IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 121 M Hill 2.0 2.5 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 •• 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 W!:ST MAIN STREET •■VEB'STES.t.t.r. 14580 (?;»;: 872-4503 ,signifie "A SUIVRE", ie symbols V signifis "FIN ". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiim^s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque ie docum<4nt est trop grand pour dtre reprodult en un seul clich6. il est filmd d partir de I'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant la nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent ia mithode. 1 2 3 '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 1^ 1^ ARTICLES ASSOCIATION ESTABLISHING A FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN THE CITY OF QUEBEC. QUEBEC : i-l \ PftlNiJED BY JOHN NEILSOV, 3, MOUNTAIN STREET* 1818. u / ' i me TO ALL TO WHOM '»'HESE PRESENTS SHALL "U .•• . OR MAY COME. ■' - ■ '' - ■'"' J^Jl3©CO all ^en by thisPubllc Inftru. ment and Indenture, that we the Subscribers here- rrcambie. unto have entered into and formed an Association of Umilid Extent, and in manner and form hereinafter more particularly described, for the sole and otili/ intent and purpofe of Infuring againft Accidents by Fire in our colUclke capacity', AND UNDER THE GUARANTEE OF THE JOJNT STOCK HEREUNTO SUBSCRIBED ONLY ; in thc Name, Firm or Style of the QUEBEC pIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY ; .and we do hereby mutually, individually and jointly cove- nant, declare and agree that the follo\ying Arti- cles to which we have hereunto subfcribed, are, and fhall be the fundamental. Terms and Con- ditions of this our mutual Agreement and AfTo- ciation for the purpose aforesaid \ by which we the Subscribers, our Heirs, Executors and Ad- miniftrators (bcitig at any time or times hereafter Proprietors of any share or shares in the said Company ) as well as all and every other person or persons who at any time or times hereafter may or fliall enter into, trans- act or contract any business, affairs or concerns either directly or indirectly with the said Com- pany, are and fhall be regulated by and bound to conform to, fn all respects and particulars whatsoever. , Article I. It is hereby provided and mutually covenanted and agreed that, the Joint Stock a- <^';»pjtai. foresaid of the Quebec Fire Assurance Com- pany fliall not exceed the sum of Two Hundred : . .: . A 2 _ . . . . -:m I i I ^:. Provided that no perfon or perfons (b elec(ncd as Dircny Ibb^queriC' RviTei 'Oi'd^^i' oc lieffoVatiQri'ii/' fai'J Cbitroaiify'fp''th^ cornnii ^p4f?grer t}hQ^tp»<» »WPt») <^ ^lj;4^H^t;6,. >^jiT^entf, pre^iiup^fy ijRt^^pnisf o^^i qfiie5;jjf^«m^s.qr, j^«?|^^,..recj?if ^.,t?V thejW, .Cffo«'Vfe(M"ooC.theifl/yf ti^jif,,^ fiipi^ ^tix^;.afqr!^(ai4.tVjftPWtors^,9^ *"5ftfTh"4»^ JJ^H?^ Pf^r^ sAl§m: |?W4; or, if J< p^d^4, (q^ ^^pd o^ ry^c^^^jpij r^j? f#jTi,;KfirecJf,,^jiiu^idk^f jvtsii ovvfqauui' &a;:aQ(n)uoM, b^.f rtri ,ofc .(MOO^ iiL? 1 10 g bi vidcnds. Secretary. I Security. Substitute. n'^ifed at Qaebtt\ the time and pUcc appointed )y the Rule^ "arid Regulation^ of ilaid Comptttty, \^hen and wH^re payment of JucH dividends ' are to be made. '^''■■■' ♦■-"■'-'^ \i;i-./ 'uij ^r, hji^i'.iuao'.i ' ^ ■■' ^ a' 'i .'''.*'y? 'V "V "O ^'i • "''■ ' "^ V'.'v^. 4r4. 