^J .l~«J i.y- id Ti\ \^^ WK^^ AND BY-LAWS or Tan %- or THS TOWN OF PETEEBOEOU&I. !*• PETERBOROUGH. .* PKIKTED AT TH2 ** DESPATCH OFFICK.'* I860. « / '*| >Aa»r]^.^ ":^ >w»r^ i "^ ^j t* jrt % i '■m^. MIU M (^tilt AND BY-LAWS, OFTHC TOWN COUNCIL OF THK TO¥N OF PETERBOROUaH. PETERBOROUGH. PB1»TEP AT THB '* DESTATCB omct.*' 1850. 4i «»■ , I MEIMBERS AND OFFICERS Of the Town Council of Ihe Town of Peterbcroiig:li, lor the year 1 8tSO. «iAa«' ie^©^«-^ W. S. Conger, ^ . John Hall, Jas. Harvey, ^ North Ward, Thos. Harper, ^ East Ward. D. McDunald, \ Thos. Benson, R. Ridley, ") C. Hudson, W. Easiiand, ^ Centre Ward.E. Chamberlain, James Hal!. j ^* Hyan,Eaq>. South do. Thomas Benson, Esq., Mayor ; W. H. Vizard, Esq. Clerk of the Council ; ' Robert Nicholls,Esq. Treasurer ; Wm. Gumming, Chief Constable ; John English, Inspector of Weights and Measures; Joha Davis, Fire Inspector ; W. S. Conger. Esq. Chief Engineer ; John R. Benson Esq. Assistant Engineer) James Edwards, Acting Assessor ; Daniel Hopkins, Collector ; Daniel Gritiith, Superintendent of Schools, John Haggart, Inspector of Licenses; James Lince, Street Surveyor, North Division ; Robert Harper, Street Surveyor, South Division ; John Reid, Town Surveyor ; William McBurney and Robert Sharp, Pound Keeperf. 1 , ''•> l! CERS Town or Eaxt Ward. in, P South do. •ei; kperf. Pnssed 20th Janunry, 1850. A BY-LAW to provide Standing Rules, for regulating the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Town of Peters borough. BE it enftcted by authority of the Town Council of the Town ofPotorboroiigh, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Tbut the following- Rules shall be, and arc here- by adopted ns the Staniling Rules ol' order, to regulate all pro- ceedings of the said Town Council ; that is to say ; MEETINGS ANU ADJOURNTIENTS. Rule Ist At all meetings of the Council, «i3 soon after the hour appointed for the raeeiing as tliere shall bo a quorum present, the Mayor shall take the chair, and call the Council to order. Should there not be a quorum present at the expira- tion of half an hour after the time appointeii lov meeting, the Mnyor sriall adjourn and name the next time of meeting. Ad- journments in all other cases shuU be by motion, naming the time for next meeting. MISUTEfl. Rule 2nd. At every meptlng, immediately after the chair is taken, the Clerk shall rea;^ over the minates of the next pre- vious meeting, when errors, if any exist, shall be corrected, and the Mayor shall thou eign the minutes. MA\OR. Rule 3rd. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to preside at all meetirfrs of the Council ; to preserve order and decorum, and to decide all questions of order, (sulyect to an appeal to the Council,) statmg the Rule or practice on which his decision is founded. Rule 4th. The ilayor shall rot take part In debate, except in committee ; but iti case of a tie, ho may state facts and givo his reasons for voting. Rule.'ith. The Mayor shall bc, fx-r/^c/o, a member of all Committees of the Council. TEMPOBAUY CHAIRMAN. Rule 6th. In the absence of the Mayor, the Clerk shall call the Council to order, until a Chairman be chosen, who shall Srenide, lubject to the sanxe rules as are applicable to the layer. * .i i': COUNCILLORS. Rule 7th. Evciy Councillor before beginning to speak, shall rise from his scat, uncovored, and shall address himself to the chair only. He shuU conHrie himself to the qticsiion or motion under discussion, shall avoid all personalities and improper language, and shall sit down as soou as he has done speaking. Rule 8ili. When two or more Councillors rise to speak at the same time, the Mayor shall name which is tu speak first, and the others shall sit down. Rule 9th. Every Councillor present shall vote on all ques- tions and motions, unless the Council excuse him, or unless he be personally interested in the result, and no Councillor shall leave his place during the sitting of the Council without turning towards the chair, as ho retires, and making a bow, in such manner as that any member prosenl may have an oppor- tunity to object to the absence of such retiring member. Rule lOtii. A Councillor called to order shall sit down, un- less he be permitted by the Mayor to eN plain, and the Coun- cil, ifap|>ealed to, shall decide the question of order. Rule nth. No Councillor shall spenk disrespectfully of the Queen, or any of the Royal Family, or of the (iovernor or per- son administering the government of this Province ; nor shall any member use improper hinguage in speaking ol the pro- ceedings of the Council, or of any individual Councillor. Rule 12th. Any Councillor may require the question or motion under discu::sion to be read lor his information, at any time during the debate, but not so as to interrupt a member speaking. Rule 13th. No Counciilor shall speak more than twice to the same question, except the mover, who shall have the right of reply when all other speakers shall have finished, — pro» vided, that any Councillor, conceiving himself misunderstood may explain, but so that no new matter bo introduced. MOTIONS. Rule 14th. A motion to adjourn shall be always in order, provided such motion be bo made as not to inierrupt a member while addressing the chair, and confining himself to the ques- tion in debate. Rule 15th. Every motion shall be presented to the Chair in ■writing, with the nornes of the mover and seconder written thereon, excepting only moti be appli- cable, excepting tho rule limitiiijr th-i number of times amem^ ber may adJress tho Council. nr-LAWs I.K. ito committee of the !)o chair, and nomi- 11 immediately take committee rises, shall /ouncil shall be ob- s they may be appli- abor of times amem<^ tody of the Mayor, and it shall not be affixed to any document except by him, or in his presence. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Rule 36th. When a special committee shall be appointed for any purpose, H shall be the duty of the Cleik to furnish the first named member ofthe committee with a copy of the re» solution appointing the committce,and such member shall noti* fy the other members ofthe time and place for such committee to meet. AUDITORS. Rule 86th. All accounts and claims against this Council shall be audited and reported upon by the Auditors of the Council, before being approved and ordered to be paid. , or Address of the I being passed; the jects of the measure [ninittee ot'the whole, )arntely;and the third :liout amendment,cx- imitted ; and no By- ono meeting of the Council shall be de- iiiitg with number I. . I, and numbering all lo this Council, each [cotton, and shall be ruls, from number [cd into the Council, ic express allusion contained in such presented, niay be by the Clerk. Ihallbeintbe cut. SY LAW NO. IL To Provide irt certain cases for the better Government of the 2'own of Veter borough. Fussed February llth, 1850.. BE it enacted, by the authority of the Town Co«>ncil of the Town of Peterborough, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, Tliat, from and after the passing of this By-Law, a.yy person who shall encimiber, injare or fb'd eny highway, treet, square, sidewailr, lane, bridge or other com* municalion, or any wharf,(hain, sawer, shore, river or water, by any aniinals, wheelbarrows, carts, carriages, or other vehicles, vessels, lumber, stone, buildiriff or olher materials, or things whatsoever, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than two shillings and six pence, for each and every isuch offence ; Vrooided, that no person shall incur the above pen- alty who shall occupy not more than one half of the width of Buch highway, street, square, sidewalk, lane, bridge or other communication, or wharf,in front of any building bning erected, with materials for building purposes, for such length of timu as may be necessary for com|)leting- any Buch building. 2. Aiufhe it enacted. That the proprietor or occupant of any real property, on or near which any door steps, porches, railings or other erections, projections or obstructions whatso- ever, which may project into or over the boundary lines of any highway, street square, sidewalk, lane, bridge or other com- munication, or of any wharf, drain, sewer, river or water, or the shores and banks thereof, shall be found, shall at the ex- piration of Thirty days after notice given to hmi by the Street Inspector, or other proper Officer of the Council, lorthwith re- remove such erections, projections or obstructions, at his own e.cpence, or in default thereof.be liable to a penalty of not less than two shillings and sixpence over and above all reasonable charges for ra moving the same. 3. And be it enacted, ']^\\z.i any person offering for sal© within the limits of the said Town, any tainted or unwholesome meat, £sh, poultry , or other articles of food, shall forfeit the same, and bo liable to have the same seized and destroyed by the proper officer. 