IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k A O ^^ .s^^ip. A < ^ v"'? % /; 4 '/ jmc _Sciaices Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V L1? \ :\ lV /> * ;\ r bad com- ^ryare to be one a year le, on July y of Mount aternity are eclions and b they have ineral meet- 3nthy CD the ih meetings id| and the to thd Con- 7. The brethren shall each contribute a small monthly subscription, to be employed in pur- chasing candles for the altar, scapulars for the Brethren, and good books for a lending library. On the death of a brother of the Confraternity, a Mass is to be offered for the repose of his soul. A Mass is to be offered likewise for the Brethren on the first Saturday iu each month, -and one for all deceased Brethren on the Saturday within the Octave of All Soufs. 8. The Officers of the Confraternity have co power as to the disposal of its funds without tie consent of the Brethren. 9. Should the conduct of any Brother be, un- happily, such as to cause scandal to others, it will be the duty of the Prior and Sub-Prior to warn him three several times. Should this, however, be in vain, his name will be erased from the confraternity-roll at the next meeting. If he afterwards repent, he may, on his own request, be re-admittcd after a probation of six weeks. i month on '6 expected nd to give 10 admittnH in. geljfltions fat Ifee m of l|;c CoRfratermlg of Itaunt (£anutl t r;j tho Name of the Fulher, aud of the Son, and ff ibe II »ly Ghcst. r Amen, IJ ' 8;ii^d be tlie holy and uadividrd Tiiui'y, now tnd tor tver. v.. Araen. O Lird, open Ihcu my lips'. n. Aud my oiou L shall declare thy praise. O G d, come to ray assistance. 11. Lord, make haste to he-p me. Glory be to tie Father, &c. As it wa^, &c. Let vs pray. Ptevent, we loseech thee, Lo;c!, cur actions by ihy inepira'i^ns, and fuitber them with thy coiiiinuil help; ihat eveiy prayer ar.d work of turs may fclwujs begin mm thee, and through iheo be likewise tnitd. Thiough Christ our Loid Anei). Our Fa her, &3. Ilail Mary, &. I believe in God, &c. Let us givi ihariks to God for all his merces. \ie thank thee, good and merciful Gcd, for tl! the blessings we have received from thee, par- ticularly in this day. Amen. V. What shall we return to the Lord for all that be hath given unto us ? rX2I. tc:=.s -» call npcn the Name of the Lord. Of tl ton&er t EVENING PR1VER3, 7 V. Blesaed be his holy Name. u. Now and for evermore. Amen. Let UB pray for light to know our 8ins, divine Spirit of Truth, enlighten our minds and hearts, that we maj ace wherein we have 1 off winded God. R. Amen. V. Enlighten our eys, God. R. Lost we sleep in the shadow of death. V. Prove us, God, and know our hearts. R. Examine us, and know our paths. v. S :e if there ba in us any evil way. R. And lead us in the way of eternal life. We confess unto thee, Almighty God, to blesaed IMary ever Virgin, to blerssd Michael the Arch- langel, to blesaed John the Baptist, to the holy jApoaUes Peter and Paul, and to all the sai ' that we have einned exceedingly in thought, word^ land deed, through our fault, through cur fault, Hhrou»h our own most grievous fault. Let us examim in what we have offended Goi ; pause. Of these, and all our other sins, now or at any Mroer time committed, we most sincerely repent, •^^re heartily sorry for every thought, word. .M uiea, If which we have displeased the eyes of glory, and provoked thy wrath and indigna- r 8 BVEKIKO PR1TER8. tion against us j especially for our disobedience to 80 holj a law, and our extreme ingratitude to so gracious and bountiful a God. Have mercy upon «■, God, according to thy great mercy : and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out our iniquity. Wash us yet more from our iniquity, and cleanse us from our sin. Create a clean heart in us, God, and renew a right spirit within us. We beseech thee, Lord, to hear us, and to have mercy upon us. And we beseech the blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints, to pray to the Lord our God for us. May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and brinqf us to everlasting life. Amen. May the Almighty and Merciful Lord grant i us t pardon, absolution, and remission of all our Bins. Amen. Let us offer up the holy Rosary to the greater i honour and glory of Almighty God for all the menabers of this confraternity, for the conversion of all sinners, for our own perseverance in grace, for the agonising, and for the holy souls in Pur' gatoiy. Let us offer it likewise for the intentions of our holy Father the Pope, that we may gain I all the indulgences granted to this holy exercise. Part I. THE FIVE JOYFUL MYSTERIES. 