IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 IIIM illitt m m ||||2^ 12.0 mm U III 1.6 V2 "el °%' 'c^. ■m •■■>' >> '/ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation V #> •c^^^ % v ip \ \ 6^ % 1? ^" 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 rt^ •^J W of Scottish character. " During the singing the Congi egation sit, and " stand M''hile the prayers are being oL . ed. Thh ' m been •' the cd.tom in the Church of Scotland from /' ? ./?r,s/,"f and Dr. KoBEKT Jamieson confirms the eail/ ];raclice in the following words," The people all rise j..,t the Drayer, which is offered by the Minister, standing also in front of tho con- gregation The public prayers ere always without the shackles of prescribed Jorms.^'' The Presbyterian Church is rather characu^rised by an absence of form. Worship of a Supreme Ueing was the predominant feature that the early Presbyters sought to stamp on the new worship, and the simplest possible forms were adopted in order that the people should place no stress on these things, but rather on that which must ever continue the soul of the Presbyterian service, the heartfelt, earnest, truthful utterances of Christ's deputy in the pulpit, and the willing, fervent responses of the heart thereto. And by this means, " The sword of * Mark xi. 25. — " When ye stand praying forgive if ye have aught against any, &c." t The Religions of the World, p'l^TO 127. B I 10 the tSpirit," the Church of Scotland has held since its foundation, and must now, and for all time, " hold her " rigiit place in the affections of the people generally, and " of the rising generation particularly," and not by any sentimental efforts at adapting her time honored all-suf- ficient forms of worship to " the tastes of an age of rapidly growing culture and refinement " ! Now apart from the Scriptural sanction which standing at prayer in public assemblies receives — apart from the prevalency of this posture in many reformed churches, and to some extent even in the Eoman Catho- lic Church, it has another claim to continuance peculiar to those christian bodies that adopted it from their in- cipiency. For once that standing became the established attitude of public prayer in our Church, its perpetuity therein is fixed, provided its claims to adherence are equal to those of any other rival posture. Dr. "VVhately is celebrated as a writer on Logic and Rhetoric ; he is considered a fair authority in matters of reasoning. He says, =^ " There is a presumption in favor of every existing " institution. Many of these (we will suppose the " majority,) may be susceptible of alteration for the " better, but still, fhe burden of proof lies with him ivho " proposes an alteration, simply on the ground that because " a change is not a good in itself, he who demands a " change, must sJioiv cause for it. No one is called on " (though he may find it advisable) to defend an existing " institution till some argument is adduced against it : " and that argument ought in fairness to prove not " merely an actual inconvenience, but the possibility of " a change for the better." f Standing having been from the time of the final establishment of the Presbyterian form of worship in • Rhetoric p. 91. t Stet presumptio donee probutur in contrario. nig is ei Prel in f -Wf 11 dnce its lold her illy, and by any d all-sul- ti age of u which es — apart reformed an Catho- } peculiar their in- stablished perpetuity srence are Logic and matters of jry existing appose the Lon for the 'Ih him who that because demands a is called on i an existing , against it : > prove not possibility of J of the final >f worship in Scotland, the undeviating attitude of prayer in the Kirk, there is, apart from its other claims to preference, a presumption in lavour of its orthodoxy. Long continued custom has animated in law. He who would displace it, must chow that the existing form is not only actually inconvenient, but that there is a " possibility of a change for the better," and must use none but legitimate means in effecting the change. The burden of proof lies with him who proposes the alteration. Now let us see what the " argument against " the existing posture, is and to what extent the advocates of the proposed one " show cause" for the change. It is but reasonable to expect that they, being technically speaking'the Plaintiffs, have some proof to bring forward in support of their opinions. " Proof devolves upon him w^ho declares, not upon him who denies," ^ is a maxim of many centuries standing — and speaking of the nature of proof, Sir William Hamilton, the logician, no mean authority, says f that in matters of reasoning, " nothing is to be begged, bor- rowed or stolen." IS ow, to our astonishment, the adherents of the kneel- ing posture do not pretend that there is any inconven- .ience in standing at prayer, and their pretension in con- sequence loses one element of strength ; neither do they pretend that a change from standing to kneeling at prayer is a question of importance ; on the contrary it is admitted directly and inierentially that it is compara- tively " trilling." Therefore as regards the Presbyterian Church the pretensions of the advocates of the kneel- ing posture fall to the ground, and the standing posture is entitled to a verdict without entering upon a defence. This is considering the question as regards the Presbyterian Church, but it must be remembered that in Churches, in which kneeling at public worship is the * Ei incumbit probatio, qui dicit non qui ncgat. — The Digest . t Logic p. 371, 12 \ ti I 1 6 I- I :' more prevalent posture, and has been established there- in for a considerable time, as in the Roman Catholic and Episcopal Churches, the presumption is, in these cases, in favour of kneeling, as being the existing form, and the burden of proof of the superiority, or convenience