a MMkMfMrMHHMlMMtflMifl 1100 WtovmAMiiM^ S><'I|>.V i| | 4- -S > .^' ^ > *$'■ -p: ■si. 4^ <«!^ V HMtMli^lllW TO PZZH S1^^ # ■■f ' gihM Microfiche Series (IMonograplis) ^m '. ■:■■ .•< ji'Si ■ ; . ■'■A • Collection de microfichee ): t r:^- ."■1^ ■^-.-..--s^- ■ -f '■:■ CeMdiMi liMtltute fof Hletertcel Watnm'9^*'tifkm/U^ <• .- -^,-r-- ■■- •■ V i r . .' . ■ Jh ... * ' . * '. , .' . ■ ■ . ". . ',■'.' '■■"■■■.'"■ ■■■ - . ' ■ • '' ~'-' ■ ^.- :■"■'''. . ■ y ' TlH ' ■'.■■'-'■ '' ■ - ■■ - - ■*. ' ..■■■.-. , ■■.■■-'■■,'»■' ■"■'■',■-. •;.■>■;■-.■■ -■•■^^':-- ■ ■•- .^^■■•.. --..tut J> , •• ■ ^ . .'.■■. ■•*'•., 1 «..:: .;-. -\-.-!.' *H«1 i? TlMlMtiteM Ml atlMiiptad to obtain ilMbMtotltiMi t'liwtitMt • MtMwfNnil It m ^ '■ ■ . . ' ' ",-■■...# Ar f copy mwwMb toff NNiMi(si FoMMfM of iMt oopv wMcn ^ Mi Ma poMiMo A M piOON Nv. Las MMHi tfa aat n* of tHa MaapM in fiia iapfooii8tloii« -oc wMan aMy I tiM MMM MMVMO of fNMitni, tt9" QColoorad eoMVi/ Coovartpia da HCovars CoMvartura aOoiiMrt raitefa^ aiMl/or laminattd/ (goooarfMii raitaufia at/oM pelllc i i W a a€o«ar tMa miMint/ La tHia da oowpaniira □ CotaMwad m«pi/ . CartHi Coloiwfd ink (i.a. odiar tlian Mua or Mack)/ Eneia daeoidaur (i^. autra qua Maua ou noira) Coioufod plaiH and/or ilhw tta t to m/ Flineiias at/ou iNuitratioM an coulaur I >r BoMid witli otliaf raattrial/ I a«ac d'airtras «k>eiimanti □ Tiflil MMlIni May caMa tliadoiM or distortion aionf iiitanor Margin/ Li ra l iMr a tarrta pant caiwa r da i'oMlya ou da la dtetonion la lont da la Marp intWaura Bmmi Mowas addid durinf rMtoration May < within DM tsxt^ WhaiMMr poaiiMa, tlMM haw ■aan omittad froM f MMinfr It M paut qua eartainM papM blan d ia s ajeuttai ^eri d'un* rastauration apparai mn t dam la taxta, Mait, lonqua cala Mait potiibla. cm pafM n't PM ita iy|lM4M> r^*~l Colottrad papat/ LJNpada< QNgM raatorad and/br lanMnatad/ NtM ratCBuriM at/M paNieuMM rrilfHm dheo l outad. ttainid or foMd/ 1— _J rapa dioolqrlai □Taaii datartiad/ rjTI Shpwthroufh/ • ULTTrampaiBnea KOuality of print variat/ Qualiti imkiala da riMptanion □ Continuous paghMtion/ Faiination continua □ IndudN indanfM)/ Comprandun (dMhndaK Titia on haadar takan f roM: / La ti^ da I'an-ttta proviant: q] TitIa paga of iPkgadatitra iSSIM/ dalaliwaison % □ Caption of issua/ titra da dipart da la livraison P~|Mtathaad/ ""^ Additional coMfnants:/ JlJ CoMiwantairw tu pp Hm antairw; CMniriqua (ptriodiquw) dcia livraison VariouB^nglngs: .1-16, [1]>8, 17-32 p. ; This itam is fHmad at tha raduction ratio chaekad bakM/ ' Ca docMoaot ast f ilmi au taux da rMuetiofi indiqutci-dassoUi. "mx^ ^mr ^mxr ^mc 26X 12X IfX ![ 7BK 30X 24X. 28X 32X ^,' Tim oo^ tHmtd Imiv ImM Immi ivpfMliiMMi IMMni totiM gMMrosHy of : Metropolitan Toronto Roforonco Library Arts Departmant . inv ima^w ■ppvsfmB naiv ■■• via v^vi ^iMNiiy noaaitila aonaMarlna iha nnriiliion and laolhlMtu off tn# OfiQlMil oopv MM In kMplfi( with tiM . V -.fe'.. / ■■*;• nao impraa* wiui a pnniMB uffi^nM vopiaa av imwuhi MQinnifif %vMi tlia fvont tlia Mat poQa witn a pniHao of alon. Off tfM iMok aowar wiMn othoff offiQifMl oopiaa ara iMiiMa fkat paga wMi a prlntad or lion, and andintf on tiM laat or jlluatratad impraaalon. Tho laat raeordad franM onoaeh wd or oH ch o ahall oontain tha aymbol «^ InManlng "COMh TINUED"). Or tho aymbol ▼ Imoanlna "END"}, Mapa» plataa. eharta* oiOx may ba fNnMd at . difffarant raduetion ratioa; Thoaa tod larga to bo ontkoly inekidod In ono oKpoaura aro fMmad bOQinnlng in tiM uppar Mft hand oomar« Mft to.; 9l0ht and top to bottom* aa NMny framaa 4|p^'^ ioqulrad. Tha foMoMlng diograma Hh Mtra t iMii 'mathod: -m^" f a a amp to ka fllm4 fvt g4n4roaltA da: *it y Matropolttan Toronto Rafaronco Library Arts Departmant 4ti raprodultaa avao 10 tanu da la oondltlon ot fllmd. at an Laa Imagaa suhrantaa phM grand tain, oompta da la nattatAda I oonf ormlta avao loa Mmago. :-. Ua aaampMraa oilglnoMx dont Id aouMirtura an papiar aat imprWnda aont fllmda an eommanvaifit par la pramlar plat at an tarmliMnt aoH par la damltr a paga qui eompoita una ampralma dimpraaalon ou dlHuatrailon, aoH par la aaoond plat, aalon la aaa. Toua laa autraa ammplalraa orlglnaux aont fHmda an eamman y ant par la pramMra paga qui aomporta una ompralnta dimpraaalon ou dlNuatration at it tarmtnant la darhiOra paga qui aomporta una talM pw Un doa a ym botaa aulvanta apparOKra aur la damMro tonaga da ohaqua mlerollcha. aalon Ir eaa: la aymbola -» aignHIa "A SUIVIIE". la aymbolo T algnHla "FIN". Laa cartaa. planchaa. taMaaux. ate., pauvant fttro film4a A daa tau» da rdductlon dHf4ranM. Loraquo la dooumant aat trap grand pour itro raproduit •!% un aaul alloh*. N aat fHmd i partlr do I'angia supdriaur goueha. da gaucha k drolto. ot do haut on baa. an pronant la nombio dimogaa ndeonairo. Laa diagrammoa auhianta Wuatrant la mdthodo. ;• 1.. ■■ 2 3 ' ■./'. ■ -n >■ V ^^■^■ \ • I .1. \ ■] ■ / . I-,* '*.• ROOM "J," FIRST FLCOR, TORONTO ARCADB, ToMOE SrBBi^, Toronto. ST JACOBS OIL THE GREAT OEBHAN RElfEDY FOR FAIN. If Cares Rheuinaiisin Neuralgia, Backache, Headache, Toothache, SpraiiiB, Bruises, Etc. Price, Fiflj Cents. All Dn^gists and Chemists. j^ FR A^NK H. 8-EF TON, L D S DENTIST e % •tr.i'. -f Cbmer of Queen and Yonge Streets, over Martin's Drug Store, -^ — — TORONTO. — — ^^ ... Vli.) 4^" y^tivj,ii ifc.'.-W<%*«>'. •»..: i: P BSTABLISHBD 1868 " - ■ ■■■■.■v;vvi:i ■ ' - ^ ^'■. • •«*»' A. O. Andrews & Co., Auctioneers ;' ; Valaatorv and Com. llorohMito, r -r.. .Telephone, '487.' - ; \/;/:.;,-v v!!-,,; •■■?■.-• '• ' ^^ :''? ■': •:^. > ; f . r ■■*;■ *^ 1^'^. iiii^rtti iiii uihiiiiii irt . ri.« J. O. Sntdkb, Secretary. Dion C. Suluvam, LL.D, Prindpd. Attaad the SlMrtband and CobibmcUI Schools of tbt Ontario Shoftbaod SocMtv. HmmI Oflleo-S5 ARCADB. YONGB ST.. TORONTO. 8CHOLAltSHIl>8 : BwiftMl BMUdi wd AmwieM Sfstwi* of Ptioaognphy Md T]rp«.writiat, Riiditff, WrHWt AHthniMie. GraaiflMr. wd Contesltioa. JBookkaiplnii. Com-^ ■Mrdal AritbaitUo aad ComnMreial Law. Latipi, Fraoeh. Gfaab, tmd Matha- ■aitefc Paptta pnparad for matriettlatieD ia Lam MMlfclao, Arta, and Civi^ Baflteaariaf } alao for tba CMl Sanrica BsaaiiBatioaa; PapUa ara taiiflit VtmH- ■Btfoa la coaaaoifoB with Land SarMylag. BlKirthaBd iMroaffUy umiM Vf Stall, apaaial Mnns wOl ba oftrad to ArSals tad Oldba. AU. PUPILS RB- CBIVlfPRlVATB I^SONS. awl mty co a wif c a al anj tinat, takfaf M7 Mb- jael or aaMaeb ttajr'^arifa. Advaaoad atadaali hdpa4M|^taatf»ItkM wUcb tkv aaMli. Tbar ara ipuMMfad to aitad ia taaa afi4 lolaia thafar ahtiaiaiifcul olthacoaMatHowot tta.fltfteaaPlaaoiaaMai lamelftdlria. iN«l*aadtkaraa«lt «mMibaaMateori«&dafptDar«l iha tmtb * 4t' *i\?% . • . .■yp-%m ..:f>^'t^. i>l-. Sy 400®^'. S . 'f ' '*-i . ■>^«:j^\'l-i«i-i'v'l-T-;». -I ' ,■ ;>V ■'''■ "■ .; t ; .