 18 8 I 3 10 I 9 5 6 3 4 3 I 2 I 2 I 2 9 2 7 2 2 I 44 English Reports (Chronological). Period. 183s to 1836. 1837- 1838 to 1839. 1840 to 1841. (Bail Court — continued.) Harrison and Wollaston Willmore, Wollaston, and Davison . Willmore, Wollaston and Hodges . . Wollaston No. of Vols. 2 . . . . I . . . . 2 . . . . I COMMON PLEAS. ■ ....Si i486 . : . • IS34 t^ 1569 to J .4. 1580 to 1594. 1612 to 1639. 1613 to 1621. 1621 to 1625. 1626 to 1632. 1627 to 1632. 1660 to 1667. 1664 to 1676. 1665 to 1674. 1682 to 1702. 1706 to 1747. 1 732 to 1 769. 1737 to 1760. 1788 to 1796. 1796 to 1807. 1808 to 1819. 1819 to 1822. 1822 to 1834. i8j4 to 1840. 1840 to 1844. 1845 to 1856. 1856 to 1865. 1865 to 1866. From 1865. 1814 to 1816. 181 7 to 1827. 1828 to 1831. 1831 to 1834. 1834 to 1840. 1840 to 1845. 1835 to 1837. 1838 to 1839. 1840 to 1841. icnloe and Dalison, 1689 Anderson, 1664 Brownlow dnr' Goldesborough, 1675. , . Saville, 1688 Hutton, 1682 Bridgman (Sir J.), 1659 Winch, 1657 Littleton, 1683 Hetley, 1657 Bridgman (Sir Orlando), 1823 Carter, 1688 Vaughan, 1 706 Lutwyche, 1 704 Lutwyche (translated by Nelson), 1718. Cooke, 1872 Barnes, 1790 Willes, 1800 Blackstone (H.), 1827 Bosanquet and Puller, 1826 Taunton Broderip and Bingham Bingham Bingham's New Cases Manning and Granger. I I I I I I I I I I I 2 I I I I 2 s 8 3 ID 6 Th r Common Bench, with Index 19 Common Bench (New Series). H:: rison and Rutherford aw Reports. (See pages 47 and 48.) Marshall Moore Moore and Payne Moore and Scott Scott *- Scott's New Reports r" Arnold Drinkwater . 20 I 2 12 5 4 8 8 3 I I 1220 to 1623. 1605 to 1612. EXCHEQUER. Jenkins, 1885 Lane, 1884. . . English Reports (CuRoNoi.ooicAt.). No. of Vols. 2 I 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 I I I I 2 s 8 3 10 6 7 19 20 I 2 12 s 4 8 8 3 I I I I Period. i6ss to 1669. 1 713 to 1742- 1743 to 1767- 1792 to 1797. 1800 to 1801. i8io to ;8ii. 1 8 14 to 1824. 1824. 1825. 1826 to 1830. 1830 to 1832. 1832 to 1834. 1834 to 1836. 1836 to 1847. 1847 to 1856. 1856 to 1861. 1862 to 1865. From 1865. 1830 to 1835. 1836. 183s to 1836. 1836 to 1837. 1838 to 1839. 1840 to 1841. (Exchequer - Hardres, 1 792 .... Bunbury, 1 793 ... Parker, 1791 Anstruther, 1817. . Forrest Wiglitwick Price •CONTINUED.) No. of Vols. McCIeland McCleland and Younge Younge and Jervis Crompton an(' Jervis Crompton and Meeson Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe Meeson and Welsby Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone, and Gordon) Hurlstone and Norman Hurlstone and Coltman The Law Reports. (See pages 47 and 48.) Tyrrwhitt Tyrrwhitt and Granger Gale Murphy and Hurlstone ' ' ' Horn and Hurlstone Only two parts of the 2d vol. were published. >- Hurlstone and Walmesley 1817. 181710 1819. 1830 to 1832. 1833 to 1841. 1790 to l8l2. 1793 to 1807. 1808 to 1816. 1815 to 1817. 1815 to 1822. EXCHEQUER EQUITY. Wilson, I part Daniell Younge Younge and Collyer NISI PRIUS. Peake, 1820-29, Espinasse Campbell Holt Starkie 1818 to 1820. 1822 to 1823. 1823 to 1826. 1823 to 1841. 1827 to 1830. 183 1 to 1844. 1840 to 1842. Only one part of the 3d volume was published. Gow Dowling and Ryland, i part Ryan and Moody Carrington and Payne Moody and Malkin Moody and Robinson Carrington and Marshman 13 3 2 2 2 i6 II 7 4 S I 2 I 2 2 6 4 I 3 I I I 9 I 2 I t »<) ' •M. 1 I ' 1*1. Dim 1 • «ii# 46 Enoi.isii Reports (Chronoi.ogicai,). Period. (Nisi Pkius— continued.) No. of Vols. 1843 to 1850. Carrington and Kirwan 3 Only two parts of the 3d volume were published. 1858 to 1867. Foster and Finlason 4 ECCLESIASTICAL. 1752101758. Lee, 1833 2 1789 to 1821. Haggard (Consistory), 1822 2 1809 to 182 1. I'hillimore 3 1822 to 1826. Addams 3 Only one part of the 3d volume was published. 1827 to 1833. Haggard 4 Only two parts of the 4th volume were published. 1834 to 1844. Curteis 3 1841 to 1850. Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts 7 1844 to 1851. Robertson 2 Only three parts of the 2d volume were publisi.ed. 1853 to 1855. Spinks (Ecclesiastical and Admiralty) 2 1855 to 1857. Deune and Swabey I 1847 to 1850. Cripp's Church and Clergy Cases I PROBATE AND DIVORCE. 1858 to 1865. Swabey and Tristram 4 1859 to i860. Searle and Smith, Parts I and 2 I From 1865. The Law Reports. (See pages 47 and 48.) ADMIRALTY. 1648 to 1840. Marsden's Admiralty Cases I 1 776 to 1 779. Mariott 1 1 799 to 1808. Robinson (Sir C.) 6 1808 to 1810. Edwards I 181 1 to 1822. Dodson 2 1822 to 1837. Haggard 3 1838 to 1852. Robinson (Dr. W.) 3 1841 to 1850. Notes of Cases 7 1853 to 1855. Spinks (Ecclesiastical and Admiralty) 2 1855. Spinks's Prize Cases I 1858 to 1859. Swabey I i860 to 1863. Lushington I 1864 to 1865. Browning and Lushington I RAILWAY AND CANAL CASES. 1835 to 1855. Nicholl, Hare, Carrow, Oliver, Beavan, and Lefroy. . 6 1846. Beavan and Walford I 1854 to 1886. Neville and Macnamara 5 English Reports (CHRONOLooicAt.). 47 No. of Vols. 3 4 2 2 3 3 4 3 7 2 2 I I 4 I Period. 1662 to 1669. 1743 ;o 1761. 1730 to 1815. 1799 to 1823. 1822 to 1838. 1824 to 1844. 1844 to 1852. 1852 to 1856. 1856 to 1858. 1858 to i860. 1861 to 1865. 1843 to 1882. 1848 to 1851. From 1865. 1785 to 1816. 1602 to 1842. 1829 to 1855. 1852 to 1856. 1641. 1 719. 1792. 1822 to 1831. 1832 to 1888. 1225 to 1869. 1865 to 1888. 1255 to 1880. CROWN CASES. Kelyng (Sir J.), 1873 Foster, 1809 Leach, 1815 Russell and Ryan Lewin's Crown Cases on the Northern Circuit. Moody Denison Uearsly Dearsly and Bell Bell No. Leigh and Cave Cox's Criminal Law Cases Temple and Mew's Criminal Appeal Cases The Law Reports. (See pages 47 and 48.) PATENT CASES. Davies Carpmael Webster (only one part of the 2d vol. was published) . Macrory, Parts : and 2 of Vols. I I 3 I 2 2 2 I I I I IS I MISCELLANEOUS. Star Chamber Cases, 1882. Lilly ■ ■ Conroy's Custodiam Reports . REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS. Law Journal > Law Journal, New Series, | Monthly ,^ STATUTES AT LARGE, Etc. Statutes at Large (Pickering's Edition), from Magna Charta to 32 and 33 Vict Public General Statutes (Law Reports Series). ' . ' Chronological Table of and Index to the Statutes, to the end of the Session of 1880 1756 to 1884. 1865 to 1885. ISS7 to 1882. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. DIGESTS AND INDICES OF DECISIONS. Fisher's Common Law Digest Law Reports Digest Chitty's Equity and Bankruptcy Index. Fourth edition! THE LAW REPORTS. Appellate Series. English and Irish Appeal Cases Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases Privy Council Appeal Cases 109 24 7 3 8 7 2 6 mmm ■•i"rJ*l ill 48 Period. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. 1865 to 1875. 187s to 1888. 187s to 1888. 1875 to 1 888. 187s to 1880. 1875 to 1880. 1875 to i888. English RKrorrs (CiiRoNfJi.ocicAi.). Common Law Serlei. Nu. of VoU. Queen's Bench Cases •° Common I'Icns Cases '" Kxchequer Cases '° I'rol)atc and Divorce Cases 3 Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases 4 Crown Cases Reserved * Equity Series. Chancery Appeal Cases '" Equity Cases 2° THE LAW REPORTS, NEW ISSUES. Appeal Cases '3 Chancery Division 39 Queen's Bench Division *' Common Pleas Division 5 Exchequer I )ivision S Probate Division '3 if Irish Reports (Chronological), 49 No. of Vol.. 10 10 10 3 4 2 10 20 13 39 21 5 S 13 REPORTS IN THE IRISH COURTS, DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Period. 1 784 to 1796 1766 to I79I. IS02 to 1806. 1S07 to I8I4. 1814 to 1830. 1827 to 1829. 1834 to 1839. 1837 to 1840. 1 84 1 to 1843. 1841 to 1843. 1843 to 1844. 1844 to 1846. 1858 to 1859, APPEALS AND WRITS OF ERROR. Kidgewny No. of Vols. CHANCERY. Wallis, by I.yiic .Schoales and I.efroy liall and lieatty Ueatty MoUoy Only one part of the 3d volume was published. Lloyd and Cioold, temp. I'lunkett 1 )rury and Walsh Connor and Lawson. Jdoyd and Goold, Drury and Warren . Drury Jones and Latouche. Drury, Select Cases, temp. Napier. . I 2 2 I 3 I 2 2 I 4 I 3 I ROLLS COURT. 1816 to 1834. Ilogan 1837 to 1840. Sausse and Scully 1840 to 1842. Flanagan and Kelly 1 786 to 1788. 1793 to 1795. 1822 to 1824. 1824 to 1825. 1825 to 1826. 1827 to 1831. 1831 to 1833. 1833 to 1834. 1838 to 1841. 1841 to 1842. KING'S BENCH AND QUEEN'S BENCH. Vernon and Scrivcn Kidgeway, Lapp, and Schoales Fox and Smith Smith and Batty Hatty Hudson and Hrooke Alcock and Napier Cooke and Alcock ( i part) Jebb and Symes Jebb and Bourke (Continued by Irish Law and Equity Reports.) (7) ;Mi»^ "♦•■■•< 50 Irish Rkports (Chronoi.hhk ai). rcrioil. i8j9 to 1840. COMMON PLEAS. Sinyllif NISI PRIU8. 1840 to 1842. Armstrong, McCartney, anil Oylo 1846 to 1848. Hlacklmm, Dunilas, unil Osborne. No. oi VoU. I 1830 to 1832. l8_?2 til l8j4. l8j4 to 1838. 1 838 to 1839. 1S41 to 2842. 1832 to 1837. 1832 to 1840. 1868 to 187C. EXCHEQUER. Iliiyes Iliiycs and Jones Jones Jones and Carey (2 pnrta), . . . I.ongfieKl and 'I'ownsend REQISTRY CASES. Alcock Welsh Irisli Reports, Registry Appeals. . CROWN CASES. 1822 to 1840. Jei)b. ECCLESIASTICAL. 1819 to 1843. Milward. 1837 to 1838. 1839 to 1846. 1841 to 1843. 1 87 1 to 1876. 1827 to 1831. 1831 to 1832. 1833 to 1S38. 1838 to 1850. 1850 to 1866. 1866 to 1878. i860 to 1878. 1878 to 1888. 1849 to 1855. 185s to i860. 1604 to 1612. 1720 to 1723. CIRCUIT CASES. Crawford and Dix, Abridged Cases. Crawford and Dix Cases on tlic Six Circuits Donnell's Land Act Cases REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS. Law Recorder, I'irst Series (ilasscock. Law Recorder, Second Series ) Irish Law, 13 vols. ^ not published } I Irish Kciuity, 13 vols ^ separately, i J Irish Common Liiw, 17 vols ^ not published f I Irish Chancery, 17 vols < separately. S Irish Reports, t^ommon Law Series Irish Reports, Kcpiity Series I'he Law Reports (Ireland) Irish Jurist Irish Jurist, New Series Davies (Sir J.) Howard's Popery Cases 6 26 34 II II 22 7 II I I No. ..( Vnln. I 1 1 • 1 • • • 1 2 1 I I I I I I 3 I I 4 6 ihlislied } 26 rately. ) iblishcd > nitely. > 34 II II 22 7 II I I Imiii Rrpokti (Ciironolooicai.). 