IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // c ' 1.0 I.I 318 12.5 Wk^ "^ m 140 i. I. 2.2 2.0 lis 1.25 lu 1.6 ^, — II— — -• 6" ► 'm VQ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 m. ■^^ iV :\ \ l\ k o^ ■#v <^ > ^l': vv I ' n ji ^iO Oi'idJIlTA v^;,« i^u: * ► ■. •_ U li i»)rriii>R->i?Kir ri-x^ff »->a»T i,r,;>>To;f j^, ^aiivJ t'J foiaiil L__ ,il«iji(|}Jl .'>'ya\^*i l'A'\ Oil no Tt a al.1.5 f'i foiali*^ THE PRINCE ALBERT YOnUG MENS LITEBAEI A.isrr> ATHLETIC CI-UB. GONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS, ETC. BstabMed at Prince Albert. N.W.T., leth Noyember, A.D. 1888. ^. !-J J m (i)fficcvs of f ae §fua. President-HoN. L. Clarke, Chief Factor, H.B.C Vice-Presidents^CoL. Sproat, Thos. Swanston AND JaS. MaCARTIIUR, EsQS. Executive Committee-MEssRs. Fitz. Cochrane, OUNN (,eorge Mills, Thomas A. Spink AND Graham Nelsun. Treasurer-J. Mector Knowles. Secrctary-FiTZGERALD Cochrane. u Tliat tlii. Association shall he called and ;no\vn as the Pkixck Alblcrt Young Mens Litkraky AN'D Athlf^tic Club. That the objects of this Club are the establish- ment and maintenance ot" suitable rooms wlieiein the young men of Prince Albert can meet for mutual instruction and amusement, for the exer- cise of the mind as well as the body 1: " A/e;iS Sana in corpore sano^'' being our rnctto. That in order to carry out the objccrs of this Club, suitable rooms shall be eniraged for a gym- nasium and for a readin*: room, and ohce for ii.'imes. such as ch( (lrauL{hts, flon";in(»es, whist, etc. That the officers of this Club shall consist of a President, one or more Vice- Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer, and an IWecutive Committee, of seven members, whose (Juties aie defined in Ihe Tliat rll contributors of the sum of $ioo and upwards towards the funds of the (dub shall [je considered Lifj and Hfjnorary mend)ers thereof d'hat in addition to tlic above objects, the Cdub will encourage th'j holding of Penny Readings on certain evenings, the f(;rmation of a (/lee (jr Musi'-al C^lul). and the giving of occasional ('oncerts under the auspices of the Club, the deliverv of short Lectures on Scientific and Literarx- sublets, the giving of i>rizes for snow-shoeing and skating races, exhibition of gymnastics and athletic sports, etc. '33p=-£aiV)s. if ' I! J, .^ 1. That the officers of this Club shall consist of a President, one or more Vice- 1 Residents, a Secre tarv and Treasurer, who shall he elected at the annual meeting of the Club, which will be held on the first Tuesday of November in eai h year, by ballot. 2. That this Club shall be under the control and management of an l^^xecutive Committee o( seven, who shall be elected by ballot at the annual meet- inj^ of the Club, and whose duty it shall be to look after the general management of the affairs of the (J!lub, financial and directory, to supervise the management of the rooms, to enfor( e order and observance of the Hy-l^aw-,, to direct the janitor in the discharge of his (hities, and generally to exer- cise a sui>erviNion over the affairs of the Club. The Executive Committee (whilst the whole, or a ma- jority of its meiDbers will retain control over the wiiole Club) may subdivide its duties by detailing t3 ea(Mi member, by rotation for one week^ the duty of taking charge of tlie rooms, and seeing that the Janitor altcnds to hij> duties, and that the rooms are run according to the By-Laws. When any vacancies occur in the J^^xecutive Committee during the year from resignation, removal or other cause, such vacancies may be filled up by the re- maining portion of the Committee electing a member or members by ballot to serve the remain- der of the year. 3. That the Secretary and Treasurer shall per- form the duties usually assigned to those offices. 