■ > i Lubin's Perfumes, 2 bot. iA q^, Price ^ $1.20 Rickman's ;2" " ; " '♦ '- • 75 RimmelV " 60c. per b^. ^ "^ 'j '•■. #i» *-^ *-. . , ■• -1 ■-, ■:4 ^■- 'T?" .^'' :j«^.- It "i» u5'97fh??^?r7*iWi?!^,t !?. - « n .l.^gJJLT;^ gOt>iO/ ?U. 'Ul-V *.-V:',*^ m:9\ OORNER QUfeEN isNd » STREETS. 4 fSlltdi ' Midge f Co. '. ^■■■/.~ Q. ■>:.:i,:LV '1,-A' M-' fQRO0»Wl^in)/^IIt« I^BBOHAMTB. 7 BMO vnunr w 0PP08ITE THE EXHIBITION ROOMa Ai ii . 'i" ,T lii li.rni i^mmm^mmtittm 4:>lHTl8Ti AMADB BUrtbXNCt •* r - YOMGB ItRBCT. Teeth preeerved bv Filling.^ Beat aeU Artifieal Teeth from US. ExtnMsting with VitUwedAir. " ; HIGHEST SKIIiL AND MODERATE PRICES. ri iiiiil i ili .r i I H ' |i !i#n« ' i j li i 111?' 1 JiiijM iii» Ww Vmpm Oiito' \ 2^. Art and General Moal<^ -y- :':',■:■,/. ■■..■00 TO ^-^'"'"X- ■ :-.^'-- '-■:•:: '-'■.'•■ ^•.' 117 TOWam iTBUT, ilfe offering great bargains iii Fancy Goods, Gift Books, - during me HolicUv l^eason. Xmas and Ncfr^^ j; j .4,> Y^ Cards at JB^tly reduced prices *.A ^ .m^tnmi ?.jMi}iijf'r~, .^J'.irJHlr. ir.t V mimmfmmm . ■'*'?■' "** ■ 133 Yonge Street > If ;» -. « yPCiyft - w 'itm'm^^mM^ J ? < t XMAS PRESENTS i f*T '^i^.'VJ''^. A;i" '*>** n (ttsiur Tiimt The Gheapcst Wacein the City to purchase Ladies' aB3 Gentlemen s Dressing Cases, ■ ; ■ ■ ■ ■■'■■■ ■:.■'■■■• ... '' * Ladies* Companions, Ladies' Satchels, Whisk Holders nammmT ^ nsux irlintr ...-^■♦.■.if!' V 1*" PBBSCRirTIOBTS : CAREFULLY : PBEPABBI> 3"^ B;v|tfiiAOH^SI •VJH^inUM** ■'i ^ IT. f,f-.l ■■ r^™*?s -•X • .:i3S Yonge St ;- •FINK WI5IKH AND LIQUORS AND HAVANA CIGARS a i ■ I i f> I 11*1 ijii i i »> •^ »..-i Ar .A. i>URE WINES AND LIJiOORS FOR MEDICINAL USE •166 Yonge Sr, TproiTto ipYONOE STREET ■r«>H>>i'<^NM«' trt ■■I'-in aH-^ ^'^:'•■■■^■X;':V'^^•■::I>EALEB IN 92 K(itir3ti^i^^y«3«^ .V .J <■'•' i ' . .'1 ^.l- ■;■.. L* » . • . * fA CIGARS "■'tr-^^: ■J ■^: ,WEI.CH & TROWERN ^ 4tiliir< .^ECIAE DliBiaNS FOR T V DIAMOHD SKTTIHO. ^ 171 Yonge Street ■*■ ■*; •^"'■,.'#!r#*^ ►^ And the''l^fj^;( pu^^^^i^ American Overshoes*, \* ^ * .:.? #-' H. & b. BLACHFOt^D >-» Are now offering ^> the public aU the Newest Styl« iii. Bootf. Slipper*- andOTerthoet for the Bolidty trade, inchiding th^ New " CirdSodk > • > ^^^1^ Stocking," Overaboet and Leggings corabin«dr , " Lamb Wool and Cork Soles for Crochet Slippery &c, ttci [nMjjfs^ nimdMS^rU and U^eriiatJ dood^". Note" ne 'Addrest>t^|.v/ t If 87 ft a» KING IJ^. EAST. ba^i;- 4i: ttf ^£»^ i \ J. F R A S E R B R y G E, 107 Klng«8t. West. . -^^1 .^ y TORONTO, , ; The best-appomted Photo SttidSo in Ac bjoAfit- W ' R. J. HOVENDEN, i u, . v,u^ ■ 'yl ^ • '% 07 KING STREET WEST. 1 -,» •r Memorial and other Wihdows. w:-!/ !.;n7-.,-^»- HousEHpJ:^D, Sta IN ED Glass. Plate Glass, all sizes, from stock f/ ,!'(!i,.f /- JOS. MgCA¥SLAP ^ SON; ^ V^-TOROH T dr-'-^'^^-'^-.'' ah V>*'=.t?f JT WTO, >iimry. > r « ft, », ^ ■ uTO t !■• HOUSE'HiPECOl^ATIONS Has a few pairs leffMlf tl^ose naagntficent Turcoman Curtains ar half price. In his Cartain Room will be found every description or Curtains and Curtain Goo^s, Poles and Fittings. Fringes' Window Shades- etc., for flousit Decofations at this season of the year. Also a laigc a»r- V sortment of Indian and other Rugs. -Ohuj^ch tiacpets.A Specialty DEPOT POE. THE CIRAND AIJiKQRA SWEKIPUr 'i ^ # 84 KING STREET WEST II iij ni l I i>>i>i I II a Ik 'V 'f T' »^ f "'^ ' . /./' -r'S^i PATENT SAHn l-'^:pk^' u-x\ n uimmMMammM^ raiTW" TO yb J.i.,^"«„ .