5« DiaEST OF REPORTS. ''"'""'■ Common Law. No. of Volt. 1865, Drunkcr'H Digcut | 1867 to 1877. Irish Liiw KeportH Digest i Chancary. 1766 to i8j8. O'DonncIl nnd llrady's Index i 1838 to 1867. Cnmlilc and Harlow's Digest i 1867 to 1877. Irish Law Reports Digest i I7f)9toi77i. Finiay's Digest , STATUTES. 1310 to i8cx). The Irish .Statutes, with two Indices, from 3 lulward II. to 40 Ceorge III.. 22 I3lotoi834. Oulton's Index , 1824. Rowc, Interesting Cases i 52 Scotch Reports (Chronological). ! REPORTS IN THE SCOTCH COURTS, DIGESTS AND STATUTES. liiiii'ii •1 Period. 1707 to 1727. 1726 to 1821. 1 82 1 to 1824. 1825 to 1834. 1835 to 1838. 1839. 1840 to 1841. 1842 to 1850. 1851 to 1865. 1621 to 1642. 1655 to 1661. 1 66 1 to 1666. 1681 to 1685. 1661 to 1681. 1665 to 1677. 1678 to 1712. 1681 to 1691. 1698 to 1720. 1705 to 1713. 171410 1717. 1716 to 1752. 1752 to 1768. 172410 1725. 1733 to 1 754' 1735 to 1744- 1738 to 1752. 1744 to 1751. 1766 to 1791. 1790 to 1792. 1794 to 1795. 1 781 to 1822. 1752 to 1808. 1S08 to 1825. 1825 to 1841. 1 82 1 to 1838. 1838 to 1862. 1862 to 1873. 1873 to 1887. 1829 to 1833. HOUSE OF LORDS. No. of Vols. Robertson ' Craigie, Stewart, and I'aton 6 Shaw ^ Shaw, Wilson, and Courtenay 7 Shaw and Maclean 3 Maclean and Robinson ' Robinson ^ Bell 7 Macqueen 4 COURT OF SESSION CASES. Durie ' English Judges ' Gilmour ^ Falconer S Stair 2 Dirlcton ' Fountainhall ^ I larcarse ' 1 )alryniple ' Forbes ' Bruce ' Karnes (remarkable) 2 Karnes (select) ' Edgar ' Elchies Dictionary .ind Notjs 2 Clerk Home ' Kilkerran • Falconer 2 in I Ilailcs 2 Bell ' Bell I Hume ' Faculty of Advocates «4 a «< 7 l< 11 16 Court of Session Cases 16 <• " " Second Scries 24 " " " Third Scries 1 1 " " " Fourth Series 14 Dcas and Anderson S m A JRTS, No. of Vols. I 6 2 7 3 . . . . I . . . . 2 7 4 . . . . I . . . . I ::::! ■ . . . . 2 . . . . I . . . . 2 . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I I . . . . 2 . . . . I . . . . I . . . . 2 . . . . I 1 .... 2 in I .... 2 I I .... I J4 7 i6 i6 24 II 14 s Scotch Reports (Chronological). S3 Period. (Court of Session Cases— continued.) ^^ ^f y . 1851 to 1853. Stuart, Milne, and Peddie 2 1829 to 1873. Scottish Jurist (Monthly) 46 1540 to 1808. Morison's l:)ictionary of Decisions, with Supplement, Synopsis, and Indices 22 1540 to 1827. Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, including House of Lords Appeals a 1622 to 1794. IJrown's Supplement, containing the unpublished De- ci.sions c 1808 to 1833. Bell's Dictionary of Decisions 2 JUSTICIARY CASES. 1819 to 1831. Shaw , 1826 to 1830. Syme j 183s to 1841. Swinton 2 1842 to 1845. Broun 2 1846 to 1848. Arkley , 1848 to 1852. Shaw '.'..'............. I 1851 to 1867. Irvine , 1S68 to 1883. Couper [ 5 CONSISTORIAL COURT. 181 1 to 1817. Fergusson , JURY COURT. 1815 to 1830. Murray ,. 1838 to 1839. Macfarlanc , COURT OF TEINDS. 1821101831. Shaw J ADMIRALTY. 1814. Frazer's Admiralty Cases i REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS. 1865 to 1887. Scottish Law Reporter (Monthly) 24 DIGEST OF REPORTS. 1709 to 1864. Kiii..ear's Digest of Scottish Appeals i 1726 to 1867. Shaw's Digest, Supreme Courts 3 1868 to 1S77. Shaw's Digest, Supplement 2 STATUTE LAW. 1424 to 1707. The Laws and Acts of Parliament, and Index 3 1 1 24 to 1707. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland 13 CRIMINAL. 1488 to 1624. Pitcairn, Criminal Trials 3 1536 to 1784. Arnot, Celebrated Criminal Trials i 1670 to 1773. Maclanrin, Kemarkal)le Cases i 1800 to 1813. Bushman's " " j 1820. Green's Tri.als for High Treason 3 :;::3 54 Canadian Reports (Chronological). A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF CANADIAN REPORTS, DIGESTS, AND STATUTES. DOMINION OF CANADA. No.ofVois. Period. 14 1877 to 1888. Supreme Court ','",' jj-l- ^. .87I to 1887. Cartwright's Privy Council Cases decided on the North American Act (1867) DIGESTS, Etc. 1887 Consolidated Statutes Canada (French) 3 ,887. ' (^"B"^'^) i 1867 to 1889. Annual Statutes (French) ^^ 1867 to 1889. " " (English) ONTARIO. REPORTS, Etc. 1846 to 1866. Error and Appeal Reports 3 1876 to 1888. Ontario Appeal Reports ^ 1823 to 1827. Taylor's King's Bench Reports ^ 1828 to 1830. Draper's King's Bench Reports • ■ ■ ■■,.■■ 83. to I8t^. Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports Old 6 VS^ to 18^. Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports (New Series^ . 46 ,850 to 1882. Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports i 1849 to 1882. Upper Canada Chancery Reports (Grant) 9 1881 to 18S8. Ontario Reports ^ 1848 to 1853. Upper Canada Chambers Reports l8i;8 to 1872. Ch.ancery Chambers Reports ■ ■■ • _ • ■ .850 to 1887. Upper Canada Practice Court and Chambers Reports . .3 1845 to 1851. Harrison and Ilodgms ^ 1865 to 1872. Local Courts' and Municipal Gazette ^ 1824 to 1849. Patrick's Election Cases ^ 1871 to 1878. llodgins's Election Cases ^ 1881 to 1889. Canadian Law Times ^^ 1855 to 1864. Upper Canada Law Journal .^. .^ 1865101889. Upper Canada Law Journal, N. S DIGESTS, Etc. 1823 to 1883. Robinson and Joseph's Digest of Ontario Reports .... 3 1887. Ontario Reports Digest ^ 1L87. Revised Statutes ^ 1887 to 1888. Statutes of Ontario Canadian Rei'ORTs (Chronological). 55 Period. 1726 to 1759. 172710 1759. 1810. 1810 to 1835. 1836 to 1874. 1845 to 1848. 1866 to 1868. 1869 to 1889. 1871 to 1875. 1850 to 1867. 1854. 1856. 1857 to 1888. 1880 to 1883. 1879 to 1885. 1874 to 1889. 1878 to 1889. 1887. 1810 to 1880. I86I. 1777 to 1840. 1841 to 1866. 1 84 1 to 1866. I86I. I86I. 1867 to 1888. 1867 to 1888. 1888. 1888. 1889. 1884 to 1888. 1884 to 1888. QUEBEC. Perrault's Prevoste de Quebec Perrault's Conseil Huperieur de Quebec Pyke Stuart's Reports Cook's Admiralty Cases Stuart's Vice-Admiralty Reports Revue de Legislation Lower Canada Law Journal La Revue Legale (Monthly) I,a Revue Critique (Quarterly) Lower Canada Reports No. of Vols. I I I 1 I 2 3 4 17 3 17 J The Law Reporter < Montreal Condensed Reports Lower Canada Reports, Scignorial Questions Lower Canada Jurist (Monthly) Dorion's Queen's Bench Reports La Themis Quebec Law Reports Legal News Ramsay's Appeal Cases DIGESTS, Etc. Stephen's Digest Lower Canada Revised Statutes Lower Canada Statutes (French and English). Province of Canada Statutes (French) " " " (English) Lower Canada Revised Statutes (French) " " " (English). . . . Quebec Statutes (English) " " (French) Revised Statutes Quebec (English) " " " (French) Lower Canada Code (French and English) . . . Montreal Law Reports, Q. B " " " Superior Court 2 32 4 S IS 12 I 2 I 15 26 26 I I 22 22 2 2 2 4 4 1825 to 1828. 1835 to 1839. 1840 to 1848. 1848 to 1866. 1867 to 1871. 1872 to 1876. 1877 to 1881. 1881 to 1888. NEW BRUNSWICK. Chipman's MSS., by Allen, N. B. R. I (l part). I Berton's Reports, N. B. R. 2 I Kerr's Reports, N. B. R. 3-5 3 Allen's Reports, N. B. R. O-ll 6 Hannay's Reports, N. B. R. 12-13 2 Pugslcy's Reports, N. B. R. 14-16 3 Pugsley and Burbridge, N. B. R. 17-20 4 New Brunswick Reports, Vols. 21-26 6 .1 Canadian Retorts (Chronological). DIGESTS, Etc. No. ofVols. Period. r I. . . . 2 1825 to 1886. Steven's Digest of Reports ^ 1877. Consolidated Statutes ^^ 1877 to 1888. New Brunswick Statutes NOVA SCOTIA. 1803 to 1813. Stewart's Admiralty Reports J 1861; to 1880. Young's Admiralty Decisions • 1834 to 1851. Tliomson's Collection of Decisions (l part) • 1851 to 1855. James's Supreme Court Reports ^ 1856 to 1859. Thomson's Supreme Court Reports ^ 1859. Cochran's Supreme Court Reports ^ i860 to 1867. Oldright's Suiireme Court Reports 1867 to 1874. Novia Scotia Decisions ^ 1875 to 1879. Russell and Chesley ^ 1873 to 1878. Russell and Chcsley's Equity Cases ^ 1879 to 1888. Russell and Geldcrt DIGESTS, Etc. 1884. Revised Statutes (Kiftli Scries) ' 1884 to 1888. N. S. Statutes PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. ,850 10 1882. P. E. I. Reports (Hazard and Warburton) DIGESTS, Etc. 3 1868. Revised Statutes ^^ 1868 to 1888. Statutes MANITOBA. 1875 to 1883. Armour's Queen's liench Reports ' 1883 to 1888. Manitoba Reports ^ 1883 to 1885. Manitoba Law Journal DIGESTS, Etc. 1880. Consolidated Statutes (French) | 1880. " " (linglisl^) g 1881 to 1888. Annual Statutes (Trench) ^ ,881 to 1888. " " (t:nglish) NEWFOUNDLAND. 1817 to 1828. Tucker's Select Cases DIGESTS, Etc. 1874. Consolidated Statutes BRITISH COLUMBIA. 1882 to 1884. Irving's Reports ' ^ 1871. Statutes of 1872 to 1888. Annual Statutes .Is. 2 I 12 I 2 3 3 I 8 ABBREVIATIONS. 3 21 I 5 2 I I 8 8 I I 17 Abbreviations. ABBREVIATIONS. A. (a) B. (i) A. An. Anon A. B. A. C. A. P. MSS A. S. A' Beck. Jmlg, Ab. Sh. Abb. Adm. Abb. Dec. Abb. N. C. Abb. Pr. Abb. Pr. N. S. Abb. U. S. Abr. Ca. Eq. Act. of Setl. Ace. Act. Act. Reg. Ad. Con. Ad. E. Ad. Torts. Ad. & E. Add. E. R. Addis. Adm. Ag. or Agr. Aiken. Al. Al. & Nap. Ala. Ala. Sel. Cas. Alb. L. J. Ale. Reg. C. B. Ashurst, L. I. I.. Vict. A. front, B. back of leaf. Anonymous. Anonymous, at the end of Bendloe, Rep. 1661. Appeal Court, Chancery. Ashurst, J., Paper Book (a). Act of .Sederunt, Court of Session. A'Beckett's Reviseil Judgments Victoria. Abbott on Shipping. Abbott's Adm. U. S. Dist. N. V. i vol. Abbott's N. Y. Appeal Decisions, 4 vols. Abbott's New Cases, Practice, N. Y. Abbott's Practice, N. Y. 19 vols. Abbott's Practice, New Series, N. V. 16 vols. Abbott's U. S. Circuit and Dist. 2 vols. Abridgment of Cases in Equity. Act of Sederunt, Court of Session. Accord. Acton's Reports, Prize Causes, Acta Regia. Addison on Contracts. Adams on Ejectment. Addison on Torts. Adolphus and Ellis's Reports, K. B. Addam's Ecclesiastical Reports. Addison, Pennsylvania, i vol. Admiralty. Agrees. Aiken, Vermont. 2 vols. Aclyn's Reports, K. B. Alcock and Napier, K. B., Ireland. Alabama. Reports. Alabama Select Cases, Shephard. i vol. Albany Law Journal, Amer. Alcock's Registry Cases, Ireland. («) Ihese .MSS. consist of the paper books of Ashurst, J.. KiiUr, V, La-.L'rence I and Dampiei, J, in an uninterrupted series from T. T., 9 Geo. HI., to M. T., 56 Geo" III • 'y.?.'