IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 m iiiy v. 13,2 III! 2.5 I.I 1 2.2 i m '""^ '^ m 111112.0 1.25 1.8 14 lllill.6 % <^ /} A o e-l ^^^^ ^ ? 5 ^ o 7 Photogi^phic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^^ iV W \ \ /^v r-\ •rw«w""wpi TiaCiEJ / LUMBERMAN'S TIMBER MARK GUIDE. ■•Ti COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL RECORDS. 'ery great diffi- culties may be encountered for the want of a suitable book of reference. To obviate such difficulties the pre- sent book is intended. fmmm VIII If sufficiently encouraged in this appeal to Timber Manufacturers, it is the intention of the author to keep up the information, by publishing from time to time the Timber Marks registered since the date of publication of this volume. As may be well imagined by reflecting on the nature of the work, " The Lumberman's Timber Mark GuiDi " has necessarily entailed on the compiler a great deal of care and labor. Moreover, the publication of the book is of a costly nature, the pages being not mere current text, but, in fact, carefully executed drawings, u iiich had to be engraved. The author has therefore placed a great deal of confide ice in the hitherto never-failing encourage- ment accorded by the Lumbering community to any undertaking calculated to be of service in the pursuit of their most important trade. The work is procurable from the undersigned at Ottawa, or will be sent to any address, free of postage, on receipt of $10.00. In communicating with the author, intending sub- scribers are requested to have their name, residence, post-office address distinctly written, in order that delivery of the work may be ensured. Respectfully soliciting the patronage of every lumberer. The author subscribes himself, Their obedient servant, Department of Agriculture, > Ottawa, July, 1873. > J. B. JACKSON. I'AC-SIMILE OF TIMBER MARKS, BY ORDER OF REGISTRATION. mmmmmmmmmmmm • J U.4X,^l-'.'.'l SB ,,wr'.^*i* n - I \n» > ' f T Vi. " "1 wm ysfP/GHT A BATSON. IM MACLAR£N & CO.jJ, B^W, Ua^SB^IB. (C-ontinuedJ 1 Til l I Tnwiir i »i>»»i^m^|pHi»— ^mnipBwiTjip— pwwuw^i— wpmpww SBSssmmmm i 9 /\> OG, <3, ^H/T£,A,AR ZQ B*W BELL Bt WH/T£S. 31 32 S3 54 ±L 31 Z2 DICKSON, S. WM MACKEY, W. 33 M &L R MACKEY A JROB£/iTSON. 54 Mo C MOO/f£ & CUTLER. 12 35 t MS lAU/f/Af & BLACtCaUPN. 36 BRON$ONS SfL W£STOAl. 57 n MAIR, J. Z% .TT. BLEECKER, W. 14 :n ^ 4: IS 39 TUCKER 8c SON, S. 40 c. . C CALDWELL,A. lA , XX, XXX. xxxx. (ConHnuedJ m it! 11 14 41 42 43 44 xxxxx. BRONSONS A WSSTOA/. RN. NAGL£, R, HHC COOK, H.H. J,B. BONriELD, J. !i:i ;!! 15 45 46 47 B B^Co. BA HNET BA NNEHMA NA CO. o?6. AUST/N,W.W. 48 NAGLE,P.W. G.B B APT/ST ic SONS,G i le 49 wc COSGROir£, w. 50 >^>_i_ ■■ !■■■ BRONSONS A yVESTON 8c YOUNG 51 Ar, ALC ASSOMPTION LUMBER CO. 52 mKX^^FVw X, P'fiili! 17 XIX X, 52 Ax, X, COOK A BR 01 53 H 1 up U up ig A Z H5, A, A, JD. HAMILTON BRO: f! 5< 5; 16 54 J FRANCIS, J 56 j >^'S THISTLES, CARSWELL. 56 57 C ^ T CARRIE RE & THISTLE, xWM x,^<$>^, ( Corhdijzu^d) 19 57 x^xS. MOHR, W, 58 JSE ERSK/NE, J. S . %d WAH. HEREBY & SONS. 8 in 20 60 01 62 .-^fj^.tjr^ AM GRANT, A. \JC MILLS, R. C. a IT 'I i] m BENSON BENNCTTSi CO. M 21 i*S 65 S4 WF-Ca,IlBr. FIND LAY, W. CARSW£LL,A. 122 if I'i A 'if I _4 05 66 67 68 L J<^B.G G/?/£^?, J,&B, V G/LL/£S, BROf. ^JEJ-KX KLOCK, B.N & J. oSf BRYSOA/ ASONS, G. I 69 70 I I 71 72 S3 14 J. R ROCHE, J. JP POUPOPE, J. JT. THOMSON, J. DUNLOP, J. Ill ISI: M 24= 75 74 75 76 UC. CARMICHAEL, E. R ff WASHBURN, A.S. RT. 0' TOOLE, P. T.^W.M. MURRAY,T.aW. li I ■'), a -- i 1^ I \ t 77 78 n 80 r Lk. FRAZER, ALLAN. \N RIGHT, E. 1h AUMOND, J, w 26 «1 M 82 85 U C*E CAMERON & EDWARD S» CAMER0Ni(C9, J, A. J. ma. AG RET, ./, kV. ^^. FRASER, ALEX. il vi* Hi; ll 1 ill . IjI 27 85 LANDON,J. 86 FRAS£R & Ci, A. o, 87 # t^ f c2/^ /( ^f TIERNA N & FRA S£R . t8 FflASERj A8lJ. \\ U I ! i 'if ■I r iS 1 r! [ilf ' i 2S t ? 89 I So FRASER, M9 CAUCHON A M9 CUAIG. 90 91 92 FRASBR, ALEX. *>cf. / /^ / CALDWELL Sc SON, A w.c CRAIG, W. :iil -t sM mt ■ n 95 94 05 96 29 AW. W/LSO/V, A. S. J. SOC/iTi A ffO/S DE JOL/ETTE, C. O.K KELLY, CO. M. M. O'MEARA, M. if * >■ ! i '\ f 11 i I'- it I ! i 97 98 99 100 (M) riNDLAY, J. nOWAM, JAW. BOYD, J. F. H. HALLIDAY, F. SO II ii Fid ll i. 15 i IP K IC 31 101 102 105 104 AMD DOL£, A,M. T*CS ^¥ITH, T& C. ^ zy QUI6Q/N & G/tAVES. MOO/fE, D. 1 (J IP ■ 9" it r p * 1^ 1( ic 105 1 jOB.e. J. 32 PAGE Si C9, A. S. }L.A«PFC i 106 PAGE A Cf, A. S. 107 MH DONELLh^C^i, A. I mm •I iV I i 11 II 108 109 110 33 .^. M9 DONALD, D . TURNER, R. Af5 CUAIG, N. \ HI CAMERON, C. I f ■H \\:. Vl,' ■.I I li L 112 -a/^-^d ST U BBS, WAG. 54 115 114 115 SUTHERLAND, A, DM M': FAR LANE, A. II '\ l: * '• It J^ 1 , SKEAD, >?. 1 5 1 ll 1 ^ n if'. 1 fW: 1 i ^ 11 ws ■ SKEAD, W. I 11 .SM) ■ M<: DOUOALL,S. : f 1 Hi , L fLM) Mi OOUGALL.J.L. 1 m f! 120 121 122 123 36 • l JAMI£SON,J.C, ATKINSON, W. THOMPSON SM/TNB^ SON. /. R. S SUPPLE, J. P. m m 7 37 124 HXt XH^ BffONSOAfSA WESTON. \ I ' 135 FX WALLBRIDBE, F. 126 (SancelUd. B*T d€e/6:4nj. BIG£L Wa trounce. 127 * ROSS, J A F. II "^fc* f 38 128 129 130 131 .AM^D A#? DONNELL,A. HEENAN, J, SMITH, W. CAMPB£LL,R. \ I I ,i \,tH n 13 IS' 13] 152 30 X, WALKSJf, J» 135 134 135 ^f J. j^ SmtTH, JOS. JMC CURRIER, J. M. M2 ROSS/£, W. \ !•• KMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 !;: ilM I.I -J ill IS I. 40 1.25 1.4 IlM 2.2 1 20 1.6 %

