^, IMAGE EVALUATEON TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I us us lit ■Iteu lAO 2.5 2.2 1^ iJ4 ly^ 6" ^ "9 7 HiolDgraphic Sciences Corporation S ^\ V \ \ 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WRBSTIR.N.Y. 14510 (716) •72-4503 ^^ <«^X'^'^ 4^ !i^U^ % CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques ;\ «lfftuce Aims. 1st. Seize the firelock with the right hand under the guard, turn- ing the lock to tlie front/but with- out moving it from the shoulder. 2d. Raise the firelock up from the shoulder to the poise, by pla- cing the left hand upon the sling, fingers pointing upwards, the wrist upon the guard, and the point of the left thumb of equal height with, and pointing to the left eye ; the piece to be kept per- pendicular in this position. 3d. Bring the firelock down to the right side with the right hand as low as it will admit without constraint, at the same time strik- ing it smartly with the left hand at the swell, the guard between the thumb and fore-finger of the right hand, the three last fingers under the cock^ with the guard io the front. 4;th. Quit the left hand. 12 MANUAL EXERCISE. I I W Order Arms. AdTMco Atmt, 1st. At this word the left hand is brought smartly across the bo- dy^ and seizes the firelock^ with the fore-finger in a line with the point of the right shoulder. 2d. Bring the firelock down as low as the left arm will admits to the right side ; at the same time let the right hand seize the top of the ramrod, between the second joint of the fore -finger and thumb;, the whole of the fingers shut in the hand. 3d. Let the firelock drop on the ground, and the right hand be smartly brought to the position of ordered arms, quitting the left hand skori away, at the same in- stant. 1st. At the word ^^Advance," the thumb of the right hand is slipt quickly in rear of the barrel. At the word '' Anns/' it is brought to the advance by a sharp cant of the right hand ; the left arm is brought across the body, to steady the firelock to the shoulder. 2d. Quit the left hand. Sbo he dij sh Sup St; MANUAL EXERCISE, 13 hand le bo- with ih the wn as it, to time top of econd lumbj lut in jp on indbc ion of c left Tie in- ince/* md is ►arrel. it IS sharp e left dy, to ulder. Uth.- Sboulder Arms. 1st. Bring up the left handj and seize the piece at the swell. ich the raising it about same instant slip the thumb of the right hand under the cock, by a turn of the right wrist. 2d. Throw it smartly to its pro- per position on the left shoulder, the left hand falling smartly on the butt, grasping it. 3d. Quit the right hand, and bring it to the right side. JV*. B. — In these motions great care must be taken to preserve the squareness of the bo- dijy and to avoid raising or sinking the shoulder. Support ArtQf* IGth. Stand at Ease. 1st. Seize the small of thebuit under the lock, with the right hand, the thumb pointing up- wards. 2d. Bring the left arm under the cock. 3d. Quit the right hand. At this word of command, the right hand is brought smartly across the body, and seizes the firelock at the small of the butt close up under the left arm, with B 14 MANUAL EXERCISG. I71h. Attentioot the thumb of the right hand point* ing upwards, the right foot drawn back, the left knee bent^ and the firelock a little sloped. At this word of command the right hand is dropt smartly to the right side, and the right foot brought in line with the left. can/A'rmi. Ist. Scizc the Small of thc butt, under the left arm^ with the right hand. 2d. Smartly place the left hand grasping the butt, the firelock kept steady, Sd Quit the right hand. At the same instant allov/ing the left arm to sink to the full extent. ii I I f h lOlIi. Slope Armit |. In sloping arms the upper part of the arm is not to move, the guard of the firelock is to be rais- ed so as gently to press against the hollow of the shoulder, the hand in a line with the elbow, the toe of the butt in a line with the cen- tre of the left thigh. i MANUAL EXERCISE. 15 SOtli. stand at Case* f V.' Slat. Attention* 2?(1. Carr>- Anns* 93(!. Order Anns* S4th. Unfix Bajoneta. On the word '' Ease" bring the right hand smartly across the bo- djj placing it on the left hand;, both thumbs on the fore part of the heel of the butt^ that of the left hand uppermost^ and drawing the right foot back at the same in- stant, the left knee bent. At this word of command re- sume the attitude of attention, by bringing the right hand smartly to the right side, and the right foot in line with the left. 1st. Drop the left arm to its ex- tent, and bring the right hand smartly across the body, the fore part of the fingers to meet the small of the butt, as in the first motion of the secure. 2d. Quit the right hand. As prescribed in page 6. At the word " Unfix,** slip the thumb of the right hand in rear of the barrel ; at the last sound of the word " Bayonet,** force the B 2 ! 16 S5th. Stand at Ease* MANUAL EXERCISE. muzzle a little forward^ bring the left hand smartly to the upper loop^ the thumb pointing up- wards. Strike the bow of the ba- yonet with the heel of the right hand so as to unfix it; let the bow fall over the thumbs and the two fore-fingers on the top of the sock- etjwith the left hand force the muz- zle of the firelock back to its pro- per position, at the same instant bring the thumb of the left hand on the top of the scabbard, for the purpose of guiding the bayonet into it ; and bring the right hand smartly to the position of ordered arms. As before directed. It is to be understood that whenever a battalion in line charges with bayonets, the whole are in the first instance to advance at a firm quick step, with shouldered arms ; at the word*^' Prepare to Charge,*' the fire- locks of the front rank will be brought to the long trail ; — at the word '' Charge," the firelocks of the front rank will be thrown smar:tly to the charging position, A MANUAL EXERCISE. 17 4 and those of the rear rank to the slopes and the pace cncreased to double march, care- fully avoiding too much hurry. The ene- my being routed^ it will depend on the of- ficer commanding to give the word ^'halt/' when both ranks will shoulder arms^ and proceed as may be afterwards directed. In marching any distance, or in standing at ease^ when supported, the men are allow- ed to bring their right hand across the body to the small of the butt, which latter must, in that case, be thrown a little for- ward ; the fingers of the left hand being uppermost, must be placed between the bo- dy and the right elbow; the right hands are to be instantly removed when the divi- sion haltSj or is ordered to dress by the right or left, AS IS MANUAL EXERCICE. K.