? '? H'"*;"'" ^ Inn, Library, and are referred to in Selwyn's Nisi Prius as P. B. Danit- ler, MSS. L. 1. L., preceded by the initial of the judge. Aburkviations. .1 3 Alison I'rac. Alison Princ. Allen. Allen N. 15. Am. Civ. Law Jour. Am. Corp. Cas. Am. Crim. Rep. Am. Dec. Am. Insol. Rep. Am. Jur. Am. L. Reporter. Am. L. T. Am. L. T. Rep. Am. L. T. Rep., N. S. Am. Law Jour., N. S. Am. Law Mag. Am. Law Rec. Am. Law Reg.,N. S. Am. Law Reg., O. S. Am. Law Rev. Am. Lead. Cas. Am. Prob. Rep. Am. Railw. Cas. Am. Railw. Rep. Am. Rep. Am. State Rep. Am. Themis. Amb. Amer. L. J. Ames. And. Andr. Ang. Annaly. Anon. Anst. Anth. N. P. Arch. B. L. Arch. Cr. L. Arch. J. P. Arch. P. by Ch. Arch. Su.n. Ariz. Ark. Ark. L. J. Arkley. Arms. M. & O. Ashm. Alison's Practice of the Criminal Law of Scotland. Alison's Principles of ditto. Allen, Mass. Reports. 14 vols. Allen, New Brunswick Rep. American Civil Law Journal. 1 No., M2 pp. American Corporation Cases. American Criminal Reports. American Decisions. American Insolvency Reports. American Jurist. 28 vols. American Law Reporter. I vol. American Law Times. 6 vols. American Law Times Reports. 6 vols. American Law Times Reports, New Series. 4 vols. American Law Journal, New Series. 4 vols. American Law Magazine. 6 vols. American Law Record. American Law Register, New Series. American Law Register, Old Series. 9 vols. American Law Review. American Leadinfj Cases. 2 vols. American Probate Reports. S vols. .\merican Railway Cases. 2 vols. American Railway Reports. 36 vols. American Reports. American State Reports. American Themis. I vol. Ambler's Reports, Chancery. American Law Journal, Hall's. 7 vols. Rhode Island Reports. Vols. 4 to 7. Anderson's Reports, K. B. Andrew's Reports, K. B. Rhode Island Reports. Vol. 1 Reports, time Ilardwicke, C. P. Anonymous, N. H. 3 to 5 and 7 to 18. Anstruther's Reports, Exch. Anthon's Nisi Prius, N. Y. Archbold's Bankrupt Law. Archbold's Criminal Law. Archbold's Justice of the Peace. Archbold's Practice by Chitty. Archbold's Summary of the Laws of England. Arizona. Reports. Arkansas. Reports. Arkansas Law Journal. I vol. Arkley's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Armstrong, Macartney, and Ogle's Reports, N. P., Ireland. ■■>. Ashmead, Pennsylvania, N. P. 2 vols. Abhreviations. Ass. Ast. Ent. Atk. Att'y-Gen. Op. Att'y-Gen. Op. N. Aus r. Jur. Auslr. L. T. Auth. Ayl. Pan. Ayl. Par. B., or C. B. B. C. C. B. C. R. B. Eccl. L. B. Just. B. N. C. B. N. P. H. P. B. B. R. B. R. Act. B. Tr. B. &A. B. & A. Pat. Cas. B. & Ad. B. & B. B. & C. B. &L. B. &P. B. & .S. Bac. Abr. Bailey. Bailey Eq. Bald. Balf. Ball & B. Bait. L. Trans. Banc Sup. Bank. I. Bankr. Reg. Banks. Bar. & Arn. Bar. & Aust. Book of Assize. Aston's Entries. Atkyn's Reports, Chancery. U. S. Attorney-General's Opinions. Attorney-General's Opinions, N. Y. I 'ol. Australian Jurist and Notes of Leases. Australian Law Times and Notes of Leases. Authentica (fi). Aylifle's Pande;:ts. Ayliffe's Paragon Juris. Common Bench. Bail Court Cases, Lowndes and Maxwell. Bail Court Reports, .Saunders and Cole. Burn's Ecclesiastical Law. Burn's Justice. Brook's New Cases, K. B. BuUer's Nisi Prius. Paper Book of Buller (c). King's Bench. Booth's Real Actions. Bishop's Trial. Barnewall and Alderson's Reports, K. B. Banning & Arden Pat. Reports. 5 vols. Barnewall and .Adolphus's Reports, K. B. Broderip and Bingham's Reports, C. P. Barnewall and Cresswell's Reports, K. B. Browning and Lushington's Admiralty Report, Bosan(|uct and Puller's Reports, C. P. Best and Smith's Reports, Q. B. Bacon's Al)ridgnient. Bailey's Law, South Carolina. 2 vols. Bailey's Equity, South Carolina, i vol. Baldwin, U. S. 3d Circuit. I vol. Balfour's Practice of the Law of Scotland. Ball and Beatty's Reports, Chancery, Ireland. Baltimore Law Transcript. 3 vols. Upper Bench. Bankton's Institutes of the Law of Scotland, Bankruptcy Register. 19 vols. Kansas Reports, i to 5. Barron and Arnold's Election Cases. Barron and Austin's Election Cases. (i) This is a Summary of some of the Kmperor's Novel Constitutions, which are inserted in the Code under this title. It must not he confounded with the Novellte Constitutioiies promulKateo by Justinian in the (Ireek language, and subsequently translated into the Latin, under the name of the Authentica. Example of citaton, Auth. 9, g, 30— A iithentka. Col- lation 9, title 9, novel 20, (c) See Note («). 5 .\UHREVIATIONS. Barb. Barbour, N. Y. Supreme. 67 vols. Barl). Ch. Barbour's Clianccry, N. \'. 3 vols. Barber. Barber, Arkansas Reports. 14 to 24. Barn. C. Barnardiston's Reports, Chancery. Barn. K. B. liarnardiston's Koporls, K. li. Barn. & Adol. Harnewa'.l and Adolphus's Reports, K. B Barn. & Aid. Barnewall and Alderson's Reports, K. B. Barn. & Cress. Barnewall and Cresswell's Reports, K. B. Barnes. Barnes's Notes, C. 1'. Bart. Barr, Pa. St. Reports. 1 to 10. Batt. Batty's Reports, K. B., Ireland. Baxt. Baxter, Tennessee. I to 9. Bay. Bay, South Carolina. 2 vols. Bayl. B Bayley on Bills. Beasl. Beasley, N. J. Equity. Vols. 12, I3. Beat. Beatty's Chancery Reports, Ireland. Beav. Beavan's Reports, Rolls Court. Beaw. Beawes's Lex Mercatoria. Bee. Bee, I'. S. District, South Carolina. I vol. Bel. Bellcwe's Reports, K. B. Bel. App. Bell's Cases on Appeal from Scotland. Bel. Conim. Bell (G. J.), Commentaries on the Law of Scotland. Bell C. (folio and 8vo) Bell (R.), Cases, Court of Session. Bell C. T. Bell (R.), on Completing Titles, Scotland. Bell must. Bell (G. J.), Illustrations of Principles. Bell L. Bell (R.), on Leases, Scotland. Bell Prin. Bell (G. J.), Principles of the Law of Scotland. Bell Styles. Bell ( R. ), System of the Forms of Deeds of ScutI ind. Bell T. D. Bell (R.), on the Testing of Deeds, Scotland. Bell's C. C. Bell's Crown Cases. Bell's Diet. Bell (R.), Dictionary of the Law of Scotland. Ben. Benedict, U. S. District, N. V. 10 vols. Ben. Ins. C'as. Bennett's Insurance Cases. 5 vols. Ben.& Heard L.Cr.Cas Bennett & Heard's Lead. Crim. Cases. 2 vols. Bench & Bar. Bench and Bar, American. 5 vols. Benl. or Bendl. Benloe or Bendloe's Reports, K. B. Benl. & Dal. Benloe and Dallison's Reports, C. P. Bert. N. B. Berton, New Brun^ vick Reports. Bibb. Bibb, Kentucky. 4 vols. Big. Cas., B. & N. Bigelow's Cases, Bills and Notes, i vol. Big. Cas., Torts. Bigelow's Leading Cases, Torts, i vol. Big. Ins. Cas. Bigelow's Insurance Cases. 5 vols. Bin«. Bingham's Reports, C. P. Bing. N. C. Bingham's New Cases, C. P. Binn. Binney, Pennsylvania. 6 vols. Biss. Bissell, U. S. 7th Circuit. 11 vols. Bl. Blount. Bl. D. & Osb. Blackham, Dundas, an J Osborne's Reports, N. P., Ireland. Abbreviations. Bl. R. Bla. Com. Black. Black., H. Black.. W. Hlnckf. Ulan. & VV. Lead. Cas, Blnnd. Blatehf. Blatchf. & H. Blatehf. Prize. Bli. Bli. N. S. Bloom. Man. Cas. Bond. Bos. & Pul. Bos. & P. N. K. Bosw. Bott. Br. Br. Brev. Jud. & I'lnt. Br. Bro. Br. N. C. Brae. Uradf. (Iowa). Bradf. Surr. Bradw. Branch. Brayt. Breese. Brev. Brewst. Bridg. Bridg. O. Bright, H. & \V. Bright. N. P. Hrit. Col. Rev. Slat. Bro. .\b. Bro. C. C. Bro. Ent. Bro. Nat. Bank Cas. Brn. P. C. Bro. S. Bro. Stair. Bro. Supp. Bro. Syn. Bro. V. M. Brock. Mr. Justice Blackstone's Reportii. Blackstone's Commentaries. Black, U. S. Sipreme Court Reports. 2 vols. Henry Blackstone's Reports, C. P. Sir VVm. Blackstone's Reports, K, B. Blackford, Indiana. 8 vols. Blnnchard & VVeek's Leading Cases, Mines. I vol. Bland's Chancery, Maryland. 3 vols, Blatchford, V. S. 2d Circuit. 24 vols. Itlatchford & 1 lowland, U. S. District. 1 vol. Blatchford's Prize Cases, U. .'•' District, i vol. Bligh's Reports, House of Lords. Bligh's Reports, New Series. Bloomfield's Manumission Cases, N. J. 1 vol. Bond, U. S. District, Ohio. 2 vols. Bosanquet and Puller's Reports, C. P. Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports, C. P. Bosworth, N. Y. Superior. 14 to 23. Bolt's Poor Law. Alexander Brucc's Reports, Court of Session. Brownlow Brevia Judicialia, etc. Brooke, Browne, Brownlow. Brooke's New Cases, K. B. Bracton de Legibus. Br.idford, Iowa, i vol. Bradford, N. Y. Surrogates. 4 vols. Bradwell, Illinois, Appellate, i to 26 Florida. I. Brayton, Vermont. I vol. Breese, I11iin)is Reports. Vol. i. Brevard, S. C. Constitutional Ciurt. 3 vols. Brewster, Pennsylvania, N. P. 4 vols. Bridgman's Reports, C. P. Orlando Bridgman's Reports, C. P. Bright's Husband and Wife. Brightly, Nisi Prius, Pa. i vol. Rev. Statutes, British Columbia. Brooke's Abridgment. Brown's Chancery Reports (Eden or Belt). Brown's Entries. Browne's National Bank Cases, i vol. Brown's Parliament Cases. Brown's 1 realise on Law of Sale, Scotland. Brodie's Notes and Suppl. to Stair's Institutions, Scotland. Brown's Suppl. Morrison's Did. Court of Session. Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Court of Session. Brown's Vade Mecum. Brockenbrough, U. S. 4th Circuit. 2 vols. u> CZ!j' Abbreviations. Brod. & H. Broderip and BinglinmN Reports, C. P. Hroun. Broun's Justiciary Reports, Scollnnd. Hrown Ailm. Brown's Adniirally, U. S. Circuit. I vol. Urown N. I'. Brown's Nisi I'rius, Michi(»an, 2 voU. Browne (I'n.) Browne, Pennsylvania, N'. P. 2 vols. Hrownl. Kedv. or Knt. Itrownlow's Kclivivus, | Hrownl, Brownlow and doldsliorough's Reports, C. P. llruncr. Bruner's Collected Cases. I vol. Ituck. Buck's Reports in Bankruptcy. Huff. Super. Ct. Buffalo Superior Court Reports. Vol I. Hull. N. P. Buller's Nisi Prius. Buist. Bulstrode's Reports, K. B, Bunb. Bunhury's Reports, Kx. Burn. Burnett, Wisconsin Territory. I vol. Burr. Burrow's Reports, K. B. Burr. S. C. Burrow's Settlement Cases. Busb. Busbee's Law, North Carolina. I vol. Busb. Kq. Busbee's Kquity, North Carolina. I vol. Bush. Bush, Kentucky. 