y .» > > GI>IM « Mjcroficfie Series (Monfographs) A 1. ICMH CoUection de microfiches (monographles) A^ ■€ /■■ 1 ;■ CaiMdlfln inttituM for Hittoricai Mierora^roduetlon* / Intthut canadiwi (to microrapraductions hittbriqu«t Xi r'^- f ^,- TachiiiMl and WbNofrafVhie Ham I NoM^lMitn^uw ct bibtiofrairtiiquM 1 .■ iriqiitt TlM ImtitUtt hat atMmptad to obtain th* bart orififMl copy availaMa forjilmint. Faatyrat of this eoov miy ba MMiofraphieaHv iiniq«a, wrtiieh may ahar i of thf inMfM in tha raproduetion. or wMeh may •itnif icfntly ehanfa tha ummI mathod of f itaninf, i chackad balow> □ CohNiM covaft/ Cbuvartura da c oidaur □ Covari Couvartiira 1/ - \ □ Cpvar* mtorad and/or iaminaiad/ Co(i«artuf9 rai tanrka at/ou paliiciilte □ Covar titia minint/ La titra da eouvartura n Colourad mapa/ Cartaii gtefraphiquat an eoulaur Coloorad ink (i.a,othar than Mua or Maelt)/ Encra da eoulaur / ' Cdmprend un (des) index - Title, on header taken fromr/ . 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Ua axamplalraa oriainaux doMtla eouvartura m* papiar aat Imprimaa aont fllmia an comman^aht par la pramlar plat at an tarmlnant aolt par la darniara paga qui oomporta una ampralnta d'Impraaaion ou d'llluatration, aolt par la aa^md plat aalan la caa. Toua laa autraa axamplalraa orlglnaiix aont f llmaa an comman^nt par la pramMra paga qui oomporta unaiampralnta d'Impraaaion ou dliluatration at an'tarminant par la darnMra paga qui eomporta una taNa ampralnta. - • ■ * Un dab aymbolaa aulvanta apparattra aur la darniira imaga da chaqua microficha. aalon H > caa; laaymbola -^aignifia"A SUIVRE", la aymbola V aignlfla "FIN". . > ''■:•■■ ' • ■ : ' .■ ' ; ■' '•,■■■'■■' -.'.■; .•'■■■■■ >- ; laa oartaa. planehaa. tablaaux, ate., pauvam ttra fllmaa i daa taux da rAductlon dIffAranta. Lbrsqua la document aat trap grand pour ttni raproduit an un aaul eiieha.il aat flimi * partir da I'angia aupAriaur gauche, da gauche i droita/ at de heat an baa. en prenant la nombre d'Imagea niceaaaire. Lee dlagrammea aulvanta llluatrant la mathoda^ <-. ':'■■■■ 2 • 5 '":'^^-''- '• 1 / MKMeOPV MSOUITIQN Tip CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ■■^*'f- ■■■•''•■■' 'M ' ^ ": ■'M >^PPUED IM^EE Iric s^ 1653 East Moia Street Rochetter. New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - (UOO- Phone (716) 288-5989^Fin N *• ot'- «... A ...^ THE MAN OF SIJI DISCOVEBBB INTHB ACTS OF THE AP08TLC8. — i^ MTlie tnjuterj of iniquity doth alf«ad7 work.''— 2 Tubs. IL 7. — -« « This ii that spirit of Antichrist, whereof je hkte heard that ft ahovM eome, and ercn now akeady is it In the world."—! Jonx, IV, 9, BY. WILLIAM THOMAS WISHABTt J SAlKT JOHN, N. B. miNTBD BT OEOEOE W. A^liUVO. tV. MAI.KST -BTB«Br; V *)• 'i:-i' t* Mkm art ^olin wi of char raeaived the pofii kind of •••/■ ofimei, aotiquai ciroli tl pereeiv< ia tlie showa i Iliad fal ttDrolIt dayaoi fered 1 ezeuaei «re pai I 4banl|< reaaon I • ■■"■■' ■'■ ' ■■ ■■' ' ' • ' ' '- ',-, ■ ' ' '■, telligifa • ticable ' , ■• , ■ . < • " '■'■■" . ■' «atablt '♦..■■- .:'.\ ■ . .' ■■ . ■ ■ ;■■ ■■ " ■ ■■■ '- .■ ■' :■ appliei direct " ,'• ,'" ■■ ;■ ;'■■ ' -. - ' ' ■ - . : - ;. •■ '-■ ■ \ ~ ■*■» T ■■ ■ '- " "'.-■■ ■ ■ ■■\ ' ■• ' •The ■f-t- forag i*. ■ ' ' ■ V. . ■ ;■ .•"/■•■.■ ■■■ ':■ ' ■'■ . ■ . ■' -' ' '■ deacri ■ ' .' ■-■ . . ■ ' ■.■■■ pppoa 1- '. .. • ■■"'.-,: , it ■ .- ■ . ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ' ■■ ■' . ■' ■.. ■ ''■• ■ -■' '■ ■' ' ■'■' . OUtCQ .■■■■.. "» ' \ ■ ■^ . ■ ■■ . . -1 •' ■'-..'•■'■ ■ , ■ ■ '■ ■ . ■' are at '"" ' •"■- - • ■''■'.' ■ >' ■- ' ■ ■.'■''',''■ '■ that n : ■'- ■ '^ ■. '. ■ .' ■■.. ■'■ ■ ■■•■-■ - ■ \-: ■■ ■ ■' ihoat - ' '-i ' ■ -■■.■' ■ ; . ■ luhed worki .■'■";■■. '~-- ■' ' '■' :■ ■ . ■ .■■■■ '■■' ■ ■'■'■/ ' y ' ' , ■ ' ■■. ■ .-■ .".-,■■■■■ ;■ ■ V ■' ^; muat /, ,.* ■ ■• ■' ' ' , [ ' ■■.■•■ '. ^■' ■ '.■ • ' goapc ■■-- ■'- *.. ■*■.■■* . ■■■'-■ .■ , ■ . .' . ■ -.. ■.; , ... . ■; . more \f.:'>-.. V-:. :.■:' ■' ^ r . ■ •''.-■- .. : ' ■■'■" ■' ■' ' ' ■'■■:. •'■ ' ' : .. A . ■; '• m . ■ / '. ' ■ . • ■ ■ "■ ■■ " -' :'• •.""■' ■ '".■"■'- -14-17 • ■.'■*-" ' ■. ■ . ' ^ ■ "• /Jr\'-^ . ■.■■-,. ' . . -'■ '•■■".• ' -'■;"■. ■ ..'< ' ^- W3*|- ■ v Hy^^:-y-.'^-''--^y''^^..c-^ '"'■ ■ ' '-^ $■". ■%. ANTIGHRI8T, Ac. Mkm art ■till e-eniUilly what th«y wert whan "»;»•/. ■"J.^ "oiuawrota. Functknial ah«ip. hate tokao pUw. but tfcj bjrt^ Mfl«i«adaa a law or first prioclpU. Men ai« ao fcr from ««»*f«»2i kind of arg mant. Human natuw » •'««» '•■'••'•7.?*Sd M ! l^fact. aiid being ao la emplojred aa •««-«» j^P^'lSi SrlmeTeicuae fault., anf aitplatn peculiarillea ofete^ "SLJy!, wS^uarian Yetuma from «. . r«.earchej «UJ. jhted t^^ cirol* that in the remotert perioda to whlch_ ho ^ ••~";j^^^ poreeived the «ime great leading propenaitie. that «~'k manKiod U the oreaent timefc Tlio moraliat affirma the stetement, and ;U. in'^lhU^'d di«iui.i.ionathat the -'-^•"^ -^-^l^^^^ Iliad felt and aeied a. men and women ^/."«^- ^JV.?toX bnrolla a iftummy Irom Grand Cairo, and mform. ua thai to tie daja of the Phaioba the aixa and appearaiwo of <^^ fored little f«>m the proM^nt atandnri The «« jjmr^^ Mcuaea hia profligacy, by referring to P~P«~'»~ jSi^^KtTS iTmn^ti of hla nature, and which prevent him from •eimgollierwiw rea~i againat reTelarion, when be Nya that ita *»»«~^»"^»»^: SlliSble'te the human intellect, and ibal ita jr^jepj •" »"fr«; ^■ble to human nature. So firm a eonfidon^ ia »»»•»•, »»^»5 «;SSi.£d fliroalled buman^oature. that ^^^^^ applied to llw meawirement of that ayatem wtajb piofeeaea to be a •direct emanatioi from the makef of the ««»»»•»••; j, h«» k-M . That human naturo with f«w cKceptiona ren^na whM It to* bjjn for agi. ia a fact that may be derived from the •J»'-"J" ff,*^ r.cSpt iona of per«,ns.-^f^ two •^••^'^S^l^^^^^^lJX, oppoaiie pointt.-of two kinds^of men, who i" JJ^f^^^^^^oSI^ oSlcontrKictory verdict.. The •»<>»^P'««» 'JS'^J^S^^JTi^riiSl are al^one here. The former »nen»»<»V^" • *»»8 "* SjIT® a^^ ftot linkind. in .pit. of the efforta^of the «fP;i» «<^»J; !»S moat part unregenefate. Baptiat NoeW to.a 7?'Mf««{y J^J lih!d.%w«efita.hi.opinioo,tta^^ ?"^**' '^^^.i^TllSd^^nSl wwSng clergy of the Church of England ten thoujajil^rlejrt. murt bS regaSed aa unconverted men, and know»g '**««;',*• goapeU' The latter make the like ^^^^^"1^,^!^^ Sort unreeerved. They rtgard it aa a iMii^ cf e«rw,thaihai»an •. They mike much account of biluoition .Dd other .iaUl.rc«u!!!* ri^ II 5 il.' '• '"i""^*"* •*••» »»»•"■•> »•'"'• -hould ever b*co.^ raduanjf different from what i, i..-,hey Ao not Mrnit that tho«^ J«r'»/"f »«" •» « -t^nc. lh.t i. able to ch.ng. it. or g nl fiul« rM« iJwTt tern fhirz ""^ **"■* ""• . '''^•'" '• •»"« «»»i. diS" il «Z«!?i ;*'"."* ••"*^^ *** *•«•• no» ■Itogither admire wiS fwllnir .ndk.oiji.L '*'"y P'*"" '*«°''*'" f~"» this dreaS woh br^hML^^^^^^ ""^ *»"»*^ •'»• proceed, to debate mS«5!^J^ . * ■ ' * "»M« either have lew sirenaib thmih iCki^ll?h;:T«? 'T"^ yet have come Sopi'ratU M^rnJdde^tl^^^^^ Being pe«Si world f^ hat havt k«'!y that but form > like to reco?era and the ibiiiks it gioo bail, run upon than it ; peratraib. powpqe. »IUiiitd> ■ '1 I ■n CbrUtSao oocartlng ooda in a eantory or Iwo, aeenif to tltM ia abaolute glut in the religiout tnarket. The kialory of tba Initk feoemlly ooiHea up to thia level, and therefore it appaara to them a golden chronicle. The fathera of the early ceoiuriee, the «o4 men of the A rat and aecond reforming periodN, are aa muoh aa tney can digeat. To espeot ihat religion ahoald have done moro tkaa tkia, would, in their view, be to chorinh eatravagini fanoiaik Theae complacent oreaturea will not aoeompany na in tke oooiM of thought which we are pureiiing, becaXiie, aeoording to thom, things have gone aa well hitherto aa the moat aanguioe could bavo deaired. Wherever intelli|[enoe la found a Ihtle more advaoood tkan in thia tame race, the admisakHi oaii readily be proeored, thtl human nature, na regarda ita caaential eharaoier, haa eaperionoid no atrong impiesaion from the influence of religioo. Sinoe thi aopposition cannot be entertained ihat there ia a warn of powar iO religion, the other alternntive must be adopted, that tho energy haa not been elicited. Aa obvioua a method as can be tiaad to illttsirato thia poeition ia, to brina in iko aaihority of aaored hiatory. Whtt did man do ioat after Mie da^ of Pentecoat ? The anawar to tWt Sueation ought to put the it^jeot in no intalligiblo form. DM tha ikciatian system rece>*o no mjury at the handa of tke Jpeaflat f Hera is a momentous query aithf outaet,->ono that tea nevar yot been put, — one that even in thia hour it woii*d genarally kt eateemed blaaphemy to JHU^'I'*' Ti.e Apoatlea no doubt tsrefa^ with abapluta correotnosriHIIjr ^ould not teve done otkorwiaa, foir ilk this they passively obe^f iheWtiona of the Holy Ohoat. Btit they have left ua more than theiiv writioga, for part of tkai fiend oanon uooaistsof the acK of the Nipoailca. Aio tho*^ laal to kt judged by the some rule ? Beoausav certain moii were chosen lo be at fertain timea the channels o' inepiration, are we to preauma that iri ihe whole breadth of their livoa they were lifted up into tte region of infallibiUt} ? It is to be distioetly noticed that tkto question haa never yet been diicuaaed. Moses wrote five bookl. We allow the whole live4o hive emanated from hMveo, bat tkat does not hinder ua from notiog certain deeds of Moaea aa sinfal. David ia the author cf one huridred and fifty p4alms. In eoropoaiog these, it ia alloived that he wrote every sytiable at the inatigatioa of the Spirit o^^ God. This doei not abut iia out from believing tkil ha aionod when he indulged Abaaloin in hia evil wayt, or,|!eriiapt, when he murdered the me«(aenger that krougbt himHbe n«W8of'tke death or* Saul and Jonathan, or when he committed adallerjf witk the Wife and ale w the huaband. Solomon contributea three booh* to the canonical writinga. No believeV in the BiMe douktt tktit authenticity ; and no mind capable of underalaBdiiu| a dbtJoetkit ffgprda the cireumataiice ttet ke penned certain tmNigkta at tlM fffompiing of inspiration, at t reason wky ho akouM ^ Ikovgkl % /, immMuble io overy particular of hb eooduot. PvraoBi •VM 6^ • low orrftr of inieliaet can raeoncflo tho iwo fkcia, iliat tho Splrrt mnploytd bim ocoationaily aa an ioatrumant. and that th« nmo OMU.waa failtv ofloTiog raaov ttranga woman. Hara ia on abaplula parallal.—uaing it aa luoh, tha quaation ia -fairly propoMd might not tha Apoatlaa a|ao in thair charact«r of ngenia, aay and do lhioga« which whan relalad are deaiffnad for WW»^ and not for txampU 1 If thay did ono or many of aueh Jbinga, and If in doing ihaa« ihay ware and are regarded aa wortMy larimiialien, have wo not in thia oireumatance the nucleua of whii iMght eventually become a maaa at corruption ? Ii {« not poaaiMe ;^io propound a aubieet more novel, and it ia hard to imagine one ITm rr- '"*; VlJ^'^l "•••" '^••y '»"'"?'* *^«y P». c« "led with S!^iL„H-^*'*"/ 'J*l' J°"7' •Pl?'«"«'«l. '^hloh memorial, of Ujeir bondj.«. no doubt had a .hare in creating that hankering after Egypt, whioh long aAer continued toaffbat the nation. The ^I?!' ■ P'obably more than an illualraiion, it ia likely the aama /•♦•lit in the form of type. Jf the twelve committed wrong and ^ilTl* 1i± ^^ •''*'"»"• •nquiry^en awumed fo be ^delaof the m«at perfect manner in which it ia poaaible for moo •?':•*'!♦•• •*• «««•«» ''^hin « ^tw daya or ye.ra\fter Penu«W^ sUiat wliiek muai have afTectcd the whole after-hiatory of the Chrh. •tfait religion. Lrror. or aina at tho outaet of the New Teatament. '- .iIirJIf!!I*"T''*'*' *^"V ■*'•!'**•'* '" *»"'''' wcceeding period -aa the wiaeat and puroai act. that could have been performed ^ctify lUelf, becauw It contained an eMeniially vltiatiSg element. ?Jlw " "°"""'^"*'-*i V ^****'''^ «°"''' P^f'^y i« "«"» « thorough aiialyai. waa insniuled that would dorect the impure ingredient, «S would givo r»e lo , new line of octi.m differing from "he f.,fmer in "^dTT^r: K^" •''. '" J"''»'"^'>« "'• .he%r«n«.c,io;. of ho {he /JL?1 a1 ;i '°* ^'^ monjo fulfil. I, i. ,o try U.e case whether ir /f?»"'««-*«f'' •""« P"'e. and in trying this to arrive at a rule J j..wf [JT- '"?• ^*'"" P'^*'"''** "•• noihing." Now if it can • iL^.? I *^'*5 '" '»»« c"""«of the bo(.k called the Acta of the '^^^S^aS^VT^^ "^ place, end if this ha. for IE?„a?^ 1 •«•* •*•• »!'•"• °f •he Church without a doubt ariamg that any noxious principle wn. imbibed, have wo not a rule S.Xr^n^Ifnfi"'''"' *''"' *•'* prcrching of Chritt could not reall# •atfify in the cireumstances auppoaed. If one legal ingredient is on 'SSitilt'";'""'^. ; dead fly',»«| .„akea 'Mh^ oiSment 7 tbl ^othecary to.eod forth a .tinking«vour." the presencr of maw aoob Will not certainly mitigate the evil. ■J^ T ; ; ■ 'k' f . » n tvM of • I ih« Splrh It the I quMtiow It rharaotf r of leaignod fi^r my of tuoh d ■■ wortHy w of whai not pottiblo nagine one iarried with emorialt of lering aftor lion. The r the Mino wrong end ned to be le for mod Pentecoei. the Chr(i. restameni*' ing period performed, le lapie of poMibili^ ; elemeni, I thorough )di«ni,,an(l r.