-*. f TIME. The motions in the Manual Exercise arc to be performed^ leaving two pauses of the slow time of march between each motion^ except that of fixing hat/onets, in which a longer time must be given. Two pauses should also be made between the firat and last parts of the words of command^ for instance^ shoulder (two pauses) arms, both in the manual and platoon. The manual is not to be executed by one word^ or signal^ but each separate word of command is to be given by the officer who commands the body performing it. MANUAL EXERCISE. SENTRIES. 19 Sentries, posted with shouldered arms, are permitted afterwards to support ^ but not to slope them. On the approach of an offi- cer, they immediately carry their arms, and put themselves into their proper position, which is not to be done at the instant he passes, but by the time he is within twenty yards of their post, so that they may be perfectly steady before he comes up. Sentries are to port arms when challeng- ing any person approaching their posts. CORPORALS. Corporals marching with reliefs, or com- manding detachments or divisions, are to be on the left, and will carry their arms ad^ vancedj with bayonets fixed* 20 MANUAL EXERCISE. METHOD OF PILING ARMS THREE DEEP. Pile Arms* The front and rear rank men of each file face to the right, turn their locks outward, and cross the muzzles and tops of ramrods. The centre rank man places his butt about 30 inches to the left, the lock outwards, and cros- ses the muzzle of his firelock with those of the front and rear rank men, so that both the tops of their ramrods are placed across, between the ramrod and barrel of the cen- tre rank man. METHOD OF PILING ARMS TWO DEEP. Pile Arnoi. The Company standing in close order with ordered arms, and told off by threes, the word '^ Pile" is then given, the whole of the com- pany slip the thumb of the right hand in rear of the barrel of the firelock, at the same time drawing back their right feet, in order to face to their right, with M MANUAL EXERCISE. n IS the exceptions of numbers two in the rear rankj they advance their right feet in the hollow of the left, in order to face to the left. The word '' Arms'* is then given, the whole of the front rank, and one and three of the rear, face to the right; one and three files of the front rank turn the firelock on the heel of the butt with the sling towards them. One and three files of the rear rank turn the fire- lock on the heel of the butt with the sling from them, which brings the lock outwards : having done this, they lock their ramrods toge- ther, still bearing them well up so as to show an interval. Number two file of the front rank throws his firelock to the rear as he then stands, and brings his left hand on number one muzzle, and completes that pile; having done that, he remains perfectly steady faced to the right ; in piling with number three, the front and rear ranks have already locked their ram- rods. Number two of the rear rank throws his firelock off to his MANUAL EXERCISE. own rear as he then gtandfl^ and completes number three pile^ by brinpng his left hand on the muz- zle of the firelock ; havinp^ done this he faces to his right-about^ and remains steady. UNFILE ARMS. uopiieArm.. ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ cc XJnpilc/' the whole advance their right feet in the hollow of the left, and seize their firelocks at the top brass^ thumbs pointing upwards, the files numbered two of the rear rank must work well round on the hips to reach their firelocks : at the word '' Anns/* the whole snatch their firelocks smartly towards them^ and front at the same time. >1 "M. PTRC EXERCISE. 23 PIKE EXERCISE. --;v*, V i '3 A corporal when appointed to act as Ser- jeant must be exercised in the different mo- tions of the Pike, as follows, until reported complete bj the serjeant-major, who will make his report to the adjutant for inspec- tion. The Pike must be justly placed in the right hand, with the end of the shaft rest- ing on the middle part of the forefinger; the thumb and three last fingers grasping it ; with the back of the hand a little to the front, and in line with the front part of the thigh, the shaft resting against the hollow of the shoulder. l8t. Order Arms. 1st. Bring the left hand across the body, and seize the shaft with the little finger in a line with the point of the right shoulder. 2(1. Lower it to the extent of tlie left arm, and at the same in- stant bend the right arm, and seize it in a line with the right shoulder. 3. Drop it on the ground in line ^^ith the middle part of the foot^ ;!nif, (w. '] ' a4 PIKE EXERCISE. placing the thumb of the right hand in front of the shafts and the fingers extended down by the side of it, at the same instant quit the left hand. Should!? Aims. 1st. At the word " Shoulder*' slip the thumb behind the shafts and bring the fingers round to the front ; at the last word " Arms/' give it a smart cant up to the shouldei, bringing the left hand across the body to steady the pike ; the left hand is then to be quickly withdrawn. 3(1. Port Arms, 4tli. Charge Bayonet« .•sth ShouMer Armit Drop the pike across the body, seizing it with the left hand, in line with the point of the left shoulder Turn a half face to the ri^ht on both heels, and lower the pike to a horizontal position, with the shaft touching the right hip, and rio'ht arm extended to the rear. 1st. Come square to the front, and raise the pike to its position I I I M ''I .V f-i PIKE EXERCISK. 25 the right t^ and the J the side ; quit the >j ihoulder the shafts nd to the '' Arms/' p to the left hand the pike ; B quickly he body, hand, in the left right on J pike to vith the hip, and i rear. le front, position ■ <■■. on the right shoulder, bringing th<* left hand at the same time across the bo'dv, to steady \i. 2d. Quit the left hand. «uppj;(Ann. Let the pike slope over the shoulder in proportion to the men's firelocks, when sloped. standVl'ka e. Bring thc left hand across the body, and seize thc shaft about the middle of that part below thc hollow of the right shoulder ; the fe'6t to be as already explained. Aueitioa. Sprlug up, aud quit the left hand. Oth. fjutf A mm. 10th* Slope Arms. 1st. Sink the right arm to its extent, bring the left hand across the body, to steady the pike, 2d. Quit the left hand. The same as the support. iitii. fltand at Eate. leth. AtteDtioB. 