IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.25 1 2.0 ^ iiiiii^ ■ 2.2 •" 140 u '^ ^ ^V'* Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WeST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) 873-4503 '^ ? ^A ^ y I 'll i> ■;". ' ■"> ' " ' P ' y. ' .n. ' . JNo.171 -^THte ' [Mo.17. } MERCHANTS^ & FARMERS' FOR THE XEAR OF OUR LORD «€*» j BEINO THRTHIRb APTEft BISSEXTILE, OR LEAP-7SAR, S kWV THE ElGUtEKNTH TEAR QF THE RElOfi OF HER MOST ^RXCtOUS \ MAJE9TT - ' ^ . ftU£EN VICTORIA,. { 1 ^ Containiug — in addition to the psual Inrormatibo — \ \An Equation of Tim& Table^ a Table for ealculatings )^ Seanteti** Wages] a Weather Tabhy and a variety \ of interesting Reading Matter. %%%»^^»*^<^i»%%^%i»^»%%i>^i»%%»<^»^<»%»»%%»>% » »wMi»»»w**»*»%»a%»i ' «>»« \ X I I '■•^^*P*OHN. N. B. .,^„^„. J^ At« 2il9rt;PHIierlirt(lMMi Street; and to hi had ^OU Print ^ \ djfoi BookseMwr^ thrmighout the Pnn^mU. ^i^^ . . %> « • ^^r'*r **£« i-W^^'f^W i'iT''^ • *>■,'■', .*** • H T^,"^i»»-"1H?'-' lutw» « K . . '«* n ^ i ^ i'l " I t i> ■ H ' S9M •(^^' '' , tA'i -J '>■ ^t «i*: Alii ' ofHealtb, <>, l^^%ij#ii.«f,:.;:;' iMit fjirbourl^ir'i Pips, ■ |^: , icil, . inty of S«n?lii^;;^:V . m^ 1 Coutity of Samr^ohify > #i®I M h Pi //** otCffW^n, 34 f? « 0fOhtrfott«t.> «" , <« ofWMtai^^kv . ^)^ ^•V^n^' .dfii#ii^,^' ^ •; ^-. M»* «^ .A i •'.■i5ifefW,.-';v.,;:,AV«k' 4< of norijiivml^rt^ndt 9S Atberf, il»- efVici§ 0, Ac , LM iPfileatii Fef rtiV V'V^SS'^ * 'ill * ' * R. •»'*/■ I'f ■ '•» 5 ft Ham8#5| * -> / EQmTIOir 0pi imiB f OR * 1859( >> /i fiJfni HMf.,*""'* 4 U 14 44014 7 5 8 14 13 635 mu 14 33 1436 li 938 1030 13 4U 1238 1315 13 3 14 3911 14 31 10 51 14 3^1036 1^83;i03U 14 36 m 109911414 105814 9 Yl I* 14 "9 1133 1150 13 5 18 35 1^:48 13 \ 1313 1334 1356 1348 1340 1331 1333 1313 13 ,# 1351 -— — ■ »■» •»«» .«w (WW «,' au V -»«» '^ w ^v A# '.^ «» «93 1433110 4 0m543$I a.;t7Sl24 %^ 14 31 ; 947 4>i3S 3 53 3»iii S^ 4 t^ 114 39 1930(0 33 913 Hi 931 ^8 « 7 45 737 ef«o 683 0. 7 3'34 9 9St3^34|6: i3f 3r^«7r 10 849 33 a36f351 349 347 3 44 3 31 339 O^O'B 36 3 If 001 i56038 561057 5 46117 $40137 3 38l8t 1 5 37 6 33 lis d:»5'5d|3}43 5r)4 3 19 3 40 4 43 mil I&31I&1710 10491617 10 11 8 m 17 9 KJ1»»6 7 1335 16 3 135115 57 13(t6,'l5ar »fiffl54f i^ms 14 4U5 18 1141715 7 f4^l456i 1441 3!30to'^8^l46«^4 3» '4|5 693^1<$tM9fr» 81417* 3 3650 15 1314 2 M7711 15331346 7033?3lld4Hl3 3O i93}J7 7 53|fir3|»(|JiJ|3| 41^ jaa^is/ 5'55f d! I4 ^ 3(i»i3> ifcl 0, Jia Jl5|a^i5^„^^, 518 3 34 3.6 .3 46^6 ill II 9 1311^ 3|ll5f '•^' % 43L359 3 $a 6 |P MP 3 5iS^rM^ [6 .,:;lieJilf4rb*^j855.,^-^;; f. Tfc«r« will be/0Kr.£cH|is«t-iltt» jtir : two oflho aMiri,a|Hl; #ftlie^Mii. W< tV. The %^^i 11^^ ItoTember 9t%l»bK^i^i *f \ m mMimy^j^jfm^mmm^m^f^'r^^^ ' Th* Planet AFaMf#<.&) i^jll b«,|;9M<«i^^«r'|ill Oct. 1st} th< iM^rmi^Mri^iS^moii^^^^ be gptim^ }mitr0Mf\\ mh I then MMMf 9tmr to the end •f tfce' >•»! UiniiMltaA f Ul bB Ewenimmitm Jan. 30lb; tllen^ Jtfomii# flf iMiliAuji MafV then Etitms^ S«mtt9 the end of theyeaiv^i lM~:i^)^mbe.2B«»idi^«la^ tUl lone JOlb ; then Mmttii^ ^ tilt lltfoeniber IBth;^ tben JBHmtg ^Sttur, ;^ I- 1 Il4»#i: Letter, . ti. Q€i^iiirjinn»^f. {i. Chrmtihgk^C^^maB^^ 12 16 1-i Riiniiilil^diption, J Hfiab Period, _ Jewish yr. A. M.56|^- 0'Vbe.Bdn/:^'^^^ 1^1 '*^::. 'M ^(MeiiBniy. S Veate. ^ Jutlo. $ Pfdla«.t V Ceree. ]H^i' 21 ^tttiiter^tli 5-^t$aliini.'-V-i ff^ iietMbeiV ^ : ^llinitaai.i. . ^ i|%o«|}iliic^f i^^ , :^|^i9i^AfaeendiIif Node. I 6^im heli V f4tv^>4i^ heett t 3 $ Sigtttatfini^ iMgltll b;^ li^dk ^ m Vim betty. » y$ CapMctftnite^tlMNI ii^^r^; xi 6iSLibrH nMts. |lO is AqSaviii% i^dei '* tr, bniit^ 7ttl0dot^ilging to Nova Scotia wbioh aff^ fforlljf supporiea ^/ l^ia Pr(i^<^io|;f . *?ii CVi. Ca;M 8abU SttU hiand ii«fM.-^The firat Liglit In. aBproadbiiig. the la^of Fiuidy, won the Stoutb Point of the Soil island. Thiaif»|ilaili ^hiie Light, elevAted about 80 Teet abovobifb water marie, and may \b seen in ap|iroaching thelslasMi fromany pdint of the eompass. A [ery dangerous took, under water, bnt npoM Whicb Ihe set always h-eaks, called Blonde Soek,\iea about 3| ttiiwa A. bjp W. by '^ompass, S>m the Light House Between fhiairoMk :«id Iho Iclantty .4iere are »me dangers— the groundJi'rockjr th^l^ogbolit^ and Wgftvesscrls, lerefore. ought not to attempt passing bet«K0en them. ... , BrUr'hland LigM.^ih advancing/ ^upth^ Dari%B iietilM^tpii- ttited on BHerlsTahd. aboiit half % ndle^! &. fh^i^ tb« N. W.^ioitir (iiOTeof. Aplaiii white light ^ • " ' ' '^^ ^ ^ T B%bi tJfm Liiht^-^the nett n^ht (Hi the Ofilwt of I^ovte' Si^i}iri4 tlaced on «.he west side of Digby Gut— from Brier Island North Ettst*-^ ^&i '■ The eoaistij very bold and not indohtei! ^ihe Li|i|rhi ttierif^^ r^cht^y intended as a ^uide into ,pigt>y 9asip ~^ "wbliti jiig^. Qmia mck L^hl.^Th\A Ligbt is tnte^dedto watn vofieioIsjiiMnaMr; bsfoaini to a very dangerous range^etf shoa4s and leAree/iwMoli exw SMfVom the Old Pro^Hetor t^ (h«"d#ll IMaaids i^ MileMii,^ a^^di^^ -itk of about twenty miles. It is 'l^piOi |jght-H9ft ids dark and. fortv light .in each nuQute T|^e Ligbt luuisO \b fe^^ripe^. vertical, black and Wiiito ' «^^^..^Wr? It i}rf^4 Distance ^f.CujwttSfiifirinn,lhn Oanmet JMt ^M<% j!^N.i^« tW^n itffX^ Ihe Gannet Rock to the Old Prporietoi \ 3- QVf!iijm1[jmm^ 'tam;the Oannet ttock to the Blapk JKopk, ou' #bi$e,,^ead;||iliin^j J , ' N.. £. il E;. ? -milea.' . ■ . •■±u''' ^'•■''-" -'■L-iAiv' % ': .,v ^1^. Ua w. 64,niiifi». , ..... ^ ., . ^..ui ^^;; ?! .j I tom ihe ^r ?.ta^Hr-l'/i^.:iJ ^ili .y\, j, .jij J^J jIfoTt.-^Betwe<»ii the N6riltt€fildammilA*&^ mam f^tHFrnllMf ■'ihfm ft6iv4Mi|et llf^^ #tiMPr^ H ..;«'.* 'ff. > ii ^mi r larther. _ i^CNi|iKet this^Bi^ b«^il|iM< eiid#G#Mi^MMilfe ■ 4 m ■*».M<«SS5-^ -W m Britr litend Ught to tb« ^^fropiiwt^, N. aod by W. | W. f '•. |gi nilM • w. * '\''\ w • tiM BlonH* Rock (Vom the Biftitltf nitioit n^^^^ feet above high fbter, and liear from eacb (Mie^ E.B. %• and W. N. W. distant aboat BOO fbet, by which ctrcomstanfce of two Light Houses at the sabne atation, they will be immediately distinguished fi^om all Other lights •pon the coast, (British or American) Both the Buildings are painted wbit«. The following are the bearings from them, viz : To the Southernmost Morr Ledge, (St. Mary's) E. S. E. easterly. >^t Gannet Rock Light E. by S. | S. 13 miles./ ** Bonthem Head of Grand Manan, £. by N. |'N. North ern Head of Grand Manan. N. E. || £. tt .,'> >». • N E. Rock, distant 2 niilea^ N. E. by N Little River Head, N« by W. ** • LIbby Island Light House, (American,) N. W. by W. Voaaels standing to the Northward* between these Lights and the net Rook, should jtack orh&ul off the moment they brior these ights in one, as Uiey will not then be more t|ian three fpi^rtha of a iTeirom the Murr Ledges, if more than five miles to the East of the Oghts. I It is raeeniipeDded that the Ship's CompasMs shoi'ld be. wwll eomimrsd tn^ aajttfled (paitlcaiarly in new ihipB}. before they leave Partridge l«ifind, at se^ lioos •rrwrs''have frequently occurred ftotn want or attention on this poiM ; Iim' itihevSrWtion In tb« Bay of Fundy tsifSventeen decrees Westerly, or (]i|M>itilS) will be feaad l^^he latest pubUihed ^Admiralty Ghart«i ^at the coiine fr irtridge Island down the Bay (Sout^fJhanael) betwefn t^ Old Proprietor, afd fl. W. LedKSi is 3* ^' k Sm °i*^ the coi^rse .tA be steered must d^p^^nd on the dl- lOction of U^e wind on feaving Piffrldle Island.] F fUad Hdrbaur LiglU.—fiext in order after passing Grand Nana^ tid the plain white Light, (American) on West Q,uoddy P6int, is m4 liarboar Light. This is placed on the North East extr«i|ii|« of, Campo Bello, and is a guide to vessels entering the main ChnHKel to^ West, Isles, Moose Island, and the inner Bav of Passamac^otfjr ; it |nid>Ie^ vessels also at all times to enter fTeaa Harbour— it u a nx«d iAKs tig^t; The building is painted White, With n red cross on il^ Point £e.PrsauX^Ats,—Up.qn this projecting head land t#o lights I placed, one above the oth^r, jp we san^e noni)d,1t}id distant 88 i— Both lightiji can be seen from every point of tfi^fiiOmpa^, where may be useful— both are fixed a^d tt)lt «»d itpon ^ a. Spit of hw fttenda about halfiajiiiteS, S. E» 9ir3and?4>)Q^,^^^^^ fHitwo-tit^ ebb, f^tvia M«t Bw»n WoWw. Upp^ thiaTpwei it e^^lished, wMch ia #pMa#ili|ef|i|,t<> the C9ai#iti& trade ^ l^hBi ju^ r^#l el%i j«pn9W:l>»ir^ 9m»^m boa|4, as. it en-Jk liwi|iaai,|ijl^rth« haii^uff i^j^ li>lwr>«C.^e night. A fixf* i l%bt, ThaHoiiaeiafrlHtoa|||bl|iiic»l9jtripeaverUcaHy. t ^jijtjiijftji i iiJiipti iiii il'::^ tht i Head, i jbeseei House : ^9P^ land! n( The H IVeet the W< Eastpo Capt entram It exl quartei white, Lati lowin| Britnst neacon, HeadH Pototl^ ^OMnec Maehiai Uaiint A &, An ] on the iBuoy ( latidX Ca| f» «M Mai Car Cai The B m i. One Qtio Tw( At .A i ■'Ki f^-.'Wt! hti apoB nB nifb int aboat the same ler Ii|htt ii|f are VI* : easterly. y W. and the ior tbeae irtha of a Etaloftbe i|iMr0 Apple RiViAi^lfeihopr, N. 8. A plain teMlt light. I The House isjpairittod white, an^ if* 4Woat 190 fbet above tide nitric, IV«$t 42^3dil9> twAl.-This ia kn Anlertean Ught, and ie pkoed un [the West side of lie evtratioe into Ibe Saint Crois by Lobec and Castport. . i CapeFf*rekmLigkt^~On Cape Forohn^bn the weetern aide of the entrance to Yarmouth (Nova-Scotia), in lat. 49, 39t N. Iongy0(»/b.' W. It exhibiia a plain revolving ligbt—-visibfe one r minute and a ; quarter, and invimble half a minute ' The baildinf ta painted white, and ia elevated 135 fbet above the level of the eea. Latitude, Longitude,- and Variation of the Gompais, at the fol- lowing Light Stationa i« thr Baflbl^f^di^, belonging la Vow Bntnawiek: ••*:^. it /i ,••.».. ip-i* i.i J 1..Y ; flboldoQ'sPtoinc . . ./.<^ . N. 49 W. or N. W.^^ tWv . V l||alio|aayfalan^,Beiit|ila«»|)oiat;AL 76 W. or W. by N. | M. Cape NegiD (Negio Head), . . .., 8a 8f tT. or W. i 8. . Cape Btm (Split ftoek, Masqnaib), 8. t8 W. or W., by B. - The Buoy is ancbbied iil'Tf .ntboma, low wMeir, spring tides, ' Bell ie 19 (bet HbovethO water. ' m V. ix" ^r lw>',^-<^;: ditto. tRto Balls close, for three ^ 'r^^^* rmm .'•''so v.,/; *;-■ m Two Bajla «eparat|Od;,fi>r ^or APendfintoranv't^imikl^five _-^„ .,-. ,, A ditto tfiidef oMjW^ date ^'^''^t^V-'^ti'"' A ditto miitwifiuifii^^ '^ : 1 ft£'»-:t'' ,■ ■ ' '1 • i», F 'r ?" Tin of «oj colour Jfor>n,9rwrf «mto 1 he «boTa art dbf Uyad ft tjk,Ef^t, or Wefl Vird A clfC of. HOJ Or- rv^n" ir^—'~tr "TT'T "'filT ' ' Ik" nit the «boTa are anf UyM ft tj|if„Ef(et, or Weil yiro •Vni, aceorid iof 10 tbf direeiioif ^ which ^Myeiteie are at firet obierved, ancl at foon aa tbeir mo oan be d^|ai«|iahid, de«priptive Coloura will ( be hoietfil. at tho maat head, in'MiOff)Howiiii order: , A Union Jaek foc/f Flag Sbipi wUo or without a eqoadron. «• vrith a Red ^f qdant over« for a two-daeker ** with a Blue Pendant over, fur a Fritate . M with Aiwbile 4^10, for a email armed. Toeaet ' A t>Hi« Pendant for a Mercnan t Ship A red ditio, for a Mercbant Brig A while and blue ditto, for a Foreign Ve»ael A white ditto, [withoat a ball,] for a Topiail Schooner or Sloop. A blue Flag pierced white, for a itearoboat from Saint Andrewe 'or'fiditpoirt. / ; , A Red'l^liig pierced wKlte^ fot « Steamboat from DAgbjr A Kfld Flag with a white equare, for a Steamboat from fioaten A Ball at the n^att htead, Voaaei i« on Shore or in diatreaa M T=T mm ^ •lul liiiili =*=!»- : mtPS OF PlLQTiKGE, tUU4l4l$hed b^ a Lme vr Ordinance qftkn Common. CimneU 4^ lAa 'Ci(y ; df8ahtJokn'^as^MJktgmst,\9i8. F'm dbillini^ pe«Xaot, fitr bri^ibt iftiy ^hip or Vonel intb tha Harbour ofSamtlooi^ and.mooringjheriiitaaiare place or berth, or securing her alongside of one of the Wharves; and Five Shillings Bfer ft»M for fODHrring add laKiiiigi bD)r;Sfc|ip or V*te«l ont of the iftirbotir.''' ''■ ti:.v:> .1' I .1,,. . . In <)a8(M where Pilotasbkn bti detained ot> bt)acdiOf Veieels, wtdnt and by Virtue of Vl ^i^Arantiaa or HeaUh'i^lwa of HhefProrioii, tketiMall be entitled to demand and receive from Masters of sudh VesiieiK thajiiim of Ton ,8billiDg8 per day, for every day of such detentioni in ajjdiqoii io the allowance afdrtfsaid. ' ai*' Coasting Vflasols, going from one ,partof Ui9 .Bay'of andt^er,.lfntiih'eteam Btiati) o)f. British Vesseis drawing onder si^ fb^ of water, «t^ tUplcompelM 10 tm iiitaitsY #hieiil fmj^Myed, tfai^ are to bci j^id;Mo^|t«^d the rate,)|b0^4 'iii^tlofiaC : ' H Tor tOm«f}^|.y:oiwlt ffom,Wi W to aiiy Wharf, or from oneWbarf to another WharA|ahdaee^l£ljhelmproperlvmoQ|rfd ,or«eciiy«d, the folio wtm rates i For Veasela not exoieedingOne tifum 'dred Tom, -Seven Shimnil kAd dilOM^ce; for Vessels over One JfoAdibiliMd'liot^^MModing X^o.^^^^^ Ten Shillinga; fer Veeaels over Twojllutidrafjt'imd i|fft oxqeeding Three Huhdred Tons, Fifteen Shimiiga j .mnd^fiff Ji^ ^V^sfiela over Three Hoa^red Tons, the sam of 1g«99ty SfMingf. ; ^^ tint DwfmiM.i^ironi Patild|e la^n beartilg North Wa|^;lfve 8billing|i,|w|, to jMuPiiiHasb Cove mady bearingNorth West^ Six ShillibgiTaiiiif lianan, bearkii ;Sof«i 1'' m btn| LetPreain^ hce per foot. irtb%eado| Cran^ ^1^ 'b^aV% ^^^ brth< r Sritf Ont kid un< 150 ton 300 ton wards, at Sain ql.Cap< Nova i over 30 0f«r7S Rati QUyof sol,) or 1 day; at) ^!* an all ,4rt and on under ', tt^34C l]a3d iiddttio RATI ondoti 4plla ti1he.Biiy ofTi^^^or arriving from Porte to th? Korthward or; vTape Cod, or the Wmiwwrd *f C*pe Canno, or (nm Any Port in N^va Scotia, to pay a^Airally m fiyllowi: Under 80 t»ne^ 3e. 9d. j over 30 and under 50 tone, 59. ; ov^r 50 and . under 75 tons. Oa. : Of «r 76 and uhder 80 IMir 10s. Ratis or ^HAftrAQR, estaJdiaked Btf Act tiP'Ut. cap. 49, t« tk» QUnof Saint Johm and ParJMki^. PorUand.-^Fw tfvety dttJkHd vee- aeltior wood boat, of the burthen of 40 tone ahd ^ndvir It. M. perW i^'v^^x^y^i? *^,^' end und^ 60, lb. 9d. ; «l)ove60, ahd under 60, f|.;; aMe 60, aHd onder;7Q. 21. 3d.;iU<|ve 70, oad under ;80,8s^.; ^ya^, and under 00. 3p 9d ( above 90, and under 100, 3tf. ; above frm.Mid under i90,tS«i edy above 11^0, and ilntfer 160, 4e ; *aboT« m, and ttrttfer lOf. 4eGd \ above 180, and ancfe'r m 6i ;, abota mt*M, i^M^r.!p}i,|>A6d ; above S»0, andunder]i40,£i > abovem •ndundcvtJMMt 6»6d ; above 260 and under 260^ 7e ; abiyv^ 980, aad under 300, 78 6d ; above 300, andunder 320, 8s ; aboye 320, and un- 1 m 340,8e 6d j above lM0,iii(lcfgnd6r 36b> ; above 366, arid un^et !$|D, 9s 6d; abbve 3$0i,aiid under 400, 10s; afa(oye400raftdi^iid^r 4SKt. ' Ua 3d i above 460» and uodar 500^ 18b 6d^ and la 3d for atenr kddltionai 50 tone. -^ . . . « ? > v ^ < RATES O nil DecM ■i>'-t,\ .li- i}^tj--. PAg^ A,T THE CQRPORATIQI^ «ii^ „,, ...^ ^ ^-^Jh isajHie (iolee as for Wharfagv; iWood Boate, luid other Boata, «r!iindeiefcted Voks^le, bavinkstaiuiiitg Meats, attdaH d itto d lUo upwards of 10 Cords, aed not morotlMn iSVlla.^ diUo ditto lipwardsio fia Cords, and not more tkaa iO» 3s> 9d. rnxmyjif An^addiUonal dttttt t» btf pablJoP from 2a. 6d. to6& dailf , «o^ oording to the bnrtheb. ^A»i>iBt6 tmm&Htumif^^*' '■.i,w»'*. HiPif HTB H AafM>OR Of^^T. M. Hm^M'Wm or %;m hi gV Wagffoii, nbV loaded, 3d.; single wageon, with hone und one Tnan> od;j uhtgk Waggbn, with horse, load andm^h, 7d. ; double waggotii not loaded, 7||d.i double \vaggQn. with horses and man, 9^d.; dpnble waggon, with horses, load and man. Is. 3d.; barrel, Id.; bpg. contain- ing two bushels, .Id.; firkin^ keg, or box of tht? same size, Id^ cask of lime, 2d.; pipe, hogsheiad, orpuncheon, whether in waggon, cart.sled,. or other vehicle or not, except containing molasses, vinegar, rice, or sugar 9d. ; every cwt. of iron!, steel, or copper, whether in waggon, cart, or other v«h«€^ or not, Id.— 4J«rt«, sleds, drays and catrja^os, same as Waggbiis. ■ a '"" '■■■,' RATE OP TOLLS FOR CROSSING TBE SAINT JTOBN SIJSPEN'JION QRIDGIS.— For every foot pQHiienger, (excepting ciMl4A. ; doaen odT Hnddook, lld.j every 100 of 0«ap«reavx» Alewiy^, Herrings,or iOCtasr eaiall ihb, l^d . =979*= Sf^Si m I TtMM roa GoutoT^i^ouoM ths F*t.b8— (Mfr Sstiie JoAii.)— The Falls are k|^l or still water at about three and a ba!f hoars en tJie jlaMf, and about two and a half on the s6b, so that they are passable fottr times in twenty four hours, about t#n or fifteen minuted each tltii#. No other ratal tsM be given', as mu«li diip(fcnds on tbt floods in the River Saint JobVi and th* time of liigh water or fu|l sea, which WofUtf hastened by high winds, fHId In proportion to the height of than, g ;' I * Ml • I I lii| - . ( ^. l «, I I r , I III ^ I J I i m l H ..I 1 ^ ' " * " ' . i l Falls are l^^I out two and i r hours, about aaudli^ii(lt nor full Mil, eight of thciB.' No miuia marbles through the groTe, No vivid cdlouTB paint the plun ; No more with ^devious steps I rove Through verdant paths^ now sought in vain. Aloud the driving tempest roars, Copgealed impetuous showers descend} naate,close the window, bitaethe doors; * Fate leaves me Stella and a friend. In nature's aid let art suj^ly With light and heat our Uttle sphere { Rouse, rou9e the fire, and pile it ^gh, Light up.a constellation here. # Full Moon 3d day, 3h. 4Uiti. nrornifig. W. O Last diiarter llth day, 7h. 34m. morning. 8. W. ^ New Moon I8:h day, 3h. 58m. mornin|^. ETT (§ First Qiiarter-84th dny, 9h. Om. evianinr. S. CI865.| is its! 19 m 21 22 33 Mo Tu W. Th l^ri Sat SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Ttt 5 6 7 8 9 10 ri 12 13 14 m 17IW. Th Fri Sat 8U Mo Tu ,W- Th Tu Calendar, ate t o Rl& Sets dc; S h.m. h.iri. New Year's Day. Earl Rosily n died. 1806 Biiiidiiig ()r0abel,d614,B.c Nineveh built. ^54, b. c. Tyre fo.:nded, 2267, b. C. Epiphaiiiy, 9'8e- 5 hOm.ev. Iflt Sunday afber Epiphany Galileo diet! , 1642, Snow. Penny Postage, 1840. Friar Bacon died, 1294. Low 9in aph. Wind A in ^. If se. 3, 45 ev. ^ Sunday aAer Epiphany. Siege of Troy, 1118, b. c. Battle of Gorunna. 1809. Franklin born, 1706. CI per. Q con. ^.9 6U' James Watt born, 1736. 9 sup. con. ®. 1^ at; 3d Sunday after Epiphany Alioth so. 4, 43 do. frosty WiUiam Pitt died, 1806. Rome founded, 7i»3, ^. o. (^ con. U. ^ con. ®. 1) in Q. 7;|cscon <^. l> conw (§1 J> so. 8, 2 ev. 4th Sunday after Epiphany Swedenhflffg born 1689. Chan. I. beheaded, 1649. Aiiitth so. 4, 7 dp. .; 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 « 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 36 364 4 14 14 !4 4 4 4 4 4 4 30 91 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 d. m. 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 35 35 34 34 33 3214 32 31 30 29 29 28 274 26 25 24 2315 225 4bm t4 14 '4 H 4 4 46 47 49 50 51 53 #4 55 57 58 59 1 2 3 5 6 20 20 20 20 20 19 If 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 1 56 51 45 38i 31 24 16 ■.8 58 50 40 30 2u 9 be 46 34 22 9 56 281 14 59 44 29 13 57 41 R&S h. m. 3 5" 6 24 7 22 rises. 