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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 'MiN Mining Enginei .^0, JVtfONaREA.X., & ilnpmi^^ '^'^. t . Z' y^ Gaspesia Railway Company of Canada. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF niSTANCKS (Land and Marine) • BETWEEN Montreal, Halifax and New York, AND M07IILE, QlIEENSTOf N AND LimPOOL, I'V \. Wtirtele, Leaaard & Co. PRINTERS, 1488 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL. HE Z^iO &3 Gaspesla Railway Company of Canada. — ' ♦-♦♦ COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OK DISTANCES (Land aoil Marine) HETWEEN Montreal. Halifax and New York, AND M07ILLE, QHEENSTOf N AND LIVERPOOL. QUEBEC ROUTE. n k^*VT,''' ''''"=• Nautical Miles. Quebec to Moville 2474 Moville to Liverpool '!......!........ 187 Quebec to Liverpool 2Gf)l Deduct therefrom— Quebec to Point St. Pierre, ocean ter- minus of Gaspesia Railway 369 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, via Belle I^...2292 N'l. Miles. Quebec to Queenstown 2roi Queensto v;n to Liverpool !..!.!.!!. 209 Quebec to Liverpool 2710 Deduct — Quebec to Point St. Pierre, Gaspesia ^"^^*y .369 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, Ha Belle Ts'iI7....2341 N'l Miles. -4- Via Caps Raoi. Quebec to Moville 2565 ' Moville to Liverpool ....18"* Quebec tn Liverpool 2752 Deduct — Quebec to Point St. Pierre 369 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, via Cipe R^...2a83 N'l. Miles. Quebe'! to Queenstown 2592 Queeijstown to Liverpool 209 Quebec to Liverpool 28OI Deduct — Quebec to Point St. Pierre 369 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, via Cape rI^...2432 N'l. Miles. I. Miles. - 5 - HALIFAX ROUTE. Halifax to Moville 2155 Moville to Liverpool ........!...... 187 Halifax to Liverpool 2342 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, via Belle Isle and Moville, as above 2292 Difference in favor of Point St. Pierre ;*^ "^'^^^P^'^^ 50N^MiIe,. Halifax to Queenstown 2182 " Queenstown to Liverpool 209 Halifax to Liverpool.. 2391 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, via Belle Isle and Queenstown, as above 2841 Difference in favor of Point St. Pierro '° ^'^'^^^^"^ mjlMll... Halifax to Moville and Liverpool, as ' ' above 2342 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, titCape, Race and Moville, as above 2383 Difference in favor of Halifax Route .~... 41 N'l Mil«. H^Jiff *~'^'!'' f^^ ^'""^ ^ ^'''' •' ""»• ««iJ'"K time in favor of Halifax route ; but, as shown hereinafter, the present railway route from Montreal to Halifax, via G. T. R and L C R i^ fs 2oTmr ^fi^;«- -"--ti-^ andu«C.P.R.shortlin 18 209 miles and . hrs. 25 min. time, longer than would be by Railway from Montreal to Point St. Pierre, viz: 5^7 mil„ and 18 hrs 5 mm. time. This time. Montr;al to PoinTst Pierre, could be still further reduced to 11 hours. Halifax to Queenstown and Liverpool, as above ' 9001 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, na Cape " Race and Queenstown. as 2432 Difference in favor of Halifax Route '~. 41 N'l w;i.. N. B.— Same remarks as above. — e — NEW YORK ROUTE. New York to SSundy Hook 18 Sandy Hook to Liverpool.... 3130 New York to Liverpool Jj^J Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, via Capo Race Difference in favor of Point St. Pierre, 2383 Gaspem Railway 7(io N'|. mji,,. New York to Liverpool, uh above 3148 Point St. Pierre to Liverpool, via lielle ^«'« 2292 Difference in favor of Point St Pierre, Gaspesiu Railway '. 