.%. ^Tc* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) K 1.0 I.I 1.25 tM M. tig Hud <% ''?'.-. 7; <^^ ^w ^* ^. r r C;/! Photographic Sdences Corporaiioii m % 4^ <>^ .^^. ^ENr_R. D. McARTHUR. V,CE.PRES,i..NT-GEORGE C. HUNT. TREASUREK-C. V. CLARKE. SECRETARY-R. W. McCaKTY. REC.STRAR-A. CHIPMAN SMITH. «™"'- Saint John, R. D. McARTHUR Fredericton, GEORGE C. HUNT Moncton, Edward M. Estey .Chatham, J. V. B. F. McKenzie r,edericton, J.M. Wiley ..Carkton. R N. Knight C! P. CLARKE. ^^.^^^T Isaintjohn. GEO. A. BARKER, W. HAWKER. |- A. CHIPMAN SMITH. ^^ Stephen, W. H. Clarke, h B H Ri Ml te! un So Soi cei aft me a ] at t^le T AN ACT TG INCDRPDRATE THE NEW BRUNSWICK PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY, And to Regulate the Sale of Drugs and Medicines. PASSED 1ST APRIL, 1884. Whereas, it is expedient for the safety of the public that all persons engaged in the sale or dispensing of drugs and medicines, within this Province, should be acquainted with their properties and uses, and possess a competent practical knowledge of Pharmacy, and that provision be made for testing the knowledge and capability of all persons hereafter proposing to engage in the aforesaid business. Be it therefore Enacted, by the Lieutenant Governor, Legis- lative Council, and Assembly, as follows : I. Robert D. Mc Arthur, Clement P. Clarke, George C. Hunt, William T. Erith. Stephen Smith, George A. Barker, Richard W. McCarty, Edmund M. Estey, James D. B. Eraser McKenzie, and such other persons as shall hereafter be regis- tered under this Act, are hereby constituted a body corporate under the title oi the "New Brunswick Pharmackuticaj, Society, 2. There shall be a Council of twelve members of the Society elected at the annual meeting to be styled the Pharma- ceutical Council, and such Council shall at their first meeting, after the annual general meeting of the Society, elect from their members a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Registrar. In case of any vacancy occuring in the Council at any time, by reason of the refusal to serve of any person elected, or by the resignation or removal from the Province, or it eh-iU be lawful for the death of any ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ '"— ^^ transaction of business. ^hn at the time of the passing of this Att ,. All persons who at the t, .^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ shall be actually engaged, °" ^^ '^ p"„,i„ee, and all persons „f Chemist and D-SK'/^^f^^^ltof twenty-one years, who at within this Province of the full age 01 y ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ the time of '^e P-.ng of h A t s^ ^^^ ^^ ^„, „f years or upwards at such bus'" ' dispensing of medi- Uiose years shall have been engaged n 1^ ^^ ^,^ cines and P«s"'P"°"^'. -t'" of such business or service, and council satisfactory - ^ . ,::;„„.ided, to be registered upon payment of the tees " g j^j No person, under this Act to become member o ^^.^ ^^^^.^^ ,„.ever, shall ^-^ ''^^ X ■ n the year of our Lord :rt— ^ei^hthrneredandeightyfour. persons, to examine into «>"= q"''" „,edicines, of such 'in, compounding and d'sP-";'"f J"f ^^ ,„ j,, examined and ..e'rsons as shall '^ »-. WTfte Examiners shall be ap- registered under this Act , t ^^^^^ ^^^ p,^^^^^. >::i:l:rcCr CVy-aSntm-ent of an examiner shall be T- B^ard Of -^^::z^r::^:^ given by advertisement in two or ™° P ^^ f„, exam.- - Tix; ««st: r;.j.»... »' .■■-'-■ He shall, before his examination, pay lu the Registrar a tee of tive dollars ; any person failing to pass the examination may be examined without further payment of fees ; but no person shall be entitled to a re-examination until after the lapse of at least six months from the date of his last examination. Every per- son passed by the Board of Examiners shall, upon the payment of a further sum of five dollars, receive a diploma, and shall be entitled to be registered and to become a member of the Society at any time. The Council may, at their discretion, accept the diploma of any other competent examining body outside the Province as sufficient evidence of qualification, and may there- upon issue their certificate. (Any person feeling himself