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Tii fi i rf i i ii. i H i M ' ! ^■ \^ A'> ■* ■# ^^-f C/c^ *^'pt ^ (/i £^ ^^• TO THf MEMBERS OF SESSION, f^JE COMMITTEE OF MA}(AGEl^s AMD ' THE CONGHEGATION Of *iT< AWDWW'8 CHURCH, HALirAX, THE FOLLOWING SERMOWf. Dll^IVKRlV* IK THEIR H«A»H»«, AND PUBU8HBD AT THEJ* RWlUEST, li, wirn rwvENT p»AYaii$ FOR THBIR f RUE HAPPWMS, IKSCRIBBD, PV THEIR DBVOTRD AND AFf flCTIQllATE PA8T0»| THE AUTHORj M N. L mmi A / II * i i_ •v::w ft- Sermon* LUKR xiii. 7. feEflOLD, TIIFT. rilRF.E YKARS I (CWE SKEKIIfO FRITTT Olf THIS riO-TRKK, AND KINU NONE: CUT IT DOWN j Wlllf rUMBERETU IT THE UROUNU ? J \ rpV.V. Immortal nature nnd final destiny of man carry •* our Yicws and pro8j)Pcts far beyond this tninsilory *.nd perishing scf rie of existence, to a ^tatc of never cnJing duration ; to objects of the ulmo«t interest and magnitude, to the mansions of joyous felicity, and the abodes of unutterable misery and vro. Were the present fleeting life ihe measure of our existence, were the soul to sink into annihilation at the deaih of the body, vfive there no hereafter to provide for ; then vre might safely pursue that path, which appetite points out and inclination recommends, without any dread of a future reckoning to arrest our progress, or to damp our enjoyments : we might eat and drink, because to-morrow we shall die. But when we look forward, when we extend our views beyoad the present nar-t row span of duration, eternity bursts in upon our minds in all its reality and in all its importance, claims us as the subjects of its endless reign, and holds out every thing to influence, if any thing can possibly influence, the hopes and fears, the desires and expec- tations of such blind and deprav?d mortals as our- selves. We behold a 'life of holiness and piety ter- ji^is-,waK*fest-*«**^^^*w*'^**'*^ "" >tmm i&jBU-^W"^ i between our -;"'^'''\ " "iC, and ou^h. u. Ue con- t^l^ wc .h«U ^-,^''tl rrn corrui.tion; ».uih. to ,.he ae.h, .hall ot '^^ -^^^j^'l f ^,,e Spirit ron, hie thiit sowith to lh« ^l^'*^' ; *" ' L by our wor.U, ancj by our =^^''«'l»7f^7'T-neiHlhc siroam m which oJconarmncdal »'''^'' ,;";,'. ^.U into the oo».«n of ^e arc all ha^tcnuu; '^^^^^^ i^.j, ^e mark and uttj Tte^nuy, and the m.nucr m w ^ ^^^^^ .^ ^^^^, ,,3 fpend what i. Pje^en^ J^ ^ ^ » .^^^^ ^^^^ ^^, , ut our fuiun- and cvci last n^ .oHs^ons, ^oruon»-, e.^cn o w ^^^^^^.^^^^^^ .^^^^ Teach ii some ^ahUary --^; ^r^^^^;,,^ ,,o,nd us, dawns, ^ndetevT evonnMh^^ ^^^^^^, „,ed.t^- ouzht to awaken ^^^ "/ '^^^^ -.Tof iho opening spring, tions in our soul;. I he *;^^ ^ ^J^^^,,, ^ud abundance hTluxurianceof Hummcr a r^^h^ ,^^^,^ ^,- ,i,ter, of autumn, and even ^^^^^ profitable jnstruc- cornm-nicate the most ploasmK . ' 1 ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ lion to an intelligent and V'^"; ;«'",• ,Uy summon, v.. 'Zcemcntofcrery now ye e pe J to serious ^'^A^;^^""^; J Jei finished, that the period sla^e of our earthly carreri . ^ ^,,^ . r i:«t frifndi to ihf houw appointed fur all living i and the yc*r vfkkh has JunI rommrncrd, ralli upon rath ol m to number our da^s, lo atiend lo the \*nrn- inK which the silrnl but rapid moTfUunt of time RujowKh his wor.l J«col), saith tin. I •.»[!» is , * hintamtc. and hi. jnac;mrnl. unto hra . He hi h not deal. .^ with .,>y nation : «m •;!>;' ^^^^ In. nt* thcv h»ve not known iheoi. f Mtj^Ht «- n*>J p. ntS they tu.>(; ^^^,j j^^^.^ ,.j,,jjerrd h ivo f xperted, inal im.-^ p.ujj.t vv«,.f, not thchamanh'.a t. >n ^^.^ ^^^^^ nppclite. .nd when If ft to the ^^'l^^^'^ . , , rrcafrst i-xtemal ,,r.T,l<-g. U c J.-^ «"» , .„|,,^ ,he most 1 ▼okfcl him to tn%fr *fiih tli*ip high pl^v^». and rroved hiui tojrrflou«y with thrir gravrn iiiiyg*^»."