CAMPBELL'S Commercial Gazetteer AND Atlas: CONTAINING COMMERCIAL MAPS OF THE WORLD, NORTH AMERICA, DOMINION OF CANADA, ONTARIO, QUEBEC, MARITIME PROVINCES. AND THE UNITED STATES. WITH SECTIONAL MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES OF ONTARIO. ALSO A Comprehensive Index, other useful Tables, Staiisiics, and General In/ortna/ m, valuable to Canadian Merchants. TORONTO: THE OXFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1886. >*: Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six by the Oxford PuBLisHrNO Company of Toronto, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. ■ ADVERTISEMENT. Campbell's "COMMERCIAL Gazetteer and Atlas" has been prepared with a view to furnishing a ginccal compen- dium of useful information for the use of Merchants, Bankers, and Traders throughout the Dominion of Canada. A carefully prepared Index, occupying forty-three pages, has been compiled, showing every Post Office, with the nearest Railway Station, Banking Town, Express Office, and Telegraph Office in Ontario ; each of which is shown on the Maps. ''■■:yC '^'•-.' ■' ^■--' :■'■': i£^f^--.---^- '-':....:- -'^ ■■'■'-'■''-'':'■":■'■'.--.[■-.': ^ '-'•" r:-'. '■■:''. -".:'^' — Tables showing the extent of the COMMERCE OF Canada with other Countries are given in detail, and the progress made by the Dominion since Confederation is shown by a comparative table. A list of all the principal Foreign Ports in the world, with their extent and principal Exports, is also supplied. The Tariff of Customs and Excise has been corrected up to the present date, and tables are given for computing Foreign Money according to the Custom House standard. The Postal Guide is also given in a succinct form, and in the Index all the Money Order Offices and Post Office Savings Banks in Canada are distinguished by the type, capitals or italics, in which they are printed. Lists of all the Railways of Canada and their branches, the Inland and Ocean Steamship routes, and Stage routes are given ; also a list of all the Newspapers published in Canada, with the details referring to them, making it a valuable help to advertisers. Statements of the Finances of the Dominion and of the Provinces are given. A valuable feature will be found in the Interest and Discount Tables, and the tables for computing the nurr' ^ays from jny one date to another. Statistics of Fire and Life Insurance Companies, Building and Loan Socic d other Companies doing business in the Dominion, are supplied, and a large amount of genera! information given, ;ie form of tables and otherwise, in regard to the Finances, Shipping, and Commerce of the Dominion and of the vsriojs Provinces. Tables are given for computing the v:lue of grain, saw-logs, and timber, and for measuring land. Valuable tables are also giver showing the strength and specific gravity of metals and timber, and their breaking strain, and other information in a concise and useful form ; and for computing wages by the day or week. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The British Empike — The Royal Family— Member' of the Govern- meiii I iHHiji -Area sml I'opuiaiion of the British En pire— Colonies and I'ossessions of Great Britain 5 GovsiiNMENTs OF THE DOMINION AND PROVINCES. — Dominion of Canada -Province of O.ntario— Province of Quebec — Province of Nova Scotia -Province of New lininswick — Province of Prince Edward Island — Province of British Columbia — Province of Manitoba— North-WVst Territories 6 Population op thh Dominion. — Ciiies and Towns having over 5,000 Inhabitants— Keli);ions of the People— Origins of the People- Areas, Dwellings, Families, Population, Sexes, Conjugal Condition 7 Commerce — Value of total Exports, Imports and Goods entered for consumption in the Dominion, with the Duty collected thereon for Seventeen years— Aggregite Trade of the Dominion, by Countries, on the basis of goods entered for consumption and exported — Ch.irges on Revenue, Customs— Comparative Statement ol the Quantity and Value of the principal and other articles. Dutiable and Kroe, entered for consumption — Comparative Statement of Imports entered for consumption Cioods entered for consump- tion, distinguishing those which Paid Duty from those entered Free of Duty , and also showing the Countries whence Imported— Goods Exported from the Dominion of Cans 'a, distinguisiiing Canadian IVoduceand Manufaclure from thoseof other Countries — Comparative Statement showing the Quantity and Value of goods (produce and not produce) — Statement of Exports — Re- capitulation — Total value of Goods Exported from the Dominion of Canada to each Country —lixcise Revenue and lixpenses of Collection— General Statement, by Provinces, of the total value of Merchandise Imported and tlie Duties collected thereon — Com- parative Statement, by Provinces, showing the total value of Ex- ports, the total value of Goods Imported and the amount of Duties I collected -Comparative Statement of the total value of Inii»rts j and Exports of Merchandise into and from the Dominion of j Cadada ; showing .also percent,age excess of Imports over Exports, j and of Exports over Imports in each year — Value of Goods entered 1 for Consumption, by Countries— Duty Collected — Value of Exports 1 by Countries— Percentage of Duty on total value of Goods Imported | and entered for Consumption, Dutiable and Free 8-19 Dominion of Canada Customs Tariff. — Goods Free in the cases therein mentioned — Prohibited— Excise Duties — Extracts from 42 Vic, Chip. 15, an Act to Alter the Duties of Customs and Excise — Extracts from Customs Act 20-32 Tabi-ES for Converting Foreign Cukrencv, and Weights and Measures. -Belgian, French and Swiss Francs, Spanish Pesetas, Grecian Drachmas and Italian Liras — Marks of German Empire — Florins of Austria— Florins of Netherlands— Comparative Table of French and English Measure — French Litres reduced to Inifierial Gallons— Table showing the Canadian Customs values of t'-.e Foreign Currencies — French Kilogrammes or Kilos converted into Pounds Avoirdupois 33-34 Railways, Stage Routes, Canals, Inland, Ocean and Coastwise Navigation. — List of Railways in Canada— S'age Routes, Ontario — List ot Canals in Canada — Inland Steam Navigation — Inland Steam Navigation, Ontario. . . , 35-39 British, Colonial and Foreign Mails. — Rates of Postage— Letters — Newspapers and Periodicals — Miscellaneous Matter — Book Pack- ets—Registration (Foreign and Colonial)— Post Cards— Articles not allowed to be sent by post — Tables of Rates of Postage — Canada and Newfoundland— Canada and United States— Mail Routes — United Kingdom, France. Germany and other European Countries — West Indies, riii Halifax — Australia, China, Japan and Fiji, via San Francisco— Mexico, West Indies and SoutnAmerica, via New- York —Newfoundland 40-44 List of Countries which, in addition to Canada, are comprised IN the Postal Union 45 Names of Places not given in Table, with reference to the I'ROPSR Postage Rates ^3 • . PAGE Notes and References 45-4* Finance —Assets — Liabilities— Debt — Receipts and Expenditures- Capital Expenditure— Savings Banks, general Recapitulation— Par- ticulars of prices tendered for Canadian 3i per cent, loan— Balance Sheet, showing the Receipts and Payments of the Treasurer of Ontario— Consolidiit. J Revenue F'und of Ontario 47-S^ Post-Office Savings Banks. Canada 57 Banks in Canada, with their Branches— Ontario— Quebec— New drunswick— Nova Scotia— Manitoba -British Columbia— Prince Edward Island— New foundland— Bermuda 58-61 ListofInsuranceCompanies, — Life -Fire— Accident — InlandMarine — Guarantee— Steam-boiler— Life Insurance done by Canadian Companies outside of the Dominion — Guarantee Business in Canada — Accident Insurance in Canada — Life Insurance in Canada— Recapitulation — Fire Insurance in Canada— Recapitula- tion 62-65 Dur.\tion of Life 66 Expectation of Life at certain ages 66 Loan Companies and Building Societies 67-60 Rates of Wages for M.anufacturers, Mechanics and Laoourers 69 Universal Interest Table, Calculated at one per cent, per ANNUM *. 70-; ' Sterling Exchange Tables 7^-75 The Measurement of Timber or Scantling. — Contents in square feet (inch-board measure) of Timber or Scantling used for Build- ing purposes 76 Cubic Measurement of Timber. — Solid Contents in Cubic Feet of Hev.n Timber of various lengths and thicknesses 77 Table to sniw Number of Days from anyone Date to another 78-89 Weights and Measures.— Troy Weight— Avoirdupois Weight— Land Measure — Nautical Measure — Dry Measure — Lonj Measure — Square Measure — Land Measure (Square) — Solid Measure — Apothecaries' Measure— Apothecaries' Weight — Liquid Measure — French Lineal Measure — French Superficial Measure — French Solid Measure — French Liquid Measure— French Weights — Com- parison of English and Foreign Lineal Measures — Table giving exact proportions of an Acre in Square Feet in a Lot less than an Acre — Metals — Timber (Seasoned) — Mensuration — Time — Miscel- laneous Articles— Liquids— Thermometers — Weight per Bushel of Grain, etc 90-91 List of Canadian Newspapers. — Ontario — Quebec — Nova Scotia — New Brunswick — Prince Edward Island — British Columbia — Manitoba —Newfoundland 92-97 Commercial Centres and their Exports 98 Commercial Maps.— The World— Dominion of Canada— Ontario— Quebec- Maritime Provinces — United States — North America. Sectional Maps of all the Counties in Ontari-', showing every Post-Office. — Essex, Kent and Lambton — Elgin, Norfolk, Middlesex, Oxford and Brant— Haldimand, Welland, Lincoln, Wentworth, Halton and Peel — Huron, Perth, Waterloo, Wellington and Dufferin — Bruce and Grev — Simcoe and Muskoka — York, Ontario, Durham and Victoria — Northumberland, Peterborough and Hastings — Prince Edward, Lennox, Addington and Frontenac — Leeds, Grenville, Lanark and Carleton — Dundas, Stormont, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell — Renfrew. Index to Maps. — Giving a list of all P )St-Offices in Ontario, with their Township, County, nearest Railway Station, nearest Tele- graph Office, nearest Express Office, nearest Banking Town, Means of Communication by R^way, Steamer or Stage i.-xliii. CAMPBKLL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEKR AND ATLAS. THE BRITISH EMPIRK HER MAJESTY VICTORIA, by the of God, of the United KinRdom of (}reat liritain and Ireland, yueen. Defender of the Faith. Kmprcss of India (in India Kaisar-i-Hiiid), born 24th May, iSiq; succeeded to the throne 20lh June, 1837, on the death of her uncle, KinR William IV. Her Majesty has issue : I. H. K. H. Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Koyal b. 21st Nov., 1840. H. R. H. Albert Edward. Prinxe of Walks, etc.— born gth Nov., 1841 H. R. H. Alice Maud Mary— born 25th April, 1843; died 14th Dec , 1878. H. R. H. Alfred Ernest Albert. Duke of Edinburgh. I>i)rn6th Aug., 1844. H. R. H. Helena Augusta Victoria — born 25th May, 1846. H. R. H. Lo. ISE Caroline Alberta— born iSth March. 1848. [ist May, 1850. H. R. H. Arthur William IVtrick Albert, Duke or (onnaught— born H. R. H. Leopold George Duncan Albert, Duke of Aluanv— born 7th April, 1853; died 28th M.irch, 1884. H. R. H. BeaT'^ice Mary Victoria Feodora — born 14th April, 1857. MEMHEKS OF THE GOVEKNME.VT (1886) Kt Hon. Wm E. GLidstone— Premier and Iirst Lord of the Treasury. Sir Farrar Herschell— Lord High Chancellor. Earl Spencer— Lord President of tie Council Sir William Harcourt— Chancellor of the Exchequer. H. C E. Childers — Secretary of Staie for thi' Home Department Earl Kosebery— Socrct.-iry for F<>riii;ii Affairs. Earl Granville— Secn'tiry of State liir the Colonien. H. CamplK'll-Uannerman—Sccretarv of State for War, Earl Kimb«-rley— Socrrtary for Indi.i. Marquis of Kipon— First Ix)rd of the Admiralty. John Morley— Chief Secntary for Ireland. O. O. Trevely-in— Secretary of State for Scotland. A. J. Mundeil.a — President of the Ho ird o( Trade. Joseph Chamberlain— President of tht Government Board. " Baron Wolverton — AREA AND POPULATION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. England and Wales Scotland Ireland Total... Area in Square Miles. Population. 58,320 30.463 32,531 25,968,286 3.735.573 5.73'^ 213 121,314 35,440,072 Capital. PCULATION. London . . . Edinburgh. Dublin .. . 3.8M.57' 289,558 338.579 COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Country. Capital. ( Dominion of Canada. . Newfoundland Bermudas Jamaica Cayman Islands Leeward Islands Windward Islands. . . . Honduras Bahamas Turk' and Caicos Is- 1 lands J Trinidad British Guiana Falkland Islands Ottawa . . . St. Johns.. Hamilton . Kingston . . St. John (Antigua) I Bridgetown (Bar- 1 I bados) ) Belize Nassau Port of Spain Georgetown. . Area in Sq. Miles. 1.470.392 40,200 19 4.193 225 703 830 7.562 5.390 223 1.754 76,000 6,500 Popula- tion. 3.613.99: 4,324,810 '79.509 13.948 580,804 2,400 119,546 312,686 27.45» 43.521 6,610 155.128 248,110 1.553 5,010,077 5 2 119 1.913 18,381* 154,892* h Gibraltar Malta s? Ul 126 175.1S6 43 Cyprus British India Ceylon Straits Settlements. . Hong-Kong Northern Borneo . . . Labuan Nicobar and Anda- man Islands Aden Nikosia.. . Calcutta . , Colombo . . Singapore. Victoria . . Sarawak . . 3.707 877.959 24,702 1.445 32 30 30 3.192 II 186,084 198,508,793 2,638,540 423.384 160,402 150,000 3.268 20,000 22,707 910,108 202,113,178 Indian States under Bri- tish protection 594.464 54.t51.757 • These figures do not include the garrison. Country, Capital. New South Wales.... Norfolk Island Victoria Queensland South Australia,) Northern Terri-|- tory "3 -{ West Australia. Aborigines Tasrasnia New Zealand.. . Maoriesof N. Z. Feejee Islands.. Sydney. Melbourne. Brisbane .. Adelaide. Perth ... Hobart . . . . Wellington . Cape Colony, includ-l ing Basuto land, ' Transkei, G riqua- f land ) Natal Sierra Leone and) Gambia ) Gold Coast Colony Lagos Mauritius St. Helena Ascension & Tristan) da Cuuba j Capetown . Pietermaritzburg . Freetown Accra Port Louis.. James-town . TOTAL- America Europe Asia Australasia Africa Indian States under] British protection — j Area in Sq. Miles. 310.938 '3 88,198 669,520 903,690 26,215 105,970 8,034 3. "2,578 244.750 18.750 537 6,000 73 713 47 79 270,949 Popula- tion. 3.613.991 126 910,108 3.112,578 270.949 594.464 8,502,216 751,468 481 862,346 213.52s 279.865 31,000 55.000 115705 489 933 44.009 124,858 2,968,190 I.364.'S4 413167 74696 408 070 75270 377 373 5059 132 2,717 921 6.016,077 175.186 202,113,178 2,968,190 2 717,921 54.151.757 268,142.309 COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. ^jyy^.. u DOMINION Goviino*-Gkm'.k«i OF CANADA. His Excellency the RiK^t Monc.-able the Marquis of I-ansdimne. (Ollaua.) I'mw Council (1885). Premier and President of the Council— Right Hon. Sir John .\. Macdonald, (JC H , etc Minister of Finance— Hen A. W. McLclan. ■• IMiblic Works— Hon. Sir H. I.. l-mRevin. K.C M CI. ■• Railways and Canals -Hon. J. 11 I'ope. " " Customs— Hon. M Howell. •' ■■ Inland Reviiiue— Hon. John Costigan. " Justice— lloii, John S. I). Thompson. •■ .Militia ami Ilefence— Hon. Sir A. r. Caron. " .Marine and Fisheries— Hon. Geo. E. F'oster. •' Agriculture -Hon. John Carling. •• Interior— Hon. Thomas White. Secretary of State— Hon. J. A. Chaplcau I'ostinaslt-r-Ciencral— Hon. Sir Alexander Campbell. »'i//i.^ii/ Purl/vliu— Hon. F'rank Smith. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. Lieutenant-Governor — He John Heverley Robinson. (Toronto.) Executive Council (1885) Attorney-General fPr.mierJ — Hon. Oliver Mowat. Commissioner of Crown I.anfls— Hon. T. B. Pardee Commissioner of Public Works — Hon. C. F. F'rascr. Treasurer and CommisMoner of Agriculture — Hon. A. M. Ross. Provincial Secretary — Hon. A. S. Hardy. Minister of Education — Hon. G W. Ross. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. Lieutenant-Governor— Hon. Theodore Robitaille. (Quebec.) Executive Council (1S85). Commissioner of Agricul're and Public Works (Premier)— Hon. J. J. Ross. Attorney-General- Ho- .. O. Taillon. Commissioner of Crown i-ands— Hon. W. W. Lynch. Provincial Treasurer— Hon. J. G. Robertson. Commissioner of Railways— Hon. E. J. Flynn. Provincial Secretary— Hon. J. Blanchet. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Lieutenant-Governor- Hon. Matthew Henry Ritchey. (Halifax.) Executive Coun-cil (1885). President of Council and Provincial Secretary (Premier) — Hon. W. S Fielding. Attorney-General -Hon. Al&nzo T. White. Commissioner of Works and Mines— Hon. Charles E. Chuich. AVithout Office— Hon. Thomas F. Morrison. .1 .. 11 Thomas Johnson. 1. .. ,. J. W. Longley. •• .. ,, Isidore Le Blanc. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Likutkna.nt-Guvernor — Hon. Robert D mean Wilmot, (Fredericlon.j Executive Council (1885). Attorney-General (Prrmifr)— Hon. A. G. I: lair. Prcident— Hon. Thos. F. Gillespie. Provincial Secretary — Hon. David McLellan. Chief Comissioner (Board 0/ Woris)— Hon. P. G. Ryan. Surveyor-General — Hon. James Mitchell. Solicitor-General— Hon. K.J. Ritchie. Member of Council— Hon. A. Harrison. Hon. Dr. Vail. „ Hon. Gaius S. Turner. PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Lieutenant-Governor— Hon. T. Heath Haviland. (CharlotUtown.) Executive Council (1885). Attorney-General {Premier)— Hon. W. W. Sullivan, Q.C. Minister of Public Works— Hon. Wm. Campbell. Provincial Secretary and Treasurer — Hon. Uonald Ferguson. Without Office — Hon. Samuel Prowse. Hon. John Lofurgey. ,, Hon. A. J. Macdcnald. ,, ,, Hon. Neil McLeod. „ „ Hon. J. O. Arsenault Hon. Stewart Burns. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Lieutenant-Governor— Hon. C. F. Cornwall. {Victoria, V. I.) Executive Council (18S5). Commissioner of Lands and Works {Premier) — Hon. Wm. Smithe. President— Hon. M. W. T. Drake. Attorney-General— Hon. A. E. B. Davie. Provincir Secretary — Hon. John Robson, PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Lieutenant-Governor — Hon. James Cox Aikens (H^mni/r-.) Executive Council (1885). Provincial Treasurer {Premier) — Hon. J. Norquay. Attorney-General — Hon. Jas. A. Miller. Minister of Public Works — Hon. C. P. Brown. Provincial Secretary — Hon. D. H Wilson. Minister of Agriculture— Hon. .\. A. C. La Riviere. NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. LiEiTTENANT-GovERNOR — Hon. Edgar Dewdney. {Regina.) HONORARY TITLES. Governor-General- His Excellency. Lieutenant-Governor — His Honor. Members of the Dominion and Provincial Governments— The Honorable. Members of the Senate — The Honorable. Members of the Queen's Privy Council — Right Honorable. G.C.B.— Grand Cross of the Bath. K.C.M.G. — Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. POPULATION OF CIT1K8 AND TOWNS HAVING OVEK 5,000 INHABITANTS. Town*. Mnntrokl . . . . Toronto Ouebec Ilalifu Hkmilton Ottawa St. John London P..rtl»n.l KinK'ton Charlottetown . Quelph Quebec Ontario . ... QuelMC . . Nova Scotia Ontario Ontario . . New Hrunnw'k < >ntario New Brtniitw'k Ontario P. K I.Lm.l , Ontario .... Pop. 1 1871. 1881. 140,747 107,24-, rM,tm 86.415 5!l,69<» 1.2,446 29,."tft.' 36,100 26,716 ;K,961 21, .545 27,412 28,805 26,127 15,826 19.746 12,.520 15.226 12.4117 14,0'.ll 8,«»7 11.48:, 6,878 9.890 In. I cr«aie. ' .%t,.522| ;Kt,.J23| 2,747 6,518 9,245 5,867 1,920 2,706 1,684 2,678 3,012 W>W!M. rnoriiioi 9t. Catharinai Rrantforl . . Ilelleville. TroU Itivirrus St. Thomas. .. Stratfor.l Winnl|j«|{ . . . . Chatham . . . . Broc'kvilla .. ., Levi* 8heH)^ . . . Hall t )ntario . < Inturio I Ontario . . yueliec OnUrio ( Ontario . , . .' Manitoba ... i Ontario ! Dntario ... Quebec. .. Quebw I QuebM I Pop. 1871. ?a-,-.i In. 1 crww* 7,864 9,6.31' 1,767 8,107 9,616 l,.5ntario 881. 4.611 6,812 4,2.'.'- 6.561 n.4lft JVOIK. <;,218 S.270 .\9»5 4.4U8 5,874 5.636 6,791 M14 5,685 3,9t<2 6.373 3.746 5.:<21 ;i.ie7 .5,187 4.(M9 5.080 Tb. 2,201 2,308 ' ••\2 2,1.5% l,4r.'i 1.V5 471 l,:i«l 1,575 i.:<60 1,031 RELIGIONS OF THE PKOPLE-CKN9U8 OF 1881. Pbotincis. p. E. Ill nd . . . Nqva Scotia . . . New Brunswick Suebec ntario Manitoba . ... Britieh Columbia TheTerritoriee 73 I ■s t n 13 1..5:i6 7:t8 4,210 696 81 10 6.2:W 83,761 81,0!»:' 8,a",3 106.680 9,449 434 20 17 218; 164 682; 7,714 29' 7i 47.1151 117,487 109,(191 1.170.718, 3-'0,8,i9! 12,246i 10,043] 4,4431 7.102 60.2551 46,7ti8 tMJ.797 20! .594 3.506, 1,826 1,;«72 l,4i6 5,2441 121 ;«i6,8:J9 iu,:mu 16,051 14 2'.t7 343 102 7,801 3,I(i6 , 75 Grand ToUU 7,2111 296,.525| 8,8;U 1,791,982| .574,818 26,900 23 13 . 99 478] 42:t' 989 1 593 I 19 4 5,639 .55 ;<24 989 i,oo;« 1,193 37,901 33 984 104 491 4 20.193, 2,596, 2,. WJ 46.350 l:t.4a5l .50.811i :i4,514 39.221 591,503 9.470; 3,516 461 iHi^i4 li X e ^ <2.i 2 6 2,173 4;<7 361 :a,8.35i 112,488' 42.888 .'".0.287, 417.749, 14,292 4,095l 5311 151 15 .50 2,432' 2,978 45 292, 692' 5 77: 21 86 6,307 4:1 13 16 68| 140; 610; l,213l 20 54 6 742,98li 4,478 676,1651 6,519 6,553 2,126 4,617 14,269 2,634 86,769 78 1.39 673 3.55 375 311 2,021 2H4 1,33:< 10.983 8 .,8 29 2,128 i 1 14 121 114 4.12 1,7.'6 16 180 1 100 1,618 l,2tiO 2,608 12,965 2.327 19,131 46,760 ORIGINS OF THE PEOPLE-CENSIS OF 1881. Pkovixck-s. d •c P. E. Island . . . 1.53 . Nova Scotia .... 7,062 , New Brunswick. 1,6:(8 Quebec 141; OnUrio 12,0!t7 Manitoba 25! British Columbia 274 The Territories . 2' Grand Totals 21,394 7i 22 4; 4,3so; s 2,1:1; 4,:i7; 776 22,i«;t 506 94 11 a _l- 4 fa 21,404 128,986, 93,.i87 81,. 515 535,835 11,503 7,297 l,:i74 10,751 41.219 .56.6:t5 1,07:<,820 102,74:t 9,949 916 2,89t! 1,076 40,065 6,:il0 8,9i:i 188,:i9l 8,6.52 858 21 1 179, 773; i ^ 'S i ^ 2S1 2,125 1,401 7,515 15,325, 6,767 2o,661! 49,472' 25,415 66.067 101.284 123,749 627,262 10,173 3,172; 881 . ~s •3 , * l|-2||i| I <■ S X i ■ 33 S 5 T. 21 .59 745: 687 41 143 3-.> 22 :f:io 2.54 18; 11 121 30i 26: .300 787; 24: 48 6.561 932' 648 1,.521| 250 236 33' 4S,9:i.t: 146.027; 49,829 54,9231 378,.536l 16,.506l 3,892 1.217 1 3.-« 20:» 175 285 14 144 4,38;! ,30.412 881.3011 l,29.S,!e.» 254,319 1,0091 108.5^7 957,403 1,849, 667 1,227 4,214 6n863 1,172 1 1,860 41 251 2,.382 10 40' ■3 n 164 l.l.'* 1,474 .V.l 6,3>.»7 lOA 299 1 40 165 W 7:«; 1,213 6 .342 190 .107 2,:m 3, .525 4,105 27,268 6:10 1,682 948 4,588 9,947 2,7'<0 40,806 AREAS, DWELLINGS, FAMILIES, POPULATION, SEXES, CONJUGAL CONDITION-CENSUS OF 1881. i I a Dwellings. 1 3 1 i 1 Sexes. ._- 1. Children Tempo- rary. Houses. 1 Mai-iie Widowed. and Unaiarried. > "4 33 11 6 43 2 16 1 i 35 385 199 314 1 <• 1 i i i 3 S fa H i i fa i P. E. Island.... Nova Scotia New Brunswick . Quebec . 2133 20907 27174 188688 101733 123200 341305 2665252 17685 73736 509.56 216112 607 328 17724 289712:14 741.54 2;W 901 51166 18469 •.•.SS7 2164:f2 1964'J :{145 359293 79(;il:(6 12803 1738 151 9793 .•M 100 116,52 17973 79.596 .56948 2.54841 :«0444 14169 104:!9 11726 108891 440572 3212:53 1,359027 1923228 6.V.t.54 494,59 56446 .54729 2205,38 164119 678175 976470 37207 29.503 28113 54162 220034 1.57114 6808.52 15.363 67761 49.161 2ia544 15:199 6789:! 49.142 217799 30762 1^5654 9870:1 43(i;43 619037 21491 15821 22273 1242' 2848| 4090 4880 1:1211 18091 4212 8;t84 12.596 16966 31991 48957 38123; 147897 110.5*; 44266.5 644720 25729 20294 17440 3.5916 i:i8930 99388 431062 588146 17285 1150:1 147.52 1336982 74029 286827 2099:M 873727 Ontario Manitoba British Columbia The Territories . 1216 :i580;{4 401 12400 2785, 6992 9357 2294 946758 .3095i;i 309176 2S747: 10948, 105(3 19956 8495: 7326 2,S;j.«, 10511, 11762 22189 491 :W XV) 919 714 1127 162| 1819 71.325 1449 1841 1981 1232866 43014 31797 3219S Grand Totals 3470392 116 14692|738209 46.583 9882 753017 812136 4324810 2188854 21:159.56 690514,689.540 1380084 508ft5,109436 l«a3.30 1447414 S784396 The increase in the population during the last ilecade was 680.498, against an increase of 464,197 in the preceding decade, and this growth, which is «qu>^ to 18^ per cent., against an increase of 15 per cent, iu 18()1 71. has been made in spite of the fact that for five years of the ilecade the country experienced the most severe trade depression that has ever befallen it. The actual increase and the percentage of growth in the several Provinces during the past ten years were as follows :— Ontario Quebec Nova Sootia Actual Increase. Per Cent 292,609 181 166,953 14 .52,785 13i New Brunswick Prince Edward Island . Manitoba Actual Incriase. 35.56.5 3.3,760 37,556 Per Cent 124 15 414 CAMPBELL'S COMMKRCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. COMMERCE OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. VALUE OF TUTAL EXPUKTS, IMFOKTa AND GOODS EVTKKKl) FOR COX.SUMPTION IN THE DOMIMION. WITH THE DUTY COLLF.CTED THKKKON KOK HKVKNTEKN YEARS. ToUl Exporti. Total Import*. Entercfl fur Conmimptiun. Daty. FiKal Year ending .'4,022 116,397,013 1,732,983,406 < 71,98.1,306 07,402,170 71,237,60;) 86,947,482 107,709,116 127,r.l4,.594 127,4(M, 169 119,618,657 94,73.3,218 96, .300,483 91,199,577 80,.341,6U8 71,782,:!49 91,611,604 112,618.927 123,137,019 108,180,644 1,649,754,526 $ eta. 8,819,431 63 4» do 186U 4> 4> M70 8,298,909 71 9,462,940 44 *t 4* un I* 4* 1«7» <• *» M7S 1 It 4» M74 1 • £ W76 1 • 4* m« ( • 4* im ( • £ un ( • £ 1879 « • £ 1880 4* 4» 1881 ll,84;t,6.Vi 75 13,045,493 60 13,o'7,730 17 14,421,882 67 15,361,382 12 12,8:»,114 48 12,5.38,451 09 12,796,693 17 12,939,640 66 14,138,849 22 18,.'i00,78', 97 4* 4* U88 ( • 4» 1883 1 » d» IWI Aggregate for Mventcen yean 21,708,8:f7 43 23,172,308 97 20,164,963 37 243,078,970 36 AGGREGATE TRADE Ot THE DOMI.NIOX, UY COUNTRIES, ON THE BA.SIS OF GOODh ENTERED FOR CONSUMPTION AND EXPORTED. f i 1 •o i 1 1 .-9 1 * CO 1 «» Great Br 1 Ui V CO 1 3 >> 3 •3 J 1 1 0) 1 1 OS .S 6 1 t « 9 1 8 !» $ • $ $ $ 9 $ t t t 9 1873. 107,266,624 89,808,204' 2,0.55,195: 1,170,47.S ."*J2,966 266.1S8 229,657 229,770 364,456 4,609,-552 6.163.425 1, 701,63;! 1,709.856 120.514 1,099,998 217,304,516 1874.. J98,08.t,642 90,.i24,060 2,569,712 1,022,428 4.59,027 294,007 236,296 271,043 534,153 2,657.517 6.086,,529 1,686,.508 l,26:t,728 139,674 927,743 216,7.56,097 1875. . 100,379,969 80.717,880 32.5,245 145,941 205,171 266.761 305,692 2,767,317 4,397,996 669.804' 486.244 61,178 1,366,.532 170,523,2M 1879. . 67,288,848 70.904,720 2,247,066 552,9991 394,445 161,258 181,933 210,2^ 219,461 2,280,82:1 4,753,091) 745,8.)0 505,513 94,781: 1,291,799 151,832,863 1880.. 80,;«7,286 62,69t;,.S)7 1,928,6701 ,5;t2,02' 297,245 201,6.52 623,295 273.837 837,897 2,092,2611 6,489,2.57 1,073,421 931,457 94,225, 1,314,429 1.59,693,807 1881.. 97,315,378 73,.570,337 2,291,043 1.019,19n 446,.'37 165,487 234,723 440,944 671, '-■67 2,17.5,773 r.,962,516 1,369,731 1,430,734 141,789 1,644,170 189,902,427 1882.. 9."f,871,802 96,229.763 2,922,i«l 1,63.3,118' 570,301 201,6.50 2,56,841 613,241 645,568 2,468,432 7,018,9.")6 2,314,7791 1,635,717 268,0931 2,i;«,932 214,786,130 ihat.. 99,197,682 97,701,056! 2,934,210 1,942,851) 749,897 243,192 322,5.H 324,800 611,112 2,9.53,273 7,494,291 2,954,628 1,760,642 336,040 1 1,706,596 221,222,823 1884.. 87,154,242 89,333,366: 2,160,804 2,171,316 618,.t69 240,235 332,499 333,977 746,528 2,701,120 6,726,486 2,756,;*71 1,970,641 242,380 2,078,676 199,587,140 • The value of foreign goods exported from the Dominioa I'uring the years previoos to 1873, not being specified by ooantries in the published statement!, the aggregate trade with each country for those years cannot, in consequence, be accurately ascertained. CH.\RGES ON REVENUE -CUSTOMS. EXPENDITURE, OUTSIDE SERVICE, FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 30th JUNE, 1884. Amocnt Expkndid fob Salaries. Daily Wages. Office Rent* and Contingencies. Totals. Province of Ontario Province of (^uebeo. .. . Province of New Brunswick .... Province of Nova Scotia Pro\ ince of Manitot)a Province of Nortli-West Territories (commission) S cts. 213,823 79 145,495 08 82.491 11 96,179 38 22,050 00 2,040 25 22,005 11 19,209 50 $ cU. 17,528 86 51,474 08 3,091 81 4,564 89 23,931 22 1 cts. 18,790 23 16,725 44 3,517 83 6,286 01 3,403 06 • cts. 250,142 88 213,694 60 89,100 75 106,030 28 49,384 28 2,040 25 Province of British Columbia Province of Prince Edwanl Island 2,005 .53 868 00 1,478 77 1,172 46 25,489 41 21,249 96 603,294 22 103,464 39 50,373 80 757,132 41 Inspection of Porta. , 14,966 39 16,431 09 10,318 62 Miscellaneous Board of Customs and Outside Detective Service 798,838 61 194,521 48 Total 99.S,3e9 99 CAMTHELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. COMMERCE— Cofi/intt^rf. COMPAKATIVK STATEMKNT OF THE QUANTITY AND VALUE OF THK PniNCIPAL AND OTHKR ARTIOtF." PT'TIABI.K AND FFEK KNTKKED FOR CONSUMITION IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA; SHOWING ALSO THE DUTIES COLLECTED THEKEON DURING THE FISCAL YEARS ENDING SOra JUNE. 1883 AND 1884. RESPECTIVELY. ARTICLES. DUTIABLE GOODS. Ale, beer »nd porter Auimala living Honks, perindicala, etc., an'1 other printed mkttar. Brau and manufacturea of Breadstufls, viz : — Arrowroot, biscuit, rice, etc. .... Grain of all kinds Flour and meal of all kinds Brooms and bruahe* , Candles ('arriagf^s CarpeU, N.E.S .galli. Clocks. Coal and coke Coffee {Ste also Free Goods) Copper and manufactures of (Joruage Cof ton, manufactures cf Drugs, dyes, chemicals and medicines . Earthenware and china ware Fancy Goods Fish. bush. . brla. t Ibi. . $ yda. tons. . lbs. Flax and hemp, and manufactures of Fruits and nuts, dried Fruits, green Furs and manufactures of Glass and manufactu: es of Gold and silver, manufactures of Gunpowder and explosive substances. Gut'a percha and India rubljer, and manufactures of Hati>, caps and bonnets Iro'. and manufactures of, and steel and manufactures of ........ Jewellery Lead and manufactures of Leather and manufactures of. Marbles and manufactures of Metal, composition and other, N.E. S Musical instniments of all kinds Oils, coal and kerosene, etc., refined, and products of All other, N.E.S Oil cloth Packages Paints and colours Paper and manufactures of Pickles, sances and capers, of all kinds Plants and trees of all kinds, N.E.S Provisions, viz :— Butter, cheese, lard and meats of all kinds ..... Salt, coarse, not imported from Great Britain or British Posses- sions, or for sea or gulf fisheries, and all fine salt SeeiiK and roots. Silk and manufactures of Soap of all kinds Spices of all kinds. Spirits and wines Starch. Stone and manufactures of, Sugar of all kinds. Molasses Confectionery and sugar candy. . Tea {See also Free Goods) Tobacco and cigars Turpentine, spirits of Varnish Vegetables Vinegar Watches and parts of Wood and manufactures of. Woollen manufactures , All other dutiable articles galls. (i lbs. lbs. galls, lbs. $ lbs. galls, lbs. galls. '. » . galls. Total, Dutiable Good*. Fiscal Yiab wnino SOra Ji.ii, 1883. ' Fitcm Yiab mniKo 3<>ni Jini, 18M. Entered for Consumption. Qrantity. 346,697 1,892,829 396,448 372,413 'lV042,i.5« i,»W3,6i7 820,8!i2 3,5."iO,693 1,473,761 12,136,968 1,. 500.463 1,667,275 576,761 152,729,569 3,968,265 1,082,769 3,492,.576 375,648 400,304 62,036 95,749 Value. 207.831 .'.17.24H l,.W,:tu 383,106 426,600 1,272,.W. i,7y;i,:i iir.wu i'J.'MS 1,172.127 17H,1H1 138,398 6,;t«9,WM 109,998 243,222 18;i,:i32 10,044,032 1,023.372 6.-i7,886 2.195,268 131,87.1 1.413,999 1,:«4,979 786,973 716,.'iC;) 1.176,912 345,515 169,386 67.5,448 1.364,5.58 13.714.636 662,203 203,100 2,0;«,348 128,271 431,2(rf 483,98'i! 460,72*; 737,759 288,607 469,55!! 651,110 1.287,800 202,181) 78,277 2,435,991 36,223 234.914 2,916,038 80.232 183,594 1,753.368 38,6(17 112,2f.2 5,091, 5;» 1,197,2:!9 140,01(2 6;i0,3«8 413,6'>5 203,792 101,7«7 181.570 32,203 546.428 2,197.402 10,105,C«1 4,687,;'94 IDuty. • eta. 52,70:« 66 10:!,.54!t 08 2;H),4W 96 105,705 43 Eatered for Consumption. Quantity. 410,434 70 1 08 64 80 I .56 10 95 36 19 08 76 57 37 18 . 05 •M 22 67 03 87 142 i 85 : 35 71 01 40 54 03 02 05 56 0.5 55 91,688,339 1.52,230 10 1.53,2.57 ;» I 1.678,8.59 la5,821 12 ! 661,600 29,260 78 12,i;» 96 I 250,171 3.',4,878 45 ! .35,241 70 : 260,265 47,9.%3 " 9.10,966 64 I 2,010,604 14,>.X)7 80 : 79*>,648 :«,:«o 25,229 2,221,982 222, .501 18,5,676 471,488 26,066 276,986 .312,927 169,534 124.075 3;i0,855 97.774 6I,S24 180,801 341,141 2,983.703 132.446 32,272 463,184 2.3.854 102..347 138,103 2.55,661 03 .3,.508,9.5a 172,.5.30 02 1,339,378 86,604 "" 93,463 79,984 312.723 40,455 ».i 1.5,363 14 328,225 71 13,904 09 33,736 40 861,017 60 2.3,703 12 35,501 25 1,887,726 95 11,.535 32 19,016 82 2,467,730 84 199,032 4(1 59,8,52 51 63,277 n 236,519 86 35,741 40 30,669 57 37,157 «1 12,354 tjl 128,400 70 539,904 58 2,689,753 85 1,028,393 29 12,770,950 23,162,563 29 1.486,752 1.503,899 861,165 i73,7'4ii477 3,661,365 678,390 1,465.850 39,3,7.54 398,708 426,07 67,904 VahM. 221,380 .577,747 1,2.56.401 .T)I,27f 393,610 1, •»;.«» I 2,81it,:«ii) 91,752 37,143 426,.5.'« 72,7(14 10;i,517 7,603,871 118,917 12.5, 174 130,042 7,.5.39.129 1,189,197 544,.'^ 1,700,470 120,; .2 1,089,!;;« 1,244, I3<< 774,318 657.528 996,483 230,614 189,612 703, .591 1,097,752 10,303,962 664,611 166,804 1,449,717 108,2,'I8 399,286 42t.,.542 42:',641 614.172 244,096 636,446 472,476 1,014,994 168,317 78,792 2,144,391 38.919 284.134 2.210.,584 105.820 175.767 1.^534,699 63.784 128.007 6,509.429 996.764 97.624 r5,196 417,719 1.5:1,996 87,670 231,-329 16,828 584,628 1,142,880 8.407,864 4.620,048 Duty. 9 cU 57,8T7 ,50 11.5„548 :» 22!>,K75 ,52 93,986 27 1?1,687 24 227,741 43 31«,t>.51 04 22,9:18 15 9,050 75 136,.314 21 14,749 30 36,813 95 1,113,613 .58 17,263 23 20,009 95 W,013 25 1,0(>2,946 64 ■2rM.37b 08 1M,096 25 366,,^31 46 23,;t76 23 213,373 17 26.i,045 10 1.56,077 M 116,.516 95 283,305 87 115,118 10 64,485 08 202,5«; :i7 274,435 60 2.167,229 .34 110,930 66 31,175 30 314.015 80 19,347 66 94,631 75 118,.'k56 40 2.52.664 98 145,289 27 7.3,248 99 107.418 09 68,4.30 75 250.58;j 87 33.664 20 14.577 62 370,661 89 18.061 67 42,666 39 662,599 70 30,3(H 78 24,542 78 1,706,712 96 17,223 31 22,4Sf9 69 2,609,609 04 154, .520 04 40,968 70 27.519 98 2S4,0:iO 94 16.408 4« 26.061 07 61,276 86 10.186 14 136.204 16 296.836 (0 2.173.832 03 1,033.886 14 80.010,498 20,166,447 » 10 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. COMMERCE— Co«/««M*i. CUilPABATIVE STATEMENT OF IMPOBT3 ENTERED FOR CONSUMPTION-DOMINION OF CANADA-Con«n«««t , AUTICLES. FREE GOODS. ... FROniCI or THK HiNa Bnmtoiics, In blncki, nninAnufMtareil, not bound Vo. Fiscal Year indiko SOm Jcni, 188S. Entered for Conniinption. Qnantity. Valoe. Duty. owt. t Cl»y» DiaiiionilK, nnirt, a^^tes ami cornelian, nnraannfictured, etc Minernln, vU : Ijarytes, kryolite, litUnrge, etc ^^ Orea of iiietala. „■".■.■;■«■ " "' Skit, impiirted from die I'nited Kingdom or any Britiiih HoMemion or for the uae of the sea or gulf fiiheries, N.E.S Ih". Whiting or whitenii.K • Other article* the profivice of the Mine , . TBI nSBEItlES. ■ i, i F>'H of »1I kindi, N.E.3 • Fi oil K^l»- Other article!, the produce of the haheriea THE rOBIST. Corkwood ' Barka „ Ivnry nuta :■•■■;« « lioj^s and round unmaniifactered timber, N.E.S Lumber and timl* plunk and board, sawn, not shaiied, planed r otherwise n factured Other article!, the i luce of the forest. 14^,235 246,747,li1 ANIUALS AND THEIR PRODCCa. Animals for thn ininrovemf nt of ttock, for ranchea, and imported aa hettler's efl'ecttt, etc $ BrUtles lbs. F^K» ao^- Fur skins of all kind, not dressed in any manner $ Crease and grease scrap Ibt. Hide!, raw, whether dry, s.^lted or pickled, skina undresf^ed, dried, aaltea or piclded, and tails undressed f Silk, raw or .u reeVd from the cocnor, not being doubled, twisted or advauced in manufacture any way lbs. Wool, unmanufact'.ired, N. Iv S $ Other article!, the produce of animals AQRICDITCRAL PKODDCE. Broom com • Fibre, Mexican, fibrilla, i^tle or tampico, etc cwt. Fibre, vegi'table, for manufucturing purposes " Hemp, undressed ... . t Toliacco, unmanufactured, for Excise purposes lbs. Other agricultural products $ M SXCFACTTRItD AND PABTIALLT MANUTAOTURKD ABTICLIS. Bells for churches. t Bolting cli'ths " Cotton, wool and waste lbs. Colnura, dry and in pulp $ l>riiKS, dyes, chemicals and medicine* " Duck for belting and hooe " Fish-hooks, nets and seines, lines and twines, for the use of the fisherii'S " Gutta-perrh.-i. crude, India-rubber, unmanufactured, and caout- chouc, iinmanufaetured Ibi. •Tunk and (takuin CWt. Metald, iron and steel, vii : — Ancbort .... " Iron maxta fnr ships, or parts if $ Stoel in ingots, bare, sheets and coils, cwt. Steel railway lara or rails Steel tiah-piatea. " Su>t! for saws and straw-cutb;rs " Othe.' manufactures of iron and steel, N.E.S. " 118,823 t 13,242 33.591 14:t,796 7,389 17,594 386,144 29,:«4 78,276 $ cti. 709,:«i6 721,901 58,t>06 7,CK I 788,159 I. 83,882 426,290 3,074,481 2.3,040 9,803,419 1,387 3,463 24,930 19,403 ■»S,.574 6ec'.620 663,31;? 26,903 1,346,739 746,674 74,343 8»,977 5.51,156 214,413 I 1,963,644 107,585 2,0.54,107 147,160 5,944,059 9,801,049 28,777,071 135,198 i. 11,518 |. 34,892 i. 630.488 I. 1,119,981 43,063 1,975,140 4.'<1,305 13,320 11,294 37iiC97 1,354,222 43.673 27,772 34,440 2,997,697 29,303 1,'!83,060 16,125 473,104 3.w,;ai 69,6;i7 37,659 4.4G5 i 1,251,905 I 2,225,851 81,770 36,203 Fiscal Ykab indiko 30tr Juni, 1884. Entered fv.. Consumption, Qiuntity. I 3,098 96,283 225,390,121 43,.S56 Value. S 5,365 28,4<;7 1X1,666 18,424 17,Wl8 321,243 28,230 61,22ti 613,699 652,171 21.8;t5 9,192 683,2.58 71,291 301,316 2,381,925 2 1, 3.55 6,182,421 12,719 29,989 22,405 693,538 476,064 . 15,:i84 i. 1,250,149 634,305 62,080 60,4n7 325,9«7 154,970 1,415,985 1,251 3,526 13,929,860 20,769.940 109,080 1,170,844 102,.513 4,0%.221 125,771 13,832 81,690 497,915 1,708,072 36,279 2,403,059 560,6''9 18,663 6,773 1,011 872,368 101,892 4,442 27,873 25,010 2,23.5,096 26,810 1,224,.529 8,052 509,510 404,5M 72,650 25,793 6,470 6,.V,9 1,089,517 148,057 45,181 152,872 Duty. cts. CAMPBELL'S CO.MMERCIAL GAZETTER AND ATLAS. II COMMERCE— Co«/r««ei. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF IMPORTS ENTERED FOR COXStrMPTION-DOMTNlON OF OANADA-<%ii(fn»«f{. •:.■ ■ •.f-i-f ■ ■ '■■ ■ 1 ■■ .' ■ :....., ^ FiBOAi Year ekdino 30ih Jdse, 1883, Fiscal Vkar iwomo Sftrii Jusi, 1884. ■ ■J- ,, •. ARTICLES. Entered for Consumption. Entered for Consomption. Quantity. Value. Duty. Q,:antity. Value. Duty. Metali— ConfiniMrf. itrau, old, scrap and in sheets. ... . cwt 2,820 236 9.17 215 1C8.367 12,846 10,136 22,765 15,071 40,.535 4,842 19,710 4,482 1,027,316 t; 1,842 156,128 • cts. 2,.399 1,727 6,,389 742 164.992 9.248 10,218 18.946 .3,933 • 32.C07 29.ti.59 97.', iW? 12,.M0 823. .Vi9 39,976 141..598 77,373 26. .500 9-.,521 40,493 62,426 20,176 81,407 1.52,444 80,4^;, t eta. llrus wire !. (( Copper in sheets Copper wire Tin in bincks, pigs, bars, plates and sheets " Wire WrigtfiDg for ships and vessels Tellow mettal in bars, biilts and for sheathing, 94,799 29,879 neal cwt. gals. brls. t owt NewHjiapers, magazines and literary papers, unbound . . . 95.0CC 30,788 61, .588 22,047 28.222 172,061 107,684 67,437 297.112 Oil cake, cotton i^ced cake and meal, palm nut cake and c Oils, cocoannt and palm, in their natural state .... 21,444 142,778 7,939 94,836" 2,5,496 25,444 91,107 8,750 Pitch and tar, pine Plaits, straw, Tuscan and grass Rags of cotton, linen, jute and hemp, etc 67,080 20,133 Kesin brls Veneers of wood and ivory, sawn only t ... 57.417 1 440,3x0 « >■•.•.■,■' 11,210.762 8,160,781 rKU GOODS— UISCELLANKOCS AETICLE8. . 367,848 100,263 198,726 70,446 1.698,7,35 2,9',8,.564 1,27,5.823 15.>,037 99,916 196.287 51.753 Articles for the use of the Army, Navy and Militia, etc . . ■■■1,85;^ 823' ""l,622,635' lbs. 1 1 Pai itings in oil or water colours, by artisU of well-knowi Sefciters' effects aierit.elc. " .■.■..■.■■.■.■.■. lbs. < •1 i4,424;933" 56.176 1 1,712.962 '' Teaof all kinds, N.E.S 1 14.600.431 { 2,907.000 2,207,666 ■ 405,478 Coin and bullion 1 1 If way " ■■• . . 6,819,467 1 j 7,3S7,,59 BFCriAL EXEMPTIONS. Fish and fish oil, etc., the produce of Newfoundland .... I 728,517 758 899 Articles for original construction of Canadian Pacific lla 1 2.006,471 1 2,:'06.391 1 1 ,.' Total Free Goods 31,518,C.«0 91,588,339 2j,ic2 .5-53'29' 9,766 6,697 1.651,.352 1.847,710 261,C37 347,566 496.791 59,695 2:«.058 82..595 67,359 693.888 638 125,072 160,652 1,847,4:<1 1,590,200 578 1,695 282,117 1,121,438 3,788 Free Goods. 10,589.708 14.696,129 118.497 128,061 57,440 111,594 7,C8« 8,288 4,322 ' " ' 7i98!i 278,971 936.075 3.S30 150 117,303 13.455 17,414 """3;493 60,066 TotaL 9 43,4:8,015 50,492.826 1,789.849 1,975,77 318.477 459.1.50 6o4,47 G7.98;j 242, :wo 82,.595 75. .348 972,a59 9.36,703 !28,M2 Ifi0,tt0i l,!>fi^734 l,6C9,l>.i 14.033 19,009 S 285,610 1,171,524 Duty Collected. S cts. 8,001.370 74 7,411.946 37 645,152 71 654.181 88 49.5,307 39 103,953 9o 192,946 2! 34.228 80 66.966 92 18,905 95 32.186 80 273,,503 27 205 10 21,309 35 82,132 M 698.969 94 698,506 53 169 94 277 41 2 73 1.57.822 31 623,737 77 2.236 10 Countries whence Imp'irted. DntiaUb Goods. Froe Goods. Chili Mexico British East Indies Dutch " Mauritius Sandwich Islands Newfoundland St. f-iffrrs Denmark Norway and SwcdjC Russia Australia Britiiib Africa Society Islands Venexueia , Span. Possessions ia Pao. Ocean " .\frica New Zealanu Persib Scypt Di:w-h Guiana $ 16 8.503 115.340 139,617 44.590 1.690 10,407 762 7.771 28.008 438 143 2,141 64 143,835 90 16 708 1.920 3.601 4,305 Tc.tal. 17,036 770, 2C3 107 W 1,966 185,-,il4 9,647 800 80,010,493! 28,170.146 $ 15 8,503 118,941 14.3,922 4 !.590 18,626 780,670 4,921 7,878 28,100 4.318 2.098 187,355 64 b.547 141. «35 90 16 708 1,920 1 108,18U,&n Duty Collected. t eis. 4 ai 4,902 80 29,549 90 66.829 93 19,968 27 24i 50 4,1,58 34 275 00 1,577 60 4,962 41 118 66 92 05 321 15 16 00 "6C,'i62 62 73 92 141 60 S09 60 60 20,1.56,447 95 t» CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. COMMERCE— Co«alings and picket* M I'lanks, boartls and joist* M.ft ScsntlinK " Staves, standard M " other, and hea ling* " Allother, N.E.a.... t Mast* and *|Mkni fiC* 451,631 15fi,851 325,461 2,102 132 1,077 25,308 885 37 21,471 181,742 61,675 864 12,954 1.TO.541 8.")0,582 25,9;»2 l,:«7 6.770 700,703 95,816 344,520 60 1,097,786 l.S7,370 7,859,948 7,607 108,495 642 10,103 10,818,187 716 1,059,761 15,867 7,348,417 4,774 4,959 260,150 6,013 9,771 52,246 7,495 75,982 1,2.'» 158,697 2:»,943 466 4,869 2,226 974 6,820 31,061 24,242 286,214 12.774 212.584 670,701 16,:«1 127 66,231 88,260 Value. 1,201,172 9.'i2,i:n 1««,607 7,013 503 4,855 214,044 66.549 5 16,851 12,920 453,322 17,408 14,152 11,446 62,478 62,607 3,247,092 4,749 3,739,600 89,607 6,735 223 29,589 876,797 12,311 519 18,373 539,911 164,257 211,369 33,573 11,748 1,091 40,916 1,145,644 1,567 152,035 2,007 802,017 67,832 340,507 23,767 125,634 3,464 4,242 20,229 87,828 44.513 8,591,6.^ 224,544 21,161 899,598 29,951 353,829 181,046 18,691 3,421 19,6:;9 80,399 8,012 31,793 140,027 4,244 8,595,623 315,815 351,460 8,439,994 118,133 42,113 291,562 168,877 45,530 G'mmIs, Not the Produce of Canada. Quantity. Value. 62,906 2,080 9 157,177 192 177,430 25 '200' 750 ' '4i800' 15,298 895 42 37,387 643 195,399 104 "is 09 '206' 220 16,409 612 17,6S7 45 '946' 72 16,663 79,442 30,112 1,568 4.17 936 320 4Si,64' 142,381 339,644 15,475 149,367 65,066 1,747 Total Export*, Produce and I»ot Produce. Quantity. 504,537 Value. 155,851 325,461 4,182 132 1,677 25,308 885 37 21,471 359,172 61,575 864 12,954 130,541 850,607 25,932 1,337 6,970 700,703 95,816 344,520 60 1,097,786 137,370 7,&59,918 7,607 109,245 542 10,103 10,822,987 715 1,059,761 15,867 7,348,417 4.774 4,9.59 275,448 6,908 9,771 62,246 7,495 75,982 1,292 158,697 23,943 466 8,226 974 6,820 31,153 24,242 302,877 12,774 292,026 700,813 17,929 664 66,167 28,260 1,.')58,349 952.131 160,607 7,043 695 4,855 214,044 66,549 6 15,851 12,920 45;l,32i 54,7a5 14,152 11,445 52,478 63,250 3,442,491 4,749 3,739,704 89,607 6,736 238 29.588 876,797 12,311 519 18,373 539.911 154,257 211,369 33,.573 11,817 1,091 40,916 l,14-.,904 1,.'567 152,035 2,007 802,017 67,838 340.727 23,767 142,043 . 4,076 4,242 20,229 87,828 44,513 8,609,341 224,544 21,206 399,598 30,897 353,829 181,046 18,691 3,421 19,639 30,.399 8,012 31,793 140,347 4,244 9,077,264 31.5,815 493,791 8,779,538 1.33,608 191,480 346,627 160,624 46,530 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. COMMERCE— Co«/i««<(f. SUMMARY STATEMENT OF Q(X>D3 EXPORTED FRDM THE DOMINiON OK CANADA, DI3TINOUISHIVO CANADIAN PRODUCK AND MANUFACTURE FROM THOSE OF OTHER COUNTRIE-i. DUKINO THE FI8CAL YEAR ENDINC aorn JUNE. l»i» -Continutd. Asnoua. Good*, tbs Prodnoe of Cknadft. Qoantitr. THK rOBEST-CuiUinueii. Oar» vn Shingln M ShingleboIU crcU Sleepers and railroad tim pes Stave bolta crda Sugar box shoolu No Timber, square, vii :— Ash tons Birch " Elm " Maple " Oak " Pine, red " Pine, white " Another " Other woods $ Total Prodace of the Forest 368 94,951 721 1,429,319 47,408 61,975 9,098 42,396 16,303 759 44,201 26,603 251,297 6,342 ANIMALS AND THKIB PBODUCI. Horses No Homed cattle " Swine " Sheep " Poultry and other Animals $ Bones cwt Butter Iba Cheese " Eggs doz Furs, dressed and undreased $ Grease and scraps • lbs Hides, boms and skins $ Honey lbs Lard •' Meats, viz. :— Bacon " Beef " Hams " Mutton " Pork " Tonnes ... " Vemson " Preserved, N.E.S " Oil, Neatsfoot, and other animal, N.E.S nils Sheep's pelts No Tallow lbs Wool " Other articles $ 11,595 89,263 3,883 304,403 57,528 8,075,537 69,755,423 11,490,855 Total, Animals and their Prodace . AQBICULTITBAL FBODUCTS. . cwt 1,079 214,772 7,646.807 423,915 671,163 176,835 630.970 8,106 60 1,793,249 1,300 101,987 136,521 1,601,031 Bran Flax Flax seed bush • Fruit, green brls Grain, and Products of, viz. : — Barley bush Beans " Indian com " Oats " Peas " Rye " Wheat " Other •' Flour of wheat brls Indian meal ' Oatmeal * Me«l, all other ' tons Hops lbs Malt bush Maple sugar lbs Potatoes bush Seeds, other 9 Straw tons Tobacco leaf lbs Vegetables, other $ Other articles " H»y Total Agricultural Prodncti. 62,072 6,312 437 61,019 7,780,262 5.'.,919 ll,9i4 1.34fi,7-20 2,201,097 872.969 745,526 90,576 197,389 51 65,901 11,307 108,461 117,266 235,959 391,348 753,435 3,574 118 Valne. t 894 207,984 2,«57 41.5,313 132,183 30,213 115,095 301,204 215,943 8,383 890,497 207,792 3,168,236 92,407 196,694 Goods, Not the Prodoos of Canada. Total Exports, Produc* aod Not Prodnoo. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. 26,465 54,085 66 25,811.157 1,617,829 5,681,082 14,243 1,544,605 192,908 47,527 1,612,481 7,251,989 1,960,197 1,119,756 1,984 436,898 178 21,425 731,590 27,469 62,212 10,990 44,518 521 5 160,212 «'>6 28,740 8,929 310,060 68,294 27 7,.">03 756 7,653 1,176 740 360 128,607 5,937 88,293 19,342 1.091 1,484,926 1,277 1,401 71 398,439 6,080,134 3,989 20,596 322.8S9 9^.600 1,335 164,102 231,808 1.545 13,780 368 121,416 721 1,429,319 47.408 61.975 9,164 42,396 16,330 759 51,704 27.361 258,930 7,518 $ 894 262.069 3.8.57 41.5.313 132,183 30,213 115,835 301.204 216. 'J93 8.:W3 i.oiy.i04 213.729 3,2.^6..')29 111.749 197,785 27,296,083 12,872 90,664 3,883 304,474 62,282 671,631 8,787 3*i9 405 1,692,560 22,946,108 46,637 73,779 540 173,048 6,104,642 92.702 8,941 601,712 2,009.2;5 5ti.">.titi3 812.923 69,007 1,025,995 126 2:10,294 30,203 913,037 16.402 178, 3;« 25.018 231,716 80.464 15,418 23 92,280 109,646 48 38,391 1,768 29,797 6,184 212 106,092 67,628 8,473,976 75,8;»,557 11,490,855 56,881 6,492 826 1,079 235,368 7,869,646 520,515 672,498 176,836 2,32:i,530 8,106 60 1,793,297 1,300 101,987 136,521 1,539,423 10 1,528 5 3,794,.5.50 85,024 54,491 29,515 2,275,602 1,206,076 10 4,001 87,115 316 4,7.55 1,050 4 1,819 19 2,476,905 32.484 49,885 30,1129 2,546,269 1,781,931 5,9'.2,890 14,243 1,. 548, 150 20l'>.688 47,527 l,674,76;j 7.82;i.fi20 l,'MM,m 1,128, .543 2,3.53 436,303 178 2:1,183 701,387 3:(,653 62,424 160,610 521 5 100,218 4«:6 28,740 8,929 316,562 69,120 24,152,181 414,680 9.'i4 16,785 8,056 44 597 43,311 U4,643 40,921 307 97,961 62,082 6,312 437 62,547 7,780,262 65,924 3,806,474 1,431,744 2,2.V>,r,9l 902,484 3,021,188 90,676 284,604 367 60,666 12,357 108,466 119,085 235,959 391,348 753,435 S,674 U4,661 12,397,843 ^758,217 46.647 73.779 540 177,049 6,104,612 92,721 2,483.846 534,196 2,0.M).16O 593,692 3,359,191 69,007 1,440,675 1,0t<0 247,079 33,255 913.101 16g9« 178.:<:» 2.\0\» 231,7ia 123,775 16,418 40,946 •2,687 907,607 18,156,060 CAMl'UELL'S COMMErCtAL GAZETTEER AND ATLA^. COMMERCE— Co«/(««««/. 8l!MMA':Y STATEMKN*T OF GOODS KXPORTKD FKOM THE DOMINION OF CANADA, DISTlNGflSHING CANADIAN PRODfCE AND MANUFACTUKE FKOM THOSK OF OTHKR COrNTHIES, DVIUKG THE HisCAL VEAK ENDING 30th JUNE, ISSi- Continued. Avncim. MANtrACTl'KEIi. AKr><'ultur»1 implementa.. • Ilk>, iMunpbleU, mapa, etc BiixmiU =*t CandlM lbs CarriaKPii, c»rt», etc No ClottiinK »nd we»rinK apparel • Cordage, roiwi and twine CuttoiM " Extract of betnliKjk bark brl" Furs 5 Ulan and glaaiware || Grindstoneti ^ Gypeum or pU«t«r, ground Hat* and capt || India rubber Iron, viz. : - Stove* .. No Casting*, N.E.S 9 Pig ....tons Scrap » All other, and hardv are, N.E.3 " Junk and oakum cwt leather, Tiz. :— .Sole and upper 9 bootii and Bnoei pr» ilamesH and Ba 1884. To aoonoralM ii>ao« th« frftrtlonol p«rt« of tba dollar !»▼• beta jiDltiflIock,fre8h. . lbs " dry salted cwt " wet salted " pickled brls " smoked Ibd Mackerel, fre»h " " pickled brls Haliuut, fresh lbs " pickled brls Herring, fresh lbs " pickled brls " smoked lbs Seft fish, other, fresh S pickled . . brls " preserved, lbs Oysters, fresh brls " in cans lbs Lobsters, fresh brls " preserved lbs Bait fish brls Salmon, fresh lbs " smoked " " canned " " pickled brls Fish, all other, fresh $ " pickled .. brls Fish oil, cod gals " seal " " whale " " other " Fan or skins, the produce offishormarineanimals $ Other articles " Total Prodace of the Fisheries THI rOBCST. Ashes, pot and pearl brls " leached « Bark for tanning crds Basswood, butternut and hickory ....Mft Firewood crds Hopk heop, telegraph and other poles $ Knees and futtocka. pes Latbwood crds Logs, hemlock M f t " oak " pine " spruce " tamarack " all other 468,490 154,809 t l,19^407 911,383 151,844 3,106 368 4,402 44,944 2 1,194 100 14,478 HO 3.(1,180 63,426 177 26,678 491,700 728.985 23,792 1,562 28,078 488,095 67,449 183,.TO2 18 1,409,050 124,043 8,452,529 8,729 682 422 24 6,107 15,106,980 72 1,262,809 8,743 10,985.479 6,143 6,510 249,0G6 .3,492 1,800 84,228 7,801 1,563 164,900 36,588 601 4,374 1,820 2,863 6,2.55 16 28,857 593 11,842 150,479 138,775 32 29,417 14,200 .302,716 43,618 17,:.55 3,403 73,368 61,939 3,106,830 14,966 3,669,387 110,496 8,461 2,000 18,372 520,335 12,161 92 26,85: 606,205 169,385 1.50,264 41,078 111 899 3 31,bC4 1,478,895 508 180,563 1,318 1,137,358 83,746 240,912 33,237 150,811 1,977 723 33,286 146,042 66,115 8,856,926 268,055 49,994 321,991 36,247 388,010 227,191 33,800 4,031 20,814 29,819 18,8122862 30,858T.2.^^ 145| 1fi?,104 Fiscal Year ending 30th June, 1884. Quantity. 604,537 15.5,851 325,461 4,182 1.32 l,f577 25,308 Value. 885 37 21,471 359,172 61,575 864 12,9M 130,641 850,607 25,93-2 1,:«7 5,970 700,703 95,816 344,520 60 1,097,786 137,370 7,839,948 7,607 109,245 542 '""10,163 10,822,987 715 1,0.59,761 1.5,867 7,348,417 4,774 4,*959 276,448 6,908 9,771 52,246 7,495 751982 1,292 168,697 23,943 466 4,869 2,225 974 6,820 31,153 1,358,349 952,131 160,607 7,043 695 4,855 214,044 66,549 5 15,851 12,920 453,322 64,796 14,152 11,4J5 62,478 63,250 3,442,491 4,749 3,739,70* 89,607 5,735 236 29,.'589 876,797! 12,311 51!)l 18,37:) 539,911 154,2.-.7 211,.%'.!, a3,5-:t 11,817 1,091 ""*6,m 1,145,9041 1,5671 152,0,%5! 2,007 802,017 67,8:(2 340,727 23,767 142,043 4,076 4,242 20,229 87,828 44,513 8,609,.341 224,.M4 2i,2n«i 399,598 30,897 353,829 181,046 18,691 3,421 19,639 .30,399 8,012 31,793 68201 Abtici.18. Fiscal Tear ending .30th June, 1883. Quantity. TBI roRiBT— C«n/inti«i. Lumber, viz. : — Battens pes Deals St.H Deal ends " Laths, palings anil pickets M Flanks, boards and joists Mft Scantling " Staves, standard .... M " other and head- ings " AU other, N.E.S.... $ Masts and spars pes Oars prs Shingles M Shingle bolts crds Sleepers and railroad ties, pes .Stave bolts crds Sugar box shocks M Timber, square, viz.: — Ash ton;: Birch " Elm •• Maple " Oak ^ Pine, red " Pine, white •... " All other " Other woods S Total Produce of theTorest AKIHAL8 AND TBEIB PBODroK. Horses No. I Horned cattle .. . " Swine " Sheep " jPonltry, & other Animsls $ iBones cwt ! Butter lbs Cheese. " Eggs doz Furs, dressed ft nndres>.il S Grease and scraps lbs Hides, horns and skins. . $ Honey lbs Lard " Meats, viz. : — Bacon " Beef " Hams " Mutton " I Pork " Tongues .... " Venison " I Preserved, N.E.S... " Oil, Neatsfoot and other animal, N.E.S pals Sheep's pelts No. T.1II0W lbs Wool " Other articles 9 Total, Animals and their Produce 973] 140,347 AQBICCLTUBAL FBOOUCTS. Bran owt Flax Flax seed bush Fruits, green brli Grain and products of, viz. : — Barley bush Beans Indian Com Oats Peas Bye Wheat 24,296 277,562 12,136 226,921 66.5,937 17,463 1,059 39,036 27,.i97 899 117,.395 6;i7 2,155,3K8 66,701 99,884 8,.n89 26.355 23,152 790 52,448 26,116 224,192 6,698 13,500 67,000 3,8.58 308,662 63,!546 8,162,729 63,340,9.38 13,451,410 33,689 r;.5 3,7.36,724 886,163 519.377 397,280 1,762,243 32,.596 11,.'>25 1,771,900 74 84,799 3,864 1,375,572 24,561 11,634 166,220 8,817,216 142,429 819,603 1,024 0.^3 2,339,287 1,09.3,112 10,733.636 Value. 4..591 ... 9.028,672 ... 330,149 . . . 319,7n . . . 8,353.726 . . . 133,792 . . . 198,603 ... 282,.597 . .. 9,3,216 . . . 44,197:... 1,968:... 326.870 . . . 2,685 637 .5.{ Value. 24,242 302,877 12,774 292,026 700,813 17,9-.'9 664 66,167 26,648,4419755 28,260 :(68 121,416 721 1,429,319 47.408 51,97, P,lfi4 42,396 16,330 7,'i9 51,704 27,:«il 258.9,30 7,518 1,697,901' 3,995.090 12,281 1,. 392,279 162,889 66,131 1,714,381 7,025,033 2,2.'J6,586 1,098,904 1,664 476,6)6 107 18,035 ^.16,973 57 ,C?^ 6£,.365 143,138 1,801 648 180,212 74 18,167 710 280,5:10 62,267 21,166,418 21,806 108,220 620,206! . 6,293,233 212,,3.30! 586,020 460,821 2,161,708 744,613 11,703,374 12872 90,Gf>4 3,484 304,414 37,.328 8.47.3,976 7.3,8:15,5.37 11,490,855 66,881 1,079 235,368 7,869.646 620,515 572,498 176, 8;« 2,:t23,.330 8,106 1,793,297 ],:iOO 101,987 i;t6,,321 1,339,422 62,082 6,312 4.37 52,547 7,780,262 55,924 8,800,474 1,431,744 2,265,591 902,484 3,021,188 4,244 9.077.264 31.3,815 493,791 8,779,.3.38 133,)mt 191,480 :146,627 1(10,624 45,.330 894 262,069 2,857 41.3,313 ]32,]8;< 30,213 11.3, 8.^3 301,204 216,293 8,:fl'3 1,019,104 213,729 3,2.36,.329 111,749 197,7&3 27,296,0KI 1,781,931 5,912,8(1) 14,243 1,646,160 206.688 47, .327 1,674,76:« 7,82:1,620 1,960,197 1,128,543 2,353 436,303 178 33,183 761,387 3:i,63;t 62.424 lO.WIO 1.30.filO an 5 160,218 466 28,740 8,929 316,.3.32 69,120 721 851S 24,152,184 46,6471 . 73,779; . 540i. 177,04?;. 6,104,642:. 92,72Ii 2,485.846. 534,I9K . 2,0.39,160 . 595,692. 3,359,192 . 16 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. COMMERCE— Ctmtinued. • COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF EXPORTS- CimliniKil. AincLB. Fiicftl Y«w «iiiumor[ila«ter,gTound " Hau and cap* " India rubber " Iron, tt«»ea No. •• caatinga, N.E.S ... $ " pig ton« " scrap $ " all other, and hanl- ware, N.E.S. .. " ,Iunk and oakum cwt Leather, viz. :— Sole and upper $ BiKits and shoes pr« HameM) and saddlery $ Other manufactures of •* Mme " Liquom, viz.: — Ale, beer and cider. . gals Whiskey " 106,018 526,340 279 67,016 4,4:w 93,740 179,439 l,."»2y,958 169,t.62 2,424,979 3,t>.T8 95,289 Valne. f I a * * 69,435i ... 2,703,078;..., l,0?7l..., 280,572 . . . 11,809 ... 902,105 ... 91,546 ... 1,136,700 ... 12,358 ... 1,048,9541... 21:i,920'..., 17,2.i7|..., 1«,:«84'..., 9LM58 ... 113,150 ... 29,515,033 . 