of any other form would devolve upon those desiring its adop- tion. Now it would appear that, on the merits of standing and kneeling in public worship there is a predominance of scriptural usage in favor of standing : it is moreover true that as regards the Presbyterian Church in particu- lar, the standing posture has by long established custom animated in law as efiectually as if it had been estab- lished by a special act of the Assembly. If I am correct in these two grounds, they are sufficient to decide this question in favour of the standing posture. But perhaps there are some for whom this reasoning is not sufficient. There is in most communities an unen- viable class of persons, who renounce reason altogether in matters even remotely appertaining to theology. They follow what they call, by a misnomer, their own con- viction. Ask them for 3 reason — and they set up that invulnerable defence — " Zeal for the Lord." We have all heard these words before, " Zeal for the Lord" — until they have become a familiar unmeaning phrase. They have an ambiguous history, and are never to be taken on credit. The genuine article presumedly represented by these words has been remarkably rare in all ages — even now, there are very many counterfeits of the origi- nal " Zeal for the Lord." With this same warrant have not Papists burnt heretics ? With this same warrant have not Protestants butchered Papists ? And, with this same warrant, do not many even in our days seek exemption from the amenities of reasoning men ? Behind this Chinese wall they find a lurking place : "As if," to quote the words of Froude the Historian ; "As if it were (t froi facti simi graj to kn( for mei aft Ifi hei W( sei mi shj i I' i 13 there- [lic and |e cases, md the of any Its adop- ttanding inance oreover . particu- i custom jn estab- n correct icide this reasoning . an unen- ogether in ry. They own con- it up that We have rd"— until ,se. They > be taken ^presented all ages — f the origi- rrant have e warrant L, with this days seek a? Behind "As if," to s if it were " beyond all doubt they were on God's side — as if serious " inquiry after truth was something which they were " entitled to resent. They treat intellectual difficulties " as if they deserved rather to be condemned and " punished than considered and weighed, and rather " stop their ears and run with one accord upon any one *' who disagrees with them than listen patiently to what " he has to say." " Do what we will, reason must '* be our ultimate authority," and he who renounces it has been by the same author not inaptly compared to, " a man sitting on the end of a plank and deliberately •' sawing off his seat." But 1 am aware that certain excuses — for I cannot demean the word reason by usmg it in this connection — I am aware that certain excuses are put forward in forma pauperis, with a view to begging a preferential claim for kneeling ; it will however be seen, on examination, that this unwarranted demand for charity is a fraud. It is now-a-days asserted, that there is a defection from the Presbyterian Church, by reason of the dissatis- faction felt by the present generation with the " severely simple service" that sufficed for our fathers. This is a gratuitous assertion w'h ly unsupported by proof, and to meet it by a counter a sertion, I may say that I never knew a genuine Presbyterian family to leave our Church for this cause. Granting, however, for the sake of argu- ment, that there is a defection from Presbyterianism, are a few admittedly " really trifling," changes in form any guarantee for the continued allegiance of the wavering ? If so, our Church has assuredly a slight claim on its ad- herents. Perhaps a more effectual cure for defection would be to hold out to the unstable, not mere ideal or sentimental recommendations, however congenial these may be to those loving " a show of wisdom in will-wor- ship and humility." but rather, if reference to this sub- ject be deemed necessary, the beauty and simplicity of tmtmtt 14 i I I m m I II the existing forms, and the yet greater beauty, simplicity and sanctity of the religion of which these forms are the mere concomitants. For after all, " Compared with this, how poor Kcligion's pride, " In all the pomp of method and of art, " When men display to congregations wide, " Devotion's ev'ry grace, except the heart ! " Here I may incidentally mention, that the more plausible reason why not a few of the rising generation who were born Presbyterians, desert their own Church and connect themselves with other christian denomina- tions, is not on account of the severity of our Church service, but rather on account of coldness and want of interest on the part of their co-religionists. Scotch Pres- byterians are, perhaps, unhappily peculiar in this respect. Moreover, the increasing mania (in most cases pardon- able) for wealth, and its consequent acquisition ; the mania of others to be considered wealthy, and the common desire on the part of both " to do the grand," chill the fellowship that should exist among the members of the same church, and drive some of our co-religionists to seek communion with other christian denominations of more congenial temperament, where greater sociality prevails and a greater interest is taken in the young, the poor, and the stranger in the congregation. Upon reflection it may occur to some, that this personal coldness, this want of christian cordiality, and not the " severely simple service that contented their parents," is with many the most " grievous hindrance " to their remaining in com- munion with the Church of Scotland; and that more knowledge of the heroic struggles of our church, and a little more practical Christianity among its members, and not a resort to a mere temporary sentimental subterfuge, would prove the surest panacea against desertion from its ranks. But it is impliedly asserted by some that a change from the standing to the kneeling posture in prayer "m :-ii^ 15 nplicity rms are le more iieration Church iiomina- Church want of ch Pres- respect. pardon- he mania common hill the s of the s to seek of more prevails he poor, ellection ess, this y simple a any the in com- lat more 1, and a ^ers, and jteriuge, on from I, change 1 prayer would be " conducive to truer devotion," and that it would " help to make our frame of mind more devout." What a libel on christian intelligence ! Is the nature of j)rayer affected by a bodily attitude ?