IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (M7-3) &^ i^ /, [/. d> V () I i;i' \ I TH^ im-•/// / '• TrLarrtbaT', 'Ji-OWUig IV at ho '"pfoiTihof ,l4/j, (^7, ^(^ JinHl- A K_. ''hi I \ ■"fjiiLOJx), cu a p. 7n., L/t 'f'La S oting Iliri.7^'., to hold ■'(Kt un /•'mit, eti .'^• r'erw. iiwrUf (^g t\r ti t reed IJ.orticuUu7->ca ^vlII be /tela on /: oterrLher ^SO, llL S p.m., in the V ' Ririir. io (ti. ictofia. SCUSS t/li' nd\-LS- il (i ' '*'/ tJt, otr> cos of 7 rvciSixrar. cuxd oUic?^ 3sroxxo:Hj. The BorirJ of l)!,(rlo!--' i.-ev: In nuno^^mf ih:>l ihi chrenfii of f/l^ ,N>',vVs of PiP/jo.-is, iVi-'.ii,: ;,,.,- „,-/u'lr< on the niliivalvjH of issued at iin ear/// dat' . Tii<'<- lit purls ,„,,:„;., ,- ,tryr amour' of vahmblr iufornuU'mi of the ;;/v.'/, •,' /^o /„ „// „,>,., ,,,., ;„ ^^f^., V'ot/ iiifi'.rfslH'l in ),iaH',.< P'rtiihiiuy h> (' ^'.-h „ '.■- ...c f.r'iir (■!roii:i,i^;, bn'. ->//^,,Vr-/ -. //,, ., ,■(■,:, I. ir < /,■ x ' ■,,,;\- • 7/,, toafil of nliohh: Injoruv'ih'u k.«. iUcm: >."///• /.v ',, :.:.;^ frU ^ (oalr-jry gm.UfyiHii- cvith'iK, . 'ft]., «n.n-eri'ih<.. ,,. ,/-,• .s>fwv,/> effort^: i)i Una. dirtclUn: art h-t,ijr (x-t-<' v/.»jr '''(^ Frxir ■ i.; (/'/•-' S >(■'''/.,',< iJ from ■ P.uirsnubTvtB"''^^*^'^"^' 1, Al' Sj^^cii'i'-' ■ i.V YllK'iMl'KTi. ■ |,nil'->i- I.') l^t" a.- ;|:■• I•^.hib■>■'"■"'• 2. All i^iiinu, ;;■•^veri with tb.'/ir proi •■: ^ar..i- - ,vi...!«."l,i'V"'--'""' ■,,,..„,.« n. li.' J- . ....v,'h-.i- oil plants in pov,,.i^ , „,;,lprice of '•"I'^rior 3. Inawarii.- ■•■^' ;'' ' fusion of bloom anl ev ..ler.ce lutheboiiutyot-:- -1-"-'"^'' •' . 4. Tiietenu " D.---'"-"" si,etl.nt they can \e=u-vn mine vase* will b« P^-^Huu-t i. t« used. ^^^ ^^^^^^^j^^ j,,,,,ou« . Pot-plant.- ::.n.v have been gro- n pot^ at le^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^,, ,,, ,,, a ..U. Eiil,.: n. ..a nave been J^^^^^,^,,i ,e .li-.-litle.. .in.ilur perk i. ^ , ^^^'^ "^^ '""^^ .,•.,, ,,,11 be! the exh.b.t.jr.. satisfv thenut. ^^.^ponsible for any mistake an s The Societv cannOu it: .tspo"^ observance' of thl. .r any other rttle. ^ ^,, ^^,,i,, ,„ „t ; In order to al.. the space "^--^ m/ach ^^^^ ^^^_^_^ ^^^^ ,^^^,^^j J;^e >n -'^>'^^' -t;t EKSrlner wh.h .iate no entr.e. previoiu- to the cpenn.v: ot be receive! ^ ^,. . . .^..-^^.^ anv entries not nuiMe m ,1, . .Uv of I...- ».«'..i"g "' ''" Exli. ...o. ^,1 ,„, p,v,.„ 13. Oriituitips may b«> awardcil fiv iiit- Jiuls^es for any iicw or rsue fruit'', ilower.-*, pIiuit.H (ir olhfT r.bjoc.t.s of |.;irliciiliir intorc-t, for wliicti no ppocial j'rfiiiiiiiii lias U'lii ofl'iii'il. 1 J. 'l"ln' Jii(i;.;;e.i ."!i;ili not bo > fiMjictit •)- in iliai o1h-\x (>■. whic'i tiny :uf to nwnni pri'iniuriU'. 15. Oil rcciiniini'iiiifitiiu: 1^! ill" .'