5 37 6 40 7 44 8 49 9 53 10 57 morn 21 10 22 38 56 6 12 7 18 Ti5«> water h. m. 2 3 4 sets. 6 32 7 55 9 14 10 30 11 43 mom 54 2 3 4 5 6 3 12 17 16 9 654 arm. bres bres h'art h'art h'art bely bely rein rein rem $ecr. seer. thi thi kne kne legs legs leet feet bead head nee nee nee arm arm bjres bres 10 *38 n 15 11 51 morn 26 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 2i 33 7 43 22 8 12 26 48 8 59 9 59 10 52 11 43 ev.27 U9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 47 28 II 5 W 35 8 42 }0l8 10 56 t 11 1855.] ViHHnWAUWi Behold,, my fiiir, \fh9re'er we roYe, What dreary: pfoBpects nmnd ub rise ("^^ The naked hiU, the leafless gyore, i.: The hdary ^oand^ the flrowning skied } Nor oj^y through the wasted plain, Stem Winter ! is thy force coni'ess^d ; Still wider spreads' thy horrid reign,--> I feel thy power usurp my breast. Enlivening Hope and fond Desire, Hesign the heart to Spleen and Care ; Scarce fritted Love maintains his filre, And Ka^ture saddens to despair, ^fed With' fain jpys and false alarms* Snatch me, my Stella, to Idiy arms^ f^-ysK**>mmitK*»- i<(j^< n> evening. '% New Moon, KUh day, 2b., 8m. ey^niii^. (p First duarfer «^3d day. Oh. 55ra. evening. G3 C 15 Th 24 ^hl Battte ^rlenne, ^\k, ~ Candlemas Day,- ' CoU. Mont. Vedo lakeri, 1807. Septuagesima Sunday*. Sir Rebert Peel born, 1788 Hilary Tetni begtni. Charles II di^d, 1685. - ^6'$.^ ge. e.iQSev. LoH Darnley as^'^jl. 156617 11 Th«Q,neen's marriage. 3e.xagesima Sunday. Aliolh so. 3,20 inor. do. English Reveiution, 1688. Valentine-'s Day, jptfir. © per y •con. (Jlf. Melanchoh born,' 1497. Hilary Term ends. • Quinquagesima* Sunday. COi^rnicu« %brti| l47l* Niai Prim $iHiitis. Ash Wedne^yLeilt hegki ® tnQ.75|csc5ii 1^. J. a. Ad^n)«diedl84a St. Mahbiai. StOfimy. 1st Stnfday in Lent. J. Kenibto died, 16^ . 'Hiiduyy CirimU ••••■niHTfl-.™^" — f^-t -- ^"^^ ^ 9. E. w E. High Mratief fa. til. h'art h^art bely bdy r^in rein seer 8ccr seer thrg^ Ihig kne kne leg» leg* feet feet fiieaci nfa«ad nek nek tirih fibres IH'irt 3I& T!ko tfimf ^e trees aare bl^akLtad batrot Ai>(l Bovely shruken from ibe» prial^ T%«akel«to»A;0f what they -iRere In the rustling .siumixiet^ tin^. ' Drearily waye theiMUFren b^gbn^ . Drearily ahiiirer the t\rigis lolarii»> Underneath the leaden hrowi m Of a weary sky all winter- W0fibur JMx ! the days have ehefstleas seeming. Ah, the clouds are CQid^wid gray f Lone I wander dully dreaming, : b Deeming thee a loiterer l>ftty*uv;' ' I 5 6 If 8 9 10. Jl [2 U3 H 1^ 16 Iii7 'to Th tFri at ] iiSU $) Lnst Quarter 1 1th day, dlW'SOm. iii^i«fii^; if) New Mooni 16th day, Oh. QMi ttldthitfg; 3 First Quarter 25th day, 6h. 46in. morififig. Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Moj t« Th Fri $at X9 2Q n m 4m If I 2tT /WTh mstA Mo T« Th Fri ^at »U o II CALENDAR, &c. St. David, Wesley died, 791. A Thaw 4ibouttki9 time, M Sunday in Lent. Gorregio died, 1534. Qfuen'i Circuit. Csttute prbc. King, 1011. Collingwood died, 1810. Rizsib assas. 1566. ''' ' Botany Bajr^iseoirer: 1787 3d Sunday in Lent. (D low S. Lyra con. (O) Sui^ey Canal ppened, 1807 Bishop Berkley bom, 1684*^ Z^ eon. ^. 2f ri. 4,67 mor, '' €a»9ai invades Brit. 55 H c. ^t. Patrick's |Day. 4ih S,iindi^y ih Lent. Ali so. 1,3 do; f ewt. ^. Sir. I: Newfon died, 1727. (i i^- ^coh. ^. Rain. Goethe died. isl?. ^ eoh. (g). T;>siB, 0,5 mt»r. Qneen Elizabethdied, 1<0U3 5th Sandfly In Lent Banker Eng. incor.7l69l. Abercronibie died, •}Qpf. <^bndWeet, dted,-17P4. O^striic. br'^ertisalem, 69.J Sidlitti Vespers; 12$^. Haydin borli; '42. o Ri.<&Sets h^Ui. h.m. ■^ 1865] AFilll^t When tiio Mlt breath of Spring ^bes forth Far o'er the mountains of the North, How soon those, wastes ef daszling snow - With lilb, and bloom, and beauty glow* Then bursts the rerdure of the'plains, Then brerii tibie streams from ioy chains ; And the glad rein-deer seeks no more ^ Amidst &ep snowi his mossy store. Then the dark^ine woods boughs are seen . Arrayed in tinxs of liring green ; And roses in their brightest dyes B^ landspape, founts, and lakes arise. *? =^^ C*' # Full MooA;^ day 9h. 49ra. morniugi O Last Quarter '9th day, 4h. 57iu« eyeniiig. % New.Hoon 16tb day, lOh. 25ni. icoriiing. (9 First Quarter 24ib day, lb. 18m. morning. W. W. N. 8. W. 1 ^1- 01 tj. 18U t. 3Tu 4W. 5Th dFri 7 Sat esu 9Moi IliTu faiw. a?Th 13 Fn llSait 1?8U 16 Mel ^l7Tu 18 W. 19 Tb CALENDAR, &o. Ri.&Sete h.m. h.m. p^-*-"" Palm- Sunday. 2 MojBattle Of Copenhagen, 1801. Shakespeare died ]606. O. Goldsmith, died, 1774 Mutiny of the Bounty^ 1789 Good Fiidaf. Dr. Blan born, 1718. Easter Sundjfy, liord Bacon died, 1GS6« EaHer Term bcginf. Canning born, 177QJ -, Dr. Young diedv 17^., Handel died, 1759.. Hm Tobago ta'n by British^ 179i^ 1st Suiiday after Easter. ^ com®. ; -Fair. Benj. Frapktin died, 1790. 7 ;Kf con» ©., $ con. ®. Byi^n died^ )8'^4. eOiFrijDif. AWrqfthy died. 183^; H!l Sat|^o«(er Term ieni^f^ SUiSd 8 unday a Aer tlaster, ^fH^. George's Pay. TmOkarh^le f^ir^it. W.Frineees Alice bopi,J643. Tb |)ttvid Humeborn, it47.J Fri Kossuth born. iM.^rFmir. 3€iSat Chaucer died, 1^4. 29> 8U 3d $unday after Casjepr. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 44 42 40 '38 37 ;i5 625 626 6 J^T 6^) 6 3U 6 31 33]6 32 31 29J 28 m 6 33 6 3.^ 6,36 26 4,37 dcN. d. m. 4 4 5 MolWasbingtoh, first Presw 1789 4' &5 29 15 3o 1, 6 34 6 46 7 9 7 3J 7 53 (il 16 8 3b 8 59] 9 21 AM 10 4 iO.46 il 11,88 11418 12 9 12 29 13 8 R&S h. m. 096 56 '586^8 ^6 59 to 5 37 rises. 7.49 9 10 13 11 27 mom 38 1 42 2 35 3 17 ^49 416 4 Mi ^ 2 seta 8 17 9 31 10 411 Ml 47 morn »{6 55|J3 28l'3. si 3 23 134^ M 7 U46I rein rein reiti .ieo> ! ^eo thig Ihig. kne kne fegs ieg« leg« feet feet hpead hea<^ll nee nee arm arm bres 11 11 40 'niori 43 bres 1 30 water h. m. 1 OlP 45 21 50 5t 2^ m m 9aa 10-^2 m 11 54 ev 3f 1 m 1 64 2 35 326 breal 4 83 J$,9i:h'art 6 34 9 42b^iy ,4 ;T ■ b*ari 6 4# bely 7 61 My 8 4 li 92 mmfA I , .. , ,. •■ s.j-.Take«qpir"'**'*'*""f '"(» »• w. N. S. w. © •^ rem rein reiti .ieo> i ^eo thig tbig kne kne legs l*eg« 9 leg* feet feet High water h. m. I i» U 6 41 40 nior a 1 45 124 1 5d 2 bt 3 &d 5 2^. 6 59 em H) 43 nee nee arm arm brea fibres II 7 iiea4lf m ev.3l 1 m 1 54 3 35 396 10 brea ^h'art 3 kely 1 Fein _ _, 4 S3 :6 4i 7 51 84| 9df »5Bi BiAr. rij^Hli [U)S5. 3x: When da.y .declining ahe^s a milder glfmm, What tux|je thiif iXay-^y .h^tunta th^e popl or stream ; When the stiUrOnvl skims ro^nd the glqmy mead, What time th^ timorous hare limpci i the darkening plain^ Belated .to supi)ort her in&nt train* jil fFall Moon Ist dajr, ilh. ^4m evening. S I^t Quarter 8ik day, 1 Oh. ))9m. evening, K # New Moon i5tj^ day. 9i»i 34ra. evening. N. W ](§ First (Quarter *23d diajr, 7h. 23m. evening. S. W ]# Full MooQ 31st day, lOh. 9fl>. memiag^ N. W I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 U Id 18 U 15 16 ir :S1 CALENDAR, &e. i 19 20 21 28 23 Til Battle of LUtzen, 1&I3. W. Prince Arthur borp, 1856. Th Jamaica discovered, 1494. Fri Siege of Quebec r>tiiied, 1776 8at Napoleon died, 1821. SU4th Sunday af\er Qasterw Mo .\\i so. 9,46 ev. do.i^^cdn.® Tu Saint John CircuU,*' 'W. Bank Husp^nsrou, 1837. Th Tutila took Rome, 1746. Fri Origin of Peter PcHce. 800. Sa: Partition of Poland i .1772. Sf] 5th Suiidiiy after l^^er. Mo Vaeoinaiion first trM» 1796 Tn O'Connell died, 1847. : W. Brittle of A Ibeura, taiji Th Alioth so. 9»7 ev. dk>.' Fine 1S| Prt Land t»f Loyaiiste it 6t John 4 3S Sa» SU 6tb Sunday after fliister. Mo PirsrdtmHUPr at Fredricion, Tu^^pe.^ d©. C*816 W. Th (5)hi.N. [1783 Ri.&Seta h.m. h.m. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 53 52 5! 49 48 4G 45 44 4-2 41 4017 39|7 '^ 37 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7' 34 33 Ashineieiturn. l€lT. 4 31 4*3v^d^.' t 29pttReatorat{bnofCteiries:ir; N 23|7 22 30,W., Aiex^hder Pope didd. 1744. SlThbr CMflPMidiifiae47. . i5 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14j 7 7 7 7 19 20 r«i 7 22 7 7 7 25 4 24 7 30^31 ^14 24lt^ff31 21 33(21 1 Js^i? 4 22 7 4 22|7 de.N d. m, fl5 2 15 20 15 38 15 55 16 12 16 29 16 46 J7 3 17 19 17 35 17 50 18 6 15118 2J 1« 18 35 18|l$60 19 4 19 18 19 31 19 44 23119 57 2420 9 20 21 7:fe620 33 nr riies, ^ ^tH 10^ 11 36 morn 33 1 18 1 2 21 2 45 .3 n 327 3149 setf. 8 23 9 31 10 sS n 23 if t 37 1 4 1 26 1 5:^ tegs, feet feet' head head aec nee arnii arm hre'^ tifes h'arl h'art h'art blftly 46biily _ , Sri^iU ^ledYeiki! it ISiecr. 3 3 aecr. 3 S9seor. • 15 ■iph 2^/a^ y ^ :■ ;h nT» -■;ari * *-■ (.fl -"IV^WU Ij;k>' :;! Amin the balmy Zephyr blows, J^h Texdure dik;|(s th0 grpVe;' ' " Babh bird with Temttl raptip-e glbwi. And tunes his notes to lore. Ye gentle warblers! hither fly, Aiid shun tk^ i^bon-tide heat; My shrulM a eooliiig shulde supply, :jy. My grotes A safb retreat. Here freely hop from spray to 6!pny, Or weave th* mossy neist; Here rove and sing the livelong dif, AV night here sweetly i^cst. • 7-- i > 0. m C) Last Quarter-7th df^, 3h. 9m. tnorning. k. *£. # New Moon 14th dar>9h. ihohiing. :'^. II. ^ First Quartei 22d day, Oh. iSm. evening. ■^'^■•' E. # Pull Moon 99lh day. 6h. SStik evening. ' '•' ' JR. f^i U ri. 0,21 n|6r. Pka$ant. *• "^, Ija. ^. Veil. se. 10,37; ev. ^]|i!H^it|^! otin^ay. 0pxge lit horn 1778. Hatt: of Stonqy Creek, 1813 Jeremy Bent^an died, 1832. jQi^hop W ar[)urton, d. ^770. Black Prince died 1376. 21/1.1 1,47 ev. Showery Ist Sunday ^Aer Trinity. All. so. 7,29 ev. 4o* © in ^. Collins (Poet) djed, 1759. Battle of MaieogO), 1^609- -. I^iaffna Char^t^^ cfigOed, 1215 ,e io ®» / '^'- % l^^ o»orn. . ^ 2d Sunday after /Tiiipity ?3'^<^fcttte of Watefleo^ 161^ Tiijjaines 1 Wr|i 1:^6. W- 0f(>een's Aceesaien, 1^37. Th^Direct^axationln fing. '42r FriiBatile of Moral, 1476, aaiTritii'y fvT^ef»A»i $tf,3d Sun&x «^e?:Tripiti. . Mb'0eoi-ge tv. died) iB^.! , nTxi^mi 6rim Sktingtl ' , Tpjaiagen Vitct^ria Cfowiied. Tri St. Peter. . ^aif\ j^lN^ri. 3,14Wi;m &i.&Set8 1 1 h.m. h.m, 421714 4217 35 4 20t Sti 4 207 37 4 19^37 4 19 3; 3b 4 187 39 18 7^39 ^lf^7 40 4 18 7.41 17 7 41 17 7 42 dc. d. m. ^i 2 h. m. 928 ■res 10. Ohres liain 23 26111 29 11 50 177 4523 27 187-45^27 18 7 45 43 2? ft 10 418^7 46 23 27,0 26 W?46 23 29 mM'll^A^t)f »M inom OSll I 81 1^ d# 3 40 4 44 5^4 7 1^ 814 9 ]« 9<5d 101*38 m 20 11157 «t:34l 1 ii4art 4 491 h'artj 2 261 belly mof^helly r^in rein [rein |23[^ inm 3j3m JhM^ 93 18 a 3& 2.1 15 .risw.»Mll liflliHiilniil'il f ^ u. .:. *ii'**-ij;j>^t/*.''.^**«tB«ift'.-;u .**./■ 4$. . » .■3«..-*'^H *r t^r iif >lfl' n 1 flii • ill si] ■.■: » t«l loT ''I 'tl^k !>hB JULY. Liefts- To see the red squirrel frisk hither and thither, And the water-rat plunging about in his mirth ; And the thousand small lives that the warm summer weather Calls forth to rejoice on the bountiful earth ! Then the mountains, how fair ! to the blue vault of heaven Towering up in the sunshine, and drinking thf light, While adown their deep chasms, all splintered riven. Fall the far-gleaming cataracts silvery white ! And where are the flowers that in beauty are glowing. In the gardens and fields of the young, merry spring, Like the mountain side wilds of the yellow broom blowing And the old forest-pride, the red wastes of the ling ? C Last Quarter 6th day, 8h. 49tii. morning. S. O New Moon, 13th day, tih. 22m. evening N. O First Quarter 32(1 dtiy, 3h. linn, morning. N. W. Full Moon 29th day, Ih. 41m. morning. U. W. CALENDAR, Ac, 4th Sunday after Trinity Sir R. Peel died, 1850. Sici^iian Vespers, 1782. American Independ. 1776 French took Algiers. 1830 ^ (3 ^. 1> ri. 2,53 mor. 75|C8 ri. 0,54 mor. 5th Sunday after Trinity 7 :)cs con. ®. W con (§. King's Circuit. P. of Orange assass. 1584. Ail. so. 5,28 mor. bel. Pole D. of Orleans billed, 1842 Bastile destroyed, 1780. 6th Sunday after Trinity. Mars ri. 2,'.U) mor. Fair Attert CireuU, fiampden died, 1643. Odillon Barrot born. 1790 Prof, Playfair died, '19. Robert Durns died, 1796. 7lh Sunday after Trinity. Gibraher taken, 1704. Westmorland Circuit, Bat. Lundy's Lane, 1813. St. Anne. Hot and ^ae. Battle of Talavera, 18U9. Wilberforce died, 1833 8lb Sunday after Ttiuity Rubens born 1577 Loyola di«d, 1556. Ri.&Sets hTni. h.m. 45 2J 22 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 3! 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 45 45 45 45 44 44 43 43 43 42 41 41 40 40 39 38 37 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 23 8 23 4 22 55 22 49 22 44 22 38 22 31 22 24 22 17 22 9 22 1 21 53 21 44 21 35 2125 21 15 21 5 20 54 20 43 20 32 20 20 20 8 19 56 19 43 19 30 19 17 19 3 18 49 18 35 (^ © R&S 'V h. ni. • legs 9 52 10 26 legs 10 53 feet 11 17 feet 11 38 head 11 59 head morn head 21 nek 46 nek 1 15 arrii 1 51 arm 234 bres sets. bres 8 36 bres 9 8 h'art 9 33 h'art 9 54 bely 10 13 bely 10 30 beiy 10 48 rem 11 7 rein 11 28 seer 11 54 seer morn seer 27 thig 1 9 thig 2 6 kne 3 17 kne risefi. legs 8 53 legs 9 19 feet water It. ni. 16 1 2 1 46 2 24 3 14 4 6 5 12 1 6 2r. 7 31)1 8 4Cm 9 39 10 23 I069r 11 41 ev.l6 49 1 21 1 52 1 25 2 59 3 44 4 39 5 49 7 15 8 44 9 38 10 44 11 21 11 59 morn : 046 ^ ^ 17 •^i*i ■t r 1 i^ mim J855.] AUGUST. My licart is a garden, and in it there grows, The pride of creation a beautiful rose, My tears are the dew-droiv* that water its Jcarcs ; From my sighs as from breezes new strength it receives i Its roots fire stuck deep, and its branches spread wide ; And its blossoms are waving abroad in their pride. My spirit's a nightingale hovering nrouncl. And l)rcathing forth love in noft murmlifing sound ; 'Tis fluttering, 'tis shrinking, 'tis trembling with fear. For it dreads to alarm the young flowret so dear. 9) Last Quarter 4lh day, 4h. 42w. evening* JN. VV. i) New iVloon ]2lh day> 2h. ]3in. evening. S. W. (^ First Qnarler 2()tli day, 31). 54m. evening. 8. V.. %■ Full Moan 37lh dny, bii. 42m. morning. JN. W. C CALENDAR, &c. J jNV. Lammas. ^88.9,5 ev. 2'Th|7 Hcs ri 11,9 ev. Shoteers. 3- Frij Spanish Inqnisiiion, 1481. 4 !Sat I Calais taken* 1347. r»|SU|aili Sunday after Trinity. <'»|Moj Prince Alfred born. 1844. 7 jTii I Bona, sent to Sl.Ilelni. Mo 8|\V.j[:rnp. 6f Vesuvius, 1779 9|TbjMar8Con, (g) fair H' Fn|Alioili »o. 3,35 mor. niSatiiU eon © U r\. 7.3H ev. lytSU! 10th Sunday after Trii.iiy. .3 l3|M(»|Qneen Adelaide born. 179li!5 1 4; Tuj Printing itivented. 1437. !.5 !•>; W.iNapoJeim born, I7G9 [I784j.v i<>;TI»|Pruv. of N. Iknna. e.^tjii. 15 n : Tri lliroat fire it) St. John, 163915 (> I^j -Sal, James Beatlie died. 1803. 5 7 Ii>;.SU'!llth Sunday afier Trinity •^'(.VloUnpite^ ri 0,55 ov. t»l;Tu|VV.irKutiIVbtmi, i7r>5* lli.«)tSets h.m. dc.N. d. ni. 48 41' 5(. 51 5ii 54 5; 5'- ^ * 5^ 51 ( 5; 7 US 18 7 02 W7 1^ Fri 25 j Sat a<*|siT 2S\T» K) W. TH :u TrI Dwlth of Charles I 1749, AHoih so. 2,43 liinr. Or. Owen died IG83. Jariiea Wait died, 1819 ISth Sunday after Trinity. .\lgiers bouiharded, 180() f^estigouclie Circuit. Treaty with China, 184-2. Dr. Pal^Korn, 1743. ©ft. "/.^s W. 9,16 ev. 5' 9 5 10 5 n 5 12 5 13 5 14 ij 15 5 17 5 18 5 19 i5 20 i5 21 i5 22 21 20 18 17 IC 14 13 11 10 8 7 5 7 4 7 2 7 1 () 59 3 58 6 5t) 54 li 53 a 51 5 49 8 48 ti 46 6 44 (i 43 «5 41 6 39 a 37 R&S h. m. "912 10 3 17 50 i; 34;jo 25 17 19il0 49 en 17 3 16 40 16 30 16 13 15 56 15 '^S 15 21 15 3 14 45 14 20 14 8 13 49 13 30 13 II 12 51 12 31 12 12 11 52 11 31 11 II 10 50 10 30 10 9 9 48 9 26 9 5 11 17 11 51J Muorn *0 32 1"2J 2 18 3 20 sets. 7 59 8 18 8 36 8 54 9 II 9 31 9 54 10 23 ii 11 48 morn 52 2 7 3 31 ri«»t?8. 7 41 8 4 8 27 8 51 feel head head nee nee arm. arm hres hies bres h art h'art bely bely bely rein i-oin seer. seer. seer thigs thiifs kne kne legs legs feet feet H'ad h'ad uec H.«h water h. ni. Id !-■■• a. ivcs ; dc; ) nrt bely thigs kiie kne legs legs feet feet h'ad iieG ov a2 1^ r»i 2 25 5 09 5 -5 6 301 8. 71 9 23 10 21 U C 11 47 morn 24 1 3 i 39 I sivPvi^iriBeH* rirfsn Alas ! with swift and silent pace Impatieut Time rolls on the year ; The bcasons change, and Nature's face Now sweetly smiles, now frowns severe. 'Twos Spring, 'twas Summer, nil was gay | Now Autumn bends a cloudy brow } The flowers of Spring arc swept away, And Summer fruits desert the bough. What bliss to life can Autumn yield, If glooms, aud showers, and storms prevail ; And Ceres iiies the naked field. And flowers, and fruits, and Phcebus fail ? ^ Last Q,tiarier 3(1 day, :^li. 45m. morning. ti. V„ ^ New Moon 11th day, Gh. i3m. tnurning. £. C^ First Quarter J9ih day, 2h. 22m. morning. N. W. % Full Moon 25lh day 4h. 4(»in. evening^ N. E. 1 2 3 4 5\V. GXb CALENDAR, &c. Ri.«&Scts h.m. h.m I ^ dc.N d. ni Sat7>fcs ri. i),\'4 ev. F^ con. ©. SUjl3th Sunday after Trinity. Mo Oliver Cromwell died, 1G58.5 Gloucester Circuit. 5 Ferguson born. 1750. 5 $ se. 6,58 ov. Alars ri. 1,54'5 Wars con. ©. Shoiccrg.o Fri 8 Sat 9SU 10 11 27 George HI mar. 1701, r4th Sunday aAer Trinity. .\lo iVIungo Park, died 1771. Tn Norlmmberland Circuit IJ^W. 5 fit. ^ con. ©. Wind, 13 Th Wolfe killed, 1759. 14 Fri Wellington, died, 1852. li>Sat@ in y- ^ in t5- iSSUllatb Sunday afier Trinity. It MojAIi. so. 1,5 mor. fair. iSTu Quebec capl4ired, 1759, 19 W J Victoria Circuit. 20 Th! Emmet's tragic end, 1803. 21 Fri|Sir Walter Scott diod. 1832 22lSatPrincess Augusta died, 1840'5 SU'lGjh Sabbath after Trinity. 5 " Chas I dethroned 1C40. (5 Caricten Circuit, (5 26 W Th 28 Fri 29, Sat St Cyprian. frost. f> Nelson born, 1758. Peacepf Amieu!», 1602. Alioth HO. 0,18 mor. 30St)17th Sunday after Trinity 24 25 26 2? 28 29 3t) 3216 33 84 33 36 .37 39 40 4Jj 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 36 34 30 28 27 25 23 2i 19 17 16 14 12 10 8 G 4 2 1 59 57 55 53 51 4^ 48 46 44 42 8 8 7 22 3t 7 W 6 54 6 31 6 5 5 5 4 4 9 4(> 24 J 38 15 3 52 3 29 3 C 2 43 2 20 1 57 1-33 1 10 47 N. 23 S. 24 47 10 34 57 21 J 1 1 2 2 44 R&S h. m 9 17 9 49 10 28 11 16 morn 10 4" 2 15 3 21 4 26 sets. 18 36 7.58 8 2.^ 6 66 9 39 10 34 li 42 morn 1 J 2 24 3 49 rises. 626 6 49 7 15 7 46 8 23 5 nee arm arm arm bres bres h'arl h'ari h'arl bely bely rein rem rolo ,^ec sec ihig thig.. kne kne kne legs leg0 feet feet head head nee ner. arm High water h. ro. 2 -^0 3 7 3 59 5 19 6 37 7 .57 8 1,6 9 44 10 24 10 58 11 26 n 53 'JV.21 54 1 23. 2 1 2 46 3 40 4 56 G 25 7 59 9 8 9 59 10 45 11 23 II 59 morn 36 1 15 I 65' If! S ■-a 19 " 1855.] OCTOBI3H* ; The summer days art floeting, With the balmy south wind's tone, No more the sky lark's greeting Will answer to our own ; No more the silken flowers Will round our pathway creep, For the autumn winds chill powers Hath hushed their all to sleep ; Their requiem is the drear wind, Their shroud will be the snow, Ice fetters wiU the streamlet bind, And hush its gushing flow. Q) Last Q,iiarter 2d day, 6h. 25tn. evening. N. ® New Moon 10th duy, lOh. 45m. evening. N. (9 First Quarter IBth day, lOh. 59m. morning. E. # Full Moon 25th day, 2h. 48in morning. S. W. 23!Tu ft h ft It t'4, ii 9 inf. con. @ Major Andre executed, 1780 Limerick surrendered, IGih? U so. 8,49 ev. Rain H. Walpole born, 1717, i 6 (^'U ri. 1.34 mor. iSth 8unday afcer Trinity. Grskine died, 1817. Michadmas term begins. Zwinglis killed, 1531. Ali 80. 11, 27, ey. Rain @ y. ^ ri. 8,55 ev. 9 <3 @. 2X 80. 8.13 ev. 19th Sunday after Trinity Cavaignac born, 1802. Kosciusko died, 1886, WindQ King Ethelstan died, 941 ©'8a4*'rin «. If & 9 St. 9ri' 4. 12 mor. Michaelmas lerm ends. \JOth Sunday after Trinity Mo Ali so. 10,44 ev. Cool Bailie of Red Bank, 1777 24; Wi Sir J. Mackintosh born 1765 Philadelphia settled, 1682. 7 *■ 6 ©. Jj? COD. ®. Capt Cook born. 1728. 21st Suday after Trinity. V c5 ®. Sat. ri. 7.48eT. , CharWtt Circuit, rSlW.Ull Hallow Eto. 8ft . f. » i. r • 2^ High •^ wnicr ? h in. mi- res res 'art 'art 'art ely ely ill iu in icr •or tii. 111. [li. ne ne 2 3 4 C) 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 ev I 1 2 3 4 kgs. 6 9 iO 10 11 40 39 45 5 17 20 17 49 20 55 <» 53 29 6 47 34 31 4? 