^ff^, "••■^"f^ 38 King Street W^ ':sy. ■•*•• IIANIJI4CTTOBB3 ,i.Aj,j««^. l;j''i- . "i^/fA.^...; fINE GOLD WORK A SPECl AlTY ;#'-SJfe^'' ' i1'-£#'.-* ^:^;.:%. 1^^ *i?¥rii|^'t^ ;^« 'fi^^ ■ :«:•?;*,■ Bt^BBEtt AlW) METAL d§ EINa /Sa?BllET WEST r.4*-' ^if^asuk^^a* "•^"T^'WV. *3V 1 ^ii' t.jti^ V. KBE rJ , .•>.!!} J i> n S.^'5'^®?', ^'esi^*®"* Koy Chnstmas and >^ew Years Card$> «6 YONGE STREET, TOllONTb. tt, J. .7 t a */« I- ts-'' GEO:u' Ph SACKMAN; u * !i ^fMir^: ,<)f ^> 1 14 King Street, West, Toronto. ^ - < M W/' IiAXTON'S M'X*OJEKSr> > 1 j^jr Vofig^ Street Tpro^ta CaKJogues of Musical Instrument^ free to any address ^ 'Lists of New Music sent out every Month* ' Sendl yt>ur address Jj-, :,.?•*■» >'^ ipE JiABC^T ASSOBTOE^ THE CITX: JOSBf it iEib to^ ^-.:f:\ dbunkenneSs ^f ■■'■'.. x «a -f^ S S A CwM ron D«uk«hjii8». opnin. morphin^ apd Wndwl Habit*. Valnable insbtitt (Wttre* ilw medicioe «•> b« giwi in • cop #N4i»o«tl»p«»OBt»kl^^^^^^ fonto. CuMida. 1 % O ^ «|#9 KINI^IX HABl!lfip - t -u<3S»u'».j^.**,- dndran babitt.! ^:,.>r-Sg:ii|t|^M0f'l^^!5s:(>r(>'^ ■ ■*£•• -I- ■I'f' ■ : ; ■ ity ; ^.:%,# •■..«■..- [ ,". f ;»} -.'fi )«' ^« 'H i APATT'^S ^ Pill.: -iv/J^ ALJ •■\- ■ ,'*■ ■/%#<> %-|5i' I.-,*; BROWN STOUT ■"febiiiDl^^^^^*** v^*^°'*r^'»»"'""»»«««»*.U*»..*.«..i....|.».... ...... . .1878 5 v^^ -^^^ TESi:iMQNIALS SELECTED. ,^ JAMES GpOB fr CO.. agento for this dtv, and find it to\. vS^^'*'*^ T^ *^ec6fflSAel it i^J«3Bedy lliSTand a! ▼eiy snpenor malt liquor. HfiipT H. OROJT. T«*Viai BEAI.L ffiu^ Mc^iSo. Jfc «#!. I8W^ TwrnA^Stto^fe **^^ ^^^ amUywd several samples of 12??AV ^^"^'J?^^®"^ ^^^ I fiad *»»«»*> be remarlibly -jwwnd Alej brewed^ft^^ ? have examined both the liamh and O^Ser brewing, and Sd them of uniform _^ . Signed, JOHN BAKER BJJ)WARD^^ «»yv Frof^ia^r^^^jfl^^ ^Ufittt-daasfi^focerskwpit E^ ^nmttaiaiiwm Oiit. d2ir Vtegt iiM«l. Vtemto. ' .t'J. •ff^i ■ n '.tnvjry; u ,*<..i- *. 76 Z&ig Street #^ ,We*fire?noW ready to tike Toboggan^y yw^Sirow- —T ,;if>xM:;-g.wO^^^^ 0OEDON & Nfef' -■■>>•<■ ARCHlTEGTS (.(,'■•' ■''.':•■.•;;; 'X Removed to 26 King St feast, Tprontd I i I i l l 1 I II II Designeig Engravers and I^ithogr^phic Printers, C Yi^ lilR WBLWNOTONiST. EAST, TOBONTCX^ < i'T;! J.4^ I.AirGL£Y SH BUBXM ARCIflTfiCTa i'i /■K". ^t \*' ;i.l/!, U A . '*■- V-.. -• HE N RY LiiNdLEY ^«ilUK»6 'BU^KE i-4.j^m^ •VJ' f PAINTERS. u ;..iainti»'UI immedifttdx cured by 'i NOBM^ Belts, EtG.\- 11^4 Queen Street;^ .%T<>r^^ ill.^ ■■-.j'i "/ "J tit ■■'■/ /"'-s ■'.^■' if-; 'I- -* ■"■ -.-,/"» Coiuttltttioii and circukn free. ■ — — — -^ ' ^ -u -■ - ,\y^'-:^ I d^yr^WB ? lyg^y .^gBfi lXlOlf ^ 188$. if rfnlilf iiS^ J"^*^"^' *"**"^' *n»»ced,*nd^ould be placcdjn every family drcfe. \^^ '""^"^ I •^i" ffimeiHuttrates the triumphs and reveneaof die volun It It amusing to the old l^ld instructive to the young. \ Sold Everywhow. Price Only 25 Cents. ^*i?^ \ \ <.y •t, Toeofito. '% 'V V r" .. J 16 ^_a ,.-f«i."fr''t- li'jty-a-- Wkfei^oom^. ^1 -n«''« '^''i'iiiL 68 KING StREET WE?T .'"> '.^ ?f K' " SOtE AGENCY FOR KNABE PIANOS r STECK, PIANOS , .DOMINION vPUNOS ^4^i i^ * »* DOMINION ORGANS ,-'!" JHtTf^UMEMTS FOI^ /iVTlSTS A PBCIALTT .'t V. /^ otnorv>'1 'ti JO^fl^ SWiS A- ^ -■ Hi r^W(^^^'"r'i!B's» yy .'WH ;'f- SOCIETY OF k U'it> . ju- i - ' - ii I < I 'I "I II I II i T TiTirnrr-Tr Wintej' ExliiTbitid^. 