(;.i^'i--, .)r of a (M^inn.IttiT apfioiiiffd liy the SiX'icty, the Directors may ;uvuru ;* ii;;''iimii lor t-xinpti^'iial oxccIUmkh-, if ill tlieir opinion it is ilccineil itl. i-uble. 10. The (leci.«ioi) of thi- .Tu'ij:^'.-, .n- re;:.ird^ the ).reMiiiinii3t in naming fruil.^ and plants alx)ut which Ivxhibiturs may be doubifnl, but the Society does not assume any responsibility in the mailer. 20. The Society will not be responsible for damage done to plants during or after the Exhibition, but all ordinarv care will be taken of them. 21. Parties will not be allowed to coinj>c;e for more than one prize in the same section, and no artic!" which ha:- i.lready been .awarded a pri^e will be entitled to another. 22. The Society will, und-i no circumstance.-, psn cartage on plants sent for competition. Cartage, however, may l»e pail if deemed advi.sable y.n plants sent for Exhibition only. 23. All aiti-jles exhibited thai! remain in the building until the close of the Exhibition, when they will be delivered to the contributors, unless otherwise directed. 24. Any person residing in the Province of Quebec may become a member of the Society on payment of an annual membership fee of two dollars, for which payment he will !•• oeivr u ticket of admi-sion ff. the Exhibition for his own use, and four single admis^iun-tioketJ. He will also receive acopy of any reports published by the Society, and will be permitted the use of any of the books of referenc.' in the .Socitty's library. 2.7. Any j»erson residing outside the l-=lan.l of Montreal, but in the Province of Queljec, will be permiite^l to compete for any of the prizes otiered by the Society, on payment of .ui entrance fee of one dollar. A ticket of admission to the Exhibition for hi-' own uoe, iuid four single admission-tickets will be furnished free; also, a copy of Fruit Report. 26. Prize Lists and all otJHi- information may be obtained by apjilying to the Secretary; and all persons interestcil in llorticultuie are invil^d to coiitfioutc articif s for ;t;on. P. 0. Drawer 1976. HKXHY S. EVANS, S' .rttary and Treasurer, (Comer McC !i and Foundling Streets,) UOilTBEAL. Dicrt 0/ Exhibithn Biiihl'ii^ clxte at tfitan, s'uii't. F.xhih-ti tv If ifn(frf, anil /irki'iton rtnd^ to leavt tht liuil.iiK,; "' / /• m. 'i TO BK KXHIlUTir). CLASS A. Pri/c. I'r!ze. frlw. , h CM, , H ctd. I It cti-. Oiion to all MenilieM ul the Society, wtictlKi lirofcsiionjl or non^iTOfomional. PLANTS. i t Pol jilunt^ must have be«n yroicn in pots at l-':id tvu monthi previou) to the Erhihition, and fi'Jte bei-n the property of the ExhiljUor for o nmiltr,- period. If proved not to be such they irill be disqualified, , Exhihiloris art required to give notice, at the time of makiny their entrij in section 1, of the'. size uj table required, which will be specially arrany:d for them at far as practicab!