.> ' /A % ^W Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-450.''. :<$> ;\ |; U' ) nf,t i; 139 rw:j. FiNDLAY, IV. fl^ NOS£WO/9rHyA BaeNTON. MxB Mi KAY, D.J, ^.J^^/3. MCB£AN. A. i J* !! ir, ml 1 14 r 147 I m m 150 L SM/r/^, jicP. IPC CUMMINS, J. p. HIGQih/SON, r. CROFT, W, 43 s I ^ 1 kl.l 44 15 152 153 154 HD, MILLIARD k DICKSON. AO, SS. SHARPLCS, SON A C^, J. ToL TAILL£F£R,V. PN, P£\fEBUY,J^,J. I 45 155 ® PAXTON A BRO. 116 157 Exr, xEx, EDWARDS A C2, W. C. 158 TxM THOMSON ic MAXWELL. ■V- ■: m 160 161 162 Ii/xCf RITCHIE A CULL. Pj FA/iweiLSk cs, £.r. HUNTEHSTOIVN LUMBeX C^. OP PeiT/£/f, 0. 46 s. ■1' !i! : H '!!• r i.ii 1 * I'i ■Ill 47 165 VD m DO U GALL, M. 164 YII ARTHABASKA LUMBER CS. 165 RMC CONN£/.L,R.M. 166 CMC MtCAFFRBY, C. ill I V H I 167 168 169 170 46 M^ CkFFBEY, f. 0. G QEUNASg 0, SUPPl£,W.H. W L LYNCH, W. lilln 4a 171 P,M.RX JORDAN, M.P. 172 9 V f MILLIARD, 6, 175 BxM BROWNLEE & MO WRY. 174 nii) { n^s) (s^ Sr/flC/ClANO^If.A. 175 176 177 »0 ^\J SNroeR, w. BEATTV Si C2,JA W. HUNTE/i BROi. 178 JH XX HALL.H.B. ■I I : Xi : ii n ' H SI 179 • 180 SMITMsJkR. W CLARK, C.S, 181 182 EM.x MOYN/HAN, P. C CANADIAN LANDA BMIGRATION Cf. t!i M \ j 1 j lis ISA 59 ANDREWS, D. D MAYPANO, D. 185 116 K CHAMBERUNk TYLER. IXXI ( CoTviinuuiJ. IB' 'i pi:' m I 186 ;«r GILLIES, J 9, J. 187 CF, CdTi, c. 188 WILSON, W. • 55 189 IMK 4#£ K££, J' 1115 !lll 54 190 191 LlCOmTE, £. WALSH, M. 182 WP.WPX PffiCi BROi A C^. 193 194 195 J.K KEMP, J' ROGERS, J, Z, Y^kRD,J.K. 95 196 MARCOTT£,¥. ^Bmsm ri, mu m 1 1 'i' '7 :|i; Hi i 5€ 197 198 198 200 ® DUSTAN A C^^ Ss MS ARTHUR, BROf, It Jl J\, Hi A3 M^ ARTHUR, BRO*. ilRjt^ uJli &R£ENi 9c ELLIS. 20J 202 205 B£ECH£R9t SILUMAN, OK BARNES, J, PxP, PERLEYSk PATT££. 204 B.M.C.,AII BUCKINGHAM MANUFACTURINB C? 57 m !«!; W! SI 1105 CM. MAJOR, G. 206 (B OUBUC9^ BAILEY. 207 PB CO. PmCE BROl A C2 208 Z4 xS^/S: 5eW£LL,JtJ.A. Ifl ill !i il I j 3 1 ,::. 1 :li 59 209 ^^,1X1 BURTON k WATSON. 210 WoB ],v: 211 WELCH, Wk J. F,T. TOUTLLOFF,F. 212 Li CxCt fAC. CAMBRON,JZJ,A, m ^Bomm H\ II i: . 60 215 FG OAUD£T,J,F, 214 RBEV£S, J, 215 It,z^, ^.R. REYNAR,J. 216 FABLBYkARKELLS. XR f !;! 1! 61 2i; OWBNS BROS, B,Mm(^. m ;T^P, II. M^ GAU¥RAN,J. 7X% XV C'/ d^ MOUUNSk Vafurdm FIERREV/LU. T- I : I' i, 1 -Ml s 220 62 KELLY, mB. 221 223 - 225 FB FOLGM/l BMi. r^:^=^ z KING A C5, H. C-B CALVIN ABRSCK. ij a HI Si '? 2! 21 22 22 63 224 225 226 227 RkNKINS A MAHON£Y, LT THUOn, L B£AUCif£M/Af,£. tt LAY/Ol£TT£, jL , 2 L 228 64 HODGiNS, THOl. 229 TAYLOR, J. 1 w 250 WAifl£/GMA BEACH. 231 rRANKLIN.H. ri 65 232 SxS STAPLES A SCHULENBUliO, 233 JEIII V J A CKSON, J. 284 235 SD, X, ^ ESTA T£^S.DICKSON. DA HART, O.A. 1 — 1 ' — ^ »| few ROSS, W^G. 1 AW c WJISON. A. m H.B. B/uy, H. r WSSSBm J 67 240 241 242 243 MF M^. MANN IS & FULLER, N.S NEEPUff A SADLER. HNJ JONES, H. N. I 1 I i ! '1 A.HJ HAGAR, A, 1 «!; n 244 245 2«6 247 68 N.F. FAlCHNiY.W.N. ! Ml DOUOAU A SONS, J, s SdHOOLER, ^\ mMiLLAN,O.Ak J. i 1 1=1 69 248 249 250 P/PPirPIVi, ■— ^-— y--. WJ doivn to B w ■ w ® HALL^G.B. X FOLEYJkT. R£m,W.j9, G. 1/ m !l !251 252 255 254 70 m.M.\#. Ml CAROet, M. i :'n ^c ctAPPy, J. JSL L ATT A, J. Y.\ I.R.C. CBrSLEif,J.R. ill- 71 255 WD AD* 256 257 258 DALGLEISH,W, AGH A TKINSON, GA7TISAH0DG/NS. XA ALLANB^SON. KB /C/yy^ BROK |i ! 72 259 HdB, A'Z, HD 250 2«1 962 Di BLAQUftRE,H. ill B (i OMZIU, J. K.MJL Mi LEAN^H.M. SEXTON, W.S. ssiafii II I Mi l< s ri 4 m ■1 f I 1 - pj ■ 263 264 365 75 HABPER,W. BOOTHkCANTON. IT4 IT<( DOBELL ii C9, R, B . Mft WILSOM, R. H. 1 --mm i ] i -«• \ : •■ iiil >■ m P E If ■^1 R- ■(■ I li 1^ 'i P^ \ 1 :! ?i I 74 267 AX BARNeTi BANMEifMANkC^. S83 vxv BHOMSOMSm WtSTBM. »» HXH, XHXf HAH A, HHX< HXX. BftONSONS», WESTON. I L m M V fitt 270 271 272 AE«M BARNETh mACKJB. N.C. CHS¥RI£R, N. XL W£LCH,WAJ. 275 vv.,vy.KV 75 ( ConiinuedJ ..j"^ 76 279 E.R.C ESTATE otB. CON ROY. 274 %. AS STEWART, D. 275 JCiC, CO LTONS, ERASER. 276 TOM LIN9HAM, T. h ! \- -eyt iif 279 RATHBUNii SON, H. B. /^ WA. /l3\ , IV£ZZ5, ma 280; K\ Mi CONN£LL, B. 2 % m ;n » 7« 281 MWKW-. 1$2 W£llS, W.C. a*L SOCliTi. du, MOULIN d€ im, ChuUSl*UlfSUL£. 3S5 DML MiLACHUN. D. S84 MOH/if W, :. I I 'f J 11 i< t 4 i>ii z 21 2£ a«5 28e 287 288 S^. JL A ROCHEST£RkCi,J. DELB5 OE/f/iH£BS,J.m. C, €, W. CONUNf/f.A, . L C BRITISH AMERICAN LAND C9. 79 It \ »9 A MICKLE, C. •0 1 2tO SJS. BILLY, H- S91 ( Canoe Utd . Su, Jfi Ji94). WWOSOB POWDER a. 293 S, Cr.R. MA INBOTM, O. ! %i ! "IP' 1 « ii [ 2 ■ ill" 21 .:! SI 293 294 295 SDW YfOOORUFF, S, D. WITiS^OR POWDER Cf. BOrO, SMITH & C 2 . I ■ '•'MieKBHHBiiaaau 1 uli 1 i's' II p' 1 iiii'l Ih |.r» 2861 297 29S 2n c * CONNOLLY, J. FEA THENSTON, W.J. WD DOfiAN, W. NAP/tLS, H. %\ ■v. - ■■ . ;- ■■' ; m f 300 301 302 87 FGIII GOD£TT£, A. CH£Ni,N. MoS MARTIN & SCOTT. : : t; 303 T.F.G GIBBS, T.F. trnti^ammmmum .if; m€ ^m til ... S'l i n I? 