6 Ana »t iS hereby furtf^er covenanted ^np agreed that the saii first named Directors br Quorum thereof ^,s?iloresaid b^ing diily assem- bled at such place as may by tlie fresidferif te appointed, are hereby authorized, and shall, iFrorn arnong the proprietors of not kss than Ten Sharer in tfie'l^fd company, ^beirig resident in thfe City of Quebec, elect or bthfer^ise by, iiVA- jority of votes ijjpoiiit, a Secffefaryfor the ; said Quebec Fire ' Aistu^nce- C6tripwiy,' who shall fetain his said iittiation oi" office' i^' Secretary^ %<) the said Company during lifj>' o^ ib long aj hfe^lf niay think proper 16 "Ji^airt ■ thri same, utilds he shall be. displaced or dkcharge'd fbr itt- capacity, miscbhductj or disifUJilificatidh in- 'his said situation of Sfecreta^ "^y^ the 'unatoimotis vbt^s jiid conduh^nce of at leaft amajdi^ity of the fifteen DirectoriS for the tim> being j and t*it said 'Secretary'ihlilP<)ri entei4iig^iAto'^ll f'^Qp^ ^4 put of tlie emQlun>^nt$i profits, advantages or fundi of the said Company, be allowed, p^d an4 Salary receive such Annual Salary not exceeding Three Hundied: pounds, current money as a^re/said, aodtsuch other alloyraijces fer contingencies as AUowances. ^presaid as may be stipiulated^ ordered or esta- blished by the Ru)e$« Orders and Regulations ox the said Cpnixpaoy duly i^ade/and enac d as aforesaid } . and the said . Secretary, or hi| Substitute as aforesaid is hereby moreover authorized and empowered to ask for, demand and receive from all and every person or persons applying for and receiving any policy, or policies, or renewal receipt of such policy or policies of B 2 /'■ fts M^ 6:,- f (■ y r>. ■"• i Contii liogencs. f^' / / . y • i ■' •^^ J :' y t*. ' iL- --. ':.:^ 4 >. / .•4 tVilL I^t;/: :0 ■ ^ " ' ■JX>VU -v ^ ■-?•*' ^v ' '' -'■' .1 .^* •*r •? T J? * t'U^ fill ^ r ^ Limitation. 9fKps^^%s! i?Lp^sP"^^f9/"^w '^-mf^,^A^ to uj^iie ordaM g^^il ^gmnm,.!)^^ „tlxe,Rb^^, )ifr^ 8; IVndkjfSfhQDdsyifbrthfciofocQakHedind agreed that, the said Quebec Fire AssufcauaeeCoioi. paiWjfo^naeJdjkxyjhis 4ct,,sh^U npt dwectly w;,iJ5|di- rectly/iepga^?,;9r;%xoacernt;j^ pr .^r^ac^i ^\j f)?uPnyl^f >r 7;rJ^^'rt^?^ '*r.;'ifl ?i \i \mh -T mW^ General Meet- ings. .> ,. liiijii^ fir jwj^y :W>?^R^ Ip^dftirvy :lylgn^.^r ,Moi>ifi5|K^ >lQf|gagCjOr, ^ortjgpjgps^ ,.|^i^3^r^/^ (^C MWaionmbliPj ,ppof)^.l^ jw?f ihplfii.or ,afuiii«ie ^]Ki|hqu«an4iPQP9ds -cu]rF£pt,99i<^n^y!iis ftfoFe^»id. ' '>^i^^ 9. ' A«* Ht *J 'h*et>y fonhvf c?(MiWttai«<^ bid <%rieW t*fk, Ijtl l«ftl42fVek^tilk1U)t btli^l%il^ '^ ^b^ietoi^ •^«4l^v^'attd "t^mth WtM briihki h^eAlter W^ft^Sttid ©irettots bt* QiidfWitt VWtt-e^tf May «t -shW^ti^ge eidp^didnt j utid ^Uf^«)*^r they ^!hfe *tf d- Dii^ctors Or jQaoiiWii thw^ fes iilbr«$ald, sMt dad thT^f ft^!hei<2^ <^ of l^ob^i^i/ei;U vji). "i^ijid vader 0if ;8ai4 toiapaniy ;|;.^i5^ilj;he» sj^q ftr;. >t4^y ii4««it dei;v*ai^d^fi irtqr^ t^e .prpprjetprs of ^t;eeH Iti Ja^ve Q>i)tiwp^ft.c^rj5J|>caie ^ciiP^ti^^ca^s^ !}igne^ Ccrtificutc-. Jjy tiie.,Pf e^dtnt ap4 CDU^^EligPf:.d by th^ .