13th. ilUTj Aira»f As at the support. As at the support. As from the support. C -v <^ fj 14th. Reccvttr Aims. 15ih. Shoulder Arm»t PIRE EXERCISE. Bring the pike in a perpendi- cular position in front of the bo- dy^ with the end of the nhaft rest- ing on the forc-fingcr, as at the shoulder^ at the same time bring the left hand up^ and sciv.e it be- tween the last joint of the fore- finger and thumb, with the elbow and hand in a line with the shoul- der. 1st. Place the pike to the shoul- dered position, closing the left elbow to the body, with the hand straight across tlic siiaft, to keep it steady. 2d. Quit the left hand. N. B. In taking up an alignment, the pike is to be brought before the body in a perpendicular direction, with both elbows close, the left hand holding it at about the height of the breast, and the end of the shaft resting on the fore-finger, as above directed for the recover. Serjeants in line during the performance, of the Manual Exercise will order, shoulder, port, and charge, support and slope, with the men. % it A m . 4 ■m ' k tlie bo- ai't rest- s at the ne brin^ :o it be- ic forc- c elbow e shoul- c shoul- the left he hand to keep int, the n\y U\ a elbows out the i of the > above rnance, umlcler, % with 11 3 INSTRUCTION FOR THE PLATOON EXERCISE, AND , DIFFERENT FIRINGS. The recruit having a thorough know- ledge of the different motions of the fire- lockj as shewn in the Manual Exercise, may now be taught the Platoon Exercise as follows: Eight or ten recruits being formed in a single rank, close files, and shoiiidered fire- locks, may be thus taught to fire as ^^^ different ranks, before they are formed in two or more ranks. First. As a front rank standing. Second. As a centre rank standing. 28 Words of Command, PLATOON IXEIlCISt:. Third. As a rear rank standing. Fourth. As a front rank kneeling. Fifth. As a rear rank kneeling. 6 A* front R<^n1c, Ptioiv and Load. 1st. Turn the body a quarter face to the right on both heels^ placing the right foot six inch- es behind the left ; at the same instant drop the firelock to the priming position, with the left hand at the swells and elbow close pressed in front of the hip^ the side brass touching the right hip, the thumb of the right hand pla- ced in front of the steel, with the finii-ers clenched, and wrist a little turned out ; ihv. muzzle to be at the hei^>ht ofth^ breast plate. 2d. Open the pan, by closing the clbovy, fingers straight upoi> Ihe lock, and pointing towards the muzzl(\ I -.in PLATOON EXERCISE. S9 JIauilIti Cartridge I quarter th heels, ix inch- he same k to the the left )ow close hip, the ight hip, and pla- with the it a little to be at late. ' closing" ^ht upon towards •I J 4 '■V, ^^y Prime. 'Bout. 1st. Draw the cartridge from the pouch. 2d. Bring it to the mouth, hold- ing it between the fore-finger and thumb, and bite off the top of the cartridge. 1st. Shake some powder into the pan, and place the three last fin- gers on the steel. 2d. Shut the pan, by closing the elbow. 3d. Seize the small of the butt with the above three fingers, 1st. Turn the piece nimbly round to the loading position, meeting the muzzle with the heel of the right hand ; the butt within two inches of the ground, and the flat of it against the left ancle. 2d. Drop the butt oa the ground without noise ; raise the right elbow square with the shoulder, shake the powder into the barrel, putting in after it the paper and the ball ; after which the fingers are straight, with the second joint of the fore finger resting on the c 3 30 PLATOOM EXERCISE. head of the ramrod, and thumb pointing downwards. In this position each recruit must feel the g'uard;,against the center of the left shin/ the thumh of the left hand pressed against the cen- tre, and in front of the left thigh, with the muzzle of the firelock, about four inches from the centre of the breast-plate ; in this posi- tion the barrel is full to the front. 3d. Drop the right elbow close to the body, and seize the head of the ramrod with the second joint of the fore-finger and thumb. % ■■fs J « ■n ]9riiw Ranted*. 1st. Force the ramrod half out, and seize it back-handed exactly in the middle, with the elbow square with the shoulder. 2d. Draw it entirely out with a straight arm above the shoulder, turning it at the snme time to the rear, and close to (he elbow ; put it one inch into the barrel, the back of the hand to the front ; the ramrod is thus held only be- tween the two fore-fingers and rLATOON EXERCISE. 31 thumb lult must |e center of the Ithe cen- t thigh, firelock, le centre his posi- he front, ow close he head J second l1 thumb. lalf out, I exactly e elbow it with a houldcr, le to the )w; put rrel, the ; front ; >nly be- ers and J -J Ram iloMn I Rfturn R«mroiJi thumb, with the two last fingers bhut in the hand. 1st. Push the ramrod down hold- ing it as before, exactly in the middle till thcsecond fingertouch- C8 the muzzle ; elbow close, and the back of the hand to the front. 2{]. Press the ramrod lightly towards you, and slip the two fore- fingers and thumb to the point ; then grasp it, as before, with the back of the hand still remaining to the front. iid. Push the cartridge well down to the bottom, with the back of the hand to the front, as before. 4th. Strike it two very quick strokes with the ramrod. ' Jst. Draw the ramrod half out, catching it back-handed, with the elbow square. ^d. Draw it entirely out, with a Htrai^ht arm above the shoulder, turning it to the rear, and close to the elbow ; put it into the loops, and force it as quickly as possible to the bottom, the fore-finger and 32 PLATOON EXERCISE. thumb iiolding the ramrod^ as in the position immediately previous to drawing it, keeping the firelock perfectly steady, and remaining the quarter face to the right. Asa Front Rank r'tent. Bring the firelock, with one brisk rnotioii, in the same position as at tlie word ''Prime and Load," placing the thumb of the right hand on the cock, and fingers be- hind the guard, and cock the piece ; then take a grasp of the small of the butt. Raise the firelock to the present, with the fore-finger within the guard, ready to fire. In this too much pains cannot be taken to prevent the recruit from raising his firelock with a jerk ; it must be deliberately raised sufficiently high, so that he may lay the right cheek on the butt, without too much stooping the head. Parti- cular care must be taken that the recruit in this position shuts the left eye in taking aim, looking along the barrel with the right eye. 'I ■ i % ■^^ ii I 1 w PLATOON EXERCISE. 