13 37 45 38 lee rm. irm' Ires Ires Ires 20 H room 15 59', 1 39' 2 « 1 3 n\\ U NOVBMBER. [1855 The Terdunt heaven that once the woods o'erspread, And underneath a pensive twilight shed, Is shrivelled all : dead the vine-mantled bowers, And withered in their bloom the beautiful young flowers, But lo ! the ruthless storm its force hath spent ; And see ! where sinking 'ncath yon cloudy tent, The sun withdraws his last cold, feeble ray. Abandoning to Night his short and dubious sway. A heavier gloom i)ervades the chilly air ! Now in their northern caves the Winds prepare, The nitrous frost to sheet with dazzling white. The long deHorted fields at the return of light. C) Last Quarter Ist day, Oh. SSin. evening. # New Moon 9th day, 2h. 52tn. evening. (9 First Quarter lUth day, 6h. 36ui. evening. Full Moon 23d day, 3li. I2in. evening. W. s. w. N. E. C O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30 21 Tb Fri Sal SU Mo Tu W. Th CALENDAR, dtc. All Saints. Fine Venus ri. 3,23 morn. Acre stormed, 1840, Cold. '22d Sunday after Trinity. Gunpowder Plot. Saint John Circuit. Sir Phil. Sidney tried 1683. Aliso. 2,37ev. do. © Q. Frii Prince of Wales bbirn, 1841. Sat Martin Luther born, 1483. SU23d Sunday after Trinity. Mo Sir. W, Forbes died, 1806 Tu®lo. S. y 80. 6il4 ev. W. Ma*na Charter, 1215. Th Venus ri. 3,6 morn. Snow Fri Rise of Whigs and To. 1704* Sat VVolsey died, 1530. 8U24th Sunday after Trinity. MojThe Pope crowns Nap. '04 TuHawke's victory, 1759. W.I® in Q. I? ri. 6,13ev. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 fti.dLSet» h.m. 6 38 6,39 6 '41 6 42 6 44 6 45 6 46 G 48 6 '40 6 50 6 52 6 53 6 54 6 56 6 57 6 58 7 7 1 22 Thll^l con. Moon. Cotd. FriiDtne at 4. bed at 6, 1515. latAlf. 80. 8.34 ev Fair. .JU;26th Snuday after TtiHity. MoCowper boru, 1731* Tu Knives first mi^de,.Sng. 1650 W.iSteubendiQi]79C Cimhf ^rhil> ri 5,40 even. IFH 'St. 'Andrew, Snow 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 49 47 46 At 43 i^ 41 40 39 37 36 35 34 33 3'.> 31 30 29 4 28 2t: 4 2t 4 26 25 25 4 24 4 23 dc.S. d m. R&.S h. ni lu 58 morn 3 1 7 3 4 5 11 14 18 25 sets. 4 5 59 36 14 24 14 43 15 2 15 20 15 39 15 57 16 15 16 33 !6 50 17 7 17 24 17 40 17 57 18 12 18 28 18 43' 18 '58 19 13 19 27 19 41 19 54 7 20 20 rises 6 23 7 23 8 34 9 51 h'art h'ait belly belly belly rein rein (tecr seer seer thii thii kne kne legs 1 1 9 tegs morn 28 1 46 head 3 2 4 20 5 37 20 32 20 44 •^0 56] 4 231-^1 7 'i\ 18 212a 49 38 33 (eet feet head nee uec uec arm. arm. bres 36H)r§« 4gh^rl 43. h*art 21 3^t0 5^Sth'ari fc.. f j. High w^ter h. m. 4 10 5 17 6 18 7 25 8 23 9 5 9 49 10,23 li)58 1135 ev. 13 C3 40 26 3 26 4 29 5 43 7 4 8 11 9 5 9 53 10 35 11 20 11 58 morn di) 1 21 2 2 246 3 Sf2 ■ jM i tW ii i ii r m m (855. J DI2€i:iV|BI?K. No more the morn with topid roys ITiifoliU the flower of various hue ; Noou spreads no more the genial blaze, Nor gentle eve distils the dew. The lingering hours prolong the night, Usurping darkness shares the day ; Iler mists restrain the force oi light, And Phoobus holds a doubtful sway, By gloomy twiljjjht half revcal'd. With sighs wo view the snow-clad fiold. C l^ast dnarter 1st day, 9li. .'l'2ni. morning. &. W. f| New Monu 9:h d;iy, 5li. 39m. iiiorning. V,. ($ Firrit dunrter i6th duv, 2h. i7m. morning; N*. W. # Full Moon 23d day, 6li. Uiu. morning. VV. i) Last Uiiirter 3l8t day, 7h. 25m. morning. S. W. 1 2 3 H tJ 7 8 9 10 11 12) 13 14 ir> 17 184 lit 2(1 f2l 2^ 2'3f 24 25 26 27 29 29 nm !iat SU .\Io Tn W. Tl Fri 8i»t SU Mo Tn \V. rh Fri Sat SU Mo r« rh Fri Sat su Mo Tu \V- Th Fri H m <2>- apo. iSiri. ri. 9,1 ev. Advent Sunday, cold. Congress meets, (nsurrcc, at Toronto, '37, Mozart died 1792, Snow Wliitefield born 1714. Tea used in Londou, IG60 5 con. ® J? ri. b, 1 ev. 2d Sunday in Advent. ® lo. S. 9 ri. 3,19 mor BerhinY' Straits dis. 1728 Alioth so. 7, 2^^ even, ' Dr Joliui^on died 1784. First Air Balloon. 1732. Chatham born, 1708. 3d Sunday in Advent H8o4.19ev. Cold Lewiston burnt, 1813, Jiimes Ho^ died, 1836 7^s con. ®- 1^ con. ^. Sauit Thomas, fVmd. Moon ent, V3 4.9 morn. 4th Sunday in Advent. Pea. bt. En^r. St Ame. 1814 Christmas Day. All. 80. 6,28 ev . Frosty. St. Johii, Evangelist. Mfars dJ (S). ^ ri 11,55 ev Lord Sta4fo rd beh'd 1689 lit Sunday after Christmas l^ftri colli Moon'. 24 25 26 26 27 4 4 4 4 4 19I-43 19 19 22 43 22 49 284 294 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 19:22 55 19:2 J 5 20'23 9 2023 13 20 23 7 23 20 23 22 23 24 23 26 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 27 4 20 4 20 4 21 4 21 4 22 4 22 4 22 4 23 4 24|23 26 4 24 23 25 3714 85 23 2:? 37 4 26 23 21 7 37! 4 26i23 18 4 2jm 15 4 28 2^ 11 7 38|^ 7 'SS^ .... ir 38|4 2a| sets. 5 13 6 22 7 39 8 58 10 17 11 35 morn 50 2 5 3 21 4 37 5 53 7 4 rises. 5 20 6 25 7 33 8 39 9 43 10 46 11 48 morn ihi kne knc legs lcg« feet feet fuel head head nee nee arm. arm. hres bres h'art h'art h'art bely bely rein rein iHjifay W ,» ' >i . i i lltgh water ! h. m. TI5 5 15 6 18 7 22 8 19 9 8 9 52 f 10 37 1 1 20 11 59 ev,49 34 19 2 3 59 5 1 17 IW 8 40 9 30 10 20 U 5 n 45 morn 25 f 3 1 40 2 II 2 48 327 4 12 1 2 3 6 7 Sid itates' of Cartage in Saint John. ni»THI<>'TS. ARTICLE' AND WEIGHT. F(tr n loud of t'oiihi, (ll lU'a t'h;il4roii,) - Fur II load rorit'iiuiiit: !;» iMMliut- '>( (iraiii, @nlt, Pntn- toe.4, or Hiiy otht^r a/(j<-loii lU't^Mirtd utluailmj^ or unUtiii iiift, (tkcrpt (.'(•iito, For u |)i|K) of Wine, (iul, <>•* Hraiidy, niiU liuiMina within lti>Mlui>r of tlio llrat lloor, I'or a |)Miii'li«:ou of Hum, or a (i'Tcu of duynr, fmm . Ui 10 «MVt., Hriii lioiidiutft 10 For a iiiiiicIhuiii of !MolnfiB««, a hocshend of ^'o<;nrol 10 cwt. or ii|tU'nril-<, or a hogslioaii ot Tttbiicco, &, i^ "iNiai;!, -2 Forn lio(;s|ica(l or |>uuclieon of(>'i(ler, or u lonil ot'UriiMl FihIi, of i.') cwt. or a comiitou loud uf hoiisoliulU CiooUn, and ■toriii?, 13 For n toad ofHiiingleH, Hoop Polet^, IIeatlinft» Htavns, Treeiiail!<, Hiuokcd Fi.di in boxe«, Salmon in kit.x, Dry CioihIm, or a loud of any other articlcn not lieitMii iikmi- tioiied, or a lio^siiead' of Ltine, or n ktiu^liivid on criito of G.-trtiieuwurt', or two tierces of Earthuiiware, a liogsluwd of Driett FImIi, two tierces of barreii iiiMgarj Fliili, liet'f, fork, Tiirpentino, or Cider, orhaifatini of Iron, or tin* h-Huio Qnantify of Cordage, i"* coil not excccdinK 4 cwt. or a load of uiiv artiiins not herein Micntioiiod, - - ■ ,0 9 For a Ol-fzallon cask of Wine, Rum, Gin, Brandy,' MolnHMH, or Porter, or for a load of Hand, Gravel or Stonuri,! or a load of i barrels of any Spirii ••oui^ Liquor or niolasseA, I For Cables and Corda^to, in coitx above a cwt. or 4f to coll, per ton, 01 if for Flay loose, i»r ton, - - - .'> For liny, screwed, per ton, i - -^ - - 3 fi For Rtk'Us, per thoinnnd, 4 For Lumber, per thoUHattd feet, - - - - 3 For the carriage of any article or artielM not exceeding: half a load, - - - 6 ]«t.l Ud hi i i U 4i[l I Mi U. i4th. m 1 1 7i n 1 1 3 3 1 9 I 3 3 4) 1 10 J li3 3 ;•-' 4i JHh. 1 \{\ 19> I 44 lOJ 1 n 3 [ I 7i I I 3 G 10 6 6 I !J 144 4 4 C I 9 1 3 1 G (> 3 3 5 4 I 10} 1 The First District to compjrise all that pan of the City between the south Ijiie ofPond street and north Hue of Duke street, which lien to| the westward of the East line of Mill street, Doek street, and that part of Prince William street situated between the north line of the brick building formerly belonging to William Tyng Peters (northward o( the Market square), and the north line of Duke street, and including King street, to l^e westward of the west Hurt of Genuain istreet. Second District to comprise all that part of the City between the north line of Union street ajid south line of Saint James' street, which lies without or beyond the First District, to the westward of the easi line of Chaclotte street. Third District to comprise all that part of the City, wbicl^lies with out or beyond the Sccoqd District, to the westwardof the east line ol SJdniey .«itreet. Fourt/t District to comprise oil that part of the City lying without or beyond, tlie Third District, to the westward of the Eaut line of Car-[ martheu street . I Fifih Disttici lo eotnprise all that patt of the City lying without or' beyond the Fourth District. 21 mmmmmim ^11 if Tr Mujjmim rsnsma I 1 Board of Health for Of Cfity«f Saint John aikd Porisk of Port!aHd.-~.^times Olive/ Kitquira, Mayor; Hon. R. L. Hazen, liecotHer, {ex officio) ; Greii;ory Van Home, >f . H. Perley, J. Gallagher, John Johnston, W. O. Smith, Joseph Fairwtiither, Joseph Beattio, W.'H. A. Keaiis, Stephen K. Foster, Henry G. Simonds, Bninuel ('liirk, Kobert Robertson, Joim Sears, Josepli Lingley, John Robertson, Henry Gilbert, and William C Dunham, Esquires, Members. Tliomaa McAvity, Clerk. I CITY OF SAINT JOHN. Jamrs Olivr, Esquire, Mayor. Honorable Ruvert L. H a zv-k^ Recorder. .Aldermen. CounciUors. Wards. Joseph Fairweatlier,^ Mr. N. S. DemitI, K'mg's. pj Mr. George V NowJm, Queen's. ^ Mr. John Wilson, Jr .^ I>uke'M. , Stephen K. Foster, Isaac Woodward, tirregory Vanllorne, S =. Mr. A. C. O. Tren to wsky, Sydney. William King, Joseph Beatteay, \Y. H. A. Keans, 3 Mr. W. C. Dunham, " Mr. Joseph Coram, Mr. Joseph Mercer, (Juy'8. Brook's. WelliogtoD. Thomiag Merrilt, Esfjaire, Treasurer or Chamberlain, (jcorge Wheeler» Esquire, Common Clerk. James R. HueU Esquire, Deputy Commou Clerk. )Stmeon L. Lugrin, Land Agent. Thomas Coram, Land Agent, Cirlelon. George Stockford,High Crd,T.H.Mar iowney. Marshals ; George i^tocktord, Bernard Murray, Charles Pidgeon, Constables. Asa Blakslee, Deputy Clerk of the Market, King's Square; W. M'Bay, do. do., Market ^^quare; John Doherty, do. do. of the Fish Market, Duke Street. J. Boyd, M. D., G. J. Harding, M. D., li. P. Smith, M. D., and Henry Jurvis, M. D.', Visiting Physicians. J6hn V. Thurgar, Thomas Hauford, W. D W. Hubbard, George A.Lockhart,Wm.Garnett,Cudlip& Snider, Licensed Auctioneers. I William D. Fauike, Thomas M. Smith, Isaac Woodward, James ' U. Thomas, Georg;e Thomas, James Robertson, Edward Hippisley, j J. W. M. Irish, Charles M.'Lauchlan,^ William Leavitt, Zcbedee I Iiing» Augustus Quick,^ Willidm Dudnee,^ Gilbert T.,.It ^ l/ pMMi Land Agent, I, M. D., and William Wright, William O. Smith, and Stephen Geiow, Qem mbsionord lo settle disputes relative 19 Docknge and Wharfage. | ' R. C. Minnetia, City Surveyor. John Soars, Edmund Kaye, Francis Jordan, aoQ Hugh Glasgow, ssessors of Tax.e6. ;. James Gerow, Junior, Collector of Taxes on the Eastern side rUie Harbour; Charles Pidgeon,, on the Western side. ,t^aul Daley, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at the Market ijp; Edward AWison^, Collector of Slippage nt Union Street; o(kn. Murphy, ditto at North Slip ; John Kirk, Collector of Wharf ge at the Breakwater; B. Peel, Collector of Slippage at Sheffield Slip.; Peter Besoard, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at Rod- ney Wharf; John Bogan, Collector of Anchorage ; George Craig, Collector of Slippage at Main and Charlotte Slips ; A. C. O.Tren- towsky, ditto at Germain and Sidney Slips; Henry Blizard, ditto at Public Slip, Guy'j» Ward. Steplvon Gerow, Weigh Master at North Slip ; Kichard M'Cul- lou;;h, ditto at Union Street ; Isaac Beatteay, ditto at Carleton. William H. A. Keans, Superintendent o-f Flour Inspectors, and Suj>erintendent of Weighers of Cuals and Muasurers of Sole. Nathaniel Clinton, John Humbert, and Joliu Berry man, Inspec* tors uf Flour. , John Berryman, Inspector of Bread. Junics SteWart, Gauger of Lif^uors. ^ Samuel Gillespie, Jurnes Peacock, and Ahdrew G. Lordly, Gau- r% and Searchers of Oil. Jacob Wilson, William M'Anley, Thomas Rankine, Francis *ilson, R. Riley, James Cultinan, William J. Lockhart, John 'Gorty, and William Thomson, Weighers of Coals. J, Wilson, ''illi/im McAuley, J, Cullinan, W. J. Lockhartr John M'Gorty, nd William Thomson, Measurerii of Salt. James Peacock, und Thomas Miles, Inspectors of Lathwood, taves, Hoop Poles, &c. y/illiam Dunham, S. Gillespie, Andrew Hamm, T. Miles, An- rew G. Lordly, Henry N'. Nice, Thomas T Whelpley, John unham, and John Creary, Inspectors of Pickled Fish. Samuel illespie, J. Peacock, A. G. Lordiv, T. Miles, and Thomas T. Yhelpley, Culler of Dried Fish. John Robinson, Inspector of Cordwood and Bark at the Market lip ; John Paul, ditto at Lowesi-Cove ; G. W. Gerow, North Slip. Alexander M'Kelvey, Suuerintendent of Carts and Drays. B. F.Maybee, Superintendent of Coaches and Lumber Waggons, H. Duiilcp, Superintendent af Hand Carts. ^. S. Bonnison, Inspector of Streets. liobort M'Kelvey, Pound Keepei en the Eastern side of the iirbour ; Evan Evans, Pound Keeper Qt Carleton. Thomas M'Avity, Superintendent of Partridge Island and the uarantine Station. ^ i Thomas M. Smith and H. P. Sturdee, Esquires, ConsmisMODerR f Wrecks and Shipwrecked Goods for lh« City tnd County of i 'ahit John, * .:->, i I %%. J : Samuel Jordan, John Leach, David M. Whiting, George CusftieL Thomas Fairweather, Kd^vnrd D. Gore» James H. Fail weather > William Shives, George W. G. Fairweather;* Chailes E, Fair-, weather, Charles G. Harding, George II* liobertson, Nelsoii A. Coiigle, Nathaniel Adams, Alexander M'Harg, William' Grady, John Dovvling, G N Perkins, Francis G. Jordan, Jarvis Witson, Oliver B. Cotigle, J. M. Cougle, I). M'Callun), Uliarlcs Ketchum, William C. Hill, Henry Colwell, Matthew Holstead, George H. I Clarlvc, Vernon Hanson, Thomas B, Underhill, Michael Coveny,! Charles Robertson, Linus H. Seely, S. S, Littlehale, W. &.IIard-| ing and Alexander Buyne, Surveyors of Lumber, FIRE DE1»AKTMENT. Thomas Rl. Smith, Ch\tf Engineer. Engine Company A*o. 1.— James Portinore, Euginecr ; James M'Naughton, Fori^ man • B. Coxetter, Jinaistaat Foreman. Engine Company JVo. 2.— Jnmes A, Harding, Enginee)' ; Lorenzq.F. Langan| Foreman ; Jullii Boyer, Jitaislant Ftnrcmnn. Engine Company AVi. 3. — James M. Decker, Engineer ; John Yeats, Fureman\ Alexander M*NH\ig,\Han, i^ssiatant Foreman. Engine Company JVo. 4.— P. Mull in, Engineer, Jnmes O'Connor, Fi.remttn\ Jame^O'Cuiinor, Assistant Foreman. Engine Company ^o. 5. — J. W. CiMilip, Engineer; Bicliard Whiteside, Junioi| Foreman ; G. 8. Deforest, A^aintank Foreman. Engine Company Jfo. 6.— Thnmns.P. Marter, Engineer ;W.¥ .Bmil\n^, For emai\ Cliaries B. Putter, ^ssiataaii Foreman, Carleton Engine Compavy JVo. 7.— Martiii II. Peter?, Engineer; William ~ Dunham, Foreman; Daniel Clark. .Assistant Fureman. Carleton Engine Company J^To. 8. — Joseph Coram, Engineer; John Muaro Foreman ; George Lane, ^ssietant Foreman. Fire Police.— Jrihii M. Walker, Captain ; W. O. Smith, Lieutenant. Hook and Ladder Company.— J oaepli Mercer, Captain. IIi-4 Worship the AFayor, Joseph Fairweather, Gregory VanHorne, Thotvi^S Ca ram, IJartholonunv Coxelter, W. H. A. Kenns, Georjie A. Ijockhart^ James Rol bertsoii, George V. Nowllii, C Jotinston, William Hagerty, Thomas M'Avityj Atox. Halioch, Jofiiaii Wetmore, J. C. Littlehale, J. Beatley, Joseph O. Uunhainl John Johnston, Jamr>s A. Harding, Jameg Thompson, Gustavus U.. Jarvis, Henri Chiihb, John M. Walker, Jnmeii S Ballentine, C. D. Bveritt, Jamen Gerovl W. A. RoW«rt?on, James Kedey, William Mackay, Charles J. Melick, B. BojJ Rinnrar, William C. Dunham, William (>. {^niith, J. M. WRl-The BeirereiM) tbl Rector of Saint John, Prenident; Hon. William Black, the Mayor, the Kecorden the lion. Judce Pniker, Polieri r. Hnzen, William Wri^iht, Hen. John H. Grayf K8quir«s,and the Rev. Wiiriom Donald, A. M., Dircctori ; Hott. -John H. Grajj Treasurer and Clerk ; James Paterson, LL. D , Principal j Mr. B)ani;hatl| Sfcond Master, Saint Jobi» District CoMMtTTEX or the SocrxTt^ ron Promotikq Chsistu KRowL,ii.DQ£<— rBeyerend the Rector of Saiiit John, President; p " ■ -— K^quire, Vice President ; Beverley Rohinson, E.squir^, Secretary and 'J reiMUrc[| Book!) sold at John Kitmcar's, Prince William Street. UQ mam 8 Ai'NaughtoD, Fori Jolin MuaroJ lAiNT John MscifANicit' Iivstitute. — James Patert-on, LLm D., President'' sph VV. liawre.'ico, aiirty Cnrnk^shanlv, Alexander Martin, and Alonzo A. Darrow, Directors; John Duncan, Esquire, Treasurer; looses H. Perley, Esquire, Corre::!ponding S<)- ^'eretary ; D. B. Stevens, Esquire, Recording Secretary. New Brunswick Auxiliary Birle Society.— Hon. Judge Parker, President; Hon. William B. Kinnear, and Hon. Neville Parker, Vice Presidents; John M. lobinaon. Esquire, Treasurer ; James Paterson, LL. 1)., and Mr. S. L. Tilley, Secretaries; \t. H. DeVeher Esquire, Depositary Sainiie! Hnyghue, John Kin- lear, John Wishart, Samuel Bayard, M. D., Nathan S. DcmitI, Gilbert T. Ray, lohn Armstrong, George A. Lockiiart, W. J. Starr, Edward Sears, Daniel J. |M'LaUi!hlin, Jumes Reed, L. R Botsford, Charles A. Harit, Williain Girvan, C. MMnlo^h, Alexander M'L. Seely, and Joseph Robinson, with the Ministers rho are Members of the Society, (Committee. Committee for Portland — John [Duncan, Jamet Flewelling, Moses Tuck, and D. V. Roberts. Committee for iCar/ffton— Robert Salter. Isaac Clarke, and Dr Waddell. Ladies' BErfET'>i,KNTSociETT.--Mrs. Ward Chipman, Patroness ; Mrs. Jns. |White« Mrs. E. Stevens, and Mtos Deblois, Committee ; MiM L. Kinnear, Se- (cretary and Treasurer. Saint John TotAi, Abstinewoe Societt.— N. B. DemilLFcquire, President; |Jolui Humbert, W. R. Bl. Bintia, Joseph Fairw«ather, W. H. A. Keans, George A. Lotkhart, Esquiras, George P. Sancton, L.H.VValerhoMse, Vic« Pret^idciiis ; iJuha R. MarshaH, Treasurer ; James Gerow, Jr., Corresponding and Recording ISocretary ; W. Hewctt, R. Robertson, Robert Reed, Zebedee Ring, John AiMlcy, J. F. Marstcrs, Fidward E. Luckhart, Tlioi. M'Henry, John Fra'ser, 'J'bomas C. jUumbeit, and O. ^iniler, Executive Cpmmittec. Saint Jomt Roman Cathomo Total Abstinence RsLiir S0CttTr.~RrT.; [James auin,PreM4aiit;,T. W. Angiin, Wm. H' JNeedham, Esquire, M. P. P., iirfrjiiifi"Ti ii .j #iiiwwi^^ «7 -■ 1 ■/. J . ITI Lie j quires, Moi gomeiy, R. Vice PreMidems ; Mr. William liowen, Secretary ; Mr. John M'Gourty, Tn Hirer ; Metisr*. tSteptien Thomson, John M'Gourty, Patrick Gallagher, Jol Bradley, Jbhn M'Guifgan, Lawrence P. Eflgan, Patrick Tnal, Wiliiani Rbwen' Patrick Doyle, OhurleM Devine, John ^riton, and Patrick Hnnlon, Conimittee| Baptist CoLPonTEUR Socni!Tr,/«r tneCircufation of Cheap Religioua Steading. iVfr. John F. Marion, The Mayor, W. IT. Street, and Robert V. Haieen, Esquit Directors ; J. D. Lewin, E.squire, Treasurer, Secretary and Manager. I JiUR/i. Cemetkry Company. — Dlrectvrs — LeBaron BoUifoid,tM. D,, George ti Peters, M.D., Charles Drury, Beverly Robinson, James Pettiugell, Johii.M| Walker^ William Parks, Win. G. Lawton, Wm. J. Ritchie, Solomon Hersey William Jack, and William Wright, Esquiro-s ; LeBaron Botsford, Esquire, Prol sident ', Edward B.Peters, Esquire, Secretary and Tireasurcr; — — Landscape Gardener ; Robert .Mills, Superintendent. ./V South Bay Boom Company.— Alexander M'ti. Secly, President ; Han. Job KobertHon, N. S. Demiil, JohnWishart, and Edward Allison, Directors; Tliui mas M'Mackin, Secretary, Superintendent and Treasurer. Elcc'tric Tklegraph Company.