4,445i 4,480 300 40,414 64 3,197 15,696 90,872 22,4? 42,564 16,886 50,24:. 19,3.51 691 22,780 11 28 13,.>17 28,074 305,426 4,755 2,866 51,726 8,950 3,165 5,028 798 7,424 59,877 57,624 355,798 39,392 271,442 96,8U 4,576 122,371 11,112 10,353 31,078 Fiscal Year aiding 90th June, 1884. Quantity. 90,876 284,504 367 60,656 12,357 108,465 119,085 215,959 391,:i48 753,435 3,574 114,661 Value. 59,007 1,440,675 1,080 247,079 3.'{,258 913,101 16,999 178,330 25,018 231,716 12:<,775 15.418 40,946 92,587 207,607 .5W2 404522 448298 2fi70.'>4 46962 t 389.58 -I 1 Pk Totala. * 2486' -8 Grand Total 507691109706 2637 9556 25 2748 75019 5000 19130; . 413 2922 5:M07 6802 1525 5147 40418 523 29449 3318 287 433 448 9 t • ;!7410870lB3a47C7|4373.VB7 ^IG-Uea 23241»7:33t«»819 1701 10596 177 11176 699 23 6204 6461 400 14717 6550 18844 12444 50119 213:»6 15000 720 992 169 2033 1230 153 W6i 2500 51619 1115(1 1550 492 971 300 27 18 400 600 2793 5154 2879 510 600 300 111550 334 2444 59 412 102 8074 60 200 1379 735 152786 9865 49 46 700 676 2199 1589 1100 40 1484926 22946108'l206076123978J3 5758217 :«77535'.59961l'560690 127190 77132079 9389106 8662U86 8 1262198; 170U667 1044409 307369 46220 331169 1658 6921 136814 11.571 32388 1419 338822 75710 89761 87065 301245 388162 183326 141213 170549 247151 I 283082 15000 198.50 117229 3565 69 412 8589 32860 30S2 41694 4911 27898 59501 99 500237 9S65 49 29218 700 33.175 3964 6.'* i"'2 11710 33U 6847 1056 20026 699 1H204.W 17122H3 1044739 3073t« 63067 33222S 1638 692 166H40 12370 300 27 18 400 683 2793 12249 2879 1703 4296 600 6850 1379 1944 619,7,174 M 1,:<5I,8IM> 42 664.0.J7 61 884,076 21 170,8>;3 40 70,148 16 t 8,890,1.55 12,616,095 2,6.50,929 1,718,968 1,057,437 696,877 263,069 154,021 $ 8,887.881 12,rt.0,.i.5S 2.714.602 1.740,020 1,0.57,4.37 702.693 2ii3,137 154,021 41,967,215 49, 12.', 472 9,653,104 6,467,888 3,734,573 4,142,286 822,766 486,739 1 40,;«2,246 43,026.172 9,18:1,346 6,513,924 3,768,851 4,040,335 829,032 486,739 t cu. 6,977,340 77 8,127,920 84. NovaScoti* New Bniniwiclc Manitnha Briti«h r.ilTimbia F. E. Inland 1,907,174 64 1,354,886 42 664,037 61 884,076 21 170,86 i 40 N.-W. lerritoriet 70,148 16 88,349,492 80,010,498 20,1.56,447 96 28,047,551 28,170,146 116,397,043 108,180,644 20,1.56,447 95 COMPAKATIVK STATEMENT (BY PROVINrE.S) SHOWIN'O THE TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS, THE TOTAL VALUE OF GOODS IMPORTED AND ENTKItKl) lOll CO.VSUMI'TION. AND THi: AMOUNT OK DUTIES COLLECTED IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA DURING THE FISCAL YKAIW ENDING RESPECTIVELY ON THE 30th JUNE, 1882, 1883 AND 1884. Fi*ca1 Year ending 30th June, 1882. Fiscal Year ending 30tb June, 1883. Fisral Year ending 30th June, 1884. Pbotinom. Total i..,->rU. Total Imports. Entered for Con- sumption. Duty. Total Exporta. Total Imports. Entered for Con- sumption. Duty. Total Exports. Total Imports. Entered for Con- sumption. Duty. Ontario 9 4" 7»S,921 38,,:?, 121 9,2r/,2'.t5 7,474,407 666,119 .■i,154,194 1,887,146 t 41.690.760 51,10.5,257 8,701,. 589 6,707,244 6,144,493 2,8!t9,186 7.37,321 433,650 $ 40,706,774 47,685,441 8,l.5;),089 6.778,412 6,223,8.56 2,882.095 78.5.610 433,6.50 $ cU. 7,-351,420 41 1 32.890 019 S 44,666,445 55,909,871 10,0;i3,929 6,972,121 9,326,.324 3,937,.536 682.170 725,626 • 44,4.52,804 47,7.54,996 9,042,017 7,265,238 9,312,0.53 3,866,8.56 717,429 725,626 f cts. 7,664,627 15 9,250,349 42 1,833,641 31 1,514,897 41 1,764,805 72 908,962 54 166,988 42 68,137 00 $ 26,891,017 42,029,878 9,.599,356 7,753,072 722,730 .3,100,404 1,310,039 9 41,967,215 40,122,472 9,653,104 6,467,888 3,7;M,573 4,142.286 822,766 486,739 t 40,332,245 43,026,172 9,183,340 6,51;i,924 3,768.851 4,040,:«5 829,032 486,7.39 t cts. 6,979,026 22 9,1.55.570 03 42.642'<)86 8.134,6;i9 66 Niiva Scotia New Bruniwick . . Manitoba British Columbia. P. E. Inland N. \V. Territories. 1,7.17,996 07 1,4.VJ,700 53 I,0."i4,ii01 06 679,207 18 198,586 87 51,755 28 9,820,332 7,520,107 610,469 3,383 :<42 1,318,649 1,907.285 69 1,3.54.886 42 664,037 61 884,076 21 170,863 40 70,148 16 TotaU 102,137,203 119,419,500 112,648,927 21,708,837 43 98,085,804 132,254,022 12.3,137,019' 2:!,172,308 97 91,406,496 116,397,043 108,180,644 20,164,963 37 A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE TOTAL VALUE OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OP MERCHANDISE INTO AND FROM THE DDMINIO.N OF CANAD.A. IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1867 »» TO 1883-81; SHOWING -ALSO PERCENTAGE EXCESS OF IMPORTS OVER EXPORTS, AND OF EXPORTS OVER IMPORTS IN E.ACH YEAR. I 4 1868 1869 1870 1871 187i 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881. 1882 1883. 1884 Total Imports, in- cluding Coin and Bullion. $ 73, 459, 644 70,415,165 74,814,;a9 96,092,971 111,430,527 128,011,2H1 128. 21. 4, ■«2 123.070,283 93.210,.i46 99,327.962 93,081,787 81,964,427 86,489.747 ia5,;i:«),840 119,419,500 132,254.022 U6,397,043 Canadian, including; Coin and Bullion. 9 53.371,067 56,618.980 67,045,S(i8 64.320..58-. 69,89.5,53'< 80.;«4,0I2 78.737..S32 70.74il,liiiO 73,731.474 6,S,764.2S.T 68,158,78!) 6.3,13.5,611 74.671, 4.)2 94..508.7,50 88,:m.ftU 82,017.390 Exports. Foreign. $ 4,196,821 3,8.55,801 6,527.622 9,8.13,0(3 12,744,125 9,40\910 10.614.096 7,137,319 7,234,961 7,111,108 11,164,878 8,:i55,614 13,240,006 13..i75.n7 7,628.4.53 9,751.773 8,389,106 ToteL ■5",5i;7.888 60,474,781 73, -.73,490 74,173,618 82.639,t«< 89,789,922 89.351,928 77.8.Sii.979 80,9(;6,4.i5 75,875.393 79.323.667 71,491,2.55 87.91 1.4.8 98,290,823 102,H7,'203 98,085,804 91,406,496 Excess of Imports. Over Canadian Exports. 9 20,O88,.577 13,796,185 7,7ti8,471 31,772,:«6 41,-534.989 47,627.269 49,475,750 ,52,320.623 19,478.872 30..56;«,677 24,922,9i<8 18,828.816 11,818,295 20,41.5,134 24,H10.7.")0 43,919,991 34,379,663 Orer E'- ports. Over Total and Imports. Foreign. Excess of Total Exports. 9 1.5,891,756 9,910,384 1,2-40,849 21.919,353 28,790.864 88,221,:«9 38,861,6.54 45,18l,:i04 12,243,911 23,4.52,.569 13,7-58,120 10,473,172 7,040[6i7 17,282.297 34,168,218 24,990,647 Percent- age excess of Imports. 1,421,711 Over Total Exports. p. c. 27-6 16-4 01-7 29-6 34 8 42-5 43-5 580 161 30 9 17-3 14-6 OT-l' 14-5 25 8 21-4 Percent- age excess of Exports. Over Total Imports. p.0. 06'2 28-4 16-9 '.'..'.':'.'.'.'.'. 149 CO- 16 • ••• "'66'6' 6i-6 06-S 218 133 107 Percentage Increase or Decrease of Import? ' Total Exports compared with compared preceding year. p. a p. c. 041 0-4 24-2 06 3' Xl-9 U-9 with preceding year. p. c. 0605 21 6 00-8 11-4 08-6 03-9 oi-e' '22-9' 11 8 OS 9 p. c 00-5 12-p oe's' 09 8 03 9 06-8 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 19 COMMERCE.— Cc»»n«//t,776 6.>0:i 39,.'J72,2;«t 37,4:11,18' 3<',:Ki:i,l» 34,4tJl,22< 4:t,58:?,8(* .'iO,.'i!)7,34I 5-.',0.52,4B.'i 43,418,015 t 47,73^678 ■">4,28 1,072 ."i,m8 3',7llt,112 4S.28'.).0.52 fiC, («•-', 3:l;t 59,492,826 t 2,023,';88 2,:«2„W0 1,941,298 1,840,877 1,410,7.):.' l,.18,i,0ai 1,5 (2,191 i l,U5.8»l| l,fi31,332i 2,n97.3V(! 2,31(l,4Sfli 1,769,849 9 8 1,099,92.1 9.5»),yi7 748,4: 482,.587 370,594 39it,:l2ii 440,909 449,791 9:t4,2(;fi 1.480,(104 1,809,1.54 1,975,771 1 ~~$~ 477.886 4.'>8,0<;7 .38:t.484 4M>.0M 278,09f 277,42'.' :t4,f,849 2:!t;,518 ;«t9,(W4 402,219 584,972 504,477 a 75,0r.2 100„'-44 66,006 71,65.5 45,40.5 41,913 2.5,510' 35,767 66,893 61,912 6:<,34» 67,983 t 62,42.5 46,085 43,9.58 40,412; 29,2.50 5.1,310 3:1,461 4.59,.5()8 88,7206 38;i.i;76 448.9«i2 891,911 1,410,973 1,. 529, 042 1,645.254 1,909 ,.562 i I i v. % 120.514 1.19,1.74 Hi;, 128 56,168 69,066 61.178 94,781 94,22.5 141,789 2f.8,093 ;i3ti,040 242,:iK) I 780,322 396,839 621,731 746,.'*.? 449,973 844,154 41:1,767 5ft7,6h9 916,926 l.i;i9,0,57 880,057 1,080,231 m,614,.5M 127,44M,169 119,618,6.57 m,;.).>.2in !M'>.:i00.4H.'l 91.19'.»,.577 80.:141.)>8.L'09 2:1,075 79,64:1 938,273 80,9('«.43,5 1877.. 41,567,469 25,775,24,5 319,.S30 :i4,324 62,659 129,960 213,692 94,;«w 66,912 2,112,106, ;i,788,8.58 651 ,625 37,149 18.5.610 836,1.51 75,875,:i93 1878.. 45,941,539 25,244,89f .169,391 122,254 47,816 104,028 151,861 6;i,7r.o 49,998 2,094,682 3,414,147 654.:i.57 102,5.* 370.723 631,655 79,:i23,667 1879. . 36.29,5,718 27,16.5,501 714,875 112,090 .59,59ii 1:1.5,748 148,472 9,713 40,4:10 1,641,417 3,500.670 741.442 66,551 290,762 587,270 71.491.2.5.5 1880.. 45,846,062 33,349,901' 812,829 82,2:17 60.727 165,885 163,787 102,592 688,811 1,510,300 3,.544,103 789.940 37,546 139,9((1 616,829 87.911.458 1881.. 53,751,570 36,868,225 662,711 84,9:12 46,653 108, .594 145,997 215,754 2.58,433 1,.523.469 .1,147,.169 19,761 146.:i6.1 680, 8f 98,290,823 1882.. 45,274,461 47,940,711 825,573 153,114 108,082 149,744 163,755 36.5,198 142,358 1,974,923 2,995,.572 911.162 106,675 340.608 655,a(i, 102,1:17.20:1 1883.. 47,14.5,217 11,668,723 617,730 133,697 164,925 179,843 218,113 27,599 19.5.705 2,187,:i38 3,125,031 1,489.957 105.388 875,065 461,473 98,08.5,804 1884.. 43,736,227 88,840,540 390,955 195,575 144,092 172,252 247,151 15,500 287,378 1,920,450, 3,119,.569 1,277,383 60,979 602,181 496,264 91,406,496 PERCENTAGE OF DUTY ON TOTAL VALUE OF GOOD.S IMPORTED AND ENTERED FOR CONSUMI'TION, DUTIABLE AND FREE ; AMOUNT OF CUSTOMS DUTY PER HEAD OF POPULATION. AND PERCEN I'AUE OF EXPEN.SES OF COLLECTION OF CUSTOMS REVENUE IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. DURING EACH YEAR FROM 1873 TO 1884, INCLUSIVE. Years. Percent'ge of Duty on Total Value of Goods Imported, Dutiable and Free. Percent'ge of Duty on Total Value of Goods Entered for Consumption, Dutiable and Free. Amount of Customs Duties paid per head of Population. Percentage of Expenses of Collec- tion of Customs Revenue. Years. Percent'ge of Duty on Total Value of Goodslmporteil, Dutiable and Free. Percent'ge of Duty on Tiitiil Value of Goods Entered for Connumption, Dutiable and Free. Amount of Customs Duties paid per bead ot P.ipulation. Percentatre of Expenses n( CoUeo- tiun of Customs ReTcuoa. 1873. . . 1874... 1876... 1876... 1877... 1878... 11-25 12-48 1376 12-6.'« 13-74 W-20 11-32 12-83 13-44 13-03 14-03 8cts. 363 3 93 4 19 344 3 39 346 £-35 04-55 04-44 05-61 05-75 06-58 1879. . . 1880... 1881... i882... 1K81... 1884... ^5-78 1634 17-56 18-18 17-52 17-32 ftio 19-70 20-19 19-27 18-83 18-64 8ers, Sulkey and walking Ploughs and parts of same, Harrows, Scythes, Horse and Hand H.iy Rakes, '"-arden Rakes of any material. Grain Seed Drills, Spades and Shovels, Hoes. Hay, Straw,Manure, Spading and Mining Forks, and all similar articles and parts thereof 35 " Alab.ister 20 " Ale, Heer, and Porter, in bottles (6 qts. and 12 pts to i. g.) i8c, p. i g. — Beer, and Porter, in casks, or other- wise than bottles lO " — Beer, and Porter, barrels containing bottled ale and porter are considered packages for exportation only, and therefore free of duty, Alkanet Root Free Aloes Free Alum .ind Aluminous Cake Free Aluminum Free Ambergris Free Ammonia, Sulphate of Free Anchors Free Anatomical Preparations Free .\nimals, Living, of all kinds, not else- where specified 20 p. C. Animals, for improvements of stock, viz., horses, cattle, sheep and swine, under the regulations to be made by the Treasury Board, and approved by the Governor in Council Free — brought into Canada temporarily, and for aperod not exceeding three months, for the purpose of exhibition or com- petition for prizes offered by any agri- cultural or other association. But a bond shall first be given in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, with the con- dition that the full duty to which such animals would otherwise be liable shall be paid in case of their sale in Canada, or if not re-exported wiijin the time specified in such bond Free Annato, liquid or solid and seed Free .\niline Dyes, in bulk or packages of not less than one pound weight Free Aniline Dyes, not otherwise provided for 10 p. c. — Oil, crude Free ^ Salts and Arseniate of Free Anvils 30 p. c. Antimony Free Apples, dried 2c. p. lb. — green 40c. p. bbl. Duty. Apparel, wearing, and other personal and household effects (not merchandise) of British subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada Free Argols. dust and crude Free Arms. Clothing. Musical Instruments for Bands. Military Stores ind Munitions of War. for the use o' the Army. Navy and Canadian Militia '. Free Arrowroot 20 p. c. Arsenic Free Arseniate of Aniline Free Articles for use of Governor-General, Foreign Consuls-General, Dominion Government, or any of the Depart- ments thereof, or Senate, or House of Commons Free Artificial Flowers 25 p. c. — Teeth 20 " Asbestos in any form other than crude, and all manuf.ictures thereof 25 " Ashes, Pot, Pearl , or Soda Free Awnings and Tents 25 p. c. Asphaltum, mineral Free Atlases, with or without let'.er-press 15 p. c. Axes of all kinds 30 " Axle Grease and Siiuilar Compounds . . ic. p. lb. B. Babbit Metal 10 p. c. Bacon, Fresh. Salted. Dried, or Smoked 2 c. p. lb Bags, Cotton, Seamless .,.2c. p. lb. and 15 p c. — Cotton, made by the needle 30 " — containing fine salt from all countries 25 " — Paper, of all kinds 25 " of all kinds (if printed) 30 " — Jute 20 " Baking Powder 20 " 30 " Free Free Bag Frames, in the rough or finished Bamboo, unmanufac'ured — Reeds, not further manufactured than cut into suitable length for Walking Sticks, or Canes, or for sticks for Um- brellas, Parasols or Sunshades Free Barilla Free Barber's Twist 20 p. c. Barrels of manufacture ex- ported, filled with domestic Petroleum and returned empty, under such regula- tions as the Minister of Customs sh.^uart. an additional duly of one cent and a-half for each ad li- tional quart or fractional part of a quart. Canvas, Java. WaflBe, Aida, Zephyr, Peru, Fancy Java, Momie, Oatmeal, Penlope, Huria;). Kailroad, etc 20 p. c. — when imported by manufacturers of floor oilcloth, for use in their f.ic- tories, and not less than 58 inches wide Free — of Hemp or Flax, when to be used for boats or ship's sails 5 P c — all other, not elsewhere specified ... . 20 " Cane Juice Syrup Be. p. lb. and 30 " — split or otherwise manufactured 25 " — not split, for corsets Free Caps, cloth, wool loc. p. lb and 23 p. c — hats and bonnets, fur and straw, and all others not elsewhere specified .... 25 " Caplins, unfinished Leghorn hats 20 " Cars, Railway and Street, and parts.. 30 " Carbolic or Heavy Oil 10 " Carboys, empty or not 30 " Card Clothing Machine 25 " Cards, Playing 6c. p. pack — Printed, Lithographed, or Copper or Steel 30 p. c. — Easter, Christmas and New Years.. 25 " — advertising 30 " Cardboard, including Bristol board, and all other kinds of cards cut, not elsewhere specified 30 " Carpet Bags, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Purses and Pocket Books 30 " Carpets, treble ingrain, three-ply or two-ply carpets, composed '• holly of wool IOC. p. sq. yd. and 20 " — Dutch, all wool 20 " — Jute and Hemp, matting and mats. . 25 " — two-ply and three-ply ingrain, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other material than wool, worsteO, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals. 5c p. sq. yd, and 20 " — Tapestry, Wilton, Axminster, and rugs of same 20 " — Brussels, Tapestry (Dutch), Venetian and Damask 25 " — Printed Felt 20 " Cartridges, in copper or paper, and cartridge cases 30 " Car Wheels and Axles, in iron or steel . 23 " Carriages, and similar vehicles not otherwise enumerated 25 " Carriage Springs, steel 30 " Carriages, Railway 30 " Carriage Tops, Frames, Bodies and Wheels 35 " Carriages of Travellers, and carriages laden with merchandise, and not to include circus troops or hawkers, under regulations to be prescribed by Minister of Customs Free Carriage Dusters, or Lap Wraps, woven, plain 20 p. c. — Ifhemmed 30 " Carriage Makers' Hardware 30 " Carriages, Children's, all kinds 35 " DHtf. Caiketi, Barial, of aojr malarial 31 p. >• Casts as models for use of School of Design Fra« Castings, not elsewhere specified, iron or steel 13 p. c. Cathodes. Nickel to p. c. Catgut Strings or Gut Chords for musi- cal instruments Free Catgut or Whipgut unmanufactured . . Free Celluloid or Xyoliir. in sheet, lumps or blocks Free — moulded into sue fur handles uf knives ami forks, not bored nor other- wise manufactured to p. c. Cement, Portland or Ronun 20 " — Shoemakers' 20 " — raw or in stone from quarry ( 1 3 cubic feet to ton) }i per ton — burnt and underground 7l<^. P- '*•• — Hydraulic or Waterlime, ground, in- cluding barrels 40c. p bbl, — in bulk or bags 9c.p. bush, — rubber a5c. " Cereal Cofl'ee 3c. p lb. Chalk. Cliff stone, unmanufactured .. . Free Champagne, and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing each nut more than a quart, and more than a pint I3 p. doz. bot. — containing not more than a pint, and more than a ^ pint |i 50 •■ — containing ^ pint e,ich or less 73c. " — bottles containing more than qunrl each shall pay in ,-iddition to tj per doz. bottles at therateof |i 5o})cr i.g. on thequantity inexcessof onequart.ti 3op i.g. And in addition to the above specific duty 30 p. c. All Liquors imported under the name of Wine, and containing more lh,in 40 per cent, of Spirits of Proof of Syke's Hydrometer, shall be rated for duty as enumerated Spirits. Chamomile Flowers Free Charts and Maps 20 p c. Chain (iron or steel), over ,% of an inch in diameter 5 " C.iaiii Cables, over ,% inch in diameter, whether sh.ickled or swivelled or not 5 " Chains, all other not cables including chain {} of an inch, not elsewhere specified 20 " Chains, Trace, Tug and Halter 20 Cheese 3c p lb. — Cloths ic. p. sq. yd. and 15 p, c. Cheques, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate 30 " Checked Regattas 2C. p. sq. yd. and 15 " Chenille and Chenille Tassels 20 " Cherry Wheat, Wslding compound .... Free Cherries, green i p. c. p. qt. Chicory, or other root or vegetable used as a substitute for Coffee, kiln dried, roasted or ground 4c. p, lb. —- raw or green 3c. " C.hincona Bark Free China Ware and Porcelain Ware 30 p c. — Clay, natural or ground Free — Matting 25 p. c. Chimneys, Lamp, glass 30 " Chloride of Lime Free Chloralum or Chloride of Aluminium.. Free Church Vestments 20 p. c. Churns, " Wood " 25 •' Cigars and 20 " Cigarettes " " 20 " Cinnabar Free Citrons, rinds of, in brine for candying. Free Clays Free ClocKS, and parts thereof, except springs 35 p. c. Clock Springs, when imported by the manufacturers of such articles for use in their factories Free not so imported 10 p. c. Chronometer clocks, as Clocks 35 — Watches, as Watches 25 Chronometers for ship use Free M CAMPbliLLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. Duly. Cloaln. Far a5 P - rioth. ra»hmere,Mc..ioc p lb and «j CloutNaiN 30 Clothing, (lun.iiii>n* for charitable par Fri» Free — for use o( Army. Navy and Mililia. , — of any material, inrludinK Horie- clothinK, •hapr)sed of uool and cotton, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress or manufacturer Horse- clolhinR sh.iiied. — waterproof of all kinds 33 " — made of cotton, includes ladies' and children's cotton underclothing, nvn's and txiys' shirts, shirt fronts, collars and cuffs, cotton scarfs, pinafores, bibs, skirts and dresses, of cotton in piipie, marcelles, muslin, etc., either coloured or white Shaped horse- clothing, etc. Oil clothing. Lace col- lars. Ties and Scarfs, made up by manufacturer, seamstress or tailor., 30 " Coal, Coke and Anthracite (2,000 lbs. p. ton) Soc. p ton — dust 20c. " — Bituminous 69c. " — Oil and Kerosene, distilled, purified or refined, not elsewhere specified. . . yjc. p. i. g. — barrels, filled 20 p. c. Coke (Gas) when used in Canadian manu- facture only Free Cocoanut bags, filled 20 " Coal Tar 16 " — I'itch 10 " Cobalt, Ore of Free Cocoa Matting and Mats 23 p. c. Cocoanuts >i p. 100 — when imported from the place of growth by a vessel direct to Canada port 50c. p. 100 Cocoanut, dessicated, when sweetened. . ic. p. lb, and 35 p. c. Cocoa-paste, and other preparations of Cocoa containing sugar. . IC. p lb. and 25 " — and Chocolate, not sweetened 20 " Cocoanut Oil and Palm in their natural state Free Cocoa, Bean, Shell or Nibs Free Cod-Liver Oil, medicated 20 p c. Cochineal Free Coffee, green F''ree But if imported from the U. S 10 p c. — roasted or ground, and all substitutes thereof not composed of roots and vegeubles 3c. p. lb. Free Free 20 p. c. Coffee, Substitute* for, composed of rooii and vegetable* 4c. p lb — roasted nr ground, from U S ' 3c. p ll>. and 10 p. c — Extract 20 " Coffins of any material 3) " Coffin trimmings, of metal jo " Coins, gold and silver, except U.S. tilver coin* Free Coir and Coir Yarn I'ree Collars, Cuff* and Shirt Front*, paper, linen, cotton or celluloid 30 P c Colcothar dry oxide of iron I'ree Cologne Water, or IVrfumcd Spirits, in Ixjtiles, Hasks or otlirr packages, weigh- ing not more than4n1.t1.90 p i g and 30 p. c. — Water and I'crfumed Spirit* in bottles, flasks, or other packages, not weighing mure than 4 oz 40 " Colours and Taints, ground in oil or any other liquid 25 " — Dry, viz. ; — Blue black, Chinese blue, Persian blue and raw umber. Metallic Colour, Cobalt, Zinc and Tin — in pulp, viz, —Blue-black, blanc fixe, Chinese blue, Prussian blue and raw umber 23 p. c, — in pulp, viz. : — .Carmine, cologne, marjarcca and rose-lakes, scarlet and maroon, satin and fine washed while, and ultramarine blue — and P.iinls not elsewhere specified . . Combs, all kinds .5 Commercial Blank Forms, printed, lith- ographed, or copper or steel plate. ... 30 " Communion Plate, and Plated Ware for use in Churches Free Compasses, for ships use F'ree Coniu .1 Cicuta, or Hemlock seed and leaf Confectionery and Sugar Candy, brown or white ic. p. lb. and Copper, old or scrap, in pigs, bars, rods, bolts, ingots, not planished or coated, and copper, seamless, drawn tubing. . — Rivets and Burrs, and all manuf.ic- turers of, not elsewhere specified .... — in Sheets — Sheets, cut in strips or sub-divisions. — and Brass Wire, round or flat Free — and Brass Wire Cloth 20 p. c. Cordage, all kinds 20 " Corduroy 2C. sq. yd. 15 " Cordials (See " Spirits") tigo p .g. Corn, Indian 7ic. p. t ish. Cornmeal 40c. p bbl. Cornstarch or flour. Potato Starch, and all preparations having the quality of Starch 2c, p. lb. Cornelians, unmanufactured Free Corks, and other manufactures of Cork- wood or Cork-bark 20 p. c. Cork-wood or Bark, unmanufactured , . Free Corsets '. 30 p. c. Corset Laces 30 " Costume Cloths, Serges, and similar fabrics, under 23 inches wide 25 " Coiton Quilts, not woven 27 J " — Quilts, woven 20 " — grey or unbleached, and bleached not stained, painted or printed I cent per square yard and 15 " — Sheets 20 " — Sheetings, Drills, Ducks, Cheese Cloths, Cotton or Canton Flannels, nels, not stained, painted or printed, grey unbleaced or bleached I cent per square yard and 13 " — Denims, Drillings, Bed - tickings, Ginghams, Plaids, Cotton or Canton Flannels, Ducks and Drills, Dyed or Coloured, Checked or Striped Shirt- ings, Cottonades, Pantaloon Stuffs and goods of like description, Galatea* and Kentucky Jeans 2 cents per square yard and 13 " — Netting for gloves 10 " I'ree 25 p. c. 10 30 F'ree 30 p. Cotton Jean* and Coutille*, when im- ported by Corset Maker* for uae in their factories — forty-two inches wide and over, when im|Kirled by manufacturer* of enam- elled cloth lor use in their factories . . Cotton Shirts and Drawers, woven or made on frames, and all Cotton f lojiiery and Knitted Cloth — Sewing Thread, on Spool* — Sewing Thread, in hank*, black and white, three and six cord — Unbleached Cotton* over thirty-six inches wide, when imported by manufai lurrrs of window *hades for use in Ihrir fac- tories, exclusively for the in.inuf.tcture of oiled window shades .... All clothing made of cotton or other material not otherwise provided for, including Corsets, Lace Collars, Cuffs Ties, and similar articles made up by the seamstress or tailor Cotton Prints, Printed Shirtings, Furni- ture Prints, Cretonnes, Plain Prints, Cambrics — all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified, held to embrace ; — Sheets, Cotton Diaper, Cotton Huckaback, Cotton Dain.^sk in pieces and cloths, Towels, Book Muslin, Jaconet. Checked Jaconet, Cambric, Bishop's and Vic- toria Lawn's, Tarlatans, Hair (.'ords, Crinoline, Leno, Pique, Brilliants, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Curtains known as Swiss, Nottingham or L.a<:e, etc., if of Cotton, Stay-bindings, lied Lace, Boot Web, Carpet Binding, Velvets and Velveteens, Cotton Tapes, Ferrets, Tassels, Window Leno, Cot- ton Fringe, Braids, Mosquito Netting, Cambric Edgings, Insertions and F'louncings, Mechlin, Antimacassars, Woven Carriage Dusters and Lap- wraps, Terry Cloth — Printed and Dyed, includes Rolled Shirtings, Cotton Italians, Wigans Stouts, Wigans, Cotton Alpaca, Jeans, Coutilles, Cambrics, Silicia* and C'as- bans — Seamless Bags, irrespective of con- tents 2 cents per lb. and — Prunello. .2 cts. per square yard and — Wadding, Batting, Batts 2 cents per lb. and if coloured . . . 3 cts. per lb. and — Warps, Carpet Warps, Knitting and Hosiery 'Yarns, and other Cotton Yarns under No. 40, unbleached .... 2 cents per lb. and — Warps, Carpet Warps, Knitting and Hosiery Yarns, and other Cotton Yarns under No. 40, bleached, dyed, or coloured 3 cents per lb. and — Yarns, finer than No. 40, unbleached, bleached, or dyed, and not finer than No. 60, for the manufacture of Italian cloths and worsted fabrics — Warps on beams. . i ct. yer yard and — Warp, No. 60 and finer — or Canton Flannel, unbleached and bleached, not stained, painted or printed . , i cent per Si--juare yard and — or Canton Flannel, if coloured 2 cents per square yard and — Waste — Wool — and WoUen Netting for Gloves — Umbrellas — Handkerchiefs — Seed Cake, Oil Cake, Palm Nut and Meal Cake Couplings, Threaded Cream of Tartar, in Crystals Crapes, all kinds Crayons and Chalks Duty. 20 p. c. 15 •• 30 " 20 " 12 J " 20 " 15 •• 30 " 27J " 20 " 27i " 15 " 15 " 15 " 15 " 15 15 Free 13 •• 15 '■ 15 " 15 " Free. Free. 10 p. c. 25 " 20 " Free. 25 p.c. Free. 20 p. c. 20 " CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND \TLAS. Duty Cufli, Collar* and Shirt Front*, Paper, Cotton or Linen )0 p. c. Curry Combi and Curry Cardi jo •' Cutlery, Iron and Steel, not sliewhere •pecified, includin^f table, uflicr and pocket cutlery : acisaon and she; " D. Demijohns 30 p. c. Dental Instruments, of steel, aot plated 20 " — — of w(K)d or rubbei 25 " if plated 30 " Diamonds, unset, including black dia- monds for borers Free — Dust, or Bort Free — Drills, for prospecting for minerals. . Free Drafts, printed, lithographed, or cupper or steel plate 30 p. c. Dragon's Ulood Free Drain Pipes, glazed 25 p. c. — Tile, unglazed 20 " Drawers, cotton, woven or made on frames 30 " Drawers and Shirts composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat or other like animals, 7^ cts. p. lb. and 20 " Drawings, Paintings, Engravings and Prints 20 p. c. Drills, grain, seed, and parts 35 " — hand and machine 30 " Dry Plates .' . . 30 " Druggets, printed 20 '• Duck, for belting and hose, when im- ported by manufacturers of rubber gcwds for use in their factories Free Dulce, in natural state Free Tyeing or Tanning articles, in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere specified Free Dynamite, Dualin, Giant Powder and Vigorite, and other explosives of which Nitro-Glycerine is a component part 5c. p. lb. and 20 p. c. Dyes, other than aniline, prepared .... 20 " Dye, jet black , Free E. Earth Closets, wood 35 P' c. Earthenware Closets 20 " — and Stoneware, brown or coloured, and Rockinghamware 30 " — Caneware 25 " — decorated, printed or sponged, and all earthenware not elsewhere specified 30 " — Stoneware and White Granite, or Iron Stoneware and "C. C." ware, whether decorated, printed or sponged or not 30 " Edge Tools 30 " Eggs Free Egg Boxes 25 P- c. Elastic Goods, viz. : Garter and loom Webs, cords and braids, garter frills, garters, belting, stocking supporters, belts 25 " Electroplate, and gilt of all kinds, not classed as jewellery, including cutlery plated wholly or in part 30 " Electrotypes and Stereotypes, of stand- ard books, not advertising books, pamphlets or sheets 10 " Electrotypes and Stereotypes for com- mercial blanks and advertisements . . zo " Electric and Galvanic Batteries 25 " — Light Apparatus 25 " Embalming Fluid..., 30 " Duly Embeaed Books for the Blind Free Emery l-"rrr — Wheels it,Y c. — paper, sand and glass, paper and cloth i) " Enamelled cluih, for carriages, etc . . . 30 " Engines, locomotive and stationary, lire and }ther steam engines and Imilers and other machinery compoicd wholly or in part of iron i j " Engravings, Paintings, Drawings and Prints 20 " Entomoli gy, specimens of Free Envelopes, paper of all kinds, plain. ... 25 p. c. Ergot Free Essences, of Apple, IVar. I'ineap|ile, Raspberry, Strawberry and other Fruits, and Vanilla, .ti.90 p. i. g. and !o p. <:. Ether, and Spiritsof Nitre.. ti. go p i.g. and jo " Essences, such as Old Tom Gin Essence, Scotch Whiskey, etc jo " Essential Oils for manufacturing pur- poses 20 " Esparto or Spanish Grass, and other grasses -xnA pulp of, for the manufac- ture of paper Fre«i Excelsior, f r Upholster's use 20 p. c. Extract of Logwood Free F. Fans, " Advertising." 30 p. c. — all other 25 " Facings 20 " Farina 2c. p. lb. Farm Waggons and Carts 35 p c. Fanning Mills and parts 35 " Feathers.Ostrich and Vulture, undresiicd 15 " — Ostrich and Vulture, dressed 25 " — for beds 20 " Felt, for boots and shoes, when imported by manufacturers for use in their factories 10 " — pull-overs for hats 25 " — for glove lining, when imported by manufacturers for their use in factory. 10 " — adhesive, for sheathing vessels Free — endless, for paper makers, when im- ported by manufacturers for use in their factories Free — thick, for organ and piano makers;. . 20 p. c. — Cloth, of every description, not else- where specified 7ic. p. lb. and 20 " — Boots and Shoes 25 " — Roofing, tarred 25 " — Roofing, not tarred 20 " Felloes, Spokes,Hubsandpartsof wheels 25 " — Spokes, Hubs and parts of wheels, rough-hewn or sawn only 15 " Ferro Plates 20 " Fibre, Tampico or Istle Free — Mexican Free — Vegetable, for manufacturing pur- poses Free Fibrilla Frem Canada in reduction or repeal uf the duties ia force in the said countries Fiih — On and after the first day of ]uly, 1883 — Mackerel ic p lb. — Herrings, pickled or salted fc. — Salmon, pickled ic. " — all other, pickled in barrels ic. " ' — foreign caiixhl, imported otherwise than inbarrt'lsorh.ilf barrel*, whet her fresh, smoked, dried, salted or pickled, not specially enumerated or provided for by this Act yx p. cwt. — Anchovies and sardines, packed in oil, or otherwise, in tin boxes, measuring not more than 5 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 3} inches deep jc p bot. In half boxes, measuring not more than 5 inches lung, 4 inches wide, and i| inches deep i\c. each. And in <]uarier boxes, measuring not than 4} inches Ion);, 3^ inches wide, , and I J inches deep 2C. " When imported in any other form 30 p c. — preserved in oil, except anchovies and sardines 30 " — Salmon and all other, prepared or preserved, not specially enumerated or provided for in this Act 2 J *' The Government have power to remit the duties whenever they are re- mitted on our fish and fish-products going into the United States. Fish Bait Free Fish-Hooks, Nets, Sei.ies, Lines and Twines for the use of Uie Fisheries, but not to include sixirting. (ishing tackle, or hooks with flies, or trawling spoons Free Fish-Sounds 20 p. c. Fish-Plates, steel Free Fish-Plate, iron, railway I7l P c. Fishing Rods 30 " Flags 20 " Flannels of every description, not else- where speeitied 7jc. p. lb , and 20 " Flagstones, dres.sed I1.50 p. ton Flasks, glass of every description 30 p. c. Flax, fibre, scutched ic. p. lb.' — fibre, hackled 2C. " — tow of, scutched or green Jc. " Flax Seed loc. p. bush. — Seed Oil, boiled or raw 25 P- c. Flint, Flints and ground Flint-stones.. Free Flour, Wheat 50c. p. bbl. — Buckwheat or Meal Jc p. lb. — Corn 40c . p bbl. — Rye 50c- " — R1C8 2C. p. lb. — Sago 2C. " Foot Grease, the refuse of the cotton- seed after the oil is pressed out Free Fog Signals, detonating, for railway sdarms 20 p. c. Forks, hay, manure, straw, spading and mining 35 " Folia Digatalis Free Fossils Free Fowls, pure bred, for improvement of stock Vtee Freight Carts 35 P- c. Fringes, all kinds 20 " Frogs, iron, railway J74 " Frog Points, iron, railway 17J " Fruit, dried. Apples 2C. p. lb. — dried. Currants, Dates, Figs, Plums, Prunes, Raisins and all others not elsewhere specified 20 p. c. — grten, Apples 40c. p. bbl. — green. Blackberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries 2C. p. qt. — green. Cherries and Currants ic. " — green. Cranberries, Plums and Quinces 30c. p. bush. — green. Grapes 2C. p. lb. 34 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. Pufy. I'ruit, green, Peaches 40c. p. bush, — creea, Or^riKcs and Lem.ins 20 p. c. — in airtight cans, inclui-'ing cans weighing not over on"! pounvl. 3c. p. can. and 3c additional y can fo' each pound, or fraction of a pound, over one pound in weight. — preserved in brandy and other spirits.^ i. g. — Jars, glass and Preserve Jars 30 p. c. Fullers" Karth '"ree when prepared . . . , 20 p. c. rurnilure, of wood, or any other ma- ferial, house, cabinet or office finished or in parts ■ 35 " Fur Skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner Free wholly or partially drjssed 15 p. c. Fui'. Caps, Hats, Mufla, iippets Capes, Coals, Cloaks and o:ber manufactures ofFu- 25 " Fur Trim.-nings 25 " G. Game 2j p c Oaloon. silk 30 " — all other 20 " Gas and Coal Oil F.'xtures, or parts thereof 30 " Gas-light Shades 30 " Gentian Koot Free German Silver, in sheets for inanufac- iurers Free — Potash, salts for fertilizers Free — Silverware, not plated 25 p. r. Giant Powder 5c. p. lb. and 20 " Gigs 35 " Gin, Geneva (see " Spirits") 8132^ p. 1 .<;. — Old Tom. (see " Spirits,") in bulk. .>i.32i " Ginseng Koot Free Ginger, unground 10 p. c. — ground 25 " Glass, ornan:ental, figured, enamelled, stained, in sheets 30 " — Bottles, Decanters, Phials, and Flasks of every description 30 " — Carboy's and Dcnijohns, Pressed Bottles, Flasks and I'hials of every description. Telegraph a.^d Lightning Hod Insulators, Fruit Jars, and Cllass Bottles 30 " — Lamp and Gas-light Shades, lamps and I-amp Chimneys Globes for Lanterns. I,jmp and Gas-lights 30 " Glass, Plate io p. c. — Plate, silvered 30 " — Mirror Plates. N. K. S 30 " — Tabieware. pressed, moulder or cut. 30 " — Stained, tinted, painted, vitrified, in sheets 30 " — Window, stained 30 " — Window, common and colourless. . . 30 " — Figured, enamelled and obscured white, in sheets 30 " — all others, and manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 " — Stoppers 30 " — Balls 30 " — Paper, Sand, Emery, Paper and Cloth 25 " Glengarry, or Scotch Caps 25 " Globes fir Lanterns and Lamps 30 " Gloves and Mits of all kinds 25 " Glue 20 " Glucose Syrup 2c. p. lb. Glucoseand Grape Sugar, to beclassed and rated for duty as sugar, accord- ing to grade by Dutch standard in colour. Glycerine 20 p. c. Gold-Beaters' Moulds and Skins Free Gold and Silver Leaf 25 p. c. Gold and Silver Leaf, Imitation 25 " Granite, all manufactures of, not else- where specified 20 " Granite-ware, or Ironstone-v.are, (not iron) 30 " — metal... 35 " Duty. Gravel. Free Gravel and grease scrap Free Grindstone Stone, in the rough '2 p. ton. Grindstones, dressed or complete 20 p. c. — setup 25 " Guano, and other animal and vegetable manure (not phosphates) Free Gums, Amber, Arabic, Austraulian, British, Copal. Damar, Mastic. San- darac. Shellac and Tragacanth Free — Chewing, sweetened and flavoured.. ic. p. lb. and 35 p. c. — Chewing, not sweeieued 20 " — Shellac, bleached and drawn 20 " (>'inny Cloth and Gunny Bags 20 " Gui.powder, gun, rifle and sporting, in kegs, \ kegs, \ kegs and similar pack- ages 5c. p. lb. Gun Caps 30 p. c. — Wads, paptr 25 " — Wads, felt 20 " Gunpowder, cannon and musket, in kegs and barrels 4C. P' lb. — cannister in pound and \ pound tins. 15c. " — Blasting and Mining 3c. " Cut and \Vorm Gut manufactured and unmanufactured, for whip and other cord Free Guttapercha, manufacturers of N. E. S. 25 p. c. — crude Free Gypsum, ground loc. ,"■ cwt. — crude (Sulphate of Iron) Free Hair, curled --Hog — .\ngola, Buffalo, Bison, Camel, Goat, ilorse and Human cleaned, and un- nleanod, but not curled or otherwise m.inufic'ured, also Cow, Calf, and Deer Hair — Seatio:; — Pins .~. — cloth for Tailor's purposes — Oils, Pomatums and i astes, and all other perfumed preparation? used for the hair, mouth or skin Hams, fresh, salted, dried or smoked . . Handkerchiefs, cotton Hand Carts Handkerchiefs, silk Hardware, builders', cabinet-makers', upholsters', carriage-makers', sad- dlers', undertakers', and house- furnishing Harrows, and parts Harvesters, self-biuHers, and without binders and parts Hats, Caps and Bonnets, not elsewhere specified Hatters' Plush — Furs, not on the skin Hay Knives Health Food, Cold Blast whole wheat, flour and wheat, pearled wheat and oats, granulated oats and barley, universal food, pea and bean flour, bran flour, bran food, pearled corn meal, white wheat gluten Hemlock Bark Hemp, undressed — Indian (crude drug) — Carpets, Matting and Matts Hides, raw, whether dry, salted or pickled Hickory lumber sawn to shipe for spokes of wheels, but not further manufactured Hoes.s teel Hollow-Ware, tinned, glazed or en- amelled, of cast or wrought iron ... Honey, in the comb oi otherwise Horse Powers, and parts Horn Strips, when to be used in making corsets — and Horn-tips 20 p. c. Free Free 30 p. c. 30 " 20 " 30 " 2C. p. lb. 20 p. C. 30 •• 30 " 30 p. c. 35 " 35 " 25 " Free Free 35 P- c. 20 " Free Free Free 25 p. c. Free Free 35 P- c. 25 " 3C. p. lb. 35 P c. Free Free Hoofs Hoop Iron, not exceeding § 01 ..- inch in width, and being No. 25 gauge -r thinner, used for the manufacture of tubular rivets Hoop Skirts Hooks and Eyes Hops Horse Shoes — Shoe Nails — Clothing, Cotton, Linen Netting. . .. — Clothing, Cotton, Linen Netting, with hand- work — Clothing, Woollen, shaped, loc p. lb. and Horses. Cattle, Sheep ami Swine, for the improvement of stock, under regula- tions to be made by the Treasury Boat d , and approved by the Governor- General-in-Council Hoisery, cotton, of all kinds — Wool, Cashmere and Merino socks and stockings loc. p. lb. and Hubs, Spokes and Felloes, rough or sawn only — Spokes and Felloes Hymn Books Hyoscyamus or Henbane Leaf Ice Duty. Free Free 30 p. c. 20 " c. p. lb. 30 p. c. 30 " 30 ■■ 30 " 25 " Free 30 p c. 25 " 15 " 25 •' 5 " Free Free Imifition Precious Stones, not c?t.... 10 p. c. Indian Corn 7 Jc. p. bush luflia Rubttei' Roots and Shoes 25 p. c. — Rubber and Vuica:iite,manufactuiers ofN. t. 5 25 " — Rubber, unmaii'^'actured, hard, crude in sheets, plain or moulded Free — Rubber Clothing, all kinds 35 P- c. vulcanized handles for knives and forks 10 " Indigo Free — Paste and Extract of Free India Hemp Free Ink, for writing 25 p. c. — for printing 20 " Inkstands, all kinds 30 " Insulators, Telegraph and Lightning-rod 30 " Iodine, crude , Free Iron, old and scrap Free — Pig 92 per ton — in Slabs Blooms, Loops, or Billets, puddled or not, and muck and puddled bars and billets 10 p. c. — in bars, rolled or hammered .including flats, rounds and squares, nail and spoke rods, and all other iron not otherwise specified 1 7 J " — Beams, sheets or plates, and knees for iron or composite ships Free — band and hoop, sheet, smoothed or polished, coated or galvanized, and common or black, 17 guage or thinner, and boiler plate, tank iron and Canada plates I2}p.c. And the above over 17 guage 17J " — chain, •' half-inch chain," so-called, is ordinarily made a little over half-inch or about ij of an inch, but should be classed as half-inch, and pay 20 " — Nails and Spikes, wrought or pressed, whether galvanized or not, including railroad spikes Jc. p. lb. and 10 " — rolled beams, channel, angle and "T" iron 12J " — sheet, corrugated, and galvanized. . . 17J " — Masts for ships, or parts of Free — rolled round wire rods in coils under J inch diameter 10 p. c. — and Steel Wire, tinned galvanized or not, over 13 guage 15 " — Cast Iron Forks, not handled, ground or otherwise further manufactured. . . 10 " — Furniture 35 " — or Steel Beams, Sheets, Plates, Angles and knees for iron and composite ships or vessels Free CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETIEER AND ATLAS. as Iron and Steel Wire, tinned. gal.anizjJ or not. 15 gauge or smaller — for bridges and -.tructural work — malleable castings — Rails or Railway Uars Iron, or manufactures of iron, shall be charged with the same duty, if im- pc-'ted. a« steel, or steel and irm combinea. u-'.'^'^'^ otherwise pro- vided for. — stoves and other castings and forgi:igs not elsewhere specified — sand or globules, and dry putty for pcli^hini; ^nrif! — Nuts and Bolts together, classed an bolts — Wire Nails, called "Points de Paris" — ornamental iron work and wire work — and manufactures of, not elsew here specified Iris Istle or Tampico Fibre I-in:^!ass Ivory or Ivory Nuts, unmanufactured. . — Veneers, sawn or split only, not planed or polished — black Duty. Free 25 p. c. 25 " J- iaiap Root apanned and Tin Ware, not elsewhere specified Jeans, when imported by corset makers for use in their factories Jewel Cases, etc Jellies and Jams iet, manufactures of ewellery. and manufactures of gold and silver iunk, old ute. Canvas, not less than 58 inches wide, when imported by manufac- turers of floor oil-cloth for use in their factories — Cloth, as taken from the loom, neither pressed, mangled, calendered, nor in any way finished, and not less than 42 inches wide, when imported to be manufactured into bags only — manufactures of — Carpets and Mats and Matting — unmanufactured — Butts Kainite, for fertilizers Kelp Kerosene ::ndCoaI Oil. distilled, purified, or refined, not elsewhere specified ... ' Kei'osene and Coal Oil Fixtures, or parts thereof Knitting Machines Knife Blades or Knife Blanks in the rough, unhandled, for the use of electro platers Knives for mowers and reapers Kryolite L. Labels, coloured, for fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, confectionery, and other goods, also tickets, posters, advertising bills and folders loc. p. lb. and — of every description, not elsewhere specified Lac dye, crude, seed, button stick and shell Laces,braids,fringesand other trimmings Lace Collars, Cuffs, Ties, made up by seamstress Lamps, glass Lamp Shades, glass — Wicks — Black Lard, tried and rendered — untried -Oil Lava, unmanufactured , 25 •• Free 30 p. c. i-> " 25 " 20 " Free Free 20 p. c. Free Free 10 p. c. Free 25 p. c. 20 " 30 " 5c. p. lb. 20 p. c. 20 ■' Free Free Free 20 p. c. 25 " Free Free Free Free ■;c.p.i.g 30 p. c. 25 " 33 " Free 20 p. c. 30 " Free 20 p. c. 30 '■ 30 •■ 30 " 30 •■ 10 " 2C. p. lb. lie •• 20 p. c. Free Duly. Lava-ware 20 p. c. Le,id, old scrap nn 1 in pivjs 40c. p cwt. — bars, blocks and sheets 60C. " — white and red. dry, also dry white rinc and bismuth 5 P c. — p^r-a ana ..hut 30 " — Nitrate and Acitate of 5 " — all manufactures of, not elsev;here specified 30 " Leather, sole, tanned but rough and undressed 10 " *- Morocco Skins, tanned, but rough and undressed 10 " — sole .nnd belting 15 " — sole and belting, dressed and waxed. . 20 " — all upper and French kid. tanned or dressed, but not waxed or glazed .... 15 " — as above, including kid lamb, sheep or calf, dressed and waxed or glazed.. 20 " — Cordovan, from horse hide, and manu- factures of 25 " — japanned, patent or enamelled 20 " — all other, and skins tanned, not else- where specified 20 " — Glove, viz. : — Buck, Deer, Elk and Antelope, tanned or dressed, coloured or not to " — belting and all manufactures of, in- cluding: boots and shoes, and albums, belts base-balls, shot and powder pouches, blotting cases, cigar cases, needle cases, rug and shawl straps.. 25 " If the above are lined with Silk, Satin or Silk Plush 30 " — board 3c. p. lb. — boot and shoe counters Jc. p pair '..eeches Free Lemons, and rinds of, in brine for candying . . Free Liquorice-root Free — paste extract of, for manufacturing purposes 15 p. c. — Stick, extract or confection ic. p. lb. and 20 " Linen, manufactures of 20 " This includes Irish linens and front- ings (union and all linen) roughs, brown, dressed, slate and black Hol- land, linen buckram, coat canvas, striped, checked, or plain linen drills or ducks, linen sheetings, pillow linen, patent yarn, dress linens, linen han 'kerchiefs, towels and towelling, crash, diapers, hessians, crumb- cloths, table linen, and damasks, table-cloths, napkins, doyleys. stair linen, loom sheeting, tea cloth, glass- cloth, huckabacks, check dusters, linen ticking, forfar sheeting, scrim, French canvas, woven linen carri- age covers and wraps, threads, bind- ing tapes. — Clothing, all kinds, including horse clothing 30 " Linseed Oil, raw or boiled 25 " Litharge Free Lithographic stones, not engraved 20 p. c Litmus and all Lichen, prepared and not prepared Free Liquid Asphalt, for roofing 20 p. c. Locks of all kinds 30 " Logs and round unmanufactured timlier, not elsewhere specified Free Logwood, Extract of Free Locomotive Engines, and stationary fire, or other steam engines and boilers, and other machinery composed wholly or in part of iron 23 p. c. Locomotives and Railway, Passenger, Baggage and Freight Cars, being the property of Railway Companies in the United States running upon any line of road crossing the frontier, so long as Canadian locomotives and cars are admitted free under similar circum- stances in the United States, under Duly. re'{ulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs Free — Tires of Steel or " Bessemer " in the rough 10 p. c. Locust Beans, for the manufacture of horse and cattle f(x>d Free Lumber and Timber. Planks and Hoants, sawn, of Boxwood, Cherry. Walnut, Chestnut, Gumwood, Mahogany. Pitch Pine, Rosewood. Sandalwood. Spanish j Cedar, Oak. Hickory, and Whitewood | not shaped, planed, or otherwise manu- j factured Free Spanish Cedar, cut by knife Free not elsewhere spocilietl 20 p. c. Linoleum, "as Oil Cloth" 30 " M. Mace i5 p. c. Machines portable 35 " Machinery for Cotton Mills 25 " — for Worsted Mills 25 " — Ships and other vessels 25 " Machine Card clothing 25 " Machinery, not elsewhere speciluvl .... 25 " Midder and Munjeet. or Indian Madder ground and prepared, and all extracts of Free Magazines.quarterly. monthly and semi- mothly, and weekly literary papers, 'inbound Free Magic I-anterns , ,. 25 p. c. Majolica Ware 30 " Malt 1 5c. p. bush. — Extract of, for medicinal purposes. . 25 p. c. Maltine 25 " Man^'anese, Oxide of Free Manilla Cirass Free Manilla Hoods 20 p. c. Mantels, slate 30 " — marble 30 " Manure, Guano, and other animal and vegetable, in natural state, not pre- pared Free — prepared or manufactured, all kinds. 20 p. c. Manuscripts Free Maps and Charts 20 p c. Marble Slabs, sawn on not more than two sides 10 '* — Blocks and Slabs, sawn on more than two sides 20 " — finished 30 " — all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 30 " — in blocks from quarries in the rough, or sawn on two sides only, and not specially shapen, containing less than 15 cubic feet to " Containing 15 cubic feet or over Free Masts, iron, or parts of. for ships Free Mattresses, hair, spring and all other . , 35 p. c. Meal, Buckwheat Jc. p. lb. Meal Cake. Oil Cake, Cotton-seed Cake, and Palm Nut Cake Free Meats, fresh or sailed, on actual weight, as received in ('anada, except shoul- ders sides, bacon and haras ic p. lb. — shoulders, sides, bacon and hams. ^ fresh, salted, dried or smoked 2C. " All other dried or smoked meals, or meats preserved in any other way than salted or pickled, not otherwise specified 2C. " — Essence of beef (extract) 20 p. c. Medals, of gold, silver, or cop[>er Free Meerschaum, crude or raw Free Mellen s Food, Sweetened ... 30 p. c. Menageries, horses, cattle, carriages and harness of, undei regulations to be prescribed by Minister of Customs.. Free Mica 20 p. c. Military stores and munitions of war.. Free Mill Board, not straw board 10 p. c. Milk Food manufactured by Henri Nestles, Dr. Gibaut and others, and all similar preparations 30 " Milk, condensed ic. p lb and 35 •• 26 LAMi'liLLLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. Duty. Mitt* and (Hoves. leather 23 P- i^ Mineral Water* (natural), not in bottle Free Mirrois, liand 3° P- c. -forwall 35 " Mirror plates 3° " MiDeralogy, specimens of Free Models and Patterns of Inventions, and other improvements on the arts, but no articles or article shall be deemed a model or improvement which can be fitted for use Free Molasses— See Syrups. Moleskins 2C. p. sq. yd. and 15 p. c. Moss, Seaweed, and all other veRelable substances used for beds and mat- trasses, in their natural state or jnly cleaned Free — Iceland and other mosses, crude. . . . Free Mouldings of Wood, plain 25 p. c. Rilded, or otherw ise further manu- factured than plain 30 " Mowing Machines and parts 35 " Music, printed, bound in sheets or books loc. p lb. Musical Instruments for bands of Army and Navy Free of all kinds, not otherwise pro- vided for 25 p. c. Musk, in pods or in grains Free Muskets. KiflL's, Guns and Pistols, not otherw ise s[)ecified 20 p. c. Mustard Seed, unground 15 " ground or prepared, I'rench Mus- tard, etc 25 •' — Cake so " N. Nails, Clout, Hungarian, Horse-Shoe, and Iron Wire, called "I'ointdel'.iris" 30 p. c. — and Spikes, cut ^c. p. lb. and 10 " — and Spikes, wrought and pressed, whether galvanized or net jjc. p lb & to " Nails and Spikes, composition and sheal- ing 20 p. c. Napkin Kings, plated 30 " Naptha, not elsewhere specified yjc. p. i g. Neatsfoot Oil 20 p. c. Needles, Steel, viz.. Cylinder Needles, Hand Frame Needles, and Latch Needles 30 " — N.E.S 20 •■ Newspapers, received by mail Free. Nickel Silver, in sheets to p. c. — Anodes and Cathodes lo " — Salts 20 " Nitrate of Soda or Cubic Nitre Free. Nitro-Glycerine 10 cents per lb. and 20 p. c. Nuts, iron or steel i cent per lb. and 10 " — all kinds, except Cocoa Nuts 20 " — Cocoa $1 00 p. 100 Nutmegs 25 p. c. Nutgalls Free. O. Oak Bark Free. Oakum Free. Oats 10 c. p. b. Oatmeal j c p. lb. Ochres,dry,ground or unground, washed not calcined 10 p. c. Oils, hair, perfumed or not 30 " — coal and kerosene distilled, purified or refined. Naphtha, Benzole, Petroleum, products of Petroleum, Shale and Lignite nto elsewhere specified 7J c. p. i. g. — lubricating, not elsewhere specified. . 25 p. c. — Carbolic or heavy 10 " — Olive or Salad Oil 20 " — Corf f,ii)fr medicated 20 " — ".ssential for manufacturing purposes 20 '• — Lird 20 " — L.Hseid or Flaxseed, raw or boiled ... 25 " — lubricating, composed wholly or in part of Petroleum, and costing 30 cts. per Imperial gallon or over 25 " costing less than 30 cents per Im- perial gallon 7i c p. i- g. Duty. Oil, Neats/oot 20 p. c. — Sperm 20 " — Sesanie Seed 20 ** — Cocoanut and Palm in their natural state Free. — Cake, Cotton-seed Cake, Palm-nut- Cake, and meal Free. — Cloth, in the piece, cut or shaped, oiled, enamelled, stamped, painted or printed, flocked or coated .... 30 p. c. for floors, and Linoleum, stamped, painted or printed 30 " Onion Sets 20 " Opium (drug) 20 " Opium, prepared for smoking $500 p. "). Optical Goods, viz , Opera, Field and Spy Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Stereoscopes, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Magic Lanterns and Slides 25 p. c. Oranges, rinds of, in brine for candying Free. Oranges 20 p c. Ores of metals of all kinds Free. Organs, Cabinet, Reed Organs having not more than two sets of reeds Sio.ooeach. having over two and not more than four sets of reeds (15.00 each. having over fourandnot more than six seets of reeds t20.oo each. having over six sets of reeds. . . . $30.00 each. And in addition thereto on all organs.. r5 p. c. Organs, Pipes, and sets or parts of sets of reeds for Cabinet Organs 25 " Ornaments for ladies' head dresses. Gilt 30 " — for ladies' head-dresses. Jet and Steel 20 " — for ladies' head-dresses. Rubber and Vulcanite 25 " Ottar of Roses Free. Osiers Free. Oxalic Acid Free. P. Pails, Tubs, Churns, and other manufac- tures of Wood not elsewhere speci- fied 25 p. c. Paints and Colours ground in oil or any other liquid 25 " not elsewhere specified 25 " White and Red Lead, White Zinc and Orange Mineral, dry 5 " White Lead in pulp, not mixed with oil ... 5 " Paintings, Engravings, Drawings and Prints 20 " Paintings in Oil by Artists of well-known merit, or copies of the old Masters, by such Artists Free Paintings in Oil or Water Colours, the production of Canadian artists, under regulations to be made by the Minis- ter of Customs Free Palm Leaf, unmanufactured Free Palm-nut Cake, Meal Cake, Cotton-seed Cake, and Oil Cake Free Pamphlets and Periodicals, not else- where specified ij p. c. imported through for subscribers Free Paper, Calendered 22 J p. c. — enamelled 30 " — ruled 25 " — glazed, plated, marbled, enamelled, or embossed, paper in rolls, sheets and cardboard, similarly finished 30 " — of all kinds, not elsewhere specified. 20 " — printing, not Calendered 20 " — Bags, printed 30 " not printed 25 " — manufactures of, not elsewhere speci- fied 25 " — Carpet Lining 20 " — Union Collar Cloth, in sheets, not shapen 5 " — Wall, including Window Shades and Trunk Linings 30 " — Paper Hangings 30 " — Borders, Cornices, Edgings, etc., for cigar boxes, perforated paper, confec- Dut} tionery paper, book marks, tags, photo- graphic mats, etc., as manufactures of paper 25 p. c. Papier-mache Goods, viz.: card baskets, glove and handkerchief boxes, tea caddies, trays 25 " Parasols 25 " Parian Ware 20 " Paris Green, dry 10 " Parafine Wax or Stearine 3c. p. lb. Pearl, Mother of, not manufactured. . . . Free Pearline 3c. p. lb. Peas IOC. p. bush. Pelts Free Pen and Pencil Holders 25 p. c. Pencil Leads 25 " Pencils, lead, in Wood, or otherwise . . 25 " Percussion Caps, for gun and rifle .... 