mv.^ K:' . /^ :■ y^~ I . / . IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) \ % f . • I 1.0 KB* m lit Ml ' Vi- « Ufi 12.0 M V J .V ^n . % '"*•>(■' -^T ^^ ^^' <^ "V 4^ (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the aymbol ▼ (maeniji|gj'iNP"). vvhichever appliea. Mi)gia. platae. charta. etc.. may be filmed et different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one wpoeuae are filmed beginning in the upper left hjMid comer, left to right and top to bottom . aa many framea aa required. The following diagrama iiluatrate the method: \. v 1 • 2 / ■ 3 • \ « V m, TTT Let imeget suivantea ont At* reprpduttet avac la plus grartd aoin. compte tenu de. la condition at da la nettetA de re>empiaira fllmAt et %t\ - conformltA avac lea cbhditiona du contrat da filmager • o ■■.■-.'.■ • . ■ • ■ ■* T Lea exempleirea qrigihaux dbnt le couvertura. an papier eat ImprimAa aontfilmA* •» commandant parlia premier plot et en temnlnant aoit par lA demiAre page qui comporte tine emprainta d'impreaalon dfi dllluatration. aoit pfr le tocond plat, aelon le eaa. Toua lea autrea aKemplairat originaux aoht fUmAa en commen^ant par la premlAre page qui comporte m"* empreinte dimpreaaion ou d'llluatration et en terminant par. la denilAre pege qui comporte une telle empreinte; ■ \ .. 7 '': ■ ■ •■.. ■ ■ ■ :■■■ '/^' : : Un dee avmbolea suivanta apparettra auria demiAre Imege de cheque miferoficHe. aaloh le cat: la aymbole -^ algnifia "A 8UIVRE ". le syrnbole ▼ algnifia "FIN". * - V;,. ' ■ ■ . • Lea eitatea. planchea. tableeux, etc.. peuvent Atre fiimAa A dea taux de rAductlon difffArents. Loraque la document eet trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un aeul clichA. 11 eat f ilmA A pqrtir da I'angia supArieur geuche, de gauche A drbita. et de haut en baa. en prenent le nombre d'imegea nAcaaaaire. Lea diagrammes tuivanft ^ iliuatrent la mAthoda. t % «rMt »9f fortern Kaaiiiiijt< « OF A a. . . / SIX-WHEELED T H I R D CLASS '«. CARRIAGE. . * ' • . '■ -C' # * ^ 1 ' ~-Ji^- -^+_ _'>A...i; 1 .' f . .. ■ / I-. . r V . ■'■ ■\ ■A • :'W » b '\ ■ f « ) ! ' *- V % \ ■ .>:■• *'■., 'I- I ;^ v.. -^*- \ i; ■ ■ ^■■ i^v$»i Wmuvn •*.- SPECIFICATION or A . , Six-wheeled Third Class Carriage^ (■ Six compartments for fourteen l*assengof Compartments. h.--' Fo'ir ol ilic pii'^i ii'cr /cmpartnu-nts to be 4-ft. 1-iii. from ceiitre to ccmre of tlie division Jill. ts. l\w ceiitro eompuri- menl. forli.e Cunr.l's Pox. ol lor p;.ssini:frsi to \^e 3-ft.'from centre 10 centre of partitions. Tbe end p,.ssen;er compurt- n enis lo It' -f-fi. OJ-in, ciiil/fiAii ocnire ofpartition? tooiitsidc of ends. tesciiption and quality of Materials. The bolloni and loi sides ,ind botkom mA frames, butter planks and floor lieiirers, to be of Meni.l cak. Ien"lli. Tlii»toiir c.rner |/ to be or';l^l» oak. Tbe door pillars, stiindini; pillars, and oilier frannu-. I., be i^l" Tbe'tiKif. ^ealsanl/|illlilll>lll>(.ar.^s lo be of Anieri«an yellow pnie (the roof boards to be in one It niilli) Tlif ...^ l)o,.rils lo be of red dia/, Oin. wide, tlie upper panels to be of papier niSclie, llie lo.\er "().imcIs lo be of plate iron weiuliin.: 4-lbs per sii] e|fui,il fool. ^ .' ■ . Bottom Frame and FI<|or. * • /' Tliuf)iilioi,, siililninis lo be :!