14 vols. Bynk, Bynkershoek. Byth. I'r. Bythewood's Precedents. C. Codex (Juris Civilis). C. B. Common Bench Reports, or Manning, (iranger. C. B., N. S. Common Bench Reports, New Series. C. C. Cases in ( 'hancery or Crown Cases. C. C. Code Civil Francais, or Code Napoleon. C. C. A. County Court Appeals. C. C. R. Crown Cases Reserved. C. E. Green. C. K. Cireen, 16-27, N. J. t;{i. C. J. C. Cowper's Justiciary Cases. C. L. R. Common Law Report. C. L. P. Act. Common Procedure Act. C. M. & R. Crompton, Meesoii, and Roscoe's Reports, Ex. C. P. Common Pleas. C. S. Court of Session, Scotland. C. T. N. Cases in the Time of L. C. Northington. C. Theod. Codex Theodosiani. C. & K. Carrington and Kirwan's Reports, N, P. C. & M. Crompton and Meeson's Reports, Ex. C. &P. Carrington and Payne Reports, N. P. Ca. Case, or Placita. Ca. C. L. Cases in Crown Law. Ca. P. or Pari. Cases in Parliament. Ca. Prr. K. B. Cases of Practice in Kings Bench. Ca. t. K. Cases time King, Chancery, Ca. temp. F. Cases tftii/i. Finch. Ca. temp. H. Cases time Ilardwicke, K. B. Ca. temp, Holt. Cases in the lime of II jU, C. J. K. B. AimREVIATIONS. Cat. Cai. Cai. Can, Cal. Cai. Cal. L. J. Cal. Leg. Rcc. Cold. Call. CaUh. Cam, Seacc. Cam. & N. Camp. Dec. Camp. N. P. Can. 1,. J. Can. Law. T. Can. S. C. Car. 11. & A. Car. L. J. Car. Law Repos. Car. & Kir. Car. & M. Cnr. & P. Carp. P. C. Cart. Cart. Ind. Carth. Cary. Cas. C. R. Cas. L. K(|. Cas. of Si'lf-Dff. Cas. Pra. C. P. Cas. Six Cir. Cas. t. Tall). Casey. Cawl. Cent. L. J. Ch. Hills. Ch. Uurns' J. Ch. Cas. Ch. Cas. Ch. Ch. Chamb. (U. C.) Ch. Criiu. L. Ch. PI. Ch. Pre. Ch. R. Ch. Sent. Chand, Charlt. Caii, or Gnii Inntilulioncs. Caines's Reports, N. V. 3 vols. Caines's CaKCH, N. Y. 2 vols. California. Callii. California Law Journal. 3 vols. California Lct;al Record. 2 vols. Caldecott's Reports, K. H. Call, Virjjinio. 6 vols. Calthorpe's Reports, K. II. Camera, .Scaccarii, Kxche(|uer Chamber. Cameron & Norwood, N. C. I vol. Cnniphell's Rep. Taney's Dec. U. S. Cir. I vol. Campbell's Reports, Nisi Prius. Canada Law Journal. Canada Law Times. Canada Supreme Court Reports. Carrow, llamerton, and .Mien, Session Cases. Carolina Law Journal, i vol. Carolina Law Repository, N. C. 2 vols. Carrinyton & Kirwan Reports, N. P. Carrington and Marshman. Carrin(,'ton and Payne Reports, N. P. Carpmael's Patent Cases. Carter's Re|)orts, C. P. Indiana. Vols. I, 2. Carthew's Reports, K. li. Cary's Reports, Chancery. Cases tem/>. Will. III. (12 Mod.) Cases iu Law and Equity (to Mod.) 1 lorrigan & Thompson's Cases, Self-Defence. I vol. Cases of Practice Common I'leas. Cases on the Six Circuits, Ireland. Cases time Talbot, Chancery. Casey, Pa. St. Vols. 25 to 36. Cawley's Laws against Recusants. Central Law Journal. Chitty on liills. Chitty Hums' Justice. Cases in Chancery. Choice Cases in Chancery. Chancery Chambers Reports. Cliitty's Criminal Law. (.,'liitty on Pleading. Precedents in Chancery. Reports in Chancery. Chancery Sentinel, N. Y. Chy. i vol. Chandler, Wisconsin. 4 vols. Charlton, T. U. P., (leorgia. I vol. J Abbreviations. Charlt. R. M. Charlton, K. M., Georgia, i vol. Cheves. Cheves, Law, .South Carolina. I vol. Clieves, K(|. Cheves, K(|., South Carolina, i vol. Chic. L. J. Chicago Law Journal. 2 vols. Chic. Law Rec. Chicago Law Record. I vol. Chic. Leg. N. Chicago Legal News. Chip. D. Chipman, D., Vermont. I vol. Chip. N. Chipman, N., Vermont. I vol. Chip. N. B. Chipnian's New Brunswick. Chit. Con. Chitty on Contracts. Chit. G. P. Chitty's General Practice. Chit. Jun. 15. Chilty, Jun., on Bills. Chit. Rep. Chitty's Reports, Bail Court. Chris. B. L. Christian's Bankrupt Law. Cin. Rep. Cincinnati .Superior Court Reports, Ohio. 2 vols. City Court Rep. City Courts Reports, N. V. 2 vols. City H. Roc. City Hall Recorder, N. V., Criminal. 6 vols City H. Rep'r. City Hall Reporter, Lomas, N. Y. i vol. Civ. I'roc. Rep. Civil Procedure Reports, N. Y. CI. Ass. Clerk's Assistant. CI. & Fin. Clarke & Finnelly Reports, House of Lords. Clarke (Iowa). Iowa. Vols. I to 8. Clarlve Ch. Clarke's Chancery, N. Y. i vol. Clay. Clayton's Reports, York Assize. Clev. L. Rec. Cleveland Law Record, Ohio, i vol. Clev. L. Rep'r. Cleveland Law Reporter, Ohio. 2 vols. Cliff. Clifford, U. S. 1st Circuit. 4 vols. Clift. Cliffs Entries. Co. Coke's Reports. Co. Cop. Coke's Copyholder. Co. Ent. Coke's Entries. Co. Lit. Coke on Littleton (1 Inst.). Co. M. C. Coke's Magna Charta (2 Inst.). Co. on Courts. Coke's 4 Inst. Co. P. C. Coke's Pleas of the Crown (3 Inst.). Co. Rep. Coke's Reports, K. B. Cobb. Cobb, Geo. i to 6. Coch. N. Sc. Cochrane, Nova .Scotia Reports. Cod. Jur. Civ. Codex (Juris Civilis) Justinian Codex. Code Civ. Code Civil Eran^ais, or Code Napoleon. Code Comm. Code de Commerce. Code Nap. Code Napoleon. Code P. Code Penal. Code P. J. Code de Proc&lure Civile. Code R. Code Reports, N. Y. 3 vols. Code Rep., N. S. Code Reports, New Series, N. Y. i vol. Col. Colorado Reports. Col. C. C. CoUyer's Chancery Cases. Col. L. Rep'r. Colorado Law Reporter. Abbreviations. Cold. Coldwell, Tennessee. 7 vols. Cole. Cas. Coleman's Cases, New York. 1 vol. Cole. & C. Cas. Coleman & Caines's Cases, N. Y. i vol. Coll. Jurid. Collectanea Juridica. Coll. Part. Collyer on Partnership. Colics. Colles' Cases in Parliament. Com. Comyn's Reports, K. B. and C. P. Com. Dig. Comyn's Digest. Com. Law Rep. Common Law Reports. Com. PI. Rep'r. Common Picas Reporter, Penn. i vol. Comb. Comberbach's Reports, K. B. Coiiist. Comstock, N. Y. Rep. Vols, i to 4. Con. & Law. Connor and Lawson's Reports, Chancery, Ireland, Conn. Connecticut Reports. Cons. Stat. Man. Consoiidnted .Stat., Manitoba. Cons. .Stat. N. B. Consoliduicd Stat., New Brunswick. Consist. Consistory Reports, Haggard. Cont. Contra. Coo. & Al. Cooke & Alcock's Reports, K. B. Ireland. Cooke. Cooke, Tennessee, i vol. Cooke B. L. Cooke's Bankrupt Laws. Cooley. Mich., 5 to 12. Coop. Cooper (G.) Chancery. Coop. t. Brough. Cooper's Cases tetnp. Brougham. Coop. Tenn. Ch. Cooper, Tennessee Ch. 3 vols. Cooper. Cooper's Reports, Chancery. Corl). & D. Corbett and DanicU, Klection Cases. Cot. Cotton. Court CI. Court Claims Reports, American. Cow, Cowen, N. Y. 9 vols. Cowp. Cowper's Reports, K. B. Cox. Cox's Reports, Chcincery. Cox. C. C. Cox's Criminal Cases. Coxa. Coxe, New Jersey Law. Vol. i. Ci. Craig, Jus Feudale, Scotland. Cr. & Ph. Craig & Phillips, Chancery. Cr. & St. Craigie & Stewart's Reports, House of lords. Crabbe. Crabbe, U. S. District, Pa. i vol. Cranch. Cranch, U. S. Supreme. 9 vols. Cranch, C. C. Cranch, U. S. Circuit, District Columbia. 6 vols. Craw & 1). Crawford A. Dix's Circuit Cases, Ireland. Craw & 1). Ab. C. Crawford & Dix's Aliridged Cases, Ireland. Crim. L. Mag. Criminal Law Magazine, American. I to 10. Critchf. Critchfield, Ohio St., 5 to 12. Cro. (I, 2, 3.) Croke (Kliz. Jam. Cha.) K. B. and C. P. Cro. sometimes refers to Keilwcy's Reports,////;- | lisheJ by Seij. Croke. Cromp. Crompton on Courts. Alir.RKVIATIONS. :> Cromp. M. & R. Cromp. & J. Cromp. & M. Cm. Cunn. Curt. Curt. Cusli. C'ushni. D. D., or Diet. D., or Dig. D. N. S. D. P. U. D. & C. D. & L. D. & M. D. &R. D. &S. Daily Reg. Dakota. Dal. Dall. Dall. Tex Dallas. Dalr. Dalr. F, Dalt. Daly. D'An. Dan. Dan. & 1.1. Dana. Dav. Davics. Day. Dig. L. Crompton, Meeson, and Roscoe's Reports, V.x. Crompton & Jarvis' Reports, Ex. Crompton and Meeson's Reports, Ex. Cruise's Digest. Cunningham's Reports, K. U. Curteis' Ecclesiastical Reports. Curtis, Circuit Court, U. S. 1st Circuit, 2 vols. Cushing, 12 vols. Mass. Reports. 23 to 29. Cushman, Miss. Reports. 23 to 29 Dictim Digest (Juris Civilis). Dictionary (Morrison's) Court of .Session. Justiniani l)igest;v, sive PandectM (.■,,) I he last paragraph is sometimes quoted by the word in fi'i,; or § «,V. (f^.iiniitapliut ultiiuus). The Digest IS vanoiisly quoted by the letters I) or P, or 1 1. or If. ff is supposed to be a cor- ruption of the D with a stroke through the middle, or perhaps of the (ircek II. the ancient mode of quotation was by mentioning the initial words of the Law and of the paragraph, with the initial words of the Title. This made a reference to the (Jeneral Index necessary, c. g., L Pr./ixlilia, § ,1/ Pater, D lie Jure iMiuiii, or in reversed order, I) ,ie iiiu- do/turn, L I ro/cctltia § n Paler. Afterward the quotation was L I'lo/'cclitia 5, § si Pater b p Je jure doiium ; and latterly, 1. 5, § 6, /) ,/,• jure liotiuiii ; or, more correctly, using the letters fr. instead of L, since.the passages were not laws, but fragments or excerpts from the writings of the Jurisprudents,//-. 5, J 6, Ddcjuie ,/:itiuiii. The modern mode avoids all ref- erence to the words. It is thus : fr. 5, § 6, D 23, 3 ; or in reversed order, D. ai tit. 1, fr. s. (i 6. or shortly, D. 23, 3, 5, 7, /. e. Digest. * (1) Sec note («). Abbreviations. DeG. De G. V. & J. De G. J. & S. De G. M. & G. De G. & J. De G. & Sm. Dea. & Sw. Deac. & Ch. Deady. Dears. C. C. Dears. & U. C. C. Deas & And. Degge. Del. Chy. Den. Den. Cr. C. Desaus. Eq. Dev. Dev. Ct. CI. Dev. Eq. Dev. & B. Dev. & B. Eq. Di. Dy. Dick. Dick. Just. Dig. Dill. Dirl. Disn. Doct. PI. Dod. Dom. Proc. Doug. Doug. (Mich.) Dow & C. Dow & L. Dow. & R. M. C. Dow. and Ry. Dow. & Ry. N. P. Dowl. P. C. Dr. & Wal. Dr. & War. Draper (U. C.) Drew. Drew. & Sm. Drury. Dub. Dud. (Ga.) De Gex's Bankruptcy Reports. De Gex, Fisher, and Jones' Reports, Chancery. De Gex, Jones, and .Smith's Reports, Chancery. De Gex, JVIacnaghten and Gordon's Reports, Chan- cery. De Gex and Jones' Reports, Chancery. De Gex and Smale's Reports, Chancery. Deane and .Swabey's Reports, Probate and Divorce. Deacon & Chitty, Bankruptcy Reports. Deady, U. .S. District, Oregon, i vol. Dearsley's Crown Cases. Dearsley and Bell's Crown Cases. Deas and Anderson's Reports, Court of Session. Degge's Parson's Companion. Delaware Chancery. Denio, N. Y. 5 vols. Dennison's Crown Cases. Desaussure's Equity, South Carolina. 4 vols. Devereux's Law, North Carolina. 4 vols. Devereux's U. S. Court Claims, i vol. Devereux's Equity, North Carolina. 