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ADDRESS. OF Paid Less Over Cash Claim. Profits. Received. Chas. H. Lavelle, Kingston, Ont. $ 3,000 00 $ 82 68 $2,QI7 32 Wm. A. Smith, Arnprior, Ont. 1,000 00 32 28 967 72 William Kerr, Campbelliord,Ont. 1,000 00 92 00 908 00 Neil Leitch, St.Catharines,Ont. 1,000 00 2883 97' 17 Geo. Scouler, Forest, Ont. i,oco 00 184 80 815 20 Daniel McCraney, Bothwell, Ont. 10,000 00 99 30 9,900 70 Chas. S Smith, Acton, Ont. 5,000 00 568 60 4.431 40 Fred. G. Gardhouse, Toronto, Ont. 1,000 00 17 12 q82 88 Alonzo C. McDougall, Hagersville, Ont. 00 65 12 93488 Fredk. Welford, Brockville, Ont. 2,000 00 38 04 1,961 96 James Muir, Toronto, Ont. 3,000 00 3864 2,961 36 Chas. R. Henderson, Port Perry, Ont. 5,000 00 84 50 4*915 50 Jno. W. Byam, M.D., Cavnpbeilford, Ont. 1,000 00 53 20 946 80 Alva L. Struthers, Stratford, Ont. 1,500 00 526 35 973 65 Alex. Stewart, Egmondville, Ont. 1,000 00 29 72 970 28 Donald McQuarrie, Burlington, Ont. 3,000 00 83 25 2,916 75 Peter R. McLagan, Winnipeg, Man. 5,000 00 46 05 4,953 95 Geo. I Lazier, Picton, Ont. 2,000 00 4864 1,95' 36 W. H. V. Angelsworth. Oshawa, Ont. r,ooo 00 64 76 935 24 B. B. PattuUo, M. D., Toronto, Ont. 5,000 00 103 00 4,897 00 James McArthur, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 3,000 00 50 80 2,959 20 W. T. Parish, Port Perry, Ont. 5,000 00 73 50 4,926 50 Fred. E. Ryan, Toronto, Ont. 2,000 00 22 64 1,977 36 Chas. N. Smith, Lunenburg, N. S. 1,000 00 20 20 979 80 Richard Huks, Tweed, Ont. 2.000 00 68 60 1,931 40 Leonara B. Vaughn, Petrolia, Ont. 10,000 00 181 50 9,818 50 Andrew Nichol, St. Marys, Ont. 1,000 00 357 '24 642 76 Benj. H. Pitfield, Germantown, Pa. 5,000 00 321 75 4,678 ?5 John Dewar, Milton, Ont. 10,000 00 502 60 9,597 40 James Cochrane, Tara, Ont. 250 00 32 90 217 10 Geo. Rowe, Victoria, B. C. 2,000 00 35 16 1,964 84 Simon J. Hogg, Calgary, N W. T. 5,000 00 97 90 4,902 10 Joseph Russell, Leamington, Ont. r,ooo 00 28 76 97' 24 William Elliott, Winnipeg, Man, 5,000 00 159 25 4,840 75 Jas. W. Dobier, Winnipeg, Man. 2.000 00 56 44 '.943 56 John R. Smith, Jersey City, N. J. 5,000 00 307 55 4.792 45 Duncan Cameron, Glencoe, Ont. 5,000 00 102 30 4,897 70 Duncan Dewar, Belmont, Ont. 1,000 00 37 52 962 48 Jas. D MrNally, Halifax, N. S. 1,000 00 33 80 966 20 Wm. B. Smith, Oakville, Ont. 2,000 00 48 48 ',95' 52 Geo. A. KlHott, Montreal, Que. 10,000 00 84 60 9,9 '5 40 Elizabeth Ouellet, Amherstburg, Ont. 1,000 00 »77 65 822 35 John R. Strickland, Paris, Ont. 2,000 00 34 32 1,965 68 Harvey C. Cronk, Belleville, Ont. 1,000 00 91 53 908 47 Geo. Coppins, St. Thomas, Ont. 2,oco 00 72 02 1,927 98 Albert D. Kean, Orillia, Ont. 5,000 00 128 qo 4,871 10 Alex. Hendry, Victoria, B. C. '2,000 00 84 88 1,915 '2 Amount Premiums Returned NAME. ADDRESS. or Paid Less Over Cash Claim. Profits. Received. Thcs. j. HoUiday, Brooklin, Ont. $ 3,000 00 $ 106 02 $ 