— R. Jardine, Esquire, President ; D. D Stevens, Secretary and Superintendent ; R. Jardfine, Edward Allison, J. Dunj can, R. Reed, Esquires, Saint John, and George E. Morton, Esq., of Halifax Directors. St. John AND Fbedericton EtycTRic TsleoraphCoupant.— George Bots- I ford, Esquire, iVesident ; S. Barker, W. M. Robinson, S. W. Babbitt, and R i Jardine, Esquires, Directors , D< B. Stevens, Superintelident. I SaintJohn Hotel Company.— William Wright, Esquire, President ; Dlreetorsl ' —John Wisltart, George V. Nowlin, kobert Jardine, and Charles Hazen, Ea- < quires; t^ecretnry— Edward Dolby; Managers— William and Joseph Scanunelll \ New Brunswick Marinb Assurance Coupant — la St, John. — Capital Fiftyl i Thousand Pounds, with power to increase to. One Hundred Thousand Pounds.! j John Ward, Esquire^ President ; John Wishart, John Ward, John V. ThurgarJ Frederick A. Wiggins, 6. Carvili, D.J. M'Laughlin, William Parks E. SearsJ and G. W. Worrall, Esquires, Directors ; Adnm Jack, Esquire, Secretary. Glohc Assurance Coupant — In St. John. — John Duncan, Esquire, President;! i George L. Lovett. Thomas Vaughan, Edward Hippisley, Henry Chubb, Robertl ' Robertson, and VVilliam Leavitt, Directors ; I. L. Bedell, Esquire, Secretary. The Mutual Insurqnca. Company-^In St. Juhn, — Joseph Fairwenther, Esquirei President; John D. Purdy, Samuel L. Tilley, Joceph W Lawrence, and S. 1<. Foster, Directors; Isaac Woodward, Esquire, Secretary; J. M. Robinson,! Esquire, Solicitor. • Saint John Suxpeiision Bridgt Comjtany. — ■■ ■ ^^ • — — , Esquire, Pr«sident>! J. D. Lewip, Joseph Farweather, J. Woodward, and WiliiatnK. Beynolds, Es- quires, Directors ; J. F. Masters, Secretary and Treasurer. VoRK AND Carlcton Minino Compant.— Jatnes Harria, President ; jTainefll SnrUh, Thomas Allan, John Owens, Henry Vnnghan, Jnines i|i. Tupper, ^ll'"] M-'Lean, James Harris, Thomas VaughBn^and Jainies T. GfoiiUr, Directors j Jas. ] Smith, Treasurer; Thomas VaughanvSecretftry. ] BAiNTJoHtrFtaa lN8aB»i«c»CoiiPAW». —A. M'L. Seely, Pre9ldent; W. J.l jnitefaie, Joseph A. Cran«, Joei R«adins,Jbtin T. fitantottv tHfecWs; cri The heM c VVI iP i8.s iMl Hii hn M'Gonrty, Tn Ick Gallagher, JoU i>Al, Will jam Bbwei? Hnnlon, Cnnimitte Religious Heading.^ I, and Elder Donai, and Marster.i, Sain ind Pounds —Roberj V. G, Lawton, John Daniel J. M'Laugh eatiurerj William J ?a/»»>o/ £1,500,000.^ i a. L Tilley, £.J landler, John MonJ rg f R Jardine, Pi\ ' Ritcliie, fisquirJ oiinds — S.ifiarkJ ilkindon, and Juli] rerjjolin M»Jnnisf ssldent ; Ilonornblj Hazen, Ksquitc Managor. d,.M. D., George ., *ellingell, Joiin.Ml , Solomon Hersejl iford, Caquire, Pr«| cf j -«f M )sid«nt ; Han. Johi 1, Uirec^torsi TLo President ; ,D. nl rd Allison, J. Dun I Esq., of IlalifaxJ NT — ^George Botp-I '. Babbitt, and KJ esident ; Dlrer.tors| lariea tJazen, Ea- loseph Scanuuelll hn — Capital Piftvl 'housand Pounds.l ohn V. ThurgarJ 1 Parks K. gearsj e. Secretary. quire, President;! y Cliubb, Robert! uire. Secretary. I'eather, Esquire! Bwrence, and S.l J. M. Robinson,! (uire, Pr«Rident)| Heynolda, Es] resident; latneol l.Tupper, Allan ' Directors j Ja». !esldent; W. J.I ttforsi CUT AND COUNTY OF SAINT- JOHN, ft |The Mayor and Recorder, Jiisticfefi of the Mayor's Court, TheMayor, the Jlecorder, Joseph Fairweather, William O. Smith, lO Woodward) Gregory Van Homo, William King, Joseph Beat- r, and W. H. A. Keaos, Esquires, Justicos of fhe Peace and of Qouriim. onorable Charles Simonds, Gehardus C. Carman. John Jordan, rge Andcr)40D, James Mornn, Henry Gilbprl Robert W. Crook- k, Robert Payne, Archibald Monzies, Charles Ward, Hon. John lertson, William H. Htreet. Daniel t»eavitt. John Gillis, James vvn, John Kerr, William Leavitt, Wiijiain Olive, Samuel Strange, es Gallagher. Jacob Allen. John Wishnrt, Robert Keltic, Levoret |. DeVebf r, William Mawks, Moses Vernon, Walker Tisdale, Geo. Lockharl, Henry Chubb, Willit.m Parks, William O. Smith, lexander Lockhart, John lJawp,Thos. Allan, Hngh. Sharkey, James avis, George Henderson, Henry G. Simonds, Joseph Fairweather, tomas Harding, Robert Douglas, Francis Fergnaon, F. A. Wiggins, ter Besnard, James Olive, Nathan S. Demill, George Carvill, Joh« [umbej;t< John Sears, Stephen K. Foster. Francis RudJick, JohnF. ddard, William Doherty, and Thomas Otty Crooksbank, flsquires, istices of the Peace. Charles Johnston, Esq., High SheriiT. George Wheeler, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace. William Bayard, Esquire, M. D.. Coroner. ; Isaac L. Bedell, Esquire, County Trea!«»rer. Jatnos R- Ruel, Enq., Auditor of County Acconnta. W. B. Kinnear, Esquire, Surrogate. Charles Drury, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wills. John Johnston, Esquire, Commissioner for taking Botl in the premc and Mayor's Court. Honorable William Boyd Kinnear, Alfred L. Street, Robert aser Hazcn, William Wright, Peter Stubs, Horatio NeUon !. Lugrin, John M. Robinson, Moses H. Perley, Honorable Ro-'j rt L Hazen, John J<^hnston, James W. Boyd, Gieorge Wheeler,} illiam Jack, Duncan RoDertsou, Honorable John H. Gray, Jas. j . Peters, Robertson Bayard, Wm J. Ritchie, Charles W. Ward- | w, William R. M. Burtfs, Edward B. Peters, Charles Duff, Jas | . Harding, Gustavua R. Jarvis, James J. Kaye, Andrew R. Wet ore, George F. Rouse, William M. Howe, Chas. Dohe-ty, Hum irey T. Gilbert, B.Boyd Kinnear, John G. Campbell, Charles A- artt, •, Robert Parker, Junior, Nelson DeVe- ^r, Richard Sands Armstrong, Charles Walters, George Hare, ■^orge Blatch, Ward Chipman Drury, W. H. Hatheway, Henry ' '. Frith, William Hutchinson, Benjamin L. Peters, Jun., Charles '. Stockton, Georgo G. Gilbert, Junior, John Simonds, Samuel Thomson, Edward Jack, Frederick C. Frith, Robert B. Streot, mjamin G.Gray, LewisJ. Almon, Charles W. Weldon, Alex- ^derBallentine, Hurd Peters, William P. Dole, and Beverley Ro- ison, Jun., Esquires, Commissioners for Ukiog Affidavits in the iprome Court. ' {Gohardua C. Carman, John Jordan, and Jamett HoriU, EiiquirM; »nimi8sioner8 for Solenanizing Marriage. lil I =r i» William P> Bole, I'mitiire, lii»p«ctor of Schools. ^. John Snars, George lihtch, and S. P. VVetuiore, Eaquireii, Troj teefi of Schools, City of iSaiiit John. Rev. James Qiiinn, Jame^ Gallagher, Esquire, and William Car- ville, CommisaioncrH for the Management of the Free School at Saint] iohn, unconnected with the Madras Do;]ird. Moses 11. Pcrley, and Dr. William Davnrd, EMquires, Commissi- oners of Indian Res<5rvo8, under Act 7 Vic. c. 45. Charles Drury and Bradfurd Gilbert, Commissioners of Sewers.l Isaac Woodward, and Charles W, Wardlaw E!>quireN, Commissi [ oners for the Bay of J^undy and River Saint John, under .lie Actj V.\ Vict, c. 26, rtluting to Sieauihoat.s. Gehardus C. Carman, John Kerr, James IVIoran, Jarnes Galla- gher, Ucnry Chubb, and W'illiamO. Smith, Efquii^es, Commissionj ers of the Alms Mouse and Work House and Infirmary. Fienwicl Arnold, Esq., M. D., Physician. VViiliani Cunningham, Keeperj Surveyors of Lnmher in the County. — ExekicI Jordan, ^Johr Morrison, George W. Roberts, David Tapley,John M. CawipbcllJ John Heuneberry,C. E. Goddard, RobtrtKwing, James M 'Loon] iMoscs Tuck, J. Clarke, Clayton Scolt, J. J. Wetmore, G. Jordan] W.D. Shaw. S. E. StcplKjns, W. Eagles. J. Crawford, Wm. AJ Reynolds, John Tiipley, Wnj. D. Shaw, James E. Vincent,Josepli| Uall, George C. Dunham, William Cunard, Joshua Brundagcl John Logan, S. Reynolds, Patrick Donrley, J. Mulholland, Z lil Roberts, Wra. Allingh&m, Francis McCafferly, John Kearm^v] G A. Deforest, G. T. Whclpley, Robert Lec.JudsonV. TingleyJ Jimes A. Lyons, M. E. Cowan, Dnniol Brn^nahan, tlowaid Dixj on, Peter J. Couple, Wm. Lingley, Gilbert Hayes, John Gallivanj John llayter, Robert Cnnnard, J. R. Pidgeo'n, C. Coleman, C. Pi] Brown, M. Owens, and L. L, O'Hcgan. Terms of the General Sessiovsand Cuivmon P/ffl.s.— Third Tuesdajj in March, aud first Tuesday in June, September and Deceuibor. PARISH OF PORTLAND. Robert Pnyne, rr«:|Uire, Folire ]Ma{;iatrate ; Henry O. Simonii!); and Jamri TraviF, Ef-quires, Bitiing A^niiiii^ralt;.'!; Hon. Charlee i^inionds, Tiioiiias Allan] and John Haws, Es^quirte, (^ininu^^tiioncra of I'olice. iJavid 'J'apley, jr., J. (J. Tol)in, and WJIIiam 11. M. Rurtis, Trustees offichool^ Thoina.4 Allan, Janien, t'DogTnx. f^ lam, NkoAi mem PARfSH OP ShMONDS Bssas [iires, Commisci- Rev. J. OiMbrow, Rev. J. I>niVdon,nn(t Ruv. J. Barron, Trnsteoi orScIioolf. , Robert Power, K. i4. Armstrong, and J. Davidson, Assed^iuid of Taxe«. I John Jolinstont Cuirectiir orTaxtrs^ ^ B. Kirkpatrick, Jolin AI'Avoy, Arthur Henry, Nell Qnln, R, Moore, R. Moore, jloumsbury, Samuel Wethers, VV. Ilanna, G. wuile, T. M'Derniott, and Thoa. finn, Cundtiibled. Robert Howes, 'J'homaa Gurnett, Francis Hannah, Wiiithrop kobinson, Wni. loan, J. Colgan, Win. Daley, O. Al. WIto'jten, Win. Bealty, Henry Sloan, It. )ou}!i!i9, Ruben Keltic, J. Aloore, J, M^Kee, ami J. Ruberition, Fence Viewers. U. kiikpatrick. W Slack, John>}inith. B. Wethers, U. Culcan, llenj ^niith, Hannah, it. M'KiMizie, J. Huston, A. Brydeii, and J. Boyle, Hog ftucven. Henry Graham, — . Marchbanks, Philip Fiiriong, Jiyhn j'olin.ston, J. iVt'Kee, RolMsrtson, 11. Warnock, Neil Uuinnj F. Brown, T. Russell, U. M'Leau, id T. Garnet, Pound Keepers. im Robertson, A. Crooksbnnks.and It fiowen, Commissioners of Highways. John Park!*, J. Lawlor, P. Pdrlon*:, J. Araistroniar, Andrew Moore, J. Conway, . Bull, James Brown, Geo. Anthony, William Bean, Jolin M'Elwean, R Carr, |T. Uewar, .Thomas Bowe^, Sen., Jo.. Gallagher^ Thomas Bowes, Jr., A. MM^ean, Willruni M'Gregor, VV. M'Geoch, W. Cunningham, J. Douglas, J. Colyan, J Dolan, J Arthur Henry, Jacob Arthur, W. Evan:*, n. Hunter, P. M'Avay, M. MWamee., J. Cain, Chai'les Riley, 8. Lochey, T. Davidson, J. Fudge, John Mortlson, and I K. Murphy, Surveyors of Highways. Ruben Bowes, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. PARISH OF LANCASTER. Bnrnaba.i l*ilton, and J. I). Lewin, Trustees of Schools. G. V. Carman, A. Men/.ies, and James Robertson, Assessors of Taxes. I j^. T. Lord, Collector of 'J'axea. ' '^Archibald Alenzles, G. C. Carman, and Henry RoUrke, Purveyors of nani'«. J. Djvvney, Jolin Dunham, Antony Thompson, J. i^kciringtnn,. VVilliam R. LUuHiiis, James Crockett, John Hargrove, and John Cassidy, Constables. Janies Giutlt, Thomas M'Crin, atid John JMorrison, Hog Reeves. James Uuavey, Rubart Robertson, Samuel Cunningham, and Joseph Bogge, Fence Viewers. M. Balcom, W. Gierke, T Kilbrertth, R. Robertson, J. Boggs, Pound Keepers. Jamas Gault, John Tinor, and Thomas .M*Crum, t^mmissioners "*" Flighways B. Tilton,C. Lord, Daniel ftlorris, BartlcU l-in!;tey, J. A- Harding, J. Gierke, Barney Gowan, J. Bogga, Henry Baird, Henry Kilbrealh, J. Tyner, R. Brad;ey, I Jolin Cairns, T. M'Curty, J. Wily, John M^Lenan, G. C. Carman, Esq.. James Wain, Scnr., Robert Tliampwrn', J. CAmpbell, William Cox, J. Al'VVilliams, J. M'l'Herson. John Griams, Senr., George 8. Bftker, Andre Cnsbing, John Arm- stron.L', Alexander Cooper, T. M'ASackin, Furveyor.s of Highways, iohti Tyncr, Town Clerk and Clerk of tiie Market. PARISH OF SAINT MARTINS. )n, David Odell, loslier, Jani«3 Moran, Jan., and Abel VVnshhurn, Trustees of J^chortlg. lack, David Vaaghan, jr. and Ste.)hon iMosher, Assessors of Taxes. I H. Black, Collectorof Taxes. Philip M 'J*. H. Bl Thomas W. M'Cuni.l>er, P.Foy, W. Davidson, and J. AL Brown, CuQsitablefl. Tliomas Lewis, Pound Keeper. « J.inv.'s Ross, and James O'Donnell, Hop Reeves. E. Brown, T. Lllis, Kdward .Hosher, and Bernard M»Vane, Pence Viewers. Tlimias H. BUrk, Town Clerk and Clerk of tlie Market. Valentine Hiu-dinz, Aaron Deloug, James Aloran, jr., and Thomas H. Black, Commissioners of Highways J. Walton, R. Tufts, tt. B. Patterson, W* Eraser, J. MeUin, J. Dunlap, H. Belong, W. lUack, H. Brittatn, P. MosMer, H. Brown, E* Brown, C. O'Hara C. aijfgley, J. H. Brown, A. Howard, J. Kenedy, J^ Birchel, W. Trarcy, A, M'Brlle. J. Davison, M. M'Dade.Jas. Love, sen., H.Sands/A. Millican, T. Armstrong, J M'Crackep, Wm. Muttie, M. Cochrnrje, J. Curry, M. Dougherty, J. Henry, J. Hanrahnn, and John 6imonds, Surveyors of Highways. Si mm I i 'V. ■11 ['if r m w ■t ''ik 1 1 II f f 'i -i' 'M "i SI ( COUNTY OF YORK. corporation'of fredericton. Wtltinftan Ward. John L. MarsI). A. M'Caiislana. Oqo. N. i^f gee, John C. Allen, Esquire, Mayor St. ^nn'tf. CarUtoji. Qu , £0quirc, Engineer. Hon. John Simcoe Sounderfl, John Allen, John Rohinson, (leorge Minchin, William H. Odell, James A. Maclanchian, John Simpson, and The Mayor, ex officio, Esquires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. John S. Saunders, John Allen, John Robinson, George Min- chin, VVillinm IT. Odcll, James A. Maclanchian, Thomas Jones, Wil- liam Davidson, Patrick Campbell, James Miles, Ross Ciirrie, Adam D. Allan, George Garden, L. Bradshaw Rainnford, Hugh J. Mansard, Bar. lomon Parent, David B. Shelton, George Cheyne, William J. Bedell,- Thomas Gill, Thomas Earles, Richard Hnyne, George Clements, Jas. Taylor, Allan M'Lean, Thomas Pickard. 'I'homasR. Robertson, Wm. D. Hartt, Asa Coy,Isaap Kiiburn, Lewis D. Wigan, Edward Siroouds, Joseph Gaynor, Frederick W. Hathewfty, Charles M'Pherson, Geo. Morehouse, George L. Hatheway, Ira Ingraham, Spafford J. Barker, Beverley A. Robinson. Betijumin Ycrxa. Benjamin Goodspoed, Chas. Gem, James Fairlie, Israel Smith, William Grieve, Wm. C. Joslin, Enoch Dow, John C. Grant, Edward Pidgeon, J. M'Donnld. Andrew Calder (of tliR Q^uorum), and Samuel Fox, Esquires, Justipes of the Peace. Benjamin Wolhaupter, Esquire, High Sheriff; Charles Brannen, Deputy Sheriff. George J. Dibblee, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace, and of the Inferfor Court of Common Pleas. George F. II. Minchin, Esquire, Surrogate. Francis A. H. Straion, Esquire, Register of Probates. Joseph Beek, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wills. Jas. B. Toldervey, Henry Fisher, Jr., Henry Jones, Geo. More Ihouse, Judah Hammond, and John M 'Gibbon, Esquires, Coron&rs. , Mark Neodham, Esquire, County Treasurer. Flon. John S. Saunders, Commissioner for taking Bail in tl > Su |»rdme Court. Hon. John Ambrose Street, Daniel Ludlow Robinson, George J. Dibblee, Hon. Charles Fisher, George F. H. Minchin. Williniu-H. Odell, David Shank Kerr, Edward A. .Clowes, George Botsford, '^raneis A. H. 3traton, Jobo C. Allen, Geor(« N. Seg«eiJaine« P. ■H* m Wetmoro, James Fraser Berton, Edward H. Wilinot, Georire W. Ritchie, Edward W. Miller, B . C. Friel, Goorge J. Blia9, William W. Street, John J. Eraser, Edward B. Fisher, John L. Marihi jr;, James Taylor, jr. , Esquires, Commissiouers for taking Aflldavitii in the Supreme Court. James Taylor, Esquire, Commissioner of Public Buildings James A. Maclanchlan, John Allen, John Robinson, J. Harrison, and James A. Miles, Esquires, Cbtnmisaioners for Solemnizing Marriage. Mark Needham, Menrv Fisher, James E. Pcrley, Samuel A. Aker- ley, and Joseph Myshrall, Licensed Auctioneers. Alms House and Work House — Thomas Murray, John Pickard, Jr., Esquires, and Rev. Wm. Juffrey, Commissioners; B. Hallett, Keeper. John Davidson, Esquire, Inspector of Schools. Terms of Uie General Sessions and Comm&n Pleas, established hy tlie Act 13 Vict. e. 47 — Second Tuesday in January arid June. Additi-] onal Terms of the Cammon /'/cair.-rThird Tuesday in March, and second Tuesday in October. !^(i "ai Frederictm Library. J. E. Woolforde, Esjjuire, President; Hon N. Parker, Vice President; R,. Govvai>< Esquire, Secretary and Trea- surer; Dr. RoBb, and E. H. Wihnot, Esquire, Committee; G. Ros- alter, Librarian. Terms, 10s aniwally. Fredericton Society of Saint ^nrfraio.— Charles M'Pherson, Esqnire, resident; Dr. J. Robb, 1st Vice President; Robert Fulton, Es- quire, 2d diito; John F. Taylor, Esquire, Treasurer, Robert Thor- burn. Esquire, Secretary ; Rev. John M. Brooke, Chaplain, Fredericton Society of Saint Patrick.^Hon Thomas Baillie, Prosi-f dent; llon.LemufelA. Wihnot, Vice President; Samuel Fleming, Treasurer; T. O'Connor, Secretary. Floral and Horticultural Society of Nete Brunswick, at Fredericton.-:^ J. E Woolforde, Esquire, Prfesident; Hon. Neville Parker, and Hl>n. L. A. Wilmot, Vice President; who, with Mr. S. Flemmmg, con- stitute the Committee of Management and Decision. ~, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. KING'S^UNTY. Hon William M'Leod, Thomas Beer, Justus S. Wetmore, Henry jA. Scovil, and John O. Vail, Esquires, Justices of the Inferior Court Df Common Pleas. « i.r . i^l::,... Hon. William M'Leod, Thomas Beer, Justus S Wetmore Henry A. Scovil, John C. Vail, A. C. Evanson^ John Barberie, Lbeneier «milh, Isaac Haviland, Sam.iel Foster, Mm W.ghtman John Brit- tiin,^Jame8 Brittain, Hrtm John IL: Ryan, ChaHes W. Stoqkton. John C. Price, Elias S. Wetmore, JolmH^garty,! homas C. &haip, lobert M'Cully, William Freeze, jr., Si^m^iiel Hallett, Craven Long- 1 itroth. Matthew M'Leod, Elias 8. Ff&eae, Duncan M. CampheU, | ^saac A. Dodge, Samuel Hendpi'son, WeOdeii Fowler, John U Wit- i^ James like, Eiijah>. Perkins, WiiliairrPye^ ^Opvii, Charles e. Stewart, James Fairwcather, (o/ -Secoud Tuesday in October and April. COUNTY OF ALBERT. . Thomas Gilbert, Esquire, High Sheriff*. Samuel G. Morse, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolla, and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. M. B. Palmer, Esquire, Surrogate. Samuel G. Morse, Esquire, Register. '' George Calhoun, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wilta. Albert Steeves, Esquire, Inspector of Schools. , Term* of the Genertd Sessions and Common Pleas. — Fourth Tuesday in June, and Second Tuesday in November. Additional Terms pf the Common Pleas. — Second Tuesday in March and SeptembM*. COUNTY OP VrCTORTA. . ^ • Francis E. Feckwith, Esquire, High Sheriff^. , Z^' ,.; William T. Wilmot, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace and 6f t^e Common Pleas, and Register of. Deeds and Wiilf. William M. Maclauchlan, Esq&ire, Surrogate. A. W. Uaymohd, Esquire, Register. J. C. Pinguet, Inspector of Schools. Terms of the General Sessions and Common /*/«/!». —Second Tuesday in January and First Tuesday iu July. Additional Terms of the Com- mon Pleas—Second Tnesday in March and Second Tuesday in October. ,0> FKOVliiOE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. IHia Excellency Hon. J. H; MAufWKns SofToir, Lioutenfim Governor and Commander ia Chief of the Province of New . Brunavirick, &c; &.C. &.C. — — ■-': ,, ^ Esquire, Private Secretary to the Lieutenant i , _ .Governor. u MM m Lieulonmit Colonel Richard Hayne, and Lieutenant Colonel Cbarleit Drury, Provincial Aids*d6-oamp. • ExrcuTivitCi>oi«ciL — Hon, Edward 0. Chandler, Hon. Robert L. Hansen, Hun. Willimu B. Kinnnar, Hon. John R. Paftolow, Hon. John Ambrose Street, Hon. George Hay ward, Hon. Robert D. \yiluiut, il' II. John H. Cray, and Hun. John Montgon?ory. Legislatitic Council. — The Honorable William Black, President; Hon. JohnSiincoe Saunders, Hon. Amos E. Botsford, Hon. Edward B. Chandler, Moil. John Robertson, Hon. Harris Hatch, Hon. Wil- liam B. Kinoear, Rear Admiral Hon. William F. W. Owen, Hon. George Minchin, Hon Thomas H. Peters, Hon. Robert L. Hazen, Hon. (ieor^e S. Hill, Hon. Clmrlo•;!