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FOR mnr MOBNING ANP EVENINO :'^P.] IK TftE wteEK. ■;)■■• Bit A CLBRGtHAN^ id Abraham pitched hfi Tent, and themhe ^ lOBD, and caned upon the name of the toko i« i «»» | Wii>i rt ^i| .'Ki 11^ Wf 7iii^!il»»J^ Z^L'®A*5r****"..°^ God are a broken Mrit: a tn^eaWa heart, O Goo. thou wilt not de>piM^ft«lm Hy fT^^ ^ ?i ,__H,' my Prayer bo set forth before thee at IneoiM ai ' ^ of my hands as the erenlng sacrifice — Plalm^cS £ Y« are a holy Priesthood, to offer up iplritml ueMe^i^^ to Goo by Jbsus CHaitT-l Peter ii. S. ' ^?^?^feipl .ii?y 5?5 **>«[e''^e let us oflfer the Mcrifloe of pndiit^^ ^ ''' ally— giving thanks to Us Name.4-Heb. xlilijE^^t, ■^'•^^•' •>* • >"" iiV.... .-. ■ , -J:.. -. .. ,^ ,, > ^ -'^ ^ j ^g j^,| -Jti».:f?i.-i.^l m^ < t ■"' ••5'! H. * W. R0W8ELL. KlNObjST] .^f '•^• ,^^r-:^j^«i.^... IS-4 B.3 SA" VA^fii FatW, which in heaven ; Hallowed earth, as it^« in hp«;iJE"i? *^™\. '^^y ^"* ^ ^one in And fZ^^l heavemOive us this day our daily bread Ana lor^ve us our tM^CMa oo «.« * '• v% ^ urcau. twspasiifciinst u* llB^ Ji ® ^V'«'^® ^^^n* t»»** hut!njSP !> * i*" ***<* us not inta,^«Dtation 1 but dehllFus^frpin eril. For thine, is thelKom! aSd "T "«».TJi-us trpm eril. For thine is t the power; and Oregldry ; For Xr^^ evei •>.^ ;- Amen, T^^bISJ*?^. ^■'*''*y' «» F«%'. the Son, &> ■• J4j^ess US and keM» ug: the Lord make his -^^M^*^'^^^}^® '^^^ Holy Ghost, '^^AiS^^^^f^*"^ keep us:, the Lord mercifull? SSl^^?S^ look upon us J and so^f 11 us with all sp^ SlrtL!^*^''^''" ^** «'**^^ *^** ^« rilay so live in this » that inAe wortd-^ocome we may have life everii! '*#■■ PREFACE. 41 ■.] ^ The rc-publicatiou of this valuable Httle book of Devotions owes its origiji to the dying request of an aged and respected parishioner. During the pa«t summer, I was called to attend the death-bed of Capt. McG— -., an old seafaring man, who had resided in , the pansh for several years previouifto his decease. L^e most seamen of his day, he was not without h& snaref f mfirmities and eccentricities, but few displayed in greater perfection than himself, the kind and generous quahties of a genuine British sailor. Nor ^thisalL . «|had not gone »^down to th^ sek in ships" nor had H^cupatiqn "in great waters" without** seeing the ■ works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep." Hit n^nd thus became fiUed with admiration and love to that Ahnighty Being "who commandeth the stormy wmd which hfteth up the waves of the sea" and ainuA ""^.M^V^? 8torm a calm so that tiie waves thSeof are stiU. In the retrospect of a long and periloua '' life u iR not surprising he jshould be bowed d;>wi with ' «ratitu(fe to the Gracious Being who boro with him so^ ■ long and^delivered him out of so many dangers? and » thaulie desire of his soul should be in umsonwith that ;^ of the Psalmist "Oh! that men #ould praise thfe^^^ for his goocteess, and declare the wondera that he doijSl ^ foMhe children of men." The benefit he had deriv^l" Irom a^small manual of Family Pmyers, which had for 4i.numbcr of yeara been his ccmstant companion M sea '..m mc. it' > y at well as on shore^nduced him for some time previoas to his death, earnestly to desire its re- publication — that he nught bestow a copy upon each family in hia neighbourhood/ in the hope of inviting them to the practice ^ family worship, — the advantages of which he strongly advocated. I could not refuse lb comply with a request so benevolent in its nature, and so likely to prove beneficial ; and having pledged myself to it before the large assemblage composed of various deno- minations of Christians, which attended his remains to the grave, I now desire to carry it into effect in spirit, if not in very deed, by the re-publication of ^* The Teni and the AUar" a work of a similar description, but in opinion much better adapted for general use l^an tt-sFieSn^ Prayer Booh Abruiged" m $\ Although manuals for faQ^ily worship abound, yet the Church in this Diocese stands gre&tly in need- of one worthy of general adoption. Such a w^trluJ. belieye is in contemplation, but as it is probable some time may elapse before it is completed, I trust this endeaYOur to furnish each of my parishioners with a copy of fanmy prayer, agreeably to the wish of the deceased, wilt not be considered as interfering with the adoption of the other. And I am sure the excellence of this little work, wil)|:commend itself to the favourable notice of Churchmei| and Christians generally. f \ » V A Rectos in the Diocesk of Tobomto, -V i«^ ,. ,5' is FAMILY PllAYEllS. •i'v'«^^i^^ws^si^^i^s^<«i'y%4rsi/wK..f , N.B. — Thse Pmffcrs may be used in private^ by uujfing I /or WEf and ^^^!i yi/r U8. 1% SUNDAY MORNING. ^^RACIOUS God, tnay we e«or cpn- ^^ sider it not only ourg^y, but our privilege, to worship thee?^ Grant us a grateful sense of thy mercies, and help us to praise thee for them. Give us grace to welcome this holy day with joy, and make us diligent to improve its sacred hours, to the glory of thy Name, and the salvation of our souls. We praise thee for permitting us to' see the light of another Sabbath. Thott hast in mercy preserved us throng the| night ; and we beseech thee, O L bless us on this thy day with a spi: havenly frame of mind ! May we neglect thy hol y wor ship , or be li^ »-jr" /'.: :# A2 w'- in thy blessed service ; but may wo al- ways keep thy Sabbaths, and reVerence thy sanctuary. May we be willing to deny ourtfelves any pleasure, or to suffer any loss, rather than break thy command- ments, which are holy, just, and good. Help us to watch over our thoughts, words, and works, remembering the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. • In public and in private, give us grace to worship thee, O God, in spirit and m truth. O Lord, pardon our sins, saic^ tify our hearts, and make us meet to" serve thee here, and to praise thee for ever hereafter. Cheer us with the light of thy countenance, and refi^sh us witfi Ae dew of thy blessing. ^ Go with us, O Lord, we beseech thee, to thy house of prayer. Grant us grace there to confess our sins with godly «<»row; to pray in faith ; and to offer up our praises with unfeigned gratitude and 1 joy. f^May we come before thy presence iMHihanksgivin and show ourselveil^ ^;^UrI in thee with psalms. > ''.ook down with tender mercy on aU ^ who, by sickneas pr ■ :•. I > ) ;^?-(i««i fiUNDAY MOU^'INQ. Wi \ > Wf versity, may be kept from thy houjse of prayen Help them to worship thee, and cause them to rejoice that thou art every where present to hear and answer their supplications. ^ ^ •/ ^ : liless all thy faithful mlhisters, and make them wise to win souls to Christ. Send forth more labourers into thy vine- yard. Bless, especially, those wno are preaching the Gospel in heathen and distant lands. May all nations hear and receive thy holy word : ^nd may there be added to the Church, daily, numbers of such as shall be saved. Have compassion on the Jews. Pitv, O Lord, the poor outcasts of Israel. Take away their shame and their re- proach. Give them faith to believe in Jesus as their anointed Prophet, Priest, ajid King. Gather them out of all nffc- tions whither thou hast driven them, tirid speedily fulfil to them that gracious pro- mise of thy word : " I will be your God, and ye shall be my people." Cause thy holy word to come this diy with power to our souls, and to the fo^^ of bur , fellow- worshippers. ^&T% |^d ^ %A^ ■,• V,. 