2,893 98 Albert Kaisten, Hamilton, Ont. 2,000 00 44 02 1.955 98 Hugh C. Kennedy, Morrisburg, Ont. 5,000 00 15860 4,841 40 Rev. Edw. J. Walsh, Trenton, Ont. 5,000 00 131 60 4,868 40 Mrs. Jane Roberts, Stratford, Ont. 3,000 00 1.056 30 1*943 70 Peter Mitchell, Oscada, Minn. 4,000 CO 45 36 3.954 64 Timothy F. Fogarty, Montreal, Que. 10,000 00 168 60 9,831 40 Cha*-. O. Apps, Brantford, Ont. 5,000 00 258 75 4.741 25 Oliver S, Hancock, Hamilton, Ont. 2,000 00 55 62 1,944 38 Wm. B. Forbes, Gushing, P. Q. 8,000 00 300 80 7,699 20 Geo. D. McVicar, Winnipeg, Man. 10,000 00 355 60 9,644 40 Wm. Wright, Flesherton, Ont. 1,000 00 264 15 735 85 Thos. T. Hanna, Langton, Ont. 550 00 35 36 S'4 64 Walter Smith, Campbellford, Ont. 2,000 00 43 08 1,956 92 S. L. Phelan, Winnipeg, Man. 5,000 00 141 10 4,858 90 Archibald McKinley, Georgetown, Ont. 1,000 00 7 39 992 61 A. H. Dewey, Trenton, Ont. 5,000 00 204 lO 4.795 90 John Wallace, London, Ont. 5,000 00 195 25 4.804 75 Wm. Smith, Acton, Ont. 3,000 00 20 94 2,979 06 Hy. J. Clark, Winnipeg, Man. 10,000 00 568 30 9.431 70 Wm. German, Picton, Ont. 1,000 00 28 CO 972 OG John Policy, Petrolia, Ont. 2,000 00 50 25 1.949 75 A. J. B. McDonald, London, Ont. 3,000 00 79 02 2,920 98 W. B. Chisholm, Oakvilte, Ont. 10,000 00 455 26 9.544 74 R. E. Williams, Hamilton, Ont. 3,000 00 85 50 2,914 50 Thos. J. Lyons, Kingston, Ont. 2,000 00 49 56 1.950 44 S. L. Dresser, Winnipeg, Man. 2,000 00 26 60 1.973 40 G. T. Brownell, Aultsville, Ont. 1,000 00 SO 36 949 64 W. B. Winters, Prescott, Ont. 1,000 00 51 45 948 55 Chas. Davidson, Toronto, Ont. 5,000 00 132 00 4,868 00 Robt. Fothergill, Newcastle, Ont. 10,000 00 244 50 9.7.S5 SO F. S. Gauld, Castleton, Ont. 1,000 00 298 78 701 22 D. McClellan, Pitt's Ferry, Ont. 1,000 00 '5 40 924 60 Ovide St. Marie, Montreal, Que. 5,000 00 *5' 55 4.848 45 Wm. Phillips, LambtonMills,Ont. 2,000 00 99 30 1,900 70 Chas. E. Stewart, St.Catharines, Ont. 1,000 00 38 12 961 88 James Buchan, Campbell's Cross 3,000 00 228 60 2,771 40 Jas. W. Jackson, Masonville, Ont. 3,000 00 69 93 2.930 07 John Jeffrey, Owen Sound, Ont. 3,500 00 266 55 3.2.13 45 Walter Oaten, Hamilton, Ont. 2,000 00 72 14 1,927 86 Andrew Lawson, Esquessing, Ont. 2,000 00 59 20 1,940 80 Wm. N. Tyrrell, Calton, Ont. 2,000 00 114 76 1.885 24 Adam Isbister, Petrolia, Ont. 5,000 00 175 95 4,824 05 Thos. Squire, Parkdale, Ont. 1,000 00 67 36 932 64 Danl. H. Dance, St. Thomas, Ont. 1,000 00 56 54 943 46 Samuel S. Slinn, Ottawa, Ont. 3,000 00 153 01 2,846 99 Wm. C. Riddell, Toronto, Ont. 3.000 00 240 27 2.7.S9 73 Wm. A. Robb, lona, Ont. 2,000 00 76 64 1.923 36 Colin Gearing, Picton, Ont. 1,000 00 29 60 970 40 Eliza Stcklesteel, Amherstburg, Ont. f,ooo 00 336 00 664 00 John A. Brennen, Hamilton, Ont. 1,000 00 87 68 912 32 OJUA.lA(IS C>A.1I>* NAME. James Davidson, Rtchd. M. Gossett, Jas. B. Luihead, Jas. E. Pointer, A. S. Kitchen, Geo. S. Easton, Samuel