\^ \ V /P* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) **!< ..' • t- ft 1.0 Ifitt Ik III m 12.2 I.I 11.25 : lit no •X ■*•* m HiotDgraphic Sdraices - on 23 ¥VIST MAM STMIT \llflnSTIR,N.Y. 14510 (716) •72-450$ "N * ^. *• CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. (Monographs) CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches, (monographies) ■■r-. •.«- Canadian Inatituta for HIatorical Microraproductiona / Iqatitut Canadian da microraproductiona hiaioriqvaa ■ '-:? 1 ■ . '• W ' W 'L • vfei'i^ifia 'fS&^'^^^., s--^^^^^ "T % 1 .\ TmNiUmI mMI tlibUofrilHtto N«im / Horn tMlmkiuM At MMtofriplilqiiM TIm IgctltMt* hM •ttsm^Md to obtain tlM Mtt orlfifMl Mfiy avMlabto fof f ilmln«. Faatiifw of'tttt* aofrr wrMch may Im bMMiotraphieallv uniqua. wrtiteh may altar any o( ttM imafM in ttM rapfoductton. of whtah may •ifnif (cantty chanfla ttM usual mathod of ftlmint. «• anaciiao baloWk D CokMirad covari/ Couvartura da aoulaur QCovart damafMl/ Couvartura andommafia □ povari rattorad and/or,^ina«ad/ Couvartura rattauria at/ou paNi«ul4a □ C««ar titia miMinfl/ La tltra da couvartura manqua □ ColMirad mapa/ . Cartat fktirapliiquaa an coulaur y ' '' □ CokMirad ink (i.a. otharllian bkia or bkwkF/ Encra da eoulaur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) □ CokMirad piatM and/or illuttratiom/ Ptanchai at/ou illuatrationi an eoulaur □ Bound with othar matarial/ ^ Rali4 avac d'autrat doeumanti %^ 0Ti#tt bindinf may eauia ihadowt or distortion akM!i9 intartor mariin/ L^ raliura larrte paut eauiar da I'ombra ou da la distortion la loot da la marft int^iaura □ Blank laavatt ail||dad durihfl rastorMkin may appaar within, thataxt. Whanavar possiMa.thasahava baan omittad from f ilminf/ II sa pautiqua eartainas pafas Manahas ajoutlas tors d'una rastauratkNi apparaissant darn la taxta, TT; .mai*, lorsqua eala Miit possiWa. eas pagaa n'ont- pas M filmtes. D V AdditkMial eommants:/ Commantairas suppltmantairas: L'Instltut p miaroflMiA la maillaur aiiamplaira qu'll IM a AtA^poMiMa da sa proaura». Las d«tf its da aat • axamplaira 4|tti sont paut4tra uniquas du point da «uk MbMotraphi(|ua. ^ pauvant (bodif tar una imafs nproduita. ou qui pauvant aiiitsr una modif iaation , #MM la m4tt»oda normala da f ihnafa tont kidk|u4s CokMirad pafas/ f api da aoulaur ti fafN ras to rad and/or lamlnatad/ lastaurAas at/ou pallicul4as D fates diseokMirad. stainad or foxad/ H§H dtoolortai, taeha^ ou piq u Aas 1/ 0thowthrouth/ Transparanan Quality of prkit varias/ Qualit4 ki4t*l« ^ llmprassion Th« peai •f tl fNm OHfl bpgl thp •ion oth4 fIrM •lod or II □ Continuous patination/ Patination eontinua I yl'llndudas indax(as)/ 1^1 Complrand un (das) indax Titlai«n haadar takan from:/ La titsa da I'an-tlta proviant: r,: n D D TitIa pate of itaua/ Plata da titra da la livraison Captkm of itsua/ Titra da depart da la livraison Masthaad/ Q4n4rk|ua (pArkMliquas) da la livraison % . . TIM thai TIN whi M«| diffi •ml b99 m«t This iiam is fiknad at tha raduetkm ratio chaekad bak>w/ Ca documant ast f ikn4 au taux da rtduetion kidiqu4 ci-dassous. 10X 14X w^ fS^ J 22X 26X XX 12X IfX 20X 24X 28X 32X' \ tiM copy nimMl Nit Hm bMfi raproduccd thanks M ttM fl«n«ro«l«v o^t •u i. ttr«tf«r4 PM>tli Ar«titv«4 ttratfani. Ontarl* Th« Imaf M appearing hara •*• tita baai qualHy paaslbia eantkfaring t^a oandlHan an^ lagtbility •f tha arffllnal oapv and In haaplnf with tha fNmInf aantraat apaelflaationa. OHolnal aoptaa In pHnta4 papar aovara 999 fHmad ia«lnnlni withr tha front eovar and andinf ^ tha laat pat a with a printad ar llhiatratad Impras* alon. or tha baak eovar whan appropdata. All otha^ original eaplaa ara fllmad baglnnlng an tha first paga with a printaii or lliuatratad impraa- •Ion. and anting on tha laat paga wrfth a pHntad or iiliMtratad Impraaalon. tho loot raeordad frama on aoeh mleroflcho •hall kontfin tha symbol — ^ (moaning "CON- — TINUID"). j»r tha symbol ▼ (moaning "INO"l, ^ «vhiehov«r ippiioa. ■ -* - ' Maps, piataa. charts, ate. may bo fllmod at diffarant raduetlon ratloa. Thoao too iorga to bo ontlroiy inoludod In ono OMpoaura aro fllmad ba«innlng in tha uppar laft hand eomor. loft to right and top to bottom, as many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustfata thf^ mathod: ■i'aaamplaira flim4 M riproduit grica i lb g4n4roaltA 49i ' Uratf ara PwktU Arahl ttratfar^. Ontaria Laa Imagaa sulvantaa bnt At« rapradiHtas (tyft l« plua grand sain, eompta tanu da la oonditlon at da la nattat* da I'aaamplalra fttrn*. at •n aonformlt4 ovaa laa eandltlons du contrat da fllmaga. Laa aaamplalraa origlnaua dont la eouvartura •*> paplar aat imprlm4a sont fllm4s •!% eamman^ant par la pramiar plat at an tarmlnant solt par la ' danMAra pofla qui oomporta una amprainta d'lmi^raaaion ou d'lHustratlon. solt par la saetond pl^t. aalon lo aaa. Toua laa autraa aaamplalraa origlnaua aont filmAa an commandant par la praml4ra paga qui aomporto urta amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'lHuatratlon at an tarmlnant par lo damiAra paga qui aoniforto uno talla amprainta. Un daa aymboloo auivanta spparaltra sur la 49mikn imago do ahaquo miaroflcho. salon la aaa: la aymboi^ -^ algnif la "A SUIVM ". la. •ymbolo ▼ signifio "PIN". -— ~» i Loa eartoa. pianohoa. tablaaua. ate.; pauvant ^tra •filmte A daa taua da rAduotion dlffArants. Lorsquo l» document oat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul' clichA. i| aat film* i partir da i'angla aupArlaur gaueha. da gaucha * droita. at do haut on boa. an pranant la nombro d'imagoa ndcaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa sulvants illustrant l« mithoda. 1 ■ 2 f — 3 fr V l>' 32X' .-L ^ # J} ,"■/*■ -.*,. / t- / . y 1 ■• ■ '] • / * V 4 " . * 1 * ,.'vJ ^.^l.>._.. -,-* . - ^ A ^ ^s^ v*^.- Ife, ||-»r§'^' .in .>ETERmARY;¥6TES • • 4 ♦ ,/ • f rf PROF. ^. .SMITH, VI B.^ 4 'n '«! ffM - (^ADSlfi. STMfTOlS IHD TRIaTM|KT ♦•.''. <»>^. • ',*." l|iWMl>W9ffJ W# Ci^^ OF VMTMM, '*•'*- *- or *t|oim>,.OAKAiAL • » • - .. . ♦« ■ ."" .• % « ^ i;. i '» m4l ?s It? * •!:: L;*'^. -»■ J ^11 m:? >'-.Wt» -f . I*?*^* • s. •■., VETERINARY NOTES. OKUANN OF RENI'IKATION. ii-I*'!.i!!r ^"T***"* ""'y »^rough th« nottHli. Th«a« oripuit ir». Jj^' iT/P!"JT ' •**^'*' •»■••' «»»••«>»•" and .in...,.; third DK.ryV; fourth. Yyynx ; fifth. tn«h- ; .,uh br^nohl . .^renS bronohul tub... ; ..ghth, the lu„g.. Them am two n— lorln*":;' " •♦^•ohed th« •••Ml o.rt.UKo. K«t«ri..l i. th* rtinfi»t«m»I to it .r« Ui. mu^l... The inUrnal ,«rt of th* ohiMnb.„'i. oor^ld with^ Th. DM. ohambf r. •« «,p.r.t««I by th. ovtil^noo. ZTI ^ It MpMrate. the right from the left ohanber. In^iwh niMSThlSl we h.»e two h..ne., onlled turbinate! b«„e.. whioh diride the 223 chamber, into three part. ; wo the chamber, ire not one c«ntin«^ chamber. E.«h chamber i. lined with macou. membnin»»»• of the n<^, preceded f^- .2J«»l* oongeatiou takea place, a pecuUai^K^nMra 2S^^*A «*^7.T*^ ** • 5^«««» <^ • watery iatare! Jjjojiee whiteand then yeUot; vai^iooordingto theaJ,' /" T-? — llniMt,->-Th« ia«Mi| oomnxm, iwrhaot, li •ipiwai^. flN||||^ttii t^mngm nl l«m|Mir«l.,r. . .Undlnn in • dntt ; EAvioM bM|lE«7 Wlwn In iMKjf oiinciaion. whan «7aUm U wwik^Md. "'^ '^ A^p«uIm imH miioh airMt*.! . lhn«l bMOM "j;: in'^rh!: diiT' "t ?"/ '"^* •^ • «ii-^*^f'o« si , tioi* in Ath«r diMMM. •ii«li m isfluMim, gl«ad«ra, ato. T-rw^m^ni i. .ImpU. Oir. nUnijot g6,^, ,.ur« air ; iiIm. in • . JmM • day. <)n« or Iwo ounma nitrous •ilMr.wilh OMor IwoouooMi UudMium, ma/ arraat tha altack in tha flwt itljM ' . f! ^U!*! f**^ *'•''• *** *^'"' * *^"^ "' P"nc»ti»« madidna, Utl hi'rwr " «^ful in gi»ing purgaUra inadioinn in diaaaaaa of tha raapirmUtrr organt. Hatha tha mmtrila with warm watar and allow him ti inhaJa •team. Juat allow it to i>aaa into tha nuatrUa^ or ua« a n.iaa ban. bul a^Iow plant, ot pura ajr. If a oough is praaant, atimuUU thatliroAt »wi t!"*" 5*'*? «'. •^••non'*. turp«»iina and oil, but ifil la a vatr Mloskiniiad aniii)*l. you may uaa laM turpantlna and ammonUand ■ora oil. or muatan) may b« uaad. (lira Uiatira food, bul do not !•• Iha animal run down in oondltion too muoh. If tha diaoharva fjMB tha nc»a run* too hmg. it may ba arraatad by tha um of .ul- pikAla or Iron, ona or two drachma two or Ihraa timaa a day. or ohlo- rata of potaah, ona or two draohma two or ihiM tim^ « daj. Liryngltta, af>ra throat Inflammation of (ha throat ooonn in a mXT *' *" •«»^'"^ Itff iwlaa faitO^ in a raty ihoct ^T £ ^^ ■!?**';! *"" *^*n»( kapt in undarnound aUblaa, or it «uar ba an apiaootio diaaaaa ; tliat ii it attaoka a nambar of ani. iTl^iKi™'?^*"'"*-*"** *' i* '>"',*• ^**""" »« W ju.twhat oauaaa . II to ihia wtar; It may ooour from itrngy from Iwlling with a stioh, ^yfiu)ot. JJ»W&jiliar aUok, wnaaUon , Jlha tongua dryM- thwiiiMiuml; ftho iMfMlliing oppraa^d mora or law, aaJadallT if Mio muoo ua ^^ biya ot tka glottal opaning ia aaTaroIy*TSoid. *■?•!!!". !!3rr*'r» ■«««*ion» •P^^Uy impairwi, bowala ooativa HHSL^'B'l^ ^P* ^ *'^? ,^yi thara wfll ba a diaoharga from i *iy^!;#» ^y"** ««— ** t^ > faToorabIa ■ymptom : ftMiit. rnMifiMOhfrom four to tmi days, bat tha aninud ahouH n«fc ^iS_"''^F*" '"' ■**"*• **"•• ^* «»»7 tarmiwita in nwiy if KT£*s!Siirw?>^_i!«7.»r»-^5 ^'^^^''jija \ii^' \'l': ^ ""•/ «" P"" ■» w Tory naoaiaary; if tha U l^iot oold,haTa thmi woU hand-mbbad and baQdaaed. Oivf •*■' ' • , • *Q i.^ mw •» • otMMM op ootiatfie AinwAiA • § Ulioo, .nd gir. Mid. of p^,C^nS^ ^t^TO^i u- ouunUr inri- night. P<»wa«ium un« drMhm, morning and . 61««t, obronio oaUirh. or oflMnii^ Ttjim !■ • -Im- ji ! «*qr« frota on* ..r »M.th noairiii l4'li....kl^ i - PWf di^ ohATM varU. J««^jlr\ ^TT* •^ **• P*""** •ff»oU«l Th« di*. 322S ■** '^ •****• *^ **^ «»«1 to »U ttnl i % Jnwtur, th. bon. or e^.n U. injur. tli» blood fZd. fa32!T™ •ndjjjTou^ring to .wdlow .om.thing and ..poUing i| STSTyi^ ohw from th« no.trU. ; iHSr U of 21iui J?^^^?li?* *. *"^ wh ol m.y be r«Uined for 1.^^^^; iK ±^ P«II«d i| or,n«der«blo quanUti*. lSm ^h^Z^ !u^ ** *** ^•frontoIdnuMtnro Aootodfyou «m52iiS^^^ M «»flJ,ifftx>mnoM«of UmgokuidinB hSBHSCfP jf*2f^ A Z1f«BftNMil ia loniowlul twlioua. K«m> Um ' ?iS?J^'^ *«w. OM, two or OiiJSl ^ Tho bMt OTqMnition of iron ia LodSTit l ► Itttio faitti ta injection, into tlio n«SrK jj I. «J^, iMd« Into « ImU m4 g(t«fi .NM. .w !•!«• • ,Uy, ..r ...luh*** "f irtHi tm« dffMhm, .fvnle 4hr«i I,. Arm ««m«. .4ry.hnliwr l«« I»MM. «r mHvUIuU nita *omt^ for lh« •(ryflhnin* ITi '?'T". i '* "*•' ^"^ »r.«n Ih* •<■• ol • i)«Mon'« Ml to !• M MMtly ««liilt«|| Mia •■■till brMthlng ; howtVMT Mtoll 0MM M« f«ffy hw% I of Dm larlikn»t«d bon««. '• ~ i» k> iMpttiM, Md Ut lh» •gjUfi if ii to minoTod. "rrllJv •"*•" ** *• ^^^' *" '••▼• i» •J«»«»«. h«» if il If /••Pwtfioo »l nwj Im iiMWMiary lo rMu<*v« il, Jm| • iMrof li»o«p« If U l> now lh« nsMU o|MnifM. Il ia ^i4m* u*^ *••• *n >•>• ph*rfiii, which i« mor* Mnrious Ihan mmiI M MMT Mt«o much injury, mi<1 il ma/ inlorfcrv with |1m <9liiNilllM«l piB IH for A ( J mikor |Moali«r. The Miimal ha* diiHoully failvMlil^ X^ TfyJ**'*^ V«I>tom« of tnAT'ioalion ; may fall down, ml up agij^tm lofmlimf^fprnw all ri«hl. Thora may. after Ihli, bo a fluVS S i. iHL *•• "***"'■• In •"«*> • oMo put lh« hand ^a.*PJ* |N. "Mlp^iKl maka a oaraful aiaaainalioa, - ••''.■ "' > --fSSr 1 ?SSB'" j^""' *"'•'• y*" "^^ ni«o»o II, b«i y ^ pwia oo i« l af^lw y «r« *anr diffioull lo ramovo r bul il mw STViI*'*!!? ***?* ■^^ Md you may ia auoh a oaaa r«mo^ m*f m mif um •oma nparianoo, and Iharo ia much hanorrhag*. ■n A* ahaaay oonaiatanoy, bnl nol polypi. Whan you r'Juf?^**" '"" ■**J' '***°^ it Ip of a flbtoua oharaolar, W l««iMMMlnfor flabby oharaotor, and you know by Ihia lint ■"■-^ ttaMir df aomo kind. ^ It, ii baat ti«alwl by ankfatt an i aqMMing Ihia matUr out, and than tnai aa «i ' " of tka MTlanoikoMtilaia km bMA uo^ttd^t •wta lacynghto. \ ^^ ^ , ---^w^ i UnSAaiM «l# •• mutm «r oitlur»l« ••! |i.>«Mh. ^-"^ ■»•• MM« Mln^ !• oi.uH.y.'^ *^ "* ** •**«"^ *" **'- 1^^ N» » mu «• r•• "•«• «' h*k»«« or bnikiM. 1} m^J hm ptvdwmd by »«ri«,t« amnmrn Y«a »irkr!.^Sffi IlifiS. ^ *** " m •«* ktai h^ or dri^luTCirtl ^^^pwrat.* H "aap^-^kfi^rs^ t balyoUMM ilta fmn ikl«k. N •ilNM, «tllfVillM 4i» ffMAftinrv f}« [■'m ■f I* r# ihjf^mryUu^uimiit ft «ay «^, f^^ nmrnma imSmmumT ^.iil!?*JL^ *t***^ '•'•*" ^'^ -i*-. i«'»i«t fry mmm^. mn4 •■•retM, am m^irw IUhl« to %hU. \ y • i««r, Mir.f r..rm |) In »,.,i „,», „«.|^, „^ »„; ^,j,^' '^ - ' • **■ ' i " • • " ff ttt Engl <• r-^-^ -t-p 1 11^ lir MM iM» Md wtiw it ii, It t. .MUf W>«««r i4 tiw33r%/flr! MMw. Mt4 aMjr flr>m« f rum (hfbfvnl •rmrmJnm UUdrMUt Chilli •«b^ «r rr«w ilM «ib,UAo. .,1 ih« lonp Honm m.«« 10 Mffar. If In gou will h«., . p«H,. ^^^S««J. - Kmp Um Mia^l ■ianding qaUl ; «ov«r wdl in o<»ia ^zSSr'iH!^ •PP'y 'Wlo lb* ohMt ,ooy w»Ur w io« 11 « vv. •IWital villi Intornal i«iD«diM j bAI aftor wnM liiii«,ua« •lyuiioT- ■It tortmiUn* or Matol* of ImmI. or th« Unetur* of ih« obbHd* «f liM, two or IbTM draehMi onoo .»r twioc » d»j, or nUio m(4 «m avMbnif vrtib on* dnMbm of opium. If ib« l««i m« oold •llaalaiK ^ %?!?**•• f' ^ l*"*!^ ".'"•• ''»"«• •" WPPlW villi l»0 Mil Jl blood tTMMto, lh« fun31oiMl Md nalffkiT*. *^Yb« fQiietkmal H«NMI Md r«li». Th« funoliooal u* Ik* imm i«Yolr«4 |« CcNU[Mlion eo •ad iiil«rf«ffw -/• r- » . ' ••1 •M IT j^riiiiai^-.;ifey^-^ 1. .A «*44mm m^ t«w« {« mil I m^f h*ft Willi stiiiMr V torn* • •IrMUt. irM* ni M »ll in oulilt I, MMk M >.^f « two Mil IoimImi #f '#' *^ #' AVniAMb • t ii atlirtlilng* • III ^iMMM • in»Mn, •ti4t liisnl •t<»r itrli. bul U Sil Ml0«« l^tnmm M ^li'ii «««^||.' in»**JL2CfS klmmitU in Ilk. n.JIl ?iT ."'•'■•''.*'»• •«*'»*i will l>«iJa--4.k via ^:.::kTi!r„.'2;r.K.*r.r«Mj^-«^ TH-ii ^ . «nlr rSu^ »-l"- .r, g.„„^rr U*,o«,. •KSm. W Aftw aooi. lim. «iT. ni*.J.l^.l?^J: JTJJTJ^^ blood w„g. bm ii I, iin anollMr ijr ooeor In f>r only on« fl»niiu«tion anoommon. I, Mpwially od if both lonia. In- i«nt veMwla I vcryaud- ' tarminat« D, in whioh morttm it luid iMQM uid bloody Ution, the i will awini tharo ia an toagraat nnraTada [t ia aoma- t hapatiaa. hapatixa- m; iaaofi ud plinth- ktura (the t than the hen tarn- the oold. ileaoflaru likely to n a ahed rly Tenfti- Mdoon; likely t<; tratlon of ia nuwt . id in de^ t; when md then liotaMi iaoallad I It grUlii extent, bnt not «. much L^fiK »7 »«*••»•"«• ^ St bjjtha. about Un Umaa pe, SnVKt it^^!"^*'**** ' »»'•»•««• ^•nt. In pneumonia theae mmrTm!!.**- * ,"**' ^'■^ «« ■wne ex* bot pneumonia la a diaeS SiUi"** "^ ^°««-^ -oiTw kS tjnt without .bowiSrS V?oui?"'r/"'*^*«^^ «2Jerbedet«rtedb/pIaJnaX^-W»<>«M^ AuaonWukm i to daacril^ C dS^^ [•bnormd aounda ai?qu£S«!Si \ •<>iii:?Br'ti.;r 'toTe'^S^^ S a7J? or rumbling aound. « kr^JJ^l JSi';?" "iU hear a oSiifi! mjy lujre owpitatio. \\^u ^^SP tT *!!f » P»**T5C^ .T-ai Sirie^diiSd-siJriir ^^^ "*« beata a minute or m«-!i'i P" •• '>*»mea quick-^rK«!r f • down ; notjoaa nothinir ^5 '^J °^^ ^ f«Md j iHll not bapomaa cold ; the ^^li^^^'u^i^ti^S^'.^Sr^* ^^m^ bjaatbkg Teiy much inoniaS • «L „^ * P«^>a^ now liaa down- I>aath Ola, ooenr in ftomSTto' S^nJ? k'^'^^V ^•"••"d wpS.' infoomtwelTe to twenty.fJir Ko7« ^i?*^"^ ^' theanimS^Sl Of benefit, bntMraTflrJil!^"^*? •»<>"»* o^bloodlat^WkT »•« Bill i^i* i_ x_.. . ^^ nirain^al IS^ JU*» -bw 19 OAVMM, STKnOlM AMD TBI^nUUnr Off *f-ts H« mAj Uk« it ill oold wOiT ; ft M, tt It llk« Udwm to ftfi H. ThMw AN oih«r ramadiM. Thn« ia dilEtmuM of opiakMi m to ooontOT irritoUon, whathw it ahoold be oMd or not. I think jodioiotM ooantw irriUtion it tttendtd with b«n«flt. Apply olothf wrung out of hot wtt«r, or muattrd poultioet. ThtM tra dJUr«rmit wtjrt qf tppljing muatMrd. Tht bMt it tht Munt at it it tppli«l to humtn pttitntt ; !««▼• on jutt tt your Jndgmtnt diotttM. It it ntnmttry to know jutt whtn to ttop giving modioine. VHitn tht •Bimtl it rtoovering otll th« bowda to toticm by tht judioioui um of lootMiing diet If it it th« reault of ottiurh, it it not ntotttary « f*![?^?1?**^*^ " ' "'"«*' ^ prwwnt, givt digittlia and opium. But digltalit it a madioina you must be Tary oaraful with. FlMirl«y ia inflammation gt the pleura, and frequently •xiitl fia ooonaotion with pneumonia. Acute pleurtiy ia a pretty aerioua dif MM, and apt to terminate fattlly, or injure the animal. DMth doM not oenerally take place before the third or fourth day. If of loag atanding, hydrothorax ia the reault. ht a yU— of the TextirM biTolTliif th« PlennM^f the MUmal diM in the flrat atagM, red atreaka will be aeen in the pleura, ^niere ia a tendencnr to Mrout exudation, or exudation of a aeroua oharaater, but we haVe an exudation of a flbrinona character, and alM a CalM membrane. Thia ia more likely to take plaM in cattle than in horan, and it will form in from twenty-four to forty-eight honra. It ia Mtoniahing what a change will take pUue in thia time. Thia exudation ia aoon taken Up by the blood veMelt, if the animal bfgiat to convaletoe. With hydrothorax there are thredt of lymph, or yellow elott of fibret, floating in the water of the oheti You nay find that the outer lurface of the lung ia aflTected, but the in- ternal part may appear pretty aound. CMtm are aimilar to thoM of pneumonia. Bxpoaure to oold, or ttanding in a large atoble between two large doon, through which a hMvy dn^t pattet ; by waahing the limba or body when Uie horM T^fT" f^^ "®' drying immediately, which hM a tendency to drive the brood from the turfaM ; or from injury to the tide, which may of may ^not fracture, but may produM pleurisy. It ia naually uahwed in with rigourt, >u1m quick and wiry, fuUer than in pneu- aionia and. of thia wiry character ; the animal appeara in very greal pain, and, although, breathing violenUy, will lie down. If you make ^im cough, he will endMTour to tuppreM it m much at' poaiible. Thit it different from lung fever. Eart and extremitiM odd, or (me leg warm and another oold, and vice veraa ; quick braa^uf ; a hollow line extending along the inferior border of the falte nba ; there it a rMping aound ; the animal endMvoura to ex- pand the ohMt M modi m poadble, henm the Une. Auaoultation • veveala a grating aound ; after a time thit will oeaae— jutt m apoo ' M the exudation takM place. If you attempt oonouaion, the ani-S mal evinoM great pain ; If yon attempt to turn him ground he #iU groan from pain. In fifteen or tweuiy minutM the animal ahowa gnJiptomt of retaiming health ; the grating arnind ^- tjmonem^ Wyoming] fedintUa thepniM, > gating intteadc atranger, ja running up ; altiiongh exudation to Buch an extent that tiie abwmnta cannot 1 1 c t d h I 1 9 V ii A ■f V 4 " ^ .1' DniANIt «f DOMMTIO ANIMAU. IS only OM Sid*, or it n«y pMt from on. aid* to th« other. PUarfay Sir lmh:!JK!l '^ / h.T. gif.n you. but if of .om. .tiding; !f dlTj!!ir^*L".T'"P***r J ''7««»WP«I«»; o«l.m,tou.tirdli5 mbtht try iMkinghloofi put hot doth, to the .ide, or mu.Urd. or 1 »• 'k?'!:? ."' •'•••t '«» /nd warm .nd pl.ce up;.o the .idl/'Jd dotht; give tincture of Monite ; .ud you will find areetbinefit from the ui* df ooIohioum-^^e-hiUf drJhm to one dnS^m An «. « lent remedT 1. linuor. .oefte of .mmoni^ or nit,^. "ther! II one or two dr»ohm., or hypodermic injection, of ii.t»l!of morohi. • or y6u mmv u«, digiUli._one-h.lf drihm to one dnSim o7wi- «udi?iin^'* ■ti'Hul^t., «,d ende.Toar to carry offX pr;,5o«rlIf *«??'!!'" » f ««rtY.-The n.turd reault ii w.ter in the cheat, and If It collect, to . Urffe exlMiL hydr«,th jna i. the reeuH • thet. mey be «,.er.l d«1. fu|T of mA ii. the thontdc cl.?; " 'if , JJ f^lT*o:ZS ""V r* ''I Mwthorax (..y the JSj onlffl full or auch . matter), you have m very Mriou. cmc "»•*«»« JJjmptotn*, -There i. great difficulty in breathing': flapoinff of tha noatril. ; the eye. dear-of rather a naturd aoiiinmi • t2.o«I b?;2?itl"°".K"'*'%"*!^^u**»«J"«'"'' vein/ToTu^dia^Sa &mK?iiJLi''S T *** **■• A-*» «cept'«boye the fluid. The bSJ to much aA)oted ; leg. .welled ; .Im around the udder, .heath ^Sl TheiMiiwal keep, the head to the door if permitteS^^ah^ & ^^imal that haa had pleurUy and the above Symptom, are preaMUd , you can make up your mind that it ia hydhfthorax P"*»«^» : 7VeaiSL Thia opermtaon IS called paracenttoto. Keep the animal^SLw endeavour to buUd up hia^ndition. ^^ "^ • i« P'^'^Pw****!* of the horae. or inflammation of th#BJMk«M« uTcattie ^^' "~"" ^ • ^'*^^ '^"»- ^* ^ «o^S5pf ing^«torqu'Sir«?Si!H^^^ ' *eanim.lpe«tot.in ^^ , fTfttfakWtf. r^ Juat th e wa e >a in p^^^mlv^^^^, i ffcyftnf ^ ■ roroW^ ■&.- <. ■ ■■ ■■!■ Bui w — III mill gi^ig etimntonta inatead ht aedaiiTea. ^^M^-««iaaiii i 14 OAVMM, •VtcnOMS AND THBATMUT Of if « Jbwlm Irw.ll JS!S^ 5**** h»pod«rwi«lTj. If O.O. hydro- r!«rAi y ..•^"'l!*^' •"** mBlta from pI«uH«y. yon b^ do dlSirl kl*** *?*^** *»"»*n*»^ in thf bronchi, tha^Tthi «r#-1Li ****"•?••' tub««-4h«fn b MnU and ohnmid If Jon »!!k!!? I l!!^**'W ,^'*r"'. '* *• ■<">*• bronohiU., or Umm mnr hi ■Mdunionl bronohili. In th« horw from a foi^kn whlunL^I^th! Moo wbi<)^ ohMiffM the lond brMtfaing to BonM MtMl "iL^m^ 21?- r^ T^J- . " /•*" "'*•» "^^'^ 7*»« "UMwfr this iounrto n tW ytoUnt or difficult br«rthing * pMnlinr hli;ing or iu^ •owmI. ih«n ia iniUmniation of th* wrHj., or the oefl. wJ^SmlilS MMnt «l»« luna tuan*. Mouth hot. and th« duIm nnt wf ^ 1».&I!*J" u "«, **?. *»**^ ''*>^ »ot or in poor oopiiitum : in- kjji^«f jniok#;'.udd«n ohMg.. in t.nipe»tuVe£ 0^ of iTLSri*^ f™ •[• "^"°«l w««««ikKng of food Md Sm . ^^»??4tr^j *^* •r»5iiuai of g^rfn th.^tS£SrS! •^ *••?•»* *«>« giviog opium In the first atMas-^n* «; *«« - TT'^J^.^ f*^« jjWfky. •!•, b«*, etc AfSr the Muto iteM d£. «f^2. ^^l!^*** P***^ i ■n*7<« wiU tod bniefit tmmS ^ >MttMd|]j.aad*bj. ">V ^ ''4f' y II DnMAflM or DOMUTIO AVIMALIb Ik P«Jfcoi«u. ~,T^ •^ •.5^."H' *«**" fc»«itit*fortl with MM to it It ia gaiMnUly, I b«litT«, bruaght oo by •on* iMion of th« poauntogMtrio nwr: Pn«uraoni4 and other laoh •ffkoti.Mw ••»i»roduc# II. An •nimd om gviMrally do modtraU work. Ho- JS"*'t",V' '*»• '""M"' ^*^ «ii««»". oto., u g«n«rsllj tKo rwirlt. •Ad not th« MOM. of Wtm. BmphTMroa of tii« Inng* doM aomol timM produo. it, in which omm tli« air may pM* in b«twMn tho iobulM of tho lungi, or the air oella ouy b« ruptarvd. and two or mora bwxima on^,.by ruotura of thoir walla. Inflammation of iha ijronohUI tubiia may produoa broken wind, but it ii Mnarally from r»nia laaion of the pnaumogaatrio nerre which aMidrbranchee to the lunge, trachea, atomaoh. etc. The email air tubelara a'urrotinded by inrolunUry muaoular tiaaue, which ia need in exMMM the air and ia to aome extent under the oimtrol of the pneumotraatrlc nerve* The nerve lueea ita power of contracting the longa. The (Mute* that produce thia condition are often the reault ofinindi- oioua feeding, and feat exertion after injodiciooa feeding, which o«uaea an increaaed determination of blood to the longa i often h» feeding upon doaty food, or keeping the etomaoh ina#eaU« di^ {T'Jk if!?*V*'^" • '7'" o»»«PI»oror bad food he will ahow diatreaaing aymptoma. Olovar ? , T?y °^ food for anoh an animal. Yon muat be on the look« «2.'^l^K*r^*^ *",?^^^-.J""''»- '» ^Wnining for r>aad. iSiPT I 5?7*»? '^^'^P' . ^* ■ymptoma may be iwlieved t» ^rtaln modea of feeling ; aay do not give any food or water for aM* «L"1!1j fl*"" '^*^ *^^.t *"«»«.#▼• tl»« Mini*! A pail of water !^M n !•'• Md then gaUop. A Iwge doao of aedative medidna SSd kS. ■^"P'°™^ It OMi be meohanioaUy relieved by giving PjUialed >y leniar feedii^, and never allowing the aaiaM|«» ovoy lo«l the ftomaoh. Oive tha very beat of food~ckoppad foddl *i,iB?^* ,fct.» '>», It TP'iff I 7>«alm«n<.-'It varies aooording to oiraaouUnoM r# i« . plM>. UM oloths wrung out of hot w»t«Vr^m?.uI: .k V ""f? Unimmt (camphor, opTum. wd woi^ mu.I J^ Slfi^* *l^. V^^ LMiras of the l)l«phrt«M.-^'rhe^phioin u aff^AU^ «« ' ways, and oftener, pirtu^. than we iure aJlSJ *"**^ *" "•"^ ft* air cannot h. taken K ."fficSS XS toTunnuTK**"/^^' . <^«W-Itiathere«ultof«evereexe^SwK!lW^^ in condition to undergo exertk« 1 151^7^!" *^^ til. animal waa kept iS the rtabli It iTilST/S "•*" * ^ ''^•'* ^ of tte«MldJe being too tighr^priiMff!^^ ^*''' «*'**» ^ hoMa in good confition,Xt U i iSStot JLSS ^•"•."PO" • condition. B^ti-ftooUchbZ^rEcS^^;:'^ 5 : 1 " " ^ t m u o Ui aRioIedT J K i^o^ 7fSihy h^^^ ^ S? .Jit ■--^ 4. DtttAflM or bommnia amimaia IT .'•^, N" «iUl|rjB«U .04 owlklll, M if MOM OM ir«it vilMBllrtkittff »(tk J^; do not g.vj, hyp«,|.rmio Injection., for it ma/ do d«m.gf J Md k lhr-f„.d with oo«»,«tion o/tli, lung., y«„ «.„ tdw itaS or four fly. or .i> quarU o7 b|o•"» bi. i.*r,fuf in gifing hypod.mio ffuotion. ^ow^^ th. .mimr^ tondition o# tT,. h*i^. it might b. lnl«f«li:d Jlfi Buptare eftke Dl«pknira.-If it ia of wiy grwt •xl«nt daalk tur., wid it may wooT.r ; it fraqa.ntly n to Ull whathar ifSr^fr m*y .V itVcur.%d bafor. death ; but itih^l^Z it narar oooura bafora daatK, but I think it doaa . InflMMutiM of the Tr»olw».-Ut« oountarirriUUon, aadatiraa. •lo. ; or lomaUmaa atimalantai \ ••««»TWf Ibnaraul ttrawtkt.— In oonnaoUon with traohodlomy. tha oartU. . "gM taka on an impropar growth. '«~»u««j,.wa oanu* 4 fi!??P?**'«'^— "•unwdjni*. pwn in tha lida, atiparranai aooM w»tar, anodyna, Imimaut, oamphor, opium, ato. Spaama of tk» ox.?ti!;S^" KSfTf'i: 'T^**' ''^•? '•*»' WooatinuSfanT^oliK axartion ; difficult braathing ; a loud thumping sound of tha parte ;^^ %T'' r**"" •"**!"" ^•^- Giro anUapJiodica, and frat ml^"?i^ *^^i' thfpujpoaaof rtliaviog bMgaalion. Altar tiSZ T?k ' S^"^ *"***•**? **' potaaaium or othar .uSTwtaediaa. Ruptura tJi- 'h?*"^*? *" -noat ca^ i. dua to acuS indigXn ; uSSU I. g himaafr on tha ground with graat violanca whaSin auoh ? «I. dition may ruptura tha diapjira^. \ \^ DI8BASBS OF TBB AIR PASS A^S. \ Th« air paaa^gaa of oattla diffar aoma from ihoMbf tha hona. ,. ^S**^" '^*^,^'" "9t infftr ftom ca*a»A lo laadB rt alBwtB Ui> B wd^ uhamlww Mia rthnaaa of tha haadT itt Awt lilJSTli^^' '*"**' i^"^ *• «««»«• U will 2 UTolTathanaaaliinuaaa. It ia gw««lly hrooght on by .f ■ \. 'Jf*. 11 -T*-^ i^ running In lj|« Urn jrwd in ■*■*— ill illf^li3f « II is « •ao«ib. •!«. ., , ^. '1 '~ ' 7 "' ^d rough h*r« k^.,„. f„.r •„.! . oough i. p,^| ; bul nolZ AWk^"^ '^ -•UiO-H form .pp^r. in K«n.p,. 1^1^!^! fVMliMM. ~0|»» » cmU* UmUv« j four w Sv. minoM of KiMum jh. in .b..„» . ^„^ o^ ^.ur. follow^ by nilron. .liT.lSrS okj^ II. Another I. oilraU of p«l«h~~h.If oon<». ofJTTJ^ ■•m. II in* dltQhary* oonUnuM, um lalpluU* of itot^ (om nnnM Mj in tiro or thrt* imm) for two or IhfJ, dm llfci?r«!S2^ tMid«noj to b.0. m« ohronlo in Um oow than in th* hort. ThI iSTJ i;'?! **'T "'^- ,?*•"** f ^'•' ^ »« •» imaginary diJiS ^!?J ^JT.° ^'r •»""» than in hadlh : bul th*., I. no 7u<* dlMaM M hollow horn ; on« aid* is g«n«r«lly mor. alTaoUd than Iha oM animal tha dnua^ of th. haad «ill ba mow fuUy dtralo^ IhM in a haallhy or in a voung animal. JlaT^ *^ ««r irritation. If tharo ia muoh pain, tha animal oarriaa ihttli£l rt:?!i!**** Thar, i. anlargad oJndiUon at tha i^3 2! SJJw from V?. •T'""*?!'^ *l' ■"'**•'• ^«" •?•/ '»^* • >>«»»• •I tha lolal "^ P«i of Iha^aaa of tlii horn with a small ifmlat ; or you iw^y harj ••»• it off In awh n-^paa, and Tou can slop tha hamorrhaM with . tow antarataji irUll fllrbolio aofd, ato. Oattla alao anftlr fIJli Hnlijyi!*!}!* ?f i'^'^."' (••"•'^'y oompoand). oanaad by a«. J»J» IQ tha *»W. •jo., tha sama a. in tha hor£, aioapt from wojtof. >|t may ba dua to labawular dapoaita. %i wbS hlT ■i MjaitU f more subjact than oHinary catUa? *««» Wf^ Ijf. Dilaa quiokanad, and mmihatioo stops. 1t nuTy wSlt fTo« Aj^orf«»mmaanaiaaort.d to, to .Smor. obateJSS: t^ ing. tbara ia no doubt but thara ia aoma tubarwlJr dESfnllZJ" Mioh a «Ma. oaa iodida of potaaaiam, and ooanlar irritatii. Iking, altJhoa^ wuM'ganMipt BMjbeioaMextamnlaweUing; Bxamina, by i!!a«M^ 5, V BMlAAIi OP VOUmmo AHillAU. 1§ ^'i^k '* *** ***** ***"* •*^" •«»«»«f l». you in»y |iua«tur* inak4f§, mi M III* M*4Ur M«m|i«. Huoh omm mt* witninoii, m*! •Kl«nMftI imaoM* »r« iaor« ouiitmun. <>« pf««ing upon %hm Uryni mmI IfMhM. IhMn !• viiMbl* ••r«Ui««,dtl^,iiiU br^lhiiu. loud wh«Miii« llMrMWd hjr niniiing th TVwiBMfil TumouriM* g«n«r«lly ..f • (uUniulM- aliMMi«r. Tou will •omatiinM iind • Itbroua tumiMir. and in atNii* ««m«. «|- Sn^f 7?" r"*^'"* '"^y o*Mfully, if you »ili U mar* o»r^ul ymi Ik/ i???i!^ 2*'""' *•"*• •"»"""* »' I»««^ Y'Mi will, pwlup*. uunn IMw !•• (llMHtu* tumour, and upon outUliK into U, ti iHlI otor9 to be «n AhioM*. I rtoomm.nd « oaraful •i«min«tIon, for. in fo«r OMM out of Qt*, joa will And matt«r. In mil aaoh omm op«in up OMvfully. for th«y mrm vMouiar to •..mn •iit«nt. You may Dod b«n«nt fnim • M«toii, or from binim« •mlMMl«i«,| ill furmtng Umh fair '0llJlMI« f iiKt, h«t« «*l tkl« ttiuulry, Aiul ia uf m •yw.!1i t •'■*•« *" *»rt<»iMi vara, a i, "*•' Jl bTfouna'^^'*?*'^"""*"'* • -"»• «"n<«i"on thai c«„. •ojtj . bat il mmy app^r in an .piMcHitio form ihal ia il aUaSTI al!r«^L-!!?1-!r^ ^ •pi«K,ti| f,Mrma, bill »ill tpa^ „£ u -, biMth M .ir, ud an not lirm •ullloiut timim th.. ki. mJf fad I. Mt » .u«.,fUbl. ; b»t dl « .ubJMl to 1 "^^ "~ "" mat •WMM. Tlw mtIt •jrmptooa an . dull. Umald maaJ^S^ 1 r. » •iMMMi Of iHmwmm* avimaia ^ tt juImi In tm, 9h**mm gfVMl ainMi ul ncrvo^ ifaMii^ . _ __^ 4H«| ,,„j ^,^14 iJanu,! 4j,^,, ^^ ■Mm I* ••Mh • mm th« rMt.ir*»..ry ..rgMM mmj m,i U MlMlai Mf^ won iMMiibl. •« ih« ,.,*trf««4hinK i« ioonwM.1. •«! HLmkI U 4l«hM-w| ••Mn« InaUiiow Ih _ fr,.«i lh« iKMtrUa. INiIm hiVh«Ofi«hU • hina 'f '•!••. irragaW many ommm tlko i»«r 4. run.,U«„dl, .Ur««JH. b^irthon b nu4 w^;;!, i«iIikTL_ or hiM mnmetmd, mnd it niAy M«nm« •nottinr form. Iltel ofii dniiMiiiftl •nd but ..light, it .. r.th«r f,»o.,r.bl. ifkl^ ih^Z^^h^ ^ prMW •ndKr«.tdi,r««ion, it i. r*th.r • g,wd .ympiSm boUl •^IL"^'''** .'^'"•*^ "' ♦•»• '"»«■ Md pUurl If Ih. Iao«\Mrr !S!!rlL ?"'T biKHin,.. wank,, .nd it oppi«.Md. Md in UL bM •ubMJqU diMM. of th« lung. Md pUttrm. (iwinTlo Iim23 Wionl now, of Ih. o™r-tR-io„^Mid .unpurZo^US^ r«Mlil». 1} it b of . .nEMtito ohar^tar, .l^^on i. nooh mor! than To . oommon cy^ «f pUuri... Tho ilnimd -.Jly Z^SS rK^'**??,P"' **?" *" inflaw« J )!• «•» li« down, .nd wCTdSwI ih. brjj.tliing i. incr...^ «„eh. but if h. i. inmnm^^^JS^ •llow him lo U. It gif« gwt „Ii^, „nl.« thiT^JSw^ ^L J ^*' •''•• • »•"«»•«><«/ *o •ff.oi ih. Joint* Yonr pSSnlta M-t^. ■ t Wr fH IM MB \ i Ui ill Ifi •111 »M IM M .(.I U. Ml 11 ,. it b„| huL «M -Uw .» ^"fe Mnall .«M„rtl- ..I .„, 11.4 ol Joodi <•*! fr.m th* lJiC.T •f nltr*. ,mm .kiiu». i m^ m ilkfm Um.. • .Uy ..^ £; ^Ol^ aT U^i, for U o,, jr ^L .^ «, ,rrU.i,l. li i. p.^a.U lo7*U . S • hT. . -a..!.. 1. «•*--«, bill I h«t, JL„ hut ,.^ .ucho.tr •nd hay* •««» •..m. »h«ri ii .Ikl griMi hwm Th. ,„i,„.I mmJ\^ ki?. iSTJ!* r" n,o.m,m.„d.a. bm 1 lhl«k lh« wo.1 of ,h^' «j. ouonl^ IrHUIion. Influx,., i. „.,» g«„.^, ;^ fj^ ,^S whj,n bhNjdb. purging 1«.. ..r. r*.orWi U.. th. ZJ!m%i ^ ' wty ir^t If •!» Ml tnd .how. .Ign. of .pproMhing mn^nimom^ ' Ik* body my b« m&KUd. Thw. may b. SUkkI •itniTMSkilni? •J»«*?» wll£ y.. i„t.„«| orrin., >rob*bl7 'V^^^m^ «-"^4 — -'^-''^- •kim.frMi wIiUImms "^iOf» IHqtwrnt ta a •H to filing » dwnS; ofr. i i^t!;?'' /T '^" '» ^ b. diJBcIty of Con "no. or tW^o. • dlV^n dSl f J ?* '^"^^I!'' **' ^* """ridi oU in OM or two 5.w • «?d Ti,.? '^' "P**' *'»• t»T>«nWM and WM «*^« with ^XJT J J;r«.'!r"r^ "^•r • p^nn^w^o *ri^ mv doiMod iuwiJ««« * S "•• *»wel». Sponging the no*. tend* to enoounwe tli.\i»«!u?! r^Tlu""??' **"' *■ »<>* good, m it ofbutliti^^'Xi.^^'*^'^ Local nSnS«rj; tJon of the bloS ' slwrt Sri^"~K~'" ^ M-P-op-'^di. the oMe cloeely. wd^^^t Ik* '^^'S > '*"'?**^' **^5 ''•*"»» •^, •ait might produrJSio If i« l?'^ "'''.«•* *^ »°«»» *o no twdenoy to WdSeJ-T V ♦kj u ^""^ *? "°' ^'T quiok and CThSk^l Y^^^^^ -table where hi fa likely to raffooete bX in i.!l^ °"" tewheotomy if the animal TOO S. him he"i b^J.^'^^^»»$„^»7'^*"."dthe JxttiT •••*<»»• Of lead, etc It i»7Ji^^ * ""^^ ""« "o™* •Wptio. as .•wn.tion.rSe. it miy S^rJ!,^^ '^P*" "^ ''»«^ • knif^but S «*ing b«*thing °ISi. know "ii^b^i"^*?* '^? * P^»«- •««>- it M-eroptiyeXer neSStitllH?^^** *"."*** <>' ^^ work.. It wderhorwfc Someoall itrflT^illi^ !5? "' °*l*'"V**'onndin •ffecting the oiwSi of^niiS.^^ ^^*^- 't thow. itwlf by • t«mZ in thTTbSiS^ti^^^t^^ir'J"'* ^« formation^ Mgtudually enUraSTSidLSlS* * mA*^ MdemaU at fir.t. ^P<^it SS^,'rth?SnJ *K^ tumour mav /An i,^ •to., Md when it takei on iS? K i? ; **»• .■^«!»lder, in the groin. Moat hoTM. haTe iiiSile v^nrT„? ^ *"** *™W«»« •traSgle^' i. oon*i«iou.roSiS 1^ uTnS; ^k"**'*'"* •■«*«* **• Some .^rli^ \., •tableBwmiSSS^'StL^rmetiSl"^^ *»»* ""S:* once act. upon eachof^iwn« r ,?* however, the nme inihi. whether it n»SSriou.^r^;t ' S^"^^ "*^. «*^* ^ oP»ion Mto inooula*ionrbStaIKl!Si? * ^"\' ^^ ** «« be ilodnoed iS «-»i*m.y betaken^r^ 'fh t •igbl to thirty ^ to oompUtalj w»U of potiMh, Um blood. If • to two OQnOMi rwiurda givo m potMh daring J bo dUBoiilty of tho ohlorido » dnohuM. If tarpontino and • • purgmtlfo •looi, but not nging the no»* *' — oold wator ot good, M it Jr»m«diMu« tproporoondi* » diot; watoh ; too maoh to trj- qaiek ud nofit. Itia*. bU where he ' if the aninuU . 1 iriflroKd tonir ' foNcxIirBgntar. acid, juat to ▼eryaudden he Aext time • a^tio, aa knife, bat in g Canadian lonliar aaffo- irworka. It attaoka him be found in wra itaelf hy bnnation of udl at fiiat, ■uiffdRnin 1 thegrnn, ratrang^ea. ' tn^ aamd, ■ameinfln- inion aa to odnoed by nriaidtb ithatahow oor at any ■■HUN9 ot Bomwno Ainwllui. V 95 ■•^ of the fmr. bnt ia mora likely to be prevalent in the ■»*<»<, •nd .ummer and L likelv to attack tKo«i aS^d. tha" tmte W n-^tihi^ irg'i;Jsiior- ^° -" »•-• *'' - *' ^ -' -^ hi. J.I?7 '"***••"./ »'y-'«<»-»>y th«t» i.. •welling : theanknil kJS 5«lJ^^Sf.!r«Mrj^"Vrtn' •^*'* '-"-'rSm themes ;X CrJlJi ' T.'^'*'**^' ''*"''** y"" **" <*«*~» »>y «lo«« examination a oonwderable discharge of matter from the noatrila. and there m*V be wmptom. of auflf.KJation. These .ymptoma ^ay T^ i S S2 portion td the .iae of the tumour, but if S^Zd^^thntr^JSJ^ «tion and death may result It usually runa ita ^une in ft«m «x to twelve days, and in about twenty iay. the ho^TauSlr^ ri"!;"' )^l7r\ ^"^ «»"*•»"• their wori dur?nj thJatuS^Tt in iHh^'i- ^^'k "•'y.'l'^' '^"^ .ymptoms. ex'cep?X. t^ioJr in the throat, and by-and-by a awelling will aptiwu- on the ahoSd« ♦lix ^* *'"'"• ',V** V*'"'* "»*y *»« • diwharge from the Tom ThI 2?V^' u ^'*'''.°'*'"® *° "f« *'•<*••. it muit be carefully watduS^ KrJ.* 1?^ *"*"* infernally, and cauw deathTirSZ Ilef Si E:. .iTlT »!? "'^ V* *? **»« t^ondo or abdominal cavity ^ Trea^nwnf —It ia generally extromely aatiafaotory to troal Th« ?«r*r/****"S t '^'**''«** *« ™» if oour«i/lt mJItn%b?JheckS' ? ♦u'^'i'^ v"¥ »>« •trended with great danger. Give duSi «it^'L!S i 5?ri"** "*^"T' ""°~*« »' ni'~te of potaSh. but not ao frSJ /)■ . ( '- ;/ M IF ' /r* OAimi;^mirTowi amd ratAnniiT of will todAiimM niMt with • mort Mrioas om«, in whtoh Iho Miiiinal k brMthing hArd and th« AbaoMs duM nut form toon anouKb. In ■uoh a u'l^ml(B out the tube, waah it. and again inaert it. When done withC^tube, juat bring the aideepf the woufad together, and put a l^h-^rongh it, and it will heal very well as a general thing ; but tWoperation ahould be performed before the ayatem beoomea too much vitiated. The char- acter of the breathing and of the bircuUtion, alao, ia to be noticed, and be careful in performing thia in a very valuable animal. lUmdU of ftranglts, or alMorptiop ofjpua, pyaemia, or abaoeaaea forming in many parU of the body. Thia may take place in con- nection with a wound, juat the aame aa in atranglea. ft ia purulent depoaita in any part of the body. The tumour may extend up to the ear^or down even to the leg. If it ia in cloae connection with the pwptid duct, be ver^ careful, for you might produce flatula of the allots Keep the animal away from cowa ; give pure air. There ia no Bpeoifio for atranglea. It ia aom^timea neceaaary to -give a light laxative, which ia the exception and not the rule ; but itia neceaaary . in moat oaaea to sive injectiona. It ia aeen more in aome oountriea than in othera. It ia not aeen ao much in well-bred horaea aa in ill-bred horaea. The Arabian horaea are eap^iidly exempt from thia diaeaae. *^ DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The ikin is a denae, white, poroua, aenaitive membrane. Thd akin and muoona membranei are much alike. The akin proteota the fleth from noxiouB vapours and extertial injury. There are twd in good ooMdiUon. Th. J^aUndT Iri ' ~"* ''•'P" *' •»«* *»»• hair •b«u4 the fetlock. h.«I, h^SkfeTa tZ I'?. ?"""•/""■' -"•«W'/ . of.an oily character • they .w lil J - /"V" V **»**• «'•"«*• » of tha akin. One Muam hiVh 1 ^' ^^"'y "i"* in the tma litrer porair Their ^Tor;:^TM :^k"' "'^ *t?"-nd of* thlj pewpiration, which it veiV frJi ?„ ♦?. T *"•' ■•.""*"• «' inianaiWa The derm'i. coneiauTtio laye« thl d '"** *"*"^- •n iiDper or papillary Uyer S^l'n *^^ **' *'"• ^o'iw'n. M>d epidermia. 'nucotum ia the deep, loft kyer of tha wh^irrwiigl'o* .'hi m'S'e'ss^ir'T *" '^j» »»«"• - « ««. to be very frequent. T^r^ .^1 S?ff„*'?"«.'" ^-^^ >«»••» *appoMd oording to the cauee and .JTKrT *^'"*T* o'*"'flo*tione. .omVa^ have inflanunatir. oV varioiSwnn& *** 't' "'*"«»• ^T m?y generally confined to throuter Uyer iMtl"f '^' t'^' ^hey a.i erythema or rednew. EczemI ZZ.t ^^ *,' "* ■"'>»• '''^•w •«» H^l S[i«» «"dation of U^Z Sn^ou."^' W "T ''^^' •*^»- tion, followed by a form of greLT o? «rll ^ u^f ***** "«fl*mnia. juit an ecaemetou. diaeaw^J ' •^*** *•«*'•• At ant, il ja . he wperficial layer ofXj^kir.nl5*'"'*^'°"i*** «"' -' »P S[ the hind lega ,n aome daaaes of hH^AuL ^}' "**•* oonaned to poration ; the^^^^^^^^'V« ' ^^^o^i^ them to dry by eva ■iJandinginbadnept^S; Z^i^^fl ""^ ^ ^•tion Ve^fap* that la too tiaht SAml -!'• i "^^^ °**™® ''om wearinir a honi oih^n. In nS* horw!^? Z^^ *" "»°''* -«»>jectT?t^* ful in bandacinff th« l«<» ktfl *° /'"tation. Trainers are verv aa>« tba davelop"S?t oMhS'd'iii^' '!}'^^^^- . ^^e"' ^^r^i^^hS^ more liable to thia diwaae thllf'*i. i- A**V*' ^"^^ ^^ horiee J« it I. met with in ci^^o^J^\}'if'^''^'^*' ^t " mTtbS AmMKoniii Tk iV^ '^•"•'**'y put under an*.* *^ /• Mneala. T »Mook u ■Oll|awllat7wolko^ffit^'l**»*"•*H»«. •*»*»•'• Tha "Mw , ojood may oow out, in some oaaea -^w- m I 98 okvteNf'NviinoMt AUn miATMiirr or -^^ irv f t quit* frMly, Mid if in % whiU Ug yuu oan m« the •zndAiiun. U UUMT Urininato in gnum. rraalnwtil.— If |ui ordinftrv oam in th« hind Uga, gitr« six, dghk or tan dr«ohmt of »!«*«•, having |»r«|mr«d the Miimal for il bj feed- ing on bran, uiMh, «to. liAihe with goud 4r»rhi water, and if there ie nuoh dirt upon the heels, waah them well and bathe jiididoualj. with tepid water. If there ia iniiflh pain, um a light poultioe: m tonio poultioe is best ; ahout tfo tablespuonsf ul of linseed meal ia , enough ; just to allay the irritation. There are many other appli- oations, as the white lotion, one ounoe of lead acetate, six draohme sulphate of sine, to a quart of water ; or oarbolio aoid, one draohm, spirit* of wine, one di^ohm, to one pint of water, if just an ordinary oese. In severe oases the treatment is somewhat the same, bul after poulticing jutt apply cotton to the heel to give slight pressure. These oraoks may become of an indurated character ; in such a case you will hare to us^ a stiinul/tnt. Use iodine liniment: You msy loach the parts with nitrate of silver, and vdTu may need to give a diuretio. Nitrate of potash^ two or three drachms, and reein, two or three drachms, ntav be given every day for two or Chree days. Glycerine is useful ; also sweet spirits of nitre, acetate of lead, and glyoerine does very well. It is easily treated if properlv traisted, but do not apply a stimulant unlesfe it becomes indokML , U hoi medicines are used it may product " \.