^ Has not the testimony of all ancient and modern moralists and theo- logians been opposed to such an unpardonable misrepre- sentation '{ Have not Cyprian, Tertullian,! Origen, Ambrose, Augustin, Chrysostom, and a host of other writers on the nature of prayer, taught that devotion depends " not on a certain posture of the body, but a certain posture of the heart," and buried centuries ago '* the superstitious notion which attached great impor- tance to certain bodily postures and certain outward ceremonies in prayer ? " Why should modern Chris- tians seek the resurrection of the errors of an age of superstition ? Prayer consists in " worship, in spirit and in truth," not in form.J " Prayer is the direct inter- course of the spirit of man with the spiritual and unseen Creator." II Mere corporal posture, then, can never con- stitute an element of devoutness in the sight of God. It is howe\'er maintained by some that kneeling is more impressive, (in the sight of man I presume, as the Cre- ator is not likely to come under such influences.) Query : \re those desirous of effecting a change in the mode of worship at prayer actuated by a desire to please God, or man ? If to please God — they have chosen the wrong subject, for we have seen that the Deity is not likely to be affected by mere externals. But if to please man, then let us examine the innate characteristics of kneeling and standing as forms of worship at prayer, * Froude, speaking of forms and ceremonies, thus summarily gibbets this crotchet : — " When we come to think that they possess in themselves " mat rial and magical virtues, then the purpose which they answer is to " hide God from us, and make us practically into Atheists." t " Dcus uon vocis, sed cordis auditor est, sicut conspector." Tertul. de orat., § 13. I Compare the example of the self-righteous pharisee and the penitent publican, both of whom stood. II Way land's Moral Science, p. 170. 16 i;t i i u I II li from a human stand-point, in so far as these are suscepti- ble of examination and description. Taking the appre- ciation of peoples living synchronously with, or a few centuries after, our Saviour, we find as already stated that in some cases kneeling, when connected with public wor- ship, was regarded as an attitude not of humility, but of humiliation, and that in contradistinction, standing was the attitude of prayer on the Lord's day in joyful thanks- giving for the resurrection of Christ. Grranting, how- ever, that kneeling is often expressive of humility and reverence, and that it is recognized by scriptural usage, it is in many respects but a relic of barbarism, and even in the present day, is not unfrequently expre&sive of fear, ignorance and debasement. The subject of the despot still cringes on bended knee in the presence of his master. And in imitation of this vestige of tyran- ny, by a strange interversion of etiquette for selfdom, ambassadors are accustomed, by way of courtesy, to kneel in the presence of an earthly sovereign, but in the pre- sence of the majesty of genivis and worth, the freest and most intelligent assemblies rise and remain standing in gratuitous, dignified, admiration, and reverence. This discrimination is not made in disparagement of forms adopted, and very properly cherished, by jother christian denominations, neither is it purely volunteered ; it is almost unavoidable from the necessity of ridiculing the puerile representations, not uncommonly urged, in favor of kneeling, as being a more reverent and more graceful position. Kneeling is unobjectionable in itself as a pos- ture of prayer, but when its devotees in the Presbyterian Church, by way of comparison with the existing form, urge its superiority, we naturally ask for its pedigree. On the other hand, the standing attitude, apart from its scrip- tural sanction, is a posture better adapted to secure uni- formity than kneeling, which has a tendency to dege- nerate irto sitting. Standing, too, is expressive of truth- fulness, confidence and hope, never of debasement, knd PI tl tl IT t] 17 mscepti- le appre- J>r a few lated that )lic wor- ty, but of ling was 1 thanks- |ng, how- ility and ral usage, and even ressive of ct of the 'esence of 5 of tyran- r selfdom, sy, to kneel in the pre- ! freest and standing in nee. This t of forms )r christian jered ; it is liculing the ed, in favor )re graceful elf as a pos- resbyteriaii sting form, jdigree. On :)m its scrip- secure uni- jy to dege- ive of truth- semen t, 4ud when connected with prayer in public assemblies, is in- disputably impressive. This much at all events may be said of it, not by way of recommendation, because it needs no such aid — though a " severely simple" form of prayer, it has never been the attitude of idolatry ; nor has any people, so long as they adhered to it as their posture in public prayer, ever become the slaves of political or ecclesiastical domination. "Where- fore then, the alleged superiority of kneeling? Perhaps, however, kneeling, under some new system of discipline, has acquired devoutness and impressiveness from being interchangeable with, or rather supplemented by, the sitting posture at prayer. We make every allowance for the aged and infirm, it is meet that their comfort should be