-in diep by 7-nT* wide ai llie top, 1>evell/(l olf lo ihe sweep ot tlu' st;indiM; pillars. i?4iil.s in llnn/l f ibe 'bois lo ^bHl aiaasl. and lor rneivins: ibe lli or boards, assb.wn. \ Tbe botloii. eni Irnri is lo I e 3,in. iiiep by 7-iii. wide, rebated lo lereive ibe, floor boards, and nipiliced (or tlie \,. iipri'.;lit end rraiiiiiiL; Tbe bntli'iii SI wroiiiitil iron angle pi lit sunk fliisli oiilside. us and endsio be framed totreibcr, aS sWewn, and seeureil by stroiitr wroujibi iron knees inside and a- =« / Tlie floor /ear MS lo be 3-ia. by l.J-in., n orticed into Ibe side frames wilb barefaced tenons, tbe slioiildijrs cut bevel .millet iniolln lips if tbe niortici's, aecordin;i lo llie detail drawing. , Trimniinc In-arers, ;f-in. bv 1-Jin , parallel wilb tlie sidcTtames. to be tormed beUveeii ibe olliers at each'wlieel. lo suppoil Ibe floor wl.eie eiii a«a\ lor ilie wlieel cases, and under each butfer plunk bracket, llie wheels to be 0-ft. 2-in. aparf centres. The floorin- lo be in two ibieknesscs of J-in. re.l deal, laid crossini: each oilier at an .lunle of 4;-)-de^. with the sides. The boirils to be kepi flusli wiili tlitftop of the side frames, and cut to fit clowlv round tlie wlieel cases. Tlie whole to be closely screwed tpgclber and to ■ibe iLor Iwarers and rebates. Side pievation. The four corner pillars to be 4-in. squaro.^*evSlled to the sweep of Ijic boily. and cut under a8_ shewn for the lap of the panels, tenoned into the Uiltom f, ames and' itrengthened by a strong wroucht iron knee firmly bolted on each side at top and bottom ; the internal corners to be chamfered off from the lining boards. The standing pillars and door pillars to be slraioht from the roof lo the elbow rails, then swept under aj-in. Uebatei to be formed tV.r the doors to shut against, as shewn. ^The tenon, to have screws through the shoulders to strengthen them, and wrought iron knees bolted to them and to the bottom and top sides and buffer planks. The elbow rails and diagonal braces to be cut to the form shewn. »nd iliorticed into the standing pillars and top side , ,^ ••: frames. All the joints to be strongly screwed and accurately fitted.^ The toj side frame* to be cut to the sweep sbewti on the plan, with rebates for the tops of the doors, mortices for the door aud middle standing pillars and diagonal braces, and notches forlhe elbow rails and roof sticks. '' ■ / A . . „■ .'I. . ■ "" ■ ":./■■ . ■■'.■■- a ,. ■ . . • •■ ■ ' (.■:.■ V ■ ■ ■ ; . • ■ . J ■■ ■■ . / ■ , ■■■■■ - ■ !'■' • • . ■■ ■ ■■^'' l> ■ . • ' .'•. ■ ■■■ ; ■ ■ ■■■■"■ ,; ■■: • --iTTPr- . "■■■ -- ■-;■- - , - :•■■■•■ ■ '■ •■■-■■ ^.^ '. .•■.'■■'■- -T-^-'^T"- •-.;;■-■?• .::-■-; - . ..;, // / ,.:'n n •n framet to T lower pan bottom ti at ihewr < T to be tal flush aa.nXJe7i^eAooTt, ami belw'een the door, and enJ. for both, lapping each other at the elbow.. S^TJn Sheading tol' fixed along the elbows at the lap amUlJ,!.? centre of the part.t.on.. a. .hewn. The upper panel, to be of even and »nnd .urface. and regular thickne*.. hard baked f'^'^ jf^^'^^JP'^Jil ■ h. ..ten Tn drivinir the pin., not to dan.nse the .urface. The pin. are not to be punched under the ,urface but left L^anSei off Sh so'i» to dispense with putty '• .topping." The lower p^peU to be fixed, wUh counter.unk .crew., the head, filed ofl .mooth and even and well " stopped. ' ^ End Elevation. \ / 'KrnllylK.Ued to the under frame^lnd under carr.aj;e frame, as shewn. Jhth'e side ,ranel's with a bras, bead over'lhe joints.Mn the centr.-. an.l across U.e end, at .I.e lap. ( Roof. ...