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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ipe|iwmp«4>P^iii,i.,u.> .mm^ssssm^ n PF POLICE ORDINANCES Mm wmm^m IN THE CITIES OF QUEBEC AND MONTREAL, l\ I PRINTED BY J.-B. FRECHETTE, SR. QUEBIC. 1847. ■ / / VI An Ord ofPc H] W Montreal acting ui tary of for the t such syi therefore Governo and cons Canada, the auth Kingdon the Reig to make Lower and Em and may or persoi vince, f establish the Grea persons Police ( of the P said Citi hereinaf directed administ Cities, I the GoA shall am tendents VICTORIiE REGINiE. s CAP. 11. An Ordinance for establishing an efficient system of Police in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal. 'VIT'HEREAS it is expedient to establish an efficient "» system of Police in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, and to constitute Offices of Police, which, acting under the immediate authority of the Civil Secre- tary of the Governor of the Province of Lower Canada for the time being, shall direct and control the whole of such system of Police within the said Cities : Be it therefore Ordained and Enacted by His Excellency the Governor of the said Province, by and with the advice and consent of the Special Council for the affairs of Lower Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in the first year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled, " An Act to make temporary provision for the Government of Lower Canada ; " —And it is hereby Ordained and Enacted by the authority of the same, that it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or person administering the Government of the said Pro- vince, for the time being, to cause Police Offices to be established in the said Cities, and by a Commission under the Great Seal of the Province, to appoint fit and proper persons to be Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police of the said Cities, to execute the duties of Justices of the Peace at the said Offices, and in all parts of the said Cities, together with such other duties as shall be hereinafter specified, or as shall be from time to time directed by such Civil Secretary, for the more efficient administration of the Police within the limits of the said Cities, and that the Governor or person administering the Government of said Province, for the time being, shall and may remove the said Inspectors and Superin- tendents of Police, if he shall sec occasion so to do, and Preamble. Governor, Stc. may eslablish- Police Offices in Quebec and Montreal, and appoint Ins- pectors and Superinten- dents of the said cities, who shall have pow er to act as Justices of the Peace within the said cities. Governor majr remove and appoint suc- cessors. —2- Property qna- lificatloQ of a Justice of the Peace digpens- ed with for Inspectors and Superintend denti. Oath of In- spector or Su- perintendent. A Police force to be formed. may upon any vacancy in the said Offices, b; death removal or otherwise, appoint other fit persons aa Ins- pectors and Superintendents of the Police for the said Cities, to execute the duties aforesaid, in lieu of tlie persons making such vacancy, and that it shall be lawful for the Governor or person administering the Government of the said Province, to appoint any person to be Inspector and Superintendent of the Police, for either of the said Cities, under and by virtue of this Ordinance, and that it shall be lawful for any person so appointed, during the contmuance of his appointment, to execute the duties of Justice of the Peace for the said Cities, although he may not have any such qualification, by estate or property, or IS or may be required by Law, in case of any other person being a Justice of the Peace for the said Cities : Provided always, and it is hereby further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no person ap- pointed to be such Inspector and Superintendent of the Police shall act as a Justice of the Peace at any Court of General Quarter Sessions. 2. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every person to be appointed Inspector and Superintendent of the Police of the said cities by virtue of this Ordinance shall, before he begin to execute the duties of his office, take the following Oath before a Judge of Her Majesty's Court of King's Bench, (that is to say) : " I, A. B., do swear that I will faithfully, impartially and honestly, according to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute all the powers and duties of a Justice of the Peace under and by virtue of an Ordinance passed in the second year of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled) « An Ordinance for establishing an efficient System of Police in the cities of Quebec and Montreal." 3. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That a sufficient number of fit and able-bodied men shall from time to time, by the directions of the said Civil Secretary, be appointed as a Police force for the said Cities, who shall be sworn by the said Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police, to act as Constables for preserving the Peace and preventing robberies and other felonies, and apprehending Offenders against the Peace; and the men so sworn shall, within the said Cities, have all such powers, authorities, privileges and advantages, and be liable lo all such duties and responsibilities as any Constable duly appointed now has, or hereafter may, have, by virtue of the Laws of this Province, or any Statutes made, or to be made, and shall obey all such H lawful ( 4lid sai' conduct 4. A aforesai Police I Civil S shall de the Mei this Ore rank ai distribul ments a such ot force, ai shall fro «• abuse of all its of the I employi they sha or other Enacted belong t Constab determir 5. Ai a foresail room, spirituou any man to abide place di duty, e\ convicte( for every five pot think me 6. An aforesaid to the sai apprehen find dist cause to shall find loitering selves, a custody i —3— , l»jr death, ions aa Ins- for the said lieu of tiie dl be lawful Government be Inspector • of the said , and that it , during the Lhe duties of >ugh he may property, or f any other said Cities : 'rdained and > person ap- dent of the ny Court of the authority ispector and irtue of this duties of his [er Majesty's ipartially and 1 knowledge, of the Peace I the second n Ordinance the cities of the authority J-bodied men he said Civil e said Cities, perintendents le Peace and ipprehending sworn shall, authorities, ;h duties and now has, or Province, or ley alt such Police force. lawful commands as they may from time to lime receive (Vom the said Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police for conducting themselves in the execution of their olfice. 4. And be it furdier Ordained and Enacted by the authority lnip«otor or aforesaid, that the said Inspectors and Superintendents of the Si.perinten- Police nioy IVonj lime to lime, subject to the approbation of (he o^J^THnHe! Civil Secretary, make such orders and regulations as they guiations for shall deem expedient, relative to the General Government of the govern- tlie Men to be appointed members of llie Police Force under mcjjt of lucli this Ordinance, the places of their residence, the classification, rank and particular service of the several Members, their distribution and inspection, the description of arms, accoutre- ments and other necessaries to be furnished to them, and nil such other orders and regulations, relative to the said Police May sugpend force, as the said Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police or dismiss men shall from lime to lime deeui expedient, for preventing neglect jjelonging to w abuse, and for rendering such force elTicienl in tlie discljarge of all its duties; and tlio ?aid Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police may at any time suspend or dismiss from his employment any man belonging to the said Police force, whom they shall think remiss or negligent in the discharge of his duty, or otherwise unfit for the same ; And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that when any man ehnll be ao diBmiaaed or cease to belong to the said Police force, all powera vested in him as a Constable by virtue of this Act, shall immediately cease and determine. 