-'. ') 1. For tlic best iffoup of Stove and Orcenhouse> Plants, at least one-half in Hlooni, not less) , than 15 nor more than 25 »i>i uiien*, arranged/ for effect, and all distinct species 1 ; The winner of the first j>rize in thisSeeliMn may,. if preferred, receive a medal or piece of plate 6iiit.ably inscribed, of the value of tni dollars instead of the monev irty !0 to 2. .St.iv>' und Greenhouse Plants, best 12, distinct • species, at least one-half in bloom / | i- W 3. Stove and Greenhouae Plants, best 6, distinct^ species, in bloom ) 4. Stove Plants, best C in bloom, distinct species. . 3. " " " etoliag*, " "... 6. Begonias, best 4 in bloom, distinct kinds 7. Beg:onla.<, best ^roup of foliage, not less than 12 ) varieties (" S. Bejfonias, best group of Tuberous in bloom, 12 ) specimens f 9. Geraniums Zonale, Single, best 9, distinct varie- ) ties. In bloom f 10. Geraniums, Double, best D, distinct varieties, in (^ bloom ) 11. Geraniums, Dronze, best 0, 3 distinct varieties, ) in bloom ( li. Gi'mninms, Tricolor, best 0, 3 distinct varieties, \ in liloom ) l:t. KiK-hsi.'ks, best 6, distinct varieties, in bloom 14. '• •• 3. •' " " 15. Foreign Ferns, best 13, distinct »lK-cies . Hi. " " -10, ■• " (i 00 ti 00 5 09 400 00 600 6 00 600 •i 00 300 6 I a is^ , S IH> , i tX> 20 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 t 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 U 00 3 IH) 2 00 10 00 t 00 200 .\\< iiHtriti will bt rtctivttl /.I^*• than thf TiKs,l,ty frniint* to M* o/^ninf 1/ t'if t'.\hiHlit'H, S(i A'«iV 1;. ARTtCIiEB TO BK KXIllHlTi:ii. I 1st ! ••nd 1 Prlw. ' Pr'/.K. CLASS A. PLANTS- -ro^.'".^"''. 18. Tree Kern, b.>:.t i.l>ff<;inion | 19. -Vutlve Kerns, best colkation in pots SO. LyifOiUaui StanJcns, bt-st 9i>wii"«" 21. Solaginclla (Lycopo^iimi) beit i potH. diatinft ) specie* ' 22. Aspara/ui Tenulninui!", bert siicMnien 33. PbIiiis, best collection, not le-s tlvvi ili^tiudl. varieties ' -! ct". & 00 .-. 00 300 ;i 00 •I 00 .'i 00 i 00 ■I 00 •2-4. Cycas, best jpet-luieii 26. AbutUons, best 3 distini't varieties, in liiooiu. . 26. Bo«es, be»t 6 in pobi, in | •'> <* ■27 ■< " 4 " '• j 3 00 2H. Gloxinias, best li ■S>. Bouvariias. I)e8t 6, at least 3 variotios, in blo 1 00 .< fm 2 w 3 00 I 2 0<> \ 00 •.• 00 ■t ll>) 2 CO 4 on 2 00 37, Han(rinu' in. in di.»iii. 30. For the best 6 Planti fnr Tahlr Decoration ; sizo | of poU not to exceed ti inches. Kerns ami Soft-wooded Plants excludeli, bf«t 12 •pikoH «. •' " « " 42. Holl.vhocks, .ii-«ln>il.'»i ' 2'"" 43 iMhll IS, iK'St 24, distlnit > arieties • '•» ^^ ■ .. ■• yi " ■■ i :i on 45. •• Ponipmi, bist 1-.' 'i;-'ii' ■' v'>rieli<'s. . ■ <" 4 IK) 2 on 2 ("1 1 (Xl i '.-' :i oeit m%, (Ji.'niniiUr . 17. Asturs, best iJ blootiH, di»|iiiiiil«r i.'j. " "12 " " 49. ZInnU, bent collection, not to exceerl 24 vatietiM. 