>fmer io on 8 of tho a functipo le whether at a rule, Paulaays, V if it can Ma of the is haa for t a doubt )ot a rtilt, not really ient is on Dtof tba I of mawf n ' JkAli, tkt Bibia aeools tht doQUiat thM il it lawM to do t«» tbalio3 may come. U gpaa to fcr aa lo ntrae tkoM WMphtmjrt who bioaob auoh opiniooa. Dat If orooog tho acts of tbo ApotllAa tboro bo loatancaa wboroin tboto moo ioeooteaiabhr votit oo tliia prinoiplo, the ftrearo of inBuaaoo that prooeodod fimm than, Md which muat be eipeoted to widely af it ttowa on, will natnmlly beoomo vary turbid whan it haa run oh (or many oonturita. Altar agaa have paaaod by. wo find ouitolfaa aiiliog ^mmjo diaouaa tho quaalion whether •• tho ftrat fruita were, holy." HltMno men hafo lofarlably aaeumed the point. Whilat •o«n«^H»v« w oontentod to roceive the whole Bible in the loiter, whllal othafa have ioaialed that parte abould bo aplriiuallaed, whilat there bate boeo pcraona who hate taken tbo libertT to reject portiooi and othera who have ventured to deny tho whole, there haa boon no doe that in a ayitematw way baa attempted to draw tho line of diotinetioB between the wrUin$t and the practice of the Apoatleo. And Vet admiaaiona are made in a looae manner which really in?ohro ^ principle. In one or two InaUocoa II !• currently allowed, thit tjp conduct of the Apoatle^waa not faultleaa. Tbo allghiaal idniMiOn of thia nature, ought long before tbia to ha»e led to the foraMtionol « rale. Infallibility ia not a thihg of iegreea-^lt «a one Md abaoloM. A laolt, an error, howoror alight, roducea an agent to tho 9^^ngrf of fallible beinga. Such fault acknowlod^d toTia?e boon oommttHW by the Apoatlea, placea them In a poaitioa in which thoir fW$ conduct ia liable to be reviewed, and eteo warranU the expootatm that being known to hnto fallen Into some errora, thof may bi found to baTO erred more than was at fi rat supposed: , ^ Scripture mentions the »• worshipping ol angp s, hy whi"» <**«P wnficiion, wUt nnpart to our 3S--A^«S^Ii22rr *" "PP*^"~»* •^•' tindenSi Md i^^iiS^^tJ'' i'^"'''^^^^^ after P*ntecMt?-Thddiiect JjNrwitt be to thi. effect : the men whom Jesu. put into thaS" ^.iTf V^. P''J''*>*S.»»^^ mwier, when they pmcUKd ^Ll^ £il.i"li?'*- ^^ pe«.on. whom he delTrJSftZ Wptipebondatto, bad ecareely turned their eyei in the diiectida l^lbepiDmieed land, when looking round, their ■oulaTurteJaSer Ih0 flefh-poia and ihe burdene tbeyTiad quitted; •^'"" ^ ■ *"•' fJl!L.IL''*'A!?'.''*^"'"'."*'''»"»H{« wh« take the oppoeite f-Ju.!Ji ^fiw* "«»»«. at lewt, it M»eme much more pSuTS Jhe twehe aa free from error, than to maintain the comm Idrw who put leligion in natural amkbilhi^-^lTtoaM vaH^eqiechdly such aa are aha low an^ of Jromaa cStat™iS«I S21l-^rJ£? '^rs?^^'^^ recoirf^ir,2St'S: WTISS •[ »^**"*"«» w>d twiichingi, cduM not be pr£pfti«^ S'-?^' ''^"H? <»w ygWat " •ecurately aakmgSScoS ^fpitrtmvtoir. TW niineroua ekiw abo whiah wceitetS lb, ••taUng blf it eaiMi. •MoeiatuMi ir thtltlMv «f wbielk ietit'iiSott* pjpoM holir fiefO* bat* ippprtniiif^ lOMiis wiU c«iMil ele- rithit. Id Bt from tb« honoiinib^ e Apottl«^ tntoce Mni retbali bo 1 deterjr lo' th«yp«t« time, ib«(jr lotiaif vttt innAlleligps part to our ntBiidaiid [%(> durect ibe gar« pm«ded vnm tton directiDa utedaAer >0^|JN)Mtt» » pioat to CQOtniy. lwho'ac» •, It in mar* Btruetioa, ppaitum. rppitialed igecottM BraedW Mtveana fvUgibn by iobarHanee; or wKleb Miiiiiatit « ertodby no oibii rule tban th« length ol its pedigree, would reAiM to listen to tbii dbtma. Oothe whole, then, soeiety ia any thing but prepared to eSae with the opinion. And when the. argumenl ia adjuitod a^d brought to bear on roankind, the hateful •* aect of tho Nieolaitana** or eooquerora of the people aiep forward, and throwing aoroe hU laoy among the herd, afford to those who were prediapoMd agaiuil oonviction, the shadow of a pretext for reaiatiD| tha truth. At an advanced point in the history of Christianity, evil is bahald •a having attained to a vast size. The inan of sin is represent<«d aa aitting" in the temple of Gdd,** shewing hiinaelf that he is Qod. The beast ia pourtrayed as obtainiiMie victory over *• all nations and peoples and tongoos,** those onlTexeepted, ** wbow namea ata written in the book of life." This must grow from a root. It must have a begionmg somewhere. * To inereaae the likehhdod ^ , thit it begins at the pomt which we have named, John in speakiog i of Antichrist says, ** and even now already is it ill the wprld.** ft '^ was in being when the last contributor to tho diiioa wrote his ebia* tiea. IftheHrootof bitterness** sprang up in eooaequeoce ef tho 'teaching and practices of some person not an spoatle, would oM ihat individual have been specified, and woufd not bis evil teqeti > have been categorically exposed ? If, on the contrary, aa.tni , aamtain, the mischief proceeded from the apoatloa, it would not M raqoisite that this aboufd be atated in to niklHf «feriU, ainco tbeae men have left a narrative of their actions, and have aiao provided ua with a rule in their epistles, by which to aacertain theeharaotoi of their acta. It ia not necessary in-order to our argument, to prove that th6' apoatles committed gross crimes, although we derive froni the old taataroeiit tlmt to do so is not necessarily incompatible with being chosen tobe a vehicle of iotpiration. Indeed offences of soeh a' nature would not be likely to furnish tir.e origin of that apiirious aya> torn whose beginning we seek to find. Flagiant criines would have stood but top obviously to have been raeeived into the frames work, especially at a time when there were some who had great aincerity and strength of faith. - Acts that possessed a show of recti* tudc, and a form of godliness, would be the olementa that would be the most likely to give rise to a falae start. Thua if the apoatlea itt any case shewed themselvei punctilious about Umea and plocea, if they laid down any regulations about meata and drinka, if they talained some of the rites of the dispensation that had booQ abrogated, if at any time they exhibited an inclipation to tampf J* with their bigoted countrymen, if on any octasioo they were aetiif, atad hy that Pharisaical ipirit which ruled Judea, and sprang nr raaulta without the nicest regard to the meana,— aeta of tbia ep|i|*.' plexioa might readily have biien received at oanonicnl. iU hnnMnly r king, it WM ntttnl, that tlieM first t««6lien of our nlicioii Id liids into sodh pnetieot, it wm quite «• natural that tMir ooDverta, whether in Judea or in other . oouniriea, should consider that it was rightty done, if the error waa not pereeiTed and resist* od at the very eommencement, aftoiher element soon fell in to tender detection less likely. Tim^, that hallowioir agent, declared ifce deeds to be at once wise and Tenerabte. when men enii* nenlly holy have paMod away, when they leaTO behind them the good report that ihey suffered ami that they died for their opii\ions, eentiments terribly strong and iniolerably jealous are evoked, and the otgesis of adoration are HAeU up at least to the level of diTJinity/ If the idMi can be entertained that the apostles when not recording, threw a tinge of Judairm into their doings, all the rest is easily made out. They threw in what men relished, and what they consider- .ed wholesome because they liked it. It was just that lor 19 of ef il which, while it did noji stagger, was of all others the best suited to become the parent of every kind of sin. If the twelve had in anv 'Oase fallen mio such sins as dirunkenness, fornication, or assault and battery leading to culpable homicide, toe question would have been understood, fiven the instance iu which Paul and Barnabas 'fall Out by thiB way has been perceived, and whilst no system has sprung from it,' stHI it is probable' that no one lias derived from it the doctrine of |Im canonical excellence of bickering. Men can. oiklerstand overt acts of this nature ; but octions which are quite 'insigoificant In themselves, and yet are the result of imperfect ana-< lysis, of dOuble-mindedness or want of firmness, oases wherein a formal ect has beep done that should have been left undone, where t rite^hae'been practised that did not belong to the gospel, where a -good end has been sought without due regard to the means,— Chris*- ;Sanity has never yet ^en so far appreciated as to enable men to think sanely in auch instances. - : f|Mhe sup|H>sition be allowed, that it was possible forihe apostles to err, another prob ibility comes in in an easy way, that their -errors would naturally be of the sort which would proceed most directly Trom previous education and habits. They are, for -argumont*8 Bike, supposed to be fallible, their peccability would iBost naturally lead them to do things congenial to that Juda* ism in which they have been reared. Until thirty or forty years of age their lives had been piissed in formal practices, which they diJ with a good conscience and by divine commaml, — that they should carry with them into the new economy some reAinam's of their foriiier religion, is not the most unreasonable, hvpotbcfis that could be fbrmi^. .This is procisely what wo should ezpeel that men would do, whom we surround with 110 preconeeived ideasl They declare that they are men. of like passions with ourselven Feteir shews this by prevaricating in one case in so plain a manner^ I I H ur nliakMi I that tMir Id ooDtider and rafbt* fell in to t, declared men eiiii* d them the ir opii\ionst roked, and }f diTiniiy^ reedrdibgi asily made F consider* ornii of cf it Bt suited tb had inanv or assault rould have ) Barnabas lystem has red from it Men oaD h are quite erfect ana- wherein a }ne, whera il, where a IS,— Chris* ble men to he apostles that their sceeil most y are, for ility woald that Juda* r or forty ces, which laml,^ — thai B reitonant's hvpoibe^is )uU expect lived ideas. ourseWes. I a manner. that Paul rates him before the other! ?•«»?">♦?• ^V^^r^^SSi How with and parting company from the a^Mciate »b«t had bejj aotodforhS* by the Holy Ghost. Men who rdtaioed enoi^ SSSeI.1 10 commit thm are in the predie.m<«t t«Je considered capable of other errors not morally worse. Wjy a>is is toask tSo mnch. They .re allowed »« h«;« ^one w^^ J" folteasome degree of moral pravny,-whereas all for r*S»»#o contend, is that they should be considered to^ have committed cj- tain faults tHftt perhais infernoihing more than some mental oW^ ouriiy. When they cast lois-when they frequented the templer- when Peter said "can any man forbid water," hnd ,Hjrforroed Je Lceremony of baptism by water— wlien the college commanded tje •gSI^o ab«ain from " things strangled"-w^sn Paul circurt- cised Timothy-when the same apostle must needs f !»? »« ^^ salem, although warned by a prophet not to repair thithor--wMn Paul ierformed the vow of a Naaarene, and went into the tem|fle along with other votaries— when he took advsntage^of thoxucttm* stance that ♦•the one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, tointroduceasubject which ho knew would divide a meetiOgt-- In none of these instances was i4ie fault of the moM henwos kind. In some of t'he cases the suppo»ed offence w*8 the result of wwa •f liffht, in others it proceeded from an undue desire to propiiwo thosS who could not be propitiated, ;n »»» JJO'^,*"?!!! TS "^ -justifying irtproper means because of iho goodnesi of the end pro- posed. Men who are admitted 10 havo shuffled; or fierce^ q-jW- -«»ll«d, ore not theoreticaKy incapable of faults ^hose badnebs lal^ obvious. It does not suit to confess them guilty f/f the graver trans. %«S8ion,aod then to resort to some P»*a PV'"'^* — LI!II-?jS to save them from the imputation of having committed the less. Tbe Apostles, by the admission of our antagonists, stao* charge with faults that bring them into the category of fallible beings. an» we do not understand tbe mode of reasoning^which says, they were fallible in the cases alleged, but infallible in all oihrr particulars. Two may piky at that game. To allow such a posuion would be to render infallibility a gliding scale. If our thjmble rigging oppo- nents choose to take the stand that the Apostles were infallible m ihb highest secseof the term, then we request them to explam hoar infallibility ia rcconci eoblo with some admitted roguery and a W*. tie ecknowledged violeni;e. If they prefer the other position, that these men were fallible in certain specified instances, but infalHWe in all others, then wo ask to be informed where lherP'oc»»re tIrtS distinction, and how they reconcile their view of infallibility wU> common sense. • . . ««a When we reduce them to this dilemma, they have recourse to such sealtmeata/ evasions as the following:— What certainty 'Jl ydu leave us if ytftt bring the actioos of the Apostles intaa conm* ■KPlfSfSWSllR' «;!. tA ha Quertiooea,--or wooM you pot ike follower* of Jeetw M JSfS iJtS olhnen,-<»r do yoS priend to que^ion the pfoptje. ^fth^fonS^tTxh^m who iroti bv io.pirelion -"d performH 2i^ lee -orif you oome forward with ob^sotlona to wwe ptrji of SiTcSVtS A Jortle.. what b there to pretenl «her. from find. SlhuUwSmSrofiheir doing.? vO^e notice the^ oh.ldijh !2bbl«i r herorder. It ie 001** pretended tl«t certainty ctn> !i».trf SoriDture But we are not on ihw accountl^fk »n*^d>«. X Tb7r««nple of Jeau. Chriat iaan ab«>lu.eJict. What he SdinddWuTiXutblemiah. The writing, o^ the penman of gcflp5Sr.re«b*»|ute facia, ap4 the rule, which -r* '•«» foj;» J STawauWecttonoerion By thew •"»«"•''••'• J^^J'^tJ; iS» with r& accuracy ofanythiog in the .hape of conduct. We &"!