N? 'V* /f^' ^ •* ■-" ®- "i .V. :, ;v^.. f. iMAGEiVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) t ■ . ' ' -\ _ '■,-■■■.- ^(•" itt HI M U ITO L25 I u 11.6 22 /. fk. 3P)E ■*• ^ ■ V ,/ '" W H^MM ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ■ > - ■ 12X^ lix V "^ 24X - ".;■■ ■' 28X t- ..' 32X ^t^ / y* .§: to tHt otncrovity of: ■ ' ■ ■ ! ■ ' ■-'.•' ,"■''■ HetropoUtan Toronto Reference Library/. Arts Department , , the imaaee appwaring hare art tlia baat quality poaaibia conaMi^ng the GondMon and lafllblllty of the oHgkial copy and In kaapinfl wHh tha ffimlng contract apaeWcatlona.. Original coplaa In printod papar oovara ara fllnMd beginning with tha front cover and anding on tha laat page whh a print^^ "•'•"TSl'^S'^ alon. or tha bacit cwrar whan appropriaM. AM _^ other original eoplda are fUmad beginning on tM firat page with a printed or IMuatratad lwP»J*-_, alon. and anding on tho laat page with a printed or illuatrated Impreeeion. Ilie laat recorded frame an each microfiche ahaM contain the eymbol -^ *"»^™"« ^SSIH" T1NUED"). or the aymboi ▼(mo an ing END I. whichever appiiaa. Mapa. plataa. charta. etc.. may be filmed at, different reduction ratioa. Thoaa too large to be Entirely Included in one expoeure are fHnMd beginning In the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, aa many f««"^i»^ required. The following diegrama Hhi^ii^tha method: *^ - i**'-f'. fexemplaire fMm* fut reproduh gr|ce * il generoaltA da: .;:. Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library Arts Department i . Lea Imegea tuivantee ont «t« raproduitea avec le piua grand aoin. compte tenu do le condition et do le nettet* de rexemplaira film*, et in eonfbrmiti avec lea condltiona du aontrat de fNmage*' tea Mimplalrae origlnaux dont la eq«i«iarture en papier eat Imprimie sent ftlm4a en commen«ant par la premier plat at an termlnent aoH per le demMre page qui comporte une emprelnte dlmprasalon ou dlMuatretlon. aolt par le tacond plat, aaion le cea. Toua lea autrea axemplairea origineux sent fUmie en commen^ant par ie premlAra page qui comporte une emprelnte dimpression bu d'iNuatration et en terminent per le derhlAra pege qui comporte une telie emprelnte. Un dee aymbolee tuhreiita appareitre sur la demMre image de cheque microfiche, sqion le Sn^mbole -^ algnifle "A SUIVREV le aymbolaValgnlfle-flNV Lea caitea. planchea. tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre filmAa A dee taux de reduction dIffArents. Loraque la document eat trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un soul cUchA. II eat fMmA A partir de I'engle supArleur geuche. de gauche A drolte. et de heut en bee. en prenent le nombre d'Imegea nAcasaaire. Lea dlagramniaa auWanta IHuatrent le mAthode. :r:X' : 2 >a'3 • . I.'.' . 2 : 3';' f 'i S n 32X hi >• ■ / .,■ s . N .- S ■ »■ -, •« .■ '. ' • ^. •■ • , '. y 1. < . ,.^ •, ■'/•■^ ■■• ■ i-'-. -.■'»>: .1 ; . ■ ■ ■•'tr , .' '•.-,'!■ ■•.■|.i ■-. ,<.•.,♦' f >- «•! ■'..•■•■. ■-.^ ■•■',: \V'v-.^,Jv . ■• '•' .•*!/■ ',■'''■,.■: : ■f---.^- ;■.•, .•: ■,■■ /.i".^ • - 'r- ■^ . 4'v^'j-'kj' ■ ■■•■..' .■.-■!.■'■•' /^- ;,f^ ■ - •• ':,",•••.#■;•;.'•■-■ ^''. ^ ■• \ ■ . < ■:,->•■■■ ,-,It'-'^--"' v^.'^;^^' ; .■.'...■•■ .-:. -:■■'.. ■,■•■'■■■'. -y-y ■•■■^^■w:: :]■/ ^ ■■■iv, v.. ;•-.■', ^• .;■■ ■'>■ ■/--^'■Tritsfy^^m, ^v^;:.^■^■•^■v7^■:^:^-.c.•vC;■^-^^^*:::^U^ ■■ •'»:.■.:•■■■■•-" v,r^r.; '■; fv ;>.'■v•^..v'■s:.^■l:''v^:^-)lfcyy■k^!^3^• ^?;-" •/■■.■^^^'^■.■■■"''^"•'i^.-i'fA |- , Vr-:;;- -■*.*;.■■ I/-'*"; .' ' rS:- ¥> ■ ■■" •'' '; ,■ ' ■ ». ■■>'-..■?-"- ■ . ;■.-,'.■ , ^i ,j : "i'..:- ' '. ■■ .'. , '^ ^ .->■..:• '^ ' ^'i''. .4 "... • • . ■,- '■ *' ,,,-:■,■ i'.'^^' ' ■■ ■• ' ••, '■ V i^ "' .^< v. v..^./- i'*:' ;■-!;;■. >-^ , CATALOGUE or A Loan Collection Pictures TOROHTO CLUB - tS96 . '^ ; ■..:* TOSOHTO Tm BiVAirr ,'fm^: V. . \ '• , ...v., t.. ••..••... •• • • ,•• ><—»flM ft » iiWjdi jtiiBI 1*1 III ■■% «-•,'»'■ »■/ ^6/2^ ■k;'j *'*:» •.v: yn* •«W »: NOV :^. """tr Pursuant to t Resolution pused at a Special General Meetinf on the sth December, 1895, the Loan Exhibition of Pictures will be held, commenc- ing on Friday, the lOth, and ending on Saturday, the tSth Jaifuary, upon which days, Sunday excepted, the Exhibition will be open from 3.30 to 6.30 p.m., and from 8 to \1 p.m. * The pictures now exhibited have been kindly loaned to the Toronto Club by the following parties: Sir Donald Smith, Sir WlUiam VanHorne, Messrs. R. B. Angus, James Ross, David Morrice, W. J. Learmont, E. B. Grcenshields, W. Gardner, M.D.; F. J. Shepherd, MJ>.; Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Bur- nett, of Montreal; Messrs. E. B. Osier, Richard S. Cassels, Charles Cockshutt. Wm. Armstrong, Mrs. Cameron, of Toronto; and Wm. BlakeSlee, of New York. .•iS4l;._ii l.^ Ji^ V , . \ % y r--^mw^- "■■.rwww*'' "*'%. ■Ak Ij * ' ,' • . \ < '^ - >.' >^ >\. T" ':■:-■-:■)": NOTE /v.; y/^/'M, ' . ■ .. ■ .; '•.■•''■ .'■'.-■ f. ' '■■''■. * ■ ' ■ . \ '■'■ Under wme drcumstoiocei it migUt h*v« been proump- tuouf in the Toronto '^Oub to open iU roonw for the purpose of «n exhibition of louied pictures, although the mere departure from the ordinary functions of • dub needs no excuse. One of the lewling clubs of the world possesses A beautiful gallery used only for pcriddical exhibitions of this kind. It is the fact that Toronto has no public gallery devoted to similar high aims which has prompted the members of the Toronto Club to aflbrd such accommoda- tion as their rooms will permit to the pictures referred to in the annexed catalogue, and they do this with the distinct ho(>e that 1 oronto, with its intelligence and wealth, will not long suffer the reproach of not possessing a public ait gallery. If we consider whit the generosity Of one liberal citizen in each of sew^pf the'imaller dties of the United States has done for fpp those communiiies, and if we take the trouble «4ien we Vttit Montreal to enter and admire the beautiful gallery they possess, surely it" will not be' long before the broad-minded liberality of some dtizen of Toronto will cause the reproach to pass away from us. ' In all periods of gmt intellectual and material advance- ment, the rich have bcn^t the works of great artists for thdr personal enjoyment, only to find that they have blessed the whole community by the possession of objects which all who hlive intelligence and are allowed to see may enjoy as much as the owner. The young people of the present generation in Montreal, who are allowed from time to time to see the treasures now owned by its wealthy citixens, have at the moment an inestimaUe adyaatpge -f-. ■• €. ,«;; i ^' over the young people of roronto in the vastly Utger poMibilitiM of their art education. And this ii not merdf true regarding the general cultivation and power to appreciate good art of thorc who do not learn it tech- nically, but it it even more true of the art student whose highest aim is to design a conventional wall decoration, •nd who shall estimate its effect, in technical skill or cultivation of mind^ upon the student who hopes some day to paint a masterpiece. We can but hope that the superior advantages possessed by th« young people of Montreal will •oon be equally enjoyed in Toronto. -*— in.!! ;_ _i i . . Thu is an age when much is effected in eduoUlon by object lessons. Matthew Arnold says : "There can be no more useful help for discovering what poetry belongs to the class of th^ truly excellent, and can therefore do us most good, than to bare always in one's mind lines and expres- sions of the great mastiirs, and apply them as a touchstone to other poetry." There are no object lessons comparable to pictures. There are no touchstones of taste, so neces- sary as the pictures of undoubted masters. The young will leam with rapidity with such examples atound them, and even the Canadian painter whb has esUbliibM his reputa- tion will paint the better and rejoice in the opportunity to feast his eyes and reinvigorate his brain on what the in- dividuality and imagination of other men's brains have produced. The pictures in the present exhibition have been design- edly selected from various schools and