ag- grieved by the decision of the examiners, shall have the right to appeal to the Governor in Council, who, upon due cause shewn, shall issue an order to the Council to register the name of such person and to grant him a diploma, and thereupon the Registrar shall register the name of such person as duly (pialified under this Act.) 6. The Registrar shall mak( and keep a Register of per- sons who are members of the Society, and shall revise the same annually, on or about the first day of January, and publish the revised and corrected list in the month of January in every year in the Royal Gazette. He shall receive examination and registration fees, as provided elsewhere in this Act, and pay over the same to the Treasurer for the general uses of the So- ciety, and shall give certificates under the Seal of the Society to l>ersons entitled to them. 7. Every member shall, upon his registration, (except holders of the Diploma of the Society as hereinafter mentioned), and thereafter, on or before the thirty-first day of December, in every year, pay tothe Registrar such fees, not .exceeding four dollars, as the Council may determine ; and upon every such payment shall receive a certificate under the Seal of the Society; any member failing to make any such payment shall forfeit his place upon the register, and shall cease to be a member of the Society ; but his name may be replaced at the discretion of the Council "n paymcnl „f arrears of fc-s. Kverv hnU,., r .k ,■ . "le Society shall bt en.itle.l „, -.7 , *'"''^" "' 'he :: iec:„Z':;ztnrtt:r::rti:r^^^^^ "'-'■ and to „,alce Bye-Laws, Rules and'o de s for e hoM^'"'; regulation of such examination, and genera Iv„' .herewith, for the regulation of the.r own m«,in" anTn"" ceedtngs and .hose of the Socety, and for the I^pofnt™ nt Z remunera„on of the examiners and ofHcers of .heTciety ,"d m respect to any other matters which may be reouttte L .k carrytng out of tins Act. Such ByeLaws a wel a all Ru ! ZJr uT '"''' °' ''''"'''" <■- •'- exam "at on of n Gor:'ort"c:iir '"'" "'"-"'" '■""' —'" ^^ .he ■ss: i. s'h:;:^ii:::^:, tr '::r;e::nt ::ir "- ^ ^ sell or have exposed for sale or keep pel ,h " "f^, "T^' '° dispensing or compounding any of the dr ks'o' "^d" '' named in the Schedule "A" to this Z, 7"8\.°; ""ed.cmes after be added to such SchedJ^ '£ aulhl :f';^. ZZ'Z Chemist, or Druggist.Tr ta^LST^^ ma^cS'' o"^ Apothecary, or Dispensing Chemist or DruggistTa;;'^;. Z this Province, unless such mrson sh-,ip i. Act, and unless such persoi sh!ll h ,"""""' "'"'" "''^ under ,he Provisions 1 tl'^l T" T ." ""'""^'^ ing which he is .ellin^ „r T """' '^°'' ""•' ''">'•• ''"f" <-rus,ng any su'ch titles^ ovt r;;;';:t""'-'r'T"'"'"''' ^>V\y to. nor prevent the sni, . ""'""" "'^''" ""' in marked packages Ir„ Tl '""' "'''^"^» "-^ ''^"^'=^^^' as paten, m^d cin'T'2 > ho? ° "'"'" ^"'"""'"'^ ""«-' that this Ac. sha7:; , el, ::^I:■"''• ^"' "'"• "^""^^ Province, regularly reg stered unde p"" '" ""'*"'" '" "''^ ^al Act. dispensing or compounding drugs or mediHn.! u legally ,ua,i«ed .edic^prr, i trfl^'r Z^:::", '"ih" tii'~cr''o;'rr"^ -' pHysici.:ra:dt: e^st may be reg^iered aT ptlL:":; cI"' '^"•^'''' ""^ '"^^ without undergoing exami„«in„ .""'"' °'' "™8gists Ac. prevent physi^'aZ ■ ""' ''''"' ^'"'"'''"« '" '^^ »uch medicine, as rvmav'''""' ^'Pplying.o .heir patien.s ^m prevent any^:e:?^ere7Lra:;;::^,r t m" '"" ^" m and earring on the business „f >^™, "",""'' from engaging Druggist with'ou. exami t o ; „.':,"'• '''™'"' "^ Chemist or Druggist, he li, ^e rto^rt ' " "'^'' of this y\ct.) No npr^nn ci, n ,, "^^^^ *° ^he Provisions first part of Lhl e A ith^'br^ho,"' 7'°" "'"""' '" '^'' box, bottle, vessel wran,!r "^''°''=.'"''e or retail unless the .contained s d ,t ncriTe 1 h" '7': '" *''''^'' '"^ l»'=°" ■» •He word •• Poir"! " f" l"Ly 'r irTh"' "T"'^'^ ^""^ name and address of th. , ' *"" "'"" *'"' ""e which such poi on is sold aT''""" ""■ *^ ^»"'W-hment in mentioned i'n the i s .'t of"s rTI" f'" "" '"^ 1^°'»" known to the seller ulrs , „ldutd t t " "^ '^'=™" ""• to the seller, and on everv sailer u ^- """ ''""'" ■">»»'" i"- same shill before d^^^^ marran""^ "" '"'"" "'""« kept ror that purpose in the Lmt. :^rSL^rB\r.ht 