30 " for blasting 30 " Perforated Cardboard, plain 30 " gold, silver, and embossed 30 " Perfumery, including toilet preparations, hair oils, tooth and other powders and washes, pomatums, pastes, and all other perfumed preparations used for the hair, mouth or skin, cachous 30 " Perfumed Spirits, in bottles or flasks, not weighing more than 4 oz 40 " Perfumed Spirits (held to include Bay Rum), in bottles or flasks and other packages weighing more than 4 oz. each 91.90 p. i. g. and ;o " Persis, or extract of Achill and Cudbar. Free Petroleum and products of, not else- where specified 71c. p. i. g. Phials, glass of every description 30 p. c. Philosophical instruments and appa- ratus, including globes ana pictorial illustrations of insects, etc., when imported by or for use in colleges and schools, scientific and literary societies Free Phosphorous Free Phosphor Bronze in Blocks, bars, sheets and wire 10 p. c. Phothgraphers' Cards 30 " Pianofortes, square, whether round cor- nered or not, not over 7 octaves $25 each and 15 " — square, all other $30 each and 15 " — upright . . $30 each and 15 " — concert, semi-concert, or parlour grand $5oeachand 15 " — parts of, including brass agraffe pins. 25 " Pickles and Sauces 25 " Picture Frames, as furniture 35 " Pick Eyes as Forgings 25 " Pipe Clay in natural condition Free Pipes, Briar and other, of wood 25 p. c. — Meerschaum 20 " Pins, from wire of any material 30 " Pistols not elsewhere specified 20 " Pitch-Pme, in packages of not less than fifteen gallons Free Pitch Coal 10 p. c. Plants, Shrubs, and Shade Trees 20 " Plaster-of- Paris or Gypsum, ground, not calcined loc. p. cwt. — calcined or manufactured, 15c. p. cwt. or 45c. p. bbl. not over 3 cwt. Piaits, Straw, Tuscan or Grass Free Plates, engraved on wood and steel and other material 20 p. c. Plate-Glass, not coloured, in panes, not over 30 square feet, a specific duty of 6c. p. sq.ft. in panes over 30 and not over 70 square feet 8c. " in panes over 70 square feet 9c. " Plated-ware, Electro-plate and Gilt of all kinds, including cutlery, plated wholly 01 in part 20 p. c. Platinum Wire Free Pleasure Carts 35 p. c. Playing Cards 6 c. p. pack. Ploughs, Sulky and Walking, and parts 35 p. c Plumbago 10 " — all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified .,,.,.,,.,,,, 20 " CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. i> Duty. Plush, Silk or Cotton, for hatters Free. — Silk, not elsewhere specified 30 p. c. — Silk netting, for the manufacture of gloves 15 " — Plush, Cotton 20 " Pocket-books and Purses 30 " Pomades. French,orodours,preserved in fat or oil for the purpose of conserv- ing the odours of flowers which do not b^r the heat of distillation, when imported in tins of not less than 10 lbs. ■each 15 " Pomatum, or Paste, for hair, mouth or skin 30 " Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in bottles, 6 quarts and 12 pints to I. G. 18 c. p. i. g. Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in casks or otherwise than in bottles 10 c. p. i. g Porcelain- ware 25 p. c. Porcelain Lamp Shades, imitation 20 " Posters and Advertising Pictures or Pic- torial Show Cards and Illustrated Advertising Periodicals, and Tailors' and Mantlemakers' Fashion Plates... 6 cents per lb. and 20 " Potatoes 10 c. p. bush. Potash, muriate and bicromate of crude Free. Potash, German mineral Free. Poultry of all kinds 20 p. c. Powder, Gun, Rifle and Sporting Pow- der in keg, half-kegs, or quarter-kegs and other similar packages 5 c. p. lb. — Cannon and Musket Powder in kegs and barrels 4 c. " — Canister Powder in pound and half pound tins 150. " — Blasting and Mining Powder 3 c. " Prayer Books, Psalm and Hymn Books, and Bibles S P- c. Precious Stones, viz., agate, amethyst, aquamarine, blood-stone, carbuncle, cats-eyes, cameo, coral, cornelian, crystal, crysolite, crosordolite, emer- ald, garnet, intaglio (inlaid or incrusted stone), onyx, opal, pearl, ruby, sardo- nyx, sapphire, topaz, and turquoise, not polished nor otherwise manu- factured Free Prints, Drawings, Engravings and Paint- ings 2o p. c. Printed Music, bound in sheets 10 c. p. lb. Printing Presses, not to include type- writers, electric pens, numbering machines or dating stamp's 10 p. c. Proprietory Medicines, all tinctures, pills, powders, troches or lozenges, syrups, cordials, bitters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, oint- ments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, oils ori:iedicinal preparations or com- positions recommended to the public under any general name or title as specifics for any disease or affections whatever, a£fecting the human or animal bodies, not otherwise provided for, all liquid 50 " And all other 25 " NOTB. — All medicinal preparations, whetherchemical or otherwise, usually imported with the name of the manu- facturer, shall have the true name of such manufacturer and the place where they are prepared , permanently and legibly affixed to each parcel by stamp, label or otherwise, and all medicinal preparations imported with- out such names so affixed shall be for- feited. Prunella, for boots and shoes 10 " — of cotton. .2 cts per square yard and 15 " Pumice and Pumice Stone, ground or unground Free. Pumps, iron, pitcher, sjx>ut, cistern, well and force pumps 35 P- c. Putty 25 " Q. Duty G"'"» 25 p- <;■ Quinine, Sulphate of Free Quercitron, or extract of oak bark, for tanning Free R. Rasps. 35 pc. Rags of cotton, linen, jute, hemp, paper waste or clippings waste of any kind 6t only for manufacturing paper Free. Rags, woollen Free. Rakes, horse and hand, hay and garden, of any material 35 p. c. Rails, iron, or railway bars for railways or tramways 15 " Railway Iron, iron fish plates, frogs, frog-points, chairs and finger-bars.... lyj " Rattans, unmanufactured I'ree. — split or otherwise, manufactured.. .. 25 p. c. Railway Carts 35 " Railway Cars 30 " Reapers and parts 35 " Receipts, printed, lithographed or copper or steel plate 30 " Red Lead 5 " Red Liquor, a crude acetate of j'limina, prepared from pyroligneous acid, for dyeing and calico printing Free Red Prussiate of Potash 10 p c. Reeds, unmanufactured Free. Rennet, raw or prepared Free. Resin Free — prepared, for violin bows 20 p. c. Revolvers, not elsewhere specified 20 " Rhubarb Root Free Ribbons, of all kinds and materials .... 30 p. c. Rice ic. p. lb. — uncleaned. unhulled or paddy when imported direct from the country of growth 17J p. c. — Flour 2C. p. lb. Ridge's food, not sweetened 20 p. c. Rifles not elsewhere specified 20 " Rivets, Bolts and Washers 30 " Rolled Beams, channels, and angle T iron, steel or iron .ind steel 12 J " — Round Wire Rods, in coils under half an inch in diameter 10 " Roots, medicinal, viz.: Aconite, Calumba, Ipecacuanha, Sarsaparilla, Squills, Taraxacum, or Dandelion root, Valerian Free Rose Water, without spirits 30 p. c. Rose Wc.ter when without spirits to be classed as perfumery. Rosin, in packages of not le's than fifteen gallons Free Rum (see "Spirits") 81.32JP. i g Rye IOC. p. bush — Flour 50c. p. bbl Rubber Cloth 30 p. c. — Clothing 35 " — manufactures of, N. E. S 23 " This includes elastic webs of all kinds and widths, rubber tissue of every description ; vulcanite or hard rub- ber goods. — hard crude, in sheets, plain or moulded Free — (recovered) and rubber substitute. . . Free s. Safes, " iron," and doors for safes and vaults 25 p. c. Saffron Cake Free — and Safflower, extracts of Free Sago 20 p. c. — Flour 2c. p. lb. Sails for boats and ships 25 p. c. Sal-Ammoniac Free — Soda Free Salt, imported from the United Kingdom or any British possession, or imported for the use of the sea or Gulf fisheries. Free — coarse (except salt imported from the United Kingdom or any British pos- Duty. session, or imported for the use of the sea or Gulf lisheries, not otherwise provided for, which shall be free from duty), and all fine salt in bulk 8c. p cwt. Salt in bags, barrels, and otherpack.'iges.l2C. " Salt-cake (a sulphate of soda), when im- ported by manufacturers of glass and soap for their own use in their works. Free Saltpetre io p. c. S.ind Free S.ind-paper, Glass and Emery-paper and cloth 25 p. c. Satin, black and coloured 30 " Sausage Skins or casings, not cleaned. . Free — casings, cleaned 20 p. c. Sawdust or boxwood, cherry, walnut, chestnut, gumwood, mahogany, pitch pine, rosewood, sandal-wood. Spanish cedar, oak, hickory and whitewood.. Free — all other 25 p. c. Satchels, Trunks, Valises, Carpet-bags, Purses and Pocket Books 30 " Saws of all kinds 30 •' Saw Mills, portable and parts ........ 33 " Saw-teeth as saws 20 " Scales, balances, weighing beams and steelyards 30 " Screws, steel or iron, called wood screws 35 " — Machine, not wood screws 30 " — of iron, steel, brass or other metal not otherwise provided for 30 " — with Nuts 30 " Scythes and parts 35 " Sea-grass 2T " Sealskin — Imitations in wool to be classed as cloakings.. ..7^. p. lb. and 20 " Sea-weed, Moss, and all other vegetable substances used for beds and mat- tresses, in their natural state or only cleaned Free Seeds, flower, garden, field and other seeds for agricultural purposes when in bulk or other large parcels 15 p. c. — the same, in small papers or parcels. 25 " — Anise, Coriander, Cardimon, Fepnel and Fenugreek Free Senna, in leaves Free Separators and parts 35 p. c- Sesame Seed Oil 20 " Settlers' Effiacts — Wearing Apparel, Household Furniture, Professional Books, Implements and Tools of trade, occupation or employment, which the settler has had in actual use for at least six months before removal to Canada (not to include machinery), musical instruments, domestic sewing ma- chines, live stock, carts and other vehicles, and agricultural implements in use by the settler at least one year before his removal to Canada, or articles imported for use in any manu- factory, establishment, or for sale ; provided that any dutiable article entered as Settlers' Efl'ects cannot be so entered unless brought with the settler on his first arrival, and shall i.ot be sold or otherwise disposed of without payment of duty until two years' actual use in Canada Free Sewer Pipes, glazed 25 p. c. Sewing Machines, whole, or heads or parts ol heads of Sewing Machines. . 92 each and 20 " parts of, viz. : Stands and table- tops, imported separately ; stands to be treated as castings, and wood work as manufactures of wood, both as " Shade Rollers 30 " Shawls, Silk , 30 " — all kinds except silk 25 " Sheet Iron, Hollow-ware, and all manu- factures of sheet iron not elsewhere specified , 25 " Shell Boxes 20 " — Purses 30 " 2» CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. Dnty. Shellac, white, for manufacturing pur- poses Free Shingles 20 p. c. Ship and other vessels built in any foreign country, whether stpam or sail- ing vesisels. on application for Canadian register, on the fair market value of the hull, rigging and all appurtenances eicepting machinery 10 " — boilrrs. steam engines and other machinery 25 " . Shirt I'ronts, Collars and Cuffs, paper, linen or cotton 30 " Shoes and Boots, leather and rubber... 25 " Shoe Laces 30 " — Linings, twilled cotton .... ic p. s(]. yard and 15 " coloured jeanettes 27} " Shoe I'olish 25 " Shot, Lead 30 " Shot Guns, not elsewhere specified 20 " Showcases, of anymatcn,il. .J2 e'chand 35 " Shovels, Spades 35 " Shoulder and Sides, fresh, salted, dried or smoked 2C. p. lb. Shrubs and Trees, ornamental and shade 20 p c Silex or Crystalized yu.irtz Free Silicias, plain or beetled, and Casbans. 27^ p. c. Silk Twist and Sewing Silk 25 " — Umbrellas 25 " — Tassels, Cords, Cords and Tassels and Girdles 30 " — raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted or advanced in manufacture in any way, silk cocoons and silk waste Free — Filoselle and Embroidering Silks. ... 25 p. c — Velvets, and all manufactures of silk, of which silk is the component part of chief value, except church vestments 30 " — in the gum or spun, not more advanced than singles, tram, and thrown organzine, not coloured 15 " — manufactures of embrace, gros grain, ducajie barathea, Cashmere, Gros de Naples, blark and coloured ; black and coloured Torquise, s.itans, sarsen- ets, Persians, poplins and all other piece goods of which silk is the com- ponent part of chief value ; all silk clothing, crapes, velvets, terries, rib- bons, plush, hat bands, velvet ribbons, cords, girdles, tassels, shawls, hosiery and underclothing, ties, scarfs, bows, ferrets, handkerchiefs, mantillas or jackets, silkwarp. Paramatta, silk tapestry, silkwarp alpaca, etc 30 " Silver, Rolled and German and Nickle Silver, in sheets 10 " — and Nickle and German Silver for manufacturers Free — or Gold Coins (except United States silver coin) Free — Leaf, for painters and gilders 25 p. c. Skates of all kinds 30 p. c. Skins U. Iressed.dried, salted or pickled Free Slate Pencils 25 p. c. Slates, School and Writing, and Por- celain and Drawing Slates 25 " Slate Mantels 30 " — Slabs, square or in shapes. . . 25 " — Roofing Slate, black or blue 80c. p. sq. Slates, Roofing Slate, red, green, or other colours Ii p. sq. Sleighs 30 p. c. Snuff and manufactured Tob.. ( 0..20C. p lb. & 12J Soap, common brown and yellow, not perfumed i^. p. lb. — common, soft and liquid, not per- fumed 20 p c. — Castile and White 2C. p. lb. — Perfumed and Toilet 30 p. c. — Saddlers' and Silver Soap 20 p. c. — Powders 3c. p. lb. Soda Ash Free — Caustic Free — Silicate of Free Duty. Sodium, Sulphide of Free Soil Pipes, cast iron 25 p. c. Spades, Shovels 35 " Spanish or Esparto Grass, and all other grasses and pulp of, for the manufac- ture of paper Free Spar (Flour), unmanufactured Free Spectacles and Eye-L»lasses 25 p. c. Spelter, in block or pigs Free Sperm Oil 20 p. c Spar goods 20 " Spices — Ginger and Spices of all kinds (except Mace and Nutmegs) UDground. 10 " — as above, ground 25 " — Nutmegs and Mace 25 " Spikes and Nails, cut . . . . }c. p. lb. and 10 " wrought and pressed, whether gal- vanized or not fc. p. lb. and 10 " composition and sheating 20 " Spirits of Turpentine 10 " — and Strong Waters not having been sweetened or mixed with any article so that the degree of strength thereof cannot be ascertained by aykes' Hy- drometer, for every Imperial gallon ot the strength of proof by such Hy- drometer, and so in p'^portion for any greater or less strength, than a gallon, viz : Geneva Gin. Kum, Whis- key, and enumerated articles of like kind $1.32 J p. i.g. — Brandy '■ 45 " — Whiskey, Geneva Gin and Rum..Ji.32j " — Old Tom Gin, in bulk >i.32i " — sweetened or mixed so that the degree — of strength cannot be ascertained as aforesaid, viz : Rum, Shrub, Cordials, Scheidam Schnaps, Taffa Bitters and unenumerated articles of like kind ..Si.go " — Strong Waters imported intoCanada, mixed with any ingredient or ingredi- ents, and although thereby coming under the denomination of Patent Medicines, Tinctures, Essences, Ex- tracts, or any other denomination not elsewhere specified, shall be neverthe- less deemed spirits or strong waters, and subject to same duty. 81.90 p. i.g. and 20 p. c. not elsewhere specified $i.go p. i. g. Splints 25 p. c. Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, rough or sawn only 15 ■■ 25 " Sponges 20 " Spoons, tinned 23 " — plated 30 " Sprigs, Tacks and Brads 30 " Springs for window rollers 30 " — Sofa and Bed 30 " — Railway 30 " Spurs, Stilts used in the manufacture of earthenware Free Starch, Corn Starch or Flour, Farina, and all preparations having the quality of starch 2C. p. lb. Stay Tapes 20 " — Laces , 30 " Steam Engines, Portable , 35 ■' Steel of No. 20 Gauge and thinner, but not thinner than 30 Gauge, to be used in the manufacture of corset steels, clock springs and shoe shanks Free — Ingots, Bars, Sheets under ,^ of an inch thick, whole or cut to shape, but not further manufactured, and rolled round wire rods in coils, not elsewhere specitied.$3p. tonof2,ooolbs &a p. 1. g. on the quantity in excess of one quart per bottle, and in addition to the above specific duties an ad valortm duty shall \x added of 30 p. c. Wire, Iron and Steel, tinned, galvanized or not, over 13 gauge 15 •* , 30 CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. Duty. Wire, Iron or Steel, tinned, galvanized or not. umier 1 5 gauge Free — Iron, manufactures of, not elsewhere specifiecl 25 " — Brau and Cupper, Free — Cloth. Urass and Copper 20 p. c Wire-work, Urnamental Iron, sema- phore and ft-nce wire 25 " Wire. Silver, Nickel Silver 25 " — of apring steel, coppered, for the I manufacture of mattresses under ' number nine and smaller Free — of every description, covered 20 p c. Wood, manufactures of, not elsewhere spcciiimi— this includes walking canes, osier or willow work, caddies, egg stands, bread plates, book slides, card racks, wall brackets, games, toys, stationery racks, puff boxes, splints, . 25 p. c. If lined with silk, satin or silk push. . 30 " — Logs, and round and unmanufactured timl)er, not elsewhere specified Free — not further manufactured than sawn or split, viz : African teak, black heart elwny. lignum-vila;, red cedar and satin wcxjd Free — for fuel, when imported into Mani- toba and the North- West Free Wooden-ware, pails, tubs, churns, brooms, and other manufactures of wood, not elsewhere specified 25 p. c Wool, unmanufactured, hair of Alpaca goat and other like animals Free — and Woollens, manufactured, com- posed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat or other like animals, viz.: — Blankets and flannels of every description, cloths, doeskins, cassimeres. tweeds. coatings, overcoatmgs, cloakings. Felt cloth of every description not elsewhere specified. Horse-collar cloths, yarn, knitting yarn, fingering yarn, worsted yarn. Knitted goods, viz.: Shirts and drawers, not elsewhere specified 7^0. per lb and 20 p. c. Includes skirtings, union skirtings, imitation sealskin in wool, wool tartan plaids (if they can be used for skirtings), fleecy crewels, Koyal Saxony .Germantown. Shetland, and fairy wools, and woollen baize. Clothing (ready-madei, socks, stockings, of wool, cashmere and merino. Wearing apparel of every description, including cloth caps, com- posed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seam- stress, or manufacturer. .loc. p. lb and 25 " Comprises all ready made clothing for men and boys, of cloth, lustre, Rus- sel cords and such like ; mantles and cloaks of cloth, cashmere, merino, imitation sealskin (of wool); ladies' and children'scostumesand dresses; alpaca, mohair, and felt skirts. Bal- moral shirts ; flannel or union shirts ; infants' merino cloaks and dresses; and any other article composed of wool and wool or cotton, made up or manufactured wholly i.- in part by the tailor, seamstress or manu- facturer. all manufactures of, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals, not otherwise provided for. . 20 " — manufactures not otherwise provided for: Orleansalpacas. lustres.Cobourgs, Baratheas, Balmor,il crapes, Persian — - — cords, KusseM cords, twills, moreens. Paramattas (not silk warp), Henri- ettas, figured alpacas, debaiges, delaines, French delaines and French merinos, cashmeres, cloth table covers, Duly. and piano covers, Victoria table covers, bullion fringe, fancy wool fringe, mo- hair braid, llama braid, Russian braid, woollen bareges, tissues and grena- din"s. cashmere mufflers, tailors' pad- ding, fire screens, ottoman, slipper and cushion patterns. fender stool, tea cosie, bracket, banner, bannerett, slipper case, footstool patterns, and goods of like description. Wool, Italian cloth, bunting, nuns cloth, and some kinds of Bradford dress goods 20 p. c. Dress or costume cloths — Serges and similar fabrics, under twentv-five inches wide, and weighing not over three and a-balf ounces per lineal yard, either or both 25 " Woollen Hosiery, held tocomprise men's, women's and children's lamb's wool, cashmere and merino shirts and drawers, wool scarfs, mufflers, cravats, clouds, handkerchiefs, collarettes, Cardig,in jackets. fX)Ikas, vests. "Cross- overs. " chest protectors, knitted mantles, petticoats, wool mitts, cuffs, gaiters, bootsand bootees .7 30 " — Rags Free — and Cotton Netting for Gloves 10 p c. — Imitation Seal Skin.. .7 Jc. p. lb. and 20 " Worsted Plush for Upholstering Pur- poses 30 " Y. Yarns, Knitting Cottons, not bleached, dyed, or coloured 2c. p. lb. and 15 p. c. — Hosiery Cotton, not ble,iched, dyed, or coloured 2c. p, lb. and 15 " — Cotton, all others under No 40, not bleached, dyedorcoIoured.2c. p. lb. and 15 " knitting, hosiery, and all others, if bleached. dyed, orcoloured. 3c. p. lb. and 15 " — Wool, all kinds 7jc. p. lb, and 20 " — Worsted 7JC. " " 20 " — Coir Free ■yellow Metal, in bolts, bars, and for sheathing Free Z. Zinc Chloride, Salts and Sulphate of . . 5 p. c. — in pigs, blocks, and sheets Free — seamless drawn tubing 10 p. c. — manufactures of, not elsewhere named 25 " All articles not enumerated in this Act or any other Act as charged with any duty of Customs and not declared free of djty by this Act or some unre- pealed Act or provision, shall be charged with a duty of 20 per cent, ad valorem, when imported into Canada, or taken out of warehouse for con- sumption therein. GOODS FREE IN THE CASES THEREIN MENTIONED The following articles, when the natural products, or the manufactures of the Colony of Newfound- land, viz : F'lSH, fresh, dried, salted or smoked. FisH-oiL, and all products of fish. Seal-oil. Animals of all kinds. PROHIBITED. The following articles shall be prohibited to be imported, under a penalty of two hundred dollars, together with the forfeiture of the parcel or pack- ages of goods in which the same may be found, VIZ. : Books, printed papers, drawings, paintings, prints, photographs or representations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious or of an immoral or indecent character. Coin, base or counterfeit. Foreign Reprints of British copyrights copy- right in Canada, and of Canadian copy- righted works The export or attempt to export Deer, Wild Tlrkeys, Partridge, Prairie-Fowl, Woodcock, and Quail in the carcase, under penalty of one hundred dollars fine and forfeiture of the articles. EXPORT DUTIES. Shingle Bolts, per cord of 1 28 cubic feet tl 00 Spruce Logs, per M feet I 00 Pine Logs, per M feet I 00 EXCISE DUTIES, Etc 1. That any party in whose favour a liceiise is granted to have and use a chemical still or stills of over three gallons, shall, upon receiving said license, pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue the sum of twenty-five dollars. One smaller than the above, free, provided description or nature be given to the Collector. 2. That as respects the duties of Excise on Spirits — (a.) When the material used in the manufacture thereof consists of not less than ninety per cent, by weight of raw or unmalted grain, on every gallon of thestrength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer,and so in proportion for any greater or less strength than the strength of proof, and for every less quan- tity than a g.illon, one dollar. (b.) When manufactured exclusively from malted barley taken to the distillery in bond and on which no duty of Customs or Excise has been paid, on every gallon of the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength, and for any less quantity than a gallon, one dollar and two cents. (c.) When manufactured exclusively from mo- lasses or sugar taken to the distillery in bond, and on which no duty of Customs has been paid, on every gallon of the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength, and for any less quantity than a gallon, one dollar and three cents. duties on tobacco. Tobacco Manufacturer's License for Foreign Leaf I75 00 Tobacco Manufacturer's License for Canadian Leaf 50 00 Tobacco Manufacturer's License for Cultivators for making twist grown on their farm 2 00 and 2 cts. per lb, for twists so made. On manufactured tobacco, foreign 12 c. p. lb. On Snuff containing more than forty per cent. moisture 8 " On Snuff containing less than forty per cent, moisture 12 " On Cigars manufactured from Canadian grown tobacco, in factories in which foreign tobacco is not used $3 00 p. M Cigars manufactured in Canada from foreign tobacco >6 00 " Cigars imported into Canada to pay Customs duty of Ji 20 p. lb. and 20 p. c. On all manufactured Canadian Tobacco. 2 c. p. lb. All Cut Tobacco, Foreign or Canadian, must pay duty ex-factory, but a refund of two per cent, will ba allowed on foreign cut. 3. Licenses on Bonding 'Warehouses, not else- where mentioned in this Act — For first J20 00 For every additional one 10 00 4. That as respects the duty of Excise on Methy- lated Spirits — Methylated Spirits being composed of alcohol mixed with v/ood naphtha in such proportions, and subject to such regulations as may from time to time be made by the Department of Inland Revenue, there shall be paid a duty o{ fifteen cents for every gallon of the strength of proof, and so in propor- tion for every greater or less strength, and for every less quantity than a gallon, 5. That any provisions imposing any new duty, or making any alteration in the mode of calculating any such duty, by which the amount thereof may be increased or diminished, shall come into force immediately on the day of the passing of the Act making such alterations, and shall apply to, and the duties hereby imposed shall be payable on, all Spirits and Tobacco, Vinegar, Fermented Bever- ages or Methylated Spirits, distilled, manufactured CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. It or made, or taken out of boad for consumption on and after the said day, and such alterations as aforesaid shall apply to, and the duties hereby im- posed shall be payable on, all malt held by any brewer, maltster, distiller, or other person, on the said day, or manufactured or made thereafter, and the duties hereby made payable on licenses shall be payable only on licenses issued after the said day, existing licenses remaining in force during the time for which they were granted. All goods minufactured in bond shall, if taken out of bond for consumption in Canada, be subject to duties of Excise equal to the duties of Customi to which they would be subject if imported from Great Britain and entered for consumption in Can- ada ; and whenever any article not the produce of Canada, upon which a duty of lixcise would be levied if produced in Canada is taken into a bonded manufactory, the difference between the duty of Excise to which it would be so liable and Customs duty which would be levied on such arti- cles if imported and entered for consumption, shall be paid as duty of Excise when it is taken into the bonded manufactory. Distilling or Rectifying $250 00 Compounding 50 oo For Importation or Manufacture of Appa- ratus io 00 For Brewing 30 00 For Malting, ist Class 200 00 " 2nd " 15000 •♦ 3rd " loo 00 •• 4th " 5000 For Manufacturing in Bond for Consump- tion in Canada 50 00 For Manufacturing in Bond for Exp.jrta- tio". 300 00 On Fermented Beverage made in imita- tion of Beer or Malt Liquor, 2 cts per gal. PETROLEUM. Inspection fee on Petroleum — On every package containing not more than 5 gals.: Canadian. 2;^ cts. ; Imported. 5 cts. On every pa :kage containing not more than 10 gals.: Canadian, 5 cts.; Imported, to cts. On every package containing not more than 50 gals.: Canadian, 10 cts. ; Imparted, 30 cts.; and 5 cts. extra for every 50 gallons. EXTRACTS FROM 41 VIC, CHAP. 15. AN ACT TO ALTER THE DUTIES OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. jHTorporating also all Subitquent Amendments. 4-. The value of all bottles, flasks, jars, demi- johns, carboys, casks, hogsheads, pipes, barrels, and all other vessels or packages, manufactured of tin, iron, lead, zinc, glass, or any other material, and capable of holding liquids — crates, barrels and other packages containing glass, china, crockery, or earthenware, and all packages in which goods are commonly placed for home consumption, including cases in which bottled spirits, wines, or malt liquors are contained, and every package, being the first receptacle or covering enclosing goods for pur- pose of sale, shall, in all cases (not otherwise pro- vided for), in which they contain goods subject to an ad valorem duty or a specific and ad valorem duty, be taken and held to be a part of the fair market value of such goods for duty, and shall be charged with the same rate of ad valorem duty as is to be levied and collected on the goods they con- tain, and when they contain goods subject to specific duty only, such packages shall be charged with a duty of Customs of twenty per centum ad valorem, to be computed upon their original cost or value ; and all or any of the above packages described as capable of holding liquids, when con- taining goods exempt from duty under this Act, shall be charged with a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem; but all packages not hereinbefore specified, and not herein specially charged with or declared liable to duty under regulations and being the usual and ordinary packages in which goods are packed for exportation only, according to the gene- ral usage and custom of trade, shall be free of duty. 0. Any or all of the fallowing articles, that is to say, animals of all kinds, green fruit, hay, straw, bran, seeds of all kind j, vegetables (including pota- toes and other roots), plants, trees and shrubs, coal and coke, salt, hops, wheat, peas and beans, barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, buckwheat and all other grain, flour of wheat and flour of rye, Indian meal and oatmeal, and flour or meal of any other grain, butter, cheese, fish (salted or smoked), lard, tallow, meats (fresh, salted or smoked), and lumber may be imported into Canada free of duty, or at a less rate of duty than is provided by this Act, upon Proc'amition of the Oovernor-in-Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that similar articles from Canada may be imported into the United States free of duty, or at a rate of duty not exceeding that payable on the same under such Proclamation when imported into Canada. 7. If at any time any greater duty of Customs should be payable in the United States of America on tea or coffee imported from any other country, then the Governor-in-Council may impose on tea or coffee imported into Canada from the said U nited States an additional duty of Customs equal to the duty payable in the United States on tei or coffee imported from Canada : Provided that tea or coffee imported into Canada from any country other than the said United States, but passing in bond through the United States, shall be taken and rated as a direct importation from the country in which the tea or coffee was purchased. 8. An allowance may be made for deterioration by natural decay during the voyage of importation, upon perishable articles, such as green fruiti and vegetables imported into Canada, but in assessing the same, and in estimating the damage by break- age upon brittle goods, such as crockery, china, glass and glassware, under the provisions of Sec- tions 53 and 54 of the Customs Act of 1883, such" allowance or damage shall only be made and allowed for the amount of the loss in excess of 25 per cent, of the whole quantity damaged, and only in case claim is made therefor, and the loss or damage certified upon examination made by the Appraiser or proper officer of Customs within three days of the landing or arrival of such goods at the port of jestination thereof : and, provided the duty has bejn paid on the ful' value thereof, on applica- tion tc the Minist'ir of Cu^'oms, a refund of such duty nay be alio ved and paid, in the proportion and in I'.'lfilment of the conditions above specified, but not ottii,. «ise. O. In determining the dutiable value of goods, there shall be added to the actual wholesale price or fair market value thereof, at the time of exporta- tion in the principal markets of the country from whence the same has been imported into Canada, the cost of inland transportation, shipment and trans-shipment, whether by land or by water, with all the expenses included, from the place of growth, production, or manufacture, to the vessel in which shipment is made, and to and at the port from which such vessel finally clears for her outward voyage direct to Canada. When any manufactured article is imported into Canada in separate parts, each such part shall be charged with the same rate of duty as the finished article on a proportionate valuation, and when the duty chargeable thereon is specific or specific and ad valorem, an average rate of ad valorem duty equal to the specific and ad valorem duty so charge- able shall be ascertained and charged upon such parts of manufactures. 11. No refund of duty paid shall be allowec". because of any alleged inferiority or deficiency in quantity of goods imported and entered, and which have passed into the custody of the importer under permit of the Collector of Customs, nor because of the omission in the invoice of any trade discount, or other matter or thing, which might have the effect of reducing the value of such goods for duty, unless the same has been reported to the Collector of Customs within ten days of the date of entry and the said goods have been examined by the said Collector or by an . ppraiser, or other proper officer of Customs, and the proper rate or amount of reduction certified by him after such examination ; and if such Collector or proper officer r. ports that the goods in question cannot be identified as iboM named in the invoice and entry in question, then and in such case no refund of the duty or any port thereof shall in any case be allowed ; and all appli- cations for refund of duty in such cases shall be submitted, with the evidence and ail particulars, for decision of the Minister of Customs, who may then order payment on finding the evidence to be sufficient and satisfactory. 12. The whole or part of the duly of thirty per centum ad valorem imposed by this Act upon winet imported into Canada, may be remitted upon procla- mation of the Governor-in-Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that the Governments of France and Spain, or of either of them, have made changes in' their tariffs of duties imposed upon articles imported from Canada in reduction or repeal of the duties now in force in the said countries. EXTRACTS FROM CUSTOMS (46 Vie. Chaf. la.) ACT. Q. On each and every non-enumerated article which bears a similitude, either in material, quality or the use to which it may be applied, to any enumerated article chargeable with duty, the same rate of duty shall be payable which is charged on the enumerated article which it most resembles in any of the particulars before mentioned. v. If any non-enumerated article equally resem- bles two or more enumerated articles on which different rates of duty are chargeable, the duty on such non-enumerated article shall be the s.ime as that on the enumerated article which '.t resembles paying the highest duty. 8. On articles manufactured from two or more materials, the duty shall bs that charged on the article (if there be a difference of duty) which is charged with the highest duty. 0. If an article be enumerated in the tariff uniler two or more names or descriptions, and there be a difference of duty, the highest duty provided shall be charged and collected thereon. 53. If any goods imported by water, or partly by water and partly by land, on which duties (ad valorem or specific, or both) are payable, receive damage during the voyage of importation between the actual departure of the vessel in which they are laden from the foreign port of exportation and the actual arival of the gooils at the port of destina- tion in Canada, whereby such goods have become lessened in value, an abatement may be made in the manner hereinafter provided in the duty pay- able upon "I'ch goods, or in case duty has been paid ther a refund of a part of such duty may be made ^.oportionate to the damage sustained: Provided the claim therefor is made in due form and properly substantiated at the first landing from such vessel of the said goods, and while they are in the custody of the Crown, or as soon after such first landing as they can be examined: Pro- vided also, that such examination be completed and certified by the Collector of Customs, Customs Appraiser, or other proper officer, whose duty it shall be to assess such damage within ten days of such landing. ' 64. If any goods imported by railway, or by any other land vehicle, on which duties {ad valorem or specific, or both! .are payable, receive damage during the course of transportation after they are laden on such railway or other vehicle, and before they arrive at the Canadian port of destination, whereby they become lessened in v.alue, an ab.ate- ment may be made in the manner hereinafter pro- vided in the duty payable upon such goods pro- vided the claim for such abatement is made in due form within ten days of the arrival of such goods at the Canadian port of destination, and substan- tiated in the same manner as provider! in the next preceding section. 55. The Collector of Ctistoms or Appraiser or other proper officer whose duty it may be to examine and assess the amount of damage sustained on voyage or in course of importation shall do so with all possible despatch on being notilied to that 32 CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS tfOect, and shall certify to the exact caase and extent uf »w h dama);e with referrnce to the value <•( the Kouils in the principal markets of the country whence imported, and not according to the value in Canada. 00, I'he Collector or Appraiser shall not regard as evidence of the existence or amount of damage any price realized at an auction or forced sale thereof, nor shall he estimate nor shall any damage lie allowfd which may have originated from decay, dampnesi. or otlwr cause existing before the voyage comnienred and which may have rendered the goods untit to withstand the ordinary risks of the voyage of importation, nor shall he estimate nor hall any allowance be made fur or duty refunded I ' rust on iron and steel or any manufacture thereof, except on polished Kussia iron and Canada plates, and on such only to the extent of fifty per cent., nor shall any illowance be made for stains or injury to any paci-.iges holding liijuids, or to the labels thereon, unless the contents of such packages have, at the same time, received actual specific damage by the admixture therewith of water or other foreign substance. 67. I' [)on the Collector or Appraiser ascertain- ing the percentage of damage, such percentage shall be deducted from the original value thereof and duty shall then be levied and collected on such reduced value at an ad valortm rate which shall be equivalent to the rate of specific or specific and nd valortm duty which should have been collected upon such goods if they had not been so damaged. fl8. Where any duty ad valurem is imposed on any go<>e the fair market value thereof, when sold for home consumption, in the principal markets of the country whence and at the time when the same were exported directly to Canada. 69. Such market value shall be the fair market value of such goods in the usual and ordinary commercial acceptation of the term, at the usual and ordinary credit, and not the cash value of such goods, except in cases in which the article imported is, by universal usafje, considered and known to be a cash article, and .so bona fide paid for in all trans- actions in relation to such article; and all invoices representing cash values, except in the special cases hereinbefore referred to, shall be subject to such additions as to the Collector or Appraiser of the port at which they are presented may appear just and reasonable, to bring up the amount to the true and fair market value, as required by this section. 70. Where a drawback of duties has b&en allowed by the Government of the country where the goods were manufactured, the amount of such drawback shall be taken and considered to be a part of the fair market value of such goods ; and in cases where the amount of such drawback been deducted from the value of such goods upon the face of the invoice under whi. h entry is to be made, or is not shewn thereupon, th ollector of Customs, or proper officer, shall add liie amc/unt of such deduction or drawback and collect and cause to be paid the lawful duty thereon. 71. No deduction of any kind shall be allowed from the value of any goods imported into Canada, because of any drawback paid or to be paid thereon, or because of any special arrangement between the seller and purchaser having reference to the exportation of such goods, or the exclusive right to territorial limits for the sale thereof, or because of any royalty payable upon patent rights but not payable when goods are purchased for exportation, or on account of any other consideration by which a reduction in price might or could be obtained : Provided, that nothing herein shall be understood to apply to general fluctuations of market values. 72. No deduction from the v-'ue of goods con. tained in any invoice shall he c ,. wed on account of the assumed value of a pac ige or packages, where no charge for such packa; ; or packages has been made in such invoice ; and bere such charge is made it shall be the duty of re Customs ofiicer to see that the charge is fair and reasonable, and represents no more than the original cost thereof. 73. No deduction from the value of goods in any invoice shall be made on account of charges for packing, or f t straw, twine, cord, paper, cord- ing, wiring or cutting, or for any expense incurred or said to have been incurred in the preparation and packing of goods for shipment, and all such charges and expenses shall, in all cases, be included as part of the value for duty. 79. If the importer of any goods whereon a duty ad valorem is imposed, or the person author- ized to make the declaration required with regard to such goods, makes and subscribes a declaration before the Collector or other proper offic-r, that he cannot, for want of fill information, make per- fect entry thereof, and tales the oath in such cases providecf, then the Collector or officer may cause such gcKids to be landed on a bill of sight for the packages and parcels thereof, by the best descrip- tion that can be given, and to be seen and examined by such person and at his expense, in the presence of the Collector or principal officer, or of such other officer of the Customs as shall be appointed by the said I'ollector or other proper officer, and to be delivered to such person, on his depositing in the hands of the Collector or oificer a sum of money sufficient in the judgment of the Collector or officer to pay the duties thereon ; and if the importer does not complete a perfect entry within the time .-.ppointed by the Collector, the money so deposited shall be taken and held to be the duty accruing on such goods, and shall be dealt with and accounted for accordingly. 80. Such sight entry may be made as aforesaid and the goods may be delivered, if such importer or person as aforesaid makes oath or affirms that th' invoice has not been and cannot be produced, ai; pays to the Collector or proper officer afore said a sum of money sufficient in the judgment of such Collector or officer to pay the duties on such goods, and such sum shall then be held to be the amount of the said duties. 81. Except only in cases where it is otherwise provided herein, or by regulation of the Governor in Council, no entry shall be deemed perfect unless a sufficient invoice of the goods to be entered, duly certified in writing thereon as correct by the person, firm or corporation from whom the said goods were purchased, has been produced to the Collector, and duly attested as required by this Act. 85. If the owner, importer or consignee of any goods be dead, or a bankrupt, or insolvent, or if for any cause his personal estate be administered by another person, then his executor, curator, administrator or assignee, or person administering as aforesaid, may, if cognizant of the facts, take any oath and make any entry which such owner, importer or consignee might otherwise have taken or made. 89. No person other than the owner, consignee or importer of the goods of which entry is to be made, shall be allowed to take any oath connected with the entry, unless there be attached to the bill of entry therein referred to, a declaration by the owner, consignee or importer of the said goods, or his attorney and agent duly appointed to transact business with the Collector, pursuant to the pro- visions in that behalf of this A' , to the same effect as the oath, distinctly referring to the invoice pre- sented with such bill of entry, and signed by such owner, importer or consignee, or by his attorney and agent appointed as aforesaid, either in presence of the agent making the entrv, who shall attest the signature, or some Justice ot the Peace or Notary Public, who shall attest the same. 90. Such declaration shall bekept bytheCollec- tor, and if there be any wilfully false statement in such declaration the goods shall be liable to seizure and forfeiture in the same manner and with the same effect as if such false statement were contained in the oath, and the person making such false state- ment shall be subject to the same penalties, forfeit- ures and criminal punishments as : le had himself taken the oath and had made such false statement therein ; but such written declaration may be dis- pensed with under the"order of the Governor in Council, where it may be deemed advisable, in the interests of commerce to dispense therewith. I 92. If any person makes or sends or brings ioto I Canada, or causes or authorizes the making, send- 1 ing or bringing into Canada, of any invoice or I paper, used or intended to be used as an invoice for Customs purposes, wherein any goods are en- tered or charged it a less price or value than that actually charged or intended to be charged for them, no price or sum of money shall be recover- able by such person, his assignees or representa- tives for the price or on account of the purchase of such goods or any part of them, or on any bill of exchange, note or other security (unless in the hands of an innocent holder for value, without notice) made, given or executed for the price of or on account of the purchase of such gcxxls or any part of such price. 102. If in any case the true value for duty of any goods as finally determined under this Act, or as determined in any other action or proceeding to recover unpaid duties, exceeds by twenty per cen- tum, or more, the value for duty as it would appear by the bill of entry thereof, then in addition to the duty payable on such goods, when properly valued, there shall be levied and collected upon the same a sum equal to one-half of the duty so payable : and in c^se the owner or importer refuses or neglects to pay the said duty and additional sum, the goods may be seized and forfeited. 107. If any goods are found in any package which are not mentioned in the invoice or entry, such goods shall be seized and absolutely forfeited. 118. During the regular warehouse hours, and subject to such regulations as the Collector or proper officer of Customs at any warehousing port sees fit to adopt, the owner of any warehoused goods may sort, pack, repack or make any arrangements re- specting the goods warehoused in order to the pre- servation or legal disposal thereof, and may take therefrom moderate samples, without present pay- ment of duty or entry. 119. The owner of any warehoused goods may remove the goods, under the authority of the Col- lector or proper officer, from any warehousing port to any other warehousing port in Canada, or from one warehouse to another in the same port, vader good and sufficient bonds to the satisfaction of such officer. 123. All warehoused goods shall be finally cleared, either for exportation or home consump- tion, within two years from the date of the first entry and warehousing thereof ; and, in default thereof, the Collector or proper officer may sell such goods for the payment, first of the duties, and secondly of the warehouse rent and other charges ; and the surplus, if an/, shall be paid to the owner or his lawful agent ; and the Collector or proper officer may charge or authorize the occupier of the warehouse to charge a fair warehouse rent, subject to any regulation made by the Govcrnor-in-Council in that behalf. 124. The Collector may, if he sees no reason to refuse such permission, permit an importer to abandon to the Crown any whole package or pack- ages of warehoused goods, without being liable to pay any duty on the same : and the same shall then be sold and the proceeds shall belong to the Crown ; provided, that if such goods cannot be sold for a sum sufficient to pay the duties and charges, such goods shall not be sold, but shall be destroyed. 240, Although any duty of Customs has been overpaid, or although after any duty of Customs has been charged and paid, it appears or is judici- ally established that the same was charged under an erroneous constiuction of the law, no such overcharge shall tje returned after the expiration of three years from the date of such payment, unless application for repayment has been previously made. 241. No refund of duty shall be allowed after the lapse of fourteen days from the time of entry, for any alleged mis-description of goods by the im- porter ; and should any error of the kind be dis- covered by the importer while unpacking his goods, he shall immediately, and without further interfer- ence with the goods, report the facts to the Collec- tor in order that the same may be verified. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 9$ TABLES FOR CONVERTING FOREIGN CURRENCY. AND WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. STERLINr. TABLE at gj or Pa« of Exchange. POUND STERLING. 14.861. Pence. * c.\ £ $c. / • c. £ • c £ • c. £ • c. £ • c ^ 1 I c. £ 27 « f e. I 2 5 24 33 43 209 27 81 394 20 [19 579 13 >37 7O4 07 «95 949 00 233 "33 93 1318 87 2 4 6 29 20 44 214 13 82 399 07 [20 584 00 158 76893 196 953 87 234 1x38 80 271 ».1J1 7J 3 6 7 34 07 45 219 00 l^ 403 93 [21 58887 159 773 80 «97 958 73 235 1143 67 273 13.18 (10 4 8 8 38 93 46 223 87 84 408 80 [22 593 73 160 77867 198 90J 60 236 "48 53 274 mn 47 5 10 9 43 80 47 228 73 85 413 67 '23 598 60 161 783 53 199 96847 237 "53 40 275 «33« 33 6 12 10 4867 48 233 60 86 418 53 124 603 47 162 788 40 200 973 33 238 1158 27 276 «34.( «> 7 14 II 53 53 49 238 47 87 423 40 125 60833 163 793 27 201 978 20 239 H63 13 277 1348 07 8 16 12 58 40 50 243 33 88 428 27 , [26 613 20 164 798 13 202 983 07 240 1168 00 278 »352 9J 9 18 13 63 27 51 248 20 89 433 13 i [27 618 07 165 803 00 20.) 987 93 241 1171 87 279 1357 80 10 20 14 68 13 52 253 07 90 438 00 [28 622 93 166 807 87 204 992 80 ?4J "77 73 280 1362 67 II 22 15 73 -^ 53 257 93 91 442 87 [29 627 80 167 812 73 20s 997 67 243 l-Si 60 281 «3f'7 53 12 24i 16 77 ; 54 26! 80 92 447 73 [30 632 67 168 817 60 206 1002 53 244 "87 47 282 1372 40 Shilli'gs. 17 82 73 55 207 67 93 452 60 '31 637 53 159 822 47 207 1007 40 245 "92 33 2«3 •377 27 I ^i\ 18 87 60 5t7 oo 3 73 20 97 33 58 282 27 96 467 20 '.34 652 13 172 837 07 210 1022 00 248 1206 93 286 1391 87 4 97J 21 :o2 20 59 287 13 97 472 07 '35 657 00 173 841 93 211 1026 87 249 1211 80 287 'yjf> 73 5 I 2I§ 22 107 07 60 292 00 98 476 93 '36 661 87 '74 846 80 212 1031 73 250 1216 67 288 ■ 401 bo 6 146 23 HI Q3 61 296 87 99 481 80 '37 66673 175 851 67 213 1036 60 251 1221 53 289 1406 47 7 I 70* 24 116 80 62 301 73 too 48667 38 671 60 176 856 53 214 1041 47 252 1226 40 290 ■4" 33 8 I 94i 25 121 67 63 306 60 lOI 491 53 39 676 47 177 861 40 215 1046 33 253 1231 27 291 14 16 20 9 2 19 26 126 53 64 3" 47 103 496 40 [40 6S1 33 178 866 27 216 1051 20 254 1236 13 292 1421 07 10 2 43J 27 131 40 65 316 33 103 501 27 '41 686 20 179 871 13 217 1056 07 255 1241 00 293 1425 93 II 2 67I 28 136 27 66 321 20 104 506 13 42 691 07 180 876 00 218 io6o 93 256 1245 87 294 1430 80 12 2 92 29 141 '3 67 326 07 105 511 00 43 695 93 181 880 87 219 1065 80 257 1250 73 295 1435 67 «3 3 16 30 146 00 68 33093 106 5'5 87 44 700 80 182 88s 73 220 1070 67 2S8 1255 60 296 144° 53 J4 3 40 31 150 87 69 335 80 107 520 73 45 70s 67 183 890 60 221 '075 53 259 1260 47 297 1445 r> '5 3 65 32 155 73 70 340 67 108 525 60 46 710 53 184 895 47 222 1080 40 260 "265 33 298 1450 ^; i6 m 33 160 60 7" 345 53 109 530 47 47 715 40 185 900 33 223 1085 27 261 1270 20 299 1455 '3 »7 34 165 47 72 350 40 110 535 33 48 720 27 186 905 20 224 1090 13 262 1275 07 300 1460 00 l8 4 38 35 170 33 73 355 27 III 540 20 49 725 13 187 910 07 225 1095 CO 263 1279 93 400 1946 67 19 462 36 175 20 74 360 13 112 545 07 50 730 00 188 914 93 226 1099 87 264 1284 80 500 2433 .13 20 486I 37 I So 07 75 365 00 "3 549 93 51 734 87 189 919 89 227 1104 73 265 1289 67 600 2920 00 £ 38 184 93 76 369 87 114 554 80 J 52 739 73 190 924 67 228 1 109 60 266 1294 53 700 3406 67 I 487 39 189 80 77 374 73 "5 559 67 1 53 744 60 191 929 53 229 1114 47 267 1299 40 800 3893 33 2 9 73 40 194 67 78 379 60 116 564 53 I 54 749 47 192 934 40 230 "'9 33 268 1304 27 900 4380 00 3 14 60 41 199 53 79 384 47 117 569 40 I 55 754 33 193 939 27 231 1 1 24 20 269 1309 13 1000 4866 67 4 IQ 47 ' 42 1 204 40 1 80 1 ^So 11 ' 118 c,7i 27 ' I i;6 7S9 20 1 104 1 044 13 1 232 1 1120 07 270 1 314 00 BELGIAN, FRENCH AND SWISS FRANCS, MARKS OF GERMAN EMPIRE. | FLORINS OF AUSTRIA. SPANISH PESETAS, GRECIAN DRACHMAS 1 AND ITALIAN LIRAS. Each, .9.3 Cents. Maei, 23.8 Cents. Customs Value, | Floein, 40.1 Cekts, Fr. Etc. • c. Fr. Etc. « c. Fr. Etc. S c. Mks. • c. Mks. $ c. Mks. • c. Flor. • c. Flor. • c. Flor. • c I 19 3 41 7 91 80 15 44 I 238 41 9 75 81 19 28 I 40 41 16 44 81 32 48 2 38 6 42 8 10 81 15 63 2 47 6 42 9 99 82 19 51 2 80 42 16 84 82 32 88 3 57 9 43 8 29 82 15 82 3 71 5 43 10 23 83 19 75 3 I 20 43 17 24 83 33 28 4 77 2 44 8 49 83 16 OI 4 95 2 44 10 37 84 19 99 4 I Co 44 17 64 84 3368 5 965 45 8 68 84 16 21 5 I 19 45 10 71 85 20 23 5 2 00 45 18 05 85 34 09 6 I 16 46 8 87 85 16 40 6 I 43 46 10 94 86 20 46 6 2 41 46 l8 45 86 34 49 7 I 35 47 9 07 86 16 59 7 I 66 47 II 18 87 20 70 7 2 81 47 18 85 87 34 89 8 I 54 48 9 26 87 16 79 8 I 90 48 II 42 88 20 94 8 3 21 48 19 25 88 35 29 9 I 74 49 9 45 88 16 98 9 2 14 49 II 66 89 21 18 9 3 6i 49 19 65 89 35 69 10 I 93 50 9 65 89 17 17 10 238 50 II 90 90 21 42 10 4 01 50 20 05 90 36 09 It 2 12 51 9 84 90 17 37 II 2 62 51 12 13 91 21 65 II 4 41 51 20 45 91 36 49 12 2 32 52 03 91 17 56 12 2 85 52 12 37 92 21 89 12 481 52 20 85 92 3689 13 2 50 53 22 92 17 75 13 3 09 53 12 61 93 22 13 13 5 21 53 21 25 93 37 29 14 2 70 54 42 93 17 94 14 3 33 54 12 85 94 22 37 14 561 54 21 65 94 37 69 15 2 89 55 61 94 l8 14 15 3 57 55 13 09 95 22 61 15 6 02 55 22 06 95 38 10 16 308 56 80 95 18 33 16 381 56 13 32 96 22 84 16 642 56 22 46 96 38 50 17 328 57 I 00 96 18 52 17 4 05 57 13 56 97 23 08 17 6 82 57 22 86 97 38 90 18 3 47 58 I ig 97 18 72 18 428 58 13 80 98 23 32 18 7 22 58 23 26 98 39 30 19 366 59 I 38 98 18 91 19 4 52 59 14 04 99 23 56 19 762 59 23 66 99 39 70 20 386 60 I 58 99 19 10 20 476 60 14 28 100 23 80 20 8 02 60 24 06 100 40 10 21 4 05 61 I 77 100 19 30 21 4 99 61 14 51 200 47 60 21 842 61 24 46 200 80 20 22 4 24 62 I 96 200 38 60 22 5 23 62 14 75 300 71 40 22 8 82 62 24 86 300 120 30 23 4 43 63 2 16 300 57 90 23 5 47 63 14 99 400 95 20 23 9 22 63 25 26 400 160 40 24 463 64 2 35 400 77 20 24 5 71 64 15 23 500 119 00 24 9 62 64 25 66 500 200 so 25 482 65 2 54 500 96 50 25 5 95 65 15 47 600 142 80 25 10 03 65 26 07 600 240 60 x6 5 01 66 2 73 600 115 80 26 6 18 66 15 71 700 166 60 26 1043 66 26 47 700 280 70 27 5 21 67 2 93 700 135 10 27 6 42 67 15 94 800 190 40 27 10 83 67 26 87 800 320 80 28 5 40 68 3 12 800 154 40 28 6 66 68 16 18 900 214 20 28 II 23 68 27 27 900 360 90 29 5 59 69 3 31 900 173 70 29 6 90 69 16 42 1000 238 00 29 n 63 69 27 67 1000 401 00 30 5 79 70 3 51 1000 193 00 30 7 14 70 16 66 1500 357 00 30 12 03 70 28 07 2000 802 00 3t 5 98 71 3 70 2000 386 00 31 7 37 71 16 89 2000 476 00 31 12 43 71 28 47 3000 1203 00 32 6 17 72 3 89 3000 579 00 32 761 72 17 17 3000 714 00 32 12 83 72 28 87 4000 1604 00 33 6 36 73 4 08 4000 772 00 33 785 73 17 37 4000 952 00 33 13 23 73 29 27 SOOO 2005 oo 34 6 56 74 428 5000 965 00 34 8 09 74 17 61 Sooo 1190 00 34 13 63 74 29 67 6000 2406 00 35 6 75 75 4 47 60C0 1158 00 35 833 75 17 85 6000 1428 00 35 14 04 75 30 08 7000 2807 00 36 6 94 76 4 66 7000 1351 00 36 8 56 76 18 09 7000 1666 00 36 «4 44 76 30 48 8000 3208 00 37 7 14 77 486 8000 1544 00 37 8 80 ''I 18 32 8000 1904 00 37 1484 77 30 88 9000 3609 00 38 7 33 78 5 05 9000 1737 00 38 9 04 78 18 56 9000 2142 00 38 »5 24 78 31 28 1 0000 4010 00 39 7 52 79 5 24 lOOOO 1930 00 39 9 28 79 18 80 lOOOO 2380 00 39 15 64 79 31 68 40 7 72 40 9 52 80 19 04 40 16 04 80 32 oH 1 u CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. ■""— FI-OKINS OF NETHEKI.ANUS. A COMPARATIVE TABLE OF FRENCH FRENCH UTRES REDUCED TO IMPERIAL AND E.NGLISH MEASURE GALLONS. rtou» ^OkaCun. Mini* iiiTo Y4«m— 9I C«iiTiM«Tais to tni Yau>. LlT»,O.UaiI.C. I>SC«LITU.t.l>I.G. HlCTMJTU,M.I.C. .AD — ■' Ult«.