periods. The pur- pose of art should be to create catholicity of taste, not 4ttvoti0n to a particular cult Unless the processes of •ducation are arrested, they will in the end make us less concerned as to whether a particular picture has impression- istic or realistic, naturalistic or academic, tendencies, w^ethe^ it is bj^ an eariy, or an old, or a modem • I W 1 ' ' ' >. :. ••1'- uiMter, so long m from any of the many pofhti of view open to the individuality of the artist it is a worthy con- ception of his subject Nor should ire allow our perMnal biai regarding the subject of a picture to influence our appreciation of it, provided it is the earnest effort of aA serious artist. ^ It is unfortunate that many men and women believe they have no capacity fix the enjoyment of pictures, and therefore they look upon the expenditure of considerable sums for works by great arUsts as practically a waste of money. But this is in the majority of cases quite untrue. ^ It does not require the exercise of unusual taste and judg- ment to realize the merits of great works of art, whether they take the form of the drama, or music, or painting, What is necessary to the enjoymeiit of great^pictures by one who has not made art a study is merely the possession of them. Once hung upon his walls the quality' of a .fin« picture will soon make itself felt, and the 'thing of beauty" will literally become "a joy forever.'* In preparing the notes on painters, free use has been made of the various dictionaries and handbooks of art, without any attempt to indicate the precise soun:efl of in- formation. M^y of the notices are copied directly from the Montreal 6italogue of 1893, and from other catalogues. » V ■-. y \- ^^ -■-J t / . ■ .1 m ^& :■ '* # ^d A. "^ix" - : . I." A !..-r ^ ■ --*■■,- :r.. ■ONVIN (f RANCOII) • it Fttsdi 1817— 1888. Fnaeab Bonyia nu bora at Vuiginurd. in iht dcpwtaMBt of tb* Seine, France, ia 1817. The son of «b «ti«ai| BoBtin received his 6nt IcaMM in drawing at a fitee •dkool. When be abo became a workman, Bonrin de- voted!^ Icimnto paintinf. Hia work* arecliieijPiiMrw f: pietorcfl for tlie cabinet. lie benan to exhibit in 1849, and cqntinaed to tend toJlw Salon ihortly before his dMth ia 1888. :^ . i^ ,; i. A Jfade/ J^Mtsevi/i • "Owntr, Sir Wm. Vamll0nu ! . .1 . . . r ' ■ ■ ' * ,■» HOVPIM (BUOINLLOVIt) Frtach EugMM-Loab Boadia mw bon at Honflmr. Fruet, in lias- fU««ptitiid«fcr|miatl^havlnc«ttiMt«latt«atk«. bt wu aoM fajr llM dly of Ham to I'Ecole xi« Bmox-AtU atParit,iddiaati|mid.fcrtbfMywn. laiSjghaMiit "flf"*" * ■Srti^.^iww.AW to the Salon. a>d ia tabwqaaat yaanha haaiModaoid aeooAlmble nanbar of HmtaaiMa and marine piaeca. He obtained a koM oMdal at ibc Uttimaal ExUMtion at Pferk in 1SS9} and whiWted at the exhibition of the "DuHdtmtt- in the Ouutop de Man in 1890^ . %, Landstape . . OwHtr, R J. Shepherd, M.D. -A- • I V % k \ y >\^ ^t -p.. :■ lacli . iM, in K-ArU «wnt Md in tMTOf ;*■ ibitad ~S- ONALMBIIt (QBOROB PAUL) .. # . , ,.-...■•.-. 1836— 18^ -'.-/;. George Pkni CiMtaMn WW bofB «t Moatrafw. Soottuid, In . iSl6> iuKi dM at Ediabwfh In 1878. lib cvly yean «wre pamd M uapothccary'taad then M a ■hipchandlM^ apprentiet. He MlMeqaeotly cntend the TnoteciT School in iSdinbnfgb, and white learning to paint mpportad him- ■elf bjr pottnhne. In ittj he painted and exhibited a ^ : portrait of the late John Fettle. R. A., tad lor fifteen jeaii continned to prodnee bom hid eaael with great raciUty and rapidity a great mmber of portraits, sabftct pietilres, and Uodicaper. Althongh in hi* yoath Chalmert was notable rather Cor hb powers of drawing, he was before all things a colonrist. The powers disclosed by his managenMni of rich, warm backgronnds ta some of his pottrahs and --^-- interiars, and of samptnoos cokNir in Us hndscapes, with hapimr early training and longer ,Ufe, might have placed him among the first oolonrlsts of his or any other time. Hiswork ip general is free from elaboratkm, and k diar- acterised bydecUTe notca oTcokprVwhiehin Oie absence of a proper nnderstandinf of the artistli intentioa are apt to suggest cradity. Chalmers InAned into many of his pictures a certain weiidneas, theoatcome of an imagina- tion at once fertile and nniestrained. 3. fSgurefrom'^tkf Zsgtnd" . y Owner, E. B. Osier .0 CONITAaLS (lOMNV P^i l77«-i>37 m.'^^ ^s- A ■\^:./:: Tb« «hol« work of CoMtkbtt, the great mlutaUat ia haii M^^ «t,b a pto(«M«gaiiMt the coBveationaUsm of the dgkl* tccalh eaatwj. A fatvcnt adairar of Claude and fauda ia claMieal laadacapa, Im felt that all great art wu original, «nd w ha palntad kit beloved SdUk locncrr aa haaaw it and Mt k, and in Ua own way. Thongk it waa loag bafci* hia work w*t apprwdalod. and although kit genial waa nrrer profierly reeogaiaad in kit own eountry wl^ k« livod, k« waa Mutaiaed bjr a firm «oovIction tk*^ hia work was good, and woaki eventwiljr be underatoed. Jlie fiunily lift waa bappf, and he had the wann regard «r hia rriendfc He waa not eteeted to the Academy V natil after tha diath of hia wMe, who had ahared the fciac -— ttt: y*"* of diecoaragement with Ur MAiMv." ^ Coo, •table ci«f ted aa inpovtaat biaence on the kndeoape art ~ r of tUa eeritary. Id iSsi, a painting of hia waa eahiUted latheSakm. lUcfbetoatheartisUof tberrritlng of him, "Cooatabia i» one of the gloriea of th« Bngiiih; haandTteaeraretme relbnacra, they havedo' patted fiNNB the rootiae of tha oMIaadaeapttta. Ooraehooi . baa greatly beaefited fay tkefar example. It kai great aeed * of aew lii« inioied Uto it i it k old, while theira acema yoa«g. They kiok at aatiBe,aadwa are occupied iaimitatx iagpietafefc" Tke geaiaaofCoaaUUe waafnUy adknowk «%ed by dw artirtaof Fiaaee^ and itacted aa aa impintkM Mthoaeyoaagaad cathMkutk awn wko wetetobeooBM . tlwfnataataehoolofflMidanitiaiea. Skmpttad SoMd/ils-^Stcrm Clearmg Of, 0»t$er, CkarUs VoeksJutH A Ltek M tki Stout . Owntr, Mrs. Burnett ■ .7: ■ J . -S ■• •. < ...=-■. " ■; ■■ ■. - ^ ■- ' ■ ., ■ ■ ;>. ■' ■ / ■ >: •■- ■■■■ . ad- a in hat od. ud my »»t his •*r m- nL not "7 er* llM art ted re- lis he le. Ml cd at-* iAPTMTB CAMILLI) •^ 1796--187S ThehiatoryoniuidMaipeurtbeanflMtlMttyilltofWkbikrt " Art Mclu the iirtiit alone 1 when he b. theie she appears and remains with him, and when he dies she aadiy tikes her flight." Visiiiof France Marly three hendrcd rears aRO» the reveals the great painter of stnshine, Claude Lonain | naas- iag to Holland she dweUs wtth Rdadi^ and Hobbenu, paindng the peaedU scenes ol their native land ; then she flies to Eniciand, inspiring the genias of Tamer and Con. subte { and again we ifpe her retumii^ to Prance when the men of iSjo appeared, yonng, stfong, and impeCnoas. carry- ing the art to its highest point The work of these men WM largely inflneneed by Constable and Tamer. The lifc of Corot , the lender of the school. wM a 4iwdarly happy and contented ou. Br%ht and chcerlid, ringing to himseir as he worked, generons to fi degree, loved by all, he learns a record of a beantilU character, plesnant to dweU npoa, *• a splendU evUenoe thnt a omn nwy beanartist of the greatest power, while he remains modest, hrrafile. and kind." Cent has left a wndwr of sketches whkh Aov, aado Us enrly paintingm the patiant training he went throi«jk. Thiscai*' iol stody and the knowledge acqoired enabled him to paint nfterwardswitkwondcrfhifirsedom and breadth. Hiswosfc Improved op to the end of hil life, and his klast f^imttog t^ "though sometimes Icm attentively carried ont in dftaib, an ftcher and fUler if Us great qnaUtiesof toM and eolomr." " He was the artist poet of the momi^ and of the evening, the delightJU painter of twilight, of lasydawn and dewy ev«. He was the man of all others 1^ nonU paint the a tm o s phere, and whoconU faiveM every kuMbo^ be prodneed with a toamnticism and dtarm wU^ an thor* onghly wtmderfaL" , 5. JtaGauidt Ommr, Sir iPm. Vmnfftni tt M-- f I % \' e9X(DAViP) i • I>iHd Gm comiiMQcwi bbi'wt amu by (Minting M«aM fMT Um thmtt*. and IravciUnK with Um acton from town to tmm. HeMMNignw tindof tiiia and took to teaching. : When twwljr-t^ yaara oU, h« made hit lint sketching , tour in Walaa. At thia'iinM he charged two guineas • ; doaen for hia iandMpca in Sepia I Later on he got forty . powida for workpthat have rwmtly sold kt three thouaand "a. UntU about 1*37. he^painted in water coionra bat after that he painted in oUa aa well, taking MiiUer, for whoea work he had a great admir* he paid hie lint visit to Bettws-y-Cood, Rojral Oak." This bcaatifol Welsh jcBfite sk e tchi n g groiiad,and has ainea been intfanately assai^M«^ with his nanw. Cox waa an : 4 ndairable painter b oUai^lml his chief foote reata on hk water ooloua. Theae are brtwd in tnatment, have n wonderfnl atoMqiheric brillianqr ahd great trathfnl of tone, and they aeoue for him a phMB^^apoog the first «. Laniteap* . , , . /I . pwmtn JS. ^. tR •tion. and stayed county became hial U /y- ■^- ■:-! -J^^ Mt. to li' ««• • ■ ■■ ag ; ■ ■■* IS !