8 Act, stating the date of the sale, the name and address of the purchaser, the name and quantity of the article sold, and the purpose for which it is stated by the purchaser to be required ; provided, however, that nothing contain'^d in this Section shal apply to the compounding or dispensing of physicians or vet. erinary surgeons' prescriptions, containing any of the poisons mentioned in the said Schedule A. ti. The Pharmaceutical Council, with the concurrerce oi the President of the Council of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick, may, from time to time, by lesolution, declare that any poisonous or dangerous drugs or medicines, mentioned in such resolutions, ought to be added to the Schedule •* A " of this Act, and may recommend that such articles be added to such Schedule accordingly, and such recommendation shall go into force a^d effect when and so soon as it shall have been approved by the Governor in Council, and published in the Royal Gazette for the space of one month. 12. Any person transgressing any of the Provisions of the Tenth Section of this Act, shall, for the first offence, incur a penalty of twenty dollars and costs of prosecution, and for every subsequent offence shall ii cur a penalty of forty dollars, and costs of prosecution to be recovered in a summary manner at the suit of the Pharmaceutical Council or Society before any Stipendiary or Police Magistrate, or any Parish Court Commis- sioner, on the oath of one or more credibk itness or witnesses which penalty and costs in default of payment shall be enforced by execution as in the case of debt, and in default of suffiicient distress the defendant suall bt liable to imprisonment in the common gaol for a period of not more than twenty-five da)s un- less such penalty and costs be sooner paid. Every such pen- alty, when collected, shall be paid to the Treasurer for the gen- eral uses of the Societv, 13. In any prosecution under this Act, it shall be incum- bent upon the defendant to prove that he is entitied to sell or keep open shop for compounding and dispersing drugs and medicines, and to as«ume and use the title Chemist and Drug- 9 g>st, or other titles mentioned in the Tenth ^drocyanic, Nitric, Oxalic Aconite and Preparations thereof. Antimony, Tartrate of Arsenic, and Preparations thereof. Belladonna, and Preparations thereof Conium and Preparations thereof ' ChSo^r^^^' "^'""^'^ ^^^^^-^ -d other Cyanides. Digitalis and Preparations thereof, ^rgot, and Preparations thereof, iiither. .^.^Essential Oi!s of Bitter Atoonds. Cedar, Savin. Rue, and Goulard's Extract of Lead. Henbane, and Preparations thereof Mercurv^n ?,' -""^ P'^P^-'^i'-ns thereof Morph,a and Sal^ and Preparatfons ODi^,,^ 5V"^ Preparations thereof feliSs-rp^.:„r ' — Salts ""' ""^ ="' P<"^°"°"^ vegetable Alkaloids and their SCHEDULE B. natr. ••■•••• I Xame of Purchaser. Name £ Qnan- Purpose for D«/"^ ^^ which Poison Sold. It is Required Address of Purchaser. '•••• •••• ••••••••a ■•■••••• « ^— :^ii::i l::- i-^^ ^^^^^^^^^ I, George Johnston Bliss, Clerk of th^ v 7T ~^ Dated at Fredencton, on the seventh day of May, A D ,884 GEO. J. BLISS, ♦^lerk House of Assembly, 'yanides. »» Rue, and iing C( Assembly, ' that the f the said D. 1884. S. smbly. BYE-LAWS OF THE PH/iRM/ICEUTlCi^L SOCIETY. DUTIES OF OFFICE. He shall regulate the orde therJf TT " "' "^^ Council. question is in order it PreTd/' Tt ^,'""' ''"'''^ ^^ '» -"at .he Corporate Seal, and %m '„' l: at. h7 '"' '="""'^ "' except by him, or under his direction k ° '"^ '^°"'™^n' ■n his place during his ab ence he Pre V'' T" ^"'"« certificates of membership and shnll "' '''*" ^'8» »" 'ssued by the Board of Fxam^l " .^"""'^^'S" all diplomas •■rer for monies. '^'"'"""ers, and all order., on the Treas- .he%ice%t:ir„t:?:; fr:;fr^ ''-'r ''''"'''-'- "p"" from any meeting, kchairm,? T"" °' '"'"' "'"'e officers P-sent, who sha' lexer ™ " ?; "^PP^-'ed from members 'he President as Chairmr^fCchrtrng.^" '"^ '"""'""' "^ Society^td'^halTpl; tte'samelt?' k"' '" """"^ °'' 'he 'ary, countersigned by the p"e'idelt .' l'"" °' ""^ **^"- account of all items oVreceiptTand ."