IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^ ^ ^O y ^ <; f/. z ^ 1.0 I.I lU I^I^B |2.5 |50 ■^" U^S 1.8 |l'25 111.4 11.6 m ^ /A '^A ^'1 c^l "4'V^ 7 Phoiographic Sciences Corporation » V «^ :17 <> 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 145R0 (716) 873-4503 ^, 1S70, tmnsmltthuj a eopii of a portion of Vincent Colyer's report relatiny to the fur seid fisheries of Alaska. FKiiitr.\i!Y IH, If'Td. — l{flV;rn'(l to tlif Ci»iiiiiitt<'f resentative», of the J>th instant, in the foilo\vin<>- words, vi/ : Ili'solnd. 'l'h;it tlic Scrit'tiiry of tlic Interior !»' ri'(|ncstt'(1, if not iiiconsistiMit with ))nl)lii' inti rt'st. to tiansniit to tiii.s Iionsr a t'opy of so ninrii of tiir rrport of Vint'cnt ('(dyer, Spiiiiil Indian ronnriissioncr, as rclali's to tlic fnr-si'al lisln'iicN in Aiaxka. Very r«'spectfnlly, your obedient servant, J. I). COX, iSceretorij. Hon. J AS. Cr. Hlaixk, {Speaker Ilonse of liepresentatires. Wasiiin(JTON, 1), C, Feltruary IH, 1870. Sm: In response to the resohition of the House of It«'preseiitatives, of February 0, ealiino' ior so much of my rep«»rt «)n tlu' Indian tribes in Alaskti Territory as rehites to tin' fur-seal ishinds, I have the honor to respectfully submit tlu^ followiufj extract. Sinc«'relv, vour obedient servant, VINCENT COLYEI?, Seeretary Board of Indian Commissioners. Hon. J. I). Cox, {Secretary of the Interior, Washington, I). C. ■ ii « 'i" / FUR-SKAL FISMKRIKS OF ALASKA. A piirtioii of' the npi^rf of Viiicnit Cnlifrr, sfuviitl IiuI'kdi ciimmissiitnn^ in irliition (o (lic/urncal Jislirriis on St. Vuiil Isloml, Ahishi. [Kxtnicl.] THE LAXDlNCi. W»' iinivctl at the islaiul »»r St. Paul, in tlic I'.cliriiin' Sca.nii the imaii- iiij,' oltlic Stii (>r October, lS(;;t. A stroii;;' ciiiifiit ii) tiic wcstwaid car- ii«'(l lis (lilt (d'our i('ck(Hiin;i over twenty miles. As we tlropped anein»r in S(»ntliwest llav, tlie wind each. There is no iiaihor on eitlier St. Paul or St. (ieoi'i^e's Island, and vessels have to wait upon the eoiu'se of the winds to make siuM-esslul landing's. There is ^dod anchora;;*' in several bays, and so lonj;' as the \vintain lowered a (juarter boat, and arian^cd for the passaj;t' of the interpi'eter, Colonel Wickei, and myself, to the shore. On our way thither tlie youn^' seals assembled arouml us in larj;'e numbeis. They a]»|»eare(l deli{;hted at the ]»resence of the boat, the m(»vement of the oars, and thi! tlutterinj>' of our United State's rev«'nue lla;", and after looking; at us with their dark hazel eyes, larfic and beautiful as those of the <;a/.elle, raisinji' their heads erect and stret<'hin}; their necks as far out of the water as they could, they would dive ht thousand per week ; that there were at the presi-nt time about sixty thousand skins in salt on the island; that these skins were stored in lour salt-houses on four ditVerent jxtints on the island; that one of these salt-houses was near at hand; another a short distancM' across the villa^ic, on Southeast J5ay ; a third about live miles to the northwest of the village, on Southwest liay ; and the fourth lift ecu mih's M u\4 ^-l FlU-SKAL riSIIERIKS OF ALASKA. 3 to \\w iioitliciist, (111 N(titlu'!ist Point. As tlic rcvcmu' (»llici'i' in cliiUf'C on the isliiiid, in toniin;^ iisln)r<> with us in tJM' lon<;-lM)iit, IiimI said tliiit there wcic only tliirly thoiisjind seals killed this season, and oidy tiiat miniiter o!' skins now on the island, the ahove statement of the Aleutes, iloiiltliiio' \\\\< :iiriiiMiit. Mi'i'i-sti'd niv :it tciit ion. Till-} Ai-Kirn:s. There are al)ont two Imndred and titty natives on St. I'anl's Island, and one handled and twenty-live on St. (ieorj;e. Of the two hnndied and tilty on S|. {'aid's, not more than titty are lelied on as active hunt- ers. Tlie women assist lil)erally, both