>>^ ^^^^o. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I l^|2£ 12.5 |50 ■^~ ■■■ ■^ 1^ 1 2.2 ^ us. 12.0 i' ii m Photographic Sciences Corporation // ^ .<.% // ^* v^ 'it. 1.25 III 1.4 III 1.6 ^ 6" ► *uulre. W. M. JARVIH, Enquire. HUKU I'ETEKS, Ewjulrf. Soo^ JlrposUarj) (fommiltrr. The LORD BIKHOP. R^v. Canon BR108T«X'KE. R^v. FOSTER ALMON. Rev. T. E. DOW LI NO. C. E. L. JAR VIS, Esiiulre. IRA CORNWALL. EHquire. HURD PETERS, EHquire. 1. ALLEN JACK, Esquire. H. L. STURDEE. Esquire. printing {trport (ilommittrr. Rev. O. 0. ROBERTS. W. CARMAN. Esmiire. (}. SIDNEY SMITH. Esquire. T. BARCLAY ROBINSON, EHquire. Rev. Canon KETCHUM. .SVciti^uj/. PRAYERS OF THE SO( lETV. IIKKOIJK Tin:Y COMMKXCK lU'SlNKSS. I'hkvknt us, () L(»i(l. in till our «|(»iiiL,'s, wiiii Thy most GruciouH favour; aiul furthrr us with Thy coiitinuiil liclp. that in all our w<.rk« hi'j^un, continued, ami I'luled in Tlur, we may j;lorifjTliy Holy Name; and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through .lesuH Christ our Lord.— Amen. () Got), from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all works of piety and charity do proceed, we beseech Thee to visit with Tliy favour our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, and so rule her heart, that she may in all things se(!k Thy honour and glory. Prosper with Thy blessing the designs of this Society. Comfort with Thy grace, those benefae iiuwli* in the CoiiHtitntiiui of tliis Sofit'ty, nor shall any Uyc-Liw, Kulcs or Ho^nilalions of thr S('ai('(l, annulUul, or altered, except at u meeting of the (leneral Committee, by the vote of at least two-t.hinU of the members j)reHent, nor luitil it shall have received the sanction of the Lord liishop of the Diocese ; which sanction must he ;,Mven in writin;j^, and delivered to the Secretary within aix months of the siiid Meeting. m. ^'o alteration or amendment in the ('onstiintion, nor any repeal, cancellation, alteration or amendment of any Bve-Law. Rule or Rcf^nlation of the Society, shall be ])ro])osed or made at any Meeting, nnlcwss notice shall have been given in writing at the next previous Annual Keeting of the (icneral Com- mittee, or at the next previous Anniversary Meeting, of such proposed repeal or Ciincellation, nor uidess the terms of such ])ro})osed alteration or umeudment shall have been stated in writing at some prcyious meeting ; from which, without the unanimous coihsont of the meud)or8 j)resent, no deviation, exce])t of a mere fcinmil luiture, shall be |)ormitted. IV. No repeal, cancellation, alteration, or amendment shall be l)ropo8ed except bV a member quRlified to vote, at the Anni- versary Meeting, whose name shall be entered on the Minutes of the Secretary, together with tl»e said proi>osition. ▼. The i)aymont at any ono time of a 9nm not Iosb than Tcm Pounds, shall constitnto a Life Member ; and the piiymenr annually of any sum, howevev JRmall, shall constitute the per- son paying the same, a member of the Society. Provided that (f L . S(Kl.KTV I of tliis » of tlu' meet in >r vt».t.lunU >ivi'(l tlu' naiu'lion i-y witliin I, nor any By I'- Law. [I or nnuU' wriliniA' ml C'oni- of KlU'h IllK of SlK'll «tJitt'd in hout tbo eviution, shall 1)0 the Ainii- c Minutes thxitiTtm jHiymcnt te the per- ►vided that no inetnlier shall hu (jiinlitiiMl to voh^ at any Cirnoral Mt't-tin <»f till' Society. niiK'ss n\' tlu- full ap' <•!' lucnty-one venrs. imr unless lu' he ii fiifr M( iiiltcr. or .shall have suhscrihcil and paid sit least tivo shillings dining the year pre-eding siudiMectiiig. VI. ({ffircrs. 1. The Dtllcers of the Society shall c<>n*i>l of a l*n\sitlcnl. two or more N'icr'-PresiiK nts, a Trea-iurer. (tne t>r more Secre- taries, and two .Vnueh vacancy. VII. Excrutirr Couimi/ffc. 1. There •'hrtll al>«T) l»o an Exooiitin' (.'onunitteo. to lie cont- posed of the following ^lenihers, vl/. : The Otiieers of \,\\o >S)i.*iety tts provided for in the next pre- ceding Article. All Clergymen rewidcn* in the Di(X'ese. dulv licenHcd hv the 'nj Lord Hishoit, and Sid»s(;riliers to the Society. And twenty-four Ijsiy-Mend)or« of the Society, being iiit'c Mendiers, or Annual Subscribers of at least One Vonnd : to he annually elected, at the meetings of t!»e (ieneral Committee, provided that no Annual Subscriber shall be (|ualified to hi' elected, unless he shall, during the year preceding each Tvieel- ing, have paid the subscrijition of at least One Pound. 1. Five Memberri of the Exocnitive C«miniittee, -three of whom to be Laymen, shall form a (piorinn. 3. The Execntive Committeo shall meet either tit Frederic- ton or Saint John, on the first Wednesday in Januury. on I he day next following the Annual Meetinu'. on the first Weilnes- (kiy in ^larch, on the first "\Vedtu?s?lay in June, and on "Wed- nesday after the first Tuesday in October. H. 8 4. .S|)eciiil greetings of tlic Executive Committee mjiy bo suiumonecl ])y the President, or incu.se of his death or ubsenee. hv aiiv two Vice-Presidents of tiie Society, to meet tit suclj time and phice as may l)e fixed by the notice of meeting ; but so far as mav be, .ilternatelv at Saint John and Fredericton. 5. The Executive Committee shall have all such right and power in and connected with the management, control, and di.sjwsal or all lands, real estate, and property whatsoever, wliich may now or may hereafter be vested in the Society, and with respect to the use of the Corporate Seal of the Society, jkj the General Committee or any General Meeting of the Society would have in Session, and shall further be authorized to depute all and any such powers to any sub-committee of such Executive Committee. A'lII. Board of Home Missions. There shall also be a Board of Home Missions, to be com- posed of the following Members, viz. : 1. The President, Treasurer, and Secretary or Secretaries of the Society ex officio. 2. Three Clerical and five Lay Members of the Society, quali- fied for election as members of the Executive Committee, who shall be chosen annually on the first day of meeting of the General Committee, by fjallot, on nomination of each proposed member by two members of the General Committee. 3. The Board of Home Missions shall have all such power relative to the preparation of the Missionary Schedule, and carrying the same into operation and effect, and the appro- ])riation or disposition of the funds to the object of the Society, as may from time to time be vested in them by or pur- suant to any l&esolution, Bye-Laws or Regulations of the Ge- neral Committee. ' 4. Five members of the Board, three of whom shall be Lay- men, shall be a ({uorum. 5. The Board of Home Missions shall meet whenever sum- moned by the President, Treasurer or Secretary of the Society, and at such place as may be fixed by the notice of meeting. ...... j^^ Objects. The Society shall embrace the following objects, and none other, viz. : 9 may bo ihseiu'C. at siu'h ig; but icton. ghfc and rol, and itsoever, oty, and Society, r of the ithorized mittee of be com- :etarie8 of 3ty, quali- ittee, who ng of the proi)osed icli power "ule, and ;he appro- it of the by or pur- f the Ge- m be Lay- lever sum- lie Society, leeting. and none 1. Mii^sionary visits to j)laces wlierc tliere is no settled Clcrgvman, and aid to new and poor ^fissions. 2. iMieestablisliment of Divinity Scholarsliijis ; and assist- jince when necessary, to those who may hv under i»reparati(>n for the Ministry, esi)ecially sons of Clergymen. 3. Aid to Sunday and other Schools in which Church ])rin- ciples are taught, and the training and encouraging of School- masters and Catechists. 4. The 8Ui)ply of such Books and Tracts as are on tb^e Cata- logue of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and none other. 5. Aid to the building and enlarging of Churclies and Chapels. 6. Aid to the building of Parsonage Houses. 7. The creation of a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of clergymen who are poor ; and towards the educa- tion of children of such Clerg}'men, and towards the making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity. 8. The creation of a Fund for the AVidows and Orphans of the Clergy. 0. Aid to the Endowment Fund in particular Parishes. 10. The formation of a Fund for receiving 3Ioney or Sccu- .lities as Special Trusts. X. The Society will employ no Clergyman on Missionary ser- vices without the Bishop's license and appointment, and will submit its choice of Divinity Scholars to his Lordship's appro- bation. XL It shall be competent to any member of the Society to limit his subscription to any one or more of the objects above recited, which he may be most anxious to promote. XII. Local Committee. 1. The Members of the Society in each Parish, or in each Mission, consisting of two or more Parisiies, shall, at the dis- cretion of the Missionary of such Mission, constitute a Local Committee; and so also the members residing in any District of a Parish set otf undei* the authority of tlie Lord Bishop, with the concurrence of the Rector and Church Corporation li . 10 of such Parinh (there being in such District a Chnroh duly consecrated, and a resident Clergyman licensed thereto by the L')rd Bishoj)), may, at the desire of such Cler^man, and witli the ap]>roval of the liisiu)|) and the Itector of tlio Parish, form a separate Local C'onnnittee ; and in that case the District shall, for the })uri)ose of the Society, be considere)y the President, or in his ahstmc-e bv any t\v»o (Vr nwiw of tKk' Vice-Presidents, four weeks notice t)eing first given thereof *ln' j^lOlsinp.d i»* Fredericton and Saint John resi)ectively. XIV. Tl^e General Committee. k ffhe Getieral Committ^ of the 8(x;iety shall T>o ^mfR>sot' e fundjs »>f public t-C'H- shjdl have le meetiiiL^ mnujilly nt lioeetsc may and tlni- )Gi'son ]> re- nd ftludl be too. g ^t Fre(.V ftt imy time rTu>iX) of t,rti' _v.cn thereof lO lop of iIh' DiocH>«?, vIko '^"all l>o t.lic Cliairmau ; tlio Vico-Prosidonts of the Sociotv ; the absence of the Tiord Binliop, tlie Committee may elect a C..,;iirman from tlie Vice-Presidents proRont, and if none be present, from other members of tho Committee ; the Secretary or Secretaries who shall also serve in that cajia- citv at tlie meetinsj of the (Jeneral Committee : the Treasurer and th.e Auditors, tlie Keetor or Missionary of each I'arish or of a MififioB comprisin<]f two or more Parislie.s, and the ClerL'v- man of any separate District of a Parish (|)rovidcd that in the absence or sicknei",s of the Rector of any Parish, the duly licensed Curate or Assistant Minister shall be considered pro hav vice a member of the Crcneral (-ommittee), and the Lay Deputies elected ])y the Local Committees jw before ])rovidetl : all sucli persons l)ein,u Subscribers to the Society. Proof (if the election of such Deputies by each liocal Com- mittee to be the certificate of the Chairman or Secretary thereof. 2. The members of tlie Executive Committee fdiuU be ex officio members of the General Committee. 3. The General Committee shall meet on tho two dayvS next previous to the Anniversary Meeting, to make tlie Annual appropriations of the funds of the Society, and a rejiort of the proceedings of such meeting shall be made at the Anniversary Meeting. 4. The Order of Business in General Committee shall be as %)lk)W8 s — Firstly. — Production of Certificates of Lay Delegates. Secondly. — Secret^iry'f? v'j^ort to be read, and also a re]wrt of the proceedings of the Exocutive Committee for the past yeop. Thirdly. — Report of the Auditors to be read and laid before the Genei'ul Committee. Fourthly. — Such a])propriations or disposition of the funds to the objects of the Society as a majority of those present may determine. 5. The Generjil Committee shall have power t.« adjourn its meetings for any special purpose from day to day, or tO' any Asiy ai,ibf!equ(?nt to the Anniversary Meeting of the Society, by u vote of at least two-thirds of tlie members i)resent ; and to deterinine, by like vote, tlie pl/tce where such adjourned meet- ing gliall be held, provided that in ovwy such case, a report of mch adjournment, and the c^msjD therefor, shall Ixj maido at the Aviiiiwj^etUT Meeting. n XV. Tlie Clerfry arc rcr|uesto(l to projicli annually two Sormonn in their r(\s])ective ('iiui'flios, witii u collt'ction on t':ic'!i occa- sion, for the general jmrposes of the Society. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS. Whereas, it is desirable for the better in-ovision for the mi- nistrations of the Church in the Diocese of Fredericton, that there be a systematic and permanent plan for the payment of the stipends of Missionaries ; therefore resolved, — 1. That in order to encourage the established Missicms to become gradually sclf-sui)porting, all grants made by oi' through this Society in aid of Missions (not including stipends secured to any of the elder Clergy on the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel grant during life) shall from henceforth be made conditional on the contribution by the Mission itself of a stated sum towards the Missionary's stipend. 2. That all grants made by the General Committee be made subject to these Resolutions, and be distributed under the direction of the Board of Home Missions, who shall have at all times all such and like powers and rights with respect to the same, or any of them, as the General Committee of the Society would have if in Session. 3. That the Board of Home Missions annually present to tlio General Committee of the Society, on the first day of their meeting, a full and detailed account of all business transacted during the expired year, and also a list of grants recommended for the ensuing year, with the conditions to be annexed to each, and shall also report to the Executive Committee at each quarterly meeting thereof. 4. That on the approval by the General Committee of the gi'ants recommended for the year, the same shall forthwitli pass into operation on the basis of the foregoing Resolutions, and subject to the following regulations: — («.) The Board of Home Missions (acting in conjunction with the Lord Bishop) shall forthwith, after the annual meet- ing, communicate with the Wardens or other Lay Members of the Church, in each Mission, requiring them to enter into engagements (A) with the Society, to contribute the sum required of the Missions for the year. 13 {b.) Should such on^aojcmcnt not be entered into to tlie sa- tisfaction of the Board before the 15.h day of August tlien next, tliey shall communicate with the Missionary, re<|uirinfr liini to <(iveeach of his congregations notice (B) of withdraw.il (tf ;ill l)ayments as a Missionary receiving stipend through tliis Society on 1st October then next, unless the engagement be meantime completed. (r.) Should such engagement not be entwed into to tlie sa- tisfaction of the Board before the 1st of October tiien next, all payments to the Missionary's salary, through the Society, shall he withdrawn, and no stipend shall thereafter be payable in respect thereof: Provided that should the Missionary see fit to resign his cure, he shall, if stationed for the remainder of the year by the Lord Bishop in any vacant Mission which may be willing to comply with the terms required of the defaulting Mission, be entitled, in respect of the services to be rendered in such new Mission, to such stipend as may be agi'eed upon be- tween such Missionary and the Board, not exceeding that pro- vided for the continuation of his services in his former Mission, and npon the like terms and conditions. Provided, also, that tniy such Missionary, if not so appointed to any new Mission, may nevertheless be permitted by the Board, on special appli- cation, to draw on 1st of April for a sum in their discretion; but not exceeding his previous quarter's stipend from the Society. {(l.) Where such engagement is entered into, the Board shall forthwith notify the Missionary, who shall therenpon (unless the terms of such engagement shall not be fultilled as herein- after provided) be entitled to draw upon the Society for the full amount of liis (piarterly salary, including therein the sum re(jnired for the quarter of the Mission itself. (e.) The sum required of the Mission shall in such case be remitted by the AYardens quarterly in advance to the Treasurer, aud may consist either of money or Avritten receipts of the Missionary, for produce furnisheci to him at the market rates: Provided, that two months' grace (but no more) may be allowed the Mission to make up such sum; that is to say, the sum required for the cpiarter of the ensuing year, ending 30th October, shall be remitted before the 1st September, and for the following quarter before the 1st December next. (/.) Should the Missionary give any such written receipt for l)foduce, he shall keep a record thereof, and shall make his next quarter's draft for snch sum only as shall be dne him, after he shall be debited with such receipts in the Treasurer's books* 14 (fj). Slioulil the sum required from tlic parish not 1)0 re- mitted as aforeisiiid, the Treasurer shall forthwith, on the expiration of the two months' grace, give notice (C) to the Missionary, rcfpiiring him to give notice (D) of withdrawal of stipend as such Missionary, and all such stipend shall be thereupon witlulrawn pursuant to such notice; and unless the sum agreed to be j)aid for the qu-irter shall be forthwith re- mitted, no stipend shall be payable for such expired quarter l)eyond the amount agreed to be contributed on the ])artof the ^)ociety; and none whatsoever for the succeeding quarter: and the Board shall ai)point a deputation to inquire into the causes of such default, and shall report thereon at the next meeting of the General Committee. Provided that in any case, on a Mission ceasing to be in de- fault, though after the period for withdrawal of the stipend shall have arrived, such Mission may be reinstated by the Board if they shall see fit so to do, under the regulations and conditions herein contained. (h.) In case of the Missions where the Missionary's stipend is secured for life on the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel grant, the Board shall call on the Wardens to enter into the prescribed engagement only in case of the demise of the present Missionary; and those ^lissionuries shall continue to draw their stipends as heretofore accustomed, unless any shall voluntarily come within the general system adopted for other Missions. (/.) It shall be optional with the Board to permit any Mis- sion to make a quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly payment at any period in advance, and these regulations, mutatis mutan- dis, shall thereupon apply, generally, to any such Mission. (k.) The Board shall have full power and authority to make all such further bye-laws, rules, and regulations as may in their opinion be required for their guidance, and from time to time to alter or amend the same as they shall see fit. 5. That in every case of .a Clergyman receiving a stipend through this Society, he shall be required to make to the Secretary of the Society, according to such form as the Board of Home Missions may from time to time require, half-yearly, on or before the first days of December and June in each year, 41 return for the preceding half year, shewing — (1.) The general limits of his Mission. . .. ; r \ ; , i'2.) The extent thereof in square miles. (3.) The estimated number of members of the Church of England living therein. 15 t be rc- 011 the ) to the niwal of shall 1)C iless the with re- quarter irt of the rtcr: and ho causes , meeting be in de- e stipend d by the ttiona and 's stipend lon of the 3 to enter demise of continue inless any opted for any Mis- ayment at \s mutan- ssion. y to make .s may in im time to a stipend Ike to the Ithe Board lalf-vearly, leach year, Church of (1.) The number of Cliurches, Cliapcls of Ka.sc, and ^lis- sionary Stations respectively, within the Mission. (o.) Whether or not there is ihurein a ])arsonjige liousc be- longing to tlie Mission or provided ))y tlie people. (0.) The extent of the Church and (Uebe Land connected therewith. (T.) The income from sucli Church or Glebe Laiul for the year ending 1st April last. (8.) The amount contributed therein towards the support of the Missionary, from sources pther than the grant th/ough this Society. (9.) The number of public services on Sundays and in the week respectively. (10.) The average congregation in each place of worship. (11.) The number of Communicants. (12.) Tlie number of Baptisms. A. Infants. ... B. Adults. C. Total. (13.) Tlie number of Communicants. A. Added. B. Removed. C. Deceased. D. Present Members. (14.) The number confirmed. (15.) Marriages. (16.^ Burials. (17.) Names of Church Wardens. (18.) Names of Lay Delegates to Diocesan Church Society and Synod. (19.) The number of scholars and teachers in Sunday School. Which returns shall be laid before the Board of Home Mis- sions forthwith, and before the Greneral Committee on the first day of their meeting ; and no grant shall from henceforth be payable to any Missionary in default of rendering any such statement or return so long as such default shall continue. 6. That the Board of Home Missions shall, so soon as may be, after the first day of Dc*cember in each year, make up from such returns, the printed returns and statement required annu- ally by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and for- ward the same, reporting specially to the Society for the Pro- pagation of the Gospel any Missionary who may be in defaiilt. 7. That those of the Clergy within the Diocese, not receiv- ing stipends through this Society, be requested to forward to .!■ i<; the Si'cri'tary in like manner, on <>r l>ef<)retlie lirstdayof .June in eaeh year, tlie returns numbered 1, 2,'.\, 4, 0, 11, 1*^, 1.'}, 14, 15, l«i, 17, 18 and 10, in order that a eomplete return of tlie Dioeese in tliese partieuhirs, may eaeh year be i»ul)lislu'(l witli the Society's l{ei)ort, as hath been lieretofore in part only accustomed. 8. Tliat the Board of Home Missions, in conjunction witli tlie Lord Hishop, sliall appoint deputations of Clergypien and Laymen for each Deanery, Avhich each deputation shall visit, for the purpose of holding Missionary Meetings in the several Missions, and taking up collections thereat {not interfering, however, with the usual semi-annual collections, and annual canvass of the Mission on behalf of the Societv) ; and further, of making enquiries as to the power of the Mission to con- tribute towards the Clergyman's support ; such deputations reporting to the Board, and through them to the General Com- mittee of the Society. 0. Tluit the Board of Home Missions, in conjunction with the Lord Bishop, may further appoint special deputations to inquire into the causes of any deficiency of contributions or other pecuuiary difficulties in any Mission, and shall have l)ower to call for any returns they may think proper from any of the Parishes receiving aid from or through the Society. 10. That the Lord Bishop be respectfully requested to trans- mit a copy of these Resolutions to the Venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, requesting their concurrence therein. 11. The Board of Home Missions shall have power, with the approval of the Lord Bishoj), to make any grant that the funds may allow in aid of any Mission not already receiving aid, upon such conditions as they may arrange; such grant to ter- minate, in every case, on the 1st July next ensuing. 12. That a certificate be added to the parochial agreements, which shall be signed by the representatives of the Mission, declaring that the amount given by the Mission is a bona fide contribution, and that no part is derived from the rent of flebes or the interest of investments — the property of the fission. 13. That the Board of Home Missions shall have power, with the approval of the Lord Bishop, if there be available funds, to make a grant not exceeding $100, to aid in the build- ing of any Parsonage House, when it shall be certified that iuch grant will complete the building free of debt. of .huu' jtuni of ihlislu'il ijirt only Ion Avitl) Rien iind all visit, e several erfering, i annual . further, to con- putations jral Com- tion with tations to )ution8 or shall have from any ciety. I to trans- jociety for ncurrence •, with the the funds living aid, Lut to ter- treements, Mission, bona fide lie rent of [•ty of the [ve power, availahle Ithebuild- tified that 17 A. Memoraiiduni of afi^reoniont hetwoou tlio Diocesan (.'hurch Society of New Brunswick, and the Church Wardens (fis f/tera.se mail be) of Churcli, in tlie Parish [or Mission] of 'the undersiirned, on hoiialf of the conu'reiration of the above- I'arish [or Mission], do lierehy undertake to have a sum at the rate of per annum, collected and paid '|uarterly to the Treasurer of the said Society, from the first of July, In7 , so as tlu' minisi rations at present atl'orded the said conL,nv;::ation shall he I'untinued. Tlie })resent agreement to continue for the term of one year only, unless renewed, and to he suhjeot to revision on the part of the Societv, at tlie niectiuLr of the (ieneral Committee in July, liST . Dated at (Signed) {('liurch Wardins). B. ZS'otice is hereby given, that this congregation having failed to enter into the engagement retpiired by the Diocesan Church Society to contribute tlie sum of .S (juarterly, towards the Missionary's stiiJcnd, such sti[)end cann.-t b(( drawn after the next ; and unless the engagement be meantime comiileted, payment of the 3Iissiomiry's stii)end will cetise, C. Saint John, X. B.. 187 . Rev. and Dear Sir, — I have to inform you that the (puirterly payment from your Mission for the present quarter has not been paid, and it will therefore be incuml)ont on you, by order of the Lord ]3ishop, to give notice of withdrawal of sti])end as a Missionary of this Society forthwith. Your draft for the full quarter's stipend on instant, cannot i>e hon- oured unless the engagement of the Parish is meantime fulfilled. I am your ob't servant, , Treasurer D. C. S. D. Xotiee is herebv given, that the contribution due from this Mission [or Parisli] to the Diocesan Church Society, in part payment of the Missionary's stipend for the quarter ending last, not having been paid, the sums for services rendered as a Missionary, paid through the Society, will, after Sunday next, be withheld until the payment, as agreed upon, is made. These forms may be altered by the Eoard of Home Missions to suit the circumstances of the case. B 18 ri:ovisioN fok THE AVIDOAVS AM) OUPIIAXS OF THE CLEUdY. The Ul'LKS AND HKGULATIOXS. ftillowinc: I'lan for a i)rovision for tlie Widows and (,)ri>lKiii.s of tlic Clergy, with tiic Hulcs and Kcgulations an- nt'xcfl, was adoi»tC'd hy tlie (Jcneral Coniniittee. (Seo 30tli Kc'iiort.) 1. TIjc Chnrcli Society of tlio Diocese of Fredericton in tlie Province of New lirunswick, shall have a sjiecial Fund, to he called •• Tin: (.'li:k(;y Widows' and Ohpiiax.s' Fikd," -whieii phall cont-ist of the present cajtital held by the Society for this object (subject to its present liabilities) of all 8ubscri])tions, donations, legacies, devises, and beciucsts, and other contribu- tions given and paid to the Society for this si)ecial purjiose. and of all payments received under these Kules ; and this Fund shall be ai)i)lied to the assistance of the families of decease(l Clergymen, in accordance with these Kules, and to no other object. 2. Every Clergyman in this Diocese, duly licensed, whose widow is not already entitled to a i)ension from the Society FOR TiiK Puoi'ArxATiox OF THE Gosi'EL, wishing to sharc ill the benefits of this Fund, shall within six months from July 5, 18T1, or within one year from receiving Holy Orders, or from his admission into the Diocese, apply to the Secretary of the Fund, for ii certificate, and shall tlienceforth pay annually the sum set opi)Osite his age in the annexed scale. Any ai>])ricam, after such period of time, shall only be iiermitted to receive a certificate at the ojition of the Executive Committee of the Church Society, and ujjou such terms as they shall direct. 3. Every Clergyman, being a member of this Fund, shall make and forward to the Secretary a yearly collection from every congregation in his Parish or ^fission. Assistant Curates, serving under a Rector, or other Assistant Clergyman, shall not, howeyer, be required to make a collection, but shall for- ward only their own annual payment. 