Slater, B. E. Sifton, Thos. B. Murdoch, Wm. Webster, Thos. R. Jackson, Jane Newson, J. E. McCorquodale, Rev. Jas. Broley, John Hogg, Robt. Brydon, Wm. German, Richd. W. Councer, John Miller, Edwin G. Lawrence, John Nicholson, Jno. McK. McDonald, Jas. C. McGregor, M. A. Davidson, J. E. Woodley, Wm. Hy. Laird, Thos. E. Stubbs, Frank M. Midford, Wm. Wakefield, Hugh McNair, Francis Campbell, Francis Meeghan, Henry Crick, Fredk. Edworthy, Rev. M. B. Conner, Moses Paul, Thos. H. Wilson, Edward Pteffer, Hy. D. Marchant, Geo M. Roos, S. W. Bradshaw, Thos. S Petrie, Edmund Corbett, John Gould, Geo. W. White, J. A. Snider, Hy. Ashhurst, Joseph Dixon, Rev. W. Hansford, John F. Garratt, Patrick Mahoney, ADDRESS. Amount OF Claim. Ottawa, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Montreal, Que. Hamilton, Ont. Chatham, Ont. Morden, Man. Hamilton, Ont. London, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. Tui onto, Ont. Blenheim, Ont. Wardsville, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Seaforth. Ont. Clinton, Ont. Mt. Brydges,Ont. Picton, Ont. Petrolia, Ont. Clinton, Ont. Stratford, Ont. Hamilton, Ont. Montreal, Que. Terre Haute, Ind. Halirax, N. S. Quebec, Que. Woodstock, Ont. Wiarton, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Milton, Ont. Victoria, B. C. St. Catharines, Ont. Calgary, N. W. T. Hamilton, Ont. Barrie, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Hamilton, Ont. Neustadt, Ont. Jerseyville, Ont. Preston, Ont. Belleville, Ont. Guelph, Ont. Clinton, Ont. Exeter, Ont. Iroquois, Ont. Hamilton, Ont. Philadelphia, Pa. Ruthven, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Trenton, Ont. Saltfleet, Ont. $ 2,000 OO 2,000 00 2,000 00 5,000 00 15,000 00 2,000 00 3,000 00 4,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 4,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 4,000 00 3,500 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 500 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 10,000 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 3,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 2,400 00 i,ooo 00 2,000 00 3,000 oc 2,000 00 5,000 00 io,coo 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 I, coo 00 5,000 00 a,ooo 00 550 00 Premiums Paid Less Profits. Returned Over Cash Received. $ 117 06 80 26 65 28 .144 OS 676 10 34 40 109 01 324 4» 165 70 75 60 >89 75 34 34 16655 83 n 23 30 152 04 112 CO 349 n 34 92 ■58 25 16 25 106 50 366 90 125 06 570 80 391 »3 45 92 5064 73 70 100 10 282 k/j 32 95 119 23 91 77 91 66 220 81 710 40 27 71 107 79 376 00 219 02 201 55 337 45 747 90 96 42 6638 337 95 "3 05 621 05 93 52 9058 $ 1,882 94 1,919 74 1.934 72 4.65s 95 •4.323 90 '.945 60 2.890 99 3.675 58 1.834 30 1,924 40 3.810 25 96566 4.833 45 916 87 976 70 3.847 96 3.38800 4.650 83 96508 34 « 75 983 75 4.893 50 4.633 »o 1,874 94 9.439 20 4.608 77 954 08 2.949 36 926 30 