'i*-. '8^ SU^AY EVENING* deliver us, O Ijyrd, from vain ftrid wan- dering thoughts. May we he serious and devout in thy service, and rejoice in thy &vbur and blessing. And whilst we thankfully* embrace every ojq)ortunity of public worship^ ^raht us to increase in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; and may his love constrain us henceforth tp live not imf o ourselves, but unto him, who died for us, and rose again : to whom» with thee, Q Father, and thia Holy Spirit, be ascribed all praise, now and for ever. Amen. \ Thegraee of ourLord Jesiis Christ, &cl ij^ifc 'I." STJNDAY EVENING. 4 j^iliJESSED Lord, give us , grace to review with gratitude the mercies which we have this day received. Praised be thy holy Name for cfvery Sabbath we eiijoj^ May the prayers we present, and %epraises we offer, be always acceptable Jtf t^^^ ourJStrength and our Redeemer. :/ ^v,^ ^', :'':V' ■ • \f-'''^^- ' i .(. ^ ' I k-i , •Z^- M ■m- ■ I. 'H fl ^i SUNDAY EVENING. For thy Name's sake, O Lord, and for Jesus Christ's sjJte, be gra^^ious and merciful unto us. AH our sins are inown to thee : O do thou fbrgite them. All our wants are before t^ : O do thou suppk them/ ^^^^^ : ^ ^ Heavenly Father, thou hast bden pleased to favour us above millions of our fallen race, and to enlighten us with the knowledge of thy word : O that w© ^OT thankfully receive thy blessmgs, and diligently improve them. Give ud grace to live a life of feith on thee, and deyotedness to thee. Let us iiot be Christians in word and in tongue onlyi but in deed and in truth. * Cherish in us, we beseech thee, what* ever holy desires, or pious resoluticm thy word and Spirit may have cieai m us this day. Let us not be fo hearers, but doers of thy word. -.^^ us watchful, that our spiritual enei^ mOT not come and take away tli^ word| and destroy our souls.' O cause it i take deep root in our hearts, and witiP* ^ teholy fr uits to adorn our livfes, T^ ^ j - ""1^;^ of those who hear die wcwrd ■A4 ■■ tn^^'-i 10 SUNDAY EVENING. with joy, and in time of temptation or persecution fall away ; neither let it bel "choked with the cares, or the riches, or the pleasures of this life ; -hut may we^ understand it and keep it, and bring forth finiit with patience. : Gite us an increase of faiths hope, and love. May our faith be strong in Christ, to the honour of his name, and the salvation of our souls. May oitr hc^ be sure and stedfiast. May our love, as. a holy flame, purify our hearts, ?rad shme fbi^ in our lives, Cipmand thy blessing, O Iiord, to 1^^ on the labour iiiimsters. May the Gospel of our Lord Jeaus Cloist have fi»e cour^ and be l^iorified* Increase^^^^^U^^^ and |eij^^^ May all naticms and worship before him, and ifybisName. . less, gracious Lord, our dear relo- tiims a^ friends, and give ihem^ the same blessings which we have asked for ' urselves. :.. ■ ^^ :y;:.- •.'^: ; . By thy great mercy defend us frq^ aU perils and dangers of this n|g)teT^ I MONDAY MOKNING, 11 may we lie dowh in peace and rest in* safety. And when our Sabbaths are ended here on eartK, may we enjoy an eternal Sabbath ii{ heaven, and rejoice for eVer in the Icive of Jesus Christ our Saviour, ^mm. ;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^: ■ Thegraceofour Lord Jesus Christ, &c. Ui }- ■ *■ i # r MOKDAY MOENING. #\ THOU Father of mercies and God of all comfort^ incline our hearts to love thee, and give us strength to serve thee. V Make us truly humble for alloiir sins : and unfeignedly thaiJM^^^^^^fi^ aU thy mercies. it We have destroyed ourselves, biit ill thee is our lielp. \ Help u4 O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy Name. O be merciful unto us,, and deliver us from our sins, for thy Name's sake. We praise thee for the safety and comfort of the past night, and adore th^ for aU thy mercies renewed to us Ikhis t^orning. May weleheerfully renew the-dei^cation^of-ourselves^ to thee ^ for / tfiine we ar e, s^ii thee we ought ta serve. Give us git^ thee truly, to seHe thee iaimfulfy, iGmd to depend pu thee Afrfttiout wavering. With pi^er ^hd watchM we now enter agaiii on the eares and the duties of life. Preserve us, Lord, from the evil that is in the world. May we remember thy word^ and bring fo^h the fruits of thy Spirit Grant us to be pure in heaH; and holy in life. >— ^^e thy blessmcr, O Lord, to all that ^IB^'^oviaence may call us to db, and ^yant us resignatm n to all that thy wis* dom may appoint IH to sufi^r. May we ha\^ iio i!i^ but tlhne, andno rega]^ any thing compared with thy glory. y * jMay thy love, O blessed Jesus/ reign in our heart?, and put the world under our feet. Whilstwe sojourn on the earth, may we daily look forward to heaven as oiifresti and be travelling towards it as .".•our home.:' ■'-.^v"' ■■;■-• We humbly beseech thee, O Father, tQ have mercy upon all men. Bless the 0ueen and dll whom thou hast put in ^thori ty ove r u s ^ ♦ B less the n ation in m> :€P Sv-' t-j. .*>,,■, .o *■ ^" t-h ; MONDAY MPUNING*^^^^^!^^ whicK ' we iivei Remember with thy most graeiofus favour all who are near and dear to us. Cause them to know thy love^ to rejoice in thy salvation, and to Jive after thy commandments. ; ; Be with us; we heseech thee, through this da^^ L^ arm defend and streiigth^nus; andlet A^ Holy Spirit be om* guide aj9id comforter m aH our ways. I^ourab)^ these our supplications and pmyers, and vouch- safe to accept our praises : through Jesud Christ, our oBljMe^ator and Redeem- er j to whom,- with ^hee and the Holy Ghost, be all hdnpur and glory, world mthoutend.^^^^^ ? - Qur I^etv &c. \ May grace, mercy^ and peaice, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, and from the^ Holy Ghost the Comforter, «be untd us, and all who belong to us, now and for ever. Amen. - a^&jo^ [141 MONDAY EVENING. Vfr- f\ THOU inwhomwfelive,kid^^m^ and have our being; may we reve- rence thv glorious majesty, and adore thine infinite mercy. Assist us by thy grace when we come into thy presence. May we never draw near to thee, O Lord, with our mouths, or profess to honour thee with our lips, whilst o^r hearts are far^^m^ thee ; but may. we serve thee acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. WbShever we ask for spiritual blessings, may we deeply feel our need of them ; and may it be thi earnest de- sire of our souls to receive them. We bieseech thee, gracious God, to pardon all our sins. We confess their guilt: we have nothing to plead but thy m^rcy, O be merciful unto us, for the glory of thy Name. Heal our souls, for TTe hive sinned against thee. Heal lis^ 0*l.prd, and we shall be healed ; save us, and we shall be sasVed ; for thou art our praise, and our hope is io^hy mercy. Being^^ustified by faith, may we have / ■w ■y^l '-MJ* ■.fPr^tW--'*^-^^^ I ^ :• ■' »-,. / ■"•(!»