§e^*r U^y of; tl|$| §aid ^pflii^fty, foP.t|>f «sn5 Wing/; tK^t he, shf! J[>)r^)iey tjae^aid<|ub6$i;ibE^ or'sObsVifei^r^j iiaving signcfl.jhis, ,Acjtjt.:isMli; .t;lie .R^lw>•: Or- propriftlgHrfito^ipi^esaidg ji^rpr,#jr5.ther|^y,|g&^^^ ^ prf>p^i«I.P£ ;€«• proprief PI'S ^nd jBiJlitlea fp, aU: i the ^ilini:Sj promts 9^ ^vg^j^f^ v of the §ai4 Q)if bee JF^re - As$pran» ■A -':'i IS': ;. .1; ■ Shares pay.vble. UTl' respectively jthall vviihin ten clays t^o,m ana after the time or times he, fhe or they ' fhall or miy s«*^scribe, 'nitry, ^' cause tcvVe -prdidj Unto the D5f fectors of thre 'Stti^ Compktiffot the timfe beings <'oi» to thefTr Jwsig^ the'ifarft of twenty fife V pounds c\Jrrent moWisiy t,^>aii- for the^ time being, as ihall or may be ap- pro viktofi and -accepted by the said Directork ^t M^jbfity cheredf is afdreiaid« abd in fuch Jorm of forms ks they shall or may appoint* ' - Provided also, thai said notes (hill be, by the to bp renewed. peHon Of perfons respectively fo paying or depo- ^ Siting the famej r6ne#ed or changM so ofte^ and at siich time trt times as the Directors for the time being or Quorum thet'eof it^ aforesaid, may or fhall think fit ol* proper to detidnddr requite. Hot being ofteherthaoionte in etei7%ix months; and it is further agreed that the i^emuining one tenth part of said' deposit of twenty fiv^ per cen- tum sl^U be paid in as aforesaid in gold or Silver coin current. Notes Cash. IViVlliPI IM I ^-n -: And ft U hereby fuwher agreed that until Jthrf} fakl t\ottr>fo at alorefjid ti> bu depofited in lieu Dividends of df ipecie, fhall haveb«en fuily-and entirely Hqui-i i*ro''t«- dated' andl'piiid iti^gold am> ' fitver coin oknerm from the profits in this Company, accruiog- :t6' the perfon or peftifdns io ais afbrefaid depositing faid notes/ mo difvidendoir" dividends . of ^ profits, .t,or. > < ihatl or cc^n be tnade br>:pa:id by" th« DitJoikoiB of this Company as aforefaid^ito any proprietor •f proiprietors~ Ihe^ein who &ail or may hav^ »fiy.;note>oi';neites 'SO (as aforef^id depoTited in Hei] of f]>ecie. < Andthefaiddepoiitorinstalmeno ef ti^emy^ve pourids per centuni in ^aslyprnotet as aforefuid^ (KalV from henceforth and at.ali times hereafter during the p^nod of tihis aflociav Honi rentaih depofitcd, and^the poflefilon lof the- Diveotors of ^e said CcTipany .for the itime being' ; unA inf 4afe' of < any > loik or lollies ilrh^rAby ihesavd depolit Hiali beiefieo^d^no fubfeqvwm .ui>}vjq v^ d&vadfibd r :iit^ be inade*^ iihtil a >^na equal tdlfUch diminlidbii andiariiin^fniHa t^u profits o£ the • - Comptin^ fhdH Uave been raided i(riaid:depo^i> it /f,fc.n^ Ju^^ |; £25 per Shaiv in the Chest. fcfi :f..ii;.ii'bfr •aMtai^eh'A^ii^^aid'ffiaJl^^fe'^id fti g6id' 8^ l5!Ver tmli ^'Hlfi'^nt lantc^- 'ffi^^faJa DJrect^ri' ftit tHfe^tim^^beyg it? iifBrfcfaM; ^i^to theif Wigti at1^i«^lt iimft^yr ttHi^s; ai*d'ktf«ffc^()r pla'cest ^^^ ^ 'iAi:h ^mz\^eh^^r\tiM\t4Pm ^si^= th^ Dii'eia^ fS^'Wikiim'^MiifiH Hmrm^'ft^ frbnt tWe to flrSe ^j)poiiit'V^otid^'h6^ei^rthat all^ i^ Ins ra^nts shall bedemaij.d^d'^liiikliyfVdm'evtfyljpi'b- •i^fetdt^'dt- M^rS^P6f t^tiMititiy; iiidife^^t^ro- fortioh t» tfii^mittiber of sh^i^eelKey h6id th^eli, an*' t»it''y?!Hfl(altn(^ht^t!Vfc^flr« 'irs' afei-^^iii'^tJk- rfc^cd fli^tt^'rtt^ed leri'iidiinB 'jieih' ffiai^t ^or lalmciits. I l-Q f }l i' rv^vlX fhdUi any) future infta)mc«« be^^led or demand. to «i,H.Li.