2 vols. Devereux & Battle's Law, N. C. 4 vols. Devereux & Battle's Eq., N. C. 2 vols. Dyer's Reports, K. B. Dickin's Reports, Chancery. Dickinson's Justice. Digest of Writs. Dillon, U. S. 8th Circuit. Dirleton's Decisions, Court of Session. Disney, Cincinnati, Superior Court. 2 vols. Doctrina I'lacitandi. Dodson's Reports in Admiralty. Domini Proctor Cases House of Lords. Douglas' Reports, K. B. Douglass, Michigan. 2 vols. Dow and Clark, House of Lords Cases. Dowling and Lowndes, Kail Court Reports. Dowling and Ryland's Magistrates' Case. DowliniT and Ryland's K. B. Reports. Dowling and Ryland's Nisi Prius. Dowling's Practice Cases. Drury and Walsh, Chancery Reports, Ireland. Drury and Warren, Chancery Reports, Ireland. Draper, K. B., Reports, Canada. Drewry's Reports, Chancery. Drewry .and Smale's Reports, Chancery. Drury's Reports, Chancery, Irel.and. Dubitatur. Dudley, Cieorgia. i vol. Abbreviations. Dud. (S. Car.) Dud. Eq. Duer. Duff. Dugd. Orig. Dug. S. Duke. Dunlop or D. Durf. Durie. Durnf. & E. Dutch. Duv. E. E. of Gov. E. & A. E. &A. (U. C.) Eag. & Yo. East. East. P. C. Ecc. & Ad. Eden. Edg. Edictn. Edm. Sel. Cas. Edw. A. R. Edw. Ch. El. B. & E. El. B. & L. El. & Bl. El. & El. Eng. (Ark.) Eq. Ca. Abr. Eq. Rep. Esp. Exch. Rep. Exp. F. F., or Fitz. (/) F. C. F. B. C. F. N. B. F. & F. Fac. Coll. Fairf. Dudley's Law, South Carolina, i vol. Dudley's I^quity, South Carolina. I vol. Duer, N. Y. Superior. 8 to 13. Duff on Conveyancing, Scotland. Dugdale's Origines. Dugdale's Summons. Duke's Charitable Uses. Duidop, Bel! iS: Murray's Reports, t:ourt of Session. Durfee, R, i. 2. Durie's Reports, Court of Session. Durnford & East, or Term Reports, K. B. Dutcher, N. J. Law, 25 to 29. Duv.iU, Kentucky. 2 vols. Easter Term. Earl of Coventry's Case. Eccles. and Admiralty Reports. Error and .Appeal Reports, Canada. Eagle and Younge's Tithe Cases. East's Reports, K. B. East's Picas of the Crown. Eccles. and Admiralty Reports. Eden's Rep. of Xorthington's Cases, Chancery. E('s Reports, Court of Session. ICdicts of Justinian. ICdmonds's Select Cases, N. Y. r vol. Julward's Admiralty Reports. Edwards's Chancery, N. Y. 4 vols. Ellis, Blackburn and Ellis' Reports, Q. B. Ellis, Best and Smith's Reports, Q. B. Ellis .ind Blackburn, Reports, Q. B. Ellis and Ellis' Roports, Q. B. English, Ark. Reports. Vols. 6 to 13. Equity Cases Abridged. Equity Reports. Espinnsse's Rep. or Digest N. P. Welsby, Hurl stone, and Gordon's Reports. Expired. Consuetudines Feudorum. Fitzherbert. Faculty Collection of Reports, Court of Session. Fonblanque's Bankruptcy Cases. Fitz-Nai. Breviuni. Foster & Finlason's Reports, Msi Prius. Faculty Collection of Reports, Court of Session. Fairfield, Maine Reports, 10 to 12. nn/^J^X]J^:;!^\r;:'z::::lr''"'' '" '^ ""^ '-''" '='- ^"""^ '^ "><= ''"-^ Abbrkviations, Falc. Falc. & Fitz. Far. Fearne. Fed, Rep'r. Ferg. Ff. dr.) Fin. Fish. Pat. Cas. Fisli. Pat. Rep. Fish. Pr. Cas. Fitz-G. Fl. Fla. Fhan. & K. Fol. Fol. Diet. Fonbl. For. For. Pla. Forb. Forester. Fort, de Laud. Fortes. Forum. Fosl. Fost. Forst. Fount. Fox's Dec. Fox & S. Fr. Fra. M. Fraser. Free. Chy. Freem. (Ills.). Freem. Ch. (Miss.;. Freem. K. U. G. &J. Ga. Ga. Dec. Ga. Sup. 33. Gaii. Falconer's Reports, Court of .Session. Falconer and Fitzherbert, Election Cases. Farresley (7 Mod. Rep.) Fcarne on Remainders. F'ederal Reporter, American. Ferguson's Consistory Reports, Scotland. Pandect.v (Juris Civilis). Finch's Reports, Chancery. Fisher's Patent Cases. 6 vols. Fisher's Patent Reports, i vol. Fisher's Prize Cases, U. S. Circuit. I vol. Fitz-Gibbon's Reports, K. B. Fleta. Florida Reports. Flanagan and Kelly's Reports, Rolls, Ireland. Fogg, N. H. Vols. 32 to 37. Foley's Povj; Laws. Karnes and Woodhouselee, Dictionary, Court of Session. Fonblanque on Equity. Forrest's Reports, Ex. Brown's Formula?. Forbes' Decisions, Court of Session. Cases time of Talbot, Chancery. Fortescue de Laudibus Angliic Legum. Fortescue's Reports, K. B. The Forum. 3 vols. Foster, X. li., 21 to 31. Foster's Reports, Crown Law. Fountainhall's Decisions, Court of Session. Fox's Decisions. 2 vols. Fox & Smith's Reports, K. B., Ireland. Fragment or Excerpt— or Laws— in titles of Pan- dects. Francis' Maxims. Eraser on Personal and Domestic Relations, Scot- land. Freeman's Chancery Reports. Freeman, Illinois, 31 to 127. Freemen's Chancery, Miss, i vol. Freeman's Reports, K. B. Glyn and Jameson, Bankruptcy Reports. Georgia, i to 80. Georgia Decisions, i vol. Georgi:,, Supplement to vol. 33. Gaii Institiitionum Commentarii IV. pif:l 7'''' reference which frequently occurs in Bl.ickstone .and othc vrilers applied to the /«/.v/cfcor D/.<>fj/iof thecivillaw, IS a corruption of the Greek letter //. fk' Ccilvini Lexicon Jurid. voc. Digestorom. v-....i,i. Abbreviations, P he Gal. & Dav. Gall. Gard. N. Y. Rep'r. Gaz. B. George. Gib. Cod. Gibbs. Gif. Gill. Gill. & J. Gilinan. Gilmer. Gilb. C. P. Debt. Dist. Ev. Kx. Exch. K. B. R. Rem. Us. Gilm. Gilp. Gl. Glanv. Cilassc. Godb. Godol. Golds. Gosf. Gow's N. P. C. Grant Cas. Grant Ch. (U. C). Gratt. Gray. Green. Cireen, C. E. Green Cli. Green Grim. Rep. Greene, G. Greenl. Griff. L. Reg. Gro. de J. B. Gundry. Gale and Davison's Reports. K. B. Gallison, U. S. ist Circuit. 2 vols. Gardinier's N. V. Reporter. I vol. Gazette of Bankruptcy. George, Miss. Reports. Vols. 30 to 39. Gibson's Codex. Gibbs, Michigan. Vols. 2 to 4, Gifford's Reports, Chancery. Gill, Maryland Ct. of /\pp. 9 vols. Gill & Johnson, .Maryland. 12 vols. Gilman, Illinois Reports. Vols. 6 to to. Gilmer, Virginia Court of Appeals, i vol. Gilbert's Cases in Law and in Equity. Common Pleas, Treatise on Debt. Distresses. Evidence. Executions. Exchequer. King's Bench. Reports. Remainders. Uses. Gilmour's Reports, Court of Session. Gilpin, U. S. District, Pennsylvania, i vol. Glcssa, a Gloss or Interpretation. Glanville de l.egibus. Glasscock's Reports in all the Courts, Ireland. Godbolt's Reports, K. B. Godolp' in. Goldesborough's Reports, K. B. Gosford's Reports, Court of .Session. Gow's Nisi Prius Cases. Grant's Cases, Pennsylvania. 3 vols. Grant's Chancery Reports, Canada. Grattan, Virginia Court of Appeals. 33 vols. Gray, Mass. 16 vols. Green, N. J. Law. Vols. 13 to 15. Green, C. E. 16-27, N. J. Ch. Green, N. J. Chan. Vols. 2 to 4. Green's Criminal Law Reports, American. 2 vols. Greene, G., Iowa. 4 vols. tireenleaf. Me. Reports. Vols, i to g. Griffith's Law Register, American. Vols. 3 and 4. Grolius de Jure Belli. Gundry MS.S. (/i). (';) These MSS. were purch.ised of Nathaniel Gimrfiv, Esq., the only son of Mr. Justice Gundry, by whom the notes were taken, and will be '.>nnd in Lincoln's Inn Library. MM AUBRKVIATIONS. Gwm. H., or Hil. H. II. I'. C. H. L. Rep. Cas. H. P. C. H. & C. H. & M. M. & N. H. & R. Ha. & Tw. Had. Hag. Adm. Hag. Con. Hag. Ec. Hailes. Hale C. L. Hall. Hall's L. J. Halst. fh. Ham. Han. N. B. Hand. Handy. Hanm. Hans. Har. (Del.) Har. (Mich.) Har. (N. J.) Har. & Gil. Har. & J. Har. & McH. Hare. Hard. Hardin. Hare. Harp. Harp. Eq. Harr. Harr. Dig. Harr. & Hodg. ( U. Harris. Hav. P. E. I. Hawk. P. C. Hawks. Hayes. Hayes & J. Gwillim's Tithe Cases. Hilaiy Term. Hale's Hist. Plac. Cor. Clark and Finnully's House of Lords Report Series. Hale's Pleas of the Crown. Hurlstone and Coltman's Reports, Ex. Hening^: Munford, Virgina. 4 vols. Hurlstone and Norman's Reports, Ex. Harrison and Rutherford's Reports, C. P. Hall and Twells, Chancery Reports. Earl of Haddington's Reports, Court of Session. Haggard's Admiralty RejMrts. Consistory Reports. Ecclesiastical Reports. Haile's Decisions, Court of Session. Hale's Common Law. Hall, N. Y. Superior. Vols, i and 2. Hall American Law Journal. 7 vols. Halsted, N. J. Law. Vols. 6 to 12. Halsted, N. J. Ch. Vols. 5108. Hammond, Ohio, i to 9. Hannay, New Brunswick Reports. N. V. Rep. 40 to 45. Handy, Cincinnati Superior Court. 2 vols. Hanmer's Lord Kenyon's Notes, K. B. Hansard's Entries. Harrington, Delaware. 5 vols. Harrington's Chancery, Mich, i vol. Harrison, N. J. 1,. Vols. 16 to 19. Harris & Gill, ALiryland. 2 vols. Harris & Johnson, Maryland. 7 vols. Harris & McHenry, Maryland. 4 vols. Harcarse's Decisions, Court of Session. Hardre's Reports, Ex. Hardin, Kentucky, i vol. Hare's Reports, Chancery. Harper's Law, South Carolina, i vol. Harper's Equity, South Carolina, i vol. Harrison, 16-19, i^- J- Harrison's Digest, all the Courts. C.) Harrison and Hodgin's Reports, Canada. Harris, Pa. St. Vols. 13 to 24. Prince Edward's Island's Reports. Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown. Hawks, North Carolina. 4 vols. Hayes' Reports, Exchequer, Ireland. Hayes and Jones' Reports, Exchequer, Ireland. Abbreviations. I Hnyw. (N. C.) Hayw. (Tenn.) Ilayw. L. Reg. Haz. Reg. Penn. Haz. Reg., U. S. Head. Hein. Jleisk. Hem. & M. Hemp. Hen. & M. Her. Het. Hill. Hill (S. C.) Hill Eq. Hill & D. Hilt. Hob. Hodg. (Can.) Elec. Hoff. Ch. Hoffm. L. Cas. Hog. Holmes. Holt. Holt N. P. Home (Clk.) Hop. & C. Hop. & P. Hope. Hope Maj. Pr. Hope Min. Pr. Hopk. Ch. Hopkins. U. .S. Horr. & Thomp. Houst. Houst. Cr. Cas. Hov. Suppl. How, How. (Miss.) How. App. Cas. How. Pr. Hud. & B. Hugh. Hughes (Ky.) Hughes, U. S. Hume. Hume. Com. Haywood, North Carolina. 2 vols. Haywood, Ternessee. 3 vols. Hayward's Law Register, American. I vol. Hnzzard's Register, Penn. 16 vols. Hazzard's Register, United States. 6 vols. Head, Tennessee. 3 vols. Heineccius Heiskell, Tennessee. Hemming and Miller, Chancery. Hempstead, U. S. Circuit, Ark. i vol. Hening & Munford, Virginia. 4 vols. Heme. Hetley's Reports, C. P. Hill, N. Y. 7 vols, Hill's Law, South Carolina. 3 vols. Hill's Equity, South Carolina. 2 vols. Hill & Dcnio, Supplement, N. Y. i vol. Hilton, N. Y., Common Pleas. 