1. Let US contemplate, io the first joyful mjs- tery, how the angel Gabriel ealuied our Bles/ed Lady wuh the title "Pull of grace," and declared unto her the Incarnation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Glory be io the Father. Let ua pray, Holy Mary, Queen of Virgins j through the most high mystery of the Incarnation of thy be- loved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, wherein our salvation was begun, obtain for us, through thy most holy intercession, light to understand the greatness of the benefit he hath bestowed upon us, m vouchsafing to become our Brother, and Sjvmg thee, hia own beloved Mother, to be our' Mother also. Amen. 2. Let us contemplate, in the second joyful «J8tery, how the Blessed Virgin Mary, under- aWnamir frrtm tha a«t»Al 4t.^«. 1 > n. -v^.. o -v «"ov,» luafc ucr caasm at. Jijil- zabeth had conceived, went with haste into the n 10 .THE ROSARY. mcuntairs of Judea to visit her, bearing her divine Son within her womb, and remt^ined with hsr three months. Our Father once. Hail Mary ten times. Glory he to the Father. Let us pray. holy Virgin, most apotlees mirror of hdmi- lity ; by that exceeding charity which moved thee to visit thy holy cousin, St. Elfzibeth, obtain for us, through thine intercession, that our hearts being visited hj thy divine Son, and freed from all sin, we may praise and give thanks to himfjr ever. Amen. 3. Let U3 contemplate, in the third joyful mystery, how the Blessed Virgin Mary, when the time of her delivery was come, brought forth our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, at midnight, and laid him in a monger, because there was do room for him in the inns at Bethlehem. Our Father once. Hail Mary ten times. Glory be to the Fathei\ Let us pray. O moat nnre Mother of God: thronsb thv virginal and most joyful delivery, whereby thoa gavest to the world thy only Son, oar Saviour, we THE ROSARY, 11 beaeech tbee obtain for us, througb tbine inter- cession, the grace to lead such pure and holy lives in this world, that we may become worthy to fiing without ceasing the mercies of thy Son, and his benefils to us by thee. Amen. 4. Let us contemplate, in the fourth joyful mystery, how the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the day of her puiiHcation, presented the child Jesus iu the Temple, where holy Simeon, giving thanks to God, with great devotion received him into his arms. Our Father once. Hail Mary ten times. Glory/ he to the Father. Let us 2>vay.^ holy Virgin, most admirable mistress and pattern of obedience, who didst present the Lord of the Temple in the Temple of God j obtain for us, of thy blessed Son, that with holy Simeon and devout Anna, we praise and glorify him for ever. Amen. Let us contemplate, in the fifth joyful mystery, how the Blessed Virgin Mary, after having lost of hers], sought him for the space of three days , and at length foutd him in the Temple, sitting ' l] 12 THE ROSARY. in the midst of tho doctors, hearing them and asking them questions, being of the age of twelve years. Our Father once. Hail Mary ten times. Gloru he to the Father. *^ Let us pray. most blessed Virgin, more than martyr in thy suflPeringa, and yet the comfort of Euch as are ^ afflicted J by that unspeakable joy wherewith thy soul was filled, when at length thou didst find thy well beloved Son in the Temple, teaching in the midst of the doctors, obtain of him that we may so seek him and find him in his holy Catholic Church, as never more to be separated from him. Amen. Salve Regina. Hail, Queen, Mother of Mercy j our life, our Fweetness, and our hope, hail. Exiles, children of Eve, we cry to thee. To thee we sigh, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Ah, then, our advocat^^ turn upon us those merciful eyes of thine ; and after this our exile, show to us Jesus, the blessed Fruit of thy womb. merci- ful, kind, sweet Virgin Mary. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. miges of Christ. SflCVUV */ Vi iUC I'X^U^ THE ROSARY, 13 Let us pray. Hear, O merciful God, the prayer of thy fleryantsj that we who meet together in the aocietj of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgm Mother cf God, may, through her inter- cession, be delivered by thee from the dangers that continually hang over us j through the merits of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Ameu. Memorare. Remember, Mary, mo3t tender Virgin, it was never heard that any one ran to thy protection, implored thy help, or asked thy prayers, in vain, l^illed with such confidence. Virgin of virgins, Mother, I run to thee j to thee I com^, before w Jt* ^®®P*°" ^^^^e"" standi- Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions: but in Uiy pity hear and answer. Amen. Sail Mary, d'C. V. Mary, refuge of sirners, R. Pray for us. !il i I 14 THE ROSARY. Paw ir. THE FIVK SOKIIOWFUL :\IY&TEKIES. I. Let us contemplate, in the first sorrowful mystery, how our Lord Jesus W£s to afUicttd for U3 in the g.,rden of Gethsemane, that his body was bathed in a sweat of blood, which ran dawn in ^reat drops to the ground. Our Fill hey once. JIaU Mary ten times. Glory he to the. Father. *^ Ld us pray. O mo3l hjly Virgin, more than martyr j by thatardeat prayer which, nur boloved Saviour poured forlh to his heavenly Father in the garden, vouchsafe to inieicede for U3, tha^, our passions being reduced to the obedience of reason, we may al^-aya, and in all things, conform and subject ourddvta to the will of God. Amen. 2, Let ua contemplate, in the second sorrowful ajyatery, how our Lord J, sua Chsist was mcst cruelly icourg d in Pilate's house, the number of s npea th. y gave him b in? about five- thousand. Our lather once. Hail Mary Icn times. Gloru Ijt to the Father. Lei us pray. Mother of God, overflowing fountain of pa- tieccc' ; ihr. u^'b those stiipea thy only and mqeh= bfelovid San vouchsafed to'suffd/tcr us, obtaioof THE ROSARY. 15 f MYS^TEllIES. rst sbirowful > afHicttd for b&t his body ich ran d^wn hues. Glory martyr ; by ved Saviour J the garden, our pasaioDS 30D, we may and subject ad sorrowful It was mcst 3 number of e-thou'^and. ucs. Glmy itain of f>a- hiua for us grace to mortify our rebellious senses, to avoid the occasions of sia, and to be ready to suffer every thing rather than cff^nd God. Amen. 3. Let U3 cocff mplate, in the third sorrowfil mjstery, hew those cruel ministers cf galau pitted a crown of sharp thorcs, and cruelly presc ed It on the sacred head of our Lord Jesus Christ. ^cS^;^tM;r' ^^'^-^^'^^-'^--^ ^^^.v, Let us prat/. Mother of our Eternal Princp, the Km^ cf Glory J by those sharp thorns wherenirh his sacred head was p-rerced, we beseech tbee obtain, throD<'h thy intercession, that we m.^y be delivered from aa notions of pride, a»:d escape that shame wh'ch cur sins deserve at the day of judgment. A neo. 4 L t us contemplate, in the fourth sorrowful mystery, how cur Lord Jcsus ChrisS being een- fnced to die, bore, with the most am^ziif. p., tietct', the cress which was laid upon him fol hig greater torment and ignomiuy. it;.! il ;z'.t J w nr.r UHt'C J fail jlft 9, obtain of I ^(' to tM Faflot ary fai tinu-s. CUvry 16 THS R08AST. Let US pray. Holy Virgin, example of patience: by the most pa,nful carrying of .he cro». in which thy Son, oar Lord Jesua Christ, bore the heavy weight of cur sms, obtain for na of Him. thron/h t^ie tl rinH' """'«" ""' "^-^'^ '0 foUo" w! s ef 8, and bear onr cross after him to the end of oar lives. Amen. M o. Let OS contemplate, in the fifth sorrowful .7m7'. p", °" ^""^ •^*'""' CW't, being come to Meant Calvary, was stripped of his clothes and h.s hands and feet nailed to the cross Tn the presence of his most afflicted Mother Ictmt^kT- ""'^^"^y^ntimes. Glory Lei US pray, i}>?