^'" ''"'^" ^ '^ "meeting, and at any other tC the ^'P'"".""'" =" 'he a„„„i hooks, accounts and voucher luT"' """' ""'"■ »'» , -nspection of the President a^dothf''' '' °P"^" '" 'he I any Auditors the CounH, ^^v "■=" '" '"^'■°"- '" "f I .ixay appoint. il 12 4- The Secretary shall attend all business meetings of the Society and of the Council, unless excused by the President. He shall keep Minutes of all proceedings of the Society and of the Council, shall conduct all correspondence of the Society under the direction of the Council ; summon meetings of the Society and of the Council, certify all bills and accounts passed by the Council, and sign all orders upon the Treasurer for pay- ment of monies voted by the Council ; promptly notify officers and committees ot their election or appointment. His books and accounts shall always be open to the inspection of the President or of the Council in session. 5. The Registrar shall keep the Register of members, and shall revise and correct the same, from time to time, and publish it annually, according to the Pharmacy Act. He shall coun- tersign and issue all certificates of membership, receive all fees from members and pay the same to the Treasurer, taking his receipts therefor, and present full accounts of all monies re- ceived and paid, at the Anna il Meeting, and whenever required by the Council. He shall keep a record of all Diplomas issued by the Society to persons examined under its authority. The Registrar shall not issue any new certificates under the Third Section of the Pharmacy Act until the application therefor has received the approval of the President and two members of the Council. 6. Two Auditors shall be appointed by the Council from among the members of the Society, who are not members of the Council. They shall examine all accounts connected with the Society, and all books belonging to the Registrar, Secretary and Treasurer, and report on them at the Annual Meetings of the Society. 7. Retiring Officers shall, in all cases, continue to discharge the duties of their offices until relieved by their successors. MEETINGS. 8. Meetings of the Society shall be called by circular only, to be mailed to the address of the members fourteen days be- fo ci fo le P a| ii n n r ' 13 fore the meeting. Meetings of the Council shall be called by circular, to be issued at least one week before the time apomted for such meeting, but such notice shall not be necessary to legalize the proceedings ot the Council at any such meeting. Provided that all the members are present at such meeting, or agree to dispense with such notice. 9 Not less than twelve (12) members present at any meet- ing of the Society shall constitute a quorum, and seven at any meeting of the Council shall form a quorum. If a quorum shall not be present within one hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the members may adjourn to another time. 10. The Order of Business at meetings of the Council shall be as follows : (I ) Minutes of the preceding meeting read, corrected if necessary, confirmed, and certified by the signature of the Chairman. . cii (2.) The election of Officers, if there be any vacancies to fill. (3 ) Business arising out of the Minutes. (4.) Reports of Committees received and considered, and Unfinished Business disposed of. (c;.) Communications read and considered. (6.) New Business. II. At the Axinual General Meeting of the Society the Order of Business shall be as follows : (i.) Minutes of preceding Annual Meeting read. (2.) Report of Council read. (3.) Treasurer's Account, Registrar's Report and Auditor s Report read. (4.) Reports of Committees, if any. (5.) Election by ballot of twelve Councillors. (6.) President's Annual Address. (7.) New Business. The foregoing Order o. i usiness may be varied at any meet- ing by vote of the meeting. 12. By order of the President, or in his absence, of the 14 officer upon whom his duties may devolve or „ ,u wru,ng, of seven members, spJifZlZ I '""'"'' *" Secretary shall call a Special E^ '''*"' '" ^'^"^ "-e and at such meeting no other h' ""!"