899 90 2,117 04 967 05 1,88077 2,908 23 1,908 34 4.779 «9 9,289 60 972 29 892 21 624 00 1,78098 4.792 45 4.662 55 252 10 903 58 933 62 4,662 05 88695 4.378 95 1,907 48 459 42 I I I I NAME. I \ I I Samuel Woodley, Chas. H. Letatvre, Sidney Pocock, Wm. E. Morton, Thos. Miller, P. J. Hammond, Edwin W. Neff, W. M. Herchmer, C. A. Cruickshank, James Noble, O B. Charlebois, W. J. McDonald, Israel J. Delap, John Dowell, Roi]t>ert Orr, Wm. Springer, C. Vansickle, Michael Sweeney, Henry T. Dunham, Ann Harris, John McLerie, R. T. Copeland, G. B. Roberts, Wm. Kerstman, Wm. Hudson, J. W. H. Wilson, Angus Eraser, Richard Barry, Adam Bowman, Ashton Fletcher, Henry E Neelands, Chas. E. Swartz, B. McNichol, A. A. B. Williams, John D. Mix, Wellington Wallace, Chas. Hutchinson, John M. Cullis, John Fothergill, Richard Davis, John T. Gamble, Daniel Stoddart, Wm. McPherson, Wm. Walker, Richard Leggatt, John Leish, Chas. Bagwell, Wm, Wilson, Catharine Johnston, Nancy J. Wright, Thos. G. Greet, ADDRESS. Quebec, Que. Montreal, Que. St. Catharines, Ont. Regina, N. W. T. Milton, Ont. Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, III. Calgary, N. W. T. Clinton, Ont. Branttord, Ont. Ottawa, Ont. Ottawa, Ont. Granville Ferry Brockville, Ont. Wingham, Ont. Woodstock, Ont. Jerseyville, Ont. St. John, N. B. Norwich, N. Y. St. Catharines,Ont. Chatham, Ont. Pilot Mound, Man. Frederickton, N.B. Toronto, Ont. London, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. Halifax, N. S. London, Ont.'' Hamilton, Ont. Woodstock, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. Woodstock, Ont. W, Toronto Junct'n Toronto, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Barrie, Ont. London, Ont. Chatham, Ont. Nelson, Ont. Winnipeg, Man. Preston, Ont. Belleville, Ont. London, Ont. Lucknow, Ont. Copleston, Ont. St. Catharines,Ont. Chatham, Ont. W. Toronto Junct'n Ottawa, Ont. Campbellford, Ont. Kingston, Ont. Amount Premiums Rbturnbd OF Paid Lbss OvKR Cash Claim. Profits. Rkcbivsd. $ 5,coo 00 $ 235 00 $4,765 00 5.000 00 269 75 4.730 25 3,000 00 191 91 2,808 09 2,000 00 27 20 1,972 80 00 688 07 4.3 » I 93 2,000 00 282 50 ».7'7 50 2,000 00 3405a 1,659 48 10,000 00 662 30 9.337 70 2,000 00 197 20 1,803 80 I,OGO 00 »32 54 867 46 2,000 00 94 22 1.905 78 2,000 00 109 44 1,890 56 2,000 00 204 56 1.795 44 2,000 00 17962 1,820 38 2,000 00 142 92 1,857 08 2,000 CO 297 88 1,702 12 4,000 00 604 64 3.395 36 1,000 00 29 12 970 88 00 561 60 4.438 40 310 00 52 80 257 20 1,000 00 220 76 779 24 1,000 00 36 20 963 80 500 00 II 38 488 62 1,000 00 471 20 528 80 2,000 00 183 79 1,816 21 S.OOO 00 623 30 4.777 70 1,000 00 71 19 928 81 S.OOO 00 616 56 4.383 44 1,000 00 »34 59 86541 10,000 00 1,122 05 8.877 95 S.0OO 00 297 35 4,702 65 1,000 00 45 35 95465 1,000 00 60 58 93942 500 00 13 82 486 18 1,000 00 167 20 832 80 625 00 25 80 599 20 5.000 00 1.060 45 3.939 55 1,000 00 78 61 921 39 