^^^ ^'7' *'°"'" °^ <^<"' ; " '"« body of thy beloved Son was for as stretched upon the cross, so may we oflFer up oar eonU and bodies to be erucjfied wuh him, and oar hearto to be pierced wuhgnefathU most bitter Passion: andthon O most sorrowful Mother, gracionsi; vouchsafe to help u, by thy all-powerfiil intercession, to tocomplum the work of oar salvation. A^Js. Salve Segim, Ac, as before, p. 12. THE ROSART, If [Paet III. THE FIVE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES. 1. Lit U8 contemplate, io the first glorious mystery, how our Lord Jesus Christ, trinmphini? glonously ojer death, rose again the third day! immortal and impassible. Let us pray. l-n.^/^'JT Virgin Mary, by that unspeakable joy thoa didst receive in the resurrection of th? \Uivme Sod, we beseech thee obtain for us of him that our hearts may never go astray after the false joys of this world, but may be for evsr wholly employed m pursuit of the only true and I solid joys of heaven. Amen. 2. Let us contemplate, in the second glorious mysteiT, how our Lord Jesui Christ, forty days !t^^^"'K"~"''^^°' '^''^'^ i°t^ '^^aven, attended by angels, in the sight, and to the grea admiration, of his most holy Mother, and his holy [Aponlca and disciples. «a»8aoiy fi m T ^^H 1 it if 1 '■■ '1 1 P i 1 ■ 18 THE ROSARY. Let us pray. A. L K i'o ^°^' '"""^<"'" Of tfce afflicted j as thy be oved Son, when he ascended into heaven »« ^.- " ^°*"""^ "*«'"' ^^ AP°«IeB, 88 he waa parting from them, so vouchsafe, most holy behalf, that we may emoy the benefits of his btessmg and of thine, here on earth, and here- n after la heaven. Amen. 3 Let OS contemplate, in the third glorious Wy, how our Lord Jesus Christ, beinf seated on the right hand of Gcd, sent, as he had promis ed. the Holy Ghost upon his Apostles, who after he was ascended, returning to Jerusalem, contiuu- ed in prayer and supplication with the Blessed Ss8 *==P««°& the performance of his Let US pray, sacred Virgin, Tabernacle of the Holy Ghost : we beseech thee obtain, by thine intercession, that this moat sweet Comforter, whom ihy be oved — s>,„. „v.,,u ujjuu msaposJes, filling them thereby wrth spiritual joy, may telchus in this THE ROSARY. 19 be afflicted ; into heaven, ostle^; as he ') most holy him on our efits of his ; and here- d glorious eiog seated lad promis- f who after 03) continu- le Blessed tEce of his es. Glonj •ly Ghost ; ssion, that ^ beloved [ing them IS in this world tte true way of salvation, and make us to walk in the path of virtue and good works. Amen. 4. Let us contemplate, in the fourth glorious mystery, hew the glorious Virgin, twelve years after the resurrection of her Son, passed out of this world unto him, and was by bim assume! into heaven, accompanied by the holy Angles. 7 ?"^;/'«J{*<^^ o?ice. Hail Mary ten times. Glorg he to the FatJier. ^ Let us pray. most prudent Virgin, who, entering the heavenly palaces, didst fill the angele with jay and man with hope j vouchfiafe to intercsde for us at the hour of our death, thp.t, being delivered from the illusions and temptations of the devil, we m-.y joyfully and securely pass cut ot this temporal state, to enjoy the happiness of eternal life. Amen. 5. Let us contemplate, in the fifth glorious mystery, how the glorious Virgin Mary was, to the great jubilee and exultation of the whole court of heaven, and particular glory of all the Saints, crowned by her Son with the briffhtcst; -u^aucui ui giory. Our FatJier once. Hail Mary ten times. Glory he to the Father, ^ i:i:' ! 'M 'm\ \ 20 THE ROSART. Let U3 pray. our 80u!8 may be inflam^H «•»{ ^ "^terceasion, of aeein, thai \l ^c'ri^: /^^^^^^^^^^ never die within i» until it flhSrS! ii. ' '\ ?