°« "^ ""^ Society, . that for Which it waf s^ecr^n^catr" ^''"' '' '^"^ "» ""' 13- Council meetints shall be heM u,k^ shall be called by the stcretary^ „ LT 0^7;""? '''^' '"" 'he wruten request of three orUe Col" ilte ''"'' "' " discussion of Pharmaceutical LdoZsc en, rt"' "^ '"^ the business affairs of the Society shal'oK '^^^^'"' ' ■"" transacted at such meetings. '" ''"^ssed or '5- At all Business Meetings r.f ^u o • Rules of Order shall be observed ""^ "^ ''''"''"■'"g (i-) All meetings shall be called tr. a hour of meeting as there .^J'^l^oXTJr '"" ''' ^.tlZ::r "''-'''""• ^^»" ^ t^i-red-'unless it has (3.) All resolutions must be submitted in writing (4.) No member shall speak more th»n 7 ^' question (except to explain on n '" "" ""^ '^a-ne without leave o?.he meet;: whirra'irr '"'"'''' ^''-) Without debate. " ^^ granted or refused Jfi'! 7^^"^? ""'' ^''^^"^^ ^^^ Chair, (o-; I he Chairman's decision on o • . final. aecision on a point of order shall be 4o^.ht:;t;iiri^Xdtt:^ r -— -^ t.on to adjourn to a given day't opr.? et^ °"' " »"- -Se^aranrtrtr- rr^s-^" ^'^ - must be in writing, and shauL tt T ^"'°«' ''"'^ ""tice after reading the Minutes o'epeviou:"'^"' "' *^^"-''"» t.on to reconsider, once decided TnT """""S' '"" » •"»- renewed. ""''' '" the negative, shall not be 1 6. 16 ELECTIONS AND VOTING. All elections of members of Council shall be by ballot ; elections of officers may be by open vote, but shall be by ballot if demanded by any member of the Council. 17. Any member present at an Annual Meeting may nomi- nate one or more members for Councillors, and when nomina- tions have ceased, by vote of the meeting, the ballot shall be taken, unless the number of nominations be only sufficient to fill the vacancies, in which case the nominees shall be declared elected without a ballot. 18. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. 19. In elections the Chairman shall have a single vote, and ties shall be voted off; if, on the second vote, a choice be not arrived at, the election shall be decided by lot ; on all other questions the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his first vote. 20. The Council shall appoint three Examiners in accord- ance with the Act, who shall serve for three years, and may be re-appointed. The Examiners appointed by the Council shall receive such remuneration for their services as may be deter- mined by the Council. 21. The President shall be responsible for the safe-keeping of the Corporate Seal of the Society, which shall not be set or affixed to any document except by him, or m his presence, and by his direction, under the authority of the Council. 22. The Diplomas to be i.ssued by the Examining Board, and the Certificates of Membership issued by the Registrar, shall be in such form as the Council shall determine or approve, and every such Diploma and Certificate shall bear the Seal of the Society and the signature of the President. 23. Any Bye-Law may be altered or repealed, or others added at any meeting of the Council, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided notice of such alteration has been given in writing at the previous meeting, or at least one month's 16 notice has been given to the members of the Council, by special circular. Any Bye-Law may be suspended, pro tempore, at any meeting of the Society or Council by unanimous vote ; and, also, provided that any alterations or amendments of the Bye- Laws shall not take effect until approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. REGULATIONS OF THE EXAMINATIONS. The Board of Examiners shall meet for the examination of candidates for registration in the month ot June, in every year, in the City of Saint John ; due notice of the time and place of holding the examination shall be given by advertisement in the newspapers. An extra examination shall be held in January if desired by two or more candidates, who must give notice to that effect to the Registrar on or before first of January. Candidates must give notice to the Registrar in writing of their intention to present themselves for examination, at least ten days before the dav fixed for the examination ; snch notice must be accompanied by the examination fee of five dollars, and by certificates to the satisfaction of the Council that the candidate possesses the qualification prescribed in the Fifth Sec- tion of the Pharmacy Act. Any person entering his name and not presenting himself at the time and place fixed for the exam- ination, shall forfeit his fee to the Society. The subjects of the examination shall be as follows : 1. General.