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ed Voyage of William Baffin: —
I.— A Journal written by Baffin
II. — A Journal probably by Fotherby
III.—A Biief Description of King James his Now Land
IV.— The manner of killing the Whale and the whole
ceedings for performing of the Voyage
The Tnino Recorded Voyaoe of William Baffin :—
Narrative by Robert Fotlierby
The Fourth Recorded Voyaoe of William Baffin :—
I.— Letter from Baffin to his Employers
II. — The Breefe Journall
III.—" A Tru Relation" by Baffin
The Fifth Recorded Voyage of William Baffin :—
I.— A Briefe and True Relation or Journal by Baffin
II.— Baffin's Letter to Sir John Wolstonholine
III. — Baffin's Instructions
Discourse as to a North-West Passage :—
Briefe Discourse of the Probabilitio of a Passage .
Story of Thomas Cowles as to what he heard at Lisbon
Note by Michael Lok on Discoveries of Juan de Fuca
Treatise by Henry Briggs
Portrait of Sir Thomas Smith
Map of the Coast of Arabia, and entrance to the Persian
Gulf . xliii
Series of Five Maps to Illustrate the History of the Delineation
of Baffin's Bay :_
I.-From the Circumpolar Chart of Luke Fox, 1C35
II.-Frora Hexham's Edition of Hondius, 1G36
HI.— From Moll's Atlas, 1720
rV.~From Daines Barrington, 1818
v.— Baffin's Bay, according to Modern Charts
Part of the West Coast of Greenland
West Coast of Spitzbergen
Facsimile of Baffin's Chart of Hudson's Strait
■ Ivi
William Baffin, the narratives of whose voyages
are now for the first time collected in a single
volume, occupies a deservedly high place in the list
of our early navigators. Although he is only known
to us during the last twelve years of his Hfe, and his
previous history is an absolute blank, yet the record
of those later achievements secures for him an
honourable niche in England's temple of fame. He
was a daring seaman, a scientific observer, and a great
I propose, in this Introduction, to consider Baffin's
position successively in those three capacities. But
it will, I believe, be alike an act of justice to those
who enabled Baffin to perform his work, and con-
ducive to a more thorough appreciation of that work,
if I devote my opening pages to a notice of the
grand old Merchant Adventurers, who were the
munificent patrons of discovery during the Eliza-
bethan acre,
Baffin gratefully immortalised the names of the
generous patrons who set forth the voyages in which
he served ; of Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Francis Jones,
Sir Dudley Digges, Sir John Wolstenholme, and
Sir James Lancaster ; and among these pillars of
- auji
England's commercial greatness, Sir Thomas Smith
tiikes the foremost rank. To his wisdom and pa-
triotism, to his disinterested zeal for discovery, and
adventurous boldness, the marvellous extension of
our trade, and the honour of many of our maritime
exploits, are mainly due.
Thomas Smith of Westenhanger, in Kent, better
known as "Customer Smith", was the son of a
yeoman, of long descent in Wiltshire, and was for
many years one of the Farmers of the Queen's Cus-
toms. By his wife Alice, daughter of the Lord
Mayor, Sir Andrew Judd, he had four sons who
survived him, and three daughters. Alice Judd
was descended from Sir Robert Chicheley, through
whom her children were Founder's Kin of All Souls,
and she was a first cousin of Sir Henry Cromwell,
grandfather of the great Protector.^ Customer Smith
died in 1591, and was buried at Ash ford. Of his
four sons, the eldest. Sir John of Westenhanger and
Ashford, was father of Thomas Smythe, first Vis-
count Strangford. His line became extinct with
that accomplished geographer, the eighth Viscount,
who was Vice-President of the Royal Geographical
Society, and died in 1869. Sir Thomas, the second
son, was the Merch.'int Adventurer. Simon, the
third, was slain at Cadiz in 1.597. The fourth, Sir
^ Sir Thomas Min*fin, Lord Mayor, had a daughter Alice, wife
of Sir Andrew Judd and mother of AHce, who mai'ried "Cus-
tomer" Smith ; and another daughter, Frances, who married Sir
liichard Williams, alias Cromwell, and was mother of Sir Ifonry
Cromwell of Hinchinbrook, and great grandmother of Oliver
Richard Smythe, was of Leeds Castle, which his
daughter sold to Sir Thomas Colepepper of Holling-
bourue. Of the three dauirhters, Catharine married
Sir Rowland Hayward, Lord jMayor of London ;
Elizabeth married Sir Henry Fanshaw, and Jane
was wife of J. Fanshaw, of Ware Park.
Thomas Smith,* the second son, succeeded his-
father as Customer to Queen Elizabeth, and became
a successful London Merchant. He inherited, from
his father, the manor of Bidborough, and an estate
in the parish of Sutton-at-Hone, in Kent, called
Brooke Place, where he built a laro^e house. He also
had another house at Deptford, and town houses in
Philpot Lane, and in Gracechurch Street. He be-
came wealthy and influential, and it was his great
merit to have encouraged maritime enterprise and
discovery throughout a long life, not mainly for the
sake of gain, but for the honour of his country.
Sir Thortias Smith was an active Member of the
Muscovy Company, and was among those adven-
turers who despatched the first voyages to Spitz-
bergen. He also took a leading part in the found-
1 He must not be confused with his contemporary, the learned
Sir Thomas Smith, who was born at SalTron Walden in 1514, and
whoso life was written by Strype. This Sir Thomas Smith was
of Queen's College, Cambridge. In conjunction with Chckc he
brought in a new way of j)ronouncing Greek, and was University
Orator. He was Secretary of State in tlie reign of p]dward VI,
sent ambassador to France by Queen Elizabeth, again Secretary of
State in 1572, and died in 1577. He must have been many
years the senior of his namesake the Merchant Adventurer. His
descendant ia Sir W. Bowycr Smijth, Bart., of Hill Hall, in
b -1
ation of the East India Company, and was elected
its first Governor in IGOO. He was Shcriif of London
in the same year, and was knighted by James I, at
tlie Tower, on May VMh, 1603. In 1604, he was
sent Ambassador to Muscovy, saihng in June, and
arriving at Archangel on the 22nd of July. Thence
.he proceeded to Moscow, and succeeded in obtaining
privileges for English merchants from Boris Go-
dunof ^ He returned in the following year, and was
afterwards employed, on several occasions, in affairs
of State connected with commerce.
Sir Thomas Smith was re-elected Governor of the
East India Company in 1607, and again in 1609 ;
when, for his great services, and for having procured
the first and second charters, a sum of £500 was
voted for his acceptance. But he refused to take
the oath of Governor until the Company took back
£250. " The residue his Worship kindly yielded to
take." The East India Company flovnished mightily
under his wise and energetic administration ; and in
1610, the largest merchant vessel that had ever
been built, was launched in presence of the King.
She was named by James I, the "Trade's Increase",
and at the same time his Majesty, with his own
hands, placed a gold chain, worth £200, with his
portrait hanging to it, round the neck of Sir Thomas
' The narrative of the Embassy was published unknown to Sir
Thomas Smith and without his consent. '^Sir Thomai^ Smith's
Voyage and Eiitey'tainment in Jiiissia, with the Tragical Ends of
Two Emperors and One Empress tvithin one month of his being
there,^' London, 1605. See also T-urchas, iii, 747.
The great Merchant Adventurer, while thus deve-
loping the trade with India, was ever mindful of
Arctic discovery. As a manager of the Muscovy
Company, he despatched Jonas Poole to Spitzbergen,
in 1609 ; and he had previously induced the East
India Company to send Captain Weymouth in search
of a North-West Passage, in 1602. But there were
men of less patriotic aims in the direction ; and
when Weymouth returned unsuccessful, it was re-
solved that the attempt should utterly be left off.
Sir Thomas Smith was, however, a true friend to
Arctic discovery, through good report and evil re-
port. He resolutely and persistently advocated the
glorious cause, and at length, in 1611, he once more
induced the East India Company to adventure £300
towards the discovery of the North-West Passage.
Again, "the business did not succeed according to
desire". Still, Sir Thomas remained true. In 1614,
he urged the Company " not to refuse to adventure
again, somewhat more, considering it were dis-
honourable to withdraw from so worthy a work".
Grudgingly it was resolved to adventure £200, " so
that there may be no expectation of any further
But, in the meanwhile, a new Company had been
formed in 1612, with the special object of Arctic
discovery, and Sir Thomas Smith became its first
Governor. It was called " the Company of Mer-
chants of London, Discoverers of the North-West
Passage", and Sir Thomas gathered round him, as
coUengues, Sir James Lancaster, Sir Dudley Digges,
. . J ■Miia.:;^^^.. ;3»
. ..,^. .j...wAijjvw^< ■• y.^.^wvm^mf'i^immmmmmmm
Sir William Cockayne, Sir Francis Jones, Sir John
Wolstenholme, Richard Wyche, Ralph Freeman,
and William Stone, all names well known in Arctic
geography. They had already, before they were
actually formed into a Company, despatched Henry
Hudson, in 1610, on his last fatal voyage; and in
1G12, Sir Thomas Button's expedition started, under
the special patronage of Henry, Prince of Wales.
The voyages of Bylot and Baffin followed.
Both Arctic discovery and Indian trading ven-
tures received the unceasing and laborious attention
of Sir Thomas Smith during many years, and he
wore himself out by his mcessant work in the ser-
vice of the great trading Companies. In 1615, he
was again re-elected Governor of the East India
Company; again, in 1618, though ( A, and wishing
to retire ; and again, in 1620, by special wish of the
King, His house at Deptford was accidentally burnt
to the ground in 1619, nothing being saved, except
the people, who escaped narrowly. He was at the
very time engaged, with Sir Dudley Carleton, in
negotiating with Commissioners from the States
General, on matters relating to trade. He feasted
them in his house in London, in July 1619.
At length, in July 1621, Sir Thomas Smith was
allowed to retire from the Governorship of the East
India Company, after serving for upwards of twenty
years. He resigned from weakness and old age ;
after having created and fully established the pros-
perity of a famous body which, in after years, was
destined to found a great Empire. Sir Thomas had
himself adventured £20,000; he had closely attended
to details respecting the equipn.cnt of ships, training
of officers, and regulation of trade ; and had in-
stilled his own enthusiasm, and desire to advance
the honour as well as the wealth of his country, into
the Company's servants. He encouraged the scien-
tific branches of a seaman's profession, and lectures
on navigation were delivered at his house by Dr.
Hood,^ and Edward Wright. At the same time, he
was careful to ensure the permanent record of the
voyages sent out under his auspices, by furnishing
historical materials to Hakluyt, and afterwards to
Purchas. He was the perfect model of an enlight-
ened and patriotic Merchant Adventurer, a type
which has now, alas ! disappeared from this country.
Sir Thomas Smith died on the 4th of September
1625, and was buried in the church of Sutton-at-
Hone, in Kent. A monument to his memory may
still be seen in the south aisle, with the following
inscription : —
M. S.
To the glorie of God and to y^ pious
Meraorio of the ho"bio gr T/umias Smith Kt.
(late Gouernoiir of yc East-Indian Muscovia French and Sonimcr-
Island Companies: Treanrer for the Virj^inian Phintations : Prime
Vndertaker in the year 1612 for that noble Designe the Disco-
iierie of the North-West Passarfe: Principall Coviissioner for the
London-expedition against yo Pirates: and for a Voiage to ye
llyver Senega upon y° Coast of Africa: one of y*' cheefe C'oniis-
^ The speech made by Dr. Hood in the house of Sir Thomas
Smith in Gracechurch Street, in November 1588, was published in
the same year. There is a copy in the British Museum.
.«a.^^v,.^,^.^--.>-#.— iju m\m
sioners for yo Nauie-Roial and sometimo Ambassadour from y^
Mat'o of Gr. Ji?'it. to yo Empcrour and great Duke of Russia and
Moscovla etc.) who hauinge iudiciously, conscionably, and with ad-
mirable facility managed many difficult and weighty affairs to yo
honour and i)rofit of this Nation rested from his labours the 4th
day of Septem. 1625, and his soul returning to Him that
gaue it, his body was here laid vp in yo hope of a
blessed Resurrection.
" From those large Kingdomes where the Svn doth rise ;
From that rich newefound-world that westward lies ;
From Vo/^a to the floud of ^7/1020718;
l^Vom vnder both the Polm, and all the Zones ;
Vxova. all the famous Ryuers, Landes, and iSeas,
Betwixt this Place and our Anti-Podes;
Ho gott intelligence, what might be found . •
To giue contentment, through this massie Round.
But finding earthly things did rather tiro
His longing Sord, then answer her desire ;
To this obscured Village he withdrewe :
From hence his Heauenlie Voiage did pursue.
Here, sum'd vp all, and when his Gale of Breath,
Had left becalmed in the Port of Death,
The soules fraile Barke (and safe had landed her
Where Faith his Factor, and his Ilarhinger
Made place before), he did (no doubt) obtaine
That wealth w^ii here on Earth wee seek in vain."
There was a portrait of Sir Thomas Smith, en-
graved by Simon Passe.^ The original print is very
^ Simon Passe, the son of another famous engraver, Nicholas
Passe, a native of Utrecht, was employed by Hilli.ard, and was
ten years in England. His father, whose works are numerous,
was in England for several years, and drew many of his portraits
fi'om life. This was also the practice of Simon Passe, whose
earliest w^orks were James I and his Queen, Prince Henry with a
lance, Raleigh, Buck, Gondomar, Archbishop Abbot. He also en-
graved the Earl and Countess of Somerset, the Earls of Arundel,
Dorset, and Pembroke, Sir E. Cecil and Sir T. Smith.
rare. Its date is 1617. It is bound up in the
Grenville copy of the embassy to Kussia, and in
some copies of the Surgeon's Mate, a book dedicated
to Sir Thomas Smith, and published in 1617. It is
a half length figure, in hat, ruff, and furred robe,
holding a map in the left hand, with the words —
" Russia" and " Oceanus" on it. A second, and very
inferior edition, appeared in 1707. The portrait
which forms the frontispiece of the present volume
is taken from the copy in the Grenville library.
Sir Thomas Smith was married three times. His
first wife was Judith, daughter of Richard Culver-
well. I have not been able to ascertain the name
of the second ; but the third was Sarah, daughter
of William Blunt. She was the mother of his chil-
dren, and she married secondly Robert Sydney, Earl
of Leicester. There were two sons born to Sir Tho-
mas Smith and Sarah Blunt. The eldest. Sir John
Smyth, succeeded to Brooke Place, in the parish
of Sutton-at-Hone, and married Isabella Rich, a
daughter of Sir Philip Sydney's "Stella". The
second son married another daughter of "Stella" by
the Lord Moimtjoy, in November 1618, but he left
England in the following year, under some cloud.
The male descendants of Sir Thomas Smith became
extinct, on the death of the Chief Baron, Sir Sydney
StaflfordSmythe, in 1778.^
^ The eldest son of Sir Thomas Smith, Sir John Smyth of
Brooke Place, had, by Isabella Rich, a son, Robert, and a daughter,
Isabella, married to John, Lord Robartes of Truro, in 1646. Robert
Smythe (for he adopted this way of spelling the name) of Brooke
< KU
One of the most active among Sir Thomas Smith's
colleagues, in the encouragement of maritime en-
terprise, was Alderman Francis Jones. This Mer-
chant Adventurer was of a Shropshire family, citizen
and haberdasher of London, Alderman of Aldgate
Ward, and Lord Mayor. He was also one of the
Farmers of Customs, and was knighted on March
12th 1617. He resided at Welford, and had a
town house in the city, in the parish of St. Andrew
Undershaft. Sir Francis died at Welford, in 1622.
A still more eminent encourager of Arctic enter-
prise, and one who should take rank next to Sir
Thomas Smith, although he was a much younger
man, was Sir Dudley Digges. He came of an emi-
nently learned and accomplished family. Roger
Digge was living at Mildenhall, in Suffolk, in the
reign of Henry III, and his descendant, James
Digges, came to Kent, and settled at Digges Court,
in Barham. Here his son Leonard, the grandfather
of Sir Dudley Digges, was born. Educated at Uni-
Placo, married in 1652 the Lady Dorothy Sydney, widow of that
Earl of Sunderland who was slain at the battle of Newbury in 1643.
She waa bora in 1620, and was the " Saccharissa" of the poet
Waller. By this maiTiage there was one son, Robert Smythe,
Governor of Dover Castle, who died in 1698. By Catherine,
daughter of William Stafford of Blatherwicke, he had a son,
Henry Smythe, married to Elizabeth, danghter of Dr. Lloyd,
Canon of Windsor. Henry sold Brooke Place in 1699 to Sir
John le Thuillier, who pnlled down the old house built by Sir
Thomas Smith. Dying in 1706, Henry Smythe left an only
child, Sydney Stafford Smythe, who was called to the bar in
1728, was Chief Baron in 1772, and died childless in 1778. Thus
the male line of Sir Thomas Smith became extinct.
versity College, Oxford, Leonard became an accom-
plished mathematician, architect, and surveyor. He
was the author of several learned works,' some of
which were edited by his son. Leonard Digges,
who was of Wootton Court, in Kent, married Brid-
get, sister of those two gallant soldiers, James and
Thomas Wilford, by whom he had a son Thomas.
He died in 1574. This Thomas Digges inherited
his father's tastes, and was one of the most eminent
mathematicians of his time. He was Muster Master
to the Queen's Army in the Netherlands from 1585,
and prepared exhaustive reports on several im-
portant military positions, and on their fortification,
with plans. Thomas Digges was as remarkable for
his piety as for his learning.^ He married Agnes,
daughter of Sir William St. Leger, by Ursula,
daughter of George Neville, Lord Abergavenny,
by whom he had a son Dudley, and a daughter
Margaret, married to Sir Anthony Palmer. The
^ He wrote Tecfonicum, a book on land surveying, 4to., 1556 ;
second edition, edited by his son, 1592 ; third edition, 1597.
Also, Pantometria, a geometrical treatise, published by his son,
folio, 1591 ; and Prognostication, rules to judge the weather by
sun, moon, and stars, 1555 ; new edition by his son, 1592.
2 His works were, Alae sive Scalae Mathematicae, 4to., 1573 ;
Arithmetical Military Treatise, 4to., 1579 ; ^^ Stratioticos, a geome-
trical treatise requisite for the practice of soldiers", begun by his
father. At the end there is a report of the proceedings of the
Earl of Leicester for the relief of Sluys, from his arrival at Flush-
ing in June 1587, proving that his Excellency was not in fault
for the loss of the town, 4to., 1579, second edition, 1590 ; Per-
fect Description of the Celestial Orbs, 4to., 1599; England's Defence,
a treatise concerning invasion, written 1589, published 1686,
great nmthematiuiun died on August 24tli, 15!).'},
and was buried in the cliurclj of St. Mary'n, Alder-
rnanbury. His monument was destroyed in the great
fire of London, but the inscription is preserved in
Strypo's edition of Stowe.
Dudley Digges was born in 1.583, and was edu-
cated at his grandfather's old college at Oxford,
under Dr. Abbot, afterwards Archbishoj) of Can-
terbury. He took his degree in ICO I, studied at
the Inns of Court, travelled on the Continent, and
was knighted on his return. In IGl.l, Sir Dudley
Digges published a reply to an attack on the East
India Company,^ in which he gave an interesting
account of their ships, and of the progress of their
trade ; and from this time he appears to have been
intimately connected with Sir Thomas Smith's pro-
jects, and to have been his friend and worthy dis-
ciple. Sir Dudley was sent on an Embassy to
liussia, in 1G18, and an account of his voyage to
Archangel is preserved in manuscript at Oxford.'^
1 The Defence of Trade, in a Letter to Sir TItomas Smith,
Knight, Governor of tlie East India Company,, from one of that
Societie, London, 1615, pp. 50; signed "Dudley Diggca". It ia a
reply to a pamphlet entitled. Increase of Trade.
2 MS. Ashmole, vol. 824, xvi, p. 1 75. " A Viag of Ambasad
undertaken by the Right Honnorable S^ Dudlio Diggs in the
year 1618." The narrative commences with the embassy leaving
the Thames in June 1618. The ship reached Archangel on July
14th, sailed for England again on August 5th, and reached St.
Katheriue's, near London, on the 22nd. The manuscript ends
with notes on " Things by me observed", describing the Samoyeds,
the houses, carts, farms, and vegetation round Archangel, and
the Kussian boats and sailing vessels. Pp. 22.
Noxt ]»o was omployod, in IG20, at the ITaguo, to
ol)tain restitution of goods taken by the Dutch from
English merchants in the East Indies. In the fol-
lowing year he entered Parliament, but he was so
little compliant with Court measures, that he was
sent to Ireland on a commission, but really as a
punishment. Ho was again returned to Parliament,
for the county of Kent, in 1 G2G, and was one of the
eight chief managers of the charges against the
Duke of Buckingham, the others being Sir John
Eliot, Pym, Selden, Wandesford, Glanvile, Sherland,
and Herbert. Sir Dudley Digges, by way of pro-
logue, made a short and eloquent speech, and read
the preamble of the charges, while Sir John Eliot's
speech concluded the impeachment. For these bold
measures, both Sir Dudley Digges and Sir John
Eliot were committed to the Tower, by command of
Charles I. Buckingham accused Archbishop Abbot
of instigating Sir Dudley and, in reply, the good
old man spoke manfully in favour of his former
pupil. " Ever since the days of Queen Elizabeth",
he said, " I have been nearly acquainted with him.
PTe was my pupil at Oxford, and a very towardly
one. He calleth me father, and I call his wife my
daughter, his eldest son is my godson, and their
children are, in love, accounted my children."
Digges continued to uphold the rights of the people.
In 1G27, he was appointed by the Commons to man-
age a conference with the Lords respecting the re-
solutions touching the liberty of the subject, and
the right of every man to a writ of Habeas Corpus.
He opened the proceedings with an introductory
historical speech of great ability, and was followed
by Selden, Littleton, and Cook. In 1628 he was a
member of another conference respecting the Peti-
tion of Right, and he boldly protested against the
King's command to the Speaker, that no member
should speak against the Government.^ In April
1636, Sir Dudley Digges succeeded Sir Julius Caesar
as Master of the Rolls, and he died on March 18 th,
Sir Dudley Digges married Mary, daughter of Sir
Thomas Kempe, the heiress of Chilham, near Can-
terbury ; where he built a stately mansion. His
wife was a kinswoman of Sir Thomas Smith, both
being descendants of Philippa Chicheley, and there-
fore founder's kin of All Souls. Sir Dudlev and
Lady Digges had ten children, of whom the eldest,
Thomas Digges, succeeded to Chilham, married
Mary, daughter of Sir Maurice Abbot, and died in
1687. His son Leonard Digges died in 1718, leav-
ing a son, Thomas, whose eldest son died at Cork in
1787. The second son, West Digges, was a well
1 Rushworth, vol. i, pp. 55, 302, 356, 360, 361, 450, 451, 521,
527, 546, 606.
2 Besides the Defence of Trade, Sir Dudley Digges was the
author of the Compleat Ambassador, London, folio, 1665, which
contains the correspondence between Sir F. Walsingham, Burleigh,
Leicester, and others respecting the two treaties of the intended
marriage of Queen Elizabeth. The frontispiece consists of en-
gravings by Faithorne of Elizabeth, Burleigh, and Walsingham.
He also wrote, Digiti Lingua, the most compendious way of
silent converse ever yet discovered, London, 12mo., 1603.
known comedian, and here I have lost touch of the
descendants. Chilham had long before passed away
to Colebrookes, Herons, Wildmans, and is now the
property of Mr. Charles Stewart Hardy.^ But the
old house, built by Sir Dudley Digges, is still stand-
ing. It is beautifully situated on a hill, sloping
away on every side. The village of Chilham, con-
sisting of old-fashioned thatched houses, is built
round a green, at one end the church, at the other
a short avenue, leading to the old manor house. The
mansion was finished in 1616, and the names of Sir
Dudley Digges, and of his wife Mary Kempe, are
carved over the hall door. It is a brick structure,
with stone doorway and dressings, square turrets at
each angle of the front, and a beautiful oriel window
over the carved doorway. The two wings are at an
obtuse angle to the front, a peculiar arrangement
giving increased space, and the means of arranging
most picturesque vistas and angles in the interior.
Behind is the ancient keep of the feudal castle of
the Badlesmeres, with enormously thick walls. A
series of terraces with wall fruit, slope down to a
well timbered park, and there are lovely views from
the windows. Truly, this patriotic Merchant Ad-
venturer, and bold asserter of his country's liberties,
had a most lovely English home. Here, surrounded
by wife and children, lie retired from the cares of
State, and here he died at the age of fifty-six.
Sir Dudley Digges was buried in Chilham church,
^ In 1 724, Thomas Digges sold Chilham to a mercer of London
named Colebrookc, whose son sold it to Heron in ITT.'i.
a cruciform edifice with double aisles. Over his
grave was erected a magnificent tomb. On a square
pedestal of white marble are seated four life-size
female figures, and in their midst rises a pillar of
black marble surmounted by an urn, with four
shields of arms hanging round it.^ On each side
of the pedestal there are black marble tablets with
inscriptions. That on the western side preserves
the memory of Sir Dudley Digges himself, " whose
death the wisest men doe reckon amongst the pub-
lique calamities of these times". On the south side
there is a genealogical account of his family in
Latin. The eastern tablet bears an inscription to
the memory of Lady Digges, the heiress of Chilham,
while the northern tablet records her virtues. Sir
Dudley left £20 yearly to keep this monument in
repair, the surplus to be given to the poor. The
name of this noble promoter of voyages of discovery
is also immortalised by the Cape, on the coast of
Baffin's Bay, which is so often mentioned in modern
Arctic voyages.
Baffin's most immediate patron, to whom he ad-
dressed his letters, was Sir John Wolstenholme.
His father, John Wolstenholme, was a native of
Derbyshire. He came up to London, and after
making a fortune, established himself at Stanmore
Magna, near Harrow. His son. Sir John, born in
L562, was a Farmer of the Customs, and a most
active promoter of voyages for the discovery of the
^ The arms of Digges, of Kemp, of Kemp and Digges impaled,
and a fourth which I could not make out
North- West Passage. He was knighted by James I
at Whitehall, on March 12th, 1617. He built the
church at Stanmore, which was consecrated by Arch-
bishop Laud in 1632, at his sole expense. He died,
aged seyenty-seven, on November 25th, 1639, and
was buried in Stanmore church, where there is a
handsome monument to his memory. His second
son, Henry, was slain in the Palatinate, while serv-
ing under Lord Vere. The eldest, Sir John, was
knighted by Charles I, on. IVlay 18th, 1633. He suc-
ceeded to Nostell Priory, in Yorkshire, which had
been purchased by his father. He was a great suf-
ferer during the civil war, having joined the Royalist
side, but was created a Baronet at the Restoration,
and, dying in 1670, he was buried at Stanmore,
His eldest son, John, who died before him, married
Dorothy, the daughter of Lord Vere, and sister of
Lady Fairfax, but had no children. Both were
buried under a stately monument at Stanmore.^
His second son, Henry, was slain at Marston Moor.
The baronetcy became extinct with Sir Francis Wol-
stenholme, who died in 1780.
Sir William Cockayne, Sir James Lancaster, and
Mr. Richard Ball,^ were also among those liberal
patrons of Arctic discovery whose ventures enabled
the ships to be fitted out, and whose patriotic zeal
^ For an account of monuments in Stanmore Church, and ex-
tracts from the registers, see Lysous' Environs of London^ first
edition, 1795, vol. iii, pp. 395-400.
^ See notices in foot notes at page 3.
infused a similar spirit into the hearts of the gallant
seamen whom they employed.