'Mil ill li Ir' . -1 f:; til 1 « ■-:j Ifli |B iiii 3041 309 306 307 LK LEW/SkKBRR. AAH*C HUMPHRY A C?, A. A. WELLEH.J.B. MACDONALD, W.J. 84 \ m it; 'i '/. ■•<:- 308 509 ?kW 310 311 iAN ALLEN A CS, D. R. PR/CEA WMtTE. DINWOODIE,J,W, t— ?rr 5-^ PEARCE8lC?,T.P. ft5 i 14 '.. ^ i. lit t . J 312 t6 r.rr 313 514 315 PJ9/CS BROt A C?. T^B,00,/^. TASKMr 9t SMD/m j^MeteS. BREDiN,J.N. m RUSULL.M.L c|l Ifl I M IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V 5? /. £/ Z.%^#, *t ^ •* \M i t m 3M 842 W 3r*j M^ LAREN k JACKSON. .OB 0' BRIAN, J. S^S, BDSALL9iSMITH. ko WHire, A Ik p. 98 li I I J K4 S4S M6 »7 94 , Ml> FHASetf ft MfCOSHeN. <^^ i7,US,71. F/fASE/f, J. KNIC^HT. A. N.D. OYiiENT,, N. i' f ' i^j ^' 348 HUNTER^TOWN LUMBBff C9, M9 SRB BRIOOS, S.B. S50 OLOU.OL 351 LA TOUR, 0. ® KANADY A C?, S. C. - I f' 552 353 KA 355 f« A/A/0 &, CS, H. I cdri, 0. 1^ PARIS, W. HVLxB. XVX. M^ LEAN & BR9. I i !■ i I ; I i a r. 1 ,t B 956 •7 SN SSf£00£Jlf, J. 557 358 S59 BLONDtM A MOPeil. DETLOR, S.H^L. \H JAMiBSOM A C« y. C. ' ! Ij .'■ n 3 ■' mk" I •• 840 561 362 568 G.T 000DALLhTH/9ALL. Ju, jL TiD. TAILLON & LANBR/fE. ?>, r. fOLEr, 7k T. M^CONrtUE, P.E. I «l -tm- 364 365 366 967 •6 , EM MARTiNEAU^E. A MosoaoyEi, 0^/^amy. mosoRorE, >r. "jli 11 a:'!' ff V I ii il ''M M ^■■hi j' I'M ttj^fli 1 ' "|Hm[ i^' i' Ini^^H s H'l 100 5«S S> 110 m m GC, GCC CAUPBELL.O. ^'JiostyOf Jo, 15, S, BOOTHfJ.B, M^ DOUQALLk MILLS. 4 IF n ' S i i s LA Hk. 410 411 412 415 111 MK, DUNLO^ A eiUS. A R X s aoBiNsoNit SPOTS irooo. B*T PA X TON, BiOEL Oir& TBOU/iCe. MGE ^^^AM££,eAM£MrykfPeCHBTTE. Ill li: '1 i 'i k in iia 414 fTn,nti,0,A tt5 416 ftl7 STODDARD,W. BLANOkOATTiS, Nl HeHDMtlSON, W, W Z) e^O/fS/AJif BAY LUMlifCK . I ''! ■') « ? '! i: J "■ 1i It ;, 1 « ■HP 411 419 420 ^4, BEYNAR, J. WFQ FiNDLAYg IV. + «■■■■ ■■■Lia aaiLai 4- iis CLA%COW CAM*. OtAN lANDi, TJfUST €2. 431 c/Cc/ JAM/SS/^N^J, e. Pi I I |r >7.1i 428 li4 rtemiNQ & posr. QJ cAd MOALisre/f, js e,©^'.©^-^ t ma I', "t! 'm lift 124 425 426 ft27 THISTLE^CAIf SWELL k C9. XXI WILLIAMSON Bl C/fOMBtE. SH MARRtS^T. dKP PARAOiS, H. % 1 ^ i i 1 J.1 _^, 1 WH 1^ 1 ,_ 43S 409 €30 4S1 lU M« ^A£, A. PO 0*O£A^P. now AH Sc CS, J. RiYNOLDS,P.W. i is n ': 1 1 -' • '' 1* ' V I 117 432 M9CLErM0A/TA Cf ^ MC 455 GEMMBLL, C, L. ti N m lU !, Ilf I FIGURATIVE and CHARACTERISTIC INDEX IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. f ' I. 1 t' i?" ; '. u ' V. 1 uA 119 20 29 46 51 60 64 77 141 TSUBSTCn ASD fiHAUAWBUgnC In AlphabeUoal Order. A A A*P.W A'i'. ALC A. J K t^.V AX 106 82 86 90 93 101 107 114 121 3 ^ 139 143 152 198 za SI » AA AO ® AW C A.H AG-H AZ AK AB*M AS ^ ©. Ai A A H*C. Ao 4-^i A A- '■A+ n[ AY ACxC- AC 120 211 3B H3 S2 Jfl 3K 172 3X «f ifO 1 1 3 4 15 30 45 68 m 176 196 2H B^W IB • y^u B*fr: B B^Co. D.m.C. ^ji:^: '/Q B B G a*L BS B-H '**> B*T BG^ m 35? I 'i 1. {. 122 IS 27 40 S2 S8 81 91 95 E m C ©. € <^. C. C. OK CMC CF, [LCC CM. C^B C * C/# a3. C/. :cxi 187 II IXL m m m 537 351 353 365 ^,€^'•€^-2 4M D 19 31 i NK 53 72 m 115 ISI DM A D ® (B DM! D.M.G ^ 125 114 2S 197 ZOf 283 ZIA 517 ^0 i:T ll v\ 124 Z6 27 73 78 E E.N, E. E.B.E. EB $.^,ExW E.R. C, EC. Exr, xEx. EL ES 201 EB ^%s, ®. EM 15? 226 342 I 'i : (■ > •: 'Vl 1 1 1 tii M ■i m ■* i F 12S 63 FM 89 100 106 125 m 160 167 r. H. FC FX FM F,T. FG FB » X FGlll <^. F. Zll ZIS 221 240 2S4 207 301 362 i i a 16 m 48 IIS G.B GML,GM. A ^ DC, G£. G.R G.T 126 ae 518 GC, GCC. 4117 A Wt 'P ; III I! 1 si it I 43 3 13 53 59 106 Kl H HRimM HHC TJTT JT -M.-M.fMAj ap ia .MJLsi A Z ' A HA HX HD HH <9> H DA H.B. 127 l» 191 IN 177 178 m II 0! f ;3i Earn * 1 - * 1 * \ 1.% i k t Ikl m - ?6) Ihl HNJ ® HdB hd. H.MJL. 269 m L HXHXHHX, HXX. HXH. hH HON N HML <3^'. e^ IK ffffff. 128 l^ % 5!i3 m B59I 38? iSI m '4 'i i '• 2 18 52 67 69 J/9 123 141 171 IM >c. R. S. IMK fAC few I.jR.C IMI /SW IXL 129 89 212 m 1% S59 U 21 130 37 54 58 65 69 70 71 83 97 L JL J. B. JSE J&B.G. J.R. JP dm a. JOB. J. ® C^Q/,^ J. IS. JMC JBW '^/d. JW IPC i^Ai^c/ 105 120 m 133 15^ 140 141 I4i 41 56 86 193 208 215 218 l^ 252 , E m m 514 JK. JAS y^ . (XR) JEWIJS. V JSL JC«C, JL Ca)<^ JJJ JBM cfCcf 131 32S S32 SU S59 1 3» 917 y Ul 0/ cA) _J 132 67 ^59 Z5 85 127 m W K K ® KB. L £ © LT KV K A K m 316 u L C LK LB % iys - m y^ 1 1 ill I M 12 II M 1^ B. M-. 33 34 57 n % M M^ C x<$>xS. MOM. MxB M) MR J. MG MF. Jf: 135 138 163 71 191 m m m w # IMAGE EVALUATION TESi TARGET (MT-3) A '<^l<^ c.^. ^ :^i ^^ f<»^ f/i fA 1.0 I.I 1.25 1128 ill * 14 IM 2.2 iM 1.8 1-^ l!!lli.6 P^ <^ //y. /y. e: cfi ^ Photographic Sdeiices Corporation s. <^ .v^> V ^^ ;\ \ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 ■ <^ ^"^.^ <^A. "^^ «»%< <^ '^^ m I %'^d. i "^ "•■ .m I _^ ;; ': 7 :-: 5 ; i 'A ■■i A ^ttOutamtrnttiuiMkA Z5) 214 m S02 30? m SI8 ^1 S3I n Ml M;Jf: •J S), MIK M* M^AS M 4\ ;->R MGF. <6> 154 K< SG ^, ^,.^^ ^» RMC (rx)(^s) R.zfe\. ®> -)"' (RJ (a R S <^«x ^ 74 ZK m m m w 411 H ■iiJMiiiiii ifc" ^ 158 - lie ez m 147 174 179 ZS S. J. SM) s SS. ^ <> a SB SB SDW SA SRB W 319 5Si SN S7I Zi SI S 71 SN S'^B, SG. T.H. .TT. j^ SV. o, s, s. SH 159 i7Z «« 42f T, xTx. c^.d'-.^^J^ T*CS 87 lo; T.*W.M. © hC lis mS^Sm I I . ! 1'' i ku ,1 ISi 211 m m SI! 311 in TxM TOM T.F.G Hr 140 w S3I % S6I m \% XJ u.p. iK V w (72 m V V 273 ai vv.v|v V.T. "W 21 s WM <8> 141 SZI w m <22 xWMx W^F.WF^. 57 63 *< 111 h 1:1 •ff' ^ 142 n 1)2 lis 117 132 136 !40 I!i0 w.c. w ws w^ [[WHS a W L 75 w WP. WPX. ^ W.B zie WGR Wjf^sC WD* a? !» 