5,000 00 505 85 4.494 »5 2,000 00 168 72 1,831 28 2,000 CO 35 84 1,964 16 1,000 CO 18 76 981 24 1,000 CO 34 »4 96586 1,000 00 377 25 622 75 1,000 00 84 19 91581 2,000 00 373 55 1,626 45 1,000 00 79 45 920 55 3,000 CO 284 29 2.715 71 1,000 00 80 12 919 88 1, 500 CO 7838 1,421 62 T,000 00 65 09 934 9* ^^ OXyiVIAdS PiVII>, NAME. Clias. Elton, Isaac Davis, Geo. W. Dench, Geo. Mason, Amber D. Lawrence, Michael Ambrose, Charlotte A. Christie, Philomine S. Ouellet, Fred. W. Cooper, Donald C. Riduut, Wm. Parke, Wm. H. Irwin, A. Macfie, Jas. B. McMurray, Chas. Kenney, Joseph Patterson, John Swanberg, James O'Connell, Evans Jackson, Henry W. Holmes, James Nealon, G. M. D. Scholefield, John E. Potter, Chas. W. J. Thomas, Rev. E. H. Koyle, John Beattie, W. A. R. Aldwell, David Pitceathly, Geo. H. Booth, Edward C. Freeze, Wm. W. Johnston, Robt. B. Gardner, Fred. W. Hunter, Thos. Brodie, Sarah Stubbs, Geo. G. Veitch, Andrew J. Dobbins, Henry C. Reynolds, Joseph W. Prior, David Mondy, Michael Hughes, Thos. P. Gorman, Robert Graham, James Riach, James McKay, Lyman Moore, J. D. Kennedy, Wm. H. Wilson, Joseph G. Owens, A. T. Smith, W. A. Cleary, ADDRESS. Woodstock, Ont. Elizabeth, Out. Trenton, Ont. Victoria, B. C. Woodstock, Ont. Trenton, Ont. Wolf Island, Ont. Windsor, Ont. Barric, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. Montreal, Que. Vancouver, B. C. Gravenhurst, Ont. Brampton, Ont. Ottawa, Ont. Chicago, III. Toronto, Ont. Ottawa, Ont. Minneapolis, U. S. Campbellford, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Philadelphia, Pa. Toronto, Ont. Cobourg, Ont. London, Ont. Ingersoll, Ont. Belleville, Ont. Victoria, B. C. Frederick ton, N.B. Seeley's Bay, Ont. Roxbury, Mass. Paisley, Ont. Quebec, Que. Toronto, Ont, Watertown, N. Y. Elmira, N. Y. Ottawa, Ont. Muskeg Lake,NWT Sycamore, 111. St. Boniface, Man. Ottawa, Ont. Qu'Appelle,N.W.T. Burlington, Ont. Annapolis, N. S. Hamilton, Ont. Brockville, Ont. Woodstock, Ont. Streetsville, Ont. Halifax, N. S. Courtright, Ont. Amount OF Claim. $ I, COO CO 3,000 00 2,000 00 3,0 )0 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 CO 1,000 00 1,000 CiO 5,000 00 4,000 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 9,000 00 918 17 5,000 00 3,000 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 4,500 00 I, coo 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 977 06 2,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 5,000 00 3,000 00 i,ooo 00 5,000 00 10,000 00 1,000 00 Premiums | Returned Paid Less ;Ovkr Cash Profits. Received. $ 46 .35 599 67 138 76 753 07 39 90 258 68 93 14 ,88 57 II 38 342 00 918 84 79 75 308 44 21 15 203 96 47' 56 97 56 545 46 253 50 486 00 94 66 402 85 761 04 .