^^^~i^,-^^..._.i ■■4 Fever.— A superficial inflammation of the lev ; it attacks ' any leg. mud being tne exciting cause, and wet muddy roads. It is aooelerated by washing the limbs and not drying them pro* perly, which irritates the parts and may be the producing, cause, and * may produce it very quickly. Being muddy during the day and ftvestng at night is a prolific cause. Symptoms. — The legs are swelled, the horse is stiff, the hair comee oflf the logs pretty easuy, the legs are extremely hot and tender, and if the cause is kept up, there may be a serious affection. The secre- tions aro generally affected. 2Vearit31o„;hiohJJu;"n^ W wd lh«r» i. ♦ f„„go/d growth "rh J 2^?;'^ *r""** •"'•'»^» I I from it* KMroblanoa to ihH^l ! " **^'*** **>• KmPT si. 1 1 -jd mv «iM ri- uTpZot p?.tuurVh;«i: iir? "'*•»• ^.*•^• •nothero.uw /^r it, .pp«.ring oftenfr \n ihl if/??**' T"''"*' «*^«« one. : hJBh feeling .,3 w.nt of exlroii In *•'"** ''^ '*»« *•>• 'oi» heel, jMt under tHe fetloot, .houlJ nS hi W^^^'^ 'P''"'^- Th. tl/ifrr?.T.^^^^^^^^^^^ After .om.^ ikianed aninul. The h^il ft JHaI* . ^" ^ noticed in a white. • dight diwhaiie of a kL of^jr * P-^^^J^'ntly .t « ..,,; JC?. •lOJoat Ume ; not juet lame but wTitJ^ !'•. ^ha wnmal mav be Pfar in the heel., Ld JSSin.i exto5'ri?K?*' !**^J fi-ireaV r«a»r!i * ' ".*' «»"'o«Ik to effeot a ner- Sufgati^e. AfteVpwS^rn^^ ^e «x, eight or tenQm. of all ^ tt*i.*l''K" "^S •*^' Bquire .©.muoh a. a heavy hoJaJ iT?; . -^'5^' ****'*» ''"> »<>» " Bmediei without giving a nur^ii J ^^ '".•■'^« *« »<■• powerful uoe greaae ; but if the h*fr ILn/ 0'»PP»n« • horw my pro- , » clip the hdroff . and £. 1 "•*' **."^ ^"^^ "'"oh, you may W • P.o»W ilJh «,m;**o^rboli?^^^^^^ offenaiViodo^^ ^ lotion, or chloride of «inT;.i • ; ^'^ "o®**** of M ^1 •re other ointmlt^ a. ^eV^^^^^ *« • Pi"' of wate??T$i4 the part*. " *' ''*" •■ '^'" i *hey are mor» lor lubrioati^ ^^^i(^^::^^ to the part.. «V ote cES^al o^yUt ti aUaVX/'*;*"'..«~»»^*'i°n-- You fU»3r«d, if the Bwellinir .t'li ll^.T™"' 4.'.««r •»»• irriUtion L ii/^"-^L*at*'~.-w^ so OAVtll, AYMFTOMN AMD ftVATMlNT of K tkAU gtMMl. If voa hav* lh« gmpy •!•«• you may hAV« to mm tli« knlf«, or evra • hot Imn, faa#«)r Wiltiama : aulphur oiia ounoa, oarbonaU of a^Mla four ounoaa. oarbolio aoid two draohma, with olira oil and la>d, of aaoh aixtaan ounoti, ^ , ^. Nlnpla E«i«li».~Ti oftan mialAkan for ntanR«, t»n| tt fa no! da« to a oaraaitA, and ia not ooiitagioiit. It taan aruptiuu jllightidnniMs-iboul the hoad, aara, Uil, ato., than thaae littla veaiolea can be aeen, whioh may burat and diadkarge, or the oontenta may be ahaor)>ed. The animal rube himaalf againat th« ■tall, manger, eto., until the parte are very aore, or if at work, after taking him from the harneaa and putting him into the atable; he will rub himaalf violently. The parU qioat aifected are the head, neck, ,tail, back, eto. The ahoulder may become irriuted from the collar j the akin dry and duatjr. It ia neoeaaary to examine very oloaelv with the naked eye, or under the microeoope, and if paraaiteaare found, it B mange, and not simple eczema. Trtatmeni. -r-Eozemm ia difficult to treat. You can allay Che irrita- tion, but it ia difficult to effect an entire cure, and the animal is more liable to another attaok each aucoeasive summer. First allay the local irritation aa quickly aa poaaible, which can be done both by internal and local remedies. Oorroaive sublimate two draohms, ■piritp of wine, four draohms, water, one pint ; rub well into the Srts, and as well as doing this it ia advisable to give internal reme* t M. Give iodide of potiMsium or nitrate of potash ; or give hypo- ' sulphite of soda one half ounce, once or twice a dav until, two or three doses have been taken ; and use, locally, oarbolio 'aoid on* part to sixteen of water, and if these do not do, try aoonitVbne to lour draohms, pmsaic or hydrooyanio add one part to twelve or fif- taeti parts of water, applied locally. Another is turpentine ; it acts upon the skin homeopathioally. Use turpentine ana sulphpr ; they wUl increase the irritation where applied, but will soon prodnoc' a beneficial result. , Olippin^ the hair nicely will do good. Fin>^-^ ley Dun gives, as his favourite treatment, ^ oomponnd tinotnre of iodine, made by. shaking U^ther two puts iomne and one part of iodide of potassium, with six to eight piurts of water. Williams gtvee, >■ an alteratiTe, wnio of potyh ; take Mrsenious add o ne draohn. carbonate of potash~one dnohfai, water twelve ounoee ; xiiik' 9nd bQil slowly until the anenio is dissolved, and stimin whan «^, A*\\ ' I iMilAMi Of wmWKftw AUtMAtM. Jj SifTdiSr "^^^ '"•"** •" «»• ""- «' M>. liquor !•„ ^ tkm falling oif of ih, hirTo «>.^ <;r.*iX".i'''*i*'*"''' *• -"-^ «•• •• if hifhij M, M .tdllon. which "ri .El t ''"'•'•• "P'^rfdly *«r, Md than luddanly fed ,,„ i" ?k •"".*•'' *«• •-««« down in win- Jo pn^luoe it , or it Il.y ooi'^'J^Jt: .'fJ'Sf 7»'*- h- • f nd.n^ ■poo ih» p«t«. Alfchoairhii«t . . / *' •" i'«*»»*««K •<»«.* ton, W Blirrin,,m;?;:i^r'/wd^^^^^^^^^^^^ i. difHoaU*T; rrtiKmMU mutt b« Litk i.-^i v" "'•'■•d om«. «u.» work Ih. horS:. you mlI^,S*l«Tri;"'"''""'^-'*J « *»>• own.r or twic, but do not 'wiJh • w JiV ?.^» '"*'"'"" **' "-^ing o^^ fron^o,i„gth,r,miKli«.dZlVm«Sio;i^^^^"^^ *"' ^°** »>•"•«» <«j p-n-^t-. ounce., iMHH,rtii; to*th^.t; o/ tK'**"*^ 'y^P' °«*. ^''o. o' «»r«e nuny cm., poiwn the dew VmEl A' **" '^ •^•orbed, and fa, quMtity wiTdeet^JniHr bJ3?„'' *' " '"^' "-'"»• A .miS OhMge the food, wLf hVL C» X-^"» "'•^'*'"' ■^•*""^ <**ng» to » brMd diet. "" °^" •Uowed too muoh MiiniiU food, i^^y^i^^ti»^he^n^''2l.V^^^'^'^ th. hu«« "^^f f^" Sf (^tr«ti, NVMrroiiN Airt> trntAtuumr «#* oomitM u(>bt) lh« shouidcr. h—A, nMk and IkmU. mi<{ in m»ny «m«i UMrtr fliiiil IM AlM<)rb«it>cliinf lh« |Mfa|>iratlon whan t|i« aniniai ia warm from aivrtiou. It may ba oMMii by dHnking ould wimr wban in a haata ountinua dluratioa f«ir aom« Uuia. You may |lv«llUrAU of putaah, ona or two draohnia. oamplmr, nna or two ormdlllii, and oil of jumiiar, ona or two drachm* ; or you may gfvo •olohium with iodida of p«itaaaiirro. You may uooaaiuually waat with •ffaotiona about tha lipa, oallad * • , PniaU iabUIU.~lt, alao. ia du« to faulty digastion. The tama Moaaa may prinlt^ it that produce aujifeit, or it may b« tha raault of a local irriUtion. Oraiifig upon paatura whara there ia rough, WMM |rMa ; or p<^a««« Woo. but do not bur^w into the .ko' iff ' "?•«»•"«»• init.- •itend o.er any g„^ .mount of tlrritoil** "JheV""* **'"■* "''^ . the horw., ox and «Iephant S»r«;.r.? ^' ^"'^ ■" «»m«non to fl-hj d«r,n.todecte. L pj^ck thHS^. 'SJ?*' 't,"^"^-' i» th. ^wnilU. The exoitinir oauM of vT !. •*** ■jnibloU. to live in certdn condition. whioh?.;;„HS:Xi" ^^T^ *"'' »»>•" i~ ••ooptw U rnhur .low .t fi«t bSi if..r?r"*a ^" '***^ «>' *h. P f 'y. ^ It will ,et up iri4t.t"n in the iJI„'nV?lf 'J 'P"*^' ^•'7 ~- will not propagate. The M<»nd i. m,!* °' the human being; but h«"« J it i. la^or .nd m^;.J? "r! ^"^1"'^ «"•» *i»b £ th. •nd i. Iw. ••ri?ut The dSJd f. ^ detected than other parawtST but it i. found on the S: i^'l^l^pffiT' *" "'?»*^ '^'^ *'»^«^; other oau^i. which*t.^rtofayou,^.t!;' ES'^i* ' **"' *»»«""i poor oonditioa, with ' -- "' *"**'f Drodufltlnt. i«: — •_ ,' 'h't^d to favourTht!!!' HT^lf ' **"' *»»«" •« ith ioM. dirti k" ,**!?/ P^"o^on. . Animal, in A ii^k.: -T; M VAmmt 9fMmm» Aiiv «iitAt«nrr o# lion •mJ U,««mw.»Mi than in ,„.„g, . ,„4 jj -„„ |jj, ^ ^^^^ Up-m • pi^ „| p«p.,, ,„,! y„„ ^.y ^.J^j ^J^^,^^ ^jjj^ jj^^ ^^^^ J •f •. Of jrofi may try •ip.rlm.nki upon .....r •riir Put «,«, „f ih, ifr#..Jm*n/ U ■..•..•wh.i aiffl^«U Apply ».nt«lhlac llMl^Vil** ii I'r J !irr* "' •'''* "" • ''!"* ^' •'»•' » """W nH«,n.m.nd Ih^n «•, Ih. m,id V«umu.t Mv%.r„I |n .ui,.g «,i., u JiJ .?f3". I!'""*' '.T' •'?'' "'"^*"P' ^ •*«<»• K'r'ilM.rl. of U mnolhT. Et.ry pr.«tilio„rr l.n. hi.lv„urit«, r^nLlii W ^.4p on. p,Hin ^"V """ .' " »« tw *ltoBid ' h*I*.»— 1^ ^ .. *, 'is, AMI fMifUMTt tt» i^ tm fUm M mum M h«4l t» »mm .i*i««l f imi iHttlS^faM ■MMil frtMK «ll|if>(iHi lh« h.Kri«, ll l« lh« tMliM ul Uto ymmt, mi4 l>l»« iNMlltry IJMIMHI, «UA tffMSff ir« %a mi 4ww«tn«4|« «Mrtiti«44Ur*hl« IrrtUtioiai, j|r«Mi|«r iImh frum hiirwi ll««. Th« •aim*! ••imaiiinaa mhm HlMMnlf to • OTt*! •■IMM. M«k« • flUiM •••ntlMli.Mi m$ui y..«i •ill im>«1«mi IIm, wllldh trv mMli ■in«IUr «h*n b«irM Iim Th«y ittAy (»|>|i««r •• all MMtm* ..| ch« »••#. TrfrtlMWHl IUmo«« tli« muM , uli« IK* K«>fi« Innn mtfm«im4 t^tkU%. Y.Mi mair dl|»i^« hmir, mp^i^lf If m lh« iprinn V..«i MUr •timatlm** rll|i ||l|n •!! »f«r. thto la * vary «..im»i.wi ftir«««|4>«i. I M)ulr« wlfar* lh« «^lm«l^ hM Immhi alaiMhiig j If In diiM |>riiaiinllf In iNHiUrjr, raifiot* lh« MkuM. adiI th«n U^ M toff njjitf IM*. Th«ni t« Mifi«t}mat ofifi«iit«rtt»f« ffftlBf JBTrit IHftyli^prtL TlPy" mrm lh« kririai vimUf ah«>«|i llrii«h Uiorotighly, •»iiuJ ask. amanaiing Iram wki«h tWrt ai portion, tk«o« «a ■itbw of tk«0M«br»> two mi m difldad liHd " ■, ono larv* <^ oxpaiidtd, oallad aabaplMMon, or bmio. 1* TtM Mvvti •! •niM«i iifo i III*, g,, I,, III. ,„u^,|^ rn.^ ^^ ^^ aM«« «»f i»«r».Mi« K«ngtu. whNh •it«M4 «long iIm v«vUillfy «ot«iiMI. • |Mirt« M« uNaM lh« oofilrtil ..r h..ih ih«Mi IMVVM, In iIm ^^ipumjm at. fuMi..! in ih. ii«f«« ««if«i. •,,4 i„ th. „,ir-,I«^,„i SlwSS ?lh«r, ftnJ do not go to lha «y«. Thir.1, Motors* Ooulorum, U m muUir ii«rv« : it (ivM • imrt te •^h.y,; It I. di.lribut«Hl to .11 lh« muielM ui lh« •y.bdl VmwI •it«m«l .tr»lKht Mid •up.rior obllqm,. ^ ^ ^^^ E!#??*'vL"/*'fy" * ""•''••' *'• **»• •J'" •"«* •"I>«rior oblUi««. »..'i.i I •"**••'• *'"•»"«» •»»<* ■|>«cUI. MnMtion and moti^j it ^ • Urg. n«nr. Mid divid*. into thr«« branchy. tU tUMrior Mid inferior mAiill«ry. .nd thn opth»lmia Hlith, AhdoMfM ; motor to th« •Inlutor muaolM of tiM W9, If Mil. mu«)U WM p.r.ly«.d, th« .y. would b« toritwl inwMtl. K«» r*" ' 5**"''.'""J'" ' «"** "•»*«' "' ^« ">u.cU« of th« fMW. ^ Ir jr.."** •"i*'**'' **** miMcl.. of mutumlion. 5*?iJ \A"** ""7 • *'*• "!'*««•' ■«•»•• <»' h«»ring. TmUi, pMumogMWo i goM lo th« •himwh, l.in.., pKurni, Xw4iifc, H/po^MMU i^oI» Iq th* iongu*. li is nwior. *ie*-./" M AMD TMUnUBlT Of IW BlWAsfe OF THE NKRVOOS 8Y8TUI <««6MeJ, inf olvw the othi. "' **^ ^*'« «»• »>^g •JiBotion, f^r you in«y have • i"ew I'«.o!i * i'L' .'•V ^'""non of matter or .ImcetMi. Phrenlli. J.T, .^'"l.^^^^ *^ * formatioj injwy to the .hull ; conSon o7?h!°^'.?^ ^"*°« <»"«^ birnin, with or wilhoot frertuw of thl •i.'\^" ' «>n<^-^on of th« toth. b-t ; from high oo^Zn- wm .SIVh^""?"!^ "P"-*^ oigene, or you may have aDn« ;.« # '**°''o»« <>' »»>• digVaU^* •coounted ?or. / arit m.n^V?^* ''*"? ^"■•* ^''«<* oaSLot bj ' yT..t moHality, ar. Zi^d b^d^.: ^o'f I'ir^''' j^*' P'od«oJ ft i» th« reeult of debilitatin/^i-!! * "* °"*" ■*"! •pJnal cord forming i„ the braT/ ul"L ":",:iiir.;'" ''^'» "^'^ •nd inflammation. The bMlh i. , ■"'^•*"' "'c . causing oongeation avmpUm..-t^^ p"lnSrv ,!3i^ '"»'P"«** with'Lloc^'"***'* JweiTe dr.>w.i„e... IfTiS^i™Ji*LT •«! "••'•'•^ dalaeM, «t. hi» head againat the miw The S "* I" * '*?"' ^* ''i" ««t ward, become. dilatedrSe puhe iSl7 LT*""'*»?' "^'^ •'*•'- ' low a. twenty beaf. per minutJ .nH .' #?^ "'^ ** ^•'y low, .. There i. a peculiar bSlthJnr-^'ot "Ih '"r'^^^J^b^NJome. qu ck iti^H^^I* ^"^ • •'•^riST/bCthfnf "rh;/"""'^ ^'1 P°«"'»oni» i Iow»d by general exdtement anS ?L * * ..'^'"P**'™" •« fol -qtiicker.aiiSlhebreatZnond^tL^'*^^^ the puli : Aeheyi h^h (but in .omf c2i. 'thtertl""*'' ^^'l' *^«^«^ »P,Md get the feet in ih^mu^a^ !l$'V^l l^''''^'') i will rear At other time. wiU lie up^nX^^e IS^^ if '"u''^' P**"*^ tbe breaat and fow leg. Motm iu.t 'liff . °""* ?* *"<* -n*!" tte>~. At other time!, m if fw ^ili J J P**** ""^ «nachineij at f»« W^^ due to the part^r pi;f,7ft.ied T^ ^V^ ^^ ^^ to to lead the animal • he will ^*i V. " '■ •'">o«t impoMible Pifoxy.m may pToff Lid i«^?; 'T""?. •»** *"' down. n. /^•r^i.**'-"^*'^ «^^^^ 7J^'r"**»q«ietfor JS: JJWiy. ^eoonTuWoMbXaeSSifrell" J'''*>.*^ terminate 2g??^^ treating |. WttUcine, dx to tiSw m??JT^ P*^ •««'d dow of nu»mftiS« *••» to -Ixteen dmhSo7iJL^*^ ^"^^ **«•' 7ou may ^II? nt I do not reobm- >g «.»4 opiSrL'^^;^^^^ bj,(i do ^ ;x? PIH 41M Of ooMMTro unmuMt I ■: 30 2;nil»l^^»^ very carefrf iJ riS5 t^iT T^*^* «««*, for tCere Is danger of it pasdngintoS iraohea. Try hypodermic injections oTSther. I havTSiJd it in ewe. where there was great prostration. If the animS Ao^d«S of jsturnto^consciou.ne..,tKer. is hope of recovery. MhelSK 3S S*** JST* ■."*" **•**• *»' purgative medicine in moat cm - mS gw bromdde of p..tas.ium, and wateh closely for Mme S^ f«?S iSl^';^"^- It »»r "how impaired n.rvi«?Sii^^ ui»j be pteveuud mm iditMn^hw. afterpromoStoiy avmotoaT B " Ei^l^ '^'>*. ^ «««g JiWiWo-. p.Svenre!Sti4"C?mi lowed, by 4 gentle laxatire. fiot if pot to work in awtheuam^ ' ^ pw«iit » wdl.«Mfked CM. of •oSLoksT ii" wv aSr 40 <^wi., Mtmrtom Ain. TmiATi.B,T of pf%_ t. •I>lii»l cord to • owWn uL».i'. .1 , , . ••r» of th. .00. "™" •""• ■■ «'" l-JwUon., „d kMp Iron. U|. jwo'raiy butif there UVo.«roT frJ^? 'T'*'' *^«"' i* ^^SpTo^ hope. Butif there are ,,%.!;„., r'*^"'?' '*••«* «• not m Auoh Jttempt. to net „p, he wZi;?uDoi ?h!;?-'Tr-' """^ "»e .nU^ b« «.me time befSe he dn wt th^?o5^ *""? '*«• «"*. •"<» it wS the .n.m«I get. well quickly* ' **** '°" '*"•'*«" "P- In *,», 4«i ni«jli.». plirJnir orauni ?.^i/ " JJ'y .''*'• «« "« •linn Y„;;\ T' ■!!???'' *he heiul well i?th ni^^^^J^L^^J «"' «»?!: In oongpet l^lW ''"• "^ «"»• "oAiaStiM ^^l *8W«»», bnl mo.t •«0OUl>t fop, op you m»r AnA r"™™"" »■ MM bp»ui, v«ry haril »/. {Jnge.tion of \he brai^or toimMj^""?* ' Vu?** *« ten>I^ IWM. Pe«oM^ «ppe>r^nftft nf ?!. ■. ."""^ y^ *^Wog «. qo h M d ttl »•■•. DoooHaT "•▼•tne premonitc v»l t • I>W«M1» Of DomwIO AWIlfAtll. 41 fttUflk, but If d„o U. peculiar form.Uon, he will likely hare it^Sn .Pri>ventites~\J»o cold to the head, keeping it cool- lom. u- jt^e^om h-d in very hot weather.' OerWl tuTouV m^/p^ chSo?d**SfLL"'""Tr~'^''"L™/y ^ '*'""*^ ^" connection with the S bntnoJ^n ;i. I. "^ ">»{, be due to a tubercular tendency in the ox, bat not m the hone. Hard work may produce them and a rerv nervou. temperament may have a tendency to produSJThW. ThS KSn e";^ vanou. .ipiptort.. .uch a, megrim, inflatomarn ofSj Drain, etc. They may attain great lize, and then interfere with thl function of the brain. Nothinu can be done for .uch tum?u« Yo! may relieve the tymptom. of t^o nervou. .y.tem. '""P""' *«« «.Ji'??*!I*'!*^**^*''* Dorii-mator.-It i. hard to telfju.t wh«t»«r oauM It, but It 1. mo.t litely to come from a rheumatic tendHno^ SofleiOaf of the Brain i. .eldom met with in the hor.«. It mar be due to certain oauee., .uch a. .light inflammatory action. fooJ Si^ K.i„ ""^*'"' •*'.''**"• *'^i*"^ "nterfmng with th. actLmrf Xu^' "" *" "*'*^"^ dUturbance. par^ym., diS3 .'Hypertrophjr of the brain and oo«ing of the brain ha. be«i \noticed. A portion of the brain may be Removed, ami the anS r. wSjfell' ^ '^ ^ '^."I^*^' "^"""fif P""*^ w complete Iom of Ktt. T' ""* l"*»°K"«bing .ymptom. by which to tell is*!!!??" Depwlto arealw found in the btahi, a depodt of m P^:iJ!^o^^}^ tumour. Uve been noticed in th, ^itlnirA""®"*!!^ orExo8tM|g.-Fibrou. tin^e develop, bone, and: SLtelw T'^"" '"^ **'?'°"" *^"«- They have b£ta foidS ^Tn^W "r/" K •i"* ''^?°?' di.turbing the animal, hTS^ , JjUJtt^time duturb him. It i. very diffiSnlt to iUagioee^^ A^&M^nt caMa, and My ju.t what i. the predad leaion p5«mt. ^ %»i^nMlon of the 8pUie.~I think Ihi. ha* been weU notioed 1% «-tM-r# ? ^"^^^^- *° ^ ptoduoed by Mven injatr in tho hone. •? gft^u^yAj^P^^g »^?y> ^*»"°g o^er a bank, W 1^^^^;^ wSritSr JJli^^f receiving the injury the animal .how. difBcolty S hS^^^S'Vil m«Mcal«.yrtem bein^ much injnred. but 1 beuere that it i* from oonouasion fC the ^uie. .» Now tf yon meet 49 / Hinm, Mtunom Ann T».,TM.,rT of '*?4 ni«r«« or g.Iding.. from mora ntrvo^JZuT'^ .'*•*»'• ^ " »»»m great difflculty it, gettinR u7^?t.rinr!i *^*7"!'^ '•^t •»<« b«Te •fllU, I quick PUK fm^K"' ^^^^ ,;'* i» diflCfla iog tho liiub. bMk,ui,eM iSTiiSKil^/ "'>*'^^[• <* '» bring" •f^r which p.riU,;i. wtl'S ^'**" '^»« irriUbJe for «,«• «SIJ aWde it into partial mnd oomDletT i>X ^'S'V . ^i- "nay fcrthef «^rr.aJU If it .ttach^Ztw of 'hi'blSJ't" ^"^4' ^'^^ JJIM hemiplegia thia i. oommra in th« \„ ^ lonfftndinally, it i,. 4hj,>i..d quarter., ii iap^;?,^ »^^^^^^ thing wiing upon »nd^5ertin?th« nf-l^f^^f ""'*«•*<> ■owe- jooh affections. If the wine if *«L^ **n' ^^•'•°'» •• oolio and Wind the Mai o# *iH: t^I^L^ •®»o*ed, mil the parts are affected «tfin the oerrical iwiioA. « a. 'wia— tcss^TuJSrii'^'r H' t>i«iANM or Domwmui asuuia E!!i^4i.'"^'"^' •** "•''^^ rtinittUiiito. It i. v.rv liow Mttit» .7iS;«itu:'' *it mivT"' •".^ '^**"« p^'-^ "7ih. prtiriof •iiramitiM It in*y ^ prmJuond in ntmnj ways in th« Mtlifk honm • OMt in thctUIl, or thrown for o,K>r»tion (.ndit would b« w«U to or t may b. du« to • Mtr.r. ttrain, tuoh ». hunting Hon!, •rlwb' Hj«t to or fr«m dippirtg. or fraotur. of th. .pini^ Jto..\JdTt Sir com. from .uoh injury wher. th.r. i. no nusplncim,,;;. ""'^ *fm««o«M.-.MMy Mry plain omm h»T« ooourr^ by irriUtion of T^oww If the •ni.nal I.e. down h» hu grmt dSBoulty in g^ttinTuo {[•nanaiy, *ut may get up awily. In ^irfaot pi^liJS %• Smt upon th« fore feet, but there i. no wtion in th« Wl.d Umb.' W •fiow sign, of MTero p.in. If vou draw the hind leg foJiaH tK aiiimal offeri no re.i.Unoe. tL puite run. up phSty qAk ' £» th«e symptom, may .how themMfTe. in aaoturiif wittoSith; aniii- Wng injured An ahlmal .omatime. lo.- power, an^b im^bfi^T rke, but can in excptpnal oaae. more the tail for wmeMmaUtS SS ^' ^,T r"?"*r' -^^ **»«" —y ^ -omafeeliLg in uS . '^•« i'.** *■ **."• *« 'wt««» you may have the animal dZ '^^t^ " U?^'!!!,' **"i^' onl/narSai: ,oa «ij^t;:r ^ 2 reatmenl— It i. good praotioe to pfaoe in dingsTtf thara ^^ oolty in getting up, but oan .till bear a certain amoJimtrfhLi upon hia leg.,for a honw P^y^' Kxtremei of Kat' «d Sd in .taUion., l^t not m> much aa nerrou. ^iailement i*""""/ \Ffenlytig aMfce LIim is oommonihihe hoiae ; may oootw !• •ny anunal The nerre itf implicated. It m^o«,w in^^ wgrs-from «ju^ to the had/, irritating the oVid« of-S. a and^oaodog it. Such a case is generaUy &Mider«b e ex- mmay be troubled iSh th.^ i^d v„n T'' H*' i»*^l>^turiii '„ «»• water ^ut. It i. powibte inM./"" *"" J"«' "punolWe and let •«»• tin... but if in •'^ny' .ilur^nirr^ -^ *"^« »' •"<« "^« 'or oon^nend It. deetruction ^TS^^i''^'' i' ^o-'d be b«.t to Z •ino.-, which you can d«<; putlJtur? ^ •^""°" *"^ ^ fr»»»lW U2f??lii:j^t;;f\j;:^ ^nJru. oereb^ig) ■ tope-worm ^ uken iSto thWtem of th! "^f*' "^^ «|W «' t^i ^ owemg whet ig died .tardy S il? V. * !'""'P •"** developed, "■•de of thope .heop th.t r.L?JJ*S". ^»P«"''.'"«nt» that hare bera , •bowod^th^t on-hallf h^cJ^T^J^^ ^ ^ ""' ***• '*^»'» ooenwm ' fonukii^t . body with ^Tny^^T^ ihi fc?" *** "'^y <>*^» ' fp»ptom..~|f it i. but oneheminhil! *u '"'. ■*>•»• "tae. wdTound, either to the rfghVorTi? r^?Hl„'"'*"^ ^ff «« ^'•"•i of the diMSM). If it i. bat-L^ f®"' **fP*nding upon ihe Dodtlon Miiual eannot wJk vVry wVll' if i .11 *S? ™«du«* oblongata, the' M the orwiial bone^tSd cJum ahlin^r P*";'*''' b£i.^,«! bnfcn/i^ 1 "»^'"« "oftened co 1 ,^ ' . DMiAJiM or OQummu •ak,« of th. iM.im.1 It ,. oulifly du* U. •.„„• |o.,.„. „r la. «... of mttiM. W« •««, •m.uai, «ff„ot«d with thia for tmn but ikU •ouWnotb. if th«.l.r.u.w^ much .ir«ot.d/ VT;i,u^| b^ •om. l-.>.« or ibnormd e«,hditi«n of th« „tv goi„g Z ihTuJ! H b •Mily dot«k5t«d, M « K«„„r»l thiim. * limb ''Amr^Ti!''""* 'TTu"*' «"»'"«""« Of th« miuclM of Ih, limb. And ofUi. i„i,.ol«i, th« •xt«ns4>n .ro ..ft«ner nlfeotMi thin o«n«n- nw ■yini.U.nw.Tury miiuh. It umy b« m ■livhC that f o.r cnnot noti«» u ^ ,,.„vi„K tha horw forwid. Th. Ug ,„« W bought antirely up uah« .b«rd to giv,. but i. mo.t likely to^ .W #ni rii *5i^ "''T'f *""^ '' -ometime. reiiulU from bli.t«,w LiT T^ **•' ?"■* *• «I'PP>ng. mud expoiing to th. cold afuJ- Zi\hl« 4K"P*^r f? ^i**"^ -narked in winter thm, in .umm.r. Honi. show iian wtnt«r that do not show it in aumm.r «( all. It ii ^^^^r^^ !i '^*'~^u .X«" •»"•' >-k «»t for thS in your mVrfi «Sr^' wundneM. But it d.«. not int.rf.r. with theVni- .** J- » Vr'i •■ »n "»o«»W. diMaM*. but may b. palliatwl br Sf^ia^ *■*• '^'u ^r rP»'«f«^». •»«! you might ile b^SiS 2:'7^?"*'?*P**"i"^"^'*»»"**d«n'7<»«^«»opy "»*^*wn either from irriuW th. nerv. in liSri?.K *"if' *" rriUting tL. nerve of th. ti«ticft in .Zhl^. mala aa ahowMl no algoa of it before. thSf^^IIl^J!''^ ;eiiMUi.-Thi. diMaM i. taior. .xtenrnT. now STi^IZi^ry •t'['.'«*i- J' " «»"8~*»o"* 'oUoir^l by more at i«M iij^4mmatory action of the oov.ringa of the spinal cord and bram, dua to a cpnwat^l .Ut. of th. blood Te.«,l.T Thia^p^ L^„' •o-nP^Wi'eV new diaaaaa, and i. fonnd priicipX Sa2 I2*1J?S1? *? S* "P "*^,? <4.ome other., that tho .ympathetio ^^^ J^uJ*^ •fdamplioa^ to aome extent, perh»p. from "™J ^^i^^Srit^"^^^' I*V»noraUyap^tdth.gNSr •0 wteAt to thoMi that ar»bi«ithingii«nn«»li-.t^-i--i-.-*!^?!! md in h a w »dU D^SSJSfiL^ffT**^*^ Anything that i. debilitiing Srto prodnoe it, ft k more pevere and fatal in «to;rd«^« h«l wver. I am mora and marm «r>t..i!f^ l^ «n«nln|riti« or typhoid horM. .ulfor from n.rvou. d^^^^"^ •^T'^ .^^ »»>•* oat Ji^ «d to aooount for it. It i. iSoJT^!? **«».*«»h«ut knowing how J~d«g in t^e b„.b, JiL""!;' '^^J^" "'Ifc •ni.aJ.'rhat «; rtp^ which •ot. fir;t ,3 ^hTdj tl.!"**' '"^^ »»•«>«• OT«. mouth, but «u.not .wJowtTrbut^otTl*'' *** "^^^ *" »>^ Jm no inofination to^Jit upT? wiH: S'^JT^/*'-^ ^^nhl *»»• l«gP. Tho pupil SUmLdi^ '»• "tf^ttohed out ; mmj moT. M»J bMJome more impaired H-vI^r^ beoomomor* frMuent. J^m^.^You'tmnot^Jonv^^^^ PqMoW^f to the cmuaI obMrv.1 Ja ^ ^•" narked ohuflM. ■^ mmin.tionC4S2r;if 2:,js n! "^ ir^ <^R^ jmim«U«pot,,frott *t*u m^# Snii oon- ^*4 ■"f^.'l ;V •r DOIfUTtc ANIM4IA JSSfc, ll«»t»« III* Win and «pi„^ ^^ «.^ ^ Mh,r 0.0... „ if. TmZLi S!l' f l'** '• •-•'•lly du. u, ..^^ <«propir ■,;dioinl!. *^"'»^ •^*inr.tr.Uon of. or U», gi.i.,'^ Uitung . gr«.l amount of .rru.Jfo «I J T *^"'* \ T^*^ "»"• wkloh I took ir.r. MiiLKlbv !u^ . ' ^•** """««* *>«»>• o«.I th« .pin., ii «,.y b.Sr.;t.d v^ m.'irx.rb''. * •• ^'"^"•^ ^ •nd Irjr to pr«v.nt lh» .nr*..! t !i \ "*•* *" "»'*•»• oongMlioa, on., two, orlhr.. irMhm. a dm. »„-? ••,'»'^^'/ »»«»raiii.Bd«l, ita alkaloid aifopJnr^X! -?\ ? oontimw for *,«. u„. ^r Voam.ygir. WjaotioT to i^t u!l« ?i."''L**'r^*^ with .oim to fo«r iSohn2^? but t «^M Ti?* **^''*''' "' "- •'^^ •''« bow.li, Aft.7.;a,,u„eTihirl ii/tiTi ? '"'i '"riution^ th. vomica. «h?i.impn.TiDfflm.^:i!"," '**■!'' P?**. lu. ««, . out Mid allo/him to wdk fomr'tn^th 'rS!?' ?? **f"' **k» »»'« tub. whioh f oau inwrt thw,SK '♦if^ ^* t**'* "' *°»^«- I »»•»• a giving •UmtSwi wh2 1&. i^' o^phugnu, for th. pumTo* * *^ the flnt |Mrt of the Lwtum for .T.I ihe Chai r*^ ■wzwi «^»w^ •tmrmm «■» tMuvmirr «r •XHW •tend, t™, ,1,1. fa, Ma. \i J. . M* ':"' **" "" l-rt »P 1 xsf ;, "H....»:.wr„'!:^i,l^ ?::„•:,'.;::":"• ^ Winn M tli« matiMr wUh ik. k-^l V^ '"••»»»•/ think low^. tumour. h.»« »«.„ f,.„,„, Tn th« LTln • '"i T'* '^•^ »»«l«ii«U« ^•11 for *,„.« Ui.un«,. but nut him ntt^'Jf*^ .*'** "'""« ^l"'*" •11 lh« .bo», .jmptom. wil i Zn TV^'' '";' T*^ *•*"». ^-^ •hint, ih.1 •nythiJg o«,, U l.m-TTii : T *i'*"^' •■ • "•"•"4 wh,„ .ou will fl„,| W.II miirk«3 ,m.«T hk' **«'•••«/ •««<»«• ho,-. All ih« m«'.oHr^,f r. hii Lt t!!* 'p^'-p-^ *^ •piI«W in dog. iriVe VlLw« ^. th*" hromid. of poUMluo,. In a»hi?Pi:;i.''T„?^^^^ with i„ <,ttl. tha, l«ir. It, bat it mmr com. from^Lr Wr^lT!!! "• ""^ "''•1^ »<» Spwafd corn m«y p?^^ Sk i1Si;kT»";***»T***» »^^»> '<«»*. ■nm. «... tlul ».,u b. «uw «S»5^ jpwd!2d'5"w.^^ .,.^., ^ . y \ . I ■"■*■■■ •* ••••Hw AimiAtA ..^ 4IP In ihu oil, H is^uKi .^J «" r? ^^"? •• •■*•■ ' k*** P.Mt«l„(|„Bo/uita d£«, „„•/?'•"• , ""■"•to Jo- Mt«. fonndtUltU blood doITo^iIinTir'^**'!.'.'**"'*' »»«» <* hM bW§ biting •iioth.r. It i, iwdtl £J*T^*^ *^"» iAhjoM ta^ V, »" «§»■ ^gr-ffp *ni , 10 *^,' *»» rmunnm „ >f itij««lt«i« la hf Ik* liill^ MliMI hImaI Mm hiMiwn I.I rMt«« ll •lt.iM4li«r ^^* ■•^* .NH .ir la tvo forw.. Animal ,i.|M lu,! li.«.,w. rHTLl i ** "^ *" ky |1« .)ui«U/ tow m,m» iim^/SL^mJlSlSv^TK '•'•^ -tin. «bji^ . ^^ 52 i^t J^.p^tJL'^^,'';>^ •"' U w>t > •MpKlkwl .,i„,,l,„„ M,mi,^,„„ ..oZT^?' I , - III.- thai h.v b^n bitii* " u^I noiN^rtr!; ^ »^-*»*'-'.»^ djjjh^ ^^"•"•^yb* called U,pr^riWfur«»«i^"^^^^^ rr«dlm«fil. —Um nitrate of ^\^ or iktut/tt,, »»i^k « • ihi. rmrt. wliar. bitten. If deTpVTou «.Ty „ZtS «?& iff TWjBiii, ^r U«ke4 /»ir.— TtUnu* tignlflee to .twudi. 1*4 ^««lt to And eMTt ohangM in the nerree. If the mJLi ^ ^^sr^^^^^a^^^S;;^ 2M.I.MJU. nt .„r«.. Of »H.ir nih. ,1 ' irK'* 'f *•*" *'"^ ^rwfww t( ^ * ' ""^^^^i •***«§ »!>•»« I»t« nmrwnm IfiiiM m •«»«• -wtm»w w Mai«r ItmUnI than lh« «nb^ •»*W. M piaUnf itn • n^ ^u »^'*'"/*'' *»/ •'»»• Injury ur joiMg -.ii. but ... •.;;; 'r M" rl.'"""i- ^"«-' '^••♦' »o^«« Ih. hcali«a if th? w«„ti .";" ir' ^'' «"PP<'*rf to b. f^ m^p oomaum in wurm X»32 •« *» «»w th« opp«iiU. f| i Ih* »UM of ib« •nimal'. «.JS„.^'*J*l,'y'"P*"« «*ii»a«« for "%) 09 «AOiJn, nmnolm am nMArkmr or from til. mouth ; ..ri and uil .^t' .^ „!L » "^''i" • ■^'^»* "«• form v.*p'tom. •« nott^V.Tl iTarkad li.. STi' '", '^^ '»>«»• to Mt «n *••? « • h-V- Oi,. oon.trfution™Mi,S^^,*«^^^^^ • V»»"y »>"» n?t 2,? d«oim. doe. ; injection, , c^t ^ b";;?"^ „? 'j "f *" '»'?»»' inofMMe the imUtion-bdkdonn" one drJ^ ? t«»«t|nent tEat |>«r d«j. If tha j ni!««^ «?' . drMhm two or three time* in the water iTp'ini^i^rn'dlk "^ThL'*^°' ^^^ '^*'^ a»ophamwthrouiS. tube \Voor».?n„j ' ** '••■>«n pwwd into n»y relieve for the timT' BrmiT^ "?' oWorofoim ilihiSion., in moeto-e. of ner^o^, .ffTcUon. CT*"""' ^*^^»^' ""-'^ •nd linwed tea, and do not d^n«h ♦ ®*^ "P**** •*<»PPZ '««», hay •ny liquid the Cmid c»n tek^""\^ "jy ^^^ Give almoat •wing at niirht onl v Rii.Ifi o","*? 7 h»ve to uie tlinn ; mav tiou/n.i«h?b;s. i^^elSLurtLlrrJ* T ooid^ippiS^ in the foot, pare down and SSJw S! ?*' *' **"* '^ '^Y ^iniT. M Jay have ^^Jce^ffThe c^thl I^ e ' ^P^^L^T^' k •°y- ^o« donna, two parte. Someli-rnmlu; *^°"™ ■<>">■. and um bel]%. P-rf well, bffnot iti^x^Z^uZ^JinJ^^'''' . ^^' *^^ day. before oonvalewenoe Thin *T^ x*K«« '''©nty or thirty medidBe^ '^^"•^•noe. Then give nutritive food and ton& *tio ▼•Mela. It lifce fluid imUqg d lyle r~I t PaaM. a «oi ^i?l^ ^*y^ ** " > "i^ ^ in^ up the tiaau^ But ^lHmS.?^^" *^* "y"*®" '<>' *b« bnild- T* *^ " ^ 7*V ^•»V^ *^ /*/*« w not tiOcen up b^ theg^ l*.»^ ; I ' t '^»»^"» 0» DOM «tlO ilimAli. ^ of f Und., called ljn,phX;u5^ 7„'l* *""'"^- » f^»n'«n5S •II b« Men by the n*Ir«wT^ '"^ minut* add delioaU emnnnl like rein.. Tha whoIelvm^hJ?^^ T*^1 wtr.m.|y ^^M riyiT ^nl. into ih. -•"ou.cifflL'XTwrd.^^^ '»• <^-' Jk« IjmphaUd f .in. ThoMdflT.«/ - - ^"°**? **»• *ko»oio duot and »j\ the other., except thoieof tS*. riti!^ 5 °.' *^* *''*>• '' receiTe. ■ide of the heiui; nSck wd thonS.^ •"*•"*"' «t»mity, the rigS DISEASES OP THE i,5&n>HATI0 SYSTl^ " •nd i. likely to be more .o. from hUnL fc*/' »• 'wquent in horMe, confined to the extremiUM W * ^^^' '«<*• I' i» Qto»11t Phatio glande. It riit^u; # "' ?*^ ^""^ »° *he internal iJm^ inflammatory action i« getun in Ihrf^V"*^ •°«>« «*•«*. The M^«.more.l„ggi.b c-Ut '^Y^m^: SmT^aS^^ inSMi:„?-3;- bv.tandingthem of nutritive materi^ i« S™! ?*u"°""* ^ ^^^' A lanrer Muomrk the irriUtion. iHi ^rn%'i5^^Jf^«\»p/^^^ toormng; hence its name Sri«i "* ?®'*"° ■**We« on Monday without uwal jxeroi^kVf r^y "**™*»» *«^«- Uaual foSin J direct or indi4?^u^^J T!* "^^"^^^ «•"«> i« city pi^^^* Si:?.'^tr.ktfHi'^^^^ ha;;j[Zrrigou« (S^^^ co^'i^utlonal dirturbince , m.y te ^~«^ «^ "^^S7o" h^H^'r* »>y^owner)ri^te"2 S! i^^h «^*«nrd j the line of leg forward. pSSnJ ^X JS*" « difficulty .to Uigiig the fi% or M^ beat. Per iJtouiS^b^LSjf^l >^M«ination ; puS ««»»verurlne high*«,lS7^^*i^^ "«f«« » pwn local and ^ptt,ti4^,y^„^ ,^ ^ ♦ ' w. H . 0^"«»» MMFtOIOl A«l) fBlAtimw Of gits. W* •ttadon^m t^?^U^'^A^ '-TT. and if r,Il.f i. nol min th.ir nttuna .pp«Sa«. but it hi ?*J;„/'* "^ "•J' "" into «ew rtnwJSr TthSt. l,;!*^ ?""• "? " *• «»»~t6L- Ik >t*f i "'^"-'•'-^^^tt?s^-ri^2-' m«MiitorJp gUndTs. it |. time. • MbMl of, dibiuJS?. HI "^ '"''•' •"*'»'^ of th« chyle into the Bv.tem I^dth'/^ Rf "•"* "»• intwHiuolion pol^ wedJ^not V *il*S"bul' ol^t ^ '" ■•mi.dige.t^I ttete : pendant, or Dot-belh-i . l* °"' *l"»o««n«d to •ome ntant . tin J TfMiffiMnt not verv ■&«{>#.«* « into the fleeh. It nuy tnJun . .mS?"" * P««»»*tion of the S "• two kind»-inflZwZlt!^ j^*"^ •moum? of albamen. Ther! J^oeiye dirtinotive n^i^^oA'^nuI^^ tK? muUte.. II in the thoilS^^v^t! ^}^ \? r^»«»» *»»e fluid .odu. Mrooele. «,.«, may ^X"**, J' *» ^•tunica T^ginali., it i. tion or debility If fwL „ "i wflwnm»tion, or venoaa oh^.^. oonaidermble time • not S f^ * '^^'".•n' '«>«» •tanding up ?ora ■ymptomatio of wme otwM? *"^ P<^oiiIar diwaw'. bit mar hi kidneys and iiwS -i- u ***"■"' ■""^ •• diwaMTof S,e^hJ« ton., fn thl oiSS'iSeSy** ""*• y°° ''•'» »«^e wSTmiLked l^' in the hind ^ iiSd i*?' "*?P' ^ "»• J»«»rt. It gi^iSaJr S^^ HW ho«el^e"ior; Xt^STt "PP"*?. *^^^^l n»y oome ftom well m»Sni '' ' '*«■ ■*'«" at night ; and it expo.arewdhartlriTrhnJir'l^ '^"hini -nd 5ot 'd JSL • ter. and th^\^^.F'^ . howea kept in the aUKU J„^«" *u7!rl' ^, wd «;e a 2oSd ^^i'.«»i oooor J« •timuUt. •Uorptioo tot ^^„ !!unt^* [ 5^°" J«-» "^h *0 pi«Mur« upon U»« limb i„i»li*' Another oaw Li undo. U 2rrII*'' ^i}^^ ?'•***'» *• common. You oan yer iif '^ pigmentary laver Thr?S!!l ^''T")' ^ P'*""- Tl^e internal ia a SS^ueSKmiur It v»?.. ?n**''^^ *" "^^^ "Vpwided in geneiJlllTof a"Sht browJ^ oir^ «?^"r i»^«; in theSor^iiS oontraota the nunil TThi- i-T i *^\ - ' '"• circular ^traota. it lifeitii^oo;:rJdXi^pu^^^^^^^ before oY aoon after hlr£ 7h^T^Si^^' **'°^ «»«»oineaab«>rbed of the ey.;.nd> e%titl or oXn'ttTo^Hk^e^ iJlT^S i,T«ourib"n"s;s4^"'^"> -treouTa;d':;y.tx:Kr''ai San^r^ The VkSi^.T *^ by. Ihe membrane, whidfjine the sStoJ'^-f th?;.r;rd"Lt7o^Tt£rh;^?i '^"^i?'*^* "^ *^* oryatalline leni £ rituied SiSS. !K?*3^**'*i'^ membrane. The It i. to«.p«tot Md biSn^^ a^^ humour. . ^MAiM,i^m, ftMlAAM Of DOMMrriO AWIMAIM. brwi., •nditlioonfanuou. with th«1kin .1^ '-"'"'?*"• "•"»• .. fla^ which PWTentoXKrini of i?Z ^ i^^^ J^'^^ ■^•*« •' : ' • * DISB^Ssf VJf'xHK BIB. .' • ' / ' odio ophthiUiiW and •mlaiSS; u • ^ °*V »»«> produce peri- . -.■'^"^'^watnl i nfrfroi n tfi e ewit of i njury. itJeno TTO In eome cMee there ie .ome ooMtlt?d!!!i ?** ?•'"• **' **»• «>«••. «*«»«1 JMt ft few hl*b?fc.2^*''*T^ dieturbMoe. Pulee in- |w* • tow bw^f bqt It ,, ,|pt , g«nenU thing. S^ ; fl M W' ■•—'■■iTF Or • I •^^ain|r in •Ubl«, with oIuT .2,^ "**" f** ' ^*»*n •«!«„» |# lintoiwit, Uud^dura ir»t«r and \!iuil T^ ***•"* "•• •«» •nod»M »J wme irrit«tid/l.ft, iithouih ^^^^^ '"*'•* °^' *»"* »»»•« .KTy th2» •»«7 be .mail uloerSa7. Jl i!;!*/!?"^*** *»>• °«-«. •nd nr .?'.V.^'. - •y.n ten oSinit'^nlilTi 1? »~in. ^ ^ * od maj In oMej where the cornea i.ulo«r.ft^ ^ jou may have to touchTwJth. ^5 •^*' •^•"*'an«ii« growth »n«y u?e iodide of Pt2u-i J *t • ff"""*^ '^^'"*« "' .nve/^Yoa" remedies In dmcS aJuiL' Ti i •"* " "" "■« 'or verr p^werfn^ tendency to the fo^rlLr? iwm or/lt ""' '»»%*y«7*K'i »D«)rbedwithoat^ythini»lwii«!,^' wmoved, thia will often fi* rjK>m«ended for^Vlib?^^^^^ but there are ,„a„j. rjif^ij^ •twnj but j„.t ,je„tiy, fccaw the MnZi ■'^ "' "^•'. »«* too oert«w extent, and there it a t«,Sll!?^'***i'*" '■ ^«>'*«n up to a ' J»*7 opme from ooBi|i||flti^it|^„ a !!L -iJ"? '**■■ •*"»• «•»• ; thS SiT' "f? «^°» *« »n ounce of Jatll^!!!?-* ^'^^''^l* »' PotMeimri f Tf *>»«»*worpui^tivem«Sw^L:ttji^°** " "•^ ^ naoeMaiyS 5»^f«d •PpUed wund tbTeyHi^fhlT' "^T *?«^^«" i«»«^ .S^/'1'*"*K*** •^•- Treatment for the do? {J!"'^'^*^' »« P>«<» w in th« ftfim.1.^ .^_ 'rr^*?: '-^* *»» "•a^iTJSSJ^^i-* / I > Id I- .'Urtigiy M for . rtrd;.J" S^!* "*r* ^ -"^-^ llUa ■om* cL MiiofM. . . _ ^ , l^rMie Ophthalmia, ~^Ho ii.fl.iw fl^ #^ It i. noi vr/unoummJi in IhT^ ^Wio.- U o«c„„ |>«ri.Hllclly. from «,««ihiJg in th« ro.ti;uU.m Hr'"* ""* •^•^•'' «"»Ef tiiw, then ioTolriug th« irhoU of thl . t^^'"' ***• '»*•"»•' "troo^ Many olht ddl;,IUon.^lJf| b.5;*i^ a.;^*"'.!** '?* "' ^^»- du«^to^,m«Uilng in lh« tOXim 'Vi!Li7."^ **!'"""** ophUulmiiL w*tUr with th« titth^^io"fiLT^ ' *^"* 'r"" ■<«»«tMng th« •«K»t th« •*•• But I ihint^fr f *** ■**"•• •"t»>or«tl««. wolf Wh Th. fifth pLVotZ nii^^iuZt ""' *" •"^ '-^ ^-^^ »^« iri not held h, ^•t0rin»!un»^^nll!^ll^*''^. "»• •^»- »"» thii I. •^ii upon th0 •« Thi. d^ijl V*" ■Z!!^™ -i^i*^ to gontTand » tttaStlon paid to it mi,!,^^^ *^ ^*^ long known and mt ♦balmily ..m^'foli^*^^^^^^ moon-blin^i-, lunlJio^ filler. tW ^ulTJori iJill!??*^''^^*- *»' *»>• »oon, wEK other «ai: whiof 6j2^i1^ri.*L^?.' ^"i"^"^' «"' »»»•« •« «•««. aritinff from tWJriou. ^S* *' *"J* ** •»«>*▼•• Tarioni not rery well\nown at prllTt .^^fl^' P^^"^- P*thologT i. f ••h. B,e3in^ HT" Jnd hoZT rf*"^ *'"^« ^'^^"^ 3"^t£,tiSS'?4-^^ duoed. Breed onlyhwnS^^T^U ^" ■"<*.«»«■ «' i« e-Uy pro- •tfwtrt with tlii. diSST ***• «»»'onnaUon mifht bljl otg.tf^oi:', Tffl:L:S^';L"'^«^ '^^ *»-« - tfc- M Kpt bitter, then worn efl^J?** ^""^ *"»• ««• P«S! •««. WM^nt in the stable at night aU ^^tTirSe — ^^ « .—..«.«, VTWM WIU1-, Moond itage of the die- >> togttMriHth the '"^'^ flO oAorai, nmmim aho nuAfmmn ow •"•lory •otlon grJ^nX JXi L t^; ..i ** 'T,'':'' "^ *°«^' •«jl.h colour, •odth. ,y. L^ r«Ji„T^' '^'" •*"**f* *« • •ault,r •!, mor, •fluted with th.'liht It will I. ^"llfJi'T nU«v«d. than th« other I. .ttMkJd In .Lk . ™ •*' -Pjour niind that you h.^.'^iSSlc JjhUuJ^r*/: ▼^ i. vtry r»pid in loni. aim. To iSl \^^!!Lu^^ P«J«oMy iouiMi; but it come. iH^aln with SKTZHl, ^; *»f^«f[ ♦>•»• •"•ok and Mwh^f in« .mtZr b« p^olur tim* at which it la lik«lr toflS^^r a #1 ' 5 v. r -r Ap Mimal niAT tvSmrt^l^^ ge«»«r»lly in lh« Mb-Mat« ^orni. blind. Th.irtUUoniMtblr^LSH^ ^'f "'r' ""^ ^'>» •rtte doM of DnrttativA • it mMm m^JTaiT^ x . «!▼• « mod- of belladonna in Km dSJT anS^ 2* ^**? «V,^Ta«rtfaot imm uiM li djwisu to BimM^&'^^v' TSi;!r!rbSa?s. ^ Mlirhi waap. |iirtinf flrom la ona aya may Qiaka iwot raoo- I animal ia . . Md it I or weaki to E>rdof ani- U no i* form- than ^f^^ «ii pakmth And lo4id« uf ihAmmW t li • , -«.fl4. A «i"U, oo«„UrM;ii|f.r.L. ?"' •# ^"* •'• ""♦ ••' •»««ti o^ U,. pr,KlJct. if l,l«X„^^" r*' •"J -P-li». th. r..„ovM »«•, but it may ooour3«i,Iid!^„t # Tk • 't** **** "*»'' of ophUuSi fphthalmim. Thiw ia tni.. ,,5/131! iV :*** "PWt«d .tt^ka of i« opwitT of th« cnr,tiJ ine u/iT!? •!'"[«""• «t,wct. Th. troo •nttrior «P"li. It mri,.vr,K;'th. T^^ P"' *^' blood iX "' it Th«» i, ; pwr t whi/i !,• !^. *'?"^L '•"■• or only » wul . »ot true catariwt but f^ ' , u •*>««'b«l, but it wu I think bom blind, it u BontiilU TK.^' ' "'^^^ ■**« •"•' birth. If oumbU. * ' "••"•"^'y> both eyt^ Ouinpl.t« o«tw«ot ii in- . either p«Li o7:?^p,ir&^j*« -'^d p-'W. tfein; '* I •fMVilWM Aim ffMUTHMT ctf • Mtek bat «a.i .h«4« llM •,.. .1,4 „.44^ y^ pmWlUrr «.-«».^ 1-^ u •«!• lui u M «M • ,,ii.<,i.o« 7.m i^ TbjrT. L nil!! • ^* v«Iot>« not ooatowl B omt f^J^ _^ BO* • of Sm •0»ietTmwt.luD^Mi.lIrrM j^/ir** '*'.*''^ inch., in Un^ ; ir:::::rd";irp'.ir"^^^^^^ t^-^? «lfc«r II fc«, |^„ H^.,„JV'« "^'"*' "'•* •'•• ••jr«ii4 III*, like ttiot. II .hll* |J|« ifHUAhZ 1.1! ^''•**»«' »• »• •'^••dri. lo iZ fh. .q.,«„i humour ':::^L' I'lh'. i;!!;'*'"*^* '"•""'^' '^' '••»*^ Mlwly ]« •Kmr in dam Uwi i J "Ui* T*^' •• *W TUlfunrT 0» V* % ohwg. from the inner kiial<, «f Vh« ?1 *1f^ "^V ?!• * P"'«>l*Bt dit- if'lh. obatruotion ". down in tk^e dTt' S^^k'" ""'»>• i^itat^. •nI.rKed »nd if thil i. Th. cai^, if yo .' m t'hJ*!J"fr^ '"V ^ CHUM. thi. diMhWge to flow more frilll & ^•^' " ■«'"•»»«•■ ~7;e:c:t' r, f '""*;: ^^^.r ?hi^^^^ ^"«"- a. to the ^ jppjr opening! T.ke . X .S w Uh • ^l"" '*"." '"*•" ***• fluid may pM. through eMily wd ?t mil « * ** ""**'•• •"«* **>• put keep up injection, for .ome S». v^ "**' P*" J"«' •* «"«•. but no .trong ippUcation ieT^ful ^ K Jh'Ik"'*^ uw carbolic acid Some •uthoritierreoommend Jhe i^trSlfP*"*' T "'«* "^ «'•<« fail from lower bpeS then iJt ll*/*^'*"'"*^" <>' • probe. If you liable to irritate Z eye It iTJi.-iV''^''' **"* **>• '•'*•' » "ore animal in i„jecting''UVip"pe':::;:rr'"^^^ *''"" ^* 'be&d'\Cgtt;t?e' tr'n!;? ?h^ '^ "k '«>"»••»• '* -7 only the mucouJ membrZ' uLtf t?"*"! *.^* •<»" *»■•"•■. oJ diMharge from the ey^-M th« h«.!i °*!?*:u°' ^' ' *•>«" "«! be a ^nt discharge from Se i.chryi^;,*'^!'"*^?^^^^ th» P«ru. be made, and allow the tea« f^fli^T \° "rtificial Opening may cheek, iilatead u ou^^tth^eJe If'^Z^^nl' ^ '^'P^taideSf thj the mucous membrane juitmik; J! i^^ oP«n»ng w juat clowd by through the openin"^At^o he ;J^ ruT/^l** ^t*^"" ^'^ ^ •n opening from thJ duct to *he out.id« «# *S^ ^l^P^"* *°^ "•'^« beflatulaof thi.duct,rndthedeD^ion«?^^^^ There may fere with the flow of t^anl. '"* **®P"»"»on <>' tbe bone may inter- en^lhiTTiiiZ^rr^''^ * theone tumedin,called oftenfr .Aen in dtSa^thaTI^* wZ^^t^^' *"»* "°* frequ'enU^^ ^ rob ppon the eyXll, whfohTitatTu and^r""" "»• "^^^'^^^ rv of tean and a purulent XcWo! n' •'^x^""®" • ProMcretion position, just by inoiJSiir . 3' ®?"* *5® P"''* «»*o proper ■uture, ir.dthisniyS«^\!^"" P^'T °' *^«-'^«. Md^usVa the eydids or cuU^ 'rS^' ZYZn^^^X^ P"" *•»« »»"' ^r^m with ; sutuie, just dffit"thf IhtSi K;*"* rt""* "'^K** *08«tbe' Wenlso find jit ihS^t^ntUff^l" «»^*»onof oarboHo «oid. 't •ff- )f \ amy rMnlt froin nu opetiiog into ig« of th« tMuri loh difflqtilty in no effdMit if the of the muooQs the ohe«k and 4 purulent dif- ill be irriUted. »i Mok lua^ be I it ■onietimci t the beet waj olution of aul- then frum the oKzle, and the I juitatonoe, oarbolio aotd, ice and clean, 'robe. If you latter ii more to throw the ned. It may >ft tiMuee, or littre will be a ^ thia puru« opening may mtiide of the ust closed by he tears pass le and make There may e may inter- led in, called frequently ; le eyelashes prosecretion into proper I, and use a le hair from {ea together irbolio aoid. ootropium, rases; may ng it to ito the ani mH — more oo|n-. ftUlAlM Of IMMUMno JMtUAtM, ff to use oausUc-^tr.r?f .XrLT.?il "**^ **"' ^"* ^**?. "»•/ h^re of silver, and if JorXnot sJwue^^^^^^^^^ ^ "'*«*• the oarta with ir«r#- "•"","» "uoaue wim caustic, then you exoiaa Z« We be?Ur^yeJS»? tS^ ttj^' '*^' -'^« - *» «*°. »»»•» sighted. ^ •fe^««ht than others ; some near, wd some for. thf i;?^Tti'l?„?**^"'''^^'r*"*" ; due to too great a Wrexity of e^^jSlih *"* ■*'"»•**«"« «•«* with a kind of oMification of thJ Melanotle Condition of the Ereball _a i<^^Aut^ n j . , loma. from its resemblance tJ •C'^^t.Zf * u^^i^ '^^^ atumour; use caustic nithite of silver ^fiJijlL^?"' '~"; opac ty of the cornea »n.i i# ♦!.- •!• ^"'"* " * onlging and cimplJte oZitToT'the «nl.? "^i*"* **"■• continues thSre is con£»2.d Ke ^ntiinSfliSd. ouL* Tt?^ "*k*° P""«»"" «»• ofreooveiy. It b aotS bea^Sn^l*^ .Perhaps there are chances , turb«,ce,T;„d TbioTi-'ikelJ toKt!"^ ^ ■W CONTAttlOUS DISEASES. •nd^l^rttpTS^Itiw M^iSr iTl*^'" ^.-u ?r-**« •~«»^^ called frJff»apniJ^.!*LlL?n«; *'"P*'^* '**•"'« ^-^^^ "^^ SmaltpoxhwKtodmKv^L^fu^'*''* »Ppe»ranoe on the skin. desoriiJSi T^^ scfiii:, H^iiU i?rbriil*iS2i: ii IKt JS?