A IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // C signifie "A SUIVRE" le symbole V signifie "FIN". Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent itre filmte i dee taca de rMuction diffirenta. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul ciich«. il est film* H partir de I'angle iiupirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quebec Poultry Pet Stock... Association. ' EXHIBITION-^ ^ — March t, 2, 3, wl 18Q0. «S5 ^JACQUES CARTIER HALL ^ QUEBEC Daily Telegraph Print 1809. j" j?*i"f' JMl. First^Prizts and %.«H»:A««rA^ lor Si^or Qualify. " Kiii#c. Read This. Entries close on Saturday, the 25th Feb- nvu-v Exhibition opens Wednesday niorn- " Ihe 1st March, and closes Fnday mgh , uS:>rd March. AH specimens nu^ be m the Hall by Tuesday night, the 2^ leb ruary, and may be removed bat.iday morning, the 4th IM arch. fc " Mi* * y — — -* ~ t y^'Tnm © i'SN»a»2>>»Ab;^aci>«vv.v^^ The following; are the Donations given to the Quebec Poultry and Pet Stock Association by the undersigned gentlemen :— Hon. J. A. PAQUET, Silver Cup. A. E. VALLERAND, U. DUQUPrr, J. BREAKER, W. La ROCHE & Co., Prize. G. SEIFERT, " P. F. RINB^RET, Hon. p. TURNER, J, T. ROSS, W. A. MARSH, Wm. SHAW, A. ROBITAILLE, M.P.P., N. GARNEAU, M.P.P., J. HAMILTON, Naz. TURCOTTE, & Co., R. AUDETTE, G. R. RENFREW & Co., (iLOVER, FRY & Co., E. JACOT, J. T. HOLLIDAY, FELIX CARBRAi. M.P.P., E. J. HALE, Hy. WILLIS, V. CHATEAUVERT, T. A. PIDDINGTON, Hon. S. N. PARENT, M. COTE. R. CAMPBELL, Three Special Prizes. i ©>>;< i InlendlriK ExhIbUora to this Show may have their . . PouJtry Carefully . , . Handled by . , . O'DONNELL'S City Express...^^ AND- Baggage Transfer Outside Exhibitors may drop Postal and the orders will be attended to promptly. OFFICE: 26 ANGELE St., ir Phone 989. -^QUEBEC. -%^ Quebec Telephone 906. II 31 BUADE STREET, <^..QUEBEC. $tatioi)efy, View^, Xew^pkpei'^, Periodicals, Sjtd-, %t6. — 1 COLVIN & Co. GRAIN & FEED STORE Aiwayii on Hand GOOD HAY.. AND GRAIN - OF ANT KIND. 213 ST. JOHN STREET, H-i-W tZlO. M-5-H James - Perry MANUFACTURER. Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Dining room & Hall Furniture, BEIDIDnsrO-, ETO. WAREROOM : 323 St. Paul Street^>' FACTORY: -^^68 St Valler Street, Tel 519. Q V. "^ E.C- tm' Prompt attention yiven to all correspondence, 2 I ■ BASSE-GOUR FORTIER. SAINTE-THERESE. P. Q. Victor Fortier, Prop^ Importateur et Eleveur de VOLAILLE^ "^ QIALITE^SUPFfllEURE Polonais, Bantams, Sumatras noirs, Leghorns noirs, Spanish, Hannburgs noirs et argentes. Yolailles a VeBdre ea toiii temps :8; mi dnrant la saisou. Satisfaction Garantie. -'• A, QUILBAULT, Phop' oh. QEO. VAN FEL80N, Manaoer. V.&B. ..^porting ^mA$ ^im.. i-^HHH IMPORTERS '"i-^^H Bicycles, Sporting Qoods, Fishing Tackle, Etc., 11 ST. JOHN ST., - QUEBEC. - 3 - Joseph Bussiere > WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ^ QrinrEriEs I liiquoi|s. Cor. Sutherland & d'Aiguiilon Sts. Telephone 289. Tki.ei'hone 081. .PAUL PARENT.. TINSMITH AND Meta! Roofer Galvanized Iron Roofing A SPECIALTY c(M i^^ittei', 'Hot ^ii'. ^tehfii hi|d ^}|ot Whtef fteatirig, dor}ti*hdto!