^*o?rXr..riS. WOU& feign. ^-^^^^ :V?l'^';^Z wUhout a eompaaa, but by meana of what 1. fixed and certain* ai« ' iS wltraVStrumi^^^^ meagre all that « ^o-btful and va«. Sle It linot nece^ery t^t nil S«".l>?'« ■»^»1 .trCwZr^Jl to order 10 iu doing good it ia noV indi.pen..We ♦^"^^'•'yP^J SmwW be intended for imitation. The purpo8e.j>f G««™»y 2 SwellSmd by inteiapefing it with pa».ga. that «« jj««g«2^ S mmIV u. with warning. Prof ided that tliere be wmewhere an ^^?Z^X^nci aignify how ^^^ **~ »»• ^» t«r*e. f~« iW^A true rule can meSmre mu^h a. well aa »» «»»,™«^ Sk With regard to the ne«t objection, that we reduce the AMf. ^ioihe htSht of common morfala. we are not aura that it » ^rlcuwd i/.t be correct. w;e do not M.ete^tl«t it am^«n« S^an»thin« If all that we ask for were conceded* the Apoe- LleX;«L would .till. ^i^^'^'^'fti^^L: iliU bfi true*eapeciiog ihem, that the beginning of the work wa. •Sriu? ask to perform, and that Wferal of their number had ThV tom»urof conlribuHng *« »h« ^'T*" ^'^ f r -^'^'Zi bto attribute «»methingVculiar to ^'^^ ^J^JSZ^ that superiority which Je«uf seema to make <»^«;««»»»ein. when he •Jeaks^themaapresidingoverthe twelve tribes of l»«el. In iSference to the next objection to our argumeo.v«:tl»»Jne^a^^ Ilea wroteby inspiration and Wormed miracles, tlmt J ^^^^^ g^bfer, oir anawer istjiisj that our '^'^^^'^^^^'^^^^^l vervfact that they do write by inspiration. Wa go to what tuey htS^fSwarriS^t^bisc^^ attending to It we procure «r SrSt. Wo fiod^h.l'^iii this capacity they condemn wh. ZydSSthe other We notice that their words impugn their JS^Wetisten to what they say, and we do not. like our Mtfa- tmrists, render Scripture inconsistent, but we make an apoa^to 5c«H«n g tho umpire and judige of er fh« w«y^«P°^'°;j;^.'} .;'^g aSinfr * t i beiiuae we Relieve scripture that we tibw th. .|MM> Jmusm i>ropiri«* erforned B parts of rom fiiMi • ohildirii ly otn b« (1 p«r«m<« in A diffi« What h« «nroep of dddwoif )n»bled to tuct. Wo the oceui >rtoiiii oro and vari* fom tort. every potft )d may bo ) designod Bwhere an aries from I meaiaro theA|KM- I that it is it amdunti' the Apoi- It would work was )orioua end umber bad ' this much give them n, when ho \vme\i In I'.the apot* It ia eatily ded ontho > what they we procure idemn what npugn their ;• oiir anta* an apoatlo r hen simply iwthoapoi»- • IS' •■■, . .•■.-.■,; ilM as wkoDS in ceHain of their acts. They say so themaelves« 1^ do Jp nK>ro than once, 4nd that in cases in which Jt cannot bo ' iueslionid that they spoke by inspiration. Relatively to the ImI JbiMtionI which we supposed, we reply that if we are right In oSi^uion, we are not answerable for any wrong consequencee to wbleblt iav be pushed. If some, following in otir steps, discover Bpints in the* apostles* conduct thst are blameworthy, points that have Mcaped bur observation, wo ri'joice that we may help to em ' Wden ofhers to do what must provd salutary. If some, ncttf. atod by lignoranoe and irreligion, should attack what ts really correct ib the acts of the apostles, wo answer that It is no concert of ours that Satan should send out impostors, and that Jg(g|* shoaW get fools to listen to them. ^ ; . "^ ,\ . ^^ The idea that the apostles were impeccable, i» resisted, noi merely by their own affirmations, but likewise by what may be tsrmed the roa«on of the thing. To liave been so would have been to he liwd oat of the posiHon of responsible agent«. In this cas^ it would )iaVo been useless to narrate their lives, inasmuch as thtfy ceaard to have any affinity with common men. Acting under eircumstsncos differsnt from thoSe in which other men are placed, their case ceased lo afford any useful parallel, They wo\ild stalk aerosa tlie scene as virtuous phantoms, faulllesii prodigies,^ with which humanity had no polo's .in common. Thsy might mittwtor to wpndi r, but they could not minister to godliness^ They might be thruu beVwefo the professor snd his God, but they could not be surveyeJ as good and useful examples of'how w0ll men might aet| inap'ite ot a faw errors anld failings. To rut these men into this categorv,*isto place them inapoeiiion in which no other mortali everatpdd, to do it in spite of their own declarati«i|n to he ^contrary-, " and to do what does not enhance but" impair* theh| moral influence. \ To make the apostles infallible in spite of themselves, is tolreat ' them more cavalierly than we do who take them at their word, a;nd; betieveltliem when they affirm that they are men liable to error,; apdalsjb when (hey tio'nimeiit on the particular faults into whiclr tliey f^il. -■'■''-''''' '^-"■'-'' -':' - 'Sj ■'''' ' 4 ■■■'^' "■'.''■' -^ '■''■ who hold the opinion which we assail will not be driven ^.w... Jt by argument* because ihey have generally a f«l«>nioufci; motive for adhering to it. The pn'y circ^umstance that would force them from it is one which we cannot in the meayime birinK up»-^ naml»rs» Withan eye however to those whose oplnu»n» nr^ yet' to be^ormed, we think it our duty to caiivass thjs subje^. The' niiative that tictustea 'our opponents^!S not the love of holinra9,as^ they /allega, but the love of *>» hat they call a vuihUchurehr They pnMMire the chief materbils of this edifice by pronoilmcini; t'lo ctr^-. moniiai acta of the aposttet Inspired, It is easy to pVetenfl that theV ibe thirchaiiBCter to them because of the ho(y\ awe in whlbb < aIm ^f food ? Why 00 wy » ..^-.^jn- ©f • decreo ? And «wUhwuob"olemm|vtht ^'^^^J/^yOiiog, would pij^^^ ^ ,|do of iho hottie. Jbiv it « ««•» conVorto, at IomU AodwbjL ilnibaT not etmcl ibw »". ■"'.t _«(•--» tn mo so muoh boaoty . owi Pfoprioly inthocopdttct of P^^^ .^j^^^ thoapootlos ^SiSofdialibgwUbthoBA^^^^ «M ft Uulo rotuory »» »^» **?p??? -nd thon thoy admii by implK»- tion ibftt »8«*«*';Kf«l^Md tbon tboy tako a detemmod rtaod ofthii»««»«««<»»\*°"i?^' !lJu«d baptiam by wator, or aaiftm- Si Ao casoa Ui •J»icbUijy fJ^^J'S^jmj oi theao tbat thyy tted on tbo fiial day of «^J^; iey S^4nrf«»e«aniplea for Sato diettited bjr inspiratwo, t^^^^ nir^if«»ti^^ would aay ^SiwouldtbUikmoreoft^^^ •ban thoy hato "^^^ *^J?*Xi«TO when they have regard » uTbeTOii the Piofince of er.^^^^ ^e jould : :«^ think them abau.^ consider them wtelligiWe. a hoow^ They cannot mak© But they «^»»~ »« ~«*^?uiro^o^^ good their noatiion on f™*^^ ®"5J'h.t7^^ ftpostlea were im**- Slate in their ?J«lacy^je^^i^mw^^^ whaiev^nyou it happen thatPater andPau in^tnia cai^ 7 ^^^ ^y 1 1Bi fSS IS ^b.«««t thM we Mk th«m why thay do not innin on tfc» oiofiilBMi 2K*il ««o|lS .ml WooJ?-;hy .hoy do «• Uy Uiofowof fhSrJSS we elU)w th.1 In oertelii Intteooe. they erred end dfd iliTL^e iotbi th.1 It .hoald not be ..id. of them th.i they .re S.^r Si .0? Z^^! tale- d''««~» •«"?»•«• ~» »*• *»~"J**' foiJerf to PiJf eh. i; .p|H«iMoe thi. rtrteinent w roMon^lJe, STu i.2)C?ppe.r«»e oSy. When their offer » wcepted, it Sfn. oStThit M te« thet 0.0 be quoted i. of the degree of di.^ SSnS iSfr liT After dJbetIng with them for iome time, l^^et l~Xfinrth.t wh.t they iem i. not .rgomsnt^ hot tSSriU xfie pSTg- which you elMie weqW^conf Ince them. jrSoTfi^ldXrtWlhey hoTo been .JwiHJed for . century or rtlmJe^pSf wYiohyoi. .liege ''f '^^^JJJriSStiJ&J^ vara husked by the» other circum«.nqW They »»rmih.ttheif StonrPeSrtoh.feroted wrong, when he .ttempt^ to conce. S fciu^at h?h.de.ten with t?e Gentle., heco.eP.ul .qr. lh« l?iJSto£w.med. But would they .dmittbi. were thertetement of pSuI there ie the other conflder.tioii.th.tit hjw bjj" '^j raee^edilt hi* become orthodox through time. Thi*, to caroju S?d.. whteh x.n neyer Initijite, but wWoh .lw.y. foUow .uit m S^loky. i.Mi indiipeB.ible ingredient m eyery •3P«f«<:. ^^^J* JS; tfi; Peter w J to bl.me, «nd ?•?%» "^'"^yJ^^S^^i . L t(i*Mi not inatanoe. o. oertinent M thi. ? 1. there not . o.m w t^^P^JA^^^STvrh^m the fir« epirtle to the Cof- fa^kilpLffS^MSMk God thet I bMtieM none of you but c2SS M^ffi' aidThen he .dd«, "Tr Ghrl.t •mt me not to SSffrTl to hri.ch the ^U- hMO we^ not .n ex.mple m tSLrw^poife^demne"^^ '? f **T^ Itth ihToffiw h^d the com^ion Wd onlJm to go -jd^^^^^^^ £ k»2^b.pti«i»» them* b5 in the pMa.i^ jw^^ SSnit hfh«l tptMbu/. few iMJr^ m theohurqh of Po"«J; aS^effirm. th.t he w.8 nc^tent to »>.p»ae. Either then to rejmcea aSli ha had not executed the commiwion which he wa. .ent to fulfiK « he celiirS hSoin .f of baptizing wbh woten In one «in.e he wu undoubtedly eentSo beptixe. .but if i^«J«»y\j*f\^*SS hentixed few with w»ter7th.t W.. not the mae. If th.t wm not batance. th.t it wm Ae Muae. The commwion giyen .to Peiri •tther meut that bifehould go M ««»▼•«. ?~\e',»S;»j3 •£rald go .nd wMh ihem with weter. He rejowe. tM he W teptteelbut a lew p^mu in Corineth. Are we to auppoae thaltt "#W^!W ■■■«-■■■■■■ '' '"v'i^' which l»l>i^ »"•'"• .;*.ij"w.ihrt it would l«" «•» ^""L ,1. » taMto. ii ••• " •^"•' '?^ "hi « "not «nt to p«tfon« . •♦ ••thai ritoreU»n«o •■ " V . -v*n he w«i» con»m«od«« Sve a different «on"»'«?'°"i^.*«*!! our opponenW and o«r«rWM^ ThTre ie .nolher «»«• m ''^jphj' »' »;. J^, ^^ „„«, ,here ]■ ^*on6 ^-n .rte • wc aHude to the p»M«gf '*^ I., iMis wiih »ome ahow of C:^' Weknaw o^^^-'Sl^^^^thSilS!^ not believe ML»»ency with thi* text,— they ew^^^ :^d J. ««.^o<^»JrIo^a^S^'wJti.«i of w-ter. aniUJ bold to the baptiim of the 'P/;" *"*';^ bnt one. evince » "••"J* w U W it app«»r thet two bapjwnj ^^^^ jUoitTV, or at leastan locapatiiy TO r*. ' ^ ^f john;* or the Si&m of water.nnd •• ^^» ^•«' «'y ••"?^JS?, ^' ir tbii •ioor* rnisM toi • ithanlit , whtoh tatrt io las dooo ler if ^ that lit lea* MiiA ' m. HUi perfonn lily ••«* on wfcftl inni«nd«4 b deotara ware tkal ployed to re leave U ottrteWei' AQBuire bit ire ia^^one 10 show of iievoiotbe ytbaiihey er* and try a mental . 1 wonderAil* n;' or the^ le bapism of put ibe two the missioii^ Howdoea , apparently lomojjeneotti;' nv baptiam, og ifhen be y term«t end ment in wbat Ibe good ooih . .el^.0. toward 0.d by th.i^--tl^ S^m ^l^l t t^, ordinance., i.npo.e.1 on »hom vmt 1 the t,„e «r ;« Jj;"; '"J, ^^^^^ ^, ^htlr Include In ii one qr two P^I^^'^^YhVco^^^^^ »hM the \^n mistion considered lo \f^Vm '^ V® "fJP^' -i„dio»tt the conduct of tht 5ood.m nuai,, he .urely «;;^\r;" ^JS^ .nd .ent : Apoetle. when th«, ?'»«*;^,if;"\t\JS " »''***' "*'°* .-IITk . K»n.tin ,«la»nit to thinge '^p^g^ni^ .^->- „e.t.. had In meate, thoee who promolgBtea » °^?S«iMr " l^nZed'fromthegosfdtnthj^tem^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ,,, It U oflen "upP^-^ed hat the conuu^^^^ ,^^ ^^j, docirlnft of a day ^^""^^^^^^l J^,Z^f^^^^ ^txSxig*, and gauge ,upp««lion, we again P»"j7"; J^ oXian., "Ye obaerte day., and the one by ?« ?^if '•.,;;"; "r.^ii^^^^^ of you, leit I hate be-towed ttOnth.,and^tlmei. and year.. ^^I*; J J „j l,^^ „ t^.. ii more thad opon you 1»»»°" l".'r"\„„Vea i„Va„V^^ if they o.uld be procured, In ^mcU,nttoover#e.8hahun^^^^ •'• f«>«'"» '" '".*'PP*' the Acta of the ApoaWea, in wm j jj^j j^y^^, however, when an ohimber on a I'^'tvowlar day. >;!•. ^r infer and iurmiae than lakt ordinance .a in q««»y°"; J°"^eScr Paul "^^^^^^^ Coloiaiana, " Let the doctrine from a downright eai«. raw My ,n reapectof an no man. .berefore. J«i«e F?" »«^ "^J^ ;,°'8iJ^^^^^^ I'hiS* arJa ahadow holy day, ox of "'^'IJ'' °°7.V J^^^ Where there iaa no pre. of tWgH to come : >"'„ '^^ 3 a mai^^would derive from tWi that the . EisiesBion to influence the "joj* ' ™,". ^".^^ n ho did not draw a ,^peV ha. ^^^.^-^^^''ZS^'^Xi^ "ould at iheTeait con-ider that concluMon quit. " ^'^iJJ^J'lJji^^^^^^^^ could be received aa an none of the «i5°"™''SrNBwCSenr^^M^ fl»n hav^ no .hare in element belonging to the New lMtameni^^» ^^^ 11. <« they are mentioned Drj^^^^^^^ can have ni i,re •P«<^>«!fi-.,A.^^;«„.^^^^^^^^ with , peculiar • concern with^t,bwau.e'.ucntin^g^^ many d.i.gnil.on..^ii to do precision, lo »*«*>" ^^„""°i .o Christian. «hat they we free and .0 in good .««n~t;,J^ \7 ..Jn holy day, the new mW or the Sah- beyond cnticwm. m 'e»aJJ»/».*^..