IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^^ 1.0 ^^ I.I 125 ll|M 12.2 ;t! m ^ !: Si£ 12.0 1.4 1= 1.6 V] <^ /} 7 'cr^l tf: el /A %'V^ "^ ^ \ ^^ \\ ^ & so Common Street, lOSflflSiAIL, NELSON DAVIS. Custom House, Forwardiuij; Agent, AM) No. 9 GILLESPIE'S BUILDINGS, CORNER OF COMMON and PORT STREETS, ^ISS^ Personal nnd prompt nttontion Riven to Entorincr Goods at Customs, Bonding Warehousing, and Forwarding to liueViec, Canada West, United f^tates, &(',. QOOIDS STOR.E3D TlSr JiOl^TD OR. r'R.EB. To prevent detention, send invoice and have all packages marked, Care of X. DAVIS. THE CANADIAN EXPRESS COMPANY Do a General Forwarrtinfj E.^press Business, l>aily, over the entire Line of the G. T. K. R., and its conneetious to Ottawa, Perth and Peterboro ; also on the Montreal Ocean Steamships to and from Liverpv)ol weekly, and with the Lower Provinces run Portland, or in connection with the Gulf Ports Steam- ship Company at Quebec. THE NATIOJSAL EXPRESS GMPA^Y Are a '' TTnited States Bonded Line," between N"ew York and Montreal, for the transportation of Bonded Merchandise, and a General Express Business in their own Gars, daily, each way, )n Passenger Trains, through without transhipment. THE UNITED STATES & CAMAOA EXPRESS Between Boston, Ogdensburg and Montreal, twice daily from Boston, for the Forwarding of Merchandise and Money, Collection of Notes, Drafts or Accounts, either with or without Goods. D. T. IRISH, 7 & 9 Place d'Armes, General Agent. Montreal, May ist, 1870. T. MAXWELL BRYSON, CUSTOMS AGENT 63 St. Francois Xavier Street, MON^J'REAl.. CiifltoiiiM ami E:xviMv BiimIik-sh ^4>iit-i-all}> ti-aiiitai-tctl witfk carv uikI |>rfiiii|t(iicMN« GOODS FORWABDED OR STORED IN BOND OR OTHERWISE. iOWREAL BOMDING WREHOUSE (BOIVD So. laU) Corner of King and Wellington Stre.ets. These are lirst-class Stone Stores ; lowest rate of liisi(nu\ir mul spvcially secured and appvovcd by the Customs autlioritics ; eouvenient to the Canal and the Harbour. Apply to W. Mcli AUGHLIW, on the premises, or to T. Maxwell Hryson, 5:5 St. Frunt;ois Xavier Street, Or address Box 210 Post Offiee. Pt« Pi. ft. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF EEN^OVATING RESOLVENT (SARSAPARILLIAN) REGULATING PILLS J on IV i^Ar>Av^vY^ & oo. Munut'uctiiri'rH und Pruprlctum, 439 St. Paul Street, and 14, 16 & 18 St. Francois Xavier Street, S^;2 OSid s^ "C.^ Oli I£Q .i^ Od o D. & J. SADLIER & CO. Publishers, Bookbindefs, Boolsellers and Staliooers MONTREAL : Cor. Notre Dame & St. Francois Xavier Streets, NEW YORK : 31 Barclay Street. Publishers of the "Christian Brothers" and Metropolitan School Books. Lovell's National Series of School Books. Bibles and Prayer Books in all sizes and styles of Binding. Importers of Rosaries, Fonts, Medals, Laco Pictures, Statuary, &c. ^■ Jv / V ■Vr *. V V DUFRESNE & McGARITY, IMPORT MRS AND DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors, Provisions, Fruits, &c., SSI IVotre i:>ame Sti'eet, liONTREASe^ QUEb And "THE TEA-POT," SUSSEX STREET, OTTAWA, Ont. SAVAGE, LYMAN & CO. Manufacturers and Importers of (Llatfljcs, Cloclis, IctotKrrn anb ,S>ill)cr Mm 271 NOTRE DAME STREET, sia <2S> Ksr «epaPi 1^ j5i. iia o Sole Agents for the cel('l)rated Ulysse Xanlin Watfhes. Ooods can be sent by Express to any part of Canada lor approval. TuEo. Lyman. C. W. Hagar. ]i. Birks. H. DAVIS & CO. #ll|lfe| t Importers a^^J Jobbers of No. 57 ST. SULFIDE STREET, GEORGE HEUBACH, IP T f \ If cyp i /T ir T V^x'T 'Kit 'l\/l *^ li r Ti"]l"lf T \^ 'W AND General Insurance Agent. AGENT FOR QUEBEC A ND GULF PORTS STEAMSHIP COMPANY. OFFICE : 32 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, BOYD, EGAN 6l CO., (bv>CCES80R8 TO R. H. HAMILTON, (SiSfBi 9) Wt /il ra \i' !^v ■ "" 1^ \k IH AND General Commission Agents, GILLESPIE'S BUILDINGS, '7 OOIMIlS^COlSr STI^EEX. (FACiNii THE River), ii'@Sfl?aBi^a. FIRST-CLASS STORAGE FOR GOODS IN IBOlsTID OI=l J^P^mE!. REFERENCES: Messrs. H. & A. Allan, Agents of the Montreal O. S. C, Montreal " Gillespie, Moffatt & Co., Montreal. J. M. Young, Esq., Montreal. Messrs. H. L. Routh & Co., Montreal. " W. Stephen & Co., Montreal. David Torrance & Co., Montreal. CUSTOMS TARIFF. i I Acids of every (los(>ri|)tii)n except Acetic Acidt VinoRiir, iiiul Siilpiuine Acid Free Acetic Acid and ViiicKiir lOo t» (tal ; PkKH V^^ ct Advertising I'liiiiiihiots 15*^ cent AKricultiinil Societies, P'lirininK Utensils iind Ini- pioinent.-!, wlieii imported by, for the encouriiKC- iiient of Agriculture Free Alcohol . •80ct« V- Kill : Pkiis 1;') if» c Ale. Beer and Porter in casks 5 cts»t>^Kal ) ^" ^ S^" '"' Do in bottles (5 nuart or 10 pint bottles to the Kallon) 7 cts^f^gal j pi,Ju /rj ^ « Almonds and Nuts 15 ^ cent Alum Free Analine Dyes 15 ^ cent Anatomical Preparations Free Anchors Free Angola Hair, uninanufacture■ c Beer in Wood 5 c

