«p , •; 1 t >, •^ 1 • **- ' * ,t ■ -% , * * f ■••' » ■ f V^ V ,* •'T: CIHM Series ' (Monographs) ■Wi' ■^. •■ ■ ICMH Collection de (monographies) ^ v ■ ,,'■■'■. T^ ■ ■ . ■ ■ - ■■ ■ . <^ CarMdian Inatitut* for Historical Microraproductions / Institut Canadian da microraproductions hiatorlquaa "'■'■:^ 'ji- TMteiMMl and ttbltotrafrtiM NotM / NolM MchnMiyM •! baat quality potalbia consldarlng tha condition and lafllblllty of tha original copy and In kaaping with tha filming contract apacif Icationa. Original coplaa In printad papar covara ara fllmtd , baginning with tha front covar and aridlng on 1 tha laat p«ga with a printad or illuatratad Impraa/ alon. or tha back covar wh#n appropriate : All othar origirMi coplaa Ara flimad baginning on tha firat paga viHth a printad or illuatratad ImprM' ••ion. and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatratad Impraaaioni. ■ ^- ■-. ■;.,;;,•■•■<;■'..■ ■ ■ ■•: . ' . /'.-'■ Tha laat racordad frama on dich nilcroflcha ^ ahall contain tha aymbol-^ (moaning "CON- TtNUED"). or tha aymbol V (movning "END"), whichavar appiioa. -'■.■:: '■:':^ -T •:■• ■ ;^.■/■ :.:':;■■■•■•■ Maps, plitia, eharta, ate., may b4 flimad it diffarant raduotion ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraiy Includad In ona axpotura ara filmad baginnipg in tha uppar laft hand cornar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaMa raquirad. Tha folldwing diagrama illuatrata tha mathod: / .\ ..y\. ■ ■ . ■ ■ . . ■• • m^^t\'- ' ^.-.■^■- , . ■ %.- ■ f ■ — 4 } 2. : -:::3' L'aMamplaira fllm4 fut raprodult grAca i la g4n4roalt4 da: , Ahfttpan CtNireli of Canada f OMMTti tvMMl AnMvai ;Laa Imagaa aulvantaa ont 4t« raprodultaa avac'la plua grand aoln. compta tonu da la condition at da la nattat4 da I'axamplaira fllm4. at an oonformit* avao laa conditiona du contrat 4» flimaga. Laa axamplalraa orlginauH dont la couvartura fii papiar aat ImprlmAa aont filmAa an commandant par la pramiar plat at mn tarmlnant aoit par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una amprainto d'Impraaaion ou d'iiluatratlon. aoit par la aaco^d plat, aalon la oaa. Toualaa autraa aiiampiairaa orlgihauM aont f ilm4a mn commandant par la ! pramlAra paga qui com^ort« una ampralnta d'Impraaaion ou d'llluiftratidh alf an tarmlnant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una talla ampralnta. ^ ■ •' ■ ■ - ■ ■ ,; , ^/ . • 'r. Un daa aymbolaa aulvanta apparattra aur \m *■' ' ' darnlAra Imaga da chaqua microflcha. aalop If caa: la aymbola — *> aignifia "A SUiVRE", la aymbola V ai^nifia "FIN". Laa cartaa, planohaa, tabloaux, ate. pauvaht Atra fiimia k daa tauM da rMuction dlffAranta. Loraqua la documantaattrop' grand pour Atra raprodult an un aaul clidhA. II aat fllmA A partir da I'angia aupAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa. an prahant la nombra d'Imagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa ttiagrammaa aulvanta iiluatrant la mAthoda. * '".■*' J ■ . • ■ ■ "^v:;^i':;;"7 :'■: 3' ■■■ /■?::,h':f': r-'-_[-: ■■.,.. •4. ■.■• ;'- '5 /.■ 6 ^ __._ _____ i ._" r ■ ;■- /• - • « ' . — / ■^ / , I ;■/■ -\ / MKVOCOrV. HfOUITION TKT CHAtT (ANSI and ISO TIST CHART N«. 