•• 'r ''^ <;-' ? '' ''■**•' -' ^ '• ' ' • •,!-.> h-^'.j : ■ ■• '- '■■■< ":' . , ^ -''■ .V / , ■ OrFiccttg d^ Vfts €RAWir.— Honi JOpfM'A^fifrdMB Street/ Att^hh^ General ;'Hoii.'Witfloitt B. Klmiiiir,! S^ircitbr GeriBral.; Wiltiiilh Wright, K8q^,:Aili^«iteC«i»n^hHdft.Johii R. Part^lbW, Pi^vitt- «^).\#«creti»y ; Bo»olf«Wp Jlob^tt D. Wilmot,Snrvey«r General ; 5lpn. ThqiiHip(i- nity — Second Tuesday in June: ilficAac^nias— Second" Tuesday in Octoberv Nisi Prim sitting's in the County of York — Third Tuesday I in February ax]Ld fpnrth Tuesday in June. "*^ John C. All'enl Esquire, Rc^porte^ of the Decisions in tbe Supreme Courti C3*'The Court of Chancery is abolished, and the Master of the Rolls appointed a Jud^e of U^g Supreme Court, by Act of Assembly .17 Vict. c. 67. All causes, heretofore, ^ognizTble by the Count of Chancery are to be determined in the '* Equity side of the Stipmiho .^«!^M''',-' ■ , ■^■..M'jfm^r ■ .■■ ■ - ■ -y .'■■ ■.'■■■■'5 ! , "CmcuiT CocRTs, hf, 46t 17 Vict. e. W,Maff.—'Semt Mhn : Second Tuesday in May and first Tuesday in: November; Sunbury: Last Tu- e^d^y ip February ; Q«€«?s.* First Tuesday 'in rvfardi; Charlotte: JFpiirth Tu^^daJr in.Aprii> ajld the Tuesday af^er the Fourth Tuesday in October; Kings: Second Tuesday in July ; Albert: Third Tu- esday in July J Wfistmorliiiid: Fpurth Tuesday in Jn-ly'j Kent: Tu- esday after Fourth Tuesday in July; Restigouche: Last Tuesday in tj^viftij Glpur^stef f^, FiistTtftesdayiri Septeuthei^ ^•3Afor(Aum^6rfa»d : econd Tuesday in September ; Carleton : Last Tuesday in fdep- tombeJT *, Vicimai .'Wednesday bofetre the last^nesday 4n 8«ptemtier. Courts t )rthe Probate or Wills and Grantiko ADittiirfs- TRATioNs. — The Probj^te Court fbr the City and County of Saint »" '-j^ '^f h^ld ey^^,^HfW|^ftyi^fft Ujr^f olc^oclf, o^ t^^^Clt^inh^rs e^the Mi 9i^4}M^k^^WFi in|fe.«qtfeer'CJqHnJi«? Jbf ^hefroiiinotii lyl l)jiAr;^MQe|B i^ecifilly #pppif||«|4,|i|r,|thO'fQ»p^^ QmMam Qotsrnor a4vd. Gwgjtot^yj^Mattring Ami l^tWhikiiimf 3i m %' mmaimmm t'^^r WLiWeldon, ^1 ), Hon. John es, Queep's en, Esq^nire. Botsford, Eg- B. R. Jbuett, i; Reverend '. Wetmore, mt ; George i' Ketchum, | ^lon. James r; Hon. Ro- t, December iSl ; Ahdrdw an, Esquire, i of the Cir- R/ar^—First Apnl: 3>i. Tuesday in ister of the f Assembly »e Count of e Stipr!»iiie l« .' Secofld .• Last T«- CharlaUte : h Tuesday Third Th- Kent: Tu- u^sday in imherland : ay in geji- «ptemtier. •Ai>iiltorTf9- ^ of Saint i^rs Clothe evince la ud^«9i ;r-" .isa-.i MHlHMil ■r Lieutenant Governor, President ; Honorable Neville Parker, Vice President; the, Hon.- Her lijajesty's Executive Council, Mem- bers; John 0, Allen, Esquire, Registrar and Clerk ; Terms: The second Tuesday in February, and third Tuesdays in June and October. Court of Vice Admira^ltv. — Honorable Robert L. Hazen, Judge and Commissary ; William Wright, Esquire^ Advocate Ci€- neral; John M. Robinson, Esquire, Register and Scribe j John Humbert, Esquire, Marshal. Court for the Trial and Punishment of Piracy and other Offen- ces on the High Sco5 —The Governor ; The Chief Justice, and other Judges of the fej^preme Court, ^he Membess of the Executive Council ; Judge of the Vice Admiralty ; Tb« Public Secretary ; Public Treasurer; Commander in Chi^, Flag Officers, and Cap- tains, and Commanders of Ships of War on this Station for thd time being,; — — -— , Registrar arid Scribe — Esquire, Marshal. jO" Tfad Court sits at any pkoeOKrithin t2ie Province to be ap- pointed by any three of the members, the Governor,, Chief Justice, Of one of the Judges of the Sttprem» CourtfOrJadge of the Admiv rally, being one. » »«-•? teii«iih POST OFFICE DEPARTMENi!'. i"ohTi Howe, Esquire, Post Master General; J). W, Darnaird, As- sistant, and Cashier; William D. French, First (dTlerk; VaTeiitine B. Hutchinson, Second' ditto; Heinry (5/ Frink, Third ditto; Is^acK. Leayitt, Fourth ditto; T. B. Allen, Fifth ditto; F. H. Fowl6r, Sitth dittol I. Langrill, Messenger; John JLeitch, First X,etter Carrier, Jam^s Leitch, Second ditto. Saint John;. Post Masters : Andrew^'S.' Phair, Esquire, Fredfericton; Williaiii F. B6tine11, Esquilre, Gagfetownj^ Geo F. Campbell, Esquire, Saint Andrews; David A. Rose, Esquire,) Saint Stephen; John WdlaQe, Esquire, Saint George; Christopher Milner, Esquire, Sackville ; JE. J. Smith, Esquire, Shediac: ,G. Pitfield, Esquire, Salisbury ; J<)i»eph Crahdall, Esqtirre, B«nd of Petltdodlac ; Jttmes Calei Esqnire, Chathailn (MirRmiehi) ; Kdw. W. Willis^n, ESi- 'qnire; Newcastle (MiraniidM) ; John J., dliiford, Esquire, RichibuctO; (Ho. ]^. €>owpe)if, Esquire, Dalhousie; Thomas H.Catmati, Esquir^, Bathiirst ; Jsqies Orover, Esqime, W<)ftdstck : Samnel Foster, ]?«• quire, Kitl^iitbn; Hirgh'M'MOMagle, ElMuire, Sussex Vale; A. W. Ray moi\d^ Esquire, ''polebl'ODke;Johii T- Hodgsott, lEsquire, M- m u ndston ; JoiiiiFds teir, Esquirej Saint Martiri^; B. Beveridff*, fp^ quire, Andover ; Jab.ez E, Uphslnti. Harvey (AlbtMrt); Henry Halltttt Htrtipton Ferry ; James Bowes; MiUtowH ; Cbatlquire. ' ' ItucToucHE. — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Peter M'Phelim, Esquire. Hir.sBOKOuoH. — Controller of Customs and Navigation Lawt*, William Wallace, Esquire ' 'mi^^^ \ Dalhousie. — Controller of Customsand Navigation Laws Dngald Stewart, Esquire. Batuukst, — Controller of Custom? and Navigation Laws, William Napier, Esquire. Shediac— Controller of Customs and NaVigatioil Ldws, Hon. Daniel Haniugton. - - : MoNCT()K.-r-ControI!er of Customs and Navigation Laws, Amasa Weldon, Junior, Esquire. Caraquet — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, James Blackhall, Esquire. > SHiPPEGAN.^^Contiulier of Custpms and Navigation Laws, P. J. .N. Dumaresq, Esquire. • I^ahv^:y. — Controller of Ci^stoi^s- and Navigation Laws, James Brewster, Esquire. ,' : Bathurst — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Joseph llead, Esquire. . ; ' ..*, pREDERicTON. — Controller pT Customs and Navigation Laws, James Taylor, Esquire. "^ PROVINCL\L REVENUE. ~~ " SAi(fT John. — Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Province Treasnrer ; jGeorge D Robinson, Warehouse Keeper ; Henry Whiteside, Col- lecting Clerk; Charles C.J; Briscoe Jame? T. Hauford^ John Sau- ^all, and George MatKew, Cl«rks; Richard M. Longmaid, StepJi^n E. Gerow, and !^en»phon Jfoqctt, Waiters j^tiH Searchers; William Jiovyyer, Tide Surveyor ; Peter Marter, Wj* J. B. Marter, William ;Kilpatrick, John Brovtrii, Wm. iDudne, and John Coffey» Warehouse IXockers; George D. Robinson, Isaac Woodward, and Jainifs ,T' jilanford, Appraises of Dutiable Articles, -^i^ . ;; v V SAiJfjT Andrews.— David VV. Jack, pepiity Treasurer; James fi; '^VfaitliM^k, Waiter and Searcher;. J^|^e9it^r,:&^reet, Appraiser nucw 8t^^4jr(K Waiter apd: Searcher.. Saint George^— Abrahana J. Wetmore, Depnty Tr^fMUxerf >^ Campo BKLt.OK»<-' ^ «'" .-»' .1 1 . . . ,' i i ir . 'il l 40 ■■^mi.t:- gatiou L^ws, jntion Laws, I Laws, Tho- , I Laws, Hon. jl Laws, Wni. ■ -rit Laws, Peter ation Lawtt, aws Dugald »vs, WiirinfD Uws, Hon. ivvs, Amasa iws, Jantes ^awa, P. J. I iws, James Vf, Joseph on Laws,] reasnrer ; ide, Col- ihii Sail. 11 Stephen k Willilin II William*' a re ho use i ames T. atn^sti. ■•«i Mtf wuciin { w. i.nir !•«;■; ■■"'«*s'r»»i4fc' . l! MiRAHicHi.^ , Deputy Treasurer; James E. Carmichael, Landing Surveyor ; John Fraser, and Martin Cran- ney, Waiters, Searchers, and Lockers. Daluousik. — Dugald Sievyart, Deputy Treasurer) Charles Lloyd, and A. Ramsay, Waiter^r Searchers, and Lockers. Bathurst— Joseph Read, Deputy Treasurer ; William Napier Waiter, Searcher, and Locker. Shippegan — Perry J. N. Dumaresq. Deputy Treasurer. Caka^ubt — Jas. Blackhall. Deputy Treasurer. RicHiBucTo — Hon. J. W. Weldort, Deputy Treasurer; George Pa^an, Waiter, Searcher, and Locker. B09TPUCHK— 'Peter M'Plielim, De pnty Tt easuren u.?:ro}i Shediac-- Daniel lianin^ton, Deputy Treafiurer. H ' Bay Vertf. — Edward Wood, Deputy Treasurer. Sackville — ^Jonathan C. Blaek» Deputy Treasurer. , DoRCHESTKR-^William Carter, Deputy Treasurer. HiLLsBououfiH.— William Wallace, Deputy Treasurer.'" MowKTdif-^Araasa Weldop, Deputy Treasurer, HARtRY-— James Brewster, Deputy Treasurer. I ■yv. 1.1 1 .! I I J'.i ECCLESIASTICAL. THi; UNITED CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND IRELAND. Bishop— The ^ight Rev. Johit, Lord BlohOp of Frvderictdn — Predericton. Arvhubacon— Thef Vea. Gaorgb Oostkr, Rector of Ffedfricton— fiural Deaii' t_ '' "6leroy. ... ,,, ,! Alley, Rev, Jerome, D. D., Rector of Saint Aiidrew(M-|i«r'cf Dean. i^rmatroinf , ^e.V. Jiohn, Miniver of 3t. James qliurch. Saint John. Ariitsironi, Rev* Win., AssisUiutMuiii- ter aiSa^t J«ine». Armstrougy Rev. 6. M .^ Rector of fit. Johu'di^fprish pf SU Marie. ftacon,Rev. Samuel, Rector of Chatham — Rural Dean. Bartbi^mew, Rev. Joseph, Sector of l'et^r n«vt« George 1V» Rector of OrAnfd Mtinnn. . 1 ; Coster, Kev. Fred., Rector of Cajrletoi|, Coster, Rev. N. A., RectoV erOagetown ■ -^ . ■' \ -^Jlmta Dfitmi . :.'■,..■■ CostM. Reiu Charles O., ^Ista^l^ Ui- " tiister at FrederictoW. ' ". DeVotorf Itev. William H., MIssloiiftry " » lit t/phMU. . Po^yoMe, Rev. Thcmas N., |^or oC * , flaclctnie. . , V Wautoxfj VLvt. iTathes W., ^tor ol «.«ea». Hartii), Bev. TInmuas, Howard Settle- ment, Missionary. Hudson, Bev. James, Visiting Misslof > ary, Miraoilchi. Jacob.; Rev. ^dwiii,D. JD., Principal of King's College, Fredericton. Ja^Vey, Bev. William N., Missionary at •I,,: Saint Mary's.'; % Jarvis, Bev. George S., D. D., Rector of Shediac — flural Dean. Kelehiim, Bev. William Cl.« Cnrate of Fredericton. Lee, Bev. 'Cllar^es, Minister, of Saipt Paul's Church, FoiMand. M'Ghee, ltev.8.^AecUir of Sussex. M'Givern, Bev. John, Sector of Saiut George's. Miftoecj Bsv, Ckrbtepher, Bectttrof ,j , Westfield., , .. 7 i ' . :j ,vrea)es,..Bev.,J&ihe8,,Bec(or of A "■ . ■ bnc'to. ■ ■' ■• •"'•'■■ '' Palmer, BeV. B. .Draku^ MissfoMuyift Harvov,,^ >■- ■' ■■ . . .■-. ' I Picfcelt, Bev. D.;Jir„ A^|||^i^]m|)i|ifr I ,(,,(>' M**Pi*»»«#»l»^wi*«*i8te»»ii ; i^i .it S.1 ip 1.;-; ■IK .iiiSl*': 'i.'.M. I I Sf-„. - ^""foMJo. ^''^ °'^a»*er. Kev. William wr « i |!7,'"«fe°-'0»C,.apUi. U^, S-"-" Vo ""^ • - -. .. „„„p„y_ UMIelen. —"■■' ""■■■'«. Sainl Locy (liug "'^ "' THE WfestEYAN MIJ ,€ I '«« W., Rector Of ^•yCmtMe .f co-l •"* '•, MissJofivyatj •. Cttrate of IVoot t'.:[l,r:' »•''•.«.«. »n, Hector of l^a t- • St.. John, N. B. . ,^'i^o»},v and Rev. . Mr. ^arrejl^and phens; BifeV/AnJ valerii«.r. r. x.i Rev.j Bebineaii, '«=he J Rev. HheJ si-eker, ChaUiam ; » Jracadiej Tile Batlmrst ; Rev. ini Lucy (Mada- s«Pr Moderatbr. ,^i c*ort,Cleffr. rch, Rev. John ^'tP"^.°^ Saint f^} r. RJchmond Oarrey, iVajrii- «v. James Mar. I .0^erk),.can,p- Af M. * ' ff!" .■■ tm ".tt'V^t^fM riil'f^ well, Kev. J. P. Bent; Sussex Vale, Rev. John Prince ; Wbod- gtoclc, Rey. William Allen, Mr. R. f>lincan : Andover, Mr. Cliaa. JGeskin ; Annapolis, Kev. G. M. Barrett; Bridgetown, 'Hqv.M. jPinkles, Rev. R. Williams, Rev. G. Aliller, Supernumeraries';- I Aybsibrd, Rev. C. JLockhart ; Digby, Rev. R. A. Cliesley { Mira- michi, ReY. J. ^nowbaU ; Bichibucto, Mr. T. biniiU : bathurst. R^v. R. A. Temple. - ^ *'* '^f , IJ. ' t'y , BAPTIST MINISTERS IN N^W BBUNSWICK. Wbstern Association. —James, Ludlow; WilHam Harris, Tobique ; Thomns Magee, Saint James ; Tberoad W. launders, Prince William ; Simuel Roliinon, 1. K. Dill, Edward N. UarrM, William Burton, John Francis, George Seely, Saint John ; A. D. Thompson, Saint Andrews; James Walker, Saint George; John Magee, Nashwaak ; Charles Spurden, )Pred«ricton ; James H. Tupper, Keswick ; William L. Hopkins, Penntield ; William D. Fitch fc^nlmon River; R. H. Emmerson, MfiugerviUe; Benjamin ^oy, Cannin{( * -Geopgo F. Miles, Saint George ; Gideon Eslabrooks, Simonds ; Thomas Todd, Woodstock; E. F, Forshay^ I^opew«ll } Kbene/er Webb, New Jerusalem ; Edmund M'lnnisi, Grand' Mahan. Ziem»^ to Prtdeh — William Gremlcy; Isaiah Wallace, R chard W«liS) Thomai Lockey, W. G, tiob«n, James Gouldroop, A. U. Munro, James Wllite. £^^^'8Trjiif Association. — Joseph Crandttl, Salisbiiry ; Ja«i«s filakne^;. Gondola Point; Wijliam Sears, James Wallace, Hope- well ;. Titns Stone, Sussex Vaie; David Crandal,. S-pririgfieh) ; Wellington Jiickson, E^aint Martins ; J. C. Skinirer, Wickham ; Peter §pragg, Springfield; James A. Smith, Saint Martins; Charles Thorn, Johnson ; John Rand, Point de Bute; Nathaniel fCleveland, Shepody ; James Herritt, Butternut Ridge ; Samuel BaifcroD, Hampton ; Daniel McPhail, BuctbUbhd ; Janiies New- comb, Band; Patrick Duffy, John H. Hughes,< Hillsborough, ; William A. Coleman, Sackville; Elias Kierstead, Studholm; Alexander Mutch, Morton ; D. V. Crandia], Elgin ; James Tnin- ble, Waterborough ; Joshua Bunting, George Burn9, Uphana;| James McPhee, Salisbury; Merritt Keiths Butternut' Ridge. Licensed to Prtochl — John Sears^ Hezekiah Maris. tl , FREE PRESBYl^RIAN CHURCH OF ^CQTLAND. %rK0A,.>9f THR Presbttkriak Church op 'KTew B&vUfiwicK ',, ;/ Rev. VV. El Pteabttem t(f Saint /oAti -r-Rev. Mr^ IBentiet, Moderator;^ Ref. W. Farrie, Cierk. City of SaintJoWi Free Ch«rch, Sydney Street, Rev. William Ferric, A. M.; Saint John Presbyterian Church, Rev. James Bcn- .n^t; Carleton,.Rev. Jaij>es Bairdr fia(nm<»ndJRjiKev« Salt Spr»i?gs, Hhiiipton Ferry, and j^oudouderjyii l^^v. ,4* WpnaM|: Springfii^lcl, Rev. Lewis J^^^, , y", ,..,,,,; ,V_'"j,.) ,',:;,.._ ...., ... , „ ..,, Presbtftery of Saint StrpAen's.— kev. Charles Gordon Glaa%Au!Mb,j Moderator; Rev. W. Elder, Clerk. Sai«tilt»ph«nVltev. W. Elder; Saitit Jameia, Rer. SMn i'urn* MH'Bvttisk Rovi Mr.llfi^td^iit Pri«o« WHliam, Rev. C. G. Gliss; Uarvey AMilemeJit, R«l^. . ' "azcn. W r Ur ri »V"niot, JSdward R oi. jV' "'• '*• "arte- nie:? T^"«S J^"^^^^^^^ ^C^? ^^^£^' GeS ;5^? """• '•»"' C<"*>mii""e thru """'; ""'' George O' I I r, • • '-"'•"•---"-^iiiriiir Man mtMtim Mita Speaker of the Assembly, Secretary of^ the ProviHce, Attorney Ge- -eral, Honorable William Black, LL. D., Honorable Jame's Carter, lonorable JohiyMoiitgomeryi Honorable Geovgo iStihiian HilU Ho. orable Amo8 L. Botsford, Honoirable William B.Kitinear, HonArn ble Robert Leonard Hazen. Honpfible Judgp Wilmat, and Dr. sjjl [•oldervy. Convocaiion—iheQhaii^reMor, President, Profeasora, and 11 persons admitted Masters of Arts, or tfifmiy D^«o in Divinityy Law or Medicine, . , _;> w, <,;„«_;,*,. •-' a,., ivu: GoLLEOE : PSriricipaT— The Revrfedwm lacob,^^ D, t). ; Professors Classical Literature, History, Mofiil Philosophy and Divimty--rRev. Dr. Jacob; Mathematic^) and Natural Philosophy— William Bryden Jack, A.Mv? Ctiemistry and Natural History— JsineaKobb, M. D. j Modern LangKages, M. D'Avrav. . CoLLEOfATE ScHOOL. — Head Master, George Roberts, Esauire ; Classical and Mathethatical til'ast^rd, George Roberts, a|)d Cusu'li^s Coster, A. M. ; French Master, the Professor of Modern Lang uuged m King's College ; English and Writing Master, '•^- — >■ - Register, Charles Fisher> Esquire, A. B. ; Librarian, Madras Scuoou-^The Govei'nor and tr^fitftes of th^ Madras Sekool,in Jieur Hritnswick : — ^The Lieuti^tiii^nt Goyemor ; the Lord Bighop of the Diocese; the MBmberp'df Hef Majesty's Qoii.nci.l ; the Judge of the Admiralty ; the Sjieaktir of th^ House of As- li^iaibly; the Mayor and Recorder of Saint Joihh; the Roctor^'arid phuixihwardens of Trinity Churchy Saint JohnV together with the Rev. William Donald, Frederick A. Wiggins» John V. Thurgar, W. Wright, Esquii'es, and Rev. A. Scovil. ,' Rev. A. Stewart, C/er/e and Trea^ur^r. NEW BRUNg WICK BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY. Elder Joseph Crandall, President f liilder Samuel Robinson, and Honorable William B. Kinne^ar, Vice Presidents; Solomon Hersey, Esquire, Treasnrer ; Elder LE* Bill, aiid'Asa Coy, Esquires, Sftiprer taries; Elder Charles Spurden, Principal; Mr. Thomas B. Shirth,. Assiatani Teacher. Elders Charles Spurd^ii; Messrs. S. W. BaBbjt, Wm. S. Estey, William Sewell, and thomak Htewart, Miim^ti^ Cemmittee. - "^ , WESLEYAN ACADEMY, MOONT ALLISON, ^flc/mKe; A". B Faculty — The Reverend Iftfnaphrey Pickard, A.M., Principal; Thomai Pickaru, Jr , A. M., Professor of Mathcjm'atics, &c. «?fc^d ; Ajleiander Reid, A. M^, JFxench Tutor, and Assistant in Classkal Department; Mr. Arthur Patterson, Assistant in Prj*iary De^am- ment. Rev. l^* Evans, D. D., Governor and -Chaplain. BuariJofTrustkks — Rev. Riohard Knight^ Rev Wm. Temple, Rev. Humphrey Pickard, A. M^, Rev M. Richey,D. D., Rev.TiH. Davies, Rev. E'. Evans, D. I) , |tieT William MX^rty, and Charles F. Allison, Gilbert T. Ray, J,^}]pi;H. Anderson, and Edwd. Billing, Esquires,, and Hon. Charles Touilg* Executive CoMHitTSE —Rev. R. Knight, Chairn^an of theBoaxd. RbV: H. Pickard, A. M. Principal; Rev », Richey, J>.Di; Rfv^E. Bw9ta,D. D. Chfttles F. Allison, Esquire, Treasurer. ,Jlj) ii J%l ^li iiiii r i a iii i i •flf""' 41 1 ■ m ■4 I • n BANKS. I I Bankof Ntw Brmmoiek St. John. Capital, £100,000. Pteai-' 4enU Thomas F^. Mitlid'ge, Esqnire ; DiMctors: Joiin Boyd, M. D., iL HvDeVebor, Joseph A Crane. John D. Lev^^en, Thomaa E. MiK 1idfee» I. L. Bedell, B«nj. Smith, Williatn Wright, and Frederick A._ 'Wiggins, Esqnires. Cashier, Riehard Whiteside^ Esquire ; Solicitofi' John M.Robinsoi^, Esquire. Commercial Dank of, New Brunsvrick, i St. John. Ingi^rporated by Koyal Cbartei*. Capital £ 150,000, with power to increase to £300,- 1 000. Presiiddnt, D. J. M'Laugbiin, Esquire; DirectorsrMarkDiple, John Duncan, Stephen Gei-dw, Hon. Robert L Hazen, VVilliain ! Jack, George L. tbvett, Charles Mferritt, D. J. M'Laughlin, Willianj .Parks, John M. Walker, Edward Sears. A.McL. Sieely^ and John Wish- art, Esquires. Cashier, tSleorge P. Sancton, Esquire; trolicitor, Hon. Robert L. ttaz6n C^mmerciat BranchJP^nk, N$vm$tley Miramitki. Committee ' of Management: William Loch) Esquire, Cashier, Thos. C. Allen^ E«l« Commercial Bank Agency at Woodstock. Agent, Richard English, [Esquire •; Cashier, James G rover, Esquire. I CentraiBank ofNevfBrmmick. Capital, £35,000^ with pow^r |»| increase tin £50,000 President, George Botsford,Esqiiii:^i: Cashier, | :Samuel '^. Babbit, Esquire \ Sulioitor, George J. Dibbiee, Esqnire, Ctniral Bonk AgeaM^yat Woodstock. Agent, James Robertson^ Ed^^ iTburgI I quires,! ST.'i [Office rl lAndret jyi nce ][»« wick a| [at |ha sul'it J. Frod John Dalhi £di Bruns^ A, iwick. Charlotte Cimnty Bank. Capital £15,000. PiresideiU, Hon. Har^l ria Hatch) Cashier, C»W. Wardlhw, Esqiiire. ^ Saint Stephen's Bank. Capital, £25,000 President, Williap Todd, Esquire ; Cashier, Davia Upton, Esquire. Westmorland Bank ofJ>ienx Brunswickt President; O. Jones, Esquire; Cashier, J. Johnaton, Esquire. BankofBrttishNor^Amerum. (Established in London-) 'Capital £1,000,000 sterling, with power tcf increase the capital. Manager, pf j^e Branch at Saint Jolin) F. W. Wood, Esquire, Accountant^ iTHpmas Christian, Elsquire;.- Loeai JJirectors at Saint Johh: Hon. i/o^n Robertson, and J. V. Thurgar, Esquires. Standing Cotmsel, hJolini A. Street, Esquire. Solicitor and Notary, George Wheeler, tlsqiiire. ^ ,1 MARINlJ HOSPITAL. For tkc Reiiefof >Siek and Disabled Seamen, (in Saint JoHW.) John Ward, R4»bert Wv Crookihank, John Wislttrt, W. 1> F%nlfc6, and AHam Jacic^ llsquires, Commiss^n&rs ; CItas; Ward, Esquire, Si- eretary; The Bank of New Brunswtcki IVcoMter; Jt)huBeyd, M. D^tPhyiieian and Surgeon , * . pRoviNoiAL'LirNATic A8TtU!ifi.