295 WA WD m m ■HHHW"" I'll 111 1 *tI ■■I 145 m i^ m W T Wo 41 X, XX. XXX xxxx. xxxxx. 124 ZZ2 XH WH. W 3) WFQ Sll ^71 \\\ 172 XV XA XHX. m m XL 272 !li[ r i TT 144 y. y. y^R t z 139 172 Z tn m 77 z 77\ I I 145 10 13 24 FIGUBBS. c 7. 5. 20.22.331 14 4 h 8 113 M 44. d/P i7,41,S,». 5R ®.0. txz Zl^ 3M MS »fi - il2 Ul I T ■1 1 r If * L IH' mM i ;ii. rt 146 BOMAN FIGUBBS. 52 ! Its 211 W XIXx VII IX. XI. I XI. XV XA vxv xvx. IXXI IV VIII XXI - ■rr IkO - 1 1 4:1 W4 ^li ii'i 'i ■'II "i!l 147 3 OHABAOTBRS. <3, <3, <3. 5 8 10 13 14 15 ill *. h. / tbtiA'wi Jl«/. 'A' O t ffl X. 24 35 36 52 A y, >^ 53 5§ 62 63 UESWxWiSmTJJ li ill V f wmamm m ,ii I M i \lh HI n 65 66 67 % n 9i i03 L y c a=j ITT X. HO 148 e AJIII. 194 216 0-. II. A. 195 2M m m riiUHMN ■■■■■•■■■■■M m iM m I m VU2 > m y^ A m 149 m >x< m Vrf nrt 9 ^^^ m 00 >— < 5t3 514 35 ' to »s 150 III m S9S 39( m m 6 Y (^ y ". •• rm.rm. 0,/(. 4- + 4- + 4- « »l 4M 421 431 432 K M 1 -' ■ I ""^ ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES OF PROPRIETORS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX NAMES OF PROPRIETORS. •Naxb. A$(t9t, J. W AllMB A Son , Andrews, D , ArfchAbMlE* Lumber Oo A«eomptlon Lumber Oo„ Atklnaon, H Atkinson, dattls A Hodglni^... Aumond, J Austin, W. W Aylmer, H. A H.L Baldwin, A. H Bannerman A Oo., J Baptist A Sons, O „ Barnes, J Bamett Bannerman A Oo Bamet AMaokle Beatty A Oa, J. A W „„„ Beanohemln, E^ Beeeher A Bllllman Bell, John Bell, Jos Bell A Hlokey BeU A White. Bennett, W„ Benson, Bennett A Oo Blgaoaette, O. (ds qualltd) Billy, Heotor BUly, Hllalie Bland AOattls Blaqnldre, de, H Bleeoker, W Blondln A Riopelle Booth, J. R. Booth A Oantoo *Bond, Downer A Oo Bonfleld. Q i } Rkudbmob. Portagtt duFort BathnnL Napanee Quebec 8t Paul I'Hermlte. Btobemln , Wldder , OtUwa Eganyllle , Melbourne , Ottawa Benftew Three BlTers. Thnrlow Renfrew. Renfrew ' •••••• •••••••• ...■ Parry Sound St. Zdphlrln BeU Bwart...A Pembroke Q,o6beo Masham„ Qnebee St MarUn, Isle Jesus OentlUy Wldder Station. Woodstock Belleyllle Ottawa Pakenham.. Lindsay^.... Bganvllle ... Na 88 267 188 164 61 181 860 80 48 Aug, 20 4 887 48 202 46 267 270 888 176 226 884 201 141 166 80 822 63 886 289 290 416 268 88 867 408 864 880 44 Datb ov rboi8tbjltioh Oct 29, 1870 May 17, 1871 Dec 17, 1870 Not. 28, 1870 Aug. 29, 1870 Not. 10, 1870 May 17, 1871 Oct 26, 1870 28, 1870 July 11, 1870 May 81, 1870 Enpt 24, 1878 Aug. 24, 1870 Jan. 19, 1871 Aug. 19, 1870 Aug. 81, 1871 Sept 28, 1871 Sept 18, 1872 Deo. 2, 1870 March 8, 1871 June 18, 1872 Jan. 18, 1871 Not. 14, 1870 Not. 18, 1870 Oct 14, 1878 Aug. 4, 1870 AprU 8, 1878 Sept 27, 1870 May 28, 1878 March 29, 1871 Dec 18, 1871 Not. 19, 1878 May 80, 1871 A ^9, 1870 Dec 17, 1872 Oct 29, 1878 Aug. 6, 1871 Jan. 29, 1874 Aug. 19, 1870 * Names of parties mariced with an asterisk are Proprietors by assignment I The plaoes of residence hare been taken flrom the letter d appli««tion. 154 Alphabetical Index of Names of Proprietors (Continued.) N :l I ■ « Borrow, F Boyd, M Bord,J , Boyd, Bmlth A Oo ^ , Br«din, J. H Brlggi, 8. R BronaoQi h WMton BrooMMM, Weston A Tooog.... Brown A Oa, J BrowalM A Mowry Bryaon A Sons, Q BuoklnghAm Mannflmtnrtng Oo. BanUU,B Burton dkWatwm.. Barton A Bro Oaldwell, B vAldwcU, A Caldwell A Son, A. Oalvln A Breok Oameron A Edwards Cameron A Oo^, J. A Cameron, O Cameron, J. A Cameron A Oa, A Campbell A Oa, A. H Campbell, R Campbell, Q Canadian Land Emigration Co. Carmlcbael, E CarrlAre A Thistle Carswell, A ChamberUn A Tyler. Obend, N ^.„.,,,^.. Cberrier, N Clappy J Clark, 0. B Cook, H. H. CookrA Bros Oolion A Fraser Cle. des MooUns A yap. de Fler. RBSIDIHOa. Matehedasb...... Boboaygeon .... Yankleek HIU. Peterboro*. Oarleton Plaee Toronto. ( No. •e»« •••»•• Ottawa.. Ottow* Tweed Peterboro' ..., ICaasfleld Ottawa.. Ottawa. Camberland fiarrie Lanark Garden Island. , Tbnrsow , , North Nation Mills Sandpolnt... , Thorso , Pembnrtce. , Peterbony J. Bganvllle Windsor , Peterbony .... Westmeath... Aylmer Pakenham ... Hnnterstown at. AndEd. ATeUn..^. Ottawa, ' •••••■••••••«••• Portland, U. B Toronto. Toronto Westmeath PlerreylUe Datb or RaOIBTBATIOir 870 Maroh 21, 1871 8 Jane 17, 1870 •0 Not. 4, 1870 296 Deo. 28, 1871 888 Sept. 12, 1872 888 Ang. 2, 1878 814 Mareh 6, 1872 840 Not. 11, 1872 8 May 80, 1870 86 Ang. 8, 1870 41 Aug. 9, 1870 124 Not. 10, 1870 208 Sept 1, 1871 289 Sept 11, 1871 60 Ang. 29, 1870 826 AprU 17, 1872 178 Deo. 2, 1870 68 Oct 6, 1870 204 Jan. 19, 1871 11 July 4, 1870 209 Jan. 26, 1871 826 Aprtl 26, 1872 16 Joly 16, 1870 40 Ang. 9, 1870 91 Oot 29, 1870 228 Feb. 20, 1871 81 Oct 29, 1870 82 Oot 29, 1870 111 Not. 6, 1870 212 Feb. 6, 1871 406 Oot 20, 1878 IS Joly 6, 1870 181 Not. 11, 1870 407 Oct 28. 1878 182 Deo. 17. 