| L C. UtrM. I. C. Litm, I. G. 4 • I 1 • c 1 $ c. i 1 z 3 3 4 1 ii i ^ i X 0.22 44 9-68 86 18.92 E c lb a u S > s a i s a 044 45 9.90 87 1914 3 4 066 46 47 10.12 10.34 88 1936 1958 I 40 41 iC 48 81 32 56 10 I 32 34 7 72 785 0.88 89 a 80 42 16 88 82 32 96 20 3 33 36 73 79 6 5 l.IO 48 10.56 90 19.80 3 1 21 4J 17 29 83 33 37 30 3 34 37 I 74 807 6 132 49 1078 91 30.02 4 I 61 44 17 69 «4 33 77 40 4 35 38 a 75 81 7 7 '54 50 11.00 92 30.24 S a 01 43 18 og 85 34 17 50 5 36 39 2 76 83 8 1.76 51 11.22 93 ao.46 6 » 4' 46 18 49 86 34 57 60 6 37 40 3 77 84 I 9 1.98 52 1144 94 •068 ; a 81 -t? 18 89 87 34 97 70 7 38 4« 4 78 85 I 10 2.201 53 11.66 95 30.90 8 3 22 48 19 30 88 35 38 So 8 39 42 4 79 86 2 11 242 54 11.88 96 31.12 9 3 62 49 19 70 89 35 78 90 I 40 43 5 80 87 3 la 264 55 12.10 97 21.J4 to 4 02 50 20 10 ^ 90 36 iR I I 41 446 81 88 4 '3 286 56 12.3a 98 a 1. 56 II 4 42 51 20 so ; 91 3O 58 2 2 1 42 45 7 82 89 4 14 3.08 57 1254 99 21.78 la 4 82 52 20 90 92 36 08 3 3 2 43 467 83 90 5 «5 330 .5« 12.76 100 22.01 »3 5 23 53 21 31 93 37 30 4 4 3 44 480 84 91 6 16 352 59 12,98 200 H02 «4 563 .54 21 71 94 37 yi 5 5 3 45 49 1 85 92 7 '7 374 60 13.20 i8 62 1364 500 1 10.05 >7 6 83 57 22 91 97 38 w 8 8 5 48 52 3 88 961 20 4.40 63 1386 600 132.06 i8 7 24 58 23 32 98 39 4u 9 96 49 53 4 89 97 2 21 4.62 64 14.08 700 15407 •9 764 59 23 72 99 39 So 10 10 7 50 54 S 90 98 2 22 4-«4 65 1430 800 176.08 20 8 04 60 24 12 100 40 20 II 12 51 55 5 91 99 3 23 506 66 1452 900 198.09 21 8 44 61 24 52 200 80 40 la 13 52 56 6 93 100 4 24 5.28 67 1474 1000 220.10 aa 8 H4 62 24 92 300 I20 60 13 14 I 53 57 7 93 loi 5 25 5-50 68 14.96 IIOO 242.11 23 9 25 63 25 33 400 160 80 «4 IS a 54 59 94 102 5 26 5-72 69 15.18 1200 264.12 24 9 65 64 25 73 500 201 00 IS 16 3 55 60 95 103 6 27 5 94 70 15-40 1300 286.13 25 10 05 65 26 13 600 241 20 16 '7 4 56 61 I 96 104 7 28 6.16 71 15.6a 1400 318.14 26 10 45 66 26 53 700 281 40 17 184 57 62 2 97 106 29 6.38 72 1584 1500 340. 1 5 27 lo 85 67 16 93 800 321 60 18 19 5 58 63 3 98 107 30 6.60 73 16.06 1600 362.16 aS II 26 68 a, '. 900 361 80 19 20 6 59 64 3 99 108 I 31 6.82 74 16.28 1700 384-17 29 II 66 69 27 74 1000 402 00 20 21 6 60 65 4 100 109 2 32 7.04 75 16.50 1800 406.18 30 la 06 7C 28 14 2000 804 00 21 22 7 61 66 5 200 218 4 33 7.26 76 16.72 1900 428.19 31 la 46 71 28 54 3000 1206 00 22 24 62 67 6 300 327 6 34 7-48 77 16.94 2000 440.20 32 12 86 72 28 94 4000 1608 00 23 25 1 63 68 6 400 437 I 35 7.7J 78 17.16 3000 660.30 33 13 27 73 29 35 5000 2010 00 24 26 I 64 69 7 500 546 3 36 792 79 17-38 4000 880.40 34 13 67 74 29 75 6000 2412 00 25 27 a 65 71 600 655 5 37 8-14 80 17.60 5000 1100.50 35 14 07 75 30 15 7000 2814 00 26 283 66 72 1 700 765 38 8-36 81 17.82 6000 1320.60 36 14 47 76 30 55 8000 3216 00 27 29 4 67 73 I 800 874 2 39 8.58 82 18.04 7000 154070 37 14 87 77 3095 9000 3618 00 28 30 4 68 74 2 900 983 4 40 8-80 83 18.26 8000 176080 38 15 28 78 31 36 lOOOO 4020 00 29 31 5 69 ^|3 1000 1092 7 41 9.02 84 18.48 9000 1980.90 39 15 68 79 31 76 30 32 6 70 76 4 42 9-24 85 18.70 lOOOO 2201.00 40 16 08 80 32 16 31 33 7 71 1 77 4 9-46 1 TABL E SHOW ING ' PHE CANADIAN CUSTOMS VA LUES OF THE FRENCH KILOGR AMMES OR KILOS CONVERTED INTO :'RIN( :iPAL FOREIGN CURRENCIE 3. POUNDS AVOIRDUPOIS. KlLC , Lbs. 1000 Grauubs. I Kiu>. COUNTRY. HONITAIir OMIT. tTAMDAlU). Value in Dollars aod Cents. 1 Lbe. and Decimals. 1 Lbs. and Decimals. 1 Lbs. and s Lbs. and Decimals. Florin ••.•■ '»L I 3 3 4 5 6 2.21 4-42 6.63 8.84 11.05 13.26 15-47 17.68 19.89 22.10 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 68.51 70.72 72-93 7514 77-35 79.56 81-77 83-96 86-19 88.40 90-61 92-82 9503 97-24 99-45 60 6i 62 132.60 134.81 137-01 139-23 141.44 14365 145-86 148.07 150.28 152-49 154-7° 156.91 159.12 161.33 163-54 165-75 167-96 170.17 172.38 174-59 176.80 179.01 181.23 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Bel^un Franc ■ .... Gold and Silver. Gold and Silver. Gold IQ.-» 196.69 198.90 Dollar 96.5 54-5 96-5 93 5 91-2 Bogota Peso Gold 63 64 65 66 203.3a 20553 207.74 209.95 America Dollar Silver Chili Peso Gold China - Tael 7 8 k Gold 26.8 67 68 Dollar Silver 93-5 4 97-4 19 3 19 3 23.8 99.7 44.4 19-3 1 00 9 214.37 216.85 218.79 221 00 Vavnt Pound of 100 Piastres , Gold 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Franc Gold and Silver. u 24-31 26.52 28.73 30.94 33-15 35-36 37-57 39-78 41-99 44.20 46.41 48.62 50.83 5304 55-26 Greece Drachma Gold and Silver. 12 German Mark Gold 13 14 15 16 105 232.05 243.10 254-15 265.20 276.26 287.30 298-35 30940 320.45 33150 35360 375-70 397-80 Yen Gold Silver "5 Italy . - - Lira Gold and Silver. Liberia Dollar Gold 17 i8 103.87 125 130 135 140 145 150 160 Mexico Netherl Norway Dollar Silver I 01.5 38.6 26.8 Florin Gold and 19 108.29 110.50 112.71 114-92 117-13 11934 121-55 Gold Dollar Silver 93-5 1 08 21 Portuga Russia Sandwi( Spain .. 1 Gold 81 Rouble Silver 74.8 23 24 25 82 Dollar Gold f3 84 18343 185.64 V^ Peseta of loo Centimes Gold and < Silver. 19.3 Sweden Switzerl Gold 26.8 26 57-46 59.67 61.88 56 57 58 59 123.76 126.00 128.18 85 86 187.85 190.06 192.27 194.48 190 200 250 300 419.90 442.00 552.50 663.00 aUld ■ . • • • Franc Gold and Silver. Silver 19 3 084.4 27 28 Tripoli Turkey United Mahbub of 20 Piastres Piastre Gold 130.39 States bia of Peso SUi ^er ■• • 00. ho 1 66-30 1 Colon 1 1 1 1 II CAMPBELLS COMMERCL\L GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. RAILWAYS, STAGE ROUTES, CANALS. INLAND, OCEAN AND COASTWISE NAVIGATION. LIST OF RAILWAYS IN CANADA Nahb. Cakadian PAririo. Trunk Lina . . . BnuiohM . NoBTHIBIf AND NORTH Wbtern Uailway... Branehm Main Line Branch Iktibcolonial Railway, Branchea Eaatern Extension. . Pi^. , Gretna Winnipeg to Kmenon and St. Vincent. Toronto to Owen Sound Orangeville, Elnra and Teeswater Toronto to (^arleton Junction Toronto to St. Thomas Toronto to Meaf^rd Allandale to Mu-koka Wharf ,. Allandale to Penetanx Port Dover to Allandale Beeton to Collingwood Quebec to Halifax, N. S Moncton to St. John, N. B Truro to Pictou Petitcodiac to Elgin Painsec tiinee, 'Tamworth k Quebec Manitoba k North- western Windsor k Annapolis. Spring Hill k Parrs borough Western Countit. . . . Quebec k I^ake St. John New Brunswick . . . International Cobourg, I'eterboro' k Mamiora Quebec Central Soutb-Eaatem Fort Gratiot to Chicago Torontec to St lUymond St. John to Vanceboro' Fredericton Junction to Fredericton — St. Andrew's to Watt Junction St. Stej>hen to Watt Junction , Watt .Junction to McAdam Junction . . McAdam Junction to DeBec Jonction . Deliec to Hr>ltan DeBec to WoodstfKik WoodHtock to Edmundston Woodstock to Gibson Aroostook to Presqu' Isle Sberbrooke, Quebec, to Lake Magaotic. Cobourg to Harwood Sherbrooke to I^ievis Montreal to Newport Sutton Junction to St Guillauma. Sorel to Stanbridge St. C^aaire to Marieville Frelighsburgto Famham Rondeau to Wallaceburg Buffalo to Detroit St. Thomas to Courtright , Oil Springs to Petrolea Buffalo to Niagara SW m 71 u 44 66 33 38 16 W 35 1? 34 61 W 133 W 3 S3 145 S3 SO 104 ISO 35 •1 30 80 10 14 40 7 U 114 «S 34 13» 103 76 83 40 sr 86 STAGE ROUTES— ONTARIO. Staqks bum to Acacia Addison Alberton Alexandria Algonquin AUansville Allinaford \ Aneaater Arkona Arkwright Fboh IngersoU Bellamy's . . . Lynden Cornwall . . . . Maitland Berlin Meaford Owen Sound Hsmilton . . . Thedford.... Meaford .... How Often. Daily. Railway Connection. G. W. C. P. G. W. G. T. G. T. 6. T. N. * N. W. T. G. ft B. N. k N. W. G. T. I N. ft N. W. Stages bun to Arkwright ... Arthur Ashgrove Athlone Baillieboro' . . Bald Lake... Ballinaford . . . Ballycroy . . . . Bath Feom Owen Sound Port Elgin . . Fergus StewartOD... Bolton Tottenham . . Millbrook . . . Peterborough Georgetown . Bolton .. . Emeatown . How Oft«n. Daily. Railway connbotiov. T. O. ft B. W. G. ft a W. G. ft a N. ft N. W. T. G. ft B. N. ft N. W. M. M.-C. P. N. ft N. W. T. G. ft a 3.T. i^ CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. STAGE ROUTES-ONTARIO— CoM/ixMrf. Btaom brm m RatU-nM IUyfl*lt«llr Kwart .. . lUlli) llftvvn hvliDor* IWriM Killin«r«'Brid««.... HinliriK'k Itiiih"|>'> MilU iloticayf^m ... * Bolxiver I>4inilli«iid Hort Briitcil I>rinnvill« CkintowD Calednn. EMt .... (J^nlxirne Camilla ramiibcllville . Cani|>Hen PauininKton Carliugiurd Carliile Caahtciwii Cutleton CayuK* ... Cedar Grove Centre AupiHta. . . . ChaUworth Cheapaide Chemonr Cherry Valley Cheaterville Churchill Chute & Blondeku. ClarksburfT CUrk'9 MUU Clavering Clayton Cold Springs Colebronk FWMI Colpoy's Bay . . -. Columbus Combermere Cookaville Corunna Crai^hurst Crediton CroMville Cruickehank Crysler Ciuloden Cumberland Dash wood Davisville DeCewnviUe Delaware Duart Dunbar Dunedin Dungannon Durh»m i Eden Edgar Eganville Eglington Eifinonilville El^n Corners Elimville Kingston Clinton Meaforil CoNten Buckingham . . . I^ef rciy Newmarket . .. Wroieter . ... Kincardine . . . , DtUwa (Slanford .. . .. Oxfonl Peterbomugh . Portage K»aii . Bra.lford Waterford Klora '(iravenburst... Peterborough.. B.-rlin (iKorgetown . . . WhitT)y Wroxeter Peterborough,. Pari. Owen Sound . . . Pi'terlw>rimgh , Kfmptville . , . . Bowmanville .. Brantford . ... Ma!lorrtown . . Mono Road . , . Cobonrg Orangerille Burlington .... Beamsville .... Manilla Sebringville . . . Hamilton Creemore Colbugh Hampton Hanover Harrow HsstinfTH HawkeHbury Hawkesville Heathcote Heckston Heidelberg I Hepworth Hilisburg Hillsdale HoUen | Homer Hopeville Hominc's Mills Huntsville Indiana Inkerman Innisville Invermay < Jersey Kars Keene Keenansville < Kemble Kendal Keswick Kettleby Kilbride KiUyth ...I King Creek Kincardine Kingsville Kinlough Kirkton Lanark Langton Lansing Laskay Latona Lavender Leamington Linton Linwood Lion's Head Little Rideau Little Britain Lloydtown < Lonsdale t Summer only. FaoM Waterloo BerUn Meafnrd Beachville South Indian SUtion. Bowmanville Peterborough Port Perry Georgetown Napanee Kin» Gueluh Brockville WelUnd Arthur St Thomas Amprior Colkngwood . Duntroon Bothwell Welland Walkerton Wroxeter Trenton Hamilton .. PinkertoD Drayton Pans Wick Hamilton Tilsonbur^ Bowmanville Flesherton Amherstburg Petertiorougn Calumet, P. Q Berlin Thombury Kemptville Waterloo Berlin Owen Sound Georgetown Barrie Drayton E!ora . St Catharines Dundalk Shelbume Gravenburst Caledonia Iroquoi* Perth Meaford ....'. Owen Sound Newmarket Osgoode Peterborough Tottenham Bolton OwenSonnd Newtonville Newmarket Aurora Burlington Meafora Owen Sound King Teeswater Kleinburg Lucknow Exeter Perth Tilsonbnrg Toronto King Meaford Creemore Essex Centre Kleinbuig Berlin tWiarton Granville Mariposa .... Aurora Kleinburg .. Tyendinaga How Orrni. Daily. Tri-W. DaUy. Iri-W. Daily. CoamoTioa. O. T. O. T. N. 4 N. W. O. W. 0. A. O. T. C. P. M.-O. P. N. 4 N. W. O. T. N. 4 N. W. O. T. G. T. O. W. T. G. 4 B. O. T. and C. C. P. N. 4 N. W. N. 4 N. W. G. W. O. W. W. G. 4 a T. O. 4 B. O.T. G. W. W. O. 4 a O. T. G. W. M. O. W. C.& O.T. T. G. 4 B. C.a M.— C. P. C. P. G. T. N. 4 N. W. St L. 4 O. G. T. G. T. T. G. 4 B. N. 4 N. W. N. 4 N. W. W. G. 4 B. W. G. 4 B. G. W. T. G. 4 B. T. G. 4 B. N. 4 N. W. N. 4 N. W. G. T. C.P. N. 4 N. W. T. a. 4 B. N. 4 N. W. C.P. M.-C. P. N. 4 N. W. T. G. 4 B. T. G. 4 B. 6. T. N. 4 N. W. N. 4 N. W. G. W. N. 4 N. W. T. 6. 4 B. N. 4 N. W. T. 6. 4 B. T. G. 4 B. W. G. 4 a G. T. C.P. c. a (1 N. 4 N. W. II N. 4 r. w. it N. 4 N. W. 11 c. s. M T. 6. 4 B. « G. T. S..W. G. a 4 L. E. DaUr. C.P. M. (( N. 4 N. W. (( T. G. 4 B. (I G. T. CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLA& if STAGE ROUTES— ONTARIO— C<3ii/iii«*J. Staob bub to Iiontto L'OriKn»I Lotua Lnuiaville liOWvUla liOolcnnw Lunenburg Lyndhunt ,..,. liVnilnch Mclnttnn. Portland Port Maitlaod. Port Kowao . . . Port Ryerae... Prssqu'^Isle ... PnoeviU* FaoM (jueensville < Rainham Ravenna RedneravilU Ridgetown RingwiMMl Riveradale Roblin Rockport Rockton Rodgerville Roaedale Roaedene Roaemont | Roaen.>ath RoseviUe Roslin Rothsay Round Plains | Rusaell Ruth van St. Andrews St. Ann's .St. Clement's St. Davida St. Helen's St. Jacobs Saintfield . Salem Salford.... Sandford . . Sandhill... Sandhurst . Sandwich . Schomberg . . Scotland ... Seaf orth .... Sebaatopol . . Seely'a Bay . Selby Selkirk. ... Seltnn Sharon' Sheffield . . . ShetUnd Silver Creek . Silver HUl . . Simcoe Sinclairville . SingLimpton . . Sleswick Smithville Solina Sombra South Douro South Finch South Gloucester. . . Southampton South March South Mountain . . . Sparta Springfield Staffa Stanley's Mills . . . Stanton Stockdale Stony Creek Strabane StraSordville { Owen Soumi Mariposa Conrtrigbt BnokvflU DunoviUa dimooe SimuM Owen Smind Klenherton . Holland Ijuiding .. Newmarket Dnnnville Thornbury Belleville Thanieavill* HUmffviU* Teeawater Napanee MaJlorytowo Lynde- 1 .Seaforth Cobnconk St. Catharines Alliaton Sbelliurne , Cobourg I'oterabiirg BeUeville Elora Paris Simcoe Osg. T. G. T. G. W. B. 4 0. T. 4N. J. W. N. 4 N. W. T. (I. 4 a O. T. O. T. G. T. W. G. 4 a O. W. O. W. C. P. C. 8. G.T. G. W. G.T. G. W. a4 0. G.T. M.-ding).. "'^ "• ((descending) Culbnte Tay Canal St. Onn Beauhamois ...-> - Cornwall • Farran's Point ...• Perth to Lake Ridean. . . Bichelien River ft Lake Champlain Trent River 6 " RaridePlat Galops i " 12 " Lakes Erie and Ontario.* Welland Cbambly Chiaholm's Raoids Port Robinson to River Welland. . Welland to River Chippawa Cut to Niagara River . . CaDe Breton ...• Crook's Rapids, Hastings Whitlas' Rapids Bobcaygeon Burleigh Rapids Buckhom Bjtpids Lindsay Port Maitland Burlington Bay Canal .. tttc. Ann's Jjoci'. Carillon % :: Ottawa aiid Kingston . . . Fenelon Falls 1 " Chute k Blondeau St. Peter's. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. INLAND STEAM NAVIGATION. UNITID STATES. CANADA. Feok How orrm. ■ Stiahebs Boa to Feom How orTM. Alexaudri* Bay, N. Y Dajly. Semi-weekly. Daily. «( ti II «f " Ferry. Semi-weekly. Daily'.' If II Semi-weekly. Daily. Semi-weekly. DaUy. Annapolis, N. S Charlottetown, P. E. I..-| Digby.N.S Father Point .... Digby, N.3 Point dn Chine. N. B . . Daily. Daily. ButEftlo, N. Y Port Dover Cape Vincent, N. Y Chicago, IIL Kingston .,,.- Pictou. N 8 Midland Quebec St. John, N. B Quebec Semi-monthly. Tri -weekly. Clayton. N. Y. Kingston •• Cleveland, | Rondeau • Port Stanley Gaspe Georgetown, P. E. I Kentvilla, N. S. Quebec ( Pictou, If. 8 Daily. Detroit. Mich < Samia.. ..." St. John, N. B Quebec' • t Windsor Metis Semi-monthly. ( Goderich Perc^ Quebec Duluth, Minn. < Sami» Pictou, N. S St. John's, Newfoundland. Summerside, P. £. I | Windsor, N. S II Halifax, N. S sted wholly unpaid will be forwarded, but will lie charKt-'d double po4tai08ta^e. This regulation does not apply to rtgitlmd letters ; no letter can be forwarded reij\$iered to any destination until the IHMtai{e is fully paid. Unpaid letters addressed to Countries in the Postal Union (except the United States) are charged double the prepaid rate, and those partially paid are charged doulile the deficiency. The same rates are chargeable in Canada on insufficiently paid letters received from Postal Union Countries. The rates upon letters for British Ooloniei and Foreign Countries will be found in the tables given hireafter. It will be desirable, also, to mark on the letter the route by which it 14 intended to be sent. fjetters on which the prepayment of postage is stated to be compulsory in the Tables of Itates to liritish Coloniei or Foreign Countries, will, if posted unpaid or not Bulficiently prepaid, be returned to the writent through the Dead Letter Office. The rate of [K>stage on letters l>etween any place in Canada and any place in the United States is 3 cents per half ounce or fraction of a half ounce, which should bo prepaid by stamp- Insufficiently p.aid letters mailed in the United States and addressed to Canada, or rice tvrsa, mailed in Canada and wldressed to the United States, on which a single rate of postage or more has been prepaid, will he forwarded charged with the amount of the deficient postage, to be collected on delivery and retained by the Post OIHce Department of the country of doatination. The amount of such deficient postage will be indicated iii figures, by the despatching exchange office, on the upjwr left hand corner of the address. The rate of postage on letters between any place in Canada and any place in Newfoundland is .5 cents per half ounce or fraction of a half ounce, which should be prepaid by stamp. Unpaid and insufficiently prepaid letters for Newfoundland will be treated in the same manner as unpaid and insufficiently prepaid letters for any other country in the Postal Union. Letters, etc., sent to or received from a country of the Postal Union and after- ward redirected to any place in Canada, or to another country within the Union, are not lialjle to any additional charge, nor, if registered, to an additional fee for registration ; such, however, as have been in the first instance addressed to a place in tlie country where they were posted, are chargeable on re-direction with the same pi>stage, less the sum prepaid, which would have been charged had they been »dilri-s.' is mailed. 2. Newspapers, if sent singly, must be prepaiil at the newspaper rate, but they may be sent in packets paid collectively at book-post rate, or by newspaper rate ; but, if at newspaper rate, each paper must be paid the same rate as if seUk singly. The rates on newspapers and |>eriodicals addressed to British Colonies and Foreign Countries will be found in the tables given hereafter. 3. Tran-^ient newspagiers anosted in Canada, other than Caiicuiian nempapert sentfrjm the office of publication, aiki Brilith nmtpapers posted bu newt agmtt for regular iubscriben in Canada. When addressed to any place in Newfoundland or the United Statei, they must be prepaid the following rates by postage stamp :— If weighing less than 1 ounce, half a cent each. If weighing over 1 ounce, 1 cent for 4 ounces or fraction of four ounces. Spfcimen$ of newspai>er8 and [leriodicals from the office of publication tot tho Uuitet' Kingdom are to be treated as tranaient newspapers or periodicals, the rata uixm which is 1 cent per 2 ounces. 4. Newspapers addressed to the United Kingdom may be registered on prepay- ment, by stamp, of a registration fee of five cents, in addition to the ordinary )>ustage. ."i. Trannient newspa|>en! when ixisted without prepayment of the postage are sent to the |)ead Letter Office with the ordinary Dead Letter Return. 4. Newspapers posted duly prepaid in Newfoundland, the United States and the United Kingdom, and addressed to any place in Canada, will not be subject to any Canadian postage on delivery. When newspapers, periodicals and other printed matter, published or originating in the United States, are brought into Canada and posted there for destinations in the United States, apparently to evade the postage rates or regulations applicable to such matter in thu Uuiteu States, tho Canada Post Office may require prepay- ment of the same ti> be made at a rate equivalent to double the Canada domestic rates. 7. Newspapers forwarded prepaid from Canada are now delivered in the United Kingdom without additional charge. 8. Everjr newspaper must be posted either without a cover (in which case it must not be fastened, whether by means of gum, wafer, sealing-wax, postage stamp, or otherwise), or in a cover entirely open at both ends, so as to admit of easy withdrawal for examination. 9. Every newspaper must be so folded as to admit of the title being readily inspected. 10. No newspaper, whether posted singly or in a packet, may contain any enclosure except the supplement or supplements belonging to it. 11. There must be no writing or other mark on a newspaper sent abroad but the name and address of the person to whom it is sent ; nor anything on the cover but such name and address, the printed title of the publication, the printed name and address of the publisher or vendor who sends it, and wordj indicating the date on which the subscription to the newspaper will end. 12. No packet of newspapers may exceed two feet in length or one foot in width or depth. In cases where subscribers to Newspapers or other periodicals published in the United States refuse to take the same from the Office, or neglect to c^U for them for a period of one month after their receipt at the Post Office, Postma: t«n will in future notify the Publishers of such newspapers or periodicals of the fact. MISCELLANEOUS MATTER. - 1. Passing between Canada and the United Kingdom. 1. The Regulations of the British Post Office do not udmit of the tr.nsmission by mail to the United Kingdom (or other countries beyond the sea) of Miscellaneous Matter as such ; but the greater port of the matter referred tn under that head may be forwarded to the tfnited Kingdom by book post. [See below.] 2. Passing between Canada and the United Slates. 1. The greater part of the matter enumerated under the head of Miscellaneous Matter may be transmitted by mail to the United States at the same rate of Bistage, and under the same conditions, as if addressed to places within the ominion, subject, however, to any United States customs dues to which the contents may be liable. 2. When received from the United States addressed to any place in Canada, packages of such matter are delivered free of Canadian postage, but subject to any Customs duties to which the contents may be liable. 3. There is no provision for the transmission of seeds and bulbs between Canada and the United States by mail except when sent as samples — the limit of weight for each packet is eight ounces, the rate ten cents. BOOK PACKETS. ' BOOK POST. 1. Passing betveen Canada and the United Kingdom, Briiish Colonies and Foreign Countries. 1. Articles which may be sent to places abroad under the Book Post Regulations consist of two classes, as follow : — (o) " Commercial Papers," under which are comprised all papers or documents written or drawn wholly or partly by h.and (except letters or communications in the nature of letters, or other papers or documents having the character of an actual and personal correspondence), documents of legal procedure, Deeds drawn up by public functionaries, copies of or extracts from Deeds under private seal (and whether written or printed on stamped or unstamped pajwr). Way Bills, Bills of Ladir' Invoices and other documents of a mercantile character, documents of Insurance and other public companies, all kinds of manuscript Music, the manuscript of Books and other literary works, and other papers of a similar description. (6) "Printed Papers," including periodical works, books (stitched or bonnd), pamphlets, sheets of music (printed), visiting cards, address cards, proofs of printing (with or without the manuscript relating thereto), engravings, photographs (when not on glass or in frames containing glass), drawings, plans, maps, catalogues, prospectuses, announcements and notices of various kinds, whether printed, engraved, or lithographed, and in general all impres- sions or copies obtained upon pa|ier, parchment or card-board, by means of printing, lithographing or any other mechanical process easy to recognize, except the copying press, and anything usually attached or appurtenant to any of the before- mentioned articles in the way of binding, mounting or otherwise, and anything convenient for their safe transmission by post which shall be contained in the same packet ; also printed, engraved or Utnographed circulars, notwithstanding that such circulars may be letters or communi- cations in nature of a letter. 2. Every packet must be posted either without a cover (in which case it must not be fastened, whether by neans of sum, wafer, sealing-wax, postage stamp, or otherwise) or in an open cover so as to admit of the contents being easily withdrawn for examination ; otherwise it is treated as a letter. For the greater security of the contents, however, it may be tied at the ends with string ; Postmasters b*ing CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 41 BRITISH, COLONIAL AND FOREIGN M MLS— Continued. authorized to cut the atring in such cues, although if they do so they mnxt again tie up the iiacket. 3. The limit n{ size for a packet addressed to any place abroad is 24 inches in length and 12 inches in wiilth or depth. Fur limitatii>a of weight nee ta)>Ie. 4. The rates of postage, which must be prepaid on packets to places abroaer, parchment, or vellum. 6. Book packets may be rei^istered on payment W stamp, in addition to the ordinary postage, of the registration fees given in the Table of Postage Rat«^8, Book packets closed against inspection are to be sent to the Dead Letter Office by first mail 7. Limits of weight and size are as follow : — WEIliHT. If for the United Kingdom SIbs. Countries in the Postal Union 4 '* Australian Colonies 3 ' ' Other British Colonies and Foreign Countries not in the Postal Union 4 " SIZE. For the United Kingdom, British \ Colonies and all foreign Coun- I 24 inches in length, and 12 inches tries, whether in the Postal Union I in breadth or depth, or not. / 8. Water colour drawings are not allowed to be sent in a book packet to France or Algeria. 9. No writing or manuscript mar:, however, beyond the name and addresi of the person to whom it is sent, is a Imissible in or upon a packet forwarded ria France to the Argentine Confederation, Bolivia, Chili, Kcuador, Hayti, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, St. Thomas, Uruguay, United States of Colombia, or Venezuela. 2. Pauing between Canada and the United State>. 1. The rates of postage ami the general conditions of transmission which apply to book packets when transmitted from one place to another within the Dr)minion, are equally applicable to book packets afldressed to the United Spates. Book packets sent by mail to the United States are subject to payment of any Customs duties to which the contents may be liable. " The only books absolutely free from Customs duty, under the United States laws, are those which have been printeil more than -J yeaurs ; and pamphlets, periodicals, and other like publications, for the personal use of the indiviaual to whom they are addressed.'* " >fevertheles8, any book vr'ued at not more than one dollar is also considered as exempt from Customs duty, and so are photographs, when sent in limited numbers, for the private use of the person to whom they are addressed, or for distribution to relatives or friends." 2. When receive 1 duly prepaid from the United States, book packets are not subject, on delivery in Canada, to any Canadian postage, but subject to payment of any Customs duties to which the contonts may be liable, PATTERNS AKD SAMPLES. 1. There is a Pattern and Sample Post to the United Kingdom and Foreign Countries and the British Colonies generally ; but it is restricted to bona jvle traiJe patterm or samplet of tnerchandue. Goods sent for sale, or in execution of an order (however small the quantity maybe), or any articles sent by one private individual to another, which are not actually patterns or samples, are not admissible. 2. No article liable to Customs duties can be sent as a sample or pattern. 3. The rates of postage, which must be prepaid, will be four d hereafter. 4. Patterns or Samples, when practicable, must be sent in covers oi>en at the ends, and in such a manner as to be easy of examination. But samples of seeds, drugs and such like articles, which cannot be sent in covers of this kind, may be posted enclosed in boxes, or in bags of linen, or other material, fastened in such a manner that may be readily opened. 5. There must be no writing or printing upon or in any packet except the address of the person for whom it is intended, the address of the sender, a trade- mark or number, and the price of the articles. But a pack' any country in the Postal Union may have enclosed in it any of the articles designated "Com- mercial Papers " if the rate applicable to Commercial Papers be paid for the whole packet. 6. Samples of salable value must not be sent to any foreign country, or to any of the British Possessions which are comprised in the Postal Uni m. Samples of eider-down, raw or thread silk, woollen or goat's hair thread, vanilla, satfrcin, car- mine or ismglass, are considered to fall under this rule, if they weigh more than thre« ounces. 7. Such articles as scissors, knives, razors, forks, steel pens, nails, keys, watch machinery, metal tubing, i]iece8 of metal or ore, provided that they be pack*! and guarded in so secure a manner as to afford complete protection to the cements of the mail-bags and to the officers of the Post Office, while at tlia same time they may be easily examined, may be sent as samples to places abroad. Indigo cannot be sent to any place abroad. 8. "The limit of weight is, to all countrien, einht cunf:a, except to the Ajstralian Colonies via Bbi.vdisi, by which route the limit is three pounds. 9. A packet of Patterns or Samples sent to any place comprised in the Postal Union (except Belgium, France, Greece and Luxt jibourg) must not exceed 8 inches in length, 4 inches in width, or 2 inches in depth. The limit to Belgium, France, Luxembourg or Greece is 12 inches in length, 8 inches in width, and 4 inches in depth. The size of a packet for a non.Union country or colony is limited to 24 inches in length and 12 inches in width or depth. Patting between Canada and the United Statet. 1. Pattern*, or tamplet of merchamliiir, or of 0oo,»--it*rd in Canatia for trausmissicm to the United States on prepayment by posUgt stamp of a nitt of ten cents each packet. PAKCILS. '• 1. Parcels cannot be sent by post to any place beyond ths Dominion of Canada. REGI.STR.VTION (FOREKJX AND COLONIAL). 1. The fee chargeable for registration to places abroa^l will l>e f.iimd in ths column headed " Re^'istration Fee " in the Table of Foreign and Colonial postage. To bt>me countries, as shown in that Table, an article can lie registered only to tne port of arrival ; it being left, in those cases, to the postal authorities of the countrr to which that port lielongs to continue the registratiim or not as they may think pro|)er. To a few countries, as shown in the 'Table, there is no arrangement what- ever for registration. 2. Registratitm is applicable equally to letters, newspafiers, book-packets and patterns addressed to places abroad, except in the cases st^eci.illy mentioned. The sender of a registered article addressed to the United Kingilom, any Foreign Country or British Colony in the Postal Union, may obtain an acknowleut charge, the price of the Carils — 1 cent each— being accei>tet taken tu cancel effectually tha stamp thereun. 8. V'nt CariU cannut ha re)(i>tered. B. If any other cards, whnther they ha Post (>'ard« of the United Kingdom, the UniCeK)k or card, or any other indecent or obscene article, or any letter, ne«r9|iaper, publication, picket or card having' thereon any words, marks or designs of an indfCent, ol>8cene, libellouii or grossly otfensive chariicter. Anything jxiited contrary to this prohibition will be stojiiied aud sent to tha I'ostmaster-General, Ottawa. 2. PostmasttTs are in»tru<^ted not to receive any letter which there is good reason to lielieve contains anything likely to injure the contents of the niail-b.ig, or t"> do bodily harm to any officer of the Post Otfic". If such a pwket be posted without the Postmaster's knowledge, or if at any time before its despatch ha should discover any such packet, he is directed not to forward it, but to report the eaae, with the aildresa of the packet, to the Pustmaiter-General. The following are examples of the articles referred to : A glass bottle, or glass in any form ; leeches, game, fish, meat, fruit or vegeta- bles ; bladders or other vessels containing liquids ; gunpowder, lucifer matches, or anything which is explosive or liable to sudden combuation. Besides the prohibited articles enumerated above, no letter or packet containing coin, jewellery, precious articles, or anything liable to Customs duties, may be sent through the post to any country of the Postal Union. The laws of Costa Rica also forbid the transmission by the post within that country of letters or other packets containing coin, watches, jewellery, or other articles of value which are liable to Customs duties ; and any such packets, if forwardeai>ers, ) Other Printed Matter, VSame rates and regulations as for domestic matter. Samples, j Registration Fee— 2 cents, payable by Begistration Stamp. CANADA AND UNITED STATES. Letters -3 cents ner half ounce. Insufficiently paid letters mailed in the United States and addressed to Canada, or riet vtrta, mailed in Canada and addressed to the United States, on which a single rate of postage or more has been prepaiil, will lie forwarded charged with the deficient amount of postage, to be collected on delivery and retained by the Post Department of the country of destination. The amount of such deficient postage shall be indicated in figures, by the despatching exchange office on the upper left-hand comer of the address. Post Cards, Newspapers, and other Printed Matter— Same rates and regulations AS for domestic matter. When newspapers, periodicals and other printed matter, published or originating in the United States, are brought into Cansida and posted there foi destinations in the United States, apparently to evade the postage rates or regulations applicable to such matter in the United States, the Canadian Post Office may req_uire prepay- ment of the same to be made at a rate equivalent to double the Canadian domestic rates. Samples — 10 cents per 8 ounces. Must not exceed 8 ounces in weight. Registration Fee— 5 cents, payable by Registration Stamp. All classes o* mat- ter addressed to the United States may be registered. Fuii prepayment on all classes of matter, except letters, compulsory. TABLE No. 2.— Showing Rates of Postage CHARciKASLE in Canada on Letters, Newspapers, etc, to United Kingdom, BBmsH Colonies and Foreign Cocntbies. LrrrKus por Codmtbies to weigh Pbkpatment is Coupulsobt (»« Note c), when Unpaid ob insdfficiently Prepaid, will be sent to the Dead Letteb Office. COOKTBIEB, OB PlAOES OF DESTINATION, AND Routes. Those not included in the Universal Postal Union are printed in Italics. Cadtion.— Coin or Jewellery muft not be en- closed in letters (ordinary or registered) ad- dres.ed to any country in the Postal Union with the exception of the United States. {See Aden ■Uriok, West Coast, British Possessions. Note 1) -. ... do French Possessions. {See Note 8.) do Wett Coatt, except British and French and Liberia Algeria Argentine Confederation, ria Halifax A$eemion Aspinwall (U. S. of Colombia), via New York A uHralia (South Australia, Western Australia), via San Francisco. (Sre Note 2). . . do oi'a Brindisi = 03 Cu. 10 10 10 «a 15 S 5 eI5 6 ca 1 cl5 U O Cto. Cts. 2 5 Cts. 5 5 6 t £ Is CO * 3 a •--.-Oi- ■r~-3S 9i ** a •S =,^-^ a. S =-3 ^■= * e 0- t, v u s, . K > : « c Cts. 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 •58 t^ C ^■s Cu. *_'o 2 isi|3 Ml ' liH 3 %T% 2 COUNTBIKS, OR PLACES OF DESTINATION, AND ROCTES. Those not included in the Universal Postal Union are printed in Italics. Caotion.— Coin or Jewellery must not be en- closed in letters (ordinary or registered) ad- dressed to any country in the Postal Union with the exception of the United States. si A 33 s g IS Australia, New South Wales, New Zealand Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland, na San Francisco do New South Wales, New Zealand, Tasmania.Victoria and Queensland, wa Brindisi. {Set Note 2) Anstria-Hnngary Azores. (See Note 3) Barbadoes Bahamas. (5m West Ind-es) .. Balearic Islands. (See Note 4). Belgium Bermuda, I'trtNewYorkor Halifax. (.SeeNotel9) ■E^ Cts. c 15 cl9 5 6 Cts. 5 ? '3 0. o «S 23 O g^8 ,11111 O ^ ^ O V CO « i gi * c c a- Kg 3o£ e 2 Cts. 15 7 6 6 6 '5' Cts. CU. I; * Pattanis and Samples for tha Australian Colonies can only be sent via Brindisi ; the rate is 8 cti. per ouooe^ uut the limit o( weight 3 poonda. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCL\L GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 4$ BRITISH, COLONIAL AND FOREIGN 1*1 MLS— Continued. COCSTIUIS, OK PlaORI or DiSTtNATION, AND UOUTIS. TfaoM not included in the Universal Postal Union are printed in Italics. Cadtion.— Coin or Jewellery must not be en- cloiied in letters (ordinary or registered) ad- dressed to any country in the Postal Uniou with the exception of the United States. Bolivia, via New York and Aspinwall Borneo. (*e Note 14) Brazil, rio United States Brazil, by direct Packet via Halifax Buenos Ayres, by direct Packet, via Halifax. . Bulgaria Burmah. British Canary Islands Cape De Verde Islands. (See Note 17) Cape of Good Hope Ceylon Chili, via New York and Aspinwall China, Hong Kong, andplaca named in Note 5 via San Francisco do do do via Brindisi Colombia, United States of Costa Rica, Western Coast, via New York and Colon (direct mail) do Port Limon and Eastern Coast, via Colon and British mail Cuba, via New York Curacoa. (S«NetherlandsColonies in America. NoteU) Cyprus Danish Colonies. (SeeGreenland and W.Indies) Denmark Ecuador, via Panama Egypt, including Nubia and Soudan England. VSte Great Britain.) Falkland Islands FariSe Islands Fernnndo Po Fiji Itlandt, via San Francisco Finland .. France French Colonies, except St. Pierre et Mique- lon. (SeeNoteS) Gambia Germany Gibraltar. Gold Coast *Great Britain and Ireland Greece Greenland Grenada, ria New York Grenadines fOrtytnwn, via New York and Aspinwall Guad iloupe, W. L, and Dependencies. (See\ Notes) ... „ ...A Guatemala, via New York j Guiana, British, Dutch and French, via New York and St. Thomas, thence by British mail , do British, t^ Halifax , do French, ria England Hawaiian Kingdom. {See Sandwich Idands} 'S i Hayti ' Heligoland Hong Kong. {See China) Holland Honduras, British (Belize), via New York or Halifax. {See Notes 11 and 19). do Spanish, ria New York Iceland e " 1'^ c « £ 9 ^ i; o o Cts. ca22 10 10 6 5 6 10 5 10 1.5 10 10 10 15 6 10 10 5 10 5 6 6 6 10 S 10 CO 7 5 5 10 10 S a 10 5 5 10 6 6 cal8 ■ Cts. '2' 2 •Z 2 2 2 2 2 '2 2 10 2 10 clO 10 6 5 10 ■ "b E^ SOS O Cts. 10 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 7 5 •a 1 Is •a 1-3 III I M ■ 5 a. * 2 "5 'E "•?''■' ^' :a8'| 5 o » e .ii ■S .c= ' *• « « fc. X > C 4, V Cts. Cts. •» 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 COOSTEIKS, OR Pt.»Ct3 OF DkSTWATIOS, AND Kol'TIS. .2 u .=•£ I. = ■SI. » ^'Z a i Those not included in the Universal Postal Union are printed in Italics. CAtrriON.— Coin or .TeweHery must not be en- closed in letters (ortiinary or reiciat'-red) a do French Colonips. (.SwNoteS) J Ireland. (6c« Great Britain.) Italy Jamaica. (.f«< W est Indies.) .Tapan, ria San Francisco Java. (See Note U) buan Lagos Leeward Islands. {See Wc»t Indies.) Liberia Vaxlwiascar, except St. Mary's Madagascar, St. Mary's Madeira Islands Malta and Dependencies (Islands of Gozo, Comino and Cominotto) Martinique, W. I .Mauritius Mexico, via New York Moldavia Montenegro Montevideo. (.Se- Uru(,'uay.) Stvrocco (except places named in Note G) Morocco, Spanish Establishments, West Coast. (SwNoteO) Mozambique. (See Note 17) Nassau, New Providence. {See West Indies . ) !fatat Netherlands do Colonies (Note 14), ria Brindisi. (>■« India) Newfoundland. (See Table No. 1.) New Grenada. (SeeUnited States of Colombia.) New South Walet. {See Australia.) Nev) Zealand. (See Australia.) Nicaragua, Western Coast, ria New York and Aspinwall do Eastern Coast, ria New York and St Thomas, thence by British mail Norway Panama, ria New York Paraguay Potayonia, Sandy Point Persia, rio Persian Gulf Peru, ria New York and Aspinwall Philippine Islands (Note 16). ( Via Brindisi. See India) Poland ■ Porto Rico. {Set West Indies.) Portugal ■ Portuguese Po8BesBion8(Note 17). (FiaBrindiei. See India) Queensland. (See Australia. ) Houmania Russia. (See Note l.f) Saba, St. EusUtiusand St. Martin's. (SM West Indies. ) Saint Bartholtmew, via New York to St. Thomas, thence by British maiL (See Note U). . Saint Helena, by Packet St. Lucia, ria New York St. Mary's, Madagascar St. Pierre et Miquelon, via Halifax CU. jCto. 10 2 5 2 5 10 10 10 10 c27 10 5 5 10 10 6 S 6 e a lb 6 10 IS 6 10 6 5 6 .5 .'27 10 10 c c 15: . ■i Cts. Ctfcj Cts. ' Ct* 6 6 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 .5 5 5 5 1 5 ! 5 6 5 8! V 6 6 I 6 I 6 I 2 s S 1 1 3 1 1 S 3 6 1 6 S 6 1 • See Note " g." t No Sample Post. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETtEER AND ATLAS. BRITISH, COLONIAL AND FOREIGN M M'LS— Continued. Ooi'vraii OB PLAon or DnrnfATioif, ANll KotTM. Tli'»i« not incluilsd in the Uuiv«rsal Fcwtal Union are printed in Italics. Caition.— Coin or Jewellery must not be en closetl in letters (ordinary or registered) ad dressod to any country in the I 'stal Union with the exception of the United S „tes. St. Thmi.M, St. John and St. Croix. (See West Iiidies.) St. Vincent. (Se« West Indies. ) San .Sjilvailor, ria New York .... San l> O « « Cts. CU. s e 3 9 li 00 g •^ c <,»«: s^ o Si:: t m 0. Cts. .-s 2 s: P e °a J &« 2 £& 1» 1 !=« 2 5 . ■SS 2 •S • 1 del lil § i i; ° 1 |g2 COUNTBIB, OB PlACB Or DsaTIllATION, AND ROUTM. Thoa« not included in the Universal Postal Union are printed in Italics. Caction.— Coin or Jewellery must not be '.;i- closed in letters (ordinary or registered) ad- dressed to any country in the Postal Union with the exception of the United States. (See WEST INDIES. {See Note 18.) Bahamas, Nassau, ria New York.. French Possessions, by all routes NoteS) Leeward Islands (Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Kitts, Tor- tola), via New York do t'la Halifax Windward Islands (Barbadoes, Cariacou, Orenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, To- bago, Trinidad), ria New York . . . do ria Halifax Netherlands (St. Martin's, St Eustache, Saba), via Halifax. (See Note 14). . do rta New York Jamaica, rta New York, direct mail do fia Halifax. (See Note 19) Danish Colonies (St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix), via New York, direct mail. (SeeNotell) rta New York and Havana, or Kingston. (SeeNotell) rta Halifax. (See Note 19) Cuba, Spanish Possession, via New York. Porto Rico, Spanish Possession, via New York Spanish Possepsion, rta New York and Havana. (See Note 11) Spanish Possession, rta Halifax. (See Note 19) Trinidad, ria New York and St. Thomas. (-eeNotell) .... do rto Halifax. (See Note 19) OOur placet in West Indies not being in the in the Postal Union or otherwise pre- viuusly enumerated. (See Note IB) rta New York rto Halifax. {See Note 19) •Zanzibar do rta Brindisi. (See India.) do do do do B a s C 9 C 3 cts. 6 10 Cts. 2 2 5 lOi 10 5 5 10 10 2 10, 10 e a 15 . . . calO.... elO 2 3 tf 5 8 ■c o s J s a • £ 9° Si I3t 1 .£ ^e eu O O . fc.'C c • S ON l!i BSQ SIC S S S O O ta o ,h cts. 5 5 Cts. Cts. ■'lis ^^.S a .SHI QQ k *- o . 1=1 4 S s Cts. S 1 o o t If p m San Francisco to Victoria, every Friday. Mails are also sent overland through Washington Territory to Puget Sound and thence by steamer to Victoria From Victoria, mails are despatched weekly, by steamer, rta San Francisco. Mails are also sent from Victoria by way of Puget Sound, and thence by land through Washington Territory. UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, GERMANY AND OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Mails for England, including European mails generally, are despatched from Cauada, as follow :— Once per week by Canadian steamer sailing every Saturday from Quebec in summer, and from Halifax in winter. Once a week by Cunard steamer, sailing from New York eveiy Wednesday. Once a week by Inman (or other line of steamers) sailing from New Yor' every Thursday. WEST INDIES, ria HALIFAX. By direct Packet from Halifax, once per month, to Bermnda and St. Thomas, an .1 to the West Indies, rta St. Thomas. AUSTRALIA, CHINA, JAPAN AND FIJI, ria SAN FRANCISCO. The direct postal routes from Canada to the undermentianed countries are as follow :— To Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan, and Fiji Islands, ria San Francisco, once a month. MEXICO, WEST INDIES AND SOUTH AMERICA, ria NEW YORK. To Mexico, the Isthmus o! Panama and South America, Bermuda and the West India Islamls, via New York, twice a week on the principal sea routes and once a fortnight on less important lines. NEWFOUNDLAND. Packets sail once a fortnight from Halifax to Newfoundland, To all other pnrts ef the globe, mails are sent rta England. • No Sample Post CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 4S LIST OF COUNTRIES WHICH, IN ADDITION TO CANADA, ARE COMPRISED IN THE POSTAL UNION. AntigUM. Argentine Republic. Alutria-HunKary. Azorei. Bahamas. BarbadoM. Belgium. Bermuda!. Brazil. British Guiana. British Honduras. Bulgaria. Canary Islands. Ceylon. Chili. Costa Kica. Cyprus. Danish Colonies, vii. :— Greenland, St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas. Decinark (including Faroe Islands and Iceland). Dominica. Dominican Republic (San Domingo). Ecuador. Effypt. England. Ste United Kingdom. Falkland Islands. France. French Colonies, viz. ; — Martinique, Guadaloupe and dependencies, French Guiana (Cayenne), Senegal and dependencies, Gaboon (also Grand Bassam and Asdinie), Reunion, .Mayntte and dependencies, 8t. Marie (.Madagascar), New Caledmtia and de- pendenciei, the French portion of the Low Archi- pelago, and the French establishments in India (Pondichtrry, Chandtrnagor, Karikal, llahi and Yanaon), and in Cochin China. Gambia. Germany. Gibraltar. Gold Cout Greece. Grenada. ' > Grenadine!. Guateraalv Hawaiian Islands. . Hayti. Honduras (Republic of). Hong Kong. India. Ireland. Su United Kingdom. Italy. Jamaica. Japan. Labuan. Lago*. Liberia. ■ Luxembonrg, Madeira. Malta. Marquesas Islands. Mauritius and dspendenciea. Mexico. Montenegro. Montserrat. Netherlands. Netherland Colonies, viz. :— Dutch Guiana (Surinam), Curayoa and dependencies, viz. : Hoiiair, Aruba, the Netherland portion of St. Martin, St. Eustacbe, Saba, Java, Madura^ Sumatra^ CflcbeXf Borneo (except North-West part) BiUiUm, Archipelago of Banco, Arehipelago of Biuuio, Sunda laiandt (Bali, Lombok, Sumbavxi, FUrrii, and the South-Weat part of Timor), Vie Arehipelago of the Afoluccai, and the North- WtU part of Ifev Ouinea (Fapua). Nevis. Newfoundland. Nicaragua. Norway. Paraguay. Persia. Peru. Portugal. Portuguese Colonies, lit. ; OiM and it$ deprndrneim (Damao and iHu), M'lrau, Timor, Cape d« V*nl« and endencies, Oamao and Diu ; Macao and part of Timor. In Africa, Cape Verde and its dependencies, Bissao and Cacheo ; the Islands of St. Thomas and Princes, with the establishment of Ajuda, also Province of .Angola nud Mozambique. In OciAlfiOA, Timor. Nora 18.— West Indies.- The BriliA Possessions are Jamaica, the Bahamas, including New Providence and Turk's Island ; the Leeward Islands of Anesoda, Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuila, Dominica, .Montserrat, Neris, St Kitts and Tortola ; and the Windward Islands of Barbadoes, Cariacon, Grena87 77 21,560 00 7,000 00 t eta. 3,655,855 14 l,8.i;t,218 29 2.i'.',093 33 2!»t;,Kt» 67 l,2-.'C,8841 60 65,356 79 19,9.53 33 19,9.53 33 28,226 67 10,138 88 1st July, 18H.I. 67,200 00 243,333 33 73,000 00 121,739 65 55,639 33 1,000,000 00 1,015,000 00 10,000 00 949,140 00 1,166,000 00 50,000 00 1,149,140 00 1,306,000 00 125,000 00 390,000 00 2,100,000 00 65,000 00 40,393 33 2,43:) 39 48,666 66 81,273 33 38.5,000 00 16,781 35 21,210 47 23,587 77 21,.560 00 7,000 00 67,200 00 243, 3;« 33 73,000 00 121,739 65 61,719 15 $ cU. 4.M6,81B .54 2,?.'9.4;« 42 4I'.7,2,O0O 00 16,781 35 21,210 47 2:!,.5.S7 77 21,560 00 7,000 00 67,200 00 243, .m 3;t 73,000 00 121,739 65 61,.523 05 1.5,000 00 3,8.5.'},066 67 3,105,000 00 1,351,140 00 1,306,000 00 300,000 00 15,000 00 2,455,000 00 140,000 00 360,000 00 f eta. 4,796,209 87 2,451,84.' 09 50;l,7<>0 00 10(1,740 01 2,114,566 66 " "32',6fl6'6V 2Cy,613 :t2 ;M,066 (is 37.473 34 2 .9,880 OO 767.914 22 393,813 3:1 897.413 M 177,061 61 .■W,.552 20 293,.594 93 20I,1.J6 79 311,9.>:( 33 73,973 3:1 177,146 67 10,138 88 ""39,9C6'66' 2,433 39 48,666 66 81,273 33 38.5,000 00 16,781 .35 21,210 47 21,587 77 21,500 00 7,000 00 67,200 00 24 1.313 33 73,000 00 121,739 66 61.623 06 1,406,000 00 1,.500,000 00 350,000 00 1,471,540 00 11,951,906 29 12,684,219 43 15,679,806 24 Sl,419 61 12,207,533 42 45,131 57 805 75 1,394,579 49 13,669,472 84 34,831 09 17,214 44 12,913,296 65 44,036 89 639 69 1,041,922 25 37,225 09 22,2.33 76 13,432,094 61 43,0(J4 53 474 06 1,032,434 66 17,763,490 07 14,071,911 01 14,567,526 71 41,064 48 3;{,449 87 13,196,377 80 42,759 41 463 39 952,201 31 23,013,835 69 44,937 69 40,0:18 87 12,885,3-28 57 42,517 19 463 39 1,036,749 41 1,780.000 00 425,000 '66 203,000 00 ' 206^600 00 1,672,009 00 1,890.000 00 662,000 00 10,953,462 00 7,380,912 00 29,000 00 143.600 00 4,087,093 28 20,792,552 91 42,629,649 19 780,7:16 09 375,000 00 14,266,316 26 I 15,20.5,771 21 80,.547 40,0:i8 12,982,901 42,279 463 1,.362,741 280,736 973,752 82,394 42 7,374',6.53'66' 42,157 92 463 39 2,044,836 84 105,000 00 15,76;!, 520 61 I 9,648,906 23 * Bewing 4 ptr oent, intarsrt. 48 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. FINANCE— Con/iii«*rf. COMPARATIVK STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF CANADA, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881. 1882, 1883 and lfM.—CtmHnvt4. ASSETS. BAMIlia AOCCKTB. Ch Hp«e<>l (MrciiUtlnn Aocnnnt iHiie Acaiunt aii'l Htieci* He»CTve. , Kinancial Amenta, y»ri»ble. Itank of Miintreal, Silver Uebentam. . Silver I trpiMit Account Hilvvr CiiiniKa Account M iarrlUneouii lianking Account* Mennonita Loan Account, 6 i>er cent. . . Tot»l Banking Account*. Total Aaaeti l*t Jnl7, 1878. t eti. 8,1^,327 67 2,519,845 93 306,837 OS 116,279 43 847,529 94 lit JuIt, 1879. t eti. 5,699,554 64 2,860,211 44 423,118 23 125,427 43 729,2U 67 8.973,819 92 9,737,623 41 34,595,199 09 36,493,683 85 lit Jolr, 1880. 7,.''39.770 44 2,766,267 52 822,003 84 78,139 43 940,347 89 11,935,619 12 42,182.852 07 lit Jnir, 1881. I eta. 7,208,311 9S 3,018,683 .19 1,253,379 21 84,220 17 871,366 06 Ut July, 1882. $ ctJ. 7,696,863 66 3,719,389 28 880,643 36 1A2 60 666,945 60 12,435,960 78 44,465,767 11 12,863,994 29 51,703,601 19 lit July, 1883. • cti. 3,861,610 29 2,697.656 07 663,428 67 9,783 20 613,939 Od 7,136,316 32 43,692,389 84 lit JalT, 1884. $ ctf. 5,228,982 85 2,415,189 11 288,254 19 12,074 09 464,722 09 74,704 27 8,483,926 51 60,762,481 93 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE LIABILITIES OF CANADA, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883 and 1884. LIABILITIES. FONDEO AND UfrCNDED DiBT. Payable in London. InjH-rial nuaranteeJ Loan, 4 per cent Inteniilonial I,i>»n, 6 jmt cent ConioliHateil Canadian Loan BonHa, 5 per cent. " Stock*, 5 " Canadian Bond* (old), 6 per cent " 6 •• Nova Scotia Bond*, 6 per cent Ni'W HruiiNwick, 6 per cent Ilriti-h Columliia B^nd^ 6 per cent. Prince Kdward Inland BumiK, 6 per cent Dominion Loan of 1874, 4 jwr cent 187.\ 4 " » 1876,4 " •• . IWX, 4 " " 1879,4 " •• 1884,34 " Payable in Canada, Canada Bond* (old), 5 percent " 6 " " 7 per cent Nora Sck, 6 per cent 6 " 4 " Savings Banks, Post Office, 4 percent ** ** 5 ** " Toronto, 4 " " Winnipeg, 4 " " Nova Scotia, 4 per cent . " New Brunswick, 5 per cent *• .1 4 «• ,,, , " " 6 " .'.'.'.'..!!!!!*.'.'.! " Britiih Columbia, 6 per cent . . . « .< 4 " " Nova Scotia Suspense Acconnt, 4 per cent. " " Interest "4 " . " New Brunswick Suspense "4 " . « " Interest "4 " . ' ' Prince Edward Island, 4 per cent Indemnity to Seignior* and Townships, 6 " Note*, Canada • " Nova Scotia Exchequer Bills I'npaid Warrant*, Prince Edward Island Overdue Debentures, Province of Canada l*t July, 1878. lit July, 1879. t cts. 2.1,.'!60,000 00 2,433,333 34 22,060,288 65 9,324,313 95 20,440 06 19,965,986 73 1,082,833 35 4,491,446 67 924,666 67 1,091,106 64 19,466,666 67 4,866,666 66 11>, 166,666 66 113,650 00 4,120 00 951,920 01 123,700 00 302,975 58 538,000 00 4,122,847 26 2,776,017 82 2,544,984 03 209,500 00 189,220 75 41,506 83 2,204,978 04 1,788,927 65 l,140i6ii'68' • eta. 30,660,000 00 2,433,333 .S4 21,768,802 99 9,60^799 51 20,410 06 12,428,980 06 1,082,833 Xi 4,491,446 ti7 924,666 67 1,091,106 64 19,466,666 67 4,866,666 66 12,166,666 66 7,300,000 00 113,650 00 1,200 00 951,920 01 123,700 00 203,371 31 638,000 00 4,121,197 25 5,945,739 82 2,926,290 80 179,900 00 222,467 24 76,264 76 2,495,201 32 Total Funded and Unfunded Debt . »,288 81 1,752 50 805 75 463 06 371,074 35 400,427 41 10,460,734 81 41,845 76 630 70 9,614 89 149,687,912 93 1,7M,738 M lit July, 1880. $ oU 30,660,000 00 2,433,333 34 21,476,310 37 9,898,286 17 118,260 00 6.448,333 33 1,082,83:J 33 4,491,448 67 924,666 67 1,091,106 66 19,466,666 67 4,866,666 66 12,166,666 66 7,300,000 00 14,600,000 00 U3,6EO0O 1,200 00 951,920 01 122,900 00 201,100 00 638,000 00 422,152 67 9,244,2:47 68 3,786,169 11 169,500 00 2.19,861 01 118,299 49 3,013,005 86 lit Jnly, 1881. • ct*. 30,660,000 00 2,433,33;J 34 21,040,206 47 10,334,396 07 118,260 00 6,024,833 33 1,082,833 Xi 4,491,446 67 924,666 67 1,091,106 66 19,466,666 67 4.866,666 66 12,166,666 66 7,300,000 00 14,600,000 00 118,660 00 1,200 00 961,920 01 122,900 00 186,500 00 638,000 00 45,664 22 9,620,307 61 l*t Jnly, 1882. « ct*. 30.660,000 00 2,4,33,3a3 34 20,.'i9.S,393 14 10,779,209 40 2,433 33 2,48.^,893 33 1,082,833 33 4,481,713 34 924,666 67 277,399 99 19,466,666 67 4,866,666 66 12,166,666 66 7,300,000 00 14,600,000 00 113,680 OO 1,200 00 951,920 02 122,900 00 69,500 00 638,000 CO 6,208,226 77 483.140 11 192,611 44 4,213,849 95 8,000 00 9,095,834 64 1st Jnly, 1883. $ ct*. 30,660,000 00 2,433,333 34 20,007,499 81 11,366,129 40 l,34?,2-.;6 6« 1,082,833 .33 4,408,713 .34 486,666 67 19,466,666 67 4,8t;6,666 Of. 12,166.666 66 7,300,000 00 14,600,000 00 38,200 00 951,920 01 122.900 00 2,500 00 638,000 00 lit July, 1884. • ct*. 30,660,000 OO 2,433.333 34 19,536,406 48 11,837,222 73 12,653 :^3 1,082,833 33 4,374,646 67 486,666 67 19,466,666 67 4,866,6t)6 66 12,166,666 66 7,:W0,000 00 14,600,000 00 24,333,333 33 2,100 00 951,920 01 122,900 00 1,000 00 8,000 00 4,262,883 44 9,473,661 53 1,911,149 41 3,639 85 1,565 39 639 69 403 67 420,169 19 891,330 96 10,789,710 04 41,397 04 630 70 8,641 06 158,745,580 57 1,224,206 88 69,963 00 2,024 69 1,325 23 474 06 324 78 616,652 66 385,840 31 13^665,169 46 41,039 84 549 69 8,641 06 2,610,704 68 1,609,723 72 1,949 24 1,406 25 463 39 849 31 614,348 14 394,695 90 14,628,965 05 40,810 17 681,886 12 658,629 01 6,097,603 44 3,361,954 43 549 59 10,101 06 1,796,219 91 1,922 11 1,517 49 463 39 383 07 895,432 19 244,936 10 18,807,910 91 40,595 08 538,000 00 11,976,237 31 673,820 55 685,2t0 34 6,787,058 40 3,895,409 01 649 69 9,614 40 173,673,92913 178,002,91814 180,896,14818 178,6;9,27632 2,137,600 C6 1,920 91 1,60.'< 74 403 39 415 51 1,159,428 .33 200,C?!i 45 15,997,. )4 73 40,3u8 61 27,M0 00 15,286,497 90 8,000 00 4,096,148 02 955,000,00 13,245,552 64 768,331 43 65.3,511 98 6,489,660 50 "4,305,789' is 549 59 9,514 40 2,347,465 39 1,920 91 1,795 90 463 39 450 59 1,412,694 96 198,162 11 15,:«0,281 32 10,237 01 649.59 9,614 40 219,971,94307 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. FINANCE— Co«/i«iW. OOMPARATIVB STATRHBNT Of TRE LTABIUTIEfl OF CANADA. 