*. COkNHR — ■ ST. JOHN and RACINE St. and O'AIGUILLON St., QUEBEC. Most Modern Sanitary Plumbing Apparatus Electric and Acetylene Gas Fitting and Supplies. Tout Patjonafi is Solicited. MY RATES ABE MODEBiTE, - 4 - I Pilizc Xiist. Ak«a Quebec Poultry I And. m Pet Stock... fAssociation. EXHIBITION-^ -18QQ. '^' QUEBEC Daily TELeaRAPH Print 1899. OF'p^iOESie.s OK THK THE qUflBBC POULTRY AND PET STOCK ASSOCIATION 1 8 Q . PATRON The Lieutenant-Govehnor. honorary president Honorable F. W Andrews. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS. His WoRsnii' the Mayor of Quebeu. Victor Chateaivert. He- president. Wm. Lee. vice-presidlnts T. A. PosTON, C. E. Levey. SECRETARY-TREASURER R. Campbell. COMMITTEE A. SiNOLAHi, James Geggie, W. CuAWF(jRD, T. Gale, 0. J. Knight. — 6 — RY vv RULES AND REGULATIONS. ON E(J. GlE, The Premiums of the Exhibition are Open to the Competition of the World, Under the Following Rules : 1. — An exhibitor violatintr any of tlicse rules shall forfeit uli ]»rivik^g('s and pre- miums. 2. — The uomniittcie reserve the riglit to reject any entry. '^- — 4^^ si)eciinen,s must he entered in the name of the actual owner. Any attempt to evade this rule, as in borrowing; birds or buying with the understanding tliat the birds shall be returned after tiie exhibition or upon any other conditions will exclude all entries of the offending party and all premiums shall be withheld. p:xhibitors shall, if deemed necessary, make a statutory declaration that the specimens exhibited by them are in accordance with this rule. In case any exhibitor refuses to make such declaration on being recjuested, all j)remiums awarded him shall be withheld. 4.— All specimens shall l)e at the owner's risk ; it will not be necessary for exhibitors to accompany tlieir birds, but direct them to the hall where the Superintendent will re- ceive them and properly care for them and at the close of the Exhibition will promptly deliver them to the exhibitor or to his order. All coops must have name painted on for return journey. The association will use every effort for care and safety of the birds. - 7 - 5, — All specimens shall be exliibited in their n-itural condition. Games and game Bantams being an exception so far as to render ordinary dubbing and trimming ad- missable. Pulling false feathers and similar practices are prohibited. All birds must be marked or })iinded. 6. No specimens shall be alh)vved in the hall exce})t those that the entry fee has been paid for. 7. Xo person shall be allowed to handle any of the birds or take them out of their coops without the consent of their owners except the ,judg(; and superintendent. 8. — The American Standard of perfection as last revised shall be the guide of the jndge on all varieties mentioned therein. y. — JJuring the exhibition all sjiecimens are under the control of the association, 10. — No person shall be allowed to inter- fere with the judges l>y letter or otherwise or give them any information as to the identity of any specimens. 