« ind tZ S£* TJi! °r <«'»pM ftLTS Of di.e..e.,dne SlJ^rt-somite^ 68 oAUMi, tfiirtoin Am> fummntn or f«bnle oondition. which mav be uah«i^ in k„ .ij £?' • , . * th.» .rephoM of the •kin, .m.u rjld^uh iSulii "w theufii nV'^ -k!!!! i 7: . " "**' °' • "^^ character— exoeot imaU.n^T in •heep, where it ia just about at fatal as imall-Dorfn mTn *?l fiymptoma -There » more or less fever; pulse compMativel*. weak and very quick; increased thirst ; impaired WMtiS^nthX^ MjO^y gone entirely ; red disc-shaped pSs .^i^„' ^1^ developed, from which exudes more or Ihm-am™ rft, ^ ««• according to the dtuatioj 7:^^^^., ^.Ti^reSS/IK ia'Th^TniV"/ *here being ^a greJS,; nuiC 5^£biS.S; £!S Vij^^ pustules may become confluent, and parts of theW J m^becomo one large sore. The schneideriaii me£K«,e rni^ «2 . ^h^ JSf**^ appearance. These nicer, have » SSt SS«^ iii i i wu jtw i Aii. Ait a , x_ - ^ -"-' < "'^»*.* -' i '" " *'»'u'a H on p e noHju e d w ith ^^^^'^^ESS^ '^/; <'•' .r--- PiamAMn or dombctio AjfbuM. t »• •bout tlirM week* - Thii JSl iwT^**?i**''' <*«>n^^l««»noe, way.-bv th, groom'. cIo h.2^ ^^f"'!?^ ^ **»*^* »« ^•riot.; ter upon the pIao«. *""« "*" ■•»»" •«»<» mbbing iom« of th« m»|. tion. A will get wS reSv 5f Sr T!: " '" "becking the^rup. tion, inatend of tryini to .Ln il JJ^^^'bing to inoreMo the erup- fteod. For.lS^p^U&'-.^O^^^^^^ upon the lotion, etc., but it J^ nT:J^^!F ^ ""1"''° ''^''^""'''^' '^rholio •«Hy dige.'ted food. !„".", ST.'Sf i. "^"^T^ 'S^'^ «ood. cheoted. it le^vo. the poiion in Z.J'tl?" •'"P*'"^ ?*f«*«'' *« *<«i»eMe, Md usually .ho", itwlf oi tL . ^ /* »» .f^P^i^e PU-tuUt •ttaok the feet.and moutT It I Zi "***'*' '^'* *«»^' *»"^ »* "V tinually hou.ed, but it ^iiiln?^ ■*^«'^ »? «•"'« tbat an ooii. 3iJ^"' di.turb.noe. anTerpTont " "** '»°"«-fir.t. inoub- Ap^.Vt&irfXit?"«"^ amined. fffen uXwritiA *"'"'!^ "' tomperatur l»We to rniala. Th«-TiBi, ■■■ath.,«^^y!rrj[ir„!:?:!!?'^' ""' '» Ml «.i.n«g TO I cAv»m, mrkmm awd TmBiTMiirT or qtjioWy. md oonUtgUtm, i. which ther. U • rMt aaounl of #«*« r*l TMr. in Ru«U - ' ***r-« *»»•» »»•• b«,n known f.«. m»du»llv^Hi?i ""••*••' During th« prosMit o«ntury it Hm growi woiM, and the oouah inoreaaea • thim m.. i.a7u^**i ^ torn for ioaie time. The MimaT t^ thouaS L^"** only ymp. ftom a feliffht oold Aft«rr-h!iLTr tuought to be onlj Ruflbring have tliirht SilJS^. J « ^'j*t® diaohaige beoomee fetid ; inar g»*«iiy1Ji3i3rl.T^,^" fife !?Al!.'2y •--»• ^^^^•^^^^^^^^i^^ -»-■ •,;>-• '• •*■ y III «' fli«lSn?fXl?U form ^.d thl.l *~"**«*«'"» *^ ••W ♦'> »»• In birth • •piratorT oSmT. Bi^ hi r*J„"»*f th« •yttein through th. r«- carried on the oIotheTof ZnU ^u' *^u " '".'* '•»•' ** *>•• »>^n that •nim»l"mu.t come ?n oln J» "'^ •** P**""*'*' »»°» *'»■«*« cant, of Jo« from\S*i;;S^'a2'r wh'T^Ti'*;'"*- '^'» ^T •ntiwjy rid of ft .inoeT oSjbl^f ' **** not.uppo^i h«i .m W .hould be .Umped"o!rt';u.^i'nry'r to'tlJI^-.n/Sf .^*^ , be more taoeaMful than tr«»tm«n7 u .' *"<* '''•* ^onU. •country .pr3ng over ma^th;"!^^^ ^^' »'««*• intoa forinerly, M«the animali are de.troiL?' . i A"**' '^ eitenaiveM , cQlintrii compensated ToD^tl^f!^' •»'* *"»« "r"*"" »• ^» "oma •idered a benefit, and then wm thm.»K?^# T *-^*^'. *"'* <»«»" Uken Wthe lunJiraLrtain i^^ V^'a''! »»«^»*««» «• ^'^'tfi?' *•» or Qth^par? of the aSiti ?-M!??^' •"«* »■ P«* >u3i-'Bnt pleuro!J,SiLl'a iJ JSSiriS'' ^""^ ""^ • '•»*'• OMca ; but it Drevant. tlT -♦♦! b not produijpd only fe expept^MU •nimala. I hglbre inLniS ' .,?".5°"'«y th^|«eaM to other It ha. been XXunJ^t^Ti^ * **?•* "•"f <>«^"«- by «,me own5r.^da°,ySiS|^ ^»* "^ItliHr!!!!'!**^"'*^**""' ••»<>•* •eriomand I6atfift«^ f. ! 1 iib .^< tt'inoL. ^^ "iufrpiai _ Itduri t>Wn in ^1 :1S ^i4( ^ they an «llow«dtorun ^Mi">7"J»7itdoe«ff, bioh oaae it have faroy. .~«3 II ill — »•-••»«>»• w« aiio nave larov den fawy, bi taidi., ™*««««tfe dpe^ ^ Farcy wiJl produce gUndere, and ilan- ▼irue from ene or iU other' So Wh jnifeetation.. U i. .aid to occur in olhtr WX4 irttrihlK'" -^ *^ '■"•^•'' .pontwieoudy >Ufl«r in their externAl ,• aAimale; butitiiieeld 1 CauMt. —Sonie aay ** h^tchirbSt^^SSr W SL***?'?^^^^^ Ahem, but the veteriSSSl » *° mfeoted hone amons P!e4».idled dSto^JS^^'ei^^ examining, °lf honei,inj)poM#to^WfMf SL Yii \*^^* Pruwian war The n>o«tly be traoedT, Sh£..««. / a^^ *^ ■PonUneoue. It can mo.tiererelyTlaLTtiJ?wh.2*^^^ I* « likely to ecoS ThlilriL^i^'r'f.'^-i*' *^ P5»"{f tlpeiir. and-iT;p-rSd.*;SSffi<.*J diathem^ wroe hon^k, «> to 3» '1 lite m.nn nhvnniA t< j • . T*'^*' There may be •lland^roi ,Jtvo<>oonin-twofoi - ^•^'ormit^ruBiiU ™tf»e ohroqic form; ^ genenllynenin " L •nd chronic. If diveloped Slhe ■ met with m the teute fwS? ^iTS ito ted a^imale. When ,ueh beeom« I DIMAiH or DOMItnO AmUAMJi^ n aiMM. th««nin,«I .uff..r. from rigour., mor. w '.IT xtZlitni ..♦:^k!^?u ' '*•■«• ■"""»* «>' •W>umen; will link re.dil» In . wid of rfit^', "^i^:^ '? • "r«^» ««*■«. tat thon, zjiM ^SGET. iirlf?''*'!^* '?""«"«"*'"'. '««o™»«ni»ASd. ta thMe ohmS-^!:! 2^ 1 ° , • " "» **»« ohronio lom un- '**MB :%- ^S;r;# H v'^ '•! •J. {.r.l.»p.d ' TM. w^ n«uJ3 r-t^.*; ir^*:^*' •'"'••♦'S •How*.! no .».,Ma ;i.n-. U Tj lIlSJ"*?* **! 'T* *»••» »»»<^ • dl*,h.rg, fn,m .„„ ..r b<.th n< Jtr* . hn?;* /" "•^' «'"** '^•"' *• 9.H ^h«r. u, th« b<.„.. J in !u",t;:i^"*'J^ 'J"«l'l^ •il.d* do com* dll^ ap with ftwirt of tMilnr j«!l^i "J!? *''* <»»itj«. bn, . »w«JljpM.«niin«il,«d rorn,.,"7|. „^^ Oont^^iuw iS diaohwK. »>«*>ti.oonUin««* ^ • •tad, and it might product it\f^^'':^^lJ^Z h*'»'«,«»»*«fai. three or four S,«i areVuwkJd'rhT SSi*!i*"*? V^*»^ ''^^•^ one or two affeot^l in the fiKLfl™^ 5?^ ''**'» "f^ ^o**. <»»^ul in your^,Mminatio„ B!ff.*?.^ *>«> o'^W* get ilTtl' * ' » "VjI ----"" —»»«•«»« in toe nc then be ,,-4 : - .rT^-^?*'^lfc*' •»"•«► ' ?,- .■■]*■■■ »?„■■■ ■ ' .f* „ "■ . . . • f IX. HMMAUi 0». t-. I ^M jruu u,,y ,„,k, ..^ ,.,„, ^ittj IH.I jj J, iCoJl ^^ **■, dm, •llhuugh pr.».,t,„g diir.r.iit m«ii iMtation. kI™. 1. . . ' 1 ^i It Mwlfli in two forma, Mnir " w« flad bv th« ^ --,'-._...., VH ui« Kianaa. it ooonn in tmn (»•». •nd ohronifl H fr«fi,ntly t.rmln.U^ inXaillll!r^ fl "J Jjp«r.i,n«. th«t ,UnJ«„ wfl| p^„^ f^Ji? ^niM^^^ •ignifioant to the omu»1 ob!«r.«^ 1 1'**! .T '^•"««« •«► "ot ao tbn with th« lymXuo auid. :^*"«'V '.^"^r.'PP"''" «'»''n«>- »nceof_|y„ph>„gi|y, unit- Ztm^i^n^^^^^^' imm ivu tOMa- wcelu WH limva niHiiMMMa — uj-l Ttl'^Tv tt- ''o^f- •nd then •cutTftSy «.v Sff„ ^ lu "^ '™ '*" •«•»* **«•. --' — ' : : -r- — ' ' '! < — »"••• -'■h—if'" :^4. if >. 'ii- fl fi w "p^. ih, .h..uK iridic x^^'v:^' *"*-**' "'-^• l^'UU, th,*„u„Jl u.a|, you iir.ttJ'jrhry.^''''^"'''*^'" "' ? ntc-^Mry t^brini th. l^uZl^t T^^r"" ** •""•• t^~.d irLiitii'^iik':?..*"^*'^': «7 . .1 ■ . M*w«»u». v>«nii«r i« Ilium likMli im». bniah. .«.v „-.r..!. l!/'.*"'.**."*' from running lhn,ugh Uf , whioh Mia up irrT •rr.«i K-...kL ^ ' '^ "IHirung, from ru of th. cfcloridJ of' i^n Kr,. him fi.' ^yr'"**"" ' "' **>• »'""»"~ buckthorn .nd jaCor^l^t-ot 1^^/^-!^'*^;^ ''"'P' "' turn. I«Ud. of poJ^umr.L3it i A'iT *" '"\!^'^ '^* '^' •bMMiMa from aom. oauaoa th*J IJMr n* *"** ^*^ "^^ •>•»• uioiaioB, .nd th.n umTL „f?h JP5*^'^ ■••"*"■• ^.k. mi di.t to ; crtidn Mtilt f J^. L ^••nediM giv,„. R^riot tlM With fi.t„u'j|||."r^t, her xKtor.'L' '"•"•'''"? '"'^ •nd ia ffMnat^ii. — .- ■» 7 '- ^nuiia nor. oominon in horuM •'•U/C^W.d «^^ ^ ^' "P •?"**» irriution, but mn,tg«,: ^ ^ «f»ct.d oat, or you nmj inject with oai^Uc. mTJuJ- *r. nt^fm vIK ft 11114 (tiSUi^, Ml aMiato til Md*^ i.ki .i^WaA •,^' I ftlMKAHK. ; h#^lhj b«l ih«n. may U *,«• flhang. In *«„, WM. to that ili. a»JtZrl'ln"^V I.-*- .l««n.Uo«. Thar. b^hJilS whl'.S P^i»« duly or funotion Fnim hwdth t. .Iimm* ihmtm mL Mri^in /WA^^o^y, which la d«rir«d from two (IhMk wor4t. Mid mWiui a J^Z CL^r"*!! '"""•""«»*•"• "i^h «Ji-«^. pathology VvbT JZL^/k"*'"* 'P^ «'~W«««i«h di«,— in pft;tiouU^' Yn i wiJUwm. It w • r«ry>i,p«rtiMH bnmch of .tudy, ""•«««• «w(o^, or Iho oauaM X diMMM. Thb is abo imDorUni tfc «nflnd «J wmov th, ,»u^ th. o.m ta, m • «^^ a,i„g, ^ wmg IM .mHi thai il .111 Z5.f^ . 'y*"*'*'**"*. »»«♦ !*••«•.••• — mgp-^^g^^l*Ljll*rii ard «l4«||H««t»e. i»mgn/i««fl. Uil^iHtiS. ««*. -triila „,•» I.. !:!? * * •f^^T ^'••'* '• • «'»««W«« rr<.m y^ th« .n,tU.r. .nd tC V.irii'fcr''/?:*'*.'''' ^'"" •»*•"' •»»•• '• bl- or «nf.y..„r.bir "*""* "* **** '"••^ •♦^^ f*^"*!*. •"•"••i. In human D«otio« ii U -.1 1 ^^ a ' •Qmirytng on and f«»T«r ..ut ,„||,„„^ ItZVhl^«.t "" V •pUiHjtId. o.Urrh.1 '««^fltitrTr/m:t*"»±" '"'*^" ^'^*"-' ^d .« d«. to known Sn thtortr.' liVr'aS'-v'"* ^T "•'•'*^ nr»rtham oattl. llTi.Jl T^"-- b'l^ it U Mt up •monith. .•*ja ntH neoeMartly ooatagioug. ' ••P*Mno dis- i^^tti;;: 'gLtiii^jr?"- * ^^ '°^. -y ■■« «. »> •Ifwifl. — tfoma of UiA -*- a- .TLi #' '■lir ■<•'■ UA»««, HYslf.fOllll AliU filRAflllMf of M in the bloiKl itMlf fn r .riM„ iL f '"•J""'7 «««»<■$ in A oh.nge W«.to it taUTi D in tK« II "1 ^ "^"** '" •" P'ft* of the h(Kly body wiu. S" rZ S.. H.J*'^ •"d.o.n^od from the body. The the w««"^S* The hL!"A*^"""5 '"P^ '* '■ nouri.fed ind proWded thfre i VSJuJn amount «/ '"^ ^ ^"?' •^" *^'**' ' of function or atnioture W« «r»L ! vf^ '. ?r ^"•f '■ * ^'hanjrtv « . any great extent, it produoM daath'^iriJ ^71^11 "'r"*" .^^i^«^ to ? '««^<^ .f «*t^. anA i nuuntkSied bf * hi tion of ail the fnnrttinn. tk^ 'jZZ. J?^ "** r •» - ~ ' -r--^..«, JIB ^ruuuoc \ blood: vS,, !V *JK?*? Il '**® Ki^a^^and important flai It i. dtiuSin thBth^^Lf^^J^^'^''' ^eA#euS: H ■ ■■•^■i ■'■■ ■^3'^ =?=*r » *- pi^MAn'm Of OOMMTft; AWIMAU. «1 \ '^XiS^:ni,^^^^^^^ J?, ' *"'**^" "*•"*• — »>•' i. TV bi!KHi frt.™ ti.« hlrt to 7.rioui3r7r ;:!r'* '»'•» «>" •o n.med from the funner .".pSon Thlt 1 '*''' *^^ ^''^ •!• •■ ih«y wore •lwav« f«\,,id L„vf! / , thejr confined only aij.' They po«e.. «H>ntraotnIt7lnd L Lticitrl«°J S'*^ - *^« ^•'" «*«• tiou » due to ,»u»cy,\dr tU'e in^hK ^f** th«ir power of oodtnu,. tractile fibre. •eJI.. whio hll ?h A. !' .*^ '"'' *""'^'" "' «>»' of the .rtery* in whirh tty .^^^ ^^^^^ Jl'^^;' ^•'Mini.hm the odib« lUlIy orco,npl.,t..|y th« How K^!i •Ju?**.*'*" •''her^irre.t Mtf. oi»Ilyd«tic tho^ ave both m b^^^^ ^ ^^ . They C6„vey the lL,d to J thrtSiue. ;?1k^'^T •'•**/« '^"•• , WulfiMed if function, it i^X^ bti'lt^tt^tS^t^lit «* folding, of tho inner Mn?„,#;i.'^ have valvet, i^hich valvS . exbt in thl p. Cmiy voi^ 'Jhl'?' \?"u Jhe,e'i5lve, do nZ . Jlre h^art. ^hen "S^Cn^ , J,^:^,,*J"^,,»^ ^.m, blood toward. irterie. wid vein, we have ve,^ .ma f v^-.^i ^t'^u .^"**r« *»»• ^Sitttj^'jSijjtro&af : mipute,aDddurin«heLtltKl 1 ^^ /hey are very delicat3 and .- Udea'to khppU the vaXui S P^' *»on« «/ the blood continually.^. ' opting wiTC^trandk ; n !lf "''^' f '^ ■'*"'° *""« 'here arfS- ^•%^efl£tod SrJSir^^^^^^ '-'' cap.llarie. that nutrition i. p^. , f M^%«tinoo4SS.'a .^^^^^^^^^ ^^^'"^ ^^^ «P tC ' by th^ blood. &Jm&flrd 'nr**^- "'^''^ f^' *" «ouri,h3 "4>iU*ti«» and v«inrand^,rfh.i^«/ k- a"^,*^ ^^ I**® *»«*»•*» arterie.. Srrt;4wwn-fromihe Si&!?°^ ^"^ thech,«,WwhS fluid. You woSSiot I co2?^.^^^^ "^ • lipiogendou. ^' wWleit|o.e.^hrkm^^^ ^ "?• ' **"* tW««pbut*after I ii««ll, or ftiint odoX!^a ari«e.fSm\"'i'? '"*^- Whalitu i. a Jy drawn blood, and hiX^tSf J?f h '^'^ T^P**"'^' ^^*>™ f"»b- re.hlyd«w«.>|i|ieSSS^^^^^^^^^ •■> *«"« portion, oorpusde., or blood Veil.' ".^:"*"V«- wngu ^«M«. the ted andthe whit« . ??«^?'t i. - ® cprpmole. i Jenltfe an5 diwa^.^fLaTa^r,,!^,! 'J^tf.. but they vary both vk propei-tie. ; ^ ^m to 2rim&«^k J^ 7 ,"* i^J"* ^ P**"«A vital o^led Klobulitte Mrf^£S!l^ m?*®"** ^'O"* the bloQd,-««oh i. Jhe blood. In w*tttt:bfooShiSS.^«Ti?;"°** ^"^ «>'°'»' to- larger of the £,ro. aSi «* rS^I-^"^' *'»«.. ^^»te ooypuMle. ifare tiie y, ' ^ \ " r /^ ^^^*- P*> ^^ 'yd borpq.o|et tthtt* '. i'^^ T I > ■■< WlV S^aZS b'S^^^^ ••**«* » *»•• «P»l*ri*^ "Mtf. wbrij.r::r:::::::- '•v...».s.-.o..^..„^.,.. ,;;. '^^ t'or|iuiM)l«« ., •""'"'" • • • • «.»/*.>.., . , . . ... . U . . . . \ . . f.u AMiuincn; flbrina and liaMa in i^ii'.iu.;V 111 Vi.'* £/•'•• '^^ ..r..U7.# Ilm< i.ho«,*.te 0^ Iron; ««ld. nri»5 •'l*?'»»''»t« «' n.«^««.l.. phoapUtf j.f 'l»o«|*»te of Iron; wxide of J«S. ^onbl^trmxift^i «vaponition, tW i, a-olid left, ijiioh The trhito of «i^K ; ttoJcT «?i*^^1 '" ««gH>«.Woodare. the property ofTw«K '^"LhiT'* *?^* '* ?"^' "'■*'' "B^ i. ■odiam. uotLsilim ^S.. i •• . *" con«t»t"entB-are chloiWb of » rejsj^^utpb^of .iu ^St::^'^''^i'^'^')\'*f^^^^ matter, of the b^<^ "i;' l?abl?tiM;n?*''f '""* 2f ^>^ **'«'^- '^« ned to the rung./abd carbonr*cid WJ"S k a«d ?^/' ""^ mentttfln, and the ■erum -Thi. i! « k ■* ^^ '"* ol»t» or orasa»- i •boir Sam^at^ ^ke ;«r?»l «>• nattwl teayli, tod (Toes a«t Chlotid^^f ^tlahln pu^oS for ?f SLh*** > ""rie... We. |p^ blood wiU SudT. anrffide of J.^ K * "" "f ^P^^ .elation of «oda ;iU pr^i^f co^^^^ ^^^J'^^^^}^^^^ A , «ie treatment of diaeaie hyTxe^a^^^LiJ^*-^^^*''''^ °**" *» Slood keplat a low ^n«r«?,!r ^•fi^'?** mftnence^onth^ blood: , warmer. "^HetipTl&c^KV^Ir^^^T" taint. Blood r^ive. matter ?mnV^iuL^^"*®r*''^'»??" »* <^«^- the alim^tita^. SS Uwu^wtor"^^^^ from dig-OBfion in tod fro«. tlS^Vtm^IphSS tod from th« ftmoipherb fh th* .yatem to a ore«( extent sue. when the ^body dies, , , bine. J aUhough such bod IB /$» the lung.. Oxygen «rt. upd*i -J jaid to act on the vm^tig t»-' )ya^I the tiMue. excjept tfc» ">***%d>yd«g« or other ani-' . _ , . -I* DuiAjiw r,.nt ',...:ta;.r; ^^ b/t i?'^""" , , «?. «»>"«* » • U ym bJ„ed 1 hofe from ^e ,w,Ur v!^" *? 'l^r*^ «»' ^^iriw. flow freely into * <^„, .ffj "f il'^/'^. "7". »»"' «ll'»i^ the bIo6d fO - in which the blood »)Muirte7 Thi lhi» '' '" *^"" ^" *»»« n,«nne*.r .top. the red lower <^^A^^^ corpu^Ies b,.,„g on th# Wood i. Bat due toTny ohanJi in Kh ^'^T*'" ^^ **»« 4 i»f the think you cannot tenZ I^J" '^K T^'?""; ^ ^ho bloJJ | «i<»^;<>wingftoth0C9nge.tei7taiTS^ « d""^*' th„ i ii i t i i iii. »truiBtupe(iffuncSora!!Ifi** **® *" alteration in the heiUthir tion ^f the w"od IrthteL^^^^^ b7 a perverted Tn^? oaf tein w«iai|nr o^ pai^v^^ofll!'^"", ''^ ^^»«»» may h» due to « of the medical i|.qui^T„dT5atment"te ^"^ '^'^'*** "»^ '«*«'^t with the opfwiow h^iri?th 1^^^^ dweaw^aa in accoMa««» .fome of^the t^eVif^at^ereXd LiSi^h"' ""' ^^" ^^ »»PP^ ^5N 4n exalt«d Lff«^ - 5 ^ *^* P'^««^ It was P*^m^m%rJlii»m<^i.^^ ? *"? uwifeaaed nutrition *o IhS . i^ppowd ti, &%ffi#bloo5*ST'kT recommended It ^ij : M rid < it would e(S?tS^5t^ ifelt- •k^ ^ ** ^^'"^^ «>« «^ . different 1^ ^lifferent opSfonfi^ 'Jni u'^^'Z ^T*" ^«»«^ ^ be Pri«0ipl«.«. JtCSuta to «iit"l^°n" J'^'^^'^ , bra»n and aer^Qun tiaJS^i /oSe«^*flv2 f^fr *«!'*«•.•• i« the w*»ted in the bfood • oth^'*? i^ ^^ ^ demonitrate that k, without blood t^'C^^^ ^^-^^^ «»^»^^e^ every ti.«ue tK>e«es«i tL^ J*o|k«,^f »^r *o,r h^IiW^HhS o^*-yti.ae est^Sg^^l^^^ -/a,. •s. . ■» -" .;..-.. ■../:« '-:>^; ■ ,que„tly there i« a diminution in the amo^t oTw^ ' n **"; ffeiitinn If ♦ w • * P«rta. "There are varioua kin^ of oon- aevere exertioti. It can be indaoe4 by meLi of t^^ nervoli^^ DIllAiM or DOMMTIO AfnUktM, .^ 't' ■ i^J , * **?* "' * *'**■' "• hoirever. Mot so n uch abive thl^ would think InaiiflRmmation it would rua ud to 102 <= or ia/o «oit vane* from 08° toinic • TtT-T;^ ^ w> iw^ orl(M<', ' #«rea8e in the hock and fhr.f- T\l f . ■ '^•*n«' *•»«• >n- 'nurr or »•?• in nan. fr,„„ irriution !^h ! '"l' •"'' «•"'«. •"d I bJ d"mpi.h. .. it i. calLT « ling ;!;L*«?! ',, V I" ' '"'"^ '"• !• i'^C "V* *•"»"• l'l«o«. Pain i. ,1,,- JrVi T. ^t" ''"P**'*** on maf •«'• pr«Ming on and .,|^^ ?, i"th^' "'* i-'«"»^'» "' 'h« No<>d ^2 71 — •".»"« in ■uaaoioiiio eolif *!,«-.• -•-;* '"""••""•Hon, »»m «o«t f.vourabkj i, for in.tanoe 1/70^1 ^l^' "T^'^W ia tlui **>*"• "f oral conditiin, tjien Vi^^f' ♦ •**** P/'** '«•*«««» to which, in ,„„.t c^, j; Tcie deSih 1 ^^T'i"!^^ •" r^-olutioJ^ »n«ybe.rettored t« their 3.. «?!?•.. ^"tntion and function ffl' change i„ the .Jl^'XtTolX' th"', f^'"' ""'l^^ ttoed and it is re«,hition A foi^ !S !* . *^** '' cannot be no- that m whiah the inflamltim, IXidl w'""lT " ^"'^^-^uo^, ' djfiet and the products are aken an hv »^ * *^ ««udati«4 .olil We often see this in our t^UenV^ aI *^• '*'*'*'**' •"** •?«* i«l of. inl Umination subsides, Zlthev^n^' 'onjeni.ng t^e part^ the b..t rf it eosguUtes or scHd n^sTht^h"* *"''*" "J* »>y • Wtio«! more tedious. It breaks up by a k^ *• tf ?!r'* " ^'^*"*«» '^^t becomes mixed with the mTroundinJ^lJ ^/ ***8»ne'»twn, wa ous compounds, and i. gq ri^ „f bCi! "**; .T'^ '"P*^**«- into'vS^ the various excretory ofSan. It IT «f^**'* *^r«"^«t*'>n, throuS, : enlai^ement. m th Jystfm are J^tliT ^^L*'^ *•»« •'»»'« «' «K tory «,tion by irriX„. ^j tSe^^sulta'oV ^" ?5* "S »» '"^'^"i^ ?X "^' *"** "** **** '*** '*'• »»flwnmirti«»n ar» fiiid this in i„j„,i^ i„ S^l nar^^Jn!:^?*'' ^? '^*'«'i««- ^e of br«»king up, i« oonvarted in*„ ' '^*'***^®.the exudation, uf»t^ '1;/ ',"#.. - ' ■• * ^^ ■ ,. • ( .1 ' ■ ''li-'t m fl' ^^ '■■!" t \ .-, ti "P p P n II 1 '•■ '* '' PMlAlim or IH1MMTK7 AViMAtM. Br And IhU mmj ^NMomo dcnaar to • (MrUin •itonl. juid lh« anl«rm. nifln^ iMMontM aniAlUr mnd amdlar. Ilia • imm of •riluwiuii. Wh«n jou hmrv aiioh « cam. jimI think of thn inf1«nim«toi7 i.r.H'«M, •n i|tii«t, and dll«y tha Hiftmtm. There i« n brine ov ita oonetittienta. bat it doee not #o«cul»t« until «x(Hi«ed to the atnioe»h«r«, m in ploiiriay. There is ; jnor* or >••• «(tMpii of lenim j end nbrinoue thriNMle ere aluo Men. : F * ix*** wnneotioii with iniuriee, m • kick in tkv rouiou of tto lAini, or a bniiae on tlvu •honlder. Wh«n you eiamih« it, you find It ooi.taina fluid ~bl«HKl and water- not ptis ; thU ia an etam. pie of effuaion. It ooin«|| ttm * iUfht Injury Ut 1 he areolar tiaaue. no duubt. ^,^- ' *%pp«ro<»on of : 1 » . . ihtperfifiial, sM in tha nuicotts msmbrfttlM. 8ojn« mucous mem- , branesdo not form much pus, while others do ; examples of the latter are those of the uose jind generative organs. There ara wnAmmtkiory tumonrs, as in strangles ; they are at flrHt hard, then •Oft, then burst. This is oinjujmscribed suppuration. It breaks . 4o«rn the tissues and finds its way to thewHtsid^, or pus may n^ ; insin for some time in the tissue, as in al>seeMes in oittle. It may Vsmain mooh the same for a considorftble length of time, but is > tounotured deep pus may be foiiiid. Buppuration is soinetimes f«vou>able, as in a case of injury from a nail in the foot,>atter forms and asoapes and relief is afforded. When UUiod or itfoolour. uig matter » mixed with pus. it is oailtMl aanious pus. I^^us is oon- unued for some time in connbction with a diseased boiM or jtooth, it becomes very fetid in many oases. Pm is sometiides found with sjttive propw^ss. It flows from a wound over ths skin, it destroys the luur or skin, aad is oaUwl ichorous pns. If f>us is mixed with "poiwMi, as that of lenders, etc., it is 'called specific pus, for it will prrMloce the sanse disease. Landable pus has no smelL Diffuse sup- -♦^'!!!5"'°" . '' ****^ '" •°*"* internal orgap, as the lungs, and is ' 2S? •*" "* mfiltratian. In injuries to the groin or withers, if ««» «• danger of eoTiipelatouB inflawmation, or danger of it run- nmig «n to ftanKreim, dtffuM suppuration is sometimes desirable. It IS mperieial when zti the sks^n or mucouH membranes. tT&mi^ii.— This nsajr be called molecular death of a part, and - iMUMrBUy arises when the tissues degenerate and are thrown off m MvgesBtonnta. Thwre are ditferent kinds of ulcers. Some will heal !™*y **»**« others wUl not. The ulcers of glanders will not he«l yioeration is frequwntly prodnmd by continued inflammatory action. ■■■^;! 7 «*w^ •imrmi.. 4ii„ n^^mm «« W' ■1^ w^k r titi"";"^' -^'^ " - ^X'h ' vr *•-. •'?••-» nvir. '' • '-"'!• '^J-J^ 8^^^^^^ r:L/^« •.^„:r,,j7o; Th. K '"V™" «" •»•'* prove fliJf?"*^*»'»*«''^y '• «*II«U •cuL Potiodd for «tjai'« time aT *^ """««<'» 'he ai.ClI ^l!!J^ T 5'«"Wn «'>'".« <^ea,^v4y.V«« r'«o„rH produced by dSe^ tion, ,i« difference wkS^?* ^""^ *"-'*** """"^^d. K Xnfl *^" ^*' ma/ be noticed in T P^o,^':rZTi" ^"^ Po^lu^e^ "^A - *:- ■' * . ,.' '-„ *> • ■ a- " ■; * ' ' ■' 1- — : . . « " , •• • ■ r:\ •r ■i '^ (, ''. '!, t»mmm 'hot ^ailili^'M^ t^ n highly o.rTo«.iu,im.I.lV.„.;;;rv"^ '<"♦«'*••• *» d««-. trtd then ti': ^i^; . of . w rv I'Lt;:;,^ ' > r'^"-* '"^"» -|»iil«e IS of A fail. b«.ur»diiii w!r» „k . ^«*n lympbangitu, the th« thn/bSna t)ulJ W 1 't."*' ^^i""^*' 'ho b«.t «x»,„ple of •^ii^^n,^uZ^ tl,rohbi„S.en. you .„...t ..y .; s i?«ts;rd\;lrJV^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^''^^^j intermitting. p,Zl.T,u,.d^he« »h "^'^'f '^ l'"* '^'"*'*^ 'r»»«. though it „..,.t Ri «;r^;^'t Ck;^^ «^- M' Hot geiierallv vorv aUrm^Zi. * -^Jt "P*" *»'" •uipicion, It ii •lid this pulL it i. 3^urll ^T^ «" "^ '=*""»« '»''»»« '^"^t pi^roeptible miC 'hd"a^ 1 he fluttering and almoat in^ latter iUireadfLLrn. ? *^' change, in the ayateui, m fo the «nteritir^X^^r''*'.r""?^' P»«"™"ni*. etc., eppwrfiL iJ tive?f ipro^i^d Wu^^ni tI"** '^"^r i"dfF*inct, it i. indiba. due ta -^-il3hfc yy f I ^*»«"/2 -*** ^•"•'^«« *>' P»J>e. and •0 OA faU^ ,^ • . ;^* ■** "'•^ ■••? w» will itfi 4i«t;':X.f r.t;;:,n^^^ •tiriiii?'. «o«.tit«ti««.! -^.«i.,. ^ tiling iM,d for nol „ri?h*J\£i''"''7T**r''"^ wh«f it it .t,„„i'^ with C.flt IL ./• •?••* "'**• """*• "-«« proy, f«t^ in many J,, 'n;:'';'-^ ""' r'.*?"'" '"'»•*'*•'• "^"W •ort«d to. w„ hMikfiiLTln LH ^.'/' *''^ »'l"'HM«tti„g wM r*. •nd from • Urve v«in tl.- « ^ i* !* •n<»"ld bo «neMt. Hut you iiiuat app » -yijo more h;^^L„';::, "'Y'i^tvTth;. tsr '••"^ ^'"^ ''?»• turn to a certain e.tent. ADnUinT!!11 f '''l' ?'«"«»* •»«4*» •ometimoaof b«ne«rbut if St i T i 7^"' •'""' '*>• ^""^ '«• u«». Hot •pplioatiol T« i,«n«fi«i^ ''''^'*"' '""^'''^ **"»'« *« «' cold. If there i. .eTero 17 thl L f ■"»»•**«*• Pwf-r^bhrto by cu.in« inoreMed iibSoi ^f ?hP'^ '"^^ *•.*•"•' ••»'•* *«*• Pi^. Hot water » iTex^L^ t, 'l'^^' •"'» •"o*^**"* the medication, or une blankeU t^^^d by Z'"SS'"'FrtK ^T T^ "•? Itppltoationa, to be of benefit: ^n.»w? L.' . *^''**«' *"»' o^ oo M , -^ "" *** wflMunfttion— th« beet beiii( t t NMM» f>» MWwrw Atl«AlA •^i|lB«l f«ir Ik* lionM, ♦ 4 ' -A.' .Qd the union lM,tw«on the e,»rthy «lui!d t^rvITuul n^JJ^oi in which their are c..nU.ae /I ^ f ^ % %: M ^- *» H,t J.- t. . , - ' .. / "..3 *♦ 4'^ I » ' < f • »♦ ,♦ • I v k*^ A .i IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) t^: ^/ >%v 1 f , t tI^ 1.0 I.I 11.25 u « Itt 110 6" Photographic ^Sciences Torporatton- 33 WIST MAM STRUT WIBSTM,N.Y. 14SM (716)«72-4S03 ■^ '*■■•*.. ■i .■* *. 3i . . \ ' ' K ■*,» -^;,'r. ■'"• * oaUim, BtHfroim aho tiMTHiirf of 03 (U..OI in our patient.. If th.w i. but • «nall.m^*t of dm t U «.u.ljr rel..v.. by cutting o,h.„ th. pi^. tr,ph™in;. .t*^ An iu^ Jury Oi.y pnKluo« au ab^jeM. Th. horM auffors 7nt«««lT fro7« na4mm.u..„ of th. b«n. ; th. D.rio.l.um b T.ry lik.ly H^m.T f«:t.d,p.no.tUi.«nd ctiti. fWqu.ntly being Mwoiud^^.Va datian .. often thrown out b.twi.„ th^i peri^LZTtTd thrbo"' Uum ^P ri Tr "•""■• •*'',1^V'* '""» iXmmation of th. p.ri^: upright Md i. du. to oonouMioh, Th.«. .r. th. product, of in flamn,.tion of tho b<.„.. u „„iflc „,.tt.r i. thrown o^lt 2 ZlM ej^to^ n.e.„.„g b«„jr depo.it. .„d i. producd by m«r. or 1.2^ i^ Sr,w.Z^;^ n"""' ^ ^•'^ fiighfotion i. .ufflciJnt, .im.t mJ. t fh^ .. 1 •"'y'»^""''''**\""***'«»>9««.un«ri„K/romirriUtio? Thi. 1. .oni.tlnie. ipqi^'y, wd wmetim.. hard .niTden.. A ^mi mon «,«rhap. • better example of exotoeii than .pavin. ilP*'^^ MaUgou. to uloeraUon in th. Mft tl..ne»~dMth of bon. m .^1 particle.. It i. decay of bon., th. nmultTf Sflai^- matory .ction. It i. mo ocular deith of a part cSi SlZl il!!^ • r '''' """?'' tin., th. bon. preMnU a cariou. oondiiT rS2,SiAr;- "'"?'■' *^^"*' «^- '' •''Mom in .uchS affact. th. wft tiMue. to any great .xt.nt, and i. caliad dry chIT Th. lamind lay.r underg«HJ. ab«,rption and ulceration, auj th.arl {;JS Zl • ?""• 'T"? •**"? **"■• "' "»»»«"• 5 nutrition i. inter" IITIkT il* *'^'"«' ^^* place between the vascular .l.mente and th. Kit. are removed to a certain extent, and there "DMaw a jm^ai .pot upon the articular .uffac. If it ;tt.cl|. othw SKT.! from injury to facial bpnwi, or in connection with th. aUa.. VShail^ rtc., then It 1. .omewhat different ; matter i. fomediSd cSnot «^D.. and It burrow, down and .et. up irritation in the^riiteSm charge, and it continue, for .ume time,4t is generally fetid There «J w i' x***® ^nflaram^tory action throw, oat ouifio matter ■uffident to fa.ten two bono, together, it is called ^?^^^?*^^~'^'' u ''^'^^''^ »»<>«' bon« diJMjaM., but it i. the «»uU 6t long union ; but it may b. due to fibrou. .trocture, thrown out from the ligament., tendon., ete. . But if it involve.Th. K or paaten, joint, then it i. g.nerallv from o«ific matter iroin out between the articulation. If thelnjne become, inflamed! «,m.time. difficult to nee ^l pSn^ of SSorTh. dtt|nrji w.r. .imilar, but toagraater Mtent ItlaomSi^ thS nSii^r;;?! S**' '*'1 •«"o»»din« ti..ue.. w!Sh endnr.J;! fetid and ichorou.. It deatroya the hair over which it flows i^ ffr»- " |^"»i-^ > mniuHmt or iiOMiitTic AMiiutM. a§ ». different in thi. om« from i?Ivhr^rV**'^'"^' '^'»« ♦"'•tmAnt in <»th«r 0M«a ult«T.„, i^'^ ■ ^""' *'*^ ••"»•" bone ituNm oJ chloric *ir ...IphurTo ijiJ 'bi^'i"» •^'I^* t'^'i'T •«^«'»n. - hydro you cnnot eiciB« tho tm^tlTZ'^, TiHu''^'^ '" "r"« »»••«• « one |)Mt of Mid to on« of .-♦ ' ■««»|Vhurio aoid and wal«r-^ hoalthy action.^ A^ Ter.! "iiVhU"S L'ZV'''" *»""« •»-»^'^ roin.HliM, „ good food toni«r«f!^ li i"*'^'.'?*'" o«n«t«tutioo«l nngbone. .Vw„. «toT he tr«" mint i^dfi'""*/ t'^"' •~"- '» the bone, but we arnrnt 1. . . '"®7 '■ d'Aerent. We do not aoraDa duoo iufl-mnu^Jry S' '°, «' .^- '^ »>'" they tend ti pt. theartiouUti«n.»reXaLvl. '? *t«. ?••'>««•■ of exudation/ If reduce the enlargemen? Tvt ' ' "?'''"» "•" ^« •»«"« »" oure or then it i. called ^***" * P*""*'"" «' whole of a bone 2^ inflammation. Ti. tt ^e.;^^';^"r/r " ""' '.>^' *»»« "»•"»* «? neoroai. of any Jarge bone rTmlJ k " **".[ P*tienta-that i., total •" •"•»« of the%3er articuli i^n? V^ h '"' '^"*' *^' **•• '-^^ ^^ not oft<,n. In the human pXntki.ri *''* 't'" '"^ "*'>"■. »>ufc inten«, pain. It i. nrmSv IJd i' ? °,T'"m" "l"*"^' *"d <»>«~ the woni^rful reparative pilers of n^^^^ '* -how. . »nd ita place be taken bv new hnn« »i"?' ^ '**^'' *»*»»« ^V die appearance a. theT,rmer bono but a Eol ^"^'^r T*""** **»« -^^ live ron;< enough to reorndiu^. -'„ *• .^ '" ""* o'*®" allowed to "|eet with thi.Tn open ^- r menTJ:^T,^.r'ti ^'^ '"*»"•»% "latte. the •urrou'nding"' p^t. Wth^?^^^ . b<*ne,and the dead bone iW«!^ ^k'® "t .**""^'^ «"' more new tediona, and. a« a Srll^K^ ^ *^? ^^ wfolUtion, but thisia veVJ Necnjdiiafr^q^entfym^wi^^^^^^ be removed byauVgi^ the bit. It c2;««To^t7e2^ .wellfnl'If^^H^*''',?^ the i«»uS^i atiou reaulta. Notice.Tyou^^ranX *"*-§ y^"*^ J ^ » ?nay^find small portion, of b6n?^n ♦? ^°f?* *° f^ P^' MTyon ".the .haft of .?^e a? thl fc £,i«: Sf^^ ''*•»*• '^«- P"^** cated. ° *"Ke °«nw the prooesa la mora oonipU« BI8EA8E8 OF BONE. ■ «ii6 0»«t^foqadmtl»boiie, ir«x«niiBed, t^'fT""^" 91 OkVBU, •fMnOMt AND TKIATMRirr »f ar.' th wOl W UunA to contain d«pn«iUk- tub«rciil«r dapotita. It nsuttlly aIImM 4h« biia tMiidency, »ru ex|H>t«tl to any piuitiiit( mum, le dubMe is'VMily Mt up. It uiually iu»k«s its appwirano* upoa it> •WtB, or lower portion of the lower j«w. Y«.u would, perhepe, link it WM m alight filiroua tumour at fint, hut it onlargea. be- • irritated, and n)alt«r may f«>rui and discharge, and it goea on it may deatroy the entire jaw, destroying the alveolar oavitiee, allowing the t««th to fall out. It T^bf a inajiKnant oharaoter, me extent. There ia no well marked lino of duniaroation be- tho healthy and unhtmllhy |)arta. It ia aaid to oocQr more uently in wull-brvd cattle. A oonaiderable change takea place in bone ; it grows. Gfpifula are formed, and ala<» these oavitius. Veadnw*..— Very lijbtle ohu be done for it. If you meet with a lour in this region.iwhioh tends to Extend forward and inward, d involving the bone, it is generally an early stage of oateo sar- I^ grows rapidly in some cases, perhaps, aaauniing the otmdi-' of tlie spMimen ih some twelve or fifteen mouths. Or, it may imaip about one si|se for a considerable length of time. If yon Utempt to treat it, uke biniodide of mercury, i«>dine ointment, etc. [t has been recAmmended to use the knife, but by looking at the ipeoimen present, you can see that it would be absurd to attempt to /remove it. If an Animal i« in good condition, I do not think It in- terferes with the flesh as food, but if in p<}or condition, and much discharge of matter, it would not be very desirable a* fodd. It is / . likely to cause death sooner or later. Blcketfl HlohltlS. — This disease may occur in *U young animab, but oftoner it is seen in dogs than in any otheira. I thinli: it ia due to a deficiency of the lime salts of the bono, and possibly the nu- tritive powers of the bone tissues are also impaired, so thlt it oan- <^not take up the salta necessary -CgMj^ nutrition. - It generally appears at an early age, and is mpr^Hbr to occur in a weak, sick- X animal, especially one of a scrofiiliniiathesis, and it may be pro- loed by a scarcity of milk fromitfi« liiother. If milk is withheld, the animal does not receive the p^per constituents for the tiasuea end the building of bone. I j^ave seen some caaes from a horse dobg too much serving^ which tends to weaken the colt to a certain extent, and may be th# exciting cause of rickets. It may result from anything that will tend to weaken an animal, espeoiaUy if of the scrofulous diathesis. Symptoms are well marked. As the bonea do not contain the proMr amount of earthy matter they bend readily. In the horae the bonei of the leg generallv bend outwards ; they do not fracture, but bend. In -the dog the bones bend both ways, and the bowels are more or less affected ; the head may be enlarged to a great .extent. .• Treatment. — Exunine the case ouefully, and if you think the di- geitive organs are out of order, it is in some cases advisable to give • slight lucative, as linseed or castor oil, and attend to the mttter and see thft your patient gets a regular and proper supply of good milk, or voor treatment will be of little use. u the mother Si in l^oor condition, or is pvenrorked, see that thexopposite lakes plioe. -^^^ l»l«»t» of milk M thilXi V!!i7' Th«gft.«cn,ti.t«»giT# •re «ooiiim.nded or uiv« th.^ " ^T '"** '™^- «"«»• «*"•• for d.^ Cod ucjiri: of'Uxr iX:* *""-" '^ ••-"•"^ -MSr !i;tii: A''" r'*"''" "' ^'-k!^- '^ «• -« bon« loMs th« •„* rr , " :"• >■ '" •*"•"•* »>«ooiiiM old«r, th« «.rU«r p.ri,Ki 7 li/. W «n. W ^**- ""* *'»" '"•^ ^^-^ *" •« of th. v«rf br.. thi. oolumi ?„ : i'rlj TC"""? '" ""'**'''"^ tomy in naviouUr (li.«..« #— !.* P"**""- After perfuromw iwuru-. P*ia. But it may come from *'**r.''" «P««-*«»«'n, m there i. no proper nutritio^o? Z b< ,T.<> m iaoh cum it b P..n fro. ...^.IX'JSirr.otl^'o^'b^d'lri'' "^ . "°"'"7x2:!,Tur Alt" Zr'^' "31; >"•-,-' » "*•«• *» certein oeiee. T *' '•'^®' P**^' «l>ff«»ring from rioketo in , ri^H'i""K IMT"^ °«'"'^ ^ *^«^«« •ome oonetitutional dLtuXn^ f?^ **"' ^* «""•'*"' «°">«- '™ finger, to luoh an extent thiS' "^^ ***^' '" **»• »»«<»• Md More likely to ^urTn Sttle C" "*" *^"*'J^ "^ '>«• ^and. remove thewdep^iU to »TmL '^'S'*"""' «ounter-irritaUon may oompo«d of the^emenil T i?**'* *"*•»'• '^^^ *«1>on« «• i- wWany u W?«n .n J ^J^'**««^««il«^noa. oella^ Th^ I but more likely the kbij^^i^i^Z "* ^ ^""^ *»' *^* ^•~»' ^ FRACTURE. |a/Z*:Sct'S^^^^ »'o»«.."d it i. common in «mple, oo«po«nTt,mStSrS^^^^ /* ''T^' y V'- kv«l», mirroMt akd TmiATMsirr op 9imfAt b th«l (n>lii^ ft bon« It1>rnk«n, and tka mtu^lM Mid » skin nut much injur«ing in kaepidg thu animpiifitiet, and thn iMmea in.thu proiNir wiaition. And you ninat r^ire tha animal ao as to ba of taliin. In tha human beinn th^ Timb ik frrquoniiy conaidara bly altentd in octnditinn. If aiich wrtuld occur in a horaa, it would dapreoiate hia vaiiia to a gmat «it«int. Fracturaa occur in dilfarant waya, and receivo varioiia namea, accorea not fracture the occipital hut the baailar proceaa. A fracture may occur from intanie miiaciilar exertion. Thia aometimea occurs in opera- - iiooa, however careful they are performed. Thia ia more likely to ooonr in young animala, breaking the union between the diaphyaia and epiphyaia— the union Wtween the poiiita of oaailication. Frftc- iure may occur from conouaaion. -.Without any weiuht upon the back, tlie animal faltera^^eoomea auddenly^ame, and an examina- tion reveala frHctiire of thu oa-nufTraginia or ofeaa-innominata. Oeueral iS^m;>/(>m4.— (Jenerally eaaily detected. The bones may paaa each other, and so ahow it. The part may lose motion, or, in other oasea, you may have to detect by crepitation, and yMth i« Mlmoat in«UuUnua, Jlhough th«r« ia • IMiMlMlitjr rff an animal li*ini( for aoiiia kirn*. I umfmr nuti^'>, and keep the animal from moving* the bead rouoh« and you may knep him tied up and not allow him to ha down fjir twenty-four or thirty aii hour*. Bandaging ia of IitUa uaa. You may meat with a om* where tha animal waa not Mtradad to, and reunion did not take plaoe, and there ia neoroaia of the parta ; they beooihe d«tach«Ml, and aet up irritotion ; thara ia A difloharge— parhapa h«ala u|. and then breaks oui again, eto. There 4s some oauae, aome irriUnt, and tha probability ia that a piece of bone 18 the oauae of the irriUtion. (^ut down and remove the par- tloto of bone. Sometimee there ia partial dislocation, and the ani- mal may live for some time. In such omm wry nt>ok is the resalt. Th« spine or nerves sometimes beoiimes injured from being halker- oast, and if you attempt to i^traighteo the neck, the animal falls down. . IiUnriM to the Donal Vortobra.— Caries and anchylosis are not mioommon. Anchylosis is most common^aged horsea, eepeoially those used for heavy carting and old millWyhorees. from carrying heavy weights. But we find it in young horses, and it may bo the result of an ossiflc diathesis. And if you4hive to cast an aged horse, that hM a tuokedup appearance, somewhat stiff in his movemedta, • fraotaro is liable to be produced . There may be anohylo«is of the transverse or superior or spinous preoesses. It is not easily d^- noaed, but if yon notice en old enrmal with a peoaliar motion md boUow in the back, and you find nothing the matter with the feet Md hmbs to produce it, it is likely to be anchylosis. Nothing ean be done for it. The superior spinous prooesses may be tr^ tjjred. The withers differ in formation in different animals, some being high, and others low ; and it is » good point to have good withers, but they may be so high as to be objectionable. Injury is oaually produced in' a rm simple manner— by an ill-fitting saddle ; ■ometiuiM by a cart aaddla, but neuaUy fay » hdiaga*ddle, eepe- • \ ^' ,■ ."...^^^i' BOmAMm Of DOWMflo ANiauiA til dorMl »«rUbr» ..ooiirt nrettr -«H f""****."""- " fnotur* of ||ui "f both hind iMid fati^/.^iiriif /CVV ^".l' "'" ^'•^« P-'*'r2l ih. hind •tir-mltironly V ,u , ..r u?**"* '^•'' P^r^t !•«• n th. mud Jnd iryinVl, 7«t oT.? 7 *"" «"\*'"« »*»• •>*"«* -from ih. fall, „r f«,m .trugXL ; il! "« t'""" '''^•" «P*nilion •otion of the hind .luirt^ Tm T!'*''.^ * ■»*"«* "' • •Iwddlinff j«ct to th. a«i of BZ»-{tZlTr:^^^~^}^T''^*' •"«• ''ouW o£ th«»uinul i. .bl. to K«r .^rt oiT""'""!!^ *'•••"• »»°* »"* uol*i th« hind In som. otdtm ther* will >»I»«»Ii«in,iiioUi,r,biiHUu,. "• wnU the m0|« •ymntoini mm In Vh- j »" m« ■«m« mannar and dm. tothetr««r««/^S«2L iiiifr^^ " ''•otuw oU^ duo. • ibtul, w/tf you V.0I0L tXl^ ? ""^ P'^^^"' thk, Md pro- P^«? «f>nr ^ '''*^ ***• •*"« yo" will And • d.uL£S i -*■ ' . ■ . ■ ■ i'€i.'^£i^*^ -A^/^ too Alitl ■v> OV nNMB tettfam ^ iMMltf tnm mmm tmwn iminn, vtolMi Vtol«till]f. /^•i«««iM urn nM ««r* ,.Ur in sll eMM I? ih. frwiur. I. H«| to .....v.ng. .nJ /r,.m lli»grMi v«igM Um bun.. •« g^.tighi .Im... ■lotild'* "^ ***** ^ •i*«ln»lloo p«r rwiMm Mid b««in« iIm UwIm rrMlmml Jiitl liMti Klw fltlUl Mttl •!!«»• ii«l«ft !• tUtl ft eMw ( Y.m omn Uk« lh« ofwlll U il if *..u Ilka) lU m*r (UvttM ftt tllflilljr down tit IK« hi^>, twi mmy U «lil« |.> do h«r.l ..r m »«l work If thorn «r« rlion of tli« Ixinn la Aft lu lMi« »»••>•. '"r"'* do. m It may l.««,...„« n««r.^d d««p aown rh« •i,t«,i„r .nd aMiHiHor apliiM of lb« jMlvio bona* m« iiaoia to frMtiirr, uiiially from Uia auUnal cNmilng in oontaol wilk •oma^hard body, m running Ibmiigb a doorway. rirM(ar« of thA IVIf le flonaa. Kraatura of Iha anUH(Mup«rior •pina g«n«r»lly from dirnot injury, from falling violanUy upon Um ground or from running through a d«M»rway, or fr«.m running Ihrough a ilumpy flald and ttriking againat a atump. It doaa not ollan ooour frotn alipnmg. It doaa not int«rf..ro muob with tb« noraa a action. K«m|> him quial in a boi . Thera la graat dilHoulty in gatlh.g raunion hara. 'lliara ia fra<|uantty a fibr.. oartila^inoua daiHiaU forming a reunion by what ia known aa falaa joint. It may Ha naoaa.^ lo ramovo a larga in.rtion of t>ia bona, and ia tba only mathod of Mving tha animal. ' Tba muaolaa will ragain (hair nalur^ . oonditioo to a oonaidorabia aitant ; but tha animal will h» down in •Hi nip, whiob ia baat datootwl by alanding b«hind the anim«l. Il itnaoMMary to watch for thia in aiamining for aoundnaaa. Tha lUum may b« fraotumd right through tha dorauro. It uiually oooura from alipplntf or falling, and. if aavera, it iaaaaily diagnoMKJi. Tk ' ill u *'*'?''* '*' **'* niUMlaa tha haunch i> pulladdowD/ Iliara will ba wall niarkad orapitation, and if Iha ba«tl U««p 'to b<>n«i M« oonUol with U7 up«m Um nm running It tlima i)ot oh with thu wt OilHauU/ Mrtik'^in'Mia nt. , It nukjr 1 is th« onljr hair natunU h« down in •niinal. It iniM*. Th« It usualljr r (liatfnoaad. iill«i».,4Im h«wn«fc««. «Mr r««Hnf mi4 (•Uttif apott Mm IMMsHm, «>tiniiig in «iinlM« with mmm «Ut«4!l«, •€« , r»««|/, ir •*•€, frtim RiMArMUr r(tot) *tt adoui from vIoUnI miiMuUr oiinl« am) Il ia in a jfoiing animi^ Il may ba IraaM. bul if ilia oompound il ia not o aq aJia r y to Iraal. Tha animal oaonot axland Iha limb, nor Ihrow any kimiuhi upon il ; if nbliqiia ona paH of tba b«>na iNUMMM Iba othar, a^d thara ia graal.awalling. Thar* ia orapi- lation in mo it ci Th« OI«enui«a, or p^nl of Iha alWw ia liabla to fraotara ; it ooour in various waya, usually from alipping and ooming in aontaot with Iha ground. If tha oaao is not aavara il is difliouU to diagno«a. Thara ia liol orapilation. Tha joint may ba oomplataly datAohad, and drawn fiom tha body of tha bona. Wa jadga from tha aotion of tha aniinal. It baara no #aight npon Iha limb ; atanda with tha limb in a aami-flaiad on. ci^niiot .. „^„ J^'^M Hli^t .1,4 ^tkati in illMm Tl.. -.' ii ".""•"' -"" ■»w»«l. J but raunion mih Um hind Ul. ThrS.il *• '* •"•7 b»M„.„| by.lrikjn-^uh n • mar* ,»• iUIIIon fw #1? L '"'^f''* ** n«n«miy to trMt . , . amonma of Um •MMsji. bgnig, horn iojoring or r' ■.V /^ \ — >>^7^^ V'""'^'^!!^' 104 OAVUM, ■mrrom.AifD naATUirr of OttUinR th« iendonft. It ia very diffloolt t« traal, m ther* ia gnat •wvUing, and ainusM mts fonnad. , €b-NalinraflBlsiafreqiiefttI/fraotur«d. It may oo^r from dir«ot tnjury, but not so Itkuly m in other bono*. It ia uauftlly from, ©on- . iDuaaion. It mky be prtMltioed in a horae jiiat trotting or oant^K •long. It may be treated with ■iiocoia, if aimplo ; but if oompound or comminuted, it ia beat to doatroy the uniinal. You may have diffloulty in diagnoaing. There will be extreme lamenea«. but alight miirng and orepiUtion, but in aome oaaea you cannot detect crepi- ■toUon. Keep quiet and remove the aho« ; bandage with a ataroh or plaater of paria bandage ; apply carefully, and then perhapaa ■plint on both aidea of the bone keepa it from turning to the aldoa ; but If It extendadt>wn in an oblique direction, into the articulation, It la likely to produce anchyloaia and ringbone ; but thia doea not ■erioaaly interfere with the action or work. Oieorona ia rarely fractured, but fracture may be produced in the •ame^ ^^yj» thoae given, and may be treated in the aame way. Oipedla.