4. All payments shall become due on the first day of January, in each year, and must be jiaid within thirty days : and all con- gregational collections must be sent in before the first day of May. If this Rule is not complied with, the certificate shall he considered as forfeited, but may be regained at the option of tlii.' Committee, and the applicant shall pay for the new certificate ut the rate piyable at the age when the same is taken out, 19 S OF vr5 ini*l )US uii- ;0 3<)th \ in tlic a, to 1)0 for this riptions ■ontrihu- |)ur\»osL\ ills Fuiul no other d, Avhor'e ^, SoriETV jiharo in )m Jiiiy ">• s, or fvoni vy of the inuiiUy the iil>\>llcuni |o receive a Itee of the ^ircct. |und, shall itiou ivom at Curatc>. man, shtiU shall ior- upconlin^ to tlio annexi'd scale, torretlu'r with *iu*ii sum a-? tho Kxecutivo Coniinitti'o may rcMjuirc in lieu of i^aymcnts and tiiiltscri prions in arrtar. r». Ujion comitliance with the ahove KuUs, the DiofESAN' Ciii'iicH SoriKTY undertakes to pay out of "The ('ler;:y Widows' and Orphans' Fund," a yearly pensi(»n of Oiu* Hundred Dollars to the Widow of each ("ler-jfyman holding a certitieate, durin;; the widowhood. 0. If the Widow die, or Jiiarry apiin, the i>ension ^hall be l)ai(l towards tiie support of such children of the deeeased Clerjryman as may be under the aire of eiuiiteen years. In this case, when the yount^est chilil shall have attained this age, the pension shall cease. T. The Trustees mimed in the AVill of a C'lorgyman shall be recogni/-ed by the Committee, in the event of the death or mar- riage of his widow, and shall receive the i)enj)oint a 'J'rustce to act, in the application of the pension. S. If the wife die before the husband, his eliild or children shall at his death receive the pension, under the limitation arf to age expressed in Kulo (J. ' -.^ . • '.». Xo certiticate shall l)e issued to anv Clorgvman oVer the aire of sixty years, who is not already in the ])iocese at the lime of the formation of these Hules ; but any Clergyman already in the Diocese, oyer the age of sixty years, and whoso widow is not entitled' to a pension from the Society for the Proi)agati(ni of the Gos}>el, shall l)e admitted a member of this Fund, on making the annual i)aymeiil for the age of sixty years, and otherwise complying with the Kules. 10. If a Clergyman removes, with tlie Bishop's ci... .v.... wi... 57... P.:;0 . ..Ml.:iii ...22.-U) A'je. 58. 59.. (it).. ..§2:15.^ 21.72 25. 27. 2S. 4ti.. 47.. 48. 19. ... 13.92 ...14.12 ... .14.92 ...15.5.S ...1H.17 . ...25.K-, 29.. ■St>... ...10.27 C'EUTIFrCATE. No.— Tho DrocESAX CiirRcii Society of New Bkixswick IIeueby Certifies, That the Kov. of has this day paid to the " Widows' and Orphans' Fund," of tliis Society, the sum of l)eiiig his first payment under the annexed Kiilos and Kegulu- tions. And the 1)iocesax CiirRcii Society of New Brlns- "WicK hereby covenants and engages out of the special fund called the " Widows' and Orphans' Fund," and none other, to pay the widow or children of the said after his decease, the Pension of One Hundred Dollars ])cr annum (so long as the same shall bo piyable) according to the Rules and Regulations annexed. Provided Always, That the said shall yearly, and every year. n ) Buch hall 1h' ini'li'i' )ital of Anniuil iwary 1. iittMl I'ov avmcHt. 1)V thf ,. (vvtiti- |U nt tl\i' )I()C1-.S.\N idows' aiul ul Kegula- :^\ BiUNS- eciul funil ,c other, to )ollars per ling to tbo [s, That the 1 every year? (»nit(.' Seal to lie herennto iiltixed. this duy of A. D. IH. Seo'ctanj of the Widows'iind (frji/ttnts* Ftnul. laiJvS AM) HKCULATIONS OF TlIK DIVINITY SCiroLAKSIIll'S' irxi). riie Divinity Seholarr^hips' Fund shall consist of the 1. .•nnounl already appropriated thereto, of all aeeinmUations of interest, and of all sul»scription.«, le.'xaoies, coHeotionsand (»ther t'ontrihniions ;^iven to or aj)i>lied hy the Society for this sjteeial ol)je('t : and the interest of this Fund shall he apjdied i^olely for the purposes of the Second Object of the Society, as hereinafter provided. •v'. The 'treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society shall, from time to time, under the direction of the Kxecutive Ct)mmittee, invest every i^'xi;) of surplus money of this Fund, and add tho same to the cajdlal of the Fund. ']. 'V\\Q entire man;igement of the Fund in »ill other n^spocts shall 1k', and herehy is, vested in the Board of Home Missions. 4. >«o «::raiit shall he made from such Fund until the capital thereof, sliall. I)y accumulation or otherwise, have reached tho sumof ^IvHui, nor siiall the grant or grants thereafter to ho made exceed in any one year the interest on the cajjital of such Fund for the year. 0. Every such grant shall be of a sum not exceeding 8200 j)er annum, and shall be tenable for such a period, u})on such terms or conditions, and at such collegiate institutions, as tho Board of Home Missions shall, subject to the approval of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, determine. G. The choice of divinity scholars shall be made by the Board of Home Missions, subject to the Lord Bishop's approval. 7. The Secretary of the Board of Home Missions shall be the Secretary of this Fund, and he shall conduct all correspondence, and perform such other duties in connection therewith, as the Board may direct. 8. The above Rulee maj be altered only by the General Committee of the Diocesan Church Society after a year's notice of the proposed change. '>•> /•/v KESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Tliat in future, no application for grants sliall be considered "wliicli is not made on tlie iirst day of the meeting of the Ge- neral Committee, or ])revi()usly. That when a missionary is absent from hi3 Mission on account of ill health, with leave from the Lord Bisho}), his Lordshi}) be authorized ill his discretion, to pay to him the whole or any part of the sum. granted for such Mission. That all grants bv this Committee for Missionary salaries, and all sums placed at the disposal of the Lord Bishoj), shall be for the service of the fiscal year in which the grants are made, and shall ex})ire with it. That all vouchers for the payment of any sum of money whatever, must bear on the face of them the authority under which they are paid, and the period foiMvhich they are claimed, together with the services performed. That ?ir the future, the Clergy and other collectors of the fund.s of the Diocesan Church Society, bere(iuired, in their list of subscribers handed to the Secretary for pnblication in tlio Report, to insert in such lists the names of such persons only us have j^aid the amounts subscribed. Whe7'ea8, The grants made by the Diocesan Church Society from its annual income (exclusive of the grants received from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel), are made in aid of loca^ contributions for the support of the several Missons : Tlierdfore Resolved, That in future, grants from this Com- mittee will be made mainly with reference to the ability of the members of the Church in the several Parishes to support their own clergjTnen— the amount of local contributions for Church objects in such Parishes, and the sum paid in aid of the ge- neral objects of the Society. That all be(jue«ts made to the Society be funded, as hereto- fore, and the interest only applied to the general or special purposes for which they are bequeathed. Whereas, in consequence of the limited means at the disposal of the Society, and, the great necessity for new and extended work, it has become of great consequence that all local glebes 33 lEE. isldercel the Ge- account Lordship le or any salaries, ), shall be are made. of moiiey ;ity under B claimed, ;ors of the 11 their list ion in the •sons only |ch Society 3ived from tiade in aitl . Missons : this Com- ility of the Ipport their Ifor Chureh of the ge- as hcreto- or special [ho disposal [d extended local glebe.4 and other endowments of Parishes should be fully utilized. Therefore, 1. Resolved, That the Board of Home Missions be authorized to require from the Church "Wardens of every Parish or Mission receiving aid from the Society, full details of all such glebes, church lands, and other investments, yearly or oftener, as they shall see fit. 2. That if it shall appear that any ]>art of the income from the glebes or investments held for the Rector's use, is taken to make up the sum required by the Society from tlie Mission, the Board may forthwith increase the amount required in ])ro- portion thereto ; and in case of neglect on the part of the Eector or Church Wardens to collect the interests or rents, the Board be authorized to inquire into the matter, and, if there be sufficient cause, suspend the grant to the Mission until the management be made satisfactory to the Board of Homo Missions. That the Secretary of Diocesan Church Society be reciuested to furnish the Treasurer with a minute of contributions, re- ported from every Parish or Mission, specifying the amounts payable to general and special funds ; that the amounts so re- turned be cnarged by the Treasurer to each Parish or ^Mission in a book to be kept for the purpose, and that a detailed state- ment of all contributions then remaining unpaid, be rendered by the Treasurer to the Executive Committee, for their action in the matter, at the October meeting and each meeting there- after, so long as any amount shall continue in arrear. That every Missionary be re<|uested to furnish annually to the Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Societv the name of the Secretary of each Local Committee. Tliat hereafter, one yearly return only be required from each Missionary in place of the two half-yearly returns as at present ; this return to embrace all the information required by the Society for the Propagation of tlie Gospel and the V Diocesan Church Society. That all Rules and Regulations made by the General Com- mittee be printed in each Annual Report. That the certificates of the lay delegates be sent to the Secretary at leivat ten days before the meeting of the General Committee, to enable him to report to the meeting at its opening the names of those qualified, and that his report shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of qualification. 24 FORM OF DRAFT. C^ This Draft will not be paid unless properlj- stamped ^- -isr- Sir ury at- P.iy to or order, the sum of --being {imoinit of salary due to me as Mission- for tlie quarter ending the dav of -18 — , in accordance with the schedule adopted hy the General Committee of the Diocesan Church Society of- 18 To the Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society/ of Neiv Brunswick. FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF LAY DELEGATE?. Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. This is to certify that and yfQYQ elected at the Annual Meetino- of the Local Committee of the Diocesan Church Society, as deputies from that Committee, under the authority of Article XII. of the Constitution. -Chairman. -Secretary. Dated at- -the- day of- ■18- 35 -187— ! sum of Mission- — day of >dby the CLERGY IN THE DIOCESE OF FREDE.RICTON, 1878. s deputies m. of the huiruiiiu. Sc-cretiiry. Right Kcv. J. ]iIEDLEY, P. D., liisiior- ok Fukdkkictox, Fivdericton. \LFX VXDT'r Rf V F ' Sub-I)* an. C'ntlun' rol, Fredericton, and Mis- " ^ ' ' '■ ■ \ sionary at New Marjiand. ALM()N, Uev. Ff^STER CUirate. St. Marj-\s, St. John, AHJtSTlK^'Nd. Kvn-. G. :M Rector. St. Mark. St. Jolm-Wiov*/ Dean. AKMSTROXO, Kev. W Reotor. St. James. St. John. AR:\ISTR0NG. Rev. AV. B Rt'ctor, \\i'V\loi\\— Address. RichUmcto. BARBER, Rer. H. H ?Iisdnnarj-, St. Andrews, Newca.stle. BLISS. Rev. D. M Rector, Westmorland. BOYD. Rev. STANLEY Mi.sionaiy nt Point du Chene. Shediac. BRIGSTOCKE, Rev. CANON Rector. Holj- Trinity, St. John. CAMPBELL. Rev. J. R Missionary. St. Martin's. COSTER, Rev. N. A Rector, Richibucto. COSTER. Rev. C. G., Ph. D St. Jolin. COVERT, Rev. W. S Missionan;. Grand Manan. DEVEBER, Rev. CANON Rector. St. Va\\\. Portland. BOWLING, Rev.*i'HEODORE E Rector, St. George, Carleton. EASTMA.N, Rev. G. C. V f J rand Falls. FLEWELLINl \. Rev. J. E :.:issioiinry, Wic'.:Iow. FORSYTH. Rev. DAVID Rector, Chatham -Rural Dean. FOWLER, Rev. Li:B. W Rector. Prince William and Dumfries. (iARDNER, Rev. GEORGE Curate, Hampton. H ANFORD, Rev. S. J Jlissionary, Upliam. HANSEN, Rev. N. 31 Missionary, New Demnark. H^JJRISON, Rev. CANON Gondola Point. H ARTIN, Rev. THOMAS Rector, Canterl-.r.iT. HOYT, Rev. L. A Missionary. Andover. HILTZ, Rev. AUGUSTUS F :Missionary, Derbj-. HORSEFIELD. Rev. F. H. T Curate, Salisbury. JAFFREY, Rev. W^ Missionary, St. Mary's. JARVIS. Rev. G. S.. D. D Rector, Shediac— A'urai Dean. KETCHU3I, Rev. CANON D. D Rector, St. Andrews. LOCKWARD, Rev. J Missionary, W"aterford. -MATHERS, Rev. R Warden, Wiggin.s" Orphan Asylum. McKIEL, Rev. W. LeB Rector, Douglas and Bright. 3IEDLEY, Rev. CANON Rector, Sussex. MILLIDGE, Rev. J. W ^. . . . Missionary, Carleton, St. John. NEALES, Rev. H. H Rector, Richmond, NEALES. Rev. J Rector, Gagetown. NE^iLES, Rev. T Rector, Woodstock— i?uraf Dean. PARNTHER, Rev. D. B Rector, St. Jude, Carleton. PARTRIDGE, Rev. FRANCIS Rector, Rothesay. PENTTtEATH, Rev. EDAVIN S. . .. ., Rector, Moncton. PICKETT, Rev. D. W J- ^^^SaTiea^T"''^''^ *""** Wickham- 36 RATMOND, Rer, W. O MlsaloBary, Stanley. ROBERTS, Rer. O. O Rector, Fred&rictoa— Rural Dean. RUSHTON, Rev. JOSEPH Rector, Christ Ch urch, St. Stephen. SCHOFIELD, Rer. GEORGE Rector, Slmondfl. SCOVIL, Rer. CANON Pb. D SHANNON, Rbt, W Edmonston. SHAW, Rot. B Rector, Cambrid«re. SILL, Rev. FREDERICK S Curate, St, Paul, Portland. SIMONDS, Rer. R Rector, Dorchester. SMITH, Rev. JOSEPH Rector, Petersville. SMITH, Rer. R. E Rector, St. Oeorgv^Rural Dean. SPIKE. Rev. HENRY M Rector, Lancaster. STERLING, Rev. G. H Rector, MauKervlUe. STEVENS. Rev. L. G Rector, Trinity Church, St. Stephen. STREET, Rev. W. H Rector, St. George, Dathursc. SWEET, Rev. J. H Jlissionary, Dalliousie. TALBOT, Rev. JAMES H Mis.sionary, Springflekl. WAINWRIGHT, Rev. HASTINGS S Rector, Kingston. WALKER, Rev. CANON Rector, Hampton. WARNEFORD, Rev. E. A Rector, Norton. WEEKS. Rev. A. H Rector, Queensbury. "VNTETMORE, Rev. D. J Missionary, Clifton. WILLIS, Rev. CUTHBERT Rector, SaliBburJ^ WOOD, Rev. A Retired Missionary, St. John. WOODMAN, Rev. E. S Rector, Wes' Jeld. ^ iti! . REPORT. For a period of over thirty years the Aniuuil Meetings of the Society have been held, with the Lord Bisliop of the Diocese in the cliair. His presence and counsel have always been invaluable, and this Societvhas ever received his warmest support. While the clergy and delegates may well feel the Bishop's absence, and the want of his experience and advice, they will rejoice at the opportunity which is being afforded to- his Lordship of joining in the deliberations of the Lambeth Conference, and also of well earned rest and recreation among friends in the mother country. The present financial condition of the Society is not so favorable as it ought to be. From the Accounts of the Treas- urer, it will appear that the balances overdrawn througli appropriations of the last two years have been provided for, and that at the close of the fiscal year there were funds suffi- cient to meet all claims on the Special and General Purposes Account. But it must be observed that these deficiencies have been supplied by proceeds of legacies, and not from ordinary income. Owing in part to the latest calamitous fires by which the city of St. John and other towns were visited a year ago, the sum total of the contributions last vear fell short, of the usual amount, to the extent of nearly 81000. It is much to be feared that there will be a corresponding decrease in the Account for the current year. Moreover the Societv for the Propagation of the GrOspel, so untiring and generous in aiding the missionary work in this Diocese, will largely reduce their appropriation for the present year. '•. ' There had been good reason to anticipate that, on the pay_ ment of the legacies above referred to, some addition could have been made to the limited stipends of the clergy, and more ample means supplied for new missionary work. Sad 28 disappointmcul; awaits all such hope, unless tlie members of the Socieh* arc led to continiie and increase their annual offer- insrs or ende^ivor to add to tlie number of t«ubscribers. As the matter now stands, the Society can do little more, with all its disposable funds, than maintain the missions already on the schedule. It must be admitted tluit tlie time has come when new and long favored parishes should do more by the way of local su])uort, and voIuniurUy relinciuish {ijjortion, at least, of what, they receive from tlie funds of the Society. There are numy ways, esDcciallv in the country districts, ijv which the members of the Church could aid in the support of the clergy more than they do. If only what is generously done in some missions, was done in all, there would soon bo means at the disposal of the Society for carrying out its objects and purposes Avith o-reater etliciencv. The following abstract is commended to the careful atten- tion of every member of the Society. It speaks not only of Avhat has been offered by the various missions for the Treasury of the Lord, but most of all it siyes some outline and idea of the work which is being done in His name. Amjovek.— Kt'v. Ti. A. Huyt has enclo^f the Mauiozokel. Here *e cliaiiteil the Ma;.an{iciat ti; " Boyce " and tlie Nunc T)enntti.> to 'Tallis." The ^\h'ile service wm very t'/fective, and proves beyond a dou)>t, that whether in the cultivated city or in the nninokt-n forest, the church with lier ritual is ailiipted to Mitisfy tlie- re(|\:ireiueiit.'! of all classes. The con'^'rctration made an otferin;,' of ten ping (»od i)>djliily duriii;,' the lon^ winter in the liun1)er woods. I have been very fortunate in securing the services at Urand Falls of the Kev. G. ( '. V, Kastnian, from Vermont,, an ex];eritticed j^riest anil a judicious ami faitliful worktT, whose ser\ices I hojje will be retained. I fear we sh«ll not be able this year to bring up our contribution:) to the general amount, as we are affected not only l>y e.xceedingly hard times, but are luaking extra efforts t(i pay for our Hectorj'." Bathurskt. — Kev. Henry \V. Street writes as follows:— I am using every exertion to meet any deficiency in the subscriptions for this year, and even yet ho]>e to do better than that, by rei><)rting next week an increase. Financial mr.tters in tins County are far fn.m bright. Cash, owing to the system under which business is conducted, is scarcely circulateil. Yet naicli can be done when there is not only the will, but where alsur weekly offerings to God. It is astonishing what a ju'ejudice some people have to thus analyidng the ])rop(n-- tion they give through the year to God. Possibly they wo\dd then be coiu- pelled to recognize the total want of sacrifice and self denial in their offerings, I have been urging the abolishment of the olijectionable subscription list as a means of church ,supi>ort, ami only trust the people will have the good sense to adopt the better method. The S(xiety is familiar with the diflficulties of Church work in this extensive mission, and well proud should every Missionary be who has to serve it. The enterprL^e shown of late by the Society, in the divisicm of extensive missions would, years ago, have conuuced to the interest of the Church here. At " Salmon Beach " and "Is'^ew Brandon," the descendants of ('hurchmen have, for the mo;it part, gone over to the Methodists, and in the town of Bathurst, as well as elsewhere, intermarriage and other causes have helped to weaken our ranks. A new Parish Church has been under weigh, or I should rather say stationar •• for some years. A difference of opinion as to the site has intc^ered with my obtaining the necessary means to help in comjdeting it ; nearly §2000 N\dll,'l suppose, be required. It is a work I have hampleted, ■wdll amount to at least .?50 and probably more. During the past year the Church has been painted inside and externally. Cambridge. — Eev. Benjamin £haw reports contributions to the amount of 874.70. Cami'OBKLLO. — Rev. Cecil P. Wilson writes as follows : — M As I have not been in the Parish for a full year, there has been but one col- lection for the Diocesan Church Society ; yet, notwithstanding, the contribu- tions at the present time amount to ?88. 50, including the sum of §14 for the Society for the Propagation of^the GospeL Mrs. Robinson Owej. has munificently presented a most excellent and con- 30 venient plot of croiind to enlarge the Church yanl, and not only has this to be fenco'l ill, but the fence which surroundiii the i)re-jent yiound in so decayed that it nuHt be renewed. Happily, there weenis every disposition on the part of niy people to i)rotect and care for the burial j dace of their forefathers. We have at present P9(> towards this imjiortant work, and there is every jirosja'ct of its beinjT done this year. The Churcli cannot, une erected roiiud the ( 'liurch. It. may not be uninteresting to some to be infoniied that last year the work of the Circle realized !?4li. (id, and that during the last five years the large amount of )?39t.75, derived from the same source, has been expended for Church piu'ijoses. I may add, that I have exjierienced the utmost kindness from all with whom I have come in contact, and cannot speak too highly of thezeal and earnestnes4 of the congregation. Caxtkrbuky. — Rev. T. Hartin reports contributions to the amount of 840. Caiu.etox, St. Ueokge akd Fairvili^eMih.sion.— Rev. T. E. Dowling reports that the contril)utions will exceee 8UIUS are already forthcomin St. George's, Carleton, Fairville Mission, Orand Bay, I thode of last year, and that the following Total for general purposes. Widows' and Orphans Fund, 74.11 12.. 53 8144.10 y.03 8103.22 Chatham.— Rev. D. Forsyth has forwarded the following report : — I have very great pleasure in reporting an increase in the amount of contribu- tions to the General Pui-poses of the Diocesan Church Society tor the ju-eseiit year. The half j'early olfering on Trinity Sunday more than doubled in amount any former collectiim for the same purjiose, and notwithstanding the prevailing commercial depression, several very gratifying increases have been made in the subscrii)tions. At a late Missionary meeting held in St. Mary's Chapel Sunday School House, the following resohitions were passed unanimously : 1st. — Resofrcd, That the Local Comiaittee of the Diocesan Church Society in this Parish realizes the value of the inestimable blessings which it is the pur- ])ose of the Diocesan Church Society to extend to all parts of this Diocese, ami that this Committee desires to acknowledge its debt of gratitude to Almighty God for cyntinual participation in these blessings. 2ud. — That in the opinion of this Local Committee, the sentijnents exjjressed in the foregoing resolution should be practically exhibited in the liberality of contributions to the general purposes of the Diocesan Church Society, and that it is the tluty ami privilege of all Churchmen to give of their substance towards the glory of God and the extension of His kingdom. 3rd. — That in consideration of the rapidly extending Missionary work of the Church in this Diocese, and the consequent increased demands upon the funds «" the Diocesan Church Society, and in consequence of the withdrawal of aid oiu the veneral)le Society for the Propagation of the Gospel — which aid this Li>cal Committee desires fully to acknowledge ; Therefore Resolved, That every effort be made to secure uicreased contributions to the funds of the Diocesan Church Society in the present year. Since my last Annual Report, the Parish Rectory has been completed and the grounds enclosed with suitable fencing. Some i)rogress ha« also been made 31 ayed that lart of my We have ijjt'ct of its nlto Mrs. Lis Name's , Robinson .om. This fence to lie ,e infoniietl ing the last e, has been with whom earnestues4 ,nt of 840. k-ling rei>orts he followiu:,' t of contribii- the i)reseut .eel in aniouut •he ])revailinj; made in the [mlay School j-ch Society in [it is the pur- ] Diocese, ami to Alniiiihty luts expressed liberality ot fiety, and tliAt. lance towards [•y work of tlie Ipon the funds llrawal oi aid I'hich aid this It/, That every the Diocesan dieted and the ko been made an prenaration for a work (tf the greatest iiiii^ortance for the welfare of tho « 'hurcli in this Parish, viz. : therciumishin,' and idtiinate recor iction of St. Clary's f'hapel. Uur first eflffrts have been directed towards rt. trnishini,' tlie Chajijl with free and unappropriated seats. At a Int'^ uieetinj,'of the cnnKrekfa- tion tlie principle of free seats was unanimously endnrsed, and a committee was appointed to aticertiiin the cost of tlie jtrojiosed chan^'e, and to rejiort at a sub- se'juent meeting;. I earnestly pray for the early consnnnnution of a work which lam certain will meet with l)ivine apjiroval and blessing and lie a va- lualile instrument in the development of devotional lile and Scri[itural worshij) amongst us. Till ouu'h the laudable and untiriny endeavors < if the ladies of the concvega- tion, a fund has been accumidating for the purchase of a new (ir>,'an, winch I trust we will soon possess in connection with the aforementioned imiiroveinents. T iiray that all these works may be accomidished in a manner acceptalile in the divine sight, and I trust that tlie gradual develojnnent of the system of Sunday free-will oiTerings is a certain evidence of a desire to return to (iod for His glory and worshii) His just pro[M)rtion of what He has conuiiitted to our Htewardsliip. For the kinil and successful help of th Ir.ilies who have collected the con- tributions to the Society, and for all and many valued encoura>,'emeuts from my people, lam thauicful to nim by whom I trust they may be everlast- ingly rewarded. Contributions amoimt to ?330.28. Dalhocsie.— Rev. J. H. S. Sweet writes as follows : - Since my institution into the incumbency of this Parish I am happy to report that all has been going on favorably and satisfactorily. In conut'ctiou with Dalhousie I have charge of C'ampbellton and a little English colony, called " the Balmoral Settlement ; the former is about sixteen, the latter twelve nules away. J found, when 1 arrived last August, that no regular services had been carried on in either of these places. I am therefore glad and tliankful to lie aide to rejKirt that we have now a regtdar constittited service at Campbelltou every fortnight, and every fourth Sunday at Balmoral. We have no church building of any description at Cam] ibell ton, and so, by t;ie hind penuis.si.m of the Trustees, hold service in the Methodist Chapel. The congregation is not large, but the few I think take a decided interest in oiu- beautiful and ancient Liturgy, and are already talking about building a church of their own. At a meeting of the Church Members last September, at which the Rev. T. Dnvling was present, the i)eople decided to subscribe 880 (eighty) a year towards the general assessment of the Parish. This we thought good as a beginning. The people at the Balmoral Settlement rre far too poor (many struggling for existence) to do anything as yet in a financial point of view. They are always, however, very pleased when I appear among them, and enjoy the services of the church immensely. In time, I have no doubt, the clnu'ch will lie aide to make a firm stand among these colonists, and in a year or two, perhaps, they will be able to subscribe their mite towards the clergyman's stipend. The jiretty church in Dalhousie has received one or two acWitions during the year. H. A. Johnston, Esq., made and i^iresenteil to the church as an E.ister offering a substantial and handsome rooil screen. This, together with a four branched chandelier, recently hung in the Chancel, and an illuminated text round the arch, adds very considerjibly to the general effect. The people are making an effort to erect a j larsonage, but as they are very few, I am afraid they will find it very diflicult unless they receive considerable outside help. V/e have a suitable site adjoining the Church, an i.ifet h11 neceHnary exi»on>os. Wo nn^t not. however, (lespoini, Imt UiihL tli;i.t II;- v.lin has i»rovi;l.'