■ rty M ' od ^^.. - in • "f ; . :• ., ii- Id. . ) tah ' A ■'■ «e //- ■ ■n ite ft ,' ' nt 6II0M* (]OHM) I7<9— ifttt AglMi John CroflM. or. M ho k bitt« koown. OM Oom. om of ttot««o.«of Eii,ltahta«l«p,pd»u«, —ibomta iTii,. For ioiiK y«n ho pwctlKd hl« art ■Oder grwi dMfcrftkfc boMhoM won OMRMM when hoMttM «t Norwich u • laOdMT or ptiadiif . HttooofMhortd roMdhlmoHttlt •chool or pointor*. ud Iboiidod tho Sodcty or Nonrieh Afilit.. which hold «iUbitioo. fron 18(4 to H33. Ho wh tholMdefofthoweiMyaiidittcUorKiocr. Hoooouio^ oily oxhiUted ot tho Rorml A«do»y,b«thliwork w..m»lo toowB oaliide or Norwich and in noighbouhood until i«77. wh««.p«i,leKhibltioaor tho Norwich Mhooi wm held « Bwlington Howo, which ottnctod gmt attontioo. Cfooie WM o ttraiig odarim of Hobbom and RaiMlael} Uke them he was an oaraaM hmr of natwe, portnyins tnilhWIy and with a pottlcal chann tho acenea among whS he lived and woilced. He waa an admiraUo draughtnua M>d lino cokMrirt, and hia aanny landaeapea by the alow Norfolk streama dol%ht ns with their aweet eohm and beaaty, and leeUng of air and apace. With Comtablo and Iil°!l^*^ ^"^^ l«»d«ipi*i, he ibrma a eoonectin|| Itok between the great Dotch artists of tho se««nteentb oentuiy aad the French school of itja w 7. n* Waterloo Jihrm Owner, D. Morriei {^. 1 T OAONAN-BOUVBRIT (PAtCAL ADOLPHB JBAN) : . ^-r-X ;,.•■'■•".■ ■■■■:-V'-' ' - .■:■•"■■.■■.,■ pa 1879, at Um Salon, F»rU Mjojred th* doable pimaura of [' I Bdfth ittid apfilMM at a pkUm (Upicttag a inarriiV* putf ' < ^ of the bovft'oii t^ podot in a photograplMr'b gallny to ' ' bt pbotograpbad in oooHMmocatiaa of the momentoos , ' ccrtawmy Jwt ptrformad. Tba pktwra not only diaplajred infinite qnWt hamow and great ahrewdnaai in'graipiag char- bat waa Moadlr and brllUaatljr painlwL Tbe artiat I a pnptt of GMna. who bad «ada kfa 4Mm/ in the SaloB in itjT, and who, ia 1I7S, had reeeivad a Mdal for hia "BwUi of MaaoB JLeeoaat." CoataMndag on the ;a i ii g, worhiag with the tat r eaieit care, leaT- '-: faf aipiaffl^JHiUeat, ' hat canyiag oat each eiStet aa he MarirtAlioal 16 be ooaipletcd whea he bcfaa, he b at oaoe oaeol thatabat eoaedeatioaa and oae of the aaoetainoere Fieaeb artirta of the peaaeal day. Bach ptctara that he pradaeea ia a wwh of iaqwrtaaoe, liaee ia each he pata all hia heart aad aoaU waridac with a aarroaa inteaaitjr of par. poee ttet leaveaaothiaf aadaae, aad that eztraeta froBi the aal^eet aU that «tt cna aBlraet fnm it. He ie abaolately free ftoaa aajr of tha anaairiiaii or coamatioaalitiea of auiliiaiir traiai^;, and eqaaBf free Inmb aay penooal afiKtatioaaoftechaiqae. Baaliea-Lepafe, hiaNelf an artirt of a vary aiirilar type, held hiai ia the hJghaat eateea^ aad riaeeltha death of hia firiaad M; Dagaaa eoMa doeer to taUi^hia place thaa any other aitiit of the day. if. Ikg- aaa takea hia aamaaM, Boaver«t« boa hia awther. ia < to diattegairii UMeif fkoai another aitiat of the I deoaaaad. Ha ia a aativa of Fkria, where practically Ua eatiw Hfc has been apeat ia tha atadiea aad dw laboan of whidi hia worfca aia thaiid^ if aot aaaMroaa, fratt. 8« Xm xwwm Ommirt R. B. AMpu J«AN) l«plMMraof urriac« putjr it's galltfy to I momcotiMU nljr diaplajred [rupiag chu- . The utkt liaUwSdoa Mdalforhit pint on the tctefiaes the • tdMol of TcaadoM, ■t can, \m,f- heiiKt Mke , he is «t oooe ■MStrinoera etan that be Bhhepataall eMityof pwr- ■cti froni the I ie ataeoletely itlooalUka of ■ay p etw al welfanartfat orteM^cad ty. ILD^p- thef, in order heBaataow netkallyUa hekbomof >dt. B. Ampu DAimioifT (CHARLtg rtAftcoif) . . . Iliii .:•.■ ,...^- 1S17— ilTt. ■■,;■'■' Art «aa aa h&erltaace to Datthipij. Bom la Patk ia 1817, he eaM of a faaUy of paioten, and aU hie Mnoaad- hpwetaartMe, lib iMher. hk eade. and hia aaat wan laboann at the aaaal. and the boy ahaorbed hb fint leanM with hb ehildbh bnath. He becaae a papU of hia father, and. after a viiit to Italy aad ioaM time ipent ia the Mndio of De ia f oc h i, he turaed to aatera Ibc hb ioapba* tloa, Hb eailbr fijpiro pictana and portraila, which aia n c i i i i e ly rare, ahow Uai. like Cotot, to have beea a paiater of aqgnd aad veli^rained ability ia thb braaeh \ bat it was to badacape that inchaatioa aad sympathy dbeetad him early, aad thfre held him fast lib meaat were aanow, aad he sabaisted fay deaigaiag. by eopyiag ';'■■ pictwrea, aad drawiag on wood for the eagnvers, devotbg an hb leisare to paiating. He duse oat at the Saloa of 1838, aad, after a sttoggie of tea yean, foand proepetity and Cum. The seal was set upon hb repatatioa whea the Emperor, ia iSsa, pvichaled hb pletore of ••The Harvest" for the Tolllerbs, foUowiag it. ia 1853, with the porcfaase of aaother for St. Cload. Ia 1859 he was bvcsted with the Legion of Honoar, and ia 187s was made aa ofieer of the order. He died in 1878, after having shared with the master painters of BarbiaoD the glory of rcgeaemtlng hb national art. aad left a legacy of . mastcrpieees to the worid. Daabigiqr was csseotblly a painter. Light, air, and ookmr were the keynotes of hb art He went to aatofe as a perpetnal devotee, aad hb amet soccessfnl works were thooe wUch he painted from hb stadio boat, ftootiag oo the pkdd waters of the Sdne aad the Ob4 In the spedalciasiofsub)ecUtowhiehhefaicliaed he was withoot a rival, and he has found no saoceiaor, aad hb inflaence 00 (he art of the eentary, like that of hi* great odleagnes, cannot be overestimated. Of all the painters ia the immortal groap to wUdi he belonged, he was, perhapa, the nearest to Corot, not only ia artbtk sympathy, but in an almoat brotherly teaderaeu of peraooal aflacOoa. View on the Oiu . , Owner, H. B. Ampu I ;./■■'. ■'pi : 71 Mlf RBOOIK (FRANX VOIf ) Aiu(fi«» i Bora at SlroMd^ la lb* AMtrlM lylol. lljS- ^^^XM* ^t«r, papil at lb* Mtaiai Acadtmj mitt An»> fhila, thM •(■diwl Im «l|;lMMa vomIm in Ftok, spMt tm» fmtt la Um Tjriol.and ia 1M7 tatmd PUoly'a fdiool at Maatch, wkmn hm haa mitUd liaca 1871. Iloaotacy MMbar of tba Maakb. VIimm. aad ^arUa Acaa— the ooly child— aharad till tha H[a of tWMty tba odaiaMa laboaia ot tha fiald aad •attbahad. Bat tha Aifaaa palatat raeoaata that " aa loog aa I caa maaaibar, arithia aw vaa aitroag ioipalaa towaid ait. WhOa j^ a chUd, I aaMla aakaala ia paata. cat .Igaiaa ia tanipa aad potatoaa, aad klar, arith adaaoia, I ftuhiooad laadacapaa ia papar. What waa aaj jojr whaa ffH I |ot a laad paadll My chiaT toU tOl tha afa af_ Iftaaa waa wtthia eattk hat% aad thii oeeapatia«laft tiM fcr diaiHafH which iwiMd aaak faMwa ia tha villaca that ■7 lathar allowad aM aMM* pandla. I aow bafaa to draw on valla aad all othacaMfMMa that caaM withia aiyraaeh. Tha aaliMMian oa Saadiva eaUad ia to aaa. Uj hthat ^a« praad of mj talaata) bat. aafiftaaataly. a thj gaMaa •Ota I ooplad with aach MaUty that ha waa aaawmad by tha BaftMaaatct to aaawar tha dmift of fMiary I A yat taoia aarioas aiiaibrtaac IbUowad arhaa I bad to laavrtbo •attla ibad to Joia ny iitbar aa aamuit t aad aow favtha •vaalaga, aad cvaa oa Saadays, I foood myadf too tiiad to ladalga aiy paMloa (m art." to. Tki ComseH^ft Jtiturm . Owmr» Mrs, Catmmi .',/r' .; N A . ■ !■■ '■ :. \i...\-~' -■';■-' .•*■' ^^^ ':?V;- .. t ft »■ It oi T M II- id Ml ■t Id «t Mt l« tiM llo Wl .".v ■ ■■■.