!hoo8 (Leather) \5V eeut Hoot I'Vdt Free Book, .Map and Nc^ws I'rintinjr Paper \!S^ cent Hone, niiiniit'iictnrtMl Vi H^ cent Hi>niu)ts, Hals, and (!aps lJ> K^ cent JJlblos, Testaments nnd l)cvotional Books 5 •tP cent Hinnacdo Ijaiiips, Ships' Free Biscuit and Bread from Oroat Britain and B. N. A. Provinces Free Boiler Plate, Iron 5 ^ cent HoltiuK Cloths Froo Borax Free Bookbinders' Tools nnd Iinplenionts Free Bracelets, Braid, Ac, made of hair 1>') ■H* cent Bran W^ cent Brandy 80ct8f Mrhooln of donlffn Frae Cii.xtiriirH--(ilI otin r--Iri>n Ifi lb; VUt» l^+N-t Clijimlflicr."' nml Oas Fiflinjf l;")'tP i-ont Chiniiwa-c, Ivirtlicnwiirc, uml Croekory j.'i ^^^ ('orit Ohiirti, Miipy and A( 1.5 IP" cent (MiaritJililc I MM tit lit ion.", donations oCClotliinB for Free Church H.-li- Free Chicory oi otiior Root or VoKotablo nsod an Cotfeo, raworurn't'ii 3 cto per lb ^ Vkgn Do l coTit CJKftr.s ( lA cts *> m : Vkgn 15 *►• I emit. ■ gal; pkKsl5'tf» c Colotfnc Water, in flasks or bottles, .'JO of such not contnininic more than a gallon 4 cts each; Pk(?s V^^ ot Coinniiinioii Plate Free Composition Snikes and Nails Free Compasses, Ships' Free Clay Pipe, Clay, Farth, and Sand Free Clocks IF,^ cont Clothinif or WearinK Apparel made by hand or sewmR machine 15^ cent ClothinK for \rniy and Navy, or donations of for (iharitabh; institutions Freo Clothitip. plain, imported for ofliecrs of the army and navy, scrviiii; in Canada Free Clothing' ami arms for the army and military forces in the Dominion F"ree Coal and Coke 50 cts *>• ton of 20(J(» lbs. Cocoa Nut Oils, in their natural state Free Cott'ee. ftreen .'{ cts *»■ lb J t,, , r *> Coffoo, ground or roasted 4 cts iP lb i * '^'''*' '•' ^ ° Coko.. 50 cts *^ ton of 2000 lbs. Colors, ltd.. VIZ., Lakes in pulp. Scarlet and Morono, Ultra Marine and Chinese lUue, Umber, raw, Hluo-black, Paris and permanent Greens, Satin, and fine washed White, bichromate of Potash, Sugar of Lead and British sum Free Commissariat Stores Free i;0 peras _ Free Ctmfoctionarv. . • ., Ic ^ lb. & 25 ■^ c at/ vnl Copper Tubes and Pipincr. when drawn Free Copper in bars, rod.s, bolts or sheets, and sheathing Free Copper, pip, wire, round, or flat Free Copper or Brass, manufactured 15 i*' cent Corkwood, or the bark of the Corkwood tree Free Copper Pipe Free Copper Sheathinf? Free Cordage, when used for ships and vessels only Free Cottons 15 r cent Cotton Warp \r, ^ cent Cotton Yarn and Cotton Twist... 15 F cent Corn. Indian .3c %^ bush ; Pkgs 15 4?' c Cotton Waste Free Cotton Wool Free Cotton Candlewick Free Cotton netting and woollen netting for India Rubber Shoes Free Cordials $1.20 «>^ gall; Pkgs IS'^ct Corks 15 F* cent Cream of Tartar in crystals Free Coin and Bi.illion, except U. States Silver Coin Free Currants 15 F cent Cutlery, polished— all sorta 15 t* cent Dead Eyes, Ships' Free Dead lii(thts di) Free Def-k Plii'i's do Free Diamonds and Precious Stones not set Free Dried Fruits _ 15 ^t*' cent Drugs not otherwise specified 15 '^ cent DruKs used chiotly for dyt mk Free Dye Stuffs, viz:— Berries, Bark, DruRf. Nuts, Vege- ables. and Woods, used chieHy in dyeing Free Drain Tiles Free Drai"'ings, not in oil Free Donations of Clothing for dist:ibutiou by Charitable Institutions Free Earth, Clays and Sand Free Earthenware and Crockery 15 per cent Ekrs Free Electrotype blocks, for printing purposes Free Emery Free Emory Paper and Emery Cloth 15 '1?' cent Engravings and Prints 15 ■l"' cent Essences (not containing any Spirits) 15 '^ cent Essences (containing Spirits) lSl.20'1)^ gal; Pkgs 15 ■tPc Essential Oils of all kinds 15 "p cent Extract of Logwood Free Extracts mixed with Spirits or strong waters §1.20 ^ gal ; Pkgs 15 ¥ c Factory and Mill Machinery 15 'P' cent Fancy Goods and Millinery, viz , articles embroidered with Wold, Silver, or other metals 15 ^ cent Fan and Fire Screens 15 tr cent Fanning Implements and Utensils, when imported by Agricultural Societies for encouragement of agriculture Free Feathers and Flowers 15 f cent Felt for Hats and Boots. Free Felt Hat Bodies 15 F cent Fibrilla, Mexican Fibre, or Tampico, white or black, and other vegetable fibres for manufacture Free Firebrick Free Firewood . Free Figs, dried Fruits 15 IP cent Filberts, do 15 1?^ cent Fire Biick, and Clay Free Fire-works 15 i cent Fish (fresh) and Fish Bait, not to include Oysters or Lobsters in tins or kegs Free Pish salted or smoked IctiP'ib.; Pkgs 15 '^ c Fish and Vegetables, preserved 15 ii' cent Fishing Nets, and Seines Free Fish Hooks, Lines and Fish Twines Free Fish Plates (wougtit innor steel) Free Flat Wire for Crinolines unrov:'red (see Hoop Skirt) Free Flax Waste Free Flax, Hemp. Tow, undressed Free Flour of Wheat and Rye 25 cts ^ brl : Pkgs 15 ■Tc Flour and Meal of any grain, except Whea t and Rye 15c IP brl ; Pkgs 15 ^ ct Foreign Newspapers, sent otherwise than through Post Office 5 F cent Fruits (Green) of all kinds 10 I*' cent Fruits preserved in Bianly or other Spirits ;^1.20'i^gal ; Pkgs 15 F e Furs, Skins, Pelts, or Tails, undressed • • Free Fur, or of which Fur is the principal part 15 4?" cent Galvanized and Sheet Iron Free Gems and Medals, Cabinets of Free Geneva 80c ■T gal; Pkgs 15 r ct German, plated and gilded ware, manufactured of all kinds 15 ^ cent Gin (including Old Tom) 80 cts ¥^ gal ; Pkgn 15 ^c 5 .15 ? cent Q— (Continued.) , 25 1* cent ttinger, Kround^; 15 4P- cent QiriKer, ungr'Hind • • • •• , \ • i Gini-- and Uliw.sware, plate and silvered, stained, iited, or colored. .