In Baffin's first recorded voyage, the wealthy ad-
venturers wisely associated with themselves the
commander of the expedition ; and it is, therefore,
necessary to give some account of the brave seaman
in whose company our discoverer first appears.
James Hall was a Yorkshireman, and almost cer-
tainly a native of HuU.^ We first hear of him as
chief pilot of an expedition sent by Christian IV,
King of Denmark, to discover tlie lost colonies of
Greenland. It consisted of three ships : the Trosf
(Comfort), with the admiral on board, a Scottish
officer named John Cunningham, and James Hall as
chief Pilot, was the leftding vessel. The second,
named Loven, was commanded by a Dane — Godske
Linden ov ; and the third was a pinnace, called
Kathen, under an Englishman named John Knight.
The expedition sailed from Copenhagen, on May 2nd,
1605, and sighted Greenland on the 30th. Soon
afterwards, the Loven parted company and went
home, after hot words. The Trost pressed onwards,
and came to land under a hill named Mount Cun-
ningham, between the headlands which were called
Capes Anne and Sophia, after the Queen and Queen
Dowager of Denmark. They were in the neigh-
bourhood of the modern Greenland settlement of
Holateinborg. The Danes had much communication
with the Eskimo, and Hall gives an interesting ac-
count of them. The Trost and Kathen safely re-
1 Luke Fox. '-^ Pni-clias calls her the Frost.
bing ac-
turned to Elsinore on August lOth.^ John Knight
then went back to England, but Hall continued in
the Danish service. Knight commanded an expe-
dition in the year 1606, in which he perished. I
printed the narrative of Knight's voyage, from the
original manuscript at the India Office, in 1877."
The King of Denmark fitted out a second expe-
dition in 1606, consisting of five vessels. There
were the Trost of sixty tons, with Godske Lindenov
as admiral, and Hall as chief pilot ; the Loven, of
seventy tons, under John Cunningham ; the Omen
(100 tons), commanded by a Norwegian named Hans
Brun, a Scotch vessel of forty tons, called the Gilli-
Jlower, under Corsten Richardson, and the pinnace
Kathen, of twenty tons, under Anders Nolk^ of
Bergen. Sailing from Copenhagen on May 27th,
1606, they were beset by mighty banks of ice, and
* Hall's account of the voyage is given in Ptirchas, iii, lib. iv,
cap. xiv, p. 814. There is another brief account in a Danish
work, "Reiser til Gronland om de vigtigste reiser som i nyere tider
ere foretagne fra Danmark og Norge for igjen at opsoge det table
Gronland og at undersoge set gjenfimde, af C. Pingel," Kjoben-
havn, 1845. Pingel quotes a manuscript written on board the
Kathen. The original is now in a quarto volume, containing
various papers about Greenland, in tiie Royal Library at Stock-
holm (K. 29). The manuscript was captured by Charles X in
the library of Soro in Zealand, and taken by him to Sweden. It
consists of six quarto leaves, with the title, " Sanndferdigh
Berettningh om thenn Groenlanndez reise som Konng May 3 Skif
giorde, anno 1605." It is in the form of a ship's journal, and is
signed " Alexander Leyell".
2 At the end of the Hakluyt Society's volume, Tfie Voyages of
Sir James Lancaster, Knight, to the East Indies, p. 281.
^ Purchas calls him Noll.
did not reach Greenland until July, anchoring off
Cunningham Fiord, to the north of Cape Sophia.
The glittering mica, occurring in the gneiss, was
mistaken for silver ore, and the idea of unbounded
mineral wealth was indulged in by the explorers.
As on the former voyage, several Eskimo were seized
with their kayaks, to be taken to Denmark, and
some were killed. These outrages led to fatal re-
taliation when Hall appeared among the Eskimo in
a subsequent voyage ; while the wretched captives
pined away and died. The Greenland expedition
returned in October 1 606 ;^ but King Christian still
persevered. In the following year a third expedi-
tion, under Carsten Richardson, was despatched
with Hall on board the G'dlijlower as pilot, and
"styrmand". But the crews mutinied, and the
vessels never got beyond Iceland. Purchas had the
journal of this third voyage in his possession, with
curious drawings by Josias Hubert' of Hull, but he
says that he omitted to print it because of the mu-
tiny.' Christian IV then gave up his attempts to
re-discover old Greenland.
James Hall consequently returned to England,
eager to embark once more on discoveries in the
1 Pingel gives a nan*ative written by Hans Brun, captain of
the Omen, of the second expedition, the manuscript of which is
also in the Royal Library at Stockholm.
2 Afterwards pilot in the Resolution in Sir Thomas Button's
^ There is a brief account of this third voyage in the work of
Glaus Christophersen Lyschander, lloyal Historiographer of Den-
mark, entitled, Den GriJnlandscIie Chronica (Kbhvn., 1808).
direction of Greenland, and full of ideas respecting
silver ores and other mineral wealth. His faithful
follower, a Scar])orough lad named William Huntriss,
who had accompanied him in all his voyages, and
had become so proficient as a navigator that King
Christian had granted him a special allowance, came
back with Hall. There is, in the British Museum,
a manuscript report on Hall's voyages to Greenland,
with several coloured maps and sketches of coast
lines, which is addressed to the King of Denmark.
When Christian IV abandoned the work. Hall pro-
bably withheld this report, brought it with him to
England, and presented it to King James. ^
James Hall induced four great Merchant Princes
to be venturers with him in a voyage of discovery
to Greenland in 1612. His partners were Sir Thomas
Smith himself. Sir James Lancaster, Sir William
Cockayne, and Mr. Ball. Two vessels, called the
Patience and the Heart's Ease, were fitted out at
Hull, and William Baffin first appears m history as
pilot on board Hall's ship, the Patience.
We are thus first introduced to William Baffin
as an experienced seaman, in the prime of life, and
I have been baffled ii> all my attempts to discover
even a single fact respecting his former history. The
name is very uncommon, and I am indebted to the
^ MS. Bibl. Reg., 17 a, xlviii, p. 261. The manuscript con-
tains a narrative, a coloured map of King Christian's Fiord iix
Greenland, another of Cunningham's Fiord, a third of Brade Han-
son's Fiord, a fourth of the " coast of Greenland, with latitudes
of havens and harbours as I found them".
obliging kindness of Colonel Chester, to whose re-
search I also owe many facts and dates relating to
the Merchant Adventurers, for the very few entries
where it occurs. There is no trace of the name at
Hull, the place where Baffin first appears to us.
From the Parish Kegisters of St. Margaret, West-
minster, Colonel Chester has supplied me with the
following entries : —
Baptized 1603. Sept. 30.
Richard, son of John Baffin
Buried 1609. June 8.
Joseph Baffin. Plague.
» „ 22.
Elizabeth Baffin. „
„ July 11.
William Baffin. „
1612 June 8.
Margaret Baffin. Child.
In the Register of the church of St. Thomas
Apostle, in the city of London, there is one entry
of the name.
Baptized 1609. Oct. 15.
Susan Baffen, daughter of William
Colonel Chester has kindly looked at the indexes
to his collections from parish registers and monu-
ments, extending all over the kingdom, in more than
one hundred folio volumes, comprising upwards of a
million and a half of names, and the only instances
of the name of Baffin are the above. We are,
therefore, justified in the conclusion that it is ex-
tremely uncommon. Between 1603 and 1612, we
find five individuals named Baffin, three men, a
woman, and a child, dying in St. Margaret's parish,
Westminster, the three adults of the plague. One
is named William Baffin. A child named Richard
Baffin is born in St. Margaret's parish in 1603.
Lastly, the child of a William Baffin is baptized
in 1609, in the church of St. Thomas the Apostle,'
in Vintry Ward, within the city of London. This
ward includes Queenhithe, a landing-place fre-
quented by sailors, and not an unlikely locality for
a seaman to take up his abode in, while on shore.
These meagre facts lead to the conjecture that
William Baffin was a native of London or West-
minster, that he had relations living in tlie parish
of St. Margaret, and that he himself had established
a h6me for his wife, and for himself when on shore,
in the city, in the parish of St. Thomas, and proba-
bly in a street near Queenhithe, where his daughter,
named Susan, was born in 1609. But Baffin him-
self must have been constantly at sea, and probably
raised himself, by his good conduct and talent, from
a very humble position. I gather that Purchas in-
tended to convey such an idea, when he speaks of
Baffin as " that learned-unlearned mariner and ma-
thematician, who, wanting art of words, so really
employed himself to those industries, whereof here
you see so evident fruits".^ If he was not a Hull
man, he probably was not known to Captain Hall,
and it may, therefore, be conjectured that, when
Hall induced the great London merchants to join
in his venture, one of them recommended Baffin to
him, as an accomplished seaman. Accordingly, Wil-
liam Baffin was chief pilot of Captain Hall's ship,
the Patience, when, in company with the Heart's
^ The church of St. Thomas Apostle was burnt at the great
fire and was not rebuilt. - See page 154.
( ' !
Ease, she was hauled into Hull Koad on April 10th,
1612. Andrew Barker, the master of the Heart's
Ease, the mate, William Huntriss, and the quarter-
master, John Gatonby, were all Yorkshiremen. The
expedition finally left the Humber, and made sail
for Greenland on the 22nd of April.
The narrative of this voyage was written by Baffin
himself, though Purchas has only preserved a frag-
ment, commencing on July 8th in Cockin Sound, on
the coast of Greenland. But, in Churchill's Collec-
tion of Voyacjes and Travels, there is a journal of
the voyage kept by one of the quartermasters named
John Gatonby, a native of Hull, and dedicated to
Sir Christopher Hildyard of Winestead. I have,
therefore, printed the portion of Gatonby 's journal
from the commencement of the voyage to July 8th,
the time when Baffin's fragment, in Purchas, com-
mences. Thus the whole story of the voyage is
presented, though only the last half is in Baffin's
own words. Captain HaU himself was murdered by
the Eskimo, in revenge for the kidnapping perpe-
trated by the Danes, with whom he served in the
two previous voyages, and the expedition returned
in charge of Andrew Barker. Baffin relates the
events of the voyage while the ships were on the
Greenland coast, including the death and burial of
Hall, and concludes with some account of the Green-
land Eskimo and their country. He examined the
west coast, from Godthaab northward to Cunning-
ham Fiord, and, as was his wont, made numerous
astronomical observations.
i ww. ' ^nmiw iw n
As Hoon as ho returned from Grcenliind, William
Baffin entered the service of the Muscovy Company.
This enterprising body of merchants, under tlie lead
of Sir Thomas Smith, began to send ships to for
whales near Spitzbergen, in 1597. In 1007 and
1608, the Company despatched Henry Hudson on
his two important voyages to Spitzbergen and No-
vaya Zemlya. In the years IGOO and IGIO, they
sent Captain Jonas Pool, who carefully explored tlio
whole of the west coast of Spitzbergen, naming Bell
Sound, Ice Sound, and several other positions. Ho
wrote interesting journals, which are given in Pur-
chas, and had a prosperous career before him. But
it was his ill-fate to be " miserably and basely mur-
dered betwixt Ratclifte and London", after his re-
turn in 1611. In the following year the Muscovy
Company obtained a charter, excluding all others
from the Spitzbergen fishery, native and foreign.
The concession of this charter was followed by very
high-handed proceedings on the part of the English,
and in 1613 a fleet was sent out by the Muscovy
Company, which drove away from the Spitzbergen
coast fifteen sail of Dutch, French, and Bisca-
It is remarkable that, although the Biscayans,
when in their own ships, were hunted away, the
English were obliged to learn the craft and mystery
of whale fishing from Biscayans whom they entered
on board their own ships. In the middle ages there
was a great whale frequenting the Bay of Biscay,
and the Atlantic, which is now extinct, known to
naturalists as the Bakena Bisccujensis} The fisher-
men of J^iscay and Guipuzcoa had been engaged in
pursuing this wliale fVoni time immemorial, and the
dangerous occupation had trained up a most expert
and daring race of sailors along those coasts. A
whale figures in the arms of the Guipuzcoan towns
of Fuentarrabia, Guetajia, and Motrico ; and the
whale fishery was long the chief source of wealth
to all the ports from St. Jean de Luz to Santander.
The King of Spain, in conceding privileges to San
Sebastian, and other whaling ports, retained his own
right to a strip of blubber from the head to the foot
of the whale, as the royal share. '^ But gradually the
Biscayan whale became more and more scarce, and
the Basque fishermen began to frequent the New-
foundland banks, where 41 vessels, and 298 boats,
employing 1,470 sailors, were annually sent from
Guipuzcoa and Biscay, in the early part of the
seventeenth century.*^ The Biscayans were still the
ixiOst expert whale fishers when the Moscovy Com-
pany began to send whaling ships to Spitzbergen,
and it was the practice to enter a Basque ])oat's
crew, from St. Jean de Luz or San Sebastian, on
board one or more of the vessels of each fleet.
Orders were given that they were ** to be used very
1 A complete skeleton was found in the peat of Jutland, and
is now in the Museum at Copenhagen.
~ " Et si mactaveritis aliquam ballcnam detis mihi unam tiram
a capite usque ad caudam sicut forum est." — Grant of San Fer-
nando, 1217-1232.
3 The privileges of the Biscayan fishermen on the Newfound-
land banks were recognised by Article 15 of the Treaty of Utrecht.
kindly and friendly, being stranpfciM, and leaving
their own country to do us Hervicc". At the same
time, the Biscayan ve.ssela were forcibly driven from
Spitzbergen waters.'
A fleet of seven ships was fitted out by the Mus-
covy Company in 1013, the connnand of which was
given to Captain Benjamin Joseph. He was on
board the T'ujer of 2G0 tons, with William Baffin
as chief pilot ; and twenty-four Biscayans were en-
gaged for the voyage. One ship of St. Jean de Luz
had permission from the Company to fish, perhaps
in return for the two dozen expert whalers. The
English found as many as seventeen foreign ships
on the Spitzbergen coast — four Dutch, two Dun-
kirkers, four hailing from St. Jean de Luz, and
seven from San Sebastian. All submitted to the
English, most were ordered away, a few being al-
lowed to fish on condition of surrendering half their
catch to the English ships. The Company's fleet
returned safely in September, with full cargoes.
The narrative of this voyage was written by Baffin
himself, and is given in Purchas. There is a second
narrative, probably by Robert Fotherby, which re-
mained in manuscript until it was printed by the
^ " Todavia la celebre compania de ballcnas sostcnia en el mayor
esplendor el comercio de San Sebastian y aim de toda la pro-
vincia, empero los Inglcscs, rivalcs do los Vascongados para
alzarse en el beneficio de la pesca de laa ballcnas, y con tal objeto,
euviaron en 1613 doa galeones armados a las costas de la Groen-
landia, en cuyo punto se hacia a la sazon, abundante pesca do
ballcnas, y apresaron doce barcos de Guipuzcoanos." — Madoz, ix,
p. 163.
American Antiquarian Society/ I have reprinted
both these accounts of the voyage of 1G13, one fol-
lowing the other. Fotherby concludes his journal
by giving an interesting description of Spitzbergen,
and of the whale fishery.
Baffin served again in the Spitzbergen voyage
of 1G14, which was also commanded by Benjamin
Joseph. This time tlie fleet consisted of no less
than eleven ships and two pinnaces. Fotherby and
Baffin were together in a ship called the Thomasine,
and the former wrote the narrative, which is given
by Purchas. During the summer, very persevering
attempts were made by Fotherby and Baffin to ex-
tend discovery to the eastward, along the north
coast of Spitzbergen. Leaving their ship in a har-
bour, they provisioned two shallops, and, on several
occasions advanced eastward, unt ^hey were stopped
by the ice. At length, in August, they reached
Wiches Sound {Wiide Bay of modern maps), and
walked thence until they came to the entrance of
Sir Thomas Smith's Inlet (Hinlopen Strait), encoun-
tering much danger on their return. Finally, the
ship sailed, towards the end of the season, twenty
leagues E.N.E. from Cape Barren {Vogelsang of the
Dutch), being nine or ten leagues off shore, which
brought her off Sir Thomas Smith's Inlet. Such a
course and distance from Vogelsang would bring a
vessel off Hinlopen Strait ; and this identifies the
Sir Thomas Smith's Inlet of our old navigators with
the Hinlopen Strait of the Dutch. It was the
* For an account of this raanuscriiit sec p. 04 {iwtt).
furthest point reached by Baffin. The year 1G14
was very unfavourable for navigation, the ice having
been close down on the north coast durinof the greater
part of the season, Baffin returned to London on
the 4th of October with the whole crew in perfect
After his second voyage to Spitzbergen, Baffin
took service with the Company for the discovery of
the North-West Passage, which was directed by Sir
Thomas Smith, Sir Dudley Digges, and John Wol-
stenholme. These princely adventurers had, in 1(510,
furnished out the gallant explorer Henry Hudson,
to try if, through any of those inlets which were
seen by John Davis, a passage could be found. His
ship was named the Discovery, and, after discovering
the great inland sea which bears his name, and win-
tering on its shores, he was abandoned to his fate
in an open boat, by the villainous crew. The well
known story was told by a servant of Sir Dudley
Digges, who remained on board, named Abacuk
Prickett, The Company next sent out Sir Thomas
Button, with Robert Bylot and Abacuk Prickett
under him, who had both been with Hudson in his
lost voyage. Henry, Prince of Wales, took special
interest in this expedition. Sir Thomas Button,
a talented officer, was selected by the Prince, who
drew up the instructions.^ Button commanded the
Discovcrij, and the second ship, under Captain In-
gram, was named the Resolution. They sailed in
1 The poor young Prince died on November 6th, 1G12, aged
eighteen years and a half, before P.utton returned.
I <
May 1612, and wintered at Port Nelson, on the
eastern side of Hudson's Bay. Sir Thomas Button
thus made an important discovery, and he returned,
in the autumn of 1613, strongly impressed with the
idea that a North- West Passage existed. The Dis-
covery was sent out, for a third time, under the
command of Captain Gibbons, who had been with
Button in the previous year. He sailed in the
spring of 1614, but only reached the coast of La-
brador, where he took shelter in a bay, and remained
there so long that his crew named it Gibbons his
hole. He returned home in the autumn.
This was the record of the Company's pro(5eedings
when Baffin took service under it. Three expedi-
tions had been sent out under Hudson, Button, and
Gibbons. The two first had made great discoveries,
and the Company was not discouraged. The ad-
venturers resolved to fit out the Discovery for a
fourth voyage. Robert Bylot, who had been in
the three previous voyages, was appointed master,
and William Baffin was pilot of the expedition. An
excellent system of keeping log books, inaugurated
by Sebastian Cabot, was enforced by the Muscovy
Company, and the officers of its ships were expected
to take frequent astronomical observations. Baffin,
who had a natural love for such work, was given an
excellent training while serving under the Company
in his two Spitzbergen voyages, and he continued
the same admirable system in his western enter-
prises under the North-West Passage Company.
The whole history of the expedition of 1614 was
i. .««~sysarsscTri':.2r:
written by Baffin himself. It is printed by Purchas,
but the manuscript, preserved in the British Mu-
seum, is fuller. This manuscript was first edited by
Mr. Rundall, who very carefully collated it with the
narrative in Purchas. Mr. Rundall's edition has
now been reprinted, the matter omitted by Purchas
being printed in italics, and alterations and addi-
tions, in the Purchas version, being noticed in the
Baffin begins with a letter addressed to his pa-
trons. Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Dudley Digges, and
Sir John Wolstenholme. He describes his method
in preparing the tabulated log book, and in delinea-
ting the coast on his map, which is also preserved
with the manuscript. As it is the only map, by
this accomplished seaman, that has come down to
us, it has been thought desirable to reproduce it, as
a facsimile. It shows Baffin's style of drawing, and
is very interesting as a real specimen of his handi-
work. The letter to his employers is introductory
to a tabulated log book, called The Breefe Journall.
Then follows " A true relation of such things as
happened in fourth voyage for the discovery of a
passage to the North- West, performed in the yeare
In this voyage Baffin carefully examined Hudson
Strait and the western end of Southampton Island.
Sir Edward Parry passed over the same ground in
1821, and noticed the places named by Baffin with
interest. Parry's observations on the tides confirm
those of Baffin, and the latitudes of the older navi-
; 1
gator were found to be nearly correct. On August
6th, 1821, Parry was nearly on the spot where Baffin
left off his search for a passage. Baffin's reasons for
relinquishing the attempt in that direction were the
increased quantity of ice, the water becoming less
deep, and his seeing land bearing N.E. b. E., which
led him to conclude that he was at the mouth of a
large bay. Parry gave this land the name of Baffin
Island, " out of respect to the memory of that able
and enterprising navigator". Here Parry's own
discoveries commenced.^
Returning in the autumn of 1615, Baffin prepared
for his fifth and most important Arctit^ voyage, during
which he discovered the great bay which bears his
name. The enterprise was again undertaken by Sir
Thomas Smith, Sir Francis Jones, Sir Dudley Digges,
and Sir John Wolstenholme, and the same good ship
Discovery, of 55 tons, with 16 men, was fitted out,
with Robert Bylot (or Bileth) as master, and William
Baffin as pilot. They set sail from Gravesend on
the 26th of March 1616, and on the 1st of June,
having passed Hope Sanderson of Davis, they en-
tered upon new discoveries. It is an irreparable
misfortune that Baffin's papers and maps should
have fallen into the hands of old Purchas. It was
upwards of two centuries before the mischief done
by his suppression of the journal and maps was re-
paired. We must, however, be thankful for what
^ Journal of the Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North-
West Passage, by Captain W. Edward Parry, R.N., F.R.S. Mur-
ray, 1824, p. 33.
S T t ^SSu^^^ ' * '*»» w
the Kev. Samuel has spared. He printed Baffin's
Briefe and True Relation,^ and his interesting letter
to Sir John Wolstenholme,^ and certainly these two
precious documents furnish us with the main inci-
dents of Baffin's great discovery, and with his
opinions and conclusions. But when Baffin tells us
that "all these sounds and islands the map doth
truly describe", we are treated to the following ex-
asperating marginal note by Purchas : — " This map
of the author, with the tables of his joumall and
sayling, were somewhat troublesome and too costly
to insert". I shall have to refer to this conduct of
Baffin's injudicious editor further on, when we come
to consider its consequences.
Baffin had now made five voyages to the Arctic
Regions. The fiords and islets of West Greenland,
the glaciers and ice floes of Spitzbergen, the tidal
phenomena of Hudson's Straits, and the unveiled
geographical secrets of the far northern bay, were
all familiar to him. He had practically sought out,
and deeply pondered over the absorbing questions
of polar discovery. As an astronomical observer
and navigator, his unwearied diligence was as re-
markable as his talent, and in this branch of study
he was certainly in advance of his contemporaries.
If he was a self-taught man, who had risen from a
humble origin, he had so far educated himself as to
be able to write letters which are not only well ex-
pressed, but graced with classical allusions. He
was probably past middle age when, in August 1616,
» See pages 138 to 149. 2 ggg pages 149 to 1.55.
he returned from his great discovery, and sought for
some new employment.
It was not to be expected that the Arctic pro-
blems, so fascinating to all who study them, could
be effaced from Baflfin's mind. It would appear that
the bold navigator, like John Davis before him, con-
ceived the idea of attempting the passage from
Japan, and the coast of Asia ;^ and this ambitious
hope id * to seek service under the East India
Company . >; seventh joint-stock voyage was to
be undertaken in 1617; and the fleet, which was to
be comi..i>..^ d I ; '^aptain Martin Pring, was being
fitted out during" cfiO .vinter. Baffin obtained an
appointment in it, as master's mate on board the
Anne Royal.
In 1616, the trade of the East India Company
was well established; the profits had been very
large, and the enterprise was already a great success.
Fleets had been annually sent out since 1601; and
ships, of a size hitherto unknown, had been built
to bring home the rich cargoes from the East. The
fleet which was prepared in the winter of 1616, to
make the seventh joint-stock voyage, was under the
chief command of Captain Martin Pring. The Ad-
miral was a ship called the Royal James, of 1,320
tons, with Captain Pring on board, and Rowland
Coytmore as master. The Anne Royal, of 1,057
tons, was commanded by Andrew Shilling, of whom
there was a good report, and who " was not inferior
* See page 156.
to any man for government". William Baffin served
under him as master's mate. The other ships of
the fleet were the New Yeeres Gift, of 867 tons,
"new built of Irish timber"/ of which Natlianiel
Salmon was master; the Bull, of 400 tons, Robert
Adams, master; and the Bee, of 15 tons, John
Hatch, master.
In those days the chief commander of a fleet was
called the General, and his ship was the Admiral,
and the second in command was the Lieutenant-
General, sailing in the Vice-Admiral. The captain
conducted warlike operations, and the master was
responsible for the navigation and safety of the ship,
and for the merchandize; but frequently the two
offices were united. The purser was also held ac-
countable for the cargo, under sureties, and for the
provisions. The Romager regulated the stowage.
The ordinary food for the sailors consisted of bread,
meal, dry salted beef, pickled beef and pork, peas,
beans, cod, and stock fish, beer, uud cyder. Other
articles, coming under the head of " victualling ex-
traordinarie", were cheese, butter, sweet oil, vinegar,
aquavitse, honey, mustard, rice, lamp oil, candles.
Great attention was paid to the quality of the meat,
the Company slaughtering their own beasts at
Black wall. Special instructions were given for diet
and discipline, and strong injunctions were issued on
the necessity for cleanliness, and other precautions
for preserving health. The most terrible scourge,
in the early voyages to India, was the scurvy. In
1 Sir Dudley Digges' Defence of Trade.
a curious little book, called the Surgeon's Mate,^ the
prevention and cure of this disease are very fully
discussed. The causes of scurvy are said to be in-
finite and unsearchable ; but the chief exciting
causes were believed to be long continuance of salt
diet, want of sufficient food, and of wine and beer
to comfort and warm the stomach, want of changes
of clothes, not keeping the clothes clean and dry,
and not keeping the cabins sweet and clean. The
men were attacked on the voyage from England to
the Cape, and on landing they grew strong again,
cured by fresh air and fresh food. When deprived
of fresh food, the surgeon is recommended to use
wine, sugar, and spices, to see that the men's sleep-
ing places are clean and sweet, and to provide them-
selves with juice of oranges, limes, and lemons,
wherever they touch. A quantity of lime juice was
always sent on board, by the good care of the mer-
chants ; and the instructions were that it should be
* " The Surgeon's Mate, or a treatise discoverinj? faithfuljy and
plainely the due contents of the surgeon's chest, tlie uses of the
instruments, the virtues and operations of the medicines, the
cures of the most frequent diseases at sea, namely wounds, apos-
tumes, ulcers, fractures, dislocations, with the true manner of
amputation, the cure of the scurvie, the fluxes of the belly, of the
coUica and illica passio, the callenture, with a briefe explanation
of sal, sulphur, and mercury, with certaine characters and tearmes
of arte. Published chiefly for the benefit of yonng sea surgeons
imployed in the East India Companies affaires, by John Woodall,
Master in Chirurgery." London, printed at the Tyger's Head in
Paul's Churchyard, 1617, pp. 348, small 4to.
"To the farre renowned, vertuous, and worthy knight. Sir
Thomas Smith, Governor of the East India Company, my singular
good patrone."
given daily to the men in health, as a preservative.
" To that terrible disease of the scurvy, how excel-
lent hath it been approved".^
When an East Indian fleet was fully equipped, it
was usually inspected by Sir Thomas Smith, or his
deputy, before sailing. The fleet, commanded by
Martin Pring, left Gravesend on February '1th, 1617,
and Maurice Abbot, the Deputy-Governor of the
East India Company, with divers Commissioners,
came on board on the 6th, mustered the men, and
paid the wages. On the 5th of March, the ships
weighed anchor in the Downs, and after a prosperous
voyage, they arrived at Saldanha Bay on the 21st
of June. Captain Pring was obliged to use force,
to get a supply of cattle and sheep ; but a number
were obtained, which overjoyed the hearts of the
sick men. In September 1617, the fleet arrived at
^ SttrgeorCs Mate, p. 194.