■ # • DILAeKOIZ (FIIDINAI^D VltTOK ■ITttBNBl 1799-iMj. s FrMMk ^ II WM ili« MiM movimcot that gave Byroa to Englkk poctrf iImi bcsiovtd EtifiiM DtUcraix , kowa^at, ia itfeag aoatraat to tka iwoa r aad a aa i g a U e Prfa of o h . WitkDhaeolowiiaaallMllow ■am aad karamqr of wa ip ta ia M lapoaa, aad ao paMtav kaa aaaeaadad kiffvaMac Ms MMtonr of tkat JMoaa gleW of •aMIgM «kkk franaa Ma caa«aa as ittiiilBi^faa. Ha waa OM a||fca liat artists to i>^|HKk of PoBtalaaMaaa M aasick of sab}act>. aJHBHHIli at FMskaUvad aalarmof'tka ckaaJnH7wbk%dlo( paosparity akowarad oa Mam aad ka aaqairsd aaoraMiaa triM kf Msart.iiMA ka dlspawad arkkakaad ««kh waa tMwr daaad to aaad or distiaaa. Ha «ad ia ily« M a fib at IH ia t a l , wMck ka kad pairkasiil tkat ka «(||lj|rtkMk ia tka saai^M ka tovad ao nail, aad ooatiaaad » topilm alaiasl aatii tka hat OtMtt'f X. a. jingt$t ""T Owntr, Jt. 3. Affgms i^-r \ Th$ Bivamae of Cupid £W ,r 'A Ur "'w' •^•*t-. DUffti a^tit) i# >« ijdnmpt4 kblm feMM^fll khtelMti kilt lilt— till. •way fa dM awiy w bt w •! iMRi «f MtlMk TIlM* «M Mi «» i«i in IwtaifwWtaMt hi Mum' tkcwwid. BmalNaMMtaitis.D^F^VMMMlfAl' ■%lity Httla MfliMi tkiM iiliiwil VtmA m Inm tka mUhmmm of ciMildMit m4 H« «M bom l« • iMtaafli of ialai* pravkM Mai wMis t"'lM «M wiivtljr aUvaw Tte !■ • ■■■ ■■ ol kk «Mfy MiKliw pio lo iig rf ilMlf iM« lib nmtumt aft. H« «m > alwayi iIm Madml of Mian, wIm «atriad lite book aad kte paktia kMo Um iakia and fotaaU, aa4 wIm Vrnffitt himmU to walk wiik ait aikl Ularatara M» bjr Mt. In ilji D«|iftf oootri«td to iad kh wajr bafota tba pablk aa a paiatfr. Ob eaphal aaiaad bf pakukig ckiaa aod dock* fcoaa, ka fMui4 kte way to Parfa, vkai a tk« gnat *mii ^ tpoka lo kiai at ika Lowna aot of tka aantaMM of Hob- baM, of RaUdacI, ani CoaMaUa. la tka Sahw of ilsi ka ikowad §m laaJtaapn, aa Aill af aatara, to Miaag bl ■tfia, >ad diract ia aaptiaatua, ibat tkaf oaauaawM faaaMdiaU altaatioa. . FaitHaa waa Moia ktaid to kiai Ikaa ■ka eoaNBonij, te to itoiaa. Tba Oaka of Oriaaaa, dia graatatt art cnnwuteaaar of tka dajr, Coand kiai oat, aad m ha mm aaBoinfaUy laaa ck a d . Patfoaafa graw. Ha waa Bot oaly abfe to aid biMaair, bat ba waa bappjr bi tba aUUlf to mwk oat bit baad to bte biotbcr guaia a a a. oarad biai macb. MUkt ;waa niataiaad bjr Maaddiip. It was aa if tba aoUa-baan of b>«ad bad aatarsd into tiM aaa. TVoacboat tba MUBo graat and uBMlfidi apWt added to bte hoBoaia. Oaa bjrona be WW bte oaaaradaa of tba daft of atiaggia drop away froa bin. At teat, Ib bte ootiaga at lala* Adaas ka laaaiaad aloaa ki a vigoraaa aaJ bfaMqr agOt with bte book*, bte ptctBNa, aad tba aiapo ri aa wUA ha aaboaoaMd to tha frcqaaBt gaaat of tba aawar gaaaiatfoa ia art, who alwaya foand a w alcoa w at bte boaid. e - 1$. Jimriiiif : . . . Oventty W. J, Luanmmt % ^ •••<•%. a. R oawia a 4 r bte aaahm < ' '^--^ thaaataiaha »-\ bte loan Ufa. , f •■ - .» rdKTUNT (MARIAMO) SpMlak 1S3S--1S74, t' X tt wu tb* v^ofOH and origiMl ityk oT Portuy which ■pwfwdBodctaSpMUkMttoaNviralor lift. AIUmm^ kcdlMt twfenlMWMfMtyfwnor aft,!!* aoeiMBpliihad' • work thai eodd temdf Imm Immi iaipioT«l ipoa ia dMWf ih« tiMM allMtad to Vm. If odi oTbU lifc wm qwal i« RoMi^ wImm k« im vmt, ia ifjC, M a wia«w of Uicpiiaaaad pMHioa of tht BaiMloM Acadcay, aad Ml death was CBMcd Unw lijr a Cnrar cooteactod whOt ' printim; .•.;, 0«i. Pwil Cfc«taM« fr* A uido(hm.ti«iptatMMnlywn. Gnhua ta wrtaUc te hfa Hi^diad kuadKaiM widi nbty tAcls. Be b^uM , ' ^ :M'A.ILA. in l»77. "* «»^R.A.% ll|i.":^-" .• ;^'•:>^^^:,,. ^ A •■■ ■ ■■ Id of Ml Id M !• >f in )■- w !• ■[• yri W.. ir le k ■ M: le I ■1. ^ .^:V *^ v'X ;^-;v .-m .1* ..-■■'■^ - . - .. ■'- -.'v \ . ■:■:>, HIMT (BARTHOLOMBUt VAIf9f9) > ; ' JTrjf ■.:^.';:' ■'-'■. V-' .:^ '.- ' -■ " »*»J^— »«7» - -■/^ Bom at HMilm. or Docdndrt. 1613 (7), died at Amtim* ■>'^-,.-'"- .^^"^ *^^ Of kk period tht «oit iMOWMd «r tht -y^^ &Ad initniil pihUtfi. CkM ■tiid^ of kit ««A imm to Aam Om if FnuM Hds wm aol liio tmdkm — flw Hdtt pritod Md» irio i i fawtfc BpNii y,^.|^b;MiMr ^>:rwW »km,'k'i6s4.Jk««iid:Nie0hii'fii^ilil|' *'-^f^| Slokad* teadod tht 6«ild of St. LaU 1^ «ko«l m y«f iC«o Ui eh«Mtar « • pdatar «m MIf doMlopol. HkanufMMat of pottnit pioeio with ■■■hum g^iua. Ucraw ««7 attittie «ad OMjr, Us Impfa^ cMltat, nd Mb dmwiag Msttrlyi tlw faldhridMlity of m 1mi4 mI «4r wjr liTing ia dMuMtar, bM of • id|kl, ottntti** gBodl HMwr and liiadUiMM of Mediae Ma pNViiilii« warn biowailh tonca fioaly padaatad, and Ida tmA, tko^ M( ao firte aa that of Fiaaa Bala, yet moic eaidU, aad tKtcndiag awie equally to aU acoaaaoriea. ^■■?W':^ ■t9» Jt JfMfWtMUU/U . ■ '■'/ ■■■ ■• ■■-■ .X ' //'■ '"M: Owmtr, JiickardS. du$ef$ ^^ 1 ' ■'■■' ' -. -. " r'' '■:.■■ . - ,: . ," ■ " . r ' ■ ' .'S '' -. ^- ■■ ' ' ' . " . , ■ 1 . r % '■ ■':;-.■ ;;r :,.•■ ' 'i .- ■■ '-'^ ■ -■^ r':- *. .- a' •»y ■^ rf* •- •1 .V ... . \ . * ■' : ■• ■■:'' ^- : • •'»'-. r^^J ■■ - . . ^ . ■ V' '\- V ■." . . J_j-;..- \ / ,-■- ♦. i tf^^'i-. ^^^^jig^ ii^ a^ifsi: itaitte; ^m^^M 1^ ^Mfeiii'.:. :»'... ■- ■(■;<'«SlMifiK»^iM^ . ^-jS: <£ .£ii£k»l<2t^'> '"MWMMti^NjiM'litlDtMd ' .■ ■■ ^«^- «1HN|I« (IBAH JA0QU1II9 9^ SWy ymnMga iWc cnttnd th* itadio of Gabriel GaMii, at Stiubowi, • rwric-looUaf ymng Alntfam luuMd HciuMr. Ht was bofa at Bcnwdlcr ia iSaj. and had % fbrndy develofwd a nvkcd gift far dnwiag. Afttr ■bai «c«a0ot imdar GaMo, whicb wknoMd ia hima npM imptrovwocnt, be wcot to Paris, when he eMand the teole d«rB««ni Ana, aadbecamapapUof Ptoota«|of DrtlUag. IB i«jl he racceeded in wioaiag the VW* A Jttmt, which ptJchinfiTejmnorstady in llaljr. fellowiog which h* vWted aAd paiatcd ia Dmdea, aad tiavcUed ntendveiy ia IloUaad. Cottaicaonc as aa histotical aad portrait paiater, he ercatnaltr settled down to the practice of the kAier aad moi* feSned form of aatualisa, the idealisatioa ofhamaa beaaty into the jpoetiy oT art. No paiater since TlUaa aad Conegglo had snoeaeded ia aecuting ia the rcnditioa of the Bade soeb cbana of eolow aad parity of expiessioo. and he was aot long ia creatiag 4 niUqae ^ce for hinseir b bis «t. Hi»"Swaanah,» in 18*4. carried the day for him fa Ptois, aad was potdiaaed for the Luxembottrg Gallery, fif which ft isoae of the nuuterpieoes. Among bis nymphs aad Magdslens Heaaer prodnetfd alsoaaambcrofpafadngs OB religioBs sabjccts, of a graad style of ekeentioo and a aoWe eieraUoa of feeUng. One W his most original aad d^ailied works of this order is his *• Joha the Baptist," the head of the decapitated mint being diowa oa a salver, aad being a masterly portraft of one oi" the artist's fiiei^ Henfaert in speaking of himseli; teUs a towrfaing tale fa honour of his iamUy. Ilis &ther. a poor wpenter, was the first to appreciate and enconrage his son's Ulent, denyins himself that the boy might be advaacwl. When, wora oat with ceaseless tofl, the old maa passed away, he beqaeathed the dniy he had assumed to his chiUrea, and they, fa their tarn, laboarsd to keep up and develop the brother of whom they were so proud. It may be added that Henaer was worthy of the sacrifices, aad that the H>lendottr ol Us genlaa and the sobstanoe of its rewards have enriched those to whose onaelfith devotion he owes the caltivatioB of the one and the possession of the other. «7- ^ymphoftheFouHtaim of the oti ^r. Sir DtHfaU SmUk •^-■k. • • l' - ^". ■■.. "" *■ .■ ■ - ■'■-■■■ ■ '.'■ ""--. *- / ■ ■ '■ ■ \' ' • \ •»y « •i - \ « v.: '-^- '.; '■■'■--A *— ..V . . t \ « .^. . :..,'-. . V - ■ -. - . ..l-'-- . ^ './. \ 1 ._a.2.'w!iL*J~ ^ ^ ^ . y / ■ ■ . ■;„■; tea<»eS*«A|tS*'l •ttoM^V^ € r JACQUB (CHARLB8 «IIIId waa uMdalled for engraving in the Salona of 1851, 1861, and 1863. tt waa not nntil 1861 that he received ofidal recognition aa m painter. In 1867 he rcedved the Le|^ of Honoor. Jaeqne ia,by choice, a painter of nutic Ufe, with a predia- poaition to die hambler animal ride of it. Hia hobby for a long time waa poultry. The pig found kIw iu ihare of fevour at hia brreienUtive and charaeteristie pictures arc those in which sheep play a prominent part. {lis early trainfaig renders him a firm and l^iedse dmughtsman, and his handling of^oor is broad, decisive, and powerfuL While extremely carefol and accurate in detail, he never descends to over-eUboration, and his command of textures in the delinealion of animals is supreme. It has been hia good fortune to enjoy a high degree of deserved popularity, and so great was the demand for his pictures that for a nuniber of years he did not appear as an exhibitor at the Salon, which may doubtless account for his not having secured a longer lirt of honours. Apart from his painting. Jaeque has earned an eternal owed of gratitude by hb service in the rerival of the art of etching, and examfdes of his plates are now treasured rarities ta the portfolios of collectors. . 