50. " " liBlMona 51. Waiithu*, b«rt collection , 52. I'hlox, Dnimraondl, J>e»t collection, 3 tni.«eH of • j each * ' 1 83. Peiijnniai I'hlox, best collection • ■ ' | 54. VerboHM, best 1^ blooms, di'siniiUr j 55, " " 6 " " i -M. H»n.ies, " 12 " " \ 57. " " 6 " " ! 53. Pctmii.vs, best collection, single, not more than ) 18 distinct varieties V 59. PflUmias, l-.-»t collection, double, not more than ) ' li distinct varieties ' , (10. Annuals, best collection • • | 61. Immortelles, bc»t collection, sfro.v'h of ISjSO 62. Koses, Hybrid perpetual, best «, iiametl, ) ; diskiniilar ' ttJ. ROMS, Tea or Noisette, best 6 blooms, named . . . . ! SPECIAL PRIZES. ', I Ul. Best Growing Model o( a Flower Bcil, not to > j exceed 4!f feet in diameter S I 05. Best coUectioo Native Trtc Scei th^ *-■•<-.> Xo I'tlir vj.'fs tcill be f/tniiittc I !<> he ti.s'\l. j «7. Houquets, best 4, Party j 1 "" 08. " best 4, t'or»aio> «». Bouquet, hc»t table . ; 3 (»" i i 4 Olt 1 I 2 (HI ■ 2 00 1 I 00 .\\, Kntrits x^::l !•* rt«ivi,i UUr than .'« /■•,:-.-./.i.r/rr-.v«i /■• «■ .'A"'''*- '/'*' Doi'n tf ExhlhitloH BuiMlHg ij.vr nt Xo.'X, tharf. lUhibiti to h J/rt.iv./, ami ExHibitflrt rtaily ta /e.trr tht tiuiljihg at I f.m. .i,f Halt II. AUTICLKS T<» lii; K.MirillTKI). Nt I'ri;!). ■.'nil rrixi,-. •XxtX Ptiic. CLASS A— BOUQUETS— r..n/,Vi,<^/, I <■ rf». Oiihj gtntUm'.rii ytrkiitr, ur a>n,ii: ,t>ii) /ollowiny' tee t ions : — j J\'o entrift will he ifcnrcl from Floriitf ui] periom growing Plants or Flniars/or tale. TO. Roiiquet, best tabic (tf. I ? cU. hand . fn aiL-ar.Ung prized for Hani and TahU Bouqiiftf, thf /ollou'ing pnau o/ r/.-cU-nice will ■ be coiuiikre.l itt qr'Hrft iiu/iorlanre : ] Compofilion, with rejarJ t" i/rar,; „),i lUgitnce ; quality of jiowim; rontrasi 0/ erthrs; .••nHiirnc;/ qf/oliafff. Si:e n-ill riot b' civisilfre I'l.ANTS. Competitor! /or the fjllon-in/f prizet muft h, actual ijroirer), an welt at mrneri, '>> tlf rloner.i ihoicn in coinpetilion. It it iihi.. und'r.riiiod that th'.y muH not be kaliitwU yrowrs 0/ jlini-tTf /or telltng purposes. In ilif event 0/ nivi di.ij.iil-' a.i to the interpretation 0/ the rule, the mutt'-i i.i !•> be re/erred to the Board ot Directors, irl,o.%e drcisinn' OH all points »hall bu j, ital. Pot Plants mn.ii have hi'-n grown in pott at least two months jirevio'.is to the E/hihitinn, ami have been the properl;/ 0/ ih/- Exhiltilnr /or a similar period. If proved not to be surh, they . uUl be ditf/ualijied. ■2 00 •i 00 I 00 1 00 72 PlMit», b«Rt 6, in hlooDi 400 ggo w- " "■*. " I 300 I "• " •' 2. " i 160 ! 7S. PUnt, best »ln|fle spcrlnipn. . j oo I 7«. BegonUi, best 2, In McKi'ii | j qq j n. 1, I 1 00 78. Coleii9,b*.-)t 2 i 4 00 TO. I 80. Fu'-h-'iM, best 3, ii. M>Hm> 81. " " -i, " W. " " I, " J 00 j 75 2 00 I 1 50 1 f ' 1 00 I 1 00 i 75 I 1 50 1 00 73 1 OU 50 100 'M fA Xo Entries u-ill ht rtctivci inu, thin tk, rHe$,i.,, /.rtviiut /<. the ofening tf the I'rhihtiiH. Sn Rule g. r' ;i«- I ! !