* ** llfir, O he^vunn}" laith the PropTin |iiiiiah« ** •iid give vtiv C' cnrih ; for the L( rd hmh %\Mikttu : I have nouriahfa ane ivmained in Israel of the servants- of the true God ; the Lord, who knoweth them that are Kis, condescended to^in- fofm him that " he had still left seven rliousatui In Israel, all the knees which had not bowed' unto lianl, and every mouth which hrid not kissed him.'^ The patience and foriiearance of God were longexerciscd^ towards his professing and chosen peopiie; for the Lord is slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. Du- ring a long series of changes and events he endured their provocations. "Behold," says our Lord, "these three years 1 come seeking fruit on thf* fig-tiTC, and* find none." By the period of three years^, here men-- rioned, some commentators would unt^erstand: the time 6f our Saviour's public ministry among the Jews^ * 1. Kings xix. 13.. , f % immtm 1! which thf J ronrcivc had now lasted for that spftce nf time. Cui as the Divine pntiencc and long siilVering were manifested towards this people for a niuf h long: er season, it ii highly pi^bable tJiat this period of three jrcars may dc«ote, the three difTrxc^it kinds? oif adroinisiralion, under whi» h tliis people were succe«- fivc\y placed, Thrir snhjection to the immediate government of JeiiovaJi. romuioivly termed tJieir Theo- cracy, was the fir^i of these years, cxtendfng fron^ their deliverance out of f),i,'ypt to the comnoenoement of the reign of Said, Theii- monarchy may l)c con- sidered as the second year, l»eginmng with the s "ign ^f Saul, and extending to the d«'par(ure of the sceptre from Jud.ih at the birth of Christ} aid tlicir subwis^ siou to the galling yoke of the Hornans may be viewed as the third year, Etretchirigfronj the-depaTturcof the •ceptre from .TiidaJi to the d< stnictiori of the city and tcoiipJe of Jerusalem. During all those different pe- riods, the Lord was gracious and merciful to the Jews. He preserved them in » national state, and supplied them with those ordinances of religion whicfe Itad a tend««5cy to prorBotc their spiritual in- struction and cdifir.iiion. He gare unto them space to .'epent of their sins, but they repented not. " Be- hold," fl^ys he, " i send unto you prophets, and wis(? men, and scribes : and some of diem ye shall kill and crucify; and sprae of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city tocify: that upon you hiay come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unt(> the blood of Zacharifis son of Barachiac^ whonj ye f^Uw l)etw€ea the temple and the alia*.'** ^ In the course of the la^t period, when tbe Messiali himself was the dresser of the vineyard, the Jews were still like a bai-ren fig-tree, professing a strict adherence to the precepts of the Mosaic law, and at- tending regularly upon the external ordinances of the * JVIatt. xxjii. 34, 5^, ' ■ f HMIi ■HfMl il •incMiarv ; >)ut making ho improvement in their dis* positions and views and conduct, bringing fonh ncne of the peacfahle fruifs of righteousness to the praise and dory of God. Therefore the Lord, the proprie- tor of the vin*>jarrd, provoked with their obstinacy and impenitence, and grieved bj their repeated and ag- (^Hvated apostacies, announced his intention to cut fhem down as cumberert of the ground Thi« inten- tion would have bcei instantly carririt into execution; but for the intercession of Jesus, the dresser of the vineyard, who, mov«,« ,ti^ .nderslanding, and hard m«.- be '>» , "•"'a.^^.J^,^ no. affected at ihe projocct of dissolution. 1 t\M roan ?, lunk in an awfivl and deplorable state indeed who caa regard the Divine favour nn.l J'»l'''^»«"'-« ""^ ecualSfferencc ; who Ib neither charmed w th the L« of heaven no^ overawed hy the terrors of hell : ^f^rwemuTei her deny the trt.lh of Divine 1 alto.