*^ Salve Regina, &c., as before, p. 12. Lord bare mercy on us. Christ have meroy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us. God the Father of t« heaven, a' Qod the Son, Redeem. § « er of the world, ;« 3 God the Holy Ghost, • ^ Holy Trinity,one God, <« Holy Mary, "» St. Michael, All ye holy Angels and Archangels, St. John Baptist, St. Joseph, St David, All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, St. Peter, St. Paul, All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists, St. Victor, St. Maurice, St. Vitalis, St. Longinus, St. George, St. Alexander, St. Theodore, St Theophilus, St. Alban, All ye holy Martyrs, St. Martin, Start litenij. t. Augustine, St. Cuthbert, All ye holy Bishops and Doctors, St Francis, St Vincent of Paul, St Ignatius, St Simon Stock, All ye holy Priests and Levites, St Benedict All ye holy Monks and Hermits, St. Louis, St Edward, All ye holy Confessors, St. Mary Magdalen, St. CecUy, St. Agnes, AH ye holy Virgins and Widows, All ye Saints of God, Make interceaaion for U9. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world : Spare us, Lord, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world : ffear ua, Lord, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world : Have mercy on ««, Lord, V. Christ hear us. B. Christ graciously hear us. h ! ! -I I I I 1 irn r\\. 22 PlOrS PRAYERS, Let us pray. Ch?i.^L' -Mio°rs,"%r';L'" "■"« '""> "='" '"<« crown of gi„ry ii'ironvJi."" "J. "pon earth and a through the intorccjsion of fhv .!'• 1° ''?"""='' ">«». 'lioo with fidelity asthol T,'"""'. 'hat. serving enemies of our 8alv,,in„ ^ ''"'• *"<' deAxiting thf prove victorious n^poSTr'th'!"!"^-,?'^?' ""» 'hem! and Saviour. Amoi. """'8" •*""» Christ our Lord •= Glory be to the Father, &o. i«i «*i^mi,/o,. tUfaitlf,a departed w :irh/r;s^"'-^'' --<■-. jlii'" ""''"^"'''° 'invoice of „y3up. 4'ar.K:^^--''-'S:4°ih.h From the mornii t - Israel hope in the L^.'l '" ^'^''^ °°^^^ °^o^* J ^^t PIOTJS PRAYERS. 23 For with the Lord there is mercy: and with him IS plenteous rede uption. And he shall redeem fvael from all hisiniqui. lies* Eternal rest ^i;e unto them, Lord ; And let perpetual light shine upon them. Maj they rest in peace. Amen. Let lis pray, God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful; grant to the sculs of thy servants de- parted the remission of all their sirs, tbat, through pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired j who livest aud reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen. V. Eternal rest, &c. R. Save us, Lord, whilst we are awake, and keep us whilst we sleep, that we may watch with Christ and rest in peace, r. Amen. ■ P 'Serve UP, O Lord, as the apple of thine eye. I .utect us under the shadow of thy wings. V. Vouchsafe. Lord, this night. R. To keep us without sin. V. Have mercy upon us, Lord. r. Have mercy upon us. V. Let thv vnarnrt Ka •i.^m. . /-w t « s. As we have hoped in thee. fl ■ 1'^^ ll » ! 1 ■' : \M i> l^iii^l 24 mVS PRAYERS. »y cry come nnto ties, ie/f us pray. yisie, we beaescb Shea n t j and drive for from it an' 'i ^"^' «"« iabitatioD. %l.oIy«,gebd";in.eKf «"« enemy, te Md nuty thy bj^g^ "«*«» to keep „ ,-, ' 4 r L "•• Amen?''' "*"•» ««• 'Ji^-S thesonbof the fiu'thfni/ ''^«f5 ftndmay «>e«7 of Ood, r^^i^Sui"^'^''^ of the Altar! "" '" ""> ^°« Holy s.««„ent h|-^,^e.he^.t„eth,rofaod,l.„y„„, «o-."''''''"^»''«-^I«-»cn,..eCoocen. »3. 8 habitation, enemy ; Jet ^ « peace, *»• TiuroQgli ^e us from t and may 'wngh the nsfuaffe."} Pitts PRAYIRS. 25 ^ Ble«ed be the Name of Ma^, Virgin and ^Blessed be God in hie angels and in hfs saints. p« t !!' me man. A FRA7BR BEFORE THE ACTS. m crament Let us pray » ii ^'•jmost 7ooceD* 1 . ^ Almighty and Btenial God, ffrant nnf a no a^ I JiTi'?" *»" »!«' Pwmaed. make na t« fi 11 ),. i 26 PIOUS PRATERS. AN ACT OP CONTRITION. gracs, never more to offend thee? '^ ^ _ ^ „ ■^^ ^'^'^ •"? FAITH. nf (I... V • n, ^ ""'y "°ost and was born to r.iy"^"!,^"y' ="'^"«'' ''"•J ord have mercy, ChtiBt have mercy. thnst have mercy, Lord have mercy. Xrorrf Aarc mercy, Christ hear us. Ten, S' ^".«»»o*ourjoy, aod the Son, Redeemer I ?^es8er.f ?'''''' ^ of the world, I v!ff 1 f ?«»our, S^? *5,*.