2 vols. Hohart's Reports, K. P. Cas. Hodgin's Election Cases, Canada. HolTman's Chancery, N. Y. i vol. Hoffman, Land Cases, U. S. 1 vol. Hogan's Reports, Rolls, Ireland. Holmes, U. S. Circuit. Voh i. Holt's Reports, K. B. Holt's Nisi Prius Reports. Clerk Home's Reports, Court of Session. Hopwood and Coltman, Registration Appeal Cases. Hopwood and Philbrick, Registration Appeal Cases. Thomas Hope's Reports, Court of Session. Sir Thomas Hope's Major Practicks, Scotland Sir Thomas Hope's Minor I'racticks, Scotland. Hopkin's Chancery, N. Y. i vol. Hopkinson's U. S. Circuit, i vol. Horrigan & Thompson's Cases Self-defence, i vol. Houston, Delaware. Houston's Criminal Cases, Delaware. Vol. i. Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey, Junr. iioward, U. S. Supreme. 24 vols. Howard, Miss. Reports. Vols. 2 to 8. Howard's Court of App. Cases, N. Y. i vol. Howard's Practice, N. Y., i to 67. Hudson and Brooke's Reports, K. B., Ireland. Hughes' Entries. Hughes, Kentucky, i vol. Hughes, United States Circuit. I to 5. Hume's Decisions, Court of Session. Hume's Commentaries on Crimes, Scotland. AnnRKVIATIONS. Humph. Hun. Hunier. Hut. I. J. C. I. K. C. L. I. R. Eq. Idaho. Ills. Imp. C. P. K. B. PI. Sh. InF. In F. Pr. In Pr. Ind. Ind. App. Ind. App. Supp. Ins. Ins. Law J. Ins. Mon. Ins. Rep'r. Inst. I, 2. Inst. I, 2, 3. Inst. I, 2, 31. Int. Rev. Rcc. Iowa. Ir. Law & Eq. Ir. Law & Ch. Ired. lied. Eq. Iv. Ersk. J. Ctus. J. J. Mar. J. & W. Jac. or Jacob. Jac. and W. James N. Sc. Jan. AngL Jebb. C. C. Humphrey, Tennessee. II vols. Hun, N. Y. Supreme. Hunter's Laws of Landlord and Tenant, Scotland. Hutson's Reports, C. P. Irvine's Justiciary Cases. Irish Reports, Common Law Series. Irish Reports, Equity Series. Idaho. Vol. I. Illinois. I to 125. Impey's Practice, C. P. Practice, K. B. Pleader. Sheriff. In fine. At the end of a title, law, or paragraph. In fine principii. In principio. In the beginning, and before the first paragraph of a law. Indiana. I to 117. Indian Appeals. Supplement Indian Appeals. Insurance. Insurance Law Journal. Insurance Monitor. Insurance Reporter, Amer. (I, 2) Coke's Inst. Justinian's Inst. l;b. i, tit. 2, sec. 3. Justinian's Institutes, Lib. I, tit. 2, sec. 31 (/). Internal Revenue Record. Iowa Reports. Irish Law and Equity Reports, Ireland. Irish Law and Equity Reixirts, Ireland, New Series. Iredell's Law, North Carolina. 13 vols. Iredell's Equity, North Carolina. 8 vols. Ivory's Notes on Erskine's Institute. Jurisconsultus. J. J. Marshall, Kentucky. 7 vols. Jacob and Walker's Reports, Chancery. Jacob's Reports, Chancery. Jacob and Walker's Reports, Chancery. James' Nova Scotia. Jani Anglorum. Jebb's Crown Cases, Ireland. is not numbered. The ^ol ,; L, Jtt'^&S. Jeff. Jenk. Jo. & I,at. John. John. & H. Johns. Johns. Cas. Johns. Ch. Jon. I, 2. Jones. Jones. Jones (N. C.) Jones, Kq. Jones T. Jones W. Jones & C. Jones & Sp. Jour, of Law. Jud. Jud. Repos. Jud. St. Jur. Jur. and L. Kq. Kep'r. Jur. N. H. Jur. Sc. Jurisprudent. Just. Inst. Jebband llouike's Reports, K. H., Ireland. Jebh and Syme's Reports, K. U. Ireliiiil. Jefferson, Virginia. I vol. Jenkins' Reports, Ex. Jones and I.iilouche's Reports, Chancery, Ireland. Johnson's Reports, Cliancery. Johnson and 1 lemming's Reports, Chancery. Johnson, N. Y. 20 vols. Johiisoii's (Jases, N. Y. 3 vols. Johnson's Chancery, N. Y. 7 vols. Jones' \V. & T., Reports, K. li, Jones' Reports, Exch. Ireland. Penn. .St. Vols. 11 to 12. Jones's Law, North Carolina. 8 vols. Jones's Equity, North Carolina. 6 vols. Jones' Reports, K. U. Jones' Reports, K. B. Jones and Carey's Reports, Exch., Ireland. Jones and Spencer, N. V. Super. 33 to 57. Journal of Law, Penn. i vol. Judgments. Judicial Repository, N. Y. I vol. Judicial Styles, Scotland. The Jurist Reports in all the diurls. Jurist and Law and ICquity Reporter, i vol. Jurist, New Series. Scottish Jurist, Court of Session. Jurisi)rudent, American, i vol. Justinian's Institutes. K. H. K. C. R. K. I'i F. N. S. W. K. & G. R. C. Karnes. Kin)es' P-luc. Kames' Rem. I). Karnes' S. D. Kames' Tr. Kans. Kay. Kay & J. Keb. Keen. Keilw. Keil. Kel. Kel. I, 2. Kelly. Ken. King's Bench. Rep. /cmp. King, C. Chancery. Knox and Fitzharding's New South Wales. Ke.ine and CIrant's Registration Cases. Kames' Decisions, Court of Session. Kames' ICIucidations of the Law of Scotland. Kames' Remarkable Decisions, Court of Session. Kames' Select Decisions, Court of Session. Kames' Historical Law Tracts, Scotland. Kansas Reports, i to 40. Kay's Reports, Chancery. Kay & Johnson's Rejiorts, Chancery. Keble's Reports, K. B. Keen's Reports, Rolls Court. Keilway's Reports, K. B. Sir John Kelying's Re|)orts, K. B. Wm. Kelynge's Rep., 2 parts, Chancery. Georgia Reports. Vols, i to 3, Kennett. i Adhrkviations. Kent. Comm. Kcny. Kernan. Kerr N. B. Kilk. Kirliy. Kit. Kn. Kn. & (). Knox, N. S. VV. Ky. Ky. L. Kcp'r. L. C. Jur. L. C. L. J. L. C. Kep. L. C. Seign. kep. L. I. L. L.J. L. Mag. L. .M. & P. L. P. U. L. Rev. L. T. L. & C. L. & G. /m/. Plunk. L. & M. L. & Wclsb. La. La. La. An. La Tliem L. C. La. L. J. Lab. Lack. Leg. Kec. Lalor's .Sup. Lamb. Lane. Har. Lans. Lans. Chy. Lat. Law I!ul. Law Lit. Law News. Law kec. Law Rep. Ad. & Ee. Law Rep. C. C. Kent's Commentaries on the Law of U. S. Kciiyon's Notes, by Hanmer, K. It. N. Y. Reports, ii to 14. Kerr, New Itrunswick Reports. Lord Kilkerran's Decisions, Court of Session. Kirby, Connecticut. I vol. Kitchen, Kna|)p's Report- Privy Council. Knapp and OriibK r, Klection Cases. Knox, New South Wales. Kentucky Reports. Kentucky Law kejiurter, i to 3. Lower Cinada Juri.' t. " " Law Journal. " " Reports. " Seigniorial Questions. Lincoln's Inn Library. iw Journal keports in all the Courts. 1 ne Law Magazine. Lowndes, Ma.xwell, uiid Pollock's Rep., Kail Ct. Paper DooU of Lawrence, J. (A-). The Law Review. The Law Times, Reports in all tlio Courts. Leigh iV Cave, Crown Cases. Lloyd and (ioold, (i-m/>. Plunket, Chancery, Ireland. Lowndes, Maxwell, and Pollock's Rep., Hail ft. Lloyd and Welsby's Commercial Reports. Lane's Reports, Exchequer. Louisiana Reports. 19 vols. Louisiana Annual Reports. La riiem's Canada. Louisiana Law Journal, i vol. Labatt, California. 2 vols. Lackaw-inna I cl' d Record, Pcnn. i vol. Lalor's Suppl. ent, Hill and Den., N. Y. i vol. Lambard. Lancaster liar., Pcnn. Lansing, N. V. Supreme. 7 vols. Lansin's Chancery, \. Y. i vol. Latch's Reports, K. P. Law lUilIetin, Cal. i vol. Law Intelligencer. 3 vols. Law News. 2 vols. Law Recorder, Reports in all the Courts, T, land. Admiralty and Ecclesiastical. Crown Cases Reserved. (<■) See an/,; note («). 5 Law Rep. Ch. «i 14 " I). Law kep. C. P. II i< " D. Law Rep. Eq. Law Kep. Kx. If I* " D. Lnw Rep. II. L. Law Rep. n. L. Se. Law Rep. I'. C. Law Rep. P. &D. <« II D. Law Rep. Q. B. D. Law Rep'r. Law Rev. Law & Eq. Rep'r Ld. Ken. L-i R.-xym. Lea. Leach. Lee iS: H. Leg. Adv. Leg. Chron Leg. Cliron Rep. Leg. Ex. Am. Leg. Exch. Leg. Gaz. Leg. Int. Leg. News, L. C. Leg. O. Leg. Op. Leg. Rep'r. Leigh. Leon. Lev. Lew C. C. Lex. Merc. Red. Ley. Lib. Ass. Lib. Feud. Lib. Int. Lib. Intr. Lib. PI. Ahbreviationn. Chancery Appeal Cases. " " " DiviKion. Common Pleas Cases. ' I)ivi.sion. Equity Cases. Exchequer Cases. " " Division. English nnd Irish Appeals Cnsos, House of Lords. Scotch and Divorce Appeals Cases, House of Lords. Privy Council Appeol Cases. Probote and Divorce. " " Division. Queen's Bench Cases. ' Division. Law Reporter. Law Review, i vol. Law and Equity Reporter. 4 vols. Kenyon's Reports, K. H. Lord Raymond's Reports, K. B, Lea, Tennessee. 16 vols. Leach's Crown Law. Lee's Cases, temp. Hardwicke, K. B. Legal Adviser. Legal Chronicle, Penn. 3 vols. Legal Chronicle Reports, Penn. 2 vols. Legal Examiner, American. I No. Legal Exchange, Amer. I vol. Legal Cazette, Pennsylvania. 8 vols. Legal Intelligencer, Penn. Legal News, Lower Canada. The Legal Observer. Legal Opinions, Penn. 5 vols. Legal Reporter, Tenn. Leigh, Virginia. 12 vols. Leonard's Reports, K. B. Levinz's Reports, K. li. Lewin's Crown Cases. Lex Mercatoria, by Beawes. Ley's Reports, K. E. Liber Assisarum, Year Book, pt. 5. Liber Feudorum, usually printed at the end of the Corpus Juris Civils (/). Liber Intrationum. Old Book of Entries. Liber Placitandi. (t) This Treatise upon Feudal Law is usually found a( the end n' the Ci^rpus J wis L'iv- ilis; and is sometimes referred to as Consuetudines Fcmiornm. It is divided into two books, and these again are divided into titles, and it is thus cited, i Feud. 28, /. €., Book i, tit. 28. Ahurkviations. Lib. Reg. Lil. Lil. Ahr. I.ind. or Lynd. Lit. Lit. with S. I.itt. (Ky.) Litt. Sel. Cas. Liv. Jml. Op. I.iv. Law Mag. Llo. & Goo. Loc. Cts. Gaz. ( Locc. Lofn. Lomas. Long Quinto. Longf. & T. Low. Lud. E. C. Lush. Lut. Lut. R. C. Luz. Legal Obs. Luz. Leg. Reg, M. M., or Mich. M. D. & D. M. & Ayr. R. M. & Ayr. H. L. M. & McA. M. & S. M. & W. Mac. P. C. Mac. & G. Mack. Macii. Crim. Mack. Obs. (U. Mack. R. L. Macl. & R. Macph. Macq. IL L. Cas. Mad. Madd. Madd. Ch. Mai. Register Hook. Lilly's Reports or Entries. Lilly's I'racticnl Register. LinMM P Man. & C. Man. & R. Mann. (Mich.) Manw. Mar. Marsh. Marsh. A. K. Marsh. Dec. Marsh. In. Marsh. J. J. Mart. (La.) Mart. (N. C.) Mart. Dec. Mart. N. S. Mart. & Y. Mason. Mass. Mass. Elec. Mass. Law Rep'r. Mail. tS: i'ol. .Sh. Mau. & Sel. McAll. MacArth. MacArth. Pat. (as. McCahon. McC'art. McCle. McCle. & Yo. McF. R. McCook. McCord. McCord Eq. Mc(jU)in. McLean. McMull. McMuU. Eq. Md. Md. Ch. Md. L. Rep'r. Md. L. Rev. Me. Mee. iV W. Meigs. Memphis L. J. Mer., or Meriv. Met. Met. (Ky.) Mich. Mich. Lawyer. Manning and Granger's Reports, C. P. Manning and Ryland's Reports, K. B. Micliigan Reports, i. Manwood's Forest Laws. March's Reports, K. B. Marshall's Reports, C. P. Marshall, A. K., Kentucky. 3 vols. Marshall's Decisions, Brockenbrough. 2 vols. Marshall on Insurance. Marshall, J. J. Kentucky. 7 vols. Martin, Louisiana. 12 vols. Martin, North Carolina, i vol. Martin's Decisions, N. C. i vol. Martin, !