'•* There are three accounts of the proceedings of this fleet in
I. " Relations and Remembrances taken out of a large Jour-
nall of a voyage set forth by the East India Societie, wherein
were employed the James, the Anne, the New Yeere's Gift, the
Bull, and the Bee, written by John Hatch, master of the Bee,
and after of the Ne%v Yeere's Gift, and lately came home in the
James." Vol. i, p. 168, lib. v, cap. iiii.
II. " Voyage of the Anne Hot/all from Surat to Mocha in the
Red Sea for settling an English trade in those parts, 1618, ex-
tracted out of Master Edward Heynes, his Journal." Vol. i,
lib. V, cap. V, p. 622.
III. Second voyage of Captain Pring. Vol. i, lib. v, cap. vii,
p. 601.
In the India Office there is a manuscript journal written by
Robert Adams the master of the Bull (No. 20). A very meagre log.
It was then determined to send Captain Shilling
to the Red Sea, "for settling an English trade in
those parts". Instructions were drawn up by Sir
Thomas Roe, the Ambassador at the Court of the
Mogul, and three merchants, named Joseph Sal-
ban ke, Edward Heynes, and Richard Barber, were
selected to conduct the business. The Awie Royal
sailed from Swally Roads on March 17th, and an-
chored off Mocha on the 13th of April 1618. The
merchants then went on shore with presents to the
Governor, and eventually Captain Shilling succeeded
in obtaining a Firman from the Pasha, for English
merchants to trade at Mocha and Aden. In May,
the Anne Royal crossed the Red Sea to the bay of
Assab, on the African side, for the benefit of the
sick men, to procure ballast, and also with a view to
exploring the coast ; and Baffin was very diligently
employed in surveying and preparing charts. On
July 21st, the ship returned to Mocha, and on the
20th of August Captain Shilling sailed for India.
Later in the year the Anne Royal was in the Persian
Gulf, and Baffin again made ^ood use of his time,
observing and surveying the coasts. Retiu'ning to
Surat, the Anne Royal commenced her horaewai'd
voyage in February, and arrived in the Thames in
September 1619. She was ordered to unlade at
Baffin had been absent on this voyage to the East
Indies for more than two years, from 1617 to 1619,
and had won both the confidence of his immediate
superior, and the approbation of the Company. In
the Court's Minutes of October 1st, 1619, there is
the following entry : ** William Baffyn, a master's
mate in the Anne, to have a gratuity for his pains
and good art in drawing out certain plots of the
coast of Persia and the Red Sea, which are judged
to have been very well and artificially performed ;
some to be drawn out by Adam Bowen, for the
benefit of such as shall be employed in those parts."^
Captain Andrew Shilling commanded the Anne
Royal so ably, and conducted important negotiations
with such discretion and zeal, that he was selected
to have charge of the fleet in the following year.
It consisted of four new ships, the building of which
was only completed in the end of 1619. The great
ship, built at Deptford, was named the London, and
Captain Shilling was allowed to choose her as his
Admiral. The Harte, commanded by Captain Blithe,
was the Vice-Admiral. The other two ships were
the Roebuck, under Captain Richard Swan, and the
Eagle, whose master was Christopher Browne.
William Baffin, at the special recommendation of
Captain Shilling, was appointed master of the
London,^ and he thus received the command of a
ship for the first time. He had worked his way
zealously and resolutely, and had become one of the
^ Calendar of State Papers {Colonial), East India, 1617 21, p.
257, para. 748.
Adam Bowen was a clerk in the Company's counting house, and
was also employed to draw up sailing directions from the journals,
and to prepare fair copies Of charts.
■■* Calendar of State Papers {Colonial), East Indies, 1617-21,
para. 758.
best astronomical observers of his day, a daring
and skilful navigator, and even a great discoverer,
before his distinguished services were recognised,
and he at length became the master of a large ship.^
On the 4th of February 1620, the London set
sail from Gravesend, and on the 25th of March she
departed from the Downs, with the rest of the fleet
in company." On June 25th they reached Saldanha
Bay, and on July 20th Baffin was present at a con-
sultation on board the London, as to whether it
would be better to go within or without the island
of St. Lawrence or Madagascar. After a long voyage
they anchored in Swally Koad, on the 9th November.
Here news was received that a combined force of
Portuguese and Dutch ships was waiting off" Jjtshak,
near the entrance of the Persian Gulf, to intercept
and attack the English ships. The fleet, therefore,
left Swally on November 19th, and went in search
of the enemy. On the 16th of December, Captain
^ Officers of the London — William Baffin, master ; Bartholomew
Symonds, surgeon j Nicholas Crispe, purser ; John Woolhouse,
chaplain ; Robert Jefferies, John Barker, Edward Monox, mer-
chants ; Archibald Jennison, master's mate ; Edwyn Guy, purser's
2 There are two journals kept on board ships belonging to this
fleet, among the manuscript logs at the India Office.
No. 24. '* The journal of ArchibiUd Jennison on board the
London, commanded by Captain Andrew Shillinge, from 1620 to
1622." Thirty-seven and a quarter MS. pages.
No. 25. " The journal of Captain Richard Swan of the Rot-
buck (300 tons) from 1620 to 1622." Sixty-eight pages. This
journal of Richard Swan is also given by Purchas, vol. i, lib. v,
cap. 16, p, 723.
Shilling, with his four ships, came in sight of two
large Portuguese ships, and two smaller Flemish
vessels, forming a fleet under the command of Ruy
Frere de Andrado, with Joam Boralio as Vice-Ad-
miral. The fight commenced at once, and continued,
without intermission, for nine hours. The Portuguese
then anchored to repair damages, and the English
ships, after raking them, put into Jashak Roads, on
the Mekran coast. The two fleets watched each
other for ten days, and a second and more decisive
encounter took place on the 28th of December.
Captain Swan, in the manuscript journal at the
India Ofiice, gives a lively accoui t of the second
fight. He says : — " Our broadsides were brought
up, and the good ordinance from our whole fleet
played so fast upon them that, doubtless, if the
knowledge in our people had been answerable to
their willing minds and ready resolutions, not one of
the galleons, unless their sides were impenetrable,
had escaped us. About three in the afternoon,
unwilling, after so hotte a dinner, to receive a like
supper, they cutte their cables, and drove with the
tide until they were without range of our guns, and
then their frigate came to them, and towed them
away, wonderfully mangled and torn. Their Ad-
miral, in the greatest fury of the fight, was enforced
to heale his ship to stop his leakes, his main topmast
overboard, and the head of his mainmast. In the
London, our Admiral and Peter Robinson were
wounded ; Henry Grand and John Coard slain ; in
the Hart, Edmund Okely wounded, and Walter
H ^
I! S
i .',
David killed. The shot spent in both fights was
1,382 by the London-, 1024 by the Hart; 815
by the Roebuck, and 800 by the Eagle ; total, 4,021."
The calm prevented the two latter vessels from
joining in the first part of the battle.
" Our worthy Admiral, in the beginning of the
fight, received a great and grievous wound through
the left shoulder, by a great shot, which hurt he
with such courage and patience underwent, that it
gave great hope to us all of his most wished re-
covery. But having, besides the wound, two of the
uppermost ribs on the left side broken, this day,
about noon, he departed this life, showing himself,
as ever before, a resolute commander ; so now, in his
passage through the gates of death, a most willing,
humble, constant, and assured Christian. His body
was interred at Jasques^ on the 9th, with all the
solemnity, decency, and respect the time and place
Captain Shilling died at noon, on the Cth of
January 1621. In the afternoon, "white box No. 1"
was opened, and Captain Blithe, according to order,
assumed the chief command. It was then arranged,
by a consultation, that William Baffin should con-
tinue master of the London, that Swan should be
removed from the Roebuck to the Hart, that Chris-
topher Browne should go to the Roebuck, and that
Thor.ias lay lor should be master of the Eagle.
The merchants on board the London had a quarrel
while the ship was in Jashak Roads ; Mr. Monox
^ Jashak.
Lon^tiide Egit 68 frain Greanwich
trying to disgrace and excite dis-esteem against his
colleague, Mr. JefiPries, which led to a certificate on
the subject being signed by William Baffin the
master, and countersigned by the Chaplain and the
Surgeon.^ In February the ships returned to Siu'at.
The fleet, under Captain Blithe, was then to have
proceeded to the Red Sea ; but it was found to be
too late in the season, and the ships shaped a course
to the coast of Arabia. The Hart and Roebuck
went to the barren island of Masirah, while the
London stood onwards, in the direction of Ras al
Had, which the English then called Cape Rossel-
gate. Baffin put into the little port of Sur, on the
'Oman coast, and found water and palm trees. The
other ships were ordered to join company, and Siir
received the name of " London's Hope". The lati-
tude was found to be 22° 32' N.^ Here they appear
to have remained at anchor until the 15th of August,
when they all set sail for India.
The English now agreed with Shah Abbas the
Great, of Persia, to drive the Portuguese out of
Ormuz, by a joint attack. The great Viceroy, Albu-
querque, had occupied this island in 1515, built a
^ Calendar of State Papers, Colonial {East Indies), 1617-21 p.
414, para. 972.
2 Lieutenant WcUsted gives the latitude of Sur at 22° 37' N.;
longitude, 59" 36' E. He was there in November 1835. Sur is
the port, of the district of Jailan, a largo collection of huts neatly
constructed with the leaves of date palms, and erected on either
side of a deep Lagoon, which also serves for its harbour. During
the S. W. monsoon the coast of Arabia is a dead lee shore. —
Ji. G. aS'. Journal, vii, p. 104.
strong fort, and exacted an exorbitant tribute from
the people, but retained the succession of native
kings. The commerce and importance of Ormuz
began to decline from the date of the Portuguese
occupation, partly owing to their rapacity, and partly
on account of the new channel for trade by the Cape
of Good Hope. Still, the place was wealthy at the
time of the Anglo-Persian attack. The Shah agreed
to give the English, for their help, a share of the
plunder, and half the customs duties at Gombroon
(Bandar 'Abbasi). The English fleet assembled at
Surat, and consisted of the London, with Captain
Blithe and William Baffin on board, the Jonas,
Whale, Dolphin, and Lion. On the 23rd of December
1621, they arrived at an open roadstead on the
Persian coast, near Minab, Ormuz being in sight
about ten leagues W.N.W. Here the news was
received that the Portuguese had erected a fort on
the island of Kishm, to protect some wells, to which
the Persians had ineffectually laid siege for some
time. On the 19th of January 1622, the English
fleet anchored off the town of Ormuz, expecting
that the enemy's ships, under Ruy Frere de Andrada,
would come out to fight. But it was found that
Ruy Frere was in the fort at Kishm, an important
post, because it defended the wells for supplying
Ormuz. This fort had been built out of the stones
of a fine town, containing tombs and mosques, which
had been pulled down for the purpose. The wall
was of great height, with half moons, and flankers,
and a deep dry moat. The Portuguese were already
beleaguered by a Persian army, and the English
fleet arrived on the 20th of January 1622.
The first operation was to land a certain number
of guns from each ship, and to throw up batteries.
The siege then commenced, and after two days,
William Baffin went on shore with his mathematical
instruments, to take the height and distance of the
castle wall, so as to find the range '* for the better
levelling of his piece. But as he was about the
same, he received a shot from the castle into his
belly, wherewith he gave three leaps, and died im-
mediately". Purchas says : — " In the Indies he
dyed, in the late Ormus businesse, slaine in fight
with a shot, as hee was trying his mathematical!
proiects and conclusions."^ The death of the great
navigator took place on January 23rd, 1622. On
February 1st the fort of Kishm surrendered, and
the fall of Ormuz followed a few days after.^
^ See page 156.
2 Tlie " Ormuz businesse", as it was called, is related by Master
W. Pinder, in Purchas, ii, lib. x, cap. ix,' p. 1787. Also in a
* letter to Sir John Wolstenholme from T. Wilson, chirurgeon ;
and in the journal of the merchant, Edward Monox, both given
in Purchas. •
In the fort of Kishm seventeen guns were captured, and Ruy
Frere de Andrada was sent as a prisoner to Surat on board the
Lion. On the 9th of February, the rest of the English fleet,
with about 200 Persian boats laden with soldiers, sailed from
Gombroon to Ormuz. About 3,000 Persians landed, occupied
the town, and drove the Portuguese into the castle. The English
planted batteries, and directed the siege operations, a practicable
breach was formed, but the Persian assaults were repulsed. Oa
the 23rd, the Portuguese offered to surrender to the English ;
and, on the 27th, the garrison embarked for Goa in two of the
I I ■
Baffin does not appear to have made a will, and
he probably left no surviving children, or we should
have heard of them, either as claimants of his pro-
perty, or as recipients of the charity of the Com-
pany.^ But his old widow lived to make claims
which were considered troublesome. She is described
as a "troublesome impatient woman" who had re-
ceived £100, and Sir John Wolstenholme, her hus-
band's patron, was moved to cause her to have
patience awhile. This was in August 1623. On
November 7th of the same year the Court's Minutes
record a letter on behalf of Mrs. Baffin for the
money due to her deceased husband. The Court
"are ready to pay what is due for wages, but to
pay £800 which cannot but be gotten by private
trade, the Company will not do it. Nevertheless,
Mrs. Baffin shall expect their further answer". On
the 21st she came in person, accompanied by a Mr.
Robert Bourne, and " made demand of her hus-
band's estate, who deceased in the Indies in the
Company's service". The Court told them that " if
Baffin's estate were questioned it might prove dan-
gerous to the widow, especially if it be true, which
she pretends, that he carried £6()0 out in money, a
thing utterly unlawful". The Court proposed arbi-
tration, and Mr. Bourne desired time to consider it.
prizes. It was not nntil Septen)ber that the English ships left
Ormuz in possession of the Persians and returned to Surat.
Orniuz was utterly ruined, and has ever since remained desolate.
^ As in the case of Henry Hudson's son, and scores of other
children of men who had served the Company well.
. a
On the 28th, two arbitrators were chosen on i!ther
side. The matter lingered on for three years, and,
in January 1628, it was ordered that Mi's. Baffin
should have £.500 in full of all demands, provided
that she herself, her friend Mr. Bourne, and her
second husband, should join in a discharge to the
Company. It was said that Mrs. Baffin was then
advanced in years and deaf, and "had made an
unequal choice of a man not of the best governed".
The Court, therefore, promised so to work with the
husband that some honest means might be allotted
her out of this grant. This is all that is pre-
served to us concerning the gallant old sailor's
We only know the history of Baffin in the last ten
years of his life, from 1612 to 1622. During that
period he was engaged in seven important voyages.
In the first (1612) he explored the west coast of
Greenland. In the second and third (1613 and
1614) he navigated along the coasts of Spitzbergen.
In the fourth (1615) he examined Hudson's Strait.
In the fifth (1616) he discovered the great bay
which bears his name. In the sixth (1617-19) he
made valuable surveys in the Red Sea and Persian
Gulf. In the seventh (1620-22) he took part in a
well sustained sea fight, and fell gloriously in the
service of his country. We have seen the place he
holds as a brave and able seaman ; we will now con-
^ Calendar of State Papers, Colonial (East India), 1622-24, pp.
140, 175, 181, 184, 189, 219, 231 ; Court Minute Booh, vi, pp.
aider the position he takes as a scientific observer
and as a great discoverer.
We first became acquainted with Baffin in July
1612, at Cockin Sound, on the coast of Greenland,
and he is then actively employed on an experimental
observation for obtaining the longitude by moon's
culmination.* The fact of his attempting to take an
observation of this kind, the care with which he
made all* his arrangements, and the interesting re-
marks with which he accompanied their record,
prove him to have been a man who had already
devoted much time to self culture, and who was
alike thoughtful and ingenious. In the fragment of
his journal of this voyage that has been preserved,
Baffin records sixteen observations for latitude, and
eight for variation of the compass, besides this ob-
servation for longitude. In his first voyage to
Spitzbergen, Baffin observed for dip as well as for
variation ; and he tells us that he used a quadrant
of four feet semidiameter in taking his altitudes.^
But his most interesting observation during this
voyage of 1613 was for sun's refraction, although
there appear to be several mistakes in the record of
it. Baffin's method of finding the refraction is most
ingenious. He first obtains the latitude, and then
takes the difference between the co-latitude and the
declination, corrected for the instant when he ob-
served the Bun on meridian below the pole to have
one fifth of its diameter above the horizon. Then
dividing the whole diameter of the sun into fifths,
* See page 20, and note at page 122. - Page 44.
he calculates that the sun's centre was three-tenths^
of its whole diameter below the horizon. Sub-
tracting three-tenths of the difference between the
co-latitude and the declination from that difference,
he gets the approximate refraction.^
The second Spitzbergen voyage is recorded by
Fotherby, so that the personal work and remarks of
Baffin are lost to us ; but, during the voyage up
Hudson's Strait in 1615, we find him again as active
and intelligent as ever. He records twenty-seven
observations for variation of the com})ass, and
daily observations for latitude. He also describes a
complete lunar observation, the elements being ob-
served altitudes of sun and moon, and angular dis-
tance probably measured by difference of azimuth.
These elements, cleared from the effects of parallax
and refraction, would give the true distance, and the
longitude could be found by using the right ascen-
sions of the sun and moon, without the aid of the
tables of lunar distances now given in the Nautical
Almanack.^ Of course, the distance must have
been very roughly observed, and the whole attempt
was merely experimental and tentative. But it
shows that Baffin was acquainted with the method
of finding longitude by observing the altitude of the
moon and some other heavenly body, and measuring
the angular distance between them ; a method first
suggested in 1514 by Werner, and again in 1545 by
Gemma Frisius. It enables us to claim for Baffin
^ At page 51 (line four from bottom) " foure five" is obviously
a misprint for three-tenths. - See p. 51. ' See p. 122.
the honour of being the first who ever attempted to
take a lunar at sea. Baffin also records, during the
voyage up Hudson's Strait, another attempt to find
the longitude by lunar culmination.^ He took tidal
observations, and the correctness of his deductions
from them was long afterwards confirmed by Sir
Edward Parry. "^
In his fifth voyage, when he discovered Baffin's
Bay, the great explorer was especially diligent in
observing for variation of the compass, but unfortu-
nately his tabulated journal was injudiciously thrown
aside by Purchas, into whose hands it fell. In his
narrative he only gives the variation of Smith
Sound. Enough has been preserved, however, to
show that Baffin takes rank among the foremost
scientific seamen of his day, and that he combined
perseverance and diligence with painfully acquired
knowledge, and remarkable ingenuity and originality
of conception. His magnetic observations are of
permanent value, for they enabled Professor Han-
steen to construct the first of his series of variation
maps. His style of drawing is shown in the fac-
simile map which illustrates the present volume ;
and the great value of his surveying work in the
East Indies earned for him special recognition
the East India Company.
As a geographical discoverer, Baffin explored a
portion of the west coast of Greenland in 1G12, and
the west coast of Spitzbergen in 1613. In 1614,
Fotherby and Baffin made several attempts to ex-
2 See vote at page 132.
1 Page 124.
tend discovery eastward, along the north coast of
Spitzbergen. The season was very unfavourable,
the ice being close down on the north shore. But
they persevered, and useful work was done, by
means of expeditions from their ship in open boats,
and by climbing up high hills to obtain more exten-
sive views. In this way they examined the coast
from Hakluyt Headland to Wijde Bay of modern
maps, and saw a more distant point of Spitzbergen,
about sixty miles E.N.E. of the furthest point they
reached. Finally, at the end of the season, the ice
allowed them to take tlie ship a distance of about
sixty miles E.N.E. from Vogelsang of modern maps,
which they called Cape Barren. They were then off
the entrance of Hinlopen Strait, and nine or ten
leagues from the land.^
^ But there is not the slightest foundation for Dr. Petermnnn'a
theory, that Baffin saw the western shore of Franz Josef Land.
There is not a word or a syllable in the narrative to justify the
In the R. G. S. Proceedings, vol. xix (1874-75), p. 177, Dr.
Petermann says : — " I consider it also highly probable that that
great Arctic pioneer and navigator, William Baffin, may have seen
the western shores of Franz Josef Land as long ago as 1G14, for
in that year he proceeded to 81° N. latitude, and thought he saw
land as far as 82' to the north-east of Spitzbergen, which is accord-
ingly marked in one of Purchas's maps." See also Mittheiluagen,
18 Band (1872), p. 112, and the map facing page 392 in 20 Band,
1874. From the Mittheilungen, it would seem that this notion
was conceived by Dr. Petermann, not by referrmg to the narrative
in Purchas, where nothing of the sort is to be found, but by mis-
interpreting a loose, second-hand statement made by Daines Bar-
Fotherby and Baffin climbed a high hill at the entrance of
Wijde Bay, and saw the coast line of Spitzbergen to the E.N.E.
Baffin's work in Hudson's Strait does not amount
to discovery, but it vras a painstaking and valuable
survey, and was recognised by Sir Edward Parry us
praiseworthy and highly creditable.
The fame of Baffin mainly rests upon the dis-
covery of the great bay extending north from Davis
Strait. Passing Hope Sanderson, the furthest point
reached by Davis, Baffin came to the Women Islands,
and the Baffin Islands off Cape Shackleton, at the
southern end of Melville Bay. Ha then crossed
Melville Bay, between the 1st and 3rd of July, a
most extraordinary piece of good lortune ; and, ar-
riving off Cape Dudley Digges, he. entered the
North Water, which " anew revived our hope of a
passage".^ On the 3rd, the explor'^rs anchored off
VVolstenholme Sound, but a gale of wind forced
them to make sail, and stand out to sea.^ Their
for about twenty leagues distance (see p. 93). This is the single
fact on which I'etermann's erroneous theory is based. Baffhi or
Fothtrby never proceeded to 81° N., nor thought they saw land in
82" N., nor is such land marked in any of Purchas's maps.
Tliey were never more than thirty miles from the north coast of
ISpitzbergen, and their highest latitude was 80° 20' N. The most
distant point they could have seen was the North Capo of North-
East Land, or possibly one of the Seven Islands. These furthest
points arc marked correctly on the map in Purchas as a part of
Spitzbergen, called Point Purchas, and the island "Purchas P/ws
1 Page 144.
2 Sir John Ross says : — *' We found the entrances to this inlet,
and the general form anil a^jpearance of the land to agree ex-
trenicly well with the description of it given by Baffin, as well as
'I'd bearings and distances from Cape Dudley Digges." — Vof/aif of
the Isabella and Alexander, Captain John Ross (1818), p. 1-56.
foresail was blown away, and the wind blew with
such fury that they were unable to show any canvas
to it. When it cleared they found themselves em-
bayed in an inlet, which Baffin named Whale Sound.
The weather then moderated, and the little Discovery
sailed past Hakluyt Island, to the entrance of Smith
Sound. Next, the explorers sighted the Gary Is-
lands ; and in the morning of July 10th, they were
oflf Jones Sound, where a boat was sent on shore.
This was the first time they had landed since leaving
the Baffin Islands. In 74° 20' N., they discovered
the entrance of Lancaster Sound, but Baffin failed
to realize the fact that it was the opening to a strait
of which he was in search. Here his hope of a pas-
sage began to be less every day, and he ran south
along the edge of the ice, trying to reach the west
shore. Giving up this attempt when in 65° 40' N.,
Baffin stretched across to Greenland, to obtain re-
freshment for his men, and anchored in Cockin
Sound on the 28th of July. This discovery of
Baffin Bay was not only very important in itself,
but it was acliieved by a most remaikable voyao-e.
No other vessel has shice been at the entrance of
Smitli Sound, and recrossed the Arctic Circle within
the month of July. Tlie names given by Baffin,
during the voyage, were as follows : —
Womeu Islands.
Hume Souud.
Sir Dudley Digges Cape.
Wolsteuholnie tsound.
Whtiie Sound.
Hakluyt Lslaud.
liv MAPS OF Baffin's bay.
Sir Thomas Smith Sound.
Gary Islands.
Alderman Jones Sound.
Sir James Lancaster Sound.
He thus immortalized the names of his generous
The omission of Purchas to pubh'sh Baffin's tabu-
lated journal and map, led to geographical blunders
during the next two centuries, and to such confusion
that at length the very exiptence of Baffin's Bay
was doubted. It is interesting to trace the history
of these errors respecting Baffin's Bay, and I have,
therefore, caused a series of five maps to be pre-
pared, which illustrate the subject.
I. The first is from a very rare circumpolar map,
which was drawn to illustrate the narrative of Luke
Fox, but is only to be found in one or two copies of
his book. The copy in the British Museum has not
got it, and a facsimile has been inserted. Here
Baffin's Bay is shown correctly, and it seems pro-
bable that this part of Fox's map may have been
copied from the lost map of Baffin. The date is
1635, less than twenty years after Baffin's dis-
1 N'orth- West Fox, or Fox from the Iforth- West Passage (Lon-
don, 1635),
Luke Fox was a Yorkshire man, an able and intrepid navigator,
as well as a quaint and very entertaining writer. In his book he
gives a history of discovery in the Arctic Regions down to the time
of his own voyage. He then says that he had been itching to start
himself ever since 1 606, when he was to have gone out as mate to
John Knight. Mr. Briggs, the mathematician, encouraged him in
II. But tlie theoretical map makers, having no
sure guide such as Baffin's own map would have
supplied them with, soon began to delineate the bay
in ways of their own. Hondius first published a
map entirely different from that in Luke Fox's book.
There is a great prolongation westward, and then a
strait leading south into Hudson's Bay. My second
map is reproduced from Hexham's edition of Hondius,
published in 1636. In the Atlas of Vischer (Am-
sterdam, 1651), and in that of De Wit (1880), the
treatment of Hondius is followed. Beyond the
Women Islands there is a long strait ; then Baffin
Bay as a mere indentation, turning north at Cape
Dudley Digges, with an opening due south into
Hudson's Bay. All Baffin's names are given, except
the Gary Islands.
III. My third map is from Moll's Atlas (London,
1720), about a century after the discovery. Moll
had before him both the delineation of Luke Fox's
map, and the later developments of Hondius and his
imitators. He, therefore, gives Baffin's Bay, and
Davis Strait, according to Luke Fox ; but also
shows the coast line of Hondius by a shaded line,
adding a legend — " Some will have Baffin's Lay to
the idea, and Sir John Wolsteuhohne, the younger, became trea-
surer for the voyage. He sailed in May 1631, went up Hudson
Strait, and discovered the western shore of the channel leading to
Fury and Hecla Strait, which has never been visited since. He
conducted the voyage with judgment and energy, and achieved an
excellent piece of geographical work.
run west, as far as this faint shadow." Van Keulen
(Amsterdam, 1726) was led into still greater con-
fusion. He gives the outline from Hondius and
De Wit, but repeats all the names of Baffin twice ;
first, where the long strait turns to the west, and
again in the westward continuation. D'Anville
(1761) follows De Wit; but opposite Disco is
"James Island", with " Davis Strait" on one side,
and " Baffin Strait" on the other. The Atlas of
Bowles (1 765) is copied from D'Anville. In the Atlas
of Maltebrun (1812) there is a great improvement.
A large bay is given northward, in a line with Davis
Strait ; the Gary Islands are placed close to the
north coast, and there is no Hondius opening to
Hudson's Bay. The Atlas of J. Thompson (Edin-
burgh, 1817) follows Maltebrun.
IV. But all these discrepancies in the Atlases led
to such confusion of ideas that at last the very ex-
istence of Baffin's Bay began to be doubted. In the
book entitled The Posdhilitij of approaching the
North Pole, asserted hij the Hon. Daines Barring-
ton, which was published in 1818, there is a circum-
polar map "according to the latest discoveries".