1870 78 Oot 14, 1870 66 Sept 2, 1870 64 Sept 28, 1870 186 Dec. 21, 1870 801 Jan. 20, 1872 271 Sept 26, 1871 262 May 8, 1871 180 Dec 18, 1870 48Aag. 11/1870 62 Ang: 81, 1870 276 Oct 11, 1871 219 Feb. 14, 1871 155 Alphabetical Index of Names of Proprietors (Continued.) Name. 1872 1870 1870 1870 1871 1870 1870 1870 1871 1878 1870 1870 1878 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1872 ,1871 1871 1870 1870 1870 1871 1871 H. M. 0. Conim, U. A... Connell, R. M.. Connolly, J CoHgrovo, W..., Cotfi, C C(.t6, C Cialg, W Crandull & Co., Croft, W Cryslor, J. R CryHler, C 8 CumminH, J. P... Currier, J. M Cuwhlng Bros.... DulglelHh, W.... Dalziel, J Uelesdernlerfi, J. Detlor, S. McL.... Dickson, 8 Dlnwoodle, J. W. Dobell & Co., R. Dole, A. M Doran, W , Dubuo & Halley Dufrcne & McGarlty., Dunlop, J DunlopA EUlB Dustan A Co., 8 Dyment, N , Eddy, E. B Edsall A Wilson , Edsall & Smith Edwards & Co., W. C, Eley, Young &. Ford... Ersklne, J. 8 R. Estate of R. Conroy. Estate of 8. Dickson. Falchney, W Farley & Arkells Far well <& Co., E. F. Featherston, W. J .., • Plndlay, W. Rbsidbnob. Montreal Aylra«r Quebec Oioucester TJireo Rivers Qentllly Russell Ottawa MlddlevHle Morrlsburgh " .. ...i firanopton Ottawa Repentlgny Portneuf (en haul).. Wldder Ottawa Napanee r"odar Hill uinpbellford t<^uebeo Ottawa liuthurst 8te. Monlque Ottawa Penabroke. EastTempleton. Barrle Ottawa Port Hope , i< ^^^ Rockland Campbellford ..., Cumberland, .„.. Aylmer., Peterboro* , Renfrew.... Belleville . Danville... Huntley..., ■ ••• I Westmeath. I No. Date of Rboihtration 287 Deo. U, 1871 106 Nov. 28, 1872 200 Jan. i, 1872 40 Aug. 26, 1870 187 Dec. 27, 1870 353 Nov. 27, 1872 02OoU 20, 1870 June 21, 1870 150 Nov. 17, 1870 261 May 11, 1871 a.i7 8ept. 16, 1872 1 IH Nov. 15, 1870 lai Nov. 11, 1870 28 Aug. 8, 1870 255 May 10, 1871 200 Juno 14, 1871 286 Dec. 7, 1871 358 Dec. 19, 1872 31 Aug. 4, 1870 310 March 4, 1872 265 Aug. 22, 1871 101 Nov. 4, 1870 208 Jan. 12, 1872 206 Jan. 28, 1871 317 March 20, 1872 309 Feb. 18, 1878 72 Oct. 14, 1870 410 Nov. 4, 1873 197 Jan. 12, 1871 347 Nov. 8, 1872 6 June 1, 1870 26 July 25, 1870 842 Oct. 21, 1872 157 Nov. 21, 1870 891 Aug. 16, 1873 58 8ept. 12, 1870 27 July 26, 1870 273'Sept. 30, 1871 316 March 9, 1872 234 March 18, 1871 244 April 12, 1871 216 Feb. 9, 1871 160 Nov. 23, 1870 207 Jan. 8, 1872 63 Sept, 28, 1870 136 AprU 25, 1871 419 Deo. 12. 1878 156 Alphabetical Index of Names of Proprietors (Continued.) Namf Flndlay, J Fischer, J Fleming & Post. Flint, B Foley, T. & T. Forger Broil ... Foucher, U...., Francis, J Franklin, H... Fraser, Allan., Frascr, A. Fraser & Co., A Fraser^ McCosben & McCualg... Fraser A McCoshen Fraser, J Oareau, A Qaudet, J. F Geiinas, O Qemmell, C. L Georgian Bay Lumber Co Georgian Bay Lumber Co Gillies & McLaren Gillies, J. & J • Gillies Bros Gilmour & Co Gilpin, S Gibbs, T. F Glasgow Can. Land &, Trust Co. Godette, A Goodali & Thrali Grant, A Greene d: Ellis Grler, J. &B Bagar, A Hall, H. E • Hall, G. B Balliday, F Fiamilton Bros Harper, W Harris, H Harris, T Hart, D.A Heenan, J Residence. Westu ath. Biirnstown.. Templeton.. Bell Jville.... Clayton Kingston .... JoliOvte Palcenham.. Riceville Fitzroy , { Westmcath Westmeath. II II St. Andr6 Avelln Three Rivers Ste. Clothllde d'Hort Grenville Orilila C'olllngwood Perth Carle ton Place Gatineau Mills Campbellford , Adolphustown Lennoxville Joliette c Belleville F'itzroy Feuelon FaliS , Cumberland North Flantagenet. B6cancour Quebec Bagot , Ottawa March Kemptviille Templeton St. Zephirin Pembroke No. Date of RBaiSTBATION 97 Nov. 4, 1870 332 May 28, 1872 422 Dec. 27, 1878 146 Nov. 15, 1870 249 April 24, 1871 362 Jan. 21, 1878 221 Feb. 17, 1871 382 April 28, 1873 54 Sept. 2, 1870 231 March 10, 1871 77 Oct. 18, 1870 84 Oct. 29, 1870 88 Oct. 29, 1870 90 Oct. 29, 1870 86 Oct. 29, 1870 402 Oct. 15, 1873 89 Oct. 29, 1870 344 Oct. 28, 1872 345 Oct. 29, 1872 142 Nov. 14, 1870 213 Feb. 6, 1871 168 Nov. 80, 1870 433 Feb. 26, 1874 318 March 22, 1370 417 Nov. 27, 1873 143 Nov. 15, 1870 186 Dec. 24. 1870 60 March 12, 1873 16 J uly 7, 1870 319 March 20, 1872 803 Feb. 2, 1872 420 Dec. 16, 1878 300 Jan. 17, 1872 360 Jan. 4, 1878 60 Sept. 17, 1870 200 Jan. 14, 1871 65 Sept. 20, 1870 848 Anrll 12. 1871 65 Sept. 20, 1870 243 April 12, 1871 178 Dec. 10. iG70 263 July 7, 1871 April in, IB/. Dec. 10, iG70 100 JMOV. 4, 1»7U 53 Aug. 81, 1870 263 Juiy 7, 1871 290 Jan. 12, 1872 426 Jan. 14, 1874 236 March 28, ISU 129 Nov. 11, 1870 ttM 157 Alphabetical Index of Names of Proprietors (Continued.) Name. 1873 1872 1870 1874 , 1370 1873 1870 1870 L2, 1870 20, 1872 1873 1872 1878 , 1870 1871 9, 1870 2, 1871 , 1370 1873 , 1870 I, 1870 1871 1872 1874 28, ISU II, 1870 Henderson, W Heaeker, R. W Hersey «fc Sons Heyworth, W. & J Hlgglnson, Thos Hllliard 4 Dickson HUliard.G Hodgins, Thos Humphry & Co., A. A. Hunter Bros H»'nterstowu Lumber Co. Jackdon, J Jamieson, J. C JamleKon & Co., J. C... Jones, H. N Jordan, M. P Kanady &. Co., S. C,... Kanady «fc McDou^all. Kelly, C. O Kelly, W.B Kemp, J King* Co., H King Bros Klock, R. H& J. Knight, A Landon, J Lalour, O Latta, J Lattlmer A Beatty Lavloleite, L Leconite, E Lemleux & Char>elte. LessUe, Jr., W Lewis, J Lewis & Kerr Lin^ham, Thos Lynch, W Macdonald, W. J.. Mackie, W Mackie & Boberison.... Mair, J Major, Cbs Mnllocb <& Adams Rbsidenck. Montreal. Sherbrooke .. Hawkesbury. EanKey Hawkesburj'. Pakcnham..., Peterboro' .... Fltzroy Quebec Pembroke...., Hunterstown. Lanark Tweed Ottawa Quebec Peterboro' Toronto , Torrnto Pembroke Smith, Tshp. Gloucester Levis South Quebec. Aylmer Magog Mills..., Waltham Ottawa Belleville Belleville Clarence Nlcolet Ottawa Klng>ton Belleville Belleville Quoensboro L'Eplphanie.... Arnprior Ottawa Ottawa Lanark Montebello Arnprior ( No. { 381 April 15, 1878 41 B Nov. 24. 