85H N'l. Miles. M 'i^^^'l^ Alontreal as the central point for Passenger and Mail Traffic, we rind : Montreal to Halifax, via G. T. R. and L C. R 858 Miles. Running Time, per Official Time Tables 31 hr -. 10 min. Montreal to Halifax, via C. P. R. short line through Maine, U. S., New Brunswick ••and Nova Scotia 756 Miles. RunningTime, per Official Time Table 25 hrllo^ Montreal to Point St. Pierre, via G. T. R., L C. R. and Gaspesia Railway ,547 MUeg. • Thus— . . Montreal to Levis, G. T. R 172 Miles ; Time, 6 hrs 26 rain. Levis to St. Octave, I.C.R....203 '' " 6 - 40 - •St. Octave to Point St. Pierre, ■ Gaspet^ia Railway ......172 " "say5 " QO -. Total. .647 18hrs. 05 min. N'l. MiloM. X'l. Mile.s. JDger and m Miles. •■'. 10 mill. 756 Miles. 8.30 uiin. )47 Miles. 3 25 * rain. 40 4« ' 00 . 05 mill, Difference of Mileage and Time, 'between Montreal «nd Halifnx, tiaCJ.T. R. and I. C. R, and Montreal and Point St. Pierre, Gaspesia Railway, in favor of latter ''®"*« 311 Milea ; Time , saved, IShours 05min. Difference between Montreal and Halifax, via C. P. R, abort line, and in favor of Montreal and Point St. Pierre Gas- peeia Railway 20 ?) Miles ; Time saved, 7 hrs. 25 min. The above noted time between Montreal and Point St. Pierre, the projected terminuH of the Gaspwia Railway for transfer of passengers and mails; could be reduced by an average running speed of 50 miles an hour; thereby making the full run within eleven hours (llhrs.) At present the Canadian Mail Steamers, during navigation of the St., Lawrence, transfer Passengers and Mails at R>. moufiki, which port is 213* imutival miles further inland than Point St. Pierre, and entails a sail, avera^in^ 14 hour* longer. The uistance by I. C. R. and Gaspesia Railway, from Rimouski to Point St. Pierre, will be 23 miles a«d 172 miles respectively, in all lUo miles. This time «oi»ld therefore be reduced bv average running of 50 mil«8 an hour, to 3 hours 54 mil! , mbtea.l of 14 hours of sailing—a gain of 10 hr.s. G min. in favor of the Gaspesia Railway. It h»6 been established above that the Gaspesia Railway to the Point .St. Pierre terminus will be the shortest possible railway route to the sea-board. At Point St. Pierre there are unequalled facilities for con- etructing wharves and piers into deep water, which would make it not only a summer port, but, without doubt, a wint« port as well. Observations taken during the last two winters have confirmed what the oldest seafaring reeidente of the i!?tnct and others have always asserted ; that navigBtion couid be carried on at th^t part of the Gulf of St. Uwrenca IJ tjie year round. — 8 — « ■.. • t Xlie t'oll<>\vii:itj: ctiloultitloiiM nrc Mul>niittecJ. 'W'liloli firceun Mervlce t)f ai> nnuUculriiile»s(in liour: — GASPESIA RAILWAY ROUTE. .'i Via Movii-LK. » Montreal to Point. St. Pierrp, Ha G. T. R., I. C. R. nnd (ia.spe,«ia Railway, r)47 miles, at AO miles on hour.... 11 hrs. ' Point St. Pierre to Moville, via Belle Isle, 2105 nautical njiles, at 20 n. miles per hour 4,d8. S) hrs. 15 min. Montreal to Moville 4 ds. 20 hrs. 15 min. Moville to Liverpool, 187 n. miles 10 hr.s. Montreal to Liverpool, via Belle Tsle and Moville 5 ds. 6 h rs. 15 min. Montreal to Point St. Pierre, as above... 