in carry inj^' the skins to the salt- houses and in wait in;4 on the men, carrying' water, «S;c. All the .Vlentes are nominal mend)ers oT the linsso-(ii'e(>k churcii. A tew of the more intelligent can read and write, l»nt these are very W^w. \\\ of them are intelli.m lit, peaceable, ireiierally industrious, and amliitious to iin prove. Thereareahout forty liouses,or huts, built of turf and f>rass on a frame- work of timbei'like the sketch o]»posite. They are about twenty feet loiiji' i»y tifteen feet wide, with roofs not over seven feet liiyli. Tin'y resemble llie hilts our soldiers erected tor winter (luarters duriiij; the war. and. like them, while warm and eonifoit^ible. are often overcrowded, and lack Itotli li^lit and ventilation. The li<;ht is admitted throii;{h a transparent skin or bhuider, and the door-ways are usually so small and low that you have to stooji to jiass throiiuli them. The furniture is scanty : a few wooden «'hairs or stools, a broad bunk of boards raised about a foot from the }>'round, on which is usually laid a mattress of ji'iass or straw, with a blanket or two for sleepini;': two or three mai- motskiii frocks from Onkamok Island: some Mehrin^' Scii duck skin shirts; water-proof jackets, made of the iiitestinesof the seal ; a har|ioon, bunch of arrows and bow for sea otter Imiitinj;'; occasionally a Hint-lock musket, and a copy of the K'usso (ircck.and Aleutian Island dialect trans- laticm of St. .'Matthew's (lospel, comprehend the whole of their posses- simis. The .Vlentes were silent at tirst when 1 impiired if they were treated kindly by their employers. thoii;;h tlu'y frankly acknowled^icd that they were better otf than when under the rule of the Iviissian l"'ur('oin- jiaiiy, and their houses were improved, but as that was a condition of sertdom it was not sayiii;;' much. The price they paitl for piods and provisions was not liij;'h, coiisidei'- iiifi' the distance they wen* broujiht, it beini;' about one third iiKue than at San I''raiicisc(». Several of the children could play skillfully on theaeeordeoii, and this I found to be a favorite instrument aimuiji' them. The women are very handy with the needle, some of their embroidery and sew' •}•• being as «'ood as that done bv auv. '>9'^r.<)() fi:r-skal fi.sherik.s of Alaska. MnN(i|'«)I,li;s. liir sciils. (N't" AlipclMlix A.) Tliis ;n»i>iiit'iit piirtiiilit.v ill liivor (»r tilt' two nhovt- iiiiiiit'd liriiis pio- vnkt's with' sprc:Ml dissMtisliictittii on tli*- riicitic coast, mikI proltahl.v ar coiiiittMl lor :i j;rcnt deal of tlic scandal, so j^cncial anion;;- tlic p(;opU' out tlicrc. in rc;;ard to tlic reported irre;;idarities supposed to l»e jirac- tifi'il nil tliiisi' i sfo-inior went on lioard the steaniei'. went on iioanl the steaniei'. The wide discrepancy lietwecn these two statenu'iits of the lieutenant and the Aleutian Islanders caused me to report the same to Colonel Wicker, and that there iiii;;lit lie no misiiiiderstandiiiu I put them ill writiii.u and ollicially addressed the note to the <'oloiiel. It had Ik'cu our iiiteiition to lea\e the next niornin;:, bill these con- tradictory statements caused the colonel and Ca|itaiii ILvans to reiiiaiii another day and make an examination of the island. THREE SAILORS DROWMCD. While we were en^iiiyed in cxaniiiiin^j the two liouscs near the villa;;e, word came that two vessels, a schooner and a bark, were hover- iii;;- olf the island. This called away Captain I'-vans. Colonel Wicker and myself eomplctcd the ineasuremeiits. We had hardly linished this [tart of our work before we heard the <'ry that one of our boats with ii ><'rew of live men in it was capsi/ed in the surf, and we huiiied down to file beach (uily to s«'e them stru;;;;liii;;' lieli»lessly in the surf an ei^ilitli of a mile away. Captain