4. And be it enacted^ That any persr>n who shall sell, or offer for sale, any bread of less weight than the following, that is to say : The loaf four pounds ; the half loal two pounds, and the quarter loaf one pound, shall forfeit the eame, and I ■^ iter Government of tU 'ebruary 11th, 1850. le Town Council of the is hereby enacted by ifter tlio passiiijar of this iber, injure or foul eny \ bridge or other com* shore, river or water, :s, carriages, or other in£f or other materials, a penalty of not less • each and every uuch 11 incur the above pen- ne half of the width of :, lane, bridge or other building b^ing erected, r such length of timti as uch building, prietor or occupant of y door stops, porches, r obstructions whatso* boundary lines of any bridge or other com. er, river or water, or 3und, shall at the cx- 1 to him by the Street Council, lorthwith re- istructions, at his own o a penalty of not less i above all reasonable Dffering for sale within or unwholesome meat, shall forfeit the same, md destroyed by the ir>n who shall sell, or lan the following, that lalf loaf two pounds, forfeit tho eame, and shall be liable to a further penalty of not less than five shilling*, for each and every such otfence. 6. And be. it eiiactfil, i hat aU Lime, C ', or Charcoal,soM or ortered (ov sab- within thi* limits ot the liJ Town, shall l)e measureJ in BiKshel measures ; anJ any person who slia'.l not comply with this Uegulaiion shall bo liable to a jienalty of not less than two siiilliiigs and six pence, fur every infraction thereof. 6. Andbf; ft enacted^ That any person who shall s-11 or of- fer for snie within the limits of tiie said Town, any Cord Wood, or Tan Hark, less than four feet in length, from calf to point, or any bimolieg of Shingles i»ricss dimensions than forty inches in length, andcontiiiiing fifty double tiers of Shingles, for a thousand, or of less dimensions than forty inches in lenglh,and and containing twenty tive double tiers of Siiingles, ior a hslf thousand, shall be liu'.dc to a penalty of not less than two shillings and six penee, fd each and every such ofTence. f.And he }t enttctc'l^That any person who shall knowingly put into any Whcaten Bread, made for sale, any mixture of meal or flour of any other sort of grain, or shall adulterate any bread made for sak% with any deleterious mixture or in^-edi- fcnt, shall forfeit the !.;ame, and shall be liable to the fiffther penalty of not loss than tivo shillings, for each and every such offence. 8. And he it enacted. That any person who shall on Sunday do any servile work, or labour, (works of necessity excepted.) or who shall buy, sell, or expose for sale, any i^oods, wares, or merchandize, or any other thing; or who shall be found shoot- ing, or fishing, or engaged in any unlawful amusement, or who shall raise or make any disturbance in any place of Public Woi'.-hip, shall he liiiblo to a penalty of not less than five shil- lings, for each and every such offence. 9. hnd be it enaclcd. That any person who shall he found drunk, or who shnll use any profane oaths,or ooscene language, or be guilty of othe- immorality, or indecency, or who shallbe guilty of any riotous conduct, lighting, or other disturbance of the public peace, in any of the vStreels or other public places of the sriid Town, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five shillings, for each and every such oflence. 10. And he it enact"d, Tlint any person who shall be guilty of cruel and iiihuman treatment ol animals on tlie streets, or other public places, of tho said Town, by excessive boating or other ill-usage, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five shillings, for each and every such ofTenco. 11. i4«f//;c /< oi«c/C'/, That any person who shall sell, or offer for sale, any intoxicating liquor to be drunk by children, or apprenttoos, without the consent of their legal protector, or \\l II 10 lo'be drunk by Intlians ;or who shall keep any low tippling house, or house of ill fanie> visited by dissolute atid disorderly characters, shall he liable to a penalty of not kes than five shillings, for each and every such ufionce. 12. And be it enacted, That any persun who shall keep any Gambling howso, sha', iic liable to a penalty of nut less than twenty stiiilings, for eaulj and every such oflence. And the Mayor ot tho said Town may, at anytime, issue a Warrant, au- thorizing the Chief Constable, and other Constables, of llie said Town, to enter into any such gambling house, and seize and destroy all Faro banks, liovge et voir and Roulette Tables, and other devices for Gambling found therein. 13. And be it etiacled, That any person who shall cause or create any public nuisance, by the use of materials cmiliing offensive or unwholesome smells, or who shall throw or depo* sit on any of the vacant Lots in central situations, streets, thoroughfares, or other public places, of the said Town, any dead carcase of any animal, or any ordure, rubbish, or other offensive matter ; or who shall disturb iho public by the un- necessary or unlawful rijjging of bells, or blowing of horns, Bhouting, or other unsual noises, firing of guns, or other fire arms^ the firing or setting offof tire halls, squibs, crackers, or fireworks; or who shall indecently and publicly er-.pose his per- •■">n, or be guilty of any other indecent exhibition whatsoever, in any of the streets or other public places of tho said Town; or who shall wash or bathe in any public water in or near the eaid Town, between the hours of sunrise and sunset, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than tlvc shillings, for each and every such oflence. 14. And be it e'lacccd, That Any licrson who shall ride or drive any horse or horses, or catile, at an immoderate rate, through the Streets or other public places of the said Town, or who shall lead, ride, or drive, any liorso or horses, or cattle, on any of the sidewalks of the streets of the said Town, or other improper places therein, shall be liable to n penalty of not less than ten shillings, for each and every such offence. ♦ 15. And be it enacted, That any person who shall use or take any 6re, light, or candle, into any livery or other stable, barn, or other combustible place, without being properly cov- ered or secured in a lamp or lantern ; or who shall move or deposit any tire, or ashes, in any unsafe or improper vessel or place ; or who shall construct, or continue to use any chimney, flue, fire place, stove, oven, boiler or other apparatus or thing, in any house, manufactory or other place, which may be dan- gerous in causing n,"e, shall be liable to u penalty of not leas than two shillings and six pence, for each and every such oflenct. HP—wyy j -i -- ' ;L r'' I •-.1 <^ep any W tippling solute and disorderly 'f not Ities than five • ^n W'ljo shail keep any fy^' not less thai '», oflcncc. And tho . Jssuc a Warrant, au- Constables, of the said ^T\ ^"^ s^'ze and ^i Roulette Tables, rem. n who shall cause or niaterials emittine I'liall throw or depo- situations, streets, '''G said Town, any S rubbish, or other public by the un- bJowing of horns, ?uns, or other firo >quibs, crackers, or M.'^/y expose his per. ubifion whatsoever, "i the said Town ; ater in or near the V^ sunset, shall 60 >"gs, (or each and who shall ride or iriimoderate rate, rthe said Town, or horses, or cattle, be said Town, or >'e to ft penalty of ly such offence. - who shall use or •y or other stable, »'ing- properly cov- '"o shall move or mproper vessel or use any chimney, >paratus ov thing, hich may be dan- enalty of not Jeas and every auch 4 II 10. And he it enacted^ That any person who shaJl injure or destroy any trees, or shrubs, planted or reserved lor shade or ornament in the said Town ; or who shnll pull down, or deface, any signboard ; or who shnill wantonly or maliciously tear, deface or destroy, any lawful public notice, bill or advertise- ment ; or who sliall inscribe or draw any indecent words, figures, or pictures, on any building, or other public place, with- in the said Town, shall be liable to a penalty of not less thaa two shillings aud six pence, ior each and every such offence. 17. And be it enacted, That pny person who shall drive any description of sleigh through the streets of the said Town, without having two or more bells affixed to the harness of the horse, or one of the horses, drawing the Sleigh, shall bfl liable to a penalty of ten shillings, for each and every such offence. 