■: ! i i I 311oiiti'cul Hiorticallui'ul Socictu Frail llrowers' Association of Uie Promos of ^M SF>ECIAL PRIZES OFFERED BY MEMBERS, Sapplemcnted by the Society. Tlio foilowin,^ Section-! will be co\i\[ytti'\ fur at tlie Annual Sliow in SeptoTiiKi r. IS-jC; — SECTION a39. For iliu' !a,-' col!eoticjn of OrcliiJ-,prc.«<"nt("i letin!'. Entrirs imi.-t li' nuide ntil hifef {li:iii 5ih Jt'.'y lu-xi, Av-A t'io Jvii^rr i;*ay muke their examinations at any date btiweeu thf 10th and 24th of the same nUMilU. Eiilritf in all c, ore hgreby eaneelied. Socicfii LiUi EMBERS, ? Annual Sliow in inn Cl.tTiey $20 00 witlilol.iin;; ivii iiieritf'i. . H. Jo-=eph 5 00 2 05 H. Joseph.. 5 00 2 50 uuler gla*-*> ' 25 00 •the Societv 5 00 ■ 3 00 •f rty of the gentle- Quality being ; his option, hich will be •ian, are e.x- [ceed 25 by tluvit taxes, bv Mr. J.B. 'v"Mr.*J!"F. 10 00 5 00 : 4 00 ■*, who uuist ill all grouiul Ci'iinvtiiii'. nil 24th of tlie !*ani"e SeCKtxtrii'i (Mcf, 93 trtby caHeflUd, mid-\vinit:r prizes. >|)^c!:il l*ri/c,uflVrf.i In- Mr. W. H. Klinmh >r-i. fm iIk- j.'st (.ii .■*dnwl !'iiitv, ;.rowii 'r. II i;i M viiifrx. (-«> ••iillcil) in i>r iiroiitiil Moniii.ii, I.k- Ihum h f > \vpi..'h iiyt I' - iii;ii' oiif |>(iuii.'r-, nil! iiui lo wc i;;li K-- rhsm '•rt|i a iioiiinl, ;v s- ■uml I*ii/f 01 '. CoiiiKtii '!-.j for tlic iili.c, r Iri/.e*! rtfiiiiii' to ox)ii!i;l tlicii :' iii' oti tho i.Jtii .Tiiiiiiiiry, ISST. Tlicv will .iIt, i(.>.j;irro to prejiarf ii rtiif stiwlr-iiii'iil in writing to \Ti.;.'ii tht'ir .'•i;;n'iuuv r iui!! 1- attnoheil, !i^ to Uic mo lo inn! to pri'.-'i'rve tiie rrnit, before tUoy slmll k' iiuuislivil to coniicn, XoTt; — riie nih'.-i uli-t'ivi'ij i:i im;irilit,t.' [irizes u( tlio AiiuihI Slii)\v will be olwervtM in i>.unrtiin<' ilic «!'■... I., 00 1(1 (lU CHRYSANTKEMtTlVI SHOW, To take place on or ttbout the 10;li November, i3S0. SKiCXlON I. Chry.-'atitheininnH, 12 distinct variotie*, t>> \-^ -howr in [•'.An nui more than 10 inches in (liani'ttT. A First Prize, preiient'^ii l.v Mr. S. S. I.1;iii !i'2(t 00 A Second " '• " Dr. T. .Stori\ Hunt 'lO 00 A Third " " " ill. C. S. J.'l'hillij,- .5 UO Competii:.] < for the abovc! Prize? furnish in writing' h dcvoription of tho niiiif :i! c'llt'vi.tlun iiiiisiu.'. in i!,on, 1st Prize S5 OO 2nd '•■ 8 00 " " " .'Jrd " 2 00 SECTION 3. Open only to Araatcura. Cbrvsantl.t ;:iiim-, .uiv va.'ieiv, I^t i' 2i..I " " 3rfJ ....■? I 00 . . :; (M) ... '2 00 SECTION 6. Display of Cut Chrj-«8titlieniiiii,-. jv\ to ,„ovidi- wl Second )' Third i'l -.-ari' to cxliibii tin ^tl' lai }-i n/e. i.'