(l for this, His liitit! flock ill till' pant, will .still wivti'li (>,« r iheM, ami in the truest uiil most laHtin,; Bensf, "Siipjilyall their ipjuI." My lie^'ister inurks Munu'iiii. .t, 1 ; lji(jititina, 23 ; liurinh, li. My aiiniial list of !!i-i i-t lu.t }et coiuplete, hut I hoi'U() anil '^'M to the S(.ciLty. 1)K!(HV. IJev. An;,'. V. lliltz :•■.'[)'. v!.-< contrilmtitmH ii\ the amount 102, nii'l has 'Micluseil the fo'ilowiiii/ ri-ioi't : — I am ^,'luil to 111' able to rejicrt one .urayinii' jiroj/reKsin tlie various nii^>ions uuilt-r ni}" care. Wy cjutiuj,' otf, in ;inifasure, some of tJie niostreiante stationn, I hiivi* been able to ;,'ive more utleiiti.in to work nearer home witli more satisfactory resultn than woulil have oceurreil, if uiy elbirts ha give it siirji attention as wouhl l)e iirofi table, viz. : as would streni,4;heii their attachment to the Church ami Iniilil them up into a con>,'reyfttion tr.at mi;,'ht at n future day beeotue the nucleus of a new Parish. I'nless this c.v i be done, labor, in my o])iiiii>n, bestowed there mi^'ht lie more advantayeou.sly e.\pended elsewhere. I could, however [,'iv<( them four visits yearly, and ii the mission- aries at Stanley and St. Mary's would do likewise, a monthly service might bf provided for them, ajid their hearts cheered, until the way could be opened lor placing,' ;i missionary in their midst. In my immediate vicinity the work of the Church ha.s been reviving and the interest in it increasing. A new foundation, costing !?llil), hiw baen pl.aeed beneath the jiaritih Church of Derby, steps are in coutemjtlation for doing the same for the Church at Jilackville, as well as paint) o" it, and t>efore the ensu- ing winter, if our efforts are successful, the Rectorv will have been cimipleted. Four Sunday ScLooL; have also been established tor catechising the children, and iiliraries in connection with some of them will soon be procui'eu. For such fruits of iiis labor, .small though they are, the incumbent can only offer his mt>st hearty thanks to the l^ord of the Harvest, and pray for still more manifest tokens of his goodness and I're.sence, DoTiCHKrtTKR. — Eev. E. Simouds write.? aa follows :— . I really have no reiKirt to make in referena^ to Dioce.«ian Church Society matters in this Parish. I took charge only on Trinitj: Sunday, June 16th. 1 trust the usual amount will be contributed to the Society. The people have received me very kindly, and have done all in their {Kiwer to make us comfortable at the start. They have provided for the Rector a most convenient and well built parsonage, near the Church, and otherwise very pleasantly situated. On the two Sundays I have officiated here, I have had a. m. and p. m. ser- vices, and have given some attention to the Sunday School, in which there are upwards of forty young i>eople. This will probably be, in future, the regular routine of public duties ; and I hope, with God's blessing, to have to perform the work for many j-ears. Douglas and Bright. — Rev. W. LeB. McKiel has enclosed a list of con- tributions from his Missions for 1877. He rej)ort8 the amount fi'om Stanley for 1877-8, $23.02, and from Pouglas and Bright §50. Edmonston, MuVDAwaska. — The Rev. W. Shannon writes, that owing to a serious injury in being thrown from a waggon, on his way to St. Francis, he baa been obliged to omit some of his duties. He makes the following report : — 33 ;ho cbiliUen, Since the chan>,'P ruRtle in thii mission at th»> last moetin^' of the Siji.> luLisi.in, tli • i'ex''il'»r ni""'"i'>K' imrl t?vt'nin!;,' Horviivs h.-ui- Ik-imi hi-M i\^ fnll.tw^— every tliiiil Suniliiy lit Suint KranciH, the remaining Sunihiv.-. ut l^ittl'' I'all.-t. Hiivinj,' no hupHe of Juy own, »11 my jnuinevs to ami fiouj Saint rrnncis) a tliiitance of thirty-two iniU'n) are hy Hta;,'e. t am ol)li,'eil to ;^o uji tlieie on Tluurttlay, as it is the la.-tt ilay of the week on wliidi the Hta;,'e v.'"»i''« "p, ami remai^until some time in the followin.; week, tlh* intervening' rou,'ht int" this mission I consi'ler has heen of Kreat lieiietit not only to tlio^,- in thi-i Diocese, l>ut also to a ^reat numher helon^inu' to the IHoee-e of the IMsli.ip of Maine, as for years those resiiliin,' at Saint Francis hotli on the Kn),'lish ami American side of the river liave never Innlany opjiurtunity of attemlin,' l>ivine worship, or of liearin^ the !,'o»j>el preached, excej't it happened to lie liy some wanderin,!,' preacher of some dissentinj,' denondnntion. I took ailvantage of an opportunity nffonled me tin la-*t winter of i^'oin,' where I suppo.-ie no ck-.vvman had ever ventrnv 1 Itefore, sonie thirty ndles above tlie mouth of the Saint Francis to a place c:illed "AUegash," and thore baptized eight children. The people livini,' there were muc]' pleased i tmy vi.-itin,' them, and prevailed u])on me to renew the visit, sonie time durin,,' the .-ummer. The services ut Saint Francis at present are held in a lar.re room over Mr. rjobert Connor's store, where from ei^'hty to one hundred peoide can bo ftcconuuodated, and which room on several occasions hat been hlled to its utmost capacity, the averaj^e attendance beim,' between sixty and seventy. This sun)mer tliey intend putting up a neat little church, the site of which ha^* already been cleared and most ot the lumber on the ^'round At Little Falls church matters are as usual, all the meiubers of the church residing here being regular attendants at tie services, which are as yet held in a pri\ate building. The foundation for the church here is completed, and work commenced at framinjj out the building, which is to be according to a plan kindh' furnished bv his Lordship the Bishoj). They fullv exi>ect to have the buiUling completed by fall • * Owing to the efforts being made tlii.s year in both parts of the mission to put uj) and cumjdete their churches, besides making uji their amount of my salary. I have found it imi)ossible as yet to raise any contril)utiou for the (jenerni Purposes of the Society, but I am in hopes that some time during the summer when I get about again I may be able to raise at least as much as last year. The number of Baptisms for the i>ast year was seventy-two, fourteen of these being children of parties residing on the American side. The burials were two, one at Little Falls, the other at Fort Kent. F'redeuicton. amount of §850. -Rev. G. Goodridge Roberts reports contributions to the Gagetown. — Rev. James Neales reports contributions to the amount of 853.52. Grand Maxax. — Rev. W. S. Covert reports the usual amount. GuAND Bay.— Rev. J. W. Milledge writes as follows :— This small mission on the St. John river has been establislied about four yeai-s, but its growth has been much retarded by the depression existing in the shipbuilding and milling industries. Services are held in a moulding loft, kindly loaned for the purpose by E. Linton, Esq., ami which has been fitted plainly but neatly with all the essen- tials for the orderly jjerformance of divine worship. Morning prayer and Litany second Sunday in the month at 11 A. 3i. Evening prayer la.^t Sunday iu the month, at 3.30 P. M. Average attendance 34. Tne collection for the 34 Diocesan Church Society tliis ye ir amounted to 812, ami other contrihMtion>' (iVi |iniiiiisuil, which \s'ill, in all prolmfiility, be paid heforo thu piiblicatiun ot' th'-* report. (JuEENWicH.— Tlev. I). W. I'ickett reports )J58.r»3 a.s tho a '.:ount of contribu- tions. Mr. IMclcett writes iw follows : r ii;u u'l.'i'l to report tliafc the incre;ise.l H;n)unt rt'i'iirecl from the Pn^nh by till' liitanl of Hume .MirisioUH contimifs to be miule up from year to year, au' I tliat t!ie contributionH to the General I'urpoxeH of the Society will be lar^j'er thin ye;ir tl::in last. 'I'lie urtv.al McrviceH have been 'i'hire irt l)ut little rocjuiriny Hj^ieeial mention, 'i'lie iiel 1 ill (JreL'uwieh, antl also in Wickh;ini, wiieiiever tl A portion of the oriK'inrtl (ilebe, ulii.tli remaineil nnwild, ha.s now been di^po>it'd of, rnd tin; money npprojiriutt.il to tin: iiaymeiil of the debt on the i'arsu:i!i'.Ce, iuHurance bein^' effec ed upon the l)uildinKs for the amount. H.\>ll'To.N. Rev. t'anon Walker reportn contributions amountiii;^ to .;U').3'J. KiNC.scr.K.vii. Lieut. -Colonel ^^^alnHell writes as fidlows :-- I r<.',i,'ret to have to report that the coilectioiis for the Dioce-ari Church Society for the current year for the I'ari.-ih of Kin^'sclear have not j'et been cnukpk'ted. The foUowni;,'' tinaiu-ial statement, however, is submitted to slie\, tlie amount already obtained for that Society. Further subscription.s willb" duly tnrwanleil to tlie Treasin-er. l'ni;;y add that iu collecting,' for the f'.inds ol" the l)ioeei;an Church Soiiety, ;-•* in every K""d work in our Parish, we never ce;i«e to mourn tho lo.-scf our hit • |)el. on Simdays and 4!> on week daj's. This parish being a very extensive one, Vvith a church i)opiUation in every corner, recpiires from the missionary a con- sivlerable jtortion of his time in going from point to ]K)int, and though not ;;- persevering a visitor as my peojde wcmld like me to be, yet I tiud on refereno- to my diary that I have travelled over 2000 miles, on roads for the most ii:ut, by no means j)leasant and easy to pass over, in the discharge of my Sunday au.l parochial duties. The congregations have on the average been good at churches and station-^. 30 baptisms, including one adult, and 10 marriages. And I am sorry to aiil that the mortality iu the parish for the year has been very great. The funen.Is exceeding the baptisms by six, out of wliich number (30) 12 were regidar com- municants. A great loss to any parish, more especially when I remember that many of them were yoinig and active member's, and all staunch supporters ef the church. But what was our loss I have good ground for hoping was their Eiin, and sc^far take consolation in the pious ejaculation of the patriarch, " the ord gave and the Lord hath taken awaj; blessed be the name of the Lord." Iu February last was organized a Society for raising funds in the !<<()'' objectionable way, for church purposes, which Society is called the Mite Society iu connection with Trinity Church; thanks to an active and earnest band ef lady helpers, it has, so far, met with a fair success, considering the tightness »i 35 ntribntinnw Micutiou ul »{ contiU>u- , I'lmnh by to year, !iii;l e larijei" this vH have lift II il lie ci'OStieil. iH iioW liet'U (id it on ill-' unt. r{ to ;?(V).3'.). :>»t;ill Clmvc-'.l not yot bfon ittf.rti) sli.'\. ption.s vill 1'" ■fli S' nifty, !'< o.sscf i)ur hit • 8.75 •i o :V2.*) 7.00 2.87 PCS. 87 hwin^' x'ei'ort : liii'iil, three i^ei- (.{ eleven t'l'i- Hevvices beiii,: extent^ive one, ssionary a con- thou^'h not us d on relerenc' the most V-Ut, ly Sunday au'l ,.. anil stations. Im sinTV to ad' I The "fuuenils Ire reynhir ci>!n- rem euibev that Ih 8\il)poi'ters «'t loi)ing was their Imtriarch, "the le of the Lord, lids in the h>: the times ami the frequent aUln iipon the Hl.Mider jiMises of my jiansliioners; nil, witliout II sin).rle e.xeeiitii>n, liein;,' suns and d!iuv,'ht*T«« of toil. The first w.irk to which this fund is to Ihj devoted, will lie the ii.^intin^ and reiiairinK ot the pari-'ih clnirch. The amount mlleet»'il for the year fur the Hume Mis,sinii Kimd amnuiits to j^Hf) »hioh. with iiur otferin,'s to Society for the I'ropa^'ation i>f the (uwiiel, and AlKonia laings up our list to >51U0. MoNCTov Rev. Kilwyn S. W. Pentreath has enchwed tlie fulltiwinj,' report : Xotwith^tumlin;,' a considerable decrea.se in the population of the town, and oh depression in busine.ss, I am ^hul to be able to reimrt that thin purisli is stron^'er numerieally and tinancially thui it has ever iteen. The money con- tributed Ul the ImiliiinK' fund and c-arrent expenses is lar^'ely in exce.-is of any former year. 1 rejiort with great thankfuhiess the completion of the interior of theChunli. The amount exi>ended on it duriu^' the jia-st year has lieen .^ll."fO.(HJ, and .'dl this, with the eACfjition of a grant of £7)i) tioin the Society for I'roniotiny Chris- tian Kuowli'dge, has befii raised iu the I'arish. I)uriii*< till' iirogress of the Work the church was vi>ited by large nuudiers of pei-sfiMs, and it may be cafely said that for de.-ign and finish the interior is .-ieeond to none in the Diocese. The tower aud spire are Ktill incomplete. Wo ho] le to tiinsli them this summer. 1 de.-^ire to thankfully acknowleilge the fol- lowing gifts :— 'i'he StK'iety for Promotiiu,' l 'hristiaii Kuowl.'d/e Fiftv Pounds Sterling. The j»roprietors of ** Hynni-s, Ancient and Modern" t'ive Pounds worth of the revised edition. "The Church Extensifin Association,'' of London -a set of Fair linen, liible. Prayer Hook, liixik Markers, Pulpit IJanners, and other useful articles. The chiltlren of the Sunday School -a Pulpit. Mrs. MacXab-AlUr Cloth. ^McDonald Bros., of Halifax Two Standards for lighting tlie chancel. The amount contributed liy the I'dris/i this past year lor all imrposes has been sl7.'»0.00, of which the Ladies' Society of " Willing Workers, gave .SHOO. During the year we have lost the services of Mr. anil Mrs. K. B. Chandler, Jr., by tlieir removal to Petiticoill.ac. The debt of gratitude owed them for their generous and self-denying work for the past twentv years can never be repaid. 1 fear that our contributions to the Diocesan Church Society will not exceed the !?()0.00 for which we are assessed. The Society must kindly make some allowance for us, in consideration of the large amount we have had to raise this year for parish purposes. MusQUAHH. — Rev. Henry M. Spike writes as foHows : — We are making most e!j.rnest efforts to increase our subscriptions to the Dincesau Church Society as the claims of the Society are very urgent. I have informed the parishioners that there is a large deficiency in the funds of the Society, aud we should make extra efforts to meet it. The jiarishioners are making zeahms efforts to sustain the work of the church, and to be acquainted with its tlistinctive principles and apostolic teachings. We hope to senh Smith has sent the following report : — . The hue and cry throughout has been " hard times I " "money scarce ! " and q-V I am sorry to say, that the amount realized towards the ircnoral purposes of the Dii'cesan C'hurcli Society is S8 cents less than that of the prenous year, Itoin^' S4ri.90, and the amount for Foreiifn Missions is >'"4..">1. Pressing upon the minds of the people the importance of maintainini,' their interest in, and relatiims to the l)ioceosition, " Freely ye have received, ■freely give," Here I would make acknowledi/ment of the vanous acts of kindness the peojile have i^espectfully shown to Mi-s. Smith and myself during' the ye.ir— fiist in (ifferinK to our acceptance a very serviceable 1)uffalo robe, then, byway of surjirise, bringin? to the jiarsonage such necessaries of life, and also of the kind and hospitable manner they have always bill me welcome to their houses, toL'ether with Mrs. Smith, when accompanietl by lier. Tile statistics forwarded with this will be some little index of the ( 'hurch work in the parish, but the leaven of the gospel, though silently woiking. is for the i>resent wisely held from us, to bring our faith anil patience inti> exercise, and to make us rely \ipon Him who said, "what I do thou kiiowest not now ; hut thou shalt know hereafter," The following is the financial account of the vear : — To Parsonage, ' !?11.^.00 To Church Purp3 To Foreign Missions, .... .... .... 4.51 8244.71 reports contributions Total, Point dc Chene, Shedt.vc— Rev. G. S, Jarvis, D. D from the parish to the amoiuit of J-'oCOO, PETiTComAC— Rev. Cuthbert Willis writes as fiulows :— I bef' to report that dining the past year the work in the Missions has been carried on under difficulties and somewhat interruptedly owing to my continued loss of vocal power. With the a.ssistance of my brotlier clergj' and of Mr. Wyllie during the whole of Lent, and my lay reader, !Mr. Chandler, the services have been fairly kept up and well attended. Mr, Chandler has rendered me most efficient a.id as Lay Reader, and since he has taken uj) his residence in Petitcodiac, has trained the choir, and now superintends the Sunday School. I cannot but feel grateftil for his ever ready assistance in every parish work, I am now in correspondence with several clergymen iu the United States, and expect permanent helji very shortly. The siibscriptions not yet completed, will, I hope (although the Portage is now in the Mission of Waterford), reach the amount of last ye.ir, or about 870. PnrscE Wtlli.\u axd Dl'MFRIE.s.— Rev, LeB, W. Fowler reports contribu- tions to the amount of 8S0.OO. Queexkbury, — Rev, A, H, Weeks writes as follows :— I have nothing of especial interest to rei>ort. Few as we are, and scattered over a large tract of coimtry, travelling takes up a large portion of my time. ])iErtng the last year storms and bad roads have not interfered with this as a*< much as usual. I have succeeded in organizing several classes for the in- struction of young people and children in different i»art8 of mj^ mission. The ^^•hole numl>er attending — GK. The average attendance about 50. The work has hitherto fallen almoi-t entirely on myself, but there seems to be a prospect of efficient help ei-e long. * I send S75.00 to the Creneral Puq)oses of the Diocesan Church Society. RiCHiBUCTO. — Rev. N. A. Coster reports contributions for the Society as 1.84, apart from nearlj'825 for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 38 Mission and for Algoma. Mr. Coster v/ishes to induce the Society to continue the allowance the same as last year, towards the mission of Weldford, without calling for additional contri1>uti(ins from llichibucto. l-llcir.MONl). — Ilev. Henry H. Neales has enclosed the following report : — Xo one can know much of the real i)ros])erity and s\iccess "*n sjnritual matters of the work done in any Mi.-sion. 'J"hat remaiis for the day "When every man's work shall jje tiled so as V/y fire." There are, however, many outward signs of life and progress in a Parish, whicli are cheering and encouraging to all interested in the work of the churcli for her great Master. I will mention some of these, as visible in this Mission. Since my last report, the roll of conuminicants has increased from 05 to 7^, the congregation have continued exceediuuily good, and the number of Sunday School Scholars has incre.'ired from about 70, as rej.arted last year, to 110. St. Paid's t'hiu-ch, at South liicluuond, has been finished, and a stained glass east window put in, all at a cost of about 8250, of wliich the Society for Pro- moting CJhristian Knowledge gave us tl;e liberal sum of !:^90. A Sunday School house is in course of building, which will he completed ami paid for by the 1st of August. This has l^een the voluntary work of the people, without any urging, or exertion on the j)art of the clergyman. 'J'he Rectory Jind Parish Church huve been insrired for a term of three vears, for .s2,000 : also, St. i'aul's Church for .'<1,000. The sum of S42 has been con- tributed for the ])urpose of securing a communion service, the Lord Bishop hav- ing given us a handscmie silver «|)atten. An old debt of !i<7r) has been paid off dining the past few months. To make a long story sliort, the Parish of Eichmond has contiibuted within the last twelve months, aln)ut .^1250 for churcli purjioses. The week day service* during Lent were, aijjjarently, v.'ell appreciated. The average attendance at the daily morning services, during Holy Week, was 22 ; while the daily evening services drew a large congregation, which gradually increased until Good Friday evening, when the Church was full, and this at a season when tlie roads were very j)oor. I have to regTet the loss of tv.-o active Laymen in the work of the Mission — INFr. C. E. f-urrie has gone to Montana, and Mr. H. B. Montgomery to Fred- ericton, to continue his [^reparation as a candidate for Holy Orders. Other good men and true, however, are still witli us. ]Mr. Henry Jameson, for instance, whose aid in the Sunday Schools is so valuable. Miss Sincock, who has been our very eflicient organist for some months jjast, has been called ()y duty to another part of the County. Her place, however, has been s\ipj)lied by one who, I trust, is equally devoted to the service of Chi ist. The Sewing Society has done, and is still doing a good work for the elm ch. 1 shoiild like well to record my hearty thanks for much personal kindness received from my ]ieoi)le, during the past year, as well as for the cordial sup- port they have given in the work of the church. Contributions amount to 8105. Rothesay. — Rev. Francis Partridge reports, that the collections and sub- scriptions from the pariso will probably amount to §200. Sackville. — A subscription list has been enclosed, amounting to 340.57. St. Andrew's and Chaxcook. — George D. Street, Esq., Secretary of thi"* Committee, repoits contributions from St. Andrews, S122.44; Chamcook. $47.65 -total !sl70.C9. The usual cfferinps were made for the Widows' and Orphans' Fund and the Missions of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. St. George ahd Pennfield.— Rev. Ranald E. Smith, hnrs snbmitted the follo^^'ing report : — Hard times— decreasing offertory— failing subscriptions — pevr rent? uncol- lected — is our report from Saint George. Is ever h.'w it suffered such commer- cial depression. The work in the gi-anite mill suspended — the railroad work 39 continue , Avitlumt .rt:— ,1 matters hen every a Parisli, he church i Mitision. 1 G") to Ti', :)f Sunday 110. bineil '^lasa ty for Pru- ilay School by the 1st itiiout any hree years, ,s been con- 3ishoi) hav- uted within iated. The ek, was 22 ; a gradually \d this at a e Missinn— ry to Fred- ers. Other meson, f"" lonths past, pe, howevei. ^e service tn 'ork for the lal kindness I cordial sup- Ins and snb- ,340.57. [tary of tlii^ Chamcook' Vidows' and tation of the Ibmitted the rents uncol- jch conimer- iilroad work stopped — little beinj,' done in lumber. Many persons have been conq'ellod to leave the place. Small though it be, our offertory is our great -■c;ind-by, Xotwitliist Hilling this, the "Women's ('liuich V.'ork Association," have fur- nished the means to thoroughly refurni-h the Chancel of St. Mark's Cluiich, and it now presents a church-iike appearance, ^^'e look forward to furtlier restoiiitioiis. Pennlield Parish has not been honiuch affected l)y the deju'ession, or if it has, zeal has overcome diHiciddies. I have ;i large ami increasing congregation there. On Whit-Tiiesdaj" 1 bajitized nine children in (.'luis:: < 'htiich, of ago-s varying from 11 years to infancv. 'J'he nundx-r of communicants is grailually increas- ing. Th.e renovation of the chin-cli fabiic here has been a great help in 1)i;ild- ing up tlie si)iritual temiile, and there is an incveaning reverence, a larger attendance, a greater appreciation of the ('lunch's services, and a greater jironqtlnesK in meeting clnirch dues. Of late I have I'.elil services in a new sch(.ol-h(.use in another sectiiiu (-f my mission, viz., L"Et;.iig-. The atteiu'ance here was laige, the house being tilieil. Jieie too, I bapii:a'd V.i jiersons of varyiuv; ages, two Ijeing adadts. There are mere to be baiitized in July, one being an aihdt. The people in tliis dtstricb seem to value the jnivilege of tlie church's services veiy liighly. Altogether, since my last report, I have bai)tized 47. N\'e are df)ing what we can for the Diocesan (.'hui'ch Society. It has always lieen well snpporti.'d in this ^lission, owing a great tleal to the efforts of my i>ie- decessor. It we fall short this year it will not be on accoxmt of a diminisliing interest in the Society's work, but on account of the severe commercial dc} ivs- sion reigning here. We hope our contriljutions will amount to -"sb-jO. St. David, kc. — Pev. Joseph Eushton rej^orts that the conlributions from this mission will amount to >^-iO, .and writes as fijllows : — In making a report of my work in tins parisii during the ];astyear, I h.ave to acknowledge the univeFoal kindnesrf which I have received at the hands if all the pari-hioners. I have not been al)le to acconiplish as much as I desired, far having my own parish in Saint Steplien, I have oniy been aide to give a service on every alter- nate Sunday in the week, and I have everyv.hi.re fL.uud a growing de.'-ire to h.ave a resident Rector. During tiie eleven months I have diiven nearly loOO miles, made 1-50 i)arochial visits, held 65 services, bai)tized .■50 pei'sons. anil had four funerals. I shall be very giad to resign the ])arish if the Societv can provid.e a Eector ; if not, I will continue a.s I have done, to work aniong the p>eople and give them such services as I piwsibly cai'. 1 trust the contributions will be at least 840 ; the list is not quite conipleted. St. Jude, C'ARi.rTOX.— Rev. D. B. Parnther writes, that it has long been his desire to have this parish united to the Dit.cesan C'hurcli Society, and a resolution to this effect was adopted at a late meeting of the vestry. '* PLaving been,"' Mr. Parnther adds, " since the erection of the church, indebted to the Colonial and Continental Society for an annual grant, we are necessarily 1 <;un;l to remit our yearly collections to this Si^ciety. I will, nevertheless, endeavor to raise a small sum for the Diocesan Church Society." St. James. — Kev. W. Armstrong reports contributions amounting to !?50. He writes as follows : — I am sorry not to have any general subscriptions from my j.arish, l^it having to make the largest demsuids 1 can upcm my people for the re-ertction of my church destroytnl by fire last June, to avoid as much lis possible unnecessary debt, I think I am justitied in not attempting -to make the usual collections, all my parishioners having also expeiienced great losses from the tire. St. Mary's, &c. — Rev. W. JafFrey writes as follows : — Since the division of his mission he has been enabled to devote the v.hole of his time to the parish of Saint Marys, and with every prospect cf satisfactory 40 results. The per>i)lc seem to take a greater interest in church matters than horeto- fnre, and nlthouyh ncnic of his parinhiomns are wenltliy, yet they seem willin,' to do vhitt they can tf-wards carrying on the good work, .and no do\ibt when they shall have finished their church now in covuse of erection, they will give a good accoimt (t{ themselves to the Sciciety. At i)resent, however, they can tions and collecti(nis this year will be about S40, which, when added to Stanley subscriptions (not yet heard from), will exceed the ^ mount repoi-ted last year. St. Mahk. — Mr. T. B. Hanington, Secretary of this Committee, reports con- tributions to the amount of ?