Here the distance betweei- Greenland and Cumber-
land Land, on the Arctic Circle, is given as about
400 miles. " James Island" is in the centre, with
Davis Strait on the east, and Baffin Strait on the
west side of it. This seems to have been copied
from D'Anville. To the north is a great bay with
!an enormous westward extension, and a third strait
I \ou^
jide %Bt from 70 GreeawicK
Baffin's Bay from molu^s atlas i706.
\ V Sounds \
3 af finis V \
Baffin*8 Bay
In Daines Barrinoton*8 ''Possibility of approaching
THE North Pole Asserted?
«rH H-tT,
I— I M -^
I— I M I— I I— I.
Lon^itud.6 West 70 from Greenwich. GO
BAFFIN'S BAY ACCORDING to wodern chart.
80 Ioii^iludeTt%Bt&am70 Gi^eeuwich.
1 • •
leading into Hudson's Bay. Across the great bay
is written, " Baffin's Bay, according to the relation
of W. Baffin in 1616, but not now believed".
In the same year Sir John Barrow published a
circumpolar map to illustrate his " Chronological
History of the Voi/arjes into the Arctic Regions
(1818) in which Baffin's Bay is entirely expunged.
Davis' Strait is made to open northwards on to a
blank space. Thus, after many varied methods of
treatment, the great discovery of Baffin was at
length entirely ignored and discredited.
V. But in the very year of the publication of these
incredulous maps. Captain Ross made his voyage in
company with Lieutenant Parry, re-discovered Baf-
fin's Bay, and finally cleared away all this mystifica-
tion. At length the great navigator received full
credit for his discovery, and for the admira])le way
in which he had conducted it. Ross and Parry
were as much struck with Baffin's accuracy as an
observer, as with his gallantry and skill as a navi-
gator in pushing the little Discovenj of 55 tons
through the middle pack into the " North Water",
and bringing her safely back again. My fifth map
shows the outline of Baffin's Bay, according to recent
Sir John Ross says, in the narrative of his voyage
of 1818, "In re-discovering Baffin's Bay I have
derived great additional pleasure from the reflection
that I have placed in a fair light before the public
the merits of a worthy man and able navigator,
wliose fate, like that of many others, it has not only
been to have lost, by a combination of circumstances,
the opportunity of acquiring during his lifetime the
fame he deserved, but, could he have lived to this
period, to have seen his discoveries expunged fnjm
the records of geography, and the bay with vvhicli
his name is so fairly associated, treated as a phantom
of the imagination." Ross identified all the places
mentioned and named by BaflBn, and bears frequent
testimony to his accuracy, especially as regards the
latitude of Lancaster Sound.
The main object of Arctic exploration is the ex-
tension of scientific knowledge. A secondary, but
in many instances an equally fruitful, aim has been
the increase of national wealth ; in both these re-
spects the work of Baffin gives him pre-eminence.
His geographical discoveries were extensive, and
his scientific observations were important and of
permanent value. At the same time his voyages,
and the information he brought home, pointed the
way to a new source of commercial profit, and even-
tually opened up a lucrative whaling trade. Among
the naval worthies of the seventeenth century, side
by side with Frobisher, and Davis, and Hudson, the
devoted zeal and untiring industry, the gallantry
and intrepidity of Willam Bafiin, and his great ser-
vices, have secured for him a permanent and an
honourable place.
I have added to Baffin's Voyages a discourse in-
serted by Purchas on the probability of a North-
West Passage, because it contains some remarks on
bakfin's place as a discoverer. lix
Hafliii Hiid ii notice of his death by Purchas, uiul
hecause the roiniirk.s of Briggs, the mathematician,
show tlie .state of opinion on the Hubject immedi-
nteJy after BatHn'.s last Arctic voyage. Purchaw
adds to his discourse a story heard at Lisbon by a.
wliipnmster named (Jovvles ; a report hy Michael Lok
on the discoveries of Juan de Fuca ; and a Treatise
l)y Henry Briggs on the North-West Passfi^e.
w m\ — iMyJittfa
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Const <)i*
VisJtodhvBalTni i'l 161'2.
Voiig'iliifi" VVfist ti'Z JV UTi ("rptiiwi r.l
\t Mm w A:m. i mmm.vMv i in mt 9 mmf im w ' -'9. 'i V ' V v n
t I
Written by JOHN (JATONBE> (ending 8 July 1G12).
To the Right Woi'shijrfidl Sir Christopher Jlihjeards,^ Knt.
John Gatonbe wishethe in this life the contynvance of
health and prosperitie, with great increase of wor-
ship, and everlasting felicitie in Christ our Saviour.
Purposing with myselfe to present this journall, or travis
book, to you, which is nssally kept of seafayringe men and
mariners, in ihor navigation of If^ng voyagiesand unknowno
countryes ; and having been ktt thes two yeares, being
travelling upon the sea to mayntayn my poore ostat of wife
and children ; and this winter being at home, and remem-
^ From Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Travels^ vol. vi [1732],
pp. 241-251.
2 Sir Christopher Hildyard, of au ancient East Riding family, suc-
ceeded to his uncle (also Sir Christopher) at Winestead, in Holderness,
in 1602. He was High Sheriff of York in 1013, M.P. for Iledon in
1589, 1593, 1597, and 1601, for Beverley in 1620, for Aldborough in
1621, and again for Hedon froni 1624 to 1627. He was also a member
of the High Commission of York. In 1598 Sir Christopher married
Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Henry Welby, of Goxhill, co. Lincoln,
by Alice White, whose mother was Anne Cecil, sister of the great Lord
Burleigh. Sir Christopher was buried at Winestead, on November 23rd,
1634. The Winestead Hildyards also owned the old palace at Hull,
built by the Poles, Dukes of Suffolk. Sir Christopher's son, Henry
Hildyard, let it to the king for a magazine of warlike stores. His
second son, Robert, was a prominent royalist commander at Marston
Moor and elsewhere, and was created a baronet at the restoration.
ITie baronetcy became extinct on the death of Sir Robert Hildyard, of
Winestead, in 1814.
I ii
i '
bring the manyfold cortesies shewed by you to my anciente
father, Nicholas Gatonbe,^ I thought good this simple labour,
such as it is, to offer vnto you, right worshipful, desiring
you to accept it, as a gift that proceedeth from such a one
who hartily wisheth you well, and would, if ability served,
present you with a better, seeing and knowing your wor-
ship and your ancestors have been alwayes well-wishera
to this towns and the inhabitants of the same; wherefor
I intreat your worship to pervse it over.
And, First, you shall see the setting out of our voyage,
what adventures we had with our gonerall.
Secoadly. The tym of our saylling.
Thirdly. Our travis upon the sea, with the windes and
weyther we had. .
Fourthly. The height of the poll observed.
Fifthly, ""-.e ice we saylled by, with the coldness of the
Sixthly. The barrenness of the ".ountiy, with huge moun-
tayns lying full of snow.
Seventhly. The nature and conditions of the inhabitants
and salvages of the same.
Eighthly. The thinges we bought of them for old iron,
with that which happened vnto vs in the countrye.
Lastly. Of our returne homeward and our safe arrivall.
Thvs craving both pardon for my boldnes, and also re-
questing your favorable accepting of my simple travell, I
cease from further troubling your worship with my rudnes,
praying Gode to inriche you with the plentyfull increase of
the gifts of his spirite.
From the poore house of John Gatonbe, this 25th day of
Februarie, 1615.
1 Nicholas Gatonby was five times Warden of the Trinity House at
Hu. namely in 1687, 1591, 1596, 1602, and 1609; having been elected
Steward in 1577. A John Gatonby was Steward in 1570 and Warden
in 1578 and 1586. Another Nicholas Gatonby made voyages to Green-
laud in the Patience in 1616 to 1618, and brought home cargoes of oil.
A Voyage into the North- West Passage, undertaken
in the Year 1612.
By the Merchants Adventurers of London, Sir Ccorgo Lan-
caster,! Sir Thomas Smith,^ Mr. Ball,-' Mr. Cockeii,"* and
Mr. Jamea Hall, being Venturer with thenj, and
General of both the ships.
The 10th of April, being Good Friday, we haled both
our ships into Hull road, the one being of the burden of
140 tons called the Patience, we being 40 men and boys in
her ; the other of 60 tons, called the Heart' s-Ease, contain-
ing 20 men and boys. This day we cross'd both our yards,
and entred into pay, making fit to take the first wind to
sail withal.
^ There "was no Sir George Lancaster. It is a misprint for Sir
James, the commander of the first East Indian voyage. James Lan-
caster was a native of Bishopstoke, in Hampshire. For his voyages and
some account of him see The Voy tes of Sir James Lancaster to the East
Indies (Hakluyt Society's vol., 1877). After his return from his last
voyage, which was the first voyage of the East India Company, in
1603, Lancaster was knighted, and he afterwards served as a Director of
the East India Company. He was possessed of some wealth, lived in
something more than comfort in his house in St. Mary Axe, and actively
promoted all voyages of discovery. He died in June 1618, leaving his
money in numerous legacies, and a larger sum to found a school at
Bishopstoke. He appears to have been unmarried.
2 For a notice of Sir Thomas Smith see the Introduction.
3 This was probably Mr. Richard Ball, an eminent London merchant,
who embarked in various enterprises having discovery as their object.
His name appears in the list of adventujers to whom the charter of
incorporation of the East India Company was granted, on December
3lst, 1600. He was also a member of the Company for the Discovery
of the North-west Passage. In 1618 he is mentioned as having fitted
out two ships for the discovery of an island in the West Indies. His
brother George was a factor for the East India Company at Bantam,
and was prosecuted by the Company, on various counts, before the
Star Chamber in 1G22. Richard Ball was then dead.
* This Mr. Cocken, called by Baffin Alderman Cocken, is a name
iiW Miiafc
Sot sail.
April 1H12.
Monday, April 20, we set sail in Hull road, the wind at
E.S.E. and bore down to Cleeness and anchor'd ; and to-
wards night the wind came to the N.E., and so we return'd
into Paul road again this night, being much wind.
21. This day the wind came to S.S.W., and ao at night
we went over and rode at the Ness, our pinnace being about
business at the town.
22. This day, being Wednesday, we weigh'd and set sail,
the wind at S.S.W., and came out of Humber at 12 o'clock
at noon, going our course N. and by W.
23. This day the wind southei'ly, we going the same
course, being seven leagues off Whitby at noon, and at six
o'clock at night we were 9 leagues off Hunclife,^ it bearing
from us S.S.W., we sailing N.N.W.
24. This day the wind at E.S.E. and very fair weather,
we being some 12 leagues off Stabs-head, it bearing W.S.W.
from us. At noon we observ'd the sun, and found the
altitude of the pole to be 56° 12'.
25. This day the wind at S.E., we sailing N.N.W., and
at 9 o'clock in the morning we spake with north sea fisher-
mis-spelt. There was no Alderman Cockcn, but at this time there was
a notable Alderman William Cockayne, who is no doubt the personage
here mentioned. He was son of William Cockayne, and grandson of
Roger Cockayne, of Ashborne in Derbyshire. He was Governor of the
Eastland Company, and also of the London planters in Ulster ; and it
was under his direction that the city of Londonderry was founded.
On June 22nd, 1616, King James I dined with him and knighted him,
and in 1619-20 he was Lord Mayor of London. He was also an active
member of the East India Company, and one of the Farmers of the
Customs. His daughter, Martha, with a dowry of £10,000, married
that John Ramsay who had the credit of having saved James VI when
he was attacked by the Gowries. Ramsay was created Earl of Holder-
ness and Baron Kingston-upon-Thames in 1621, but died childless in
1625. His widow married secondly Montagu Bertie, second Earl of
Liudsey, and was mother of the third Earl and other children. She
died in 1641. Another daughter, Mary Cockayne, married the second
Earl of Nottingham ; and the eldest son Charles was created Viscount
Cullen. Sir William Cockayne died in 1626. He was buried in Old
St. Paul's. ' Iluutcliff, near Redcar.
men, and had fresh fish of them, they belonging to Yar-
mouth, being from Bohomneaa W.S.W. 9 leagues off, the
pole being rais'd 58° 30'.
26. This day, being Sunday, the wind southerly, we sail'd
betwixt Orkney and Fair Isle and FouUay, leaving the
islands and Shetland off our starboard side at 3 o'clock iu
the morning ; and at 6 o'clock we sail'd W. and by N. to
the sea, Foullay bearing from us N.E. 5 leagues off; and at
noon the wind came southerly, we sailing then W. This
day at night the wind caine contrary, to the S.W., wo
sailing to the northward N.W.^ After we parted from
these two islands, we had sight of no other land till we came
to sight of Greenland.
27. This day we had much wind at N.W., being forc'd
to take in our topsails for our vice-admiral, she being
a-stern of us, we sailing W.N.W., and at four o'clock at
night we tack'd about to the southward, we sailing S.W.
and by S., the wind coming to the W. and by S.
28. This day the wind came to the N.W. with cloudy
weathei'. This day at 6 o'clock in tho morning we tack'd
about to the southward, sailing W.S.W., and at noon we
did observe the sun, and found the altitude of the pole to
be 59° 47'.
29. This day, the wind at N.W., we standing to the
southward W.S.W., being thick hazy weather.
30. This day calm and misty from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock
in the morning ; then the wind came to the S.W., we sail-
ing all the day after W. and by N.
May 1, being Friday, the wind at W.S.W., we sailing to ^'"■y "^'-
the northward N.W. and by N., being misty aud much
wind ; and at noon it cleai'ed up, and we did observe the
sun, and found the polo rais'd GV 31', we tacking about to
the southward, wending S. and by W., having fair weather;
' Two woodcuts: " Fair-Isle showeth thus 2 leagues off" ; " Foullay
showeth thus o leagues off."
—Ill Wl
i !
and at 8 o'clock at night wo tack'd about and stood to the
northward, wending N.N.W.
2. This day stormy weather, with tho wind at S.W. and
by W., being misty and rain, we standing to the northward
N.W. and by W., and at 10 o'clock it fell little wind and
calm ; and the wind ran to the N.E., we sailing our course
W., having a fresh gale of wind at noon.
3. This day we had fair weather, the wind at E.S.E.,
we sailing W. This day we did observe the sun, and found
the pole to be rais'd 61° 46'; and at 4 o'clock at night
the wind came contrary, being westerly, we standing to the
northward N.N.W. ; and at 6 o'clock we stood to the
southward again.
4. This day the wind at N.W., we sailing W.S.W., and
at 5 o'clock our vice-admiral sprung her fore-mast, whereby
she was forc'd to take in her top sails and fore-sails; and
so did we in the admiral, till such time as they had fish'd it
and made it strong. This day at noon we did observe the
sun, and found the pole rais'd 61° 8', the wind being come
to N.N.E., we sailing our course W.
6. This day the wind came to W. and by S., and began
to blow, we standing to the northward N.W. and by N.
6. This day the wind at W., and at 6 o'clock in the
morning the wind came to N. and by W., and so we steer
hence W., the altitude of the pole being 61° 36'.
7. This day the wind at N.W. and by N., we sailing W.
and by S., and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon it came up to
the N.E., being cloudy and thick, which turn'd to much
rain, we sailing our course west.
8. This day much wind and rain at E.N.E., we sailing
W., and at noon we had fair weather^ the wind being come
to the N. This day we hoped to see Friesland,^ yet did
' The old navigators were always hoping to see this imaginary Fries-
land, and were always disappointed. It got into the sea-charts from
9. This day the wind at N.N.E. stormy wjathor, we
saiHng our course W., and at noon it grew fair, and wo
observ'd the sun, and found the altitude of the polo to be
59^ 51'. This day our muster found by his instrument the
compass varied 15°. to the westward of the north, the
occasion we had no sight of Friosland sailing to the south-
ward some 12 leagues; so that for our west course we kept,
we had made but a W, and by S. way ; yet I suppose it to
bo the current which doth set to the southwestward, and so
doth set from the wostermost part of Friesland into the
N.W. Passage.
10. This day the wind northerly, we sailing W. and by
N., and at noon we observ'd the sun, and found the altitude
of the pole to be 00° 4', being very fair weather.
11. The wind N., and at noon we sounded, and had no
ground of 150 fathom, it being little wind and calm, some-
times southerly, and sometimes at S.W., sometimes easterly;
thus it did continue variable all the day, being fair weather
and smooth sea, we sailing for the most part W. and by S.
12. This day calm, and at 4 o'clock in the morning the
wind came to E.N.E., we sailing W. and by N. This day
the water changed of a blackish colour ; also, we saw many
whales and grampus's.
the old " Carta da navegar de Nicolo et Antonio Zenn'" (a.d. 1380), first
published in 1558, and was placed near the east coast of Greenland.
Hero it remained in every successive sea- chart for many long years.
Frobisher assumed that Greenland wa.s Friesland when he first made the
coast. But Davis, when he sighted Greenland, at once saw that this
was not the Friesland of the Zeno map ; hence Friesland retained a
separate place on the charts. !Mr. Major holds that the Friesland of the
Zeni was the Feroe Islands (see The Voyages of the Venetian Brothers
Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, translated, n-ith Notes and. an Introduction, Jnj
R. H. Major, F.S.A., Hakluyt Society's volume, 1873 ; and a paper in
the R.G.S. Journal, xlix, p. 412, entitled, " Zeno's Frisland is not Ice-
land, but the Faeroes"), while Admiral Irminger, of Copenhagen, is of
opinion that Friesland was Iceland (see R.G.S. Journal, xlix, p. 398,
" Zeno's Frislanda is Iceland and not the Feroes").
<^,>^ - ^O.
M III 2.5
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WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
(716) 872-4503
V c^
13. The wind at E. we sailing W. and by N. This day
being hazy, we met with ice, the wind being come to
N.N.E. Much wind and snow at 9 o'clock at night, so that
we were forc'd to take in our sails and stand with our fore-
sail to the eastward, wending E. Also, some of our men
spied land, yet we could not well discern it, it snowing so
14. We stood in with the land again at 2 o'clock in the
morning, wending N N.W., and had sight of land betwixt
5 and 6 o'clock in the morning ; and our master made it
Cape Farewel, so called by Captain Davis at the first finding
of the country in anno 1585 because he could not come near
the land by 6 or 7 leagues for ice.^ It bearing from us
N.N.W., and we sailing along by the ice W.N.W. all the
15. The wind at N.N.W. sailing W., and at 4 o'clock in
the morning we tack'd about again to the ice, again sailing
N.N.E., and at 10 o'clock in the morning we tack'd
about again, being hard aboard the ice, having sight of the
land, it stretching more to the northward. The ice lieth
1 Cape Farewell, the southern extreme of Greenland, is in 59° 48'
N. This is an interesting statement that it was named by Captain
Davis, in 1585; but in his first voyage in 1585, Davis did not
sight Cape Farewell. The first land he made, which he called
" Desolation", was on the east coast ; and he did not sight land
again until he was in 64° 15' N. In his second voyage, in 1586,
he did sight Cape Farewell. He says — "And the 15th of .June
I discovered land in the latitude of 60 degfrees mightily pestered
with ice and snow, so that there was no hope of landing." But
in the narrative written by himself he does not give it any name.
On the Molyneux Globe, where the discoveries of Davis are shown,
it is called " Reg : Elizabeth Foreland". Still, the tradition mentioned
in the text, that Davis originally gave the name of Farewell to the
Gape because he could not come near the land, is no doubt true, and
is very interesting.
* Here there is a woodcut: "The land did rise thus full of snow.
The Cape 7 leagues off, N.N.W," " This land is the southermost pomt
in Greenland, the heighth of the Pole there being 59° 15'."
all along it^ being as it were a great bay betwixt two head
16. This day a cold hazy wind, it being at N.N.W., we
sailing W., and at 7 o'clock in the morning we tack'd
about, lying N.E. and by N., and at 2 o'clock we met with
ice again ; we lying to and fro, hoisted our shallop out ;
and espying seals lying upon the ice, our shallop rowed to
them, and killed one of them ; the rest tumbled into the
water, being 20 in a company. This day we observed the
sun, and found the altitude of the pole to be 59° 30', we
being some 70 leagues within the streights, it being 115
leagues between the coast of America and Greenland in the
entrance of this passage.
17. The wind at S. in the morning, we sailing N.W.
This day we run among the ice, and were inclosed with the
ice, so that we could get no passage to the northward;
and so we were forc'd to stand out again, and were glad
that God had deliver'd us from amongst it; it being 4
o'clock in the afternoon before we were clear of the ice,
sailing S.W. to the sea. This day, being Sunday, we had Mayi6i2.
sight of the land called Desolation,^ it being from us 15 ^"oiauon.
leagues N. and by E.
18. This day, at one o'clock in the morning, we had
much wind and snow, the wind being westerly ; and at six
o'clock in the morning it prov'd fair weather. We tacking
about into the shore, did wend N. and by W., which did
near the land of Desolation : and at noon we tack'd about
and stood back again, being ten leagues from the land, it
bearing N.N.E. of us : the ice hin icring of us this day, we
did observe the sun, and found the pole 59° 53'.
19. The wind southerly, we sailiug for the most part
N.W. by N. and N.N.W. Then the land of Desolation did
bear off us N.E. and by E. This day we did meet with great
islands of ice. This day we did observe the suu, and found
' So named by Daviiij.
the altitude of the pole to be 60° 35' : also we had a force-
able carrentj which we went along the coast with till we
came to bring Desolation point E. of us. This current
set from Desolation into America side, and into Hudson's
streights, being so called by his men, they leaving him
behind them in that country, which was his death in the
year 1611.^
May 1613. 20. This day, the wind at N. and by E., we sailing E.
and by N. to the land, which we had no sight of as this
day. This day we did observe the sun, and found the
altitude of the pole to be 61° 33', being to the northward
of Desolation some 30 leagues. This day we stood to the
westward ; and at 10 o'clock at night we stood to the east-
ward, again meeting ice.
21. The wind at N.E. and by E. This day we had sight
of land at 2 o'clock in the morning ; and our master's mate,
T^e^i^and of John Homstay and I called it the land of Comfort.^ And
we call'd up our men, and tack'd about our ships, the ice
hindering us from coming near the land, we sailing along
the land N., and N. and by W., being distant from it 7
leagues. And at noon, we being near the ice, our men
went with the shallop to it, and killed four seals, and
^ Woodcuts with the following notes : "■ Cape Desolation rises thus 15
leagues off, N.E. by N." (cut). '* The land of Desolation rises thus 12
leagues ofif, N.E. by E." (cut). " This land so called by Captain Davis, it
being so desolate and comfortless, with huge mountains of snow lying
upon it, such as he had never seen nor any of his men before him."
^ The two cones of Umanak, off Arauk Fiord, are the Cape Comfort
of the Admiralty chart. The name appears on the map in the English
translation of the description of Greenland, by Hans Egede, published
in 1746, and also on the map in Crantz's History of Greenland (1757).
On the Admiralty chart it is placed in 61° 49' N., but Gatonbe, in
the text, gives 62° 33' as the latitude. This is the position of some
islets, called Fulluarlalik Islands, between the Danish settlements
of Fredrikshaab (02° N.) and Fiskernaes (63° 4' N.). Of course,
the Admiralty cuart, and the Danish chart from which it is copied,
must be wrong, for Gatonbe^s evidence as to the point of land named
by himself must surely be conclusive.
brought other two aboard quick, we having good sport
betwixt them and our mastiff dogs.^
22. The wind at N. and by E. This day we tum'd
amongst the ice, meeting with many islands of ice, which
were very high, like great mountains : some of them we
judg'd to be 30 yards from the water, fleeting upon the
seas, being 15 leagues off the land. This day we had
sight of the land, yet could not come near it for ice. This
day we did observe the sun, and found the pole rais'd
62° 55/
23. The wind at N.N.W. This beincj calm at noon, we May leia.
sounded with our lead, and had no ground of 180 fathom,
being some 110 leagues within the passage. This day we
found the altitude of the pole to be 63°, sailing N.E. and
by E. in with the land.
24. This day the wind at N. and by E., we sailing N.W.
and by W., being thick cloudy weather ; and at 8 o'clock in
the morning we tack'd about to the eastward, it being
little wind, and sometimes calm.
25. This day calm, with little wind and variable ; some-
times at N., sometimes at N.W., we sailing for the most
part N.E. and by E. This day we sounded by an island
of ice with our shallop, and found no ground of 150 fathom,
being off the land 21 leagues : and at 10 o'clock at night
it was thick and misty weather, so that one ship could not
see the other.
26. This day the wind at N., we sailing E.N.E., sailing
in with land, being very thick and misty weather ; and at
2 o'clock in the afternoon it clear'd up, and we saw the
land, being some three leagues from it, it seeming as
tho' we were hard by it, being a very high land, having
^ Here another woodcut, with the following note : ''Gape Comfort rises
thus, the heighth of the Pole being 62° 83', the smoothest land, and
best to look to of all the country of Greenland ; yet we could not come
near it for ice."
much snow lying upon it. Also two of the savages came
rowing to our shif s in their boats, we sailing in still with
the land, sounding, and having with our lead and line
25 fathom, sometimes 20, 18, 15, 12 fathom, it being rocky
ground, coming amongst many dry rocks and islands.
This day we look'd for a harbour with our shallops, for
the ships to ride in safety, and found one, which our
Harbour of general callM the harbour of Hope ; for here we came to
land with our ships ; the which we could not come near,
the time we sail'd along the land, from the sight of Cape
Farewel until we came to this place.^
27. The 27th day we harboured in the harbour of Hope
(the islands we call'd Wilkinson islands ; the mountain we
caird Mount HatcUfe^) at 2 o'clock in the morning ; prais-
ing our God for our safe arrival in this unknown country,
having been from home 5 weeks and 2 days.'
28. The 28th day our general found a convenient place
of Green-
1 The southern part of the western side of Greenland is blocked by
the stream of ice drifting down the eastern side from the north, and
then turning northwards round Cape Farewell. The current sets into
Davis Strait, keeping close to the coast, but gradually decreasing in
strength as it advances northward and disappears in about 64° N.
The pack ice follows the track of this current, pressing upon the coast
with southerly winds, and dispersing with those from the north. This
belt of ice is often found to be quite impenetrable, though of no great
width, and it sometimes locks up the southern coast for the greater part
of the summer.
^ A misprint, I think, for Huntcliff, a point on the coast of York-
shire, near Redcar ; so named, no doubt, from a fancied resemblance.
3 This anchorage was the Gilbert Sound discovered by Davis in
1585, and visited in his two subsequent voyages. (See Voyayes of
John Davis, pp. 6, 15, 16, 17, 22, 35, 38, Hakluyt Society's vol.,
1880). Davis gives the latitude 64° 15' N. Here, in this Gilbert
Sound, the "Harbour of Hope" is now the modern Danish settle-
ment of Godthaab, in C4° 8' N., the principal station in South Green-
land. The Godthaab-fjord runs in a north-eastern direction for 70
miles, and sends o£F a branch to the south-east 25 miles long. The
greater part of the coast is sheltered by clusters of low islands. Godt-
haab was founded by Hans Egede iu 1728.
tc land the quarters of our pinnace for our carpenters to
det together, it being an island hard by our ships. This
day also our general caused our ship's boat to be mann'd,
and our shallop, and went himself to discover the country,
and what rivers he could find in the main ; the savages
rowing to and fro to our ships, holding up their hands to
the sun, and clapping them on their breasts, and crying,
Elyot,^ which is as much to say, in English, Are we friends ?
thus saluting us in this manner every time they came to us,
and we offering the same courtesy to them, making them
the more bold to come to our ships, they bringing with
them sealskins, and pieces of unicorn horn, with other
trifles, which they did barter with us for old iron.