^ he , or believe in a state of fulnre reward* a^'pSmenls, and be convinced that each ol ». must «on .nler into that unseen and endless state. Now have vovt, my brethren, considered the end for whlh VOuCe called into existence, and brought ferrwS'yru^rbrinj^itog Jplantedwilhinthesacr^ Crl'Ciancf nvTrrati;:s,.othe praise and glory ^f his tolv name. Now, have you answered ihis lrnn,T Have TOU if.stificd the expectations of rorsovereignprop'ri.tor? or have you merely put forth he Ses of 'an empty profession and ex-.ted TrH I season ^hich marks another stage m yo«. 17 progress towanls the hind oJ' Spirits. If jou are ron- »ciou» thait yim havr iirglecU' -.di" 't to disrc;.';;»rd it,. rniJsl lie altopedier incxcusahltf. The word of truth,, which isal-Ie to niak«» m wIrc .snlvmiou, i* li'aiis- latcd into a'.iv.O't rvcry 1:mi,2:ii;»2C spokcM hj mfin, and, iironjht \»ilb!n lluM-cach cf iTio.sf who f< »1 iuclincd to pciase it; and K-st wesr.oulu forg^^t it.-* in«,liurtiou.s. and dofpiso its n proofs, ihc^ oi' rcli;;i«»n, Cfxl'-s spiritual hushandmcn, ni'» ^<(it forth lo pr?afh thi' gos[»(.'l to ovcry cicaturj*. and .is anihasr.'.ulijs for Christ to bcsorch sinnrns in his st<»ad to l.>c rocoiicik J. unto C'od. The lauf^uagf of Difine Trovidcnce is al.?o wcvy loud a:»d iuiti-uctive, and arouses many who. nfglcct "and despi.'-c other ap|oiii(fd riifans of salva- tion, r^ it poiT.iblc dien. thai prrson;^ with so manr nnip«:\kahlo advatiiagC8,iiio;ild fail to proHt by them? Is it possible that tiie coiMlfsctiisions nad endcar- mcatirof hraveu, manifestc^J in such an abundance, and variety of ordiuanccj ai.d institutions, should make no salutary imprt ision upon our minds ? Is it. po5Si1de for an^'per'-on to ibr;^Tf. nmid.^t repented ad- monitions, th;it to whom Liu'-h i- given, of them ruuch. will be rrquirrd? "What could hnvn born done,"* fta^th the prophet, ''• more to U3V vinojnrd thai: I liavf*. iiotdonc in it ? wherefore, whfj> 1 lookctl that it shor.ld. brinc^ forth ^rapci, broii-jit it forth wild grapes ?"* • Suivly, there cannot be any necessity for more por/- erful and pcr.iuasivc motives to duty ; for those whot improve the mcms already bc8io\/cd, find i hut they- aro sndicient to accomplish the end for which they TYcrc intended ; they find, that. '• ;dl Scriplrre i:s pr^y- titable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, fcr.- instrurtion in righteousne«s ; that ih? man oi Ooi\ niay be perfect, throu;;hly furnirdicd unto all good wor]:s."t: * kaiah v. 1. t 2 Tim. iii. IC, 17^ It .:# Tbry fiivJ. iliat (lt»> doruiii^ t*f rhrist rrucirioil, in iht v.iauom niMi'hc jovvi-r ol (iofl iimo s.ilviUio!j,tocvtr5 onr lh;U l^clicvcih. Krultrmin^ lrmh% aiiJ trmlini^Ln iliif* AltyigliU' S.iviour. iurmmfrabic niula- tuisR ihe means ot graro, tuwe no ri^da lo comi^bin ol'ilipir kielliracv. '1 h"V wem m'xcv lulraficd lo iij^ct* om* ai-".iii.. I. Ml (•» i.u'.liiic and {)«M'mi idr r^ to oL> dienco. And ili'Mi" iiillnent r « rm v lilt ly ihosp who im- |*rove ilK-ni in linniiliiy fii.«i .smcrri^^'. ll r.ould l»n ^Vusl iii ralioiial and * on.sistf nt lor its lo exj.cct, llvit Uic l)'>dy would be hupMortid )m »'c .iclu or the murll ot" i'oo'l. a.s to rx|i<»rt an i:i». urd ftfid s|Mritual cliangp, fnmi aq tMBj)ly ^iid i'onn il piorc^^ion of icii- gioii, with nit ihi' nxrrc.i.'-f and ti,-pp!i(ation ol'tbe vdudc SM>d. The vFord oi' G©d mail bo received with meek- ness, it mu«t l.« rsreiiilly ^?«dir,d, and fiiihrully ap- plied ; we mniit iml thit it is *' (pd'-k, and )>ovv'orldl, and pharjHT thin any tMf.^edgfd sworil. piert in-; even to the dividing; n^nnder of th*^ soul and F{)irit^ and of thr joints and nnnnjw, and is a di:^rerncr of tlie thoughts and int^nnts of the heart.'"* If the >vord cf God has not such a pow.Tfni irnneuec I'jHni ojr ii^inds, if th<» prestMt means of ,(;rarc are rn^irely iii- cjl>ctui!. our condition in hopelcH.s indeed. If th.* hloud of C' canriot w ish out the stnins tf o-ir p,uiit and pollution, how cm we e:;pect to be purlfnd from GUV defjleiucnt. Thrrn i"* no sacritire fur a'::), init t!iat TThich was once offer^^d (jp upon tlie cross. 