^6 34 388 40 939 25 51 72 635 40 737 90 i»382 55 266 52 647 22 153 82 480 60 627 00 149 27 363 -17 142 00 25 35 142 04 265 00 441 05 66 30 587 76 209 10 1,226 70 579 7' 81 30 506 50 1,167 30 105 37 $ 953 65 2,400 33 1,861 24 2,246 93 960 10 1.741 32 9c6 86 811 43 988 62 4.658 00 3,081 16 4,920 25 1,691 56 972 85 1,796 04 1.528 44 1,902 44 2,454 54 1,746 50 8,5'4 00 813 51 4.597 '5 2,238 96 963 66 1,611 60 3.560 75 948 28 364 60 4,262 10 6»7 45 1.733 48 4-352 78 1,846 18 4.5 '9 40 1.373 00 827 79 1,636 83 1,858 00 974 65 85796 735 00 4.5.58 95 1.933 70 1,412 24 1,790 90 3.773 30 2,420 29 918 70 4.493 50 8,832 70 89463 GI^A^lAd^ ^i\IO. NAME. Henry Esson, Charles Blunt, Charles Falconer, Edward G. Wilkins, Samuel J. Tate, Rev. D. G. Sutherland, Rev. Robert D. Ross, Chas. F. Gallagher, Thomas Myers, Mathew Lough, A. Solomon Walton, G. McDavitt, Wm. Wood, Joseph Loughrey, Robert Charles Kerr, James L. Taggart, Samuel Evanson, Arthur L. Robinson, Lewis Howell, Elijah Bottom, George Maven, Malcolm C. Orth, Alexander Smith, Hugh Francis Kerrin, Norman McDonald, Hugh N. Camp, Thomas Dolan, Jehiel Mann, Arthur C. Lessel, Rev. R. J. Laidlaw, James C. Welch, Aldege Labelle, Wm. Dickson, Wm. Dempster, Elizabeth Worsley, Rev. John Shaw, Amount Premiums RliTlRNKP ADDRESS. oe Paid Lifss Ovi:r C.\sh Claim. Profits. Reck IV 11). Petrolia, Ont. $ I, COO 00 $ 30 74 $ 1/9 z6 Mount Sherwood, 2,OCO CO 209 74 1,79^ 26 Ottawa, Ont. I, COO CO 1 16 56 «»3 44 Ottawa, Ont. 2,000 00 2s6 86 '.743 '4 Melita, Man. 1,000 00 h «^«> 976 15 Toronto, Ont. 5,000 00 7.J3 50 4,266 ^0 Springfield, N. S. 1,000 CO III 25 888 75 Toronto, Ont. I,0CO 00 1^7 56 872 44 Los Angeles, Cal. 5,oco 00 i,c5J 20 3.949 «o Toronto, Ont. 1,000 00 27 1 80 7?8 20 Detroit, Mich. 1,000 00 23 30 976 70 Toronto, Out. 5,000 00 3'5 CO 4,685 00 Exeler, Ont. 2,OCO 00 654 34 1,365 66 Pittsburg, Penn. 3,000 00 1.075 74 1,924 26 Holland, Man. 2,COO 00 115 20 1,884 80 Welland, Ont. r,ooo 00 205 39 794 61 Prescott, Ont. 2,000 00 478 C4 1,521 96 Moncton, N. B. 1,000 00 77 So 922 20 Aylmer, Ont. I,' 00 00 228 50 77' 50 Bobcaygeon, Ont, 936 7' 273 75 652 96 St. Catharines,Ont. 2,000 CO 238 60 1,761 40 Burnhamthorpe, 1,000 CO 42 j6 957 84 Winnipeg, Man. I, coo 00 159 c6 840 94 Montreal, Que. 3,000 00 261 Si -J.738 19 St. Thomas, Ont. I, coo 00 317 70 682 30 NewYor^t, U.S.A. 5, coo 00 1,618 87 3.381 13 Peterborough, Ont. 3,000 00 33878 2,661 22 St. Thomas, Ont. 2,0C0 00 455 '6 1..S44 84 Halifax, N. S. 1,000 00 132 98 867 02 Hamilton, Ont. 1,500 CO 235 39 1,264 61 Canfield, Ont. I, coo CO 162 CO 838 00 St. Eugene, Que. i,oco 00 55 20 944 80 Cobourg, Ont. i,oco 00 9'3 5' 9 9 49 Gananoque, Ont. 3,000 00 423 43 2,579 .58 Fenelon Falls, Ont. 1,000 00 40 00 960 CO Toronto, Ont. 3,oco 00 1,807 00 1,193 00 The foregoing does not include the claims paid to other Life Companies on lives reinsured in the Federal. Considerable sums have also been paid to Policy-holders for Endow- ments, Cash Profits, and for Purchased Policies. bM^ GUARANTEE CAPITAL, $700,000, AMOUNT ASSURED, $11,000,000. SURPLUS SECURITY, $705,955.02.