29, 30, 31. These days our carpenters made haste with
our great pinnace to get her down, the weather being fair,
and the wind for the most part easterly ; for our general
was minded to make what speed he could for to sail along
the coast further to the northward, being as yet not come
to the place where he was at afore by 70 leagues.
June 1. Our gooeral return'd aboard again, having found June
two rivers in the main, the one he call'd Lancaster river;
the other, Ball river f for Greenland is like Norway, having
many islands and rocks along the main.
2. Our master and Mr. Barker,^ master of the Vice
Admiral, went in the shallop and rode amongst the islands,
and to one of the rivers where they were afore, having
their fowling-pieces with them to shoot fowl with, which
that country affordeth small store.
1 See the list of Eskimo words given by Davis. ( Voyages, p. 21).
He has Yliaoute — " I mean no harm '.
2 These were the two deep branches of Godthaab-fjord, called after
two of the merchant adventurers who set forth the voyage — Sir James
LancasteV and Mr. Richard Pall. (See notes at p. 3.) The latter
name got corrupted into Baal's River, but it is correctly spelt on t^ie
Danish chart of 1832.
3 Andrew Barker, master of the second ship, was a seaman of repute
at Hull. (See note further on.)
3. This day we employ'u ourselves in searching the
country, which affordeth nothing us yet for the profit of
our voyage.
4. At night one of the savages stole a musket from our
men which kept the island, where our great pinnace was
set up, they keeping a bad watch, and leaving their musket
where they kept contry, being at the fire in the coy, the
weather being cold, it was taken away by one of the wild
men, they could not tell when. The cause of our watching
was, for that the salvages will steal all things they can come
by, but chiefly iron.^
5. This day we launch'd our great pinnace, which our
general callM the Better Hope. This day also James Pullay
catching hold of one of the salvages, another did cast a dart
at him, and struck him into the body with it, on the left side,
which gave him his death's wound. Also the salvage he
took we haul'd into the ship, and by him we had our
musket again; for two of the salvages being aged men,
and rulers of the rest, came with great reverence to know
the occasion we had taken one of their men ; we with signs
and other tokens did shew them the occasion, being the
best language we all had amongst us, delivering their man,
his boat, oar, and darts. Our general gave unto him a
coat, a knife, and a seeing-glass also, to requite the injury
we had done ; yet he, with a frowning look, desiring to be
gone from us, we let him go out of the ship, and helping
him into the chains, he leapt over-board, and the other two
did help him ashore ; and when he was ashore, the salvages
cut off the coat our master gave him, from his back, so
little did they regard it. It was made of yellow cotton,
with red gards of other cotton about it.
^ Here there is a woodcut of a kayak: ''The fashion of the saivages
rowing in their boats, the boat being made of seal skins, and clos'd all
but the place where he rows in her, and that is cloe'd about him when
he iits in her, from his waste dovmward. His oar hath two webs, and
he useth both hands to row with. (Wilkinson's Islands, The Harbour
of Hope, and Mount Hatcliffe)."
6. James Pulley departed this life to the mercy of God,
at three o'clock in the morning, and we bury'd him at
noon upon one of the islands we rode by. This day also
we carry'd the quarters of Mr. Barker's small shallop to
be set together by the carpenters ashore, that we might
have our shallops ready to go with us along to the north-
7, 8, 9. Rainy weather, otherwise our shallop had been
done, and we gone from hence to the northwards.
10. The shallop was done and launched this day. Mr.
Hall, being general of both the ships, did hold a parley
with all the company of both ships, strictly commanding
that none of us should barter for anything, but Mr. Wil-
kinson, who was merchant for the venturers, and them
that were appointed by the merchant, in pain of forfeiting
their wages; which articles were wisely answer'd by the
officers of the ships.
11. We cross'd our yards, and got an anchor home, but
the wind came contrary, spending our time in rowing from
island to island, and the salvages came to and fro to our
ships, bringing us fresh fish, which we bought for iron
13. One of the salvages brought two young seals, which
he had kill'd at sea, and our master bought them, and
we haul'd them into the ship, we wondering he could kill
them at sea, it blowing so much wind at S.W.
14. This day, being Sunday, we came out with the wind
N.N.E., and the salvages rowed to us, being 6 leagues off
the land into the sea ; and for that our captain gave one
of them a knife. This day we observed the sun, and
found the pole's altitude to be 64°, being the height of
the place we came out of, being the harbour Hope ; Wil-
kinson's islands and mount Hatcliffe we rowed under, they
bearing off us E.
15. The wind at E.S.E., we sailing along the land to the
northward N. by E., being fair weather.
16. The wind at N. by W., we sailing into the shore
N.E. by E. This day Mr. Hall and Mr. Barker took their
shallops, being well mann'd, and rowed into the land to
discover the country, and to see what traffick they could
have with salvages. This day, lying off and on with our
ships, they being ashore with the shallops, the wind came
out of the sea, and we stood of, sailing N.N.W, The wind
being come to west, and the vice-admiral following of us,
struck on a blind rock, and took no harm, praised be God !
our shallops not coming to us till we were 5 or 6 leagues
off the land.
17. The wind at S.E., we sailing along the land to the
northward N. by E, This day, being Wednesday, we row'd
with both our shallops into the land, and sounded the har-
bour we anchor'd in, being the second harbour we came in.^
18. At 8 o'clock at nijjht we had a sore storm off the
land at S.E., with such mighty whirl-winds, which came
from the mountains, that all our cables we had, being new
ones, we bent to our great anchor, and let it fall to keep us
from the rocks.
19. In the morning we broke one of our cables, and we
rode by our great anchor, having much wind and rain.
20. The weather faired, and our general caused our great
pinnace to be made ready, and to row along the coast, he
going with us himself, we being in her 22 men and boys.
This day we rowed some 4 leagues, and came to a great
island, and anchor'd there 3 hours ; and from thence we
went into a river lying E. by N. up the river.
^ This second anchorage was named Cockin (Cockayne) Sound, after
one of the four merchant adventurers who set forth the voyage —
Alderman Sir William Cockayne. (See note at p. 4). fiafBn gives
the latitude 65° 20' N. This is nearly the latitude of the Danish
settlement of Sukkertoppen, which was founded in 1755. Sukkertoppen
(Sugar-loaf) is in 65° 25' 1^., and is situated on an island, the conical
elevations of which present the appearance expiessed in its Eskimo
name Manitsok (uneven). It is the most populous place in Greenland,
and has a fine stone-built church.
21. Wo rowed up the river still, and we found nothing in
it for any profit, rowing some 3 leagues into it, the ice
stopping that we could get no further.
22. We being left by ice, return'd and rowed out again,
and the salvages followed and row'd after us, and so along
with us, intending to do us some harm ; for when we came
near any island they did throw stones at us with thuir
23. The wind at N.N.W., and wo row'd amongst the
islands to the northward, and so came to a great river,
which troubled us to row over, there went such a forceablo
tide of flood, it being within a league of Queen Anne Cape,*
Hud came to an island, and rested us there till the flood was
done ; and then we rowed about the capo, and came to an
island, whereon was a warlock, and rowed into it, and found
it a good harbour for ships. This day we rowed into a
river, as we supposed, but found it to be a bay, we being 3
leagues to the northward of the cape. This day our men
went ashore and kill'd partridges, and spy'd in a valley
7 wild deer, yet as soon as they did see us, they did run
away as fast as their feet could carry them.
24. We row'd out again, and so along the land. This
day we came to a mountain, where we rowed to it amongst ^*u^,f
the islands, taking it for a river our master had been at
afore, yet it was not : the mount we calPd Gabriel mount.
25. Wo row'd from thence to an island which lieth two
leagues ofi" the land, with many broken rocks about it, that
stretch from the main, and so to the sea-board ; and there
we rested all that day, the wind blowing very much at N.,
it being against us. This island our master call'd by the
* Capo Anne, so named by Hall during his former voyage with the
Danes, after the queen of Christian IV. Hall, on his map accom-
panying his report to the Danish King, gives the latitude of Cape Anne
66° N. On the motlern charts it is in 66° 24' N., just to the south
of Cockiu (Cockayne) Sound.
f{ou(l ImIutuI,
1 t
namo of ThroughgooJ island. Here wo got groat storo of
mussols, being of a great bigness. Here ono of our men
killed a fox with a fowling-pieco, boing jiany in this island
that run from tho main, and feed upon fish they got off
tho island.
2G. It being very fair weather we row'd from thence,
amongst many broken rocks, and so along the land ; and
at noon wo came to tho rivor our master had been ot afore,
ho naming it the King's-ford ;^ there is a mount he named
Cunningham mount ;^ we had traflick with the salvages ;
and at night wo anchor'd in a havon, on tho south-side of
the rivor, cuU'd Denmark haven, there being iu the en-
trance 40 fathom deep, and had traffick with the salvages
for seal skins, and some salmon trout.^
27. We rowed over to tho north-side of tho rivor, and
sought for a roadstead for our ships, and found ono, having
12 fathom deep, meaning to bring our ships thither, with
God's help.
28. We rowed to our ships again, having but two
days victuolsj none could wo got, boing from our ships,
the salvages eating raw moat do kill with their darts, both
fowl, fish, and Hesh, so that there was little to get but that
they brought us.
29. Wo came to our ships again, being from them nine
days, having had much tedious weather, with thicks and
snow, as we rowed along tho coast, it being some 25
leagues betwixt tho ships and tho King's-ford. The vice-
' King Christian's Fiord was discovered and named by Hall during
his first voyage with the Danes. He gives tho latitude 66° 25' N., close
to Cape Anne.
" So named in Hall's first Danish voyage, after the commander of tlic
expedition. This majestic peak is called KosrUnghcetten by the modern
Danes, and Nusasak by the Eskimo.
' " Cunningham Mount ; the height of the Pole 66^° ; King's-ford "
(this river was the first harbour he anchored in when he was pilot of the
King of Denmark's ships); "and Throughgood Islands."
admiral welcomed us to our ships with a volley of small
shot, being all in houlth, God bo thanked.
30. Wo made ready to sail to tho river wo had been at
with our pinnace; fetching home an anchor, and getting
our yards across.
1. This day, being tho Ist of July, the wind northerly, juiy.
yet at night it came southerly, and wo set sail, hoping
to havo got to the sea, but tho wind came westerly, with
rain, and so we came in again.
2. The wind northerly, and rain, we riding in this har-
bour still.
3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The wind northerly, we rode still, being
wind-bound, and much rainy weather; we buying of the
salvages such things as they brought us, being fresh fish,
namely, salmon-trout, muskfish, codfish, and butfish, a
little quantity serving for our victuals.
Fragment written by BAFFIN himself, beginning 8th July 1612.
Tho fourth Voyage of James Hall to Groenland, wherein he was
set forth by English Aduenturers, Anno 1612, and slaine
by a Greenlander.^
Wednesday, the eighth of July 1612, in the morning I
perceiued the sonne and the nioone, both very faire aboue
the horizon, as I had done diuers times before. At which
time I purposed to finde out the longitude of that place,
by the moones coming to the meridian. Most part of this
day I spent about finding of the meridian line ; which I
did vpon an Hand neere the sea, hanging at the extreames
of my meridian line two threeds with plummets at thera,
instead of an index and sights.
Thursday, the ninth day, very early in the morning, I
went on shoare the iland, being a faire morning, and ob-
serued till the moone came iust vpon the meridian. At
which very instant I obserued the sunne's height, and
found it 8° 51' north; in the eleuation of the pole
65° 20'. By the which, working by the doctrine of
sphericall triangles, having the three sides giuen, to
wit, the complement of the poles eleuation ; the com-
plement of the almecanter;^ and the complement of
1 From Purchas, Part 3, lib. iv, cap. xvii, pp. 831-836.
' An alniicauter is a circle parallel to the horizon — a circle of altitude.
i' I
the sunne's declination, to find out the quantitie of the
angle at the pole. I say, by this working, I found it to
be foure of the clocke, 17 minutes and 24 seconds. Which,
when I had done, I found by mine ephemerides, that the
moone came to the meridian at London that morning at
foure of the clocke, 25 minutes, 34 seconds: which 17
minutes, 24 seconds, substracted from 25.34, leaveth 8.10
of time, for the difference of longitude betwixt the
meridian of London (for which the ephemerides was made)
and the meridian passing by this place in Groenland.
Now the moone's motion that day was 12° 7', which,
conuerted into minutes of time, were 48 minutes, 29
seconds ; which, working by the rule of proportion, the
worke is thus : if 48 minutes, 29 seconds ; the time that
the moone commeth to the mei*idian sooner that day then
she did the day before, giue 360, the whole circumference w so' dif-
'' . . feronceof
of the earth ; what shall 8 minutes 10 seconds giue, to wit, Jj""^'""*®
60 degrees, 30 minutes, or neere there about which is the d?an^fLon.
difference of longitude betweene the meridian of London cocklns
and this place in Groenland, called Cockin's Sound, lying to Groeuiand.
the westward of London}
This finding of the longitude, I coufesse, is somewhat
diflBcult and troublesome, and there may be some small
errour. But if it be carefully looked vnto, and exactly
wrought, there will be no great errour, if your ephemerides objection,
be true. But some will say, that this kindo of working
is not for marriners, because they are not acquainted to
work propositions by the table of signes,^ and an instru-
ment is not precise enough to find out the houre, minute,
and second. For the losse of one minute of time is
the losse of 7 degrees of longitude. I answere, that Answore.
although the most part are not vsed to this worke, yet I
1 BafRu's result is a longitude too far to the westward. It is, in fact,
nearly the longitude of Cape Walsingham, on the other aide of Davis
Strait. Cockin Sound is in 52* 50' W. « singg
itude East 15 from Greenwiclv
Ford, in 66o
20'. Varia- vprmfinn
tion, 23<' 68'. varmDiou
know some of the better sort, which are able to worke this
and the like propositions exactly. And those which yet
cannot, and are desirous to learne, may in short space
attaine to such knowledge as shall bo sufficient for such
things. And how necessary it is that the longitude of
places should be knowne, I leaue to the iudgement of all
skilful! marriners, and others that are learned in the ma-
This afternoone it was agreed by the chiefe of our com-
pany, that our master, James Hall, should goo in the
smaller ship farther to tho northward.
The foresaid Thursday, in the evening, he departed out
of the Patience into the Harts-ease} to get forth of the
harbor, which our master called Cochins-ford, in remem-
brance of Alderman Cochin, one of the aduenturers;
which place is in the latitude of 05° 20'.^ And the
of the com passe is 23° 28' to the westward.
That evening was very calme, and we to 'ed our shippe
forth with the shallops and ship's boat. But within an
houre or two after we were got into the offin, tho winde
being at north, it blew a great storme, which continued
all that night.
The fourteenth, our master turned the ship vp to the river
againe, toward the riuer where the supposed raine^ should
* Galonbe, the quartermaster, who wrote the preceding account of the
voyage, printed in Churchill's collection, says the arrangement was that
Hall, with twelve men of the Patience^ should go on board the Ikarfs
Ease to explore to the northward. Baffin and young William Huntriss
were of the number. Two masters' mates and two quartermasters were
left on board the Patience, and she was to follow from Cockayne Sound
to King's (or Christian's) Fiord. The boats and shallops towed the vice-
admiral {Hearths Ease) out to sea.
2 The Admiralty Chart places Cockin Fiord in 65° 10' N. The Danish
Settlement of Sukkertoppen is really Cockin Fiord, in 65° 25' N .
3 The main object of the expedition appears to have been to visit
and collect ores from a supposed silver mine which Hall had discovered
during his voyage with the Danes. Like Frobisher, he had mistaken
the glittering pieces of mica occurring with the granite for silver ore.
be. But the tyde was so farre spent that wo could not
get to sea, but were constrained to anker in a roade at the
south side of the riuer, some three leagues from the
Patience, in which place are many good rode-steeds to be ^f^^y ko<"1
■•• •' " Rodes.
found. ^
Thirsday, the sixteenth day, the winde was at north-west,
and blew so stiffe a gale that we could not get to sea that
day. That night, eighteene of vs went into the ilands to
looke for some deere, but found none. Hut we perceiued
the foote-steps of some great beast, which wee supposed
to be of some great elke ; the foote was as bigge as any Great foot-
oxe foote. "*^'
Tuesday, the twentie-one, the weather still continued in
such sort that wee could not by any means get to the riuer,
where the supposed myne should bee. Wherefore our
master bare roome for Ramels-ford,^ being a river southward g^'^ois
of another, called Cunninghams-ford,^ some twelve leagues.
And we came to an anchor at the entrance on the south
side of the ford, about seuen of the clocke.
Wednesday, the two and twentieth day, ab»ut nine or
1 According to Gatonbe, there was a quarrel between Ilall and
William Gordon, the master's mate of the Patience, while the two shijjs
were at anchor in King's Fiord. " Our general, being angry, would
not come aboard of us, but was in the vice-admiral."
2 Henrik Rommel's Fiord was discovered by the Danes when Hall was
with them in 1605, and so named. Hall, in his report to King Christian
IV, places Rommels Fiord in 66° 35' N. latitude. Further on, in a
marginal note, Baffin gives 67° as the latitude. Rommels Fiord is the
harbour of Holsteinborg. The settlement on the south side is in
66° 54' N. The original settlement of Holsteinborg was founded, on
the narth side of the harbour, in 1759, in a spot now overgrown with
willows and overshadowed by the lofty range of the Proestc-fjeld.
Tills is exactly in BafKu's latitude. It was removed to its present site,
on the south side, in 1771, and the church was founded by Paul Egedo
on Januaiy 6th, 1775.
' North of Rommels Fiord is the promontory named Cape Sophia by
Hall, in 1605, after King Christian's mother ; and beyond it is Cunning-
ham's Fiord, which Hall places in 67° 25' N. The Danish chart of 18^2
places its entrance in 67° 15' N.
ten of tho clocke, the sauages came to bartor with vs, being
about fortie of them, and continued about an houre and an
jamex Hav. halfe : at which time our master, James Hall, being in the
wmindodby boate/ a sauago with his dart strooke him a deadly wound
vpon the right side, which our surgeon did thinke did
pierce his liuer. We all mused that he should strike him,
and ofiTer no harme to any of the rest ; vnlesse it were that
they knew him since he was there with the Danes ; for out
of that riuer they carried away fine of the people, whereof
neuer any returned againe;^ and in the next riuer they
killed a great number. And it should seeme that he which
killed him was either brother, or some neere kinsman to
some of them that were carried away ; for he did it very
resolutely, and came within foui'e yards of bim. And for
ought we could see, the people are very kinde one to
another, and ready to reuenge any wrong offred to them.
All that day ho lay very sore pained, looking for death
euery houre, and resigned all his charge to Master Andrew
Barker, master of the Harts-ease, willing him to place
another in his room master of the small ship.^
^ Gatonbe eays that Willium Huntriss and two others were in the
boat with Hall, when he was murdered.
2 There is a sad account of the kidnapping of natives during the
Danish voyages of 1605 and 1606, in which Hall was engaged. In the
first voyage Hall's people seized four Eskimo, but killed one to strike
terror into the rest, who were untractable. Two were seized by the
crew of the other ship. These poor people were brought to Denmark,
but constantly cast an eye northward with sorrowful countenances and
pitiable sighs. At last they took to flight in their kayaks, but were
caught and brought back to Copenhagen, where two of them died of
grief. One of the Eskimo used to weep bitterly whenever he saw a
little child hanging on its mother's neck, from which it waii concluded
that he nmst have had a wife and children. But no one could speak
with them. Two died on the voyage back to Greenland. The last once
more fled in his kayak, and was not overtaken until he was sixty or
seventy leagues from land. On being brought back he also died of
grief. See CranWs History of Greenland, i, p. 277 ; and Peyrerc, p. 150.
3 Doubtless Hall named his constant and faithful attendant William
Huntriss to be Master of the Htarl\ Ease.
Thursday, the three and twentieth, about eight of the
clocke in the morning he dyed, being very penitent for all
his former offences. And after wee had shrowded him wee
carried him in the shallop, to burie him in some out iland/
according to his owne request while bo was liuing. After
we had buried him, we went in the shallop to seoke for the
mine, which we had expected so long. All that day we
rowed along toward the north, passing by a cape called
Queen Sojthiaa cape. That night we staied at an Hand,
some three leagues short of the river.
Friday, the four and twentieth, in the morning, wee
rowed along and came to the place which is on the south
side of the entrance of Ounningham'a river. And we
found diuers places where the Danes had digged ; it was a
kinde of shining stone, which, when our goldsmith, James
Oarltfile, had tried, it was found of no value, and had no
mettall at all in it, but was like vnto Moscouie fludde,^
and of a glittering colour. That day, after we had dyned,
woe rowed vp that riuer some foure leagues, where diuers
of our company went vp into the mountaines, and found a
valley more pleasant than they had seene in the countrey.
That euening we returned, and came to the place where
the Banes had digged their supposed mine, and tooke some
of it in our boate to carry with vs, and returned toward
our ship. That night we rowed and sailed, and the next
morning, about nine of the clocke, we came to our ship.
Saturday, the fiue and twentieth, being Saint James his
day, in the forenoone, we came to our shippe, lying on the
south side of the riuer called Bamels river. And as soone
as our master found that the people came no more to trade
with vs, he determined to depart with the shippe into the
Kings Ford to the Patience ; and rowing about the harbour,
where we lay to finde some neerer way out to the sea, we
' One of the Knight Islands, outeide Ilulsteinborg.
« Mica.
The death
of James
ham aiver.
posed Mine
louud to be
of no value.
A pleasant
Many of
their winter
housoH In
Hivor. Tho
foablon of
ford in tho
latitude of
87". Tho
variation U
24" 16'.
found among tho Hands whoro many of their winter houses
liad bin, and some of their tents were but lately carried
away. In which place wee also found one of their long
boates, made of wood, and bound together for the most
part with shiners of whales fins, and covered with scales
skinnes, being some two and thirtie foote in length, and
some fiue foote broad, having tenne thoughts or seates in
it. That day, about twelue of the clocke, we weighed
anchor, and departed out of Eamels Ford, which lieth in
the latitude of 67°, and the variation of the compasse is
24° 16', being a very faire riuer, and one of the most prin-
cipal! which we saw in that countrey, stretching in east and
cast and by south. This night, about one of the clocke,
we came to the Patience, lying in the Kings Ford.^
Sunday, the sixe and twentieth, Master Andrew Barker,
and our merchant. Master Wilkinson, with other of the
company, were in conference about returning homo, because
that since our master was slaine, none of the sauages would
trade with us as they were wont.
Wednesday, the nine and twentieth, we were likewise
occupied about taking in of ballast, for our shippe was
very light ; and that evening it was agreed that Andrew
Barker,^ master of the Harts-ease, should goo master of the
Patieiice, which was sore against the minde of William
' Gat^nhe says : " This day at night came our vice-admiral, with our
great pinnace at her stem, her flag hanging down, and her ancient
hanging down over the poop, which was a sign of death."
3 The appointment of Andrew Barker, to succeed Hall, appears to
have been unpopular with the two master's mates, William Gordon and
John Hemsley, and with some of the men. There was a display of
mutinous feeling. Several called out for Hemtley to be general ;
but the quartermasters, boatswains, gunner, and other officers de-
clared for Barker. Gatonbe says that Barker was an old and ex-
perienced seaman, having before been ruler and overseer of many
good men in ships in IIuU, besides other places, and having been one of
the chief masters and wardens of the Trinity House. The officers
Gonnlon ;^ and William TFunlricc^ was appointed master of wiiiimn
tho Harts-ease ; and John Qatenhi/,^ one of the quarter- Muster of
masters of the Patience, was masters-mato of the Harts- eMe<
eventually succeeded in persuading tho two crews to accept Barker as
general of the expedition and tho arrangonients made by him.
Through tlie kindness of Mr. Wilson, of the Trinity House, at Hull,
I am able to give tho following additional particulars respecting Andrew
Harkcr. He was admitted a younger brother of the lYiuity House of
Hull in the year 151)4, and was three times Warden, namely, in IGOC,
1613, and 1C18. In 1611 Barker made a voyage to tho northern seaa,
and brought buck a cargo from Wardhous (VardO in Norway).
Among the I^nsdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum (923),
there is a collection of pencil-notes on Hull and the neighbourhood by
AVarburton, made in the summer of 1724. From one of these notes it
appears that Andrew Barker presented one of the compartments of
painted glass in the east window of the old chapel of tho Hull Trinity
House. The figure was that of St. James-the-less. This has disap-
peared ; but there still hangs in the Hall of the Trinity House the
' William Gordon was afterwards employed in Spitzbergen voyages.
He cannot have been the same William Gordon whom the Muscovy
Company sent to reside at Pustozera on the Pechora river in 1611 as
one of their traders. This William Gordon wrote an interesting report,
in 1615, on the Samoyeds, their dress, sledges, tents, ci'stoms, etc.,
which is published in Purchas, iii, p. 553.
* William Huntriss, or Huntrice, was a Yorkshire lad. Purchas says
he came from '* Stoneborough". But there is no such place in York-
shire. It is probably a misprint for Scarborough. Huntriss is a Scar-
borough name, and there is Huntriss Row in tho old town. Young
William Huntriss went the first voyage to Greenland with James
Hall. This expedition, under Captain Cunningham, was sent by the
King of Denmark, and sailed from Copenhagen on May 2nd, 1605.
Hall was master of the Troost, Cunningham's ship, and Huntriss was
Hall's boy. The ship anchored off the Greenland coast, and Hall went
to explore in the pinnace, attended by his boy. On this occasion young
Huntriss, when in the boat, was shot through both buttocks by an
Eskimo arrow.
He went with Hall in his second and third voyages, and was allowed
£<$() a year by the King of Denmark for his skill in navigation.
When Hall left the Danish service his faithful boy accompanied him,
and went out in this Greenland voyage from Hull, of which Baffin is
the historian. Now we find him promoted to be Master of the second
Tuesday, the fourth of August, in the morning, the winde
out'Jf'*""' being northerly, a very small gale, we got to sea, whore the
Urbonr. ^in^Q came to the southward, and we tacked sometime on
the one boord, and sometime on the other, making small
way on our course.
Munday (sic), the tenth, was raine and foule weather,
as it had continued euery day since wee came from harbour,
sauing the seuenth day, which was somewhat faire; for
Thick and commonly, while the winde is south, it is very thick and
weather, t'oulo Weather. We tacked sometimes on one boord, and
the winde
beingiouth. sometimes on the other, making a south-by-west way, at
noone six leagues.
Wednesday, the twelfth, it waxed calmo, we being some-
what southward of a cape, called Burnils Gape ;^ and about
model of a kayak, with an Eukitno in it, which was preseuted by
Audrew Barker. It has the following inscription : —
*^ Andrew Barker, one of the Masters of this House, on his voyage from
Greenland, anno domini 1613, took up this boat and a man in it, of which
this is the effigy."
In the accounts for the second quarter of Andrew Barker's third
Wardenship, a.d. 1619, are the following entries : —
" Item to Edward Ffewlis for carving the Greynlander . y*
•' Item to the paynter for the Greynlander . . iiij."
And in the succeeding Warden's accounts (a.d. 1620) is the following
entry : — " Item to Andrewe Barker, vf<^^ he paid about the Gren-
landman more than he accompted for at the auditt . viij'."
Kayaks from Greenland were also brought home by Frobisher and
Davis, and there was one hanging in the hall of Sir Thomas Smith's
house. In the curious old Schiffer-geselhchaft, at Lubeck, there is an
old kayak hanging from the beams, which appears, from the inscrip-
tion, to have been brought to Europe by the Danish Expedition of 1607.
1 Burnil's Cape is the Cape Burnitt of the Admiralty Chart, which is
copied from the Danish Chart of 1832. The name was given by Hall
ship, the Heart's Ease. Further on we shall find that Baffin's ship, the
PatiencCy lost sight of the HearCs Ease in a gale on September 2nd. She
arrived safely in the Thames on September 19th, and I have not been
able to find any further trace of young Uuntriss.