■• • Gl. .,d Paper and Glass Cloth !""."."i5 '^^'ceiit Glassware • • ; ,• • • y n tV !.„"» Globes, when imported by and for u.«o of Col egos, „ Suientitic and Literary Societies and ochool.s |,J.^^ Goat hair, iininannlactured V'\""a \k'^'o{^r\t Gold, Silver, and Eleetroplato, manutacturod •' ^ ceni Gold and Silver Leaf....... .;■ lo •F cent Goldbeater.^' Brmis. Mould.s and Skins ■•■^ . j p,^ j^ ^ Grains of all kind, except Wheat. . . ■ ■•■•••- « c ir ousn , rKfe. Grass, Osier. Palm leaf. Straw. Whalebone, or Willow, except plait, elsewhere mentioned ^'^^ ^^f "'' y Free G ravels . • . • _ Free Grease and Scraps ■[ j ^ ^g^i^ Grindstones free Gums. British . ..Free Glim. Copal ;••■ ] .■;;:;■.■.■. '.15 Vcent •Gunpowder ■• ■ ■• •. ■ ■• ir 4* .„,,, Guns, Rilles. and arms of all kinds \''^ ^."" Gutta Percha. manufactured .• ■ • ■ • ■ • • ^'^ ^ *--»"^ Gypsum or Plaster of Pans, neither ground nor ^^^^ calcined ; •. Vr' Free Gypsum, ground, when imported expressly as Manure J^ r«" H Hardware, viz.. Cutlery, polished, all sorts, Japanned, 1 planished Tin. and Britannia Metal \V are. Spades, | Shovels, Axes, Hoes, Rakes, iorks, and edged .'i.-.M-^pnt Tools, Scythes and Snaths, Spikes, Nails, Tacks, rlo r cent Hrads, and Si>rigs, Stcjves and all oth; r Iron cast ings. Other Hardware, Horn, Pearl, and ivory, maiiuf.-ctiired •■ — •• •• • •■•; A. m- „„„»' Harness :,iid Saddlery of Leather Manufacture 1-' 1^ cent Hair, or Mohair, manuiactured. . • . . • • . • •■ 1.) tf' cent Hair-Human. Angola, Goat. Thibet, Horse, Hog or Mohair, unmanutaciurea Free Hat Plush for Hatters ii'i,: ■„••„; ^^^^ Hats, Caps, and Bonnets , 15 ^ cent Hay! 10^l^cent Hemp, undressed SS^i-^p«i'« ^"^ Free Hosiery. ,15 4?' cent toHair,unma^ufactured... ..........■..••■■•••••.. ...-^ Hoop Skirt Manufacture-tl e following articles for Crinoline : thread for covering Crinoline Wire, I and braes). Slides, Spangles and Slotted Clasi)s(tin ■ , ..r- - 1 Tapes, and flai or round Wire uncovered- I Free Indian Com and Grain of all kinds, except Wheat 3c jj bush ; P^gs 15 ^c Indian Meal 15 cts r brl , Pkgs 15 re Indigo Free Ink 01 all kinds, except printing 15 iP^ cent Ink, Printing !!!.......'..,!.! Free Iron— Rod, Bar, Hoop or Sheet 5 ^ cent '* Scrap, galvanized or pig • • ; ; " Puddled in bars. Blooms and Billets " In Blooms and Billets, not Puddled '• Bolts and Spikes, galvanized- • • •• •••••• " Nail and Spike Rod, round, flat or square 5 r cent " Hoop or Tire, for driving wheels of Locomo- tives, bent and welded ■ •- — • • '•' Boilerplates ■■■■ A;- 'i nu-- 5 ^ cent " Railroad Bars, AVrought Iron or Steel Chairs and Fish Plates k'^""l " RolledPlates 5 F cent Free Free Free Wire Free Iron Tubes and Piping when drawn Free 6 l—{Continur(f.) Iron Knees and Ridors (Ships) Iron Masts or part of Iron Masts (Ships) Ivory, Bono, Poarl, and Horn, manufactured 15 ■^ cent Free Free Japanned Tin, Planished Tin, and Brittannia Metal Ware 15 *»- cent .Tewollory and Watciies 15 ■& cent Junl< and (Jalium Free Kelp Free Kryolito Free Knees, Iron, Riders [Ships] Free V y ^1 15 Wet ...Free . . . Free . . • Free . .. Free Lard 1 ct ^ ib ; Pkgs Load, piif Ijcail, in slioct Lead, white dry JiCad, red. dry Leather viz.. Sheep, Calf, Goat, and ChamoLs skins, dressed, varnished, or enamelled T5W cent Lonther, or imitatiiin of Leather, manufactured 15 'tf*' cent Leather. Solo and Upper 10'^ cent Leather Manufactures, viz: Boots and Shoes, Har- n 'Ss and Saddlery 15 W cent Lemons anil C)ranses 10 W cent Locoiudtive Eniiino Frames. Cranks, Crank Axles, Railway Car and Locomotive Axles. Piston Rods, Ouiile and Slide Bars. Crank Pins. Connecting Rods, Ili»o|> Iron ur Steel for Tires, Wheels bent and welded Locomotives and Railway Passenser, Baggage and Freight Cars, runninti upon roads crossing the frontier, so long as Canadian Locomotives and Cars are admitted free, under similar circum- stances, in the United States LocouiDtive Engines and R. R. Cars 15 W cent Ldgwood. Extract of Linen 15 ■P' cent Linen Machine Thread Litharge Free Lithographic Stones Free Lumber [see Plan!'] . Free . Free . Free Free M Maccaroni and Vermicelli 15 ^P cent Machinery 15 i?' cent Machine Silk Twist, and Machine Linen Thread Free Mace 25 1?^ cent Malt 40c r bush ; Pkgs 15 1?" o Manilla Grass. Sea Grass, (and Mosses for Uphol- sterers' purposes) Free Manures ■ Free Manufactured Maible 15 F cent Manufactures, viz : — Marble, or imitation Caoutchouc, India Rubber, or Gutta Percha Furs, or of which Furls principal part Hair or Mohair Papier Machers, Foreign, sent otherwise than through the Post Office 5 F cent Nitre or Saltpetre Free Nitrate of Soda Free Nuts, unless otherwise specified 15 'IP' cent Nuts used chiefly in dyeing Free Nutmegs 25 4P cent Natural History, Specimens of Free Naptha 15c F gal ; Pkgs 15 F ct Naval and Military stores : Free Oatmeal 15 cts F brl ; Pkgs 15 Fc Oats 3cts1?'bush, do. Oakum Free Ochres, ground or calcined 15 F cent Ochres and Metallic Oxides, ground orunground, and washed or unwashed— dry, not calcined Free Officers' Mess : NoTK— Coffee, Sugar, and Tea for Canteens, and all articles for Offi 'ers' Mess, formerly free, now pay the duties