>a afcfrom the ftidl prt)prietorf-(_ais afoivefaid uaiiik '""'^ thirjbyl d>ai^JpreftttQUt»;a)id pMl^]u}.J(dtifti^ be givietb in< stiieaft one : ofi) thet.nelrft gapfet» p^Uiihtidiat Qaet^ecw u^i, ,yflB ^od afiuch dnklK;ite' tiih«9 and ;pkce(»c«9 M A in&yfoirtfli^l bd IegaH9r> appoi0tediai»;afor«{aid#va« n^oinlbfloientf idtfpdsibidr^iialiJEUit exfieecfing tha amonnrpf hisit henovnthe^ iharcj^ orii^jLareti > is nnfiP.vyi v.ii\ iiaftor i^all hensH'jnm'f t]iiBielot;' "V dsnobd^drlor tlie nic; of! fi^d iGbmpitnrr in mMH > ittr aibi^id^ iii9,ii&)BifMr .t^e|^o4j)ie £u^.Evomi^^ toDOr rBh)prie^aKa^«ie)fufsttg,tdM2i3»liiig}^,iM^^ ifigt^iUaHibrffehnfiicitl^ uftjof fehiei bid e^noH tfajeiihai^e'qrfliaieaiiflld ot'oivmsA ^hiiiddMt^ tst' <^ dsfani^ena^ aocbiif. JfHttKOiid; inftalmenti per Cent. f fT'D THJ Defaulters' for- ^fj^lteTijOj^l ,|94 ' --BSW4^,.thp:ij^,W9^lWyV.-:;ffr..Jj;,d Hf.fl. . , Non-Payment RPt^Jirf, ^d^i? IWW?f oiMfifif^pr mrt^# of Notes. ^g^id fi^jteRofit oy,i^ip^i|Lf^9Jx^wfflL||u^y^^ c cent, and reftmng, delaying or neglecting to pay. t«f^C)#'^fr Dn. 1 17 make good, renew or change faid note or nates (or fuch part or parts thereof as may remain due or un- paid) v»rhen the fame fhall be duly demanded or re- quired in purfuance c*" this Act ; he, flie, or they the faid defaulter or defaulers (hall forfeit for the ufe of the faid Company five pounds per centiini on tlte amount of his, her or their fhare or fKares t)ierein. PrQvided always that no proprietor oir ivovisci. proprietors of faid company who shall have depo-» sited any iuch note or notes of hand in lieu of fpecie as aforefaid, (hall be bound or called upon to pay, acquit, or make good in fpecie any great- er part or parts, portion or portions of fuch note or notes of hand than his her or their proportion of the iiiftalment required, according to his her or their share or shares in the Joint Stock afore- faid of the faid Company, and the actual wants of faid company for the time being. Art* 1 4. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that as foon as the fum of Sixty Thoufand Pounds Currency as aforefaid or more, in part of the Joint Stock aforefaid of the faid com- pany is or has been, fubfcribed for and taken up \ and Twenty five per cent thereon as aforefaid, or upwards is or has been well and truly paid and placed in the hands of the faid Uireftprs for the time being on account of faid fubfcriptions ; notice fhall by the faid Di- reftors or Quorum thereof as aforefaid, be given in all the newfpapers publifhed in this Province, that the faid Company are ready to commence making and granting Policies of AlTurance a- gainfl lofs or damage by Fire. — And thereupon the faid Directors or Quorum thereof as aforelaid fhall, and are hereby authorized to grant or iisue fuch Policies of AlTurance againft Fire, at Quebec or elfewhere, in the name and for the account , I To cointncnre Insuriiij^. ■i-r.. -kt 18 Limitation of Risks. Premiums. Proviso, eies. . Poli- t-5 I'i Not bindin{» on the Compjinyin certain casea. II end risk of faid Quebec Fire A-flurance Compass ny, as the said Directors may fee fit| not in' any one risk exceeding the funt of Six Thousandi Pounds Currency as aforefaid ; and to ask for^ demand and receive, in confideration of the fame^- fuch premiums as may or fhall be ordained and^ stipulated by/ th Rules, Orders or Regu*' lations of tbe faid Company duly made aftA^ enadtod as .forefaid. ' - *•' • - ' s Provided, however, that all and kv^f PoHcy'- or Policies of Aflbrance and rene\v^l or renew*' als thereof, or other contract or instrument) by* the terms or effects whereof the faid Compaaiy fhall, may or can m any manner or way whatfo^' e^er, be charged with, or madle liable for the* payment of