11. — The oidy appeal from the decision of the judges shall be to the Committee of Management and shall be in writing and delivered to the president or secretary within 24 hours of cause of such action and must state plaiidy the cause of complaint or ai)peal. 12. — All entries must be made according to the prize list. Entrance fees shall be as follows : To members of the association, twenty entries free and over that number 10 cents. To all others Single Birds, 2 5c. each entry. Breeding pen 50c. Pigeons or any other class 15c. 4* 1 ^ 13. — The birds in breeding pens may compete for all regular prizes l)y paying the entrance fee for single birds in addition to fee for breeding pen. 14. — All fees must accompany the entry which ought to be made on the blanks fur- nished by the secretary. 15. — Food will be provided for the speci- mens during the exhibition by the association, who also furnish coops for fowls and pigeons. 9 — Si PRIZE LIST 1st Prize, . 76 Cts 2nd Prlz9, . . 50 Cts Skction. 1 Brahmas, dark, cock. 2 " " hen. 3 " " cockerel. 4 " " pullet. 5 Brahmas, light, cock. 6 " ". hen. 7 " " cockerel. 8 " " pullet. 9 Cochins, buff, cock. 10 " " hen. 11 " " cockerel. 12 " " pullet. 13 Cochins, partridge, cock. 14 " " hen. 15 ** " cockerel. 16 *' " pullet. 17 Cochins, white, cock. 18 " " hen. 19 " " cockerel. 20 " •' pullet. 21 Cochins, black, cock, 22 •' " hen. 23 " " cockerel. 24 " " pullet. 25 Langshans, cock. 26 " hen. 27 " cockerel. 28 " pullet. 29 Dorkings, coloured, cock. 30 " " hen. 31 " ■ " cockerel. 32 " •' pullet. — 10 — t Skotion. 33 Dorkings, silver grey, cock. 34 " " " hen. 35 " .c «< cockerel. 36 " " " pullet. 37 Dorkings, white, cock. 38 " " hen. 39 •* •' cockerel. 40 " " pullet. 41 Houdans, cock. 42 " hen. 43 " cockerel. 44 " pullet. 45 Lafleches, cock. 46 " ' hen. 47 " cockerel. 48 " pullet. 49 Cr^vecoeurs, cock. 50 " hen. 51 " cockerel. 52 " pullet. 53 Wyandottes, white, cock. 54 " " hen. 65 " " cockerel. 56 " « pullet. 57 Wyandottes, golden laced, cock. 58 " " " hen. 59 " « " cockerel. 60 " " " pullet. 61 Wyandottes, silver laced, cock. 62 " " " hen. 63 '* " " cockerel. 64 " «« " pullet, 65 Plymouth Rocks, barred, cock. 66 " " " hen. 67 " " " cockerel. 68 " " " pullet. 69 Plyrrouth Rocks, buff, cock. 70 ■' " " hen. 71 " " " cockerel. 72 " " " pitjlet. 7'^ Plymouth Rocks, white, cock. 74 hen. 11 — Skction. 75 riymouth llocjks, white, cockerel, 7G ' '• " " pullet, 77 Doraiuiques, cock. 78 " hen, 79 " cockerel. 80 " pullet. 81 Ciames, black red, cock, 82 " " hen. 83 " " cockerel. 81 " " pullet. 85 Games, brown red, cock. 80 " " hen. 87 " " cockerel. 88 " '' pullet. 89 Games, duckwiug, cock. 90 " -^ hen. 91 " " cockerel. 92 " " pullet. 9;') Games, pile, cock. 9i i' " hen. 95 (( '• cockerel. 90 (( " pullet. 97 Games, Indian Cornish, cock. 98 a hen. 99 i( '* cockerel. 100 u pullet. 101 Games, Indian White, cock. 102 (( hen. 103 (( " cockerel. 101 u pullet. 105 Games, B. B, red Malay, cock. 106 u hen. 107 (( " " cockerel. 108 (C ixjllet. 109 Games, black Sumairas, cock. 110 C( hen. 111 u " cockerel. 112 <( pullet. 113 OrpingI ton, cock. 114 (( hen. 115 (( cockerel. 116 (1 pullet. i 12 Skction. 117 Hamburgs, black, cock. 118 " '• hen 119 " " cockerel. 120 " " pullet. 121 Hamburgs, golden pencilled, cock. 122 " " hen. 123 " " cockerel. 124 " " pullet. 