18. IntmorwithSkteft Ottnur,JS.B. Oder ■ :r '^;1 .;:^l *i^i*W~, . . ■■ . ed '.'•- ' '■ tie ■ '".' • ■i ■ ■ . Hi _.. __^ — ^___^„,__ nd tot • , ^ m . ' \m . ■ * u. lis- *>r ut I) • . ad ' * tad ■d. uid on. laU • igh ■■_■„■ ■ .-, the did Mjr '■-■-.. lirt Md ini - :'■■ " ■.' tUr «9' 1769>— 183a Dora «t Brbtol. 1769; died in London,^^ iSjo. IVwtndt painter, sod of a Bristol innkeeper wi& had kliowB better days. At tlie age of ten he tooft crayon portraiti at OKford, and copied historical pictures, and before /he «a< twelve he had drawn Mrs. Siddona' in en^vos, |md nmde his studio af Bath a fiuhiooable nwit. He began to paint in oib in hk seventeenth year, and succeeded so well, in his own opinion, that he dcdaied hinueir ready to stake bis reputation against that of any painter in EngUnd. When, however, he first exhibited in London (1787) his vanity received a salutary check, and, fwliog the necessity of study, he entered the RiTal Academy. The very next year he $d)ieved a success with his portrait of Miss Farren, the actress, afterwards Counten of Derl^, and followied it up with portraits of the Queen and the Princeu Amelia. In 1791, through the influence of George III., with whom he was a Rteat bvonrite, Uwrence was admitted to the ^oyal Academy as sapple- mentary A.RJL, although under the required age, and the next year he became painter-in-ordinary to His Majesty. In 1794 he was elected R.A. At the height of bis reputation he received one hundred guinett fdr a head, and four hundred for a fuU-length portrait At this rate per portrait, and with /^l.ooo a year to di«w upon for travelling expen^ws. Sir Thomas was sent to the Continent by George IV., soon after the &II of Napoleon, to paint the allied sovereigns, «b - ^-Asmblcd at Aix-k-ChapeUe ; Rome to paint Pius VII. and Cardinal Goosalvi (1819), two of his finest works, and to Vienna to paint Prince Sch wartsenberg and ether Austrian genenls. He had been knighted>y the king in 1815, and five years later, after his return to England, he was elected president cf the Royal Academy. He was a member of the Academy of St. Lqke, Rome, and of many other foreign academies, and in 1835 . wis made a chevalier of the L?gion of Honour. JDuke 0/ Wellington . . Owner, Wm. BMesl*^ 't w __ ^-. ■\ \o iliS>il6» WlMtevw Btl|U« i> la ut lo-^iqr, fai tlMt art of «*"^ ■ iTf'HH iiiinTi whkh nfccu ilUlMmoftbitkitincr tfM tiMt iAm llM 0«Bdi of GhMt, BfUfM, awl Aatwwp iHd «1M pMNf of kimM VIMM. it o»« ia itt rwM* ^ SMMM* to BMdrili Lqpt. Bom in 1815 ** Aatw«>^; Lon «M«mB«ra«»»• »»- ""^ "^ ofthgg«alortofGoniu«r»V«*^r»*"*«*""»'^, " V 1853 Uo pictaroo in Wo »ow moMict. at tlio oaWWtkw to Ghent, woke FIe«iili art into a fconsjrof new Kfc, He had won tho ifoat goM OMdal i& BnMob to 183$, and ^ beon niado a cawKw of tKo Older of Leopold fa ijMjfc Now WatroaleHhoooofnlwwoiod down upon W«. Tho BrfdaofPariaWiloWm fa i8s$.and again fa 1867- Ho reoeired the L^km of Honoat fa iMa, and the wmo year wa* nude a baron W »»»• o*" Wng. The f»WJe^"« privste gmHeriee of Earope contended for examplea of Wa ^haod. Weahh foUowod fame. In Wa own country ho waa coaminfaned to execute maiterworiu ftw publk edificM. wWch have made W« name immortaL He ""«•«»* binaeU with thooe bertlaureUof anaitmMter, papUaof cetdne dc»«ined to abed a reSectteo of their own honour upon him, and when he dkd, fa i869» be itood among tho leadera of the taiding art of Europe, and honoured of them ell. His art has fixed the voloe of hia tenricea, and pm teritycanonfyaddtobielame. Bdgfam i« made ap««>«»d by Wa worka and thoae of Wa pupa*. In Eaglwd. one of tbeee falter baa taken hi. place at the very head and (root of iosnUr art. in tho peraon of Lanrena Alma Tadema. It baa been Jnrtly remarked of him that no European atat* whicb la poamaeed of an art ia without some obligation to Wa gesiua and ita iniaenoe. ao. 7* 0; P> I* \k m of Ui kw Ui let b He lad riM H« "Mur ud Ua WM ilAikCKB, iImILB ▼AM) WttKM^ i8a7-^iS9t -■;t'' liof the am leof bant , It Ml to mitk TIm moU 4l«llBfBklMd fmfli tlifo«|^ wImm Trofoa to* qMBlkad !• tiM — cwi jin c gtaanilliw a wh ctt oa of kk ewB ftaitti b AmU« «hi Mudw. Vm Mapcik* wu kMI •t Sinm to itsTt of utiaik steelb lit «m aaipl^od k the pownhin wofflu n a daoo wt ot whim h» altnctod tN attention of Tfoyon. Th* latter wae in the pnwtiee ef ■akiag a vaeUy vMt to Ua l Otlw r, vko lerfded at 84*108, and aoUha yooag daoontor and tke eUw aitkt ««te fraqtientlf In eontaet. TW cinMtam ainnan of Tntyon was tlMt the gifted fBntkihonldffo to Nat«re,aai Iran Maadte. in the tinw aparad Ikom Ui tiade. o he yej l ' the injnnetian. He, howev«, bdhed the (ineJilinm to piodoee original «o*k vntil the eneomegeaMnt of TfOfen again aiMie to Ua aid, and a eattain dagioe of aneeeM emboldened Ma to Abandon the potlety foi a atedio fai Paria. Van MafdEe** eatljr pietwee hetisy Mrangljr the CeeUng and inlecnce pt TfOfon. While iMMe eanM la drawing and nMce dliihamte in detail, their colonr Md techniqoe abow the aaaodatlon of the aMMer. Bnt with incrcadag confidence and experienea, van Mardie created a itirle with which he is now thocM«hly identified. Hia ooloor became Iresbcr, Uvdier, and more brilliant, and Ua eileett of light belg^ter and more sparkling. He b n maater dravghtaman, equally a master of oompodtion, and the groaping and modd^ of bb cattle b alwaya pidodel andtiiw. Hb labdaeapea are qf an cqod degree of end* lencc, and are replfte with tlie charm of a jojrona and smiling natwre. Efftets of midsammer midday and of showery dries over pastnres enridied by a bamid soQ find partieabuly happy rendition at hb hands. Van Marcke appeared first at the Salon in 1857, and has been repeat- edly medalled in 1867, 1869, 1870, and at the Bxpodtion UniTeiselle of 1878 rccdved a medd of the first dus. He was invested with the. Legion of Hooonr in 1879, and reodved additiond hononrs at recent exhibitions. Died in 1891. Owner^ Mrs. CamtroH •I. Laniseapt with Cattk MARIt (MATTHVl) Tli« DMck A •fl. Aitki Wttt lk«qMM ■tttrwi of tlM thiM gUled bratlM* wh» bm it. thlHr «M «f »hM «o«U Mk* k • MM !• li iwwIiHiii h ihT TT-" -^— Tte tMMt. Mattkmr, I uJiiiilmtTf. -- "- HMiMg. wMdi oenplM klM ftMi <«»• tOI 4uk» aad oNb Ik hrt» tM sliM. H««Mlwni M tkt lii«Mhi itSSt wm • pvO •* tkc Biy — < Atwwp At ii lm hi. w>w te«w( MMMM4bytkt«afk«fLqpt. He w«at to fteli hi tl iMJ. h te ii M" "t" — r*-"^ A^..«^ fcfa «-!»- iriaafc fc— * fwt fcwww to i Miim , wkmm h» mf > ny MttM. airf .hM Mrt .r y* pktom. iMiM at kH^ priM,w«tob«fRnd. Akka^ Ml • tofcwiii paiMT. Itate hM art «i««yB «i^Mi«dlr««aMHP« th« wort tta iwh t pw ^ M U af Ut bmk WMi •• mri illi mm* of «!"•• ht K ft MMlw «r gMya. His iOMpOi m OM i wmvmtam. H« firaki ComI ki kta of MlM«fakw4MMfaooat,Md faoMlite Mt MiMMkM «f pMHfM <• tk« Ikras of iHil« Csft. {TiviMr. IT. J7. GrttmskitUs 114 /;• .'.i*- h--** li.; ■■ 1 V '', -, ■■ ■' '. / 4 ■•;-': .■;•■•'■'" •'. ■ '. . ■ :" ■ ' . ■■ •> ','. '' ' ■ - 1 v.- ' /"_ ' -.■■■—■■■: ^ .----'■.'■■■ ■'■> ' -■; -■ C; \ ■ .''. I \-'i& f*. ' i ■ ' V • ' • ■ : ■. i - ."■ ". ' i ■- •- , .' / / • ^—^■- : "" ..■ f '■/' " .•• '\::M:\ V* f- k-:':' ■ ' •' :.:■.-. « .■■.■: ; ^ ■ y^J.-x^'l'- ■• , ' ■> r:^,,_ ■*■-," ■ '■ * :■■-._ ■.::■: ■: .\ . "' ' ' "•' '^'■'■' --*■»,.'■ i % '^ /' ■ . ^■. ;,- * • * ,o ■ - .■■-.