33 d, as in )revious firelock naininir It. ^ til one position Load/' ri^ht ^ers be- ck the of the ) resent, "11 the his too ken to raising it must cicntly Bright Lit too Parti- at the Its the oking It eye. m \. 1 v.. Tire. XiOad. from the breach pin to the muzzle, and remaining steady^ taking m object upon which he is to fire. Pull the trigger strong with the fore-finger, without a jerk, and when fired, remain looking on the aim. Keeping both feet fast, come to the priming position. Handle Cnririd^e. Prime. 'Bout Draw Ramro(I«. Ram iloivii Cttitriiige. Hetuni Ram As before directed. N. B. It is not necessary to explain again the different motions of loading, as they have been already detailed. After firing in each rank, it will be necessary to come to the shoulder, in order to be instructed in the movement of the feet, in firing the succeed- ing rank, by which means, after returning ramrods, they will face to their proper front, and bring the right feet to the left, the fore-finger and thumb of the right hand holding the ramrod as in the position im- mediately previous to drawing it, pressing it close against the left shoulder, and the butt raised two inches from the ground. 34 PLATOON EXEUCISE. / '-i. t ' ShouMe. Arm,; Q^[^ ^jj^ ^.J^^j^ |j^jj^j j^,,J j^^ ^jj^ same time throw it up with one motion to the shoulder. ^' 7^,^ "'' Drop the firelock with one brisk motion, seizing it with the left hand at the swell, with the side brass about four inches above the right hip ; at the same instant turn upon both heels a half face to the right, stepping to the right with the right foot, so that the ball of the toe touches the back of your right hand man's left heel, and cock the firelock as before directed. The position of the firelock in niakij»g ready deter- mines that of priaiing. N. B. — After loading, each man will resume his proper front, bringing, at the same time, his right foot to the left, and shoulder arms as before directed. •I- I % '•'if As rear rank ttanding, ready> Drop the firelock into the same position as in a centre rank, and tls it is brought to that position, step briskly to the right a full pace, with the right toe point- ing straight to the right ; at the T t f • ^ i»;" ; f- ' I'.' 1 i s>;^ ^ M PLATOON EXERCISE. 35 nd at tlie with one one brisk the left the side ibove the B instant half face the right that the the back left heel, s before L of the V deter- (lan will , at the eft^ and the same nk, and 3osition, a full poiut- at the iM J? l''8er.J. «*•.' sime time, place the left heel about six inches before and in line with the right, and the toe pointing straight to the front ; the body to be kept straight, and a half face to the right. With the left knee bent, the right kept straight, reaching for- ward as far as possible, without overbalancing the body, and bring the firelock to the present. As before directed. Keep both feet fast, and load as a centre rank, and after loading, spring to the front, and shoulder as before directed, taking, at the same time, a side step to the left. t:'ZsX^6s, Bring the firelock down, as be- fore directed for front rank stand- ing, and without stooping, sink down withaquick motion upon the right knee, keeping the left foot fast; cock the piece, as the body is sinking. The right knee is to be thrown so far back, that the left Fire. Load. i^'l 55 PLATOON EXERCIfli:. leg may be upright^ the right foot also upright, and the toe drawn as much as possible under the in- step, the body straight, and the head as much kept up as if shoul- dered ; the firelock is to ho held firm in this position. F'M«l« Firet L*adl. Raise the firelock to the present, with the fore-finger wiUiin the; guard : — all that has been said about this in the preceding prac- tice, must be strictly attended io. As before. Spring up, placing the right foot six inches Ijchiud the left, as before directed. i^aeiuJs"J«adJ. Thc samc as making ready as front rank kneeling, with this dif- ference, the sidc^ hvdi^a four inches above the right hip, and right knee carried about six inches to the right. As before. P'leat. Fire. As before. M i PLATOON EXERCISK. 37 ! right foot toe drawn Icr the in- t, and the s if shoul- to be held he present, wiUiin the; b(*cn said Mliiijj^ prac- ttcnded to. the right the left, as 2: ready as ith this dif- fonr inches and right ix inches to *1 •^ "'I M L,,aj. Spring up, with your right toe iouchiiig the back of your right- h.vnd man's left heel, and the iire- lock aij in centre rank. N. B. — In casting about after firing as centre rank, and as rear rank standing and kneeling, the butt of the firelock must be placed inside of the left ancle instead of the out, with the toe of the butt close inside of the left heel, and after load- ing, spring to the front and shoulder arms,, as before directed. Firing as rear ranks kneeling and stand- ing, is applicable only to firing in square. The recruits being thoroughly grounded in the foregoing instructions, may now be practised in two ranks, at close order, in the different firings as a company in line, as a grand division, as a wing of a battalion, as a battalion frring a volley, oblique firing, jfile firing, Sgc. S^c. From twenty to thirty files may now be formed into two ranks at close order, with shouldered arms, and fixed bayonets. JrtiilSuad. The front rank as a front rank, and rear rank as a centre rank, des- cribed in the foregoing directions^ D ''4-/' SS PI..1T00N EXERCISE. each man doing his motioni with the greatest celeritj', and as cor- rectly as shewed in slow time ; af- ter shutting the pan^ and placing the hand on the small of the hutt^ the right hand man will, as soon as he hears the division has done, cast about, from whom the divi- sion will take the time; after cast- ing about, each man will load and work his ramrod, as shewn in slow time, but the motions to be done without pause between them. After returning ramrods, the whole remain perfectly steady, with the fore-finger and thumb grasping the head of the ramrod. coni?»ny. This scrvcs as a caution only. Raajj. ^g siiewn before, both ranks keeping the feet fast. 0< F»ent— FlfP. As before directed. After firing, make a pause of two slow paces, then bring the firelock to the loading posi- tion, without the word load, and proceed with the loading motions I a i. I • t \ ni with as cor- ine ; af- placing le buttj as soon s done, he divi- ter cast- oad and in slow be done m. ds, the steady, thumb amrod. ^ ranks ause of ing the ; posi- ad, and notions !l PLATOON EXERCISE. S9 as before directed, waiting only to cast about, and to make ready together. It is to be understood, after the first fire as a company, the whole make ready of their own accord, taking the time from the right-hand man, and only receive the word '^Fsent"— "Fire"— instead of "Ready*'— " P'sent'*— " Fire." At the close of the general, or at the word "Cease firing," the company, if made ready, receives the words, "Half-cock arms." Half cock arm., pj^^.