125 Hamburgs, silver pencilled, cock. 126 " " hen. 127 " " cockerel. 128 " " pullet. 129 Hamburgs, golden spangled, cock 130 " " hen.. 1^1 <« " cockerel. 132 " " pullet. 133 Hamburgs, silver spangled, cock. it hen. cockerel. pullet. 134 135 136 137 Red Caps, cock. 138 '• hen. 139 " cockerel. 140 " pullet. 141 Javas, black, cock. 142 " ** hen. 143 " " cockerel. 144 " " pullet. 145 Leghorns, white, cock. 146 " " hen. 147 " " cockerel. 149 " " pullet. 150 Leghorns, brown, cock. 151 " " hen. 152 " " cockerel. 153 *' " pullet. 154 Leghorns, buff, cock. 155 " " hen. 156 " " cockerel. 157 " '• pullet. 158 Leghorns, rose comb, brown, cock. 159 " " " hen. 13 — SeCTIOH. 160 Leghorns, rose comb, brown, cockerel. 161 " '« •« pullet. 162 Leghorns, rose comb, white, cock. IC « hen. cockerel. pullet. 163 164 165 166 Lrghonis, black, cock. 167 " " hen. 168 " " cockerel. 169 " « pullet. 170 Spanish, cock. 171 " hen. 172 " cockerel. 173 " pullet. 174 Andalusians, cock. 175 " hen. 176 «* cockerel. 177 " pullet. 178 Minorcas, black, cock. 179 " " hen. 180 ''■ " cockerel. 181 " " pullet. 182 Minorcas, white, cock. 183 " " hen. 184 « «' cockerel. 185 <« " pullet. 186 Polands, white crested black, cock. % 1 1 187 188 189 190 Polands, white, cock. 191 " " hen. 192 " " cockerel. 193 " " pullet. 194 Polands, silver, cock. 195 «' " hen. 196 " " cockerel. 197 " " pullet. 198 Polands, gol'len, cock. 199 " '• hen. 200 " " cockerel. 201 " " pullet. — 14 — hen. cockerel. pullet, I t jrel. rel. erel. 3t, 'I \ t i. T buff laced, cock. " •' hen. Se ction. 202 Polands, 203 ' 204 ' cockerel. 205 " " " pullet. 206 Game Bantams, black red, cock. 207 " " " " hen. 208 " " " " cockerel. 209 •' " " " pulh^t. 210 Game Bantams, brown red, cock. 211 " " " '• hen. 212 " " « <« cockerel. 213 " " " " pullet. 214 Game Bantams, duck wing, cock. 215 " " " hen. 216 " " " cockerel. 217 =' " " pullet. 218 Game Bantams, pile, cock. 219 " '• " hen. 220 " " " cockerel. 221 " •* " pullet. 222 Bantams, rose comb, black, cock. 223 " " " " hen. 224 " " " •' " cockerel. 225 " " " " pullet. 226 Bantams, rose comb, white, cock. 227 " " " " hen. 228 " '* " " cockerel. 229 " " •' " pullet. 230 Bantams, golden Sebright, cock. 231 " " •' hen. 232 " •' " cockerel. 233 " " " pullet. 234 Bantams, silver Sebright, cock. 235 " '' " hen. 236 " " " cockerel. 237 " " " pullet. 238 Bantams, Japanese, cock. 239 " " hen. 240 " " cockerel. 241 " " pullet. 242 Bancaias, Pekiu, cock. 243 •' " hen. - If) Skction. 244 Btintarns, Pekin, cockerel. 245 " " pullet. 246 Bantams, Polish, cock. 247 " •' hen. 248 " " cockerel. 249 " " pullet. ^ 25U Ev- SurmoN. 333 OwIh, 4friuau, any colour, cock, 334 " " .' .. hen 335 I[oniers, cock. 336 " lien. standard standard colour, colour, ock. en. ir, cock, hen. FANCY BIRDS Ftp best Single Bird, 50 0«nts. 337 Guinea fowls. 338 White Pea fowls. 339 Common Pea fowls. 340 White Swan. 341 Black tSwan. 342 Canaries, Belgian. 343 " Glasgow. 344 " (}erman. 345 Parrot, 34(1 Cockatoo. 347 Pheasant, golden, cock. 348 " « hen. FANCY ANIMALS Fir Best Pair, - . so Centa. 349 Ferrets . 350 Guinea -pigs. 351 352 Abyssi: White iiian guinea-pigs rats. 353 White mice. 354 White squirrels. 