any fum or fum$ of money ; ihall clearly, fpecifically and fpecially declare and*^ make known that no officer proprietor or stock-' holder in or of the faid: Quebec Fire Aflurance Company, shall be individually bound by fucli policy or policies, renewal or renewals thereof or other conlraet or inftrument as aforefaid^ to any further or larger amount than his or her proportion towards the Rilflllment there- of, according to, and in no cafe exceeding the amount of his or her sharp or shares in the Joint Stock and fecurities in the said company ; and fhall alio be figned by the PreficLent or Vice Prefident and one other Dire^r of the faid Company, and' be duly regiftered and at* tefted by the faid Secretary or his fubftitute for the time being. < ^/^ ..^-,:^ ... -^ i, — -.;: And the Proprietors or Subscribers oif the faid Quebec Fire Aflurance Company hereby de- clare and make known, thatnopolicy, Engagement or other contract of any nature or kind^ foever fhall or can legally be entered into or made in the name of the faid Company, unless and ex- 19 the> ceptrng the fame, (hall contain and express a limitation or reftriction of payment thereof to the Joint Stock aforefaid ; and hereby renounT ce and difavow all obligations as aforefaid made in the name of the iaid Company, and not containing the aforefaid reflridlion of payment to the Joint Stock aforefaid j and if any policy, renewal of policy or other contract or inftrument be made or iflued or negociated in the name of the faid Company, being signed as afore- faid by any Diredtor or Diredtoi's or other orticer or officers thereof, and not contain- ing the aforefaid limitation, or rcftri£tion of -payment, fuch Director or Directors cr the officer or officers fo signing, ifTui ng or nego- tiating the fame, fhall in their natural and indi- vidual capacities become liable and responsible for the payment or fulfilment thereof — And fhall alio lofe and forfeit for the use of the faid company all his or their fhare or fhares, intereft or interefts deposits or inllalments therein ; and be discharged from l)is or their ofHce or offices situation or employment in and under the faid Company. j^rt. 15. And It is hereby further covenanteii and agreed, and publickly, expressly and expli- joint Stock a- citly affirmed and declared, by us the i^ubscrib- ''J"^' r^-si^---'-- ers hereunto, chat the Joint Stock subscril>ed into the faid Quebec Fire Assurance Company, and placed as herein provided at the dibpofal of the Directors thereof for the time being is^ ^nd at all time or times hereafter fhall be alone and only responsible for, and liable to the paym*;nt of any debt or debts, due or dues, claim or claims, demand or demands, upon or against the faid Company ; and no perfon or perfons who are now or at any time or times hereafter, may or fhall C 2 lone blc. i' I 20 cess, I become a i'ubscribcr or subscribers, or proprietor or proprietors, of any ihare or ihares in the Joint Stock aforesaid, is fhall, may or can be perionally or individually in any way or manner whatever rcfponsible for any engagement or en- gagements entered into by or in the name of the faid Company, nor liable to pay any sum or sums of money, debts, dues or demands of any nature or kind, claimed or to be claimed againft faid Company. Provided nevertheless, and it fJervice of Pro. is hereby further agreed and