-"vc After Justinian's death, some part of his Novels, to the number of 168, were collected and reduced into one volume, together with 13 of the Greek edicts, which make up the fou -th and Visi AivKmn o! {\x Corpus yuris Civilis. ^ Abbreviations. Nev. Nev. & M. Nev. & P. New Rep. Newb. Adm. Nic. Ha. C. No. Ca. Ecc. & M. Cls. No. N. Nol. Sett. Norris. North. North W. L. J. Nott & Hop. Nott & Hunt. Nott & McC. Noy. O. Benl. Off, Off, Br. Off, Ex. Ohio. Ohio L. J. Ohio St. Olcott. Oldr. N. Sc. Oliver's N. S. W. Stat, Ont. Ont. App. Ont. Pr. Ord. Ch. Ord. Oa. Oreg. Orl. Bridginan. Otto. Ought. Overt. Ovv. Nevada Reports. Neville and Manning's Reports, K. B. Neville and Perry's Reports, K. B. New Reports in all the Courts. Newberry's Admiralty Reports, i vol. Nicoll, Hare, and Carrow, Railway Cases. Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts. Novae Narrationes. Nolan's Settlement Cases. Penn. St. 82 to 96. Northington's Reports, by Eden, Chancery. North Western Law Journal. Vol. i. N-- = • Hopkins' Court Claims Reports. 8 to 22. No Huntington's Ct. Claims Reports, i to 7. Nott IfM* p If? Pac. C. L. J. Pac. L. Mag. Pacif. L. RepV. Paige. Paine. Pal. Par. Park Ins. Parker, Cr. Rep. Pars. Eq. Cas. Pat. App. Cas. Pat. Off. Dec. Pat. Off. Gaz. Pat. Rev. Pat. & H. Patr. (Can.") Elec. Pea. Peak. Ad. Cas. Peak. N. P. C. Pears. Peck (Ills.). Peck (Tenn.). Pen. (N. T.). Penn. L. J. Rep. Penn. L. Rec. Peo. Leg. Adv. Per. & Dav. Per. & K. Perk. I'eters. Peters Adm. Peters C. C. Ph. Pli. Ev. Phill. (N. C). Phill. Eq. Phillim. Pick. Pig. ?Sr I'ig. eS: R. Pike. Pike L . C. Pinn. Pittsb. L.J. Pittsb. Rep. PI. Com. PI. pla P. p. Pol. Poph. Pacific Law Journal. Pacific Law iVIagazine, Cal. i vol. Pacific Lavv Reporter. 15 vols. Paige's Chancery, N. Y. 1 1 vols. Paine, I'. S. 2d Circuit. 2 vols. Palmer's Reports, K. B. Parker's Reports, Ex. Park on Insurance. Parker's Criminal Reports, N. V. 6 vols. Parson's Equity Cases, Penn. 2 vols. Paton's Appeal Cases, House of Lords. Patent Office Decisions, i to 19. Patent Office Gazette. I to 36. Patent Law Review, i vol. Patton & Heath, Virginia. 2 vols. Cas. Patrick's Election Cises, Canada. Peake's Reports, N. P. Peake's Additional Cases. Peake's Nisi Prius Cases. Pearson, Penn. 2 vols. Illinois Reports. 11 to 30. Peck, Tennessee, i vol. Pennington, N. J. Law. 2 and 3. Penn. Law Reports, Clark. 5 vols. Pennsylvania Law Record. 3 vols. People's Legal .Vdviser. i part. Perry and Davison's Reports, K. 13. Perry and Knapp, Election Cases. Perkin's Conveyances. Peter:;'s U. .S. Supreme. 16 vols. Peters's Admiralty, U. H. 2 vols. Peters, U. S. Circuit Court, i vol. Phillips' Reports, Chancery. Phillips' Evidence. Phillips's Law, North Carolina. 1 vol. Phillips's Equity, North Carolina. I vol. Phillimore's Reports, EL'clesiastical. Pickering, Mass. Reports. 24 vols. Pigot's Recoveries. Pigott and Rodw ell's Election Cases. Arkansas Reports. Vols, i to 5. Pike Lower Canada Reports. Pinney, Wisconsin. 3 vols. Pittsburg Legal Journal. Pittsburg Reports, Penn. 3 vols. Plowden's Com. or Reports K. li. Placita. PoUexfen's Reporls, K. I!. Jopham's Reports, K. D. Abbreviations. Poph. (2) Port. (Ala.) Port. (I ml.) Port. (Mo.) Postleth. Diet. Pow. R. c^ D. Pr. Ch. Pr. Co. Pr. Falc. Pr. Keg. Ch. Pr. St. Pres. Abs. Pres. Conv. Pres. Es. Pres. Shep. T. Price or Pr. Print. Dec. Priv. Lond. Pugs. X. H. Pugs. & Dur. N. 13. Q- Q. Attach. Q. B. Q. War. Quar. L. J. Quel). L. R. Queb. Q. B. Quincy. Quinii (^)uinto (;/). R. R. 1. R. S. I,. R. T. II. R. T. H. R. & C. N. Sc. R. & C. N. .Sc. Eq. R. & C;. \. Sc. Rail. C. Rind. R;.>. T. Raym. Cases at the en 1 of Popham's Reports. Porter, Alabama, g vols. Indiana Reports. 3 to 7. Missouri Reports. 42 to 59. Posthlethwaite's Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. Power, Rodwell and Dew's Election Cases. J'recedents in Chancery (Finch). Prerogative Court. President Falconer's Reports, Court of Session. Practical Register in Chancery. Private Statute. Preston on Abstracts. Preston's Conveyancing. Preston on Estates. Sheppard's Touchstone, by Preston. Price's Reports, Exchequer. Printed Decisions, Hughes, Ky. i vol. Privibgia Londini. Pugsley, \evv Brunswick Rep. Pugslcy & Burbidge, New Brunswick Rep. Quorum. Quoniani Attachiamenta. Adolphu> and lillis. Queen's Bench Reports, New Series. Qu > Warranto. Quarterly L.-.w Journal, \'irginia. 6 vols. Que 's Bench Law Reports. Qu>. Mi's Bench Reports, Quincy, Massachusetts. 1 vol. Year Book, 5 Hen. V. Resolved, Repealed. Rhode Island Reports. Reading Statute Law. Reports time of Mardwicke, C. J . B. R. Reports time of Holt, C. I. If. R. Russell & Chesley, Nova Scotia Rep. Russell & Chesley, Nova Scotia lujuity. Russell & Geldert, Nova Scotia. Railway Cases. Randolph, Virginia. 6 vols. Rastell's Kniries and Statutes. Rawle, Pennsylvania. 5 vols. Sir Thnmas Raymond's Reports, K. B. Raymond. («) V, 5 Hen. VII., 19, ..4. Abbreviations. P k '. Hardwicke, Chancery. Kidgway's Appeals, Irtland. Riley's Law, South Carolina, i vol. Riley's Equity, South Carolina, i vol. Robinson's Entries. Robinson, Louisiana. 12 vols. N. Y. Superior Court Rpjiorts. 24 to 30. Robinson, Virginia. 2 vols. Robinson's Reports Admiralty, or Robertson's Rep. of Appeals. Robertson's Ecclesiastical Reports. Robb's Patent Cases, U. S. 2 vols. Robertson's Appeal Cases, Scotland. Roger's Criminal Recorder, N. Y. 6 vols. Roll of the Term. Rolle, Rep., and Abridgment. Romilly's Notes of Cases. Root, Connecticut. 2 vols. Rose's Reports, Bankruptcy, Aburevjations. Koss. Rosa 1,. C. Rub. Run, Ejec. Rush. Russ. Russ. & M. Russ. & R. Ry. F. Ry. & M. S. }. S., or S. & D. S. B. S. C. S. C. S. C. C. S. C. Rep. S. P. s. & s. S. & Sn. Salk. San Fran. L. Bull. San Fran. 1,. J. Srk'I. Sand. Ch. Sau. &. Sc. Saund. Saund. & C. Sav. Sawy. Saxt. Ch. Say. Sc. Jur. Sc. L. R. Scac. Scam. Sch. & Lef. Schm. L. J. Schuyl. leg. Rec. Sco., or Scott. Sco. N. R. Scriv. Cop. Sec. Sel. Ca. Ross' Lectures on Conveyancing, etc., .Scotland. Ross' Leading Cases. Rubricks. In such a Rubrick or Title (o). Runnington's Ejectment. Rushworlh's Collections. Russell's Reports, Chancery. Russell and Mylne's Reports, Chancery. Russell and Ryan's Crown Cases. Rymer's Fcedera. Ryan and Moody, N. P. Reports. Section. Shaw and Dunlop, Court of Session, First Series. Upper Bench, or Supreme Bench. Same Case. South Carolina Reports, N. S. Vols, i to 29. Select Chancery Cases. Supreme Court (,in reference to citations ol Amer- ican) Reports. Same Point or I'rinciple. Simons and Stuart's Reports, Chancery. S<;arle and Smith's Reports, Probate and Divorce. Salkeld's Reports, K. B. San Francisco Law Bulletin, i vol. San Francisco Law Journal. I vol. N. Y. Superior Court Reports. 3 to 7. Sandford's Chancery, N. Y. 4 vols. Sause and Scully's Reports, Rolls, Ireland. Saunders' Reports, K. B. Saunders and Cole, Bail Court Reports. Savile's Reports, C. P. Sawyei-. U. S. 9th Circuit. Saxton's \, T. Ch. Vol. i. Sayers' Reports, K. B. Scottish Jurist, Court of Session. .Scottish Law Reporter. Scaccaria Curia, Court of Exchequer. Ills. Reports. Vols. 2 to 5. Schoale and Lefroy's Reports, Chancery, Ireland. Schmidt's Law Journal, i vol. Schuylkill Legal Record, Penn. Scott's Reports. C. P. Scott's New Reports, C. P. Scriven on the Law of Copyholds. .Section. Select Cases, Chancery. (0) The Titles of the Roman Law, being formerly written in red letters, were called Ru- bncks. AliDRKVIATIONS. 1 '* P N 1 1 ■,« Sel. Cas. N. F. Seld. Seltl. Seld. Notes. Selw. N. 1'. Seiii. Serg. & k. Sess. Ca. Sh. Sh. App, Sh. Dig. Sh. & McL. Shand. I'r. Shaw, Venn. Shcp. Shep. Sel. Cas. Shep. Touch. Show. Shower's P. C. Sickels. Sid. Sim., or Sim. N. S. Sim. & St. Skene. .Skil. Holier Rep. Skin. Sm. Action. Sni. Con. Sm. Kq. Manual. Sm. L. C. Sm. I.andl. & T. Sm. Law of Prop. and Serv. Law. Sm, Mast, Sm. Merc, Sm. & G. Smedes & M. Smedes & M. Ch Smi. & iiat. Smith. Smith (Ind.) Smith (N. H.) Smith (N Smith, E. Smith, P. Smylhe. Sneed, • V.) D. V. Select Cases, New Foundland. Selden. N. Y. Reports. Vols. 5 to 10. Sclden's Notes, N. X. Court Appeals, i vol. Selwyn's Nisi Prius. Sem1)le, seems. Sergeant & Kawle, Pennsylvania. 1 7 vols. Sessions Cases, and Carrow, Ilamerton and Allen. Shaw's Reports, Court of Session Cases, First Series. Shasv's Reports of Appeal Cases, House of Lords. Shaw's Digest of Decisions, Scotland. Shaw and Maclean's Reports of Appeal Cases, House of Lords. Shand's I'ractice, Court of Session. Vermont Reports. 10 to II, 30 to 35. Maine Reports. 13 to 18, 21 to 30. Shepherd's Select Cases, Alabama. 19 to 21, 24 to 41, 49. SI. 60, 63 to 66. Shcppard's 'rouchstone. Shower's Reports, K. 15. Shower's Parliament Cases. N. Y. Reports. 46 to 114. Siderfin's Reports, K. P. Simons, or Simons' New Scries, Reports Chancery. Simons and Stuart's Reports, Chancery. Sir John Skene's De Verborum Significatione. Skillman's Police Rep. Burlesque, N. Y. i vol. Skinner's Reports, K. H. .Smith's (John W.) Action at Law. Contracts. Smith's (Jos. W.) Manual of Equity. Smith's (John W.) Ixading Cases. Smith's (John W.) Landlord and Tenant. Smith's (Jos. W.) Compendium of the Law of Real and Personal Property. Smith's (Chas. Manley) Master .ind Servant. Smith's (fohn W.) Compen. of Mercantile Law. Smale and Giffard's Reports, Chancery. Smedes & Marshall's Reports. 14 vols. Smedes & Marshall's Ciiancery, .Miss, i vol. Smith and Patty's Re^irts, K. P., Ireland. Smith's Reports, K. B. Smith, Indiana Reports. 1 vol. Smith's New Hampshire Reports, i vol. N. Y. Reports. 15 to 27. Smith, E. I)., New York. 4 vols. Pa. .St. Vols. 51 to 81. Smythe's Reports, C. P., Irel.ind. Sneed, Tennessee Reports. 5 vols. Abbreviations. Sneed. Dec. Ky. Sol. J. Som. South. South. I,. J. South. L. Rev. South. VV. L. J. Southard. Spear. Spear Kq. Spel. Spenc. Spottis. Spottiswoode. Sprague. St. St. Tri. Sta-.-. Slant. Stark. C. L. Stark. Ev. Stark. N. V. Stat. W. Staunf. St. P. C. & Pr. Staph. Com. Stew. Stew. Ans. Stew. Chy. Stew. & P. Stewart L. C. K. B. Stewart L. C. V. A. Stewart N. Sc. Stockett. Stockt. Ch. Story. Story B. Exch. Story Bail. Story Con. Story Const. Story Eq. Jur. Story Eq. PI. Story L. U. S. Story PI. Story Pr. Stra. Strob. Strob. Eq. Stuart. Sty. Snced's Kentucky Decisions. I vol. Solicitor's Journal, Somner, Somers. Southard, N. J. Law. Vols 4 and 5. Southern Law Journal. 