1888 ^'-*i ■l-r/. ORGANS ft}' »■• '«,'*■*'• A» PBCIALTT i ^^ C ATALOGU E. # %" ToBomo: ELLIS & MOOR£» Printbrs and Pubushbrs. ■'i^.vl ''TV iaWii^isi-ii '!(# " H .#^n MAHHEWS BROS. & CO. ■..'■.■'•' '■ ■■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ -. ■' ■■' ; 93 Yonge Street 'A •<- :i AND IMPORTERS OF 3|ij>at»itt0J. ^Uiiwj*^ f (t(rl«|rwttre$ ElC. '.X* Fine Framing in Gold, Antique Bronze - Hard Woods, Etc. A large discount from all purchases during ■y ♦ December. iffi>3£iSs^ ■ *■ ■ ^ ■ - - ,..-.>. ., ™piin- ■ - ■ ■* Onl^io 00 mens may be keen and tickets obtained for 86 from the Secretary.'at the GaUerici. ># i" . i / } / / { > w^^ ' t_ j^ kI^ * p^ « ¥'' ' f S.^'. . % ■'% /•'.,r. ■•"'•■. * pIL j^AlilTIHQ«» ' '■•Ik- ■ ' ■ ' .'■'■■ * ' ■'. «^ f Morningonthe St Lawrthce^....!*,. SmHh.^ ^ 1#^ J - 3 The Fora, „,.... ...... ..*♦.„....,. M. H>nnifcford> #"■: ■ •'■■' ' "■ • " . ' ■•'•■■'•"■ ■*■■'■; ■ ■■-#t 4 Wit D^ on tfee Si ;rohn Kiver...P. M. Bell-Smah. JL^MMuiwa Wocd Ohku© or Pto- ^ :»■ WMg* •».«•.•.«..«»»*,„<,,„,,,,,„,£. S, 8hni|ni6i. « Low Tide...... *....,„... ..„,*•„.„.. 11. Hannftford. ■ ■ - \ .■'■■■'-. .■'■'■.■■■ 7 ^oon......,,.*,j;,i.,...^„,.j,, ..,,,,. ..X. M, Hariia^v \ '' *'• iA *v. y. ,/' « Af(ieigl; IX R>rlndt of a Gentlemwi........ 0. A. Beid. 12 Storm Brewing in the Hills..:.... ...Homer Watson. :•■■■ -:, . .■ ^ ■ ■ ■:.'■' is Ohrysanthemtims ........ ...........W. E Judapn. U The Otphana............M..... . . ."Jv K. Lawson. ■ "".iST'TT'-'-^'rir-^:^ %»;»:»:. . ..>;>»...♦ »Pa^l Peel.; -^-r— -^ 16 On ihe Grand Canal, Venice-.. ..-0; A. Reid. 18 Portrait— Fannie. .....*i^... •...••••• J^ 19 The Lane...;..........:...---- ••••J^^ iO Thunder Clouds at Evening!..;... .Homer Watson. 21 Meditation. *•— •'••G- ^^*^- 22 The Dawn of Genius. (Thepro- perty of His- Excellency the Governor-General)... Paul G. Wickson, 23 .Paul Peel. 24 Dessert. i - W. L. Judson. 25 At the Custom House, Venice G. A. Reid. jg __J^ ....^.' PaulPeel. 27TheEoadtoth»Shore.., ..Homer Watwn. 28 Portrait Gro u pg.^t J.^V. L . Fo r ster . ' '^M.i-'i ' 9 , ^ " N.*^^ 19ow Tit]& AftiiL ^46 Ob wQB IXm Flftts*.**..... .....> o, Pcmt 47 Oil ihe Adeline.........*........ T< iL Martin. 48 Surf at l^ong Branch............ ......F. M. Bell-Smit|t£j^ 4l| j(kunp of Mic Mac Vidians. ......... .R. Harri& '• ■ , ' ^- : i . ■ " 50 The Brittany Coast.... .v.. ...... ^...-W, L. Jndaon. ^l The Thames ...W. L.JudBon. ■52 Leafy June...... .....T.M. Martin. .53 After the Bain T. M. Martin. ^* ••••••••••■«#■••••»<*■• •••• •• •••.fX^niU X^vWJl* • """■.' . * / . M ** The one remains/the many change ^ andpass"....;.... R. Harris. ft J!6 A Fish Story \ „„.R. Harris. /' ' . 57 "TalithaOumi" R Harris. r I 58 A Oolloqny J. K. Lawson. ' 59 The Stable Door W. Cmikshanlc. 60 .; Paul Peel. i61 Taking it Easy .i R Harriit. / ' • ■ --;ri| ^*>. I N«. ruk. Aitiit 62 Aboa Ben Adhem an^ th« Angel ...R. fiarria . ■"N«xtnifht -,^ --v^ -'•■"■^'""' ■■ It oone again, witli Ajf^t wakeninf lifAit, And showed aitir naSat which loire (rf'God had Ueised, And k) ! Ben Adhem's name led all the net.* m ■n Architbctui\/ll Dbsigns. 68 Bendenoe on Bloor sireet Langley & Bnrke.- 64 Stady of ikGable ^..Langley & Borke. € ' 5M^f <* ^, '' •* 6 •asfe; Srii?^*if i,' WaTBI^ pOLOURS. «?»• Ndt • :■'■;. ^ •Title '^ ;:■.; .'