5. And be it further Ordairjed and Enacted by the authority Penalty on aforesaid, tliat if any Victualler or Keeper of any house, shop, Victuailers&c. room, or other place for the sale of any liquors, whether pelnSuilTifpo- spirituous or otherwise, shall knowingly harbour or entertain licemen, when any man belonging to the said Police force, or permit such man on duty, to re- to abide or remain in his or her house, shop, room, or other "•*'" i" their place during any part of the time appointed for his being on °""'- duty, every such Victualler or Keeper as aforesaid, being convicted thereof before any two Justices of the Peace, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay such sum, not exceeding five pounds sterling money of Great Britain, as they shall think meet. 6. And it is further Ordained and Enacted by the authority Policemen, aforesaid, that it shall and may be lawful for any man belonging when on duty, to the said Police force, durij>g the time of his being on duty, to "e^j^o^g^and apprehend all loose, idle and disorderly persons whom he shall disorderly per- find disturbing the public peace, or whom he shall have just sons, cause to suspect of any evil designs, and all persons whom he shall find lying in any field, highway, yard or other place, or loitering therein, and not giving a satisfactory account of them- selves, and to deliver any person, so apprehended, into the custody of the constable api)oiuted under this Ordinance, who —4— belonging to the said Police forrHi„«l "^"'"^ ""^ P^™"** or shall aid or incite anv n^^ !^^ execution of hia duty, «"ch offender, heLZj^2T.''' '^.^r^^^or remt, eve^ tho Peace, shLll fo L^y ^ul oT'^ ^^""I^ two Justices 7f loose nnddis- Confession, o, by the oath If ' ^ ^"' ^'"' ""' their own fore him. ^e kept at hard labour, ^f„_' ^';°"^« °^ correction, thereto calender months; Provide nf^ "'I "°^ exceeding two discretion of the Jus wtS;V^^^^ '^ '" ^^« apprehended as a loose 1,117 «^a J- , ^ ^^°™ ^"^ P^r^o" brought, either to con mit o ^ ? disorderly person shall be nnactof vagrancyTep 1.1 "'•"'^"'r'^ P^-^^"' ^'^hough Provided also, that it shall 1^ in" ?k"^' '^^ P^^^*'" «<> charged ; on discharging such loo f fel« a ?'"'V'"" "^ ""'^^^ J"«tice him or hcfin\ sufliS rein '^'^^^'^^'''y Person, to bind Justices at their neTcenerrofounr' ^" '^^''!^ ^^'"^ ^^ to answer such charge or .i ^ '^®!: Sesswaa of the Peace, him or her respect! vefy. ^'^'" "" '*''" ^' '^^'^^'^ «g^'"«t Who are to be ^- And be it further Or-lai^^,! j -r, deeded dUor- aforesaid, that person 1 ' .1 ""^.^nacted by the authority •leriy person, by other nienn> f. '• . "^'"S able to work and thereby or and i„de'"ce„.lVe;p„f,':7.LrpUt""' "''"""''™' "'"'^"'^ Persons loitering in streets nn v,-'i, passengers by stand In^f or highways, and obstructing insulting langLge or in anv othp'r ^" ^T'^''^'^ ^'^ ^V ^'4 signs, breakfng windows VrlaknT^' ^^^""g^'"^" ^^ defacinf walls of houset, yards^r^arden "^ T ""' ^^ P'"^"^' ^'^ ^^e a disturbance or noise in thp^fr.' ^^^^/^y'^g ^^nces ; causing swearing or singing S^tr' ^'S^ways by screaming, moding^he neaceahln ^ "^'""^ ^"^ impeding or incom- ne^: ^"stsrri.;;;^'r-.-^-^"v" ^^« account of themselves; ^ ^ ' "°^ ^'^'"8 a satisfactorj' H I —6 — house, in order Je brought before ling to Law. by the authority ■esist any pereon ition of his duty, or resist, every two Justices of it and pay such !y aforesaid, as »y the authority e of the Peace being convicted ■V or their own Jible witness or action, there to exceeding two 'hall be in the om any person erson shall be rson, although on so charged ; f such Justice, erson, to bind )ear before the i of the Peace, Hedged against r the authority md thereby or amilies, shall street, road, on, or openly 1 obstructing or by using n or defacing plates, or the ;es ; causing y screaming, g or in com- er any way Bering in the satisfactory Penwns in the habit of frequenting houaea of ill fame not giving a satisfactory account of themselves ; Persons tippling in taverns ot taprooms after the hour of ten at night, and before the hour of five in the morning, between the twenty-first day of March and the first day of October, and after the hour of nine at night, and before the hour of six in the morning, from the first day of October to the twenty-first day of March ; Persons winning money or other valuable things in playing at cards, dice or other chance game in taverns, shall be deemed loose, idle and disorderly persons within the meaning of this Ordinance. 10. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, upon information upon oath before hlni made, that any persons hereinbefore described are loose, idle and disorderly personp, and are, or are reasonably suspected to be harboured or concealed in any house or houses of ill fame, tavern or taverns, boarding house or boarding houses, by warrant under his hand or seal to authorise any constable or other person or persons to enter at any time such house or houses, tavern or taverns, and to apprehend and bring before him or any other Justice or Justices, all persons found therein and so suspected as afore- said ; and if on examining such person or persons so appre- hended and brought as aforesaid, it shall appear to such Justice or Justices that they or any of them cannot give a satisfactory account of themselves, it shall and may be lawful for such Justice or Justices to commit him, her or them to the Common Gaol or House of Correction, there to be dealt with in the same manner as loose, idle and disorderly persons are hereinbefore directed to be dealt with by this Ordinance. 11. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the autho- rity aforesaid, that it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace to commit any person or persons being convicted before him by his own view or by the oath of one or more creditable witness or witnesses, or by his, or her or their confession, of over-loading, over-driving, or otherwise ill-treating any Horse, Dog or other animal, to the Common Gaol for any time not exceeding one Calendar month ; and all Constables shall and may apprehend such person or persons, and bring him, her or them before a Justice of the Peace to be dealt with according to the provisions of this Ordinance. 12. And for the more effectual prosecution of offences punishable by a penalty upon summary conviction by virtue of this Ordinance, be it further enacted by the authority afore- said, that where any person shall be charged on the oath of a credible witness with any such offence before any Justice of the Peace, the Justice may summon the person charged to Jasticos of th« Peace may gr.dit war- rant! to loarch housen suspso- ted of har- bouring disor- derly perioni. Punishment on persons orer- loading or otherwise ill- treating ani- mals. Jnstioes may in certain oa- ses prosecute and determine complaints against per- sons neglec- ting to appear. ! May grant timo for pay ment of penal tji and com- mit in defauU. No, exception to be taken on account of want of form in warrant, Actions to be laid in thf» dis- trict and with- in six calendar uioaths. — 6— appear befo.-s any two Justices of the Peace at a time and olace to be named in such summons, and if the person chargea shaH not appear accordingly, then (upon proof ^the due servi." of the summons by delivering a copy thereof to such person or bydel.verngacopyto the wife or servant or some inmate of the fanidy of such person, at his or her usual place of abode,) nrL i'J'f^l ^^"""^ 7^r ^^ ^'"^^^ ^"^ ^^^^ ^PP'^a'ed may either proceed to hear and determine the case exparte, or may mm th^r M-rrant for apprehending such person, and bringing him - Zvo^:lT '""'"l V, ^'''''' ^'"^y« *h^* '"^^ prosecKn S any o once pumshabe by a penalty npon summary conviction by vntueof thjs Ordinance shall be commenced within three otherwise """^ after the commission of the offence and not 13. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority shall be adjudgtc to be paid for any offence against this Ordinan- ce shall be paid to Her Majesty's Seceiver General, to be by him added to, and applied as part of the Funds for the purposes of the Police under this Ordinance, and no person shall bv vUlT K i application of any penalty to the use of the Police Junds he deemed to be an incompetent witness before any Court or Justice or Justices of the Peace in any proceeding wbiitevor for any offence against this Ordinance. i i. And ho it furtlier Ordained and Enacted by the authority • «h iT'k ' ^* *^^ *^"f' "'^^ "^^'"'^ ^^«^^' ^y whom any persori . shall be convicted and adjudged to pay any sum of money for any ottence against this Ordinance may adjudge that such person shall pay the same either immediatelv o- within such period as they shall think fit, and in default of payment at the time appointed, the said person shall be imprisoned in th- t^ommon Gaol or House of Correction for any term not exceeding two calendar months, which said imprisonment shall cease upon payme^.t of the sum due. ^ 15. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aioresaid, that no conviction, order, warrant or other matter made or purponing to be made by virtue of this Ordinance, snail be *^uashed for want of form or be removed by Certiorari or otherwise into any of Her Majesty's Courts of Record, and no warrant of commitment shall be held void by reason of any delect therein, provided it be therein allodfeOil that the party has been convicted, and there be a good and valid conviction to sustain the saiiie. 16. And be it further Ordained and Enacted bv the authority atoresaid, that for the protection of the persons" acting in the execution of this Ordinance, all actions and prosecutions to be conimenced against any person for any thing done in pursuance of this Ordmance shall belaid and tried in the District where i % I nance. a time and place ion charged shall le due servjie of ' such person or some inmate of place of abode,) eared may either te, or may issue id bringing him ; prosecution for nary conviction ed within three jffence and not i>y the authority leof the Peace stthis Ordinan- leral, to be by or the purposes ;rson shall by »e of the Police less before any ny proceeding y the authority )m any person 1 of money for Jge that such within such ayment at the isoned in th- iny term not sonment shall the authority other matter } Ordinance, by Certiorari Record, and eason of any i lat the party % d conviction the authority f cting in the ig :utions to be a pursusince strict where the fact M^s co/nmitted, and shall be commenced within six calendar months after the fact committed and not otherwise ; and notice in writing of such action and of the cause thereof shaH be given to the defendar' one calendar month at least before the commencement of the action ; and in such action the defendant may plead the general issue and give this Ordinance and the special r alter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon ; and no plaintiff shall recover in any such • action if tender of sufficient amende shall have been made before such action brought, or if a sufficient sum of money shall have been paid into court after such action brought, by or . oil the behalf of the defendant; and if a verdict shall pass for the defendant, or the plaintiff shall become non-suit or discon- tinue any such action after issue joined, or if upon demurrer, or otherwise, judgement shall be given against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover his full costs as between attorney and client, and have the like remedy for the same as any defendant hath by law in other cases ; and though a verdict shall be given for the plaintiff in such action, such plaintiff shall not have costs against the defendant, unless the Judge before whom the trial shall be, shall certify his approbation of the action and of the verdict obtained thereupon. 17. And be it further Ordained and Rnorted by the authority aforesaid, that it shall be lawful for the Governor oc other person adraini^ering the government of the Province for the time being, to pay or cause to be paid out of any moneys which may be in the hands of the Receiver General of this Province, not otherw'£?e appropriated by law, such sums as may be required for the maintenance of the Police under this Ordi- nance, and that all salaries, allowances and contingent charges in that behalf shall be paid upon pay-lists to be made out on the first of each month, by the Inspector and Superintendent of the Police, signed by him and approved by such Civil Secretary as aforesaid. 18. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforetaid, that for the purposes of this Ordinance any person actirig ba Secretary of the Governor or of the person authorized to execute the Commission of Governor shall be taken to be the Civil Secretary of the Governor. 19. A.nd be it further Enacted, that for the purposes of this Ordinance, the word City or Cities, as applied to the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, wherever used in this Ordinance, shall be held to denote the said Cities together with such neighbour- ing Disiricts as the Governor or person administering the government of the Province of Lower Canada shall at any time direct. May plead the general issue. In what cases plaiiitifT shall not reborer. If verdict shall pass for defen- dant. Plaintiff not to obtain costs, but on certifi- cate of judge- ment. Governor may defray expense of Police Es- tablishment out of unap- propriated moneys. Person acting as Secretary to Governor. Meaning of the word city or cities in thi» Ordinance how to be constraed. —8- ANNO SEPTIMO freambls. Ordinance of L. C. 2 V. (1) c. 2, cited. Part of the ■aid Ordinance repealed, and other provi> Bions substi- tuted for those of the Ordi. nance. A fine may be imposed. VXCTORIVE REGlWiE. CAP. XXI. [9th December, 18431 Ty-HEREAS it is just and necessary to alter and , Vr certain parts of an Ordinance of tK^r ^ ^""'"'^ Special Council for the affairs nr*u 1 . i"® Governor and Canada, passed in the second vea' If R^'^JJ"^^ °^ ^'^'^ "ntituled, .^;i Orrf/naL for^./^r/T/^^^' Majesty's reign, of Police in ae CitZof^Xf^^^^^^^ t'^'^ *A fore enacted, by the Queen^Most iv:^,?''"'^i^' ^^'^ *»»ere- with the advice and consent of the ^^^ ^"' A^"^^^' ^^ «"'» the Legislative Assemb y of the Pr^lnt 7n^°"?^" «"^ ^^ tuted and assembled by virtue of an,f ^ «/ Canada, consti- Act passed in the Parhamen? of the T7 f VS^" '"J'^^"^^^ «^ «" Britain and Ireland, and inti^uleS 5« ^ ^'l^*^'"" «^ ^''^^^ J'rovinces of Upper and Lf^Trli'f ^j^ J<' '-'-^nite iAe ment of Canadl mStiT^hJu ''* and for the Govern- or the^ame, iha? from td'^afteTlhe '^ *'^ ^"^^^^ Act, it shall not be lawful for an, t .• P*'''"^ ^f this Peace to commit personTclvt:ru'de;Te^?^^^^^^^^^ °'^^^ of bemg loose, idle, and disorderly ZiV '^'^ Ordinance House of Correction, at hard labor' . ^fu ^°'"'"*'" ^^o' or said Ordinance as co'nfers any powei: ofl'^' ^° '""^^ ^^ *e tices of the Peace, of nerson^ «T . "^"'P^jsonment on Jus- \ same is he -^by repealed 'Pm-i TT^^^ ^^^^^ ^e and the lawful for any L:^^tkI:rZ:^XX' t^ '' ^^^" ^^ persons hereafter to be convicted underfhe said n?"'" "P°" bemg loose, idle, and disorderly, rnecuLTfl^'"*^'"""''^' °^ not exceeding five pounds st^rl n^ \ Pf ""'«/y fine or penalty of their several goods rr^cha elf n ^ ^'!^ ^^ attachment after such attach'menV al^'^ f b'y Sitt" : ^T 'i: "'^'^ '^'^ convicted shall be residents of the hpS^ ' ^ '"'''' P®''''°"^ ^^ conviction shall be made ; and n deft It nf°'' S^''' ^,^''^' ^'^^'^ such goods and chattels/ to cover tlh^^^^^^^^^^^^ J " ^"ver such penalty and costs ot \ seizui reside the s: not, f be lav so cor I be im] I at har f Justic ' 2. as dep \ Her J) same mitme under or liel( same i 3. . me nee shall b Justice be hel( shall b accuse to esta 4. 1 convic viction Peace, penaltj the sail such I manne 5. I the Ho facts, f the olTe cominil to be ir shall b applica of Kinj Ihorizec Justice. •9— nm. )l*ovisions of i Council of ear of Her ^dinance f\fr Mice in the er, 1843]. *r and amend Governor and nee of Lower Majesty's reign, ^ective system r Be it there - jesty, by and 'ouncil and of 'nada, consti- uthority of an [dom of Great ^re-unite ike the Govern— the authority ^'"g of this ustices of the id Ordinance non Gaol or much of the lent on Jus- II be and the t it shall be mpose upon rdinance, of »or penalty attachment i eight days fi persons so where snch t levy upon md costs of seizure und sale, or if such persons so convicted shall not be residents, or being residents shall have no goods and chattels by the sale whereof the said penalty may be levied, and shall not, foi thwith upon such conviction, pay such penalty, it shall be lawful for such Justice or Justices to commit such offenders, so convicted, to the common Gaol or House of Correction, to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding two months, either at hard labor or otherwise, in the discretion of such Justice or Justices. 