imposed upon similar goods im- l)orted for ordinary uses. Oils— Cocoa Nut, Pine and Palm in their natural state Kerosene. Coal, distilled, purified, and refined 15 cts IPgal Benzole, Benzine. Benzoine, Petroleum, dis- tilled, purified or refined 15cts4?'gal Petroleum, Crude 6 cts 'tP'gal; Oil— Petroleum— products of Coal, Shale and Lignite, not otherwise specified 10 cts I?" gal Oil — Whale, in the casks, from on shipboard, and in the condition in which it was first landed Oil Essential 15 i?' cent Oil Cake Free ; Pkgs 15 ^c : Pkgsl5«^c Pkgs 15 ■r ; Pkgsl5 4Pc Free Free Oils, in any way rectified, pumped racked, bleached, or prepared, not elsewhere specified 15 F cent Oil Cloths 15 F cent d O — ( Continued. ) Old Tom din, not sweetened SOctn *>^Kall; Pkgs 15#^ct OiMuin 15 ^ cent Oriiiigos 10 '^ c'jnt Ordmincu Stores Free Ore,-* of all kinds of Aletals Free Ornaments (it Bronze, Alabaster, Terra Cottn or Composition 15 ' cent PaintiiJKs in oil Ijy a ticts of well known merit, or copiis of the old masters by such artists Free Pa per 15 IP cent Pa per Shavings Free Paper II int,'iiigs 15 F cent Pajiier Alach^' 15 ■IP cent Parasdl:- and Uinbrelliis 15 '!»' cent Patent Metlicines, not mixed with spirits or strong waters 25 i"" cent Peas ;]cts ? bush; Pkga 15?c Pearl, Horn. Bone, and Ivory manufactured 15 'F cent Pelts, Hides and Horns Free Pepper, Kround 25 ■^ cent uiiKround !5 *'' cent Perfumed Spirits 1.20 ■T gal; PkgslS^ct Peifumed Spirits, whc- in flunks or bottles, thirty of such not containins n. " than a gallon 4cts each; PkgsL^IPct Perfumery not elsuwhen "citied 25 ^ cent Pine and Palm Oils, in tli. atirral state Free Phosphorus Free Pickles andSiii'ces 15 F cent Pimento, ground 25 ■t?' cent " unground 15 'IP cent Pipe Clay Free Pipes. Tobacco 15 F cent Pit( h and Tar Free Plaster of Paris, ground and calcined 15 F cent Playing Cards 25 ^P cent Portalilo Hantl Printing Presses 15'tf>' cent Preserved Mnats 15 'F cent Printed, liithogi-iphed or Copper plate Bills, Billheads, and Advertising Pamphlets 15 F cent Pota>h, Bichromate of Free Poultry 10 ^P' cent Porter in bottles I" ''H *^ Pp/' ^^-w*"^ I ad v , Chesnut, Rosewood. Cherry, and Pitch Pine 15 F cent Platers' Leaf 15 ^P cent Printing Ink and Printing Presses, except Portable Hand Printing Presses Free Proprietary Medicine •!, mixed with spirits or strong waters $1.201Pgal; Pkgsl5iPct Prunella, for unpers of ladies' boots and shoes Free Puddled Iron Bars, Blooms and Billets Free Pumps and Pump-gear, Ships Free liuart/,, Crushed. Free Hags, including Paiujr Shavings. Railrdiid IJiiis and Frogs Hatan, for Cliiiiniiakera. Free Free Free Frro Red Lead, dry V' L>. ..,:,. i*' " Hi^e.';' "!■■!■'.'.: il'."!^''^'"'"'.'......-'----'^ •••• 1 rUP lb; Pkgs lo r ct Riders and knoes--iron (Ships) ];''"«o Rigging Wire ( do ) irVi^^oo'* lioots Other ■ ■ 10 r coi. - •Rifle's. Guns, and Fire Arms of all kinds If; *^ cent Ryo? ..'.'.'■..:.:.... Scrbush;Pkgsl5*J' ret ct Sails ready made •• l.-) «>' cent Sail Cloth or Canvas, from Nos. 1 to b, when used for Ships and Vessels only .••••,••,■■■ ■ .,•. ' ' l" " :. Sal Anmioniac. Sal Soda, Caustic Soda, Silicate ot Sod •, Soda Ash, and Nitrate of Soda •• •■•• Salt, from U. Kingdom or B. Possessions, or tor the use of the Sea and Cnlf Fisheries. Salt (except from U. Kingdom or B. Possessions, or ' for use of Fisheries). . . . ., '?i^5^"^'^ = Sand Paper and Sand Cloth {^ fn^' i Schiedam Schnapps • • • . • • ■•■•■• *'-" '»'K»1; Sea Grass, Manilla (Jrass (and Mosses for Upholstery purposes) •, • — ; ;. " j^ ■ " • • ; ■ ' Seeds not classed as Cereals ; • ....iU'T cent Settlers' Effects of every description, in aerial use, not being merchandise brought by i)ers( making oath that they intend becoming permanent settlers within the Dominion Scrap Brass and Scrap Iron •■•" — ;•■ Shawls ^^'^ <'®"* SheetMusic. printed ;■■■., \5 ^ cent Ships' Blocks and Patent Bushes tor Blocks " Binnacle Lamps, Bunting. .••■•••■. " Sail Cloth o<- Canvas, from Nos. 1 to 6, when used for Ships or Vess' Is only " Compasses " Dead Eyes '• Dead Lights " Deck Plugs " Pumps and Pump Gear " Shackles'-Sheaves " Signal Lamps " 'Travelling Trucks Steering Apparatus, Ships _ • Iron Knees and Riders, Ships ' Wire Rigging, do Cordage, when used for Ships or Vessels only Wedges, Ships Iron Masts or part of Iron Masts, do ■' j». Shell, manufactnrc.l...... '^ ^ cont Sheet Iron, not Galvanued '^ "T c^ni Shrubs. Trees and Plants }" ^ ^ent Silks, Satins and Velvets • • •.■■■•. ^^ cent Silk, Woollen, Worsted, and Cotton Embroideries, and Tambour Work ■ 15 ^ cent Silk Twist and Silk and Mohair Twist not elsewhere specified 15 «*■ cent Silk Twists for Hats, Boots and Shoes Silk Twist, machine ••••• Silver Coin, U. States 15 r cent Silver leaf ]^Z ^"^"^ Silver and Gold Cloth \2Z '''*^^*' Silver-plated Ware 15 *^ cent Slate Slotted Tapes, for the manufacture of Hoop Skirts Small Wares 15 r cent Free Free Free Pkgsl5Fct Pkgs 15 r ct Free . Free Free }■ Free Free Free Free Free Fiee , • 10 8 — (Conttnued.) Snuff— Kroiind dry _. 20ctH <^ft; V2'^ctad val " (111 mi), niKiBt or pifklod — 20ots 'U*^1b •• Sodii Asli F'oo S«iii|), coimnon $l.