11 hrs. Point St. Pierre to .AloviJle, via Cape Race, 21{)() u. miles, at 20 n. miles • Perhour 4 ds. 13 hrs. 48 mm. Montreal to Moville 5 ds. 00 hrs. 48 min. Moville to Liverpool, 187 n. miles 10 hrs. Montreal to Liverpool, d« Cape Race ; and Moville 5 ds. 10 hrs. 48 min. ubtiiitteU. .'ice t>f Mi irs. (irs. 15 iiiin. tirs. 15 inin. irs. 15 min. irs. irs. 48 mm, lirs. 48 min. hrs. irs. 48 min. — 9- Via QrEK.vsTOWN, Montrnil to l' St. I'ieirp. uh above... n hr« I'oiiit St. Pierre to Queenstown, via Uellc iHle. 2132 li. riiiluH, at 20 n. miles ' 4(18. lOlirs .'Mituin. Moiitroiil to Quet'iiMown TTl 9, ,' „ ,~ :~ tiiiH'ntouii to liivrpool. 200 n. inilos... Vlhri* Montmil to Liverpool, tin Helle Fslo Mom real to i'oint St. I»i«'rro. ns j.hove... 1 1 |,,-s Point St. I'iorreioQueen!»town. rmCapo Race. 222;{ n. niile.s, at 2(» n. mil.'s *'""'' I<1>'. 15|,rs.0UMiin. Montreal to Qnm.stown ^^'^2hT~:^~^i'::^. Qneenstown to Liverpool ^2 hre Montreal lo Liverpool, rin Cupe Race... 14 hr.s. 09 min. HALI FAX ROUTE. Via MoviLLE. Montreal to Halifax, vin(j. T. R. and C. P. R., a58mile8 1 dy. 7 hrs. 10 min. Halifax to Moville, 2165 n. miles, at 20 n. miles per hour 4 ds. 12 hrs. 15 min. Montreal to Moville, tin Halifax 5 ds. 19 hrs. 25 min. Moville to Liverpool, 187 n. miles 10 hrs. Montreal to Liverpool, via Halifax and Moville 6 ds. 5 hrs. 25 min. Montreal to Liverp<»ol, via Point St. Pierre, Belle Isle and Moville, as above. 5 ds. 6 hrs. 15 min. Difference in fuvor of Point St. Pierre Route 23 hrs. 10 min. Montreal to Halifax and Liverpool, as above 6 ds. 5 hrs. 25 min. Montreal to Liverpool, via Point St. Pierre, Cape Rac3 and Moville, as above 5 ds. 10 hrs. 48 min. Difference in favor of Point St. Pierre Route 18 hrp. 37 m in. Montreal to Halifax, via C. P. R. short line, 756 miles 1 dj\ 1 hr. 30 min. Halifax to Moville, 2165 n. miles, at 20 n. miles per hour 4 ds. 12 hrs. 15 min. Montreal to Moville 5 ds. 13 hrs. 45 min. Moville to Liverpool, 187 n. miles 10 hrs. Montreal to Liverpool, via Halifax and Moville 5 ds. 23 hrs. 45 min. Montreal to l^iverpool, via Point St. Pierre, Belle Isle and Moville, as above 5 ds. 6 hrs. 15 min. Difference in favor of Point St. Pierre Jloute...... ,, ,,.,,,...,...? 17 hrs. 30 min. rs. 10 min. ire. 15 min. irs. 25 min. ra. irs. 25 Diin. rs. 15 min. rs. 10 min. rs. 25 min. rs. 48 mill. rp. 37 m in. r. 30 min. rs. 15 min. rs. 45 min. rs. — 11 — Montrpjil to Halifax and Liverpool, a» '^'•"^'** 5 flf. 23 hrs. 4.-) min. Montreal to I^iveriiooi, via Point 8t. Pierre, Cape Rate and Moville, as "'»*'^'e 5 ds. 10 hi-s. ^S min. Diffeveiice in favor of Point St. Pierre ^""♦^' 12 Ins. ■•); min. lid QUKKNSTOWN. Montreal t<) Halifax, tin li. T. U. and {'. P. II. -S.").S mile.s J ,|,,y 7 ],,.„. lu min. IJalilax t<» Queenstown, 2182 p miles, at 20 miles per hour 4 ds. i;5 Ins. (j(? min. Queenstown to Liverpool, 20!) n. mile.>» 12 lirs. Montreal to Liveri»ool, ria Halifax.... <; (\fi. o.s Ins. Ki min Montreal to Liverpool ria Point St. Pierre, Belle Isle and Queenstown, '"^"'•^•^■e ■') ds. Oi) hrs. 36 min. Difference in favor o( Point St. Pierre ^^"^« 22 hrs. 40 min. Montreal to Halifax ami Liverpool, as "^»^'ve G ^1,, ^ 1,,.^ If- „,i„ Montreal to Liverpool, ria Point St. Pierre, Cape Race ami Queens- town, as above ."