*4Gy.3ri, of which the simi of §57 is reserved for the Special Widows' and Orphans' Fund, leaving §400.35 for the General Purposes t f the Societj'. St. M-vnTixs. — Ecv. J. E. Campbell has forwarded the following report : — I have had twelve niontlis additional experience of this i>arish since I last wr te to you. That exi)erience has been chequered, and has proved tome that the desire to have a resident minister iinder the conditions of contributing S^iOO .1 year, and providing forthwith — as was necessary — a house for the clergj'man, was beyond the ability of the people. At first sight, things seemed favorable ; Imt eight or nine hunr the final extinction of the debt, so that henceforth another addition mav be made to the list of parishes in the Diocese which have a parsonage. This, I believe, makes the thii'tisth. Tlie Society v/ill readily understand that the immediate effect of frequent calls on a people fev>' in number, and almost entirely composed cf the mechani- cal members of the most depressed industries in t'lie co\nitry — lumbering and shipbuilLiiug— is not exhilai-ating. They quite understand the circular of the Secretary of the JJoard of Home Missions touching the reduced Society for the Propagati'in of the Gospel gr.'Uit and lessened Diocesan subscriptions, but they are without the means to give practical expression to what they so clearly understand. However, tlie Society can count upon our doing what they can. Whilst the nmtcrud prosperity of the church in this parish has increased very considerably in value during this last year, the builaing up of the Spiritual Temple has not been neglected. , I reported last year about 25 communicants ; I now return double that number. St. Paul. — [Mr. T. Barchiy Robinson reports contributions to the amount of $545.77. St. Stephen* — Christ Church. — Rev. Joseijh Rushton reports contributions to the amount of !?30. Shediac. — Rev. G. S. Jarvis, D. D., reports contributions for the general Purposes of the Society, 857, exclusive of offerings for the Society for the 'ropagation of the Gospel Missions. SiMONDS. — Rev. G. Schofield reports as follows : — During the year ending June 1st, I have had 39 baptisms, 7 marriages, and 33 burials. The number of deaths in the parish is unusually large, and the number of sick ])ersons who have recovered is also large. In so wid*ly scattered a parish as this, a large amount of visiting, involving many hundrecLs of mil is of travelling has thus been rendered necessary. But ■41 \n hcreto- willin-' ti» i-hen tliey Lve a good m arise and build. But I would not have it said of me, "This man began to build but was not able to finisli." One very great discourag-ement in this parish is that very many of our young men and women move away eitlier to .St. John or the United States, in search of more remunerative emi)loj'nient. Out of 000 children whom ^ have bap- tized, a very large proportioji have emigrated, leavintr the older people and the children beliinil them. When our iieo)»le come to learn that farming is the most he.althy and most independent life a man can live tliey will not so readily be lured av.ay by the attractions of larger cities, but will rarlier labour truly to get their own living ajid to do their duty in that state of life untt) which it has pleased God to call them. I have a fortnightly service at Black River, at Loch Lomond, at Golden Orove, at Garnett's Settlement, and (with tlie assistance of Mr. Lee), a weekly service at Moosepath. I ha\e also a week-day service at Mispeck. During tlie year I have conducted i)ublic worship 140 times, and the attend- ance has been on the whole veiy good. Springfiki.i) and Johnston'.— Rev. amount of i?.bO. J. H. Talbot report contributions to the Sussex and Sti'DHOlm. — Rev. Cane »n Medley makes the following eport : — In sending my report I desire first of all to thank the Board of ISlissions for the grant whicii has been mafle to Waterford, and would inform the Society that with the consent of the Bishop and the Rector of Salisbury, the Rev. C Willis, a jtortion of the Mission of Petitcodiac has been joined to Waterford, thus giving it another station church, and also the aid of some more church people. I think, if properly worked, this new and poor mission may eventually prove t(> be a thriving one, and I hope and believe that the jtresent missionary in charge, the Rpeless place to hold church services in we were not only most hospitably and kindly treated by Mr. Tomkins, the man- ager of the plaster works, and his son-in-law, Mr. C>sman, but were put up for a night by the Methodist preacher, who also gave us the use of his meeting nouse. And what was better still, we left Hillsboro' with the asisurance that if a clergy-man was sent to Albert, the sum of SlOO would be given from that one place. Now I kn»w vei-y well that no blame can be attached to the Church Society 4-2 for the neglect of Albert, but I would take upon myself to .sugi^rest tliat if the {,'rant niade to that County cnuM l)e increaseil for a few years until a i)ar.siinaL,'e house could he huilt, and the Min: my own work in Sussex and Studhniui, I can say that the fruits are^ abundant, and that I anticipate ^'reater residts iii years to come, if (4(.(1 so wills, since by the setting' off the mis^iKU of Wuterioi'd from my missiim the work will lie made much more practicable. I am sorry to say the anniud subscriiitions to the ]>iocescui Church SiX'iety have not as yet bren all iKiid in, but I thiid< the amount of iheia will no:; lie less than last year, say !i:180. 'i'ltiMTY, St. John.— Ilev. Canon Brigstocke, reports contributions to tlie amount of .'^.olO.OJ^. IJPH.VM. — Rev. S Jones Planford rei)orts as follows : — My mission is made itp of the t)arislies of Ui)ha)u and Hammond — v.ith three churches and three stations, and for the last j'ear I reported — Sermons delivered ISH Ba]itisms, including one aJult 'S> Mariiages 7 Burials S The contributions amount to .SJGS.57. I kn(.iw every effort should Ijo ni.-ide to increase, and trust that by callinLT upon as :nany as I can we shall make u]) a fair total. 'J'hose to the Societv for the Pi'opagation of the Gospel for the year amounted to ^7. Wklofofi) and Ki>:gston'.- Eov. W. B. Arm>trong hopes to I'eport an ainountof cimtributious ejual to if not greater than that of last ye:u'. lie writes as f(.)llows : — The services in tliese i)arishes have been regtdarly kejvt up during the pa^t year. The winter ^vas :in exceptionally Hne <.ne here as elsewhere throuyh the j)rovince, tliough in the breaking up of the cold M'eather, the roads ^^ ere almost iiupassi)ble. The congregations have been good during the greater jjart of the year, with the exception of the v;inter mt:nths, when n)any of the faimers take their liorsi.-s into the woods to engage in lumber operations. Thus their families, living many of them at a long distance fnmi church, are denied the opportunity cf attending divine W(/rshij). We have live Sunday Schools now in operation. The parish being very nitich scattered we are obliged to have them in different directions. Four of the.-e are in Weldford, and one in Kirigston. And here I would take the oppnitunity of thanking those kind fellow workers, who have so faithfully and perseveringiy performed their duty in this part of the Master's vineyaa'd, and without whose self-ilenying efforts the work could not at all be accomplished. We have had during the year forty baptisms, I feel very strongly the disadvantage oi living' £>t such a distance from my parish, as in the event of a clergj'ma:.i living away from his people, a great deal of liis personal influence is lost, neither can he tjvke that interest in their affairs which he shotdd. At present, hov/ever, the people of Weldford are not in the position to enable a clergyman to live in their midst. Contributions for General Purposes S58.50, for Society for Propagation of the Gospel, S6.00, Church at New Denmark §8.00. 43 t if th'.- plKlU to .1 Allevt a ui;^'eut () alttU'l huvcli i:l an ^vu;^- llioim,! r'Sult.S ill 'iiteriut'il ;i S'icitity ill utC b<-- [IS to tlie ,vith tlirce 13:^ i 8 by calliiv-'- • aiu.mntf (1 report nu yo:u'. llo the past mm^cb the .■re almost; yeai-, vitli leir bovsL-s lies, livir.;-' lortuiiity of very iimcli jf i\hi!-e arc ippoitunity irrieveviiigiy lOut whose ;e from my great deal thk>ir atfairs an to enable 5ag»tion of WiCKl.ow. — Rev. J. E. Flewelling reports conti ibutionst to tb.e ammiut of 840.00, and he writes as follov/s : — I am nleasetl to report nn increuserl interest in church matters dminsy'tlie year, a better attendance at Services, and al.-o a heartier appreciation <>f the church's services. I have had nmc'a to clieer my lieart fur what has been done. " I thank (i'ld and take courage." 'I'lie >}iiiitual ^rowtl; uf the Chuicli in tliis mission is only known to the great T Am. 1 li.ave received iiiuney en()u;;h to l)uv a private cnn.nninicn set for the use of the clergyman othciatini,' in i^t. Barnri;as' Cliurch, and also eiiuuirh to purchase a public set for tliH use (f this clnucli. On .Tune lltb, wliieh was tlie .sec 'ud anniversary of consecration of St. IJarnaVias" C hurcli, and third of the beyinnin;,' of my Work here, we commemorateii the d.ay (St. I'lai-nabas') b-y holding a mis- sionarv nieetin.^' in the tvenin,:,' in saM chiu'ch, at which stiriinv addresses were delivered by Itevs. ],. A. Hoyt, IJ. M. Edv.-ards of Fort FairtielVl, and T. Xcales. Alt!'.i)U;,'li the ni',dit was wet yet there was a large .ittendani-e. This evening's meeting will be long remenil)ered by both pastor and i;eupl<.'. . Westfield. — Kev. E. S. Woodman re^iorts contribution.-* to the amount of Woonr/mc'i:.— IJev, Tho7nas Xeales writes as follow.-; : — During tlie past year the Sunday and week-day services in tlie chnrclies and at the station.s have been regularly lield with scarcely an onn^'^ion. Tlie nn.>- siim, throuLdi the assistance given by the J>iocesan ( 'irarch Society has had the benefit of the services of ]Mr. W. J. Wilkin.-on, of the Univei.sity of New Brunswick and late King's College, Vv'indsor, who has done gooil work as Lay Beader, and we hope to retain him for at le ist ariother year, ^\'e ha\ e to record tlie loss (f luauy faithful members of the cliurcli who liave pas>ed to their rest, no less than eight of wh.om were regular c::inmunicants. Amoii-' them our ciuu'cii-wardeij, li. li. Ketchuni, i]s{j., in wliom we lose ii kind friend and a zealous member of the church he loved. Contributions amount to 82.s0.00. •. • From the foregoiiiii' Reports it will ])o oi).p'U'cntjy more than rito *'' go up higher." 45 PKOCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. St. John, July -2, IS^.S. The Committee met in Saint Jolin's Cliureli Scliool Room^ on Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Honorable S. L. Tilley, C. B., Lieutenant Governoiv Vice President, in tlie Chair. Prayer.^. . The Secretary called the roll of tlie Lay Delegates, duly qualiiied to represent the Local Committees, and al:;o the names of the Clergy, as follows. Those marked* were not j)resent : Parish. The Cathedral, Anclover, Bathurst. Black>'ille, Burton, Cambridee. Campobello, Canterbury, Chatham, Clifton, Dalhousie, Derby, Douplas and Bright, Dorchester, Dumfries, Fairville, Fredericton, Gagetowu, Grand Manan, Greenwich, Grand Bay, Hampton, Johnston. Kingsclear, Kingston. Maugerville. Moncton. Musquash, Madawaska, Newcastle. New Denniai'k, New Maryland, Norton. Pennfleld, Petitcodiac. Petersville, Point duChene, Prince William, Queensbury, Richmond, Rlchibucto, Rothesay, SackTille, Clergy. Rev. F. Alexander, Sub Dean, " L. Hoyt, •' W. Henry Street,* " A. F. Hiltz, " B. Shaw, " C. P. Wilson. " T. Hartiu, " D. Forsj-th, " J. H. S. Sweet. •' A. F. Hiltz, " W. LeB. McKiel, " R. Simonds, " LeB. W. Fowler, " T. E. DowUug, " G. G. Roberts, " J. Neales, " W. S. Covert.* " D. W. Pickett, " J. W. Millidge. " Canon Walker,* " J. H. Talbot, •' H. S. Wainwnght, " G. H. Sterling, " E. S. W. Peutreath. " H. M. Spike, " W. Shannon,* " H. H. Barber, " N. M. Hansen, " F. Alexander, *' E. A. Wanieford, " R. E. Smith, " C^ithbeit Willis,* " Jos. Smith, " Stanlev Boyd, " LeB. yv. Fowler, " A. H. Weeks, '• H. H. Neales, " N. A. Coster,* " F. Partridge, Lav Deleoate-s. George Parkin, James S. Beek, Lewis Pickett,* G. A. Brittain.*. H. W. Baldwin,* Theo. DesBrisay,* Hon. R. D. Wihnot, James Porter,* Charles Scri))ner,* John Farmer, Luke Byron.* Hon. Judge Fisher, Robert Robinson,* W. Wilkinson,* G. A. Blair, Hon. C. Justice Allen*, H. A. Johnson W. T. Crocker,* F. E. Danville,* J. DeL. Robinson, S. J. Smith, Hon. E. B. Chandler,* D. Chapman.*^ Hy. A. Davidson,* Hy. S. Strange,* Jas. DeW. Spurr, Hurd Peters. Hon. Cf. Ju.stice Allen,* W. Cai'man,^ Penniston Starr, Dr. Alder, H. B. McKiel, J. C. E. Roberts,* Geo. Otty,* John W. Wright, J. H. Pearson,* Charles Cody,* Charles Murray,* G. Herbert Lee, D. P. Wetmore,* Daniel D. Northrup„ J. S. Covert, G. A. Sterling, George C. Peters, Alex. McNab, W. Clowes Carman,* R. Dean, Senr.* Joseph Sutherland, Barry R. Plant,* T. Maltby, E. Lee Street, I. Allen Jack, Peter Peterson, Jas. E. Fairweather,* Chas Dixon,* Jas. Gillespie,* John Crickard,* E. B. Chandler, Jr., C. E. Flewelling,*" John Corbett, Josiah Perkins, James Henry,* James A. Henry,* Wm. Stokes,* Hy. B. Montgomery,* Hon. the Chief Justice,* R. T. CUnck,* Isaac Saunders, H. B. Allison,* Arthur E. CogsweU,. r.vniaH. St. Andrews, .St. I)a\id, St. (ieoi'tre, St. (k'drKf, Carloton, St. .laiiu's, St. Mark. St. Marv's, St. raul. St. Stcphon, Christ ( 'liurch, Hhediiic, St. Martin, Sinionds, Siirintftleld, Sussj'.v. Stuillii'lni. St. Jnd»'. C'nrlcton, St. Luk*'. Tiirthiiul, Trinity, St. Joliu, T'jtJiain. Wlddfnrd, "Westfield, Wicklow. ^V(llldstoek. M'estnKirland. Waterford, 46 ("LEROY. liAY pEI.EnATCH. Rev. W. Q. Kftchum, DD. fii'-ir^.' T). Strt'et. a. S. GrinuuT, Lurcu Tlininimon,* .lospnh Simpson.* R. T. Ciinoh.* (». Sidui'v Smith. " R. E. Smith. " T. E. Iiowiiiif!:. " W. Armstrcn;;, " (t. M. Annstronpf, " W. JafTrev. '• Frederick S. Sill, *' J(.>8. Rushton, " f». S. Jan-is. I^. I). " J. R. ('anii)l»ell, " a. SchofLdd, " J. H. Talbot. ■ Canon Medley, '■ Canon AletUey, " 1). B. Paruther, " F<*it**r Alnjon, *' C*non UriRstocke, " H. J. Hanford. " W. B. Armstrong, •' E. S. Woodman, " J. E. Flewelllupf, " T. Neales. " D. M. BU.SS.* " John Loc'kwartl, Uriah Urake.* .loseiili I)unham.* Edward Willis. W. H. Hatheway.' Jas. K. Itnliertson. C. A. McI)onald. .J. Woodford Smith.* J. E. Flewellin;:, Arthur L>aniel, H. 1'. Starr, S. K. Dalev,* W, II. Roiirke.* G. A. Sc-li('.field. I. Allen Jack. Walter R. Scovil, J. StiirKess Marven. J. C. Arnold, .1. .M. Ilallett. Isaac- Sharj),* W. T. Peters.* G. E. Falrweather.* Ira Cornwall. Anil, Sherwood. .las. M. Fuwlcr,* Hon. Jiulye ^Vetmore.* Captain McMurdo, J. Murrav N'ase. ,Tohu Jj. Saunders.*. Jno. C. llayward.* J. I). Ket-chum. W. F. Dibblee. MEMBERS EX OFFICIO PRESENT. Mr. W. M. Jan-is, - H. W. Frith, - " C. H. Fairw-eather, " T. W. Daniel, " T. B, Hanington, " T, Barclay Robinson, " G. W, Whitney, " H, L. Sturdee. " G, Sidney Smith, " 0. E. L. Jarvis, Vice-President. Trensin-er, Auditor. Member Executlre Com, II II Read by the Secretiirv a repoi't of the Mi:;,si<)nane.s aiul of the Local Oonimittees, and also a report of the ])roc'eeding.s of the Executive Committee for the past year, including a report, of the Finance and Book Depository Committees. On motion of the Kev. Canon Medley, it was resolv.ed, That the reports be received, and that of the Finance Committee hi' referred to the Executive Committee at its next meeting. Mr. Fairweather presented the Auditors' Report, Avhich he read. - On motion of the Secretary, it was resolved that the same be received and entered upon the Minutes. :■( 4 •! 4: iner, th. »m.* way.* Diiuulil. k'welliii^', is Marvt'U, rnwall. ■av Nase. itaywanl.* blee. ive Com. lul of tlie edings of f II report. r.ed, That Imittec bj ing. hvliicli lio the same AUDITORS' HKPOUT FOR THE YEAR ENniN'(; :5»ili APRIL. ISTS. The following uecoiinls h:ivo l^'cn subialttt'd to tlic Auditors, uud ♦'Xainiiicd. yu. 1. (Tcncral p\irposos, (hie from this nrfonnt i?S(J8 a5 Xo. 2. Parishes. " t ^(W 00 !N(). :i. Interest Is'o. 4. Miss llaz<'n. Tni^t No. 5. ('hi]>nian Trust Interest iiccount Xo. (5. AVidows' and ()ri)hans' Fund. iJalanee duo tliis account }<'.>8 i;> >«'o. 7. Education and .Vtrcd ClurLry Fund. l>alauc'e due this aerount l+T 7*.) No. S. Divinity Srholarship'.s Fiuid. Ualaiu'c due tins lurount ]()!> 94 No. 9. IncMpacitated and Aged Cli'ri,^y. Rahurji! due this account \ oil) 7."» No. 10. (ilelx' Land Trust. Rulance due this accounl. lOii 45 No. IL RichibuetoTrust. Halancedue fui. thisFund. 8 2) No. 1'2. S. Scovil, Trust. Ihiihiiiu,' Fund No. l:J. S. Scovil, Income account. Dut' from lliis Fund ::();} 28 No. 14. Chipman IJequest, Principal IJalance due Vrom this Fund oS!} 75 No. 15. Investment acct. lialances due thisaccount 2112 33 No. 1(5. Balances, Cash in hand 2;il8 11 No. 1 7. fetutements of Assets st()22 1!> )t;4()22 li) T!ie followiu":: accounts in detail liave also been laid l)efore the Auditors, and checked. A. Subscriptions and ("olleclions. B. ^Missionaries' Salaries. • ('. Ofiicers' Salaries. I). ('(Mitinirencics. • • E. Pensions. F. Interest on Investments. The fore.u'oing accounts have bceen examined by the Auditors, and foiuid correct. ' . C. II. FAIRWEATIIER, l Auditors G. W. WHITNEY, ^-Auaitors. *S'.;//^ John. X. B., July 'i, 1878. 3Ir. Seliofiekl, from tlie Board of Jlonie Mis.sioiis, presented and read a report, whicli on hi.s motion was reeeived, and the recommendtitions contained therein were referred to th.e Board to be elected to-day. , •. . - Report of tlie Board of Home Mis.sions for the veur ending July 1st, 18T8. During the past year alterations have been made in the terras of grants to various Missions, as follows : > Maugerville. — The application ma !e Irom this Mission to the General 4S Coiniiiitt»>e for an incre/i^eil i,'rant hnvtii^ lii'iru rff»*iTeil to tin; UiKUil, wa« ikKii'eil to, ami tlif aiiioiiiit w;i-« Inrreiisfil .S^O. A tleput^tion wwh nt th>' M.uiit' tiim* u|)|Miinto ;,'rant to this MUsion ha.i Ix-en increaseil if> amount ivijuirtMl was reiluceil •'?4i), and at tin- •<:tuif time tlie peoph" wfiv nutilioil that if the sum of .^iJiO wa:« not ;,'uivranteeil for tlio next yt'iir the Ho;nil would not recommeml a continuation of the .;rHnt. St/Mauvh. — Stanli*y huvin;,' lici^n sepaiateil from this Mission ami thopeopii' having informed the lioaril that they were unahle to contriltute more than •r'SO towards the support of the Missionary, it was agreed to receive that sum for this year. Notice was at the same time given that a larger sum would be reiniired hereafter. NVatkiu'oiu). — Th) grant to thi'« Misdoii h:M been made .S'lOO, conditional upon a contribution of S'JOU. This Mission hivs only had occasional servicer during the year until the month of June, when the iieverend J. Ijockward took charge. Only a small i)art of the grant will therefore l)e reipiired. WicKi.nw. — The sum ivipiire I from this Mnsion has been reduced !*20 and the grant has been increased the same amount. Wki.I)K<)H1>. -The sum leouired from this mission has been reduced .^riO ami the same anount has been added to the grant. At the same time the people of llichibucto were informed that they would be retjuired to make u[i tliis sum next year in adilition to their present contribution if thej' continue to receive the services they have had from the Missionary in the past. Wo(»D»TocK AND STATIONS. — This grant has not l)een drawn, but SlOO of the amount has been paiil to a Divinity Student who has servt-il in the Missiuu under the direction ot the Hectur. Thi.'i grant was made upon condition of the payment of SlOO >>y the Mission. The Missicms ot Ai.ueiit, McAuam a:(l Stanley being vacant, no part of the grants has been re([uired. The Board have not th(jught it de.siral)le tiv recommend a continuation of the grant to McAilam. The grant to Westmorland has not been paitl as the pei^i)le have not entered into an engagement with tlie Society aa required. New Missr)N.s. — Upon the application of the people a grant of S200 C(ni- ditional upon a contribution of a like sum was maile to the Mission of MadawaAa. The Mission cons^ists of Little Falls, St. Leonards ami St. Francis. The grant to Grand Falls was continued upon the former ci>n. L4)on the application of the Missionary at Andovkk for aid to a new Mission to consist of the Parishes of Kent and Aberdeen, which was referred to the Board by the General Committee, a grant was made of ."v]i, an r»'rtiilt'nt <'lv.'rf,'ynKin in thn Mi;*sii>n of St. I):i\'il, a i:rui\i i«i ^I'lU UT.s niaJt* tt) the liord liishnj* in tiofmy tli*' exinaiMe of (xx'iu^iiinal itervico"* to l>e :.'iven hy the Kootor of Christ <'hurch, Sr. JStobhon, cnal uj">n a con- trihution of ?<100 liy tha [K'oiile in tlio Mi.--i.Mi. The Iinaril li..|ic tluiL beforw loui.: this Mission will s'Oiire the .-ervics of a ri-MiK-nt M!«*.-\) \iy tlie peoplij, was niaile to a IMvinity Student iireiiariii? f-r onliniiti )n, aiul vn the same tcr.ns to a Mistixnary fiT ihity at tJrand Bay and Sniitli Bay. SVuTAL (rUAXT.4. -Under tile ro 'nluti'.n of tht> (reneral Ccnnnittee authniizin'-; puch aiipriiiJriatioiiH, and upcn certain ct.ii.iicii.nn tlu-rein «itati I, tiie Hoa'd iia\L' made grants of ."^lOO each to rhatham r.nd i>ji!iy, to cnnipl.ie the I'arsouajifo houses in tlio^e MisHion.-i. The latter Ki'-'Uil h;'." nut vet iiv.'en drawn. The Jioard have also made a siieciril ^rant of .C)0 to aid in defraying' the travolliny expenses of a Missionary coiian^,' Ironi the Piocese Newfoundland to take charge of tlie Mission of ^\ aterfonl, Thi:j is only a provisional Ki'Hitj which will require the sanction of tlic (o-ji-^ral Committee. In <'onse(iuenco of a letter received fro.ii the Society for the Propagation of the (Jospel,— a copy of which is attached to tld-i Rep< rt conHrmiiij^ the with- drawal of .£225 HterliHft' or about flOW currency of their p-ant, and of the fact that the collectiona and .subscriptions in the iJiocese have fallfu off about the same amount for the p».Ht vear, the lioanl is.4aed to the Cleiyy a circular con- taininy: thi.s information, anrl rcpiested th' lu to make the same publj*; ami nv^^v upon their coiijy'reyations tlie nece.^sity of making an earnest effort to sut;tain the funds of the Diocesan ('hurch Society this year. Were it not for the addition made to the income of the Society by int'',est on late b-^(iuest!^, all proposals for new work In the Diocese W(.ml still unpaid. Norton Part paid Jan. 1878, part April, balance still unpaid. Petitcodiac 811 still unpaid. Pt. DcChene. . .No payment for 1877. Sussex Paia iu June, 1878. Westmorland. .No payment since 1874. "^ If the membera of the Chuj-ch in the Diocese desire that th salaries of the D 60 Ckrj-y siiall oe p:ud when due, it luust not he forgotten that to a great exterit the matter depei'.dM U])(iii the promptnes-i with which sab:unt3 promised at thj bor^innini; of the year wero ne draw^n at any time. Wiiiie we n;u>>, pe.-severe in the reduction of the annual grant as pro})osed, we hope that by this special gift, your Lordship and the Synod will be enabled tomakeprovisioji this year for the Cle'.-gy whose stipenils might have been diminished in consequeufje of any falling oii" in the subscriptions received by the Church Society last ye;a' in St. John. I am, mil dear Lord, Yours vcri/ trxdy, Bishop of Fr'dericton. ESTIMATE OF IXCOME W. T. BULLOCK. AXD EXPENDITURE BQR 1878-9. Balance, Salai'ies of Officers, Contingencies, S. P. O. Pensions, Amount available for Salarier, of Missionaries, §808 1906a Subscriptions and Collections, . . . §7,0i).') S. P. a. Grant, lO.OilO Interest, 530 ( Do. arrears, 470 ( Hazeu Trust, .... 700 / Do. arrears, 300 ) Chipman Trust $';?i--30o SCHEDULE OF GRANTS RECOMMENDED FOR 1878-9. (-S'ec Suhsequmt Report.) lODO lO.Kl fil at e:sto:;t 111 eolio ■9 thiit in ?d at^ til ; e. Fiv'iu t receive' I b year Vie id fdUec- 1 ple:is\ir-; Parish nf S-iO, aiul turns, cor- ig the past TEIIS, FIELD. AUTS. w. y, ISIS. le disastnr,!.;; )stpoiie for ;■. ,hac rciuest, it tf) riuse a, only a little which they of the pa^t case asjaiii. ■' ^^.i- .' that by thiH irovision thi> consequence jty last ye:a' iUI.LOCK. 1878-9. . . . §7,1100 r)30 1 4T0 \ lO'iO 700 1 300 ) lO.K) ^^lAI'l 1878-9. On motion of Mr, Schofiold, it v.-as resolved, that in nceordaneo Avitli the recomniendixtion of the lioard, there he granted the sum of 850, in aid of the exj>enses incurred hy the removal of Eev. John Lockward from Xewfoundhiiid to this Diocese. The Committee adjourned to 2.30 r. m. The Committee met ;)t 2.3i) r. m. The Honorable 8. L. Tillev, C. B., in the Cliair. It v.'as resolved, on motion of Mr. W. ]\r. Jarvis, to proceed to the election of rlie J^oard 'f IL.nso ?:Iis:sii»us. h;." Domination itiid haiiOu ; iiiid UiC xtO». jh'. Jaiiroy and Mi', 'j'. !nii\iav lioi)inson having been appointed tellers, they rei)orted the following Gentlemen as duly elected : Rkv/cANOX medley. ' Mr. (4. A. 8C1IOFTELD. • G. M. AKMSTR(JXG. " W. M. JARVIS. " T. E. BOWLING. " HON. S. L. TILLEY, V. R. Mr. S. D. BERTON. " E. B. CHANDLER. Jr. On motion of Mr. Jarvi?. the following resolutions of which notice had been given in 18T0, were ado])ted. (0.) Iieproval. 7. The Secretary of tlie Board of Home Missions shall be the Secretary of this Fund, and he shall conduct all correspondence,, and ])erform such other duties in connection therewith, as the Board may direct. 8. The aljove Rules may be altered only by the General Com- mittee of the Diocesan Church Societv, after a vear's notice of the proposed change. Certain applications for grants were made. On motion, the Committee adjourned to meet on Wednesday evening, at 7.30, p. m. Ii.. it. AVedxesday, July 3rd, 7.30 p. >r. The Committee met in St. John's Church School Room. The Honoral)le S. L. Tilley, C. B. in the Chair. Prayers. Read Minutes of the last meeting, which, on motion, were approved. The Secretary called the roll of the Clergy and Lay Delegates. Read bv the Secretarv, the following letter from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel which, on motion of the Rev. G. M. Armstrong, was received, and ordered to be entered u2)on the Minutes. Society fob the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 19, Delabay Street, Westminster. Jnm, 1878. My Deak Lord, 1. I have the pleasure of announcing the amount of assistance Vhich the Society can promise for the year 1879. The terms of the Society's Resolution are : — (7) That the sum of 2,100Z. be granted for the Diocese of Fr.edericton in the year ending 31 December, 1879, to be administered by the Bishop and Committee in accordance with tlie Society's Bye-laws and Regula- tions : that this grant be also charged with any claims for pensions which may arise in the year and be admitted by the Society ; with any expense tl^p 53 I- to he of such ig 8200 on such 11 as the il of the e by the ,]>proval. ill be the ondencc. h, as the i-al Oom- iiotice of eduesday P. >i. loom. :iou, ^'ere toelegates. Ihe Society ,f theKev. ,e entered Parts. bter. {ne, 1878. assistance lerms of the lEDERICTON the Bishop fand Regular isions vrhich I any expense for the passage of missionaries from this country to Frederictou, which may be incurred here in accordance with the Regulations ; and with any other expense strictly appropriate to the diocese and sanctioned by the Society. Also that the sum of 120?. be granted for six Divinily Exhibitions at King's College in 1879 : three of 25?. each, and three of 15?. each. In connection with this grant the Society desires to represent to the College authorities the desirableness of submitting the attainments of the Divinity Students to be tested by the Preliminary Theological Examina- tion conducted under the auspices of *he Theological Faculty of the University of Cambridge, of which the Regius Professor of Divinity, Dr. Westcott, is the head. 3. I am instri'oted to add to the above promise an appeal to the Missionarj' zeal whu h we are sure is felt by all true members of the Church, as strongly in Foreign Parts as in England. It is the earnest wish of the Society to exercise whatever inllueuce it possesses in foster- ing a Missionary spirit among all our brethren, and engaging their sympathy specially in that world-wide work among the heathen to which our Branch of the Church seems to be providentially called. We propose that " in erery Christian congregation ic?iie retiuested to relieve the funds of the Society from farther charge in respect of such Missions. 3. 1 hat in the case of Missions to the heathen, (k) a definito period should be fixed at v,-hich the circumstances and condition of each Mission should be considered, with a view to either the removal of the European Mi^.sionary to a new sphere, and the transfer of the Mission to native clergy, or the abandonment of the Mission; and that f/') all native c:lergymen shoidd be placed on the suue footing as Colonia.1 clergymen in respect of the period during which they will receive part of their sup- poi't from the Societj. ;i That an attempt should be made this year to increase the income of the Society in this eountiy. and that it should bo made in two ways : Oi) b}' persevering ;n the appeal made last year for iui iucretvse by one-half of the amount o^ contributions from each diocese to the General Fimd ; and (b) by making collateral a]>peals for Appropriated Fluids to meet certain definite wsmts. selected by the Society out of the whole nuuiber which have lieen commuuicated/as the most pressing and most likely to meet with a response. * " The time which a Christian conprepation or Mission ir, allo'wed to receive prants from the Society will not, under ordinary circumstances, exceed nine jvars ; m which time it is exjjected that a church, a parsonage, and an endowment tund will be provided. Mr. Scliofield, from the Board of Home Missions, presented a rejiort recommending the Schedule of grants to tlie Mission- aries, submitted by the Board of last year ; the Board also recommended a gnmt of $100 each, in aid of theParsonages, at Andover, and St. Martins. They cannot recommend the application for aid in tlie purchase of a Burial ground at St. Martins, nor that for aid in the repairs of St. Paul's Church, Kingston. On motion, the report was receiyed. 