— The candidate must write a plain and legible hand, and must spell correctly ; he must possess a knowledge of English grammar, the first four rules of Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, and the rudiments of the Latin lan- guage. 2. Materia, Medica, &c.-The candidate must recognise specimens of drugs, (as roots, barks, leaves, gums, fruit, &c.) used in medicine, and must be able to judge correctly of their quality. He must know their sources, habitat and commercial history, their medical properties, uses, doses, and incompati- bles : must name the officinal prepa-ations into which they 18 enter, and the antidotes to he administered in cases of emer^'- ency for the more ordinarily occurring poisons. .?. Chkmistry, &c.— The candidate must possess a knowledge f)fthe laws of chemical combination, the nature and properties of chemical elements and their compounds, recognise the acids oxides, salts, and other definite chemical bodies of the Pharma- copeia, judge of their quality, describe the process by which they are produced, and explain the decompositions that occur in their production and admixture. He must be acquainted with the method of taking specific gravities, and of testing the purity of the chemicals used in medicine and Pharmacy. 4. Pracical Pharmacy.— The candidate must possess a thorough knowledge of Pharmaceutical processes, recognize the galenical preparations of the Pharmacopgeia, (as extracts, tinc- tures, powders, &c.,) describe the method of their preparation, and the composition of such as are compounded, and state the |)roportion of their active ingredients. He must be acquainted with the injuries to which drugs are liabl'; by age or otherwise, affecting their quality, and the proper means and precautions for preventing their deterioration. He must possess a familiar knowledge of the weights and measures in use in the British, United States and French Pharmacop£eia, must be thoroughly acquainted with the British Pharmacopaeia, and the difference between its preparations and those of similar names in the United States Pharmacopaeia. 5. Dispensing.— The candidate must read written prescrip- tions, translate them into English, write out at full length all abbreviated words in a neat and distinct hand, and detect in compatibles, and unusual or dangerous doses. He must weigh, measure, and compound medicines, and finish and properly direct each package. The examination shall be conducted as far as practicable by means of written or printed questions, to which written ans- wers will be required These may be supplimented by oral ex- aminations at the discretion of the examiners. Every candidate shall be examined in each of the foregoing subjects by two or 4 19 I more of the examiners. The results of the examination under each of the foregoing heads shall be estimated sepajately, and <"andidates shall be required to obtain at least one half the number of marks allotted to each paper or subject, in order to pass the examination and secure a Diploma. Any candidate who shall be passed by the Board on all but one of the subjects of examination, shall be exempted from further examination, except on the subject on which he failed, l)rovided his marks on the other subjects averaged not less than seventy per cent, of the total marks allotted to those subjects ; and, provided further, that he present himself for re-examina- tion, and pass in the one subject in which he failed, not later than the Annual Examination next following. Candidates may, at their option, take the examination on general subjects, one or more years in advance of the other subjects. The Board of Examiners shall, as soon as conveniently may ,be, after each examination, report the result to the President of the Society, and every successful candidate shall, upon payment to the Registrar of the fee of five dollars, receive a Diploma, signed by the Examiners, and countersigned by the President.