■ .■>^.-: MONDAY EVEJflNO. 15 peace with thee, God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. yy-,A^^,f::.:::y.-'-:'':\ O blessed Jesus, deliver us from the guilt and power of sin : let it have no dominion pver us : but grant that we, being made free from sin, may be thy servants, have our fruit uiito holiness,^ and our end everlasting life. V r f >Make us careful, G Lord, to redeeni our time. Keep us mindful of death apd eternity ; nor let us ever forget ^that we • inust soon lie down, to rise up no more in this world. When earthly comforts iail us, then grant us to tejoice the more in spiritual blessings. And when we die, may we fall asle^ in Jesus, the life of them that believe, and the tesurrection of the dead : may we go down to the grave full of the blessed hope of eternal me. To thy mercy and love, G heavenly Father, we now commend durselves. Watch over us, thou Shet)herd of Israel. Ke6p us by night and by day, f Let thine eye be ever upon us, and tl]|ilie everlasting arms round about us. Pre- . serve us fi;om the wicked designs of evil mm and evil spirits. Let no evil hap-^ 1 ■■^ ^r% ..*■■ ^' 7-7rM\ 'j«. % 16 TLESDAY MOJRNINO, 0. pen mito us. May our sleep l^nweet and refreshing. And grant that whether ' we sleep or wake, live or die, we may be thine in Christ Jesus. Bless, we beseech thee, all wliom we should remember before thee ; and do for us, foir our dear relations and friends^ for our Queen and our country, and for the increase of thy true religion, abun- ototly above all that we are able to afe-k or think; for Jesus Christ's sake: in w^hpse name and words we f urtl^er pray, sayingi^-::^;,;:;;:::^:;;::w;/;^ Our Fathei\ &b. May gra^e, mercy, and peace, &c. ■>y TtTESMY MORNIlfG. " Q LORD, oui* heavenly Father, At mighly and everlasting God, .wh6 hast safely brought us to the beginning >of this day,** what sl^all we render unta thee for all thy benefits conferred uporf us f -Adorod^be thy mer^^r^ffl^e^ Wossings we are continuallv receiviiiflr .,«rt( r .1 '^t^y ■M 'M TUESDAY MOUNING> from thee. How hast thou renewed our lives and our mercies to us this morning I May all that is within us bless thy holy name. O put thy Spirit within us, a^id cause us to walk in thy statutes. Give us grace to glorify thee in our hodips 8^d in our spirits, which are thine. Wepjraise thee, O God, for the un- srcakable gift of thy dear Son, Jesus (Christ our Saviour. Grant us so to believe in him, that we may h^nre IHfe through his Name. : We praise thee for the gift of the Holy Ghost. May ou^ bodies be the temples of his contmual abode. Let ua not walk according to the course of thia world, aocording to the spirit tha£ now .^^ diildren of disobedience j ft>ut,;^as the children of God, may we be led by the Spirit of God, and rejoice in i hope of the glory of God. Let us not resist or ^eve thy Holy Spirit, but in aU thing^^^ motioM, to thy f' >ry, and to pur comfort and^iraticni* giy pur understandings be enUghtene4, our hpjBurt^ sajujtified, an our wills sub- — 9 — "— ^ ■ — '. : . ^-m ' - ^ • ! — , : '. — : ^ccprding to the wwking of his ipigbty poller. n - 1^ A»t*.JI!»«-. TUESDAY ' EVENING. 19 .-.9W direct, sanctify, and govern, both our hearts and bodies, in the v^ays of thy laws, and in the works of thy'command- ments ; that, through thy most mighty protection, both herp and ever, we may be preserved in body and'^oul : through pur Lord aiid Saviour Jesus Christ." Our Father, &c. The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, At- upon us, and upon all whom we should remember, now and for ever. Amen. TUESDAY EVENING. ' .' . ' , . ■■■■«...;'■ CTERNALGod, Ci^aiorandPre- ^server of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of eveiias- tmg life, we bow down bc^fore thee this evening; and v«re beseech thee to accept ' and bless us, for the alone sake of thy dear Son J^sus Christ our S^idour, Help us to drai^^near to theft, ^^rid^gant us to enjoy comimmion with thee. S^ •" U||ijr~"" SO. TUESDAY EVENmO, ^•■■sJ W6 praise thee for all thy mercies ; and we beseeclythee to forgive us all our sins, which are more than we can number, and ^ater than we can express ; for in many things we offend, and that continually. Grant us daily repentance toward thee, O God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus (^hrist. Remember, O Lord, thy j^der iwaffeies and thy loving-kindnessis^ for they have been ever of old. Remember not the sins of our youth, Aor our trans- gressions ; but according to thy mercy remember thou us, for thy goodness* Buke, O Loral Heal all our back- slidings, receive us graciously, and love u$ freely, •^%t^:•^^^:■;, ,-.-r..-.. ■/■■.::' v^'";: Give us gi'ia^ to renounce the world ; make us wifiing:^^rucify the fleshy pid strengtlien us to^nk^^dev^^^^ Ift^ us to deny oursS^p^P^ta^ up our cross, and to foUo^^ikM. j^iserveus from evenr thing that would dishonour his holy Name. May we depart from all iniquity, and avoid every temptation to sin. 6iye us to see the evil of sin in ib» d&miM Christ, and fill us with holy zeal iktion against it. Create w UVEMNG, » . It,. • ; in ^*8 J^|[^||^eaJi8, O God, and renew riflhtjpint8 within us. Make us more hs^mb^mofQ thankful, more holjr. r| We beseech thee, O Lord, to bless our Queen, and to endue her counsellors with Wisdom/ We pray thee also to be graeious and favourable to our country, and to fill it with that righteousness which exalteth a nation. Bless the ministers of thy glorious Gospel, and enable them rightly to divide the word of truth. Give them ^ace to warn the unruly, to comfort the feeble- minded, to support the weak, and to be " atienfctowArd all men. Bliss, Lord, all our dear relations and friends. Extend to them, we beseech thee, thjr grace and mercy. Give them, for Christ's sakei. every blessing needful to their salvation. j llave mercy upon all men. Comfort the sick. Succour the tempted. Relieve the oppressed. Be the Father of the fatherless, and the God of the widow. Give joy to tjiose ^ho mourn for sip. Bind up the broken-hearted, and sarfe such aa be of a contrite spirit^ giving Ol '■^4 'A. ■^w* 22 WEDNESDAY MORNINP* them everlasting consolation and good hope, through thy gra;ce and mercy in Chris^esus. Into thy hands we now commend oiir- 'selves, our souls and bodies. Enable us, O Lord, to bless and praise thee for all that we have received from thee ; and while we rely upon thy niercy, may we ever seek thy honour and glory ; through our only Mediator and Advocate, Jesus Christ our Lord. ^ Our Fath^^^^ The blessing of God Almighty, &c. WEDNESDAY MOENING. /GRACIOUS God, thou hast spared Us to see the light of another day. May we come before thee, rejoicing in thee, and ascribiiag all our salvation to ■thee.:i •/ \/-' ■■;'■. :■■'/"■'■■' ■''■■■''*'-' ■ We thank