1 1n- re in HiO g'lidt? to heaven, b'U that gospel which h now preached unto \v<. And thero ir, no wa^', by tvdiicli wn c;ine.-;;ane tVom futun- rnif^ery^ if we connj^iue to dc?-, pise and r»"ject ir. " For if tiir! wc-rd spoketi by an- ^fU was si(>(]fa«t, and every traiis:ires:«it»n ^nd iii3(">]a'- dience received a just of reward; liow shall we e«cnpn, if wc nc:;lcct so %vcut salvalionj *Jkb. iv. 12, M HB "rSjS"~i^^-j .^'is''" % 1 'it 90 which at the fir^t lies^an to be ipoken hy the I.©r>t ^trive lo banish our cuiivicliunH of siti, if ihcy do uoi trrininntr in Mincero and Mnteiniicd rr|>*atnin e. Arul ihes^ eflforu und exrriions lofHc: i« IVona our il»il^, iturca»e tlif power of inward (tfpravitjr; riicourHj^c our sniritual adversti- riM ; and vender our lionrts more cnlloun an<) inscnsi". hie. Tlu' man who Iium lisfciK-d for thirty, for forty, prrhap« for sixty years, to the wirniogs of providence ar-.l the invitaiiun>* of n»cr'y, without receiving any bpirilual advantage, i»c»'rlainly chargeable with great- er guilt, and exposed lo a severer punishment, than the youth who hau only hvji^un bis career. Although he be still in the place of rejientance ynd of liope, he is in a more wretched situation, and he iii more diffi- cult to he reclaimed than even the ignorant and un- tutored heathen. Religion ha» lost the charm of novelty in his eMiriation. Ft has sufHcient power to keep alive an outward profession ; but it neven reaches the heart. " The men of Nineveh," says our Lord, '• shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it : because they repenttd at the preaching of Jonas ; and behold^ a greater than Jonas 15 here. The (jucen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parti of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a grtater than Solomon is here.''* Our Lord represents unfruit- ful professors in this parable as cumberera of the groimd. They are entirely useless Tftd unprofitable. They receive no spiritual improvement from the or- dinances of religion themselves: ther can do »o good either by their instructions or example to their fellow- men : and, they bring no honour and glory to God. Their light is concealed under a bushel, and their ta- lent is hid in the earth. Their very acts of devotion are defiled and fiqlluted with sin, and aboaunable in ♦Mail. xii. 41, 42. ft «^f tight of God, " Rri'ig no m^re vain oMatlor-',^ •A. tit itu! pruphtti I'.ittli ; •• incftthe i» an uh^xiiiiution nnlo ni<* ; the new iiiouim aiul fibbitbi*, iti# crilliii;; uf ii»i»cinl)lit.'4, 1 cannot siw.iv with; it w ini'{iiiiy. fvtMi thr RoUrwii rafctih^.'"'' llul hyp-jcntir il protVi^oii «re not merely uiiftrulitnhle, lliey arc injurious 'I'hejr art tiir«i ainoni; ihv wl»«al; Ukx \mv\h atul ihon n iu th« miilil of a cuHivaie.l wml rrMiilul Tu-ld: iliry rn- cumlKT the grouu'l, and occupy ii |.Ln;o \tlii li nn»;lit he filU'iJ up Willi fivr^.^\^^r ailvHMt -s^f l»y oihrps. H hry luipoverisli the soil, thy with linw tlie si'jjpori ami nouriihnii'nt provided i'tiv ihf iVuiihd treen; and yet, they derive no adv;«ntn.i»v to t!if m«rlvri<, " Ti»''y shut ap the kin,o iniiancf* ©I uion Illy even nuum.r^ 'he younc, ihe hc;jUhy, and thf pruv|v rouft nmund yo.i, whilst you are «o Irrq.irni- Iv If miiuU'd <.i tliu vanity of hum«i. r \p^n„tioo, nn(> the Hhuru.. .,« an.J un: prt..iuty of }.uman life, can ?oi» rrmaui cHliiiand if yoM alone wf?rc exempt- f (I lion, tho .nrokc of iIk kin;; of fmors ? HhiUt the grcj.t Ji'.Vof fI)o world in \h mn^ vciir conduct, unrf M:oinremiji^tbe wo-se even than deatb i/ielt. I he rondir.lon of tlie C'hrddenu Monarch wa» di5trr«in:r i:„jp„d, when '• a ^^ntr her and an holy one came aomi frcai heaven, and cried aloud, and said i; f 2» thu«, H«w down the tree, and cit oft' liis l>r:mchc% ghake oil" his leaves, and fc( iiltrr his fruit : In ihe beasls get away from imdrr it, and the fowls from hi» brarichea."