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Lea diagrammes suivants iiluatrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I ■■ptll fflilB HIBlfWI -H it^ or THE • INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS OF UNITED CANADA, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE .-. %Mx)i flf %xis anb glannktnm FOR. LOWET! CANADA, TO BE HELD IN THE ^11?1? %w ABOUT THE FIrsit Week of Augrnst next, ON THE OCCASION OF THE VISIT OF H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALlIS, AN0 THE INAUGURATION OF THK •f WdlM EMii » ■ / OwLBh & Stivkwson, Printers^ 41 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. • * LIST OF SUB-COMMITTEE, Board of Arts and Manufacturer for Lower Canada. J. W. DAWSON, Esq., L.L.D., Principal Uni- versity of McGill College President, G. W. WEAVER, Esq . * Vice Fresidentf N. B. CORSE, Esq Treasurer, BROWN CHAMBERLTN,Esq., B.C.L., Secretary, Hon. P. J. O. CHAQVEAU, L.L.D., Superintendent of Edu- cation for Lower Canada, DAVID BROWN, Esq., President of the Mechanics' Institute, ALFRED PERRY, Esq.; ALEXANDER MURRAY, Esq., HENRY BULMER, Esq., W. P. BARTLEY, Esq , AUGUSTIN CANTIN, Esq., WILLIAM RODDEN, Esq. LIST OF COMMITTEES. Finance Committee. Henry Lyman, Chairman John Redpath G. W. Weaver The President N. B. Corse Brown Chamberlin, B.C.L. Builillug Committee. David Brown, Chairman The President The Vice President The Treasurer H. Bulmer A. Perry Advertising} Printing, and Transportation Committee. H. Bulmer | B. Chamberhn A. Murray Prize liist Committee. G. W. Weaver W. Rodden Alfred Perry Fittlng>np and Arrangement Committee. A Perry A. Cantin G. W. Weaver George Dsummond Alex. Ramsay ^ €l.iSSlf H» lilif OP OBJECTS VESntED FOB EXHIBITION. i Raw IHaterlal§ and Products of tlie Soil, &c. Minerals and Mining Fjroducts Marble, Stone, Slate, Clays, Sands and Cements Specimens of Canadian Geology Woods, Gums and Barks of Canadian Forests Skins of the Animals of Canada Preserved Specimens of Canadian Animals or Plants Vegetable and Animal Substances used in Manufactures Substances used as Food Meats, Fish, Fowl, and Products of the Field, in their various forms for use and for Shipping Chemical manufactures. Chemical Products and Preparations Sugars, Syrups, Cordials, and Sauces * Confectionery, Preserved Fruits and Vegetables Tobacco, Manufactured and Unmanufactured Soaps and Candles, Plain and Fancy Paints, Colours and Oils Textile Fabrics. Straw, Flax and Hemp, and the Manufactures thereof Cotton, and the Manufactures thereof Wool, and the Manufactures thereof, Cloths, Satinets, Flannels, Shawls, Blankets, and Carpeting Articles Manufactured of Linen and Silk, or Mixtures thereof, with other Materials Millinery and Wearing Apparel Hats, Caps and Head Dresses Ijeatber and liCather Manufactures. Morocco, Enamelled, Porpoise and Patent Leather Sole, Upper, Sliirting, Binding, Harness, Hose, Belt, Lace, Carriage- Top and other Leathers Harness and Saddlery Trunks, Bellows, Belting and Hose Boots, Shoes, Mocasins, Mits and Gloves Manufactures of Wood, and Wood Combined vrltli otber Material. Building Materials and Trimmings in Wood Carpenters, Joiners, and Turners' Work Cabinet Wares, and Articles of Furniture Housekeeping Articles Carriages and Sleighs, or parts thereof Maclilnery, Implements and Hardware. Agricultural, Horticultural, and Dairy Machinery and Implements Mill Work and Engine Work Railway, Hydraulic and other Machinery Manufactures m Cast Iron, Plain and Ornamental generally, including Stoves, Grates, Furniture, and Hardware Manufactures in Iron, Light and Heavy, Plain and Ornamental, and Wire Work. Nails, Spikes, Brads, Tacks Cutlery and Edge Tools Manufactures in Brass, Copper, Zinc, Tin, Lead, and Composition of Metals Lamps, Chandaliers and Gas Fixtures Castings of Iron, Brass and Composition of Metals Fine Arts. Sculpture and Statuary in Marble or other IVaterial Paintings of every description in Oil or Water Colours Crayon and Pencil Work Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes and Photographs Penmanship, Printing and Lithographing Mechanical, Architectural and Ornamental Drawing, designing and Mapping Models in Paper, Card, Wood, or other material Ornamental Work of any or various material Engraving and Wood Cutting, with proof m print Carving, and Carving and Gilding. Gilding, Silvering and Bronzing