18. And be it enacted. That every Pound-keeper, appointed by this Council, shall render an account to the Clerk of the Council, on the first Monday in every month, of all Fines and Penalties received by him, and shall pay over the same to the Treasurer within twenty four hours thereafter, or in de- fault thereofjbe liable to a penalty of not less than five shillings, for each and every such otrence. 19. ilnd &c t7 eHac/crf, That any perso.i who shall, after the publishing of this By-Law, open, or keep open, any Shop, Room, Stall, or House, of any description, where provisions or Beer, or other liquors not distilled, are sold, or offered for sale, to be eaten or drunk therein, without a License from this Council, shal. be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty shillings for the first oflence, and not less than forty shillings, for each and every subsequent offence. 20. And. be it enacted, That the occupant of every House within t!ie said Town shall cause every Chimney and Flue in his House, in which a flio is cnrumonly made or kept, lo be properly swept, at least once in every eight weeks, between the first day of November and the first day of April in every year, and in the case of chimneys in daily use in Kitchens or Manufactories, once in every eight weeks throughout the year. And any person neglecting or rnfusing to comply with this E revision, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than two shii- ngs and si.\ pence, tor each and every such offence. 2L And be it enacted. That the occupier ol every house in which a Chimney or Flue shall catch fire, and burn so as to endanger any building, shnll be liable to a penalty of not lesi than five shillings, for each and every such offence. 22. And be H Nigned to each vl' tlu'm in ihcir respfclive oflices, or who sshall exact and rtceive any higher fees, f(.r the perlbrinunce of any duly, tha > are or n:ay be provided by Low or by any liy-Law of this Council, shall be liable to a penally of not less than five shillings, for each and every such O0ence- 24. And be it enacted. That any person who shall exhibit publicly, within the limits of the said Town, any natural or ar- tificial cuiiosities. Theatrical performance, Circus or other Show or exhibiiion, kept for hire or pro(it,\viihout having a Li- cense from tt.is Council for Jhe samo, shall be liable to a pen- elty of not less than ten shillings, fir each and every such of- fence : such penalty to bo levied by summary distress upon the goods and chatties of such person, or belonging to such ex- hibition, whether the owners shall be known or not, 25. /Ind Ae?7 pnac^^J, That any person who shall, at any fire which may happen in the said Town, neglect or refuse to obey all lawful directions of iIjr Mayor, Fire bJugineer, or other duly authorized Officer of this Council ; or who sliall neglect to render assistance to extinguish any such fire, or in saving and protecting property exposed at any such firc,shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five shilling!*', for each and every such offence, 26. And bfi it enncted, That any Inn-kccper, or keeper of a house of public entcrtaintnent, v.ho shall keep his house open for the sale of, or shall sell, excepting to travellers, any intoxi- cating liquor, after the hour of Eleven o'clock at night on any week day, or at any time on the Sabbnth day, shall be liablo to a penalty of not less than ten shillings, fur each and every such offence, 27. And be it enacted^ That any person who shall keep any Public Billiard Table, or Bowling Alley, for hire or profit, without having a License from this C(uuuil for the same.shfiU be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty shillings for each and every such offence. 28. And be it enacted. That any person who shall kpcp a Livery Stnblc, where Horf^es, Cabs, or nther Carringes, are kept for hire, without having a License from this Council for th« same, shall be liable to a penalty of uot less than five shil- lings. f>r each and eveiy such ofl'ence. 29. And be it enactfd. That any person who shall re«icue or attempt to r«scue any Horses,Oxeu,Cuitle,Sheep or SwinQ* taken up in conformity with any By.Law of this Council, shall -.~*:~ . wAm'V ' ft irn w t""w» t* ^" rw— iJtfes of hj3 office, shall 'J 5've,y officer of this fhK.e to ptrroim tho '^y Jiiglier fcf«. f„r (he «:h> bo piovidfd by sliull be liaMe to a * eacli and every such 5n ivhn shall exhibit ^•". any natural or ar- Jce, Circtis or other .jvuhout liavfng a Li- *i be liable (o a pen. andevoiy such of. "''^ry distress upon Jt^longing ty such ex- k^n or not. • ^vho shall, at any neglect or refusft to ■^ J'^'ngineer, or other r w ho isliall ueglect » firo, or in saving ch «rc,shall be liable 'breach and every 'P^r, or keeper of a 2<'p his house open vtllLrs, any infojti. ck at night on any I«iy, shaJl be liabla Teach and every » who shall keep ''/"'■ 'lire or profit, I'Tthc samp.shall ^shillings for each '^hn shall kpep a !• Car ring,.,, ore I this Council for ess than five shil- ho shall r«»*cue Shfep or SwioQ, lia CouQcii, shaJJ 13 bo liable to a penalty of not less than two shillings and six pence, for each and every such oflonce. 30, And be it ena:i€d, I'hat words in this By-Law import- ing the singular number, or the iniisculiue gender, only, shall be onderstotjd tu include more than one person, niiitier, or thing, ofthe same kind, as well as one person, matter or thing, and temalesas well as laales, unless it be otherwise expressly provided, or there be something in ihe subject or context re- pugnant to, or inconsistent with, such construction, and all other words, terms, or phrases shall receive such lair and lib. eral construction, as shall be beat adapted to carry out this By. Law, according to its true intent, meaning, and s[)irit. THOMAS BENSON, Mayor. BY-LAW NO. in. A BY-LAW to provide for i/ie grantine of Licenses for certain purposes in the Town of PeUrborough. Passed 1 1th P'ebruary, 1850. BE it enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Peterborough, and it is hereby enacted by the author- ity of the same, Tl)at every apnlicant for a License to keep a Victualling Honse, or other House of Public Entertain- ment, where Provisions or Beer, or Liquors not distilled are to be offered for sale, to be eaten or drunk therein, shall, before obtaining such License, deliver to the Mayor a certificate of good character, signed by two Justices of the Prace for the said Town, or two Councillors of the said Town, which cortifi. cate must also state that the signers thereof are of opinion that such House of Entertainment is necessary for the convenience of the Public ; and euch applicant shall pay to the Clerk of the Council the sum of Two pounds currency, Htr such License, which sum shall forthwith be paid by the Clerk to the Trea« surer, to form part of the public funds of the said Town ; and (he Clerk shall thereupon be authorized to issue the said Li. cense. 2. And he it enacted. That every applicant for a License to keep a Public Billiard Table, or Bowling Alley, for hire or pro- fit, shall before obtaining sue.h Li«.*t'nse, produce to tlie Mayor a Certificate of good ci.aracfer. signed by two Justices or two Councillors of such Town, and shall pay, as pointed out in the next preceding Section of this By'Law,the sum of Five pounds, currency, for such Lacense. 14 i)\ 3. And Be it enacted^ I'hat for each and every Lincense to keep a Livery Stable, where Horses, Cabs, Hackney Coaches, or other Cart ir»ges, arc kept fur Hire, in the said 'lown, the sum of Two pounds curicney shall bo paid, in manner hevein- before mcruioned. 4. And be it cnrtc/£v/, That for each and every License to exhibit publicly in the said Town, any Circus, kept for hire or profit, the sum ofFive pounds, ciinency, per diem, shall be paid in manner hercinboinre mentioiu-d. 5. And be it enacted^ Tliat lor each and every License to cNl'iIbit publicly in the said Town, any natural or Artificial Curiosiiies, or other show or exhibition, kept for hiro or profit.a Bum of not less than tlve -Iiillings, currency, nor rpore than fifty shillings, currency, per diem, as the Mayor in his discre- tion may think fit to order, shall be paid in manner hereinbe- fore mentioned. 