B Or Gatonbe, writer of the other account of the voyage in Churchill.
See note at page 2.
three or fouro of tho clocke in the aftornoono, the windo
came to the north and by westj an oasio gale, with fairo
The eighteenth, at noon, wo wore in 58° 50'. The sevon-
teonth day I tooko the variation of the compasse, finding variation
it to be 13° 22', contrary to tho obsoruations of others in
this place. And if any doe doubt of the truth thereof,
they may with a little paines prove it. Tho eighteenth of
August, the declination of tho sunne was 9"" 58', for tho
meridian of London. But we beiug almost fouro houres of
time to tho westward thereof, there are three minutes to bo
abated from the rest : and so the declination was 9" 55' ;
and his height aboue the horizon was 24° 40' in the latitude
of 59° 0' ; and his distance from tho south to the westward,
by the corapasse, was 81°. And for truth of tho first ob-
seruation, I tooke another shortly after, finding them not
to differ above 4'.
Wednesday, the nineteenth, the windo still continued
with thick and hasio weather, we being at noouo in the
latitude of 58° 30', or thereabout, making a south south-
east way, about ten leagues.
Thursday, the twentieth, was faire weather, the wind at
east north-east, woe steered away south-east and south-
east and by east, making at noone a south-east and by
south way, about thirtie leagues, being at noone in the
latitude of 57° 20'. This day, in the afternoone, I tooke variation
the variation of the compasse, and found it about 11° 10'.
Friday, the one and twentieth, fairo weather, with the
winde at north and north by east, and we made an east
11" 10'.
in the voyage of 1605, and I think it probable that it should be Cape
Brunei, after Oliver Brunei, the Dutch explorer, who was for some time
in the Danish service. For a foil account of Brunei, and of the diffi-
cult questions connected with his history, see Lieut. Kooleman Beynen's
Introduction to the Barents' Voyages (Hakluyt Society's vol. 1876). See
also the note at the end of the Voyage of Knight (Hakluyt Society's
vol. Voyages of LancufUr).
7" 23'.
7" 20'.
Tho true
6" 4'.
south-cast way, half southerly, some twentie-foure leagues,
being at noone, by obseruation, in the latitude of 56° 50'.
Saturday, the two and twentieth, faire weather, the wind
at north and north by east, wee made an east way half
southerly, some twentie-two leagues, being at noone iu the
latitude of 56° 47'.
Sunday, the three and twentieth, faire weather, the wind
at west north-west, we making an east and east by north
way, about twenty-four leagues. This day I tooke the
variation of the compasse, and found it to be 7° 23', being
at noone in the latitude of 57° 26'.
Munday, the foure and twentieth, being S. Bartholomew's
day, fairoweather with a north north-west, wee makingan east
north-east way, halfe northerly, about twenty-seven leagues,
and were at noon, by observation, in the latitude of 58° 4'.
This day T obserued and found the compasse to be varied
7° 20'.
Tuesday, the fiue and twentieth, faire weather and calrae ;
the winde at north, wee made a north-east and by east
way, seuenteene leagues, being at noone in the latitude of
58° 30'. This day I found the common compasse to be
varied one point, and the true variation to be 6° 4'.
Wednesday, the sixe and twentieth, /aire weather also,
with the wind north north-west, wee made a north-east and
by east way halfe, about twentie two leagues, being in the
height of 59° 10'.
Thursday, tho seven and twentieth, indifferent faire
weather, with a stiffe gale of wind at the north north-west,
we making a north-east way about thirty-one leagues, being
at noone in the latitude of 60° 10'.
Friday, the eight and twentieth, the wind at south-east,
with a stiffe gale, wee made good about noone a north-east
and by east way, about twenty-nine leagues. This day, in
tho afternoon it blew so greato a storrae that we were in
great distressc, tho windc at east south-east. But about
eleuen of the clocke it camo to the north-west, and north-
west by north. And we ranne some twentie leagues.
Saturday, the nine and twentieth, it blew so stiffo that
wee could beare none but our foresaile, making an east and
by south way, halfe southerly, about thirtie leagues.
Sunday, the thirtieth, all the forenoone it blew a very
stiffe gale, and about noone the winde camo southerly ; and
it blew a very great storme, which continued all that day
and that night, in such sort that we could not sailo at all,
but all that night lay at hull.
]\Ionday, the one and thirtieth, in the morning about
foure of the clocke, the winde came to the south-west a
very stiffe gale, at which time we set our fore-saile. The
wind continued all this day and night ; we steered away
east and by south, making at noon an east north-east way,
about thirtie foure leagues.
Tuesday, the first of September, the wind still continued
at south-west, blowing a very stiffo gale ; we steered away
east and by south, making an east way about fiftie leagues.
This day, at noon, we were in the latitude of 60° 45'.
Wednesday, the second, faim weather, with the wind at
south-west ; wee made an east and by south way, half a
point southerly, about fortie-two leagues, being at noone
in the latitude of 60° 10'. This day I obserued, and found
the corapasse to be varied three degrees to the west-
Thursday, the third day, faire weather, the wind at
south->vest; wee made an east by north way at noone,
about twentie leagues. This day, in the after-noone, the
winde being at north north-west, it blew a very stiffe gale
for two watches ; and toward seuen or eight of the clocke
the storme so increased that our shippe was not able to
beare any saile. And all that night wee lay at hull.^
Friday, the fourth, the storme still continued, and wo
^ Tiying-to.
could beare no saile all that day till about foure of the clocko
in the afternoone, at which time we set our fore course and
ZJlSiS!?„ „, our maine course. The night before, in the storrae we lost
company of o '
Bort|"fij°"' the Harts-ease.^ This day wee made some tvvelue leagues
artseaae, ^^^^ ^^^ y^^ north, and WO fell to lee-ward, lying at hull
some fiue leagues south by west.
Saturday, the fift, calme weather, but very thicke and
close all the fore-noone : the wind continued still at north
north-west ; we making, from the time wee set our courses
the day before, about twentie leagues east half southerly,
beeing at noone in the latitude of 59° 53'.
Sunday, the sixt, faire weather, the wind at north north-
west, we steering away east north-east, and east and by
north, made an east by north way, half northerly some
Variation e 29 leagues, being at noone in 60° 10'. This day the com-
degreesto .
the East, passe was varied to the east sixe degrees. This afternoone
found. jj; ^gg almost calme, and wee sounded, and found ground
at sixtie eight fathomes. This evening, about ten of the
clock, the wind came to the south-east.
Munday, the seventh, very faire weather, the wind south-
east and south-east by east ; wee tacked in the morning to
the northward, and ranne east north-east and east by north
vntill seuen or eight in the afternoone, at which time we
tacked vp to the southward, and went away south-west till
toward twelve a clocke that night, twentie leagues.
Tuesday, the eight, in our morning watch I found our
selues to be in 59° 20', and about fiue of the clock I espied
land, which wee supposed to bee the Isles of Orhiey, as
* The Heart's Ease, under command of young William Huntriss,
with John Gatonbe on board, diligently writing his journal, lost sight of
the Patience on the 4th of September, as here recorded by Baffin, On
the 8th she sighted Fair Isle, and on the 15th arrived in Yarmouth
Koads, proceeding to London instead of going to Hull, as the Patience
did. The Heart's Ease entered the Thames on the 19th of September,
and Huntriss caused the flags to be hoisted half mast, in token of the
death of his beloved commander, James Hall. He brought the ship up
to St. Katherine's Pool.
„.-r-5^*rtst»ti tw»
afterward we found them to be the same ; and toward three o|fkn"y! ''^
of the clocke we came to an anchor in a channell running
botweene the Hands, where the people came to vs, and
brought vs hennes, geese, and sheepe, and sold them to vs
for old clothes and shoes, desiring rather them then money.
There are about eighteene of these Hands, which are called
by the name of the Orkneis. -j*
Wednesday, the ninth, it was thicke weather, and tho
wind so easterly that wee could not weigh anchor.
Thursday, the tenth, faire weather, and the wind came to
the north-west, and about noone we weighed anchor j and
towarde fiue of the clocke we were cleere off the lies. The
channel, for the most part, lyeth north-west and south-east. i^ljfn,'an-"'
All that night we stood away south-east. orunoy.
Friday, the eleuenth, faire weather, with the wind at
north north-west; and about nine of the clocke in the
morning we steered away south south-east, at which time
wee had sight of Buguham-nesse,^ and about two of the Buguham-
clocke we were thwart of it. The seuenteenth, we came to
an anchor in Hull Road, for which the Lord bee praysed. at huu!"^"
Here I thinke it not amisse briefly to relate the state
and manner of the people of Greenland, forasmuch as I
could learne; as also what likelihood there is of a passe
into the sea, which lyeth vpon Tartarie and China.
The north-west part of Grouland is an exceeding high
land to the sea-ward, and almost nothing but mountaynes,
which are wonderfull high all within the land, as farre as
wee could perceiue ; and they are all of stone, some of one
colour, and some of another, and all glistering, as though
they were of rich value, but indeed they are not worth No profit-
anything; for our gold-smith, James Carlisle, tryed very
much of the Vre, and found it to bee nothing worth .^ If
there bee any mettall, it lyeth so low in the mountaynes
* Buchan Ness, the east point of Aberdeenshire.
^ The mica, often found in masses in clefts of the gneiss, was mistaken
for silver ore.
No trees.
that it cannot bee well come by. There are some rocks in
these mountaynes, which are exceeding pure stone, finer,
and whiter then alabaster.^ The sides of these mountaynes
continually are covered with snow for the most part, and
especially the north sides, and the No[r]th sides of the
valleyes hauing a kind of mosse, and in some places grasse,
with a little branch running all along the ground, bearing
a little black berrie ; it runneth along the ground like
three-leaued grasse heere in England. There are few or
no trees growing, as farre as wee could perceiue ; but in
one place, some fortie miles within the land, in a river.
Bulls River, which wce Called Balls River. There I saw, on the south
side of an high mountayne, which we went vp, and found
A p-ovo of (as it were) a yong groue of smnll wood, some of it sixe or
small wood. ^ / J a o '
seuen foot high, like a coppice in England that had beene
some two or three yeers cut ; and this was the most wood
that wee saw growing in this country, being some of it a
kind of willow, juniper, and such like.^
We found in many places mi7,ch angelica. We suppose
the people eate the roots thereof, for some causes, for
we haue scene them have many of them in their boats.'^
1 Quartz.
''' The largest tree ever seen by Dr. Rink, in Greenland, was a birch
fourteen feet high, in the Tasermiut fjord, in 60° N. lat. This Betula
nlpcftm is only found south of 62" N. South of Go" N. the alder
(^Alnus repcns) grows scantily,
3 'fhe Quan ( Archanrjelica officinaUs) is found in the fjords of South
Greenland, and more rarely in Disco. The word Quan, now used by
the Eskimo, is Norse, and hence it is supposed that angelica was intro-
duced by the Normans. The young stalks are eaten raw, being brittle
and sweet. In sheltered spots the plant will grow to a height of six
feet. Angelica was well known in the kitchen gardens of England in
the days of Baffin. Gervase Markhara, in his '^'Country Farm'''' (published
in 1616), includes it among the physic herbs, which should, he recom-
mends, be grown in certain borders below the kitchen garden, near the
wall of the orchard. The root was believed to be sovereign against the
plague and all sorts of poisons, and Englishmen then used the leaves and
stalks in sauce with their meats, because it was supposed to help digestion
There are a great store of foxes in the Hands, and in the
Mayne, of sundry colours ; and there are a kind of hares,
as white as snow, with their furre or haire very long.
Also there be deere, but they are most commonly vp
within the Mayne very farre; because the people doe so
much hunt them that come neere the sea. I saw at one
time seuen of them together, which were all that wee did
see in the country. But our men have bought diuers coates
of the people, made of deeres skinnes, and have bought of
their homes also. Besides, we have diuers times scene the
footsteps of some beast, whose foote was bigger than the
foot of a great oxe. Furthermore, the inhabitants haue a
kinde of dogges, which they keepo at their houses and
tents, which dogges are almost like vnto wolues, lining by
fish, as the foxes doe. But one thing is very strange, as I
thought ; for the pizzles of both dogges and foxes are bono.
The people, all the summer time, vse nothing but fishing,
drying their fish and scales flesh vpon the rockes, for their
winter prouision. Euery one, both man and woman, haue
each of them a boate, made with long small pieces of firre-
wood, couered with sealos skinnes very well drest, and
sewed so well with sinewes or guts that no water can
pierce them through, being some of them aboue twentie
foot long, and not past two foot, or two foot and an halfe
broad, in forme of a weauers shittle (sic), and so light, that
a man may carrie many of them at once for the weight.
In these boates they will row so swiftly, that it is almost
incredible ; for no ship in the world is able to keepo way
with them, although shee haue neuer so good a gale of
wind ; and yet they vse but one oare, who, sitting in the
middle {sic) of their boate, and holding their oaro in the
very much. The leaves were held to be good against sorcery and en-
chantment. For notices of angelica in Greenland, see Cravtz^ i, p. 01 ;
and Ef/fffc, p. 45.
White hares
see me to be
elkos, or
Docges like
The pizales
of DoKK'.'s
and fo.xes
ai'o bone ; so
also is the
Morses piz-
rlo, of
which I
have by me
one of stone.
The preat
of their
Their Oarcs
))riiail at
botli ends.
I) 1
i HI ■!
I i (
m i
1111(1 MdraoH,
etc. AiikIos
Hiid Lines,
'J'licir preat
H( lilts .12
fool, lolljr.
TJioy wor-
Rhip tlie
Tbeir salii-
middle, being broad at eacli end like our oaves, will at an
instant goe backward and forward as thoy please.^
In these boates they catch the most part of their food,
being scales and salmons, morses, and other kinds of fishes.
Some they kill with their darts, and other some with
angles, hauing a line made of small shiuers of whales
finnes, and an hooko of some fishes bones, with which lines
and hookes we also have caught very much fish.
Also they haue another kinde of boate, which is very
long ; for wee haue scene one of them thirty-two foot in
length, open in the toppe like our boates, hauing tenne
seats in it ; in which, when they remooue their dwellings,
they Carrie their goods or house-hold stuffe ; for they re-
mooue their dwellings very often, as their fishing doth
serve, lining in the summer-time in tents made of seales
skinnes, and in winter in houses somewhat in the ground.
Wee could not particularly learn their rites or cere-
monies j but generally they worship the sunne, as chiefo
authour of their felicitie. At their first approach vnto vs,
thoy vsed with their hands to point vp to tho sunne, and
to strike their hands upon ther brests Ili/onf^ ; as who would
say, I meane no harme ; which they will doe very often,
and will not come neer you vntil you do the like, and then
they will come without any feare at all.
They burie their dead in the out-Ilands neere the sea-
side. Their manner of buriall is this : — vpon the tops of
the hils they gather a company of stones together, and
make thereof an hollow caue or graue, of the length and
breadth of the bodie which they intend to burie, laying the
stones somewhat close like a wall, that neyther foxes nor
o^her such beasts may deuoure the bodies, couering them
• Both Frobishcr and Davis brought home kayaks, and one was hang-
U'-j: in the hall of Sir Tliomas Smith's house.
* Davis, in his list, givos the same word with the same moaning —
"17/flo?>/c", " I mean no harm" (Ilakluyt Society's ed., p. 21).
-^^gs^iEaBBjgj pSfjyg^gp.- j^aMi
with broud stones, showing afai' off liko a pilo of stones.
And neore vnto this graue where the bodio lyeth is an-
other, wherein they burie his bow and arrovves, with his
darts and all his other prouision which heo vsed while heo was
lining. Hee is buried in all his apparell ; and the coldnesse
of the climate doth keepe the bodie from smelling and
stinking, although it lye aboue ground.
They eat all their food raw, and vse no fire to dress their
victuals, as farre as wee could perceiue. Also wee hane
scene them drinke the salt-water at our shippes side ; but
whether it be vsuall or no, I cannot tell. Although they
dresse not their meate with fire, yet they vse fire for other
things, as to warme them, etc.
Diuers of our men were of opinion that they were man-
eaters, and would haue deuoured vs, if they could haue
caught vs. But I do not thinke they would ; for if they
had bin so minded, they might at one time haue caught
our cooke, and two other with him, as they were filling of
water at an Hand a great way from ovr ship. These three,
I say, were in the ships boate, without eyther musket or
any other weapon ; when, as a great company of tlio
sauages came rowing vnto them with their darts and other
furniture, which they neuer goe without, and stood looking
into the boate for nayles, or any old iron, which they so
greatly desire, while our men were in such a foare that
they knew not what to doe. At length our cooke remem-
bered that hee had some old iron in his pocket, and gaue
each of them some, as farre as it would goe, with his key
of his chest. And presently they all departed, without
offering any harme at all : but this I speake not that I
would haue men to trust them, or to goe among them
vnprouided of weapons.
biii'iu tlio
niul nil
otiior fur-
nitni-o of
thu (lead.
They V80
Tlioy are
not Maii-
Nailcs and
old Iron
ffreatly do-
sired of the
A Jouniall of the Voyage made to Greenland' with sixe English
ships and a Pinassc, in the yeere 1613.
Ascension gy ^]^q prouideiice of Almightie God wee departed from
Qucenhorough the thirteenth day of May with sixe good
ships, viz., the Tigre, admirall ; the Matthew, vice-admirall :
the Sea-horse, called the Gamaliel, the reare-admirall ; the
Desire, the Annula, and the Richard and Barnard, with
the John and Francis shortly to follow.^
1 Spitzbergen.
" From Purchas, Part iii, lib. iv, cap. v, pp. 716 to 720. There is
another account of this voyage, believed to have been written by
Fotherby, which follows this journal.
3 The Fotherby Narrative tells us that Mr. Benjamin Joseph, of
London, was chief captain — " a man very sufficient and worthy of his
place". There were twenty-four Biscayners, the most expert whale
fishers of those days, in the fleet. The Tifjcr, of 260 tons, was admiral ;
the Matthew, of 250 tons, vice-admiral ; and the Gamaliel, 200 tons,
rear-admiral. The other vessels were the Jolin and Francis, 180 tons ;
Desire, 180 tons ; and Annula, 140 tons. The Richard and Barnard
was a pinnace of 60 tons, intended for further discovery. The fleet
dropped down to Gravesend on April 30th, and on the 4th of May
"wee entered into the Swaile at Quinborowe". On the 7th, the Royal
Fleet, returning from landing the Count Palatine and the Princess
Elizabeth, passed them, and there was an exchange of salutes. On the
The one and twentieth day, faire weather, the winde
southwarde, wee still making to the northwards. This
morning wee had sight of land on the coast of Norway, it
lying east and by north off about twelue or fourteene
leagues. This day, at noone, we were in the latitude of
61° 30', the variation of the compasse at Scoutes-nes is
eight degrees east, it being about ten or twelve leagues off;
wee hauing made a north way halfe east, about thirtie
The three and twentieth, at noone, in the latitude of
65° 45', in which place the needle of declination doth dippe
vnder the horizon 63° 30' by that instrument, which de-
clineth 54 at London.
The thirtieth day, about three of the clock, ^ wee espied Greenland
the land of Greenland,^ being about eight or nine leagues rtkyes?"
off. The southwardest part of it bare south-east and by
east off it, which shortly wee perceiued to bee the land
lying in 76° 55', which is called Horne-sound.^ This land
13th of May the exploring fleet sailed from the Swale. Benjamin
Joseph, the general of the voyage, was a man in high repute for skill
and conduct. After his return from Spitzbergen he commanded a
small ship of Bristol, and brought timely relief to Waterford, when
Captain Downton arrived there from the East Indies in October 1613,
in sore need of provisions. At that very time the Court of Directors
was recognising his claim to command one of their fleets. lie appears
to have made demands at first which were considered unreasonable ; but
an agreement was arrived at, and in December 1613, Benjamin Joseph
was appointed to command the East India Company's fleet. He him-
self was in the Charles, on board of which a journal was kept by Henry
Crosby, master's mate (preserved at the India Office — No. 23), and his
vice-admiral was the Unicorn. In 1617 Captain Joseph was slain in a
fight with a Portuguese karrack. His widow Isabell petitioned the Com-
pany for a gratuity, and a sum of £40 was granted, and thankfully
accepted by her son-in-law, Mr, Maddocks.
* The Fotherby Narrative says four o'clock in the morning, all the
ships being in company.
2 Spitzbergen.
3 Discovered and so named by Jonas Poole in his voyage in the
Amity for the Muscovy Company, in 1610.
A ship of
Saint John
de Luz.
on the
The Gene-
rail was
after slaine
in a fl^bt
with n
Dutch ship.
No night
the 23 May.
lyeth, by our common compasse, north north-west. Within
two houres after we had sight of land, it began to snowe,
and was very cold. This euening the compasse was varied
thirteene degrees west.
The one and thirtieth day, variable weather with snowe,
and very cold, and the winde also variable; and in the
afternoone the winde was at the north-east. In the morning
wee espied a ship, and about noone wee spoke with her,
and their master and pilot came aboord of vs; and wee
knew them to bee that ship of Saint John de Luys, which
had leaue of the Companie to fish ; and they told vs that
there were eight Spaniards on the coast. Also wee espied
another ship, which we supposed to be a Frenchman, and
had one Allan Sallas to their pilot.
The second of June, in the morning, about fiue of the
clocke, our generall sent our shallop to a small pinke, that
all this night we saw along the shoare, to bid their master
and pilot come aboord vs, which presently they did. The
masters name was Clais Martin of Home, and his ship was
for Dunkerke, and he told vs that he was consorted with
another ship that was his admirall; the captaines name
was Fopp of Dunkerke, and that he was on the coast. Wee
kept the master and pilot aboord of vs, and sent some of
our men aboord of her, and brought her vnder our lee;
and then wee sent their master aboord againe, charging
them to follow vs. This afternoone we took their shallop,
with fiue or sixe men, whereof two were English men, and
one Scot, at the Faire foreland.^
The fourth day, also faire weather. This morning was
the first whale killed.^ We had no night since the three
1 The northern point of Prince Charles Island, so named by Jonas
Poole in 1610.
2 Fotherby, who was in the Matthew, says that they ran before a
fresh gale to the north end of Prince Charles Island, and then beat up
into Sir Thomas Smith's Bay, where the fleet anchored. Then the Bis-
and twentieth of May. The fift day, faire weather, but
very cold, the winde north.i We sayled along the Hand,
being about eighteene or twentie leagues in length, lying
for the most part, by the common compasse, north and by
west half westward. About nine of the clocke in the after-
noone we saw our other three ships, viz., the Gamaliel,
the Desire, and the Richard and Barnard, which lay there
to and fro, because they could not goe into their harbour
by reason of the ice ; and also because there were foure
other ships in a bay or coue, called Pooppy Bay, or Nickes
Coue ; and also other ships on the other side in Greene
Harbour. We sailed along the drift ice vntiU about one or
two of the clocke in the morning, at which time we camo
to an anchor in the entrance of the sound, because the ice
came driuing out so fast.
The sixt day, faire weather, the wind variable till the
afteruoone, at which time it came to the northwards.
About three in the afternoone we weighed anchor, and nivers
" straiigora.
about ten of the clocke we came to the foure ships lying
in Pooppy Bay, two of them being Hollanders, and one a
Rocheller, and the other a ship of Burdeaux. The masters
of the Hollanders came aboord of our ship to speake with
the generall, both of them being of Amsterdam, and
cayners, " our whale stickers", went away in their boats to look out for
whales off the Foreland, The rest of the men took the coppers for
melting blubber, and t!ie casks on shore, and got everything ready for
boiling down. Then came the news that the Biscayners had killed a
whale, and from that time the work of boiling down went briskly for-
' On the 5th, word was brought from Green Harbour that five ships,
Spanish and French, were come into Ice Sound, intending to fish for the
whale. So the Tiger weighed anchor and made sail for Ice Sound.
" Then did our Admiral continue aa a ivafter alongst the coast, till the
27th of June, and then he came to us againe into Sir Thomas Smyth's
Baye." A " wafter" was a term applied to ships of war, probably from
their carrying flags or waj'ls.
brought a commission granted by the Grauo Muurice, for
to fish in this country. But, when they saw our Kings
Maiostys Commission granted to the worshipful companie,
they told our generall that they would depart this coast,
haning our general's ticket to shew to their aduenturers
that they were there, and had made their port, and how he
would not suffer them to fish. We anchored close by the
French ship, wherein was Allane Sallis,* being ready to
fight if they refused to come aboord vs. So when we sent
our shallop, the master came presently, and their surgeon,
who could speake English. At the first, they denyed that
Sallas was aboord of them ; but, being hardly urged, they
confessed that hee and one Thomas Fisher, an English man,
was aboord, who were both presently sent for. This Sallas
was their pilot, and Fisher was their gunner.
The seuenth day, faire weather, we road still at anchor.
This day I obserued the latitude of the place, and found
LBt.78-24'. it jn 78° 24'. The variation of the compasse is, in this
place, 15° 21' west. About a north sunne, a small ship of
Biscay came into the harbour where we roade.
The eight day, for the most part snow, the windo south-
ward. This day the master of the French ship, being a ship
of nine score, or two hundred, called the Jaqiiea of Bur-
deaux, agreed with our generall that he might fish on the
coast: our generall was to have halfe the whales he could
kill. Also, this day the master of the ship of Rochel, and
the master of the small ship of Biscay, were agreed to
depart from the coast.
The ninth day, faire weather. This morning the Gama-
liel, our rear-admirall, and the Desire, weighed anchor to
goe for Greene-harbour, where two ships lay, one of Dun-
kerke, and the other of Saint Sebastian in Biscay. The
captaine of the Dunkirke, called Fopp, had beene with our
generall, and told him that he would depart from this coast.
Our generall gaue him leaue to take the pilot of the small
1 Allen Sallowes, an Eiiylisli pilot.
Ship of
pitikc, and thu other Dutch niuu he had takou of his, keep-
ing only the English men and the Scots ; also the two
ships of Holland, with the ship of Biscay, and that of
Jiochel weighed anchor, and departed from this harbour.
About sixe of the clocke in the afternoone came the master
of the ship of Saint Sebastian aboord of vs, being brought
by one of the masters mates of the Desire (they hauing
taken two of his shallops) to know our generals pleasure,
whether he should haue them againo or no. Our general]
gauo them him againe, vpon condition that he would depart
the coast. About a north north-west sunne, we weighed
anchor to goe for Horne-Sound, where we heard that there
were diners ships ; the wind northward ; a small gale.
The tenth day, faire weather, the winde at north, being
very close weather. About a north sunne, we came to an
anchor, in the entrance of Low Sound, where we saw two Low souiui.
ships ride at anchor. Our generall sent our shallop to
see what ships they were, who found them to bee the two
ships of Holland. Also our long boato went on shoare,
to set vp the Kings Maiesties armes vpou a low point
of laud, lying a great way off, called Low-nesse. We set
vp a crosse of wood, and nayled the armes vpon it.
The thirteenth day, in the moniing, it snowed very fufet,
being very thicke weather, the winde variable, we standing
off from the land. About seuen of the clock it began to
cleere vp, at which time we espied three ships ; and making
toward them, at length we perceiued them to be the three
ships which came from the bay where wo road ; the winde
also was at east and by south, and blew a very stiffe gale.
Then we stood in for the shoare, and spent most of this
day in turn vp Horne-Sound. And about a north north-
west sunne, at ten a clock, wee espied six ships l^ing at
anchor on the south side of the Sound, in a small bay.
The one of them was Captaine Fopp, the Dunkerker, who
came in before vs, and was appointed by our geuorall to
H!h Mflioa-
tioK AriiiOH
NOt ui> ut
• I i
i 1 '
; 1
!:l J
nmi., Master
auil I'ilot.