! fill '2 OO I ou ii;i /\ I. I 9 AHTlCtXS TO BE KXHIIUTKD. CLASS B. ga. C«r»..Mm..V>CHt4.inbloom f ct». » <■•♦*• S, 1 00 1 oo 2 00 I on 1 00 W. , ^^ I ^ ^^ »e. •• " ». •* I 87 Fern.. bei» eollectloD. Forelfo j 8,. «'"''• i 8fl. 8cltii;i..elU(l.ycopoaium).b«.t 2 •— , 90. Fotl.8oPU„t.. b«t 4,di«lclUr.((».eu...o.uded)^ 01. nydran6e».b*.t,lnblooin •, 92. Oleander, 93. Abutiloii, " " 04. Heliotrope, " 95. W»nt», best vase ot „ . . >^t fr»me of bMket not to ). ««• "::'^'^i"4tcM*di=r • 07.C«r„atlon.,bert3,Wpot..lnbloom .. • " " 98. 90. 1, 2 00 SOO 1 so 3 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 100 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 100 100 double I 1 *° ■ingia 100. Bouvardlk, b««t, <• « " " 101. PetuiilM »f 102. " *• 103. MiRiionette, x. „ , .. " 104. Balsams, »> 105 . Cockscombs, best 2 P<»*» 10«J. 1*7. ''*** CUT BLOOM. BOUQOBTS.*e best collection ot 1 50 100 1 00 1 W 2 OO 100 1 OO 100 •2 OO 1 00 1 00 I 7S ! 0-5 I- I 1 00 I 1 00 1 75 I 050 75 1 00 100 75 75 1 1 00 100 107 . Cut Flowers 103. PaJ»"*».'"'»t«^"^'""''^"°"^ 109. Ol»dloli,be»t6»l>ike». 110. I'ansles. best 12 blooms m. " " 11.' . wrl'i-'i^". best l- rtis»lmil»r. /•;..■ f;;.V 's7E^r.».mh.r.v^^^^^^^ ^«^«'^s>. 300 i 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 •: po i 00 100 100 1 00 50 , /,. .''V .•/.'M'V "/ 10 F.xhihtUrt r,;\iiy tit IfVit tkt iii'/.iin^ %l 1 /■ ui S, < Kfilt II. AHTICI.KS TO BK F.XIIMUTKlf. ! -I I •Jr„l :ir.l \'t\f.». I 1 M) ' 1 (X) 7f. 1 1)0 2 Ot) i I CLASS B.— Amateur Departmeni " '^'- ' ' i^ i * <-t«. CUT BLOC , BOUQUETS, «e.-r.)..//.,/W j lis. VcrbciiM, b*»t nhloom* .li-liniKr ; 100 ' .'lO 114. F«tuiiia«, (loiiblo, belt b:.x.rii» ■• J 1 .'-O 1 ixi lis. " ilnglu, " e " " 1 1 00 ; 7.'i un. zimiiiw, "12 " " I 100 : ;.s 117. Atters, " collwtioii 118. Phlox, Dnininiomli.bMt 12 itplke* ; ' '"• no. Bouquet, belt hand ' 2 00 1*0. " " tftble ! »C0 121. B««t »ml most tastefully armn.-irt Dankt't ot C;it ) \ « q* | o -q Flowvni, not more than I'J inuheii in (.lUinotcr. r I CLASS C. ! ^ I FRUITS. SPECIAL COrXTY PRIZE. ' I A Committer wiH be apjwin/'hl i,'/ fhe 5. '-J;/ j to (Utitt in naming Fruitt about ivhich Ex/iioii(jr.< | may 6« ioublfvl, but th« Soi'.intji .lo'-i not anvim'! i ani/ nuponaibiliiii in the imiitfr, \ ^ \ ! i The oommerclal valuo of the ' Fruits exhibited in the two folio'w- ing Sections, will be considered by the Judges in awardiug the Pri/o». i ExhiHtors are specially ciut toned ii^ainU exhibiting more than one /'Lit-: of the santr variety in atiy colUxticn, and each iiiii.t A named. All apples only locally known s/.onfil, as far as possible, hiti'e a statement of their probable origin -writteit on the card '.