^^ J" „' i"i„; n is a stronger eaaclment ba?hs..'Vi.tode.lhoro«ghyw»^^^^^^^^ than irthe Apostle l^^^^^^^^ STcontfovWby gSing into aetaila. I takes no aci^ount of hoj day^. w "« JgL ,'e«vethpm Without *xcu.i iUustratedtheprinc:pl8by80^m«.vcas gB^ ^^ ^^^ if they refuse^to ««« »*V. »"^.^*"', S merely pre,o,ibeaTeveren^i^^^ "^aSr^C^lJS^ present economy>becau,e they have ^ '# *• "" J .*^M!»«r miiv«n«d on on« ovf "■^'"\~l^ommh too to oh»ng« w ?S£t?r« Sirs K s:;si-T?.'°^»S nnniTr'"'**TT° ■am Ui o«» H""*'* Jli:;^,. »» •Knoiaf . In^tht Scripture. ^;^'^'^'SS!}SSiJ>• ylT:,.!\?!l ,^ pmoni pr•M«l^ Jewi." A dead rite wea porformad '>««»5« .S'^lrSSb toba ■atad by^ X';i.badtob. r^jfr':^^;,s^^j^^^''ru fldtb Id tba Bon "^l^^^^^^uZr^ii^^^^ byaundera of tWa daacijpltoiii waa to »J°JJ'j ^ ^^^^h to auppoat ,.««„(«, li.o«M«oii*~lhemKK^^^ mladioei of PhufaMfc » 'T~',!JS« uJbSf pS*w» htaM» »• ill \S» own wfiiinga. Ha ;{^«»ji,T-J^ H?SU igMnatWi own OhrUUM wlll|U>n, "•'•Jt"* „. from heU, th« Spirii^f^ optDioo, nwrt b« *« J^»'*; foUo^,d :-,tbe root can net (_ - tbinff« to b« *'»'»T°'L. -.«« of the »icet referred to .. ^^- — - - eStrwy.-bo" thetthegermof JJf ''y; ^ i, optorned irom the "Sm. of th«e «•». "iliu'SJ to Se. t«etic. ot •trange ™™_ It will be a dimcmt step w *•»'• _.> „ ^f jj^^j IVV Sied to Wnder the^motem«nt. FiUy J-'J^^ ^„^ ■^^ iU be |iec«.MrT »»"""?„ ow)onunity will then be .■\ oontaii "^i oMlg* 1> t< «eepon tbr ib« trutb •! «hetl ^^*^\ ^-V^-i S^ttMtJJCh* church will •»*"",.''"'*:{»- inuriri'V onder -pM Wr '*'•• ^Xown Sc.« e t Jni^proceed tt,««„.t^iB?etter tSKittM eter yet kno^^^^^ more fatal 2?U^t25S nothing of the OeniUe., T°«;",\\J,Vf „iod which i» Zi to SpeS upon « falee rule. ••>* Jo be « » "J^Vihe inaecuracy of tbefeatrumeDt/^ForeTertofallb^^^^^ nothing which may he iniidea, and to be «n•^«^*^"i."f}"?.*"the "ituation of those condemned /Bianced can -^"^^ ^ij^ JS J (o^tt "J^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^"^X ^ S;s ^S ar ; ;;.; rdo«m;»d to «i a ^ tg roJ^^iKr ^e^ »". '^"'^ ^r lo« eoi «e belief e to the iro* nocgotsi ■eke out < that it oui ^jtdlTBent. eaanot mi •mistake, the beet ^nz Mid ebon »«lata on that can Kakaa Ul vben Pai •here: bi lewa. A not, but thateod The mo Bpbesui aalem." tJewtal lyelf^ ..It the uathat whieb y liaraOn that be who for erindi bis ow iMoaoai Ibatit floingj ivearf toeans OBth^ ciiean notnU baaeti biml \ od of Wh but rtft- , not «o bf tm* forth ? Paul wat but from ndtritood. tlit by th c»rrT the InitlUgenM rfmoay •»* Tiher down, and forcible I and ta the la who mah* n ohangait* imo, ■areasn tiie trimmlDg im«a ef it i* B plaasure in fMt aa they oaillt to the lom (hat #iU iu|t be oar >Uea a ooniained in ned from the ea of strange yeara of hard ad. But 0n6e ity will then be d which it baa jouriT«'y under it will proceed rror more fatal mind which ie le inaccuracy of ns as infallible which majr be Dse condemned II h holes. Nor ion, much more hey term it, but Mlf l« to chaiiie It. "•!?:•• .AK^rwUl it be when the frienie ef oblU* i< to veepon throac the truth tf"^ iiipe whetl fi w nam"! •«»,•",#, — .^j. apo.tl.ethemMWe.aff oy hm^Wm, 'XjjmM ot^ii* •P««»>-/»'*-::;^.*:.!'n II aoVr by formaliMH ^^ElMV by ifnoranoe, If euperetitlon, 9j angrr, «7 IH^^o**^^**'^''. u w- «— Ui«a in «olnl ttP to Jemialem le, TUT eonduei of Paul when he JJ^^'.^^^.'^^ftto won'derftil detotedoejj we belief e»»efm«only ''"^^ "•"/";?;." hVacted imi roptflf . that wffl to the r)iP»». »' " «•» ^ "*•! l.io?ll«I.I In hla feeUnge, buHt wiU Za go to Paf Aat ^J*'* J" l?* JiVS dISi)ln| It. A«Vt tb be all sake out that he took •»'««* •'JJ^.Jh SfeenUmeot witji aecuraot of f that it ought to be, ahould eombloe ^''^J'^^'^J^Z^'^^i,,^ of feeltilg ;S^! If tBTlatief element ^'^Si!;}^*u!n;^j^m*'tyn by | fatSIf make It admirable orj^t^^^^"^^ J:;i,Tnot neeeemil, J tnietake. A «•»• f"""*""* *!LSSLini. Strong emotion emeited by the beet feeli.g «»•*••"!»: "^i'JaJSiuXlnd le •bich a man ea« . taiiiroper reea«ni may ^ **'»/*7„^2r,"nr|,»«oiion by worthy re.wna, \ Ve. Ming, to be reepeouble, ahould bei»tin«o^ Vwlmg, when It ^ Ud ebouldW a right proportion to Jeje "^•°%, ^ to wy erim. nitoU under oondWone dMferenl fr»«, J*!!' "V, Jiweit of the emotio* oSt c.«be»amed,anditij^noj«.jUto.tto^^^ thTn-lutto. »,ekea Ufe of fortune on tbe jenjire. We ■JYphe.ue, end left them when Paul wee at ^%»»w''•^:; ™iJ! ^WieTind reieoned with the •here > but he Bjhaerf •nJlSJ^ 2^^«?r with them, he eonmmted law.. When Uiey i^^f^^J^^^X^X meana keeg^thl. foaa* &ateomethlnJef«^«»2^yj*"'Ji^X «• ^^ *■ Bpheeue waa. •* I '^'^^^f ^JS^jT^^Si^'^ he had no eemwrt with ..W" We »«Pff« ;»» "SSlI* .A in wSegee already cited, he hae » lewUh Jpaet. ff hie 5S»^«i;;J_ SiiJibythi death of Chr at, and ^* •\M that aueh mattere were f bou«nM oyw^ _. |^ informe |Kt^lS7onld not be P"««Si»^»22 d^'^Iei^^ JS1.T and drink! ua that &ie irat »T!?*"\^Sia^tlS?\lmT3r??Smation, waa^ not to whioh were impoaed oaly nntu tM time w tm^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ imoort that he Jhoold f*pelr to '•«^,i*,2„VmM judge them "to meal. X forbid. the eWoreh at Op^-;*," daJ *^i- in «5»*»* ^^'"^ 7\'^ or in drink, or in »«J^«' «^ *3ici^onV SE eagef dWpl- hUownedlet,wh« h«frttteto«l ww^^ Womaybetold fteeauae of • LefHiy» fJ^^JZir^^^ the proepect of Cut waa not the '•^•J5*,S*f2SS We^Sei petty landee^whea 4oing good, that inBueneed »iS»/.2!2i* a. Pa3 aayei ••! mtH bt M %. ireWonted by *.worigt a««r^Mj^^ dl hypotW. toeanc keep thia IbmI,** "**&.?£" iSI bate contemplated the other Z th, iulfeet ^^Vr'^tJS&^l^l^^^^ "™^ ^ ^ 12 circumiUneee U the mOit pfobJWe ^JfJ^J^^.^ the reeaona whiok SS -SSoo them. W%«2l»Sle'51h brU tl. harbored i«^ 1 ■7 It SaibM>«ftoli^ »<»■"*', '***?r.n SririSent to the wickeineM of men, •ad the DetiL And jot «J««««J. S^*Sln-*to sueh wiiUtiei ■■ thii. were 5; ^atmwtioo-of i^l^'^^'!t^^^^^ ied.P.iajo«o.edm^ ^iii Md A«l»«i,^/o **i^?™^'no5%t«idt. oor argument waW — f^r^J*Tl^sx. Bnirit «f Ood. to so to Jem- .4i4< &to and A^^^o '^AilXelSiS n;^«t;id.. oor .rgume, fmoet nlM ^**»5^..„(^iJJ,SSnrtt« Spirit of God, to go . aot be ittrtwned. If l~*.JSjAe^diMoe«on, but we innrt oomm* to ■dem, not only mnet «e resign «• """^^"'L than take thia attifnde. SSeve Ihat^ gite. ^<>^^**J ^ST^^^U^lS^m^ authoritiee, 5r?efer adooOng »N jrejjding jWc^^ V'Jo ".S «^ to i)n«««atf in thi. dbi "that ?•«» l>«P««'^M*2--e hSe to aeSr Th^hato tAen it Manner, had no eo6h f Jj«f " ^Vf^uSte teinalaUon of the Gr6ek. kMauM H appeared to them *• 'JS^^^'^he cSoMone at which if trom the hinde of thow who woujd ^w«' *»• SSS aUusioo to the ito. we accept the "1»J"« "^^^f^SSTU d^ined to^«dl W oirenittctanee la m tbeae ^T^!C^ th« timB in Aala ; for he Basted If K5«»»^beos»ieho;wo5ld^notspen^^ ^ gWe iK)s«bte for him to be at Jenwaem^we^^^ .Jektfefirence to the OTcnt .is in^t^wc^^*. a^^^^ liound in the »P«it^°^Jpa^*readiBeas which he truly felt to die for the truth, is a aaaetbat haa oceoned frequently. Because he was conscious that he really bore witMn blm the spirit troth, ia a oaa that he >poaed that in the light lain the bad ingto Pro* Bigarding loneeifijbli n regard to iteoqi Paul a attiele of lea moat by bitofr^* int to great I Hunting* Ltnot oall to " propheay eeyphering i:,andaomt iggling ba Bee into bia thefeaatQf whole kw. anobligt* auchqnea* r that they • exploded the line of ftwthiadia- alineTery two deaigo olytea that naand acta lied ofer • IB in^ a pet- ite than tA mkeraand rfereoce to ties. The nda ogling D*withany 80 long aa ht it mora tarry at riioerMqff! the foripture, bot the full neaninir of \h9 maziaa eannot be appreeiated ihilat we are in the habi* of admiring an opipdipa principle in the doinr* ofan apostle. Alt the countless and foul instauoffs in which ehureharn v haTO obeyed emotion and deserted principip, must stand, before us half pnd sometimea whollyjoatifird, whilst there is a oas^ in point which «e persist in commendinff. The- affair becomes more ofiaiplicated by the ad- mission " that the holy ghost witneaseth in erery citjf, aayipg that bonda and afflictions aoide me." Tbia would ffire us toonderetand that mora intimatiwna had been made than are fully related. That the Holy Ohoal ahould warn Paul that aorruwa awaited nim at Jerusalem,- is ndt a reason to canae him to deaiat fiom proceeding ' thither, povided alietHre that tbt .hoat had commanded him in tne'firat inatance to go. That after ' ' original command the apirit should interpcMM with aignificationa" , IT in the eoterpria*. would merelf prove that the man was era* fiirwoniedio order that he might be torearmefl. Tbat he ahould ard in apite of the knowledge that he waa inotirrinjf peril* would ahow that bis faith waaatrong. A man ia fully entitled to brat* ebnsequences when he ia obeying orders. But when the enterpri#e ia wnggested by {fldtAolioit, when th<| object of it la to celebrate an obsolete feast, the caae is altered. The intimation from the apirit of God tbak there are bonds and afflictiona on ihe path, beeomea eqaivalent to an injunction to deaiat. Tu go ftirward under aucb cirenmatanoea is not faith but fiituity. No man haa the right to incur impriaonment and «nie' tiona at the inatigat to ackoowledm ft. «wwed mo(« than one? Vfeiv2« !^**™ "•** «"*««»• «' *»"^««i qoe«i..n agitated that .act, .he membSr/S' LK'r"^'"^ '""""'"tf *" thla word ihe other of the inward lighr It Sv«n^'"P''"'^^ /»' ^'^^ '^'»*«» Otto-fjon of the holy .pint or the i'lrrf %k ^ *" P'etend that tbi« ia the lo f h^definltioB of thS»..nctio„«o7.h.'Holi Oh?, -f ^ "*^''" •"» <'?£*»•««»• that he teaehe. by the WQ,d. a„d SltTJ^-.^t**" "'• «P«'«ly «ffiniied mencan wwertaii wheiCheX^^^^^^^ eriterio,, alone that jiffht that ia independent of and that m«l l/"^ ?'« adf.H>ate an inward w todefendaa pwrilent a herly iiTi^^?^^^^^ wort, We d6 nprJtnow whether the paSaM. «f ,hif °!!'**'t ^° ""•** *"" ^'"W"'^ aition of Paul to aunport their S pliL V^l^^T •"■^•^ »•« °f "'*• OMf ofauchan iocwCm, not cenaured butuli ^'••y hfve not, the pre.. 2>w i«« hoping the«rr».lSira^1^H'^^^^^^^ t!^^^*^ injinc^i^^^"3^/•J»•2 that an apoatle thought ft»nned,and i«l it continue to bMhaffSSl /"*"*. V'''P°«« ^''« be &°d ««» be rwwoai e .Dd to be*called for. J^^^^ to aay I feel • atroag inward DMmnJin.TZ I' ^^ '•""» » "»••» *»• only 4i«rt. ill order to «2mand?he^Sm?at^^^^ lineofconV *e» be aome peril orb.. connwtod w'^th .i'''' """•"•"tal herd. Let 5«i«TO ri«» to Ito Wgheit S „d ".^^^^^^ JththefVBobl.eomp.V5£rrtri» m3'^.^[^'»*"°«'' »«'•"«» «»«*iled^«^^>irtSyire?b!.i^^ **""' the exiateneeof what W- eo»ciff;SS^aT!!Wa2^^^^ «r«cto«: ofn«ntion. reepfratfon, dlgeaSon o/^*!!.^ their utiHty in the aete J»mtobethec5teria5S^^^ b»l we innot allow «»«»hoaid,gniveedueateJdiWna^^fi.? ""Pi^^^ **•* -nrtbeanoSinancebeliSiJiTthr^^ bapttam bj water • rtrtrti|flt i ralMnMii tpofltiv, pnM tuced ap to tbenativM diwiplM u rapropb«i, >!• hu bMO the aune^ iMi, « ret* Uattiitbfi haTe acted QoAeiatioQ ewavover wiedgvit. t haa been ng to this elves split 1)9 written Ibis r* tho opposed, rsffinhed ■lone tbst in inwani len woni, imagine. •e of thia the pros- citiofltt* thougfat L be had 'le devo- »(r"«ht mind to Barks to bas onlj > of oon« d. Let ana en* classed ofwhat^ 'uctore. Ihe sets taI)nglre««'«»d doring its delivery. An eoelesiaatie does hot afliird in- ooniestlMe proof thst fits head is sound and his soul sioeere, beeaose h« Ukes up httls dhildron in his arms, and ignorant that it was a symbol, reminds hi* flock that Jesus did the same, and draws all maternity in leading airings after him. There are certain qualmish senaitions asseel* ated with child-bearing|n the humsn «peeies. 'f h^se are very piroMrly regarded as unploasant tokens of the f«ll, and it is right that tliey ahould be tenderly soothe«l with hsrtshorh and other cordials. But they are not ossentially spiritusl. They cannof be received as criteria of the sbnnd- ness of a sermon or treatise. We are not bound to consider that a revi- val, as it is termed, is real, becsuse helped by close air, it has given rfto to niAoy cases of spasms. The dissection of such matters in ooi^nection with the rise and inftnienee of the beaaii or epurtoiis Chnsttanity, remdna yet to be made. The disclosures that s discerning mind can foresee in ' fbii direction Bre stupendous. It will yet bn ah-jwn up to the convietioti ■ of men, that mere brute AiiiOtions arising out uf ceremonies, and pomps, snd sacraments, and galvanic' appeals, hav« hcurr Mie principal ing^redi* snts in the annals of what we call the churches. Vast consequences will grow out of these great yet nasry revelations, and mind instead of nerves will aspire to this direction in theology. In the meantime there are oba* tsdes in the way of such researches. We cannot enter the stahlci much loss dmr it of its filth, so long iia false feeling is canonixed on system. To persist in saying that Paufdid nobly when he tuent up to Jerusalem, is to put a bsrrisr.in the way of wholesome enquiry. If itbejqst in-anr degree to judge an act by its consequences, tbfs journey was not undertaken' by divine eommaira. The very next tiaiis- aptioh was a case of temporising and legality, in which Paul sa Well as James were the princiiMi aciors. •• And the day following Patil #eiit in with us unto James ; i|||^ all the elders were present. And w(ien he iikd iriuted them, he declared particularly what things Ood had wrought among the Gentiles by tiis ministry. And when they heard it they glo- vified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thou* i^ndsof Jews there are which believe, snd they are all tealoa4lof tbelav; chest all the Jewlt which airo noitodr- 'hat is it, ill hear ttei ^d theyareinforned of thee (hat thou teacL....... »„„ ,«, among the Gentiles, to forsake Mosea^ saying that they oogi cumcise their children, neither to wa!k after the customs, therefore ? the multitude aanstneedsoome together V for they w»..