1873 Datb of Rboistration 381 April 1&, 1878 416 Nov. 24, 1873 288 Dec. 13, 1871 59 Sept. 17, 1870 320 April 6, 1872 149 Nov. 16, 1870 151 Nov. 17, 1870 172 Dec. 2, 1870 228 March 6, 1871 305 Feb. 5, 1872 177 Dec. 6, 1870 161 Nov. 25, 1870 848 Nov. 4, 1872 233 March 17, 1871 421 Dec. 22, 1873 120 Nov. 10, 1870 359 Dec. 30, 1872 242 April 3, 1871 171 Dec. 2, 1870 351 Nov. 19, 1872 331 May 27, 1872 96 Oct. 29, 1870 221 ?eb. 16, 1871 193 Jan. 9, 1871 222 Feb. 18, 1871 352 Nov. 25, 1872 258 May 22, 1871 67 Oct. 4, 1870 346 Oct. 29, 1872 /->~t on lurrn 350 UCl. a», ^niy) Nov. 16, 1872 253 May 9, 1871 379 April 9, 1873 227 March 3, 1871 190 Dec. 29, 1870 384 May 5, 1878 404 Oct. 18, 1873 21 July 12, 1870 304 Feb. 3, 1872 276 Oct. 24, 1871 170 Dec. 2, 1870 307 Feb. 16, 1872 32 Aug. 6, 1870 33 Aug. 6, 1870 37 Aug. 9, 1870 205 Jan. 19, 1S71 370 Feb. 21, 1873 i 158 Alphabetical Index of Names of Proprietors (Continued.) Namb. Marootte, M Martin &, Scott Martineau, E Mason, W Mayrand, D Meigs, D. B Mlokle, Cbs Mlgu6, J ,.... Mills, R. C Mohr, W Mohr, W Moore, D Moore &. Cutler , Mosgrove, R , Mosgrovtt <& MoHarrls Moyuiban, P Murray, T& W M«Adam<& Co MoAlister, J McAllister, W. B. <& R. J McArthur, J. A. & P McArthurBros , McBean, A McCaffrey, C McCaffrey, F MoCann & Murtagh McCardel, M , McClymont &Co., W..„... McConnell, B McConvlUe, P. E McCuaig, N McCuan, J McDonald, D McDonnell &. Co., A McDonnell, A , McDougall &. Ludgat,e McDougall, S McDougall, J. L , McDougall & Mills , McDougall, M McDougall &. Sons, J McFarlane, D McQauvran, J , Mcintosh, P McKay, D. J McKee, J McLachlln Bros Residence. N. D. de Bonsecours Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Nlcolet West Farnham Quelpb Jollette Renfrew Fltzroy , Qulo Ottawa Ottawa Gloucester ."....., Gloucester Pakenham Pembroke London Windsor , Eardley Toronto Toronto East Hawkesbury..., Nlcolet Nlcolet Eardley Gloucester New Edinburgh Pembroke Jollette Havelook Fltzroy Cornwall ...'. Sandpolnt Sandpoint Peterboro' Renfrew Renfrew , Renfrew. Lindsay Three Rivers Bagct Alfred, Tshp Barrie Kenmore Cumberland Arnprior No, 196 302 365 386 184 19 289 383 61 57 284 104 34 367 366 181 76 405 423 378 199 198 139 166 167 389 251 432 280 363 110 78 108 107 128 24 118 119 409 163 245 115 218 327 138 189 12 Date of Rbqistbation Jan. 12, 1871 Jan. 20, 1872 Jan. 27, 1873 June 24, 1873 Dec. 17, 1870 July 9, 1870 Dec. 13, 1871 May 5, 1873 Sept. 20, 1870 Sept. 3, 1870 Nov. 28, 1871 Nov. 4, 1870 Aug. 6, l.«70 Feb. 4, 1873 Feb. 4, 1873 Dec. 13, 1870 Oct. 17, 1870 Oct. 18, 1873 Dec. 29, 1873 April 2, 1873 Jan. 13, 1871 Jan. 13, 1871 Nov. 14, 1870 Nov, 28, 1870 Nov. 28, 1870 Aug. 8, 1873 May 4, 1871 Feb. 25, 187,4 Oct. 28, 1871 Jan. 21, 1873 Nov. 5, 1870 Oct. 20, 1870 Nov. 5, 1870 Nov. 5, 1870 Nov. 11, 1870 July 20, 1870 Nov. 9, 1870 Nov. 9, 1870 Nov. 3, 1873 Nov. 25, 1870 April 13, 1871 Nov. 8, 1870 Feb. 13, 1871 May 10, 1872 Nov. 12, 1870 Dec. 27, 1870 June 27, 1870 159 Alphabetical Index of Names of Proprietors (Continued.) Name. McLachlln, H. F McLachlin, D McLandress, J McLaren & Co., J McLaren «&Co', J McLaren <& Jackson McLaren, D McLaurln &. Blackburn McLean, H ;.... McLean, H. M McLean, H. «& B. 8 McMannis & Fuller McMillan, D. A. & J McNaraee, Qaherty «fe Frfichette MoRae, A MoRossie, W McTlernfin &. Fraser McVeigh Bros Nagle, R Nagle, P. W '.. Needier (& Sadler Northrup, H. D Nosworthy & Brenton O'Brlan, J O'Dea, P O'Meara, M O'Neil, J O'Toole, P Owens Bros Page ^wder Co. ... Woodruff, 8. D Wright & Batson Wright, E Young, Levi YuUl, A. B Residenceh Ottawa Qosfleld , Bolton Centre. Kingsbury Barrle , Cunaberland..., Cumberland... Ottawa Windsor Mills 8t. Catharines. Hull Hull Ottawa... Hopetown No. 303 371 236 425 93 188 238 266 294 293 1 79 5 374 Date of Registration Aug. 26, 1873 Feb. 21, 1873 March 27, 1871 Jan. 12, 1874 Oct. 29, 1870 Dec. 27, 1870 March 28, 1871 Aug. 29, 1871 Dec. 27, 1871 Dec. 21, 1871 May 30, 1870 Oct. 25, 1870 M' r 31, 1870 Mnrch 14, 1873 M,: nued.) ;b of PRATION I, 1873 I, 1873 27, 1871 I, 1874 , 1870 , 1870 28. 1871 ), 1871 ', 1871 ., 1871 ), 1870 , 1870 I, 1870 14, 1873 fl f An Act respecting the Marking of Timber. Preamble. Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — Persons engaged in lumbering to select, register, and use proper marks. I. Every person engaged in the business of lumbering or getting out timber, and floating or rafting the same on the inland waters of Canada, within the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, shall (subject to a penalty of fifty dollars for failure or neglect so to do) within six months after the passing of this Act, and every person engaging in the busines of lumbering or getting out timber, and floating or rafting the same on the inland waters of Canada, within the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, after the passing of this Act, shall (subject to a penalty of fifty dollars for failure or neglect so to do) within one month after he shall engage therein, select a Mark or Marks, and having caused such mark or marks to be registered in the manner hereinafter provided, shall put the same in a conspicuous place on each log or piece of timber so floated or rafted. 