^°'y <3^host, ^ 5^Jj Mother of God, ? Holy Virgiu of virgins. Mother of Christ, ^ ' Mo her of divine grace, Mother most pure, 'js Mother most chase, a Mother inviolate, 5, Mother undefiled, S* Mother most amiable, « Mether most admirable,* ;;";"^^«o«r Creator, Mother of our Saviour! votion. Mystical Rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, § House ef gold. Ark of the covenant. Gate of heaven. Morning star. Health of the sick. Refuge of sinners. Comforter of the afflicted, Help of Christians, ' Quean e\f A .%»>«- ' Queen of Patriarchs, Queen of Prophets, LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. 29 Wrjtn; ^ LORETTO. >l7 Mother of oessities; but glorious and pradenfc, venerable, renowned, powerful, merciful, faithful, tioe, >m, joy, sel, our, ular de- id, ft s 'enant, Q, ikk, era, le affliotea, ians, archs, lets, [Qaeen of Apostles, [Qaeen of Martyrs, ^ueen of Confessors, |Qu9en of Virgins, IQaeen of all Saints, [Queen oonceiTed with out original sin, [Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, \Spare U8, Lord, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciotuly hear us, Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of th«» world, Have mercy on us, Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us. Ant. We fly to thy patronage, holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions in our necessities : but blesled Vi?g7n?' ^'"""^ ^" ^''°^'''' ^ S^*^"^''' *"•* v* Jjay for us, holy Mother of God. I cf Christ** ^« *»ay be made worthy of the promises Let us pray. I .iFjH^ii* ^ ^^I?' ^® beseech thee, by the interces- 8 on of blessed Mary ever virgin, this thy family, from all adversity; and mercifully protect us, who pros- trate ourselves before thee with all our hearts, from the snares of the enemy. Through Christ our Lord ' Amen. Amen. R. V. May the divine assistance* remain always with R. Amen. I I I 1 ! 'I ii ![ ^i Mtks. I. The angel of the Lord announced nnlo Mary. B. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. tl,.« ^, 7' ^f "^ 8""=«' ">« I^'d '■" with L..!, f o ^""^ ""'"''' •'^'■^"S' Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and a the hpur of our death. Amen. "" a"" « II. Behold the handmaid of the Lord ' Hai? M^rHr '° ""' """''"« '° '''. ^'>''- III. And the Word was made flesh. R. And dwelt among us. Hail, Mary, &3. Pour forth, we beseech thee, Lord, thy grace tion of Christ thy Son was made known by the rZT f '\^°^'^' ""^y' ^y ^^^ passio/ani Z ' ^^^^^"gl^t to the glory of his resurrection : through the same Chri st our Lord. Amen. prayer! Let us offer up a Pater and A^e and a Gloria to A mighty God, in Hopes we may gain all the Mulgences granted to the holy exercises cf the PRAYER. 31 I unto Mary. Ghost. Jord is with and blessed loly Mary, now and at rd. ' thy word. f thy grace e incaraa- wn by the iSstOQ aud urrection j men. a Gloria in all the ses cf the Let 08 offer up the following prayers in Hononr of the B. V. Mary, holy Mother of God, in hopes she will recommend our few and feeble prayers to her divine Son, and supply all our defects in them. Oh ! Most Amiable Mother of God, life passes swiftly away and death approaches. Oh I when that awful moment arrives, be though unto us, we beseech a most tender mDther, and dispose of the Heart of thy blessed Son favourably towards us. Hail Mary. Oh 1 Most holy and Adorable Trinity, as it was by thee we began our devotions, so it is by the 3 we desire to conclude them. Suffer us not to depart this night without thy blessing j give it to us. Oh I Merciful Father, and may it always re- main with us, and may its influence always direct our actions, and may it be a sure pledge of that final benediction which thine elect will one day receive when called by thee to thy Kmgdom of Eternal Glory. Let us conclude our present devotions this night by placing ourselves under the protection of Jesu?, Maiy and Joseph. May the peace and blessing of Almighty Gjd Father, Son and Holy Ghost, deeeend down on us, and dwell in our hearts now and for ever more. Amen. In the name of the I I 1 'i be to the f '^'^^^h »on f^d Holy Ghost. Amen. ^^ mut OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OP THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. ti At Matins, r. Now let my lips sing and display, B. The blessed Virgin's praise this day. V. Lady, to my help intend, R. Me strongly from my foes defend. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Hymn, Hail, Lady of the world, Of Heaven bright Qaeen f Hail, Virgin of virgins, Star early seen I Hail full of all grace. Clear light divine ,* Lady, to succor us. With speed incline. God, from eternity, Before all other. Of the world thee ordaia'd V. II. OFFICE OF THE njMAClI.ATK CONCFrTlOy. 33 TION lY. T» V. II, To be the Mother. By which he created The heavens, 33a, laud : Ufa fair spouse he chcaej^ Free from sin's band. God hath elected and pre elected her. He hath made her dwell in his tabernacle. Let us praif. holy Marj ! Mother of our Lord Jesuj Christ, Qieea of Heavjo, and Mistress of the world, who neither forsakest ncr despisest any, bshold me mercifully with the eye of pity, and obtain for m?, of thy beloved Sjd, pardon for all my sins : that J, who with divout affection do now celebrate thy Immaculate Conception, m\y hereafcer erjoy the reward of eternal bliss \ through the grace and mercy of our Lord Jtsus Christ, whom thou, a Virgin didst bring forth j who wiih the Father and tie Ildy Ghcst, liveth aad rtigaeth one Gcd in perfect Trinity, for ever atid evtr. A:aen. V. Loid ! hear my prayer. 11. ALd let my ciy cDme unto thee. V. Let us bless cur Loid. n. Thanlabe to Gcd. V. And may the acu^s cf the ftiibfull departsi, through the mercy of God, rest in peac*. R. Amen. C [1 1 18 I 34 OFFCE OF THK At Piime. V. Lady ! to my help intend, B. Me strongly from my foea defend. V. GJory be to the Father, &3. The Ili/mn. Hail, Virgin moat prudent, House for God placed, With the sevenfold pillar And table graced. Saved trom contagion Of the frail earth : In the womb of thy parent Saint before birth. Mother of the living, Gate of Saints* meriti, The new star of Jacob, Queen of pure Spirits. • To Zabulon fearful : Armi(s* array ; Be thou of Christiana Refuge and stay. V. He hath created her in his holy Spirit. R. And hath poured her out over all his works Let us prwf. holv Marv ? IVfntTio.. «r r -, ^ r '__"'-" --^^■^'^"•-» vi uur ijr>ra, cv- 't/'orf, ^ as IMMACULATE CONXErTIO.V. 37 ' ;pi Comfort of mourners, Garden of pleasure j Palm tree of patience, Chastity's measure. Thou land sacerdotal, Art blessed wholly, From sin original Exempted solely ; The city of the Highes*, Gate of the East ; Virgin's gem, in thee All graces rest. V. As the lily among thorns ; R. Sd my beloved among the daughters of Adam. Ld u.i pray. O holy Mary ! Mother of our Lord, «fec., as he for By p. ;J3. V. Lord ! hear my prayer, K. And let my cry come unto thee. V. Let U3 bless our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. And may the souls of the faltbfal departed through the mercy of God, rest in peacf . ' K, Amen. i'i', ' \ i I m il 'ii - »Vl i( I' ii.' ! is. OFFKE OF THE At XinfJi. V. Lady to my help intend, II. Me 8tron;cly iVom my foes defend. V. Glory be to the Father, tVc. The J/t/mn. Hail, city of refuge, King David's tower Fenced with bulwark, And armour's power, In thy Concep'ion Charity did flame. The fierce dragon's pride Was brought to shame. Judith invincible, « Woman of arms, Fair Abisaig, Virgin, True David warms, Son of fair Fachael Did Egypt store j Mpry of the world The Saviour bore. T, Thoa art all fair, my beloved I n. And original spot was never in thee. IMMACULATE COXOEPTIOX. •99 Ltt us 2^n'ay. holy Mary, &c., as before^ p. r>.1. V. Lord hear my prayer ; u. And let my cry come unto thee. V, Let us bless our Lord, 11. Thanks be to God. V. And may the souls of the faithful departed, throngh the mercy of God, rest in peace, u. Amen. At Kcf:ti-Son{i. V. Ls»dy ! to my help intend, R. Me strongly from my foes defend. ?. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Hjmn. Hail, dial; in which Turns retrograde The sun ten degrees ; The Word is flesh made. That man from hell pit To heaven might rise, Th' immense above AngeU In stable lies. This Son did on Mary Betimes appear. Made her Conception ;i X If f!: 40 OJTICE OF THE A morniDg clear. Fair Lily among thorns, That serpent frights, Clear moon that in dark The wanderer lights, T. In heaven I made a never-faiUng light rise, K. And I covered all the world as a mist. \ Let lis pray. holy Mary, &c., as before^ p, 33. V. Lord 1 hear my prayer ; i:. And let my cry come nato thee. V. Let us bless our Lord. R. Thanks be to Gcd. V. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. K. Amen. At Complin. V. Let thy Son, Jesus Christ, Lady ! pacified by thy prayers, convert us j R. And turn his anger from us. V. Lady ! to my help intend, K. Me strongly from my foes defend. V. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Ifumn. Hail, flourishing Virgin, Chastity's renown j IMMACIM.ATK eOXCEPTIOX. 41 Queen of clemency, Whom stars do crown. Thou pure above Angela Dost Son behold, Sitt'st at his ri^ht hand, Attired in gold. Mother of grace, hope To the dismay'd : Bright star of the sea, In fihipwreck, aid. Grant Heaven-gate open. That by thee blest, We thy Son may see In blissful rest. V, Thy name, Mary ! is oil poured out. K. 1 hy servants have exceedingly loved thee. r U§*i JM US I) ray. holy Mary ! Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, Qieen of heaven, and Mistress of the world, who neither forsakest nor despisest any, behold me mercifully with an eye of pity and obtain for me of thy beloved Son, pardon of all my sins; that I, whO; with devout affection, do now celebrate thy Immaculate Conception, may faereatfer enjoy tbe reward of eternal bliss ; through the grace and \ 4 "rfl rj iV I ri OFFICE OF TUE mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom thou, a V^irgin, didst bring forth ; who, with the Father and the Holy Ghos^, liveth, &c. Y. Lord ! hear my prayer j 11. And let my cry come unto thee. V. Let us bless our Lord. R. Thankg be to God. v. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. i\. Amen. The Commendatmi . To thee, Virgin pious. We humbly present These hours canonical With pure intent. Guide pilgrims, until With Chrijt ^e meet: In our agony aid us, Virgin sweet. , Amen, \Tlns Antlinn foUowIng, v:i(h the Prayer of the Immarulale Co ncep Hon of the blessed I' in/in. is npproi-ed of by Pope Paul F., who huih f/ranfed a hundred drqjs of indxlyeme to all faithful Christians, that ihedl decoufty reclb the same. Anthem, This is the branch, in which was neither knox of original; nor bark of actual sin found. IMMACULATE CONCKPlfON. 43 V. In thy CcnceptioD, Virgin! thou wast immacnlate. R. Pray unto the Father for us, whose Son thou didat bring forth. Let lis praij, God ! who by the Immaculate Conception cf the blessed Virgin, didst prepare a fit habitation for thy Son, we beseech thee, that, as by the foreseen death of her same Son, thou didst pre- serve her pure from all spot, so likewise grant, that we, by her intercession made free from sin, may attain -iQto thee 5 through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who, with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world with- out end. Amen, A Prwjev lo be dallij said hij thosa u'lto nrn't/ nhovl them an-Ayiuis Del. MY Lord Jesus Christ, the true Lamb that takest away the tin cf the world ! by thy mercy, which is iofinite, pardon ray iniquities ; and by thy sacred passion preserve me this day from all sin and evil. I carry about me this holy Agnus Dei in thy honour, as a preservative against my own weakness, and as an incentive to the practice of meekness, humility, and innocence, which thou = 4;i m 44 Ol'KUE OF THL' IMMACILATK <'OXfKPTIUX. ' hast taught. I offer myself up to thee as aa entire oblation, and in memory of that sacrifice of love, thou of{h'€d8t for me on the Cros?, and in satii- faction for my sins. Accept, my God, the ob- lation I make, and may it be atrreeable to thee in the odour of sweetness. Ar}U7i. (Kmux. as an entire ice of love, md in saiii- 3cd, theob- kble to Ihee > i, ^