«w »«•* thou art come. Do thei%fore this that we say to thea ; we bafe foariik«n tf hich have a vow oil them } them take, and purify thfaei aiid be at charges with them, that they may abave their hea„ may know that those things, whereof they were informed thee, are nothing : but that thou thyself also walkest orderiy, the law. As touching the Gentiles Which believe, we have cooduded that they observe ho such thing, save only that they sdvesfrvnrthingsoflbied t idols, and from blood, and f^m iiidflroiiifemieaUon. Ih- Paul took the aifeh, and the neit with tbitMa and all ineemii^ idkeepeat itten ahd eapthtee stinmgMr nyphrif^ 4»ftrtd /or •Terr oue of K" 'tJi. ! *"* f" »'•'*"» •boald be a miztare of the two Thii\*-- LS '^''" " "»<»'• proheble, heootuiiu th«-.ife.profoSdlrirn««nto^ff They .hew tlw^pel,i:awy ttLSwTdi^^^^ between the iJw^nd •a;«Iadlc»o.vS!Snih^^^ .k/n*^!:/** ■»'» Gei»tile,IJ,eT oa the iewe. ud thoViem fo edSlMlf^ '^ ■■ ■«'« bSdimr wjrlefltlm«e. Thi 13^. .k. ?iu" »"»*'^»g tp popuLr feelS? 2 With the mlBd M.tln(JTt?i SSi7.^^^^^ reacted thf •pWL^lJSh tS Ti" „'*'"»k'nd •'•re deiBed tKe ^m .11 iSt. h«re .i/rS;birdi.DK^^^ ""/eedily expWn how 'he U.ii joint iSSLetSiof^^^ i-. Aiut/dbfv dHMeerring and hoir io«er/Sr.fc "f^ *^f •.*• •»<» 'n«t«nce of inferni> 4«d PfoteelLt ohn*Xt U« w«> •-* •^'•"k "Jwntelee of the iKfaffi fpot. And help.ny1hi, inrfdiii .^^^ cwne f oto eSu V • qutetionS (2,) D^epjgnonuioebf thr»rn.i.« P r^L •"^e"'ience to prejudieeii ■•"Mrfth the writing 7tU*ViSiS^^^^ JH Aeliqge are pointed^ reprobated ttni *^f If >•?<*•* »hereiB eU aaeii thA act. of the ADoitlAa fc... - Iff *°** ••''• the IrouWe to Idok »t tjatwe tare heard it mootSTSuitSSd^ iSf **?°V ^^ *^*» *«-«iw It bWhtqp Intelligible iSStoX"^^^^^ tolerably .n,e that »h«tilomanwh« faM a rMMd fnl w .• '^°''. °' ««»• we are certain. hlm.etttonanHiori;ref;2't: X^l^TJ*' ^t •»»'»?. ^ould alS5 f« the Iaw.-therefore, «^r. Jamefto V«»i ^'°^ '"^'"'"'^ '•*• «»«'ow ;i Mooqipljili. •boald bfl I «ith«r tbt ».itoootaiiia I modela for Thejr theiv he law and atile,— ih«y »•>♦» throw ti'l binding feeling it •e tnd bad ever tinee. >e rile kod lide iM w» form and n bow lb* ricticeinf dtoarod*. Miet«d by i infernal * bei»opiib;;:i otoexisu ' why it if >ura«lvea. iplestbat > oirouQ* riiiciple»», J.~tbej >r«iitb# ider tbat I ezpeet >iMtliat rationed inoidmit udicH t •elega- ^nd yH lU aaeB ngover look at (umenl BMgine letbat ieriain« 1 allow mloat erance i teacb net do t •• to 'V d«olw« that the temple-worihip, and the oerenoniet of the lav trt etill lA fqll force, TbI. !• die line of conduct which you mSt Xirtin wfe* •nee to »Je J«w. lo Wid to th. OentUe. we are not w atrlct Wr Stti » "tkJ ■"'*i/T' ^^°°.^' "1^ '''"" ■tr.ngled, and from fornU oation." Thii will be .code nuflioSenily rigid Cor tho.e, who hare not been acounomed t.» our tevere regulationii. We are wjllinK to lay hold of either horn of Jhe dilemma If the ."cte inei,7op?n It. Tnt-tSu ? •;•'•• »° ""«»»«"•'• to deep itnorence, and thenVop^"** qneeuou. is th.an»ental dark new the thing that hatfbeen so long let forlh^ M a perfect model to the chiirchea P If they prefer it. we are almo? ij ready ,o adopt the other alfrn.tive, and J-aSmtth"; therJSofTe eril wa« not so much ignoranoe as it was the fear of men. and the last of Dop,.lar.ty. Uj^oo which we would propose the query, if ihe object o. Ihegospelheiojiroduce Christians and not to mannfitttoro intrfguen bow hapneris it that these acta have been so strongly upheld and so uni- fer«I)y followed P IJIeft to ourselves, we •ould'^ptefeVrhe thS,?, that Sri , ■ ?"«*"'* «f •notices r-Alaife amount of ignorance, a strong iSllo?" S .?r "r'"'^'/°"''* '" T "P^"'*"^ b«st explain ihe tr^M action,— but tins does not any more than the other views entitle it to b looked upon as an examplo to mankind. < 4l«[^n^«!!!'^K""'^'* 5» finished, and when the veil of the temple wa. wnt m twain, the ceremonial aw was properly ended, then the whole o W th? ^o''''i?1''*''r?w " •\'^.n«»''ce «»' "' « desire to cloak this fact U the gospel be of the catholic character, that in it " there is neithe ureeR nor ,rew, circumcision nor uncircumcisioD. Barbarian Scvihhn ^iT^^^'^i ^''"'l" -'Vandinal^'Mf t^; ^a re deSlJ; Sm.nlJ'''T?'^l"'** *' '?»''^°"« '"'e '■" the Jews, and another for th. SrnlLS . aA ^P.^.''®' ^•''* "' *1 believe, that to practise the law i, J^n„ri? il"^ Christ, we are ontitled to bring their own rule dowi IJZol- T ^-'w' 7^®° the]5^ev,dently infringe it. If the Christia, rehgion IS described as a syetem that is npt congenial to human inelinaUop tben It 19 a poor rec..mme«dation ot the conduct of its first teachers, tha t Jev endeavored^so to shape it as to accommodate it to human prejudices If die morality of the Bible inculcates that which is .traightforwMd an. Sflf^*^ Vj "Tl**-^ u^^f ".Sf® to ^ensure its first teachers when they adopted crooked methods. Thrre are many Teiy bad points in thi- •Tr^rtt offil' T »P?»"«« »;•«». "•«» engaied'durin/fJS;";^ years m the office pf ministers, it is a poor thing to see two of iheit number behaving ^as if thejawwere.stilLin fall force*, at least inVeferencJ IJ S. TV ^*u*y ■1'*'*. *'^' ?®'"' *'"' close of their ministry, what itf ff«»^^"* °^ '.I *^'* "nhssitatingly receive as canonical, the thinis which tliey did near the commencempnt of their ministry in regard to baotism by water? When they had been so bng conyaJsant wM the ?eUS which^they preached. It was ignorant in the extreme, or it waa pafiry. • ^A ? ■ wJ!'** T^^ the taste of Pharisees a rule to guide them i£ theS conduct.. When they had so long dealt with a system which declares Itself to belong to^no peculiar nationr it was a grave error lo draw a linte between the reedaiions that- should be adopted toward diflerent races. When they^had long beet) familiHr with a revelation, that ia as great as God its author, it was w«fully to narrow their mind, to publish missives concerning blood nnd things strangled. When they had had time and o pport u nity e nough to have l e a rned ho w to weigh matters in the balance I fi •^mtaSJ^n^thi^I^^^^ «•• T"^ l»«»«p«oa to put Ht, vk> iMreeiTM tbia unit om.1 ».-ju "**" *? ''•"<* •* ^» ocraaion r«»lT«d M cmoiilo.1. Bw Xwh » W T" ' '«»nd«iion that 1. foM into tlM •torthoM.^fS. iJTi *'*■' *»*• •»••» «««t«I ■« ««( h,, of. wt Manoc dMl with SJoi -Kf ^. "^ "°*? ■"• condttoi bo diiMMd £I"*"['*V*"~'»w««»1»XSJSm ^ their ^ttli.««r Tho ■tfongwt mind* of Sch .aSTJik °?» '^^^^^ ?^,*^ •tunted nee. until it ^iS'^ ^? "* ^ond-mnodlo bT, JiJ«»"ootth.ir own priodS^^ «•« the fouaderi of Vur «WeMo,,,6neth.tw"r4reiTf !LT£yu*"'*^W^^ If we findUqJootf W>» -nd here^ap • erii^ .Id hWu'S'A '''"•" make eock...|.e5?'; iniwIytoi»profJ»^ni,MthiS2t*^^^^^ .n •bomlo.tioD, iS. heT? Jhoo. SoemtM .Bee's •? end S.%S,Jr"' *? ■*>'"«^ »• '••i QreelS Bftiy true eceleeieetic reUe ^JSL 5^k^**'"' •'''°'» '"^•"•l Mtirieef with which he dede.B5..l«!!-®^?^ ••ot •• the hIjrheetooDSnl wow opinion. iSlblrfVnd toX*"**\"'** '" *'»'»"«°« hUlSSkw^Z j!!<»/the,r«,SiS.w^l'^ They oen^S,;"'- „^5^ JJjJJ* ttio qneitiQa from the riWfomS!^*'*' '^"^^ ""I biooSf tOMJlGod vp with ihlBM ih!w« 5'^**P*«'^»'t ookeadMkalw JJgao fttta th» p»ti if wJItaS^ --^•M.H»«p more ( B»J-g w^rieST' 5?o'17.r.t^^« •""*«te. ttarbeTonTto «* nf aorplicM. d Mquiatoa ined td be a deri of our open aueb Had anootf [•••leekie « >D» wa liaTf ^« Greeka. ilMtiriaad. atooDoema k with the lanoea, are / oralduUaa V' Theae a rale }■ ■bataining od blood, laric error nda of all >d>Ieattte •ode G^ . I Baoehoe f BMdera ite-lofine aiu?S igto^ ' rpevBOd rtrmeitta that are traotfled >dla& ibrone thimga y- n miUd nuiabar of ainiilar praotio«a. 'fh. fathar. of ih/faiih ll ^ 21? "•''•/•"«'««> »f •■P»r rftea : bv so dolnif they faJouwd a nJSS ^Bdenoj : to what oiay not the offapring dfiTeldown In iSiJm .iJlV u ■nd iameraiun, the paper covenant of 8aotl*n^ ik. AiJ* . ", ^T Jjehit^tarjl reUgioo Jf fil P««eyX figSSfSftpi'tolk^^ the diaooaaion between the railroad buflbn and the aWK^SiiS!!?!; '•••»wdof<»kea. theae are lna«ottopiearo\w5whIer2Mh«?^!3ri wWch the tall mind aeo»l. down witfi eonle«Ar bS awla^^ClSr they are of Uneai deaoent from what is na^iiti uoMonSll^i!!^! Si I. not contradicted. iTia wt a light nlfeMrtrrVpwawt tK ««t SS thinktama whimeical and trifling peraonage. The heiTTieat thruSTS.!? hare been a^med at tbeJDhriatia/rSgioo. U. been ilT?agh tS Jid^S eroel or paltry ritea. «nd thoae might hate been avoided had Chri.i?.i done their doty, bjr chewing that the object aaaailed wm hot a?e«br.« debarred the GentUea fW>m eating bl^d and IhlnmalraMJed nrnlKJhS they were not Infallible guidea S their ronduc ?*Vh« fhuriSS^^^^ have grown up, and should continue to thie day wbi^ SStTwUJi »J aMttere, we eonalder to be not an anomaly but a natural MMMenSwiJ. We cannot allow another feature, to wlioh we luve 3«S?2J«!S #« Kr.St';i^&^'°"5n'^ Tb7apo^Iei.infh!Vi«^4io'^ poteaung of blood and thmga auangled in comiEjrSitrfoVnicaSIa' ^^ii;tifnda-.; b^^^^^ Pjjid on a lei^el, or rather they have wen iSeJUSSJellvSi S«! dMlee. In atatbgthia point one la obliged to SSae b£SrJf .^ fcw n*^. and t& being done, to chSiS the wSat nSw^^ ^to^fbel tho truth of thSaUteoent. To abatotaffrom fJSSffi^I ^iMtiien moral nUe that ia intimately connSTwUrthJ^effinS S 2?^. ^V 5 '•"'y <»'~«»««*ki/dtbateveo£ewhVv^^^^^^ goneraUy be indocedfoown Us incumbency. Most men could hi h«?..S! to«4»owledge.th.t the inftingement of th^ rulfSi^^^^ the body, camea contamination into the existence of ie Yemili'^ fomento aUnoat every other crime. In regard to the Kfr2n.WftS.!S Th«y Me mamniflcant matters ao far aa hinnaa hapmnoaTb oom«JI2* AsjmNMf ifiey are of comrae aoaceptible of an SJJSIm SThL toey «wnotba^ch«ed among thosoVacfa that in theinaihM aT2S«2 «te of thrwejfare of men. There imo smential dffi bltSi^SS- •ad tfei liimwioonatttiSion t&t makea the obamSS^tf tSTSalS^ i1iiu*ttn^li^t i^ b^ ^k \' Eut in'tht^eiat of ttwjr firttltai MtUy mdnl. «n« ptretivM n Mtual aongvniality betwten It tnil the Uwg ot haman nttare. To pond«P » !• whol0M)iii* to the mind, to put it Into anion is advantagcouii to the kodj. A oiroamaianM not ettaatially good may be oloiliod with that ehanetar by Tirtae of a divine appointni«nt, and in that caie owy take rank •ith any Of her enactment. In the timea of the flrat covenant, the ■an who rtfralned from eating blood ^nd thing* strangled, may perhapa have baen doing act* ofaa much virtue in the eye ot the Almighty aa b« who abataioed from fornieation. But when that eevenant became obsolete when ita externals paaaed into dectrlriea, it was an aMchroniam of the no«t mi^ohlevoua aort to rate lis obsolete typps as of the anme value #ith a moral praetioe that ia virtuous under all oireumatanofs. The ohuivhet do not enjoin thie edict upon the people, but neither do ihey eontredict U. Siandingancontroyerted, it muat exert a tacit mfluence. It probably haa bad its ahare-in bui dmg up churches, constituted half on dootrlnea, iwir on oeremonieo . With ihia confronting hiu a man la more easily r«. wnoiled 10 the nollonihut the adoration o?a day, a niaeo.'a formal friesU hood, the taking of bread and wine, and the washing with watML «i« practlcea reaUy belonging to the New Teaumem. "K^ But jP«rhaps the gravest part of thii transaction between Paiif^feA * lam«a fa duplicity. The one apoatle advieee that thinga ihould b.ao \ ^T* .V f^ k »^;i«*«"««y di'believe facia which hacfreally occurred, •i»d tacts that ahould have bfcn dUiinotly preached to them. The othef •cquiescea in the plan, and along with other Jewish devotees enters tb« tontple and «»<*• throairh a lustration thai oceupiea aeven daye: The wor^ •otions done by the followera of Ignatius Loyola, were nothing more than an extension of this rule. Some sceptics, perhapa. might be induced to take our view of thelransactton, but no eccleelastic or pani«an of any one of the aeoia would admit that it contains anything deserving of blame. fJ^-*t;i'!;i'?f '7. "! V*** '^^f ^^ "i* dTd. the Jew. ahould have been diaticet ly informed of that fact. That they ahould hhxe had il Ji'^fiflf* KPrii""'''* !