^jith /.'ii- ^ name. The Secretary 'n.ry receive an entry jr,'ii! mtrt than one person in the same Connty, i^nt only one prize ki/I l>e azcardcd. which wi/l I'e. given to the best collection on Exhibition ^ro-wn , within the limits of the County. Croh Jpflff j j ti'ill not be admitted in Collections .7 apple.', ' except in the ease of Cotintv Cct'ectionr. \ ami wa^iwii within thf limit-- 1 ( ttn'Coiiiity I Hill ' I petinij (oi»;n to miij Co'iiity in tlit Proviiicoof , 'Ij' ' •'', ™ ;'' "" 4uebe<.) .1 MMjtiiiifiisof <.i».li \;irii'ty ' "" i ■'■"'•»-' 10 im 143. Apiilw, bt, t collection .'■'ptTi to tliu Pr'>\iii(c ^'1 ) 4ui:lxr<; ; must lie extiiliittil h; the '.iiontr, '. - ii|)<;i.'inicnii <•( each \ arit.t> I 12 00 R 00 4 W y« EHtriet luill ht rtceivcit later t/ium tkt Tufulaf J^rez'iam t.t the v^nine of the E-xhiHtit'H. Sec HkIc <>. II KaU J-l frli. I'rl/' I'rM. '^ CLASS C. FRUITS- Con'in'W. t ctt. « cU. < it*. W5. IM. 147. in. 129. 130. 131. IM 138. m. iss. 13«. i:jh. 130. XVi. .. ft <• » " •• " ... .. 3 •• 6 ... S hfavlodt U-»t y\tA>i of Al«x»n'ler, h •peclmeni. " Diich«M "^ " <• •' «t. Ukwwnce, 5 " •• •' KaiiieuM, 5 " Strawberry of Moiitrral, 5 H t|>eclni«li« ) I P«»rh of MontrMl. i fP««I- { . Im«ns > I « 00 4th tu> 8 OO S 00 1 60 1 50 1 SO 160 1 ..0 1 50 •■ OnMtaB^dwiu, iipocluieni ISO 141. Hi. Wealthy, 5 " | Culdtn KiMMt, !S " I Pouim* Orixe, 5 " , Dwikrit. S Fameuse Sucre, !i " • Winter St. Uwreiice, S { speclnwni ) I Ytllow Trvuparent, !' j 1 ipecimef.s J ' 1 60 1 .SO 1 su 1 so I .V) 1 so 1 so 1 so 4 00 2 00 1 .M) " •• Ben Davie, 5 »pccim«iw. . . . 143. Crab Apple*, »>est collection, 10 of eooh, named.. ^^^ .. •' " 4 varietle*. " " " " ■•• ■ ij I. •< " pUte of any one variety, 10 1 •pecimenit > 1 Jti. Pears, best loUi-ction, 6 varietle*. S o! each, named « 00 147. re«r», best 3 varietle'. 5*1 eciuien< of each, luunwl ;j 00 US. " " pUtd F1* Be»uty, S«peciinon»..| 2 00 ^^f, .. " " aii..^^ o' .^iriftv. S " 150 IMiim", bo!«t coMcctii'ii, n<-i v ■ '■ ■>-*'■ * »V"' "- •'''» I ■ .,fciu-h variety, iinaU! :.•!!.■» ■ H»»! v.";* lera- • tioii ' lai. rium's betl 2 varieties, fios '..iA -an tJ aj^ccimem l.'>2. " " pUte ol, one variety only UVi. fl'.iUiKTricS, best S*l!t>it, i1l UUr thM Ihi i;,fiM\y /'{fioui fi> I'-t i>ftHi»s .•/ Iht H.tkiNtii'H. Utt Utile 9k ■^ ^ f l ) IW» T*-^^ l>**<^^Bjth, £^Aih '-" '■'•-'> ' • /m: ,• tfit <**/,',/■ AiiTintx TO nr; MiumTKi) "''•iK.;rs OK FKUIT3. OUT-DOOR ORAPES '*"• '• •■ » •• R^. * .. .. ' »*>• " he»vl„t.ln«l, bunch. Whit. 161. " „ BiMk 162. " „ . Red.... GRAPES GROWN UNDER GLASg ' 10 00 4th 6 00 7 00 I 5 00 Prfto, I 3 00 4 00 I 2 00 l«-'..Urape,.be,t.o!leaio„., hunch Of ««.h "^- '• " 5hu,.chc,.l " IBS. " •• , .. » Whlt« and 2 Blick ■* Bl«ck Hamburg. NECTARINES AND OTHER FRXm&. 167. Nectarine,, l^..; collection m. Peache,, i.„, collection. 3 of «ci, v^ri.ty '«'• • " bMtplateof 170. P«oh Tree. be,t, bearing fruit. In pot. • m. Grape,, beat b.arin, vine, grown i„ po, 172. Melon, best Water »"3- " " Mu,k ['' 174. •• •• K. . n<»st new variety VEGETABLES. 