^ ^|^g thumb of thc right hand in front of the cock-screw, and the fore-finger at the same time upon the trigger ; the cock is then to be drawn a little back, and the trigger to be drav/n so as to disengage the catch ; the cock to be gently let down till the edge of the flint touches the hammer ; then quit the trigger and draw back the cock to the catch of the half-cock; the small of the butt to be seized with the right hand, and the right foot brouj^ht up to the left. ^ PLATOON EXEIlCt&i:. '"M •ioaw.rAnn.. j^„ ^j^^, ^^g,,j^i jj^j^^^er aiid stand parrectly steady. But — if tlic company should be in the act of loading, it will go on, and come to the s!u)uldcr when done, taking; the time from the right-hand man. Firing as a granddi vision is done in the same manner as that of a company, with this dilFercnce, the grand division wait for the word, ^*Ready V ^'P'scnt !" *'Fire" after each fire, and at the close of the General, they come to the shoulder, as they do in firing as a company. If a wing of a battalion is or- dered to fire, it will come to the shoulder after loading,'*, as will also a battalion after firing a volley. N. B. A company, grand division, wing, or battalion, can prime and load, or make ready from the order, with the fame ease as from the shoulder. For instance, at the words, ''Prime and," slip the thumb behind the barrel, and at the word 'Load/* according to direction. I 4 > S:. ■■'} M PLATOON EXERCISE. 41 nd stand should be ill go on, lor when foni the on iH (lone that of a ifForcnce, for the e close of e to the firing as on is or- ne to the i will also volley. )n, wing, or make same ease mcand," \, and at rection, W m P 4 m ■ ^ . * ■4 ■ 1v 'X .p Any movement can take place from Or- dered Arms, as occasions may require, in the following manner : Upon the first word of the caution, bring the fingers round the barrel^ and raise the butt about one inch from the ground, with the muzzle close against the hollow of the shoulder ; and at the word ''Halt/' resume the position of Ordered Arms. The long Trail, for the ease of the sol- dier, may be used on a line of march, or in marching to and from the place of Parade, or Exercise, or with guards marching to and from their posts. Trailed Arms nmst never be used in field movements, as upon such occasions it will cause loose marching, and loss of distance. How performed at the Halt. Trail Arms. Slip the right hand do\\n to the swell of the stock, and lower the muzzle to a horizontal direction ; at the same time the rear rank will fall nimbly back a short pace, so that the muzzle of the lirelook shall touch the cuff of the front rank man's jacket. D 3 'M "v. 11 ni ^ I I ^i 4^ PLATOON EXERCISB. rbwpeArm.. Change from one hand to the othefj as often as may be necessary. The word ^'Trail Arms" must alwavs pre- cede the word "Quick March/' except when done on the march, from the Slope or Carry, wlien the firelock will be grasped with the right hand, at the word" Arms/* and brought down, as above described, to the long Trail. The short Trail must never be used in any instance, except the second motion of the order, and fixing and unfixing bayonets on the march, as such motion tends to cramp the muscles of the arm. At the word " Halt/' arms are not to be ordered without the word '' Order Arms/' when the rear rank will close to the front. 1« ■ V. % it, t§ ' M PLATOON EXERCISE. 42 d to the ecessarv. vavsprc- except he Slope i grasped 'Arms," ribed, to id in any )n of the onets on o cramp lot to be r Arms," lie front. Aigbt Oblique. OBLIQUE FIRING. The compan}^ receives the cautionary word from the instructor of the drill, ''The company v/ill fire obliquely to its right;" the commander beirjg- on the right of his company. On the close of the preparative, he takes one pace to his fronts faces to the left, and orders '' Company to the right oblique." At this command the company makes an exact quarter face to its rig'ht on both heels, and the rear rank at the same instant covers exactly by taking a moderate pace to the left. Agreeably to regulation in firing to the front. Agreeably to regulation, but to their then front. Agreeably to regulation. The company still remains & quarter (ace to the right and loads, taking the time from the right to castaboi;t,andcometothe priming position, till the close of the Ge- Head;. Proicnt. Fixe. 44 PLATOON EXERCISE. i> »' 'k ^\ hi- licft Oblique. KeftJy. Preie nt. Fire. iieralj when it will come to the front and shoulder ; the rcar-riink man brings his left foot to his right, and the commander takes post on the right. The company receives the order to fire obliquely to its left, at the close of the preparative^ the com- mander i?teps out one pace to his front, faces to tho left^ and orders '' Company Left Oblique.'* The company makes an exact quarter face to its left on both heels^ and the rf ar rank covers at the same instant by taking a mo- derate pace to the right. Agreeably to regulation. Agreeably to regulation to their then front. Agreeably to regulation. The company still remains a quarter face to its left and loads, both ranks turning the ramrod to the front, and take the time from the left to cast about, and come to the priming position, till the close of the General, when they will come to the front and shoulder. 