- * ■■ .' ^ ■•■"' I:-- ■^' "/_ IfAUVB (AMTON) .f! y" . ■■■%%^!f.. 1' At ilM CmimmU BxpMllkw ia Pkili4d|ikii. t pklM« wbidi wmU Hi wmik in iIm cdrfyt htm iIm NtUMtkadi 'HMdiicaptlMFfaMHBMt.'' ItwMOMof ' 1*4 rii^pl* «flMta at Um tfMweripIlM •# ^ jMtan fai wUek Dateii ut li w pwu . TIm p»iBl« «M AirtM Mmtp*, • MM M hMtw fci iIm fowtt of ^fOMk, bat «f u «a«fMk aatan, aad • fimh ud ififitod plyk. H« WW a Mthr* of ZaMadaa, wd kad baaa * fu^^ P. P. VaaOa.lMH«ftdMtl)ro««4BNMtaryaart |D UaNdl aad aatan. Ami« Um aavHar pkiaiaa of Maava oaa May diMOtar tfaew of Ma M awi r , la a pa hn i; takiag iaiib, a iloak aad hmmUi eaaealkM. aad *f to r'T-ir-' floloar vkkaat Abn «« alswflk. I flraod yMiilf, ai4 wwt fMtli to Ma itadiw !• thaJaM^MeMaaaafrtiMHilaatfwityaaday. Bfaadl| of oaaeadaa, liMflkky of MatatU, a dooa otervatiaa «f lOa mriatiaM of aaMM. chaiartariari it Tka kavli« loaraad tba lahilaiiUal pnioMMa of I Oa artht, ■BMtylMili to tha flaatiag ka p wMloai of dMK MMOiMriftlaaMapMkl alfaag toaaaealatlMM. Ahngpt . wall MMlaiMd by tha Datch collaelon,^ha waa aho di«; taothadtkaiMdalaof tho Saka, and foaad thair plaea fai tkagraatooBaetiHMof Barapa and AMariea. Hkdtatkf fa iM» awa kMwKad aa a low to tba art of Iha awiidaa ««a aa to that of Ua aatifa IloOaad. Ia apatar-ooloaf paiatiag, aa fa oil, llaava mif^ dJrt i aga ii h wl eMffUMwir ' and hb htar nbiacla, fa both aMdfa, aron axtfactad froM tha raral Ula of Holkad, aad lar|dy 6om its pastoral •ida. Us cattle pastans aad ibacp wafts pnvkliiiR Um with bis happiest material. ' ^ :>.-■ •3. T%t CfmAerd, Owner, W. /. Leafnumt V ". ' v./. (•■OBoiai WffHtBk. i7«j-il4S> 0«M9t MidMi VMS ■MMradoM of wtfalk cdlMtkM for Um pdbtte to •! H« WM bora ia PMb ia 176J, aad bcvot ««Mt ■!» vaa Ooyta, jplp to* wllh MM Mraiglb «a4 iaii ariiaM7. MkM Wfu kit art Ufc yoar, nd M a if riir af attacU of (ha l ipa w bo H of a aoMwua «ha 1mi4 a vaaiiy to fit*** ai a paiatar, aad wko ilgaad tha pfetarn ha paid tha aaif • (oteg yoaag Ptt Waa yt maoata far Vmu TIm Boaaoc ti oa «ai ^fofhaUa to MidMl, aad wiia It Mdod ha waaabia t^ Mt ap a llttla carioiity ih^p fat l|yiia. Tha mm dyiag. tha fathw aad hh laeoad wifai^iMtlfeMd tha tuitai, Daily at a ontala hoav thay-Aat tharfMp'ap aad tfavalM off to Moataaartfa, vhwa thi aitiit paintid whatavar nb- Jaet Knek hfaa ia Mi bckivad diitckt, which wai Umv a ■paiathri wfldi nwi i of leattffod gra«at^f|id qvafiy- Hi! aari^ pktarai diipkf a ovtaln tlch- B«i of eoloar aad dabontioa of datall, bat ia hii latar aikd iatr Mjria ha ilaiplllad hii tyitaa aad pfo d aoid thfpM auMlTt eoaiporftloaa, traM pUai aad loikl hiUfi aad« •kin qaivariag with aaqaiilta grafi aad rolUq( wi^ itona, thfough whkh ha hai baeoaia to hii eooatiy what CoMUbla wai to Eaglaad. Maglacitad by tha pabUc, at a period whaa art gaoarally ai^oyad little favoar. Midid in kk latter yean BMule ao tflbrt to dkpoae of Ma wotka, aad a gnat •oeamahitioa of tkaai waa dbtribated after kla death. Of 8 eoovirial and kaaity aatvie, heteBghedattbe worid whidi neglected Un, left oMiat of hia pictoraa nnaigned becaaaa, aa he aaid, there waa bat ooe Michel and woukl not be another, and havingSibid oat faia ihop woand np Ua Ufa ia hamble ^omfort, and died eooTinced of the inaiortality wbidi, after nearly half a century, caiaa tardily bat Jutlf tohbBMmory. , *: Owntr, E. B. Oskr •4. OU Winimillt i\ i\. ' t ,).V •■.•*'■ ••. ■ •■ .• ''^ I'uK thaa ia tha doaUa shadow of political trovblaa aa^ paatilaaoa. aad soa^t rafega ia Iha calm ratiraBMBt «f tha Potasl of Foa ta fai ab laa a . At BarU- SOB, oaa of tha riUagaa of tha district, ha anada hia hoesa/ Hara, aaiid rnstie soanas that lacallad Us boyhood, ha fboght his battia of life aad woa tha graat victories of his tet. Ha had as assodataa tha feUow-revelatioaiata of Fiaach art* Roossaaa, Jaoqoe, aad Dacaaipa waia his B aig ^b oaia. Dias, Daabigny, and Dnpr< wara his risitocs and his friaada. Tha stoty of his poverty aad hia triala has beooma old by mach racapitnlatioB, bat fakhis slaiple way of life aad hia coesplata devotion to bis art ha aairivad adveisity that would have biokaa a lass taaolata aad eaiaert bmu. Apptadatioa of hia pictaiaa grew slowly. Ia 1168 h* taeahrad tha Legion of Hoaoar, aad whea ha died ia 1875 ha was aajbying a oomibrtabia popularity, though ha was taf BO flseaaa wealthy. »$. Tk* Sktfkerdus --r^---^~^ • ,> ■ ■ Xi ■\ '^i- '', /■ N "~\ ' '" »JI -^t- .i French ■.*».■• • r;v f». ■ '. ■ . • " ■* ■ ■ A- . ''■ ; ilOHTIC«LLI (ADOLPHE) > ;., . ,-.'•,;.: ,|v , ita4-liil- ■' ; '■ . . ' e^ ll«aM«letMtlM»oA*arM«l«Jlli1dllM«p«M 'V'; wiMB Im iw^ ia oolow for tiotow't Mka, "pdadag ■wte." gl " « M^ OUV . . OviMr, E. B. 0$kr ff- • • • :■ ' ■• •(R * • J I ■■ (? ^ " , ■.- "' : . ■' . J. € __« M . ■ :. ... / " ■■' ■ ■ .. :t~^ 7 "7" ■ T ■ ' ' / 1 »' 1 I - ■ — ■ ' »* i * « . ' V - I , ,, » I I I - A - ] •- '». t t J 1 ■ ' _, • r i * ♦ . • J * ■"'.' 1 . • ten M . --■ 1 ■ ORCHARDSON (WILLIAM QUILLBR) . . Scotch WilliMi Qnillcr OrdiwdwMi «M bora at Ediabugli la lt44> . OrdMidMa b • cbmplcd fom of UiqahMtMNl, xthtwiBM «f « Hlghhad Sept* to liwifMhiM. Ioi8si>.Uif«tlMr, «bo 1MW to bufadH to Edtoborgh, MPt hta> to Um, ThwtMii' Aeadoqr* «lMm, iik« Gwwft PimI ChatoMn, Peter GntouD, Joha PMlk, and othm, he ctuae nikUr tltt toitoMwc of the OMMw of the Mhool. Robert Seott Luder, Lwider had himclf been a papU of Au/tnm WilaoB, BO OMMUi aittalk aaeeatrjr. The ichool which gmw ap aader Lander beeaae fcaons throngh Cameraa, Me- Tagiput, and MaeWhicter, who are itill'nUvn, aa well aa thoae alrandy nentioeed, who an dead. Dnrtog the paM fifty ywn art to Soottoad haa nndertooe many a cba^e, hnt tHe^MB oT that early day ware aad are nearer thoae of t he kter day than have been many of the totenrento(_ "iRMph Thetoloenoeof thiapottkmorhiatratotag Qpoa Oiehardaon nwy perhapa be beat wen to hia managenient of eokNur. Dedahre diawtoc, which became duwaeteriatic . of hia work in later dayi, he oonid not owe to Lander, nor Indeed t» any of tboM) with whom he then came toto con< tact. In 186a, Orehardno went to London. Pettie and he IWed and worked toccther, and doobtleaa influenced eadi other. later, when the manner of eadid«vekipedi|tdepea> dcntly, the one Rained to giaoe and rapier«like dexterity^f, whik the other aetflcd more and more into, the common* place of itage eflccta. Althoog^ Orc^furdaon waa far a few montha of the anmmer of 1870 to Venice, the time waa ^ent rather to agreeable ▼acation than in work. He ban not duet hvin abroad, mn With the aame object, to that It > b pitrtiabty ,tmo^ aa Mr. Armatroag mggeats, that he haa lematoed hogeiy nninfloenced by Frei^ and German art. By i878,Ofehardaon had alfcady patotcd maiqrof the pietwria nponwhiehhbfiunereiat "Tis Qutim t^ tit Swtrdt," in t877> tot inatanoe; bat hb reaUy great worka hwre bee» done ainee then. Aa b often the caae, a draaMtie hbtoiical pictnre waa thefirat of Ordiardaon'a definitely to atrike the pnbUe iarngtoatlon. The Napoleon craae had hardly ba> gnn to 1881 {bnt Oiehaidaon aeema to have retained hb yonthtol attitude towarda NapolMa aa hero, and be entered toto (he idea with hb whole aonL " Om Bttnl Ot B*ak. n^«bw''(i88i)nt once plaeadhbatothepubifcmindaan painter of the.fint rank ; " K«ftdir»'' (188s). " 7%tSaOk if. \ - ■ ■■ ■■,.. ■■•■:■■ •' ■ Scotch -^.^ ■ ^ ■■ ; '■_■'- ,/■.■,: i«44. ■MUM * * . ttlMT, ■ - . , - . ■ '. . ■ . > tlM . ... ^ .y .... BfMn, inte '■ ■■■''" Soott . 0.' ■• . Anw 1 Mc. dl M * , . ipMt " f ■ ' . . •Ogh '':t- ■• r-, ■ BMOT «^^ apoa . - .' "- - . ■.. mi«at ' ■■' '.■■■■ ' ' ' . ."'"■. eristic r. nnr .'■-*•■■' ^ ;■' -S >ccm< Bdh« . cadi Icpoi* teritf^, MDOII* • few ■ WM UhM that it le liaa mart, ictwrit A,"ia torical ke tba Ml ik atand Maiami Jthtmitt" (1885). and " 7^ YtmitiDm»$ " {i^), ■track tha mum Mta villi aqoal, if not with mora, mn Acda ibilowiag tha Mlhod of Ilofktth, OfdModM paittod a novai. the "UmrUii$ A C mwmm n ," "J/ttr," with iha iaeUciila or exoiniaiu, **A StHai A*^," *'Uanl Bit," ^*Htr Pint Z>««r«,'' etc.. ate Of Ofchafdmi'a portraiia parbapa the aoat DolaUe aad indi- vidual an yaJMr WmlUr GMpr, andtbe portrait of Mia. OfdiaHaon known aa '*Jr««rr Bafy-** The aaU-Utaraiy eritie who to MMnetiaMa apt to makm himMlf a nriranet ■00ft at all of Ocehanlaon lave hta paint, and bto linea. and hto auutariy spaces { but even he wonU ad- ait that UteniypafaOerap he isi OcehaidMn to befcn aU thii«i a painter ; that tedttkaUj hto dist inct io n of atjie, hto rctkenea, and hto naenffioent case and difirity, al&e aa NfBida eoionr and Una, entitle him to he reeointaad m one who has iaifilled the precept— seek first to know how to paint, and all other thinfi shaU be added vnto fon. For the icat, Otehaidson to'or rather wasbhto ]fo«tfi an exeeDent rkkr, following the hoands regntorlr I to a de«e*ae of the aadcnt and royal game of tennis, not the modem OM of the lawn ; and to n devoted angler, coaxing the eegr tnwt in some Hightond^strcam every summer. tS. TktLittritf DunMUyhttmndJtaiiUDtam Owner, Jt. J^. Angus t t % .