2) 1.0 zm^M I.I 1.25 !,?*. 1.4 j.6 » J » ' '"•••if ;'. ••#1 .I/i .:,.._,.._ /APPLIED IIVHGE I, nc 1693 East Main StrMt Ri»ch«tt«r. N«w York 14609 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) ?8a- 3989 -Fox Wi ■"i -M ■) ' ■•\ CUITIQUE ON akciidea(con MAiisirs EXPLANATIONS. **f$l>rak 111 to wii* mtn t juttgt yt what t n»jf,'*»-l Cor. : 10 ot), U ▼. , $;VETIAL weoki linoil ft puniphlot apponnitl conUining •* Explanfttioim by Archd«acd, it would be criminal indeed to allow the ** aoverity of tilenco " to glow Over chargtvi which are ao detrimental to the Church** welfare, aa well as to the honor of Clod and Ilia Christ. The Laitv are deeply concerned with the mattor,-<4i it will bo im-. possible for them to respect men in tho position of clergynion, • whilst charges so destructive to moral and religious f(ood rest upon them : moreover, all tho Clergy, for their charactora will be eitimatod, in some decree ^at least, by tho positions of those who aro concerned. *. ^ The " Explanations " receiving no answer will bo considered satiefaotory, and that efforts have been made to injure a most useful servant of tho Church, or if refuted, will make it incuin- bent upon those who have cliargod tho Archdeacon, to bring him t i *. , , .,. ..^Za^ ■..■,. *.• ^ \ * ■' , . .■ • ^ •s . ' •■ '-■ .'r- a. ... ','_■■ . • >> t. • , _ ■ .'k •. '. '^ ■ , ■ " : ■;■ . ■. . ',. 'M- • *■ »» /^ > I . ■ H CIITIQUI. to Iriil; for • mwi who la guilty of •' dnpllcUy ind anoopUun •» •o M to Imi unfll for * pli*« •! th« C«»iifioil Bo*r«l of lluroii C«»II«'K«, i»n«i whom th« llinh.ip of k ohuroh oannot h«>iii»tl)f w g»r(l M » fU ptiMOn to oontiimu ah ArohclMc«m on AOootini of hb oh«r»ol«r,- iuoh a p«»rion, ll U oloar, owiiiot «i«roia«» th« work of th« Ministry mnon«*t hit |MW»pU for thttr tpirittiMl b«n«flt Th« Hynotl h^ dtioiiUnX this, by providing Ounona on aiioipUn0 to oorruot th» livni «»f Ihomj who ditgriwd, or bring dishonor up<>n thgir holy o»Uing. It wouM U hypoori«y to nmy thiit out c»f pity to lh« Archd«iiwon th*»y wi«hod to ovorlouk Muuh griovoiw ofTonooa, •fl«r thj foumo th«y h»v« puriu«d : tuoh ^wisdom if •>oao«iihl«" could not b« ornditwd m "puru." If, on th« othwr hand, tlm ohargw cannot bo iuntninod. tho vdrdlot from without will bo timt hi« traduour*, having buon guilty of •n ftggrarat«d oflTonoti, otight not to go un\.uniahod. Probably thoy may rett upon thoir otUoial potitioni for support; auoh protoniiion* will not b« aco«pt«d, for p«opl« do not boli«ivo that any oflloo can justify tho holder in committing an act of In- juitioo against an«»thor : if so, tho aocuior would haro to acoopt whatovor ho would mote out to tho accused. Tho oaao is ono which fully justiftos and calls f«)r criticism. It is a vain thing to say that public mon and public institutions should not bo criticised, for herein depends the public safety : by criticism, uprightness and integrity are upheld, whilst deception and fraud are unmasked. Criticism should be generous, it i« true, but generosity has truth for ita mall oharaotoristio. Not only should public men and iwiblic institutions be criticised, but they ■hould bo able to fccarf criticism : above