thee, O, Lord, for all thy mercies . renewed to us this morning. Give us, we beseech thee, a renewed sense of thy love to our souls. Draw out -*A- m our WEDNESDAY MORN desiries after thee, an ING, 23 cter thee, and fix bur affec- tions upon thee. May we begin this day in thy strength, pass through it in thy fear and love, and end it to thy glory. We praise thee for thy holy word^ which thou hast given to be a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our paths/ May we walk as children of the light; and may our cheerful obedience to thy will, prove to ourselves and others that we partake of thy^ace. f|v We bless thee, O Lordj for such a fountain of wisdom and holiness ; and we pray, that in all. our troubles we may hope in tKy word, and derive all our comfort from it. May it i^ doubts and calm our fears, and shew us the way wherein we should go. When our souls cleave to the dust, may we be upheld by its quickening and sanctifying power. May it dweU in us richly, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. May we love its precepts, fear its threat- enings, and believe its promises^ to the saving of our souls. - Incline us to search the Scripkyjg^ daily. May we not only read, but * 24 WEDNESDAY MORNING, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them and know, to our peace whom an dp joy^ that blessed Jesus o . Grant that we may have frequent occa- sions to rejoice, and to say of thy words, "They are spirit and they are life.** ' We pray thee, O Lord, to send forth thy light and thy truth to the nations that are sitting in darkness, and in the ^shadow of deaths Bless all the societies established in this kingdom to spread abroad the revelation of thy will. Make ^ them the glory of our land, and the joy of the whole earth. Give to all who are engaged in the labours of them, wisdom, zeal, humility, and love. * And as we pray fDr the spread of thy word at home and abroad, so we beseech thee also "io" inspire continually the universal church with the spirit of truth, unity, and concord : and graiit that all they that do confess thy holy Name, may agree in the truth of thy holy word, and live in unity and godly love." * And now, Lord, while we oflfer up our morning sacrifice of praise for all thy mercies, we beseech thee to forgive WEDNESDAY EVENING. yQU> US all our sins ; and to bless, preserve, and keep us this day, and all our days: through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Our Father, &c. The grace, &c. ;> ■»■■'> EVEKIKG. THOU that hearest prayer, pour down upon us the Spirit of grace and of supplication. Teach us to pray. Help us tp n^ake known our wants unto thee, who alone canst supply them. Enable us so to ask that we may receive, and so to seek that we may find. May we pray in the Spirit, and be accepted of thee, O heavenly Father, through thy beloved Son Jesus Christ oiir Saviour. Through him may we obtain mercy, and find grace to help in every time of need. ■ May we always approach thee in hu- mility and sincerity ; for the prayer of the upright is thy dejight X^t u|L not 1*egard iniquity in our iiearts ; for if we do, thou wilt not hear us. May we pray^^nujgdth,^^^ J^^ doubt thy power or will to as^^e all iirflo ^^ ;»■' v'^. :e .■■'■■ ^j Q6 WEDNESDAY EVENING. come to thee by Jesus Christ. O help us to come to thee in his Natae, and to plead the atonemeiit' of his precious blood. In all our prayers may we rely on his gracious mediation, and trust in his all-prevailing interce3sion. : May we pray without ftdnting, and have strength to pursue our heavenly course without weariness. Grant us to be more frequent and more earnest in our prayers; andbe thou graciously pleased tb answer thet% O Lord, according to the multitude oftjiy tender mercies; Pardon oiir sins ; and daily renew us, we beseech thee, after th^ image of Christ Jesus oiu* Lord. Sanctify our hearts, and satisfy our souls with thy miercy. • But whilst we pray for ourselves^ let us never be unmindful of others. Look down, O Lord, on our dear relations an friends, and visit them with thy salvation. May it be their privilege to know thee, and their blessedness to rejoice in thee. " Comfort and succour all them who in this transitory life are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or ^any other adversi ty.^* ^ / 4 Ikujk. H^/-"' ^>fl?.fi|i; .A'' 4 ■« . WlBDNESt>AY EVENING* ^7 Bless bxir ^ueen and otxr coulltr3^ Pour out upon us the spirit of repentatice and reformation. Grant us to be a people fearing thee and workUig righteousness. / Send forth the riches of thy ffra^e, and make known to all naticms the saving power of thy word. . May the veil be takeii away from the hearts of thine ancient people, and may they at length acknowledge their long-neglected Mes- siah« Let all the ends of the eMl^h see the salvation oftMir God, and rejoice in Jesus our exalted Prince and Saviour. Finally, Lord, we bless thee for all thy goodness to us; and we beseech thee still to preserve and keep us from all evil. By nigkt and by day may we be under the continual protiction of thy godd providence. Extend thy love to us and thy care over us this night; s^ give us grace to pray to thee i?#hcmt ceasiiig, till we are called to praise thee for ever in heaven; through Jesus Christy bur blessed Lord and Saviour, ^i^en. i^QuT Father, &c. The gra<5^^^&^^ ■ " '-• *ar aiJjim 4' C28] . .1, . . THtTBSDAY MOBN ING. • >'■ /^LORIQUS Jeliovah, give us sucn a sense of thy majesty and of thy niefcy, as shall fill us with deep humility, j^^ Thou art hoty, but wefare vile by nature' iend by practice. Lord have mercy upon idusi; and for GhristV sake pardon our ; sins, and make clean our hearts within us. Give us grace to watch against the first motions of sin in the heart, and stretigthei^ us to suppress and overcome Asi^t ra 1^ t% grace to watch over oiir thoughts, words, and works. May We hate vain'thc«ights, and daily become ' iiiore spiritual^^ i^^ heavenly-minded. Help Us to keiep our toilgues as it were with fiblidle. May we be slow to speak, slow to wrath* Save us, G Lord/ from a contentious spirit, and grant that we may spedk evil of no inan^ Suflfer us ^t by ivord or deed to grieve thy bles- s^ Spirit, OP dishonour o^ Christian naftie. Grant lis to liye m the daily exercise of that p^ - .' ) f r TMURSDAY MOllNlNd. !29 i ;■■-■ dpm whicli Cometh down from above* May we shew forth our wisdom in re- fraining our lips from everjr evil word, and our feet from every evil way. Let us carefully watch the principle, and mark the end of our actions. May love to Christ be the principle, and his glory the end, of all that we ^o." Help us, O God of our salvation, to mortify and subdue the pride and sensu* ality of our hearts. Deliver us from self-seeking and self-pleasing. Grant ihat we may be humble in prosperity, and padbnt in advers ity. Hs^e us willing to be last of aUj or^tlS^servant^ of all, so that thou in all things mayest be glorified. We beseech thee, Q Lord, to bless and defend our Queen