I-^vans and a crew often volunleer Aleifes ■were vainly eiideavoriii'; to ;;('t near tlu'iii in the only boat at hand. Above the roar of the tuniultuous seas could be lieard tiie piteous cries \ k im:r-si:al fisiikuikh of af.aska. o of tli(> (Intwiiin;^' iiirii, iiiitl tlinc was no iiil<'<|tiiit(' iiifiiiis at liaiitl to save tliciii. Tlic Alciitcs. alter scvcial iiariow cHcaiM's I'idiii .s\\ani|iiii;i', yav«' up tlic ctVoit, anil, rowinjj: iH-liiiiil tli*' It'il^)' <>■' rocks towanl wli'icli tlic (li'ownin^rncii \v<>i')> (ll'ittin;,^ leaped tVoni tlieii' boat, and at the risk of their lives, went thron;;h the breakers and hroiiyht tiie l»odies ashore. Tile ollieers of the ^^overnnient and the a;;ents of the tiaders on the island were nn rem it tin;;' in their etl'orts to save the lives of the men, bnt three of them were dead, and we had ;;reat srnnat your ai»pr(»aeh. tlioii;iii yciieraily, if they are between you ami tiie water, they will linriy olV to the water. We saw bn! few sea lions. Our ^iuide in- (Vil'ini'd IIS tli:it tlii>\' tVi>Miii>iifi'il tlii> Hurt lw>!i>if iwiiiit iiiiiri> tliiiiii>')i tlii'ri> poll with distrust. The skin of the sea lion, as well as the llesh, is hi;;lily jni/ed ; the rUR-SEAL FISI1EKIE8 OF ALASKA. 6 rdiiiicr ibr covcriii;;' liidiiikiis or ciinot's. ;iihI tlic liiltrr fur t'ood, Tlicso liiij^ic ;iiiitM:ils ill')' iisdiilly Uillcil uitli :i iiiiiski-t liiill. 'I'Im- sciil pup is Imh'Ii iisiiitll.v in tlic iiioiitlis ol' ,liil,v :iii(l ciirlv |)iirl of Aiijjiist. :ii)iiiit a rmtiii^lil atlcr tlic imillicis liavc anivcfl on ilic island. The hialfs ariixc alMuit the niiddir ol' .lunc, and tiic vtMilin;: pn|is fol- low llicir niotlicrs tin- lattci' pari of .Inly. The yoiin;^ pnps arc said to Itr in no linnv to in> into tin- water, tin- parents ha\ in;; lo foice them in at lirst, when their elder Itrothers, the Itaehelors. take ehar;ie of them •lliil tifuai tlliilii til •.:\l flu and teach them to swim anu leaeli mem lo swim. In killini; the seal, the two and three year old male piijts are eliosm, lioth for the tpialitv of theii' fiir. li^^liiness of the pelt, and to preserve the supply. The hunters j;et hetweeii the herd and the water, which is a very easy thin;;' to do, and drive them a short distance inland lowai'd till' \ s;i>llil>t llll'il' !lllilll:ll< !lllll willl :l lllll'll WMIllll-ll On onr way we passed a iinmher of the slanjihter places. They were much iicaicr the rookeries ami the shore than the or six toyethc!' at irregular hours; but 1 found he thou;;ht but little of it, and I'lU-SEAL FISIIF.UIKH OF ALASKA. f?i tlic iiiitivcs n'<,'iii(l«Ml it of still Ii'ss value. 'I'lirv asUcd lor schools iiiid t»'il('ll('lS tMlllt'Stlv. n'.iriK'rs r;irMt'sii\. The piii'st \vli(» ollicialcs in a neatly Itiiill «'liiireli reeeivesone liiiihlred and thirty dnlhirs iteranniiin. lie is not in oi'deis, anIANA(iF,Mi;NT OF 'I'lIF. F'I'1{ SKAI, Flsm;i!IKS. The whole mana^ienu'iit of these islands, and the ohtaininji from the fur seal tisheries a handsonn* inconu' hy our };(ivernnu'nt, is a very simph> alfaii'. One capalde and Innu'st man with one or two assistants on each of the two islamls, and a force of a dozen nn-n well arnu'd, under tixed re^^idalions, forhiddiiijn" the killin;^' of over one hinidicd and titty thou- sand sealsaniuially, restrictin,n thekillin;;' lor the present to the Aleutes, liayinj;' them a liheral <'om|tensation. jiroviiliuj; for the sale of the skins either (»n the islaml, at San l''rancis«*(», (U' New York, and exact inj,' se- vere penalties for all vi(»lation.'' of the law, winihl rei;ulate it. The ollicei' in charj,fe should he a first class nnin, with a liiieral salary and nmler heavy Ixuids, as his life will he an isolated (un* and his temp tations to dishonesty jireat. wouio f^eem