175. Caiaiflowers, h.!,t a. "8 " l«'s,Head ; 177. Ccumbcrs. bet ,.„„..,„,, , ,,,^^^^ .[ ,; ; ' ' ' * ^■"■'-■'"""'^-■^-"•M-.^3.fort,b|. :♦ 13 Doori »/ nxlilhitlon Ui.MlHf,- eloit n' .'Urn, ihar^. F.xhMll ta it itagtJ, ami Kxhihitor: re%ity to Uaif th4 ''iiii'iling at I f>.m. Sit HuU II. KKIWUH TO UK K\>1I1!IT;:I>. l"t 2ri 2 00 200. ' 3 varieties, 8 " " ...| 3 00 201. " YeUow, b*st plate, 6 202 Egrsr PlanU, b««t 3, Purple " 3, White 203. I 00 1 00 1 OO 804. " " assorted collection '' i ■ 205. Poppon, best collection » uj 206. Vetretable Marrows, best 2 • 00 207. Table Sqiiasheii, best two larictics, (SUmmoth) ., ,^, varieties exctudetl), 2 iif each j •* '^ 20S. Maninioth S<|iiiuh, best specimen , 1 m> :\)9. Gourds, best i-olk-ction of oruaniuulal 1 w» 210. Sweet Com, best f-ollection, named ' S iW 211- " " " l*Ean.,named ; i .v» 212. ;uushro<'>ms, best box or tub of, evliibited tfrowingl 4 00 I Wj 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 2 <» 2 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 75 75 75 2 00 75 1 00 200 75 SO 050 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 75 75 2 no 1 00 3 00 .V> OM -a I ' so i ! M) ! 1 vi 1 (ft so so 50 50 50 so Vi 50 050 050 50 1 OO 50 50 1 00 50 SO .W SO 1 0i» 050 .V" 1 00 75 2 00 ^'* Bntriti viill Ar rixtntJ /.iter thnm tht Tuttittf /rtiiintt ij tit D/tnimi t/ tit £.xMSMim, Stt Anlt Ok ii w iiw p «n ni II I vm* i mw i I mi l II JUWI 1 14 AHTIOLi;«Tn lit; Cmiihitki.. CLASS C. VEGETABLES- r.,w,-.v^..; . i. 2U f'-ans, bc-*t,,UU. ,.f,,;r,e„ ■JK 11 II .. ''""" .00 2Ii. SaWfJ-, best 12 K.^ts. •-'!«. Polatoti, l)C.-tr..|l,,ti,)i, ... « ■ .• il7. Potat..t.., va,k.tiM,„au..,l... .......'. 21S. Potatoe,, bost ba,^kct, Ited, 1 IV ok. " ' 219. o ^" i.e'fuiiy'ripe,!::"":';:":;''.''"^'^""'=«'»i'^»'"'»t. ^^, 3 00 1 00 1 00 ."i (JO 1 00 75 7f. 2 00 2ao. Melon, bust Water 23a. Caiitiflowerj, bout I'. 233. Cabba^^, " j 1 W I 7.- •I 00 200 S 00 •i tXI 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 No r.HtrUs will ht 75 7/> 7i T.'i rtcmcJ later tTiaH t'l,- r„..j,/„ tlu k.l '■!tW,<. S'»l .1 Mtimt /,. //,, tf^„/. rw^f'^mgt^i^ '* ■*•■ -»•■■ **. I i-T'rr II iinJaaaiii ii'-Wflttiilili'i '- < II fJn- 15 . Ppots «/ I'.xhihtlim BiiiUlng eloit al Soon, thurf. f xhiHtt In h, ttai^ril, aid lixhiliitori rimty to Uavt llu tuiUni'; t>r J /:■■: HV^ Rii/t ii. AKTiCLKS TO BE KXIIIBITKD. !■.«. ' ind ;inl Priw. Frizo, Pri/^ . CLASS D.— Amateur Department. ' * '•♦t FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Conlhuu,/. in. Vegetables, licst U varieties, :J of ca<;h, tiaiiicU. . ^ IX» •its. Potatoes, " plate of, 8 .iiteciinens, •' ... I .'J 00 inc. ncaiis. " " in a ifreen state, " . . . ' < 1 'A) i37. T'liiiatoos, " plate ut, named '; I w •itf. Sweet Corn, " 12 Ears |* 1 u) ■-» 0<» I 1 OiJ 1 u<) ' ."* T.'i .'."J 7'> ■*> T') .VJ I 43 43