1 66 •~-M Minister of Agriculture to register marks and grant oertifioateii on certain conditions. Certificates to be evidence. 2. The Minister of Agriculture shall cause to be kept in his office a book to be denominated the " Timber Mark Register," in which any person engaged in the business of Lumbering as aforesaid, may have his Timber Mark registered by depositing with the Minister a drawing or impression and description in duplicate of such Timber Mark, together with a declaration that the same was not in rse to his knowledge by any other person than himself at the time of his adoption thereof; and the Minister, on receipt of the fee hereinafter provided, shall cause the said Timber Mark to be examined, to ascertain whether it resembles any other Mark already registered ; and if he finds that such Mark is not identical with or does not so closely resemble as to be confounded with any other Timber Mark already registered, he shall register the same, and shall return to the proprietor thereof one copy of the drawing and description, with a certificate signed by the Minister or his Deputy, to the effect that the said Mark has been duly registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act ; and there shall be further stated in such certificate the day, month and year of the entry thereof, in the proper Register ; and every such certificate shall be received in all Courts of Law or of Equity in Canada, as evidence of the facts therein alleged, without proof of the signature. Minister may make rules and adopt forms. 3. The Minister of Agriculture may, from time to time, subject to the approval of the Governor, in Council, make rules and regulations and adopt forms for the purposes of this Act. Exclusive right to use registered marks. 4. The party who registers such Timber Marks shall lies on i kept imber n the "imber awing 'imber 'as not limself ter, on se the ither it i if he not so ' other ter the ,e copy signed he said ith the stated e entry ■tificate luity in tvithout o time, , make Koses of cs shall 167 thereafter have the exclusive right to use the same, to designate the timber got out by him and floated or rafted as aforesaid. Marks may be cancelled. 5. Any person having registered a Timber Mark may petition for the cancellation of the same, and the Minister of Agriculture may, on recei\ ing such petition, cause the said Mark to be so cancelled : and the same shall, after such cancellation be considered as if it had never been registered under the name of the said party. Registered marks assignable and how. 6. Every Timber Mark registered in the office of the Minister of Agriculture shall be assignable in law, and on the assignment being produced and the fee hereinafter provided being paid, the Minister of Agriculture shall cause the name of the assignee, with the date of the assignment and such other details as he may see fit, to be entered on the margin of the Register of Timber Marks on the folio where such Mark is registered. Difierent marks to be used. 7. If any person makes application to register, as his own, any Timber Mark which has been already registered, the Minister of Agriculture shall notify the fact to such person, who shall then select some other Mark and forward the same for registration. Penalty for using another person's mark. Proviso. 8. If any person other than the party who has regis- tered the same, shall mark any timber of any description with any Mark registered under the provisions of this Act, or with any part of such Mark, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall forfeit, 1 68 for each offence, a sum of not less than twenty dollars, and not exceeding one hundred dollars, which amount shall be paid to the proprietor of such Mark, together with the costs incurred in enforcing and recovering the same : Provided always that every complaint under this section shall be made by the proprietor of such Timber Mark, or by some one acting on his behalf and duly au- th'^-'^ed thereto. Table of fees. How applied. 9. The following fees shall be payable, to wit : — On every application to register a Timber Mark, including certificate $2.00 For each certificate of registration not al- ready provided for o. 50 For each copy of any drawing, the reason- able expenses of preparing the same . For recording any assignment i .00 id such fees shall be paid over by the Minister of / ulture to the Receiver General, and form 'art of the Coii^olidated Revenue Fund of Canada. RULES, REGULATIONS AND FORMS OONOBimiNO In accordance with the Act intituled : " An Act respecting the Marking of Timber, Approved by the Governor in Council, on the i^tk of May, 1870." GENERAL RULES. L There is no necessity for any personal appearance at the Department of Agriculture, unless specially called for by order of the Minister or the Deputy, every transaction being carried on by writing. n. In every case the applicant or depositor of any paper is responsible for the merits of his allegations and of the validity of the instruments furnished