-*[At Saint J«hh.1 Johtt Ward,| :VViBiam Olive, Hon. L. A; Wilhrtft,j Hon. William M'Ledd, John j impson, Robert F.Hnzen, Peter 0d||i^Td, John Duncan^ John Y. ^hurgar, and Hon. John R. Partetaw, Esquirfes, Commisdiohbtd. , F^oviNciit PrI» Esquire» Saint Andrews ^ William' J. Frazer,.Esq,, Al iramic hi ; Charles S< Theal,' Esq^v Shediac; John m. VVoolhauptex, Esq., Bathurst; Andrew Barborioi Esq., DalhouaieTJ '" Edward Ailison, Esquire^ Portuguese Consul General Ibr New Brunswick, At Cf Q« Trentowsky, E^sqiiire, Prussian Consul in New Bruns* j wick. !■. ■ j COUJ^SELLORS AM'D JiTTORJ^lES PR^C^lSIJfO /JV THE PROVmCE. \ frtdtrict97f:.'r,Hs^n, Jokn A. &treet,( Attorney, G«nsral,) Daniel Ludlow Robinson, George J. Dibblee, Hon. Chtlrlea Fiiher, WiU Ham Hftzen Nccdnam, Geo?g9 F. H. Minchin» WilUam H. Odell, ^Aavid Shank Kerr, Edward A. Clowes, George Bolsibrdf Francis A. H. Stra|on,John C. Alien* George N. Segefr» JninesP. Wet- more, James P. Bertcn, Edward H* Wilniot, GeOg^ge W.; Ritchie, .Edward VV. Miller, Bernard C< Friel, George J. Bliss, William W. Street, John. J. Frasefr Edwar^l B. Fi^ltery iloh» iix.! Mars^i, Jr., and Jarpos Taylor, Jr., E^quireq* ' : Saint Jo/tn.-^Hon. W illiam U. K |1^ i Miramichi. — Tliomas tl. Peters, George Kerr, Edward Willisioht John M. Johnson, AHnn A. Davidson, Snniuel ThDmson, Peter Mitchell, Junior, Williatn Wilkinson, and James Frasur, Esquires. Dorchester. — Hon. Edward B. Chandler ((luetrCs Counsfly) T. S. Srtvre. Robert K. Gilbert, A- L. Pulmor, Albert. J. Smith, Wii- Ihim H. BuckeiTiold, and Edvyard I)- Chandler, Juni^ Lsquifes. SaektilU. — Christopher Milner, Juoipr. :|",: ; ; , Bend of Fetitcodiat.-^BViM Dotsford, and Jas. Steadman, Esqrs. Bay Vcrte. — Thomas C Chapman, Esquire. i/o/>etr«//.-— Samuel G. Mor&e, Martin B. Palmer, and *[^h«ima8 B.Moore, EsqiHres. Bathurtt — Thcophilus DesDrisny, and D. Gustavut MaefaUcb- Un, Esquires. Dalhousie. — Andrew Durborie, and Charles Simonds, Jr. Esqrs' CampbeUiown. — Chipiuan Botsford, and Jas. S. Morse, Esquires* St. Stephens, — George Stilman Hill, Stephen R. Hitchtngtr, T. B. Abbott, George Thomson, Jumes G. Stevens, an~Theophilus D.'M'Klmen, Esquire. Woodstock. — A. K. Smedes Welmore, A; Nelson Garden. David Lewis Dibble«, Levvis Peter Fisher, George Connell, Horace H. Beardsley, Edwin J. Jacob^A.M., and Jolro C. "Winslow, £fqur6.[ Grand Fulls — Wm. T. \Vilm6t, Andrew W. Rainsford, W. M. Maclauchlan,and Broke W. Hammond, Esquire^. *'fn ' Oromocto. — Thomas W. Bliss, £sc[uire* ? r( .^ Burton. — William J. Gilbert, Esquire. 1 STAFF His Exccllehby Hon. I. H. Manners Suttoit, Commander in Chief. • ' Lieutenant Colonel R Hayne (N..B. Regiment of Artillery), iVdlUtant General— 20th May, 1851. :ri Lieut. Colonel Jdhn Allen, Quarter Master General— 4th May, 1330. Lientenaht Colonel Charles Drury, Deputy Quarter Master Gendril, 18th June, 1847. Lieutenant Colonel Hayne fN. B. Regiment of Artillery), Provincial Aid-de-Camp— 11th April, 184*?. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Drury (Sftint Jofalt City Light Ibfantry,) Provincial Aid«de-Cnmp~l 1th April, 1848. Major the Honorable Lemuel Allen Wilmut, Jndgb AdT<>cMtt-Cr«n«- «al— 6th August, 1834. j, .;.•'- - .I;• HMi MMil ir|-epartmen<.— Saint John, 11. W. W. F'lant, Esq , Deputy Assistant Commissary General; U. C. Poultney, Com- missariat Issuer; Henry Marshall, Office Keeper. Fredericton, Shield, Esquire, 'Deputy Assistant Commissary General ; — — Smith, Treasnry Clerk; R. Hudson, Commissariat Issuer. Ordnance Department. — Frederick C. Frith, Esquire, Deputy Ord- nance Storekeeper; Lieut. Samuel Hnyghue(H. P. 60th Regt.); First Clerk ; Robert Pickthall, Second Clerk ; James Emison, Storehouse- man ; Fred. Harrison, Armourer; William Smith, Office Keeper. Barrack Department.— >Saint John, George Priestley, Esquire, Bar- raok Master ; James Sage, Barrack Sergeant ; Fredericton, John E. Woolforde, Esquire, Barrack Master ; John Edwards, Barrack Ser- geant. Saint Andrews, A. White, Barrack Sergeant. Rayal Engineer Department —Saint John, Major E. T. Ford, Commanding; Edward Lloyd, Clerk; Henrv Honni^ar, Overseer of Works. Fredericton, James Coughlan, Clerk of ^^ orke. Board of Respective O^ers.— Saint John (O. D.)— Major E. T. Ford, R. E., Captain Smyth, R. A., and Frederick C. Frith, Esquire, Deputy Ordnance Storekeeper. ■I . I . I ' TSBSSSSSSS OFFICERS OF CORPS SERVING IN THE PROVINCE. RoyeU Artillery. Saint John, Captain Smyth, Commanding; Lieutenant Blakeston. Fredericton, Lieutenant Wolfe. 76t& Regiment. Fredericton. Colonel Joseph Clarke, Command- ing; Lieut. Col. George F. C Scott; Brevet Major Collingwood Fenwick; Captain H. H.Lacy; Surgeon, Robc^rt T. Scott, Pay. master, Lieut .Robert T. Hearne ; Lieutenant and Adjutant, John C. Clarke; Lieiitenants A. N. Adams, John Geddes, andHenry J . Robinson; Ensign G. H. Best; Quarter Master, Honry Tyler. 76th Regiment, Saint John, Lieut. Colonel R. Gardiner, Com- mandant; Captain T. W. Cator; Lieut. George H. Heigbam ; Ensigns J. Vincent, and E. W. F. Acton; Staff Assistant Surgeon, T, O. K. Gordon. ieth Regiment, Saint Andrews. Lieuteooot. James C. Clarke, ComBiar^aant. i m i ^ 'I h I I I h^ n i A: II ■M EuuoAtio^ furinii and perfects tlie nuiid. It commences with the flrst ai|i.wn oC intellectual light, aoa in not completed t^i the seuscH lire paralysed hy age or destroyed by death. The early instructions of parents, the inllucnco of associates, the ac- compiishracnt of jabcor, and the observations and experiences of daily life, all help forn^the individual character and educate the man. A small part of the sura total of education is derived from books ; it iu received from, all sources whure the senses com- municate. , .«fln , The early education of chilldi-cn is under the direction of tltelri parents, who are nuturally tlieir teuchors. As is the phrest, ho to some extent will be the child. Uc forms the same habits, adc^ita th^ same ways of thinking, hai the same kind of ideas and the same opinions. If the parents are unloAi'ued and stupid, thinktuf? littlfi and Masoning lod», there is btit little piospcct of the child being otherwise* Early teachers and associatetf exert a poWeiful influence, and aecordiug to tRe effects of such inHucnce will be the child's JtHitiire destiny. In this sense <«tho boy is father of the man." '-** A man is known by the Company he keeps," and equally as well by the paper he takes, or the bobk he buys. We do not expect to And an intelligent family where there are no papers or books^ nfitither do we expect that farmer to keep up with t>io timics, who does not read his agricultural journal. The various agriciiltural books and p^per.^; now published, have a wide spf cad iuduence, and may be couaidcred as great and elHeient helps in acquiring an education, and as suoh, are not to t}0 neglected. Nl'MHim Oy PLANTS EaTBN BY DIIVKKBNX ANIMALSl—It hdS been eadculated that the Cow eats 276 plants, and rejectu 218; Goat eats 419, nnd rejects 126 ; JSheep t^^ 887, and rejects 141 ; llorse eats 2G2, and rejects^ 212 ; llog 71 j'<\nd rejects 27 1. j Wiia,^ TiMfesHotrtD te^Vi«l'YfeAl^ ?-^rhc pi^6d of pregnancy in jf the sheep is five months. For flockB w^ich' ai^e kept chiefly ftir I wool, it' in generally preferred to have th« hmbs dropped nbotrt ji the timathogra'^s starts, so as to afford sheep a •« good bite." j' The advantage of this is, that grass causes the ewes to give asup- j ply df litilk for the lambs, (^hich Merino sheep will iiot have i witl^out ^ass, uiUess grej^tattentioh is paid to j their feeding^) < j, aiijVtKe. li^bs are rearpd with more certainty aiid lees troublp. ii Where laiiibB are designed for the butcher, it is best to l;rave thei4' j; dropped as' early 4w Muwch ; and by feeding tVee%ves with gp64,D ! hay ;uid plenty of aufHcicnt food, as carrots,. turnips, &c., the lamba wiU g;QW rapiclly. ^ ^. j ,.,. .ii ...? Boi^Es AS MAifim*.— T^eHM'dfWfe^if liflAntirc y/rp'^ ctmi- menced in Efiglftnd, about 177 (J. It Was then commoii to apjidy fttvm 60 to TO aiid e^en 100 bushels to the acre, they, beirtg ; cosirscly bppkcn by hammers. Experience has proved, however, ♦fiat sc? lar^e' il^i^utity, dofes' not prodtitJe cffifects In propoitipli, and 10 to 12 bushels axe now thought to bo sufficient in M6bt 1 ' '''1 .■..■■- . .-1 . | ■ I ...-J- ... .. . . ,i,«,>,.nv ■■ - ■,.,, V^V....i . » ^ all C4H03. The animal valup o^ holier used in Eiigloud for tniuiure* i« totimatod at £880,000 or $4,400,000. Thb PuBaBRVATioN OF Manurr.— I am fully of tho opinion that Manure ought to bo. well rottod,to he applied to tho ^reatent advantage on sandy soils. For tlmt purpose, thoretbro, the Ma- nure of the farm should ho secured, o:ther under shodis for the purpose, or in yards so planned as to prevent loss hy drenching rains, or leaclilnff off, and made one year to be applied the next. The heaps should be covered with dirt or plaster of Paris, in order to prevent the escape of ammonia. Plowing Sandy Soils. — 80 ftu* as my experience goes, I have found six inches the best depth to plow sandy soiIh and loams. I am aware it is very fashionable to say ** plow deep," nnd I think this is said too much, without any discrimination. In clay soils, there is little JiDor of going too deep, but there seems to me no reason in plowing a soil to a great depth, that is already too porous. Even sandy loams are not bencKtted by too deep Allowing, and as to subsoiling ajiy light soil, except, perhaps, for the pur- X>ose of jraising root crops, I think it ruinous." Sbrd Potatoes. — In communications in the November and January nilmbcrs of the Cultloaior, on the subject of seed po- tatoes — the lirst by Mr. Murray, of Ohio, tlie other by Mr. Gold of Connecticut — it is claimed that those of .the smallest size are equal, if not superior to large ones for seed. Now this is a sfib- ject, as Mr. Murray eaya* of great impoi'tanoc to the former ; for if &om small and indiifijorout seed, cau be produced fiiir and large potatoes, as he rentuurks, it is time it was kuown. There is no crop the farmer ruisei?, that requires 90 much seed, or the seed of which costs; so much to an acre, as potatoes, ranging from eight to twenty bu!«helfl, the difference being one quarter in lorgb or small seed; or if it takes sixteen bushels, which is about the average of fair sized potatoes, to plant an acre, tho same might be done with Ibur very small ones, making a ddf- fereuoe of twelve, bushels, no; small item at present pr>aes, or fifty cents per buDhol, which would be six dollars in favour of small seed in planting oiie> acre. . ., * ■ Not doubtia>g th)e)CottectBe88 of either of your corxespondent'a. statements, for I have heard similar ones, from respectable sour- ces, X still am indoubt as to any good re.sulting from the practice ; on the contrary, my experience and observation having led me to la different conclusion. For six ycars^ I,havo planted both large . a»d suuiUse^d, sometimes from necessity, but have always care- fully noted the difference, which has been uniformly and decidedly in favour of Jarge seed. 1 Vill specify two cases. In the spring of 1849, 1 planted two acr6ij 6<' potatofes, a porti6n of virhich was planted with small seed. Where •Iplaii(t6li large seed, I had good potatoes, but where the smaU seed w'als tilaritwl I had very small, poor potatoes, the whclUe 1) K^ pksi seaion 1 planlied the same number of acres, bvt re- ■ n 'H. ' 1 J..i '^^J0ti,^^^^4^^.%^iili.^M^ ,-:-wu\*«.. 51 ■ served a quarter 6f an acre, which I planted with small seed, from the size of a walnut up to that of a hen's egg. The result was as all former crops had been with me, they were all small and worthless, besides being more affected by the rot than where large seed was used. The difference in the yines, was perceptible as far as my potato patch could be seen. Those vines where I planted small seed, being not half the length of the others, besides having a slender and sickly appearance from the time they were out of the ground till they were harvested. Animal Heat. — The necessity of a certain degree of heat in animals, in order that life may be supported, is well known ; but the process by which this heat is produced, and the importance of supplying the materials for its production, is not sufficiently known and regarded. The cause of animal heat may be said to be the same as that which is called into play in ordinary com- bustion, that is a union of carbon and oxygen* All animal food must contain carbon, and after the food has undergone a proper change by the action of the digestive organs, the carbon is car- ried by the blood to the lungs, where, by the process of res- piration, it is united with oxygen, and produces heat. Destructioic or the Grekn .Flv iw Plawt Houses. — The fumigating of plant houses and fraones is a troublesome matter, esptcially to amateurs, and hence the following plan, whicli \Ve have practised lately, may prove interesting to some. Provide a strong solution of nitre in water, in which soak some sheets of strong brown paper, and afterwards dry it slowly, and cut into lengths ofconvenient size, the largest eighteen inches by twelve inches; then get somft strong tobacco and strew it thinly over the paper, and with a coarse pepper box, dredge in a good coat of common Cayenne pepper ; wrap the whole up loosely like a "cigarette," paste the end over, and when dry it is fit for use. Two oi three of these suspended by a wire under a green-houso stage, and lighted at each end, will quickly settle the accounts of tho green fly and thrip, and that with comparatively little trouble. Indeed, if a quantity of these "cigarettes" are kept ready made, a few plants may be put into a pit or srna11< room, and be cleaned, at least have their insect pests destroyed in a very short time. By using Cayenne viuch less tobacco is required, and the two combined is most deadly, for as th« "cigarettes," will burn fcr a considerable time, say an hour or more, it is impossible for insects to live in an atmosphereso thoroughly impregnated with •lamenta' of suffocation. . Germination of Clov^u Sebr. — ^It is a well known (act Ihat with old lands which 1 ave undergone a continued course of cul- tivation for a number of years, grassseed,ocipecia)ly clover, is not apt to take well. To remedy this, tak« a very light ono-horse iron toothed harrow with the teoth protruding about three inches below the under vide of the frame or bars ; let this follow directly after the sower. The frnnie should bo made aa light as possible B "" - ■ ' ■ .....,- 1 .1 t . . , , , , , ^ I wiih the teeth a little cloaer than the ordinary large hairrow. It should be hinged in order to avoid scrapini; or rubbiilg out the wheat on the ridges and alfo to lap in the furrows. There need be no fear of injuring the wheat, but on the contrary it would-be of benefit to it. Nbw Mode op Planting Vpplb Trees. — A horticulturalist in Bohemia htts a beautiful plantation of the best apple trees, which have neither sprung from seeds nor grafting. The plan is, to take shoots from the choicest sorts, insert them in a potato, and plunge both in the ground, having put an inch or two of the shoot above the surface. The potato nourishes the shoot while it pushes out roots, and the shoot gradualjly springs up and becomes a b^utiful tree, bearing the best fruit, without requiring to be grafted. Pbize Method op Curing Hams. — ^The Hams of Maryland and Virginia have long enjoyed a wide celebrity. At the last exhibition of the Maryland State Agricultural Societyt four premiums were awarded for ^ams.. We are informed by those who had the opportunity of examining them, that they y^ecQ of firstf-rate quality. The following is the Recipe by which the Hams were cured that obtained the first premium. To every 100 lbs. of green Hams, take 8 lbs. of ground Ahim Salt ; 2 lbs. brown Sugar t (or Molasses equivalent,) 2 ounces Saltpetre ; 2 ounces Pearlash, and 4 gallons water. Dissolve well, skimming off the skum arising on the surface. Pack the Hams compactly in a tight vessel or cask, rubbing the fleshy part with flile salt as you put them down, and be sure to stand th^n on the idmall end, when you place them in the barrel. In a day or twa, pour the above pickle over the meat, taking care to keep it covered with the pickle. In four to six -weeks, according to the weight 9Xd size of the Hams, (that is to say, the longer period for heavy Hanto,) hang them (hock up) to dry, Let them remain for three or four days, and then smoke with green hickory toood, or corn cobs. Smoke, until the rind becomes a dark brown. The meat should be perfectly cool before packing. .Wash por Sorb Eyes in Animals. — ^Take of Whit^t Vitriol, two Scruples ; Sugar of Lead, one Drachm; Water, one Pint. M^?c, Wash the eye with this twice a day. Thb Horse — Curb for SriprivKfls akd Lambmiss.— >It is stated by a correspondent of the Farmer and Clardener, « that a horse made stiff and lame by driving an the roads, may be cured or prevented, by washing it with brine. A horse^ savs this writer^ that is driven on hard roads is liable to get stiff in his joints. Jn 1833 1 bad an aninval, aAer driving llivae or four days, got quite laine. An old Baltimore teamster iqld me to wash the mare's legs with a tolerable salt brine, which y&kii'f done; accordingly: three times a day for ihe baliinee of th^ joarney. 'The stiffness disappeared in a few dayo, and I drovA ike more 1,400, miles aflorwanls, and there was no more troubli^ wh Ihiit BGooUnt. What pleased me moat was, that th^ mare hfMl a very poor loot to hold a shoe, when I started. It wis vei' 'mmmmmmm\ ii V ' n 'msi am riti^Mmmlim \ \ mm s. 1 1 1 JVH .^...^.Mimmm^ J5|r-«■«»-><■ -^ ...'-jBMf :*i K-,> P'/'i'; 1 4}riiihj jrrid hard; aViilwimld, break out whehever m nail .ilr«ift ntft hi| but it gfftir togeilrer at every shoeing. A'blackfimilh in N«?iv rt^j^lHTid rr>niHrkevas as follaws: Live weight, 2,35^ lbs.; Dressed weight, four quar- ts, J,«9o; tallow, 198; hide, 85; total, 1,978 11)8. The heart weighed 7 lbs., and tlie head 32 lbs. Bhanghae Fo^'ls. — We have received from DrvEi Wight, of Boston, a pair of these fowls, bred ii-om stock imp(»ted bThiia from Sbanghae. They are entirely White, aiid of good size. Dr. W. informs us that though they are not quite a yeaa* 6ld, the cock weighed, a few weeks sinte, nine pounds^ — Cnitivator. Hydhaulic l^AMf— J. J, L'onet states in Moore's New Yorkeir, that he erected a water-ram which sends water 62. rods, at the rates of Ip gallons per hour, to hip, house and barn^ elevating it loo-'icet.; .■ . ...;■■ ,'; '■.■;,, ; K^ BiaiwoTH op a Bull. — The Ma^tnehusetts Ptot^mdrt states that a Bullj three years old, drew a cart leaded, up a hill, nWth Hhree tons of btone, and fifteen men on th« top of it, tl^e whole equfil to fr>ur tona ttoo hwrnired attd fifty pou)tids\ It was a load on Which the TV'oarkiag oa(|ett- had been tried, which were Exhibited ^iflhe «how of the Essesc county Agricnlmal Societj*. T^ buU^nte hitehed to the end of the tongue, iou.;. : :.