6. And he it enacted. That no License to be issued by the Town Council for any of the forcgninj^ purposes, or for any other purpose, shall be valid unhv-s si;^nied by the Mayor, and countersigned by the Clerk, and sealed with the Corporate Seal of the said Town ; and every License i''.»r any of the pur- poses named in the three llrst sections of thu. By-Law, shall be in force from the time of the issue therof, tiJl ihe first day of January next thereafter and no longer. THOMAS BENSON, Mayor, BY-LAW XO. IV. A B Y'LA IV to provide fnr the appointment of certain OJi- cers of the Town Council ofths Toion of Peterborough. Passed llth February, 1850. BE it enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Peterbo- rough, audit is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That there shall be appointed by an Instrument under the Corporate Seal of the said Council, approved of by a ma- jority of votes at any legal meeting of the Council, one fit and. proper person to be the Inspector for regulating AV eights and Measures within the Town, according to the lawfiil Standard, whose duty it sliall be ana iis is hereby authorized to visit all places wherein Weights and Measures, Steelyards or Weighing Machines of any description are used, atid to alter and adjust, or seize and destroy such as are not according to such Stand- ard, and to Ciiforce the collo ction of the penalties imposed by Law upon any person or persons who shall bo found in the I and overj License to -lbs Hackney Coaches, 'n [he said 'lown, the P^Jtl, in manner heiein- '' an(! every License to I'jrcus, kept for hire or y. per 6icm, shall ba • and svery License to , "'itural cr Artificial *J'>r«ny of the pur- ^ ''.';, %-Law. shall be «'J1 the first day of AS BENSON, Mayor. nent of certain Offi. "eterborough, February, 1850. ' Town of Peterbo- 3 authority of the Instrument under •ovod of by a ma- 'ouncil, CM fit and itJfi^r AVeights and ^.'iwftjl Standard^ lorized to visit all yards or Weighing > alter and adjust, X to such Stand- Ities imposed by bo found in the I I IS possession of unstamped or unjust Wcigiits, Measures, Steel* yard:*, or other Weighing MaehitK;s;butih€ said ln8pe«ttor frhall not seize and destroy any Weights, Me.is'.iros, 8icclyai'»ls or other Weighing Machines, excepiiug on!y such as from being essontiiiily incorrect or tleleetive may \e f >uikI incnpable of fcjing ahercdaud adjuMcd. And liic iicnnltics to be imposed and the lees to he charged by tlie said Inspccicr sluillhe thosO provided by the Act passed in the Twcllth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoiia, Ciiaptcr 85. 2. And be it enacted, Thai all lines and penalties collected by the said Inspector, in cases not otherwise provided for by Law, shall be by liim paid over to the Treasurer of this Coun- cii» to form part of the general fuiidsofthe s^aid Town. 3. And be it enacted, Uhat there shall l)e appointed in like inanper by the said Council, one Jsttcet Surveyor, whose duty it shall he to examine and report U[ion all Streets, Squares^ Lanes, Bridges or other thoroughfares of the said Town ; and to superintend, under the direction of tiie Council,the perform- ance of all Statute Labour, and the expenditure of such sums of money as may be appropriated to the improvement of any •uch Streets, S(piarcs, Lanes, IJrirlges or other thoroughfares; and to furnish such security as the said Council shall approve, for the due accounting for of all moneys received by him. 4. And be it enacted, That there shall he npp inted in like manner two Pound-keepers for the saiJ Town, who are hereby authorized to demand and receive the fees and charges pro* vided in the Schedule to this By-Law annexed. 5. And be it enacted^ Thut. I'ueio thall be appointed in like manner two or more Fence Viewers for said Town. , 6. And be it enacted, That there shall be appointed, in like manner, ono Fire Inspector for the said Town, who is hereby authorized and required to enter into and examine at all rea. sonnble times, all dwcUiiig houses, warehouses, shops, yards and outhouses, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any such places are in a dangerous state, with respect to fire or otherwise, and to direct them to be put in a safe and secure condition ; and it s'lall be the duty of such Fire Inspector to prosecute all persons wilfully neglecting or rel'using to obey and execute all his lawful directors. **" •* 7. And be it enacted. That there shall be appointed, in lika manner, one fit and proper person to be Chief Fire Engineer, and one to be Assist uit Fire Engineer of the said Town; whoso duty it shall be to have and kee|) the charge, controul and management, under the directions of tho Mayor, of the Fire Engines.llose Hooks and Ladders,and other articles used for extinguishing and preventing the spread of Fires. And the Onicers and Mtimbtrs of Fire Companies, Hook and Ladder .:^' V Id Itnd Propv'rty Saving Com])anie8,sY)aIl act under the immediate orders and iiii«'ction of such Chief Fire Engtneer.and A$si8* tunt Fife Eni'iuner. 8, And bf it t'iuvtrd. That tliere shn. I \>c appointed hy a Re* soluiiotinf the »;ii(l C(>mH;il,i:uc'i and so many persons lo bo tneuihejs oi' Firt^ Coinpiiiiies, I look ami Luddt-r C\'.'3 cli». Youns! Cattii* do Si»'iiift ilu> ••••••■• . Stteep, da Ooundatje. \ £. s. t>. 1 () () 9 (» n n u 3 0. 2 Fuod ant) Wi»t«"r per day. t £. s. u. I 9 "•h 6 4 Dia 1 1 Ailvertising Is, felling &niaUiiig rettirn IsGd £0 2 6 Vox ilie AiJpmi of l)^)m!i«_'f'-s ("nrh < THOMAS BENSON, BY-LAW NO. V. A BY-LAW to make provision for the prevenlmn of PireS in the 7*own of Peterborough, and for other purposes therein ■ mentioned, } Passed I5lh February, 1950. BT3 it enacted, by the Town Coancil of the Town of Peter- baraui^h, and ii is hdoby enacted by ihe aulhoiity of the *" same, Tliat all and every the propriotors and | roprietor of a house or houses, or otliPT buildings, in wfiich fire is used, • ,. of 4Tii)re than one story in height, in tlio snid Town, or the oc» Cupiers or occupier of snch lioiises or buildings, shall place, or cause lo bo placed, a ladder or ladders on the roof of ibeii res. peclivn iionses or buildings, near to, or adjoining the chimneys thereof, and another ladder renching from ihe ground to the roof of each ond every of ilieir respective buildings or h'^uses as aforesaid, under the prnaUy of five shillings currency for every neglect so to do, aud often siiillings currency, for each and every week duruig which they shall neglect to pro« vida ihemseivos with such ladder or ladders as aforesaid. let under (he immediate ^ Eiigineer.and Assis- '«• appoinred by a Re- ^o iiNiiiy pri.soHs (o bo L;id{!iT C«'nijmiiies,and aid Council shall seem Ilegulations as the $aia £WUnd Watpr per cl»y £.!». (u. !| 9 J* u MAS BENSON. Mayor, If prevention of Virci 'ther purposes therein 1 February, 1850. tli6 Town of Peter. tlie authfjrily of the s and crupiietor of n which firo is used, rtid Town, of the oc. Jings, shall place, or the roofof their res. 'lining the chimneys u ihe ground to the > buildings or houses "lings currency for I lings currency, for lall neglect to pro. as aforesaid. 17 2. And he it enacted. That ©very Householder in tha said Town, shallbo held to furnish and provide himself with two Buckfils,'fit and proper for carrying water, in case of accidents by fire, and to ai tend with t'l same, ui.djr the penally of fi'-e snillings currency, for each Bucket- which amy be defi. cit^nt. 3. And be it enacted, That it ahall not be lawful (or any Baker, I'otter, Brevver; Manufacturer of pot and pe»rl Ashes, or any other person, to build,uiake,i)r i* use f.obe bmllaid con- structed, any Oven or Furnace wiihm ihe lunits of tiia said Town, unless tha tamo aJjoin, and he properly cuunecled with 11 cliimney of stone or brick, which cliiiiuiey fijiall rise at least three f«ei higlier timn the house or building in which ♦he said Oven or Furnace may be, and three feet liiglier than any building within one chuin of the ^aid Oven or Furnace, under a penalty which shall not exceed len shillings currency; and for non-compliance with this Regulation, the ofRMider shall incur a penalty of fifteen shillings, currency, for each Week during 'vhich he shall Uv-glect to cuniply li mewith. 4. And be it « nac/'''^/, Thai it shall not be tawiul for any person in ihe said Town to conduct any Stove pipe tlirougli iiny wooden or lathed partition, or tiirough any floor, unless there be a spaco of six inches between Iho pipe and the parti- tion or floor, or the nearest woo.l w nk, if tliere he no brick or stone interveidng ; and in cases where brick is use 1, four inches, j and in cases w'lere sionn is used three inches ; and ihe pipe of every stove shall bo inserted into a chinmey, and there shall be lell at least t'^n inches in ihecleai, between any stdve and : any wooden or lathed partition, or any wood Wijrk, and each / and every person oflending against this regulation, shoU incur J a penalty ol ten shillings, ,.