IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V /. .// 5. W^^., & :/. (/. (/j 'W ^- 1.0 I.I 1.25 illlM IM 2.0 U 111.6 '■^ '/ Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV «■ «i O^ ^-V>^ ^1> ^i ))C lield re8jK)iisil)le at every iiioinent for etiicicnt iulininistration iu all parts of the city governnieiit. The next element in efficient administration on tlie part of a eity government is that it should work togetlier. The })olic!e dopaitment, for example, touches in its daily duties the dcpailiiient of city works, the healtli de))artment, the fire department, and the l)nilding depart- Uient. 'i'lie ordinances aft'ecting all these departments dejjend for their enforcement up(m the efllciency an.t co-operation of the ])olice. The failure to co-operate with one anotlier, so fre(juently fouml in the ex- ecutive lieada of departments s])rings in the main from the absence of any tie compelling tliem to lealize a common resposihility. Tliey are, indeed, officers of the same city, but that is all. His department is his business, and nobody else's. If they are nominated by the mayor and confirmed by the council, such ajjpointmcnts usually involve the feeling that they represent this or tliat personal interest. The idea of a common responsibility to work together for the public interest nevei' pi'csents itself undei' such conditions. It hapj)ens, theiefoie, that city governments often are loose ends, very much as the planets M'ould be if the law of gravitation were suspended. Collisions in the heavens would not be more certain in tlie pi-esenee of such a suspensi(m of the law of gravity, than conflicts between depart- ments are ceitain in a city government which is lield to no conmiou responsibility. This element of i-cs])onsibility to a conunon head can only be effectively obtained through the appointment of all such offi- cials by the mayor of the city. This relation gives to a city govern- ment precisely the element which is needed a responsibility to a com- mon head Avho is himself iesponsil)le to the people of the city. A gov- ernment so ordered, as compared with a government in which the heads of departments feel each one independent of all the others, would pre- sent precisely such a result as that which so fiequentl3' is seen upon the football field, where a fifteen which is in the habit of playing together ♦lefeats a fifteen made up of better individual players who liave not been in the habit of playing together. The same conditions which result in the higest degree of efficiency happily result also in the gi-eatest measuie of popular control. It would be impossible to get the judgemenf of the people at the same election upon all laws of the legislature. In the same way, it is impossiblo for the people of a eity to discriminate intelligently as to many officials at a single election. To tell the people that they must elect one officer this year and another officer next year, and still another officer a third year before they can get control of even a single department of the city government, is <"o enter upon at ask which is hopeless from the beginning. To tell the peopl ; that they must choose a good mayor, because the ± ■M.^-'<.AAi. - —J- 6 mayor will (U;lui'iiiine the (jhanuitef of the (;ity govei'iinicnt in all it^t pai-ts, is to inaUc a j)ro|)OHitioii wliidi i« ua.sily uiidei'Htood and easily a(;tc(l upon. Wlii-ii flio wliok' cliai'actoi' of llu' fity govt'i-umi-ut is at issue, the newest eiti/en ean l)u inade to appi'eciate its importance ; ami when the fluty devolving upy others of work lliiit ilesi'ives reei>!.Miition. Sueli re'eog- nition it is inii)ossil)le to expect wiien lesponsiliility and power are hotii divided and sliared. KcoNOMv wrriiotT I'ausimosy. It is reasonable and a wise ])recantion tliat tiie power of purse should not he given to the executive