1S78. W% tm IM. UMk Mi MO tMi-CbaMMMl. LIABILITIES. lat .Tuty. 1878. lit .Tuly, 18 '9. Ut July, 1880. lit July. 1881. -—rr- Ut .luly, iwa. Ut .luly, Ut Jul*. iwu. laiM. i MlSOdLAKMra. Tnut Fnadi. 6 par Mut. t eU. 1,178.410 68 6,681,920 82 t eta. 1,178,410 58 5,656,066 56 • eta. 1,178,110 68 5,71.\042 54 $ ct.. 1,1:H,172 34 6,807,9r3 88 1 OU 1,IM,476 81 6,8t«,SM 63 $ eta. 1 • oU. 1.107,812 93 1,033,431 71 4,42VH01 64 4.473 081 44 1,467,1 Vi 28 1,519,189 45 2,416 H.'> 1 216 85 ^^«»l»i,^I»r«iufc... " 4 " ;■. ;■,;.■.";! " notbaaring Intcrait ... 3,000 00 1.299,143 81 10,800,486 38 359,337 36 Mlaoallanaoua .'. 642.347 21 10,882,478 77 700,983 90 8;J,.'.10 42 501,871 24 393.060 89 801,530 12 i,bi8i672 7.^ 10,862 209 35 54,800 87 1,.373,6;« 43 10,841,820 64 40,394 36 l,447,!>r>2 95 10,821,221 01 17,383 91 1 2.V2 809 55 1 im vm 14 Provineaaof Ontario and Quebao .. Prorince o{ Nova Scotia, 5 per oant " New Bnmawick, 6 per cent " British Columbia, 6 per cent 10,778,518 53 259,098 73 10,757,123 34 l,053,:t46 84 663,449 2!) 683,021 4(1 %.V> DMi S 501,871 24 393,060 89 793,356 12 500,382 .53 39:t,06O 89 793,:U6 12 499,913 S2 2t»;t OtiO 89 7lt:l,i74 12 •1,000,000 00 499,913 52 243,060 89 793,274 12 •1,00,000 00 2,566,800 00 499,913 53 243,060 89 Prince KJward Island, 5 per cent. Paci6c lUQway Denoait Account 792,899 12 1 975,872 90 " Land Grant Bondt, 4 par cent. . 2.694.186 15 Total Miacellaneoui 20,816,113 95 20.4.'->6.348 36 30,836,100 99 21,813,952 62 24,461,050 41 23,.'i2:i,674 19 \ 22,471,518 60 Baneino Aooouvtb. Iiondon Agenta, variona 4,446,574 93 " speoiU 13.3,767 .39 148,174 89 106,667 15 124,410 56 44,666 75 8,063 38 66,163 79 38,964 64 Total Banking Aoeoanti. .... 4,553,242 03 281,912 28 1 124,410 56 44,666 75 8,053 .38 56,153 79 :M,954 51 Total LiabiUtiea 174,957,268 96 179.483.871 21 IM R:U.44A 68 199.8«il..U7 SI 205,;i65,251 97 302,159,104 30 ' 242 4M'> 41R i)! • Bearing 4 per cent intareit. COMPARATIVE STATEMEJfT OF THE DEBT OB CANADA, FROM Isx JULY, 1878, TO Ibt JULY, 1884, ACCORDINO TO THE RATE OF INTEREST IT BEAR.S. LtABiLrms. Without Interest At varyin; rates 34 per cent, interest. 4 5 •' « " 7 " Total debt Total interest Avenge rate of interest. . . ASSKTS. Without interest At varying rates At 3 per cent, interest 3i 4 4i 6 6 " Total assets Total interest. . . Average rata of interest. Total debt Total assets Net debt . Total interest of debt. . . Total interest on assets. Net interest. Average bterestpaid Less— Interest on Investments. 1878. t cts. 82,144,318 79 4,446,574 93 1879. 67,007,001 66 46,180,9:V2 79 35,178,440 79 174,957,268 96 7,100,033 17 4 05 32,316,036 10 484,863 05 3,659,686 66 6,774,614 98 1,359,998 26 14,695,199 05 666,718 20 1 63 174,967,268 96 34,69,5,199 05 140,362,069 91 7,100,033 17 666,718 20 6,633,314 97 4 66 7,194,734 14 699,500 04 6,602,234 10 t cts. 22,867,33.5 Kl 133,767 :» 82,.«)8,380 33 46,646,224 26 27,528,163 40 1880. 1881. • cts. 25,955,254 58 179,483,871 21 7,281,018 07 4 00 98,729,249 29 52,110,026 68 17,839,910 13 194,634,440 68 7,625,065 90 3 91 23,334,300 66 601,491 21 4,082,972 82 7,309,328 67 1,165,590 49 36,493,683 85 616,766 49 1 69 179,483,871 21 36,493,683 85 142,990,187 36 7,281,018 07 616,765 49 6,664,252 58 4 52 7,n3,868 75 8.34,792 67 6,939,076 08 24,778.812 88 999,852 32 1,000,000 00 6,035,457 45 8,176,112 25 1,202,617 17 42,182,852 07 766,980 93 1 79 194,634,440 68 42,182,852 07 152,451,588 61 7,625,065 90 756,980 93 t eta. 26,904,266 58 100,896,671 99 51,071,759 81 15,988,839 13 199,<«l,,'i37 51 7,748,785 21 3 37 26,627,752 69 177,378 98 390,000 OO 2,100,000 00 6,105,150 79 8,041,276 38 1,024,198 27 44,465,757 11 798,243 11 1 79 199,861,537 51 44,465,757 11 155,395,780 40 7,748,786 21 798,243 11 6,668,084 97 4 60 7,594,144 88 751,613 49 6,842,6,31 39 6,950,542 10 4 47 7,740,804 47 914,009 27 6,826,795 30 1883. • cts. 27,969,352 46 114,395,461 68 50,707,998 26 12,292,439 58 205,36.5,251 97 7,848,761 76 3 82 26,829,052 85 l?;*,!.^ 80 15,000 00 3,853,0»,«7l 6;{ 200,442 21 • cU. 12,900,6.59 29 5,390,763 17 18,1,190 89 • Ctl. 14,071,343 13 4,2:12,427 16 175,806 16 • eta. 18,406,092 13 5,343,022 09 193,024 73 21,581,670 05 5,884,8.19 ai 82,:jl6 45 1 eta. 2:1,009,682 48 6,260,116 33 • Ota. 20,023,890 14 KxciMt uaiaumpA ^459,309 06 17,841,9:18 19 18,476,613 35 18,479,678 44 23,942,118 95 27,649,046 46 29,269,698 81 26,483,199 19 other Rrcfiptt. Tout OfBe<«, including Ooeui Vt>rki, iiiL-lu'iinK lUilwayn 1.207,700 15 8,034,48.1 5:1 466,738 82 140,0:«5 40 185,983 38 44,219 37 104,312 70 1,172,418 14 1,86:1,149 07 521,4m 63 71,005 41 1,252,496 23 2,167,401 00 620,998 06 213,794 61 1,312,109 64 2,682.924 40 634,390 63 117,122 96 1,587,888 16 2,711,134 30 73:1,628 44 180,380 83 1,800,391 37 3,101,138 04 757,650 47 243,542 49 1,755,674 49 :i,056,792 09 '• (TtMiiiMiraryj 793,545 22 193,163 15 40,849 56 47,621 23 460 82 2.8.'>3 03 32,148 81 21,361 65 37,767 39 12,3.31 16 17,738 34 24,715 45 16,031 14 53,115 10 30.091 37 84,938 64 777 78 3,086 74 60,778 04 21,510 15 42,472 10 12,762 02 19,423 16 27.092 63 20,555 69 31,504 12 60.747 33 800,374 78 90,685 47 4,067 74 38,216 58 27,375 09 49,771 41 13,953 49 24,596 94 36,176 56 19,:146 32 30,344 16 42,989 13 177,992 11 64,991 3.1 5,179 13 17,677 13 21,420 33 4.1.914 77 15,277 78 23,687 45 45,753 34 18,679 93 24,224 63 4,26:1 99 9,177 89 46,426 39 19,402 69 191,981 55 83,363 09 4,566 66 27.185 66 28,060 02 47,612 36 12,577 38 21,:i37 16 40,162 93 16,081 60 22,156 64 2,909 94 9,411 76 46,372 03 14,138 70 159,981 69 62,414 05 Fine*, ForfeiturM and Seizures. Tonnage Uueni River Police) 3,114 91 26,664 12 26,«a'> 75 44.66H 85 12,431 93 14,113 11 63,521 38 12,796 43 35,784 06 1,923 35 41,276 15 28,497 25 Steaniboftt Init|>«ction 48,666 65 15,371 79 Cullers' Fe«4 20,1)06 60 Militia 37,0«)2 71 22,211 73 17,848 72 2,634 66 Dominion I^nNiioiiDATn) Fond. Chargu for Debt and SubiiJiu. Int«re»ton Thiblic Debt riiargCTof .ManaK«ineiit Sluicing Kuiiil Pramium Uiwimnt and l-.xchangr Subudio* to I'rovincct • cU 7,048,883 .'k5 189,.'.4 09 3,430,846 31 1 ct«. 7, .MM, 144 88 2ln,:t()7 48 1,250,7:11 20 7,l:«> 6:1 3,465,517 7.1 1 cU 7,740,804 47 191.075 06 1,290.724 90 3,9tM 52 3,.530,U99 48 1 ct.. 7,fl«8,.552 89 194,255 80 i,:u4.i3e 83 :i9,»13 76 8,606,672 61 • eU. 7.710,180 61 179.706 58 l,40:i,882,041 67 12,6.W,667 77 12,,«25,837 92 12,757,572 43 12,853,531 89 12,937,663 84 Ordinari) Kxprn-litart, 82.%.'«!9 80 564,920 11 10,616 44 .308,101 09 618,035 :» 96,049 74 92,:«i5 02 1,05.) 66 180,691 44 57,484 60 105,842 05 10Mt 72 Superannuation Militia and Defence 192,092 70 989,498 22 Mail Subsidies and Steamship Subventions . . 238,a54 01 Public Works 998,594 70 1,013,593 10 1,061,926 87 1,138,766 93 1,423,440 74 1,8.59,799 23 2,908,8.11 65 204,090 12 Ocean and Uiver Steam Service 402,.371 90 461,9tl7 71 93,2t;2 28 14,315 82 8,.577 48 81,167 81 421,. '503 66 87,628 .52 11,210 18 334,748 ,50 43,905 09 398,876 76 447,560 92 82,319 07 13,157 38 8,517 16 101.602 15 489,327 29 91,773 29 38'>,334 86 426,.«M 18 86,102 .55 11,854 ;m 9,551 73 18:1,718 53 694,512 73 147,802 98 429,439 6.3 443,724 .36 8o,.vio ;» 12,149 15 9,.579 71 109,929 ,S0 8(15,097 17 67,745 97 :W8,7:t9 29 461,880 74 92,700 71 14,8.35 97 9,072 87 110,713 21 1.18:1.414 40 81,899 67 4:18,48:1 21 491,.546 X, mH,977 3> 16,209 iV2 9,874 83 2:18,672 86 1,106,961 46 115,746 90 231,519 23 620,.524 :i8 FiaherieB Steamboat Inaiwction '. 280,700 14 21,893 28 9,854 6« 336,:<70 00 Indian Grantfl Dominion Lands 1,116,1.58 87 166,898 09 Mounted Police, N.-W. T 344,823 77 332,855 12 289,845 23 368,456 47 477,825 46 485,983 66 6,542,510 27 6,911,577 70 6,96;«,852 79 7,293,563 35 8,2(>3,461 67 9,253,870 44 11,291,.314 63 0iargt$ on Revenite, Customs ! 714„527 77 213,024 .50 96,484 66 1,020 08 6,964 94 49,940 ;« 1,724,9:W 32 2,471, 4o7 90 ■■2i;785'45' 719,711 29 211,064 71 84,004 97 622 94 7,797 02 44,070 02 1,784,423 88 2,080,979 10 27i888 28' 710,120 23 219,284 91 60,.5«)>i 70 9t>6 94 8.887 .37 44.051 89 1,818,271 05 2,329,626 22 717.704 .31 247,577 05 74,170 ,53 673 73 8,149 10 51,079 65 1,870,0,57 96 2,703,665 74 723.913 85 2811,5.3 51 69,.<23 49 9.M 44 9,968 06 .51,.t<^» 05 l,9-<0,.507 2.5 2,89.1,512 92 757,245 62 278,910 51 73,777 a3 460 17 9,722 07 56,228 79 2,170,089 09 3,204,876 64 798,837 96 Kxcise .. 30:1,617 28 83, .52:1 13 706 40 Adulteration of Food 11,7.54 49 64,8<« 17 Post Office Public Works 2,312,905 27 180,088 66 Railways and Canals 3,122,103 01 2,824 78 28,732 52 3,676 08 6,916 41 6,443 20 3,840 &5 5,301,124 20 5,561,102 19 5,227,113 89 5,683,153 15 0,016,069 58 6,622,7.55 12 6,875,727 78 Total Consolidated Fund 23,503,158 25 24,4.-15,381 56 24,8.50,634 43 25,502,.554 42 27,067,103 58 28,730,1.57 45 31,107,706 25 Rkdkmption. Redemption Public Debt 1,7.38,745 25 6,400,997 02 7,860,799 44 6,165,441 23 6,868.582 49 6,519,941 98 1,7.54,092 40 0,:t94,744 60 4,307,805 61 8,297,440 62 6,957,261 54 10,3.55,903 14 2,86.3,740 87 11,304,781 61 Total Redemption 8,139,742 27 14,0:52,210 69 13,388,524 47 8,148,837 00 12,603,252 03 17,313,164 68 14,168,522 48 208,000 00 Tjoan Account. •...• 12,762 676,225 30 949,947 68 2,228,.583 09 " Charge! of Management .: ::::. 32t>,388 52 12,762 34 676,225 30 949,947 68 1 2,664,971 61 1 i 1 b» CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. Fl^iANCE— Continued. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR CANADA-Continuol RECEIPTS. 1877-78. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1880-81. 1881-S2. 1882-83. 1883-84. Open Aooocirra. InvMtment* $ cU. 4,031,736 57 246,458 67 1,529 51 t ct.. 1,001,983 03 • 'ct.. 358,221 15 $ cs«. 10,469 60 $ et8. 77,718 86 t cts. 4,902,976 11 t eti. 2.566,000 00 " }^Dd Interest Account 3,650 00 880 67 600 00 34 70 602 90 * * Ontario • 96,500 00 2,848,289 52 ** Quekwa .... 2,541,957 81 600,000 00 805i2 800,000 00 '242'22 253.066 67 " Novk Sootik. 68,964 .•» 138 08 60,000 00 20,022 96 8,367 77 23767 793,247 11 " " Suipense Account. 1,097 68 90.000 00 972 36 190,838 08 12160 " N«w Brunswick 603,488 16 213 32 100,0CP 00 166 06 75,000 00 165 63 110,000 00 10 67 145,000 00 831 95 ** " Subsidy Account Advance ** British CoIunibi&. 120,000 00 135,000 00 225,000 00 83,107 88 110,825 07 3,204 49 i.372 27 3,400 80 3,043 62 182,973 78 Sales nf Public Works .... 3,012 23 296,673 68 315,892 12 43,425 30 375 18 505 34 1,016 07 Indian Funds, Canada, Nora Scotia and New BnuiBwick. . . 245,155 78 277,366 48 278,371 18 314,750 62 283,853 89 270,761 27 " British Columbia " Prince ]5dward Islr.nd. . 603 52 862 19 1^ 94 7bS 84 6,301 86 231 60 1,018 13 ""2i,m5i 391 38 416 56 1,953 68 260 40 437 64 252 24 459 80 1,172 46 7.340 15 2.380 00 3,615 25 101,664 43 5,429 98 3,194 23 6,000 47 79,8C9 07 iK666"66' '• New Birunswick > 2,368 26 '* Intercoionial Kailway } 4,959 91 6,207 85 16,309 25 " P. E. Island 6,372 ie 2.194 49 20.829 14 30,000 00 8,788 45 10,927 19 13,354 37 16,031 40 17,780 14 19.402 20 Quebec Drill Shed, Special Account •■• •• 235 41 Canada Paci6c Railway, Stores Account 11,028 06 1,000,000 00 ** Security Account 34.7U 86 Insolvent 1 ^btor«' Account, 1 06 Queen's Printer, Advance Account Intercolonial Railway Renewals, Suspense Account 32 74 175,195 85 210,686 74 4103 168,396 03 139,657 38 419,511 40 4,490,882 64 4,202 27 2,433 33 232 07 1,489 73 Deposit for Insurance Companies 19,920 00 1,637 44 Contractors' Security Account 403,634 26 61,120 59 133,351 56 Morpeth Harbour, Special Account Des Joachim Brid^, Special Account. 4,000 00 84,824 21 4,000 00 Bank of KuglamI, Suspense Account 5,000 00 13,000 00 101,370 26 18,000 00 44,600 00 Owen Sound Harbour, Si>ecial Account. Consolidated Hank, Liquidation Account 1,803 65 1,744,456 48 4,600,000 00 Dominion lAnds 1,009,019 15 4,600,000 00 600,000 00 951.636 50 ** *' Current Account 280,736 09 868,752 00 " " I? -ills Advance Account * 7,000 00 6,000 00 142 25 Port Elfifin Hat b<«ir I.n Harbour , , Belleville Harbour 4,000 Ol> 3,927 78 Bank of i* . £. Island Litjuidation Account • --— -^>— - -"--- ^ — . — ;-v -^_~ - -: 5,(71,154 50 6,771,874 62 1,553,349 07 2,317,171 70 7,637,634 37 11,495,110 76 12,660,906 24 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 53 FmA^CE— Continued. COMPARATIVE STATEBIKNT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR CANAnA-CondiiiMt. EXPENDITUREa 1877-78. 1878-79. 1879-8a 1880-81. 1881-83. lMS-83. 1883^. OtMS AOCODSM. InTeatmmU. Improvement of the St. LftwreDce ..•• •• t cts. 691.. 'WO 00 130,000 00 t eta. 22.5,000 00 17K mm m t cts. 1,650,000 00 14U.0O0 00 20U,UU0 00 75,000 00 8,241,173 98 t cts. 600,000 00 $ eta. 4,428,066 67 194,000 00 53,8^ 00 60,000 0>i 6,839,170 2!* 1 cts. 3.50,000 00 280,000 00 66,540 00 75,000 00 13,609,192 66 9 ctfc 11,126,062 00 IIO.VOO OU 200 .V'9 00 Quebec Harbonr. . 75,000 00 iha'ttna no 202,000 00 175,000 00 8,176,316 50 " Onving Dock 50,UOO 00 137 000 00 Public Worlu Railways and Casals 6,6.57,200 36 6,648,331 66 443,716 96 l.5,r26,147 04 65,700 00 7,300 00 6,179 51 3,894 00 " " Interest Account 7,010 44 2,600 00 14,292 06 3,874 09 4,376 11 35,609 61 1,847 12 " Ontario " 26,375 75 55 80 125,000 00 500,000 00 22,774 38 " Quebec Debt Account 322 70 1,655 85 600,000 00 167 io 611 49 7,255 80 " " Current Acoonnt 300,000 00 23,010 35 " Nova Scutia Debt Account 376,2i2 87 90,000 00 228,270 65 76,000 00 646,183 03 190,838 08 50,724 86 110,000 00 11,113 22 238 63 464 63 " New Brunswick Debt Account 5,019 32 145,000 00 1,488 71 11,216 11 120,000 00 1,300 96 100,000 00 1,.372 27 6,589 00 135,000 00 " " Subsidy Account Advance. .. . 225,000 00 169 4S " Manitoba Debt Account 60,000 00 3,400 80 3,043 62 4,070 33 " " Special Account 3,204 49 20,000 00 " " School Lands Account 9,606 85 " PrinPA TMwirH T.1»nM 30,356 98 8,174 00 88,269 30 20,269 42 267,751 18 63 40 164 60 82 00 8,948 22 20,599 63 227,782 78 375 00 734 74 21,967 75 260,139 26 " " Land Account 4,409 50 20,734 73 257,277 97 4,678 30 20,668 37 269,093 52 377,726 99 4,-},653 52 1,8^ 23 4,095 93 661 22 1,646 66 1,680 19 1,506 25 348 53 20,388 71 215,003 45 21,395 19 218,509 32 Indians, Manitoba. " ' British Columbia " Prince Edward Island 3,893 16 852 03 1,208 46 4,015 48 479 46 4,095 89 "" 1,371 70' 3,913 43 6.54 00 1,637 13 7,291 92 464 25 139 73 660 00 Copyright Duties 622 72 7,913 06 10,138 06 96 75 29,027 35 Stationery Office 4,172 47 8i6'76' Unpaid Dividends .... 378 00 67 BO 11,028 06 780,7;!6 09 37.5,000 00 2,033,200 00 ** " Rails Account 598 T52 00 •• " Bond Account < ■>■ •>•>•••• 4,472,613 85 1,000,000 00 2,694,186 16 " " Security Account " *' Advance Account ... • ■ . 7',38b,912 66 12,357 69 175 20 220,6;{1 64 71,449 69 1,210 47 66,96154 tJnpaid Coupons , •■••••• •••• 71,989 78 182,588 52 181,349 66 Intercolonial Railway, Store? Acccnnt. 149,812 03 3,637 79 289,781 64 *• (Windsor Branch) Prince Kdward Island Railway, Stores Account 3,232 14 24,202 40 761 69 13,664 36 422 93 13,971 36 887 13 Ottawa Gas Company •• ■■■..^ 64 23 24,882 62 .300 00 210,686 74 95,118 30 Rails Loan Account — Seigniorial Indemnity to Townships L. C. Investment Fund 13,614 87 800 00 12,193 58 7,977 26 13,194 35 600 00 40,275 21 4,460 00 290 00 30,000 00 ■ ioi',376'26' 49,600 00 49,275 29 12,434 38 4,490,882 64 2,389 06 770 38 Halifax Fishery Award. . '. 10,000 00 108,493 5d Sank of England Susnense Account. 9,891 00 6,000 00 2,433 33 203 66 300 OC 46S 20 98 36 37,769 22 Seigniorial Indemnity to Townships, Suspense Account .. Punchard, CUrk & Co Dominion Lands — Caoital ...• ■■■■>• 611,8Q 33 662,221 30 2,7*16 39 13,000 00 728,441 33 Collingwood Harbour, Special Aoooant , ••••>*•• • •* 4,233 61 OwenSound " " 66 60 7,364 a Wiarton Harbour " 16,341 43 Morneth '* '* . . 1,768 03 Newcastle " " 917 44 Port Elgin " " 736 80 Total Open Accounts 9,386,266 43 8,292,574 37 11,690,184 97 14,571,839 26 16,122,092 80 i 2L967.140 88 39,309,802 49 S4 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. FINANCE— Con ProvincM. ..•■•.• $ eta. t cts. t eta. $ eta. $ eta. $ eta. "2,9Vo,656'99' 10,0.52,.502 71 1,616,632 96 $ eta. 7,172,297 92 2,068,671 62 11,192,722 02 1.405,377 52 1,284,311 97 « cts. 27,624,638 50 M iocelUnruiu Public Works i*a<:ific Kuiiway 4,020,010 40 2,228,373 13 408,816 74 3,181,407 00 2,213,285 47 226,639 19 2,148,6.16 66 4,044,522 72 2,048,014 60 2,264,398 36 i968,.503 93 608,732 80 1,664,525 71 4,589,075 79 685.568 79 32,404,938 37 47,291,-564 27 29,486,027 90 Kiutern Kxtvimion Itailway 1,274,311 97 Prince Kflward laland Railway 130,663 38 130,663 38 North-West. . . 2,920,000 00 334,e8i 41 611,8S2 32 662,221 30 723,658 01 2,132,443 04 Total TaiiiUl EK|)enclitiire .... IncTMH and Decrease of Debt 6,6.57,200 .36 + 7,126,760 88 5,648,331 66 -h2,628,117 45 8.241,173 98 -f 9,461,401 25 8,170,316 50 •f 2,944,190 79 7,351,052 61 -1,734,129 62 14,171,413 96 -1-4,805,063 68 23,977,702 44 -1-23,695,135 80 142,274,587 43 106,433,208 89 Expenditure on Capital Account, in ezoeu of lucreane of Debt -469,.560 52 3,020,214 21 -1,220,227 27 6,231,124 71 9,085,182 23 9,366,350 23 282,566 64 35,841,378 64 Expenditure on Public Works in former yeari, traniifern»d frmri Capital Accoanta to Consolidatuil Fund in 1870. 1871 317,680 12 30,1,59,028 66 SAVINGS BANKS-GENERAL RECAPITULATION. Year. Deposits. Intarest Allowed. Total. Withdrawals. Increase or Decrease of Deposita Over Withdrawals. Total 1807-68 $ ct«. 50.5,,501 34 1,251,02.1 02 l,810,.i82 20 2,474,244 90 3,38.5,337 80 4,749,835 35 6,797,913 98 6,512,0:14 77 4,948,876 44 6,432,575 72 7,0'.I0,729 04 6,522,533 26 7,960,411 41 10.669.681 76 l:l,.526,41'2 53 13,89:1,6.56 13 13,249,070 97 t etu. 67,017 02 90,622 76 125,816 70 172,,530 61 217,009 98 220,S24 60 280,764 33 298,654 00 288,688 35 294.224 25 336,6.50 50 3.53,577 84 404,803 55 508,778 66 703,013 68 912,692 87 1,054,1:19 93 t eta. 672,518 36 1,341,615 78 1,936,198 90 2,646,775 41 3,602,347 78 4,970,6.59 a5 6,078,678 31 5,811,288 77 6,237,564 79 5,726,799 97 7,427,379 54 6,876,111 10 8,365,214 96 11,178,460 42 14,229,436 21 14,806,349 00 14,303,210 90 $ eta. 306,757 32 678,114 48 976,119 22 1,488,897 38 2.920,911 16 4,056,171 52 5,03:1,639 44 5,8.50,;168 40 6,361,627 90 6,300,287 21 6,400,997 02 6,1R5.441 25 6,5 • 11 98 6,:(; ,14 60 8,297,446 52 10,;«5,903 14 11,304,781 61 ( cts. -^ 205,761 04 + 763,5:31 M + 960,079 68 + 1.157,878 03 -f 681,436 62 + 914,488 43 + 1,045,038 87 39,079 63 - 127,063 11 -1- 426,512 74 + 1,026,382 52 + 710,669 85 + 1,843,272 98 -f 4,783,715 82 ■f 5,9:11,989 69 -1- 4,450,445 86 + 2,y98,429 29 t eta. 572,518 .36 18<;8-69 1869-70 1,341,645 78 1,936,198 90 1870-71 1871-72 2,646,775 41 3,602,347 78 1872-73 4,970,659 95 1873-74 6,078,678 31 1874-75 1875-76 lh76-77 1877-78 6,811,288 77 f6,2.37,564 79 5,726,799 97 7,427,379 54 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 6,876,111 10 8,365,214 96 11,178,460 42 14,229,436 21 14,806,3)9 00 14,303,210 87 108,780,830 62 0,.129,809 53 115,110,640 15 Net 87,315,150 17 •f 27,961,632 72 - 166,143 74 115,110,640 12 -I- 27,795, 489 98 N.D. Balunce, 1st .Tuly, 1867 $ 1,422,046 86 lucreane of Deposita over Withdrawals 27,795,489 98 $29,217,536 84 -The W ithdrawals include the following sums invested in Dominion Stock : 1871-72, $286,100 ; 1872-73, $.547,400 ; 1873-74, $520,100 ; 1874-75, $534,100 j 1875-76, $404,800; 1876-77, $400,400; 1877-78, $501,100; 1878-79, $037,300; 1879-80, $635,400; 1880-81, $322,000 ; total, $4,788,700. PARTICULARS OF PRICES TENDERED FOR CANADIAN 3i PER CENT. LOAN, 1884. St.)ck. Price. Proceeds. Stock. Price. Proceeds, stock. Price. Proceeda. £ £ 1. d. £ a. d. £ £ a. d. £ a. d. £ £ a. d. £ a. d. 100 95 95 1 63,400 48,924 6 386,.500 352,025 2 1,000 94 940 300 93 279 46,000 91 8 42,044 103,600 91 3 94,431 8 200 92 12 6 185 5 47,800 91 7 6 43,677 5 395,500 90 2 6 360,;i99 7 6 200 92 6 184 10 300 91 6 6 273 19 6 694,200 91 2 632,416 4 1,.V)0 92 1 1,.1S0 15 16,200 91 6 13,877 12 1,463,400 91 1 6 1,332,791 11 2,000 92 1,840 i';8oo 91 6 6 13,508 14 6,000 91 1 3 4,563 2 6 1,000 91 15 6 917 15 8:,. 91 5 80,026 5 776,800 91 1 707,003 6 31.000 91 10 6 28,37-' 15 5,li 91 4 6 4,652 9 6 309,900 91 6 282,086 9 6 1:1,100 91 10 11,986 10 28.000 91 4 2.5,536 886,400 91 788,424 8,000 91 8 6 2,742 15 87,200 91 3 6 79,504 12 63,400 48,924 6 385,500 352,025 2 ■ 6,000,000 4,654,130 9 6 £5,000,000 nf stock producing £4,564,190 9a. 6d. gives the average price as £91-0826 per cent CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. SS BALANCE SHEET, SHOWING THE RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS OF THE TREASURER OF ONTARIO DURING THE YEAR 18*4. WITH THE CASH BALANCES ON lat JANUARY AND 3l8i DECEMBER. EECEIPTS. To Balanoe C0N8OUDATKD RxTiitcx Fund. From Dominion of Canada : — Subsidy , Specific Grant t eta. 1,116,872 80 80,000 00 Interest on capital held, and debts due by the Dominion . . Interest on investments 207,903 86 57,521 79 Giammar School Lands., Crown Lands Woods and Forests .... Casual Fees, etc License Fund Account. Casual Revenue Algoma Taxes. Law Stamps Educational Department. of Practical Science . 2,302 36 5.1,173 62 464,529 88 12,023 38 School; " Public Institutions :— Central Prison. Reformatory for Boys A. Mercer Reformatory Lunatic Asylum, Toronto. . . " London. . . " Kingston. . " Hamilton . " Orillia... Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belleville Agricultural Hall.. Open Aooounts. From Municipalities' Fund " Common School Lands " Agricultural Farm, Mimico... " Municipal Loan Fund. " Drainage Works, rent charges. " Drainage Debentures. " Tile Drainage... " Annuities " Lock-up at Rat Portage, Cap, account , " Lunatic Asylom, Kingston, Cap. account Stationery Office— excess of distribu- tion OTer expenditure. Amount withdrawn from Special De- oslts, OS per Stateiueat No. 4 posit t cts. 8 cts. 37.069 35 900 00 53,615 57 618 39 3,808 37 32,281 19 8,044 32 3,319 38 4,433 36 1,916 10 175 00 1,196,872 80 265,425 65 534,029 24 211,3.53 71 33,426 45 2,215 85 66,599 08 37,969 35 108,211 68 2,000 00 13,738 74 22,.5;i7 43 625 60 4,476 20 23,618 37 43,097 37 2,940 00 250,643 67 20 00 753 36 400,621 54 PAYMENTS. CONBOLIDAnD RiVENUE FUND. For Civil Government. Colonization lioads Legislation Administration of Justice . Asylums and other Instituti - Maintenance. Central Prison Maintenance . T formatory for Buys " Mercer Keformatory " . L'af and Dumb Institute " Blind Institute " Immigration Agriculture, Scientific and Me chanica' Institueta Hospitals and Charities Education. " Refunds. Crown Lands Expenditure Refunds. Miscellaneous Surveys, Ini-'icetions. etc Locks, Dams, etc ' Public Buildings, Maintenanrc Repairs, etc 2,458,104 71 863,450 74 1,173 94 1.720,410 42 Open Accounts. For Asylum for Insane, Toronto " " I»ndon.... ■' " Kinifst.>n . . " " Hamilton.. " •• OriUia Reformatory for Boys, Penetan- guishene Central Prison, Toronto Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belle ville Blind Institute, Brantford Agricultural College, Guelph.. . . Normal School, Toronto School of Practical Science, To- ronto Parliamentary Buildings Normal School, Ottawa Osgoixle Hall, Toronto Government House, Toronto... . Registry Office and Gaol, Thun der Bay Registry Office and Lock-up, Parry Sound District Lock-up ai Fort William Lock-up at Magnetav/an Survey and Drainage, Swamp Land. Gull and Burnt River Works, Mercer Reformatory Lock-up at Mattawa Lock-up at liat Portage Lock-up at Huntsville Registry Office and Gaol, Mns- koka Lock at Sudbury I *' Muskoka River Works Niagara Falls, Fencing Bridge, dea .Joachim Uapids. Nation River, Dredging. ... Lake Nipissing. " .... Stony Lake, " Port Elgin Pier Lake Couchiching Improvements OriUia Asylum. Mortgage Invest- ment Account Railway Subsidy, .■«> Vlo. Aid, 39Vio Ijknd Subsidy, 40 Vio •• 41 Vio ... " " 44 Vio.... $ cts. 179,825 23 ^■5,772 .'.5 141,440 28 an,02ti ti9 38.5,9.'i6 24 72,;r,9 34 39,8t>9 28 28.320 03 40,440 22 3;»,27l 04 43,369 92 195,.%2 64 94,218 83 531,ail 00 .S,808 84 103.006 .'>3 22,111 Gti 8;(,014 70 2,465 10 8,304 21 70,149 91 t cts. t eu. 4,528 61 8, -^2 9t'. 33,<„-i4 82 35,174 2<.l 985 OS 6,.520 01 48,413 11 6,681 48 6,879 69 16,415 76 7,936 10 2,eg4 89 3,,%« 18 2,828 77 36,744 65 3,509 83 60 15 13 00 44 83 6,471 03 2,595,834 24 1,600 00 1,998 96 8,400 41 24 96 670 47 2,040 .35 24 60 295 24 196 00 932 70 1,200 75 2,2:J9 35 2,653 21 828 25 1,000 00 427 84 1,739 35 137,682 40 24,382 28 63,736 84 8,766 10 19,237 79 266,804 68 56 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS FINANCE— Continued. BALANCE SEfEET, SHOWING THE KKCIEIPTS AND PAYMENTS OF THE TREAStJRER f'" ONTARIO, DURTNO THE YEAR 1884-Con«nueil. REOEIFTS. • eta. $ (ta. • Ota. PATMENTS. t cts. $ cts. I eta. For MunieiiialitieB' Fund 13,181 78 6,814 42 338 26 150 00 68,498 04 3,500 00 3,284 84 6,700 00 368,850 75 " Lard ImproTament Fund Special " Surplus Diatribuilon *' Drainaire Deb«ntuic* ••....... : , • " Tile Urainaee " Widows' and Orphaiu' Fund.... " Annoities " Investments, Special Dspodts, 3,207,889 67 1,538,364 46 " Balance at Banks 196,607 22 Total ToUI .. . 4,942,761 3S 4,942,761 36 STATEMENT OF THE CONSOLIDATED REVENITE FUND OF ONTARIO, INCLUDING THE ITEMS TRANSFERRED TO IT, 31ST DECEMBER, 1884. 1884. To Ezpoiditare as per Statement No. 1. . . To Law Society of Upper Canada : For an allowance as equivalent for fees.. To Land Improvement Fund To " " (Special). To Railway Subsidy Fund. To Balance. cts. 2,595,834 24 14,500 00 6,814 42 338 26 100,000 00 cts. 2,717,486 92 6,503,055 07 9,220,541 99 i 1884. By Balance as per SUtement No. 3, 1883.. By Receipts as per Statement No. 1 By MunicipalUia' Fund : For 20 per cent, on amount collected dar- ing the year for cost of management. . By Dominion of Canada : Subsidy and Special Payment to July 1st By Dominion of Canada : Interest on Capital held, and Debts due to the Province to July 1st By Balance.. cto. 6,759,689 53 1,053,328 05 6,603,055 07 cto. 7,813,017 58 2,747 75 1,196,872 80 207,903 86 9,220,541 99 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 57 POST-OFFICE SAVINGS BANKS, CANADA. I The following Post-office Savings Banks in Ontario and Quebec are open daily for the receipt and payment of deposits, dui ing the ordinary hours of Post-office business. 3. The direct security of the Dominion is given b^' the Statute for all deposits made. 3. Any person may have a deposit uccount, and may d^piisit, yearly any number of dollars, from ti up to 9300, or more with the r*rmi::3:03 of the Postmaster-General. 4- Deposits may be made by married women, and deposits so made, or made by women who shall afterwards marry, will be repaid to any such woman. 5. As respects children under ten years of age, money may be deposited — Firstly — By a parent or friend as Trustee for the child, in which case the deposits can be withdrawn by the Trustee until the child shall attain the age of ten years, after which time repayment will be made only on the joint receipt of both Trustee and child. Secondly — In the child's own name — and, if so deposited, repayment will not be made until the child shall attain the age of ten years. 6. A depositor in any of the Savings Bank Post-offices may continue his deposits at any other of such offices, without notice or change of Pass Book, and can withdraw money at that Savings Bank Office which is most con- venient to him. For instance, if he makes his first deposit at the Savings Bank at Cobourg, he may make further deposits at, or withdraw his money through, the Post-office Bank at Collingwood or Quebec, Sarnia, Brockville, or any place which may be convenient to him, whether he continues to reside at Cobourg or remove to some other place. 7. Each depositor is supplied with a Pass Book, which is to be produced to the Postmaster every time the depositor pays in or withdraws money, and the sums paid in or withdrawn are entered therein by the Postmaster receiv- ing or paying the same. Acton, Acton Vale, Albion, Alexandria, Alliston, Almonte, Amherstburg, Angus, Arkona, Arnprior, Arthur, Aurora, Aylmer, East, Aylmer, West, Ayr, Barrie, Bath, Bayfield, Beachville, Beamsville, Beauharnois, Beaverton, BelleviUe, Berlin, Berthier, Bob<;aygeon, Bond Head, Bothwell, Bowmanville, Bracebridge, Bradford, Brampton. Brantford, Bridgewater, Bright. Brighton, Brockville, Brooklin, Brussels, Bryson, Buckingham, Burlington, Cam jjbell ford, Cannington, Capelton, Carleton Place, Cayuga, Chambly Canton, Chatham, West, Chelsea, Chesterville, Chippawa, Clarksburg, Clearville, Clififord, Clinton, Coaticook, Cobourg, Colborne, Coldwater, Collingwood, Compton, Cookstown, Cornwall, Creemore, Danville, Deseronto, Dillonton, Dresden, Drummondville, East, Drummondville, West, Dundalk Station, Dundas, Dungannon, Dunnville, Durham, Elmira, Elora, Embro', Erin, Essex Centre, Exeter, Farnham, Fenelon Falls, Fergus, Font HiU, Forest, Fort Erie, Frelighsbnrg, Gait, Gananoque^ Ga'afraxa, Georgetown, Georgina, Glenallan, Goderich, Gravenhurst, Grimsby, Gaelph, Hagersville, Haliburton, Hamilton, O.. Harriston, Hastings, Hawkesbury, Hespeler, Hochelaga, Hull, Huntingdon, HuntsviUe, Ingersoll, Inverness, Iroquois, Joliette, Keene, Kemptville, Kettleby, Kincardine, Kingston, Kingsville, Kinmount, Kirkfield, Knowlton, Lachine, Lachute, Lakefield, Lanark, Laprairie, Leamington, Leeds, Lennoxville, Lindsay, Listowel, Ix>ndon, London, East, L'Orignal, Loughboro", Lucan, Lucknow, Lyn, Madoc, Manchester, Manotick, Markdale, Markham, Meaford, Melbourne, Merrickville, Merritlon, Midland, MiddleviUe, Millbrock, Mille Roches, 8. Each depositor's account is kept in the Postmaster-General's Office, io Ottawa, and in addition to the Postmaster's receipt in the Pass Book, a direct acknowledgment from the Postmaster-General for each sum paid in is sent to the depositor. If this acknowledgment does not reach the depositor within ten days from the date of his deposit, he must apply immediately to the Postmaster-General, by letter, being careful to give his addr— s, and. if necessary, write again, because the Postmaster's receipt or .ury in the Pass Book is not sufficient without the further receipt for the money from 1 Ottawa. 9. Every depositor must send his book, once a year, viz., on the anni- versary of his first deposit, for comparison with the Books of the Department, and for insertion of interest. The book will be returned to him by first mail. At no other time should a depositor suffer his book to be out of his own possession. 10. When a depositor wishes to withdraw money he can do so by applying to the Postmaster-General, who will send him by return mail a cheque for the amount, payable at whatever Savings Bank I'ost-office *hc depositor may have named in his application. 11. Interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum is allowed on deposits, and the interest is added to the principal on the 30th June in each year. 12. Postmasters are forbidden by law to disclose the name of any depositor, or the amount of any sum deposited or withdrawn. 13. No charge is made to depositors on paying in or drawing out money, nor for Pass Books, nor for postage on communications with the Postmaster- General in relation to their deposits. 14. The Postmaster-General is always ready to receive and attend to all applications, complaints, or other communications addressed to him by depositors or others, relative to Post-office Savings Bank business. 15. A full statement of the Regulations of the Post-office Savings Bank may be seen at any of the post-offices named in the following list : Milton, West, Minden, Mitchell, Montreal, Moore, Morpeth, Morrisburg, Mount Brydges, Mount Forest, Napanee, Newboro", Newburgb, Newbury, Newcastle, New Edinburgh, New Hamburg, Newmarket, Niagara, Niagara Falls, Nobleton, North Gower, Norwich, Norwood, Oakville, Odessa, Oil Springs, Omemee, Onslow, Orangeville, Orillia, Orono, Osceola, Oshawa, Ottawa, Otterville, Owen Sound, Paisley, Pakenham, Palmerston, Paris, Parry Sonn^l, Pembroke, Penetanguishene, Perth, Peterboro', Petrolea, Pickering, Picton, Plantagenet, Point St. Charles, Portage du Fort, Port Burwell, Port Colborne, Port Dalhousie, Port Dover, Port Elgin, Port Hope, Port Perry, Port Robinson, Port Rowan, Port Stanley, Prescott. Preston. Princeton, Quebec, Renfirew, Riceville, Richmond, East, Richmond, West, Richmond Hill, Ridgetown, Ridgeway, Rimouski, Riviere du Loup (en bas), Rockingham, Rondeau, Rosemount, Rosseau, St. Andrews, East, St. Catharines, West, St. Cesaire, St. Hyacintbe, St. Tacobs, St. Jerome, St. John's, East, St. Mary's, Blanchard, St. Roch de Qaebec, St. Thomas, West, Sandwich, Sarnia Saugeen, Scarboro", Schomberg, Seaforth, Shelbume, Sherbrooke, Simcoe, Smith's Falls, Smith ville, Sorel, Springfield, Stanstead, Stayner, Stirling, Stouffville, Stratford, Strathroy. Streetsville, Teeswater, Thames ville, Thornhill, Thorold, Three Rivers, Thurso. Tilsonburg, Toronto, Toronto, East, Toronto, West, Toronto, North, Tottenham, Trenton, Unionville, Oxbridge, Vankleek Hill, Vienna, Victoria, Walkerton, Wallaceburg, Wardsville, Waterdown, Waterford, Waterloo, East, Waterloo, West, Watford, Waubaushene, Welland, Wellesley, Weston, West Winchester, Whitby, Wiarton, Windsor, Wingham, Wo<>dbridge, Woodslee, Woodstock, Wood ville, Wroxeter, Wyoming, York, Yorkville. also Winnipeg. Man. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. BANKS IN CANADA, WITH THEIR BRANCHES. (INCORPORATED AND PRIVATE.) ONTARIO. Places. Acton Ailu Craig Alliston ... Almonte Alvinston Amhsrstburg.. . Arcona Arnprior Arthur Aurora. Aylmer Ayr... Barrie. Beaverton , Beeton . . . Belleville Berlin. Blenheim . . . BIyth Bothwell . . . Bowmanville. Bracebridge Bradford . Brampton Brantford Urigden ... Brighton . Brockville Namks op Banks. Acton Banking Co. (P.). S Hev4Co (P.) Hamilton W. S. Fuller & Co. (P.) . Montreal Thos. Fawcett (P.) C.Loftus(P.) Thos Fawcett (P.) Ottawa J. H. Hanns(P.) P. Liir - Brussels Campbellford . . Cannington Standard Carleton Place . . ! Ottawa . Chatham < Federal Montreal Cbesley . . . Chippawa . Clifford ... Clinton . . . Commerce Merchants' of Canada. . . Merritt Banking Co. (P.) . R. O. Smith (P.) J H. Elliott* Co. (P.) . Jas. F. Macklem (P.) J W. Scott (P.) . . . , Molsons . Farran&TisdaU(P.) Cobourg Toronto Dominion F. House (P.) Colborne Standard Collingwood .... Commerce Toronto Cornwall I Montraal Officers. Lillico (P.) Federal Molsons W. E Murray (P.) Commerce Toronto Commerce J. C. McKeggie & Co. (P.) . . . . Black 4 Co. (P.) W. B. Tisdale (P.) Hamilton Montreal Merchants' of Canada Commerce Dominion W. E. Thompson (P.) Commerce Merchants' of Canada Jackson's Banking Office Lucas, Tanner & Co. (P.) Squires & Boughner (P.) .... Ontario Standard Jones & Dobbie (P.) Alfred Hunt (P.) Muskoka Banking Co. (P.) Standard Central Dominion Merchants' of Canada British North America , Montreal Comn^erce Swaisland Bros. (P.) Thomas Botham (P.) l-ucas, Leacock & Co. (P.) Standard M. P. Ketchum (P.) Montreal Molsons G. T. Fulford & Co. (P.) Mcintosh & McTaggart (P.) . . . Standard Storey & Co., props A. M. Kirkland, manager Thomas i'lummer, mgr. D. M. Finnic, manager. W. H. Perram. manager. W. H. Draper, manager. iohn Wyllie, agent. . A. Strathy, manager. Wm. Gray, manager. R. Richardson, manager, W. Hamilton, manager. R. Thomson, manager. J. W. Murrray, agent. D. B. Dewar, manager. Charles Crookall, mgr. George McGill, manager. W. J. Jones, agent. S. C. D. Roper, prop. T. Dawson, agent. G. S. Herchmer, mgr. W. Darling, agent. A, J. Ferguson, manager, Alex. Robertson, mgr. W. L, Creighton, mgr W. Roberts, manager. J. Phillips, agent. Neil McLean, manager. J. W. B. Rivers, mgr. E. A. Bog, agent. John Houston, agent. George Bum, manager. R. N. Rogers, manager. A. Kirkland, manager. J. G. Thomas, manager. F. S. Jarvis, manager. H. C. Brewer, manager. Jos. Henderson, mgr. E. B. Osier, agent. C. Larke, agent. E. Pangnian, manager. W. A. Copeland, mgr. B«nj. Tassie, manager. Places. Cornwall Deseronto Drayton . . Dresden . Dundalk.. Duart Dundas . . Dunnville Durham . Dutton Elora Essex Centre . . . Exeter Fergus Florence Forest... Gait. Ganaaoque Georgetown Glencoe .... Goderich Gorrie Guelph Hamilton Hanover Harriston Hensall . . Ingersoll Kincardine Kingston . Kingsville . . Lancaster . . Leamington Lindsay . . . . Names of Banks. Ontario Rathbun Co. (P.) Peter Lillico (P.) Whealey & Schwendiman (P.) . Dresden Banking Co. (P.) Fawcett, Livingstone & Co. (P.) Currie & Sharp (P.) William Lucas 4 Co. (P.) . Duncan Campbell (P.) . . . Commerce Commerce W. F. Haskins 4 Co. (P.) . Central J. W. Rapley 4 Co. (P.) . . . A. W. C. BlackiP.) Pool, Hockin4Co. (P.)... Gale 4 Archibald (P.) R. C. Struthers (P.) Molsons R. S. O'Neill (P.) Imperial I.Beatty(P.) Isaac Unsworth (P.) M. Fleming (P ) L. H. Smith 4 Co. (P.) ... Commerce Merchants' of Canada Gait Banking Co. (P.) Henry Maine (P.) Merchants' of Canada , Hamilton Harrison & Rathburn (P.)., Swaisland 4 Co. (P.) Montreal Commerce iohn Kaine (P.) lontreal Commerce Central , Ontario Federal Guelph Banking Co Hamilton British North America Montreal Commerce Molsons Merchants' of Canada Stinson's (not incorporated) Chas. E. Morgan (P.) Chas. T. Jones (P.) S. McNaUy (P.) Standard Robinson 4 Robertson (P.) . Macarthur 4 Co. (P.) Locdon Merchants' c' Canada Imperial J. C. Norsworthy (P.) Merchants' of Canada I. W. Rapley (P.) Montreal British North America Merchants' of Canada Federal Folger Bros. (P.) Donald Eraser (P.) ias. H. Smart (P ) fcPberson 4 Alexander (P.) Thos. Fuller (P.) Marten Whyte 4 Co. (P.).. Montreal Dominion , , , . Officers. A. Denny, manager. [Not incorporated.] D. H. Charles, manager. J. M. Duff, manager. D. Jackson, jr., manager. [Farmers' B'nk'g House.] A. A. C. Donovan, mgr. J. F. Paterson, manager. W. Thompson, manager. G. V. J. Greenhill, mgr. J. M. Irwin, prop. A. Petrie, manager. H. M. Watson, manager. D. Glass, manager. R. S. Williams, manager. J. H. Finlay. manager. C. R. McConkey, mgr. G. W. Sandiland, mgr. E. Morris, manager. George Mair, manager. [Not incorporated.] E. A. Colquhoun, cashier. D. G. Macgregor, mgr. J. N. Travers, manager. E. Mitchell, manager. J. M. Burns, manager. . S. Meredith, manager. W. T. Shannon, agent. C.W.M. Simpson,act.m'r. A. M. Smith, manager. J. A. Richardson, mgr. G. C. Tyre, manager. R. M. Moore, manager. D. Cumberland, manager. G. E. Hague, manager. T. Y. Greet, manager. C. R. L. Porteoas, mgr. H. Harman, agent. CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 5$ BANKS IN CANADA— Co«Japier\ ille . . , .'. icolet Quebec II It 11 11 II Richmond . . . , St. Cesiare.... St. Hyacinthe St. Jerome.. . . St. John's . . . . St.Remi Sherbruoke . . . II Sorel '. Stanstead . . . . rhree Rivers. . Valleyfield Victoriaville ... Ville St. Jean) Baptiste J |f> -Vaterloo Banque ile St. Jean , Banque Ville Marie , British North America Montreal , Banque La Nationale Merchants' of Canada Quebec Union of Lower Canada Daniel McGee A Son (F ) . . . E C. Barrow (P.) Eastern Townships Banque Ville Marie La Banque Jacques Cartier . Banque de St. Hyacinthe . . . Banque Ville Marie Banque de St. Jean Merchants' of Canada Charles Aspin (P.) Jacques Cartier La Banque Nationale Eastern Townships .Merchants' of Canada Molsons Banque d'Hochelaga A. A. Taillon (P.) Eastern Townships A H. Gilmour (P.) Bank d'Hochelaga Quebec Union of Lower Canada E. M Hart & Son (P.) G. B Hamilton &Co. (P.)... La Banque Jacques Cartier , Kastern Townships , M. Catudal, manager. C. A. Sylvestre, manager. H.M.J. McMichael, mgr. John Porteous, manager. P. La France, cashier. W. L. Marler, manager, las. Stevenson, cashier. P. McEwen, cashier. W. L. Ball, manager. H. D. B61and, agent. A. Clement, manager. R. St. Jacques, cashier. J. A. "rheberge, manager. P. Beaudoin, cashier. E. H. Howard, manager. Ch Bedard, agent. John Campbell, manager, Wm. Farrell, gen mgr. J. A. Ready, manager. G Crebassa, manager. N. Dorval, manager. S. Stevens, manager. H. N. Boire, mgr. T. C. Coffin, manager. J. G. Billet, agent. L de Martigny, mgr. J. A. Cooke, manager. L. G. Lacasse, manager. W. I. Briggs, manager. NEW BRUNSWICK. JJathursi . ., Campbjllton Chatham . . . Dorchester . Fredericton . Hillsborough .... Kingston{Kt.Co.) Moncton Newcastle Peticodiac Merchants' of Halifax. . Nova Scotia Montreal Nova Scotia Merchants' of Halifax. . British North America Nova Scotia Maritime People's Halifax Banking Co. . . . Merchants' of Halifax. . Montreal Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Merchants' of Halifax. . Halifax Banking Co. . . . E. C. Jarvis, agent. i F. R. Morrison, agent. F, E. Winslow, manager. F. Kennedy, agent. H. R. Emmerson, agent. Robert Napier, agent. D. K. Forson, agent. A. S. Murray, agent. J. W. Spurden, cashier. H. Middleton, agent. J. H. Abbott, agent. F. M. Cotton, manager. George Sanderson, agent. James Yeoman, agent. C. J. Butcher, agent. Jas. Yeoman, agent. Sackville . . . St. Andrews St. John . . . . St. Stephen Sussex Woodstock . Merchants' of Halifax Halifax Banking Co Nova Scotia British North America .... Montreal New Brunswick Nova Scotia Halifax Banking Co Maritime Bank of Dominion D. C. Clinch (P.) MacLellan & Co. (P.) George Philips (P.) Nova Scotia St. Stephen's Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Maritime Fulton McDougall, agent. Tbos. A. H. Mason, agt. Sub. to St. Stephen. W. E. Collier, manager. E. C. Jones, manager. W. Girvan, cashier. {. M. Robinson, agent, ames G. Taylor, agent. Alfred Ray, cashier. iohn Black, agent, ohn F. Grant, cashier. George W. Daniel, agent. Wm. Haliburton, agent. G. W. Vanwait, agent. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 6i BMiKS—Continutd. NOVA SCOTIA. Pl^CBS. Amherst Annapolis Antigonishe .. Baddeck.C. B Barrington . . . Bridgetown . . . Bridgewater . . Canning Digby Guysboro' . . . . Halifax (( It II II II II II Kentville Liverpool .... Lockeport Names or Banes. Nova Scotia Pictou Nova Scotia , Union of Halifax Halifax Banking Cc Pictou , Merchants' of Halifax Halifax Banking Co Nova Scotia Merchants' of Halifax Nova Scotia Merchants' of Halifax British North America . . . . Montreal Nova Sccjtia Halifax Banking Co Union of Halifax Merchants' of Halifax People's Farquhar, Forest & Co. (P.) W. L. Lowell & Co. (P.) . . . . James C. Mackintosh (P.) . . Nova Scotia Halifax Banking Co Officers. D Chalmers, agent. iu McKeen, agent. . Mowat, agent Alex. Shearer, agent. D. C. HcDougall, agent. E. D. Arnaud, agent. C. E. Harris, agent. C. R. Hart, agent. F. W. Homer, agent. T. D. Ruggles, agent. George A. Dudley, agent. F. W. Borden, agent. J. H. Churchill, agent. H. M. lost, agent A. E. Ellis, manager C Sweeney, manager. Thomas Fyshe, cashier. W. L. Pitcaithly, cashier, H. Y. Clarke, cashier D. H. Duncan, cashier. Peter Jack, cashier. L. D. V. Chipman. agt. H. A. Fleming, agt. E. A. Capstick, agent. Places, Lockeport .... Londonderry , Lunenburg.. ., Maitland New Glasgow North Sydney Oxford Parrsborough . Pictou Port Hawkesbury Shelburne Stellarton Sydney, C. B... Truro Weymouth Windsor Wolfville .'.'!!!!.' Yarmouth Names of Bahes. Officers. People's Merchants' of Halifax. Halifax Banking Co. . . Merchants' of Halifax Nova Scotia Pictou Nova Scotia Halifax Banking Co... Nova Scotia Merchants' of Halifax. Pictou Merchants' of Halifax. Halifax Banking Co. . . Pictou Merchants' of Halifax. Halifax Banking Co . . . Merchants' of Halifax. . Commercial Halifax Banking Co. . . . People's Nova Scotia Yarmouth Exchange of Yarmouth A. Locke, agent. Ed. Walsh, agent. S. Finck. agent. W. G. Greenwood, agent George Friexe, agent. I. W. Carmichael, agent. 1. Johnson, act. agent. Daniel Waters, agent. H. S. Smith, agent. A. S. Townshend, agent. Howard Primrose, agent A. C. DeMille, agent. 1>. M. Eraser, manager. Peter T'aint, sen., agent. H. S. Killery. agent I. Johnston, act. agent. I. E. Burchell, agent Martin Dickie, agent. A. Allen, agent. G. D. Campbell, agent, Walter Lawson, cashier. J. A. Russell, agent. A. De W. Barss, agent. J. H. Lombard, agent. T. W. Johns, cashier. A. S. Murray, cashier. MANITOBA. Battleford .... Brandon Calgary Carberry Edmonton Emerson Gladstone .... Minnedosa . . . Nelson Pilot Mound . . Portage la Prairie Prince Albert . . . A. McDotiald & Co. (P.) ........ Imperial , Merchants' of Canada Lafferty & Smith (P.) William Logan & Co. (P.) A. MacDonald & Co. (P.) Merchants' of Canada W. S. Baillie (P.) Wallis, Ramsay & Co. (P.) McEwan, Dunsford & Co. (P.) . . Sutton, Haley & Lafferty (P.) .. Fraser & Co. (P.) McLenegan, Janess & Co. (P.).. McArthur & Knowles (P.) A. Jukes, manager. C. Meredith, manager. G. O. Woodman, act. mgr Qu'Appelle Regina ti Winnipeg . S. H. Caswell (P.) Montreal Lafferty & Smith (P.) Merchants' of Canada Montreal Ontario Federal Imperial Ottawa Nova Scotia Union of Lower Canada Alloway and Champion (P ) McArthur, Boyle & Campbell (P.) George Winks (P.) F. J. Hunter, manager. D. Miller, manager J.imes Hogg, manager. E. Porter, manager. F. L. Patton, manager. C. S. Hoare, manager. F. H. Matthewson. mgr, H.C. McLeod, agent. Geo. H. Balfour, mgr. BRITISH COLUMBIA. New Westminster Victoria British Columbia . . I. B. Fisher, agent. W. C. Ward, manager. Victoria . British North America Gareschi, Green & Co. (P.) R. Burns, manager. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Geo. McLeod, manager. F. H. Arnaud, agent. F. Mitchell, cashier. A. Dorion, cashier. W. H. McNeil, agent. Merchants' of P. E. Island .... Merchants' of Halifax . . . James J. Hughes, agent. W. F. Mitchell, agent. R. McC. Stavert, cashier. 11 Merchants' of Halifax Merchants' of P. E. Island Farmers' of Rustico Merchants' of Halifax Summerside .... •• 1, Summerside N. McKelvie, agent. Souris NEWFOUNDLAND. .^._ St. John's Commercial of Newfoundland " Union of Newfoundland Robert Brown, manager. James Goldie, manager. BERMUDA. N. A. Bntterfield, ageat. 63 CAMPBKLLS COMMERCIAL GAZETEEER AND ATLAS LIST OF INSURANCE COMPANIES. LIST OF LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES LICENSED TO DO BCSINESS IN THE DOMINION. Nam* or Courun. Cuii* AoBNT TO RaoiiTi Pbckum IN Canada. A'.tntt Life Iniurknc* Ci>. of Hartfon), Conn. . . I Hriticili Knipir* Mntiial lAte Auuranct Co. of l^milun. KDKlanil.. BriUin liifn AMocUtion ( Liinit«l) ..... C*n»' 1 luurance i 'o. of Cmiiftda Comroarciikl Union Auuruioe Co. of I^>n(liin, KiiKland ronfwlentinn Life AuDciktion of Ctnada .. Dominion Safety Fund Lifn Associatinn KiiuiublaLifeAuunuioe Society of U.S., N.Y. Federal Life Amurance Co, of Ontario Life Auooiation of Canada LiTer|K><>l and liOndonand (ilolje Insuranco Co. lrati<>n, Kn^land liondon and Laiicaabire Life AnAiirance Co. . . . Metn>|Kilitan Life Inaiirance Co. of New York. Wm. H. Orr, Torontow Fred. StancIiSe, Montreal .T. H. M, Chipman. Montreal A. (r. Ilamsay, H.imilton. Uerald E. Hart, Montreal Fred. Cole, Montreal. .1. K. MaolonaU), Toronto. J. De Wi>lfe Simrr, St. John, N B R. W. Gale, Montreal David Dexter, Hamilton, J. Turner, Hamilton. O. F. C. Smith, Montreal C. C. Foeter, Montreal. Wni. Robertson, Montreal. Thos. A. Temple, St. John, N.B. Nami or OoiirAMT. Caiir AoEirr tu Rioiivi Pkociss IM Canada. New York Life Inninuice Co North American Life Awnraooa Co North Britiih and Mercantile Iniunuioe Co. . Ontario Mutual Life Aaennuioe Co Qaeen Fire and Life Insurance Co. (England.) Beliance Mutual Life Auurance Society, Lon- don, England Royal Inaui.tnceCo Standard Life Ajnranee Co. (Scotland]. Star Life Anurance Society of England. Sun Life Anaurance Co. of Canada. Traveler! Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. . . Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Maine . . . United States Life Insurance Co r. VV. Campbell Montreal. Wm. McCabe, Toronto. Macdougall A Davidson. Montreal Wm. Hendry, Waterhxi. i J. Casfiie Hatton, MontreftL {" "4, «»""•• Montreal. ' I I Win. Tutley, ( W. I?. Itamsay, Montreal. I A. W. Lauder, Toronto. R. Macaulay, Montreal. Chaa. F. RusmII, Toronto. Wm. Mulock, Toronto. iThoa. A. Temple, St John, N.B. The following have ceased to transact new business in Canada, but are entitled to transact all businsa connected with policies existing at March Slst, 1878, Briton Medical and Ueneral Life Association,! London, Kiixland | J. B. M. Chapman, Montreal Connecticut Mutual I^fe Insurance Co. of Hartforil jRobt. Wood, Montreal. Life Ass(Kiation of Scotland I Arch. Inglis, Montreal National Life Insurance Co. of the United State* of America. IJno. F. Bell, Windsor. North Western Mutual Life Insuranoe Co. of Milwaukee M. W. Mills, Toronto. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. , Hartford. V. Simpson, Montreal Positive Government Security Life Asninnce Co. (^Limited), England T no. Taylor, Montreal Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Sooiatj G, W. Ford, Montreal Scottish Provident Institution i R. A. Ramsay, Montieal Scottish Provincial Aaoruice Ook , lO. W. Ford, Montreal THE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES LICENSED TO DO BUSINESS IN CANADA. ilCtna Insnrance Co. of Hartford Agricultural Insurance Co. of Watertown, N. Y., U,S Britidh America Artiiurance Co, (Torontf ) Caledonian Insurance Co. Citizens' Insurance Co. of Canada City of London Fire Insurance Co, (Limited).. Commercial Union Assurance Co. of London, Kngland Fire Insurance Association (Limited), London, England Glasgow and London Insurance Co. (Limited) Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Co., Lon- don, Kngland . . Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Hartford Imfierial Insurance Co. of London, England . Ijancashire Insurance Ca Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co. London Assurance Corporation, England Lonilon and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., Liverpool Rubt. Wood, Montreal Jos. Flynn, Cobourg. Silas P. Wood, Toronto. 'Taylor Bros., Montreal Gerald E. Hart, Montreal W. R. Oswald, Montreal Fred. Cole, Montreal Wm. R.>hert8on, Montreal. 1 .Stewart Brown, ( «» _.„.i i E, L. Bond, f Montreal J Robt. Simms t Co., 1 «f„,. 1 Geo. Denholme, / *^"'^' R.)bt. Wood, Montreal W. H. Rintoul, Montreal. S. C. Duncan-Clark, Toronto. G. F. C. Smith, Montreal. C. C. Foster, Montreal. •ui. F. A. Ball, Toronto. London Mutual Fire ImcraDoe Co. of Canada, Londr ., Ont National Airaranoa Co., Ireland North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. . . Northern Aisurance Co. o{ Aberdeen and London Norwich Union Fire Inmrance Society, Nor- wich, England. Phenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn Phoenix Fire Assurance Co., London, England. Quebec Fire Assurance Co Queen Fire and Life Inioranoe Co.,England ... Royal Canadian Insnrance Co Royal Insurance Co Scottish Imperial Insurance Co. Scottish Union and National Insurance Co. . . Sovereign Fire Insoranee Co. of Canada Western Assuraaoe Co., Toronto D. C. Macdonald, London. I Hugh Scott, Toronto ; or, \ H. Boult, Montreal. Macdougall t Davidson, Montreal. Taylor Bioi.. Montreal Alex. Dixon, Toronto. Robt. Hampaon, Montreal Gillespie, Moffatt k Co., Mon'real J. G. Cla^iam, Quebec. Arthnr Gagreoa, Montreal i^m^taHM^-'"-- Taylor Brae., Montreal Kavanuh & Bass^, Montreal Alex. Mackenzie, Toronto^ J. J, Kenny, Toronto. THE ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES LICENSED TO DO BUSINESS IN CANADA. Accident Insurance Co. of North America iKd. Rawlinga, Montreal. ( 'ititens' Insurance Co. of Canada lUurald K. Hart, Montreal. London Guarantee and Accident Co. (Limited).|A. T. McCord, Toronto. Norwich and London Accident Insurance As- sociation Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada.. Alex. Dixon, Toronto. R. Macaulay, Montreal Travelers Insurance Co. of Hartford. IC. F. RosmU, Toronto. INLAND MARINE INSUR\NCB COMPANIES LICENSED TO DO BUSINESS IN CANADA. Mtntt Insurance Co. of Hartford Anchor Insuranoe Co Briti-00 1,992,600 8,409 1,078 2,246 3;m 1,840 • 6,292,900 2,;«ti,100 4,010,100 401,500 3,216,500 $ 84,779 7.101 3,511 2,5.50 7,960 10,672 t 85,679 6,989 3,511 312 6,960 10,672 t None. 350 None. 2,2:!8 1,000 3,000 t None. Nona. Ijondon Guarantee and Accident. ..■• ... . None. Nsne. Sun ...» TnTalan' : None. None. Tflti^f 138,789 66,676 64,023 6,688 Nona. 1 * Oaaadlan bniinaa* onlj. «4 CAMPHKLLS COMMKRCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. ToUIi for 1884 . Totals for 188.1. IiicresM, i— DecraaM, d.. INSURANCE COMPANIES— Co»in Lif" * llriton Medical (yiiminarcial Union 'Kilinbunth 'Life Aaitociation of Scotland. . . . Liver|H><>l annd8 7,670 7,310 i 460 743,011 707,468 35,543 578,760 95,223 341,227 9,615 7,878 149,428 22,473 54,0:« 138, 7H3 117,867 13,721 1,518,991 1,414,738 676 Nona. None. 6 None. None. 17 533 None. 10 3 None. 10 None. None. None. 678 4,160.700 409,000 2,256,815 30.5,000 496,760 123,900 1,8.11,100 None. 3,3,'S1.150 1,326,800 13,158,718 11,883,317 1,375,398 1.080,800 None. None. 10,707 None. None. 11,946 854,750 None. 48,700 3,000 None. 24,300 None. None. None. 1,123,779 64,507 I it l" Ul 17.339 1,059 8.051 1,983 610 965 1,819 409 6,086 3,807 43,008 37,471 s 31,770,736 1,630,276 13,318,376 l,98;i,000 873,)i4S 1,083,965 3,400,950 68,:«29 7,716,901 ^811,640 66,544,706 69,313,609 • 4,537 1,760 1,699 61 1,066 None. 850 None. None. 694 None. None. 377 431 143 104,353 3,459 3,263 8,311,889 3,278,008 66,119 1.650,117 Nona. 2,169,895 None. None. 1,851,250 None. None. 701,000 721,375 330,100 i 196 7,323,737 6,411,635 912,103 998 60 342 394 188 1,411 188 2,505 7 322 205 293 319 175 92 489 4,184 398 12,390 11,635 i 766 11,487 1,7.'58 3,835 191 338 1,875 644 1,664 3,706 264 27,138 35,638 t 1,600 i 7,331,099 2,054,613 89,039 753,708 692,964 473,889 2,682,870 372,570 8,963,973 37,121 928,107 895,198 449,088 309,741 903,1197 8,729,543 653,296 24,652,787 23,6U,712 » 1,041,075 14,883,319 3,373,041 9,526,183 343,682 329,514 6,049,666 n4,093 1,844,419 3,962,451 4,038,624 492,605 44,616,696 41,471,654 i 3,14^043 J Hi Hi 133 15 65 8 6 31 3 11 36 89 315 323 1 1 17 9 7 30 4 25 None. 7 2 S S 6 1 9 37 9 343,163 15,419 64,.537 8,000 7,000 36,5;w 6.994 1,697 41,8.54 48,287 463,470 684,791 d 91,321 1,000 1,000 48,016 25,529 26,0:ff 88,379 3,800 37,177 None. 21,111 1,811 6,.563 18,456 13,989 2,433 8,076 106,211 17,840 175 172 188 48 34 4 6 20 6 32 31 37 1 406 407 427,428 ,174,172 i 53,256 217,722 110,717 74,448 36,000 4,316 68,820 6,100 42,887 64,286 41,570 6,000 639,766 679,353 t 60,413 UniatUed Claims 267,m 10,686 61,767 8,000 7,000 12,2:t0 7,294 1,697 38,854 68,924 464,629 566,232 ((101,603 3,000 11,000 61,496 33,973 37,010 75,439 1,500 41,217 None. 16,621 1,000 7,034 18,456 13,989 4,380 11,266 94,108 17,840 418,329 443,873 d 25,544 206,003 129,717 74,448 24,000 4,065 48,538 6,445 39,668 63,321 45,213 6,000 635,408 52,924 (52,484 6 Not Reatatad Rasiated 47,519 1,000 I 11,595 None. None. 14,500 None. None. 5,000 6,278 None. None. 60 3,051 2,433 61,800 2,300 4,000 None. 4,490 811 2,563 1,076 None. None. 1,578 43,752 None. 31,303 3,000 1.500 15,000 1,500 14,998 1,000 14,742 6,412 7,070 None. Nona. Nona. None. None. None. 3,000 None. None. None, None. E I None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 2,500 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 3,480 None. (Oth April, 1884. 31st Dec., 1884. 31at Deo., 1884. 31at Dec, 188<. aist Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884 Slat Dec, 1884. 31st Dae, 1884. 3Ut Dec, 1884. 31at D,-c, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1881. 31st Dec, 1884. 31st Mar., 1884. 5th April, 1884. Slat Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. 30th Nov., 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. 