'M I. 1 . Fl^TOON SXfiRCiSE. •45 e to the car-riinfv to his er takes INDEPENDENT OR FILE FIRING \e order at the he com- 3 to his d orders >> iin exact on both covers at g a mo- 1. to their nains a d loads^ nrod to le from d come till the ni they oulder. ^Il' i\ Independent or File Firing may com- mence from the right or left of companies, or from any particular part of the line as may be directed, and should be done as follows. At the close of the preparative, the first file will begin, the caution having previous- ly announced at what part of the line the fir- ing is to commence ; when the first file comes to ihd present, the next file makes ready, and so on for the first fire, after which ea<'h file will fire as soon as loaded^ the rear rank man keeping his eye on his front rank min, and preserving his fire un- til his front rank man has fired, and at the close of Iht^ (icneral they will come to the shoulder in()( pcndcntly, after loading. The recfuit^ ha' ing a thorough knov^- ledgc of the preceding portion of the drill, may now be lormed four ranks, and prac- tised to receive cavalry with two ranks kneeling, as it is necessary to do so in square Faur Deep. 46 PLATOON EXERCISE. Prepare to rf tlit titv»lr*, Roadj-i •'t ^^r ^ } I • . ! The first rank kneel as front rank^ the second rank kneeling as rear rank, both bringing at the same time the butt of the iirelbck in front of the right knee, the lock turned uppermost^ the right hand lightly grasping the small of the butt; holding the firelock firm with the left hand at the mid- dle of that part between the third loop and the swell, the lower part of the left arm resting upun the thigh, the muzzle of the firelock slanting upwards so that the point, of the bayonet will be about the height of a horse's nose. The third rank make ready as center rank, the fourth rank as rear rank standing ; in this the kneeling ranks do not cock, the two standing ranks will commence File firing at the close of the Pre- parative, or at the word, ''Com- mence Firing," — and at the close of the General, or at the word "Cease Firing" they will load, and stand steady till the word t I M t:' i^t PLATOON EXERCISE. 47 as front neeling as tig at the e firelock knee, the the right e small of firelock t the mid- i the third ower part ' upi^n the le firelock : the point, about the e ready as ] rank as I this the cockj the commence >f the Pre- d, "Com- t the close the word m\\ load, the word '.■■■\ s;*' -&i!^ "d "Load" is given to the kneeling ranks, when th^y come to the front, and baoulder with the front rank ; the kneeling ranks may be fired if necessary, for which the commander will give the words " Kneeling Ranks, ready, p'sent, fire,'* which they do as directed in the foregoing instructions ; then with a quick motion bring the firelock down to resist cavalry as before, and remain perfectly steady till the word '^ Load'' is given. -p !>■ m f 'I ^' " ' • 'v. LIGHT INFANTRY. 4'W ^. \n regiments of ligiifc infantry, or in de- tached corps acting' as such, it may occa- sionally be expedient to prime, load and fire,^ with both ranks kneeling. This mode of iirins; is permitted in corps of the above des- cription ; and the following Motions will be adopted in the practice of it. Firihi; Two Ranks Kneeling : Priming and Loading in Ihat i'osition. Ktadj. Botli ranks sink down smartly oil their right knees, and throw back their right legs. In the front rank, the left side of the right knees is directly to the rear o{ the right side of the left foot ; but the rear rank carries the right knee about four inches to the right. The left legs of both must be per: fectly perpendicular. The front and rear ranks respectively bring E !• 'ii ■■i '"> I HI: 50 LIGHT INFANTRY. n V I J ( f ! , P(jrieu(> ) ^ their firelocks down to the prim- ing position^ as hereafter explain- ed, cock, and replace their right hands on the small of the butt. From the left arm being brought across the body, the left shoulders of hoth ranks are brought for- ward in a small degree ; but the body must be kept as square to the front as possible, without pro- ducing constraint. On the word '^Present," both ranks bring their firelocks to tlie present, each man slowly and in- dependently levelling at the par- ticular object which his eye has fixed upon ; and as soon art he has covered his object, each man fires of his own accord, without wait- ing for any word of conuiiand. The elbows must on no account be projected. Both ranks keep their firelocks aithe prese7it till the word ''Load" is given, which the officer orders as soon as he sees they have all fired. f !•», ■»■:■'.: P 1 H 1. it ^^#, mm '4» he prim- oxplain- |eir right butt, brought houldcr.H ght ibr- but the quare to out pro- t/' both 8 to the ^ and in- the par- J eye has art he lias man fiiTH )ut wait- ommaiid. account LIGHT INFANTRY. 51 firelocks ''Load" er orders have all II 1 M >>• 1 Then the men come to the priming posi- tion, which in this particular mode of firing is as follows: The firelocks of the front rank are in line with the hi id ti ;aose of the rear rank are placed about four inches above the haunches. The elbows of both ranks must be as close to the body as possible. The front rank men^ after priming, bring round their firelocks to the left side, and throw the butts to the rear; so that the barrels may be close to the left thigh, and the muzzles three inches behind the left knees. The left hand moves the firelock from the right side to the left, and the right hand is brought across the body to accomplish the loading. After loading, the firelock is raised, and advanced to the front by the left hand, and the position for making ready is resumed. The rear rank men after priming turn the body to the right in a small degree, lean well to the rear, and throw the butts to the front, so that the firelocks may be in con- tact with the right thighs of the front rank E 2 i^ v\ f Uf;HT INFANTRY I: I ('. M r 1 1 nu n^ and the muzzle in lino with the hip- bone. Tliey then resume their original position for making ready. On the signal to cease firing, the ranks resume their standing position, and shoulder. m ■ft 5 '. r X') ^1 DISMISSING A COMPAN' 53 the hip- position e ranks boulder. r,-,' MODE TO BE OBSERVED IN DISMISSING A COMPANY OFF PARADE. Rcccver /ims. Bring the firelock to the reco- ver^ bf throwing it briskly out of the left hand^ (if with shouldered armSj) the guard to the fronts the cock resting against the left breast, the left hand seizes the firelock above the lock, and the right hand grasps the small of the butt. Easesp.ing.. ^^ ^jjig word, the firelock "is kept steady at the recover^ the pan thrown open with the thumb of the right hand^ and the cock let easy down with the fore-finger and thumb of the same hand. Right Face, jj^ |j,g jnanncr prescribed by re- gulation. Lodge Ami*, ^i ^ijig -word, the whole drop their firelocks smartly io the j)07't, K 3 tt I* I] I- 1V I' ^:i!i 5f 1 I 54 DISMISSING A COMPANY. the front rank spring oft* to the left, the rear rank to the right, break off, and quit the parade without noise. JV*. B. — In turning in a Guard or Pk- qiietj the same mode is to be observed, with the exceptio7i of easi7ig Springs. ■ i» MX mm \\ I ) '< ^i^'i i.w: INSPECTING A COM^PANY. 55 I to the |c right, parade or pic- ked, with iltfention. Fis«Ba>onL'ts. Shoulder Arms. MANNER OF INSPECTING A COM- PANY ON PARADE. As per Regulation. As directed in Page 7. As already directed. op?n"n!e;;M:l::h. As already directed. Open Pans. |g^ Bring tlic right hand across the body, place the fore-finger on the face of the Pan. 2d. Force the Pan open with the fore-finger, turning the back of the hand against the barrel. 