declared, that jjro- cess ifluing out of any court or courts in this Dis- trict, at the fuit of any perfon or perfons what- foever, and duely ferved at thp office of the Se- cretary of faid company tor the time being, either against the said company in its collective name, or againft the Prefident or or any Director or Directors or other oiHcer or officers of said company for the time being, for or in refpecf of any alledged action, claim or demand againft said company ; s/tall in dut Ibne be (ui- sii^ertd by fuch Prefident or Vice -Prefident, Director or Directors, Officer or Oflicers of said company, who by such process shall be made de- fendant or defendants in fuch action, (unless sett- led out of coiirr,) zcitJiout atledging the exiftence of aYiy other proprietor or proprietors in or of the faid company ; or the neceftity of making fuch bther proprietor or proprietors in or of the faid company, parties in or to fuch action ; but that the defence shall be made before such court, so as that the caufe may be tried and determined on its real merits. — And that every order, judgment, sentence and decree which may or shall be given, rendered or pronounced in any fuch court, or upon fuch actions, claims or demands ib profe- cuted as aforefaid, shall be considered as equally binding upon all and singular the stockholders Judgments. li, A; n or proprietors In and of the Joint Stock of sai4 company, in proportion to, and not exceeding the amount of their respective shares therein. Art. 16. And it is hereby further covenanted jind agreed that, for the more complete and en- Cash, &c. Itire fecurity and fafe keeping ot all and every the gold and silver coin, notes, vouchers, records or other valuables, being the property of the iaid Company j the vaults, fafes, chests or other How secured, places of fecurity wherein the said gold or (li- ver coin, notes, vouchers, records or other valu- able property as aforefaid, is, are, or (hall, or may be depofited, lodged and fecured, fhall be fo constru^ed, arranged, and contrived, that no officer or officers of the faid Company, or any other perfoh or perfons whatever, may, can, or {hall in any manner or way have accefs to or open fuch faid vaults, fafes, chefts or other pla- ces of fecurity as aforefaid j excepting in the pre- ience, and by the exprcfs permiflion and confent of the Prefideht, Vice Prefident, and Treafurer, of the faid Company for the time being. ' ' " ■ And the faid Prefident, Vice Prefident and Treafurer for the time being are, and shall be in their individual and private capacities, Penait;yon Oir responsible, and amenable to the proprietors of ^^^^^^ *"'' ".*^" faid Company, in the event of any wilfull delay or neglect on the part or parts of either, any or all of them in the full and true execution of this article, for all lofles or damages sustained by realon, or in confequence of fuch delay or ne- glect as aforefaid ; provided that fuch Pre(^dent, Vice Prefident, or Treafurer as aforefaid as may Proviso. or fhall have been abfent with juft cause when faid delay or neglect took place, or fhall not have participated therein, may and fhall feverally and relpectively thereby difcharge themfelves from t :t <: t ■ 'A w tSecrotniy to re- tail) not oM'i'cd' ing jLIOQO. Duration of CO' }iartncrship. I* Inch individual and private rcspoii facility, by plcnding and proving 'fuch