and our country. Continue to us'the pure light of thy holy Gospel. Let there be peace and trutn in our day : yea, let truth and justice, religion and piety, bq establishf^^ among us for all generations. Bless all iijpks and degrees of men. Make the poor rich in faith, and the rich poor in spirS. Bless and prosper abundantly tlie uiinis-^ 80 THURSDAY MORNING, ters of thy holy word. Bless them in a. their own souls, and grant them to he a blessing to the souls of others. Send forth the messengers of thy grace to all nations, and fill the earth with the know- • ledge and love of Christ our Saviour. We praise thee, O Lord, for thy pre- sl^rving care, which hath been over us the present moment. We bless thee fbit the mercies of the past night, and forV thy goodness to us this morning. GivV us grace to begin and end every day wth prayer and praise; and, vile as we We, and unworthy of the least of all thy mercies, O do thou bless us, and accept u^ in Jesus Christ, our only MecUator\^ Redeemer; who hatn taught us tc^pray, saym OurFatheri ■&c. ■ ■ -; ;■ ■ x. ■ •■• ; ■ ■ ■ ; ' '/^ ■;■■:;■■ '■'-' ' --J: God the Father, God'the Son, God the Holy Ghost, Mess, preserve, and keep us: the I^rdjapm;ifidly with M^^^ favour look upon us, and so fill us with^^^^ a]l spiritual benediction and grace, that we may so live in this life^ in the vtoM: to come we may have life everlast* ing. Amen. A i /. Xv / /' % \ £51] .^ i /. id is at le /. / /'-■ THXJKSDAY EVENING. T^yE praise thee, O Lord, for all thy ■ mercies to iw this day. Thou daily pourest out thy benefits upon us. Blessed be thy Ifeme, O thou God of our salvation. May we derive all our joy and pea<5e from ttiee. wid find aU our comfort and happiness in living to thee. Establish, we pray thee, thait kingdom withm us wHch is righteous^ ness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. In this dying world may our faith be in Christ, the Resurrection and the Life. In this changing worlds may we never be moved away from the bles- sed hope of the Gospel. L^t not our faith be overthrown; let not\ our hoper sink in despair ; let not our love fidl : but may they be firmly fixed on Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day and for ever.. :^^--;-;.:;; ■ :■■;/:... ■ \-^ ,/'' iLead us in the narrow path of eternal life, and uphold our goings, that our fbgteteps slip not.^ E uab^ us s o4a^agp through this world of sin exii 32 THURsbAY EVENINGV^ ^ that we may at last reaoh ihe heavenly Canaan* O bring us to that rest which remaineth for the people of God. Whilst we live may we hve unto thee, O Lord jv and when we die may we die unto thee. Bless ns, Lord, as a family. For- giveus all our sins, and subdue in ui every unholy temper and dispositio^ Mar welso dwell in love, that thou, the God of love iand peace, mayest be with us. Bless our cfoar friends. Forgive our enemies, and turn their hearts j and give us grace freely to forgive them, even as we hope to Vbe forgiven. Let the same mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus. Give us grace so to learn 01 Him, who was meek and lowly in heart, that we mav find rest to our souls in his mercy and love. Be gracious and favourable, O Lord, to our country. Let thy providence be ow defence, and thy presence our glory. Give to all who are in authori^ wisdom and courage to use it to the honour of thy Name, and the welfare of thbse^ivhom Aoaha g t put in su bj ec t io n u nder th em. (jrrant » • ., ' . . ■. .,■■ ;'-v ■_ ■ i ;.' r ' .'^ •"# iff' .«,■ I i? % I THURSDAY EVilNlNO. 33 trust, grace to be faithful to the public interest. - : Bless and prosper tliy holy Church universal, and especially that part of it to which we belong. Increase the number -rof thy faithful ^people, and make them fruitful in every good, word and work. Keep us mindful, O Lord, that the end of all things is at hand. Let us not be weary in well-doing, but may we be sober, and watch unto prayer. May we lie down this night reposing our souls and bodies upon thy mercy and love, O God our Saviour. And when our day of grace is ended, then as faithful servants may we enter into the JOT of our Lord, and rejoice in the glory of our blessed and exalted Redeemer; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed everlasting praise. Amen. Our Father, &c. God the Father, God the Son, &c T:\ ;^, ■;:.;;■/ 5:/::;.:, C84 3 ■:/•>:.■■>;•: ':;:■:.; •FRIDAY MOHKm G. r\ THOU ever-blessed and glorious Jehovah, we are unworthy to come into thy presence ; we are unworthy to call upon thy Name ; we deserve nothing but thy wrath. But with thee, O Lorc^ there is mercy, and with thee is plenteous . Redemption. Save, Lord, or we perish* Oh cast us not away from thy presence. Incline thy ear, and hear us. Grant unto us pardon and peace, that we may serve thee with a quiet mind. ^' t Teach us thy ways, O Lord, and eii-y able us to walk in thy truth. ..iGive us grace to delight in thy law, which is Holy, just, and good. May we be fol- lowers of thee,. O God, as dear chi|ldren ; 'and walk in love, as Christ also loved ^ us, and gave himself for us. Prepare ^^8 for the duties and trials we may be called to, for we know not what, a day may bring forth. Let thy wisdom guide us, and thy power uphold and strengthen ■-..us. Give us not up to the sinful desires of our hearts, neither leav^us to^JSllow our !\ y I ^.: ;.-"-,j|iv y 4 » >'■ FttlDAY MORNING. " " ' - 35 vain imaginations. Suffer not tlie ene- mies of our peace and salvation to prevail against us. But grant that we, walking in thy fear, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, may enjoy that peace whjidi passeth understanding, and which the world can neither give nor take away. Living in a world of sin and sorrow, we bless thee, O Lord, for all thv ser- vants departed this life in thy faith and ^ fear. Give us grace to follow them, who' through faith and patience now inherit the promises. Help us so to fight the good fight of faith that we may lay hold on eternal life. .Regard with thy favour and blessing our dear relations and fi^end^ May /ttiey all partake of thy grace hefe, and of everlasting glory hereafter/ Be merciful to thy church and people, and grant that, however dispersed or distressed, they may all be united and comforted together in Christ. Supply the wants of all who believe in his Name, and are devoted to his seHrvice^ In all time of their tribulation, good Lord» deliver them. J.-. ^^ 36 FRIDAY MORNING.' «r- Bless the ministers of the Gospel^ — all who preach Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life. Add to their number, and incre£|.SQ their faithfulness and zeal. May they speak the truth in love ; and give theinselves continually to pr^er, and to the ministry of the word. Bless, ^acious God, our country, our Queen, and all whom, thy providence hath set dyer us, whether in Church or St^te y aiid may thi^ be our holy deter- imnation,lWewiU serve tfie Lord, and obey every/ ordinance of inan for the LonTs sake. ^ Accept lour praises, O Lord, for every blessing we enjoy. May thy mercies draw our hearts toward thee in gratitude, and miitelthem to thee in love. " PinUly, we beseech thoe to bless us when we he down and wh6n we rise up; and to bless us in our going out and coming in, from thjs time forth f(w evermore : through Jesus Christ our Saviour; in whose holy nsune and words wfe further pray, saying, Our Fathei% &c. The Lo rd bless us and l^e^ma ; j-he ■ i l^A Lord make his face to shine upon us. -'.