-^ 5. And b^ it cnncted, Tiia"" any person or pers )ps who shall put or cause to be pui or rilaced any Huy, Straw or Fodder, iii any Dwelling flou^o, or other buikling, in which fire is used, within the liiTiils of the said Town, shall incur a penalty of five shillings, currency, for the first otfence, and a penally of ton shillings currency for every week during w^-ich he or they shall neglect to remove the said May, Straw or Fodder from the said Dwelling hou.se or bunding, 6. And be it enacied, 'I'haf all and every person or persons who shall keep or have Guripowilt r 'or sale in the •-aid Town, shall koep Ihe same in boxes of Copper, Tin, or Lead ; and for every omission or neglect so Co do, such person or persons shall incur a pen-diy of twenty siiillings for the fir&l offence, and forty shillings for every subspqueni otrence. 7. And be it enacted. Th it any person or persons in lh« «atd Town who shall sell or pernrlt Gunpowder to be sold at L I. ill f 1. 1= '« Id liiglit, in his or their houses, or fe..>:.,.^,«)uthousefl,or other huild- ings, shall, on being ronvlcied thereof, incur n penalty oi' forty Bhiilitigs currency, lor every nrstotfonce, and ursixly aliillinga currency, lor every subspquetii otience, 8. And be it rnncled^ V\n\X nny person or persons who shsi'l in the said ■r«)wn, plnce or deposit any quick or unslack- •d li'ue in any house, oui-house.or building, ««o ihit such lime may be tn contnct with, or touch any wood thereof, whereby there may beony danger of fire or comhusiion, slinll,ror every such ofFence iicuru penalty of live shillings.iunency, end a further penalty of ten shillings, currency, for ench dny until such lime shall he removed, or secured, to the satisfaction of the Fire Inspector, nnd in such manner 09 not to cbuse any danger of accident hy firo. 9. And be. it enacted. That any person who shall light afire in any of the strneis, lanes or public places of the said Town, or within lV>rty I'eet of any ivooden building, shall, for every such otFence, on comptaini, incur a penalty ol five shiliingSi currency. 10. And be it enacted^ That no person or persona shall erect or cause to be erected any furnace lor m.iking charcoal of wood, excepting a furnace made of Uricks, or Mason work, within the limits of the ^aid Town, under a penally of Twenty thillioss,currency. THOMAS BENSON, Mayor* BY-LAW NO. VI. ■,i \ I I ■."!■ '! A BY-LAW to regulate the place and manner cfjceighhtg JXsy, Straw and Fodder, in the Town of Peterborough. Pa.«*sed2l8i February, 1850. BE it enacted, by the ToA-n Council of the Town of Peter- borough, and u is hereby enacted by tlie authority of the same. That all Hav, Straw and Fodder, sold or oH'ered lor sale, within the saii Town, if required to ho weigheo by the pur- chacei or seller thereof, shall he wtighed on the Hay Scales, or VVeigh Bridge, now standing and being on th« Market Square, in the said Town, or such other Hay Scales, or Weigh Bridge, as liie said Town Council shall, at nny tinie or times hereafter, sub^litn'e in lieuifiereof, and no where ehe i and any person or persons o(f..Tiding against this By-Law shall incur a penalty of Hve shillings, ^"or each and every such of- fence. 2. A7id be it enacted, That for eoch and every load of Hay, Straw, Fodder or Merchandize weighed on the said Hay Scales, or Weigh Bridge, the oflicer appointed by this Couocit shall ' I ity i "^nstmmma hou»ef,or oiher build- cum penalty of forty , and of sixty sliiilings 3on or persons wh© any quick or urislack- iig, "»o ihnt fiucli lime ood thereof, whereby •SI ion, slinll.lbr every lings.runency, ond a y, for encli dny until In the satisfaciion of Aa not to cause ony who shall light a fire !s of the said To»vn, ng, shall, for tivery ally oi five shilling!, ™n or persons shall for m.iking charcoal icks, or Alnsori work, a penally of Twenty AS BENSON, Mayor* manner oftoeigking Peterborough. I February, 1850. the Town of Peter- tlie authority of the Id or offered Jorsate, kveigheo by the pur- on »he Hiiy Sf-nies, itig on the Market ay licales, or VVeigh It any lime or times where els-e j and this By-Law shall and e\f)vy such of. 1 fvery loadofHrty, ihe said Hay Scales, this Couucil ehall 1» rMtive and take the sum of sixpence per load for every load often Imndred weiglu, or under ; seven pence half-penny for every load over ten Uundicd weight, and under Fifien hundred weight ; and nine pence for every load over Fifteen hundred weight. 3. And be it enacted. Thai the owner or tenont of any Hay Scales, or Weigh Bridge, or the person who shall attend at any Hay Scales or Weigh Bridge, within the said Town^ other ihan'ihe Hay Scales or Weigh Bridge, first above men. tioned, for the purpc^sa of weighing Hay, Straw or Fodder thereon, shall incur a penalty of five shillings for eacii and every such ofieiMe. THOMAS BENSON. i! Mayor. I BY.LAW NO. VII. I I A BY-LAW to impose a Tax on all Dogs owned mthtn the Town of Peterborough^and for other purposes therein men- tioned. Passed 2Ui February, 1850. BK it enacted, by the Town Council of the Town of Peter- borough, and it is hereby enacted by the HUihoriiy of the samf, ThiU the owner of each and every Dog over the age of 6tx months, vvitfun the Town of Pelerborongii, shall (Kiy a tax of two shillings nnd six pence for ^u>'h Dog; and each and every person keeping more than one Dog, shall pay for each tnd every Dog over and above one, the sum ol five shillings, and ihe owner of each and every Dog vhall keep a Collar on each I^og, with sucli owners name legibly inscribed thsron. And any of ihe constable J of the said Town are herebyauthor- ized to desiroy any Dog found runring ai largn, wuhout any Collar on his neck, and without any known owne*. 2. And be it enacted, That the above Tax shall l.e entered on the Assessment Roll, and shall be collt^cied ir the same manner as is provided by Law for the coUciCtioa of all Other Taxes ana Assessments, 3. And be tt enacted, That an\r person who shall not make a return of all Dogs owned by him, or shall make n false re- turn, shall be liable to n penally oi twenty shillings for each and every such offence. 4. And be it enaclfd. That any Dog running at large with- in the said Town, at the expiration of two days after the pub* lishing of a P ocl-mation ordering all Dogs to be confined for •uch time qs 'ihall be therein mentioned, signed by the Mayor SB i' I! , 20 ofth« said Town, shall be liable to be destroyed ; and any psiion whatsoever is hereby nuthori/od to destroy such Dog ; and the posting of such Proclamation ol Twenty public place* Withui me said Town slinll be a sufficient putilishinp 'hereof. 6. And be it enacted^ That f(»r all the piirjxises ul'lhia By- Law, it sliall be defn»ftdn» i held sufH»:ient proof of the owner- ahip in any Dog, if the b<'.'{ Dog is known lo fhe Assessor or Assessors of the snid T«»v, n,i«» frequent nny dwelling or lodging house, as a homo ; and the owner or occupier of 8uch dwelling or lodging house shall be heiU liubltt for the payment of the tax on any such Dog ; and in any action or suit ppointment to be approved by a majority of votes at any legal meeiintr of the aaid Council, one fit and proper person to be an Enumerator for each of the Wards of the said Town, to Act under the pro- visions of, and to have all tiie powers given lo £nuineratOFl by, the Act lOih and lllh Victoria (^hnpt^r 14. THOMAS BENSON, Mayor. BY-LAW NO. IX. A BY-LAW to provide for the levying and colhcling the Rate* and Assessments in the Town of Peterborough. Fassed 28lh February, 1850. (temporary) ■NMi "W ^"""'^^-■^^"'■••."