31st Jan., 1885. 31st Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. 3l8t Dec, 1884. 31st Jan., 1885. I6th Nov, 1884. 3Ut Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. lUstDic, 1884. 3l8t Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. 3l8t Dec, 1884. Slat Dec, 1884. 31at Dec, 1884. 3l8t Dec, 1884. 31st Dec, 1884. 3l8t Dec, 1884. KKOAPITTTLATION. 1,869,200 7«7n 13,168,715 3,211,8X9 7,323,737 42,008 13,390 27,138 66,644,706 24,552,787 44,616,596 816 175 406 463,470 427,428 639,766 464,629 418,329 635,408 18 Britiah ComDanies •••.... 743,011 : 1 7fin 11 American Companiea. 1,618,991 3,469 Grand Totals for 1884 4,131,202 3,774,749 12.889 12,172 23,694,341 21,672,960 81,636 74,734 135,714,091 124,196,876 896 902 1,630,664 1.608,316 1,618,366 1,893,029 "-" Grand Totals for 1883 , - ■" i 366,453 » 717 > 3,131,381 < 6,803 i 11,617,216 d 6 i 23,348 d 74,663 TbaaaOanpuiea have eauMldotag nawbnsiiMaa In Owiate. f TiMM tmomtt an Mt, i^-iatnnuioaf having bara dadaetad. CAMTBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLA& 65 s I < 5 o » 8 en « H C/2 U Z < o u g Z '-' < H 0:; M i-s-i « &iP'^^ O a" « it 2^11 M&it •a 4 ^33 5^ 1 a • O iaa < I ^1 11 1-8 i .a oa II f^ti w w o w S M — 2 ?S 5 -JS 19 « w « «»'V « X -2 3 3 5 h ':£ -^ 00 O r: § s*5 w?o *H & X vSS o oJ ^ a5A 5 B S > o _,*^ o s o ^ '^ <-« O t- r* t- -^ f o t- »o -* o « 35 -^ ^ |fe|S|§ Q0'¥* M 5 « » « •^.'".^ fc3 -3 36 3" I- w ^CA "3 V O O ■» M O M t- ■*.»0^ I 1. a M 1^ ■; b — T ?^ CO ?* t- (- X 5 rs ?i ^ Z iS i-S >» i-l ^ ^ gt.«i(5«-50«»C?9©QX3it-t-.«f-_r»t-.r5 < « ow •a.ts , II il 111 Sao J8 o » II :|3 I"! 9 « •3S< ili 5§^^-; if ill I •c n 0 «^ o i! ti 9 S g 5 0000 11 s§ e4'Vx"x' tC O 9» I- ^^.^t^ if I i 1 a o O 333 3 J J a-3 a 9" 9' 2" SSI fc SI sfss' 00« p a ^ Il| A ■ * a -3 Pi 9 S3 t is "Ml ill e0 9»^ — *£» ill lit m 3 3 o o a III ag-3 §53 66 CAMFBKLLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. DURATION OF LIFE. The Tablc has b«k covstbcoted by Db. Fabb, F.RS. Number nf P«nnna ftliva at Com- maaeMnent of Year. Number of Penoni alive at Com- mencement of Year. Number of Persona alive at Com- mencement of Year. Aga N... Male. Female. ToUl Df»th» each Year. Age. No. Male. Female. Total Deaths each Year. Age. No. Male. Female. Total Deaths each Year. 1 1,000,000 8«),.V»7 79«,8'i7 768,,58'.l 760, 1:M 511,745 42^,026 400, .V)5 :««,290 .•577,077 488.2.'.5 422,481 39«,:i22 38.'.299 373,056 149,493 53.1)80 28,2:« 18,456 13,315 37 38 39 5.58,8.59 662,181 645,425 282,296 278,944 275,538 276,563 273,237 269,887 6.678 6.756 6.841 73 74 191,956 176,487 91,149 83,416 100,807 93,071 16,469 15,363 3 4 75 75 77 78 79 161.124 145,988 131,199 116,880 103,164 75,777 68.294 61,026 64.036 47,381 85,;M7 n,694 70,173 62,844 65,773 16,136 14,789 14,319 40 41 42 43 44 .538,.584 631,6.5.3 524,626 517,499 610,263 272,073 2r.8,644 264.948 261,280 257,534 266,511 26;<,109 259,678 256,219 252,729 6 931 7,027 7,127 7,236 7,:»48 5 6 7 H 9 736,818 726,919 719,1.51 712.592 707.1.k .370,358 .•J66,:)25 ;«il,37i 358,062 355,328 .366,460 361,.59l :W,779 3,54, .5;ti) 351,806 9,899 7,768 6,5.59 6,4M 4,625 13,726 13,021 80 81 82 83 84 90,133 77,919 66,-599 56,241 46,889 41,115 3\283 29.922 25,060 20,711 49,018 42,6;<6 36,677 31,181 26,178 12,214 11.320 10.358 9,;«2 8.324 45 46 47 48 49 602,915 495,448 487,856 480,134 472,;;77 25.3,708 249,796 24.5.795 241,7(10 237.508 249,207 245.6.52 242,061 2:18, 4:m 234,769 7,467 7.592 7,722 7.857 7,997 10 11 12 13 14 702,.509 698,481 694,844 6gi,4i:t 688,031 ;vi;j,03i 3.51,048 ;M»,272 347.r-,fi 345,9ii9 349,478 347.4.W 345,572 34.1,* '7 342,062 4,028 3,6.17 3, 131 3,.«2 3,408 85 86 87 88 89 38,-565 31,265 24,967 19,621 16,162 16,877 13,549 10,709 8,325 6.360 21,688 17.716 14,258 11,296 8,802 7,300 6,298 6,346 4,459 3.653 .50 51 52 53 54 464,280 4.56,1.39 447,725 439,135 430,374 233,216 228,821 224,195 219,437 214,552 231,064 227,318 223,.5;to 219,«;i8 215,822 8,141 8,414 8,.590 8,7iil 9,259 15 16 17 18 19 084..563 680,894 676,9:17 672,620 667,900 344,290 ;f42,.509 S40,.581 338,469 :a6,149 .340,273 3.i8,i85 .3:iti,.t.5(i 334,151 331.751 3,669 8,9,57 4,317 4,720 6,1.50 90 91 92 93 94 11,509 8,576 6,2'p6 4,485 3,142 4,770 3.510 2,631 1,787 1,234 6,739 6,066 3,735 2,698 1.908 2,9.33 2,310 1,781 1.343 989 55 56 67 58 69 421,115 411,532 401,623 .191,378 380,785 209,5:!9 204..395 199,114 193,686 188.102 211,576 207,137 20--',5(i9 197.692 192,683 9,583 9.909 10,245 10,.593 10,958 20 21 22 23 24 662, 7.50 657, Ifi? 6.51,499 645,751 639,931 3 a,608 3;<0,844 3J8,04:» 32.-.,207 322,3;19 .329,142 32..,323 323,456 320,514 317,.592 6,583 6,668 6,748 6,820 6,886 95 96 97 98 99 2,1.5.3 1,440 940 598 370 8.33 548 352 220 134 1,320 892 688 378 236 713 600 342 60 61 62 63 64 369,8J7 368,489 346,7.52 334,603 322.031 182.:i50 176,421 170,;«):i 163,989 167.474 187,477 182,068 176.449 170,614 164,567 11,338 11.737 12,149 12,572 13,002 25 26 27 28 29 634,015 628,095 622,086 616,021 609,91)0 319,442 316,516 313,562 310,,581 ;W,572 314,6a3 311.579 308,.524 :<05,440 302,328 6,950 6,009 6,065 6,121 6,176 228 147 100 101 102 103 104 223 1.31 74 41 22 79 46 25 14 7 144 85 49 27 15 92 65 66 67 68 69 309,029 295,599 281,7.53 267,.509 252,902 160.754 143,83;i 136,718 129,421 121,963 158,275 151,766 145,a)5 138,088 130,939 13,430 13,846 14,244 14.607 14,925 67 33 30 t»3,724 81 ! .597,493 32 .591,206 304,.5.'{4 :«)1,460 298, .W* 29,%2;t2 292,061 299.190 296,027 292,840 289,631 286,398 6,231 6,287 6,343 6,404 6,466 ! 19 10 105 106 107 108 12 6 3 1 4 2 1 8 4 3 1 6 :i4 678,469 70 71 72 237,977 22-.',793 207,424 114,370 106,675 98.919 123,607 116,118 108..505 15,184 l•5,3^9 15,468 3 2 35 36 671,99.t 566,460 288,850 28.5,596 283,143 279,864 0,53;} 6,601 1 Note.— The rate of mortality of males of all ages is 1 in 3941, and of females. 1 in 41-81. EXPECTATION OF LIFE AT THE FOLLOWING AGES. Calcuiatbd in Years and Hundredths. Bt Dr. Fare, F.R.S. Age. Male. Female. Age. Male. Female. Age. Male. Female. Age. Male. Female. Age. Male. Female. 39-91 41 85 20 39-48 40 29 40 26 06 27-34 60 13-53 14 .14 80 4 93 5 26 1 46 &5 47-31 i 21 38-SO 39 63 41 25 39 26 69 61 1296 13 75 81 4 66 4-98 2 48-83 49-40 ! 22 .18- 13 38-98 42 24-73 26 03 62 12-41 13-17 82 4-41 4-71 3 49 61 60 20 i 23 37-46 38 S3 43 24-07 25-38 63 11-87 12-60 83 417 4-45 4 49 81 60 43 1 24 36-79 37-68 44 23-41 24-72 ■ 64 U-34 1205 84 3 95 4-21 5 49 71 50 33 1 25 .16-12 8704 45 2276 24 06 66 10-82 11 61 85 3 73 3-98 6 49 .19 5000 26 a5 44 36-39 46 22']1 23 40 66 10 32 10-98 86 3.53 3-76 7 48 92 49 .53 27 34 77 35-75 47 21-46 22 74 67 9 83 10-47 87 3 34 3-56 8 48 37 48-98 28 34 10 35 10 48 20 82 22 08 68 9-86 9-97 88 3 16 3-36 9 47 74 48-35 29 33 43 34 46 49 20 17 21 42 69 8-90 9 48 89 3-00 3 18 10 47 05 47 67 30 32-76 33 81 60 1954 20 75 70 845 9 02 90 2-84 3-01 11 46 31 46 H5 31 3209 8317 51 18-90 20 09 71 8-03 8-57 91 2-69 285 13 45 54 46 20 32 31 42 32 .53 62 18-28 19 42 72 7-62 8 13 92 2 55 2-70 13 44 76 45 44 33 30-74 31-88 53 17 67 18 75 73 7 22 7 71 93 2 41 2-66 14 43 97 44 66 34 30 07 8133 1 54 17 06 18 08 74 6 85 7 31 94 2 29 2-43 15 43 IS 48 90 Xi 29 40 30 59 1 M 16-45 17-43 ' 75 6 49 6-93 95 817 2-29 16 42 40 43 14 36 28 73 29 94 j 66 15 86 16 79 76 6 16 6 66 96 3-06 2 17 17 41 64 42 40 37 28 06 29 29 67 15-26 16-17 77 6-82 6 21 97 1-95 2-06 18 40 90 « 67 38 27 39 28 64 68 14 68 15-56 78 661 5-88 98 1-86 1-96 19 40 17 40-97 39 26 73 27-99 69 14-10 14-94 79 621 6-66 99 100 1-76 1-68 1-86 1-76 The mean lifetime of boys at birth is S9-91 years, and of girls, 41-86. CAMl ELLS COMMERCL\L GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 67 LOAN COMPANIES AND BUILDING SOCIETIES. Namk or Company ob Soaim. ONTAllIO. TOBONTO. Commercial Build'ni; uid iDTtttment Society Imperial Loan and Investment i 'ompany Freehold I«oan and Savinf^ Company CTnion Loan and Savings Company Canada I'erinanent Loan and Savinn Company Weatem Canada Loan and Savings Company Buildinf? and Loan Aitsociation British Canadian I^nau and Investment Company Farmers' Loan and Savin>^ Company People's Loan and De|»oait Company Londim anndon Canadian Loan and ^ency Company (Liiuited) Land Security Company Trust and Loan Conjpany of Canada Ontario Industrial Loan and Investment Company The Canada Moitgave Agency (Limited) National Invastmenv Company (Limited) North British Canada Investment Company North of Scotland Canada Morti^age Company Scotland, Ontario and Manitolia Land Company (Limited) Scottish American Investment C3 18 1H77 1871 1^7.> 1877 1838 187.S 1873 18.-.1 1880 1880 1876 187« H73 1879 1873 1880 1878 1»79 18X1 1878 1870 St. Thomas. 1864 1>«72 1872 1875 1877 1777 1880 1881 1871 1879 1877 1882 1870 :«'i6 1874 1875 Southern Loan and Savings Company 1870 South Western Farmers and Merc hanta' Loan and Savings Society r . . . . 1875 Elgin Loan and .Savings Company 1879 Star Loan Company 1881 Kinghton. Ontarin Building and Savings Society . . . Fmntenac Loan and Inveatmeut Society. Sabnia. Lambton loan and Investment Company Huron and Lambton Loan and Savings Company ... . j 1877 1874 1868 l&W Capital Al'TUUBlZKD. Not limited. l.OUO.nuO 00 1,200,000 00 i,o«o,ooo 00 3,000.000 1)0 2,000,(NX) 00 7.50,(100 00 6,000,000 00 1,057,250 00 800,000 00 2,000,1 00 00 2,000,000 00 "8,noo.o66 00 1,1100.000 00 14,600,000 00 5(P0,n00 00 24i,«( 33 2,000,i<)0 00 2,4 i^i.XiS Xi 3,630,000 00 2.4;o,:<;« :w 9,73 i,3:«J .3:1 1,000,000 00 2,4 3,:i33 :« 2.IK> 1.000 00 Not limited. 1,000,000 00 Capital SlBStBIBK'). Capital Paid Up. Not limited. 2,000,000 00 40,531 40 S29.8.T0 00 i,oriO,40o 00 600,000 00 3,1)00,000 00 1,200.000 00 7.tO,000 00 1,.%W,000 00 l,0,-)7, •-'.'» 00 .■y 10, 000 00 2,0iHi.(KM) 00 1,300,000 00 4,oix),no6 00 200.1100 00 7,3000 00 659.700 00 240,000 00 2,650,000 00 215,000 00 I 1.500,000 00 5,000,000 00 700,000 00 1,000,000 00 401,600 00 220,000 00 Not limited. Not limited. Not limttad. Not limited. 625,000 00 270,000 00 250,000 00 Not limited. 1,000,(X)0 00 1,000,00'J 00 1,. ^00, 000 00 1,101,986 66 700,(100 00 154,100 00 401,600 00 15,5,402 .53 44,K-.'o 00 23,700 00 400,000 00 106,0.50 00 625,000 00 234,400 00 250,000 00 200,000 00 300,000 00 350,000 00 14.141 80 614,:<00 00 690,080 00 ,576,080 .56 2,200,000 00 1,200,000 00 747,375 00 267, 0h6 66 611,4;«) 27 4a5,800 00 400.0(10 00 663,990 00 ° 56bi666'66 176,984 01 l,.581,6tW 67 220,796 22 111.763 00 3:18.762 00 499.709 33 5.i,5.3.« 33 483,644 65 1,749,732 13 ;«y.9.50 00 121,666 66 312.031 70 39,648 06 30,741 00 1,200,000 00 1,000.000 00 862,400 00 568,:«)0 00 644,8.50 00 479,130 00 130,750 00 605,693 28 30,400 00 1,100,000 00 4,'il.865 13 316.400 00 84,591 O1 388,164 58 ], 5.5, 402 53 34,625 00 4,848 00 38f',295 00 95,531 65 98,i 79 57 58,'AWOO 246.150 00 200,000 00 274,360 80 217,650 00 l:isKiivB Find. 8.5.800 00 261.. 500 00 17."., 000 00 1,100.000 00 600.000 00 68,000 00 27.0(10 00 82.:i8:t ,19 .54,000 00 60,000 00 130.000 00 24o!o66'66 10(),(l(« 00 722.692 37 27,000 00 "' ab^iwo 66 94,9(x) 00 15.5,733 33 58,400 00 51,666 60 91. 066' 66 3,900 00 276,000 00 334,000 00 149,000 00 67,IMX) 00 120.000 00 47,535 03 9,529 30 500,000 00 6,000 00 110.000 00 29,200 00 :to.o(Ni 00 2,396 71 30,000 00 18,862 64 .50,000 00 5.000 00 7.000 00 1,000 00 :iO,ooooo 71,000 00 40,500 04 * Dividend not reported. 68 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. LOAN COMPANIES AND BUILDING SOCIETIES— Continued. NaMI or COMPAMT OB SoOIETT. ONTARIO - Continutd. BHANTruHD. Royal I>(«n and Savinfp Compuiy Brant Loan and SavinKi Company Uatx. WOODSTOCB. Oxford Perrauient Loan and Saving Company St. Cathabinis. Security Ix>an and Saving Company Ontario lyian and Saving Company (0«hawa1 Midlanii Lany (Port Hope) Guelph and Ontario Inveatment and Savings Society (Guelph) Hantings Loan and Investment Society ( Belleville) Orangeville Building and Loan Association (Osage) Peterborough Real Estate Investment Company (Limited) (Peterborough) Barrie Ixian and .Savings Company ( Barrie) British Mortgage I^nan Company of Ontario (Stratford) ('rown Savings and L4)an Company (I*ctrolea) (.^hatham Loan anrl .Savings Company (Chatham) International Wrecking and Tram. Company ( Windsor) QUEBEC. Montreal I>ian and Mortgage Company (Montreal) Compagnie erial Mutual liiiilding .Society (Montreal) [no report Montreal .Mutual Building Society I Montreal) Victoria Mutual Building Society (Montreal) Colonial Building and Investment Association (Montreal) ... Montreal Investment and Building Company Canadian Securities Company Quebec Permanent Building Society (Quebec) SocidtiS (lu Ti ets et Placements de Quebec (Quebec) . . Artisans Permanent Building Society (Qiiebec) Siwi^tiS Permanent de (Construction du 1 >ixtrict d'Anville (St. John) Levis Permanent Building Society (Levis) Sherbrooke Permanent Building Society (Sherbrooke) MANITOBA. Manitoba Investment Association (Winnipeg) [no report Dundee Mortgage, Trust and Investment Company ( V/innipeg) [no report NEW BRUNSWICK. St. John Building Society (St. John) [no report Provincial Building Society (St. .lohn) [no report NOVA SCOTIA. Nova Scotia Permanent Benefit Building Society and Savings Fund ( ) [no report Yarmouth Building and Loan Society (Yarmouth) [no report! isrfi 1878 186.1 1870 1873 187;» 1876 1876 1873 1878 1881 1877 188i 1881 1882 1858 1874 1872 1870 187.5 1872 1874 1866 1873 Div Capital acthobizei). 1868 1877 1856 1874 1875 1869 1869 1874 500,000 00 1,000,000 00 Not limited. 300,000 00 300,000 ' 250,000 t .500,000 00 L'.50,0fl0 00 50,000 00 2,000,000 00 250,000 00 5,000,000 00 1,000,000 00 1,000,000 00 50,000 00 1,000,000 00 "1,000,666 66 Not limited. Not limited. 78:1,600 00 .321,200 00 500,000 00 Not limited. Not limited. 1,000,000 00 2,000,000 00 .558,400 00 :iOO,000 00 Not limited. 200,000 00 Not limited. Not limited. Not limited. Capital subscbibed. 600,000 00 1.50,000 00 229,700 00 275,000 00 300,000 00 250,000 00 299,900 00 22.5,000 00 25,350 00 1,493,600 00 250,000 00 450,000 00 137,930 00 ,»J,800 00 50,000 00 1,000,010 00 ' 40:'i?00'66 273,500 00 136,000 00 783,600 00 90,634 90 .500,000 00 "335^606 66 48,848 00 500,000 00 500,000 00 .558,400 00 191, lo3 98 184,700 00 93,181 71 100,000 00 90,840 00 98,900 00 Capital Paid Up. 364,497 00 136,950 00 221,392 00 274,156 00 296,737 77 2.50,000 00 261,450 00 133,521 39 14,550 00 37:i,400 00 113,700 00 211,179 62 13,250 00 42,449 87 50,000 00 879,147 70 127,62006 Rbebti Fund. 91,733 00 69,550 00 '33^662 84 1,364 00 398,100 00 280,940 13 311,465 00 191,163 98 182,227 49 93,181 71 100,000 00 54,325 33 67,100 00 36,500 00 9,000 00 17,000 00 27,500 00 .5.5,000 00 26,.500 00 25,353 57 8,897 08 174,000 95 30,000 00 2,000 00 6,600 00 14,000 00 6,102 98 20.066 52 12,900 00 8,387 78 18,000 00 "■'97407 H# CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS RATES OF WAGES FOR MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS AND LABOURERS. From 50 Cents to $15 Per Week. BOARD — BY THE DAY, WEEK, OR MONTH, 70 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. UNIVERSAL INTEREST TABLE. Note. — To find the amount required, Days 1 3 8 .00271 •0055I .0082j .Olio' •0'37! 6 .0164. 7|-0'92J 8 .02igi 9 .0247! Days— 54 00551 Olio 0164I 021'/ 0274' 0329 03841 0438 0493I .0082 .0164 .0247 .0329 .0411 .0493 •0575 .0658 .0740 0219 .0329' ,0438' 0548 0658 0767 0877 0986 •0'37, .0274' .0411 •0548 .0685 .0822 .0959 , 1096 ,1233 .0164 .0329' .0493 .0658 .0822 .0986I .1151' ■1315 .1480 .0192 .0384 •0575 .0767 • 0959 .1151 •1343 •>534 .1726 .148 .296 ■444 .592 .740 .889 7 1.036 8 1.184!! 91332 ' Days — j 106 86 66 I S7 -L .151 .301 .452 .603 •754! .904: ■ 153 .307 .460 .613 .767 .921 055 '.074 206 1.229 3561.381 S8 .156 .312 .469 .625 .781 ■937 ■ 903 .249' 1. 271 .406 1.430 to 60 .0219 .0438 •065? ■0877 .1096 , ■13x5;. •1534! ■ 17541 ■ ■1973 0247 10 11 12 13 .0274 0493 .0548 0740 .0822 0986 . 1096 '233, ■1370 1480 .1644 1726 .1918 1973 .2192 2219 .2466 0301 0603 0904 1206 1507 l8o8j 2110 2411' 2713 0329 0658 0986 •3'5 1644 »973 2302 2630 2959 .0356 .0712 .1069 .1425 .1781 .2137 ■2493 .2850 ■ 3206 14 0384 ,0767 .1151 1534 15 .0411 .0822 ■"33 .1644 ,1918 .2055 ,2302 .2466 ,26851.2877 ,30691.3288 ,3452 .3699! 16 0438 ,0879 1315 17 i 18 0466 0932 1397 1754 ■1863 ,2192 .2329 ,2630 .2795 3069 .3261 ,3507 .3726, ,3946 .4192 0493 0986 1480 19 .0521 .1041 1562 ao 21 a i973!.2o82| 24661.2603! 2959!. 3124! 3452 .3644 3946 .4165 4439 -4685 .0548: .0575! .io96!.ii5ij ,1644'. 1776' ,2192 .2307 ,27401.2877 ,32881.3452 ,3836;. 4028 ,4384 .4603: .49321.5179! .0603 .1206 .1808 .2411 .3014 •3617 .4220 .4822' • 5425 23 0630 1260 i8gi 24 .0658 1315 •973 2521 .2630 3151I.3288 25 3781 44" 5042 5672 .3946 4603 5261 5918 .0685 .1370 .2055 • 3740, • 3425 .4110 ■4795' .5480, .6165 .0712 .1423 .2137 .2850 .3562 ■4274 .4987 ■ 5699 .6412 61 • 159 .318J •477' .636 ■7--5I • 953 ,1621 •323' ■485, .647 .808 .970 .132 ■ 2931 •455 I .164 .329 •493 .658 .822! .9861 .151 I •3>5i .4801 62 .167 ■334 •50Ii .669' .836! .003 I .170 I ■337,1 .504(1 6S 64 .170 .340 .510, ,680! ,8491 oig I 1891 3591 5291 •173 •345; .518 .690 .863 .036 1 .208,1 ■38iii. ■554 I. 65 175; 351 526 701 8771 052 I 228 I 403 I 5781 .178 .356 ■534 .712 .890 .0691 ■247:1 .42411, .603 I, 181 362 542 723 904 67 .184 •367 •55' ■734, .918 085 I.IQI.I 266 1.285 I 1.469 I 1.652!! .186 ■373 ■ 559 ■745 •93-: .118 I 70 71 72 .189 ■378, •567 • 756I •9451 •134 I 447 628 • i, .290 2 .581 3 .871 107 106 109 110 .293 .586! .880! 4 r. 162!!. 17311 5 i.4S2'i.466 I 6 "■743 '■759 1 72.033 82.324 9 2.614 Days— 158 159 2.052,2 2.3452 2.639 2 ,296j •592: ,888 ,184 I ,4801 776 071 367 ry.3 • 299 ■597] .896 .195I1 ■493;' .792 I .091,2 ■3892 .68812, 111 30t 602; 904 205 I 5071 808 I, 109 2. 411 2. 712 2. iia 113 114 304 608 gi2| 217 I 521 I 825I1 129:2 433,2 737.2 ■307 .614 .921 .22811 ■535 ■ .841I1 .1482 .4552 • 762 2 .310 .619I • 929 .238 .548 .858 .167 ■477I2 ■7872 •312 ,625 937 115 116 117 118 315; •318 630 .636 945! -954 .249 1.2601.271 .562 1.575 1.589 .874 1.896 1.907 .187 2.206 2.225 .4992.521,2.543 .811,2.83612.861 ■321 .641 .962 1.282 1.603 i^923 2.244 2.565 2.885 304 1.323 I 492 1.512 I 677 1.701 t .192 .384I •575 ,767 959 ,151 343 534 726 ■195 ■389: •584 •778 • 973! .167 I 73 .197 ■395 ■ 592 .789! .986'! 184'! 74 .200 .400 .600 ,8001 ,000 r ,200 I 76 76 ,362,1 .381 1. 400 I 556! 1. 578 I 75i|t.776i 6001 800; I 203 .206 .208 406 .411^ .416 ,608 .6171 .625 ,8ll! .822 .833 ,014 1.028 1. 041 ,217 1.233 1-249 ,419 1.439 1.458 ,62211.644 1.666 825I1. 850 1.874 77 78 211 .214 422 .427 .633 .641 .8441 .855 I .055'i.o69 1.26611.282 1.477,1.496 1.6881.710 1.899'!. 923 79 .216 ■433 ■ 649 .866 1.082 1.299 1. 515 1.732 1.948 119 120 I 121 ■323 -326 .6471 .652 .970; .978 1.293 1.304 1.617 1.940 2.263 2.587 2.910 1 1 I 2 2 2.93412 1.630 1.956 2.282 2.608 122 •329, .332 .658J .663 .986! .995 .31511.326 .644 1.658 973 I 990 .302:2.321 .630:2.652' .9592.984 12c 124 125 •334 .669 1.003 1 '■337ii I. 671 1 2.006 2 2.3302 2.674J2 3 00913 337, 674! oil I 348 685 022 359 6962 033I3 ■340 .680! .019'! •3591 .699 1 .0392 ■3782 .7182 •058'3 126 127 128 129 130 •342 • 685 .027 • 3701 ,712 ! ■0552 •3972 740,2 0823 ■345; -348 .690: .696, .036 1.044 .381I1.392 .726 I .740 .071J2.088 •4172.436 .7622.784 •I07I3-I32 ■351I ^353 ^356 .7011 .707! .712 i.o52ji. 060 1.069 1.403:1.4141.425 1-754 '•767|i^77i 2. 104 2. 121 2.137 2. . V2.474 2.493 2.8002.828 2.850 3.156 3. 181 3.206 131 ■433 .866 160 161 162 163 164 •1 2 3 I ■299 4,»^732|I 512.1652 6! 2. 598 2 7 3 0303 83-4633 93.8963 •436, .438 .87. .877 .307 1.315 ■743 '■754 .178 2.192 .6142. 630 .0503.069 •485 '3-507 .92113-946 441 -444 882 1 .888 1.3231.332 1. 7651. 776 2.206 2.219: 2.647 2.663I 3.088 3.107^ 3.5293.551: 3.9703.994 • 447 -449 .893 ^899 1.3401.3481 165 1.786:1.797 2.2332.247 2.680 2.696 3.1263.146 3 ■573:3 ■595:3 4.020I4.044I4 ,452 904 356 80S 261 7'3 165 617 069 166 167 •4.S5, .gio' • 3651 .819 1 •2742 ■ 729,2 .1843 ■6393 ■ 0944 •458 .915 •373 168 169 170 .4C0J .920 1.381 830, 1. 841 288:2.302 ,74512.762 ,203 3.222 3 66!|3.683j3 1184.143I4 ■4631 . ■926J . ,389:i. ,852 I, 3i5'2. 778,2, 24ii3- 704:3. 1684. 466 932 3971 863 1, 3292, 7952, 261 3, 7263 1924, 171 I 172 ■469 ■937 .,06 1 8751 3432 8l!,2 2803 748,3 217,4 173 174 471 943 414 8851 356' 2 8282 2993 7703 2424 474' • 948 . 422 1. 896 1, 3702, 844,2. 3183. 7923' 266 4, 477 954 430 907 384 861 337 814 291 175 i 176 177 I 178 179 180 181 479i 959 ,438! 918,1 3972 8772 3563 8363 3154 ,482 , ,964! , 447 • 929 I, 111 2, 8942, 3763. 858,3. 3404 485! 97°: 4551 940 1 425,2 910 2 305 3 8803 3654 .488 •9-5, .403I1 .95i|i ■439:2 .926 2 ■4I4!3 .9023 ■3894 490 9811 47111 962 I 4522 943,2 433 3 9243 4144 493 ,986 ,480 9731 4662 9592 45213 946,3 439*4 •359 .718 1.077 • ■436 1.795 2.154 2.513 2,872 3 230 182 183 .496 ,992 • 4881 .9841 .480 ,976 472 ,968 • 463 •499! ■501 ■997; I -003 .4961.504 .9952. 006 ■49312.507 .99213.009 ,4913. 510 • 989 4.011 • 4884.513 Days - 210 211 212 •' -575 2 1.15! 3:1.726 412.302 5:2.877j 6!3-452i 714.028' 8I4.603' 9>j'7i Days— | 262 ' ■S78' 1.156'! 1.734 ' 2^3I3 2.891 1.469 4.047'4 4.6254 5^203 5 .581 .162 ■743 213 214 .584 .586 I.i67|i.i73 i.75i;i.759' ■324l2^334,2.345 . 90412. 9i8j2. 932' .4853.5023.518 066i4.086l4.105 .64714.669 4.691 .22815.25315.2771 215 216 • 589! 1.178;! 1.767 I 2.356,2 2.9452 3^5353 4.1244 ,4^7I34 5^3o2,5 .592 ■ 183 217 218 219 • 595 1. 189 775'i-784i .3672.3782 .9592.9732 ■55i!3^367 3 .1434.1624 735'4^757 4 327 5^35i5 •597l ^600 ."195 1.200 .792J1.800 .38912.4001 .98713.000 .5843.600! .181 4.2oo| 779I4.800 37615.400 220 • 603 1.206 221 .606 1. 211 1. 8081. 817 2.411 2.422! 3.014 3. 0281 3.6173.633: 4.2204.239 4.8224.844 5^425l5^450 222 223 .608 1.216 1.825 1 2.4532 3^04ii3 3^650,3 4 ■258,4 4.8664 5.4755 611 .222 224 225 1 226 227 228 .614 1.228 .833'!. 841;! 444 2^455,2 .0553.0693 .6663.683 277;4.296 .88814.910 49915.524 .6l6| .619! .2331.23811 .8491.858 1 ■4662.4772 0823.0963 229 230 231 ■6993^7>5 3I54^.335 9324^954 548l5^573 .622 .625 .2441.249; .866 1.874 1 .488 ^.499 11013.124 732[3-748 354l4^373 976I4.998 598:5.623 .627 1.255,1 1.882! 2.510|2 3^i37i3 3 ■765,3 4 392 5.020 5^647 263 ti; .718 .721 1.4361.441 2.154 2.162 2.87212.882 3.589I3.603 64307 7i5o25 85^743 5-765 96.461,6.486 264 265 I 266 4-324 5.044 23 -726 1.447 1.452, 2.170 2.178, ,2.893,2.904; '3.617,3.630 4-34014-356 5.o<)4:5.o83 5-78715-809 6.510,6.535 ■729 .732; ^734 1.458,1.463:1.469 2.187 2.!95'2.203 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 2.915 3^644 4^373 5.102 5^83i 6.560 2.9262.937 3.658,3.672 4.3894.4054.42214.439 ■737 ^740 1.474 1.480 2.2IIJ2.219 2.9482.959, 3.685,3.699 5.121 5^853 6.584 5.140 5-875 6.609 5.i59'5.i79 5.866 5.918 6.C34'6.658 •743 1.4851 2.228 2 2.970,2 3-7i3'3 4^455l4 5-i98;5 5-940,5 6.6836 •745 ^748 491 1.496 •236,2.244 .981 2.992 .7263.7403 .47214.4884, -2i75-236;5 .962I5.9846, 707:6.7326. 751 5021 25212 003:3 754,3 505,4 255 5 006 6 7576 ■753 •507 .260 •0143 ■767,3 ■5214 ■274I5 .02816 .781 16 756 512 268 025 759 •762 1.5181.523 2.2772.285 3.0363.047 78i!3-795 3^809 •537 4^554 4^570 •29415-313 5^332 .050 6. 072 '6. 094 .806 6. 8316. 855 .764 1.529 2.293 3.058 3.822 4.587 5-35' 6.116 6.880 .767' ■ 534' 302 2, ,0693. 8363. .630 .633 . 260 1 . 266 .891 1.899 521 2.532 1513-165 7813-797 4114.430 042 5.063 672 5,696 232 .636 1. 271 233 .638 1.277 1.907 [.915 2.5432.554 3.1783.192 3.8143.831 4-4504-469 5.0855.107 5.721,5.746 234 .641 1.282 235 .644 .288 '-923 1-932 2-565,2-576 3.2063.219 3-8473.863 4.4884.507 5.1295.151 5-7705-795 28S 283 284 . 285 286 287 603 370 138 905(6 77° 540 310 0803 8503 6204 •773 -545 -318 091 .863 389 160 929 •775 1.551 2.326 3-102: 3-8771 ,6364.653' 4095.428 .181 6.204 .954I6.979 ■778 ■781 1.556 1.562 2.3342.343 3. 1133. 124 3.89113.905 4.6694.685 5.4475.466 6.22516.247 7.1 03I7.028 .784 .786 '■5671.573 2.35';2.359 3.1353.146 3.9183.932 4.7024.718 5.4855.505 6.2696.291 7.0537.077 Days — 314 315 316 317 318 •t .860' .863! .866 .869 2 1.721 1.726 1.732 1.737 I 3'2.58i 2.589 2.598 2.606 2 4|3-44ii3-452|3-463,3-474 54-302!4.3>6,4. 3294-343 319 6!s.i62 76.023 86.883 97-743 5. 1795. 1955. 2! 6.042 6.061 6.080 6.9056.927 6.949 7.7687.7937.817 ,871 •743 614 4853 357 4 2285 099,6 9716 84217 .874 ■748 .622 .496 • 370 ,244 ,ii8;6 9927 866:7 320 321 •877; .753 i .63012 S073 322 384 261 138 014 891 • 83o • 759 • 639 ,5»8 3984 277(5 1576 036,7 916:7 323 .882 .7651 .64712 •5293 ,4114 2935 1766 058|7 94'I7 324 .885 • 770 ,655 5403 4254 3105 1956 0807 9657 .888 325 326 327 328 329 -776,1 891 781 I .663'2.672 2 5623 453 4 343 5 2346 1247. 0158. •551 439 326 214 102 990 893 786 .680 573 466 359 2536 146:7 0398 .896! .792:1 .68812 •584'3 ,4804 376:5 272 6 16817 064I8, ■899I •79711 .6962, 330 831 595 494 392 291 190 088 901 8031 70512 6063 SO74 4095 3106 212I7 ii3!8 • 904 .808 •713 .617 .521 •425 •329 •234 .138 832 333 334 335 336 337 • 907 • 814 ,721 ,6283 535^4 4425 3406 2567 1628 .910 , .8191 • 7292, 639'3- ■ 54814 • 458:S^ 3686. 2777- 187:8. 912 825 737 650 562 474 387 299 212 915 ,8301 ■7452 ,661 3 5764 491 5 4066 32i|7 2368 ,918: . ,8361. 754^2 • 672I3. 5894. 507;5. 425|6. 3437' 2618. 921 841 76: 683 603 524 445 365 286 338 339 •923 ,847 .770 ,694 •6i7|4 •540,5 .464 6 •33717 .3io!8 .926 .929 •85251.858 ,7782.787 704|3^7i5 ,631:4.644 ■ 5575^573 483:6.502 ■409'7-43l • 33518.360 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. CALCULATED AT ONE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. multiply by the rate per cent. 27 .0740 .1480 .2219 .2959 .3699 •4439 •5'79 .5918 .6658 28 29 .0767 •1534 .2302; .3069 •3836 .4603' •5370 .6138 .6905 0795 1589 2384 3178 3973 4768 5562 6357 7151 30 31 .0822 .1644 .2466 1 .3288 .4110 .4932 5754 .6576 ■7398 32 33 .085 .088 .170;. 1751 .255 .263' •340 -351: .425 .4381 .5101.526^ ■5951-614; .680! .701 •765' -789 .090 .181 271 34 35 36 37 38 .093 .096 .099, .180 .192 .197 .280 .288'. 296, •362:. 373. 384! •395; .452 .466.4801.493: ■543 -559 -575: -592 .6331 .652: .671 .691 ■723|-745 .767 -789 .714' .838 .863 .889 .101 .203 .304 .406 • 507 .608 .710 .8111 .912' .104 .208 .312 •417 .521 .625 • 729 .833 .017 39 .107 .214 .320 ■427 •534 .641 .748 •855 .962 40 I 41 .219 •329: •438! ■ 548 .658, •767' .877 .986 I .112 .225 •337 ■449 42 43 44 115 .118, 230 .236; 345 353 460 .471 5621 .S75| .589, 674 .691 .707I 786 .806 .8251 899 .921! .943 on 1.036 1.060 1 241 45 46 47 I 48 49 SO , 61 53 83 ,• 123 .126 247 ^252 362; .370 .378 4821 .493 .504 603 .616 .630; 723 •740, •756, 844' .8O3 .882 965J .9S6 1.008 I 08s 1. 1 10 1. 1 34 I .129| • 258! •386I •5'5, .644 •773 9011 .131 .263' •395 .5=6 •658, .7891 92ii I .>341 .269! •4031 •537 .671 .806 .940 • t.?7 ■274 .411. • 548 .685 .822 • 959 .030 1 .052 1 .074 1 .096 . isq i.iHi 1.208 1.233 .140 • 279 .419 ■55'» .*»/) .838 • 978i •'43 -•85! •427, •570 .7'2l •855: .997 '•o'7 7 1. 1 18 1. 140 1 . 162 8 1 .258 1 .282 1 .3079 .1451 • 2902 •4363 •5814 ■ 7265 .8716 80 81 .2ig .222 •438 ^4 .658! .666 .877 .888 1.0961.110 1.315J1.332 i^534i^554 1-754 '•776 1.973I1.9981 82 .225 •449 .674 .899 1.123 1.348 '•573 '•797 2.022 83 I 84 80 .227 .230 .455 .460 .682! .690 .9091 .921' 1.1371.151 I 1. 3651. 381 I i.592ji.6ii I 1.819 1.841 I 2.047 2.071 2 86 , 87 233 466 699 932 165 I 3971 6301 8631 oq6 2 .236 •471! •707 •943 .178 I .414 I .6491 .885|i .I2Ii2 88 238 .241 477j ^482 7x51 ^723 •954 .192 ■430 .669 .907 .145 90 .964 1.205 r.447 1. 68? 1.92 2.170 z .244 ,488 •732 ■975! 219 I 6- t 91 .247 •493 •740 .986I ■233;l 4801 •26 I 31 J. 02 .249 •499 ,748 ■ 997 ,247 .496 ■745 92 93 94 •252 •255: .5041 .510 .756 .7^4 1.008 1. 019 I 1.260 1.274I1 1. 51211.529 I 1. 765' 1. 784! I ,9942. 01712.039 2 ,244 2.2f>C)2. • -\2 .258 ■515 ■773 95 : 96 97 , 98 .260 .521! •781, ,03011.041 I .288J1.301 I ,545' I. 562 I ,80311.822 I ,0602.082 2 318 2.343 2 ■263I .5261 ■789! ,052 I ,3151 .5781 ,841 I . I04'2 367 2 . 266i 532] 7971 063 I 32911 595 I 860 126 10 99 ,268 , •537 ,805 , ,0741, 343 1' 611 I. 8801. 1482, 4172 100 101 271 .274 542| .548 814 .822| oSs'i.oge'i 356 1.370 r 628 1.644 I 899I1.918I1 170 2.192 2 441 2.4662 •277 •553 .830 102 ■ 279 ■550 .838 1071I. 118 ■384]' .397 .660.1.677 •937 '•95<' .2I4'2.236 .491 2.515 103 j 101 105 t .285 •.570 •855 1 1.140 11.425 II. 710 i!l-9f"5 .2S0 .282 •564 •847 1. 129 \ t.4iil: 1.693 1 1.976) 2.258;: 2.5402.565:2.5899 .288l( • 575'* .8633 1. 1514 '•4385 1.7266 2.0147 2 . 302 8 132 .362 •723 133 ,364 729 1.0851.093 1.447,1.458 1.808 1.822 2.i7o'2.i87 2.532:2.551 2.8932.915 3 .255I3.280 134 135 •367 •734i I.IOI.I 1.4691! 1. 836] I 2.203 2 2.57012 2^937i2 3-304I3 136 137 1 138 373 ^375 745! -751 118 1. 126 I .370 .740 .110 I .480 I 401 1.502.1 .849,i.S63|:.877i .219 2.236I2.252 2 .5892.6082.6282 .9592.981j3.0033 •329 3-354'3^378 3 •378 .756 .134 139 .381 .762 1. 143 140 141 .512,1.523 .89i|i.904j .269 2.285 .647 2.666 .025 3.0471 •4033.4281 .384 .767 1. 151 1.534 I 1. 918 I 2.302 2 2.685 2 3.0693 3-452:3 142 j 143 .386 •773 .1591 •545:1 • 932 I .3182 .7042 .091 3 477 3 .389 •778 , .167I1 .556 I •945 •334 •724 •"33 ■ 5023 2. 392 784 17S 567 959 351 7432 134 526 144 Ho 146 •3941 .789! .184 I •5781 •973 •367 .761 .156 •551 397 795 ■ 192 I. 5891, 9862. 38412. 781:2. 1783. ,576 3. 147 148 149 I ISO 151 152 I 153 164 400 800 200 I 600 1 0002 4002 800 2 2003 600 3 403 805J 2081 611 I 014 2 417 2 819 2 222 3 62513 406 .811 21711 622 I 028 2 4332 8392 2443 6503 ,408! ,8171 ,225-1 .6331 ,041 2 ,4502, ,8582, ,266 3, ,6743, 411 822 233I1 644 1 0552 466 2 8772 2S83 6993 .414 .827 ,241 ■655 I ,069 2 ,482 2 ,8962 .3:03 7243 ,416; ■833! ,2491 ,666.1 .082 2 49912 9152 3323 7483 .419 .838 , .258 I, .6771, .096)2 , .51512, •934,2, •354 3 •773 3 165 422 . 844 2661, 6881, no 2, 5322, 9542, 3763 7983. 156 157 $ 425 849 2741 6991 123 2 5482 9732 3983 822 3 ■427' 855' 282 I ,710 I '37,2 565I2 9923 4203 8473 •4.30 I .8602 .291 3 .7214 .151 5 .5816 .011 7 .4418 ■ 8729 184 185 .504] .507 1.008 1.014 1.512,1.521 2.017 2.028 2.521J2.534' 3.0253.041 3.5293.548 4.0334.0551 4 .538I4.562I 186 187 188 189 .5101 , I. 019 I 1.5291 2.039I2 2.548,2 3.o58'3 3^5683 4.077:4, 4.58714. 512: , 025 I, 537.1. 050 2 562 2. 074' 3. 5873. 0994, 611 4, 515! 030:1 545I1 060 2 5762 091 3 606:3 1214 6364 190 •SI*""! .0361 55411 072 2 •S89'2. .1073, •6253, • '43 4 .661 4. 101 192 520 041 1 562 I 082I2 6032, 1243 6443, 1654. 6854. .523: 0471 5701 0932 617 2 1403 6633 1S74 7104 193 I 194 .526 .052! I ■5781 .104 2 • 630 2 • 1563 .682 3 .2094 •735 4 •529 ^532 . 058 1 . 063 •5S6 1.595 .115 2.126 .644I2.658I .1733.189 .7023. 721 .231 4.252 -7594.784 195 196 I 197 • 534 ^537 1.069 1.074 1.603 i-6il 2.137 2.148 2.671 2.685, 3.2o6'3.222 3-7403-759 4.2744.296 4.8094.833 198 540 1.080 1 .619 2.1591 2.699 3-239' 3^778: 4.318 4.858 190 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 |t 543 085 I 628 I 170I2 '7'32 25513 ,7983 .340I4 ,8834 •5451 -548 .091 1.096 .636 1.644 .181 2.192 .7262.740 .272I3.288 81713.836 .3624.384 •9074-932 •551 I.IOI 1.652 2.203 2-754 3304 3-855 4-406 4-957 -5531 1.107 1.660 2.214' 2-767! 3-321 3-874 4.428 4.981 .556' 1. 112 1.669 2.225I 2.781 3-337 3-894! 4-450 5.006 •559 1. 118 1.677 2.2361 2.795 3 •354! 3^9'3 4.472 5.030 .562 1.123 1.685 .564! .5671 1. 1291. 134 1.693 '.702^ 2.247)2.258 2.2691 2.809] 3 -3701 3-932 4-494 5-055 2.822 3-387 3-95' 4.516 5.08c 2-836 3-403: 3 -970: 4-537; 5-104I -573 « '45!* -183 -y'U -570 I.i40|i. 1. 710 I. 2.28o|2. 2.850I2.863J5 3.42013.436:6 3.98914.0097 4-559'4-58i8 5. 129 5. 154 9 236 .647 -293 237 -649 .298 1.940 1. 94S 2-58712.598 3-2333-247 3.8803.896 4.5264.546 5-'73j5-i95 5 .S2o'5.844 238 2o9 240 241 .652 1.304 '-956 2.608 3.261 3^9'3 4^565 5.217 5-869 -655] . 1.31011 1.965 I 2.619 2, 3.2743. 3-929'3 4.584I4, 5-2395 5-8945. 658I . 315'. 9731. 6302, 2883. 9463. 6034. 261 5. 9185. 242 243 244 245 660 .663 321 1.326 9S1 1.989 641 2.652 3023.315 9623.978 622 4.641 i83 5-305! 9435-968 .6661 .669 '-332 1.337!' 1.997 2.006 2 2.663 2.674 2 3-329 3-343 3 3.995 4. on 4 4.661 4.6804 5.3275.3485 5.992 6.017 6 246 247 .671 .674 -3431-348I1 .014 2.022 2 .685 2.696 2 -35633703 . 028 4 . 044 4 -6994-7184 -3705-3925 042 6.066 6 .677 •354 030 248 249 250 680 359- 2.039 2 .7072.7182 3843.398I3 .061 4.0774 737 4-757 4 4'4 5-;36 5 .091 6.116 6 251 .682: .685 -3651-370 .0472.055 .729,2.740 4" 3-425I3 094l4.1io'4 ■776i4-795l4 458IS-4805 141,6. 1656 252 .688 -375! I ;.o63 2 -75'|2 ■439 3 |.I26|4 ,.8i4|4 ,502:5 1. 190 .690 .381 .071 .762 ■452 ■'43 ■833 -524 .214 I 253 -693 .386 .080 -773 3-466 4.159 852 545 6.23S 2.M 255 .(ffol .699 1-392,1-397 2.0S8 2.096 2.784,2.795 3.4803.493 4.176A.192 4.8724.891, 5.5685.590: 0.2646,288 256 257 .701, 1 . 402 1 2.104 2 805! 2 507,3 2094 9104 611 5 258 269 260 261 6.3136 704 .707 4081I.414 IIX 2.121 .817 2.828 52'!3-535 225:4.241 •9294-948 -63.3:5-655 .3386.362 .710 . '-4'9|i. 2.129:2. 2.8392, 3-5483, 4.2584, 4.9684, 5-6775 6.387,6, 7'2l .715 425 1.430 1372.145 8502.8614 562 3.576 J 2744.2916 9875.0067 6995.7218 4126.4369 288 ; 289 •789 .792 1.578 1.584 2 . 367 2 . 376 3. 1563. 167 3-946|3-959 4-735!4-75i 5.52415.543 6.3136.335 7.102 7.127 290 291 292 793' . 1.5891, 2.384,2, 3-i78!3 3-9733 4.7684. '5.5625. 6.3576. I7-1517. 797 5951 3922 1893 987,4 784I4 58i!5 3796 1767 ,800 ,600 ,400 ,2003 293 .000 .800 .601 .401 -201 17 803 .606 ,408 ,211 ,oi~ 817 620 423 225 294 295 296 297 .806 1.611 2.416I 3.222 t.028 4-833 5-639 6.444 7.250 .8o8| 1.617J1 2.4252 3-2333 4.041:4 4.8504 5^6585 6.4666 7.2757 ,8ii| .8141 ,622,1.6281 433j2.44i 2443^255 0554-069 866I4.882 6775.696 4886.510 2997.324 8'7 633 450 299 .819 1-639 2.458 300 301 302 ; 303 266 3.277 4.096 4.916 5-735 532:6.554 3497-373 083 899 716 .822 .825 1.644-1.64911 '2.466 2.474:2 3.2883.2993 4.1104.124 4 4.9324.9484 5.754 5^773 5 6.5766.5986 7.39817.4237 • 8271 .830: .655 1.660 ■482,2.491 .3.03.321 •'374^'5I, .965I4.981 .792 5.812 6206.642 4477.472 304 305 306 307 308 • 833 1.666 1 2.4992 3^337!3 4.165 4 4.9985 5^83i'5 6.6646 7^497 7 .836! .838 .671I1.677 .507:2.515 •343 3 • 354 . 17S 4. 192 .014 5.031 .8505.8O9 .680 6.708 .521 7.546 1 .841! 1.682 I 2.524,2 3 •3653 4.2o6|4 5^047:5 5.88815 6.729I6 7^57i:7 •844 .688 •532 .376 309 310 311 312 313 .847 1.693 2.540 3.386 .2204.233 .064J5.080 .90715.927 •75ii6^773 .5957.620 : .849 1.699 1 2.548:2 3-3983 4-247'4 5-0965 5-946.5 6.7956 7.645 7 ■852I .855 704:1.7101 5562.565! 40913.420! 2614. 2741 "35-1291 -9655-984: 17,6.839 .6697.694! .858 1-715 2-573 3-4304 4.2885 5-:46,6 6.003 7 6.8618 7199 340 341 •932 i.:^63[t 2.7952 3-7263 4.658)4 5.590|5 6.5216 7-4537 8.3848 -934 .869 .803 737 .672 606 342 U3 344 -937 1.8741 2. 811 3-748 4.685 5.622 54o|6. 560,6 475i7-497!7 40918.434,8 345 9401 .943 ,8801.885 ,8192.828 7593-770 6994-713 6395-655:5-672 5796.5986.617j 5187.541 7.562] 458,8.483,8.5081 .945 1.891 2.836; 3.781 4-727 346 347 .9481 .951 1.896,1.902 2.844 2.852 !3.792J3.8o3 I4.740I4.754: 5-688 5-705 6.636,6.655 7.5847.606 8.532.8.557 848 -953 -907 349 350 -956 .959 1.913 1. 918 2.8602.8692.877 3. 81413. 8253. 836 4.7684.781:4.795 5.72115.73815.754 6.6756.6946.713 7.6287.65017.672 8.581:8.606,8-631 351 .962 1.923 2.885 3-847 352 363 354 .964; .967 1-9291-934' 2.893 2.902 3-8583.869 4.8094.8224.836 5.770 5--,86 5.803; 6.732 6.751 6.77IJ 7.65417.7167.7381 8.65618.6808.7051 .970 .940 355 -973 -945 2.910 2.918 3.88o'3.8oil 4.850I4.863' 5.820:5.836 6.7906.809 7.7607.782 8.7308.754 3oti I 357 358 •975: '•95' 2.926 3^902 4.877 5^853 6.828 7.804 I8.779 .981 1.962 .978 1.956 2.9352.043 3^9i33---4 4.8914.905 5.8695.886 6.847:6.866, 7.8257.847 ,8.804 8.828 359 .984 1.967J 2.951 3 •935; 4.918 5902 6.886 7.869 .8^853 361 360 .986 '•973 2-959 3.946 4.9324.946: 5.918:5-935 6.905,6.924 7.8917.913 8.879,8.902 382 I 363 , 364 365 • -989 '-978 2-967 3-957 -9921 .995 1.9841-989' 2.976 2.984 3.9683.978 4-95914-973 5.951I5.968 6.94316.962 7-9357-957 8.9278.952 .997 1.000:1 1.995,2-000 2.992 3.000 3.989;4-ooo 4.987 5.000 5.984; 6.9827.000 7.9798.0008 8-976*9. 000,9 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. STERLING EXCHANGE TABLES. £ 1 a 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 lo II la >3 '4 IJ I6 17 i8 '9 20 31 22 »3 »4 25 26 38 2C 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4° 4' 42 43 44 45 4Ci 47 48i 49| 5«| 52 53 54 55 56 57 ^8 59 6o 6i 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 V 82 t cts o ou o 01 O ul o oil o 01! O 02| O 02! o 02! 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STERLING EXCHANGE TABLES.— Continued. 83 84 8S 86 "^i 88 89I 90, 9> 92, 93 94 9J 96 97 98 99 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 <)oo 1000 1 . 2 . 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 . 7 • 8 . 9- 10 . 11 . 12 . '3- <4- IS ■ 16. 'T- IS . 19. IcU o 23 o 23 o 24 o 24 o 24 O 24 o 25 o 25 o 25 26 26 26 •'7 27 »7 '7 28 28 56 83 II 39 67, 95j 22 I Pw. I Oi 61 61 e* 6i 2 50 2 78 9' 10 . 11 . • Ctl o 46 o 47 o 47 o 48 o 48 o 49 o 49 o 50; I CM. 368 89_ 373 33 377 Ti 382 Ji 386 67 391 II 305 56 400 OO' 404 44 408 89' 4>3 33' 4'7 78! 422 22{ 426 67 43< I' 435 56 J40 001 444 44 888 89' •333 33 '777 7S 2222 22 2666 67 31 1 1 II 3555 56 4000 00 4444 44 22 44 <>7 89 I II I 33 I ■i6 I 78 2 00 » 22 2 44 2 67 2 89 3 II 3 33 3 5<> 3 78 4 00 4 22 02| 04 oo: 07 09 II '3 >5 ° 17 18 1 20 t ctt 387 33 391 00 306 67 40' 33 406 00 410 67 415 33 420 00 424 67 4»9 33 434 00 43867 443 33 448 00 451 67 457 33 462 00 466 67 93 J 33 1400 00 1866 67 2333 33 2800 00 3266 67] 3733 33 4200 00 4666 67 O 02 O 04 O 06 O 08 o 10 • CU. 388 26 39« 93' 397 6'! 402 291 406 97 411 64, 4'6 32 421 00 42J 68 430 36] 435 03 439 72 444 39 449 07 443 75 458 42 463 ir 467 78 035 55 •403 33 1871 II 2338 89 2806 67 3274 44 374-! 4210 03 4677 78 o 23 o 47 o 7o| 94 1 17 I 40 I 64 1 87 2 II 34 57 81 94 28; 51; 74, 98 21! 44! • CU. 389 18 393 87 398 if> 403 24 407 93 412 62 4'7 3' 422 00 426 69 431 38 43O 07 440 76 445 44 450 '3 454 82 459 5' 454 20 468 8g 937 78J I406 67 1875 S6 2344 44 2813 33 3282 22 3751 " 4220 00 4688 89 o 23 o 47 70 94 '7 4' 64 88 II 34 • ctl. 390 10 394 80 399 50 404 20 408 90 413 60 418 30 423 00 427 70 432 40 437 'o 44' 80 446 50 45' 20 455 90 460 60 465 30 470 00 940 00 1410 00 1880 00 2350 00 2820 00 3290 OO 3760 00 4230 00 4700 00 • cts. 39' 02 39S 73 400 44 405 '5 409 86 4'4 57| 419 28 424 00 428 7' 433 42 438 '3 442 84 447 55 452 26 456 97 461 68 466 40 47' " 942 22 I4>3 33 1884 44 2355 55 2826 66 3297 77 3768 88 4240 00 47" " O 02 O 04 O 06 o 07 o 09 O II t CtS.j 39' 94 396 66 401 38 406 II 410 83^ 415 55 420 271 425 00, 429 72 434 44 439 '6 443 88 44861 453 33 458 05 462 77 467 50: 472 22 944 44 1 I416 66 1888 88. 2361 II 2833 33. 3305 55 3777 77! 4250 00 4722 22 o 23 o 47 o 70 94 1 18 I 41 65 88 12 36 59 83 06 30 O 02 O 04 O 06 o 07 o 09 O II 13 '5 '7 19 21 • CU 392 86 397 60 402 33 407 06 411 80 4'6 ."> 421 i 426 00| 430 73 435 46 440 20 444 93 449 66 454 *o 459 '3 463 86 468 60 473 33 946 66 1420 00 1893 33 2366 66 2840 00 33'3 33 3786 66 4260 00 4733 33 o 23 o 47 o 71 94 1 18 I 42 65 89 13 36 60 84 07 31 55 78 02 26 49 61 o 02 o 04 > cU. 393 78 398 53 403 27 409 02; 412 76: 4'7 51 422 25 427 00 43' 74i 436 48 44' 23! 445 97 450 72 455 46 460 21 464 95 469 70 474 44 948 88 '423 33 '897 77 2372 22 2846 66 3321 II 3795 55 4270 00 4744 44 O 02 O 04 O 06 07 09 II 13 15 17 19 21 t Cts. 394 7' 399 47 404 22 408 98 4' 3 73 418 49 423 24 428 00, 432 76 437 5' 442 27 447 02 45' 78 456 53 461 29 466 04 470 80 475 56 95' " 1426 67 1902 22 2377 78; 2853 33| 3328 89: 3804 44 4280 00 4755 56 Ik 7» o o o o I I I 66 I cts 395 63 400 40 405 '7 409 93 414 70 4'9 47 424 23 429 00 433 77 438 53 443 30 448 07 452 83 457 60 462 37 467 13 471 90 476 67 953 33 1430 00 1906 67 2383 33 2860 00 3336 67 3813 33 4290 00 4766 67 o 02 o 04 o 06 o 08 o 10 I cts 396 56 40' 33 406 II 410 89 415 67 420 44 425 22 430 00 434 78 439 56 444 33 449 " 453 89 458 67 463 44 468 22 473 00 477 78 955 56 '433 33 1911 II 2388 89 2866 67 3344 44 3822 22 4300 00 4777 78 7» O 02 O 04 O 06 O 08 O 10 O 12 O 14 O 16 O 18 O 20 O 22 • Cts 397 48 402 27 407 06 4" 84 416 63 421 42 426 21 43' 00 435 79 440 58 445 37 450 16 454 94 459 73 464 52 469 31 474 'O 478 89 957 78j 1436 67j '9'5 56 2394 44 i 2873 33 3352 221 3**3' "I 4^10 00 4788 89 o 24 o 48 72 096 1 20 8 8i t cts 398 40 403 20 408 00 412 80 417 60 422 40 427 20 432 00 43680 44' 60 446 40 45' 20 456 00 460 80 465 60 470 40 475 20 480 00 960 OOj 1440 00 1920 00 2400 00 2880 00 3360 00 3840 00 4320 00 4800 00 o 24 o 48 o 72 96 1 20 44 681 92 15 39 63 87 II 35 59 83 07 31 55 O 02 O 04 O 06 O 08 O 10 O 12 O 14 O 16 O 18 o 20 O 22 • Cts. 399 32 404 '3 408 94 413 76 4'8 57 423 38 428 19 433 00 437 81 442 62 447 43 452 23 457 06 461 87 466 68 47' 49 476 30 481 II 962 22 1443 33 1924 44 2405 56 2886 67 336778 3848 8g 4330 00 4811 II 24 48 72 96 20 44 68 92 16 4' 65 89 '3 37 61 85 09 33 57 o 02 o 04 o 06 o 08 o 10 o o o 12 14 16 18 20 22 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 75 STERLING EXCHANGE TAELES.- CoHtinutd. Bi 81 9 0* • ct> 0} « ct.. 91 • ctl 10 • cts lOi 104 101 11 11} in HI la 12} 124 c • cts. • cts • ctt lets • Cts • cts • cts I ctsi • CIS • ctl. • cts. • ci» • ctl. 400 24 401 17 402 09 403 01 403 93 404 86 405 78, 406 70 407 62 408 54 409 47 4'0 39I 4" 3> 412 23 413 16 414 o8| 415 00 »3 405 07 406 00 406 93 407 87 408 80 409 73 410 67 411 60 4«2 53 4'3 47 4'4 40 4'5 33 416 27 4«7 20| 418 .3 419 071 420 00 84 409 89 410 83 4" 78: 412 72 413 67 414 611 4 '3 56 416 50 4»7 44: 4'8 39 4'9 3.. 420 28 421 22 422 I7| 423 " 424 06 423 00 85 4'4 7« 415 67 416 62, 417 58 418 53 4«9 49: 420 44> 421 40 422 36! 423 3' 424 27J 425 22 426 18 427 «3| 428 09 429 04 1 430 00 86 87 4>9 53 420 50 42' 47, 422 43 423 40i 424 37i 425 33 426 30 427 27 428 23 429 20 430 17, 43« «3 432 lOi 433 07 434 03' 435 00 424 36 4»5 33 426 31 427 29 428 27i 429 24 430 22: 43' 20 432 18 413 '6| 434 '3 435 "1 436 09 437 07; 43804 439 02 440 00 88 80 ,29 18 430 17 431 16 432 14 433 '3 434 «2 435 " 436 10 437 09 4.)8 o8| 439 07 440 06 44 « 04 442 03, 443 02 444 0' 445 OO] *Hf 435 00 436 00 437 00 438 00 439 00 440 00; 441 00 442 00 443 00 444 00 445 00; 44b 00 447 00 448 00 449 00 450 00, 90 438 82 439 83 440 84 44' 86 442 87; 443 88 444 89! 445 90 446 911 447 92 448 91 449 94 450 96 45' 97; 452 98 453 99 455 00' 91 443 64 444 67 445 69 446 71 447 73 448 76 449 78 450 80 451 82! 452 84 453 871 454 89 455 91 456 93 457 96 458 98 460 00 92 448 47 449 50 450 53 451 57 452 60, 453 63 454 67 455 70 456 73 '57 77 4j8 80 459 83 460 87 461 90; 462 93 463 97 465 00 93 453 29 454 33 455 38 456 42 457 47 458 5'. 459 56 460 60 461 64 -62 69 463 73 464 78 465 82 466 871 467 91 468 96 470 00 94 458 II 159 17 460 22 461 28 462 33 463 39 464 44 1 465 50 466 56 .,67 61 4b8 67 469 72 470 78 47' «3 472 89 473 94 475 00 95 462 93 464 00 465 07 466 13; 467 20 468 27 469 33 470 40 47' 47: 472 53 473 60 474 67 475 73 47680 477 87 478 93 480 00 96 467 76 46883 469 9: 470 99 472 07! 473 14! 474 22, 475 30 476 38 477 46 478 53 479 61 480 69 481 77: 482 84 483 92 48500 97 472 58 473 67 474 76 475 84 476 93 478 02 479 I'l 4S0 20 481 29 482 38 483 47 484 56 4S5 64 486 73I 487 82 488 91 490 00 98 477 40 478 50 479 60 480 70 481 80 482 90 484 00; 485 10 486 20 487 30 488 40 489 50 490 60 49' 70 492 80 493 90 495 00 99 482 22 483 33 484 44 485 56 486 67 487 78 488 89! 400 00 491 II 492 22 493 33 494 441 495 56 496 67 497 78 498 8y 500 00 luo 964 44 96667 968 89 971 II 973 3 975 56 977 78; 980 00 982 22j 984 44 986 67 988 89I 99' " 993 33 995 56 997 78 1000 00 200 1446 67 145° 00 1453 33 1456 67 146a ou 1463 33 1466 67 1470 00 '473 33 1476 67 1480 00 1483 33 i486 67 1490 00 '493 33 1496 67 1300 00 300 1928 89 «933 32 1937 7** 1942 22 1946 67 1951 III '955 56 i960 00 1964 44I 1968 89 1973 33 1977 78 1982 22 1986 67 1991 u 1995 56 2000 00 400 24II II 2416 67 2422 22 2427 78 2433 3I 2438 89 2444 44 2450 00 2455 56| 2461 II 2466 67 2472 22 2477 78 2483 33 2488 80 2494 44 -500 00 500 2893 33 2900 00 2906 67 2913 33 2920 00 2926 67 2933 33 2940 00 2946 67 2953 33 2960 00 2966 67 2973 33 2980 00, 2986 67 2993 33 3000 00 600 3375 56 3383 333391 II 3398 89| 3406 67 3414 44 3422 22I 3430 00 3437 78 3445 56 3453 33 346' " 3468 89 3476 67 3-, 84 44 3492 22 3500 00 700 3857 78 3866 67'3875 56 3884 44 3893 33, 3902 221 39" I'i 3920 00 39:8 89 3937 78 3946 67 3955 56^ 3964 44 3973 33' 39'>2 22 3991 II 4000 00 800 4340 00 4350 00 4360 00 4370 00; 4380 00' 4^90 00 4400 00 4410 00! 4420 00 4430 00 4440 OOi 4450 00, 4460 00 4470 00 4480 00 4490 00 4500 00 900 4822 22 4833 33 4844 44 4855 56 486667 4877 78 4888 89 4900 00 4911 11: 4922 22 4933 33 4944 44| 1 4955 56 496667 4977 -S 498889 5000 <» ioor> 24 24 24 024 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 S. 1 48 48 48 49I 49 491 49 49 49 49 49 049 50 50 so 50 50 2 07a 72 73 73 73i 73 73 074 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 3 96 97 97 97 97! 98 98 98 98 98; 09 099 99 99 I 00 I 00 I 00 4 I 21 I 21 t 21 I 21 I 22I I 22 I 22 I 23 I 23 I 23 I 23 I 24 I 24 I 24 I 24 I 25 ' 25 5 I 45| I 45 I 45 146 I 46: I 46 I 47 ' 47 I 47 1 48 I 48 148 I 49 » 49 t 49 I 50 I 50 b I 69 I 69 I 70 I 70 I 70I I 71 I 7« I 72 I 72 I 72 ' 73 ' 73 » 73 I 74 ' 74 I 75 ' 75 I I 93 I 93 I 94 I 94 J 951 « 95 I 96 I 96 I 96 I 97 I 98 I 98 I 98 I 99 ' 99 2 00 2 00 2 17 2 17 2 18 2 18 2 19 2 19 2 20 2 21 2 21 2 22 2 22 2 23 2 23 2 24 2 24 2 25 2 25 9 X 41 2 42 2 42 a 43 2 431 2 44 2 44 2 45 246 2 46 2 47 2 47 2 48 2 48 2 49 250 2 50 10 363 2 66 2 66 267 2 681 2 68 2 69 2 69 2 70 2 71 2 71 2 72 2 73 2 73 2 74 2 74 2 75 II 289 2 90 2 91 2 91 2 02 2 93 2 93 2 94 2 95 2 95 296 2 97 2 97 2 98 2 99 2 99 3 00 12 3 »3 3 14 3 15 3 '6 3 3 17 3 '8 3 '9 3 "9 3 20 3 21 3 21 3 22 3 ^1 3 24 3 24 3 25 '3 3 3« 338 3 39 3 40 3 41. 3 41 3 42 3 43 368 1 3 44 3 45 3 45 3 46 3 47 3 48 348 3 49 3 50 '4 362 362 363 364 3 65I 3 66 367 1 368 369 3 70 3 7' 3 72 3 73 3 73 3 74 3 75 »5 386 387 3 88 388 3 89 3 90 4 14' 4 15 3 91 3 92 3 93 3 94 3 95 396 396 3 97 3 98 3 9 06 at > 06 06 of 06 oe 06 06 ot o£ oo< oe oe > oe 06 3 o8| 081 oi ) oe oS 08 08 oJ 08 08 oS 08 oi ot oi 008 ot 4 lol I( > i( > IC IC 10 10 IC > 10 10 IC 10 IC > IC IC > IC » 10, 5 12' li I I I u 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 li 12 la li ( 13 6 14 01^ \ I ( n i 14 14 14 14 14 14; 14 14 n 14 I! > '! > ° '5 2 16 I( 3 I i t( > iC > l( > le 1 iC > 16 16 16 i(i I- 15 i; f i; r 17 8 18 01 i I i l! i lE i iS i i£ ! ° '^ > 18 18 18 ig I. > 15 1 IC > IC ) 19 9 20 2 } 02 3 2< } 2( > 2C > 2C > 2C ) 2C 21 21 21 2 21 2 J 2 10 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 1 2S t 22 2; t 22 23 23I 23 2. )| 2; 1 2. } 2, ij 231 " 76 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLA& THE MEASUREMENT OF TIMBER OR SCANTLING. HoAi»Ti.n»o, or Timber for huilJinv, i« Kild by the iqiiare foot of inchboar.l meiuurr. ThuN a cubic fi><)t of tcantlini;. which ii a foot wiile, ■ foot thick. aDer of feet, and the remainder, if any, i« the oddinchee. 3i« inches and orer are usually reckoned ae an extra foot. In meaauring the len^jth of a piece of timber the lumberman oounU evrii f-.-t only. Unleea the len^fth la full ten inche< or more over an even numt"T of feet, the excew i« not counted ; but ten inchea over are ct)unted aa afuU foot. In niarltirifr the ountenta of a piece of timlior wlien it runa over meaaure. the lumberman aaually pl»ci-a a mark at the a| ' where the meaauroment enda. The marki are niaile on one end of the atirk with K'lman capital letter* inatea foot, 223 feet are the cintenta of the atick. CONTENTS IN SQUARE FKET (Ischboabd Mkasdu) OK TIMBER OR SCANTLING USED FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. ht -^i 'J «J»J -1 «l»l — j: >.x >,js ^ i=C iT> i 2 j 2 "i SJ • •' >, j: >. X '^ .= --J «l -1 ^J «J ..l'2j-i;aj ^ M * ji >, u >, c K u J ti .a V ^ o •^1 . 27.6 !30. 9. 12. 15. 18. 21. 24. 27. 30. 33. 136. 16. 20. 13 4.4 RH 8.8 10.10 13. 1.5.2 17.4 19.6 21.8 23.1013.7 16.3 19. 21.8 24.5 27.1 29.10 32.6 9.9 13. 16.3 19.6 22.9 26. 29.3 32.6 36.9 39. 17.4 21.8 14 4.8 7. 9.4 11.8 14. 16.4 18.8 21. 23.4 25.8 14.7 X7.6 20.5 at.4 126.3 29.2 .32.1 .3,5. 10.6 14. 17.6 21. 24.6 28. 31.6 3.5. 38.6 l42. 18.8 23.4 I!, 6. 7.6 10. 12.6 15. 17.6 20. 22.6 2.5. 127.6 15.8 18.9 21.11 25. j28.2 3X.3 ,34.4 37.6 X13 15. 18.9 22.6 26.3 30. 33.9 37.6 41.3 '45. 20. 25. IB 5 4 8. 10.8 X3.4 1& 18.8 21.4 24. 26.8 29.4 16.8 20. 23.4 26.8 .30. :w.4 .36.8 40. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28. 32. 36. 40. 44. 48. 21.4 26.8 17 6.8 8.6 11.4 14.2 X7. 19.10 22.8 2.5.6 28.4 !n.2 17.9 21.3 24.10 28.4 31.11 ,35.5 .39. 42.6 12.9 17. 21.3 25.6 29.9 34. 38.3 42.6 46.9 51. 22.8 28.4 18 6. 9. 12. 1,5. X8. 21. 24. 27. ;». |.B. il8.9 22.6 26.3 M. 3t.9 37.6 41.S 45. 13.6 18. 22.6 27. 31.6 36. 40.6 45. 49.6 54. 24. 30. 19: 6.4 9.6 X2.8 1.5. XO 19. 22.2 2.5.4 28.6 31.8 :34.X0 19.10 2.3.9 27.9 .31.8 ;j.5.8 39.7 43.7 47.6 14.3 19. 23.9 28.6 33.3 38. 42.9 47.6 62.3 57. 3S.4 31.8 20 6.8 10. 13.4 xr;.8 20. 23.4 26.8 M. 33.4 136.8 20.10 2.5. 29.2 ;«».4 37.ti 41.8 4.5.10 50. 1.5. 20. 2.5. 30. 35. 40. 45. 60. 55. 60. 26.8 33.4 21 7. 10.6 14. 1'.6 21. 24.6 28. 31.6 •«. 138 6 21.11 2.; :) .30.8 .^5. 39,5 43.9 48.2 ,52.6 15.9 21. 26.3 31.6 36.9 42. 47.3 62.6 57.9 63. 28. 35. 22 7.4 11. 14.8 111.4 22. 25.8 29.4 3;}. )6,8 ;40.4 22.XX -7 *• ;e.i ;«,8 41.3 45,10 .50.5 .5.5. 16.6 22. 27.6 3.3. 38.6 44. 49.6 55. 00.6 66. 29.4 36.6 23 7.8 XI. 6 15.4 1&.2 23. 26.10 30.8 34.6 38.4 42.2 24. 28.9 :o.7 a».i 4.3.2 47.11 .52.9 .57.6 17.3 23. 28.9 34.6 40.3 46. 51.9 67.6 63.3 69. 30.8 38.4 24 8. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28. 32. :«. 40. |44. 25. 30. x>. 40. 4,5. .50. .55, 60. 18. 24. ;«). 36. 42. 48. 54. 60. Co. 72. .32. 40. 2.5 8.4 12.6 16.8 20.10 25. 29.2 J8.4 37.6 41.8 45.10 26.1 31.8 ,36.6 41.8 46.11 .52.1 .57.4 62.6 18.9 25. 31.3 37.6 43.9 ,50. 56.3 62.6 68.9 75. ,33.4 41.8 26; 8.8 13. 17.4 21.8 j26. 30.4 34.8 39. 43.4 47.8 ,27.1 32.6 !J7.11 4,3.4 48.9 54.2 .59.7 6.5. 19.6 26. .32.6 39. 45.6 52. .58.6 66. 71.6 78. 34.8 43.4 27 9. 13.6 18. 22.6 27. .U.6 36. 140.6 45. 49.6 28.2 .i.X9 ,39.5 4.5. ,50.8 56.3 61.11 67.6 20.3 27. 33.9 40.6 47.3 64. 60.9 67.6 74.3 81. 36. 45. 28 9.4 14. .8.8 23.4 28. I 32.8 ir.4 42. 16.8 51.4 129.2 ;«. 40.10 46.8 ,52.6 .58.4 64.2 70. 21. 28. 36. 42. 49. 56. 63. 70. 77. 84. 37.4 46.8 29 9.8 14.6 19.4 1 24.2 29. A*. 10 38.8 ;43.6 1 18.4 53.2 '30.3 :«.3 4.3.4 48.4 .54 5 60.5 66.6 72.6 21.9 *». 36.3 43.6 50.9 58. 66.3 72.6 79.9 87. .38.8 48.4 :«)X0. 15. 20. 12.5. :V). ! «. 40. 45. i.50. 5.5. 31.3 37.6 43.9 50. ,56.3 62.6 68.9 75. 22.»= 30. 37.6 4.5. .52.6 60. 67.6 76. 82.6 90. 40. 6a l|»^ V a ■' 2 * Z^ «. ^ « lift ® «i -J '« 1 » £ 2 S ^ X :" J= l.,|c« Jr-|« Jo JccJ -1 := s2 S.S gSJ s >,xi>,x ^ js t^ja », U >, U ; », U t >^ u >, O >t u XI i: S, B B m* * .* V ' * to t. [t- |t- .00 00 C> 0» .9> M ,-t ;,H rH 'Ft In. Ft In. Ft. In. Ft In Ft In.;F«. ln.;Ft. Is. Ft In Ft In. Ft In. Ft In Ft. -x Ft In Ft la Ft In. Ft In Ft In Ft In. Ft In. Ft In. Ft In. Ft In. Ft In. Ft In. Ft In Ifi In. Ft In. Ft In. Ft Is. Ft la. 1 2. 2.4 2.8 3. 3.4 3.8 4. 2.1 2.6 2.X1 3.4 3.i 4.2 3. 3.6 4. 4.^ 4.8! 6.31 5.4 a 6.S 6.9, 7.6 a3i a4 9.2 la laij 11. 2 4. 4.8 6.4 6. 6.8 7.4 8. 4.2 6. 5.11 6.i 7.6, 8.4 6. 7. 8. 8.- 9.4 laei 108 12. 1.3.4 13.0! 15. 1 16.6i 16.8 ia4 20. 20.2' 22. S 6. 7. 8. 9. la 11. 12. 6.3 7.6 8.9 la 11.3 12.6' 9. lae 12. 12.31 14. 16. 9i la la 20. 20.3 22.6! 24.8 2.5. 27.6 .30. 30.3 ;a 4, 8. 9.4 10.8 12. 13.4 14.8 16. S.4 xa 11.8 13.4 15. 1 16.812. 14. 16. 16.4! las 21. 21.4 24. 26.8 27. 1 30. 1 33. .^3.4 m.» 40. 40.4 44. 5110. 11.8 13.4 1.5. 16.8 18.4 20. ia5 X2.6 14.7 16.8 18.9 20. 115. 17.6 20. 20.5 23.4 26.3 26.8 M. .^3.4 33.9, 37.6' 41.3 41.8 45. 50. 60.5 56. e 12. 14. 1& 18. 20. 22. 24. 12.6 15. 17.6 20. 22.6 25. 18. 21. 24. 24.6 28. 31.6 32. 36. 4a 40.6 45. 1 49.6 ,50. 55. 60. 60.6 66. 7 14. 16.4 18.8 21. 23.4 25.8 28. 14.7 X7.6 20.5 23.4 26.3 29.2,21. 24.6 28. 28.7 32.8 :J6.9: 37.4 42. 46.8 47.3 62.6 5" -> .58.4 64.2 7a 7a7 77. fl 16. 18.8 2X.4 24, 26.8 29.4 32. 16.8 20. 23.4 26.8 30. 1 33.4 24. 28. .32. .32.8 37.4 42. 42.8 4a 6.3.4 .54. 60. 1 66. 66.8 73.4 80. 80.8 88. S 18. 21. '24. 27. 30. 33. 36. 18.9 22.6 26.3 30. 33.9 37.6 27. 31.6 36. .36.9 42. 47.3! 48. 64. 60. 60.9 67.61 74.3 75. 82.6 90. 90.9 99. 1(1 20. 23A 26.8 30. ;«.4 36.8 4a 20.1025. 29.2 ;«.4 37.6 41.8 30. .35. 40. 41. 46.8 52.6 53.4 60. 66.8 67.6 7.5. 82.6 k;«.4 91.8 100. 101. Iia 11 22. 28.8 29.4 33. 36.8 4a4 44. 22.11 27.6 132.1 36.8 41.3 46. 33. .38.6 44. 4,5. 61.4 57.9, 58.8 66. 73.4 74.3 82.6' 90.9 91.8 101. iia 111. 121. 12 24. 28. 132. 36. 4a 44. 48. 25. 30. 35. 4a 45. 50. 36. 42. 48. 49. 56. 63. 64. 72. 80. 81. 90. 1 99. 100. iia 120. 121. i;k2. 13 26. 30.4 J34.8 39. 43.4 47.8 52. 27.1 32.6 37.11 43.4 48.9 54.2 39. 4.5.6 52. 53.1 60.8 68.3! 69.4 78. 86.8 87.9 97.6 107.3 108.4 119.2 i;m). 1.31.1 143. 14 28. 32.8 37.4 42. 46.8 51.4 56. 29.2 35. 40.10 46.8 52.6 58.4 42. 49. .56. ,57.2 65.4 73.6] 74.8 84. 93.4 94.6105. 115.6 116.8 128.4 14a 141.2 1,54. 16 30. 35. 40. 45. .50. 65. 60. 31.3 37.6 43.9 5a 56.3 62.6 45. 62.6 60. 61.3 7a 7a9 80. 90. 100. 101.3112.6 123." 125. 1.37.6 1.50. 1.51.3 165. 16 :«. 37.4 42.8 4a 5.3.4 58.8 64. 33.4 4a 46.8 53.4 60. 1 6G.8 48. 66. 64. 6,5.4 74.81 84. i 85.4 96. 106.8 lOa |l2a 1X32. iX33.4 146.8 16a 161.4 176. 17 34. 89.8 45.4 61. .56.8, 62.4 68. 35.5 42.6 49.7 56.8 63.9, 71. 5L 59i6 68. 695 79.41 89.3 90.8102. 113.4 114.9 127.6 14a3 141.8 1,56. 17a 171.5 187. 18 36. 42. 48. 54. 60. 66. 72. 37.6 45. 52.6 60. 67.6! 76. 54. &i. 72. 7.3.6 84. 1 94.B 96. 1108. 120. 121.6135. iHaeisa 165. 180. 181.6 198. 19 38. 44.4 50.8 67. 63.4 69.8 76. 39.7 47.6 55.6 63.4 71.3 79.2,57. 66.6 76. 77.7 88.8 99.9101.4114. 126.8 12a3 14^6 156.9 158.4 174.2190. 191.7 209. 20 40. 46.8 63.4 60. 66.8; 73.4 80. 41.8 50. 58.4 66.8 76. 83.4'60. 7a 80. 81.8 93.4105. 106.8120. 133.4135. IPO. |165. |1B0.8 183.4200. 201.8 2aa 21 42. 49. 166. 63. 7a 1 77. 84. 43.9 ,52.6 61.3 70. 78.9 87.6 63. 7.3.6 84. a5.9 98. lias 112. 1126. 14a 141.9 157.6 173.3 17.5. 192.6 2ia 211.9 231. 22 44. 61.4 '58.8 66. 73.41 80.8 88. 45.10 56. 64.2 73.4 82.6 91.8 66. 77. 8a 90. 102.8115.6117.4132. 146.8 14.S.6 16.5. 181.6183.4 201.8 220. 222. 242. 23 46. 53.8 161.4 69. 76.8, 84.4 92. 47. IX 57.6 67.1 76.8 86.3 96. 69. 80.6 92. 94. 107.4 12a9 122.8,138. 153.4 15.5.3172.6189.9191.8 211. 1230. 2.32. 2.5.3. 24 48. X. 164. 72. 80. 1 88. 96. 50. 60. 7a 80. 90. 100. 72. 84. 96, 98 112. 1126. 128. 1144. 160. 162. ]180. 198. 200. 220. I24a 242. 264. 25 50. .58.4 66.8 75. 83.41 91.8100. .52.1 B2.6 72.11 83.4 93.9 104.2 76. 87.6 XOO. 102.1 1X6.8 X3X.3133.4!l50. 16»).8.1B8.9 1S7.6 206.3 208.4 229.2,250. 2.52.1 275. 26 52. 60.8 69.4 78. 86.8 9.5.4 104. 54.2 65. 75.10 86.8 97.6 108.4l7a 9X. 104. 106.2 121.4136.6138.8156. 173.4117.5.6 195. 214.6 216.8 238.4 260. 262.2 286. 27 M. 33. re. 81. 90. I 99. jl08. 56.3 67.6 78.9 90. 101.3 112.6 81. 94.6 loa lias 12a 1141.9144. il62. 180. 1182.3 202.6 222.9 225. 247.6 27a 272.3 297. 28 K. ».4 74.8 M. 93.4 102.8112. 58.4 ra I8X.8 93.4 105. 116.8 84. 98. 112, 114.4 130.81X47. X49.1il68. I«6.8:i89. j2ia 231. 2:«.4 256.8 280. 282.4 .308. 29 58. 67.8 77.4 87. 96.8 106.4 116. 60.5 72.6 '84.7 96.8 108.9121. 87. 101.6 XX6. iia5 136.4 1.52.3154.8174. 193.41195.9 217.6 239.3 241.8 26a 290. 292.5 319. 30C0. 1 7a 180. 1 tfU. 100. ilia 120. 62.6 76. 87.6 100. 112.6125. 90. 1 106. 120. 122.6'14a 1167.6 160. 1180. 200. 1202.6122.5. 247.6 250. 275. 300. 302.6 330. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 77 CUBIC MEASUREMENT OF TIMBER. SOLID OONTENTd IN CUBIC FEET 0¥ HEWN TIMBER 0» VARIOUS LENOTHS AND TrillCKMKB^ra. i- i s .5 .s .9 .i s a » i 3> o 1 « 9> 9 1 ^ a i 9 i at 10 in. 11 in. .i i\A 3 S 2 .3 .S:.S .i i .3 .i 3 313 3 3:2 .i i\ 3 a .d #4 .i .i 2 i i a s i a ti- ^> ^ .& 5- ^ ^ ^ S" .& 5" .& ^ ^ & ^ f? 