IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 a Ki 1 2,2 ^ lis IIIIIM m 1.4 1.6 V] <^ /i v; y^ y '/ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 # :i i/ ^. 1 MANITOBA Norlli-Wesloni Bailway b'y of Caliiila. LETTER Of the President. MR. ANDREW ALLAN, Holders of the ^540,000 Six per cent (1886) ' First Mortgage Bonds, ^ Montreal, 9th October, 1894. ^'K ii d 1 ^\ \y 1*1 of''r°,nl*"'^'^* '^'"^"""^ nationales ■ ■ ot Canada di; r.nn^rt. tiu Canada MANITOBA AND North- Western Railway Co'y of Canada. LETTER Of the President, MR. ANDREW ALLAN, TO THE Holders of the /5-40,UOU Six per cent (I880) First Morti^Qoe Bonds, DATED Montreal, 9Lh October, 1894. -t h.l :^-/Bfi V 900363 Manitoba and Nopth-Western Railway Company OF CANADA. LETTER Of the Prm>le!if, Mn. Am.hew Ai.i.a.v, fa the hohlerx of the £040,000 Six per cent (1880) Fir^t Mort;/ai/e Duwh dated Montreal, 9th October, J8O4. -» «»» ■ My attention has been called to an account of the proceedings of a Meeting of the holders of the £540,000 first mortgage bonds of the JVIanitoba and North Western Eaihvay Company of Canada, held on the 23rd of July last, at which Mr. Edward F. Coates presided as Chairman. The Chairman in his lengthy address a])peared desirous of creating the impression that in some indefinite - ,y or another the Messrs. Allan were respoitsiblo to the xlt" ad- holders of the First Division, and that they had committed some impropriety in procuring tlu; appointment of a Keceiver, and were desirous of depriving the Bondholders of their rights under their security. There is no foundation ^\hatever for any of these suggestions, and what object the Chairman had in attempting to create such an impression, it is hard to understand. As a matter of fact, the Messrs. Allan made no rei)resentation regarding, nor did they ever make themselves in any way responsible for, the issue of the fi rst mortgage bonds, which were issued in the ordinary way through financial houses in London by the Railway Company. If the Chaimmii, \vlu> is well u.Miuiiiutid with all Ui facts. bu(I desired to make a fair .statement of the position, ho would have inf.,rnH-erfectly protects the rights of the Bondholders, until it can be ascertained whether'or not the Dominion Government will extend the same assistance to the Manitoba and Xorth- Western Railway as it has done to other similarly situated lines. At the instance of the Messrs. Allan, the Dominion Government at the last Session of Parliament agreed to advance $3,200 a mile for extension, and the Company are not without hope that that subsidy will be augmented; and assuredly it is to the interest of all concerned that the' Company and the Messrs. Allan, who have so much at stake, should have latitude given to them to bring tliis about. The policy of the Messrs. Allan lias been to conserve the interests of the whole Railway. They are interested in the Company, and its kindred enterprises, to an extent almost equal to the amount of the first mortgage bonds. They have never received a dollar of interest upon their Railway invest- ments. They have unremittingly given their attention during the last two years to furthering the interests of the Rfiilway, in which the Bondholders are interested in priority to them. They have secured the passage of favorable legislation by the Parliaments of Canada and Manitoba, and the granting of a further subsidy by the Dominion Govern- es been and ition in its learly show '11 as of the vere taking ehedule of peration of )ress these )ndliol(lers, i to remain le rights of :her or not sistance to :is done to Dominion agreed to npauy are gmented ; d that the h at stake, bout. conserve e rested in snt almost rhey have ly invest- attention sts of the 1 priority favorable toba, and Govern- ment, which aflbrds hope of more sucooss in that (juartor in the future. They have suct-eeiled in pn-serviug all the Company's valuable tratlic contracts with the connectiu" Ivailway at Portage la Traiiie, upon \\liich the life of the road in great part depemls ; and have in all this