all, the Church of Christ whose foundation is " Divine Truth," should bo able to challenge searching investigation ; \hoso who hold high <»ffloe, and who are not byikny means fed upon " pulse," should be s<» under divine love, that fi Mg f ro »P. woul d fi nd no pUoe^ the > iceptlufi " }f llurtiii itttlly ra* ooutini of sroim iht) •pirittinl bttoiit on ur bring iiy to nay luuk Muuh ^ irtd : tuoh iru." If, lu vordiot Kititty of Frobftbly >rt ; auoh littvo that Kit of in* tu aooopt lo it one min thini( lid not be oritioUm, )tion and t In true, Not only , but they 3hiiroh of M) able to igh ofHoe, >nld be so )Uoe; tho CtlTlQWi. S l«tllmriny boriio to thtiir oltariKittirt thoiiUI In),—** Wi» •hall not find any o«oa«ion again«t thU Danbt, aiMpI wn find It i^tainat him aoprntnlnK Iha law t»f hit God." Tho niatUtr eontainad In tha **BipUnationt" hat gono b«youd thoau niorti Immmliataly ooneamad, and b«ootne the proiKirty of " our ownohurah p«Ki|>la and thoto who taka an Intartat In ih« niatlor." % * W« oannot In Juttiee patt over notloln^ bri«fly tint career of, Arehdeaeon Murtli, and in doing to we are impreMo*' Lei another man praiie thee, and nol thine own mouth: • iiranger, and nol thina own ^^•.**^ The Arohdoaeon wat ordained in the year 1840, and It now a Priott of HO yutr't nttnding in tho Minlttry of the Churoh of Gtigtand. fie hat filled varioiit potitiont in the ('hiiroh, from a itruggling mitniooary to that whiah he now holdti with tuoh acjooptability m to have the hi«hutt tettimllla«M h«i onrTica with him our b«*l wi»hM for hl» (ul»ir« h*|>|>iii«MMi miH wntfurv, Aliil oii# ttMfiittl ptM^wn IhAt il tu*y plttAMi Aliiiiifhiy iUnX lo thciwtr Uuwn on oar ?«ii«ribl« fri«m«l Mi4 birtUlkiff, Arohcle*c«n with tnoiMM hit futitrv Ub«ii 24 yf urt in thn Minitlry , Atul •ubjvct to thn t«it of A diacunvitiK public : h« «M to hotiorvd and wip«ctifd, wh«th©r in partichiAl or dii^wwn work^ lot hit OhHttitn int««ritr and ut«ifttln«it, that without— at all Imow—any prutturo in hit favor, th(» iibov*i rvtotution waa patatd by tho highutt bixly in tho DioooMan Chuioh, ooni|Hi««d of f«pr«t«tntaliv« ohurohiiM»n frt»ui «K»»ry part of tho l>io««M<}. A man who, if wfiualUxl, ttand* unmirpiMMi«r any othor Dioc«t«» of tho Douiinion for r«al odniinittrativa ability ; a man of aumoiont mhul lo \m uiiattuuiing, unpr»t«nding, uir- obtruiivu; a man ut|M)ctally fritndly to thu pmirDf oUirgy ; ft man, t«i truttud by tho OU»ruy and Laity nt iu bo put on all im- portant oommittotit of tho church by ovurwh«.min« numb«r«, if not by an unanimout v«*t«, when they had tho election; amXn who, at thu latt Dioconan Hpiacitpal Election obtained a highly reipectablo and large minority of Clerical antl Uy vote* J and MOW the Church it ttartlotl and MJiockod by the chargot which have been preferroti tt«»intt hiui by the Bithop of Huron and eight others who form a dote corporation (two of whom aro beyond the conflnet of the Dioccto and irretpohtiblo except t() the civil power) -oharget no lett grave than '•duplicity and deception." It it true that out of tho remaining six membert, tho three latt on \\w list may bo regarded at " pretumptuout," when compared with thit venerable servant of the Church, whiltt of tho other three who have been prof etted friendt for #- Mmittl lown on why Uw t lab«»iini h U f^ I VM to ■ l—M »ll Uon wM i(>m|Miiiv> :— Dmmi il4K»iiMir ftitd Ar(}liitiNM}«»ii lUlwood. Tlift olMrgM hftft arlaan In eonn«ef Irm with two l«ti«»r« |»«b« Ilth«d In ft elt) n«wi|m|»««r cftil«d th« Ihrmtd, and ilgncd r«. •p««tlviily, •« Chiirchwi.niwi" ••!