(K)*>'l()0lb;|)k8 15 ct Son |). port miH'd iind fiincy 2;") ■!)♦■ cent iSpiidcs, SIkivoI,-'. Stoves and all other Iron CasitinKS lo ■tf*' cent Spelter or /iiir in sheet. l)lo('l.s. or pins Froo Specimens of -Natural History, Mineraiotjy, Uotany or Sen I pt II re Frco Spiees.Kroiind, inrliidinK Kinifcr, pimento nnd pepper 2>i I* eent Spieos, iin;froiind, inelodin^' uinKer, pimento k popper l,") ^ cent Spikes and Nails, coinposition Free Spike.i, Scythes and Snaiths 15 cent Spirits and stronir waters, incliidin); Sjjirits of AVino and .\lrohol. ( I'ln-k ages 15 •()>■ cent) 80 eta ^P gal Spirits of Tin iieniine. 15 ■!?■ cent Spirits and StnmK \\ aters, other beiii>f Sweetened or iMi.xed. the sirtMitrth of "hich cannot be ascertained by Sykes" Jtydromcter $1.2n'»f>'Kal : i>kK.05 ct Statues of Marble, Bronze, Alabaster, natural size Free Stationery 15 t* cent Stool. wroiiKht or cast, in bars and rods Free Steel I'lales cut to any lorni but not moulded Free Steel Chaiis Free SteeriiiK Apparatus. Ships Free Stereotype! Blocks for printing purposes Free Steamboat and Mill Shafts and Cranks, forced in the roufch ; Free Steam Inro LnfTines 15 F cent Stone, unwrought, and LithoRraphers' Stone Free Stores fot use of Army and rs'avy Free Straw ; 10 ■6>' cent Straw. Tuscan. (Jrass and Fancy Plaits Free Sulphur or Mrimstone In roll or tlour Free Sulphuric Acid • \cX^ lb ; pkgs 15 'tf^ ct Do do carboys containing 15 ■tf^ cent Sugar-Candy, lu-own or white 1 ct li^'lb* 251?' :tf»f/rai Suirar, ei|ital to and above No. Dutch Standard 1 ct IP^ I bet 251^01 orfva^. Do below No. It... ■■■.^ !|ct'l!^lb&251P-ctarf«ai. Syrup ot hutrar or ot Sugur Cane. Syrup ot Molasses, or of Sorghum, Melado, concentrated Melado or concentrated Molasses and Cane Juice ictl?^lbife25^?'ctacZ'!;f(/. Tafia 80cts r gal ; pkgs 15 r c Tallow 1 ct •t}>^ ft: pkgs 15 ■T ct Tapes, Slotted, for the manufacture of Hoop Skirts Free Tar. Free Tea, green, including Japan 15 •11* ct and 7 cents IP ft Tea. black 15 {'»• ct .and 3] cents F lb „-ls Free Thibet Hair, unmanufactured Proe Thread and other articles embroitttred with gold or for embroidery 15 'tP' cent Thread Lace and Insertions 15'tf>' cent Tiles, drain Free Tin, gianulatedor bar Free Tin and Zinc or Spelter, in block or pifr Free Tin Cla.sps, Slides and Spangles for manufacturing Hoop Skirts Free Tin Plates 5 r cent Tinctures, containing Spirits $1.20'tP'gal ; pkgsl5 Ih S..ifl'. scroiind dry lA cents 4^ lb Tobacc() Canadian Twist, Tnlidc-Bhtnc cii Tnrquette 7 cents ^ tb Fine Cut 15 cents ^ lb Cavciidi.-ih. Plujr, Twist, and all other manufactured Tobacco not before described .15 cents ^ ft Cipars (subject to an abatement or allowance for moisture in calcul iting the weight for duty, to b(^ lixcd by Order in Council 30 cent.s ^ ft Petroleum and Coal Oil • 5 cents F gal. Any fermented beverapre made in imitation of Beer or Malt Liiiuor, and brewed in whole or in part from any other .-!ub- stance than Malt 3i cents ^ gal 'illil INSPECTION OF PETROLEUM AND COAL OIL. All Petroleum and Coal Oil manufactured in or imjiorted into Canada, offered for sale without bavins been inspecteil. shall bo liable to forfeiture, and for every barrel, cask or packnjre 'containing not less than 20 gals.) inspected there shall be imposed an inspection fee of 20 cents Do. do. less than 20 gals 1 cent ^ gal ARTiriiES FROHIBITED. The following articles are prohibited to be imported under a penally of two hundred dollars, together with the forf jiture of tho parcel or package of goods in which the same may be found ; — Books, Printed Papers, Drawings, Paintings, Prints and Photographs of an immoral or indecent, treasonable or seditious character. Coin, base or counterfeit. 18 INTERPRETATIONS, &c AoiDH.— Acids do not include '' orpiiut'Dt." (yellow) or *' rcalger" (red). Ba(JS. — Bans, wli(»Ti not new, may be imported free f'o- the purpose of beinj,' filled with grain, seed or wool for exportation, on bonds for exportation being given, or the amount of duty deposited, at discretion of the collector. CmMicii B^:LLs. — In the admission of church bells duty free, the collector must bo duly certified of the intention of the importer to use them only for such purpose. Cm DK. — The term " crude" implies the first condition of every article (as nierchandise), and applies to whale oils only wlien landed in their original packages on board siiip. 8ce whale oils. Gypsitm.— Ground gypsuui may be admitted free when imported expressly as '' manure." Models — Models are held to be such only when they cannot be used as the articles of which they are said to be the models, such as stoves or grates. PiUNEi-LA.— The article exempted under tliis head is the fabric generally used for the upper of ladies' boots and shoes ; any fabric not so generally used shoulil not be admitted. Settlehs' Effects.— When entry of "settlers' effects" is not made by the importer in person, his declaration to the correctness of his statement of facts must be made before a Justice of the Peace. The exemption in favor of "settlers" is not to apply to persons domiciled in Canada, or who have been absent from Canada for a shorter term than five years. Sole and Upper Leather.