> ds. 14 hrs. OJ) min. Difference in favor of Point St. Pierre J^*^^' — 12 — Montreal to Halifax, via C. P. R. short route, 756 miles i day 1 hr.'SOmin. Jiulilax to Queenstown, as above, 2182 n. miles 4 da. 13 hrs. 6 ipin. Queenstown to Liverpool, 209 n. miles 12 hrs. Montreal to Liverpool, via Halifax 6 ds. 02 hrs. 36 min. Montreal to Liverpool, via Point St. Pierre, Belle Isle and Queenstown, *« "^«^'« 5 ds. 09 hrs. 36 min. Difference in favor of Point St. Pierre ^«"t«- IThrs. Montreal to Halifax and Liverpool, as j;^^^^-; 6 ds. 02 hrs. 36 min. Montreal to Liverpool, via Point St. Pierre, Cape Race and Queens- town, us above 5 d8.14hr8. 09 min. Difference in favor of Point St. Pierie ^""^^ 12 hrs. 27 min. NEW YORK ROUTE. 3130 nautical miles to Liverpool. Taking the best eastern record, made by the "City of New . York"in August 1892: /rom New York to Sandy Hook 5 hrs. Sandy Hook to Queenstown 6 ds. 19 hrs. 57 min. New York to Quieenstown 6 ds. 00 hrs. 57 min. Queenstown to Liverpool i^ hrs. New York to Liverpool 6 ds. 12 hrs. 57 min. Montreal to Liverpool, via Belle Isle and Queenstown, as above 5 ds. 09 hrs. 36 min. Montreal to Liverpool, via Cape Race and Queenstown as above 5 ds. 14 hrs. 09 min. 1 hr. 30 min. { hrs. 6 ipin. 2 hrs. hrs 36 min. hrs. 86 mill. hrs. hrs . 36 min. hrs. 09 min. irs. 27 min. Dity of New irs lirs 57 min. irs. 57 min. irs. irs. 57 min. irs. 36 min. irs. 09 min. I -18- We have, therefore, In comparlaon with the New York route, a difference in favor of the Oaspesia Railway and trans-Atlantic route, from Point St. Pierre, via Belle Isle, of 1 day 3 hrs. 21 min., and via Cape Race of 22 hrs. 48 min., without taking into consideration the time of travelling and expense thereof, incurred by passengers from outside of New York, and the delay in waiting tidal hours and otherwise. Whereas via the Gaspesia Railway no delays could occur, as the passengers and mails could be transferred at any hour of the day all the year round. The trains would take pas- sengers to and from the steamer's side at Point St. Pierre. Passengers from New York to Queenstown, by taking the Canadian route, including the railway travel, would save 14 hrs. 21 min. of time, and have a sea voyage of 4 ds. 10 hrs 36 min. only, instead of 6 ds. hrs. 57 min. bv Fteamer from New York. For example. Best record, "City of New York," New York to Queenstown, August 1892.. .6 days Ohrs. 57 min. Railway, New York to Montreal, D. &H. ?; ^- *^n^e 131^^3 Montreal to Point St. Pierre n hrs. Steamer, Point St. Pierre to Queenstown. 4 ds. 10 hrs. 36 min. 5 ds. 10 hrs. 36 min. Difference, from New York to Queens- town, in favor of Route via Montreal and Point St. Pierre uhvs. 21 min. BAY 0^ CKALeURS RAILWAV. ' The Bay of Chaleuri Railway, when completed between Metapedia and Gasp6 Basin, will have a length of 1 80 milPf) ; its connection between Metapedia and St. Octave station of I. C.R., the starting point of the Gaspesia Railway, will be 87 inile»i in length ; and from St. Octave to Montreal, 7>ia T. C. H. and G.T.R.,the distance is 370 iiiile<«, making in all (i43 miles. From Montreal to Point St. Pierre, viaG. T. R., I. C. R. and the Gaspesia Railway, is 547 miles ; consequently the Bay of Chaleurs route is 9«liiiies longer to Montreal than the Gaspesia Railway route. ted between I80mtle!9; R station of will he 87 sal, 7>i(i T. C. king in all I. C. R. and tly the Bay ill than tlie