«» ••Churchmftn '* In r«Nidtng th« •• KiplaniHoiii," •«»«»« w>l«Ht r«?gird Archdeacon Manh aa nrrinK hy i.lontifylnii hlnnwlf In any way with •© w#ak a nian aa Df. 'HchuUu i whvfi tho latltr came and aliowod him th« •platJa nf«C^wrchwoinan/* lift illottWM •>«••■"«, Sftfft •»un««ll«a him to altwna to hit own kualnina. At fof ibo l«itt«r [^U, any man. woman oi child, had a moral Hght to Indita of t«»bliah i| : for If HnUmuth I^ica'8oho«»lHunmCollege-«>r the Church, oannot iUnd th«'t«it of iiich ft wild and ««mmiinat« comjioaition, 4h«n tluiy niuit U w«iak Indcad, and uncU»a«»nrinic of nii|wet. The lottftr of *• Churchman " haa tho m«rit of " manlinwaa," and it la iurprUInu that th« Arohdt?acon ihould write conccminn it, ** I did not, and do not approvn withur c»f ita MtntimunU or Ita tone," wh«n no ono knowt Iwttcr than h«, that it cc.ntaina •impl«, unvami»hod truth. But h« infoniunl hia readora that !i« ha Bishop writes, " ' I can no longer rely upon his tldelity or loyalty to myaelj, or on tho faithful porformanoo of his duties as Archd«aoou. So long as lus hostility was directed against me personally, I b(>re it patiently, and abstained froui noticing it, but sinco his attacks included my loyM Clergy and Liity, and our eduoatioaal institutions,- siloncj and forbJjiranoo cease to be charity ,' etc. j etc. No>y read this from p»;^o 42, which the Bishop and his loyal Clergtf and Ltity sign h-^** We wotild, therefore, distinctly staie that , we admit tho ri^ht of the exercise of private judgment upon all matters, and of the expression of •i^ch opinions in the public iwess or otherwise. But the con- tents of the said letter, or tho Hubjeet animadverte'l upon there- ini^Jid not in the least degree kiixt^ir into the question before the Council, nor had it anything to do witli the decision arrived at. '* Wlit is the use of going oh, for tha BUhop and the Council could not have thought such c )ntradict')rv matter wrould ever meet the public gaza. But onae. m .re at page 43, they assert that the Archdeacon desired Dr. Schulte to show " Church wo- man's " letter to the Djan, and point out to him what the j^Mft/tVopmio/i.wason theaubjjot to which it related. These gentlemen, anxious for the welfare of the students, ask, "Was this the act of an lionest man?" How melancholy to think they do not know, that one person, though of the weaker sex, may be. the honoat and truthful exponent of public opinion, aa ~!:3ie0^^^-.','. [•t7.^'~ M,uSiv^;^£^ ' 'hsA^B^. - " ■■ ■'■ ■ - " ■■ ■ " ' '•■•«■■ ■» " ...i'.i .m. ^ . I .--. TOI.,... , .*i » ,.» „ , . . t 4 ino(m«{i- \y ItMioh failed to [)n which to outor- ough tho vvouii tho ) 10, tho lUolity or ui dutiti* 1 at{aiii»t \ notioiii}{ id Liity, 100 ooaao ,2, whioh e would, exeroiso 'osaiou of tho con- on there- tofore the rived at. " ) Oonnoil )uld ever ,ey assert )hurohwo- what the d. These sk, **\V(is to think )aker sex, pinion, aa CRltlQUi. 