by him or his agent. in. The correspondence is carried on with the applicant, or with the agent who has remitted or transmitted the papers to the office, but with one person only. 170 IV. All papers are to be clearly and neatly written on foolscap paper, and every word of them is to be distinctly legible, in order that no difficulty should be rnet with in taking cognizar e of, and in registering and copying them V. Ail communications to be addressed in the following words, To the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. VI. As regards proceedings not specially provided for in the following forms, any form being conformable to the letter and spirit of the law will be accepted, and if not so conformable will be returned for correction. FORM OF APPLICATION. VII. An application for the registration of a Timber Mark or Marks shall be made in duplicate after the following Form : To the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. I, {name of person or firm) of {residence) engaged in the business of lumbering {or getting out timber and floating or rafting the same) within the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, hereby request the registi ^-tion of the accompanying Timber Mark {or Marks) which I {name of person or firm) declare was not in use to my knowledge, by any other person than myself at the time of my adoption thereof, and of wh"ch the following are a description and drawing {or imp ession) in duplicate. u WIV>i|UH ^ 174 MACHINISTS' OR MANUFACTURERS' CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, and of do here^v certify that we have reason to believe, and do verily believe, that no machinery of the description im- ported by and above by him described, is manufactured in the Dominion of Canada. Severally sworn before me, at this day of 187 DEPARTMENTAL NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF INLAND REVENUE, Ottawa, 23rd February, 1871. His Excellency the Governor General has been pleased, by an Order in Council dated on the 13th instant, to authorize under the 31st Section of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, that the following "Tariff of Fees"' shall be levied and received by the Supervisor of Cullers. I\>r Measuring cff or Cotmting Lvmber. White Pine, Basswood or Butternut, per ton Red Pine do Hard Wood do Oars and Handspikes, counted off, per 100 p. Deals, counted off. lOO standard Plank two Inches thick and under, 100 piec. Waney timber p, r ton Do do string measurrement, p jr ton Total Fees in Cents and Tenths of a Cent. 5 7 7 23 11 33 7 8 Office Fees in Cents an'] Tenths of a Cent. Cullers' Fees in Cents and Tenths of a Cent. 3 4 4 18 6 28 4 5 2 2 2 4 7 4 6 5 1/6 For Chilling and Meaturing in o Merchant able State, or Meaauring in " Shipping Or. der," or Counting Off when not otherwise fierein provided. White Pine, Waney, string raeas per ton Do Square and Waney per ton Red Pine timber... per ton Hard Wood per ton Denis per 100 standard Plank two Inches thick and under, 100 plec, Standard Staves per mlUe West India Staves per inille Barrel Staves per mllle Oars 100 pHces Handspikes 100 pieces Spars, from 12 to 19 Inches each Masts and Bowsprits, 19 to 24 Inches each MastH and Bowsprits, 24 In, & upwards, each Lathwood per cf.rd Platted Hnd Round Timber, per 100 Jlneal ft. Boards 100 pieces Sawed Lumb. other than Deals for ) , exp. by Sea, when counted only j Total Fees ill Cents and Tentlis of a Cent. 14 10 12 13 6a 50 360 162 113 90 65 46 73 85 38 80 40 Oflice Fees in Cents and Tenths ofaCent- 6 3 3 4 10 15 100 50 33 10 10 13 23 23 10 25 5 Cullers' Fees in Cents and Tenths of a Cent- 9 7 8 9 50 35 250 112 80 80 55 33 50 61 28 55 36 4 4 4 4 7 4 THOS. WORTHINGTON, Commissioner. i;; TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Preface V Circular of July last VII Fac Bltnlle of Timber Marks by order of registration, 1 Figurative and cbaructerlBtic ludexof the same in alphabetical order 118 Alphabetical index of names of proprietors 151 Appendix 168 Act respecting the Markiiig of Timber 165 Persons engaged in Lumbering to Select, Register and use proper Marks 165 Minister of Agriculture to Register Marks and Grant Certificates on Certain Conditions 166 Certificates to be evidence 166 Minister may make Rules and adopt Forms 186 Exclusive right to use registered Mark 166 Marks may be cancelled 167 Registered Marks assignable and how 167 Different Marks to be used 167 Penalty for using another person's Mark 167 Proviso 167 Table of fees 168 How applied 168 Rules and Regulations 169 Nonecessity for personal appearance 160 Applicant responsible for his allegations 161) Correspondence carried on with one person only 169 All documents to be of the size of a foolscap page of paper 170 All writings to be neatly and legibly made 170 Communications to be addressed toTHK Minister of AaRicuLTUBB, Ottawa 170 Proceedings not specially provided for 170 Form of application 170 Notice 172 Important customs arrangements 178 Regulations for the importation of machinery in Canada 173 Tariff of fees for culling, measuring and counting lumber, as autho. rlzed by Orderin Council, dated 13th February, 1871 175