consulted. Kneeling, however, ^ has not sated the popular taste for change, and the highly farci- cal sitting posture must needs bear sway as a compro- mise between the bad taste of standing, and the scarcity of kneeboards. Albeit, it is much more distingue to sit than stand at prayer, and this new hand-maid of inno- vation may in turn assert its priority of claim over kneeling, but I must forbear : I am an " Innocent abroad" at prophecy, and moreover I must not be irreverent ; this may be some new attempt at " improvement in our Church service," in keeping with ".the much higher style of education that now obtains," in order to enable the Church of Scotland "to hold her right place in the afiections of the people generally and of the rising generation particularly," with a view to " adapting her service to the tastes of an age of rapidly growing culture and rehnement" ! ! Now, having seen that the standing posture in public prayer is scriptural, that in the Presbyterian Church, there is a presumption in favour of its orthodoxy, and that these reasons are more than sufficient to w^arrant its continuance in that Church ; having seen, moreover, that the claims of the kneeling posture, as against the 18 standing, on the alleged ground that the lornier is the more impressive and more " conducive to truer devo- tion," are altogether fallacious and visionary, and not founded either in fact or in moral science, we may con- clude that there is no valid reason, pretext, or excuse for the attempted innovation of kneeling for standing in the Presbyterian Church. But, as I am disposed to treat the subject on the broadest possible grounds, let us glance briefly at what might be termed its legal aspect and assume that there is plausible reason for the innovation of kneeling for standing. By what means could the change be legitim- ately eifected ? To appreciate this question we must understand the Presbyterian mode of Church Govern- ment. Unlike that in many other christian denomina- tions it is effected by a gradation of Courts called respec- tively Kirk sessions, Presbyteries, Synods and Assemblies, " bound together," says Dr.HiLL,* " by that subordination which is characteristical of Presbyterian Government," and forming a perfect safe-guard around the constitution and a barrier against innovation of any kind without a thorough investigation. In many other Christian deno- minations these superior judicatories do not exist ; such are the Independents and Congregationalists. In these, the clergyman and trustees or deacons manage the affairs lay and ecclesiastical of the Church, and the Con- gregation itself is the highest Court of Appeal. In the Church of Scotland, there is a judicial power vested in its four judicatories, but the legislative power both ori- ginates and ends with the General Assembly. In this Country this legislative power would I presume vest in the Synod. Each superior judicatory exercises a supervision over the inferior. Dr. Hill, f thus summarily defines this : " In all Governments conducted It • Theological Institutes, t Theological Institutes. 'wT^^ • is the devo- iiid not lay con- cuse for g in the ; on the at what at there ling for legitim- ^re must Govern- snomina- 1 respec- emblies, dination rnraent," stitntion without a an deno- st ; such In these, aage the the Con- . In the vested in both ori- In this le vest in ercises a , f thus onducted 19 " by men, wrong may be done from bad intention, from " the imperceptible iiiUuence of local prejudices, or from " some other species of human inlirmity. To prevent the " continued exercise of wrong, it is provided in every good " Government that sentences which are complained of ** may be reviewed This is the great principle *' of our republican constitution, which does not invest " any individual with a control over his brethren, but '• employs the wisdom and impartiality of a greater num- " ber of counsellors to sanction the judgments, or to cor- " rect the errors of a smaller." " The Kirk session," says Dr. CooK, in his Styles of procedure, " is the lowest judicatory in the Church of " Scotland, and is composed of the minister of the parish, " together with a certain number of lay elders." Now, assuming that a number of persons wishing the standing posture in prayer to be displaced, and the kneeling one substituted therefor, should come to a Kirk session mak- ing representations in favour of the change, or assuming that the Kirk session itself, or any of its members, lay or clerical, should take the initiative in bringing about this change, it is plain that for want of jurisdiction it could not adjudicate on the merits of the ques- tion, either directly by taking a vote among its own members, or indirectly by referring the matter to the congregation. " It is the business," says Dr. Cook,* " It is the business of the session to exercise a general " superintendence over the religious state of the parish " and the morals of the people, to settle the time for dis- " pensing the ordinances of religion, to judge of the " htness of those who desire to partake of them, to exer- " cise discipline on those accused or guilty of scandalous •' offences, and to grant certificates of character to par- •' ties removing from the parish." There is nothing in this that can be construed into authority to tamper with styles of procedure in the Church Courts of Scotland, ^s^T^ II li 20 the existing forms of worship ; the want of the legisla- tive function in the Kirk session precludes the possibility of any legitimate attempts at innovation of any kind. But if further authority be required on this point, let us go the bottom of the question, and see what are the in- dividual obligations of the members composing a Kirk session to preserve intact the existing worship. To say nothing of the •' Barrier Act" passed in 1697, which, according to its