>..:■ .;\ Artist.: - 66 Landscape ..,....D. Fowler. ,%, 6e In Si John HailJout..- .......... ^.^..i^ 67 On the Mpontom Side...... ...... ....T. 11 Martin. 68 October.......^. ..... ....... ..^..^....L. ij. O'Brien. 6» CMldrenottthe^fieach/St. JolmriO^ F. M. Bel-Smith. ^ "■ ' ■ " 70 Partridge Island, St. John, N.B....Ja8. Smith. ' 71 Cocksooml^.............. ..............R. F. Qagen. 72 An Old Qoose at Anea8ter...........T. M. Martin. 78 In the Fall— Ma8koka................T. M. Martin. 74 LKlian Summer........ ...............L.R. O'Brien. ^ . ■•. ,■ , , ■■■■■. -' • . •: ■:'.v'\.'. 75 LaTaqne, St Maurice River......K R 03rien. \ ■ ^ . , . • ■ . . ..\ 76 On Lake of Bays, Muskoka .T. M. Marian. 77 Outlet of Lake Si John by the River Saguenay L. R O'Brien. 78 Sunriae on Lake Si John ', L> R. O ' Brien. : ' ' ll.l-.,lll, • • 7 •* ' ■ . 79 In St. John Harbour....... F. M. 3ell-Smith. , £0 Portage at Chateau Biable L. K O'Brien. JBl IVom the tido, Veidoe...............G. A. Beid. ^ Explorera.,.....^...... L. R O'Brien. X '...-■■ ■ ■■■ ,. ■■ . - • ■ 58 Ruined Bastion, Fort Ghambly.....L. B. O'Brien. ^ ■• ■ ■ ■ ■ ' , - / * «4 Study of Bocks from Nature...... .. F. M. BeliSmith. «6 Ouiatdjowin Falls^^Xiake St John^^ = — .X^--T-^'-^T-"T"'^^"'''"^^ L. R, O'Brien. ^Trawlers becalmed in Bideford \ ^ay.........« ................. ,.,,.,1j. a. v/ IwlOQ. 37 Slketch from life.......... .;. J. Kl Lawson. , '' oo Landscape... .....•••......,,, .J. K. JmiwwpkL'' . '' ' . - ■. " " ^ , .■• ' ' ** -...-' ■ " ■ \ " . ■"'"■■ . J.*- 89 Si John Harbour...... ; Jas. Smith. 90 The Lane. J. K. Lawson. 91 On the Qiaad Canal, Venice. 0. A. Bdd. 92 ThdRlalto. Venice...: G. A Beid. 93 Sunset at Malaga Spain.:.. ..O. A l^d f 94 Old MarteUo Tower, St. Jdin, N. B. Ja& South. dS Str e et D. Fo w ler. — : ■^''W ' ^*i . *» L«' ' m ■ ^ t^ ''/»V. r*!»' 8 ^ ■V^ . * TItIi, ArtUt :^ lfiMbe«pe , .D. Fowler. j97 Gamp on the Ille-eille-waet «.A. P. Coleman. ^ ^ ^8 Bow Pass »T. A. P. Coleman. r ._i i -i i> I v'i SCULPTUI^K, '\ •99 !pie Late Bt. Hon. Rnseell Oamey, Q.G., M.P., Ba« ^Qfder of London...'. Hamilton MaoGarthy. J^wcbtcd in marble for the Corporatfon of LondMi and gie Woivhipfol the Fwhmongen' Company. ExhiUted attlM roivnipi Royal Academy. / iOO The late Major-Gteneral Sir George Pomeroy GoUey, . K.C.B.,kmedatMiya1>aHill...HamiltonMacGarthy ' Ekecated.in marUe for the Staff College, Famboro'. 101 Maater Stanley Blaokatock. MedalUon. Hamilton MacGarthy. 102 The Ptotin^ of Paul «nd Viigini*, group in Terra Gotta y„ Hamilton MacCarthy. ^- *- - ^, BxhiUted at tlia^Uiyal Academy. r*-*' # ~*<. -'l^t'SP^t^, "»'. 'T -^ tist ler. / >l' ■■ Dlenmn. ■'",#' ■ '. I '. ' ' •^^^."^flf^ /" 17 STELNWAY 9 CHIckERING HAINES ■'•^j. :s^ '•4 J, *•!.■> ,,jtej»a^~^ r." "^^ !uO •V'v irMin « «•«» (iMiiii>- <*-'-» .;«j T I ' - / C r. Wrfl A'' '(•• Lai^e assortment of SeOOXldt Hand lE^ianOS sold on liberal terms. Pianoslfor Hire. Inspection invited. K'J. . ' ^^*^ •'V '-yy '■V;; *. & S. NflRDHEWER 01 16 EING ST. EASI? .V^I m ")", ^■•.i o B ''"".*''. ' n^ O ' - j- ' m o &^ • ■■■"•« if B^ I m- 3 1 H P5 >» H d 03 3 H P£l / e 3 — — ~ -o .^.- -^ - CO 1 ./■ msM^^fittk^ 76 KIMO ST. SAflT. TOEOMTO Hf ^e sn imuaiuiny krge MMrtmeal of Qodlls lor Ihe HoUdigr ,> Season, conristing of finely bound editioos of Standwd Worka Bibles, Prayer Books/ Oharab Servloes. Hymn Books, Books for Bbys and Gfirls. Toy Books, Cboioa C bi i s4i n a» Cards. &e. T-^tTfT Sunbeams, •f()«!