355 356 357 358 Grey squirrel Red squirrel. Flying squirrel. Rabbit, lop-eared. 359 360 << angora, Russian, 361 <( common. — 19 DUQUET CUP. For highest scoring Game Cock in the show. CONDITIONS. lat. Competition open to ah. 2nd. To be won three times in five competi- tions before becoming the property of any competitor. 3rd, Cup to rem-ain in possession of the winner each time won, till the date of the next competition. 4th. Security to the full value to be given to the Association. BRCAKEY CUP. For the highest scoring cock and hen in the exhibition both being of same class. CONDITIONS. 1st. Competition open to all. 2nd. To be won three times in five competi- tions before becoming the property of any competitor. 3rd. Cup to remain in possession of winner each time won till the date of the next competition. 4th. Security to the full value to be given to Association. — 20 — PAQUET CUP. For the highest scoring breeding pen of riymoiith llocka. CONDITIONS. 1st. Competition open to any one in*the District of Quebec (judicial district.) 2nd. To be won three times in five competi- tions before becomin;; the permanent property of any competitor. 3rd. Cup to remain in possession of winner each time won, till the date of the next competition. 4th. Security to the full value to be given to the Association. The Association Perpetual Challenge Medal. For highest scoring breeding pen in section 145 to 185 inclusive. CONDITIONS. 1st. Competition open to all members. 2nd, Medal may remain in j)ossession of winner each time won till the date of the next competition. 3rd. Security to the full value to be given to the Association. — 21 — SPECIAL PRIZE LIST. 1. I'or highest scoring game hen. — Box of cigars presented by li. Campbell. 2. For highest scoring pair of bantams owned by a boy under 14 years of age. — Penknife presented by R. Campbell. 3. For highest scoring hen in sections 1 to 28 inclusive. — Prize presented by Gr. Seifert. 4. For highest scoring Turkey cock. — 1 setting of brown Leghorn eggs, pre- sented by 11. Campbell. *- «."■ r si — 22 ..M. HOGAN.. MONTOALM MARKET, TEL. 191. ...^^ — QUEBEC. Foreign and Dome^fiie Fruit • 1" ' "!"'"" r'!»^.!.?.rTry»* i*»f»y^- 9 9 9 Early Southern Vegetables. '1))) All kinds of Fresh Fish in Season. iiv^- 9 9 MALPECQUE OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, &c. 8*^ Your Patronage Solicited. Samuel gussieifes glouii, €}iTains And. ^ilOYisions 3N^E K c H^^nsr T. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CORNER tu, urtigumufi dfiu ouineriana OTS — 23 — For la or Ham J 1st. C( 2ad.T 3rd. < 4tb. ccl B t BREAKEY CUP. or Ham^^^^g^- CONDITIONS. ^,t. competition opeu to all. Hmea in five competi- '-^•^i:jsrrocSt.ep.o^^tyof any competitor. competition. •. to the full valvie to be given Ath Security to the ini to Association. ccVallerand" Cup, ■ . c.UflrredPlycaouth UnderPaciuetO^^^^^^^^^^^ Rocks "instead of i"!^ u fMlowina to the Specia Prize Add the followiUo List, page 22 :- ^^^^^ _ 5 For the highest sc^ng ^^^^^,^, & Co. 1 Prize presented Dy . r ;rrpnn3at the show.— 6 For thebeBtpa.ro P>8eonsa ^^^^ *"' Prize presented by r. (I 4