55 )v an •ces-;- 5 it U ;cline K'O i» )oriod iuirt'tl staiid- ;bould from a ,ses of Tcu le time Tiiuu in ^ -would lUuaUy re sub- Viocesc'S of the , period >Iissioa uropeau [O native 1 native vixyuicn loiv sup- /a rnnie of vs : {<() c-half of Fimd ; to meet number likely to to rpoeive ne yt^avH ; meiit tnna eseiited ^iission- ird iilso aa't'S, at in the )r iiicl ill The Missionnry Sclicdnle was tlioii cori.>idc:'0(l in di'tuiniy the Committee, and suhiect in some in.stanee.s to furtliur con.sidci"- ation of the Board, the following- list was ado])t(.'d for the Missionary service for the current year, snhicct to the coiulition reconimended in the report of the Board of Home Missions. i^nssioxs. niebe and Interest. Andiiver, , . . .' .... I Albert.t .... . . . . ! Br.thurst, i Eurt.ni,-!- .... . . . . i ( 'ambvidge, .... . . ■ ■ ! f'aiaiJdlji'Uo, .... . . . . . ( 'anterl.nu'V, .... .... ( 'liatliam, .... .... THrby, .... ....| ] )allioiisie,+ .... i L)u\a,'laH, .... .... Dorclie.^tcr, .... .... Fairville, .... .... (ia.Li'etou-n, .... . . . . ' (Iraiid Manan, .... ....' Gretmvicli, .... . . . . ' Grand Falls, (with Van Burei),)' ( rraiid Fay, .... . . . . ! Kiugscloar.f .... . . . . j Kent and Aberdeen.t . . . . i Kin.'-T.ston, .... .... !Madavra*. C. S. !i:'."20 :m 4>:<0 r.{jo 200 500 500 220 500 4(50 500 100 100 520 4S0 540 200 100 400 500 400 200 4^0 .301) 34r» S-ii-) 200 140 400 220 540 4S0 S(iO 540 400 ItiO 200 400 50\) 5l;0 500 500 400 2(>0 400 500 5iX> 4S0 400 Total Salary. SS24'* .s;;o 800* 630 800 700* 700 SOO* 7.-0* 700 f>00* 700* 40O <'.i20* 707* 7(:'0* 400 l!-.0 740* 700 .^'00 4 !S(X)* 700* M'O* .^■.>4* 4* 030* 700 7t»C* 7^0 (•!>0 820* 66 MISSIONS. (jlelw and Intere.st. From Mission. From D. C. S. Total Salarj-. Weatmorland, Woodstock, .... .... Woodstock and Stations, Weldford, ?260 150 5;2SO 460 100 340 8220 240 IfiO 400 1000 735 73.5 41(0 6700* m) 200 740 Travelling Miss.'iinnav--, .... 1000 S. P. G. C4EANTS. Ham J (ton, Shediaj, .... .... Kicliibucto, .... . . .'•14,340 " Parsonage. + ^ acaut. t Rpfenvd to tl\e Board. 823.260 On motion of Mr. Sehofleld, tlio following grants wore made, siibjoct to the iisiuil conditions: — In aid of the Parsounce at Aiidover 8100 Do. " St. :Martius 100 It was moved hy Mr. T. Barclay Robinson, and resolved nnanimoiisly, that the bcjt thanks of this Committee be ten- dered to tlie Board of Home Missions, and especially to the ♦Secretary of the Board, for their invaluable services during the past year. On motion of tlse Secretary, it was resolved tliat the follow- ing: Gentlemen do form the Book Depository Committee for the cnsuinsj vear : The Lord Bishop, Kev. F. H. J. Brigstocke, Mr. Ira Cornwall, " F. Almon, " Hurd Peters, " T. E. Bowling, «^ I. Allen Jack, Mr. C. E. L. Jarv^s, " H. L. Sturdee. On motion of Mr. Jarvis. there was granted to the Avidow of the. late Rev. J. M. Stirling, 8100. To the Treasurer, $-300 ; to the Secretarv. $100 ; to the Executive Committee for Con- tingeiicies, $350. On a like motion, it was resolved that the following loe the Officers of the Society for the ensuing year : Mr. H. W. Frith, Treasurer. Canon Ketchum, D. D.. Secretary. Messrs. C. H. Riirweather, and ) j,^^^.,^,. G. ^^. Uhitney, [ Oi The following were elected members of the Executive Com- mittee: — (( i( a Hon. Cliief Justice Allen. Mr. S. D. Berton, T. liarclay Robinson, K. T. Clihch, W. Carman, G. E. Fenety, Hon. Mr. Justice Fisher, Mr. T. A^^eu ' k. '• G. .. Scii- id. Col. J. Robinson, Mr. T. ^\. Daniel. *' Alexander McXab, On motion of Mr. Cliandler, Mr. C. E. L. Jarvis, Hon. Judge Wet more, Mr. T. B. Hanington, *' B. L. Teters, '' Hurd IVters. Hon. R. I). Wilmot, ^Ir. J. Woodforde Smith, •• G S;iciiic'y Smith, '^ v' ',♦. Weldon, "' G. W. AVhitnev, '' (\. R. Parkin,' H. L. Sturdee. a It was — Rcsolced, That the Board of Home Missions be instructed to ascertain wliy there are no returns from the jiarish of West- morland of the statistics required from the Missions of this Society, and Avliy no payments have been made l)y the said parish towards the sti})end of the Rector, or in aid of the Society for the last four vears. and to reiiort at the next annual meetmg. The following notices of motion of proposed clianges in the Constitution were given: — The Secretary, of an addition to Chapter VH. 3, a^? follows: " Or on such day in the week folloAving the aforementioned days as may be approved by the President, or in his absence by any two Vice-Presidents of the Society." Rev. E. S. W. Pentreath gives notice that at the next annual meeting he or some one will propose an amendment to Article XHL, Section 1 of the Constitution, by cancelling the said Section and inserting the following: Society shall hold its anniversary meetings Fredericton and Saint John, and such other places as the Society at its next preceding annual meeting may decide, on the first Thursday in July in each year." The Rev. J. R. Campbell gives notice that he will move — That the following words be added to the 13th Article of Rules and Regulations of the Board of Home Missions: — '*And ''likewise to grant, if there be available funds, a 8um not *' exceeding 6 , to aid in completing the purchase of any *' burial ground, provided always, that such proposed burial "ground shall have the ajiproval of the Lord Bishop." '^Section 1.— This in rotation, at 58 My. Frith gives notice as follows : — Tliut in order to ])rovitle fnml.s for the Ft'ffh oljjeet of the Society tiie Cleruy be requested to jisk the olTerinu's of each coll o-ivo-M lion AVorshi])])in<,^ in a consecrated Church or Chapel annually, during- \hv month of July iov that object: That funds thus obtaineil be placed at the dis})osal of the Board of Home 3li>sions, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the offerings eacli vear be made and ap])r(ipriated in aid of the erection or completion of a church or chapel in the Diocese, to be specilied and ."nnounced Ijy the Board. })re- vions to taking up such offerings. 'ri. Tliat tile annual conh'ibutions thus obtained l>e a])]):'o- priated in the inode in wiiich applications niay be received, .subject to approval by the Bo;ird. K>ljould two or more ajipli- catious be reeeiveii at the si () to assist in tlio education of th 1-, n c ci:. (\\) For (i.iJditicr,i io to,i>d, (3) the children of the Clergy Education Fund, and (-i) the Divinity Scholarships" Fund : provided that such special collection may, at the option of the 69 coil 2T0,aa lion from wliom the same ^liull be received, ex])res,>ecl througli the KecLor or Missiuniiry at tlio time of forwardin*^ .tlio same, he limited to some one or more of the special funds or |)iiri)u.-e.sof the Society in such ])roi)ortions as he mav direct: and ])r()vided. also, that the yearly collection rcfjuireil hy the rules of the Widows" iind ()r]>hans* Fund in the case of CleruT- nien joining such Fund shall, in such cases, he considered as the sjjecial collection hereby requested to l)c made, but shall be ai'ulicd as such rules shall direct. {'}.) Jii'sahtfiOii. — That the f(»Howin_ir be the Rules and Iie^:-u- lations of the Fund to aj^sist in the education of the chil- dren of the Clera-v: T. The Fund to assist in tlie education of tlie children of the C'lei'o'y, shall consist of the amount now s})ecial1y a]>|)r<»i)riated thereto, of all accnmulaTions of interest, and of all subscriji- tions, lea'acies, collections, and other contributions o-iven to or a})i)l!ed 1)y the Society for this special object; and the interest of this Fund shall be applied solely to assist in the education of children of clergymen actually serving in the jiresent ])iocesu of Frederictou, or of children of those Avho may have died in such service, or retired therefrom, with the Bishop's approval, on the ground of age or inlirmitv. "2. The Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society sliall. fmni time to time, nnder the direction of the Executive C'onimitlee. invest everv 8500 of surplus monev of this Fund, and add the same to the capital of the Fund. 3. The encire management of ihe Fund sluill l)e. antl hereby is, vested in the Executive Coniniitt-ee of the l)ioce-;ni Church "Society, who. if thev sluill so think tit, mav vest sucli miuuirre- ment m a sub-Committeo ut their discretiirn. 4. Xo grant sluiU be made from such Fund until the capital thereof shall, by accumulation or otlierwise, have readied the sum of §^4000, nor shall the grant or grants thereafter to bo made exceed in anv one year the interest on the capittd of such Fund for the year. : 5. Applications for grants from such Fund shall Ije made in writing througli the parents or guardians of the ajtplicant to the Secretary of the Fund, and every siudi application shall he accompanied by a statement of any and all private pi'operty, ])ensiou or inc(mie of the parent or })arents, if living, or directly or indirectly available for the sui)i)ort and education, of suchapjdicant, if the parent shall be deceased. The Execu- tive Committee, or its sub-Commitieemav. in anv case require 60 further sstatenunts, which shall theroiipoii bo furnished for their iiiforniation. 6. Each caK! shall 1/e determined on its own merits by the Exoc'utiTe (,'(»nnnittce, or its sub-Committee, subject to the a})proval of the Lord l^i.shop of the Diocese. 7. In the event of any application being favorably consi- dered, the Executive Committee, or its sn))-Committee, nhall i ANXiVKKSAKV :\rKr7nNG St. Jo!ix. July 4tl), I>"-'. The Annivcr>:in' xMi'i'iiii^^ was lu-Kl in the St. John's (".lurcii Seliool iiooiii, on "Thurs(hiv. at '-3. -'JO, v. M. Mr. ^^'. ^I. Jarvis, A'. J\, in tlic C'liair. Tlic Secretary iti'osentcd tlic Annual Hc[)ort. On motion, it was rosolvofl that tlu' sanu- he rofoivod ainl |)rinieil uikIlt tl.o direction ol' the Executive Conunitlee. * »• kk / w '% a \, I-*"- •s Chun- II coivoil iuul littoo. iM'ivnrr or tiik KXKcrTrvK committhk of tiih DIOCKSAX ClirUlll SiM'IK'i'V, Foii Tiin Vi:ak KN[>iN*i Jlnk Tnii, JSTS. The ( (tniini itco mot !it VrciK'rict**!!, on tlio r.tli ,!ulv. is; nii'l ;mi altstnu't of its |)n)e'(.'ocli!i;nN v.ili !)o iNmiid in I'.'iul report. The lu'xt nu'i'tin^ of I lie Cominiitoo wa-' at St. .lohii on ilic o'.'.l ()f'!"olH oreotion of a n.ow hnildinpf on tho |>ivnuses, for the Mini of •s4.'i()0. an 1 that iho new l)uildin<; has hoon leased to the fo)'inor tenants at a rental pi' 8S4() per anuiim for tliroo years, from the 1st ^lay next. The Co'innirtoo also ro])ort thr* yiaynioni of .-'"ooo on Capital iiie lv>lio\vin<;" rooiuuon was aiiopiea: — That: for the period, dnrin,<^ whieh the property of the Seovil Trust will he yieldin<^' no ineonie, tlio Treasurer be authorized to advanoe, out of the ])rinci[)al o;.' the fund, or out of tlie (ieneral Fund of the Sueiety, the annual ((Uarterly allowance of !?100 to the Keetor of St. James' Church, Canihridufo, and other necessary exiienses and ebar^'es ui)on the fund, to ho recoui)ed hereafter from the rents and interest of the Baid jiroperty. Mr. Seholiold, from the Board of Home ^lission?, presented a re])Ort stating sli«,dit changes in certain missionary grants, and the approprititiou of '^'lOO in aid .of a geiiuratu mis-ion at Little Falls. A bill of the Sccretaiy for iiicideutal expenses wa^i ordered to be paid. 64 &■ Jti '<■ Tlie Committee mot at Frcderieton on the 2iid January. 1878, when a letter was read from tlie Treasurer stating that owing to illness a statement of his Account had not l)een fur- nished, but that it would be forwarded to the Secretary at an early day. The Committee met at St. John on the 12th March. The Secretary stated the reason for the omission of the meet- ing on the usual day (it having been Ash Wednesday), and the appointment of the i)resent time under the direction of the Lord Bishop. The Chairman of the Finance Committee stated, that at tlie re(|uost of the Lord Bislioj), he had communicated with tlie Solicitor of the late Miss Bailey on the subject of a bequest by her to the Society, and was informed that the executors were al)out filing their accounts, when full i)articulars Avill be fur- nished to the Society. It was resolved, that the Finance Com- mittee be retpiested to secure the services of a Solicitor to attend on ])ehalf of the Society at the i)assing of the accounts of the estate referred to. The foUov/ing resolution, passed at a late meeting of the Deanery of Saint John, Avas submitted : '"That the attention of the Executive Committee be called to the AYidows' and Orphans' Fund, with a view of increasiug the inade(piate provision of the Widows and Or])hans of the Clergy of this Diocese, who are members of the Fund, and to consider wliether any steps can be taken to induce the Clergy generally to become subscribers to the said fund ;" whereupon, it was resolved that the Committee, appointed by the General Oomniittee in July last, to consider certain proposed amend- ments with reference to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, be requested to take the foregoing resolution into consideration. A Committee of Arrangement for the ^innual Meetings of the Society was appointed, and it was resolved, that notices of the said meetings be prepared under the direction of the said com- mittee, and the following Gentlemen were appointed members of the same: Mr. H. W. Frith, Rev. Canon Brigstocke, Mr. S. D. Berton, '^ G. M. Armstronsr, '• T. Barclay Roijinson, *' Canon DeVeber," " G. W. Whitney, 'he Secretary, " G. A. Schofield. T) The Treasurer submitted a statement of his Account. 65 unary, ig tluit eu f uv- y at iin c meet- iind the L of the it at the with tVie (|uest liv :ors ^vel•e L be f iir- ice Com- .icitor to accounts 10- of the : be called Increasing ins of the Lid, and to he Clergy iieretipon. le General ed amend- Fund, he oration, iiigs of the ices of the said com- d member.^ inson, lunt. An accou nt of the Secretary was ordered to be jiaid. It was Resolved, that the Secretary be anthorizcd to affix the seal of the Society, nnder tlie direction of the Finance Com- mittee, to a release from the Society of any claim upon tlio estate of the late Hon. \V. Chipman, upon full payment of the legacy and interest. The Committee met at Fredericton on tlie Stli June, wlicii the Secretary presented a report of the i^roccedings of the Committee for the past year, whicli was received aiul ordered to be laid before the General Committee. He also read a letter from the Treasurer, witli reference to his statement of account at the close of the fiscal year, showing that the amount overdrawn will be made up by ba- lances due the Society on the account of the past year. The Secretary presented the following Ro])ort of the Book Depositary Committee, which Avas received ; and also an account of the said Depositary for the past year, which was ordered to be printed in the Annual Keport. It was Resolved, That the Secretary of the "Widows' [ind Or- phans' Fund, be authorized to receive the premium, &c., due by the liev. F. Alexander on the 1st July last, if paid on or before the 28th June next, Avith interest — the i>aynient of the same having been omitted through forgetf ulnesti. REPORT OF THE BOOK DEPOSITARY COMMITTEE. The Committee, to whom was entrusted the management of the Depositary of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, beg to submit their Annual Report and Accounts. The Depositary was opened in October, 1874, a grant of 8800 having been made out of the Capital Funds of the Diocesan Church Society by the General Committee in July of the same year. The whole of the stock was destroyed in Messrs. MclMillans store during the fire on June 20th, 1877, but on July 26th the claim of the Com'nittee on the Queen Insurance Company was accepted, and the sum of $1,000 was placed to their credit. The Committee regret, owing to the very limited space placed at their dis- posal in Messrs. McMillans temporary store iii Canterbury street, that the stock of books has been necessarily limited and their operations curtailed, but the arrangements now made with the same firm at their former site, 98 Prince William street, will, they have reason to believe, meet the increasing require- ments of the Diocese. In October last the Committee issued a printed notice to the effect that "a reduction is made of ten per cent, on all publications to members, and on Sun- day School Library Books to Clergy and Superintendents." The Committee have lately received a memorandum from the Society's Accountant, notifying them that their miscellaneous books could no longer be supplied on such favorable terms as in 1877, but in order to be of service to Sun- day Schools, they do not propose any change in prices. ... 66 The Committee beg to draw attention to " The Dawn of Day, an illustratcfl weekly magazine for Sunday School and Parish use," the first number of which was published in January last, at the price of one half -penny each number. It is hoped that Catalogues of the Publications of the Society may be plated in the hands of the Clergy of the Diocese at the meetings of the General Com- mittee of the Diocesan Church Society. The Treasurer's Account accompanied this Report. St. John, May 28, 1878. accompa Respectfully submitted. THEODORE E. DOWLING, Secretart. The Committee met at Saint John July 5th, 18T8, when tlie following resolutions were adopted : That 3,000 copies of the Annual Report be printed; and the Rev. G. G. Roberts, Messrs. G. Sidney Smith, W. Carman, G. E. Fenety, T. Barclay Robinson, and the Secretary, be a Coni- Hiittee to attend to that duty. *■' That Messrs. Vi,. M. Jarvis, B. Lester Peters, R. T. Clinch, W. Carman, G. E. Fenet}', T. W. Daniel, G. A. Schofield, and the Treasurer, do form the Finance Committee for the ensuing year. That Mr. H. L. Sturdee be the Secretary of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund for the ensuing year. That Messrs. I. Allen Jack, G. A. Schofield, Alexander McXab, Hurd Peters, C. "W. Weldon, G. Sidney Smith, and W. M. Jarvis, be the Glebe Land Committee. Permission was granted to the Rev. W. LeB. McKiel and Rev. H. H; Barber to join the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, on the usual conditions. Read by the Secretary the Report of the Finance Commit- tee, and it was resolved, on the recommendation of the said Committee, that the account of the debt of the ex-Treasurer be written off by the Treasurer. It was also Besolved, That the Finance Committee do pro- vide a place of safe-keeping for the securities of the Society, and a proper box to contain the same. It was Kesohed, That the Treasurer be authorized to ptiv Messrs. ]\[cMillans bill for stationery and blank forms, on the certificate oi the Chairman. On motion of Rev. Canon Brigstocke, it was Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to prepare at their discretion, through the ensuing year, an ''occasional paper," containing a statement of such facts and information as may be deemed likely to further the interests of the Society, and report the 67 illustrated r of which mber. J be plated oeral Coiu- :CEETARY. when tlie I; and the irman, G. be a Com- r. Chnch, ofield, and ho ensuing 'idows' and Alexander Smith, and IcKiel and ,' Fund, on ce Commit - of the said x-Treasurei- ttee do pro- the Society, •ized to pay n-ms, on tlie solved, That discretion, containing ly be deemed ' report the same for the approval of the Exeentive Committee, and that the Revs. Canon Brigstocke, T. E. Bowling, E. S. ^\. Pen- treath, Mr. G. A. Schofield and tlie Secretary, do com])ose the said Committee. It was Besolvcd, That the Treasurer be authorized to pay to tlie widows of the clergv, who have no claim on the present Widows' and Orphans' i\ind. j^IOO each, as soon as the special fund provided for by the Committee ap])()iiited at the last meeting of the General Committee, will allow. It was also Resolved, That the thanks of this Committee be tendered to the press of the city for the extended re])orts of the late proceedings of the Society. ■ '- REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. To THE Executive Commhtee of the Diocesan Chlkch Society : , The Finance Committee beg to report as fdllows on the transactions of the I)ast year: 1. The Chipmnn Bequest. — Since the last Report of the Committee, the Exe- cutors of the estate of the late E. F. Hazen, Es(i., deceased, who have also- charfj;e of the estate of the late Chief Justice Chiinnan, announced their deter- mination to pay over the whole amount of this beipiest in money. Up to the 1st May last they had accordingly paid to the Treasurer s20,000, and since that date they have paid in .?2,000 more. The remaining 818,000 will, it is said, be handed over very shortly. Since the death of Mrs. Chipman, 4th July, 18^G, the executors have paid interest f)u the whole amount of the bequest unpaid half-yearly — the last payment b^ing up to 4th January, 1S78. As the will of the la.te Chief Justice Chipman requires that his legacy to the Society shall be kept invested in either real estate, or Govenmient or real securities, the amount received has been applied to the purchase of Debentures of the Province of New Brunswick. A sei)arate account has been opened with the Trust, and all the Government securities held by the Society transferred to it ; while their place has been supplied by Saint John Water and other Debentures. At present this Committee are restrained from investing in the security of bond and mortgage, by a resolution of the Executive Committee ; but in view of the terms of this becjuest it may become desirable to reconsider this resolution. 2. Mm D. B. Hazen Trust. — The only alterations in the state of this Trust during the vear is the leasing of the following lot and tracts of land, viz. : Lot 30x80, on the City Road, to Edmund Riley, at 830. A tract of land, consisting of about 200 acres, on the old Westmorland Road, Parish of Simonds, for one year, to Patrick Fitzpatrick, at 830. A tract of about 170 acres, on same road, to J. & D. Horgan, for one year, at 840. A tract of about 100 acres, on the main road to Hampton, to Wm. Mackey, for one year, at 830. , The large arrwirs of rent which accumulated during the three years that this estate was under litigation have been ff>und verj- difficult to realize. In some cases a compromise can scarcely be avoided, in others the Committee can only recommend legal proceedings, if satisfactory arrangements Are not very speedily made with the Society. 3. Special Fund. — Amounts, as follows, have been transferred for investment during the year, namely : 68 in P I' I''! 1*: From Willows' and Orphans' Fund, S400 00 , , .1 Education and A. L. Fund, 100 00 ; .. Divinity Scholarshpis' Fund, 100 00 II Incapacitated and Aged Clergy, 300 00 t. Glebe Landa 400 00 §1,300 00 There have also been received on General Purposes Account from the Lord Bishop, as Executor of the W ill of the late Mrs. DeWolfe, 1,400 00 And from the Executors of the Will of the late L. h. De- Veber, Es(i., 400 00 Total ■■■ 83,10000 Of this sum, 82,412 remains uninvested, owing to the diflipulty experienced in obtaining satisfactory securities, except at a heavy premium, 4. S. Sroi-il Tri'st. — The buildingon the property belonging to this Trust, which was destroyed by the fire of June, 1877, \Vas insured for .156,000. With this sum the Committee are glad to he able to say that they have not only had erected a thoroughly good and substantial brick building, l)u't also to pay off to Mr. White the balance due him for improvements and repairs on the old building, and to carry the sum of 3240.84 to current account of the fund. The new building U also rented for .SS40, in lieu of §630, the rental of the former store. 5. Ex- Treasure!'' s Debt, — As there seems to be no prospect of recovering the balance of 67S6.20, due and unpaid on this Account, the Committee recommend that it be written off, 6. An opportunity is afforded for the safe keeping, at a small annual cost, of the securities held by the Society. Up to the time of the great fire they had been kindly received and kept in the vault of the Bank of New Bruns\Vick, where they fortunately escaped destniction. At present the Committee is in- dtebted to the Manager of the Bank of British North America for a place in the vault of that Bank. But the Bank of Nova Scotia offers the advantage of a place of deposit in a vault in the Bank Building, which will l)e under a double lock, of which the Manager will hold one key, and an officer of the Society the other. The rental for this accommodation is .$10 a year, and it will be necessary that a tin box atlapted to the vault be got. The Committee recommend that one of these cells be rented and the deposit box procured. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. :M. JARVIS, Chaiemax. St. John, June 29th, 1S7S. , ) 09 30 00 10 00 perienced ust, which I this sum [ erected a ylr. White ng, and to building u )vering the •ecomnientl ual cost, of •e they had Brunswick, aittee is in- place in the jantage of a lera double [Society the le necessary imend that HAIEMAN. t t cc »0 3 I ;^ ^ SB -puj aBT»A anj ^u(.inp 'easodjnu qo-inq^ n« Joj suojjnqjjjnoj S .5?S 858 . . 8?1 8 .88*858 .S = 8fe S I 'S a -^t( paambaj jums sspisaq suonnq i-nciujuoo XiTJ^urijoA ii IL 'le "33(1 OJ 'spiirri qoanqa otojj aiuooui :5 iii '18 '33(1 o} "spnuT aqaff) luojj aulooui ^ £ 58 S 2 f? 5 5 •paisaAUj eui«s IUO.IJ spunj 8 8 :g :S •SpUBI :2 : :?^ :?5 •pajsaAui QiUBs mo.ij spun j; 8 8 • 8 58 :S:= •epuBT aqaio I ^ .:fj . .;^ aousp ISOa JO aJoBUOSJTJjJ r^-j^-j^^j^^- I c. t~ ^^i^- •:« . 5j -J „ ^ — r; - w cT^'^ ; •os'Ba JO s[ad«qo | '^ eaqoanqo w ^» N »- ?< i< — T- ijj ^ 5<,«„„«^CC^ — i*-' ■saaquiQK qojnqo u-J • -< • 5} ;c •-'5 i-i ■ • N rf T t- 5» w is « •I', c ■uoijBindoj :« rj la ■} i ■s . 5k asc-osBi-Kfe W m *>• o ID c c JS ■4-J •3 Li c c Ji ~ tc c !- «= !? . o " 'J to I < •Si o o 'I I -paa jBdiC dm J^uMnp sdsodinit qojhqo (IB aoj suojjiaqj.quoo 53 70 S53S3 23^ 3S3 r, S3 :i"iii ill? : ifM is ill s o a -^q p^jjnb :3 : ;•■» i :^ : 32^ S rS3 ?3 qojnqo luojj aiuooui I 55 3 133 ii. *18 '^^CI C'l 'spairi ^qajO uiojj araooui s : i3 -:J 5 Si; :« <» •pais^Atn 9UIVS uiojj spunj ipi :^ «» spuBT :ii?i :5 : :3 : ■ to : X i m •pajssA in ain'BS luoaj spunj[ '■■^ Vf :5 •?5 SS 3 i^gii ■^{0 33 •spuBT aq^lf) •aou^p isaa JO aaBuosjBj •SIIOTJBJS dssa JO siaclBqo •saqo.uiqo 1 •s.iflqiaai\[ q.i.inqo •aoTjBindoj t« m.t :?J M 5J —1 5J »-< ^\ :53 >- f •4 3 .S?3 .-d S 1:^ 2 -ti Wi-i *lr-l 11 Tf IJ t 1-1 is; •-1 •saijui -bs u; ?ua}xa •i?5 id ■I • so •g • * ^ -- 6C .Q o^ & i£ -« J' "f fF^ L '■J d S W^S^^oJ^a^^S |«Eci i „• 2d.:i a o . Ms ^2g S > a oj oScccG .1 O 53 Cos :i •.s fee •s If .• pas-si^ S 1 as ^ s ■^ li ■jivaJL sxn ui pap -pw sairBojomuraoo •sjuBOiuniuuioo JO aaquinu juasa.1^ ■i 5 ; fi ;^ -2 1-; -f i •3 • at x tr »n o tc ft c s* o = *■> 5? •JieaAV 5s 55 :.. -^ 8 sfln: 2'; •iBpuns 55i522s ?j2 i-'o' •n-SJ « « T is tfl ^ ■-< ^ 1-1 T? t- T- ;} if-rif;S2 ^1'* :Ss» 53 ;sgs i P S 3 fl'C §•« ■id w S 2 u'S ^'^ III V ii c 3> > CO g TZ 1 o ft '/. = o £.3 I 5 -r o '^ S5 « ie**J w * *• Co •a 1/ s ml ;, Be*', ^ ■•>« pH w^ o i'A' a 4< » s :^ dpi iT) pt^ i^'c'i-i ■< u: O 1. e8 11 = cS 8; £. C c3 o IIS is S : Is; 2 3 SS SB3 00>tO 5 8|« •saBioqog JO -ox ^ S ''I ^1 ^*i ss s SSSF-ij S Si^g •sjaq.oBax JO -ox 1 i -Vi'S. 1 ^SSS'^ 1 ;:* 1 S 1 S«^S«?§ i © 1 ec350s 1 1 •SlOOipS "SJO'OX! 1""" ItJ-rSJ'S--. |«« |« |C0«9»rH« |^« |««« 1 1 •BiBijna ! 1 "^ss 1 ^j-'g}?* 1 1 :: 1 M 1 *»2''*' M *S 1 '*S'' I i •saaBlJJBUl 1 \^'^ 1 |«t---s* 1 |t 1 |N irr^j-ia 1 |t-« i«o-.« 1 1 •pauwyaoo IIIIIIII2IMIII^I5MI5|MM2|| I c. 2 i 'siinpY 1 «*'"' II1SIIIIMII»*IIMI'-IM^II 1 M.^ •SJUBJUI S?iS SsJ^S?! :■* :S :SSfe''5j 5g{ 2S^ •pasBao -ap sjiiBOjunmnioo w 1-1 in Tf - 5C »^^^ •9»^'-'e* . . .^ . .to ■ . •paAoiu -a.i s^uBoitmuiutoo . • 1-1 ;c CC <.- ; X : : :in :«« ::::::»:: : .1B0.C aqj ui pap -pB sjuBouinuunoo :'-''5J5 :g :S :•-' •••lrtr-ic«...5<..l,(jj • • • ei »-l rl sjuBoiinmuuoo JO .laqinnu juasajji 3Se •iiaaAV mi-jto £8(SSs« PSfeS »H»-( -coo •ABpung tiiSS §8388 SS 8SSS SS 82S 73 TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS— 18Tr-:8. Sf;^ _|_ . .(O • • ; : :o : : j * ■ '^ i :r|?J : : ft' sis ".eoS : .r s NO. 1.— GENERAL PURPOSES. 