^ :■> ' ' r Cabinets, $i.oo per dozen* $3.00 per dozen. 134 yomob: ^t..-:^ 5 Toronto. f^liilS BASH A ttfbSf^ bookseller/ 39^ltlNa ST. EAST, ti * TORaNXa A full stock of Water Colour Material always kept on? hand. Agejitsfoi/the London and Scotch Art Union. ^ . JT P P & CO. (HUCCKSSOM TO) QuettOri ^fe iGtew^ &: Clo.» ' ' ' '■ a __» , •• ■ : . . Wine & Spirit Merchants^, --...,,. »-,- llK>R01IT0* . t.^ f% ' '^-I'.ft-^r^ '/i .'K». a-MlMfttiii '_ -'* /,Sx Bookseller, Stationer, Fancy 6iOods Mv*/ I Y ia9 King ItiMt WMt eonnk Books, Prayer Books, Services, 1%fl«jt-.«• Note the Argosy 2 Vols, complete soc., and many other cheap Books. Learn French — English and " French Dialogues. lar. ^COTT & j»ON, Gainers, Pildbi^^, {B5^ne A . ' A .f- s • . ..1 , =o« Paintings, Engravings, gravings. Etchings, Eastern RMgSi Ceramics, 3ric*a-Brac, &c. iS^ariy ISngHittiioliPuhlitureC t^ t MDOOCSa. Makes a Great Reduction in Hard Coal and will sell the Celebrated r ":? t ' ■ ;• . CIUNTONGOAL bcreened and delivered to any part of the City ., ,«, J Remember this is the only Reliable Coal. . Free from damage by fire. . Js\\ Coal guaranteed to weigh 2,600 pounds to the ton. y FFiCES & YaKDS { ^'"«'-^**^"'^ *»^ ^^ S*««*»» •»«* Branch Offices I Yonge Street Wharf. 534 Oucctt Stitet ..\yest q • 390 Yonge Stregt . .yM:;-c-^./ -^giHhrLq: ~\ ■♦.•f^p^ - ■#■ v_ 22 V ir* MORVYN HOUSE. . 348 jarvit Btrett. - |rf. •# Toronto, Ont. •* ' M1SI8 Haight, Principal. . The attention of familict residing in this section of the city ii called to the advantages offered by the DayClassbs of this School, which include a well-appointed JuviMi^i DjitAiTiisitT iuited< to the wanu of , young children. ' ' The course of study embraces Englilh in all Its branches Latin. th€ Modem Languages, Music, and Drawing and Painting. Irench and Muiic Specialties. Resident Pupils have a refined Christian tvqme, with cardTuI personal supervision, ^ Application to Misa Hak}ht. - ■Q Mr. M L rouse, Of the Er^lish Bar and London and Aberdeen Universities (Author of a philological treatise on Vocal Sounds read before the Canadian Institute, the American Astpciation, and the Uniqersity Modem Lan- guage Club), is open to receive Candidates for Examinations and other pupils, an4 begs to remind the public of his CLASSES at SHAFTES- BURY HALL, in Latin, Greek, French, and German. High lotml T*stimomtals. Address : 343 Church Street, Toronto. iQQtf '■" .-I'**.! Manu&cturer and "Deailer in SWISS CARVINQS, WINDOW CORNICES^ MIRRORS, MOULDINGS ft PRAM B& 71 Queen-street West, |^, Toronto. '■^tf^M. **^35-S talk . .t»; t F . *' ;.- f, g % t8 a § 8 * B 2 1 g -si I ^ ,.5|/**' Is '.,JL. .** X,^,»%— j 31 The Brighteat Oil Light Kv«r loventeif i 8 * •,,ij I Ny ,, WABE---A Splendid AMor^^ ''^■/■^ .;- 't../-^^^ ■■■.■■■ >v, v.: ---.ijowest: Prices. ■■ ':>'■' ;* ■^, th^ H. ABbHITEOrS, Millichamp Build g, 3 1 Adelaide St. East -Uu. " Electricity is Life." Or^veij near akin. There is no life without life. .It has saved lif6» prc^oi^ life^ and bj^ the use of PRQF. YEBNOTS Im- pfOvA»^.;AiC4iwiiY Boards Filled and Empty jAPAltifBD Tm oIl CdLdit CasIs ** * , , , *^'^^^^ ^^° Empty Japanned Tin Wate* Color Casks Sabie and Hog Hair Brushes, • J ,/ , . >. ",[\ Z^C i Whajtman's Papers, Crayon Papers '^^ • OhiSircosJ Pfl^«iSrCrayons, Etc., Etc. ^'•^'SftSPS'scount to ifiB^"''''""""'' I",?