Ttl" 55'. Do-
d illation
«7- *»'.
la- 11'.
come into this harbour, and there to stay for vs, and to
goe to the Foreland, to haue his other ship which wo kept
there. Foure of them wore Biscaines of Saint Sebastian ;
and one of them was in the harbour where we road and
found the French ship. The sixt was a ship of Amsterdam
wherein Thomas Bonner was master and pilot, and aboue
twentie English men more. All the Biscaines came aboord
of vs, as soone as we were at an anchor; but Thomas
Bonner refused to come, being sent for by our generall.
Our generall commanded our gunner to shoot at him, he
himself discharging the second ordnance. Then presently
he began to set saile, and cut his cable, thinking to get
from vs ; but wee hauing shot him through three or foure
times, they began to weaue vs, so we sent our shallop and
he came aboord. There were fine or sixe more of the
English men fetched aboord, and some of our men sent to
bring her to an anchor, where she might ride safe, for shee
Avas almost run ashoare. This was about a north sunne, or
elouen a clocke. The Biscaines were charged presently to
depart, so soone aa they had filled fres vater, which they
said they wanted ; and to bring what whale finnes they had
found, or had taken, or other things.
The fourteenth day, faire weather, the winde at east
north-east. This morning, one of the Biscaines brought a
few whale finnes aboord of vs, and the skin of a beare,
which they had killed. Then was our boate-swaine sent
aboord of them to search their ships, and to bid them depart.
Our generall kept the Holland ship, wherein was Thomas
Bonner, to the vse of the Companie. This day I obserued
the latitude of this place by a quadrant of foure foote semi-
diameter, and found it to stand in 76° 55' : the declination
of the needle vnder tho horizon is 67° 30', pointing to the
northwards ; but pointing to the southwards, it is 80°.
Tho variation of tho corapasso is 12° 14' west, from tho
true meridian ; but from our commuu sayling compass it is
17°, because the compasao is touched five degrees and a
halfe to the eastward, and the variation is to the westward.
This day, in the afternoone, the foure ships of Biscay
departed from this harbour, which is called Home-sound ;
and about a north sunne, I, with the master, Thomas Sherin,
went ashore with other, to set vp another crosse with the
Kings Maiosties arms, cast in lead, naylod vpon it. Then
I obserued the sunne vpon his north meridian, by my fox*e-
said quadrant, and found it eleuated aboue the horizon
10° 30'; but because his height at the south meridian, and
his height at the north, did not agree in finding of the
latitude, I did abate fiue minnt-^j- from each, as the meane
betwixt both; for his altitude at the south meridian was
30° 40', the declination 23° 29'.
The fifteenth day, faire weather ; the winde in the morn-
ing south, but almost calme. This day, about noone, wo
weighed anchor with the ship of Amsterdam, and diners of
her men were fetched aboord vs with their shipper, and
some of our men were sent aboord her with one of our
masters mates, called Master Spencer. All this day it was
so calme, that wee were faine to towe our ship. Our cai'-
penter did trim vp two of the Biscaine shallops, which they
did leaue behind them, and they did leaue diuers hoopes
and caske [s ?] staued ashore.
The eighteenth day, faire weather ; the winde variable,
we stearing away northward. This afternoone wee met
with another ship of Biscay, being a ship of two or three
hundred tunnes. Our generall, as he did to the rest, caused
her master and pilot to come aboord vs, to whom be shewed
his commission, charging them to depart this countrey.
They, seeing no remedie, were content, so soone as they
had filled fresh water. We met with them off the south-
ward part of the Hand. Our generall being so neoro
Greene Harbour, where the Gamaliel and the Desire road,
wee went into the Sound to see them, with this great ship
i I
■i I
Coast of
of Biscay, and the ship of Amsterdam. We found that the
ouc"'^''"*"' entrance of Greene Harbour was quite stopped with ice, and
ran our ship into it, thinking to get through, but wee could
not. Then wee got her out againe and came to the bay,
where we roade on the other side of the sound in Pooppy
Bay, or Nickes Coue.
The nineteenth day, faire weather, the winde northward.
This day, about twelue of the clock, we came to an anchor
in the foresaid bay. This afternoone there came another
ship of Saint Sebastian into the bay where wee roade ; and
about seuen of the clock the captain came aboord of vs,
who told us that he had lost six of his men and a shallop
^2" on'the''' vpon the coast of Groineland, vpon an Hand in the latitude
of 72°, or thereabouts. This was the master which had
beene here last yeere, and made a great voyage. Master
Woodcocke being their pilot. His making so great a
voyage was the cause that so many ships were here this
The twentieth in the morning we had news that the
John and Francis was come about two days agoe, and that
they had killed one and twentie whales at the Foreland, and
had also killed two at Greene harbour- This day it was
very close weather with some snowe ; the winde north-west.
This afternoone the captains of the two Biscay ships were
commanded to depart this coast.
The one and twentieth wee perceiued another ship stand-
ing toward vs. Wee lessened our sailes, and stayed for
her to see what she was. At length we perceiued her to
bee another Biscaine. About a north sunne we came to an
anch or in Greene harbour, by the Gamaliel and the Desire,
and the ship of Burdeaux, and the Biscaine followed vs.
So soone as they were come to an anchor, their captaine
came aboord of vs, to whom our generall shewed his com-
mission, as he had done to the rest, charging him to depart
those coasts, and told him that hee would take awav some
Lat. 780 7',
of their shallops. They earnestly intreated him not to take
them away, and they would depart ; the captaine offering
his bond to our generall, that if he stayed either in Green-
land, Groineland, or Cherie Hand, he would willingly forfeit
all he was worth. There was another whale killed in Greene-
harbour, in the killing whereof there was a man slaine, and "''"
a boate ouerwhelmed by too much haste of following him,
after the harping iron was in him.
The three and twentieth day, faire weather, the winde
northward. This day and the last night I obserued the
latitude of the place where we roade, and found it by both
to bee in the latitude of 78° 7' ; the skie at both obserua- Note
tions being very cleere, where I find that there is no
sensible error betweene a south obseruation and a north,
the skie being cleare. But if the skie be hasie, there will
be some difference as of eight or ten minutes, being ob-
serued on shore by some large quadrant or other instru-
ment for the purpose ; also a south south-west moone, by South west
the common compasse, maketh a fuUe sea in this place.^ maketh a
The ninth of July, faire weather, the winde at north. '>'"'^-
This day wee stood to the southward along the Hand ; but
toward night it fell calme, and then the winde came to the
west. The tenth day, faire weather, but thicke and close,
the winde south south-west. All this day we stood for
Bel-sound.^ Our generall went on slioare this afternoone,
and killed foure deere, and brought a young morse aliue
with him aboord.
The eleuenth day, faire weather, but calme. This after-
noone wee perceiued fine shippes in a bay in Bel-sound.
* On the 27th of June the T'njcr ieturned to Sir Thomas Smyth's
Bay, rejoining the Matthew. Dm-ing her cruise aa a u-a/ter, she had
met seventeen ships, — four from Holland, two from Dunkirk, four from
St. Jean de Luz, and seven from San Sebastian. All their commanders
had submitted to the English commander, and had agreed either to leave
the coast or to remain upon such conditions as he proposed to theni.
2 So named by Jonas Poole in IGIO,
I : '! I i
It I
' I
The winde was so calme that wee were faine to towe in our
shippes, and about a north north-west sunne we came to
an anchor by them, with our three ships, Diz., the Tigre,
admirall ; the Matthew, vice-admirall ; and the Richard and
Barnard, hauing made all things readie for to fight. These
fiue shippes which rid here, the one was a great shippe of
ABiFcayan Biscav, of seucn hundred tunnes,^ and two Hollanders,
ship of 7()0 •' .
tuns. which we found the sixt of June in Pooppy-bay, and one
small pinke of Amsterdam, and another smal shippe of
Rocholle. This great shippe of Biscay, which we expected
would have fought with vs, sent their captaine aboord of
vs before we came to an anchor, and submitted themselues
vnto the generall. The two ships of Amsterdam, whose
masters names were these, viz., Cornelius Calias, William
Vermogan, admirall, and John Jacob, vice-admirall ; these
two would gladly haue stood out with vs, if the Biscaine
would haue assisted them.
The twelfth day, faire weather. This day the ship of
John Jacobs was vnderladen of such goods as shee had in
her J as oyle, blubber, and morses skinnes. The thirteenth
day I was sent in a shallop to Greene Harborough.
The foureteenth day, thicke close weather, the winde
northward ; but towarde noone it began to cleare vp, and
then it blew more winde. About a west sunne, we came
to a small Hand, or rather a rock, where morses vse to
come; where we found seauen which we killed, and
knocked out their teeth, and let them lye. In this place
are many of these rockes, where are great multitudes of
foule, and they are called Lizets Hands. The land all along
is so full of rockes, that it is vnpossible for any shippe to
come neere the maine, but in the sands, which are very
deepe and good to come in. All this euening and night
wee rowed betweene tliis Hand and Ice-sound.^
^ She was a ship of St. Jean de Luz, of 800 tons, called the Michael dc
Arhtega. ^ So named by Jonas Poole in 1612.
rockes full
of Fowle.
The fifteenth day, about nine or tenne o'clock, we came
to the shippes in Greene Harborough, where we found that
they had killed eighteene whales in all. Foure of these ^^^I'es''
ships were French-men, which had killed eight whales for '""^•
the Companie, according to the agreement which the
general] had made with them ; which was, that they should
kill eight for vs, and after, what they could kill should be
for themselues. Our English men had killed three in this w'jmios
place, and the Baskes in the Desire also three. The Desire uleKngLu.
had taken in an hundred tunnes of oyle when wee came
there, and she was to be laden so soone as she could.
The seauenteenth day, also faire weather, the winde
northward. This day, toward a west sunne, the master of
the French shippe came from Sea-horse Bay, who went
thither to speak with our generall; because Master Mason
and Master Cooper had stayed his shallops from going to
sea, in regard they would not obserue the orders which the
generall had appointed them ; which were, that those
whales which our Englishmen did chase, they should not
follow ; nor our men should not follow the whales they
chased. For the order of the Biscaines is, that whoso
doth strike the first harping iron into him, it is his whale,
if his iron hold. This euening, I say, he returned from
Sea-horse Bay, hauing lost his labour; for the generall and
Master Edge were in Bell-sound. We vnderstood by him,
that they had killed some eight and thirtio whales in all ; SJfrty*"'^
and that there was one hundred and sixtie tunnes of oyle killed^
ready made. The fine and twentieth day in the morning,
the Desire weighed anchor to go to the generall, and the
master of the French ship also this morning went from
thence to speake with the generall, because of a whale
which was in strife betvveene his Biscaines and ours ; when,
for pilfering, and for some peremptorie speeches, two of
the Rochellers were ducked at our yard arine, the one on
the one side, and the other on the other. This day I also
! H
August 1.
Latitude 77* 770
40'. ' *
13« U'.
obserued the latitude of this place, and found it to be
40'. Also, the variation of the compasse is 13° 11'
west. This variation was obserued the thii'd of August, in
the morning ; the height of the sun above the horizon was
17° 24', and the declination was 14° 41' north in the lati-
tude of 77° 40', and his magnetical azimuth was G3 from
south to east. The ninth day we had sight of Master
Bonners ship, wherein was Master Marmaduke,^ who had
beene to the northward as farre as Faire-hauen ; and now,
as he said, ne was bound to the southward, to discouer
beyoL P ooke-out, hauing his direction from Master
Edge, as i; - .1. Our generall told him that hee had
hindered the voyage more by his absence then his dis-
couarie v»ol 'rofi' • .nd that it were best that he went
back with him to tUe . oi"^' ind, and that he would giue no
licence to go now for discouerie, because the yeare was far
spent J but bad him, according to his commission, so to
proceede. The twelfth day I obserued, and found the
latitude of this place, by an exact obseruation, to be in
latitude 79'> 790 ^^> rpjjgy ^^ ^^^ Pooppy Bay had seen a ship of Eng-
This was
ship of 1 Fotherbv says that Thomas Marmaduke was Captain of the Vice-
London. J J tr
Admiral. He was a Hull man, and Jonas Poole mentions that in the
previous year, 1G12, he had gone as far north as 82°, in a ship called the
Hopewell. In 1611 he was in the Spitzbergen Sea, in command of a
Hull vessel, and gave the shipwrecked crew of Poole's ship, the Eliza-
beth, a passage home.
Captain Markham (Northicard Ho! pp. 42, 43) thinks that there is a
mistake with regard to Marinaduke having reached 82°; arising from his
commanding the Hopewell, the same vessel in which Hudson, in ICOG,
nearly reached that latitude.
In 1617 Thomas Marmaduke of Hull presented a petition to King
James. He represented tliat he could prove the shortest way to Cathay
to be by the north-east, whicli for six months in the year is navigable,
without impediment. He asked to be set out to make the passage at
the king's charge, or for leave for himself and friends to undertake it.
I cannot find what was the fate of this petition, or the subsequent his-
tory of Marmaduke.
79- B'.
land off Black-point, and had spoken with her, who told
them that they were come from Kildeene.
The foureteenth day, faire weather, the wind at north
north-east. This day, about tenne a clocke in the fore-
noone, we waied anchor to goe homeward, being sixe ships
in company, viz., the Tigre admirall, the Gamaliel vice-
admirall, the John and Frances, the Aunida, the ship of
Burdeaux, which the generall agreed to fish in Greene-
harborough, and the Biscay ship which fished in Sir Thomas
Smith's Bay.i
The fifteenth day very faire weather, all the forenoone
almost calme; in the afternoone an easie gale at north-
east. This day, about twelue a clocke at noone, wee were
against Faire-Foreland, which is in the latitude of 79° 8'.
This night was very cleere and faire weather, and also
calme, by which meanes I had very good opportunitie to
finde the sunnes refraction. For, beholding it about a north f,^"i^"°"
north-east sunne, by the common compasse, at which time
the sunne was at the lowest, it was but one fifth part of his
body aboue the horizon, hauing about foure fifth parts
below, so neere as I could gesse. His declination for that
instant was 10° 35' north, being at noone in the 2° 7' of
Virgo, his daily motion was 58', who ; halfe beeing nine-
teen^ to bee added to the former, because it was at twelue
houres afore noone. I say his place at that instant was
2° 26' of Virgo, whose declination was as before, 10° 35' ;
the latitude of the place was 78° 47', whose complement
was 11° 13', the declination being subtracted from the com-
plement of the poles eleuation, leauoth 38', foure fine part
of which 12'; which, being subtracted from 38, leaueth Note.
26' for the refraction. But I suppose the refraction is more
or lesse according as the ay re is thicke or cleare, which I
* The Matthew, Desire, and Richard and Barnard, had previously
sailed for England on the 31st of July, and arrived safely at filackwall
on the 23rd of August, well laden with oil and skins.
'■^ Twenty-nine?
!■ 1
leauo for better schollers to discusse : but this I thought
good to note, for the better helpe of such as doe professe
this studie.
The sixteenth day also very faire weather, and for the
most part calme ; the winde that was, was at north-west.
This morning we espied a ship out in the offen, ouer
against Cold cape, which we stood with, and she also stood
with vs ; and when we came to her, wee found her to bo
the Desire, a shippe of Alborough. Our generall sent for
the master and merchant aboord of vs, who certified him
that they came from Killedeene, and that they had made
but a bad voyage of fish j and they were come to see if we
could fraight them home. The merchant was of London,
Mr. Curiner ^hose name was Master Cudner: the masters name was
of London. '
Fletcher, who also brought sixe men, which Thomas Bonner
had left at Cherie Hand. These sixe men had killed but
one morse all this yeere at the Hand ; who also told vs that
William Gourdon was gone to the northwards. At noone,
the three and twentieth day, I obserued the variation of
the compasse, and found it to be 1° 5' east.
The three and twentieth day faire weather, with a fine
gale at north and by east, we stearing away south and by
west halfe south, being at noone, by supposition, in the
latitude of 69°, no minutes, hauing sailed, since yesterday
noone, some thirty leagues south, true.
The foure and twentieth day, very faire weather and
cleere, the winde all the fore-noone northwards, but about
noone it came to the south-east. This morning I obserued
the middle starre in the great beares tayle, and found it to
be in the latitude of 68° 24' about two a clocke, at which
time that starre was on the meridian vnder the pole. Also
I obserued the starre in the beares rump about one a clock,
and found the like latitude. Also all this day we had sight
or°Ro8ten^' of Rost Ilauds/ being about ten or eleuen leagues off vs.
^ Roost, the most southern of the liOfoden Islands.
Also at noone I obserued the latitude by the sunne, and
found V8 to be in the latitude of 68°, no minutes, which
did agree with the former obseruations by the starres.
Also the variation of this place is 4° 8' east from the true
meridian, wee hauing ranne, since yesterday noone, some
two and twentie leagues south and by west. Almost all
the afternoon it was almost calme.
The fiue and twentieth day also very fairo weather, the
winde this morning came to the east south-east a fine easie
gale. We steered away south and by west half west ten
leagues, being at noone in the latitude of 67° 5'. The
variation of this place is 5° 3' east, neere to the set of our
compasse. This euening the winde came to the south
south-west, which continued about two watches.
The nine and twentieth day faire weather, with a good
gale of winde at north north-east. From two this last
night to sixe we stood away south-west and by south ; and
at sixe we steered away south south-tvest, being at noone,
by obseruation, in 62°, no minutes. The land about Scoutes-
nesse lyeth in this sort : from sixtie three toward sixtie two,
it is nineteen leagues south south-west halfe westward j
from thence ten leagues south and by west, which is two
or three Hands, which are the westwardest land in Norway,
lying in the latitude of 62° 44'. But whether these Islands,
or a point of land which lyeth about three or foure leagues
more to the north, be called Scoutesnesse, I know not.
The sixt of September we entered the Thames.
68» no min.
6" 3' Kast.
6" 3' Kost.
The lyinR
of the land
Another account, probably written by ROBERT FOTHERBY.»
A Short Discourse of a Voyage made in the Yeare of Our Lord
1613, to the Late Discouercd Countiye of Greenland; and
a Briefe Discription of the same Countrie, and the
Comodities ther raised to the Adventurers.
In the month of May 1613, seaven good ships bound for
Greenland,^ were sett forth from the port of London,
beeing furnished with victualls and other prouision neces-
sarie for the killing of the whale, and twenty-four Basks,
who ar men best experienced in that facultie, at the chardgo
and aduenture of the right worshipfuU Sir Thomas Smith,
knight, and of the rest of the companie of merchants
tradeing into Moscouia, called the Merchants of Newe
Trades and Discoveries.
1 The manuscript of this journal was formerly in possession of Deacon
James Green, a merchant of Boston, who died about the beginning of
the present century. His daughter, Mrs, Nabby Richmond, gave it to
Benjamin R. Howland in 1808. From him it passed to the Honourable
John Howland, the late President of the Rhode Island Historical Society,
who transferred it to the American Antiquarian Society in 1814. The
manuscript is a folio, with wide margins, neatly written and illustrated
with a map of Spitzbergen (mutilated), and sketches in water-colour.
The leaves are stitched into a thick parchment cover. It was first
printed in the Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian
Society (1860), vol. iv, p. 285, and edited by Mr. Samuel F. Haven, who
gives reasons for the belief that Robert Fotherby was the author.
^ Spitzbergen.
In this fleet, Mr. Beniamin Joseph, of London, was chiefo
captaine and cornmissionor, a man very sufficient and worthy
of his place. A shippe called the Tirjcr, of burthen 200
tonnes, was admirall ; the Mnthew, of 250 tonnes, vice
admirall j and the Gamaliel, of 200 tonnes, rere admirall ;
the fourth, the John and Francis, of 180 tonnes; the sixth,
the Annla, of 140 tonnes j and the seuenth, the Richard and
Barnard, a piniace of GO tonnes, intended for further dis*-
Wee came to Graucsend the 30th of April, where we staied
but one tide, and then weyed anchor about 6 a'clock at
the euening, and plied to Tilberry Hope, remaininp^ there
all night. The next niorneing, beeing the first of Maye,
wee anchored againe in Lee lloade, where wo continued
till the -Ith of Maye, the wind keeping contrario to us,
blew betwixt north and north-east.
The 4th dale, about 3 a'clock afternoone, wee entered
into the swaile at Quinborowc,^ and rid at anchor there
till the 13th of Maye. In which time, namelie, on the 7th
of Mayo, the kings ships came by us on their retourno
out of Holland, from transporting the Count Palatine,
and the Ladie Elizabeth, the kings onely daughter. Before
they came neere us wee caused our flaggs to be furl'd up,
and when they passed by us, our admirall shott off 7
peeces of ordnance, our vice admirall 5, and our rere
admirall 3 ; and the rest of our fleet, ech of them, one.
The Great Admirall of England, called the Prince, gaue us
3 peeces, and the rest of the kings ships each of them one.^
The 13th of Maye, about 9 a clock in the morneing,
* Qucenboroiigl).
2 The Princess Elizabeth, who was destined to experience so much
misfortune, was married to the Count Pahitine, Frederic V, on St.
Valentine's Day, with an expense and magnificence before unknown in
England. They were conveyed to Flanders in great state by the Lord
Admiral, the Earl of Nottingham, with eight of the king's ships, besides
transports for baggage.
Our (lopar.
turn from
Wee ariued
on the
WOO came fortlio of the Swailo, and passed by the Sandes
called the Spitts^ holdeing our courso north-e'\st and north
The 14th daie, about noone, wee lost sight of the Cro-
mershield, which is a cape on the coast of Norfoike, and
was the iHst land of England that we sawe, being outward
bound. Then wee stear'd awaiu north, inaintaineing that
course till the 22nd of Maye.
On the 21st daie wee had lost sight of land againe upon
the coast of Norwaye, before wee came to the bay of Rosse,
beareing from us east and by north, and distant about nine
leagues, in the latitude of 61° 20', found by obseruation.
Then, on the 22nd wee directed our course more easterlie,
as north-and-by-eust, and north north-east.
The 24th, wee were in the latitude of 67° 36', while
the sunne was in the horison, at the time of midnight, and
after that time wee had continuall dailight dureing our
voyage ; till, in our retourne homeward, wee had the sunne
againe in the circle of the horison, when he came to the
north of our meridian, in the latitude of 75°, on the 2nd
of August.
The 30th of Maye, about 4 a clock in the morneing, wee
descried our wisht-for coast of Greenland,^ being all our
ships in company ; and wee had bene but 1 7 daies at sea,
viz., from the 13th till the 30th of Maye, haueing sailed,
according to the difference of latitude and longitude, by
an arch of a great circle 500 leagues, and according to
the ship's way, by our account on dead reckoning, 514
Then we plied nearer to the shoare, and discerned the
mountains to be couered with snowe; notwithstanding,
wee had no trouble with ice all this while, as wee expected;
for it was almost all voided er wee came ther. Nowe wee
coasted along towards Sr. Thomas Smyth's Baye, passing
' Spitzbergen.
on the wesf, side of Prince Charles his Hand, by reason of
a barro that is betwixt the iland and the maine continent
of the land, which hinders us to passe with our ships
that waio.
The Ist of June, wee were becalm'd on the south-west
side of the iland, about fine leagues from the shoare, where
I obserued the north sunne, at the time of midnight, to bo
11° 15' high; sp, concludeing the latitude in that place
to be 78' 5' (the sunre's declination for that daie being
23° 10').
The 2nd of June, haueing gotten a little more northward,
and beeing on the best side of the iland, againe becalm'd,
about three leagues distant from the shoare, I and Joh. Wil-
mote, one of the master's mates, with G more of our sailors,
went ashore in a Biska shallop, purpo oing to kill some
deare and some wild fowlo ; and to that end wee took with
us such dogs as wee had in our ship,^ viz., a grewhownd,
a mastiffe, and a water spaniell, and two fowleing-pieces,
with shott and powder.
We landed upon a hard shingle, comeing close to the
shore with our boat, there being no ice to keep us off;
notwithstanding, upon fiue or six rocks, near the shore
side, there laie a great quantitie of ice, which couered
them in such sorte, that the hollowness or distances be-
twixt one rock and another, appeared under the ice like
vaulted caues. After that wee were landed upon the
shingle, the ice or congealed snowe was so high upon the
shoare, that it withstood vs like a strong wall, to pass anie
further ; wherefore wee wer faine one to help up another,
it beeing mor than a man's height in thickness, and haueing
manie long isicles hanging in diuers places.
When wee were up, and had gone about two roods, wee
might perceaue that wee were upon the ground or sand ;
yett could not see it by reason of the snowe. Then wee
1 The Mathew.
did look about if we could see any deere ; and presentlie
espied one buck, whereupon we dispersed oarselues seuerall
waies, to gett betwixt him and the monntaines, slipping
sometimes to the mid leg into the snowe, which, for the
most part, did beare vs above. In our waie wee went ouer
two or three bare spots that were full of flatt stones, whereon
ther grew a certaine white mosse, which, it seems, the
deare doe feed upon at the first beginning of their somer ;
for theise spotts were full of their ordure; and besides,
wee then sawe not any other thing for them to line on.
Before that wee came near the buck which wee first
espied, wee sawe four more not farre from him, and two in
another place, and therefore we hounded at the fairest
heard; but then they came all one waie together, and
(avoideing all circumstances) we kill'd three of them, being
all bucks, which we found then to be but pore rascals, yet
verie good meat, as we presentlie made tryall and tasted.
For, finding ther (as ther is in all places of the countreye)
great store of drift wood, which the sea bestowes on the
barren land, and being also well prouided of hunter's
sauce, wee made a fier and broiled some of our venison,
and did eat thereof with very good appetites ; much like
to that in Virgil, of ^neas and his companions : —
" Ac primum silici scintillam exaudit Achates^
Susceptiq. ignem lignin^
Pars in frusta secant verubtisque^ trementia figiiut
Turn victu reuocamus vires."
Beeing thus well refreshed, wee were willing to have
killed more venison, because wee needed not to use much
labour in hunteing for our game; for the deare that had
latelie escaped us were not gon farre from us. But the
* Master's mate.
3 *' Folia enim nulla caduut ubi est ncq flos nee arbos.'
3 Wooden spit.
r ;1
aire began to be so thicke and foggie, that wee aduised
better to goe presentlie a-board with that which wee had
alreadie gotten, least that the fog, increasing, might haue
made vs lose sight of our ship ; therefore wee made speedie
waie towards her, and came aboord about 11 o'clock, before
the time of midnight.
Then wee continued still becalm'd till the next morning,
and then were so befriended with a fresh gale of winde
that wee sailed to the north end of the iland with a flowen
sheat ; and makeing manie boards, wee plied into Sir Tho.
Smyth's Baye, where we anchored about 8 a clock that euening.
When we came to an anchor, then the Basks, our whale ^ee har-
' ' boured in
strikers, went presentlie back againe to the Foreland' with f^yths"
their shallops, ther to attend the coming-in of the whales ; ^*^*'
and when our men had taken some rest, they carried ashoare
our coppers cask, and other prouisions for makeing of
oile, and prepared all things ready for use as speedilie as
we could. For newes was brought us in the morneing,
that the Basks had kil'd a whale ; therefore we hasted to
sett up our fournaces and coppers, and presentlie began
work, which we continued (God be thanked) without any
want of whales, till our voyage was made ; not receaueing
anie intermission of rest, but onlie on the Saboth daie.
For when some slept, others wrought ; and haueing a con-
tinual daie, wee alowed no time of night for all men to
sleepe at once, but maintained work from Sundaie about
5 a clock afternoone, till Saturdaie at 12 o'clock, in time
of midnight, dureing which time cur men receaued no
other recreation from work and sleep, but onlie the time of
eateing their meat, whereof they had suflBcient, thrice in
every twenty-four howers ; and besides, some of them had
alowed aquauitae at ech four bower's end.