1878. Dr. Cr. May 1. To RECEIVED DURING THE YEAR : Subscriptions and collections, per A, .86,125 .52 S. P. G. Grant, £2,208 158. stg io,ik;7 76 It Special, owing to St. John fire, £100, atg _ 485 15 i< CoUectionn in England on account St. John fire, £30 IDs., 148 04 Parishes per Account No. 2, " St. David's, occasional ser\nces, .... 11,5 v^wnu ftK' pPl 1 ,A p'ftf m m MISSION. 1875-6. 1876-7. 1877-8. TOTAL. Andover, 1185 72 885 72 Batliurwt, 89 13 89 i.i Uiuton, 101 40 101 40 ('aml)ri 00 25 00 Sackville, 295 00 295 00 Shediac, 57 00 57 00 Simonds, 42 11 42 11 Springfield, 75 72 75 72 Susse.x, .... .... 183 15 183 15 St. Martina, 74 20 74 20 Upham, Westfield, 90 43 90 43 50 90 50 90 Wicklow, 34 00 4 32 38 32 Woodstock, .... 273 00 273 00 Weldford • i 55 71 55 71 $43 25 $5,714 05 $368 22 $6,125 52 -78. TOTAL. 8S5 7-2 101 40 61 30 12G 4r» 270 05 59 00 S37 SI 43 74 15 00 47 l^i ry2 5r> 10<) 07 ht> 45 55 29 73 05 «')0 00 11 00 106 02 31 47 S5 25 40 78 (>3 57 70 50 472 60 87 02 72 44 88 27 113 00 190 55 150 00 001 15 329 05 90 00 00 00 25 00 295 00 57 00 42 11 75 72 183 15 74 20 90 43 50 90 38 32 273 00 55 71 >1 $6,125 52 00 02 60 00 CD ai CO CQ 0) »s >. ■^4 I ^*^ '|3 3 a ::&: S r S 3 3 .7- -H -* -^ r-4 I a^ 3 sii? Ss sS 2J Sir Si x5 ii -I 5 .« a 3 '3 -'m i 8 I S 2 8 ?! 38 3 8 5^ 83 S U 8x88 8 88-3 8 8888883883 33§58c88 •5 "J W r-l % z s 2 2 o s 2 = ^ 5 i « a » .■? 5 i •;: 5 ' -}«i." u-J i-n u ^ ^ J'J.J n S i.": rt' 8238 s Tt 9 2 1^ "^ S ^ - — ■? at '•'^ 1.. i.. w » ^ ^ f™' *"* "^ '"* -» ^^ — ' — -^ ri -r* ri r: rt M ^^ ggggg g ggg 3 g§22g35§§§ 5§§g§gg5 88888 8 ^,^8 ?, S8?8?,?.8^33 8:'i3883?8 88888 8 838 8 8888888883 §§358338 fff lOO I in -^ 28 8 S ?5 M ■^ i^ oo 9Q o o — o o '■': o w 5 '- c ^5 c c- '5 3 St-' M ih •5f iii t-i ■n^ -1< ?) ^1 J^ T rt M ^ rH 88888 8 o88 S 8888535-J53 553838 5^ 100 n . 58 S o8 o o i;; a^ CM »ft o^ N c^ M ri ?j .-I ri • M ;^888?^-?8 8i?,5^8S8 n" M t^' ■1 T^ •ess* '-5 _£fS-"N5; — -ss-ssj^t: ... 5 .:— =-^-rai:'^ Miz: o ^-*?;>+3 ^,x'Sm'«^''S5! 5 ;z:l; ?"''.•'• ? -r r r. ;::; s i> 2 >J^ >^ ^ ^ . a> -2 "^ ,,:<: - -— Ji 3 C^ 3 -9 ^£ a a jjc if u g fl ?„ c « S ic M<; -5 5' 5 M 2 > -t^ ^- 1- « 3 « .A »? _r3 w w O 3 C C « t £ 55.3.S -' Sfl~^i>a;0*' q^Wffl^ a 65ft ft ft;^:5^J;S^SX^SSSSS;z;2;z;^ r6 u ^> «• i o »* '" M 8 8 8 8 o 88 88 »D O <5 lO S 88 8 888888888888888888888 ^ 888 ?iS 8 8888S8§8SS?8i??5^8??i|8| 8S8 t5 t-- t^ I--, t- ->< l-- C t^ X t^ CC «C t* t- I- «0 l^ t» 4C '.O t- C^ i-H i-l ® a.«j 88 8 8888888SS888888SS8888 8^?8838g58?SSS^8SS81?t2^8 ?1 f ^ o ec ■^ 't r: s -i -i iA -* -*> rH iH •^ o il«iOl'--VCN»ft"V*<' 5;S -c >:^6lzi"5 £ S s.c«e ce « K? S 4.1 V ■ rt « « « - g tf :W cS ^ ft "S e p o Ssa'O O > «s fc ^•5 .S'.g > a S"^ a'e 'pee 1 0> * « 1^ 2*2 e s S-r j^ ^' a> a* O t P»r<-^ w c8 ii jS ^ oi.jJ.SrCj C* S tiTi^ f^ ^ bfc •«« ^ ;3 w eo w "fi g .is P S O es 77 8 8 8 8 888 8^8 i-H r-( 8 8 8 ^ 88 gs rH < w « a (- x-iisa CD nr^ s. 2 a 9)t— 1 > PL4 S. Sii W. L J. E. »5 o >• _ _ ... p a « 1- S.3 & SO rt cS:i m U 78 C— OFFICERS' SALARIES 1S78. May 1. The Secretarj% one year to date . The Treasurer, do. do. S 100 00 200 00 $300 00 D.— CONTINGENCIES. 1S77. June 19. The Secretary, sundries Sll Cm Sept. 18. R. Hunter, i^rinting blanks 2 00 Oct. 5. The Secretary, do. 04 H. A. Cropley, printing, &c. , Report 270 00 Nov. 24. do. mailing, do 11 24 1878. May 1. Postages during year. Treasurer and Secretary B. H. M 10 00 §313 Jt3 1878. April 2. K— S. R G. PENSIONS. Mrs. Coster, one year S244 00 Mrs. Black, do 244 W Mrs. Street, do 244 00 $732 00 79 TJl w xn > 1 88 8 as c .5: ^ 8 888888g88888S888S8?8888^x8?S ^ 'E u - 4. 8 8ri2:^2??4SS§2S8^82?fe9^5;^§:]iifS??^5iy,sstT 2r 1 «& ^ 1 i>:-i5x' t^xjot-lpc t>iodad _j c,- cc cr - - • - - X - cc X - - X crj - - - - X ' X - - sc - - - - 2i j-t^iH i-HrHi-li-li-ir-l rHi-ir- iO»-l (MMiH W rH rH r- ^ eS c ^ .i8Si.Sg§8SS8S8gS55S§8 . 8888 8888 8 c 25 © S '?' X ri M c; X X i.~ ic «c ?- »r: -^ 'T' ^ vr iH x i^ l- i< rH ^TrH C7- P^, ■is <- C .— y^ ^j • - c^.^i -■1, . -s -r .S S !> f=ic. 5 .;i!>rH . c s s c d CJ »> . ^ ^ »-t s ^ rr i '^ rii !/: ^ "^ ^^^^4ixj5 ^ -^ r— ^^ -tJ j'c-' 'Si;;; c CO a ^^ T, -w,' CCOOJ .aj f>I^^S >^ C>H^?H S PS,PH^ ,4i X 'Tcfcccccoccoocc'^ijococccccccccccc 2^^ '^'^^^^■^\^^f^^^^^^^'^^l^^r^ U^ P /^ ^s /-^ <-.» ,^* z*^ ,^ '*' "•^ /^- ^ '•^ -^^ -^ ^> gH+^r-ir-lHMHHI-irti--iHMc-iWSHrHHniHHr--ir-ih-il— rnr-ii-iH 5 4) pap c^^OiC t^xx rH rHiMcceceC'^'-'i i-t «c ic - ut !£ :c ^ 1-- » t^ 1-- 1~ t- 1->. t>. t>. - XXX- XXX- X- XXXXXXX' iCb-CJ rHrHrH iH nCXrHC-r-l IMiM 0) 0) ir; i;c ;c <£ t^ t^ t^ t^ i^ i^ X i>. » - i^ i^ t- 1^ C-- 1>. t- 1^ »>. t^ X- - XXXXXXX XXX rH 1-itnSPrHeCMXOiS s'2 r-a --3 i cj 5iS |3 - u ■ a X-2 JJ © 2-3 5 K (j194 22 do., vacant and lapsed 1,122 00— 2,316 22 Leaves amount credited as above 811,593 2.S No. 3— INTEREST ACCOUNT 1878. Di;. May 1. To Received during year, as per Schedule F . . $1,596 23 Cr. May 1. By amount carried to following objects — No. 1. General Purposes 8522 23 2. Widows and Orphans 624 00 3. Education and Aged Clergy .... 72 00 4. Divinity Sch()lar«hii)s 66 00 5. Incapacitated and Aged Clergy. 288 00 6. Glebe Lands ' 24 OO 81,596 23 81,596 23 No. 4.— MISS D. B. HAZEN TRUST. Vonsisti/if/ of the Rents of Real Estate devised by Will for tJie General Purposes of the Society. 1878. Dr. May 1. To Received during year — Rents as per Rent Roll herewith 8638 00 May 1. By paid durinuf year — Interest — Miss Durham, one year Taxes— Simonds, District No. 3 Schools . do. "1 do. Road, do. General Taxes , Rothesay, K. C, do., Portland, St. John, do., : Saint John, City, do. , Do., Water Rates 8 48 00 67 3 75 1 50 12 40 2 75 96 75 90 00 11 31— 219 13 Carried forward, $267 13 511,593 2S 6S 00 813,909 50 . 2,316 22 ?11,593 2.^ 8522 23 624 00 72 00 66 00 28S 00 24 OO SI, 596^ 23 General S 48 00 |_- 219 13 $267 13 81 Drovfjlit fnv-iiurd, Law Expenses — C". W. WeMoii, b.iliiiice his p.cct sl50 00 LesrH, it;i>ai(l liy Mr. Barker 84 74 !?65 26 H. L. Sturdoe, examiniii!,' Records, Dra^^iiig^ Leases, &c 47 10 Sunclrie;< — Geoi-fje Day, jirintin:;' C'onmiissiou — IL W. Frith, 5 on •^■<)3S.Ui). . By Balance carried to Credit Xo. 1 .S63S m .^237 13-- 112 36 1 50 31 IK) 225 11 .>?<)38 00 MISS D. B. HAZEX TKUST.— Uknt Koll, 1877-8. Tenant. Mfirifh Rixid. Philip O'Neill Same ; Pasture lut Wattrloo Street. Mary Rice Estate of James Albyn » . John Paterson Estate of \Vm. Steele S. McBride Estate of C. H. Foster J. Cowan Est. of Jno. Walsh, ass'g. Cowan William Floyd Citii Road. James Bond Thomas W. Peters E. ¥. Riley, 1st Feb., 1878 Pond Street. Patrick McCarthy Harri.-ion Street. Joseph McHugh Mary Geary J. Darrah ov W. McBeath J. A. & W. Chesley Straitjht Shore Road. J. A. & W. Chesley McLaughlin & Anderson T. Lynch FeUx O'Neill Old Bridtjc Road. Alexander Duff Old Westiiiorhind Rood. Patrick Fitzpatrick, one year. . . J. & D. Horgan, do S Annual P.ent. 840 00 40 00 28 00 26 00. 37 00 28 Oii 28 (X) 30 00 S2 50: 30 00 90 OOl Total due during i vear. ' 840 00 40 00, 94 00! 26 00, 92 50, 154 75 50 00 i A\] 00 i 30 00| 30 00' 00 00 00 , 82 50 i 30 00' 495 00 1">5 Oo' 72 OP 7 50 100 0<:' Paiil during year. 840 00 20 00 55 00 "37 66 18 00 28 00 ' 82 50 30 CO Due and unpaid May L 78. 8 20 00 39 00 26 00 55 50 136 00 1 75 00 50 00 54 00 7 50 495 00 55 00 18 00 100 00 ;<5 0'> 30 00 32 00 Oil !X' 54 m 90 00 87 50 . 75 00 . 80 00 . 75 00 81 OOi :i2^) 25 . 165 00 132 00 '■'75 00 81 00 87 50 75 00 80 00 326 25 30 00 165 00 24 Oi'^ 132 00 SO 00 30 00 200 00 to 00 160 00 40 Oo 20 00 20 00 81,100 00 #2,683 25, 8638 00 «2,045 25 ^2 ii' >> ■■( V . ¥ k ^ '1] { » ' •i ( I No. 5.— CHIPMAN TRUST.— iNTERESi AccorjT. The Ucqufst of the httc Chivf Justice Chipnmn S4'i,<>f>0,—t(} he inrcKtr^f, and the '^^ annnnl income iok/ jiroducc to he expended and applied in the sKjitJvrt of the Mimonarii ohjects of the Societii/' isrt*. Dk. May 1. To receivM <1,428 13 G.— WIDOWS' AND OEPHANS' FUXD. H. Lawrance Stuudee In accouiEt with the Widows'' and < 'KI'hans' Fund. 1)K. Til Annual Payments ami < "> >llectiuns, l>77-*7^., as fi^ilowt*: IS 77. July 12. N..; * *• Dec. 20. .SI. 31. 1878. Jan. 1. 9. 7. 9. 10. 12. 1!». 21. 23. 24. •.i». 30. 31. Feb. 1. 8. Mar . r . Apl. 10. i.. 24. Tn < "ollectiim.s, Rothesay " New Maryliinn " P.. Shaw " J. F. v'arr " Thomas Neales '. " J. H. S. Swtet " W. S. Neales " W. (l Ketehuin " LeB. W. Fowler " F. Ahiion. " T. E. Dowiini,' " Lt. Ct. Pioberts " W. Cruiien " W. ( 'ru'leu, a%erage c lUectiun " T. Hartin Additional < 'olli^ction. Sitrinu'tield CVtUet'tion, ^\'oalliousie 8usse.\" iJev. F, Partrid^'e " C. S. Medley Cu. By cash to H. W. Frith, Esq., Treasurer at .several tiuies • §383 (1 !?4 47 •) 00 •» 10 K -,0 14 42 i 38 ."> 83 23 iVi 11 25 12 ;K) 4 12 S 93 s 27 1 82 8 27 8 "iO 23 i'tii 8 or, 13 08 !t (is 11 9.5 11 55 it 00 20 30 1 75 ;> 00 3 50 !1 05 ."» 00 5 00 15 00 9 79 r. OO rr t 74 it 00 2 3G 3 06 «) 00 8 93 10 27 .93S3 02 ?<383 02 ,000, and the ki's Account. H. Lawhance Stl'rdee, Uta'ctavii W. .O O. Fund. I No. 7.— EDUCATION AND AGED CLERGY FUND. 1877. I^n. ISIay 1. To balance \>ev 42nil Report, ]>. 7"> 817') 71) . 1878. Mav 1. To one Year's interest (^n .^lliOO, the principal oftllisFunil 72 00 1S78. <"u. May 1. Ey paid tluriii;,' vear— transferred to investment acconnt .....' .SlOn 00 By balance carried forward to next year 147 7!> Xo. ^—DIVINITY SCH0LAK8HIP.S' FUND. 1877. Bn. ]\lav 1. To balance per last Ileport, p. 7o .*143 84 187^. INIaj" 1. " tme year's interest on J^llOO, the principal o!^ this Fund 60 GO Ck. ;.[a}" 1. By this amount transferred to investment acct. .SKK) 00 "' balance carried forward 101.> S4 .■:i!20!» 84 .*20'.» 84 iSo. y.— INCAPACITATED AND AGED CLERGY. FUND. 1877. 1>K. May 1. To balance per last Ke[)ort, p. 7.J ^'Ml 7-> 1878. May 1. To one year's interest on .S4,800, the p.rincipal of this Fund 2SS 00 Cv.. May 1. By transferred to inve.*tment acct. during year, 300 00 I'" balance carried forward 340 7"' !?<>41» 75 i?649 7.% 1 'if jf >s'o. lo.—GLElJE J AND.S TRUST. 1S77. 1>H- ISIay 1. To balance fron: \iit j-.r's account, p. 70, 8382 45 1878. May 1. To receivetl duriu-r the year : R. Swim, jl':aktowu Tract, Elissfield, per Rev. W. Ciuden, , .... 100 00 One year's interest on 8400, principal of this fund, 24 00 Cu. May 1. By ] )ayments durinj:' year : Transferred to Investments Account, .... II Ijalance carried forward, .... .... .... 8400 00 106 4.-) 850(5 45 S50<) 45 85 ND. SlOO GO l-tT T'.*- S2-H 7U ). Xo. 11.— KICHIIJUC'TC) TPiUST. This Fuml coasists of the sum of ii!2,000invi'.-tt'(l in DelientureH— intere>t i»ay- .tilile to the Rector of llichibncto, on joint rec-eipt of himself an«l a C'hurch Warilen. 1877. T)H. Mny 1. To balance from last year's account, 1878. Alay 1. M interest receiveil dnrin;,' year, If balance carried forward, .... Cr. yiaj 1. By payments during year ; ■ The Kector of Kichilmcto, $1S m 8 20 !?120 00 .*120 00 .■?120 OO m^ 00 loy 84 FU^^D. 300 OO 34V) 7.-' $640 7'> :? 45 00 4 00 !=:400 00 106 4r> 45 sriO<> 4r> , Xo. 1-3.— 8. SCOVIL TRUST— Income Account. The Trust Estate consists of the brick building and lot on tlie North Market AVharf, St. John. Kental, !?840 per annum. Xet proceeds applicable as follows : .?400 per annum to the Kector of St. James Chm'ch, Cambridge. S24 per annum to the repairs of said church. Remainder to the General Purposes of the Society. 1S78. Dr. May 1. To received during the year : From White &, SUpp, .5 months' rent of nrv build- ing, from 1st T'ocendier to date, .:t 8840, .... .?3^0 00 II amount brought to this account from Building Fund Account, .... .... .... 240 84 II balance carried forward, ... .... .... 303 28 1877. Cr. May 1. By balance per last Report, p. 77, 1878. May 1. By payments during the year : The Rector of St. James, Cambridge, for repairs of the church, .... .... .... .... I)o. 12 months' stipend, .... .... .... W. M. Jarvis, insurance 1;^ on .?G,0000. Water rate, .... .... .... .... City Chamberlain, 2 years gi-oiind rent, .... T. B. Hanington, advertising and offering lot t'> .... . ., . rent previous to building, .-... ."?3:32 12 24 00 400 00 60 00 10 00 :,() 00 12 00 $894 12 <">■ ■ff*s se ~^$- 1877. July 1S77. .Sept. 1878, May No. 13.— S. SCOVIL TRUST— Building Fund; 1>K. 31. To received full ainnnnt of policy of iurtiirance in the Liverpool ami LoikIoh and (ilobe, on the total dentnietion of the buildini,' by the fire of June 20th, .... .... .... !?»;,000 00' C'li. 19. By paid White & Slipp, balance due them for ad- vances on improveuientrt on the old buildinj,', I)er account. .... .... $i322 55 LeHM Imlance of rent to fire, .... 90 25 — ?232 1. By paid at sundry times to date : Furl/ish & Edwards, Imildei-s, in full of con- tract, less .*15, .... .... .... Edwards & Dixon, excavatiny, &c., Furbish, extra work, ' .... .... R. P. Mc(iivern, half i)arty wall, west, Mrs. Duncan, do. east, .... Mrs. Parks, half exi)ense removing debris, &c. C E. Coleman, hoisting wheel, .... Perkins Shutter (.'o., iron shutters, .... Hopkins & Wiley, architects, .... .... II balance carried to Income Account, .... 30 4,1S5 00 194 2'.> 158 54 215 82 493 73 20 75 55 73 00 00 131 00 240 84 .?(),000 00 Sii.OOO 00 ■^MM^HjSK^ ' bSe ~ * MM''' m mui ' y JKRt t H^ • Ih?H- ^ '' * .h i ' ::■ ' J Bfnr ^ ^ $ ^ ' Mr: y ' 1 1 I # J>J ^-* PI^Klk.-e . |HK t-'^ll mm Ni)^ 1877. May 10. July 19. Aug. 24. Sept. 1, Oct. 24. Dec. 28. 1878. May 1. 1877. May 22. Xo. 14.— CIIIPMAN 15EQUEST— Principal. Dk. ToreceivedfromExecutorslateR.F.Hazen.d'c'd, !?1,000 00 „ do. do. do. .... 3,000 00 do. do. do. .... 1,000 00 do. do. do. .... 2,000 00 r, do. do. do. .... 7,000 00 „ do. do. do, G,000 00 July 19. M Oct. 1. M 13. .1 Nov. 10. .. 21. I- Dec. 28. .1 1878. May 1. I 11 balance carrietl forward,* .... Cb. By Provincial Debentures, Xos. 281 and 282, $-503 each, at 1% i)rem do. NoH. 267, 271, 273, 278, 279 280, $500 each, at 1% prem. do. No. 43, from D. C. S. , at par do. Nos. 268 and 277, do. . . do. Nos. 23 and 24. do. . . do. Nos. 221, 223 and 227, at 583 75 do. li% premium, Nos Tos. 718, 721, 722, 723 and 724, at 1% premium, Cash on deposit at 4% : Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, 114,000 6,000- «t20,583 75 !»20,5>^3 151,010 00 3,030 00 .500 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,518 75 2,525 00 10,000 OO <;> * This balance only temporary, owing to an over-investment. The remaining, 5>2O,000 has been paid by the Executors of the will of the late R. F. Hazen,. jlsceaaed, since this Account was made up. 8232 30 4,1S5 00 1«)4 2'.> 158 54 215 82 4V»3 73 20 75 55 73 (•)() 00 131 00 240 84 Jii.OOO 00 1877. May 1. 1«78. May 1. 1877. Sept. 8, 20. Nov, 1»). 1878. May 1, 87 No. 15.— INVESTMENTS ACCOUNT. Dn. To balance per last year's Report, p. 70, !?l."i 98 To receiveil during year : Amounts transferred from follnwing fiwuls : Widows' and Orphans' Fund, 400 00 Education and Aj/ed C'leryy Fund, 100 00 Divinity Scholarsnijjs, ' (to 100 00 Incai)acitatetl and A^ed Tler^'v Fund, 300 00 • (Hebe Lands, " 400 00 Del)entures transferred to Chipman Trtist, Nos. 23, 24, 43, 208, 277, 8500 eacli 2, .500 00 Debentures paid off : St. John Street Extension, N... 23, 400 00 Account Mrs. De Wolfe's be(iuest, per the Lord Bishop, 1,400 00 Bequest of the late L. H. DeVeber, Esii., l>er his E.\ecutors, for the General Pur- poses of the Society 400 00 Ck By paid for St. John Water Deb't., No. G, 1177, 81,700 OO u do. do. do. No. D, 770, 503 75 do. do. Pier, Do 1,000 00 " do. do. Restoration, Do 400 OO " balance carried forward, 2,412 23 §0.015 98 .80.015 98 ?l,01t) 00 3,030 00 .500 00 1,000 00 1,000 OO 1,518 75 2,.525 00 3000_00 ^o2M3 . remaining, F, Hazeur No. 10.— lULANCE.S. 1878. Dr. May 1. No. 1. General Purposes, 8808 85 2. Parishes 6. Widows and Orphans, 7. Education and Aged Clergy, 8. Divinity Scholarships, 9. Incapacitated, &c.. Clergy, 10. Glebe Lands, n. Richibucto Trust 8 20 12. S. Scovil Trast, 303 28 14. Chipman Trust (Principal) .583 75 15. Investments Account, The Treasurer— Cash in Bank, 2,318 11 84,022 19 $4,022 19 Cr. 8<>S 00 828 i:i- 147 79 109 84 349 75 100 45 2,412 23 % !f* 88 No 17.— AMOUNTS INVESTED, MAY 1, 1877. 1K77. Mav 1. Total per la^^t Report, p. HO (!ii2M,r)0G 20 1S7H. May 1. Paiil ff n Delienture, Ni>. 'JiH 8Ji>0 <'0 TrHiiMlerre"! to Chipinan Trust. Province l)e- henturc'M, N.h. 23, 21, 4.S, 2(W, 277 2,.'>00 00 WiittcM off Kx-Treasurer'H De»jt, Bi.l 7Hacitated and At,'ed Clergy 4,800 00 (Jlebe Lan-!^ 400 0(J iJivinity Scholarships 1,100 00 2'5.480 00 1878, 80 BOOK I)EP()Sm)i:V ACCOUNT. /'"/• (he year tii'liiui jsth m,,„^ /,v-v. ""SHikl ''''' *" 'f''"^ ''^"^■^"» I>i'P-.it..ry for " .'niiount remitted to ' sl V, \'<' ]^ f^^^ \!*] :; ;; ;; ;'.-™...c-;.;:;;;;;;;;.v;;;:,; ■•,';; " balance in Pank of New IJr.iuMu i'.'k ••••••• . •' ' - "f^ft'^h • ;;;• -jj !;JJ By Imlance from 1S77 ncconi «-u «i ;; amount received from Q, .u\^Co, ] [ i,i,S Jj " Siil'v'i J^<'<-ks... 3(;2 44 „ ,^ ^^ »l't'fial orders for BnokH, 40 .",<» " Miliscnpt. <.f meml.ers. r. (W) " foraubn. to S. P. C. K l^, so .^1,4:)7 97 .^l,4r,7 07 •'?l,4r.7 97 81,457 97 Memo. Balance on hand o,,.„ Books in stock, .S214.rM. (le^s siy/j.er cen't)' ■.; m o? t ..St of books ,iust received ..... ' \V. ! Credit balance at S. P. C". K., £10 oi.'o;/;.;: ! ! ! ! ^no I!! Due Messrs. James Campbell & Son, £10 0». 1-1//. Net As.sets Correct. f'. H. FAIRWEATHER ) G. W. WHITNEY, J- ^"'^'■^o'-^. !?94S 7."» 78 90 .*8r)9 a^i IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^, ^ J^4e. 14, .^ <^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 l^|28 |2.5 1.4 11.6 Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. )4S80 (716) 872-4503 \ ;V •S? \ \ ^\1LLIAM, Esquire. DOYLE. Major-General Sir HASTINGS, late Lieutenant-Governor. SCO\aL, SAMUEL J. Esquire. >nOOINS, GEOR(JE C. Esquire. 1888. De^TCBER, Rev. CANON. DeVEBER, MARIA E. DeVEBER, WM. HERBERT. DeVEBER, ALLEYNE W. JARVIS, W. M. Esquire, V. P. SCOVIL, MORRIS. >V1LUAMS, Rev. J. S. 91 1869 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1873. 1S7H. 1877. CARMAN, SOPfriA M. DeVEBER. J. S. BOIES. Esquire DOMVILLE, FANXY FEXETY, O. E.. E*iuire CARMAN. W. BLLSS. CARSON. CHARLES, E.snuire KETCHUM. H. (i. C. E^iuire" NEALES, Rev. W. S. NEALE8, Rev. T. PERCr\'AX, M1&8, CARMAN, JEAN MURRAY FRITH. HENRY W.. E8quir»- GRIMMER, GEORGE S., Esquire JARVIS. G. S.. Rev. D. D SMITH. W(X1DF(>RDE J., Esquire WILKINSON. W.. Esquire. JARVIS, EDWARD W GREGORY. T. A., E«,uire, M. D ARMSTRONG." Rev. G. M SCOVIL. Miss EUZABETH. JARMS, FRANK H(3PE WELDON, CHARLES.W.. Esquire BRIGSTOCKE. Rev. CANON PARTRIDGE. Rev. FRANCIS ARMSTRONG, Rev. WILLUM DeVEBER, RICHARD S. « « ! 90 LIST OF PERSONS (NOW DECEASED) WHO WERE LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY. Date of MeiiilnTsliip. 1837 18.38. 1839. I&IO. 1M2. 1845. 1848. 1848. 1860. 1851. 1858. P BAILLIE, Hon. THOMAS, V. P. B( >TSFORD. Hon. Mr. Justice, V. CHIPMAN, Hon. Chief -Justice. COSTER, Venerable Archdeacon, V. P. EMERSON, TTIOMAS, Esquire, M. D. ECCLES, Cainain JAMES. MACLAUCHLAN, JAMES A., Esquire. ODELL, Hon. W. F., V. P. OWEN, Hon. Admiral, R. N., V. P. ' SCOVIL, WILLIAM, V. P. SIMONDS, Hon. CHARLES, V. P. SHORE. Hon. George, V. P. WETMORE, JUSTUS, Esquire. PETERS, Hon. C. J. HARVEY, Major-General Sir JOHN, K. C. B., K. C. H., late Lieutenant- Governor and Commander-in-Chief, &c. &c. ROBINSON, W. H., Esquire, V. P. ROBINSON, the Hon, F. P. PARKER, the Hon. NEVILLE, late Master of the Rolls. RATCHFORD, E. D. W., Esquire. ROBINSON, Colonel, JOHN, V. P. WHEELER, GEC>RGE, Esquire. , SMITH, H. BOWYER. Esquire, V. P. COLEBROOKE, Sir WILUAM M., O. C. B., K. H., late Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief. PARKER, Hon. Chief Justice, V. P. PETERS, GEORGE, P., Esquire, M. D. SCOVIL, SAMUEL, Esquire PETERS, JAMES, Jup , Eso. WIGGINS, STEPHEN, Esqul. .. WIGGINS, Mrs. STEPHEN. GILBERT, GEORGE G., Esquire. GILBERT, Mrs. ANNE. HEAD, Sir EDMUND WALKER, Baronet, late Lieutenant-Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief, &c., &. SCOVIL. W. HENRY, Esquire. DESBRISAY, LESTOCK P. W. Esquire. DONALDSON. L., Esquire. FAIRWEATHER, JOSEPH. BLACK, WILUAM, A. E.. Esquire. SCOVIL, DANIEL, Esquire. SCOVIL. SAML'EL, Esquire. SMITH, HENRY BOWYER, Jun. 03 I.S.V). lW>!t. isro. WVj. lict;. isr(i. CANTERBURY. Viscount. SIM* )NDS. Mis. RK.II.vKD. R<)BINS(»N. Majnr. \V. H. WRKJHT. WILLIAM. Esquir*'. HAR1)IX(;. c.ionol FRANCIS PYM. late Li.utfiiant-Governor. &c LLE, Rev. Canon, I'h. I). SIMONDS. RICHARD. Esquire. HAZEN. ROBERT F., E.squire JAR VIS. Mrs. W. M. HEMERY. Colonel Q., A. D C HAZEN, Hon. R. L. MERRITT. CHARLES, Esquire DeVEBER. L. H.. Esquire. SAUNI»ERS, Hon. JOHN S. 94 SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1878. V. BATHURST, Bishop, S. L., M. D., BiKhoj), Mins Bisliop, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BiKhop, Henry Balilwin, Henry W. O'Brien, W. J. < 'ai-ter, John iUa-Uir, Eihvin' DesJiris.'iy, Tlieophihis DesBris.iy, Swayne l)eKBriKay, Miss Doran, John Ellis, John Ellis, William Gowuell, Mrs. (josnell, Mrs. Charlerf Hill.K^^k, William^ Mei-Kereau, (i. W. Mann, C. H. Maim, Mititi C'aVile, Mrs. Hinton, William Kamsay. Miss Smith, Ixobert Smith, K. H., jr., Ellis, Miss Annie Pavne, Mrs. Payni", W. R. Bato r^ r^o 1 00 r.0 rA) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 .-.0 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 2.") iV) 1 00 1 00 .'.0 50 1 (K) 1 00 1 00 .50 .50 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 $39 50 JON. $1 00 .50 .50 1 00 .50 50 50 50 50 50 Good, ^yilHam !?0 50 (lOiid, Xichttlas TMJ Good, Mrs. Nicholas 50 Eedy, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan 1 00 Eedy, John Alexander .50 Ee«ly, William J. r^) Eedy, Rachel 25 Eedy, Mrs. William 25 E«idy, Jane L'5 Gowlinj,', E. S. 5U Doran, Albert 1 (10 Dealy, Elizabeth 50 Dealy, Herbert 50 Ihiff, Mrs. Henry E. 1 (M) Knowles, Richard W. .".0 Knctwles, Richard T. 50 Smith, Richari2 00 1 0> 1 00 4 00 n 00 4 iK) 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 50 . 2 00 Wilniut, Henry 1 00 WihiK.t, K. I)., jr., 7 (K) Wliite, J. S. 2*00 AVilsun, Mi.-^ri 1 00 .So3 r»o Offertory, Xcv. 1877, 2 10 (111. .luiie, IblX, 4 !»0 .Friend, A 12 ia Total, «74 50 CAMPOBELLO. ! Eatson, Mrs. Hil.bert si 00 ! I'.'ithon, (4eori.'e 1\. Byron, Luke Esii. B>vron, Mrs. Luke Best, Mrs. < 'alder, Mrs. James, jr. ("alder, Mrs. Wallace < "hajmian, Kichanl <"oclirane, Mrs. B. E. Farmer, John Esq., FlacL', Mix. < 'adwallader Gou^'h, William Johnstone, Mrs. Georye Lank, Mrs. Edward Lijtsett, Isabella Lo!i Hartin, Maiy Ann Ellen Hartin, Eliza Ann Hamilton, James Hnmilton, ,\!rs. James Lawson, lj>ike -h i*. , Main, \\'illiam 1 Main, Mrs. William 1 Miller, Arthur Miller, Mrs. Arthur McKay, Hu^rh Es-i., J. P., McMiillan, lieiave McMidlan, James jr., McMullan, Mrs. James Mc.Mullan, Andrew McMullan, Mrs. An!■. Wt'l)lierU'y, Is;i;ic Welilx'ilfV, Mis. Isaii-' ^Velllll.•^l*.■y, 'I'li'ijuas, jr. AVel)l)erk'y, Mrs. T., jr. <.'(i]lecti"iis (iflcr Sonaiiii!:, Total, .•?0 2" •-'.') 'S'l Ui") 2*. •J.'t •SoS 00 • ( 00 .<<40 00 CHATHAM. Cullected Ijy Mrs Wilkinson ]3reliant, Mr.s. Brehant, Tlminay. lirt'hant, < 'liarlottt.' IJalilwiii, Mr. ami Mrs. John lialthvin, ^Ir. ami Mr.s. Dauk-I lialtiwin, Kstlier Balilwin, Tlnmias IJaMwin. Jfannah McLau^'lilan, Htstin- Trevors, I ). rreviirs, Holen TrevDis, David 1>. Trevoi-is, Mary K. Trevors, Jnseiili D. Trevors, Mrs. Joseph I). Trevors, Charlotte Trevors, Lestock Trevors, Mrs. Lestock Trevors, Hichanl Trevors, Mrs. rviehanl Trevors, Cieor;,'e D. Trevors, Mrs. Cieorge D. Trevors. Mrs. John '1' T T T T »r Gulliver, John si 00 no .•)() :\ 00 1 00 no 50 no •jn no no no 50 00 no 2n no no no 50 no no no 00 !?15 20 Collected bj' Miss Wilicinson and 3Iiss Biirehell. Baldwin, Mrs. A. Brown, Caiit. John Burchill, Mr. and Mrs, Burchill, J. V. Burchill, J. Burchill, George Connor, Mr.i. .91 00 1 20 10 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 ?'lt'mIliinl:,^^rH. Kleiiiuiinc, .Nf. Flenmiiiv,', i{"h*'rt Kieniiiiiiis', Archihald KliMiiiiiiii;/, Amlivw Klett. Mr^. John Harl. , Mi.s Har|>' r, Mrs. Harptr, Mrs. .fonathan Jackhon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jaclcson, 1-aac f.ee, (leor^'e Petei>on, .\Ir. and Mrs. I'eiiival, Miss ( Hoij'ers, Mr.s. Street, Mrs. Sar.!,'e:uit, (.'harles Saxsniith, ^Fr. ;.nd Mrs. J. I'Uock, Thomas I'nderhill. A. .Jackson, llithaid-oii Wilkinson, W. eo 5) no o Oil 1 (XI I 1)1) 1 tio • * on i Th) 25 1 no t'.ll 10 (10 1 00 2 (.10 1 ml'* 01 » n fH> 1 00 ;'.o >> 00 ."lU 10 1^ !<(il 7 Collected l)y Mrs. Blair. Mi.ss Williston. and Miss Hoc ken Arnold, >[r. ans Ann Frost, Mrs. S. Frost, S. Fowler, Mrs. Friend, A Friend, A Friend, A Friend, A Friends, Forest, Mrs. Jos. Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Forest, Miss M. Fenety, Mrs. Win. Forsyth, Rev. D. Green, Mrs. Gillespie, INIr. and Mrs. T. F. 82 .50 :! (M) 4 (W) .")(» 1 no no .50 no no S 00 01 ) no 1 00 2 Oo 2 00 1 oo 1 00 1 00 1 00 no no no 1 00 no 1 10 1 00 1 CO 50 1 Oi> 15 00 25 4 W 80 .1 ) 2 tMi 1 OH 1 on OH 1 -,«i 10 00 1 Oo 2 00 1 (ll> f 1 00 :*.o 2 on ."lO 10 !■« Vfiss WilUstoii. o 4 S-J Tti.t OO (H) ."iH r.o r.o 50 '•0 00 iiO r.o 1 00 2 OH 2 00 8 m. T. F. 00 00 00 00 r.o ;")() DO 1 00 50 1 10 1 00 1 CO 50 1 00 15 00 25 4 00 GllleHiiit", BenMie, Sftdie, Fanny and Susie .<>l H<»ckeii, >[r. Sen. S Hockeii, MJHH Hf'cken, Misn S. H<»cken, BeKHie H. F. N. Hocken, H. jun. E. Howanl, FreiMie, Geuixe & Ltilu 1 HickHon, Mr. tJoyce, Mr. JackHon, Mr. JoluiHon, Mrs. D. S. Kelly, Mins Kinx^ton, Jane Mnirheail, Mi-s. H. Mnlherrin, Mr. Miller, Mr. Veck, Mrs. Pierce, Bertie MisH K. ('. nice, Mrs. lieid, Mrs. Thomas Reid, Mrs. Wni. Hearle, Mrs. Wni. Searle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hearle, (reorj,'e Traer, Mr. and Mrs. fJeurge Thompson. Miss Minnie Turtlott, Mrs. Templeton, Mrs. I'llock, Angus White, Mr. William WiUiston, K. M. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. James Watters, Mrs. Joel Goggin, Gertie and Melbourne 00 00 00 00 00 (0 00 .50 00 00 00 00 25 25 (K) 00 00 00 r.0 50 00 .50 .50 00 00 .50 00 25 H5 25 00 25 00 00 00 00 JB107 05 CoUectetl by Mrs. Hilton & Miss S. Vondy. Allison, H. A. .*2 00 Blair, Mr. and, Mrs. G. A. and family Benson, J. B., M. D. 14 00 2 00 Benson, M. S. 1 50 Benson, P. H. C. 1 00 ('(M>linf;, Miss 1 00 Carman, Walter 1 00 Drake, Mrs. 50 DesBrisay, Mr. and Mrs. T. 3 00 Forbes, Capt. and Mrs. 2 00 Fairey, Mrs. 1 00 Fairey, Mr. 1 00 Gulliver, Mr. and Mrs. 2 00 Gulliver, Sarah J. 25 Gulliver, James D. 25 Gulliver, Wm. 25 Gulliver, Arthur 25 Graham, Harrison 50 j Gregory, Mr. (»o;,'^.'in, .Mr. and ^^l•>'. J. II. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Habberh'V, Mrs. Harper, 5lr. Wni. Hawbnlt, Mrs. Johnston, A. KiuK'ston, .Mr. and Mr>*. Kin,'ston, tfanit'. in menu ly of Kin^'ston, Mavfi^ie Kinj(ston, Antde KiiiK'ston, J. T. Kin},'st<>n, William Kinj,'ston, Josepli Kingston, Janivs Kint,'ston, Kin;,', Miss Layton, Mrs. MeLaui,'hlan. .Tatnes MeLaan, Hiram Norman, Mrs. Peruival, Mr. ami Mrs. Parker, Miss Paisley, Mrs. Hippie, Geo, Searle, Mr. and Mrs. .Saxsmith, Miss Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Smith, Stephen Staples, Miss Maggie I'llock, Tho.s. rilock, Mrs. Wm. Ullock, Albert I'llock, Jessie Vondy, Mrs. Vondy, Miss Winslow, F. E. Wilkinson, Mrs. Wil u, Thomas Wk,; c, Mrs. Frien* A Friend, A 1st Semi-Annual Collection, 2ntl do. do. Total, CAMBIIIDGE. Buzza, Edmund Buzza, Samuel S. Babinj^on, James Belyea, Richard Chase, Isbrow Canuichael, Tliomas C!oyle, John Coyle, Robert Colwell, Mi-s. James R. 81 00 2 UO I 00 1 -A) 1 00 50 2 (M> f 1 OO 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 00 .■)0 00 35 00 1 00 1 OO 1 00 75 5 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 20 20 1 00 1 00 7 OO 1 00 2 00 85 20 . 25 882 25 12 00 52 00 8:i30 28 82 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 .50 1 0.; 1 00 so F 'J8 ('iihvt'Il, Mi-M. Cliipnmu Ciidy, Mth. .Iiuii">« Hoir. Ciix, MiK, Weliiii^'ton ('it\, MiircuH ('.•iriK'iiU'r, Archil i:il(l Ciir) 'enter, (ten. K. DeVt'luT, S. K. Dykeiiitin, 1*. M. T),vktiuiin, .FftiiieH Foshuy, Annie I.. (linldiinl, Artlmr inH(ui, Charles Rol»inson, Kachael Ruherts, James V. Koberts, John Si)rin^'er, Johnson Sjuinger, William Si)ringer, Charles Strong, Mrs. Cynis Smith, Geo. W. Smith, Minnie Smith, (TBorye, t«enr. Snrith, Xelson Smith, Isaac Snodyrass, Isauc Shaw, Rev. B. Shaw, Mrs. Shaw, H. Burfield Shaw, Louise D. Shaw, Florence E. Scribner, Elias Scribner, Mrs. Elias Scribner, Charles Scribner, Eben Scribner, James Vanwart, Samuel Vanwart, Mrs. Samuel White, Mrs. S. V. Wiggins, Vincent W. Wiggins, James B. (»0 (N» ! (M) i 1 •J 00 .V) 00 00 00 .'.0 00 00 .-.0 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 r.o .