-' ,^' *■» .fl^V^^jf^sp 86 ."'■^ -E^* r liliiiiB^Tic "Cigar 1 .1^ (a^TtfA' I- • .T8A3 T33HT3 SB!;! i Aire Union Kftfid^^oiailQ, from unadulterated leaf, pcwsossin^ a d^Iiciom, JFraitfMtti %rpular iavourit^s. These brands have gained an immense iq^ntation for staling worth* Mid all made by ^rs^lass- iiil'iyMiliV >m It: B^i^ Manufacturers. >• \ TOBONTO Iliese ShwWs «re now «8ed by aU the !««&»« ©wwmakorg in iWn^^^^P^' ^^ *'^.*** ^ *^^ forSein all the lead- bow _A6ttrs toR THE litmimow OF e^^^ > M. ..•4*. .»■-.. & METAL STAMPS ,,SBALS.BTO. ___ __. - ■■■■•''•'. ' ' For Banks, Railways^ Offices, Societies, Lodges, School- Sections and Pufailic and Private use« CKJARAVrEED imSITBPASgED' IN KYCBt DETAIL ' . DATERS ~;r Seif Inking PMdlMidPttdM: STAMPS p ^ •■ DA*rtIO-- ■-/;■■ ■-''^^' r ^H- '■ r ,. ENDORSEMENT ^^^1- - r V :,-. ^ STAMPS ■ ■ V; I^^^HI ..,' Of Every Kind ,; .■ ■■ — 0-^ ■; Mjttal Rubbw Faeed lypi ' B ' ''^'' ■An i: 1 §|%:i:;:a*>».„ ,^^|rifl WAXSEm- ' ■ -: 1 *(-;■ ^at Self Inking Pads P-'^ .. * 1 l»TEN€lli, fte. ^ ■:r #. Oi4?st jpd^ B^^ ^Eauipped Stamping ' i- IJIpuse 1^ Canada . ^ '*Ndi Aseiita, Inil M^nfMstarerB," ^o am «3cdlll6ivety engatf^ in the mamifMtiire of Rubber andMetel Stemjp^ Seals, ' '' ' ' ""'^'""' 1, etc, ;. ' ' ICENYGN, TINGIEY & STEWART MFG (X^ ■ ... V -• v ■ \ ■ -1. • ^::' tt|tl^u>>';. g Ijjj^ laa ir ■■'t/''-'- •% l^sa, §M '^^'i^'- ■,S(J*iV iii^L dM m Si^si-'' y[ps School- [L Inking kTINO ■ ♦ RSEMENT OiPS ery Kind Rubber d lyj^ - ilfltiking ►ads ei _ ftis, "rK&*f5&s«iai^s f * pffir •/ 19 ^*jA^«^,*fc^,,rt|M*«*N«(«,H*"W «.4,alM<^ '> m^ «pUi % 5;>t^ TO ARTISTS,-- TEACHER^ AND OTHERS 84 Y<>i^g^ Street ■■I Has ali(rays on h^nd a Ja«ige, new, iu«| JwcU selected . .acock of ^^' ■:, \ 4 WINSOR;:* NEWTON'S ^ Cood9, cdttiprisM^ ' i >« 1 4* ^ ■iw*. «iraiM Water CMfr ^Mka . -„i4i-.i*-ff.-. n s DRii^ING PX?ra. CRAYbNS. PENCltS, ETC., ETC- , >,' -ir^ ^' — '— —T— t-rt s' t 'I't*- , "SteAm and Hot Air Combination fiuoaces, ' • ^ 3 sizes Hoi; Air Furnaces , . lO " ,: Syracuse, N./Y: ' . \ . - --— Toronto, ONTr A' - ■ Mmmmsg-MXPosiTioM .'.'/!! \A .'.I , The N>iWCOMBE.Pistti,forte, innnufHcturfed by Octavius ?™nT^ t'f',"^^'?'""^' Canada. l^oadH the list wHhX «f^tr ^^'^r^^'f'^j"'^'^' ^^'"^^ of commendation for con! section, quahty of materinl/wi.kmanship, even tone tlS^i^h- well as mechamcal point of vivw. ««wm ^. . jr..: posal W^vi^l^'^^' Piw^OBO^yeiy kindly placed at my dis- ^by yonr firm, more th^ fuMy upholds your reputation aa. with pleasure speak decidedly as to the meriiB of its toMWfct!? I Ji5CTAVlUS NEWCOMBE A CO ^ ^ ■si ■JL 5 ( ' / \ L* CHAi' CLUTHE'S P<*fceWd SPIRiO- TRUM> '«ZiriViiM ■Bfldattv mad* Idt cadi Giii. Bfcryoraer w tSl2^Ttm!mSUmm»My. Whether 3 « TSl&'LS^I^ti^wdfegi-tttd by pott. Pud «^^i ^«' <►> ir :;// ^'; iir^H-ii'.'i'^tc^ i;'y;. >.t' TESTIMONIALS .:v^-: ■*■« :il • '-J. xHAS. tttttim; W. -.A iftiAciroif, Pi O..Mif 4th. iWi. ■v/ :;>■■■ ..Ai*. '■**-nfeAN. 'Vt ■;. c-i. ''*;-'w '■»%■•' HiAl:^^.<:i>i'-i:M:i--;V ./?HAS CLUTOE. • i—^vv-" — r--v -> ||0MitP?«iHMrt,li.8^li«f«M»5 *'*• i)i. XHAS. OLUTHB, ESQ.. ■§5*lJ.' :^r 4 ,\ ■ . -.1. . By ;^ 1 two '^v- It the ' ML). Older • 3 or I pnly ir im-> [edali ty-five Bfor rew »N.Y. did, II Bd any twtwiU \i. ■Its ritCOtt. -'J...lHAW' 'Jii; i