IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^<^ ^^ 10 INCORPOBATE THE SOUTH -EASTERN MINING COMPANY OF CANADA. ■J^.^ 23 Viot. Cap. 126. QUEBEC: PRINTED BY STEWART DERBI8HIRE & OEORQE DESBABATfl^ Law Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majeatj. ■ • 1 1 • < • I > , * • i » I J 0^' ^\c ^ A^ r/( lUo • i • -•• • • .*? ••• • • • • • V. ••• • -•. ••• .*. • • • • ZGoQ^I h' r/f [■ ANNO DlIOl)KC;iMO VICTORIiE REGINJl. I i i C A V . C^ X XVI. An Act to incorporate the South-Enstorn Mining Com- pany of Cauadn. [Asi'ivJed to mh May, I860.] WHEREAS Jilt; poisons hereinafter named have, by Peli- PreRmbU. tion, represented that certain of them have acquired and hold divers valuable properties and mining rights, and have entered into contracts and made urraugements at much cost, for prosecuting researches for mineral ores, and locations favorable, for mining, in the territory to the South-East of the River St. Lawrence, in Lower Canada, and that they are desirous, unit- edly and with others, to prosecute such researches and carry on the business of Mining on an extensive scale, in such Terri- tory, but cannot do so to advantage, unless by the aid of a Charter of Incorporation, and have, therefore, prayed for the passing of an Act to that end ; and whereas it is expedient that such prayer be granted : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. Henry Bancroft, Edward John Hemming, Strachan incorporfctloa. Bethune, William H. A. Davies, and Jesse D. Robinson, Es- quires, together v/ith all such other persons as shall become shareholders S Oorporato name. Business of the Compaoj. Real propettj. Limitftt'.OD. Capital and shares- Calls oa shares. Interest on calls unpaid. Cap. 126. South-Eastern Mining Co. of Canada. 23 Vict. 8harehold(?rs in the Company hereby constituted, shall be, and they are hnrcby constituted, a Body Corporate and Politic, by the name of " The Soulh-Eastem Mining Company of Canada." 9. The Company may engage in and follow the business of carrying on exploration for, and of mining for, finding and getting, c!opper, lead and other ores, metals and minerals, within tiie limits aforesaid, and of manufacturing, dealing in, and disposing of, such ores, metals and minerals ; and may do all things necessary to such ends, consistently with the riphts of other parties, and with the conditions of any title umLr which the Company may hold the lands in or upon which such thingd are to bo done. 3. The Company may, by any legal title, acquire and' hold any land necessary or requisite for the carrying on of such bu- siness ; Provided the total price or purchase money thereof, as held at any one time, do not exceed one hundred thousand dol- lars ; and they may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the same, as they shall see fit. 4. The Capital Stock of the Company shall be the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into fifty thou sand shares of five dollars each ; and may be increased as here- inafter is provided. 5. All calls of money, upc . the respective; Shareholders in respect of such Stock, shall be paid when, where and as, the Di- rectors of the Company shall from time to time require — in con- formity, always, with such rules, as to notice or otherwise, as the By-laws of the Company may ordain ; and interest shall accrue and fall due, at the rate of six per centum per annum, upon the amount of every unpaid call, irorn the day appointed for payment of such call. Enforcing calls. 6. The Company may enforce payment of such calls and interest, by action in any competent Court of Law ; and in Whatonlj such action it shall not be necessary to set forth the special need be aileg- matter, but it shall be sufficient to declare that the Defendant *^^'° • is a holder of one share or more, stating the number of shares, and is indebted in the sum of money to which the calls in arrear amount, in respect of one call or more upon one share or more, stating the number of such calls and the amount of each, whereby an action hath accrued to the Company under this Act ; and a certificate under their Seal, and purporting to be ■* signed by any Officer of the Company, to the effect that the Defendant is a Shareholder, and that such call or calls have been made, and that so much is due by him and unpaid thereon, shall be received in all Courts of Law as primd facie evidence to that effect. f. \ N^f \ . t \^r -t . 1 - I860. South- Eastern Mining Co. oj Canada. Cap. 126. 5. 7. If, afttT such demand or notice as by By-liiw of the Com- Forfeiture fcp pany may be prcscribtid, any call made upon any share or non-payment, shares be not paid within sueli time as by such Dy-law may be imited in that behalf, the Directors in their discretion, by vote o that cflecf, rccitinf^ the facts and duly recorded in their mi- nutes, may summarily forfeit any shares whereon such payment is not made ; and the same shall thereupon the; property of the Company, and may be disposed of as by By-law or otherwise they shall ordain. 8. The Stock of the Company shall be deemed personal es- stock to be tate, and shall be assignable and transferable in such manner pcrHonalty, only, and subject to all such conditions and restrictions, as ^'^'J^ *'**'" shall be prescribed by the By-laws of the Company. 