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TABLE TO SHOW NUMBER OF DAYS NoTB — Th« flfurM in left-haod colnmni giv* ibe number of days to any given data in the following yaar. «1 a w lANUARY 10 U iT « M n 355 35Q 3l353 358 363 348; 35i 357 36' 347 351 35^36 346 345 344 343 342 34' 340 339 28338 29337 30336 3501355' 360: 365 349 354 359 364 348 353j35« i''S 347 352 3571362 346351356136' 345350355360 29 28 »7 26 »5 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 «7 16 FEBRUARY. 35 40; 45 34 39 44 a 38 43 4» 4' 32i 37 3' I 36 30' 35 •'9| 34 33 3» 3' 30 35 29 34 28 33 27 32 26 31 20 25 30 35! 40 19 24 18! 23 17 22 161 21 365 .si 344349354359364 343.148353358363 3' 335 I 334 2,333 3332 4i33i J42i347,352 341 346 351 340345350 339344:349 338 337 336 335 334 343 348 342 347 346 341 340 357 356 355 354 345 6,329 333 7 328 332 8 327 33' 9.326 330 'o 325 329 "324 "323 13I322 141321 15I320 16319 I7!3i8 18 317 19316 20315 328 327 226 325 324 323 322 321 320 319! 339 344 338343 3371342 336134' 335i340 334|339 333;338 332,337 331336 330:335 329,334 328333 327,332 326,331 325:330 324329 314 3'3 312 3" 310 3i8;323i328 26,309 271 308 28|307| 317 316 3'5 314 322 321 320 319 327 326 325 324 „i 353 352 351 350 349 362 361 360J65I 50 55' 491 54' 57 48I 53 56 47 52 55 461 5'! 54 45' 50! 53 44! *% 52 43; 48i 5. 42 471 50 4'I 46; 49 40, 45] 48 39 44 38 43 37| 42 36, 4' 341 .19 33 38 32 37 31 36 loj 15 20 25 30 35 38 14 19 24' 29 34 37 h 10 MARCH IB^iOM N n 63' 68' 62' 67 61 66 60 65 39| 64 57t 62 73 78 83 72 77 82 71 76 81 75 80 69 74i 79 49 54' 43 42 4« 4° 39 44 359364 358 357; 356 355 354 365 3631364 362 363 353 352 351 345I350 344,349 361 360 359 358 357 '3 '8 23 121 17 ti 16 10: 15 9] 14 8 13 12 II 362 361 360365 359 35S 356357 355356 3541355 343J348 353|354 359 364 4! 342347352,353358363 X 341346351,352357,362 340345 3.50351 356:361 339 344,349,350 355,360,365 338 343; 3371342 336;34i| 335340 3341339' 348; 349 347' 348 346j347 345346 3441345 333'338 343,344 349 354 350 332 3.17 342i343 33'i336,.34i|342 28 33 27| 32 26 3' 25 30 24 29 36| 3 34 23 28 31 30 22' 27 21 26 15 20 25 I 9 14J I9i 24 8 13! 18 23 17 22 29 28 364 363 362 J6l 360; 365 II l6j 21 10 15! 20 9; 14, 19 8j 13 18 7 '2, 17 6! 11: 16 5I «o; 15 354359364 353,358363 352,357,36- 3511356,361 350;355j36o 330,335:340 3293341339 34' 340 3481353:358 347 3521357 346,351 356 345 350 355 365 33 32 3' 30 24| 29 364 363 362 361 3601 365 344 .1493541359364 3i3i3'8 323 328,333 338;339 312 3'7:322 327 332,337,338 343 348 353 358 363 3ii|3i6j32i 3263311336 337|342,347|352|357,362 28 68 73 67, 72 66, 71 65; 70 64 69 63 68 73 62 67 72 61 66 60 65 59 64 58 63 57 62 56 61 55; 60 54 59 53! 58 52| 57 51J 56 50, 55 49 54 38 48 53| 58 47: 521 57 46; 511 56 55 45 50 44 49 43 48 32 37 31 36 30J 35 29 34 28 33 22 27 21 26 20' 25 ly 24 18 23 32 3' 30 29 28 33 54 53 89 M 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 APRIL 16 U ^ ao « w 94: 93 92| 9« 90, 99 104 98,103 97102, 96 95 77 82 76 81 75 74 73 72 71 70 68 69 67I 68 66 67 65 66 64' 65 63 64 62I 63 61 60 59 58. 59 I 18! 23 28 f 17; 22; i6| 21! 13 80 75 lOI: 100' 109 114 108113 I07!lI2 io6jiii 105 no 79! 84 78 83 77I 82 76, 81 75 80 64 54 59 52 51 50 49 48 49 69 48 46 45 44 27 32 26 31 25 30 104J109 103^108 I02{i07 1011106 100I105 99 '04 98,103 97i'02 96:101 95' 100 - ' I i I I ^ 1191124 129 134 '39;i44 «49 '50I155 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 149 154 117 122 127 132 137 142 147 148 153 116 121 126 131 136 I4I 146 147 152 115 120 l2j'i3o I33'i40 I45'l46|l5r 74 63 62 61 60 59 64 84 83 82 81 80 85 79 33 38 321 37 3'| 36 84 MAY • u u to w M n 1141119 124129 134 139I144 145 150 118 123 128 133 138,1431144 149 117 122 127 132 137,1421143 148 116 121,126 131 136,141 142 147 "3 112 III Iia|ii5 120.125 130' 135 109I114 119 124 129 134 108 113 118 123 128 133 107 112117 122 127 132 06 111J116 121 126 131 05 110I115 120 125 130' '40|'4' 104 109 114 119 124 108 113^118 123 107 106 105 139 140 138 ty> '37 '38 136,137 '42 '351 '3* '4' 12913413 128:1331 127 132JI3 126 131 13 iioliis 120 I25'i30 13 ' Ii2!il7 122 I III 116 121 JUNE • 10 IB 10 SS 10 l6o'i65 '59 '64 158 163 I57;i62|l67]i72 170 175 180 169 174 179 168 173 178 156 161 166 171 "77 176 j.,j. 146,151 155 160165170 175 154(159 164 169' 174 163168:173 162 167 172 161:166 171 ♦I' '53'58 152 157 '56 150 155:160 i65'i70 i49|'54 159 164 169 158 163 168 157 162:167 156 161! 166 '48 '47 146 140 145 ■39 144 38143 104 I ,1. 109:114 119 108 113 IlH I07JII2 117 io6'ill 116 95I100 105I110115 '03 102 96 lOI 59 64 58 63 571 62 56 61 55 60 54 59 53| 58 52, 57 51 56 83 82 81 8c 79 I24'l29 I 123 128 I I22|I27|l I2II126 I I2o|l25 I2£ll3I 136 104 109 114 103 108 113 102 107 112 lOI 106 III 100 105 no 99104 78 83 77 76 81 80 79 73 72 71 70 69 63 62 61 82 98103 97102 96 lOI 95(100 94 99 119 1241 118 123 I 117 122 I 116 I2I,I22|I27 1^2 115 120 I 109 1141119 120 108 113 118,119 I07lii2|ii7 II 106 Iiiiii6,ii 105 104 73 78 72J 77 71 76 70 75 69 74 68 73 67 72 66,71 103 102 lOI 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 no 115 116 109 114 115 108 113 107 112 106 III 105! 1 10 104! 109,11011 15 "4 "3 112 III '30135 129 134 28 133 126 131 125 130 124 8123 71 '53 1 152,: 151 '50;I55 160 165 149' 148, '47 146 54 '59 53158 '52157 151 156 164 163 162 i6t 145 150 155 160 '44;'49,I54 '43,'48,I53 142 147 152 141 146 151 140 139 138 '37 136 '45 150 155 '44 143 142 '4' 135 140 '29 134 128 133 22 127 132 121 126 131 120 125 130 19 124 ;i; 103:1081109 108 102:107 ioi|io6 100 105 99J104I 1 14 "3 112 III 105 no 107 106 98 103 104 97,io2'io3 96'ioi 102 95100 loi 94! 99,1 98 99 97! 98 96; 97 95 1 96 94 1 95 93, 94 92, 93 91 92 109 108 07 106 00 105 '23 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 "5 129 128 127: I26| 125 124 133 122 121 120 104 103 102 lOI 100 114 "9 113 118 112I117 III 116 no 115 109 108 107 114 "3 112 106:111 105 1 10 104 109 103! 108 102 107 '39 '38 137 136 135 134 '33 132 '3' '30 129 128 127 126 125 '59 158 '57 156 149 154 148,153 147 152 146 151 145 150 144 149 143 148 '42,147 141 146 140J145 '39,144 138 '37 36 '43 142 141 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 "5 "4 "3 112 135 '40 134 133 132 '31 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 13' 130 129 128 127 126 125 119 124 118,123 117 122 CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. T9 FROM ANY ONE DATE TO ANOTHFR. ThoM to tha right re'j M n .:(X) 210 20S 209 207 208 206 187 192 186:191 185 190 184 180 '7°, '75 169174 183 182 181 168 167 166 165 164 '63 t62 161 t6o J 59 158 157 156 155 '73 '72 «7I 170 i5g 168 .67 166 180 179 178 177 176 175 '74 '73 I7'' 171 154 153 152 ■5' 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 '36 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 165 164 163 162 161 170 169 168 167 166 160 165 159 164 158 163 157 162 156 161 155 160 I54|I59 I53'58 I52ii57 «5iji56 I50ji55 149154 148 153 144 149 143148 142,147 141 146 140 145 139 144 1381I43 I37;i42 136:14' 135:140 134 '39 133 138 «32,'37| 188 187 186 '85 184 '83 182 181 180 '79 178 '77 176 207 2 206 2 205 2 204 209 203 208 202 iuy 206 2Il'2l6 221 i99'20ci|205|2io 215 220 '209 214 219 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 '57 156 155 154 153 152 '5' '5° 164 '63 162 161 160 198 199 '97j'98 '96 '97 I96I20I 206 2Il'2l6 205 2I0|2tS 190 191 189190 183 i8q 187188 i86|i87 185 186 184 185 183184 182 183 181 182 180 181 179 180 178:179 177178 '7 294 299 287 2HII 285 284: ^83: 2932' 292 291 290 291 28<> 288 98 303 302 296 301 300 281J 294 29"; 292 297 • 290 295 : 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 2S7 j88 286 285 284 283 '21 293298 287J292 297 1I296 295 2941 286 29 285 290'; :84 289 3 282 21 281 21 280' 83 288' 82 287: 279 2782 281 286 28a 285 79 284 277 . 276 277 2752' 2742' 2732 278 283 272 272 277 266 271 265 270 271 264|26o'270 263:268:269 274 262 267 268 273 261 266' 267 260 265 259:264 258J263 257262 251 256:261 250 255!. '60 249'254|259 248,253258 247252(257 246 251 256 245;250j255 2441249,254 243248:253 242 247 252 241 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 246 24s 244 243 242 251 250 249 248 254 252 251 250 308 307 ^06 276 281.286 291 2t/< 301 )l>2 275 280 285 290^295 300 301 274 279 284 289 294 29() 300I305 273 278 283 288 2.M 298 21/J 304 NOVEMBER. 10 It to as I I r I ' 313 318 3.<3 328 312317322327 311 316321320 3M31532032S 3"^ J 14 3 •91324 308313318323 307312317322 306311 316:321 305310315,320 304 309;3'413"9 30 OECEMIIEK 10 IB as IS W~U 33331834) 348 J53 35*363 132 337 342 347 3^2 357 362 33< 336,341 34'' 351 356 361 330 335 340 345 3 V 355 3*0 329334339 344 349 354 359 3*4 363 30 2 361 360I 308313:318 307 312317 3116311 316 305310315 3"4 309,3l4:3>9l324l329 32S J33 33* 327 132 337 326*331 336 325,330 335 324 329.334. 3231328333 322327,332 326I331 ^25:330 343i34«353 35«l3y*l 6 342|347 352 357I358 .34" 346351356357 '32 H32" 303 3^81313, 302,307312 301 306,311 300 305310 299i304|3OiJ 293 292 |29l| 289 298303308 297 302 3"7 296 301 306 295300305 294:299,304 318323328 317322:327 316 321 326 3'5 320325 3I4I319324 318323328 312(317322327 326 325 30'A3I4 319324 3'3 3 3>1 288:293 298303 282*287 292 1297 302 l,286J29i|296 301 285:290:295300 '284:2891294 299 76 28 75 280: 74 279 308313318 307 312 317, 306 311 316* 305310315 304 309,314 273 278*283 288293 298 3031308 313 1:270 275 282287 276] 28 1 286 280285 279284 278 283, 292 291 290 ■ 302 I 301 272 277 282:2871292 2971302 266 271 276:2811286 291 296 301 265 27o:275j.iJ>o 285 290295 joo 264 269 274,279 28.(289 294 299 263 268 273 27H28J 288:293 298; 267! 2O6 262 261 260 265 259 264 272 271 270 2771 276, 275 292 297 [),2g: 296: 269:274 258I263J268 273: 282*287 281 2. S6 28o'2H3 279284 278:283;288l293| 3:290 295 289 294 257 262, 256 261 255 260 259 253 258 267 266 265 264 257 256 255 249*254 248:253 241 2401 239 246;247;252 245246251 244,245 250: 272 277:282;287 292J 27X 276 281:286 291 27012751280 285 290| 269 274|279'284 263J268J273 278 283 262 267 261J266 260 265 259264 272 277 271,276 2701275 269274 258263268,273 257:262 256261 255,260 267272 266 271 265 270 i'^-l J T'l 277 276 275 3401345350355 339U44 349,354 338I343 348 337342347 33''* 34 1 346 3351340345 334 339 .344 356 355 353 3.541" 352 353, U 3511352 13 333 332 33 330 329 316 321 315320; 318 307312 297 296 295 300I.305 310 306 31 1 338,343 3371342 336341 335 340 334339 3501351 349I350 348349 347348 346 347 345 344 333 338 343 344i»i 332 337 342 343 22 346 345 323 322 321 3201325 319 331(33'' 34I;.M2 330335 340 341 329,334 339I340 328 333338 3.19 327 332 337 338 326 331 336 337 . .330335 324320(334 323 328 333 317222327 316 321 326 315 320 325 336i29 335|30 3343' 28<) 294 2991304 309 314319 324 288 293 298 303!3o8i3I3:3l8i323 328 332 33" 330 329 307 312 317322 306311 316321 305 3'03<5 320 304309*314 303 308 313 302307312 301 306*3x1 30o|305i3io 2991304 309 2981303 308 297 '302 296:301 295300 294 299 289I 28812932983031308 307 306 305 304 3«9 3x8 3«7 3x6 315 3'4 313 3X2 3" 3x0 309 327 326 3*5 3»4 322 321 320 319 333 332 33' 330 3»9 3^8 3*7 326 325 324 323 322 282 287 292-297:302 307: 281 286J291 1296 301 j3ci6 280 285!2.3o'295 279 284 289:294 278 2831288 293 3 JO 305 199304 298 303 282:287 292:297:302 281*286 291:296301 280,285:290 295 300' 32113 32W 14 3'8 3I9,'5 317318116 3163x7x7 3'5 3'6i8 3'4 3i5l'9 3'33'4,»> 3l2:3"3!i" 311 312I22 3103II 23 30931024 308309^25 3V7I30826 30- 307 a? 305 ^16 28 J io CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. TABLE TO SHOW NUMBER OF DAYS FROM JANUARY. 8 10 iS 30 3S 31 It FEBRUARY. B 10 18 aO~38~M I 306 J305 3304 430V 5302 6 301 7 3'XJ 8 i')) -!--! II 296 ■3^94 14 293 15292 310 315 .105314 3«'*313 3073'-! 306 31 1 305310 304 30Q 303308 302 307 301 306 300305 299 3'>4 298 303 297 302 296 301 330 3 ' 34' 346 351 356 361I364 i") ^J 335 34o;345 350 355^360 363 328 333 334 330 344 349 354 359 i'i^ 3^7 33^ 333 338,343 348 353 358 361 326 331 332 337:342,347 35* 3571 320 325 319324 3>8 323 3«7;322 316321 3i5!320i325 J30331 314319 313318 3'2 317 3" 3''' 329 32s 336 34i.34'5 35l 356,359 364 363 302 324 329 330I335 340 345 350 355358 323328 i^i 327 321 326 3271332 337 342 347 3io3i5'320 325 309 314 319 324 J08 313 318 323 307 312 317 322 306 311 316321 .1 326|33'!336 34«!346 35''354|359 3''4 !58 3f'J .5.^7 i"^ 356 361 360 323 324 323 i- t5 29i;295 300 305 310 3t5'320 321 326 331 17 290,294 299 304 309 314 319 320 325 330 18 289'293 29S 303 30S 313 318 3ig 324 329 9288^292297302 3>7 3'2 3I7 3I8 323328 20 287 291,296 301 306 311 316 317I322 327 .1. 2l'286 290 295 300 305 310 315 22 285289 294 299 304 309 314 23 284 288 203 298 30? 308 31 3 24;283'287 292 297 302 307 312 25,2821286291 296301306311 316 3211326 315 320 325 314 319324 318323 317322 313 312 26'28iJ285 290 295 300 305 310 311 316 321 27 280 284 2S9 294 299 30( 309 310 315 320 28 279 283 288 293 298 303 308 309 314 319 29 278 282 287 292 297 302 307 308 3131318323 30 277 281 286 291 296 301 306 307 3i2'3i7 31 27C 280285290 295 300305 306 3Ii|3l6 1 275' 279' 2 274 278 3 273 277 4 272 276 2842892941299304 283' 288293,298303 282:287' 281^286 5,271 275;28o'285 'I 292 291 290 6 270 274! 7269273 8 268 272 9267271 10 266 27:1 279284' 278(283 ^77282 276 28 1 275:280^ 289 288 287 286 285 297 302 296301 295 300 302 3'' 234 299 293 298 292 297 291 '296 290 295 29 J 29S iiiaes 269 274I279 284 2i, 294 12 264 268 2731278 283 2SS 293 13 263 267'272|277 2821287 292 14 262 2')6 27ij276'28i 2S6 291 15 261 2Q5 270 275 2801283 290 295 294 293 292 291 16 260 264 17 259 263: ■< 258262' 19 257 261 20,256'26o 2601274 268J273 267, 272 266' 27 1 265 270 21,255259 22,254 258 23253257 24 252 256 251251 255j 279 284 2S9 278I2832S8 2772S2287 276 2S1 286 275 2801285 264 269 274 263' 268 273 262I267 272 261I266 2/1 26o'265 ;70 2625025^ 27 249 253 28 248 252 29a47:a5i 301246250 2S8 287 2S6 279284 278 ;^83 277 282 276281 275I280 259 264 2C9 274 279 258,263 268'273 278 257 262 267|r,72!277 256 261 266|27i 276 255 260 265!270j275 28a 279, I 360365 334339:344 349 333338:343348 354 357 353 356 36' 352,355 330335-340345 329 3341339 344 328 333 338 343 327.332 337 342 336 341 335 340 334 339 333 33S 332 337 331 336 330 335 329334 3-8,333 32.-1332 326331 32; 33<: 350 353 349 35 348135' 347 350 355 ; 346!349 354:359 364 4 345(348 353 358 363 3 3441347 352 357 362 2; 343:346 331 356361 I 342,345350355360365 I 305 3iO|3 304 309,: 315 314 303I308313 312 3" i^i 321 3»6,33ii334 339J344 349.354 359,364 307,; 3o6|j I 300 305: 310 309 320 319 318 317 316 325 330333 324 329 33- 323328331 322 327 330 335l340|345;35o 355 321 326 329 334 339 344 349 354 315 314 297 3'2 296 301 308313 307312 3o6i3" 300,: -5 310 -99 304 309 2981303 308 297302307 296:301,306 290 295 'oo 305 2805294 299 304 93 298 303 92 297:302 291 296' 301 85 290 295 84 289 94 28'], 203 82 287! 292 281 286,291 333 32032532S 31Q 324(327 332 3183231326 ^31 3173221325330 316 321 324329 315 320 323 314 319 313,318 312131-' 311316; 322 321 319 MARCH. 6 10 18 20 28 30 31 I 4 3 2 I 3O0 365 4 3 2 I 365 19I 24! 29 18] 23' 28 171 22 16; 21 15! 20 14I 19 24 '3 is; 23 17 22 161 21 15 20 9 14 8 13 7 12 6 II 5 10 34113441349354359364 4| 9 340:343 348 353 358 363 3 8 339342347352357362 2 7 33834' 346 35> 356 361 337 340 345 350,355 360I365I 5 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 i8 17 16 336j3: 9 344 349 354 359 364 4 335 3 j8 3 13 348353358363 3 3241325:334 .,37 342 347,352 357 362 2 32*^l?53;336 34' 346,351 356 361 i 327|33Z|335 340,3451350 3551360 365 ,d: 33S 343 348 353 358 363 337 342 347 332 3571362 3361341, 340,3511356 361 365 338343 337I342 336 341 335-340 33 » 339 328 327 326 320 325 83 310315-31 309 314 317 108313316 307 312 306 311 T 285290; 284' 289 278.283:2881 27712821287 276J28iJ286| 300, 299| 29S 297 296 295] 294! 293, 292 2911 315 314 X 300I305 299 304 29S 303 297,302 296,301 308 307 306 3053 324 23 322 321 320 319 348 347 346 345 344 333338 332 337 331 336 330 335 329 334 328 333 327332 326 33' 325330 3241329 31S 323 328 317,322 32 316:3211326 315 320 325 305 3'0 3'3 304:309 3'2 303 308 311 302307,310 30il306'309 314 319:324 343 342 341 340 339 338 337 360361 359:350 353 352 351 350 349 3581359 357I338 356 357 355 356 354 355 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 336:34' 335!340 334339 333 332 33' 330 329 364 363 362 353 354 352 353 35' 350 349 348 347 346 345 344 349 354 APRIL. 8 10 18 20 28 30 40 45 39 44 38 43 37! 42 .36 41 35! 40 25 30 24 20 23: 28 22: 27 21 26 20 25 19 24 23 10 15 9, '4 81 '3 12 II 365 364 363 362 361 360365 359364 358 357 356 350 355 363 36 361 360 348 346 353 347 332 35' 345I350 338 343'344^49 3371342,3431348 328 327 313 318 323 312 317 322 311,316 32i|j-6 10315 32o|3a5 30'il309 3'4'3'9 324 336|34']342 335 3<034i 333 332 331 330 329 347 346 334 339,340 345 350 33813391344 337 338 343 336 337 3i5 334 50 55 49' 54 481 53 47i 52 461 51 45 50 44: 49 40 45 35 40 34 39 45 44 43 42 4' 35 40 34' 39 33: 38 27 32: 37 3'! 36 26 20 25 19 24 23 22 16 21 15 9, 14 365 359, 358! 357: 356, 355 364 363 362 361 360 13 365 354359 36-1 353 358 363 352 357 362 35' 342 i 336 34' H335 340 356361 355 360 365 349 348 347 346 345 3^1 35 34 33 32 31 25 30 MAY. 8 10 18 20 28 30 31 55 60 54! 59 53: 58 52 57 5' 56 80 85 79 84 50 55 491 54 48! 53 47 52 46, 5! 35 45 50 44 49 43 48 42 j 47 41! 46 40 45 39 38 32 37 j'l 36j 4' 30 35; 40 19 24 18 23 9 14 8 '3 354 359 364 353 358 363 352,357 362 3511356,361 35013553601365 34: 39 33| 38 32| 37 31 36 301 35 781 83 77 82 76 81 55 60 54 59 50 55 29i 3> 39 29 34 28, 33 24 23 22 21 20: 25 80 81 79 80 78; 79 771 78 76; 77 75' 76 74 75 73 74 72 1 73 71; 72 70' 71 69 70 68 69 671 68 66 67 JUNE. 6 10 18 30 28 30 16 lOI 106 III 116 121 J5 100 105110 115120 94! 99 104 log 114 119 93 98 103 io8[ii3 118 92 97 io2|l07 112 117 91 96 90 95 89 94 88| 93 87, 92 65 66 64I 65 63; 64 60 46, 51 45 50 14 19, 24 29 13 18 23I 28 121 17 s 11 16 21 10 15 20 27 61 45 44 43 42 41 66 101^106 100 105 991 104 iii|ii6 no 115 109 114 98 103 108 H3 97 102 107 I!2 96 lOI 95 'ooj 94' 99, 93 981 106' I tl 105 1 10 104 1(39 103 108 92 97102107 91 96] 90 95 84 8g; 94 83! 88j 93 82 87 92 loi I yC ic j'1.1 99' 104 98,103 97,102 86; 91 96 1 01 85I 90 95 .00 84: 89 94' 99 83; 88, 93| 98 821 87 92' 97 73 78 72 77 71 76 651 70 64 6g 50 55 49 54 40 45 26, 31 25| 30 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 86 91 96 85, 9o| 95 84! 8g! 94 83: 88| 93 82: 87 92 8l| 86! 91 85 90 84 8g 88 87 86 80 85 791 84 781 83 77 82 76 81 65 70 75 80 79 78 77 76 64 691 56, 61 40, 45 39| 44 38' 43 37, 42 36 41 55 60 65 54 591 64 74 73 72 66 71 53 58 52, 57 S'i 56 50 55 49 54 48 53 47, 52 46: 51 70 69 68 6/ 66 60 65 59 64 58 63 571 62 561 61 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCLXL GAZLTTKER AND ATLAS. 8i ANY ONE DATE TO ANOTHER.— Cp«<«n««)C 184 1S9 152,153 i62li67]i72H77 161 166 171I176 lOo 165' 170 175! 180:185 I59,i64|ii.9i74ji79:i84 1581I63I168173I178183 151 152 150J151 149150 148; 149 147,148 146 147 152,157,: 1451146 I2l|l26 120,125 119124 113118 123 112 117 122 98 103 IC 97 102 103 96 10I|I02 80 85 90 79 84 80 78 «3 8.S 77 82 87 76 81 8b r 100,1 99 100 98; 99 97i 98 96 97 iogjn4,iig 134 139 144 '45 133 '38 143 '32,137 I3i;i36 '30,135 I2g 134 128 133 I27|'32 126,131 125 130 124 129 134 142 141 140 '39 138 '37 136 135 142 141 140 '39 138 io8 113 118 123 128 133 i07Jn2;ii7 106 in 116 122 127,132 I I: 121 126:131 105 110 ii5)i20 125 130 104 109 114 iig 124 129 103 108 113 118 123 I 102 107,112 117 172 127 96 loi ic6 III 116 121 126 94; 951100 105 no 115 120 IJ5 93 94 99 104 109 114 no 124 92 93 98 11-3 108 113 nl, 123 gi, 92| 97|io2 107,112 117 -.22 132 '3' 130 129 128 1571162,167 156161166 155,160 165 154 159I164 153 '58,163 172:177 182 1711176 181 170175 180 '^7 151:156:11 . 1741179 184 173 178 150 149 148 I55ii6c';i 154I159 l6^ I53!'58 '47152,157 I i6:i5i]i56 145:130 '55 44, '^9 154 143,148,153 '42;:47''52 141I146 151 '40,145,150 163 172 177 171 176 -0'75 169174 168I173 167, i66ji7i 165: 164 169 163' 168 167 166 155160165 I39,'14,'4yi'54l'59il64 I38;I43:H '53 '37|'42|' r, s ^54,259 253,258 252257 251 256 264269 274 279 280 263*268 273 278 279 262*257'272 277 278 261 260 271 276 277 260 265|270 275 276 249254 259 264 269 274,27: I I 248'253'258'263 268 273*274 247 2>2 257:262 267 272 246,251 25(i'26i:266 271 45250 255,260 265 270 273 272 27 244 249:254 259264 269 270 243:2482531258263268 242 24712521257 262:267 246 251 256,261 1266 245|250|255i260|265 254:259264 253258,263 2521257 262 251,256 26: 255J260 254.259 269 268 267! 8 266 9 265 10 264 II 263'i2 262 761 260 232,237,242247 216:221 226 231 236 241 246 215,220 22s 830 235:240 245 214|2I9,224J229:234;239 244 t24|22 9:234: 253,258259 252[257|258 251^256257 250255 249,254 2131218223228,233,238243248253 227, 232, 23712421247 252 212 217 222 196 201 2o6 2111216 221 226 231 236 241 246 aji 252)23 2., 24 194 199 204!2O9'2i4 2191224 229 234 239,244 249:250,25 69 174:179 184 189 190 195 200 2o>;|2io':i5 220 225 23023, 240 245 250 168 i73'i78|iS3 i83 i8g I67'i72|i77|i82|i87'i88 193 198 203208 213 21? i65 171 176 181 186 187 192 ig7 202'707'7I2 317 165 170 175 i8o*i85'i86 191 196 20i:2o6|2ii|ai( 190 195 200 205 21031 ' 189 ig.i 199 204 20921. 256 255 254 253 223 228 233 23S 243 248:249 26 222 227 232 237 2<2 247,248 27 f.l 226 231 236 241 246, .14', 28 !20 225 23c 235 240 245 246 29 ng ;24 229 234 239 244124530 j 82 CAMl'UELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. TABLE TO SHOW NUMBER OF DAYS FROM JANUARY B 10 IS ao as SO SI 1 24S'249 2S4 25.J ^64 iCx) i74'275 2 244 24S 453 25S if>i 26S 273274 3 243 247 252 257 262 267 272 27 j 41242 24O 251 256 261-266 271 272 5 241 245 250 255 260 265 270 271 280 285 290 29s 300 303 279 284 289 294 299 302 278 283 2SH ..J3 298 301 77^282 287 292 297 jOO 6 240 244 249 254 259 264 26<) J70 7 239 243 248 253 258 263 268 2Ui) 8 2381242 247 252 257;262 267 268 273J278 283 28S|293'296 301 306 311 316 321 326 327 332I337J342 347 352 357 9 237|24i|246'25i 256 261,266 2'i7 lo'236 240 245 250 255 260I265 266 "i233 239 244 249 254'259J264t265 12 234i238 2 1? 24S 253258 263 264 '3 233 237 ^4"! -T ^i-: 257 262 263 14232^236 241 246 251 256 261 262 267 '5!»3'!»35 240 245 250 255'26o 26- 266 16 2301234239 244 249 254,255 2601265 17 229233 238 243 248 253 258 259 264 263 262 i8 228 232 237 242 247 252 257258 19 227i23i'236 241 246 25i'256 257 20726230235 240245 250 255:256 261I26627I 276|28l;284 26 220 224 229 234 239 244 249'250 255 260 265 270 275:278 28 218 222 227 232 237 242 247J248 253 25S 263 2uS|273 276 29217 221 226 231 7j6 241 246 247 252257 262 267J272 275 3 i'2l4J2i8 223'228 233 238 243 244 249,254]259'264 269 272 2 213:217 222 227 232^237 242 243 248 253 258I263 268 2 3 212 216 221 .26 231 4 211 215 220 225 230 5 2IO|2H:2I9 224 229 235240^41 6 209,2i3'2i8 223 228;233 23S 2391244, 249;254|259 26; 267 7:208:212217 222 22; 8 207 211 216 2211226 9 206 210 2151220 225 10 205 209 2I4'2I9 224 11:204 208 2131218,223 12203 207 2I2l2t7J222 13 202 206 2Il|2l6 221 I( 201 205'2Io|2I5 220 15 200 204)209 214,219 l6|l9;323 330 335 340 345 350 329 334 339 30.. 307 312 317,322 327 332,337 MAY. B 10 IS 30 as 30 SI I 360:365 359 364 3:8 363 357 362 35636 24! 25 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 3651 352 357 362 35i;356 36 350 355 360 365 5 10, 15 349 354^359 364 348353,358363 347:352 357 362 346,351 344 349 356361 3551360 365] 35435036 I 30 29 28 27 20 19 18 "7 16 15 14 13 12 328 333 338 343 34**i353 35« 363 342:3471352 357 305 306 3" 3i6|32il326;33il336 341:346 35' I356I36 3iol3i5!32o,325!330|335 309.314:319,324 329334 339 344 3021303 301 302 273 167 266 2h4 263 z6.2 26 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 280 285I290 29,5:300 301 279 284 278 283 277 282 276 281 275 2S0 274 279:284 289 273 278 283 7.88 289 29 J 29(13.30 288 293 2;8 299 287 292 297 29S 86291 285 290 272 277 282 287 271 276'28i]286 270 275 280285 269 274 '2 70 284 21-8273 278283 29 254 25',( 264 269 274 275 280 253 258 263 268,273 274 279 -T — , -.-, -,,, I 1 I I I 1 1 i I I I 340,345:350,355,3601365 349 354 359:364 I 308 3i3!3i8 323 328,333 307:312 317:3223271332 306 311 316:321 326I331 305 310 315320 325 330 335^340 304 301J1314 303308 302 307 301 306 300' 305 2991304 313 318 323 317322 316 321 310 315 320 309314 319 298I303 297 1 302 2961301 290 295 1 300 288 289 2g4|799 312 3" 319 324,329 334 3:-8 333 325 324 308,313318:323328 307 306 305 304 J27 320 3123171322 311:316^321 3io'3i5J32o325 309314I319324 294 303I308313 302:307312 301 306 311 300 305 310 315 299 304 309] 3 1 362I 361' JUNE. B 10 IS ao as 30 35 34 33 32 31 Jo' 28, 27I 26I 44! 43; 42 41 35i 40| 34I 39 33 38 io| 15 45 50 44 49 43 48 42; 47 4'] 46 :i: 338 343 337342 336,341 327332 326 331 330 329 339 -L 348 353 347 352 346351 345 350 344 349 358363364 357I362I363 3563611362 355 354 36031: 359:3601365 365 5 25 24 23 22 21 20 14 19 15 358i359'364 33834334813.-3 337 342 347 35.'|357l358 363 336341346351356357362 335I340 3(5 350,355 356I361 334 339 344 349 354 355I360 333 338 343 332337342 331,336,341 330,335 340 329 334 339 318 317322 316 321 320 3>9 323328,333338 327332:337 3263311336 325330;335 324329:334 293 298 303 30SI3I3|3«8 323 328 333 292 297 302 307 312 317 322 327 332 =91 296 301306,311 3i6|32r326 331 2901295 300 305I310 3I5!320 325,330 289 288 294299304^'^ 314 319I324 329 293 298 303 308 313 318323 328 292 297 302I307 3 ■2,3i7i322J32; !9i 296 30: 3.36j3i 113163211326 n)0 295 300 305 310,315 320325 84 289 294 299 304 3091314 319 324 348,353 347,352 346|35ii352 345350351 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 365 364 40 39 38 37 36 35 34: 3.» 32J 31 25 24 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 -!! 45 44 43 42 41 354j359_ . 353 3581363 357362 356 344 349 350 355 343348,349 3421347,348 3411346:347 354 353 .352 340 345 346 351 339,344 338343 337 342 345 350 336 3.35 334 344 343 341.142 340 34' 34^ 339,340 345 333 332 331 330 329 338,339 344 337 338 343 336 337 342 335 336 341 334|3!5B40 361 360 J49 348 347 359 358 35 356 355 354 353 352 351 35035s' 360 349 348 347 346 345 15 20 25 365 364 '63 362 361 360 40 39 38 37 i! 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 19 18 24 23 17J 22 16 21 15 20 4 3 2 I 365 3591364 358 363 357:362 3561361 19 18 17 16 15 4, I 365. 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 3541359364 353;35S 363 352357362 351 356361 350,3551360 4 3 I 365 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. ^2 ANY ONE DATE TO ANOTHER.— Continued JULY. 10 u ao as so 31 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 _56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 45 44 43 4» 4« 40 % 35 70 75 % 74 73 6T 72 66 7' 63 70 64 b9 6.1 68 61 67 61 66 60 65 59 64 5l 63 57I b2 36 ,_6, 90, 89I 88, 87; 86, 80 85 7°; 75 69I 74 68 73 58 63 57 62 56 61 55; 60 54I 59 651 70 64 6g 68 40 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23| 22 21' 2o| •9 24 29 18 23 28 171 22 27 16' 21 26 »5j 20 25 »4 19 24 13 18 23 12 17 22 II 16 21 10 15 20 45 50 55 60 7' AUGUST. T~ib ~iB~a6 "as 30 si "1 1 I \ " \ 96 loi 106 iii'ii6 121 12: 1)5 100 105 no 115 120 121 gj, gg 104 109 114 iig 12c 93! 98 103 io8|ii3 iiS lie 92 97 102 107,112 117 11^ 96'ioi io6|iii Ii6;ii7 gs'ioo 105 no 115 ii( 94' 99 104 109 114 II 86 91 85 yo 8.. 89' 83! 88 82j 87I 98 103 108 113 114 97,102 107 112 113 96 iOI 106 I I I II 95 100 105 no in 941 99 I o^ '09 no 93; 981103 loS lOQ 92 97 102 107 loS 8ii 80' 86! 85: 74| 79: 84 73 78; 83 72 77 82 96,101 106 107 112 117 122 95 'oo 105 106 III 116121 76: 70 75! 6g 74! 68 73I 67I 72 66| 71 65 70 64 69 81, 801 791 15' 86 91 85 90 84 89 83 88 82I 87 96 IOI1IU2 95 100 IOI 94 93 92 SEPTEMBER. 8 10 16 ao as 30 1271321137142 147,152 126 131:136 141 146 151 [25 130 135 140 145 150 124 I291I34I39I44II.19 123 I28|I33 138 I43|i.,8 ill I27li32'i37'i42|i47 121 126 131 i-fi 141 i.j6 120 125130 1J5 140 145 ng 124:129 ij4 139 144 14915.. 118 123 117 122 116 121 •^8 '33,138,143 127 132 137 ;i42|i47|i52 126 131136 141 27 132 137 26 131 136 94 99 104 io5lno 1151120 125130 135 93! 98 103 104 109 114 119 I24ji29 134 92I 97 102,103 108 113 n8,i23li2if. 133 OCTOBEK. ^~:6~iB~ao as"*) 31 I I 157 162 167 172 X77 182 183 150 1611166 171 176 iHi iSj 155160 165 170 175 180 iSi iWi 191 154I159 164:169 174 179 jKo 185 190 I53]i58|l63 168 173 17S 179 I52;i57li62 167172 i77'i7K 151 156161 l56 171 176 177 150 155 i5o 165 170 175 176 1481. 146,151 159 164 169174 175 158 163 168 i;3 174 157,162167172 173 56 161 166 171 17 115 120 125 130 135 140 14511501155 160 165 170 171 Ii4n9|i24'i29i34 :.39 144149 154 159 164 169 170 175 180 1851190 195 200 205J2IO 2I5|220 225 230 113 1181123 128^133 138 I43!i48 153 158 163 168 169 I42'i47]i52 157 162 167168 141J146I151 156 161 166 167 140 1451150 155 160 165 16O 139I144 M9 154 159 164 165 107 112 n7'i22'i27 132 106 m nO I2iii25:i3i 99 100I105 no 115 120 125 13a 99 104 109 114 iig 1:14 129 134 139 98 61 34 33 32 31 30 ~9\ 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 2lj 20 6a 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 34 39 33 38; 3 66 65 71 70 64 6g 63 68 62I 67 61 66 81 86 80I 851 79! 83 78, 83 77j 82: 96, 95; 94 93 9-! 138,143 I37il42 130,141 135140 103 108:113 118 123 12S 97 102 107 112 117 122112711321137 g6 IOI 106 ni no, 121 126 131I136 95 100 105 no n 5^ 120 125 130' 135 g4 gg 104 log 114 119 124 129 134 931 98 103 108 1:3 Ii8!i23 I28!i33 76 40 45 39 44 38| 43 42 35 34 33 32 3' 60 65 59 64 58! 63 571 6, 56! 61 81 86 911 92 .1 80 85 79 84 78 83 771 82 761 81 91 go 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 •»5| 50 44 49 43I 48 42 47 41 4C 3 76, 97 102 107 112 117 122 I 96 ioi|io6 II I 116 121 95 100 105 I ;o 115120 94' 99 104. I'll) n4'ii9 g3l 98 103 loS 113:118 123 96 101111)6 III iiG 95 100; 105 no|n5 g4 99 104 I ig 114 119 98 103 ioS:ii3 97,102 107 112 86 85I 84 83 7i82 76 75 74 73 72 65' 641 581 63I 57: 62i 56 61 70 69 68; 69 66 60 sg 58 57, 56 66 76 75 ^ 74 68173 67 72 7> 96; IOI 106; in g.i'ioo io5|i gt' 99104 93, 98,103 C2 971102 65 70 64 69 96:101 9"; 100 94; 99 93i 98 92 109 1 108 107 148 153 158 163,164 147 152157162 163 146 151156 161J162 145 150 155 160:161 33|I38 127 132 26,131 143 148,153 I58]i59|i64i6g 174 142 147 152 1571158 163 168173 141146 151 156 157 162 167 172 140 145 150 155156 161 166 171 139 144 M'J I54|i53 160 165,170 138 143 148 153 154 159 164I169 NOVEMBER. s 10 is^aoja 80 188 193 iy8,203'2o8 213 187 192 197 202I207 212 1961201:206 211 DECEMBER. 10 16 ao as 30 n I I I ^ > 218,223228233238243 217:222 227 232237 242 2l6;22I 226 231 236 24I 215^220225 230 235 240 95 200 205 210 1.S4 189 1 94 4 99' 204 2og 214 219 2242291234 239 83 188 193^98 203208' 1S2 244 243 242 241 240 1S7 JI3 218 223:228,233 238 2391 921197202 207 212 217 222I227I232 237 liSi 186 I9i'i96 201 206 III 216221,226^231 236 180 185 190 195I200205 179 184 189 194 I99;204 178183^188:193:198203 177 182 187I192I197 202 176 181 i86|i9iiiy6 201 210 215 220|22S|230 235 209 214 2191224 229 234 2081213 2l8j223 228 233 207212 217222 227 232 206 211 216 221 226231 174 179 184 189 194 igg 204I209 214 219 224 229 73 178 i83'i8S I93'i98 203J208 213*218 223 228 172 177I182 187,1921197 202:207 2I2i2I7'222 227 169 174 179 i84;i89 194 68i73'i78li83li88i93 167 T 72' 177 182 187; ig2 166 171J176 181I186 igi 144 I4g 154 159I160 T65 170 i75!i8o:i85 190 179 184:189 I37H42I47|I52|I53 I I46i5i;i52 136 141 125J130135 I40l'45 150:151 124 129 134 i3g!i44 149 150 33 I3S|I43 148 149 148 [281 9; 102 107 112 117 122,127,132 137,142 147 I2i;i26 131 I3'i,i4i 146 120125I130I135 140 145 I24|I29 134 I23'i28 133 122!l27:i32 I2l'l26'l3 I20I125 130 Iig I24ii2g 118123 128 II7!l22Jl27 106 iii|n6'i2i 126 105 nojn5ji20:i25 104 109:114:119 124 103 108:113:118:123 lor; ;m 112 117,122 97 96 101 95 100 94' 93 94 93 92 139 144 138 143 137 142 147 146 145 144 143 142 158 163 168 157 162,167 182,187 174:179184 171 176 181:286 191 196 20l!206 2Il|2l6 221 226 75 iSo 185I19O igs 200J205 210 2I5'220 225 6 2381 7 2371 8 236; 9 235 JO 234 > I 233«» 232 13 23> <4 230:15 229I16 228 17 227 18 226 19 199 204:209:214 219 22422520 198 203 208 2i3',2i8 223 197 202 '207 196 201 206 195! 200! 205 212:217 222 211:216221 2101213220 194 1991204:209 214 219 i83'iS8 193,108203 208 213 218 I92JI97J202 207 212 217 8i>i86 1911196,201 206 211 2i6 180185 I90ii95|200 205 210 215 173178,183 188 193 172:177182 156 161 166^171 176:181 155 160 165 170,175 180 154 159164 169 174 179 153 158:163 i68|i73 178 152-57 151 156 150 155 162 167 161 166 160 165 149 154 159,164 171J176 I7f>,i75 69,174 ■48153 I58ii63:'68 173 136 141 135 140 141 134:139 140 133 13^,139 132 1371138 131:136:137 130JI35I136 '29 I34|i35 128 1331134 127,1321133 106 in ;n6'i2i 105,110 115I120 99 104: log! 1 14: 119 gS 103! 108' 113, 1 18 97 102:107:112 117 101.1061111 116 96 95 ioo'io5 iio 115 99ji04|iog 114 981103; 97,102 I 108113 107 II 126 131 132 125130,131 124:129 130 123128 129 22 127 128 I 126 125 119,124 118 123 II7'l22'123 147 152 i57|i62|iG7|i72 177 182 146 151 156 i6i]i66,i7i 1761181 145 150 155 160 165 17a 175180 143 148 153 158 i63ji68|i73 178 189 194 I 1871192 86 191 iSs'igo 84 189 183:1 72 177 182 187 181 186 180:185 79:184 178I183 igg 204 209 214 198 203 208 213 I. 224 21 223 22 222,23 221 |24 220, 25 _l_ I , 219 26 21SI27 2I7'28 216 29 215 214 30 3« J_ 1971202 207212 2131 196,201 206 211 212: 195 200205 210 2111 194:199 204 209210 193 198 203,208,2091 197 202 207 208 196201 '2061207 1 9'; 200 205 1 206 1941991204 205 193,1981203204 i87ii02:i97;202 i86|i9i|i96 201 185I19011951200 201J13 203 202, 1 2 144 149 154 159 164 169 174 179I184 i'5g 194:199200:14 142 I47ii52|i57 162 167 172 141 I46:i5i:i56!l6iji66 171 140 145 i5o|i55':'x)li65 170 139 144 138 143 137 142 136 141 135 140 I49,i54ii59,'64 148:153 158 163 157I162 167 152 1511156161 M5 150 134 I '9, 144 149 133,13^1143 127 126 125 124 132137142 131 136 141 130135140 129134I139 I2f. 13.^13 148 147 155 160 154 '59 I53!'58 1 52157 14611511156 145I150 155 160 144 '49 154 I43'I4S 15 '83 177 176 '75 174 173 182 181 180 179 178 1 'j9 158 I "8; 193 1871192 186 191 185 190 l84|'89 183:188 182' 187 181 186 180,185 '79 '84 178,183 165:170 164 169 163 168 177I182 I76|i8i 175180 '74'79l'84 173178183 '98: 199, '5 1971 198, 16 196 ig7 '7 195; '96 '<>4i'95 '93|'94 '92 '93 igl 192 190191 189190:24 188 i89|a5 i88'a6 '8727 18628 1F5 29 I 184 30 J CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS TABLE TO SHOW NUMBER OF DAYS FROM JANUARY. 5 10 13 30 aB aO 81 ,1 I I I ' I l88 193 198 20) 20S 187 igj.iyj 202 :<>■; 186 I'ji 196201^^06 185 i<>, 195 200^:05 184 i894{ 213 214 212 213 211 21 210 211 209 210 1 209 2 208 207 20S 206 205 206 204 205 203 204 202 203 201 2U2 200 201 199 200 205 173 178 i83iSS|i93 172 177:182 1S7JI92' 171 176I181 186 191, ■0 175-180 185 190' I69 1741179 1S4I189 198 197 196 195 194 1681731178 i83!i88 167 172J177 182187 166 171 176 i8i'i86 165 170175 180185 164 169I174 179 184 '93 192 191 190 189 204- 20J 202! 201 95 200' 204| 203 202 201' 90ll93'2Oo' FEUKUAKY. T id 16 J) 2s~m 219 218 '7' 216^ 215 I 229 234 I 228 233 : 227'232 226I231 224 223 222 221 220 225I23O _l 211 210 200 ot8 206' 219 218 217 216 215 214 ■"3 212 211 210 I 209 208 207 206 205 _l_ 224|229 223 228 222 227 221 226 220225 |_1! 219:2241 21S 223 222 221 220 239 238 237 236 235 234' 233 232 231 230 242 241 240 MARCH. 610 16 30 88 JO 31 247,252 246,251 245250 239 244 249 238 243 248 257 256 217 216 215 19S; 197; I935 140145150I155 156 28 34113461351356361 ll 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 33 38 43 48 53; 58 63 68 73' '■' 83 88. 93 94 99 104 109 I14III9 124 '29 134 I39;i44 '49 "54 '55 29 340345 350|355 300 349 354 359 1 1 365I I 364[365 363 364 b 5 4 II 10 9 lb 21 26 25 24 31 30 29 32 3' 37 36 42 41 47 5-' 57 62 67 72| 77 82 -87 87 86 9' 93 98 103 108 "3 118 123 128133 138 '43 '48 '53 152 IS' '54 '53 '52 30 31 339^344 15 20 14 19 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 92 97 102 107 1x2 117 122 127 132 137 142 147 . 30 3,-) 1 1 ■3' 136 14I 146 338 343'348'353 358 40' 45 50 SS 60 65 64 70 75! 80 8s! 90 Q' 96 lOI 106 III 116 121 I2'J 1 337'342 347 3521357 362363 3 8 13 18 23 28 29 34 39 44 49 S4 59 69 74' 79' 841 89| -• 95 100.105 no 115,120 125 '30,135 140145 ISO '5> 2 3363413463511356 361 362 2 7 12 17 22 27 28 33! 381 43 48 53 58 63 68, 73j 78, 83 88 ■/ 941 99 '04 logi'ViKj 124 129 134 139 144 149 150 3 335340,345350,355 334 339 344 349;354 1 1 — 360 361 I b II 16 21 26 27 32] 37: 42 47 52 57 62 67 72; 771 82: 87 88 93' 98 '03 108 "3"8 123 128 133 138 143 148 '49 4 359 360 365 5 4 10 9 15 20 '9 7- 24 2b 25 31 j 36| 41 46 30; 35 40 45 51 50 56 61 66 71J 76 81. 86 87 92 97 102 107 112 "7 122127,132 ■37,'42 147 148 147 5 6 333338343348353 358'359'364 55 60 6S 70! 75 80 85 86 9' 96 lOI 106 in 116 121 126 131 136141 146 332 337 342 347 352 357358363 3 8 '3 18 23 24 29 34! 39| 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79: 84 8S 90 9S 100 IDS 110,115 120 125 130 '35140 145 14b 7 331 336 34' 346.351 356 357 362 2 7 12 17 22 23 28 33' 38 43 48 S3 5Si 63 68 73 78, 83 84 89 94 99 104 109^114 119 124 129 '34139 '44 '45 8 330,335340345350 355 356,361 I b II lb 21 22 27 32 37, 42 47 52 571 62 67 72 77 82 83 88 93 98 103,108 113 T18 123 128 '33,'38 '43 '44 9 329 334 339 344:349 354:355360365 353^354 359'364 5 4 10 9 15 '4 20 19 21 20 26| 3': 36| 41 25 30 35 40 46 45 5' SO 56 SS 61 66, 71 76 81 82 87 92 97 102 107.112 II7|I22 127 132|I37 142 143 10 II 328333338343348 60 651 70 75 80 81 86 91 96 101 106:111 116 121 126 I3i!i36 141 142 3^7 332 337 3421347 352'353 358 363 3 8 '3 18 '9 24 29 34I 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 80 85 90 95 100 105,110 115 120125 i3o:'35 140 141 12 326,331336341346 351 352j357 3''2 2 7 12 17 IS 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68, 73 78 70 84 89 94 99 104 logl 114 119 124 129 134 '39 140 '1 325I330 335 340|345 350,351 356361 I b II lb 17 22 27 32| 37 42 47 52 57, 62I 67; 72 77 78 83 88 93 98 103 108 113 118 123 128133 138 '39 '4 324 329 334 339 344 333'33S 343 349 348 350 355 360 365 5 10 15 lb 21 26 3-,| 36 41 4^ 5' 56 61 66 71 76 77 82 87 92 97 102 107 112 n7'l22 127J132 137 138 '5 16 323 328 349 354359364 4 9 '4 15 20' 25 30' 35 40 45 5o[ 55 fk,', 65' 70 7S 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111116, 121 126:131 136 137 322 327 332 337 342 347,348 353 358 :,"3 3 8 13 '4 19 24 29 34 39I 44 49 54 59 64; 6g 74 75 80 85 |i27a6 312317 322 327 332 337:338 343 348 353! 350! 363 3 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39; 44 49 54 59' 64' 65 70; 75 8oi 85] 90: 95 100 105 no 115 120,125 126 27 3" 316 321 326|33i 336337 342 347 352 357 362 2 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38I 43 48 53: 58 63 64 69; 74 79: 841 89 94 99,104 109 114 119 :24|i25 28 310 315 320 325 330 335,33" 34" 346 35' 1356 361 I 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47j 52; 57 62: 63 68 73 78 83 88, 93 98 103 108 113 118 I23II24 29 309,314 319 324329334335 340 339 345 344 350 355j3bo 365 ' 6 tl 16 21 26 31 36 4' 40 46! 5' 45 5C I 56 6lj 62 67 72 77| 82 87| 92 97J 102,107 112 II7'l2i !]t23 30 122 31 3o8 3i3|3i8'323J328 333|334 349 354 .« 364 365 5 10 1 ,20 25 3° 35 1" ' 60 1 i^' 66 7' 76 81 at 1 > 91 96 10 I 106 1 n.iK ) 12 1 > ►4 86 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. TABLE TO SHOW NUMBER OF DAYS FROM 1 • JANUAKY. "^io^iB ao^ w so n 1 122 2 121 J I20 ; II 18S 193 187:192 1861 191' 200 205 199 -04! 198 203! I97'202J I96'20i: 20G 205 204 203 208 207 202 200 205 i75'i8o 185 I9o!i95j20o|'!oi I7l|i79,l84 I89|iq4l99| 173:178 1S3 188I193 198^19'^ •7?. I77ji82:i87|i92jl97 198 71 176 181 i86j 191 196 I 165 170 175 180J1851190I 164 169 174' 179 184I189' i73[i7S 183 188, 172 '77, '82 187; 171 176,181 186: 163 16S 167 166 157 160 15& 159 '55, '58 ■54i'57 '53 '5C Ij2 155 140 '45 '39144 138143 c'Ai '54 '.^7ii42 1361141 I35;'40 '34ii39 I5C"53 '■i:)l5 148 151 'I 146 149 145!' '441' 48 '53 1 133:138 I43''46 127132I137 126JI31 136 25|I30'35 124 129 '34 123128133 1421I45 141 144 140 143 '39 '42 1381I4' 117 I22'r27;i32|i37 140 116 121 126 1311136 13Q 115 120:125:130135 138 114 n9i24,I29'i34'i37 113 118 123 128 133136 II2]II7 122 127 132 135 niii6 121 126 131 134 no;ii5 120 125 130,133 109 n4'ii') 124 129 132 loS 113 nS 123 I28ji3l 97 96 95 94 93 107 106 105 104 103 112 in no 109 114 119 124 I27|I32'I37 117 122 127 130 iiO 121 126 129 i 115 120 125 128 97 202 196I201 2o6!2ii;2l6 195 200,205 210 215 199 204 209 214 98 203 208 213 191J192I197 202I207 212 '94 I92j'93 i70i75;iSo: 169 174 179 '73 ■7'^ I72!'77 171 176 160 165 170 159 164I169 I58]i63'i68 '57162 156 161 I47i'.5°|i55 '60 154 159 158 '57 151156 47152,1 '5° '55 '49 '54 I4S'53 I47i'52 '46:'5' 185 184 ■83. , 182 187 188I193: 181J186187 192 190I191 ,189 190 I'iSS iSg 167 172 166 171 180' 185 186 179184185 17S 183:184 177 182U83 176 i8i 182 165 170J 164 1691 i63;i68i i62ji67i 161 166 ri^'iSo iSi 145 150 1-14 149 '43'48 '42; '47 141 146 140 145 139, '44 1381143 137 142 136 141 160,165' '59 '64 15S163 I57|l62l I56;i6i| 170 169 168 167 166 155:160^165 1541591164 '53 '58,'63 '52:i57'62 151.156:161 io8;ii3|ii8 123 126 102 101 100 99: 98, 107 io6| 104 '03 I I 112 117 122 125 II I 116 121,124 no 115 120 123 109114 119 122 lOS 113 118 121 71J 761 81 06 91 92 971102107:112117:120125130,135140145150151 III i I I I I ill I 135,140 I34ji39 '33i'38 150 i55'i6o '49 154 '59 148 153 '58 I47I52,'57 146151:156 ,It '3', 136 i3o'i35 '29:34 128133 127 132 126 131 145 T50 144 149 143 148 142,147. 141,146 I 140 145' ■39 144; ■38 143 '.i7 142 136 141 179 180 185 178:179 I77!'78 I76|i77 182 175 '74 173 172 171 176 175 173 172 170 171 169,17a 175 168 i6g 166:167 165!! 1641165 '63:164 162 161 160 150 i=s; i<;7 163 162 161 160 159 158 '50155 ■49 '54 '48;'53 147,152 146 151 155 154 152 B 10 18 M 2B 30 216 2'5 214 212 ! 221 220 219: 218' 217 226 231 '225 230 224 229 I223 228 ■222 227 230241 ^35 234,2, 233 238 232237 240 245 39 244 211 210 209 2l6|22I 226 215J220225 2I4J2I9 224 2i3'2i8 223 2I2I2I7 222 36 241 246 251 256I261 266467 ^3' 2, 230 I235I240I245I250 255I260 265 266 229 228233 227J232 234 239 206 211:216 221 226^231 210215 220 225' 204209:214 2I9<224'229 203 208213 218 223'228 230 235 234 233,238,243 248 253 207:212 217 222,227 232'237 242 247 252 196 '95! '94: 201: 206 211 200! 205 210 199^204 209 198:203 208 197 202 '207 221 2 2202 219 2 218 22 217I 26 23 25 230 24 229 3228 222 227 91,1961201 206 90 195 200 205 189 194:199 204 88: 193' 198 203 87! 192 197 202 216 22 215 220 19 224 2 218 217 861 191 196:201 211 2l6 210 215 209214 208J213 207.2 "r 206:21 9o|i95 200 205j2io '204 203 202 189 194 1S8 193 187 192 199: 1 98 197 186 191 196 185 190J195 1741179 184 180,194 "183 i88|i93 182 187 192 209 2 208 2 207 2 206 2 205 2 176 181 186 180,185 ['79! '84 i67:i68|i73 178 183 I 177 182 187 '741 201 200, 199,204 '98,203 197.202 I 191 190 189 I96'20i '95 '72 1 66 17 11176 i7o|i7S 69I174 168,173 167:172 181 180 179 186 185' 184 199 198 '97 '78 183: 177 182 i66'i7i '65, '70 164I169 163:168 191 196 190 '95 189 194 188 193 187J192 174 173 5'|'5 jj'57 162,1671172 _l 176 181. '75 180! 179 178 '77: 186; 191 '85' 1841189 183^ 182:187 511561161,166:1711176 i8i'i86|i9 '70,175 160 159 153 158 157 156 165' ■64, '63 162 1G9 168 167 180: '79: 178I 177 iti 166 171 176 181 MAY 10 IS 20 a J I I ' 246 251 256 261 '250'255 260 249 254 259 243248 253 258 30 31 JUNE '"1 I 20 38 90 266 271 272 277 :' > 287 292 297J302 265 270' 2 , 1 242 247 232 257 262 267:268 264 269:270 275 -.8o,285;290 295 263 268] 269 244 238 243 237 242 236 249 254 259 2O4 265 248253I258263 264 247 252i257|262'263 241 246 25i'256 261:262 2402452501255I260I261 239'244 249:254 259121' 1 12362411246 235:240245 234 239 244 233238243 2321237242 251 250 249 258I 257:258 :6o 265 259 264 25626 256I257 255 254255 248 253 254 247 252 253 J„ 2; J 231 236I24IJ246I251 252 225 230^235 2401245:250251 244 219250 255; 243248249254 242,247 248 253: 229234239,; 223228233238; 222227 232,237!; 2211226231I 220225 230 219'224|229 2l8'223J228 2I7'222 227 =n~' 16 221J226 2151220225 14I219 224 13:218 223 12 217 222 236:241 246 2 235 240 245 2 2342392442.. 2331238:243244 232i237,"42 243 II 10 209 208 207 206 200 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 '97 196 '9o|'95 94 216 221 215 220 2141219 213 218 212I217 231 236 241 242 230 235 229 234 228 233 211 2X6 2IO215 209 214 208213 207 212 227232 226 231 225 230 224 229 223228 222 227 240 239 238 237 236 235 23412 233 234|239j 232 221 226 220,225 219224 '18223 217 222 206 2tl| 205j2I0, 204 209: 203 208 231 230 229 232 231 230 22S 229 227 202 207 216J22I 226J227 215 220 225' 214 219 224 225 213 2IS 2232 212 2I7I222 223 I ^Wl.^UV **A A11^,A&& AAA **■/ 200:205 210 2I5;220 221 226 199 204 198^203 192 197:202 88 193 206 211 216,221 222 22' 210 209 185 184 183 188 182 187 i8g 186 208 207 214 219 213 218 212,217 AUAj Ai^y jAXA, 201 200, '99 198 197 276 2!'J 286 291 296 274 279:284 289' 294 273.78283288293 272 277 282.287 271 276[28r286 270 2751280,285 269 274l279'284 292 291 290 289 268 273 278 283 '288 267I272 266I271 270 269 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 277 2822871292 276 281 286:291 275:280:2851290 2741279:284 289 263 268 272' 278! 283, 288 262267 272 277 282 287 i|266 27ij276|28il286 260 265 270 275' 280! 285 259 264 269' 274 279 284 258:2631268:273,278 283 257,262 267 272: 2j6j26iJ266|27i! 26o'265'270 259 264 269' 258'2C3 268, 277 276 275 274 273 257 262 267,272 1256 261266 271 o 255'26o 265 270 249 2541259 264 269 248 253 258 263 268 47252 46251 45 250; 247 252 257 246251J256 250255, 239I244 249 254 238 243 248 253 241 40 245 : 237 24 236 24 35 240, 233 238 2247J252 11246,251 245 2':o; 244J249 243|248| 262 267 261:266 260 265 259 264 258 263 257 262 256 261 ^jI 260 254 259 253 258 237!242'247|252 257 236241 246251 256 235 234 228 233 240j245'250^255 239 244 1 249 254 238,243,248253 226 23 24 229 232237,242:247 1:236 241 246 230:235,240,245 234,239 244 228:2331238243 2S2 281 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 252 257 251J256 ,232 ; 237242 236 241 235*240 --, ., ,2341239 2x8l223 2281233 238 220 225 219224 23' : :23oj; ;29.; I 2IO 2 I 210 215 211 . 209 214J2 I 208,213,2 ! 207 2I2'2I3 6 22 206 2IIj2l6,2I7|222 205 204 203 202 152 142 191 196' I I 201 2o6,2Il'''.I2 I I 227 IJ226| 20J225 19:224 218:223 217 222 232 231 230 229 228 227 237 236 235 234 233 232 250 249 48 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 2J8 237 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 243 244 243 242 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. ANY ONE DATE TO ANOTHER.— Continued. JULY. _6 10 15 aO 28 30 31 I 11 I I I ' 307 3i2'3i7 322]327|332,333 306 311 316 321 326331 332 305 310 315 320 325 330 331 336 341 346!35'i356 S04 309 314 319 324,329 330 J03 308;3>3 3iS 323,328 302307,312317322327 5 10 15 AUGUST. 20~a8~36"~3r| SEPTEMBER. 'O 10 15 30 as 30 338 343 348 353 358363 364 337 342'347!352 357,362 3^3 I 333340,345; 350,355 329 334 339|344|349;354 328 333 338'343!348|353 361 362 360,361 359:360 36; 358 359 364 30ii306;3ii 3i6!32i!326;327 332 337^342 347!352l357i358 300 305'3"'3'5 320 325 326 331 336 34i'346 299 304 309 JM 3'9 324 325 330,335 340 345 298:303308313318323324 329I334339344 297302 307312 296 3011306311 295 300 305 310 294299^304309 293 298 1 303 308 292297302307 317I322323 316321 322 315:320321 328333338 3-;7,332,337 342 326 33'l33<'34'i346 35l 314:319 32U 325 330J335 340,345 350 313 3I8|3I9 324 329334 :339:344i349 .,..,. „ , 3i2!3i7l3i8 323 328 333 338l343!348 291 296301 3o6]3ii;3i6 317 322 327,332 337 342347 290295300305J310315316 321 J326,33> '3361341 346 289 294 288 293 287292 286 291 297 302 296301 285 21,0 295 300 284 289 294 299 283 288,293 298 30430310315 320,325 303308305314319 282 287 292297 281 286 291 296 280 285:290295 279284289294 278283288293 302 3071308 JI3 318 3011306:307312 317 300305306 299304305310,315 298 303 304 309314 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 2S2 281 280 279 278 277 287 292 286 291 285 290 284289 283:288 282 276:281 275I280 274I279 2731278 272 271 270 277 276 275 269,274 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 351:356,357 350 349 343 355 354 348 353 354 347'352i353 358.363 363 ,- 362 356 361 355 3601365 359 364 357 362 - 356361 350 355 360 349 3541359 348 353 358 299 304 309 314315 320 ?,25 330:3351340 345 298 303 308 3I3;3I4 31913*4 329J334 339:344 347.. 346 35' 345 350 352 357 362 307'3i2!3i3 318 323' 3281333^338^343 306 311:312 317 322 327 332 337 342 305 310 311 316 321326 3311336 341 324 330 329 311 316 323 322 335340 334:339 328 327 321 326 320:325 319324 I 297 302:303 296 301 302 295 300 301 294 299 300 3o8'3i3 307312 306311 305310 293298299304:309 292 297 298 291 296 297 290 295: 296 289 294 '295 303 1 308 302307 301 306 300305 288293:294299304 :i: 287 292 293 286 291 292 280 285 290 291 279 284 289 290 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 268I273I278 283 288 289 ■ir:!~i: 267'272 277 282!7.87!288 266 271 276 281 286^287 265 270I275 280 285 264 269 274 279:284 263 268,273 278 283 262,267 272'277,282'283 288 261 266 27i'276 281282 287 260,265270,275.280281 286291I296 259 264'269'274 279,280 285 290:295 258 263^268 273 278:279 284 289I294 247252 257'262 267 272 273 298 303 333 332 331 330 329 344 3493541359364 343 348 353!358 363 342 347 3521357 362 318323328 317I322327 316321 326 315:320325 314 319 324 333:334 339|344 349 332 333I338 343 348 353'358,363 331,332 337 342347 352:357 362 .330331 336 3411346 35i'356 361 3291330 335 340,345 350:355 360I365 318323 317322 328 329 334 339 344 349354 3II;3l6,32I 3101315 309:314 320 319 327'328 333 338343 348.353 358 363 326 327 332:337 342 347 352357 362 308313318 -. 3021307 3«2J3i7 296 301 306 311 ji6 205300305310I315 294 299|304;3O9 314 293298303308I313 292 297 302 307 312 286 291 296 301 306 3 285|29o]295 300,305 310 284 289 294 293 292 299,304:309 298J303308 297302 307 301 306 305 304 300 299 298303 297:312 296 301 30630/ 308|3O9 314 3I9'324!329:33V 33Pl344i; 3071308 313 318,323 328:333 338 •'257|262'267]272[277J278l283 28^ 293 56,261126627127627728'" .57292 5 26o'265|27o;275j276 811286:291 , 259'264i269!274|275 2SO|285'290 ,-53 258,263;268,273|274 279 284I289 294 299|304:io5|3io|3i5'320,325J33oi35l34o; 4 3 2 3a; 19 18 17 16 15, 12 29 28 27 26 25 24' 23' 22 21 20; '9 24 18; 23 17: 22 16 21 15 20 14 13 12 II 16 364 363 356,361 3551360 365 341 346 340 345 351 350 339 344 338 343 349 348 338 337 336 ... 335:336 3411346 334:335 340I345 356361, 355 360,365 359! 364 358,363 3371342347 352 357 362 351 3561361 350 OCTOBER. 5 10 18 30 38 SO 31 29: 34 28: 33I 271 32' 26 31J 25 30| 24 18 23 171 22 21 20 19 18 17, 161 lol 15 29 34 281 33 27, 32 _ 261 311 36 251 3oi 35 54 59 53! 58 52; 57 51 56 50 55 355:360365 354l359'364 4 3 2 326J33li336,34l 346!35i:356J36i I 325 3301335,340 345 35o;355 360 365 324 329334 339 344 349,354 323 328I333 338 343 3481353 358 363 3223271332:337,342347 352 321 326,33i;336 34' 346,35 320 325 330 335 340 345J350 3551360:365 359 364 359364 357 362 356,361 60 59 58 57 56 329 334 339 344'349 354 359 164 . ,_ . . 328 333 338 343 348 353 35S 363 3i6|3I7 322,327332 337:342 347 352 357 3C' 315I316 321 326:331 336I341 346 35' 356 361 - 3141315I320.325 330|335;340 345 350 355 560 365 .--.-,-.-™j-^,--^,..-^ij.,-. jj^.,-,-, 349!354!359'364 312:313 318 323 328 333 338 343 348 353 "8 363 311312317322327332,337342 ~ ' 316J321 326331:3,'^^, 310 315 320J325 33o;3'3- 34ot)-;i! 3501355! 360 349 354'359 364 343'348 353 358 363 -^-,j— .,-,j-/ J-- j-,,j— ,j-,,j-,- jj, 342:347:352,357362 295 300J305I306 3:i|3i6!32ii326!33i 336 34'!346:35i!356 361 345:350,355360 2-, '<|283'288!293'298 303304 312:3I7i322|327i332 337 309314319:3241329334 54 53 52 5' 50 49 481 46J 45; 46 51 50 NOVEMREK. 5 10 18 30 M 30 75 80 74! 79 73 78 72! 77 71 76 90 8g 88 87 86 60' 65! 59I 64: 58 63: 57! 6t| 561 61 55 49 54 48 53 60; 59| 581 571 i'! 55! 54 53 52 51 347 .'52357 362 346351:356361 4 3 2 I 3651 30 29 28 27 25 26 19 iS 17 16. 15 16 8a 78 50 55 60 49: 54 59 48, 53 58 47 52: 57 46 511 56 40 45, 39 44 1 38I 43: 37| 42! 36 41 501 55 491 54 48: 53 47! 52 46; 51 40 45; 39! 44 38, 43 37i 42: 36: 4 20| 25 30 24i 29I 23 28 22j 27J 2X1 26 365I 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 339 344 349 054:359:36-: 40 39 38; 37 36, 35^ 34 33 3'i 73 71 DECEMBER. 10 18 30 38 toil' 95 100 105 iio 115,120 121 94 99 104 io>> 1 14; 119 120 93: 98 103 108 113:118 III 76 81 85! 90 841 89 83 1 88 ''.2 87 75 80 74 79 78 72 77 76 70 75 69 74 30: 35 29 34 28. 33 27: 32 25I 24 1 23 22l 21: 86 107 ii2|ii7 n 106 1111116:117 105 110:115 116 104 109:114:115 98103 loS II3|H4 97J102 1071112 113 96 loi 106 III 112 95 100 105 94 99 '04 93: 9»,'03 92J 97i>02 91 96 lOI 90i 95 100 105! 106 4 99 I04|i05 iioliii 109 IIOJI2 108 109! 1 3 107:108:14 io6|i07 15 16 17 18 "9 ioi:io2|ao 103 104 102:103 85 90 84; 89 83: 88, 82: 87I 811 86; 91 57 62 56 61 55 54 53 .. 521 46^51' 45 44 4 42 41 30 29 34 28 33 27; :2J 26, 31 40 39 38 37 36 20 25 30 19 24 29 18: 23 28 171 22 16: 21 151 ^° ^5 35 34 33 32 3" 100 101:21 99 100:22 98, 99123 97: 98:24 26 27 94128 9329 92,30 9o| 91 89 00 881 89I 87! 88 86 80 79 78 -. 771 82 76I 81 40 45 39 44 38, 43 37' 42 36: 4' 30 35; 40 43 69 68 67: 66 65 64 63 62S 61 I 1 3 4 5 6 - 7 84I 8 83 82 10 81 II 8012 79: 1 3 78J14 77|>5 76:16 75«7 74; 18 73 «9 72 20 II >|22 ^»3 68 24 6735 O r. >-> , o rts n 88 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. TABLE TO SHOW NUMBER OF DAYS FROM 1 JANUARY. U 10 3S SO SI J I I "'I 651 7o| 6u 64! 6g 59 J8 57 56 55 54 5'l 5" 49 48 47 46 45 44 4j 4^, 4' 40 39 38 37 63I 65 70' 64; 69; 63 63 62 67 6l 66 1 75| 80 79 78 ' 1 77 ' 1 70 26; 36 27! 35 28 34 29, 33 30 32 6oi 59 5« J6] 55 54 53 -!- 5<^' 49 48 47, 46 75 74 73 7» 71 70; 60' 68 67! 66 85 84 83 82 81 80' 79 •/« 76 40; 45 39' 44 20 'J 12 21 II 22 10 23 9 24 8 25 7 26 6 27 5 28 4 29 3 30 2 31 I 19 18 17 16 14! 13, 12! "i r loj 9' 8; 7' 6 55, 54 53' 70 69 68 67i 66 65 70 64 69I 6j 68 62, 67 61 66 FEBRUARY. ~io^u M as ss MARCH. 10 IS ^ as SO SI 96 loi 106 III j 116 119 95 100 105 110 115 118 99 104 109 IM "I? 98 103 108 iij 116 97 io2'i07H2 115 124 129134 139 144 149 15< 123 128 133 138 96101 95;ioo 94 99 93; 98 92; 9; 40 45 39, 44 38J 43 37,1 42 36 41 35 40 34 39 33 38 32! 37 31, 36 I 30, 29 28 26 40 39 38 36, 40 39 38 37 — 35 34 33 3'i 31I 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 to6!iii 114 119 I24!i29i34'i39 I05|ii0;ii3 118 123J128 I33'i38 104 I09;It2 117 122 127 132 137 ro3'ioS III 116 1211126 131 136 102 107 MO 115 I2o|l25 130 135 lOI 100 99 98 97 106 109 66! 71 76 65! 70, 75 64! 69: 74 63 68 73 62 67 105 104 103 102 loi 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 108 107 106 105 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 72 77 122 127,132 137 142 121 126 131 136 141 120 I25|i3o'i35'i40 1 143,148 14. 147,148 114 iig'124 129 134 113 "8 112 117 111,116 no 115 109114 108 113 107I112 106 III 100 103 no 99 10; Iv1;iI4 Iiq 124 89 88 87 86 if 84 83 8 8 80I 123 128 133 122 127,132 I2l'l26!l3I I2o'l25 130 tt9|i24 129 118 123 128 II7'l22!l27 Il6,I2l|l26 115 120:125 -r 103 io8i;:3 118 123 102 loyjitijii; 122 loi Io6jiii 116 121 100 105 99104 98 103 97 '°2 96 lOI 95100, 1101115 120 99,104 981103 971102 96|ioi 95 100 1141119 113I11S 112 117 III 116 no 115 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 99 98 57 96 lOI 95 55i 60, 54; 59j 53' 58 52: 571 411 46 401 4 39b 44 43 42 36 34 33 32 15 20 25 30i 31 36 :r 46 69 68 67 66 65 5<5| 6l 55i 60 54! 59 53: 58 52 5' 57 56 64 63 62 61 60 59 114 "3 112 III no 146 '47 145,146 '44 '45 150 155 '60,165 143I144 I49''54|i59 '64 I42ji43 141142 140; 141 139,140 '45 '38,139 144 '37 J38 »43 '36 '37 142 1351136 141 '34 133 '32 130,13' APRIL. ~ ao^lio 10 u 1" I , , 155 i6ojif)5 I7o]i75i8o 154 '59 "'4 1691174179 153 15S 163 16S 173 17S 152 157 i62'i67 172 177 151 156 161! 