— Sole and upper leather does not include leather dressed and prepared for purposes other than the manufacture of boots and shoes, the value of which is hi'dier than sole or upper leather. Whale Oil. — In the entry of whale oil, duty free, the importer must produce a certificate duly attested by a consul or consular a^ent at the port of exportation, setting forth the conditions required by law, and stating the marks of the casks and the quantities contained therein. Unwrougixt or Rough.— The term "unwrought" applies to stone which has undergone no process of manufacture beyond chipping 14 to reduce bulk ; •' Roujrh '' to castings which have luidorgone no j)roco.''H (if Htiisliiii";, such as Hlin<:. turning:; or planiii}^. Wool*. — The word " uuiuaiiuractiircd " is to hv understood UH a)»I)lyln^ to all timbor which has uiidergoiij no process of reduction other than rou^h hewing. Ships' (jkar, kto., ktc— Under the head "ships" it will be observed that four articles viz., ''cables of hemp .did j^rass. " "eordaire," "sail-cloth nr caiivas, from No. 1 to No. IJ," and '•varnish, black and brijiht," are free vul'j when used for ships or vessels. Kiitry (tf these floods must be accoiJipanied with a declaration or oath that tliey are to be used fi»r vessels only. Wht^n duty paid, a drawback will be allowed when evidence is furnished satisfact(»ry to the collector at whose port the duty thereon was pjdd. that such artfeles liavt; been actually used in the building, repairing or rigging or outfit of a ship or vessel. {•krI()I)IC.\i-s. — Periodicals mc^tn publications which appear at regular intervals, such as newspapers, reviews, magazines, annual regist(!rs, &c., devoted to religion, politics, science, art, an;usement, tVe. CoKKS AND Cai'silks. — To bo considered as part oi'the packages, and pay accordingly. Lahkls, etc. — To be included in value of the goods. il 25th June, 18G9. Whereas, by section 55. cap. 6, ;Ust Victoria, the Governor in Council is authorised to make regulations respecting warehousing ports and bonding, — His Excellency in Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the authority aforesaid, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that in each of the ports of Hamilton, London, Toronto and Kingston, in the Province of Ontario ; in Montreal and <,)uebec, in the Province of Quebec; in St. John, in the Province of New Brunswick ; and in h difax, in the Province of Nova Scotia, each peison obtaining, or having the right and privilege of using, any store or building, or part of such store or building, as a bonding warehouse, shall, for such privilege, pay to the collector of customs, on the first day of September in each year, the sum of forty dollars, and if the same shall remain unpaid for the term of one month thereafter, then the privilege of using such store or building as a bonding warehoiise shall be cancelled. !| If a vessel, having live stock or perishable articles on deck, arrives after business hours, the collector, or any oflScer of the port, may permit the master to unlade the same before report, but report shall, in such case, be made as soon as may be after the next opening of the Customs Office. — 31 Vic, cap. 6, sec. 10, sub-see. 7. 15 ■ Fish, Baltod or fresh, or other articles allej^cJ to bo the product of Cnnuda, or of Newfj to which they respectively b(>l<»ni:. unless aet;oin p-iiiied by a copy of oiitw.ird report statin;; ((Uaiitity antl describing; the packages, duly certified })y a collector «»f Her Majesty's ('ustouis. — ;n Vic., cap. 7, sec. 14. No refund of duty shall bo allowed after the lapse of fourteen days from the time of entry, for any alle;.fed misdescriptirtn of ^oods by the importer ; and sliould any error of the kind be discovered by the i(Mp"rter while unpackini;: his ^oods, he sliall immediately and without further interference with the ^oods report tlie facts to the collector, in order that the same may be vcrilied. — 31 Vic, cup. 7, sec. 17. Although any duty of customs lias been overpaid, or althou^'h after any duty of customs lias bc(!ii charged iind paid, it appears or is judicially established that the same was charged under an erroneous construction of the law, no such overcharge shall be returucid after the expiration o^ three years from the date of such payment. — 31 Vic, cap. 0, sec. 131. No discount for cash shall in any case be allowed, nor shall ^oods be allowed to entry at cash values, except where it is satisfactorily shewn to the collector that such ^oods can be pnrchivscd only for cash, and then it shall form a part of the affidavit of the importer that the value of such ^oods was paid at the time of the purchase. — 31 Vic, cap. 7, sec. 13. The value for dtity of tjoods, on which an ad vnhreni duty of cufitoms is imposed, imported into Canada by sea, shall be the actual value of such goods at the last place at which they arc purchased ; and the value of such goods for duty, if imported from the United States by land or inland navigation, shall be the actual value of such goods at the last place at which they are purchased for impor.ation into Canada, and whence they arc directly conveyed without change of package to Canada ; and whatever bo the country from which the goods arc imported, or in which they are purchased, such value shall be ascertained by adding to the value of such goods at the place of growth, production or manufacture, the cost of transportation, whether by land or water, and of shipment and transhipment, with all expenses included from place of gi'owth, production or manufacture, to the - 16 place wlicro the Kondn are purchnsnl, and if they on; purchased in the Unitwl Stiiion, then to tlif place whence tlioy nw. directly cr)nvcyed lO Cuii.