^0 00 Oft 00 00 .■)0 00 .'.0 80 1 1 1 1 1 ») 1 1 1 WigginH, Henry McF. Wiggins, James K. Wig>;ins, Arthur Wig'.,'ins, (leorge Wiggins, Abraham Wort, >lanstield Ist Collection, 2nd Total, !?1 00 I (Ml .*)0 TiO ."0 7'» 3 no I 20 !J74 70 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 r>o 00 .-)0 r)0 no 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2.1 2o 25 m 50 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 CAKLKTOX. S.VINT OEOHOES ( HfltCH.— CHl'HCH COL- I.KCTIoXS. Deanery meeting service, June H, 82 .'<2 Thanksgiving service, .Tunc -0, 1 *X\ Offerings in Envelopes, Julv U, .*iO 28 W. & O. Fiind, Christmas l)av, 1K77, 80.0;i srxD.w stnucii,. Offerings in Envelopes, June 30, 12 or» !?(5{J .*.S Contributors of Sl.lX) ami upwards. 81 00 Allan, W. C. W. H. B. Bell, Miss Bertha Cornfield, William J. Corntiehl, Mrs. Dowling, Rev. T. E. and Mrs. Hayes, Mix. Hazen, Miss Holder, Edward ilacLachlin, Mrs. T. ^1. Milli.Ige, Rev. J. W. McXichol, W. and Mrs. Moran, H. R. Xapier, J. R. and Mrs. Xapier, Misses Julia and Hattie Pidgeon, Mrs. D. and Miss Ra5% Capt. Roulston, Mrs. C. 'E. Sinclair, Mrs. C. Steers, John Strange, Miss Matilda Wolhaupter, Mrs. FAIRVILLE MISSIOX. — CHl'UCH COLLEC- TIONS. Christmas Day, 1877, Offertory and Collection, 87 00 Offerings in Envelopes, July 14, and July 21, 50 11 SUNDAY SCHOOL. Offerings in Envelopes, July 7, 17 00 1 00 1 oo I 00 1 00 ."i 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 no 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 874 11 09 S>1 :vi -0, 1 'X\ ^•u, r.0 -js Day, ne30, !•_* o:» ,^JC. TiS I upv-ftrils. ei 00 1 00 1 oo I 00 1 (K) Mrs. .■» 00 1 w 5 Oi\ 1 00 1 00 •J 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Hattle I . Fuly 7, 17 00 $74 11 Contrihuti'ijiM of ?I.i)<)ftii(l iipwnnlH. | Arm->tr..ii,', Miis Klizrilioth SI 00 C '.•itht'iw I, Mir-H Maiy K. 1 . Miuy 1 (K) Mill.", . I nines 1 (it) •'eterK, Hunl ."i (K) Kaviies, J.-liii 1 0(1 S|imT. .Taiin- D.'W. 10 Oo W't'lt, Fn'(!fiii.k 1 (Ml Vnuu;,', David 1 00 •JH.VN'l) IJAV-CHinCH (oLI.ECTlo.Nii. Offcriiu-* ill Kuvel(»i)es, June itO an. iJ uly 14, >V2 r,3 Ccntrilmtiirs of 31.00 and upwardH. Clark, James H. ('. H vt, Alfrf.1 A. rur.ly, J. C. an.l Mr^. Truswell, Miss .May <'ftrlet<'u, Fairvil!'^ <;ranil Uav, .S'JM.M.VKY. TotrJ., $1 00 00 1 (M) 1 :.o 1 00 Si;" ns 70 11 IL' r,:j sl.Vi 22 I>ALHUUSIH. Barbarie, ^frs. 81 (X) liattnian, N, 1 ii.io;], J{. W. .»- Keays, Mrs. 1 00 Pike, Mrs. T. oO Pike, Mis. E<1. 1 00 Carter, Mrs. 1 00 Smith, Mr. and ^Irs. 2 00 Morse, Mr. 2 00 Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, 3 00 Sweet, Itev. and Mrs. 2 00 C.VMPBEM.TOX. Collected by yAas Buckerfield. Charles Murray, , 80 H. I). Finlay 1 Mary Ann Bain, James Si)roul, G. Pliilliiw, Oliver Barberie, A. Barbarie, 50 00 50 Dorca.AS AND I'.KK IIT. Brown, Catlierin.' !;!0 50 <'l»'iiifnts, .Major ami Mrs. 2 (M» ( 'loiiients, Miss 1 (H> < 'ieiiifiits. (ii'or^'e 2 (N» ivodi^ffis, .lereiiiiali 75 Smith, Saiiin«'l .1. 4 (M) Sioot. I.'nbort 2 00 Stone, .iohu H., ^*••:ll■. .50 Stone, l.-'uiaii T. 50 Stoiif, Henry 11., s-'iir. I 00 Stone, ii'-iuiiii '!'. , senr. 50 Stone, lifiiian Mrs. 60 Stone, Henry K. >6 Stone, Knima S5 St(ine, Hobert 2» Stone, IJede .50 MeKeen, .bihn 2 00 ToiiiiNoii, Mrs. T. H'l 'i'hoiuas, Mrs, Tk) 'riiMiiia--, David 2 00 'i'lioma-*, ( Jeor^'e 1 00 All Saints, follfcii.iM. 2 55 St. John's 2 M Total, bM 24 DKKIIV. Total, 81 ( lO Collected by Miss E. Bett.s. Alli;o:., Wm. I Allison, \V. Allis( II, ( >sliorn Allison, .Mary A. Allison. Ma^'yie Amos, Mrs. Artie, David Betts, Henry Betts, ,Iohn Betts, David Bryenton, Mrs. (!. .S. Bastine, ilrs. Tlionuis Barntn, Henry Bebee, Mrs. Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Caruthers, Wm. Crocker, Mrs. C. Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cliff, Thos. C. Cliff, Alex. a. Cliff, Fanny Cliff, Josejihine F. Cliff, Harriet A. Cliff, CeorLfe Cliff, John 100' I'l'iiL^ton, ^fr. ftii'l Mi'H. .T. <'lnUHt<>ii, Mr. fiii'l MiH. Meiiry ClotiHtoii, MiirNlmll < 'louHtoij, Mrn. A. DiiuiilU', Mr. ai^l Mi-»i. F. E. Duncan, Mi'H. .laiiieH Duiiliiir, A. W. Kii'.^luii>l, .Mr. Kricseii, Mil*. .lohii l*el, .Fitliii . Hartt, NVni. Hiirtt, ijt'(>v^>i Hartt, Jolm HusMev. ilmnes Hiltz.'Kev. An- V. JollllMOll, iToIlM LelKliton, ItMidi: H. iSrcKiniinn, An^fu.-i Murray, .Tas. Mi)Mftt. Mrs. MorriMou, A. Nnrinau, Nelson Newconilt, Miss I'urker, ('., senr. Kussell, Mrs. Sum. Hussel, Win. KobiuHon, tFame.-i Jieynolds, Mr. uuJ Mrs. J. Sheals, Dow Wilson, Miss Washer, J as. X. $1 00 •J (H) W) W) •J 00 50 20 1 00 1 00 IW fiO 1 00 r> 00 1 00 1 00 75 50 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 .50 25 50 .50 2 00 .50 25 1 00 !?4!» 08 NELSON. Collected b}' Miss Saundera. Ambrose, Mrs. Thomas Ambrose, Susan Am))rose, Tlio«. Allison, Alexander liateman, Mrs. ISIary J., junr. Bateman, Soi>hia Black, Hugh Black, Mrs. Huyh Cannalt, James i'armalt, May A. Cannnlt, Jasper Cumialt, Jane C^ushman, Wm. Donahlson, John riett, Ijambert Flett, Mrs. J. Flett, George Friend, A Haines, Mr. Harper, Mrs. Robert Harper, Alexander Mews, Robert Mathieson, John jun. Newman, John §1 00 .50 55 1 00 .50 25 25 .50 1 00 25 25 10 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 50 25 75 50 50 1 00 10 1 50 McK»*nzIt', .Tames McKt-nzie, Wm. Mc I m 25 I OO 1 OO 821 7.V UI.,\CKVIM-E. Collected by .Miss Annie Underhll! Astle, .Fohn Astle, Mrs. Alex. Burnett, Theo. Bean, Maria Blaisdell, Dr. Craig, Andrew Courts, Harry Coughlan, David Coughlan, Mrs. D. Conghlan, Thomas ('oughlnn, John T. Coruey, Mrs. John Curtis, Alexander Curtis, Wm. ('urtis, Henrv Curtis, Mrs. H. Doftk, James Friend, A Foley, Mrs. James Vny, Kate Friend, A Fairley, S. Joice, Tlios. Jack, R. Melville Kennedy, Thos. Killam, John Kennedy, Allen Linscott, David Meagher, Jas. Mountain, Mrs. Elijah Mcintosh, Angiis Mcl^nghlan, Thos. McT^ggan, J. McKiunon, Martha Parker, Peter Rubinson, Mrs. R. Smith, Mary A. Smith, Maggie Schofield, David Story, John Stewart, Maggie Stewart, Mrs. J. Sullivan, David Sullivan, Mi-s. D. *0 2"» 10 25 » » 34 2^ 2iV '35 S6 IS 10 Sii 10 20 2& 8& 2R 10> 1 00 1 00 1 00 so- la 30 1 OO 1 00 25 SO 25- 1 00 25 10 101 eo .v> 1 W) '2\ •2.^ 'ir> I oo I (t^> I o<> 2.^ 1 OO 1 ()0 ?J1 iilerhtU. *0 '2'* 10 90 » 10 2r> 10 20 2i> 2.> 2^ 10> 00 oo 00 50 10 30 L OO L 00 25 50 2r> 1 00 25 10 50 25 50 25 25 50 20 25 10 lT».Urliill. ThoH. W. IT,„lel),ill, MlH. ThuH. W. I'lultrhill, ( 'hivH. V. I'iiil«'rhill, Atitiif I'mlfHiill, Ihuju- ( '. I'nilnrhill, Win. A. l')i(K-ihill. i'lmrlntt.' K. X^mlerhill, Alaiii»<fri«, .Tolm A. Vnderhill. Mr.x. Nut. setir. ViciiFH, TliiN. Warren, .Tiis. Wjirren, Alex. Warren, Tliof. M "Derby, Nelson, Blackville, 1st Offerturv, Unci Offertoiy, AB.STUACT. Total, GAGETOWN. Alden, Dr. Babbitt, K. T. Clowes, J. C. (.'lowes, Lilly Cooper, John CHirrey, T^. A. Currey, Miss DeVeoer, James DeVeber, Mrs. G. DeVeber, D. DeVeber, L, Dickie, E. M. Dickie, Mrs. Dinghee, Miss E. Fox, John Gilbert, Mrs. Gourley, Wm. Hewlitt, Richard Hewlitt, Miss 00 1'.*. 10 1ft 10 •jr. 1(1 * (f) r.0 1 CO 30 'JO •JO L'5 10 .10 !»ji m JoliiistMn. .Mrn. Kn7.>) '!o. Total, W 00 '2^ •J% 1 :.o .V) 1 (K) 1 ',M» :.o » 1 (K) 1 «iO 1 (K) 4 CO 1? to :>o 1 (K) 2& 25 4 02 4 00 K'.\ r,2 S40 21 24 4 a OS 89 00 28 8103 00 91 1 2 1 1 1 1 9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0) 00 00 00 25 00 00 25 00 00 ghej:n\vi('h axi) wkkka^l (MIKKNWICH. Palmer, William Balmer, Mis. M. Belvea, David Belvea. Walter S. Belyea, James Belyea, Mrs. S. Boyle, Mrs. ! Dav, John Day, Mrs. J. j FlewfUing, John I Flewolliny, Albert j Flewelling, W. B. • Frost, Miss M. ' Gorham, John ; Jones, Zebulon Jones, Mrs. Mal)ee, A. M. Marley, Daniel Mai'ley, Robert McKiel, W. B. McLeod, William McLeod, James McLeod, Miss yi. Nutter, George Nutter, Lee Pitt, Isaac W. Pickett, Lewis 8. Pickett, Rev. D. W, Richards, W. D. Richards, D. N. Richards, W. J. ■*1 00 1 00 1 00 50 as 1 00 fiU 50 00 00 00 00 .'iO 1 03 25 1 00 r.0 .'iO 4 00 4 00 1 00 r.0 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 25 10; Richar.lH, C. C. 80 50 liichanls, Zeluilon 50 Scovil, ( 'liarles 2 00 Seely, (Jeo. T. 1 00 Seely, (ieo. A. 25 Thekl, He.lley 25 Walton, Henry 1 00 Walton, James 1 00 Whitney, G. H. 1 00 Collected by IMiss Day. Belyea, Georye 80 50 Belyea, Annie 25 Cheyne, W. J. 50 Coram, Jonas 25 Crabb, Elias 25 Cronk, Mrs. I). ('. 50 Day, James 1 00 Day, Mrs. James 1 00 Day, Miss 55 Day, E. M. 50 Doniville, James 2 00 Holder, K. J. 50 May, James S. McKiel, I '. E. 25 40 VanWart, Ciipt. 48 846 87 WICKHAM. Baird, Georye 81 00 Black, Dr. 1 00 Case, Mrs. John 30 Goltliny, Robert 1 00 Golding, Geo. N. 50 Golding, (iilbert X. 50 Purdv, John 2 00 VanVVart, Wm. L. 8. 1 00 Collections, Total, HAMPTOX. C. J. Smith, Mrs. C. J. Smith, Mrs. P, McBrine, Ehen Smith, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Smith, P. McBrine, Newton Smith, Isabella Smith, Wm. W. Walker, Joshua Smith, Isabella McManus, Robert Kee, Wm. McManus, John Raymond, R. E. Demill, 87 30 4 36 $58 53 81 00 1 00 50 00 00 60 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 Mrs. R. E. Demill, Charity Demill, Annie Armstrong, Edward Demill, Geo. Otty, W. A. Black, Collection, Oct. 7, 1877, Do. May, 1*78, J. A. Wrijfht, Total, KIXGSCLEAR. 81 00 1 00 50 50 2 00 5 00 " U 65 9 64 10 00 865 Si) 100 Anderson, Mrs. SO 50 Burnham, Wnlter 25 Camber, Mrs. • 50 Hunt, Mrs. 2 00 Henry, Robt. 50 Lee, Mrs. Charles 5 00 Leek, William 50 Maunsell, Lt. -Colonel and Mrs. 12 00 Murray, William 2 00 Murray, Charles 1 00 Murray, X. 1 00 Murray, T. 1 00 Powys, Capt. 2 00 (Juartermain, Mrs. 25 Rainsford, Mr. 2 0«) Simmonds, Mr. 2 00 Segee, Mrs. William 50 Tabor, Mr. 10 00 Tompkins, Mta. George 25 Vennar, Georgia 25 Vennar, Ida 25 843 75 Collected by Mrs. Holyoke. Bent, Mrs. Lawrence 80 50 Clements, F. W. . 5 00 Close, Mrs. R. 40 Cliff, T. A. 1 00 Elliott, John 50 Friend, A 25 Holyoke, Mrs. J. S. 1 00 Miles, Minnie 10 88 75 Collected by Joan Leek. Francis, Charles 81 00 Hart, Mrs. 25 Leek, John 25 Leek, Mrs. 25 Leek, Oliver 25 Leek, Tom • 25 Payne, Mr. 1 00 83 22 103 $1 oo 1 00 50 50 2 00 5 00 14 65 9 04 10 00 Mrs, S65 3l> SO 50 25 50 2 00 50 5 00 50 12 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 25 2 0«) 2 00 50 10 00 25 25 25 843 75 yoke. leek §0 50 5 00 40 1 00 50 25 1 00 10 88 75 81 00 25 25 25 1 00 83 22 KINGSTON. Bra[A. Trinity, Jan. 6, 1878, ST. AXSGEH's CHLKCH, new DENMARK. Raymond, Lee 80 74 H. S. W., 20 81 00 81 00 1 00 75 50 1 00 5 n; 7 77 3 77 3 41 7 71> 1 1)4 1 8»> 888 00 1 22 4 C8 1 08 1 82 88 80 5 75 Total, NEW DENMARK. 8103 55 Anderson, L. 80 25 Bertelsen, K. 25 Christeusen, M. 25 it Hansen, Rev. N. M. . 2 00 i i Hansen, Mrs. 1 00 Hansen, Rosa m Hansen, Emma 60 Hansen, Laura 50 Hansen, Niles 50 Hansen, Kmul § Johansen, N. Larsen, H. i ;| Larsen, F., sr.. :r. Larsen, N. P. m ' \ Lund, J. * M Lund, Mvs. w Lund, C. w Lund, S. - ' iw 1 Lvmd, J. Wi Nielson, H. 25 ■ Petersen, H. P., Esq., 2 00 'i Petersen, Mrs. 1 00 'b Petersen, C. . i Poulsen, F. Collection, 3 00 Total, 815 50 104 NORTON. Alton, J. Adain8, Miss Baxter, Robert (.'ochnui, Miss Dixon, Gilbert Dixon, (»eo. Dixon, ('has., senr. Dixon, Chas. junr. Dixon, Henry Dennison, \V ni. Esq. Denni:Vameford, Hammill 50 Wanieford, C'harles 50 Warneford, Percy 50 Wetmore, T. H. Z. 50 Wetmore, W. A. 30 Wetmore, Mrs. E. S. 50 Wetmore, Mrs. Thos. 50 Wetmore, 0. A. 1 00 Wetmore, Norton 1 00 Offertory, 6 50 Total, PETITCODIAC. .«!96 05 Chandler, E. B. Esq., junr. •SIO 00 Davidson, Fred 50 Flewelling, 0. E. Fowler, Edward 2 00 1 00 Fowler, G. F. 1 00 Friend 25 Humphrey, John 50 Leonard, Thomas 1 50 Moore, H. B. 2 00 Merriam, L. 0. 2 00 Price, Samuel 1 00 Price, George 1 00 Price, John C. 2 00 Price, Miss Augusta 30 Ritchie, J. A. 1 00 Seely, W. J. 1 00 Trites, Mrs. D. 1 00 Trites, B. A. 2 00 Willis, Rev. C. ;.> 5 03 Willis, Mrs. 4 00 Webster, Mrs. . 1 50 X. Y. Z. 25 S40 80 GENERAL PURPOSES D. C. 8. S. P. G. 2 48 W. and O. Fund. . 6 00 Collections, ' 12 02 Total, 861 30 PRINCE WD XI AM AND DUM- FRIES. Bain, John T. $0 50 Brown, Mrs. William , 25 Brown, James A. 1 00 105 SO 50 50 60 50 1 1 00 00 50 L 00 i 00 50 60 60 60 ao 60 50 1 00 1 00 G 50 .«!96 05 SIO 00 50 2 00 1 00 1 00 25 50 1 2 2 1 1 »> 50 00 00 00 00 00 30 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 5 03 00 50 4 1 c. s. 25 S40 80 2 48 6 00 12 02 861 30 Ind DUM- $0 50 25 1 00 svn, Edmund vidfon, Henry A. ^ inidson, John C. Da\is, Retta Dax-iH, Eva Davis, Malcolm Ellegwod, Mrs. EUeyocMl, Misis Elkyood, William Ellegood, Miss Olivia Mahood, George Mahood, !Mrs. George Martin, James Martin, Mrs. James McKinney, James McKinney, Francis McKinney, Stewart McCorkel, James McCorkel, Mrs. James McKenzie. Malcolm McKenzie, Mrs. Malcolm ' Nugent, John G. Norman, Patrick Perkins, Josiah Perkins, Joseph B. Perkins, Mrs. J. B. Polley, William PoUey, Mrs. William Polley, Richard Quinn, William Quinn, Mrs. William Rolston, Andrew Smith, Joseph Smith, Mrs. J. Smith, Miss Jane Eliza Scribner, Seth Scribner, Mrs. Seth Scribner, George Scribner, Mrs. (3reorge Steen, Matthew Steen, Mrs. Matthew Stern, Mrs. J. Tilley, William Tilley, Mrs. William Trott, Mrs. John Wilson, INIissJane Wilson, James Wilson, Mrs. James 80 50 25 25 25 20 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 1 00 50 25 25 25 20 35 25 50 1 00 25 25 25 24 21 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 25 50 50 25 2 00 2 00 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 hO 50 50 20 25 20 20 Wilson, John Waters, Alonzo Waters, Mi-s. Alonzo Waters, Samuel Woods, William Woods, Mrs. William Woods, Francis Woods, Mrs. Francis Woods, Adam Work, Mrs. Daniel Total . ; QUEENSBURY. Belamy, Richard Blaney, George Blaney, Henry Blaney, Graham Blaney, Robert Bradbury, Mrs. Brown, Henry (Jarruthers, Miss Carruthers, Miss Jane Caverhill, William Caverhill, Mrs. Thomas Close, Mrs. James Close, Miss Elizabeth Dri'.per, Horace Dysart, James Ferris, William Ferr.'s, David Ferris, Harry Graha;n, Henry Graham, Thomas Grant, Nehemiah Hagerman, Joseph Hagerman, Mra. Alfred Hoyt, Joseph Hoyt, Mrs. Joseph Hoyt, Alexander Ingraham, Benjamin Ingraham, Charles Ingraham, Samuel Ingi'ahara, Get)rge Ingiaham, Frederic Jackson, Henry Love, John Long, Mrs. Abrahnm Millei, William Miller, Joseph McIUwaine, David McIUwaine, !Moses McIUwaine, Charles McDonald, David McDonald, Claude > Morse, Joshua Moren, Alexander ,.. , , Oliver, John . ,1' Oliver, George Oliver, Mi-s. George Peacock, James 80 20 25 25 50 50 25 50 50 50 32 S37 87 80 50 1 00 2 00 50 SO 50 50 1 00 1 0') 1 00 2& 60 50 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 80 60 50 1 00 1 00 25 60 60 26 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 24 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 1 00 107 I 20 25 2.^ 50 50 25 50 50 50 _32 17 87 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 . 00 25 50 m 00 50 50 00 50 50 50 00 00 25 50 50 25 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 24 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 50 00 50 50 OO 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Parent. Daniel Parent, Stephen Pinder. James Preseott, William Preseott, Henry Prescott, Thomas Preseott, Mrs. William Prescott, Sarali Prescott, Eli/alieth lioekwell, (teor<^e Smith, J. W. Tucker, West ley Tnrner, John Weeks, Hev. A. IT. Offertory, Boxe.«, Total, RK'IIIBITTO. Amireaux, ^Irs. L. Brown, William Brown, G. F. Bulmer, Mrs. Caie, Mrs. K. Cnrley, Mrs. Chadwick, Mrs. Coster, Rev. N. A. Forster, Miss Forster, ]VIary Forster, MaIr. and ^Irs. C. S. Jameson, Henry N. McBride, Robert McBride, Thomas and Mrs. McBride, James McBride, Arthur 3IcBride, !Mr. and Mrs. J. sen McBride, John jun. McBride, John McBride, William II. Mc<:ulloch, Robert McDougall, Mrs. Alex. McDougjiU, Josepli MKlay, Andrew Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mclntyre, !Mary Mclntyre, Jennie Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mclntyre, Kathleen Mclntyre, Alice Marion Mclntyre, Harold Perley Mclntyre, Byron Woodbury Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mclntyre, James F. Mclntyre, Frederick W. , • $0 50 1 00 50 25 1 00 50 'J5 75 00 5(> 1 00 1 (K) 50 o 00 50 . 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 Oi} 1 00 1 00 1 (K) 1 25 1 50 1 25 i.l (K) 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 25 1 00 o 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 25 25 25 25 1 00 25 25 100 hn $0 50 1 m 50 25 1 00 50 35 W 60 50 1 00 1 (K) 50 2 00 50 KicB. 1 00 5t> 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 c. s. Mrs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 50 25 J. sen.l 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 25 1 00 2 00 P. . K. . W. Idbury A. 2 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 25 25 25 25 1 00 25 25 Molntyre, Edith .>[. $0 25 MoIntyR', Helen J. 12 McKueu. Hc'uheii 50 ^IcKecn, Joseph 50 McFielhui, Mr. ami Mis. John 1 00 3[cLelhin. John II. 50 3IeL(!llan, James Henry 50 McKoe. I^Iary 1 00 Martiu, James 50 INIartin, John 50 Moore, Charle.** 50 Mont.iromery. H. B. 1 Oo Muri)hy. JcJsiah 1 00 Nicholson, John 50 Nicholson, Samnel 50 Neales, Hev. II. II. 3 00 Neales, Mrs. H. II, 2 00 Neales, James jun 1 00 Park.s, Mrs. Geo. 50 Parks. Mr. and ^Irs. D. 1 00 Perry, Geo. W. 1 00 Quin', Mrs. John 1 00 Kay, Andrew sen. and Mrs. 1 00 Kay, Arthur 50 Kay, Andrew jun 50 Kay. Lizzie 10 Kay. Kehecca ^ 10 Kay. John 50 Kush, Murray 1 50 Htokes, Mr. and Mrs. W. 4 00 SIrs. Thoma.s 1 00 Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1 00 Strong, >Ir. and 3Irs. George 1 00 Strong, Isaac 50 Toms, Mr. and Mrs, John 1 00 Tracy, Geo. A. 1 00 Vandine, Mrs. 50 "Wilson, Mr. and Mrs E. 1 00 Wilson, Mrs. Samuel 50 AVilson, Guy Jermyu D. 50 Collection, 3 50 «« 4 58 Total, $103 00 SACKVILLE. Allison, H. 3. Esq. |1 00 D. Allison. MissC. Allison. J. Fred. Botsford. Hon. Senator & Mrs Bowser, Ansley Bulwer, Mrs. Kufus Botsford. LeBaron, M Chandler, Kufus S. Cogswell. Edward Cogswell, Arthur E. Clare, Jolin W. Di.xon, Mrs. E. B. Dixon. W. B. Dickson, I>avid G. Estal)r()oks. Blair Estahrooks, Thomas Estabrooks, Mrs, G. B, Fowler, William A. Fowler, Mrs. William A. Fowler, Eva L. Fowler, Bertha C. Knowles. Thoiuas Milner. Mrs. C. In memoi-y of Kev. C. !Miliier Milucr, >Irs. Capt. Milner, Winslow, Purdy. Mrs. James Purdy, Mrs. Kueben Purdy, Mrs. John Kuss, Charles Stewart. James Tritcs. John S Towse. :Mrs. E. S. Towse, Miss Laura §1 oo ;{ oo . oo oO 50 5(^ 1 50- 2 m> 3 00 50 1 o> 1 ()l> 1 (M) 25 50 ^0 |K> 50 2» la 1 00 3 50 5 oo- 50 2& 60 50 1 00^ 20 50 1 00 3 00 50 Total, ^4(» 57 SHEDIAC. Batcmau, John $3 OO Bateman, Marcus 2.> Bell. Mrs. Kichard 1 OO Bell, Mrs. John 40 Brown, Dimwk 1 00 Elliott, Mrs. Thos. sen. 35 Foster, John 2 00 Hanington, Hon. D. 2 00 Haniugtou, Weldon 1 00 Hanington, Mrs. Joseph 1 00. Hanington. Mrs. Sharmon 50 Hanington, Guthrie 10 Hanington, Annie 10- Hanington. William Es(i. 5 00 Hodgson, Mrs. Richard w Inglis. Samuel Jarvis, Rct. Dr. 4 OO 110 Johnson, Mrs. John !j?l 00 Scott, Wm. |2 00 Kennedy. Jane 1 1 00 00 Willis, A. 3 00 Mills, George Mills, Iliuvev 25 1 ' $20 25 ISniliir, Mrs. *I)r. Mills, Mrs. Welling 13 00 2") t'oUeoted by Miss Stephenson. ]\I((iueen, ^Irs. A. 1 00 Bradley, James ^1 50 jMurrny, Archihiild 50 IJradleV, Jane Ann 1 (K) McLaughlan, John 50 Bradley. Thomas 50 Murray, Albert, ' 3 (M)| Beattt'y, Mrs. Thomas 1 00 Robinson, Henry 50 Boyle, ^largaret 50 Scovil, Mrs. Henry 3 00 Eai'l, Joseph 25 8niitli, Cordelia 3 00 Johnston, Mrs. 50 Smith, (". P. 50 Johnston, Mr. 50 Smith, Thos. E. 1 00 MeBiine, David. J. P. 1 00 So\verI)y, Mrs. Daniel 25 Stephenson. James 50 Stephens, William 2 00 Stephenson, Nicholas 2 00 Stephens, Mrs. William 2 00 Stephenson, ]\lr. 50 Sutherland. Mrs. 45 Stephenson. .Mrs. 50 Toole, Edward 50 Stei)henson, Marshal 50 Toole, Patrick 45 Stephenson, Miss 50 Theal, Frank 1 00 Stephenson, John 50 Welling, John 1 00 Stephenson, AVilliam 50 Welling, Mrs. George 50 *t« ■« >'^ •« Mr Welling, Edward James 1 00 ^12 V.J AVelling, Sharmon 50 Collected by "Mr. Darrow. White, David 1 00 Cash. s?l 00 Friend, 2 25 Darrow, ^[rs. C. L. Friend, 50 25 General Purposes, ^Gl 85 Gil more, Mr. 50 No Spring Sermon. Jordan, T. 1 (jO Oct. 7, 1877, Sermon Shediac Sentil, .Miss 23 Church, 3 89 Whiteside. Mrs. . 1 00 — Wafers, Mrs. 1 00 ^05 74 S. P. G. sermon for Heatht n, $5 47 Dec. 2, 1877, Total, 4 20 Collected by Rev. G. Scho Blacklock, Mr, fleid. $70 00 $2 00 Barnes, Mr. , . 1 00 Campbell, Mr. 1 00 SIMONDS. Dogherty, Mv. Dosrhertv, Bichard 2 00 1 50 Collected by Mr. David Scott. Dutif , Mr. 1 00 •Carr, John $1 00 DeVeber, J. B. Esq. 5 00 Culbert, K. 00 Earl, Mr. 1 00 Irvin, John 00 Friend, 50 tirviug, Gordon 00 Francis, 3Ir. 2 00 Laud, Nathan 00 Garnett, Thomas "' 3 00 Land, Benjamin OO Garnett, Wm. 3 00 Nicholl, Edward F. 2 50 Johnston, IMr. j 1 00 , Nicholl, AddieF. 25 Ketchum, C. 1 00 1 Porter, Wm. - * 1 50 Stanley, Mr. 50 i5C0tt, David . ' 2 00 Scovil, Rev. Canon 20 00 HI ^'2 00 3 00 30 2.> M 50 1 (M) no *ii 00 60 95 90 00 50 J 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 vc. >i,\ 00 50 '25 50 1 00 oo '.w 1 00 1 00 !^5 47 ifleicl. $2 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 50 00 00 00 50 2 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 50 20 00 Schnflfld, Kev. Goo. SlKiftc'ld, Goo. A. hichofiold, S. t^chdttold. Mr.H. S. Wilson, Mr. AVilsou. Mr.s. W. II. BLACK IIIVEK. Armstron,ir, Jus. Armstrong. W. Armstrong, John Burns, .Mr. Dalcv. W. J)alov, 11. Daro^ Mr. Evans, W. Evans, l{icliard ]\[ooro, U. Mooro, R. A. 3Iorrison, T. Wngnor, !Mrs. $4 00 10 00 5 00 5 (M) 1 (10 10 00 2 3 3 3 3 3 o 2 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3 00 3 00 3 CO 3 00 $'2G 00 Collected by Miss Ann J. Moore. Armstrong, AVilliam ^1 Armstrong. James Ambrose, B. 1 Barker, !Mrs. Baxter, Elizabeth A. Burns, John Burns, ^Irs. Crozior, 3Irs. S. Doherty, George 1 Evans, Walter 1 Evans, William 1 Evans, ^Mrs. W. Evans, Richard 3 Evans, Mrs. Richard Friend, Grant, Lonzo ; Hanagin, James Hurley, John 3Ioore, R. A. 1 JVIoore, Edward 1 ^McDonald, George 1 3Ioore, Robert jun. 1 3Ioore, Mrs. John IMoore, Robert E. ]\Ioore, Andrew McCormick, Frances McCormick, James Wagner, Mrs. Collected by Miss McDonald. Baxter ,Mrs. A. $0 00 50 00 25 25 50 50 25 00 00 00 50 00 50 25 25 50 50 00 00 00 00 25 50 50 50 25 50 Crozior, Miss L. .*! (K) Crozior, John 1 (H) Charlton, James 10 Harrow, A. ('. 50 Francis, William 3 (X) Glennie. Tlios. A. 1 00 Johnston, John 00 Johnston, Francis 24 McDonald. Robert 1 (H) .>IcI)onald, John 50 McDonald. ]{ol)crt 1 0() McDonald, Jane 1 0(1 Porter, A. 50 Porter. Mrs. J. 20 Partlow. .Mrs. 50 Tread well, E. II. 25 syii m MOOSKI'ATir. Boyle. Dennis .^1 00 Lee. J. lIerl>ort 5 00 Mills, James 1 00 Morris.)n, W. F. 1 00 McEvoy, P.J. 50 Quigk".', (Jeorgo 1 on Quiglcy, James 1 00 Robinson, W. II. 1 {){) Scovil. H.J. 1 00 Sears, Edwin 1 00 Sinclair, P. M. 1 00 Sinclair, ]Mrs, 1 00 Wilks, John 1 00 Collection, 23d June, 1 5l» $18 00 OFFEUTOUV. Loch Ijomond, ^11 10 Black River, 7 30 Golden Gi .)ve. 21 Moosepath, 30 80 For Algoma, colleclion. 4 00 SUMMARY. Board of Home Missions, ijiSOO 00 do. Foreign Missions , 4 00 D. C. S. 54 91 Total, $258 91 SPRINGFIELD. Benson, :Mrs, Anne D. $0 35 Benson, ^Irs, S. 25 I Benson, Charles 25 • Charlton, W. 1 00 11-^ C'lmrlton. Mrs. Crawford. A. B. Fairwi'iithcr, Mrs. ('. Fairwcather, Miss Jessie Fairweather, Mi.ss t'lemei Friend, A Frost. J. S. Gorliain. Miss Henderson, Mrs. llug<,nird, Hichard .sen. Hiigfe'ard, Mrs. A. JInggard, John Ilii^'gard, William lluggard, Hicbard jiin. Kellier, Miss Kellier, James Kellier. AVilliam Long, Samuel Long, David Marven, Philo Marven, J. Henry Marven, Mrs. J. H. 3Iftrven, ('harles Marven, J. Sturgoss Marven, Miss E. Marven. Miss L. Menzie, Thomas Northrop, Philo Z. Northrop, Timothy G. Northrop, Abraham G. Northrop, Eli Northrop, Mrs. W. J. C Northrop. Lewis J. Northrop, U. D. Palmer Northrop. Mrs. K. D. P. Perkins, Joseph W. Picket, Charles Raymond, Philo Esq. llaymond, Miss Caroline livymond, Samuel B. ^jcovil, W. B. Esq. Scovil, Thomas H. Scovil, James J. M. Scovil, George G. G. Sprague, JNIrs. Sprague, Azor B. Talbot, Rev. J. H. Talbot, Mrs. White, Vincent Wilson, Samuel Offertories, Total, " I ♦ I 00 1 IM) 2.-. 1 (K) 1 00 Ki r>o 50 1 (K) 50 J}0 1 00 .W 50 1 (M) 50 2 00 1 (M) 50 1 00 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 50 1 00 50 m 45 25 50 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 2 00 7 00 3 00 4 00 1 00 7 46 $73 31 .roiINSTON. Longley, ^liss Matilda $0 2.7 Murray, Mrs, 1 00 PearsiMi. William E.s((. 2 (M» PtMirson, Thonujs 1 m Pearson, T. 11. 1 iH> Pearson, Joseph .'(► Pearson, William jun. 50 Pearson. J. W. H." 25 Pearson. Wn>. Walter 25 OtTertory, 1 51 Total, $H 2(1 SAINT ANDREWS. Black, Thomas $1 OO Burton, John 1 00 Brown. John 1 OO Brown, Maggio 50 Brown, Mary 5(> Campbell, .Jeorgc F. 1 OO Conley. Mrs. 1 OO Cockburu. Dr. 2 (M> Clark, D. Mrs. 50 Denley, Joseph 1 OO Denlev, Mrs. 50' Guptiil. 11. C. 1 00 Gove, Dr. 3 OO Hatch, Mrs. II. 2 UO Hatheway. C. E. 0. 1 OO Howard, Mrs. 1 OO Haddock, Mrs. Jacob 50 Haddock, Mrs. R. 2.> Haddock, Laurette 2.> Jones, John 1 00 Ketchum, Rev. Dr. 8 00 Legh, Cornwall, Mrs. 10 OO McCurdy. T. Mrs. 50 McGrotty, Mis.s «o McMaster, Sydney Mowatt, G. 5lrs. 1 2r> 1 00 Magee, John S. 1 OO Osburn. Henry 5 OO Odell, T. T. 2 OO Parker, Mrs. 24 00 Street, Mrs. J. W. 5 00 Street, Maria A. 3 OO Street, Louisa E. 2 00 Street, G. D. 4 00 Street, T.H. . 1 00 Street, Mrs. T. H. 1 00 Stevenson, B. R. 4 00 Smith. Mrs. T. 50 Short, Mrs, 25 $0 2.-? 1 U<) 2 m 1 (M> 1 (M> .'(> SO 85 85 1 5t $8 2(; oa 1 m no- (M> {Hi m 1 0(> 1 0(> 3 m^ 1 1 1 2 2 00 1 0(> 1 (XV 50 25 2r> 1 0(> 8 0(> 10 0(> 50 GO 1 25 1 00 1 OO 5 OO 2 OO 24 00 5 OO 3 OO 2 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 60 85 ll:j TreiMlwell, N. Whitl.Kk. J. H. Mn». Wren, John Captain Wren, T. Mr«. lilt Collection in Church, 2nil CHAMCOOK. Boyd, BcHHie Crtti}<, JoMeph Mr.-*, (irininier, deo. S. Grinnner, J. D. Johnston, Henry JohnHton, Misri Miller, Robert Pye, JnnieH Mrn Townshend, Robert Mrs. Townshenil, William Mrs. Wren, C. Wren, Kmily J. Cullectionn in C'hurch, 81 00 1 00 1 00 23 9 m 17 00 9122 00 ?0 20 fiO 40 00 1 00 50 50 no 50 50 25 no 50 2 20 Total, 8170 00 SAINT DAVID AXD SAINT PATRICK. Collected by Mr. F. Towers. HT. D.WIU. AmistronK, Mrs. D. S. n 01) Black, Robert 1 00 Black, Mr». Ann 1 00 Brown, S. Florence no Brown, Wra. Thompson 50 Davidson, Robert 1 00 Davidson. Eleanor no Davidson, Robert, jim. 50 Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Henry 1 00 Greu'ory, Mrs. Thomas Gaskill, Abner 25 1 00 Gilley, NelH<3 no GiUey, Walter 50 Hill, Susan 1 00 Irons, Mrs. Margaret 33 Irons, S. W. 1 00 Irving, Mrs. 25 Ludgate, James 1 00 Mitchell, John 1 00 Mitchell, Barbara A. 2 00 Mitchell, Samuel 1 00 Martin. Mrs. 1 00 McBriue, Robert 50 McHride, James 50 McBride, Mrs. James 60 Powers, Emma m PoUey, Mrs. 60 Ragon, Wesley Ragon, Mrs. Wesley 80 50 Ragon, Helena A * 25 Sawyer, Eri o 50 Sawyer, Bryce f .10 Smith, Victoria 1 OO Sinith, Robert 1 00 Sinij>.-on, Lenlie 1 00 Sini]>son, JoHHjth 1 00 Towers, William 2 00 Towers, (ieorK** 1 00 Towhis, Mrs. (Jeorye 1 CO Towers, l{obert 1 00 Towers, Mrs. Robert 50 Towers, Frederick 2 50 Thompson, Fannio 1 00 Thompson, Mrs. Kliza 50 Thompson, .Julia 50 Thompson, Loriny Thompson, Mrs. Lorin^' 2 00 1 00 Thompson, F. W. 1 00 Thompson, Mrs. 50 Wilson, \\ illiani 1 00 Wil.-on, Mrs. Willium 50 Wilson, David 50 VVilson, Robert 50 Wlii'r, .Fi;nit's 50 CiiUt'clion in Church 1 57 !?4y 05 Amount collected by the Rev. Jos. Rushton, 19 42 $09 07 ST. P.VTKICK. Acheson, John $0 50 Acheson, William .50 Baldwin, G. H. 1 00 Carson, Mrs. 50 Dyer, J. H. Monahan, Hugh 2 00 1 00 Monahan, Mrs. Hugh .50 Macguire, Robert 50 Macguire, John 1 00 Macguire, Mrs. John 1 OO Macguire, John jun. 1 00 McFarlane, 1 00 McFarlane, John H. A. 50 McFarlane, Julia A. 50 Pratt, D. J. 1 00 Smart, Mrs. 1 00 $13 50 ST. MARY'S. Atkinson, William $1 00 Blair, Raid 50 Blaney, Mr. and Mrs. 1 OO 114 Blan<».v, f'fttheririe 90 25 lilaiu'y, (ieorye 50 JUhiu'.v, Aaron 20 IMuiiey, •I(i)in 10 IJarkiV, MIkh C. 50 Harker, Williuiu I 00 Harker, Mih. William 50 Honne, .lerara 1 00 linoiie, MfH. Jerara no Biden, CliarleH 50 l^arker, MisH 50 BarktT, ThnniaH F. 1 oa Barker, Anniu f.0 Bideii, TliKinaH 1 00 Bideii, TlmmaH 1 00 Clarke, Mrs. John 20 CoHHel»<»on, Alexander f.0 C(iHHel»oou, Kdna 25 i^'oondies, MrK. 50 ^'(KinibeH, Pavid 1 00 C^layVjourne, Mrs. Lucy 50 Crawford, Albert 1 00 Crawford, Mrs. A. 1 00 Close, K.lith 2 00 Co88ebo•'• 4 00 PepiHTM, Robert $4 00 Peatman, H. N. L. 50 Peatman. Mrn. 50 Rayniond, Mihh E. H. 1 00 Rice, Mrt«. John 1 00 Rice, Andrew 1 00 I J ice, Andrew jun. 00 Rice, William fS Smith, J. Woodforde Smith, JoHejih 00 Smith, Joseith E. 1 00 Tilley, Winnlow 1 00 Wetmore, J. ( '. 