-:; i. j) iirol i<* MKiir' oV L^AHNiNO, .K^ a;«d (JBNitrsi,— -Many qf jihe thosl einineiit IiaVe risen Tropfi.jhe plough. iHayid Itoitenhoni^, the American Astronomer, was a pioughboy ; so was Huriis, the ^ctlltJKb Huet ; and WiMiflm iO»sbiiet^y> ,WttS a ! farmer asd blWcbsmitli^. il^nator Alien. nf^tUiib^ |l^;{|« ■;•! , /ar^ttei;-** bMNr- ^Ipi4 AH|ieraan, a<;nN ttfiUitwmiti QcnernMlldnfbeit -wini a Horm !. »"B ui^ iir»i— %^ ^ ' ■g«;;.4J f Naplng, kept a country hivern, 48. did Qiithop Piiilpiits' inxUttr aud Ijfifi fatliKrfi of We^idfiijt Van Huren, land 13, F. Hnilwr; th«» hrnvio tleherHl H«i?5^«*ii father k(^pii^ti French 1<}r<||f'M limindsi; Joh^^ ^. Cfinrrittn 'was a plairter^S 8dn; TjiMitwiix Exn.^NVhp is il,e itiri'h HvlrMf.thiit shall nfeft sCe the oust, apn thHy they wH«» trust in wealth,* nor' the man of p v«»rfy;' i'pdeem Life from the grave, it is the place apjxiintHd for all: ih^ 'i^i^g* There the oppressor and the oppressed sleep together:^ Theiier- y^fnt^u^ ;bii»,niaf^t^ir VK]():(i() siU« by tiidi;. ^"Ijiejre the indpi^plUnd the; voii)pp^oi^B<^ci(i H cqu4:h, and th^ ^y^ary and ll«;tivy Ind^n a resting pKice. Itulers and l{i|ied, lojfty t^fid IpW, ^)cailed «tnd humble, rich and poor, bond and fre^^ holy ^nd vile; alliiro there. Thi^y lie d(>.wh in the dust alike, hnJ^itfj'e \ii6tm shallbover them. In that war thero is na disch'argb. 'A^'^.i sex, beJBiuty wealth, circumstances, entreaty, -prayfir, piety, or blasfihctrty. ^r^i^ alike iiuavaijl^g, tu ,^£;i|»'vV'ljo treads tiiA. nja.tions j^io djist. GKADTirtfL ExrKACT;-i-.ThB late emineiit judge, Bii-AHpn Park once said at a public meeting: ** We Iiv4 in the midst lif blessings till xve. a^e q^wly in|sp,n8ihU; of their igijpainess', ^^4 pf llw> l^PlJifce fr«»m whenc^ 1(1/'^' ^»W; ^> V sp.ejfk.^v^ Wf ciiVtiizi^tloiii, our urtf , **ur freed om|,9i^i,- l^w«, and forget^ ti^\ii^i.yi}qy/,\%ri^j^,^s^9ir'^i^ to ChriAtianliy. Blot Christiatiitv out of man 8 hitao^'y,nnd what tjould hl«';liiW'i«-haVe been ; what his felviliSfcati^fti^' tJhWsjill&ttfy iii mixed .irp'WiVh our very being and oJAr very lift ;"flrere is'pol a familiar object around you WhicH doe*fiop«l^ fy,^; room to to Ijirp in it." *' '1,'ujn in j^ ?" ijried his gr^ce : ** Jffhfn p.nce i» m^ti begtna to: tii/ii ih liis'b^dl^, it ifi :f}rti^ ttJ fUfii put.'' EAJ^'ftHi^ikf »» Tam «fr^ Aifr<*0ac^ipftflo oi3 e\ock i>r wMch late Pukfi of Weljingtpp, i^ ^hp l^u^^|e M ^P W^^^ vJ^^ **^V^' "Why is it ^o narrow ?" inquired a friend'; "th'dre i« ,p9^ ?I,W mo8t almanaita are giv^ti in mean or clock tiijQjef . ,-t,.,. ,,, ^ m » H {'I P'.j' A $uoHT DiirBRENCK. — A St. Louis paper, noticing some new sjMcimens of coal, says, « It looks like coal, feels like coal, smells like coal ; all the difference is, that coal burDS»and tliisfn/^noi." The Fragrakce of Onions.— Onions do hot, certainly, add to the sweetnees of a lad^r'a breathy though in fact they really do add to t^e fragrance of flowers. Let pur lady readers plant a large onion near a rose bush, so as to touch its. roots, and our word wt it, it will wonderfully increase the odor of the flowers. The water distilled fiom those roses would be far superior to any other. This is strange but true. Many, who find the day too long, think life too short; but, short as it i<>, some find it long enough to outlive their characters, thAir constitutions, and their estates. Men are very frequently like tea ; the real strength and good- ness is not pioperly drawn out of them until they have beeA for a short time in het water. A Patient Laiy. — "Ben," said his father dne day, "as soon as I get time I shall give you a. whipping.." <«Well/' aaid the patient boy, " I can wait." A Convict who was about to be sent to theHoiise of Correction, was told that he would have to pick oakum. ** Gosh !" said he, " if they set me to picking oakum, I'll tear it all to pieces.'* QfiK evening as Jonathan was leaving Sally, sjbe jntimated to him that another visit would not be unwelcome, by. saying, ** I shall be at home next Sunday night." *' So shall I»by golly, ' was his gallant reply. Drinking water neither makes a man sick, T>or rnns him in debt, nor make8> a wife a widow. Can as much be said of ardent spirits ? ,^ Out OK PAN«ER.-r->A Paris journal meations the attempted suicide of a criminal under sentenee of death, and adds, ** Medical assistance being promptly sdminiiitered^ he is now out of danger^ and wUl to-morrow undergo the genteHce of the law.'' ** Yotf ahouid never let the young men kiss, you," said a ve.nerablo uncle to his pretty niece. ** I know it, uncle," she riBturAed, pliffitently, "and yet I try to cultivate a spirit of for< giTenesli; 'ietnj^ that, when btae h^s been kissed, there's . no undoing it;** ^" v , • «W«AT 4<>y<>tt r n ! 1 1 .:it-i;:SO: :^.MM1A mmmmm meuna of wiviug inoiB |iv,e*, llian all piher |)re8rri|>.tion* of I ho »aiiie Hiiture pui together^ VVjihi) gtvun u.s soon asi the person ial JlrBt attacked, u mavUe wii i^ bfi u,u ttUno9ti»falUhle cure. | If tii« pulitM»^t haa, ^rnvijiSf or is \,u mucJi p^in, ho sho^l^ b« rubbud viguroiwly vi\l\\ ()>iwflmr 4;/;irtM»auVjflnMifelrlotii8 vruitg out of hoi viufgur nftdpeji*ntrf or hoi wJihk^jiund pipp^r, should be applied vyarin to the abflotiicn Pud HXtr(ii|iiti«iS i(i l^ot Uri|iks put to ihe fuet. A liirge bag of* Hnp^ Himmefud. in Vine^ur m^y be laid hot oyer th« liovyelft. Tho iiatiunt may^ drioH warm Ajlinl r«'/, SUpjtcry Ehttt or f/,/x S&r-U Tm, wui jiol h.icfcs . r jv^f* af water mav bt! uhMod around the body, lo gnt it in a warm p*,ir- spinition. Uy coninionring in this luannei, d&id liu^n pulling in a Doctor as fiui*n au possible, every onu will be safe that may be ftttHcked. • AnpiTioN-M^. Hi'ipJRirrg for Choieha, &c.--Take Spirilf of Cumphur$ Hpi^Usnf I u^pentinf!, and L'luduvuuit of am U four tea- spoonful ; OUif t'epptntf,iui, fifiy drops Shake it weii .l^fifore using. . P.sei One l»f}l^pu^»nfnl in ^i nie. hot Bra;iept Frenr,h liruntl^i twely.e drops OU «// l^tpperminf. ; tweniy-four drop? J^ayfinnvm. Do^ : A: tiib|e,s>p<^ju^il eveiy ten niinuies, vntj! relifjyt^df These two last rereipis are not €ojii»idfrvd «s ejpectgiil as l|iQ>fo.rfi* gpijjg, beganso what will tyre one, will ^ot always ';ure anotj^er*. and i'fihe former fail, these may be tried. We wish i«», put every family i,n possession of that information, wbi^Yl^wiH ehable them to act piumpttyiu eases of emergency, and tH^n save the iiv«;t( of 'iheir households. .For often, when u nivHi^ian is called ID, it is to0 late to do any good. us^j u;^ ^'.\cMiBKhvn—Ti^ most txceJ lent Stdv« for Bunna^ Srff/fhe LfHtl'iH takeo lip b>y tr a shining black, reiunvjR It fro m the 6re ; nnd, wiien nearly, coki, a^d of finally pulvenieii'd' Cnwplt*m^ oiie and a. ihird D^aohms.^'' <; It al«unl:«i~re'lri)! alone, i^^ to remoyi) 'iLirtti,e pain ii,ndi iiifliimnriaiion. Ertrij J[>l^\i'^sh'ovii kpcpHt hM th4^ in (^« httusi. i% ia useful for aintinds'^of'bM sofei. ' „:nJJBfi i^»EVfKl!T awBLtiNO i!Roii( A 8!Kmajik^Imm«iidiaMy Kpfi^j a cloth, five or six fold, dipped \n.eo/d ie«/iBr,^and't»iB.Mi|.d^ed MwliCi* ftt^fkWt^arin,' Qi^ inmadiiiUiy afply^tfo/c^MAJipreM^OiailHi'fSivn lie W m ■BWliwpiw^cwpw wiiapwwiijww^^ Rkmkdv fou W oHMn.^'Vf^ti Sfiirititiif Turnitnfine nnd Hontij, oftittch a iiibr)?»fmoiT?UI. ttlix tlicin wulJ, Htid give lo h child 3 ^ycarp i^ll»U; teat'^winFui («r lilts riH«tur4)».Q>r ilirM« niurniii^M in .8i^cr.esaMon. -^ Tiion, on Ui^iouiiii day. givo^a done ef C xtpr QU, Wail llirBe daysfand if h.«c«'D8niy,ri;p«ni tU« abovo euuri^e, wliioli tyill aitnoft alwaytt btvK:Hc:cf8siul. An excellknt Pile OiuTinsU'r.— TiaJte of pulTerized Opiums two Drachms ; of clean Tiar, one Ounce. Mix them thoroughly, and anoint the Piles with-it twice » day. Or, Take pulverized Nutgalls^ two Drachms; Hog' a Lard, one Ounce. Mix thoroughly, and use as above. Warth. — Diesolve as much c»inmi>n W't9hinff 8nf{toieitt to form a dough (?ait up t(ie butter in t ha i| glaz^ vessel m. quart of wafer ananbout tliree^oun^s of bard glii6. This is tobe xaeH^ over ft gfentife fire iii a ghie-pot, and stirred up occpisionally. Wl|}| jiU th^ glu§ ts «|€ijt65^, drop ii gta^^y * P^^ quantity of nitric acid, when effervescence will. Jake pJacf .. Thei vessel is ther'^'l^Mfitei'tjft'^Ke ^fe and aHowBd to cool Li<|uid glue i^« ttt ibis ^a^er'Easl^n kept ife^jmi^e than two yfears in an uncprlied bottl^ wltbout any change. . It will bg usefulffor many traae8,*iTfero «" itron| gtue ta nsjttired, without th^ trouble of mmmmmmmmmmmmm ^^ I IL i ; "■'. I; I ' "I ■[.Ml ' f CO ^« H asfi^ OB p c5^ ?5 5 = ft- 5s u "« CO "a o ao^waO'9oao^eao^oao«roaovoac^oao^ooo^oa>«o •*s cob>-<^aoGtino>n(oe^r«'-'>nQoei(00>mroo * oo — >o » ci • o -: w oeooo — — -«-* — fl«fO»e»«ifl»o»«w*JMrs-»"*'i'^'»">'iCo;ooioo(owooa'iv C4 o 0t CI M) ofri-) ^ 00 <-4 ^ r« o C9 r> e n cd A e« CO oi et o 00 ~ w)! ^HrH*^ ff>^Fii»H ^^n^ p^r^f-^ ^^'^l •• S oooooeooooooooooeOooooe ooeoooo: n to e> 01 m oD n ^ t« o ci to o>G( M) 00 ^ ^ r« o m «o o> ei u%ao •-) ^ r> o rmrmi-^ w^ r^i mm i-H >Hi— !•-• i-i^^i^ ^ o «s ooooFi<«-«»H^>H>i4-weow n co o^^y -^ ^J tf) -*• 'T oooio^r m o o 00 (o « et o o ao «o di M) 00 e m to e> M 10 T-> t^i-lm^ "H »H 1^ r^ ^^ ^ PI •-« 1^ 1^ n i«i| « aovoao«oa0'«oao«o 00 Vo 00 ^ o 00 ^ooo-* O 00 V O OD V Ol eiM3at>on;eao^^toa)at^r»oeiiOooep:tooo<-4^«Qa>ei^itaO OOOOOOOi * r-l « (ooooce o to o to'ci to ^ to o to o to oteocootootootopoo eooAoee*^ i-<^^.«>-«c90oooc«^«>qi'4 •-• 1-4 «-4 •-• -w f-4 ^ e« e* c« M at et et 0* ei CO CO e4 H ojoooooosoooooos oooooee 00 0090 J olQt'«<030oef^(5oooo(<4'(D«oo««tecoeGt^toaoo ei ^ taoo o -« CO'O ypOpOOOQ. I c« cf 01 01 ei ei oi gt et e»n esoo^e«ooooc»^o(ooQOte«o«oosoto«o(ooao f ^«(o •^eoust* 3>>4e«^«oooeeiniOt«a»-4n waoooi^ior»A?«coiA OOOOOOQ , PpO^FN?<«-»F to toaoen4C9Mitbooo ;- ii KN FN M (H 1^ ^T^^^^^i,,^,^;^ ■ • ^ OpOOOpOQOOO' 'k ete«ete»Qfei to e «0 o to o pepo(apt0c^tDid«pi0 MO p to ^ to 6 to e «0 e FN e» ^ «a t^ a P e«>) «» to oo o'l^ oi ^ tdir* a»p fn m « tor« ao ak n to ON ^H FH FN FN PI rN ■ •^-N'f— ••*!«»« *N ^> ' eoeo'oooeo D»g I "^ ot to 'ho«i«on r* ! ?! ^-'S^ 60 A TABLE For Foretelling the Weather through all the Luttatiom of each Year forever,, ♦. POUlfBO or DR. HKRICHELL^ AND BITIfltn BT DR. ADAH CLARKE. Tbis tfbje and the accompanying remarks are the result of many ;eari actual observation, the whole being cen»triicted on n. due con- rideration of the attraction of the sun and moon, in their iieveral po> kitions respecting the earth, and wilt by simple in8pecti<'>n shew the >bserver what kind of weather will most probably follow the entrance )f the moon into any of its quarters, and that so near the 4(uth as to Wte seldom or never found to fail lllf the new iiinon, tbe first 'I quarter, tlie fuU moon, or \ ibe last <|unrter, happens IN 8UM11EB. ! Between midnight I and 3 in the morning, 2 and 4 morning, 4 and 6, •• 6 and 8, " 8 and 10, " 10 and 12, *< At 12 noon, and 2 p. m. Between 2 and 4 p. m 4 and 6, evening. and 8, ♦* 8 and 10, •• 10 and midnight, ^ Fair. Cold and showery Kain. Wind and Rain. Changeable. Frequent showers. Very rainy. Changeable. Fair. Fair, if winid ». w. Rainy, if s. or s. w. Ditto. Fair. IN WINTER. Hard frost unless the wind, s. or w. Snowy and stormy. Rain. Stormy. Cold Rain, if the wind be vi ; snow if k. Cold, and high wind. Snow or rain Fair and mild. Fair. Fair and frosty, if wind is If. or IT. X. Rain or>now, ifs. orsw Ditto. Jfair and frost jr. Observations. — 1. The nearer the time of the moon's change, first qnartlsr, Yull and last quarter, are to midnight, the fairer will be tbe weather during the seven days following. 2. The space for this calculation occupies from ten at night till two next morning. 3. Tbe nearer to middav or noon, the phiyses of the moon happen, the ihorefoul or wet weather may be expected during the next seven j days. • 4. The space for this calculation occupies from ten in the forenoon !to twrt in the aAernoon. " These obsirvationa refer principally to the summer, though (hey alTtiiCt spring and autumn nearly in the same ratio. • * 5. The ntonn^s change, first quarter, full and last quarter, happening during six of the af\ernoon hours, i. e. from four to ton, may be fol- lowed by fair weather i but this is mostly dependent on tbe wind^ as ie not«d in the table. 6. Though the weather, from a variety of irregular causes, is more u'noertain in the latter part of autumn, the whole of winter, and the b«finning of spiing, yet, in the main, the above observations will apply to those periods also. 7. To prognosticate ccMteutly, especially in those cases where the wmd is concerned, the observer should be in sight of a good vaff«, where the four cardinal points of the heavens ate correctly placed. WSfSB A It \^ m 61 I 5 ( MRNER OFSOUTH MARKET WHARP AND WATER 8TBEETJ «AIlffT JOKIV, W. B. 11 HE Proprietors of this Estai>iis>hmenl keep oon»taot)y . on hand the following GOODS, which ihey oflur totlw Public al exceedingly low ra^es, forCash only. f Hoole, Stamfonh t^#^ rablic ; therefore worthy- of their nttcntion, ' , ' Agents for the eaU of WiLDER'S S/VLAM ANPRH SAFta fpd THOMAS BKUWN S( PVl'EWT DECK PWE^TOPPiB*!^ itiOlNG BITS and CAPSTAN. ,r MANUFACTtlRERfe OF BUP'ElimR CUT NAlLa ■ ^05^ In9p^!(i\on is respdclfuily solicUed, They^ ' ment < Stovb PLOL Wh«e •f? 'fi£ I Poncl^M Sa^t Mil. Ni B. ?• ^l^lLi.51:^^; The Proprietors of the above Estrffefishment are now pr«. pared to Manufacture TUKNING LA'I'HKS. SGIfEW PKESSES, MlLl MACmNEBY, BABK MILLS, wfimKd Wheel auu, &<>., &e., &c They #ttl eiideatotJi' lo keep €OBst, Side Hill, Dou- iiL-8 MrttTLD^BoARD, So© fV, iMPRovBD D, aiVd olhi?r Fatn^m rLOUGtlS. Fanning Mill Wheels, Truck ahd U^tnf^ Wh«elBj Waggon and Can Boxes, &c., &c., &c. rr FLEMINGS HUMBERT. fj* BiHA«s j«ml Juan Qastin6S made lolbrdei'f BluiMf »nd lB(m Tvftm'N<». . All kind* of Maa^uin^ay Be[pair^.| m 111 M vi '}M D. & J. LEAVITT,L It 1*1 if r I** WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND FLOURDEALERS; Bftxos BTmsuro, CORNER OF MARKET ANI> GERMAIN STREETS, SAXHTT JOBXr, IT. B. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF . rMii»9 -sHiaAs ta^Sg" >WGJR8, MOLdSSES, TOBJCCOS, CIGARS, COFFEES, SPICES, FRUIT, CONFECTIONARY, PROVISIONS, WOODEN WARE, COBN BR001XB3, Jnd all other Goods connected with the TVade. ():?• Orders from the Country promptly ati- teoded to. ^% All Goods purchased at the above Estab- lishment will be delivered at any part of the Citj^, Portland or Indian Town, free of charge. mi Cf] ©ONSTAfl PAD i; EXE AC! a. F. THOMPSON, DOCK STREET, IMPORTER AND DEilLER IN GLASS, pum, &c. ©ONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF a£ET AN! SBMEi MU, OF SVimT SBSORIPTZOir. PAimGrMirimft, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED WITH J^EJITKESS JJfD DESPATCH. ACENT FOR BLAKE'S iIRE PRO Of PAlfitl. i < y . -j-i isri':i, - — . i. p' *! f'-l f ' « ^'\ § ABOTE GOODS ■■■*' ji? it' s-v^ m mm, iO '«. ■■■f STREET No. 18, Ming Street, B. I New Brnni^wiek, HABIT / J,, to-iwj-Q, •,|s ?«* WHOilESALE IHD BETAS. P&m m SKm^ l^D F0K3I9B ;H.M n If v-|;| m EBEm DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. «ORNER OF NORTH MAJ^KET WHARF AND DOCK STSSET, SMUT l@)IIIICp N« e« KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN AflSOBTMENT OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, BItirSBBS, FAZXrTS ANP OIKS, Burning Fluid and Lamps, Dyewoods, &c., Paint, the Subscriber is determined to sell Ms Goods at such a reasonable rate that; notwithstand^ ^ing his situation is at rather an extensive point; from the principal business portion of the City, th# inducements are such s^f will well repay those at % • distance to give him a call. ^ Having been appointed Agent for t}i(? Sale of Muji- TAifG Liniment, Hampton's Vegetable Tincturb, Townsend's and George's Sarsaparilla, Hadway'g Ready Relief, Perry's Hungarian, Balm, Beek'i Washing Powders ; HoUoway's, Wright's, Moffatt'e, M 'Lane's, and Kidder's PILLS, aiid in fact all the popular preparations of the day;, it is with oon- ficience they are offered for sale, as the Motto of the above Establishment is, ""TBII BUST QVAUTY OF GOODS, THE QUIKKEST SALES, AND THE SMALLEST PROFITS.'^ GEOvC. GARRISON, ^ Rt^ed^f^jPrntit^ Saint John^ JfB. > i 1 i I J { I [H- '.M i E f St. ,; III OEI H < m Pi 06 O ^ u. XiOOHBART & OO. Uamtfadmvrt of Bat), Caps, and Far), and Importen of Dry Qoodi, Brick Building, No. 17, King Street, Saint John, "S. B. Pn AN extensive assortment of Gentlemen's BEAVER, FRENCH VELVET, SATIN and SILK HATS; Gent.'s Black, Drab and ejfloured Kossuth and Mayger HATi:5 ; Children's and Youth's Black and Drab Beavekj Satin and Kossutb Ao^ \ Men's and Youth'* Soft Sporting HATS, all colours ; Gent/s and Youth's Summer Hats, in Pannama, Leghorn and Straw, fashionable and cheapo Gjdnt.'s and Youth's CAPS, new(>st styles ; Balmoral, Giengdrry^ Plush and Seaiet Caps; Scotch Bonnets; Glazed Hats in great variety; Hat and Cap Covers; Peaks; Straps; GOLD and S1L> V.£R LACES; Brushes; Leather Hat Cases ; Umbrellas; Carpet Bags; Travelling Trunks and Valises; Gent.'s and Youth's FUR CAPi?, in Beaver, Otter, South Seal, Astrachan, Nutria, Sable, and Timx SiBVi\t neijotsi patltrnn ; Cloth Caps, trimmed; Beaver, Otter* Routh Seal, Astrachan, Nutria, and Sable Fur ; Gent.'s Fur Glov«« and Gauntlets; FUR COATS; Ladies' MUFFS, BOAS, VIC- TORINES, QUEENS, and CUFFS, in French Sable, Stone Mar- tin, Fitch, Russiain, Polish, and British Suble, Ermine, Miniver, Sfod New Brunswick Martin and Mink; BuiTalo Robes; Sleiglh lt3;if GOODS and Gent.'s FURNISHING GOODS. VlT The attention of the Wholesale and Retail Trade ii invit«Mi U^hd nbovo Stock. '/The Subscribers have every facility to give their CugtondMiiN \^.% iu sscuriDg Cheap Goods. LOCSHART&CO. vu; m ' ■*, the So friends tronag^ LARd H^iC Which and caD OF MX] 05STII Ofil 09 06 h N.& HENCH Drab and Youth'i Youih'« Summer engdrry* in great nd SIL- ; Carpel h's FUJI ible, and r, Otter, r Glov«» S. VIC- )nc Mar- Miniver, ; Sleifti liaccoo»t d Fan«f I invit OAXASOOS^^, OF THE MOST APPROVED PATTERNS, "SHIPS' PATENT PURCHASES, IRON PUMPS, AND ALL OTHER CASTINGS FOR SHIP?. MIKK ANB BNGXNIi WOUBL DONE AT THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT 0?« THE MOST REASONABLE^ TERMS. AND WARR AfVTlf) TO GiVE SATISFACTION. C. CRAHC. 'ill !!^ i \m ^•i' rl^ 6^' Alt HASTINGS & BROTMR, PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, SAINT JOHlf , N. B.i mPORTGRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN RY GOODS. WHOLESALE DEALERS SUPPLIED ON THE MOST > mum TERMS. KETAir. PUUCIIASERS SERVED WITH A (;()()1) ARTICLE, AT THE LOWEST PRICE. A*, li, — JYo Second Price in our Establish- ment, «?