preamble, was enacted for " preventing " any sudden alteration, or innovation, or other prejudice " to the Church, in either doctrine, worship, discipline or •' Grovernment now happily established therein," let us see what are the ordination vows of an elder and minister respectively in th ' Presbyterian Church. First as to an elder. He must among other questions answer the fol- lowing in the affirmative. " Are you persuaded that the Presbyterian Govern- ment and discipline are founded upon the word of God and agreeable thereto? " " Do you promise that in your " practice you will contbrm yourself to the said worship; •' that you will submit yourself to the said discipline and *' Government ; that you will never endeavour directly, " nor indirectly the prejudice or subversion of the same ; " and that you will follow no divisive courses from the " present establishment in the Church."^ So much tor the elder, now as to the minister ; after ordination to his sacred office, he is required to sub- scribe a declaration embodying the substance of the questions that must be answered affirmatively by him before his appointment. It is as follows : — , " I do hereby declare that I do sincerely own and " believe the whole doctrine contained in the Confession " of Faith, approven by the general Assemblies of this na- " tional Church and ratified by law in the year 1690, and " frequently confirmed by divers acts of Parliament since (t It (( {( «( 4t * Hill's Practice, p. 7, 21 legisla- )ssibility ly kind, it, let us the in- a Kirk To say which, eventing )re]udice lipline or 1," let us minister ; as to an the Ibl- Govern- d of God ,t in your worship ; pline and directly, he same ; from the ter ; after 1 to sub- le of the f by him own and oufession 3f this na- 1690, and lent since * that time, to be the truths of God, and I do own the same * as the confession of my faith ; as likewise I do own the * purity of worship presently authorized and practised in * this Church, and also the Presbyterian Government and ' discipline now so happily established therein ; mick doc' * trine, ivorskip and Church Government, I am persuaded are ' founded upon the ivord of God, and agreeable thereto ; and I * promise that through the grace of God 1 shall firmli/ and con- ' stantli/ adhere to the same ; and to the utmost of my power * shall in my station assert, maintain, and defend the said ' doctrine, ivorship, discipline, and Government of this * Church by Kirk sessions, Presbyteries, Provincial Syn- * ods and General Assemblies ; and that I shall in mij prar- ' tice conform myself to the said ivorship and submit to the * said discipline and Government, and never endeavour, * directly or indirectly, the prejudice or subversion of ' the same ; and I promise that 1 shall follow no divisive ' course from the present establishment in this Church ; ' renouncing all doctrines, tenets, and opinions what- ' ever, contrary to, or inconsistent with the said worship, ' discipline or Government of this Church."=^ Can we well conceive of a stronger document ? Daniel O'Connell said he could drive a coach and four through any statute, but he probably would have made exception of the foregoing declaration, had he been aware of its existence. Yet we do find people in our day sufficiently presumptions to try this feat, though I am not aware ot any who have escaped strangling, at some stage of the attempt. Among the acts of Parliament referred to in the foregoing declaration, is one passed in the reign of Queen Anne, Edinburgh, 1707 ; It is very important and pro- vides, inter alia, "that the form and purity of ivorship pre- " sently in ttse within this (Presbyterian) Church, and its " Presbyterian Church Government and discipline, (that is ♦ Cook'8 styles of Procedure, pp. 96-7. r-jT"^" 22 •mmm 4 iS m *• to say, the Government of the Church by Kirk sessions, " Presbyteries, Provincial {Synods, and (jrenoral Assem- " blies, all established by the i'oresuid Acts ol' Parliament, " pursuant to the claim of right) shall remain ami continue " unalterable." Whence then does a Kirk session derive its power to contravene the constitution of the Church Y In fact, in Scotland, innovations are so etfectually guarded against, that the General Assembly, (the highest Court and the only legislative body in the Church,) without the concurrence of a majority of the Presbyteries, cannot enact any standing law. Seeing the restrictions placed on the highest Court in our Church, and with the duties and obligations of the individual members of a Kirk session so plainly and forcibly defined, it is obvious that to take cognizance of anything having reference to a change in the form of worship is beyond its jurisdiction. Neither should the matter be referred by the Kirk session to the Congrega- tion, for this is ignoring the higher Courts and submit- ting it to an incompetent tribunal. The plain duty of a Kirk session, in the case supposed, would be to refer those desiring the change to the higher Courts. But should a Kirk session fail to do this and proceed to adju- dicate on a matter beyond their control, either directly by taking a vote on the merits between themselves, or indirectly by ignoring the legitimate procedure, and referring it to the Congregation, then it is competent for any member of the Church into which the abuse has crept, to apply by complaint or appeal to the higher Courts against the illegal proceedings of the Kirk session, unless, through Christian charity, he should prefer to petition the latter directly, in order to allow this Court an opportunity to undo what it had illegally done or countenanced, and thus save itself the humiliation of having its illegal action condemned and quashed by the Superior tribunal. m #• 23 essions, Assem- iiament, contitiuv I power 111 Tact, •uarded it Court without i, cannot st Court