Painters' Work generally, on any material Philosophical and Mathematical Apparatus Clocks, Watches, and Jewellery Gold, Silver, and Plated Work Dentistry, and Dental and Surgical Instruments Musical Instruments. £iadlcs Departiuentl. Painting, Sketching, Drawing and Mapping, in Oil or Water Colour Crayon and Pencil Work and Penmanship Preserved Dried Leaves and Flowers of Canada Articles Useful and Ornamental, made of Straw, Hair, Feathers, Pa- per, Wax and Composition Lace, Fringes and Trimmings, in any material Knitting, Netting and Crotchet Work Worsted Work and Embroidery Quilts, Counterpanes, Curtains and Covers Needle Work in any material Ladies' and Children's Clothing Written Composition, Words with Music ]911§cellaneous Article§. Work on Marble and Stone for Building and Ornamental Purposes Bricks and Tiles for Building or other purposes Glass and Earthenwares Brueh Makers and Comb Makers' Work 6 bookbinders and Stationers' Work Paper and Stationery, Plain and Ornamental r » , Furriers' Work, and Material Manufactured and Unmanufactured India Rubber Goods Indian Work and Curiosities Any articles worthy of Exhibition will be received although not spe- cially mentioned in the above Classification. Arrangement, are making for a proper representation of Agricultural and Horticultural products, a cla.sificatior. of which will be advertised at an early day. Motive power will be furnished by the Committee, to which machinery may be attached and worked. Competing Machines and Implements will be Bubjeoted to suitable tests. Local Committees will have set apart to them such space as may be necessary to make a creditable display .f the product, of the.r parfcu- h, 10 alfties. Mauufacturing estabiixhments, SoceUes and EAMtors, may enjoy similar privileges by early mt.matron of the.r wishes. It is hoped every e-diib.tor will put the price upon his goods, which may be the means of securing for him permanent advantages. All entries must be made at the Secretary'. Office, accompanied by a itt and description of the articles intended for exhibhion^ on or before thelsth day of July next, and they must be delivered m Montreal on or before the 25th day of July next. Everv article exhibited must be the produce, growth or manufacture of the provinces of Canada, West or East. Cartage rornhe^n^^^^^^^^^ place in Montreal, will be paid on all articles consigned « ^' ^^ CB. Chamberlin, Esq.) Parties desirous of having f^e^gj^^ ^^ ^j"^^^^ articles paid by the Board, will please communicate as early as possible with the Local Committees, or with the Secretary. m A Permanent Exhibition Building of large size, and worthy of the occasion, has been conamenced, and is now being rapidly erected. The arrangement of articles in the Building will be in the hands of competent persons. The most tvustworthy persons will remain in charge up to the closing of the Exhibition. The most competent Judges will be appointed for the occasion, whose decision will be final. Gold, Silver anct Bronze Medals, with Diplomas and Certificates of Merit will be awarded for articles worthy thereof. An amount will be set apart in money to pay prizes on certain articles better adapted to such an arrangement. In view of the great concourse of Visitors who will be present in Montreal on the occasion ; and the opportunity thus afforded to exhibi the productions of the country to the best advantage, it is hoped that Artists, Manufacturers and Mechanics, and the proprietors of Mines, Quarries, Fisheries and Lumbering Establishments, will use every effort to make the Exhibition one creditable to the Province, and advan- tageous to themselves. The co-operation of all Mechanics' Institutes, Societies of Art, Horti- cultural and Agricultural Societies, as well as Educalional Establish- ments, is earnestly solicited, with the view of uniting all the available means of making this Exhibition as creditable to Canada as possible. ■ or paiticulars and more minute information will be furnished by - post-paid addressed to the Secretary, Office of the Board of - r ufactures. Mechanics' Hall, Montreal. ents of the time of opening &c., will be issued as early as i- Parties to whom the circular is addressed are requested to give it as wide publicity as possible. B. CHAMBERLIN, Secretary of the Board of Arts and Manufactures. Mechanics' Hall, Liontreal, April 25, 1860.