7 wull aa a thoiiiand. This, however, waa said to ho taken from a private letter written to Dr. Hhtilte. What are the people to think I Hivt where were Ool. Hhanley, Ool. Gsowaki and V, 0. Blake i They are aaid to he iiiun ot character, and mem- \i on of the [toard. Where were thoy J It iaaiich an important queation that we aak again—" Where were they I Were M«y notinedl" © Wo must not forgot to notice t)ie Bishop'a ni{Bt I have to Dpriety of ill easily dented to calm, dis- entertain- that the re written I influence ■dflhip will . blame to ^ry to the 'Pie whole I hate to • ■ ^ * ■ ' ' .^ " ■ ■ ' ' . ' • •KITMn'f'.. • 9 IwpUcftto Archf1c»(icon Mnmb, who lm« bocn kiiwl to mo ever Rinco t came »o thin Dtocoiin. I wotiM rather that y<)u *ih<»nld a^lc biiiipolf ab( nf th(i nmttrr lutntainiMl in your hotter." Ono HpplioHtion t Imudk miflloii'iit, thn Dr. writeii thui f»n i-oro IJr»,--V* I tnutt iit»»o thut muthor Iho Arch- dtai'on nor any ono oliio outnidv of my Houro i ? Mnny an IrujulHi'tor hm obfamrd frr ni bin victim far Iphr truth, W« thon hoar nbotit tho Vrtc /Vcat? nrd Ihvnhi, aftor whioli wo aro cdifuul (f)- by Brmo of tho doJn^'S and «»yinf:B of that obspcuuimB Chn-ic, '•Can<»n Innin." . « - liot ufl now coneidor whet the BiHhnp nlpct laid. Whon seconding tlin rcnolntion to oxpcl Arch«1oicon Mafflh ho gavo a» a r(^niK>n, "that ho bad alwuyn coneidrrrd liim Rinoofo until re« rentfj/, wbon n circuinHtanco cnme fohtH knowlod^jfO which proved bis wart of sincrrify." Yet on i)rt/?o 44 tho tlion Arcbdoacrm /Swoatmnn nfHrrlB tho rraBcn to Kavoboon " that theconnoction of Archdtnoon Murnh with tho publication of "Churrih wo- ' man's " letter wns tho culn^inntion of long ro'itititml opposition on the part of tho Archdea<'on, '.' This |yfnntlQU)an, howovor, on pnoo 67 writoB that tho rcaaoh waa on account of Homo matter f>f potty onvy which had been enj^ondcro'J in hi.t ownhfinom con- cernint? tho " Dominion" and •'Evan'joHcal" newapapora, but which bo flatly contradicts, by ft'iortitvj: if. was ** oppogition to tho Bi8ho[» f.f Hui:(»n. " No nood to prove ** duplicity " here." Truly, "envy is as rottonncng of tho bones." • By "Dran Boomer" poraiittin^' the mooting f.^r such spocial" bj3in33* to bi hald in his dr*win^' room, the -^ I* •v <( ^ ' r 5?gpyjf^ ■Bj?B^j'-'^|»3t5r^s^^lF«3r^«si7^^^.3£a?^^ '•»» • .f to CRlTIQUfc u,>im.i« of the Council U apparortt. H«w molanohdy to loo • „mn who .huuia «njoy gmiural r..p«ot, ullowmg )xxm*M to bo placed in auch a pomtum. Clianty, wu tni.l, will ^.ut it down ^ to tho infirmity of ago. Th« c«ur.o i.ur.uml by Mr. Cronyn will not b« rogurd^d with envy by any who valuo .olf ro-poct, for when taking tho ofhoo of Chanconorhohadnw<.m-that ho would to tUo utmo.t o hi. aadorHtandn.