itions of inly and izance oi' i'orm of ould the )ngrega- submit- uty of a to refer But to adju- directly elves, or ire, and etent for )use has e higher session, prefer to is Court done or iation of d by the Moreover so perfect is the Judicial machinery of the Presbyterian constitution, and so perfectly protected is it, that in the event of no appeal or complaint being made auaiust innovation, in individual churches, we are informed ])y Dr. lIiLL* that: " The Superior Court *' may take up the business by exercise of its inherent •• right of superintendence and control." •• A Superior Court," continues the same high authority, •* may at any time issue a peremptory mandate for the " production of the books of its subordinate judicatories ; *' and having the whole train of its proceedings thus •' regularly submitted to its inspection, it may take such " measures, as upon this review appear to be necessary " in order to correct errors, to redress wrongs, or to •' enforce the ol)servance of general rules, &c." " Such a right of executive power exercised with " w dom," says Dr. .Tamieson, " and in the spirit that " should characterise a christian Court, is calculated to •' be of the greatest utility, as not only a check to the " influx of irregularities, but a preservative of sound- " ness and purity in doctrine, an vje/l as an orderly and '* uniform /iractice in all parts of I he Church." f It is obvious that a question affecting a change in the'lbrmof worship, should be brought up in the higher Courts, before it is submitted to the Congregation. The latter course is contrary to the whole spirit of Presby- terian Church Government, whereas the former is constitutional. The world is rapidly progressing ; old things do pass away, and new ones come in their places ; but surely if any proposed change have real merit and is likely to prove beneficial, its promoters have nothing to fear from submitting it to, and advocating its claims before, the intelligent assemblies that legislate for the peace and welfare of the Presbyterian Church. • Hill's Theological Institutes. t The Religions of the World, p. 147. London, 1870. ?t 24 It may be said that the ordination vow of a minister is too stringent. Clergyman themselves should be the best judges of this matter. The laws and usages of the Church of Scotland are not unchangeable, like those of the Medes and Persians, but until they ^re changed it is perfectly legitimate to insist on their observance, and to protest against sinister attempts at ignoring their existence, on the part of those who are presumedly the best acquainted with them. It would probably be the better course, for persons wishing to promulgate opinions in- consistent with moral science, to contravene the consti- tution of our Church, and to tamper with matters calcu- lated to disturb its peace and harmony — to look for some more congenial atmosphere beyond its pale. Or, if this sentence should appear too harsh, it assuredly is not un- reasonable to demand, that those conscientiously desiring reform should at least be able to specify and prove the abuse, and to employ none but legitimate means in effecting its redress. Now briefly let us assume that standing were legally displaced by the proper Court, and kneeling substituted therefor, in some leading Presbyterian Church, say in iSt. Paul's, which 1 only instance by way of illustration, as iu it, happily, there are no restrictions respecting posture in worship. It has its peculiarities, but these are not iu question at present. In St. Paul's, then, the result of the change, apart from the evil effects of investing forms with a presumed importance, would probably be tv/o- fold. First, it would be obnoxious to those attached to the old form, who, even should they be a small minority, would be entitled to have their opinions respected. Schism would be engendered, and the peace and harmony of the Congregation would be disturbed. It is no easy matter to persuade an aged person, deeply attached to the service of his Church that certain forms, which his judgment has approved for half a century, are becoming obsolete, and are now suscepti- <•« 25 • a minister )uld be the ages of the [ke those of re changed Dbservance, loring their dly the best e the better opinions in- the consti- itters calcn- ok for some Or, if this y is not uu- isly desiring i prove the i means iu Nere legally substituted h, say in iSt. ration, as in ing posture e are not iu result of the r forms 3ly be tv/o- attached to ill minority, respected. peace and J disturbed. ed person, that certain for half a )W suscepti- T ble of " a large and acknowledged improvement." Such a person is rather disgusted with the idea of laying stress on a matter but slightly connected with true religion. Moreover he has a pardonable and natural preference for long established faultless form. This preference is to be found in religion itself. " A man born in a Moho- " metan country," says Froude, *' grows up a Mohome- " tan ; in a Catholic country, a Catholic ; in a Protes- " tant country, a Protestant. His opinions are like his " language ; he learns to think as he learns to speak." Early association is a strong motive power. Next, would not the other Presbyterian Churches throughout Canada be to some extent influenced by the action of a leading Congregation like that of {St. Paul's, one to which many of these churches have been indebted for support and encouragement, and to whose pastoral management they have been accustomed to some extent to look for guidance ? Would not innovation become contagious ; what right would St. Paul's have to a mon- opoly V There is a strong presumption that many other churches would follow in its footsteps. Then what guarantee have we, that innovation would cease with the simple change of posture in prayer ? Once we dispense with scripture and