pr;iciiciii iTonoiii,\ lor oiu };o\ ci iiineiii lo laivc cnai,i;e(M me linsiiu'ss. I^ast sprin*;' the Chandter of Conimerce at San Francisco api>ointed a committee to ascertain the facts in relation to the lur seal lisheries of Alaska, and report. This report so plainly j;ives the vi«'w which is taken by a large number of |)eo])le in California that I im-lose it. See Appendix II. A letter fiom Adolph ^Fuller, on the juices tor furs lulinn' in San J-'rancisco last October, 1 append, (', thoujih other furriers assiiicd nu' that Mr. Muller's prices were, altoj^'ether too low. IJut to resunu' my narrative. On Sunday the lOth, we buried (Uir three sailors, Kickard liiviiij;ston, Lewis (Jarlipp, and .lohn licck, with fuiH-ral honors, on the island. The last rites had haidly been cel"brated before three Aleutes, of their own accord, biouyht forward three tall wooden crosses, and i>la<'ed one at the head of eacli of the jn'raves. That afternoon wv held a talk with the Aleutes, in the presence of the otlieers of the island and (»f the st<'ainer, and were contirnu'd in a con- elusion which we had arrived at long" since in our intercoursi^ with In- dians, nanu'ly, that they will not state any of their grievances in public 8 FI.'II-SKAI- riSIIKHII'.H OF ALASKA. ill picsi'iici' m' tlir |M>\vcis tliiit ill*' si't oNcr flifiii. In lliis tlicy ic- sciiiMf most poor iiinl (lc|M-iiih'iit jM-opI* . In llic priviilc interviews lieid witli tliciii two dnys iti'lbrc, tivc of tlio AInitfs (•oiiipliiinril tlint tliev liiul licrii l)roii;;lit t'luin KiiiJiiit'U Isliinii l),v tile ii;;fnt, ot tHie 1)1' the linns on tlie islaiid, top ii liiniled period ; tliat tlie coiittiiet Inid evpiied some time siiiee, hut tliiit tiie linn iiad since |)liieed ii liniidred dollars eaeli to llieir eretlit, and now claimed to hold them aiiotliei' year a^^aiiist their will. liieutcnant .Mas|, conimaiidin;;' St. PanI and St.(icor;{'e Islands, having heard ol'lliis statement thi'oii;;li Colonel Wicker, in a letter to the colonel (' the cliiels and head men (tithe Aleiites ;;atliered around me, and in private asked me al»oiit oiir Ibrm ol {government, and whether it was true "that all men were free and e(pial," and whether they would he allowed to vote for the I'lesidi'iit, or the "'einpenn'," as they <'alled him, thinkiiiji' of their foriner Itiissian ;;overnineiit. I said yes, 1 hoped so. They shook my hand warmly, and when we left tlu^ shore ;;ave ns three slow but very loud cheers, wliidi our oltieers and men n'tunied with a will. We then sailed Ibr the '-Northeast Point," lifteeii miles away, to make the final examination of the skins stored in th:it salt house. All aloii;;' this eastern shore, as on the \vest<'rn, which we had passed the day be- fore, myriads of fur-seals were ('oiixi"e;;ated, so that we could not but conclude there was a lar^e million and a half on tiie island. The surf ran hij;li as we laiMJcd, ami the men, n'memberiny their loss of the day ix'tbre, shook their heads doubtin<;ly as they dashed us throu}>i" it. We tliou;tlit more about the heavy taxes of tlie pc(»i»le, and whetli.T tli« Aleutes, (U' our oHicers on the island, were the more accurate in countinj;' seal skins. We carefully measiinHl the piles of skins in the salt house, counted ii]) the fij;;ures, and found the Aleutes were ri;;lit. Theii' w«'re owv sixty thousand skins on the island. As if reluctant to leave the threes brave sailors who had sacrificed their lives to duty, our good ship Lincoln "missed stays," turned her face to the island, remained immoveable for a few minutes and then slowly obeyiiiji' her helm, steamed oil' toward tuir home on the. other side of the republic, si.\ thousand miles away. Faithfully, your obedient servant, VINCKNT COLYKH, United States f>peci(tl Indian VomminHumcr.