abfcuce or non-parti- cipation as atorefaid. •"■' • ^ '' ' '' And provided alfo tint the fiid Prefident, Vice Prcfidetit, 'rrcalurer, and oiher nirectors or Quorum thereof as aforefaid for the time being, arc hereby authorized and empowered to allow a lum or fums of money not at any one time exceedinij one Thouiand Pounds ciuTency aforefaid, to be and remain in the cus- tody and poifeinon of the i'aid Secretary for the time being, for the daily and ordinary bufmcss ofthefaid Company. , , • ^*]{, 1 7. And it is hereby fur^er covenanted and agreed, that this Act of Hmited afTociation, (qr the purpoles aforefaid, Ihall continue and be it) full force and eftect until the first day of May, that will be in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and thirty nine, and no longer j Iwjt the proprietors of two thirds the Joint Stock aforefaid of this Company, at a general meeting duly aflembled by fix months previous notice, to be givpn in all the newspapers printed and pu- May be dissol- blimed in thie Province, and flating the object thereof, may, and are hereby authorized and empowered to diflblve the faid Company at any prior period. ^. ; *.. ,' Provided alfo and it is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed by and between the pswrties to this act, {without whuli sUpulation IkJjf presaH act fuid not bcc/t ruadet) that the li- tnited association or society hereby established 9haU not ceafe or determine by or upon the death, Uatural or civil, bankruptcy, or faillite of any proprietor or proprietors in or of the faid asso- ciation 'y but that notwithdanding such death, na- tural or civil, bankruptcy or faillite, this company vod. Death of Part ners. 23 nnd the afjsociation hcrcbv cftablished shall be 4 and as firm and folid, as if such con« tingency had never happened. /trt. 18. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that these articles of aflbciation can- AltcrntUms of not, nor Hull any of them be altered, amended, or «'"» Act. revoked, annulled or repealed, unless at a gene- ral meeting of proprietors, duly called and affem- bled for that express purpofe, byadvertifement in- fertcd in one or more of the newspapers publifli- ed in the City of Quebec, for at leall lix weeks previous to f.iiil intended meeting, ftating ihe object and intention thereof ; and that at faid general meeting fo called and afll-mbled as atore- faid, no tpielHon, motion, meafure, matter, or thing propofed or fubmitted therein, Ihall be decided by less than two thirds, the votcJs and proxies there prefent, votiftg according to fharei as herein before ordained and appointed. Art. 19. And we the underfigned hereunto do hereby further covenant and agree, having firll: heard this our mutual Agreement duly read, to take refpe^tively in the Joint Stock afortfaid of the faid Quebec Fire Affurance Company the number of Shares to our feveral and refpedlive Names, Firms and Styles hereunto annexed, on the feveral terms and conditions of this our Aft and Deed, and on no other terms or conditions whatfocver. In Faith and Teftimony whereof, we the Un- derfigned, have feverally and relpcctively fef, and fubfcribed our Names in prefenee of the Sublcri- bing Witnefles. Done at the City of Quebec, in the Province of Lower Canada, this Second Day ot April, in the Year of Our Lord One Thoufand Eight Hundred and Eighteen. I % \ ..*'