precedent in matters of form, we are infinitely worse off than the Episcopalians, for they have in addition, the guidance of a Book of Prayer, beyond the provisions of which they cannot go, whereas we would be perfectly at sea, bereft of rudder and keel, and with- out ai;y certainty how soon wl might be washed upon ^the shores of the Tiber. Speaking of Episcopalians, it is remarkable that the dissenters from Episcopacy gravi- tated towards the Presbyterian simplicity of form, and that the Church of England, saving a small section, lind- fng that it could not hold its right place in the hearts of i^e people, in turn gravitated in the direction of the dis- ■enters, and thus gained new life and vigour. Strange that in our day, Presbyterianism should drift in that very II 26 direction which drove millions irom Episcopacy, and attached them to the simpler forms of worship of the dissenters. It is no less remarkable that the only great defection that took place from the Church of Scotland, namely, that of the Free Church, was not by reason of any dislike to the forms of the Mother Church. It cer- tainly cannot be said that those who broke away from the establishment in Scotland, in 1843, headed by the great Chalmers, were lacking either in " style of edu- cation,'' intellectual ability, or in zeal to serve God. Yet they did not deem a renovation of the then existing worship necessary. Nay they adopted its forms to the letter, and the Free Church of the present day is a more determined conservator of these, than even the Kirk itself. And, if we are to unite with this great christian body, the similarity of our Church forms is of inestima- ble importance. Neither would have to sacrifice any- thing in this respect. Now, keeping in view the desira- bility of a closer relationship with the Free Church, would it not be highly imprudent for individual churches, or for the Church of Scotland in Canada, as a whole, to introduce or countenance innovations, that would throw an obstacle in the w^ay of the consumma- tion of union between the tw^o great Presbyterian families. I consider this one circumstance of sufficient im- portance to warrant every true Presbyterian in vigor- ously opposing innovation in our forms, the very severity of which, through now alleged to be " a grievous hin- drance to communion with the Church of Scotland," has won many adherents to her pale. In conclusion perhaps some explanation is necessary. Did 1 not believe that much delusion exists on this subject I would not have undertaken to expose what I w^ould fain believe to be a misconception arising from an error of judgment, or a want of proper appreciation of the 8U Th jec mj thi de^ to ^t lacy, and hip of the •nly great Scotland, reason of I. It cer- way from i by the e of edu- 3^od. Yet existing- ns to the is a more the Kirk christian inestima- fice any- le desira- Church, idividuai lada, as a ons, that iisumma- ^yterian iient im- n vigor- severity ous hin- md," has 3cessary. s subject I would an error n of the subject — though none the less dangerous on this account. This 1 have attempted to do by investigating the sub- ject of posture in prayer. I have endeavoured to found my opinions on reason and the best authorities ; with these weapons to meet every issue on its merits, and to deal with each as summarily as the circumstances seemed to require. It is not safe to toy with a serpent. I have studiously endeavoured to avoid giving undue importance to form, and if a charge of this kind can be made against any one, it is assuredly against the innova- tor who would clothe non-essentials in religion with an importance not their own, and then dexterously attempt to escape the odium of his act by shifting the burden of responsil)ility on those who are satisfied with the formu- la that ol)tained in the Church of their fathers. To sow the seeds of discord with the hand and to shout peace with the lips, is an artifice too glaring, to escape con- demnation. Presbyterians cannot be said to have a bigoted at- tachment to their iorms of worship ; and as proof of this, few Congregations have refused to stand during singing when it was exx)lained to them that this posture was better adapted, on scientific grounds, for engaging in this religious exercise than sitting, and when the request was unaccompanied with a proposal to change the whole character of their form of service. They have very pro- perly been tenacious of the traditions and standardif of their Church, and in this opinion many of the best and wisest divines have concurred. Let us hear the testimony of one of these, one whose name has hitherto at least been much revered by christians of all denominations in Canada ; it will not be loss respected because it comes from the tomb. He may perhaps speak with some au- thority — the professed servant of Grod for nearly half a century, a man of genuine piety, whose dignity of bear- ing, unabated in the presence of Royalty, preserved the ifidisputable Status of our Church, — but I should be 28 ashamed to write a panegyric for Dr. Matiiieson. I shall borrow the words of his mourning and eminent brother, who standing near his bier, paid just tribute to the memory of the dead ; •' "We his copresby ters are called " to mourn the loss of the father of our Presbytery, the " father indeed of our Church in Canada." Perhaps the opinions of such a man will still be respected. Here is one of them : — " I am one of the old school, and •' cling to the forms that have done more for Scotland " than any new fangled nostrums will ever accomplish " for her. The piety of the people has been cherished *' and sustained by the good sense, deep thought and " godly feelings of her ministers. As these qualities de- " cay, somewhat of the Lee, Tulloch, or Story school " may be brought in with seeming advantage for a time, " but I am afraid