( «*"'• r, 4 N OF ilGN s PLIED I Wl 111 A IICE. Establish- STORE, jFERRY LANDING, WATER STREET, SAINT JOHN, JV. B. PURPOSE KEEPLNG CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A StTFPLT or THE F0II.0WIN6 ABIICLES, varsian tbey vrtLi. disvosb of bxtbs& ' WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, At the very lowest IMarket rates, and on accom- modating terms. » FISH. Codfish, Polloclv, Haddock, Hake, Pickled Herrings, Smoked Herrings, Pickled Salmon, t^oiised Salmon, Smoked Salmon, Mackerel, Alewiyes, STEWART & M'LEAN. Shad, Boiled Linseed Oi! Halibut, Raw Linseed Oil, Tongues and Soi mds. OILS. PROVISIONS. Beef, ) In Bond or Pork, i Duly paid. Seal Oils, Cod Oil, Tongues, Porpoise Oil, Tripe, Dog Oil, Hums, Whale Oil, Bacon, Sperm Oil, Lard, Lurd Oil, BuUor. i a JOHN KINNE AR Keeps on hand, for Sftlfe, Wholesale and Uetail, a Stock of lire fol leaving Goods : * m Annallo,Roll ; Arrowroot, best ; AHspice; Ditto Ground ; Alum; AciJ, Tartfirit ; Axes and Handles; Apples, Dried. Borax, Refined ; Brimstone, roll ; Blue, fig and btitlon ; Brick, Bath ; Beeswax ; Blinds, green ; Brooms and Brushes ; Boxe», Sugar and Spice ; Boards, Wash ; Books, Blank ; Baskets, asuorted . Barley, Peari and Pot; Beans; Blacking, Paste and Liquid ; Black* iug, Mason's; Blinds, Green Window; Broma,Motts ; Books, Log. Camphor; Copperas, Green and W^hite ; Carpeting, Wool ; Cords, Bed ; Corks, Bottle; Coiton, Warp ; Coffee ; Whole and Ground ; Carroway Seed ; Cloves, Whole and Ground; Cinnamon, Whole nnd Ground; Currants, Dried; Chocolate; Candles, Mould and Dfpt; Chnirs, cane seat; Chairs, cane back Rocking; Ditto, wood Meat Rocking; Ditto, wood seat Common; Chairs, Children's^ Chairs; Chalk, Red and White; Cornices, Gilt ; Molt's and Cagii> Chocolate; Cocoin, Mott's prepared. -^ Fluid, Washing; Farina; Floor Oioth, 4-4 American; Ditto, Ditto, 6-4 and 8-4 ditto ; Ditto, Ditto, English 4-4, 6-4, and |-d ; Feathers, picked and cleaned. Ginger, whole and Ground; GJue» best quality ; Glass, 7x9 to 14x20; Ditto, 31x25 to 34x46; Glassware, assorted ; Glasses, Toilet; Glasses, (Looking) and Plates; ijinger. Ground, in Tin Foil ^^^ffm «iid 261b. kegs. Indigo, Black and Blue. Heads, Wheel. Locks, Carpenters ; Lamp, Black ; Lead, Black ; Ledgers. Mustard; Mjits and MHtting; Mattresses, Hair and Pa'.m Leaf. Nutmegs; Nails, Wrought, from 4dytoS0dy; Ditto, Horso, 8dy to lOdy; Ditto, ditto, 4dy to 5dy ; Ditto, Cut, 3dy to 12dy ; D»«», Boat, 1 2-4 tu 3 io. ; Ditto, Pressed, 6dy to l^dy. o Oi^ BoiM •n4 KitW Liiuetfdi BHto, Se« Zlephaul anil ria«. R I ETA I L, J ; Alum.: I ; Brick, asuorted -, d ; Black* >ok8, Log. ol ; Cords, Ground ; n, Wholft lou4d and iUo» wood hildren's\ and £agi« in ; Ditto, , and i'8 ; 188, 7x9 to ses, Toilet; Foil RapiiM nd Blue. }gera. Po'm Leaf. Horso, Sdy Uy; Dill*, Oil, CttBtor and Lar(|; Dittot^ FfbieXe ; 0«lmeftl ; Ochic, Yellow. Picture Frames; Pepper, ground and whole; Paints, VVfcii« ; Pniats, Coloured; Peas, SpJit ; Pipes; Tobacco; Putty; Pyper Hangings; Paper, writjng and wmppini; Pins, Caolhosi Paper, Glass and Sand ; Paint, Fite Proof. Q Quadrants. Rioe, Bengal and American ; ftaisios, Boxes. s Saltpetre; Salts, Epsora ; Senna Leaves ; Ssgo, Pearl ; Saloratuit ; Soap ; Soda, Bread and Washing; Sugar, Loaf and Crushed; Ditto, White and Brown; Starch, Oumrnoa and Piitent; Sulphur and Snuff; Slab Spulter, or Zinc; Shot,, all numbers; Slationerjf; Stoves, assorted ; Show Glasses ; Shoes, Indra liubber; Spikes, £» to 10 in.; Soap, Castile; Stools, Cane Seat. T Tufpontine, Spirits; Thre^, Shoe; Tea, 3lack ^n4 Gree.q ; Tapioca; Tin, I X; Ditto, I IX; ThennoinB^rs, 9, 12 ^nd 15 in. Varnish, Copal ; Ditto^ Bright; Yi^ipl, Blue. '' ■ w ■ ■ • , Whiting; Waggons, Children's; Wooden Ware; Wax, Red Sealing; Whiting, Paris and Bolted ; Wicki^g CoUt^a. ^^ WHOLESALE AND BETAIL WABEHQUSE, PRINCE WILLIAM gTREET, SAINT JOaW , N. it. J. & J. HE6AN, 4a(|;l»Q|lTEB8 AND PflALEIfc^ IN ALL Hmm Of LINEN, Woollen, COTTON tnd SILK Manufactures, Irish POPLINS and TABiNETS ; Haberdasiierv : HOSIERY ; Gloves ; Ribbons ; Shawls 5 liaoes, &:9., !& 1,1 m, S' ( nr- H S. L. TILLEY, No. 19, KINfi STREKT, SAINT JOHN, N. B. OFFERS FOR 8ALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A mil SELECTED AND COMPLETE ASSORTnEIiT OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, DYS sTxrrFS, OBsnnoAZiS, SHAVING SOAPS, CONFECTIONARY, ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, pure and gennine. , Orders respectfully solicited. LYONS' KATHAIRON, FOR THE GROWTH OP THE HAIR, TO PREVENT ITS F^ILLD&sO@ ©^IFJ^I^^P TdillliiOai^© ©l^llT. v< AWARBBD TBS RICIBS8T PRfiMHTMS BY THI6 mTES OF KEW YORK, MARYLAND, AND MICmOAN, AT THEIR ANNUAL FAIRS. S. X. TZXUSX, Ag6Bt for New Bnmswiok. | B. ;tail, OF IS, Y, JARY, ULAR line. , AIR, T THBIB ¥. B. ¥. H AUCTIONEER AND G0HHI8SI0N HEEGHAIST, PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, 1 LIBEBAL ADVdM}ES MJlDE OX GOODS SEJfTFOR SALE. Always on Hand a General Assortment of •I '3 muwiok. COOKING AND PARLOUR STOVES, AND FRAMX&X1TS. General Out door Auction Business attended to. Particular atltntion given to the Selling of BORSES, OARRXAeBS, «CC. filC. '4 ' '1 I I y 3 tC ea o o > c p ii O $ 4 "a § e CD ^ a CO E cs rr: a, o cs to ^ ^« Hi .4 CQ ^ GO J) 'o en o C3 &4 -r. o 41 O 72 (A cs O CD OU 5^^ go flu « ;£ ^ •' J-; a -u <^ M •-^ " * S w Mill cs Q cc QQ as ♦-' «-! q; a; CQ "^ •- I/. ^ S o « rj ns H s ^ f § i, CS' a It o o i o (A 07 t5 Si I JC. o •« J- ,. 5: * ^^ a a gl3 f2 > O «^ ^ I. "* £ ''' I J c ^ a; a; 3U O O «> S " CB ^ a ^^ Q,r^ -CJ.- CJ' a u ^ i o a> u » ^ "^ »; ^ CO CO O Sou £ 5 ^51^ & JO 0^ t- ^ 4/ -ti o£ = 8 > o CO 8 M M >» >• e - € ft? S«^H,^ 2 .- ^ a « gH -so ._ 9 |C4 <2; « e »^2 's ?..' M 18 O «'^«H^ Sl« ^r: xn - i/> .X 7: rj> ?« h w 9} K Q 5 -•£.'5 iT^ >^ >.2 S ?= 22 9«S Cd .^ '^ w 50 u offi«~.s oiB^ss; "^ s 5 >*< C- 5 5C in CO P re 1^2 -a o o CJ "> «a5 »> » o :g V} « O o 4-> Q- - tt ** <0 - • v' f-9 M O o S a oOW CO «« 10 <^ 2 « JS o. o *-> IS 03 ^ -^ cl OT o a -a 0) -o s. c «e2 ffl CO 5«S M kM ki^ » 5*1 5^ < ■ z ■ N§-i:»^tg s c ^ 5 5^ o Its a. c o Si no 00*23 "52 Otf -a "©cute ^ c c3 c d '' 1 ' 'i| bfc CB > ^ ra t! at-© et a o .2 a> fo r* eo «J5 -, « s ^ © 4J © C S t> -s .> fl C « S « « i i S. K. FOSTER'S PQ p=^ CO Pxq .—3 P4 " Foster's Corner," Saint John, N. B. aUEEN STREET, NEXT TO A. COY & SON, FREDERICTON. XADXBS' K^BL XrADISS' uinnHiiMRiiiii Of every description, quality and price that may bo desired* from the best to the cheapest, and to suit every season and locality ; Girls and Children's Boots and Shoes, of all <]ualities, sizes and prices, and suitable for all seasons and situations ; Youth's and Boy's BOOTS and SHOES, from the finest sort to the strongest that may be required ; Men's Boots and Shoes in great variety; RUBBER SHOES; Men's, Women's, and Children's Rubber Shoes ; Hosiery ; Women's, Girl's, and Children's Hosiery ; To Preserve Health, Insoles for Men's and Women's Boots and Shoes; TRUNKS, of all sizes. DOMESTZO MANYTFAOTURES. Men's, Boy's, and Youth's BOOTS, BOOTEES, &c.; Men's Strong Lace BOOTS and SHOES; Children's Patent Calf, Seal, Grain, and Fancy BOOTS ajid SHOES, For Sale, Wholesale and Retail Oi4« \r ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 ■to ^"^ m^M us ..n IL25 III 1.4 Hiotographic Sciences Corporalion ^ gb •SJ \ ;\ \ ^. i\ 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WEBSTER, N.Y. MSM (716)872-4503 '^ •♦>> V TH E Siibaicxibfi F l|f (^ .leave to caM the |itten tipn of th« Public to the large selection of Drugs, Medieine^, Patent Mediciaesi Perfumery, CbemioaIt«. OilSf Paint Oils, Leads, Glass,, Putty, Turpeotine^ ^.—Gfeaeroi Agent for the following celebrated und truiif Genmtie Articles-^viz ; Townsend*s Compotind Bxtrcic^ bf SAifsAPARiLLA, Mr». Waterberry*8 celebrated imf fkr-famed Dinner Pills, Reid^a never-failing Gingeibread Wobm NtJTS, Langley^s Hoot and Herb Biuers, ftad a mimbef of others too nume* roos to mention. AJJ Me4}elnei pureiiaaedftt ti«it EtublishnaM SMidt )w««s I«b«l •n witli tbe namfi/uf tix^ Propnexor* Otbo«wi«» he witl not htt fe^i tpoiiBible, OS mony inlVf>9r «ftiele«, Mfiicutarly in tbif Businena, HFe 8dld by ihcompetetit beraotii.o-tvi^ry attention will be paid ta crastomerif, and thit «mimr fkv'diih ^ththVfally retftived.^Alwar* •n hand : SOf A W^YSIK §^m ^^ett of ClGAftS. ^ £7* Pleaaa fire us t cmtl at tae Medical Hall. «0 H ] Doc^ li^^;S€^lti|A|ij^^^ B. isof the int Oils, gentfor s-^viz ■: A, Mr». inglejr^s > nurae^ [9 9 IaM Susinena, ) D»id tu -Alwajr« EDna. '1 ;»^ •^*i,- FLOUR ««> MEAL 9 TEAS *■> ETERY ARTICI.B IMPOUTEB iniCKtrt'Vihow No. 28, Nos. 1 and 52 Scotcfa^ Bide Uiil, Drill, D.^ond hthor l^loughs, of improved patterns ; with or without woods. Larf* ■Boilers, with portable Stoves ftftached for £ana yfirds. Auo— • A large. astorQnertt of Kitchen Ranges, Cooking Btovee^ jR^egister Grates, Franklins, Fire Frames, Close, Coal, Parlour and Air Tight Stoves, of all sises and pitlemsk and Iron Railing of vafioui designs. ., •, j ,^ They are also prepared to furnish Steam Engines and Bol^r>i Mill and Sbig Ca8t|fi{|%i ^bm Canibopses and V^ atorQtos«|fi, grafts and Compositibrt Castings, and Ml&chin'elry of all kinds, at'alfdrtsftt notice and at low prices for prompt pay. ip- They%ouid a1|i% call th<» itiemioA «# ^e pohiis to tbei^ ^mUML MAC^tlq^KY, which ia in active %rafibn; atii they keep c<^iMUtnt% i«K fa«9fl |kQ Utiii%M^ kf ^Om ftAUs, of th« \t€y beat quality* n T.I i m ] £6 Cto A. VI &1 ei» WINE& snM ^58tf) EVEp AETICLE IM|OETEn DIRECT •r W i Qoojts sent to any part of the 0% frceof Charge. ■ i'it ¥1 "•I ' I 1 't 4 tti RANKINE^S I STEiM BIBCUIT^ MANUFACTORY, MILL Sf^aEET, ST. JOHN, N. B. ■r.^' -'^ TNONIAS RilNKMSr JB.f MANUFACTU8ES AND KEEPS CONSTANTLY " ON HAND, '^ Soda, Wine, , Grahkm, Grocers, Botteit '^*.^J I m Graham, J n g rr>,^'-rw-r «?•*"* ' ,1 . O T , « . 3^?t3i, .-K. .•(•■•rr- ciRcnr WLOT, MEDItmt, AND NAYYJREAD. Packages ileliTer^d in any tiart.of the City free of Charge. ORDERS iPflW THE -COUMtY PU^fCTUALEY AlftNDED T0.> ^r i It N.B. 4a< ANTLT g I EAD. urge. f IMPORTER OP ALL K|NDB OP 5 f ^'uauoBs, ' » . .-' i ( 4 >■ SAIWJ '" ' »■ '* ". * ■ i.j y > • 1, ..111 ■ 1^" ■^ «T i' l ' ' (Misnn So. 2f,;lf|pi|Mp of J^ 8|n«^IMiit lo^ H. B., 1^ ,,..£..:;, 4-'-i. ALL mmk Foil^ AN0 DfiffE^icfOLpND IpprIeather; AajLndiof Pttept lenUier uid Joeskint fo? 1!ender Feet, Sple J^ea^HNTt r N^iils of ail fcindg^ Patent Serew*, Ne^8 Iiejitlier; : fj9feel.^ip4 v l^hank I^era, Kl|»f aind C«lf Skim, A^ls M Pkteot do , Bhoe Brasb««» Moroecoa and Kidf, ^ " J^rUrakeai jj i • Varniah, Bindinga^d Linii^ ^ Ki$N4 aiid HooiBilll, E^e Blaekin; . Hardaah and Silt, * Pinxien and N^pera, Size Sticka, Ilil}N>nr and Stay>^^» r Uaqinierat aaaortad, INf | B%1^^ ff ' torKlNDS (» THE S^ OUAMTY OF SHOE ThMdS/ \M%, BQirr trees; CRAMPS, STE(L TOE^ AC,,iC. *«* All Orde^ attvndaii to witli pnoctiialitir ind dcapatcb. ^H 4^' ^^^ 'iii h I'i IMPORTER AN.p- WrtOLESALE '5 GASolvilwiifnifr « ■; OF E r-mri ifES c e i p t MAiTvr AOTomBH Aan» xMOPOBTaa or i AND OIL W" Hit *J ffi IISI. (?flrin6nf#ii*«l'4^9^ Style, m . [Tm N i. ) SALE ,££ IN mw. L or n. A » f /S!^y4 >::»«w ka* EOUSE f PRINCE J^iLLIAM STREET. SAINT JOBlff, SBPniKBIIR 3, 18S3. ;^ ^ PER STEAMSHIP "EITEOPA:'^ IipnpPlIKFQRTiflONS oeptomber, a superb aisortment of Goods, carefully selected ' within the last three we^ks by |heir buyer, in the best European Markets, eraiprising — R'VtikhiomL 9tid 6laci4 ||£kS; Tiire Sftllns/llojte '^ ti()u«s ;> afs4S a splendid oolleetion o{nemde$ign^'m llbBEd, Baratheas, Cashmeres, POPLINB, DELAfNES; 800 pieces Plain. Figured and Printed COBUf^GS ; An i^iielfii liiffirttitent of Co- loured and Biaeli aiLfC^ ^fiLTETI^ PiOjiUB^ilt gr^t variety of new shades in BONr^ET SATINS; 475 pieces Rich Fall RIB- BONS ; SHAWLS ; 300 Paialev, VieniWy and Norwich Long and Square Shawls; 600 Long Wool Shawls, new styles: 300 Square \Jlc*I 8fiIk ^-^ K. B.— l^emainder of FALL GOODS, expected per first British Sieatnthips, alio per-Sliipt £««ex, Impttitd, Lisi»u,VLtkd DundonMld» ffmjm i^ "«l*^^ <^''-. >» ■'I L. MITCHELL, NORTH SIDE KING SQUARE, 4» *- i/rt [SAIlfT JOMN, n. S., GENERAL DEALER IN AND IMPORTER 07 TEAS, SUGARS, STTJFFS, ? FLom ALSO: i" WINES, BRANDIES SPIRITS, &c., &c. t^^^^^F'^V^^^^^^^^k^^B^^^^I^^^^^^^V^I^^^^^^ THB SUBSCMBBE IH1*»BT8 EVBBY ARUCLB FROM TBC : SEST MAHMTS iK ! AMb i CITY pmciss. r .y n^^^S .'^ ^^Wst^M^^^^ffr'WlK^MSt.^ ■■'^ JlJSeX livAJ«iXs « R OF V 1, ) . v: if ■■■'■ 1 UTT. ' A.MACEE, (king street, saint john.n. b. (■ A FEW DOOSS BELOW THSSAIHTTraal HOTEL, .** p^^ p* pr HAS RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED SWCK OP HATS AND CAPS, SUITABLE I'OR THE COMING SEASON, WHICH HB WILL DI8P08B OF WBOliBBAftB AN-O RBTAZZi^ it u LOW PRICES, u at any other EttabUihiint !■ tUl Citj. ALSO ON HAND, AND CONSTANTLY MAKING UP ^fiTS AND CiliS, OF 118 OWN lANIIFAGTVBB, Warraiii6i (UMtUio any, Mant^aettaredin the JPfwiiieti and SoU^et as LOW PRJOES. - »..-., * . >«# C ■ \ . T] !l!\> m» \ I •:i 'yf4i} . I ^TV.. THE SUBSqlpERS HiViNG PtfSCHASED THi^OCk-IIM-TRADE. Pof merly belonging to m JOSIPH T. SUNT. dnd having made ull necessary arrangements tor carrying on the. business of Be^'iiosi relpeetfillj'. to annOui^se to the Oitizene of Saint JoHni and Inhabitants of the Province ge- ?ierally, that they are prepared to execute any 'or(j^r.s foll^J^pfpr^^y fidelity and m e. Having been for several years engaged in the bu- The Subscriber^ flatter tb^mselv^i tlhat all Instru- ments^ Upright ^nd HorizQuMrPiade in^^ theii; IN TQN^ fI19S8%Aini Those of any J*if,: ,./V ■x: iTtJpK IN ^JiERIOA. We Bemain, your.obiidicnt servants^ 0iBoaos AiiBSiuioar^ v ■ MANUFACTUEEKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOmiONirAt^/O^b UPRIGHT •IN ■/4f.'f:. ROSEWOOD, BLACK WALNUT. ANti MAHOGANY CASES. ' * with French Carved Legs, from £66 lo jfSO. - PLAIN dlttd, £55. PLAIN "S^tUA^E PJAIS^, 6i Octaves, with Round Corners, from J?40 to £B^ CO'EtAGE PIAiro^^tav^,¥ithfcircu- _ lar Fronts and CaTOd I'^gs, frppn, J£50 to ^65. ., PifccOLO tiAJSb, M Octaves^ from ^5 A V •< 1ik ral / is ] ■■ H..*f *» •r^ ■ •• .-w*- piij^r^s^Tiimm ^^D repjired. ^ 4 OP S, CASES. tavesi Dircu- •«i 1^5 8J2Z). NEW xro. 3, SAINT JOHN, NEW, BRUNSWICK. EB .QF "V'-i? ■ :•**'»-■■■ v^.';. '^Begs to itiform his friends and the public gene- ralfy, that he has leased the above Prenaises, and / is now prepared to raah^ifaclure at tiie shortest notice, and on the most reai^onable terms, ^TEAn^Ollj and li** SHIP'S HINGESy HASPS, PATENT BPMES, RUDDER BRACES, Alid all descriptions of Brass Work usually ^ i^eqwiwi in this place; > Finwe oirRIPMItpGil^ OR WATER Pl^^^^ Attii^^ to> ill JttMtiu^ anid Bespatek. it 111 Wa^ ?Ss '^JaaWg Oji f^'. :^. ^M ^ri/i BRITISH HOUSE ff '^ J #'%v ^''- S' f'v ) SAINT jqBlV,,SB3fTI!|!;|^RS^1853. 03> J^TTSTJlff XT AXTB FALL OOO&S. The Sub8eml>erq will h|ive rcsa^ iQr > jq^ft^lipn; on >1}||inBda^, Sid . September^ a superb assortmenit of Goo^s, , ciirefully 8eJeQte4 . withm ^^4 Ia9t three weel^i by tfaerr btfjinr, in th^ besl^ "" \ >.■■:■ >>iPurop<)t)o,>f^;rkelfi.<; mekiba^ks ; SHEETINGS; Oil Cloths; Gents. OPERA TIES and Neck HalndMcobiefi ; Fl'enok and In^ l^|k P9c|«t Ha9d|ercl]df#i Ltdies*^ and Gents. Cambric and Lawn l^iandkerchiefs ; HOSIERY and GLOVES; Soiirlel and Whittf l^l^^flHl^U; in all makes; BROADCLOTHS; DOESKINS} CASSIMERES; VESTINGS, io newest d«8if or; Hearer, Witney, «H||P||| JjSsBeXt ImfpriaL I^isbont and Pu^donald, w •i* r , fc. wi I'- s t' I ( u !•' ^; '-a; E f 1853. fS, seated nr^ An- ROBEd, itof Cg-. varftity Dn| jitid es; 30d cbijN. Hbuhka ; 1 IVeck 8IERY makes; 7NGS, British ionald. oJi:,: eENERAL PBlNTim ESTABpSiMENT, PVERY VAI^tir 0P 3W)0K AND JOB t.. - ill 1^ IXECOTED IN THE NE Al||r MX^ri^S. AND ON THE LOWEST tEllMS i 'i INESS. IflSlili'Ai BALL CIRDS, ' U !'->' a :" ,V ON HAND, A GENERAL ASSOflTMENTOF •1 ; SCIENTIFIC A^jbh HISTOUICAJL WORKS, k «$' md fieiirk* 9i^s$|iig Cases, Che8S-boi^r4S| 3NSS, MAPS, globes; &(f &C, ?v 'f^^' Dlfl ,.,„, WTALIIIIS, Cimilars, Baal'the^ Bills of Lad^teip, f PBi'gOGISIB' LABTffrS, to., Pttntedat Aort notice ; ' ' ' :iliiiiiBtin»xiiti, Tn ttt TBrion Inukci, atnitcd irith HtatiKn and llttpttek. .i-,*lfw.., .■»v». m '.W.' m Bathyrst to Campbelltvn. ^ tittle RcfckVKaMeys, lOi Belledune, Chalmers, 9^ ,XlialhouBie, Michaux>, IB^ RkhihMto%SMlMatif^ I': To :i^8i»l|iin's, . _v 1| ' 12 Black Kiver, (M^Beath's, C 12 Chatham, i ^ 6( ]Mel8i»|'i ? ' - — T5eCaiitJ|ne% . , * jrotal,40 vJ To QtoodfeUow'B i ^ ' ^ CaTriauth6r8% " 11 Forein'(»» xjee 8y CjpwctHoiue, 12 9 9 Fr»ihr&Uii to Miramitlii. HUM. To Tftjmwth's, Plant's, U M't^odsT:^ •:;•■;]..■: . :t Boiiratown, M'Kay's, C6ghliii*ii jJaraise'sf Ptok«f'8,_ Wilson's t»Oint,*^ « ; ' J ' . Preit Tbial, 4& ' 'J^eierie^ to Q¥«6«c. *'• i: . JpTo Xoilg's, :i? 1 6 Marshall's, 8 Halfivj'ay Hd\ise, Howe's; 7'' iBtiion's, 3 Pdqnoic Bjhrei;;,'"! V, ,>^ i i j40 . Eel RiY^r, Jcm^s', , W , WOodstbdc, I .12-^62 Caitipb<*Iton, Mtrrray**;- " '9 j VictC^ia, -— ' Butt«m.Uk Creek, iiiit T* •■'- "'-^^ ^■■mH»^l ^^yiiskt^: Little Fa^ 14 1^ Beglii', LdceTektecoiiita,^?;^ " Portage, LaBelle's, Jgj 12 f Riyi^e du Loft^^-^ 12 16 K^(ibr4iikiH i.k 9 [Saint Thomas, m^^^ 18 22 23 15 It-m'^iJl i.^, -'• =^ Total, If 6 ]?OintLevi^lie^el!;?*' 13-22 357 jL- i jjLsiyua-i qs; _. .... .^. — „i!!l |gg| Saiid 6he merchai^,''«i hate done btisiheSs leu yfea^s, aha'iioi -spent live dollars in- advertising," Said anothet, «I have done business five yeitrs, aud'speni^^iieijiitElM^lhPi my profits in ad- vertising, and have made more money than you j^vein ten.'' "Which vrtw "the njost intetii^ent of Ihe tWo. « M ;^ li • ; i England manu^tures^fi^OQ tons of reftn^deoj^pier annnaQy. n < jj it>yiii..ri.fJj vi II- ■» ■> -'V » * L^i ' ■H i^yMyy'HWMIp' iili H >lpll 'li i |'i| iM«i ■ iJ.^.lM'MWffi 'i'lJji.Mi'jli'i Sl^ fi' -»V- iS 1; Watlers', J^ouglas AipfOB Im, .4 burton's, 5^ jJ BradleT's, . ^ Dwby Gilkn's^ (i^Mity cWm. Bmtih'8i> 7 jmomoeto, 7 Ob <*« £ait fiii* tf-tk* JtilHr. TartTbum, (Oodfer^F 7 r ; iston, 4 >fBeUide, • 14 Je^iBSgr Ferry, :< 6L , Mmtdlild^CCW ^ m^MiiiUm, V 12-86 Ima by the Kerepis Road, 31 f : "". Sstnt JtfA* to 10 Saini AndrewB, 1% ^.^^ Totaliis ^Befttfrjr*8,' liv: 9, QtMlCO, 1 ^ ll2 Kelyiii or Fuller's Beach, 6 Big SiOmon lUver, 3 '^^ Salmon RWer, 5 li^tt'sHead, / ' \ . .4 Total, 49 Saint John tc SJUfpiip. Jreiteh Village, (Dc^u'a,) / 30 Kl)rumniond'«« 12 .'b, -= .•^'- 12 Bhepody Meeting Hpnise, ,IZ ^ » Total,7r» 2 .dinger Board, (BaT/^'s,) 4^ 7 ''Kibaehafa, - • ' ; ii 7 ATriiht^B^^ llammond l^rei^Birldg^,^ r Hainptoii.i^jriv"-':'- ;;r-> u?.4,,-v;- Shecic'K 3rirdi%c'B, To StWJiei Yale, 4« Porfage, (M'L^^ V U Steieves', 13 B, 12 ICLewJB*,) 12 To l|end of P«titG^ac,-94 Slcmrameoc^, {Ghlurtev'i^ • ^16 Doroh^ter^ (Hicl^^^att^a,);^ ' '^ 8 i To Dorc)^ster, U8 ■Sackvilloi; :■■ ::^'tf .^- ^'4 TaHrtapamaTi f ; "^ :^(6 iiinharst, ib '■ To Po^ I To Amberst, 137 i, (Spr;aQj^ Grove ,. ..,) . i:J:,^¥:,,,^i Pnrdy'B, (West Cheiiter : .■f^■: :■ Inn.)- ....... . .;,4--ir- Mrs. Fraser's, FoUy t^page, 19| ■feuro, tl PdHok's, ■ i if =Wo*dMrard%, ^ 14 jito^'C-.v 4 ■ ■^''■-|2- ^Dirtniottth, ■/■^:;o,n:,^ .J^;;^ ^^ Total t<> HaMfex, 264 j> » ^«imI <|f FftiU^iae to JZtdUAiicto. TolSaMidiac,(SnutVB,) 13 lil^nii^B^ r. ';"..* 1 Cbea^eBiidge, S Little Buol^che, (Smith's,) 9 Big Buotouche, (Keswick's)^^ 2 B^a&^'^'. : '' ..,,,■ '7, Richib|M*to* - * 81 .'- '«v ■r-^'^.f* Total, 48 <■-' ■■ :♦>■ rf^. s •A .•„ ,, .«■ iSiii ^ :- I I' ■I,' til if ^V'-vA.:,' .;,■ iiVW*' iJ. ri.'ti,^,'', Jt * @ I: ' ^ 1 '■:*•■ ■ f /{! :; m:^ i;;^«.ws::;*i|iii)^