— Any part of thia may be fractured, and it ia poaaible for reunion to Uke place. The auperior prooeaa ia aometimea frac- tured, eajNKually if the horad haa aide bonea. It ia difficult to diag- noae, and you mua^ judge from the manner in which the accident ^ourred. Keep quiet. There ia extreme lameneaa and great pain. Me can not mark the limb. Thia might occur from a nail paaaing through a portion of the bone. If ao, it ia likely to be followed by intenae inflammatipn, and, porhapa, gangrene. It U frequently an act of mercy to deatroy the animal. Navleulsr bone may be fractured, and it ia difficult to diagnoae. However, you might aurmiae it from the extreme and continued lameneaa. There ia a tendency to an osaeoua exudation and ring- bone. It u moat likely to occur in an animal that has navicular diaeaae, and aftervOeurotomy haa been performed, aa he will not be careful m uaing the limb, and nervoua influence affecta the nutrition of a part to a certain extent, and as there ia no aenaation it if diffi- cult to detect the leaion in auch caaea. Inflammation and auppur- atiou f re the reaulta, or reunion may take place. Femur. --Any portion of it ia liable to frapture, the body being the moat liable. It occurs from severe exertion or direct injury. It ia rare'that the neck ia fractured, in compariaon with the body. Treatment u not au^ceaaful, but there may be exceptional oaaea. r If*" Kf«** inflanamation. It is generally dasily diagnosed. The limb IS short-ended. He cannot throw any weight upon it ; and there may be crepiution, but the swelling may be so extensive that It oannot be heardi#f — „-'_-"' ^_:-a___.^_;.:,_=;l^^ - -^"" ' - ' . ' / '" " ■=? ■ TrMhnier M^or.— This may be fractured, usudly from the aainal falUng upon the haunch. There is a difficulty in moi ' H i e,limb|^bht hq-inijr throw- snm n w e ight npoa ii v jt^' by •xtensive swelling. It may be treated with aucceaa. T' '• BIMMAMM OP OOMUno A1IIM4UI. g^ u-JSr/jift^;^^^^^^ '-- . kick, but „oi overtiioi^t-h-f..; ThrSj^;"?*;^;"*,^ 'r.>m falling move th« limb .t •!! Manin, Er/o „ VfA'!"*'''^ ••me-TO*ii Miu-oelJ friu,t«r* of .ny of th« .....U IXciltt. " ""^ ^ "*'"^' - *» either tr.n.verw or longitucli .1 ^ If L ^^1* '"J"'^- '' ""V »>«^ i. but little chance of '^rerve.r'- it i^vJl^V^^ u^^T^ ^^"^ patient, and ii wofm in the hTr^a Th„ ^i ^*'"" '" '*>« »>"«>•« to throw ont a large deDporUnt. thi. bone, for it mav be f«IJn^l' T *?* f.'"**'^ •"/ injury to position. tK animal 8tandfi1Sth?^iKS'*^ *''''***>•?•••»• in n the parts produce, nain f#Ti '"«""»»> Aexed ; pressure o«on ** place in .lin«. for iMt i."'arinjurn^^^^^ anyway. I llad a case under treilment /hL ^ P'^P*' twa*ni6|»t him, and drove him somrdistinw to ihl I "*' ~?* •"^ *<»«k WMrat^d. Placing in slina.Krallv.nS^T".;!"'*^^^ A the use of splints^T bandiJi^ ifZl^. ^""^ '^'»« '«<'°'»- »*» a tar oord : wmn itr^nn^ TiT-i- u / " . woommeiided to Injured. It must"S w:Shed anS T ' n™ *'*^'°«* "P <^« P«t allow it to produce gan^Je' ' '''*'"*"« '*''«• P^*^'. do nS i. satio^'di't^r^ you'm!;rfudr»:?i;^^ ^^^ ^-^ • w^^. i* in extending the limK'^^ndZ limenesJ^wh^^^^ P""' ?'«°«»'y the action, tlie swelling, ftto It T« ^JLH^J.r"*?""'' ^°«^*« »>J With it, andit mav birth«V«-«i* T^ kick, and have open joint ■•I*--, ^ loe ir/m OAxnm, mtr/omn kirn triatiiixt or ^ Altr»gttlai.-II U li/raoturMl then i. littre um in trMting. ^C«l«l«b.^m.Uto^ fractured ; from «,».„ .„rtion, |^n.. "uiy. U to diffloiiU to tr«at, Mp«oia 7 if MMnted l^lJ-T In hnfZr ***,*^'"7."t"»»itiM.*nd •«, tr«.t6d ju.t theJmlTii but the treatment M more difflouit in the hind ifmb. ^' -at*'^f •'^•,7,'' ^* '"<1"«»>"7 injured by the aotlon of the kit either from pulling on it or from the drivej jerlcing etc The in II- mfv't"? '• "^"ri by the curb, the .uperior b^;, bit, or ie ^tl^i^'TrL^^'r^butiti"^^^^^^ ^ion iekept up •ndoarieTi'nd°nrro.t.".S'urud^^^^^^^^ •M irery well marlted ; if the irriution i. Ijept up for wme Z- nn the outer part there n.«y bo neoroei.. In eK OMeeThZ Im Z extensive ewelling, exudation, eta °* rreatrnftU.— Cut in and remove the diseaaed nmrtm or it »... io».i , th. .xaa.tloy without trephining. R.,i„'„«ry d.lMhJdwltir. Rmiov. the pertlclet, bathe nioely, feed upen toft fooa lorVfet &riL^„yr.7»th^a.""-^''">'M'^i^ falling, or oolTiding with another animal, etc Thm tr^tn^itZ^ll vary according to the injury. If but lUt and the^^! n.H rmue the bpne. by means of a probe, and then use an i^hesiVe eZI ter of Burgundy pitch. Or the b<;nes nTy iTlitorSy Zt£«d and not displaced to any extent, and are e^Uy put in ioSti!^ but If not put itt position, necrosis is apt to^^pQ/'* PPiUiaa ; Frontal Bones are liable to fracture ia the ssme mannA* .. ^k- SdtLitT- ^* ^r^ ""^^ "^^•'•^n^us i^j^^/buTraw^^^ m thing It IS not so seri ^ BmRat TnMm ot lfi« oodpiUl fmne. FnuHur* of this ooenn from itriking (h« oodpital or^t, whioh fraotunM not th« orwt, but th« bMiUr pnxMM. As • g«ih«ral thing it ii ip^dilj funlaced, treatment is not so diffloult. In fracture of tha nasaLbonas, i ia sometimes neoi>siary to insert a plug, but only on tMlV^ide, as tha horse can breathe only through the nose. EitlMhr of the maxillair konea may be fractured, in about the regions of tha incisors, possi- bly, but rarely, from falling, but it may be done from gatting fast. If it ia but simple, keep the bones in position, keep (juiet, feed upon aloppy food,^and give but little food for a few days, and apply a amall bandage around the under jaw. A piec« may be almoat de- tached, in which case it is generally best to remove it, even two or thraa alveolar cavities. Head of the Ox.-«-It differs in arrangement of the bones. The ox uses his head for offence and defence, and the bones are itronger. The crest is formed of the frontal in the ox, and in the horae it is formed of the occipital. There are numerous sinuses, and the brain ia more protected than in the horse. Extending from the frontal bonea are the supra-orbital processes. Fracture may occur in con- nection with these parts, or of the frontal bones, but His extremely rare. But the flints are often injured. The first appearance of a horn or flint "^ is about the fourth or fifth month of gestation, and about the ninth month there are small protuberancea, whioh punc- ture the akin, and they grow until the animal is about three years old or more, and in aome cases gain a considerable sixe, and are abaent in some oases. It is supposed that at one time all breeds liad horns, but 6y certain modea of breeding the poll' cattle were pr^^uoed. Texas cattle have enormously developed homai In Abysainia they gain a great sixe, and aome cattle are raised for the horns. The pdwth of horn interferes with the development of the body. The -food taken goes to develop horn. The horns are kowh ""Hn^^iTwiQria^ri^iKl^W^itm^^^^^^'^^^ '^t'H ' f" DiNiANM or iM)iinneJ, and horn ii pro- ., , . •• "«"» uurn If Bin t^aft^^^if:r>'' 110 1 OAtmM, nurromu a»d tmiAm utt or from ,»tro Mro.,nil 1.. .TTl V» T?^ ** '"!****' • *" *^*« '» d«ff«r« connwtion with thVSrill.ijy U. * K«'n«r.lly .h„wi il^lf fl,;^ In to i». from ito •ttMWnr^h- h^. I !i . J*'^ *'*'^ *• * »^« •PP»«d long bono, .nd Uk^ o* T^.tlhl .1 r**' '"'^ '^•'■*' •»*^- »»>• »>r«:k th« b«„J*f«,rtUr frL.?'" 'T.' *'"l— ' injury will difflouU to' giv« tL dStinci nn i' " *•"<«•••'>"• It i. •<^m«tlm«. imro.1.. ■ ^' *'*'""*'*•«« »'«twe«n ,«t*o .4rooiii. aod o^o oufr-ri-;^:! -r:;\^i;-fUti*'-/*''""''' ^ *»••- •« ^- •nt in Mltfl of Um. K.f# ?♦ s •ninwi. ffrstinR upon Und deftdl- uriwtly, bat do«a not AnntTjn ?? . ''* 8r«» Krow. lui- darelopmentof Ce ftrTi^^i.1 . ««"■<>•"«"'■ for th« prop,, di«MW«, and •. toovZtL «n»n^ / •^'r'"".*'''^*" produced thii fffeofd in th.'8outt.^d ;!'r:„Kh?;oXtoV.tl^".7" •"■"! j^^^ <««. both of .hich w.r. M on gr««. grown on low ing one «de4ia.r th*n SI! fu * ^'^ ' * clote exaniination show- bttt tlie lunW Koni«tiin«s •od oaUo ind deflcli. that ia a it«titthat think it ia rowa iux- '• proper it 18 po«> differant uoed thia ed U waa »n aome 1 A Rraat liaamatib I have I on low I iaoooa- K)ltd06B •b. The lehead, li« bally r or aix BH there D abow- i«w jaat Mrithont BTeoted; IBoulty, tot well diaeaae il they Dora or >al waa ined to ■howa ^ DiasAaw or ooMitno avimaia •onia of the b.,oaa. parhana^ufi -Kii 1!^"""*^ "' '""» 'raoturirtg rr.Hn •.h.«ati.>„ • ^^^ ^"'^ "*""* ''•"»*"« •'"«« i or, it may dl! ramor. th. animal from tLX. thX it I^'r ' ""* 4 »^'^*''* may Uka p aoa. (Ji.* t.uul «#^ *"»•«••" hw »»«in, and raoorery •<»«i J or. f«u may t ; j. ;»1h"/ '^" 7^' ^ ;i"*"*r I "- «inara^ ^T^^l^tml^iZ^^^ "' »>-• It i- •« axoatoal. „r wry dttrimenUI but aom«nn« . ^ i/* *!**** ""* «'*•" ?«>▼• m"raorl«.ahan^. litTo&.th.?n'^"!*r '* P~• « the perioatcum iiS^' boL SXi"%'f ^i'""'"*""" with in younir animala n.i«„ * *t °**"K •«Vted. It la oftaner met Ur. th.;,«dfthrmt;X'd^nt rn?ri:!3'"Jl^"« •"**" ^•«'«- bon» material, but it may ^Hrl ^rd^nhS^t"*'^^ '^"''"''^ ^**» HaKVp[-,f7ptr£'Stt'°^^^^^^^ breeda aremor, i- more li.We ■ it'. hiiiSfJi? "' '/""''i '•"'*» »'•'"'' *Kj«2 aa irregular i;." • a vl^ J!7 "f P^^^'-pH ' *ba mode offl£3 h.rd roadVTt'ia .^'eVorfou"SdTn" keS't^^^^^ ^'V'*^ "I^« canta their work ia uoon hard^ J- ? T *^" *" "'•^ *»""•■. *>•- f the young hor^a^^.W^lh, du**^^^^^ from the oharaoter of the atreei Th« m^i. &T***. ^^* •P'*"*** denoyto produce it A btav^ahr lE"?*K?''"''"i*»~ * *•»' ooncuMion, a blow or atrikina ifwii *^'°^ t"**^''*'^ '•>• bone to to a alight ieroua aC^Tan JaT SwiSi to 1' i l'.' *' '!"? «^r- '^^ may occur on the outaide of th« fhrh *"•" "'?'''*«* "?"»*• '* but ft i, more apt to corned the ^'aTbiM ''• "^±1"^ '*?»»»• «»ult of direct injury Thev .^^.?!J; *t'^ '"'**^' • •• *** bone, and may aiielL> tn iL ■**'"!*"?•■ -ji on the metatanal Splinta iometimes attain a Iwat .i^ .Jl * ^''T' *»' ■P»^^»- much UmeneM ; in XJ ,i«J.^/w;„3'?' r" »»°«« •*«»'^« •^^. rnlLim^i^r^ "T^^ to the aofl tl». ■.'^%\ " iia vAvm, »tumm sn noAmwan ot 4 L. r JlvmptMiM.^U la MaiTy ,f«t«rt«a aftar U mkU^M mom gii*. and W 11 1\ . '"l*^' '•'""* "**•"•' l'"'^"'** Um-M... tJ.iM. • Ur«r JTiM^ n. . •**'"" '■' "" •"'"'•J ••"' •»•''"» •• P^ul<«r, Mid affr I» Mii^ t"i«n»hly *M.na ; ».|| „„t Ho th- limb.. mu„», m •.•tuff .ya.pto„..»io of .phut l.„..,.«„ , If u i. ,»rJLrH •..mIn/Cf fully i run lh« h»,M| «Mfnlly down lh« iii.id«r^>r th« limb i |>r«« Uml. ia nft.d, th«ii |>r«iia innr«. „„T tlmn iroi him. and if th« lam*. n«M I. m<.r« ,t Mti.t. yon ,„ d«t.rmini«g th«> diM.«M. Th. f.K,l Is Un n^n Ih 1' ''"^ «^^ P'*" »«*••«• • -n,.!! i,i.oi, «| wood and Up apon th« b«m», ;ust K«n.ly. Tl,« anin..! I.fi/th« f.n.i ...d «ihi. •nimd" *'*'"' ""* ^"" •** J"''"* ""'** ^y >*»• •«• *»' »»»• aaJ'illrr' *•' m * '''.T'*' *.*"*"» wefltaaful. OJr« r«.t. jf you !!frl l/?" *k" ""•?*'"•" ''• •»''• »" tr«t wiihout U>fng off work. If in • hon« thr«« or four ymn old, giv« • iMaliva dial or l,»l!Zn l^^T ^*.'''' •;'l»''<»'«""« •'• b«n.loUI/and oold w.t«r »to«.xiid»ton to b«,A,mfl c<.n.oHdat«d. and oomp'aUi union of tht two iHMifla Ukoa plac«, ...d the t«ndrrn«.a and lamoncaa ar. ramoT. t oiiti'^".'- •«"'^J*'\»'y • »'»•*.•. than bv any o.har w.y^ Jm> ono part of biniodldo of mercury t«. four of lard. H«at<.na ar« Tha flrinff iron !• recommended, but I do not recommend it unleM ' ■uddl^l^ii ''•r!J''T 3^- Peri,«t«otomoy i. uwful in a oaaa yeara old-bit if it-haa a tendency to attack both .idea, it ia not atUn.led w.U. much .uooeaa. Ju,t make an inci.ion thJough tha ?!..«' °"«f' your knife and maka «n incialon through the perios- bSr s"!"™*"""*^ poultice, and. perhapa. in a..me dav. after. • n !!L •* ? "'««""•.'««<» • «'«»ton inatead of a bliater: There ia Xn^'y^K^' y «•""*""« •"•"'•"•» '«' •?»«»*• Such a cure ia often worse than tlw disease. There may be cases where it is neoes- ^V. £TC ' "".• **.''•''" *'"^ •""*»^ •'• T***™ •" dilTerent opinions M to whether splint ts or is not an unaoundnoss. If I End a splint J^ni* U P^««. *>th no pain nor lamene«., and not likely to be- marked rl! Zr^ ??"' ^"' ? •"""** ' **"' »' » ■plint is wall erer lame the animal. Hut if you find a splint close to the joint. in?l"*i.-°"'"'"i?^f**'"^'*^**' •'*'»°''8h he is not lame. I iduld limb, the plaoe of the splint, etc. i fiWLHIl M ,— Tnfl iininstif K w -w- - jj-at WJ • J o«jt lb.., hut liiwin ?:" ,*^;r'-^'r^^ »»•• »^h».. .m n'S 3ui«,. for i.. b.;'a«.. A xi; or.,j^' '*tk"' ''•'"*"«,'" ^«- op thi« irriUtUm. *^^ •«•««••. T»^ w.iiouMlon ■«(■ citing cu... .r, k« t r«» "- T ^'^""•* "'""' ""'"^« " *»»• •»- th« p.ru. 'if the • o'th.i ci;..« ^l': o.. T'""*' ;«:r»»«?^"'- «>' •nor* and tawm «nd th- ,..i 1 **^ "' "•" •»"«i«tio«« norcMta .-in.;Hi .t it, th;r';„t; ': Sd^^^^^^^ jf y«u but WM th« matt.r b.U Zo „| . ,1TV '»'• ?»""•'<*•'• wh.n nothing «-~. If «K M m.I ho bin r *'''" '•"*'^" raedicin. in wme Apply oold to the plrt-" (iTv" tC^^'^r""}^'^^ **'•*' «»••"«• '» ammonite, one ouSoe „ w.t«r I?^ <»' P«U«h „„« „uuoe ; mI- i« much ,^0, con b7ne I i th n.^ '^*^**' "' '•"^' •"«* " «her. tinctum of o^irmT^mphor lnd'ii'n"ii"'';r *'»"*' P"** "' ^* fl.n.m.tion J, rd e3, .pply • blX wbf L**"" n"' r*° .*"*» *°- ^thM, biniodidS of meroury To nlrTr?'"'**'"^ *^'>''' ""*•' "•ooording to the owe wS'ruh iS^'ii !•'":' ^':' °'" "» °' '»«». limb for wme diatTi [{^0 ii L # ' "^^^ *'' *' "'•"^ "P »»»• and bliiUr .gaiir m the J-TJl* **",''*' •/^'^ «"• '"o. wd w«ih off an incidoii into tlie dL? h^ ? -T. t *^ "*J^ **• neceMary to nuk* may meet with woj^il thlKiJ ["^^ming organia«d. Ifott ^H^ ' 1* ^^*^*.'" ' limb*, ^he rtault -•ltrawaUiii^:"M TLn"i.'m« omm. Tb« •«ud»tinn l.imi- .--S^'Sl'l.T. ^"'r* '* ^■.''•'-'"'••■y. •"•« «-»^. by bweding from wmA. aiokhr wiimal.. pr«di.,„««,| to nngiMma. oJuingrMMamM hs», . t.nJ.„c, t,. pro»*nc«niont for ■oine um«, iMid it ia diifloult in atfoh «uea to aay iaat what th« i»i t^^d'IiJ^'"* ' •*•" •^""«» th. hoof. yJJ W. ^^ iimt ?fTu ^ •» •nl»n?«m«nt, and flexing the •rtiouffi Jvi S^ hS^ aJmnJlli K ^K ^T'l* """"f *« "hronio kminitia. «o<^ th. ri^Ja. ■**""''**^ ^'J' '»>• infl*n.m.tion, Hm. teiid.no/ to gn>w in 2Vaalm«n< ia not ▼.ry aUtiafaotory in rTiiWi Tfii Irl T i mu-t ip^rr iMJOording to th. diaW ioing^tX. ^.. I/jrl ^^^^^^^^^^^^kjoa^j^U^th^rt^^ ' '; V V, lb > 11.11 ji.iM«i'i ?ffl r^ »mumm m •>mmma 411111*1^ lit ^^^ •'^ omt-rtiig Mid Artim in ■..m* om-m h«v« bol UlU« l;rrh:Tr..ur,i re:" •"•' "•"'"•• •^•^^^ -'^^ ^^^-^ -^ '' a«y U found III r«riou« {mrU of the body. ' *****"' «•• mix rali«T« ; in Another it will not Tk- ««m •'•"•^ "* <*■• the othw intoni :>I TSTh^^^H-"^- -J-!.?"* *T« ".•••«•••?«»». X!J iMS«i'i^ .*!*<• » ^ 114 «*miii fnmvfm^Mm & ^ TJTrV^' •''•''^'« ""•*"•" »^-- -H-Mi. T lii £ <«r2«< . -!.L ^ '•«•«» lh« .'•i.lr. .il iratlif It |« r.M«n4 S'.rr.itii' I ^r".i" trr/") *''•""•••» f'^-* TOir:iiiii lion. U Ih, r,,u I Hp.„„ ,|,.y ,„;„,,, ,„„ J.„ tj^ ,im^n\i;^ »..r^ •n.l f».t »..rli ; .IrlrU.g • yuung h«.r«i flirt J«wk^T-5? ph.»«. •« «,cUint o*u,«. Hoc. i»i„g »„ ^,j„ry u> It,. f.K,| oTiulntf W.. Wight t., U ihr..w« on th« im.,„" I lla,t ^,r .igM cij u.^ .1/ ualng tlingi in rmm* «.f injury. n«««Muy for JHI,^,.<„tru If ,t i, UrK« it i. .Mil, a-l«oM. Hut w* •om.tlmM LZin IhrTr?^""'!'* 'r**^ •' '»'" "•'"'*' h'H,kTl.K?lc TtUt i^n„d Jl^ r rV'"' ""'"''*'"" •' '*"''' "•*"^' pron.in.nowS firji bj.,jght «„i of thrni:: • AfttflS!^:!^^^^^ S iSTSriJi'ii: ''^"u?V**'\*'""« »H,inK „...«». Um«. AprSty Ml ,on th« limb, Mid throw ***" '••" * otwaidfrpf tlw iiunw in f»Mi ^ J. hi. J-..* ,«- 4h# H5ft.ra Jpwi >7r itrAi^ P " - "*-«• Um«,.^ II. ..^, , " X« L^ **^i' *.***• .'^ •»»•«'»«- «r Omi j^« "^•»- •-..:^ p v:;rivr^;rfiT»^ ^' •'^ I»m« II I. , ^^7 ,.r^^^,„ " '" -»»^i*U/ If IM t. .«if«,,|, »M In ih« fnol. . " ' *^^*' *'• **•" '**«'« "^'W **• iroubl^ you «•„„„! r.„|..r„ ih, „„,|, J, iJ*T •;:?'"" /[^^ «•*» o«~ «f •«« | •HI i«ii« off thu ••.(•rwl r«i . . 1^ • :'rv"' N^k^i^Aiorto .dd •rUouUu;,, m,i«t If iC'T r .' /'H^'-'-K "•••»»• to kmi, th« '""lo..l.UiK,lori;u.. .!.lf II T'*' ^"rt»'"'"*»"T •otbiiuJ.hol ••v«r,l». If th« X, . Lrtil I V^ < *• ***? '"■ '"•• ^"* '"»* ''•rj •rticuUilon. H*.Z,o, .n, ^ 1 " " ^t'""^' ^^ «'«' •'♦»««^ thi iuk«tf^'i;\:ro*r'4tr'i'^ "rr- •""''»>*«i..tiid }.k. hl^nMt^VTJL riUl***?. *^*!-' .»«• «•«• »h- H«b. b^M« tea ^_, _^^^^ ^^ il U^> little ■u»pi«bi^' hi«*:t.„;rfr:; ddi l .id:'thj;^*f •' t '^*"- »»'• "«»'• ^^^^^^i^r^^^^g .-'¥■ ;i,' U8 tr i iff bi i i un mAnnan ov ►V ^ of tti«^u'n«ti, and it Ukmi pntotioe to looat* this lam«n«M, and oft«h m panon of «x|»«rieno« may b« mutakco. Walk him baok and rm|), aiMl whan lo doing, watoh tha haunoh ri«« and fall. Tha affaotad limb will ba flaxad wh«n tha animal ia aUndins. Thara ia waatiiHt i^t tha n^uaolaa in oaaaa of long standing. Innuira how long tha anioUl haa baan lama, for it takaa lome tima for waatln^ to O€our in apavin ; but it may occur from aavern injury quita quiokly. In aoma oaaaa tbrre may b« a thiolttiuiiig of tha ikin, which looka mooh lika spavin. Tha TrtQtmeni oonaiata in a oountar-irritation in aoma form or othar. In ' traatinjr, when you hava plenty of time, keep the animal quiai for a faw days before applying counter- irritation ; alao get the foot in aliape and keep the ahoe off in a mn jority of oaaea : however, aoma raoommand ahoea. The firing iron ia generally the moat potent ; ita action ia not only aupcrflcial, hut axtenda and involvaa tha bonea to a certain extent Fire entirely around the joint in aoma oaaea, and pretty severely, if ne«^^» ^ "»• h*unoh with • CoDtudon i. whe-re the paru u^i^r r?k.^'«" 'V«» «' *»»• blood, ■kill being cut. A hone in t^v-nj ^'". '" '."J""^ '^»'»>oot tbo theliMue. but noit^:Z\fu^',r^^^^ eye. There n..y be effus" n\,r Leiil^?, T" '"•»?»»••• bbwk it the retuU. It „,ay run o effuli^n^t **' ' ^•^'-••AjmoMi nur:;s::!rrttr^-;r;\^^^^ t^o up extensive irritation I ilw nnl / ^^ -PPVed. •« apt to Mi Ploughing from bS a't^d'tra^.^Tnt"^'" ''*" '^•' •'*«»*-• teu.ive. and hemorrhSe'^n P^' r'?'r^- " *J« ''«»»*» «• •" •nd the mo.t •uS?cal 5iv 2 £Tn?J ^r" .^^^^ '"»• hea.orrha«co, we ■ometima. fa^d thU diffi^U*^^ ^ ' -^^n'"^ ^ ">*» •^»7. Bat I feet, and we are able 'li mTnf^^irtlT'Jfri^t irr'rh*^"' ^^• Compreawon, in many caMe will do ♦ J^ ^ u . ^.*?^*' "•'"^ Ution of the blood. Or^nti^ ji' Jt^ ""i"'' °' ''^'°^ *• «>W- the tincture of the chb^de^onron ^ M J"*1T'" ^««»Ilent Wk .n.wer in «,me cai«.-irothe« S watw'itu /o'^T "^^^^ "^ of lead and tow anH >ii»»^ iiT LV j . ' ^"* "°' ^^ «•• Metats then it'ir:,;^"^^^^^^^^^^ ■typtic. After arrestinir the heTnrrhiSr ^ T "J*"^ ®'ber wound with cold or, 3water JSd "^5^^' o«*fuiry cleanie the vour to find how it iw proceed ^^d If k '^'?'*^ ''?»°''' •"d*^ it may be that «,me o7 tCtZi'hM bilnU'?n''?h''T;'' ''??1? mu«t be remored Th« n«w* u!;J • x ? . *" 'be flMbt wh eh M ft. wou,,dh2be.;p,^;taS« "*;.?""« "■• f»- ^i« ^ /:.^- OA ^» •tiffTOMi Ain> nwATinmT or gloT6Bi' atitoh, is ^nerdly th« b«it. If a Imtii* wonild, look at th« manner in whioh it Uxtk plao«, and (l«t«rmiii« whnrn i<> niakti tha firat stitoh i l«av« a amall part nuar th« iu<»at «Ju|Min«i«nt |>art, fur if stitoh««i up oloMtly Mrum ■ooiimulatat and irritates it. \ Th* Tw%»Ud .8u(ur«.— This is done by inserting pins and wrapping thread on theni in the shape of a flKuro oiuht ; you can use a pin director, passing it through with the pin in Its ^rooTe. Awain, we' have the quilled suture, which is used in an injury to a large mus- ole, where the skin is injured to a great eitent. It is done by lay- ing quills or pieces of wd. There is an- other method whioh is used, whioh does not lotdc well but is not a bad plan : take a strong piece of ticking and attach it to back from the wound, by means of Burgundy pitch, orjciV sive plaster, and kring the parts together by means ^itlCilil,, ■titohes do not generally stay too lung, but oome oul 4!i|ihi aooord, and the trouble is to get them to stay long enotigttl: wound ia around the eye, the smaller the needle the better, and I like ailk thread for a suture very well. There is a great difference of cpinioi) with regard to the after traatment, even among eminent surgeons. Some rdcommend exclusion of the atmosphere and anti- septic dressings;, some say they do butter exposed to the atmosphere ; some think water dressings are the bent, others think not. In our Eatients it is difficult to exclude the air, but in human practice thia I invariably done. I do not believe the atmosphere interferes with the healing of a wound in most cases. In somn cases we can and do cover up, and find theihealing process retarded instead of expedited. We hear of applying turpentine or black oil to wounds, but if you apply anything (o a wound use some slight astringent. The white lotion is used more perhaps than any other reme4^. It is made of six drachms of sulphate of zinc, one ounce acetate of lead to one quart of water, or it may be applied stronger. Carbolic acid one part to forty of water, or some recommend oil with the carbolic add, but water is better, as oil causes dirt to adhere to the wound. I do not recommend oleaginous preparations. It may be advisable to use an ointment, but that is the exception and not the rule. A good preparation for certain seasons of the year ia tincture of benzoin, oil of tar and linseed oil. It forma a coat, keeps out the "air, etc., and seems to be of bencifit. In a laoerated wound where there is. extensive suppuration, use astringents ; and aometimes you find granulations or proud flesh, and sometimes the wound becomes indolent. The white lotion, sulphate of copper, tincture of iron, butter pf antimony and carbolic add of ■moderate ■trBugth, an of Den«lttrT ift«r thU tKAt *a k fi^h Wouikd. It la necessary to fttend to the oonatitutional treatment in some oaaea, aa wall aa the looaL If tha aDimal ia in h^h condition administer i"v*-' ome OMea. t IB" fh, "V- ^^ ' DIRMAMM or DOMMTIO AlflWAM. 191 ^?l!** *>f"r^*^- -Th«w Tanr Moording to the wound and tli« !^if^r? P'***? "r'j' ^P •" '"*>*•«* """nd ; " i« thrown out, and healSj Ul^puS t!I; SrJSL Jhi'iur''"? J*'- ?"«• '^ piSninglpTn'inS.rn '•K blMding, thl. little exudation gluei the divided iorfMe tomther • bat in .wound of any ..«« it doe. not Uke pl^e. Thi. m^ uK ultLl In tw.nty.fo« or thirty hour. ; but there Su.t beoeASJ^ooidUW IlS ?n*»W? ^^~*'*"f *"' *?' intention. Inoiwd wound, fr^nuenti; iSSrl I? i."^" '" ■""'* r «• • ■"•" "»*>«"* o' Wood i. eitmrZ Mt*d. It become, oonrerted into new tiMue, and the divided edm of the wound adhere together. The irritation i. not ve^eST !lSoo.^1i"L' lir /■ ^••''"«,»>y ♦»»• -^"d intwtion ; th?i. mow i^-mn«nnM/^^**'* wouod or • large inoiMd woun^, when th«« \M motion, thl. 1. the mode of anion ; the edge, of the woundare brought together ; in a .hort time Mrum i. JSohanrBd l^nJT and thert will be a ooat of thi. .erum over the w^/^dTli S^^n'in*'**' *•*• *r°"^ «°i"» *« '°™» new t Jae "j;Snvit ed into pu. oorpuMle., and profuM .uppuration i. the w»alt^ Jut rjd eminence, appear, and if removed or hart, are foa^ to bi^iS lT»Kf !T'"ii'^*?."*f^ "•^"^- Thew ire the wanalattoS.' and thu i. the mode of healing in Unrated wound.. fTthS mlJ ner loss of .traoture u repair«i. there i, ia«> Iwalina by wab- bing ; it .. well noticed in our patieiita. In eMl^ofr.lHLt wowd the part, are brought together; a littl* fluid exude.3 w™ it ?J1^;;w;^n'""' P*''^'P*' remtin/andTorm a JS,, -n^ itX^* IhlSwi ♦ ™'7 ""^^ Thi/ .how. the neoeJ^ity of JlowK Je blood to remain ; and we ^metime. form an ardfidaTicabS j^Uodmrn or carbolic acid andToil, which, in aome caiSTf^Toan INJURIES AND DISEASltS IN THE REGION OF THR HEAD/ AND NEOK. The fint I wUl noUce ia ^ TeU-erll, w oaUed front It. occurring in the redon of the noli Z^U. 3T^'~"* inflWmmatoiy aotion Mt np. involving tk. OoiMM.— It i. uauaUy the reault of diraot or Indira si ininw a "««w; OAom, •mrrwu a»d TtaiTMnn w f t V I !• an. (tt-fllUag hMd li«II«r or bridla. or* yoko put on to pr«v«nl bim from iumping, or •xvj furaign body puncturing the muMlM, or frMture of the lupwrior spinous proosssss, whioh «r« liksly to bs- oom* n«ort)Md, and s«t up inflsmmAtion ; unnaturally tight r«in- ingissaid tobakoause. ' ^ . ^^fmf>avil. , TrMtmenf.— If called bafore suppuration }ias uken place, while in Uia infl%mmatory stage/iast ^ply remediaa to bring about reaolu'- lion , foment •u the animal quiet ; keep the head tied up and poulUce with I^ImI meal, bran, boiled turnips, etc., but da not apply a heavy ponlUoe, but just enough to keep moiature and warmth to the parte. Use a mild liniment— the camphorated is good. Sometimes the inflammatory action oeasjs, and the akin re- mains thickened ; then use a blister. One part each of iodine and iodide of potassium to four of lard, is of benefit But after the in- flammltory orocess has terminated in suppurotion, the treatment is differen.. It should be to make a free incision, and allow the mat- •n T*S^ , ^' *^^ 'f *•*" ^ <*«»« ^» P'"ope'' t»n»8 the sinosea will not often form ; tie the head up, and prevent motion. If an ammal ia turned on pasture, the sinuses are more likely to form ^t^T '^*^*»""'^ "»??"?• S/ri'^ *»>« P»rts out well with tepid or cold water. Use carbolic acid-ohe part to twenty, thirty dr forty of water ; or corroaiire subUmate-fiye grains to an ounce of water. But if ^uses ar« formed it is still more diflloult. It may be treated by wustica, corrosive sublimate, nitrate of iUver, ate., but I recommend the free use of the knife. It is generally adviMkble to throw the an mal, and, in cutting, foUow^ thfcourse of the sin! uses, and open them up weU. (Sometimes ja seaton does very well) It la sometimea necessary to divide tte ligami^tum nuchie, and when you do 4 great gaping wound is the raaolCiM th^ may be S!S *»?•"• 'T**^' *"** y®." "^X ^^^ *® <*»' «•* *»»« o' this. After namg the knife, use caustics. 1 generally uae corrosive sublimate -five to ten grama to one ounce of water. Saturate some coUon or tow and pat thia in the place. Deviae some mean, to aUow water to run upon it for an hour or two each day, and feed from a high trough, and feed pretty weU, which wUl l^liefit the healing prooMS. Use tonics, diureUcs, eta, esneoially if the limbs awel* Jon may h»v« to remove part of the bone. There may remain » stiff aaok, but it doea not interfere with the animal much. * . geition, tha nmiUof «lia irritfttkMi, or mecha^caloongestion, giving ' " "*- ~"rr^^# »;*t'' *r -fir DWBAHW or DOMUtlU AMIMAIA tH lip. and .id*, of thonl^r.. ««?«#' rl'** f«l"r.tion. wirify th« of • b.g nut under tha' ha,d ihioh^ i. t^?? "IV **. **"."• "^^ '""•"• th« .welling. Give • Xht ll^afh^r* / "" **'"***^ '"•* inoreMe. be .uooeetful. ff it jj !„y\i^,T,' *•** ^TT''""'* •»'* y"» "'•7 down, then .I.Titi tl,Vh«L^iy rL'tf'tt" i'l. ^"^^^^ •"• "•Tk'*' '"''• tfMtment. Give vuru»titJ^H.iA. !• ' '?** ^!^^ "P '•>• «»«»• .u.y make it anodyne by .Si o5um~ fft? ^^'''^7*'' /*"* i« more difficult. »nd 1.^11X1?. £11 ♦ /^.'nP'"'™" »nJ"««<«. *» bead to one .ido, .„d f»l|„ down wh«n i^If. ^^***" *** *"^** '*"• ii. the nerve, ar; gene«lly Xo^^^^ ^^^^ endeavour to .traighte n blJ2Ne^\t.;t^^^^^^^ i' » -r"-?- 'ound, after other, a. it S the one from .HiTki ?^ J"«««*r vein than in anr may ^r flim other iu'L. Therf. diST'^u/ ^'^'^ V »»"' '^ ooour from conititutioiwlSL; but^.n? #•*? ^*J'"*"^ ^' "^ from blood-letting ' • ' ' "*" "'*^ *« '*»•' ''^wh comi U •oin.tim.. b««toU:i w™^^ ? lion, imuiing th. nut^ «, & coat. oTthe vein wSh Ki^^ ^I*^ varorum) that .apply the •round tlibMii*.! i B,,ttJJ ^fc^'lr''"" ,•!"""■« '•k* I*"* to tha ralnIL SK :? . j i?"?** ' "" 'omwloii of an tbmm lU tahnanimmm b« Adviil^I« to dif m niod«i«t« 1«iativ«, diarptioi, etc ; bat I Ho not think arUrial MdativM mn u( much iim. Ifth* v«iiu hmy« tiMo iMnl Mid ourd«d for aom* eight or t«u d«y«, I would r«o«>inin«ad fouMiitativina And th«n bliatar right or«r tho r«Kioii of tho voiii and towards the heed } um mercury or oenthwruioe. In luoet ceeee it terminiUee in obliteretion of the vein. When the vein of the oppo- site side end the email veiiia enlarge to a certain exttuit, and |)or- forni the function of the one doatroyud, if abaoowMa are formed,- oi»en and allow the matter to ueoaiM, thou Iwthe and poultice ; uee any stringent totiona and then bliater. but d«> not rub the blister into the a^woeeaes or in the wound ; feed fv^tm a high aurfaoe. It ia Iierhapa a good practice to tie him u|»dur^ii{ the day, and allow hliu pi lie down at night, «ir even keep htm up for two or three daya, and keep the head up until the other veinaioeommodate themaelvee to carry the blow.h n^y J 11 J tl — -•-— —, — ~— Mi^»»j » Mni»Mn n i » M iuix ux m il mmi al i o U Touowefl by supporation, gangrene and sloughing of the parte. f "•M "T^-^-vn^ ~rr- mmAHm or noMiMno ahimaui. 118 te jiS!;/* **•*"• *H*"""' •'" ''"•^•"» .loufiing in many CM«. ttirough the ligamentiiin iiuoh.n, involving th« larin ma*»I«. on ■St Jgroa^or !•- «U,„t. Fi.tuU propr I. wh.r. tZ." rl Iwo Jf iSL I.T,? P^rti^V'*' difference between fiituU Mid sioiiM, oompSu, ""* °*^'""*' " •• **"** inoompUt* j if two, Till CWiL--An ill-fitting riding ikddle i. the met fwqueni-bein. .^f n "•.'u' •''•" '•^' '' *'" P"^"«» it. Inflammation kSt Ife linuir* »»l,'"PP;r*.^"' '* burrdwdown. often getting Uird »vmpf«m*— Swelling, more or Ieae-jmit4he aame aa in DolUTiL •pplj poultice. Mori tinuie. are formed you may p,»VentIhemfim X^L.J':* ""1'?: <»i«'h»'«metime.efreot ^ cure! but they Iw^^ •rally mUd caaea But the knife i* beat, and ^u mult i^^U^^ 2 f "^ .*?*."'•*; •"** i' i' extenda ouUide ofthe aoaoula it k tnoKie upon tne part, uie oorroaive lur ' " -graina to an ounce of water, or uae carl limate, fifteen or twenty •^ acid. ' a^nUi^^'ir ^\ ^T^ ^y '•^^^"a »»»* ~«^- foment «nJff1K . Ti.^** ^^^ l**'!**"' oorrodve aublimate, aulphate of ooppeV«o. Thia may reault in a ait-faat. Thia i. pro<^„<»yK «>«' aUnt aotion of the aaad • ^tUna up inflammation: and diK^Sr a. part healthy tiaaue in the centre, bat tuma up at the edoT Tha hii.t ■L J?'?'!? ?!*'' <» ?'••'■ l-floer«t«Hl. -lf tl... bam^rrnign in nwat. fl»ai ^^^^^^^^^^^anrndtheTw^hJ^SlSM together, but leave a amall Opening at the lowaf edge? to XwSJ matter to pm ofT. A panctunni wound in thia leg^'i. t^t Jk^ ^ ^■^^i^^vt.'h^T:^ lis 0AVMM| fVllrfOlftl A WO TSKATMMT Of e% i' IH»W ...jury If ,,,H •lUnd.d K p«Hl„<«. »„y .,„„,i ,Z»U^,7 Md p-rh.,* a^ih. Much i..JuH« .«.y ,«««r J„ diffJXni^ ii« 1 by .4.,,,,.n|, on th. .nd of . .Lk. .hi/h «.y fly up wd pm^lil T It m«y b« don. w th th,. linger, or you ,n«y h«v« t«, um a probl Judg« wh«th«r rnM(m«nl. rauiain i.i th. dMh or not. ''*""••"•'" tfym»pw.nUy MiTere wound, allowing the bowela to proSuT aJ^da ^leri°. 'Kit^Jf'Th^S "r^^' *^'." '.~ P""y "^ ohanci of «! ooTexy , iMit If the boweb are injured and bruiaed. althouirh vou may return them, it. I. Hot attendi^!! with gooTiWu, forSflS." S; b:wdi"'ii? koSiKi"*^ ^ ***• periton^Wand bo^' ; buTif ^. yy ■ — " ■ paw, wn a r e te n - or tw* iy a f— t irf t ha t ^ M U| | | -^ T~» 137 r.r,r« on.). But >VX«n"« r .ton TahT'* ""rT^. *' *' «• • or uth«r •typtic-; l^iToSl XL -& Z *"T ••*"™**^ •*»»» iron tiMht hour.. U..I.M ur.« b^lTiLSi rV*^ *• "f '" f'*' '""^r tir.ntvrour luiura .nd ^oh» TT^ ^ ' ^'^^ *•■•" ** oal la injuring MyTe-IU ^^ *°""**' *' "»•" *• »« <»~»g« of Th. for. .xlTmity rhild £^Jh^Si5"V **"' ^T *• °"* ■" -^ioi^ J!ri^^^^^^^^ III. ing or .lipping out ofX Wnt Th- ' ^"^ ""« i* • btOr Pafholo^ot .houId.r-.lip .. . di^Mwe and ««* .- of . diMM., U injury to the muiolJ kTI^- 2. * !t ■ymptojMtld >.,• .v., .„!•., ^^g^^^iSiL^«: :i^ii,:r:^! . in -r^'- i' V OAM«L mmnvm um _ miw lk« w%0^ M i w«flffnn itHktiif t^nmi •rmtti otwiwlti. tir il w^jr tw«.i» fr,Mii lh« •i,..,..| rn||,„4 ,j„Ma U.o aull ur Uit, ..r fnim Ot'^i T ' ^'V" "!?" «-• U to •!»• f-ull of wmk, »iMl ili« h*3^ fnlng in ^ •«rkw»nl maniiar. »ffm/4,m^ tfm ttry »«1| m«rk*|. |n |h« m,|, ,Ug, th«ff«k I lMI«v.. mow or l«M «««lli.,g, hill It i« not oft«n notloMl Th« Ant l«n*^i!r!i'i'L'r**T* '*/*^ •••*^"« "' **•• •"««*^'~ . "'. »>•• •••' MAI mmy \m Hiff to « Wuin •lUtit, th« Mtion «.>m«irh«t r.nii^ir^ /•♦ jrou ouuia not ♦.11 U Um«n«M i hut in .om. >U ..r •Ut'cUy* th* tru« oh«««Uir or th« (tlMM« •h.*w« IImU. U th« ...O^r mu^ili. AT* Mv.r-ljr mnmaim4, tli^ on Um iiwid* of th« shotiiatfr am .ffw^lfld iw-*!T.*I^**,"** *"'' r*'*" '*•• •"'•"•' "•^*"" *•"«»'» "!•«•" tH" l«tiih, IM joint hulgm tha muMlaa. and haatana fapr.Miiiotion. Thi. can aa«ily ba^XtA^t*! by tho oraokUng noiw. in gjvinii your opinion, you may gir* It that a oura oin ba atfaitlad. but it wfll Uka aoma tima, and planty of tima. ' KnUrgnnentf on th« Nhoulder aru common in farm horsai a common cauaa baing an illfltting collar. Thay vary very much in Mwir charaotar and it ia naoaaaary to maka a oarvful aiaminatibn Mid Hnd the tnia oharaetar of tho anUrgamani: Whan thay ara ■on and moreabia .)r fluctuating, and have made their appaaranoa tuddanly, thoy oonUin Mrum, and are called taroua abaoeaaaa, and •ra Twy common in the ahoulder by the miiiclaa baing injured: irritation and inflammation are lot up. and an exudation .)f ierum ♦iT" u T •"• "•" deflned othara ai« not. In lome oaaaa they may be hard around their circumference and ioft in tha owilra, an^ tha hair bagina to fall off. Thia ahowa euppuration, and .u^Lai • ^•fP-'*^*^ '^r**^ •"'^ '' '•»««» ^ • ^'nje OKudation ISTku ;"* ****"• P"'' .?'''''** "»•? '»»^« »>•« fcl^w* tor aooM Uma, "»«nbii«t6rt, ate. would not reaoh it. Tnatment.—U a gerooa abaoaaa maka an Inolaion and allow the mnm to eaoapa. After treatment nae fomenUUona or cold appli- OMtona aooording to the aoaaon of the year, and nie prvaanra— place t^2l ^^,.VfI !!*• P*^ •"** "PP^y pwMuiw. Theae ara trouble- oyMoMad than oae , and in twenty-four or thirty honn lamm ia again fonnad : • dlgMtiTe ointftttm oa * piM* of tq^ or something of j ■' *-**v * 0MIUIIM Of immmno AiiiiiAm ^ li lk« yii4. Mliir^toa •Uk • miUl •UttiMknl Th« Im«4 htiif. fur luali i« N4m« • aliMM. \^,mi Tlwr. t« MKilh^r mknI* whUsh Untk* fihmf ^ A ^*ilL*r **""' •M«*-Wul If y.M. h«*« o,«nMt U u,, .„a ."St. . fT!* •""*•»•••* •••♦• n****** whiUhh^^u I« g.HK| i^, liM Ui «n with III. knif.. »i|.| tUmn frUl M • wumikI ..r you m.jr |„-,| . .^to„ ihrou|,h •( wid .ttoiMl U. th. r,.n.tilM lioa«|irMim«til If la gwtd m*Hhii,m ffivs • dmm «f p«rg.4iv. IWI.IIO n« If .1 i^mr etmdUi.m « K«i,«r.M,« .li«| If y.,o U»« ...iiw dtncuUy in cUUriiiiiii..g »h«Ui«r i.u« .ti^u or ii«|, g«t lh« hiaUiry »'•• '^"^ Noiio. wUllHir lh« Ur i. railing «ir «? ii.,i. miU ,«!, m»y r«il lh« rtufllu^Ung of lh« dm* j or y«u u.«y .,... ... «.i,loriiw ii«*ib, or iiiiJi. an tiioi.ioti .na in^rt • maUhi •,«^J1,. mi4 3 |w» M th«r«, UMm otiUrgw th« opttiiiiiif, foiitnni, tXHilUo*, g^ f^ »mi«ili.».. uk« on •n md«U«l ch«rwt«r. •», UtM, •io. If you And lhi« upon lh« witerio i«Urn«l iMirt «il joiolJn* h«r». t^r«- or four y,.r. old. th«l Hm notWn doing much w.irk, {• unthrifly. th* •pMUto lni|«ir..l. o..n«litulio,«J irrf Ulion, mil»ii quii^k. mmi» dim«uUy in •t'lUtndiiiK Iho limh. .to. it U {(•ni«rTy the n-ult of irr^gul.r .Ir.nglr,. Tl,« lociU tr««ta;nt !• th« Mffl* but th« conatitutiun*! tr^«tni«ul U dllTtrvQl ; do not dr« • puwatlTe If it oome. fnini •trsnglM. You in«y find tuinuur. of m VMOuUr or mdignant oharnfltflr, which an, in»r« dillloult to romor*. hut thii onlir ch«n«n aonintiiuM ia t«> r«tnov« thura, but th«r« la mol to b« conaidarablo hmnorrhaga. Th« mraaaur la th« b«at InatrjinieJI for aaoh omm. and it may tak« a pretty |Hiworful inatrumant ; th«r« # T ^ «•»"•«• IC««i«raIly in gathar by luuaclaa, and not Igamonta^ -th« .»nly l.garaant being tha oapaular; Injunaa to thia joint are very rare in the horae. Dlalocationof thii - haa been noticed but verv rar»Iy, indeed, but the joint n»y be diiH eaaed in yarioua waya. Inflammation may aet up affactiiiglha joint frl;^f*"' *'"*'• '' *?'""'"** ^' '"" •'". •"«hylo«U may take place. It may b« due to a aprain or conatitutional diaturbanoi-n kind of Thia may oome in the bi§ipital groove. may be due to a aprain rheumatic inflammation. _ _ _ iS^iK****/""" K^^ T^ *»' •houIdeTjoint"i;me^;aa''irrn^nKSki wwn the flexor brachii muaole, which paaaea over the bioiDital poove, in oonneotioa with atnaiform and articular oarUlaaa. It meni, bni you may »»*ve all the changirifcM,^;?^!^^^^ jomu-inflammatum of the avnovial membrane oartilagea, etc. -giving rJM to poroelMMua iepoaiU. Animitla wore at one tim0 mi?' * ffp k i.r .l»r»«» injury ttt,m m ttrok* i,p..n IIm |«rU Th«r« u Lm« U m VAtkillf kHi .»Ufy i«*nri«r» Th». i« b«mr iit«rk«4 in Iti kHf If k« yt ••rm««f nn it will di»mM,mM.m i.. ~ ""— ■"•n«in||. ntii not |*<»tnUi4, M ill Imti Ukmf- . l-rh*t„ P^ll.1 .ilk c» JMM b.hin!i Ih. aZrtZ^fZ b IH^T i ■ •"• '•"•"'I'"'***"" •"•y — -« TH, If y.,« „|Ll Ikt n tn« horMi will ra«r > >f - II I. I.- -t 1 .. . ^T n«M iMrlMiMi iNiraiUI »iik <»««W«r, »h«n h« la not U ia flnrskU ; in th« othur U i« not. (Jiv« rmit • ■tand in a knT down th^lLl. 'T^'?r'"";' *•?• •'*'•-"'••«"". •"*« -""Wit U, ...«nd down tho Ihah. C»nlhiirid«« ia m» g,MM m Miythina H— tmi. aim b«t Ai*« rMl and iiut«(. An«.ik«r way of dataoliite UBanJTtonS^ £3iIon ^^ ^'^ **•• •"'"''• •*"'•" '* '• • '^'^ mJUrM aJiu *J[:t'ri''i' #'• i?'"^ r«c,,gni«d, and if ir«it*( i„ tJ«#Jt »CuM. !2^ { b« produowl in raric«tia way., and may li««r a for- ««. ID bydrolhomx, di«MM of ih« kidnayi, lirw, eto., yo« ti4 ■V M nira r^ Jl T'' '^'* . ''•^ **• ^^"t •"««»»»f ««» •»' «.«-llU.N», li»», wh«ti th«r« y nu diMM* in mi, «ih«r imrt „r ih, Hmb^f Hn.b pr^U .irdiht, h« c.« b.*f w.lgM «,m,„ it p,;!^ S2| If it but •om.iimM y..u do •...! h«r« tb«M .ymnUwM HoUIi iCi th« Miion of lb« abo. wh«n thm aoim*! Ii« down. «MMin« inil^ H«i down, yvn pro^Tuctni it wilhoal .iMMt. imd it in.«51J3rS wtar • boot on .uoh, •ltLu«|h diod with t«7 JmJJ JhSTTl lb 139 oAvaifM^ iTMrtoiM AMU wutmtm ov •Mily d«Uotod ; thtn It (Int irriUilon, and then adighl exuaation i ■omoUmeii jiwt an urdinary oxudalion, and auin^timM it ia of a aeroua character. Removu the oaiiao-reinore the ahoe-apply fo- X';iriS"!;MnV'""'!{r *'';»» •»y,'»iW"ni'n«nt,.uch a. tKe Jam- L? !?^' •^ A " '5"°* J**T ^ 'l* i^y ". ""' di«»ppear -if attended to in time. A moderate doie of phvaio Is of benetlt. If the cause ia kept up and lerum aooumulatea. it is beat to open it o«r»rully .t the moat dependent part, then foment and atimulate : or uiaert a small pieotf of Upe with the digestive ointment, oarbolio aoid.^to to present the wouhd from healing, or you may insert a Mato'n through it for the same purpose. This exudation may heoome of a fibrous character, and also librous pus is secreted, and it makes aa ugly sore. The remedy is to dissect it oarofully out. In some oases, where the exudation is becoming organized, you might arrest . it by using iodine ointment, orbiniodide of mercury, but if once orgamaed then remove it. There may be considerable hemorrhaire in cutting these out, but it can generally be controlled, after which bring the divided edges together. It wiil Uke some time for it to heal up, owing to the motion in the parts. When you think an in- flammatory aoUon can be set up and cause the absorption of this exudation, try connter-irriUtion. The elbow may be^injured by slipping and cutting the point of tha elbow, especially in winter In such oases when the animal sUnds up you will see that the cat ' or inmsion u below the elbow ; these set up great irritation. Treat with cold or hot water, lotions, etc. If the animal is driven for some distance air passes and extends right ro^nd the toint, and per- haps up the shoulder, giving rise to great swelling, which is not the S^^lu /.