^^^ The roof stickMo be 2kn|. bv i-in., cut to the proper sweep un.l Hut rounded underneath, notched .n the manner shown into Ihe lop side frames a>idslr»ngly screwed thereto. . T,, h„ r lin. to be ol J in board i.lou rhed, tontfued and bea.lo,! iusi.le, m sin-le Icn-ths, to be covered with good g,ueing^:ra:5::^li::ar!rSjoutiiUe.VMeh^^^^ The roof Cloths to b,. <.f an approve.l in one piece, well strained in laying, tuj^d^ under the eave. and fastened by the caves mo»ldm(; with screws. - carriage to have One roof lam,> let through the roof in the centre of the Guard's Box, w.lh a strong guard proWfctcr inside, as shewn. '' The roof sti.ks lo b< framed into trimmin,' pieces where cut away for. the lamp. AVi^du.t; to be fixed 'round ll.^p to the roof boards ms.-le. }• Partitions and Scats>Sf T,.e partitions l.tweeO the picnger com^.rtme.Us ^ :^^^^ ^:::^:^^ ^^ T^ ,nch thick -.roovcl and screwed nto a top ra,l S;.". « eq- y ^-;V;^^,^;X ,,"a/o ,he filS^^ l.oar.le.l. on be..rers ±ssr£:;.rScb^:r?i'b:^:j:ir;^.in!;;t.2f;:^ . Division fillets, n in. deep by , J-.n. «,ick. to be screwed to the seat, between the separate compartmen-s. as shew... A hollow pdlar to be fran.ed in the GuariTs Box for the break screw and handle. An opening to be cut .n .he floor for the break rods passing through, as shewn. '^ \ Trimmings. ' Stron.^ whUe lea.her stop straps, to be screwed to all .he doors, .nd pa. th.....h „ mor.iee in the sea.-prop the stamSiuK."^^^^^^^^^^^ '-"eniog. ,0 prevent the doors .rom too ,.r. Strong white lea.her gla.. strings, with cut ends, to be attached by bras, plates aftd .n.,bs to all the w...dows the second class and luggage compartments. 1 Mountings. . b1 platin^to be put on all the d.H,r..and bras, beading along the lap. of the upper panels of .he sides and ends and over the ioint. of the end panel., as shewn. fl , , . i ^1 commode and 1 handle., with .hieW nut inside. Private locks, with bra.,ns to the key holes, and Mde laiip irons. Roof lamp and lamp protector.. , .. , 8 Je, to be fixed to the .ide. of the carriage, as .hewn fot^ttachmg •■ station " label board.. Bra^ gla« string fastenert. / /' 1 „ I ;Y: ■./ v. ' •^«l •. ' ^, •■' except I fitlinis u| COBtl 7.il1 Iwii coal N / iKxIy vai picked < ruutu oi .rmiilals in^irllie . ,l„.ll h 1,1 this 1,1 llic liy ace , liv, red and if (tally 1 iletuil ■©• \- o 3'- ' ■ J -- > - ■- '' -J ■ '' '._ ■ ■-; V '■ , t 1 I J t '„ ■■ \ - t . X ^ f m2JW»^ \' ■•«» ' iViiiiHiij; uiid VarniHlnni?. ' .. The whole of ihe wood ""'» "J " ''^' J , , .y ^. p^,,|,. ^,,,1 (low., will. .^lm.»,i c..l„r. ... .m.v !»■ .hr. .i;^ coat, ol »i."""\7)f'V, !.,..,:„„..,■,. ..; ...I > o" .!.'■ .",.Mlr .lonr ,,..„.l vf tl,. coiro con,,,.,,,,,,,,.. ,., ^,o "l',! J.l U.-V.,. *nIjle.liro.n-ucl.. a»mayb.'|,r.rK.I. , (jeiitiiaHy. , , . ■ri.o wuoie ot .1.0 wc.k ..■ !.,■ N>. ; ; ;' v.^;; ; „„^,,, ,„„ ,■„ ,-,.ii .v..,,,!, .■,.-- *.„„ ..^1 ,„.,•„.,-. . ,1„>1I l, f..ll I'owor .o r.^ot M .. ... . -, l ■ n -, ^ .^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ |. ^1, ^^^ .^^^ . _^,^j ,^^^,, ^., ,, „„_, . ^-"i::;::;r:";i' '::;::-::::." ^l:-™ - *■! -' - - •" •»'"■'*"- ^" "^ ■'■'"'"t::M«"; '-■""-- " ....*.■..—;". I. ...».,-*-„. .. ..»..„..-, V «> I. FORM OF tender: o of do hereby eiig^age to construct and deliver Third Class Cuwiages accordii.g to the foregoing i^pecificatio.i.a"^ " / -s ■ . ■ . . • / ■'. .: '-'-■■ '.'.■-'. ': ' ■-':-,^- ■ •• ■ .-■■.' ■-..V- - -■ -*'"* •".' ■".•■'■": ' . .vW'. ■■■ ,• ■ - /•■■ / ■ , ■■■' • •': ■ • y ^^ — — ' — t — '-»■ '^.Z'y ' ~ -:■-<"'--'-■■■- 1 .---,-.-_),,,,--.-;■- ,~~...^^ „.^. .. , .. ^ ... . .-.., ...^ _^ . ..... '■ . ■ »