-idii IIS uCoresiiid ; and Hueh viiluc hall include also, the viiliio of any hox, case, sack, package, or coverinj^ of any kind in wliieh such goods arc contained ; and all export duties on audi g(X)dH, and all uostH and chur;;es incurred prior to their purchase. Packages delivered boforo Examination. All the pnckii-^'cs uieiitioned in any one entry, althouj^h niont of 8uch paeka>.rcs may have been delivered to the importer, shall ho subject to the control of the customs authorities of ilio port at which they are entend, until such of the piieka^(!s an have been sent for examination i<: the I'jXaminin^ Warehouse shall hav»; be(!ii duly exumined and approved, provided such examination take place within three days after the delivery of the packaijo or packages into the Exaniliiiiifj * ;|; ^ ^ >f: jf: shall be seized by any officer of customs or excise having a knowledge thereof, and shall be and remain forfeited to the Crown, — Except only that any person may have in his pos.session, for his own use or consumption, noi exceeding ten pounds of raw or leaf tobacco, purchased from a licensed dealer, and on which the duty hereby imposed has been paid, the proof whereof shall lie on such person. 1 '-' \\\' \\"' I' '! !1 1 I ill 18 Begulations. 23rd October, 1868. 1. (joods having been entered for duty, and having passed into the hands of the importer, in cases where said goods arc found not be the goods ordered, notice of such fact may bo given to the collector of customs at the port of entry, within one month of the date of such entry, accompanied by a request for loave to return the said goods to the place and party where and from whom the same were purchased, and that the duties paid thereon be refunded ; whereupon the collec- tor, having verified the statement of the importer, and having ascer- ;:!! tained that the package to be exported is a whole package, and that f: its contents are identically the same as originally entered for duty, [lii shall report the same to the Department, and the Minister of Customs ill shall thereupon issue an order tc the collector to refund the duties t' upon due proof of exportation : provided that if such goods are not [ actually exported within one month from the date of such order, it i: shall be void and of no effect. 2. Whereas cases frequently arise for which no general order or regulation is provided, in which goods, upon which duty has been paid, rcTjuire to be exported, and injury or hardship may be endured by importers, to the disadvantage of the general commercial interests of the Dominion, unless some means of redress be provided : It is, therefore, ordered that, in all such special cases, it shall be lawful for the Minister of Customs to consider the grounds and examine the merits of each application, and make such order thereupon, subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, as may, in his judgment, be necessary for the relief o^ the parties, and consistent with the interest and security of the revenue. Dwiwbacks. Drawback, under regulations to be described by the Governor in Council, shall be allowed on goods ^f the value at least of one hundred dollars, on the first entry on which duties of Customs have been paid, when exported direct to Nefoundland or to Prince Edward's Island. — 31 Vic, cap. 7, sec. 16. A drawback of the duties of Customs paid on iron and manu- factures of iron used in the building of composite ships and vessels in Canada, and on sheet tin or tin plates used in packages for articles exported from Canada, shall be allowed, subject to regulations to be made by the Treasury board, and approved by the Governor in Council. — 33 Vic, cap — , sec. 13. Regulations with reference to the Importation and Grinding of Wheat and other Grain in Bond. 1st. The Collector of Customs at any port of entry shall receive entries of ibreiuMi wheat, maize or other t-rain, to be ground and packed in bond, for exportation or consumption, and such collector shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, such wheat, maize or other .grain, to be forwarded on to the port of destination, where may bo- situated the mill or mills at which the said wheat, maize or other gruin is to be ground and packed in bond, as by law permitted. 