«-' ■ FRIDAY EVENING. 37 and be gracious unto us ; the Lord lift up his countenance upon us, and give us peace, both now and evermore. Amen. « FHIDAY EVENING. o l^i LORD God of our salvation, frbm whom alone all good things do pro- ceed, we beseech thee to supply all our wants out of thy fulness, and of thy tender mercy to pardon all our sins. Gur sins are many and great: O Lcflpd, forgive .thein. Our mercies are ininum**rable and undeserved : O make us truly thankful for them. We live upon thy bountiful grace md mercy : enable us, we beg^ecn thee, to live to illy honour smdglory.^^^^^ love of tflee take full possession oi our hearts, and be manifested in our lives. • Give us grace to walk before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days. May we serve thee with a -perfect h^art,fim(i^dthawiUingmind. Laying aside every weight, witb^e siri that dot]bi ^ mosr easily beset us, may we run witM?^ 38 FHIDAY EVENING. Eatience the race that is set before us, )oking unto Jesus, the Author and Fi- nisher of our faith, * God our Saviour, thou that givest strength unto thy people, let us not faint 6r be weary in our mhids ; but do thou comfort and support us, that we may stedfastly endure unto the end. Whilst some are departing fr^ give us grace to cleave to thee with full purpose of heart ; that, being faithM unto death, we may receive the crown of glory which fisideth not away. Save tis, O God, from those covetous desires which pierce the soul with many sorrows; and m)m that lovf of the world by which so many are enslaved to its pkasures. Turn away our eyes from bieholding van%, and quicken thou us in thy way. ^ Grant us' to be spirituallji minded, which is life and peace. Incline us to seek the glory of His Name, whose tender m^y*sought the salvation of bur souls j and may the care of oiir souls be the chief concero of our liv es. Oh that eac h of us may say in #f 'y> truth, of thy belov^ Son, He i^ my be- Friday EVENiNG. 39 %■ \ toved Saviour. May it be manifest to us, that we are accepted of God the Father, and redeemed of God the. Son/ by being sanctified of God >the HolV :Qhost.:--jv;--;-;::'-:^ Let the close of thi$ and evei^ day remind us that aU things are coimng toi an end^ As good servants of CJirist, our blessed Lord and Master, ihay we tweT always looking for his^ coming. " Grstili th9,t it may & our blessediiess to be found watching, and our reward to enter into the joy of our Lord,/ Save us in the hour of death; aiid /in the day of judgment, good Lord, deMver us. Give thy blessing O / Lord, to our Queen, arid let it rest al^undantly on our country* Be gracious/to^^o dear rela- ti(ms and Mends, and make them to be numbered with thy saints in glory ever«^ To thy fatherly care we now commend ourselves. May we always abide under the shadow of thy wii^s, and know to our peace and joy the God in whom we' believe. And siiould we arise in th e mdming, to enter again on the duties of *f--- 'W^ 40 SATURDAY MOttNlNOi this life, may /thy fear and love dwell in our hearts and influence all our doings. May thy grace and mercy preserve us from every evxl^ and enable us so to pass through things temporal, that we finally lofee not the things eternal. We ask all in thy name, and^r thy sake, O blessed Jesus, who art ever wcnihy, with the^^^F^ Hohr Spirit, to receive equal honour apd end- le98 praii^e; and who hast graciously taught^ us to pray; sayings Our Father, J^^^ ^ llie I^rd Hess us jM &c. *^ / "D IJESSED Lord, tlnr mercies are new every maming.'^ (5 help u^ to praise thee fcHP thy faithfultiess and truth. • ' Preserved by thy goodness and m^rcy to the h^innmg of ihis Aay, vre liess thee for mys^e of us during the -night* We;praise thee for all thy inerci efiy teifl^- 'poral ai^djipiritiial, known aiid unknown. I SATURDAY JMORNING. 41 > * Gracious God, we are apt to ibrget thee, ^ and prone to depart from thee. Hence- forth enable us to set thee always before, us ; ^nd whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever^we do, to do all to thy glory; . We beseech thee, O Lord, to pardoii all our sin^; cleanse us from their guilt, and deliver us from their power. Shew unto us more of the vanity of the world, the evil of sin, the worth of our soulsj the glory of Christ, and the beauty of hojin^s; » May; ifey blessed word be our rule, and iilff Holy Si«rit Guardian and Guide, in all our ways. Let us never follow the multitude to. do evil. May we frequently pnd seriously inquire what are we dcuiig, and whither are we going? Make us careful to abstsmi from all ap- peai^ance o^evil, tlmi t^^ ways of truth ^ and holines^ may not be spoken against. O may it bfe pur study to adorii the doe- trine of Gbd our Saviour in all tlnpgs. ' May wi^be ^pealbus for the honoiir $nd - I glwy of his Name. Let us never iBtel cold or indifferent to the cause of X^hrfet and his Gospel ; but iri^ our hearts 4S SATUttDAy MORKINO. burn within us to spread abroad the knowledge of His love who died that we miffht Bve, and who now ever livethtp ni^e:intiBreession for us. r v t ; O let the earth be filled with the knowledge our Lord and Saviour Jesiis Christ. Blessed Jesus, seek and save the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and bring the fulness of the Gen. tiles mtp thy fold^ Xead into the way of truth those who are waiidering from k|andkeepjthy people, Ol^ord, stedfast in[ the fiwth, and hope, and love ^^^^^o Gospel ; and that they may persevere unto the end, grant them grace to take heed lest they faU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bless and assist thy ministers this day in ineditating on thy 1^^ To-morrow 01^ go fbrth in Jliy sU^^ a&> > ; Create and cherish in our souls, a hungering and thirsting after righteous- ness! By faith, with thanksgiving, may., .we daUy feed upon the true Bread which came down from heaven. May the , Holy Spirit be in us as a well of water, sprinriiig up unto everlasting lite, m holy desires and heavenly aflfections. Grant, Lord, that we may never ; thirst alter the riches or the pleasures ot the world; neither let us be oVer^ar^ with its cares, lest that day of Chnst s tppearing to judge the world come upon us when we look not for it \, ■ . Keep us in safety, we beseech thee, tbw night; and should we see the.hght. of another Sabbath, help us, O Lord, ta tleny ourselves all tunnecessary sleep md self-indulgence. Give us grace and strength to rise up eaily in the morning. Early in the morning may we direct our prayers and praises unto tbee, and Ipok