«"«'wjy. •"'« perhaps gradually, we pretend not to contestjbutibeyoughtto have learned It. If it had been kept- from them for I wentyaeven years, it waa full lime that it aKould have been I!^.tl I V '^° .',''!"; ^*!r" th^y csine to ascertain that Paul had been preaobin^ SJ K °i*'*;* ''•t'*"? ^"*'" *'"' '*''• To seek to cloak thie truth froiS then, by adoptinit legal practices, Waa what Jamea ahbuld have blushed to 5!!!l?.!L'"k . ."' *° perpetrate. Jf the transaction be adopted, it followa ChSL ™U. 'fl!*" T.!*". ' '^^'^ *" caauistry, which will run thua: «»n -k!! !S ^ «"'**?•* by oircumatancee, and it is right to deceive 5^2 nwr *•"*' "" "°i "?*' '"' **»« diacloaurea which you have to make. The Bib e never regards the natural man as ripe for its disdoaiirea. It Conte..mlate» that the truth, at whatever time it be annouiified, will offend SpT:» l-TT •»«^>*^«" >*•«' they may be ready for alt the unpleasant efects *hich olaioneas of speech may draw along -with it. The Jewa were not ripe for being told that ceremonies had ceased ; at the end of «i/?nuK^"*Tr..""'^u'* *'"'^'^'' ''^ are not prepared to learu the same, truth, and if he who proclalmR it is to wait until men ahall be disposed to hesr It, he may wait till doomsday. To evade such a dilemma, the churclipe at present have a favorite shift in the shape.of a ready-made -milleriniom that 19 to drop down from above, and spsre men the trouble ^n?fJ.!?.ln!y /„*S!"''°' ^V'""'' 0' their lives. Two apostlea taking ooabsel together to deceivelheTr countrymen on a queatioo of primary m %. re«WM in To pondflp mn to the with that insy takt inanr, the f perhtpi hty M bt I obtolato 101 of tho alue #ith ohuivhH oniradiot probfbly loctrioM, lasilf re- al f rUMt* at«L .i^': »aul^ah4*. lid bs°ao i, tccurred, ! he other itera tb« 'he wor^ noretbaa duoed to a of any >f blame* I ahouM re had il id Dot to 9pt- from ve been reaobiog ith from (ished to t followa n thua : deoeife 10 make. 1 ret. It 11 offend pleasant he JewB i end of saru the lisposed ima, the ly.made trouble I taking '; .■'■-■■ '"■'''■ ^-t {mportanoe,-AthtH«| permilttd to ■tand tfi*«tpoi«i firoa thafr tiint to our*,— in ihia we h«ve th« teed to produee dupiteity on prinelple, and to any amount. Wo consider n<»t inerAl«' that thia aet haa been imdaioj, biit that the history and eharactor of ^h^e ohurohca have been madn up of an uninterrupted iU'*coMion of aiioh ai^tn. Thnt paeuliar eatt of mind which all agree in aaajgninfr in the eodetiattio aud the profeaeor, that oomjpleiion which at once pointa him nut under aU circumslancea, that lendfenoy to be ever atudyinsr ihe tide, ever adapting himHlf to it, ove; itaing Scripture lo an to make out th^t time-aerving and religion art Kiit\., aqntvalent: that mode of character, whieh ia generally known and which ' men will cventttallv halo, must have lie prototype aomewhero. Wo maintain Ita apoatolio dnaoent. The men who cihibit it would not belijvt ' tbia, beeauae thoy cannot ■«'o evil either in liietr own character or in that from which they derive it. Profcssora will voluntarily own that iniem> perance. fornication and violence are vioea, but they never in right good earnett attnck double-dealing. The beat thing« that have been irrTtton Bgaifilt it have heen by m^n naturailv candid, who attacked it Arom laato rather than ftom any |)r«noi|tle. Honeaiy h>a been o»mmended,—-bo| ' aeldom by iealoua aectarles. Bv them it i«* generally apukcn^f aa • cariial quality, that goet to rxclude the oporatioo of grace. In the eottra* of many yeara intoreourie with ecoloaiistica, the writer oan recollect t mt^titude of ijiatancea in which the oomellneaa of timoaerving haa been . inculcated upon him, but ocarcely o«e in which he baa heard hoieaty > frankly reeommendeJ. When boneallyliaa been d'aeuated in hia preaoaoe, ' he hie alwa^ra aeen tokena of fear diaplayed, t«at it ahould be auppoaed „ that they were ao little evangelical, aa to lay mueh atroaa upon a quality of very doubtful character. Itoannot be otherwiae: the vice la in the ayatero. Duplicity ia recoived aa a cardinal virtue. Il ia accepted aa eanonical. It ia far more a part of our current theory that Jamea and Paul are to be imitated m thie knavish tranaaetion, than that Jvana Ohriat iato be imitated in hia unaulUed purity. We are worahippera of angela or meaaengera, much more than we are worahippera of Qod. It la now acknowledged that the Popiah church, with a feir exception*, waa a ayatem of intrigue. It bcgine to be allowed, in manv directiona, that the Pro- teataot church dinera from the other in little but t4e form. The two together make up thirteen eenturtea of mortal hiatory. They have come fitrly bv their knavery.— they get it by inheritance. In order to itrike it out the artielea muai be reviaed, the canona muet be re^oaat. Before a Mr start ean be taken, it must be aet down in language that will become a proverb, that Jamea and Paul, when they eqoivoaited and knelt before prejudice, did what la aoouted and abhorred by thb precepts of the religion of which they were teaohers. Again, if conduct ia to be judged by conaequencea, thia action waa [j diapleasing to God, for evil rcanUs inimediateiy happened to the chief 11 aclor. Subservience did not propitiate that which can never be propi- |l tiated, the hell-spawned spirit of legaUtv. An infunatod mob laid hold if of Paul, and would V^ve killed him, but for the interpositioii of the Iloman soldiers. • .. The next incident which seems to us deserving of criticinm, occura when Paul appears before the Sanhedrim. "And the high priest Ananiaa comnrianded ttiem that stood by him to imite him on the mouth. Then aaid Paul unto him, God shall amite thee, llioo whited wall: for aitteat ihou to judge me after the law, and oommaodeat me to be Bmitten ottntruj '■^ 'Pf'wv^ tu til* law f And ihtjr that atood bj, aaid. ravilaat iJhtbar error ba«n nnrratad, It would bata baan •uffleiant to prora bia paeaablJItf. Il ia anothar ioatanea of tba intinata loinioraUty of tba abnrabaa, tbat tbay can daaary ibia arrur, but aaoaol aee tba f rat ar aina o( tbb apoatla. Tbay admit witb great apparent enndonr tbat lb* blaaaed Panl waa to blam*. wban all tbat oan ba aliased ag ainti bill! waa, tbat ha abowad a lUila beat under eireomatattaaa of giaat prdfoaation, Tbay aannot aa* tbat tber* wua anything to oanaur* in bia eondaet, whan with eool delibaraiion b* w*nt into a Tina uf aotlon that waa Intended tn deeaira men la vital mattert. It reninda one of the ^tory of the dving bandit, who jvooured abaolutioo, and waa eanoniaad an • aaint, by admiuing in b a eonfraaion. that onn* wh*n h* waa a Tery antoll boy, ba h$A dIaob*y*d bia fSithar, and tliat the memory of thia belnooe erime, weighed heavy on bia aoaaaiente. Panl did not abew bimaelf a parfaet nan, «ben b* apofca angrily to the high prieet, but if nil bia error* bad been of thia bind, be would not have been one of thii foandera of tbat aparioua oburob wboae fabrie ia ao atrong and an oun- iiing y put together ibat li oontinae* lo atand in all eountria^, although It baa been openly aaadlad for Ave bundrad Veara. There ia a part of tbi* incident which eo nr aa w^ are aware, baa not been looked into. The apoatla any*— >• It ia written, thoii ahalt not apeak «vil of tba ruler of thy people." The paaaaga ia in the Bible, and being ■o. te meant ti> be uaed. The aueatiun ia. ia it Hgbtly uaed ? Before Ya ' .one, Ui* high prieat bad a true rank and a rightful authority. # B **""* '** '**^iB* ■<* ncaehroniam. It would have b**n proper Ibr Paul to treat bim with politanaaa, aa it would ba proper for a Pro< toatant to behave witb eivility in the preaenoe^^the Pope, or for a Fr*abyterian to act politely if be happened to belntroducad lo a Biibop. Mere politeneea eomprumieee no man'a integrity. But for Paul ao to quota Scripture ea to recogmae the high iirieat to be a rightful authoritv, waa noteivility bat fklaebood. It waa virtunlly to aay that Jaana Ghriat ted not been ornoifled, and that hie prieatbood bad not began. Paul Mmvelf aafi that the lew ie reeogniaed by a compliance with even one or- Ua oirdinancta,--fbat to adbmii to drcnmcialon ia to beeooie a debtor to do tho^wbole law. It doec not affect the principle which one of thea* bo that which yon rccogniae. To neknowledge in the preaenee of the prieat end conndl, thit be bad a acriptural authority, waa to declare the whole •yatem to be atilHalid. There ie a aenae in which a chriatian may be called upon tn aequieeee in the ezietence of falae authority. In aueb a 2*** he feele that the inflnenee, although a libel upon truth, ia permitted ' by God. Thie feeling he properly ezpreece* by that politeneaa which «very man owee to every other. But he ia not called lipon to reoogniae theapnHoo* auihoriiy by any oven word or act.. On the contrary, if he doee ao^ he ia falae to hie iauae, and implicatea bimaelf with the evd that la ueodated with the falaity which he aanciione. We are willing to nttribut e t h ia to igno f anee o n the pa r t of Panl Bot that ignoraDCt beiii g admitted, we are not willing that he who evinced it ahould continue to be palmed on mankind aa an inf«llib!e gwde in bis •etion*. (KmI's liigfa w th«. bif h rultr of Ihf trTaet. "Ai •uth." Tht f6miiill» but hAYt b«tn ill* iolinatc tMoaolNce int Mndpar gtd agalnat la of KMM laura in bU •otlgn thtt OM of th« inoniMd in «M • Tery orjr of tbit I not abew rlMt, bat if oaa of tbii nd to oun- *, altbough M, baa not It not speak , and beings I ? Before 1 autbority. teen proper for a PYo- t, or for a > a Biibop. Paul 80 to I authority, BaoaOhriit |an. PottL ▼en one or a debtor to of tbese bo I tbe prieat ! tbe wbole [an may be In aueb a I permitted nets wbieb » reeoffniae \nxjt if he lie evil that willing to «DCt being ~" tinu« to be W« peM to another IneUeni,— "Bnt when Paul pei«tl»ed that cbo one Dart were Baddueeea, and the otbtf Phariaeea. he erltd out ia tbeeouaeil, men and brethren. I am a Pharlae*. the a..n of a Phaileee > of the hop* and teanrreeilon of the dead. I am ealled In oueation. And wh*!! h* had ao aaid. there aroee a dtaaenaion batwern the Pharia*** and th* 8addnM*a i and th* multUnd* vaa dltldad. For th* Badduee** *ay that th*r* te no reeurraetloo, neither angel, nor aplriti but th* Ph*ria**a «>«»»•• ^oih. And ther* aroa* a graat vry i and lb* Borlbea that w*r* of in* Fh*rl***a part aro**, and atror*. aaylng i w* And no •«ll In tbl* man ; bnt If a epirit or an angel hath apoben to him, l«t ue not flfht aealnat Qod. There la a truai ftne of diatlnetlon b*twa*n polliica and religlor. Th* on* addrta*** ita*lf to m*n a* it And* them, tab** adtanUg* of Ihair prajndieet. etira up their paaaiooa. and eeeka to atUin ita end wlihoot MMrd i« mwna. The other holda that •• whateoeter ia not of faith ia •in," and maintaiaa that no moUtee are to be made uae of but aueh aa are deaiined to purify and reform. In politlca. the only p«»«nt of come, quence U aoeeaea i in religion, the meana are of aa much importance m the reaulL A man eon*ial*otly raligioua, if •uoh a paracn may b* cooo*iT«d of, weuldeonaider that ii waa bla duty, in whatefer aiiuailon .be might be placed, to emiiloy no argument that would tend, to keep bumaS nature in ita dtgradaUon. He would eeteem liberty or life too dearly bought. If tbla waa |M price r«'quired of him. He would not be aabam-d to tell hia enemiei that they did •ropg to aeek bia life, or to retain him a prlwner. for in ao apeaking he would aay what w*a "holoaom* fur them to bear. If. hatening t« hie exhortation. th'T ""J*;* ,*J ^]\ wUhes. be would be well pleaaed. and would conalder that God had aymnathiaed with bl-n and had melted the hearta of hia foea. If by naing aaliiury conalderaiiona lie could remote from himielf an im^ndlng danger, be would feel that he waa called npon t» do tbla mueh^ Btt» »he ' moat imminent peril miiat not be arerted by m hat would infer the .Ughteai pandering to etlL True, he mjght nuon with W»wlf »»»•*"* owj Mfety ia of great moment, ihat Ood may »»*»• important work injjww for htm, and that the eonoea*ion aeeeesary to be made ia tritlal. »wlgion would pnt a atop to thia apeeial pleading, and would aaaurc him that he had no right to arrite at proapectlre adeantagea by »»»• t*»»^»ff°;"\'! of principle. II would auggeat that Ood knowa much better than he what ia 1.1a own exact ralue, and »iU not aaeriflce him, except for roaaon* of .oTereign propriety. It wUl remind htm that it is Improperty to Umlt tho Almighty, to imagin* him to bo ao straitmiad aa to bav* no ptbor iaeaini helping «?•«*••»*■ ^^ •»<»^»» *»«•« ** ^^V*.^*"*."^.'