2. And be it enacted, that so much of the said Ordinance as deprives parties convicted, as aforesaid, of the benefit of Her Majesty's Writ of Certiorari, and also so much of the same as enacts that no conviction, order,^ warrant, com- mitment, or other matter, made or purporting to be made, under the said Ordinance, shall be quashed for want of form, or held void by reason of any defect therein, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. And be it enacted, that in all proceedings to be com- nienced against loose, idle and disorderly persons, the charge shall be reduced to writing and shall be stated by the Justice or Justices of the Peace to the party or parties accused, who shall be held to plead forthwith to the same ; and the said charge shall be summarily tried, due time being given to the party accused to procure the attendance of the necessary witnesses to establish his defence, ifhe shall so require. 4. And be it enacted, that it shall be lawful for any person convicted under the said Ordinance to appeal from such con- victiontothe next ensuing General Quarter Sessions of the Feace, upon giving good and sufficient security to pay the penalty awarded against him and all costs of such Appeal : and thesa.dSess.ons of the Peace are hceby empowe.-ed to hear such Appea and to dispose of the same, and award costs in manner and form as practised upon other Appeals. 5. And be it enacted, that every commitment to Gaol or lo the House of Co.Tection, shall specify the particular fact or f^!: 'n-''^ *'"'^ I''''^® °"^ cii-cumstance, which constitute the olFender as a loose, idle and disorderly person : and any which shall not specify such faits, shall be held to be insufficient and the pany imprisoned under color thceof annlJr ""! u^' K^^ ^li«cha.-ged from imprisonment, upon application to that cIToct to any Justice of Her Majesty's Courts tho hJ^Fk '?''' ^'"^^'^^"'^ Bench, or any other person au- jttce ' '" '""' '" '^'' ''^'''''^ °'" Huch Judge or Offender may be committed, if the fine b« not paid. So much of the Ordinance as deprives par- ties of the be- nefit of Cer- tiorari, &c., &c , in certain cages, repeal- ed. Charge to b* reduced to writingjin cer- tain cases. Appeal grant- ed to the Quar- ter Sessions id such cases. The particulai facts which constitute a person loose, idle or disor- derly, to bo stated in the Commitment. In default, th« party may be discharged. "10— Preamble. Part of the •aid Act re- pealed. Proviso. ANNO NONO VlCTOmm REGIHiB. CAP. 23- [23rd May, 1846]. WHEREAS experience has shewn that it ia necessarv to ture fZfv"^'^^ ^ *^^^^^'" P^rt of the Ac of the SI" Council'^fZZ clad^ „f *''''''" /f '^Governor and ^■gn, intuXd « X^ /■ '"?"'' y^"' 0/ «"■ Majesty^, by and ^iiTte altce^a^°^„"^™;»„M^^^^ Majesty, and of the Legislative As^rWvnJlp ^"''""? J?"™"'' chattels and sale thereof in !S I ^" '*'''^''^* g°°^« ^""^ in the said Arf 1 n t I' ^"^ ^''^''^ ^^e cases mentioned C'derll : ta i^sha", l'l^f 7/?^^^ -p-^^<*= Justices of the Peacrhvwi ^"^^"^ ^"' ^"^ Justice or under the sa^l OrH ' ^ ^^].T.^"y P^''^^"" ^hall be convicted to ad udte .hi l! "'^ of being loose, idle and disorderly, the sa d fcci?^^H Tf ^T"". '^^" P^y *h^ Pe"«lty imposed by as he or he! l^IIt'l "'l^^^ '"^rnecliately or within^uch period atthl f ^ shal think fit; and that in default of payment cllTLlZT'' ""'c^' '''' ^^^'^b« imprison^llnthe cease .pon paymem of the smnZ ' ^" -P"Bonment to ding certain establishing the Cities of ay, 1846]. t ia necessary to of the Legisla- . 1 year of Her Her and amend Governor and Her Majesiy^s ing an efficient I Montreal: " ellent Majesty, slative Council ice of Canada, T the authority ited Kingdom 'o re-unite the r the Govern— ie authority of f this Act, so >rany Justice mposed upon ng loose, idle al goods and ses mentioned by repealed: ny Justice or be convicted id disorderly, y imposed by such period of payment soned in the •our, for any risonment to w^- mk^'