up to the throne of thy grace in.hamble / ' I ^^ ^^ t ■/■■ 'ir' - - • ' "it ■ ■ ' ' ' • ■ .' ' • ' > 't '' , fl^^uRDAY , evb;nii^o^^:;\:^^ 4.5, . expectatiariof thy mercy/ May ^^^^^^ deem > from our beds some porUpn of time for prayer and praise, that m^ souls may prosper and be in health,^ |^^^ ^ Prepare us for the sabred dutiesi <^ the ^Sabbath. Visit our souls, when^^ we awake, with the light of thy heaveu^ grace; May we arise strengthened aiid refreshed for thy service. Draw out our desires after thee, and raise our affec- tious to thee; In private devotion, in family prayer, and in public worship, . may we enjoy communion with thee,^^ O ' God, arid knove tl^-love to our souls, who art gracious arid full of compassion. ^ Bless tby ministers, and crown their labours vnth succe^. Give them wis- dom as well as zejaL Fill them with love, and clothe them with humility. Bless and defend thy church. Stir Ht^ thy faithful people, O Lord, to pray for her peace, and to labour for her prosperity. May ail who namc^ the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Grive to those who profess to abide m him, grace to walk even as he/ walkedr *K.*'^WJP'^ » 49; /. SATURDAY £y£NlND. ;t^:.., May our whole life be a life of faith and obedience to Christ, the Son of God. And now, graciou^ Lord, for all thy patience with us, thy ca^ over us, and thy continual mercies to us, blessed be thy holy Name for ever .and ever: through Jesus Ghris^ our only Medi- ator and Redeemer. V Our Father, &c. May graccr mercv, and peace, &c. « ' 4 >Pi i-S * » !* /*-.. ; , • I ■* -i 1 ' ■ 1 . \ .4'' . ' ■ •' ' r' [47] i I 6 i- "'■ '■'^ /^. A PRAYER BEFOBfi RECEIVING THE LORD'S SUPPER. GUACtOUS LoBD, table; may I go I am now invited to thy to it with a broken and a contrite heart. O blessed Jesus, mity I look upon thee, whom my sin^ have pierced, and mourn. Grant to me pardon and^ peace, through the atonement of thy precious bloSd. Cleanse me from my sins, and clothe me witlvahy righteousness. And while I feel my guilt as a sinner, grant me, O thou crucified Sa- viour, to rejoice in thy mercy. Increase my Wh io thee, and dli my soul with love to thee. b (Let the bread, which I hope to receive, rempd me of thy bodyi which was broken for our sins, and bruised for our iniquities ; and may I feed on thee in my heart by faith,. with thanksgiving, May the wine bring to my remembrance thy'precious blood, which cleanseth 'fh>m all sin, and which was shed to make reconciliation for iniquity. May I receive it with thankfulness, and be filled with all joy and peace in believing, and abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost May I do all in remembrance of thee, O Lord J^sus, and in obedience to thy .word. thou Lamb of God, that madest peace . by the blood of thy cross, speak peace to my soul^ and be thou graciously pleased to manifest thyself unto me as thou dost not unto thi world, •|J^ay I return from thy tabte,J0f Lord, strengthenei ajS refreshed for thy holy and Jblessed service. Didst thou die for me? oh let me live to thee^ Give me grace to deny mys e lf, to take up my cross, and to follow the e . 1^ Bdoght with a price which angels cannot reckon, may ify thee both ip my body and in my spirit, which 48 AijTEIl THE lord's supper, are thine. Help me to crucify the flesh, nith iti af- fection! and lusti. Grant me to be more meek and lowly in heai:t, and to be more spiritually minded, which is life and peace. Pitifully behold the sorrows of those who are fllled with groundless fears lest they should eat and drink QDWorthily. Comfort those whom Satan would drive to despair; and give rest to all who are weary and heavy laden With sin. Convince of their, guilt and misery those who will not come to the feast which thou hast prepared ; and have meircy upon those who may presume to come without that preparation of heart which is from thee. Shew them their danger, whether they are madly living in sin, or vainly trusting in their own righteousness. But, leaving the souls of others to thy righteou4 judgment, O thou Divine Saviour, who knowest what is in man, help me to judge, and try, and examine my- aelf, whether I be in the faith. And when the tares shall no longer grow together with the wheat, then may thy holy angels gather me, with all thy redeemed, into thy kingdom, to rejoice in thy love, and to praise thy Name, for ever and ever. Amen, ^. , A PRAYER ^ AFTER RECEIVING THE LORD'S SUPPER. 'ELiP me, O blessed Jesus, to meditate on thy love. Let it inspire my heart and influence my l\iX. Give me grace now to renew that surrender of myself to thee, which I made at thy table, and in the pfietence of thy people, het thy love in dying for me coDitndn me to liye more and more to thy glory. May I fed thoae infinite obligations by which I am bound m '#'. f: I I f^ •4 '" i tm' §'' :■: t ^ AFTER THE LOIID 8 UVVVEU, 49 » . ; I ■ .1 : I*' t i t-" i a .# to lore and serve thee. Redeemed, not with corrup- tible things, as silver and gold, but with thy precipua blood, oh may I keep back nothing from thee, bat devote myself, and all that I have, unto thee. Help me to give thee my heart ; and do thou sanctify and cleanse it, to the glory of thy Name. O merciful Saviour, I praise thee for thy dying love, which has been brought to my remembrance this day. If any godly sorrow, if any lively faith, were excited, not unto me, O Lord, not unto me, but unto thy Name, be all the glory. Cherish every holy desire and pur- pose of heart to do thy will^ God : let them not be as the morning cloud or the early dew, which passeth away; but confirm and strengthen that which thcNi hast wrought in me. Or afl in my heart the Im^ji thy name ; increase in me true religion ; nouris^m with all goodness ; and of thy great mercy keep me iu the same. ?; r And forasmuch as without thee I am not i^le to please thee, mercifully grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule my heart. May I so hold communion with thee, my Saviour and my God, as to increase in my love and likeness to thee. Grant that I may daily become more meet for that blessed world, where I shall no more desiri such pledges of |hy love, or want such memorials of thy ^grace, but shall see thee face to face, and be filled with everlasting won- der, love, and praise. ^^ May all who have waited upon thee this dayvimd their spiritual strength renewed. Comfort and succour those who may be called in any way to suffer for tfay truth. . May they atedfattly look up to heaven, and by faith behold the glory tlwt shall be reveded. 14 .'•t' // 50 FOR THE church; Ks:> And now^ Lord, what wait I for ? truly my hope Is in thee. O flll me with thy grace and,heavenly bene- diction, for sweet is thy mercy. Apd when thou shalt eonie to be glorified in thy saints, and to be admired in 'all them that believe, then may I sit. down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, at thy marriage supper, O thou Son of God, and love and adore thee who art the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen* ■iV^ ■■.../ ■■ ^' '"'■..;■■■■'■ .'