2nd. The wheat, maize or other gi-ain shall be so forwarded under bonds to be taken either by the collector at the port of entry, or by the collector at the port of destination, as may best suit the con- venience of the importer, which bonds shall be taken for an amount that will cover the duties cjiargoable upon the said wheat, maize or other grain, and be conditioned for the due payment of such duties, should such wheat, maize or other grain, or the quantity of flour and meal representing such wheat, maize or other grain, gc into consump- tion, or for the due exportation of such wheat, maize or other grain, or the equivalent thereof in flour and meal, and on th.i proof of the payment of such duties, or of ♦hd due exportation as aforesaid, within one year from the dace of the said bond or bonds, the said bonds shall lae duly cancelled ; and if such bonds shall be given at the port of destination, a cartiticate of such payment or exportation under tho hand of the Collector of Customs of such port, thall be forwarded to tiie collector of the port of c.jtry at which such wheat, maize or other grain shall have been imported or entered for manufacture in bond. !1 ir I ' ■ h i '11' iili jji,, HAEHSCEN foods ejt f Aniline Dyes, Dve-Stnfi's and Chemicals; French, English, and Annsrican Gliios; Hair Olnfh ; Gold and .Silver Loaf; Ijithographers' Materials; Marbles, .Slates and Slate Pencils; Fancy Porcelain and Dolls. W. E. COQUILETTE & CO., Forwarders & General Agents Agents Merchants Line Freight & Passenger Steamers. CITY OFFICE: 335 COAIMISSIONERS STREET 108 aOlS/LlS/LOJSr STJEiEET, J. B. ROLLAND & SON, Booksellers and Stationers, No's 12 & 14 St. Vincent Street, M O N T H E A 1^ . The Largest Stock in America of Classical, Historical, Scientific, and Religious French Books, Sole Ageuts for Aut« Vau Genetlien, tlie Celebrated Mauufacturer of PLAYING CARDS. ADCOCK & ENGLISH, WHOLESALE IMPORTERS OF SPOONS, PORKS, &c., Agents for an English manufacturing Jeweller, CORNER OF COMMISSIONERS & ST. SVLPICE STS. l|ii! Prize Modal end Diploma Awarded, Silver Medal and Diploma Awarded, Exposition Universelle do 1867, Provincial Exhihition, Montreal, ' k ParJB. 1868. WINNING, HILL & WARE, niSTIM.KRS AND MANUFACTUKKUS OK | Cordials, Tom Gins, Ginger Wines, Choice Fruit Syrups, r Bitters, Brandies, Rye Whiskeys, &c. &c. . Distillery, ) MOyTR'RAT. J Offices and Warehouses, 287 & 289 Comi.ii«'r8 Street, \ iVl VJi • -L l\riillj. j 3g.j gj. p^ui Street. ALSO, PROPUIETORS OF THE Oolot>i-otetl Oni'i'ati'aoa ]Miiioi»iil Npi*iii^(Bi OK NOItTII I'LANTAGENET. ONT. MUNDERLOH, STEENCKEN & 00. Shipping and Commission Merchants AND IMFORTBBS OF PnSNOH, SBLGIAN & 0-'ET,U£l1^ GOODS, 43 ST. SXJXjT^IOB STR,EET, (Nearly opposite Messrs. Wm. Darling &> Co.), Wm. C. Mundkrloh. Adolph Stkkncken. ANQUS, LOGAN St CO., I IMEI ,y3« AIJD 378 St. Paul Street. Mills at Sherbrooke and Windsor, P.Q. M. TRESTEr, IMPORTER OF ENGLISH. FREiCH k GERMAN FANCY GOODS LEATHEB WABE, comprising Satchels, Courier-Bags, Parses, Focket-Books, &c., SMOKERS' UTENSILS, viz., Briar, Meerschaum and Imitation Pipes, Pouches, &c. CIGARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Office: 390 St. Paul Street, Montreal. . I r ' il I \ m I 11(1! m\ I: ! 1 L I WILLIAM REED, Custom ^om, ^oxmxAxw^ mA (£im\nmm No. 309 COMMISSIONERS STREET, U * LIN'8 BUILDINGS), ]S/a:oisrTi^E-A.i-.- HANDYSIDE & CO., AGENTS, 58 57". FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET. C3rO TO RIWGLAND & STEWART'S (Magazin du Louvro, Notre Danic Street) FOR COLLARS, TIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, AND EVERY DESCRIP-riON OF U N D E R O UO T H I N Q. ASSORTMENT, QUALITY AND PRICES UNEaUALLED. !ii|(illl LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO., Mannfaotureri of the Celebratad PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND * (EVERY PAIR WARRANTED PERFECT) 295 NOTEE DAME STREET (Uh-siairs) CRYSTAL BLOCK, (ESTABLISHED 1842.) CHAS. ALEXANDER & SON. M^olcsale ^ Retail Confectioners MANUFACTUUKRS OF Steam-Refined Confectionery, Lozenges, Gnm Drops, Cream Bon-bons, 391 NOTRE D^JIE STREET, MONTREAL. Luncheon of Cold Meat, Marriage and Breakfast Parties supplied with Ready- made ^)ishes of all Kinds, Tea and Coffee from lo a.m. to 6 p.m. FINDLAY & McWILLIAM, ST. PAXIL STR-EET, MONTREAL, Manufacture by ^Steam every kind of English and French Fancy Confectionery, Medicated and other Lozenges of every description, as well as all sorts of Common Candies. W. P. NOLAN & CO. Provision and General Merchants, NO. 36 ST. SACRAMENT STREET, ba: onrrrxi.DEi.A.Xs. CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Dairy Butter, Pork, Flour, Oatmeal, Table Codfish, Oils, lierrings, ic. &c. &c. f: ! EGAN BROTHERS & CO,. I WHOLI8ALE AND RETAIL I I \ 46;] CommissionerH & ;3;i8 8l. Paul StrcetSi (OPPOSITE ST. ANN'S MARKET), ! I -:, G. E. JAQUES & CO. iKi nrr ! |j , I This Line consists of well-known and favourite Steamers, trading l! I regularly between I Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, |'];|', I AND I j INTERMEDIATE PORTS, and makes regular and dose connection for the Interior with Railways in the West, and at Montreal with regular Traders to the Lower Ports, forming a Through Route to the East and West. This is the only Line that f(jr\vard8 Goods, via the Northern Railway of Canada, Id Owen Sound, Meaford, the Ikuce Mines, and all Ports on the Georgian Hay, and also to IL