that with such forms the people in this " age will get formal too." It is pardonable to defend an existing all-sufficient custom, which by long continuance has acquired the force of law ; not so, to attempt its siihversion by begging a preference for innovation. To adopt the latter course, is to cast an apple of discord into a Cvongregation, calcu- lated to disturb its harmony, and to draw off the atten- tion ot the people from their eternal interests. While the firebrand of innovation is in effect inge- niously contending that one attitude is more impressive, or " more conducive to truer devotion," and perplexmg the minds of men with a fallacy, death, inexorable, snaps the thread that suspends frail man from eternity. The hu- man ashes are committed to the grave ; which may be in the sacred, solemn Church yard, where, beside the narrow plot, there waves the weeping willow ; where, when the sun shines, a mother or a sister may sit and weep, and scatter sweet scented flowers ; which may be on the cold bleak hillside, where the piercing blast whistles a shrill lament amidst the ghost-like forms of tombs that strew the city of the dead ; or which may be in the deep un- 29 fathomable sea, down amidst the haunts of monsters, indigenous to a watery waste, the naturalist would like to investigate, but cannot. Soon the flesh becomes putrid, the ligaments become relaxed, maggots and lizards revel in the remains of human debris. Nor is the sea- tomb unmolested. Even there, those remains we once prided ourselves in making the instruments of worship, are not permitted the luxury of a common grave. The uncompromisinf- wave, the ^-oracious shark, and the innumerable h le of species inhabiting the depths of ocean, make common cause against their sepulture. But the great soul — where is it ? We believe that our Church has been a potent in- strument ofChristianity, even with its existing machinery. Let us not incur the risk of impairing its efficiency by displacing, without reason, forms that are all-sufficient for the purposes of Christian worship, and alienating the aflections of thousands of its adherents who know and ad- mire its history. The introduction of changes in the forms of worship, whether by the adoption of new attitudes in devotion, or the use of prescribed prayers, or a liturgy, simply means the Episcnimlianizing of Presbyterianism. I am afraid the latter will not stand the transformation ; not by reason of any imperfection in the proposed model, which is a noble one, a system unique in itself and beau- tifully elaborated, but as ill-adapted for assimilation to Presbyterianism, as Presbyterianism, is to Episcopacy. Each system is the outgrowth of a difi'erent set of cir- cumstances, has its ow^n history, and its own character- istics, which even a fusion of both could not obliterate. A writer in the Quarterlt/ Review, criticising the Duke of Argyll's Essay on Presbytery, which recommends the introduction of certain innovations in the Church of Scotland, among others a Liturgy, thus speaks of Pres- bvterianism as it exists : — " Whatever may be said or " thought of it, at least it is definite, mascuUne and posi- " tive. It has a character of its own — a countenance of 80 " lines deep drawn and ineffaceable. It has shown a *' tenacity of life, a substantiveness of view, an earnest- ** ness of purpose, which give it a place exalted and " alone among its sisters of the Continental Keforma- " tion." And the same writer, commenting on the ad- visability of departing from the established formula of the Presbyterian Church, and of adopting certain innova- tions recommended by his Lordship, astutely remarks : " Their introduction, in a view which we may term '* utilitarian, w^ould do nothing for the true religious life " that undoubtedly and warmly breathes in Scottish " Presbyterianism, but would tend to formality, dryness, " and corruption. They would be as a fable without its " moral, as a lock without its key, as the bright colors of *' the kaleidoscope, which present no meaning ; nay, " they would exhibit a positive and repulsive incon- " gruity, as pointed architecture for a factory, or a crown " upon the head of President Cass. They would give us ** a travestied, not an enlarged Presbyterianism. But we need " have no quarrel on this subject. These are prescriptions " which the patient ivill certainly throw out of the window, " perhaps before the doctor has turned his back." " Severely simple" though the service of the Church of Scotland may be, it has resisted, since its adoption, the ceremonial inroads of two ecclesiastical hierarchies, and preserved its individuality unscathed through the furnace of reli- gious and political persecution. Shall we now relinquish it, without reason or advantage, to secure more fancy forms ? Alas ! that it should come to this, that the usages of our martyred reformers, endeared to the Scot- tish people by historical recollection, consecrated by the blood of the covenanter, founded on the warrant of Scrip- ture, and adapted to the unchanging christian require- ments of every age, should now give way to " the tastes of an age of rapidly growing culture and refinement ! " If these are to be changed, let us at least have a reason, and the change effected by the proper means. But if no 81 valid reason can be assigned for their subversion, then let us transmit them to posterity, intact as we received them, a sacred legacy from a people that detested for- mality, and loved religion for its own sake— an heirloom Irom an age of purity, simplicity, and truth. ( I I i i (I « u u u. SJ u ir it gi it, fo us tis bl tu m( of If an< CO H H O 55 O CO (-H P3 ^ 2 fl ^ as ..3 ;2oh (-5 IN o O g to ^ I ^ 05 >'^ !». § •'^ _r en > ^ « K !* in t^ m .-^ ..Til in •• 5i,-i in in s eq a.«~ O 00 _^ .■ C8 a s .g I 5 ft d d 'rf ^ ^ "0 ^ § § > ^s bp _S -^ ^ ^ g .2 - e