« deal uprightly in hi. olUoo ;-'^l»""^ /""i;"*^^ of favor or reward." Yot in -ondiug Archdeacon M*"»» » notico of tho Hpocial n.ootlng, hold h^k tho - buauio.. to bo -brought boforo it, although tho rule of tho Council rouuirod it. It wan an oniinoun ouiiMion. It may not be unprofitablo to roviow briplly thoso mombor. of ^Huron ColWo Council. whc«,o nanion woro appended to the do<5U- • mont. and for which, each one i« rcponniblo, whether ho had anything to do with tho cunceiving, inditing, or couipoBing of it, or not. I. HUUON. ! A. SWEATMAN. The "aecondor" of the resolution : since loft tho Diocoao. We leave tho voice of cousciouco to spoak to hun. H. J. GRASETT. > A man remarkable for the coldness of his nature, and for bein« barren of human sympathy. Ho " specially 'V came to a ^ - special meeting," and *' moved " the resolution. Ho does not Zfc6 in tho Diocese. • U. BOOMER. The legitimate demand which ago has for evdry conridoration, will suffice. ••^ .JfJl^M.^i^K'^U.fe 2 ■•^-*^m^ma ^ BJi i B iiiiiti iii i inrii i iM i iii ii ■ '»!^i ! ■ -m,- r to MO ft ilf to bu it duwii dad with ;hu otiiuu itlliOHt of t ruHpuct Marsh a • " to bo L^uirud it. uiuburd of the doqu- r ho httd iposing of DIOOOBO. e, and for . oaiao to a le docB not itldoration, i y CRiriQUK. FJW. SANDYS. ' II ^ An iitifortunatu m(^n, dfturvtiiK oomtuiiii^rniion m inttch at coiidutii nation. ^ K. L ELLWOOU. A very hnrinlulTa (/Jd KnAthau and David. Ho i« Buid to ImTO siKnud the dociunvnt nhich iMrtortoil hu waa preMfut at a tKovtitig, whon ho wan abatnt. (Pag;h hn w:ui nol thuro. (Pago 41). ) It would lount ho wan not in the habit of attending. " gonoral '* niuotings. ViXxaXconstraintdWim toboatthu "npucial" mooting { Will ho bo good enough to toll tlio« public / ^ , . Many will rooognizo the f()ll»)wing aa tho "Synodioal" lan- guago of "Canon InnoH." O.i th3 G )ltoj;o Council niattor it . will be interesting, as ho can spv)ak with authority. " There is no language too forcible, no satire too bitter, and no hand too rough, to tear aside the sugar coating with whi^h thtae gentle- men have dishonorably cout'^d their pill." His proper place would bo the . witness box. ■:■■•■'"/■ " 'v. CRONYN. Solicitor, Bursar, Seorotary, Chancellor. Xoo many ofhcea for owe individual. Antony. (For Brutus, ii an honorable man; __ So are //i£y all,'all Aono/*a6/e men,) » \- It CRITIQUK. N. B. Thoio oMMpoio th(Y ju(!M<«aof whom it liui hi'(»n fttatid, Uuiy tttt(tiiiiitf!(i to biHMt (ho dmrnutor of a rlrrgyiiiivii, wIk in thii Church hold* in mtrvrii for iiWuiy ynAfM «>( honoriiMo Hr? ici*, »iul to wrvolc thu pimco hiuI hnpiiimiM of bin fniiiily- Ardxii'A- oon MarMh will b(« juatiftcd hy nil iiirii at upriKhMiunn mikI in- t4;grity,,i|ioul(I htifci>l coiiMtmiiKid to Appfml to Cn^tittni' Court. If ho be not yuiUy his Aoountm will, whon driven, bo ^^ad to fiAy, '*Thin man ini^ht hnvo been ToloMNodf if bi> hml not np- poiilnd to Cji'Hiir." ■■ ^ UEVERKND J. B. HICHAHDHON. Thin KPntlonian in not a njrnibt>r of ///r (-Miincil, but h© hIiowb hii hand atraiuHt Archd4>aoon Marsh, and ia diniinKHiHlicd (1 ©xtinguiihwl) by ijringing up the roar, Jlo waa Oiori^rtl Sec- retary to the Synod, and ontruntod \tith oonVinunicafionM' nd- droHScd to that, thu nuwt Suprenio EooloHitMtioal body of tho Church within tho Piooubu. It in onrturtud by Arohdoacoii Marah, that uii u numtbur of thu Syaud, tiu