3d. Quit the right hand. Slope Arms. j^^ dircctcd in Page 14. The Inspection of Arms is n.ow to take place. Carry Arm., ^g directed iu pagc 15. shut Pang. 1st. Bring the right hand across the Body; — place the fore-finger on the back of the Pan-cover, el- bow close to the Body. 2d Force the Pan down. 3d. Quit the hand. u I' f 'I i !i w 5G Order Armi* Arm*. Rfttirn Uanf lodt. INSPECTING A COMPANY. As already directed. At the word"Examine/* slip the thumb in rear of the Barrel^ at th^ M'ord '' Arms, '* face to the right, bringing the butt between the feet, sling towards the Body, holding the Firelock with the left hand at the full extent of the arm; draw the Ramrod, let it down the Barrel, and quit the right hand. — When the Officer comes within a pace, draw the ramrod and place it on the upper brass, nine inches to the front, fore-finger one inch in rear of the brass, elbow square, and arm above the ramrod. Return the ramrod, shifting the firelock on the right side. An inspection of the appointments, clo- thing, &c. is now made. i;nft,o.y.. ^s directed in Page 15. net*. Rcriunkujce^^ As bcforc difccted. Clo«e Order As before directed. 1 n \'*M % J- 4 .;(' I : >: FIRING. 57 slip the rrel^ at to the etween Body, the left he arm; own the band. — kvithin a id place e inches ►ne inch square, I. 'ing the its^ clo- "■1 it ■ % CARTRIDGE PRACTICE. When the Recruit has attained a perfect knowledge of the Platoon Exercise, he is to be instructed in the mode of priming with powder. The instructor will take care to explain, that the pan half filled vith powder is sufficient for the purpose,, the grains kept clear of the spring of the ham- mer. This explanation is particularly ne- cessary, as much of the unsteadiness in sol- diers, when firing two deep, proceeds from the useless quantity of powder expended in priming, scorching their faces. Burning Priming, The Recruit must then by word of Com- mand — Make Ready — Present and (Snap) Fire'* — Previous to giving the word *' Fire," the Instructor will see that the Recruit is perfectly steady, — has taken good aim at some given object, — the left eye shut ; the use of the sight having been previously ex- plained. — x\fter the Fire, the Recruit is to be taught to keep the firelock steady to his aim, with the Cheek down on the Butt, un- til the word^'Load" isgiven. — A few lessons V f If r. 58 FIRING. of burning priming ir_ this manner/and af- terwards two deep) will accustom the Re- cruit bv degrees to take a steady and firm Aim; jd will prevent him being flurried and i/ver anxious when brought to Fire Cartridge. A traversing Rest will be found a very useful method of instructing Recruits to le- vel; — It is a scooped piece of Wood^ pla- ced on a standi which receives the Firelock, and is made to elevate, depress, or traverse at will, — several small spots being painted on the Barracks or Wall — as (1) (3) (2) (4) — &c. the Recruit at 100 yards, is ordered to aim at No. — Having done so, he leaves the Fire- lock on the stand, and removes himself in order that the Instructor may take his place and look along the sight to correct if ne- cessary any error. '■'^. m FIRING. 59 3r,{and af- n the Re- and firm g flurried t to Fire ind a very ruits to le- Vood, pla- 3 Firelock, or traverse ig painted ) — &c. the id to aim at s the Fire- s himself in ie his place >rrect if ne- i M. ^ 4 n. BLANK CARTRIDGE. The Recruit, in loading, is to he instruct- ed to shake the powder well out of the car- tridge, and to ram the paper, as wadding, home. The instructor will then fire each Recruit singh/, looking to his levelling, as hefore directed, and pay particular atten- tion that the cheek is not removed, or any start of the head permitted after the fire. The word "Load" will be given as prevous- ly ordered^ and the Recruit proceed ac- cordingly. When several Recruits are steady in their firing singly, they will be placed first in single rank, that every man may be observ- ed, and two or three men fire together by word of command ; afterwards a coiiple of files will fire two deep, occasionally chang- ing ranks ; then the files will be increased by degrees, until the platoon fires together. The rear rank men must be most parti- cularly attended to, as they generally fire too high ; this is a great fault in the service, and every soldier must be cautioned against it. The centre part of a man, at 150 yards, is perhaps (in Platoon) the best general rule to lay down for aim. Riflemen, and Light Infantry firing at long distances, will of il ^1 (JO riiUNij i. .1, 1 roui'sc receive purticular instructions, re- gulated bv the dillereut description 4)rsiii;hts in use. HALL FIRING. When the Recruit lias j^onc through the blank cartridge drill, he will, as soon as opportunity otters, practise at a target with ball. The first target for the instruction of Re- cruits is to be romuU eiglit feet ii> diameter, and the practice will commence at a dis- tance of thirtij yards,( or nearer, if necessa- ry,) so that it will be almost impossible that tbe Recruit should miss it. This method is intended to produce confidence in the young soldier, at the eonunencenient of his prac- tice, instead of the system hitherto observed, of placing him in front of a small target at a long range, and by this means frequently producing in tl.e mind of the Recruit (from constantly missing) a degree of despair of ever bscoming a good shot. On the con- trary, finding that he always bits at a cer- tain distance, confidence ensues, and he feels determined to command his object at an increaaed range ever afterwards. ■% ■f I* ill 1 1 tions, ro- of sights ougli the 5 soon as I'^ct with on of Re- diameter^ i at a dis- f neccssa- 5sihle that method is the young his prac- observed, target at requently uit (from lespair of the con- at a ccr- , and he object at ■-i FIRING. 