!? nnworthy oxpodlente. , It will Infwrm htm that tbe pointof ^l"* *t •"« aU apparent aueoour ia wanting, may be the wy potet et which Ood mar choose to interpose. It will sustain this by «ogent examoles. and rt will warn him that to adopt worldly methode, may exclude the Meet Hijfh from a glorious occasion wherein td honour himself »»<»/■•• »»"i^"' •dherent. If Scripture be a complete guide-book to tbe beliew, it will contain rules that are appUcabl* to tho tarioua pwdi"™*"" j"J°. jj." ' he may be thrown. If God demandeof bim a line of action thaU« characteristic in aU It* extent, it ie reasonable to wpect that the method which he ia to employ in situations of perd ahoold be .P~»»": •»»• .,5 i» no real objection that tbaae method* ma; appear impotent to the natural mind. Th ere i« noAIng In reli gion whi ch cpngmtpd* «*elf turner* liSTn. Ito i^toiiirK dMCfiplioD of thoTharacier of God. or «- 5* •■■ '. :; ■„ ' . . _, . .: :. of Bwo, 111 account of rirtue or of fie«. iti induei»Bi«n*. ttii ^-. ■Mill equilly ut,mteU.gible H^ fallen m.n hTZS^!!!r?!i'°T' th.t lb. we.,K,... w'iib which ,T.rm« the .oldi " itf ?Se. or Zl 'Z"'?! •p^r to thr unregener.ie, very imp«lp.bl„^ tS "r«,°r H n-^«^^^^^ inHruinenr, that n roan'* true wisdom may be to i.tnmi l.ni •.P"^*""! ■akatioD of ihe Lonl. thai o»r t^mpora /afetv m/^ tf kt' ' "'"' "^^'^^ ..ing no am of ae.h in Un def.,/cTare p- LriL^ W^Jil?'"^"* ^^ been believed or praciaeJ. They «,e fre inenfly . ,eti,on«!l VnT'^*'''*'" they arc aw.i.'ti...o8 fully discu od/ and thev arri^S . i^"m'*"P*''''''' with example- of men who have Vracri J^theoi Pw?,;^hl'"."?S^^ exception ul a few QuakerH who. at the origin of ?£* hlaiorr „?!l. *!'*'"'« atated the«e principles well, and perhai.s vEaLS .1. ?^ °- ''"" '«*'*' by their livef, .hey' have he^n eitCrerlioke; jj S SSJS'""" Aa men ncvet do affurJ the Almiithiy an onnorrnniJ^P'"*?®** "*"»>• aaccourlle is able to bring to hi? SoX be fi^ ^^^^^^^ aignaUy.rtterpoMtoh.lp tb?m,i. nse^arin addW^^ '^"*' 1°* . no one i:. e».itled to expect apccial assistance Th .1 .11 "8™"*"* ^^7 place the <-tr.n,rth and / f«ty of the ??San in ?n™«- .?""?f ^' ''^^''^ God, are aurrounded by suJh fflosses licZif-f r ^'* L"/ T ''■^ »° tastancet that ilhastrate the ?eS?Tre descXi t^r""^ lhem.--all eoon".oy different from our own and thTch»rfh ^\ ^^"J**' ^ *°* insurauw t.ffice tha^ «ave/merfrom %«..„«?- ^.'" *""'^'* '"*«» •" To our own mind .here J/n bTno Ker exeSr? "^'.^'-iV of faith. f«-tihat Paul', conduct in the Sanh"dr«^^^^^ "'« If it wereeyen doubted of,i(meawhiLtB^^^^ would be the signs of 8omethinTaDpr?a^wi J .!..!L' ^"!i""T' *«~ But Ibe praoticeV eighteen c^'^ZZ^dLZ^^^^ donot auppoae that anything which tni^n cdJd Wr fe eon W «W?.«^ ^ «rowa persona of our period'o rOijard Jt n« «»»« 2; \i " ". '^^ *•'" In reply to the moat abirirgume^Sat L J^^d h ".^ "J^*^?!™""^*' «»bjeot. . of ou? Jay would .hink it qS^JLoigh^^^ ''f J"/*'"*^^^^^^ ♦hearchons .Much value to the church to be ri«& tor a no^M{S« !k C® ^'^^ ^"^ admirable Uct in the mode of address whiSh/S*^*^*^''^ "'•^'^"^ appearing to him in>mediately after ra-.^^^^ to run tb« eiigine. but also to make thd ralS «£2i«f • '"i' "°* °°^r the r.mdering even to Z,^neS^!^'J^'^;^'' " P^' •J«"6 to industry or iKeir cunning ma? S to deaVv^Vh^^ ^-f^l^ ^^?' *''^'> p»inc« of evil himae'f Ait/bSfW SS j^" "^M''ri''W Ih^ temarkable ,uali.ie. thlrt beL^ tHimreJySi Si iniT**" "P"^ S** muria, n0r bia power, nor his comely DronortB iV- ■ °°' *°'"'«*^ *"« EV»»fedwitLuallfiediS;^ iot-d, th; fou^dationrstETtmh r;cJ's;j^2i^^^^^^ '^v^ «-alJy allow their fou^datioL tXSr^^^^^ *-'n ''*'*'°»'.^''i »ot -lifts belbr^^hey wi„ ^Aer the^aSTtthST^e:;^ tB« 1M pteMores, erefore singular of p6ril, should »r IB t pcmerfal tin and see the Mt promoted by re scarcely ever ed in Scripture, usiy illustrated iih the trifling ry of that sect, a •ooie measure irpUfoed away, ►▼e what strong t He does not' argument why lassa^ es wbifch ng Ills way to ify them,-— all peculiar to an* iirned into an jssity of faith. this than the l>e qi|estiuned. riticism, there ed animation. ident,-and we Id induce ten ntical subject. i, the archons ife was of too It he showed nd that Ood** [cation or Ms Sad not only not nrette to Ise tbAt their desoribfis ibdi Its upon the t conceal his tagonists-can as^cIeTerneM diplomatists lit. To our deepened ]by he has had leeded their It helps to once of true J improved, ion, will not ort to many 1 to bacom*> ^1 eafabliiihed fact Wo' nsfty here asstsn as another proof, that leger' A«inain has hitherto firmed apart of the rejrular doee of the nhurenMrt ;hal a text is allowed to stand unpontroverted in one of the epistles, wbioh AS now rendered, would make it a virtue. In the second .«ptatle to il|# Corinthians our translation makes Pnul say, " Nevertheless, being eraftVi I caught yoii with guile." Tho eircumstance that thia has stood oponijr before the churohes for more than t«o hundred year*, proves that they ' consider roguery canonical. Wno reraeaihera to have heard this pasaag* eagerly canvassed, who has seen it discussed as a point <>f primarjr eon^ iequenee, who hai heard an hypothesis uttered, that perhaps the sentiment ibf Paul may be improperly rondered. We oursehreB have repeatedly meDtioned the subieot to ecelesiasiics, and never in one instance did we peroeive the Bmaliest willingness to examine the question. We have pressed them with the argunDien|t that f'h? sentiineut apparentW is quite at tarianoe with the moral standai^d of the Bible, and that it is fraught with pWniciottS consequences, but Janyiiltcrest 'which they evinced Was to stave off investigation. It was not Until we looked into Dr. Conquest'* new translation, which is. in gifncral ^^ trifling Anninism produetion, that we became aware that it had occurred to any one to doubt the present reading. He inseris the wordi $ay M^^i end thus makes the s«>ntiinent to be, not a statement of Paul, but a^ accusation brought agsinst him by his enemies. In this viow. Pail rebuts two charges urged airainlkt him, one, that he had made the Goiipel a means of living, the other, Ih/t he had used attifloe to make cdnvorte. j It lean alternative of vast ntoinent, whether an sposfle in an inspiiied writing openly avows that he practi«ee intrigue, or merely statcB that lieis arcused of doing so* Wo eonsMer the cireuqastanee that no one erer heurs the subject referred to, except a* an argument in favour of a ctrtiuitous course of action, to speak volumet in the way of proving th*^ intitiiateftattdulency of our present religionists. *We shall find it a hard matteif tojprove -to the conviction of men that Paul sinned in the way tliat he iook to divide the assembly, beeause they are eighteen cent«:ries gone in kueti jutrglincr, becsose they have indented an argument in the shape of the asfiumed infallibility of the Apostles, and because there are few things more icongenia! to baman depravity thairn.. clever trick With a holy obiect in t|ie distaitoe. A man who knows that he has nothing bat reasomng to advance in opposition to all this, is apt to feel th^at be has but a weak Weapon. Falsehood is iowronght in tb* very eonatltution uf human natnre^ and to help it .out, a most plausibtt argument is reared up, that, thell eoodact of tne first followers of Jesus was immaculate, or very nearly iko ; the theory and practice of eighteen centuries helps to surround the subject with a halo f aseinatbif to natmal feelings, and aJl this is to be overthirown by a little dialectics; An!d then to augment the alarm of him who would do battle witth the imposture, the thought occurs : my argvmeats will never he fairly stated; the holy rogues will induce all the beasti that they ride to believe that we are asssiling the authenticity or inspiration of Scripture, instead of attempting to fix what that insphration means. When Panl threw the apple of discord iiito the midst of the asse|nbly,he became the parent of oountleaa acts of the same description.' He who re^y wishes to see the last trace of politics expunged from the chtipeh, will do well to think whether thia can be effected, supposing the routj to remain. When Paul took advantage of a difference of opinion which he knew to exist, he assumed the attituae of a poliUeian, not that of an erai^list. The effoct of his conduct wm J- lOB. v.!?^.K "^ '*•""*■ ^^'V*** »:•* •<*^»«« »«» Wtafd the proffi«M of rati hr fitbcr «uted what had eMMd tn hTfiJ.- f# ki ? / . '*^"^* •o,»i^ytyhim^KiMy^ii^lLy*^ •*' mar iriuiuph, and In doing rel f loVto C1SJ f^« nrrfo«?^^^^^ or what, if irua. pwTod hS codmShSi rtS ST st^Jfu."!!; '^«»"'«»' i" 'bo ooor.. of htt wowhip the Kbef L aSS^lndlXt^ whanefer raal aoiritaal IniJ!^^!*^^^ - Pmcjb. it cstna whotoTer and tu mittad 1.0 offenea wraiit th-1!2 «f!K"f' "*' *»cJ«w that h that aeet. I. and it ia, ribed to i*. [n die next langaage : me. while hat Icned am iedled ■oinethinfr rea U4, tlie ' ix, aaya^ 9r tower* araoter of rf e of hia^ unto her, er in this oirNhip ye ia of the peraahall hauch.to, the new* STer and [a maki^r. tan.eeaof seofihi* Nniaalem the New aiice, he sfbioiit nfatlible a before ad torn' «eo^a« aiooa he expreaaea bimaelf to thiaefftet: " N»Uhef agalnat ibe Uw of the%S;nJtoief agrinrt the te«ple.nor »« I falnrt Cae^^ a«*SilnIaiall'»^fbehadeonaiatentfy preached Chriaiianity without SSSSnint at aU with legal mattera, he mif ht hate uaed tbia langiW witktrath. Hie reaaoniog would in that eaae ha»e amounted lo thia SeTgw^ai beiwr the apirit of the law. in letUng it forth I hate, lik- my maMer: tilagnia«d the hw and made it honourable. In oomaaentmg oii EJeSGo?and man, I have no* olTended againit the law, baeauaa ort theaettroeommandmenta hang all th«r law "J* «h« P«'P^«% %St other hand, bla defeliee of hlmaelf would aUo htve been Uoe.lf, without meddUng with Chriaiiartity, he had, Jike an ordinary Jew. obaemd all . the ceremonlea which the law required. , In thia latur caae, he could hare •fated that he had not offended ugainai the law, in that carnal aeoae in .%hieh hie hearera viewed tb* aubject. But «• " waa. he eoald not »{ny addpt either line of defence. He had preached Chnatianity, and he had alao meddled with the ordinancea. He liad^declared the truedoctrint thAt men are aaved by faith in Jeaua. and he had belied it by reeoifing i» cewmonioa which aaid that Chriat had not jret come. In the MW^^^^ beeonldnotaTerthatbehad not offended •«*"»«t*^*.'5'^'/'*'f!Sr neached among the Oemilea ihat men are aa»ed hy faith. In the api- fftualiSee; he could not truly make the declaration, for he had ciroom. SSKbehkAaptiai Cr«pu. and Oaiua. bejad gone into the SSpli^SSier men. aSd during aeTcn d.ya ^'^^^^^j;^ mdilta) purification. By mixing up the two diapenaa»|ona he had deprived Umaelf of the right lo aay that he bid been true to either. We do n„j care whether Paul in maiing thia aiatement waa guiliy of confusion «f Seaa or duplicity of heart. Vhether it waa an intellacioal or a moral «rror la of littleconsfquence to our urgument. In either cate *»««'•»»'' libllityinvolveJ,andaroanfal1a brfow the level of a perfect atandard whether he aina by the bead or by the heart. . , -. , ■ „.• The next act done by Paul in the preeence of Eeatua. alA., in «« e«>- V matioD, eontaina wiong .lemen«|. VTc relate it in tlie '•ng"-g« o/ilfrK ture. Peatua aaya to hitn," Wilt thou goop to Jerusalem, and there be jud«d of thoae&inga before me? Then^aaid Paul.l •<»"* at C«*»r^. ludSuient^at, wherel QUght to be judged J to the Jeara havel done 00 ^S^^gi!onvtn^A!^^io^^^ ]^„rjf I be *a offender, or hare com. mittS«iyihingwJrtnyof death.lrefoae not t..diej but if there be nwiMf these t&nga 'hereof those wcuse me, no «•" «*3r de •^••r ine Stbem! I ap^al unto (>eaar.'» A man i. «i.tlj-d to decl.rMhn whSh ia true t.i any one who deairea to hear ii. P*ul having Ly hia own fatisf , aa ^e maintain, fallen into the handa of carnal •"'»»o"'f«','". If*- tlfledio tiding them an account of hia pnnciplee if th^'y a^ked »"» M^v Staodink before Featua hi would have aone^no wroqg bad ho related to that go>efnor't!ie leading doc'nnee of the truth aa It lain Jeau»^^ Awaiened befote htm he" would not have been out of order had he exptiined by what derelicti««i of principle l.e h«l b-en R»»*"» o^;' "»g» %Se^ "f hiJehemiea. Itmighifca.e afforded Vtheme that would pro^ bly have edified aome of hia auditarn. to^relate in what Chnaiianurcon. .iated.and how ita liberij and purity had been sullied in hiaownitistMn-e and by bimaelf. In so apeakinjr he would have been quitejc^order, *od would haWfurniaheda^ne example oi the luttinesaofrm faith which^^^ profeaaed, by vindicatiog it even athia own expense. When^FMtua pot iMAuerion, •«Wiltth6u go up to Jeniaalem, alid there bh jadfcd-ttf i\ # 9t^: obown. bm die for the troth'* aake i I oi» it t!f !: ^ :&ig at my own M&e-tion. tat ailJnH;-*. • l'','" •▼•«•, It* •h* man m whoae powerTam If w..,r kl*^"* *** ">* i« oftnJd ma by iibited' not onhr fMnitM^. — j .. "7 ■• ja^in Joour opmrn7baTo'Mhibit3"L?