aunt Itiia a com- mUnioation for that trody whun it mut, but liko thu othor " special businons ut thu Council, it wua " kupt back." Mr. RichardBon hafl'[)lncod himdulf in an unfortunate puslti.in. Aa tho Socrotar^') and rucoiviuK aa Htich, a coiutnunication for tho Synod, his duty was cloar : no individual, uhutovor liia olliou, should have buen allowed to turn him from thu path of duty. This Kontloman haa boon but two years iu the Diocif), and it is curtain ho did not niurit tho JilHoo on acount .')f length of Sorvioo iu tho Diocoao, whilst Itis uufitnuss in uatablilhol by dis- houostly kuoping back a doquruont beloiiuting to tho Synod. It must bo seen thuroby, that ho was not meroly guilty of dorolio- tion of duty, — not ainiply of showing disroupoot to tho Synod, h^it having rooeived a oomtiiunic.itiou in sacrad trust, ho whs guilty by withholding it, of violating that tru^t, and therefore of 4 ' *fy "• '" I will III tllM Arclulfii- I nikI in- ••' Court. , bo k1ii<) [\ nut A| • ho Mhiiwii iiit^uiHhc'd ri^ftl Sec- flOHM" ftll- ly nf tho •ohdoucoii II tv oohi- tho othor i/' Mr. tim. As m for tho iiH olti^io, of duty. ), find it tingth of '3l by dis- jTiiod. It >f dorolio- e Synod, ,, ho WHS itrcforo of « cmTiijifr.. N" n kn offidftl fr»ud, Worojiny HticroUry Ut commit luoh » browh (if trtMt in oimntfction with » dvil institution ho would hu ^immtrily diwuiHW d, i»nd liftblo to progteutioti. If »fl oflicial w»mhi i» th« cninniitico for preparinn tho Synod OirouUr hml •b»olvod him ; ni«»«t, if not nil «'f whom, iiumbor with thoio wl|f> now t»i)j«»y • uioiit iinfortuiiftto fiotorii-ty an mouibori of llunm Cnl- l«tKU ^ottooil Theaotof Mr, Uiohanlnon wm on * par with that of aoo^hor dorgynian whf), boiiig appointod a RortHjnoor .cf .votes uiidor tho ballot, loft otFa uiombor who had buou olootej. It would bo woU for thou* Clor^'yinon to rclloot up »n tho inoaH' tngof the toxt of Hcripturo, or bettor atill, to proaoh frotn % for tixpuriunou would aid thoin : *' Bo iuro -your flin will find you out.'*. It in hanlly clo that such a stato of things can oiist ill tho (yhurch. Tho only romody will bo found in estimating tho worth <»f men by their tfhararter, and not by their office. iJy makin)( tho Hynod indopendimt, and soourinj? to every Clergyman a reunonable living for his wife and family froo fron; undue Episcopal influence, or of parasitical supporters. Hy the L-iity proving thoniselvos independent, manly, ChriS' tain mOmbors of the Synod. ' tiy tho Synod exercising its right in diaponaing the patronage of the CKurch in connection with the Iliahop. Tho patronage belongs to the Synod, and is a^sacred tru"t : it should not bo placed under tho control of any man : if pro* perly administered it can be made to aubaorvo a good purpose ; if abused, it becomoo an Dvil. % rl» "1 I 1 .