* Uui how inlinilely more painful and distressing i» the condition of the empty professor, when he is stript of all his n;itterin<; ])retensions, and his fa lee hopes perish ; when the ihre^tcnmg of Je- hovah is earrif d into exf^ution, and he is cut (Ujwh a* acumbcrer of the ground? The awful threatening in the words of our text, is sometimes carried into execution in the prescTit life. Unfruitftd professors, tired of restraint, uikI yielding to the influence of temptation, sometimes cast otf the form of godliness altogether, and sink into open proHi^xacy and impiety, »o that their last state becomes worse than the first, '• If a man abide not in me." says our Lord, '^ he i» cast forth as a branch, and is withered, and men ga- ther them, aiid cast them into the fire, and they. are burned." And if the divine patience and forbear- ance h^.ad usnot unto repentance, the threatening here denouQced, will assuredly be carried into execution at death and the final juclgment. If sinners are not inclined to submit to the divine mercy, they may ex- pect to feel the stroke af divine justice. The Lord has not lost his authority over us, because we hare lost our allegiance to h'im. Although the wicked showM sometimes fjppear prosperous in this world, and -jnjoy more than their hearts could wish, fhc Lard hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness, and rerdcr to every one ac- cording to his works. We may forget that this day is approaching, and neglect our preparation for eter- nity ; but our negligence cannot prolong the period of repentance and forgiveness,- or change the purpose of infinite Wisdom. " But and if," says our Lord, " that cTil servant shall say it. his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming; and shall bpgin to smite his fcllow-ser- rants, and to eat aud drink with the drunken, the ♦Daniel iv. 13, 14. ''S- T lord of that servant -hall romr in n dav wli'^n ho look Cth noi lor him, ana of fnlnre pniiish- merat. But is it po?sib!e that the mfi-f" oj'itddn of those, wlio luve an interest in di'-b'^lif \ in^ this dcu"- trinc, can eflfirp it from ihr rc^'onls of ii'^piruiionf Must Goil re-'iic to be ju.-it. heransc \vr » hook«' to be wi(k»d? Will ho tK-ulect to punish our ^inSwbt•(.•allse * • 111 yrf^ havp foro;otien tin ir comiui'^-.ioii ? Sucl). inongnis a5 these are hh'^phrniou* anti impious to the last de- gree. Ke^t assured, tnv brethren, that there is a lime when divine forbenraute, thoiiiih long e.onlinned, will aj*snrodlv eonte to »n end. You cannot weary God's patience, Mnd finally prosper. You cannot follow the the paths of iniquity, and pass nnpiinif>hed. Thonjih yon mar now afieet to despise the {\n\ of retribution, and ?av to your souls, Kat, dritd<. and be merry, the axe nav already be laid to ihr root of the tree, to rut von down as mnihei-er? of I he i^rnund. The sen- trnre of lieaveii may have already been i^>^ued : this year thou shalt die. .A mortal disease contr;«eted per- liaps by yourown irrey;ularities. may now lurk in your vitals, winch sh;jii soon rerluce yaur feeble liody to a lifeh^ss corp-^", and disrui>,>yotn" inmiortal spirit \\'U^ the \mseon world. And the lo!if,^er the storm has been gatlveriap; the lipavi.T it will fall. The lonujer the sword has been wlietting tl'e sharper it wil! cut, and the deeper it will wound. ^- Ti.r servanl which know- rth his Lord's will, and prrpar^th not himself, neither doth arconlinp- to his will, sludl bo })rat'"n with many stripe^.*"' The ox'U-cise of the (iivinc inufiice and forViearanee towards •fis, if it docs no! 'often cur hearts, will ccrt-iidy a2:,!^ra\aie our guilt and increase )ur punishment. *' He( .-.use I have ]nu'2;p.^.u,^.piiiiiini 1 f ^^V '"1. m