^**™!°?'***°. ' ^""« '**« *»»»** o^«' *»»e P*rt Md you will find that It contains air-there will be a crackling noise. Foment «nd use slight pressure. It might be advisable to make inoisioM SL 1?* J^ ' ^"' *•*'■ *" ***® exception. I saw this occur from teMhootomy, where the air got in and extended over the entire bojiy ; the operation was performed in a bungling manner. I^larles Below the Fetloek.— The flexor muscles are bound down by fascw. These muscles are liable to injuries, pnnoturee. wounds, etc., and when you notice an injury of a chrome character and suooessive abscesses form and discharge, open up and examine for a foreign body. These muscles are also sprained. The beUy is not sprained so often as the tendon ; but this does occur. It may be done by violent action, aa galloping, jumping, etc. The symp- toma are weU marked. There U difficulty in flexing and extending the limb, heat *»* •felliim in the paints. Use lopienUtions, lini- ments and a mild blister. "^ There are incised, punctured and lacer- ated wounds as well. If a horse receives a pretty deep puncture in the refi^on of tte elbow joint, with a small external opening, and the animal is kept going for a day or two, matter forins. dkuae suppnration takes place under the fascia. It can not get away, but matt e r m a y p a u e tr at ^ t ^ad d e a troy th e capsular lugamant, and OMfce open joint, and if you are oaUed two or three^ys after the acci- dent, and the parts awoUen and tender, and perham yon can detect fluctuation, then fjilieve the parts of pus fy an indsion, foment. f ,■ ^fm^ i DniAnn or nuMMmu AiriM4Li. portion of tho riwhm lid «»»l«q»«ly over theaiiteribr "tting up infl.mm"t on77ho;' u^ lldTii^ T?^ .b«,rption $ m«y wraetime. open them but m a iirjli^,.^ *''? P»''*«' ''^«« not whi^ it i. u^iato be fn ve'ST^JL^'priui "^ "'' * " ^ injury, bSt nonnvarilblv It IT '#" K^^rAUpr reenlt. from or^TAeumatic inZmiSon & 1i ul'^Z'^'S"'^ '•?.4«°T jom. oa«,.. He may walk u/lerably^ell but 7Cir k "5» ^" the lame aa in aplint to mmA a^uL !' j ' • . *'^''«<*. h« dropt ia kept up.^t ia likelv to And in .n!.i..i • »*'^^.P»»"- 'f the cainw A^iTir^A""'^''*™ " "° articulation that requires more reat than the-knee. Devise some means to 4eep the ]?mnuTet^ TAt «S the shoe in moat caMs • hatha witiT^tj '"'/""" H'fwx. lake oo liniments, and b.SZ; ^^w . iSi*? k ""?' r?! ""• "'x^y"* t^^***S! "'* *""« •*• recommended, but I think bllitew LS uIT' Upeedf-Ciit ia sometimeaa vary tiytw hlMoma nnlarmr- -' -c i sSaT 181 ,if-i. OAuaw, ■mPToin awd TiiATMirr or ■'% of blood, and Mrum forma ; or, from alrikioK ilighUy, irriUtion Ik Mt up to A slight eitent ; this goM on, and » tumour oomM on gradually. Trtalm«tiL—U the oaum ia kept up, it iaiikelj to end in m lerioai •beoMM. RenioTe the oause. Uie hot or cold applioationi ; if ther« la ^uoh pain hot ia preferable. But 1 think if o>ld ia applied in tioie, when there is not miioh oain, it prerenU the bad rtaulta. There ia benefit in bandaging. Uae aoeUte of lead and mild stimu- lating liniments. If aeruro forma, open carefully after allaying the iniUtion {Sime'a absoeaa lancet is perhaps the best), then apply Eressure ;'for if you do not. it is likefv to collect again. But do not e rash in opening while there is irritation. The irritation can be reduoed to a great extent by oantharides or biniodide of mercury. There are various methods of preventing striking ; attei^d to the ahoeing, and in many oases it is neceaaary to apply boota, aometimea from the foot to the ahoulder. ^ rr^ , The Tendons of the Knee are aometimea cut, eapedally the meta> carpi magnum, from falling or from a kick, or coming in contact with aome aharp inatnimenf. The tendona wiH re-unite, but in in- jariea here it ia aoi^etimes difficult to get reunion. In laceration of these tendons, bring the divided edges of the skin together, keep the limb as straight as possible— bv splinu, in some cases, and keep the parts qaiet. If you are not called for some time after the aoo^■ duit, the hofae has been moving around, the ends of the tendons reoede frc^m each other, and there is a kind of fungus growtL thrown ont iniide of th^ wound ; when the animal move^, this either protrudes or disappears, ^hich shows it is in connection with the tendons. Out the diseased portion out ; apply caustics and considenble pres- sure. Good caustics are sulphate of copper, nitrate of JRver, car- bolic aoid, etc. Perfect reunion will not take place, but a growth is thrown out by which the two ends are united, and there will al- ways be an enlargement. Open Joint ia a very serious result in any articulation, and some- times there are severe constitutional symptoms set up, and it may cause death by th^ constitutional fever. The joints most Exposed Are most liable— the stifle, ho«k, fethick and knee— but almost any joint may be laid open. \What I mean by open joint is where the akin, ligMnents and synovial meknbrane are opened up. It is one of the most serious injuries to which the horse is liable, and varies much in its results. ^ A series of pathological changes takes plaoe unless the discharge of synovia is arrested very soon. I think if it occurs in a horse of a phlegmatic temperament, it is more easily teeated than in one of the opposite condition ; the constitutional foyer does not run so hij^h. Notice the character of the discharge./ It is not so serious if opened witb a sharp inttrument, as if done m « more violent manner, for if done by a kick, or from faljfing, thei^ ia infl a mm a t ion as well as open joint It is smmntlrtyi^^ tpnnotniyd ^-j jo ironnd p r n d ao ed b y t pit ch fork. In a ^ ment la pnnotnred or injured, and not done In a violent m .^, there is not very severe soffering tot aome time, but the ayhovia •«sflaMt And the air geta into the wound, aeta up irritatbn, and "-— nniAtn of wmmma awimau. 13ff th« animal tafrtra greatly. Ai flrat the dboharge is pura ■ynovia if injured in a mild manner— but a change soon take* plaoe ; in one. or two dajra there ii active inflammation, and the nature of the dia* «Me dltere, there is more or leu nua, and three or f«>ur dayi the ^inte<{rity of the joint ii somewhat dMtroyed, the oartUairea beoome ^tatroyed, and in a severe oami partial or complete anohyloeia ia the resMlt, and necroeisof the Joint may ooour. The tiHues alto beeone implicated, and tuniefaclion in many oaa«a oomea and ax^tenda around the joint, and the pua ia sometimea mixed with red atr«#ka fiiving it a kind of mtiddyappearanoe, ahowing that the oarUlaiia it' deatroyed. The pua ia fetid alao. the bones beoome carious or «!• oented, matter ia thrown out, and anohyloaia ia the resnlt 8oai«- . times the appetite is gone, the pulse quick, there is intense fevtr, sweaU bedew the body, there ia great emaciation, and death may reault in from two to aix daya ; or the aurrounding tiasuea beoome . infiltrated with pua, and extenaive* aloughing follows, or there an ainuaes formed, etc. , and the caav ia hopeleaa. Thia occurs especially in the hock joint, but if you are called in the early stage, while the discharge ia pure tynovia, no great fever, the wound made with a. sharp instrument, and the tissues not lacerated, it stands pi«tty good chances of recovery. ^ rmi thi .«^ ^day,^ '' BmiM8 df the Knee.— Although they look very formidable, an very trivial in comparison with open joint, and yon may mistake the flow of the bunal fluid for open joint. Gl^nae with oold water. ■pf. IM OMXmm, iTMVTOMi AND TtlATMBrr Of :y»»; I b^'r i^ wmI V ''•" *u '?• •" ^J"™^' ••"' ^ho growth of thi J iL ,' "' "/•" "" •'•*'• •' •>' «■ produced, and if the hair bohiar* df.tro»ed. than hiir «nnot b«*^r.produ.;drb ,t .o loni with uij milk ointment to lubrio«t« the ikin; hkiid-n^b, tto. .pSTo? tt2"t:!SZ tf oTr """'• " "°*: '" """^ ^' • MetaeariMl LliramenU.— This ii rory common In nide-ho'nei toi^drfto. It I. not common in ordinary driving Wi 111. f^T^ by violent exertion of .omo kind <«• other^ th^'cist pro hflo cauie i« fMt galloping, or in Dulli„ai,p hiUwit^ a heav7 iSS piaoe betwetn the fibres of the ligament ot around the ligament • It .. I -l j' . ■^?"*''"K. «»menoM disappears more or 1«... Al- & ilidTh'i;:'^*''' '"•^"•"' •' *'" beXund to bean"r,ori, ««fiL'.?f • ^^AT "P"" pressure, and flexing the limb in- S2!Li^7th« in! 1^'^'* " •'•'»•' " ""'•*' *»»• exudatioa in- SST-Kf*^!'?- ""*[*"*'**''""" *« "'"«"'• itself by flexing the hmb The exudation becomes organized and the tendJn shortens nSil f ?l"'* 7*^^*- "P°" '*»« '~"t •>' *he hoof. This i mo?; SV'*'*''' *llT ".* *»«*^y ^^'^^ »'«'•"« hese spr«ins may be slight or steverT »d my be suijJenly produced, there will be more^or lew Sud^ u j^TiI!"'* *""* *" ***^^«®" 'be fibres, and if the causeTkept u^ It will become severe. The fibres will give way and-^ie Jfse tS limteiS';;:;;^''*'? ""^ ' •" ""/r* ' ^'^ «">"8 °' Extending the ^ limb wiU increase the pain andybausa more lai^eness when trStted J«?!Sf?tI!i^ ^"'^ *^® ■^®' ^bether it j^ the ligament of the tea- fi^^fiS"'* ""fy ^^i^ding/to the tim^yoi, are called. If odSl inunediatdy, apply cold wat^lr and refrigerants, and bandage iuS' douslj to prevent the exudation. Keep np the a^liS^J oni or two hours, and watoh *M> b>»d«ga So^lv. fo^ff'SSlH^i^S!:: £ta 'hli,'£ y k" ^ ' '"^'' "' ^ t he d*5 ala t,on.-^'Afto;;^rtgne:> il *.S?'*®''- ^"f »" .'?™r«?«» J"»t c^W water and bSdaging wffi 40. The ammal will be Able ?or aqy kind 6f work, l5utTf« i^t >», ^ ^m^ or \ "W" •'\,riK iwp k DiNMANM or noMmno animai*. m quirMi not onljr w-lc.: but molith^or oren ^yirj^V Ji.?; to undergo Mvere work Yon «,«..M iL.»V ^ ' •*<'o»«r ■<> m IK. oonlrMllon i. the mult of ,li«„«, „t ih„ teifdon biS « it «,™i from loaie duoM. or the fotlook joint itwouM h«^™ ■» «mM r«{» ^'^u .V"'™*"* tho incision and then u»e a tanoto!^ thfenJh hotW *!i • probe-pointed buitouri, and Ti. belt ?^S thibugh both tendone, but lometimea outtinir one will do *W «^ui^^irXa"nd7tT.t '°'"''"'"^' theanLXmltilraS K-Ii!!4 !k 1. \ ."" !? *• "* "ome oMes neoeasary to aoDlv a hiah 5S?.^;-;:;^a^-£e?i'4Te.ii"r'"'"°' " "-^ "" "^"^ "»• fit from a bluter ; when you are called make a oarefnl exanSnmkjJT The rotpenaory ligament is the great maiMt^rrf thrZh ^ venr.powerful. anj,>ne npon whiot thei^C^t .tr^i • s^ii^^f S^rrXtuTiJiis*'^'"*' it. fibre. gi.e^ayjrpieffi;;:f;e! ^^Break-doirit.— Thia is more serious than sprain of tha back iL» ^nso^ metacarpal Hgaments.^ In a case 0^^ the feuSk^,: weignt tbrown npon it. It ts more common in >aoe or hnniin.- icS2i„*«^^" *" ''t*'»"« ?°"««' »>«' noJoften U oiu« to' ^ genewUy in a perfectly healthy condition when the fibN^ oil* «.• completely but. in « majority of oases, tSJw hid KJifatlSK .pmn of the Mgwumt^ ..'ho Jng a dight .wSnS1^Wrii^^ ^• ^•^^**^k^' - V i:a6 QMpM^ lYMrroMi Ant: Yi I. i«iin, iiml • littln thiokmiinit of the t«na,or per- hapa a little cklorofomi ; or if vqu uae water, acetate, odrad or opiam may be added. Bandage and bring the pArta at near tkeir natural poaiiioD at poaaible. A high heeled ahoe it recommended, and may be of. beneit. Af|er allaying t|i« acute iu|t»mmat<»7 action, aT- tkough there m^fy atiU be great pain, apply a bliatar uround tke fetlock and right up where the ligamenta are «tieoan not be reatored to the natural condition, but there will be a thickening of the parte, and the fetlock w^ll deaoend more than natural. Sometimea there ia onl^ partial rupture of one of the bifurcatiqna. Then allajf the irritation, and apply a atarok bandage and a kigh-keeled akoo, and alinga are aometimea of a bene- fit in anck caaea. If tke animal will ^ie dowq and take |^ oare of tk« limb, it b better tkan alinga. . n . Inllifrior Sesanold Ligamenta are alao liable to aprain. Tkia may gtTe riae to a lamen^M wkick ia puEzling. It ia.mnat likely tb occur ih ttfi koraea— race and trotting. koriMa, tke latter o^toner luffer here tkan kigker up. ' ' - 8yth^om$.—llU difficult t(MMy wkick of tke tkfoa Mgamenta ia aflfeotod^ Tkere ia more or leaa irritation, giving riae to lameneaa, at finijii^lit, after faat worW. After cooling off the horae goea lame for eu{kt or ten atepa and it poatibly diaappeara. Tke lef( ia ban- daged and ke ia taken out tke next momiuK. '.iTkere appeara to be v^ notking wrong ; tkere may by a littlcT poflmbg of tke foot, wkibk akowa tke irritation ia low 4own ; you may aeteot- aligkt awalling and keat in tkia region ; trotting kim cauaea pain. Oiye reat ; kot or o6l^ applicationa and counter-irritationa ; but' be careful iritk it in tkia region ; it may deatroy tke akin and kair bulba. Tke ten-, dona oo^Mrbe oujL— uaually from tke action_Qf tka kind feet, or if in tlurlnuTfaet, from one korae running, upo^anotker. Bring tke parta^togetker witk a au^re, and keep tkem ^ell bandaged. Keep aa quiet aa poaaible, and, if practicable, uae alinga, and lake a piece of iron and faaten on like a akoe. and let it oom^np tke bade off tke limb and sraap the limb above tke joint. AltEoagh there ia thick- ^ n ing df the t e nd o n , ji do ea nnt m t ^nmiy ini tt rl m rm iri th h ia int inn j i» the teHdona. limunenta. nenrea, etc., may be mi off below the jdnt, and the koof will take on a Yej^-peooliar giowih. If the ten- ddne alone afe pat, then bandage nioely and watoh oloaelj, for thft -f "' J . not ing good ' »l I MIIAIM nw IMIIHITtO AimfAU. 139 i» dclJu il ^J^ *»*"** '"'.'**"*'" "'•"•i»« .U|.|.u«tion. When n *T# .1. ^ "•«"'^y »*» «••* <»«»*» •"«« allow th« niatUir Ut aM«D« ii liTJT T'^'r^V^. Jon might M W.U r«t* !''"'*'! \Vl'*' »'•'*• **«• ^» rheumatic infla^~ i:pm:it*^^^ i-juryor concuadon. U I. .11 ^L" »»Wl tli-«PP~r to aome extent after exerciair^Bd and there a a al.j^t m.nineaa around the horae. A onrefafexaSni^ JwK • I '•** r*"*'* "'" K" •""'• '»»"•• There are ohanai t!^;»*''r* ***'■"»'• • cart la«inoua dejH^it, which nj.y bL 3- fert^ into bone, in auch caaealameneaa cont nuea for aomrtime ' \^i^t^^^^^^^ •"UTKoment around the ?o' S^t flrS Lr wTiilr'h'*' fomenUtj..,,,, heat or cold, followed by » blit- • S* ♦ J !i. ^ "'h' ^"■•» .»' ■l'«»'t -prain, and it U hani to aay [what u the exact I^ion. It i» uauailj produced by iSd o? fMt jworic upon h^d ro^ia, or hari puiUn/ *He tnay e/tendtha Umb te ::l\*'"' »' *7H^ »h*"». i? diflioulty in diaUnding t^'l^Sj iAiJi! ••''*l?"'' '*° "''J "*'^^'' "P y*»"' "»»nd that the diaeaae-i. in fa fetlook m all cMm ; but it i. aymptommtic of dia—e of the f.? U a!^\Ti^t "' '^^^ •pphoationa, and bliater. are of great beno- 2 ^? ^^^' ^^^ **"■• 'he horae to appear pretty well but j^uckUng may atiU remain. Oantharidea i. p^h^^^iSfJSli i^ J ''*f/?l''?? •r St'IUng the fetlock joint while IraveUingyfeho.. R^^?if K?"'/**'- »««»«'"'">■ the atriking i« not auffloient S bruiae th« ahin to any great ext*nt. but givea riae to contuaSo aeU up ,nflammatH,n; the reault of wkich ia an ext^naive ewS^ wh^ woaUy t«rmin*te. in aippuratibn ; and the matter^Tdtt •uffew intenaely. 6uah cuea aometimea puzzle a young praotS^ to tell what la wrong. Thia may occur from a aprain. but SJUUt ift it from the ground acting much the aame aa in auppwationS the foot. Apply hot clotha and poulticed, which wiU iC the i^! flammatory action or haaten the proceaa of auppuration^lSSh ii f^ *^i ^' after Doulticing for one or two^aya, the awelUngin! ^'y?r' .»°^ 1^'^^P* Utuatea toa Jjght extent, tl^en vo n j^iil^ mattm l » foi i ued . and when it «ilS& t^% a oerUin atig, o pw i t^' mth "itlu " inaerhng the lancet if there i. ext^naivJexu^Sioo' Firat twitch the atumal and ttakfl ."• .maU inciaion ; or «>meSmi t# ■r%- OAVtm, tTMProw Ait nwATwwt m ^ ■: i- Urn,, a will nr»«n nr.»«Al •.U.^u.^oughW.^ I'oulU^ .J of a^Ww. .io,; or. th«r« «,., In, IhloUnJng, whidi may b«>.n,oV J bT iodin., ointment, or •„ .K«MiJo«d bli^ti Dono»7ppU iS^Z, irli«n the hor«i Hm » Uind.««^ t„ brudi, .o U)V|i3i. • Knarkllaf.- Thia ■otn«ttin«a falli und«r lh« h^ad of (IImmm ui.t Th«r» may b« Jtrkfng forward of th« ftllook at almbakaTarTaU iJ^!S '"^•".S* !y"""*»*'*«^ appeanAM „f^b. limb, fil^* than Iha for« limb. )>ard and Aut work b«Jna the oidtlna oaui. or cUw. The high fciHling of oolta which ar« kapt in SiSubla I. a ' f^SlcTJ!.** «>metim«. the n,.„It of more ..r^eJl dTJSin lh« ' •P|»w inddenly in a horM three or four yean old. it miv bo i^r-w T ft t PntAMMl Of DUMMTIO Airili4l«, ii %n *Mr««Ml IhMi U«b«*>rlMK», th« r«.ult i. • wind K»ll, which ia m burl^ . h^^ mon, or I«m oh-.g«d if Ui« oau- i. k,..t up. a^ih, b^ 111 fwnl, it i« IM ooiin^oUuii #ith th« j<.i„t. a •l.ght wmdiraU Z u«t liM>k«d upon « »,. ,.„*„.mln««i. «vi« U, . f^t 1«»I iS^ inininK bo Wul to wruliniw Uio «md.Uon of wbd-gall. iftSr . iiim«l .Utid upon tbe Umb , if th.y an. mora in front, h™nJb work ^&"J2;'¥»-T'7 ""'**""'/• " •'»«•• • Jrtv. or «„.d*7*. work. Th«y are due t„ tho •io««iU» d«iuAiid of the driv« • th- rM^uiiT** •"** P^^^f •b.orpUpp, .nd th. ««r«Uon gc^ tJ!!ll^?**!l:~"."' '""« •*•"'••"«. they oMDot be removed ; bat if uood n • pelhonc •nu.i.l, give • moderate doM of phytiJ.\md u«i hot or c«,ld .ppIic.Uon.-col.l perhap. i. preferable, VwietS! u of great benefit. Take a piece of doth afd foW i«;eral7Sr and place «|K,n the part, and apply . bandage, keeping U wet "t c««.e. .baorption ; or, you migCt um refriJeranU, if ioeUto of lead.eto., and .ometimo. foIIoS with a bliater, and putto work jMually Irritant drewing. a„d firing ar« not neoeSIry It k Zt ^.l^/'T '•'•" ""'r ^^7 oontin^rum, foTJKitiiori Shir bni*l?i**ir *'""^'*; ^"" «""'** <*«*» »* off with a^aU b .t lhl!^\;fii I J'*^' ""^ «*1»<«« t" th« cold during the winter i but they will, in moat ca«»,'retum in the apring Where thl^ maTbl^t^ S*^ ^ " ^"^ «y«-Ve. buf^'the^" ^^ iuJ ^^ '^"•' ^***'' '"•J' ^ produced by atrikin^ the " x^- '^ T?^T "5 rupmrag At mmallr ftffwifi from rZh^i^V 1""^ ."•»»' from TioUmt pS&a. If ti w„id Itgament auffer., there i. mow or lew .inflimmaaon aet up ia the ■ ( m -*«.. ..J;-. ^MmH, ITHrflNtN Ann TttAtMWT Ot •J«l by *,w wh.. .r. ,.„| •rq.ulMl^l with (h« .lrM.i«M»« oAh. .irtT o^w lh« joint, ana .tr.k« u with • m*ll«t »««• o, Ui,S^WdX wdk lh«.i,i,„»| out. .i,d ho Will no ii,„r« U.,.fl If tbi. r ihilir J oulty III (l«tiic|iiig it. * i'«»««, w»«r« u no diOi prom «.„c,o„ th« h«JiTf t»r« r«.»ur, fr.;':.:' I, ul tn uVuil'' Thf i. mon, common. ,M,rh»p.. th«n hip oint ii^L Tt a.„L«IL cicour. ju.t from .lipping, ,„or« iKirlimilirly if Zu^\ uSTl^f Lufio^ii; w'^T' I'it*"^ »7 -''PI'"'!* -r Wling yiobjtiy If Z hT^lT *''* "P J^«r. will Ik. ohwigM i,, «hl juini th»r" i„.v b« oartiUginom or (|fa««iii dep<«iit«. •n«roiii«y ^w|»^»f»w. -There i« difllciilty In nxtondinif th« W...K -« a Ttry gre.t H. en .o.r,M,ly br^g tlV rirw Jr.t~.P rk^^^ i. more or lew .w.lling, if if i. |„lhe n.u«,l« but S in tL iliT bjhlnd i. the b«.t way to d«t«ot th« . wdling. |f you nTlI Sf iTb bwk, out or forward, it loorMM. th« Um«n«M f ^u £iir i« ««••. mi.Uke frecture for .pr.i„. i.aa«] tl-- MiiMM Of nommnuj AimiAur. I, 141 ". iiT"**'** *"••* ^ •«l««4iKi trim MMm IMihmtliin .if ikb tun. «f lh# •i«U»H,|i,m |„ o4ll«r .i,...,*!. || iU r««„r j m ,!..«• *„4 ItLlS u !!^' ' 4h« Prnmlh.t,«. U «rthar highf or lo..r lUa Th«r« U 4»meuUjr in •lUttding th* limlH boUi li tti«nUi. Miiniai Unding Ih. Umb h. •lul.^.our. I« km,,, u in • t\x^l ,H.„Uon. .tut .I.HH, not bring it *. U, forwH m n.tur.! ; th«r« mi b« •nlw- i...nt wd h««Un th« p«rt« . wh«n .Unding ^«. «««•. ih« UmbtT, Tm *i V t .1 V "!"•* •'•" i"'*^ ''^•"« »«K«Uv« .yi,.nU,m« lflrit, or th«r« ar* thing, which predwiK«e l<. it h«V0 iiotioiKl aome o«m. .fi«r .tr«ngl«., which c»coiirr««l v«ry •Mil*. fiymittoms nm »«ry i.Um.and aft«r soiling one c^m you ouTcMily he do«i bring it forward, ho d.n,. it m though thor« wm no artiou. UUon in lh.l,w^. luid «,U the «in, wi^ whin b«:k.d. TheWwii a •tudwt iwnt from th« oollego to MMniM Moh * om«. and th«r« WMo«n.d.r^U,tr.wit.theboi,itha h. «ad IhaTriTh J^t h« foot fMt in . hoUi in the fl«<,r. The .ymptow, »« unudT iSm thill. M though the fcKjt WM nailed to ^eieor. ; uL t^\£i ih« l«g forwird white you take hoWrf and mantpu- W^i**"*i^• •"^•^^ «*y '•»» '"^ injur* iiimaelf. « {tiriM»t to «•▼• lonio help, and keep the anioiAl aupporked, to pVeTeot thia • £;;i!'*''fe.r :•*'"** .*'"'^' .HflUl^,oVe.te'nd tWTfmb.^Si tSiL**' ^ **Vl"« *' ^*»*' **^' orti it to a collar. Bat I flod i ■SS k^' "^ ' jf<>w n iMnd it ; it jt » » mt«i ntl « n i ere iie u pop oiO^H^ ^^^l^mf "°*** , " >*»• ""*»•• »»•»• »«^ *»»«ir power Of oontrtotion, a littlo exeroiae brings them in tone. Invanablj ,.^ ,/ >^ ■1^*! m ilVMM, ffiirfQiit kin fUBjktmtm m r«i*i««i uiiiii u i« n aonw a r y ly nmtikta vttkna* aAiiMitUt... l*aril«l |ll«l««Mitlan i* wkmn il IumI «I|im alialill* im^t^imim^ ii. jHowTn. wjj^ly «..,U I.. r^„ .So ^^....^ Mil •S^ ThLlTM; t^ Wu«« kmUitul. vungm Uk. plJL j„ ih. .,.h i^LT 17 Lr • piX5ff5fZ3^ '^*''*' ''"• «*" '••^ '••' -"• ♦v*'*^. •^ xSVuh't: t:- .K:s^ "A- ■■''«'"•" "•"<-'«'• ^' "•" mBB. Tb.r. U • IIUI. |>r.ijw«1n| plm k; Um bM .!r luch • iho.. IVea^iMMl.— (Jm oouiitwirriUlion. I h»T« M«n DMdir ^rwiJ m^ S:S^*'.rr^"tl !£.'"• T!l'T' «^"- '-nfr oT^^^^ fWP^ MIS MM ttv •mmnm a» (4^- Mi ^^^^^ fMiMM |fe« Mutt Mi iMau-TIUi ««■.« »H^«4«|««i. IT i^ii«f, «iv« riM I., tmrf pM«iU«r •riii|i«..«iM. Tlw (nJurriM? It [[•J"* 'J»''y. *»»• »»»t«t«. M» iumtium. Imi In m««« «mm« llli tiu hmUw. II HMj .Hilr«M |.^«iT,lr. •nd III •tl«m|.lln« l« m«.«« th. H«h. ,».,^ u ».. h«.,g ,„ . ,u«i! linn m«iiii«r »iill«ik If lh« l«« |« airaliihUitiMl II «mi tM«r •..m« ••H»hl. Yum fl^,i«, ««| „| ihu in |'r,.l WiIImmw. work t« . . ■ ♦«»*»• ^'"^ •!' »»»* »itt«Bl««. •lid jr.m will )»«f« b«| Ullk 4im«4iUf Ml *«mii>tnt tht*. II Umkm " iry ilffjU Hi MMMl'iM"' •«.j...uii«l wMh ih« ui.t..mjr .,1 ih« imru. hnl if lk« ImMSim m ortfin b nfw|w«ui .,1 rMuv.rv, t( ur..i»». Ijr lr»«U«l t* V r^ Tr^tm,nl.^(Hf rati, k««p in • b<>t tiAll. m4 tllow kin to mo», ih« limb to atHM •iImI. || |« woI n«fifna Miiiiewhat ainiilMr dangling of lh« limb, •!•. Il#ck JoiaU—DiMMMNi f/f thia joint ara numanma. A nuijotiu of fla«M of Unianaaa in th. hind Mi|r.niity ara in tb* IumIi It i ofl.n.r mfrm.tmd tbaa any oth.r artioiilalUMt. .^t B«» Mparlii m a aoft, jMiffjr tumour, attiiat.*! at th. iotorior-intor nal part ol (||« tri»« book j«.int, and ia dii. to t^ diatontitm »rf tba "apau ar llfaB>»«ni with ayno»la. Il hulgaa oat whara i| ia not hound d«»n hy tondona It ia mllwl b«.g apavin b«io«uaa il la a aofi, w^l« lH9n« aiMvin la a hard, vk ia lllia aaok but w bog apavin it may b«i two or thr«« onncaa. Aa wwUaa'dia. tanUon, thar« may h« nior. or Ima irriUtion. Tba oapanlar lia»- inaiit in aoma caaaa boeoniea thiokeuad, Ad if of long aUnding or if th« oaoaa ia kapt op, th« oartilagaa b«oo»iii« affiwlad^ iMrhapa d*. troy«d-and a poro«dan«oiia d«|Niait ia ifa. rwault Bat in many caaaa it will ramain in inat th« aama diat«ndmi condlMon for am Jwiftb of Uma, and than thaaa ohangM taka plaoa, and pwhaiM cariaa, anabj^loaia, ato. • -^ r— — r- aJt^*i ^ pr»diap«jaing and axdUng. Horaaa hariag cound. fltdMT Umfm, tto.. ara pwdi apottd. Want ol •"•?*» . ^tfli liid»a for abow pti^oMa, nuicVork, apmin oftlw arti^Mioa: m, ara azottioK o»UMa, . I» m^, Uk% wiadgalk, quickly. *Wf wqr « .trwT'i''^' "•♦▼i 146 oAUMt, tniwuiM Ajfo niAwnrt Of TviisiiS^i*^ "^* **''^ '»«°« -p-^*"- ^ - " Jrtaim$nt.~U in a young hone, and th«r« b no kn«i«u^ ah4 •mdod with rnXK,, lor the fluid 1.01 won form ngdnT* " ""• *^ '.i' .iS'S^"""'* oon»>«»« in diatention of the buminooniiMyAi. ii It i.^^*^*r, P-rf""*?- t«ndon. above .nd " fSnTofthe^ BprtngEoek, but perhuw a better name it sDnun of ihm i^A^^ work, •■PwlaUj' rfthtwia a heavy weight upon the badT ' V MUAJiu or DoMantn amihauL 14* ■ * ^ ■ 8timpt'«P«»- Where it is TitoS pwdnoad, »nd lenim « formed, you might um the •^iSS^'S 148 K OAuiis, iiimoan amd tuATMUft oy knif^^'if in th«bui%M mtu-.HHf. Yuu will find beneAt ttom iodine or Miythinff that ■timulatM aUorption. It ia difBoult to ramuve .. Do not b« l«d ipto pnnoturing too frsely, although it it ■omatimM^ very tamptiiig. Tincture of oanth*ridM i» of benefit in many ^ Carb is an enlargement of the back part of the hind leg, a litUe below the hook, due to iprain or complete rupture of the oaloaneo- ouboid ligament, or, some My to irriUtion of the iheath of the Un- don : but in moat oaaea it ii sprain of the ligament. ^_ CbiMM.are prediapoulig and eiciting. Certain^ breeds are more liable than othen ; aleo, a faulty oonibrmation ; long os-aaloia, ia- dining forward, instead of backward, gives rise to what is known as a ourby hook. The exciting causes are hard and fast work. It is most common in fast horses, tt is often produced in winter by being driven in deep snow ; or, forcibly backing an animal with a heavy load; ^ofomi.— This is easily detected by, viewing from the side. It Senerally pr<>duoes lameness, but not of a permanent character, and I not so seri<)us as sprain ; the parte are hot and tender, and there is enlargement ; when standing, he flexes the limb. If the horse stands for a day oHtwo, the lameness usually disappears, but returns if used, while there are other injuries in which the reverse is the o«se. In almost all oases where it is s^dd6nly pfoduoed there has been a predisposing tendency. Although curb is said to occur on the back of the leg, a little below the hock, it varies to a slight ex- tent It generally occurs in young animals, and is more serious than in older onei. It is sometimes called soft curb, when there is a bursal enlargement with it. It is likely to be assootated with more or Jess irritation. It will be a long time before such an animal will be ^ to do mudh work, and treatment has but little effect If it is low down, the animal will stand upon the toe ; will be more or less kme^sometimes extremely lame. But this soon disapnean in an ordinary case, but comes back when put to work. T«fiji^efie.— It can generally be successfully treated withont any ^ blemish : tresit just the same as sprain of any ligament or tendon. |t is well to give rest ; however, you cannot always do this ; but if in a very valuable horse, give rest ; foment when there is pain ; use anodyne applications, and in most cases follow by a l))ister, which has an exoellent effect, in getting rid of the irritation ; oantharides is perhaps preferable to mercury ; clip the hair and then rub it in for ten or fifteen minutes; leave on for a day or two, and then WMh ; shoe with a shoe a little higher at the heel than at the toe ; it tends to take the strain off the part. You may have recourse to' the firing iron, but I am no great advocate of firing for curb. Oans- tioa are sometimes applied, which destroy the hair bulbs' and pro* duoe a worse blemish than the curb. Irritation in the artiouktioft m%j call for firing. It yon are called to tnaat a horse that is i^ training, tiro or three yeirs old, perhaps there are thousands of dp« Ym «*^, hj thit f udiflJOTf '—^^ —'■ ^ -L- J— - «-•-. ments, get Mm ready ; however, the proper treatment wonld be to rest, phyaie, foment, blisMr, eto. ; but if there are seyeral thousand -1»liiiutM or DoMuno aihmau. 149 dolUn at sUke, it makM • diflaninoc in tb« oaie. with aoaiat* of lead, powdered opium, eto» , Um oold water, InflaMmatlon, or Sprain of the Hoe^.— Perhapa there are well marked •ymptoim, or it may be that some of the little ligamenta are injured and no plain aymptoms preaent, but the animal doea not flex the hook so nioulv ae natural, or perhapa he lifU the foot from the ground. Manipulation will aaaiat you indiagnoaiug thin. Uif« reat, foment, and in lome oaaee bliater. ' i Open Joint In the Hfok u a very eerioue injury, and if produced in a violent maniier, fr«>m a kick, ©to , tho ohanoea are that it will result in anohyloeii. if it dooe not duitroy the animal by the oon- , ititutional fever. There ia intenie pain, the foot lifted from the 0onnd, the eoft tiMsiiui awollen, and you are told that the animal ^ Joeived a kiok in that region. It is likely that anohyleels will bo tho result. The same applies to open joint in the- stifle, and If it occurs to a horse not wortli more than eighty or one hundred doUavK it IS generally best to recommend his destruction. Somottmoi it looks much like open joint when the capsular ligamont is not ru||pred. » -^ Innal Enlargements, just little puffy tumonn. In any rogion »« there are tendons and prominences of bone, there are Uttlo iursi»,and these may be enlarged both inside and outside of^o hock, but they rarely interfere with the animal's usefulness. Treat tho same as wind galls. daitroenemlng Intprnug is liable to slip out of its place, whoro it passes okw the joint of the hock, and it is very difticult to get it in- to Its plaoe, but nature accommodates itself to the changed condi* tion-of^the parts. It is, of course, best to sret it in iU place, but if 70U cannot, then allay the irriUtion untU nature accommodatoa Itself to the change. Uleeration of the Tibia.— I saw a case ; the animld boeamo suddenly lame from being ridden hard once or twice ; was laid up and treated with tho ordinary applications ; got better, but aftor- .wards died from congestion of tho lungs. There are j ust abont tho same mjuriea befow the hock as are met with in tho fore extremity, but^gr^n IS more frequent in the hind limb, and break-down mora ir6quont in the fore leg. liAAlNITISI 3^- Lapdnltls signifies inflammation of tho aenaitivo laminee, and ia, ^™P*>,Po*.» good term, as thprp are otha» mim iAnr» ^ ^^ ^ tfi, untpw ioTolToa, and, in a weU-markod and aoyere case, the wide sensitive struotnres are involved— the bono, ligamenta, etc^ Another name u founder— a name, perhaps, applied from the pedlliar man. perhai liunini !!Lfeu2!*^^??^'*rTT^- ^'^•» H f rmin.U. quIdiU hi Kn» .triot^rl *•, f^^^^P^ y i? oonn.«tio„ with th, -n^tir. »min» •truotmt*. It oocuw in f^« aouto. .ub-acuU and ohtoikio SSt! JT r* ^"** *■ •"•>J««*. " the pari, an •itnmdj mm- wiuo«'^.„y1„Ty'"« ''•"'• "'•''"» •^'** '« '»»• -^^^Hiy omK roDDu«t1nn „7 »K '"'^.'^•*? "^n*. >l»*Wi.g it moM ••»•»/* But ,. . X^Z. ^' -"•*'*"• '•~''"" Uka^liUo., and ofUn.ri,cr«^ MWiiT^A '••t-buf.itiiMy occur-ill aiiy kind of feet, and, in an I? a .nJi^' ? "fi^. ''T/ '*^'' •*^« -P' *« »»• «n«" ■•^•'^ than mL. I# tK* ? PI' '**'''" •• • «*"■•• •'«* P«'"''*P» it " in ■«me SrSijhW TK ^"* ^*'" "P**" *?"• P^tof the foot, itmay set up, ' SS^Lf ?il?;^'Pr-'*rJ* ""V»'«tK««,,n.iti;.UmiL. An> lSil«^tl^ Li •^™*<'h *nd intetiines is liable to be followed bV SS. ^ ^"'* '*""'J* • ■imiUrity of •tH.ctuce in the lamin«, ijta, and muoou. inembrape., and irriution in any of ^eee es- .!? •«• more i^ kely -io produce it than bthen: eVeu a small aipounl of wheat, ju.t .ufficlent to jet up slight oolicU plins • th^ Sw3i!^^r^^'^°" *"' My«uoous membrane. The irritatbn SS)r*l; li? "*• «»,thi. metastasis ; that is, that when inflam- JW»r; butlthmk this IS incorrect. - Laminitis may bejoasil/nro- , d^r J? ?J:*'*°« .n ani™^ i^ht or nine mile, dn^ h^ttr d:Wy^a^5rS;;^ht:tf '*• '''•" ^* perspiration.i. .uddenlr feSr^STt"^* u •5'?/ detected if in the acute- form. Thei. i. wS-ni! nl?n,?r^' i"*^ bounding pube, Ahr, .ixty, or Miventy ' bjji. per mrnutis, and |>drh4p. .weat. bedew the body and it may remain in Uu. condition for Mme time. The hori i*.Uff. m5 S7t!*''**^****«'^*^?*J°»^'y.; the con.tituUonal .ySptoS. mS mSh?^l„T?' *"*!'»i'y »' i" "ind i- •ffeoted in any way, you mj;ht think he wa. suffering from .ome diM.aM of the i^eplriliry ^ ofmam , after Mieing one case you should easily recognise tfie next. ui^d^iT '^St^"^''*^" **• 'i*"^^"* postiSTut «,metimaM.. but Si^iTf* i He throw, hw weight upon the heel, to relieve the ^ y 1 _y° ***^?PV*° JP'^^^" ^"^^ ^^ W, th# feet ; thm-e - •rtone^ If it i. only in the fore feet, a. i. geoendly the ^, hb walk, m » peculiar manner, throif. hi. wdghfc i^ hi. hind ■'/■ - '-A MiVAlM OV iMMgRTtn gUntAtM. m !■ ID Bome linU bjr putting th«th under him, And grxw in • kind of Jumpng ri..nn«. k-pi„g lh« /wlghT «J"f t<» throw wdight tevn th« hind f«el although th«y aro .ff«ot«d. H« mil pt.Sd -wUh th. ?M olLto! **S!r' ^1 " 1"" th» weight ii thrown upon dn« fm.t it is jerkod up qnioklT,'iJni.»t a« iL-uffering fro,,, ,<„„„ „«rr<.u« ditoaM. 8omo- timosit ia produced in only tme foot, and when ao it ii generdlT from loine well m«jrked oauae. It ii likely to follow ionie "n jury to the foot, in whioh he c«nm>t mtrk the liitl,, and «Unda ui^n th« found one. and ft not, infrequently brinjj. oy laminitia in thlTtotiiid , limb •■ well aa nngbone. apavin, etc. . In aooh OMM wateh &• ■ound limb carefully. If it (Nsours !h Both hind feet oijlW it !• likely It waa bruiight on by driving on harcflrolula without ahpea. If It oomea from tlie atomach, it is Ckely to aitaoH the fore feet, or both fore and hind feet. In a majority of oaaea produhe bon? may deaoend rioht through the hple and th^j hoof will grow 6»toi ill ihaW A mild ..fcttaok may produce all ^his if fhe exciting cauMf ia kept up. or •when you are not.able^to relieve the irritilion. > Treaot in poul' ^. ticea, hot being perHSps preferable ; and give a doae of pMrgative medi<;ine ; and I give•^»r^er'do8e8 than Are recommended in por works, anliaa sooi\^ a» it begin* to act the, s^mp^ms teoome lei* ! violent; but you must r^^ukte ybur, dose according' to, the aiae. 3(* andcondition of thtf animal. O^ve injections of soap and water •o give a ^ood eedativS— Fleraming's tincture of ac<>nite, fifteen ortwenty drops eiftoBiitntional, there is difference ot opinion.- I thinji it is Jutt as gj>u do bleed do not give'so moth purgative medicine ; give niirjateof p<^tasii freely. Some say, and I believe, itoant>e ohedte^Jhy the free use of nitrate of potash. Give, two or thre^ drachms two or . three times a day ; give it in often vntU the physio begins to act, and then be &aref ui With it for ■ome time, and when the animal begins to getlbetter, do not ptiah mediome too far. - When ibere are no signa ef relief, yon may eo^ 163 «AW^.fMlfW>ltt AMt> tmmAruBMt Of Urn. Itm^y pnB»«„t d«M«nt of th« fflo bon. ; bul if ln.lH)ui ^ n?.^ K^f » • '^'"•Z '*'"~ *'" «*" *" ^ P"* "•». »>"fc th..«i with- TJJSh !u* *»•'■?*'""' »«nr thin *t th« h»«l, but I do not r«o«m. lowork too .uon ^t i* .pt to ««„.« . .„,, ^uto form. If you hire hmi, • good OAlitharidM bli.tor around th« 6«ron« it of btm.ttlT fc.lir'!!.* -!» *»'»"jf*»*« •■<« Chronic. -Thi. in«y cnxjur in any horM. SLLT* ril?"" "' •^'^ *»™-- The .ympfm,. are not\o SKJ dSi''^ of th'«'?"^TK""- '' *^'~"* on grUuaUy. and. hU -iTh ^ *"*«?»'*«• ""fl*- • But it ,n.»y bo from faulty .hoeinir Soft hHiS "^^ ![""*ri' "'hiohextenrf.and invoWe. th. laSn *' Soft bnttl. and .mall foet are more li«blo ; that i., U the feTaro SteaSf^rV^r**^' the .„i.„al-a .mail hoi^e XuW SWthL '^^ ^**^« *'?'^'» »^ •*» imported freqyently .ufTer ; Symptom. -There li hit In the foot; he. walk, wii^ a kind of t^iieSaui. '^' 'T*"*"- r '*''«*^ *" »-« their atichmU S2t^n .^J pumiced foot even when the animal .howed ih JIS^K";?^**■'^.''''"! P^*^- The foot mayhav* beeaeliStS ^t WK"^fr""fu"'*"** ^i^-. an4 if it continue, fof^y great length of «me the treatmSffTi. todiou. and not rery umtiMtd «2i"?hn„TH •:'^~"«''y - i» the acute form. Th« .ho7, in mSt STTL^vS m ?Tr** •i*"P "*• '"^' <*«*" •' '»»• heel., and it SSy oo^lti^ ot"l,*'''**K^ '^'^^ ?' *»•• ■«'• *° -^^--^ «-~- Then iSteKd SS^'^t^^^Jf '*!? '"*'?"^ ■^**'"« *" * water-bath ; u«i . ^. K.?* : * "•/'«*?• Oow-dung 1. recommen led, but i. very iniuri- Eio thr;k5l iir *•* T' woommend it. «ive a liiatiVe : dq nSt. fcwp them off at all. If Che ^le i. very thin, it i»ay be neoeMair 5»r4J!i«l*i,^T f!*' * ??*** tuinnefai the heel-ihan at the toe. "if" ^ild?£i^.«it""~i***" ^^*^ •rouM-Ihe corona, and weU up Ijr^i. .t'^*'/***'^^"**."* ■'wh wilgSial carefully. If it i. £ . "^^ "w-J. Md in the .pring oflCyoar,. tuning out in a K>ft DMBA«M or DOMWmcr AmmAMM. ISS moisi DMlnr* ia of gpmi bviuiftt. valuftbl* f( ' ^ -- Huoh Ml Animal fci %ol iMtiAlljr for fMt work, bul mnV b« vduAbU for ilow work. An- olhar aymiitoln it WMtinK uf lh« muaoltw of Iho limb •ml ohMt, giving riM to tlin mt oaIIwI oHmI foundvr. liuwtf tr. thtiy u no •uoh dia«HUMi. Tha r«wuU of Uminilia if ' > ^j Ui: l*nnlr«Hl Foot. Tbia ia not • v«»ry good iiAm«, bul it is difltoult t4i oh»ng« tbu iiMiiMt of aotiiM e eaaiiy out thrungh into th« aenaitive p«rt. Pumioud foot ta eaaily detected bj the till- naturld o«mf exity of the aole. - Thia may ooour in either the foM or hind feet. If in the hind feet, it ia gentrally the reault o# » levere attaok of laininitia, and the bone ma* doaceiid through th* aole. If there iaJirrtiation, endeavour to alUy it by the ordinM7 mettna— poultioinilf. wAter-bathi, 'etc.— then apply a nibe fitting bar or oonoave keAti>d ahoe ; th«n a JiUater around the corona ; and m run in ^ture ia of great behBllt. A horae that h^a been ao nf- V ^ feoted la not aervioeable for Chat worit, bat may do upon a farm. ViilitlH ia inflammation of the ieo'retin'g villi, and «» #" Caronitfi ia inflammation of the ooruna. afid trontment are the aame oa in laminitia. The (Auiei, aymptoma s ^ CORNN, ETC. C.inu are generally found in the fore* foot, but ipay poaaibly ooma on the hind foot, and are of teneat fouiid on the inside of the heel, because it is rather weaker, and the animal throws more weight apbn the inside. They are brought 6n and i^ggrat^ated by prassure ; they ara brought on by the siune cause, but AH of a diflletant ehar- aoter from those in m»n. In tlie hone it is simply a braise of die sensitive sole, in the. angle between the bars and wall, gifing risa ifl extrava^tion of blood into the hoimy sole. A ohanga may taka place and an imperfect growth of horn resnlt, if. the canse ia kapl UD. There arn ■nfl'.. h&nl San«l*>iinnn»fin_. . «l.^,i.. .^-.{..Ij, "Pi '^^•'f *"* '^^ hard,j|knd*supparatin^,ooiiu ; thase aia^ost jj .^ 1^ ^ soft"r«Mur« m iiMifiil mlUr thmt. Wbora MO got fri»g urnMuro thruah i« not ^ aommoii. Thmah My lorminoto in.<* it oauaea pkin, then iillMly ia a pnnctirra. TrtMnutU. — It waa at ona time reoommendad, atthough not mneb tema, to out tha aole down and and immaraia the foot in poultfaaa ; but thara ia genarally no neociaaity for cutting much, btit pat tba ani- mal off work for a few daya and apply a pooltioe. But acnnaiinMl tha irritation inoreaaoa inatead of aubaiding. Thnn it ia naraiaij to out down thoroughly, and let the" matter eaoape ; Hhron do not 11 wdl aztand and produoa quittor. In aoma oaaoa4>f pnnoliMW tW whole of tha aanaitire and inaanaitira froga become dfetaohad. Umii • faagua growtli raaulta, which, in aoma oaaea/U twrj di'flUmlt Ut rwBore. Yon m%j have to uaa the knifa, hut irona or eaaatki. MppnrMkn, in aoma oaaet, ia prvtty aarwa, and iii othmr «Mii Itf I OA^MH •tmn^tm a»u riutmmw ay lii4t««*» iMwdMOna If it 1. In ||», ,^^,^ ^ ^^^ „*.i««li- "■■».', I^rteki, Thi. Injury tmu\t» h„m ^h^miam. I| mmv m nukw •><.< in.M^. thtnall, ana Ifln^tUr i. form..!, Ut it out irftor thirrr u» o.. CAimR, HAND-CRArK; ETC. irf^ W'h<,rli'' u"l' •"/""•*•«'• ohj^tT. It i. mor. common oC titrZb .Td froi* '• ' '""«"• «'"'''*'• '' -•' •"-'- P-rt or .11 «>U*Z^.nTii HT! «'"•'^ •»'»'"•" 5 ^he hon0 . Urn. ; th, Sr^T J* " r^ r."^ ""•"• '»' "■'•• Th.n .ot5 Z^ •i«roi*« majr tpw sDd tar. oinmiy om« (1 would not rMommeod thia uoImm the gnmUr pwt of 411111 AM. m ftm MAf ■MtMltiA Um funffit* gmirtti* •M |ir^>«|tiM « JmaIUi/ frowlJl. 0.U- Ifc. qnacl-r k m.,| lik.i, to U air-^U,! Th« or*7k •rUmil. •nn««,|u«i„«a may rMuti Th« ho«rf, will not rwunito. bnl mf at grow fr.Mii tli« lop, Mid Ukaa a i« oM, .a Muif. II, TLurL«r?Ll o«t,n«kl I. Iruol. Th. r^utl «f .11 l||«.. fnJ«riJ«Iy J ^m'^^ ■55P%|1NI in a Ml, ikm r I TMfWt -III tnJiiHM fo ifiA f«,t. from fl«lki. «!