■•'■■■l*" __'?r.;-,. destroyed; and any to destroy such Dog ; ' weoty public place* nt f>ut>lisl)iiijr •hereof. » purposes of this By. nt proofof the owner- vvn lo rhe Assessor or tiy dwelling or lodffinff ipier of such dwefjing r the payment of the "M or suit (or alleged 'g. tlio return of the II be deemed and held ershi,, i and further, R"«ly attended or foj, J considered, for all /ac/e owner thertiof '"[such tax, or for* fi Dug, AS BENSuiSr, Mayor. ■ment of an Entimer. fthe Town of Peter- IWiand lUh Vic Eebruary, 1950. the Town of Peter. I'le authority of the 1 Instrument under uch appointment to legHl meetineofthe I's an Eiiumerotor > Act under (he pro. en to Enumerators r 14. S BENSON, May'rr of the sail) II J ifie ha» consented to accept the sum of Forty pounds, currency, for the same ; and whereas it is expedient tha* tho Town Council of the said Town should purchase and acquire the said House to be used as a Town Hall and Police Office, and should also purchase and acquire a 0- n 1 1^ f '^t certain Hay-St-itles, ov W<-igh Bridge, the pro|)crty of the said Frederick Forguson, for wiiich lie li'is agreed to accept the sum of 'IV'ii pounds, ciinenc^', niakiiig together the total sum of Fifty pound?, currencv, lor which sum the scid Frederic't Ferguson has agree i to acrejit Iwu Debi.T.uues of Twenty five pounds each, payable twi^lve nionllis after the conipletion of the said bargain of sa'e.with lawful inter* st tliereon lid paid; Be it iherefore'enacted liy the Town Council of the Town of Peterborough, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Mayor of the said Town be, and he is liereby authorised, to issue 'J\vo Debentures for the sum of Twenty- five pounds, currency, each. payable wiih lawful interest twelve months after the date thereof; and the said Mayor shall pay the same to the said Fredeiick Ferguson, and siuill demand and receive from the said Frederick Ferguson, on such pay- ment being made, a deed or conveyance of the sa'" ! House, in the nature of a Quit Claim Deed, and a receipt or other lawful acquittance for the payment for the pr<»perty aforenientioned, and shall deposit the same in the ollico of the said To-wn Council, 2. And Whereas by the one hundred and seventy seventh section of an Act passed in the twolftb year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, ch ptered Eighty one, it is enacted that no By-Law to be passed for the creation of any dei)t, shall be valid, unless a special rate per rinnuin over and above nil other rates shall l)e settled in such By-Law, to be levied for the paymt-nt of such Debt ; Be it therefore enacted, That there shall be levied and eollecied during the present year, in addition to ail oiher rates and Assessments in the said 'I'own,. a rale of one halfpenny in the pound, on all the rateable real personal property liable to ta.\a)ion aecordiujE^ t(» the laws now in force, in the said Town, wliicli said rate shall be applied to satisfy and dischargt.' the said delit hereby incurred, with the interest thereon ; and the said rate shall appear upon the As- sessment Roll of the Town for the present year, and shall bo collected in tho same manner as other rates and assess- ments, THOMAS BENSON, JMayor. BY-LAW NO. XIL A BY-LA W to proiuile for the imprisonment of persons convicted of any offence against any By-Law of the Totvn Council of the Town of Peterborough. Passed 28lh February, 1850. BE it enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Peter- borough, and it is hereby enacted by the auliiority of tho m 1 i 10 Pl'opci-tyoftResftKj yiM'd lo acc(>pt the gt'llierthe total surn ■ tlie sf.kl Frederic'^ r.tLiios of Twenty ^ iifter the completion -n St tliereon ti,| paid- u'lcil of the Town of y the authority of the 'G, iind he is hereby the .sum of Twenty- lawful interest twelve "'tl Mciyor shall pay < and shall demand 'Json, on sueh pay. >f tlic sa-J fJouse, in 'ceipf or other Jowful 'ity aforenieniioned, ■ of the said Tcun ■nd seventy seventh f^'fthe Heii^noffJer y ouo, it is enacted Hon ofany deht, shall over an'd above nil iw, to be levied for Core enacted, That lio present year, in ^ 111 the said '/own, " 'Ii« rateable real "fe to the laws now shall be applied to '"curred, with the I't^ar upon the As- ('ar, and shall be i-ates and assess- S BENSON, Mayor. ment nf persons iw of the J oion I'brii/iry, 1850. 'i'own of Peter- • auilioiity of th« same, That from and after the passing of this By-Law, it shall and may be luwriil for t lie Mayor of the said Town, and for any Justice of the Peace for the said Town, aellng by request of the Mayor, in default of payment ofany tine or penalty and the costs of pro:5eciilion, by any persion or persons convicted ofany oflence against any of the By-Laws of the said Council, and in case suflicienl distress cannot be fouiiH, or the olFender bo not resident in the said 'L wli, or if the said Mayor oi Jus- tice shall deem it advisable to ,ninish by imprisonment instead of by fine or pi nalty, by warrant under his band and seal cause such nflender and offenders to be conmiitted, to the Common Gaol of the County of Peterborough, for a period not exceeding thirty days. unless,in cases where fines or penalties are inflict! d such fines or penalties, and all reasonable costs and charges relating to the same, be sooner paid and satistiedi THOMAS BENSON, Mayors BY-LAW NO. XIll. A BY-LA W to prevent damage by ferocious or unruly Dogs in thi Town of Pctcrborouglt. Passed 25th March, 1850. BE it enacted by the Town Council (^f the Town of Peterborough, and it is hereby enacted by the author- ity of the same, That if any Dog shall attack any person, peaceably travelling or being about Ids lawlul business, on any of the public highways, Streets, Squares, or places of the said Town, or shall aUaek any horse or horses, attached lo any carriage, or upon which any person shall be mounted ; or shall bite, vvorry, or do any dairiage lo any animal within the said Town, and com[)laiiil ihereol' be made '.o the Mayor, or any Justice of the Peace for the said Town, aciing for the Mayor, such Mayor or Justice shall summon Mie owner, pos- sessor, or harhouror of such Dog before him, and enquire into the complaint, and, if satisfied of the truth of such coinplaint, and that suci) Dog is dangerous, shall order the owner of such Dog to k'M bim immediately, and, if such owner refuse or neg- lect, for the space of forty eiglii hours ader receivmg such ordei-, to kill sueh Dog, or cause him to be killed, such owner shall incur a penal'y of not less ihati Ten sinllings for every forty eiglu hours thereafter, until such Dog be killed. 2. And be it en'tcted,lht\l every per.son who shall have been in possession ofany Dog,or shall have suliered any Dog to re- main about his or her premiscti for the space often days, pre- vious to any injury, damago, oi attack, made or done by such i \ VI u Dog, ftliall be deemed and tnken to bo the owner of such Dog, for all the purposes oflhis Hy-Law. a. And be it enacted/l'hal all penaltios, imposed by this By- Law, ?'iall be levied nud collecfed in the saine rnoimer hh other |)enaltiMs, imposed by any Jiy-L{!W of this Council. THOMAS BENSOX, Mayor. IJY.LAW NO. XIV. A BY-LA JVta antfinn'z^ the vf Peterborougk and to fix the rate of oppointmci remu .ivfii Surtcyor for tha Toton atwn to tuch Hurctyor. Passed 26th March, 1850. W^E it enacted by tlie Town Council of the Town of Peterbo- Q3 rough, and it is iicreby i'nucted by nuibority of the game, That tliert- shall f»e appoinlod, l>y the s;iid Council, one fit and propt'r person lo l-e tht; .Survi'yor lor ihe said Town, which person shall be a licensed Laiui Surveyor oflhis Province, and fihall hold the said Oiiice durin;> the pleasure of the Council; and the said appointmont shall be verirtod by on instrument under the Corporate Seal of the said Town, signed by the Mayor, and eounteisignod by the Ck'ik thrreof. 2. A7id he it enacfp't, that tlie said Town Surveyor may and shall receive, as a com[)ensation [[■<■ such seivices as he may be duly called upon to pcrtiirni f ilie said Town, the sum of ten shillings per day, for every day be shidl be aclually employ- ed, under competent authority, in the discharge of the duties ot his office. 3. And Be if. enacted. That It shall be hiwful f«)r the Mayor of the snid Town, when directed so to do by any vcite of the said Council, to reqeire by a written instrument. the said Town Surveyor to run the boundary lines of any public Streets, Squares or other places in the said Tow; , and to Sjirvcy, sub- divide, lay out, make planscf, and otherwise describe or detlne, any of ihe land^;, or lots belonging to tlie said Town Council, and to fix permanent monuments, or other boundary marks, according to law,in such places as he may be directed as afore- eaid to fix the same. 4. And he it enacted. That on the completion of any such work as the Town Surveyor may lie employed on as nl'oresaid, he shall inim; dintely lay before the Council a Report in writ- ing of the bt v<'inl .u ts and things lawfully done by him in the premises, wbieh Keport shall contain or be accom|)anied by, a regular journal and field notes of all bis surveys, made as afore- said ; and also a plan shewing the fnuis run, and the courses of 8U«h lines, and what description of monuments he may have 1 I ) ' '- y 86 the owner of such Dog, '"'as imposed by tMs By. .'f, ":'";:« 'n'^'mei- another I Ins Council. IV. '*f'<'n ti, »uch Suntyor, J 25ih March, 1950. ^'heToivnofPeterbo- fluiJioruy of the same, J'l'i t-ouncii.onefitand ''" ,!^\'^! '^^»«n. which "••^nius Province, and asure of the Cou„ciJj ■« i)y an instrument i on,,, signed by the wji Surveyor may and iseivjcesas he may '"' Town, the Biim of 1 l>e actually omnloy, charge of the duties ot J<';vfi.l fi,r the Mayor > by any vote of the "'"oi.t.iJir ,suid Town '"iy pul.lic Js'treets. ""d to .Survey, sub- !^e desc, ibe or deline, ilia 'lown Council, «• b()in)(Iary marks, J« directed as oiore- •Ktlon of any such ^iidon asaCoresuld, *' '"i Hepoit in u-rit- done by him inthe accompanied by, a t'ys, made as afore- » find the courses of '(^»ts he may have planted, and whftt subtttanccs be may have put undrr any boundar) marks placed by him ; which Report and the ac companyiiig docmnen's shall be filed by the Clerk in the Of- fice of the said Town Council, Ibr future reference whe.i re- quired. 6. And be ii enncted, That it shall be lawful