* J .. idaan /• ■ / ■ . " • *■ •i- 1 *B 'Mn'tf/, '■ . V I * - : - ^ ..-■ ^,-;V.\,:^ ''H '.- .■ ■; •- ■ ■ . ■ .-■', , _- u :. • --; •:■/ '■'■' : "-■'■■-'"■. 1 ^..; .\. .;,.:-. ~2r- i- .,■■ -r- T, . .-■ .'^-"n" ;~w - ■ ; .■-'-- • ".'■''■> ■ - ■ '■ ■■'" ■ ^ ■■" "*■- 1 ,' ■ -/' . i. ' " \ y, *,-■■.-. ■" . . • ■ -4-^.' <. .' ■\] :.-; ■■ : '\: - -i^^^^^ ^Mtt-' •n ■ ■ , ■ '..■i^ ifli ^ ^;i^:: A-;''i:i^'^ '*...-:.. L.jfvi-ik'.li^i .^■L&\.r, .Vr_: i :. M^^^^:,\:/„X- ^g^y^^^^Hj KBYNOLDS (SIR JOSHUA) English izaj— «7»»« ■vt lb* life of Sb Jodm ReyBokb to too wdl known to nqdn npttilkm. Ho wm tbt fint and giwtnt PnridMt of the Rojnd Andniiyi mrything tinwri oat wdl for litB. AsnpofatcrhewMtt thohMd oThto prafcMiaai fend of loctotr. the cmttart ud wtont aM of hb tim «m Us fiteadt, ooMMg thoa l|r. JokoMn and Edmnnd Bufkfe Ornra^dtopgoUoaiadaariiloannnmbowaa a cMMfal fefoofke. and pnapmM Uamlf ka nwrar foffot ImfcttuMtenMn. Hh rival RoMnajr lald of Ua in lOa iapttaona way, " Ho to the gnataH paHar ihatomliTod. I MO in kb pietana an oaqafailo Adm wMdi I mo in MtaN, bnt in no othor pktn«i" As an aittot ha had peat SfMtnaUtf and inai|ht into chaiaetort im fnintod aaon. vooMn, and dddnn with oqaai fno* and dtslfaMtion. y.,^ M» eonaidatskia **onooftlw a««cn ooloaiiats of tho worid," andealbhiadw "priaoaorportialtpaintan." i^ •9. MOtt Thtopkilm J^Umr Owmr^/amtt JUtt ^^ :is: ii / 1 '•■>»-'/;^- •. .ViH-,--, * ~ t ' .' :^- ■ ■'- - ' ' ' , 4 . '^' ■■ « 1 ' A ': !'* ■.' . ■':"■". ' -"■'■. '' ■ -:■■■% ■ --■■■■'-■ I-. - -■,-.y--:- ' - • [• \ t • • m m. I » « < . ' Mm B ^ ft I-' y^^ '■'' 'til^ffife \ p- ■ ^^SpBS^^ - .^ • l' K& it-' " U/msh 'isi^iUia, "'- .vv-.t tw ..ii.i^'^yi; ,J ■> >^aii.li^^.■.^■^ !....» ^ . ^--iai {lUh Idmt I fM I Bib If-', J Mia I bud iatod^ ffc" ItlBBRA (JUSBPB DB) (SPAQNOLETTO) Spftnish '? \*. . * * RIBOT (AUOU(TIN TH^OOULK) ... French " r \ r * Ja^mtSm TWodirit Rllnt «*• bom in iSsj. H« «Hfljr tanat*pqa«niM«lteOUM. In 1861 htbiVMto «dAlt at th« Pluto 8«iaik At tkt SkloM oT 1M4 a^l iS^ iH Momd Mdito. Md at tka I}ni««iari IihiUdo^ ' M< at IMitt.ilyl,knebldMd»MU«lof tlMtkM • „ d««. H«lM«bMa«lMto4Mn* TXlf wRMMTf • • • 0HWW| rf« y. XMmMNv ,. 1 . T' ;. 1 \ ' * '' ' ' . "" -,-,l;".Vs ■- ■ .* .#. \ • \ - \ '■ • , ♦ ^■;-'-r:: ' ; J2t;:: ¥ * ■ ^' ■ ,-■ ' ' ■ '- ' *• " ■ ••'-. ,•% ■*'w--.. .. . V . . .-■..■,./■*'■ • ■. ■ . tV ■.-.,■'.■■.■■-■, . ' . >^^ ^ ■'•■ :-■■*■ ..■_.; "-■•- ' ■. " . ■ '. , ° -^\ ..-' ■ V- r.. ■■ -'•' * ' ■ :'■■. .'!,*iv^-''*-'' ■,,■:"'■- ,, ' 1 ■ . 4? ^ '"■ ■ '\- ■■■;:'%'."'■ •^: >;■ ':>'.? . ■'"' '■'-'.- ■■'■ >■ ,■■■-. ■■■;; . \ " ■ ■'■•* , -. ■ V ■ ^■•■:-:^--.- •?"^^; .^;">2!''';i:'::^':t 1 • \ V -^' ' - • . ■ . ■ -~;^- : - ■■■'^• .,/^'- \ *. «'- ;•'■: .... ,, . ^ _ . ■ ■ -.- ■• ■ ' ; .-■':' v" ■ • {■ ' ..'■ .:■ .■-..■ ■, •- • '■' * . -;v .-■ ■ -"-. - -z-:*: ' ,■■.:■ :■ \ *" .'.-' 1 '- . * ■ -■A.' ; ■■ ■■ '■ ■ y ■- .;■ '■■-'* . . • . • ." . i •. • 1 . " 1 .. '■■ ' ^ ". » . ■ •:.'---^ rW ■ .« . , ■ ■ : , 4 ■ ' < \ - ■ *- - ..,.'." ^ • :\- 'y :-• ■ ..■■■■Vj"-\:::-;.^:^,-^.- -^ . '. ■ ' \'.'-- ' ■ ^ ■^•' ■;.fe. ■.<:-, r- • ■ -'.* '":--:■ - '' ■ "'i ■, * ' ' ,' ■ - ■-•' • ^ I ■ ■ • ■ ■ .-,■■■ A . ' -. .-. , .■ . • " t ' .... ...iiS ^■■•■'' " . ■ ' ■ ■ X\ ■ ■', 1 ■ =-; r' .■. ' 1 , ■ . "".■"' ■ ■ ■ ' " . . ■'S - KOUSSBAU (PIERRE iiTlENNE THEODORE) f leneh The eancr of RooMMa wm uMbgom to that of Unkl fai iU protiaetad and paiafel Mnggle. Bon at Vuk, in itis, poor, Kiuiiiivc, and of Ite h%|mt ■onuoi otgnin* Uon, tbt jmnf wUrt bogta, wi^i tbt wMbUom of tk« SiOoa of Iiii6, hb kMK lilt of odgiwd ofbtt, htm by Uooldo aad dovpoir. Ho mi 6om tho inl i«Mdt. at Om hands, of Salon J«ii«, floauQUad Iqr dfadpiat of tho dairir «al mImioI, to whici hfa art was a pw poti l challrtmd aad-Hofianeo. H«r ww obo of tho int bom to aottl* the now Cunooa artiatic edonj at Baitiion, and, with iCorat, baabignjr, Dial, and Dapr^ atanda at an I fonndcr of the nMN^kna adhool of French landae^M paintiaii. Hii art waa an ait of deep tedinib and nMws than uj ot bis ^Uoscaos did he posssH tlw powsr of kndfaig to kndscapo a strong dnunatic 4}aaUt]r. In e(l%ts of ataioa> phero and Ugbt ho eudl^d, and as a oohMuiit ho stood' snpteil^ Ro M Hs a n and Millet w e r on dg^bonisat BaiblaoB close friends, and, when poverty pw iasd the kttor hardest, it is rsooidod of the fanner that he faond oat of bis o«a need snasthint to sparo foe his less fcrtoaatn associate. A tondiint roaaanoots aiaodatod with Rowssan^ &lo- His wUe lias safaject to a nMntal aflictioa whiA WMld hfevo jaftttitd her sedasian in an fantitation, bat. in bis deep dcvothm to her, her bosband rafaasd to pnt bar awair from biin, and dartag all his Ufa aaflsiod the torsaent Bjr a asoteheiy ^ fete, ha died befw« bar, fai a condition of diJMay simyar to* bat awMa deader than, bete, and' «hkb ptaloded hk end With wmtba of aataiA. lili death pocurrad in it67« 'dtr «f fltnst^ Fomttdn^hm ■-> V V '-'y-,. . i V > ■-. )• I * - • *• lioYBBT (VICTOR lAoN FERDINAND) French %. n Wlwii, at ttM S>lM or ilM. llM ^jMter of Italy IIL" won Cor hi {Minter hb fint mtdal, FniMS hailod ia Rojrbet • fw pniphat )• eatvna art. The oovbiMtioa ":.:;//- ■..;■. i/. ■■...:■ {■:-■ ._/.., 1 * ^, RUI80ABL '(JACOB V i) Vtiy UtUtIk known of tlM lift oT RaiadMl, the fomMrt Undacnpe fuinitt oT Hotiaad. H« Uv«d b Hurl«n 0ad AoMteidam. Hit fittfier mm • Menaooite, sad hti wh HiaudfaMiMed in hit ><• Meumilt* fcknda. who pUoed Um in the Iloqiitsl at Haarinn, ware he died withoet near frienda oif lelationa. He painted a nnaaber of momtabi aoenca with wild tocrcnts, and he ia thoi^^t to have itadied this aapect ol natnre b GefaMttjr, aa it ia haidlf likely he ttaTclled to Norway, aa aone npp««c No record of hia travebcxiata. Hia ttoet vdned worka arit tboaeb whidi he abowa 08 Ua native /Ut ptaiw and nudf duea with ehwdiea and wbdmOb, or bndacapaa with iae old trees ininilt^bly {H^tcd, which iaipreaa us with a feeliac <>' ioUtnde and poetic nwlancholy. In the worka of no other do we find that fcelingfor the poetry of Northern natare and pcrfeetkNi of rcpreientadoo waited b the aaaMdecraaa. 34. Landfcap* Owntr, £. B.GrtmikkUs X -^ A' ... * '■ >-v-\ 1 w.- :■ .\v ' ;■ ;,■■;■' ■■■"'■■■"' ■■'■■■ ' ■■ ' -.■■ ' '■''. ■'■.■■ ■■'. ;'■ ' '..■ .* ■■ ' ■ ' * '.■ 8TARK (JAI^S) V, ;■ r^-- ;^;« V ■•'•' ^. • ":<•■ EiHjII'h .;■' i ' '■'■ ■■' J „ Wm • papfl «r Ormm, Md OM of t&« iMidiaf iMiaim of '"^\'. ^ -' tkcNonridiaGlMial. . . ._ •4 ■■■ ^y. '•■• " ■■--;, J l.t, -^ «• *• > );f ■ : „ ■.■" ' ■'■■-■'-■", » ....... , ■■•■;. i V- . : • ■ 'I ■ ■.■ '^ ' ■' ■'■ '' {-?: ' '■ \ " «;fe' ■.■'"".' "■ ■ . ■-■■■'.■■' i ■V- ■' », ■' ( i 'ft'* P '-..•"■ : .''. ■■ ■' '■'-' ■; ■■ - ■■>■'. .;' " ■ ■' "■'■'*' ^. .' { •'■-■. ■ ' ■■' • ' . - ■"■.■■■ ■ fc V * -"■..■■..» '■ ' ■ ■■',.'■'■•-■■'■ • ■ K ' ■ ■.. ".*■■■ ■-' "- . '■ ■ :■ ^- ■'■■ y ■■.■''■./■'-■■.'-"'■ '' « • i • ^ . • ■> :;;:l';:c;;;-i::-:'^^ i \. ■ :->■■■■-■■•;"■'•.' "• • •■ - ' • .■ : /^■''..■' ' ■ ■" ■' ■■ ■ . ■".-■■'■ ' ■■H-'''y^''-:'':^^^^ /^ ' ■■^^'.■-'> ^':'--^^' ■" \- \ ..3.. r ^^ **\*s- lb lOl •kt ■ /■ v.i, V\\- if (JAN) . .::*4^v . ,. Dutch tfa6— i6r9> feon Ib l«ydM. i/(a6, likd libii*, 1679. , Qtmn I»iat«r,olittiMd liii tnt l«wiiiag froii NieoUa Kavpte, ■ad kt«r frtfa Ju vu Gojrw, IrhoM -5a;W wa« «a- laeoMrfiil, and ktt maaj yaws waa alwaya ii^ dUkaltlaa , with bia cndUon. Hia finM wiia awl fiubar botb dylag about ft<9, ba obtaiaad a ikaiuia to baap a taran at Haariam, and aafaaaqaantly aurriad a" widow, Marina Haicnlana, wbo at>paan bi aoaia of bia pictnrea, v As • axtraordinarj fenioa for painliag, waa anfortoiiatd^ o»^ axktent \a, Jan Staen with Jovial babiu of no moderate Idod. w Tha poaitkm of taTera-kaeper gave botb the opportonity of indulging bia propcniitiea, md alao of depicting ^f pleaaniea of eating and drinking, of aoag, card-pkying, and love-nkUng, directly fron natnr*. ' , ' •' ■■■..', 36. The Innkuper's Dattghttr Owner, Richard S, Casuls ' ' -■ ■■,-■. i "■'■■"/& ■' *■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■"■ -■*■ y.