« Umm ia mioi* Z'JU'i P^''*P« • »*>»r.m,u.i will U ■•^l.d. A pJk'iS^. "^ t . . *"• •«••«>•'. »«ta th«r« IS no gr«*i dMimr of f^Ui hZSi ll»?lmli! • Mulon. opMing Utw««« th« MtiaUlT. .nd ln.,n.i S^pSImtiTlnS^r'' r^"*."' "'"•• *'"^'' •»«•• *Wcli .ndi^ SCd. r*. ^ !L' *"?'**' **•*' "••* «•♦ • cl«|H.nd«nl anting |t hind fo.>t. II m«y •it«ml •r..„„d th« grMUr p«rt, or #11. II from"; iJi.'^'iinJ "r •'"•"•^^'•»«'y below tL .ii,!, or i^n^' WTMi i la imut>t». -^f-iVi» fro m n pum. or teto#T fa Ihe tZnl uu... u««„,.iu.,. ib^-.vVh.hS-i.TjarrdSS: ^1 ^^.i-rrJ^^^^^. iiM4iyi««i «f mmmmn'' *iit«*Mk %m •I, ImMm lite liiUf* •n4 rM|> ur«l«f Itmttf^miii ffmmi •tlMi4 4ii#n. fuitow lH«ir MMti aim! •1U>« IIm mm^Vm' Ui tMMi^ i aim! IIm tK<«Mi iiM/ Im iMjiirMl, mhmt ii ui nfy MIImm, ImI Um •irnuil.MiM atm |M«t ik» •mm. Uul 4»«a Mt'l m*pam tM Inhm. mi4 l«iti«h wttk KfHiN^ «hlory Mt4. «tr Mr«ti« it. {|M]rn« ii*in«M, »l«iih« fotir. it«)r» ThU MiMM tli^ii^iiig AtKl lirtlli* on h««llh/ mIUhi (?««wMII«« Navm tMMiM r««M>atm«nr ptll nvtl, aiKl !• itHn* 0M«| il b ||ilt« Hrmimm m (il«f f9»r]rnlH«tdaf. I*raf. {hi whinS ««■ • M«r«l. Htii h* Ihlnka il <|« (i( tr>m whiuli »M iiwmI Afto»|(Hi m |tfniUrii««« ri|(n»ltMi, th«ii • ^li*^ i* Im »f b0«At, tlllMUf 1^ lli«ni iMpaiM 'loU il HfttM* to brtiiwM, mpttitkWf up<»«i HUMiwi««n«u«(l ro« wlih * li*nim«r caiiaiit |)*in ; if mom »tmf. il may Iw fol|ow«4l by iitfl«minali()ii, •uppurAlton »a4 •!■ Inim» l«ninii«MM. Th«ii r«mov» th« iIi'mi ; out o%ll«() b«a»iiM it fai i(«u«ir»li7 fottnd is IIm la«, Mwl Ui« born bnMli«.or ont»bll«. and «n rumoira ^|| dlipMli parta. Apuly a pi«K)li bliatar arMiwI Hm •rIMEA8£. PtoflcuIarthrltlH, (k»mn Joint UmeiKMin. •#.. ri. • foot WM luppoaed to be a di.««l« InX Am ^^ontnwtion of the quite plau-SS: toVper.o„ .ttTclirniaV^'t' Jf" 1 '*' •»<> i* » ■o called .peoiflo for thi. dinew^ in n!?t -T ^ Ju P*^" ^"' '•'« into praotK. OorttractioHnoT* 3u *"? ""^ **'* '''»«« P"* * etw. and wpecially of „avionlSr H?«. '*"*^ *"*' **»« "'•"^t o' di.. .!:o „a.icui4ni:;u?«r2^Vr?;kamrs ''•^■^r^'* y**" navioii ar bone • than it ...TiT i ?® *""*'n.»n»tion «et up in the Prof. DickX^t?"ffthIkitfc * **^'u *' »>•«•« in tlui iSndoir ..•Tioular bone. F lemminw SSi?.i*^^^^^ *" *^ ^Ij" «»^''-«* of* •lowly, it begin, in th^Lne it Jf.lf^'V'l^r ?"** ^' ^' «*»«»«• <>« duoeijt bejn. i„ the tTndon Jor we'fini thai^S ""^^'''^^ P^' wound m the foot, it ia .ometiiii«. fjH «. *L . x.'''*' » Pwnotured •me from u«Ticul'ardi.ei^ it -.^L??* '*'"*'»« »n>°«»l «"ii«in« inflammation in the cSated .^I^ *" T!u*^^ which extend, •nd^Tnterfewi I^fh Sr*"f*-.V' "'f "'vioular bone, tjlw. «iWng „•«, to cariS^ Thfbi^aT^^^^^^ of the articular car! beoome. attached tothe bone Th« T-n^ ^^«u '"*^ **"« *«n. difficult lb iay .uSrtwX*n"he:::iiW ^^"."« °»"-«-- *= -ome with a .tubbv, rmperfS tSo^ly ~* ''^°? ^JP^^' P^™. pound, the g^uX 2Swinl th« #^ 't """^ **'«*» •otionVwWeh ' e x er tiuu ~ f'M^ tai cT a re MHxflO 4a in Uitan ii.^.T"! "'^ — «• taae ezernonr- 'TjT"! rr } Jl^'fr ejtn^^jW "^ ^" " " f ^« ■'"'|r DUMAmM Of DOHUTId AlffMAta. Idl <9ymp• suffering jaain, then hetlMlpws the weight, first udon vne foot and then the Wher, and wheff- brought from the stable he goes with a kind of groggy action, hiPoe it naa been termed groggihess. Another #ell marked symptom ikatrophy of the muscles of the limb, which extends and involves the mnaelas of thb shoulder. This is not sweeney, as it is called, but is the t«. suit of .navicular disease. There are gfmerally well marked oliangM — alrophv of the foot ind contraction of the hoofr-and is easily noticea if but one foot is affected. There are other means of form- ing an opinion : tap with a hammer over the regipn of the navicular bursa, and pain is evinced, or press upon the tendon at the back part of and close to. the fros. This will assi«t you, but itis not con- clusive evidence of it, and you may, id exceptional oases, see a slight redness. Then there are negative symptoms. In a well marked case of navicular disease there is generally a nice clean limb. Look at the manner in which the shoe is woim. If it is navicular disease, it will be worn at the toe, but some horses do this in health more than others, so you must make allow;anoe for it Trtaimtnt. — If it is of a severe character, and of long standing, perhaps years, then it is incurable. But if recent, in the inflam- matory stage, of only weeks' standing, or perhaps months', then a complete cure may be effdct^d. So you must take into consideration the length of time the disease has been in progress. Remove the shoe ; cut down the toe ; rasp the wall, and, in come cases, you may thin out the sole to a certain exttfbt. Then allay the irritation by a judicious use of poultices, water-baths, either hot or cold. Keep - him standing with the foot in water two or three hours i day. After the irritation ceases, then blistdr around the coropet, investing con* « siderable surface, or, instead of a blister, you may use a fros leaton. Inliert with a curved needle, after cutting do^rn the frog and making an incision in the back part. Drets it with astringent dressings ; keep it in for two ot three weeks ; shoe with high heels and, short toes, if it is due to a sprain of the tdndon, but in some oases Uie animal will go better #ith an ordinary low shoe. A leather sole may be useful, nicely stuffed with tow and tac, especially if tiie horse is used upon harcf r^oads, but if not best in the mud. Some- times it is advisable to use constitutional remedies — a laxative diet, if plethoric— ;if in; theLspringj; a run at pasture, but if in the summer months, wd the ground lutfd, there is not much benefit in it. Be' csrefttl about the shdemg, ani'do not allow the shoes to Bt«y on too long. Although yon are satisfied that the disease is pionrable, » from the symptoms, you may relieVe it to a considerable extent. ' . « m V t. OAOiM, nntfroita iiirt> tMiAtitiiVT of Moond timA Ti.- j.r « piBwe, ypu may have to operate a brought into the stable. ''"'P'nea every tuue the horse is TUP- ' THE TEETH. !,LJi.-MM».-Mi » jr. ■ vary- iBuan..^n ili H iiif*ttt iiiiihiB l B Iti t* ' i. — 7 — ' 1 '■■I ]>fiiA«n Of DiMtmrto amiHaia' 16$ th« oanlvora they are sharp and pointed ; in the omnitrora they are both ihait) aud tabled. The^ are intimately related with the atruo- turee imd babita of the animal, their form depending upon th# nature of food up wear at the same time. In describing a tooth we say it. has a bodv or crown, i|hich is above the gums ; a table, or the grinding surface : the neck, or that surrounded by the^gums ; and a root or fang, which is inserted in the alveoli. '^ RunnMig up the centre of the fang is a cavity which coittainiL the pulp, a highly nervous sub- stance. The sulcus, in which tnl teeth ure inserted, are called aveoiar processes, and exist only with the tooth, for if a tooth ia taken out the oavity disappears. There are three substances in th« tooth— dentiadibr ivory, enamel, cementum or crusta petrosa. These var^ in proportion in the different teeth. Dentine is a yellowish white substance which appears homogeneous to the eye, but under the microscope^gl- is found'to be made of tubuli. These begin at the. pulp cavity and radiate towards the surface, th«y are imbedded in a matrix and fom a greater part of the body and fang of the tooth. The enamel is the hardest structure in the body, and forma a protective covering ftft the teeth. It con^ins about ninety-thrar^' to ninety-tive per mkt.. of earthy material ;^t is a bluish white substance, covers the crown of the tooth, and in complex teeth it also forms an internal ril% which brings the different parts into wear at the same time. It is small in quantity, and is niad(;| »p o£ hexagonal prisms, it also,, covers the little depression -of the tooth. There are three classes of^eth,, the incisors or catting, are situated in front, six above and six below ; the canine, or tusks, are in the|ihe teeth are dressed, but it u easy to tell the difference^ the blifek mark has no ring od enamel, ^ereis a little difference in "the incisors of the upper and. lower jaW, the upper have two grooves, the lowec only one. The same is true of the molar teeth, those of the npp^r jaw- being more widely sepimted, and nearly square in shape. The molars generally luiVe two inf undibules. The cutting of teeth in the foajr variea some^ with which the period^ of^ gesUtionhai something to Aat. It, ' ^ foal is bomsoofier thai^ natural tEey may not appear so soon, bat there are generally twelve molars and four incisors at birth, or if not at birth they will appear in aboutp fourteen days; The twelve \;1 itu \ ' - • ■ * nin. i«M>kt th« tW, l*t««l n * ; luouor. ; in about Mven to the IhW ^ir ofincir'.'^ :?* ' ^" from -v.n to nine «ontl.« *. ■ . '-■.:■' •;- ■^■- : ■ .■/-'■;.■ ^, , - » IWOIHORH. ' . .MOMM. % .1, Vf^ ■ '''^^P'''-'*^' ^^rmafunt. Temporary. P^THUimfU, Mt«r birth I * -ft» ^ If n 1 year f a « W " , 3 •• r 8 * ? ^^ 8 ^ three, they^are nXd n wZ !♦ /k* ««nt«l •noitore appear; at •ppei^r ; at four th'y are ud and n'"* ""* *A" ''^^ '•'^"^ *^*»»- ihor«,hMafullmouTho?pormInLn^^^^^ A o„r year, old the -* you to recollect the thne whTthi Zt^' J' 'I ^ »''"** P'»° '«' •nd beoome familiar with Th^ U *'u Z"*''® *'»*i'" •PP«*rance, mwent ^eth! ThJ mi^^k ^^," 'I' «^"'«"«« between the'milVand per- diadnctneck '^ '**'**' """^ ''^'*«'-' •»< P^-ent a pretty a Jlte iTch! «d'are* diU^rS^ .'k'^*'' '°^"''"« *» °Wong or par- archer., i^t^^^upteTbyZT in^^^^^^ .«d inferio? deSSl -ome animal. thS t^Ltlare coS« ' 'flZ a"r«^th^"'^' **"' »». teeth : indMn. canine and mX«! . ♦k xI " *'^® '•*'«« °'»"«» of . temporary, and m^^^ A I^kI'?* V*'*'* T ^''^^ ■«»• «' »«»«» = pear « temponS^h Th« k!5 '"?'S" *"** *''«'^« "oUr. ap- ^SL>>f enam^IX^dttin?:nd^L1l^^^^^ --~»4 .nd iaanS^Kd bl enamel ThT^.K^*^ ''^^^ frtar^rfoo" from th«- pulp. But after thi- i- I-t ^LfiT* *« * ^^'^^ «»*«»* frort the JurS,undL*S:tu^^^ f«'«>M they receive .qpport or thrbeW thoM puft «S?iIl A* ^^«?»oUr teeth there arJlwo . teeth •PIMMtfTaSi'XD^io^ n'".;*^*^ P^^^ °' ^•'■'•^^on *h« fifteen weelu (in the human beLnal f^ftt^ ®°' - ''°™ *'^**'« *» and this i. called the MnSli^/* \u P«>™«ence take;i place, separated fr^ «ch oth«*in37J^f ' *\*" ?*" W'"« »>e«to; and prolon^tio?. i^'''.^^ '^e "de of eaA othy. th ey d o i ec a fuig org; ^i T i ^ o^lJ frP^ P ' P."^ *"^ .,_* ,__- .. - W.-.-^-.-^.-^.f^ 4^^,--. ^.,_^^-..,. -. , _...._ _..-.._ . y^ja 1- ■■-■'•. • ■W .•■;?■ • . •^' ;••- 'i , y "■ '■■ , . . '$■-■ -^ '.'■■■. ^^■^.^ M>tii^t^- .» nnuAUM or Doa^kano avimaui 10ft dftUcd th« MMuUr iUk«. Thm a cikvity appMav hetwMn the tiMth, omIM th« OATiiy of reMrr*. *Th fth*orptioii of th« tamporarjr, un- til in ■ume omkm iiothitigihiit tho onmn « loft, whioh dn)|>a out. There it eome djAlirenco in the nuraiber of teeth in the domeetio Aiiidiali. > . ■ . ^ Ineu6r$. Canitu. Molan, Bieutpiit Men ()« ........ ■!i< 1" -40 -S3 The ooutral incisor* appear at birth, or in two or three week* ; ttif lateral in abt mouth. At six years the posterior table surface of the corner in- oison is up and in wear, And the mark is beguglbig to wear out of the oen^l tec^,.and when you lee the marklQhi out of the Ma- tral tilioison, ylii^Miay say he is six yean old. At seven the mark , is worn out of the lateral, and at eight out of the corner ineison. By the upper teeth, 9«;|ich do not wear so fast as the othen,, w* can determine the age prett^orreotly up to twelve yeara. ° At^e the. mark is worp out of theflpral, and at about ejeveA or jkwelve out of the" corner incisors. Aiyl even after fl|i4 ,by' watching th^ ner in which they grow, you, can tell sSPTthing of thelge»^ ar» also assisted by the-, tushes^^hioh at first a^9 sKiallp bjtfl ^ as the animal grows, or in some cases they wear d<^wA, and an cumulatido of cement surrounds them, which teUs you the anlnlale i« pretty old. Running horses, that.are entereji as such, datA their birth frow the firat of January— although boi^ in September, ^e —^oulArbe ea ll e d o n e y e ar old on th * ftw t < rf ^in B « y;-HWrt tl la te l y , ;' in some of the 3ottt|tem df the United St^^, it ^ai conn ted ^ron» I' May. Foals are generally dropped in the spring. Sometimeayoa' hftre to give an opiniJm as to uie age 01 tl^ ox, which haa'no in* "^iW <)Auaat, •iimBoaai fljjpw in th« lower Jaw, bat It., pl^. U^m PM, Md tli«r» am eight iiiai».rs m ' "^ •*»o^*V«VH. ^nJ •" not .ujlr .?*'K^* *■ • uatunU ooiulition ^ !• tw^diiolaora in tha ovntea am • on ii«||«r aid« of t«oM, iiU in by i| «arUlaffiiioii* m •r« oalltxl tharo. 'nwftion. *• 71^ ara not ao Wular Rrk/ir «i. thin W the horha ^A lOKSu 23*llt M^*"* ''^ *'"» •'«ii%h.t'Mb;aayrar 2S ' **"**• **•" *""•*'• •* >*»«••« and a half T\L o^JmST^i'^'^^^^'y *«•'»> •' birth, ciTi a mo. 1! i^ 2!^!l ""?'"■ *" •'*^' «iKht m«ntb.-up and in w". ^; t^e .econd permanik. tKo fifth tooth A. the "w I Iwantyfiliir mol ^"^•Iv* aMtpana P«*ranoa aJIITha h_ tral and ilftltenal latal ^«* 'Mr viiy ijKioh ^*", • ^^ Mcond perman . , - aixtean montha— an an jpaini i-half yt,ar* th'afirlt i«Ma9ed by permanent onel. A li >Ji>d the aniiiial haa a fuIFuiouth Mf the same rtamberof teeth aattic the MDur way, but generallf a littfe S 'l." »' 'WP y«*ra. At two or iTU"'** t^napomyv.molara aru I later the other inoliyt appour •^e and a-half years. A sh««p And they are replaced much ier. hr 'Zu>\M iLTtlf • .• • S"" WWhiw until th« horM u li,o and it ia hard to aair »!..* ;- iu ^l^*^" » "® " '^ot able to work, the moath. and i( yoS ^d ;ome "- - " """^^^■*'? **» "•«»"'« guma ewqijen, irQmoveit^which thamb ana,"fiiijger, or you may give a mild laxitive, feed on soft Vjjry oommon. isaohange goinitn in theaui ■oBMtim^uiTQlViiiy tha pobaif ~— -~- "V V&*UIIIIU Jiot propetty displaced,, the **•» sometimes do With the aser^the forceps. Then ''^ (d the animal will sobn re- ■/Certain ifhether it ahJftd be ^diswue, And no doubUhw "-^arts as well aa in the teeth, lUea, and from the swolk^ w. "^ arw o«JI«h| Mill (ha )5H the rs- MRMkftion. |?*^«, ^Xt two, . And leii- up. k^lkTh* o«n- iwk month, |h« •nininl. fttle l>y ihe fOOMionallj rnmnent in- ' and • half, i half; The '^n ft month «nd in wear th«jaw, at At two or .molan aru l%ft appunr, ra. A shtiup laoed much — Dentilifm luno 14 tivu that time. »tting their ones, even e dentition —there ia a ■ometimes [e to work, 1 ia affected pp«^ tobe temporary iappliMto ae entirely o examine placed,, the o With the pa. Then *' 1] aobn re- V ahJSdbg oubt there the teeth, lieawoUe^ 'Lj»:i,*s. J :■!:-*;., omiAaaa or twMMtio amimau. n i "••' i«r eondition ol the gnma it may interfere lirith maatiealion. The gam iiiAV be even with or even eitend over the teeth. tkiaHf* enoh eaaea with the lancet, making two or three inoiaiona, but do noi make any indaiona behind the third bar, or you will injure the palatine artery and oauan pr«»fua« hnmorrhage, but out tit either aide or* Wore Um third bar, then feed upon aoft food. Hometimea aatrihg- enta ar* tiaeful, alum and water being vary mmd, two or three •iraehma of alum to a pint of water. Thr brutal praotiee of uaing a hot iron, waa, and ia atill aometiroe/uaed, and 1 wlah /ou to aet yoaraelvea entirely againat anoh trfatment ; it ia entirely nnoalled for. There ia no great harm in aoarifying, and it ia aometimee hlghhr neoeaaary, but you will have Ui do it when there ia no uae in it ; if you do not the animal will be taken to aome one who will, perhapa, bum him, and you miaht aa well get your fifty oenta or a dollar, and aave the animal. Qive a few doaea of tonioa, and the animal will oome out ail right. You may be called to check aevere hemorrhage from cutting of the palatine artery, which ia beet done by preaaure. Saturate a«mie tow with a atyptio and plaoe againat the parte, or yoii may take a block of wood and tie it in the mouth to keep the tbw in place. You, may meet a oaae where it ia neoea- aary to uae the actual oaulery. There ia no great danger of fatal hemorrhage from thia accident, but it might weaken the aninial to a great extent. "^ I '" DI8EA8E8 OF tHE MOUTH. The gnma are aometimea irritated in connection with the molar teeth, thia irritation extenda and afiecta the pharynx and larynik, and perhapa a aevere cough ia the reault, called a dentition ooiigh. It ia often the reault of but a -alight irritation at the back part of the |pim|;-r;thia coush may not be very aevere, but it ia trbubleaome —or the^m may beoome tumeib^. The beat treatment ia to aoa- rify it. We find tumoura in the upper and lower iaw/ perhapa from the imperfect development of the teeth, or from tneir growing in an improper n^iiner, from alight injurv, irritation, eta They may or may not be malignant, and are likely to extend and injrolve the alveoli and bone. If not malignant, and only npon theiorfaoe, it ia called epplia^urd ia not very ooWmon. If ^t malignant remove A&^f^ '^ WNWn ifc l ve to extract aome of the teeth, then treat aa /ffa ptmtaon Wotond. v If malignant tir oanoerbua, although yon are 'able to lemov^it, ifd'k may do w^ll for aoine time, it will return, extend and beoome a hopeleaa^^aei * Thp/norae aometimea auffera front Aai^, projectjoB teett, wlHohVoocujA more commonly in old horaee, from wearing ddWniSr the llmhiii^'mSiaiitBn manner. They will b« aharp on the inner edge of tfie Wer jaw, and the outer edge of the opper j»ir. which may be fcoM/f a iilt y form a tion . I n a noh MiealEeinimarhaa diiBoulty in;Mtin|, grinda hia food" ejecting it, Perhapa when drivinj^ him hi oarinea the Jiead to one aide, from the be^ng of the bit not bein^^e aam^onvboth aidea. If the ieeth h f*s# .■/,'/• iU- xm «*wa«. nttnim ^Prt—^mm «» I'd*- ffiy*terl"?ii^l'^ ^ ^^ H»«k»««»lt : if loth. up,,..r r ^ «*P*««. f*^ ujH.i. .oft f..th with • tboth racp. Mid f«.«.,l pn>parlj wid h, w.Il ,„,,,ror« rapidly. Wh«n Ih— «r.wlh. «^^« fro... maiforinaU.m, th«, .hould L wat«h«d oUm>ly, Jd ,7o d„u b •oonar .r laU«thay d..fcroy th« oo..ditU>n of lh« mouth.nSj il b« «r«"Z:r^K*^' ''**'T^ U.« «.u„al. b^l U can b•VSa^^^ •l^fan. a allding ohiwl and wrim. you ii.« it, it ia b«Mir to ua« .i WiK^an mallet than a l.a,„„.«r. In ....nj^ the ^traighrS.! tb^ l, th« toolh while y« time befoS"S.^i^fi• ^^^^ '^^P'^'"* '"•^^ pre-nUor «»nie S^lnJ^S? ''«"-m»rked |ymptoma appear. But in, it may beU JhlSw! !r ' ^T' "^J^'? diatinot .ymVtomt appeal.' Jf it i.% the Uble aurfaoe, the fcgoth ia brittle, and Seariilowrmore riaidilv g^th. tooth oppoaitl^to it grow. lon^r rhTff h«l »utHd Mid al»M|r». li fl la til Ah« lo»«r J*#. m ^f.11 m lh«i •Vin|.|..m. ylrm. fe^Bphin•, it I •iniiMHi, _ -_ — ._ „, ^„^ „,„mm fmw, ■■ -WWII Ml tnfi •Tin|iM»ma gtrmi, JON vUl, |»rh«|Mi. m>ii .iigKt MiUr|f«iu«iit •hlufr ..iiUiikU down !»• l..ir«r imihti of (h« j«w ; •iiiuMM form t^'i m*IUr i» iliM)tMMv«<| Kl«r«iM grtial ikUit^M. I kiMW % l^urM d«itmy«d lor glAhijI^ra wh«n It wm only • oJUiti* Tf^tm»H$. vb«moM Ut« iiKith -•ml this is not fwf tmiW don*, but th«f#M. ♦•rioiis »•*•. Op,„ th« umith by m«*ns of. hm\\. Ing iron, snd. If prsetiwblfl, .us« thn f«ro«|«. Th^ trouhU «ith th« forMfM IS. ih«v srti spt t«) brMk thn t4)oth »h«n tti^j sra olciMd upoii it too U«Kt, Tluir. is • t«H»th li»y »hkb wn b« tiswl in Hm KJirwr Jsw» ss the t««Ui Jn thst •r« sssinr r«mof «d than tkoa* in tli« opiHir J«w J or yon^mmy mmp** by trephining, and th«n by ins«rt- ing • puiioh it can \u» driToit out. Wiien you sttampt Uj r«niov« « tooth .nd it br»sks down, it will in many oss«s. o«>m« swsy at 1|. " ••" ''\**"'"» '"«b«r trsstmsnt. Th« flrst Mid s«oond molars m« mors difflouH to punoh out than tli« othimi, Aft«r tmatmmit liMp th« animal 4{ui9t ; ftnid u|Mm soft fiMnl that doM not r«quir« miioh ^ mastication Th«r« la * difr««r«no« in trmting th« oavity. Horn* rwommand Ailing it with gnlta iwroha, to |»r«v«nt tlm f.jod from MMiing into the sinus. It will s^miutimws |nmm into both stnui«s • bnt gansrally th«r«> is no n«c««sity for tiling it. tl you trsr is more ne«dful tli^n pulling. ULutd AtHm pate inikh« than Jt wil be* necessary U. AM BRH'f.le. Hometim7» in purrot- niouth the incisors of the lo#er iaw grow and irriUte th^Kptis nwyibcMie of the oppoaito j*«r, whep it is n^wswiry to nPI||nn ' W«lfY«eth are siipemiimorary, just in front of the molar, and vou are often asked to remove them, and soitietimes they do harm, but that IS the exception, and not the rule. They are easily re- moved with a pair of small forceps, (^ they may be punched out. Home think they interfere with Iho eye, by exerting si)iue induenoe ^ mwn the ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve, but I d« not think 4h«fJiftv« anything to do with irriUting the eyes. Tt th« UmgiiM »h«ti lh« •iilfud |mlU teoB Ikw Muwilaa ti«mr%lyMmd, lh« t^mgu* haoga uut f>f th« niotith. Mi«l it la l«4]«r«t«a, g9% tli« iwrU into lh« mouth %t*d k««p tb«r« by (UMina a« Ii«imI ; tnitjy|^yJM|An(l aim<>«t d«t\. Ihmt it ia timemmmrf lo\ »«»»♦»»• »h« iMpPVIiPffiMa|ii^4l<>M. il it wit. tn miiat oMas. ^^ tmtf pmif. ^—d up*m aloppy UhmI ; giv* no h«jr or MiTihra| thai S ' pnrta. Thar* will b« a paoillUurlty in tha MiToidlV-Jl wilt pine* hia Qm« by aoariryuig alighlly In two <»r tlMW ling in lukawiirtn watar. IM«oa tba ti»iigi»« in tlin iha m«nith abut by tiling • nom band, and il •tme ^tts in eha duota at either aide of the fnetnoi Ungom, which ara aalled.ranula— not very common in the horse. Ilaat trsntad jby ^^^ ' MMMM OP tHmwmm AWIIIAMk --' f 171 op«tiiiig IK^ »p or MlUiic %hmm mil. •Iikh «mi U «fafHi with ikm MiM<.r« , ih«ti u*. mtl.i ••irittg.Mi,, ,., >«« m*f m^mn |iiii«tl iritH mlMm.Mfioa Th« Ioomu* uuijr tMNWim* |iMNi|»Ma rr>.m M»m%m of UlMUIIi, or uii«HiMi*M..ii ,»| 111. i4.tigM«. 1« noi v«ry «.Hninon JhiI may rMiili U»m injMry, (rum |>iiIIim« ih« ttmifiia *UiU„t|, i^hik Ml»Wg miMlloin*. or tnm MiMntf |Mit#on....a h«rU. *hl«h irriWiiA ««4 .«moi«ntly .IUul«a (I m.y ,,ton.| .nd InVoU I..4K th« .'g difioulty Itt twdtowlng mi«I In r.*pi«Uon, UHiii it i. *m„«u„;., "■••■■•T •'» WiNirt to trnflhiMitotny. fhi* 1« »Mlly mnhi i Ik* •nd Ih. l..,.gu. pr„tr.idl„g from th« inoiith. Ii Ly ^minmuZ r«^»iuUo« or .,,p,„,r»tioB ; .,„»|| a\mm^ form ih .ikfnt JmTh^ Mid *.m«t.m«. in.lur.tiof,. ..mI U.«.. tb« l^mgii. h^ a. ooniuioa U. . gr«it ..It*,!,. ; th.r« apiMiam » kind of tr.iMv«rp« cr.ok Ifcl •nm»I c.nu..ti„,.tio«t« biwoH... Kr».tly iimiMii*...!. .nd d«.th m«v .jour fr.,m •Urjrulion. Hi. „ft*,., c.u.«d Uy ».,„i. f„r«.gn bnly in ,»: K i »<•'»«»*• th« e»iiM. giir« » U«»ti»«~oll or •lo«« if in U.« hor-r, Epw« «ilt. ii h,tt«, i„ fl.t,i«. Oargl* .h, .ao„th with l«I»ld wat«r or kud«iu,m. or ,f u i, from lh« •.liiiirii.lrntion of •«• inonm u- *,n««ir and w»t«r. .od if it i. «r„.tly ,woll«„ «»rify it Wll«|i II formi. Yon mn ■omntim^a pr«»ent indurntion hyo^rilV- p"«» wid applying • h>- . L ju^^ ^I"l!"WPi"on (hat It ti iometimee onntM^u.. tST i, whieiriii kko (rrm "^ , ■ IT . _ . . . fanifry digealkmv ':^ 'A i^ Iff mum mmrtmm tm f«'*f«KVf of <|NUr« lh« e*tM» { gift • •llghl UiaUv* I vo. UMtm Of foW itnuibnia of al'MM Iml ito n«»l ((«• • t*qf« l 9r>{>p«r, nilr»t« of •ilvar, ;lv« c|ttinln« in of wl (i| yUiMttUtiUi, or jroti jiM.glr* i|ttinln« in M#4ffMlini ttoMMk DinmrTi \% auiplium •4o. , iit«)r km immI Mid 111* b«tl w*]r to gltr« it U In • drvnoh in vaUir. Iiiflammalian of tliii I'aUti* And Itinr^ni aonivliiu^M rMulU from balliiiu with « alliik, or i( iii«y |irdy l«irli«|Mi tti« frv«r U foliownd hv (U«th in fntm twMntjr four l«i •uty honr*. Th«r« nrw idl lh« ordinary •jrniptuoia of •or* Ihro*!. nod • sUnnh iir, Mid if it givM r«li«f, oontinit* { if it asMiia Ut o«ua« diatrsM, d«> not UM it. And ua« any a(MMa«ia alaotHjutir in tb« pharyni, and it ia hard to aay what oaiiaaa thmu. it is mora likaly to attaoli oat- tia that hava a tutwruular t«ndan«y. In tha huiaa it may raanit from aorn throat, dirt-tt iif^iiry^ uto, If it ia high u[t it intorfaroa with r«apiration, and tharo la li^aaally a diaakarga from tha iioaa ; a dittcnilly in ■waUowing, ate. V^ •ymptoma in oattla ara aimilar, but ar« not ganarally ao viid«ii|t,i ha may takaaoma ftMxl, but thara ia a t»«ouliar braalhing. You may «l«t«at a buliting by praaaiug on aithar aida of tha throat. Tha \r«atmant given la to upan thaaa abaoeaaaa, but it it not vary auoo«M(ul. i have navar aaan it dona with auotieaa in tha horaa, but it ia moW) «aaily dona in oattla, Thara ia danger of the matter paaaing down m^ auffooating the animal. ; (Jae a guarded knife, or a otmoealud biathurt ; a amall knife wall guartled, ia very good. But ycm are workin^in the dark to a oar- taip attant ; however, opening may aave life ocoaaionalljr. ,^h Pharyngfial Polypi. — Theaa aomatimet hava a oonatrioiad haaa ^1 othera have a wide baae ; the animal will fall off in condition, ahowt flta of temporary choking, cmgha violently, atagvara^ and perhapt' hkUa, and than ia raliaTacT, after whioh there ia a diaeharga of blood I from the no a a i-Ahia ahowa yog th^ra ia a oma ifritatinn in oonnactio a= with tha pharynx. If it haa a oonatftotad baaa. you may remom il , ,■*• r'!J»---"i ^luiBwiJi ^'^^9t^^"'"^-T ' r'li^^^f ^ i, Mti««iAll« ill Ml ..14 l»ii«M thmfm Ui m ifniir..|Mirijr mumIUmImI Ihijim LiT •.*"•* *'*'• »• •••••^ l*^ «* nhokiog ; of» tl M«f Im fr«Mti • hard iKKly. M • t>Unia hara Ml liiuna Unifmi in tha •«i«ol.ha4ftia It may althar U tn thact«r — ™m^ »r Ihoracio purtiuu, mnd tti« aym{#t<>«ua *r» mmhw itUirMiUui VftM In lh« oar vied jHiftiuw, Tliafa ar« aigM ol lanaMinaaa ;Tl IMV* it «a •llMN|>l lo twdlov ll<|iil4«, thaV an r»„ur«Ualad j laara la an innrtNUMMl rt.iw of anJlv*. In tha h«>ra« thnr^ ia • aiiM' m«Mlio ratchiMu ..r tha nmok, aatm)t«liv it il ta in tha thoracic tKirtiitn ; Ui«r« la dllHouUjr of bffMthlng. irhioh may ininmm and oana* auf • fOMilon. f^mptittnt^—l^um tha hand along' tha wturaa 'tf tb« (Muphagtia, •nd il U ia tn tha carvlaal |M)rti.m, you omi datiMl ||, Anothar •y"JP*«»«« •»» <»»tJ* in tympanltaa ; but thia d»«ryn« or oarvioftl raijion, yon may \h, abfa to dla|ila«a it bv manipulation. If you fail hi thIa, uive a littla liquid — aoma oil if it ia a hani IimIv ; but U car«fitl with oil, if it ia aoni« Crtially niaatuiaUtd fm^l. ff thia dao faila, ^ia« tha pmbantt ; a ith«r mm ia b«al for oattU. Mid il ia not nmmmtkrj to emt th« ani- mal, but it ia w«II in aouia cmn«n In ua«i tli« KUid« to pravnnt injury ki tha nrobaug. Th« tr««tniant m oatiln la juat (h« aama ; anil whan you fail i« nimova it with tha probang. out down if il U in th« oar- vloal r»gi«»n. and ramot>i it ; than brinj( tha aiIkmi Uniathar by a •utiira. Ka«p tha animal qiiiat, aiidgiva no fiM.d but a amail amount of li«|Mida for a«mi« tinin. Thia ia not a vary auooaaaful oparation, but if all othar niaana fail, try it. If thara h much iyropaiillM tad ■ymp^ma of auff>K»tion in oattle, ua« tha lr.whar. MlaUtlan of ihfi i«h f<.rmod. Soueaay ^lo out down and remove aoinu of it, but thit it Unpoiaiblo. Thtro tomeiimM ia juat the oppoaito of thia, of =msi 8tri«>tar»ffttM.-Thoro art t un Undt. ■pt^o^lt. -^*Uiiukoniug uf tht mucdUi iUetttblPatie, and when ono pwi bo- oomoa dilatod from ohokifng another port ia apt to bo oooatriolod. TboM la difRculty in twallowing, and food may ooUeot ^bavo tKo ""t -. - ;. :;- ■ ^ ' . ^J^*iC^^'L 1, t •.Mi tiAV9m, ■TMnom ani> niATiciiir of ■tnotiire, ,or mftT Imoori* rrgurgiUtMi j fl««h it rapidly lost, and the Mimal mayliiiKflr for wixika or iiionthi and th«n di«. Bum*- times y.>u ftr« juatiH«d in pwaiiiK the pruhuig, and wh«n it ooiiim' to the atrioture it will be reeiited, and yon may overcome th« •trio- ture by the um of the probeng. Every d»y, or every other day, a doee of aconite or iiioh remedies may be useful. Sometimee rup« ture IS the result of ohokinR, and is vei^ Mrioui. Il generatly- oomes from the use^f some such thinq; as a whip stodk, to relieve choking, and it might be d'■ /.'." ■ . ^ . . ■' ■.' ' ' l>I8E\gEMjaFTUEtiLAMiKt),.£TC. ' ." ' " . ■ »' •'••,'■ ..*, . '^■' . ■ ' The Sallnil7GIindR.— There are three pain of salivary glandp —the parotid, submaxillary, and subliiigual. They secrete the saliva, which is mixed with the feod and fito it for cligestioki. , * •. Parotid tiAnds. — Inflammation of these is not uncommon in pon- neotion with strangles. It is a hard, inflaromatorjfswfjlwg, ex- tending from the ear downward. In ihe horse itis ^>t to terming in suppuration, and aometi^et in induration. Slight indurationti not very uncomm'^n^ especially in those horses that ai ' " * " reintfd, producing irritation mnd thickening of the gland, n^entatiotts, pouUiceii, and utimnlating liniments— ammoi^«M>, weak Bolution-.of biniodtde of mercury:-^and you may brihg , resolution ; but- there isa^reat t^4eibcy''to sappuration. ., matter is^rmed open it up, and if the animal is weak^igive iodine. iMammatfon of t>iese glands is often found, in cattle, |h comieotion' with tubeAouIosis, and the^nfl am matory action rtfns on to £ppur»- tion, but riot so quickie tu in horses. A small aitaount of matter may bdboifae imprisoned «nd repnain there for n long time. It is necessai^ to use a stifon«;er embrocation on.tjattle than honilp. Let tliensuMer out when formed. Fhave noticed in jcattle i^fiat lome^ tiitfes the surrounding parts are icascular, and it ia geiierally advise bile to open carefully on account of liMp^rrlukKer ft is sometimee est to exploie it with an exjploring n0edle,^d then enl|rM»iJi^ bpening carefully. ludiyation sometimes tlilces place, and tho_ MT ^_ /remedy in this and all glandular . enlftrgementa u iQdiiMf''*lodin« * V '?"?. F*' V *°*»^ota|Mium iniernalljr^r ^. #-^ '^ r -p^i^-i—^^ i=v Bteiio% ]>act.^The d\ict of this pi ififerior max illairy bone and entenq ' tod thii^ upper molar teeth. Thl i cUm only ; ih'e othera secraiewEi lid liitids arondtl tl between the ia t«l(;e^ in the month. % .U^Si^.i. DI»I.UUM Of DOMBino AWtMAtA m ■■\ gl«., or itT^my b« due to ih, inoautioui opening of tBe TbiM)*!. moSr *'**''"'*''^" J**"^"' '"'« »»»« «*"«' ''«>" 5»» inpiUe-^TtS; . ^^mtoiow* -Thoro i«« diiotmnre of thin w»t«ry fluid, whlefi liln^ crw.«a ^unng ma.iioAtion. ♦ wLn the h«r.„ i. not mjluo^tii perhtp. the only thing noticed i. a .,„«|| o„^L on the^tSe^ ' the j.w, and • «hght diachargo, but if dry Sd7»give^ there Sill- be • greatly .ncrea.ed disohargo.* The Icjing oAK ilivHnSr feret with digoation, and colic may be the rei!dt " ■ rrea^'y' *°d the home doe. not .uffer .o much from mdige.tiou a. ruminant, or a. ipan doe«. . A hone can undergo pretty sevett, eWett^n after ^.hearty meal^Shont "&«?* rLfe"^*f ^^^i J^^^^^^' th3.tpmSrof /he S"^ *> ■•■ m^-' "P^f^,"'' ■;r- .'■ I7fl t* OAUiM, MVMPTOMH AND miATMINT OV may aafsly say Ctiat at leaat thrao-foiirth* of th« hoavyCJIyda jiunwii that are tnipori«or giving a full feed when the stomach is weakened frpm hard work, and aa a horse grows old or gets bulky food, the stomach boconiM unnatu- rally dilated, and the walls become very thin, and the gastric juibo is not properly secreted j" and after fastings a horse should not get much food until the secretion of the i^astric juice is ntiniulated by giving a small amount of food. Another common cauHu i* a change of fodd. Wheat, even a small aini8 dlriven again; again shows symptoms, and perhaps has a slight diarrhoea ; becomes jaluggish, but finally reaches hia deatination^is pUt in the stable, and ■oon shows violent symptoms ; lies down and tries to. balance himself" upon the back, then gets up, turns around, lies down, looks at the flank, the eyes stiuing, and in many cases the bowels are tympanitic. But I think the stomach may be dilated, even ruptured, without distjpn^pn of the bowels; the pulse fifty or sixty beats per minute, and eructations of ^as, which is a good sign ; and regurgitation of ;^ food, which ^pssses through the nose of the horse and th» niouth of the ox, the eructations are extremely ^our, th? symp- toms becoine more iwad m^e severe ; by and by lt€( seemS relievevl to some extent ; the mouth is clammy ; the pulse 1|||^08t impiercep- tible, perhaps a slight diarrhoea ; the> rectum bi{|gea^ut, and death ends the scene f and Ihis may all take place in from tw«lve te six- i Mc mff hnitni i Boilad fnoH ia a lgnli a We to pnHtnflri tihii Tn otW ' ■ ' ■'..., ■ .' " - ■ * ^ ' '■ > '-■ ■■'■.'■■ i^i--— -» > "I**' '^'W^ UMIAMM or nOMIWTIO AHIMACM; 177 the •ymptomt ara* not vo plain ; p«rh«|Mivth« hont pawt ;" Hit pulM foru or forty.flf. j gM«i are g«n«r»t«d ; he appear. uneMv, etc , which may develop into the •yVnpti.me jiwt iri^n. Some say ' that regurKitntioti i« symptoiuft^io of rupture, but I think tbii. rupture generally t»k«« place after regurgitation. ^ . "^ Treatment inuHt (mi energetic and per««veriltg, but when gaetro- entaritia mu hi deatk is the result. There may b« rupture of the boweU, a« well as^nipMire u may use the muriate of , morphia. As well as this, give six or eight drachms of aloes, and I think It !■ good ptactioe, to give two or throe in OAvnm, RTMrroMM AWD TaiATViirr or \» haunohrs «nd WMtfotljr looks at the timnka, the e*n ooid. «t«. , the ohino«a arA thai it i« rupture. Thtm» are alao lyniptoniatio of inium ■ ■uao«p»ian, vlvulut caloului, etc. Ilvgurifitation it another atgv, but i think that it takaa plaoe before rupture, for if ther* ia a oon- ■iderable rupture the food pavuM into the abdominal oavity, and I do uot think that voinitiain »au then ouour. There ia generally ■paauiodio breathing amkdeath in perhapa three or foor hoqra ; but I think I have known an animal to live ten or twelve houra after rupture ocwurred.'^ Nothing can be done for it. Chronic IndlgeMUon, or Dyipeptlft.— This ik comi^on, arid may reauU from a dii^>rder of the atoniaoh or int^atinea, derangeiqeni of. theAer and irritation of of ahedding of the teeth, but generally Irornthe atomaoh, oauaed by injudioioua feeding on ovoT'^iinulating ^ov«^aoidity of tbf , atomaoh. ' ~^ , HymptomM are not very alarming or violent , The horae falls oflf in condition, nerapirea morn freely wheh at work, the c<»at ajftiieara dry, dusty and sti^riDg, thu pulao ,«low and weak, the ftoea are of a lead or clay colour, Q*','iii aome oaaea, somewhat dark, yarying-.with the fopd to some extent. The animal ia, perhaps, auhject to slight a^taolis of colic, and haa a. .depraved appetite— he will, perhaps, liok the lime from the walla. This ia, perhaps, a craving of nature to ^ overcome the acidity of the stomach. Treatment. r—Ofrder a change of food. No matter how, he has beep fed, order a ohango,«and in most oaaes give a moderate dose of physic from five to eight drachiqa of (ilbea, and feed carefully for a few days, and in sotoe oases you may combine calomel with the aloes, if y ther« ia any de*|nget|)ent of the liver. But I am no great advocate of the uae of dailomel ; alao, us^ anti-aeids,-oirbonate of soda s^nd ginger in a ball, or drench with water, or in the food, if the aaimsd will eat it. If there is weakneaa, give l>eer with one and a-half drachma of gttntjan or gini^er, and after a week or two give tonics. But I think.hann is sometimes done by giving t6ni«s before the sys- tem is prepared tor them. Oive aulphate of iron, or evena little arsenic with it, or give sulphate of quinine, jt^ierhapa \^artiouiMrly susdeptible to colic. Siidden ohftnges of temperatum tm^ to produce it^ and also oqiiuUpatWi ut Ute bo we ls, ^ tliiub rrometi roalhm (3fc ■y'-' 4 ^Ms % n^ ■ ^' - -il^-ui It '^ Olt^AMU or DOilMTiC AMIMAUr 179 and whan giving a purgativ*. U is b«at to oonl^niM U with gralSbb. tflngtr, •t& Although tpMinodio oolio ti rery t»Alnful, it i^ not v«rj fatal, and U uiiiaily «f short s, and thera are frequent endeavours t<>uripate, wliibh tends to mialuad some who ~4o iMit understand the diifease. It i4 generiiUy A good symptom to S«M kim urinate You will also tie guided % the condition of the circulation. Tak» the pulse early in c<.ltc, duf in^ the violent symp- toms, and it perhaps will be sixty, and if taken a fuw uiinutes after when the horse in Htaiiding still, it may Uonly forty or forty-flve in a nuinute. In enteritis the pulse liegint about foriy or forty-Bve and gradually inorease^/i* full and bounding and crmtinnes ; but the pulse vanes in diff^^rent attaokH of colic. It'it attacks a horse after a hard drive, or oae in a debilitated condition, the pulse will be weak, and perhaps fai^i but still differs from the full b.uiiding pulse of enteritis. In coUe, pressiiij; ifptii the abdomen api)ears to afford relief, and onuseH pain ih entwritis In a case of colic 4ikely to ter- minate fatally, the symptoms become more violent, f ttd death may occur, from extreme musou4«f- contraction, or from terminatinff in ententis and it may so terminate. It is i,( shtftt duration in lome cases— the animal is as *«ll a« evetL^pparently— in o«hw cases it limy last ten or twelve hours or more; but such cases arAot very violent, generally, for the horse could not last so long under such ' Revere pain. It is usually easily diagnosed, but you may meet a case that will jfive you some tronble^to tell whether it ia colio or enteritis. ! - ' j Trcaimfinf is gefnerally «aUiifftotor>, and a student,' when asked what he would do if sent for iu suoh a case, said he would "go just as fast as he could, or tlie hoj-se might be well before he got there." and It does not matter so much what rem^dy is gtven, if it is given in time. Bleeding was at one time regarded as the sheet anchor in treating colic, and sometimes it ia good and acts like an anti-spas- modio, but I do. not recommend it. Every practitioner has his fayminte remedy, and I give sweet spirits of nitre, one to two ,.Hino38, extract of belladonna one to two drachms, in solution, with two ounces of water. Or sweet sj)irit8 of nitre oae to tw& ounces, and laudanum one to tWounce3,in six or eight ounces of water, and give injections, and a littfe turpentine may be added to " the injections.. Some recommend always treating with a l&rjm-dbse " of purgative inedicih«L but I can not agree witJ» them. iJmtf'tA any case where the bowe^re overlo^^ giv9:,ixti,eig'hr^rid«BiBi f^ Zl.'^ n '^^'TJ?^^"*!"' ^'"*^^' ^^of tr s atmg this ; a»^ h »;by hjy y odefto TgTHjecnogr |>f.tRe a ^tate q ( I., \fn l/fd -.-*«' '^^l^f,*^ 180 CAUNM, iVMnoMI AND TRlAffMIN? 09. t f1»tiilei|t betweCin (hit and th* ti bonio • ted hydrogi morphi»— -bat you oMiit hm tmntf ul nut to i|ij«ot it inU) m bliHid vm- mI ~Aiul if it d— not mat ju«l m you dMira, do not b« t lum^ in iviuK anothtir, or it may *ot mora liowsrfiilly I ban yon dMira. JUIurAl bydrntii ia r«ooinm4indiid. I h»v^tri«d it, but h«v« b««n more ■iiooaMful with ^Hhht I h«v« r«C4tinii>«ndcd. Turp«ntin«, Iftudanuni and If you giv« • dofl* and th«r«,ii no rtli«(« rtp«at th« doM in a tiatf hoyir, and if fou think th«r« art) nyrjliptom* of «n(«ri(ia, withhold th» atimulanttf. have ua«d opium, but I now {>r«f«ir hy|H»d«ruuo inj*roiiona. If you have DO remedy at hand, then give ale, lUrnr, whialiey, ^te., and wiinmon aalt puiy^ pwrhajMi, oxpel th« aita^b. Put the hor««" in a oouifortahlo place, and let hint ndl about aa much aa he ploaaea, and a littlt* exuroiae may \m of uae, but mny, great amount will do harm. 1 think it ia Iwttflr to ki>«p him in a comfortable box or yard. Rub' ihe'belhr wi{en, and in some cases oarburet- latulent fiolio is mpre common in old than in young horsea'— perhaps bucause digestion in iiupairod to aome exteni^ — ana in ht^rset that have beeii fed fur a lo|ig time ua uver-stifflubitiiig food,' -v^--'- ■...l:-^.