*'* •'8?««»,«d fcted thui K !•"!.«?• .»•« oUi«eo, he *«; to God. b« eoodortTS&h ffwS'ii"' ■• *»' ^^ -«t, perh.p.,h,T7effl »•' '*•* J« oifared to him, Md he w£i?II2!L ^.* *•/•»*•*• »•»* 'rf'"*' the one that waa propoaed to him^S^f^^?^ •* i**' •• «ogoi\j. Ii, fooiJd hM argument, lo thtAwS? i^ i5® ?«*■ »» which ho wbold wdthe thoS>iighignot!i,J^ofu^^\i!il!'^*'^^^'^ waa the bidneia Botollefi that he trani«re«ied ih. Iri^T "^^l •■ •rtriWft.. Wo S tend not to d*w but tTSf Slo&31!. ?„^?X'»h'? *T t.^* P«^ We do not mean to nut mnm ti^Hu- wouia »ejn*tified b# the Pandeete thoae oolonlea that had rewirid ift ?°.^'-''''*5'» *"^«* of th« HghU of g«^jyh.nd.yer.a:i7nugtn|.t of oiUienahip. iJP^^ funded apon thoritil l.w. wS wo JeS^d'^.J? ■*u'*'f r^uwent whieh^, whether Paul waa icquainted Wfth !?« -^ •*"'^ "»» *»»e ^aeetidn la noi S** V*"* l*""**"' ki. CoJ? in tU ^^'iT?^"** »' »hV Roman ed? *5! Now Teitamem. When •^£a ?dr^*l^^j'?^' '"^ ro,alred to ^tate bis caae, ho d.*ea it J.!!f^** ''?.'*»'* * ^rfbawl •ihI Mii(eCitvorha.t..j»-. ._• " .ooee pot coinpromiaa him««ir «. -«-_-?? »t """ ""MWDo. in'auea a e«M k« i^ -.1. • .-"v "' "• "» own pnnof* J<«« to whom be AtokTlS ijfi T""*^ "P '^'*'* **"• '•doeiatf few tb^ Sonhedrim/bofort Peli^^S'iJf *"?. «oi?atrainfed to appenr hi* ilppHetted in the chiuIStt of thiif ? 5«»ore Feein,, p^, *«« n™Sr,h2 jH^inaUy pot him i„*KL pJl^^^i^^^ h* com^^tted no (renh^iuV^^n^^l f* *?"* *^**° »*« their ban*! ^^^'^^^^ ' :•■ ■■/. '■-■ '-.V .. ■■ :■ At y.K ■ •om 9f hit. ETen if ha had eohsented to be tiken to Jerniai om he oonid bftTe ineurred no blame. The propoiitionllid not emanete firom him, iut ffom the Roman fovernor. He roiffht hafe gone uodorprc^ teat and hU protest might haT« been to this effect, that while he aflnreed to atate hit caseHierore the Jew4. W referred it after all to Ood, tha ^ only just judge. This would huve completely mai all the circum'* ; sUnoea.— It would have ahe wo that h^ did hot wiih to resort to any - anifta it w>»ol4 hare proted that ho viewed men aa merely the inatra- ffloots of a higher, power, and that he trusted only the awards of a hear ▼enlr trihunal. Men ^outd not hnvo regarded him as contumacious, God woiud not have looked tijpon him as' untrue. But it was different when be threw himself upon haman law and aelected bia own earthly iodce. He then ceased to be paMivo, and by becon.in* actlto implK Aafeed hims«iJf to a certain degree with the cbarAOter of the court to whiob hfrumesled. God Might put a belieTcr in the positton to argue hia . GHTlwfore the devil in person. While he telle the tf^th so far aa it is roottired of him, the defendant la not in the least tarnished by the pra- aSee in which he speaks it. But, if displeased -with the audience wWcb be receiyes fritoi the prince of , darkness, he carries his case by appeal into the court of fome other evil spirit, be baa changed bli alktttde. and haa in B measure Involved himself Uk the badoets of tbe iudM to whom be has appealed. We do not allege of Paiir that it wal SSrturaior strange that he abouM adopt thievery terrestrial mode of prdbedure. On the eontrary we conaider It quite what was to be aatl. . eioated from the school in which he waa reared. But what we^do ater i^bat it is top atrocKMis that actions which bear upon them Ibe tea*. i»i'» of Gamalief, should be representefl for ever as the finest jerolti ofiha influence of thf spint'^-of God. We understand bow to make Ube# ral allowano3 for tjarly prejudice and influences of that kind, but what we cannot tolerate is, tbal actions which obviously need such allowance, should by a theologieal fiction be elevated into models for the imiUtion of the nen of all timea. Tbe ohorishea cannot bave been admiring thto act iter eince it was oerformed without doing othara of tbe same nature ••dte»i*oying on their model. ^ ^ ,,... j, , A- tbstand iaaiiig with delight at an act, especially if it be evil, is the wa^toSTe birth toioany like it. Behold what tact and manageinent ciurU^d FauldisnlMred.iB the expression of the feeling of tbo^tnie soelesS. Can it V doubted that this sentiinenl will be the f ath«r • of deedsw-can iC U questional that these deeds will paduilly dete- rto»te.-Snit be denied that what iii Ibefirat Inktanoo bad mnch Id, MHiate it.wni terminate in actionn that seem to exhaust tbe contnyancea IJlbebottomless bit ? To admire is to imitate, and where the thing iXedi. wrongriatoio onf ita^g un^ the eflq^^ aonie dewavrty presente few poiats of resemUanee to Aeparent. Hence iTCppCe, andW ever happened, that whHst the ordirifcry unoonyertBd M^ capable of an amM o^}"pM<«tT *»••»•'«««»!*•? ITSJ! SpSnbls owneapaoity and the nature of the temptation, the hejt ohnjJ*« What ii^Ee same thing;, hie jurinciples ^aje come to Mm by inhwj^, he is a link intbatehain of aoccession, Of which the apoatwa wwy wm ImmMment, In Jbb nnJyerrtl adairatioa far nmMjiitm, m %. « ' 4 badoMii. VV ih Ui ere uoon ilil. rf»«»i»r.-I.-"*^ iUMtrttlonf of humah' Mil, Sew .h«U hate thtVhore.nH.k.ii*£" .J'""i ■•''••' upon lAt •fS'^*^ ■po-toUo e,MipI, to help it ooifh.il! ''i.*"**. °' »"•*•• - tall nu. 8aeh a charawar can n5Wr\'i; » ■ »he appe«rano« of a cattonlyapring «p whew Wen trTrh«miV.V*i?V/"*^ amall." H« • the. aebta can .Iwaya keip thSKlTM onf^f "??!°' • °' "■ •'•«««?rit. mew. they can save ihfiaaelvM frS Ih! •* "^ »«• «le»er inatru- with ain and creation cSSir ^^tai^n^Vi''^ °^ «*•■"••« '°«»if/ ««» can hnot m Iroon^ obanffe with Sn ii„> ' ^ ^Z *'• """ttoee «»* iheiMehea un • VeaaanrfooUni wfth i* ifw^^ "?*' •'»^ •''^•7« «■ ajd thcx can avoid ihe OMflif, J«? "''"* "'^ P«»»«f. By •ufBierting their doctrine. nJ1LlJi„',KP"'«'"« «'>ei' code anj Itnotawn bu.dmagnifiwnt»i,L th5?fi: *''f/. ?"' «>ntriTO t« maJ! a«turi« -go. InaTwOyl^amMilfei^^^ •• "en did Pfpteatant thinga that -.we now loS nJJ ^ oan be the Popiah and the ria« upon the WgKplacea of the Zih v°"' 'o**"* b^fi're fhem, iS which u ia uaeJ. andTaerS.^1?^^^^^^ i^n;* ?,? depend. i^on a forn^.qM«a^eJ;^^^^ The one eaotpM by landing Ont that w iv;Sn«^ jwot «««»«7iMtinceW;jedbfreT^^^^^ '^•« niana^ ^ bf««M eminent mMu. i/tl nmukL^^ S^^^!'^*^ ch*r€h.becau.o tbew woJd SS, h:;/hl?n*"^^° '^^^ "»•''•«' 'h« prwideMofortBentoeaMpe&ri^^^^ 'oophole Inate-d of* f M^nieia, nor Da»ld hare 0ed1iefftMiS?i « ?• *°?*. '*'"'» '"o tbe * iif^^^^^^^^i^^ttillttCi^^^^ It- coincide. wSh S'^«^Wt by P«rTer.iBg .crfptu?e '^Kfhyj^^^^^^^ "dt. prove , hit thtpiiqK)aea of what i. «lledT/Ti.iB L .^^^^ •MliotcaiMioMicaUn the wa? in wwKa» " 'r'^1^^*4 "V te12* thai ••»«etM»4imeof thJ^MMwUe? w2» .«nf^ 'jf f'"*'*^^'^' Maoagemenv ' lf»S«w««,|»M aKow lSaelf\b?uS^^^ notone .ioA •w ?-► ana W'»»««»«'*^,J««.'S«eS • .leepiT.theJews. Third, becaaw when drafted betofe the J»o«"»«2* ^ ■-'i'' «2n.«.n..tiH,ir%rdr:s;iX',ttr^^^^ rtoM at thMf,— that to charm 2 mTn -iii? - ^ hoWof »uok conaldera- •ho hai already .ppeSiedTS^ta, may 5ft.r no?J -"^rf^' ***» »*'ro«gh hto wprimwdtd h.'i. not" or!2,5;? A heSti? /*"'•'•» '»>" •Itfiouglr WcKa^r^-*'-^^^^^^^^ ;ji?t«te^ Which P.0, •N-traioed to •pp«U ante Cw.r • n^t iTf "rt' •'.•'"•» ••• I »•! r'ft? "^ ,V»wpo.t fa twJ SL whit i/i'? .*'';«''* ««•<»"•• n? ■• *fl oflimded aniMt thair <»1»^ to ^•T* »«»«watobd him. OttlflM that they^SSd ^I 'rt *y**25. ?^ J»d prcMhid t., tfi tto .y, of the JcwaATal^owTf^ffV*^^^ "«» ««• in tt* _5Dth. Th. hJiof^" hl*^t^^^^^ bar. .pX«; Si*?'"* S*'* "«»*n«ni«I tltejJwKSilTtfJ'*'.^*?^ wlratlon, ^SSTffit^o^h^^^ llli llTbaUu ^tothttjoilLy* CS^pSi^*£^^^ "i«« creed, all tl2 |J^iMyb.a,ti4tith«itoomi^fS2l^.K^ different couutriee ih« W«»»M»d fa mnkiMVXJSJ^^ »heee extemala. Yon uttern {«2rth,ttho2fte%Im?o^^ pwTided thTf^oJ S»*7?w.wofda. NeitlirdShe«.2kf/f**^VV'^«»"«>»PteMion *• ••M that he " wlmZnS^flr " •». enKghtened manner Vhen ^^^^W^^v f:''-si : #*• .t thf .niHgauoi* of fe*|lfi« that * ere f.r from ''♦gf -'^"K/^j; "««lc.U«t. Ifhadidtako|hiifaTieitep,h« should Javo <9««°'"«*^. »"• •rror after ao conaldarablt * lapse of time. - Btm If he P'"«?^^J'«*, "»'!"?• . vronff in the course tMit lie had taken, be shou d har«tett it lo be KS him to apeak to the nreiudice which he ^^'^^'^ /»»»>*• '"«f •ntertainagainatthe conduct he liad pursued. It was »I«*'«"*r «''»«'' • therefore an unworthy .feeling. Pau/migbi proDerly allude « [Jin ordef toeipose it. hemight not properly allude to it \n Ader to dt«r wUMt. A f.?ourable hearing obuWin this way w.. not la.rly Rf »««^f; ^e may lio told that a few tersea after t s ho speaks yery Pl-J" r^.tht Jawfl o| their ur.belief. This was on a diffareot oocaaion. A 'n«»n^^>*y be In two ■latoa of mind in two different d*ifs, A m*n may employ t^o much to gain a hearing, and yet may feel indi«nant •/'Jn«*« "^ °"", *»?; may pMsiblv bully at another. These are rhe last f-ota recorded in tht ■ *''Ac°coid?ni?w'\he'receive(i chronology they occurred just thirty years afier the death of Christ, and twenly-«i"fht after the conTcreion of Paul. The IcaVen of imperfection U mixed up with them,— they are not the deeds of sinlfts peraonages.-they icannor safely be pioposed "•os"""*; models to mankind. If error bo discernible in tl.«^«'t narrated do«nga of theaHosiIca, ii ia reaiionable to expect that »l should bo fouOd in itio ?at.et and fi^ogreaa of their history. He who does, nut thoroughly uuder- aUiDd his meaaage when he haa been used t« it during iweftty-eight y eara, may rationally be supposed to -ndeir't'rd it eten lesa^ when nearer^ the beginning of Ms ministry. If Paul eq Jiyocated when^ho entered Ro^. theiuppostUon may be entertained that regeneration )«rith him nafl been B'aduaf and that crrtirs may be distfovered in hit earlier oan;er. If thli ciST^O Hupposed of Paul, it may be supposed of the other «?«>•""; ^ The b«voi some of whose incidenU we hare jeviewed. clh.hi.s the doings of fallible beinga. Their fallibility is proved by the genem Hfate- ment that they are men of like passions with u8,--by the passages in thdr writings that mually condemn their acts,-by ihoae others thatct^ndemn rhemiy name.-by tL analogy of the faith, and by »»»« '«i;°J °J ^ ' tbiDA Some of the caaes of error or ignorance- are admitted by the 3mrehee,--othera we must euppoae them to r dmit,. because t^«y i^w^nj Saoti« what was enjoined oiiipne in the partlculittms^M^^^^ i? wi^l"]!: SwiB, however few. and however equivocal as to the way in ^bich they «• made, found a principle : they impose tbe canon of peccab c apostles, rje quality cannot be allowed, even in one example, witWt givmg t.«e o the Sle. Those who admit one case, are forced to affirm the rule. 1 he haying down of,thi8 con makes apostol'o condu^ an open subject which ^o other canon cim rightfully close. Being opene«.^one per.on may And u case of ' faUibllit^o-day and another to-morrow. The one has no right to .ny to S*oSe7you^re going too far. "T^ a™««?t of fallibiUty is th| exart C mSisare. yoirs ia tflS much. Any *lgree of kia p^ssibK iMths f ^^ in some degree. The chief features of apostol c faUiWity, on which x^^^haje insisted are. regard to rites, the placing of rjteB ^^^ "Boral du i-s Jn^e eameplane. tlft drawing distinctions between Jew and Gentvlc. disobfed 9JO6 Jo inSmatiUa ftom th? spirit, downright deceit. «ir^°»^'iv"lj±'th« dHW«i>«« to p^ judicea. These, as we haye re marked, a^e olaa err^>r^, the riioBt^gStous, because they woof all the most sure to he J^t*ti? dr^ir ■ / ^/.:V 'i.*??*''^ »«« Md my «ln«t.^rXTJ*iS ?.?*• *5^. «*>«• *L^;!?i5sH^KZ!t^?^ t:gFfc»?d«*d •■n^tMSTof foHT^rir "^^ *?^' *• *^ «*«J kowrrw they may dlft» JTyT .k^ "7 ■"" *•• moathi, ICogt atti^ Tlie oi^Mt Mnaot b« MlalnedM Ih^mT. At "* *" P»^"" • •tnU.hl rule ttjrtta jr««wd«I M« not dijdJS^ to ^^ «r tew. thm (■ lot m fldM •lui • iilae ■ to endure ^ot eritici. »^^r«e In from otlier tithe bean » mm that ) %• know, f^teetant •queneeef . f even rrabdMa; iU etewl. tif hi rule. t* weighte •allserip. Mhers for deadlbft •Ugiouelyi lorookei' U of the the Ikota t oot that tpiedict* ehureheii e toward Bder the ucpect to irojr.and Ithtened: Ibrltia Ua Uttle r which ritten in tionand B ft new bioadly >• wlwt dr »wthat ttUyaa /" i1 #VM.— To My of the eeta ef the Apoatlea that they M«i M« perfbe f Mi d e t e. la not to leave men wtlhom m atandard. prorlded that there be other parte of Koriptnre whioh au|,ply thai atMidard. aUtA.—H9 who admits that the moral oonduet of Jeetie Christ is iMiltleea. and thst the rules of virtne whieh the apoatelio epistlee ley down are perfcel, doss nol IcsTS men Withottt ft rule. ■•.'■.•'■. ' . ■ ' .' '■ 'j ' ■ MeMrfA^—To point out lins and errors' in ths sets ef the Apoelles, Is not to determine with abaolate precision what waa the amount of the hoUnesa of • these persons. .,,;_ r.-'- • "-,.••:%• '■■■■- £^A ' . ■'■" ■■■■'■ 'i'. ,-I/yv--. " . ■' -■ ■ .r^- * ■ ■ ■' - / . y" ration. ■'■ ■ lotaet # I — — '- -■»■ -' * t i • . -'0 ^«.,- 5 ■■ * • ..i^ '^v^^^l ■nfm ?' .•*i(.4''. ii> »' *A ^ V #.Mi "l r f# ^^r -;*■ In f> / .•