16C 148,153 158 '63 157162 156 161 '47 146 '35 140 '39 138 '37 136 12913c I28|i2g 127J128 126127 132 126 125 124 123 122 121 iig 117 Ii8 123 n6 117 115 116 i09iH4 io8|ii3 107 112 106 IIl'lI2 105,110 ^1' 64 69 79! 84 78, 83 77' 82 76 81 75, 801 104 103 102 lOI 100 74 79 84 in '3' 130 129 150 149 148 147 146 145 '44 '43 142 141 140 139 138 '37 136 128133 120 125 124 122 121 i20 119 i55,'6o '54 159 '53'58 150 157 156 155 149154 '48''53 147,152 146,151 145150 144 149 143148 '42 147 141 146 140,145 144 143 142 141 '39 138 137 136 135 140 171 176 181 169 174 168.173 167,172 166:171 MAY. s 10 IS ao as SO SI ! I I JUNE. B 10 IS ao as so I 216 221 226 231 236 241 215 220 225 230 235 240 185 190 195 200 205 2IO 211 184 l8g 194 199 204 209I210; 1S3I188 193 198 203 2o8|209 2i4 219 224 229 234 239 182 187 192 197 202 207J208 213 2i8 223 228 233 238 186 191 196 2011206 207 212 217 222 227 232 237 170,1751180 185 190 195 200 205 206 179 184 189 104 199 204 '205 178 183 188 193 198,203 204 177^182 187 192 I97j202]203 I76|i8i}i86 191 196 201 20: i75'i8o|i85 190 195 200 201 174J179 184 189 I94'i99 200 '1. 165 170 i64'i69 163168 I62'i67 i6i 166 I7i!i76'i8i 186 191 196 197 i6o|i65 159 164 158 163 157J162 156 161 -L 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 160 159 158 157 156 145 '48 153 147 146 T30 129 128 127 132 I37li42;i47li52 157 162 167 126 131 136 141,146 I. 125,130,135 140:145 124 129 134 139 144 118 123,12s 133,138143 117 116 no 109 108 107 106 105 no 89 104 103 102 lOI 115 114 "3 112 III log 108 07 122 127 132 I2l'l26 131 120 125 130 I37II42 1361 '4 1 I 135 140 119:12411291134 139 118 123 128:133 138 117 122 1271132:137 n6 1211126,131 136 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 173 178 1S3 iSS 193 ig8 199 204 209:214 219 172J177 1S2 187192.197:198 170 175 180 185 190,195 196 1691174 179 1S4 189 194 195 165 173 178 183 188 193 194 167 172 177 182 187:192 193 166 171,176 181 186:191 192 :i: 165 170 175 180 185 190 191 164I169 174 179 184 189 190 03Ji68,i73i78l83'i88i89 62 i67'i72 177 182^187 188 193 198^ 161 166 171 176 181 186 187! 160 159 158 157 156 165 170 175 180 185 186 164 i6g 174 179 184 185 163 1&8 173 178 183 184 162 167 172 177 182 183 161 166 171 176 181 182 J 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 181 134 139 144 149 154 159 164 i69;i74 179180 133 138,143 148 153 158 163 168 173 178 179 151 156 i6i 166 I72|i77ii78 171,176 70 175 150,155 160 16= 149' 154! 159' 164: 169 174 48 1531158,163 168173 147,152 I57;i62 146,151 156,161 145,150155 144 149 154 143,148 I42|147 1411146 114 119 124 129 134 M3 118 123 12S 133 II2I117 122 127 132 139 144 138:143 153 152 151 .50 149 148 106 IIIul6 121:120 131 looiios 110I115 120 125JI30 99 104:109^114 119 1241129 g8 i03'io8'ii3 118 I23'i28 97 102J107 112 117 I22'l27 96 101106 III 1x6 121I126 120,125 92 9/ 91 100 105 no 115 99JI04 log 11411191124 98^103 io8,ii3[iiS,i23 96 90 95 102 107 112 117 122 101106 Iii:n6'i2i ^i*"3,"","3|-' 13 142; 147 141 146 140 4 139 133' 138,' 143 132,1371142 131:136141 130,135,140, 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 176 175 ,174 167 172 173 166 171 172 165 170 171 1641169 170 163 168 169 162,167,168 iDi,i66 167 150 1641165 153 15S 163,164 ■5-! 151 149 157,162 156 i6i i55;i6o 54 159 148J153158 1471152 157 146,151 156 I45;i50;i55 129 134|I39.I44|149 154 I28:i33'l38 iJ3ji48,i53 127:132 1371421147,152 126,131 136 1411116 151 I 100105,110115120 125 130 135 140.45 150 211 216 221 226 231 236 210 215 220225 230,235 209 214J219 224 229I234 208 213 218 223,228, 233 07 212 217222 227232 206 2IIJ216 221 226'23I 05 2I0I2I5 22o]225 230 2241229 203 208 213 2X8 202 207 212 217 201 206 211 2l6 200 205'2I0'2I5 223228 222^227 221 226 220:225 199 204 2og 214:219 224 iy8 J03 208 2I3|2l8 197 202 207 212 196 201 195 200 194 1 99 203 '208 192 1 97 1 202 207 206 211 205I2IO 204 209 igi 196 201 206 190 1 95 1200205 217 2l6 215 214 213 212 2n 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 i8g 194 1S8 193 187 192 216 2Io!2I5 lyg 204 2og 214 198 203,208 197 202 207 186 191 196 201 206 185 190195 200205 184 189 ig4'ig9 204 183 188,193 198 203 177 183 187 192 197 202 J. 181 186,191 196 201 i8o'i85'i9o ig5 200 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 179 184 189 194 199 204 I78:i83!i88 193 198203 177 182:187 192 197 202 176,181 186 191,196 I75ll8o!i85 190 195 I74;i79'i84 189; 194 173 178 183 188:193 172 177 182 160 165 166 171 176 181 i87|i92 186191 185 190 170 175 180 169 174 179 i84|l8g 168 173 178 i83'iS8 193 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 94 107,172,177 161 166 171I176 160165170,175 I59'l64 169 174 158 l6j 168 173 1571162 167I172 156 155 154 153 152 151 161 166,171 ifio 165 170 159 164 169 158,1631168 182I187 192 181 186 igi 180 185190 179184,18(1 17818318!; 177 i82!i87 176 '75 174 173 i57Ji62Ji67'i72 156 161 166 171 181 186 180 185 179 184 178 183 177 182 176 181 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCLXL GAZtTTEER AND ATLAS. 90 ANY ONE DATE TO ANOTHER.— Con/i«««rf. JULY. 5 10 u ao » so n 246 aji 236 26i'266 271 27 245'25o'255 260 265 270 27 244 245 254 259264 269I270 243 24S 253 258|263 268,269 242 247I252 257 262 267 268 241 246 240*45! 2391244 238243 »37|*4» 236241 235240 234239 233,238 232 237 231 236 230 235 2291234 228,233 227l'!-2 251256 250255 249 254 248 233 247,252 261 266J267 260 265 '266 I259 .1641265 258 263I264 2371262 263 268 246,25lJ256|26l|262 24525012552601 261 244249 243 248 242247 226J23I 223 230 224 229 223 228 222 2271 24l'246 240I245 239 244 238243 237,242 236 241 235240 234 239 233 238 232237 22l'226| 220225 219 224 218223 217222 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 2o8 2C7 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 221 220 219, 218 217 231,236 230235 229234 228233 227I232 J. 216 215 214 213 212 226 231 223 230 224'229 223 228 222 227 221 226 220 223 219224 218 223 217 222 211. 216 2Io'2I5 209 214 208J2I3 207 212 206 211 203 210 20412091 221 220 219 218 254259,2 233,258 J59 232 237 2 60 265 251 256 250 255 249254 248;253 247252 246251 245 230 244 243 242 58 257 262 256 261 255 254 253 258, 249 248 247 241 246 240245 239 244 238243 252 251 250 240 248 237 242 243 246 245 244 236 241 235240 234,? "O 233 238J239 232 237 238 242 241 240 231 236 230233 229234 228 233 227I232 233 226 225230,231 224 223 > 231 232 ,U 229 230 228J229 217,222 227J228 ig8 203J208 197 202 207 196 20t 206 195 200' 205 194 199 204 193 198 203 192 197 202 216.221 213 220 214219 2i3!;i8 212217 211 216 210215 209 214 208213 207212 226 223 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 191 196 201 2o6 211 2l6 I9o'ig3|20o!2o5 210 215 i8g i94:i99'2O4'209 214 1881193 ig8 203 208 213 187 192 197I202 207I212 AUGUST. S 10 U 90 18 SO SI 277 282 287 292 297 276 28i'286 291 296 275'28o'285|2go295 274 279 284 289 294 273 278,283 288 293 302 303 301 302 300 301 299 300 305 310 313 272277I282 271,276281 270 273 2S0 269 274'27g: " 273 278 267,272277 266; :7 1 276 2;0 275 64 269 274 263'26Sl273 267 272 266 271 265270 264 2'' 9 2631 t, 287^292 286:291 283 290J 2S4'2S9 283 288 308 307 306 2g8 299 297i298|303 296 297 302 295J296 294295 293294 282287I 28i[286' 280285 279,28-1; 278283 287' 286 277:282 27OI281 273 280^285 274 2921293 291,292 290 291 2S9'290 2S8t289 288 287 273 247 232 262.. 07 261 260 260 263 259 258 257 251 256 250255 249254 248 253 247 252 246 251 245250 244,249 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 243'248|233 237 236 23s 234I239 242247252 241J246251 240,2451250 2441249 238243248 237,242247 236 241 246 2352401 243 234,239244 233238243 227 226 231 236 225 224 223 222 221 220 225 2ig 218 186 191,196 201 206,211 217 216 215 214 232237 230235 229234 228 233 224 223 232 231 230 229 228 242 241 240 239 238 279 284 278 283 272 27:^-82 271 2762S1 270275'28o 269,274!27ij' 268 273i27S 284 283 282 281 265 270' 272I277 278I283 271 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 267 266 265 264 263 257 262 256 261 255 260 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 231 250 237 236 235 234 233 222 227 232 221 226 231 220 225 2ig;224 213 2181223 217 230 22g 228 227 244 24g 243 248 242 247 241 246 240:245 239,244 238243 276 277 275 276 274 273 273|^74 I SEPTEMHI.U. 6 10 IS 20 2S 30' 313318 312317 3II3'6 304.309314 308313 307,3121 306311' 305310 304309 32;t 328 32;: 327 321 326, 320325 3'5 3-'t 333 332 33' 3301335 329 334 1I328 'i3 298 303 308 297:302307 296301 306 295^300 305;3io'3i5 294299.304309314 3i8'323' 3171322 3ie!32i'320|33i 315320. 314319 313318 3'2i3i7 3ii;3!G 293 292 286 291 285 290 289 288 287 286 280 285 279 2S4 272,273 278 271,272277 270 271 27f 269 270 275 26S 269 267 208 266 267 272 274 273 263 264 269 262 263 261262 260 '26 I 259I26O 258,259 257:258 256:257 255236 54'255 253 234 252 251 250 249 248 237 242 230241 235 240 2342391244 233,238,243 247 246 245 253 252 251 250 271 270 298'303 297 302 296 301 295:300 294:299 308 307 306 305 304 293,298 2g2 297 291^296 290 295 289 2g4 303 302 301 300 299 288|2g3 287;2g2 2S6|29i 285'29o 284'289 283'288 282287 28i'286 28o'285 27g'284 278:283 277 282 276;28i 275280 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 274:279284 2681 267 2eo' 265' 264 ,1, 273278,283 272277,282 271 276 281 270275^280 269 274:279 293 292 291 2go 289 288 287 286 285 284 353358 352 357'358 363 351 356 357 36 350 353 356 361 324P29 334 339i344l349 354 355 360 365 ',325 323 322 321 320 319324 318323 31 316321 315 314 313 312 311 310I315 309314 308 3073 306 305 304 303 302 301 29S 297 295 294 293 291 290 289 263 268'273'278 283 288 262 267 272 277 282'287 261 266 27i'276 281J286 260' 265^2701275 280 25g 264 26g 274 279 284 258 263'268 257;262'267' 256,2611266 255'26o'265 273 272 271 278. 277' 276 283 282 281 270275 249 234 259 264269 274 248 233'258 263'268'273 247 252|257;262;267 272 246 231.236 .JI 266 271 243 230 255:260 265 270 244 249 254259 264 269 232,237 242 243 248:253258,263 268 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 OCTOBER. IT 10 IS 90 SS 30 sr 3381343348353 337 342 347 352 33(^1341:346 j5i 340345 350 330 358 363 364 357,362:363 356361136 355:360 361 339|344i349 354 359.360 365 338343348 337342 347 336341I346 335 340 345 328 327 326 325 322 320 319 359 364 333 338 343'348 353I354 337 342;347;352l353 332 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 324 3i8'323 317,322 316321 320 319 336 335 334 333 332 331 341 3463511352 34o;345!350 35' 339 344:349,35' 338343348J 337 342 347 34S 336341,346347 349 3541; 330,335 340,345 329 334 339 344:345 1359364 353 358 i(>3 352357 362 346351,356361 - 330I355 360 36' 313 12 311 310 309 30H 307 306 300305 299304 303 302 296 30 300 299 2g8 292 297 296 293 294 293 292 291 285 290 289 288 287 286 280285 284 31R 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289' 328'333 338 3t3'344 32713321337,342,343 326331I336341 342 325330335340341 324J329 334 339 323328 322327 321I326 320 323 319324 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 323 322 321 320 319 318 31 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 300305 299304 34^^ 345 339 33S 333338 3321337 3311336,337 3301335336 329 334 335 333 332 331 330 329 323 328 3221327 321 326 320 323 319,324 318323 317322 316321 315:320 3141319 313318 312 317 311,316 310315; 309:314 329 32S 327 326 325 324 323 322 32 319 298 303 308 313; 2g7 302 3071312 296 301:306311:3121317 295 300 3- 5:310; 2g4,299 304 309:3101315 283 288 282'287 281:286 280285 279284; 1:314 1313 293 298:303 308309 292 297 302 307 308 291 296 301:306 307 290 295 300' 305 '306 289,2g4,29gUo4 3053 278 283'28S 2g3J298:303 304 309 314 I I 1 NOVEMBEK. B id IS 90 28 SO 9 14 19 8 13 18 7 12 6 II 5 10 359 364 358 363 357 362 356.361 355:360,365 •5, 24' 23! 22I 2l| 20i 29 28 27 26 25 349! 354 348,353 3471352 346351:356 350:355 9| 14 8( 13 7; 12 6 II 5! 10 359 358 357 344 343 342 341 340 334 333I338 337 336 349 34S 347 346 345 354 353 352 351 350 330 335 334 333 332 331 330 364 363 362 361 24 23 22 2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 II 10 3603651 5 359 358 357 356 355 339 344 349 354 343348353 342347I332 34l'346:35i 340 345 350 329 328 327 326 339 34t:349 338343'348 337 342 347 336341346 3351340,345, 364 363 362 36 360:365 350,364 358 1 363 357362 356:361 355 354 353 352 351 350 J-..L 333 320 325 324 334|339 344:349 338 343348 347 346 345 332 331 .'30 318323 317322 316 3. I 315 320 319 318; 329 328 327 326 325 324 323 322 321 320 314 319 313318 3121317 311,316 10,315 I 337 342 . 336341:: 335 340,; 334 339 333.338 33', 337 3t'[336 .liOi335 359 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 329334 328 333 327 332 326331 325330 348 353 344 343 342 3 }7 341 346 340 324I329 3341339 344 349 323 32** 333'338 343 348 DECEMBER. TO^U 9098 so" 39, 44 49 54' 50 38 43 48 53 58 37: 42 47, 52 57 36 41I 46, 51 36 35 40 45 50 55 34: 39 33! 38 32: 37 31 36 30| 35 29! 34 28 33 32 3' 25 30 24 29 23 28 22 27 21 26 20 251 3OJ 3- 44' 49 54 43, 48 53 42' 47, 52 41 46; 5« 4o| 45: 50 39! 44 38I 43 37 42 36 41 35| 40 34! 39 44 33 38 43 32 37' 42 31 36, 41 360 365 9364 363 1 9 24 29 18 23 28 17 22 27 16 21 26 15 20 25 ,1 14 I9j 24 13 i8j 23 12 17, 22 II 16 21 10 13 20 9 14 8 13 7 12 6 II 5 10 362 361 360365 4 3' 2| 7 ll 6 359 364 358 363 357 36 356,361 350 355 360 365 -1- 349 354 345 350 1359 364 358363 352:357:362 351:356,361 355^360 34 39 33' 38 32 i 37 31 36 30 35 3651 339 , 338 343 348'353 337 342 3.36,341 335 i 340 345 347:352 346351 350 357:; 356:; 355;; 3-2 327 3321337 342 321 326331I33634I 320325 J30: 335 340 319,324,329 334 339 344 358,: 3441349:3541359364 - 363 362 361 360 3651 60 I 40 21 3922 3823 3724 36|25 35 26 34 27 3328 32 2g 31 30 29 30 28 2Q 27 28 26 27 25j 26 20 II I9I12 18I13 14 15 15 i6 14.17 13 18 12,19 1 1 '20 1021 922 823 724 625 354'359 364 353'358363 352 357 362 351356 361 350,355 360 36 5) 1 ,30 349 354|359 364J365J31 4 526 3 427 2 3:28 l! 2i29 CAMl'HKLL'S COM.MKRCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Rraini. 480 5760 TROY WEIGHT. I Dwt. ao J40 • I Ounce. = 12 B I Lb e> 12.816 Cubic Inches of distilled water at 62* Fahr. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 437.5 Grains Troy. I Lb. = I.at53 Lb Troy. 28 a I Quarter. 112—4 = iCwt. 2240 •■ 80 =20 — I Ton. Drachms 16 m I Ounce t36 - 16 7168 - -»48 28672 = 1792 57J't40 = 35840 LAND MKASURE. Inches 7 92 = I Link. 792 = too = I Chain 63360 =8000 =80 = I Mile NAUTICAL MEASURE. N. Mile. I =;6oi»j Feet. 3 = I League. 60 = ao = I Degree = 69.16 Eng.M. Gallons. 2 8 64 320 640 > I Peck. 4 160 320 DRY MEASURE. I Bushel -= 1.2S4 Cubic Ft. 8 t= I Quarter. 40 =5 =1 Load or Wey. 80 =10 =2 = 1 Inches. 12 36 72 198 7920 63360 LONG MEASURE. = I Foot. = 3 = 6 = 16.3 = 660 =5280 ---= I Yard. ==2 =1 Fathom. ==55 =2.75 =1 Perch. =^220 =110 =40 =1 Furlong. =1760 =880 =320 =8 =1 Mile. Inches. •44 1296 39204 I568i')0 6272640 = I Foot. = 9 = 272.25 = io8go =43560 SQUARE MEASURE. = I Yard. =z 30.25 =1 Perch. = 1210 = 40 =4840 =160 I Rood. 4 I Acre. LAND MEASURE (Ssuarb). Links. 625 = I Perch. loooo = I Chain. 25000 = 2.5 =1 Rood, looooo =10 =4 =1 Acre. SOLID MEASURE. Cubic Inches. 1728 = I Foot. Last. 46656 = 27 I Yard. APOTHECARIES' MEASURE. 60 Minims = 8 Fluid Drachms - 20 Fluid Ounces . 8 Pints : I Fluid Drachm. I Fluid Ounce. I Pint. I Gallon. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. Grains. (new.) 437-5 = I Oz. 7000 016 rsi I Lb. Cubic Inches. 34-66 69.318 277.274 11645.508 17467.262 23291.016 34936.524 69873.048 LIQUID MEASURE. I 2 8 336 504 672 1008 2016 Pint I Quart. 4 168 252 336 504 1008 I Gallon. 42 =1 Tierce. 63 = li 84 ^2 126 = 3 252 = 6 = I Hogshead. = >i = 2 = 4 Punch. = I Pipe. 2 I Tun. The Imperial Gallon contains 10 lbs. distilled water at 62° Fahrenheit, and a Cubic Foot con- tains 6.232106 Imperial Gallons FRENCH LINEAL MEASURE. Millimetre Centimetre Dec i mitre Metre Kilometre Myriametre 0.0393704 English Inches 0.3937043 3-937043 39.370432 3.280869 1.093623 1093. 6231 6.21377 Feet. Yards Mile?. FRENCH SUPKRFICIAL MEASURE. Mitre. Eiig.Sq.FI. Eng. Perches, Centiare = i = 10.7641 =: 0.03953 Declare = 10 = 107.641 = 0.39534 Are = 100 r= 1076. 4104 = 0.09S84 Rood, Hectare r= loooo =10764:. 0356 = 2.47109 Acres. To reduce Cubic Metres into English Rods, cnbe, divide by 8.664. FRENCH SOLID MEASURE. Stere Decastre = Hectastre = Kilostre r= Myriastre = Metre. I = 10 = 100 = 1000 = 35.315617 Eng.Cub.Ft. 13.079358 " " Yds 130.798582 " " " 1307.985823 " " " = 13079.858236 FRENCH LIQUID MEASURE. Litre = 61.027 English Cubic Inches. Decalitre = 6^0.254 " " " Hectolitre = 6102.538; " " " Kilolitre ^- 61025.3866 " " " t Litre = 0.2201 Imperial Gallon. I Hectolitre = 2.7512 English Bushels. FRENCH WEIGHT Gramme =: Kilogramme 1= Tonne ^ 15-43235 Grains, 2.20462 Lbs. Avoirdupois. 0.98421 Tons. COMPARISON OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LINEAL MEASURES. France Belgium Holland Italy Swedish Foot Prussia \ Denmark [■ Foot Norway ) Austrian Foot Spanish Yard Portuguese ) „ Brazilian f ^"^^^ Egyptian Pik Metre = 3 . 2809 English Feet. = 0.974 = 1.029 = 1-037 = 2.738 = 3-934 = 2-515 TABLE GIVING EXACT PROPORTIONS OF AN ACRE IN SQUARE FEET IN A LOT LESS THAN AN ACRE. Feet. /lOO Acre. Feet. /lOO i < 1 2 1 82 2 u /lOO Acre. Feet. 8^ S2 1.^ il fa Feet. /lOO Acre. fa It fa Jl ^ ""^ s; "o ^' "•s "0 ^ cr ...» "•0 ^ "0 c? -•0 in "■^ 436 = .01^4356 - 10 8276 = .19 12197 = .28 16117 = .37 19602 = -45 23087 = -53 26572 = .61 ^0056 = .69 33541 = .77^37026 = .8540511 = -93 871 = .024792 = 11 8712 = .2012632 - .29 16558 = .3820038 = .46 23522 = -54127007 = .62 30492 = .70 33977 = 78 37462 = .86 40946 = .94 1307 = .03 5?27 = 12 9148 = .21113068 = .30 16988 = 3920473 = -47 23958 = -55127443 = .63 30928 = -71 34412 - .7937897 = .87:41381 = •95 1742 = .04 5663 = u 95»3 = .2213504 = -31 17424 - .4020909 = ^^'i 24394 = .56127878 = -64^31363 = .72 -,4848 = .80 38333 = .88,41818 = .96 2178 = .056098 = M 10019 = -23 13939 = .32117860 = -41 21344 = .49 24829 = -57 28314 = -65 31799 = -73 35384 = -81 38768 = .8c 42253 = •97 2614 = .066534 = 1 = 10454 = -24; 14375 - -33 18295 = .42 21780 = .50 25265 - .58 28750 = -66,32234 = -74 35819 = .82 39204 = .9 4^689 ^ .08 3049 = .07 6970 = lb 10890 = .25'i48io = -34118731 = .43 22216 = -51 25700 = -59 29185 = .671 32670 = -75 36255 = .83^39640 = •9M3I24'= •99 5485 = .08 7405 = 17 11326 = .26 15246 = .35,19166 = .44'2265I = .'i2 26136 = .60 29621 = .68 33:06 = .76 36690 = .84 40075 = -Qz^sseo = .100 3920 a .09 7841 =. 18 11701 = .27 15682 = .36l 1 1 1 Note. — When the opposite sides of a piece of land are of unequal length, add them together and take one-haif for the mean length or width. To FIND THE NUMBER OP ACRES IN A BODY OP LANC. — Multiply the length by the width in rods (16J feet) and divide by 314. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 91 WEIGHTS. ETC. MUTALS. nrCnbtan. iBll* Amminiam 162 Antimony — Cast 419 Bismuth— Cast 614 Brass— Cast 525 Brass— Wire 534 Bronze 524 Copper - Cast 550 Copper — Sheet and Wire 555 Gold — Pure 1210 Gold — Standard 1 108 Gun Metal 549 Iron— Wrought 485 Iron— Cast 450 Lead— Milled 712 rw rnvt n lulba. Lead— Cut 710 Mercnry— Fluid 848 Mercury — Solid 977 Nickel-Cast 788 Platinum— Pure 1220 Platinum Wire— Drawn 1300 Platinum — Hammered 1 280 Pewter 453 Silver— Pure (155 Silver— Standard 638 Steel 490 Tin — Cast 456 Type Metal 653 Zinc 430 TIMBER (Sbasoned). P^r Cubtc Ft lalbc Apple-tree 49 Ash 50 Bay-tree jo Beech , 31 Birch 48 Box 60 Cedar — Ame tin 30 Cedar of Lebanon 35 Cherry-tree , 42 Chestnut 40 Cork 15 Ebony — Indian 70 Ebony — American 80 Elder 42 Elm 39 Fir— Dantzic 35 Fir— Memel 38 Hazel 40 Horn bean 48 Larch 33 Lignum Vitae 70 m Cubic rv liilb«. Logwood 33 Mahogany — Honduras 40 Mahogany — Spanish 33 Maple 47 Oak— English 30 Oak— American 47 Oak— Baltic 46 Pine— Red 40 Pine — Yellow 33 Poplar— White Spanish 32 Sycamore 37 Teak — Indian 41 Teak — Moulucein 43 Teak — Jahore 70 Teak— African 60 Wainscot — Riga 38 Walnut — American 35 Walnut — Spanish 43 Willow 30 Yew so Circumference of a circle Length of arc of circle Length of arc containing 120' Area of circle Area of segment of a circle Area of se^ent of a circle, when It contains 120° Area of sector of circle Area of ellipse Area of egg-shaped sewer Area of triangle MENSURATION. = Diameter x 3.1416, or by 3^. = Take span from 8 times the chord of half the arc, and } remainder = length of arc required. = Span X 1.2092 = Square of diameter x .7854. = To twice square root of span, -I- square root of rise, add chord 01 half arc, and the result multiplied by ■,», of rise = area. = Square of span multiplied by .20473. =; Radius x ^ length of arc — Product of the 2 diameters x .07854. = Square of transverse diameter x 1.1597. where ai c are sides .and = Vs(s-a){i-i){s s is half their sum. Solidity of cone = Area of base x ^ perpendicular height. Solidity of globe = Cube of diameter x .3236. Surface of globe = Square of diameter x 3.1416. Prismoidal formula = Sum of end areas 4- .1 times middle multiplied by J of length. Prismoidal formata, applietl to earthworks, casks, and truncated cones. TIME. 60 = 1 Minute. 3600 = 60 = J Hour. 86400 = 1440 = 24 = I Day. 604800 =: 10080 := 168 = 7 = I Week. 2419200 ~ 40320 — 672 = 28 = 4 = I Month. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Cable's length :: 340 yards. The old Wine Gallon = 231 cub. in. The old Ale Gallon — 281 cubic inches. I Stone = 14 lbs; 80 Articles = i score. [Z Dozen = i gross. I Cord of Wood = 128 cubic feet. t Faggot of Steel = lao lbs. I Cask of Black Lead = n^ cwt. LigUlDS. t Cubic inch = I Galloi. = I Cubic foot =z I Cubic foot = 35. 043 Cubic feet =: (Approx.) = Ice, I Cubic foot — .0361 Ibe. 10.0000 lbs. 62.3210 lbs 6.2321 gallons. I ton. Sgalloni. lbs. = I Year, I Pig of Ballast = 36 lbs. I Truss of Strav = 36 lbs. I Truss of Hay = 56 lbs. A Load of Hay or Straw = 36 trusses. A Firkin = 1.444 cubic ft. A Corn Bushel := 1.284 cubic ft. A Barrel of Tar = 23 ^lons. I Ton of Portland Cement = 6 casks, I Ton of Portland Cement = 10 sacks, OILS. Seal Oil Sperm Oil 9 lbs per gallon, 8| lbs per gallon. ■ lloB Acid, Sulphuric Acid. Nitric Acid, Muriatic Alcohol of Commerce. . . Alcohol, Proof Spirit.. .. Oil, Linseed Oil, Whale Oil of Turpentine Naphtha Petroleum Tar Water from Mediterranean. Water from Irish Channel. Water from Ice Water, Di' 60! 60 ,, , , .. 60 , , , , , , .. 60 . , v> , , 60; 60 45 .so 60; 60 43 SO •>•> 60 .. 45 50 55 60 60 45 ,, ,, .. 60 .. ^ Campbells commercial gazetteer and atlas. LIST OF CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS. ONTAEIO. CIBCUIilTION. AiiMiMiTOM ("oiNTT— PopuUtiun, 23,470. T&mworth, Kcho, w 500 Newbunjb.t K«iM)rter, w 800 AiooMA Di«TBi(T- Population. 20,320. (tore li*y, .Maiiitouiin (iuiilr, w 375 MAnitowanin^, Mtmitouliu Kxpositor, IT 450 I'riiue Ai+.hur'« lADiling, Heralil, d 150 (S«« Thunder Bay), Herald and Mining Journal, w 500 " " " Sentinel, d 500 •• Sentinel,* 1,200 North .Shore Miner 600 Sault Ste. Marie, + Pioneer, w 804 Bo/KwtLi County— Population, 27,102. Kidgetown, Plaindealer and Adrocate,* w . 1,500 SUndard, w 1,050 Brant (Jousitt— I' pulation, S;<,869. lirantford.t C.rier, ./ 618 " Courier,*; 2,000 » £xpo«itnr, d 600 « Expositor, w 2,500 •• Telegram, d 850 Telegram, w 2,600 Pari«, Review, IT 750 Star Transcript, v 1,800 St. Georse, Leader, » 300 Bbi'ci Cocnty— Population, 64,774. Chetley, Knterprise, w 700 Kincardine, Reporter and Advertiser, to 1,800 900 600 8(X) 700 576 700 450 400 Standard, w Lucknow, Sentinel, v I'aisley, Advi.^ t.>. m Port hlgin. Buy Time», w. " Free l'reH»,» w. Tara, Leader, w Teeswater, News, le Tiverton, Watchman,* w.. Walkerton,+ Herald, «■ 1,100 " Telescope, w 825 DieGlocke(Ger.), » 900 Wiarton, Echo, w 900 CaBDWELL Coi'XTY— Population, 16,; Beeton, Tribune, v ro. 450 Caklkton OtUw CofNTY— Population, 52,101. a,f Citi?,en, rf 1,800 " Citizen, 5. Kemptville, Advance, w 400 Prescott, Messenger, » . . 800 " Telegraph,* 1,100 Gbey Cocnty— Population, 74,129. Chatsworth, News 375 Clarksburj;, Times 470 Durham, Chronicle, * 960 " Review, w 840 Flesherton, Advance, IS 648 Hannv«r, Post, w 675 Markdale, Litaniia. i, w 800 Meaford, Monitor, to 8S0 " Mirror, w 900 Xeustadt, Canada National Zeitung (Ger.) w 865 Owen Sound, t Advertiser, w 1,300 " Times,* 1,200 " Tribune,* 800 .Slielburne, Fr«e Press, * 450 Thombury, Uuion Standard, w 760 Halhikand County— Population, 18,619. Caledonia, Grand River Sachem, w 1,400 Cayuga,t Advocate, w 730 Hagersville, Tiroes,* 350 Jarvis, Record, • *. 700 H ALTON County— Population, 21,910. Acton, Free Press, ro £25 Georgetown, Herald,* w 1,000 Milton,t Canadian Champion, ro. 1,145 News,* 1,000 Oakville, Independent,* w , 750 Hashngs County— Population, 37,879. Belleville,+ Intelligencer, d 1,050 " Intelligencer, ro 3,700 " Ontario, d 900 " Ontario Chronicle, w 3,500 Deseronto, Tribune 660 Trenton, Advocate SOO " Courier 800 Madoc, North Hastings Review, * 960 Stirling, News Argus,** 660 HuBON County— Population, 76,970. BIythe, Advocate, w 800 Brussels, Post, *. 600 Clinton, Record, r 1,700 NewEra,*ro. 1,200 Exeter, Reflector, w 1,200 " Times, * 1,100 Goderich,t Signal,** 1,200 Star,* 800 Gorrie, Hnwick Enterprise,* w 676 Seaforth, Expositor, w 4.000 Sun.* .. J,400 Wingbam, Advance, w 628 Tin-es,** 600 • C<|.0|>«iatlY*. t County Beat. CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. <>s CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS— Co«/m«iuin««i. Bracr .)ridge, Muskoka Herald, If !^ Gravenhurst, Banner, to 500 Huntsville, Forrester, w WO NoBroLK Cocntt— Population, 33,593. Port Dover, Indepei dent, w 600i " 700 Port Rowan. Spirit of the Age,+ to, 500 Simcoc,* British Canadian, to 900 " Reformer, to 1,200 Waterf ord. Star, » 600 NoETHUHBERLAND CocsTT— Population, 39,283. Brighton, Ensign, to ^6 Campbellford, Herald, •«> :.... 628 Colbome, Exprt.a, to 626 " Enterprise, w 700 Cobourg,t Sentinel-Star, to. 1,200 World. 10 1,000 Hastings, Star 600 OlTTARlo Coi NTT— Population, 48,812. Beaverton, I^xpresH, to 1,060 Cannington, Mail, w. 600 Oshawa, Reformer, to 900 Vindicator, to 1,200 Port Perry, North • mtario Observer, to 600 Standard 760 Uxbridge, Guardian 850 " Journal 720 Whitby, t Gazette, 10 -500 Chronicle 2,200 Pickering, News 800 Oxford Cocntt— Population, 50,093. Embro,t Courier, 10. 1,100 Ingersoll, Chronicle, to 2,280 " Tribune and Dairy Reporter, 10 1,.500 " Sun, 10 900 Norwich, Gazette, 10 600 Otterville, Guide, to 400 Tilsonburg, Liberal, to 700 " Observer, 10 780 " Advertiser, Ki 1,000 Woodrti)ck,+ Sentinel-Review, 10 5,000 Times, to 1,800 Pahrt Socni) — (District of). Parry Sound, North SUr, » 800 Pe4i. Cocntt— Population, 16,.W. Brampton,! I. onservator, to L.'iOO Banner.w 1.400 " Time«,to 1,250 Pfkth Cocntt -Population, 54,985. Listowel, Banner, to 1,230 Sundard,to 7.W " Volksfreund (Ger.), 10 750 Mitchell, Advocate, to . . , 2,750 " Recorder, to. 1,086 St. Mary's, Argus, 10 1-200 " Journal (.-to 960 Stratford,t Advertiser, ».-io ■ 800 " Beauon, to 2.700 2,000 Times.w 1,400 " Canadischer Colonist (Ger.), 10 1,850 Feterbobodob Cocnty— Population, 3},266. ' Norwood, Register, to 600 Peterborough Review, (t. 1,100 " " to. -',000 *' Examiner, to. ■ 2.500 Times,w 2,900 " Canada Lumberman, Mtni-m. 1,1C0 " " Agriculturist, «» 8,000 PlEBCOTT Cocntt -Population, 22,857. L'Orignal,t Advertiser, io 780 " Eastern Ontario News and Ottawa Valley Adrocata, «. . 700 Fbinob Edward Coonti —Population, 21,044. Picton,+ Gazette, « 1,8* " Times, 10 I.WO Wellington, News, to 6* • OoperatiT*. ( County Seat 94 CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND A'lLAS. CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS— CoHtiHMd. ONTARIO-OmtmtMrf. 0!BCTII,ATIOIf, RlNfRBw CoCNTT—PopoUtion, 40,125. Am|>rior, < hriinicle, w. 1,000 KKsnville, i'.nter|iri>r,* » S36 Pemliroke.t ObiMTver, » 1,450 Steniliu'd, w 1,500 licnfrew, Mercury, w 1,300 SiMcoi CouNTT— PopuUtion, 76,129. A lliitiin. Herald, « 790 Barrie, Kxatiiiner, V 1,425 ■' (ihifUe, v 1,200 " Northern Advance,* 1,400 Bradford, South Simcoe Newi, w 790 " Witne«»,« w. 700 r«ldwater, Investigator, w 400 ( 'ollingwood. Bulletin, ic 900 '• KnterpriM, « 1,100 f^'iKiketown, Advocate.* w 600 Keenanaville, Cardwell Sentinel, *w 1,000 Midland, Argimy, w 450 " Freel'reea, w 600 OnUu, Packet, IS 1,210 " 800 Penetangruishene, Herald, 4 600 .SUyner, SuD, w 600 Tottenham, Sentinel, v 400 Reporter, w fiOO SrORMONT CouKTT— Population, 13,294. Cornwall,! Freeholder,* » 600 " Reporter and Eaitem Countioi Gazette, w 1,050 VlOTOBlA CouNTT— Population, ,14,612. Bobcaygeon, Independent, IT 1,000 Linduy.t Canadian Post, w 4,000 Warder, w 2,340 Fenelon F»'l», Gazette, w 4.50 Omeniee, Herald,*tr, 550 Woodville, Advocate, v 6.50 Watkrloo CotiNTT— Population, 42,740. Ayr, R^)rder, » 900 Berlin, Newi,+ rf 500 " New», w. 1,100 " Telegraph, v 900 " Journal (tier.), w 1,800 Elmira, Ad .ertiier, « 600 Anu-!i,-er (Ger.), » 4.')0 Gait, Dumfries Reformer, w 1,500 " Reporter, w 1,300 New llamburg, Inde|>endent, to 400 Canadischer Volksblatt (Ger.), w 1,100 Waterloo, Chronicle, w 600 " Canadiacher Bauemfreund (6er.), V 1,450 WitLAND CoDKTT- Population, 26,1.52. Niagara Falla, Review (also dated at Clifton), w. 1,.S00 Thorold, Post, w 800 Welland,+ Telegraph, v.. 2,600 Tribune, w 2,424 Port Colborne, Banner 600 WlLMNOTOS CODNTT- Population, 73,535. Arthur, Knterprise.t w l,.T0O Drayton, New Era, w 600 Elora, Express,* v 700 Erin, Advocate, ts 840 Fergus, News Record, «c 750 Guelph, Heralc, << 1,200 Herald,iff. 4,000 " Mercury and Advertiser, d 1,000 " Mercury and Advertiser, w. 4,100 Harriston, Tribune, w... 1,100 Mount Forest, Advocate, « 800 " Confederate And Examiner,* w 1,150 Index 600 PalmerstoD, Telegraph, and Wellington and Perth Gazette, w 460 CIBCDI,ATION. WjtirrwoBTH CoUNTT— Population, 66,952. Dundas, SUndard, « 1,000 True Banner 1,;«0 Hamilton, Spectator, d. 6,^00 SpecUtor, ». 9,000 Times, d 6,000 Times.*. 6,700 " PaUadium,ie 1,500 " Canadian Christian Advocate, i£> 3,600 " Ancient ForeeUr, m. 1,000 ' ' School Magazine, m 1,200 " Live Stock Journal 5,100 YoEF CoHNTT— Population, 163,153. Aurora, Aurora Borealis, w " Banner, w Markh:;iu, Economist, w Newmarket, Era, w " North York Reformer, w . Parkdale, News, w Gazette Richmond Hill, Herald, w Libn«l,w StouSville, Advance, w Sutton, Times, w Toronto,t Evening Telegram, d Globe,<* Globe, w .' News,d News, w. Mail, d WorId,ii Canada Presbyterian, w Canadian Baptist, w Christian Guardian, w Dominion Churchman, w Evangelical Chorchman, w Tribune, w Citizen, w Canadian Sportsman and Live Stock Journal, w Canadian Manufacturer and Industrial World, umi-m Grip, w. Irish Canadian, w Monetary Times, Trade Review and Insurance Chronicle, v. Sentinel and Orange Protestant Advocate, v Truth, » 'Varsity, w Week.m. Canada Iiaw Journal, lemi-m Canadian Journal, m Golden Hours for the Young, m. Merchant, «». Canadian Breeder, w Canadian Manufacturer, m Milling News, m Rouge et Noir, m Books and Notions, m School Supplement, m Dominion Oddfellow, w Fireside Weekly, w Canadian Methodist Magazine, m Christian Reporter, m Sunday School Banner, m Rural Canadian, m Our Pets, m Ancient Forester, at Budget, nt Canada Educational Monthly, m Canada Lancet, m Canada Law Times, m School Journal and Students' Assistant, w Gaasell's Family Magazine, m. Canada Practitioner, m. Canadian PharmaceuticalJoumal, tn Freemason, m Ladies' Journal, m CoamopoUtMi Short-Hand Writer, m 900 1,000 1,600 1,350 750 1,000 1,000 600 720 600 550 17,225 22,250 50,000 18,776 20,000 19,000 67,000 5,500 10,660 5,400 16,500 5,100 3,000 3.500 1,100 2,200 2,000 4,000 5,500 3,600 2,500 19,60U 4S0 4,200 1,100 1,000 2,200 1,500 3,100 3,760 8,330 600 2,000 2,500 5,100 4,100 2,800 1,000 12,500 10,700 2,500 375 1,500 1,800 2,600 600 1,600 3,000 1,000 700 6,700 8,600 1.000 * Co-operative. t County Beo CAMPBELL'S COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. 9S CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS— Con/«»i«rf. QUEBEC. OIBCUI.*TIO>. ABOKrrcniL Coujrrr— Population, 16,082. Lachut^ Watchmftn and Ottawa Valley Advocate, w 1,800 BiAOHABNOis County— Popnlatiin, 16,005. VaUeyfield, LeProgtMsdeVAUeyfield (Fr.), ie 1,200 Bbomk Countt— Population, 15,827. Knowlton, Register, w 600 Chatkaogoat County— Population, 14,';90. Ormatown Courier 650 HocHKLAOA CooifTT— Population, 202,033. Montreal,t Evening Post, d. 8,300 " True Witness, » 16,000 " Gazette, d 7,000 " Gazette, w 12,000 Herald,(i 3,;«)0 " HeraM,B» 6,500 L'Etendard(Fr.), rf 2,700 L'Etendard(Fr.), w 500 " Star,<< 23,800 " Family Herald and Weekly SUr, w 101,000 " Witness, d 13,776 " Witnes9,w ...3.5,800 " Gossip, ic 1,000 '• La Minerve (Fr.), d 6,000 " La Minerve (Fr.), « 6,500 La Patrie (Fr.), d 11,000 " LePeupIe(Fr.), w 10,000 " I^ie Courrier de MontreaKFr.), d 3,500 " Le Foyer Cana 13,000 Le Monde (Fr.), d 12,.500 Le Monde (Fr.), w 12,200 " .Journal of Commerce, v> 3,'.!00 " Church Guardian, ui 6,(XX) " LegalNews.w .WO fhareholder, w 2,.50O " L'Aurore (Fr.), w 2,000 " L'OninionPubliquc, (Fr.) u> . 6,000 " La Tribune (Fr.),w.. ... 8,000 " I« Canard (Fr.),w 8,.'iO0 " Le Moniteur du Commerce (Fr.), w 3,600 " Educational Rer-nl, »fm»-m 1,100 " InternationalUiilwayand Steam Xavigation Guide, ni 2,100 " Presbyterian Record, m 35,1)00 " Illustrated Journal o( Agriculture, tn .... 8,000 Poultry Herald, m 2,200 " Le . Journal d'Agriculture (Fr. ). m 1.5,000 " ABO Railway and Steamboat Travellers' Guide, m. 1,600 " Battersby's Railway Guide, m 3,000 " Canada Medical and Surgical Journal, m 1,100 " Canada Medical Record, m 1,100 " Dairyman,™ 2,000 " Dry Goods Report, m .... 1,700 " Educational Record, wi 1,200 " Househo'd Journal, m 4,000 " Insurance Society, m 1 ,600 " Lower Canada Jurist, m 400 " Scientific Canadian, m 2,500 " .lournal de I'Education, m 1,000 " Journal de I'Instruction Publique (Fr.), m. 2,000 " La Revue Canadienne (Fr.), m 1,.500 " L'Union Medical du Canaatch, w. .. . 400 PoNTiAO County- Pop\ilation, 1 '.1,939. Bryaon,t Advance, w. tSt Shawville, News, « 900 QuiBrc CooNTY— Population, 82,721. Quebeo,t Chronicle, d 3,800 " Chronicle, w 1,800 " Evening Mercury, d 1,010 " Telegram, d .1,000 " I.,e Canadien, Ie(Fr.)to 3,400 " L'Echod'Iberville(Fr.), w 1,800 St. Maobicr County, Population, 12,9.S<1. Three Rivers, Le Constitutionel (Fr.), triw 1,600 " Le Constitutionel (Fr.j, w :,800 " I^e .Journal lies Tniis Rivieres (Fr.), sewi-ic 600 Le Concorde (Fr.), ke(Fr.), «. 1,560 " Progres de I'Kst 800 Stanstbad CooirrY— Population, 15,556. Coaticook, Observer, » 3,038 Rock IsLind, Journal, to 1,600 Mago,?, News, to • 772 * Go.«p«ratlTe, ♦ Oonnty Seat. CAMPBELLS COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER AND ATLAS. CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS— Coiin,w. 1,000 CAra Bketok Cocntt— Population, 31,2.58. Bridgewater, Telephone, w >75 North Sydnt-y, Herald, to 3,100 Parrabon>', North Chronicle, w 300 Sydney.t Advocate, '« 1,400 £xprau,ic 800 CoLCHOTiB CooKTT— Population, 26,720. Truro, t Guardian, w 1,150 '• Sun,* 2,100 OVMBIRIAM) CouNTT— Population, 27,368. Amher«t,t Gazette, 10 1,500 Maritime Sentinel,* If 1,008 Spring Hill, Trade*' Journal, w 1,600 DiOBT CoDKTT— Population, 19,881. l)igby,t Courier, w 480 Guytboro', Star, v. 360 Halifax Countt— Population, 67,917. Halifax, Acadian Kecorder, (< 3;000 " Acadian Recorder, tri-w 1,000 " Morning Chronicle, d 3,432 " Citizen and Evening Chronicle, d 2,142 " Chronicle, triw 2,680 " Nova Scotian, w 1,425 Morning Herald, d 5,000 " Evening Mail, d 4,000 " Herald, <«-» 2,500 " Herald, ir 5,000 " Christian Messenger, w. — 2,800 " Christian Guardian, to. 6,000 OBOinjATIOII. Halifax Covmr—Contin'Atd. HaUfai, Preui Witnesa, 1* 1,800 " Provincial Weeleyan, w 2,700 " NewEra,io 3,300 " Royal Gazette, to 500 " Watchman, to 1,000 " Dalhou.tie 6a;.ette, wmi'-m 530 " Mayflower, »fm<-m 7,211 " Nova Scotia Journal of Agricultun, in 1,290 Hants Countt— Population, 23,359. V/ ind>or,t Hants Journal, to 1,200 " King's College Record, m 600 Courier 410 iMTnucna Cocntt— Population, 25,651. Port Hawkeebury, Eastern Beacon, w 500 KlNO'8 CouNTT— Population, 2.'), 469. KentviUe, Western Chronicle, to 1,800 Wolfville, Science Monthly, m 600 " NewStar,io 500 liCKlNBURO CouNTT— Population, 28,583. Lunenburgit Progress, to ., 950 Bridgewater, Times, to 1,000 Pioron ConHTT— Population, 35,635. New Glasgow, Eastern Chronicle, w 1,700 " Plaindealer, 10 1,200 PictoUit Colonial Standard, to 1,420 Stellarton, Trades' Journal, w 1,375 Qdkin's Countt— Population, 10,577. Liverpool,t Advance, to 900 " Time8,to. . 960 Yabhodth Codntt— Population, 21,284. Y»rmouth,t Herald, w. 2,400 " Times and Western Counties' Journal, »-u> tWO Port Moodv, Gazette, vt 600 VASCOcTitB IhLANn— Population, 17,292. Nanaimo Press, stmi-io 450 Victoria, British Colonist, rf 800 Times, d 400 Vanoouvir Island- CanftiiHni. Victoria, Times, w 900 " British Colonist, !,741. St. Boniface, Manitc)l)a{Kr.), !« 480 Winnipeg, Manitolia Free Press, i/ 4,0 " Manitfiba Free Press, w 8,000 Sun,./. 3,000 " .Sun, w ;j,«00 " Tiraes,rf. 2,800 " Times, i« ;4,400 ** (Commercial, 7t> 1,600 " North- West Farmer,™ 3,000 " ManitolMui, d 1,000 " " w 1,700 LisQAR County— Population, 5,786. Selkirk, Herald, w 690 Xobth-Wkst Territory— Population, 56,440. Hegina, Leader, w 000 Battleford, Herald, w 510 Calgary, Herald, w 410 Edmondton, Bulletin, w. 426 Fort McLeod, Gazette, If 760 Prince A' bert. Times and Review, w .ISO NEWTOLTfDLAVD. CIBCUIiATION. Conception Bat County. Harbor Grace, SUndard, w 600 Notre Dame Bat. Twillingate, Sun and Northern Advertiser, w 430 St. John's County. Carbonear, Herald, w 400 St. John's, Kvening Telegram, rf 1,200 " Kvening Mercury, d 1,100 St. UIMIULAVSO. John'h County— Coner, flax, tallow. Wine, oranges, lemons. Sugar, coffee, cotton, tob.acco, diamomls, nuts Tobacco, wheat, petroleum, oysters, coal. hire, spices, sugar, gamboge. Wines, cork. iron, copper, quicksilver, dried fruits. ( Sugar, coffee, rice, indli;o, tobacco, tin, spices, \ caoutchouc, gutta-percha. Linen manufactures. _ Lumtwr, fish, ice. Birmingham Metallic manufactures. Bombay Cotton, opium, coffee, spires, sugar, indigo. Bordeaux \\ ines, brandies, preserved fruits and meats. Boston Bremen Brussels Buenos Ayres Bushire Calcutta Callao Canary Isles Canton Havana Havre Hong^-konj Honolulu . . IrkuUk . . . . Jamaica . . La Guayra . Leeds Leipzig: Lisbon Sugar, coffee, tobacco, cigars. Articles of taste and fashion, wine, brandy, oil. Tea, raw si"f, Chinese wares. Sugar, cocoani.t-oil. (From China to Russia) tea, fruits, porcelain, silk. Sugar, rum, molasses, coffee, allspice. Coffee, cocoa, indigo, cattle-products. Woollen manufactures. Annual fairs. — Books, furs, German manufactures. Wine, olive-oil, fruits, minerals, cork. Varied manufactures, prepared fixxls, ici I.intn and woollen goods, glass, wine, Ix'er, grain. I^ice manufactures. Wool, hides, tallow, beef. Silks, shawls, carpets, wool, drugs, dried fruits. Cotton, opium, rice, jute, indigo, silk. (Ouano, saltpetre, cinchona-bark, silver, wool, I sugar, alpaca wool, furs. Cochineal, fruits, vegetables, soda. Tea, silk, Chinese wares. Cane Town ' ^^ ""'■ hides, ostrich plumes, wine, copix:r, dia- '^ "( monds. Caracas Coffee, cotton, hides, gold. Cartagena (S.A.J Cinchona-bark, coffee, cotton, tobacco, hider. Cayenne Sugar, coffee, rice, indigo, pepper and other spices. Charleston Cotton, rice. Charlottetown Oats, potatoes, ships. Chicago Grain, pork, lumber. Cincinnati Grain, pork, flax, tobacco. Constantinople Grain, tobacco, drugs, fruits, carpets, silks. Damascus Damask and iron manufactures. Dantzig Grain, lumber, beer, woollens, linens. Galle Coffee, timber, pearls. Galveston Cotton, grain, wool. Geneva Watches, jewellery. Genoa Silks, olive-oil, wine and spirits, fruits. Georgetown Sugar, coffee, cotton, indigo, spices. Glasc^ow Iron and cotton manufactures, iron ships, in icliinery . Guayaquil Cocoa, cinchona-bark, dye-woods. Halifax j Dried fish, coal, gypsum, grindstones, lumber. Hamburg. l Linen and woollen goods, glass, wine, beer, grain. City or Tows- Liverpool London Lyons Madeira Malaga Maniu Marseilles Mauritius Island. Melbourne PiUNcrPAi. Exports. Iron, cutlery, earthenware, cottons, chemicals, coal. liritish manufactures, foreign products. Silk manufactures. Wines, fruits, nuts. Oranges, wine, raisins. Sugar, tobacco, cigars, hemp, indigo, cabinet-woods. Wine, brandy, sardines, silk, fruits. Sugar vanilla. Gold wool, wine. Mobile Cotton, forest-products. Monrovia Montevideo Montreal Marocco Maranhao Manchester Newcastle New Orleans New York Niini-Novgorod ... Odessa Okhotsk Oporto Ottawa Palermo Panama Para Paris Patna Pemambuco Philadelphia PorUand (A/<: ) Portland (Or.) Quebec Rangoon Reikiavik Riga Rio de Janeiro Rome Rotterdam San Francisco Savannah Shanghae Sheffield Sierra Leone Singapore Smyrna Stettin St John {X B.).... St Johns (.VF)... St Louis St. Paul de Loanda St Petersburg Sydney Tamatave Trieste Valparaiso Vera Cruz VictorU(l'./ ) Vienna Yakutsk. Yokohama I'alm-oil, wax. pepper, ground-nuts, gold, ivory. Cattle-products. Hreadstuffs, forest-products, dairy-products, cattle. Goat-skins, wool, cork, dates, maize, olive-oil. Sugar. Cotton manufactures. Coal. Cotton, sugar, tobacco. Grain, varied manufactures, petroleum, provisions. Annual fairs. — Furs and Asiatic products. Wheat, tallow, salt, timber. Furs, fish-oils. Wine, olive-oil, fruits, cor't. Lumber. Grain, fruit, olive-oil. Cotton, coffee, cinchona-bark, tobacco. Caoutchouc, cocoa, rice, sugar, tapioca, cocoa-nuts. Varied French manufactures and products. Rice, opium. Sugar, cotton, coffee. Iron, coal, petroleum, machinery. Lumb<;r, staves, casks, etc. Wheat, flour, salmon, lumber. Ships, timber, grain, fish. Rice, teak-wood, petroleum, bamboo, cotton. Oil, fish, eider-down, feathers. Grain, hemp, flax, lumber. (Coffee, cabinet-woods, diamonds, tobacco, sugar, { cotton, caoutchouc. Pictures, statues, and other objects of art. Distilled liquor.s, sugar, spices, cattle. Wheat, wool, wines, precious metals. Cotton, lumber. Tea, silk, cotton, Chinese wares. Cutlery, hardware. Palm-oil, timber, ginger, pepper, bees-wax, ivory. Tin, spices, rattans, gutta-percha. Figs, sponges, raw silk, carpets, leather, drugs. Grain, oil-cake, wckiI, beer. Lumber, staves, fish, ships. Cod-fish, seal-skins, cod and seal oil. Grain, machinery, manufactures. Wax, ivory, palm-oil. Tallow, flax, hemp, leather, furs, skins, grain. Wool, cattle-products, tin, copper, gold. Caoutchouc, cattle, hides, wax, ebony-wood. Grain, flour, lumber, wine, oil. Grain, copper, silver, wool, hides. Coffee, vanilla, hides, tobacco, cochineal, indigo. Furs, timber, coal, fish, seal-skins. Leather goods, glass-ware, musical instruments. Furs. Silk, tea, rice, Japanese goods. 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OJ u ,Q O P tn t*ri B ^ )-• oj S H rt P P u tfOJZZO o a,s eU _2iS-o -il'S S B u u C4 (4 s o S 15 -P o-S fflOwSo <53:oJl = - o ^ B I.T3 P.Bg|s2oi5:3|i 2PMrtJ3132B<3 »« o D 2 cnZH><:ao.XSoKa,Qa B - I- _ • • B ■ • ■ 2 O ■ : : : H • : c 3i : s : ■ rt £ 3 : BiHuSa3&HHO«WSZOUPK , a 2 .2S2| £5S3 rt u B V) tn<:<0 M .B .a oj > o ra •a "^ « J3 - B T3 -- *- ►^ k« rt ^ ja E-c - ■ ^ • r 5 S > rt a QCT3 P.E 3 33^"i32^5 p QwPOWPQO>llS M .0 m < go P H C3 ni-J ^-M-JJ >> "w 3 ii 5 u t< 2 J' c > S : <«<: 3 S 3 1} L I z o *• p ■ o < ,J M o ; » ^ >• o U tx. a: o o h ID Q Z < H o o (J u o "a £> o r- o S2 CO .is 2: S . ^ . .is* ^• ;asa:*a:is:*_^aij,- ajeiz'^^^aaiacdaj si :i ai 2: ^r; =* '^ 55 y. aJ cs ai aj * « i^ ai ai K ai « .« ^^z- ^8 c 2 !J 3 § u-a « g I; o u s: ^ one .c s p c u o c c c'r „ c o o. j< n- " o-o.cj: il 2 2| s| 11 i|l ^-Sl s|l g|||-=|i ^kr--^U-^i'^- iUM-Bl, III : rt : _■ * - * u •.js :o ■ ^ -z ^ j:-S c £ S CO tn 3 3 Sa,JSc«asOt > o _aj c "H 13 c c S fcs * P * . rt 2 o g ." ° fc K < S (/; ? ^ >< :ui .J •■■sill -I ■3 3^t l|!§ •OS (0 :X ;1:SS I o 8 I 0000 00 6 m "^ 6 mo ^ I o ou i X h O Q O 2 « 2 55(2 a s ■ ■ ^a:a:aifti'*:«a!'*^7:?: il iXXt joiai, Zi;ai'^**«2:«K**«««"««'^*as«^'aiK«?;z««*^«K iSf-«<«xH?i5f-«87it«?S^!«tfla:?(/HHS euHHH>C;*«HHH(i;6 E S-SiS^ S i-3-g-S «•= Site S^:h«= £ s 5:3 s S-o^_:.S-S^^ S<<:iBa:oSB3XB,XU«WK>3??S?(/)DL.?H0Stn ao5 £ _ rt o rt O 3 S - o ,. . _ a- s c O I- 0-2 •o^ « 5 u ; > s u (0 < s S 5 h O H >i Q Z e OS < z o =a (fi u. u O K < {« a. X eft O o H 5^« H O o z o H O H Z^ < a2« od i •z 2;a> .as^^i^i/ix^a;** cdtieioi as'a; .*«; d|lfE=-Ni|iSl5l1lii|s1l=ia S 8 = sit t ts £.|^ H= 5 I 2 £ 2 g -^1^ c ^ i *■ « S "lii I/: - o c o o c . . u S ■0) OJ o — •c-o- ■a ;jil -^ „ X.3 -'■"-*-* aj O ^ re*-— ^ zS?r/itnaiJ-!;M?O'wX><>,>,!»[is?<-c gs-s 0515 g g'So-e g-J - o d .2H .s ^ til i ^' "a- a 3 ii !: ^ 6 ■« -2 C u > .' Q." SBSTiS. S S o C n U 'J r- 'O U 55 •a. is (J- H H ■5'"*' PI ffl w 5j OH s> >, "t X o 2 3c;, ■ O O .J " 5 ;5 ? U 33 a £ ^ = o ■ ^ »-* ^ d dm *^ SI = 055 •Sdl 12^-2 «.i (2 ™ w aj O C S U u S u "^'x : H ^ ^ <« •< dd^uioSu COMMKRCIAL GAZETTEER ADVERTISEMENTS. OLMSTED BROS., '^> BAKILTOV, 1M_ ^< • ■ ->^ i)Sm5^ oiriAAio, MAmrrACTURKiui or All kind! of Buildera 'BtippliM CoLFMNfl, CKKHTINQH, FlNlALH, HALC4rNY HaILINGB, (tAI.i.RHT KAlLIN?^ ^ chM^^ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX New Designs with Every Season, So that you can rely on always getting the Newest Styles in 5 o__o ooooooooeo f 3 O O O O O 0"o o ^o — • *ART FURNITURE.^ FACTORY: BOWMANVILLE. ^^^^ WAREROOMS : 51 KING ST. EAST, - - TORONTO, COMMERCIAL GAZETTEKR ADVER TISHMKNTS. HEINTZMAN c\- CO •^GE^j^D,?*^ lIFnv durability, ^onier and Stueetttr«s of ?E^one tlicy stand Htnriuallrd. ^ SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. (V Warerooms : 117 King Street West, Toronto, IiMP^IiII ^ B^lIGdipwp. __ljii i!llliii!:s::iiiii!ii . . ., :..:"]:::"'ii;fii»ii!iii'!H"i!Jt'- : .; ij'''.iiair : "';' ■y -y ■;• ■ ' '' 8'.iiwi'Utiiiiiiilii::-''iiir"':; :ii«^ 'j) DRUG Mllili? ?IISD CpEJ^IC^Ii JmBQR7i^&f{Y i ^^y^ 147 & M© 5^91)^ S'P^©©! ei\Bf, COMMERCIAL GAZHTTKKR ADVKKTISEMENTS. >o. 60.-R0TAET DESK. Bo 51.-R0TAKV DESK. W.STAHLSGHMIDT&GO. Ho. 6. PIW END. i^ MANUFACTURERS OF — No. 1. CHAIK. K y^y^^/yy-//^ i >t' . * 4 / SEKD FOR N BW ♦CATALOGUE^ — ^ AND -^ Price List -Si- • > ^%m < SEND FOR SPECIAL CIRCULARS -: or OUR IHPROVBD :- THE "XODEL* SCHOOL DESK. "Favorite," "Model" and "Marvel" ■* SCHOOL DESKS,^ THE "XABVEL" SCBOOIi (P»tented Jan'y, 1866). M«lwiTU»klB Orant Land ARCTIC OCEAN T u. 0'\Jt9mSSbmgt l:->/fp«iTr Inland* ^ .i IfrwfeOI Sound _ N-r Arctt« Oirstt. '"w ^ Furi\lriurr Sail b*: -Si I A"^ '•■ y [ rr_i'^ frfr"" *"- &t^ic of Cancer .. ^Snnni A[*iqmlr ^.^tid^ 'C^K^ivl" liS .<>*»i* \.\ ^ P A C J i?**rl Sooii^jr.lf ,^' / ': I TuAuctuI' I .VJ— - - j - - NurlL I South l^ j^^nmabW^i ' (OMMKRCIAL MAP or TEE WORLD -V — Sffk^y-. .1 ON MERCATORS PROJECTION — *-""-iCipafaBi r ^f *0 20 20 tK> UIO uu 4 I ftREEKLAlTD nu>i x> J* / ; ^ :; — -,...__ . _ . i. - _ — -i -f- ' *o j . ..|„.Aiil»r(!S(: flitsJ«.._I JO 'M»nJLtE ci Gr-mwicli .Mx^ti^ ■ii> 40 fiO eo ^i,?«>?«r- 120 140 ' *^ JV F •v V"** x. •^-/ :^ o»' ^^i lOS 9S B^ > Mbi ao ««' I 7S 50 *U SO 2)) \ \ ■^^/^ ■^•C5i /^.^ \y' 5u "*■■■> 1-* \ w-y"'-' e." \ \ -w U) / < \ \ Wt^-* V -4 ^ oi*!:;.. >.>>' . .."^ \ \ ■^z \ •/ / \ <*. B-"^ ,,*•' \ \ \ \ .>v \ \ \J / / \ \ ^W»-*y^ ^^ / X -•icT-^e .--'' AlhrnatrA P=^^^^s«rfa^ fcV- A V COMMERCIAL MAP OF I^DMIItlDIf'of cm ADA T ..y..y at sl js t StMMM- lUutM .«—».«* 75 70 65 SO «6 "•-^M" rit^ ai mi ■Ji -"*?^ErSS:S^ '.?( \ M-'\ r:. iife ^K s»^\^^ ^ifi'/iA rurfcf* jr«» •al > i««»V°» li'/^ir^ "«"Mdu_/V^ Toronto iJ'* y*.. ^jSSEfcdE. «.ij» -n ^■^^Ir^.^-^— *ori Da^n- -Uf^u ■»»:■ ■♦WiTi-. ■■"" -^,..^ K^ Z ./ /f E E ,i , f,' ■ i. ^.. 141 / ••HtltUtlf *>- r^ViO., I -^ Nil P ^S""- r.\.. 1 ■•"'^+'^. COMMERCIAL MAP A Xr«/i,A W*': iSK 5 'J t B t i£ ST *- *L_y_ N -^ T t d'--«j^"S t * t t SKETCH MtP ur TTil. VKirvlKCF. IJ» ONTA n t '*'^>* ?ft t'rvm fwirrti»,-A mt^a^mt^iS^ COM M ERCI AL MAP QUEBEC Jtoiut md.. « II i — -a — « — ». 1 . ^. ^ ><*linM. Jt,^^ UiM(^M III**" S-^v. 4o jJlmir W" »Ai», is &tUe 'J-At? '-,.... AT"^J^'v'^:'^-.s y- '"** lC ^ S K A fnmX, \ ^j flrt/JI LINCOIJI ^ 'Vc, ft, '^^ - :-^..i?l JAm^ "•vrs U^tAui "~~-:^» ^M^ UXiV.,»,- . . \ »!t^^:j::2^«. I Wiytaipff; J Sai^'i'i .ro'Cfjf^ ;v <^.^ K Ajjt mx^JUi''\ \ H ; \ '*■-«■ V *^Ar. ..■J*-*"! •^^: <*>,, --^ ,.JK^ *i-.»l » ■ '^. !ta.A., r^r / / .■^. fi^'i ■\l '•^. nlV n/O. J^ .•liB't -:i::::L^v. r»^ ■^j fc ffi" OS-' y H JP ^' /f Lro/"**' f*TCHt 'V O*:- Ci^ii/"^, K / "/r< ■'^1 ^'^'-.,. y(*"o(,' i'-i^., . * N %« E-C./..f/, *•««. •"• r,X' JU - iji -y ■ ij M n * J t *> Lii4M=i*^-^ ^% fi •«<>"« 1/ •'^. -.-l^ '■■V?-., aii I Oi l-lfWa 'ME **»y ."^.„ •"•to* -?^Tf in cot V^ N^* »;» lop'** j.Aie tVi .Vlrniv'^^j ,/i.*''. ...■.-•'rti'^* !^t^ [(' .^' PIN* "r'^^.soV.iijj .'B. s'^a """"-^.t * i^p "••W" •^, ^^J^-o .f- ..r--.. 'w ■ajfiiui 1 C.Jt/a «~.% 'Maui L^. Lis' ^(VincUlAij V r (.'Ttppo/a ,^- ^ COMMERCIAL MAP OF 3 ?fe 3te ijtfo ^,. ../ #»»*' i^^-jfts^" r kuiintefM' !»^^ -p^' •<;«*' J */ .»:/ nU«ul"r»« >^ .1M<^^ DIVISIONS OF TIME.— Owing to the difficulty experienced jy travellers ia regard to the Time-Tables of the difierent railways in North America, a Railway Time lion was htl'.l in Chicago, 111. (U.S.), on Oct. nth, 1S83, and a Standard Time was decided upon for the Continent. Five meridians of time were adopte t-ach regulating the time of its own division of longitude ; they are 1 5° of longitude apart, which is equal to an hour in time. Thuii, Inter- colonial Time is taken from the 60th mcinlian W. of Greenwich; Eastern Time from the 75th meridian, or one hour slower than Intercolonial Time; Central Time from the 90th meridian, or another hour slower; Mountain Time from the 105th meridian; and Pacific Time from the i2ota meridian, or 4 hours slower than Intercolonial Tim<. Note — Tht rtd lints on the map skmu the limUs of the difftrtnt time dioisioHS. 3^-r: Mi V. ■^ r. i-' b. »J5 •_ , , ""t^ ^ (Ov !- ■ ♦ j^ < s i^r>4 ■ '€ ir • r ■ / * — - >^.^ -"^.t » v iU^i - ^■ '^lO. ^ // :s t j^ \\ 1| }i^ Sa ; >- ,-&^ 4 * -\a/ A ^ . ci- / /»} U !I > ^ i' ■■ 4 I < a - .5 -..,-4 '..J*' s t^^2ll_A_ j^ ^ vr CI .L Ot-Z.H^ I'M J r:ip«> llirnL / COUNTIES OF BRUCE AND GREY .S.i My//f» *»•' iA ?' LINDSAY vV"^"' 6' /: /^V A' ^ / .« .V til traoui/h f'*-^ i ^^ J lb*,. H.n *^ LumjiHrnJ X ,1"' EASTNOR Uomvr i V*v» i//)«nVi // 1 >• T ii/ir 0*.*Jr/7- /. A l\ F II r R O {hSS *»iti apove thi Sea Lftlj "T7 l,W!:,rt«n7/-'^'"''":'^ -,^ :/).//... / *».'>/(»fT ,-''^ fcH' , wyin"" /f.,A A M AB SkiptuMi ' i\nrtaii S \ '' SYDENHAM i» J.V, ,.--••' v>^"''" i].,.i-r •"'"',// "Jfiiiuitf ^::^icr *,;( ^ J ., sAud\)rN; "^"^ f,.^ J: >Y>iZ_. A-^f3^ViL. \.\IT ^^^\ ^ y*p.«.," ^/ i COLLINGWOOD^ -^^^ -^-c -rr^i — V ■»-- ' ntunmr \ Mmita '^f^^ P-'unwuni He deO/n ^ HtNCAfiOiNEA rariano- f,.r^ .^■jy^ 2 "C^t^-'^/eSPSEr nreU C/2 "f^NT-^- I .V I.illl.-P'. ^Mi«« •<<» «. a-,iMAt COMMERCIAL GAZETTEER ADVERTISEMENTS. i •1 / mum ii fHcCciLLoc^, x-^^ : MANUFACTURERS OF FLOUBING MILLS I «.^.-»sg'y.',m,'',v,.-.-.vv-»-, , Embracing all the Latest Improvemeats. Chilled Iron Rolls, Wheat Cleaning, 'i""* AND j-^ piour Dressing ]\Iacliines of Every Description. THBJ OH3LH1BIIA.TE3ID Mbeclock Hutomatic Cut-ott Engine m irtlijt.jraiiTiiimi so SLIDE VALVE. CO\DEXSL\G AND COMPOUND ENGINES. IMPROVED TURBINE WATER WHEELS. Saw-Mill Machinery. Stave and Barrel Machinery. -B-WOOL MACHINERY.-*- FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF ^_ SAFES V AUL T DOORS. - mST FRIZES AT TOEONTO ASD KONTREAL XZHIBinOVB. Our list of Safe Patterns is very full and complete. MACHINE-CUT GEAR AND GENERAL FOUNDRY SUPPLIES AND MILL FURNISHINGS. \ -^ OUR FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, established in 1844, form the largest and most completely equipped establishment of the kind in the Dominion, and no efforts will be spared by us to give satisfaction to our patrons, and to maintain the reputation we now have as Manufacturers of Machinery. SPECIAL PRICE LISTS AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES for our various Departments fur.iished on application All orders will receive prompt attention. GOLDiE & Mcculloch, - - galt, ont. ^" 'X Hiukin^inm.* % tthtw^lftt ^^A^owofc^y cnJhnw Q. p T»«B^l.TON>n \ OTTA^ MiilU fiuthiifn (aLibotfif L. rP A\K E N H / Ihtrtn'ktn'' \f \ T{Z P, y . \" ly/. H!..,*h„ i^« ''-**: LOUCESTCR ■"^ ^iitfim»». .Sf*-fft(j.4 DARLING (!«*..>■* M .S\AV A RLE ''^f^ :mN '"'*"•■' .M*ifi»ifr\ \ "•'"" V-<-J' > JB4nl'rn«il>' ) .A///( //f« '^ L' A/V^iA n/t ;■ >-\l a n a r Kjto.ui^.. ■ Xt-Kw 1 TH>' • ' Cln<' S G D t^ /i.ihuem •/ > D R U(M MONI^/ X MONTAGUE DALHO X r)o r\d («4r/»r/\'».. \ ■ ■ '^ ' ' '^ '**^^- K I T L; (E Y ■'Vj ^ ^y i\ii Ai E D»VARDSBURCHS>^. iflnfinai ''\/A .'^f^'^ '>. NORTH CROSBY: ->C^^^?^''''>rf' '^,4»,„„™ Mffim^uuH ^^ '^ ^j^'>l{flHILltnt|-|{fl // ^ J^^ '-p /_ ,w^ -£//" COUNTIES OF LANARK CARLETON 7^ r^'^i^ -y VK » "> t„ LEEDS &: GRENVILLE S. »i,. .,1 lUi'M^lifli Milrs In uiIikIi ri... / ,_r- / JLuhn * COUNTIES OF LENNOX k ADDINOTON FRONTENAC & PRINCE EDWARD 1>>. '^ ^ / V-^ 6''^ CANONTO ^"^ ^^^ .. %^.--"?^^ ^ ^^_ y r .S4 air rrf'10Ku^Li(^i>|iIi-so>^ialniii rjasi £uliM|l% s I. EFFINGHAM \^"°'^ \ PALMERST»Ir<^. U>€T i^.- -^ -^-^ ^ J idttm^O ^y '^ BrliBarli, -•^ ./l/ «v?i*l^ X-' Ji'^tQUOHBORO r'^H -"'N^ Ai« Stirling VJI CH M N D '7? .«„/.„ „7/, VST ON t^l^ roUnuB,,^, ''•!■'" •;xr rxuior BEliLEVILLE^ Ireunm _^_,t^.AM£LI AS BUR GH 3BURG JBt,, fiuri "';V -:;? A f^irdmi 1.0 i<«nuni 1.0 v^ "'Hais^ .^ '-^ N G t-. <» I OR S' vWICKLl vJ'*y<^% a -~^^ COUNTIES OF PETERBOROUGH. HASTINGS 1 rCRTHUMBERLAND S-aIr ii< K> Ktu( >hlf.'« ti> :ui liu'iL JiJmirtim M'CLURE^ rr' HERSCHI C"A' n/r,iit//i 'montemIe T VMa J\.'- Biif1.tmti ^rnst* MAVO >OTBalilKu-li>u «^ '..,--J ^imrmiC iV. /EN *rf' X77> -■*o^n\-e^*^*^^'*^''^''\\' - MONAGHAN ffV^i ^ »„;i/„ ■ -^^t ' \. . \\ a_^ M»JRRAY stlJiJ^^ r^^/-' ' - ^ - b/7i/A< ^^ vomr Har. ...I" S"^ /, J /r ff ON YJ RIO '^, /'} THE COUNTY OF RENFREW p^xVX •: 1 ::: ■ ^ nontarf C SEBASTOPOL BROMLEY B<«j,, Ihrtliftr ihlfrrt fShi RATTAN \ Ha^iif ON ASTON // FITH C-^ ^ /v- D D I N G T NT *-'^^*^ 1 i ^-^ . 7 2 N" T E N ;^ C I .^.--^ /*| L A drArr/ .< Btaf. MC Ni \ • 72 N" T E N K COMMKRCIAL GAZETTKKR ADVERTISEMENTS. ^miiiiaiiiiiMiuiiiui:::n:ii:iiniiiiii!:iiii!::ii!iiiiuiiJ7iiiiumiiiiiiuu .:;!iaiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiriiiiuiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!i!iiiimui:iiii riiiit 13K,\i) * nm^ * C7^T;«neGUE. -ii ^J ^arriage J<: Entrance Qates, CEMCTERY FENCES. Etc., Etc. 4«««444444454444i54445544iSSSAi6JJ5554i44«iSi«454 5i4 4'6 4 444444 44 4 44444444444 4 f^ ijLLtifiiJ±t mmmtim CO j CO : es o !« H H Q CO ■ffi^ ♦ pumitupe, -^^ FOUHTADTS, Etc., Etc. 1^ i S XXXXXXX^'XXXXjC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BARNUim WIRE :xxxxxx;x XX A 1 i ' i \ /- %• i V 1 k 4 i > ■ i E 1 WROUGHT IRON FENCES. ^:: i WINDSOR, ONTARIO. : WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF : Fine Brass and Iron Bank and Office Railings, Iron Stable Fixtures, Wrought Iron Fences, Crestings, Finials, Vanes, etc., etc. Elevator Guards and Gates. Wire Roof and Office Signs, and Kvery Variety of Architectural Metal Work. Riddles and Casting Rnuhes. De'iicn'^ and Estimates . ubmitted for Special Work. We issue I2 separate Catalocnes, one for each branch. In writing please say what you want. '^tXi •>*afcr'-y<^ -^ :-'■"-- ' - '- -" :"!i'!;is»llllllimi!li;j": ?v — ^^ — ^ — ^^ — ^ — ^^ — w — ^ — ^ — .^r — w — ^ — y '1^ -V — ^' — "m' — w w - w -" m -^- w — "^ — "w /"l- Viy^ cr^^ ~s".t¥'*f^'^S2.JV;n^££ V / j^; ■ i/^^ RIDOUT . ^5 as }£>^Jte Ortw Pf f ,UUm M E VACAULAY S/ \3lt^C ^ ^N ^v * y / DRAPER eft ,ti COMMKRCIAL GAZKTTEER ADVERTISEMENTS. — * 'JC'^I.^3 t— >— E. & C. GURNEY CO., Montreal, Hamilton, Winnipeg. .i 3N