-^.-;:,.- - .-.: .,v^% .._^\._., ?^,it:_ _■ .;_:.>_-,__':._..,_.. CauMtl— A ohanp^c of 'food' or feeding soon after a lone drive. In- dian com, or infenor fooii of any kind, in lik«ly to produce "it. 8ylnutom$ are similar to spasmodic otdio ; the animal lies down and rolls, etc., and the alniomen Bod in .om« omm t«. pwJnt the animal' turtoK when th« animal ia o.ii||LUfahly it,»Ut#d. Jf h« b nol in- flaliMi you may injure th<> c«.a#!rr th« ooldn or CBCum. KnteritlN it |)«rha|)a.mor« common in »h« horse than in any othar animal an.l a .o more lafl. U 1. inflammation of th« iiZti ne!' and inflam.naUon u.ed without any jiArtic.ilar apiHication in a very ragun tarm Tho coat, of the inUtinc* ar« tLL-a muoou. i mupoular and .«ro„, ; »,uUnt«riti., in m.mt o—a, i. inflammation ^J;« .^ "• °"*iV but.in many cawa all the coat, are involvo.e. onhr » part or the whole of the colon. ^ raH««.^-Colic occ.ionally prme irritera • "jy »t^**"«« "ot- It »ri.e. from an overaoo«raultttion Bf feoe. in • the inteatine. or eating .ome f.>od to which the animal i« not acoua- toinQd-^some hard .body. tUay, anything that would irritate ihe in- teatine.. lea straw la a oommon cause in some plaoea. It may ' »lw OAUsther puihful bmrel trouble., bus m s^hm eases it is pireoeded by dullness, espaoially if It « the n»«it of faulty feeding. Hm fc.t.ymptom often notfJd IS, p»wui«, firat with on« fwt and dMn ^ other fool, and he may do this far « kour or an hour and a half . he in«y turn the head to tne mde, IhsB onofe some, and again Iwok at the sid«. This is Mao Y»nptomatic of colic, but if it continues for an hour or two and then lies >down, it is symptomatic of aateritis : by and by the pain becomes more violent. Early in the disease the pulse is not mu9h diaturbed. but is slightly accelerated- perliaps forty, forty- two> or even forty-five per minute ; and it is at the sa me time fnll "^ — ^T" ~ '-M-^ "* ».5l!, r (^^ 'A- .„* , xm CMinim, ■Yttrroim Antt •nMktMWWf or •nd iNmndlng : th« mouth hotter than iiAlunl i III* ••» And l«ga hotter than u«ii«l, nU? , it u •ymptotnatjo of iint«ritii, aikI kmm- Uiii«s rlgoiiri Ui the b«Kinnir»g of th« (1imm« ; th« oiMkt U •t«rin|[, tti« ^■MM M in ooni|«Mtitin ol th« lungs, but th« bra«thititf ii hot wi quiok ; th« |)*iii incroMMi ; hu h«i(irif th« niucoua innnihrftnna ; the tiam and lt«te covitred with mueoua, end fttleiupta ere made to urinate fhquantly, and aome urine may bo piu»Jeouli»r UreikUiing, it ia A dark case, and thu nymptouia inoreaae iu violence, the pulee rnna np to ejiKhty pur minute, l(»aea ita Ixninding'chAraoter and be* onuioa weak, 4hen you may make-up yotir mind that a ocmaider- abl» amount of exudation hA. well marked aymptcnn at thia time ia the ameurotic eipreaaion of the eye, and aa itadvancea the animal becomea alinoat blind and aluioat unoon- aoioui, and if you lift the head, thu animal may fall back. Thia is oauaed by a lack of bUiwl to the head, and you itiuat .approach hiin with caution. Thaipu aymptuula may have beeo^otng on for from aiic to tiftaen houra, when all at unce the auim<«l may become quiet^'' perhapa take aome f >od, but does not maaticatti it ; tho perspirJ tion oontinuea, tlie »xtmaiitieaare deathly oold. the mouth clatmn^ which ahowa that gangrene haa taken place, and the animal mA^ live two or even teii hour^, but nonerHlly na, and I think there ia beuetit in coun* ^""^ irritation ; .uie ammonia or water — I believe hot water ia tha [ Ydu may give iPlemming'e tincture of aconite in ten or fifteen I doe^aj-'and you can give larger doaea in entehtia than in any (AKt/r diiieaae. Bloi>d- letting ia another remedy, and I beHeve in »Qmft.Aaea ia of befteflt. bat it moat be dona in tha eariy afiaarit of -r » n V * -^ -.4 -.^ llM «*»••-•, fljOin. hoflril tf |f«|«m4iUiMl" i'iil HUM tnffMWM^ torjr Mtion BMHpwt' otil M M«44ilioii« Uiwt •ny auoli thtiigi •honld b« MninqJV umkI, »n>| mm i|»nU«» ttimtiUnM with •»««« ■|iiriU «if tiUrn, ojMuiii, iil«. Ii«#r, whNikjr, «tt.v; iiml •Ithoogh lh« buwalt do ti«>t movA; you nMd na*' (m aIahqinI. bul in •iiin« «« (»f oimalipfttMin, which m k^iUng up irriUtiuiCVf(4irir«Uv«i ui«y l»« lri»«o, -whmh mmf mtnovn th» (N>iiali|iiitioti una rnlivvn lh« irriUfc. fioii. «iii|. In of «hiur«i>« form, «ir hy|>'ieri ft nimil. oeptiblo ; aweat oovoi** the liody.lSRwJi if you are certain of Tol- viilua, it if haat to destroy the animr , Intaif-anHceptlon ia a aiipptng of one part of inteatine inaide an- other. It ia ran) in the horae. But a yiMuiK hor»# ia m<»re liablo, and it ia oftenest, f.Mind in the amall iutoKtiiitti, andjiumotiuiea a xreat length may become invagiuated."^ H ^ w || Oau»e%. ~li ia hard to aay juat what doea o*\iii it 'Violent con- traction* of the inteatinea during the severe paroxyania of^dtdio mapr produce it. Fonla feeding upon milk are more aubject t9 it. If It oocura in colic each paroxyam slipa it further, and death generally reanlia, but oaaea are recorded Vhere a oonaiderable amount of intestine has sloughnd off. and the oaae recovered, both in horses and cattle. Little ciui HiiJone for it ; however, aome recommend cutting into the abdomen, And and endeavour to straighten out the parts, but this is not likointomeet with-aucceas, and if there i« intus-su^c ption wifjh stratmulaUon it ia generally beat to destroy the animal, but it is posaible for it to alough off and the animal recover, Symptov^ are common ^|rf|||^|' volvulua, gprgid alomaoh, etc. "•ConipreiwlMi, mr 8trIot tumnura, which gro w^ ^ may have a tomoar intern^ly^t the lnt4>Btine»H inay be due to s ad uy i Ciw i ^ atrictur a , or you a]H^i^uoe.eith«r atriotiire - ?*'^ . Of ^fflfftptf, And .ipi.Ui win imK r«l|Mi^ '■b ft4k> TZi'ltLz^t'^'t^r^T^ •••' '•^'•' »'•"'"*«'., th.n'iii. IK# •yhvu^m* r,m«j„ f«, iw„iy.|o«, hmirt or l.«iiif\ W U ac'T^rjLu:*""'"'-^:-' •"^' "-^ '-" • ^^^ form. .Ml. •„.! it Ukw ^.m.HroM, p#fl..»|«.'y-»r. f..r it U, Z £MMK«.. of th« fm„4. .i,d o«i,«, il..i^.^ Thw M* alw hair b«jC iirb.rr„!i ' "''•i ii "H'i|'-««» *«» »>• ounc. which «.» Lr. »«in»,cl,, Th«jM «iil»rK«m«„t, »r« oft«,i«r lod««tl ii, th« colon >. Ui«r« , uUt.nat. o«m.ll|mtion. th« pulM forty or f.,rl». : «2r / *'i* •r"'P''""« *»««««« "'"'iUr t.. «i,t«rUii,, but mi^ - > pn.loiigttd : h« ■itM u|H*(i th« haiiiiihu« ; th« ImI ia •vintitom ' .^ii!l^ .?•**• •^^r* ■y'Pt""". cold .w««(., etc . it mw b« •n/of the di««ii«„ .pokon of. * ^ * oJ»m^lTl\t i- ' ''Ii' ''**"J" ''^"'""^ endeavour (» r«,li«T« it with " opium, Mid It ,. k.hk1 practjo. to •xa.iUne th«r.ctum by introdii« ^dil^lL u 7/"P*'j»V'' •"'"« *'^'>"'- «i*««*«e, but it i. iometime. fSm iL ZT? *""; • '? "°'^"« "'""""^ ••' '«*^«" '" »»•« inte.t.»,e. ; W d2>JdE« ^'' '"J"" *"« «r«*t aUorptio,. of the fluid., aud fronl oaU^^ .^j,,*^' '"^""; food of any Icind ; a larg. am.unt of ' M «!r!;? ! ^.*"^ ?' *''* colonW rectum bec.ne paralv«e>S" L?,t^° "**"*' '"** f™ °°' * to «»P«» the feci. FeeSnJ over-ripe gnui oaaw. indigeation, and is liable to affect the braiS tfiP^iai ««t jMwamrM Awmi^ '^w' ['nil, *l'i(fa^y *ynii.i»mtie in mmm Jn.t ii.i< miffh I ii«« «|(iwn| >^ 'li*ng«*i|, |Mirit«p§ U>»'i tli« nwiMtii mtB* rail?* ihmytttm^ntat low l0-«»nibiii« iHw !"•'•• • «**r. or nu« •Mr]r, raukrij^ tfi« «tj,|.,, get rid of it ia y.!?V }" ^'"'^'' " '*" "*"'*■ ''""' pneumonia, influenaa. ■tran^lea^ impure or aiagnant water, then it beoomea Mrioua. I» f lotoct e d i tiw ammal paaae a a laige umowi ot tfm rWtSiSS' ^-'^--4 /■; * , "• •i^ ,v r « ^ «• i * » II " • ' .'«." # --■ * _?- , — .-^ . '„ } ^ i ' ■- - ^^ ■ ' ■" « • . » • ^ # 4 .• - "' — -- ■ i^- ^- ^' • '. r ■* t . i * * -« • .' , ' ■ ''■ '.'' "" ■ ^ - •■ 'j /..■ _ •«s ., ' i 7 * "// * '3 I • ^ -'A? „ ( J * ■^PBIff^ * ^\7^ * ^ ♦ • k, ? -1' . ^a ^ ^%^ 5r IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fe / / 1.0 £fw iu 12.2 I.I lit |20 i^ij^ii^ "! ' g'l"^!! Photographic Sdmces Corparatio as WIST MUM STRHT «WnSTIR,N.Y..I4SM (71*)trS-4S03 ^^ ^2u \ »., IM .tf OAvm, nunoiiB ajtd nuuTionT of A SL^/^ll!"*^ ?•""!? 'w!L"'^ *»»• Pul-« i. bat UMU •fliMUd. kil tftor m day or ,two it bMbniM itmIi Mid •lighUj iMNM«d>^f it •««M irritAtion, or prnthtpt toilight tiMiinM of th« inUttioM ; th«M mIm bsj inoTMM Md mult inifnttriU., Mpooidly iiit itJuMd by lapAr porgation. , *^ •/ »^i» w«w»a rrM remedies at first. I treaH onew in which I detected sand in the f*ce.. and gave a IsSttleTan^ uEnk there was almost a buclietful of sand passed Sg -Twenty four hour.. You must get rid of any irri£nts, and if SeceJSS S" DUrrhttft, in young animal., is sometimes diflioult, abd some- times results from a foal being exposed to the cold, or w imJriSw Hi {USu"iS"^ "°'^"' •**^'' ^ «***" or STpSS aj^ptomi.— An Qndo» amouut of liquid feces ; the animal weaklv KSf; 7iS*S!/*^v * •"** *' ". "•«»-«^y to be extramelT oueful in th^mili if !tl^ ^i \"^^°«' to repute the oondiSn of the milk, if it IS too rich, by giving a modente amonni of food diuretics, or eren Luatives. If Uieiillc i« puor.impwnTlSrJ^Jini f, nufanUous diet. In working the mare. thTSSr*b2o2flSf Jowd«red mrfuai. half drachm to on« drachm ^frhiS?,hJtf SSiri#*iS?** dijiohms of prepared chalk, and attend >ov DOMwrro xwimaia \ . \}m '.» n !-«:- JS' if '•^TThl. U Ml AffMUon of till nluooiu m«m. tasxir ' •"•* "'*•" " '^•- p»^ »*»•« <• wisrti ?!• op2l!r„I?' ""^l P"^ '?*•"> ••'•'• •**«* W^aikrrlioi*, or fVom grMing a)>on w«», marshy Uods. or fiKidinK "pon gr»»M iiroirn a|^dj^iih t«b.ro«l.r dWe. 6„„^ do not uJ^Sf4^, •xwpv from ■oab* well m»rk«d mom. . ■ . • SITT? '?'" "**""'; "'**"'* **'^*"» 'f*"" ••» ordinary om« of diuw th|i •pp«tito impairtd or •ntir.ly g«|,a j th« uul*. p«rh«p. flf£^* Ubl« ttet^ *^ "**' ** '*^*'* ' **** '*^**" ^ *^ n«u«iiy in m irri- TrM^HMiil ia not Mtiafaotory in manr omm. btil •<•• *>iuii* S^Trr*'."" and lin^JToil .„d LZlm. if S.^ ^Sil ??II. **S^** ?P*"? °"****' ^'''** • '^•y' •°<» «Umulo6n* drinks, torn .lid tdoth. the rriUtion of the bowel, j or. you \Ky tS^oSt do mr wvU-MoUta of M, one to two Mniplw. ono« or iwioik djj, hM bMn rMonmondod by lonio in controlling th« diwuA If tiM uiiBwI bMo^M ▼ary weak, aapport him by itimulanta. In eattto Ihe treatment i. rimilar. but.i. not «tbfaoto»y, beTui itk genw^y aasodated with tubercular diaaa^,. TheiJ iTonethba raoommended by aome baring conaiderable experience ; it is opinin. one dfaohm ; chalk, one ounce ; calomel ten grains. ''I""'P» Bqp^re) sr Harala, ia the protrusion of an organ or pari of an orBaa horn m pajue-i caWty. I will direct your attention to ab- dooUiwl hemi^ whbh is a protruaion of soi£e of the inteatinea oat of th« abdomkal cfrity, either through a natural or aT iSl!l3!a openiBf. It gets dutinctiTc namee from the parte throiwh whieh they protrude. M th©y protrude through the inguinal canal. H la ingninal hernia. If it extend, down inte tote ■9 ' ^ j ^M ■-■. v-i/- ' • 1 ™ -ai^riTr ,f«y^ tit vkvum, HVMrroMN anu thmatmimt op nm« M oolio, bal am mora prtXlongiK^; the pulas b«ooinM aoiok : Im site uptMi th« haunohM, rolU and triea t4i li* upon th« wiok ; th« pulM txiooinoa ({iiiokar and qiiiokor, and if you h«v« • omhi wh«ra tuoh ■jroiptupM an prolonged, i( is good praottM lo look for herniAi TrMtm^U.—Ho lonfi( m (nguinil h«rni» doM nol int«rf«ra with the animal, it is juat at wmiI to lat it al«tii«, but if it h«oum*M •trangulatad, jrou may b* 'able to reduoe it by mattipulaUitu thi< parte, or yuu may have to iierfnrm by throwing the animal ind elu vatiny the hind quarter*, extending the limbe Ut a certain extent, and inaert the hand into the raotuin, aiid bf Iraotion upon the bowele, and manipulation exteri>ally you may be able to reduoe it This opefatio^i is called the taxis. If thia does not auooeed, then out down upon the hernia as doae to th« ring a« iMiMiliJo, then make an inoision into the hernial eaok, and then reduce it and keep the an,i inal qui«t» and if you an able to ratum it in proper time the irrita- tion will toon diaappear. I florotal Hernli^ ia-eaeily detected. When the hernia in oompoaed of inteatinea, it is called interooele ; if it consists of the omentum, il i« called epiplooele. The omentum usually does little harm, if It is the intestines, they are apt to be distended with gM« and it will gif e way to pressure ; if it is omentum, it is some harder, and does not glTe way as At it wera gas, and may be mistaken for sotrrhous- ioord^or hydrocele, or a vanoose condition of gome of the veins. If then is. no irritation, the animal does not siiiffer much. If the bowels are full, the feces pass down and enlarge the hernia to some extent, and it ia smaller when the animal has been fasting. Oold , contracts the tissues and so lessens the hernia ; heat relaxes and . enlargea it. It may b& as small as two or three fingers, or jMIuvu as a man's hand, or vTen extend mord than half way dqii^^Rno h6ol(. *WW . 2V«a(m«nf — If you an Consulted about a valuable stl4Uop\ six, •ight or nine years old, it is generally best to leave aiiMh a case •lone, unless thero are signs of irritation. " Let sleeping dogs lie." It may exist for years and do no harm, if the tnimal has good osre and proper foocf ; but if it attains considerablV^lRixe in a horse not used for covering purpoaes, then treat it. Hernia in oolta, extend- ing down two or three inches, can luually be easilv ratumed, but if such a case doM not interfere with the animal, it is best to let it alone for a time, and it will often disappear of id own accord ; but if it does not disappear, then it is necjosaary to operate. Suppose it is a oolt, one year old, with a large Mlmia, then it is not aavisable to out into the hernial sao, but the best way is that recommended by Prof. Williams. Having the oolt propared Jby feeding sparingly for a lew davs, then return the intestine into its place, tdie up the tes- tiole and scpotum, and jplaoe a dam right over the scrotum and isatide, as dose. to the nng as possible, and allow the parta to dough ^ The covered operation is perfofined by cutting in and ezpoaing tott«atide, still covered by the tunica vaginalis, make a sinau inoi- ai \ ' IM tek« pbM. I trM»«d ml« om* wh«r« th« iMrab nUniuA two-(hirda of tha w«T to th« herftte and Hndinx » «>"M roduoe it, I d«ord«oIt 18 one or two yeara old, then it will Aot diaappear of itaelf, and it ie^eooasary to ruduoo it, and there are varioua waya, aa by a truaa, or a bandage ia applied, and it ia more eaaily applied than in acrotul hernia. In other oaaea you muft operate by aome of tha methoda ; bv cutting through the akin ; expoae an«l icarify the ab- dominal walla, and bring the parta together. Thif would be perhapa the moat surgical way, but we can operate in a more aimple way, and I recommend throwing him. Return the bowel, take up the •km and apply the cUm right over it, taking care not to apply them too tighklpr, and to atop the circulation too quickly ; or, you oaa uae . skewers inatead of ciama ; put two or thrtoe ake were through tha ' #1 parta, and take good atrong twine and secure the parts by passing the twine oror them in the form of a figure eight, or by puckering np the skin and applying a ligaturp roun^it , and a skewer is of benefit in this caw to prevent the ligature from slipping otf. In twenty- four or thirty hours it is necessary to apply another ligature, and tighten the parta op some, and you may subdue the hernia. And perhaps in eight or ten days tetanus will set in and death result, and this may occur after any operation, and peritonitis superrene : bnt there is not genenjly much danger of peritonitis. ^ YenCml Heml**— It may vary from the sise of a marble to the WTO of your hei^. tt^nerallv results from direct injury, as a Uok, etc , afid sometimes from abdominal contraction ; but it does not often oooar in thia way, and it is well, in examining horssa, to look along the belly fo* enlargements. It b flactoating tnmonr , ^ ... ■ ■ i 4m 'f^^ NT" w IflO OAOIM, ■TMrroiM A«0 TmiATttlNT 09 ■ !<•. ■■\ mhm produoMl by injury, il oi.y b« dii« to •itonaiv. inflAmmalinn ••' "M •" V'l: P»". «»»*"« r<*« l-» ••• •mdatJoii, and itittUr iu«y«f..rm youjHll h«»« t<> <>|Min It up ; and th«r« may U « hMrnu m wall M an AhMMiiHi, and when o|Miiing an nImoi-m in thia rm^um, »!»••• Ill ' '. *"'"'"' *'"' ''" """■' cmn,l»l Th« Mm* thing appliM t. MttlM. and you m^y hav« dittlouUy, in m«kinff up your mind what it i* or tn »tMOM«,or both tognttiar. On* of ^»ur gr.du»tK«oiMin«.i Ml abMOM in till! nigion ; it r.>rmiHl »g«in, »„d h« plunK«sd th« UnoirK into It »n.l th«re wm • herni* proMot, and it wm naoMMry t<> Je I ■trc.y the •nim»lr» Thty nay fttUin m gnat lia* aad not inUrf«r.< I. 1 r"""*J • '"'* ** ""*y ^ * P"'"'*' *'' «•»•?"«• whtither it ahouid f^.'I" ."V' . "F""-*^*! "P«'" ; wd uiil*M th« owoar dewrM il, it Is b«iUr to l«t it alone. . rrM«m«H«.— Prepare the animal by moderate feeding for a day or Tj'w15*" *5'^^ 'n* •••»«n*J and roturn the hernia ; out into tbeaao •Ad bring the edgtia til or an artiaoial open- ing. It la apt to enlarge and aoon produba death. It may proceed ^ fnim rarioua oauaea-from violent exertion of any kind. Mid aome- t«n«a fn)m oolic. It la difficult to diagnoae, but there are tfywplimw that mi^ht le^d you to au«pect it. I will give you the maK^rr-K*^.' •"•"'*•*'•."• •»»"*«** .ynipt«m*!iof infUm- mation of the bowela. I learned that during the previoua night he \ iwd audd«inly beooinia ill, an^oon tinned ao during the night. In the TJiiH K P"''*,Tf ^r"*' '"" •"<* bounding ; awefu covered liLn- fJ • J^l'^'^^^^l* **°''" •"** ««♦ "P 5 »*»• "»«pi»tiona were p»tly inoreaaed, and he appeared to be auffering from inflamma- tion of the lunga. Thu continued more or leaa during the moat of .„!i!r'^ / ? T'! "?"«^'~ 'or enteritia wera uaed without PWoeptible, the mouth wild and clammy, the muooiia membranea bewim* Dd«, and there waa laboured bnathing ; he again had pain S!« £" ^r,^r V t" '"'^n^'P*'^- A W mortem wvSled morevthftn thirty feet of the amall intAatinea in the thoracic cavity. I b«U9v« the cause waa coUo. Nothing can be done for it. Rnptar« of the Celon, either in acute indigeation or flatalenl ^eoiio, giving riM to aymptoma aimilar to rupture of the atomMh— \^Uie note pale, ^outh clammy, eta Wi^of li^oouiiption, but la rather a aerioaa injury. It may be e^aed in nirioa* waja-by a foreign body pMaing in, or mal-addreaa "'"T ■SiTff;' MMMAMm ov ooainriD AwntAU. m 'f **7*5' ""T- " '* '■ •»n^n»d Ui th« ■UMHor walls MMoiAllir • b.lUr thi::''.'! *"**' th. r.olu« ...a r^mor, lb, oumlnu'. whSh b. parte log«th«V, but it i. difflo.iit to do. K««p tb« oltJwit ./ inMrting th« band, or lb* incautious um of th« iniMtimr oiiwi m.I AfU? d JiLtT;?nT "" ""• '^-y An .b«6« Kiri ri J to grit ^n E«*.Jn!:!;;.K *•' may oring* down, and .v«n li. dowX and wll nfaoUnU to a cruin eitent. Ilagulata tb« diet, and giv. oDium i^uHi'' ,«*"'»"»"•? Ulceration of tb« wall, of the*r«ct«m SL M • *t •!^' *•>•?« '* • of ooiuiderah o extent, and mav ba Mt«n oMh. fLJ Tni " ^'^^ "«*"•» ""-y '"^•"•'•re with the pJUt or ecIallSlI!' '•"**""''*"'^ ^ """"^« 'hem, either with thi knSe LSi„J 7 "'"'^^'*' «-P««*»y to«ciuual obwrrer. and if II oontinuee for iwme time it .welle and becowe. inflimed and ma« wli^i ? indiffeetion. In other caM» it i. duJ to a .ligbVii-^ te^. ^^'•f u '"■"*'"■*'*'"« *•»• »>•"*» violently. Itl. aS, much Ll^"i^ "P^'k"^ *? ^^^''^ •. ^y i^tatingolyeter.. u.ingtoJ di^b,.;^„^;J^ r"?- ^^ «7'."» ''"J"*®" *"« ftfqnmtly ; from diarrhoja or conatipation, and in some cases debility ; or Vhe ani. mnl ««»dinK with the fore parts higher than the hindV«^ In the h^i. i- if b PI?^»«H ^y '•'*•■• The most commoS cIJJ pel! rel;« ir kS**""- ^! "«'>'!;i' • "**'• *^' •"'^ perseveranoTto Batbf -itk ,*".5~T' ^ *"** ^*»'' ^°»/f »' ^ »^n protmded. Va£?MiS?*5!f''**""'i ',"."'. *o«' <»««PJy. then bathe with tepid water and laadvinm, and if it is from oohstipa^ion rt may be nJtl ^1 inn's::?, i?* *"''"?u ''^ *»»« ««tum. byliTing 11 Sj^JJ •nd allowing it to esMpe, then baihe w^ll and retura it, and yoa •tiuKiSmri^:*?" A.y..M,difdueto e nstipationifb iC condition, the n eteT>te th».h iii d gn ^ rtwi to > n e rUin exte nts # IM »K* OAOtm, flTurroMa awd nBAtuwiT of :^^ MooMliflMt * yoriioi* may b« p#ljr, daath irUl loou r««utt. FlirltaBlUii.AllM abdominal oavitjr ia oovanid with a aarrni* mambrana, raflaoiiona of whiok .oovar tka varioua organa. Inflain mallon of Ihia ird»lM iMirtUmUia, and ia rath«r a mHoiis affair, tkiu\ b apt t4> laa«l t4i a*<t ind«|>andant of antaritia. Ommm. — Eipoaumto oold ; fd ia not lilialjr t«) prtiduoa II ; *i- nporaniVtar a«>ma d«bi1itatiag diMaaa. tt oflan •iiparvanaa antar lUa, and la oftan a awiual or a raault of oaatration, aapaoialljr If ii«t proparljr parforo^atl ; frotn a olianga of wtathar, lito. Symptotna ara aomaifhat daoaptiva, and it may go on to aoma at tant, aaiMcially if it ia duo to an injiirv, and b« ovnrlookad. Tk«r« la not the aama pain aa in antaritia ; tfia pulau ia parhapa aavanty or aiglhty, and wiry, tha bmathing affatitad to soma aitant. And you Ara Apt U) think tha horaa ia aulfbring from irriUtion of tha lunga : {iraaaura oaoaaa pain, tnd in many oaaaa, no diffaranoe what oaua«t k, A poat mortam will ravaal a grvAt Amount of affuaion into thn poritonaal OAvity. Tha aymptoma aometimaa ooma on graduAliy Aiflntha ia dull, will not mova uiiluaa ha ia fofoad to, r«fua«>it food ; pulaa aavantv or eighty, and wiry ; tka breathing quiokanud aoma, and ha will look at the aidea, oto. It ia apt t^ extend over n large anrfaoa, and nuiy invoWe the whole peritoneum. Whan it oomea from oaatration, auppuration doaa not tak* plaoa in oonnm;- iiou with oaatration, and tnataad (rf haaltky, w«kATAAimAllAm^it of iohoroua put diaoharged. ^P^ IVtanio peritonitia, or from chronic diaeaso of anjr of tke orgAna— ab tke liver, lunga, kcArt, kidneya, urinary, oa(puu, AlbnminuriA, or degenerAtion of the kidneva, etc. dyn%pton%$.^ThB aniiuAl la weak ; the pulae quick, and Terr weak in «oni« OAiea ; the appetite may be retained folerAbly well. ; tha muaoolAT ayatem beoomea soft and flAbbjr. ; the bally diat«nded, and j whan yon preaa upon it you can aee it ia the reault of a fluid : u well Aa being weAK, tbe pulae ia irregular ; there ia, perhApa, a alight j diarrhoea, And when there is, the aymptoma aubaide to aoma aztant ; then constipation seta in, and the swelling AgAin returns. This dis- j esse is most oommoa in the dog, sad it is Astonishing how inuoli| fluid mAy be imprisontd in A dog. - ' . . . JW^pfimF' / IWl^Ma ^Olf • llmM fMMai« Uuii wflT t4mi U ^\m.^fpMn ol tlM fluid* ; tuppitri lh« AlTMifftk j aniMrarvM lh« •niMKiU, »ti tic«h«ge«l qmaI into the oaiMaia Md trat digeattve atomaoh. TI !!•▼«« lllewB, 9f TrnpMiltM.— Thit !• common, and oonaiata In » diat«ntion of the ruman from the aootimulation of gaaea, due to the auapenaion of the periataltio aotion of t%i atomaoh. Tha gaaee «r« OATbonio aoid, aulphuretted hydrogen, an^onrburetted hydrogen gMea, And, in aoma oaaaa, oarbonio oxide. (h¥M». —It il aoqietimea a aymptom of choking," ■ometimee the reaalt of chronic tndigeation, and may be aymptooutio of diaeMe of the livar, parturient feTer, etc The great exciting OAaee ia a attd- den ohange in the food. In aome counlriee wet dover will pradnoe it qaiokly, and in thoee phuMa it ia Tcry dangerona to torn oalUe upon wet oloTer in the morning. Potatoea and tumina, aMwoially if froaen a UtUe, or feeding peelinga, etc., from the kitaWTbtMi, •horta, ata, and Mnr kind of food may produce it. In tha aent* form ilia not nanaUj accompanied by any organic rtiaaiia. Iml ia th»raanlt of tha avoltttion o« gaaaa. ,„ Slfrnptowu in mao^ oaaaa are abiiifing. the left flank awoOaa lo a grant extant, and there may bo emotationa of gaa in the aar^ •tagat. Rumination oeaaaa ; th«« ia a drum like noue from atriUaf the awillinff, and from preaanio upon the diaphragm tha biMthinc u dialtirbed, and tha animal may die from aaobyxia ; the head S my |irolrade from Iha month ; til» prolnidad, and even tha tongue may 1 %u w •flirWMM *■» VKSAVinVt ttV ■\ MpkjrtU, Ihil It M*jr ha rrrim ni|i«iir«. 7 f^ * | Ipw rr#>t<«i«Ml Tliki ■houUI U •n«rf««i<> (1^« ••imctkinilllal wfll it««lr»l»ii« tha ■••«•, an't fura dUTarvnl omj^utiuiMU «*A»ituit« iif • WW l H l Utt* h*l| mUMM |» M|» MMik tw/ |||« MnWAllfl tpiHl* ol •wmont*, •hidh l«nf iHmmi •hnvlil b« g«vmt ill mtUl mmim j kral I brsfwr Ivu, ti^t «f iMr o yo — <>f lur|i«ntin«, Mul raw HiummkI «»nw mn v«ry jbrival, ftm mual r«iUiv« m««hMilr»«Ui(!« to follow Tijr * puruativa, mnd atlaiKl to tha •nimai oaraftilly for •nma tima. (jiva tha bati of food Mid iamim. If juu hava no Irobhar turn a intAll knifo, kapMttoa oftlM RuM« f>rtt. IUMttlM]«r ir««UI«n iwn uk* »!•<« moM ma^MU u «».i .k * •horn, oioihM. bott*.. •Ll «^a .JL fi ',.'*•<•"'•'• •J«|«tiu. •• old K^jo di.^;„ .T;;,t;;.'"\mt U'::{ rr. r 'i'; r"*-,"" |>«rio*r,IUi«,, *• ^^f'''^ •''•' » known m &.ua,^ nMilbMMflt. performed without M17 perm*. I *•• m »i I IwfMiilMi •# Ik* aMfipIlM, M MM Unm «iai«4 fanUl tiw«a4. mt*4 »l«t •up^«i*«l lo Im «il • Biaww ttm*tnmmm» htttm MlkiM •tiiraff* fur ft mtmk »t l«o il i« ofUm liti|i««U|Mirliiin t4i tU hitlli II 1« mora cmii»m»<»ii in lh« «|irti«c, *hNntk« •ttimal i« lurtMMl im mi tiUl OMfura. Mif f«l, M^. if in • mlki^ ti(in^wtti »!■ ■■ >» to tfctt^pilattii I ptiiiifMltwi>»^ ^lilftMiii, whUih ^tmdttf ftvM w«f tn omtrvtnaa } tka mouth tuil | Um Min MiI ^ .pt L mi^ikl 2 «i.l b..«oa for »..ll.mmai.m ..f ik. Uu. dlf^W,. L^ JJ ^' ^ w trMlad in muoh Uiaaaina way m in th« hof«i iu «.«r..i TTli * «t• faHsifiiiiih^ lir >^. - tli It 1 w CkVUWM, irilMOlM AMt> TMMtlflll^ nf Um HomMli of ft «oir for a long ttaM A 'am li nooHwl vImi* ft •ow wfti r«d AUkm ftod Umhi rMnoTed to whoro aho oovld g«^ fo * Nflh food for six wmIui, ftnd a pool mortMn roTOftlod fltoiiM with tho iogMtft. And wbon you niftko » post mortom mad And iho tkitd •tomsoh impacUd, do not mako up jour mind in all oaaaa thai tht animal di«d from impaotion. / , , ^4^,~'»>«■ bj giving TjITSJ KiT^ dijt-th* lalDhito of toda, or th* hypo-.olDhitt ofiwdS. GllS' *u* ,**• •*•'«»*»• Hi rafuMi food ; i«M WMk ind d«biU SJuZJ thi Jr> ^^ !f ""P **' buckthorn, then fodidi of potJiSn^ wMir for t«ro or thr^diji, lad ginn^ uwoiM, wUl oftonTouM it in d.Sff*'*^ « '■■^'"•"w •' the Uwr, miv either be lonto or m^il- J "l!7 WTolre a part or the whole o? the oi«n; but in lithir from oiwhimscribed or diifoie inflammation. ^ doWT^wZSl!"*'"*'* '^'*r P^^.*»y looking at the .idei, lJi^g IZIk?^' ,f ??^ *'" «^''>«' ««» »»• "tMidt moet of thi tini 7Sm ^^S^ll^^^'^lf^}^ * *•»• P«>^q«ick ; the head turaldU^ tS SL' 2!!i*S."'J'"*°"*»*"P!' ohee£i,eto.; MaumingT^wiS ?i2iS?iin '*T ^rj^^*^ 'Tith mnoou. ; the bni? m.>bSJ2i SSSiL Mi ^T^\ '^"^ '>W«, lie. Another .yiptom il 82i'5thb«r"f "• ^ -"tX-»PP»7o' «rin..^ft -fS ■mSSIJiHIt!/ x^? P«»I«f i« ■*»"«. give I few doMi «^ nditiTi mtdieiBe ; but if it u weak, then gire etimulantii •!» rireVmo! •nd giTi tonioa : bat bToarafal with pawatiTeTfa SSr b^«22 thi inimaHadebilitatid ind the apoe Ae^i. Tw Sg^.^gSg doii erf Bitoooi itt^jMirinjei^^ ^^.U^TSSUSt o««i«4y^ymploi>ilipaaraiM)a, and it fa doe to auppraaaion. But I do not aay thfa fa waya a trua teat There fa TaUownaaa of tha moooua mambranaa, tha polaa weak, a furred condition of the tongue, tha aaorationa gao- arally impaired, appetite impaired, ate. 2V«aim0nl.--OiTa a moderate lazatiTc, iodide of potaiaium, and than tonioB. ' If there fa auppraaaion then perhapa there fa-beneflt in calomel, but I do not recommend it in all oaaaa. If the animal fa atrong gira a lazatiTo ; if not, give atimulanta ; if in aummar give nice giaan food in amall quanutiea, and carefully uae atimnlania. Tha dog afao anffara from jaundice ; giTc a modarata laxatiTa, mgn- lata the dial, and raoovery will uauaUy reaull. , ^ Baptel^ af the LlTer*-^It fa ocoaaionaUy aean in the horaa tan or twalT* yeara old, that haa been highly fed and exerdaad but Utile, andsif put to violent exeroiae, ii oa ua ea hemorrhage and death. Symptomt ara internal hemorrhage ; thaanimal taltera, ahowa pain, looka at Iba aidaa ; tha pulae runa down quickly, perhapa fa aHouff tor a faw nunutai at firat ; the mucous membrane oecomea pala and blidiohad, and a opal mortem wiU reveal a rupture of aoma of the ▼aaaafa ; pwduMnl amall TeaMl may be ruptured and tha animal li?a for aoma tima. If you anapeot rupture apply odd watar iotiia aidaa ; |dira poetate of lead, one scruple, once or twice a day. It fa varr dimbnll to diagnose an internal rupture, but you nunr ba abb to do it. I haTaknown rupture of the heart to oocur, ana daatll fa alsMSt mf%i*t*j!»*ft«i»^ In other internal nipturaa death oooin* in •boot twenty to fifty ndnutea. BUItlT CSdeiliy «* Mia StMMiy ara not so oommon in tha home ii in man, ^it they miqr^ziat in great numbers, and whan tiMgr do ,lhayga&an||ygiva(iaatothaobatnictionol tha flow of Mla^ OMa* ^adiaa ; Ihaiaiata jmindioa msy baa Mptom af faiBaiy oilapli. T|iw»i^rba^psriiap, ninety liit by lh# AppMimuM oC th« ay*. It is uaually the rMult of pM- turing apo^ w«l lMid«. 7VMlfn«nl. — Pr«TMiUon ii batUr khan ottra. MoTa kha animala from low to high lands, and giva hypoaulphlla of soda and planty of oommon lalt ; and th« giving of lnrp«nUna is worthy of trial. Thia disaaaa is mora oommon in wat yesrs. >iis; >nliei Hplaaa.— This is tha largast duotlaaa gland in tha body, and ita function ia not vary wall know». It may ba rsmovad from tha lowar Miiroals, and iha animal liva and anjoy pratty good haalth. Tha sfiiaan, aa othar omna. b liabla to inflammation, but is mora lia^to oongasttoni Splanio apoplaiy oooiira in oattla, and tha h6rsa aomatimaa suVara from oongeation of tha splaan, whioh may ba foUSWsd by inflaqiniation. HplfBltlt.— Pisaasaa of Iha splaan ara hard to diagnoaa oorraotly. An animal may suffar sarara pain intamally for sayaral days, and than daath takaa plaoa ; and a poat mortam may ravaal an inflamad m gangranons condition of tha splaan. I think it is more oommon •^ h malarial diatriots, and I think that tha horaa suffara from roal»> "' ' 1 favar. I knaw one horsa in partioular, that waa ownad down tear Na\r Orlaans, showad slight indigastion, dulnass, oould not stand work, sto., and was sold vary uhaap ; waa takan to Minnaaota, and baoama one of tha beat horsaa in Amarioa. 8ympiom$ are aimilar to oolic, and when a horsa^ahows sligbl iymotoms of bolio, koUs, fto., and gate up apparently wall, it may be that he is suffering from iTriiktion of spma othar part. In dla> eases of the spleen, the palsa is qniok, and I think toferal^y weak : and in soma casas, before the aeuta symptoms appear, the animal ia dull and languid, showing that the diseaaa was coming on gradually; tha animal' haa a great tendency to hang the head and lop tha ears ; but tbia is symptomatic of any debility. Infliammation of tha aplaau if awposed to be mora common during summer. I have navar seen a wall marked oaae of it If you suspect it, gire opiates and a gen- tle laxative, and use counter*initation, and after the aonla symptoms are allayed, give iodine and iodide oT potassium. In any caaa of ab- ddminkl pain you cannot make any great mistake in giving opium or hypodermic injectiona. I believe the spleen is more liable to chronic than acute diseases, except in apoplexy. It is liable to hypartmphy, I baliava, in malarial fever, aa it is in a^e. It ia diflloult to detect, and ia daterminad by negative symptoms ; the animal pinea away withoul showing diaaase of any organ. There may ba aoften^ng, rapture and melanotic deposita. The apleen baa been found anbu^ and varying bit weight from twanty^to eighty-aightand a half pounds, ft ia fJao liabla to a kind of oaaification or eartUaginnusehanga, and tha iqmptoma are simili^ to tha foragobig ; tha honw baaomaa waak i tha appatite impaired, but not aittinly gooa ; mdaal auadb- .alton aBsaaa; tha dwmlMlffn not mnah jro^rbaa^; jhi pnlae p; mi/m fu r ty ur furty-fwir, and w atk ; wiq amuwign tm itifilJ" nally faUa off in condition, tha coat will ramain aa aloak aa in " I wlOdi ia an axoapiion in daMUty ; iho bowtla ^ imgolar, ■•U.&' ««iiiU tiU Brill? •»n»iituenti of the blond »r« «ii. j . At » » blood ''^Vw w the Wood, from r^oX^!^ "^5«^ ^ • oonddenbto extMt. Th! bronitto".3t,rneMt?*^ ^"•^ oh^geTiiiri: wooly be •ttributed to ie^ .^T^L flI7^ ^ rX^l^**' '??* • • ^'-^^^k wppIycJSS? nnemae geuljy of wmtw, WJUeh be« of ottor, either thro Thto is the opinio) wh«» it is hiird ■poree nwy be I think, it oou.« w «»» Renermlly «retoSw of the sjrstem, and aa we oannot act so readily ^^^^ Braoi i a p "TOiraHrikiii in ou^ : IffVphriftisimigri ' ekrooio form, nod ia mora It ^ys:. I i'-ls ivi teH '■ . •- **^. ' t UK. much i.gir,n. or If 1*1. j|!!« . ',"'*'•*• .'»' P*^*-'*. •*«.. if wJ.ht upon U.rjLk Si in '"i,***"**' "r'^'^ '''^h • h-ty .«fUning;or."m.. weaker and weikJr^hrZ!*^^'" *'*'*T' .•''"^^ foetal, and their ^%i^ £^^^^^^1^,,^;^^ *"**n-y- •"» -fT PMsing urine the pain i. wm^imi i^JT^ wy won. After •re more or lee. affSted 3Siot„JX7. *'i^"^ '* •" «»• ■«»r»tlon. tion of the kidney. ^«*»n* » often mUUken for inflammi^. thirW drop, of FieiiZir'. tin7S«^„,"!:i* ^'. «'»«»°» twenty^ ■**!.•%*• '•iv H (MJMHk ITKI *■» fMMVnit MP •••#, tMl U rtiM«HAin, folr My lliiit«liinn«4 •nim*I wilt dinmh fftim ur— »f li«ff«, «ii«l,lk« ki«ln«]r« in dUMip M«i««l mkI wall priiim«n«l« niv9 ot>lotn«l. You may jgif b«ll««unt of diiiratio mwlloiiiaa, wnion ovar-atiiuiilata th« kidiiaya. Hut • sHght amount of uriiia iMuaaa ; th« hora* rolla 'ab«iut aiid i» laay ; atanda with hia hind li liig of tha liinha, ihn urinn aomnlinina iiaarly natural, and aooM- anaaay ; atanda with hia hind limba wall bsok ; Ihara ia alight awall- timaa atrvakad with bhxNi ; th« pulao ia not Afraotiid to Any giwitra- Unt. Olvt • allghi kxativt ; rsgulaU tha dUii ; civ* daiiiuloMils, Mid gifa oarhonata of aoda ; ua« oountarlrritaiita, n«»t watar, mua- tard, ato , hut no oantharidaa. Williama rt'oouiHianda th« applioa- i^on of digitalia ovar tha l^dnaya ; alao gira lonioa. Wa ara oftan oonaultml about a oaia of WMia alight irritation of the urinary or gana, which may Im duo to fiinotional diaordar of tha kidnMva, or to ovar-atimulation by JnwtiTity of the kidn^^r remedies which Jet H?rJati; Jnl ir^L*?!* ■*"*«»«»i*y. !*'• »ho.. onnoe. of nitiS irw.l7? fr r^ *?•* '^'^•/•-«i''« one or iwp •O.P. TnVe i«;h ?hT . • » • dmretio ball of retin, nitre and aoft .n/retlSn::; tn' h1,\7X"rd''?hThrJir L'* "IL"* " '^^ dietended and gire riir^to ;il VJiJ«S'rJt^•"'^*^*^'"• B***^^ and ifc ia MH#tn. — ;» weii-mariced lymptorae in many oaMa : t^e bidder it m?,hri'' ^l^ *" P*™''"**' •"«* •^•" ruptuTy Rlaad. ' ' ^" ^'^^ •"'•"•^•' *« •nla.gemenl of tli. prMtnto ioun h »♦ iW tA'Wmr fMMitiinn nnA*r him At • gmnmnl Uttng , fou tmi H%Mm •DiidiMiT* miid0um itl ratmiUoii lijr mumminUtfi p#%rMm««im<'« firvMar* u|i«m lh« iiMk of ili« l»M pravMil U fnim |MM«tnc tnto tha fiJaonUlory dufll In pAMlnn t* In th« famaJ*. put th« hana in aimI flit«| ti)« ut««lua uHnariua ; r«la« lh« vaJva ami irMMii th« nalhaUr. In Ilia paaaaga thara may, lit atinta aaaaa, ba aoma (ilfftmiUv, hut not aa a ganaral thlni^ At wall M lkla« a cufMl uplata will aumatimaa alTuf^ nlimi in a|NMina of tha na«li of th« lilar, ta aaldum aaan. •loapl ftrotn (Itftioult ftarturition ; but «i|Miaurt» to Iha o«>l*l, diur«ti« m««ii- einaa %iiduoa it. 'I*h« animal walka nttk a atraddling nil | Iha nrina i« paaaad fr*(|iiantlv, bul in «mall qoiln- Utiaa at a tlma but thara may ba tha natural amount. An aialn- ination may ahow imui and haat in tha parta. K»ap tha animal irowtlii In tha lllnddar, aithar oanoaroua or malanotio, may grow (ind almoat fill up tha bladdar. Uratara baonma aniargad, and taka on tha funotiona of tha bladdar, to a oartain aitant, by baooming aniargad. Hard w«irk and p«»or kaaping favour thair pro* dttotiun. Old horaaa, a«) kapt, ar« moat liabla tb thia. Symptom* —Th* animal appaara aomawhat alilf in tha quartara, bat not aotualhr lama. Thia diaappaara aoma by a^roiaa ; ha r dually loaaa (laah until ha ia unabla to do any workk; tlia palaa not affaotad ; atraina violantly whan urinating, and tha nrina may ba tingad with bl«K)d, or blcK)d may ba notioad aftar tjia urine ia paaaad, in aomti oaaaa, and lh« urina in auoh a oaia may ba almoat natural. M aka a cartful axamini^on ptr rtetum ; alao axamina iha oondition of tha blood. Tha paaaaga of blo4id afUr tha uHna iaalao aymptomatio of calculi. In auoh oaaaa little can bo dona— bul vou myr try tha aflaot of madioina. With thia you oooaaionally find ■mall oaloaraoua dapoaita ; hanoa, you may try hydroohlorio aoid, ona-half to two drachma, well diluted wiih «[at«r, two or ihra^timaa a day. OutUng in and removing thaaa ia not auooaaaful. Malanolio dapoaita ara nujn obmmon in fray honaa. Yon dugr dttoel hf ptr* ' trophy par ^Utm^ if il ta axoeadingly larg*.^^ • Alkaalaav UrlM, AlhaMlinrla;— |Jt',ia dftan aymptomatio of t hflf n iioaain- — tf~ia7a n PT ca n of a Hm w a w in the urin a. I t ta a dom noli^ in lh« Vn*. Il iraonMtivMt |b« mnU of M«tt naphr naya Ihadl Ttu m# llMf mmj w«i|i mvcmm •«Mii> Tlin ftw MWMd bjr Um «hArMl«r l «Uo««4 lo htUmIo wImm maIum di n i ni t M«av» Mb* JtllloMr fW aMMi MMMo UmI |»rQ«l««« rMMt «ttkMU vtll p fo i h iw «ffMt MltiiU. 4 (off«ig« bodjr MUf F»^ • hmUm lor lk«M. Tltaf 4IIW«it app— y— 0— —■ owm lw jM fllilo Mi4 iMfd, mi4 ooa- I «MrboM«o of Unto, mmI ii w il i i i ol • mII, pMljr WMtoi^ iMV. Tktt* wtf bo ft 0r«*l aiiMbor or owlf OM, mi4. I» MMijr mm^t ^kaf ouimIoI tMrkKMpoUjr of oMbonolo ol Um*. b«i vorlow iMngr M/OAlor lato llMir funMtkw, mkI, Mag oltoa of Uhm, Uloy •M HMVo Uliotjr to Mial is tti — > OBO UioiHoU. flwMlMim.— TW «po goMnliy pMn. Af lor « limo w il Maf I* r ■alK* tiM MUor vMk llw Mlwd, mi itrltelloQ of tte M d M i t k \p»tm. TIm of Iko Iliad 4|«Mtftofi ki.aal f«ito i «tait li daflonllgr In a Hw a Hag , wmI vImr JrinaAlM, Iko poal Ifwiti to. Ml «Mr«MMM ovioat sad iMapFpoadttloao t and a»«iM » aiiad viMi Mood, or bload te voidod aflw llM| pMI. fa ^ oaofc <—■•■— i— pw i 'M > M w. aad fad llw ft yo« ai^baaMi todoiool It, aad WaMa toaaoa it " ybai oo MMi Ma i llioy aro o a a j pt lid , »lw jw <■»• lbW,to«Moarl; ' •'* - Hf aanlgyMliUif lalilawti^ ■«% ill ^^^B ^ * > ■■■■I t I UMI«^4iv« «pMi JmrnZl^' -fhmni k g tmmMUf mam 'l^'" )1 «« .