.'fob THE' ^INCREASE AND PROSPERITY OP CHRISTS CHURCH AND KINGDOM. ']^ humbly beseech thee, O heavenly Father, to bless and prosper the word of thy grace. Send ibrth thy. light and thy truth to all nations. Hasten the fulfilment of all that thou htfst promised concern* kig the glory of thy dear Son, and extend his kingdom over all the earth. Let him be the Light of the Gen* tiles, and the Glory of thy people Israel. Lord, we plead the glory of thy great Name, the truth of thy promises, and the happiness of thy creatures ;. and beseech thee to give thy Son the Heathen for his in- ( heritance) andjhe uttermost parts of the earth for his possession, ^rise, O God, and plead thine own cause. Have respect unto the coveiiant of grace and mercy, fqtfthe dark places of the earth are full of the habita- tions of cruelty. How long shall the prince of dark- nessrmMirp the promised inheritance of thy beloyed /hrist our Saviour R let the throne of '/ijbe Redeemer be established on the ruins of Satan*8 . singdom. ^^^uU down the strong-holds of Antichrist ; >^|l^ .ccmmM ftll nations, making them obedient to the ^Uhh-^ihe Goepel. ^v- Ik # -v^ •% FOR THE CHURCH. 61 • And while me thus pray, we also blesa thee, O Lord, for the general desire thou hast created to spread the word of thy truth and righteousness, throughout the world. Lord, increase it, we beseech thee, a hundred 'fold. Give thy blessing to all the Societies, in this and in other nations, which have for their object thy glory and the salvation of man. Guide the minds of those who conduct their affairs. In all their trials and difficulties comfort and support them. Regard, we beseech thee, with thy most gracious favour, all the Ministers of thy Gospel, and especially those who are preaching to the poor Heathen the unr searchable richeslof Christ. Water both them and ; their labours with the continual dew of thy henieni^ blessing. Send forth the messengers of thy mjjgiff' with the good tidings of salvation ; and prepaiSni^ way before them, ^ay every valley be exalted, and every hill made low; may the crooked ways be made straight, and the rough places plain; that thy word id. all nations may have free course anh be glorified. May all Christian Missionaries be chosen vessels to bear thy name unto the Gentiles. Bless them with health of body and peace of mind. Preserve them pure in doctrine and holy in life. Grant that they may never lose that first love which constrained them for thy Name's sake to leave their country, and all that was near and dear unto them. Give them grace to be faithful unto death, that the^ may receive the crown of life. May thy Gospel tie so preached by them, that it may drop as the rain and distil as the dew : may it come down as rain upon the mown grass, as showers that water the earth* May the wilderness be glad, and the desert rejoice and blossom as the- tpse; may it blossom abundantly, and rejoice^ ev^ ^ '17?'^ 52 FOR THE CHURCH. with joy and singing. Let thy word never return unto thee void, but prosper, and accomplish thy purposes of grace and mercy to a lost and ruined world. May •lliiationssee the glory of the Lord and the excel* lency of our God, and be filled with holiness, peace, .•odloye.; V. Look down, O Lord, with tender compassion on ^ine ancient people the Jews, and receive them again to the arms of thy mercy. O pity the seed of Abra- ham thy servant, and thechildren of Jacob thy chosen. liook not to their stubbornness, nor to their iniquity,^ nor to their sin ; but remember Abraham, and Isaac, •od Jacob, thy servants; and hasten in these latter l^jni the fulfilment of all the glory thou hast promised Wwael thy4>eop1e. Take away the veil from off their liearta : grant tbein to know tnat. Jesu^ Christ is their ^e Messiah, and ' that he came to visit and redeem hit people. Save them from that unbelief and hard- nesp of heart which have brought such guilt and misery upon them ; and give them faith so to believe in Jesus, that they may say, 'Smrely he hath borne otcr griefs and carried our sorro^i^ fT^ did esteem him smitten bf Cod and afiUcted; but he was wounded for our transgressions,' he was bruised for ot^r iniquities, and by his stripes tor are healed.* O IH them not abide in unbelief, but bring theni into thy church, O Lord God of Israel, to the glory of thy Name, who only doest wonderous things. ^ We bese^ch^thee to pour out Chy Spirit, to give light and life to all who are dead in sin. It is not by. any human wisdom or power that the nations of the earth can ]^ converted onto thee; but by thy Spirit, O ^d. Stir up thy faithful people to pray for the gifl #f l^eiloly Ghost, In i^l his mighty power ; and do ^% i'*^^ :■ /» S' f>ii .> ^**. J ,■: ;f THE child's second PRAYER. 5d thou hear aod answer their Bupplications. Send down from above a more abundant measure of his Divine influence, to canrjr on the great work of salvation ; that the bledsed Redeemer may see of the travail of bis soul and be satisfied. O let the earth be speedily filled with^His glory, whose Name is above every name; to whom, with thee, Father, and the Holy Spirit, be ascribecLiMs most due, everlasting dominion and praise. Amtmkd Amen, > Xm THE CHILD'S SECOND PRAYER. OLORD^ bless me, and put thy fear and love into my heartc May I ldways»speak Jhe truth, and felir a lie. .^ Bless me in my learning, Ma^ it be my > delight to read thy holji word, and to ^o^lflfep*^^ will. Bless my dear father and mother,* ^Ppwnt that I may be a comfort and a blessing to them^ May I always love them, and mind what they say to me. -Give them grace to train me up in the way that I should gp; and may I never depart frpm it. Blessf my dear brothers and sisters :* may we be f ^ry kind to each other,^ and dwell together in'^peace and love. Preserve and keep us this day [night] from all eviU Forgive us our sins; subdue our eVil tempers,, and make us holy ; that, when we die, we may go to heaven, and be with Jesus Christ; our blessed Iiord and Sa- viour. Amen* Our Father, &c. ^ . W G&ACE BEFORE MEAI^.. fLEftSli U8, O Lord, Jo what we are going to 're- ^ye, and make us' tritly •tbaqkful : fo.r Jesua il** sake. Afnen. ''■■'^■■:-:'^-'-'-'^:.-^-^''^tf'-'v-''- i] Bless us, O t^r^t in what we are going to r^eive; MQ^ give us grape to enjidye^eiy thing in. thee, and. * ,-^ thee in every thin^^ :. fer Jesui , Christ* s sake. ^meiLf i a With thy fenew^edVaercies, O liord, give us il re- V oewed senseof thy lomriti J^hem: and,^hetner we ^t, or dripk, or whatsoe verwe do, may we ; do idl to thy j^ory : through Jesits Christ. Amm^ y • * :^': ii; • , GRACE AFTER MEALS. ^we praise thee for all thy mercies,-thr6ugh !hrist our Saviour. ^Amen,' God, may the food whidh we have received ' . attiMil^en ou^' bo^es^ and inay thy Holy Spirit J Ijitreiijgtheti and refrei^ our soiiU: through Jesus Blf^M^ Loifl, as we liv^ continually upon thy „Jx>on^, fK^ln^y.Ve always live^ to thy glory : through tJ4i#