(' •■ 14 ' CRItlgtfR. U II not limii for tho Hyn Inlcu up tli« ttifttUtr, aitd itoi Allow M}hm)Ia tf tho Holy Mintatry, uiid uiuku thjtt Churvh auhaidiary to ita tnturuata. ' Wh< n ft person ia oKoaen to iho offloo w hioh haa Jht ovtr- ■ight of tho Churoh, it ia not for him to hcomne ontAuglod with aocular niattcra ; And an incnnui of hotwoiui four and five tlioua and dollara por annuni paid aununlly out of tho TrouMury of tho Churoh, ia to oimhlu hint to duvoto hiuiaolf, not only pliyMicully, but alao niontally, to thu work of tho Churoh. If othura who work in tho Miniittry tiru uxpuctod to givo ull their tiuio and onorgiua to thuir work on auvon or oi^dtt huiidnxl clollarn per annuni— niun who, m culture, attAinuiontH and piuty aro, in many caaua, not a whit hohind atiy ououpaut of thu Kpiicopatu, how much more should hu givo hiuiaulf to Iuh work as a good Boldior of tho Cross, and as an uxampio to othurs. During Bishop Oronyn's tint'), wu had not tlasu ditliouUios, but this turrible scandal which has ooinu upon thu Church, is to be traced tu an institution with which Iho Church Iiuh nothing to do. If the high and holy iiituruHts of tho Church of (Jod aro to bo made subservient to a secular school, tho sooner that ■ohool is given up tho bettor. Aa for Uuron College where young men are trained to fill ( , illtd tioi rck. Thtf i>r« i»f tho linM ii OiilUm, it h higher Allll thtt > pt'umitf ruitf. Uio ovtr- kIocI with ivo thoui iry <>( tho liyMically, hem who tllllO UI1<1 >ltarH por Y MO, in ;)iiOo|>atu, a a good itUoiiUiua, itrch, is to t iiotliiiig •f Ood aro oiior that lod to fill I i'iiru)i?iu ^ I 1$ IMJtillutui III thii Church, nud Mliich it thuroby a Church fiiHlIn* tiim, ft nhottld Ik) tuhjtiot lt» thu HyitiMl i for if th« Cbtirch ■ r^rt^tiiitAtivt) btdy la iit>t fit tagovrni ih« Church in nil it* br«iiohi*«, it ihould not uxiiil. B€t|>«ot(iig thme to proitiiiiAiitly ht*for<) (ho ptildi^, mid in n iitntiiiur which hni to MvtiidMlixvd the Church, how cmi tfity lH>^/«iid fm>pgt punioiit to dirttct the ttftudiiiitf t»f iiiornHty tiud rulitfion, whon tht'y^x* yullfd Archdeacon Mon'h im luring iwfii; ^mX yut, «('htl«t hraiid* ing him im u tftcfittr mtd douhlt-mhulti tiiun, thoy tuicit nt» ' honornhli) Mid lugitiniato iitci>ii lu prevent him mitiittcring to » congr 'gation : a tiiiniiitry which cutitiot bu othurwito thiin injurioiift to tlie Chiurchf uud u furthur ■c niid rt l t*t rvUgiou,^ ML tiit'ir clmrgi'ii be Out : if nittim, thun thuy urc. guilty of thu ci'iiiicK likid to hiM chnrgu. I^ut thiwc iiiun go into tliu witiiumi box Aiid tuMtify utuUtr mith, " thu truth »iid notiiing but thu truth," which hoiiuiit, godly niun would bo wilting to do, and Mhiohonly will cUur thcin of guilt in tho public mind. 'l'«^ talk about not doing what in htdy and right for fitar tho Church would iutrcr, nill not do ; pbopb uru tired of Much cant ; they want a religion which in honoHt. Thu Church of Cliiiat iiuilor ! Uod huH Maid, " The gutim of hull hIuUI not pruvail a;{ain«t it/' The iHAuo is cirar. It' Archdeacon Marsh be guilt) of thi) cluugts laid agailiat him, he is not fit to be in hia ponitioii : if the charges be fulee, tlxoao who preferred them are not fit to bo in Ihcim. 4l t ., § Maiina rut vi't'i tun^ rt p/ti'((hin'l» /■ / i^'>' ' .' \* /* f § i''^^ " ■ ,, ,.- -" ■-. -. ".V ■ .i - .; ■ . - ■' ,. ',- , ;. ■• ■■■: ^.-..■- '* • '■''■>, ■. • !■=. ;V ■; '. .-; - ■-■■.' •'- •\". ;' ■ ■ *■ ;^ ■ ;. ■ -m::^- 1 • " ' •" ■■■■■.' Vs \ J_ i_ %St*"