2 vols. Southern Law Review. South Western Law Journal. 2 vols. Southt , N. J. Law. Vols. 4 and 5. Spear's Law, South Carolina. 2 vols. Spear's Equity, South Carolina. I vol. Spelman. Spencer, N. J. Law. Vol. 20. Sir. R. Spottiswoode's Reports, Court of Session. Spottiswoode's Styles, Scotland. Sprague, U. S. District, Mass. 2 vols. Stair's Institutions of the Law of Scotland. State Trials. Lord Stair's Reports, Court of Session. Stanton, Ohio. 11 to 13, Starkie's Criminal Law, Starkie's Evidence, Starkie's Reports, N. P, Stat, Westminster. Staunforde Pleas and Prerogative, Stephen's Commentaries, Stewart, Alabama, 3 vols. Sir J. Stewart's Ans, to Dirlton's Doubts, Scotland. Stewart's N. J. Eq. 28 to 44. Stewart & Porter, Alabama. 5 vols. Stewart, K. B., Lower Canada. Stewart's Vice Admiralty. Stewart's Vice-Admiralty, Nova Scotia. Maryland Reports. 27 to 69. Stockton's N. J. Equity. 9 to II. .Story. U. S. 1st Circuit. 3 vols. Story's Bills of Exchange. Story on Bailments. Story's Conflict of Laws, Story upon the Constitution, Story's Equity Jurisprudence. Story's Equity Pleading. Story's Laws of the United States. Story's Pleading. Story's Promissory Notes. Strange's Reports, K. B. Strobhart's Law, South Carolina. 5 vols. Stiobhart's Equity, South Carolina. 4 vols. Stuart, Milne, and Peddic's Court of Session Reports. Style's Reports, K. H. Abbreviations. Suf. P. Sug. V. & P. Sum. Sw. & Tr. Swn. Ad. Swan. Swans. Sweeny. Swin. Syllabi. .orT. E. R. (/). T. K. T. R. T. R. E, T. & M. Tainl. Taney. Taiin. Tapp. Taun. Tayl. Tayl. Term. Taylor (I'. C.) Tenn. Tenii. Chy. Tenn. Leg. Rep'r. Tex. Tex. App. Rep. Tex. L. J. Tex. Sup. Th. Th. 13r. Th. Dig. Thach, Cr. C. Themis. Thorn. N. So. Thomp. Nat. Bank Cas. Thomp. Tenn. Cas. Thomp. & Cook. Tickl P. Tiff. Tinw. Toth. Tr. Eq. Trans. App. Sugden's Powers. Sugden's Vendors. Sumner, U. S. isl Circuit. 3 vols. Swabey andTristram's Reports, Probate an. ' Divorce. Swabey's Admiralty Reports. Sum, Tennessi ■■, 2 vols. Swanston's Reports, Chancery. N. Y. Superior Court R( , .rts, ji and 3a. Swinbuin on Wills. The Syllabi, i vol. Teste Rogo. Term Reports (Durnford and East), K, B. Tempore Regis Edwardi. 'I'emplc and Mew's Criminal Appeal Cases. Tamlyn's Reports, Rolls. Taney, U. S. 4th Circuit, i vol. Ind. Reports. 8 to 14. Tapj)an, Ohio, N. P, i vol. Taunton's Reports, C. P. Taylor, North Carolina. 1 vol. Taylor, Term. Rep. N. C. i vol. Taylor, K. li.. Reports, Canada. Tennessee Reports, i to 87. Tennessee Chancery Reports. 3 vols. Tennessee Legal Reporter. 3 vols. Texas Reports. Texas Appeal Reports. Texas Law Journal. I to 5. 25 Texas, Supplement. Thomson on BiDs and Notes, Scotland. Thesaurus Brevium. Theloall's Digest. Thacher's Criminal Cases, Mass. i vol. Themis, 'Ihe Amer. i vol. Thompson's Nova Scotia Reports. Thompson's National Bank Cases, i vol. Thompson's Tennessee Cases, i vol. Thompson & Cook, N. Y. 6 vols. Tidd's Practice. N. Y. Reports. 28 to 39. Lord Tinwald's Reports,Court of Session. Tothill's Reports, Chancery. Treaties of Equity. Transcript Appeals, N. Y. Court App. (/) This abbreviation is frequently used in Domeidav Rnnt or,^ ;„.»,„ Domesday Book, where ^^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^..^:)-]^r\ ^^^^^^^ of Abbreviations. Tread. Const. Trem. Trin. Tuck. Tudor Ca. M. L. Tudor Cas, Pr. n. 1 uiii. &: R. Tyler. Tyrw. Tyrw. & G. Trcttdway, S. Car. 2 vols. Tremaine Pleas of Crown. Trinity Term. Tucker's Surrogate, N. Y. I vol. Tudor's Leading Cases on Mercantile Taw. Tudor's Leading Cases on Real Property. Turner. Turner and Russell's Reportu, Chancery. Tyler, Vermont. 2 vols. Trywhitt's Reports, Exchequer. Trywhitt and Granger's Reports, Exchequer. u. c. c. p. Upper Canada Common Pleas. U. C. Chamb. Rrr Chambers Reportn, Canada. U. C. K. B. 0. S. King's Bench Old Series, Canada. U. C. L. J. Upper Canada Law Journal. U. C. Pract Rep. Practice Reports, Caivida. U. C. Q. B. Queen's Bench, Canada. U. K. United Kingdom. u. s. United States Report-i. U. S. Jur. United States Jurist Dist. of Columbia. 3 vols. U. S. L. J. United States Law journal. 2 vols. U. S. Law ^ag. U. S. Law Magazine, Livingston. 6 vols. Ulp. Ulpiani Fragmenta. Utah. Utah Territory Reports. V. & B. Vesey and Beames' Reports, Chancery. Va. Virginia Reports. 75 to 86. Va. Cas. Virginia Cases. 2 vols. Va. L. J. Virginia Law Journal. Van Ness. Van Ness, U. S. District, N. V. I voL Vatt. Vattel's Law of Nati(ms. Vaugh. Vaughan's Repurts, ('. P. Vaux. Vaux, Phil.ulelphia Recorder. I vol. Veaz. Veazey, Vermont Reports. 36 to 44. Vent. Ventris' Reports, K. B. Vern. Vernon's Reports, Chancery. Vern. & S. Vernon and Scriven's Reports, K. B., Ireland. Vcs. Vesey's, Sen., Reports, Chancery. Ves. Jun. Vesey's, Jun., Reports, Chancery. Ves. & Uca. Vesey & Beames' Reports, Chancery. Vet. Kntr. Old B. Entries. Vet. N. Br. Old Nat. lircv. Vict. Cons. Stat. Victoria Consolidated Statutes. Vict. L. R. Victoria Law H '^porter. Vict. L. T. Victoria Law Times. Vict. Rep. Victoria Rep. Webb, A' Beckett and Williams. Vid. Vidian's Entries. Vin. Abr. Viner's .Vdridgment. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 If: liM ^ tis, 2.5 12.0 1.8 U llllil.6 P^ ^ /2 ^Jw V Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. MS80 (716) li72-4503 V*; ,% Abbreviations. Vin. Sup. Virg. Vroom, Vt, W. I, W. 2. W. N. W. N. (Penn.) W. R. W. W. & A' B.Vic. W. & S. App. W. & W. Vict. Walk. (Miss.) Walk. Chan. Wall. Wall. C. C. Wall, Jr. Wallis. Warden, Ware. Wash. (Va.) Wash. C. C. Wash. Jur. Wash. L. Rep'r. Wash. Tar., N. S. Washb. Wat. Cop. Wats. Watts. Watts & Serg. Web. P. C. Webb. Webb. Vict. Imp. Stat. Weekl. Cin. L. Bull. Weekl. Dig. Weekl. Jur. Weekl. L. Rev. Weekl. Law Gaz. Week). N. Cas. Pean. Welsh. Wend. Went. Off. Exor. Went. E. West. H. L. West. Jur. West. Law J. West. Law Month. West. Leg. Obs. West. Va. ViTier's Supplement. Virgin, Maint Reports. 52 to 60. Vroom, N. J. Law. Vols. 30 to 42. Vermont Reports. Statutes Westminster, i, 2. Weekly Notes. Weekly Notes, Pennsylvania. Weekly Reporter in all the Courts. Wyatt, Webb and A' Beckett Victoria. Wilson and Shaw's Reports, House of Lords Wyatt and Webb Victoria. Walker, Miss. Reports. I. Walker's Chancery, Michigan, i vol. Wallace, U. S. Supreme Court Reports. 23 vols Wallace, U. S. 3d Circuit, i vol. Wallace, Jr., U. S. Circuit. 3 vols. Wallis' Reports, Chancery, Ireland. Warden, Ohio St. 2 to 4. Ware, U. S. District Maine. 3 vols. Washington, Virginia. 2 vols. Washington's Circuit Court. 4 vols. Washington Jurist. 6 vols. Washington Law Reporter. Washington Territory Reports, New Series. 3 vols Washburn, Vermont Reports. 16 to 23. Watkin's Copyholds. Watson. Watts, Pennsylvania. lo vols. Watts and Sergeant, Pennsylvania. 9 vols. Webster's Patent Cases. Kansas St. 6 to 16. Webb's Imperial Statutes. Weekly Cincinnati Law Bulletin. Weekly Digest, N. V. 28 vols. Weekly Jurist, Amer. 2 vols. Weekly Law Review, i vol. Weekly Law Gazette, Warden's. 4 vols. Weekly Notes of Cases, Pa. Welsh Registry Cases, Ireland. Wendell, N. Y. 26 vols. Wentworth's Office of Executor. Wentworth's Executor. West's Reports, House of Lords. Western Jurist. Western Law Journal. 10 vols. Western Law Monthly. 5 vols. Western Legal Observer. 6 vols. West Virginia Reports. Abbreviations. West & H. Whart. Wheat. Wheel. Cr. C. Whit. Pat. Cas. Wight. Wilcox. Willes. Williams. Wilni. Wils. Wils Ch. Wils. Ex. Wils. Super Ct. Win. Winst. Winst. Eq. Wis. Wis. Leg. NewF. Withr. Withr. Corp. Cas. Wm. Rob. Wms. Wms. Ex. Wms. Just. Wolf. & B. Wolf. & D. Wood. Wood, H. Wood. & M. Woodf. L. & T. Woolw. Wright. Wright, Pa. Wy. Ter. Wythe. West's Reports, Cnancery, temp. Hardwicke. Wharton, Pennsylvania. 6 vols. Wheaton, U. S. Supreme. 12 vols. Wheeler's Criminal Cases, N. Y. 3 vols. Whitman's Patent Cases, U. S. 2 vols. Wightwicke's Reports, Exchequer. Ohio. 10. Willes' Reports, K. B. and C. P. Vermont Reports. 27 to 29. Wilmot's Notes and Opinions, K. B. Wilson's Reports, K. B. Wilson's Chancery Reports. Wilson's Exchequer Reports. Wilson's Superior Court, Indiana, Winch's Reports, C. P. Winston's Law, North Carolina. I vol. Winston's Equity, North Carolina. I vol. Wisconsin Reports. Wisconsin Legal News. I to 6. Withrow, Iowa Reports. 9 to 21. Withrow's Amer. Corporation Cases. Vols. I to 5. William Robinson's New Admiralty Reports. Williams' Rep. , or Peere Williams' Chancery. Williams' Law of Executors. Williams' Justice. Wolferstan and Bristow's Election Cases. Wolferstan and Dew's Election Cases. Wood, U. S. 5th Circuit. 4 vols. Hutton Wood's Decrees in Tithe Cases. Woodbury & Minot, U. S. Circuit. 3 vols. Woodfall's Law of Landlord and Tenant. Woolworth, U. S. Circuit. I vol. Wright, Nisi Prius, Ohio. I vol. Pa. St. Vols. 37 to SO. Wyoming Territory Reports. 2 vols. Wythe's Chancery, Virginia, i vol. Y. B. {q) Y. &C. Y. & C. C. C. Y. &J. Yates, Sel. Cas. Yeates. Yelv. Yerg. Year-Book. Younge and Collyer's Exch. Equity. Younge and Collyer's Chancery Cases. Younge and Jervis' Reports, Exchequer. Yates's Select Cases, N. Y. I vol. Yeates, Pennsylvania. 4 vols. Yelverton's Reports, K. B. Yerger, Tennessee. 10 vols. (<7) The Year-Books are usually referred to by the year of each king s reipi, the initial let- ter of his name, and the page and number of the placita; to which is sometimes prefixed the initial letter of the term, e. g., M. 4, H. 7, 18, 10— Michaelmas Term, 4th Henry VII,, page 18, placitum 10. You. You. & Coll. You. & Jer. Young, N. Sc. Zab. Zinn Lead. Cas. Abbreviations. Younge, Reports, Exchequer. Younge and Collyer's Exch. Equity. Younge and Jervis' Reports, Exchequer. Young, Adm. Dec, Nova Scotia. Zabriskie, N. J. Law. 21 to 24. Zinn's Leading Cases on Trusts.