,and such sur- veyor shall submit to this Council a detailed account of the ex» pense of sucU assislaoce for its examination and approval* THOMAS BENSON, Mayor, BY-LAW NO. XV. A BY-LATV to provide for the funding of all Fens, costs and other •oniin^ent allowances to ihf Clerk of the Town Council, an ' to authorise a yearly salary to be paid to him in lieu thereof. Passed CSiU Marc'i, 1850. BE it enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Peterborough, nnd it is hereby enacted by the author- ity of the same,That from and af er the passing of this By-Law, ail sums of money arising from any fines, fees, costs, or from any and all other sources connected with the duties of the Cleric of the 'I'own Counc I of the said Town, whether as Clerk of 'he said Council, o Clerk of thn Police Office of the said r(kwn.>hall be paid into,and form part of the general funds of the said 'i own. 2. And be it enacted. That the said Clerk shall and may re- ceive tiie sum ofthirtypouncis, per annum, as a sdi v. w licli sum shall be in lieu of all fees, charges, costs, or other allow- ances of any kind whatsoever, and such salary shall be paid quarterly on the order of the Mayor. THOMAS B3NSCN, Mayor. BY-LAW NO. XVI. A BY'LAWio regulate the performance of Statute Labour in the 7hwn of Peter boroush,and to authorise commutation in money to be paid in lieu tliereof. Passed 25th March, I960. BE it enacted by the Town Council of tho Town of Peter- borough, and it is hereby enacted by the auihwiiiy of the 20 •ame, That for the more convenient Superintendanca of the Streets, Thoroughfares and Bridges of the said Town, there sholl he two Street Divisions therein, one of wiiich shalt be known by the name of the North Street Division, and shall comprise all that part of the said Town lying North of a line running through the centre of the blocks between Hunter Street and Simcoe Street, frona the eastern to the western li- mits of th« said Town, and the other Street Division shall be known by the name of the South Street Division, and shall comprise all that part of the said Town lying South of thA said line, each of which Street Divisions shall be under the Super* intendence of such Street Surveyor as tiie said Town Council may, from time to time, appr'nt. 2. And be it enacted, 'I'hnt it shall be the duty of the Street Surveyors ofthe said Town,and they are hereby severally au« thorized and required. Firstly. To Superintend, make, alter, level, mend, and keep in repair, ei> iar as they shall be furnished with means to do so, such Streets, Squares, Sidewalks, Thoroughfares, Sewers, Drains, Bridges, and other public places in the said Town, as the Town Cnuncil, may from time to time, by any or- der ofthe said Council, diicct a id appoint. Secondly. To notify,wlitn ever dirtcted so to do by the said Council, all persons within his Division, liable to pertbrm Sta* tute Labour, and c der them, after having given three days notice (either vorhally or in writmg delivered at the residence of such persons) of the day, hour and place, when and where 8U('h persons shall be required to work, to appear at inch places, and to make, mend or repair such Streets, Bridges or other public places ; and to give to every person who may have done his Statute Lnbour lor the year, requiring the eatne, a certificate under his hand of such person having perfiirnied his Statute LaI)our. Thirdly. To obtain from the Town Clerk (who is hereby re- quired to prepnre and ^urni^9h the same.) a List ot all the per* sons in his Division, liable to perform Statute Labour, shewing the number of days each person is li:iblo to work, which list the said Street Surveyor is hereny authorized and rtquired to amend, if necessary, by a'^ ling to it the names of all sui-h per- sons known to him to be liat>le by law to perform Statute La- bour, as may have been omitted on such List ; and to submit Such list to the Town Council at its drst meeting after the fif- teenth day of April, in each year. Fourthly, To collect the commutation money in lieu of Sta- tute Labour, as hereinafter provided for, and faithfully to ex- pend the same on such plnces. and in such manner, as the Towa Council may, from time to timei by any ordsr of such i 4 nt Superintendanca of the .of the said Town, there Jtreet DKision, and shall own ly.ng North of a Jin. 5 b ocks between Hunter «'a«tern to the wesiern li. "•eet Division, and .haJI vvn lying South of the .aid 6ha be und«r the Super- »« the said Town Council arplM"^-^^^^''* Street are hereby severally au- al;er. level, mend, and e furnished with mcaiia lewalks, Thoroughfares! bhc places in the said ' V'we to time, by any or- ted so to do by the said . liable to perform Sia- |;'"i? given three days I'vered at the residence J'ace, when and where «oik, to appear at ' .'■^Pair such Streeta. «ive to every person »or the year, requinW fsuch person havin| erk (who is hereby re- f List of all the per- ■Uute Labour, shewinir ' to work, which list "••zed and rttjuired to lames of all surh per. perform Statute L». t^'st ; and to submit meeting after the fif. money in lieu of Sta- and faifhfully to ex- -Jh manner, as the an/ ord«r of auch I 1 .1 27 Council, direct ; and to prosecute all defaulters, and all ofien* ders against any of the provisions of this By-Law. Fiftlily. To keep a correct account of all monies collected or paid to, and expend hy each of them, and of all Labour per* formed, shewin<>- the number of days each person has worked, and the number of days labour commuted, and by whom com- muted; which accounts he shall verify an oath, and lay before the said Council at iis first meetingr in each and every month,, or oftenerif thereto required by any order of the said Coua- cil. Sixthly. To diligently over?ec and superintend the persons employed to do any Siauiie Labour or other work on any of the Streets, Bridges, or other public places of the said T*»wn, and to reject the services of any insufficient person »entt0 work as a substitute fo"- another, and to dismiss, discharge, or other- wise puni'jh, ai the law directs, any person neglecting or re- fusing to work faithfully, according to the lawful orden uf sucL Street Surveyor. Seventhly. To order the removal of any obstruction or nuia. ance that may be in or upr)n any of the Streets or public places of the said Town, and to see that the streets and othtr public places of the said Town are, as far as possible, kept clean and 10 good order. Eighthly. To enter into, in the name of the said Council, all such contracts as the Council shall approve/or the perfitrm- ar.ce of any work ordered by the Council to be done on any of the public highways. Squares, Bridges, or places of the said Town, ;)n(l t<» superintend tlw ptrrorniaiice of su( h work. Ninihlu. To pr^^vent the renioval o* tir other unlawful inter*- ference with, any 'ii nlier. Stone, Sand or (Jravel, gr wing or being »>u any of the Streets <»r other public places of the said Town. 3. And he it enacted. That each of the Street Surveyors of the said Town may retain, out of the conuriutatioti m )tieys that mny come into his hands, the sum of four shillini^s cur- rency, t'r each and everyday he has been actually emploved in the performance of his duties as sucii Surveyor; and it shall be the duty of each of the said Street Surveyors to lay l>efore the Council, at its first meeting in nvery mouth, or ofiener If thereto required by any order of this Council, detailed accounts of such claims. she\vii»g the date of each day he was so employ- ed, the place where the work was p<'rf rmed and the nature of the work he was superintending, tlie number of men and teams emi»loyed eich d y. and ihe authority und^r which tho work was undertaken ; which n counts may be corrected, and shall be approved by the Council, before being finally settled ftnd allowed. •Mtl. 1 r I -J 88 4. And he if enacted^ That any person liable to perforfn Sta"jir Lfibour, may ci'm|>ound fiir such duty, on or bi'f<)re the. first Monday in May, by paying to the Street Surveyor of t e Divisiuii in whicli such person resiides, the siiui of two shillings fur every day whirh he or she may be required to work, ac- CiirJiiii' to Liw ; and such Street Surveyor is hereby authoiis* ed and required toacce|>t tiia suid sum in lieu of buch Statute Labour. 