The next daie after that we came into harbour, word was
brought our general from Green Harbour (a place where
1 The northern extremity of I'rince Charles's Island.
three ships of our fleet put in to make this voyage) that
fiue ships, French and Spanish, wer come into Ice Sound,
and intended there to fish for the whale ; upon which occa-
sion the Tiger, our admirall, weyed anchor the 5th of June,
and being well man'd with sixty suflBcient men, went out
of harbour from us towards Ice Sound, where, when he
came, he found the aforesaid ships, according to the in-
formation, and anchored close by them. Then he hailed
the captains and masters of theise ships to come presentlie
aboord him, which they performeing accordinglie, he
shewed them the King's Majesties patent, graunted to the
Merchants of Newe Trades and Discoueries, and therwithall
his coraission, forbidding them, by the authoritie thereof,
to make anie longer aboad ther, or in anie parte of the
countrey, at their perills. Wbereupon they, not knowing
how to remedie themselues, did all promise to departe,
desireing a note from our general, wherby they might
certefie their setters-forth, that thev had bene in the coun-
trye, except one ship of Burdeux, called the Jaques, wherof
was Maister Peirce de Siluator, who was permitted to staie,
upon condition that he should first kill 8 whales for us,
and then to kill more what he could for himself, and by this
conclusion he made a good voyage; for he kil'd 12 whales
in all, wherof we had eight, and he had 4.
Then did our admirall continue as a wafter alongst the
coast till the 27th of June, and then he came to us againe
into Sir Thomas Smyth's Baye. In which time of his
absence he had mett with 17 ships, viz., 4 of Holland,
2 of Dunkirk, 4 of St. John de Luz, and 7 of San Sebas-
tian's. The commanders of all those ships had sub-
mitted to our general ; and were content either to departe
out of the country, or els to staie upon such condicons
as he propounded unto them.
On the 8th of June, about 11a clock, before the time of
midnight, Mr. Marmaduke, who was cuptaine of our vice
admiral], and I, with 6 or 7 sailors, went in a shallop to
the beach at the barre, marked with a'/ to cause our men
gather drift wood together, and laie it readie at the
waters side, to lade a small Flemish flie boat, that was to
come hither to fetch it. Upon this beach, wee saw lieing
ther, by our estimacion, neare 300 morses, at the verie
point or end of it ; but wee could not go too near them,
for disturbing them. When the flie boat came to take
in the wood, Mr. Marmaduke and I came awaie in the
shallop; and haueing present occasion to use a peece of
straight timber about our crane, before the flie boat could
be loaded, wee caused the men that rowed the shallop to
towe a tree after them. Nowe, when wee had put oflf a
little from the shoare, there came flue or six morses swim-
ming hard by us and about us ; some of them coming so
near the sterne of the bote that we called for our launces,
purposeing to strike them. They would, diners times, laie
their teeth upon the tree which we towed (as it were
scratching the wood with their teeth), but wee still rowed
awaie, and at length they left us. Then we passed through
a great deale of small ice, and sawe, upon some peices, two
morses, and upon some, one ; and also diners scales, layeing
upon peices of ice.
The 19th of June wee Tiad a verie great storme, the winde ^rbour° *°
beeing at south south-west, which was like to haue driuen
our ships upon the shoare ; and haueing three dead whales
floating at the sternes of our ships, wee were glad to cut
the hawsers that they were tyed in, and to lett them driue
a shoare; because we feared that otherwise they would
haue caused our ships either to break their cables, or to
haile home their anchors, and to be driuen upon the shoare.
When the storm ceast, haueing continued about 6 howers,
the water fell from the shoare, and wee saw two of the
whales lie c^st upon the shoare, and the water fain from
> The bar may be see on the map, but tbe '' a" is wanting.
'I m
them againe. The third whale was driuen farther oflF, but
wee found him againe cast upon the shoare, hauing lost all
his finnes^ out of his mouth. Ther was also, at the same
time, 5 whale's heads driuen ashoare, with tonngs and
finnes in them, wherby some labour was saued, which should
otherwise haue been bestowed about hailing them ashoare,
for the cutting out of the fins.
The 21st of June, there came a white beare down from
the mountaines, and took into Fresh-water Baye, which is
the water you see marked with e, within Sr. Thomas
Smith's Baye,^ and Thomas Wilkinson, one of the master's
mates in the Matthew, vice-admirall, went forth in a
shallop, and shott him with a peece as he was swimming,
and kil'd him, and brought him to the shoare.
In this harbour ther haue been killed mor whales than
in anie other, but verie fewe deare ; notwithstanding ther
haue been slaine in this country, this voyage, about four
hundred deare. Wee kil'd very few morses, by reason the
whales came so fast, that wee could not have a fitt oppor-
tunitie to goe about that buisines ; although ther was said
to be at one time about 500 morses upon the beach before
mencioned ; to which place wee went, prepared for their
slaughter, the sixt of Julie, and found ther but about 40,
wherof wee killed 32, and wee took their hides, their fat,
and their teeth.
We killed also good store of wild fowle, as wild geese,
culuerdumes, willocks, and such like, and some white land
partridges. Wee caught manie young foxes, which wee
made as tame and familiar as spaniell-whelpes. I brought
one of them out of the country, till we came to the coast
of England, and ther he died.
^ Whale-bone they called whale's fios.
^ The position here referred to, belonged to a part of the map that was
mutilated ; and, although the outline has been restored, the locality
above-mentioned cannot be precisely indicated.
We wayed
Oa the 24th of June, the Maihew began to take in hir
ladeing, and was fully freighted the 6th of July with 184
tonnes of oyle, and 5,000 finnes, which wer in 100 bundles,
each containeing 50.
On the 8 th of July the Matheiu, and the Richard and aiK!iro""^out
Barnard (which was laded with oile and finnes), weighed sm. iJaye.'
anchor forth of Sir Thomas Smyth's Baye, with purpose to
come presentlie for England ; and the Tiger, our admirall,
came also forth with us to waft us alongst the coast of
Greenland.^ But, putting into Bel Sound the 11th of July,
expecting to find some strangers there, wee espied accord-
inglie 5 ships at anchor on the west side of Joseph's
Baye. One of them seemed unto us to be a verie great
ship, as indeed she was ; and other two of them seemed
also to be good stowt ships. And therefore wee, supposing
them to be such as would withstand vs, resolued to feight
with them, and made spedie preparation accordinglie,
hanging our waist-cloths and clearing our decks, that the
ordnance might have room to plaie; and made readie all
our munition, ech one addressing himself with a forward
resolucion to perform a man's parte so well as he could.
This was about 9 o'clock, before the time of midnight,
the sunne shining very bright, and the aire being very
cleare, and so calme that wee caused ye saylers with
boats and shallops to rowe ahead of our ships, and towe
them into the hai'bour. When wee came neare them, the
captain of the great ship, whose name was Michael de
Aristega (his ship being of St. John de Luz, of burthen 800
tonnes), came in a shallop abord our admirall, submitting
himself and his goods unto our generall, and tould him
that ther were two ships of the Hollanders, who had
insulted over him, and would not suffer him to fish for
the whale but upon such condicons as they propounded
unto him, namely, that the Hollanders, hauing but 3 shal-
^ By Greenland, in this uarrativo, is always meant Spitsbergen.
1 1 1 1
Wee an-
Bgaine in
lops, and he 7 furnished with whale strikers, they
should all joine together ; and the Hollanders not onlie
to haue the one-half of all the whales that should be
kil'd, but also to haue the first whale that was stricken
wholie to themselves, ouer and besides the half of the rest.
And he further tould the general that the Hollanders would
haue persuaded him to combine with them against us, and
to beate us out of the countrye. Then the generall willed
him to goe aboard againe of his own ship, and keepe his
men in quietnes, and he would deale well enough with the
Hollanders. So, passing further on, they were knowen to
be 2 ships of Amsterdam, which our admirall had formelie
mett withall, and dischardged to staie in ye country. Then,
comeing by close to them, our admirall anchored on one side of
them and our vice-admirall on the other ; but they, as men
unwilling to be depriued of the ritches they had gotten,
allthough unable by force to hold them, kept out their flags
— the one in the maine-top, and the other in the fore-top,
as admirall and vice-admirall. Then our generall comanded
the maisters to come aboard his ship, which they, doeing,
he chardged them with the breach of their promise for-
merlie made unto him — viz., that they would departe out
of the country. Then, after some other speeches, he, not
finding them willing to resigne the goods they had gotten —
as whale oil and finnes — tould them that they must not think
to Carrie anie of it awaie, seeing that they did so sleightlie
esteeme the King's ma'ties grant formerlie shewed them ;
therefore, he bad them go againe to their owne ships, and
they should have half an bower's space to consider and
aduise with themselues what to doe ; and if they thought
fitt to give him further answer before the glasse were runne
out, then good it were ; otherwise, if they would not then
yield their goods, he would feight with them for them.
So ech of them went aboard his own ship, and, without anie
long deliberation caused their flags to be taken in ; and
retourniug to our generally yeilded their goods to our
disposing. Nowe, although it was intended that our two
laded ships should go presentlie for England notwith-
standing, it was thought fitting not to leave our admirall
alone amongst his oflFended neighbours ; and, therefore, wee
staied till the two Hollanders were gon, who (being dis-
possessed of some oile and finnes they had alreadie stowed in
their ships, and also of some dead whales that were floateing
at their ship's side) went forth of harbour, one of them the
J 5th, and the other the 18th of July.
The great ship of St. John de Luz staied still, the cap-
taine of hir being content that his men should hould on
their work, and his whale-strikers to continue fishing, upon
coudicon granted that he should onelie haue one-half the
oile he should make. There were also in the same har-
bour 2 small ships, the one of Biska, and the other a Flemish
flie boat ; besides another little pinace of St. John de Luz
which was on the east side of the iland, within L. Eiesmere
Baye, marked with b.
On the 23rd of July, about 9 o'clock in the euening, wee
sent forth two shallops with men, to goe kill some venison,
who retoumed againe with 1 7 bucks and does slaine ; yet
had they no dog with them, onelie peeces ; and they
brought also aboard the skinne of a white bear, which they
The 2oth July, the Desire came to us in to Joseph's Bay,
out of Green Harbour, and tooke in thirty tonnes of blubber,
to make up hir full ladeing ; for shee was to come with us,
one of the first, for England.
The 29th of July wee had some trouble with great ice ; wee were
,, . , -ii-iii'i troubled
the waters being verie rough, and the winde bloweing hard with ice.
at east south east, which brought some ilands of ice towards
our ships, wherof some fell 'thwart our hauses, so that wee
were faine, with pikes and oares, to keepe it cleare of our
ships ; and also glad to lett fall our slieat-anchor, to keep
us from being driuen upon the lee shoare.
In this harbour, ther was killed a great store of veni-
son, 3 or 4 white beares, and some sea morses, which
the Hollanders had slaine and flayed before wee came
thither; for ther laie their bodies, without either fatt,
skinnes, or teeth.
One thing more I obserued in this harbour, which I haue
thought good also to sett down. Purposeing, on a time, to
walk towards the mountaines, I, and two more of my com-
panie, ascended up a long plaine hill, as wee supposed it to
be ; but hauing gon a while upon it, wee perceued it to be
ice. Notwithstanding, we proceeded higher up, about the
length of half a mile, and as we went, sawe manie deepe
rifts or gutters on the land of ice, which were crackt downe
thorowe to the ground, or, at the least, an exceeding great
depth ; as we might well perceiue by heareing the snowe
water run below e, as it does oftentimes, in a brook whose
current is somewhat opposed with little stones. But for
better satisfacon, I brake down some peeces of ice with a
staffe I had in my hand, which, in their falling made a noise
on ech side, much like to a peice of glasse throwen downe
the well within Doner Castle, wherby wee did aestimate the
thicknes or height of this ice to be thirty fathomes. This
huge ice, in my opinion, is nothing but snowe, which from
time to time has, for the most parte, bene driuen of the
mountaines ; and so continueing and increasing all the time
of winter (which may be counted three quarters of the
yeare), cannot possiblie be consumed with the thawe of so
short a somer, but is onelie a little dissolued to moisture,
wherby it becomes more compact, and with the quick
succeeding frost is congealed to a firme ice. And thus it is
like still to encroase, as (I think) it hath done since the
world's creation.
On Saturday, the 31st of Julye, about 5 o'clock in the
afternoone, wee weyed anchor out of Joseph's Buy to come f)ij:V'*"."
for England, namelie, the Matthew, the Desire, and die '"'"'•
Richard and Barnard; leaning ther our admirall the Tujer,
and the great ship of St. John de Luz. At 9 o'clock that
euening wee weave at sea, about 6 leagues from the laud,
and then directed our course for Cherrie Hand, south and
by east. The next daie, being the 1st of August, about
8 a clock before noone, there came a shallop aboard the
Desire, with 11 Dutchmen that belonged to one of the
Hollander's ships that we had latelie sent forth of Bui
Sound. The reason of their so comeing was this : sixe of
these men had gon ashoare from their ship to kill some
venison, and landeing at the time of a high water, they
made fast their shallop, and so left her, safe enough, as they
supposed, and went up into the land j but when the water
fell againe, the shallop was splitt upon a rock, and by that
meanes they were forced to staie ther; nowe, they that
were in the ship, considering that their fellowes staied verie
long, began to doubt of some unwelcome euent, that
hindered their retourne; and therfore they sent 5 men
more, in another shallop, to knowe the cause of their so
long absence. When these men last sent forth came
ashoare, they found the other men, who tould them the
occasion of their staie. Then went they all aboard the
shallop, and rowed towards their ship; but the aire was
growen to be verie mistie, and such a thick fog increased,
that they could not by anie meanes find their ship, wherfore
they were faine to row to the shoare againe.
Then followed stormie weather, the winde bloweing of the
shoare, which caused the ship to haile further of to sea ; so
that when the aire was cleeare. notwithstanding, they could
not see her ; wherby they were much discouraged, being
in a place that could yeild them but little comforte. And
there they contynued 8 daies, in which time they lieued
with the flesh of 2 bucks and a beare, which they had
killed, being eleuen men; and mor they could not kill,
because their powder was spent. Then seeing our ships
come by, they rowed fast and came aboard of us ; and so
wee brought them into England, wher they had some monie
alowed them for their work at sea, by the Company of
Moscouy Merchants, although (God bo praised) wee neuer
stood any need of tlieir helpe; and so they were free to
departe homeward, when they could gett shipping.
On the 3rd of August wee were about 10 leagues distant
from Cherry Hand, but could not see it by reason of ill
weat aer j the winde being contrarie, not suffering us to
touch thor, as wee intended ; therfore wee steered awaie,
south-and-by-west and south south-west, for England.
After this daie the sunne began to sett, and to bo de-
pressed under the horizon at midnight ; the nights began
to lengthen, and starres to beare vewe. On the 16th of
August, Mr. Greene, one of the master's mates, died in
the Matthewe, about 10 a clock before noone ; and, about
4 a clock in the afternoone he was cast ouerboard, and a
peice of ordnance shott of.
weoarrived The 18th of August, about 5 aclock in the momeing,
wee fell in with the coast of England, and descried land
about HuntcliflF Foot, which is northward from Scarborough,
on the coast of Yeorkshire, and was the first land that wee
sawe after wee lost sight of Greenland.
The next daie, about 3 a clock afternoone, wee anchored
in Winterton Roade, which is six miles from Yarmouth.
Riichored in Then I caused the shallop to be taken out, and 6 sailors
Road. to gett me ashoare, within 2 miles of Yarmouth, wher I
lodged that night ; and having prouided a horse, I rid out
of the towne the next morneing at 9 o'clock, being Friday,
and came to London at 3 a clock afternoone, on Saturday,
not haueing receaued anie sleepe at all betwixt Yarmouth
and London. Our ships came up to Blackwall on the
Tuesday next after; and, so soone as they had deliuered
(iTi the
Coast of
their goods, the other 4 ships of our fleet came also safe
home with their ladeings ; and thus, by the meroie of God,
we ended our voyage with good successe. To God, ther-
fore, be praise and glory for euer. Amen.
A Briefe Description of the Country of Greenland, otherwise called
King James his New Land.
Greenland is a countrie beareing from England north-
ward, nearest upon the pointe of the compasse north-and-
by-east. The south-most parte of it is distant from the
Arcticque Circle 10° northwards namelie, in the latitude of
76° 30'. This country hath bene discouered by the English
almost to the parallel of 83°, which is but 7° eleuation
distant from the North Pole, and therefore but 140 leagues
from that point, upon the superficies of the earth or water
(whither it be), where the Pole shal be our zenith, and the
sequinoctiall our horizon.
In the latitude of 76° (which wee made the greatest parte
of our voyage this yeare), the sunne, when he entereth into
the 1° of Cancer, makeing the longest dale and shortest
night to all places betweene the Equator and the Polar
Circle, is in his meridinal altitude, or greatest distance from
the horizon, 34° 30' high ; and at the time of his comeing
to the north, is still apparent aboue the horizon 12° 30'.
The compasse varieth on this place, from the true meri- «!^Tom" "'
dian, or line of north and south, neare 20°, the north end ^^"^
of the needle inclineing so much towards the west.
The nature and condicon of this country of Greenland is
verie much different from the name it hath j for I think
ther is no place in the world, yett known and discouered, is
lesse green than it. For when wee first arriued ther, which
was on the 30th of Maye, the ground was all couered with
snowe, both the mountaines and the lowe lands, saue
onelie some few spotts that were full of flatt stones, whejoa
ti IIP
thor grewe a cerfcaine white tnosso whicli, it scorns, the
deere doo feed upon at the first beginning of their sommer ;
for theiso bure spotts wer verie full of their ordure; and
besides, wee could not see anie other thing for them to
feed upon.
The thawe began this yeare about the 10th of June, at
which time there began to spring up, in some places where
the snow was melted, a certaine stragling grasse, with a
blewish flower, much like to young heath or ling, which
grows upon moreish grounds in the north parts of England.
And this is that wher with all the dcare, in a short time,
become exceeding fatt ; but how they Hue in the time of
extreame winter, when al is couered with snowe, I cannot
imagine. Yet the meancs of their preseruacon is not more
strange to man's capacitie than is their creation ; and ther-
fore we must knowe that He who made the creature, hath
also ordained that he shal be fed; although, to our under-
standings, ther is not any food to sustaine them.
In the moneths of June, Julye, and the beginning of
August, ther is often times warme and pleasant weather;
but, in the other moneths, certaiulie uery uncomfortable.
For the temperature of the winter time maie be iudged, by
the qualitie of the place, to be extreame could, especiallie
dureing that time wherein the sunne ahal be altogether
depressed under the horizon, which, in the former latitude
of 79°, continues from the 11th of October till the 10th of
Februarye, and contrarilie it is eleuated altogether aboue
the horizon from the 9th of April till the 14th of Anyiis)
the rest of the time is an intercourse of long daie a .ort
night, and contrarilie of short dales and long nighth.
The country afoardeth great plentie of fresh water in all
places, which proceeds from the snowe, and therfore there
can be no want thereof at anie time, for ther is alwaies
snowe, and (I think) euer hath bene since snowe first fell
upon the earth. Besides, I found ther, within Sr. Thomas
Smyth's Bayo, a very pleasant spring, noare the water side,
boiling (as it were) and workoing up sand, euen as our
springs doe in England ; being as pleasant water as auie I
euer tasted in England.
The coiTiodities of the countrie, hitherto knowen, are
chieflie wlmlos and sea morses. The whale yeilds oyl and
finnes ; and the morse yeilds oyl, hydes, and tooth of good
valewe, whereof he hath but two, and they growe in his
uppermost jawe. Ther be also white whalos and seales,
which were thought not to bo worthy of time and labor
to kill them, seeing that weo wer imploiod about the aboue
mentioned comodities. Wee sawo very fewe fishes ther, or
rather none at all ; saue onelie one cod, which was caught
with a baited hook in Green Harbour. But the Basks, our
whale strikers, doe saie that they haue sundrie times seene
good store of salmon.
Upon this land ther be manie white beares, graie foxes,
and groat plentie of deare ; and also white partridges, and
great store of white fowle, as cueluerduns, wilde geese, sea
pigeons, sea parots, willocks, stint, guls, and diuers others,
wherof some are unworthy of nameing as tasteing. The
land also doth yeild much drift wood, whales finnes, morses
teeth, and some times unicorn homes, which are supposed
to be leather of some sea creature, than of anie land beast.
And theise things the sea casteth forth vpon the shoare, to
supplie the barrenes of the fruitles land, which, by the
Diuine Prouidence, hath sufiicient to maintaine these un-
reasonable creatures which ther wee found, but by all like-
lihood was never yet inhabited by anie natiues that beare
the shape of man, the country being altogether destitute of
necessaries, wherewithall a man might be preserued in
the time of winter.
I haue thought good but to sett downe what was written
concerning this country by one of Amsterdam, that was this
yeare in Greenland (with whom I thus sometimes conuersed)
as it is sett forth in printe by some of HollantI, and (with
other things concerning this present voyage) is inserted in
a late edition of Hudson's Discoueries : — " HaBC pessima et
frigidissimaestregio mundi, undique rupes, montes, lapides ;
tanta ibi aquar :m terram inundantium copia, ut vestigia
hominum non admittat ; maxima glaciei ibi copia, tantaque
montiura glaciaiiura multitudo, ut ab ipsa natiuitate Christi,
concrenisse videantur; tanta enim niuium abundantia, ut
fidem siiperet. Ceruis abundat et vrsis, et vulpibus; cerui
planfe sunt a'bi colovls. Admiror tantos ceruoi'ura greges,
vnde viuant, cum regio niuibus tegatur, et plan^ sit sterilis.
Auibus luxuriat, maxime annseribus minoribus qui turma-
tim conueniunt."^
The manner of killing the whale, and of the whole proceedings
for performing of the voyage.
The whale is a fish, or sea beast, of a huge bignesse,
about 60 feet long, and 18 feet thick. His head seems
to be one-third parte of his whole qnantitie. His finnes
(which wee call whale bone in England) doe growe, and
are wholie included within his spacious mouth, being
fastened, and, as it were, rooted in hia uppermost jawe,
spreading on both sides of his toung, in nomber more
than 260 on one, side, and as manie on the other side. The
* The following note in by Mr. Haven, the American editor : —
" The title of the book here referred to is ' Descriptio ac Delineatio
geographica Detectionis Freti, sive Transitus ad Occasum, supra Terras
Americanas, in Chinam et Japonem'. Amst., 1G13, 4to. In it the
above passage occurs as a quotation, in italics, preceded by the following
remark : * Hsec vera esse, fidem faciunt testes oculati reduces, etiam
literee Navarchi Thomae Bonaert et Semmij, cujus ha5c verba, sub fiueni,
in Uteris ad patrem de qualitate hujus regionis.' "
This Thomas Bonaert may be no other than Thomas Bonner, who
commanded a Dutch ship at Spitzbergen, v ;ich was capturtd by the
Enrlieh, and sent northward for discovery under Master Marmaduke.
y," Baffin's Narrative" in Pnrchas, vol. iii, pp. 717, 719).
lonpfest jSnnes are placed in the raidest of his mouth/ and
the rest doe orderlie shoi'ten, more and more, both back-
wards and forwards, from 12 feet to less than 3 ynchea
in length. His eies are not much bigger then the eyes
of an oxe, and his bodie in fashion round, with a very
broad spreading taile, which is of a rough and solid sub-
stance, and therefore it is used for to make chopping blocks,
to chop the whales fatt upon (which we call blubber) ; and
of other like matter, are also his two swimming finnes,
which serue, at some times, for the same use.
The whale comes often aboue water, and will comonlie
spowte 8 or 9 times before he goe under againe, by
which spowteing of water wee maie discerne him when he
is 2 or 3 leagues distant from us. When he entres into
the sounds, our whal killers doe presentlie sallie forth to
meet him, either from our ships, or els from some other
place more conuenient for that purpose, where to expect
him, makeing very speedie waie towards him with their
shallops. But, most comonlie, before they come near him,
he will be gon downe under water, and continue, perhaps, a
good while er he rise againe; so that some times they rowe
past him, and therfore are they alwaies very circumspect,
^ The description given by Purchas begins as follows : " The whale ia a
fish ov sea-beast of a huge bignesse — about sixty-fiue feet long and
thirty-fiue feet thicke. H's head ia a third part of all his bodie's
quantitie ; his spacious mouth contayning a very great tongue and all
his finnes, which we call whale finnes. These finnes are fastened or
rooted in his upper chap, and spread over his tongue on both sides of
his mouth ; being in number about two hundred and fifty on one side,
and as many on the other side. The largest finnes are placed in the
midst of his mouth", etc,
Mr. Haven, the American editor, observes ; — " The above extract will
sufiice to show the resemblance between the description of Purchas
relating to this subject and those of this narrative. The inference
appears to be a reasonable one, that, if Fotherby was the author of the
notes used by Pui'chas in compiling his account, he was also the author
of this narrative, as the similarity of it, in the two, is too great to bo
accidental. Purchas has not improved the accuracy of the statement
by altering the figures.
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.-4 OJ O
!0 O «5 S ■>*' C >0
Oi-iO C9 O
o» W
S -•
* « O O >-i ■^ O ■* 0(N <0 « ^O CO -H eO « (NWU3-* eo c^ ■-<
a »0 ^ r» '^ >-l 00 « M CO » » «D O ■* •^l* M(N 'N (70 o r* -* « fO M eo-M
;D»«3»O»O'4ime, xvii
Fair Foreland, 40, 51, 59
Haven, 60, 83, 86, 88, 91, 95
Ness, 121
Fanshaw, Sir H. and J., married sisters
of Sir T. Smith, iii
Farewell, Cape, 8, («.) ; 113
Fiords, Cunningham, 23; King's, 18,
26 ; Ramel's, 23, 25, 26
Fish, But fish, 19 ; cod, 19, 71 ; musk
fish, 19 ; salmon, 36, 71 ; salmon
trout, 18, 19 ; salmon peel, 148
Fisher, Thomas, 42
Fleets, East India, officers, xxxv ; in-
spection, xxxvii
Fopp, captain of a Dunkirker, 42, 43
Foreland. {See Fair Foreland.)
Fotherby, Robert, narrative of 1613
Spitzbergeii voyage by, xxvii, 54, («. ),
64-79 ; naiVative of 1614 Spitz-
bergen vojftge by, xxviii, xlix,
80-102 ; aCgount, of and family,
80, (n,); ex'ploring north coast of
Spitzbergen v(ith Baffin, 90, 91, 92,
94, 96 ; iMe^ from Yarmouth to
London, 68i; ^v.
Fox, Luke, h^ oircumpolar map, liv ;
notice of, liv (^.)
Fox, 18, 35, 62, 71
Friesland, 6 (n.)
Frobisher, Su- Martin, 152, 159
Fuca, Juan de,- discoveries by, 161,
162; offer to 'discover the North-
west Passage, 164 ; correspondence
with Michael Lok, 165 ; death, 167
Gabriel, Mount, 17
Gali, Francisco de, 158, 172
iiamaliel, ship of the Spitzbergen fleet,
38, 41, 42, 46, 61, 65, 86, 88, 91
Gatonby, John, his dedication to Sir
C. Hildyard, 1, 126 (».), 27; quarter-
master in the Patience, xxiv
Gatonby, Nicholas, 2 («.)
Gaule, Francis. {See Gali.)
Gemma Frisius, on finding longitude
by lunar distance, xlix
Gibbons, Captain, nothing performed
by, XXX, 111
Gilbert Sound, 12 (n.)
Gilbert, Dr., on the magnetic needle,
145 {mar