^. Vie>3^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ ^. y -1 « 7 7 ^ IX) 1= 1.25 2.5 i;^ |2.8 |50 "^ t tli 12.0 Photographic Sciences Corporation jy. Ill 1.6 23 VJE signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre film^s d des taux de rMuction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de I'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche L droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessair«* Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4lsT Cong REss, 2d Scsnioii. nOUSP] OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ex. Dog. ■^- ' i Ex. Dog. I No. l-'2(). AWAIfDS UND1':R HUDSON'S BAY AND PIKJET SOUNJ) AGPJ- ClJl/flJJtAL COMPANIES' TUEATV. L E T T E 11 ntoM Jiir, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY INC LOSING A letter from the Secretary of State afiJcinff an appropriation to pay the awards under the Hadson\< Bay and Pityet Sound Ayricidtural Com- panies^ treaty tcith her Britannic Majenty! Maucu yi», 1870.— Hefcm!(1 to Mio Coiuiuiftt'O on AppropriatiouH and orderoa to be ])iiiite(l. Warrant Division, Treasury Departmemt, March l'(J, 1870. Sir : I have the honor to indose a k'tter from the honorable Secretary of State, asUiiiji- an appropriation to jiay th(» "awards nnder the Hud- son's Bay and Pu<;et Sound A«.;rieultural Coni[)anies' treaty with her Britannic Majesty."' I alst) send eoi)y of a thauj,dit of an act inakino- the necessary apiuT»i)riati(in, wliieh was jirepaied at tlie State Department. The award referred to will be found on paac 'AS of the inclosed i)am- phlet. ^ I have the honor to be, very respectfidlv, ilc, GEC). S. ROUT WELL, Secretary. Hon. James G. Rlaine, Speaker of the House of liq}resent<(tires. DEi^^RT>rE^;T or State, Washington, March 24, 1870. Sir: By the treaty entered into on the 1st day of July, 1803, between the [Tnited States and her Britannic Majesty, for the iiiial settlement ot the claims of the Hudson's Bay and Ruget's Sound Agricultural Com- panies, it was stii)ulateil that the sums which niiyht bo awarded by the commissioners under the treaty should be paid l»y the one government to the other in two equal ainuial installments, the tirst to be paid within twelve montlis and the second within twenty-four months after the date of the award. Z AWARDS UNDER TREATY. The coiiunissioiKMvs aiipoiiitcd niidcr tlie troaty, by thoir award dated Soi)ti>ml)or 10, l, dt'lcruiiiicd that there slumld bo paid in fjjold eoin by the (rnited States the sum (.f 8 r>(>,()(H) to the Hiidsoirs Bay Com- pany, and ■"f<21)l»,(ilUi) to the l'ii;;t't Souuil Aj^riciiltiiral Comitaiiy. I ]n'ii: to call the attention of theTi'easury I)ei)ai'tinent to the taet that tlie tirst installnient of thi'Si^ awards will IxM-ome payable, luidi'r the terms of the eonvention, on the 10th day of September next. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, HAMILTON FlSIl. Hon. CjI'A). S. IJoutwklt., iSt'cretari/ of the Treasury. AN ACT niakin;! iiii aiipnipiiiifHui of nioncy to carrx info i'Dim f the trrafy willi (Ji'iMt I'll ita ill of .Inly 1. I'^iiX Whereas, by the ti'eaty entered into on the tirst day of duly, ei<>hteen liundred and sixty-three, between the United States and her Ibitannic iMajesty, forth*' linal settlement of theelaimsof the Hudson's IJayaiul Pu- get Sound Aj^rietdtural Companies, it wassti|)ulati'd thatthe sums whii h nii^^'ht b<', owned by the commissioners under saiil tieaty should be ]>aid by the one ^^overiiment to the otiier intwoeiiual annual installments, th(^ tirst to l»e }>aidwitiiin twelve months, and theseeond within twenty- four months after the date of award, without interest. And whereas, the commissioners ap|)ointed under ^aid trt^aty did, by their award dated Sei)tembei' 10, ISO!), determine that there sliould be i»ailjled, That tlun^ l)e, and hereby is, a[)propriated from any moiu'y in the treasury not othia'wise approj)riated, six hundred and lifty thousaml dollars in gold coin for the ]»ayinent to tlie government ot (ireat Hritaiu of the sums awarded, as atbresaid, in accordance with the fourth articU' of the treaty of duly 1, Aivard. At a meeting of the commissioners under the treaty cvf July 1, 1S03, between the Ignited States of America and her Ibitannic Majesty for the final settlenu'nt of the claims of the Hudson's I'.a.v and Paget Sound Agricultural Comi>anies, held at the city of Washington on the 10th day of Se])teud)er, ISO!). Present: Alexamler S. ,h)hnson, cojnmissioner on the part of the United States 61 Amtuiea; John Pose, commissioner on the part of her Britai'iiic I\Iajesty. The commissioners baving heard the allegatious and proofs of the re- spective parties, and the arguuu'uts of their respective counsel, and duly cousideied the same, do deterndne and award that, as the adecpnite money consideration for the transfer to the Uuited States of America of AWARDS UNDER TREATY. 3 all the i)()ssossory rights and claims of the Hudson's liiiy Company, and of the l*u{it't 8ound Aj;ii('ultnral Toinpany, nnder the lirst aiticle of the treaty of .Inly 1, ISd.'i; ami the third and fonrth articles of tlie treaty of Jnne 1">, ISJO, commonly called the Orej^on treaty, and in full satisfac- tion of all such rights and claims, there onyht to be paid in gold coin by the United States of America, at the tinu's and in the manner i)rovided by the fonrth article of the treaty of duly 1, ISiiJ, on a(;connt of the possessory rights and claims of t\w Ilndsnn's ]Jay Company, four hnn- dred and fifty thousand dollars; ami on accMinnt of the possessory rights and claims of tlu; I'aget Sound Agricu'tural Comi)any, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars; and that, at or before the time fixed for the tirst payment to be miide in pursuance of the treaty and of this award, each of the snid companies do execute and deliver to the United States of Anieri(,'a a sutlicient deed or transfer and reh'ase to the U'nited States of Ameri<'a, substantially in the form hereunti) annexed. In testimony whereof, we, the sairitanni(^ .Ma.jesty and the United States of America, on the first day of duly, ISlvj, which award bears date Sep- tember 10, 18(!i), doth, by these presents, transfer to the U^nited States of America all the possessory rights and claims of the said comi)any mentioned and s[»ecitied in the tirst article of the said treaty, and in the third and fourth articles of the Oregon treaty, therein refeired to ; ami also doth, by these i)resents, release unto and in favor of the United States of America all claims and demand* founded u])on,or growing out of, the aforesaid i)rovisions of the said treaties, or the possessory rights and claims of the said com])any hereinbeti)re referred to. In testimony whereof, the Puget Sound Agricultural Company have, in due torn) of law, executed this deed at London, this day of , eighteen hundred and . The sauH' form of deed, mutatis miitamlis, is to be executed by the Hudson's Bay Company. r^