5 And be. it enacted^ That every person liable to perrorm Statute Ijdbour.if not compuunded for as aforesaid, shall (eith- er ill person, or by a sufficient and able bodied ninn in his Stead) be obliged, under the direction of the S rent Surveyor acting fi.r the Division, to work faithfully nnd diligently on eu'-h Street, Bridge or other public place in the said Town, ns the said Street Surveyor shall appoint and direct, and shall bring with him sucli tools y the said Council, shall, on convic- tion, be liable to a fine of not less than five shillings for each and every such offence, to be recovered in the same manner as other penalties inflicted by any By i^iw of this Council, THOMAS BEiNSON, Mayor, ■'* 80 BY-LAW NO. XVIIL A BY-LAW to reguhfe Inns and Taverns, in tho Town r Peterborough^ a/vl to limit the number of them. Passed 25tb March, 1950. WHEREAS by an. Act pasted in the Twelfth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Quupn Victoria, Chaptered Eighty one, the Town Councils of the several Tuwns incorporated by the said Act, are. among other things, authorized and empow- ered to make By-Laws lor regulating Inns> Tiiverns and other places for the reception and entertainment of the public, and for limiting the number of them ; and whereas it is expedier.t to adopt such regulations for Inns witiiin the Town of Peterbo- jrough, as shall insure increased accomraodiUion to travellers frequenting them, Be it thereloro enacted l»y the Town Coun- cil ol the Town of Peterborough, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, thjit from and after tlio passing of this By-Law it shall not be lawful for any person to obtain a License tukeep an Inn within the Town of Peterborough, on» loss such person is possessed of a Dwelling House, held fron» year to year, or for a term of years, containing at least eight rooms, beyonl those reqnisi'.e for the family of such person.nor unless such person shall have at the time of application for such License at least six good beds in such bouse, over and above those required for the family, and is also possessed of a good Stable caoahle of Stabling at least six pairs of Mor- ses, and also of a commodious yard, and of a shed suitable for sheltering six teams and their vehicles ; nor unless such person have sufficient cooking apparatus, Cro.kery, Glassware, Chairs and Tables to entertain and provide for.in a convenient and comfortable manner, at least U'U travellers at any one time in such Inn, and to provide them with such good and sut ficient victuals and lodging as may reasonably be expectfd in any Inn in the said Town ; And it shall not be lawful f .r the magistrates in Quarter Sessions* assembled to grant a certificate to any person, to enable such person to procure a License to keep an Inn within the Town of Peterl)orough, until it shall have been proven to tlieir satisfaction that such person is po8» •essed of all the before mentioned means ot accommodation. 2. And be it enacted. That it sliall not be lawful to grant more than seven Licenses, in any one year, to persons keeping or desirous of keeping Inns within the said Town, and in case a greater iiumber ol applications for Tavern Licenses shall be made in any year, the Magistrates in Quarter Sessions tball reduce the number, by lelectiug out of the whole number of I .4 ■P*" ■"•■■i«er! SI L *averna, in the Toim '* of them. 25ib March, 1950. rvrelfth year of the ia, Chaptered Eightjr )wns incorporated by thorized and empow- 5, Taverns and other t of the public, and ereas it is expedient the TownofPeterbo- jdation to travellers 1 hy the Town Coun. i hereby enacted by ifter tlio passing of petrson to obtain a if Peterborough, on- ; House, held frona at least eight y of such person.nor of application for house, over and also possessed of a six pairs of FJor- a shed suitnbla nor unless such ■o.kery,Glassware, for,in a convenient Hers at any one uch good and suC- •ly be expectfd in be lawful f.r tho grant a certificata •J re a License to gh, until it shall ich person is poe- ccomnjodation. iHwfol to grant porsons keeping own, and in casa licenses shall bd r Sessions iball 'hole number of f> applications those made by the persons posHessing the best aC« rommodations, a.id of the best character, to tho number of seven above mentioned and no more. 3. And be il enacted. That any person who shall, after the passing of this By-Law, Uike out a License to keep a Tavern within the said Town, without being possessed of each and •very the several means of accommodating and entertaining the public, named in the first section of this By-Law, shall be liable, on conviction, to a penalty of not less than one pound five shillings, for each and every such offence ; and shall be iinole, on conviction, to the further penalty of not less than one pound five shillings, for each and every week such person shall continue to keep such Tavern without such named accom- modation; and any person who sha I, after the fifth day of Jan- uary, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one, keep any such Tavern without the be- fore mentioned means of accommodation, shall be liable, on conviction, to the penalty ol five pounds, for each and every such offence ; which penalties shall be levied and recovered in the same manner as other penalties imposed by any By-Lavr of this Council. THOMAS BENSON. Mayotn BYLAW NO. XIX. A BY'LAWio repeal that part of a By-Law number III which Jixes the rale fn b^ charged j or a L cense to keep a Bowling Alley in the Town of Peterborough at jive pounds, and to reduce such rale to two pounds. Passed *28th March, 1850. BE it enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Peterbo- rough, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That so much of a certain By-Law passed by the Coun- cil on the eleventh^ay of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and numbered IIL as im- posed a duty or rate of five pounds, currency,to be paid by each and every person applying for a License to keep a Bowling Alley in the said Town, he and the same is hereby repealed. 2 And be it enactedfThnii any person applying to the Mayor for a License to keep a Bowling Alley in the said Town, and producing a Certificate of good character signed by two mem* bers of the Town Council, or two Justices of the Peace for the ■aid town, and paying therefor the sum of two pounds, currency, may lawfully receive such liceuaa to keep a Bowling Alley, aa 'W S3 tforAiAld, which license shall be in force to the Thirtj first day of Dftcembor. in the year in wiiicb it may 'jo granted and no longer. THOMAS BENSON, Magor» UYLA W NO. XX. A BY- Ij AW to authorise the Mayor to order th« payment •of accounts to a limited amounlf ajler tfie approoal of such accounts by this Council, Passed 7th May, 1850; WHEREAS it would be productive of inconvenience and unnecessary expense to enact u sopnratc By-Law to pro* vide lor the payment of ejxch and every account against the Town Council of tlie Town of Pe'.erl'orough ; and whereas it vill facilitate the business of the Council, and promote the con- Tenienco and interest of the public, ii amore expodttionsmode of paying accounts against this Council were adopted. Ber it therefore enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Peter' orough, and it, is hereby enocted by the authority of the same, that I he Mayor be and he - liereby authorised to give orders on the Treasurer for the payment of such accounts as shall be, from time to lime, approved by a vote of this Coun* cil, not exceudiog the sura of one hundred pounds, currency, in any one year, and that such paymcnla be marie in the order, and according to such rules of priority, as the Town Council shalljfrom time to time,direct and adopt. . THOMAS BENSON, Mayor. J pu mmmm rce to the Thirty first day nay 'jo granted aad no HOMAS BENSON, KX. or to order the. payment r the approoal o/auch assed 7th May, I850j 5 of inconvenience and Kpamto Dy.Law to pro* 7 account against the -ough ; and whereas it :ij, and promote the con- i more expedaions mode were adopted. n Council of the Town ed by the authority of hereby auihorised to lynient of such accounts by A vote of this Coun- red pounds, currency, ts be made in the order, as the Town Council MAS BENSON, Mayor.