9. No sliare shall be transferable until all previous calls Not transfer- thereon have bee:-" fully paid in, or until declared forfcMted for "^'^'o while non-payment of calls thereon. J^l'j/^'" ""• iO. Tht! Company, from time to time, after at least one-half Company niay of their Stock has been paid in, and not sooner, may borrow, borrow mo- in this Province or elsewhere, any sums not exceeding in all "®y* two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ; and may make the DcbcnturcB. bonds, debentures and other securities they shall grant for such sums, payable in sterling or in currency, at such rate of interest, and at such place or places in this Province or elsewhere, as they shall deem advisable ; and such bonds, debentures or other securities may be mad<; payable to bearer, or transferable by simple endorsement or otherwise, and may be in such form, as to the Directors of the Company may seem fit ; and for assu- ring payment of any such sums and interest, the Company may thereby hypothecate their real estate, or any part thereof, — and Registration in such case, the cnregistration,inthe proper Registry office, of **^**^*"'°*'"*' such bond, deb Election oi Directors. Quorum. Vacancies. case olfiiiluio do not take eili'cl at the pro|)er time, tl '; (Corporation li(!reby oleleciiou. (.onstitutevi shall not be held to be thercliy dissolved ; but such clecition may take place at any .'general me* lin.'^^ci" the Company duly called for thai First Dire. ■!- ord. Powers. Provisional By-laws. Powers o? elective Di- rectors. By-1 :i.w9 for certain pur- poses. IS. Until the lirst ('leclion of !-;u
  • i' (tiv.inl i2(;. niiikin;,' orculls MM Pt()(rli, lli«! piiyiiniil lii(r''<»r, ii" \>i-M\v. ami rocfislfiition t»r<'('rlirK;iil(!s of slock, \\\r ror(i'ili;'.r of stock for non-|)iiyiiicni, ilic clisposal of forlciicd sio:-!. mhI o| ilu< |)M)('c(!(!s tlicrrol^ lli(! Ir.'insfcr of Klt)t;k, the (Icf.Iiirii'itti nnd pjiyincnt of (lividon'ls, llic appoinlniciil, fiiiiclioii'', diiiics ati, j^encral and speeial, of the Hoard of Directors, iind of llii! Company, tli(; (inoriim, llic rccpiircuicnts as to proxi(!s, and tin; profcdun; in all tliinf,'s, at such ui(M'tinj,'si, the i^\U^ of their clii^f pla(;c of l)uisincss, and of any other olliccs \vhi(di ihcy may nupiirc to havo, the imposition an«l rceovory of all penalties and forfeitures ailmittin;,' of rei(ulation hy By- law, and \\\v. (!ondu(a in all othcrparticujars of the ad'airs of the Company; and may from lime t(» time repeal, ann'nd, (>rro- enat't the same ; but every such Hy-Iaw, aJid every repi^al, Anrnnding amendment or rt'-on:i(!lment ilurcof, unless in tli(! meantime ^y-lawH. confirmed at a special general nieetinij; «)f tln^ ('ompany called for that purposi!, shall only liav(! forc(! until th(! next annual meeting of the Company, and shall re(juirc to Lc confirmed thereat ; and vwty copy of any 15y-law under lh(> seal of the Proof of Bj- Company, and purporting to lie signed by iiny ollicer of the ''i*''* Company, s!ia I be rcM-eivcd as jirimdfnciv e. iiic/ice of su(;!i By-law, in all (;ourts of I^aw. IV. Tlic Company may r>lrd)lish and lia\e -.{uy place or piacc3of bn- places of business in («r(!at Britain or in the; (Jnileil Slates of siiioss of the Ameri(!a ; iiiid uiay, at any lIicr(>of, open books of subscription ^^^'9^^J- for their stock, and may receive then; siil)s(a'iplions for such slock, transferable there re ;pectiv(>ly, and may make ail instal- ments thereon to be call'd in, and all dividends thereon to be Dlviacaila. decbared |)ayable there rc-pedively ; and at any of surrh places ^„5jji, of business tlicy may uwxwc one or mon; agcMils for all or any of such j)urposcs, and may n'uui aerate them as they shall sec fit ; and they Tuay, by liy-law and otherwise, in all things regulate and order the mode of transaction of all nianner of business to be so done; tlu^eat, and may prescribt>, as they shall C median and find expedient, the mode in which sharcsof stock tak(>n thereat o'lior bi'aroe. may b(' assimilated to, ox couvcitefl iulo shares of stock taken in tills Province, and vice versii. IH. Tin? Company shall i;.>t le bound to si-e to the execii- Company not tion of any trust, whether exorcs,', implied or constructive, in bouml to see respect of any shares ; and tlic ivceipt of the person, in whoso ^inres „• name the sami^ shall stand in the books of the CompiUiy, shall subject. be a valid and binding dis(;harge to llm Company, for any divi- dend or money payable in respect of such shares, and whether or not notic(^ of such trust shall have been given to the Com- pany; and the Company shall not be bound to see to the appli- cation of the money paid upon such receipt. 19. i> f \ s Limitation of llftbiiity of Slutreiioldert. Cu|). 120,127. i^ituth-Eanlrrn Mining Co of CuHuiUi, 23Vicrr. 10. Tilt! SliarclioldcrH oC tin- Compiiiiy shall not u.s Huoh bt- ImUl rcsponsihli' Cor any at'i, default or liahilily wliatscM^ver of ihn Cotii|)any, or for any cnj^af^ctjH'iU, claim, payment, loss, injury, IrunHaclion, matter or tiling whatsoiivt -, relating lo or connect(!(l with th(! Company, heyond llii! amount of thoir Himrcs in \\\r stock therctif. Bxooution of oontraotH to wliioli the Compaaj ii • p*rtj. Not to iamie BaqIc iiotoa. 90. Kvery conlract, ap;recin(>nt, engagement or bargain made. and every bill of (!xehange drawn, acHM'ptcd or endorsed, and every promissory not M //