1 00 Wetmore, Mrs. J. C. ^ Wise. Mrs. 50 50 Wisely, James 1 00 Wisely, Mrs. James 1 00 COLLECTION. Stanley, 81 08 St. Mary's, 41 do. 74 do. 1 06 , 83 29 - " i?85 29 liimited to H. M. Fund, 45 20 (ieneral Fund of Society, 40 00 Total, SAIXT GEORGE. Collected by Mrs. Knight A Friend A Friend Armstrong, Mrs. Thoa. Andrews, Mrs. Sanuiel Baldwin, A. S. Baldwin, Mrs. A. E. Boyd, Mrs. J. Boyd, John Barry, Mrs. Thomas BaiTy, Jennie Barry, Thomas Barry, W. R. Beale, Frank Clinch, Guy Car8(m, Julius Breed, Mr. Drake, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. G. Frauley, John Fisher, Angus Gillmor, A. H. Hamilton, Mrs. W. Hibbard, George F. Hicky, George I Hatt, William ' Inch, G. A. . I Johnson, Samuel •• , iD85 29 20 25 50 50 1 00 50 50 50 50 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 25 50 1 00 50 60 1 00 , . 100 ' ,- 50 iJ 50 ». 25 50 ! 50 6 00 «4 00 ftO 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 60 10 no 00 00 00 1 1 1 50 50 00 00 81 08 1 06 83 29 §85 29 45 20 40 00 985 29 Ight. 80 25 50 50 1 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 L 00 25 50 I 00 50 50 I 00 1 00 50 50 25 50 50 5 00 Knik'ht, itidron KniKlit, Mm. Joshua Kc() .Miller. .Inlni T. 2 00 Mealtv, .IiinieH .^0 Mc(Jill, Janu'H 3 00 i Mealev, A. M. 1 (10 Mealey, Mis. A. M. Martin, MImk ( '. Spinney, MouglaM Sjunney, Thoniutt and 2:1 UO 1 00 BO. 1 00 3 00! :,o :.(» 1 00 50 00 jO 00 5 00| 50 i 1 OOi C. 00 1 00 I 00 1 00; 1 00, 1 00! 251 .50 1 1 00| TK) 1 00 50 25 50 1 00 1 00 32 7 38 80 2 20 80 M s 8 m » ao 87 52 Collectoil by .Mlns Nancy .Jack. Fraser, Mrs. 80 25 tiai'lv, Mrs. .Tfici'l) m Harvey, William TI. ss Hunter, Mrs. .feniiio 95 Htniter, .fames so Hunter, Mrs, .lames 2) Shaw, William Spinney, 'i'oliias fi S|iear, Susie Spear, Mrs. Klijah SS Spear, Fannie 5 Spear, Ida M. » Total for St. George, S107 SO PE.NNIIELD. Collected by the Misses Gillespie. A Friend. 80 24 Bovd, Robert J. • ' 1 00 Bo'yd, S. W. 48 Gitlesx'ie> James ' 1 00 Oille^pie, Hiiyh 1 00 vvj f^J. \J \^ 463 35 Stephens, F. T. Street, A. B. L. 1 00 Total, 8 5 00 S5'monds, Mrs. 8 00 To be disposed as follows : Symonds, the Misses 4 00 ^y. and 0. Fund, 857 00 Thomas, Alban 3 00 ■General punioses, 406 ;^5 Thomson, S. R. 10 00 463 35 Thome, W. Henry ThurL'ar, J. Venner 20 00 ^ 5 00 Wriyht, John 6 00 ST. PAUL (PORTLAND). Easter offerings. Collection (W. and 0. Fund), J>7 00 41 65 Allan, Miss SO 50 AnonjTnous 2 00 Total, §.564 65 Arnold, R. Heber 5 00 Barker, Fred. E. 10 00 Beer, Wm. H. 3 00 STANLEY. Best, Norris Bond, James 3 00 2 00 Collected by Miss Emily Vv'ilkinson. Boyd, B. C. Barclay 5 00 Douglas, Andrew 81 00 Campbell, Mrs. M. Carci, Edward 4 00 Douglas, R. Stanley 25 3 00 Miles, Charles A. 25 Chamberlain, 'SI. 5 00 Turnbull, Maggie 25 Chisholm, H. W. . * . ^. 3 00 Turnbull, Ettie 25 Cochran, John ■• 3 00 Turnbull, Mabel 25 Cogswell, \V. 7 00 Turnbull, Effiie M. 25 T)aniel, Arthur ^ ' - • 5 00 Sansom, Maggie 25 DeBlois, T. M. 2 00 Wilkinson, Mrs. Samuel • 25 DeVeber, R. S. 20 00 Wilkinson, Emily 25 DeVeber, Rev. W. H. 50 00 DeVeber, J. S. B. • ' 50 00 83 25 Drury, Chas. Drury, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. 4 00 16 00 Collected bj- Miss Elizabeth D. Douglas. E. H. H. 15 00 Clarkson, James 81 00 Fairweather, Mrs. Edwin • 2 00 Clarkson, James jun. 25 Fairweather, Mrs. Joseph 2 00 Clarkson, Mrs. James 50 Fisher, John 2 00 Clarkson, Thomas 25 Friend. 2 00 Clarkson, Henry 25 Frink, R. W. W. 1 00 Clarkson, Jonas 50 Frith, H. W. 5 00 Douglas, Thomas 1 00 Frith, Mrs. 5 00 Douglas, Thomas W. 50 Gilmor, Miss 2 50 Douglas, Elizabeth D. 25 H. E. M. 4 iK) Douglas, David 50 Hamm, W. 0. 1 00 Duke, Sarah 25 Hanintj'ton, Jas. P. • ^ack, 1. Allen 3 00 Douglas, David J. 50 4 00 Hyde, Mary 25 118 Forearm, Harriet Mclntyre, Kichartl .?0 50 50 S6 70 Collected by Maggie J. Douglas. Bustin, Robert 80 25 Gilmore, Thomas 25 Douglas, Andrew 25 Douglas, John 50 Douglas, Maggie J. 25 Frieml, A 10 Howe, W. T. 50 Kelly, Havelock 10 Kelly, Warren 5 Kelly, Mrs. D. 25 Kelly, Eliza Patchell, William 20 50 S3 20 Collected by Miss Bendall. Bennett, Robert $0 25 Buchanan, John 25 Buchanan, Duncan 25 Brewer, John A. 25 Brewer, Robert 25 Bendall, Emma 20 ( 'larkson, William 1 00 (Uarkson, John 1 00 Egan, John R. 25 Gaynor, Jose^jh 1 00 (jover. Henry 50 Humble, Mrs. Ellen 50 Humble, John A. 25 Humble, James 25 King, Whitman 25 Sp*ier, Edward Thomas, H. J. 50 25 Th(»mas, Oliver 50 Waugh, Andrew and Robert 60 Yerxa, .^Irs. W. R. 25 S8 55 3 20 bert8on, Mrs. Scott, Alex. Seely, Walter Sherwood, J. Ford Sherwood, R. C. Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherwood, Amelia Sherwood, Herbert A. Smith, Caleb Smith, Mrs. Smith, Margaret A. Smith, Charity Smiitb, Caroline Steel«, Mrs. N. $1 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 45 2 00 50 1 00 50 i;0 60 30 60 26 66 25 26 52 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 60 60 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 50 50 50 50 60 60 50 50 25 1 00 10 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 60 60 m m *M 25 00 $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 2 00 1 1 00 00 45 00 50 00 50 i;0 60 80 50 25 56 25 26 52 00 50 50 50 00 50 50 . 00 00 60 1 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 1 00 10 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 50 50 60 50 25 40 25 60 121 Thompson, George Thomi)8on, Wm. Warrell, Eleanor Warrell, Sarah Warrell, Alexander Wilkins, Thomas Wilson, Wm. 1st hf. -yearly Collection, S6 80 2nd " " 9 m 90 50 50 1 00 no 50 70 50 819 72 -S16 85 Total, 8108 87 WELDFORD AND KINGSTON. WELUFORD. Armstrong, Rev. W. B. Arnold, R. K. Baldwin, Joseph Beers, Phineas Beers, Rufus Buckertield, E. B. Cail, James Cail, Joseph Cail, Thomas Tarrar, John Farrar, William Fearen, John Fearen, Robert F 1 10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 " 5 00 1 00 f< 1 00 1 00 Baker, Thomas Burns, Mrs. Burns, Miss Bourne, H. W. Bounie, F. W. Bull, F. W. and Mrs. Bull, R. S. Bull, Abner, Beardsley, C. A. Beardslej, Mu6 Bedell, J. Jarvis Bull, Albert Bull, Mrs. Charles Carman, Miss Carman, Fanmie Cannan, S. J. Carman, Charles Carman, Minnie Caldwell, Robert Chandler, W. B. Connelly M»s. A. B. CcnmeU, W. M. ConneU, Xrs. W. >L Connell, Herbert N. Connell, Aubrey N. Connell, Dr. Cochrane, Mrs. T. C;iuff, R. C. Colter, George Craig, Gabriel Craig, E. H. and Mrs. Dibblee, Mrs. L. Dibblee, C. F, K. Dibblee, John Dibblee, Frederick Dugan, James Dibblee, Alfred Dibblee, W. F. and Mrs. Dibblee, Allan Dibblee. William Donaldson, Mrs. R. Dawson, E. and Mrs. Everett, W. H. Garden, A. F. Green, Thomas Groves, D. Garden, Charles Gibson, William Hazen, W. C. and Mrs. Hamilton, Mxs. S. Jennings, John Jonah, J. G. ■ Jameson, C 0. Ketchum, Iv. ."r. and Mrs. Ketchum, Mrs. Ralph , Ketchum, Mrs. James Ketchum, C. W. Ketchum, J. D. Ketchum, Carleton Kerigan, John 80 50 1 00 50 3 00 3 00 00 00 3 00 00 OO 00 00 50 1 OO 1 (0 1 OO 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 00 00 0) 00 00 00 50 3 00 1 OO 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 10 2 00 2 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 50 10 00 1 00 50 123 SO 50 1 00 50 3 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 1 00 1 OO 1 00 1 00 50 1 OO 1 (0 1 OO 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 0) 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 3 00 1 OO 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 OO 1 00 50 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 10 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 1 00 50 00 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 50 10 00 1 00 50 Letts, Alfred Lee, John Loiuic, Johu Loane, Mrs. J. Loane. U. Norman LeMiton, J. S. 3IcKin]ay, Mrs. J. ^larsball. John >IcCo3% James and Mrs, 3IcCoy, Isaiah Merritt, D. F. and Mrs. 3Ioores, L. L. ^IcCann, Mrs. 3IcUou<^all, James Munroe, David Nash, Henry Neales, liar. T. and Mrs. Neales, Stanley C. Neales, Bertha A. Pllkington, D. W. Phillips, H. W. and Mrs. Payson, Whitney Peabodj, Stephen Peabody, Oliver Peabody, Frank Perkins, G. T. Koulston, Wm. EaymoBd, P. IT. Piaymond, C. W. and 3Irs. liaymond, C. L. S. Kankine, James Kice, Mrs. Smith, C. E. and Mrs. Smith, €^. F. Smith, B. H. Smith, Mrs. S. Smith, R. E. Guy Smith, W. D. Smith, C. R. Smith, H. B. and Mrs. Tidd, Stephen Thistle, W. Thistle, W. E. Tapper, J. R. jun. Townsend, R. Upham, Henry Upham, Charles Winslow, J. C. Winslow, Mrs. J. C. Winslow, Norman W. Winslow, Minnie ■ • Winslow, Jessie Watson, James - , Watson, Mathias ■ $ 02 00 Wilkinson. W. J. $3 OO 1 00 Williams. E. W. and Mrs. 2 00 1 00 Welch, U. B. 1 00 1 OO Wade, Mrs. 8. H. 1 00 ')() Whenman, J. and Mrs. 1 50 1 (M) Whenman, Charles 1 00 00 Wet more, R. G. an t\i\ Wetmore, J. P. and Mrs. 00 .i 00 1 00 JACKSONTOWN. 2 00 Broderlck, Mrs, 50 2 00 Emery, Hamilton and Mrs. 3 50 1 00 Emery, Frank 50 1 00 Emerv, LeBaron 5<> 1 00 Emery, J. N. 50 1 00 Emery, Kate S. 25 n 00 Emery, C. Srott and Mrs. 2 00 1 00 fernery, Charles 25 1 00 Emery, M. Annie 25 2 00 Emery, Alma H. 25 2 00 Emery, Bertha E. 25 1 00 Harper, James and Mrs. 1 50 2 00 Harper, Annie H. 50 1 00 Harper, John N. 1 CO 00 Harper, W. G. and Mrs. 1 00 1 00 Harper, J. F. 25 1 00 Harper, H. W. 25 1 00 Har|H'r, John and Mrs. 2 CO 15 GO Hastlay, J. G. and Mrs. 2 00 o 00 Simonson, W. 1 00 1 00 Simonson. J. N. 1 00 2 00 Simonson, Albert and Mrs. 1 50 1 50 Simonson, Ernest W. 25 1 00 Simon.son, Clement 25 1 00 Stone. A. J. 2 00' 4 00 Vail, B. B. 1 00 1 00 REN TON. 1 00 Applebr, John 1 OO ■^i : 1 00 Boyd. John 1 00 1 50 Chittick, W. 25 ' 1 00 Deakiu, TT. 1 00 1 00 Dickenson, Mrs. W. 50 1 00 Gillespie, Miss 1 00 ; 1 00 Gillespie, Robt. 1 50 1 00 McKinney. Joseph 1 00 1 00 Matatall, Levi 1 00 j 1 00 Mowbray, Thos. 75 i 5 00 Mowbray John 25 2 50 •* 50 ' OAK MOUNTAIN. 50 Dougherty, Hugh 2 00 50 Dougherty, Joseph 1 20 1 00 Hemphill, Wallace 1 20* 1 00 Fleming, Thomas 1 2a^ 124 Kt'rr. GcoriTC $1 20 Kerr, l^)l>(•^•t 80 Lillcy, .T()lin 80 Spccr. U. J. • «■ 1 20 Speer, Oliver 1 00 Si)et'r, H. and family 2 40 SiK'cr, W. ^ 2 00 Speer. Sarali St. Luke s Offertory, Christ Clmrch " St. Peters' " $1 00 2"i (K) 5 74 1 43 ^280 11 The following Lists were received too late for their proper place: — FREDERICTON. Aiken, !Mrs. Robert Aiken, S. Akerley, S. A. Alexander, Rev. F. Allen. Hon. Chief Justice Armstrong, G. Ashfield. ilrs. Bailey, Prof. Bailey, Mrs. Henry ' Bailev, John A. Bablnt, ]\Irs. G. N. Bain, Miss Beckwith, Hon. J. A. Beckwith, Mrs. J. A. Beek, Auditor General, . Beckwith, Mrs. C. W. Bell, Mrs. . '" Black, John Black, ;Mrs. . . . Bliss, George Blizzard, >frs. L. ' , Blizzard, 3[rs. J. Brannen, Mrs C. Branuen, E. F. Brannen. C. S. and Mrs. Brown, Dr. T. C. Brown, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. G. Brown, Sirs. J. Bulley, Mrs. ' " Cameron, Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs. G. M. Carman, W. Csu-man, Sophia M. . Carman, Bliss Carman. Jean Murray Carr, Eliza . . , , Cadwallader, E. Clarke, James CoomlMJs, James ., CoBter, Mrs. p Craig, W. and Mrs. f r i> $1 on 50 G 00 35 00 ;}5 00 2 00 00 00 15 10 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 20 00 00 00 00 « 50 85 25 1 00 50 8 00 19 00 5 00 2 00 00 00 50 50 00 25 00 1 5 1 o 1 1 8 o 1 1 4 5 Co.v, Mrs. Cropley, H. A. Dennis, Lucy Diamond, ilVs. Jacob ' Dibblee, George Y. Disbrow, Mrs. ''* Dougherty, Sarah '* Estabrooks, >Irs. Fenety, G. E. Fisher. Hon. Justice and Mrs Fisher, the ^Misses Fisher, William • Fowler, 3Irs. J. F. Fredericton, Lord Bishop of Friend, Friend, Friend,' Friend, Golding. J. R. Good, John '■" Gordon, Mrs. Dr. Gordon, 3Irs. and Janie Governor, His Honor the Lt. Grant, Louisa Grant, Mrs. Neville Grant, William Grant, 3Irs. Frank Grant, Lottie Gregory, Dr. Gregory, !Miss Gregory, Jane Grieves, Mrs. J. B. Grigor, Miss ^ , " Raining, Mrs. Hanington, C. P. Hamilton, Mrs. H. Harrison, Dr. Hart, T. M. .'; ' Hazc'n, Mrs. C. Hazen, Mrs. J. ', Haz/cn, J. D. ' ' '] Hickson, J. W. , ' Hit<'hing8, Mrs. ' , . Hubbard, Miss " ' $0 10 2 00 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 %fi 15 35 00 . 20 (M) 5 00 1 00 50 100 00 20 00 1 00 50 50 8 00 50 1 00 50 40 00 50 25 20 25 15 5 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 20 50 1 00 5 00 50 1 00 1 00 ' 50 ■ * 50 '• 25 50 $1 00 oi) 1 5 74 1 1 42 1 195 J?280 11 er place : — $0 10 2 00 1 00 ' 25 1 00 "•* 1 00 •i ' ' 25 15 35 00 nd 3Irs. 20 (M) 5 00 1 00 50 ^hop of 100 00 20 01) 1 00 50 50 8 00 50 1 00 lie 50 the Lt. 40 00 50 25 20 25 '• 15 " 5 00 ' 2 00 r 2 00 ' 1 00 • 1 00 20 50 • ■' 1 00 ■ "'• 5 00 '•■■ 50 00 00 50 50 25 50 Hunt, r. Hunter, Mrs. Inches. A. .Iiu'k, Mrs. Jiick, Miss Jacob, Dr. J. Jacob, >Ii.xs Jouett, Miss Jouett, G. and J. Ketcbum. II. G. C. Kilburn, Jobn Lawrence, Mrs. J. Leese, J. Lemont, W. Lipsett. W. Lip.sett, Mrs. Lister, tlie Misuses Long, Mrs. W. Lugrin, Miss 3IacLeod, \\'. I). Matbeson, Mrs. McKean, Mary McLauchlin, jlrs. McLauchlin, Artbur Merritt, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Millidge. F. A. >Ioore, John 3Ioore, Jane 3Ioore, Selina Moore, Annie >I()ore, Kobert Nicbol, Mrs. Jobn O'Brien, J. M. Offering, Parkin. G. R. Peppers, Tbomas Perley, Miss Peters, Mrs. Pbair, J. H. Power, Annie Quinn, W. H. and Mrs. Kainsford, H. B. Rainsford, Jobn D. Rainsford, Mrs. J. D. Raj'iuond, G. H. Rainsford, Robert Richards, John Ritchie, Mrs. M. Robinson, Col. J. and Mrs. Robinson, Philipse Rol)inson. Mrs. W. H, Roberts, Rev. G. G. and Mrs. Roberts, Chas. G. D. Jj!5 00 Scarnell. 3Ir<». $9 OO 1 (M) Sliernian Lizzie l.-y 25 00 Stafford, orgu E. 4 m 1 00 Saunders, .{on. J. 5 (K) 4 00 Shenr.an, .Mrs. 1 ()(> 2 00 Shute. S. F. 1 00 10 00 Spahn. Mis» 1 00 1 00 Stapb>s, Mrs. 25 50 Sterling, A A. 5 00 5 00 St(»rev, E(iwin 60 1 00 Stratton, F. A. H. G 00 25 Street, Mrs. 2 00 1 00 Street! A. F. 6 00 1 00 Street. L. Ia-c 1 m 1 00 Sulis, Mrs. 50 5 Swyni, E. 50 1 00 SAYyni, A. 50 1 00 Thomas, Mrs. J. ■ 5 00 1 (M) Tliomas, Charles J. 2 00 80 Thompson, Mrs. Wni. 25 1 00 Tippet, Mrs. 5 00 1 00 Tippet, W. IL 6 00 50 Tippet, Miss 2 50 50 Tippet, C. S. 1 00 24 Tippet, F. IL 1 00 1 00 Town. IL 1 00 50 Wallace, Charlotte 50 4 00 Wallace, Mrs. Chas. 15 5 00 Wandless, Alicia 1 00 ^J 00 Wandless, Annie 1 00 1 00 Wandless, Thomas 1 00 1 (M) Wetmore, Mrs. T. S. 1 OO 25 Wetmore, Hon. Judge & Mrs. 10 00 50 Wetmore, George L. 1 (M) 1 00 Wetmore, Louisa L. 1 00 20 00 Wetmore, A. R. jun. 1 00 1 00 Wetmore, Laura M. ' 1 OO 50 Wetmore, J. W. 1 00 25 Wetmore, E. L. 5 00 2 00 Wetmore, Henry 1 00 50 Weeks, L. 50 1 00 Whelpley, G. T. . 5 OO 5 00 Wiggins, A. N. 50 50 William.son. Mrs. J. 1 OO 50 Wilkes, Mrs. 15 50 Wilkin.son, A. W. 50 50 Wilmot, E. H. and ^Irs. 20 00 4 00 Winslow, B. and Mrs. 2 00 1 00 W^inslow. E. B. 4 OO 8 00 Winslow, N. 50 5 00 Yardy, Mrs. 1 OO 1 00 16 00 $700 64 1 50 126 OKKEUTOUTEP. Two Imlf-yt'iirlv iit Cath'l, $108 00 Do. do. at riirist Church, 23 JK5 At Cathcdnil for S. P. G. 51 25 At Christ Church for do. 8 07 At Christ (Miurch for Aliroma. 1(J 28 At Christ Churdi for W. & (). 7 74 Total. $915 89 NEW MARYLAND. AU'xatidcr, Rev. F., W. & O.^S 00 Hall, ElU'ii 20 Ball, G('or«(c' 50 C'harteris, .loremiah 1 00 Fletcher, John 1 00 Fletcher. Edward 1 00 Fisher, Lewis 1 00 Fisher, Mrs. L. 1 00 Fisher, Matihhi 25 Fisher, Amelia 25 Graham, Thomas 1 00 Graham, Mrs. Thomas 50 Graham, Annie 20 Graham, Ellen 20 Hiekliug, Mr. and Mrs. 1 50 Horncastle, Mrs. 1 00 Horucastle, James 1 00 Horncastle, !Mrs. James 50 Horncastle, Mrs. William 1 VI Horncastle, Annie 50 Horncastle, John 50 Horncastle, Harry 50 Lindsay, James M. 1 00 Lindsay, Theodore C. D. 1 00 Moss, Thomas 1 00 McMurtry, Robert 1 00 McMurtry, Andrew 1 00 MacKniglit, John and James 2 00 MacKnight, William Henry 50 MacKnight, Samuel 50 Rice, Thomas 50 AVaugh, Miss 50 Total, MUSQUASH. Bowles, David Butler, Michael Bedell, Dr. G. Balcam, Mrs. J. Crowley, Daniel 'Clinch, Shef. $31 00 $0 50 1 00 4 00 1 00 25 50 Carman, Misses F)onovan, Daniel Daily, John Dust in, Mrs. J. (rreen, Edward Howe, Jonas Hayward, Alfred Johnson, Jas. Johnson, Jas. iun. Knight, J. E. Esq. Lenox, Mrs. T. Moody, James Mathews, John ^fanson, Capt. McAwley. Arcli. Norman, Samuel O'Dell. James Orril, Thomas Scully, Robert Spinney. Nelson Shepherd, .Vm. Scott, Ro))("-t Spike, H. .AL Theal, T. Thomson, Edward White, Thomas $2 00 50 25 1 0() 1 00 1 00 50 aa so 2 00 60 50 1 00 2 00 50 00 ds 90 85 50 80 1 00 5 00 1 00 50 50 825 25 DIPPER IIAllBOUR. Collected by Misses M. and L. Mawhiney. Belmore, ^Miss C, Cameron, Arch. Caffery. Mrs. Ellis, iTohn Ellis, Margaret Ellis, Esther Hanson, Oscar Kennedy, Joseph McPherson, Robert McPherson, Mrs. R. McGowen. Wm. Mawhiney, John juu. Mawhiney, Robert Mawhiney, Wilson Mawhiney, Jervis Mawhiney, David Mawhiney, John Roberts, John Shaw, Mrs. Moses Thomas, Mrs. G. Umlah, Miss $0 25 1 00 35 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 50 25 00 50 50 75 00 00 50 127 *2 00 50 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 2 00 50 50 1 00 2 00 50 50 85 BO W m 50 1 00 5 00 1 00 50 SO ^25 25 iOUR. id L. Mawhiney. S;0 25 1 00 83 50 25 25 50 50 25 25 50 50 25 1 00 50 50 75 1 00 25 1 00 50 riSAIlINCO. Brino, .Tumos Clarke. Kohcrt Dean, Hobort jun. Dean, Thos. sen. Splain, .John Tyner, William C'olle(!t. at St. .lames Church, Pisarinco, $0 r)0 .50 25 1 00 25 25 Colk'Cti(.nnt St Thcr Dipper Ilarlior, Collection at St. Aim Muv(|ua.sh, Total, 'oh. 1 m *4« 30 LISTS FOK 1S77. IToo late for last Rejtort.l DOUGLAS AND BRIGHT. Clements, ^liijor and 3Ir.s. Clements. George Clements, Miss Ilallett, Norman iMcIviel, Rev. Wm. LeB. ^Jlanson, .Miss Pidgeon, Edward .T. P. Robinson. .1. DeLancy Rodjrers, .leremlah Smith, S. .1. Smith, Mrs. Thomas, David Thomas, Mr. and ^Ir.s. Tomilson, William Collection St. .Johns Church, Collection All Saint.s, !?2 1 1 1 4 1 o 4 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 00 00 00 00 (»0 00 00 (K> .50 (H) (K) 00 00 (M) 55 Murrav. All)ort ijsl 00 SHEDIAC. Batoman. .John Bell. Mrs. .John jun Bell, Mrs. Richaid Brown, Dimock J, ■Foster, John Hanington, Hon. D. Hanington, Charles Hanington, !Mrs. Joseph Hanington, W^ilson Hanington, 3Irs. Sherman Hanington, Guthrie Hanington, Annie Hodgson, Mrs. Richard Inglis, Samuel Jarvis, Rev. Dr. Johnson, Mrs. John McQueen, Mrs. Alexander Mills, George ]\lcLaughlin, Mr. Jj!29 'dS ^2 00 40 03 00 00 00 05 00 00 50 10 10 Scherman. Mrs. Peter 3i Smith. Miss Cordi.'lia 2 (K> Scovil, Mrs. Henry 2 01 ) Scovil. John 10 Stevens, William 2 87 Stevens, Mrs. 2 (K) Smith. C. P. .50 Smith, Thomas E. 1 00 SullK'rIand, Mrs. 25 Theal. Dr. Charles 50 Theal. Frank 1 00 Tool. Patrick 50 Tool. p:(lward 50 Welling, John 1 00 Welling, 3Irs. George 50 Welling, Mrs. Wm.'sen. fiO Wellini:-. Sherman ,50 White, David 1 00 W. W. .5 $40 03 Offerings of A, B, C, and D, 13 47 .i;53 (1st Sermon omitted.) 2ndSer. D.C.S., Oct. 8. 187(1, 3 Ser. S. P. G., Dec. 10, Shediac Church, 4 ST. Total, $01 PAUL (PORTLAND). 50 50 44 44 Allen, Miss .^0 .50 Anonymous, , , ' • 5 00 50 i Anonymous, 1 00 00 t Armstrong, ('hristopher 4 00 00 I Armstronlc, Edward 1 00 50 j Armstronix, Robert 1 00 00 i Bates, Miss 4 00 50 I Barker, F. E. 10 00 US Ikcr. W. )f(.') 00 Cunl. Edwnrd :{ (H) ("hi^.li()lm. 11. W. 3 00 Daniel. Arthur T) 00 DelMois. T. M. 3 00 DrVi'lK'r. \l S. 40 00 l)<'V('l)i'r, J. S. IJoirs m (0 DeVelHT. Itfv. AV. H. 50 (H) Drury, ('Imrk-s 4 (M) J)rurv. W. L\ and Mrs. l(t 00 Karh'. Dr. a 00 Fairwnitljcr, Mrs. E. 3 00 Fair weather, .Mrs. J 3 00 Fairweather, Thoinu.s 1 00 Fisher, Jolui 3 (K) Frith, 11. W. 5 (K) Fritli, Mrs. 5 00 Frith. F. \V. 1 00 Gilinor, Miss 3 00 Uovt, Ernest II. 13 (H) H. E. M. 4 0(» Jack, 1. Allen 4 (K) Kinuoar. J. 4 Oo Lee, 0. llerhert 3 00 Morrison, II. 3 00 Murray, 3Iis.s 5 (K) Peacoek, G. 3 (K) Peacock, E. and F. 3 00 Peters, IJ. L. 5 00 Uobin.son, T. B. 5 00 Holders, J. N. and Mrs, 8 00 Rowlinif. J. 1 00 Scovil.'Mrs. W. II. 4 00 Street, W. W. 5 00 Street, A. B. L. 5 00 Smith, Mrs. II. B. 30 00 Smith, G. Sidney 10 00 Starr, R. P. 30 00 Symonds, Mrs. 10 00 T^liomas, Alban il 00 Thomson, S. K. 10 00 Thurgar, J. V. 5 00 Deanery Meeting, 5 10 Easter offerings. 134 17 W. and 0. Fund 46 00 Total, $54;) 77 SAINT MARTINS Anderson, "William $1 00 Anderson, John 01 Black, Mrs. 8f. Briggs, H. jM. 2o Burgess, John 3 00 Cliarleton, Mrs. 1 00 Ciimphell, Ilcv. J. R Cutten, Mrs. Cronk, E. Cronk, William Cliarleton, Alic«! Charleton, Ormond Charleton, Mrs. A. Daly, Suuuu'l K. Daly, M. II. Daly, Samuel J. jun. Daly. Mrs. S. K. Daly. Ursula V. Daly, 8n. Daly, Amelia II. Davidson, W. Doherty, II. Dahlen, H()l><»rt Foster, Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Foster, John II. Forbes, Charles K. P'orbes, William J. Gilchri.st, Mr. and Mr?. W. J. Ilod.smyth, James B. Ingraham, Mrs. William Knox, llev. li. L. Lovatt, Annie E. Lovatt. Jennie Lovatt, II. L. R. Love, O. II. Love, William Marchbanks, Mrs. D. Melvin, Mrs. Thomas McEwin, George Morrow, Mrs. W. Miller, C. O.sborne, Mr. and Mrs. James 0.sborue, William jun. Parker, Mrs. J. S." Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Patterson, ^Miss E. Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Mi.ss C. A. Patterson, Arvilla L. Patterson, John B. Rourke, W. H. Esq. Rourke, E V. Rourke, James > Romell, F, Rourke, W. H. sen. Ray, Robert Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tracy, E. Walker, Misses Whitney, Joseph ; $.•» 00 50 1 00 1 00 50 5«> 1 00 1 00 50 50 35 35 25 3.> 1 00 1 00 50 3 00 1 00 10 10 3 oo 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 30 50 1 00 1 00 50 35 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 1 00. 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 5 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 3 00 50 1 00 50 II. im $5 00 «•> 1 Oi> 1 00 flo BO 1 oo 1 00 50 BO 25 25 95 1 (M> 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 10 10 W. J. 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 6» m m 1 00 1 00 50 25 50 00 00 00 00 00 1 . Jiimes 2 1 2 •s. G. B. a Samuel 1 00. 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 5 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 2 (!0 50 1 00 50 120 PARISH OF JOHNSTON. Additional List for 1S7S, Boyd, Geoive <'rftwf«)r(l, Jame* wn. iTawfonl, Mm. James I rawfonl, J»m«ii jm,. Oawfonl, William Hall, Mm h02li fiO no 25 25 25 ^n-^V:; J(»hn«ton, John K. Keyii, Thoman K«yn, iBabella Lwmard, John Rankin, Mn. Rankin, Jatne« Simpnon, John Collection Tot«l, $) 50 25 25 50 26 1 00 25 67 «5C7 ADDENDA. Add toList of Life Members, page 91- . . ,. 1878. Hoyt,J.A. " Thurgar, J. V. •' SUrr, R. Peniston. ERRATUM. Add to Lirt of the Cler^, page 26- Wilson, Rev. Cecil P , . . CampoLcIk. t ■-^ & O O 4- 130 APPENDIX A. Z ^ I860. 1881. 1863. 1866. 1867. 1870. 1873. 1874. ^ 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. /• DEVISES AND BEQUESTS TO THE SOCIETY. ' "^ ' John Bell, Shediac |40 00 Sarah Bell, Shediac ; 40 00 Eliza Bell, Shediac 80 00 Stephen Wiggins. St. John 2,000 00 J. Allison, Sackville 200 00 F. W . Hatheway, Saint John 2,000 GO Miss Ann Simonds, Saint John 1,600 CO Hon . Chief -Justice Parker, Saint John 1,720 00 Miss Rawleigh, Saint John 2,000 00 Mrs. Ann Hall, Saint John 800 00 Miss Parker, Saint Andrews — Six Shares of Bank of New Brunswick Stock, par value 600 00 Samuel Scovil, Cambridge, Q. C— A Property on the North Market Wharf, Saint John, subject to cer- tain tru8ts,yalued at 9,000 OO Miss D. Brinley Hazen, Saint John, residue of her Real Estate, valued at 25,000 00 Hon. Chief Justice Chipman 40.000 00 Mrs. Sarah C. DeWolfe, Saint John — one fourth of the residue of her Real Es' vte. This estate has not yet been closed, but the sum of $1,400 has been received on account 1,400 00 Hon. J. A. Street, Fredericton 80 00 Leveret H. DeVeber, Saint John 400 00 Charles Merritt, Saint John, $10,000 Northern Pacific Railroad Bonds, present value uncertain; estimated at 2,500 00 189.460 00 FORM OF BEQUESTS AND DEVISES IN WILL. 1. A Bequest of a Sum of Money, or Shares of Stock, or t»aid Debentures * ' FOR THE General Purposes of the Society. I give and bequeath to the " Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick," the sum of CuiTency, (or Shares of Stock in the Bank of ), standing in my name in the Books of the said Bank, or (if Debentures, describe them briefly), upon trust, to be by the said Di.'iesan Church Society applied to and for the uses and purposes of the said Society, as specified in the Act of Incorpora- tion, and none other. 2. A Devise of Real Estate for the General Purposes of the Society. I give and devise unto the "Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick," all and singular, &c. (Describe the Real Estate clearly. ) To have and to hold the said, &c., unto the said Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick, and their successors, forever ; upon trust to hold .md apply the same, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, and the proceeds of the sale thereof, should the Society sell the same, to and for the uses and 'purposes of the said Diocesan Church Sodety, as specified in the Act of Incorporation, and none other. r ^ ># /X4 ■ ' 2b' u 'rieji of tie sr- ler he ret •ed tie ;ed |40 00 40 00 80 00 2,000 00 200 00 2,000 00 1,600 00 1,720 00 2,000 00 800 00 600 00 9,000 GO 25,000 OO 40,000 OO 1,400 00 80 00 400 00 2,500 00 X. $89.460 00 D Debentubes r Brunswick,'* Shares of ), standing in daacribe them applied to and 01 Incorpora- THE Society. r Brunswick," ve and to hold runswick, and and the rents, )f, should the ioce$an Church C f ■ '■ -if : •»■> -^ '-^ >^ 131 APPENDIX B. SUMMARY FROM STATISTICAL RETURNS FROM THE PARISHES AND MISSIONS IN THE DIOCESE. Far the year ending Jan. 1, 1878. Number of Public Services on Sundays 5,451 do. do. in the week 2,374 Number of Communicants 8,692 Baptisms, Infants, 996 } - ^^ do. Adults, 55, ) Number of Churches, 73, ) no do. Chapels of Ease 26, ) Number of Stations 107 do. Parsonages 31 do. Confirmed 240 do. Communicants added 317 do. Marriages 240 '" do. Burials 503 do. Teachers in Sunday Schools 409 do. Scholars in Sunday Schools 3,521 do. Sunday Schools 81 It will be noticed that returns are wanting, and others incomplete, from several large and important Parishes. Had these been given, the above numbers would, in many instances, have been considerably increased. The totaljimount of the Contributions, as reported for the current year is: — For General Purposes $5,900 40 From a few Parishes the contributjjjins are not yet reported . The amount estimated from this source by the Board of Home Mis- sions, in proposing the Missionary g|pproximations for the current year, was $7,000.00 • ' ...... N. B. — Remittances for the Diocesan Church Society should be for- warded to the Treasurer. Remittances for the Widows' and Orphans' Fuud, to H. Lawrance Sturdee, Esq., Honorary' Secretary of the Fund. Remittances for the Board of Foreign Missions, to \V. M. Jarvis, Esq.> Treasurer of the Board. » All the above Officers reside at St. Jc ha. • 132 C O N T E N 1' S . Officers tit thff Society .... .... .... .... .... .... Prayers of the Society, . V/Onstitutioiiy .... •••. .... .... .... .... •■•. JRules, &c., of the Board of Home Missions, Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund : Rules, &c. , .... ...f Rxiles and Regulations Divinity Scholarships' Fund, Resolutions of General Committee, !Form of Draft and Certificate, liist of Clergy, .... .... .... .... J%^LMJf lf| — » • • • •••■ •••• ■••• •■•• •••• •••• Abstract of Missionary Reports, &C., Conclusion of Report, ' ' ' * Proceedings of General Committee, Report of Board of Home Missions, Anniversary Meeting, Report of Executive Committee, Abstract Return from Parishes and Missions, Treasurer's Accounts, Xosli^ Life Members, do. do. deceased, a^tj^ Subscriptions for 1878, "^. ••• ..• uO. Xo/ f , • . • • .w • . dtt* ** .... .... .... Addenda et Erratum .... .... . . . . .... .... .... Appendix A— Bequests to Society, Form of Bequests, Appendix B.— Sum Total of Contributions, Notice Widows' and Orphans' Fimd, I^otice of Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Depository, Last page 3, -t 5 6-12 12-17 18-21 21 22-23 24 25-26 27 28-43 43-44 45 47 62 63 60-72 73 90 92 94-127 127-128 120 130 130 131 131 of coven m FACW. 3, -t 5 6-12 12-17 18-21 21 22-23 2i 25-26 27 28-43 43-44 46 47 6S 69-72 73 90 92 94-127 127-128 lae 130 130 181 131 le of ooven