^ ='^ ^' pAVlt■l^' itifrfdn i]f» niAjnnniT of m 114iKbilii :Al»*CAllTRATIO!f. tBT«nlopi if the htiidtr i» 4 Miioua condition. U nay b« di«- Slfto«d Ixith in the nuUr* *nd tho oow, and is generalir th« etfuei of Iftoult iMurturiiion, but it ia poMible it nukv ooour from other in- fluciloM. There ia a aniall tumour noticed to extend from the T^gina ; the uretera are brought baok, and the urine dribblea down the poateribr part to a oertain extent The remedv b to bath0 nicely and endeavour to return it by manipulation and gentle pres- ■ure. But you may bo unable to do thia, and gangrene may have taken place. An animal may live for a long time in thia condition^ but if attended to in time it can eaaily be reduced. The after treats ment ia to tiae opium, hot or cold water—cold ia perhaps preferable, after a time, at it is an astringent and contracts the parts, if the parts are gangronous, you may remove a portion, but the animal is oomparativcily usoloss, as the urine has a tendency to dribble from the ureter*! " . -, • Enorealf — tncontilienoe of urine. Th^ urine Is not refalnedMn the bladder. This is applied to any condition of the bladder in which it is unable to contain its contents. It may come from irri« tation of the bladder, and is symptomatic of calculi, inflammation of the bladder, or duo to partial paralysis of the hind quarters, which also affects the bladder ; but paralysis does not always so aflect the bladder, and you may meet paralysis of the bladder, iniere the urine may be retained. In all such oases examine as to the stalo of the blood, and tind what is the cause, and if due to general weakness, give a generous diet, mineral tonics, and use cold water frequently, ^rom a quarter to a half hour at a time ; and if due to paralysis you^may use nux vomica ; if due to calculi, the remedy is to remove them. There are other names used in connection with diseases of the bladder. Ischuria, truly speaking, is retention, but it is used for both retention and suppression. Dyaiiria is a painful discbarge of urine, and stronger where the urine is passed in drops. These are more symptomatic of disease than duwases themselves. * PsralyglB of the Bladder itself is sometimes noticed in the horse, and generally proceeds from debility or' exposure, bnt may be due to some other influence ; over-distention may cause it, or , nervous influence. It is more likely to occur in horses poorly kept. SytnpUtma. — The bladder retains the urine, unless it is paralvsis of the neck ; if that is paralysed, then the reverse is noticed ; but a there is paralysiH of the body of the bladder, it becomes distended to an enormous extent, while the fibires of the neck retain their power of contraction, and the urine dribblea> from the urethra, which may mislead vou, unless you make a careful examination as to the state of the bladder. You might think it was a pure case of incontinence, bnt if examined, the bladder may be loiind enoi^ pioualy distmided. — Trea(ffi«n<.->-Remove the contents with the catheter, then syringe the parts, first with tepid water, then gradoally go firom hot^to oold; try the it may i aeveral Hkib and is I from in proceed some of the kidr duoe inl may be p«r reeiu •crupiv, chloride performc when th of opinio prevent I advisable crest. T the opera at pastur necessary works, an that has 1 good conk ^'«'^*» ^ '"^ Uii , very bad -urroundTng." a^^^^^ -"dwith precaution.. If the horw i. old!r JwJ ' ' *?J***"' *® "■* '•»«■• for it by giving a mUe^ .«n„1l nf f^^* y*'^' ?*" P"P»" »»»"» wmewhat^^emptjrbuHtUa^L^I fr^'/°** u^^* **^« *^''«»- extent. Ther?inone^«;i^*;J® •*'* "^"*'* ^*'" ^ any great the horM WM in » v«J^ ^ 'or physic, a. a general thing, unlew with thow thS^ W bZ kfi?7n ^n^* r have had with oolt. i. operating, e«minJ « to "he .Uti nf "♦k'^^^^'K*^ P*?*' ^^^ terticle.lUdowB oTwhlSfJ^^ °' the wrotura, wither both though. iMiSexLtrwffc ^*™**.**"'*"- J«" '««» «JP«»te. calt.* Ther:r^MVffe^n<2^Jf°o%^^^^^ 7"S *^ •lightlTdiffil atinff SeouM kJ«I.« # ™ o]pinion a. to the manner of oper- i» plenty um th««l.^^ ^ ' '^^^P V *'*^ J ^ut when help SKt it^uiSi^l Some operate whfle the animal i. .tan haya thieJ or tfcfbemoiTh.eel.f^^Se.StJS? ^1" •«»»»*»»• right wST Jf L?J?^;»*^'*'***^tuighemorrhiilnf Sr^ off no braneW As the oginl, jrhi 1 -Tl7T - >* fll6 u OAom, imrTOMi m tBUfitnf w W. | , ou o*n do Muiiljr. in many oum. If » gnotl oMiiing haa bMB mi4« n th« Mrotam and. tiinioa va^inalia, pui ihe Angef j^ell down an4 •i hold of and gradiiidly bring the mird up and ateura it in UmI ay you think beat. Tha baat way, parhapa, ia k> llgalttro it, or on may um tha hot iron ; but if you hava difHoulty in gattina it, an andoavour to arraat it by ityptioa and oompraaaion, by |Ju)f- jging with tow aaturatad with iron or aoatata of laad. llowavar, thara Imay ba intamal hamorrhaga, but thia ia tha axoeption and not tha rula, and 1 #onId raoommand thii. in aoma oaaaa, inataad of throw- ing tha animal. Tha plug ihoiild b« laft in for twanty-four or tbtrty-aix honra.' Oonaidarable iwelling may raault, but thara ara / ganarally no aarioua oonae<|uenoea from it. Cold watar to tha loina. I and to tha parta, ia alao a mathod of arraating the hamorrhaga. 1 i c}ueationad, at one time, whether an animal in gwMi health, and ona I year old, would bleed to denth from one oord, but 1 am now ^n- I Tinoed differently. I would prefer itvptioa in aoma oaaei. Soma- I iimaa a aeoondarv hemorrhage oooura from rupture of tha oord above the dam, but it if jrara. .< Hernia ia another Abnormal remit, and it may axiai praTioua to tha operation, or the operation may be performed and liemia not noticed until the animal setanip ; and it ia poaaible it may ooonr daring the operation. When hernia exiata, prepare the animal and uae the oovered operation — by outtins down and exposing the tea- Ucle still in the tunica vaginalis; and place the clam over tha tear tide, tunica yaginalis and all. If hernia takea place aa soon aa the animal gets up^ the operator is often blamed ; but it mav occur during the operation. If you should begin to operate, and hernia ia preaent, return the testicle and stitch up the scrotum, and do not operate at that time. But if it occurs soon after the operation, aa it often does, so that the bowela protrude, eyen in sbjnacasea to tha ground and are trampled upon, then deatroy the animal ; but if the bowels are not injured, throw the Miin)i|4 — or he will perhapa lie down— aecnre him, cleanse the intestinw;;nicely and return them, ' and Btitoh up the scrotum doae to the infgainid ring, and apply a dim oyer the scrotum, or if vou have not a dam, ligature the aoro- turn for the time being, but if the intaatines are impaired, infla^i- mation and peritonitis may oauae death. • SelnlioiM CordyOrCiuunplgiioii, may follow any method of ope- ration, but is more likely to follow the caustic dam than any other, for it ia neoesaary to keep the clams on for some time ; after that the oord perhapa protrudes, causing more or leas irritation ; adhe- sion takea place betweencJthe cord and the scrotum, but we scarcely call it soirnioua cord, unless it becomes enlarged. If in three or four waeks the oord protrudes and adhetea to the ediges of the wiound* yon can relieye it by breaking down the adheaiona between the cold and sorotum, in some cases, without throwing the animal ^ then bathe nicely, use aatringenta, eta, and it may be neceaaary to break it down every day or two for seyiral days, and bathe every day with temd water for some time, and give a little exerdae. Sometimea ue oord becomea enlaripBd by a fungoid growth, and, in ronnd m a y entirely h ea l up, of , Tetaai tion, just ohangeaii ▼eloped. operators huthagei oiM weatl iton. Th that were •ftertheo tetanna; i atandingii ud mdea -'tt"^ which th« .nimal ««,„. X*.d i./^'' """.:'^*»'^ "' P*-. •'t.r the dii«w«d part of th. oord 1^^^^' JP"* '^^''^J' " **' ««»«»• Open it up wlUmi KpuThe Zm**' •'l"* ''-''■• *» »* ^ii/donl 0M«.you might .p^/cn.„3ii? T'^Tw' '*«'*"'* '« «»»• h'm quiet. f«Ki mode^tdHt; Bn/*^'""? '*•• ""*" «"-; ^•^ abdomu»l ottitT and thin tl ""* ?»«*>«*• mo. it exiata in th* oeMful. ■ ^' •"** """ the operation i. not likely to |>e .ST PeritoBlUi i» a reiult of cMtration mn^ j- oolU. It may be due to the minner of Jh. -^ Z-^ 'P* ^ °«"' «» *>' JJ-^Jh" ! but I think thiJ rmow HkeN. t^'^*'**"l** ^ » «'>^«« v»«inali. i. irriUt^i. I hi ve^n^ ilii*?!.^"' "*»«'• th« 'unili ^ of oaaitio, oatuinir inflammLi^ »« Where there was a large amount to •ImwphwTfffluen^"^^^^^ » «». i' "if Hue ■orotom iwelle but rerv little iS ?L ' ''•^■;. ^" ■«"»« "«>■ the pu.. bnt there i. a dSM^S of b1o2r«"-5° ?['*'*»•'«• °' ^^^^J the appetite gone ; SSKn. nitlLi^"!'^ V*^^ P"^ ^ • oper. change, in the ■yrtembeforft tiS k^J S?^ ' *^'" ™V hareWn Teloped. It niaJfoSw^nToS^*^"* the eymptom. were not dJ- operator dioold Jot h^';uSed'5^''h' •°'*■ of twenty-fourhoSi •«« the oSSSon; JS ;SSm**Z J, ^^'^ ^^ ioJummTSS tetuna ; wd I «iW a oMftS^ T *w u^ twenty-four died with ^: ^.. I ** iia ^ • « and if tt I., lh« «y«. will ragdn th«ir iwliirml oondUion m th« •y.Um gain, itrvngth. Rut it •<>m«timM n^r. through • nm- palhetio nanrou« in(lu«no«. and ramaina during lifo. . ♦i-i!'rt*r! "f ffWJ -Wh«n thb d<)M appMr. f think th« infN- Uon hiid k^n in th« tyttain b.for« th« op«ntion, 4nd it i. dn^ ountagium in Mtm* form or othar. OpAraUng upon OHgiMls.-! oannot spMk from •zp«H«no«. Prapar. and aa^« •«>°»t« ; ^^ •* fi»* with i^ u i^ ■?.? inoreeM the heat, and bathe for aereral houra and . »aep heat to the pwta : you can do thia by meana of a bandage orer * «»• Joina, kept m ita place by meana of a auroingle ; keep cotton or dotha to the f^ and keep them aupplied with warn water ; gire 9w SSiSu ^ '*'J*"*^"l?i- ^t'W-JWooSaetUngiabiSi^.butttia W J™>H to perform m the horae. During the early >tew4e appe- tite IB enliraly oone. and when he ia telieTed and thymetiuT re. *"1™^ «• •?'>"¥ J« '•* -Pwingly. GiTtf diuntioa ttZfy; aweet ■whta of mtte, iodide of potMh, etc., which inew.«« theUion of th» kidney^ and ejiiritthtea the itbaorbeatau II, irfUr the injfartto jX, -S\ V "^^-^ OIMUM or mmmme tutUAlM, ma.t punotur. with . .„uUI troohl; Z^'ilnf jfk^J'if'^"*' ^^ .^nll. with iodin. t^thllJ^d-^r^^t^^^^^^^^ operation. Ab««M«^. m«. k!^ ' ?V^ "'"^ *^'"« y«»»" i^^r th« •"•tt«r i. formed mi the oJrd'^k kJT ?"'' " «""P"eteIj heded ; •bout three or foJr ^oJk. .7ti; thl"** ^ f'"' '' "'"•""^ VP«« to the inouion not h^.'^/h^n ^X Ur **"• ^"1 '* '"•^ ^^ r~<..nmend • pretty U^o'nS.nuJ.v'** •""r"*''- **" ' "^^ of the iron i»inai„iL '„ th" wo ;i i# / 7""* ''"'° ' ■"»•»' Pi«» ik nwy be due to • im ,r« J^^ ' '' "J!^'** .'""'•'■J' *•■ »»^' Or •houlJ belefrionJ ih^^''"» »P jf^'^tion. and the ligatun. ouely inlerf;„°:Sh ther„^t[rT?he ^»-~r.«'"«'^"* "^^ reduced in fle.h ; the •Xuina^l,* • •mm^; he i. gradudlf "timet it extend. ri3,td?irn£/?rK.i,*"''°^* otherparU-wm/ or three inohes into it. The b^t thin„ T- ♦ ^ prewmt and be two Opon it up pretty free v--Io., m.? k' ^ **"*'T ">• •"i™** wd Inch... Tt.eirkjep Uo^n«f 7.ZJ th"" 1" ""*. '? '*"*• «' '<"«' well. If you i^p^n^em^nZTV^tiF^"^:^^ ^'^ **>• •»*«^ genendly em,cU.ouw"b^ttJrf# *** "y*'***' *«*P« '««»^y. i* •pk to ti.t CmSout oLnhf. ST" '^l!*'! ^"*f '«'"^ We^*~ w«y. I belief hoTle.rr«K«r5 "**"? ' .**!!' *' " »"» ">• P»«P«r deiy. After?pSS rnTecTweil wJS.^^' ^ '^^ negligent £d iio5?"lrt{re.t,i^r^--4t dT^ ^-^'^^-^-.-^^ -^-^ «» .beirth. .S off *Sw "* ""*y •'^ «-"• *« «*«»o* i* into' » III 1^ ^M^.. im tiAVMi, •vMrnNM ami tmmmm* (W mi ft is iifillwn ^ t# tib« MiwiwTai laaiitff iim |M*««r u( ountraotion. Thta aMjr ba Um om« tf • h4»«M it, DM* ki («M awnf OMTM. BttI I will apMk »! UuU twuMd by iaJMy. . U Um pMii* |M^H#udM for any Un||th <*f iioM, Iha •liMlh rmUriata U, and •MtuaiiaMa baonniMi •nurmottsljr diaUHuUd, Mad iil-ffitr»U»n (■ likdjr to follow if uot r«li«v«4l. TrmUmmi. If ll U of only on* or iwo dayt' ilMidlnf, try Inmmm Ullon«~w*rm water, in this om«, parhaiM, ia prafambU to o«il4, although ootd oauMw oontraoiion of muaouW flhraa. In thU ommi it U vi awolUn that it could not o<>ntra«iwl, and the ■walllnK >nu«t b% r«luo4id loma balora it oao ba oonlraotad. and, in ^>in« oaMM, il It na om a r y to aoarify it in two or thm« plaoM, avan, in a^« r«»»»k al Umm. muI in mn*t cmm M Iviimm. ta ctUn. bring n |„ . p,,i„| ^ ^„^ ^^^ ^,^^ or r.„, m^ iouTirr'tlirZlh*^* H-morrhi^ by «.4„g O..UI ' •.iTr.'.^d^r 70U oan kMip (ii« aith«(«r fai f or a dar or Ivo it ia *ll th. i.^t>, J« wh.oh Will pr,r.«| ciclH^tion. for' iTii,VL y»u JillT^^;/ ummio p«i..,„i„g ^., .i^^H iu.d thi. i. th. trouble h.i, hid n«l you en g«„T.lly Ull wh.lh.r thi. U Uhinff plJI. *„ .£^!?i u^ in ^c^^" • '";;" '^r"! • r *»^» " ^"" -uTk-p'th. ^iS! etc. IJEmUU,ITC rj.uU of inflMimaUon. b..t m.y r,,.uU from injury. II ?. i^SLi*! Ez: if .ui'^'j;^'" "j*'? ''"*» **p*** ''•»^' "^j* «»• «' *SJ o?tt!r^ '*^**^' *' "•^-^^ 5 *>"» thi- ownol be <|on« in thare are no ktmI ■ymptom. of farer it it not rery ■•rioar But W ^r^^hi'n.''?^ •"'ith-WUta gon,, it .hZ. inflamnirtton and, perhapa. internal uiflammation aa wall i or it mar h. ih!.^ *»ll of growtk within Iha ah-th. Thi. 2 nLi^ MwJlo^rTn tSS^"- ^. • *'*^"'i •»««"n*Mon, and if it ia the laaalt ol «a! traUon, aoarifyu>> and fOManting may laliere it but if it if 1^ growiha temora tLm. Tou« mHouc . hultf il olMlrur in whirh tli* |Mini« hi hMuiUi, ii« it m«jr »)• tdon jaftor |Mrliirltlni ||m m»n •fTaoUiii^ It (Itv* • g.MMt durK«Uv« m«Mliflln« . l«M«n th« dial I «iv« diumiioa. •ml l»«tli* with m>1.1 wmUr i and kiv« •.mii« mild aatiiiirant, tint \m oaraf ul a>M»Mt utltic an/thing ttrunn, or yo« may loaa tha aarvloa itl tha h«irM for a long lima ; hut 11 U mil ganaralljr naoaMary to lay hlro up mora than two or thraa daya. lnflAMaMtlM of Uia itrvUira la alao ooeaaionally m*lica4i«« it •iu. t Mia f«« liiirjiiiiaMM «« hpitm TiM (wH Mt4 ntiwi mrm (Mirli«|i« uniif «4inf , Mttl ^ iiMMHIng IIm Ii««4 »yM tM f**t llM •ml«f««r««ai|« iMl'tti h* n«litr«l. will K4v« y^hU ; c^tl «l)«n jm ••« • pr«Mf a ww n toliaw «n4 no 4«Uf«fff, jrwrtwif *iwmI MMlt iMhnilif . M kartl •««% ^ {••TMv.f.i.M •» III niaj, A «4 |.. no* U hUf »« J[tvl«ig • emm M|i, Inil m*lia • iMMlttl ftMltiialtiM, mkI Dtitl «tM«l|«f I !• h Uvrm l«w <>r • Htn«l *i«i«, «lit«h w i w am •mjt lllli»g, h^l vIlMi II ki MivwnMl \j lh« in«nibmn«a II \m n^ an trvrf «M]r, W« •«••• Mmmm ml • tmtk mhmtm I|mi UbtMtr |MkliM mn |trwNml !•# Mfiyil •llani, wtthoMi Aiijr •(fna fif •(•Mvarjr M*Jl« mn •■••ntiwilt«ttt, Mi*i if « mmrm u aulfwrtnf from p^lna urvvltiu* lo hmt %kmm. giva imm |« •ilM^ MKl • IIAIf lMlfl4MM rtf IflMl^^a tff <>^MMH I mr III* ptWiwMrwff cMHttHSf n«M lft»* Mai ftiraoma Uni«, than <||1aUi (h« os ul«H. mmI hi aotwti— a, iiijwil vllh Uit>i«rta villi ImIImIuiiim mi<1 (Hi, 7 lh« fore* of lh« hMtJ If thia faila, jou will, In ap«r V»%, h«il io n«>l IMI in • hnrry uaiitf th« knifa. Wa aomMlniaa ma«l wtlh omhw «h«r« Hi* hind f«Ml am praaanUwl, Ih|| Ihw la n«H • vary dilHaull pr»> •Miuiion. Il \m §hm% m»mA in IIm IM, mi4 U to iw* IhM II It ■floompliahad wllh anma aaalalanoa. Poaalhly Iha \nu{f ia Inmad on ona aidt*. Tha war lo prooaatl ia t<» aiantiua eloaalj, lo ••• whal you haya l<> d««l wilh, and liim noon Iha bally, m iM«Hy •f poaaihla, by making an iaaiaUnl tmll Iba faal whib yon gal Ifoiiff han«l in baaida tha ImmIv and tiintt it ovar, and dalivary oaii km ftooitnipltohad. Anolharoonditioii ia having tha hind fnat praaanlad Mi4 Iha fiMloa upofi ila liai^k, whan dalivary tmnnot Im aoo<*aipliah«| wilhonl aaaiaUnca. Pnwaad lo turn il upon Iba bally, if poaaibla, by al^obing a ropa and manipulaling. and Iha fawar ioalrmnanla uaad Iba baliar ; bul von will oflan Aim! banafll Uw» tha nipa, and il to bw« lo nUaa Uia hind parti % lilUa, and wMla Iha ropa to baing pallad, andaavoiyr to raiaa Iha bntliMk of tha ftntna ovar tha palvia oonaa. (Iraat damaga ia dona by pulling upon tha f«alua WMu ia thto poailion, and what) yon uaa foroa pull upward. Braech FrMmtatlMi Pr«p«r to whara Iha bnltoaka and bind qoar* t«N ara praauutad It la vary dilHaull, and ^ it to a puwarfubtwara, •md Iha DAinahava baaa praaant for ao hour or two, and hj puUiug Iha hand in you find Iha only thing pirolr«4UBg to Iha |ail, ^it i^w ^ dittoull, and, in aoma oaaaa, il to impoaaibla lo dalirar it withottl 1o«4liim, and tha way lo prooaad to tv aadaavour to gat hoUi of Iha f *tty h« *fell« l« (•« _ SI kill ** tw"****' •"•***"** »• •"•»"y«'.«.y. .* miMliif •••, Mm brtM •lamia. p^rhn- yoa wUI And th« loin. orJond T«tobne ^^7 -^ •'^, W ' ^ * A "m >v * Jl i 4'W» m s_,w ekxtnm, ■ntrrnnfl Aim fiiAtiriirr or •d, Mid if th« hind «|u«rU)ni Mm ii««r*r ihan the for*, eiidMToar !• mdre it • brMOh prM«nUtion ; but if th« for* (|UMrUra u* ii«Mr«r, ■ tnr lo make it • natiirkl prMentation. Yoa majr b« abU to turn il with th« orotoh, but if you oati not ohange it, th«n perform •nibry- otomT. Out through the vertebral oolnmn the best you can, and uae the chain aaw ; get into the Ihoraoio oavity and get the oontente of the abdomen out, but it is a very diffioult oaee. Another oondi- tion is where the whole four legs, or perhaps three of them, or a fore and a hind one are presented. It oan not be delivered in this way. and you must endeavour to make it a natural or breeoh pre- senti^tion. If you endeavour to make it a breeoh presentation, get a rope around the hind leg ; if you intend to make a natural pre* sentation, get the rope on (the fore leg. Then ase the orotoh, and turn it. In the dase of twins you may meet with difficult presenta- tions, but when there are twins they are not usually so Urge as where there is but ono. You may meet with breech presentation where the hind limbs of both are presented, or the fore limbe of both. I saw a case where thev were coming belly to belly. The remedy in such a case is to push one back into the cavity and effect a delivery of the other. And you may meet with many presenta- tions different from the ones I have mentioned. The first thing Is to make an examination ; th^ second, U» use force if ii«oeasary ; and the third is, to persevere in it. -Sometimee the foetus dies, and thtf liquids in connection with it escape, and the parts become 4ry, and delivery is assisted by injecting with tepid water. Some nH»in'~ mend oil ; I prefer tepid water. And sometiaies decomposition si|ts in, and the ftstus and the vagina of the mare swell greatly'; perhaps the mare can not^get up ; the pulse is almost impercepti- ble, and it is best to destroy the auimal. This seldom occurs, only sf ter a great deal of force has been used. Sometimes you will meet a qye where the foatus is carried for a long time over the time, and it is said that the mother, in such a case, may conceive again ; but if the foetus carried is in the uterus, and not in the tubes or in the ab- domen, conception can not take place. I saw a case of a cow that seemed to be pregnant for seven or eight mouths. About the eighth or ninth she decreased in sise, and about four months after the nsusl time of oalvins I examined and found the uterus but slightly onlatged. I dilated it with my hand wit{}out «ny great amount of toroe. But, in such osses^ I believe thar* is a certain union be- tween the foetus and the uterus, which has to be broken down. In this case I workel five or six hours, nntO I was tired out, «ad thought better to desist for the timo, and make anotiier attempt ; and in five or six da^ I returned and worked five or six hours, using the hand and a knife carefully, and again left it, and agAin returned and removed it entirely, and the cow reooverod oom- pTetely, but I do not know that she was ever again in calf. A cow will stand a greftt amount of cutting and carving, if yon do not in- jure the nt«ras. In such oases your arm will suflbr ocmsiderably from the acrid properties of the fluid, not that it is of a poiaonons o h a g > o tOf , 4f«t-wup** oqs may c o m e on th e ma md b e painful ; w cT^ gomtotimes we hear of a practitioner dying from the effects of it ; but W: ~^.ft.y 'J, and ri it** wkTt .lu».M iH J ?"■ J**" " • iilt**""* of opinion m to loo muoh o( * hunx in remoiing it in luoh ouet by lom •«»d!ll2 Sii^TuTtoTigS't-ot n^'nr Th'.^"i' '^Tiffi JSnit thin ♦•.{ i^iP ^". «>n»'orUbIe. There i. » more serious reeult tlun ihu, which ia inversion of the uterus. Thk i.'l^^ mares, and the treatment ia more suooesafulin oows It km«2 Jlitei ?£;te:. u '.v^'" ?f t*l>i"-» • i^.'W f-if. im oAxnm^ vrmnomr iim fiBAtimrr 09 \ •M Ubie-oloth, undwr the p«rU); th«n «ndMvonr to ratarn it, which is •Mior done when the oow is on her feet ; ao, if you oan, get her on her feet, Mid if you oahnot do thia, turn her upon her b«ok. There ia differenoo of opinion whether to begin at the fundea or neck to return it, but if ^on oMinot do it one way try the other. Then there ia another difficulty, and that ia to get it in position after it is returned ; but endeaTour to carefully unfold it, and then gire opiates, or stimulants — some rvoomniend one, some the pther. And it is neoessarr to keep it in by some means — elevating the hind quarters is of benefit, and there are various pessaries recommended. A good one can be formed by covering a piece of wood with cloth or chamoise skin, pass this in and secure it in some way ; a bottle has been recommended, but it mav get broken, and a piece of wood the shape of a beetle makes a good oiie« Secure and keep it in by ropes or stfaps. Another way is to put thre« or four stitches through the Tulva— the animal can urinate throush the lower opening. And there are various trusses which are of benefit in some oases, but I think the pessary the most* successful. It is a good plan to press upon and get the back to bend down. Some recommend, and I have tried, inserting a Big pin through the skin on the back, and put twine around it, which causes the oaok to bend. I^is is similar and more troublesome, but not so common, in the mare. You may meet a case where the uterus is gangrenous. Then do not ratum it, bat you may endeavour to save the life of the animal by remov- ing it^ which is sometimes successful. > And in some cfSes it is best 16 plade thg inimsi under dil u r qform , thenties oords^nind'ttas~ ' dose to tne os-uteri as possible, then out the parts off and arrest the hemorrhage. Some recommend using the eoraseur, taking one- half, poe-third, etc., at a time ; then keep her quiet. If she is ifei^, as she is apt to be, give stimulants, but I do not know whether it is necessary to operate on a mare. 1 never knew a mare to recover. Another condition ia prolapsus, or inversion of the v«gina, both be- fore and after parturition, and is more common in cows than in m«res. Poor keeping is a common cause ; another cause is an im- pacted state of the rectum ; or standing in a stall higher in front than behind. By examining you can tell the differenoe between j^ and iayersion of (he uterus, and sometimes the uterus protrudes al the same tiine. If due to a compacted state of the reotuib, clear ont the rectum'^ and it is generaHy easily returned. Remove the cause, elevate the hind parts, and you can use k truss of some kind, and if the animal is in poor oondiuon, give a generous diet, tone up the system, eto. The treatment after parturition is just the same «■ before pavtorition, an4 it may protrude for some time before parturition witnont doing much harm. In some cases it may be ad- visable to put a suture through the lips. Astringents, asoetate of lead and water, have bewi recommended. After oleani^ag use oold instead of warm water, which tends to oontraotion. Butu there is irritation I prefer warm applioationi. If the uterus is lacerated, •titoh it up, and then endeavour to return it. It is nooided tlwt ■ o m e h* Te reoo v amfe^Hh •Vi'W • . tr DniAiin ov Dotnuno kinuAia, a9» nlMEAKEf) AFTER PARTURITION. «1.11I''* r **»'*"'1,«"*» '■•rr* »fcJo»> «»»»•" 'row partimant .DO- ?i^" .^°rf**V' P^"'*'*"'* prtHluoe. mora or leu feT«r. the pulee I. »\igUlj quickened, the tempontture elerst^l. ete. Pirtu , rient fever uaudly •ooompaniae th« Moretion of the milk There ^ini*?*' wnount of blood in the esretem which goee to the liiUk. and milk fever le m invi^ri«ble eign of a good milker. ^«?^f klT"''' n* P"*!* '"<»«•«» wme ; tie udder Iwoomee tender And • ighUy iwollen, the awelling extending along the bellv and jomeUme. betwe^ the fore legl-and eveS in imecaiiLf^ pArtuntion ; the breathing U .lightly quickened; the mouth hot, and when the milk is properly secreted there is no dangpr io be appwhended. Although k is simple, we are sometimeTlSlled to treat it, and sometimes the ■ymptoms are premonitory iymptoma of parturient apoplexy. It existo mora in well-bred anlmlla thim In cml^r^-^lf** ***^ **•' • giTegood food ; give about eight ounces of Ep«>m salts and an ounce of saltpetre, dissolved in a ?# S* ""^aZ"^-' •»'*'»»«"' i* »>y • ^'w doeeaS diureUc m^ne If the udder is swollen and hard, foment and kandrub it^ in •ome c^ses, use some simple ointment, as calamine ointment : stimn. lanU are generally unnecessary. If it continues too long, give a j!Z^'1S^^?.'^:^t **' potassium. It is a simple febSu^ffeo- -♦iottr <3bv»^»mfe btile food for twenty-fouj or^irty jiow* . . ."^. . ^^rpnral Fever, of which there may U different kindfr«-as nar- tunent peritonitis, in which the peritoneum and uterus a»^- flamed, and, perhaps, the laVge nerves of the parts involved. An- other senous condition IS that in which the> brain is the principal seat of the disease, bat the spinal cord is iiSf olved. This is oaKd parturient apoplexy There i^ another formNn which the spbieis the pnnapal seat of the diseaM, and the Urge nerves going from thespine to the posterior extremity of the body are afft^T caus- ing loss of power, and in post mortems there is Mmetimea eftiaion into the peritoneal cavity. I will iint speak ^^^^^^^^^^ ^S^'i^l Peritenltls, but the inflammation is sot gerieraUy confined to the peritoneum alone, but it also affects the uterna. and ?* ^!u* ^"^ .. ^®*'' *"** "* post mortems we find diffuse inflamma- tion of the pentonenm, and more or less in the utems. The vea. sels going to wd coming from the uterus are affected, and the "•^T.r^ thickened to a certain extent It may occuTilt any am SJ 1**^ '^1 *^J^ pMturition, bnt it is genermUy the na^lt^ • fiT ^5**' ^r^ ***?'*" *»' '^^ parturition. Animals expoaed to ^^Jhe cold, or having been driven, are more liable to it. ^^ ^ A ^f**'»*T^t »w«»Uy ■hows itself the second, third or fourth SIX to to^onn. The mptoma m» rae^^^ pUxj ; ehe paddlea witb^the feet whmi walking ; locSMatto^aWfc ^ ^ ^^^* *"^» "* ■**"*® «'«^ i« not able to get np^when aoow 296' OAVIM, NYMVtOMN AMD TMlATIIUrr Of bMonsM afleoUd by arinary or ab^omhi^ iIImmm iIi« Ii gcMrally »«rv helpleM) -«ha will m aoasa in whMh thara is not the milk atpaotad, and tha abova symptoms than look out for it, and sivi^ somathing to provant it. th«ro may b« but littla pain, and th» iharmomatar will r«v«>al a tlifttit in- toreaaa in taraparaliira. Whan tha wall- markad symptoms appear tha oow moyaa iirat one and than tha other leg, paddles, as itis oall<«, when she walks, lies down, geU up and liea down again, until, Whapa, she can not get up ; then, perhaps, dashes the head violently, throwing it up over the shoulder, which seems to be a faTonrite position ; then she may, perhaps, become comatose, the pupil dilated, and the breathing stertorous ; the pulse forty, fifty or sixty, end almost imperceptible ; there is but little feeling, and death soon ooonrs. Jn other oases the symptoms ara not so rapidly • deyeloped, and such ere morji easily treated . It is generally eaaily ^ diagnosed, but you may make a misUke in the early stage of tlie disease. ""^ treatment:— Th»n are many remedies recommended, and, I think, in the earljr stage, before the animal gets down, that eb- straotion of blood is beneficial; but there i» dilferenoe of opinion here^ therefore, I recommend taking blood, and, as well as thatl give a pretty good dose of purgative medicine— from one to twp pounds of Epeem aalta— and give injections ; but if partially or completely comatose, do not Uke blood, but give stimulanU— as sweet spirit* of nitre, nitrate of potash, etc., and » dose of purgative medioiue ; iB'j« injeotiona ; drew the urine ; turn her from on« side to the other ;; bed well and make her as comfortable as possible, and if oomi^toae, pat cold water or pounded ice to the head. Treat ihh. >same aa sun stroke. A> case mey recover after being comatose for ^ftve or six honra. While comatose you must be careful in giving medicine, for it may pasa into the tnohea and oanse suffocation. In anoh oaaes, try the atomaoh pump, or the small, tube, an4'^ atim' nlanto intoHhe stpmaoh, or nse hypodermic injections « of ether, etc. In the earlv stages give brbmide of potassium in prei^ latna dosea ; keep cold to the head, and inject freely with soap and water ; keep her clothed, and attend to the general comfort of the Eatient. If the animal shows signs of recovery in about twenty-fonr dure, feed aparingly, and give nuz vomioa if the nervous system IS aflboted. It is eaaier prevented than cured, and if a oow ia ao afleoted and oared, ^he is more Kable to be affepted again, and if in any oow yoa aospeet it, reatriot thq food befote.partnrition and giv* • ^••py w one pound of Kpeom salto, and pvit dmrAtin* t^ ^ -hMKK D, Sal Bulphiie of soda. This sometimae oooars Wore parturition, '„.. notoftdH, and ii eatfly prevented. Do not give much food tqt ^<33 okvmk mmmm Aa» naAimim aw MMM Ubm •Air p«H6riiUin ; do not •▼•n dlow h«r upon lutftrianl DMAON, but tuni iipcui • n,K»r pMtur*. Cr*>Um oil, i«Join«l. •«« . hmif iMMn rM)onini«nd«d, but I do not think ih«y should b« u«*l. l*Mrtari4Mit ParaljrtU makM lit AppMr«D aotloo • tha animal fdUor iaa down and can not gat up ; perhapa tha •#or«, U ia, !n many oaaea, uahered in • Xit^i^ri; S- '^^r** *^u *^ *"*•'•»• '•P'^y' •"*» you 'might think it waa aome diaeaae^^Tf the reapiratory organs; the pulse ia 2?iSS!i' ^i! ^f^^i" '"'*'t *^ **" iirtpaiwJ, and oeafTtion of rumination; the bowora may be constipated, or there maybe diar- ^' n ?• ''**")• ^** **' **»• "y***" » •?» *« ?«><»««» oonaUp. li«ifci:?„"L!?'"* imtant may be pteeent, and may hare hid ■jmethmg to do in causing the diseaae. When thia diaeaae involvea ttoe <>«»P-M^d atrootiirea, aiippuration tad a scirrhous condition toaprodnoed, which deatroy the aeoretion of the milk. UiHiMf. —Irregular milking ia a obmmoiMauae, which irriUtes the glmde a^d oau«ea inflammation. It is alM> produced by chanoea of SSSS"'**/^"'? *** *^*^' «to.,A|id aometimea reaulta from !2?1r •JK^**"''' **'*• *** '*»• manwx in which she lies, preaaing ^poa the udder, etc. ; or it ia due to the eudden ohMgea in SH'ITiln.-? '^-T i*'*.^y« •«»* ««» nMf»»»« ^ September ; stwid- S53J3 'i 'i!.^"**' "P«*»» *« "•*. 'to. Wmmition of the glMidular eubataiMe may terminate in resolution, but it ia Ukely to tonmnate in uloeratfon and deatruetion of the gland i but itX 1j aromnaenbed and ia opened in time, it may impair it but litaT ^^^ipoB tftr m in iti n n IS fi brous d a g e neiaUoM ui euiuh^ fRS^ /I' nin#i \ 3h aft Biln»«. «ih«r. wiih on. to on. .nd . half oanoM of nitr.t« of po|. 4.h f«IIow«d by acmlU. Um warm fotiiMmUtioo. and kMp iK.n up fur »>ni« Ua)«. th«n dry wall and aaa tha eamphoraUid linimanti orron may pnt a h.,.d.«« to Iha parta, baTiog holaa for UT. taaU pad U with w be peculiar to marea only. Another term U ensootio haimaturfai i then atopd in the itable afid fed wall upSn nutriUve food, whSh produoea a laiy;e amfoant of albumen in the blood in partiouUr. and in the ayatem m general ; and then tha hone ia taken out and az- eroiaed. The reault ia an incraaaad oxidation of the albuotMi. aikd iiJU-lT^ into varioia oomppn'nda, cauaing an ayoeaa of uiwl aad^ Wppnrio aod, produoiag apaama and oontraotiona, eapedaUj of tha Ini«e muMlaa and tiaauea of tha loina, producing loaa o? motor power And when it attacka the paoia £u«daalt ia mora aam i'*!^. ''^" *' r'*^^ **»• «*'*^ "»««^- T^W* oondiUoo aktandl farther th«i| the mnaolaa, in loma oaaaa, and in aoma oaaaa aTan lh« ftfty ^ ffiHO rtg ♦■l a^ aia*ai»ai l ^ fc# %^J f»»» W— - and the Wney* »1«N ntoarting the aaoiatiop of thakidnajaia ftikft owlf tUts^ Xhe laater tha work tha moie aarioua wiU hi tC /. , 304 OAutamrifnoiii M fMiUHit of itljrt« ik . Tf^ *nw«*»ii In lli« winUr mnnth.. u th« M.im«J U S^l,i;r^»T ''•.***" *" '**• ^^'^'l wd colicky p^n.. Bal «^ to^7.Sr?f Jin '""f^T '"1 ""* •*» ''•^* <*«»«>op^. but if allow. pTt' «^21*"'** *• o'f n mUtdicn for lnfl.n,n»;tlon of th, kKy^! Poet mortoma rvTcid th« hhmcIm affcct«d-toft and ll.blMr of iL iSitn'Sf SS-'^'^i**"*'- ■'^»»"^ <«nSt«dTth;«Tid.rk uriM in the bladder, and hyp<»Utic oongMlion. which ia/whawT S^Dc^Iy tLKl' ir. the animal ha. oSIoicd* ItH^^^Un:^: rSi L^^d InT '**• ^"P'^T wiirdi«H,p«* in fropi four noJETiTnTin tif "** bounding, but juat quickened aomt, Mid /^^^ • ?• P'««no«*» i» '•▼curable. ' " . rii'IJZr!;7:i»° '#" *^*°*^ «^ I reoomtnend a allghi atimaUat t SJId1S!L*^1"? **' "'*'• • ?!" *^* *^y "•" Md faduce coSoui snSJoi i^^i'jsii ir."' p»'»*»*^-'«»'n «x to til.:. wwwnia oi ai9ea— and gire injections ; apply connter-irriUtion to . £Z-l»^S ^1 ^'•"^•♦■v Or, if you can not apply thi^. take a i^^i ««??k"^* "^ •njjb&hat wiH blemi;h ; aodTTf n.S2 «5r ^Si i.^Zrf"ife T ■?1t"^-.— fonif «a carbonate^/ !«S1: i S **~' ****"' •"<* **»• •wiowJ •bouM have plenty of ISXII: a^'e tol^d^M^^ntLri^ tr w^ S^ia^l*-"} or iMiMHinrtf) AVIIIAIA tm AN other oauM*~M axnnAnM •#♦-,1 # u • • .' **'*' *"•'• rSon ?^ common oaiiHw of it whui iiumi du. to pwtu- -and, in .om. c^^X'lS'i^": V^r,'d"flu?d'±i7i^ ▼•gin*. In aome oum ah* .hi i;- ^ !>•■«» from tb« oMt M1U0US Idoka to the abdoman ; the pube . dight a,. AlUjr U« irritell.111 . apply Uiiumt, •!«. "^ ««« ■aittni. Ilk th« ha,M! inU. Ih. T.,^„. diUtlng it ^rafully (but U^„t U S? fiJT^Zd'u! !ll!fe*" !?.• *?•» *^«^«^ «l,dUl0I» of ilMl OTi^ ri««, and, in vall.brad <»IU«. to lobamilar diaiurbMiM Th- hlli "M»w. A food Md«tiT.. in po.. «MM. «., dU^ th. IrriUtion. Tke qit^rit >i«j b« •nlttg.d or l«o«ml«d, du« t.) irritiUion of ftl ■"■■■ • •»»"<* o* blwJk tuaaour, nod ma^U la otiiar ^^ rbH '■ «■ ' # . 1 %--'„ T^^El I I I ff • • • • * • « « • I i ^Art^ i « " I* • ft?" • •» ,1 .1. i • * i • m i J » • • • • » m ' 9 { ii ,c& n 940 m*' 4 fH lO CO » ». . • I ♦ • • 1 : tki I ':SS lA a s - ;;-»', « • 5 5 3 • » • •d •d «; *> "* « 5 55 *■* C9 ^ ' f ♦ . ^K OV MMMfflO AvntAta. 't / Ml i i 8 4 i 8 5 55 5 4 f «5 :5 5 5 j : : : O ** I M ^5 :3 M • t-i , « t ' » • • • i : :' T : : i i ^ « ! Hp ( '- : ii t ^ :' lA iT *»► * *< '' * * • * • * * t. * m t ^ Ik s i s s J3 ooiiaimo AMiigAUi. 248 mt' * : . 9 • • ^ 3 b S S ,i«%^" .«** t ^ • t .^1 M' I.'-- '- f ■ ^•t -f.-* !», -- i^ '■ A Al Al 1' Ai - |{ Al 4"%. A» I: Bil< / - P -»•'-' ?*^ v. Bio ^ Bio . Bl«. Bon Bon fim ■ « • Bm - Brol " Broi Btoi Bnd * II Bon CMl Oaloi •I M Vi OUil "DSi ! - •■' % « 'K'- ' r INDEX ii ■-^. V !■ ■ ■" f» Aba. PAUI. ^nn*l Qhmth. from Tr«oh#otomy : 7...... '„. '*' of III* ytilvA * AmTrJSL ./:*.-••>-• — • — • ...... ASoMSta*'".*'*'*'*'''' .-..•'.^*M...... Aidtir " ........».^,....... ^. ; * in Atroph;\rf'th6B^.". *• V ■ 'S Acoturui rbs ••••••■••fl« attky^ • .. ...itii..,, t:0§,,,, ,. inotd .'...... .,,. Ili^CalouM..^ V..."" *^- §Ss!r .'!^!*^;: E; 5;;: • •• ■■■■■■■■■ '■'^■■■■■- ** Iiiv«nion flif .<. '••■!• • *•• 41 in • " Melaootio deiXMita in ........ v. » ... . relaootid clep «<4 • • • • • t I BoiMl Bnlargemoit in the Hook.' e • • ^ • « • • I (('.t.^ f « « • « • • f • • 4 * * * t * t t.e I >••«•«••'» f « 4 • •••.#• «'« • »4 >«•••••«• • • * • • • • « *• • e ■ eee ••••••••«•««« , O^^BDNnv » • e « e-e • e^e « I f •'•««••• t »-• « ,'Vi • •>• «• • ••, ••••••••♦! "Hf ' »« V •-'-,-■-••• ••te^«»ee«- WUMote lliahiTtouilii, Bnl^^ ^* ••••*•••••••#••« • ■ f « f ■ I ■ ■ ' III ^ I 14,44 « OMifld leofavoKf' • •«•••»••-••• •! •••••#•< t V c . W,*v-«,i ■!|-' f * MO MAM.' rZ ■" A«Sur3!::::'::::::r:?"'' "'* ••**' ^ 'SuSSrSiyi;;^":: ^: •• IImhI* '"^•"•'"t, .....,, lM!!h^^ • • fc< O t • .^, , . . . , 4», , , • • • •• n ofOrl^DAla. •*•• ••• • ., *", *'"•» •>/•*•.«....... f,..,.,,..,.,.,.i ^,; ^^^ ••••f'..... ,^, •• •••......,. ....„..,^ • L**^?A^^j^»^.i^^^ ..^ ; .„,^. __l C'aUrMt .... CaUrrh in H«m ^ '• InOaK. (.•rcbritin: UtnbrAi Tnmotifi. . . CQmIiUw !;. . •«€•"■••... .....•..'..♦.....,.. zp'^r'* • ■^» ••••••• •»..r. ........... . .^ . * g»>«T<»« .1 , OoU#; Fkt«1ent ......•• •• ^ HpMmodio i Oolkr OilU... J Oonoaarion of Ihc Brmin • • f • • t • • ' '•'>.,.%.,,'.., • '•••••"• ,,,. •' ••»..., >Oqnraiiotl»Uta....7rT ..*....| .>Oo«i»«n— .. • 43o«tiTim«M .... CkmalirNitlon ••••••••••••......,,,,.«. ...^ ^^ , •' inditti;::" Ooota^ioua DiacMM. . GoBtnoUoii of the lUok Trodorii M *^' •"•• ..i. '*-•••••••• i./. .t ••"•••• • • • t I # •»••••.»*, ,,^, , "oirtoir*' ■•••'•*•*•'••• •••••^'^•••••^^ ' "*r" "•«»«" , iibwiii %- iln^tdUi..... jm, LedoM of...,. P^wg^ Rupture of DiitkM "^•''"* "/^•••••"•K. ....... ............ ;^' DMo<»lioa' if \hi FetliikV.V. •'• .►! .......... . " *• Patolia "M..... n ilM in oltheAir PMMge. In CMtii! " '••V' — ••••••/ ..*»•••...,..,,,, ' • • • iw ....... I . . • • • •;;ii_aiJ=-*rtT.».. .« ,. . , daMlWblo. I • • • * • Vfrhiokraing of'. •.....-.., ., ,, ■ .•• •..•<... .^-i, ,,,. .... .i,. ., ...«.•»»,,,,.,. .^ ,,,,, , ^ _ .....•••....,a,...^.,^ . « « . • I 3* ••' '-.:... I. .../.:. ;.^*"- ..?•- ^^% >>••••••• ' ;'^«i. ♦«»'■' -', «- -f ■":.♦• . .' . « V ••> * •f • n «. Fttoyua. m-'r • • • f«u.» K version oi ih» K/vUifa V ■•WhoiKlrnm, V........^.... «iiw^*.m#ntii on um 8iki«u«kt;;; '.'. ; • T- * • " •>•••• AnanMls • '""••<•'••♦•••«.«...... »rit**»t*t**aV •V ••...... ....,; '•••"♦ •.,,,( • .'^ . • 1 1 . , , ^T-*" • • I '•••HH.,,, • •■• • • •• k . ■\- Rll,H.**c"fer.v; ••••■■'•• Ffatuk... • •'•' * . " of StonW' iVuW.V * ' M . . . ,V> *'—«*..'.V*"""*"'".'"»».'V ....... .. '•'*■ t?f*!!:^;ii--v.vi...».!:...M,...::;::::::::,iv' rw ,,,... . n »•.» 947 .S M an te in m :2ia — 40 8 ' w ^ FfMtur. of lh« AtmUhvi^ Aatnunloa *^<«dy'«.«' «!• F.inur .77.' «< ■»* H- •I M (( 'n»ceM....p(.. of thft P«B|||. . t^ . . . ._ _ »" *. . .V. ..,,,,, '•• v.'.*.......^..-;. KttMtuU Orl Tn Kemnr... KIbuU ; I'ronUI Bon«i... Ham.ro.. Know Joint,...../... Jjow* J,w;...,. ..i....... ■ MoUooriMalBonoi / ' &,K«.." •.■■•■ ■'•••■••■•■ Sar!?r:::- Oiworono.... « . I,. ^• »«' ■ " • rf, •■ ■ >'..•«..■., • ■ • . . • .... • ......,,. ,y , ■'...•.■.),, *i.'.^. • . • • ■ a . • .'. . . »« •*■...••• . . .#. 1 1 . % • > • . . • . ... . * v.* . . .*. . * * 4 ..... i' m &' 101 106 108 106 I'S^ > 104 lOS 106 108 > 106 108 108 101 106 ^ lor . 108 St is? Portwior. PabooMid TroolMBkr, T«b«wdtjr« ^., ■*^J^J /-'« : I lllt4MPM«. OUMk. pMaiU ""f.t. 'OkMHfa... Qrmiailkk 0«» TW .(. .?i. !•••»> •)• « ;; umbiuod.;/. " Yminl Hovwi t . , I , ^ • • • ft»t»t^j(f RmnoliirU , gw^«B« i-..c«, iriMMMi «.,....... .....^34'»'»'"" HMBorriumaof th« Lunfa..,,,.,,, lllllttt •••<•( tl ../.«.•.,,,,,,, Hydn^ihdw::::;:::::;;;::::;::-:;;:;;; HjrdrophoUft . . . . .j, Vr ,i ,t. . ^ ImiMMittoB of th« ftumm .., " MftoyplUt.. ..;..,.. .,"•'• "••• IlBMrfoi«toAntu..*.M.. InJuriM to tho Abdon ** " Avla HMk TMidotu CwvlciU Vvtobtii..., Olltorto. DorteToiitorii OlSSjMlIdW' *'/'*•■••••'' ^""' Urolo ,*?..... / from beinc H«lt«r OMt./ to thf HMd Mtd Naqk «« •* •r «« M It II II II II II II Kiiff« Joint... LwBbar Vorte t. ..... • *-« t ■ k t • •'■ I • •• • >t f I • I < t • • I • • 1 • t <••,•■ .1 t a I ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ■ *^Yr*** • * *•• \ •••••••« a a, a . . ► • ^»«» • a aj.a (t^t « • • a IW^^'a a^ ■"WWm^^ • • •» a . , .W , , , a a . • . . . . „ . „ .", . 8«iiiUoii«rS!rai*i«' 1 J" ' • " * • • ' " ' *'• • ' •* 'r •'•: T^^tJ^V "" T7 • r~*'v*»* • •* •* • • • •*• • ••• iwwww ai H» JUl^. .1. l,.j J . . . ,»,»• ,i . ..... j ..^ ,; . Ohfoafe""/:"'" ••W---^..*.. ■■ -. tkm. Signs of/. .'.'.*. .v.VaV.*.'.r.r.v.?.,r.'/;'.v ' ' * ' ' ■* Dcfknitioii of • ••_•.•».••• ar.*..*. ,.., , q| 5K IHiAiiV* " ■" '•»■■*•'•• * • •• • » .i .*^. .. .♦. •• /i iss 97 ^ 96 131 Ut 115 139' IS •9 -lai 137 144 iS 134 m 178 as 83 908 u Sssk, ■ •••^••■••«< ***•••,•••«••••«• I • . • ri'. i » » » ■ T ■ ■ ■ 1 f I •v^m;::;....'. *7 LoBin ........... ..^.. «••..*, II .--\, '.M"'.. -• t . I . ^ f *^ » ^■ •M 9»m m 1 «• -• 19» 1«7 - 19D las 110 ' 180 10$ 44 310 - ,40 104 19S in i» . 07 IM 131 . ]4« 1S5 13S- :^ 133 00 137-131 137 144 ., iS IM . 17» 17S as as IS V ... r% A ■ !' M • • *, ■ M \ /■ a * ••••...... ^, .M...I.*.., A,...:: " Mt..,., -':::::::: •••'! • ».. ,. •• •• Kssjpa;^^. v^ . :»: :::::".:: ••••>• KidMy^.. , •* V l-^.ry«^Dj«^.nu«^^ •"••• ••• TiMiDM ' M al form Mi oa' tt.'.'!'!'.'/'" *^^«.. '.V.V.VA*'- ..... ^ nTT ...r V^^ ... M.....V i^n,i::r •-••••-:::::::::;:::::/::r-^ ' f^"""** «!.... pwworrh«i I^P". IfUMnlion'of!.. 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