61 % The range will be increased by degrees to 50 — 80 — 100 yards, at the same target ; and when the Recruits are individually stea- dy at these distances, the instructor will fire them by files, increasing the distance from 50 yards upwards, changing ranks oc- casionally — then by sections — and lastly by platoon. The recruit will now practice at a tar- get of six feet by two, as the last of his drill. This target will be divided by black linjes into three compartments, tipper, centre, and lower di\ision%, (the centre division having a buirs-eye of eight inches diameter in its centre, surrounded at two inches distance, by a circle of an inch broad,) and be placed at a range of 80 yards, which distance will be increased, as improvement takes place, to 100, 150, and 200 yards. This division of the' target is necessary, in order to correct any soldiers general line of fire, by referring to former practice re- ports where his shots have been inserted — as for instance, ''always fires low, &c/' — The reports- must be correctly copied into a book kept by each company for the pur- pose ; and signed by the officer who super - F II tt 'i !;i' 11 ».r f i 62 FIRING. intended the practice^ according to the following form. Report of the Target Practice of Capt. Company on the day of No. Namei. Dist yrds Hits. 1 s 1 B| o Remark! 1 ' r • to a. i a U 1 3 3 4 Serjeant J. Adams . t . . Corparal B. Brown . • • Dram. C. Grant ^ Private, A. Alexander. 100 1 2 3 I O 1 3 2 3 5 3 4 3 s a 3 e 6 6 18 Oater Circle. C Bull's OJTC. In Hoipital. Total . . 10 8 (Signed) J. D., Captain. JV. B. — This Form will enahle any Com- manding Officer to judge of the 'proficiency of his Companies, and any General of his Battalions i by comparison with others. f| ) i i> |K «» ;' If * 1.!- 1 Ti r i ,5!*. »' to the Capt. t of ' llemarkii r • m '€ 1 1 Ooter Circle. ° Bull's eye. In Hoipital. '. ptain. ny Com- oficie^icy il of his rs. TO FIRE A FEU DE JOIE. The Line drawn up at open order, (double distance) with shouldered arms^ and bayonets fixed^ HS:pr?m"an?ii;d I quicfc time as per Regulation. Reartj. After loadings remain quarter- faced to the right, firelocks to be brought smartly to the recover and cock. Presenti Elevated in the air. The right-hand roan of the front rank commences the fire^ which will run down the' front and up the rear^ as quick as possible. — When the right-hand man of the rear rank has fired^ the whole will glance their eyes to the rights to bring the firelock to the prim- ing position and when loaded, they will remain steady^ waiting for the word. R*>r;i1v, Prr^t'ti' As before directe4 The same to be third time. rep ea ted a F^ 5 ,. fit t . 1 64 FEU DE JOIE. After the third fire^ the whole will glance their eyes to the right, to bring the firelocks to the port together. Half coek Arms. Shoulder^ Fr^'nTA?i!;!ader J As per Rcgulatlons. Atm; Order Arms. ^ Three Cheers. iH m i\ i 1^1 le whole he right, the port 19. I'll m DIRECTIONS FOR FUNERAL PARTIES. The party appointed for the escort^ ac- cording to the rank of the deceas ;d^ is to be drawn up two dee;p^ with open ranks and unfixed bayonets, facing the house, or mar quee, where the corpse is lodged ; anci whtii it is brought out, the officer commanding will give the following words of command-; PRESENT ARMS. REVERSE ARMS. EXPLANATION FOR REVCRSING ARMS. The right hand strikes the butt of the firelock, which is turned upwards ; the guard turned towards ihe. body; the fire- lock is then placed under the leit arm, seiz- ing the cock and hammer with the left fore-fingers and thumb. The right hand is thrown behind the body, and grasps the firelock ; the right heel at the same time i» brwight to its original position. • r 3 i»' la > 1 !; 66 FUNERAL PARTIES. The officers* swords are reversed under the right arm: the point of the sword down- wards, grasping the hilt with the right hand. The Serjeant's pikes to be reversed under the left arm ; the pike upwards, and the right hand thrown behind the back, grasp- ing the shaft. REAR RATvFKS TAKE CLOSE dRD£]i. The party wil' then wheel forward^s or backwards by divisions, or subdivisions, as circumstan«e8 may require, and will stand a column, the left in front, until the pro- cession is ready, when the ranks will be o- pened by word of command, , ,. ,. . MARCH. ,.,.-,,, .. The party moves off in ordinary time, followed by the music, with drums muffled, playing the Dead March. ^ ^^.,.. ^..THECCyRPS.., ,..__ f»AIX-BEARERS OF EQUAL RANK WITH THE DECEASED. CHIEF MOURNERS. , OFFICERS TWO AND TWO, i , According to ^anl^, the juniprs. next to the body of the deceased. Mr 'a . :1 FUNERAL PARTIES. 67 ider the I down- e right d under and the , grasp- f i ■^ When the first division of the funeral party arrives near the burial-ground^ the word of command, ''Half is given, and the officer commanding will order the ranks of the divisions to wheel to the right and left, having been previously told off for that pur- pose, and facing inwards, forming a lane for the corpse to pass through. Rtifelt. ardjS oi: sions, as ill stand the pro- illbe o- y time, muffled, THE t to the REST UPON YOUR ARMS REVERSED. Explanation. The firelock is quitted by the right hand, and brought to a perpendicular position ; the muzzle placed upon the toes of the left foot. The right and left hands open are placed upon the butt-end of the firelock. The soldiers head leaning on the back of the left hand, so as to look towards the corpse. The corpse, &c. having passed through the lane, the word ''Attention" is given, on which the soldiers raise their heads. REVERSE ARMS The ranks are then wheeled up, and at ''Open Order," move in ordinary time, and form in line in same order, near to and fac- ing the Grave. e ■ \ I' , ■ :il "N 68 FUNERAL PARTIES. The Command will then be given, REST UPON YOUR ARMS REVERSED. After the performance of the Funeral Service, the following words of command are given : attention. by seizing the firelock with the left hand at the swell, the right hand shifted, and both holding the firelock in the position of Pre- sented Arms. SHOULDER ARMS. PRIME AND LOAD WITH BLANK CARTRIDGE AND SHOULDER. FIRE THREE VOLLIES IN THE AIR. ORDER ARMS. — FIX BAYONETS. SHOULDER ARMS. REAR RANKS TAKE CLOSE ORDER. Wheel backwards by divisions on the Icff, and march to camp or barracks, the right in front, quicli time. In marching back, the music arc not to play, or the drums to beat, until the party is entirely clear of the burying-p-ound. N. B. Inthefnnerals of General Officers, the arrangement of the prescribed nu mher q f pieces of cannon, and of the different troops^, muM he made under the superintendence of the Ge- neral Officer commanding the whole, and mihstx necessarily depend on local circumstances. I \n r i; f.'.il m i if 'I I i rll :.| .■•it SED. Funeral command ¥ I ft hand at and both m of Pre- RTRlDGfi AIR. 8. ER. n the Icff, the right re not to the; partj >und. fficcrs,t1ie ".r of pieces wpsy mnM of the Go \andmiLst\ lances.