4- Th.u cac h mt'iiihcr of i.iis Clu!) sh.ill pnv tlie sum of one dulhir per nioiilh, towards iIr support of the C'lul), su( li sum to be payable ou tlio first tlav of every month, and also the sum of fifty c ents entrance fee, payable in arder ; to report any infringements of the By-Laws to the \1 Executive Committee and generally to obey the directions of the Execiuive Committee. 9. No gnmhling, j)rofiine or indecent langnngc, or loud talking calculated to disturb the members, or unrul)' conduct of any kind, shall be nllowed in the rooms ui-.der a penalty for the hrst offence of a fine of fi!ty (XMits; for the second offence susjjension from the rooms for one week ; and for the third offence ex[julsi;)n from the Club. No discussions on religion.', or ])()litical subjects will be alhowed in the rooms under a penalty of a fine of fifty cents for each offenc:e. 10. No periodicals, book/; or papers sliall be taken out of the rooms on any pretext whatever. 11. No drinking cf intoxicants of any kind shall be allowed in the Club rooms under a penalty of (;ne dollar for the first offence and ex[)ulsion ln;m the Club for the second. 12. I'he Executive Commitlce 01 a majoiiry of tiieiii sliiill ha\e ])Ower to dismiss the Janitor for inattention t;> his (hities, or other sufficient cause, and to a})poiiU another in his place. 13. Any meiTiber of the Club may have the ] rivilege of introducing a friend (being a no!i-resi- dent) for a i)eriod not exceeding two weel s-S. U r 1; 14. No alteration or amendments of these By- Laws shall be made exce)>t at a sj^ecial meeting of the Club, called for that purpose after one month's notice. ^-OR THE RKGUI.ATION OK THE GYMNASIUM. The properties of the CJymnasiuin are vested in and belong to the Club. No member of the Club shall be allowed to take away from the Club Rooms any of the fittines or Sir. "' '"■ ^^^---■"'"nderLy'^^tex: Any damage wilfully done to any of the fittincs o properfes o the (gymnasium must be made good and paid for by the party committing it. Bvery member in the absence of a member of the Committee is e.xpected to use hi e^ervf.h'"""''*" ^°°' •^"*^"« -'" order and to preserve the properties of the Club, and to see that the By-laws and Rules are observed. ^ist of ^^Xcmders. cv Hon. L. Clarke VV. R. Giinn, Jos. Knowles, J. I). Maveety, A. Sproat, | \Vm. Barker, j Graham Nelson, i J. H. Wilmot, I R. Middleton, _ | John Flett, ' I W. (^oodfillow, : D. J. Gann, ! Wm. R. Dobbie,' Fitz. Cochrane, I T. A. S!)ink, I J. I). Hanafin, i Gee. F. Mills, j I'hos. Vj. Baker,; J. O. Davis, I R. J. O'I.eary, , Thos. O. Davis, J. A. Marshall, (7. Sutherland, \V. H. Beckett, J. L. Johnson, Doug. Peterson, T. N. Campbell, R. B. Way, Wm. vStewart, D. A. Macgregor, Ja^. Sanderson, J. D. Tompkins, John Stewart, J. J. Cami)bell, Wm. Spencer, M. McKay, O. E. Hughes, D. J. W^iggoner, T. E. Jackson, Wm. Jackson, Harold Ross, A. E. Bennett, Geo. R. Bird, W. J Carter, David Carter, C. I*. Moore, K. H. Ma:ion, Jas. Macarthur, F. C. Baker, Rev. W^m. Mc- WilHam, Rev. Canon Flett Rev. Fere Andre. A. A. Porter, Andrew Agnew, J. C. Mackenzie, R. G Wynne, G. Northgraves, Joseph Hurd, William Tait, C. Hamilton, Wm. Fawcett, Jos. Finlayson, P. V Gauvreau, Samuel McLeod, George Taylor, J. F. Kennedy, Wm. Brown, R. P. Rogers, W. V. Miclise, James Neil son, Thoi. McKay, S. C. Elliot, Leon Chevalier, Frank Agnew, Robert Irish, A. R. Burns, Thos. I Amisden, Jules H. Duval, Dr. Bain, r. J. Agnew, Sergt. Keenan, Corporal Stewart Joseph McKay, W. Knox, W. C. Ramsay, C. A. Newett, D. G. Wardrope, V. R. C. Hutch- inson, Wm. McLeod, R. Thompson, T. H. Newett, W. J. Atkinson, W. R. Fish, Gjorge Duck,