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Un daa symboiea suivants apparaiira sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbole -^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". Maps, platea, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top ti bottom, aa many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., psuvent Atre filmte A dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre raproduit en un seul clichA. il est film4 i partir de Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en baa. an prenant le nombre d'images n^essaira. Las diagrammes suivants illuatrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^t>-.^" --^•. 1. --. :4 ' 'J-m. iOii^ si And will fihortly be jjultlishoiJ, the BIOC3-K,^ FEE Y OF THE 0'c- on* m, jtl o^miMop f^ !0:rT* For the County of Lincoln, Ontario, _. J 1^ sT^ '.. COMPILED BY HIS SOicT, J. F. MGHIIZTT, ESQ. The Book will lie imo of upwarils of 40(1 piijje.s, and will be «ubsta'.itii'.lly ;: ul haudsomeh bouiul. It will cmitiiin a porti-iiit of Mr. MciTitt, as well as his aiitoj^rapli. This bdoli- may be cimsidered a e(iui[)K'to text book to Upper Caiiadiau history — sociai. as well as I' \i,. It f'liiiiacnees at a period of nearly One Hundred YeaXS AgO, describiii),' the early settlement of the country by the riiUeil Eniiure Loyalists, givinf,' an interesting; narrative of the W- ■ f 18V2. by Mlt. .MERIUTT, who was a picnoi rii'iit actor throu^'liout those stirriiiL,' times ; and describes the ,-•_.,.. ^ Inception, progress 4 fiomplelion of tl|e Ifelland 4 jt. Lawrence {[anals, Railways, and other important Public Works of the Country. It set=. forth in full. Private a-> well a-- Pnlilic Correspondence connected with the Uebellion t>f 1HM7-S. a> well a- other matters X km: R HKFOliK PUHLISUKI). The work treats copiously with the CO.MMK'HCIAr, POLICY OF rAXVDA, and the political relatMii- lartain- \\\ : thereto, hhowint,' the imjiortant events connected with the REPEAL OF THE CORN LAWS, AND THE RECIPROCITY TRE-iTY WITH THE UNITED STATES Tie work i- eoiiipile.l from OlIKllNAL |)0(( M !', X'l'S, and a> a handliook to ( anadian historv, an.! om of i-efrit nei by thr pii'sent and ri-iii'^- ;4enri'atioii^ of the Ooniiuion of ( 'aiiada. i> not onh useful, but iiidi--|'rn->abl( . It u ill lie ,~old to SUBSCRIBERS ONLY! Im the ( ieiieral .\L.'ellt, PEICZ, $2.00. PAYABLE ON DELIVERY. St. ( athiiiiies. Novembir, I'^T'i. •.r*v *.','.■. Hi^^:^^S: ->.-.'-^» ^i^^