-' ''■■^' jr % • - ^_^ ■•• ' ' '■^■. ■!":••: 1 i V / ■ " -1 ■ '■ '--'"tA • -""% * « ' ■ »i»; ■"'"'i ' - 1 ■ ■ ' ,. "■■■^ ■'■-' ' ■.. * ■ ' ' ■ .- --■ ■ *'," - "--■'■■-^ -"- "■. ■ V !'-i " ■ .; - • ' "*» \ ' ;■ *■; ^ 1* ^j *■ .i':-'-' ^Q^ • ' "Sl^ctI .,'t^ i tWAN (JOHN MACALLAN) . tngUih t. jL. |riM Maaillaa Swu «m bora at OM Brfalfonl, EoflMid, fa lt47. H« iMfu to stady at tb« WormIot School oT Art, tad piiiii to Mr. Spukot M LuobeUi, and latar to .|k« Rofri Awd— y, at a atodant. la 1I74 ,ha traat t» FaiK wbara Im laaialaid aboot iva jrtara. Dariag thaaa y«an ha panaad aa aclaetk eoanai ha vorkad with Oktmm, with Fiaaiiat. with Baatlip U Paga, Humkn, ■ad D i^pia a B na T a i i t At thia tiaM ha wai abo iafla- •aaad bf Baiya, IMaeraix, aad Millat.''Latar ha waa pebaUy talaaaead hr tha Mariaaa, aqiodallf bjr Matthaw. la itl4 Mr. Swaa waa alaataAa aMaibar ol tha Datch -Watar-Coloaff Sodatjri ia ills waa awaidad hoaoaiabfa. at tha Paiia Saloa 1 aad la 1I94 waa alaetad aa of tha Royal Aeadaaqr. With Baryf aad Dal*> imb, Swaa haa dovotad Mavalf aapadally to tha atady of lilii laiain'- Datiag hia Fhria daya ha apaat aaMh of Ma tfaM fa tha Jaadfa daaPlaataa,a*daowfaLaBd«ahabto ba faiad alawat aaaiy diqr fa tha Zootoglcal Qafdaaa. To ooamlMea aa a aafalar ha adda iatiiaata loMwIadgaaf eoaapamtl** aaatoaiy, with daa racopdtioa irf tha liaks> tloM of tdt^e fMt, aad tha aaad, (or pwpoMa of tha a(tiit,ofalwayan|Bidfagit fa itaartiatkialUfaM. Itk aapadaHytoUowtfartSwaahaadiiactadUaattaalfaa. Tha dig^y of Baa fa dM Moa, varialy of poM daa to tha MthMaaa ol tha body, aad Mtabiy tha eoloar^hatra attiaetad tha aitirt, m> laaa dtaa tha latkaat atiaaglh of tha boail^ fa whkh bat ha iaaad a ayaipathatk iMax of Ua (pfufa. ptofalltag aoad. Tha aodptaiaaqaa alaa i aat (a Swaa%^ palatfaf aifav froaa Mi atadka fa dqr> rivallfag, aa thaf ' do, thaarofha of Baiya fa kaowladga of aaatmaieal atiaetaiik Swaa woaM eartafaly ha^o mMmd iu|M aa a aealptoff had ha aot baaa a mtutm fa colaar. By ae aMaM I with tha faiaath of Hie, aad givaa to hia backgiooad fraqaaatly a giavt chani, whkh b tki of a hurga faMgiaadoa. iifaaaalf a Ban— of tha daaarti huga, rvgt^,9tha penodf* of viriBty, paagaaafadty, aad CMCtiva amebe of f Swaa "hi aUkd rathar to RafiMHe" thaa to Dalacrafa, lathar "to MidMfaa Poaaafa thaa to 37. Siikbig tk$ Eveniiig Meal , ■i i«,.; (TiMMr, E. B. Oskf 'K^ Cn|ll«ll THOLIN (WILLBM BAStlBN) . . V r Dutch ' MsfiAU t— BraoM, BapMidoa UairwMlk, Pute» lll9t Gold, m dM, Bipoiitioii lataiMUlaMU 4« B«u» Alts,' Mmkb. il9«. : A iWag 9«MC D«teb utkt of wmIi Mttt. LOm Mwly «ll of Ihk Mhool, h* iMlalt aqMlly wdl ia «(1 ud %■ Igk AQttitt Evtming . of nulk MUMv, bhiff ud bold, wIm mifftu haMt ■ of tiM fBBMkMpcn or h«rafatll« piaot ao aplcadkl ia spirit aad •0 powarM ia oolaar aad vivid raaliMi tkat hb fiuM waa aat a bim »a<^at a itatfm stroka. Ia ilf9 ka wm daooratad witb lb« Lagioiiaf Hooor, and tbaaagOMntatioa b tkaprieas aad tka popalarity of bis works aiade Mia impidljr ri^ TlH ^ graal sckool of FrMidi cattle pakitia( wkoaa foandatioa Btataa a a t kad kid Trojron Wit ap. Ha gava to tb« brtrtas ba paiotad lift aad smbL Hk oica bave tbe grand ■Mnreasaal of nalatt, hk cows ramiaata tbc cad aad watcb iron witb tbair soft ayaa, hk shaap blaat aa appaid oak of the caavas, aad tbe dog which gnarda tha flock or travds al tha haal of the poaehar ortha gaawkaaper only neoda to bask to ba aMat. Poatty aataiataa hk art— tha hnasble malic poaUy wbkh becoaiea nuijaatk throai^ its vary siBBpUdly. Trayoa's ooloar, hk appreelatfea of light aad tha ripaMM and hMnaumy of toaa arfalch ekaiaetariaas hk pietana. were sastaiaad to tha hut. Like Corot, ha nmaiaed anoaaniad, oontaat with hk art, aad helpAd of tha fn ai n ii takala whoai hk timim attractad to hiai, aad apoB whoai ha aHide aa iaipwioa which oae aaii laAectad still fai Fraa^ art. Sixty oiaatcrpicccs liraa Ui VMh gnoad the Satan batwaan 1833 and 1863, ia which kttar year hk splaMlkl mm passed faito a spteadM HMBory. 39. La M*rt (Tkt P9oi) m Ommrt/0mis Rat^ M 4^ .c^-. French nlffht Ihi«'c wboai k« v«a bora ■! Bira/actoff, llM flOMT WBI7 ]r«ut 0« ■■!■(•, RoqMpUa, , ud who Icolovr 01 ialoa, aft* I spirit ud dMontad BthcpfioM ridk TlM^ fonndatiM !«• to d» r tb« grand and watch ;Mal oal of. or travdt \j Dtada to Im hnaible I Ha v«iy light and ttriaaahii Corot, ha halplU of i to hfan.' I one aaii-,. , I firain hiir .{•which I qrioMiid 7- -■/ WILKIB (SIR DAVID), #.^ . V . ,. Scotch Sir David Witkic'i whok life waa girati up to Art. From y/ oaily life ha carad far aotUag alaa ) h« laya hianttf thai he / •oaU ** draw balaro Im coatd raad, and paint btfora ha , cunld ■pall." At twant)r-OBc. hia paintlag, " The Village ^ PoUticiaaa," waa ■ant to the Acadaaijr, and was the picture ol tha jraar, making ila aathor at onaa fMBOiUi From this ,/ tlma he waa ceotinaonaly at work aniU ita4f wh«n hi* health began to feU 1 In 1S40 haatarted 00 that pilgrimage - tothaEaat, ftomwhich ha waaaavtrtoratwm. Onhiawajr . ■ ■■ home he took suddenly ill after laaving Malta, and diad on 1st June, 1841 1 the solemn bnrial at sea has been com- mcmoratad by Tarnar in bis praat nicturc, '* Rest, Burial ofWilkie." Bttlwar, HiatitiagkljoutUm. says: "Wilkia is the Goldamith of pdaeers, in the amiaUe and pathetic humour, in the vomliioalion of smiles and tears, of tho familial and tha baa«Ultal } but be haa a stronger hold over tha mora aaOMt qttopathiea and tha springs of a broader Uttghter thmi Goldsakith himaaif." 40. A group from " Th» Vtllagt Fkstnmt* Own«r% D. M9rru» ^'- r ' Wlk j^ "ST-- IP? • ' r * ■ . .1 tv if ' . -•• ' ' ■■ I ■ - i / ~' 1 .' ■ '. ' ' * I ( ' ( 1 ik.. ^ .,..«-■ a*. ...wfiik ^^^ haA. j.i-»» —J---"*^" iA^ , tetfi^ tM ^m 1 / ^ f .''V' ■4k WILSON (RICHARD) vv.'«: V- • EnfHA RfcbudliraiM'iMslbfM U ilbotiaa^^ dM la ifte. i K 1719 fed IiUmm a piipU, and i««uatMd • ib fwrt* wMk'TlnWNi WriKMlA Lbiiddii, » pottnll paint* . <«■ ' at of litti»«Ulfty; -Halliai^ted pbrtiaits'tMi bia ow« «ceo«at,haflBg'i>»aBg'MiiittHattaPttoce o^Wakl i»ad > tk« I>ah««f YMb • Ik 17^ ria vUfted ttafy, whoa, ha re. ■alMd far.ab.9Mn. "Htf'IM allbU^'doM aoaa* work jp • biidaea|Mai'«a4 aow tiM MMea- oTZti^eardU and JoMph VarMtdtdWad>linlB'i»liiyliMiinit»aptfntii^to tba.ex> anOenoljmfietkfdefiMmihiidtkn. Ha'paiatadcomider- ably in Roma and iliMlklAbMbadd^, Mody^ - Poaidn, y»t *ndaat iafa<|lgtWclaMkal»tyi)i .. to ftJMPftiW oma UdMMMtft ■ ki ftaa becomas a (»p- aactinf UnkbMwvepUia Bnijllih hiMl tlie Latin paintara of -^ — -^-thatiaM. 1 :i;-.-- • ,, 1 '■*-^- Ahlnu|;boBaori>llwiMHtaat'f)^i^'nuatelr8of Und< I • aeapa, ha haa mflilrad' • pMtiid kdiplM (Uron^ iba pfater brilliant tt- Tanar and CntaUMk. ' fint . undovbtadlj aach of thft latter owai tnacH to hit laadcr^p j aafl *CaaaUbla,^fiAadaa'ke lira* -id pdrtrajfing wida panorwnan * ' of paitoial Bafllaad'-^wlth all tha incident of field, hedge- - '' tow, ^(>lf.al«,and'piir^diatkaee— watnot 4lie fi(»t t9 ■ea their baaatj, nnaHsi |i> ,re-. ral gn^ticm Is successors ArmsiroHg f: i. ** ■ ..-' ■■'■ '■ '■ ' ". « , . 9 .-^, * '■ ■' '. :■ • .... ■'''"' '■'■'• ' *" . '•' " ■'■:': -■.-■''■■:'■- "' ' "■' ? .' " ^',:''. ' f * ■ ■ .", - -'*■■• ,■■■- ■ ' . • ■ Af\: ■ ■ W. ;■ ; c ■-^ •;;:::■.;:,■■■ :'"■'. ■' k ■T- ' ;.•'., -;■ ^' A ; ■■-■ ,» :•■.;: ^#^::'.:;--; .:-' ^-v' 1 \ 1 > > / ' ' » '■ ' ' ■ '.fT-'^ . . 4 ■^■^-"■rr^ ""^ •> T ;. ■ ■ ■* 1- '■■'■-''■•'' ,' *» ' ' ■. {" ^ .■■ ■'■':': ■ ■-,■; ■: , -, ;.v ■■ ;;\X.i ' ' 1 , ' "•« ' ■ ■»■.- ■■ . .\ ■; ;-'■ ■ .">/; • >i ■■''*;■ '■''•■.■'■■ - '■ \ ^ ^ "^ •'■ '-V^:::\,■■^■'.■;\'#^ \. 'i . . '■ _■ ''M'f-'~- .- ^ ■ . ''^r'j-/ * V ^' • r ^ Kr-.'-'. .'''■■' « .*.■'■' \ - ■ ■■;■> ■■.'■■^- : ■" :■ '-■•;'-;:;■■ ■%■. ■ \ , . ,. .-.-f . -.'■..■ J - ■. '^ A' •^]mM